Make use of the article to answer the questions. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the country's seven uniformed services. The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters) and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its mission set. It operates under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, and can be transferred to the U.S. Department of the Navy by the U.S. President at any time, or by the U.S. Congress during times of war. This has happened twice, in 1917, during World War I, and in 1941, during World War II. Created by Congress on 4 August 1790 at the request of Alexander Hamilton as the Revenue Marine, it is the oldest continuous seagoing service of the United States. As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton headed the Revenue Marine, whose original purpose was collecting customs duties in the nation's seaports. By the 1860s, the service was known as the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service and the term Revenue Marine gradually fell into disuse. The modern Coast Guard was formed by a merger of the Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S. Life-Saving Service on 28 January 1915, under the U.S. Department of the Treasury. As one of the country's five armed services, the Coast Guard has been involved in every U.S. war from 1790 to the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan. the Coast Guard had over 36,000 men and women on active duty, 7,350 reservists, 29,620 auxiliarists, and 7,064 full-time civilian employees. In terms of size, the U.S. Coast Guard by itself is the world's 12th largest naval force. 1. When was the United States Coast Guard created? 2. At the request of what person? 3. What body created it? 4. What was it originally know as? 5. What was Hamilton’s title when he created it? 6. What was it originally created to do? 7. When did it change it’s name to U.S. Revenue Cutter Service? 8. How many uniformed services does the United States currently have? 9. Does the coast Guard act only in domestic watters? 10. During peacetime, what department does it operate under? 11. Who can change this oversite at any time? 12. Who can change this during war? 13. Has this happened during war? 14. How many times? 15. Which wars? 16. How many armed services does the US have? 17. Is the Coast Guard generally involved in wars? 18. How many active duty personnel does it currently have? 19. Does it employ civilians? 20. Does it have reservists? Numbered answers:
1. 4 August 1790 2. Alexander Hamilton 3. Congress 4. the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service 5. the Revenue Marine 6. collecting customs duties 7. the 1860s 8. seven 9. no 10. the U.S. Department of Homeland Security 11. the U.S. President 12. the U.S. Congress 13. yes 14. twice 15. World War I and World War II. 16. five 17. yes 18. 36,000 19. yes 20. yes
instruction: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. question: Thebe Neruda Kgositsile (born February 24, 1994), better known by his stage name Earl Sweatshirt, is an American rapper, record producer, and disc jockey from Los Angeles, California. He originally went by the moniker Sly Tendencies in 2008, but soon changed it when Tyler, The Creator invited him to join his hip hop collective Odd Future in late 2009. He gained recognition and critical praise for his debut mixtape Earl, released in March 2010. Following its release, his mother sent him to a boarding school in Samoa until his eighteenth birthday, and he was not able to produce new music for a year and a half. answer: how old was earl sweatshirt when he made earl question: Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was constructed as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438 -- 1472). Often mistakenly referred to as the 'Lost City of the Incas' (a title more accurately applied to Vilcabamba), it is the most familiar icon of Inca civilization. The Incas built the estate around 1450 but abandoned it a century later at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Although known locally, it was not known to the Spanish during the colonial period and remained unknown to the outside world until American historian Hiram Bingham brought it to international attention in 1911. answer: what is the lost city of the incas question: Reconciliation is a legislative process of the United States Congress that allows expedited passage of certain budgetary legislation on spending, revenues, and the federal debt limit with a simple majority vote in both the House (218 votes) and Senate (51 votes). Senate rules prohibit filibustering and impose a 20-hour cap on the total time for debate, motions and amendments related to reconciliation bills. The procedure also exists in the House of Representatives, but the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendments, so reconciliation has had a less significant impact on that body. answer:
number of senate votes needed to pass the budget
he did not ridicule Alec as the others did So, is the hypothesis above true, given the following? I didn't really like the way the other boys treated him. I was new at the school and still observing, still beginning friendships. Perhaps Alec noticed that I did not ridicule him as the others did. Answer: Yes they should do that So, is the hypothesis above true, given the following? B: And they go down the line ten years and then on some little technicality they get out and on the streets again doing the same they did before. A: Uh-huh. B: And, you know, that's about the only thing. Like for theft and stuff like that or manslaughter, you know, I don't think they should do that. Answer: No someone in his house knows the difference So, is the hypothesis above true, given the following? B: if you get it on sale, A: Yeah, yeah, so we bought that or we bought the filets, and then the chicken, or turkey nuggets, and I don't think anybody in my house knows the difference, unless you tell them. Answer: No Dane would do the same So, is the hypothesis above true, given the following? That evening Shannon steered well clear of Dane, all but tiptoeing around him, determined not to land in any more confrontations. From now till this snow siege ended, she would simply live under the same roof, but keep to her own side of an invisible barrier, she decided. She could only hope he 'd do the same. Answer:
It's impossible to say
Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. [Q]: I have been married twice. My wedding experiences were both very different, even though I cried at both ceremonies. At my first wedding, I had been doing a lot of manual labor in the day prior to the wedding. Unfortunately, I did not have any gloves, and I ended up getting a lot of blisters on my hands. By the evening of the wedding, these blisters were very painful to touch. My bride was wearing what I thought to be an elaborate wedding dress. It was pretty, and it had a lot of buttons on it. Little, white, cloth covered buttons. These buttons were also a part of her sleeves and gloves. During the ceremony, she was holding my hands very tightly, and it hurt. I mean, it really really hurt! I didn't want to pull my hands away, as the gesture could be misconstrued, and I might hurt her feelings. So, I stood and held hands with her, enduring the pain. Although I managed to remain silent, I couldn't keep the tears from falling down my face. The more I cried, the harder she squeezed and the more painful it was. She always thought that I was crying due to emotion on our wedding day, and I never told her any differently — I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Some years after that lengthy incarceration ended, I was fortunate to wed again. I had not done any manual labor before our wedding day. My hands were fine. Also, my bride did not have a lot of intricate buttons on her dress, nor did she wear gloves or even have sleeves. We were wed on a beach, just the two of us. No one else was in attendance. We had written our own vows, in fact, our own ceremony, including our own rituals. And yes, I cried, because I was / am so in love with my bride. I still tear up every morning when I awaken and see her sleeping beside me. Peace Question: Who cried at the wedding [A]: The groom [Q]: When I was a patrolman working the 11PM to 7AM shift we received a phone call from a police department about 200 miles away in a neighboring state. It seems that department was holding one of our elderly residents who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Earlier in the day this gentlemen got the keys to his wife's car and went for a ride. He quickly became confused and lost, so he just kept driving. The last 60 miles of his journey consisted of a low speed police chase. This poor man was scared to death and only pulled over when his vehicle ran out of gas. A request was made for us to send an officer to transport this gentleman the 200 miles back to his home. Because we were at minimum shift strength, the Sergeant determined that a family member would have to go and get him. I returned to work the following night and at nightly briefing, I asked if anyone had an update on the man's transport. The sergeant said he hadn't heard anything, which is when a junior patrolman spoke up. He said that man is from my neighborhood and after I got home from work this morning, I drove the 400 mile round trip and picked up my neighbor and returned him home to his wife. I just got back into town about an hour ago, so I changed into my uniform, and I'm here for my shift! I learned later that this patrolman had taken it upon himself to contact the man's wife and the only vehicle they owned was out of gas 200 miles away. So this officer stayed up all day after a working the midnight shift and used his own car for the 400 mile trip. The officer said when he picked the man up at the station; he looked at the officer and smiled. He recognized his neighbor. This frail elderly man surely did not remember this selfless act of kindness. But it made a lasting impression on me, and on what it means to be a good cop. Question: What required the police's attention? [A]: A man was lost driving his car due to Alzheimer's [Q]: Yes, sometimes you just meet people and you know straight away that they are not trustworthy. Before my relationship there were certain boys in my life that I would meet and I would be able to tell straight away whether or not they were going to be a decent partner. I find that I am not attracted to the pretty boy, who loves himself, I go for the more reserved and shy people that I know will treat me right. One time there was this guy back at school who I knew was all over the girls and that didn't want a relationship. He was rude to the teachers and a bit of a bad boy and all the girls swooned over him. I on the other hand was not, at one point he managed to get my number and was texting me. We spoke for a bit but once he started asking me for pictures of myself I stopped the contact, I knew he wasn't to be trusted from the beginning and decided he wasn't right for me. Then it was quite funny how one day we had a class where the rooms were next to each other and in between was a printer that both classes shared. I went to the room to print my work, and he was there waiting also. He asked me for a hug and just raised an eyebrow, then I saw my work had printed so I lent over to grab it and he thought I was going in for the hug. So he shut his eyes and held out his arms only to open them to see me walking off with my paper. His friend also saw what happened and laughed, I think he was a bit embarrassed. But we were young back then and he has found someone now and seems very happy, as am I. Question: Who did she meet at school? [A]:
The rude boy.
Given the below context: Young David Balfour arrives at a bleak Scottish house, the House of Shaws, to claim his inheritance after his father. The house and land have been under the custodianship of his father's brother, Ebeneezer Balfour, but on reaching adulthood, the land and property become David's. Ebeneezer is having none of it, however, so he first tries to murder him, then has him kidnapped by sea captain Hoseason, with whom he has "a venture for trade in the West Indies". David is shipped off to be sold as a slave in the Carolinas. He strikes up a friendship with Alan Breck, escaping from Prince Charles Edward Stuart's defeat at Culloden. Breck is in a cobble which is run down in the fog by Hoseason's ship and once aboard, asks Hoseason to take him to France. When Hoseason refuses, Breck offers him 60 guineas to put him down on Loch Linnhe. On discovering that Breck has a money belt full of Jacobite gold, Hoseason and his crew try to kill Breck, but he is forewarned by David and the two kill half a dozen of the crew before the others retreat. Hoseason offers terms to end the fighting, but the ship runs aground. Only Breck and Balfour appear to survive and they manage to get to land. They set out for Edinburgh, dodging the ruthless Redcoats. Numerous adventures follow as they meet up with Breck's family, friends and foes alike. These include Breck's cousin, James Stewart, and his daughter Catriona, with whom David falls in love. Guess a valid title for it! Answer:
Kidnapped (1971 film)
In this task, you're given a question, a context passage, and four options which are terms from the passage. After reading a passage, you will get a brief understanding of the terms. Your job is to determine by searching and reading further information of which term you can answer the question. Indicate your choice as 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'. If you think more than one option is plausible, choose the more probable option to help you answer the question. Ex Input: Question: What is the capital city of the country where Orson K. Miller claims to have found the Amanita abrupta? Passage:The fruit bodies of A. abrupta grow on the ground, typically solitary, in mixed conifer and deciduous forests, usually during autumn. The frequency with which fruit bodies appear depends on several factors, such as season, location, temperature, and rainfall. The mushroom has been described as common in the Southeastern United States; in Texas, it has been called both infrequent, and common in the Big Thicket National Preserve. Like most other Amanita species, A. abrupta is thought to form mycorrhizal relationships with trees. This is a mutually beneficial relationship where the hyphae of the fungus grow around the roots of trees, enabling the fungus to receive moisture, protection and nutritive byproducts of the tree, and affording the tree greater access to soil nutrients. Amanita abrupta is widely distributed throughout eastern North America, where it has been found as far north as Quebec, Canada, and as far south as Mexico. Orson K. Miller claims to have found it in the Dominican Republic where it appeared to be growing in a mycorrizhal association with pine trees. Kuo also mentions a mycorrhizal relationship with both hardwoods and conifers, while Tulloss lists additional preferred tree hosts such as beech, birch, fir, tsuga, oak, and poplar. However, A. abrupta has been shown experimentally to not form mycorrhizae with Virginia Pine. Links: a. Pine b. Dominican Republic c. Oak d. Dominican Republic Ex Output: b Ex Input: Question: What's the mascot of the team Allen played against in the 66th Minor Counties Championship match? Passage:Allen moved to Lymington, Hampshire in 1964, when his parents took over The Mayflower pub in the town. Shortly after moving there, he began playing for Lymington Cricket Club, where he was initially encouraged to be a seam bowler. While bowling slow left-arm orthodox in the nets at the County Ground, Southampton, he was spotted by Arthur Holt who encouraged him to stick with that bowling style. Having impressed in club cricket for Lymington, Allen briefly played for the Hampshire Second XI, before being selected to play minor counties cricket for Dorset, making his debut for the county in the 1976 Minor Counties Championship against Cornwall. From 1976 to 1983, Allen played a total of 66 Minor Counties Championship matches, the last of which came against Shropshire. He also made a single appearance for the county in the 1983 MCCA Knockout Trophy against Oxfordshire. He took a total of 252 wickets for Dorset. Allen also made a sole List A appearance for Dorset in the 1983 NatWest Trophy against first-class opponents Essex at Dean Park, Bournemouth. In Dorset's innings 111 all out, Allen was dismissed for 7 runs by Neil Foster, while in Essex's innings he bowled 6 wicketless overs and caught Keith Fletcher, with Essex winning by 7 wickets. Links: a. Dorset County Cricket Club b. Neil Foster c. Shropshire County Cricket Club d. Neil Foster Ex Output: c Ex Input: Question: Where is the Tiyas Military Airbase? Passage:A Military Shield detachment was present at the Palmyra frontline in December 2016, when ISIL launched a large-scale offensive in the area. This unit was later accused by the Tiger Forces to have fled in disarray after the first serious Islamist attacks, leaving Palmyra and Tadmor's remaining pro-government defenders to their fate. Soon after, Palmyra fell to ISIL, and the Military Security Shield Forces were among the pro-government units that sent reinforcements to help defend the nearby Tiyas Military Airbase from the next Islamist attack. The unit was also involved in the following government counter-offensive in the area. On 23 February 2017, al-Masdar News reported that over 900 Syrian Marines had joined the Military Security Shield Forces in order to avoid being drafted into the regular army. In June 2017, the Military Shield Forces took part in an anti-ISIL offensive in eastern Hama. Later that year, the militia took part in the battle to retake all of Deir ez-Zor city from ISIL. Afterwards, Military Shield militiamen began to garrison towns in eastern Syria which had been retaken from ISIL, such as Mayadin. The pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights accused the militia of requisitioning food from local civilians during this time. Links: a. Mayadin b. Tiyas Military Airbase c. Tiyas Military Airbase d. Palmyra Ex Output:
Add punctuation to the following sentence: Size Diameter 1015 cm
Size: Diameter = 10-15 cm
New sexual harassment and racial discrimination lawsuits are rocking the already scandal riddled Fox News Channel. Three new lawsuits were filed Monday in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Two allege racial harassment at Fox News, while a third alleges sexual harassment at Fox News Radio. The cases increase to 23 the number of past or present Fox employees represented by attorney Doug Wigdor, the majority having cases alleging racial hostility by a since-fired financial executive. Fox said Monday that the lawsuits have no legal basis. Kathleen Lee, a Fox News Radio employee of more than 10 years, alleges that radio anchor Ron Flatter subjected her to “unrelenting sexual harassment” after the network hired him in 2013. A former Fox employee, Adasa Blanco, said she alerted Fox executives about racially hostile behavior on the part of former Fox controller Judith Slater more than eight years before the executive was let go. Slater has denied charges of racially hostile conduct. Blanco, who is Hispanic, said that Slater made fun of her accent. In the lawsuit, Wigdor said Fox “knowingly harbored and protected” a racist employee for more than eight years and misrepresented to the public that it fired Slater quickly upon learning of her behavior. Naima Farrow, another former Fox employee who worked for Slater, said she was fired without warning or explanation in 2015, less than three days after telling superiors she was pregnant. Farrow, who is black, said Slater mockingly referred to her as “girlfriend.” Fox News said in a statement that it is committed to a diverse workplace free from discrimination, and takes any complaint seriously. In these cases, Fox “took prompt, effective and, when necessary, strong remedial action,” the network said. “We believe these latest claims are without legal basis and look forward to proving that the company at all times has acted appropriately, and lawfully, in connection with these matters.” The new legal claims come as Fox News is battling a series of... what is probably true about Fox News? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. not enough information B. they have a culture problem C. they believe the latest claims D. they're committed to a diverse workplace B (Question) My dearest Lily, Forgive me. I would be with you now, rather than closeted in my study, but I do not wish you or our children to witness my demise. I love you. I tell you now, so that you will know that my last thought was of you. I have placed my affairs in order -- do not fear, my love, you will be well provided for -- all that is required of my remaining time is to explain the events which have led to my death. Though the scene will seem so similar to my elder brother's death, I would not wish you to think I had taken my own life in the manner in which Edmund took his. When Dr V came to see me some weeks ago, he brought with him the bottle of strychnine that now sits empty upon my desk. He was in high spirits, because his latest alchemical experiment had been a success, and brought the strychnine in order to demonstrate the efficacy of his elixir. In truth, his very presence could be considered proof, since he had been dead earlier that morning, but, as I had not witnessed his revival, he wished me to see the results first hand. At his request, I summoned the chambermaid, while he prepared a syringe of strychnine. I thought he would ask her to procure a hen or some such thing for use in his demonstration however, when she arrived, Dr V-- plunged the syringe into her arm with no warning. I leapt from my chair, but before I could do more than cross the room, the strychnine took effect with results that horrified me. Even though I had complete confidence in Dr V's elixir, I could not restrain a cry of dismay as the chambermaid's head tilted back in a sudden convulsion. Her lips tightened, giving her the appearance of laughter and she dropped to her knees, clawing at her throat. Her back arched, pitching her over so that she lay with only her head and heels touching the carpet. what is probably true about the author Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. he is also a doctor B. he is a scientist C. not enough information D. he is wealthy (Answer) D Ques: As it turned out, Greg would have had a hard time canceling the check, even if he'd changed his mind. Chloe's crew had already sprung into action as soon as they left the building. The company used a computer controlled switchboard to route phone calls and this immediately went down, same for their Internet access. Meanwhile, a crude but effective denial of service attack was launched against their company Web site. If Greg decided to use his cell phone there wasn't much they could do, but the hope was that he'd be so tied up with all this other crap that he wouldn't have time to think of that. Paul didn't think any of that was necessary. Greg had given in and he wasn't going to call and cancel the check now. He'd agreed for a reason, and once Greg had a reason for making a decision it was usually impossible to change his mind. And it didn't make sense anyway. All he would have done is buy himself a little more time. Chloe and Paul would just march right back in and start all over again - probably after sending out pics of Evan in drag to all the employees. From his point of view, there was no reason for Greg to do that. Of course, it was still a huge risk for Chloe and Paul. If Greg just wanted a delay to get the lawyers involved, then they were in trouble. Chloe and he had broken a fist full of laws in the past twelve hours. They needed to cash that check and disappear as soon as they could. The bank put up a bit of a fuss about the check, which was one more reason Paul hated Bank of Fucking America. They always had some rule to screw a customer. But Chloe made a bunch of noise and actually jumped up and down at one point and eventually they walked out of the bank with a cashier's check. How long Paul and Chloe probably spent in Bank of America? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. Two hours. B. Four hours. C. not enough information D. Thirty minutes. Ans:
Let's say that "Kirilov ceded the presidency to Shatov because he was more popular." Can we now say that "Kirilov was more popular."?
