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OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 sport basketball, 5 highway crossings , 2 building mosques , 2 leisure playgrounds , 1 building school, 1 amenity drinking water, 1 amenity charging station, 5 highway pedestrians , 149 buildings , 6 railway trams .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 leisure pitch, 13 amenity recyclings , 263 building houses , 1 building retail, 1 waterway canal, 18 highway unclassifieds , 1 waterway drain, 19 amenity parkings , 1 amenity school, 1 highway steps.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 325 building houses , 12 highway services , 1 amenity drinking water, 21 highway residentials , 1 amenity fountain, 1 landuse residential, 15 highway unclassifieds , 1 highway street lamp, 1 amenity atm, 4 highway paths .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 leisure parks , 7 highway cycleways , 1 landuse residential, 9 natural waters , 5 building apartmentss , 2 highway secondarys , 1 highway track, 446 buildings , 28 highway residentials , 1 highway steps.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 4 waterway drains , 8 landuse forests , 16 building houseboats , 5 amenity recyclings , 176 building houses , 1 natural wood, 2 highway cycleways , 1 waterway canal, 10 natural waters , 4 highway residentials .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 highway services , 2 natural waters , 1 landuse industrial, 4 highway unclassifieds , 1 building commercial, 1 water canal, 1 landuse brownfield, 1 building, 1 landuse forest, 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 3 highway services , 3 natural waters , 2 highway tracks , 2 landuse industrials , 5 highway unclassifieds , 1 building commercial, 3 landuse brownfields , 3 buildings , 1 water ditch, 7 landuse forests .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 landuse industrials , 1 landuse brownfield, 1 water ditch, 4 highway unclassifieds , 1 building industrial, 16 highway services , 1 highway cycleway, 1 amenity parking, 4 buildings , 1 natural water.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 highway services , 3 building industrials , 2 landuse industrials , 1 highway unclassified, 14 buildings , 1 natural scrub, 1 highway cycleway.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 3 highway services , 2 natural waters , 1 amenity parking, 2 landuse industrials , 1 highway unclassified, 1 natural scrub, 1 amenity recycling, 1 highway cycleway, 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 landuse industrial, 2 landuse forests , 7 buildings , 2 building industrials , 1 building commercial, 1 natural water, 1 highway cycleway, 1 railway rail, 1 building office, 2 railway level crossings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 highway services , 1 natural water, 1 landuse industrial, 1 highway unclassified, 10 buildings , 1 waterway ditch, 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 railway buffer stop, 3 landuse forests , 2 landuse industrials , 4 building industrials , 2 building constructions , 2 natural scrubs , 2 railway switchs , 4 highway cycleways , 1 leisure garden, 6 railway rails .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 tourism artwork, 14 building industrials , 3 amenity bicycle parkings , 1 building roof, 1 highway platform, 8 highway primarys , 8 highway cycleways , 25 highway services , 3 natural waters , 5 highway tertiarys .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 9 building industrials , 6 highway cycleways , 10 buildings , 1 waterway drain, 8 highway secondarys , 2 highway motorway links , 9 highway motorways , 9 highway unclassifieds , 1 tourism artwork, 10 highway services .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 leisure park, 1 highway crossing, 1 landuse industrial, 9 highway unclassifieds , 2 highway paths , 22 highway secondarys , 2 highway services , 1 tourism information, 1 shop motorcycle, 6 amenity parkings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 natural scrubs , 4 highway paths , 4 natural waters , 1 waterway drain, 2 highway footways , 2 highway tracks , 7 natural woods , 1 leisure park, 1 natural grassland, 3 highway secondarys .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 9 natural waters , 2 highway primarys , 5 natural woods , 12 highway cycleways , 1 landuse railway, 6 building static caravans , 5 highway paths , 2 waterway canals , 4 natural scrubs , 75 buildings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 21 highway cycleways , 227 buildings , 1 leisure pitch, 2 amenity recyclings , 1 highway path, 333 building houses , 1 tourism artwork, 1 highway pedestrian, 5 landuse forests , 20 highway footways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 highway pedestrians , 10 natural waters , 6 highway paths , 1 waterway canal, 184 buildings , 2 highway cycleways , 1 highway steps, 2 landuse residentials , 1 tourism zoo, 1 highway service.