stringlengths 36
| response
stringlengths 1
Q: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Photo from Inara Prusakova/Shutterstock
There are a finite number of Internet protocol, or IP, addresses, the numeric codes that identify devices and destinations for the Internet. The current system, IPv4, has 4.3 billion (or 4.3 x 10^9) combinations to go around. This might all sound like boring Internet infrastructure stuff, but there's some serious drama going down, because the IPv4 addresses are almost all gone.
The Wall Street Journal reports that all remaining IP addresses in the United States will be claimed as of this summer. It's not a doomsday scenario—Asia ran out in 2011 and Europe in 2012—but it's a reality that companies and developers will need to face now, if they haven't started already.
Concerns about IPv4 are nothing new. A replacement for IPv4, known as IPv6, was approved in 1998 and has been available and implementable ever since. It offers 3.4 x 10^38 addresses (otherwise known as 340 trillion trillion trillion), so it's certainly a viable solution.
In a big systems transition, though, there are always groups that hold out as long as possible on a legacy system, either out of laziness or lack of economic incentive. You don't need to look any further than the transition away from Windows XP to find a good example.
Some companies have been diligently preparing. Facebook, for example, has switched 90 percent of its network to IPv6. In contrast, Microsoft spent $7.5 million in 2011 buying 666,624 IPv4 addresses.
James Cowie, the chief scientist at Internet consulting firm Dyn, told the Journal, “Enterprises that don’t have a plan for what to do with this will have this brought up by their board.” ||||| A flying car crashed during a test flight in Slovakia on Friday. The Aeromobil car was piloted by Stefan Klein, a co-founder of the company. Klein was able to deploy a parachute for the vehicle, which is said to have helped ease the severity of the impact.
Witnesses near the Nitra Janíkovce airport described seeing the flying car go into a tailspin before the parachute was deployed. Klein was taken to the hospital and released without any serious injuries. However, the flying car wasn’t so lucky. Judging by the photos taken at the scene, the vehicle sustained fairly serious damage.
If the Aeromobil name sounds familiar, that’s because it has been the Great Flight Hope of flying car nerds recently. The vehicle has been featured prominently in magazines and newspapers around the world, with promises that the flying car is now just around the corner. The company has even claimed that they could release the vehicle by 2017.
For what it’s worth, the company is putting on a brave public face, saying that crashes are all part of the struggles to get experimental vehicles operational.
“The detailed data and overall experience from this test flight will be thoroughly analyzed and the results will be used in the ongoing R&D and improvements of the prototype,” Aeromobil said in a statement released yesterday. “Testing of the current prototype 3.0 and further product development will continue after the replacement of the damaged parts.”
It’s unclear if this will impact the company’s planned public release of the vehicle within the next two years. But honestly, we weren’t holding our breath, even before this weekend’s crash.
Below, a photo of what the Aeromobil flying car looks like when it’s not all munted.
Image via and Prague Post ||||| Office space in Silicon Valley isn’t the only real estate that’s gotten scarce in the booming technology market. The U.S. organization that distributes some of the Internet’s most important virtual property is running out of inventory.
Some savvy companies have been stocking up, but the shortage could mean headaches—and significant costs—for U.S. businesses looking to expand on the Internet.
The... |||||
A: | Engineers who created 4.3 billion Internet Protocol addresses back in 1981 probably thought that by the time we ran through all those, we'd be puttering around in flying cars. Flying cars are going to be a while, but it looks like our IP numbers are finally up: The American Registry for Internet Numbers, the group that hands out the numerical codes, says there are only 3.4 million IPv4 addresses left, and the group's president says the supply will probably dry up by summer, the Wall Street Journal reports. Major companies like Amazon and Microsoft are scooping up remaining addresses while they can, while others such as Facebook decided to bite the bullet and simply upgrade to the newer IPv6 system (IPv5 never really took hold). It's not exactly an online End Times, as dire as it sounds: Asia depleted its supply of IPv4 addresses in 2011, Europe the following year, the Journal notes. And there's quite a bit of capacity under the newer IPv6 system—it can accommodate up to 340 undecillion (340 followed by 36 zeros) addresses. The main obstacle to upgrading right now seems to be the expense, not resistance to more advanced technology: A companywide migration can cost about 7% of the firm's annual IT budget, per research cited in the Journal. To see if your Internet connection supports IPv6 and/or check out IPv6-only websites, Slate points you toward the site. (We haven't exactly been blindsided with this news, either.) |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Why does impartiality get thrown out of the window?, Context: Special guest referees may be used from time to time; by virtue of their celebrity status, they are often scripted to dispense with the appearance of neutrality and use their influence to unfairly influence the outcome of the match for added dramatic impact. Face special referees will often fight back against hostile heel wrestlers, particularly if the special referee is either a wrestler themselves or a famous martial artist (such as Tito Ortiz in the main event at TNA's THard Justice in 2005). They also have the power to eject from ringside any of the heel wrestler's entourage/stable, who may otherwise interfere with the match.
| dramatic impact |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Q: Grande dame of cooking still going strong at 90: Julia Child celebrates in San Francisco. How does it feel to turn 90 and have attained the status of an icon, a living legend? "It feels just like it felt before," Julia Child says with the throaty laugh familiar to millions who cut their culinary teeth on her "French Chef" television series. The show, along with her seminal book, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" (1961), revolutionized the way America cooks and eats. While making light of the difference a day -- or another decade -- makes, Child intends to enjoy her birthday thoroughly. First, there will be all the public observances, including a sold-out dinner Thursday at San Francisco's tony Fifth Floor restaurant, which -- like dinners that night at 19 other venues across the country -- will benefit the scholarship fund of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (which Child co-founded). Friday to Sunday, the action moves to Napa, with both members-only and public events at COPIA: The American Center for Wine, Food and the Arts, of which she is an honorary board member. Aug. 15, her actual birthday, will see her in Maine at an annual gathering of nieces, nephews, their offspring and friends, who for many years have rolled a joined birthday celebration for several members of the group into a jolly reunion. The schedule Child and her assistant of 14 years, former pastry chef Stephanie Hersh, have laid out is not exactly a senior-citizen routine, even though Child has always been candid about her age and realistic in assessing her own capabilities. When the Pasadena native moved back to California from her long-time home in the Boston area last year, she also made the move from a condominium she and her late husband, Paul, had purchased many years ago to a progressive retirement home. She is in the most active of the four levels available, but should the need arise, she can move on to assisted living facilities within the same complex. <sep>As Julia Child turns 90, she will celebrate in San Francisco. The celebration will host many sold out dinners that will benefit which dear charity of Child's?<sep>COPIA
A: No
Q: Einstein was displeased with quantum theory and mechanics (the very theory he helped create), despite its acceptance by other physicists, stating that God "is not playing at dice." Einstein continued to maintain his disbelief in the theory, and attempted unsuccessfully to disprove it until he died at the age of 76. In 1917, at the height of his work on relativity, Einstein published an article in Physikalische Zeitschrift that proposed the possibility of stimulated emission, the physical process that makes possible the maser and the laser. This article showed that the statistics of absorption and emission of light would only be consistent with Planck's distribution law if the emission of light into a mode with n photons would be enhanced statistically compared to the emission of light into an empty mode. This paper was enormously influential in the later development of quantum mechanics, because it was the first paper to show that the statistics of atomic transitions had simple laws. Einstein discovered Louis de Broglie's work, and supported his ideas, which were received skeptically at first. In another major paper from this era, Einstein gave a wave equation for de Broglie waves, which Einstein suggested was the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of mechanics. This paper would inspire Schrodinger's work of 1926. <sep>Would Einstein live to disprove the theory he had a role in developing?<sep>Yes
A: No
Q: After becoming disabled in a machete attack on a visit to his native Haiti, Jean-Claude Joseph needed help persuading his landlord to move him from a fifth-floor apartment to one on the ground floor. Isaac Benjamin became ensnared in a bureaucratic snafu that took away his Social Security disability payments for more than two years. The story of Martha, a woman from Sierra Leone, was more compelling. Beaten, raped and tortured in her politically repressive homeland, she knowingly used someone else's passport to escape to America, but was caught by immigration authorities upon her arrival. She desperately sought political asylum. Not the kind of cases that lead to ground-breaking upheavals in the law, but the kind of cases that are handled day in and day out by lawyers for the legally disenfranchised who have no where else to turn. The work of attorneys from Legal Services of New Jersey will be highlighted in a onehour documentary, "Quest for Justice," to be aired 9 p.m. today on New Jersey Network. Produced by NYD2, a communications firm based in Somerset, the documentary features case histories of clients whose needs ranged from housing to fighting off deportation. Joseph, a 54-year-old naturalized citizen, turned to Legal Services when the landlord of his federally subsidized apartment complex in Elizabeth turned a deaf ear to his request for a ground-floor apartment. Having lost the use of his left arm in warding off the machete attack during a robbery attempt, Joseph said he found it increasingly difficult to negotiate the five flights of stairs lugging groceries or laundry on the frequent occasions when the building's elevator was out of order. "With this, it became impossible for me to stay upstairs," he said, pointing to the scars on his forearm. "If I cannot carry my groceries or my laundry, how can I live?" "It was a compelling case," said Legal Services attorney Stephen St. Hilaire. "The key for us -- and we have to make tough decisions all the time on whether to take a case -- was visualizing what he had to do to get to the fifth floor, struggling with a bag of groceries," he said. Benjamin, 53, of Jersey City had been collecting Social Security disability after undergoing double bypass surgery when the checks stopped coming. He said the agency claimed he had failed to return a form updating the condition of his health. "But what got me was they didn't let me know they didn't get it, they just cut me off," he said, adding he found it impossible to negotiate the Social Security bureaucracy himself. <sep>Why is it impossible for Joseph to live upstairs?<sep>He lost his foot
A: | No
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
What was the first addition to the Town Quay chronologically?, Context: Town Quay is the original public quay, and dates from the 13th century. Today's Eastern Docks were created in the 1830s by land reclamation of the mud flats between the Itchen & Test estuaries. The Western Docks date from the 1930s when the Southern Railway Company commissioned a major land reclamation and dredging programme. Most of the material used for reclamation came from dredging of Southampton Water, to ensure that the port can continue to handle large ships.
| Eastern Docks |
What is the most logical next event?
How to get the hylian shield in legend of zelda skyward sword
Go to lanayru gorge and talk to the thunder dragon.
Choose the lightning round mini-game and select the boss battle option. Start battling bosses that you have fought in the past. | He will talk about a " very sturdy shield ". Bear in mind, except from the shield you have equipped, when facing the boss, you only have the equipment you had at the time. |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
American Airlines Flight 11: FAA Awareness. Although the Boston Center air traffic controller realized at an early stage that there was something wrong with American 11, he did not immediately interpret the plane's failure to respond as a sign that it had been hijacked. At 8:14, when the flight failed to heed his instruction to climb to 35,000 feet, the controller repeatedly tried to raise the flight. He reached out to the pilot on the emergency frequency. Though there was no response, he kept trying to contact the aircraft. At 8:21, American 11 turned off its transponder, immediately degrading the information available about the aircraft. The controller told his supervisor that he thought something was seriously wrong with the plane, although neither suspected a hijacking. The supervisor instructed the controller to follow standard procedures for handling a "no radio" aircraft. The controller checked to see if American Airlines could establish communication with American 11. He became even more concerned as its route changed, moving into another sector's airspace. Controllers immediately began to move aircraft out of its path, and asked other aircraft in the vicinity to look for American 11. At 8:24:38, the following transmission came from American 11: American 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet, and you'll be okay. We are returning to the airport. The controller only heard something unintelligible; he did not hear the specific words "we have some planes." The next transmission came seconds later: American 11: Nobody move. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. <sep>What were the first things done by America 11 that led the air traffic controller to notify his supervisor that something was wrong with the flight?<sep>There was no response | No |
Dream within a Dream<br>Jeremy was having a good dream. His brother punched his arm and woke him up. Jeremy missed the good dream. He chased his brother around the house. Then he woke up again and realized that was a dream too.
Can we draw the following conclusion?
Jeremy always remembers his dreams. | It's impossible to say |
IN: What happens next?
How to become an engineer
Identify the field of engineering you want to work in.
Engineering is a broad and diverse field. You could be a robotics engineer, a civil engineer, a chemical engineer, or one of many other varieties.
- Talk to your family for advice, and you may end up focusing your time or even practice on a specific area. Decide what electrical engineering you want to be in.
- If the field interests you, you don't need any major majors in engineering. If you're a neurologist (or a technician who primarily specializes in human biology), you'll have a much more challenging life as an engineer.
- To identify the field you wish to work in, choose the field that interests you the most. Alternately, choose the field with the best job prospects or the one that enables you to earn the most money.
- It's a good idea to research the field prior to applying for jobs so you can learn the subject. The profession, rather than the field that you major in, will provide you with a great reference that will help you to articulate your interest in the field.
OUT: To identify the field you wish to work in, choose the field that interests you the most. Alternately, choose the field with the best job prospects or the one that enables you to earn the most money.
Problem: How does the next paragraph end?
How to convert tenths of a pound to ounces
Identify the part of the number that you're going to convert.
Your starting point should be a number like 5.75 pounds. The. 75 denotes the tenths of a pound, so that's the part that you would be converting.
- You can find this information in your state's government website. You can calculate the content by looking at the social security administration's website.
- Instead of a number like 5.5 pounds, a percentage of the total number would be converted into the milligram. The median percentage of a pound is 0.0 Choose the hyphen.
- Note that the number before the decimal, the 5, is your total number of whole pounds. Type the number of tenths of a pound into your calculator.
- For instance , 3 ounces would be 21.88 pounds. Convert by equation : " x " and " y " are all equidistant across the calculator.
A: Note that the number before the decimal, the 5, is your total number of whole pounds. Type the number of tenths of a pound into your calculator.
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph:
How to import foreign products for resale in the united states
Employ a customs broker.
Clearing imported products through cbp is an incredibly complicated tax. To avoid this complexity, most importers will hire customs brokers, who are experts in the importation process.
- These brokers will help you through the process and ensure all the rules are followed. All customs brokers must be licensed and must and must obtain a power of attorney from you.
- You will likely need to get a business license. You will also need to secure a paying home address.
- It's best to start with only one broker and then expand to another as you settle on a destination destination. The process is relatively cheaper, but it may still be better for you.
- This can be especially useful if you plan to sell goods overseas. It can save you a lot of money and help to ensure international buyers select a product.
OUT: These brokers will help you through the process and ensure all the rules are followed. All customs brokers must be licensed and must and must obtain a power of attorney from you.
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following:
A dog continuously jumps over another dog and into the lady's hand. A dog jumps through hula hoops. a dog
- jumps from the stage onto the lady's back.
- jumps through unkempt lawns in a game of fetch with a fat cat and the cat chases after it.
- jumps through the phone and into a woman's hand.
- jumps over fountains on a sidewalk.
jumps from the stage onto the lady's back.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
How to roast corn
Husk the corn.
This means removing the green shell and silky bits.
Wash the ear to remove any remaining pesticides or bugs.
- Be sure to rinse with a clean cloth to remove any debris from the shell. Heat the corn on medium flame of the grill for about 15 minutes, until the corn is turned a bright golden or green color.
- First, rinse the ear under cool, running water. Then remove the outer shell, weighing down the corn to help keep it separated from the flesh.
- Watch out for earwigs, which sometimes set up residence inside the corn. Heat up the oven to 400ºf/200ºc.
- Place the corn on a plate lined with aluminum foil or wax paper and cool it. Enjoy! Treat the corn with one spoonful of butter, the type you're using for tenderloin.
A: Watch out for earwigs, which sometimes set up residence inside the corn. Heat up the oven to 400ºf/200ºc.
How to use a speed square
Identify where the line should be drawn.
Depending on your project, decide where you need clear, concise lines to be drawn. Because the use of a speed square will vary depending on the project, create a plan specific to your needs and decide exactly where lines must be drawn.
- As you draw the lines, include guidelines to help identify which lines need to be drawn. For example, one line could look like a stalk between each question or question.
- Use the square to locate and mark studs, position floor joists, lay out stair stringers, determine roof pitches, any other project that is dependent on straight lines. Creating a plan and knowing where you need the lines to be will help you plan ahead and make less mistakes.
- In a project, a specific shape will be drawn over the board. On paper, if you're drawing a square for a board game, it might be helpful to draw a circle around it.
- In the first line, place a bubble above a straight line, keeping the bubble level of the chart. The bubble should equal the square with a radius of 4 inches (10 cm).
| Use the square to locate and mark studs, position floor joists, lay out stair stringers, determine roof pitches, any other project that is dependent on straight lines. Creating a plan and knowing where you need the lines to be will help you plan ahead and make less mistakes. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Problem:A day at the beach. When Sam woke in the morning, he was super excited! Today was the day! It was Sunday, the day that Sam's mom and dad had promised to take Sam to the beach. Sam's grandma had given a pail and shovel to Sam to use in the sand. At breakfast Sam was so excited he was wiggling in his seat! Mom told Sam that they would leave when the big hand on the clock was pointing to the 10, and the little had was pointing to the 12. Mom asked Sam if he would like to help make sandwiches for the trip, and Sam said that he wanted to help. Dad said, "let's make a game of it, we need to make a sandwich for each of us. There are three of us, so we need three sandwiches. Let's count as we make the sandwiches!" Sam counted as mom made the sandwiches, one for dad, one for mom and one for Sam. Then mom started to make another sandwich! "Mom!" said Sam, "we have three sandwiches and that makes one sandwich for each of us." Sam's mom laughed, "You're right Sam!" Sam's mom said she was being silly. <sep>What was Sam's game with the sandwiches?<sep>Counting
Solution: | Yes |
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Q: Burns that affect only the superficial skin layers are known as superficial or first-degree burns. They appear red without blisters and pain typically lasts around three days. When the injury extends into some of the underlying skin layer, it is a partial-thickness or second-degree burn. Blisters are frequently present and they are often very painful. Healing can require up to eight weeks and scarring may occur. In a full-thickness or third-degree burn, the injury extends to all layers of the skin. Often there is no pain and the burnt area is stiff. Healing typically does not occur on its own. A fourth-degree burn additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle, tendons, or bone. The burn is often black and frequently leads to loss of the burned part.
A: | is there such a thing as 4th degree burns? |
May 12 Reserve Bank of India: * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0014 rupee per 100 rupees for 2023 bonds * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0017 rupee per 100 rupees for 2026 bonds * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0039 rupee per 100 rupees for 2034 bonds * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0044 rupee per 100 rupees for 2044 bonds Source text - ( (Bengaluru newsroom)
Can we draw the following conclusion?
The Reserve Bank of India was established in 1935.
[1]. Yes;
[2]. It's impossible to say;
[3]. No; | [2]. |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
The film is set in Igloolik in the Eastern Arctic wilderness at the dawn of the first millennium . The wind is blowing over a bleak snowy landscape while a man tries to herd away some marauding dogs . We hear the voice of an old man singing a childish song . Inside a stone house a strange shaman by the name of Tungajuaq , who comes from up north , is singing playfully to the gathered community and camp leader Kumaglak . But among the spectators there are some mistrustful faces . Flash forward to another day . Qulitalik is bidding goodbye to his sister Panikpak , wife of Kumaglak , promising to come if she calls for help in her heart . She gives him her husband's rabbit's foot for spiritual power . Qulitalik tells his sister , `` Tulimaq is the one they 'll go after now . '' It seems that Qulitalik is leaving to escape a threat , and the hope is that one day he will return to help . As Panikpak watches him leave , we hear a voice-over from a woman : `` We never knew what he was or why it happened . Evil came to us like Death . It just happened and we had to live with it . '' Flash back to the original scene in the stone house . The visitor and the camp leader Kumaglak are in a `` friendly '' spiritual duel involving binding in leather thongs . But Panikpak is startled when the stone lamp in front of her breaks in half , and , to the horror of those present , Kumaglak falls over dead . The visitor removes the leader's walrus-tooth necklace from Kumaglak's body , and , passing by Tulimaq , he puts the necklace around the neck of Sauri , the son of the murdered leader Kumaglak , saying , `` Be careful what you wish for '' . <sep>Did the visitor ever interact with Kumaglak?<sep>No
Output: | No |
IN: What happens next?
How to build a mason jar herb garden
Get a set of mason jars that are at least 4 inches (10 cm) deep.
Ordinary glass mason jars can be purchased inexpensively at most supermarkets and home good stores. Pick up as many jars as you think you'll need to contain a garden of the size you have in mind.
- You'll likely need enough for a dozen seedlings and enough space to grow the herbs you intend to grow in your garden. If your garden is larger, you may need several pots so you have a quicker solution for any climate problems.
- Mason jars are often sold in sets, which can simplify the process of collecting them. Most mason jars come in either quart or pint sizes, which can be useful if you're planning on growing more of one type of herb than another.
- If you live in a place with high humidity, you'll want to purchase 20-30% humidity. If you live somewhere that is partially humidity-tolerant, consider purchasing a 1 litre glass jar.
- Put in some suitable dirt or sand to cover the inside. Then, cut any rocks and/or pebbles that fall down.
OUT: Mason jars are often sold in sets, which can simplify the process of collecting them. Most mason jars come in either quart or pint sizes, which can be useful if you're planning on growing more of one type of herb than another.
IN: What happens next?
A man in a black sweater quickly performs a rubik cube challenge as the timer ticks. a man
- is frozen and then does the rubik's cube trick.
- in a black sweater solves a rubik's cube correct in 2 seconds.
- in a black sweater performs a rubik's cube puzzle.
- sits next to him watching.
OUT: sits next to him watching.
IN: What happens next?
How to treat hammertoes
Wear comfortable shoes.
If you're suffering from hammertoe, adjust your footwear right away. Wearing ill-fitting shoes can prolong the issue and possibly make your hammertoe worse.
- Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight around your toes, such as sandals, sneakers, or cattlemen boots. If the climate drastically changes and you start to get hammertoe pain, then purchase a pair of sneakers or flip-flops to remedy this condition in the meantime.
- Choose a shoe that fits you properly. Do not wear shoes that are too big when you're suffering from hammertoe.
- If you have hammertoe on your feet, wear ones that bend at the toe to help support your foot in the event that it comes loose. Avoid very heavy-soled shoes-shoes can pull blood from the toe to injure it worse.
- Wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose will make your hammertoe more likely to spread and contract. Choose shoes that are loose enough and for how long.
OUT: | Choose a shoe that fits you properly. Do not wear shoes that are too big when you're suffering from hammertoe. |
How to withdraw from a simple ira
Notify your employer.
If you decide to withdraw, you should contact your employer and explain that you would like to withdraw funds from your simple ira. You can make a withdrawal at any time and still continue to contribute to the plan, even after you take some money out.
Your employer will provide you with the required forms. Different companies will have their own versions of the form for you to fill in.
How to get bookings for home parties
Hand out flyers, booklets and catalogues to all of your friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers.
Ask your contacts to share your information with their contacts.
This will allow your business and materials to travel through networks of people you do not even know.
Take your materials and business cards with you everywhere you go. Leave a flyer at the dentist, drop a few catalogues off at school and tuck your business cards into envelopes when you pay bills or send out mail.
How to change a colostomy bag
Start by emptying your colostomy bag.
If there is urine or feces in your colostomy bag, it is important to empty these prior to changing the bag. The best place to do this is in the bathroom.
Open the bottom of the bag over the toilet. For feces, you can gently squeeze it out of the bag; urine will automatically flow from the bag when it is opened.
A person mops a floor, with the camera only picking up part of the person and the mop. the camera
| shows a close up of the mop head. |
Q: Amtower Off Center's audio podcast is recorded multiple times a week.
Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Amtower Off Center's audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or PodcastOne. This week on Amtower Off Center, host Mark Amtower’s guests are Katie Helwig, director of Small Business Programs at AFCEA, and Eric Strauss, director of Business Development for Connected Logistics and a member of the leadership committee at the FT Belvoir Chapter of AFCEA. The discussion focused on relationships, networking and AFCEA. Topics included:
A: It's impossible to say
Q: photocopier business has a q
one of the orders issued by Ochola in April Login to license this image from 1$. In short At Kira Road police station, the photocopier business has moved behind the station, far away from the prying eyes of those passing on the road to Bukoto while at Old Kampala Police station, clients are now buying the forms across the road.
A: No
Q: The narrator is working with industry
I'm for working with the groups, not just with industry but also with the citizen groups and local communities to control sprawl in ways that the local communities themselves come up with. But I disagree that we don't know the cause of global warming.
A: Yes
Q: IPS tags are not used by London-based websites.
Internet Provider Security (IPS) tags are used by domain registrar to administer a domain name registration service and related Domain Name System (DNS) services. An IPS tag is the label that applies to each registrar that registers domains in the country-code top level domain "uk" and is required to transfer domain names from one registrar to another.
