stringlengths 83
| response
stringlengths 1
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
China Airlines Flight 611 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Taipei to Hong Kong , China .
| China Airlines Flight 611 was a regularly scheduled passenger flight from Chiang Kai-shek International Airport ( now Taoyuan International Airport ) in Taiwan to Hong Kong International Airport in Hong Kong . |
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
How to make hair dry faster without a blow dryer
Condition your hair.
While in the shower, make sure to condition your hair. Conditioner not only promotes healthy hair, but also helps repel water.
A: Conditioners include coatings that stick to your hair and help the water slide off instead of being absorbed. If you have curly hair, smooth leave-in conditioner over your hair.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
A man is seen sitting in front of a fence sitting on a skateboard and speaking to the camera. several shots
A: are then shown of him speaking to the camera and performing various skateboarding tricks around a park.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
How to choose the right knives for your kitchen
Decide whether you want to buy an entire set or buy just the pieces you need.
There are benefits to both. When you buy an entire set, it usually costs less than buying the pieces individually and you get a nice block to store it in.
A: When you buy individually, you have more control over what you're buying and can only buy the pieces you need. Figure out what types of knives you need and what types you want.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
How to care for younger siblings
Have a serious conversation with your parents.
Ask your parents or guardian to sit down and have a serious conversation about the rules and regulations when it comes for caring for your younger sibling. They may envision something totally different than what you think, so it's a good idea to understand what they expect from you.
A: | There may be different things they expect you to do if you're caring for your siblings alone opposed to when your parents are present. Make sure to clarify this when you talk to them. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Problem:when did the united kingdom develop thier cultural studies, Context: Scholars in the United Kingdom and the United States developed somewhat different versions of cultural studies after the late 1970s. The British version of cultural studies had originated in the 1950s and 1960s, mainly under the influence first of Richard Hoggart, E. P. Thompson, and Raymond Williams, and later that of Stuart Hall and others at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham. This included overtly political, left-wing views, and criticisms of popular culture as "capitalist" mass culture; it absorbed some of the ideas of the Frankfurt School critique of the "culture industry" (i.e. mass culture). This emerges in the writings of early British cultural-studies scholars and their influences: see the work of (for example) Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall, Paul Willis, and Paul Gilroy.
Solution: | 1950s and 1960s |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Former Vice President and current green-living crusader Al Gore popped out of his all-natural hyperbolic chamber last night to inform everyone that he knows why President Obama did so poorly in the debate Wednesday evening. After watching Obama and Romney go at it on a television that was powered by a pedal machine hooked up to Keith Olbermann, Al had a CFL light-bulb moment and went on Current TV, his own channel, and explained that Obama wasn't on his A-game because, well, because of the altitude, everybody.
Al explains that Obama arrived in Denver only a few hours before the debate and implied that when you go up 5,000 feet, you lose all ability to make complete, coherent sentences, and you become distracted by great heads of hair. Here's what Al said: ||||| During Current TV’s post-debate analysis, former Vice President Al Gore struggled to explain why GOP nominee Mitt Romney appeared more comfortable and better prepared than did President Barack Obama. In a grasping effort to absolve Obama of any fault for his disappointing performance, Gore suggested that it was the shock of Denver’s high altitude that threw the president off his game.
RELATED: James Carville On CNN: Romney ‘Had A Good Night,’ While Obama ‘Didn’t Want To Be There’
“I’m going to say something controversial here,” Gore began “Obama arrived in Denver at 2 p.m. today – just a few hours before the debate started. Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5,000 feet, and you only have a few hours to adjust – I don’t know…”
Current TV host Cenk Uygur did not seem to accept Gore’s exculpatory theory outright.
“I just came from L.A. the same day. You know what I did? I drank two cups of coffee before coming out here,” said Uygur
Comedian and Current TV host John Fugelsang, however, did say that he had a similar experience doing standup comedy in Denver and that Gore could be on to something.
Watch the clip below via Current TV:
> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter
Have a tip we should know? [email protected] |||||
| You know you did terrible in a debate when your defenders start playing the ... altitude card? From Al Gore on Current TV, floating a theory last night on President Obama's lackluster performance, as per Mediaite: "I’m going to say something controversial here. Obama arrived in Denver at 2pm today—just a few hours before the debate started. Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5,000 feet, and you only have a few hours to adjust—I don’t know ..." Cue the global warming jokes, like this one at the Stir. |
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Input: Low-income domestic violence victims may find long-term legal help -- representation in divorces or child-custody disputes -- hard to come by, if two organizations now providing such help can't replace their lost funding. The Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake and Utah Legal Services are already facing cutbacks after they were refused a federal grant of more than $450,000 in September. The board overseeing the state Office of Crime Victim Reparations [CVR] has voted to deny a stopgap funding request from the two organizations. While describing the request as a worthy cause, board members agreed Tuesday that funding divorces or custody disputes was outside their focus -- providing direct services for crime victims. The $175,000 requested would have allowed the legal aid groups to maintain a skeleton staff to continue providing help beyond emergency protective orders for victims, completing existing cases and offering services in limited cases. The groups also plan to enlist more pro bono attorneys through coordination with the Utah State Bar. "We don't have a lot more options," said Anne Milne, executive director of Utah Legal Services, after learning of the CVR refusal Wednesday. The organization has already lost some staff through attrition and has turned away some cases, she said. Milne said she may ask the board overseeing her organization to give her until November to seek funding from additional sources. Without additional funding, the outlook for longer-term legal help is unclear. For two years, the groups had received 18-month civil legal assistance grants from the U.S. Department of Justice and had used them to provide such assistance. But last month, a third request was denied. Funding used to help victims obtain emergency protective orders remains in place, said Milne and Stewart Ralphs, executive director of the Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake. Although an order's requirements that an abuser stay away from a victim may remain in effect for years, protective orders only settle issues such as child custody, child support, custody and property arrangements for 150 days. Many judges are reluctant to address those issues in emergency protective orders, since the decrees stay in effect for such a short time, Milne and Ralphs said. "The likelihood a victim will return to her abuser increases if she cannot permanently sever the relationship and establish workable support, custody and property arrangements," the funding request to CVR said. The Department of Justice said it denied the grant application, in part, because evaluators did not see enough collaboration between the organizations and victims' advocates, Ralphs and Milne told CVR board members. While the two said they believe their organizations coordinate well, the organizations cannot appeal the grant denial. Although CVR board members considered giving the money as a loan, not a grant, their vote on the funding request -- taken after Milne and Ralphs left the meeting -- was unanimous. <sep>The two organizations who made a stopgap funding request asked for how much money?<sep>$175,000
Output: | Yes |
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: Enlarge Screen Media Films An Oscar- worthy turn: Keanu Reeves also stars in The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, but it's Robin Wright who drives this comedy/drama. ABOUT THE MOVIE ABOUT THE MOVIE The Private Lives of Pippa Lee
* * * (out of four)
Stars: Robin Wright, Alan Arkin , Keanu Reeves , Maria Bello, Monica Bellucci , Blake Lively , Winona Ryder
Director: Rebecca Miller
Distributor: Screen Media Films
Rating: R for sexual content, brief nudity, some drug material and language
Running time: 1 hour, 33 minutes
Opens Friday in select cities Every once in a while, a multidimensional role comes along that seems tailor-made for an actor. It happens less often for actresses, particularly those over 40 – which makes The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, featuring an Oscar-worthy turn by Robin Wright, a truly happy surprise. INTERVIEW: Wright keeps focus on her work, not her divorce Wright gives the title character a complexity and emotional shading often missing in this kind of ensemble comedy/drama. Pippa has the feel of a heroine in literature, rather than on the big screen. Pippa, 50, is the seemingly serene wife of successful publisher Herb Lee (Alan Arkin), who is 30 years her senior. She seems to have it all: a good marriage, successful twentysomething children, wealth, good looks and glowing health. She even weathers a move with her husband to a sleepy retirement community, his "pre-emptive strike against decrepitude." But things slowly start to unravel, and the tumultuous past she tried to ignore comes back to haunt her. It sounds like standard chick flick/Lifetime movie stuff, but because of the strong cast and a few surprising twists, it rises above expectations for the genre. While the plot can be a bit episodic and has a whiff of the familiar, the psychologically astute dialogue by writer/director Rebecca Miller (The Ballad of Jack and Rose) rings true. Keanu Reeves has an appealing, low-key turn as the lost-soul son of Pippa's neighbor, and Blake Lively does a nice job as the young and wilder Pippa. But the best performance, next to the nuanced and evocative portrait painted by Wright, is that of Maria Bello. She plays young Pippa's charismatic but deeply diet-pill-addicted mother. It's a particularly fearless performance. As the mystery of Pippa's character unfolds, her comfortable world topples around her. But she has the grace and wisdom to sway with it. Guidelines: You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" button to make a difference. You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" button to make a difference. Read more ||||| Robin Wright has her juiciest role since “Forrest Gump” in Rebecca Miller’s “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee,” a starry, semi-satirical version of ’70s feminist dramas like “Diary a Mad Housewife” and “An Unmarried Woman.”
If the title “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” weren’t already taken, it would fit this uneven movie, and not only because of Wright’s Pippa Lee, who is coming apart after moving to a Connecticut retirement community.
Our 40-ish heroine has long been married to the much older Herb (Alan Arkin), a publisher who refuses to give up work entirely after three heart attacks — and increasingly vocally resents that Pippa has become his caretaker.
That — and the sudden arrival of Chris (Keanu Reeves), the hunky 35-year-old unemployed, emotionally damaged and newly single son of a neighbor (Shirley Knight) — triggers a series of sleepwalking episodes.
Pippa Lee’s façade as a perfect hostess — she’s described as “a mystery and an enigma” by a friend — is also cracking under the strain of memories of her turbulent youth.
Maria Bello once again pushes the envelope as Pippa Lee’s emotionally volatile, pill-popping mother, whose mood swings eventually force the teenage Pippa Lee to flee to a lesbian aunt in Manhattan.
But there, Pippa Lee encounters her aunt’s girlfriend (a nifty cameo by Julianne Moore), who offers a taste of “dangerous” fun.
Pippa Lee (played as a young woman by Blake Lively) falls in with a druggy art crowd in the 1970s.
But she gravitates toward the controlling Herb, even though he has a wife (Monica Belluci) who is arguably even crazier than even her mother.
Back in the present, Pippa Lee has a hyper-dramatic, untrustworthy best friend (a very funny Winona Ryder) and a daughter (the always excellent Zoe Kazan) who despises her, risking her life as a photojournalist in the Middle East.
Miller never really fleshes out all of these colorful characters in her emotionally facile script, leaving the heavy lifting to the actors.
Fortunately for “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee,” Wright is more than up to the challenge.
[email protected] ||||| Perched uncomfortably between flat whimsy and Lifetime movie crescendos, the coming-of-middle-age comic drama "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" is rough going.Writer-director Rebecca Miller, adapting her own novel about a 50-year-old people-pleasing housewife's long overdue reassessment of her life, is after the elusive charm of a highbrow chick flick. To that end, she's shrewd enough to cast melancholic beauty Robin Wright as the title character, who upon moving into a well-appointed Connecticut retirement community with her retired publisher husband (Alan Arkin) begins to reflect on the various women she's been before her current perfect-spouse persona.To watch Wright's deceptively tranquil face process a humiliating family hiccup, or Arkin explore the contours of a professional grouch, is to know what pleasurably deep acting can do. But the trouble starts when Pippa's flashbacks -- to her pill-popping manic-depressive mother (an overwrought Maria Bello), to her rebel angel teen self (an ethereally pretty if lukewarm Blake Lively), and finally to her husband's crazy first wife (Monica Bellucci, doing her own thing) -- let loose a swarm of tonal inconsistencies that Miller never fuses into anything meaningful. Pippa's crisis of guilt -- about troubled lives she couldn't fix and parts of her personality she rashly abandoned -- is ultimately swamped by Miller's own sketchy grasp of what's funny or heartbreaking or illuminating about her characters.The kick is that she gets close enough at times with her material -- a cagey bit of casting here (Keanu Reeves as a prickly yet trustworthy neighbor), a good line there -- to at least warrant a sympathetic wince when it goes off the rails, as when she crams in an animated scene or swerves into head-scratching melodramatics (the less said about Winona Ryder's whiny character the better). Overall, though, it's a drearily off-kilter effort from a filmmaker who navigated humor and pathos well in her last feature, "The Ballad of Jack and Rose." Where Pippa has many inner selves, Miller is regrettably just all over the place. |||||
Output: | The ensemble melodrama The Private Lives of Pippa Lee is receiving largely lukewarm reviews, but most critics agree that star Robin Wright Penn's top-notch performance gives it a vital lift. Wright , as a former wild child turned desperately bored middle-aged housewife, "is the miracle this picture needs, helping the material achieve an emotional tempo it wouldn’t otherwise reach without her stellar contribution," writes Brian Orndorf. Writer-director Rebecca Miller, adapting her own novel, "is after the elusive charm of a highbrow chick flick," writes Robert Abele at the Los Angeles Times, but the movie has ended up perched "uncomfortably between flat whimsy and Lifetime movie crescendos." "The plot can be a bit episodic and has a whiff of the familiar," writes Claudia Puig at USA Today, but a strong cast, including Keanu Reeves as Pippa's intriguing next-door neighbor, helps it rise above the genre. "Miller never really fleshes out all of these colorful characters in her emotionally facile script, leaving the heavy lifting to the actors," writes Lou Lumenick at the New York Post. "Fortunately ... Wright is more than up to the challenge." |
Write the next sentence in the following story.
Woman is standing in front of a table with red boots and a toothbrush in front. The woman grabs the toothbrush and cleans the heel. woman
(1). is cutting the shoes from the bottom to the top of the shoe and put clips and vacuum.
(2). wash her foot in the sink.
(3). is showing how to clean a high heel with a toothbrush.
(4). puts on lip stick, mirror and puts the lip stick to her face and starts smoking the cigarette.. The answer should be | (3). |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
One example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Solution is here: No
Explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Now, solve this: To protect its seagoing interests and trade routes, Portugal established strategic garrisons in Goa (India), Malacca (East Indies), and Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. Portuguese explorers then embarked upon Macau (now Macao), the Congo, and various other parts of Africa, including the Sudan. The Portuguese policy was to avoid armed strife and to develop a trade empire, rather than to conquer nations. To this end it succeeded with relatively few blood-soaked episodes in its colonial history. Adventures abroad, however, proved disastrous during the second half of the 16th century. In 1557 the 14-year-old boy-king Sebastião ascended the throne, the beginning of a calamitous reign that was to end at the battle of Alcacer-Quiber (Morocco) in pursuit of a vain crusade. Sebastião's untimely demise, alongside some 18,000 ill-prepared, badly led followers, set the stage for a crisis of succession. For many years afterwards, legends and rumors bizarrely insisted that the king was still alive, and imposters turned up from time to time claiming the throne; those who were plausible enough to be deemed a threat were summarily executed. In fact, the only rightful claimant to the crown was the elderly Prince Henry. But after two years of alternating between the throne and his sickbed, he died, heirless. Surveying the situation and smelling an opportunity, Spain occupied the power vacuum, and Portugal's neighbor and long-time antagonist became its master. Spanish rule dictated Portugal's inadvertent involvement in Spain's ongoing wars. In 1587 a squadron of British ships commanded by Francis Drake attacked the Algarve (now a "legitimate target" as Spanish territory) and sacked Sagres, thus depriving the world of the relics of Henry the Navigator. Nine years later Faro was torched. The 1386 Treaty of Windsor, by which Britain and Portugal had pledged eternal friendship, seemed a distant memory. Portugal's empire was gradually eroded, and many of its trading posts (with the notable exception of Brazil) were picked off by the British and Dutch. Finally, after 60 years of Spanish rule, Portuguese noblemen (aided by the French, then at war with Spain) organized a palace coup and restored independence. The Great Disaster Portugal's greatest misfortune struck on All Saint's Day, 1 November 1755. <sep>What happened to Prince Henry?<sep>He died at the throne
Solution: | Yes |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
See one example below:
Problem: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
Solution: Russian Revolution
Explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
Problem: what is the last type of livestock mentioned?, Context: Exhibitions and annual horse shows in all districts and a national horse and cattle show at Lahore are held with the official patronage. The national horse and cattle show at Lahore is the biggest festival where sports, exhibitions, and livestock competitions are held. It not only encourages and patronises agricultural products and livestock through the exhibitions of agricultural products and cattle but is also a colourful documentary on the rich cultural heritage of the province with its strong rural roots.
Solution: | cattle |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Saint-Denis is the administrative capital ( " pre ́ fecture " ) of the French controlled island of Re ́ union , in the Indian Ocean .
| Saint-Denis ( -RSB- , or unofficially Saint-Denis de la Re ́ union for disambiguation ) is the " pre ́ fecture " ( administrative capital ) of the French overseas region and department of Re ́ union , in the Indian Ocean . |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Q: Dr. Todd Mainprize leaned over and peered through his wire-rim glasses at a computer screen showing the brain scan of his brain cancer patient, Bonny Hall, who lay in a magnetic resonance imaging machine (MRI) in the adjacent room.
“This has gone exactly the way we hoped,” the neurosurgeon said, crossing his arms.
He smiled and nodded. His experimental procedure had been a success.
Here in the S-wing of Toronto’s Sunnybrook Hospital, Mainprize and his research team accomplished on Thursday what no one in the world has ever done before: Using focused ultrasound waves, they have opened the human blood-brain barrier, paving the way for future treatment of an array of currently impossible or hard-to cure-illnesses – from brain cancer to certain forms of depression, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
The blood-brain barrier is an extremely selective filter that Mainprize likens to cling film, which coats the blood vessels in the brain, preventing harmful substances in the bloodstream from passing through. Though its function is to protect the brain, this barrier has limited doctors’ ability to treat diseases, such as tumours, using drugs like chemotherapy to target specific areas of the brain.
By successfully opening the blood-brain barrier, “that will allow us to use many, many more medications in the brain than we can currently use,” said Dr. Kullervo Hynynen, director of physical sciences at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, who developed the technology used in the experimental procedure.
Hynynen said about 98 per cent of molecules that could potentially be used for brain treatments cannot currently be used because they cannot get through the blood-brain barrier. This includes antibodies, which in animal studies have been shown to remove brain plaques involved in Alzheimer’s disease, or stem cells, which could be used to treat stroke patients. Thus, he says, the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier will “revolutionize” brain medicine.
Previous methods of circumventing this cling film-like coating have been inconsistent and difficult to control, or invasive, such as inserting microcatheters through the skull to inject drugs directly into the brain. But by using focused ultrasound, the Toronto researchers have demonstrated a way of breaching the blood-brain barrier that is non-invasive, selective (or contained within a specific area), reversible and, the researchers believe, safe.
Here’s how it works: Medication is first introduced into a patient’s bloodstream – in this case, a chemotherapy drug called liposomal doxorubicin. Next, microbubbles, or tiny air bubbles, which are typically used as a contrast medium to enhance visibility in ultrasound imaging, are intravenously delivered into the bloodstream. Using MRI to locate their target area, doctors then send focused ultrasound waves, causing the microbubbles in the brain’s capillaries to expand and contract. This expansion and contraction creates little tears in the cling film-like layer of endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier, allowing the drug molecules to pass through into the brain to the targeted areas.
The microbubbles themselves do not cross the barrier and disappear within minutes, passing through the lungs. Meanwhile, the tiny tears in the blood-brain barrier close up again between an estimated eight to 12 hours.
The appearance of bright spots, the size of pinkie fingerprints, on the MRI images of Bonny Hall’s brain allowed Mainprize to immediately see that he had accomplished what he set out to do.
“This white spot and this white spot is where we opened the blood-brain barrier,” he said, pointing to the computer screen.
In the days previous, Hall, 56, of Tiny, Ont., was anxious yet eager to be the first patient to undergo the procedure.
“I think that someone has to go first,” Hall said, noting she empathized with the first patient to be treated with penicillin. “I kind of feel that way.”
Hall discovered her brain tumour eight years ago, though doctors at the time found it was benign. About five months ago, however, they found it had become cancerous and had grown to about five centimetres by three centimetres – about the size of a miniature candy bar – on the right side of her head, just above her ear.
Although the tumour caused no pain, Hall experienced what she described as “little blips,” or small 10– to 20-second seizures during which she would feel “spaced out.”
On the morning of the procedure, as the chemotherapy drug dripped into her arm, Hall said she was looking forward to getting her life back to normal.
“Seeing people here really suffer,” she said of the other patients at the hospital’s cancer centre, “I really do hope this will work for them some day.”
The following morning, after determining it possible to open the blood-brain barrier, Mainprize performed traditional surgery to remove Hall’s tumour. He carefully cut open a hand-sized flap of skin and muscle and removed part of her skull, extracting a white mass of tissue. The tumour will be analyzed over the next week to determine how much of the chemotherapy effectively passed through the blood-brain barrier.
The next step for the research team will be to repeat the focused ultrasound procedure on nine additional patients to show it can be replicated safely.
The possibilities for future research, Mainprize said, are enormous. “With ... this technique, you can selectively open almost anywhere in the brain and deliver whatever you want,” he said. “Essentially, whatever you can think of is a potential study that may help in the future.”
Report Typo/Error ||||| Image copyright Science Photo Library Image caption The blood-brain barrier protects the brain against toxins
For the first time, doctors have breached the human brain's protective layer to deliver cancer-fighting drugs.
The Canadian team used tiny gas-filled bubbles, injected into the bloodstream of a patient, to punch temporary holes in the blood-brain barrier.
A beam of focused ultrasound waves applied to the skull made the bubbles vibrate and push their way through, along with chemotherapy drugs.
Six to 10 more patients will undergo the same procedure as part of a trial.
Experts said the experimental technique used at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre was exciting because it meant doctors might be able to give cancer patients potent drugs that otherwise would not work.
The same non-invasive method could also be used for other brain diseases, such as dementia and Parkinson's.
But many more safety studies are needed, they say. Animal trials have produced some results, but it is not yet clear whether the treatment would work or have side-effects.
Blood-brain barrier
The blood-brain barrier keeps pathogens and toxins away from the central nervous system. But this tightly packed layer of cells, which separates the brain from its blood vessels, can be a hindrance if you want to deliver drugs into the brain.
The Sunnybrook team temporarily ripped holes in the barrier to allow chemotherapy a safe passage through.
For eight years, Bonny Hall managed her brain tumour with medication - but earlier this year, she was told the cancer was growing.
Her tumour needed more aggressive, targeted therapy.
Image copyright Focused Ultrasound Foundation Image caption Bonny Hall will be closely monitored for side effects
Her doctors asked the 56-year-old if she wanted to be the first in the world to try out a treatment that could deliver chemotherapy drugs via the blood-brain barrier.
She was given an intravenous infusion of chemotherapy followed by a small dose of the micro-bubbles that would punch a way through once they reached the target area of the brain and the ultrasound beam was switched on.
Brain scans suggest the treatment went to plan, and the researchers will soon examine a small part Ms Hall's tumour (removed surgically the day after the therapy) to confirm how much of the chemotherapy penetrated.
Image copyright focused ultrasound foundation Image caption Dr Todd Mainprize shows where the blood-brain barrier opened
She says she is both nervous and excited "if I can help in any way".
"It's going to also look after things like epilepsy, Alzheimer's, a lot of other diseases," she says. "This isn't just about a brain tumour.
"I just want to be a normal mum, a normal grandma, just a normal housewife, a normal wife. That's all I really want to be."
All of the participants who will take part in the trial are among those already scheduled for traditional surgery to remove parts of their tumour.
Lead researcher and neurosurgeon Dr Todd Mainprize said: "The results are preliminary at this point because we don't have the levels of chemotherapy - but based on the gadolinium MRI scan, we were clearly able to open up the blood-brain barrier non-invasively, reversibly and it appears quite safely.
"We are always concerned about possible downsides to any treatment and this is why this phase-one trial is undergoing.
"We are looking at the safety profile."
Prof Gail ter Haar, an expert in ultrasound technology at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, said: "This is an exciting clinical step.
"Opening the blood-brain barrier using focused ultrasound beams has been a goal of researchers for about a decade, with the Toronto group being at its forefront, and it is exciting to see this reaching the clinic at last.
