Responding to a wave of public dismay over the first designs for rebuilding Lower Manhattan, Gov. George Pataki has sent word that it's time to go back to the drawing board. It is the right message, sent while it is still early enough to do something constructive about the disappointing quality of the work so far. The governor, like Mayor Michael Bloomberg, now seems committed to creating a better mix of uses for ground zero, and a 24-hour community in Manhattan's downtown. While rethinking the plans will delay the original rebuilding schedule slightly, it does not need to stall progress if the governor keeps the pressure on the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. New York cannot afford to have a gaping hole that mocks the city and its process for rebuilding what was destroyed. Pataki openly questioned the Port Authority's requirement that any plan for the site replace all the office, hotel and retail square footage lost in the attack on Sept. 11. More than anything else, that specification limited the designs to the undistinguished options presented two weeks ago. Renegotiating that issue with the World Trade Center leaseholders should begin immediately. Opening the process to other designers, both here and internationally, will help separate this urban plan from the ordinary. The city also needs to begin openly discussing what happens underground, in particular with the transportation network. At this point, planners have focused on short-term repair of PATH and subway lines, with medium-range proposals being shopped in Washington that could untangle the disorganized web of subway lines downtown. Within the next few weeks the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. and the Port Authority should offer some bigger ideas about how to connect the downtown area better to the rest of the region. Lowering West Street alongside the World Trade Center site and building a park or esplanade on top is another option that has been popular with those reviewing the first six public proposals. But it would be expensive, and the governor, the mayor and their friends in Washington will have to look at long-range ways to pay the bill. Pataki's recent remarks are a sign that he understands how central the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan will be to his own political legacy. Now he needs to follow through with action, to keep demonstrating that his core concern is coming up with the best possible plan, not simply keeping the issue on hold until after this fall's election. What did Gov. George Pataki say that it was time to do due to the public dismay from the disappointing work on rebuilding Lower Manhattan? Clarifying the Record The defense of U.S. airspace on 9/11 was not conducted in accord with preexisting training and protocols. It was improvised by civilians who had never handled a hijacked aircraft that attempted to disappear, and by a military unprepared for the transformation of commercial aircraft into weapons of mass destruction. As it turned out, the NEADS air defenders had nine minutes' notice on the first hijacked plane, no advance notice on the second, no advance notice on the third, and no advance notice on the fourth. We do not believe that the true picture of that morning reflects discredit on the operational personnel at NEADS or FAA facilities. NEADS commanders and officers actively sought out information, and made the best judgments they could on the basis of what they knew. Individual FAA controllers, facility managers, and Command Center managers thought outside the box in recommending a nationwide alert, in ground-stopping local traffic, and, ultimately, in deciding to land all aircraft and executing that unprecedented order flawlessly. More than the actual events, inaccurate government accounts of those events made it appear that the military was notified in time to respond to two of the hijackings, raising questions about the adequacy of the response. Those accounts had the effect of deflecting questions about the military's capacity to obtain timely and accurate information from its own sources. In addition, they overstated the FAA's ability to provide the military with timely and useful information that morning. In public testimony before this Commission in May 2003, NORAD officials stated that at 9:16, NEADS received hijack notification of United 93 from the FAA. This statement was incorrect. There was no hijack to report at 9:16. United 93 was proceeding normally at that time. In this same public testimony, NORAD officials stated that at 9:24, NEADS received notification of the hijacking of American 77. This statement was also incorrect. The notice NEADS received at 9:24 was that American 11 had not hit the World Trade Center and was heading for Washington, D.C. In their testimony and in other public accounts, NORAD officials also stated that the Langley fighters were scrambled to respond to the notifications about American 77,178 United 93, or both. These statements were incorrect as well. The fighters were scrambled because of the report that American 11 was heading south, as is clear not just from taped conversations at NEADS but also from taped conversations at FAA centers; contemporaneous logs compiled at NEADS, Continental Region headquarters, and NORAD; and other records. Who handled the U.S. air defense on 9/11? The center of an atom is held together by powerful forces. This gives them a huge amount of stored energy. This type of energy is called nuclear energy. This energy can be released and used to do work. This happens in nuclear power plants where they split apart the nucleus of an atom. This splitting apart is called nuclear fission. Another type of nuclear energy happens in the Sun. Here the atoms nuclei are not split apart. Instead, the nuclei of the atoms are fused, or joined together. This process is called nuclear fusion. Some of the suns energy travels to Earth. This energy from nuclear fusion warms the planet and provides the energy for photosynthesis.
How do nuclear fission and nuclear fusion differ?
Video — Data caper: How Cambridge Analytica hoarded voters’ personal details. Please remove spaces between words.
The woman hit a midlife crisis. What is the effect of the preceding sentence? Possible answers: i. She retired. ii. She went sky diving.
*Question* WHITE HOUSE — "The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility," President Donald Trump vowed Monday amid growing outrage over his administration forcibly separating children from parents at the U.S. border with Mexico. Trump, speaking in the White House East Room during a National Space Council meeting, warned that "what's happening in Europe … we can't allow that to happen to the United States — not on my watch." Earlier in the day, on the Twitter social media platform, the president inaccurately linked migration in Germany to a rising crime rate. In actuality, the latest German government statistics show reported crimes at the lowest level in 30 years. Tough border enforcement in the U.S. has led to the family breakups, with nearly 2,000 children being sent to mass detention centers or foster care from mid-April to the end of May, according to government officials. The regular White House briefing was delayed several times Monday amid the furor as officials huddled with Trump in the West Wing. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders finally introduced Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen after 5 p.m., and she defended the administration's "zero-tolerance" policy that is breaking up families at the southwestern U.S. border. Nielsen forcefully pushed back at the negative media coverage, asserting that what U.S. authorities are doing is properly enforcing the law. "What has changed is that we no longer exempt entire classes of people who break the law," she said. Asked about critics accusing the administration of using children as "pawns" to demand legislative actions from Congress, the DHS secretary replied, "I say that is a very cowardly response," adding it is clearly within Congress' power "to make the laws and change the laws. They should do so." Trump's Republican party controls both chambers in Congress, and the family border policies were set by his administration. In a tweet displaying photographs of a detention facility, showing children... After the end of this story, the children in the detention center probably are: Pick the correct answer from the following options: - still facing harsh conditions - not enough information - still enjoying their new home - still enjoying their current sleeping arrangements **Answer** still facing harsh conditions *Question* Young undocumented immigrants seeking permanent status in the United States received an unexpected boost Thursday on Capitol Hill as a small group of House Republicans mounted a last-minute effort to bring up an immigration vote in Congress. The group of eight Republicans — some freed from political considerations by upcoming retirements and others facing tough re-elections races — defied their own party leadership, quickly persuading 10 more Republicans to sign on to a petition that would force debate on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. With all 193 Democrats expected to sign on, Republicans will have to persuade just seven more members of their own party to join the petition to trigger a vote on several immigration bills on the House floor. But Republican leadership said the effort would be wasted if the end result is a presidential veto. "I think it's important for us to come up with a solution that the president can support," House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters Thursday. These types of petitions are rare and seen as a threat to leadership's ability to direct legislative action. "It's better to use the legislative process," Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told reporters Wednesday. But that argument appears to be losing sway with House members who see an opportunity for legislative action in a mid-term election year. The growing group of House Republicans are joining Democratic colleagues who have long criticized Ryan for not bringing immigration bills up for a vote. "This is about making sure we're not consolidating power in the White House," said Representative Mia Love, a Republican from Utah and one of the first lawmakers to sign petition. The immigration issue had all but died after an effort to pass a DACA fix collapsed in the U.S. Senate earlier this year. The program has been the focus of fierce negotiations on Capitol Hill since last September, when President Donald Trump announced he was ending the 2012 Obama-era program and called for a legislative fix. Who was freed from political considerations? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - not enough information - young undocumented immigrants - a small group of Republicans - 193 Democrats **Answer** a small group of Republicans *Question* President Donald Trump made a fresh appeal Friday for support to arm some teachers to help stem mass shootings targeting schools. Trump's pitch came during a speech before a friendly conservative crowd at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) meeting near Washington. Trump spent much of the past week dealing with the aftermath of the tragic high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Although a new experience for Trump, it is a situation many of his predecessors are all too familiar with. Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all faced similar tragedies while in office. They also dealt with political pressures in the aftermath demanding action. Trump is also beginning to see why presidents are often frustrated when they try to bridge what pollsters and political pundits often refer to as the great divide over guns in the United States. In the aftermath of the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999, President Clinton sought to calm the nation. "We must do more to reach out to our children and teach them to express their anger and to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons," he said. In 2007, it was left to President Bush to lead the grieving at Virginia Tech after a gunman killed 32 people before committing suicide. "May God bless and keep the souls of the lost, and may his love touch all of those who suffer in grief," he said at an on campus memorial service. And in 2012, an emotional President Obama wiped away a tear as he addressed the nation in the wake of the massacre of grade-school students in Newtown, Connecticut. "We've endured too many of these tragedies in the last few years. The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of five and 10 years old," he said. Trump has expressed sympathy for the victims and families in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. But he has also been forceful in pushing for solutions, including the controversial idea of... What years was the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - 2001 - not enough information - 1999 - 2010 **Answer**
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to tell the future Learn the difference between premonitions, precognitions, and prophecies. Any time you get into future-telling, a lot lingo starts getting tossed around. It can get confusing. OUT: Keeping terms straight can untangle a lot of mystical mumbo-jumbo and make the techniques and the simple tricks a little more fun for the beginner. Precognition means awareness of the future, through direct knowledge or some other kind of perception, like dreams. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to set up wmi monitor Get the free tool called wmi monitor. Run the executable for wmi monitor. When you do this for the first time, you will be shown a wizard. OUT: After the main wizard screen, hit next. At this point you should put in the specific name or ip address of the server that you want to monitor. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to make pralines Prepare the counter. The praline process is delicate and time sensitive. You need to make sure that you have a spooning area ready before you begin to cook. OUT:
This will make sure you don't let your pralines cool too much later on. Place a few sheets of parchment paper near you.
There are 96 members of the European Parliament from Germany. Find out who these MEPs are. Please remove spaces between words.
Continue the following story. Spiders and flies are both common household bugs, yet in the world of predators and prey, the flies are the Select from: (A). predators .. (B). prey ..
Continue writing the next sentence. How to hold and use kayak paddle Know the structure of the kayak paddle. Unlike a canoe paddle, a kayak paddle has 2 blades attached to the shaft of the paddle. The shaft is the part of the paddle that you hold and the blades are the part that you use to pull yourself and the kayak through the water.
Hold the paddle with two hands on the paddle (about 40 cm apart). Have your paddle face the right direction.
DIALOG: What was the Apalachicola Northern Railroad? - Apalachicola Northern Railroad The Apalachicola Northern Railroad was a short-line railroad which operated in the Florida Panhandle. - Where did the railroad operate? - It owned and operated a between Port Saint Joe, Florida and Chattahoochee, Florida, with a short spur to Apalachicola, Florida. - When did the railroad operate? - It was founded in 1903 and ceased operating in 2002 when the St. - What did the railroad carry? - Joe Company, its corporate parent, leased its line to the AN Railway. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - The company was chartered on April 7, 1903. - When did the railroad start running? - Next turn: Construction began on March 21, 1905, and trains began running north from Apalachicola in 1907. The extension to Port St. DIALOG: What was Major Harris's My Way? - My Way (Major Harris album) My Way is the debut album by former The Delfonics vocalist Major Harris. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Next turn: Released in 1975 and recorded at Sigma Sound Studios, Harris scored a hit in the United States with the single "Love Won't Let Me Wait". DIALOG: What was the 2017 National Premier Leagues Grand Final? - Next turn: 2017 National Premier Leagues Grand Final The 2017 National Premier Leagues Grand Final was the fifth National Premier Leagues Grand Final. DIALOG: What are the language characteristics of the Kutchi language? - As in many languages spoken along Asian trade routes, there is substantial borrowing from Persian and Arabic—words like "duniya" (world), and "nasib" (fate), are routinely used by many speakers of Kutchi. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Many Kutchi speakers also speak Gujarati as a separate language, especially as it is the language in which Kutchi speakers customarily write. - Do they have any other languages? - Kutchi speakers' Gujarati accent and usage tends towards standard forms that any Gujarati speaker would be able to understand. - Do they have any other cultures? - Next turn:
The following words are commonly used by Hindu individuals descending from the Kutch rural area of Gujarat, India, who, especially if in east Africa, reject Kutchi.
Generate the answer for a given question. The question requires common knowledge of English. Make sure that the answer is in detail, long, consistent with the context, and requires general knowledge of English. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Give a proper explanation to answer, and if necessary, provide the definition of various terms. And conclude your answer if it's long. If you have used other resources (e.g., Merriam Webster's.) to answer the question, include citations in your answer. You don't need to paraphrase the context of your resources, but make sure that your answer is consistent and complete. Example Input: Possible Duplicate: How do I say 'Our meeting is preponed'? A friend of mine asked me this question, and it caught my curiosity. Is there an explicit opposite of the word postpone? As in, do something in advance? Clearly what I just said is functionally equivalent to the answer I am seeking, but I was wondering if there was a single word that is the antonym. More context: Bob was supposed to start work in July, but due to a work visa issue, he had to begin in advance. Example Output: The most business-speaky option is expedite. Other alternatives include accelerate, hasten, and advance. Technically prepone is in fact the precise antonym, but I honestly wouldn't be caught dead using it. Example Input: Possible Duplicate: 'Toward' or 'towards'? Which is the correct usage? 'Onwards' or 'Onward' ? For example: I would be free any time Tuesday onward. vs I would be free any time Tuesday onwards. Or is both correct/wrong? The spell checker in my browser says onwards is wrong but I've heard people using it. (p.s: Sorry if this question is redundant. I searched here but couldn't find a related question). Example Output: Apparently, there is a slight difference, but only in British English: Note: In British English, 'onwards' is an adverb and 'onward' is an adjective. In American English and sometimes in formal British English, 'onward' may also be an adverb. So, depending on where you are, the difference maybe slight. However, they both mean the same thing practically, and most people will understand you if you use either anyways Example Input: What's the difference between the two? Later the doctors found out that my case was a bit different. Later on the doctors found out that my case was a bit different. Is one more common than the other?. Example Output:
'later' and 'later on' have the same meaning. Sometimes 'later on' is preferred because it has another, smoother rhythmical flow. You can consider 'later on' as just a variant for 'later'.
Only one 5.1 surround sound option exists on a given LaserDisc (either Dolby Digital or DTS), so if surround sound is desired, the disc must be matched to the capabilities of the playback equipment (LD Player and Receiver/Decoder) by the purchaser. A fully capable LaserDisc playback system includes a newer LaserDisc player that is capable of playing digital tracks, has a digital optical output for digital PCM and DTS audio, is aware of AC-3 audio tracks, and has an AC-3 coaxial output; an external or internal AC-3 RF demodulator and AC-3 decoder; and a DTS decoder. Many 1990s A/V receivers combine the AC-3 decoder and DTS decoder logic, but an integrated AC-3 demodulator is rare both in LaserDisc players and in later A/V receivers. Try to answer this question if possible (otherwise reply "unanswerable"): Are integrated AC-3 demodulators common in LaserDisc players or a rare find?
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: The Operation Teapot blast in 1955 is one of many tests that LLNL's newly released films show from never-before-seen angles. National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Site Office; Wikipedia (public domain) In its quest for Cold War military superiority, the United States detonated more than 1,000 nuclear weapons. Government researchers blew up many of the bombs on the ground and others in ocean atolls. Yet as threats moved into space and concerns increased about fallout — soil and other material that's sucked into a blast and becomes radioactive — the US exploded 210 of the terrifying devices high in the atmosphere. Thousands of films of such blasts, made from 1945 through 1962, were analyzed and locked away in high-security vaults. It's likely no one has seen the footage for decades. But on March 14, after more than 55 years of collecting dust, the US declassified 750 of the high-speed films — and released dozens of the digital scans on YouTube. We first heard about the movies from the writer Sarah Zhang on Twitter. A team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists led the rescue effort over the past five years. The films are made of nitrate cellulose and slowly decompose in the air while releasing a vinegar smell, according to an LLNL release. "This is it. We got to this project just in time," Greg Spriggs, a nuclear-weapons physicist at LLNL, said in a video about the digitization effort. "We know that these films are on the brink of decomposing, to the point where they will become useless." The project isn't just about shedding daylight on the controversial start of the nuclear age. Spriggs said it's also about getting lost data about high-altitude test blasts, which are prohibited around the world by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty yet poorly understood. (The US, however, has yet to officially sign the treaty.) "We don't have any experimental data for modern weapons in the atmosphere," he said. "The only data we have are the old tests, so it gets a little bit more complicated." The data may help researchers better understand the effects of nuclear explosions and manage the thousands of the weapons in the US's stockpile. "We found out that most of the data published was wrong," Spriggs said. "We decided we need to re-scan and reanalyze all of the films." Film expert Jim Moye helps scan a nuclear-explosion film. LLNL/YouTube About 10,000 of the movies were made, at speeds of thousands of frames per second to slow down fast-expanding explosions. However, it took LLNL roughly five years to locate about 6,500 of the films, then digitally scan 4,200 of those. Spriggs said that, so far, the team has reanalyzed between 400 and 500 films. Jim Moye, a rare-films expert and movie-industry veteran, helped scan and archive the footage. "It is going to be gone at some point, and we don't have forever to do this," Moye said in the video. The project is important to "help certify that the aging US nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure, and effective," LLNL wrote in its YouTube video description. Spriggs said the team was learning new details about the detonations — lessons he hopes to pass on to future generations. "It's just unbelievable how much energy's released," Spriggs said in the release. "We hope that we would never have to use a nuclear weapon ever again. I think that if we capture the history of this and show what the force of these weapons are and how much devastation they can wreak, then maybe people will be reluctant to use them." You can watch all of the newly declassified movies in LLNL's YouTube playlist: ||||| Your browser does not support HTML5 video tag.Click here to view original GIF From 1945 until 1962, the United States conducted 210 atmospheric nuclear tests—the kind with the big mushroom cloud and all that jazz. Above-ground nuke testing was banned in 1963, but there are thousands of films from those tests that have just been rotting in secret vaults around the country. But starting today you can see many of them on YouTube. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) weapon physicist Greg Spriggs has made it his mission to preserve these 7,000 known films, many of them literally decomposing while they’re still classified and hidden from the public. Advertisement According to LLNL, this 5-year project has been tremendously successful, with roughly 4,200 films already scanned and around 750 of those now declassified. Sixty-four of the declassified films have been uploaded today in what Spriggs is calling an “initial set.” “You can smell vinegar when you open the cans, which is one of the byproducts of the decomposition process of these films,” Spriggs said in a statement to Gizmodo. Advertisement “We know that these films are on the brink of decomposing to the point where they’ll become useless,” said Spriggs. “The data that we’re collecting now must be preserved in a digital form because no matter how well you treat the films, no matter how well you preserve or store them, they will decompose. They’re made out of organic material, and organic material decomposes. So this is it. We got to this project just in time to save the data.” It’s a race against time, and Spriggs figures it will take at least another two years to scan the remaining films. The declassification of all the remaining 3,480 films, a process that requires military review, will take even longer. “It’s just unbelievable how much energy’s released,” said Spriggs. “We hope that we would never have to use a nuclear weapon ever again. I think that if we capture the history of this and show what the force of these weapons are and how much devastation they can wreak, then maybe people will be reluctant to use them.” ||||| Between 1945 and 1962, the United States conducted over 200 nuclear tests up high in the atmosphere to learn about the power of nuclear weapons. The terrifying explosions were filmed from every possible angle and distance, and the movies — an estimated 10,000 of them — were then stored in high-security vaults scattered across the country. Now, for the first time, about 4,200 of thee films have been scanned, and around 750 have been declassified by the US government. You can watch about 60 of them on YouTube. Some are in color, some in black and white, and all of them bear the whimsical names of top secret missions: Operation Hardtack, Operation Plumbbob, Operation Teapot. The project is spearheaded by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) weapon physicist Greg Spriggs, who’s hoping to save the films, reanalyze them, and squeeze every bit of data out of them. In fact, there’s still a lot we don’t know about the effects of high-altitude nuclear blasts, and right now they are prohibited by the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. By making the movies public and analyzing them, Spriggs hopes to help other nuclear weapon physicists learn more about nuclear explosions. "We don't have any experimental data for modern weapons in the atmosphere,” Spriggs says in a video about the project. “The only data we have are the old tests, so it gets a little bit more complicated.” Spriggs has so far reanalyzed about 400 to 500 films over the past five years. It’s key to digitize them because they’re made of old cellulose acetate, so they decompose over time. "You can smell vinegar when you open the cans,” he said in a statement. "We know that these films are on the brink of decomposing to the point where they'll become useless.” Declassifying the films is a “huge bureaucratic undertaking,” writes Sarah Zhang in Wired. For each film, Spriggs has to fill out a form that then goes over to the Department of Energy for approval. The nuclear test operations are already known, so there’s no reason to keep the films secret, Spriggs tells Wired. It just takes a ton of time to declassify them. Thanks to Spriggs, and his time, we can now enjoy these explosive videos. ||||| Output:
The US government has about 10,000 films of the 221 atmospheric nuclear tests conducted between 1945 and 1962, covering the destructive power from all sorts of angles and distances, Business Insider reports. But until recently those films were literally rotting away in top-secret storage. Gregg Spriggs, a weapons physicist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, tells Paleofuture the films were "on the brink" of being "useless." Not anymore. Spriggs has scanned 4,200 of the films to digital and gotten 750 of them declassified. And this week he posted 65 of the films—an "initial set"—to YouTube. "I think that if we capture the history of this and show what the force of these weapons are and how much devastation they can wreak, then maybe people will be reluctant to use them," Spriggs says. He isn't just preserving the nuclear test footage for historical purposes but to learn as much as possible from it scientifically, the Verge reports. Atmospheric nuclear testing has been banned since 1963, and these old films represent some of the best data available for scientists in the present. Spriggs' laboratory has found about 6,500 of the test films. He says it will take two years to digitize the rest of them and many more years after that to get them declassified. (Kodak accidentally discovered the government testing.)