QUESTION: Write another turn of this conversation. DIALOG: What was the StG 44? - StG 44 The StG 44 (abbreviation of Sturmgewehr 44, "assault rifle 44") is a German selective-fire rifle developed during World War II. It is also known as the MP 43 and MP 44 ("Maschinenpistole 43" and "44"). - What made it unique? - ANS: The StG 44 was the first successful assault rifle, with features including a relatively short cartridge, controllable automatic fire, a more compact design than a battle rifle with a quicker rate of fire, and intended for hitting targets within a few hundred metres. QUESTION: Write another turn of this conversation. DIALOG: What do you know about Pterolophia jeanvoinei? - Pterolophia jeanvoinei Pterolophia jeanvoinei is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. - What year was it described? - ANS: It was described by Maurice Pic in 1929. QUESTION: Write another turn of this conversation. DIALOG: Where is Round Top Mountain located? - Round Top Mountain Round Top Mountain is a mountain that lies at the western end of the Sierra Blanca area in Hudspeth County, Texas near the town of Sierra Blanca, Texas. - What is the surrounding area like? - The area includes the Finlay Mountains, Triple Hill, and Sierra Blanca quadrangles as well as parts of the Fort Quitman and McNary quadrangles. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Round Top Mountain is known for containing deposits of beryllium as well as the largest deposit of heavy rare-earth elements in the United States. - Is the mountain close to the Mexican border? - ANS: Round Top Mountain is located in the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas, northeast from the Mexican border. QUESTION: Write another turn of this conversation. DIALOG: What happened to Club Atlético Huracán in the 1960s? - ANS:
In the decade of the 1960s Huracán did not make great campaigns, the club's best performance being 6th place in 1963.
Problem: If "In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10.", does it follow that "The concert continued until 10."? Answer: yes Problem: If "Sam and Amy are passionately in love, but Amy's parents are unhappy about it, because they are fifteen.", does it follow that "Sam and Amy are fifteen."? Answer: yes Problem: If "Fred and Alice had very warm down coats, but they were not prepared for the cold in Alaska.", does it follow that "coats were not prepared for the cold in Alaska."? Answer: no Problem: If "The signs over the shops' doors had pictures that indicated what work was done inside. Although more and more people were learning how to read, each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because he happened to be illiterate.", does it follow that "Each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because the artisan happened to be illiterate."? Answer:
Q: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. It is illegal to sell packaged liquor (off-premises sales) on Sundays. Sales also are prohibited on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Low-point beer for consumption off-premises may not be sold between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. A:
are liquor stores open in oklahoma on 4th of july?
16:15 but, as yahweh lives, who brought up the children of israel from the land of the north, and from all the countries where he had driven them. i will bring them again into their land that i gave to their fathers. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized?
16:15 but, As Yahweh lives, who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the countries where he had driven them. I will bring them again into their land that I gave to their fathers.
[Q]: Given the following passage "The verbs of most aspect pairs differ in one of two ways: by prefix or by suffix. In prefix pairs, the perfective verb has an added prefix—for example, the imperfective psát (to write, to be writing) compared with the perfective napsat (to write down, to finish writing). The most common prefixes are na-, o-, po-, s-, u-, vy-, z- and za-. In suffix pairs, a different infinitive ending is added to the perfective stem; for example, the perfective verbs koupit (to buy) and prodat (to sell) have the imperfective forms kupovat and prodávat. Imperfective verbs may undergo further morphology to make other imperfective verbs (iterative and frequentative forms), denoting repeated or regular action. The verb jít (to go) has the iterative form chodit (to go repeatedly) and the frequentative form chodívat (to go regularly).", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What are both of the other forms that jit has? **** [A]: chodit (to go repeatedly) and the frequentative form chodívat [Q]: Given the following passage "After Cassander's death in 298 BCE, however, Demetrius, who still maintained a sizable loyal army and fleet, invaded Macedon, seized the Macedonian throne (294) and conquered Thessaly and most of central Greece (293-291). He was defeated in 288 BC when Lysimachus of Thrace and Pyrrhus of Epirus invaded Macedon on two fronts, and quickly carved up the kingdom for themselves. Demetrius fled to central Greece with his mercenaries and began to build support there and in the northern Peloponnese. He once again laid siege to Athens after they turned on him, but then struck a treaty with the Athenians and Ptolemy, which allowed him to cross over to Asia minor and wage war on Lysimachus' holdings in Ionia, leaving his son Antigonus Gonatas in Greece. After initial successes, he was forced to surrender to Seleucus in 285 and later died in captivity. Lysimachus, who had seized Macedon and Thessaly for himself, was forced into war when Seleucus invaded his territories in Asia minor and was defeated and killed in 281 BCE at the Battle of Corupedium, near Sardis. Seleucus then attempted to conquer Lysimachus' European territories in Thrace and Macedon, but he was assassinated by Ptolemy Ceraunus ("the thunderbolt"), who had taken refuge at the Seleucid court and then had himself acclaimed as king of Macedon. Ptolemy was killed when Macedon was invaded by Gauls in 279, his head stuck on a spear and the country fell into anarchy. Antigonus II Gonatas invaded Thrace in the summer of 277 and defeated a large force of 18,000 Gauls. He was quickly hailed as king of Macedon and went on to rule for 35 years.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who was Demetrius child? **** [A]: Antigonus Gonatas [Q]: Given the following passage "Davis and his cabinet left the city by train that night, as government officials burned documents and departing Confederate troops burned tobacco and other warehouses to deny their contents to the victors. On April 2, 1865, General Godfrey Weitzel, commander of the 25th corps of the United States Colored Troops, accepted the city's surrender from the mayor and group of leading citizens who remained. The Union troops eventually managed to stop the raging fires but about 25% of the city's buildings were destroyed-", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Tobacco was stored in? **** [A]: warehouses [Q]: Given the following passage "The last major building work took place during the reign of King George V when, in 1913, Sir Aston Webb redesigned Blore's 1850 East Front to resemble in part Giacomo Leoni's Lyme Park in Cheshire. This new, refaced principal façade (of Portland stone) was designed to be the backdrop to the Victoria Memorial, a large memorial statue of Queen Victoria, placed outside the main gates. George V, who had succeeded Edward VII in 1910, had a more serious personality than his father; greater emphasis was now placed on official entertaining and royal duties than on lavish parties. He arranged a series of command performances featuring jazz musicians such as the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1919) – the first jazz performance for a head of state, Sidney Bechet, and Louis Armstrong (1932), which earned the palace a nomination in 2009 for a (Kind of) Blue Plaque by the Brecon Jazz Festival as one of the venues making the greatest contribution to jazz music in the United Kingdom. George V's wife Queen Mary was a connoisseur of the arts, and took a keen interest in the Royal Collection of furniture and art, both restoring and adding to it. Queen Mary also had many new fixtures and fittings installed, such as the pair of marble Empire-style chimneypieces by Benjamin Vulliamy, dating from 1810, which the Queen had installed in the ground floor Bow Room, the huge low room at the centre of the garden façade. Queen Mary was also responsible for the decoration of the Blue Drawing Room. This room, 69 feet (21 metres) long, previously known as the South Drawing Room, has a ceiling designed specially by Nash, coffered with huge gilt console brackets.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who worked on the room which is 69 feet (21 metres) long? **** [A]:
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Q: what year did ted kennedy run for president? A:
1980 Democratic National Convention
Please answer the following question: Given the following passage "In the early morning of 10 April, leading elements of the Austrian army crossed the Inn River and invaded Bavaria. The early Austrian attack surprised the French; Napoleon himself was still in Paris when he heard about the invasion. He arrived at Donauwörth on the 17th to find the Grande Armée in a dangerous position, with its two wings separated by 75 miles (121 km) and joined together by a thin cordon of Bavarian troops. Charles pressed the left wing of the French army and hurled his men towards the III Corps of Marshal Davout. In response, Napoleon came up with a plan to cut off the Austrians in the celebrated Landshut Maneuver. He realigned the axis of his army and marched his soldiers towards the town of Eckmühl. The French scored a convincing win in the resulting Battle of Eckmühl, forcing Charles to withdraw his forces over the Danube and into Bohemia. On 13 May, Vienna fell for the second time in four years, although the war continued since most of the Austrian army had survived the initial engagements in Southern Germany.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What territory did the Austrian army retreat to? Answer:
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. Almond Milk/Coconut Milk Creamer - What does it mean that this is an “all natural” creamer? natural bliss® is an all-natural coffee creamer proudly made with no GMO ingredients. Our almond milk and coconut milk creamer products are made only with all natural ingredients. Our natural flavors come real food ingredients like vanilla flavor from Madagascar or coconuts sourced from Sumatra. Learn more about our different flavors and types of creamers. Transform your everyday coffee into something extraordinary. Learn more about our different flavors and types of creamers. • Coffee-mate® liquid should be used within 14 days after opening or before the use-by date, whichever comes first. • Coffee-mate® powder should be used by the use-by dates found on the packaging. Unopened, Coffee-mate® powder has a shelf-life of up to 24 months. It will not. natural bliss® is a dairy coffee creamer and Coffee-mate® is a non-dairy creamer. We will continue to make both for you to enjoy. Dairy - How can I find natural bliss® at a store near me? Depending on if they are non-dairy or liquid. Non-dairy up to two years. The liquid creamer only lasts a few months. The package should have an expiration date. Cold Brew Coffee - How long does natural bliss® brew/steep their Cold Brew Coffee? Our Cold Brew Coffee is steeped in cool water for 12hrs resulting in a smooth, bold flavor. Cold Brew Coffee - What is the caffeine content of natural bliss® Cold Brew? • Coffee-mate® liquid products found in the refrigerated case must be refrigerated at all times, before and after opening. • Only Coffee-mate® liquid products that are clearly marked “Refrigerate After Opening” may be stored in a dry, cool place before opening, but must be refrigerated after opening. Pour a little dessert into your cup and enjoy new Coffee-mate The Cheesecake Factory at Home™ flavors. Stir Up Sweetness Depends. If they're the non-dairy creamer, it can last for up to two years. The little pots of half and half are only good for a few months. Coffee-mate ® Turn the coffee you like into coffee you love. Find your Flavor natural bliss ® A new world of flavors made with natural ingredients. Discover Bliss ® Query: how long does powder creamer last A Coffee-mate powder creamer has a shelf-life of up to 24 months. Two known chemotherapy agents effectively target breast cancer stem cells Date: May 2, 2016 Source: Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University Summary: Two existing chemotherapy drugs appear to be a powerful pair in targeting errant stem cells that are making breast cancer and enabling its spread and recurrence, scientists report. Share: Chemotherapy targets cancer cells through similar biological processes. For instance, early chemotherapy drugs attacked folate, which is a key component of cellular division. Since cancer cells divide more than normal cells, they are more greatly harmed by this drug. Newer chemotherapy agents target specific mutations in certain cancer cells, making their effects very specific to only the tumor. To your last point, radiation and chemo both can induce future cancers. Radiation therapy targets cancer cells in two ways. First, we shape the beam of radiation such that it conforms as closely as possible to the shape of the tumor. We also treat from multiple different angles, with all beams converging on the tumor. Best Answer: The short answer is that they don't differentiate between cell types. This is why there are side effects. There are a variety of different mechanisms that the chemo meds employ, down-regulating certain proteins from being made, binding certain receptors to trigger cell death, etc. You hit it when you said the chemo meds mostly target rapidly dividing cells (or highly metabolically active cells.) And we're able to be relatively tissue specific too, so different drugs have affinities for different tissues. (That's why chemo for lung cancer and chemo for prostate cancer, for example, are very different protocols.) And the more we learn about how cancer cells work in the body, the more we're able to develop new tools to address them. How Cancer Stem Cells Thrive When Oxygen Is Scarce. 1 Mar. 28, 2016 — Working with human breast cancer cells and mice, scientists say new experiments explain how certain cancer stem cells thrive in low oxygen conditions. Proliferation of such cells, which tend to ... Two known chemotherapy agents effectively target breast cancer stem cells. Two existing chemotherapy drugs appear to be a powerful pair in targeting errant stem cells that are making breast cancer and enabling its spread and recurrence, scientists report. Your source for the latest research news Most current chemotherapy does not kill the stem cells, which are the cells of origin, only the tumor mass, said Dr. Muthusamy Thangaraju, biochemist in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Medical College of Georgia and Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University. Features. 1 Book List. 2 Mods' Choice: Outstanding posts recognized by the mod team. 3 Weekly Features: Archives of AskAnything Wednesday, FAQ Fridays, and more! 4 FAQ: In-depth answers to many popular questions. 5 New and gilded posts. / 6 r/AskScienceDiscussion: For open-ended and hypothetical questions. Their work was done in mouse models of breast cancer, and findings held up in a human breast cancer cell line. The studies also provided more evidence -- at least in their animal models -- of why the stem cells are an important target. Normally, stem cells make progenitor cells, which make specific cells that comprise the breast. In this sense, the tumor is targeted geometrically - the radiation is aimed at the tumor, and not normal tissue. Secondly, cancer cells are more sensitive to radiation damage. Since they move through the cell cycle so rapidly, they are more likely to be in a specific, radiosensitive phase of cellular activity. Query: how does chemotherapy target cancer cells Chemotherapy targets cancer cells through similar biological processes. For instance, early chemotherapy drugs attacked folate, which is a key component of cellular division. Since cancer cells divide more than normal cells, they are more greatly harmed by this drug. for children 10 years and older, and adults (including seniors) is 60 - 100 beats per minute; for well-trained athletes is 40 - 60 beats per minute. Hittin’ the Target. Now you’re ready to determine your target training heart rate. As you exercise, periodically: Take your pulse on the inside of your wrist, on the thumb side. For most of us, between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm) is normal. 1 The rate can be affected by factors like stress, anxiety, hormones, medication, and how physically active you are. An athlete or more active person may have a resting heart rate as low as 40 beats per minute. Now that’s chill! When it comes to resting heart rate, lower is better. 150 beats per minute Important Note: A few high blood pressure medications lower the maximum heart rate and thus the target zone rate. If you're taking such medicine, call your physician to find out if you need to use a lower target heart rate. Use the tips of your first two fingers (not your thumb) to press lightly over the blood vessels on your wrist. Count your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to find your beats per minute. You want to stay between 50 percent to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This range is your target heart rate. Know Your Numbers. This table shows estimated target heart rates for different ages. Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus your age. Count your pulse for 30 seconds and multiply by 2 to find your beats per minute. Important Note: Some drugs and medications affect heart rate, meaning you may have a lower maximum heart rate and target zone. Before you learn how to calculate and monitor your target training heart rate, you have to know your resting heart rate. Your resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute while it’s at rest. You can check it in the morning after you’ve had a good night’s sleep and before you get out of bed. According to the National Institute of Health, the average resting heart rate: 1 for children 10 years and older, and adults (including seniors) is 60 - 100 beats per minute. 2 for well-trained athletes is 40 - 60 beats per minute. Your resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute when you’re at rest. A good time to check it is in the morning after you’ve had a good night’s sleep, before you get out of bed or grab that first cup of java! The easiest way to do this is to use a generic formula meant for the average person. For men, your maximum heart rate can be estimated by subtracting your age in years from 220. For example, a 20-year-old man would have a maximum heart rate of 200 beats per minute. For women, a newer standard is to take 88 percent of your age and subtract it from 206. Beats Per Minute in Exercise. The speed of your heart rate depends on the intensity of exercise that you wish to work at. The American Heart Association recommends exercising somewhere between 50 to 85 percent of your maximum. Beginners should start at the low end of this range and work up as fitness levels improve. There are three general ways to classify heart rate, 1) normal, 2) fast and 3) slow. A resting heart rate is normal between 60-100 beats per minute. A resting heart rate is fast (i.e. tachycardic) at greater than 100 beats per minute. A resting heart rate is slow (i.e. bradycardic) at less than 60 beats per minute. Beats Per Minute in Exercise The speed of your heart rate depends on the intensity of exercise that you wish to work at. The American Heart Association recommends exercising somewhere between 50 to 85 percent of your maximum. Query: average beats per minute/while exercising
For men, your maximum heart beats are 220 per minute and for women 206 while exercising.