"The use of ultrasound for enhancing the local delivery of drugs to a number of different targets in the body is being investigated by a number of centres around the world, including the UK, and shows particular promise in the field of cancer chemotherapy."
Egle Solito, a senior lecturer at Barts and The London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, said it was important not to raise hopes too soon.
"We need lots more research. The blood-brain barrier is a sealed system that protects the brain and when you open it, even temporarily, there are risks." ||||| Revolutionary
The blood-brain barrier is a natural defense, keeping us safe from bacterial infections—but it prevents some brain treatments. Now a Canadian team has found a way to break through.
For the first time doctors have broken through the blood-brain barrier in order to treat a brain disease non-invasively. Neurosurgeon Todd Mainprize of the Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, with the support of other neuroscientists, pioneered the revolutionary new method.
The blood-brain barrier is a natural defense mechanism that prevents germs and some chemicals already present in the bloodstream from reaching the brain. While the barrier normally serves to keep us safe from bacterial infections, it presents a particular difficulty for treatment of many brain diseases, as many drugs administered into a patient’s blood are incapable of reaching the patient’s brain.
Gliomas are a type of brain tumor that are difficult to treat surgically due to their tendency to branch out. While portions of gliomas can be removed, it’s virtually impossible to remove one in its entirety. Doctors seeking to treat the remaining portions of a glioma with chemotherapy are under extremely strict limitations, as the majority of chemotherapy drugs cannot cross the blood-brain barrier.
So how was this “breakthrough” achieved? It all comes down to a phenomenon called “sonication,” wherein sound frequencies too high for humans to hear (or “ultrasounds“) are used to fragment cells. Usually sonication is performed on samples of cells in the lab. In the body, ultrasounds are typically inert, which makes them useful for imaging a fetus in the womb.
The secret is how ultrasounds interact with air bubbles. When in the presence of ultrasounds, air bubbles rapidly compress and expand, vibrating in a way that loosens junctions between cells.
In this new procedure, a chemotherapy drug is introduced to a patient’s blood without any apparent means to reach a brain tumor. Then, microscopic bubbles smaller than red blood cells that can pass seamlessly through the circulatory system are produced in a patient’s bloodstream. Finally, pulses of ultrasound targeted on blood vessels in the brain interact with the microscopic bubbles to cause small openings in the blood-brain barrier. This allows the chemotherapy drugs to reach the tumor through the barrier’s targeted openings.
In a press release on Sunnybrook’s website, Dr. Mainprize said, “We are encouraged that we were able to temporarily open this barrier in a patient to deliver chemotherapy directly to the brain tumor.”
To make sure the drugs had reached the tumor, less than 24 hours after the procedure doctors removed portions of the tumor and surrounding tissues to test the differences in chemo concentration between regions that did and did not receive treatment. These invasive steps are necessary while the while the procedure is tested for feasibility, safety, and preliminary efficacy, but if the technique makes it out of clinical trials, they will no longer be necessary. Still, because of the invasive nature of demonstrating the procedure works, the trials are limited to participants already scheduled for traditional neurosurgery. |||||
A: | Inside your head, there's something called the blood-brain barrier—a natural defense system that keeps germs in your bloodstream from entering your brain. While it's great when it comes to preventing bacterial infections, the barrier makes treating some brain diseases impossible, since it prevents drugs from reaching the infected area. But that could soon change. Canadian scientists have penetrated the barrier for the first time in order to treat a branching brain tumor, known as a glioma, which is incredibly difficult to remove surgically in its entirety, reports the Daily Beast. First, a team at Toronto's Sunnybrook hospital inserted a chemotherapy drug into 56-year-old patient Bonny Hall's blood. Then, they used pulses of ultrasound—frequencies too high to be heard by the human ear—to manipulate microscopic air bubbles delivered into the bloodstream. When the bubbles in the brain were hit with pulses of ultrasound, they vibrated, creating small openings in the blood-brain barrier, allowing the drug to reach the tumor, per the BBC. Researchers say the procedure is both non-invasive and reversible since the barrier openings close within hours, while the air bubbles disappear quickly through the lungs, reports the Globe and Mail. After 24 hours, doctors removed portions of Hall's tumor and confirmed it had been hit with the drugs, though they'll now study the tumor more closely. A doctor notes the procedure—which will be tested in nine other patients scheduled for traditional neurosurgery—could "revolutionize" brain medicine, including treatments for other diseases, like Alzheimer's. "I really do hope this will work for them some day," Hall said before the operation. (Elsewhere, scientists have answered an old question about brain size.) |
Definition: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Input: How easy is it to fly to Asia and Europe currently?, Context: Flights are available from most countries, though direct flights are limited to mainly Thai and other ASEAN airlines. According to Eleven magazine, "In the past, there were only 15 international airlines and increasing numbers of airlines have began launching direct flights from Japan, Qatar, Taiwan, South Korea, Germany and Singapore." Expansions were expected in September 2013, but yet again are mainly Thai and other Asian-based airlines according to Eleven Media Group's Eleven, "Thailand-based Nok Air and Business Airlines and Singapore-based Tiger Airline".
Output: | Flights are available from most countries |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Example solution: No
Example explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Problem: One day a young boy went to visit a toy store. In the toy store the young boy found many fun toys. One toy that the boy really liked was a small blue toy truck. The small blue toy truck was a lot of fun to play with, and made a lot of funny noises. The young boy played with the toy truck for a long time, and then another little boy showed up and began to play with a little red car. The two boys ended up becoming friends and played with the toys for a long time. They ended up becoming good friends and had many play dates together over the months ahead. On one play date the two boys built a large tree house and called it the tree castle. They played for hours in the tree castle and always found something fun to do when they played together. They were glad that they met in the toy store and became life-long friends. <sep>Who was playing with the toy that made a lot of funny noises?<sep>Another little boy
| Solution: No |
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: A Rainy Day in New York may never be screened, after distributor says no release date has been set
Woody Allen’s latest film, A Rainy Day in New York, has been left in limbo after Amazon Studios appeared to shelve it indefinitely.
The production company, which was contractually obliged to distribute the film, said on Thursday: “No release date has ever been set.”
Amazon, which signed a five-film deal with the director in 2016, struggled to find wide theatrical distribution for his previous offering, Wonder Wheel, after renewed media focus on a sexual assault allegation made by his then seven-year-old adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, in 1992.
Allen has always denied the claim. Authorities looked into the details but no evidence was found and the case was not pursued.
Sources suggest dropping the film could cost Amazon $25m (£19m). Filming for the romantic comedy – starring Timothée Chalamet, Selena Gomez, Jude Law and Elle Fanning – finished last autumn.
Amid growing public support for the #MeToo movement, Chalamet and Gomez said they regretted working on the film. The pair later donated their salaries to Time’s Up campaign against sexual harassment in Hollywood.
On Tuesday, it was reported that Allen was unlikely to release a film in 2019, which will be the first time he has not done so for 44 years. Or 43 if A Rainy Day in New York is not released.
Actors are lining up to condemn Woody Allen. Why now? Read more
In June, Allen appeared robust in the face of renewed attacks on his reputation, saying his track record both personally and professionally ought to have made him a “poster boy” for the #MeToo movement. The film-maker has written many acclaimed and Oscar-winning roles for women.
Over a long career, Allen has never been accused of misbehaviour on set, or of assault by anyone other than Farrow.
In 2016, months after Farrow and her brother, Ronan, repeated the allegation, Allen told the Guardian the subsequent media fallout had badly affected him.
“There are traumas in life that weaken us for the future – and that’s what’s happened to me,” he said. “The various slings and arrows of life have not strengthened me. I think I’m weaker. I think there are things I couldn’t take now that I would have been able to take when I was younger.” ||||| Woody Allen’s latest movie, “A Rainy Day in New York,” has been shelved by Amazon and may never be released. The movie — starring Timothée Chalamet, Selena Gomez, Jude Law and Elle Fanning — wrapped filming last fall, before the #MeToo movement refocused attention on the allegations of sexual abuse Allen’s adopted daughter Dylan Farrow has made against him.
While the movie had been slated for 2018, Amazon now says, “No release date has ever been set for the film.”
Amazon is so desperate for content for its streaming service, it is in talks with Paramount and Sony about developing original movies. But it has shelved a finished film that it already bought for $25 million.
Allen’s deal with Amazon calls for three more movies, but that seems to be in limbo as well. The director has nothing coming out in 2019. ||||| Photo: Kevin Winter (Getty Images)
Here’s what we know about Woody Allen’s A Rainy Day In New York: It’s about a middle-aged man’s affair with a much younger actress, and pretty much everybody involved in the thing now regrets it. Stars Rebecca Hall, Timothée Chalamet, Selena Gomez, and Griffin Newman have all pledged their salaries to anti-harassment movements like Time’s Up, and rumors swirled back in January that the film would get quietly released with no PR or theatrical support.
Now, just a few days after Page Six reported that Allen is having trouble scrounging up financing for his next movie, the rag is back with a new report saying A Rainy Day In New York “has been shelved by Amazon and may never be released.” A 2018 release was previously slated for the movie, but Amazon is reportedly now saying that “no release date has ever been set for the film.”
All of this comes in the wake of the reemergence of allegations of child sexual abuse against Allen by Dylan Farrow, daughter of Allen’s ex Mia Farrow. It also doesn’t bode well for Allen’s five-picture deal with Amazon Studios, for which he still has three films left in the hopper. Reports say the streaming giant is considering breaking the deal early, which, considering how A Rainy Day In New York’s rollout is going, would be more merciful than anything. |||||
Output: | Woody Allen, who has come under renewed scrutiny over daughter Dylan Farrow's 1992 abuse allegations in the wake of the #MeToo movement, may never see his latest film released. Amazon Studios signed a five-film deal with Allen in 2016, but struggled to get wide theatrical distribution for last year's Wonder Wheel due to the increased scrutiny surrounding the director. Now, Amazon Studios says "no release date has ever been set" for A Rainy Day in New York, the Guardian reports. The production company was contractually obligated to distribute the film, and sources say the decision to shelve it could cost Amazon $25 million. Some of the stars have said they regretted their work on the film, and at least four donated their salaries to anti-harassment groups, the AV Club reports. It's not clear what will become of the three films left on the deal, Page Six reports. |
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: Play Facebook
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Embed Famous Italian Landmark Reopens After Getting $1.7 Million Makeover 0:33 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blog
ROME — Rome's Spanish Steps are set to be unveiled to much fanfare Thursday after a year-long refurbishment that returned the stairway to its original splendor.
Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in 1953 film "Roman Holiday." Courtesy Everett Collection
But one of the main figures paying for the $1.7 million project is ruffling feathers by suggesting officials keep "barbarians" from getting too close to the iconic tourist site.
Built in 1725, the stairway was immortalized by Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in the movie "Roman Holiday."
Millions of people have sat on them to eat, drink and smoke while canoodling and enjoying the view over Via Condotti, the Italian capital's most exclusive fashion street. But that left behind a coating of filth that slowly darkened the once shiny marble.
Paolo Bulgari, the chairman of the luxury jewelry house and nephew of its founder, wants to make sure that doesn't happen again.
"Restorers have done a great and difficult job. The steps were coated with anything from coffee, wine, chewing gum," he told the Italian daily La Repubblica earlier this month.
"But now I am worried. If we don't set strict rules, the steps will go back to being used as a camping site for barbarians," the billionaire reportedly said, adding that a gate or a Plexiglas barrier "doesn't seem like an impossible task."
Rome's Fontana della Barcaccia and the Spanish Steps. Steve Brown/REX / Rex Features via AP file
What Bulgari says matters because his company paid for the restoration as part of a government tax break plan. He has also suggested erecting a fence to prevent people from hanging around on the tourist hot spot at night.
A temporary fence erected during the restoration prevents people from walking up and down the Spanish Steps until the official reopening, which was rescheduled from Wednesday to Thursday due to poor weather.
“ At night the steps are often full of drunks and people partying”
Italy's Culture Ministry declined to comment on whether a more permanent barrier would replace it, saying it would answer questions at this week's event.
Tourists visiting the site told NBC News they understood Bulgari's worries but disagreed with his solution.
"He calls them barbarians, I call them slobs," Lynn Godfrey, 73, from New Jersey. "You wouldn't litter your house floor with food, why would you do that in such a beautiful place?"
She added: "They should just add more guards and signs telling people it's prohibited to drink and eat on the steps."
Lynn Godfrey, left, stands in front of the Spanish Steps with a friend. Claudio Lavanga / NBC News
Mario, a local policeman who has patrolled the monument for years, agreed a fence was unnecessary.
"It's true, at night the steps are often full of drunks and people partying, but we only guard the monument until midnight, and then come back at 7 a.m.," he said. "We should have overnight guards, [surveillance cameras] and signs warning people that they shouldn't drink or eat on the steps."
Another tourist, Tom Dabrowski, 63, also from New Jersey, told NBC News: "They are steps, at the end of the day, and they should be used as such at all times — even at night. It's part of the experience."
Bulgari's idea was also met with skepticism within the company itself.
"As with every monument there is always the risk of vandalism and lack of respect," Bulgari CEO Jean-Christophe Babin told Italian media after its chairman's proposal. "I have faith that the local administration will be able to preserve the stairway after the restoration."
A fence blocks access to the Spanish Steps in Rome on Tuesday. Annette Reuther / DPA via AP
The Spanish Steps are only the latest restoration of Rome's monuments and landmarks funded by Italy's famous fashion houses in exchange for tax breaks.
Luxury shoemaker Tod's paid 25 million euros ($28 million) for the five-year cleanup of the Colosseum's exterior facade, which had been blackened by decades of pollution. Until recently, cars drove around the monument like a glorified intersection.
Fashion house Fendi paid 2 million euro ($2.2 million) for the cleaning and restoration of the Trevi Fountain as well as three others in the city. ||||| They have been firmly on the tourist map ever since Gregory Peck engineered a meeting with Audrey Hepburn in the romantic comedy Roman Holiday, but there are now calls to reduce access to the Spanish Steps in Rome following a year-long restoration.
Bulgari, the jewellery company, donated 1.5 million euros for the famous monument to be cleaned and restored, with cracked paving stones repaired and unsightly stains removed.
The grand reopening of the Steps will be celebrated later this month with fireworks and a concert. The head of the luxury brand has called for a permanent fence to be built at the top and bottom of the travertine and marble staircase and for it to be locked every night to block access to “barbarian” hordes of tourists.
Paolo Bulgari, the chairman of the eponymous jewellery company and the great-grandson of its founder, fears that the now-pristine Steps will be trashed once again if tourists are allowed to loll around at night, leaving bottles of wine and beer, dropping cigarette butts and writing their initials with marker pens.
The sweeping steps, known in Italian as La Scalinata di Trinita dei Monti, were built between 1723 and 1726 and connect Piazza di Spagna with the Church of Trinita dei Monti. |||||
Output: | Audrey Hepburn ate gelato on the Spanish Steps in Roman Holiday, which makes her one of the "barbarians"—the residents and tourists who've ruined the famous landmark over the years, per the billionaire benefactor who's paying for its makeover, NBC News reports. The steps, built nearly 300 years ago, are set to reopen this week after a $1.7 million, yearlong restoration, and Paolo Bulgari, who chairs the luxury jewelry company of the same name, offered the funds for the project in exchange for a government tax break. But visitors hanging out with their food, drink, and cigarettes have dirtied the steps, and Bulgari is dead set against that happening again, so he's suggesting a fence or see-through barrier be erected. "If we don't set strict rules, the steps will go back to being used as a camping site for barbarians," he told La Repubblica earlier in September. Some agree with Bulgari, including one local business owner who tells the Telegraph that the "Spanish Steps are part of the whole world's heritage" and that a "non-invasive barrier" wouldn't be a terrible idea. A New Jersey tourist adds to NBC: "You wouldn't litter your house floor with food, why would you do that in such a beautiful place?" But others say congregating on the steps is part of the Rome experience and that there are better compromises that can be worked out, including more signs banning eating and drinking on the steps, surveillance cameras, and overnight guards. "They are steps, at the end of the day, and they should be used as such at all times," another American tourist says. (The rest of "dirty" Rome may need an overhaul, too.) |
Definition: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Input: The Japanese Wikipedia is the Japanese-language edition of Wikipedia .
Output: | The Japanese Wikipedia ( Wikipedia Nihongo-ban , literally " " Wikipedia : Japanese-language version " " ) is the Japanese-language edition of Wikipedia , a free , open-content encyclopedia . |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
PROBLEM: In computer science , a loop counter is a variable that controls how many repetitions the loop will do .
SOLUTION: In -LSB- computer programming -RSB- a loop counter is the -LSB- variable ( programming ) -PIPE- variable -RSB- that controls the iterations of a loop ( a computer -LSB- programming language -RSB- construct ) .
PROBLEM: Genome editing is a type of genetic engineering .
SOLUTION: Genome editing , or genome engineering , or gene editing , is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted , deleted , modified or replaced in the genome of a living organism .
PROBLEM: On this city , the university has four " Maste ̀ res Spe ́ cialise ́ s " courses at the Civil Aviation University of China only for Chinese students : airport management , aviation safety management - airworthiness , aviation safety management - flight operations and aviation safety management - aeronautical maintenance .
SOLUTION: | On this city , the university provides four " Maste ̀ res Spe ́ cialise ́ s " courses at the Civil Aviation University of China only for Chinese students : airport management , aviation safety management – airworthiness , aviation safety management – flight ope ́ rations ( in partnership with the " Institut Supe ́ rieur de l 'Ae ́ ronautique et de l 'Espace " ) and aviation safety management – aeronautical maintenance ( in partnership with the " Institut Supe ́ rieur de l 'Ae ́ ronautique et de l 'Espace " ) .
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: Hugh Donald McCutcheon {'1': ", '2': ", '3': ", '4': "} (born 13 October 1969), a native of Christchurch, New Zealand, is the former head coach of the US men's national volleyball team, the former head coach of the US women's national volleyball team, and the current head coach of the University of Minnesota's women's volleyball team.
Hypothesis: Hugh Donald McCutcheon is a former coach.
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: The 42-year-old actor was outside a movie theater in central London's Leicester Square, doing press interviews, Sunday, when a man squirted Cruise with a water pistol disguised as a microphone, London's Metropolitan Police said.
Hypothesis: Something that can be disguised as a microphone is a water pistol.
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: Rocket League is a vehicular soccer video game developed and published by Psyonix. The game was first released for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4 in July 2015. Ports for Xbox One, OS X, and Linux were released in 2016, and a port for Nintendo Switch is expected in late 2017. 505 Games began distributing a physical retail version for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in June 2016.
Hypothesis: in 2016 it was release for xbox one
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: | Context: How to trim bangs between haircuts<br>Obtain your tools. You will need a fine-tooth comb and sharp hair-cutting scissors for trimming bangs. You will also need bobby pins and/or hair ties to tie or pin your hair back.
Hypothesis: Fine-tooth combs are the best choice for trimming bangs. |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Q: Neighborhood Legal Services, which provides free legal services to the poor, has expanded into the San Gabriel and Pomona valleys, areas with large Asian populations, many of whom speak limited or no English. Language is their biggest obstacle, but the Asian communities' cultural isolation and service providers' lack of cultural expertise also play a part, said NLS executive director Neal Dubovitz. And with 13 percent to 15 percent of the Asian population in the U.S. living below the poverty line, NLS services are badly needed, Dubovitz said. "Although it is a significant part of the poverty population, Asians historically have not been able to participate in the services and programs available to the poor," he said. From simple telephone advice to complete legal representation in court, the agency provides free consumer, health, family, immigration, housing, public benefits and labor legal services to people who earn under $1,380 per month. Legal service providers have long served large Latino populations, who have cultural diversity but share a common language. "I remember the days when there were only a handful of people in the legal offices who spoke Spanish," Dudovitz said. "Now Spanish and English are interchangeable. Our goal is to have that for the major Asian languages as well." Before the expansion, only a few NLS lawyers spoke Asian languages, said attorney Rebecca Yee, who was hired by NLS in April 2002 to design and head the project. "Now we have people speaking Cantonese, Mandarin, Thai, Khmer (from Cambodia), Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese and Tagalog," Yee said. One of the 13 attorneys hired to work with the program is Irene Mak, a family law attorney who speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and Thai. Mak was a partner at a private law firm before she went to work for NLS two years ago, earning up to $20,000 less a year working on domestic violence cases. "The job is more satisfying than the money," said Mak, who grew up in Hong Kong and Thailand before coming to the United States. "I could use my language skills and wanted to give back to the Asian community." NLS expanded when Legal Services Corp., the federal agency that funds providers of free legal services nationwide, reduced the number of grantees in the Los Angeles area from five to three, Dudovitz said. NLS won the competitive grant over the Legal Services Program for Pasadena, San Gabriel-Pomona valleys. That boosted its client base from 16,000 to around 25,000, and NLS opened an office in El Monte. <sep>What does Mak think of this job as more than for the money?<sep>The job is more satisfying than the money
A: | Yes |
Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph:
We see the arena in blue and the sax player in red. We see another member of the band. we | see the man on the saxophone playing close and far. |
Write the next sentence in the following story.
A woman is providing a demonstration on mop cleaning. The lady presents a bottle of the cleaning chemical that she is using before beginning. the woman the starts | mopping the floor, using vigorous effort. |
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)?
Access to the underground workings at the La Camorra mine is via a ramp from the surface, excavated at a -15% grade and connecting numerous levels.
Hypothesis: La Camorra mine is in Bolivia.
Choose from:
- Yes.
- It's impossible to say.
- No. | It's impossible to say |
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)?
Backwoods Home Magazine is a bi-monthly American magazine. It was founded in 1989 in a garage in Ventura, California, by Dave Duffy and his seven-year-old daughter, Annie. After publication of the second issue, Duffy met Ilene Myers, who became his wife and partner-in-publication. "Backwoods Home" remains family-owned. It is based in Gold Beach, Oregon.
Hypothesis: The magazine is published every 6 months
Pick from: +Yes +It's impossible to say +No | Yes |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Neal Joseph Schon (born February 27, 1954) is an American rock guitarist, songwriter, and vocalist, best known for his work with the bands Journey and Bad English. He is Journey's last original constant member, having participated in every album and tour to date. He was a member of the rock band Santana before forming Journey, and was also an original member of Hardline.
Hypothesis: Neal Joseph Schon likes Journey the best.
It's impossible to say
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
These 109 petitioners from my riding and outside my riding ask that the money presently aimed at the creation and implementation of the gun registration system be redirected toward more cost effective methods of fighting crime in this country, including more police on the streets, crime prevention programs, suicide prevention programs, women's crisis centres, anti-smuggling campaigns and more resources for fighting organized crime and street gangs.
Hypothesis: Less police on the streets will be cost effective.
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Given the complexity of the issue, we all hope that tomorrow, when the Canadian and provincial ministers of health meet, they will able, first of all, to reach a consensus and then, let us hope, to initiate a settlement process that is satisfactory to victims and their families, and in keeping with the way our health institutions operate in Canada.
Hypothesis: The Canadian and provincial ministers of health will not be in the same room together to meet tomorrow.
| No |
Write the next sentence in this paragraph:
We see an intro screen with contact lenses. We see a man wash his hand and take a contact from a new package. the person | holds their eye open and inserts the contact lens. |
Teacher:In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Today, we know that the 'transforming principle' Griffith observed was the DNA of the III-s strain bacteria. While the bacteria had been killed, the DNA had survived the heating process and was taken up by the II-R strain bacteria. The III-S strain DNA contains the genes that form the smooth protective polysaccharide capsule. Equipped with this gene, the former II-R strain bacteria were now protected from the host's immune system and could kill the host. The exact nature of the transforming principle (DNA) was verified in the experiments done by Avery, McLeod and McCarty and by Hershey and Chase.
Student: | what is the name of the process that was involved in changing griffiths r bacteria to s bacteria |
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Let me give you an example: Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle.
The answer to this example can be: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar?
Here is why: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage.
OK. solve this:
The rules for the high jump are set internationally by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). Jumpers must take off on one foot. A jump is considered a failure if the bar is dislodged by the action of the jumper whilst jumping or the jumper touches the ground or breaks the plane of the near edge of the bar before clearance. The technique one uses for the jump must be almost flawless in order to have a chance of clearing a high bar.