A: | No |
Arne Lie (September 25, 1921 – January 22, 1982) was a Norwegian actor best known for the voice of Paul Cox in the radio drama "God aften, mitt navn er Cox" (Good Evening, My Name is Cox), broadcast by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's Radio Theater department, and for his role as Instructor Brandt in the Norwegian "Stompa" films and radio dramas, based on the Jennings novels.
Good Evening, My Name is Cox took place in the 1950s.
A: It's impossible to say
The Car<br>Taryn was out for a walk. She was trying to reduce her carbon footprint. She started walking instead of driving. Soon, she realized that she didn't need her car anymore. She sold it to her neighbor and started walking everywhere.
Taryn will be run over by a car in 2020
A: It's impossible to say
How to invest in bric mutual funds<br>Figure out a long-term plan. No single investment is going to be great for you if it's not matched to your overall investment strategy. Think about how long you want to leave money in the mutual fund and how much gain you think you can reasonably expect over time.
you need to understand how to calculate investment gain over time to invest in bric mutual funds
A: | Yes |
Pick your answer from: a). Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses only enzymes and chemicals to attack your body cells. Your doctor might recommend a different tactic when you're considering taking chemotherapy.; b). Chemotherapy is used in the treatment of chronic lymph disease. When inhaled during chemotherapy, it produces sufficient radiation to filter and suppress the bacteria that are secreted through your body by the infection.; c). Intravenous chemotherapy drugs are injected directly into your bloodstream. You may have several weeks of treatment, followed by several weeks to allow your body to rest.; d). This treatment works by suppressing inflammation caused by the heredroid bacteria, thereby reducing inflammation, by easing pain and relieving the pressure. Some people are hesitant to get radiation because radiation greatly reduces the rate of cancer blooms.;Choose from options above and answer: What most naturally follows?
How to treat lymphoma
Talk to your doctor to decide which combination of chemo drugs you need.
Depending on your age, overall health, and the type and stage of your lymphoma, your doctor can tell you which chemo drugs are best for your treatment.
Get chemotherapy intravenously for widespread, treatable lymphoma.
Answer: | c). |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
PROBLEM: Despite what improvements were there still civil issues?, Context: Between 1346 and 1354, Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen toppled the Sakya and founded the Phagmodrupa Dynasty. The following 80 years saw the founding of the Gelug school (also known as Yellow Hats) by the disciples of Je Tsongkhapa, and the founding of the important Ganden, Drepung and Sera monasteries near Lhasa. However, internal strife within the dynasty and the strong localism of the various fiefs and political-religious factions led to a long series of internal conflicts. The minister family Rinpungpa, based in Tsang (West Central Tibet), dominated politics after 1435. In 1565 they were overthrown by the Tsangpa Dynasty of Shigatse which expanded its power in different directions of Tibet in the following decades and favoured the Karma Kagyu sect.
SOLUTION: founding of the Gelug school (also known as Yellow Hats) by the disciples of Je Tsongkhapa, and the founding of the important Ganden, Drepung and Sera monasteries near Lhasa
PROBLEM: What is needed to gain strength?, Context: The Armed Forces are today funded by approximately $20.1 billion annually and are presently ranked 74th in size compared to the world's other armed forces by number of total personnel, and 58th in terms of active personnel, standing at a strength of roughly 68,000, plus 27,000 reservists, 5000 Rangers, and 19,000 supplementary reserves, bringing the total force to approximately 119,000. The number of primary reserve personnel is expected to go up to 30,000 by 2020, and the number of active to at least 70,000. In addition, 5000 rangers and 19,000 supplementary personnel will be serving. If this happens the total strength would be around 124,000. These individuals serve on numerous CF bases located in all regions of the country, and are governed by the Queen's Regulations and Orders and the National Defence Act.
SOLUTION: The number of primary reserve personnel is expected to go up
PROBLEM: Russia participated in not only in World War 2 but also in the previous world war, what was the likely outcome of the first world war for that nation?, Context: The first half of the 20th century in Russia and the Soviet Union was marked by a succession of wars, famines and other disasters, each accompanied by large-scale population losses. Stephen J. Lee estimates that, by the end of World War II in 1945, the Russian population was about 90 million fewer than it could have been otherwise.
SOLUTION: | large-scale population losses
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Portugal is the top maker one thing but not what?, Context: Since the Carnation Revolution of 1974, which culminated in the end of one of Portugal's most notable phases of economic expansion (that started in the 1960s), a significant change has occurred in the nation's annual economic growth.[citation needed] After the turmoil of the 1974 revolution and the PREC period, Portugal tried to adapt to a changing modern global economy, a process that continues in 2013. Since the 1990s, Portugal's public consumption-based economic development model has been slowly changing to a system that is focused on exports, private investment and the development of the high-tech sector. Consequently, business services have overtaken more traditional industries such as textiles, clothing, footwear and cork (Portugal is the world's leading cork producer), wood products and beverages.
Output: | textiles, clothing, footwear |
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
What can a friendly disagreement involve?, Context: The first favours a primordialist approach which takes the sense of self and belonging to a collective group as a fixed thing, defined by objective criteria such as common ancestry and common biological characteristics. The second, rooted in social constructionist theory, takes the view that identity is formed by a predominantly political choice of certain characteristics. In so doing, it questions the idea that identity is a natural given, characterised by fixed, supposedly objective criteria. Both approaches need to be understood in their respective political and historical contexts, characterised by debate on issues of class, race and ethnicity. While they have been criticized, they continue to exert an influence on approaches to the conceptualisation of identity today.
A: | debate |
However, he went on to state that the matter was very serious and if any special circumstances were brought to the attention of the House and the Chair to the effect that members were in some way intimidated in their work or prevented from discharging their duties freely and without hindrance, there would be no hesitation in recognizing the matter as a breach of privilege.
The House and Chair decided the matter was a breach of privilege based on special circumstances that they were notified of OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
However, no testimony shall relate to unpublished material or information or to the reporters' motivations, bias, mental impressions, or other information extrinsic to what the reporter saw and heard, and the reporter shall not be obligated to reveal any confidential sources.
The reporter's testimony raised publication rates by twenty percent. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Oprah<br>Oprah Winfrey started a new news network. People really liked it. They started posting on Facebook about the shows. People watched it even more. Oprah made money.
People really didn't like Oprah's new news network. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: | No |
Peace & Love is the tenth solo album by singer/songwriter Juliana Hatfield. The album is noteworthy in Hatfield's catalogue for her role in every aspect of its recording: Hatfield wrote and performed all of the songs on the album, in addition to playing all of the instruments. She also produced and engineered the album herself, and she released the album on Ye Olde Records, her own label
Can we draw the following conclusion?
Juliana hatfield is 31 years old | It's impossible to say |
IN: What happens next?
How to clean a portobello mushroom
Wet a folded paper towel with cool water.
Wring out the excess water so that the paper towel is just slightly damp. In most cases, a little bit of moisture is all you'll need to clean a freshly picked and packaged portobello.
- Saturate a damp towel in cool water and wring out it well so that the towel is totally saturated. If you don't have a paper towel, you can get a handkerchief out of a box that goes along with the portobello mushrooms.
- Because of the size and anatomy of portobello mushrooms, they should be cleaned individually to ensure that the receive adequate attention. You can also use the soft side of a kitchen sponge.
- Wipe the portobello mushrooms with the damp paper towel. Fold the trimmed portobello mushrooms in half lengthwise and rub them with the towel until they're dry.
- Store-bought portobellos will hold up fine because they are already clean. Scrub the mushrooms with a gentle scrub of a vegetable brush.
OUT: Because of the size and anatomy of portobello mushrooms, they should be cleaned individually to ensure that the receive adequate attention. You can also use the soft side of a kitchen sponge.
IN: What happens next?
We see a lady walking a dog. We see a man walking the dog. we
- then see an interview with the interviewer.
- see a guy walking a dog.
- see a lady engage in a martial arts match.
- return to the lady walking the dog.
OUT: return to the lady walking the dog.
IN: What happens next?
How to fake cry
Close your eyes and imagine a sad event.
This method is used by many actors who are able identify so strongly with the sad situation they are portraying that they cry with tears that seem to flow from true emotions. You can emulate this technique by simply thinking of something very sad, so sad that it makes tears spring to your eyes.
- It's different for every person, but here are a few examples : The death of someone quite close to you. A really bad breakup something you aren't able to talk about with people being bullied a sad moment you have been through.
- This may sound strange, but you can do this on a regular basis. Look at yourself and picture the experience as if you are in the movie of a child crying.
- Then try to drown out whatever those bittersweet tears may be thinking of. Imagine a valentine's day number in your head.
- Close your eyes, imagine a sad event, and then smile as broadly as you can. This is a tricky trick to pull off, but it allows you to project true emotions.
OUT: | It's different for every person, but here are a few examples : The death of someone quite close to you. A really bad breakup something you aren't able to talk about with people being bullied a sad moment you have been through. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Problem:CLOSE President Trump and first lady Melania Trump attended the annual Bastille Day parade in Paris with French President Emmanuel Macron and French first lady Brigitte Macron. The holiday commemorates the pivotal storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution. Wochit
French President Emmanuel Macron, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump watch the traditional Bastille Day military parade on the Champs Elysees, in Paris, on July 14, 2017. (Photo: Michel Euler, AP)
PARIS — France put on a dazzling Bastille Day display for President Trump on Friday, an occasion that marked both the founding of French democracy and the centennial of the United States' entry into World War I.
The colorful parade along the French capital’s famous Champs-Élysées included U.S. soldiers marching with their French counterparts.
Dozens of military planes and helicopters flew above as military bands played traditional marches.
One band spelled out the word "NICE" in front of Trump and his host, French President Emmanuel Macron. It was a tribute to the 86 people killed in a truck rampage by an Islamist terrorist one year ago during a Bastille Day celebration along the famed Promenade des Anglais in the French Riviera resort.
"It was a great honor to represent the United States at the magnificent #BastilleDay parade. Congratulations President @EmmanuelMacron!" Trump tweeted.
It was a great honor to represent the United States at the magnificent #BastilleDay parade. Congratulations President @EmmanuelMacron! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2017
Macron said after the parade that he hopes Trump's visit continues the long friendship between their nations despite policy differences separating the two leaders.
"The United States is our friend — nothing will ever separate us," he said. "The presence at my side of Donald Trump and his wife is a sign of that friendship that goes the length of time."
In a statement released by the White House, Trump said, "Melania and I were proud to stand with the President of France and Madame Macron and to celebrate with the French people" on the 228th anniversary of the French Revolution.
"France is America’s first and oldest ally," Trump said. "America and France will never be defeated or divided."
There was heightened security around the Champs-Élysées and the nearby Place de la Concorde, areas previously targeted by extremists. Last month, an attacker died when he rammed his explosives-laden car into a police convoy on the avenue.
Trump boarded Air Force One after the parade and traveled to the U.S. Macron traveled to Nice to attend a memorial service.
Trump arrived in Paris on Thursday amid colorful pageantry and met with Macron visited U.S. Embassy staff and U.S. servicemembers and dined at an opulent restaurant at the Eiffel Tower with his host and their wives.
“Great evening with President @EmmanuelMacron & Mrs. Macron. Went to Eiffel Tower for dinner. Relationship with France stronger than ever,” Trump tweeted with a photo of the foursome at the famous Paris landmark early Friday.
Great evening with President @EmmanuelMacron & Mrs. Macron. Went to Eiffel Tower for dinner. Relationship with France stronger than ever. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2017
Trump pledged Thursday that the United States would work to protect the environment, despite withdrawing from the Paris Climate Change Agreement that was signed by nearly 200 nations.
"Our fates are tied together more so than ever," Trump said at a news conference following a meeting with Macron, one of his harshest critics for backing out of the Paris accord on June 1.
CLOSE Bastille Day is a French national holiday that celebrates the Storming of the Bastille, that kickstarted the French Revolution. Time
Macron said while the leaders have a "number of disagreements" on the threat of global warming, he respected Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the agreement.
Macron said Thursday that he and Trump would work on a "joint roadmap" to fight terrorism and post-war initiatives for Syria.
Trump also defended his son’s meeting with a Russian lawyer whom he believed had incriminating information on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election. "Most people would have taken that meeting," Trump said.
"It's called opposition research," Trump added. "Politics is not the nicest business in the world."
When asked about negative comments Trump previously made that "Paris no longer looks like Paris" in light of an influx of migrants and a spate of terrorist attacks, the U.S. president changed his tune.
"You have a tough president. I really have a feeling you will have a peaceful and beautiful Paris," Trump said. "And I'm coming back."
"You are always welcome," Macron replied.
Still, not all were welcoming Trump in Paris. A few hundred protesters gathered Thursday at Place de la Republique to create "No Trump Zones."
Maya Correas, 50, of Paris, said she is firmly against the U.S. leader's policies, including pulling out of the Paris climate agreement.
"I don't understand why an American president has to come here for what are essentially French celebrations," she said.Polls show more than 80% of the French have a negative view of Trump.
Contributing: David Jackson in Washington. Bhatti reported from Paris, Onyanga-Omara reported from London.
Read or Share this story: ||||| PARIS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump watched U.S. and French soldiers march together through the Paris sunshine on Friday in a double celebration marking 100 years since the United States entered World War One and France’s annual Bastille Day holiday.
Also featuring a bi-national fly-past of American F16 and French Rafale jets symbolizing military cooperation in the Middle East and elsewhere, the occasion followed a day of talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, a first ladies’ tour of Paris, and a dinner for the four at a restaurant in the Eiffel Tower.
“Great evening with President @EmmanuelMacron & Mrs. Macron. Went to Eiffel Tower for dinner. Relationship with France stronger than ever,” Trump wrote in a tweet.
The ceremonies brought to an end a visit Macron needs as a boost to France’s standing on the world stage - one which could also help a U.S. leader left short of international friends by his stance on free trade and climate change.
Trump, also dogged at home by an investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, appeared on Thursday to leave open the door for more talks on the Paris accord which he pulled the United States out of earlier this year.
Macron arrived standing in a military jeep and surrounded by cavalry - repeating a scene from his inauguration two months ago aimed at reinforcing a message that he heads an important military power.
But it came as a fierce row raged between Macron and his armed forces chief, General Pierre de Villiers, over proposed defense budget cuts that are part of his bid to put the French economy in order.
Trump arrived with his wife Melania in a black sedan to be greeted by French first lady Brigitte Macron.
At the parade, the two heads of state sat together in a stand applauding, pointing and touching each other on the arm as military aircraft flew overhead. Trump saluted as U.S. military personnel - some in World War One battledress - opened the march-past with the Arc de Triomphe in the background.
“Mr. Trump’s presence at my side is a sign of an enduring friendship and I want to thank him,” Macron said in a speech afterwards. “Nothing can ever separate us... I want to thank America for the choice made a hundred years ago”
By the end of the 1914-1918 war, more than a million U.S. troops were stationed in France alongside soldiers of French, British and other nationalities fighting Germany.
Slideshow (16 Images)
One marching group evoked another military landmark of Franco-American history, carrying a pennant marked “Fregate Lafayette”, a frigate of the French navy named after the 18th century French aristocrat general Marquis de Lafayette, who helped in the American Revolutionary War against the British.
For France, this year’s Bastille Day has an additional poignancy as the first anniversary of one of the deadliest Islamist militant attacks of the past few years.
After the parade, his first as President, Macron will head for the Mediterranean city of Nice, where he will join a commemoration for the 86 people who died when a Tunisian man drove a truck at a crowd on the waterfront a year ago. ||||| France has a national holiday every year on 14 July to celebrate a mob breaking into a 18th century Parisian prison.
Akin to the United State's 4th of July, the date marks the beginning of republican democracy and the end of tyrannical rule.
Here's everything you need to know about France's national day and why it is still celebrated.
What was the Storming of the Bastille?
It took place on July 14 1789 amid a deep economic and political crisis, with an out-of-touch Louis XVI increasingly unable to manage anti-monarchist forces.
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The Bastille, a medieval fortress and prison, was a symbol of tyrannical Bourbon authority in central Paris and had held many political dissidents.
Following the king's dismissal of the progressive minister of finance, Jacques Necker, and the concentration of Royalist troops in the capital, liberal Parisians feared a coup against the National Constitutional Assembly.
As a result, violent conflict between Royalist and anti-Monarchist elements broke out across Paris, with the Bastille's garrison eventually finding themselves surrounded by an armed mob on the morning of 14 July.
After hours of negotiation and increasing frustration, the mob numbering just under 1,000 broke into the fortress. Following hours of fighting, they took the castle at the cost of nearly 100 assailants' lives and one defender's.
Nearby Royalist troops had chosen not to intervene and disperse the mob
Ironically, at the time the prison was stormed, there were only seven elderly prisoners
What is its significance?
While there are key events in the lead up to 14 July, the storming of the Bastille proved to revolutionaries across Paris and France that the power of King Louis and his control over his armed forces was nominal at best.
It became the flash point for the revolution to spread and eventually lead to the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy and the execution of Louis XVI and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette.
The prison was completely destroyed within five months and only a monument now stands on the site in the middle of a cobbled square.
Why do French people celebrate it today?
Like Independence Day in the United States, the French celebrate all things that symbolise France, such the tricolore flag and La Marseillaise - both of which originate from the revolution.
Rather than commemorating the storming of the Bastille itself, it is a day to celebrate the three tenets of the republican national motto: "liberty, equality and fraternity".
Patriotic pride rather than political history is the order of the day.
How is it celebrated?
A public holiday in France, the day is celebrated with an abundance of fireworks, communal eating and parades.
Along the historic Champs-Elysee avenue, a military parade takes place where French troops march, ride and drive with world leaders in attendance.
It is the oldest military parade in the world, having first taken place on Bastille Day in 1880. ||||| Story highlights Security was tight as US President Donald Trump marked Bastille Day
US aircraft participated in the flyover over Paris
Paris (CNN) France treated President Donald Trump to an elaborate military display on Friday, a strategic show of friendship by the new leader here who hopes to elevate his country's global standing by flattering his US counterpart.
Thousands of French troops paraded down the Champs-Élysées in a dramatic show of pageantry to mark the storming of the Bastille military prison in 1789, a turning point in the French Revolution.
Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron reviewed the procession side-by-side from a stand at the Place de la Concorde, appearing in periodic and friendly conversation during the two-hour spectacle, which included 241 horses, 63 airplanes and 29 helicopters all advancing down and above the tree-lined avenue.
They shared another extended handshake as they parted ways, each man gripping the other's arm as they paced the cobblestones of the stately plaza.
This year, the celebration is also meant to commemorate the centennial of US entry into World War I, hence Macron's invitation to Trump to attend.
Read More |||||
Solution: | Emmanuel Macron's first handshake with President Trump in May may have suggested a confrontational start, but the French president has pulled out all the stops for Trump's visit to his country. On Thursday, there was dinner in the Eiffel Tower, and on Friday, Trump was regaled with an extravagant military parade in the capital to commemorate Bastille Day. CNN calls it "a strategic show of friendship" by Macron. As this year's celebration also marks 100 years since the US entered WWI, the parade—watched by Macron and Trump from their highly guarded spot at the Place de la Concorde—featured appearances from 150 or so US service members and American aircraft, in addition to French military. Bastille Day is France's version of July 4, marking the July 14, 1789, storming of the Bastille prison that was a symbol of that time's tyrannical rule, per the Independent. CNN notes two reasons that may underlie all this pomp and circumstance: Macron's wish to elevate France back to "major global standing," as well as to get closer to Trump—who "has long been fascinated by the military," per the Washington Post—and serve as his "bridge to Europe." "Mr. Trump's presence at my side is a sign of an enduring friendship and I want to thank him," Macron said after the parade, per Reuters. The day takes on a somber note, too, as it's the one-year anniversary of the terror attack in Nice, which killed nearly 90 people. Earlier this month, a man was arrested for allegedly plotting an attack on Macron during Bastille Day. More than 130,000 security staff and emergency services workers are keeping things safe nationwide, per USA Today. |
How to start a forum<br>Figure out what your specific niche will be. [substeps] Since this will be your forum, it is best to pick something in which you are interested and knowledgeable. Since there are already so many forums out there, it is best to have a defined niche.
Can we infer the following?
It is unpopular to start a video game forum | It's impossible to say |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Input: What are lifts?, Context: Stage lifts and orchestra lifts are specialized elevators, typically powered by hydraulics, that are used to raise and lower entire sections of a theater stage. For example, Radio City Music Hall has four such elevators: an orchestra lift that covers a large area of the stage, and three smaller lifts near the rear of the stage. In this case, the orchestra lift is powerful enough to raise an entire orchestra, or an entire cast of performers (including live elephants) up to stage level from below. There's a barrel on the background of the image of the left which can be used as a scale to represent the size of the mechanism
Output: | specialized elevators, typically powered by hydraulics, that are used to raise and lower entire sections of a theater stage |
Possible answers:
a). You can locate your declaration's website for a simple access source or look on the government's website. Save these documents in the " u.s.
b). After 1906, the bureau of immigration and naturalization (ins) was created and the forms were standardized. Sometimes these documents contain information about the alien's background.
c). The process for verifying naturalization varies by state. Search the internet for " naturalization records " or " u.s.
d). Some state governments, such as the u.s. department of state or the national board of naturalization, require the existence of a certificate of naturalization.Choose from options above and answer: What most naturally follows?
How to find naturalization records
Identify what records you want.
Naturalization records vary depending on when they were created. Before 1906, most naturalization records included petitions, declarations of intent, certificates, and other documents.
Answer: | b). |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Who interacts with students that may have different abilities?, Context: The objective is typically a course of study, lesson plan, or a practical skill. A teacher may follow standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. The teacher may interact with students of different ages, from infants to adults, students with different abilities and students with learning disabilities.
Output: | The teacher |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Problem:Iranian worshippers attend the Friday prayer ceremony in Tehran, Iran, Jan. 5, 2018. A hard-line Iranian cleric has called on Iran to create its own indigenous social media apps, blaming them for the... (Associated Press)
Iranian worshippers attend the Friday prayer ceremony in Tehran, Iran, Jan. 5, 2018. A hard-line Iranian cleric has called on Iran to create its own indigenous social media apps, blaming them for the unrest that followed days of protest in the Islamic Republic over its economy. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi) (Associated Press)
Iranian worshippers attend the Friday prayer ceremony in Tehran, Iran, Jan. 5, 2018. A hard-line Iranian cleric has called on Iran to create its own indigenous social media apps, blaming them for the unrest that followed days of protest in the Islamic Republic over its economy. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi) (Associated Press) Iranian worshippers attend the Friday prayer ceremony in Tehran, Iran, Jan. 5, 2018. A hard-line Iranian cleric has called on Iran to create its own indigenous social media apps, blaming them for the... (Associated Press)
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Sunday that the nation and its security forces have ended the wave of unrest linked to anti-government protests that erupted last month.
In a statement on its website, the Guard blamed the unrest on the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as an exiled opposition group known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, and supporters of the monarchy that was overthrown in the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Price hikes sparked protests in a number of cities and towns late last month, and at least 21 people were killed in scattered clashes. The protests, which vented anger at high unemployment and official corruption, were the largest seen in Iran since the disputed 2009 presidential election, and some demonstrators called for the overthrow of the government.
The Guard is a powerful paramilitary force loyal to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Many of the demonstrators protested against the Guard's massive budget, its costly interventions across the region, and against the supreme leader himself.
Hundreds of people have been detained since the protests began. They include around 90 university students, reformist lawmaker Mahmoud Sadeghi was quoted as saying by the semi-official ISNA news agency.
Iranian lawmakers held a closed session on Sunday in which senior security officials briefed them on the protests and the conditions of the detainees, the state-run IRNA news agency reported.
"It was emphasized that foreign elements, and in particular the United States, played a basic role in forming and manipulating the recent unrest," IRNA quoted lawmaker Jalal Mirzaei as saying.
The United States and Israel have expressed support for the protests, which began on Dec. 28 in Iran's second largest city, Mashhad, but deny allegations of fomenting them.
In recent days, government supporters have held several mass rallies across the country to protest the unrest. ||||| DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said on Sunday the country’s people and security forces had put an end to unrest fomented by foreign enemies, as parliament and security officials met to discuss the boldest challenge to the clerical establishment since 2009.
There has been more than a week of unrest in Iran in which 22 people have died and more than 1,000 arrested, according to Iranian officials. The protests spread to more than 80 cities and rural towns as thousands of young and working-class Iranians expressed their anger at graft, unemployment and a deepening gap between rich and poor.
Residents contacted by Reuters in various cities have said the protests had subsided after the government intensified a crackdown by dispatching Revolutionary Guards forces to several provinces.
“Iran’s revolutionary people along with tens of thousands of Basij forces, police and the Intelligence Ministry have broken down the chain (of unrest),” the Guards said in a statement on their Sepahnews website. The Guards said the unrest had been “created ... by the United States, Britain, the Zionist regime (Israel), Saudi Arabia, the hypocrites (Mujahideen) and monarchists.”