## question Passage: Toyota Racing Development (also known by its abbreviation TRD) is the in-house tuning shop for all Toyota, Lexus and formerly Scion cars. TRD is responsible both for improving street cars for more performance and supporting Toyota's racing interests around the world. TRD produces various tuning products and accessories, including performance suspension components, superchargers, and wheels. TRD parts are available through Toyota dealers, and are also available as accessories on brand-new Toyotas and Scions. Performance parts for Lexus vehicles are now labeled as F-Sport and performance Lexus models are labeled F to distinguish Lexus's F division from TRD. Question: Based on this passage, what does trd stand for on toyota trucks? ## answer The important part for answering this question is: Toyota Racing Development (also known by its abbreviation TRD) is the in-house tuning shop for all Toyota, Lexus and formerly Scion cars. So the answer must be Toyota Racing Development ## question Passage: The main role of chloroplasts is to conduct photosynthesis, where the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll captures the energy from sunlight and converts it and stores it in the energy-storage molecules ATP and NADPH while freeing oxygen from water. They then use the ATP and NADPH to make organic molecules from carbon dioxide in a process known as the Calvin cycle. Chloroplasts carry out a number of other functions, including fatty acid synthesis, much amino acid synthesis, and the immune response in plants. The number of chloroplasts per cell varies from one, in unicellular algae, up to 100 in plants like Arabidopsis and wheat. Question: Based on this passage, what does a chloroplast do in a plant cell? ## answer To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: The main role of chloroplasts is to conduct photosynthesis, where the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll captures the energy from sunlight and converts it and stores it in the energy-storage molecules ATP and NADPH while freeing oxygen from water. So the answer must be conduct photosynthesis ## question "This Is Me" is a song performed by Keala Settle for the film The Greatest Showman. It was released on October 26, 2017, by Atlantic Records as a promotional single from The Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack and the official lead single on December 8, 2017. It won a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 75th Golden Globe Awards and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song at the 90th Academy Awards. A second version, performed by American singer Kesha, was released on December 22, 2017. Based on this passage, who sings the greatest showman this is me? ## answer The relevant information to answer the above question is: "This Is Me" is a song performed by Keala Settle for the film The Greatest Showman. So the answer must be Keala Settle ## question In December 1941, American expatriate Rick Blaine owns an upscale nightclub and gambling den in Casablanca. "Rick's Café Américain" attracts a varied clientele, including Vichy French and German officials, refugees desperate to reach the still-neutral United States, and those who prey on them. Although Rick professes to be neutral in all matters, he ran guns to Ethiopia during its war with Italy and fought on the Loyalist side in the Spanish Civil War. Answer this question based on the passage: where does the story of the film casablanca take place? ## answer
To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: In December 1941, American expatriate Rick Blaine owns an upscale nightclub and gambling den in Casablanca. So the answer must be Casablanca
Q:For 21 years,Georges Bwelle watched his ill father traveling to hospitals,which could not offer him all necessary help. Jamef Bwelle suffered only a broken arm at first,but it finally developed into a hematoma. That would affect him for the rest of his life. Bwelle spent years taking his father to overcrowded hospitals. It was not easy. They would leave home at 5 a.m. and ran to the hospital to be the first. There were a lot of patients. Some people could die because they were waiting. The situation hasn't changed much since Bwelle's father died in 2002. In Cameroon,there is one doctor for every 5,000 people while in the United States there is one doctor for every 413 people. And even if they could see a doctor,many Cameroonians couldn't afford it. When he saw his father and so many of his countrymen suffer,Bwelle decided to do something about it. He became a doctor himself.And he started an organization,ASCOVIME. It travels into the countryside on weekends to provide free medical care. Since 2008,he and his group of volunteers have helped nearly 32,000 people. Almost every Friday,his team jam into vans and travel to villages in need. In each trip they receive 500 people. Patients come on foot from 60 kilometers around the village for free treatment. The next morning,the team will do simple operations in a schoolhouse,town hall or home,and work into the early hours of Sunday morning. On Sunday,the team heads back to the city,tired but proud of their work. They know that their help can make a world of difference to those they help. For his devotion to his country and people,Georges Bwelle becomes one of the 2013 Heroes voted throughout the world. The passage mainly tells us _ . A) why Bwelle decided to become a doctor B) what bad conditions Cameroonians are in C) that doctors are badly needed in Cameroon D) how Bwelle has become an admired doctor A:
Teacher:In this task, you're given a question, a context passage, and four options which are terms from the passage. After reading a passage, you will get a brief understanding of the terms. Your job is to determine by searching and reading further information of which term you can answer the question. Indicate your choice as 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'. If you think more than one option is plausible, choose the more probable option to help you answer the question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Question: How old was the star of the first Green Hornet movie when it was released? Passage:The Green Hornet was adapted into two movie serials, 1940's The Green Hornet and, in 1941, The Green Hornet Strikes Again! Disliking the treatment Republic gave The Lone Ranger in two serials, George W. Trendle took his property to Universal Pictures, and was much happier with the results. The first serial, titled simply The Green Hornet (1940), starred Gordon Jones in the title role, albeit dubbed by original radio Hornet Al Hodge whenever the hero's mask was in place, while The Green Hornet Strikes Again! (1941) starred Warren Hull. Keye Luke, who played the "Number One Son" in the Charlie Chan films, played Kato in both. Also starring in both serials were Anne Nagel as Lenore Case, Britt Reid's secretary, and Wade Boteler as Mike Axford, a reporter for the Daily Sentinel, the newspaper that Reid owned and published. Ford Beebe directed both serials, partnered by Ray Taylor on The Green Hornet and John Rawlins on The Green Hornet Strikes Again!, with George H. Plympton and Basil Dickey contributing to the screenplays for both serials. The Green Hornet ran for 13 chapters while The Green Hornet Strikes Again! had 15 installments, with the Hornet and Kato smashing a different racket in each chapter. In each serial, they were all linked to a single major crime syndicate which was itself put out of business in the finale, while the radio program had the various rackets completely independent of each other. Links: a. Universal Pictures b. Charlie Chan c. Gordon Jones (actor) d. Al Hodge Student:
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. Example: Ms Bourne, who became Sussex's first PCC in 2012, was declared winner after the vote went to a second count. Three candidates were eliminated in the first count, leaving only Ms Bourne and Labour's Michael Jones. In the first count, Ms Bourne had 114,570 votes and Mr Jones had 61,017. The second count brought their totals to 139,335 and 86,392 respectively. She said: "I'm absolutely honoured and very privileged to be elected." She said she needed to "find extra savings because budgets are still reducing" and "to invest in frontline policing because I know that is really important to people in Sussex". Voter turnout was 22.5% compared with 15.3% in 2012. The three eliminated in the first count were Green Party candidate James Doyle, UKIP's Patrick Lowe and James Walsh from the Liberal Democrats. Results listed alphabetically by surname are as follows. BBC News App users: tap here to see the results. Output: Conservative Katy Bourne has been re-elected police and crime commissioner for Sussex. This is a good example. The output correctly summarizes the article. New input case for you: Media playback is unsupported on your device 12 August 2015 Last updated at 16:53 BST The gardener from Oxfordshire is competing for the title of 'Fastest Garden Shed' this weekend in York. It took Kevin seven months to transform his car, using steel beams and timber, to create his shed on wheels. It's a really popular sight with kids and local people. His shed is safe to drive on the road and it can reach speeds of almost 80 miles per hour. However, this isn't the first shed to take to the road. Edd China is the current record holder for fastest garden shed. His shed got to a top speed of 58.4 miles per hour on an Italian TV programme in 2011. Output:
It's unlikely that your garden shed has electric windows, an engine and four wheels, but Kevin Nicks' shed does.
Please capitalize where necessary: use “restore” option to get back all lost files from your samsung series 3 laptop.
Use “Restore” option to get back all lost files from your Samsung Series 3 laptop.
Idea for the Q&A below: To answer the question, consider the following: MASH (stylized as M * A * S * H on the poster art) is a 1970 American satirical black comedy war film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner, Jr., based on Richard Hooker's novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. Q: MASH (stylized as M * A * S * H on the poster art) is a 1970 American satirical black comedy war film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner, Jr., based on Richard Hooker's novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The picture is the only feature film in the M * A * S * H franchise and became one of the biggest films of the early 1970s for 20th Century Fox. Based on this passage, who directed the movie mash and what year was it released? A: 1970 Idea for the Q&A below: To answer the question, consider the following: Bharat Ram (Mahesh Babu), a brilliant but uncertain student with an unquenchable thrist for knowledge, graduates with his fifth degree from Oxford. Q: Context: Bharat Ram (Mahesh Babu), a brilliant but uncertain student with an unquenchable thrist for knowledge, graduates with his fifth degree from Oxford. At his uncle's house, Bharat comes to learn that his father, Chief Minister of (an at the time undivided) Andhra Pradesh Raghava Raju (R. Sarathkumar), was hospitalised and died from a stroke. On a flight to his familial home in Hyderabad, Bharat reminises about his past. Question: mahesh babu full name in bharat ane nenu? A: Bharat Ram Idea for the Q&A below: The relevant information is: He is known for his roles as Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter films, as Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky in the James Bond films GoldenEye and The World Is Not Enough, and as Dr. Eddie "Fitz" Fitzgerald in the British TV series Cracker during the 1990s. Q: Robbie Coltrane, OBE (born Anthony Robert McMillan; 30 March 1950) is a Scottish actor and author. He is known for his roles as Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter films, as Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky in the James Bond films GoldenEye and The World Is Not Enough, and as Dr. Eddie "Fitz" Fitzgerald in the British TV series Cracker during the 1990s. Answer this question based on the passage: who played the role of hagrid in harry potter? A: Robbie Coltrane , OBE Idea for the Q&A below: The relevant information to answer the above question is: Beauty and the Beast premiered on February 23, 2017, at Spencer House in London, and was released in the United States on March 17, 2017, in standard, Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D, IMAX and IMAX 3D formats, along with Dolby Cinema.
Q: Context: Principal photography began at Shepperton Studios in Surrey, United Kingdom on May 18, 2015, and ended on August 21. Beauty and the Beast premiered on February 23, 2017, at Spencer House in London, and was released in the United States on March 17, 2017, in standard, Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D, IMAX and IMAX 3D formats, along with Dolby Cinema. The film received generally positive reviews from critics, with many praising Watson and Stevens' performances as well as the ensemble cast, faithfulness to the original animated film alongside elements from the Broadway musical, visual style, production design, and musical score, though it received criticism for some of the character designs and its excessive similarity to the original. The film grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing live-action musical film, and making it the highest-grossing film of 2017 and the 10th-highest-grossing film of all time. Question: when did besuty and the beast come out? A: February 23 , 2017 , at Spencer House in London
Does the sentence "UTF-8 uses one byte for any ASCII character, all of which have the same code values in" provide a valid answer to the question "What does UTF-8 use in terms of bytes?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Does the sentence "The earliest, colloquial stratum is traced to the Han dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE); the second colloquial one comes from the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420 - 589 CE); the third stratum of pronunciations (typically literary ones) comes from the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE) and is based on the prestige dialect of Chang'an (modern day Xi'an), its capital." provide a valid answer to the question "Colloquial stratum can be traced to several strata in what lexicon?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Does the sentence "A defect can turn into a failure when the environment is changed." provide a valid answer to the question "What is the first step that leads to a software failure?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Does the sentence "The Theater District is a 17-block area in the center of downtown Houston that is home to the Bayou Place entertainment complex, restaurants, movies, plazas, and parks." provide a valid answer to the question "Where is Space Center Houston?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Input: Consider Input: what kind of government did benito mussolini have? Output: Dictator Input: Consider Input: what county is lancaster ca located in? Output: Los Angeles County Input: Consider Input: what countries are on the mediterranean sea?
Output: Italy
Read this and answer the question In many places in Switzerland, household rubbish disposal is charged for. Rubbish (except dangerous items, batteries etc.) is only collected if it is in bags which either have a payment sticker attached, or in official bags with the surcharge paid at the time of purchase. This gives a financial incentive to recycle as much as possible, since recycling is free. Illegal disposal of garbage is not tolerated but usually the enforcement of such laws is limited to violations that involve the unlawful disposal of larger volumes at traffic intersections and public areas. Fines for not paying the disposal fee range from CHF 200–500. What is the charge for recycling in Switzerland?
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. One example: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Solution is here: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. Explanation: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". Now, solve this: American Wedding is a 2003 American sex comedy movie and a sequel to American Pie and American Pie 2 . Solution:
American Wedding ( known as American Pie 3 : The Wedding or American Pie : The Wedding , in some countries ) is a 2003 American sex comedy film and a sequel to " American Pie " and " American Pie 2 " .
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible. Input: What vehicle was the state canine of New Hampshire used to pull ? Output:
DIALOG: What does the two-hour-per-day limit mean in regards to video game addiction? - In its report, the Council used this two-hour-per-day limit to define "gaming overuse", citing the American Academy of Pediatrics guideline of no more than one to two hours per day of "screen time." However, the ESA document cited in the Council report does not contain the two-hour-per-day data. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - In a 2005 Tom's Games interview, Maressa Orzack estimated that 40% of the players of "World of Warcraft" (an MMORPG) were addicted, but she did not indicate a source for the estimate. - Is there any speculation on the number? - She may have derived the estimate from the informal survey managed by Nick Yee at The Daedalus Project, who notes that caution should be exercised when interpreting that data. - Did any other video games besides World of Warcraft come close to the number? - A 2006 lecture reported by the BBC indicated that 12% of polled online gamers reported at least some addictive behaviours. - Was there any additional information about the lecture? - Next turn: The lecturer, Professor Mark Griffiths of Nottingham Trent University, stated in another BBC interview that addicts are "few and far between." In 2007, Michael Cai, director of broadband and gaming for Parks Associates (a media/technology research and analysis company), said that "Video game addiction is a particularly severe problem in Asian countries such as China and Korea." Results of a 2006 survey suggested that 2.4% of South Koreans aged 9 to 39 suffer from game addiction, with another 10.2% at risk of addiction. Problem: What could be the response? DIALOG: What was Mile High (novel) about? - Mile High (novel) Mile High was the eighth book by the American satirist and political novelist Richard Condon, first published by Dial Press in 1969. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Internationally famous at the time of its publication, primarily because of his 1959 "Manchurian Candidate", Condon had begun to lose the respect of critics with the publication of his last few books and the one-time, so-called Condon Cult was mostly a thing of the past. - What did the critics say about the novel? - A: Like his fifth book, "An Infinity of Mirrors", "Mile High" is a consciously ambitious work, primarily concerned with the establishment of Prohibition in the United States, and Condon researched it thoroughly. QUESTION: Write another turn of this conversation. DIALOG: What is meant by model photosphere? - This assumption means that the convective motions in the atmosphere are described by the mixing-length theory, modeled as parcels of gas rising and disintegrating. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - ANS: To account for some of the small-scale effects in convective motions, a parameter called microturbulence is often used. question: Write a response. DIALOG: what are the different elements of music and their importance - For example, it is much easier for listeners to discern the pitch of a single note played on a piano than to try to discern the pitch of a crash cymbal that is struck. - what is meant by melodies - A melody (also called a "tune") is a series of pitches (notes) sounding in succession (one after the other), often in a rising and falling pattern. - what are examples of melodies - The notes of a melody are typically created using pitch systems such as scales or modes. - are chords different from melodies - Melodies also often contain notes from the chords used in the song. - what are other examples of melodies - response: The melodies in simple folk songs and traditional songs may use only the notes of a single scale, the scale associated with the tonic note or key of a given song. Q: See the conversation. DIALOG: Who is Tai Streets? - Tai Streets Tai Lamar Streets (born April 20, 1977) is a former professional American football wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL). - What round was he drafted in? - He was selected with the second pick of the sixth round of the 1999 NFL Draft by the San Francisco 49ers. - Did he play for any other teams? - He also played for the Detroit Lions in 2004. - What else is interesting about his draft history? - He was the leading receiver for the national champion 1997 Michigan Wolverines football team. - What was he known for? - **** Next: Over the course of his career he was notable for fourth quarter performances in various bowl games and NFL playoff games. Q: See the conversation. DIALOG: What is Abbas Sadriwala's current role? - **** Next:
Pursuing his interest in R&D Sadriwalla is currently the CEO of Liquiguard Technolologies, Inc., a manufacturer that develops coatings for everyday objects.