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 6 highway residentials , 1 shop pet, 1 highway path, 1 building retail, 3 waterway canals , 1 sport archery, 3 building apartmentss , 1 leisure pitch, 1 tourism zoo, 1 landuse residential.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway unclassified, 6 highway footways , 2 buildings , 1 amenity parking, 2 sport soccers , 1 sport multi, 3 landuse forests , 4 highway cycleways , 1 leisure sports centre, 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 15 buildings , 4 sport soccers , 1 sport multi, 4 highway cycleways , 1 highway unclassified, 1 landuse residential, 1 waterway canal, 1 highway service, 1 waterway drain, 1 amenity place of worship.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 leisure pitch, 57 building houses , 2 highway crossings , 2 building commercials , 1 landuse forest, 1 tourism hotel, 4 highway pedestrians , 20 highway unclassifieds , 6 highway secondarys , 4 highway residentials .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 highway busways , 14 highway unclassifieds , 1 amenity theatre, 44 buildings , 1 highway construction, 1 natural water, 1 landuse farmyard, 8 highway cycleways , 30 highway footways , 53 building apartmentss .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 amenity dentists , 14 buildings , 1 shop furniture, 11 amenity recyclings , 8 highway unclassifieds , 54 highway footways , 1 tourism artwork, 26 highway crossings , 2 natural waters , 2 sport soccers .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 53 buildings , 7 amenity benchs , 7 amenity parkings , 4 natural waters , 3 leisure playgrounds , 41 building apartmentss , 3 amenity parking spaces , 3 highway stepss , 2 sport soccers , 2 amenity charging stations .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 16 highway unclassifieds , 1 amenity parking, 2 highway platforms , 6 amenity bicycle parkings , 3 highway residentials , 1 amenity college, 18 highway cycleways , 1 amenity dentist, 2 landuse residentials , 4 railway level crossings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 amenity childcare, 5 amenity recyclings , 7 highway residentials , 3 landuse forests , 13 waterway drains , 382 building houses , 1 building service, 11 natural waters , 2 leisure playgrounds , 1 natural wetland.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 waterway lock gates , 3 amenity parkings , 1 amenity pub, 4 landuse forests , 1 leisure horse riding, 19 building houseboats , 104 buildings , 1 shop convenience, 3 highway paths , 1 sport equestrian.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 leisure garden, 3 waterway canals , 5 highway traffic signalss , 34 building houses , 1 leisure sports centre, 1 sport field hockey, 1 amenity fast food, 3 highway cycleways , 10 landuse forests , 2 amenity recyclings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway residential, 1 highway path, 4 natural waters , 1 water canal, 7 building houseboats , 2 landuse forests , 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 natural water, 1 water canal, 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 3 highway services , 2 natural waters , 1 highway track, 1 landuse industrial, 1 highway unclassified, 1 water canal, 3 landuse brownfields , 3 landuse forests .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 12 highway services , 1 amenity parking, 1 waterway canal, 1 natural water, 1 highway track, 1 building, 1 highway cycleway, 2 landuse forests , 1 highway path, 5 landuse brownfields .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 8 highway services , 1 building industrial, 1 natural water, 3 landuse industrials , 2 highway unclassifieds , 6 buildings , 1 landuse forest, 6 highway cycleways , 3 highway tertiarys .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 4 landuse forests , 4 buildings , 2 highway unclassifieds , 1 waterway canal, 4 natural waters , 4 highway services , 4 highway cycleways , 3 landuse industrials , 1 highway tertiary, 1 natural scrub.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 highway cycleways , 1 highway tertiary, 18 buildings , 6 landuse forests , 1 building industrial, 1 railway rail, 3 railway level crossings , 2 highway services , 1 landuse industrial, 2 railway crossings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 waterway ditchs , 1 railway rail, 1 highway tertiary, 1 landuse industrial, 4 highway unclassifieds , 3 highway cycleways , 7 buildings , 1 natural water, 1 amenity post box, 7 highway services .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 natural wetlands , 5 landuse forests , 9 highway services , 1 leisure nature reserve, 1 waterway drain, 1 railway crossing, 1 building commercial, 4 landuse industrials , 2 highway unclassifieds , 5 natural waters .