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John Rice Irwin
Mountain Man; In the face of personal tragedy, Museum of Appalachia founder John Rice Irwin fights for the future of his creation, Metro Pulse, March 27, 2008
Hung Out
Hung Out is a British situation comedy which aired in 2010 as part of the Channel 4 Comedy Lab strand. The programme examined etiquette and friendship in a shared London house. It was created and written by a group of six friends who based the material on their real-life experiences.
Hung Out
Dave and James, who live on one side of the street, decide to make a spreadsheet detailing everything they owe each other. Meanwhile, Lucy and Alex, who live opposite, fall out over plans for Saturday night – ice skating or dinner party. A new girl named Maya moves into Lucy and Alex's flat but soon questions what she has walked into. The light in the bathroom never works, and assertive control freak Lucy keeps causing trouble.
Rhamphomyia crassirostris
Rhamphomyia crassirostris is a species of dance flies, in the fly family Empididae. It is found in most of Europe, east to Poland and Hungary. It is absent from Italy and the Balkan Peninsula.
Rhamphomyia flava
Rhamphomyia flava is a species of dance flies, in the fly family Empididae. It is found in most of Europe, except the Iberian Peninsula and most of the Balkan Peninsula.
Elliptical distribution
In probability and statistics, an elliptical distribution is any member of a broad family of probability distributions that generalize the multivariate normal distribution. Intuitively, in the simplified two and three dimensional case, the joint distribution forms an ellipse and an ellipsoid, respectively, in iso-density plots.
Elliptical distribution
In statistics, the normal distribution is used in classical multivariate analysis, while elliptical distributions are used in generalized multivariate analysis, for the study of symmetric distributions with tails that are heavy, like the multivariate t-distribution, or light (in comparison with the normal distribution). Some statistical methods that were originally motivated by the study of the normal distribution have good performance for general elliptical distributions (with finite variance), particularly for spherical distributions (which are defined below). Elliptical distributions are also used in robust statistics to evaluate proposed multivariate-statistical procedures.
Elliptical distribution
Elliptical distributions are defined in terms of the characteristic function of probability theory. A random vector on a Euclidean space has an elliptical distribution if its characteristic function satisfies the following functional equation (for every column-vector )
Elliptical distribution
for some location parameter , some nonnegative-definite matrix and some scalar function . The definition of elliptical distributions for real random-vectors has been extended to accommodate random vectors in Euclidean spaces over the field of complex numbers, so facilitating applications in time-series analysis. Computational methods are available for generating pseudo-random vectors from elliptical distributions, for use in Monte Carlo simulations for example.
Elliptical distribution
Some elliptical distributions are alternatively defined in terms of their density functions. An elliptical distribution with a density function f has the form:
Elliptical distribution
where is the normalizing constant, is an -dimensional random vector with median vector (which is also the mean vector if the latter exists), and is a positive definite matrix which is proportional to the covariance matrix if the latter exists.
Elliptical distribution
In the 2-dimensional case, if the density exists, each iso-density locus (the set of x1,x2 pairs all giving a particular value of ) is an ellipse or a union of ellipses (hence the name elliptical distribution). More generally, for arbitrary n, the iso-density loci are unions of ellipsoids. All these ellipsoids or ellipses have the common center μ and are scaled copies (homothets) of each other.
Elliptical distribution
The multivariate normal distribution is the special case in which . While the multivariate normal is unbounded (each element of can take on arbitrarily large positive or negative values with non-zero probability, because for all non-negative ), in general elliptical distributions can be bounded or unbounded—such a distribution is bounded if for all greater than some value.
Elliptical distribution
There exist elliptical distributions that have undefined mean, such as the Cauchy distribution (even in the univariate case). Because the variable x enters the density function quadratically, all elliptical distributions are symmetric about
Elliptical distribution
If two subsets of a jointly elliptical random vector are uncorrelated, then if their means exist they are mean independent of each other (the mean of each subvector conditional on the value of the other subvector equals the unconditional mean).