In this task, you're given a question, a context passage, and four options which are terms from the passage. After reading a passage, you will get a brief understanding of the terms. Your job is to determine by searching and reading further information of which term you can answer the question. Indicate your choice as 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'. If you think more than one option is plausible, choose the more probable option to help you answer the question. Ex Input: Question: Which series hosted by the track was founded the earliest? Passage:Talladega Superspeedway, originally known as Alabama International Motor Superspeedway (AIMS), is a motorsports complex located north of Talladega, Alabama. It is located on the former Anniston Air Force Base in the small city of Lincoln. The track is a tri-oval and was constructed in the 1960s by the International Speedway Corporation, a business controlled by the France Family. Talladega is most known for its steep banking and the unique location of the start/finish line that's located just past the exit to pit road. The track currently hosts the NASCAR series such as the Sprint Cup Series, Xfinity Series and the Camping World Truck Series. Talladega is the longest NASCAR oval with a length of tri-oval like the Daytona International Speedway, which also is a tri-oval. Links: a. NASCAR b. NASCAR Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series c. Talladega, Alabama d. Daytona International Speedway Ex Output: b Ex Input: Question: How many people were in attendance at the University of Colorado at Boulder the year that J.D. Brookhart was hired as passing game coordinator, tight ends coach, and special teams coordinator? Passage:Joseph Daniel Brookhart (born October 17, 1964) is an American football coach and former player. He was most recently an assistant coach at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he was hired as passing game coordinator, tight ends coach, and special teams coordinator on Jon Embree's staff in December 2010. Brookhart was the head coach at the University of Akron from 2004 to 2009, compiling a record of 30–42. His Akron Zips won the Mid-American Conference (MAC) in 2005, and he was honored as the MAC Coach of the Year the previous season. Brookhart played college football at Brigham Young University as a freshman walk-on before transferring to Colorado State University. He has also served as an assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh and with the Denver Broncos of the National Football League (NFL). Links: a. Mid-American Conference football individual awards b. University of Pittsburgh c. University of Colorado Boulder d. American football Ex Output: c Ex Input: Question: What is the age difference between Rupert Murdoch and the person he appointed editor of the Sunday Times? Passage:The Sunday Times is a British national broadsheet newspaper, the Sunday sister paper of The Times. In 1968, under the ownership of Lord Thomson, The Sunday Times had been involved in a deal to purchase the Mussolini diaries for an agreed final purchase price of £250,000, although they had only paid out an initial amount of £60,000. These turned out to be forgeries undertaken by an Italian mother and daughter, Amalia and Rosa Panvini. In 1981 Rupert Murdoch, who owned several other papers in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, purchased Times Newspapers Ltd, which owned both The Times and its Sunday sister. Murdoch appointed Frank Giles to be the editor of The Sunday Times. The historian Hugh Trevor-Roper became an independent national director of The Times in 1974. Trevor-Roper—who was created Baron Dacre of Glanton in 1979—was a specialist on Nazi Germany, who had worked for the British Intelligence Services during and after the Second World War. At the war's end he had undertaken an official investigation of Hitler's death, interviewing eyewitnesses to the Führer's last movements. In addition to the official report he filed, Trevor-Roper also published The Last Days of Hitler (1947) on the subject. He subsequently wrote about the Nazis in Hitler's War Directives (1964) and Hitler's Place in History (1965). Links: a. Roy Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet b. The Times c. Rupert Murdoch d. Rupert Murdoch Ex Output:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a text, write a compressed version of it in a single sentence. A new school of Jewish historians is more critical of the dislocations caused by Jewish land acquisition, and concludes that it was not always fair.
A new school of Jewish historians is more critical of the dislocations concludes that it was not always fair.
instruction: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. question: Why was the country growing problematic?, Context: With Burma preoccupied by the Chinese threat, Ayutthaya recovered its territories by 1770, and went on to capture Lan Na by 1776. Burma and Siam went to war until 1855, but all resulted in a stalemate, exchanging Tenasserim (to Burma) and Lan Na (to Ayutthaya). Faced with a powerful China and a resurgent Ayutthaya in the east, King Bodawpaya turned west, acquiring Arakan (1785), Manipur (1814) and Assam (1817). It was the second-largest empire in Burmese history but also one with a long ill-defined border with British India. answer: one with a long ill-defined border with British India question: What did the supercapacitors improve?, Context: Last but not least the electric double-layer capacitor (now Supercapacitors) were invented. In 1957 H. Becker developed a "Low voltage electrolytic capacitor with porous carbon electrodes". He believed that the energy was stored as a charge in the carbon pores used in his capacitor as in the pores of the etched foils of electrolytic capacitors. Because the double layer mechanism was not known by him at the time, he wrote in the patent: "It is not known exactly what is taking place in the component if it is used for energy storage, but it leads to an extremely high capacity.". answer: electrolytic capacitor question: Who is based in Ciudad Universitaria?, Context: Association football is the country's most popular and most televised franchised sport. Its important venues in Mexico City include the Azteca Stadium, home to the Mexico national football team and giants América, which can seat 91,653 fans, making it the biggest stadium in Latin America. The Olympic Stadium in Ciudad Universitaria is home to the football club giants Universidad Nacional, with a seating capacity of over 52,000. The Estadio Azul, which seats 33,042 fans, is near the World Trade Center Mexico City in the Nochebuena neighborhood, and is home to the giants Cruz Azul. The three teams are based in Mexico City and play in the First Division; they are also part, with Guadalajara-based giants Club Deportivo Guadalajara, of Mexico's traditional "Big Four" (though recent years have tended to erode the teams' leading status at least in standings). The country hosted the FIFA World Cup in 1970 and 1986, and Azteca Stadium is the first stadium in World Cup history to host the final twice. answer:
Universidad Nacional
Question: Schools and parents in Shenzhen City have been asked to take better care of children's eyesight as 45 percent of them were found to be shortsighted. Too much reading, poor lighting and too much TV are blamed . Of the city's high school graduates who applied to study at colleges this summer, but now he gets up earlier. Because of being shortsighted many school graduates _ . A) weren't allowed to enter college B) couldn't graduate from high school C) couldn't choose to study what they liked best D) lost their limited time Answer: C Question: Henry: I find the Internet is very good for shopping. I use more and more for buying books and CDs, and I even bought some clothes over the Internet. The other thing I can do is to book travels over the Internet. I booked a cheap flight once. It was very easy, and it was really good. David: I use the Internet for games. I play chess with people all around the world. Last night I had a game with someone from Japan. I also download games from the Internet, so I can have any game I want. Peter: I use the Internet for anything I need to help me with my schoolwork. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias and magazines. It's great because I can download pictures or articles and use them to help my homework. It's very easy to use and it's free, so I like it. Tony: Well, the main thing I use the Internet for is to e-mail. I usually write to my customers by e-mail, and my customers answer me by e-mail, too. We probably send and receive four or five hundred e-mails a month. But of course, I also use e-mails to keep in touch with friends and family. My daughter is in Australia and we send e-mails to each other every day. From the passage we know that_. A) Peter is a teacher B) Tony is a businessman C) David is an engineer D) Henry is a bookseller Answer: B Question: Can you imagine a world without the Internet?It's surprising to think about it Now,China has more than 162 million Internet users,according to the China Internet Network Information Center. This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States. Today,66% of Chinese "netizens "are teenagers. "They spend about thirteen hours every week online,"said Qian Hulin,an Internet expert . Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14% of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games. The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for information,to communicate with others and to have fun. On the Internet,teenagers can find out almost everything. And surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge. Li Dong,a teacher at No. 41 Middle School in Shijiazhuang,likes her students to use the Internet. "When we talk in class,students who surf the Net usually know more background information than the others,"she said. In addition,people can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emails. Many teens keep in touch with their friends online. It is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker. ,,. (1,5) _ has the most Internet users in the world according to the article. A) China B) America C) Canada D) Russia Answer:
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Harrison wrote 'My Sweet Lord' in praise of the Hindu god Krishna, while at the same time intending the lyrics to serve as a call to abandon religious sectarianism through his deliberate blending of the Hebrew word hallelujah with chants of 'Hare Krishna' and Vedic prayer. The recording features producer Phil Spector's Wall of Sound treatment and heralded the arrival of Harrison's much-admired slide guitar technique, which one biographer described as being 'musically as distinctive a signature as the mark of Zorro'. Preston, Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton, and the group Badfinger are among the other musicians appearing on the recording.
what is the meaning of my sweet lord
In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. [EX Q]: The 25-year-old, who is yet to play in a competitive international, has won two caps, both in friendly matches against the Netherlands. "He doesn't want to play international football, which is a disappointment from our point of view," said Wales manager Chris Coleman. "But he's made that decision, and we have to abide by that." Media playback is not supported on this device Wales are third in World Cup qualifying group D, four points behind leaders Serbia. They travel to Serbia for their next qualifier on Sunday, 11 June after naming a youthful pre-match training camp that included Exeter's 16-year-old Ethan Ampadu. Coleman added: "We'll get on with the squad of players, the squad who want to play and represent Wales. "There's nothing we can do with Paul, who's decided that international football is not the path he wants to go down." Newcastle-born Dummett was included in a pre-Euro 2016 training camp but was not selected in the squad for the tournament in France. He has not featured at all during the current World Cup qualifying campaign. "Sometimes you have to be patient especially because the team we have at the moment has been hugely successful," Coleman added. "It's a shame because he's a good player. I haven't spoken to Paul. His agent rang me up to give me the news. "I was disappointed, but if he doesn't want to persevere with it then that's his choice. We've got to look after the players who want to play for us." [EX A]: Newcastle United defender Paul Dummett has made himself unavailable to play for Wales. [EX Q]: Lee Brooks and his five friends raised the bar on Tuesday when they headed off in a revamped second-hand caravan that could turn more heads than the Can-Can. He said the 'carafan' was a way of cutting costs while highlighting Northern Ireland's achievement in reaching their first major tournament in 30 years. But although the chef will be driving hundreds of miles after the group reach Cherbourg via ferry, he has a simple formula for kicking cooking into touch. "I am a chef, that's why I ripped out the cooker," he added. "I don't want to cook on holiday, I feel I'm already doing enough with the driving. "I am doing the driving the whole way as my brother injured his hand playing football for the Northern Ireland supporters' team and had to get five stitches. "Nice here we come, I don't know what they will think when we hit the town. "People will probably say 'what is this?' I think it will be a positive thing as it is a bit different." Lee spent two weeks sandpapering and painting the caravan which will provide accommodation during the fans' 16-day trip. They have secured tickets for Northern Ireland's three group games in Nice, Lyon and Paris and Lee hopes some of Michael O'Neill's players will take time out to pop in for a chat. "I hope some of the boys will have a sit in with us," he said. "We have painted a message saying this is the team hotel on the side of the caravan, so it would be nice for them to drop in." A group of Republic of Ireland football fans have moved their transport options up a gear by customising a double-decker bus for the finals. Peter McKeever, from Cullyhanna in County Armagh, said he and his friends had converted the vehicle over a period of two months after purchasing it in Dublin. "Ten of us clubbed together to buy it and get it ready," he said. "There was a lot of work involved, we have put in bunk beds and tables as well as fridges and we have a barbecue. "We have stickers on the back of Daniel O'Donnell with the words 'Mammy we will be grand', Martin O'Neill and Roy Keane are on the side and there is a slogan on the bus which says 'We are not here to take over, we are here to take part'. "Eight of us have licences for driving lorries and buses anyway, we thought it would work out cheaper and the craic would be far better than hopping off and on planes. "This will create memories for life. We will take every game as it comes, but hopefully we will be there for a good while." Alan McClure from the Four Winds area of Belfast will be camping out during his stay at the tournament and will also be attending Northern Ireland's three group games. He and his wife, Anne, shared a tent when Northern Ireland qualified for the 1982 World Cup finals in Spain. Unfortunately Anne is unable to make the Euro 2016 finals due to work commitments, but Alan will be accompanied by his son Michael and his French partner. "At the World Cup finals in Spain in 1982 it was different," he added. "In Spain all the games started at 9pm, so you were able to spend your time at the beach during the day and go to the games at night, it was a great combination. "There is great flexibility with the camping. I am heading to Cherbourg by ferry and then driving down to Nice where I will meet my son Michael and his partner Camille who is from Lille, they are going to the three group games as well. "My daughter Alexandra and her boyfriend Paul are joining us for the game against Ukraine in Lyon. "It will be very interesting, hopefully we can have a few barbecues on the way as well. I think Northern Ireland can go there with a lot of confidence." [EX A]: Football fans from Northern Ireland are making their pitch for the most creative ways of getting to the Euro 2016 finals in France. [EX Q]: The small plastic bags, containing rum, vodka or other spirits, are popular with those on a budget - costing between $0.35 (£0.28) and $1.65. The ban was aimed at minimising the impact of alcohol on young people, especially students, government spokesman Bruno Kone said. A ban on the sale of water in plastic bags led to protests two years ago. They were banned by the Ivorian authorities in a bid to reduce pollution. The decision to ban the sachets of alcohol was taken after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday and had been proposed by the ministry of commerce, Mr Kone said. "These products are mostly smuggled into the country," the APA news agency quotes him as saying. "They do not meet our standards and therefore constitute a real threat to the health of consumers - and a threat to the country's economy." Cameroon, Malawi and Senegal have also banned the sale and production of alcohol in sachets in recent years. [EX A]:
Ivory Coast's government has banned the production, importation and sale of alcohol in sachets on health grounds.
Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. -------- Question: If you've ever seen travel photos of Venice or been to Venice yourself, you're probably familiar with the Rialto Bridge. The Ponte di Rialto is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Venice and one of the most iconic landmarks of the Italian city. Even in 1594, when the bridge was only recently completed, a British traveler called it the "eighth wonder of the world." The version of the bridge that most people know was built between 1588 and 1591, but there's been a bridge in this location since around 1180. The Rialto Bridge was the first bridge to cross the Grand Canal, and until the 1800s it remained the only bridge across Venice's major waterway. The Rialto district was the main commercial hub of Venice and people increasingly needed access to buy and sell goods. The first bridge built at this site was a pontoon bridge that was eventually replaced by a wooden bridge in 1264. This wooden bridge was destroyed and rebuilt several times: it burned down during an unsuccessful coup in 1310, and in 1444 collapsed under the weight of a crowd watching a boat parade during a wedding. Its last collapse came in 1524, and by then Venice decided it was time to build a more permanent and durable bridge. Beginning in 1525, many architects submitted designs for the Rialto Bridge, but none of them was unanimously selected for the commission. The elected council overseeing the bridge's construction deliberated and consulted several local builders to figure out how they could erect a stone bridge across the wide Grand Canal. They had a few limitations to consider: the sloped shores on either side, the need for boats to be able to pass underneath, and the practicality of having shops atop the bridge. Andrea Palladio's design for the Rialto Bridge, published in his architectural treatise, Quattro libri, in 1570, featured three arches that would have prevented larger boats from passing under the bridge. Although his design utilized an appealing classical aesthetic, it was rejected in favor of Antonio Da Ponte's. Question: what is author opinion? Answer: iconic landmark Question: When I was a patrolman working the 11PM to 7AM shift we received a phone call from a police department about 200 miles away in a neighboring state. It seems that department was holding one of our elderly residents who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Earlier in the day this gentlemen got the keys to his wife's car and went for a ride. He quickly became confused and lost, so he just kept driving. The last 60 miles of his journey consisted of a low speed police chase. This poor man was scared to death and only pulled over when his vehicle ran out of gas. A request was made for us to send an officer to transport this gentleman the 200 miles back to his home. Because we were at minimum shift strength, the Sergeant determined that a family member would have to go and get him. I returned to work the following night and at nightly briefing, I asked if anyone had an update on the man's transport. The sergeant said he hadn't heard anything, which is when a junior patrolman spoke up. He said that man is from my neighborhood and after I got home from work this morning, I drove the 400 mile round trip and picked up my neighbor and returned him home to his wife. I just got back into town about an hour ago, so I changed into my uniform, and I'm here for my shift! I learned later that this patrolman had taken it upon himself to contact the man's wife and the only vehicle they owned was out of gas 200 miles away. So this officer stayed up all day after a working the midnight shift and used his own car for the 400 mile trip. The officer said when he picked the man up at the station; he looked at the officer and smiled. He recognized his neighbor. This frail elderly man surely did not remember this selfless act of kindness. But it made a lasting impression on me, and on what it means to be a good cop. Question: What required the police's attention? Answer: A man was lost driving his car due to Alzheimer's Question: His eyes were open and his head bobbed around at an impossible angle. He was sitting in about forty feet of water, stone dead, one arm pinned between the rocks. As best I could tell, he had been dead when he landed there. The mud and ooze around him were as serene and smooth as he was. The cop who was assisting me swam over and made a palms up gesture. I shrugged back at him and began to work the body loose. The corpse had only one leg, and as I worked I wondered what he had been doing in the lake. I got the arm free and kicked toward the quicksilver surface above me. The body turned bloated and heavy when I broke water with it, and it took three of us to load it into the police launch. I dried off and got a coke out of the cooler. It was getting to be another Texas scorcher, and the sunlight bouncing off the surface of the lake felt like it had needles in it. My mouth was dry from breathing canned air and the carbonation burned like fire. Winslow, from the sheriff's office, sat down next to me. 'I appreciate this, Dan,' he said. 'No problem.' Sam Winslow and I had grown up together about twenty miles outside Austin in a little town called Coupland. We'd fought a lot as kids, and there were still plenty of differences in our politics and educations. But being on the police and fire rescue squad had brought me closer to him again, and I was glad of it. A private detective needs all the friends he can get. 'What do you make of it?' I asked him. 'Accidental drowning, looks like.' I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. 'He's got a bump on the head that could have come off a rock. We'll see what the coroner says.' 'Any idea who he is?' Winslow shook his head. He'd gained weight in his face recently and his jowls vibrated with the gesture. Question: Who got coke out of the cooler? Answer:
The narrator
Definition: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Input: The plot of the film is drawn from the play Chicago by Maurine Dallas Watkins which was in turn based on the true story of Beulah Annan, fictionalized as Roxie Hart (Phyllis Haver), and her spectacular murder of her boyfriend. Output:
is chicago the movie based on a true story?