Parliament met on Sunday to discuss the week of unrest with the ministers of interior and intelligence, Iran’s police chief and the deputy commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards, state television said.
Late on Saturday, videos on social media showed a heavy police presence in cities, including Khorramabad in southwestern Iran where on Wednesday evening social media posts showed protesters throwing stones at riot police.
As protests have ebbed, the government has lifted restrictions it imposed on Instagram, one of the social media tools used to mobilize protesters. But access to a more widely used messaging app, Telegram, was still blocked, suggesting authorities remained uneasy about the possibility of further protests.
Parliament spokesman Behrouz Nemati said MPs and security officials had decided that Telegram restrictions should be lifted only after the app committed to ban “hostile, anti-Iranian channels that promote unrest”, state television reported.
Telegram, with 40 million users in Iran, in late December shut down a channel that Iran had accused of encouraging violence, but declined to block other channels and this prompted Tehran to block access to the app.
Many Iranians access Telegram by using virtual private networks (VPNs) and other tools to bypass government filtering of the Internet, residents say.
Thousands of government supporters have staged rallies in a backlash against the anti-government protests which are the biggest since widespread unrest in 2009 over alleged election fraud.
State television showed live pictures of rallies in several cities, including central Shahr-e Kord where hundreds, many clutching umbrellas, had gathered despite heavy snowfall.
Related Coverage Iran bans English in primary schools after leader's warning
“Death to America”, “Death to Israel”, “Death to Britain” “Death to seditionists”, the demonstrators chanted.
The anti-government protests have attracted largely young people and workers as well as members of the educated middle-class that formed the backbone of a pro-reform revolt almost a decade ago.
A police spokesman said most of those arrested were “duped” into joining the unrest and had been freed on bail, the state news agency IRNA reported. “But, the leaders of the unrest are held by the judiciary in prison.”
Several parliament members and university officials have expressed concern over the fate of students arrested during the protests. Tehran University Vice-President Majid Sarsangi has said the university had set up a committee to track them.
Parliament spokesman Nemati said MPs had asked security officials for a report about the detained students during Sunday’s closed session.
“One of the issues addressed by deputies and the parliament speaker was that of detained students, and it was decided that the Intelligence Ministry would vigorously pursue this and submit a report by next week,” said Nemati, quoted by IRNA.
A member of parliament said earlier about 90 students were detained, 10 of whom were still not accounted for.
Iran has several parallel security bodies and residents say arrests are often not immediately announced.
Videos on social media in the past few days showed relatives of detainees gathering outside prisons seeking information about the fate of their loved ones.
People take part in pro-government rallies, Iran, January 3, 2018. Tasnim News Agency/Handout via REUTERS
The Revolutionary Guards and their affiliated Basij militia suppressed unrest in 2009, in which dozens of pro-reform Iranians were killed. |||||
Solution: | Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Sunday that the nation and its security forces have ended the wave of unrest linked to anti-government protests that erupted last month, reports the AP. "Iran’s revolutionary people along with tens of thousands of Basij forces, police, and the Intelligence Ministry have broken down the chain (of unrest)," the Guard said on its website, per Reuters. The unrest was "created ... by the United States, Britain, the Zionist regime (Israel), Saudi Arabia, the hypocrites (Mujahideen) and monarchists." Price hikes sparked protests in a number of cities and towns late last month, and at least 21 people were killed in scattered clashes. The protests, which vented anger at high unemployment and official corruption, were the largest seen in Iran since the disputed 2009 presidential election, and some demonstrators called for the overthrow of the government. Many of the demonstrators protested against the Guard's massive budget, its costly interventions across the region, and against Ayatollah Ali Khamenei himself. Hundreds have been detained since the protests began. They include around 90 university students, reformist lawmaker Mahmoud Sadeghi was quoted as saying by the semi-official ISNA news agency. Iranian lawmakers held a closed session on Sunday in which senior security officials briefed them on the protests and the conditions of the detainees, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. "It was emphasized that foreign elements, and in particular the United States, played a basic role in forming and manipulating the recent unrest," IRNA quoted lawmaker Jalal Mirzaei as saying. The United States and Israel have expressed support for the protests, but deny fomenting them. |
Much against her will , Jo at length consented to sacrifice a day to Mrs. Grundy , and help her sister through what she regarded as ' a nonsensical business ' .<br>The invitations were sent , nearly all accepted , and the following Monday was set apart for the grand event .
Jo had brown hair OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
OAKVILLE, Ont. — Halton regional police say a residential counsellor at a facility in Oakville, Ont., has been charged with assaulting a resident. Police say they began investigating in September after receiving a report of an alleged assault at the Central West Specialized Developmental Services, which supports people with developmental disabilities. It was alleged the victim, who is a resident at the facility, suffered minor injuries in an assault by a staff member.
There was more than one assault OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
"China has been, and continues to be, a major supplier of light weapons to the government of Sudan and many of the neighbouring states," said Ernst Jan Hogendoorn, one of four U.N. experts on an panel which recommended 17 players in the Darfur conflict be sanctioned for obstructing peace. The panel's report found Sudan's neighbours Chad, Libya and Eritrea had supplied weapons to Darfur and that most of the small arms and ammunition in the region were Chinese. "Chinese arms and ammunition are relatively cheap compared to other suppliers -- some also argue that China asks fewer questions," said Hogendoorn.
Ammunition is cheaper from other suppliers. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: | No |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: Facebook has taken down 652 pages, accounts and groups it identified as part of coordinated disinformation campaigns that originated in Iran and targeted countries around the world. It also found a number of new pages connected to Russia.
The Iran-linked pages and groups spread misinformation in the United States, United Kingdom, Latin America and the Middle East. Some of them posed as a group called "Liberty Front Press."
Facebook (FB) said the coordinated campaigns originating in Iran included 254 Facebook pages and 116 Instagram accounts that amassed more than 1 million followers across the two services. Those behind the pages spent more than $12,000 on advertisements between 2012 and 2017, the company said.
Facebook, Twitter (TWTR) and other social media companies have been scrambling to protect their platforms ahead of the US midterm elections in November and prevent a repeat of the widespread disinformation seen during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company's attempts to identify fake pages, groups and accounts are making the social network safer.
"While it's still early, we're starting to see it pay off and we're identifying more of this before the election," he said on a call with reporters.
In a related development, Twitter announced on Tuesday that it has identified and removed 284 accounts, many of which it linked to Iran, for "coordinated manipulation." The company said it is working with law enforcement and other tech firms.
The announcements underscore just how aggressively foreign actors are still seeking to covertly influence political conversations in countries around the world. Facebook's revelation came after Microsoft (MSFT) took control of websites it said Russian military intelligence could have tried to use to hack American politicians.
Facebook made the announcement Tuesday evening. The company said it had taken action after discovering "coordinated inauthentic behavior" by actors seeking to "mislead others about who they were and what they were doing."
One part of the Liberty Front Press network claimed to be an independent Iranian media organization but was in fact linked to Press TV, a news network affiliated with Iranian state media, Facebook said.
Some of the pages were identified by Facebook after a tip from cybersecurity firm FireEye.
"This influence operation linked to Iran aims to promote political narratives in line with Iranian interests, including anti-Saudi, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian themes," FireEye analyst Lee Foster said. "The activity we have uncovered is significant and demonstrates that actors beyond Russia continue to engage in online, social media-driven influence operations as a means of shaping political discourse."
FireEye noted that the Iran-linked activity it uncovered "does not appear to have been designed as a dedicated attempt to influence the 2018 US midterm elections."
"This does not preclude such attempts being made, however, and the recent reorientation of some social media accounts to adopting left-leaning identities may indicate an opportunistic shift toward a more elaborate effort to influence US domestic political discourse," it added.
Some of the content Facebook removed could be traced to groups previously connected to the GRU, Russia's primary military intelligence agency. Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 members of the GRU last month, accusing them of hacking the US Democratic Party.
Facebook said that the latest Russian accounts, groups and pages it took down were not related to the ones originating in Iran, and that they did not appear to have targeted the United States. "This more recent activity focused on politics in Syria and Ukraine," it said.
Facebook is working with US law enforcement in an ongoing investigation. It said it has been following suspect pages for months.
Using clues like website registrations and IP addresses, Facebook connected Liberty Front Press pages to Iranian state media. The first Liberty Front Press accounts Facebook found were created in 2013.
Another set of suspicious accounts and pages that originated in Iran could be traced to 2011.
The announcement comes amid Facebook's attempts to prevent a repeat of 2016, when the platform was peppered with accounts connected to a Kremlin-linked troll group posing as Americans. It removed more than 30 pages last month that it said were part of a coordinated campaign to post "misleading" information. Facebook told lawmakers it suspected a Russian group was behind the accounts, which were involved in organizing political events in the United States.
Tuesday's revelations show the problem goes beyond Russia.
"I've been saying for months that there's no way the problem of social media manipulation is limited to a single troll farm in St. Petersburg, and that fact is now beyond a doubt," said Senator Mark Warner, top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. "We also learned today that the Iranians are now following the Kremlin's playbook from 2016." ||||| The new influence campaigns on Facebook follow a report from Microsoft earlier on Tuesday, in which it said it found and seized websites that were recently created by hackers linked to a Russian military intelligence unit. The fake websites were part of an effort to attack conservative think tanks in the United States.
On Capitol Hill, lawmakers have been grappling with mounting evidence from social media and American intelligence that sanctions and other deterrence measures have failed to curb Russia’s activity. They signaled on Tuesday that they intended to move forward with developing punishing new sanctions in the coming weeks. It was unclear if they could enact any such legislation before November, but their deliberations in a series of hearings were meant to send a signal to Moscow to desist.
Facebook said on Tuesday that it had identified some of the new influence operations last month after a tip from FireEye about a network of Facebook pages called “Liberty Front Press.”
After Facebook investigated those pages, it said it linked them back to Iranian state media using their website registration information and internet protocol addresses. Some of the pages were created in 2013, the company said, and they posted political content focused on the Middle East, Latin America, Britain and the United States.
Other fake pages also had a far more international bent than the earlier batches uncovered by the social media company. The pages believed to have originated in Iran were written in several languages, including English, Arabic and Farsi. They carried a number of pro-Iranian themes, as well as language attacking Israel and promoting Palestinians. Some included anti-Trump language and were tied to relations between the United States and Iran, including references to the Iranian nuclear weapons deal.
Newer accounts, created in 2016 and later, had additional goals, including spreading malware and stealing passwords, Facebook said. The accounts that originated in Russia focused on activity in Ukraine and Syria. They did not appear to target the United States. In Syria, the accounts promoted a pro-Russian agenda and that of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad.
“For example, they are associated with Inside Syria Media Center, which the Atlantic Council and other organizations have identified for covertly spreading pro-Russian and pro-Assad content,” Facebook said in a blog post. ||||| Working with our industry peers today, we have suspended 284 accounts from Twitter for engaging in coordinated manipulation. Based on our existing analysis, it appears many of these accounts originated from Iran. |||||
Output: | Social media platforms have been battening down the hatches against disinformation campaigns, and Facebook just made a new dent. The site announced Tuesday it had yanked 652 pages or groups off Facebook and Instagram showing "coordinated inauthentic behavior" by those seeking to "mislead others about who they were and what they were doing," CNN reports. Per the New York Times, Facebook said the activity (some stretching back to 2011) originated out of Iran and Russia, and that the disinformation this time went after marks in the UK, Latin America, and the Middle East, in addition to US targets. Twitter also announced Tuesday it has shut down nearly 300 of its own bad actors tied to "coordinated manipulation" that originated in Iran. One group that emerged was Liberty Front Press, which was tied to Iranian state media, per Facebook. "We … learned today that the Iranians are now following the Kremlin's playbook from 2016," Sen. Mark Warner tells CNN. YouTube says it has also taken down a Liberty Front Press channel for breaching community guidelines, though it didn't elaborate. This all went down in the same week Microsoft said it found attempts by Russian hackers to infiltrate US political groups, all bent on "disrupting democracy," per Microsoft President Brad Smith. Cybersecurity firm FireEye, which assisted Facebook in identifying the disinformation-spewing pages, says the propaganda geared toward the US wasn't meant specifically to target the midterms. "Our adversaries are sophisticated and well-funded," Mark Zuckerberg told reporters in a call Tuesday, but he insists the company's "proactive" efforts will "make Facebook safer over time," per the Washington Post. |
Definition: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Input: Enhanced Driver's Licenses are available to U.S. citizens who reside in the states of Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, and Washington.
Output: | is nj license an enhanced driver's license? |
Q: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Someone just paid David Rees, of Beacon, N.Y., $35 to sharpen a pencil.
"I think people think: 'Wow, I can't believe he actually did it,'" Rees said. "I wasn't sure what would happen when I sent this guy my money."
Now before you write him off as some con-artist whittling away on pre-packaged No. 2s from a farmhouse upstate you should know Rees is a sharp guy.
"Internet commenters have definitely made this argument before," Rees said. "Now, a pencil is a completely transparent communication tool. There's no secret to it."
As for his pencils, he began sharpening those after leaving a job as a political cartoonist to work for the 2010 Census, where he spent all day recording his findings with a No. 2 pencil.
"I thought there's got to be a way to get paid to sharpen pencils for people," he said.
1,804 flawlessly sharpened mostly No. 2 pencils later, Rees has penned a book on his art form, collected an arsenal of different sharpeners, and taught classes to students who sharpen better than he does.
"I'm always really simultaneously happy for them and always really intimidated," he said, "like please don't go into business against me. You're going to crush me."
But after two years of collecting pencil shavings with tweezers for his customers, Rees is nearing his breaking point.
When Rees started, he hoped every busted tip would lead the writer to pay for a sharpening. Instead, most customers order David's pencil points and display them as artwork.
"The whole point of the business is to remind people to appreciate yellow, No. 2 pencils because they're really cool and interesting," he said. "And to make a ton of money."
But at this point, work feels like work.
"You do anything long enough for money, it just starts to become a job," he said.
So as he nears the nice round number of 2,000 sharpenings, Rees suggested that soon he'd like to clean out his sharpeners for good, leaving the world a much duller place.
Click for more from |||||
GOING DEEP WITH DAVID REES is a different kind of how-to show. You can watch it here. PLEASE NOTE: ORDERS TAKE APPROXIMATELY 6-8 WEEKS TO SHIP. ***
REACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH THE PLEASURES OF A HAND-SHARPENED PENCIL. In New York's Hudson River Valley, craftsman David Rees still practices the age-old art of manual pencil sharpening. His artisanal service is perfect for artists, writers, and standardized test takers. Shipped with their shavings and a "certificate of sharpening," these extra-sharp pencils make wonderful gifts.
Traditionally people mail in their pencils to be sharpened; however David now offers a new service: He will provide the pencil. ORDER OPTIONS Pencil Only (US) $500.00 USD Pencil Only (non-US) $520.00 USD
media/sales inquiries:
[email protected]
David Rees shares his secrets in his NEW BOOK! HOW TO SHARPEN PENCILS is "the standard to which all future pencil-sharpening textbooks must now aspire." (New Yorker) You can buy it from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powells, iTunes, or your local bookseller. |||||
A: | David Rees is an artisanal pencil sharpener. No, really. The former political cartoonist charges $35 for a "hand-sharpened" No. 2 pencil, and he has sold 1,804 of them already, Fox News reports. Rees, who discovered the art of pencil sharpening after taking a job with the 2010 Census and spending all day writing with a No. 2, has also written a book on pencil sharpening—How to Sharpen Pencils—and teaches classes on his methods. "The whole point of the business is to remind people to appreciate yellow, No. 2 pencils because they're really cool and interesting," he says. "And to make a ton of money." But after two years and almost 2,000 pencils, Rees says he's thinking of hanging up his sharpeners. "You do anything long enough for money, it just starts to become a job," he says. (Click to read about another wild job ... which involves spending 15 weeks in bed.) |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: View Images A shipment of more than 700 ivory tusks worth over $1 million was seized by customs officials in Hong Kong in early January 2013.
Photograph by Bobby Yip, Reuters
Twenty-eight tons of Hong Kong's elephant ivory will soon go up in flames—the largest stockpile ever burned, the semi-autonomous Chinese region announced Thursday.
The decision makes Hong Kong the latest government to destroy its ivory, following recent moves by the United States and the Philippines.
In June 2013, the Philippines crushed five tons of seized ivory, becoming the world's first ivory-consuming nation to destroy its national ivory stock.
The act comes in the wake of the country's being identified by National Geographic magazine as having a longtime ivory-trafficking problem.
Hong Kong's ivory will be destroyed over a period of two years, and any ivory confiscated in the future will be regularly disposed of, Hong Kong's Endangered Species Advisory Committee Chairman Paul Shin said in a press conference.
"The committee strongly calls upon countries all over the world to make [a] concerted effort in combating illegal poaching of elephants and to undertake vigorous measures to protect elephants," Shin said. (Watch a video of Shin's announcement.)
A 1989 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) treaty banned all trade in elephant ivory, but poaching continues to feed black market sales.
According to the Wildlife Conservation Society, about 96 elephants a day are killed illegally in Africa, largely because of the demand for their ivory. Much of that ivory ends up in China, where it is carved and sold domestically or abroad. (Read "Ivory Worship" in National Geographic magazine.)
Due to poaching and other causes, the African elephant population has fallen to an estimated 500,000 elephants, down from as many as three to five million in the 1930s and '40s, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
"Extraordinary" Action
In recent years, several countries have made high-profile statements by burning or crushing ivory.
In January, the Chinese government pulverized six tons of ivory in Dongguan, and Denver, Colorado, was the site of a highly publicized crush of six tons of confiscated ivory last November. The central African country of Gabon has also set its ivory aflame. (Related: "Massive Pile of Elephant Ivory Burned in Gabon—A First.")
But Patrick Bergin, head of the nonprofit group African Wildlife Foundation, said Hong Kong's action is "extraordinary" because of the centuries-old culture of ivory worship there.
Bergin said that Hong Kong's public destruction will discourage ivory collectors from going after more ivory. (See pictures of the "ivory wars" in National Geographic magazine.)
"Hong Kong, as a major destination and transit hub for trafficked ivory, will soon join that growing list of leaders that are placing a higher value on a living elephant than pieces of a dead one." ||||| Story highlights Hong Kong said it will destroy most of its stockpile of seized ivory
The ivory had become a "management burden" and "security risk"
Decision follows similar moves by China and the United States
Conservationists say move would send strong message to ivory consumers
Hong Kong says it will destroy most of its huge stockpile of contraband ivory in a move hailed by conservationists as a significant step in combating the illegal trade in elephant tusks.
Some 28 tons of ivory will be incinerated in the next one to two years, with the first batch slated to be disposed of by the end of June, the city's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said on Thursday.
The department said the huge stockpile, held in undisclosed locations around the city, had become a "management burden" and a "security risk."
The city had previously opted not to destroy the stash -- most of which is seized en route to mainland China -- but had come under pressure following similar moves by its neighbor and the United States.
JUST WATCHED Yao Ming fights ivory trade in China Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Yao Ming fights ivory trade in China 03:10
Earlier this month, six tons of ivory were crushed in the southern city of Guangzhou, the first time China -- which accounts for 70% of global demand for ivory -- had destroyed any of its confiscated ivory.
JUST WATCHED Activist battles illegal ivory trade Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Activist battles illegal ivory trade 04:17
JUST WATCHED WWF: China serious about illegal ivory Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH WWF: China serious about illegal ivory 04:16
JUST WATCHED Rangers search for illegal ivory Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Rangers search for illegal ivory 03:47
JUST WATCHED China destroys 6 tons of illegal ivory Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH China destroys 6 tons of illegal ivory 02:03
In November, the U.S. destroyed its entire six-ton pile of ivory "to send a clear message that the United States will not tolerate ivory trafficking and the toll it is taking on elephant populations, particularly in Africa."
China is the world's largest ivory market accounting for an estimated 70% of global consumption, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
Alex Hofford, program director at the campaign group Hong Kong for Elephants and a consultant for WildAid, said the move would send a strong message that would deter would-be buyers of what is sometimes called "white gold."
He said that Hong Kong had previously been unwilling to destroy the seized tusks because of concerns it would create air pollution and fears that such a move would be wasteful.
READ: Hong Kong's ivory stockpile an elephant-sized headache
A Hong Kong department spokesman said the ivory would be burned in three ton batches and any ivory seized in the future would be disposed of in the same way.
One ton of confiscated ivory would be retained for education purposes.
In 2008, a one-time sale of ivory seized in Africa to China was permitted by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) but the decision was subsequently criticized by wildlife protection advocates, who say the deal jump-started the ivory trade in China.
READ: Will Hong Kong follow China's lead? |||||
Output: | Hong Kong plans to burn the tusks of an estimated 11,000 elephants in the world's biggest burning of an ivory stockpile. The territory's government says the 28-ton stockpile of contraband ivory is a "management burden" and a "security risk," reports CNN. Hong Kong had earlier been unwilling to burn the stockpile, deeming the move wasteful and polluting, but it came under renewed pressure after smaller stockpiles were destroyed in China and the US, where six tons of ivory were destroyed with a rock crusher. One ton of ivory will be kept for educational purposes. Anti-poaching groups say Hong Kong destroying its stockpile will make a huge statement not just because of the quantity, but because of the city's long history in the ivory trade. "Hong Kong, as a major destination and transit hub for trafficked ivory, will soon join that growing list of leaders that are placing a higher value on a living elephant than pieces of a dead one," the chief of the African Wildlife Foundation nonprofit tells National Geographic. |
We see an opening title screen. A group of men play foosball outdoors. the men
on the right win and shake hands and hung.
The man takes the top off and sprays the shoes. The man uses the brush on the shoe to rub the shoe. the man
puts the top back on the can.
How to convert a simple ira
Contact your simple ira plan administrator (most likely a bank or other savings institution, an insurance company, or a brokerage) and ask for a cash distribution.
Listen to the administrator's advice.
This 3rd party administrator is required by law to advise you of your rights and consequences.
The administrator is responsible for making you aware of any additional expenses that may be incurred from the conversion. Request the cash distribution if you are willing to pay the tax and withdrawal fee consequences, if any.
How to use google maps offline
Launch google maps on your device.
Tap the app's icon on your home screen or app drawer to launch it.
Alternatively, search for the app by tapping on the magnifying glass on your devices apps screen, then type " google maps.
| " Search for the city or area you want to map. For example search " montreal " if you are trying to save a map of montreal. |
What happens next in this paragraph?
How to dig a well
Check your local laws.
In most states, it is legal to drill your own well. However, in some states, you must have a permit to drill over 200 feet, so you may need to get the permit or have the well professionally drilled.
Choices: *Check your local codes by calling local officials or searching online. Don't put the well near sources of contamination. *You do not have to have a permit to do this. Look up government and county ordinances in your area, and see if there are any restrictions prohibiting drilling just yet. *Once you have a business permit, you can continue to dig it. While drilling is unpopular, it is legal in all states as long as you have a business permit. *There are somewhat different laws for drilling over 100 feet (30 meters). If you don't have a permit, you may not want to dig a hole about 200 feet or further. | Check your local codes by calling local officials or searching online. Don't put the well near sources of contamination. |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
PROBLEM: What did the principle of inertia do for general relativity?, Context: The concept of inertia can be further generalized to explain the tendency of objects to continue in many different forms of constant motion, even those that are not strictly constant velocity. The rotational inertia of planet Earth is what fixes the constancy of the length of a day and the length of a year. Albert Einstein extended the principle of inertia further when he explained that reference frames subject to constant acceleration, such as those free-falling toward a gravitating object, were physically equivalent to inertial reference frames. This is why, for example, astronauts experience weightlessness when in free-fall orbit around the Earth, and why Newton's Laws of Motion are more easily discernible in such environments. If an astronaut places an object with mass in mid-air next to himself, it will remain stationary with respect to the astronaut due to its inertia. This is the same thing that would occur if the astronaut and the object were in intergalactic space with no net force of gravity acting on their shared reference frame. This principle of equivalence was one of the foundational underpinnings for the development of the general theory of relativity.
SOLUTION: one of the foundational underpinnings
PROBLEM: What area has three words and starts with an E?, Context: In 1840, Louis Philippe I obtained permission from the British to return Napoleon's remains to France. On 15 December 1840, a state funeral was held. The hearse proceeded from the Arc de Triomphe down the Champs-Élysées, across the Place de la Concorde to the Esplanade des Invalides and then to the cupola in St Jérôme's Chapel, where it remained until the tomb designed by Louis Visconti was completed. In 1861, Napoleon's remains were entombed in a porphyry sarcophagus in the crypt under the dome at Les Invalides.