Elliptical distribution
If random vector X is elliptically distributed, then so is DX for any matrix D with full row rank. Thus any linear combination of the components of X is elliptical (though not necessarily with the same elliptical distribution), and any subset of X is elliptical.
Elliptical distribution
In mathematical economics, elliptical distributions have been used to describe portfolios in mathematical finance.
Elliptical distribution
In statistics, the multivariate normal distribution (of Gauss) is used in classical multivariate analysis, in which most methods for estimation and hypothesis-testing are motivated for the normal distribution. In contrast to classical multivariate analysis, generalized multivariate analysis refers to research on elliptical distributions without the restriction of normality.
Elliptical distribution
For suitable elliptical distributions, some classical methods continue to have good properties. Under finite-variance assumptions, an extension of Cochran's theorem (on the distribution of quadratic forms) holds.
Elliptical distribution
An elliptical distribution with a zero mean and variance in the form where is the identity-matrix is called a spherical distribution. For spherical distributions, classical results on parameter-estimation and hypothesis-testing hold have been extended. Similar results hold for linear models, and indeed also for complicated models (especially for the growth curve model). The analysis of multivariate models uses multilinear algebra (particularly Kronecker products and vectorization) and matrix calculus.
Elliptical distribution
Another use of elliptical distributions is in robust statistics, in which researchers examine how statistical procedures perform on the class of elliptical distributions, to gain insight into the procedures' performance on even more general problems, for example by using the limiting theory of statistics ("asymptotics").
Elliptical distribution
Elliptical distributions are important in portfolio theory because, if the returns on all assets available for portfolio formation are jointly elliptically distributed, then all portfolios can be characterized completely by their location and scale – that is, any two portfolios with identical location and scale of portfolio return have identical distributions of portfolio return. Various features of portfolio analysis, including mutual fund separation theorems and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, hold for all elliptical distributions.
During Kenya's colonization by the British, much of the province was regarded as part of the 'White Highlands', for the exclusive use of the settler community. Therefore, it saw political activity from the local communities who felt that they had an ancestral right to the land. This tension culminated in the 1950s with the Mau Mau rebellion; it saw the region placed under a state of emergency and the arrest of many prominent political leaders.
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
Gitithia is a settlement in the Kiambu County of Kenya's Central Province. As of 2019 it had a population of 3,454 across 867 households.
Robert de Beaugrande
Robert-Alain de Beaugrande (1946 – June 2008) was an American text linguist and discourse analyst, one of the leading figures of the Continental tradition in the discipline. He was one of the developers of the Vienna School of Textlinguistik (Department of Linguistics at the University of Vienna), and published the seminal Introduction to Text Linguistics in 1981, with Wolfgang U. Dressler. He was also a major figure in the consolidation of critical discourse analysis.
Robert de Beaugrande
De Beaugrande had an MA in German and English Language and Literature by the Free University of Berlin, in 1971, and a PhD in Comparative Literature and Linguistics by the University of California, Irvine, in 1976. He served as professor of English in the University of Florida from 1978 to 1991, of English Linguistics at the University of Vienna from 1991 to 1997, Professor of English Language at the University of Botswana in Gaborone, Professor of English and English Linguistics at the University of Florida at Gainesville, and later as visiting professor in several universities in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Robert de Beaugrande
Text, Discourse and Process: Toward a Multidisciplinary Science of Texts. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1980
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
Walter Hewett
Walter F. Hewett (1861 – October 7, 1944) was a baseball manager in the National League. In , his only season as manager, he managed the Washington Nationals to a record of 10 wins and 29 losses in 40 games.
Innocence Surround
Only one of the members of this release was still part of the band until the time of Confide's break-up, which was Jeffrey Helberg. Aside from this, Helberg and two other Confide members (William "Billy" Pruden and Aaron VanZutphen) that played on this release stayed a part of the band up until the Shout the Truth recording.