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Updated A Virgin America flight from San Francisco to Boston was nearly diverted after someone onboard named their phone's Wi-Fi hotspot 'Samsung Galaxy Note 7'. A passenger on Flight 358, Mapboix software developer Lucas Wojciechowski, was scanning the plane for in-flight Wi-Fi when he noticed a hotspot active that appeared to be coming from a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, which have been banned from US flights because of their tendency to catch fire. Open my laptop on the plane and notice a Galaxy Note 7 wifi hotspot — Lucas Wojciechowski (@lucaswoj) December 20, 2016 About an hour into the flight the intercom clicked on and one of the cabin crew asked that if anyone had a Note 7, they should they identify themselves. After 15 minutes and no answer, the cabin crew threatened to turn on the lights – it was 11pm by this stage – and search all passengers until they found the device. Another 15 minutes and no phone, so now the captain came on the intercom and threatened to divert the flight to an airport in Wyoming if the owner of the banned Sammy handset didn’t confess. He pointed out that as this was a nighttime flight then landing and searching everyone would be a massive pain in the backside for everyone. "I don't know if you've ever been diverted at 3am," Wojciechowski recounts the captain saying. "Let me tell you, it is terrible. There is nothing open in the terminal. Nothing." Thankfully, this seemed to do the trick and shortly afterwards the captain reassured passengers that the device had been found. It wasn't one of the flammable phones, but instead another model belonging to a moron who thought it would be a good wheeze to rename their mobile hotspot and pretend to be carrying a banned handset. "The US Department of Transportation has banned the transport of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on board all US aircraft, and Virgin America actively informs guests that they should not bring these devices onboard," a Virgin spokesman told The Reg. "As such, when our InFlight Teammates see potential evidence of this device on board, they take it seriously. In this case, there was no such device - the safety of the passengers and crew was never in question, and no flights were cancelled or delayed as a result." The crew's consternation is understandable. Not only do US transport officials take a dim view of Note 7 handsets on aircraft (particularly as there has already been an in-aircraft fire) but an in-flight blaze is many pilots' worst nightmare – barring a sudden reduction in the number of wings. While Virgin America declined to say if any action had been taken against the unfunny prankster, your humble hack hopes they make him walk home next time. ® Updated to add It is possible Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge phones call themselves Note 7s in their Wi-Fi network names – meaning it may have been a software bug rather than prank. ||||| 15 minutes later "This isn't a joke. We're going to turn on the lights" (its 11pm) "and search everyone's bag until we find it" ||||| SMH. SMDH. Someone recently boarded a Virgin America flight with the bright idea of leaving on a Wi-Fi hotspot named “Galaxy Note 7_1097” Since that device is banned from all planes in any capacity, the pilot rightly decided to divert the plane in an effort to focus on passenger safety. The fire-prone Galaxy Note 7 isn’t a device you want on any flight. According to BBC, the plane’s crew came across the loudspeaker and asked the owner of the phone to page the flight attendants using the in-seat call button. Nobody called the flight attendants and the phone appeared to still be broadcasting a Wi-Fi hotspot. The pilot came on the speaker next. “This isn’t a joke,” the pilot said, according to BBC. “We’re going to turn on the lights (it’s 11pm) and search everyone’s bag until we find it.” That didn’t do enough convincing. The passengers all remained mum. “This is the captain speaking. Apparently the plane is going to have to get diverted and searched if nobody fesses up soon.” That’s when someone finally admitted to owning the device. He or she wasn’t carrying a Galaxy Note 7 but, rather, had simply named his or her phone’s hotspot to suggest it was indeed that device. My guess is it was some sort of prank, perhaps meant for use in another location and accidentally forgotten about until it was spotted on the flight. BBC said this ultimately led to the delays and even a flight cancellation. Yikes. Update: Virgin America provided us with this statement, disputing claims made to BBC that any flights were delayed or canceled: “The U.S. Department of Transportation has banned the transport of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 onboard all U.S. aircraft, and Virgin America actively informs guests that they should not bring these devices onboard. As such, when our InFlight Teammates see potential evidence of this device onboard, they take it seriously. In this case, there was no such device – the safety of the passengers and crew was never in question. And to clarify in your article, no flights were cancelled or delayed as a result.” ||||| Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Airlines have banned use of the Note 7 on flights A flight in America was delayed and almost diverted on Tuesday after a passenger changed the name of their wi-fi device to 'Samsung Galaxy Note 7'. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones were banned from planes by the US Department of Transportation after several of the devices caught fire. Lucas Wojciechowski was on Virgin America flight 358 from San Francisco to Boston and told BBC News he photographed the hotspot after noticing it when he opened his laptop. A call went out for any passenger with a Note 7 to press their call button. Image copyright Twitter - @lucaswoj Image caption The wi-fi device name that caused disruption on board the aircraft Mr. Wojciechowski subsequently tweeted the crew's announcements from the late night flight after the pilot warned passengers they would have to make an emergency landing. "This isn't a joke. We're going to turn on the lights (it's 11pm) and search everyone's bag until we find it. "This is the captain speaking. Apparently the plane is going to have to get diverted and searched if nobody fesses up soon." The owner came forward confessing there was no Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on board, but they had changed the name of their SSID wireless device to 'Samsung Galaxy Note 7_1097.' Image copyright AP Image caption A Samsung Galaxy Note 7 handset that caught fire on a table in Richmond, Virginia According to Mr. Wojciechowski, the flight crew later announced: "Ladies and gentlemen, we found the device. Luckily only the name of the device was changed to 'Galaxy Note 7'. It was not a GN7." Serenity Caldwell, managing editor of Apple products news and reviews site iMore, was on the ground where the plane was landing and had arrived early to board her flight. She posted a series of tweets when she arrived at her gate. "When I got to the airport (early) today, I found a huge line of people at the counter to my gate. Turns out, the flight had been cancelled. "It took about two hours for everyone to get their itineraries finally sorted. Finally, they all move on to their new gates and our crew comes. "They're hanging out while we wait to begin boarding, and one of them lets this slip: "Know why the 9am flight got cancelled? "The plane was mid-flight when an attendant noticed a wi-fi hotspot. A Galaxy Note 7 wi-fi hotspot. Everyone else makes a horrified face." Mr. Wojciechowski said he believed no further action was taken on the passenger with the device. BBC News approached Virgin America for comment who said, "The U.S. Deptarment of Transportation has banned the transport of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 onboard all U.S. aircraft, and Virgin America actively informs guests that they should not bring these devices onboard. As such, when our InFlight Teammates see potential evidence of this device onboard, they take it seriously. In this case, there was no such device - and no flights were cancelled or delayed as a result." ||||| Apparently the plane is going to have to get diverted & searched if nobody fesses up soon ||||| Add a location to your Tweets When you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location. You can switch location on/off before each Tweet and always have the option to delete your location history. Learn more |||||
A flier's (or, as some other media put it, "moron's") decision to name his wifi hotspot "Samsung Galaxy Note7_1097" caused trouble in the skies Tuesday night. In case you've been dozing during recent pre-takeoff announcements, airlines worldwide have banned the Samsung GN7 after reports the phone's lithium-ion battery can catch fire. The BBC reports the mid-air trouble began when a passenger on Virgin America 358 opened up his laptop and spotted the suspiciously named wifi network. In a series of tweets, Lucas Wojciechowski recounted what happened on the late-night flight from San Francisco to Boston after a call went out requesting that the passenger carrying a GN7 press his or her call button. First came a crew announcement: "This isn't a joke. We're going to turn on the lights (it's 11pm) and search everyone's bag until we find it." Then 15 minutes later: "This is the captain speaking." Wojceichowski tweets that if no one owns up, the plane will have to land. Then finally, relief: "Ladies and gentlemen, we found the device. Luckily only the name of the device was changed to 'Galaxy Note 7'. It was not a GN7." In a statement provided to TechnoBuffalo, Virgin America explains that "when our InFlight Teammates see potential evidence of [the GN7] onboard, they take it seriously." The airline corrects earlier reports that the kerfuffle affected flights, saying "no flights were cancelled or delayed as a result" of the incident. (Samsung apologized for the device in a very bold way.)
Please answer the following question: Given the following passage "Additionally, genes can have regulatory regions many kilobases upstream or downstream of the open reading frame. These act by binding to transcription factors which then cause the DNA to loop so that the regulatory sequence (and bound transcription factor) become close to the RNA polymerase binding site. For example, enhancers increase transcription by binding an activator protein which then helps to recruit the RNA polymerase to the promoter; conversely silencers bind repressor proteins and make the DNA less available for RNA polymerase.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How does DNA and RNA contact? Answer:
polymerase binding site
Problem: Q: Ok, this one is not missing a class but much better story IMO. When I was in middle school, if you didn’t have homework completed or goofed off in some way, teachers could make you stay after school for ‘after school help.’ It was essentially a mandatory study hall and if a teacher called you out, you had no choice in the matter. Now, I was in Biology class towards end of my middle school career and was sitting at one of those lab tables next to another student. We both had newspaper routes (yes, people actually delivered actual newspapers to people’s homes in the 1980s), so it would make us late for our deliveries if we were made to stay after school. This biology teacher would check our vocabulary assignment every week and I totally spaced it this week - Oh Crap! Now, my lab mate had most of his done, but just didn’t quite finish. Our teacher is working his way around the classroom checking assignments. So, he checks my lab partner, “well Scott, looks like you will be staying after school today.” This fellow student knew I didn’t have mine either, but also knew I was a pretty good student. I feel like I am sweating bullets and trembling as the teacher approaches me. In a near panic, I reach into my folder and pull out a prior week’s assignment. He looks it over and says “OK, good job” or something like that. Scott is looking at me in utter disbelief. Even funnier was the fact that this week’s assignment required 6–7 pages of paper to complete. The one I had blindly grabbed from folder had 2 pages, with barely anything in second page. It was totally obvious what I had done, but our teacher gave me a break that day. I managed to make it thru all three years without needing any ‘after school help!’ This was a large public school and they still paddled students if the infraction was serious enough. I know none of that is allowed these days, but those were both good deterrents for me!! According to the above context, answer the following question. Why was his lab partner kept after school? Answer: He had not finished his assignment Problem: Q: Outside the White House Friday, a media frenzy. And at the center of it all, President Donald Trump. “Can we do one question at a time? Wait! One question at a time," the president scolded reporters. Trump launched a new attack on the Russia probe in the wake of a critical report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation by the inspector general of the Department of Justice. “I did nothing wrong. There was no collusion. There was no obstruction," he said. "The IG (inspector general) report yesterday went a long way to show that, and I think that the Mueller investigation has been totally discredited.” But the report in question only dealt with how the FBI handled the Clinton email controversy. It was critical of the man Trump fired as FBI director, James Comey, but rejected the notion of a politically-directed effort aimed at Trump. “This report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation under review," announced current FBI Director Christopher Wray. Democrats also took note of the report. “Anyone who is hoping to use this report to undermine the Mueller probe or prove the existence of a ‘deep state’ conspiracy against President Trump will be sorely disappointed," Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said. During his lengthy encounter with reporters Friday, Trump also defended his recent summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. “They are doing so much for us, and now we are well on our way to get denuclearization," he said. "And the agreement says there will be total denuclearization. Nobody wants to report that. I got along with him great. We have a great chemistry together. That is a good thing, not a bad thing." Trump also lashed out at opposition Democrats and tried to blame them for recent administration actions to separate family members caught trying to come across the U.S. border. “The Democrats forced that law upon our nation. I hate it. I hate to see separation of parents and children," Trump said. According to the above context, answer the following question. Who was the FBI Director? Answer: James Comey Problem: Q: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's choice to lead the Department of Homeland Security, retired Marine General John Kelly, is one of the U.S. military's longest-serving commanders and the most senior officer since 9/11 to lose a child in combat. Blunt-spoken and popular with military personnel, Kelly, 66, was born and raised in Boston. He initially enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1970, and was discharged from active duty as a sergeant in 1972. He returned to the Marine Corps after graduation from the University of Massachusetts Boston in 1976. Kelly rose through the ranks to serve as the commanding general of the Multi-National Force West in Iraq from February 2008 to February 2009, and as the commander of Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces North in October 2009. He succeeded General Douglas Fraser as commander of U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) on Nov. 19, 2012. As the head of USSOUTHCOM, Kelly was in charge of the military jail at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and also was exposed to immigration, drug trafficking and other cross-border problems over a sprawling area that encompasses 32 countries in the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Kelly took a tough tone on border security, warning Congress last year about the risks of smuggling rings in Mexico and Central America that spirited "tens of thousands of people," including unaccompanied children, "to our nation's doorstep." He also clashed with the Obama administration over plans to close Guantanamo and the Pentagon's order that opened all jobs in combat units to women, including the most elite forces like the Navy SEALs. In 2010, Kelly became the highest ranking U.S. military officer to lose a child in combat operations in Southwest Asia. His youngest son, 1st Lieutenant Robert Michael Kelly, was killed in action in Afghanistan on Nov. 9, 2010. The younger Kelly was a Marine and was on his third combat tour, but on his first combat tour as a Marine Corps infantry officer. Since his son's death, Kelly has talked in stark terms about the... According to the above context, answer the following question. Who is Robert Michael Kelly? Answer:
He's a lieutenant who was killed in Afghanistan on his third combat tour
Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. -------- Question: I went over to a guy's house to see a movie that he had acted in. It was our first date. He starts the movie and I settle back to watch. I was in film school and the guy, Nick, had told me he wanted my "professional" opinion. We're five minutes into the movie when Nick reaches for the remote and says, "Let's fast forward to my part." I reply that, in order to adequately critique the movie, I should see it from the beginning. Nick assures me that his scene is self-contained and needs no context. A fight scene plays. Nick pauses and asks, "What did you think?" I look confused and Nick says, "Did you miss me? Let's play it again." I watch the scene again, but still can't make out Nick. Nick rewinds, plays and pauses. "There I am," he says, gazing fondly at the screen. Except the screen was gray. No actors. No landscape. Nothing, but gray snow. "What do you think," he asked, his eyes never leaving the empty screen. At that point, I realized Nick was crazy. "That's great!," I said. "But look at the time. Time sure flies when you're having fun." Nick was still staring at the screen with a strange little smile. I stood up. Nick stood up, now not smiling. "You're not going anywhere," Nick said. It's funny how fear works. I've found that in times of danger, adrenaline supersedes fear. I managed to trick Nick, hide from Nick and finally to escape after more than an hour of suspense. Turns out it wasn't even Nick's place. He had taken me to the house of someone he had ripped off in a drug deal. I am very wary now of going to a guy's home unless I know him extremely well. Question: Who owned the apartment the author had been taken to? Answer: A guy Nick had ripped off Question: What are the worst examples of false advertising you've seen? Did you fall prey to their claims? Rather that vouch for myself - my story is trite, and not particularly interesting - I'll relay the tale one of my nurses shared with me when I was laid up in the hospital for a few weeks. Call her R. R was from an Eastern European country. We chit-chatted a lot, while she was taking my blood pressure readings and stuff. Lots of fun stories! But she relayed to me one of her first U.S. memories: She wanted to lose weight. She was impressed by some things the U.S. had to offer - "you have actual nutritional information on everything!" - and thus figured everything she encountered was on the level. And she found a "miracle cure" company who was along those lines! "These are AWESOME miracle shoe inserts! Wear them, and the pounds will melt away!" She saved her pennies and dimes; she sprung for the inserts. She received them... and they were shoe inserts; that much was true. But then there was their documentation: "using these insoles, combined with a 1200 calorie-per-day diet...." Like a 1200-calorie diet won't likely involve weight-loss, no matter what else you did, shoe inserts aside. The inserts did nothing, obviously. It was a sham. At which point she knew she was snookered, but really had no recourse. She wasn't explicit about it, but I got the feeling that it was a leading factor towards her chosen profession. "I might not have been the most sage medical person ever, but I'm gonna rectify that, and if ever I hear someone falling for that sort of gambit again, I'll be there to nip those sentiments in the bud with my own anecdotes." Which is awesome. I still feel for her. I wish I had contact information, so I could touch base, and express those thoughts personally. But that's the most personally resonant version of false advertising affecting someone that I've seen. Question: Whose claims should we not fall prey to? Answer: The false advertisers Question: So a couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be invited to The Body Shop® blogger event at my local store in Coppergate, York. It had been organised by blogger Indigo Rosee, in collaboration with the store. The evening had been set up to showcase the new limited edition Christmas make-up collection and also promote the huge sale that the store had on. There were some amazing deals! We were welcomed with prosecco and nibbles and then had a few minutes to browse the store and take some photos. I received a great demonstration of the new make-up products which includes a funky black eyeliner pen with a star stamp on one end which EVERYONE tried out! I always really love The Body Shop® Christmas make-up collections, and I think it's a shame that it's a brand that is sometimes forgotten when it comes to make-up. Then everyone was treated to a hand spa and massage using some of the Spa Of The World products. They're truly luxurious, I recently reviewed the new Firming Ritual collection recently and absolutely loved it. I then had a look round some of the offers that the store was promoting, a lot of the Shower Gels and Body Butters were on sale (I just LOVE The Body Shop® Body Butters) and there were lots of gift sets too. It was a great opportunity to chat with the staff too, to ask questions about new products and find out what their favourites are. I also spent a lot of time looking at the 2017 beauty advent calendars. This year The Body Shop® are offering 3 different advent calendars starting from just £45. The larger calendars included some full size products too which I thought was great. There's also going to be a Countdown to New Year calendar priced at just £50 which I thought was a great fun idea. Question: Who organized the The Body Shop® blogger event in Coppergate, York? Answer:
Indigo Rosee
Write an example conversation that led to this. This: Kyle Connor Kyle Connor (born December 9, 1996) is an American professional ice hockey player who currently plays for the Winnipeg Jets of the National Hockey League (NHL). Preceding conversation: DIALOG: Who is Kyle Connor? - Write an example conversation that led to this. This: The Premier Division consisted of 22 clubs, including 17 clubs from the previous season and five new clubs: < onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The Eastern Division consisted of 22 clubs, including 18 clubs from the previous season and four new clubs: < onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The Western Division consisted of 22 clubs, including 18 clubs from the previous season and four new clubs: <onlyinclude></onlyinclude > Preceding conversation: DIALOG: What was notable about the 2002-03 season? - 2002–03 Southern Football League The 2002–03 Southern Football League season was the 100th in the history of the league, an English football competition. - Did any team win promotion? - Tamworth won the Premier Division and earned promotion to the Football Conference for the first time. - What teams were relegated? - Halesowen Town, Hastings United, Ilkeston Town and Folkestone Invicta were relegated from the Premier Division, whilst Dorchester Town, Merthyr Tydfil, Eastbourne Borough and Weston-super-Mare were promoted from the Eastern and Western Divisions, the former two as champions. - Was there any other team relegated? - Spalding United, St Leonards, Rocester and Racing Club Warwick were all relegated to the eighth level. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - Write an example conversation that led to this. This: At the University of Chicago, Hulm was a postdoc from 1949 to 1951 and an assistant professor from 1951 to 1954. Preceding conversation: DIALOG: Who is John Kenneth Hulm? - John Kenneth Hulm John Kenneth Hulm (4 July 1923, Southport, UK – 16 January 2004) was a British-American physicist and engineer, known for the development of superconducting materials with applications to high-field superconducting magnets. - What is he known for? - In 1953 with George F. Hardy he discovered the first A-15 superconducting alloy. - Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? - John K. Hulm received his undergraduate degree in 1943 from the University of Cambridge and then worked on radar development until the end of WWII. - What did he do after working on radar development? - After the war he returned to Cambridge and received his PhD in 1949 with a thesis on the thermal conductivity of superconductors. - Who was his PhD advisor? - His thesis advisor was David Shoenberg. - What did he do after he received his PhD? - Write an example conversation that led to this. This: Where there is insufficient heat (as in a deep seated fire such as will be found in stored paper) no steam will be generated and the mist system will not extinguish the fire. Preceding conversation:
DIALOG: When did the smoke detectors act as fire detectors? - It hasn't entered general use, but is gaining some acceptance on ships and in a few residential applications. - What is the difference between new and old types of fire detectors? - Mist suppression systems work by using the heat of the fire to 'flash' the water mist cloud to steam. - what are the different types of fire suppression systems? - This then smothers the fire. - what is the best system? - As such, mist systems tend to be highly effective where there is likely to be a free-burning hot fire. - what are the limitations of the mist system? -
Question: Given the below context: Seattle is a charter city, with a mayor–council form of government. From 1911 to 2013, Seattle's nine city councillors were elected at large, rather than by geographic subdivisions. For the 2015 election, this changed to a hybrid system of seven district members and two at-large members as a result of a ballot measure passed on November 5, 2013. The only other elected offices are the city attorney and Municipal Court judges. All city offices are officially non-partisan.Like some other parts of the United States, government and laws are also run by a series of ballot initiatives (allowing citizens to pass or reject laws), referenda (allowing citizens to approve or reject legislation already passed), and propositions (allowing specific government agencies to propose new laws or tax increases directly to the people). Jenny Durkan was elected as mayor in the 2017 mayoral election and took office on November 28, 2017. The mayor's office also includes two deputy mayors, appointed to advise the mayor on policies; As of 2017, the city's deputy mayors are Michael Fong and Shefali Ranganathan.Seattle's political culture is very liberal and progressive for the United States, with over 80% of the population voting for the Democratic Party. All precincts in Seattle voted for Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. In partisan elections for the Washington State Legislature and United States Congress, nearly all elections are won by Democrats. Although local elections are nonpartisan, most of the city's elected officials are known to be Democrats. In 1926, Seattle became the first major American city to elect a female mayor, Bertha Knight Landes. It has also elected an openly gay mayor, Ed Murray, and a third-party socialist councillor, Kshama Sawant. For the first time in United States history, an openly gay black woman was elected to public office when Sherry Harris was elected as a Seattle city councillor in 1991. The majority of the city council is female.Federally, Seattle is split... Guess a valid title for it! Answer:
Generate the answer for a given question. The question requires common knowledge of English. Make sure that the answer is in detail, long, consistent with the context, and requires general knowledge of English. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Give a proper explanation to answer, and if necessary, provide the definition of various terms. And conclude your answer if it's long. If you have used other resources (e.g., Merriam Webster's.) to answer the question, include citations in your answer. You don't need to paraphrase the context of your resources, but make sure that your answer is consistent and complete. -------- Question: I'm referring to the peculiar habit I sometimes see in formal documents, where a number is given numerically after it's spelled out. It seems quite redundant: I need five (5) kumquats, stat! (Though it isn't always in a legal context, might it be related to this answer on this question?). Answer: The redundancy is presumably intended to reduce typos, forgery, and other types of error or manipulation in order to make the intent as clear as possible. It is known professionally as a CYA. It's obvious what my intent is when I rather carelessly write an I.O.U. for sevum kumquats, but alas, sevum is not really a word and opens up our contract to litigation. Adding the numeral 7 in parenthesis after sevum clarifies the intent. Similarly, if I were to write an I.O.U. for 3 kumquats, one could easily change that 3 to an 8, but it is far more difficult to make three look like eight. The practice appears to be a legal tradition rather than a universally honored rule. If you've ever written a check (known as a cheque to the Queen), you've written out a number with words and followed it with a numeral (albeit without parenthesis). Question: I want to use one word to express how people who have very different world views are naturally pushed apart, like water and oil. It's not quite repulsion, but it's the natural avoidance. Thoughts? Example below: I don't find them interesting and the feeling is mutual. So I'm happy for this natural [insert word here]. Answer: Here, 'Repulsion' can be used. But it's a strong word. In simpler cases you can go with the words 'Aversion', 'Disinclination'. 'I don't find them interesting and the feeling is mutual. So I'm happy for this natural disinclination/aversion' Question: What is the antonym of the word destination. Here is some context: Every train has a destination and a ____? I was thinking it might be origin but I've never encountered that word used in this context so I'm not sure - there might be a better word. Answer:
According to a Google search, the word origin is used as the opposite of destination on several pages on the Amtrak web site. Amtrak is the largest train operator in the United States. Here are a few examples: This schedule lists the Origin and 'Destination' of various routes. The Interactive Route Atlas page says the following: Once you have selected origin and destination stations by one of the methods above, click on the 'Go' button to send your custom route request. The Multi-Ride Ten-Ride Ticket page says the following: Ten-ride tickets are valid for ten rides within a 45-day, 60-day or 180-day period depending on your origin and destination cities.
Logic ==> Jogging is a form of aerobic exercise in which you maintain a running speed under 6mph. Jogging can also help you improve your heart health and immune system and maintains flexibility as you age. Fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. She was jogging faster and faster, pushing herself, she looking to improve fitness. fitness Question ==> She was jogging faster and faster, pushing herself, what was she looking to improve? Options: - fitness - getting in shape - sweating - wholeness - fatigue ** House is a building where people normally live. People generally take bath where they normally live. house ** Inside what structure do you normally take a bath? Options: - room that is upstairs - own home - hotel room - house - found in house Detailed logic: As he waited for his friend at the squash court but he was worried that his friend thought he meant the at the other end of the public park. park Question for this logic: He waited for his friend at the squash court, but he was worried his friend thought he meant the at the other end of the public what? Options: - country club - rich person's house - pool - park - fitness center Logic ==> A piñata is a decorated figure of an animal containing toys and sweets suspended from a height. Candies are a type of sweet. People usually find candies out of a piñata. candies Question ==> What does a person get out of a pinata? Options: - contraceptives - well fed - candies - own house - fairness ** Old houses are the best places where you can put wooden rod. If you do not have any clocks then you would put a wooden rod in old houses after buying it. old houses ** Where would you put a wooden rod after buying it if you do not have any clocks? Options: - hardware store - old houses - clock shop - connecting pieces of wood - old clock Detailed logic: National park is an area of countryside, protected by the state for the enjoyment of the general public or the preservation of wildlife. There are many natural landmarks that need to be protected at locations called national park. national park Question for this logic:
There are many natural landmarks that need to be protected at what locations? Options: - countryside - city - national park - special place - forest
Q:Yes; I have a rare form of cluster/ice pick headaches that can affect any part of my body. It’s quite uncommon, but essentially I can get an excruciating migraine in my arm, leg, etc., on top of getting them in my head/temples. For years my family and I had no idea what was happening, and with no vocabulary to properly explain what was happening, I described it for about fifteen years as “beeping.” Doctors told us it was anything from growth spurts to a grab for attention, and for a while I gave up trying to figure out what they were. When they got worse and I couldn’t ignore them anymore, I was finally sent to a neurologist, who diagnosed me with ice pick headaches. I let out a sigh of relief that I didn’t even know I was holding in; I felt like I could finally breathe. Years of stress and confusion washed off of me, and I started taking a beta blocker to prevent them. I’ve been on them for a few years now, and it’s changed my life for the better. I used to be terrified of learning to drive, for many reasons, but a large one being that if I got an ice pick headache on the road, I couldn’t guarantee the safety of those around me if I was at the wheel. Now I’m considering finally getting my license (considering - I still don’t like being behind the wheel), I don’t double over in white hot pain randomly anymore, and when I do get a cluster headache, I can still function. It almost sounds a little silly, but really, they were crippling, and being able to work through them on my own? It’s the greatest gift I’ve given to myself. You know yourself better than anyone, even if you feel like you don’t know yourself. If something feels wrong, don’t just live with it - keep pushing for a correct diagnosis! Whose life was changed forever once they found out they had ice pick headaches? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. The main characters B. the family C. not enough information D. Doctors A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. Q: But following a summer in which Arsene Wenger has already done some serious spending, the evidence is that the Gunners boss has not yet strengthened enough. There are some positives: as with their last-gasp win over Crystal Palace last week, Saturday's fight-back from 2-0 down to draw against Everton was an indication that Arsenal now have the backbone they lacked when the going got tough last season. But the fact they found themselves in so much trouble in the first place suggests some of their other old shortcomings have not been eradicated yet. Wenger had vowed before kick-off at Goodison Park that his side would show they were not soft touches any more but they again found it difficult to cope when they faced a player with genuine physical power. Everton's Romelu Lukaku destroyed the Gunners in April and they could not live with him this time either, despite claims from his manager Roberto Martinez after the game that he was not fully fit. Lukaku again stayed wide right to target and torment Arsenal left-back Nacho Monreal, and all three of Everton's front players - the big Belgian, his compatriot Kevin Mirallas on the right and Steven Naismith in the centre - looked dangerous running at the visitors. In mitigation, this was a makeshift Gunners defence - their first-choice centre-back pairing of Per Mertesacker and Laurent Koscielny are yet to play together this season, and Monreal is only playing because Kieran Gibbs is injured. Calum Chambers, who has started the season at centre-back, is a promising prospect but he is still learning his trade, as has been seen this week. Chambers almost cost Arsenal a goal in the first leg of their Champions League play-off against Besiktas, diving in to try to clear and letting Demba Ba in on goal. He did not get away with it when he repeated that error in the build-up to Everton's second goal, after Mertesacker had been muscled off the ball. But Arsenal's lack of strength in depth in that department is their own fault. Wenger sold their usual back-up centre-back - and occasional left-back - Thomas Vermaelen to Barcelona the week before the season started, and he has not been replaced. The Frenchman still has time to put that right before the transfer window shuts on 1 September, but the signs are he will choose to rely on the versatile but raw Chambers. Filling in when and where he is needed will be great for the 19-year-old's development, but not so good for Arsenal if further mistakes prove as costly. Last season, Arsenal's problems at the back started further up the pitch. There was little protection given to their back-line in the damaging defeats they suffered at the homes of their rivals in the top five, including Everton. Worryingly for Wenger, the same was true on Saturday, when Mathieu Flamini was the only truly defensively minded man in their midfield. In the first half, when the Toffees took the game to the Gunners, they found little resistance in that area, with their first goal a good example. Gareth Barry was given time to pick out the perfect ball for the unmarked Seamus Coleman to open the scoring. "I could not work out what Arsenal were doing defensively - it was poor," BBC football pundit Alan Shearer said on Match of the Day. "It was a very good ball by Barry but Mesut Ozil should have stayed with Coleman, who was his man. "That is not the only mistake, though. There was no pressure on Barry, and you cannot play offside when there is no pressure on the ball." The Gunners have been linked with Real Madrid's Sami Khedira or Sporting's William Carvalho if they get past Besiktas on Wednesday and secure a place in the Champions League group stage. Either would make a big difference to plugging gaps of that sort. Wenger spent £35m this summer to sign Alexis Sanchez, who was seen as a step-up from their existing first-choice frontman Olivier Giroud. Sanchez might well still prove a striking superstar, but against Everton, on his own in attack and leading the line for the first time, he looked lightweight and lost. "Arsenal had no presence up front," added Shearer. "They had nobody to attack balls in the box. In the 45 minutes he played, Sanchez did not have one touch in the Everton area. "That all changed, to be fair to Wenger, at half-time when he brought on Giroud. He did have a presence and Arsenal then had somebody who they could see in the box." But what happens when there is no Giroud? Arsenal could find out again as soon as Wednesday in the second leg against Besiktas because the Frenchman injured his ankle in the closing minutes. Joel Campbell, who is unproven in the Premier League, and Yaya Sanogo, like Chambers a relative rookie, are their only other options. And, when you compare Arsenal's firepower to that of the teams who finished above them last season, it appears another definite weak link. A perfect fit would be a striker with the pace and mobility Giroud lacks, but also the sort of physical presence Sanchez does not possess. The question is, with Wenger talking after the Everton game about having "more strikers than before", is he even looking for another one? He should be. In each of their three games in the Premier League and Champions League so far this season, Arsenal have been unimpressive. Crucially, though, they have also been unbeaten. "Very much like last week against Palace, Arsenal did not play well for the vast majority of the game against Everton, but they kept on going until the end and got the three points," said Shearer. "This week they kept on going until the end and got one point. It was not a very good performance but it is a good sign." Understandably, after his side had scored two goals in the last seven minutes to get an unlikely draw, Wenger also pointed to their "fantastic spirit" and "complete desire". "When we got beaten here 3-0 last season, it could have been many more," Wenger explained. "Three was quite flattering on the day. "For us to come back from 2-0 down this time against a team as good on the counter-attack shows the belief and the resilience was there." In truth, 'resilience' was what Arsenal had been noticeably short of when they were under the cosh in the first half. Yes, Everton's second goal was offside, but the Toffees were completely dominant and but for a bad miss by Kevin Mirallas, could have been out of sight by half-time. What Arsenal actually had, as well as belief, was the ability to rescue something from a game that looked lost, but turned as Everton tired. Wenger is right to take encouragement from their comeback, and also correct that they probably would not have managed to dig themselves out of a similar-sized hole in the past. But there is a danger that, in weighing up whether to strengthen his squad in the next few days, he ignores the longstanding problems that mean they needed to. Perhaps he should remember that not every top team will offer them a second chance. A:
It is early days and they are still undefeated, so some Arsenal fans might find it unfair that their team's title credentials are already being questioned.