SOLUTION: Esplanade des Invalides
PROBLEM: Who gets to play in the renovated stadium all the time?, Context: KU football dates from 1890, and has played in the Orange Bowl three times: 1948, 1968, and 2008. They are currently coached by David Beaty, who was hired in 2014. In 2008, under the leadership of Mark Mangino, the #7 Jayhawks emerged victorious in their first BCS bowl game, the FedEx Orange Bowl, with a 24–21 victory over the #3 Virginia Tech Hokies. This capstone victory marked the end of the most successful season in school history, in which the Jayhawks went 12–1 (.923). The team plays at Memorial Stadium, which recently underwent a $31 million renovation to add the Anderson Family Football Complex, adding a football practice facility adjacent to the stadium complete with indoor partial practice field, weight room, and new locker room.
SOLUTION: | the Jayhawks
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Alexander II's death caused a great setback for the reform movement. One of his last ideas was to draft plans for an elected parliament, or Duma, which were completed the day before he died but not yet released to the Russian people. In a matter of 48 hours, Alexander II planned to release his plan for the duma to the Russian people. Had he lived, Russia might have followed a path to constitutional monarchy instead of the long road of oppression that defined his successor's reign. The first action Alexander III took after his father's death was to tear up those plans. A Duma would not come into fruition until 1905, when Alexander II's grandson, Nicholas II, commissioned the Duma following extreme pressure on the monarchy as a result of the Russian Revolution of 1905. The assassination triggered major suppression of civil liberties in Russia, and police brutality burst back in full force after experiencing some restraint under the reign of Alexander II, whose death was witnessed first-hand by his son, Alexander III, and his grandson, Nicholas II, both future emperors who vowed not to have the same fate befall them. Both of them used the Okhrana to arrest protestors and uproot suspected rebel groups, creating further suppression of personal freedom for the Russian people. A series of anti-Jewish pogroms and antisemitic legislation, the May Laws, were yet another result. Finally, the tsar's assassination also inspired anarchists to advocate "'propaganda by deed'--the use of a spectacular act of violence to incite revolution." With construction starting in 1883, the Church of the Savior on Blood was built on the site of Alexander's assassination and dedicated in his memory. <sep>What effect did Alexander II's death have on the Russian political climate?<sep>Both his son and his grandson vowed not to have the same fate befall them
| No |
Instructions: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Input: Assassin's Creed III: Liberation is a 2012 action-adventure video game developed and published by Ubisoft, initially as an exclusive title for PlayStation Vita. Sony announced the game at its press conference during the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012, few days after first leaks about the game presented in Game Informer. It was released on October 30, 2012 alongside Assassin's Creed III, with which it can be linked. The game was re-released as Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows via the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Steam, respectively. It was later packed as part of 'Assassin's Creed The Americas Collection' for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, along with Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
Output: | what is the difference between assassin's creed 3 and liberation |
How to make a plastic bottle wormery
Peel the label off the bottle.
It isn't necessary but removing the label makes the wormery look better.
You can also paint the cap of the bottle to look like a little door later.
- Check to see if the labels have any sharp dents or imperfections. Any dents in the label are small puncture marks.
- Stuff the bottle into the desired jar. Provide a single layer of paper for the bottle in your bottle storage.
- Cut off the top of the bottle (a few centimetres down). Make sure the cap is still on the bottle.
- Water the jar thoroughly or discard the cap. The label will remain permanent after refrigeration, and some people choose to change the label often.
Cut off the top of the bottle (a few centimetres down). Make sure the cap is still on the bottle.
How to participate in a wikihow secret santa
Watch for a thread in the wikihow forums about the year's secret santa.
Anna will announce it in the village pump section.
Read the rules of the secret santa.
- Anna will tell you to have your iphone talk to santa. Watch to find the secret santa's top number.
- When anna tells you to stop, give her permission to the story to stop. Observe the form of the secret santa thing.
- You have to be at least 18 years old to participate, and the maximum price for a gift is $15.00. Fill out the form provided in the thread within the time frame that sign-ups are open.
- Everyone in the santa knows the rules. When you read them that way the secret santa won't know who the secret santa is.
You have to be at least 18 years old to participate, and the maximum price for a gift is $15.00. Fill out the form provided in the thread within the time frame that sign-ups are open.
How to get respect at work
Respect others.
Show your coworkers that they matter. Respect the authority of your bosses and treat underlings well.
- If you're tempted to disagree with someone, you won't see your chance. The more respect you show and behave more professionally, the more respect you'll gain.
- Do your job and do it well. Don't make anyone carry your workload, be on time and offer to help coworkers when possible.
- Show them that you hold your own power in the company and are willing to admit mistakes. This will shine through from behind and make you a good worker.
- While you are in charge of the workplace, always take ownership for what you do. Let them make the decisions, and respect the results.
Do your job and do it well. Don't make anyone carry your workload, be on time and offer to help coworkers when possible.
How to care for a dying parent
Face the situation.
Though it may be difficult, you should not pretend that everything is okay. You should not lie to your loved one or yourself.
- Though it may be uncomfortable and hard to deal with, not facing the fact that your parent is dying can cause additional stress and pain. If you don't know what to say, listen to what your parent says about death and dying.
- The loss of a parent can affect your own sense of well-being. When a parent or someone dies it doesn't have to be huge news.
- This will only make things worse and cause you pain to come to terms with the inevitable results. Keep these in mind : When the time comes, do not be sweet and affectionate with your loved one.
- Pretending like everything is fine will only put your family and yourself into a dark loop, and you may react violently just to prove that everything will be okay. For example, maybe you made an effort to stop by your loved one's home before a funeral.
| Though it may be uncomfortable and hard to deal with, not facing the fact that your parent is dying can cause additional stress and pain. If you don't know what to say, listen to what your parent says about death and dying. |
A Student's Song of Heidelberg (German:Ein Burschenlied aus Heidelberg) is a 1930 German musical film directed by Karl Hartl and starring Hans Brausewetter, Betty Bird and Willi Forst. It marked Hartl's directoral debut. The film is in the tradition of the nostalgic Old Heidelberg.
Harti was not involved in film in any way.
A: No
How to catch a crappie<br>Look in lakes, rivers and streams with clear water. Crappie are freshwater fish that are abundant in the wild and stocked in many ponds and lakes in the united states and canada. They're originally from north america, but they can be found in many countries across the world at this point.
Look in lakes,rivers and streams with dirty water.crappie maybe freshwater fish are wild and stocked in many ponds of Canada and only found in some parts of america.
A: No
Art experts said on Monday, that there was an astounding haul from Boston's Gardner Museum -- possibly the biggest art theft in US history.
And expert stated that a person repossessed or permanently borrowed some art from a place that keeps a lot of art.
A: | Yes |
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
[EX Q]: Image copyright British Museum Image caption The Townley Venus has since been fully restored by conservators
A waiter working at the British Museum knocked the thumb off a priceless Roman sculpture, it has emerged.
The accident occurred in December last year, according to The Art Newspaper, but has only just come to light.
The waiter, who was from an external company, had bent down underneath the Townley Venus and knocked its right hand while getting up again.
The thumb was knocked clean off the statue and fell to the floor intact. The statue has now been restored.
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The British Museum said it had taken the incident "seriously".
"This was an unfortunate incident. The preservation of the collection is of fundamental importance," a spokesman for the museum said in a statement.
"Our expert conservators have been able to fully restore the object and it has remained on public display. We have retrained all individuals responsible for events."
The Townley Venus is already missing its index finger, which was broken before the sculpture came to the British Museum.
The sculpture, which depicts a half-naked figure of the goddess of love, is a marble copy of the Greek original and dates from the 1st or 2nd Centuries.
It was excavated in 1775 from the baths at the port of Ostia in Rome and bought by English collector Charles Townley.
It was sold to the British Museum in 1805. The Greek original dates back to the 4th Century BC.
Follow us on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts, on Instagram, or if you have a story suggestion email [email protected]. ||||| When catering a prestigious event, any waiter may fear clumsily dropping a plate or spilling a drink on an eminent guest.
Few will suffer the indignity of accidentally knocking a thumb off a priceless Roman statue with their head.
The British Museum has admitted to an “unfortunate incident” which saw the thumb of the famous Townley Venus knocked clean off by a member of catering staff.
The caterer, who worked for an external company not regularly used by the Museum, had bent down underneath it and bumped into the marble as they got up again.
A spokesman for the museum said it had taken the incident “seriously”, with the sculpture “fully restored” quietly by conservators. ||||| Work on the Townley Venus was "straightforward". (Image: © Trustees of the British Museum)
The Townley Venus, one of the British Museum’s most important Roman sculptures, was damaged when its thumb was knocked off as catering staff were setting up for an evening event last December. Although the British Museum’s trustees were informed about the damage, the news was not released to the press or put into the public domain.The Townley Venus is a Roman copy of a fourth-century BC Greek sculpture of the half-draped, goddess of love. The London museum’s marble copy, just over two metres tall, dates from the first or second centuries AD. Found in Rome in 1775, it was bought by the distinguished English collector Charles Townley. In 1805 his descendants sold the Venus to the British Museum, where it is now prominently displayed.Shortly before 6pm on 10 December 2015, external catering staff were setting up for a corporate event in the room, which has Greek and Roman sculpture. The company is not being identified and the museum uses nine outside caterers. A caterer was working too close to the Venus, which is on a low pedestal, and knocked the figure. The thumb on the right hand broke off and fell to the floor. (A finger on the right hand was broken off before the Venus came to the British Museum.)A spokeswoman for the museum tells The Art Newspaper that the break was clean and the conservation work was “straightforward”. The thumb was fixed back with an adhesive and the work was done in situ while the museum was closed.The spokeswoman says that the museum conducted an investigation after the incident: “We have taken steps to ensure it does not happen again. Any staff who are involved in managing or invigilating events have gone through retraining on the protection of objects before and during events.” In 2012 a visitor knocked off part of the hand of the Townley Venus. This broke along an earlier break and was restored.The Venus is depicted in Zoffany’s 1782 painting of Townley’s antiquities collection, a picture now at the museum and gallery in Burnley. ||||| The British Museum and British Museum Shop use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience, to improve functionality and to make advertising relevant to you and your interests. By clicking on any link on this page, you are consenting to our use of cookies. (Last updated: 6 December 2018) Find out more |||||
[EX A]: A waiter who was all thumbs cost a priceless Roman sculpture one of its own. The BBC reports on the incident at London's British Museum, which the Art Newspaper says took place in December, in which the unfortunate unnamed server from an outside catering vendor was setting up for a corporate function at the museum. The waiter got too close to the low pedestal of the 3-foot Townley Venus—a Proconnesian marble statue of the goddess of love dating from the first or second century and replicating the Greek original created in the fourth century BC—and accidentally headed the statue's right hand (already missing its index finger), breaking off the thumb and knocking it to the ground, per the Telegraph. "This was an unfortunate incident," a museum spokesman says, adding the museum is taking the breakage "seriously" and that "the preservation of the collection is of fundamental importance." The ancient statue was dug up in 1775 from the Roman baths at Ostia and scooped up by an English collector; he sold the sculpture to the museum in 1805. But apparently the appendage reattachment process was seamless, with another museum rep telling the Art Newspaper it was a "clean" break and the adhesive-assisted fix was "straightforward." That rep also notes that any staff members involved in special events at the museum have been rebriefed on how to work around the venue's antiquities. (A $15,000 Lego sculpture was trashed in its very first hour exhibiting.)
[EX Q]: A woman standing behind Pope Francis before he entered the House Chamber was caught on a live mic saying she wanted to “take my shoe off and throw it.”
Watch, via CNN.
Here’s a Soundcloud of the women’s statement, ripped by RedState’s Erick Erickson.
It’s worth noting that nothing the woman said necessarily indicates that Francis was the target of the shoe. Keep in mind that while Francis was in shoe range, so was Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.
[Image via screengrab]
>>Follow Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) on Twitter
Have a tip we should know? [email protected] ||||| I was listening to the press pool’s open microphone as Pope Francis entered the House of Representatives’ Chamber. Standing behind the Pope was an army of reporters and their cameras and open microphones.
I had my studio headphones on listening to the chatter of the reporters when suddenly, distinctly, I heard a reporter say she wanted to take off her shoe and throw it. Seriously.
Listen for yourself.
Maybe, to be charitable, her feet were hurting. But it was definitely caught on tape and aired live on CNN right after Wolf Blitzer tuned in for live coverage. |||||
[EX A]: Something about Pope Francis' visit to Congress this morning apparently made one mystery woman want to resort to footwear-related violence. Mediaite reports a live mic caught a woman standing behind the pope saying she wanted to "take my shoe off and throw it" just before Francis entered the House Chamber. The bizarre remark aired live on CNN, and RedState claims it came from an unidentified reporter. Mediaite states it's unclear who or what was the target of the woman's ire, but points out that Francis, Joe Biden, and Harry Reid were all within shoe-throwing range.
[EX Q]: "Sex work is simply work. For me it was honest work. I was a sex worker when I was young. It was hard but well paid. There's no shame in it," she said while expanding on a chapter of her life she appears to have rarely discussed. ||||| Tweet with a location
You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications. You always have the option to delete your Tweet location history. Learn more ||||| I support sex workers because I was one and I know that it's a job that's needlessly shunned by society when frankly we should be worshipped
03:20 ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ - ಅಕ್ಟೋ 29,2015 ||||| Sentient merkin and presidential hopeful Donald Trump is hosting “Saturday Night Live” on November 7th, much to the chagrin of many average viewers and some famous ones too. Margaret Cho put “SNL” and its producers on blast on “The Wrap” for courting this probable shitshow:
“Why has there never been an Asian-American host, cast member or musical guest on ‘SNL’ in 41 years? Forty-one years…Yet they want Donald Trump, a known racist, a known sexist, who disgustingly wants to have sex with his daughter. Who does he think he is, Woody Allen?”
She’s not wrong. Donald Trump is, indeed, a known racist. He’s also a guaranteed ratings draw, a clear grab at eyeballs and attention. Whether or not you like Trump or not, the fact that he’ll be on “SNL” is almost enough to make you clear your schedule and plop down in front of the show just to see how it all works out.
“Saturday Night Live” is the only cultural institution in our great nation that has the ability to endear the public to figures that are otherwise noxious and horrible. This isn’t always true — see Miley Cyrus and Lena Dunham — but, there’s something about seeing a celebrity read cue cards and woodenly emote that warms hearts and makes you feel the teensiest, tiniest bit sorry for them. Being on “SNL” is either a dream or a nightmare, and watching famous people figure out where they stand, on live television, in front of a studio audience is compelling television.
This is one way to get ratings, I guess, but giving a walking, talking, breathing squirrel pelt with more money than Scrooge McDuck a nationally visible platform in which to make noise with his mouth feels egregious. Tune in if you must, because train wrecks observed from the comfort of your own home, with your weed and your snacks and your soft pants are the best kind, but think about it before you do. The internet will give you all you need to know about what he did or didn’t do the next day. Maybe that’s all you need.
Image via Getty ||||| @MigrantSexWork Replying to @margaretcho @margaretcho Glad someone did! Also check out our org @MigrantSexWork , north america's only advocacy group focused on migrants in sex trade |||||
[EX A]: | Apparently in response to public shaming of sex workers, Margaret Cho opened up on Twitter Thursday about her past in just that line of work, the New York Daily News reports. "Sex work is simply work. For me it was honest work. I was a sex worker when I was young. It was hard but well paid. There's no shame in it," the comedian wrote. "I support sex workers because I was one and I know that it's a job that's needlessly shunned by society when frankly we should be worshipped," she continued. Then: "Sex workers are glorified in the Bible! Mary Magdalene was a whore and Jesus loved her. The Bible has been turned against us by jealous men." Asked by a follower if her sex work resulted in relationship problems later, Cho got even more candid: "I don't believe so. I think being molested as a child had more to do with that. But as a sex worker I had power+$$$ ... I have way more PTSD from rape. That's real. Sex work was just a good way to make money. ... I found my strength as a sex worker and gained a lot of power as I grew." She says she'll do what she can to protect the rights of sex workers, tweeting: "It's hard work that's not protected by law enforcement or unions. It's unfair. We have the right to our bodies +work." As for why she hasn't talked about this before? "Aw nobody asked! XOXOXOXO" Cho responded to a follower. (Click to find out why she doesn't think Donald Trump should host SNL.)
You might think of brunch as an overingulgent meal--or maybe just as an excuse to drink Champagne in the morning. But whether you're all about eggs benedict or prefer fluffy pancakes, these lightened-up brunch recipes taste like your weekend morning favorites, without any of the guilt. Protein-packed smoothies, healthy egg dishes and lots of fruits and veggies are the key to keeping brunch healthy and delicious. Whether you're looking for something sweet or savory, we have a healthy brunch recipe for every occasion.
Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text?
If there are no pancakes and champagne, it's not brunch.
Choose from:
A). Yes;
B). It's impossible to say;
C). No; | C). |
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Q: Prime minister makes surprise announcement outside No 10, saying she has delivered stability after the Brexit referendum result • Theresa May announces UK general election - live
Theresa May has said she wants to hold a snap general election on 8 June, despite repeatedly claiming that she was against the idea of an early vote.
In a surprise statement outside Downing Street on Tuesday morning, the prime minister claimed that opposition parties were jeopardising her government’s preparations for Brexit.
“We need a general election and we need one now,” she said. “I have only recently and reluctantly come to this conclusion but now I have concluded it is the only way to guarantee certainty for the years ahead.”
May claimed the decision she would put to voters in the election, the announcement of which was a tightly guarded secret known only by her closest aides, would be all about “leadership”.
May's general election announcement annotated Read more
The prime minister may have been swayed by recent polls that placed the Conservatives 21 points ahead of Labour despite a policy blitz by Jeremy Corbyn’s party. She will hope to boost a slim working majority of 17 in order to help pass both domestic and Brexit-linked legislation.
In her statement, May said her government was trying to deliver on last year’s referendum result by making sure Britain regained control and struck new trade deals.
“After the country voted to leave the EU, Britain needed certainty, stability and strong leadership. Since I became prime minister the government has delivered precisely that,” she said, but claimed that other political parties had opposed her efforts.
This is no general election, it’s a coup – MPs have a duty to stop Theresa May | Anne Perkins Read more
“The country is coming together but Westminster is not. Labour have threatened to vote against the final agreement we reach. The Lib Dems have said they want to grind the business of government to a standstill. Unelected members of the House of Lords have vowed to fight us every step of the way.”
The prime minister later repeated her suggestion that she was taking the decision reluctantly, arguing that she had decided to go for the election last week. “Before Easter I spent a few days walking in Wales with my husband, I thought about this long and hard and came to the decision that to provide for that stability and certainty, this was the way to do it,” she told ITV’s political editor, Robert Peston.
She added that she was asking the British people to put their trust in her. Pressed on the notion that it was more about personal and party interest than for the sake of the country, she disagreed. “This is a decision that I’ve taken reluctantly in the national interest,” said May, arguing that a decisive election victory would strengthen the government’s hand in Brexit negotiations.
Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, May cannot call an election directly, but she said she would lay down a motion in the House of Commons. This will require two-thirds of MPs to back it. The Commons vote will follow a 90-minute debate on Wednesday, after Prime Minister’s Questions and any urgent questions or ministerial statements, May’s official spokesman said.
Play Video 1:01 'I welcome the opportunity': Jeremy Corbyn on 8 June general election
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour party, said he welcomed the decision, suggesting his MPs would back the Commons motion.
“I welcome the prime minister’s decision to give the British people the chance to vote for a government that will put the interests of the majority first. Labour will be offering the country an effective alternative to a government that has failed to rebuild the economy, delivered falling living standards and damaging cuts to our schools and NHS.
“In the last couple of weeks, Labour has set out policies that offer a clear and credible choice for the country. We look forward to showing how Labour will stand up for the people of Britain.”
Currently, the Conservatives have 330 MPs, giving the party its working majority of 17. Labour has 229, the SNP 54, and the LibDems 8. Minor parties and independents hold the remaining seats, in a 650 strong Commons.
Keir Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary, said that the country was more divided than it ever had been during his lifetime. “That represents a complete failure by Theresa May to bring the country together behind a bold and confident future for Britain outside the EU,” he said.
“Every step of the way Labour has sought to put the national interest first and to build a national consensus around our future relationship with the EU – not as members, but as partners.
“That is why Labour did not frustrate the article 50 process in parliament. It is why Labour has set six tests for the final Brexit deal that would deliver the best possible deal for everyone in Britain, whether they voted remain or leave.
“This general election is a result of the prime minister’s failure to build a national consensus. It is also an opportunity for Labour to set out an inclusive, progressive and ambitious future for Britain.”
One of Corbyn’s backbench Labour critics, Tom Blenkinsop, who represents Middlesbrough south and east Cleveland, said he would not be standing for re-election.
The Lib Dems will hope to turn the election into a second referendum on the type of Brexit being pursued by the government, but Labour’s more nuanced position on leaving the EU will make it difficult for them to follow suit.
The Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron, said: “This election is your chance to change the direction of our country. If you want to avoid a disastrous hard Brexit, if you want to keep Britain in the single market, if you want a Britain that is open, tolerant and united, this is your chance. Only the Liberal Democrats can prevent a Conservative majority.
A senior Lib Dem source said the party had been preparing for a snap general election since before the referendum, with 300 candidates selected and many in place for over a year, particularly in the south-west. Battle buses have also already been reserved. Farron is this week visiting Cornwall, a key battleground for the party, and is expected to make a speech about the election later on Tuesday.
Catherine West, the Labour MP for Hornsey and Wood Green and shadow Foreign Office minister, said: “I welcome the opportunity to highlight the gross failings of the Conservative government since 2015 and their Lib Dem partners in their first term.
“The country has been badly let down by the ruthless and ideological decisions made by the government across the NHS, social care, education and the economy.”
The MP said that she voted not to trigger article 50 but wanted Labour to hold the government to account on Brexit through the campaign to ensure environmental protection, economic security and workers’ rights. ||||| Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The moment PM called for general election
UK Prime Minister Theresa May has announced plans to call a snap general election on 8 June.
She said Britain needed certainty, stability and strong leadership following the EU referendum.
Explaining the decision, Mrs May said: "The country is coming together but Westminster is not."
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said his party wanted the election, calling it a chance to get a government that puts "the majority first".
The prime minister will refuse to take part in televised leader debates ahead of the vote, Number 10 sources said.
Mr Corbyn said Mrs May should not be "dodging" a head-to-head encounter, and the Lib Dems urged broadcasters to "empty-chair" the prime minister - hold a debate without her.
Live TV debates took place for the first time in a UK general election in 2010, and the experiment was repeated in 2015 using a range of different formats.
A BBC spokesman said that it was too early to say whether the broadcaster would put in a bid to stage a debate.
There will be a vote in the House of Commons on Wednesday to approve the election plan - the prime minister needs two thirds of MPs to vote in favour to bring forward the next scheduled election date of 2020.
Explaining her change of heart on an early election, Mrs May said: "I have concluded the only way to guarantee certainty and security for years ahead is to hold this election."
She accused Britain's other political parties of "game playing", adding that this risks "our ability to make a success of Brexit and it will cause damaging uncertainty and instability to the country".
"So we need a general election and we need one now. We have at this moment a one-off chance to get this done while the European Union agrees its negotiating position and before the detailed talks begin.
Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Jeremy Corbyn: "I want to lead a government that will transform this country"
"I have only recently and reluctantly come to this conclusion. Since I became prime minister I've said there should be no election until 2020, but now I have concluded that the only way to guarantee certainty and security for the years ahead is to hold this election and seek your support for the decisions we must take."
In a statement outside Number 10, Mrs May said Labour had threatened to vote against the final Brexit agreement and cited opposition to her plans from the Scottish National Party, the Lib Dems and "unelected" members of the House of Lords.
"If we don't hold a general election now, their political game-playing will continue and the negotiations with the European Union will reach their most difficult stage in the run-up to the next scheduled election," she said.
Analysis: By BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg
Senior government sources point to a specific factor that changed the prime minister's calculation on an early election.
The end of the likely tortuous Article 50 negotiations is a hard deadline set for March 2019.
Under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act, that's when the Tories would be starting to prepare for a general election the following year, with what one cabinet minister described as certain "political needs".
In other words, the government would be exposed to hardball from the EU because ministers would be desperate to avoid accepting anything that would be politically unpopular, or hold the Brexit process up, at the start of a crucial election cycle.
Ministers say that's the central reason for May's change of heart because "if there was an election in three years, we'd be up against the clock".
Read Laura's latest blog in full
The PM challenged the opposition parties: "Let us tomorrow vote for an election - let us put forward our plans for Brexit and our alternative programmes for government and then let the people decide.
"The decision facing the country will be all about leadership. It will be a choice between strong and stable leadership in the national interest, with me as your prime minister, or weak and unstable coalition government, led by Jeremy Corbyn, propped up by the Liberal Democrats - who want to reopen the divisions of the referendum - and Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP."