Q: Mobipocket SA is a French company incorporated in March 2000 that created the codice_1 e-book file format and produces the Mobipocket Reader software for mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA) and desktop operating systems. The Mobipocket software package is free and consists of various publishing and reading tools for PDAs, smartphones, mobile phones, the e-readers Kindle and iLiad, and applications on devices using Symbian, Windows, Palm OS, Java ME and Psion. On October 31, 2016, Amazon permanently shut down the Mobipocket website and servers. was bought by in 2005. Amazon's acquisition was believed to be a result of Adobe Systems’ announcement that it would no longer sell its eBook packaging and serving software. An alpha release of the Java-based version of the Mobipocket reader was made available for cellphones on June 30, 2008. There is also a reader for desktop computers running Microsoft Windows, which also works with computers running Mac OS X and Linux using Wine. It has been widely reported that since Amazon's acquisition of Mobipocket, software support, user support, and platform growth was ended. In December 2011, it was reported that Amazon officially notified the book publishers that it was ending support for Mobipocket. The status of Mobipocket Digital Rights Management (DRM) content previously purchased by users continues to be unclear since no other ebook reader supports its proprietary DRM method. Answer the following questions: 1. who makes the software discussed in the article? 2. are they an american company? 3. where are they from? 4. when did they become an inc? 5. what month? 6. were their website bought by someone? 7. who? 8. when? 9. what is the url? 10. is it still available? 11. why ? 12. when? A: 1. Mobipocket SA 2. No 3. France 4. 2000 5. March 6. Yes 7. 8. 2005 9. 10. No 11. Amazon the website 12. October 31, 2016 Q: (CNN) -- Mohammad Idrissou put Cameroon on course for a spot in the African Nations Cup quarterfinals with a late winner in a topsy-turvy 3-2 Group D victory over Zambia. Zambia bossed the first half and went ahead inside 10 minutes through Jacob Mulenga. A terrible mistake from Zambia keeper Kennedy Mweene allowed Geremi to equalise and Samuel Eto'o gave Cameroon the lead in the 72nd minute. Christopher Katongo thought he had earned a point with an 82nd-minute penalty but Idrissou had the last word for Cameroon just four minutes later. The Indomitable Lions were looking to ignite their campaign after a shock 1-0 defeat by Gabon in their opening match, which was also a first loss for manager Paul Le Guen. But it got worse for the four-time champions in only the eighth minute, and it was experienced center-back Rigobert Song who was the architect of his own side's downfall. Felix Katongo swung in a great cross from the left and, in attempting to head behind, Song instead drew a point-blank save from his keeper. Carlos Kameni, though, could only push the ball out to Mulenga, who was left with a simple tap-in. Zambia should have doubled their lead before half-time. Rainford Kalaba's fierce free-kick was pushed back into the danger area by Kameni but Christopher Katongo could not direct his shot away from the keeper. And that was made to look very costly in the 68th minute when a calamitous mistake from Mweene saw Cameroon draw level. Geremi sent in a hopeful cross from the right wing that the Zambia keeper inexplicably helped into his own net. Answer the following questions: 1. What team won in Group D? 2. What player helped them win? 3. Who were they playing? 4. What was the score? 5. Who got a point with a penalty? 6. When? 7. Who scored four minutes later? 8. Who did he score for? 9. What team is Le Guen in charge of? 10. What position does Rigobert Song play? A: 1. Cameroon 2. Samuel Eto'o 3. Zambia 4. 1-0 5. Christopher Katongo 6. 82nd-minute 7. Idrissou 8. Cameroon 9. The Indomitable Lions 10. center-back Q: Jill was a normal student. However, she was barely passing her classes this year. Her finals were coming up in a few weeks and Jill was very nervous about her Math test. She was never very good at Math. Her brother always teased her because he was great at Math, History, and Science, but she preferred Art. To raise her grades, Jill spent the week before finals studying every day in the school library. On the last day before the test, Jill walked in and was ready to work hard like she had every day that week. Except this time she looked over and saw her best friend, Michelle, walking up to her. Michelle greeted Jill and told her that she wants to help her study for the Math test. The two girls spend the rest of the afternoon looking over their class notes. By the end of the day, Jill finally felt ready. She left and walked back to her house. That night Jill made sure to get lots of sleep. She awoke early and had a filling breakfast before making her way to school. Her teacher, Mr. Matthews, handed out the Math tests and she began to work. She felt like she did a really good job, but she was scared, too. Jill had to wait until tomorrow to see how she did. The next day she hurried back to class. Jill walked in and grabbed her test from the stack of papers. She let out a yell. Jill had failed. She turned to her friend Michelle and started to cry. She was so upset. Answer the following questions: 1. What subject was the big test on? 2. Was this Jill's favorite? 3. What was? 4. Who was great at math? 5. Was Jill rested on the day of the test? 6. Was she hungry during it? 7. Who supervised the test? 8. What was their name? 9. Did Jill prepare for the test? 10. Where did she do that? 11. Who helped her? 12. Was she pleased with her grade? 13. Did she display her feelings about it? 14. What was her first reaction? 15. What reaction did she have when she first learned of her grade? 16. Then how did she react? 17. Whom did she turn to? A:
1. math 2. no 3. art 4. Her brother 5. yes 6. no 7. Her teacher 8. Mr. Matthews 9. yes 10. in the school library 11. her best friend, Michelle, 12. no 13. yes 14. yes 15. She let out a yell 16. she cried 17. She turned to her friend Michelle
John heard a language that he could not understand. He thought that the door was shut, but he eventually realized that there was no door, and that the light source that was blinding his eyes was very familiar. He was on his back looking at what? Options: - sky - lamp - hallway - dard - closed room Let's solve it slow. Sky is the region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth. John heard a language that he could not understand. He thought that the door was shut, but he eventually realized that there was no door, and that the light source that was blinding his eyes was very familiar. He was on his back looking at sky.... So the answer is sky. where did the girl drank a cup of coffee? Options: - coffee shop - desk - office - upstairs - table Let's solve it slow. Coffee shop is a cafe serving coffee and light refreshments. The girl drank a cup of coffee at a coffee shop.... So the answer is coffee shop. What do you need to do to use television if it is already turned on? Options: - get wet - open eyes - kill - plug in - first turn on power Let's solve it slow. If it is already turned on then you need to open your eyes to use the television. A person can make use of television with open eyes.... So the answer is open eyes. A lot of people go to museums to experience this, what is it? Options: - being bored - wonder - sore feet - live shows - retrospection
Let's solve it slow. A lot of people go to museums to experience sore feet.... So the answer is sore feet.
How to set boundaries at work Communicate your working hours and time limits. Tell your boss and your colleagues about your normal working hours and reinforce these hours by sticking to them. In addition, be honest about how long a project might take you to complete. Do not promise to finish a task sooner than you are able to do it. It can also help to tell your boss about some of your general responsibilities at home, so there is an understanding that you have other responsibilities to fulfill outside of work hours. How to write in third person Use third person for all academic writing. For formal writing, such as research and argumentative papers, use the third person. Third person makes your writing more objective and less personal. For academic and professional writing, this sense of objectivity allows the writer to seem less biased and, therefore, more credible. Third person helps the writing stay focused on facts and evidence instead of personal opinion. How to fix leaking pipes Shut off the water valve to the pipe. Turn on the faucets to drain the water that is left in the pipes. Wipe the pipe dry with a towel or cloth. Allow it to air dry completely before continuing. Use a putty knife to put some epoxy on the leaking area. A young man solves a cube puzzle while a man stand on front him. then
, a man writes on a paper and shows the young man.
Problem: Given the following passage "Externally, Orthodox Jews can be identified by their manner of dress and family lifestyle. Orthodox women dress modestly by keeping most of their skin covered. Additionally, married women cover their hair, most commonly in the form of a scarf, also in the form of hats, bandanas, berets, snoods or, sometimes, wigs. Orthodox men wear a skullcap known as a kipa and often fringes called "tzitzit". Haredi men often grow beards and always wear black hats and suits, indoors and outdoors. However, Modern Orthodox Jews are commonly indistinguishable in their dress from those around them.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How much skin to Orthodox women hide? A: most Problem: Given the question: Given the following passage "In October 2013, the company announced the "Save a Page" feature which allows any Internet user to archive the contents of a URL. This became a threat of abuse by the service for hosting malicious binaries.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was a threat of abuse? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The answer is: Save a Page" feature input question: Given the following passage "Of his eight encyclicals, Pope Paul VI is best known for his encyclical Humanae vitae (Of Human Life, subtitled On the Regulation of Birth), published on 25 July 1968. In this encyclical he reaffirmed the Catholic Church's traditional view of marriage and marital relations and a continued condemnation of artificial birth control. There were two Papal committees and numerous independent experts looking into the latest advancement of science and medicine on the question of artificial birth control. which were noted by the Pope in his encyclical The expressed views of Paul VI reflected the teachings of his predecessors, especially Pius XI, Pius XII and John XXIII and never changed, as he repeatedly stated them in the first few years of his Pontificate", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who examined the views???? output answer: two Papal committees and numerous independent experts Given the following passage "After 13 months at the hospital, Broz was sent to a work camp in the Ural Mountains where prisoners selected him for their camp leader. In February 1917, revolting workers broke into the prison and freed the prisoners. Broz subsequently joined a Bolshevik group. In April 1917, he was arrested again but managed to escape and participate in the July Days demonstrations in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) on 16–17 July 1917. On his way to Finland, Broz was caught and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress for three weeks. He was again sent to Kungur, but escaped from the train. He hid with a Russian family in Omsk, Siberia where he met his future wife Pelagija Belousova. After the October Revolution, he joined a Red Guard unit in Omsk. Following a White counteroffensive, he fled to Kirgiziya and subsequently returned to Omsk, where he married Belousova. In the spring of 1918, he joined the Yugoslav section of the Russian Communist Party. By June of the same year, Broz left Omsk to find work and support his family, and was employed as a mechanic near Omsk for a year.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where did Broz leave? ---- Answer: Omsk Q: Given the following passage "Like most Germanic languages, Dutch forms noun compounds, where the first noun modifies the category given by the second (hondenhok = doghouse). Unlike English, where newer compounds or combinations of longer nouns are often written in open form with separating spaces, Dutch (like the other Germanic languages) either uses the closed form without spaces (boomhuis = tree house) or inserts a hyphen (VVD-coryfee = outstanding member of the VVD, a political party). Like German, Dutch allows arbitrarily long compounds, but the longer they get, the less frequent they tend to be.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How does Dutch express compound nouns? A: uses the closed form without spaces (boomhuis = tree house) or inserts a hyphen [Q]: Given the following passage "On 30 September, Zhou Enlai warned the United States that China was prepared to intervene in Korea if the United States crossed the 38th parallel. Zhou attempted to advise North Korean commanders on how to conduct a general withdrawal by using the same tactics which had allowed Chinese communist forces to successfully escape Chiang Kai-shek's Encirclement Campaigns in the 1930s, but by some accounts North Korean commanders did not utilize these tactics effectively. Historian Bruce Cumings argues, however, the KPA's rapid withdrawal was strategic, with troops melting into the mountains from where they could launch guerrilla raids on the UN forces spread out on the coasts.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What happened although Zhou told North Korea how to proceed? **** [A]:
North Korean commanders did not utilize these tactics effectively
TASK DEFINITION: A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. PROBLEM: what type of poetry does john donne write? SOLUTION: Metaphysical poets PROBLEM: who plays kenneth on 30 rock? SOLUTION: Jack McBrayer PROBLEM: who did warren moon play for? SOLUTION:
Seattle Seahawks
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible. See one example below: Problem: Who were the builders of the mosque in Herat with fire temples ? Solution: Ghurids Explanation: This is a good example. Ghurids were the builders of the mosque in Herat with fire temples. Problem: What type of object has a grey-blue color and a rotation period of 8.8 hours ? Solution:
Rice is a staple in the diet of residents near the coast and millet a staple in the interior. Fish, shellfish, fruits and vegetables are commonly eaten along with cereal grains, milk, curd and whey. The Portuguese encouraged peanut production. Vigna subterranea (Bambara groundnut) and Macrotyloma geocarpum (Hausa groundnut) are also grown. Black-eyed peas are also part of the diet. Palm oil is harvested. Who encouraged peanut production in Guinea-Bissau? The Portuguese Around the beginning of the 20th century, William James (1842–1910) coined the term "radical empiricism" to describe an offshoot of his form of pragmatism, which he argued could be dealt with separately from his pragmatism – though in fact the two concepts are intertwined in James's published lectures. James maintained that the empirically observed "directly apprehended universe needs ... no extraneous trans-empirical connective support", by which he meant to rule out the perception that there can be any value added by seeking supernatural explanations for natural phenomena. James's "radical empiricism" is thus not radical in the context of the term "empiricism", but is instead fairly consistent with the modern use of the term "empirical". (His method of argument in arriving at this view, however, still readily encounters debate within philosophy even today.) Who came up with 'radical empiricism'? William James Originally based on the English alphabet, ASCII encodes 128 specified characters into seven-bit integers as shown by the ASCII chart on the right. The characters encoded are numbers 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercase letters A to Z, basic punctuation symbols, control codes that originated with Teletype machines, and a space. For example, lowercase j would become binary 1101010 and decimal 106. ASCII includes definitions for 128 characters: 33 are non-printing control characters (many now obsolete) that affect how text and space are processed and 95 printable characters, including the space (which is considered an invisible graphic:223). How many characters are printable characters?
95 printable characters
instruction: A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. question: who plays edward elric? answer: Romi Park question: where did rich rodriguez get fired? answer: Michigan Wolverines football question: who was governor of texas in 2003? answer:
Rick Perry
Does "These aircraft are largely defined in terms of their range capability as strategic airlift (C-5), strategic/tactical (C-17), and tactical (C-130) airlift to reflect the needs of the land forces they most often support." correctly answer the question of What type of aircraft is used to deliver troops and weapons to military operations?
so grab the smallest dose of melatonin you can find (usually 3mg), and for a moment, pretend you’re a trust fund brat, wall street bro, or gold digger socialite… then crush the pill on the counter and take 1/10 of the 3mg of powder. i usually just mix the powder with a glass of water and down it. Repeat this setence, but with the correct capitalization.
So grab the smallest dose of melatonin you can find (usually 3mg), and for a moment, pretend you’re a trust fund brat, wall street bro, or gold digger socialite… Then crush the pill on the counter and take 1/10 of the 3mg of powder. I usually just mix the powder with a glass of water and down it.
Here is a question about this article: A necessary condition for the aforementioned reciprocity property is that the materials in the antenna and transmission medium are linear and reciprocal. Reciprocal (or bilateral) means that the material has the same response to an electric current or magnetic field in one direction, as it has to the field or current in the opposite direction. Most materials used in antennas meet these conditions, but some microwave antennas use high-tech components such as isolators and circulators, made of nonreciprocal materials such as ferrite. These can be used to give the antenna a different behavior on receiving than it has on transmitting, which can be useful in applications like radar. What is the answer to this question: How can the lack of this quality be used in an everyday way? **** So... radar Here is a question about this article: Tourism, especially religious tourism, is an important industry in Israel, with the country's temperate climate, beaches, archaeological, other historical and biblical sites, and unique geography also drawing tourists. Israel's security problems have taken their toll on the industry, but the number of incoming tourists is on the rebound. In 2013, a record of 3.54 million tourists visited Israel with the most popular site of attraction being the Western Wall with 68% of tourists visiting there. Israel has the highest number of museums per capita in the world. What is the answer to this question: How many tourists visited Israel in 2013? **** So... 3.54 million Here is a question about this article: Each trace consists of a flat, narrow part of the copper foil that remains after etching. The resistance, determined by width and thickness, of the traces must be sufficiently low for the current the conductor will carry. Power and ground traces may need to be wider than signal traces. In a multi-layer board one entire layer may be mostly solid copper to act as a ground plane for shielding and power return. For microwave circuits, transmission lines can be laid out in the form of stripline and microstrip with carefully controlled dimensions to assure a consistent impedance. In radio-frequency and fast switching circuits the inductance and capacitance of the printed circuit board conductors become significant circuit elements, usually undesired; but they can be used as a deliberate part of the circuit design, obviating the need for additional discrete components. What is the answer to this question: Along with thickness, what determines the resistance of a trace? **** So...
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True) Passage: Denailing -- Denailing is the extraction of the nails from the fingers and/or toes, either as a medical procedure to treat severe nail infections, or as a method of torture. The United Nations Istanbul Protocol describes nail removal and the insertion of objects such as wire under the nail as forms of torture. Removed nails are capable of growing back normally over several months if the nail matrix is left intact through surgical extraction. However, if the matrix is damaged by trauma, it can result in an overgrowth of tissue from the proximal nail fold, resulting in the formation of pterygium. Particularly, if the nail matrix is burnt by a heated instrument, subsequent growth may produce nails which are striped, thin, or broken into longitudinal segments. Question: if you pull a nail out does it grow back Output:
Svein Holden (born 23 August 1973) is a Norwegian jurist having prosecuted several major criminal cases in Norway. Together with prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh Holden prosecuted terror suspect Anders Behring Breivik in the 2012 trial following the 2011 Norway attacks. Can we draw the following conclusion? Svein Holden, and Inga Bejer Engh Holden both helped decide the fate of the terrorist Anders Breivik.
Voicing of pre-vocalic initial voiceless alveolar fricatives occurs, although less in Dutch than in German (Du zeven, Germ sieben [z] vs. Eng seven and LG seven [s]), and also the shift in /θ/ > /d/. Dutch shares only with Low German the development of /xs/ > /ss/ (Du vossen, ossen and LG Vösse, Ossen vs. Germ Füchse, Ochsen and Eng foxes, oxen), and also the development of /ft/ → /xt/ though it is far more common in Dutch (Du zacht and LG sacht vs. Germ sanft and Eng soft, but Du kracht vs. LG/Germ kraft and Eng cognate craft). If it is possible to answer this question, answer it for me (else, reply "unanswerable"): Does the development of /ft/ to /xt/ occur more in Low German or Dutch?
Sam,whoisalsoahobbit,Frodo'sfriendandsquire. Please segment the words:
Sam, who is also a hobbit, Frodo's friend and squire.
In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. Let me give you an example: Ms Bourne, who became Sussex's first PCC in 2012, was declared winner after the vote went to a second count. Three candidates were eliminated in the first count, leaving only Ms Bourne and Labour's Michael Jones. In the first count, Ms Bourne had 114,570 votes and Mr Jones had 61,017. The second count brought their totals to 139,335 and 86,392 respectively. She said: "I'm absolutely honoured and very privileged to be elected." She said she needed to "find extra savings because budgets are still reducing" and "to invest in frontline policing because I know that is really important to people in Sussex". Voter turnout was 22.5% compared with 15.3% in 2012. The three eliminated in the first count were Green Party candidate James Doyle, UKIP's Patrick Lowe and James Walsh from the Liberal Democrats. Results listed alphabetically by surname are as follows. BBC News App users: tap here to see the results. The answer to this example can be: Conservative Katy Bourne has been re-elected police and crime commissioner for Sussex. Here is why: This is a good example. The output correctly summarizes the article. OK. solve this: Labour AM Jenny Rathbone was fired after criticising Welsh ministers' spending on a proposed motorway scheme. On Wednesday, Carwyn Jones told AMs she had been bound by "collective responsibility", like ministers. Mr Davies has suggested this leads to a conflict of interest. Under collective responsibility, ministers are expected to support government policies and not criticise them publicly. Ms Rathbone also sits on the assembly's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) - on which members of the Welsh government are not allowed to serve. The Tory leader has written to Presiding Officer Rosemary Butler, saying there are now questions over the validity of some of the PAC's decisions. He wrote: "The comments made by the first minister in the chamber yesterday are deeply damaging and bring into question the legitimacy and democratic nature of the assembly committees during this fourth assembly. "Given the important role assembly committees are meant to play in ensuring proper and thorough scrutiny of decisions taken by the Welsh government, this development is one that causes serious concern." He added: "These concerns are of course still applicable to the new chair [of the EU funds monitoring committee], Mick Antoniw, who also participates on a number of assembly committees." A Welsh government spokesman said: "Members of [assembly] committees are approved by the National Assembly for Wales. "The chair of the PMC [Programme Monitoring Committee for European funds] is not a minister, but as the first minister made clear, should adhere to collective responsibility." Labour AM Alun Davies, who has backed Ms Rathbone for opposing the planned M4 relief road around Newport, wrote on his blog on Thursday: "It is clear that this has been handled poorly by the government and the advice received by the first minister has led to far greater difficulties for the government than the original offence." On Tuesday, Ms Rathbone said there was "an unhealthy culture at the top of the Welsh government which does not allow for rigorous debate and reflection on the best use of public funds". Last week, she said she was "appalled" that £20m had been spent on preparatory work on the relief road. A final decision on the project is due after the 2016 assembly election. Answer:
There are "serious concerns" over the first minister's justification for sacking an EU funds monitoring committee chair, Welsh Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies has warned.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. What star of Remedy was born April 15, 1937? Output:
Frank Vincent
Read this and answer the question Throughout the history of the South Slavs, the vernacular, literary, and written languages (e.g. Chakavian, Kajkavian, Shtokavian) of the various regions and ethnicities developed and diverged independently. Prior to the 19th century, they were collectively called "Illyric", "Slavic", "Slavonian", "Bosnian", "Dalmatian", "Serbian" or "Croatian". As such, the term Serbo-Croatian was first used by Jacob Grimm in 1824, popularized by the Vienna philologist Jernej Kopitar in the following decades, and accepted by Croatian Zagreb grammarians in 1854 and 1859. At that time, Serb and Croat lands were still part of the Ottoman and Austrian Empires. Officially, the language was called variously Serbo-Croat, Croato-Serbian, Serbian and Croatian, Croatian and Serbian, Serbian or Croatian, Croatian or Serbian. Unofficially, Serbs and Croats typically called the language "Serbian" or "Croatian", respectively, without implying a distinction between the two, and again in independent Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Bosnian", "Croatian", and "Serbian" were considered to be three names of a single official language. Croatian linguist Dalibor Brozović advocated the term Serbo-Croatian as late as 1988, claiming that in an analogy with Indo-European, Serbo-Croatian does not only name the two components of the same language, but simply charts the limits of the region in which it is spoken and includes everything between the limits (‘Bosnian’ and ‘Montenegrin’). Today, use of the term "Serbo-Croatian" is controversial due to the prejudice that nation and language must match. It is still used for lack of a succinct alternative, though alternative names have been used, such as Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), which is often seen in political contexts such as the Hague War Crimes tribunal. When was the term Serbo-Croatian first used?