Answer: | can you jump off two feet in high jump? |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Q: The game can be played with either the Wii Remote or the Wii U GamePad .
A: The game can be controlled either using Wii Remotes or the Wii U GamePad , the latter of which allows for Off-TV Play , where the game can be played solely on the GamePad 's screen , without the use of a television .
Q: Spiritualism is a belief that humans can communicate with the spirits of the dead .
A: Spiritualism is a religious movement based on the belief that the spirits of the dead exist and have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living .
Q: The Ancient Olympic Games were a series of athletic competitions held between the city-states of Ancient Greece .
A: | The Olympic Games ( , " Olympia " , " the Olympics " ; also , , " the Olympiad " ) were a series of athletic competitions among representatives of city-states and one of the Panhellenic Games of ancient Greece .
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: The district level normally handles administrative entities except in these areas?, Context: Local associations of a special kind are an amalgamation of one or more Landkreise with one or more Kreisfreie Städte to form a replacement of the aforementioned administrative entities at the district level. They are intended to implement simplification of administration at that level. Typically, a district-free city or town and its urban hinterland are grouped into such an association, or Kommunalverband besonderer Art. Such an organization requires the issuing of special laws by the governing state, since they are not covered by the normal administrative structure of the respective states.
Student: | Kommunalverband besonderer Art |
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context?
Clube de Futebol União de Coimbra, usually known as União de Coimbra (] ), is a sports club in the city of Coimbra, Portugal. The club was founded in June 2, 1919 and has a large array of sports departments which includes football, futsal, basketball, aikido, volleyball and swimming.
Hypothesis: União de Coimbra's basketball club has hosted several former NBA players. | It's impossible to say |
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Input: (CNN) -- Sevilla have sacked coach Manolo Jimenez after their disappointing home draw to bottom-club Xerez on Tuesday extended the club's winless run to seven games. Despite lying fifth in the Spanish Primera Liga table, Sevilla were knocked out of the lucrative European Champions League by Russian side CSKA Moscow last week. Jimenez had also secured a Copa del Rey final against Atletico Madrid but it wasn't enough to save the 46-year-old's job. The club's sporting director Ramon Rodriguez admitted the decision had been difficult but said he had "done what I had to." He told the club's official Web site: "It was an unavoidable situation and we had to find a solution, and the pain that it brings. "Tuesday was the end of the story but the decision comes from the image and dynamics of the team. Without doubt we are grateful to Manolo. He is an excellent professional, he has made all this possible and impossible. However it is obvious that he could not get a response out of the team. "Fortunately we believe that there is time. The growth and the ambition of the club is shown in the change of the manager. We are fighting for important things." Xerez's injury-time equaliser on Tuesday meant Sevilla's last league success was against Real Mallorca back in February. Ironically, it is Mallorca who occupy the much-coveted fourth spot in the table that guarantees Champions League football next season. Jimenez took charge in October 2007 when former coach Juande Ramos left to take over at English Premier League team Tottenham. <sep>Name three factors that contributed to the removal of coach Manolo Jimenez:<sep>He could not get a response from his team, the growth and ambition of the club is shown when a manager is changes and due to the image and dynamics of the team
Output: | Yes |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Input: Which of the following was never the name of a campus: Hilltop, Danforth or Olmsted?, Context: Washington University spent its first half century in downtown St. Louis bounded by Washington Ave., Lucas Place, and Locust Street. By the 1890s, owing to the dramatic expansion of the Manual School and a new benefactor in Robert Brookings, the University began to move west. The University Board of Directors began a process to find suitable ground and hired the landscape architecture firm Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot of Boston. A committee of Robert S. Brookings, Henry Ware Eliot, and William Huse found a site of 103 acres (41.7 ha) just beyond Forest Park, located west of the city limits in St. Louis County. The elevation of the land was thought to resemble the Acropolis and inspired the nickname of "Hilltop" campus, renamed the Danforth campus in 2006 to honor former chancellor William H. Danforth.
Output: | Olmsted |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Let me give you an example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
The answer to this example can be: Russian Revolution
Here is why: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
OK. solve this:
What was the result of the defeat?, Context: After the Dambusters raid in 1943 an entirely new system was developed that was required to knock down any low-flying aircraft with a single hit. The first attempt to produce such a system used a 50 mm gun, but this proved inaccurate and a new 55 mm gun replaced it. The system used a centralised control system including both search and targeting radar, which calculated the aim point for the guns after considering windage and ballistics, and then sent electrical commands to the guns, which used hydraulics to point themselves at high speeds. Operators simply fed the guns and selected the targets. This system, modern even by today's standards, was in late development when the war ended.
Answer: | an entirely new system was developed |
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
[EX Q]: Threats and aspirations to secede from the United States, or arguments justifying secession, have been a feature of the country's politics almost since its birth. Some have argued for secession as a constitutional right and others as from a natural right of revolution. In Texas v. White, the United States Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional, while commenting that revolution or consent of the States could lead to a successful secession.
[EX A]: can a state succeed from the united states?
[EX Q]: Tomalley (from the Carib word tumale, meaning a sauce of lobster liver), crab fat, or lobster paste is the soft, green substance found in the body cavity of lobsters, that fulfills the functions of both the liver and the pancreas. Tomalley corresponds to the hepatopancreas in other arthropods. It is considered a delicacy, and may be eaten alone but is often added to sauces for flavour and as a thickening agent. The term lobster paste or lobster pâté can also be used to indicate a mixture of tomalley and lobster roe. Lobster bisque, lobster stock, and lobster consommé are made using lobster bodies (heads), often including the lobster liver.
[EX A]: can i eat the green stuff in lobster?
[EX Q]: Canadian citizenship is typically obtained by birth in Canada on the principle of jus soli, or birth abroad when at least one parent is a Canadian citizen or by adoption by at least one Canadian citizen under the rules of jus sanguinis. It can also be granted to a permanent resident who has lived in Canada for a period of time through naturalization. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC, formerly known as Citizenship and Immigration Canada, or CIC) is the department of the federal government responsible for citizenship-related matters, including confirmation, grant, renunciation and revocation of citizenship.
[EX A]: | can i get canadian citizenship if my mother was born in canada?
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context?
× Expand Photo by Robert Altman Middlebury College's award-winning dance season opens with Bebe Miller's newest work, titled "In a Rhythm," Nov. 8–10. With Bessie awards, National Endowment for the Arts and Guggenheim honors, and Doris Duke and Ford Fellowships, Miller is one of the most important and recognized voices in American dance. Current and past faculty members Christal Brown and Trebien Pollard will perform in the company. Tickets go on sale two weeks prior to opening night.
Hypothesis: Bebe Miller started dancing when she was 12. | It's impossible to say |
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: Tunisia's sovereignty over its natural resources has become a controverisal issue after the 2011 revolution. One of the most notorious cases that has sparked outrage is the allowance given to a French company to extract Tunisian salt for the same price since 1949.
Hypothesis: Tunisia works with many countries
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: FILE- In this Sept. 26, 2017, file photo, former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore greets supporters before his election party in Montgomery, Ala. Allegations of Moore's sexual misconduct are shaking up the Alabama special Senate election. Brynn Anderson AP
Hypothesis: President Trump still support Roy Moore despite the sexual misconduct allegations.
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: How to bowl a strike<br>Determine whether you will be using a " house ball " or will be buying your own. Most people start with a " house ball " and " house shoes " as this is the cheapest option. There are normally many " house balls " to choose from and these are supplied, free-of-charge, by the bowling alley.
Hypothesis: You always have to pay for house balls
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: | Context: Campbell County is a county located in the U.S. state of South Dakota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 1,466, making it the fifth-least populous county in South Dakota. Its county seat is Mound City. The county was created in 1873 and organized in 1884. It is named after Norman B. Campbell, a Dakota Territory legislator in 1873 and son of General Charles T. Campbell.
Hypothesis: the average winter temperature in Campbell County is -6 celcius |
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Who praised Lee, literary circles or her editors?, Context: Despite her editors' warnings that the book might not sell well, it quickly became a sensation, bringing acclaim to Lee in literary circles, in her hometown of Monroeville, and throughout Alabama. The book went through numerous subsequent printings and became widely available through its inclusion in the Book of the Month Club and editions released by Reader's Digest Condensed Books.
A: | literary circles |
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Example Input: The White House on Monday defended Secretary of State John Kerry, after charges in Israeli media that he was “capitulating” to Hamas in talks to broker a cease-fire in the Mideast.
"Israel has no better friend, no stronger defender” than Kerry, deputy national security adviser Tony Blinken said at the White House.
He added that “no one has done more” for lasting peace.
Reports over the weekend, including one from The Times of Israel, quoted anonymous Israeli sources accusing Kerry of giving into Hamas’s demands.
“What was leaked, unfortunately, I think was misinformed, or an effort to misinform,” Blinken said about the reported cease-fire terms.
Israel rejected a draft cease-fire proposal that was reportedly in the works on Friday as Kerry worked to negotiate a deal in Cairo, Egypt.
Blinken explained the leaked proposal was not sponsored by the U.S., but instead was a “discussion paper based on... [an] original Egyptian initiative” unveiled in mid-July.
Israel had agreed to that original Egyptian cease-fire proposal earlier this month but Hamas rejected the offer, leading to more violence.
The United Nations Security Council late Sunday approved a resolution urging a humanitarian cease-fire, but Hamas fired rockets into Israel on Monday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly said Monday that his country is prepared for a prolonged operation to destroy Hamas-built tunnels from Gaza into Israel. ||||| Secretary of State John Kerry has made a significant mistake in how he’s pursuing a Gaza cease-fire — and it’s not surprising that he has upset both the Israelis and some moderate Palestinians.
Kerry’s error has been to put so much emphasis on achieving a quick halt to the bloodshed that he has solidified the role of Hamas, the intractable, unpopular Islamist group that leads Gaza, along with the two hard-line Islamist nations that are its key supporters, Qatar and Turkey. In the process, he has undercut not simply the Israelis but also the Egyptians and the Fatah movement that runs the Palestinian Authority, all of which want to see an end to Hamas rule in Gaza.
A wiser course, which Kerry rejected in his hunt for a quick diplomatic solution, would have been to negotiate the cease-fire through the Palestinian Authority, as part of its future role as the government of Gaza. Hamas agreed last April to bring the authority back to Gaza as part of a unity agreement with Fatah that was brokered by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Kerry has been motivated by two understandable short-term needs: First, he wants to stop the horrific slaughter in Gaza, with its heavy loss of life among Palestinian civilians, including children. Second, he seeks to fulfill the instructions of President Obama, who wants an immediate cease-fire and has become skeptical about solving the knotted Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Kerry’s approach has ignited a firestorm in Israel, with commentators left and right accusing him of taking Hamas’s side and betraying Israel. That criticism is unfair, and it prompted a complaint Sunday from Obama in a phone call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to members of the media from the State Department Monday about his recent efforts in the Middle East to secure a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas. (Associated Press)
Kerry’s mistake isn’t any bias against Israel but rather a bias in favor of an executable, short-term deal.
A case can be made for this “kick the can down the road” approach, as I did last week in discussing Kerry’s recent diplomatic negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program and with rival political leaders in Afghanistan. But Gaza has suffered from a generation of brutal expediency. Any deal that reinforces Hamas’s stranglehold — rather than building a path toward change of government, elections and eventual disarmament — is misconceived. In the name of stopping bloodshed this week, it all but guarantees it in the future. That’s why public opinion polls show a strong majority of Gazans back the idea of returning to Palestinian Authority control — because they want an end to the cycle of intermittent warfare.
Israel has undermined its own cause with statements that appear to be insensitive to Palestinian loss of life. One example is the claim of Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, that “the Israeli Defense Forces should be given the Nobel Peace Prize” for showing “unimaginable restraint,” at a time when photos and videos provide wrenching evidence of civilian casualties in the densely packed cities of Gaza.
Kerry’s initial plan was to support Egypt’s demand that Hamas accept a cease-fire. When Hamas balked at surrender and it was clear that Egypt lacked the clout to make the deal stick, Kerry turned to Turkey and Qatar, which as friends and financial backers of Hamas had more leverage. That put the deal first and a stable solution to Gaza’s problems second. The deal blew up anyway, victim of Israeli and Palestinian inability to get to yes.
By turning to Turkey and Qatar, Kerry also enhanced their position in the regional power game. That’s contrary to the interests and desires of the United States’ traditional allies, such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the moderate Palestinian camp headed by Abbas.
If Kerry has been shortsighted about seeking a path toward a more stable Gaza, so has Netanyahu’s government. The Israeli prime minister denounced the Palestinian unity agreement forged by Abbas last spring, even though it opened the way for an alternative non-Hamas government. More important, Netanyahu consistently has failed to give Palestinian moderates the concessions that might enhance their power in both the West Bank and Gaza. When Palestinians heard Netanyahu say recently that Israel must maintain military control of the West Bank for decades, they ask: What’s the point of negotiating a two-state solution?
Does Netanyahu really want a months-long, house-to-house military campaign in Gaza that could push Israeli casualties above a thousand and effectively mean re-occupation of the territory? If not, he had better figure out a way to empower Palestinian moderates who, with international help, can build something different in Gaza.
1 of 86 Full Screen Autoplay Close Skip Ad × Tom Toles goes global View Photos A collection of cartoons about international news. Caption A collection of Tom Toles cartoons about international news. Buy Photo Wait 1 second to continue.
Whether Kerry gets a permanent cease-fire or not, the same basic issue will haunt Gaza going forward, which is how to establish the Palestinian Authority as a responsible government that actually controls the territory. Israelis fear that the authority might operate on the Lebanese model — with Hamas maintaining a deadly militia, just as Hezbollah does in Beirut.
That’s the right long-term question to be negotiating — and it’s where Kerry should be spending U.S. diplomatic capital, rather than in another pursuit of the interim deal.
Read more from David Ignatius’s archive, follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his updates on Facebook. |||||
Example Output: John Kerry is taking so much flak from Israelis for his latest peace-making efforts in Gaza that the White House made a point yesterday to declare that "Israel has no better friend, no stronger defender" than Kerry, reports the Hill. But at the Washington Post, columnist David Ignatius thinks Israelis, as well as moderate Palestinians, are justified in their criticism because Kerry "has made a significant mistake"—in his mission to get a cease-fire in place as quickly as possible, he gave too much ground to Hamas and thus "solidified" the Islamist group's role in Gaza for the near future. "A wiser course, which Kerry rejected in his hunt for a quick diplomatic solution, would have been to negotiate the cease-fire through the Palestinian Authority, as part of its future role as the government of Gaza," writes Ignatius. Kerry's blunder came after Hamas rejected a cease-fire proposed by Egypt. In his desperation to stop the bombs, the secretary of state immediately turned to the group's "hard-line Islamist" backers, Qatar and Turkey. "Any deal that reinforces Hamas’s stranglehold—rather than building a path toward change of government, elections, and eventual disarmament—is misconceived," writes Ignatius. Kerry's diplomacy was meant to stop bloodshed; instead, "it all but guarantees it in the future." Click for his full column.
Example Input: I LOVE THIS because it reminds me IM NOT EXACTLY WHERE I WANT TO BE BUT THANK GOD IM NOT WHERE I USED TO BE!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME DO YOU BELIEVE IT? ||||| These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to. That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.The goal is to fix all broken links on the web . Crawls of supported "No More 404" sites. |||||
Example Output: Move over, Justin Bieber. Jesus Christ is here. The New York Times reports that a Facebook page called Jesus Daily is generating more "Likes" and comments than Bieber's page simply by posting the words of Jesus four or five times a day. Last week it racked up 3.4 million interactions to Bieber's 630,000, but who's counting. The man behind it, North Carolina doctor Aaron Tabor, says he only started it as a hobby about two years ago. "I wanted to provide people with encouragement," he says. And Jesus Daily is not alone. Facebook's top-20 traffic pages include Joyce Meyer Ministries, another Jesus page, and Dios Es Bueno (or "God is Great"). What's more, a reverend and a rabbi tell the Times that Facebook is helping houses of worship attract more congregants and online worshipers. But others warn that Internet prayer is no replacement for the real thing. Says one reverend: "They can never replace the importance of people being together physically in the service of worship."
Example Input: Tweet with a location
You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications. You always have the option to delete your Tweet location history. Learn more ||||| - After taking the Metro to get to Capital One Arena for Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Final, Washington Capitals’ players T.J. Oshie and Matt Niskanan took the same route for Game 4.
However this time, when Oshie arrived at Gallery Place-Chinatown station on Monday, he had to stop to add some money on his Metro SmarTrip card after being short $0.35 to exit the station.
@russianmachine Oshie was on the Metro again (Gallery Place). Was short on his farecard. Didn't have 35 cents. O
Happily, the Metro staff let him through. #ALLCAPS #StanleyCup — Countingdown (@CDLori) June 4, 2018
If there is a better running bit than TJ Oshie and Matt Niskanen metroing to the home Stanley Cup games I don't know what it is. My friend Page commuted with them today. — Grant Paulsen (@granthpaulsen) June 4, 2018
According to Capitals fanatic @CDLori on Twitter, Metro let him through without incident:
“I offered him the 35 cents, another guy offered him a $20. He didn't know Add Fare doesn't take plastic. He went over to the Metro office. They didn't give him any trouble, and we all wished him luck and chanted "Let's Go Caps!" @CDLori tweeted.
Another D.C. sports star also arrived at Capital One Arena to support the Capitals Monday night. Washington Nationals first basemen Ryan Zimmerman was seen out among the crowd outside of the arena.
Fellow Nats teammate Max Scherzer joined Zimmerman inside Capital One Arena for the big game.
The Capitals enter Game 4 against the Vegas Golden Knights with a 2-1 series lead. ||||| CLOSE SportsPulse: USA TODAY Sports' Kevin Allen and A.J. Perez break down Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final, where the Capitals dominated the Golden Knights to take a commanding 3-1 series lead. USA TODAY Sports
Capitals forward T.J. Oshie, who rode the subway to Game 4, had to add to his fare card at the Gallery Place station. (Photo: @cdlori)
WASHINGTON — T.J. Oshie came up well short on Monday, at least on subway fare as the Washington Capitals star forward was temporarily unable to exit the station next to Capital One Arena hours before Game 4 of Stanley Cup Final.
"I had a little mishap today," Oshie said with a smirk after the Caps' 6-2 victory against the Vegas Golden Knights that inched the franchise to within a win of its first Stanley Cup title. "I'm not going to name them, but somebody (lent) me one of their cards that only had 35 cents on it."
Oshie credited a Metro employee for allowing him to exit the station as fans began to swarm around him as he stood in line to add money to his card.
"I don't know how much that ride was, but I owe you big time," Oshie joked.
Oshie again joined teammate Matt Niskanen on the Metro on Monday, just as they did before Game 3, a 3-1 victory, on Saturday.
After all, hockey players are superstitious beings – and maybe it worked
He proceeded to score his first goal of the series, which was also the first goal in the Capitals' rout of the Golden Knights. He added two assists in a night that ended for him with about two minutes left in regulation after he received a misconduct penalty. He was named the game's first star.
More: Capitals crush Golden Knights, are one win from first Stanley Cup
More: Final minutes of Game 4 blowout get very nasty
More: Nationals' Scherzer, Zimmerman show up to support Capitals
Key players taking the subway to the game is a rare sight as is something else on the maligned transit system: Oshie and Niskanen were seen smiling as they posed for a photo with a passenger on a subway car. |||||
Example Output: | The Washington Capitals are one victory away from the Stanley Cup after beating the Vegas Golden Knights on Monday night, and one of the goal-scorers in that game had an odd commute. TJ Oshie rode the subway to the DC arena for Game 4 with fellow player Matt Niskanen, just as they did for Game 3. But Oshie's card came up 35 cents short as he was exiting the station, reports Fox5 DC. As he stood in line to add money, a Metro employee let him through. "I don't know how much that ride was, but I owe you big time," Oshie said later, per USA Today. A few hours after his subway ride, Oshie scored the first goal of the game and later added two assists in Washington's 6-2 win. The Caps now lead the best-of-seven series 3-1, with Game 5 on Thursday night in Vegas. One fan posted a photo of Oshie and Niskanen on the subway. (Oshie previously drew national attention for this Olympic performance.)
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Sanjiang Church was considered to have been developed in what manner according to local officials?, Context: The rapid development of religions in Zhejiang has driven the local committee of ethnic and religious affairs to enact measures to rationalise them in 2014, variously named "Three Rectifications and One Demolition" operations or "Special Treatment Work on Illegally Constructed Sites of Religious and Folk Religion Activities" according to the locality. These regulations have led to cases of demolition of churches and folk religion temples, or the removal of crosses from churches' roofs and spires. An exemplary case was that of the Sanjiang Church.
Student: | Illegally |
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Input: In remarks during a ribbon-cutting ceremony here on Wednesday, Gov. George E. Pataki said he expected the facility to generate thousands more jobs in the Hudson Valley area for contractors and suppliers catering to the factory. He praised IBM for being "a critical partner in our economic development efforts" in New York state. In a brief speech, Samuel J. Palmisano, IBM's chief executive, emphasized that it was important to make long-term investments despite the current slump in the technology business. "To play to win in technology, you innovate and you lead," he said. But manufacturing technology products is a costly and cyclical business. In June, IBM announced that it was taking a charge of more than $2 billion against earnings. The largest single reasons for the charge were the cost of getting out of the business of manufacturing hard disks for storage, which it sold to Hitachi, and closing down some of its older semiconductor operations. But Kelly said the demand for advanced chips, like those produced at IBM's facility in Burlington, Vt., is strong. "I need more capacity in that end of the market," he said, "and this is factory is critical to meeting that growing demand." If IBM has miscalculated the demand, it will suffer badly as both the high operating costs and depreciation on the huge capital investment for the East Fishkill factory drag down earnings. But industry analysts said the plant should be insulated from a falloff in one or a few segments of the semiconductor market. <sep>Who asked for more capacity in that end of the market?<sep>Samuel J. Palmisano
Output: | No |
Q: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
In 2415 , after a virus in 2011 wiped out 99 % of the Earth's population , all of the survivors inhabit Bregna , a walled city-state , Which is ruled by a congress of scientists . Although Bregna is idyllic , people are routinely disappearing and everyone is suffering from bad dreams . on Flux is a member of the ` Monicans ' , an underground rebel organization who communicate through telepathy-enabling technology and are led by The Handler . After a mission to destroy a surveillance station , on comes home to find her sister Una has been killed for being mistaken for a Monican . When on is sent on a mission to kill the government's leader , Trevor Goodchild , she discovers that both she and the Monicans are being manipulated by council members in a secret coup . This discovery causes on to question the origins of everyone in Bregna ; and in particular , her own personal connection to Trevor . It turns out that everyone in Bregna is actually a clone , grown from recycled DNA . With the dead constantly being reborn into new individuals and still bearing partial memories of their previous lives , there has been an increase in the troubling dreams . Recycling and cloning became necessary since the original viral antidote made humans infertile . Trevor's ongoing experiments , as with all his clone ancestors , has been trying to reverse the infertility . on learns that she is a clone of the original Trevor's wife , Katherine and is the first Katherine clone in over 400 years . One of Trevor's experiments , Una , was successful as she became pregnant . <sep>What is the name of the government leader on Flux was sent to kill and what is her connection to him?<sep>Trevor Goodchild, her connection to him is that she is a clone of the his original wife
A: | Yes |
question: Complete the next sentence:
The man is very happy about this and he's back in the yard celebrating by jumping and mowing the yard a little more. the man
- is laying on the ground enjoying himself happily as he puts his gloves on and picks up the shovel.
- returns his neck job while he is back on the lawn mowing.
- is now standing by a blue/green gate and now it begins to chase after the black and white dog who then appears and begin chasing all over the yard while the black and white dog chasing a frisbee.
- is then back indoors and a special effect shows a bunch of money flying into the air and straight into his hands and ends with a the man holding a bunch of money in his hands as they move.
answer: is then back indoors and a special effect shows a bunch of money flying into the air and straight into his hands and ends with a the man holding a bunch of money in his hands as they move.
Problem: Write the next sentence for:
How to get rid of fire ants
Locate the ants' point of entry into your home, so you can seal it later.
Prevent any members of your family, including pets, from accessing this area.
Apply any over-the-counter insecticide developed for indoor use against ants to kill ants directly.