Question: Do these mean the same? The actress Manuela do Monte portrays Carol in the Brazilian version of the 2013 series . Carol do Monte portrays Manuela in the Brazilian version of the series 2013 . OPTIONS: - no - yes **** Answer: [no] Question: Do these mean the same? Online , there were a number of Advanced Chess tournaments worldwide , Freestyle Chess Tournaments defined by Centaur ( Centaur = human player + computer ) . There have been , online , a number of Advanced Chess tournaments worldwide , defined Freestyle Chess Tournaments by Centaur ( Centaur = human player + computer ) . OPTIONS: - no - yes **** Answer: [yes] Question: Do these mean the same? After studying in Belfast , he sailed to Shanghai in 1933 in order to join his parents . After studying in Shanghai , he sailed to Belfast in 1933 in order to join his parents . OPTIONS: - no - yes **** Answer: [no] Question: Do these mean the same? In October 2017 , the school became Outwood Grange Academies Trust , and joined Outwood Academy Redcar . In October 2017 , the Outwood Grange Academies school became trust and joined the Outwood Academy Redcar . OPTIONS: - no - yes **** Answer:
Premise: The man lifted the heavy box. What is the effect? Choices: A). He put out his back.; B). He scratched his back.;
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Q: A 23-year-old man from Michigan is running 3,200 miles across the US, inspired by Forrest Gump. While he may not be running for 'three years, two months, 14 days and 16 hours' like Forrest - played by Tom Hanks in the 1994 Academy Award-winning movie by the same name - Barclay Oudersluys will be on the road for 100 days, covering between 31 and 32 miles at a time. By Friday, the athlete had completed 2,000 miles and was 63 days into his epic journey. 'I've been through thunderstorms, snow a couple times, really windy days out in Kansas, heat waves; it's a real mix,' he told ABC News.Barclay Oudersluys, 23, is running 3,200 miles across the US for charityInspired by movie character Forrest Gump and hopes to finish in 100 daysBy Friday, he had completed 2,000 miles and was 63 days into his journey Questions:Writing on Facebook yesterday, Mr _ said: 'Just giving another update about my very exciting in theory, but very boring in reality life. (A) Michigan (B) US (C) Forrest Gump (D) Forrest (E) Tom Hanks (F) Academy Award (G) Barclay Oudersluys (H) Kansas (I) ABC News A: (G) **** Q: Passengers have told of the moment the engine of a Southwest Airlines plane caught fire seconds before takeoff in Chicago on Wednesday night, forcing the jet to make an emergency landing. Southwest Airlines says no one was injured when the plane aborted takeoff at Midway International Airport due to a 'mechanical issue'. Airline spokeswoman Emily Samuels says emergency responders met the Boston-bound plane Wednesday night and that the 143 passengers exited via air stairs and returned to the terminal. Chicago Fire Department spokesman Cmdr. Frank Velez tells the Chicago Tribune one of the plane's engines caught fire, but the airplane has since been secured.Flight 3299 bound for Boston aborted takeoff late Wednesday nightVideo inside the cabin shows the right engine sparking and catching fireSouthwest Airlines said it was a 'mechanical issue'Fire Department said the engine overheatedAll 143 passengers were evacuated and there were no injuries Questions:Passengers were flown to _ in another aircraft early Thursday. (A) Southwest Airlines (B) Chicago (C) Midway International Airport (D) Emily Samuels (E) Boston (F) Chicago Fire Department (G) Frank Velez (H) Chicago Tribune (I) Flight 3299 (J) Fire Department A: (E) **** Q: A woman who was beaten by her convict husband after allowing pigs to stray into their garden became embroiled in the first ever domestic violence court case recorded in Australia. Deborah Ellam was just 17 when she was sent to Sydney for seven years as part of the First Fleet in 1788 for stealing two gowns in England. Just two months after arriving she married 28-year-old John Herbert who had been sentenced to death for highway robbery and assault at Plymouth, but had his charges downgraded and was sent to Australia. 'John had a history of assault. He was troublesome at times on the ship… their marriage was the same,' Ben Mercer, content director at Ancestry, told Daily Mail Australia.Deborah Ellam was sent to Australia on First Fleet in 1788 when she was 17She married John Herbert, who had a history of violence, two months laterHe lashed out at Ms Ellam within a year of marriage and she reported himJudge ruled case was trivial and sentenced Ms Ellam to 25 lashes Questions:_ being the woman she was took him to court.' (A) Australia (B) Deborah Ellam (C) Sydney (D) First Fleet (E) England (F) John Herbert (G) Plymouth (H) John (I) Ben Mercer (J) Ancestry (K) Daily Mail Australia (L) Ellam A:
(B) ****
Given the following passage "According to the Framework Law (3549/2007), Public higher education "Highest Educational Institutions" (Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα, Anótata Ekpaideytiká Idrýmata, "ΑΕΙ") consists of two parallel sectors:the University sector (Universities, Polytechnics, Fine Arts Schools, the Open University) and the Technological sector (Technological Education Institutions (TEI) and the School of Pedagogic and Technological Education). There are also State Non-University Tertiary Institutes offering vocationally oriented courses of shorter duration (2 to 3 years) which operate under the authority of other Ministries. Students are admitted to these Institutes according to their performance at national level examinations taking place after completion of the third grade of Lykeio. Additionally, students over twenty-two years old may be admitted to the Hellenic Open University through a form of lottery. The Capodistrian University of Athens is the oldest university in the eastern Mediterranean.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who runs the vocational schools? Answer:
other Ministries
I have been preparing our house for the market and in doing so, I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff! I am definitely the hoarder in our house. My husband could live out of two bags, use about five kitchen items each year, and doesn’t gather anything for future use or hang on to much for sentimental value. (Which probably means the items he has hung on to mean a whole lot more!) I am always tucking something away here or stashing materials there…all in preparation for “some day.” It’s also part of the teacher in me. Do you know many teachers that don’t have a ton of stuff or utilize every bit of storage available? But, over the last several years, I’ve been fairly good about going through things every six months and weeding out a little here and a little there. Today I’ll be sharing six simple ways to declutter your home and why you should! GIVE THINGS AWAY It’s nice to make money, but sometimes you come across something that you really think someone else could use and you don’t want to throw it away. If it’s the perfect fit for that person, they may adopt the item and add their own wear and tear! Anyone that’s had children knows that kids go through things so fast and it’s nice to save a little money by taking hand-me-downs from a friend or relative. If the receiver decides they don’t want the item, let it be. They’ll either get rid of it on their own or decline the offer. If they choose the latter, maybe the rest of this list will help. PACK If you know you don’t want to purge an item from your house AND you know that you will use it in the future, but it’s not an everyday use item, pack it up. We have several containers of things in our garage that are full of items we use once or twice each year. I have added close to 100 boxes of things to simply declutter our home while it’s on the market. I took a look at everything and kept the essentials (well, maybe even more than the essentials), and packed up the rest. Who will either get it on their own or decline the offer? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. the receiver B. the giver C. not enough information D. the teacher A White House officials on Wednesday laid out plans to send National Guard troops to the United States’ southern border with Mexico, as part of President Donald Trump’s efforts to confront what he says is a growing problem with illegal immigrants. The decision to deploy the U.S. military to the border represents a major new aspect of Trump’s wide-ranging immigration crackdown. But major parts of the move are unclear, including how many troops will be sent, when they will deploy, or what exactly they will do. “It will take time to have the details in place, but we are beginning today and are moving quickly,” said Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. “We are anxious to have this support.” In the U.S., the active duty military is generally restricted from domestic law enforcement functions, which would include apprehending border crossers. However, U.S. presidents have deployed the National Guard to the border to act in support roles. Nielsen said the National Guard troops will help with border surveillance and other “support functions.” She declined to say how large the force would be, but she did say it would include “as many (troops) as is needed to fill the gaps today.” A senior Trump administration official declined to say whether the National Guard troops will be armed, saying those details are still being worked out. But the official said the force would be effective. “Suffice it to say, for individuals looking to pay a smuggler to get in the United States right now, that would be a very unwise investment,” the official said. Trump signed a proclamation authorizing the move Wednesday evening. But states must also approve the decision before deploying their guard members. Trump repeatedly has threatened to deploy the military to help secure the border, especially as a caravan of Central American migrants makes it way north through Mexico, with some headed for the U.S. Where will Trump send the National Guard to protect the US from drug smuggling? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. the border of Canada and USA B. the border of Hawaii C. not enough information D. The border of US and Mexico D I’ve learnt a great amount throughout this studio, first and foremost I was taught: how the art world functions, how specific galleries such as Gertrude St Contemporary run and how artists earn a living. The studio also provided me with basic filmmaking skills such as how to: create a shooting schedule, write a shooting script, set up three-point lighting, conduct an interview, utilise visual storytelling and edit a short film. Throughout the shooting process with my artist I also developed my abilities regarding how to use a: Sony Zoom H2N (and other such handy recorders), a lapel mic, my own Canon EOS 60D and Adobe Premiere Pro editing software. Overall I think the studio functioned quite successfully, it was great to be in a studio with nineteen people who all were interested in the same topics as you. I felt that overall, the studios had a very happy and supportive environment, and you walked away knowing a great deal about the art world and how to make short documentaries. The project itself taught me a great deal about how to work with talent, as well as my group members. Having to work independently forced me to be completely all over every aspect of the shoot, whether that be choosing which questions to ask, deciding what to focus on, where I wanted the shoot to happen, deciding what gear to use, getting to the shoot, carrying all the gear, what I wanted to shoot, managing the audio, managing the lighting, managing the camera set-ups, managing the talent, editing the film, and finding a great soundtrack for it. I’m a pretty self-conscious person and I often doubt the decisions I make or ask someone else for their opinion (should I shoot this angle, or what do you think of this question etc.). Working independently pushed me to go with my gut instincts, to make decisions and to not seek others approval. It forced me to develop my aesthetic as a filmmaker and to own the work that I ended up producing, so ultimately I was really glad with how everything panned out. What is probably true about the narrator? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. He likes movies B. He likes books C. not enough information D. He likes sports
The Albanians first appear in the historical record in Byzantine sources of the late 11th century. At this point, they were already fully Christianized. Islam later emerged as the majority religion during the centuries of Ottoman rule, though a significant Christian minority remained. After independence (1912) from the Ottoman Empire, the Albanian republican, monarchic and later Communist regimes followed a systematic policy of separating religion from official functions and cultural life. Albania never had an official state religion either as a republic or as a kingdom. In the 20th century, the clergy of all faiths was weakened under the monarchy, and ultimately eradicated during the 1950s and 1960s, under the state policy of obliterating all organized religion from Albanian territories. The Communist regime that took control of Albania after World War II persecuted and suppressed religious observance and institutions and entirely banned religion to the point where Albania was officially declared to be the world's first atheist state. Religious freedom has returned to Albania since the regime's change in 1992. Albania joined the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in 1992, following the fall of the communist government, but will not be attending the 2014 conference due a dispute regarding the fact that its parliament never ratified the country's membership. Albanian Muslim populations (mainly secular and of the Sunni branch) are found throughout the country whereas Albanian Orthodox Christians as well as Bektashis are concentrated in the south and Roman Catholics are found in the north of the country. The first recorded Albanian Protestant was Said Toptani, who traveled around Europe, and in 1853 returned to Tirana and preached Protestantism. He was arrested and imprisoned by the Ottoman authorities in 1864. Mainline evangelical Protestants date back to the work of Congregational and later Methodist missionaries and the work of the British and Foreign Bible Society in the 19th century. The Evangelical Alliance, which is known as VUSh, was founded in 1892. Today VUSh has about 160 member congregations from different Protestant denominations. VUSh organizes marches in Tirana including one against blood feuds in 2010. Bibles are provided by the Interconfessional Bible Society of Albania. The first full Albanian Bible to be printed was the Filipaj translation printed in 1990. Question: "How many years separate the first Protestant missionary's arrival in Albania, and the printing of the first full Albanian Bible?" Answer: "147" Is this answer correct?
Question: Should you stay at home to look after your child,or return to work? Maybe you don't have the option.Combining work and motherhood is an issue faced by increasing numbers of women every day. New research for the Institute for Economic and Social Research could solve this quandary once and for all.In short,it concludes that going back to work after the birth of a child can have a negative impact on the child's development--unless you have lots of money. "Growing up in a family in which the mother chooses to work appears to have some adverse consequences for children's welfare," the research says.However,it adds that extra money brought in by both parents can reduce the negative effect.The negative effect is also less apparent in children of bettereducated mothers. The research by John Ermisch and Marco Francesconi is especially downbeat about welfare to work programmes,and especially,the prospects for the children of some single parents. "It is hard to see anything but gloomy prospects for the children of single parents (who are generally poor)," the researchers said.This is because in a common family where both parents work,extra money brought in by the mother's working would compensate for less time spent with the children. In contrast,the researchers said the effects of paternal employment were far more modest,but this did not mean that fathers had no role in shaping their children's welfare.Money brought in by the father would be a major resource for helping children develop. The research says,however,that before parents get too carried away by worrying about working,there are more important issues facing a child's development.Parents' personalities and emotional stability,parenting practices,and the friends and networks that children experience while growing up will be much bigger factors than whether their mothers work. The researchers would agree that _ . A) mothers should keep a balance between work and family life B) the more money mothers make,the worse their children will be C) mothers should make as much money as they can D) it would be better for mothers to be with children at home Answer: D Question: The pounding was driving Edward crazy. A new neighbor had just moved into the apartment below him. The newcomer was deaf, or seemed to be, because he played his stereo loud enough for the whole building to hear. On the first day he heard the stereo rocking over, Edward marched downstairs and politely told the newcomer that his stereo was too loud. He asked the new tenant to turn the volume down and keep it down as long as he lived in the building. The tenant appeared surprised and embarrassed, and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was that loud." So, Edward returned upstairs, feeling good, because he had taken a stand and politely let the newcomer know that loud music was not going to be tolerated. The next day all was quiet, and Edward continued to be pleased with himself. The following day, Edward thought it must be Fourth of July, because a marching band was playing on his street. In fact, it was the new neighbor who was playing his music loud again. Edward was not one to repeat himself, feeling that each time you repeated yourself, you diminished the value of your words. So, he did what he always did with rude neighbors-grin and bear it. Eventually, they would move away. What else are you going to do? In Los Angeles a year ago, a woman had complained to her upstairs neighbor that he was playing his drums too loud and too often. The drummer repeatedly ignored her. One day the woman walked upstairs and shot the drummer in the head and his girlfriend in the chest. The woman was sentenced to prison for 20 years. The dead drummer won't bother anyone with his drums, but the woman might be wishing now that she had learned to grin and bear it. If she were still living in her apartment, she could always move. When you're in prison, you don't have that option. The woman killed her neighbor because _ . A) he ignored her advice repeatedly B) she could not stand his playing the music too loud C) she could not put up with him any longer D) he played the drums too often Answer: C Question: The first Beijing Fair of National Culture and Art kicked off August 3 and ran till August 12. The fair features more than 21 old Beijing business brands, more than 80 examples of intangible cultural heritage and 6 official Olympics merchandise. One of the highlights is a show featuring 15 lanterns. The fair aims at starting cultivating the cultural atmosphere for the Beijing Olympic Games, by highlighting the long history and culture of the city. The fair is divided into 12 districts and is open from 430--930 pm. There are both exhibitions and performances and interactive items tourists can enjoy. Sports competitions and craftmaking are available to teenagers, who can learn from old masters. Some of the most notable art elements include three luxury items worn by nobles in ancient China:a wooden craft called"pillow of Lu Ban", after a legendary civil engineer and carpenter who lived from 507--444 B.C., and whose designs are still used, and glass grapes. Some items are for sale and shoppers can hear about the history of the items from craftspeople. The lantern show includes 15 pieces installed along the park's main roads, providing both light and decor. There will be lantern shows accompanied by music and some lanterns feature designs including flowers, the moon and animal paintings. The fair also provides opportunities to teenagers to take part in interactive activities. For example, children can learn how to make dough figures from artist Wang Xingshan. They can also learn the art of papercutting, get some practice of braiding Chinese knots, and learn how to make sugar figures. "Lantern Show with Distinctive Features"would be a good title for _ . A) paragraph 2 B) paragraph 3 C) paragraph 4 D) paragraph 5 Answer:
IN: 9 Therefore as I live, says the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, surely Moab will be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, a possession of nettles, and salt pits, and a perpetual desolation. The remnant of my people will plunder them, and the survivors of my nation will inherit them. ** OUT: 9 therefore as i live, says the lord of hosts, the god of israel, surely moab will be as sodom, and the children of ammon as gomorrah, a possession of nettles, and salt pits, and a perpetual desolation. the remnant of my people will plunder them, and the survivors of my nation will inherit them. IN: Regarding the essential fatty acids (EFA) ** OUT: regarding the essential fatty acids (efa) IN: One of the most popular events was the final of a week-long championship titled, ‘Match for Peace and Security’ between football and basketball teams of youth from different neighbourhoods in Cité Soleil, one of the most fragile zones in Port-au-Prince. In the same area, on 21 September, beneficiaries from a CVR vocational training project joined forces with local children to plant trees. ** OUT: one of the most popular events was the final of a week-long championship titled, ‘match for peace and security’ between football and basketball teams of youth from different neighbourhoods in cité soleil, one of the most fragile zones in port-au-prince. in the same area, on 21 september, beneficiaries from a cvr vocational training project joined forces with local children to plant trees. IN: Each EU country has strict testing requirements for medicines before they can be placed on the market. ** OUT:
each eu country has strict testing requirements for medicines before they can be placed on the market.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence that supports the given input. The principle of superposition states that in an undisturbed stack of sedimentary strata the oldest layer is at the base and the youngest at the top.
The law of superposition is best described by: in undisturbed layers of sedimentary rock, the lowest layers contain the older rocks.
Q: The knight move is unusual among chess pieces. It moves to a square that is two squares away horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontally. The complete move therefore looks like the letter ``L''. Unlike all other standard chess pieces, the knight can ``jump over'' all other pieces (of either color) to its destination square. It captures an enemy piece by replacing it on its square. The knight's ability to ``jump over'' other pieces means it tends to be at its most powerful in closed positions , in contrast to a bishop. The knight moves alternately to light and dark squares. Can we conclude that can a knight jump over an opponent's piece? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes On April 20, 2018, ABC officially renewed Grey's Anatomy for a network primetime drama record-setting fifteenth season. is season 14 last season of grey's anatomy? OPTIONS: - no - yes +++++ Answer: no A certificate of deposit (CD) is a time deposit, a financial product commonly sold in the United States and elsewhere by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions. OPTIONS: - no - yes is a time deposit the same as a cd? A: yes Problem: Text: Talking Dead is a live television aftershow in which host Chris Hardwick discuss episodes of the AMC television series The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead with guests, including celebrity fans, cast members, and crew from the series. Question: is there a talking dead for fear the walking dead? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes IN: Is it true that has england ever won the world cup of soccer? England are the only team not representing a sovereign state to win the World Cup, which they did in 1966 when they hosted the finals. They defeated West Germany 4--2 after extra time to win the World Cup title. Since then, they have generally reached the knockout stages of almost every competition they have qualified for, including a fourth-place finish in the 1990 and 2018 World Cups. At the world cup, England have had more goalless draws than any other team. OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT: yes IN: Is it true that is czech republic a part of the eu? The Czech Republic (/ˈtʃɛk -/ ( listen); Czech: Česká republika (ˈtʃɛskaː ˈrɛpublɪka) ( listen)), known alternately by its short-form name, Czechia (/ˈtʃɛkiə/ ( listen); Czech: Česko (ˈtʃɛsko) ( listen)), is a landlocked country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the northeast. The Czech Republic covers an area of 78,866 square kilometres (30,450 sq mi) with a mostly temperate continental climate and oceanic climate. It is a unitary parliamentary republic, with 10.6 million inhabitants; its capital and largest city is Prague, with 1.3 million residents. Other major cities are Brno, Ostrava and Pilsen. The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union (EU), NATO, the OECD, the United Nations, the OSCE, and the Council of Europe. OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT:
Question: Have you ever heard of Weifang, Shangdong Province? What is it known for? There is an international kite festival every April in Weifang that is a modern city with many traditions. People from all over the world compete in the kite flying. There are also competitions for the best kites. The kites in the competition are all made by hand. Most people have flown a kite. It makes people happy. It's easy to make it. It's made of bamboo and paper. But not so many people know that kites were first made in China thousands of years ago. The ancient Chinese made and flew kites even before they could write. A long time ago, the Chinese made kites to use in wars. They would fly these war kites in the dark. The kites were fixed and they made strange sounds in wind. Men who were at war against them would hear these sounds and run away. They thought those strange sounds were made by gods in the sky. The ancient Chinese also flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops grow rich and tall. Sometimes they tied long strings and hooks to their kites. Then they would fly the kites over water, letting the hooks hang down to catch fish. The Chinese use sticks, string and paper for their kites. Some of these kites look like animals or trees and others look like houses. Chinese made and flew kites _ . A) two thousand years ago B) before they could write C) after they write D) three thousand years ago Answer:
Continue writing the following text. Tanya played a mean trick on Carrie, so
Tanya felt really guilty about the whole situation.