Mr Corbyn said he welcomed the prime minister's decision, saying it would "give the British people the chance to vote for a government that will put the interests of the majority first", saying that this would include dealing with "the crisis" in housing, education funding and the NHS and pushing for an "economy that works for all".
He told the BBC: "I'm starting straight away and I'm looking forward to it and we'll take our message to every single part of this country... We're campaigning to win this election - that's the only question now."
Asked if he will be the next prime minister, the Labour leader said: "If we win the election - yes - and I want to lead a government that will transform this country, give real hope to everybody and above all bring about a principle of justice for everybody and economic opportunities for everybody."
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she would be fighting the election "to win".
"I think the prime minister has called this election for selfish, narrow, party political interests, but she has called it and therefore I relish the prospect of getting out to stand up for Scotland's interests and values, standing up for Scotland's voice being heard and standing against the ability of a right-wing Conservative Party to impose whatever policies it wants on Scotland."
Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Lib Dem leader Tim Farron says the 8 June election presents a fantastic opportunity
In his response to Mrs May's announcement, Lib Dem leader Tim Farron tweeted: "This is your chance to change the direction of your country. If you want to avoid a disastrous hard Brexit. If you want to keep Britain in the single market. If you want a Britain that is open, tolerant and united, this is your chance."
He also accused the PM of "bottling" the TV debates and urged broadcasters to "empty chair" her if she refused to take part.
MPs known to be standing down at the election:
Alan Johnson - Labour
Tom Blenkinsop - Labour
Jim Fitzpatrick - Labour
Oliver Letwin - Conservative
Pat Glass - Labour
Kenneth Clarke - Conservative
Simon Burns - Conservative
Ronnie Campbell - Labour
Mrs May spoke to the Queen on the phone on Easter Monday to let her know of the election plan, the prime minister's official spokesman said. She also got the full backing of the cabinet before calling the election.
Former prime minister David Cameron called Theresa May's decision to hold a snap general election "brave and right". In a tweet, he added: "My very best wishes to all Conservative candidates."
Another ex-PM, Tony Blair, said voters need to put election candidates under "sustained pressure" to say whether or not they would vote against a Brexit deal which does not deliver the same benefits as single market membership - or against a "damaging" decision to leave without a deal.
"This should cross party lines," he added.
British business groups gave a mixed response to the prime minister's sudden call for a general election, as the pound jumped on the news and shares fell.
European Council President Donald Tusk's spokesman said the 27 other EU states would forge ahead with Brexit, saying the UK election would not change their plans.
He added: "We expect to have the Brexit guidelines adopted by the European Council on 29 April and following that the Brexit negotiating directives ready on 22 May. This will allow the EU27 to start negotiations." |||||
A: | British Prime Minister Theresa May dropped what's seen as a political bombshell Tuesday with a surprise call for an early election in June. The next election had been scheduled for 2020, and May had repeatedly ruled out a snap election before then, but the fallout over Brexit has changed things, reports the Guardian. "I have concluded the only way to guarantee certainty and security for years ahead is to hold this election," said May, per the BBC. Last month, May formally set things in motion for Britain to exit the European Union in two years, and she complained Tuesday that opposition parties, including Labour, were threatening to hold up the process. “The country is coming together but Westminster is not," she said. Essentially, May is betting that voters will give her ruling Conservative Party a mandate as the complex EU negotiations continue, explains the New York Times. The flip side, of course, is that a loss would cast "deep uncertainty" over the talks, notes the Washington Post. May's party currently holds 330 seats of the 650-seat House of Commons. She wants the election held on June 8, but it's not a certainty: May will formally propose the idea to the House of Commons on Wednesday, where it must be approved by a two-thirds majority. May could also try to repeal the 2011 law requiring that two-thirds majority, notes the Times. |
How to lip sync
Choose a song you love.
If you're in love with the material you're working with, that passion will shine through on stage. Choose a song that you're passionate about and that has personal meaning for you when lip syncing.
Not only will you look happier performing if you love a song, you're less likely to slip up. If you really love a piece of music, you've probably listened to it over and over again.
The woman wipes the window behind her with a towel. The woman sprays a liquid on the window. the woman
resumes wiping the window.
How to avoid disqualification during an individual medley
Be careful at the beginning of the race.
The first chance to dq is before you even start your swim, when you step up on the block. When the official says, " take your mark, " you must take your mark and not move until the signal to start is given.
You cannot move your feet, hands, head or chest after you take a position. Watch for an error when pulling out.
People in stands watch as two bulls walk around in a bullfighting ring, other people walk around in the ring taking pictures. The bulls lock horns, and are aggressive toward one another. one bull
| walks away from the other one, and then quickly turns to reengage in the fight. |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
One example: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini.
Solution is here: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini.
Explanation: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels".
Now, solve this: Gideon argued that he had been denied a lawyer , which violated his Sixth Amendment rights .
Solution: | Gideon argued in his appeal that he had been denied counsel and , therefore , his Sixth Amendment rights , as applied to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment , had been violated . |
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
What shape is the chloroplasts in Desmidiales?, Context: In land plants, chloroplasts are generally lens-shaped, 5–8 μm in diameter and 1–3 μm thick. Greater diversity in chloroplast shapes exists among the algae, which often contain a single chloroplast that can be shaped like a net (e.g., Oedogonium), a cup (e.g., Chlamydomonas), a ribbon-like spiral around the edges of the cell (e.g., Spirogyra), or slightly twisted bands at the cell edges (e.g., Sirogonium). Some algae have two chloroplasts in each cell; they are star-shaped in Zygnema, or may follow the shape of half the cell in order Desmidiales. In some algae, the chloroplast takes up most of the cell, with pockets for the nucleus and other organelles (for example some species of Chlorella have a cup-shaped chloroplast that occupies much of the cell).
A: | half the cell |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
[Q]: Of the three vote percentages mentioned, in which year did Emomali win by neither the smallest nor the largest margin?, Context: The nation almost immediately fell into civil war that involved various factions fighting one another; these factions were often distinguished by clan loyalties. More than 500,000 residents fled during this time because of persecution, increased poverty and better economic opportunities in the West or in other former Soviet republics. Emomali Rahmon came to power in 1992, defeating former prime minister Abdumalik Abdullajanov in a November presidential election with 58% of the vote. The elections took place shortly after the end of the war, and Tajikistan was in a state of complete devastation. The estimated dead numbered over 100,000. Around 1.2 million people were refugees inside and outside of the country. In 1997, a ceasefire was reached between Rahmon and opposition parties under the guidance of Gerd D. Merrem, Special Representative to the Secretary General, a result widely praised as a successful United Nations peace keeping initiative. The ceasefire guaranteed 30% of ministerial positions would go to the opposition. Elections were held in 1999, though they were criticized by opposition parties and foreign observers as unfair and Rahmon was re-elected with 98% of the vote. Elections in 2006 were again won by Rahmon (with 79% of the vote) and he began his third term in office. Several opposition parties boycotted the 2006 election and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) criticized it, although observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States claimed the elections were legal and transparent. Rahmon's administration came under further criticism from the OSCE in October 2010 for its censorship and repression of the media. The OSCE claimed that the Tajik Government censored Tajik and foreign websites and instituted tax inspections on independent printing houses that led to the cessation of printing activities for a number of independent newspapers.
[A]: 2006
[Q]: Which company was being sued in 1999 by Schwarzenegger for making claims regarding his steroid use?, Context: In 1999, Schwarzenegger sued Dr. Willi Heepe, a German doctor who publicly predicted his early death on the basis of a link between his steroid use and his later heart problems. As the doctor had never examined him personally, Schwarzenegger collected a US$10,000 libel judgment against him in a German court. In 1999, Schwarzenegger also sued and settled with The Globe, a U.S. tabloid which had made similar predictions about the bodybuilder's future health.
[A]: The Globe
[Q]: What can be said about Analog tape recorders today?, Context: Analog tape recorders with bandwidth capable of recording analog HD signals, such as W-VHS recorders, are no longer produced for the consumer market and are both expensive and scarce in the secondary market.
[A]: | both expensive and scarce
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Q: Madame White Snake: East Asian Femme Fatale of Old The Chinese legend of Madame White Snake, the snake demon that takes human form and becomes the wife of a man, has exerted a lasting influence over East Asian folktales and fiction for centuries. Two quintessential novellas, "The Lust of the White Serpant" from Ugetsu Monogatari by the Japanese author Ueda Akinari and "Eternal Prisoner under Thunder Peak Pagoda" a traditional Chinese story, are both relatively complex and demonstrate not only the evolution of the White Snake figure to become a more believable human, but also what aspects may have given her enduring appeal. While both these stories are ostensibly morality tales about the dangerous beauty of this femme fatale, the true source of pleasure from these narratives is the femme fatale's transgressive behavior, not her eventual punishment for it. Early tales of Madame White Snake appeared in China as early as the Song Dynasty, and initially her portrayal was fairly direct, as a villainous demon who drains the life force out of her human husband. But over time, characterizations of her became more complex, and the persona of Madame White Snake became more sympathetic, and perhaps even a model of the ideal Confucian wife, particularly in "Pagoda". Whalen Lai notes, "She was a loving wife, a caring mother, rescuer of her family from the first flood, and, at that point, a general benefactor of man. She took on the virtues of a traditional Chinese female, particularly forbearance". But if she were really an ideal wife, why could she not live happily with her human mate? Her dangerous sexuality is the key. Femme fatale might seem an unusual term to apply to a character from pre-modern Chinese and Japanese literature who may exemplify the virtues of an ideal Confucian wife, since it is primarily associated with film characters, particularly those of the film noir genre. But this term, which is relatively speaking, a neologism (The earliest uses were around the beginning of the 20th century <sep>What are the stories "The Lust of the White Serpant" from Ugetsu Monogatari by the Japanese author Ueda Akinari and "Eternal Prisoner under Thunder Peak Pagoda" a traditional Chinese story, about?<sep>While both these stories are ostensibly morality tales about the dangerous beauty of this femme fatale, the true source of pleasure from these narratives is the femme fatale's transgressive behavior, not her eventual punishment for it
A: | Yes |
Bullseye Preparesness & Outdoors Expo will feature preparedness and outdoors vendors and exhibitors and a variety of classes, presentations, demonstrations, prizes and giveaways for attendees. Learn new skills, brush up on old ones! Emergency preparedness, survival, camping, hiking, bushcraft, self-reliance, homesteading, sustainability, alternative energy, communications.
My dad is an exhibitor at the Bullseye Preparesness & Outdoors Expo. He gives multiple presentations and demonstrations on emergency preparedness, survival, camping, hiking, bushcraft, self-reliance, homesteading, sustainability, alternative energy, and communications.
A: It's impossible to say
That might not sound bad to the Minister of Finance or to the Minister of Health, Mr. Speaker, but if your mother or your aunt or one of your family had to spend the next nine, ten or twelve months of their lives not being able to pour a cup of tea for themselves or not being able to walk across the kitchen, you would have to say that there is something seriously wrong with the Canadian health care system.
The Minister of finance is upset with Canadian health care.
A: It's impossible to say
How to build a motor<br>Wind wire around a cylindrical object like a pen or pencil cell. This coil of wire will be the moving motor armature. If the wire is thick then the diameter of the coil should be larger.
Wind wire was used by tammy
A: | It's impossible to say |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
An emergency telephone is a special telephone that can be used in an emergency situation . | An emergency telephone is a phone specifically provided for making calls to emergency services and is most often found in a place of special danger or where it is likely that there will be a need to make emergency calls . |
Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Input: Discover is the fourth largest credit card brand in the U.S., behind Visa, MasterCard and American Express, with nearly 44 million cardholders.
Output: | is the discover card a visa or mastercard? |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Which land along with Prussia made up the Kingdom of Prussia?, Context: Although Brandenburg was a part of the Holy Roman Empire, the Prussian lands were not within the Holy Roman Empire and were with the administration by the Teutonic Order grandmasters under jurisdiction of the Emperor. In return for supporting Emperor Leopold I in the War of the Spanish Succession, Elector Frederick III was allowed to crown himself "King in Prussia" in 1701. The new kingdom ruled by the Hohenzollern dynasty became known as the Kingdom of Prussia. The designation "Kingdom of Prussia" was gradually applied to the various lands of Brandenburg-Prussia. To differentiate from the larger entity, the former Duchy of Prussia became known as Altpreußen ("Old Prussia"), the province of Prussia, or "East Prussia".
Did the Tulsa Talons move to San Antonio first or did the Tulsa Shock move to Dallas-Fort Worth first?, Context: Oklahoma has teams in basketball, football, arena football, baseball, soccer, hockey, and wrestling located in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Enid, Norman, and Lawton. The Oklahoma City Thunder of the National Basketball Association (NBA) is the state's only major league sports franchise. The state had a team in the Women's National Basketball Association, the Tulsa Shock, from 2010 through 2015, but the team relocated to Dallas–Fort Worth after that season and became the Dallas Wings. Oklahoma supports teams in several minor leagues, including Minor League Baseball at the AAA and AA levels (Oklahoma City Dodgers and Tulsa Drillers, respectively), hockey's ECHL with the Tulsa Oilers, and a number of indoor football leagues. In the last-named sport, the state's most notable team was the Tulsa Talons, which played in the Arena Football League until 2012, when the team was moved to San Antonio. The Oklahoma Defenders replaced the Talons as Tulsa's only professional arena football team, playing the CPIFL. The Oklahoma City Blue, of the NBA Development League, relocated to Oklahoma City from Tulsa in 2014, where they were formerly known as the Tulsa 66ers. Tulsa is the base for the Tulsa Revolution, which plays in the American Indoor Soccer League. Enid and Lawton host professional basketball teams in the USBL and the CBA.
Tulsa Talons
One of the four elements of marketing, that involves making a product available to a consumer or buisness is called?, Context: In March 2012, Sony Music reportedly closed its Philippines office due to piracy, causing to move distribution of SME in the Philippines to Ivory Music.
| distribution
IN: What happens next?
How to screen share on skype
Open skype.
Click the blue icon with a white " s " on it to open skype. If you login credentials are saved, this will open your skype home page.
OUT: If you aren't logged in, enter your skype email address (or phone number) and password to continue. If you're on windows, make sure you're using the downloadable version of skype-not the pre-installed windows version.
IN: What happens next?
How to run exe from cmd on pc or mac
Open your computer's start menu.
Click the start button in the lower-left corner of your desktop to open your start menu.
Type and search cmd on the start menu.
OUT: Command prompt should show up at the top of the search results. Click command prompt on the start menu.
IN: What happens next?
How to clean rancid grease from cabinets
Cover all surfaces where the degreaser may be spilled or splashed upon.
( see warnings. )
Remove all cabinet hardware.
OUT: | If possible, remove the cabinet doors and hinges. Soak the hinges and hardware in full-strength degreaser and clean them well before rehanging the doors. |
Part 1. Definition
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Part 2. Example
Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Answer: No
Explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Part 3. Exercise
Surely, you have noticed the tall poles along the roadside. Do you know what is on top of those poles? Thats right, wires that carry electric current. These wires carry electric current to your home. But what is electric current? Electric current is actually the flow of electrons. You may recall, an electron is the outer-most particle in an atom. They have a negative charge. Electricity is the continuous flow of these particles. Electrons are able to move through wires. Their speed can even be measured. The SI unit for electric current (or speed) is the ampere (A). Ampere is often shortened to amp. Electric current may flow in just one direction, or it may keep reversing direction. Direct current (DC) flows in only one direction. Direct current is what is used in devices like flashlights. Alternating current (AC) flows in two directions. This is the type of current that flows into your home through wires. <sep>How is alternating current different from direct current?<sep>Alternating current can go in two directions, Direct just in one
Answer: | Yes |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
My father was named James Page Jackson because he was born on the old Jackson plantation in Lancaster county, Virginia. He named one of his daughters Lancaster for a middle name in memory of his old home. Clarice Lancaster Jackson was her full name. A man named Galloway bought my father and brought him to Arkansas. Some called him by the name of Galloway, but my father always had all his children keep the name Jackson. There were fourteen of us, but only ten lived to grow up. He belonged to Mr. Galloway at the time of my birth, but even at that, I did not take the name Galloway as it would seem like I should. My father was a good carpenter; he was a fine cook, too; learned that back in Virginia. I'll tell you something interesting. The first cook stove ever brought to this town was one my father had his master to bring. He was cook at the Anthony House. You know about that, don't you? It was the first real fine hotel in Little Rock. When father went there to be head cook, all they had to cook on was big fireplaces and the big old Dutch ovens. Father just kept on telling about the stoves they had in Virginia, and at last they sent and got him one; it had to come by boat and took a long time. My father was proud that he was the one who set the first table ever spread in the Anthony House. <sep>Why was a cook stove brought to Arkansas?<sep>He wanted to move there
Output: | No |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Q: This technology is called a?, Context: The Macintosh's minimal memory became apparent, even compared with other personal computers in 1984, and could not be expanded easily. It also lacked a hard disk drive or the means to easily attach one. Many small companies sprang up to address the memory issue. Suggestions revolved around either upgrading the memory to 512 KB or removing the computer's 16 memory chips and replacing them with larger-capacity chips, a tedious and difficult operation. In October 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh 512K, with quadruple the memory of the original, at a price of US$3,195. It also offered an upgrade for 128k Macs that involved replacing the logic board.
A: | personal computers |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
For thousands of years, people have found fossils. The fossils caused curiosity about Earths past. How did these organisms live? What type of world did they live in? Fossils can tell us a lot about Earths history. In ancient times, fossils inspired myths and stories. These stories included tales of monsters and other incredible creatures. What type of creature do you know that could inspire such stories? Of course, dinosaur fossils were once mistaken for dragons bones. Two thousand years ago, people discovered fossils in China. At the time, they were thought to be dragon bones. We know now that these were not bones, but fossils. So what is the difference? <sep>How long ago and in what country were the first documented fossils found?<sep>2000 years ago in China
The Golden Heian Era: The geomancers in 794 decided that Heian-kyo (modern Kyoto) would be an auspicious site for the imperial family. It was indeed — until 1869. Grants of tax-free land over the years had been made to Buddhist temples and members of the court aristocracy. The most powerful families thus carved out for themselves whole regions that were to become the fiefdoms of Japanese feudalism. By the end of the eighth century the clans had created a hierarchy of shiki, or rights, from the highest to the lowest ranks of society. The aristocrat or court patron lent his prestige to a powerful provincial proprietor, who employed a competent estate-manager to oversee smallholders, who in turn worked their farms with dependent laborers. This elaborate structure of interdependent rights and obligations was to serve Japanese society right into the 20th century. Meanwhile, Heian court life blossomed in an effusion of aesthetic expression. Princes and princesses judged the merits of birds, insects, flowers, roots, or seashells. Literary party games held in ornate palace gardens required each guest to compose a small poem as his wine cup floated toward him along a miniature winding channel of water. Expeditions were organized to the best viewing points for the first spring cherry blossoms, and special pavilions were built to watch the rising of the full moon. Every gesture, from the most banal opening of an umbrella to the sublimest act of lovemaking, had its appropriate ceremonial. Conversation often took the form of elegant exchanges of improvised verse. The changing role of Chinese culture in Japanese life was epitomized in the language itself. In the absence of an indigenous alphabet, Japanese scholars had with the greatest difficulty tried to adapt the complex ideograms of monosyllabic Chinese to the essentially polysyllabic Japanese. Thus developed the katakana system used as a vehicle for writing Buddhist names and concepts. After rival Fujiwara factions had been struggling for years to gain control of the imperial throne, they turned to the Taira and Minamoto armies in 1156 to wage the four-year war that heralded the end of the golden age of the Heian court. The Taira, controlling the region along the Inland Sea, defeated the Minamoto armies based in the Kanto province east of the capital. <sep>What time period was Heian-kyo used as a site for the imperial family?<sep>From 794 to 1869
Recommendation: Congressional oversight for intelligence-and counterterrorism-is now dysfunctional. Congress should address this problem. We have considered various alternatives: A joint committee on the old model of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy is one. A single committee in each house of Congress, combining authorizing and appropriating authorities, is another. The new committee or committees should conduct continuing studies of the activities of the intelligence agencies and report problems relating to the development and use of intelligence to all members of the House and Senate. We have already recommended that the total level of funding for intelligence be made public, and that the national intelligence program be appropriated to the National Intelligence Director, not to the secretary of defense. We also recommend that the intelligence committee should have a subcommittee specifically dedicated to oversight, freed from the consuming responsibility of working on the budget. The resolution creating the new intelligence committee structure should grant subpoena authority to the committee or committees. The majority party's representation on this committee should never exceed the minority's representation by more than one. Four of the members appointed to this committee or committees should be a member who also serves on each of the following additional committees: Armed Services, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, and the Defense Appropriations subcommittee. In this way the other major congressional interests can be brought together in the new committee's work. Members should serve indefinitely on the intelligence committees, without set terms, thereby letting them accumulate expertise. The committees should be smaller-perhaps seven or nine members in each house-so that each member feels a greater sense of responsibility, and accountability, for the quality of the committee's work. The leaders of the Department of Homeland Security now appear before 88 committees and subcommittees of Congress. One expert witness (not a member of the administration) told us that this is perhaps the single largest obstacle impeding the department's successful development. The one attempt to consolidate such committee authority, the House Select Committee on Homeland Security, may be eliminated. The Senate does not have even this. Congress needs to establish for the Department of Homeland Security the kind of clear authority and responsibility that exist to enable the Justice Department to deal with crime and the Defense Department to deal with threats to national security. <sep>What are some of the problems Homeland Security faces right now?<sep>They do not have the necessary funding
| No
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Problem:After becoming disabled in a machete attack on a visit to his native Haiti, Jean-Claude Joseph needed help persuading his landlord to move him from a fifth-floor apartment to one on the ground floor. Isaac Benjamin became ensnared in a bureaucratic snafu that took away his Social Security disability payments for more than two years. The story of Martha, a woman from Sierra Leone, was more compelling. Beaten, raped and tortured in her politically repressive homeland, she knowingly used someone else's passport to escape to America, but was caught by immigration authorities upon her arrival. She desperately sought political asylum. Not the kind of cases that lead to ground-breaking upheavals in the law, but the kind of cases that are handled day in and day out by lawyers for the legally disenfranchised who have no where else to turn. The work of attorneys from Legal Services of New Jersey will be highlighted in a onehour documentary, "Quest for Justice," to be aired 9 p.m. today on New Jersey Network. Produced by NYD2, a communications firm based in Somerset, the documentary features case histories of clients whose needs ranged from housing to fighting off deportation. Joseph, a 54-year-old naturalized citizen, turned to Legal Services when the landlord of his federally subsidized apartment complex in Elizabeth turned a deaf ear to his request for a ground-floor apartment. Having lost the use of his left arm in warding off the machete attack during a robbery attempt, Joseph said he found it increasingly difficult to negotiate the five flights of stairs lugging groceries or laundry on the frequent occasions when the building's elevator was out of order. "With this, it became impossible for me to stay upstairs," he said, pointing to the scars on his forearm. "If I cannot carry my groceries or my laundry, how can I live?" "It was a compelling case," said Legal Services attorney Stephen St. Hilaire. "The key for us -- and we have to make tough decisions all the time on whether to take a case -- was visualizing what he had to do to get to the fifth floor, struggling with a bag of groceries," he said. Benjamin, 53, of Jersey City had been collecting Social Security disability after undergoing double bypass surgery when the checks stopped coming. He said the agency claimed he had failed to return a form updating the condition of his health. "But what got me was they didn't let me know they didn't get it, they just cut me off," he said, adding he found it impossible to negotiate the Social Security bureaucracy himself. <sep>What is the age of the Jean-Claude Joseph and what happened to his left arm?<sep>54
Solution: | Yes |
How to prevent the spread of genital warts
Understand how genital warts are spread.
The main way genital warts are spread is when infected skin comes in contact with non-infected skin. This skin-on-skin contact spreads the virus from one person to the next.
It most often happens during sex or foreplay. You cannot catch hpv from a surface such as a toilet seat or even a door or sink handle.
How to make a fondant bunny
Wash your hands before beginning.
If preferred, wear disposable gloves.
Rub the white fondant together to get rid of any cracks.
Aim to make a nice, smooth paste. Roll the white fondant into a fat sausage roll shape.
A band is seen playing several instruments on a stage while people dance around them. the band
continues playing while lights flash all around them and people continue dancing.
How to become a padi certified scuba diver
Consult your physician to make sure you're healthy enough to take a scuba course.
Find a facility near you that offers padi-approved diving courses.