- Regardless of whether products are fda approved, products containing insecticides are highly effective at killing ants and preventing them from entering your home. If you are unable to find products that cover your household without also applying insecticides, consult a doctor or realtor to find the best-approved brand for you.
- If possible, apply a product that can control pigeons. Other insecticides such as pyrenees and asperdin can kill ants as well.
- You can buy this commercial insecticide at most grocery stores and pharmacies and, in some areas, online retailers. It might be best to give it to your pets so they know where to go.
- Apply product to the point of entry and to the ants' trail. Remember that some commercial products contain toxic chemicals that are damaging to people, pets, and the environment..
Next sentence: Apply product to the point of entry and to the ants' trail. Remember that some commercial products contain toxic chemicals that are damaging to people, pets, and the environment.
context: How to be generous
Give from the heart.
If you truly want to be generous, then you have to give just because you want to give, not because you have ulterior motives and want something in return. You should give simply because you want to give, because you've found something you believe in, and because you want to do good in the world.
- Be generous by giving only what you want. Generous people often default to impulse buys because they think you are selfish, irresponsible, or just don't believe you have enough to fulfill your needs.
- If you're only giving to impress other people or to ingratiate yourself with someone in some way, then you're not really being generous. Know that being generous will make you happier.
- When you're generous, you're also putting yourself first and not simply thinking that way. But when you give, you should pay your way to the open road and give out just because you want to.
- Be upfront about your motivations so that your selfless actions are received both body and spirit. Generosity isn't just about giving money and power.
next sentence for the context: If you're only giving to impress other people or to ingratiate yourself with someone in some way, then you're not really being generous. Know that being generous will make you happier.
IN: What happens next?
A man is standing in front of the camera talking and then moves behind the table. on the table
- , a large metal plate is placed in between several vacuum cleaners and the man takes her smock and starts to clean items around the table.
- , a cake is shown where an oil paints is placed in.
- is a black and white soccer ball and he holds it dancing.
- , he has wrapping paper, a yard stick, tape and a pencil and moves them to the other side of the box.
OUT: , he has wrapping paper, a yard stick, tape and a pencil and moves them to the other side of the box.
Problem: How does the next paragraph end?
How to organize bras
Take everything out of the drawer you keep your bras in.
Cluttered drawers can be overwhelming, so starting fresh is a good idea. Take everything out of your lingerie drawer and put it some place clean, such as your desk or bed.
- Then, take your underwear/underwear basket. Put all the items in there and you have two choices: storing a bra and still putting it away or putting all the items in a basket.
- Make a mental note about when you last got your bra in, and take everything out of your drawer. Before you start organizing your lingerie drawer, make a note for when you last got your bra in, and take it some place clean, such as your desk or bed.
- Eliminate any worn, torn, or ill-fitting bras. There is no point in keeping them, especially if you no longer wear them.
- This way you can quickly clean it up if a mess comes up. Set aside time each day to relax.
A: Eliminate any worn, torn, or ill-fitting bras. There is no point in keeping them, especially if you no longer wear them.
context: How to swerve or turn quickly on a motorcycle
Assess in which direction it is safest to swerve to avoid the obstacle.
Try not to remain locked on the object, as this could cause you to drive into it. Look in the direction you are swerving.
- If you are unsure about where you should brake, become more precise with your inspection. Observe where you want to brake, in whichever direction you choose.
- If you find cyclists and they don't stop before your turn, you'll have minimal control. Take into consideration the other driver's position when taking the turn.
- Apply pressure to the handgrip in the direction you wish to swerve. Hold the pressure on the grip long enough to miss whatever you are trying to avoid.
- There may be a lot of obstacles around you which make your choice of direction inherently look better. Consider on-the-off mode.
next sentence for the context: | Apply pressure to the handgrip in the direction you wish to swerve. Hold the pressure on the grip long enough to miss whatever you are trying to avoid. |
Teacher: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example:
This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site.
Solution: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram
Reason: The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example.
Now, solve this instance: The team made its first Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl VI, but lost to the Dallas Cowboys, 24 -- 3. The following year, the Dolphins completed the NFL's only perfect season culminating in a Super Bowl win, winning all 14 of their regular-season games, both of their NFL playoff games, and also Super Bowl VII. The 1972 Dolphins were the third NFL team to accomplish a perfect regular season, and won Super Bowl VIII, becoming the first team to appear in three consecutive Super Bowls, and the second team (the first AFL / AFC team) to win back-to-back championships. Miami also appeared in Super Bowl XVII and Super Bowl XIX, losing both games.
Student: | how many times has the miami dolphins won the super bowl |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
See one example below:
Problem: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Solution: No
Explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Problem: In 1863, Alexander II re-convened the Diet of Finland and initiated several reforms increasing Finland's autonomy from Russia including establishment of its own currency, the markka. Liberation of business led to increased foreign investment and industrial development. Finland also got its first railways, separately established under Finnish administration. Finally, the elevation of Finnish from a language of the common people to a national language equal to Swedish opened opportunities for a larger proportion of the society. Alexander II is still regarded as "The Good Tsar" in Finland. These reforms could be seen as results of a genuine belief that reforms were easier to test in an underpopulated, homogeneous country, than in the whole of Russia. They may also be seen as a reward for the loyalty of its relatively western-oriented population during the Crimean War and during the Polish uprising. Encouraging Finnish nationalism and language can also be seen as an attempt to dilute ties with Sweden. <sep>How did encouraging Finnish language help the people?<sep>It diluted ties with Sweden and increased its autonomy from Russia
Solution: | Yes |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Let me give you an example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
The answer to this example can be: No
Here is why: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
OK. solve this:
The 1933 double eagle, a $20 gold piece with a mysterious history that involves a president, a king and a Secret Service sting operation, was auctioned Tuesday last night for a record price for a coin, $7.59 million, nearly double the previous record. The anonymous buyer, believed to be an individual collector who lives in the United States, made the winning bid in a fiercely contested nine-minute auction at Sotheby's in Manhattan. Eight bidders were joined by 500 coin collectors and dealers in an auction house audience seemingly devoid of celebrity bidders, while an additional 534 observers followed the bidding on eBay. As auction houses prepare for their fall seasons in an uncertain economy, the sale price "suggests that the marketplace for important items is enormously strong," said David Redden, a vice chairman at Sotheby's, who was the auctioneer. "This is an astonishing new record for a coin," he said. In an unprecedented move, the auction proceeds were split by the U.S. Mint and a London coin dealer, Stephen Fenton, who had won that right in court after having been arrested by Secret Service agents for trying to sell the coin in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan in 1996. Henrietta Holsman Fore, the director of the U.S. Mint, who witnessed the sale, said, "The monies we receive will go toward helping to pay down the debt and to fight the war on terrorism." Fenton commented that the double eagle had been on "a long historic journey, with a very satisfying ending." He added, "I am thrilled with the price." The previous numismatic record holder was an 1804 U.S. silver dollar, which sold for $4.14 million in 1999. Sotheby's partner in the one-lot auction was Stack's Rare Coins, with which it shared the customary 15 percent commission. "I have never seen as much interest in the sale of any coin in my 30 years in the business," said Lawrence R. Stack, the company's managing director. "This is the Mona Lisa of coins," said Beth Deisher, editor of Coin World, the largest weekly coin publication in the United States, with a circulation of 85,000. "It is unique. Forbidden fruit." Collectors' Web sites have surged with speculation about the sale price, and enthusiasts even organized betting pools. <sep>Who is the managing director of Stack's Rare Coins?<sep>Fenton
Answer: | No |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
See one example below:
Problem: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Solution: No
Explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Problem: The Romans: Legend says Rome was founded by Romulus, sired with twin brother Remus by Mars of a Vestal Virgin and abandoned on the Palatine Hill to be suckled by a she-wolf. Historians agree with the mythmakers that the site and traditional founding date of 753 b.c. are just about right. Under Etruscan domination, Rome had been a monarchy until a revolt in 510 b.c. established a patrician republic, which lasted five centuries. In contrast to other Italian cities weakened by internal rivalries and unstable government, Rome drew strength from a solid aristocracy of consuls and senate ruling over plebeians proud of their Roman citizenship and only rarely rebellious. Recovering quickly from the Gallic invasion of 390 b.c. , the Romans took effective control of the peninsula by a military conquest reinforced by a network of roads with names that exist to this day: Via Appia, Flaminia, Aurelia. All roads did indeed lead to — and from — Rome. By 250 b.c. , the city's population had grown to an impressive 100,000. Roman power extended throughout the Mediterranean with a victory in the Punic Wars against Carthage (now Tunisia) and conquests in Macedonia, Asia Minor, Spain, and southern France. The rest of Italy participated only by tax contributions to the war effort and minor involvement in commerce and colonization. Resentment surfaced when former Etruscan or Greek cities such as Capua, Syracuse, and Taranto supported Hannibal's invasion in 218 b.c. Rome followed up defeat of the Carthaginians with large-scale massacres and enslavement of their Italian supporters. The Third and final Punic War ended in 149 b.c. , though national solidarity was still a long way off. Under Julius Caesar, elected in 59 b.c. <sep>What did the Romans do after recovering from the Gallic invasion of 390 b.c?<sep>Extend their power
Solution: | No |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
One example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
Solution is here: Russian Revolution
Explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
Now, solve this: What happened in the 8th year of the 1900s?, Context: A local industry manufacturing fibre from New Zealand flax was successfully reestablished in 1907 and generated considerable income during the First World War. Ascension Island was made a dependency of Saint Helena in 1922, and Tristan da Cunha followed in 1938. During the Second World War, the United States built Wideawake airport on Ascension in 1942, but no military use was made of Saint Helena.
Solution: | flax was successfully reestablished |
Definition: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Input: Who is a famous non-military Alsatian of the period?, Context: The year 1789 brought the French Revolution and with it the first division of Alsace into the départements of Haut- and Bas-Rhin. Alsatians played an active role in the French Revolution. On 21 July 1789, after receiving news of the Storming of the Bastille in Paris, a crowd of people stormed the Strasbourg city hall, forcing the city administrators to flee and putting symbolically an end to the feudal system in Alsace. In 1792, Rouget de Lisle composed in Strasbourg the Revolutionary marching song "La Marseillaise" (as Marching song for the Army of the Rhine), which later became the anthem of France. "La Marseillaise" was played for the first time in April of that year in front of the mayor of Strasbourg Philippe-Frédéric de Dietrich. Some of the most famous generals of the French Revolution also came from Alsace, notably Kellermann, the victor of Valmy, Kléber, who led the armies of the French Republic in Vendée and Westermann, who also fought in the Vendée.
Output: | Rouget de Lisle |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Q: The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). In 2014, the dam generated 98.8 terawatt-hours (TWh) and had the world record, but was surpassed by the Itaipú Dam, which set the new world record in 2016, producing 103.1 TWh.
A: | where is the largest power dam in the world what is its source of water |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
One example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Solution is here: No
Explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Now, solve this: We were cornered in a sort of way already. But these butchers up the cavern had been surprised, they were probably scared, and they had no special weapons, only those little hatchets of theirs. And that way lay escape. Their sturdy little forms--ever so much shorter and thicker than the mooncalf herds--were scattered up the slope in a way that was eloquent of indecision. I had the moral advantage of a mad bull in a street. But for all that, there seemed a tremendous crowd of them. Very probably there was. Those Selenites down the cleft had certainly some infernally long spears. It might be they had other surprises for us.... But, confound it! if we charged up the cave we should let them up behind us, and if we didn't those little brutes up the cave would probably get reinforced. Heaven alone knew what tremendous engines of warfare--guns, bombs, terrestrial torpedoes--this unknown world below our feet, this vaster world of which we had only pricked the outer cuticle, might not presently send up to our destruction. It became clear the only thing to do was to charge! It became clearer as the legs of a number of fresh Selenites appeared running down the cavern towards us. <sep>What became clear as a number of Selenites charged towards the speaker?<sep>The only thing to do was charge
Solution: | Yes |
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
One example is below.
Q: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
A: No
Rationale: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Q: After the death of Spitamenes and his marriage to Roxana (Roshanak in Bactrian) to cement relations with his new satrapies, Alexander turned to the Indian subcontinent. He invited the chieftains of the former satrapy of Gandhara, in the north of what is now Pakistan, to come to him and submit to his authority. Omphis(Indian name Ambhi Kumar), the ruler of Taxila, whose kingdom extended from the Indus to the Hydaspes (Jhelum), complied, but the chieftains of some hill clans, including the Aspasioi and Assakenoi sections of the Kambojas (known in Indian texts also as Ashvayanas and Ashvakayanas), refused to submit. Ambhi hastened to relieve Alexander of his apprehension and met him with valuable presents, placing himself and all his forces at his disposal. Alexander not only returned Ambhi his title and the gifts but he also presented him with a wardrobe of "Persian robes, gold and silver ornaments, 30 horses and 1000 talents in gold". Alexander was emboldened to divide his forces, and Ambhi assisted Hephaestion and Perdiccas in constructing a bridge over the Indus where it bends at Hund (Fox 1973), supplied their troops with provisions, and received Alexander himself, and his whole army, in his capital city of Taxila, with every demonstration of friendship and the most liberal hospitality. On the subsequent advance of the Macedonian king, Taxiles accompanied him with a force of 5000 men and took part in the battle of the Hydaspes River. After that victory he was sent by Alexander in pursuit of Porus, to whom he was charged to offer favourable terms, but narrowly escaped losing his life at the hands of his old enemy. Subsequently, however, the two rivals were reconciled by the personal mediation of Alexander; and Taxiles, after having contributed zealously to the equipment of the fleet on the Hydaspes, was entrusted by the king with the government of the whole territory between that river and the Indus. A considerable accession of power was granted him after the death of Philip, son of Machatas; and he was allowed to retain his authority at the death of Alexander himself (323 BC), as well as in the subsequent partition of the provinces at Triparadisus, 321 BC. In the winter of 327/326 BC, Alexander personally led a campaign against these clans; the Aspasioi of Kunar valleys, the Guraeans of the Guraeus valley, and the Assakenoi of the Swat and Buner valleys. A fierce contest ensued with the Aspasioi in which Alexander was wounded in the shoulder by a dart, but eventually the Aspasioi lost. Alexander then faced the Assakenoi, who fought in the strongholds of Massaga, Ora and Aornos. The fort of Massaga was reduced only after days of bloody fighting, in which Alexander was wounded seriously in the ankle. According to Curtius, "Not only did Alexander slaughter the entire population of Massaga, but also did he reduce its buildings to rubble". A similar slaughter followed at Ora. In the aftermath of Massaga and Ora, numerous Assakenians fled to the fortress of Aornos. Alexander followed close behind and captured the strategic hill-fort after four bloody days. <sep>What injuries did Alexander experience at the battles Aspasioi and Assakenoi?<sep>A shoulder wound by Assakenoi and an ankle wound by the Aspasioi
A: | Yes |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Ex Input:
The United Nations ' Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women says : " violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power of relations between men and women . "
Ex Output:
The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women states , " violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women " and " violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men . "
Ex Input:
The Small Temple was built about 100 meters northeast of the Great Temple .
Ex Output:
The temple of Hathor and Nefertari , also known as the Small Temple , was built about 100 m northeast of the temple of Ramesses II and was dedicated to the goddess Hathor and Ramesses II 's chief consort , Nefertari .
Ex Input:
Firozabad district is a district in Uttar Pradesh , India .
Ex Output:
| Firozabad district forms one of the western districts of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh , which has Firozabad Town as its district headquarters .
Now right here in Arizona, that difference would have been $131 million to the state of Arizona to help its kids be able to have better education and to lift the property tax burden from its citizens. The president reneged on his promise to fund No Child Left Behind.
The President was concerned on his position. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
input hypothesis: Stardom did not win in the competition at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival.
Context: Stardom is a 2000 Canadian comedy-drama film directed by Denys Arcand and written by J.Jacob Potashnik and Arcand. It stars Jessica Paré and Dan Aykroyd. It tells the story of a young girl who tries to cope with her rise to stardom after being discovered by a fashion agency. The film was screened out of competition at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
true or false: Yes
Cup<br>Lee loved his cup a lot. One day, he found out his cup was missing. He searched for it for hours and hours. Finally, he realized he left it at school. Eventually, he was able to find his cup.
Hypothesis: Lee was a Native American. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
It's impossible to say
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
At approximately 3:20 p.m., an unnamed caller reported sight of the suspects on a near street, East 27th Street, causing police to create a blockade, surrounding the suspect. This is where the other two officers were shot, this time in an exchange of gunfire while attempting to take the alleged shooter of the two officers into custody. The suspect was killed by police gunfire. The suspects name was Lovelle Mixon, aged 26, who had a warrant issued for his arrest after his bail was revoked for violation of parole. All four of the officers were taken to Highland Hospital in critical condition where they all later died of their injuries. There names were: Sargent Erv Romans, aged 43, Sargent Dan Sakai, 35, John Hege aged 41 and Mark Dunakin, 40.
Sentence: sargent dan sakai was aged more than 1
Output: Yes
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Calendar » Leads Club - Thursday Co-Ed Luncheon August 30, 2012 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Join us for our weekly business networking luncheon where you will meet other business owners working together to build their businesses. Our speakers will be Ken Frye of Ken Frye Artisan in Wood and Charlie Mitchell, Charlie the Electrician. Please contact Cheryl Ebner of Santa Barbara Virtual Assistants at 968-1282 with questions or to R.S.V.P.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: The business networking luncheon will end at 11:30 a.m.
Al-Qaida-linked militants have carried out a series of suicide bombings targeting Western interests in Indonesia since 2002.
Suicide bombings have targeted western interests. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: | Yes |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
One example is below.
Q: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
A: Russian Revolution
Rationale: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
Q: What does the word 'Here' in the second sentence refers to?, Context: human activities are more likely to affect the habitat in areas of permanent water (oases) or where water comes close to the surface. Here, the local pressure on natural resources can be intense. The remaining populations of large mammals have been greatly reduced by hunting for food and recreation. In recent years development projects have started in the deserts of Algeria and Tunisia using irrigated water pumped from underground aquifers. These schemes often lead to soil degradation and salinization.
A: | oases |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
One example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
Solution is here: Russian Revolution
Explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
Now, solve this: who settled the isthmus of Panama in 1698?, Context: In 1695, the Scottish Parliament granted a charter to the Company of Scotland, which established a settlement in 1698 on the isthmus of Panama. Besieged by neighbouring Spanish colonists of New Granada, and afflicted by malaria, the colony was abandoned two years later. The Darien scheme was a financial disaster for Scotland—a quarter of Scottish capital was lost in the enterprise—and ended Scottish hopes of establishing its own overseas empire. The episode also had major political consequences, persuading the governments of both England and Scotland of the merits of a union of countries, rather than just crowns. This occurred in 1707 with the Treaty of Union, establishing the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Solution: | Company of Scotland |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
The term hand luggage or cabin baggage (also commonly referred to as carry-on in North America) refers to the type of luggage that passengers are allowed to carry along in the passenger compartment of a vehicle instead of moving to the cargo compartment. Passengers are allowed to carry a limited number of smaller bags with them in the vehicle and contain valuables and items needed during the journey. There is normally storage space provided for hand luggage, either under seating, or in overhead lockers. Trains usually have luggage racks above the seats and may also (especially in the case of trains travelling longer distances) have luggage space between the backs of seats facing opposite directions, or in extra luggage racks, for example, at the ends of the carriage near the doors.
| is cabin baggage the same as hand luggage? |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
PROBLEM: Indonesia 's sea-lane position helped international trade .
SOLUTION: The country 's strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade ; trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history .
PROBLEM: When Nakamura won the 2014 New Japan Cup , Tanahashi had a second rematch against Nakamura at Invasion Attack 2014 on April 6 .
SOLUTION: After Nakamura had won the 2014 New Japan Cup , another title match was booked between him and Tanahashi for the April 6 Invasion Attack 2014 event , where Tanahashi was defeated in his second title defense .
PROBLEM: The continental shelf is a shallow ocean .
SOLUTION: | A continental shelf is a portion of a continent that is submerged under an area of relatively shallow water known as a shelf sea .
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Observations of the star S2 in orbit around Sagittarius A * were used to show the presence of the Milky Way 's central supermassive black hole . | Observations of a number of stars orbiting around Sagittarius A * , most notably the star S2 , have been used to provide evidence for the presence of , and produce data about , the Milky Way 's hypothesized central supermassive black hole , and have led some scientists to conclude that Sagittarius A * is beyond any reasonable doubt the site of that black hole . |
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
what place is mentioned last?, Context: Following the Fall of Constantinople on 29 May 1453, many Greeks sought better employment and education opportunities by leaving for the West, particularly Italy, Central Europe, Germany and Russia. Greeks are greatly credited for the European cultural revolution, later called, the Renaissance. In Greek-inhabited territory itself, Greeks came to play a leading role in the Ottoman Empire, due in part to the fact that the central hub of the empire, politically, culturally, and socially, was based on Western Thrace and Greek Macedonia, both in Northern Greece, and of course was centred on the mainly Greek-populated, former Byzantine capital, Constantinople. As a direct consequence of this situation, Greek-speakers came to play a hugely important role in the Ottoman trading and diplomatic establishment, as well as in the church. Added to this, in the first half of the Ottoman period men of Greek origin made up a significant proportion of the Ottoman army, navy, and state bureaucracy, having been levied as adolescents (along with especially Albanians and Serbs) into Ottoman service through the devshirme. Many Ottomans of Greek (or Albanian or Serb) origin were therefore to be found within the Ottoman forces which governed the provinces, from Ottoman Egypt, to Ottomans occupied Yemen and Algeria, frequently as provincial governors.
A: | Algeria |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Q: Article One of the United States Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the federal government, the United States Congress. The Congress is a bicameral legislature consisting of a House of Representatives and a Senate.
A: | article 1 of the constitution states that congress should have how many houses |
Teacher:In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Rick Santorum suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday, leaving the field clear for Mitt Romney as the party's likely choice to challenge President Barack Obama in November.
FILE - In this April 5, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks in Tunkhannock, Pa. Romney is pouring nearly $3 million into TV ads in Pennsylvania... (Associated Press)
FILE - In this March 31, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum pauses while speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Presidential Kick-Off in Pewaukee,... (Associated Press)
President Barack Obama walks across the tarmac to greet people upon his arrival at Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach, Fla., Tuesday, April 10, 2012. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) (Associated Press)
The former Pennsylvania senator made the announcement in his home state, two weeks before the Republican primary vote there. Santorum was trailing Romney in polls in Pennsylvania and had said the state was a must-win to keep his candidacy alive.
"This race is over for me," Santorum told supporters of his improbable campaign, saying he and his family had made the decision over the weekend after his 3-year-old daughter's latest hospitalization.
Santorum was a favorite of the most conservative Republican voters, but Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, had accumulated a huge lead in delegates to the party's national convention in August.
Santorum pointedly made no mention or endorsement of Romney, whom he had derided as an unworthy standard-bearer for the Republicans.
Romney congratulated Santorum on his campaign, calling him an "able and worthy competitor."
Romney's conservative credentials are suspect among the conservative Republican base, but Santorum's inability to put together primary election victories in key states _ especially in the industrial Midwest _ appeared to have convinced most voters that Romney's nomination was inevitable.
Santorum was the only Republican in what started out as a crowded field who was able to create a sustained challenge to Romney, who is making his second run for the nomination. The distaste that conservatives felt for Romney showed itself in a series of runs at his front-runner status by Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, businessman Herman Cain and former speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich on Tuesday said he would stay in the race until the party's convention.
Santorum was to have returned to the campaign trail Tuesday after his 3-year-old daughter Bella was released from the hospital. She suffers from a rare genetic condition and was hospitalized Friday as her father began a brief holiday break from campaigning. She was discharged from the hospital Monday night.
Romney said her latest hospitalization led him and his family to decide against continuing in the race.
Five states, including Pennsylvania, hold primaries April 24
President Barack Obama, meanwhile, stepped up his election-year insistence that the wealthy pay a greater share of taxes, renewing his call Tuesday for Congress to raise taxes on millionaires.
Hoping to draw a sharp contrast with Romney, Obama outlined his support for the so-called "Buffett rule" in Florida. Obama says he wants to revamp the U.S. tax law under which wealthy investors often pay taxes at a lower rate than middle-class wage-earners.