I'll give you a question, please answer with step-by-step reasoning process. Where could you find a tennis game? Options: - field with tennis court - match - progress - park - highschool
Park is a place where you can find a tennis game. The answer: park.
DIALOG: What is On My Face? - On My Face On My Face is a 2012 musical comedy album by actress and singer Taryn Southern. - When was it released? - Released on October 12, it is Southern's debut studio album. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Taryn Southern, who was part of "American Idol's" third season's Top 50, first gained national attention with her musical comedy video " Hot4Hill", which was released during the 2008 Presidential race. - Was that successful? - Shortly after the success of Taryn Southern's first musical comedy video, Hot4Hill, she began working on a similarly-themed musical comedy album. - What were some of the singles? - In 2010, Southern released the video for the album's first single, "Keep It In Your Pants" on YouTube. - Was it successful? - Next turn: The song reached #20 on the iTunes comedy chart. DIALOG: What is the structure of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa? - Next turn: At a local level are the circuits, consisting of a number of church congregations, known as "societies" (modelled on the early Methodist societies). DIALOG: What is the husband's name of the list of international goals scored by David Villa? - List of international goals scored by David Villa David Villa is a Spanish professional association footballer who has represented the Spanish national team since 2005. He made his debut for Spain as a substitute in a 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification match against San Marino in February 2005. He scored his first international goal on his fourth appearance for Spain, scoring from the bench to equalise in the second leg of the 2006 World Cup qualification play-offs. - Who is the top scorer of the list of international goals scored by David Villa? - , he has scored 59 goals in 98 international appearances, making him Spain's all-time top scorer; he surpassed Raúl's previous record of 44 when he scored twice against the Czech Republic in UEFA Euro 2012 qualifying in March 2011. - Has David Villa scored any hat tricks? - Next turn: Villa achieved his first international hat-trick on 10 June 2008 when he scored the first three goals in a 4–1 victory for Spain over Russia during UEFA Euro 2008 to win group D. He has scored two other hat-tricks, against Azerbaijan (in 2009) and Tahiti (in 2013). DIALOG: What was the Pohick Church's relationship to the Fords? - Additional support for the project was provided by Harrison Howell Dodge, a member of the vestry who served as superintendent of Mount Vernon for many years. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - The restoration also saw the replacement of the pulpit with one patterned along colonial lines. - Is there anything else of significance? - In 1912 a pew in the church was dedicated to Ann Pamela Cunningham, first regent of the Ladies' Association, for her work in preserving both Mount Vernon and the church, a dedication which no longer exists. - Was there anyone else? - In 1916 an endowment was in the process of being raised to provide support for the congregation, which was described by numerous sources as being poor and lacking the money necessary to support repairs to the building; at this time the rector was Reverend Everard Meade, a grandson of the bishop whose account had earlier made the church's plight known. - What else did you find interesting? - Some original pieces of the interior fittings have been returned to the church as part of the restoration works; a piece of the balustrade surrounding the communion rail was sent back by the taker or a member of his family, as was a fragment of the Washington pew; the latter, returned in 1986, provided an indication of the original color of the woodwork, and provided a match to be used in the refitting of the interior. - Is it still used today? - Next turn:
The church continues to be home to an active congregation, members of which give tours of the structure after Sunday services and at sporadic other times; the building is also open for self-guided tours daily.
Monica brought Lindsey to the doctor two weeks ago because OPTIONS: - Monica wanted to be healthy. - Lindsey wanted to be healthy. Lindsey wanted to be healthy. Samuel did not know a lot of conversation topics like Brian because OPTIONS: - Samuel barely kept up with the news. - Brian barely kept up with the news. Samuel barely kept up with the news. The woman opted to ride the bus instead of the train because the OPTIONS: - bus stopped closer to her office. - train stopped closer to her office.
bus stopped closer to her office.
Better Socks<br>I always used to buy the cheapest socks available. I figured it was inconsequential. But I started walking to work and getting blisters. I upgraded to softer and more expensive sock varieties. Now I can never go back. expensive socks were bought by nixon OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Manson (upper body) will be in the lineup Sunday against the Oilers, Derek Van Diest of the Edmonton Sun reports. Manson was part of the morning skate Sunday, so it seemed likely that he would be able to play barring a setback. The 26-year-old has managed 31 points in 73 games, and he is returning from his absence to face an Oilers team on the second night of a back-to-back. Considering that Edmonton has a 3.16 GAA, this seems like a nice matchup to return for. Manson will be in the Sunday night lineup for the game. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes But when the WTO headquarters issue came up, and Germany made an offer and a pitch to get the WTO to be headquartered in Bonn, the Swiss suddenly realised they were vulnerable and began improving their offers. Swiss offered them vehicles. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Read this and answer the question Owing to economic conditions and the late 2000s recession, many of the proposed mega casinos never went further than the initial planning stages. One of these developers was Pinnacle Entertainment, who purchased the Sands Atlantic City, only to close it permanently November 11, 2006. The following year, the resort was demolished in a dramatic, Las Vegas styled implosion, the first of its kind in Atlantic City. While Pinnacle Entertainment intended to replace it with a $1.5–2 billion casino resort, the company canceled its construction plans and plans to sell the land. The biggest disappointment was when MGM Resorts International announced that it would pull out of all development for Atlantic City, effectively ending their plans for the MGM Grand Atlantic City. Why did many of the proposed mega casinos never get further than the initial planning stages?
economic conditions and the late 2000s recession
In this task, you are given a passage and a question regarding that passage. You must determine whether or not the question is answerable from the given passage. If a question is answerable, output should be 'True', otherwise 'False'. You must not consider any other information that is not provided in the passage while labelling True or False. -------- Question: Passage: Paleoclimatologists measure the ratio of oxygen-18 and oxygen-16 in the shells and skeletons of marine organisms to determine what the climate was like millions of years ago (see oxygen isotope ratio cycle). Seawater molecules that contain the lighter isotope, oxygen-16, evaporate at a slightly faster rate than water molecules containing the 12% heavier oxygen-18; this disparity increases at lower temperatures. During periods of lower global temperatures, snow and rain from that evaporated water tends to be higher in oxygen-16, and the seawater left behind tends to be higher in oxygen-18. Marine organisms then incorporate more oxygen-18 into their skeletons and shells than they would in a warmer climate. Paleoclimatologists also directly measure this ratio in the water molecules of ice core samples that are up to several hundreds of thousands of years old. Question: What form of oxygen do marine animals acquire in greater amounts during cooler climatic conditions? Answer: True Question: Passage: Before the foundation can be dug, contractors are typically required to verify and have existing utility lines marked, either by the utilities themselves or through a company specializing in such services. This lessens the likelihood of damage to the existing electrical, water, sewage, phone, and cable facilities, which could cause outages and potentially hazardous situations. During the construction of a building, the municipal building inspector inspects the building periodically to ensure that the construction adheres to the approved plans and the local building code. Once construction is complete and a final inspection has been passed, an occupancy permit may be issued. Question: Who inspects the building periodically to ensure that the construction adheres to the approved plans and the local building code? Answer: True Question: Passage: Connection-oriented transmission requires a setup phase in each involved node before any packet is transferred to establish the parameters of communication. The packets include a connection identifier rather than address information and are negotiated between endpoints so that they are delivered in order and with error checking. Address information is only transferred to each node during the connection set-up phase, when the route to the destination is discovered and an entry is added to the switching table in each network node through which the connection passes. The signaling protocols used allow the application to specify its requirements and discover link parameters. Acceptable values for service parameters may be negotiated. Routing a packet requires the node to look up the connection id in a table. The packet header can be small, as it only needs to contain this code and any information, such as length, timestamp, or sequence number, which is different for different packets. Question: What is a connection identifier Answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language. On the other hand , Nobuhisa surrounded himself with sycophants at his Edo residence and continued to live a life of profligate luxury .
D' autre part , Nobuhisa est entouré de flagorneurs à sa résidence d' Edo et continue à vivre une vie de luxe éhonté .
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Input: A middle-aged grandmother and her husband are defying their critics by celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary, despite their 29-year age gap. William Smith was just 15 when he fell in love with his best friend's mother, Marilyn Buttigieg, who was then 44 years old. The couple, from Crawley, West Sussex, shared their first date and kiss in September 2005. They came under fire from family and friends for the substantial age gap when they became an item when William was 16. Scroll down for video William Smith was just 16 when he fell in love with his best friend's mother, Marilyn Buttigieg, then 44William Smith was 15 when he fell in love with Marilyn Buttigieg, then 44Met after he was invited round to play computer games with her sonPair, from Crawley, West Sussex, say they have proved their critics wrongMarilyn's children have all but cut off contact with the loved-up pairMarilyn, now 54, left her then husband to be with William, now 25 Questions:Previously-wed _ added: 'I suppose we always will but people should realise by now after all these years it's a real thing and let us be. (A) William Smith (B) Marilyn Buttigieg (C) Crawley (D) West Sussex (E) William (F) Met Output:
Given a text, write a compressed version of it in a single sentence. [Q]: More cheerful was the proverb A bonny bride is shŭn buskit [well dressed]; but the wedding of two very unattractive people was rather unkindly summed up as Hairy butter is good enyoch for siddy [coarse] bread! [A]: A bonny bride is shŭn buskit; but the wedding of two very unattractive people was rather unkindly summed up as Hairy butter is good enyoch for siddy bread! [Q]: Comment : I can't prove it, but I suspect that an early draft included fifth answer: "attacked by dinosaurs just 800 years ago." [A]: Comment: I can't prove it, but I suspect an early draft included fifth answer. [Q]: But some analysts questioned how much of an impact the retirement package will have, because few jobs will end up being eliminated. [A]:
But some analysts questioned how much of an impact the retirement package will have.
Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What do you know about Lovesick / Mirrors? - Lovesick / Mirrors "Lovesick" / "Mirrors" is a double A-sided single released by Melbourne band The Getaway Plan on 12 August 2013. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - This is the band's first fully independent release and marks The Getaway Plan's departure from their label as well as their parting ways with longtime bass player and founding member, Dave Anderson. - What happen in 2013? - The songs were recorded during the 1st week of July 2013 at Loose Stones studios in Queensland, Australia. - What happen on August 12? - "Lovesick" / "Mirrors" was released digitally through iTunes on 12 August 2013. - What else was they known for? - The band also released a limited run of hand numbered, 7-inch vinyl which were sold on their online web store. Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What was Fred Proud's greatest success? - Fred Proud Fred Proud is a British theatre director. - What is the name of one of his plays? - He is the co-founder of the Soho Theatre Company, which he set up with his partner, the writer Verity Bargate, in 1969. - What was the Soho Theatre Company? - Known at the time as the Soho Poly Theatre, it won wide acclaim for its production of cutting-edge plays. - Is he still alive? - Now retired, Proud divides his time between London and Minas Gerais in Brazil. Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What happened in 1979 to Nickelodeon? -
Late that year, the Canadian sketch comedy series "You Can't Do That on Television" made its American debut on Nickelodeon, becoming its first hit series.
Please capitalize where necessary: guild wars 2 i danmark - profile of williampatton
Guild Wars 2 i Danmark - Profile of williampatton
How to sue for gender discrimination Gather information about the discriminatory conduct. You must have detailed evidence if you intend to pursue charges of gender discrimination. Consider keeping a record of all discriminatory statements or actions against you, including the date, time, and location of each incident and the names of everyone present or involved. Write down these record entries as soon as possible after the incident occurs so the details remain fresh in your mind. You also should keep any written documents or other physical evidence of discriminatory conduct. A man is shown wearing a helmet and climbing up on a rock wall. he continues to work his way up the rock wall while the camera captures his movements and panning around the mountains and water around them. How to work at a hotel Build a solid work history. Although where you have worked is important, the amount of time you have spent in a given job is important as well. Try to stay with a job for at least three years. Staying with an employer for three to four years shows commitment and stability. Build a solid yet related work history by starting at entry-level hotel positions like technical support, accounts payable, or even dishwashing. A large group of people are seen wandering around an area. One person is seen shoveling dirt out of the back of a truck. the camera
pans around to more people working.
Q: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. (CNN) There are some distinctions nobody wants to see passed on. The site of the deadliest attack on the LGBT community in U.S. history is one of them. For nearly 43 years, up until Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando, that horrible title belonged to New Orleans. A fire determined to be arson tore through the Up Stairs Lounge, a gay bar in the French Quarter, killing 32 people. Three victims were never identified. Several bodies were never claimed because the victims' families were too ashamed. The story of the Up Stairs Lounge fire did not draw an outpouring of attention and sympathy. No massive vigils sprouted up across the country. Banners offering solidarity with New Orleans were inconceivable. National leaders weren't moved to condemn the attack or issue condolences. Even local officials -- including the mayor, governor and archbishop -- stayed mum. (Never mind, say experts on the attack, that twice earlier in the year these leaders issued statements, even declared a day of mourning, after fires that were far less lethal.)Until Orlando, the worst mass murder of LGBT people in U.S. history belonged to New OrleansA June 24, 1973, arson attack on the Up Stairs Lounge, a gay bar, killed 32 Questions:"It was so incredibly painful that people did not want to talk about it," Camina said Monday, as he still struggled to absorb the deaths of 49 at the Pulse nightclub in _. (A) LGBT (B) U.S. (C) Orlando (D) New Orleans (E) Up Stairs Lounge (F) French Quarter A:
Q: "Because all of you of Earth are idiots!" shouted Tom, wearily wiping the glass counter, removing coconut oil from the reflections of overpriced candy bars. Inside the theater the movie echoed him: "Because all of you of Earth are idiots!" Tom sighed, not for the first time that evening. The Manager, who paid in cash every Sunday, had decided to take advantage of the bizarre tastes of his Generation X clients and offer an Ed Wood film festival. Bride of the Monster, Plan 9 From Outer Space, and Night of the Ghouls ran on the second, smaller screen on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, two bucks a head. The Manager was making a killing. Tom, who needed the job in order to move out of his parents' trailer home, found little about the Ed Wood canon amusing, although it was light-years beyond anything by Coleman Francis. Even so, Tom had been forced to hear the dialog of each film, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday... He only had to watch them once, having filled in for the Manager's weasel-featured nephew/projectionist Neoldner, who had called in sick to buy grass in Beloit. But he would have been able to forget the experience had it not been for the penetrating soundtrack which bled into the lobby. The ordeal, for tonight, was almost over - the concession stand closed after Plan 9. He hoped he had sold enough to keep his job - there was the worry that the Manager would increase his profit margin by manning the concession stand himself. But the Manager strolled out of the second theater with a broad grin, revealing his cutting overbite. "I don't know why," the Manager exclaimed, "but they love it!" "Most of them are from the 'Ed 9 Film Society,'" Tom replied. "By the way, I need to restock the chocolates." According to the above context, answer the following question. Why did Tom need this job? | OPTIONS: - The manager was very nice to him - Tom loved listening to the films - To move out of his parents' home - not enough information A: To move out of his parents' home Q: SEOUL — North Korea’s sudden threat to pull out of the upcoming summit with the U.S. raises new doubts of whether a denuclearization deal is possible. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed to meet with U.S President Donald Trump in Singapore on June 12 to work out an agreement to end the North’s nuclear program in exchange for security guarantees and an end to punishing international sanctions. But on Wednesday North Korea’s Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Kwan released a statement through the state-run KCNA news agency that criticized “unbridled remarks” made specifically by the U.S. president’s National Security Adviser John Bolton demanding that Pyongyang completely decommission its entire nuclear arsenal, along with its ballistic missile program and chemical weapons stockpile, before receiving any compensation or concessions. He expressed “indignation” at the U.S uncompromising position and said North Korea might pull out of the Trump-Kim summit, unless the Trump administration acts with “sincerity” to improve relations through dialogue. “If the United States is trying to drive us into a corner to force our unilateral nuclear abandonment, we will no longer be interested in such dialogue and cannot but reconsider our proceeding to the North Korea-U.S. summit,” the statement said. The vice foreign minister also said it was “absolutely absurd” that Bolton would compare Libya’s experience dismantling its relatively rudimentary nuclear program as a model for dealing with the North’s more advanced and expansive capabilities. He also denounced the Trump administration for “miscalculating the magnanimity” of Kim Jong Un’s decision to suspend further nuclear and missile tests, and his willingness to engage in nuclear talks, as “signs of weakness,” that were the result of what the U.S. administration has dubbed its “maximum pressure” campaign that led international efforts to impose punishing sanctions banning 90% of North Korean trade. The vice minister’s remarks came shortly after the North abruptly canceled... According to the above context, answer the following question. What will happen if North Korea pulls out of the summit? | OPTIONS: - Denuclearization won't happen - Sanctions will continue - not enough information - North Korea won't receive any compensation A: Sanctions will continue Q: Paul Reynolds crisscrossed his sketchbook with furious strokes, filling the pages with images of the vengeance he would take on his former coworkers at Fear and Loading Games. He'd founded the company three years back and, just a few hours ago, his partners and erstwhile friends had fired him without cause or warning. He concentrated hard as his pen brought to life demonic figures from one of the best-selling comics he'd created, scythe wielding cyber-men called Myrmidons who tore into surprised computer programmers with fangs and claws. Elsewhere on the page, computers assembled themselves into 21st century Golems, rising up against traitorous CEO's and producers to crush them to bloody pulp as they cowered beneath their desks. Sitting at the bar in Señor Goldstein's Mexican Restaurant in San Jose, California, Paul's own artwork engaged him for the first time in months, maybe years. Under other circumstances, that would have made him happy. But today's circumstances allowed only two emotions: despair and a burning desire for revenge. Not wanting to succumb to the former, and not quite wanting to find a gun and go back to the office, he instead drew. He had turned to a fresh page and begun to sketch his most elaborate revenge-scheme yet when a woman walked into his line of vision. There were four or five other women in the restaurant already (most of them employees), but this one stood out. This one would've stood out anywhere. Her hair, cut short and spiky, was dyed a magenta so bright it nearly glowed. She wore a tight black t-shirt, baggy olive drab shorts that hung on shapely hips, and heavy black boots with two inch thick soles. She had a faded black messenger bag slung across her chest, the strap pressing between her breasts. If Paul had to guess, she wasn't wearing a bra. She definitely wasn't your average Silicon Valley techie on an early lunch break, and certainly not a restaurant employee. According to the above context, answer the following question. When was Paul angry leaving the company meeting? | OPTIONS: - Before he met Reynold - That afternoon - not enough information - After he was fired.
A: After he was fired.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". A flood occurs when a river overflows its banks. This might happen because of heavy rains. Floodplains In very flat regions, flood water may spread out on the surface of the land. It then slows down and drops its sediment. If a river floods often, a floodplain develops. A floodplain is an area where a thick layer of rich soil is left behind as the floodwater recedes. Thats why floodplains are usually good places for growing plants. They are very flat areas and they have very rich soils. The Nile River valley is a great example of a floodplain. Each year, the Nile River rises over its banks. This floodwater carries a lot of sediment. This sediment has been eroded off areas of land from upstream. This sediment is dropped as the water slows down after spreading across the land. What is left behind is a very rich soil. Thats why crops can be raised in the middle of a sandy desert. Natural Levees A flooding river often forms natural levees along its banks. A levee is a raised strip of sediments deposited close to the waters edge. <sep>Where does the sediment in a flooding river come from, and where does it eventually come to rest?<sep>Sediment comes from areas of land upstream, and comes to rest in the floodplain
instruction: In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. question: Bolton Wanderers 1-2 Middlesbrough Birmingham City 1-2 Burnley Blackburn Rovers 0-2 Huddersfield Town Brentford 1-1 Bristol City Cardiff City 0-0 Queens Park Rangers Charlton Athletic 0-1 Derby County Leeds United 3-2 Reading Preston North End 1-1 MK Dons Rotherham United 0-0 Nottingham Forest Sheffield Wednesday 1-1 Ipswich Town answer: Reports for Saturday's Championship games, as Middlesbrough hold on to top spot after a thrilling win over Bolton. question: Noye, 69, was convicted of murdering 21-year Stephen Cameron in an attack on the M25 in Kent in 1996. Afterwards Noye went on the run and was arrested in Spain two years later. In September 2015 the parole board refused to order his release but recommended he be transferred to an open prison, which was rejected by the then Justice Secretary Michael Gove. Noye had argued Mr Gove's decision was "unlawful and irrational". The challenge had been contested by the current Justice Secretary Liz Truss who said there was "nothing irrational" about Mr Gove's decision. Mr Justice Lavender over-ruled the former justice secretary saying: "It will be for the current Secretary of State to take a fresh decision whether or not to transfer the claimant to an open prison." answer: Road rage killer Kenneth Noye has won a High Court battle to be moved to an open prison. question: The epicentre of the quake struck the city of Cushing, about 50 miles (80km) north-east of Oklahoma City, at 19:44 local time (01:44 GMT Monday). Tremors were felt as far away as Texas, and schools have closed in Cushing. Authorities in Cushing reported that at least 40 buildings were damaged. No one was seriously injured. Photographs posted on Twitter showed debris scattered alongside commercial buildings in the city. There have been 19 earthquakes in Oklahoma in the past week, according to data provided by the US Geological Survey. In September, a magnitude 5.6 quake in the state fuelled concerns that seismic activity in the area was connected to energy production. In 2013, scientists linked the underground injection of oil drilling wastewater to a magnitude-5.7 earthquake that struck Oklahoma in 2011. Cushing, which has a population of about 7,900, is home to one of the largest oil storage facilities in the US. No damage was reported there. answer:
An earthquake measuring magnitude 5.0 shook central Oklahoma on Sunday, causing substantial damage to dozens of buildings.