Bathyteuthida is an order of cephalopods, consisting of small, mesopelagic to bathypelagic squid that in some ways resemble myopsid squid, such as Loligo and in others the pelagic oegopsid squid. Its two families, the Bathyteuthidae and Chtenopterygidae, each containing a single genus, have previously been included with the oegopsids.
As with the oegopsids, the Bathyteuthida lack corneal membranes covering their eyes, something common to myopsid squid, and have paired oviducts, lacking in myopsids. As with the myopsids, bathyteuthids have tentacle pockets in the head and small suckers on the buccal supports, found only in this group, Loliginidae, and Sepiidae; neither is found in true oegopsids. The Bathyteuthida do share the open ocean pelagic habitat with the oegopsid squid, uniting them in that way with that diverse group.
The Bathyteuthidae and Chtenopterygidae differ in body conformation, the internal shell, and in the manner in which buccal supports attach to the lowermost arms (pair IV). Buccal supports attach to the dorsal side of arms IV in the Bathyteuthidae and the ventral side of arms IV in the Chtenopterygidae.
During Kenya's colonization by the British, much of the province was regarded as part of the 'White Highlands', for the exclusive use of the settler community. Therefore it saw political activity from the local communities who felt that they had an ancestral right to the land. This tension culminated in the 1950s with the Mau Mau rebellion; it saw the region placed under a state of emergency and the arrest of many prominent political leaders.
Mostly the ethnic population living here are Kikuyu community. They practice small scale farming in various fields like dairy farming, tea growing and
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
The province is inhabited by the Kikuyu speaking community, who are part of the Kenya Eastern Bantu. During Kenya's colonization by the British, much of the province was regarded as part of the 'White Highlands', for the exclusive use of the settler community. Therefore, it saw political activity from the local communities, who felt that they had an ancestral right to the land. This tension culminated in the 1950s with the Mau Mau rebellion; it saw the region placed under a state of emergency and the arrest of many prominent political leaders.
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
During Kenya's colonization by the British, much of the province was regarded as part of the 'White Highlands', for the exclusive use of the settler community. Therefore it saw political activity from the local communities who felt that they had an ancestral right to the land. This tension culminated in the 1950s with the Mau Mau rebellion; it saw the region placed under a state of emergency and the arrest of many prominent political leaders.
Giachumi is a settlement in Kiambu which is located in Central Province, Kenya. It is approximately 24 km from the Capital Nairobi. The area experiences a bi-modal type of rainfall. The long rains fall between mid-March and May, followed by a cold season usually with drizzles and frost during June–August and the short rains between mid October–November.
Gachie is a locality in Kihara ward, Kiambaa constituency, Kiambu county. It is located in Kenya's Kiambu County approximately from the Nairobi CBD. It neighbors the affluent Nyari Estate. Gachie is named after one of its first settlers and a son of Kihara.
In 2013, Gachie and Kihara areas were enjoying a steady demand for property. Another research paper by the University of Nairobi Digital Repository said "The area (Gachie) which was previously rural in character has changed and is now acquiring an urban character".
Gathiruini is a settlement in Kenya's Central Province. It is a small town along kwamaiko nyanduma road.
Gatunguru is a village in Muranga County, mathioya subcounty, njumbi division, Gatunguru sublocation of Kenya.
Gatitu village is a settlement in Kenya's Central Province. It is part of the Nyeri Town Constituency.
Gitombo is a village in Komothai, Githunguri Constituency, Kiambu county in Kenya. It has an estimated population of 1,500 people most of who are 30 years old and above.
Giagithu is a settlement in Kenya's Central Province. It is approximately 21 km from the country's capital, Nairobi.
Science in History
Science in History is a four-volume book by scientist and historian John Desmond Bernal, published in 1954. It was the first comprehensive attempt to analyse the reciprocal relations of science and society throughout history. It was originally published in London by Watts. There were three editions up to 1969. It was republished by MIT Press in 1971 and is still in print.