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence that supports the given input. See one example below: Problem: In spite of this reduced heat input, the surface temperature of Venus is higher than that of the Earth. Solution: Venus has a warmer average surface temperature than earth. Explanation: Output statement supports the input statement's claim about the temperatures of Venus being higher than the earth. Problem: Skunks spray a stinky oil to protect themselves and their kits from their enemies. Solution:
Skunks spray a strong-smelling liquid to defend themselves
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. In 1981, when I was nine years old, my father took me to see Raiders of the Lost Ark. Although I had to squint my eyes during some of the scary scenes, I loved it – in particular because I was fairly sure that Harrison Ford's character was based on my dad. My father was a palaeontologist at the University of Chicago, and I'd gone on several field trips with him to the Rocky Mountains, where he seemed to transform into a rock-hammer-wielding superhero. That illusion was shattered some years later when I figured out what he actually did: far from spending his time climbing dangerous cliffs and digging up dinosaurs, Jack Sepkoski spent most of his career in front of a computer, building what would become the first comprehensive database on the fossil record of life. The analysis that he and his colleagues performed revealed new understandings of phenomena such as diversification and extinction, and changed the way that palaeontologists work. But he was about as different from Indiana Jones as you can get. The intertwining tales of my father and his discipline contain lessons for the current era of algorithmic analysis and artificial intelligence (AI), and points to the value-laden way in which we "see" data. My dad was part of a group of innovators in palaeontology who identified as "palaeobiologists" – meaning that they approached their science not as a branch of geology, but rather as the study of the biology and evolution of past life. Since Charles Darwin's time, palaeontology – especially the study of the marine invertebrates that make up most of the record – involved descriptive tasks such as classifying or correlating fossils with layers of the Earth (known as stratigraphy). Some invertebrate palaeontologists studied evolution, too, but often these studies were regarded by evolutionary biologists and geneticists as little more than "stamp collecting". Question: Who took the writer to see Raiders of the Lost Ark? Output:
his father
Problem: Write the next sentence for: A woman is standing in a gym. She is then shown on a stationary bike. She is leading a classroom doing the same. she. Next sentence: is then shown lifting weights. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to make a sunset scene pen and pencil holder Assemble the stuff needed for making the pen and pencil holder. Take the toilet paper roll and make slits at its base using a cutter/scissor. Fold the slits horizontally, so that the slits face outside.. Next sentence: Put glue on the bottom part of the slits. Take the cd and paste the toilet paper roll on it. Problem: Write the next sentence for: A man stands behind a bar. The man starts talking to the camera. the man. Next sentence: then begins creating and mixing a cocktail. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to jump double dutch Gather a minimum of three people. This accounts for the two that will turn the ropes and at least one who will jump. You will always have two people turning the ropes, but you can have more jumpers.. Next sentence:
You can jump two at a time and change jumpers as you go. This means you can have up to eight or so participants and everyone can have a chance to jump.
Problem: Frédéric Chopin: Chopin's life was covered in a BBC TV documentary Chopin – The Women Behind The Music (2010), and in a 2010 documentary realised by Angelo Bozzolini and Roberto Prosseda for Italian television. What are the names of the two people that created a documentary for Italian tele vision? --- A: Angelo Bozzolini and Roberto Prosseda Problem: The City of Tucson, Pima County, the State of Arizona, and the private sector have all made commitments to create a growing, healthy economy[citation needed] with advanced technology industry sectors as its foundation. Raytheon Missile Systems (formerly Hughes Aircraft Co.), Texas Instruments, IBM, Intuit Inc., Universal Avionics, Honeywell Aerospace, Sunquest Information Systems, Sanofi-Aventis, Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., and Bombardier Aerospace all have a significant presence in Tucson. Roughly 150 Tucson companies are involved in the design and manufacture of optics and optoelectronics systems, earning Tucson the nickname "Optics Valley". What was Raytheon previously called? --- Answer: Hughes Aircraft Co. Q: What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". In 1988, unrest over economic mismanagement and political oppression by the government led to widespread pro-democracy demonstrations throughout the country known as the 8888 Uprising. Security forces killed thousands of demonstrators, and General Saw Maung staged a coup d'état and formed the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). In 1989, SLORC declared martial law after widespread protests. The military government finalised plans for People's Assembly elections on 31 May 1989. SLORC changed the country's official English name from the "Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma" to the "Union of Myanmar" in 1989. What are the 1988 demonstrations in Burma called? A: 8888 Uprising Context and question: The incorporation of the First Amendment establishment clause in the landmark case of Everson v. Board of Education has impacted the subsequent interpretation of the separation of church and state in regard to the state governments. Although upholding the state law in that case, which provided for public busing to private religious schools, the Supreme Court held that the First Amendment establishment clause was fully applicable to the state governments. A more recent case involving the application of this principle against the states was Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet (1994). What landmark case has impacted all subsequent interpretations of the separation of church and state in regard to state governments? Answer: Everson v. Board of Education Question: The annual Southampton Boat Show is held in September each year, with over 600 exhibitors present. It runs for just over a week at Mayflower Park on the city's waterfront, where it has been held since 1968. The Boat Show itself is the climax of Sea City, which runs from April to September each year to celebrate Southampton's links with the sea. Is there an answer to this question: In what month each year is the Southampton Boat Show held? Answer: September Q: What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". According to most scholars, the ancient Land of Punt and its inhabitants formed part of the ethnogenesis of the Somali people. The ancient Puntites were a nation of people that had close relations with Pharaonic Egypt during the times of Pharaoh Sahure and Queen Hatshepsut. The pyramidal structures, temples and ancient houses of dressed stone littered around Somalia are said to date from this period. Who was a Queen of Egypt during the time when Punt and Egypt were close? A:
[Q]: In a game ripe with controversy, Manchester United walked away with a crucial away win after a Ryan Giggs free kick gave them the lead. Lille protested the goal, saying the team was setting up its wall at the time Giggs took the kick, and the team nearly left the pitch. After goading by officials, the game was resumed, but Lille said it would be making a stake for a replay with UEFA. UEFA has rejected the claim and declared the goal valid, as well as deciding to "instigate proceedings against Lille for the improper behaviour of their players immediately after the goal." the players felt cheated [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Mountain Climbing<br>Tim went on a camping trip with friends. They decided to climb up a mountain. It started to snow out of nowhere. Tim and his friends kept going. It made the scenery that much more beautiful. Tim's friends have friends. [A]: Yes [Q]: Shakur Stevenson (born June 28, 1997) is an American professional boxer who competes in the featherweight division. As an amateur, Stevenson represented the United States at the 2016 Summer Olympics, winning a silver medal in the bantamweight division. Shakur Stevenson's made $1,000,000 in 2016. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: The Great Gilly Hopkins is a realistic children's novel by Katherine Paterson. It was published by Crowell in 1978 and it won the U.S. National Book Award next year. In 2012 it was ranked number 63 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by "School Library Journal" – the third of three books by Paterson in the top 100. The Great Gilly Hopkins is the author's highest ranked book, at number 63. [A]:
It's impossible to say
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. Input: Consider Input: Northern cardinal -- The northern cardinal is found in residential areas throughout its range. Backyard birders attract it using feeders containing seeds, particularly sunflower seeds and safflower seeds. Although some controversy surrounds bird feeding, an increase in backyard feeding by humans has generally been beneficial to this species. It is listed as a species of least concern by the IUCN Red List, with an estimated global range of 5,800,000 km (2,200,000 sq mi) and a global population of some 100 million. Populations appear to remain stable and not threatened to reach the threshold of inclusion as a threatened species, which requires a decline of more than 30% in ten years or three generations. It was once prized as a pet due to its bright color and distinctive song. In the United States, this species receives special legal protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, which also banned their sale as cage birds. It is also protected by the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds in Canada. It is illegal to take, kill, or possess northern cardinals, and violation of the law is punishable by a fine of up to US $15,000 and imprisonment of up to six months. Output: is it illegal to kill a cardinal in north carolina Input: Consider Input: A Street Cat Named Bob (film) -- A Street Cat Named Bob is a 2016 British biographical drama film directed by Roger Spottiswoode and written by Tim John and Maria Nation. It is based on the book of same name by James Bowen. The film stars Luke Treadaway, Ruta Gedmintas, Joanne Froggatt, Anthony Head and Bob the Cat as himself. The film premiered in London on 3 November 2016, followed by a general release the next day. Output: is it the real bob the cat in the film Input: Consider Input: Faroe Islands and the European Union -- The Faroe Islands, a self-governing nation within the Kingdom of Denmark, is not part of the EU, as explicitly asserted by both Rome treaties.
Output: are the faroe islands part of the eu
Given the following passage "The Farmington Canal Trail is a rail trail that will eventually run continuously from downtown New Haven to Northampton, Massachusetts. The scenic trail follows the path of the historic New Haven and Northampton Company and the Farmington Canal. Currently, there is a continuous 14-mile (23 km) stretch of the trail from downtown, through Hamden and into Cheshire, making bicycle commuting between New Haven and those suburbs possible. The trail is part of the East Coast Greenway, a proposed 3,000-mile (4,800 km) bike path that would link every major city on the East Coast from Florida to Maine.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is an advantage of the trail? Ans: The scenic trail follows the path of the historic New Haven and Northampton Company and the Farmington Canal Given the following passage "In 1952, the United States elected a new president, and on 29 November 1952, the president-elect, Dwight D. Eisenhower, went to Korea to learn what might end the Korean War. With the United Nations' acceptance of India's proposed Korean War armistice, the KPA, the PVA, and the UN Command ceased fire with the battle line approximately at the 38th parallel. Upon agreeing to the armistice, the belligerents established the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which has since been patrolled by the KPA and ROKA, United States, and Joint UN Commands.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What, in the article, first happened during the 52nd year of the 20th century? Ans: the United States elected a new president Given the following passage "Electricity in the Richmond Metro area is provided by Dominion Virginia Power. The company, based in Richmond, is one of the nation's largest producers of energy, serving retail energy customers in nine states. Electricity is provided in the Richmond area primarily by the North Anna Nuclear Generating Station and Surry Nuclear Generating Station, as well as a coal-fired station in Chester, Virginia. These three plants provide a total of 4,453 megawatts of power. Several other natural gas plants provide extra power during times of peak demand. These include facilities in Chester, and Surry, and two plants in Richmond (Gravel Neck and Darbytown).", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where does Richmond get energy besides Surry Nuclear Generating Station and a coal fired station? Ans: North Anna Nuclear Generating Station Given the following passage "Although the Chinese government was initially praised for its response to the quake (especially in comparison to Myanmar's ruling military junta's blockade of aid during Cyclone Nargis), it then saw an erosion in confidence over the school construction scandal.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which country's response to a natural disaster was profoundly lacking?
Ans: Myanmar
Ques:With regular money now coming in from the Guardian column, my regular contributions to other publications and the modest subscription revenue from The Friday Thing, I had been living something of the high life since arriving in London. I had started hanging out with the great and the good of the dot com world: attending launch parties for new sites, going to parties to celebrate them staying in business for a whole year, eating their lunches, drinking their booze and learning their secrets while they tried to convince me to write about them in my column. Many of these online entrepreneurs had become my friends and I'd managed to find myself a new girlfriend - Maggie, a Welsh journalist who was a restaurant reviewer for a food and drink website. This was a brilliant blag: it meant we could eat at some of London's best restaurants and never pay a penny. Life was wonderful: The Friday Thing and the Guardian column meant that my plan to use the Internet to become hugely famous and successful was firmly on track, I'd made lots of new friends, and, on top of all that, I was getting laid and eating gourmet food for free. Even Sam Lewis was jealous, and he was rich. Meanwhile, the people I was writing about were not having such an easy time of it. 2003 was a really strange time to be covering the 'new media' industry - mainly because no one was really sure for how long there would be an industry left to cover. The dot com boom of 1999 seemed like a millennium ago: a period in history as crazy as the tulip craze or the South Sea Bubble look to us now. The first signs of trouble for the industry had come in 2000. As the century turned, so had the market and - to use the parlance of analysts - the boom had turned out to be a bubble. And then the bubble had burst. Why were people not having an easy with the 'new media' industry? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. not enough information B. Because of the tulip craze C. dot com industry was in trouble D. There was no industry left Ans:C ----- Ques:The black-and-white aerial footage shows a line of purported Taliban insurgents slowly walking along a path in a lightly forested desert in Afghanistan's western Farah province. Suddenly, the screen flashes to white as the men disappear in a fireball — the result of a bomb dropped from a U.S. MQ-9 "Reaper" drone. "Taliban fighters on the run following Afghan-led offensive in #Farah province, #Afghanistan. Video shows U.S. airpower (MQ-9s) in support," declared a short message accompanying the video, which was posted on the official account of the U.S. military in Afghanistan. Subsequent footage showed more Taliban scrambling, in an unsuccessful attempt to avoid the airstrikes. The Pentagon footage was released Wednesday, as U.S., NATO and Afghan government forces were locked in a fierce battle with the Taliban for control of the capital of Farah, which borders Iran. The tweet was unusually graphic. While the U.S. military often releases footage of buildings or vehicles being destroyed, it does not as frequently distribute videos that show individuals being bombed. Less than 24 hours later, the U.S. Air Force posted its own Afghanistan-related tweet that raised eyebrows — this one referencing a viral audio clip that has sparked a lighthearted online debate among those who hear the word "Laurel" and others who hear "Yanny." "The Taliban Forces in Farah city #Afghanistan would much rather have heard #Yanny or #Laurel than the deafening #BRRRT they got courtesy of our #A10," read the Air Force tweet. The Air Force has since apologized and deleted the tweet, saying it was sent in "poor taste." The USFOR-A tweet remains. In a statement to VOA, a Pentagon spokesperson said the tweets do not represent a new social media strategy. "As with any other organization, the post was an attempt to bring awareness to a major/ongoing organizational activity by tying it to references or conversations already trending with their established audiences," said Lieutenant Colonel Kone Faulkner. Where was the battle at the Iranian/Afghan Border Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. Washington DC B. not enough information C. Farah D. Kabul Ans:C ----- Ques:I'm not good at sticking to the rules, not even the ones I set myself. I'm really terrible with the rules set by others, especially companies. Even as a child, I could never stay inside the lines in colouring books. Some of you might put this down to poor hand-eye coordination, but I maintain that I was a rule-breaker right from the beginning. One of my roles as an engineer with a multiplicity of companies was to set up projects, define the scope of the work, contract the work out and manage the project. I was setting up a robot-based manufacturing cell for the company in the business of making early cellphones. The cell design required some equipment to be designed and built from scratch, so I got a local designer, Fergus, to give me a quote and got him started on the work. Now, any project will run over budget and take longer than planned and the contractor may come back for more money. And so it was with this designer; he wasn't really vocal about it, but he indicated that the work did take a lot more time and expense than he's originally budgeted. My usual reaction to these things is that this is not my problem. Most of the companies I've work for have lost money, so why should I give a rat's ass if some other company comes up a little short? In this case though, I liked Fergus and, as he was really a one-man operation, I decided to cut him some slack. But first, I had to get permission from my boss to drop another few grand into Fergus's jeans. My boss refused. Having someone tell me I can't do something really brings out my dark side; especially around the time of the full moon. Not long before, we had just waved a fond(-ish) farewell to our president as he was going on to greener fields. As a parting gift, the company bought him either a boat or a motor home, I forget which, and equipped it with three of their cell phones. What did the engineer think about Fergus? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. She liked him B. not enough information C. She hated him D. He's a rule breaker Ans:
A -----
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: B: Right. And they repacked the wheel bearings. A: and they repacked the the wheel bearings. Yeah but, uh, I've had considerable experience. you might say I'm, uh, uh, good back yard mechanic Sentence: she is a good back yard mechanic
question: Write two sentences. OPTIONS: - She was contagious. - She was intoxicated. answer: She was contagious. The woman stayed away from public places. question: Write two sentences. OPTIONS: - The caller said goodbye to me. - The caller identified himself to me. answer: The caller said goodbye to me. I hung up the phone. question: Write two sentences. OPTIONS: - He bought them on sale. - He lost weight. answer:
He lost weight. The man's clothes fit loosely.
Find the right ending to this passage. One million worshippers from all over the world have gathered in Rome ahead of the ‘unprecedented’ double canonisation of two former popes. Over the last 24 hours, crowds have arrived and camped out in Vatican City ahead of the canonisation of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII at St Peter’s Square. The ceremony, to be held later today, will be an unprecedented event in Catholic history, as two living Popes will be in attendance – the current Pope Francis I and Benedict XVI, who stood down last year and now holds the title Pope Emeritus. Crowds have camped out in Vatican City ahead of the canonisation of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII at St Peter¿s Square OPTIONS: - Benedict XVI, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Canonisation, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Catholic, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Catholic Church, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Emeritus, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Francis I, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - John Paul II, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - John XXIII, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Pope, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Popes, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Rome, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - St Peter's Square, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - St Peter¿s Square, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - St Peter’s Square, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Vatican, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict. - Vatican City, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict.
Francis I, who lives in a guesthouse elsewhere in Vatican City, has been quite welcoming to his predecessor, occasionally paying a call on Benedict.
“Please remember me to myself!” When sliding toward mania in 2016, I begged this of my therapist. He cocked his head. “What do you mean?” I had no idea—on a conscious level—what I was asking for, just that I felt in a desperate sense that the self I knew was slipping away. An inability to recognize myself either in my writing or in reflecting upon my own actions was taking over. And then…? I didn't care. I wanted to kiss girls. Which is fine—just not something I ordinarily do. I wanted to drink, smoke. Again, fine—but not something I ordinarily do. “Do I seem…okay?” I asked a colleague at work. A woman I barely knew. Insanely, I thought that since she worked with disabled students, many of whom struggled with mental illness, she would know mania when she saw it. This was a rather foolish assumption—especially since she's an educator, not a psychiatrist, especially with how skilled I am at wearing the mask of calm, the face of sanity. “You seem great, Julie. Cheery. Professional as always.” I let her reassurance placate me. Wanted to be placated. Yet, within months I lost my job. And not only that, but a chance at a scholarship, two really important long term friendships—relationships I'd enjoyed since high school. I was hospitalized three times between September and February. I lost my ability to trust myself, lost my mind. It is now a little over two years since I first felt that sliding. Twenty-six months since I knew that somewhere in the deepest parts of who I am, I was slipping. Nine seasons since I begged Dr. Poe, “Remember me to myself!” I'm still recuperating. Yes. I have felt like I wasn't me. According to the above context, answer the following question. What does Julie think her problem is? Answer:
Mental illness.