Reconstruct a question, answer pair from this explanation: At supermarket, we purchase groceries. Shopping bags are available at supermarket.
Q:Where would one find a shopping bag for packing groceries? Options: - supermarket - home - closet - mart - hardware store A:supermarket
Given the following passage "The main coastal towns are, from the west to the north-east, Minehead, Watchet, Burnham-on-Sea, Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead. The coastal area between Minehead and the eastern extreme of the administrative county's coastline at Brean Down is known as Bridgwater Bay, and is a National Nature Reserve. North of that, the coast forms Weston Bay and Sand Bay whose northern tip, Sand Point, marks the lower limit of the Severn Estuary. In the mid and north of the county the coastline is low as the level wetlands of the levels meet the sea. In the west, the coastline is high and dramatic where the plateau of Exmoor meets the sea, with high cliffs and waterfalls.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is Bridgwater Bay? ---- Answer: a National Nature Reserve Given the following passage "On August 19, the 1939 German–Soviet Commercial Agreement was finally signed. On 21 August, the Soviets suspended Tripartite military talks, citing other reasons. That same day, Stalin received assurance that Germany would approve secret protocols to the proposed non-aggression pact that would place half of Poland (border along the Vistula river), Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Bessarabia in the Soviets' sphere of influence. That night, Stalin replied that the Soviets were willing to sign the pact and that he would receive Ribbentrop on 23 August.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What relationship did Finland have with Russia? ---- Answer: in the Soviets' sphere of influence Given the following passage "The Ministry of Health is responsible for developing health policy as well as managing the SNS. Five regional health administrations are in charge of implementing the national health policy objectives, developing guidelines and protocols and supervising health care delivery. Decentralization efforts have aimed at shifting financial and management responsibility to the regional level. In practice, however, the autonomy of regional health administrations over budget setting and spending has been limited to primary care.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the happening when health care is being taken down to more of a local level ---- Answer:
Problem: Mayor Michael Bloomberg seemed ambivalent to the change, saying "I would like to see it stay the Freedom Tower, but it's their building, and they don't need me dumping on it. If they could rent the whole thing by changing the name, I guess they're going to do that, and they probably, from a responsible point of view, should. From a patriotic point of view, is it going to make any difference?". Based on that paragraph can we say the following? The Freedom Tower belongs to Michael Bloomberg. **** Answer: no Problem: Drug development is an enormously complex and expensive process. Based on that paragraph can we say the following? The Research and Development phase of creating a new drug is complicated. **** Answer: yes Problem: Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in the Olympic Range, rises to a height of 7,965 feet (2,428 meters) and is less than 25 miles (40 kilometers) from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Based on that paragraph can we say the following? Mount Olympus is near the Strait of Juan de Fuca. **** Answer: yes Problem: The currency used in China is the Renminbi Yuan. Based on that paragraph can we say the following? The Renminbi Yuan is the currency used in China. **** Answer:
Please answer the following question: Sharks are the most frightening animals in the sea. Sometimes we can see sharks swimming in the sea around Hong Kong. People put nets around some beaches to protect swimmers. When there is a "shark's flag", people must slay on the beach. It will be too late if a shark can swim sixty kilometers an hour to you. There are 30 kinds of sharks and 25 kinds of them are dangerous. The whale sharks are very big. They can grow to 18 meters long, but they are not dangerous to people. The jaws and the tiger sharks are the most dangerous kinds of sharks. Do you know all sharks must keep swimming, or they will go down? All sharks can feel everything that happens around them. We must keep _ and don't make any noise when a shark is swimming near you. If a shark loses a tooth, a new one will grow out very quickly. So sharks always have many sharp teeth. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A) It will be late if a shark can swim sixty kilometers an hour to you. B) There are 30 kinds of sharks in the sea. C) All sharks must keep swimming to go down in the sea. D) Sharks's teeth can grow out very quickly. Answer:
Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Q: He had apparently spaced out for a second or two. When he came to, a large, annoyed woman was leaning in toward him. "Mister? Mister, are you even listening to me?" He looked at the receding rows of fluorescent lights on the struts of the cavernous ceiling, the gleaming linoleum floors, the pallets of sale-priced plastic coolers and Special K and motor oil, and then he looked at the rack of merchandise at his back and understood that he was in a Wal-Mart, behind the returns counter. He heard his own voice saying, as if by reflex, "Do you have your receipt?" * At the first opportunity, he locked himself in a bathroom stall and dug out his wallet. His driver's license showed the right name, birthdate, and photo, but it had been issued by the State of North Carolina, and it listed an address he'd never heard of. He scrubbed his face at the sink. It was him in the mirror, a tanned and healthy 56, hair mostly gray but still all there. He felt groggy, as if he'd woken prematurely. It was only the numbness, he thought, that kept the panic at bay. If he didn't push, he found he knew the answers to some questions. He was due to clock out in an hour. When he left the parking lot he would go under the highway, turn left, and merge. * He found his way to a battered white Toyota pickup in the employee section. The key in his pocket started the engine. He forced himself not to think too hard as he drove, taking the turns that seemed to have a certain inevitability. He wound up on a dirt road near someplace called Pittsboro, in front of a small brick house surrounded by high yellow grass, pines, and live oaks. Question: Who spaced out A:
Q: Lagos, Nigeria (CNN) -- The court date of a man held after deadly bombings in Nigeria has been postponed because of fears about his safety in custody, his lawyer said Monday. Henry Okah is being held in a Johannesburg, South Africa, prison, but his lawyer, Rudi Krause, wants him separated from the general prison population for his safety, he said. He is being charged under terrorism legislation, Krause said. Extradition has not been discussed, he added. The prosecutor and police have applied for the hearing to be postponed to Tuesday morning, the lawyer said. Okah is suspected of being an influential member of the group that took responsibility for the bombings that killed 12 people and injured 50 in Nigeria on Friday. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, known as MEND, issued a statement Saturday saying it had given the Nigerian government advance warning. The Nigerian Intelligence Service said Monday that nine people have been arrested and are being questioned in connection with the blasts Friday in the nation's capital, Abuja. Authorities are still seeking two men, identified as Chima Orlu and Ben Jessy, whom they accuse of being the "masterminds" of the plot. But sources close to MEND told CNN that the two men are "not known to be MEND operatives or known to be active on the Niger Delta issue." They also raised concerns about the nine other arrests, calling them an "attempt by the Nigerian government to be seen to act." Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has appointed Andrew Azazi, his former chief of defense staff, to be the country's national security adviser in the wake of the bombings, Jonathan's office told CNN on Monday. Answer the following questions: 1. In which country is this? 2. Who is this about? 3. What did he do? 4. For what? 5. When does he go to trial? 6. Why? 7. According to who? 8. Who is he? 9. Where is he now? 10. Which country is that in? 11. What does his agent want? 12. From who? 13. Has removing him from that country been talked about? 14. When do they want his trial to be? 15. Who is advising the president on this? 16. Who is he? 17. How many people were hurt? 18. How many were fatally hurt? 19. What is MEND? 20. Who did they speak to? A: 1. Nigeria 2. Henry Okah 3. He is being charged under terrorism legislation 4. deadly bombings 5. It has been postponed 6. because of fears about his safety 7. his lawyer 8. Rudi Krause 9. Johannesburg 10. South Africa 11. him separated 12. the general prison population 13. No 14. Tuesday morning 15. Andrew Azazi 16. his former chief of defense staff 17. 50 18. 12 19. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta 20. the Nigerian government Q: Maybe you've heard of many musical bands, but have you heard of Little Big Town, a country musical group? There are four members in this band, Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman, Jimi Westbrook and Phillip Sweet. They had a hard time when they began their band at first, but they didn't give up. Now it becomes very popular. "We take care of each other and we take care of the music," Karen Fairchild once said after one of their shows. As a fan of this band, I once had a chance to hang out with the members of Little Big Town. We talked about their hard beginning. At that time, they even didn't have their own stage. Fairchild also told me how the four of them were together when they were in trouble. Not only did they stand together on stage but also in their daily life. For example, they were right there when Phillip Sweet was caring for his daughter for the first time. They encouraged Kimberly Schlapman when they found her husband _ . At that time Kimberly was very sad to lose her husband. "When we have lived such a hard life together, it bonds us tightly," Phillip Sweet said. "We find true happiness is the joy of doing what we do for a living. We love the hard beginning. We also love the wonderful future." Answer the following questions: 1. Who did the author get to hang out with? 2. How many people are in the band? 3. What's the first one's name? 4. The second? 5. The third? 6. The fourth? 7. What sort of genre do they sing? 8. Did they have an easy start? 9. What were they missing at first? 10. How did they get through their rough start? 11. Did one of them have a son? 12. What do they say true pleasure is? 13. Are they friends or just tolerate each other? 14. What did one of them grieve for that was hard? 15. What was his name? A: 1. the members of Little Big Town 2. Four 3. Karen Fairchild 4. Kimberly Schlapman 5. Jimi Westbrook 6. Phillip Sweet 7. country 8. no 9. A stage 10. Stood together 11. No 12. doing what they do for a living 13. Friends 14. Losing a husband 15. Phillip Q: A primate is a mammal of the order Primates (Latin: "prime, first rank"). In taxonomy, primates include two distinct lineages, strepsirrhines and haplorhines. Primates arose from ancestors that lived in the trees of tropical forests; many primate characteristics represent adaptations to life in this challenging three-dimensional environment. Most primate species remain at least partly arboreal. With the exception of humans, who inhabit every continent, most primates live in tropical or subtropical regions of the Americas, Africa and Asia. They range in size from Madame Berthe's mouse lemur, which weighs only , to the eastern gorilla, weighing over ; that is, without taking into account the weight of particular human individuals, reaching up to . Based on fossil evidence, the earliest known true primates, represented by the genus "Teilhardina", date to 55.8 million years old. An early close primate relative known from abundant remains is the Late Paleocene "Plesiadapis", c. 55–58 million years old. Molecular clock studies suggest that the primate branch may be even older, originating near the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary or around 63–74 mya. The order Primates was traditionally divided into two main groupings: prosimians and anthropoids (simians). Prosimians have characteristics more like those of the earliest primates, and include the lemurs of Madagascar, lorisoids, and tarsiers. Simians include monkeys, apes and hominins. More recently, taxonomists have preferred to split primates into the suborder Strepsirrhini, or wet-nosed primates, consisting of non-tarsier prosimians, and the suborder Haplorhini, or dry-nosed primates, consisting of tarsiers and the simians. Answer the following questions: 1. What type of animal is this about? 2. What does it mean? 3. In what language? 4. What are its two main components? 5. Do most live in trees? 6. What's the smallest primate? 7. Who was that primate named for? 8. Other than humans, what's the largest? 9. How long have there been primates? 10. What's the oldest fossil? 11. Where do lemurs live? 12. What grouping are they in? 13. What else is in that group? 14. Andthing else? 15. What's the other grouping? 16. Are humans prosimians or simians? 17. Which other animals are in that group? 18. What does Strepsirrhini mean? 19. And Haplorhini? 20. Where did the primates' forebears live? A:
1. primate 2. prime, first rank 3. Latin 4. strepsirrhines and haplorhines 5. at least partly 6. mouse lemur 7. Madame Berthe 8. the eastern gorilla 9. since around 63–74 mya 10. Teilhardina 11. Madagascar 12. Prosimians 13. lorisoids 14. tarsiers 15. anthropoids 16. Simians 17. monkeys 18. wet-nosed primates 19. dry-nosed primates 20. the trees of tropical forests
The Washington Supreme Court is asking the Legislature to approve a $90 surcharge on a court filing fee to help provide legal help for the poor in civil cases, Chief Justice Gerry Alexander said Wednesday. "Some might say, why should we support this when we face tough financial times?" Alexander asked in his State of the Judiciary address to a joint session of the Legislature. "It seems to me in America, where we rejoice in the fact that we are a nation devoted to the rule of law, we should not ration access to justice." The recommendation comes from the court's Task Force on Civil Equal Justice Funding, created in 2001 to look for ways to cope with the sparse amount of money available for such cases. As the task force was studying the issue, $900,000 was cut from state support for civil equal justice services. That prompted the state's two main legal services providers - Columbia Legal Services and Northwest Justice Project - to cut their staffs, Alexander said. The change would increase the cost of filing a lawsuit in Superior Court to $200. The total fee would be split, with 54 percent going to counties and 46 percent going to the state for a newly created equal justice account. Alexander also requested money for five additional Superior Court judgeships and one additional District Court judgeships, arguing that increased caseloads require more judges. Two of the Superior Court judges and the District Court judge would be in Clark County, with one Superior Court judge added in the joint district that serves Benton and Franklin counties and one each in Kittitas and Kitsap counties. What question would one ask from this paragraph? Answer: What prompted the state's two main legal services providers to cut their staffs? After becoming disabled in a machete attack on a visit to his native Haiti, Jean-Claude Joseph needed help persuading his landlord to move him from a fifth-floor apartment to one on the ground floor. Isaac Benjamin became ensnared in a bureaucratic snafu that took away his Social Security disability payments for more than two years. The story of Martha, a woman from Sierra Leone, was more compelling. Beaten, raped and tortured in her politically repressive homeland, she knowingly used someone else's passport to escape to America, but was caught by immigration authorities upon her arrival. She desperately sought political asylum. Not the kind of cases that lead to ground-breaking upheavals in the law, but the kind of cases that are handled day in and day out by lawyers for the legally disenfranchised who have no where else to turn. The work of attorneys from Legal Services of New Jersey will be highlighted in a onehour documentary, "Quest for Justice," to be aired 9 p.m. today on New Jersey Network. Produced by NYD2, a communications firm based in Somerset, the documentary features case histories of clients whose needs ranged from housing to fighting off deportation. Joseph, a 54-year-old naturalized citizen, turned to Legal Services when the landlord of his federally subsidized apartment complex in Elizabeth turned a deaf ear to his request for a ground-floor apartment. Having lost the use of his left arm in warding off the machete attack during a robbery attempt, Joseph said he found it increasingly difficult to negotiate the five flights of stairs lugging groceries or laundry on the frequent occasions when the building's elevator was out of order. "With this, it became impossible for me to stay upstairs," he said, pointing to the scars on his forearm. "If I cannot carry my groceries or my laundry, how can I live?" "It was a compelling case," said Legal Services attorney Stephen St. Hilaire. "The key for us -- and we have to make tough decisions all the time on whether to take a case -- was visualizing what he had to do to get to the fifth floor, struggling with a bag of groceries," he said. Benjamin, 53, of Jersey City had been collecting Social Security disability after undergoing double bypass surgery when the checks stopped coming. He said the agency claimed he had failed to return a form updating the condition of his health. "But what got me was they didn't let me know they didn't get it, they just cut me off," he said, adding he found it impossible to negotiate the Social Security bureaucracy himself. What question would one ask from this paragraph? Answer: Who was tortured in homeland and who caught her? U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell arrived here on Tuesday night for meetings with fellow foreign ministers aimed at solidifying a second front, in Southeast Asia, in the campaign against global terrorism. But he has had to balance that goal with longstanding concerns about human rights abuses in the region. In meetings on Tuesday in Malaysia and Singapore before touching down in this oil-producing sultanate for two days of talks with members of the Association of South East Asian Nations, Powell said he repeatedly raised the issue. "We still believe strongly in human rights, and that everything we do has to be consistent with universal standards of human rights," he said. But at a news conference in Singapore, Powell hinted that the Bush administration was ready to discuss resuming military cooperation with Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation and a sometimes reluctant partner in the efforts to crack down on militant Islamic groups. The United States cut virtually all military links with Indonesia in 1999 after its forces were implicated in the violence that swept East Timor after that territory voted for independence. On Thursday, Powell and representatives of the nations of the Asian group, including Indonesia, are expected to sign a declaration promising cooperation to prevent terrorism by sharing information, blocking funds, tightening borders and making it hard to use forged travel papers. "We recognized that terrorism is a global threat and that the disturbing acts of terrorism and transnational crimes, which continue to threaten world peace and stability, must be tackled by the international community," the ministers said in a communique on Tuesday. Powell is among the representatives from 13 nations outside Southeast Asia, including China, Japan and Russia, that are taking part in the annual meeting of the group's regional forum. Terrorism dominates the agenda, though the possibility of a meeting here between Powell and his North Korean counterpart, Paek Nam Sun, has generated the most news. It would be the highest-level contact between the United States and North Korea since President Bush took office. Powell heads to Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, late on Thursday before finishing a weeklong trip through the region in the Philippines on Saturday. He said that when he arrives in Jakarta, he will have "some ideas and some initiatives" to present to President Megawati Sukarnoputri. Indonesia is already receiving $400,000 in the current fiscal year for civilian training programs and is to receive a like amount next year; and the United States expects to provide an additional $16 million this year to train police officers in counterterrorism. At the same time, the Pentagon is reviewing how to allocate another $17 million in "counterterrorism fellowships," some of which could go to Indonesia. But a senior State Department official also acknowledged that some in the administration and Congress are pushing for more direct military cooperation, which would require congressional approval. "I think they recognize the danger that we all face and I think they have been cooperating more fully with us as time goes by, and I'm quite sure that Mrs. Megawati is committed to this cause," Powell said in Singapore. He met there with Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, who endorsed the idea of renewed military ties between the United States and Indonesia as an important step in stabilizing that country. What question would one ask from this paragraph? Answer:
Who does Secretary Powel say is committed to counterterrorism cause?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. where was joe biden a senator?