Science in History
It is one of the sources for the idea - considered erroneous by modern historians - that Medieval Christianity had returned to the pre-scientific notion of a Flat Earth:
Science in History
"In medieval times there was a return to the concept of a flat Earth and a dogmatism about the crystalline celestial spheres, here epitomized in a woodcut showing the machinery responsible for their motion discovered by an inquirer who has broken through the outer sphere of fixed stars. Sixteenth century." - Science in History, vol. 1, The Emergence of Science.
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
It is a tea growing area whose attitude is 2,100M located to the east of Ndakaini Dam. It is approximately 86 km from Nairobi.
Gituru is made of eight ridges namely Gituru, Kiganjo, Kirika, Kiawangenye, Gatondo, Kiariia, Kiruga and Kagongo-Gacheke.
Giuseppe Bonomi
Giuseppe Bonomi (born January 3, 1912 in Alzano Lombardo – December 25, 1992) was an Italian professional football player coach.
Giuseppe Bonomi
He played for a few seasons for Atalanta B.C. and then was bought by A.S. Roma for a sum that was very high at the time, 120,000 lire. He was key midfielder for Roma for a few seasons, including their championship 1941/42 campaign.
During Kenya's colonization by the British, much of the province was regarded as part of the 'White Highlands', for the exclusive use of the settler community. Therefore it saw political activity from the local communities who felt that they had an ancestral right to the land. This tension culminated in the 1950s with the Mau Mau rebellion; it saw the region placed under a state of emergency and the arrest of many prominent political leaders.
Danubia refers to a loosely defined region that roughly coincides with the Danube river basin in Central and Eastern Europe. It stretches from the Black Forest of Germany in the west to the Black Sea in the east, covering parts of twenty countries. Historically, Danubia had been owned by the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Until 1918). Now it is split among Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina.
Gathaithi is a settlement in Githunguri Constituency Kiambu county Kenya's Central Province. Gathaithi like other villages of Githunguri is known to produce milk and high quality tea.
Zakaria Labyad
Zakaria Labyad (Riffian-Berber: ⵣⴰⵎⴰⵔⵉⵢⴰ ⵍⴱⵢⴰⴷ; born 9 March 1993) is a professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for FC Utrecht. Born in the Netherlands, he represented that nation at under-17 level before switching his allegiance to Morocco and playing for them at under-23 level.
Zakaria Labyad
Born in Utrecht, Labyad came through the youth program of PSV. In January 2009, he extended his contract with PSV until the summer of 2012. Before joining PSV, Labyad played for USV Elinkwijk. Labyad made his debut in the senior team on 25 February 2010 in a UEFA Europa League home match against Hamburger SV, coming on as a substitute for Otman Bakkal in the 71st minute. Three days later, Labyad also made his debut in the Eredivisie, coming on as a substitute for Balázs Dzsudzsák in a match against RKC Waalwijk. On 18 April 2010, Labyad made his first appearance in the starting line-up in a home match against FC Groningen. Labyad's selection in the starting line-up paid immediate dividends, with him scoring two goals in the 3–1 victory. In the last match of the 2009–10 season, Labyad was again in the starting lineup in a 1–1 draw against Alkmaar. Labyad more or less became a regular in the starting 11 in the 2011–12 season and experienced a great deal of success. He played in 32 matches and scored 6 goals. He scored a goal in the KNVB Beker semi final against Heerenveen and followingly won the cup with PSV.
Zakaria Labyad
On 3 April 2012, Sporting CP's president revealed that Labyad will join the Portuguese team for the 2012–13 season, on a free transfer, signing a 5-year deal contract. However, on 23 May, PSV's technical director Marcel Brands told Dutch media that Labyad's contract was extended for another year since Labyad failed to formally terminate his contract before the legal deadline of 15 May.
Zakaria Labyad
On 2 July 2012, he officially joined Sporting. In his first season, he made 27 appearances for the club in which he scored three times.
Zakaria Labyad
In January 2014, after not playing a single match for Sporting during the first half of the season, Labyad was sent on loan to Dutch side Vitesse until the summer of 2015.