( refer to the padi website in the external links section of this article to find the closest dive course.
| ) Contact the facility to find out which personal equipment you will need to own. Most dive courses provide most of the basic equipment but require you to own your own mask, snorkel, * swim fins, boots, gloves, and hood. |
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Q: Story highlights Martha Burk: Augusta National Golf Club, site of the Masters, doesn't admit women
But this year the CEO of IBM, a major sponsor whose CEOs are given membership, is a woman
She says this puts IBM in a bind: Should it ditch sponsorship if CEO not admitted? She says yes
Burk: It's IBM's directors' responsibility to insist their CEO be treated like "one of the boys"
Well, well. The boys at Augusta National Golf Club -- members and sponsors alike -- are in a big bind. Nine years after I led an unsuccessful effort by the National Council of Women's Organizations to open membership in the club to women, the "woman problem" is back.
This time it involves Virginia Rometty, the first female chief executive of IBM. IBM is a major sponsor of Augusta National's Masters Golf Tournament, and up to now its CEOs have always been given membership in the club. But none has ever been a woman. So what happens now -- will Augusta National open its doors to women? Or will IBM pull its sponsorship and force its other executives to resign their club memberships?
These are the only two real choices.
Martha Burk
We've said all along that this is not about golf. It is about access to the places where big business is done, deals are made and careers are boosted or broken. Half of Augusta's membership (which reads like a roster of Fortune 500 CEOs) probably doesn't even care about golf, but the members do care about power relationships. According to Fortune magazine , "golf remains the true communications hub of America's business elite."
Back in 2003 when opposition to the all-male policy was making headlines, I got two calls from sponsors who said they were "in dialogue" with the club. The first was from Coca-Cola, saying its board was going to make a decision after talking to "Warren (Buffett) and Sam (Nunn)," board members who were also Augusta members. I was promised a call in the next two or three days. I'm still waiting.
My second call was much more hostile. It was from IBM, telling me my organization was "forcing" them to do something they didn't want to do, and generally dressing me down for making an issue of the bald-faced sexism that their sponsorship supported.
JUST WATCHED Erin Burnett's essay on Ginnie Rometty Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Erin Burnett's essay on Ginnie Rometty 01:54
A few days later Hootie Johnson, then chairman of Augusta National, stepped to a microphone and announced the club was releasing its sponsors, broadcasting the tournament without commercials. The boys had clearly made a deal that went like this: We'll "release" you as sponsors, you'll keep your mouths shut, and when all this woman stuff blows over you can quietly come back. Two of the three did not return (IBM was the exception), but none of the sponsors ever condemned the male-only policy at Augusta National.
IBM is surely scrambling for what it hopes will be another face-saving deal. The senior golf columnist Steve Elling predicts that club Chairman Billy Payne will offer Rometty a membership a few days after the Masters ends next week: "She shows up at the tournament in 2013 in green, after the gender issue has died down. That way, the club avoids the appearance that Payne has been backed into a corner or forced into making an accommodation."
Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. Telling Rometty to be a good girl and wait a little longer with IBM's collusion would be a disaster -- not only for the company's image, but for Rometty's credibility as its leader. Elling's scenario would scream that IBM values the relationship with a club that proudly discriminates more than it values its own integrity -- or its first female CEO.
What if, on the other hand, Rometty makes an announcement that she's not interested in membership? That won't work either. It would be widely assumed that she was under pressure from the company to make such a statement, and in the bargain accept her second-class status. After all, CEOs (male and female) don't get where they are by making waves. But fixing this shouldn't be put on her. It's the responsibility of the board of directors to insist that their CEO be treated exactly like -- well -- one of the boys.
Besides, whether she would accept a membership is completely irrelevant to the question of the appropriateness of the club's all-male policy and IBM's tacit support of it, and it doesn't get the club out of its bind anyway. Before she can reject a membership, she has to be offered one. If Augusta National admits it was prepared to make an offer but she wouldn't accept, it has admitted that membership is open to women, and it will immediately be asked who the next candidate will be and when. If the club remains silent, IBM's problem reverberates louder.
And saying the gender issue will die down is wishful thinking. The women's movement opened the doors to the executive suites for women like Rometty with 30 years of hard work that made sex discrimination in hiring and promotion in corporate America illegal. If we hadn't raised the ruckus in 2003, you can bet it wouldn't be front and center now. And though we haven't succeeded yet, we won't stop until females are treated equally in corporate-supported venues like Augusta National Golf Club, or until those companies are shamed into pulling support.
If this were about race discrimination and a black (male) CEO, IBM surely wouldn't be in the mix, and no other national sponsor would go near this club. But it's only the girls -- and sex discrimination is just not as serious. Or is it?
We're listening for IBM's answer. ||||| (CNN) -- President Obama on Thursday made clear his view on the membership of women at the Augusta National Golf Club: They should be admitted.
The issue of the membership of the club that hosts most prestigious golf tournament is being scrutinized because the top executive at IBM, Ginni Rometty, is a woman.
IBM's sponsorship of the Masters tournament guarantees club membership for its officers, but the club does not allow women to join.
The White House weighed in Thursday.
"The president's answer is yes, he believes women should be admitted," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters at a briefing.
Specifically, Obama believes it is "up to the club to decide, (but) his personal opinion is that women should be admitted to the club."
The Republican presidential candidates also weighed in. Mitt Romney agreed that it is up to the club to decide on female members when asked about the issue at a campaign event Thursday.
"Of course," he said. "I am not a member of Augusta. I don't know if I would qualify. My golf game is not that good. Certainly if I were a member, if I could run Augusta, which isn't likely to happen, of course I'd have women into Augusta."
Rick Santorum, in a statement e-mailed to reporters, said, "I encourage Augusta to accept women members, but I recognize their right as a private organization to decide for themselves."
Newt Gingrich said his wife, Callista, a golfer herself, would be a "great member."
During his annual media session Wednesday, Billy Payne, chairman of the Augusta National Golf Club, did not comment specifically on Rometty.
"Well, as has been the case, whenever that question is asked, all issues of membership are now and have historically been subject to the private deliberation of members," he said. "That statement remains accurate; it remains my statement."
IBM spokesman Ed Barbini told CNN on Wednesday that the company would not comment on the controversy.
Most Augusta patrons seem untroubled by the policy
The question of Rometty's membership has again brought the gender controversy to the forefront.
Women's rights activist Martha Burk tried to change the exclusionary policy nine years ago when she showed up at the Augusta entrance to lead a series of protests against men-only membership.
Her efforts were in vain.
Now, she says, "the boys" at Augusta, members and sponsors alike, find themselves in a big bind.
"The 'woman problem' is back," she wrote in a column for CNN on Tuesday.
Burk says there are only two choices at hand: Augusta can open its doors to women, or IBM can yank its money and force its male executives to resign from the club.
"Those are the only two options that are viable that are going to wash with the public," Burk told CNN last week.
Augusta's membership -- which includes titans of industry and finance -- has been male-only since the club's opening in 1932.
When Burk tried to change things in 2002, Augusta's then-chairman, Hootie Johnson, resisted, saying that gender integration would not come "at the point of a bayonet."
In 2006, Burk was among a group of Exxon shareholders who accused the company of violating its discrimination policies by supporting the tournament.
Nonmembers can play on the course only when hosted by members.
Augusta is famously secretive about its membership, and the club declined to comment on the issue, as did IBM spokesman Chris Andrews.
"Augusta is a private club, and their personal membership is an internal matter," he said.
IBM, however, has played a role in changing policy before. The company pulled television ads from the PGA Championship when it was played at the whites-only Shoal Creek golf club in Alabama. The club admitted its first African-American in 1990 and now claims former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as a member.
Augusta also did not welcome its first black member until 1990, when Gannett television division president Ron Townsend joined the club.
On the eve of the 2012 Masters opening Thursday, speculation surfaced that Payne, known to be more progressive than his predecessor, would offer Rometty a membership, but only after the tournament ends and the gender debate dies down.
"Sorry, but that dog won't hunt," Burk wrote. "Telling Rometty to be a good girl and wait a little longer with IBM's collusion would be a disaster -- not only for the company's image, but for Rometty's credibility as its leader."
More and more people are asking Augusta to man up and get rid of what they say is a discriminatory policy from the past.
Payne did not announce any sweeping changes from the hot seat Wednesday. That means that Rometty will probably not show up this year in a green jacket.
The question is: Will she ever? |||||
A: | As controversy over the Augusta National Golf Club's men-only policy resurfaces, the White House is taking sides. President Obama "believes women should be admitted," says press secretary Jay Carney. It's "up to the club to decide," but Obama's "personal opinion is that women should be admitted to the club." Meanwhile, a women's rights campaigner who led protests against the club in 2002 is gearing up for a new fight, CNN reports. This time, the debate centers on the exclusion of Virginia Rometty, CEO of Masters sponsor IBM. The activist, Martha Burk, says there are only two ways out: Either Augusta must admit women, or IBM should stop funding the tournament. Some have suggested Rometty might gain membership after the tournament, but that's no good, Burk writes in a CNN column. "Telling Rometty to be a good girl and wait a little longer with IBM's collusion would be a disaster—not only for the company's image, but for Rometty's credibility as its leader." |
What happens next?
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Find your serial number and purchasing information.
Pick from:
i. You can find your serial number and purchase information online. Install windows 7 from an ipad, ipod touch (if you have one), or a windows desktop computer (if you do not have one)..
ii. If you bought from apple, this is the first step on the plan for download of windows 7. If you bought from a company other than apple, you will have the option of downloading the registry software and distributing the security updates..
iii. This is the one you will need to find your system's dashboard and running status when you upgrade your operating system. If you purchased the operating system in 2010, you may still be eligible for a free upgrade, just see below..
iv. You may need this information during the free upgrade process. Contact the people you bought the computer from.. | iv. |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
[EX Q]: While criminal procedure differs by jurisdiction , the process generally begins with a formal criminal charge and results in the or acquittal of the defendant .
[EX A]: While criminal procedure differs dramatically by jurisdiction , the process generally begins with a formal criminal charge with the person on trial either being free on bail or incarcerated , and results in the conviction or acquittal of the defendant .
[EX Q]: The kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units ( SI ) .
[EX A]: The kilogram ( also kilogramme ) is the base unit of mass in the metric system , formally the International System of Units ( SI ) , having the unit symbol kg .
[EX Q]: CBS Broadcasting Inc . ( CBS ) ( full name : Columbia Broadcasting System ) is an American television network .
[EX A]: | CBS ( an initialism of the network 's former name , the Columbia Broadcasting System ) is an American English language commercial broadcast television and radio network that is a flagship property of CBS Corporation .
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
After more than a year of effort, attorneys with Northwest Justice Project earlier this week told 25 families in a mobile home park here that they can keep their homes and no longer need to fear eviction. The East Wenatchee City Council has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Wenatchee Housing Authority authorizing the Authority to purchase and maintain the Mobile Park Plaza mobile home park. Located just north of the Wenatchee Valley Mall, the park had been threatened with closure for more than a year. "We cannot say enough about how relieved we are that this is over," said Manuel Luna, one of the residents of Mobile Park Plaza. "We were afraid that no solution would be found, and that our families would have no place to go. We are very grateful for the help of our attorneys. Without them, we would not have saved our homes. We are also thankful for the help of the Housing Authority, the City Council and Mayor Steve Lacy." Formerly owned by local businessman Dan Jennings, Mobile Park Plaza had been home to 45 low-income families, many of them Latino farm workers. In October 2000 Jennings gave the park residents notice of his intent to close the park effective November 30, 2001. While some park residents decided to move, others, including 25 families, organized an informal association to relocate or save their homes. Unable to afford private legal counsel, the families asked for help from legal services attorneys at the Northwest Justice Project and Columbia Legal Services. In the succeeding months, these attorneys worked with representatives of the Greater Wenatchee Housing Authority, the state Office of Community Development, Chelan County, the City of East Wenatchee, state legislators, Jennings and others to secure funding and find a solution. "There seemed to be a never-ending set of obstacles," said Patrick Pleas, an attorney with Northwest Justice Project. "Mr. Jennings had financial considerations, the City had growth and economic development considerations, and the State and Housing Authority had their own concerns. Thankfully, hard work and good will from all parties allowed us to find a solution that works for everyone." Northwest Justice Project and Columbia Legal Services are non-profit organizations that provide civil legal assistance to low-income individuals and families throughout Washington state. Members of the state's Access to Justice Network, these organizations work with thousands of volunteer attorneys to ensure that justice is available to those who face critical legal problems and can't afford private legal counsel. <sep>Were the residents confident they could take on this fight on their own without legal and Political help?<sep>They state they were grateful and felt they could not have saved their homes without law help and the Mayor's help | Yes |
Q: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
As for engravings, Durer's work was restricted to portraits and illustrations for his treatise. The portraits include Cardinal-Elector Albert of Mainz; Frederick the Wise, elector of Saxony; the humanist scholar Willibald Pirckheimer; Philipp Melanchthon, and Erasmus of Rotterdam. For those of the Cardinal, Melanchthon, and Durer's final major work, a drawn portrait of the Nuremberg patrician Ulrich Starck, Durer depicted the sitters in profile, perhaps reflecting a more mathematical approach. Despite complaining of his lack of a formal classical education, Durer was greatly interested in intellectual matters and learned much from his boyhood friend Willibald Pirckheimer, whom he no doubt consulted on the content of many of his images. He also derived great satisfaction from his friendships and correspondence with Erasmus and other scholars. Durer succeeded in producing two books during his lifetime. "The Four Books on Measurement" were published at Nuremberg in 1525 and was the first book for adults on mathematics in German, as well as being cited later by Galileo and Kepler. The other, a work on city fortifications, was published in 1527. "The Four Books on Human Proportion" were published posthumously, shortly after his death in 1528. <sep>Who engraved the portrait of Cardinal-Elector Albert of Mainz?<sep>Erasmus
A: | No |
How to decide if you should have kids when you have depression
Consider your personal and family history of mental illness.
Depression has a strong genetic component. Someone whose parents or siblings have had depression has two to three times the average risk of developing the condition themselves.
The risk increases even more sharply for people whose close relatives have had multiple depressive periods. While depression isn't always handed down from parents to children, be aware that it does happen frequently.
How to clean your teeth naturally
Use a strawberry paste.
The malic acid in strawberries is a natural emulsifier that helps removes surface stains and plaque. To make your own whitening toothpaste, simply mash a 2-3 strawberries in a cup and add ½ a teaspoon of baking soda to clean your teeth.
This paste can be used a few times per week with improved results over a longer period of use. Since the malic and citric acid in strawberries can erode enamel, use this remedy in conjunction with a fluoride toothpaste.
How to access shared folders in windows 7
Turn on the computer with the files that you wish to share.
Connect to your home network.
Click on the windows 7 orb, formerly the " start " bar.
Type " homegroup " in the " search programs and files " field. Wait for the system to search for and find the homegroup tool.
How to price used furniture
Wash, clean, and buff the furniture to make the most money.
A clean piece of furniture is infinitely easier to sell, and to price competitively. Get out any stains, polish up the edges, and consider cheaply staining or painting faded furniture.
| A new coat of paint or stain only costs $20, but it can make a used desk look brand new if you apply it well. If there are any small repairs you can make, put them in now. |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a scale that is used to measure the consciousness of a person .
| The Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS ) is a neurological scale which aims to give a reliable and objective way of recording the state of a person 's consciousness for initial as well as subsequent assessment . |
Teacher:In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: A strong föhn wind can make snow one foot (30 cm) deep almost vanish in one day. The snow partly melts and partly evaporates in the dry wind. Chinook winds have been observed to raise winter temperature, often from below − 20 ° C (− 4 ° F) to as high as 10 -- 20 ° C (50 -- 68 ° F) for a few hours or days, then temperatures plummet to their base levels. The greatest recorded temperature change in 24 hours was caused by Chinook winds on 15 January 1972, in Loma, Montana; the temperature rose from − 48 to + 9 ° C (− 54 to + 49 ° F).
Student: | what is common between foehn and chinook winds |
La aventura de un fotógrafo en La Plata is an Argentine novel, written by Adolfo Bioy Casares. It was first published in 1985. In the prologue to the 2005 edition, the author admits that it is possible that the novel alludes, subconsciously, to the desaparecidos, stating, “I do not believe that one can have such a terrible nightmare and refrain from writing about it in the morning.”
Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Adolfo was born in Buenos Aries."? | It's impossible to say |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Remember those Isabel Mastache penis pants from Madrid fashion week I posted about yesterday? Well, now there’s video of the penis pants in action on the runway! Click through to witness one of the absolutely freakiest fashion shows to which I have ever born witness. (And, these days, that’s really saying something.) Do not watch this video if a fabric penis freaks you out, you’re not into guys wearing sock monkey necklaces, or dudes with three arms scare you. ||||| fauxsion
Fashion designer Isabel Mastache makes “avant garde” designs. Or, in layman’s terms, batshit crazy designs. Stuff that even Lady Gaga wouldn’t wear, when she’s wearing clothes. At Madrid Fashion Week, Mastache’s new Fall 2010/Winter 2011 collection included a bunny-ish sweater with hood and puffs, a yellow cabbage-rose headpiece, various explosions of fabric, and yes, the penis trouser.
Three words: Do not want.
Fashion is about expression, creative license, blah blah. Yeah, we get it. It is not about putting cocks on parade. The only time that’s okay is with super-sexy underwear; not slacks made for everyone to see.
We don’t mind a nice bulge here and there. But for the same reasons we never approved of the 1980s skinny jean — that wasn’t so much skinny as it was ill-fitting — we do not approve of Mastache’s snake trouser that embeds a pouch for your (uncut?) junk to hang in plain sight.
The only people we can see getting behind this are fertility doctors, who, we hear, recommend keeping your semen particles away from your body to lower their temperature. And even then: Ew, gross. |||||
| The well-dressed metrosexual looking for a little something extra can now scoop up a pair of pants with a cloth penis and scrotum stitched to the crotch. The unusual accoutrement, paraded on the Madrid runway thanks to designer Isabel Mastache, isn't for everyone, of course. As Queerty's fashion reviewer declares: "Three words. Do not want." Click here to watch the pants make their way down the runway. |
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: How does the language compare to its relatives?, Context: Hokkien /hɒˈkiɛn/ (traditional Chinese: 福建話; simplified Chinese: 福建话; pinyin: Fújiànhuà; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Hok-kiàn oē) or Quanzhang (Quanzhou–Zhangzhou / Chinchew–Changchew; BP: Zuánziū–Ziāngziū) is a group of mutually intelligible Min Nan Chinese dialects spoken throughout Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and by many other overseas Chinese. Hokkien originated from a dialect in southern Fujian. It is closely related to the Teochew, though mutual comprehension is difficult, and is somewhat more distantly related to Hainanese. Besides Hokkien, there are also other Min and Hakka dialects in Fujian province, most of which are not mutually intelligible with Hokkien.
Student: | mutual comprehension is difficult |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Which, between neutrophils and macrophages, are found in the bloodstream?, Context: Neutrophils and macrophages are phagocytes that travel throughout the body in pursuit of invading pathogens. Neutrophils are normally found in the bloodstream and are the most abundant type of phagocyte, normally representing 50% to 60% of the total circulating leukocytes. During the acute phase of inflammation, particularly as a result of bacterial infection, neutrophils migrate toward the site of inflammation in a process called chemotaxis, and are usually the first cells to arrive at the scene of infection. Macrophages are versatile cells that reside within tissues and produce a wide array of chemicals including enzymes, complement proteins, and regulatory factors such as interleukin 1. Macrophages also act as scavengers, ridding the body of worn-out cells and other debris, and as antigen-presenting cells that activate the adaptive immune system.
Which was painted later, Amorpha-Fugue a deux couleurs or Contrasts of Forms?, Context: The most extreme forms of Cubism were not those practiced by Picasso and Braque, who resisted total abstraction. Other Cubists, by contrast, especially František Kupka, and those considered Orphists by Apollinaire (Delaunay, Léger, Picabia and Duchamp), accepted abstraction by removing visible subject matter entirely. Kupka’s two entries at the 1912 Salon d'Automne, Amorpha-Fugue à deux couleurs and Amorpha chromatique chaude, were highly abstract (or nonrepresentational) and metaphysical in orientation. Both Duchamp in 1912 and Picabia from 1912 to 1914 developed an expressive and allusive abstraction dedicated to complex emotional and sexual themes. Beginning in 1912 Delaunay painted a series of paintings entitled Simultaneous Windows, followed by a series entitled Formes Circulaires, in which he combined planar structures with bright prismatic hues; based on the optical characteristics of juxtaposed colors his departure from reality in the depiction of imagery was quasi-complete. In 1913–14 Léger produced a series entitled Contrasts of Forms, giving a similar stress to color, line and form. His Cubism, despite its abstract qualities, was associated with themes of mechanization and modern life. Apollinaire supported these early developments of abstract Cubism in Les Peintres cubistes (1913), writing of a new "pure" painting in which the subject was vacated. But in spite of his use of the term Orphism these works were so different that they defy attempts to place them in a single category.
Contrasts of Forms
Which is colder in January, St. John's or Kelowna?, Context: St. John's has a humid continental climate (Köppen Dfb), with lower seasonal variation than normal for the latitude, which is due to Gulf Stream moderation. However, despite this maritime moderation, average January high temperatures are actually slightly colder in St. John's than it is in Kelowna, British Columbia, which is an inland city that is near the more marine air of the Pacific, demonstrating the cold nature of Eastern Canada. Mean temperatures range from −4.9 °C (23.2 °F) in February to 16.1 °C (61.0 °F) in August, showing somewhat of a seasonal lag in the climate. The city is also one of the areas of the country most prone to tropical cyclone activity, as it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, where tropical storms (and sometimes hurricanes) travel from the United States. The city is one of the rainiest in Canada outside of coastal British Columbia. This is partly due to its propensity for tropical storm activity as well as moist, Atlantic air frequently blowing ashore and creating precipitation.
| St. John's
Finally, the last thing that I want to do -I'm answering soliloquy with soliloquy here. I'm not sure if this is a dialogue. Finally, I am acutely cognizant of the fact that this trial has abundant media coverage, and it is surely not my intent to force a constitutional confrontation with two reporters and to create a side show that we don't need to. That's why we're meeting in chambers.
On Tuesday, oil and energy Minister Terje Soeviknes told parliament that the Norwegian government does not plan to cut its stake in Statoil.
A: It's impossible to say
A man walks past an electronic stock board showing Japan's Nikkei 225 index and other country's index at a securities firm in Tokyo Monday, Sept. 3, 2018. Asian shares were mostly lower Monday amid worries about escalating trade friction between the U.S. and Canada, who have been unable to agree to a revamped trade deal but will continue negotiating this week. Eugene Hoshiko AP Photo
The US Canada and Japan are close to concluding a trade deal.
A: It's impossible to say
It is of great sadness to many of us, including myself, to hear of the men and women in Regina, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton who have found that their opportunities over the past years have become so limited that they have not only contemplated but have taken steps to move.
vancouver is not mentioned
A: | No |
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Input: The little party in the cabin, so disastrously begun, finished, under the mellowing influence of wine and woman, in excellent feeling and with some hilarity. Mamie, in a plush Gainsborough hat and a gown of wine-coloured silk, sat, an apparent queen, among her rude surroundings and companions. The dusky litter of the cabin set off her radiant trimness: tarry Johnson was a foil to her fair beauty; she glowed in that poor place, fair as a star; until even I, who was not usually of her admirers, caught a spark of admiration; and even the captain, who was in no courtly humour, proposed that the scene should be commemorated by my pencil. It was the last act of the evening. Hurriedly as I went about my task, the half-hour had lengthened out to more than three before it was completed: Mamie in full value, the rest of the party figuring in outline only, and the artist himself introduced in a back view, which was pronounced a likeness. But it was to Mamie that I devoted the best of my attention; and it was with her I made my chief success. <sep>What was the last act of the evening?<sep>Drawing a picture
Output: | Yes |
How to make ghostly brownies
Gather your ingredients and materials for baking, listed above.
In a large, dry bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together.
As you mix them, slowly add the liquid-like ingredients such as the milk, softened butter, and eggs.
- Place mixture in the bowl and refrigerate. You can churn the mixture in any order you see fit, but for optimum results, churn the mixture at a pace of about 60 seconds (or perhaps a shorter time for smaller brownies).
- Work by hand with a whisk to ensure even distribution. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients one at a time, one at a time, using a rubber spatula to scrape the bottom of the bowl.
- Mix again until all ingredients are in the bowl, then throw it into the fridge for later. Make or purchase the suitable tube cake.
- Mix until the mixture has a thick, pudding-like consistency. Lightly grease your pan with olive, sunflower, or vegetable oil or butter/margarine.
Mix until the mixture has a thick, pudding-like consistency. Lightly grease your pan with olive, sunflower, or vegetable oil or butter/margarine.
How to make perler bead snowflakes
Heat your iron.
Plug in your iron and allow it to heat. The cotton setting works best to heat perler beads.
- Once it has heated to a temperature of about 105ºf (120ºc), place a handful of cotton in your iron (specifically with some cotton balls) and allow it to heat for several minutes. The cotton should be soft, with no wrinkles.