The push for the Buffett rule is named after billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who famously said it was wrong for him to be paying a lower tax rate than that levied on his secretary.
Obama has proposed that people earning at least $1 million annually, whether in salary or investments, should pay at least 30 percent of their income in taxes. Many wealthy taxpayers earn investment income, which is taxed at 15 percent, allowing them to pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes. The top rate for taxpayers with high incomes derived from wages is 35 percent.
The White House said in a report released ahead of Obama's speech that the tax proposal would restore fairness to the system, pointing to 22,000 households earning more than $1 million annually that paid less than 15 percent of their income in income taxes in 2009. Nearly 1,500 of those households paid no federal income taxes, the report said.
Obama also was holding three fundraisers in Florida that were expected to raise at least $1.7 million.
Romney campaign spokeswoman Gail Gitcho said Obama was the "first president in history to openly campaign for re-election on a platform of higher taxes." ||||| GETTYSBURG, Pa. — Rick Santorum announced Tuesday afternoon that he is ending his campaign for the presidency, effectively closing out the GOP primary season and cementing Mitt Romney's status as his party's presumptive nominee.
The decision to shutter his campaign comes days after Santorum's youngest daughter, Bella, was hospitalized with a chronic and serious medical condition. Santorum's team said last night that Bella had been released from the hospital and Santorum was set to resume his campaign schedule.
But in Gettysburg today, Santorum said his family had conferred over the weekend and concluded it was time to bring his White House bid to a close.
"This was a time for prayer and thought, this past weekend, just like it was, frankly, when we decided to get into this race. Karen and I and the kids sat at the kitchen table and talked about our hopes and fears and concerns," Santorum said.
Declaring that his run had enabled "conservatives to have a voice" in the nominating process, Santorum cast his campaign as the longest of long-shot enterprises.
"Miracle after miracle, this race was as improbable as any you will ever see for president," he said, insisting that while his candidacy is over, "We are not done fighting."
"I know a lot of folks are going to write, maybe even those at the White House, game over. But this game is a long, long way from over," Santorum continued.
By dropping out now, Santorum spared himself the potential embarrassment of a loss to Romney in Pennsylvania's April 24 primary. The Santorum and Romney campaigns were in communication over the weekend, sources in both campaigns said, and those talks intensified Monday.
Romney and Santorum spoke directly ahead of Santorum's withdrawal, sources said. Santorum also had a conversation with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and planned to speak with his top supporters on a conference call later Tuesday.
Santorum did not endorse Romney in his afternoon remarks. Hogan Gidley, a spokesman for his campaign, said in an MSNBC appearance that Romney had reached out to Santorum to request a meeting about an endorsement.
In a statement on Santorum's announcement, Romney made no mention of the meeting or a possible endorsement, calling his once-bitter foe an "able and worthy competitor."
"He has proven himself to be an important voice in our party and in the nation," Romney said. "We both recognize that what is most important is putting the failures of the last three years behind us and setting America back on the path to prosperity."
Now that Santorum is finished as a candidate, Romney may now turn his attention to the general-election fight with President Barack Obama and the task of uniting a fractured Republican coalition.
That process was already under way as Santorum's campaign faltered over the past few weeks. After losing a series of big-state nominating contests — most recently Wisconsin on April 3 — Santorum had pinned his hopes for a comeback on his home state.
But Romney's campaign and super PAC have been pumping millions of dollars into TV ads there and polls have shown Santorum's lead diminishing. If Santorum had lost Pennsylvania — in addition to four other states voting that day where Romney is favored — it would have marked an embarrassing end to an impressive insurgent conservative presidential run.
Instead, Santorum now has the opportunity — if he wants to take it — to recast himself as a party leader and national conservative spokesman, perhaps reclaiming some of the prestige he lost after his mammoth 2006 reelection defeat.
(Also on POLITICO: PHOTOS: A look back at Santorum's career)
Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Rob Gleason, who spoke to Santorum earlier Tuesday, said Pennsylvania Republicans are "proud of the good work that he did as a candidate. He did a great credit to himself and our party."
And social conservative leader Gary Bauer, the former Family Research Council head who endorsed Santorum's campaign, praised his candidate for an "outstanding campaign."
"His contribution to the debate has made the GOP stronger, and will contribute to the end of the Obama administration this November," Bauer said. "He and his family have made a wonderful contribution to the future of our country."
Santorum's departure from the race leaves just Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, the third- and fourth-placed candidates in the delegate chase, still in the contest as conservative opponents to Romney. Gingrich has acknowledged that it is all but certain Romney will be Obama's opponent in November.
Both remaining Romney opponents put out statements of their own calling Santorum's surrender a sign that conservatives ought to move in their direction.
"Dr. Paul is now the last — and real — conservative alternative to Mitt Romney," Paul's campaign said.
Gingrich, too, emphasized that he's in the race for the long run: "I am committed to staying in this race all the way to Tampa so that the conservative movement has a real choice. We know well that only a conservative can protect life, defend the Constitution, restore jobs and growth and return to a balanced budget."
This report has been updated. Reid Epstein contributed to this report.
Read more about: Rick Santorum, 2012 Elections |||||
Student: | Rick Santorum is out. He officially left the GOP race today in Pennsylvania, saying his daughter Bella's most recent scare in the hospital caused him to re-evaluate things. "This race is over for me," he said, adding that he'll continue to fight to help defeat President Obama. He did not, however, mention Mitt Romney in his speech, reports AP. The move helps Santorum avoid a potentially embarrassing home-state loss to Romney on April 24, notes Politico, and allows him to leave the race with an impressive underdog showing. "Against all odds, we won 11 states," he said. "This was a time for prayer and thought, this past weekend, just like it was, frankly, when we decided to get into this race. Karen and I and the kids sat at the kitchen table and talked about our hopes and fears and concerns,” said Santorum. He added later: “Miracle after miracle, this race was as improbable as any you will ever see for president." |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Ex Input:
Bullet-proof glass , or bullet-resistant glass , is a type of strong , clear material that resists bullets .
Ex Output:
Bulletproof glass ( ballistic glass , transparent armor , and bullet-resistant glass ) is a strong and optically transparent material that is particularly resistant to penetration by projectiles .
Ex Input:
It is a major library and cultural center on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in the Egyptian city of Alexandria .
Ex Output:
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina ( English : Library of Alexandria ; " " , -RSB- ) is a major library and cultural center located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in the Egyptian city of Alexandria .
Ex Input:
At busy periods such as the Blackpool Illuminations or on bank holidays services start or finish short at Cleveleys , Bispham or the Pleasure Beach .
Ex Output:
| Some services , especially in busy periods such as during Blackpool Illuminations or on bank holidays , start or terminate short at Cleveleys , Little Bispham , Bispham , or the Pleasure Beach to allow a more intensive service through the centre of Blackpool .
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Input: Dr. Benjamin Stone is a hotshot young surgeon who longs to leave the drudgery of a Washington , D.C. emergency room and finally leaps at his chance at more money and less death as a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills . On his last day , Ben's relationship with his co-workers is presumed to be anything but a warm one . None of his colleagues will join him for a drink and a cake in his honor has an iced portion of the phrase `` Good riddance , asshole '' sliced out . Ben's cross-country drive in a 1956 Porsche 356 Speedster is interrupted when he crashes in the rural hamlet of Grady , South Carolina . The crash damages the fence of local Judge Evans , who sentences him to community service at a nearby hospital . Ben offers to pay for the fence , but the stern judge increases his community service each time he talks back . Defeated , he reports to the hospital , where Nurse Packer humbles him by ordering him to clock in and out , as would a factory worker . Though upset , Ben quickly makes friends with Mayor Nick Nicholson , the town cafe's proprietor/head waitress , and Melvin , the local mechanic tasked with repairing Ben's car . Ben soon finds his clinic work to be much more laid-back than the emergency room . He has simple cases such as spots before the eyes , fishing hook impalings , and even reading mail for a young illiterate couple , whose baby he later delivers . The experience also humbles Ben when he mistreats a case of mitral valve regurgitation leading to late cyanosis in the child . <sep>What experience humbles Ben?<sep>Being asked to clock in and out at the hospital
Output: | Yes |
This is a test of commonsense. Complete the next sentence:
A camera pans around a set of stairs and leads into people working out in a class. several shots | are shown of people working out together while a man speaks to the camera. |
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph:
The girl waves at the screen. The scene changes to the girl standing in a shower. The girl shaves her legs in the shower. she
[a]. peels her leg off and talks.;
[b]. then shaves her buttocks.;
[c]. then dries all over and steps out.;
[d]. shows us her shave product in the can and on her hands.; | [d]. |
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Problem:Fresh and dried dill leaves (sometimes called ``dill weed'' to distinguish it from dill seed) are widely used as herbs in Europe and central Asia.
Solution: | is dill weed the same as dill leaves? |
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Q: A Southern California woman was looking forward to a relaxing weekend in the mountains until her Airbnb host abruptly canceled her cabin reservations because of her race. Hetty Chang reports for the NBC4 News at 11 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5, 2017. (Published Thursday, April 6, 2017)
A Southern California woman said her relaxing weekend in the mountains turned into a nightmare when an Airbnb host abruptly canceled a cabin reservation because of her race.
Law student Dyne Suh was looking forward to spending Presidents Day weekend with her fiancé, friends and dogs at what she thought was the perfect winter cabin in Running Springs.
"We were looking forward to it, especially with law school and working and being really busy," Suh told NBC4 Los Angeles on Wednesday. "It was a welcome break."
While Suh was headed up to the cabin in stormy weather, she sent a text message to the host to confirm the reservation for four people. According to Suh, that's when the host denied agreeing to guests at her cabin.
"I wouldn't rent it to u (sic) if u (sic) were the last person on earth," the host told Suh in a text exchange that was shown to NBC4. "One word says it all. Asian."
Suh said her heart dropped.
"I will report to Airbnb that you are racist," Suh texted back to the host.
To which the host replied, "Go ahead...It's why we have Trump...I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners." The host then canceled the reservation, Suh said.
Suh, who studies race relations and currently resides in Riverside, said she's been living in the United States since she was 3 years old.
"This is home to me," Suh said. "No matter how long I've lived here, for me to be treated this way just because of my race?"
In a statement to NBC4 Wednesday, Airbnb called the host's behavior "abhorrent and unacceptable."
"We have worked to provide the guest with our full support and in line with our non-discrimination policy, this host has been permanently removed from the Airbnb platform," said Christopher Nulty, spokesman for the short-term rental site. Airbnb also stated the company works to identify and prevent discrimination on its platform.
NBC4 reached out to the host, who said she had "no comment." ||||| Please enable Javascript to watch this video
A Riverside woman and her three friends made a two-hour drive in harrowing winter weather for a weekend trip to Big Bear, only to find once she arrived the group would be denied shelter because of her race.
Dyne Suh is speaking out about the Feb. 17 incident in which an Airbnb host in Running Springs told her she was canceling the booking Suh had made because she is Asian.
“I wouldn’t rent to you if you were the last person on Earth,” screenshots show the host told Suh. “One word says it all. Asian.”
That night, Suh’s group happened to stop their car in anguish after learning their reservation had been canceled next to a KTLA reporter who was in the area covering the severe weather and told him what happened.
“By the grace of God we parked three minutes away from the Airbnb when the host canceled and there was a news crew KTLA 5 parked next to us,” Suh wrote in a comment on a Facebook post detailing the incident.
She told KTLA the host had originally confirmed via text message she could pay extra to add two people to the reservation, which had only included two individuals. When she followed up once they were near the cabin to double check, Suh said, the racist tirade ensued.
“If you think four people and two dogs ate (sic) getting a room fir (sic) $50 a night on Big Bear mountain during the busiest weekend of the year… You are insanely high,” screenshots show the host told her, calling her a con artist.
“I just froze when I read that,” Suh told KTLA on Thursday. “My heart just sank.”
When Suh said she would report the action to Airbnb officials, the host replied: “It’s why we have Trump.”
Dyne has taken part in anti-Trump events before, but says this incident was unprovoked. The host's comment, she said, made her painfully aware of how threatened minorities have become under the Trump administration.
“For me personally, to now have someone say something racist to me and say it’s because of Trump, it was my fears coming true,” Suh said. “That people who held these racist beliefs felt emboldened.”
The host went on to say she would “not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners.”
Suh is an American citizen who has called the U.S. home since she was 3 years old.
“If this is my experience as a light-skinned Asian woman, what is it like for people who have darker skin than me or are Muslim?” Suh wondered aloud. “What is it like for people who are undocumented or not U.S. citizens yet?
“It stings,” she told KTLA on the night of the incident. “It stings that after living in the U.S. for over 23 years, this is what happens. No matter if I follow the law, if I’m kind to people, no matter how well I treat others — it doesn’t matter. If you’re Asian, you’re less than human and people can treat you like trash.”
Because Airbnb provided the group with a reimbursement that night, they were able to find alternate lodging, Suh said on Facebook.
A spokesman for the company said it investigated the incident and the host has been barred from its service.
"Airbnb does not condone discrimination in any way,” spokesman Christopher Nulty said. “We have worked to provide the guest with our full support. In line with our non-discrimination policy, this host has been permanently removed from the Airbnb platform."
Although society has made strides in combatting prejudice, it is still a daily reality for many Americans, Suh said.
“I mean, people thought with the election of President Obama, racism is over in this country,” Suh said Feb. 17. “No. It’s very much alive. It exists and it could happen to anyone. There’s no bounds to racism, no matter what class you are, what your education level, no matter if you’re an American citizen. What they see is I’m Asian, what they see is my race, and this is how we get treated.” |||||
A: | Dyne Suh and her friends were minutes away from the cabin they'd booked on Airbnb for a weekend getaway in Big Bear, Calif., when the host abruptly canceled the reservation, leaving the group stranded in a snowstorm—and told Suh she was doing so because Suh is Asian. Suh originally made the reservation for two people, but later confirmed with the host that she could add two people and two dogs to the reservation. Upon texting the host again as they approached the cabin to ask how to pay for the additional guests, Suh got this in reply (errors have been left intact): "If you think 4 people and 2 dogs ate getting a room fir $50 a night on big bear mountain during the busiest weekend of the year ..… You are insanely high." Suh argued that they had already confirmed the additional people on the reservation; the host called Suh a "con artist" and said, "I wouldn't rent it to u if u were the last person on earth." She added: "One word says it all. Asian." When Suh responded that she would report the host to Airbnb for racism, the host replied, "Go ahead ... It's why we have trump." The incident happened over President's Day weekend, on Feb. 17, but is just now getting mainstream attention after being reported by NBC Los Angeles and KTLA, the Washington Post reports. Suh, a law student, happened to park next to a KTLA reporter moments after the text exchange; he interviewed her then, though it's not clear why the interview didn't air until recently. As Suh told concerned friends on Facebook after the incident, the group was able to find alternate lodging after driving around in the storm for hours; Airbnb refunded their original reservation cost and offered to pay for the new lodging. The site also says the host, who was contacted by NBC and KTLA but had no comment, has been permanently banned. (Nivea recently had to apologize for an ad many saw as racist.) |
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Q: In mathematics and vector algebra, the cross product or vector product (occasionally directed area product to emphasize the geometric significance) is a binary operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space ( R 3 ) (\displaystyle \left(\mathbb (R) ^(3)\right)) and is denoted by the symbol × (\displaystyle \times ) . Given two linearly independent vectors a (\displaystyle \mathbf (a) ) and b (\displaystyle \mathbf (b) ) , the cross product, a × b (\displaystyle \mathbf (a) \times \mathbf (b) ) , is a vector that is perpendicular to both a (\displaystyle \mathbf (a) ) and b (\displaystyle \mathbf (b) ) and thus normal to the plane containing them. It has many applications in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer programming. It should not be confused with dot product (projection product).
A: | is dot product the same as cross product? |
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Question: 'The Rains of Castamere', sometimes referred to as 'The Red Wedding,' is the ninth and penultimate episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 29th episode of the series. The episode was written by executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, and directed by David Nutter. It aired on June 2, 2013 (2013-06-02).
Answer: game of thrones which episode is the red wedding
Question: It originated from the days of naval sailing squadrons and can trace its origins to the Royal Navy. Each naval squadron would be assigned an admiral as its head, who would command from the centre vessel and direct the activities of the squadron. The admiral would in turn be assisted by a vice admiral, who commanded the lead ships which would bear the brunt of a naval battle. In the rear of the naval squadron, a third admiral would command the remaining ships and, as this section of the squadron was considered to be in the least danger, the admiral in command of the rear would typically be the most junior of the squadron admirals. This has survived into the modern age, with the rank of rear admiral the most-junior of the admiralty ranks of many navies.
Answer: where did the term rear admiral come from
Question: The Governor General of Canada (French: Gouverneure générale du Canada) is the federal viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. The person of the sovereign is shared equally both with the 15 other Commonwealth realms and the 10 provinces of Canada, but resides predominantly in her oldest realm, the United Kingdom. The Queen, on the advice of her Canadian prime minister, appoints a governor general to carry out most of her constitutional and ceremonial duties. The commission is for an unfixed period of time -- known as serving at Her Majesty's pleasure -- though five years is the normal convention. Beginning in 1959, it has also been traditional to rotate between anglophone and francophone incumbents -- although many recent governors general have been bilingual. Once in office, the governor general maintains direct contact with the Queen, wherever she may be at the time.
Answer: | how do you become the governor general of canada
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel, and the debut novel of American author Ernest Cline. The story, set in a dystopian 2040s, follows protagonist Wade Watts on his search for an Easter egg in a worldwide virtual reality game, the discovery of which will lead him to inherit the game creator's fortune. Cline sold the rights to publish the novel in June 2010, in a bidding war to the Crown Publishing Group (a division of Random House). The book was published on August 16, 2011. An audiobook was released the same day; it was narrated by Wil Wheaton, who was mentioned briefly in one of the chapters. In 2012, the book received an Alex Award from the Young Adult Library Services Association division of the American Library Association and won the 2012 Prometheus Award.
was ready player one based on a book?
A stipulation that this kick must be towards the opponents' goal existed in the rules from 1883 until 2016. This resulted in kick-offs typically involving two people (as pictured), with one tapping the ball forward and the other passing it back to the rest of the team. Now a team may kick the ball backwards explaining why the kicker may be in the other half of the field when kicking the ball.
do you have to kick the ball forward at kick off?
According to the current scientific theories, matter is required to travel at slower-than-light (also subluminal or STL) speed with respect to the locally distorted spacetime region. Apparent FTL is not excluded by general relativity; however, any apparent FTL physical plausibility is speculative. Examples of apparent FTL proposals are the Alcubierre drive and the traversable wormhole.
| can anything move faster than speed of light?
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
DENVER - A Denver mother's video on Facebook is going viral after she shamed her 13-year-old daughter for posting racy pictures and saying she was 19 years old.
"You're 13," the mother, Valerie Starks, says to the girl. "So why does your Facebook page say that your 19? Are you 19?"
The girl, whose face has been blurred in the video, says, "No."
"You've got a Facebook page and you're on there with your bra on, right?" Starks asks the girl. "Is that what you do?"
When the girl starts crying, Starks continues, "Don't cry now. You wasn't crying when you was posting pictures on Facebook, was you? In a bra? Some little girl in some lace panties that you know you don't own. You still wear panties that say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday."
Starks told 7NEWS she was floored when she found her daughter's racy Facebook profile and the grown men she was connected with.
"She's had issues with Facebook in the past, at least four times in the past," Starks said. "She spent half of last summer on punishment after being on Facebook, and it wasn't even half as bad."
Starks said she explained to her daughter why she posted the video, which has now been viewed more than 10 million times.
"I said, 'I did this because I love you not because I really wanted to embarrass you,'" she said. "I wanted to make a statement and a stand for all parents that this is not going to be tolerated."
Most of the people who have commented on the video have supported Starks.
Karen Hall-Inglese wrote on Starks' Facebook page, "Now that's how you parent!! From one Mom to another good job!!"
Valeri Jones wrote on Facebook, "You're a good mom, Val. One day, she will understand and appreciate you."
But others have been critical, asking whether humiliating a child is good parenting.
Starks said she's glad the video has sparked conversation.
"Negative or not, maybe it made them think," Starks said.
As for her daughter, she says the girl has learned her lesson.
"She's not mad at me. Her friends are not bullying her at school, and she's OK," Starks said. "Next time she thinks about Facebook, she's going to remember this day."
Watch the video here. (The story continues after the video player.)
Posted by Val HairLyfe Starks on Sunday, May 17, 2015
In the video, Starks included a message for the men on her daughter's Facebook page: "She's a kid and she's going to stay a kid. And as long as she's under my roof, she's going to do what I say."
The video lasts 5 minutes and 40 seconds.
Starks posted a second video on Monday thanking the people who supported her.
"I just wanted to say the word of the day is overwhelmed," Starks says. "I am truly overwhelmed with gratitude, I thank each and every one of you. I have over 5,000 friends now. Facebook won't let me accept any more."
She said she appreciates everyone calling her a great mom.
"It was really hard for me to do, but I didn't want to be another parent on Facebook putting out a video where I beat my child or anything like that," Starks said. "I wanted it to be something that showed from one mother to another mother, to the fathers out there struggling trying to raise a child or a teenage child, just to get them to be aware and to understand how serious it is and how important it is to be aware of what your child is doing at all times.
"Don't trust nothing they say," Starks said. "They lie, they're going to be sneaky. I was the one parent who would say, 'My daughter is not going to do that.'"
"Don't ever say what you won't do, or what your child won't do, because you don't know until it happens to you," Starks added.
Since posting the video, Starks says her Facebook page has maxed out.
"I have over 5,000 friends now," Starks said. "Facebook won't let me accept any more."
See Starks Facebook page.
More memorable stories: ||||| To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookies Policy ||||| Video of a mother shaming her 13-year-old daughter for having a hidden Facebook account has gone viral.
Val Starks found out that her daughter had a secret Facebook account on which she said she was 19 years old and used a photo of herself in a bra as her profile image.
She confronted her daughter about the account and the adult men who had asked to be her friend, bringing up the dangers of Internet predators.
"I just told her how disappointed I was in her and there's no reason for her to want that kind of attention," Starks told ABC News.
The Denver mom went on to give her daughter the choice of being spanked or making a video that she would post to Facebook.
"She said she'd rather have a whoopin', so I chose the latter," Starks said.
In the video made as a result, which runs more than five minutes, Starks is seen loudly confronting her daughter, making her repeat her real age to the camera. Starks notes that her daughter does not have lingerie, still watches children's shows and has a bedtime, among other assertions.
The daughter starts crying in the middle of the video, and tried to get out of going to school on Monday, the day after the video was posted, Starks said.
Starks added that she is shocked by how quickly the video has spread and how much support she has received from parents worldwide. In three days, the video has been viewed more than 10 million times.
Starks' popularity has gone up as well, jumping from having only 45 Facebook friends to more than 5,000 requests two days later. After the surge, Facebook suspended her account temporarily and stopped her from adding any more friends.
In a second video that Starks, a cosmetology student, posted Monday to thank supporters, she said that she is a convicted felon who cannot get a job because of her record. She told ABC News that she spent nearly eight months in jail after being convicted for complicity to traffic marijuana.
She said she told her daughter, "I'm an adult who made a bad decision and I had to suffer the consequences, and I'm still suffering the consequences. And you're a kid who made a bad decision and there are consequences to that."
Starks said she first got the idea of posting a shaming video to Facebook when her daughter "got in a little trouble" with the social media site last year when she was "messaging too many boys."
Facebook's user agreement states that users must have their real names on the account and not be under 13.
While there have been thousands of messages of support for Starks, she said that she has also gotten comments from people who believe she went too far.
To her critics, Starks said, "It was coming from a place of love."
"Anybody could have coerced her into meeting her in a park, and she would have thought it was a 13-year-old boy but it [could have been] a grown man who wants to do bodily harm -- and the coroners could have been coming to my house," Starks told ABC News. "I would rather embarrass her and done this than to go to a morgue and verify my child's body." ||||| A mom stands on the sidewalk, berating her 13-year-old daughter for pretending to be an older teenager and making suggestive posts on Facebook. The girl fidgets and sniffles.