Zakaria Labyad
Labyad returned to Sporting CP for the 2015–16 Primeira Liga season to work with new Sporting CP manager Jorge Jesus who insisted upon Labyad's return as part of him agreeing to accept the Sporting CP job offer. Indeed, Labyad was viewed as a "pilar" for the new Sporting CP by Jorge Jesus.
Zakaria Labyad
On 1 February 2016, Labyad moved on loan to Fulham until the end of the 2015–16 season. On 31 August 2016, Sporting CP announced that both parties had agreed to terminate the contract.
Zakaria Labyad
On 14 May 2018, Labyad signed for Eredivisie side AFC Ajax. He signed a four-season contract until June 2022.
Zakaria Labyad
On 20 February 2023, Labyad signed a one-and-a-half-year contract with FC Utrecht, with an option to extend for an additional season.
Zakaria Labyad
Labyad has said that he looks up to former PSV team-mate Ibrahim Afellay, stating “Ibrahim is my friend. I have a lot of respect for him, not only because he plays in the same position as me, but also because as a person, he’s someone I look up to.” During his time at PSV, Labyad lived in Utrecht with his family, so he had to commute by train every day to Eindhoven. He followed an education in "Sport & Activity" at the ROC Eindhoven.
Many people living there are tea farmers or keep animals. There are several schools located in the area, they include Gitugu secondary school and Gitugu primary school.
During Kenya's colonization by the British, much of the province was regarded as part of the 'White Highlands', for the exclusive use of the settler community. Therefore it saw political activity from the local communities who felt that they had an ancestral right to the land. This tension culminated in the 1950s with the Mau Mau rebellion; it saw the region placed under a state of emergency and the arrest of many prominent political leaders.
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
Rhamphomyia lamellata
Rhamphomyia lamellata is a species of dance flies, in the fly family Empididae. It is included in the subgenus Holoclera of the genus Rhamphomyia. It is found in Great Britain and Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
George F. Ward
Ward earned a BA degree in history from the University of Rochester and an MPA degree from Harvard University.
Rindos affair
In early 1989, David Rindos, an archaeologist by qualification, was hired to fill a vacancy in the university's Department of Archaeology. Rindos commenced work on 13 June 1989. In 1990, the head of department, Dr Sandra Bowdler, took study leave. Bowdler was the Foundation Professor of Archaeology. Rindos became acting head of department in her place.
Rindos affair
Rindos later said that during his time as acting head, he was made aware of problems in the department, including favouritism and affairs between students and staff members. In December 1990, Rindos wrote a memo to Professor Charles Oxnard, then-head of Agriculture and Science, detailing the allegations of academic misconduct against Bowdler.
Rindos affair
In June 1992, Rindos' three-year probation period was complete and a decision on tenure was due. In May, the Vice-Chancellor, Fay Gale, had extended the review period by six months after having received a memo from Dr Michael Partis, the new head of department. A Tenure Review Committee was formed as a result. After an hour of deliberation, the committee unanimously decided to deny tenure.
Rindos affair
In early 1996, the university's Senate announced an inquiry into the denial of tenure to Rindos. The terms of reference of the inquiry did not extend to investigating the allegations of misconduct against Bowdler.
Rindos affair
The Western Australian Legislative Council investigated the denial of tenure to Rindos. Their report was delivered in December 1997.
Rindos affair
Brian Martin: "David Rindos versus the University of Western Australia: analogies to the Orr case" (Chapter 6 of The Subversion of Australian Universities, edited by John Biggs and Richard Davis, Wollongong: Fund for Intellectual Dissent, 2002, pp. 93–108.)
Rindos affair
Philippa Martyr: "Unworthy of strong women" (Chapter 8 of The Subversion of Australian Universities, edited by John Biggs and Richard Davis, Wollongong: Fund for Intellectual Dissent, 2002, pp. 118–126.)