- Refer to your iron's instruction manual to figure out how to tell when the iron is hot. Many irons will have a light turn on or off to indicate they're ready to use.
- Remember to create a single, even layer of fluff on top. Blend the perler beads and light clay with a spoon.
- The hot iron, which makes cool frosting, is also more difficult to melt. Use the heat sparingly, as using too much heat can melt your iron.
Refer to your iron's instruction manual to figure out how to tell when the iron is hot. Many irons will have a light turn on or off to indicate they're ready to use.
People are standing around in a circle. Two people begin fighting in the circle. A man is doing flips outside on the grass. they
- stop wrestling and start fighting again.
- stop fighting and stand up.
- finish standing up and sitting on the grass.
- continue to flight inside the circle.
continue to flight inside the circle.
Cookie dough is on a cookie sheet. they
- are in a cookie sheet, then chopped wood is put beside them, then wood frosting.
- put chocolate chips under the cookie sheet.
- flow out of a cup.
- put the pan in the oven.
| put the pan in the oven. |
In late 2006, Aneta Krawczyk accused the party's leader Andrzej Lepper of having offered her political favours for sex in 2001, and then said he had been the father of her youngest child. She said the same of Lepper's close collaborator and MP, Stanislaw Lyzwinski, and accused him of rape and sexual abuse. She also said that Popecki, who had been Lyzwinski's aide, had tried to induce a miscarriage by giving her a labour-inducing drug called oxytocin.
Stanislaw Lyzwinski is accused of rape
A: Yes
How to file an interpleader<br>Search for forms or templates. An interpleader starts with a complaint, which is in many ways similar to a complaint that would be filed in any other civil lawsuit. Some courts offer forms or templates you can use specifically for an interpleader.
An interpleader starts with a poem.
A: No
The Eagles pulled a rabbit out of the hat with a win over the Giants in the season opener. Carson Wentz hit Alshon Jeffery for a 19-yard gain along the sideline to set up a 61-yard field goal attempt by rookie kicker Jake Elliott. Elliott promptly drilled the field goal to give Philadelphia a 27-24 win with no time left on the clock. Here’s a look at the game-winner:
Wentz had one rushing touchdown.
A: | It's impossible to say |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Q: (CNN) -- Deposed Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya will not be reinstated as head of state, an overwhelming majority of the Honduran congress voted Wednesday. In an hours-long process, 111 lawmakers voted in favor of a motion not to return Zelaya to office. A majority of 65 votes in the 128-member body was required to reject his reinstatement. Zelaya was removed from office in a military-led coup on June 28 and replaced by congressional leader Roberto Micheletti. On Wednesday, lawmakers voted one by one and addressed the chamber as they cast their vote, making for a slow process. The vote was a key part of a U.S.-brokered pact that representatives for Zelaya and Micheletti signed October 29, giving Congress the power to decide Zelaya's fate. The United States expressed disappointment Thursday over the latest rebuff to its diplomatic efforts to end the political crisis in Honduras. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela continued to call on the Honduran government to allow Zelaya's return and to create a unity government in the interim period before the new president takes office next month. "We are disappointed by this decision since the United States had hoped the [Honduran] Congress would have approved his return," Valenzuela said in a conference call with journalists in Washington. "Our policy since June 28 has been consistently principled. It has condemned the coup d'etat and continued to accept President Zelaya as the democratically elected and legitimate leader of Honduras throughout this political crisis." The United States continues to call for Honduras to engage in national reconciliation and creation of a truth commission to investigate the crisis, in addition to the unity government. "The absence of democratic, constitutional order is the unacceptable status quo," a senior U.S. administration official said on the conference call, remaining anonymous under the ground rules of the call and because of the sensitivity of the situation. "The election is a step toward a day where Honduras will have an electorally legitimate government in place." <sep>Who called to engage in national reconciliation and creation of a truth commission to investigate the crisis, in addition to the unity government, before the new president takes office next month?<sep>U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela
A: | Yes |
Part 1. Definition
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Part 2. Example
Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle.
Answer: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar?
Explanation: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage.
Part 3. Exercise
Yellowjackets are sometimes mistakenly called ``bees'' (as in ``meat bees''), given that they are similar in size and sting, but yellowjackets are actually wasps. They may be confused with other wasps, such as hornets and paper wasps. Polistes dominula, a species of paper wasp, is very frequently misidentified as a yellowjacket. A typical yellowjacket worker is about 12 mm (0.5 in) long, with alternating bands on the abdomen; the queen is larger, about 19 mm (0.75 in) long (the different patterns on their abdomens help separate various species). Workers are sometimes confused with honey bees, especially when flying in and out of their nests. Yellowjackets, in contrast to honey bees, have yellow or white markings, are not covered with tan-brown dense hair on their bodies, do not carry pollen, and do not have the flattened hairy hind legs used to carry it.
Answer: | are yellow jackets the same as meat bees? |
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Natural gas is often informally referred to simply as ``gas'', especially when compared to other energy sources such as oil or coal. However, it is not to be confused with gasoline, especially in North America, where the term gasoline is often shortened in colloquial usage to gas. | is oil and natural gas the same thing? |
Select from options: Continue writing the next sentence.
How to inflate bike tires
A schrader valve is also called an american valve, or a car valve.
The valve stem is surrounded by a threaded valve core; to press down on the stem, you need to use a tool like a pen cap or your thumbnail. Schrader valves are typically wider in diameter and shorter than presta or woods valves.
Choose from:
a). They're usually found on cars, less expensive bikes and mountain bikes. To open a schrader valve, simply unscrew the rubber cap at the top.;
b). These valves cover the other valves, then hold the gasket in place while you roll. Be sure to treat the valves with quality chemical solvents (such as sodium) and lubricants used by air conditioners.;
c). Know how to use an old measuring tape to apply pressure to the pedals. Move your pipe slightly forward for the smallest amount possible.;
d). You should use a gas chromatic valve on a car. Place both of your hands on either of the valves a foot at a time.;
Answer: | a). |
How to measure website traffic
Sign up for a website traffic-measuring service.
Google analytics is a popular free service that tracks and measures a website's performance in traffic.
Add the service's tracking code to your webpages.
Your traffic-measuring service may provide code for you to copy and paste into the code of your webpages. Log in to your account if necessary.
How to write an introduction to a book
Summarize or outline the book.
If you have an outline, pull it out to use in your introduction. If you don't have an outline, go chapter by chapter and write a short, paragraph-long summary of each chapter as your outline.
Think about your main ideas as you are writing notes for your introduction. Sketch out the overall themes of your book, so you have them ready.
They play various matches of arm wrestling and interview a woman onlooker who also wants to arm wrestle. the man
lets her win their arm wrestling match and the girl seems giddy.
A man walks up to an ice covered truck. the man
| opens the door and repeatedly slams it shut trying to break up the ice. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Q: You write: "Having created the desired impression, Moore follows with his Heston interview." No, he doesn't. You accuse Moore so often of changing the chronology, yet you have no problems changing it yourself. The Heston interview is at the very end of the movie. After the Flint rally comes a brief TV interview with Heston, where he is asked about Kayla Rolland (again, clear evidence that the local media in Flint raised questions about the NRA's presence), then an inteview with country prosecutor Arthur Busch, entirely ignored by critics of the film, who also mentions Heston's presence as notable, and refers to the immediate reactions of "people from all over America", gun owners/groups who, according to him, reacted aggressively to warnings of having guns accessible to children, much like spanking advocates react aggressively when anti-spankers point to a case of a child being killed or severely injured by a beating. These people do not feel the need to express sympathy, or to think about ways to avoid such incidents, but they feel the need to assert their "rights" and to look for quick, simple answers -- as Busch states, gun owners wanted to "hang [the child] from the highest tree". This is all not mentioned by critics of Moore's movie, who claim to be objective. Perhaps the best example of the paranoia surrounding Moore's film is your sub-essay "Is the end of the Heston interview itself faked?" Moore answers a simple question -- how could the scene have been filmed -- with a simple answer: two cameras. From this, you construct an obscure conspiracy of "re-enactment": "For all we can tell, Moore could have shouted 'Hey!' to make Heston turn around and then remained silent as Heston left." Even if your "re-enactment" theory is true (and I see no evidence that you have actually tried to ask the people involved in the filmmaking for their opinion), this itself is not unethical, and you have no evidence whatsoever that Moore has done anything unethical here, just like you have no evidence that Moore has unethically removed parts of the interview. You use standard filmmaking technique as a basis to construct bizarre conspiracies which sound plausible to the gullible reader, without ever providing any evidence for the implicit or explicit claims of fraud and distortion. <sep>Name three criticisms of Moore's movie.<sep>Re-enactment
A: | Yes |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task.
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site.
Solution: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram
Why? The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example.
New input: According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a four-year research effort by 1,360 of the world's prominent scientists commissioned to measure the actual value of natural resources to humans and the world, 'The structure of the world's ecosystems changed more rapidly in the second half of the twentieth century than at any time in recorded human history, and virtually all of Earth's ecosystems have now been significantly transformed through human actions.' 'Ecosystem services, particularly food production, timber and fisheries, are important for employment and economic activity. Intensive use of ecosystems often produces the greatest short-term advantage, but excessive and unsustainable use can lead to losses in the long term. A country could cut its forests and deplete its fisheries, and this would show only as a positive gain to GDP, despite the loss of capital assets. If the full economic value of ecosystems were taken into account in decision-making, their degradation could be significantly slowed down or even reversed.'
Solution: | when did the human population begin to grow at a faster rate than any other time in history |
A large black male and john cena are in a wrestling ring arm wrestling. the black male
- is beginning to win but john cena uses all of his might to not give in and gains enough strength to push the hand back the other way.
- keeps his right arm up to win.
- kicking his feet behind him and the larger hitting his head.
- loses his hand and instructs the event to the crowd.
is beginning to win but john cena uses all of his might to not give in and gains enough strength to push the hand back the other way.
How to make a vaporizer
Gather your supplies.
For this vaporizer, you will need a clear light bulb (100 watts is best, and don't use one that is painted white inside), a sharp knife, pliers, glass straws or tubes, tape, scissors, and the cap from a 500ml bottle.
Cut the end off the light bulb.
- The capped end of the light bulb will be sterilized in most situations, but you can use a garden hose to check. Melt the bottom of the lit part of the light bulb.
- Cut out the entire rectangle section that ends the light bulb base, about 1 centimeter (0.31 inch) from the upper right corner. Measure the height of the light bulb at either end.
- Take your knife to cut off the metal tip of the light bulb where you would typically screw it into the socket. Try to cut it smoothly to avoid rough edges.
- Prepare for using the glass straws only: cut a long piece of metal tubing. Pick up a 9 " x11 " rectangular tube.
Take your knife to cut off the metal tip of the light bulb where you would typically screw it into the socket. Try to cut it smoothly to avoid rough edges.
How to tell someone you self harm
Reflect on who has been there for you during the tough times in the past.
Consider telling someone who has been helpful and supportive of you before.
A friend who may have been there for you before might not be there for you now.
- Someone at work who co-workers with you or supports you might not be a good person for you now. In this case, consider telling someone else about how you have been in the past.
- Sometimes, a friend will be so shocked that she will not respond the supportive way you hope she will. Know that just because she has been there for you in the past, however, your friend may not initially respond the way you hope because she may be in shock.
- They may have moved or stopped dating you to help you find someone else. A family member may have said all of the right things in the past, but not all of the bad ones now.
- A family member or friend who cares about you might be as helpful now as a close relative or close classmate or coworker. Write down what happened, how it affected you, any abilities you may have or what you learned from it or your experiences.
Sometimes, a friend will be so shocked that she will not respond the supportive way you hope she will. Know that just because she has been there for you in the past, however, your friend may not initially respond the way you hope because she may be in shock.
How to write rules for your own rpg
Choose the kind of rpg you'll be making.
There are many different varieties of rpg you might decide to create. Common versions include tabletop, live action role-playing (larp), and pen-and-paper.
- Some rpgs will have a timer that puts low quality time in from 15-30 seconds. Others will have a video monitor and set it to the late general time (eight seconds).
- These are all of the different variations of rpgs. Evaluate whether or not you have the time to provide adequate simulation.
- You can come up with ideas based on your current adventures, from a school sport you love to a game you love playing with your family. It is up to you; whatever you think is important for creating a one-sided rpg, make sure that it is something to play in.
- You'll need to decide which of these you plan on making before you go any farther on your rpg making journey. Tabletop rpgs often involve a game leader, frequently called a dungeon master or dm, who draws maps that are used on a tabletop along with descriptions to create the setting for the game.
| You'll need to decide which of these you plan on making before you go any farther on your rpg making journey. Tabletop rpgs often involve a game leader, frequently called a dungeon master or dm, who draws maps that are used on a tabletop along with descriptions to create the setting for the game. |
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: Now that IS creepy: 'Octomum' dresses as a PREGNANT nun for Halloween... and her babies become little devils
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 3:21 PM on 29th October 2009
There's not many people who could provoke a universal shudder by dressing as a pregnant nun for Halloween.
But 'Octomum' Nadya Suleman has managed it.
The mother of fourteen - including her octuplets born in January this year - poked fun at herself as she headed out with her eight IVF babies to celebrate Halloween.
Things that go 'bump' in the night: 'Octomum' Nadya Suleman, clutching two of her babies, dressed as a pregnant nun for some Halloween fun this week
The effort of thinking up eight different costumes for the babies was apparently too much for her, however, as she dressed them all the same - as little red devils.
Complete with two giant prams draped in spider webs, the familiy made for a bizarre sight as they headed out for some trick or treating in La Habra, California, in the run up to Halloween this week.
Ms Suleman is poised to star in her own reality TV show after the saga over her babies' controversial birth.
Trick or treat: Neighbours will need to lay on extra stocks of candy to feed this brood
The unemployed single mother faced a backlash after the birth of her babies in January when she and the doctors who treated her were criticised for going ahead with the pregnancy.
The babies, born in California, were only the second set of octuplets in America to survive for more than a few hours after birth.
All eight babies are believed to be doing well. ||||| OCTUPLETS mum Nadya Suleman takes her little devils trick or treating - while she bizarrely dresses as a pregnant NUN.
The baby-crazy 33-year-old - a mum of six when she gave birth to eight more IVF tots in January - took one of her older kids along too.
Little pumpkins .. 'Octonun' Nadya and two of her tots Splash
Ten-month-olds Maliah, Nariah, McCai, Josiah, Jonah, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Noah were crammed into two giant prams draped with cobwebs in the run-up to Halloween on Saturday.
Neighbours confronted by Nadya and her brood as she went knocking on doors in La Habra, California, were left bewildered by the stunt.
Spookily, she is poised to star in her own reality TV show... |||||
Output: | Even if you're one of those people that never gets scared, this Halloween costume should do the trick: Octomom Nadya Suleman dressed herself as a pregnant (scary) nun (scarier) and turned her babies into accessories—tiny devils (horrifying). View the truly disturbing photos by Splash in the Daily Mail—no word, though, on why the family was trick-or-treating days before Halloween—or where her other six children were. The Sun, which professed to be shocked at Suleman's Octo-nun antics, reports that "neighbours confronted by Nadya and her brood as she went knocking on doors in La Habra, California, were left bewildered by the stunt." |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: A Fresno man rescued after getting stuck on top of Morro Rock is now under arrest.Investigators said 27-year-old Michael Banks climbed to the top to propose to his girlfriend but then got stuck on the way down. The Morro Bay fire department had to wrap banks in a harness to remove him from the steep part of the rock.Banks was found to be under the influence and in possession of methamphetamine.He is now at the San Luis Obispo County Jail. ||||| A firefighter rescues a man from the side of Morro Rock in Morro Bay. (Photos courtesy Morro Bay Fire Department)
Emergency crews were called to Morro Rock Thursday morning after a man became stuck while illegally climbing it.
Morro Bay Fire Chief Steve Knuckles says a witness heard the man yelling for help at about 8:45 a.m. and called rescue crews.
The man was reportedly stranded on a very small piece of rock about three-quarters of the way down.
A California Highway Patrol helicopter was used to lower a firefighter to the man and rescue him.
That man has been identified as Michael Banks of Fresno. The firefighter who rescued him says Banks told him he climbed the rock in order to propose to his girlfriend over FaceTime. She reportedly said yes, but was upset by the stunt.
Banks was not hurt, but he does face a fine for climbing Morro Rock, which is illegal.
"It is illegal to climb Morro Rock because it kills people," said Chief Knuckles. "I have been on at least four calls where people have died on the rock. Since this time last year, we have had four incidents where we have had to use rope to get people off the rock."
Chief Knuckles says Banks will also have to pay for the cost of the rescue, which will likely cost a few thousand dollars.
CAL FIRE San Luis Obispo, Harbor Patrol and the Coast Guard also assisted in the rescue. ||||| In this photo provided by Bob Isenberg, Michael Banks is rescued after being stranded on a ledge some 80 off the ground on Morro Rock, a landmark in Morro Bay, Calif., Thursday, April 7, 2016. He had... (Associated Press)
MORRO BAY, Calif. (AP) — As marriage proposals go, Michael Banks' was a cliff-hanger.
Banks, 27, scaled 600-foot Morro Rock just off California's Central Coast early Thursday morning to propose to his girlfriend, who was watching via FaceTime video.
The good news: Banks' girlfriend said yes, according to Morro Bay fire Capt. Todd Gailey.
The bad news: Banks got stuck, and had to be plucked by helicopter for a tricky, post-proposal flight to safety.
Banks "took a different trail down, much steeper" and became stranded, Gailey said. "He couldn't go any direction, on a sheer ledge, with his feet dangling 80 feet off the ground."
Rescuers called in a helicopter, and Gailey descended by cable to hoist Banks from the narrow ledge, with the rotors spinning near the cliff and ocean spray battering both men.
Banks was calm for most of the ordeal, but "a little unnerved" at that part, Gailey said.
Morro Rock is a landmark located just offshore from the community of Morro Bay. Climbing is banned but some go anyway and there have been several fatal falls over the years.
Typically when someone needs to be rescued they are ticketed, Gailey said. It was not immediately clear if Banks, who was unharmed, was cited.
Banks said nothing during the rescue about any second thoughts on his choice of setting for the proposal, Gailey said.
However, the fire captain said others should consider a place "where you're not in danger of falling off a cliff." ||||| These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to. That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.The goal is to fix all broken links on the web . Crawls of supported "No More 404" sites. |||||
Output: | Michael Banks' engagement couldn't have gotten off to a rockier start. Police say the 27-year-old Fresno man illegally scaled the 600-foot Morro Rock off California's Central Coast after sunrise Thursday to propose to his girlfriend over the Facetime app. She said yes, but was upset that he'd climbed the rock at all, reports KSBY. Then, rather than return down the south side of the rock, Banks chose a steeper path down the eastern face and got stuck on a small chunk of rock. "He couldn't go any direction, on a sheer ledge, with his feet dangling 80 feet off the ground," a fire chief tells the AP. Locals heard him calling for help around 8:45am, and a helicopter soon arrived to rescue him. "It was a pretty amazing rescue on the part of the Fire Department," a Morro Bay State Park ranger tells the San Luis Obispo Tribune, noting the helicopter’s blades had to get close to the rock face to deliver a harness to Banks, who was back on the ground unscathed by 9:30am. He was issued a misdemeanor citation for trespassing—the fire chief says it's illegal to climb the rock "because it kills people"—and was told he'd have to pay for the rescue, which likely cost thousands. But things only went downhill from there. Banks was "found to be under the influence and in possession of methamphetamine" and ended the happy day in San Luis Obispo County Jail, reports KFSN. (Another proposal with iffy judgment involved stopping cars in the middle of a highway.) |
Q: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
It is also called the " Eastern Seaboard " or " Atlantic Seaboard " .
A: | Other terms for referring to this area include the " Eastern Seaboard " ( " seaboard " being American English for coast ) , " Atlantic Coast " , and " Atlantic Seaboard " ( because the coastline lies along the Atlantic Ocean ) . |
Q: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
CLOSE Diallo could face up to 15 years in prison for illegally receiving thousands of dollars in public assistance. USA TODAY
In this March 20, 2017, file photo, Nkechi Diallo, then known as Rachel Dolezal, poses for a photo in Spokane, Washington. (Photo: Nicholas K. Geranios, AP)
Rachel Dolezal, the white woman and former Washington state NAACP president infamous for pretending to be black and also charged with committing welfare fraud, reported to jail Monday for a procedural booking photo and fingerprints, according to TV station KREM.
Dolezal, who changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, could face up to 15 years in prison for illegally receiving thousands of dollars in public assistance. She is charged with first degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second degree perjury. She pleaded not guilty.
On judge's orders, she reported to the Spokane County jail for booking and was then released.
An investigator began looking into Dolezal after she wrote a book and made public statements that she was receiving public assistance, according to court documents.
More: Rachel Dolezal, former NAACP leader who posed as a black woman, accused of welfare fraud
More: Rachel Dolezal: I was ‘too black’ for my husband
More: Netflix's 'The Rachel Divide' is complicated look at 'transracial' activist Rachel Dolezal
Between Aug. 1, 2015, and Nov. 30, 2017, she received public assistance when she was not entitled to it, according to court documents. Court documents claim she illegally received more than $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in child care assistance.
Her book, "In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World," made government agencies doubtful that her monthly income was less than $500. An investigation found Dolezal deposited about $83,924 into her bank account in several monthly installments between August 2015 and September 2017. She did not report this money to the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.
Her trial is set for Sept.10.
Read or Share this story: ||||| SPOKANE, Wash. – Nkechi Diallo, also known as Rachel Dolezal, reported to the Spokane County Jail Monday afternoon.
A judge ordered Diallo to report to the jail for a booking photo and fingerprints before 5 p.m. on July 2.
Diallo was booked and released from the Spokane County Jail at 3:30 p.m. She had her fingerprints and booking photo taken.
Diallo is charged with first degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second degree perjury.
According to court documents, an investigator began looking into Rachel Dolezal when it was discovered she wrote a book and made public statements that she was receiving public assistance, according to court documents.
Between August 1, 2015 and November 30, 2017 she received public assistance when she was not entitled to it, according to court documents. Court documents claim she illegally received over $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in childcare assistance.
Her trial is set for September 10. |||||
A: | The former NAACP branch president best known as Rachel Dolezal was booked Monday into a jail in Washington state, where she faces welfare fraud charges. Dolezal, who was born white but identifies as "transracial," was photographed and fingerprinted at Spokane County Jail around 3:30pm, then released on her own recognizance, report KREM and the Washington Times. The woman who changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016 has pleaded not guilty to first-degree theft by welfare fraud, making a false verification statement, and second-degree perjury, with a trial set for Sept. 10. She faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted, per USA Today. |
Problem: Write the next sentence for:
How to leave a review on amazon
Be sure to test the product thoroughly before writing your review.
Per amazon's tos, you should have the product at least 48 hours before writing a review. For supplements or similar products, you should wait until they've had long enough to take effect before reviewing.
- Determine the easiest way to submit a review. Look at reviews of similar products and have an idea of which one is easier to review.
- If you still have no luck considering the product before making the review, call amazon's customer service line at 1-800-2836 or email them at Examine the product's estimated cost, marketing, and overall service.
- For essential products, you should wait another 24 hours. The final steps should be listed in " a review guide.
- Don't intend to review broken or defective products. Instead, try to get a replacement before writing a review..
Next sentence: Don't intend to review broken or defective products. Instead, try to get a replacement before writing a review.
Problem: Write the next sentence for:
She lays the wrapping paper out on the table in front of her. She sets the box on top of the wrapping paper and begins wrapping the box. she
- removes all the wrapping paper and sticks the paper inside.
- lays on top of the wrapping paper, and uses a marker to hold it in place.
- pulls the paper and instructions come up on the screen.
- finishes wrapping the present and puts a red bow on top..
Next sentence: finishes wrapping the present and puts a red bow on top.
Problem: Write the next sentence for:
. a man in a suit and a woman in a dress
- are standing in front of an audience.
- talk to the camera in a fancy dining room while palm trees dance in the background.
- are in a ballroom dancing.
- talk into a microphone and begin to engage in a curling match..
Next sentence: are standing in front of an audience.
Problem: Write the next sentence for:
The fight continues with the rest of the wildebeest herd looking on. The fight continues on as one wildabeast pushes the other away from the herd near a river. one wildebeest
- gives up and runs off as the other wildebeest chases.
- is knocked off his horse and another pushes the second one off.
- gets attacked by another one and is carried away by the herd.
- crouches down and gets in the way as two others attempt to take her back..
Next sentence: | gives up and runs off as the other wildebeest chases. |
Teacher: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example:
Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle.
Solution: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar?
Reason: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage.
Now, solve this instance: Now free from the stress of the murderer, Strike decides to repair his relationship with Robin by attending her wedding, the invitation to which was never formally rescinded following her dismissal. After a frantic dash to the church, Strike arrives just in time to see Robin and Matthew exchange vows. The novel ends as Robin looks into the room full of wedding guests, sees Strike, and beams.