"You've got a Facebook page, and you're on there with your bra on, right? Is that what you do?" Valerie Starks asks as the girl begins to cry.
"Don't cry now. You wasn't crying when you was posting pictures on Facebook, was you? In a bra?" the mother continues. "Some little girl in some lace panties that you know you don't own. You still wear panties that say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday."
The video, posted Sunday, has drawn more than 11 million views and thousands of comments, many praising Starks as a tough-love parent.
"We need more Moms like you. Good job taking care of your kid," Facebook user Rhonda Snow wrote on Starks' Facebook page.
But other commenters, and some parenting experts, are aghast at what they said was little more than cyberbullying.
While Starks clearly has the best of intentions and obviously loves her daughter, McCready said, the tactic isn't an effective way to get kids to open up and tell the truth about what's happening in their lives.
"If kids fear that they are going to be publicly humiliated, guess what, they are going to get really good at hiding the truth," said McCready, of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Starks told CNN affiliate KMGH that she explained the reasons for the video to her daughter.
"I said, 'I did this because I love you, not because I really wanted to embarrass you,' " she said. "I wanted to make a statement and a stand for all parents that this is not going to be tolerated."
JUST WATCHED Mom shames daughter for posing as a 'freak' on Facebook Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Mom shames daughter for posing as a 'freak' on Facebook 03:00
In another video posted Monday, Starks said she has been overwhelmed with support. She's reached Facebook's limit of 5,000 friends because of the video, she said.
She also said she's made mistakes in her life that she doesn't want her daughter to repeat. Starks says she's a convicted felon "for being around the wrong people who had marijuana" and doesn't have a job but is renting a room from her brother and going to night school to try to improve her situation.
She said critics need to understand that she's trying to do the best she can for her daughter.
"I'm not her friend. I am my own village, and I am trying my best with this little girl. And she's going to understand and respect me for it later," she said.
"The streets won't raise her; the schools won't raise her; the system won't raise her. I will raise her if it kills me," she said.
But McCready said that publicly shaming her daughter may have frayed bonds of trust that could be difficult to repair.
McCready's advice for parents in similar situations: Don't back down from being tough with your kids, because they need that discipline when they make big mistakes.
But, she says, do it in a way that ensures that the child knows you'll "have their back no matter what."
That means reining in privileges and reinforcing obligations while using the child's mistake as an opportunity to explore why it happened and what parent and child can do together to prevent a repeat -- not embarrassing them publicly, she said.
"No one feels inspired when they are humiliated," she said.
Starks said she posted the video to emphasize to other parents "how important it is to be aware of what your child is doing at all times. Don't trust nothing they say. They lie. They're going to be sneaky. Don't ever say ... what your child won't do. Because you never know until it happens to you." ||||| | Baltimore's "Mom of the Year" might have competition. A video showing a Denver mom lecturing her 13-year-old daughter about a secret Facebook page has gone viral, nabbing the young girl plenty of attention, but probably not the kind she wanted. Val Starks, 31, says she uncovered the secret account—featuring her daughter in a bra as the profile picture and stating that the girl was 19—and began warning her about the dangers of online predators; several adult males were among her daughter's Facebook friends. Starks tells ABC News she expressed her disappointment and then gave her daughter a choice: endure a spanking or make a video and post it to her Facebook page. "She said she'd rather have a whoopin', so I chose the latter," Starks says. In the five-minute, 40-second video, Starks makes her daughter repeat various statements, including her real age and the fact that she doesn't own "lace panties" and still watches the Disney Channel. Starks is pretty relentless with her questioning, and the girl breaks down in tears: "Are you a freak? Does your Facebook page say you're a freak? Do you even know anything about being a freak?" In a second video, Starks says she told her daughter there are consequences to every bad decision, including Starks' own; she says she was jailed for eight months in connection with a marijuana offense and that's made it tough to find a job. The original video has been viewed more than 11 million times and Starks says she has been flooded with messages of support. But others say her actions look a lot like bullying, and a parenting expert tells CNN humiliation is not the answer. But as Starks puts it, "I'm not her friend. I am my own village, and I am trying my best with this little girl." She tells KMGH her daughter isn't being bullied at school over the video. (And on the opposite end of the spectrum: these Florida parents.) |
Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph:
Clips of different couples with the man putting make up on the woman's faces. Scenes of the men putting make up on the woman's eyes. more clips of the men | putting make up on the woman's lips. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Problem:Starting in 1967 , native bands like Genesis combined native music types ( like cumbia ) with rock .
Solution: | Starting in 1967 ( see 1967 in music ) , native bands like Ge ́ nesis ( unrelated to the more famous band Genesis of a similar name ) fused native musical forms ( like cumbia ) with rock . |
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Problem:In the summer of 2016, the satellite network yes officially picked up season 2 of the show, stating it will focus more on real world events. During the fall of 2017 the initial trailer was released, and the official premier date was later announced to be 31 December. A few weeks prior to the airing of season 2, Fauda was renewed for a third season, to air in 2019.
Solution: | is there going to be a third season of fauda? |
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Generated: Context: The terror attacks, it was clear, had blasted a hole in the dam holding back Mumbai's reservoir of woes. While the protesters seemed to be reacting to a tragedy that had left at least 164 people dead and 308 injured, they were really venting the frustrations of having to cope with life in a city with an infrastructure so stretched that simply getting to work and back is an ordeal. At peak hour, the commuter trains - which carry six million people each day - are packed with up to 5,000 commuters, even though they're built for 1,800. Every day, an average of 11 people die on the railway system, either because they fall off the trains or because they're hit by passing locomotives as they cross the tracks.
Hypothesis: Mumbai is the best city in India.
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Generated: Context: The book you mentioned that Vice President Gore wrote, he also called for taxing -- big energy taxes in order to clean up the environment. And now that the energy prices are high, I guess he's not advocating those big energy taxes right now. I believe we ought to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund to -- with half the money going to states so states can make the right decisions for environmental quality.
Hypothesis: Vice President Gore has talked to castiel
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Generated: Context: Everything for charity<br>Norman believed a lot in charity. He liked to go from door to door and ask for money. Until one day a man shoved him on the doormat and scared him. Norman since then doesn't go from door to door. He calls people on the phone instead.
Hypothesis: Norman emails people asking for donations.
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Generated: | Context: How to stop a guinea pig from shedding<br>Brush your guinea pig regularly. Daily brushing will help reduce the amount of hair your guinea pig sheds. Be sure to brush gently and never scrape the brush over bald patches of skin.
Hypothesis: Pregnant Guinea pigs need to be brushed more gently. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Q: The idea was first developed by John Maynard Keynes in his book The General Theory of Employment , Interest and Money ( 1936 ) .
A: | The concept was first developed by John Maynard Keynes in his book " The General Theory of Employment , Interest and Money " ( 1936 ) to explain determination of the interest rate by the supply and demand for money . |
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took to Twitter on Friday afternoon to stress that he didn't suggest the U.S. keep a "Muslim database."
I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 20, 2015
Donald Trump's 2016 opponents piled on him on Friday for the response he gave Thursday evening to a television reporter who asked whether he would use databases to track Muslims. While Trump didn't directly answer that question, when the reporter continued to follow up and asked whether such a system would mean going "to mosques to sign these people up," Trump said, "Different places, different places." Trump added, "You sign them up, but it's all about management."
That conversation stemmed from a Yahoo News story published earlier in the day in which Trump said, "We're going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago." When Yahoo News asked Trump "whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion," the story said that Trump "wouldn't rule it out."
Trump's tweet is his first clarification of the remarks. The federal government does already maintain a "terrorist watchlist," as Trump called for in his tweet.
Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the idea of tracking Americans on the basis of religion.
"Hopefully we already have a database on everybody in this country," Republican Ben Carson said when asked about it on Friday. However, he added, "If we're just going to pick out a particular group of people based on their relgiion, based on their race... that's setting a pretty dangerous precedent."
On the campaign trail in Hollis, New Hampshire on Friday, Ohio's Republican Gov. John Kasich said, "We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with jihadist terrorists."
He added, "Those who want to divide and impose tests -- religious tests, where people are going to go and register, or deportation squads, they're going to try to go into neighborhoods and ship people out of this country. We don't need division in America. We need to be united." ||||| Very little seems to damage Donald Trump's poll numbers. | Getty Why the Muslim database won’t doom Trump The latest comments on Muslims play straight into his populist appeal.
In the last 24 hours, Donald Trump has said he “absolutely” would implement a database of American Muslims and that participation would “have to” be compulsory. Asked how that would differ from the registration of Jews in Nazi Germany, he responded only, “You tell me.”
Is his campaign imploding? Fat chance.
Story Continued Below
Just as Trump’s provocations aimed at Mexican immigrants and John McCain’s war record have fueled his presidential run rather than destroyed it, his latest demagoguery on Muslims plays straight into his populist appeal.
“He has made so many other inflammatory irresponsible statements … that I’m skeptical this will hurt him either,” said Colorado-based Republican consultant Dick Wadhams. “He definitely benefits from this notion of he tells it like it is and he doesn’t care what people think.”
On terrorism, as on so many other issues, what sounds outrageous to political and media elites can sound reasonable to large swathes of the American electorate, said veteran New Hampshire-based Republican strategist Dave Carney.
“When [elites] sit around and have a wine after work and some brie and they talk about the situation and geopolitics and what’s going on in the Mideast they’re talking about the Sunnis and the Shia and Alexander the Great and … what font the f**king French should’ve used to draw the maps after World War I,” he said. “Americans after work, if they can have the time to have a beer and see what’s going on, think there are these radical Islamist terrorists who want to kill us.”
A Trump campaign insider said the candidate’s willingness to go where other politicians will not helps him with voters. “Trump says what everybody else is thinking,” said the person. “ISIS has declared war.”
On Friday, Trump’s Republican rivals condemned his position. Jeb Bush called it “just wrong,” John Kasich said it “strikes against all that we have believed in our nation’s history,” and Ben Carson called the singling out of religious groups for monitoring a “dangerous precedent.” Even Ted Cruz, Trump’s staunchest defender in the Republican field, disavowed the idea. “I’m a big fan of Donald Trump’s, but I’m not a fan of government registries for American citizens,” he said at a campaign stop in Iowa.
But rather than apologize or back down, Trump shifted the blame to the media, a tactic that has so far served him well in navigating the never-ending controversies sparked by his words. “I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America,” he tweeted on Friday afternoon. A spokeswoman for the Trump campaign did not respond to a question about whether Trump still supports requiring American Muslims to register for a government database.
The Trump insider said the campaign was unfazed by negative coverage from mainstream outlets of the candidate’s provocations. “The non-politically correct person will always be attacked the most. That’s just the nature of our media,” the person said.
“He’s been at war with the media this entire campaign and his polls numbers continue to rise,” said Wadhams.
While Trump’s brash statements, and the antagonism they provoke between the candidate and the media, heighten his appeal to many Republican primary voters, there are downsides to the demagoguery as well. Only 37 percent of registered voters view Trump favorably, compared to 56 percent who view him unfavorably, according to a nationwide Quinnipiac poll released earlier this month. Among all presidential candidates, only Bush and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham registered worse net favorability ratings in the poll. Numbers like that could prove a long-term liability in a general election should Trump defy initial expectations and carry his party’s nomination.
And Wadhams said that Trump’s continued willingness to push the normal bounds of civility and political discourse could undo him yet. “It makes you wonder just when is he going to go too far, or if the aggregate of all these statements is going to affect him,” he said.
Despite the recurring predictions of Trump’s demise, Carney said he was not holding his breath. “Even after Magellan circumnavigated the globe people predicted that the world was still flat.” ||||| It came as Mr. Trump has regained some momentum in the Republican presidential race, with polls showing his support on the rise nationally since the Paris attacks, and Ben Carson’s on the decline.
Image Senator Ted Cruz of Texas distanced himself from Mr. Trump’s comments about a database of Muslims, saying he was not a fan of government registries. Credit Joe Raedle/Getty Images
By Friday, though, he appeared to pull back slightly from the idea. In a post on Twitter, Mr. Trump complained that it was a reporter, not he, who had first raised the idea of a database. And his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, insisted that Mr. Trump had been asked leading questions by the NBC reporter under “blaring music” and that he had in mind a terrorist watch list, not a registry of Muslims.
Still, nowhere, even on Friday, did Mr. Trump, who has rarely acknowledged being at fault in a campaign predicated on his strength as a leader, clearly state that he was opposed to the idea of a registry of Muslims.
For months, Mr. Trump has set the tone and pace of the Republican primary, forcing his rivals to respond to his statements and in some cases to try to emulate his style and positions. His periodic eruptions have seemed to power his campaign; he has denigrated Senator John McCain’s record in Vietnam because he was a prisoner of war, said that the Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was bleeding from “wherever,” insulted Carly Fiorina’s looks and read Senator Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number aloud before a crowd of thousands. Through it all, his supporters have held firm.
Yet rivals who have been pulled sharply to the right by Mr. Trump on issues like immigration broke with him this time — a rare public distancing by politicians who have seemed handcuffed out of fear that swinging back at Mr. Trump would make them the butt of his next joke or offend his supporters.
In the Yahoo interview on Thursday, which came on the heels of his calls to close some mosques and carefully monitor others, Mr. Trump suggested, with few specifics, that he would impose new measures to deal with terrorism. ||||| | Donald Trump—apparently taken aback by the strong reaction to his support for a mandatory database on US Muslims—is stressing that it wasn't his idea. "I didn't suggest a database—a reporter did," he tweeted on Friday. "We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America." After Trump's initial remarks, in response to questions from Yahoo News and NBC reporters, many of his fellow Republicans denounced the idea of tracking Americans based on their religion, including Ben Carson, who warned that it would be "setting a pretty dangerous precedent," CBS reports. Trump's campaign manager complained that the NBC reporter had asked the question amid "blaring music," reports the New York Times. The issue brought what the Times calls a "rare public distancing" by politicians who have seemed afraid of becoming Trump's next target. One of the few who refused to join the attacks on Trump Friday was Ted Cruz, who said: "I'm a big fan of Donald Trump's, but not a fan of government registries of American citizens," the Washington Post reports. Analysts tell Politico that the controversy probably won't do much to damage Trump, whose poll numbers are rising. "He definitely benefits from this notion of he tells it like it is and he doesn’t care what people think," and he hasn't been hurt by his many other "inflammatory irresponsible statements," GOP consultant Dick Wadhams says. |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Thirty years ago this month the U.S. and other industrialized countries signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. It was a “milestone for all people and our planet,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who highlighted the positive impacts of the Montreal Protocol on human health, poverty eradication, climate change, and protecting the food chain at an anniversary celebration.
The Earth’s ozone layer would have collapsed by 2050 with catastrophic consequences without the Montreal Protocol, studies have shown. In the world we avoided thanks to the Protocol the UV Index measure during a Washington, DC or Los Angles mid-summer day would be at least 30 by 2070. Anything over 11 is considered extreme. There would have been an additional 280 million cases of skin cancer, 1.5 million skin cancer deaths, and 45 million cataracts in the United States, according to the U.S. EPA.
Further, climate change would have been far worse by mid-century because the chemicals that “eat” ozone are also super-greenhouse gases, thousands of times more potent than CO2. And that would have meant the potential intensity of hurricanes and cyclones would have increased three times, another study found.
The combined impacts of UV levels that could literally burn skin in five minutes and hotter, stormier weather is something no one would want to live in or wish for their grandchildren, said Rolando Garcia, a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado.
Our global climate would be at least 25 per cent hotter today without the Protocol, said Garcia, a co-author of two world-avoided studies. That additional heat energy would have provided “fuel“ for today’s extreme weather events like hurricanes, floods, and droughts. By 2070 the world would have been 4.5 degrees F (2.5 degrees Celsius) hotter, a level most experts agree is disastrously high.
“In 1987 I don’t think anyone knew about the full climate implications,” said Garcia. “The Protocol saved our bacon a little bit.”
Ozone Politics
The ozone layer acts like a shield reducing the amount of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation to safer levels. By the late 1970s scientists proved chemicals used in fridges, air conditioners, and aerosol cans were damaging this ozone shield. But the chemical industry argued the science was uncertain, and more research was needed. Then, in 1985, a gigantic hole appeared in the ozone layer over Antarctica, allowing dangerous levels of UV radiation to reach the surface. By 1987 the Montreal Protocol was created to reduce the amounts of those chemicals.
Industry lobbied the Ronald Reagan White House and tried to get the Senate to deny ratification of the Protocol, warning of dire economic impacts resulting from a phase-down of their products.
“It was just as bad as the fossil fuel industry has been on climate change,” said David Doniger, Director, Climate and Clean Air Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
View Images People bathe in the sea in southern France—but without a protective ozone layer, such activities would be much more dangerous. Photograph by BERTRAND LANGLOIS, AFP, Getty Images
And yet the U.S. was one of the first countries to ratify the Protocol and have been a leader on the revisions that sped up the phase-outs of ozone-destroying chemicals, Doniger said. Industry soon developed new products and got on board with the phase-out of the old chemicals.
The Protocol now has 197 countries participating and resulted in the phase-out of 99 percent of nearly 100 ozone-depleting chemicals. It’s often considered the most successful international environmental treaty in history.
"Thirty years ago the world proved it can come together and tackle a global problem with global resolve,” said Erik Solheim, head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
“The Montreal Protocol is as necessary today as it was in the 1980s,” Solheim said.
Unfinished Business
The ozone layer is expected to recover by 2050 but the Protocol has two major pieces of unfinished business. Some countries in the developing world haven’t yet phased out ozone-damaging chemicals like R-22, a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) found in many refrigeration and air conditioning systems. They’ll require financial support to do so, which the Protocol provides under its Multilateral Fund.
The Multilateral Fund will need to be replenished for the next three years at the upcoming Montreal Protocol conference in November. The U.S. usually provides about 20 percent of the funding, but “the Trump Administration has been completely silent on this so far,” said Doniger.
This funding is crucial to help poor countries not only eliminate the last ozone-damaging chemicals but also to leapfrog cheap replacement chemicals called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). While HFCs are safe for ozone, they are a powerful greenhouse gas, a thousand times worse than CO2. In 2016, after nearly ten years of negotiations, more than 150 countries agreed to reduce their use by 85 percent in the coming decades.
The use of HFCs for air conditioning and refrigeration is growing at a fast pace in developing countries, particularly China and India, Doniger said. That’s in part because climate change is producing more and longer deadly heat waves and driving up summer temperatures.
This HFC phase down is known as the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol and would have a big impact on climate change, cutting global warming up to 0.9 degrees F (0.5 degrees Celsius) by the end of the century, according to the UNEP.
That’s a big deal because even limiting global warming to under 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees Celsius) will still cut Africa’s agricultural yields by 40 percent, putting 50 percent of the continent’s population at risk of undernourishment. ||||| Illegal production of CFC-11 in China has a climate impact equivalent to 16-20 coal power plants, the Environmental Investigation Agency estimates
By Megan Darby
Chinese factories are illegally producing chemicals that damage the ozone layer and the climate.
That was revealed in a survey of manufacturers carried out by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and corroborated by the New York Times on Monday.
The EIA identified eight companies in four provinces that were using CFC-11 in the production of plastic foams, which are most commonly used for building insulation. It is one of a group of chemicals banned under the 1987 Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer.
“These and other well placed sources in the Chinese chemical industry strongly suggest that this is a wider practice,” said the agency’s Avipsa Mahapatra.
The green watchdog estimates up to 70% of Chinese rigid foam production uses CFC-11, which has a global warming effect as well as depleting ozone. By the EIA’s calculation, this illegal activity has a climate impact equivalent to 16-20 coal power stations.
Its findings go a long way to explain mysteriously high levels of the pollutant detected by air monitors, in data published in Nature last month.
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A factory owner in Xingfu, Shandong province, told the NYT he only found out CFC-11 was bad for the atmosphere last year – and it was cheaper than the substitutes.
As he spoke to the reporter, Zhang Wenbo was ordered by officials to close his refrigerator plant, in a crackdown across the town. Evidence of other illegal production hotspots has been passed to the Chinese authorities.
Climate Home News previously reported that the Montreal Protocol’s scientific assessment panel is due to examine rogue emissions and report to national representatives by the end of the year.
Production of chlorofluorocarbons, which were also used as coolants, was fully banned in developed countries from 1996. The developing world was given until 2010 to phase out usage, with financial support to switch to substitutes.
In the 1990s and early 2000s, a certain amount of black market activity was exposed, but the discovery of widespread illegal activity so long after the deadline shocked experts.
“It is outrageous that industrial climate-killers banned several years ago continue to be produced, used and emitted at this scale in an industry where better technology is easily available. This could undermine not just the slowly healing ozone but also the global efforts to battle climate change,” said Mahapatra.
Approved substitutes for CFC-11 also have a global warming effect, but it is much less strong. The intermediate option, HCFC-141b, has around a sixth the global warming potential, and cleaner options are available.
In 2016, countries agreed to amend the Montreal Protocol to tackle the climate impact of HFCs, which have replaced CFCs in many applications. Phasing them out could prevent up to 0.5C of warming this century, scientists estimate.
The latest exposé shows why the deal needs to have teeth, said Mahapatra. “EIA has been calling for tougher measures to deal with illegal production and trade. These findings prove once again that enforcement is not a luxury but necessary to the success of the Montreal Protocol.”
Republish this article |||||
Output: | Across the world, someone has been illegally producing an ozone-destroying gas banned more than 30 years ago. Now, investigators and the New York Times may have pinpointed the culprit behind the CFC-11 chlorofluorocarbon: factories making foam insulation in remote parts of China. Putting CFC-11 in the insulation, which is used in buildings and refrigerators, isn't as costly as legal alternatives, and some factory owners were surprisingly frank with the Times about their usage. "Of course, we chose the cheaper foam agent," one factory owner, whose plant has since been shut down, says. "That's how we survived." The Environmental Investigation Agency, an independent watchdog, says it found at least eight factories in China using CFC-11 to make foam. The EIA estimates up to 70% of foam production there uses the chemical, per Climate Home News. An expert tells the Times that factories using CFC-11, a violation of 1987's Montreal Protocol, are often smaller operations (some don't even have names) that move around rural outposts to avoid detection; if they do get caught, they simply shrug and pay any fines, if they're not shut down. A study published in Nature in May stressed the issues that this unexpected jump in CFC-11 emissions could pose, namely pushing back the full recovery of the ozone layer by at least 10 years (the target date was originally for the middle of this century). The head of the UN's Environment Program tells the Times that the renewed CFC-11 production is "an environment crime" that requires immediate action. "We have to dig deeper," Erik Solheim says in a statement. "Based on the scale of detected emissions, there is good reason to believe the problem extends beyond these uncovered cases." (In other news, researchers see a controversial way to help the planet.) |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
PROBLEM: The United States has about 20 species of venomous snakes, which include 16 species of rattlesnakes, two species of coral snakes, one species of cottonmouth (or water moccasin), and one species of copperhead. At least one type of venomous snake is found in every state except Alaska and Hawaii.
SOLUTION: what are the poisonous snakes in the united states
PROBLEM: The Second Battle of Panipat was fought on November 5, 1556, between the forces of Hemu, the Hindu general and Chief Minister of Adil Shah Suri, and the army of the Mughal emperor, Akbar. Hemu had conquered Delhi a month earlier by defeating the Mughals led by Tardi Beg Khan at the Battle of Delhi and proclaimed himself Raja Vikramaditya. Akbar and his guardian, Bairam Khan, had immediately marched to Delhi to reclaim the city. The two armies clashed at Panipat not far from the site of the First Battle of Panipat of 1526.
SOLUTION: why was the second battle of panipat fought
PROBLEM: A drill is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment, usually a drill bit or driver bit, used for boring holes in various materials or fastening various materials together. The attachment is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill and rotated while pressed against the target material. The tip, and sometimes edges, of the cutting tool does the work of cutting into the target material. This may be slicing off thin shavings (twist drills or auger bits), grinding off small particles (oil drilling), crushing and removing pieces of the workpiece (SDS masonry drill), countersinking, counterboring, or other operations.
SOLUTION: | name two important features a drill should have
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
A timer which counts upwards from zero for measuring time is often called a " stopwatch " . | A timer which counts upwards from zero for measuring elapsed time is often called a " stopwatch , " while a device which counts down from a specified time interval is more usually called a timer . |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Example: This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site.