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 25 highway services , 1 landuse forest, 6 buildings , 1 building commercial, 1 amenity parking, 1 amenity post depot, 6 highway primarys , 1 amenity charging station, 1 landuse residential, 1 amenity bicycle parking.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 amenity parking, 6 natural waters , 3 highway services , 2 building retails , 1 shop car, 1 landuse industrial, 1 amenity car wash, 3 highway unclassifieds , 3 building industrials , 3 highway motorways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 15 highway services , 27 buildings , 5 shop car repairs , 1 natural scrub, 6 building retails , 1 amenity car rental, 7 amenity parkings , 4 building industrials , 3 highway secondarys , 1 natural water.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 6 natural waters , 1 tourism information, 1 building, 4 highway footways , 1 highway secondary, 2 natural grasslands , 1 highway steps, 7 highway paths , 1 landuse railway, 2 natural wetlands .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 263 buildings , 20 highway footways , 4 natural woods , 3 highway primarys , 7 natural waters , 2 tourism artworks , 1 leisure park, 1 shop supermarket, 11 highway cycleways , 2 highway tertiarys .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 27 highway cycleways , 110 building houses , 1 highway steps, 1 landuse residential, 11 highway residentials , 3 amenity benchs , 1 leisure garden, 3 highway bus stops , 100 buildings , 21 highway footways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 landuse residential, 1 tourism artwork, 5 highway tertiarys , 3 highway bus stops , 1 leisure pitch, 1 leisure garden, 6 highway cycleways , 1 building commercial, 1 highway crossing, 1 shop chemist.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 leisure sports centre, 2 leisure pitchs , 263 building houses , 29 highway footways , 5 highway services , 2 sport soccers , 7 landuse forests , 2 highway bus stops , 64 building sheds , 1 building retail.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 landuse allotments, 1 building static caravan, 1 sport multi, 15 landuse forests , 2 highway cycleways , 1 leisure sports centre, 18 buildings , 4 highway unclassifieds , 9 sport soccers , 1 highway tertiary.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway pedestrian, 3 natural waters , 1 highway tertiary, 9 highway footways , 3 highway unclassifieds , 2 highway secondarys , 13 landuse forests , 1 building house, 4 highway cycleways , 1 amenity drinking water.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 4 highway services , 3 landuse forests , 1 building retail, 1 sport multi, 19 highway residentials , 1 leisure garden, 4 amenity recyclings , 2 building industrials , 2 amenity schools , 2 shop bakerys .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 8 natural waters , 6 amenity recyclings , 1 natural scrub, 7 highway cycleways , 1 amenity fountain, 1 shop seafood, 3 tourism artworks , 1 amenity doctors, 2 leisure playgrounds , 6 highway services .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 tourism artwork, 35 building apartmentss , 4 amenity shelters , 1 amenity pharmacy, 5 natural waters , 3 highway street lamps , 17 highway cycleways , 23 building houses , 55 highway footways , 1 shop second hand.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 sport soccers , 17 highway cycleways , 13 amenity recyclings , 1 amenity waste disposal, 29 highway footways , 3 natural waters , 1 amenity place of worship, 1 sport skateboard, 2 highway street lamps , 7 amenity bicycle parkings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 leisure playgrounds , 11 amenity recyclings , 1 waterway canal, 20 building apartmentss , 2 highway secondarys , 1 shop chemist, 1 leisure park, 1 amenity post box, 1 amenity waste disposal, 1 highway pedestrian.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 17 highway crossings , 3 highway tertiary links , 2 amenity parkings , 9 building houses , 2 natural wetlands , 17 natural waters , 1 highway secondary link, 1 tourism artwork, 2 buildings , 2 leisure parks .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 9 highway cycleways , 2 landuse residentials , 19 natural waters , 7 waterway drains , 2 amenity place of worships , 2 landuse cemeterys , 1 building static caravan, 14 highway residentials , 2 natural scrubs , 15 highway paths .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 3 highway cycleways , 9 building apartmentss , 196 buildings , 6 highway residentials , 1 highway bus stop, 1 amenity parking, 1 building commercial, 16 natural waters , 1 building civic, 1 leisure sports centre.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 sport cycling, 16 building houseboats , 2 leisure sports centres , 1 leisure park, 1 sport field hockey, 12 landuse forests , 2 natural scrubs , 1 highway service, 35 highway paths , 2 landuse allotmentss .