Student: | did robin marry matthew at the end of career of evil? |
How to clear most visited on google chrome
Open google chrome or open a new browser tab.
If you haven't changed the homepage yet, the default page when you create a new tab is the google search bar. Below it are thumbnails of some of the frequent sites you go to.
Drag your mouse pointer over one of the thumbnails. A small translucent x (close) button will appear at the upper right of the thumbnail.
How to change behavior
Set clear goals.
Make sure the behaviors you want to change are specific, measurable, and attainable. Give yourself some freedom in the goals you set.
If you're trying to begin exercising for the first time, a reasonable goal might be to go for a 20-30 minute walk five days per week. This holds you accountable to walk more throughout the week, but is more gives you some wiggle room if something gets in your way.
A person is seen standing before a large track holding a pole. the person
begins to run down the track while still holding the pole.
He pauses again and waits for a reaction from the crowd. The camera turns to show the people that are enjoying the music. the video
| ends with the closing credits. |
"Unlike the three subtypes, Zaire, Sudan and Ivory Coast, which can cause hemorrhagic symptoms, Reston does not. There has been no evidence that Reston can cause significant illness in humans. When Reston was previously found in monkeys, few animal handlers were infected but only one had very mild symptoms," the DOH's official website announced. In January 1997, the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ordered the immediate slaughter of some 600 monkeys in Ferlite, a breeding farm in Laguna, to prevent an outbreak of Reston ebolavirus.
Reston doesn't have the same effects as other subtypes
A: Yes
Binge<br>Ron hadn't lived near a big store for a long time. The first thing he did was buy a lot of ice cream. He binged out and ate it all in one sitting. Ron felt very sick for days after that. He swore to have more self-discipline no matter how close a store was.
Ron bought chocolate chip ice cream
A: It's impossible to say
Whenever we are engaged in a conflict, or whenever we are contemplating a conflict which has the potential that this conflict has, we need to realize that it may well be a situation, no matter what the outcome, in which there are no winners and losers but rather a situation in which everybody loses when we choose war as an alternative to diplomacy.
war is the most logical answer
A: | No |
Q: An advisor can help you make your portfolio.
How to make an advertising portfolio<br>Consider your resources. If you are an advertising student, there are probably people at your school whose job it is to advise your portfolio. Talk to your adviser about designing your portfolio, or bring your questions to the career counselor at your school.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
Q: Gwen Graham is popular in Miami.
Gwen Graham running for Governor Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald × SHARE COPY LINK Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Q: Industry Minister Monica Maeland plans to buy more shares in Statoil.
OSLO Feb 22 The Norwegian government does not plan to cut its stake in Statoil, oil and energy Minister Terje Soeviknes told parliament on Wednesday. The government holds a 67 percent stake in the oil firm. There are no plans to cut the government's stakes in fertiliser maker Yara, aluminium maker Norsk Hydro or top bank DNB, industry Minister Monica Maeland said. (Reporting by Terje Solsvik, editing by Nerijus Adomaitis)
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Q: The 2000 Oklahoma State Cowboys football team wasn't very popular.
The 2000 Oklahoma State Cowboys football team represented the Oklahoma State University during the 2000 NCAA Division I-A football season. They participated as members of the Big 12 Conference in the South Division. They played their home games at Lewis Field in Stillwater, Oklahoma. They were coached by head coach Bob Simmons, who resigned as the head coach of the Cowboys on November 6, 2000.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: | It's impossible to say |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
PROBLEM: The person can also be asked about depression , and if they plan to attempt suicide .
SOLUTION: An effective way to assess suicidal thoughts is to talk with the person directly , to ask about depression , and assess suicide plans as to how and when it might be attempted .
PROBLEM: A siddur is a Jewish prayer book .
SOLUTION: A siddur ( Hebrew : סדור -RSB- ; plural siddurim , -RSB- ) is a Jewish prayer book , containing a set order of daily prayers .
PROBLEM: 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616 ) was an English playwright , poet , and actor .
SOLUTION: | 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616 ) was an English poet , playwright , and actor , widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world 's greatest dramatist .
"Some Velvet Morning" is a song written by Lee Hazlewood and originally recorded by Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra in late 1967. It first appeared on Sinatra's album "Movin' with Nancy," the soundtrack to her 1967 television special of the same name, which also featured a performance of the song.
Can we infer the following?
Sinatra worked with Hazlewood on a track together in the latter of 1967
Select from the following.
(A). Yes;
(B). It's impossible to say;
(C). No;
The answer is: | (A). |
How does the next paragraph end?
How to become a better basketball shooter
Practice catching in a shot-ready position.
Catching the ball in a shot-ready (or athletic) position is a good way to improve your form. By being ready to shoot the ball when you catch it, rather than getting ready to shoot the ball after you catch it, you can improve the speed and accuracy of your shots. | To get into a shot ready position, bend your knees slightly and hinge your body forward at the hips. You should look as if you are getting ready to jump in the air. |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
A businessman and former chairman of a major Egyptian bank charged with sexually abusing a housekeeper at a luxury Manhattan hotel is being held on $25,000 bail and has been ordered to hand over his passport because he is considered a flight risk.
Egyptian businessman Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar waits to be arraigned at Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. The former chairman of one of Egypt's major banks was arrested on charges... (Associated Press)
Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. The former chairman of one of Egypt's major banks was arrested on charges of sexually abusing a maid... (Associated Press)
Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. The former chairman of one of Egypt's major banks was arrested on charges of sexually abusing a maid... (Associated Press)
Map locates The Pierre where an Egyptian businessman is accused of sexually abusing a hotel maid, also locates Sofitel Hotel where Dominique Strauss-Kahn was accused of attempted rape (Associated Press)
A man walks in front of The Pierre hotel Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria, was arrested on Monday and is accused of sexually... (Associated Press)
FILE - A Nov. 27, 1968 file photo shows the Exterior of the Pierre Hotel at 61st and 5th Avenue in New York. Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria and durrently an... (Associated Press)
In this photo taken Thursday, July 15, 2010, Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, Chairman of the Egyptian state-run salt production company El-Mex Salines Co., and former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria,... (Associated Press)
Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. The former chairman of one of Egypt's major banks was arrested on charges of sexually abusing a maid... (Associated Press)
Traffic passes in front of The Pierre hotel Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria, was arrested on Monday and is accused of sexually... (Associated Press)
Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. The former chairman of one of Egypt's major banks was arrested on charges of sexually abusing a maid... (Associated Press)
In this photo taken July 15, 2010, Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, chairman of the Egyptian state-run salt production company El-Mex Salines Co., and former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria, is seen... (Associated Press)
A man walks in to The Pierre hotel Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria, was arrested on Monday and is accused of sexually abusing... (Associated Press)
Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. The former chairman of one of Egypt's major banks was arrested on charges of sexually abusing a maid... (Associated Press)
Egyptian businessman Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, May 31, 2011, in New York. The former chairman of one of Egypt's major banks was arrested on charges of... (Associated Press)
In this frame grab from video released by WABC-TV7 via APTN, Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, center, former chairman of the Bank of Alexandria, one of Egypt's major banks, is escorted Monday, May 30, 2011,... (Associated Press)
Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, wearing glasses and a suit, was arraigned just before midnight on Tuesday in Manhattan. Authorities say the businessman, who is in his 70s, attacked a maid at The Pierre hotel, near Central Park and Fifth Avenue on the Upper East Side.
He was arraigned on two counts of sexual abuse and forcible touching.
His lawyer, Liz Beal, told the court that her client "adamantly denies the charges against him."
"He realizes these are very, very serious charges, and he denies them. He wants to fight this case," said Beal, a Legal Aid attorney who said she was representing Omar at his first court appearance and that he would seek private counsel.
Beal said Omar expected to post bail as quickly as possible.
Prosecutors called the prominent businessman an obvious flight risk. Judge Gerald Lebovits ordered Omar to surrender his travel documents.
Omar's arrest came little more than two weeks after then-International Monetary Fund leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn was charged with sexually assaulting a maid at a different Manhattan hotel. Strauss-Kahn, who has since resigned from his IMF post, denies the allegations. He is under house arrest as he awaits trial.
In Omar's case, authorities say the maid was called to his room Sunday evening to drop off tissues. District Attorney Nicole Blumberg said that when the victim entered the room, the defendant grabbed her in a bear hug and kissed her on the lips and neck and told her repeatedly that he liked her, before grabbing her breasts.
The prosecutor said the maid tried to get away, but that he grabbed her in a second bear hug, grinding his groin against her leg. She broke away again, and the prosecutor said the defendant then squeezed her buttocks.
The maid told her superiors that she was assaulted that night, but they said it was best to wait until the following morning to report it to the security director, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Tuesday. The director called police Monday morning.
Officers canvassed the hotel room and the area around the hotel but didn't locate Omar. They returned about two hours later and found him in the lobby of The Pierre, where they arrested him at about 11 a.m., the official said, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.
The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that The Pierre will supply panic buttons for all of the hotel's room attendants.
Pierre spokeswoman Nora Walsh told the newspaper the alarms will be made available as soon as a system can be put in place.
Omar chairs the board of the El-Mex Salines Co., a state-run salt production company, where he has worked since 2009, according to his attorney. She said he also had been a professor for seven years at the University of Alexandria. His biography on his company's site says he's a former chairman of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria, of the Egyptian American Bank and of the Federation of Egyptian Banks.
The defense attorney said Omar had come to New York to receive an award from the salt industry on behalf of his company and had planned to travel to Boston to sign a contract related to the award.
His attorney said he had been married for 48 years and has two adult children and grandchildren. She said he is 72; police previously said he was 74.
New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne said detectives found the complainant to be credible. He refused to comment on the nature of the attack and would not say whether Omar had made any statements to officials when he was arrested. ||||| The supervisor of a housekeeper at the Pierre hotel was suspended on Tuesday after she failed to report to the police the housekeeper’s complaint that she was sexually assaulted by a prominent Egyptian businessman, causing a 15-hour delay in the investigation.
The suspension came as the Pierre and the Sofitel New York, where a sexual assault involving another international figure was alleged to have occurred, made new commitments to improve safety measures for their workers.
The Egyptian businessman, Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar, was arraigned just before midnight on Tuesday on charges that he sexually abused a 44-year-old housekeeper who brought tissues to his room at his request. Once she was inside the room, Mr. Omar grabbed her breasts, the police said. At the arraignment, the prosecutor, Nicole Blumberg, offered more details. She said Mr. Omar grabbed the victim several times, kissed her on the neck and lips, and “grinded his groin against her legs.”
The judge set bail for Mr. Omar at $25,000 cash or a $50,000 bond.
Liz Beal, a lawyer who represented Mr. Omar at the arraignment, said she he expected him to post the bail on Wednesday. She said he “adamantly denies the charges.”
The new allegations have eerie parallels to the case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund, who was arrested and charged with an attack at the Sofitel a little more than two weeks ago.
The arrests have prompted the hotel industry to consider new safety rules and training. Both the Pierre and the Sofitel said on Tuesday that they would purchase panic buttons that hotel workers would carry to rooms with them. If pushed, the buttons would immediately alert hotel security.
The attack at the Pierre occurred about 6 p.m. Sunday in Room 1027, the police said. The police were called on Monday morning, and investigators found Mr. Omar, 74, in the lobby of the hotel, according to a law enforcement official.
“Experienced N.Y.P.D. detectives have found the complainant to be credible, and that has not changed,” said Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman.
Immediately after the attack, the housekeeper went to her supervisor, said John Turchiano, a spokesman for the New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council. The supervisor recorded the complaint in a log book, but did not notify law enforcement, he said. The following day, a manager saw the note in the log book and called the police, Mr. Turchiano said.
The police charged Mr. Omar with sexual abuse, unlawful imprisonment, forcible touching and harassment.
In response to inquiries about the delay in calling the police, a spokeswoman for the Pierre released a statement saying, “A procedure for swift reporting is in place, and we are investigating the situation right now for an answer to this question.”
Mr. Omar is chairman of the board of the El-Mex Salines Company, a salt-production business based in Alexandria, Egypt, that claims on its Web site to be the largest of its kind in the Middle East.
In 2000, Mr. Omar was elected chairman of the Egyptian Bank Federation, according to an article in Business Today.
Both Mr. Omar and Mr. Strauss-Kahn are wealthy and powerful and were staying in luxurious hotels. Their cases have raised larger questions about the safety of housekeepers who are in rooms by themselves. Mr. Strauss-Kahn was accused of trying to rape a housekeeper who came to clean his suite and then forcing her to perform oral sex.
After Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s arrest, Assemblyman Rory I. Lancman and other legislators proposed a bill that would require hotels to provide the panic buttons to workers who regularly enter rooms. The devices come with about a $20-a-month monitoring fee, Mr. Lancman said.
The Pierre had already convened new training sessions for its room attendants before the alleged attack Sunday, the hotel said in a statement. The hotel encourages its staff members to leave a room if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe, according to the statement.
The union contract for hotel workers expires in a year, Mr. Turchiano said, and safety issues will be front and center in the negotiations.
“We want our members to be safe,” he said of the union, which has 29,000 members in about 200 hotels citywide.
Mr. Turchiano said he had not yet seen a rise in the willingness of hotel workers to come forward with sexual assault allegations as a result of these high-profile cases. “Our members,” he said, “I think they know that we will always back them up.” |||||
Output: | We'll call them DSK buttons: Maids at two ritzy Manhattan hotels will soon carry panic buttons so they can alert others when they're in danger, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move comes after a second high-profile assault case, this one involving 74-year-old Egyptian business executive Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar. He is being held on $25,000 bail and had to hand over his passport, notes AP. The Pierre hotel also has suspended the maid's supervisor for not immediately reporting the Omar incident, reports the New York Times. "Let everybody in the world traveling to New York know that when they stay in a hotel room, the person cleaning that room is armed with a button that they can immediately press if you're stupid enough to get inappropriate," says the president of the New York Hotel & Motel Trades Council. The union hopes to make panic buttons mandatory at all hotels in the city. Click to read about Dominique Strauss-Kahn's likely legal strategy of blame-the-maid. |
[Q]: Email the author. Check out a view of the Falcon 9 launch Monday from our camera at the Kennedy Space Center press site about three miles from pad 39A. The rocket blasted off at 7:15 a.m. EDT (1115 GMT) with a top secret spy satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office. Monday's mission marked the 33rd flight of a Falcon 9 rocket, and the fourth time one of the vehicle's first stages has landed at Cape Canaveral. Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1. Email the author. You can Check out a view of the Falcon 9 launch Monday from our camera at the Kennedy Space Center press site OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
[A]: Yes
[Q]: Sources in Tegucigalpa reported that many Latin American countries are gearing up to face Hurricane "Mitch". Countries are gearing up to face Hurricane Bertha. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
[A]: No
[Q]: The simple issue here, because it is the Court's understanding that these individuals have denied that they made these remarks, is from the plaintiffs' standpoint how can they get something that is, in my view, on the purpose test, which clearly goes to the truth of the matter asserted, how do they get these newspaper articles into evidence? Well, they can't, in my view, without the reporters testifying. The individuals denied making some remarks. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
[A]: Yes
[Q]: How to start a forum<br>Figure out what your specific niche will be. [substeps] Since this will be your forum, it is best to pick something in which you are interested and knowledgeable. Since there are already so many forums out there, it is best to have a defined niche. Forums are good places to find experts. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
[A]: | It's impossible to say |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
Output: Russian Revolution
This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
New input case for you: Where in particular is the traditional Charleston accent found?, Context: The traditional Charleston accent has long been noted in the state and throughout the South. It is typically heard in wealthy white families who trace their families back generations in the city. It has ingliding or monophthongal long mid-vowels, raises ay and aw in certain environments, and is nonrhotic. Sylvester Primer of the College of Charleston wrote about aspects of the local dialect in his late 19th-century works: "Charleston Provincialisms" (1887) and "The Huguenot Element in Charleston's Provincialisms", published in a German journal. He believed the accent was based on the English as it was spoken by the earliest settlers, therefore derived from Elizabethan England and preserved with modifications by Charleston speakers. The rapidly disappearing "Charleston accent" is still noted in the local pronunciation of the city's name. Some elderly (and usually upper-class) Charleston natives ignore the 'r' and elongate the first vowel, pronouncing the name as "Chah-l-ston". Some observers attribute these unique features of Charleston's speech to its early settlement by French Huguenots and Sephardic Jews (who were primarily English speakers from London), both of whom played influential roles in Charleston's early development and history.[citation needed]
Output: | wealthy white families |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Q: Credit: Courtesy Audrey Nicole
When Audrey Loving learned that another woman was tucking her 4-year-old daughter, Riley, into bed at night, she didn’t get jealous. Instead, the mom, based in Newport News, Virginia, wrote her ex’s new girlfriend, Whitney McGraw, a thank-you note.
“Why do all these moms act so spiteful and jealous towards the other woman?” Loving, 24, wrote in a November 14 Facebook post that has since gone viral. “No one said it was easy trying to be a mother to a kid you didn’t have. So when there is someone trying, don’t push them away!”
In Loving’s tribute, she praised McGraw — who she calls “the sweetest thing ever” — for feeding Riley, and reminded other mothers that the more people who love your kid, the better.
Courtesy Audrey Nicole
Her post was shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page, where it received more than 75,000 likes and more than 2,000 comments.
Loving and Corey Henry amicably split in 2013, when Riley was a year old. “Before Whitney came along, I would always worry when Corey had Riley by himself,” Loving tells Us Weekly. “I would send her to his house with a letter that said, ‘Don’t forget Riley needs a nap time,’ and ‘Don’t let Riley have too much candy.’” But those days are over.
Courtesy Audrey Nicole
Says Loving: “I just feel so lucky that I don’t have to worry about Riley.”
The certified nursing assistant urges exes to set aside the drama. “There are some sad situations where the husband cheats, and it’s awful,” Loving tells Us. “But you get tougher and make it work for your kids. They’re growing. They’re learning. If we teach them to be hateful and negative, the world will continue to be hateful and negative.”
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||||| Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Headlines Mom Pens Heartfelt Facebook Post in Appreciation of Her Daughter's Father's Girlfriend Playing Mom Pens Heartfelt Facebook Post in Appreciation of Her Daughter's Father's Girlfriend
A Virginia mom has been praised for a kind Facebook post she wrote about the girlfriend of her daughter’s father.
Audrey Loving, 24, took to Facebook to thank Whitney Mcgraw for being kind to her daughter in what could be an awkward situation.
In a cute picture post of Audrey’s 4-year-old daughter Riley and Mcgraw, Audrey wrote:
“This is my daughters father's gf [sic]. The sweetest thing ever! I'm super thankful for her because when she visits her dad she feeds her, takes care of her, buys her gifts, and basically takes care of her like her own.”
Audrey goes on to say in the post that many moms act spiteful and jealous towards women and that it’s not easy for women to be a mother to a kid that she didn’t have.
The post has garnered more than 350,000 likes.
Audrey told that she has been in that situation herself so she knows what it feels like.
“I’ve been the other girl in that type of situation. I have been a stepparent and I haven’t been appreciated,” said Audrey. “No one thanks the stepparent as much.”
But, she said from the first time Riley met Mcgraw, who has two children of her own, a year ago, she was excited about meeting them and had a great time.
Audrey was also raised in a house with a stepfather so she said that contributes to her perspective.
“I was raised in a Christian and that’s where I got my positivity from. I had a great life and my parents and I want the same for my daughter,” said Audrey. “I think it starts with the mom opening and being kind.”
Receive Breaking News By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Your e-mail was submitted successfully. Sorry, your email address was not processed. Please try again. Around the Web ||||| Kids need all the love and support they can get growing up. With that in mind, one mom in Newport News, Virginia decided to honor her child’s bonus mom in a major way.
In a viral “Love What Matters” Facebook post, 24-year-old Audrey Loving publicly praised her ex’s girlfriend Whitney McGraw for stepping up to the plate as another parent to her 4-year-old daughter Riley.
“This is my daughter’s father’s girlfriend,” Loving writes. “The sweetest thing ever! I’m super thankful for her because when [my daughter] visits her dad she feeds her, takes care of her, buys her gifts, and basically takes care of her like her own.”
(Story continues under the note)
As Loving says, good stepparents deserve all the appreciation they can get.
“When there is someone trying, don’t push them away! Because they DON’T need the drama they WILL leave and then you’re stuck with someone who is the evil step mom,” she writes in the post, which has garnered over 72,000 “likes” and 9,000 shares since it was posted last week.
“A kid can have two moms because in my eyes the more people that love her I’m happy!” she adds.
Loving told The Huffington Post that growing up with stepparents taught her quite a bit about co-parenting like a grownup.
“I never heard negative talk about the other parents,” she said. “They raised me, my stepsisters and half-sisters the right way and that’s what I learned from. It all starts at home”
Courtesy of Audrey Loving Audrey and her daughter Riley.
Of course, her relationship with McGraw didn’t happen overnight. But slowly, she realized the other woman was a good influence on her daughter.
“I was kind the moment I met her but the more Riley went to visit, the I closer I became to her,” Loving told HuffPost. “I’m grateful that when Riley is with her dad, she is well taken care of.”
On Facebook, people applauded Loving’s effort to embrace the “other woman” in Riley’s life. Many shared their own stories of growing up in perfectly imperfect blended families.
McGraw’s response to reading the viral post was especially sweet. ||||| share tweet pin email
The evil stepmother stereotype is tired — at least, if one 24-year-old mom from Newport News, Virginia, has anything to say about it.
Audrey Loving “Just be a grown-up and put the kid first,” said Loving. “Teach the kid love.”
Audrey Loving met Corey Henry at age 18. The two got engaged and had a daughter, Riley, now 4 — but after several years of long distance and personal differences, their relationship came to an end. Since the two live in different states, Loving has full custody, but Henry remains involved in Riley’s life and often takes her on weekends.
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When Henry began dating another woman, Loving was determined to take the high road. “I come from a blended family — I have stepsisters, half-sisters,” she told TODAY. “Growing up, I heard the negative talk about the ‘other woman,’ and I didn’t want my kid to hear the same thing … It’s not fair. Kids are smart.”
She also felt empathy for Whitney McGraw, the woman taking on the responsibility of a child who wasn’t her own. “It’s awkward for her too — dating someone with a kid,” she said. “I’m not interested in the baby mama drama … I welcomed her into my family with open arms.”
Audrey Loving “I come from a blended family ... growing up, I heard the negative talk about the ‘other woman,’ and I didn’t want my kid to hear the same thing," Loving explained.
Despite her good intentions, Loving says she was “a little crazy” when Riley first began spending time alone with the couple. “I would write a whole list for Whitney. Things like, ‘Don’t leave her in the bathroom,’” she said with a laugh.
“Whitney would send me pictures and keep me updated," she recalled. "One night I sent her a text saying, ‘You know, I’m extremely thankful for you.’”
RELATED: To my daughter's stepmom: I never wanted you here, but thank you
Loving shared a similar sentiment on the Love What Matters Facebook page, encouraging others to set an example of love and kindness. At publishing time, the post had nearly 70,000 likes and 9,000 shares.
“Of course it’s hard,” Loving said of sharing her daughter. “You have a kid and your mama bear comes out. But the fact that someone’s there loving my daughter … I’m at peace knowing she’s being taken care of. The more people that love your kid, the better.”
Loving has since received about 5,000 messages from others working through similar situations. While she can't respond to everyone, she has some good advice for us all.
“Just be a grown-up and put the kid first,” she said. “Teach the kid love.” |||||
A: | Audrey Loving has a simple message for parents of blended families: "Just be a grown-up and put the kid first," she tells Today—and she's leading by example. In a Nov. 2 Facebook post, the 24-year-old mom from Virginia describes how thankful she is for the new girlfriend of her ex and father of her 4-year-old daughter, Riley. Though Loving has full custody, Riley still visits her dad often and girlfriend Whitney McGraw—who has two children—"feeds her … buys her gifts, and basically takes care of her like her own," Loving says. While some moms act jealous or spiteful toward the "other woman," "I'm not interested in the baby mama drama," Loving says. "I welcomed [McGraw] into my family with open arms." Loving has "been a stepparent and I haven't been appreciated," she tells Inside Edition, so she can sympathize with McGraw. Her parents, including a stepfather, also "raised me, my stepsisters, and half-sisters the right way," she tells the Huffington Post. "I never heard negative talk about the other parents." While it can be difficult sharing her daughter, "the more people that love your kid, the better," Loving says. "If we teach [kids] to be hateful and negative, the world will continue to be hateful and negative," she adds, per Us Weekly. Her post has received more than 370,000 likes and almost 150,000 shares as of this writing. But the best reaction was from McGraw, who was left "in tears," says Loving. "Happy ones." (This parenting win made a waitress cry.) |
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