Output: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram
The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example.
New input case for you: 'Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer' is a novelty Christmas song. Written by Randy Brooks, the song was originally performed by the husband-and-wife duo of Elmo and Patsy Trigg Shropshire in 1979.
Output: | who sings grandma got run over by a reindeer |
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: Coldplay has released their new song “Everglow” featuring lead singer Chris Martin‘s ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow‘s vocals.
The song will be featured on the band’s new album A Head Full of Dreams, which is set to be released on December.
“I was in the ocean one day with this surfer guy,” Chris said of the song’s inspiration. “He was like, ‘Yo dude, I was doing this thing the other day, man. It gave me this total everglow!’ I was like, ‘What an amazing word!’ Then the song came completely out. To me, it’s about — whether it’s a loved one or a situation or a friend or a relationship that’s finished, or someone’s passed away — I was thinking about, after you’ve been through the sadness of something, you also get this everglow. That’s what it’s about.”
WHAT DO YOU THINK of Coldplay’s new song?
Click inside to read the lyrics to the song… ||||| Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow, the most elegantly behaved of exes, are continuing to make us all feel like wild animals. Since consciously uncoupling back in 2014, the two have consistently treated one another in a way that suggests they’re vastly more enlightened and evolved than the rest of us plebes, plebes who’d much rather bitterly stalk our exes’ Mexican vacation photos on Facebook while swilling from our own personal bottle of Don Julio than join them on actual Mexican vacations to “laugh and have fun.” Even as both have moved on to new relationships—Martin’s dancing in streets with actress Annabelle Wallis, Paltrow’s smooching producer Brad Falchuk—they’ve carried on a friendship, with Paltrow calling her ex “an incredibly good ex-husband and an amazing dad” and Martin writing songs about Paltrow called "Magic," for Goop's sake.
The latest act of Extreme Good Will between Paltrow and Martin comes, appropriately, in musical form. A few weeks back, Martin revealed to the Wall Street Journal that Paltrow would provide vocals on Coldplay’s new album A Head Full Of Dreams, sharing the mic with Martin for “a ballad about a relationship’s enduring spark” called “Everglow.” Martin added that young Apple and Moses, plus a dozen other friends and family members of the band, would sing in a “choir” on various songs; even Wallis, Martin’s apparently equally enlightened girlfriend, would join in on a track. “Everyone who got asked to sing on our album has an important part in our lives. This is The Wall Street Journal, so I don’t want to get too hippie,” said Martin, approximately 12 years too late, “but what I’m trying to learn in my life is the value of every human.”
“Everglow" has just debuted on Zane Lowe’s Beats 1 radio show, and tonally, it is on par with everything else related to Martin and Paltrow’s break-up: a little cheesy, a lot melodramatic, and full of references to how amazing Gwyneth Paltrow is. Paltrow’s voice is almost imperceptible (although, is that her yelling “world record”?...why?), but as a subject, she’s omnipresent. A sample lyric: “Well they say people come/Say people go/This particular diamond/Is extra special/And though you might be gone/And the world may not know/Still I see you're celestial.” Listen at the link to hear more about the innate perfection of Paltrow, including how she is simultaneously like a lion, a goddess, an eagle, and…a car? ||||| Justin Sullivan/News/Getty Images Theo Wargo/Entertainment/Getty Images
Gwyneth and Chris said they still ‘love each other very much’ when they announced their shocking decision to end their 10-year marriage on her website, Goop, on March 25. But is Gwyneth the one who left Chris broken-hearted? The Coldplay frontman seems to reveal his true feelings over their split in his band’s emotional new single, ‘Magic.’
Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced their mutual decision to split in a candid, emotional statement on her website, Goop. But is it possible the Coldplay frontman wasn’t quite ready to give up on their love? The lyrics from Coldplay’s romantic new song “Magic” suggest that Chris considered Gwyneth a “precious jewel” who he didn’t want to lose.
Chris Martin On Gwyneth Paltrow In ‘Magic’: He Wrote About Her In Coldplay Song
Chris croons about being “broken in two” by his lady love in the new song, but still calls their strained romance “magic.” Could he be talking about Gwyneth breaking his heart by leaving him? With heart-wrenching lines like “I don’t want anybody else but you” and “I can’t get over you,” Chris certainly sounds like a jilted lover.
We hope he isn’t completely devastated by the split but the lyrics don’t lie. Check out the full lyrics to “Magic” and let us know what you think:
Call it magic
Call it true
Call it magic
When I’m with you
And I just got broken
Broken into two
Still I call it magic
When I’m next to youAnd I don’t, and I don’t and I don’t, and I don’t
No, I don’t,
It’s true
I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t want anybody else but you
I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t
No, I don’t,
It’s true
I don’t, no, I don’t no, I don’t, no, I don’t want anybody else but you
Ooooh ooh ooh
Call it magic
Cut me into two
And with all your magic
I disappear from view
And I can’t get over
Can’t get over you
Still I call it magic
It’s such a precious jewel
And I don’t, and I don’t and I don’t, and I don’t
No, I don’t,
It’s true
I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t want anybody else but you
I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t
No, I don’t,
It’s true
I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t, no, I don’t want anybody else but you
Wanna fall
I fall so far
I wanna fall
I fall so hard
And I call it magic
And I call it true
I call it magic
Ooooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooh ooh
And if you were to ask me
After all that we’ve been through
Still believe in magic
Oh yes I do
Oh yes I do
Yes I do
Oh yes I do
Of course I do
Chris Martin & Gwyneth Paltrow Break Up
Chris and Gwyneth announced their split on her website, Goop. The parents of Apple, 9, and Moses, 7, wrote a heartfelt statement explaining their decision to part ways.
Below is the full statement that the couple posted, titled “Conscious Uncoupling”:
It is with hearts full of sadness that we have decided to separate. We have been working hard for well over a year, some of it together, some of it separated, to see what might have been possible between us, and we have come to the conclusion that while we love each other very much we will remain separate. We are, however, and always will be a family, and in many ways we are closer than we have ever been. We are parents first and foremost, to two incredibly wonderful children and we ask for their and our space and privacy to be respected at this difficult time. We have always conducted our relationship privately, and we hope that as we consciously uncouple and co-parent, we will be able to continue in the same manner. Love,
Gwyneth & Chris
So HollywoodLifers, do YOU think Chris wrote “Magic” about Gwyneth? Let us know.
— Tierney McAfee
More Celeb Separations:
JavaScript is required to load the comments. ||||| Chris Martin has confirmed that his new single, Magic, was written about the breakdown of his relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow. The couple, who had been married for ten years, decided to end their marriage in March, announcing their “conscious uncoupling” on Paltrow’s website GOOP.
Chris Martin seems to imply that his split was Paltrow was his fault
For the first time since the split was revealed, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin has spoken out. In a Radio 1 interview with Zane Lowe, Martin seemed to imply that the split was his fault. Martin told Lowe, “What changed for me was - I don’t want to go through life being scared of it, being scared of love, being scared of rejection, being scared of failure. Ever since our band came out, we have been a very polarising group because we do a certain thing very well…About two years ago I was a mess really because I can’t enjoy the thing that we are good at and I can’t enjoy the great things about me because I’m burdened by this - I’ve got to not blame anyone else and make some changes.”
MORE: Gwyneth Paltrow 'bragging' about split?
It certainly sounds from his open and clear expression that the therapy the couple have been attending before, during and after their split has had a clarifying effect on the singer. He also frankly explained why he wouldn’t constitute their split as a breakdown: “I wouldn’t use the word breakdown, this was more a realisation about trying to grow up, basically. Like I said, if you can’t open yourself up, you can’t appreciate the wonder inside. So you can be with someone very wonderful, but because of your own issues you cannot let that be celebrated in the right way.”
From what Martin has been saying it does indeed seem as though there are no ill feelings between the couple. He further added, “If you don’t let love in then you can’t really give it back…you’ve got to open yourself up to love and if you really do, of course it will be painful at some times, but then it will be great at some point.”
Chris Martin has opened up to Zane Lowe about his divorce from Gwyneth Paltrow
Martin also explains the meaning behind his single Magic. "It's about saying this person is really awesome and is magic, and of course certain parts of it have to change because that's life but not everything has to be black or white or clear cut and that's OK." The single, which contains the lyrics “And I can’t get over you”, as well as “And if you were to ask me / After all that we’ve been through / If I still believe in magic / Oh yes I do…Of course I do" seems to imply that he still has some lingering feelings for his ex.
MORE: Chris Martin's crush on Harry Styles
Watch Chris Martin entertain his audience in LA during his live set:
||||| A couple’s love is like beautiful music. And when those couples also happen to be musicians, they often pair up to declare this love to all willing to listen. In the end, everyone wins. They make a couple dollars, and even if their love doesn’t last forever, we have the amazing tunes to help us remember when.
The couple who sings together may or may not always stay together, but what they leave behind is music to our ears (sorry, couldn’t help it.) Click through the slideshow to check out these TK celebrity couples who have songs together, and see if their relationships lasted based off the lyrics.
Don’t forget to check out 2014′s it-bag, all the celebrity engagements that happened over the holidays, and 2014′s up-and-coming beauty trends. ||||| These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to. That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.The goal is to fix all broken links on the web . Crawls of supported "No More 404" sites. |||||
Output: | Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin continue to not really seem all that divorced, most recently by collaborating on a song that appears on the new Coldplay album. Paltrow contributes vocals on "Everglow," a song the Wall Street Journal says is "about a relationship’s enduring spark," and the track debuted last week on Zane Lowe's radio show, Vanity Fair reports. Listen to it here—featuring lines, apparently about Paltrow, like "Well they say people come / Say people go / This particular diamond / Is extra special / And though you might be gone / And the world may not know / Still I see you're celestial." "To me, it’s about—whether it’s a loved one or a situation or a friend or a relationship that’s finished, or someone’s passed away—I was really thinking about, after you’ve been through the sadness of something, you also get this everglow," Martin has said of the song, per Just Jared. It's not the first song inspired by Paltrow post-breakup: Martin said last year that he also wrote Coldplay's "Magic" about her, ContactMusic reported at the time. He apparently likes comparing her to precious gems, because that song includes the lines, "Call it magic / Cut me into two / And with all your magic / I disappear from view / And I can’t get over / Can’t get over you / Still I call it magic / It’s such a precious jewel." (Click to read about what we've learned about other celebrity couples based on song lyrics.) |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Q: Bartolo Colón (born May 24, 1973), nicknamed 'Big Sexy,' is a Dominican American professional baseball pitcher for the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball (MLB). He previously played for the Cleveland Indians (1997 -- 2002), Montreal Expos (2002), Chicago White Sox (2003, 2009), Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (2004 -- 2007), Boston Red Sox (2008), New York Yankees (2011), Oakland Athletics (2012 -- 2013), New York Mets (2014 -- 2016), Atlanta Braves (2017), and Minnesota Twins (2017).
A: | how many teams has bartolo colon pitch for |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
See one example below:
Problem: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Solution: No
Explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
Problem: The opening shot of the movie shows Kunti praying for Lord Krishna's protection for the Pandavas . Lord Krishna consoles Kunti and promises to ever protect the Pandavas and guide them through troubles and problems that may occur in life . The sons of Pandu and Dhritarashtra progeny break into an argument . When Duryodhana insults the Pandavas as `` dependents '' , Bheema counters by saying that , the Kauravas are the progeny of a widow . Duryodhana asks Veda Vyasa for an explanation . He is then told that , since his mother , Gandhari had an astrological defect , she is first married of to a goat and then married to his father . Duryodhana gains animosity towards the kingdom of Gandhara where the king , the father of his mother Gandhari , rules . He attacks Gandhara and lays waste of the whole kingdom . He them imprisons the royal family in his prison . He gives them only one rice grain per prisoner . The king of Gandhara then stops everyone from grabbing the little food that is provided . He says that instead of everyone dying , they could keep at least one of their princes alive . He chooses Sakuni to be alive . Sakuni takes an oath that he will do everything he can to destroy the entire Kaurava clan . He makes magic dice from his father's spinal cord . The magic dice show exactly the number that he would want . Duryodhana takes pity on the lone prisoner , Sakuni after the rest of the Gandhara royal family dies in prison out of starvation . Sakuni joins the evil of coterie of Duryodhana , Karna and Dushyasana . <sep>What do Lord Krishna promises Kunti to ever protect<sep>Pandavas
Solution: | Yes |
Teacher:In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: A training camp is a place where soldiers or sports players go to learn skills .
Student: | A training camp is an organized period in which military personnel or athletes participate in a rigorous and focused schedule of training in order to learn or improve skills . |
Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph:
A man is getting ready for a gym routine by chalking his hands. The man mounts the horse apparatus. The man does a routine on the horse. the man | dismounts and lands on the mat. |
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Input: PAYSON, Utah (AP) — The father of a boy who has Down syndrome is suing the Boys Scouts of America for blocking his son from becoming an Eagle scout and revoking his merit badges.
Logan Blythe has been a scout through the National Parks Council in Utah. His father, Chad, says the 15-year-old has advanced because the council has made accommodations when necessary.
He had planned to create kits for special-needs babies for his Eagle project when the family learned the national organization voided every merit badge he obtained.
The family sued the Boy Scouts and the Utah National Parks Council for "outrageous and reckless conduct."
The organization says it worked with the committee and the Blythe family to offer "alternative merit badges" and a path to becoming an Eagle. ||||| Over the past four years, Logan Blythe has worked every week to line his green Boy Scout sash with merit badge after merit badge to earn enough to meet the threshold to try to become an Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Scouts.
Logan, 15, has Down syndrome, but local Scout officials assured his parents over the years that despite his limited verbal skills and other developmental delays, he’d be able to progress in the Scouts just like any other member; his scoutmasters would modify badge requirements so Logan could meet them, said Logan’s father, Chad Blythe.
“All those [badges], he just literally did the best he could, and our local leaders accepted it and were happy with it,” Chad Blythe said.
Everything seemed fine as the family prepared Logan’s Eagle Scout project and submitted it to Utah National Parks Council, Utah’s chartered Boy Scouts of America partner. Local officials approved the project on Nov. 9, and the family went home happy, Chad Blythe said.
The next day, the Blythes got an email that changed everything.
After local officials heard from the national group (which approves all Eagle Scout projects), Logan’s project was suspended and the national group effectively voided every merit badge he earned since graduating from the Cub Scouts to the Boy Scouts — because Logan didn’t follow the merit badge requirements exactly as written to earn the badges, Chad Blythe said.
1 of 7 View Caption (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Chad Blythe and his son Logan, 15, embrace during an interview at VF Law in Salt L... (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Logan Blythe, 15, smiles during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City Thursday,... (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Diane Blythe shows the Boy Scout merit badges her son Logan earned. (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Chad Blythe and hugs his son Logan, 15, during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake... (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Attorneys Alyssa Wood and Ted McBride discuss the Blythes' case during an intervie... (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Chad Blythe and his son Logan, 15, talk during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake... (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Diane Blythe speaks during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City Friday, March ... (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Chad Blythe and his son Logan, 15, embrace during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City Friday, March 16, 2018. (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Logan Blythe, 15, smiles during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City Thursday, March 15, 2018. (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Diane Blythe shows the Boy Scout merit badges her son Logan earned. (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Chad Blythe and hugs his son Logan, 15, during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City Friday, March 16, 2018. (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Attorneys Alyssa Wood and Ted McBride discuss the Blythes' case during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City on Thursday, March 15, 2018. (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Chad Blythe and his son Logan, 15, talk during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City Friday, March 16, 2018. (Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Diane Blythe speaks during an interview at VF Law in Salt Lake City Friday, March 16, 2018. <
The decision amounts to discrimination, Chad Blythe said, and the Payson-based family is taking the Scouts to court over it.
Blythe is asking for at least $1 in damages and for his son to be reinstated and accommodated within the Scouts, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday in 4th District Court. Saying they intentionally inflicted emotional distress, the family is suing the Boy Scouts of America Foundation, the National Boy Scouts of American Foundation, the Utah National Parks Council and individuals working for the council.
The lawsuit focuses on Logan’s experience and the emotional toll it took, but one of the Blythes’ attorneys, Ted McBride, said he hopes the implications from the suit spread and overturn Boy Scout policy that, he says, allows discrimination.
As the Boy Scouts have recently and conspicuously changed policies to allow girls and LGBT youths into the organization, McBride said he has trouble understanding why they would put up a fight to protect a policy that “is now narrowly limited to the intellectually disabled.”
“To me,” McBride said, “it’s a little bit of a last frontier. And what are they fighting for? I don’t understand.”
But Logan hasn’t been kicked out, according to Boy Scouts of America spokeswoman Effie Delimarkos, and the changes the Blythes reference were revisions to the eligibility policy. Despite the committee’s decision on Logan’s Eagle Scout project, he is just as welcome in the Scouts as anyone else.
“In fact, he was recognized at a special event in January to celebrate his commitment and love of Scouting,” she said.
She disputes the assertion that the decision was discriminatory and says the organization offered the Blythes “a path to earning alternative merit badges based on [Logan’s] abilities,” as well as additional time to complete the badge requirements. To qualify for Eagle rank, a Scout must meet the requirements by age 18.
Delimarkos also said the policies that require all Scouts to earn their merit badges by going through the same or similar process as all others promotes equity, and that even if Scouts don’t earn badges, they still get something from the experience.
She added that about 6 percent of Scouts earn Eagle rank.
“It is the highest rank. It is very prestigious, but it’s not by any means the only way to experience the program and to benefit from the program,” Delimarkos said.
Chad Blythe said that even with modifications, Logan likely wouldn’t be able to meet the merit badge qualifications.
Ideologies at odds
Since coming to Utah from Illinois four years ago to find better schooling for their son, Diane and Chad Blythe have watched Logan grow by “leaps and bounds,” Chad Blythe said.
Logan’s speech has improved. So has his dexterity. And in Boy Scouts, Chad Blythe said Logan found an accepting group of boys and made friends. Outside of Special Olympics, in which Logan earned medals for swimming, he’s never had a community of peers like that.
Diane Blythe said that as Logan tried for different merit badges, she and her husband learned more about what their son could do. For instance, she said, when he learned to tie knots for a badge, they were shocked and surprised at his capability. He also started a campfire.
“We don’t know what his abilities are until we test them,” she said. “That’s what’s fun about these different things.”
But the Blythes also admitted that they had helped Logan with a number of aspects required by the merit badges and Eagle project.
Local leaders seemed to agree that Logan should have a shot in the Scouts, which says it welcomes special-needs children, Chad Blythe said.
The lawsuit outlines an alleged rift between the national Boy Scout organization and its Utah counterparts. McBride said that’s part of the reason Logan advanced within the program as much, and as long, as he did: because local leaders didn’t want to bar him from participating.
“They’re being caught between their moral values and ethics versus the [national] Boy Scouts,” he said.
Delimarkos said local group officials sought the national organization’s help after they approved the project, because they were concerned the project didn’t meet the Eagle qualifications.
While the Utah National Parks Council released a statement regarding Logan’s case, it didn’t respond to The Salt Lake Tribune’s request for comment on the lawsuit’s assertion that its stance differs from or conflicts with the national group.
If it does, McBride has a theory for why: The local leaders’ sense of what is right and wrong is likely also fueled by Utah’s predominant religion: Mormonism.
They’re split, McBride said, because the Boy Scouts aren’t showing intellectually disabled members the same tolerance one would expect from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The LDS Church has a major role with Boy Scouts in Utah. For Mormons, Chad Blythe said, having a child become an Eagle Scout is almost akin to the child graduating high school.
The Scouts are so prominent in LDS culture that the number of Eagle Scouts produced in Utah surpassed all other states in 2016, according to Scouting magazine.
Within the church, when a child becomes an Eagle Scout, it’s a signifier that he or she was “raised right,” Chad Blythe said, using air quotes.
After years of being told their son couldn’t do things other kids could, and knowing he’d never achieve many rites of passage within the LDS Church, such as going on a proselytizing mission, the Blythes said scouting appeared to be one of the few things he could do.
“Another thing we can’t do,” Diane Blythe said. “I’m tired of it.”
Seeking change
Chad Blythe got an email from Debby Robert — a Utah National Parks Council employee who is listed as a defendant in the suit — a day after Logan’s Eagle Scout project, to distribute care kits for newborns a local hospital, was approved. It began by telling him that the project was suspended and that Logan should stop working on it.
National organization policy required that Logan “MUST” complete merit badge requirements as written and that he should “plan, develop and carry out” his project on his own.
“I never should have allowed this to be approved for the above reasons,” Robert’s email said. “I sincerely apologize and regret any false hope we have given.”
The Blythes went ahead and did some of the project, just to keep up appearances for Logan. He sensed something was wrong, though, Chad Blythe said.
Logan knew his family was elated when his project was approved. Then he saw the disappointment when the project was suspended. Later, he watched his mom and dad clear his project materials from the house.
“It was quite a letdown, and I didn’t really realize how much of a letdown for him,” Chad Blythe said. “But the next time we tried to have him put on his uniform, he won’t go near it. He won’t touch it.”
The lawsuit’s goal is for the national organization to recognize Logan’s merit badges so he can become an Eagle Scout.
But it’s not clear whether Logan would want to go back, McBride said.
Even if his son didn’t want to return to the Boy Scouts of America, Chad Blythe said he’d be happy if the organization added one line to its badge requirements. |||||
Output: | The father of a boy who has Down syndrome is suing the Boys Scouts of America for blocking his son from becoming an Eagle scout and revoking his merit badges. Logan Blythe has been a scout through the National Parks Council in Utah. His father, Chad, says the 15-year-old has advanced because the council has made accommodations when necessary, per the AP. “All those [badges], he just literally did the best he could, and our local leaders accepted it and were happy with it,” Chad Blythe tells the Salt Lake Tribune. For his Eagle project, Logan had planned to create kits for babies with special needs. Local officials signed off on the plan, but the national organization then disagreed. What's more, the national organization voided every merit badge Logan obtained. The family sued the Boy Scouts and the Utah National Parks Council for "outrageous and reckless conduct." A spokesperson for the organization disagrees with the family's assertion that the decision is discriminatory, adding that the group offered the Blythes “a path to earning alternative merit badges based on [Logan’s] abilities." All scouts earn badges by performing the same or similar tasks, a principle that promotes equity, says the spokesperson. (The group has budged on accepting girls.) |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Q: Venture capital can also include managerial and technical expertise .
A: | A venture capitalist is a person who makes venture investments , and these venture capitalists are expected to bring managerial and technical expertise as well as capital to their investments . |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
A "modesty poncho" on display at Divine Child High School in Dearborn. School officials plan to give them to girls whose prom dresses are deemed too revealing. (Photo: Erin Wade)
Officials at one Catholic high school in metro Detroit are planning to dole out "modesty ponchos" to girls whose prom dresses are deemed too revealing.
The ponchos recently appeared on display at Divine Child High School in Dearborn. A nearby note reads: "If your dress does not meet our Formal Dance Dress Requirements — no problem! We've got you covered — literally. This is our Modesty Poncho, which you'll be given at the door." The note ends with a smiley face.
Also on
The school already requires students and parents to sign off on a detailed agreement of dress guidelines, according to a report by WJBK-TV (Channel 2).
The poncho was the brainchild of theology teacher Mary Pat O'Malley, WJBK reported.
"We are trying to focus on the inner beauty and not draw attention to something that doesn't need attention drawn to it," O'Malley told WJBK. "It was really intended as a deterrent and a lighthearted one at that."
Divine Child junior Erin Wade bought her prom dress — a dark gray, glittery, mermaid-style gown — back in January.
Both Erin and her mother believe the dress is modest. But when the modesty poncho made its appearance in the school's front lobby early last week, Erin said, she became worried about the neckline. She's now on the hunt for a new dress, with the May 12 prom just days away.
"It's a very stressful time," she said.
The ponchos have been ridiculed and criticized on social media.
Twitter user @JennyLessnau wrote: "I really have a problem with the fact that if you happen to have big boobs at DC, and wear a dress that is even a little low, that will warrant a 'modesty poncho' EVERY time. they basically body shame girls if they’re bigger than a B cup."
O'Malley and Divine Child's principal, Eric Haley, could not immediately be reached by e-mail for comment late Monday.