The southern state of Alabama is the center of the U.S. political universe this week as voters on Tuesday choose a senator to replace Jeff Sessions, who left the Senate to become attorney general. The race pits controversial Republican Roy Moore, who is battling sexual harassment allegations, against Democrat Doug Jones, a former prosecutor. The outcome of the race could have national implications for both political parties and for President Donald Trump. Moore has denied several allegations of sexual misconduct when he was in his 30s involving women who were teenagers at the time, including one who was 14. "I do not know them. I had no encounter with them. I never molested anyone," Moore said in a televised interview Sunday with the Voice of Alabama Politics. Jones says the accusations make Moore unfit to serve in the Senate. "It is crystal clear that these women are telling the truth and Roy Moore is not!" Jones said. Trump recorded a get-out-the-vote phone message for Moore and spoke on his behalf at a rally in neighboring Florida on Friday. "And we want jobs, jobs, jobs. So get out and vote for Roy Moore. Do it. Do it," he said. Trump held off on endorsing Moore for several weeks in the wake of the sexual misconduct allegations, but now says electing Moore is a priority for him. "We certainly don't want to have a liberal Democrat who is controlled by Nancy Pelosi and controlled by Chuck Schumer. We don't want to have that for Alabama," Trump said. In the final days of the campaign, Moore is highlighting his support for the president's agenda. "We are going to see if the people of Alabama will support the president and support his agenda in Washington by electing somebody that is not part of the establishment there," Moore said. Democrat Jones told supporters that Moore's character is the issue. "We know who we are, Alabama, we know who we are. This is an election to tell the world who we are and what we stand for." After the final days of the campaign, Moore probably is Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. still trying to get Alabama's vote. B. still battling sexual harassment allegations. C. not enough information D. still running against Doug Jones B I was about 14 and lived near a large tract of undeveloped land where people would go and park to fool around. There was a dirt road through the tract, but further down, it crossed two huge concrete pipes. The dirt was washed out between them, and the deep gulch made it impossible to cross in a car. Sometimes, eight or ten of us would go looking for parked cars. If we found one or more, we would go move this incredibly heavy stump onto the road and lay a telephone pole across it. It took all of us and it was incredibly heavy. It was impossible to drive around it because of the ditches and there was no way two or three people could move it. We'd go back to the car and set off a big string of fire crackers or shake the cat and slap on it and run like crazy. We'd watch from the woods as they drove like heck and come to a screeching stop at our roadblock. The guy would get out and try to lift the pole. Never happen. Then the car would drive the other way. That wouldn't happen because of the pipes. We'd go home leaving them in there. This was before cell phones, and it was miles to a pay phone. We'd go back the next day and find the stump and pole moved. We thought it was real funny until one night we set it up and beat on the trunk of a car. A couple was inside, getting it on. We hadn't noticed a guy sitting on the hood with a bottle of booze and a pistol. As we ran, he was shooting and we could hear bullets going through the underbrush. No one was hit, thank goodness. That was the end of that stunt. How did the pranksters feel after they were shot at? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. not enough information B. Scared C. Excited D. Adventurous B Q: Back in middle school, at least I think it was, I had art class. I didn’t particularly love it but it was interesting enough at the least to hold my attention. We got to class and the teacher pulled up a list of instructions on the projector. She had each of us follow the instructions and she gave us 20 minutes to complete all of them. It may even have been a bit of a race too, to see who finished it first. This becomes a lot more evident in a second. I can’t recall the exact details of the instructions, except that clearly it had to do with art such as having to draw a bunch of things. Anyways, we all went one by one down the instructions getting increasing nervous as to try to be the first one to finish. The class goes quiet while we work. Then I get to the last instruction which reads something along the lines of: “Step 15: Skip steps 1–14 and put your pencil down.” You gotta be freaking kidding me. We’re all so confused and mad at ourselves for not reading the whole of the instructions first. She turned this into a lesson for how we need to learn to read all the instructions first and then start, which was pretty clever. She got us! I remember this vividly to this day. But I look back now on this “prank” and I realize that she was kind of…wrong. Sure if the instructions are short like 15 steps it might be good to glance through before you start. But what about a whole load of instructions? Who the hell is going to read through the instructions for how to build their Death Star LEGO set before even starting to build it. Just a waste of time really. Note: I have never built a Death Star LEGO set. What grade was the author in when the text took place? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. Somewhere in grade 9-12 B. not enough information C. Somewhere in grade 1-5 D. Somewhere in grade 6-8 A: D Q: One of the challenges that every community faces, particularly teams inside a larger community, is the ability to coordinate what goals and ambitions the team is going to work on. Traditionally this has always been somewhat ad-hoc: people join a team and work on whatever they feel like. Ideas are ten-a-penny though. For most teams that work on larger projects (such as events, software, products and more) to actually be productive, coordinating this work can be complex: some projects require coordination across many people with different skill-sets, time-availability and resources. Something I would like us to work towards in the Ubuntu community is encouraging a culture of best-practise in how we plan our work and coordinate our awesome teams to work together on projects. I believe this kind of coordination can help our teams increase the opportunity for success in their work, feel more empowered and productive and provide greater insight to people outside those teams on what the team is doing. An effective way of doing this is to build a Roadmap for each cycle. This provides an opportunity to capture a set of goals the team will work together to achieve in each six-month period. This article outlines how to build such a Roadmap. While at first a roadmap can feel a little like a nod to the gods of bureaucracy, they actually possess many benefits: * Direction – one of the biggest complaints teams often report is a lack of direction. If a team gets into the habit of creating a roadmap at the beginning of a cycle, it gives the team a sense of focus and direction for the coming cycle. * Documented commitments are more effective – a common rule in Project Management training is that actions assigned to people in a shared document are more effective than ad-hoc or private commitments. By documenting who will work on what in a cycle and putting their name next to an action can help seal a sense of accountability for their contributions to the project. * Feeling of success – regularly revisiting a roadmap and... Why are some teams not productive Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. Because some ideas are ten-a-penny B. Because the work can be complex C. Because its too easy D. not enough information
A: B
Given the rationale, provide a reasonable question and answer. Step-by-step reasoning process: Country is a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. The place which has a leader is country. The question and answer:
What kind of place has a leader? Options: - army - battle - wildlife - country - organization The answer is country
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Of course, the most unforgettable classmate I had was also the most vicious bully. I attended a boarding school for badly behaved children and it had its fair share of bullies who had been expelled from mainstream schools. But this particular bully had even the teachers running scared. When he went off on one, it could take up to four teachers or members of care staff to get him under control. On my first night at boarding school, he stamped on someone's face and left them permanently disfigured. I never saw anything that bad again but it stayed with me and I could never sleep properly in that school again. On another occasion, it blew up and there were several members of staff restraining him when he farted. To see the teachers all moaning and groaning and huffing and puffing whilst trying to hold him down was hilarious, literally tears in their eyes. He was unpredictable and he didn't care. I once saw him swing a hammer at another pupil and throw snooker balls at another, and he used to punch as if he was throwing something, so it would result in a painful blow. Eventually, the staff couldn't cope with him as they were just as scared as we were. He was removed from the school and placed in a secure unit. The night he left, several of us cried with relief. Last year, I was reading an article in a newspaper when a name caught my eye. It seems he became a hopeless heroin addict at some point and had died in his flat on an overdose of prescription drugs and smack. I felt sad when I read it but I couldn't work out why. Maybe it was because my brother died in the same manner? He was certainly a character, an absolute nutter and ruthless bully who had everyone fearing him. Most definitely the most unforgettable classmate. Question: Who was the bully? Output:
A student at the boarding school
Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a correct English sentence. You need to generate an incorrect form of the input sentence. Input: In rich families , each family member has a car . Output:
In the reach family all the components have a cars .
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Late on the next Sunday afternoon Gifford had gone for a country walk which he had arranged to bring him round in time for the evening service at the little village church of Wynford standing just outside the park boundary. His way took him by well-remembered field-paths which, although towards the end of his walk darkness had set in, he had no difficulty in tracing. The last field he crossed brought him to a by-road joining the highway which ran through Wynford, the junction being about a quarter of a mile from the church. As he neared the stile which admitted to the road he saw, on the other side of the hedge and showing just above it, the head of a man. At the sound of his footsteps the man quickly turned, and, as for a moment the fitful moonlight caught his face, Gifford was sure he recognized Gervase Henshaw. But he took no notice and kept on his way to the stile, which he crossed and gained the road. As he did so he glanced back. A horse and trap was waiting there with Henshaw in it. He was now bending down, probably with the object of concealing his identity, and had moved on a few paces farther down the road. <sep>What was Henshaw doing?<sep>Hiding from Gifford with a horse and trap
Fatsia japonica(syn. "Aralia japonica" Thunb., "A. sieboldii" Hort. ex K.Koch), also glossy-leaf paper plant, fatsi, paperplant or Japanese aralia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Araliaceae, native to southern Japan, southern Korea, and Taiwan. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Fatsia japonica is not the family Araliaceae."?
Ques:If you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of water, if he isn't breathing, you have four minutes before his brain is completely destroyed. Support his neck, tilt his head back and press his chin upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesn't work, start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils together with your fingers. Open your mouth and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing until help arrives. To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently blow into his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If, in spite of your efforts, he starts turning a blue-gray color1, and you can feel no pulse,then pressing is the last chance of saving his life. With arms straight, rock forwards, pressing down on the lower half of the breastbone. Don't be too hard or you may break a rib. Check how effective you are by watching if his color1 improves or his pulse becomes independent to your chest pressing. If this happens, stop the pressing. Otherwise continue until help arrives. This passage is mainly about how to_. A) save drowning people out of water B) give first aid to drowning people C) do mouth-to-mouth breathing D) bring a drowning child back to life Ans:B ----- Ques:This happened several years ago.But it has stuck with me so I wanted to share it. Every day on my way to work I would buy a newspaper from an elderly gentleman on the corner of the street.He would always smile and say,"Good morning."His smile always made my day. Most of the people who sell these papers are homeless or poor and they do it to make a few bucks. One day Charlie wasn't there!Someone else was in his place! This other guy told me Charlie was in the veterans' hospital. It troubled me all day long.All I could think about was Charlie being alone in the hospital.I never knew he was a veteran who had served our country.I just knew his smile always made my day. I asked my girlfriend if she would go with me to visit him and she agreed.When I showed up in Charlie's room he began to cry.He told us he had been feeling very lonely and was convinced no one would ever visit him.He said that we were his only visitors. We told him we were glad to do it and thanked him for all that he had done for others. I never saw Charlie after that,although I heard he moved to California.That was thirty years ago but I haven't forgotten my smiling friend.A big thankyou to those who serve our country and protect us and thank you Charlie,wherever you are! What troubled the writer all day? A) He was late for his work. B) He knew Charlie was in hospital. C) He was alone in the hospital. D) He found Charlie an old soldier. Ans:B ----- Ques:Have you ever thought about why malls, restaurants, and even theaters have music? Well, to understand this, you simply just look back at how you felt when you heard music in these places. Music is known to improve the mood of people. Often music helps us pay attention to what we are doing. Music helps patients feel good and helps them recover faster and better. Depression is a state of mind that most of us experience at some point of time. There are some periods in our life when everything seems difficult. It seems that everything is getting worse and we have no control over our life. Studies have shown that music can be an important mood lifter in such situations. Music also plays a great role in making us feel less nervous or worried. Anxiety can often cause loss of sleep and other illnesses. Music is often known as an international language. We may not know the language another person is speaking, but most of us respond to music in the same way. Music can often be the best way to connect with someone. Music is one of the best ways to improve your moods, but this can depend largely on the kind of music you listen to. While happy music can certainly make you feel better, sad music can further lower your spirits. Listening to classical music can often make you feel a lot more powerful, while soft music can be the perfect way to relax at the end of a long way. If you want to use music to change the way how you are feeling, you need to understand the role of it, learn to recognize the kind of music that lifts your mood and helps you feel better. Once you realize the kind of music you can use, you can use it to change the way you feel. The right kind of music can be the perfect way to help us feel happier. From the passage, we can know that _ . A) most of us suffer depression all the time B) most of us respond to music in different ways C) music can be a good way to connect with others D) any kind of music will help us improve our moods Ans:C ----- Ques:For centuries, the body's blood has been linked closely with the emotions.People who show no human emotions or feelings, are said to be cold-blooded killer.For example, the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer.He seems to kill for no reason, and no emotion, as if taking someone's life as nothing. Cold can affect other parts of the body.The expression "get cold feet" has nothing to do with cold or your feet.The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do.For example, you agree to be president of an organization.But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned, and all the work of the organizations will be your responsibility.You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation. The expression "give someone the cold shoulder" probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face to face.You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you.Or, to someone who has lied about you to others. A cold fish is not a fish.It is a person.But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth.A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone.Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted.Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy.Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who, without feelings, broke the hearts of their lovers. "Out in the cold" means not getting something that everybody else got.A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise----he was left out in the cold.And it is not a pleasant place to be. We can use the expression " _ " to describe a man who abandons or hurts his lover without mercy. A) cold-blooded B) cold shoulder C) cold feet D) cold-hearted Ans:
D -----
instruction: In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. question: United States Marine Corps -- The United States Marine Corps (USMC), also referred to as the United States Marines, is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for conducting amphibious operations with the United States Navy. The U.S. Marine Corps is one of the four armed service branches in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and one of the seven uniformed services of the United States. answer: is the marine corp part of the us navy question: Chevrolet Equinox -- The Chevrolet Equinox is a mid-size (2004--2017 models), later compact (2018--present models) crossover SUV from Chevrolet based on General Motors's Theta unibody platform, and introduced in 2004 for the 2005 model year. answer: is the chevy equinox a mid size suv question: Admission to practice law -- Regulation of the legal profession is a power reserved to the states pursuant to the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution. Each state, territory and the District of Columbia has its own rules. Unlike many other countries, US jurisdictions do not license legal practitioners as solicitors and barristers, but all licensed attorneys are qualified to practice as both. answer:
can an attorney practice law in any state
By Andrew Pierce PUBLISHED: 20:47 EST, 7 November 2013 | UPDATED: 06:42 EST, 8 November 2013 Ed Miliband's most senior adviser, Lord Stewart Wood, says a future Labour government should swing sharply to the Left Ed Miliband’s most senior adviser says a future Labour government should swing sharply to the Left, overturning many of the economic reforms brought in by Margaret Thatcher. In a hard-hitting speech to a conference sponsored by the Unite trade union, Lord Stewart Wood launched a fierce attack on privatisation, the cutting of business regulation, tax cuts for higher earners and the Coalition’s austerity programme. ‘Like the idea of the OPTIONS: - Andrew Pierce years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ - Coalition years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ - Ed Miliband years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ - Labour years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ - Left years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ - Margaret Thatcher years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ - Stewart Wood years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ - Unite trade union years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ ===== Margaret Thatcher years but a Left supply-side revolution is what we need.’ By Dan Bloom Rusting dog tags worn by the hero pilot Sir Douglas Bader while he languished in a Nazi Prisoner of War Camp are being auctioned for up to £1,800. The Second World War ace was captured in August 1941 after his plane crashed into another in mid-air over Le Touquet, France. After successfully escaping his captors - despite having artificial legs - he was eventually sent to Germany's top-security Colditz Castle where he was forced to remain until the war ended. Now two tags, one issued by the RAF and the other made by the Nazis with the label 'Oflag IV-C', Colditz's codename, will be among 350 Second World War lots auctioned next month. Sir Douglas, who lost both his legs in a 1931 flying accident, became one of the OPTIONS: - Colditz's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Colditz Castle's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Dan Bloom's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Douglas Bader's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - France's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Germany's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Le Touquet's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Nazi Prisoner of War Camp's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Nazis's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - New York's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Oflag IV C' - codename's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Oflag IV-C's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - RAF's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. - Second World War's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. ===== Second World War's most celebrated pilots for his uncompromising and fearless approach. Leaders of the G7 nations on Friday condemned Russian actions in and around Ukraine, promising punishments aimed at sending a message to Moscow. "We have now agreed that we will move swiftly to impose additional sanctions on Russia," the G7 leaders said. "Given the urgency of securing the opportunity for a successful and peaceful democratic vote next month in Ukraine's presidential elections, we have committed to act urgently to intensify targeted sanctions and measures to increase the costs of Russia's actions." The statement from the group -- which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States -- came hours after U.S. President Barack Obama threatened Russia on Friday with new sanctions. Russia's defense chief ordered new military drills Thursday near the border with eastern Ukraine after OPTIONS: - Barack Obama forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Canada forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - France forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - G7 forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Germany forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Italy forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Japan forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Moscow forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Russia forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Russian forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Slavyansk forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - U.S. forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Ukraine forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - Ukrainian forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - United Kingdom forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. - United States forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk. =====
Ukraine forces said they killed five pro-Russian militants in an operation to clear roadblocks near the city of Slavyansk.
According to the Social Security Trustees, who oversee the program and report on its financial condition, program costs are expected to exceed non-interest income from 2010 onward. However, due to interest (earned at a 3.6% rate in 2014) the program will run an overall surplus that adds to the fund through the end of 2019. Under current law, the securities in the Trust Fund represent a legal obligation the government must honor when program revenues are no longer sufficient to fully fund benefit payments. However, when the Trust Fund is used to cover program deficits in a given year, the Trust Fund balance is reduced. By 2034, the Trust Fund is expected to be exhausted. Thereafter, payroll taxes are projected to only cover approximately 79% of program obligations. does the social security fund have a surplus? +++++ Answer: yes The corticospinal tract conducts impulses from the brain to the spinal cord. It is made up of a lateral and anterior tract. The corticospinal tract is involved in voluntary movement. The majority of fibres of the corticospinal tract cross over in the medulla oblongata, resulting in muscles being controlled by the opposite side of the brain. The corticospinal tract also contains Betz cells (the largest pyramidal cells), which are not found in any other region of the body. paths from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord are called the corticospinal tracts? +++++ Answer: yes On May 20, 2014, Meryl Davis and her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy were crowned the champions, marking the first time that Chmerkovskiy has won. Amy Purdy and Derek Hough were the runners-up, and Candace Cameron Bure and Mark Ballas finished in third place. did candace cameron win dancing with the stars? +++++ Answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible. Which member of the conservative party is the oldest ?
Charles Edward Hamilton
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True) One example: Passage: Property tax -- Property tax or 'house tax' is a local tax on buildings, along with appurtenant land. It is and imposed on the Possessor (not the custodian of property as per 1978, 44th amendment of constitution). It resembles the US-type wealth tax and differs from the excise-type UK rate. The tax power is vested in the states and is delegated to local bodies, specifying the valuation method, rate band, and collection procedures. The tax base is the annual rental value (ARV) or area-based rating. Owner-occupied and other properties not producing rent are assessed on cost and then converted into ARV by applying a percentage of cost, usually four percent. Vacant land is generally exempt. Central government properties are exempt. Instead a 'service charge' is permissible under executive order. Properties of foreign missions also enjoy tax exemption without requiring reciprocity. The tax is usually accompanied by service taxes, e.g., water tax, drainage tax, conservancy (sanitation) tax, lighting tax, all using the same tax base. The rate structure is flat on rural (panchayat) properties, but in the urban (municipal) areas it is mildly progressive with about 80% of assessments falling in the first two brackets. Question: is house tax and property tax are same Solution is here: 1 Explanation: The question asks whether the house tax is the same as property tax. As per the passage, property tax is also called house tax and so the label 1 (True) is correct. Now, solve this: Passage: Korea and the United Nations -- Coming with change of recognition in 1971 of the Chinese seat, North Korea gained observer status. North Korea has never held a seat on the UN Security Council. Question: is north korea a member of united nation Solution:
Fill in the response. Convo: A. What types of testing is performed during system testing?; B. The testing will be conducted on both hardware and software.; A. Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?; B. And from the view of different procedures, the testing comprises R&D testing, factory testing and certificate testing.; A. What types of testing are performed on mobile devices?; B.
Mobile-device testing involves a set of activities from monitoring and trouble shooting mobile application, content and services on real handsets.
In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible. Which municipality surrounds the city in Canada with an average July daily high of 24 °C ? Portage la Prairie What was the host city of the Olympics when Pauga Lalau was the flag bearer for Samoa ? Sydney What is the rank of the gymnast from the country whose capital and largest city is Sofia ?