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 10 building houseboats , 1 leisure track, 2 highway residentials , 2 highway paths , 4 natural waters , 1 landuse allotments, 1 sport cycling, 1 highway service, 1 natural wetland, 1 leisure sports centre.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 natural water, 1 water canal, 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway service, 2 natural waters , 1 landuse industrial, 1 tourism information, 1 highway unclassified, 1 water canal, 2 waterway canals .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 7 highway services , 3 natural waters , 3 amenity parkings , 1 landuse industrial, 1 railway rail, 3 building commercials , 4 buildings , 1 landuse forest, 2 highway footways , 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 highway tertiarys , 1 building construction, 1 landuse forest, 12 natural waters , 1 aeroway heliport, 12 highway services , 6 railway signals , 1 aeroway windsock, 9 water wastewaters , 10 highway footways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway unclassified, 5 natural waters , 3 railway switchs , 12 buildings , 15 railway rails , 3 railway crossings , 1 highway tertiary, 1 railway level crossing, 10 landuse forests , 1 highway cycleway.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway unclassified, 1 building commercial, 32 highway services , 7 railway switchs , 2 landuse industrials , 22 railway rails , 1 highway cycleway, 6 railway signals , 34 buildings , 47 building industrials .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 building office, 2 landuse industrials , 7 buildings , 2 highway cycleways , 5 railway level crossings , 1 highway crossing, 2 amenity parkings , 1 highway tertiary, 35 railway rails , 3 natural waters .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 building commercial, 4 natural waters , 4 building industrials , 1 amenity parking, 4 landuse industrials , 3 railway level crossings , 3 landuse forests , 6 highway cycleways , 13 railway rails , 5 railway signals .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 10 railway rails , 1 railway switch, 1 highway track, 5 railway signals , 2 highway tertiarys , 5 natural waters , 1 waterway drain, 1 building commercial, 3 building industrials , 3 buildings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway primary link, 4 railway signals , 6 highway cycleways , 16 highway primarys , 8 highway motorways , 10 highway services , 1 building, 2 landuse industrials , 20 railway rails , 1 building construction.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 leisure park, 6 buildings , 1 amenity fuel, 1 building parking, 2 highway motorway links , 1 landuse industrial, 9 highway cycleways , 1 shop doityourself, 3 highway secondarys , 9 natural waters .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 11 natural scrubs , 4 railway signals , 8 highway cycleways , 1 highway steps, 5 natural wetlands , 2 highway secondarys , 9 natural woods , 2 railway rails , 1 tourism picnic site, 12 highway footways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 highway residentials , 7 natural woods , 9 highway unclassifieds , 7 natural scrubs , 33 buildings , 1 leisure playground, 9 natural waters , 1 building commercial, 14 building terraces , 1 highway service.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 3 shop supermarkets , 33 highway footways , 1 amenity parking, 1 leisure park, 4 highway tertiarys , 3 highway residentials , 1 shop bakery, 65 buildings , 6 highway services , 10 building retails .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 17 highway unclassifieds , 1 landuse residential, 69 building houses , 3 railway tram stops , 14 highway cycleways , 1 amenity bicycle parking, 1 building school, 1 landuse construction, 1 waterway canal, 59 buildings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 10 landuse forests , 18 highway residentials , 3 highway services , 11 building huts , 2 natural waters , 264 building houses , 1 sport multi, 5 building industrials , 1 leisure sports centre, 9 highway tertiarys .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 12 highway footways , 1 landuse allotments, 10 highway services , 3 leisure pitchs , 7 landuse forests , 16 building constructions , 1 sport equestrian, 18 buildings , 4 highway cycleways , 1 sport athletics.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 highway platforms , 8 natural waters , 1 amenity drinking water, 10 highway services , 1 natural scrub, 3 landuse forests , 6 buildings , 13 highway secondarys , 2 leisure sports centres , 2 building apartmentss .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 14 building houses , 7 amenity parkings , 5 highway bus stops , 116 buildings , 6 amenity recyclings , 120 amenity parking spaces , 2 leisure playgrounds , 14 highway residentials , 1 leisure pitch, 1 tourism artwork.