Contact staff writer Ann Zaniewski at 313-222-6594 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at 313-222-6594 or [email protected].
Read or Share this story: ||||| DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) — A principal at a Michigan Catholic high school has rescinded a plan to require female students to wear "modesty ponchos" at prom if their dresses are too revealing.
Some students and parents at Divine Child High School in Dearborn had called the policy a form of body shaming.
Principal Eric Haley issued a statement Tuesday through the Archdiocese of Detroit, saying that the ponchos were intended to remind students of the dress code, not to make them feel uncomfortable.
The ponchos will not be passed out at prom, he said.
The pink and patterned ponchos were previously on display inside the school with a note saying they would be handed to girls wearing dresses that violate the school's code. The length of the poncho suggests it's designed to cover cleavage.
The formal dress policy for the May 12 prom outlines that dresses cannot have plunging necklines or "cutouts below the traditional bra line," even if covered with mesh fabric. The school forbids exposed cleavage and visible midriffs, and a teacher will check for compliance at the door.
Theology teacher Mary Pat O'Malley came up with the "modesty poncho" idea.
"We are trying focus on the inner beauty and not draw attention to something that doesn't need attention drawn to it," O'Malley said. "It was really intended as a deterrent and a light hearted one at that."
Haley said the school recognizes that the "modesty poncho" has drawn away from its goal of having students adhere to the dress code policy.
"We encourage our students to tailor their outfits or provide their own wraps or shawls that would meet our requirements," he said. "If necessary, we may also provide wraps and shawls, as we have done at school functions for many years."
Information from: WJBK-TV, ||||| - WEB UPDATE: After receiving backlash, Dearborn Divine Child has changed course, saying it will not have the so-called modesty ponchos at prom.
Divine Child High School said in a letter to parents, dated May 1, that the ponchos will not be handed out at prom. For the most recent story detailing the change, CLICK HERE. The original story is below.
Female students at a Dearborn Catholic high school who are deemed to be dressed 'inappropriately' for prom will be handed Modesty Ponchos by the school to wear over their dresses.
Students at Divine Child High School say they're being shamed by their own administration before they even walk in the door for prom: If they're not dressed appropriately enough by the school's standards, they'll be handed Modesty Ponchos to wear over their dresses.
The ponchos are on display on mannequins inside the school. A note is attached to them that reads: "If your dress does not meet our formal dance dress requirements - no problem! We've got you covered - literally. This is our Modesty Poncho, which you'll be given at the door. :)"
An anonymous student, who didn't want to be identified out of concerns about retaliation by the school, told FOX 2 that teachers will determine whether what they're wearing is compliant or not when they walk in the door.
"I do believe the school has gone too far with this," she said. "As we walk into prom, we are to shake hands with all the teachers and if you walk through and a teacher deems your dress is inappropriate you will be given a poncho at the door."
She says that what the school is doing is a form of shaming and is concerned about voicing her opposition publicly.
"Who knows what will happen to those who try and speak out against it," she said.
The school already requires students and parents to sign off on a detailed agreement of dress guidelines for the dance next month.
The poncho is an add-on that theology teacher Mary Pat O'Malley came up with. She says the school put the ponchos on the mannequins in school to a give girls enough time to get a dress that fits their parameters.
"We are trying focus on the inner beauty and not draw attention to something that doesn't need attention drawn to it," O'Malley said. "It was really intended as a deterrent and a light hearted one at that."
Both O'Malley and the high school principal say parents have not complained. However, at least one parent agreed with the student that came forward.
"It's a method of shaming, a method of building and degrading to females and its interpretation what's modest and what isn't," the parent, who also asked to be anonymous, said.
The student who talked with FOX 2 says her classmate was disciplined for taking her complaints about the policy to social. The administration could not confirm nor deny that.
The student says she knows she's going to do if she's handed a Modesty Poncho.
"I would refuse the poncho and go to dinner somewhere else dressed up," she said.
The school's prom is set for Saturday, May 12th.
UPDATE: According to a letter sent by the school to parents, the Modesty Ponchos were never intended to be handed out, despite telling FOX 2 the opposite on Monday. Read the letter below: |||||
| After the plan sparked controversy, Divine Child High School says it will no longer force "modesty ponchos" on girls who attend prom on May 12 in a dress that doesn't meet the Catholic school's dress code, the AP reports. The plan made headlines after the ponchos were put on display at the Dearborn, Mich., school along with notes that read, "If your dress does not meet our formal dance dress requirements - no problem! We've got you covered - literally. This is our Modesty Poncho, which you'll be given at the door. :)" The school's Prom Formal Dress Policy includes detailed requirements banning "plunging necklines," "plunging back openings," "exposed cleavage," "visible midriffs," "cutouts beneath the traditional bra line," and slits that go higher than an inch above the knee joint, among other things. Those requirements will apparently still be in effect. Students and their parents are required to sign off on the requirements and acknowledge that if their dress doesn't meet them, they may be forced to change or sent home. The Detroit Free Press reports that many criticized the ponchos on social media, with one student saying the school forces modesty ponchos on larger-breasted girls who wear something "even a little low" cut: "they basically body shame girls if they’re bigger than a B cup," the post reads. "It's a method of shaming, ... and degrading to females," adds an anonymous parent who spoke to Fox 2 Detroit. The teacher at the school who came up with the poncho idea says it "was really intended as a deterrent and a lighthearted one at that." After rescinding the poncho idea, the principal said the school will instead encourage students "to tailor their outfits or provide their own wraps or shawls that would meet our requirements," and said the school may provide wraps and shawls at prom. |
Q: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Captain Arthur Phillip became the first Governor of New South Wales on 7 February 1788 .
A: | Captain Arthur Phillip assumed office as Governor of New South Wales on 7 February 1788 , when the Colony of New South Wales , the first British settlement in Australia , was formally proclaimed . |
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Let me give you an example: Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle.
The answer to this example can be: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar?
Here is why: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage.
OK. solve this:
Although a machine endowed with superhuman strength and futuristic weaponry, he often displayed human characteristics, such as laughter, sadness, and mockery, as well as singing and playing the guitar. With his major role often being to protect the youngest member of the crew, the Robot's catchphrases were ``It does not compute'' and ``Danger, Will Robinson!'', accompanied by flailing his arms.
Answer: | does the robot from lost in space talk? |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
One example is below.
Q: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
A: Russian Revolution
Rationale: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
Q: What are the two traits the TU9 all have in common?, Context: The nine largest and most renowned Technische Universitäten in Germany have formed TU9 German Institutes of Technology as community of interests. Technische Universitäten normally have faculties or departements of natural sciences and often of economics but can also have units of cultural and social sciences and arts. RWTH Aachen, TU Dresden and TU München also have a faculty of medicine associated with university hospitals (Klinikum Aachen, University Hospital Dresden, Rechts der Isar Hospital).
A: | largest and most renowned |
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
[Q]: At the age of 11, Houston started performing as a soloist in the junior gospel choir at the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, where she also learned to play the piano. Her first solo performance in the church was 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah'. When Houston was a teenager, she attended Mount Saint Dominic Academy, a Catholic girls' high school in Caldwell, New Jersey, where she met her best friend Robyn Crawford, whom she described as the 'sister she never had'. While Houston was still in school, her mother continued to teach her how to sing. Houston was also exposed to the music of Chaka Khan, Gladys Knight, and Roberta Flack, most of whom would have an influence on her as a singer and performer.
[A]: what inspired whitney houston to become a singer
[Q]: The Articles of Confederation, formally the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13 original states of the United States of America that served as its first constitution. Its drafting by a committee appointed by the Second Continental Congress began on July 12, 1776, and an approved version was sent to the states for ratification on November 15, 1777. The Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states. A guiding principle of the Articles was to preserve the independence and sovereignty of the states. The federal government received only those powers which the colonies had recognized as belonging to king and parliament.
[A]: who had power under the articles of confederation
[Q]: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are businesses whose personnel numbers fall below certain limits. The abbreviation 'SME' is used by international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
[A]: | what is the definition of small and medium enterprises
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context?
Now right here in Arizona, that difference would have been $131 million to the state of Arizona to help its kids be able to have better education and to lift the property tax burden from its citizens. The president reneged on his promise to fund No Child Left Behind.
Hypothesis: The state of Arizona would have benefited from No Child Left Behind. | Yes |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them.
Holy big news. Jerry Yang, the oft-criticized Yahoo co-founder and board member, has resigned from the company’s board, Yahoo announced this afternoon.
Remember that Yahoo shareholder Dan Loeb wanted Yang off the board, and some Yahoo investors believed Yang was improperly talking on his own to potential suitors for Yahoo. Our Journal colleagues recently reported Yahoo was searching for a few good director candidates.
Yahoo’s statement (see below) says Yang is leaving the board to pursue other interests. Yahoo’s stock price is rallying about 3.6% in after-hours trading, no doubt because investors have seen Yang as a roadblock to a sale or other big shakeup at the company.
After the jump, read the statement from Yahoo: ||||| Summary: Yang infamously turned down a $31 a share, or $44.6 billion, offer from Microsoft. He should have left 10 minutes after screwing that Microsoft deal up.
The resignation of Jerry Yang from Yahoo's board---as well as Yahoo Japan and Alibaba---removes an obstacle that could set the company up for a more dramatic restructuring. Shame Yang didn't split earlier.
In a letter to Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock, Yang wrote that he wanted "to pursue other interests." He added that he was enthusiastic about Scott Thompson as CEO.
The reality is that Yang should have gone years ago. In fact, Yang's decision to turn down an offer from Microsoft in 2009 was a fatal management move that was nearly impossible to recover from. Yang infamously turned down a $31 a share, or $44.6 billion, offer from Microsoft. He should have left 10 minutes after screwing that Microsoft deal up.
Now what?
Yang's resignation could set up a more dramatic restructuring at Yahoo that could revamp the company. The departure of Yang also gives Yahoo more time to think through its next move. Yang was too emotionally tied to the company he co-founded. With Yang gone, Yahoo can better pursue a few options that may have clashed with its co-founder. Among them:
The stage is set for Yahoo to elegantly---and profitably---exit its Asia assets for a nice windfall worth billions.
Yahoo can sell out more easily. Yang wanted Yahoo to stay independent and previously spurned Microsoft. Thompson has no such ties to the past. In other words, Yahoo can now more easily work around Yang's 3.6 percent stake in the company. It's much easier to work around Yang if he's not on the board.
The company buys itself time to restructure and figure out its future course. Yang was a lightning rod for disgruntled shareholders such as Third Point LLC. With Yang out of the picture, Yahoo can relieve some pressure while restructuring in or out of public view.
The afterhours movement in Yahoo shares---up 3 percent---tells you Yang's departure is welcome but there are doubts about the company's turnaround prospects.
Can Yahoo’s new CEO Thompson harness big data, analytics? ||||| SUNNYVALE, Calif. --(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ: YHOO), the premier digital media company, today announced that Jerry Yang has resigned from its Board of Directors and all other positions with the company, effective today. In addition, Yang resigned from the Boards of Yahoo Japan Corporation and Alibaba Group Holding Limited , effective today.
In a letter to the Yahoo ! Board Chairman Roy Bostock , Yang wrote:
"My time at Yahoo !, from its founding to the present, has encompassed some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of my life. However, the time has come for me to pursue other interests outside of Yahoo ! As I leave the company I co-founded nearly 17 years ago, I am enthusiastic about the appointment of Scott Thompson as Chief Executive Officer and his ability, along with the entire Yahoo ! leadership team, to guide Yahoo ! into an exciting and successful future."
Yang co-founded Yahoo! Inc. in 1995 with David Filo and served as a member of the Board of Directors since March 1995 and as Chief Executive Officer from June 2007 to January 2009 . The Company went public in 1996.
"Jerry Yang is a visionary and a pioneer, who has contributed enormously to Yahoo ! during his many years of service," said Roy Bostock , Chairman of the Yahoo ! Board. "It has been a pleasure to work with Jerry. His unique strategic insights have been invaluable. He has always remained focused on the best interests of Yahoo!'s stakeholders, including shareholders, employees and more than 700 million users. And while I and the entire Board respect his decision, we will miss his remarkable perspective, vision and wise counsel. On behalf of the Board, we thank Jerry and wish him all the very best in his future endeavors."
Bostock concluded, "We appreciate Jerry's comments and share his enthusiasm for the company's prospects. With Scott Thompson leading an outstanding team of Yahoos to deliver innovative products and an engaging customer experience, Yahoo!'s future is bright."
"I am grateful for the warm welcome and support Jerry provided me during my early days here," said Scott Thompson , Yahoo!'s Chief Executive Officer. "Jerry leaves behind a legacy of innovation and customer focus for this iconic brand, having shaped our culture by fostering a spirit of innovation that began 17 years ago and continues to grow even stronger today. Jerry has great confidence in the future of Yahoo !, and I share his confidence in the enormous potential of Yahoo ! in the days ahead."
About Yahoo !
Yahoo ! is the premier digital media company, creating deeply personal digital experiences that keep more than half a billion people connected to what matters most to them, across devices and around the globe. And Yahoo !'s unique combination of Science + Art + Scale connects advertisers to the consumers who build their businesses. Yahoo ! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California . For more information, visit the pressroom ( or the company's blog, Yodel Anecdotal (
Yahoo ! is the trademark and/or registered trademark of Yahoo! Inc. All other names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements (including without limitation the quotations from our Chairman and management) concerning Yahoo !'s future management, strategic plans, growth opportunities and performance. Risks and uncertainties may cause actual results to differ materially from the results predicted. The potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, the impact of management and organizational changes; the implementation and results of any strategic plans as well as Yahoo !'s ongoing strategic and cost initiatives; Yahoo !'s ability to compete with new or existing competitors; reduction in spending by, or loss of, advertising customers; the demand by customers for Yahoo !'s premium services; interruptions or delays in the provision of Yahoo !'s services; security breaches; acceptance by users of new products and services; risks related to joint ventures and the integration of acquisitions; risks related to Yahoo !'s international operations; failure to manage growth and diversification; adverse results in litigation, including intellectual property infringement claims and recent derivative and class actions related to Alipay; Yahoo !'s ability to protect its intellectual property and the value of its brands; dependence on key personnel; dependence on third parties for technology, services, content, and distribution; general economic conditions and changes in economic conditions; transition and implementation risks associated with the Search Agreement with Microsoft Corporation; and risks that the benefits of the Framework Agreement Yahoo! entered into with Alibaba Group , Softbank Corporation and certain other parties regarding Alipay may not be realized. All information set forth in this press release and its attachments is as of January 17, 2012 . Yahoo ! does not intend, and undertakes no duty, to update this information to reflect subsequent events or circumstances. More information about potential factors that could affect Yahoo !'s business and financial results is included under the captions "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in Yahoo !'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 , and the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 , which are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and available at the SEC's website at
Media Relations:
Kekst and Company
Eric Berman , (212) 521-4894
Lissa Perlman , (212) 521-4830
Investor Relations:
Yahoo !
Marta Nichols , (408) 349-3527
Source: Yahoo! Inc.
News Provided by Acquire Media |||||
Output: | Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang has resigned as a board member and from all his other company positions. In a letter to the board's chairman, Yang said it was time for him to "pursue other interests," according to a company statement. He had faced criticism from shareholders; some believed he was holding the company back from an overhaul, the Wall Street Journal notes. But chairman Roy Bostock praised Yang's "remarkable perspective, vision and wise counsel." The company's stock price climbed some 3.7% in after-hours trading following the news. The resignation comes amid turbulence at the company. Yahoo recently appointed former PayPal head Scott Thompson as CEO, and the firm is gearing up for a shareholder meeting this spring that's sure to be contentious. The take from the Between the Lines blog at ZDNet: Good riddance. The bloggers think Yang should have left in 2009 after "screwing up" a potential deal with Microsoft, a mistake that has haunted the company since. His departure could lead to a "dramatic restructuring that could revamp the company." |
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Problem:The United States two-dollar bill ($2) is a current denomination of U.S. currency. The third U.S. President (1801--09), Thomas Jefferson, is featured on the obverse of the note. The reverse features an engraving of the painting The Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull. Throughout the $2 bill's pre-1929 life as a large-sized note, it was issued as a United States Note, National Bank Note, silver certificate, Treasury or ``Coin'' Note and Federal Reserve Bank Note. When U.S. currency was changed to its current size, the $2 bill was issued only as a United States Note. Production went on until 1966, when the series was discontinued. Ten years passed before the $2 bill was reissued as a Federal Reserve Note with a new reverse design. Two-dollar bills are seldom seen in circulation as a result of banking policies with businesses which has resulted in low production numbers due to lack of demand. This comparative scarcity in circulation, coupled with a lack of public knowledge that the bill is still in production and circulation, has also inspired urban legends about its authenticity and value and has occasionally created problems for those trying to use the bill to make purchases.
Solution: | is the 2 dollar bill still in circulation? |
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context?
Governor Greg Abbott has called for a statewide show of support for law enforcement Friday, July 7. Locally, a 15-minute program is planned at 9 a.m. at Memorial Lane Park, 550 N. Travis St. The governor is asking law enforcement officers to turn on red and blue flashing lights for one-minute at 10 a.m. Multiple law enforcement officers were shot and killed in Dallas one year ago.
Hypothesis: Officers have been asked to turn on red and blue flashing lights by the governor. | Yes |
Problem: How does the next paragraph end?
He removes all of the boxes sitting around the bicycle and assembles the bike. Again, he speaks to the camera. he
- removes two pedals from bags and attaches both pedals onto the bicycle.
- then starts the bike on a side wheel.
- uses a shoe to scrape off the paint on to the bike.
- is hanging the bikes from the rear of his car and then he shows how to assemble the bike.
A: removes two pedals from bags and attaches both pedals onto the bicycle.
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph:
Women are making some gymnasic jumps in a hallway. Men and women are in department stores doing gymnastics jumps. woman
- is on a work bench in a gyy all shirtless.
- is standing in the trainer barre talking to the woman in front of her.
- is making a hand stand ni a parking lot and on stores.
- is standing in a gyroarena landing on an balance beam.
OUT: is making a hand stand ni a parking lot and on stores.
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following:
He holds the cat on his lap while he clips its toe nails one at a time. He clips the nails on the back of the cat's legs. he
- picks up the cat when he is done and sets it on the floor.
- plays with an item on the cat's knees.
- clips the back of the cat's ears one at a time.
- ties the cat's shoe laces and helps him to stand.
picks up the cat when he is done and sets it on the floor.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
Two people are standing on the side walk of a flooded street. a car
- picks up another car in a lined parking lot.
- then comes along and the two are washing cars with buckets.
- speeds through the street.
- drives on a road of mud.
A: speeds through the street.
How to naturally treat diarrhea during pregnancy
Eat a brat diet to firm up your stool.
Brat stands for banana, rice, apple, and toast. These foods are effective in treating diarrhea and making your stool firm.
- They cannot damage your digestive system, but they do reduce your stomach gas and pressure build-up, and if you continue to eat these foods after your child is born, your stool will deflate. Choose yogurt to thicken up your diet.
- They are also believed to help your stool stay firmer. For example, be sure to eat whole bananas instead of processed melba-capoconol.
- Good brat foods include dairy, fruit, yogurt, melon, pudding, and cheese. While yogurt may be hard to digest in the small intestine, eating yogurt will help you be better able to absorb the beverage.
- The rice should be brown rice and the toast should come from whole wheat bread. The fiber found in these foods absorbs water and makes the stool " bulkier " and solid.
The rice should be brown rice and the toast should come from whole wheat bread. The fiber found in these foods absorbs water and makes the stool " bulkier " and solid.
Problem: Write the next sentence for:
How to prepare fruit and vegetables
Buy the best fruits and vegetables you can find.
Purchase fresh, locally grown produce if you can. Check out farmer's markets, local produce stands and your grocery store.
- Most grocery and food stores carry organic fruits and vegetables, which may be more expensive, but provide the guarantee that they were grown without chemicals or hormones. Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds before you handle food.
- Go with a diet plan to ensure appropriate fruits and vegetables. Purchase berries like strawberries and blueberries without any seeds.
- Find fresh vegetables like jalapeños, corn, apples, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, celery, beans, peppers, cabbage and potatoes. You should also use organic fruits and vegetables.
- You can also easily chop up the fruit and vegetables in the morning and put it in a salad or vegetable dish. Check your local market daily for produce or additionally, check the man's market on a regular basis to pick out important produce for a paycheck..
Next sentence: | Most grocery and food stores carry organic fruits and vegetables, which may be more expensive, but provide the guarantee that they were grown without chemicals or hormones. Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds before you handle food. |
IN: What happens next?
A ladle is shown next to the bowl. The man ladles the pancake batter onto the griddle. The man flips the pancakes. the pancake
- batter is given to the batter.
- is brought to a plate and spread on it.
- pans off onto the floor.
- is placed on a plate and syrup is poured on it.
OUT: is placed on a plate and syrup is poured on it.
Problem: How does the next paragraph end?
How to lose arm fat fast
Do bicep curls.
Stand up straight and hold a dumbbell in your hand so your palm is facing outward. Then, exhale while slowly lifting the dumbbell up to your shoulder.
- As the dumbbell reaches your shoulder, give it a slow and controlled swing. Do not raise the dumbbell past shoulder height, but drop your arms as much as possible.
- Slowly raise the dumbbell off the ground so that it's almost touching your shoulder. Use this exercise on both arms at once.
- Keep your weight in your palms and move the dumbbell forward so that it's resting on your bicep. Your body should be partially upright with your arms arched out to your sides and your arm at a 90 degree angle.
- Flex your bicep as your lifting the dumbbell. Once your bicep is fully flexed, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to your side.
A: Flex your bicep as your lifting the dumbbell. Once your bicep is fully flexed, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to your side.
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph:
A woman is seated on a couch in a living room. she
- is with a male in a wrestling match.
- is singing along to music in her hands.
- is holding a cat in her lap.
- is washing her feet in a dish towel the woman is holding.
OUT: is holding a cat in her lap.
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following:
How to end a conversation without being rude
End with a positive comment.
A great way to end a conversation is to wrap things up with a positive comment. You can thank the speaker for his or her time, dropping the hint that you now need to exit the conversation.
- Bringing it back to square one can work in any conversation. If someone asks you why you want to end the conversation, try to come right out and say what you actually want to say.
- When things seems to be going on a bit too long, wait for the speaker to finish his or her sentence. Then, smile and say something like, " i'm so glad that we had the time to talk " or " thanks very much for you time.
- However, you should not end with " you're weird! " Try to stay positive when you give a productive goodbye. For example, if you made a joke or made a poor recommendation about a date you should stay positive.
- If an opportunity arises, you might say, " thanks for opening the conversation for me. My interview is over, and i need to go now.
When things seems to be going on a bit too long, wait for the speaker to finish his or her sentence. Then, smile and say something like, " i'm so glad that we had the time to talk " or " thanks very much for you time.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
A person is mixing ingredients into a clear bowl. They mix the ingredients together in the bowl. they
- put the bowl in a rack and put a black dummy in front.
- pour the mixture into a tin pan.
- mixes some more together and puts it into a cocktail glass.
- pour the mix into a large bowl.
A: pour the mixture into a tin pan.
We see an interview with a man. Two men high five each other the men all trade sides. The ball lands on the ground. a man
- wises up with a towel.
- walks down the sidewalk.
- throws a shot put.
- kicks the ball to the other side.
| kicks the ball to the other side. |
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Example input: Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle.
Example output: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar?
Example explanation: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage.
Q: According to the theory of relativity, no information can travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum, but this does not mean that the refractive index cannot be lower than 1. The refractive index measures the phase velocity of light, which does not carry information. The phase velocity is the speed at which the crests of the wave move and can be faster than the speed of light in vacuum, and thereby give a refractive index below 1. This can occur close to resonance frequencies, for absorbing media, in plasmas, and for X-rays. In the X-ray regime the refractive indices are lower than but very close to 1 (exceptions close to some resonance frequencies). As an example, water has a refractive index of 6999999999740000000♠0.99999974 = 1 − 6993260000000000000♠2.6×10 for X-ray radiation at a photon energy of 6985480652946099999♠30 keV (0.04 nm wavelength).
A: | can a refractive index be less than 1? |
Subsets and Splits