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Hard-hitting Chris Hala'ufia flattened a streaker and was then sent off for a brutal attack on Leicester forward Laurence Pearce during Saturday's Aviva Premiership clash. The Tongan number eight, who has been warned in the past over his ill-discipline, halted Pearce in his tracks with a shoulder charge and left him prone on the ground. After studying replays on the big screen, referee Tim Wigglesworth showed Hala'ufia a yellow card and then changed it to red after he had seen him shove Pearce's head into the ground. London Welsh forward Chris Hala'ufia tackles a streaker during Saturday's Aviva Premiership matchChris Hala'ufia flattened a streaker with flying tackle at LeicesterLondon Welsh forward halted Laurence Pearce with shoulder chargeThe number eight then shoved Pearce's head into the groundReferee sent him off after studying replays on the big screen Question:Leicester fought back from a shock 10-7 half time deficit to score 31 points in a one sided second half against the relegated _. Output:
London Welsh
Please answer this: Given the following passage "In January 2002, the United States Special Operations Command, Pacific deployed to the Philippines to advise and assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines in combating Filipino Islamist groups. The operations were mainly focused on removing the Abu Sayyaf group and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) from their stronghold on the island of Basilan. The second portion of the operation was conducted as a humanitarian program called "Operation Smiles". The goal of the program was to provide medical care and services to the region of Basilan as part of a "Hearts and Minds" program. Joint Special Operations Task Force – Philippines disbanded in June 2014, ending a 14-year mission. After JSOTF-P disbanded, as late as November 2014, American forces continued to operate in the Philippines under the name "PACOM Augmentation Team".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what time period is mentioned second to last? ++++++++ Answer: June 2014 Please answer this: Given the following passage "In 1975, the band left for a world tour with each member in Zandra Rhodes-created costumes and accompanied with banks of lights and effects. They toured the US as headliners, and played in Canada for the first time. In September, after an acromonious split with Trident, the band negotiated themselves out of their Trident Studios contract and searched for new management. One of the options they considered was an offer from Led Zeppelin's manager, Peter Grant. Grant wanted them to sign with Led Zeppelin's own production company, Swan Song Records. The band found the contract unacceptable and instead contacted Elton John's manager, John Reid, who accepted the position.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: In 1975, what did the band do that they had never done before? ++++++++ Answer: played in Canada Please answer this: Given the following passage "Samskrita Bharati is an organisation working for Sanskrit revival. The "All-India Sanskrit Festival" (since 2002) holds composition contests. The 1991 Indian census reported 49,736 fluent speakers of Sanskrit. Sanskrit learning programmes also feature on the lists of most AIR broadcasting centres. The Mattur village in central Karnataka claims to have native speakers of Sanskrit among its population. Inhabitants of all castes learn Sanskrit starting in childhood and converse in the language. Even the local Muslims converse in Sanskrit. Historically, the village was given by king Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire to Vedic scholars and their families, while people in his kingdom spoke Kannada and Telugu. Another effort concentrates on preserving and passing along the oral tradition of the Vedas, is one such organisation based out of Hyderabad that has been digitising the Vedas by recording recitations of Vedic Pandits.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Pandits are able to read and understand which general Hindu language? ++++++++ Answer:
How to renew laminate kitchen countertops<br>Purchase supplies. You'll be using rust-oleum's new countertop transformations coating system as your paint gloss along with needing paint brushes, plastic sheeting (to cover surrounding areas), paint rollers, rubber gloves, painter's tape and sandpaper. Degloss the countertops using a diamond-embedded sanding kit. Purchasing supplies at Home Depot is best. You'll be using rust-oleum's new countertop transformations coating system as your paint. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: The way this specific court interprets "limited times" could possibly but not certainly make it without clear meaning Context: This Court's interpretation of "limited times" could, of course, eviscerate that term of any meaning, but under the principle of enumeration as this Court has articulated it, this Court should interpret that clause in a way that gives its terms effect in a simple way. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes Context: Christine Harper is an award-winning journalist who works as the chief financial correspondent for Bloomberg News. She has worked for the company since 1998 when she joined the London office. She has reported on Wall Street from New York since April 2006, and is noted for her coverage of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Hypothesis: Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley cannot be covered by a correspondent. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hello & Goodbye is the tenth and final studio album by the Christian pop group Jump5. The album includes a cover of the Beatles song "Hello Goodbye" which former Jump5 member Libby Hodges performs guest vocals on, a re-recorded version of "Throw Your Hands Up," and a recording of the Star Spangled Banner. It was in heavy rotation on Radio Disney. Sentence: Libby Hodges has been with Jump5 since the start to when they recorded their final album. Output: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Jacques Santer succeeded Jacques Delors as president of the European Commission in 1995, the second Luxembourger to hold this high office. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: the second Luxembourger changed his mind after the fact **** Answer: It's impossible to say How to break a lock<br>Determine whether your padlock has a single-or double-lock shackle. In most cases, this will be impossible to determine by just looking at the padlock. Check its packaging, contact its manufacturers, or research it online to discover what kind of shackle it has. In most cases, this will be possible to determine by just looking at the padlock. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Given the question: Manny had Bob Marley cranking on the stereo, his van was full of passengers, and the air conditioning was working after a long week of giving him trouble. The sun beat down on the wet-looking asphalt road that ran along the harbor, next to the concrete waterfront. It curved along in front of the brightly colored Dutch Colonial warehouses of Charlotte Amalie, which were now converted restaurants and jewel shops. Tourists in day-glo shirts and daubs of sunscreen rubbed over peeling skin crowded both sides of the waterfront road. Manny slowed somewhat, keeping an eye on them. On the sidewalk by the shops a tall black man stood by a food cart. The hand-painted wooden sign hanging from the cart's side had faded letters. The man wore a grand suit with tails, like an orchestra conductor, and a top hat perched on his shaved head. A cigar burned in his mouth. For a brief second he held Manny's attention. Then the food cart's owner stepped forward and the strangely dressed man disappeared. Manny looked at the other side of the road. A white girl with oval shaped sunglasses and pink leather pants stepped off the sidewalk into the road in front of his van. He slammed on the brakes, trying to dodge her, but the van couldn't respond that fast. Her ponytail flew up towards the windshield and her head struck the star-shaped hood ornament. She bounced along the asphalt. Manny weaved the van to a stop, with swearing from the passengers in the back. He opened the door and stepped out into the heat. Get up, stand up, the radio cried out, and that was what Manny hoped would happen. He hoped that she would at least just stir and be okay. But she just lay there. What was the weather like? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - cloudy - rainy - not enough information - sunny The answer is:
Q: (CNN) -- Novak Djokovic wasted little time in breezing through to the second round of the French Open with a straight sets victory over Dutchman Thiemo De Bakker in Paris Monday. The victory extends Djokovic's remarkable winning streak since the start of the year to 38, four short of the record held by John McEnroe from 1984. Djokovic's overall winning run, taking in the end of last season, extends to 40 and if he claims the French Open title he will tie Guillermo Villas for the all-time record of 46. The Serbian took just one hour 32 minutes to claim a 6-2 6-1 6-3 victory on the Philipe Chartrier court at Roland Garros, breaking his young opponent at will with another commanding display. Djokovic will face either French wild card Benoit Paire or Romania's Victor Hanescu for a place in the last 32. "It's my favorite grand slam, even though I haven't won it yet," Djokovic told gathered reporters. "I've been playing really well on clay. I've won three tournaments (on clay) in the last few weeks, so I'm trying to build on that confidence," he added. Djokovic won the opening grand slam of the season in Australia and has claimed six other titles, including four Masters events. Roger Federer joined Djokovic in the second round after he dispatched Spaniard Feliciano Lopez with a 6-3 6-4 7-6 victory in the next match on the main court. A single break of service in each of the first two sets put the Swiss maestro in command and he closed out the deciding tiebreaker 7-3 to progress. 1. Australia 2. 40 3. Benoit Paire or Victor Hanescu 4. yes 5. Masters 6. six others 7. Thiemo De Bakke 8. Thiemo De Bakker claims nothing 9. Serbian took just one hour 32 minutes to claim a 6-2 6-1 6-3 victory 10. Roger Federer joined Djokovic Numbered questions: 1. Where did Djokovic win the opening grand slam of the season? 2. How many wins has he had? 3. Who is he set to face next? 4. Has he claimed any titles? 5. What titles? 6. Any others? 7. Who was the victory over on Monday? 8. What does he claim? 9. How long did it take him to claim victory? 10. Who joined him in the second round? input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. Lesotho, officially the Kingdom of Lesotho (), is an enclaved, landlocked country in southern Africa completely surrounded by South Africa. It is just over in size and has a population of around /1e6 round 0 million. Its capital and largest city is Maseru. Previously known as Basutoland, Lesotho declared independence from the United Kingdom on 4 October 1966. It is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The name "Lesotho" translates roughly into "the land of the people who speak Sesotho". About 40% of the population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day. The original inhabitants of the area now known as Lesotho were the San people. Examples of their rock art can be found in the mountains throughout the area. The present Lesotho, then called Basutoland, emerged as a single polity under King Moshoeshoe I in 1822. Moshoeshoe, a son of Mokhachane, a minor chief of the Bakoteli lineage, formed his own clan and became a chief around 1804. Between 1821 and 1823, he and his followers settled at the Butha-Buthe Mountain, joining with former adversaries in resistance against the Lifaqane associated with the reign of Shaka Zulu from 1818 to 1828. 1. what are the natives now known as? 2. who were they? 3. when was it founded? 4. who was the king then? 5. what is it's capital? 6. what can be found in the mountains? 7. what is it's official name? 8. when did it gain independence? 9. from? 10. does it have any water bodies around it? 11. was the king's father a king as well? 12. what was he? 13. of? 14. did he form his own clan? 15. when did he become chief? 16. is Maseru the largest city? 17. what does Lesotho mean? 18. how many organizations is it a member of? 19. please name them. numbered_answers: 1. Lesotho 2. the San people 3. 1822 4. King Moshoeshoe I 5. Maseru 6. rock art 7. the Kingdom of Lesotho 8. 4 October 196 9. the United Kingdom 10. No 11. No 12. a minor chief 13. the Bakoteli lineage 14. Yes 15. around 1804 16. Yes 17. the land of the people who speak Sesotho 18. Three 19. the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE DINNER AT BICKERSTAFF'S--HIFFERNAN AND HIS IMPECUNIOSITY--KENRICK'S EPIGRAM--JOHNSON'S CONSOLATION--GOLDSMITH'S TOILET--THE BLOOM-COLORED COAT--NEW ACQUAINTANCES--THE HORNECKS--A TOUCH OF POETRY AND PASSION--THE JESSAMY BRIDE In October Goldsmith returned to town and resumed his usual haunts. We hear of him at a dinner given by his countryman, Isaac Bickerstaff, author of Love in a Village, Lionel and Clarissa, and other successful dramatic pieces. The dinner was to be followed by the reading by Bickerstaff of a new play. Among the guests was one Paul Hiffernan, likewise an Irishman; somewhat idle and intemperate; who lived nobody knew how nor where, sponging wherever he had a chance, and often of course upon Goldsmith, who was ever the vagabond's friend, or rather victim. Hiffernan was something of a physician, and elevated the emptiness of his purse into the dignity of a disease, which he termed _impecuniosity_, and against which he claimed a right to call for relief from the healthier purses of his friends. He was a scribbler for the newspapers, and latterly a dramatic critic, which had probably gained him an invitation to the dinner and reading. The wine and wassail, however, befogged his senses. Scarce had the author got into the second act of his play, when Hiffernan began to nod, and at length snored outright. Bickerstaff was embarrassed, but continued to read in a more elevated tone. The louder he read, the louder Hiffernan snored; until the author came to a pause. "Never mind the brute, Bick, but go on," cried Goldsmith. "He would have served Homer just so if he were here and reading his own works." What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. What chapter are we discussing? 2. What month is it? 3. What happened in October? 4. Where did he go? 5. Who was giving the dinner? 6. Who was Isaac Bickerstaff? 7. What did he write? 8. What was he going to read? 9. who else was attending? 10. What was his profession 11. Do he do anything else? 12. Was he drunk? 13. What did that cause him to do? 14. Was he loud? 15. What country was he from? 16. Did the snoring make him quit? 17. Who encouraged him to continue? 18. Did Hifferman ever take advantage of Goldsmitih? 19. Did they know where he lived? 20. Where did he get his money when he could? Answer:
1. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE 2. October 3. Goldsmith returned to town and resumed his usual haunts 4. to a dinner 5. A dinner that was to be followed by the reading by Bickerstaff 6. An author 7. Love in a Village, Lionel and Clarissa, and other successful dramatic pieces. 8. a new play 9. Paul Hiffernan 10. a physician 11. a scribbler for the newspapers, and a dramatic critic, 12. yes 13. He began to nod, and at length snored outright 14. Yes 15. He was Irish in decent 16. Bickerstaff didn't stop his reading 17. Goldsmith 18. yes 19. It doesn't explicitly say 20. sponging wherever he had a chance, and often of course upon Goldsmith
instruction: In this task, you are given a passage and a question regarding that passage. You must determine whether or not the question is answerable from the given passage. If a question is answerable, output should be 'True', otherwise 'False'. You must not consider any other information that is not provided in the passage while labelling True or False. question: Passage: BSkyB's standard definition broadcasts are in DVB-compliant MPEG-2, with the Sky Movies and Sky Box Office channels including optional Dolby Digital soundtracks for recent films, although these are only accessible with a Sky+ box. Sky+ HD material is broadcast using MPEG-4 and most of the HD material uses the DVB-S2 standard. Interactive services and 7-day EPG use the proprietary OpenTV system, with set-top boxes including modems for a return path. Sky News, amongst other channels, provides a pseudo-video on demand interactive service by broadcasting looping video streams. Question: Sky Movies and Sky Box office also include what optional soundtracks? answer: True question: Passage: Packet switching contrasts with another principal networking paradigm, circuit switching, a method which pre-allocates dedicated network bandwidth specifically for each communication session, each having a constant bit rate and latency between nodes. In cases of billable services, such as cellular communication services, circuit switching is characterized by a fee per unit of connection time, even when no data is transferred, while packet switching may be characterized by a fee per unit of information transmitted, such as characters, packets, or messages. Question: What does packet switching pre-allocate? answer: False question: Passage: Large-scale construction requires collaboration across multiple disciplines. An architect normally manages the job, and a construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer or project manager supervises it. For the successful execution of a project, effective planning is essential. Those involved with the design and execution of the infrastructure in question must consider zoning requirements, the environmental impact of the job, the successful scheduling, budgeting, construction-site safety, availability and transportation of building materials, logistics, inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays and bidding, etc. The largest construction projects are referred to as megaprojects. Question: What is seldom considered by those involved with the design and execution of infatructure? answer:
What happens next? How to get more rem sleep Understand the stages of sleep. There are four stages of sleep, with the fourth and final stage being rem sleep. In order to get more rem sleep, you need to gradually allow your mind and body to go through the first three stages of sleep. Pick from: * Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and healthy sleep habits will help you do this. Stage n1: this is when you are transitioning into sleep and lasts about five minutes.. * When all of the stages are connected, your body will be set up for sleep. These stages will teach you that sleep is the most productive way for your brain, body, and mind to deal with the burden and energy coming from your body, especially during your sleep cycle.. * The first stage is sleep deprivation, when you are sluggish, sleepy, and have trouble falling asleep. For some people, this stage is not completely remedied with triperous sleep, which means that after several days you will still be groggy and drowsy.. * You feel calmer, more relaxed, and more alert by the third and final stage of rem sleep. The stages start at 6:35 in the morning and are important during the day..
Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and healthy sleep habits will help you do this. Stage n1: this is when you are transitioning into sleep and lasts about five minutes.
To maintain lactation, a dairy cow must be bred and produce calves. Depending on market conditions, the cow may be bred with a ``dairy bull'' or a ``beef bull.'' Female calves (heifers) with dairy breeding may be kept as replacement cows for the dairy herd. If a replacement cow turns out to be a substandard producer of milk, she then goes to market and can be slaughtered for beef. Male calves can either be used later as a breeding bull or sold and used for veal or beef. Dairy farmers usually begin breeding or artificially inseminating heifers around 13 months of age. A cow's gestation period is approximately nine months. Newborn calves are removed from their mothers quickly, usually within three days, as the mother/calf bond intensifies over time and delayed separation can cause extreme stress on both cow and calf. What's the best answer to this question: do cows have to be impregnated to produce milk?
Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What is meant by extended definition in cognitive semantics? - Cognitive semantics has sought to challenge traditional theories in two ways: first, by providing an account of the meaning of sentences by going beyond truth-conditional accounts; and second, by attempting to go beyond accounts of word meaning that appeal to necessary and sufficient conditions. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - It accomplishes both by examining the structure of concepts. - What types of things can be accomplished by examining the structure of concepts? - Frame semantics, developed by Charles J. Fillmore, attempts to explain meaning in terms of their relation to general "understanding", not just in the terms laid out by truth-conditional semantics. - Is frame semantics a theory? - Fillmore explains meaning in general (including the meaning of lexemes) in terms of ""frames"". - What are some of the frames? - By "frame" is meant any concept that can only be understood if a larger system of concepts is also understood. - Is there anything else that is interesting about the extended definition? - Many pieces of linguistic evidence motivate the frame-semantic project. Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What was the public's perception of Juliette Hampton Morgan? - Many of her friends abandoned her and even her own mother lamented at the damage she was supposedly doing to the family name. - Was she criticized for her behavior? - The public abuse went on for months. - What forms of the abuse did it take? - During one night in April, a cross was burned in her front yard. - Did the Morgan family move to another town? - Once again, the mayor demanded that the library fire Morgan, but the superintendent and library board remained staunch in their support of Morgan’s right to Freedom of Speech. - How did the public finally respond to Morgan's behavior? - When funding for the city library was reduced in the amount of Morgan's salary, it became clear that the end of her position was near. Read the dialog and predict the next turn. DIALOG: What did the police know about the Millennium Dome raid? - Hurley had been under surveillance by the police when he was spotted refining and testing the robbery plan for weeks in advance. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? -
He was dubbed the "boatman" by the police as he was seen taking photographs of the Dome from vessels on the Thames and was organising the speedboat to be used for the getaway.
Instructions: In this task, you're given a question, a context passage, and four options which are terms from the passage. After reading a passage, you will get a brief understanding of the terms. Your job is to determine by searching and reading further information of which term you can answer the question. Indicate your choice as 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'. If you think more than one option is plausible, choose the more probable option to help you answer the question. Input: Question: Who else is in the division that the Raiders leapt out of last place from? Passage:Under Gruden, the Raiders posted consecutive 8–8 seasons in 1998 and 1999, and leapt out of last place in the AFC West. After uniting with journeyman quarterback Rich Gannon, Gruden led the Raiders to the top of the AFC West and they made the playoffs in three consecutive seasons from 2000 to 2002 (the third season was under head coach Bill Callahan). Oakland finished 12–4 in the 2000 season, the team's most successful season in a decade, and its first division title since 1990, ultimately reaching the , where they lost, 16–3, to the eventual Super Bowl champions Baltimore Ravens. In 2001, the Raiders would return to the postseason with a 10–6 record, but in the AFC Divisional Round a negated fumble proved costly as they were defeated, 16–13, in overtime by the eventual Super Bowl champions New England Patriots. While Gruden was with the Raiders, Gruden acquired his nickname "Chucky" from Raiders defensive lineman Grady Jackson, who thought that the coach looked like the fictional character "Chucky" in the 1988 slasher movie Child's Play. Links: a. Child's Play (1988 film) b. AFC West c. Bill Callahan (American football) d. 1998 Oakland Raiders season Output:
having said this, weak opponents can be found in north american tournaments as well, and european players are improving drastically with so many major tournament stops all over the continent. Make this proper case
Having said this, weak opponents can be found in North American tournaments as well, and European players are improving drastically with so many major tournament stops all over the continent.
But always remember that it must revolve around the kind of website or blog you are maintaining A: But always remember that it must revolve around the kind of website or blog you are maintaining. Air traffic to the airports of Palermo is provided by for instance SAS Alitalia Ryanair WindJet A: Air traffic to the airports of Palermo is provided by for instance: SAS, Alitalia, Ryanair, WindJet Shuri Castle photo gallery Japan photos of Japan Japan pictures A: Shuri Castle - photo gallery, Japan, photos of Japan, Japan pictures Europe has been conquered religiously by Jews military by the Germanics In Asia the religions of India and Arabia were victorious while their supreme political power is Japan
A: Europe has been conquered religiously by Jews, - military by the Germanics: In Asia the religions of India and Arabia were victorious, while their supreme political power is Japan.