Gakira is a settlement in Kenya's Central Province.The name 'Gakira' is derived from the Gikuyu word 'Gukira',which means passing(a famous theory indicates that cars never stopped in the Area)
Local Food Plus
Local Food Plus (LFP) was a Toronto-based non-profit organization that brought farmers and consumers together to build regional food economies. It created "LFP certified" farmers and processors in Ontario, Atlantic Canada, British Columbia and the Canadian Prairies who used sustainable practices, and helped connect farmers and buyers, in part through a "Buy to Vote" campaign, based on the notion of voting with one's money.
Local Food Plus
This certification is not as fully considered as, for example, organic certification, but because it considers a wide range of 'ethical' points, the consumer may be able to purchase a well-rounded and 'morally' sound item if it bears the LFP label.
Local Food Plus
The organization was founded in 2005 by Lori Stahlbrand and Mike Schreiner, and was run by the Land Food People Foundation from 2008. Local Food Plus ceased operation in 2014.
Local Food Plus
Cooper, Kathryn (2008). "Local Food Plus: A Model for Food Citizenship in North America" WORLDCHANGING.
Matatu (journal)
Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society is an academic journal on African literatures and societies dedicated to interdisciplinary dialogue between literary and cultural studies, historiography, the social sciences, and cultural anthropology. Published by Brill, Matatu is "committed to supporting democratic change in Africa, to providing a forum for interchanges between African and European critical debates, to overcoming notions of absolute cultural, ethnic, or religious alterity, and to promoting transnational discussion on the future of African societies in a wider world".
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).
John Moutray
John Moutray of Roscobie (c.1722 – 22 November 1785) was an officer of the Royal Navy. He reached the rank of post-captain and served as the Royal Commissioner for English Harbour in Antigua.
John Moutray
Moutray was born in about 1722. He was married to Mary Pemble on 2 September 1771. She was thirty years younger than him.
John Moutray
On 29 July 1780 a convoy of 63 ships were bound for the East Indies and West Indies. It left Great Britain under the care of Captain Moutray, in the 74-gun , and was accompanied by the 36-gun frigates and . On 8 August unusual sails were seen, but Moutray ignored them. Later and belatedly Moutray signalled his ships to alter course and follow him close to the wind. They paid no attention to his orders, and by daylight that day a combined Franco-Spanish fleet had captured the bulk of the convoy.
John Moutray
The warships escaped with eight of the convoy; the other 55 merchantmen were captured, with the loss of their cargoes worth a million and a half, and 2,805 prisoners. It was a blow to British commerce, and especially to the forces in the West Indies, which lost a vast quantity of military stores.
John Moutray
The merchants at home were so enraged, Captain Moutray had to be tried by court-martial. He claimed that others had falsified records for an unknown motive. He was dismissed him from his ship. However, before long he was again employed. Later historians have noted that there should have been a larger escort if the cargo was so valuable.
John Moutray
He went on to become the Commissioner of the naval dockyard in the Leeward Islands from April 1784 until 1785, where he, and particularly Mary Moutray his wife, became friends with Cuthbert Collingwood and Horatio Nelson. He died on 22 November 1785 in Bath, Somerset at the age of 62.
John Moutray
Moutray was buried at Bath Abbey four days later. He left his estate to his wife and children. His will also refers to two children he had by a woman named Elspeth London.
John Moutray
His wife petitioned for a pension and despite having Royal support the request was denied. Nelson took an interest in their son John and when he died he paid for a memorial. John and Mary's daughter Katherine (aka Kate) married the Thomas de Lacy archdeacon of Meath in 1806.
John Moutray
Under this place are deposited the remains of John Moutray Esq of Roscobie in Fifeshire in the Kingdom of Scotland twenty eight years a post captain and late a Commissioner of His Majesty's Navy in Antigua. In his public character he was valuable to his country for his long and faithful services and universally beloved for the integrity of his principles and the distinguished sincerity of his heart. He died 22 Nov 1785 in the 63rd year of his age".
The climate of Central Province is generally cooler than that of the rest of Kenya, due to the region's higher altitude. Rainfall is fairly reliable, falling in two seasons, one from early March to May (the long rains) and a second during October and November (the short rains).