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 shop sports, 13 highway pedestrians , 1 highway busway, 1 shop hairdresser, 2 tourism artworks , 3 landuse retails , 2 shop department stores , 1 shop tailor, 1 amenity restaurant, 1 leisure fitness centre.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 shop hairdresser, 1 amenity townhall, 1 shop chemist, 4 railway crossings , 2 shop jewelrys , 4 highway cycleways , 1 building office, 10 highway pedestrians , 10 building retails , 3 shop supermarkets .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 waterway canal, 4 landuse forests , 2 railway tram stops , 1 landuse residential, 1 amenity place of worship, 1 leisure pitch, 2 highway give ways , 1 sport multi, 18 amenity benchs , 2 amenity schools .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 amenity parking, 7 highway secondarys , 1 amenity charging station, 2 leisure parks , 8 amenity recyclings , 16 highway traffic signalss , 2 highway paths , 9 highway tertiarys , 1 shop supermarket, 61 buildings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 6 leisure gardens , 2 railway trams , 1 natural water, 6 highway street lamps , 1 building school, 2 amenity schools , 1 amenity bicycle parking, 2 highway bus stops , 1 landuse residential, 2 highway secondarys .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 3 highway unclassifieds , 4 railway trams , 9 highway living streets , 34 highway residentials , 451 building houses , 3 amenity bicycle parkings , 4 leisure gardens , 2 highway tertiarys , 1 railway level crossing, 6 highway give ways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 9 waterway ditchs , 2 building apartmentss , 53 building houses , 1 leisure track, 1 sport soccer, 4 waterway drains , 6 highway unclassifieds , 1 amenity parking, 2 leisure sports centres , 43 buildings .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 sport cycling, 2 leisure sports centres , 1 highway motorway, 5 natural waters , 12 leisure pitchs , 1 leisure track, 2 sport american footballs , 8 sport soccers , 4 sport field hockeys , 1 landuse allotments.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 sport multi, 1 leisure sports centre, 13 building houseboats , 6 natural waters , 1 natural grassland, 2 landuse residentials , 1 water canal, 6 highway motorways , 4 railway switchs , 9 landuse forests .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 highway residential, 1 natural water, 1 highway unclassified, 1 water canal, 2 building houseboats , 1 highway cycleway, 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 natural water, 3 railway rails , 1 water canal, 4 highway footways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 3 natural waters , 6 railway signals , 3 railway rails , 1 water canal, 4 highway footways , 3 waterway canals .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 6 highway services , 2 building industrials , 2 natural waters , 1 landuse industrial, 3 railway signals , 3 railway rails , 12 buildings , 2 landuse forests , 4 highway footways , 1 waterway canal.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 2 office companys , 2 building industrials , 3 highway unclassifieds , 2 railway buffer stops , 2 landuse forests , 2 building roofs , 2 amenity parkings , 14 highway services , 4 railway rails , 2 highway footways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 4 railway rails , 2 building roofs , 1 building industrial, 1 shop trade, 2 railway level crossings , 2 buildings , 14 highway services , 1 landuse forest, 1 building commercial, 1 landuse industrial.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 40 highway services , 1 landuse industrial, 1 building.
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 10 buildings , 25 highway services , 2 railway switchs , 2 highway cycleways , 1 building commercial, 2 landuse forests , 6 railway rails , 1 shop car repair, 1 landuse industrial, 3 highway unclassifieds .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 5 highway services , 3 building industrials , 1 landuse industrial, 1 railway rail, 5 highway unclassifieds , 2 building commercials , 1 office company, 44 buildings , 2 highway cycleways .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 railway abandoned, 2 natural wetlands , 4 highway tertiarys , 3 railway level crossings , 5 railway disuseds , 1 waterway canal, 1 building industrial, 1 railway switch, 1 building commercial, 2 landuse industrials .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 office surveyor, 3 building constructions , 4 landuse forests , 10 highway primarys , 11 highway cycleways , 1 railway crossing, 1 highway turning circle, 2 waterway ditchs , 4 highway services , 2 highway bus stops .
OSM from Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe of city area containing: 1 building retail, 1 building roof, 15 highway services , 3 amenity parkings , 10 highway unclassifieds , 1 highway residential, 1 highway pedestrian, 1 highway secondary, 8 railway signals , 9 highway crossings .