Given a context passage, generate a question from the passage such that its answer is shortest continous span from the passage. Example Input: Lighter and cheaper than high-quality video cameras, today's best smartphones can shoot and edit high-definition (HD) videos. With lower-quality lenses and image sensors, smartphones probably won't replace professional video cameras anytime soon. Still, some creative filmmakers are extending the borders of smartphone moviemaking by shooting professional-quality films using only smartphones. Soon after Apple's iPhone 4 was released, two filmmakers decided to make a short film using only their iPhone 4s. Michael Koerbel and Anna Elizabeth James shot and edited the one-and-a-half-minute film Apple of My Eye in only 48 hours. Audiences were fascinated with the film, in which a man and his grandfather connect emotionally while admiring a model train set in a store window. The filmmakers followed up their success with Goldilocks, an extraordinary spy novel told over nine, three-minute films. Many filmmakers are convinced that smartphone films are here to stay. One sign is their inclusion in major film festivals. In February 2012, organizers of the Berkshire International Film Festival staged the 10 X 10 On North Festival. Entries included Oliver by Hooman Khalili, an award-winning film about a girl whose special powers enable her to brighten the lives of three lonely people. Another entry was Yearlapse'11, a 365-second film by Zsolt Haraszti that describes an actual journey he made from New York to London. During the festival, which ran from February 16 to 26, these and many other smartphone films were shown at the Beacon Cinema in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Similar festivals in Canada and South Korea have given smartphone filmmakers opportunities to show off their creative work. Example Output: Which film is about secret agents? Example Input: With thousands of years of history and mythology in its area, prefix = st1 /Athens--named for the olive-tree-loving Athena---is more than a concrete jungle. It's a lovely city decorated by outdoor cafes, pedestrian streets, parks, gardens and plenty of characters. _ The city is connected three sides by Mt Parnitha, Mt Pendeli and Mt Hymettos. WithinAthensthere are no less than eight hills, of which the Acropolis and Lykavitos are the most famous. The hills provide a peaceful rest from the noise of the city. Just about everything of interest to the traveler is within a small area surrounding Plateia Syntagmatos (Syntagma Square). This area is connected with the districts of Plaka to the south, Monastiraki to the west, Kolonaki to the east and Omaonia to the north. Plateia Syntagmatos is dominated by the oldRoalPalaceand is the beating heart of the business district, with luxury hotels, banks and airline offices. Plaka, nestled below the Acropolis, is the old Turkish quarter and virtually all that existed when Athens was declared the capital of independentGreece. Though Plaka is packed with tourists in high season, it's also one of the prettiest and most atmospheric areas of the city. Monastiraki is the market district and a fascinating part of town to wander. Psiri, nearby, is full of stylish cafes and bars and makes a great place to stop for a rest of lunch. Kolonaki, a classy living area, is full of trendy boutiques, art galleries and cafes. Example Output: If you want to buy something, where will you go? Example Input: Energy travels through space or material. This is obvious when you stand near a fire and feel its warmth or when you pick up the handle of a metal pot even though the handle is not sitting directly on the hot stove. Invisible energy waves can travel through air, glass, and even the vacuum of outer space. These waves have electrical and magnetic properties, so they are called electromagnetic waves. The transfer of energy from one object to another through electromagnetic waves is known as radiation. Different wavelengths of energy create different types of electromagnetic waves (Figure 1.1). The wavelengths humans can see are known as visible light. When viewed together, all of the wavelengths of visible light appear white. But a prism or water droplets can break the white light into different wavelengths so that separate colors appear (Figure 1.2). What objects can you think of that radiate visible light? Two include the Sun and a light bulb. The longest wavelengths of visible light appear red. Infrared wavelengths are longer than visible red. Snakes can see infrared energy. We feel infrared energy as heat. Wavelengths that are shorter than violet are called ultraviolet. Can you think of some objects that appear to radiate visible light, but actually do not? The Moon and the planets do not emit light of their own; they reflect the light of the Sun. Reflection is when light (or another wave) bounces back from a surface. Albedo is a measure of how well a surface reflects light. A surface with high albedo reflects a large percentage of light. A snow field has high albedo. One important fact to remember is that energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another. This is such a fundamental fact of nature that it is a law: the law of conservation of energy. In photosynthesis, for example, plants convert solar energy into chemical energy that they can use. They do not create new energy. When energy is transformed, some nearly always becomes heat. Heat transfers between materials easily, from warmer objects to cooler ones. If no more heat is added, eventually all of a material will reach the same temperature. Example Output:
if you live in a desert, the best car to buy to avoid a hot interior is one that is
(Q). Eating less food at night time is sensible advice for someone trying to lose weight. The reason often given is that if eat you too much food at night, the body will store all those excess kilojoules as fat because we’re inactive until the next day. The reason sounds plausible, but if it was one hundred percent true then world hunger could be solved by just feeding people one meal at night time. What really matters is how much is eaten over days and weeks for weight gain or weight loss, not so much when it is eaten. There is merit though in advice to eat less at night time as it can help a person to cut back on the total quantity of food eaten. Eating lots of food in the evening can also be a marker for unhealthy dietary habits, especially if much of that extra food is going to fuel couch surfing exploits. So even though advice to eat less at night time seems logical, it hasn’t actually been well tested by science to see how effective it can be for losing weight. Filling this gap, a short-term study involving 29 healthy men looked at how 2 weeks of restricted night time eating fared against 2 weeks of ‘normal’ evening eating. Advice on restricting night eating was very clear: avoid any food or drink containing kilojoules between the hours of 7 pm and 6 am the next morning. No other changes to the participants’ diet or lifestyle was required so each person was free to eat whatever they wished during the day time hours until early evening. Twenty seven of the twenty nine people complied with following this advice for 2 weeks as well as the 2 week control period. Eating at night a waistline hazard So did people eat less when restricting night time eating? Yes, equal to 1000 kilojoules (about 250 Calories) per day less than during their normal eating pattern. This small energy difference was enough to see the men lose 0.4 kg over the 2 week restriction period, and gain 0.6 kg over the 2 week control period. What is the most probable reason why the participants decided to join the trails? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - not enough information - to stop eating at night - to attempt to lose weight - to be able to eat more during the day (A). to attempt to lose weight (Q). Macy peeked in, expecting to see Mallie Mae in her favorite chair. Instead, she was standing at a front window, staring at the sky. The matriarch spent most of her time in her bedroom these days. She had everything she needed right there. The room was spacious and beautifully furnished. And Macy was ready to jump at her command. "Did you finish your lunch, Mallie Mae?" The 75-year-old Mallie Mae Mobley loved Macy like the daughter she never had. "Yes, I'm finished. But tell Hadley the ham was dry." "You know that will hurt his feelings." "I don't care. I won't eat dry ham. I've told him over and over, but he keeps sending me dry ham." "Yes, Ma'am. I'll tell him. Macy walked over to pick up the tray. "What do you think about Lilman's fiancé? "She a nice young lady, I suppose." "Macy--tell me what you really think." Macy studied Mallie Mae's face to make sure she really wanted to hear her opinion. "I'm not crazy about her." "I think she's awful--a crude money-hungry tramp." Macy tried not to smile. Mallie Mae went on. "If there was any way I could stop this wedding without alienated my son, I would do it in a heartbeat." "Just tell him how you feel." "No, no, no. Then he'll be determined to marry her--and he'll be mad at me. I wanted him to be a surgeon, you know. I had planned it since he was a little boy. He could have been a world-class surgeon." Macy had heard this story nearly every day since she took the job as a personal aide fifteen years earlier, after Mallie Mae had taken a fall and broken her leg. What would Mallie not eat. Pick the correct answer from the following options: - Dry ham - something that tasted rich - something that tasted sweet - not enough information (A). Dry ham (Q). Not exactly. I have no problem with divorce since, as others have stated, everyone has their reasons, however there was one person that I dated briefly but upon hearing the reason why he divorced I opted to end the relationship. I remember, we were having brunch and were talking about our past relationships and what happened. He brought up his marriage. I had previously known his divorce but, up until this point, not the reasoning. He told me, straight out, that he had cheated. Now, cheating in itself is one thing. I try not to judge since everyone has a past and I was never always innocent myself, however his attitude about it was what was very off-putting to me. He didn’t seem remotely fazed by what he was telling me at all. There he was, spreading jelly on his toast as he told me about all the women he had cheated on his wife with. He told me about how it had started with a secretary (talk about cliches!) and then graduated to trysts in motels with girls off Tinder all with the same amount of casualness as someone describing how to make an omelette! And when he finally finished the tale of his cheating adventures I asked him if he regretted cheating on his wife with so many women, His answer? “Oh Definitely.” Oh good! So at least he regrets his actions, right? Or he’s at least a little sorry about it> Wrong. “One of the reasons I regret not divorcing her sooner. Had I divorced her sooner, I wouldn’t have to have cheated on her so much. But it is what it is and, well, I was unhappy.” I have no problems with divorced men. I can forgive a man who has cheated in his past. But a man who had no problems cheating so frivolously and, in all honestly, would likely do it again without problems? Nope, not for me. The women in the text probably feels. Pick the correct answer from the following options: - Intrigued. - Happy. - not enough information - Annoyed. (A).
Question: Just minutes after Donald Trump fired Rex Tillerson on Tuesday, the president was blunt about his long-standing differences with his former secretary of state. “We disagreed on things,” Trump told reporters outside the White House, specifically pointing to friction over the Iran nuclear agreement. “I wanted to either break it or do something, and he felt a little bit differently,” Trump said. “We were really not thinking the same.” Trump reportedly had considered firing Tillerson for months. But the decision - and the abrupt way it was executed - represents a dramatic end to a strained relationship. Tillerson learned of his firing by an early-morning Trump tweet, according to Steve Goldstein, undersecretary of state. White House officials disputed that notion, and promptly fired Goldstein. The move left some of Trump's staunchest defenders with mixed feelings. “It’s all very Trumpian,” said James Carafano of the conservative Heritage Foundation, who helped staff the State Department as a member of Trump’s transition team. “When the president makes changes, he just abruptly makes them.” During his 14 months at the State Department, Tillerson had numerous policy differences with Trump - and the friction frequently played out in public. The animosity peaked in October, when news surfaced that Tillerson reportedly called Trump a “moron” following a July Pentagon meeting. Tillerson never explicitly denied the account. Tillerson also publicly disagreed with Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord. He reportedly opposed Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. And Tillerson sometimes took a tougher stance than Trump on Russia — including this week, when he blamed Moscow for a suspected nerve agent attack in Britain. In return, Trump on numerous occasions publicly undermined his top diplomat, including in October when he tweeted Tillerson was “wasting his time” trying to negotiate with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. When Trump ultimately made his decision last week to... When did Tillerson learn of his termination? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - after an evening tweet by Trump - after an afternoon tweet by Trump - after an early morning tweet by Trump - not enough information Answer:
after an early morning tweet by Trump
instruction: In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. question: Mississippi in the American Civil War -- Mississippi was the second southern state to declare its secession from the United States of America, on January 9, 1861. It joined with six other southern slave-holding states to form the Confederacy on February 4, 1861. Mississippi's location along the lengthy Mississippi River made it strategically important to both the Union and the Confederacy; dozens of battles were fought in the state as armies repeatedly clashed near key towns and transportation nodes. answer: mississippi was the first state to secede from the union question: Dances with Wolves -- Costner developed the film with an initial budget of $15 million. Dances with Wolves had high production values and won seven Academy Awards including Best Picture and the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture -- Drama. Much of the dialogue is spoken in Lakota with English subtitles. It was shot in South Dakota and Wyoming, and translated by Albert White Hat, the chair of the Lakota Studies Department at Sinte Gleska University. answer: are there supposed to be subtitles in dances with wolves question: Pat Walshe -- On October 4, 1938, Walshe was cast in the most prominent role of his career. He was to make his feature film debut in The Wizard of Oz. Due to Walshe's recognition for novelty performances dressed as animals and his expressive movement, Walshe was awarded the role of Nikko, the head of the Winged Monkeys. Unlike the other monkeys, Nikko was a featured role, serving as the Wicked Witch's (played by Margaret Hamilton) second in command and minion. Though Walshe had no spoken lines, performing his character through physical performance, he did receive an on-screen credit (which was rare for bit players at the time). Instead of the simple stage makeup that Walshe used in his shows, he had to wear complex prosthetics designed by Jack Dawn. While the other monkeys wore simple rubber masks, Walshe's needed to appear in close-ups, so instead a multi-piece prosthetic makeup was produced. The prosthetics were moulded to Walshe's features and then glued to his face, with some appliances protruding out. Walshe also wore a full fur body suit, with a short open tunic as well as a tail and wings. Walshe is listed in the end credits as playing Nikko, and despite being featured frequently in the movie, the name Nikko is never mentioned in the film. In the book, the character is simply called ``the Monkey King'', so many viewers were unsure as to who the character was. Some confused Nikko with the Captain of the Winkie Guards (played by Mitchell Lewis), though it is evident that he was in fact the monkey, since Walshe was 3'10'' (like the monkey) and was well known for his animal impersonations. answer:
were real monkeys used in the wizard of oz
A judge is not allowed to enter a JNOV of ``guilty'' following a jury acquittal in United States criminal cases; such an action would violate a defendant's Fifth Amendment right not to be placed in double jeopardy and Sixth Amendment right to a trial by jury. If the judge grants a motion to set aside judgment after the jury convicts, however, this action may be reversed on appeal by the prosecution. Can we conclude that can a judge overturn a jury verdict in a criminal case?
Continue writing the following text. It was more common for the bike to break that the tricycle, because the
bike had poor craftsmanship.
DIALOG: What is the family Oxychilidae? - Oxychilidae Oxychilidae is a taxonomic family of air-breathing land snails, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks in the superfamily Gastrodontoidea. - Where is the family found? - The distribution of Oxychilidae includes the Nearctic, western-Palearctic, eastern-Palearctic, Neotropical, Ethiopia and Hawaii. - What are some of the genera? - Next turn: The following three subfamilies were recognized in the taxonomy of Bouchet & Rocroi (2005): Genera within the Oxychilidae include: subfamily Oxychilinae subfamily Daudebardiinae subfamily Godwiniinae The following cladogram shows the phylogenic relationships of this family to the other families within the limacoid clade: DIALOG: What film work did Peter Reardon do? - Next turn: -I-P, Too Much Trouble, Big Mello, Joyfinger, Coolio, Westside Connection, J'Son, Off Da Hook, Strictly Ballroom, Clawfinger, Zurdok, Chris Vrenna, Teargas & Plateglass, Ben Vaughn, Son of a Gun, Gwendolyn, Tweaker, Shadow Hills Industries Website DIALOG: What was the occupation of Grace Coddington? - Grace Coddington Pamela Rosalind Grace Coddington (born 20 April 1941) is a Welsh former model and the creative director at large of American "Vogue" magazine. - What is notable about her legacy? - Coddington is known for the creation of large, complex and dramatic photoshoots. - What did people say about her? - A "Guardian" profile wrote that she "has produced some of fashion's most memorable imagery. - What else is notable about her legacy? - Her pictures might be jolly and decadent or moody and mysterious." Coddington was born on the island of Anglesey, Wales, to hotelier parents. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Next turn: Her interest in fashion began in her teens, when she would anxiously await the arrival of a current issue of "Vogue" magazine, which was at least three months outdated because she needed to order it on ""rush-copy." " Coddington lived many miles away from any designer shops, so "Vogue" was her only connection to the fashion world. DIALOG: What is the chronological order of the wars involving Myanmar? - Next turn:
List of wars involving Myanmar This is a list of modern wars that Myanmar (Burma) has been involved in since 1948.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Input: Consider Input: Still untaken are several steps that required goodwill from local bar associations and others who had opposed the combination. "[I am] not a fan of Neal's," admitted John Peck, a former board member of the San Gabriel-Pomona Valley program and a Pasadena Bar Association board member. Peck says bad feelings still linger among Ailies of the old program who feel left out. "They really screwed us. We had a good program," Peck said. An observer familiar with the reconfiguration debate who requested anonymity wondered why Dudovitz had not spent more time mending fences. "He ought to be bending over backwards for reconciliation, but if you want to do impact work and people in the San Gabriel Valley want direct services, you have to accommodate that or change your approach," the observer said. "Neal would never consider doing that." More than a year after he officially incorporated the San Gabriel-Pomona Valley, Dudovitz had not placed a local resident on the board of Neighborhood Legal Services or made the rounds of the private legal community to recruit the volunteer lawyers. "Our emphasis has been on having our potential clients know about us and deliver services to them," Dudovitz said. "We have done that spectacularly." He did not hire any of the old program's nine lawyers and has yet to permanently place any of his 18 new hires in the San Gabriel-Pomona Valley. The lack of a legal aid presence in Pomona prompted the bar association and court officials to start their own once-monthly family law clinic. After learning of the effort, Dudovitz sent personnel to staff the clinic for three hours per week and is helping to write a grant application to fund a self-help kiosk for Pomona patterned on the center he pioneered in Van Nuys. The help, although late, has earned Dudovitz some appreciation. "There has been a transition and [the clinic] has helped to fill some void," said Deni Butler, administrator for the Eastern District Superior Court. "But we are working together quite nicely contrary to what the other side issue is." Scott Wheeler, president of the Eastern Bar Association of Los Angeles and an ally of the old program, said he mobilized his 200 members to staff the clinic after watching the ranks of unserved poor grow over the past year. <sep>What did Dudovitz feel he had done spectacularly?<sep>Successfully made amends to John Peck Output: No Input: Consider Input: After more than a year of effort, attorneys with Northwest Justice Project earlier this week told 25 families in a mobile home park here that they can keep their homes and no longer need to fear eviction. The East Wenatchee City Council has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Wenatchee Housing Authority authorizing the Authority to purchase and maintain the Mobile Park Plaza mobile home park. Located just north of the Wenatchee Valley Mall, the park had been threatened with closure for more than a year. "We cannot say enough about how relieved we are that this is over," said Manuel Luna, one of the residents of Mobile Park Plaza. "We were afraid that no solution would be found, and that our families would have no place to go. We are very grateful for the help of our attorneys. Without them, we would not have saved our homes. We are also thankful for the help of the Housing Authority, the City Council and Mayor Steve Lacy." Formerly owned by local businessman Dan Jennings, Mobile Park Plaza had been home to 45 low-income families, many of them Latino farm workers. In October 2000 Jennings gave the park residents notice of his intent to close the park effective November 30, 2001. While some park residents decided to move, others, including 25 families, organized an informal association to relocate or save their homes. Unable to afford private legal counsel, the families asked for help from legal services attorneys at the Northwest Justice Project and Columbia Legal Services. In the succeeding months, these attorneys worked with representatives of the Greater Wenatchee Housing Authority, the state Office of Community Development, Chelan County, the City of East Wenatchee, state legislators, Jennings and others to secure funding and find a solution. "There seemed to be a never-ending set of obstacles," said Patrick Pleas, an attorney with Northwest Justice Project. "Mr. Jennings had financial considerations, the City had growth and economic development considerations, and the State and Housing Authority had their own concerns. Thankfully, hard work and good will from all parties allowed us to find a solution that works for everyone." Northwest Justice Project and Columbia Legal Services are non-profit organizations that provide civil legal assistance to low-income individuals and families throughout Washington state. Members of the state's Access to Justice Network, these organizations work with thousands of volunteer attorneys to ensure that justice is available to those who face critical legal problems and can't afford private legal counsel. <sep>Who was grateful for the help of their attorneys?<sep>One of the lawyers Output: No Input: Consider Input: The Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Program fills the gap of legal resources for domestic violence survivors who can't afford an attorney. Domestic violence survivors in Jackson, Vicksburg, Hattiesburg, Oxford and Pascagoula can all get help. Julia Crockett, deputy director of Central Southwest Mississippi Legal Services Corp., said the program expects to help nearly 1,000 domestic violence victims. Crockett said legal help gives domestic abuse survivors a way to rebuild their lives. "They have been made to feel by the abuser that no one is going to help them do anything, so when they come to us they are desperate," she said. "Those who need legal help and don't get it feel totally lost. Because then they feel like they are forced to stay in that situation." Crockett said the program, funded by a $300,000 grant from the U.S. Justice Department, has no economic restrictions on who can get help. Legal services typically helps the poor. Gladys Bunzy, who said she was in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend for eight years, said such a program is long overdue and could be a lifeline for those escaping violent relationships. "When I finally made up my mind to leave, I had a restraining order put against him and that was $50 but that was $50 well spent to me," said Bunzy, 40. "For people who can't afford it, this will be a godsend ... If a woman knows she is going to get some help that will be a burden off her mind, if the law will help her keep that person away from her." Gwen Bouie-Haynes, project director of the Domestic Violence Services Center for Catholic Charities Inc., said often domestic violence survivors do not have the money to seek legal representation. "Legal assistance is a major issue for women fleeing a domestic violence situation," she said. "Often times women are in need of immediate legal assistance services for the protection of the mother and the child. To get a protective order you need to be represented by an attorney." Crockett said the pilot program was launched in 1998 at the Haven House Family Shelter Inc., a domestic violence shelter for women and children in Vicksburg. The program has helped victims in 90 court cases, and 150 legal counseling sessions have been held there. <sep>Which program is funded by a $300,000 grand from the U.S. Justice Department?<sep>The Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Program
Output: Yes