Problem: Washington University in St. Louis (Wash. U., or WUSTL) is a private research university located in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Founded in 1853, and named after George Washington, the university has students and faculty from all 50 U.S. states and more than 120 countries. Twenty-five Nobel laureates have been affiliated with Washington University, nine having done the major part of their pioneering research at the university. Washington University's undergraduate program is ranked 15th by U.S. News and World Report. The university is ranked 32nd in the world by the Academic Ranking of World Universities. The university's first chancellor was Joseph Gibson Hoyt. Crow secured the university charter from the Missouri General Assembly in 1853, and Eliot was named President of the Board of Trustees. Early on, Eliot solicited support from members of the local business community, including John O'Fallon, but Eliot failed to secure a permanent endowment. Washington University is unusual among major American universities in not having had a prior financial endowment. The institution had no backing of a religious organization, single wealthy patron, or earmarked government support. 1. Who was the university's fist chancellor? 2. Is Washington University a public school? 3. What world academic ranking does it hold? 4. How many Nobel laureates are affiliated with it? 5. How many of them did their research there? 6. What does U.S. New and World Report rank their undergrad program? 7. Who secured the university charter from the Missouri General Assembly? 8. Who solicited support early on? 9. Did he get a permanent endowment? 10. Who was John O'Fallon? 11. Did the school have religious backing? 12. What does WUSTL stand for? 13. How many countries are students and faculty from? 14. And how many states? 15. Why is Washington University unusual? 16. Who was it named after? 17. Has it been singled out for government support? 18. Does it have one rich patron? 19. Is it a research university? Answer: 1. Joseph Gibson Hoyt 2. No 3. 32nd 4. Twenty-five 5. Nine 6. 15th 7. Crow 8. Eliot 9. No 10. A member of the local business community 11. No 12. Washington University in St. Louis 13. More than 120 14. All 50 15. Not having had a prior financial endowment. 16. George Washington 17. No 18. No 19. Yes Problem: Chapter VIII Anne's First Proposal The old year did not slip away in a green twilight, with a pinky-yellow sunset. Instead, it went out with a wild, white bluster and blow. It was one of the nights when the storm-wind hurtles over the frozen meadows and black hollows, and moans around the eaves like a lost creature, and drives the snow sharply against the shaking panes. "Just the sort of night people like to cuddle down between their blankets and count their mercies," said Anne to Jane Andrews, who had come up to spend the afternoon and stay all night. But when they were cuddled between their blankets, in Anne's little porch room, it was not her mercies of which Jane was thinking. "Anne," she said very solemnly, "I want to tell you something. May I" Anne was feeling rather sleepy after the party Ruby Gillis had given the night before. She would much rather have gone to sleep than listen to Jane's confidences, which she was sure would bore her. She had no prophetic inkling of what was coming. Probably Jane was engaged, too; rumor averred that Ruby Gillis was engaged to the Spencervale schoolteacher, about whom all the girls were said to be quite wild. "I'll soon be the only fancy-free maiden of our old quartet," thought Anne, drowsily. Aloud she said, "Of course." "Anne," said Jane, still more solemnly, "what do you think of my brother Billy?" Anne gasped over this unexpected question, and floundered helplessly in her thoughts. Goodness, what DID she think of Billy Andrews? She had never thought ANYTHING about him--round-faced, stupid, perpetually smiling, good-natured Billy Andrews. Did ANYBODY ever think about Billy Andrews? 1. Did anybody ever thinks about Billy Andrews? 2. Is Billy related to anyone Anne knows? 3. Who? 4. Was Jane married? 5. What is Jane's last name? 6. Is that likely to change any time soon? 7. Is Jane likely to be engaged? 8. Is Anne engaged? 9. Does she think Billy is smart? 10. Is Anne wide awake? 11. Why not? 12. whose party? 13. When was it? Answer: 1. unknown 2. yes 3. Jane 4. no 5. Andrews 6. unknown 7. Probably 8. no 9. no 10. no 11. because of the party 12. Ruby Gillis' 13. the night before Problem: Saint Pierre and Miquelon, officially the Overseas Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, is a self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France, situated in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean near the Newfoundland and Labrador province of Canada. It is the only part of New France that remains under French control, with an area of 242 km and a population of 6,080 at the January 2011 census. The islands are situated at the entrance of Fortune Bay, which extends into the southwestern coast of Newfoundland, near the Grand Banks. They are from Brest, the nearest point in Metropolitan France, but only from the Burin Peninsula of Newfoundland. Saint-Pierre is French for Saint Peter, the patron saint of fishermen. The present name of Miquelon was first noted in the form of "Micquelle" in the Basque sailor Martin de Hoyarçabal's navigational pilot for Newfoundland. It has been claimed that the name "Miquelon" is a Basque form of Michael; Mikel and Mikels are usually named Mikelon in the Basque Country. Therefore, from Mikelon it may have been written in the French way with a "q" instead of a "k". Though the Basque Country is divided between Spain and France, most Basques live on the south side of the border and speak Spanish, and Miquelon may have been influenced by the Spanish name Miguelón, an augmentative form of Miguel meaning "big Michael". The adjoined island's name of "Langlade" is said to be an adaptation of "l'île à l'Anglais" (Englishman's Island). 1. What area has a population of 6,080? 2. What country is it affiliated with? 3. Does it govern itself? 4. How large is it? 5. What areas make up the collective? 6. Do they have names? 7. What are they? 8. Was one of them named after Saint Patrick? 9. Which religious figure, then? 10. Is he the religious figure of those who fish, or those who hunt? 11. What common moniker is the other part named for? 12. What is that in English? 13. What is Basque separated between? 14. Where do most reside? 15. Is there another body of land that is joined to it? 16. What's it called? 17. What does that mean in English? 18. Is the collective under German rule? 19. How many people reside there in 2018? Answer:
1. the Overseas Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2. France 3. yes 4. 242 km 5. islands at the entrance of Fortune Bay, which extend into the southwestern coast of Newfoundland 6. Yes 7. Saint Pierre and Miquelon 8. no 9. Saint Peter 10. fishermen. 11. Micquelle 12. "Miquelon" is a Basque form of Michael 13. Spain and France 14. the south side of the border 15. yes 16. "Langlade" 17. Englishman's Island 18. no 19. unknown
In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible. Example Input: Who won his seat in the House of Commons of Canada in 1953 with a party that formed the first social-democratic government in North America ? Example Output: Merv Johnson Example Input: What is the capital of the home country of the 6th place finisher in the 2011 London Marathon ? Example Output: Tokyo Example Input: How many football pitches are in the stadium where the HB team plays ? Example Output:
IN: Is it true that do germany get to keep the world cup? The trophy has the engraving ``FIFA World Cup'' on its base. After the 1994 FIFA World Cup a plate was added to the bottom side of the trophy on which the names of winning countries are engraved, names therefore not visible when the trophy is standing upright. The inscriptions state the year in figures and the name of the winning nation in its national language; for example, ``1974 Deutschland'' or ``1994 Brasil''. In 2010, however, the name of the winning nation was engraved as ``2010 Spain'', in English, not in Spanish. As of 2018, twelve winners have been engraved on the base. The plate is replaced each World Cup cycle and the names of the trophy winners are rearranged into a spiral to accommodate future winners, with Spain on later occasions written in Spanish (``España''). FIFA's regulations now state that the trophy, unlike its predecessor, cannot be won outright: the winners of the tournament receive a bronze replica which is gold-plated rather than solid gold. Germany became the first nation to win the new trophy for the third time when they won the 2014 FIFA World Cup. OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT: no IN: Is it true that does gilligan ever make it off the island? Rescue from Gilligan's Island is a 1978 made-for-television comedy film that continues the adventures of the shipwrecked castaways from the 1964--67 sitcom Gilligan's Island, starring Bob Denver and Alan Hale, Jr., and featuring all the original cast except Tina Louise. The film first aired on NBC as a two-part special on October 14 and October 21, 1978. The film has the characters finally being rescued after 15 years on the island. The film was directed by Leslie H. Martinson. OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT: yes IN: Is it true that is a high court enforcement officer a bailiff? Unlike a bailiff, who is an officer of a lower court, an HCEO is an officer of the High Court, and consequently has much greater power. No notice is required to the party on which the writ is executed; commercial premises can be broken into by the officer by any means they choose; and once present in a property they cannot be forcibly removed. Obstructing an HCEO in the execution of a writ is considered to amount to a contempt of court, as was historically the case with sheriff's officers. OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT: no IN: Is it true that is there a difference between cougars and mountain lions? The cougar (Puma concolor), also commonly known as the puma, mountain lion, panther or catamount, is a large felid of the subfamily Felinae native to the Americas. Its range, from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes of South America, is the widest of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere. An adaptable, generalist species, the cougar is found in most American habitat types. It is the biggest cat in North America, and the second-heaviest cat in the New World after the jaguar. Secretive and largely solitary by nature, the cougar is properly considered both nocturnal and crepuscular, although daytime sightings do occur. The cougar is more closely related to smaller felines, including the domestic cat (subfamily Felinae), than to any species of subfamily Pantherinae, of which only the jaguar is native to the Americas. OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT:
when booking for more than 8 adults, different payment policies apply. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: When booking for more than 8 adults, different payment policies apply. a concerted effort is necessary to build on europe's promising record in innovation tackling global challenges such as climate change. the gender gap in science and research must be closed. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: A concerted effort is necessary to build on Europe's promising record in innovation tackling global challenges such as climate change. The gender gap in science and research must be closed. i have been deeply immersed in contemplation - the infinite god and all that - whilst putting measurements of convenience in their place. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: I have been deeply immersed in contemplation - the infinite god and all that - whilst putting measurements of convenience in their place. it is very easy and accurate, as concerned money and time. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized?
Answer: It is very easy and accurate, as concerned money and time.
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: After Illinois And Hawaii: Which State Will Make Same-Sex Marriage Legal — Maybe This Year? After a depressing last minute withdrawal of their same-sex marriage bill from the floor for a vote this spring, Illinois surprised many last week with what seemed like a spur-of-the-moment vote — and passage — on marriage equality. And after a huge two-week battle, Hawaii lawmakers successfully completed what was started two decades ago. Both governors are expected to sign both bills before month’s end, bringing the list to 16 states, plus the District of Columbia and several Native American tribal lands. Earlier this year, Delaware, Minnesota, and Rhode Island joined the “club” of states extending marriage to same-sex couples. But is there another state that could add its name to the sixteen which have become marriage equality states — before the rapidly-approaching end of the year? “New Mexico: Possibly in Time for a New Year’s Eve Kiss,” Time magazine writes, noting that the “Southwest state is the only one in the nation without a law that explicitly allows or bans same-sex marriage.” The New Mexico supreme court heard oral arguments on the topic Oct. 23 and is expected to issue a ruling soon, likely before the end of the year. Currently, eight New Mexico counties allow gay couples to marry. More than 900 people have filed for licenses since clerks in those counties started issuing them in the past few months. Two New Mexico judges have upheld same-sex marriage under provisions of the state constitution, giving supporters reason for optimism. Of course, the is a small faction of Republican state lawmakers who have filed suit to derail marriage equality in the “Land of Enchantment,” but given that at least one judge has already ordered a county clerk to issue licenses to same-sex couples, it would appear it could be full steam ahead for New Mexico. In July, The New Civil Rights Movement reported on 12 States Where Same-Sex Marriage Isn’t Legal — But Could Be. New Jersey, Hawaii, and Illinois were on that list. Not New Mexico, due to their lopsided same-sex marriage support: a May poll found 44 percent support and 51 percent opposition. And currently there are same-sex marriage lawsuits in at least 22 states (including Hawaii, Illinois, and New Jersey). The Christian Science Monitor adds that “polls in many states – as they do nationally – now show majority approval of gay marriage, or at least opposition to state constitutional bans on same-sex marriage. That includes Pennsylvania, Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, and Oregon, according to this Monitor survey of 11 gay marriage battleground states.” The next federal court case could come in deeply conservative Idaho, where four couples (all women) are suing the state in federal court to challenge laws banning same-sex marriage and denying recognition to same-sex couples who married in other states. Regardless of which state is next, the future looks very bright indeed. Image by F Delventhal via Flickr Friends: We invite you to sign up for our new mailing list, and subscribe to The New Civil Rights Movement via email or RSS. Also, please like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter! ||||| Senate lawmakers debate a gay marriage bill at the Hawaii Capitol in Honolulu on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013. The bill allowing same-sex couples to wed on the islands starting Dec. 2 is expected to pass easily... (Associated Press) Gay marriage supporters rally outside the Hawaii Capitol in Honolulu ahead of a Senate vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013. (AP Photo/Oskar Garcia) (Associated Press) Gay marriage supporters rally outside the Hawaii Capitol in Honolulu ahead of a Senate vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013. The bill allowing same-sex couples to wed... (Associated Press) Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who called lawmakers to a special session for the bill and has vocally supported gay marriage, has said he would sign the measure. It will allow thousands of gay couples living in Hawaii and even more tourists to marry in the state starting Dec. 2. Senators passed the bill 19-4 with two lawmakers excused. Cheers erupted inside and outside the gallery when the vote was taken, with a smattering of boos. Senate President Donna Mercado Kim, who voted against the bill, banged her gavel and told members of the public to quiet down. An estimate from a University of Hawaii researcher says the law will boost tourism by $217 million over the next three years, as Hawaii becomes an outlet for couples in other states, bringing ceremonies, receptions and honeymoons to the islands. The study's author has said Hawaii would benefit from pent-up demand for gay weddings, with couples spending $166 million over those three years on ceremonies and honeymoons. The measure is the culmination of more than two decades of debate in the state, where two women in 1990 famously applied for a marriage license, touching off a court battle and eventual national discussion on gay marriage. The case led to Congress passing the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, part of which was struck down earlier this year by the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision that legally married same-sex couples could qualify for federal benefits led Abercrombie to call the special session in Hawaii. The Senate vote puts Hawaii alongside Illinois, where a bill legalizing gay marriage is also awaiting the governor's signature. Another 14 states and the District of Columbia already allow same-sex marriage. ___ Oskar Garcia can be reached at . ||||| By Star-Advertiser staff 1 / 10 ▶ JAMM AQUINO / [email protected] Kapolei residents Jennifer Lewis, right, and Queenie Toilolo walk out of the Senate Chambers Tuesday after the Senate voted 19-4 to pass SB1 into law, legalizing same sex marriage. Gov. Neil Abercrombie will sign the bill today. ◀ 2 / 10 ▶ CRAIG T. KOJIMA/[email protected] Supporters and opponents of the same-sex marriage bill sat on opposite sides of the Senate gallery during today's session. ◀ 3 / 10 ▶ JAMM AQUINO/[email protected] Kapolei resident Jennifer Lewis, right, and partner Queenie Toilolo wait to enter the Senate Chamber outside the state Capitol today. ◀ 4 / 10 ▶ JAMM AQUINO/[email protected] P.M. Azinga of Pearl Harbor talks to fellow opponents of same sex marriage at the state Capitol today. ◀ 5 / 10 ▶ CRAIG T. KOJIMA/[email protected] Supporters of same-sex marriage waved flags and held signs on Beretania Street this morning. ◀ 6 / 10 ▶ JAMM AQUINO/[email protected] Opponents of same sex marriage prepare to enter the Senate Chamber at the state Capitol today. ◀ 7 / 10 ▶ CRAIG T. KOJIMA / [email protected] The State Senate begins debate on the same-sex marriage bill this morning. ◀ 8 / 10 ▶ MARCEL HONORE / [email protected] Aretha Franklin's song "Respect" followed by Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" blared onto Beretania Street while people celebrated the passage of SB1 today at the state Capitol. ◀ 9 / 10 ▶ MARCEL HONORE / [email protected] People celebrated after the Senate passed SB1 today at the Capitol. ◀ 10 / 10 JAMM AQUINO / [email protected] Michael Golojuch, chairman of Honolulu Pride and the GLBT Caucus of the Democratic Party of Hawaii, reacts as the Senate vote is read aloud on a television set outside the Capitol today. PHOTOS FROM THE CAPITOL: Gallery 1; Gallery 2 The state Senate, as expected, overwhelmingly approved a marriage equity bill today, sending the measure to Gov. Neil Abercrombie who has vowed to sign it and make Hawaii the 15th state to legalize same-sex marriage. An invitation-only bill-signing ceremony is set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Hawaii Convention Center's Liliu Theater. The event will be streamed live at and broadcast on 'Olelo's channel 55. Today's 19-4 vote, while historic, was a somewhat anti-climatic end to the legislative special session that began Oct. 28 and included more than 55 hours of public testimony, followed by two day-long sessions in the House where lawmakers approved the bill late Friday night in a 30-19 vote. "I look forward to signing this significant piece of legislation, which provides marriage equity and fully recognizes and protects religious freedoms," Abercrombie said in a statement after the Senate vote. President Barack Obama issued a statement soon after the vote, saying, "I want to congratulate the Hawaii State Legislature on passing legislation in support of marriage equality." "I've always been proud to have been born in Hawaii, and today's vote makes me even prouder. And Michelle and I extend our best wishes to all those in Hawaii whose families will now be given the security and respect they deserve," he said. More than half the state Senate lawmakers spoke in support of the bill today, with many urging the public to come together to heal divisions within the community. "This is nothing more than the expansion of aloha in Hawaii," said Sen. J. Kalani English, a Democrat from Maui. Sen. Sam Slom, the chamber's only Republican, said the government should stay out of legislating marriage. "People have differences, and you can't legislate morality. You can try, but you can't do it," he said. Once the bill is signed into law, gay couples could get married in Hawaii as soon as Dec. 2. Clergy would have the right to refuse to perform gay weddings. Churches and other religious organizations would be able to decline to provide goods, services and facilities for gay weddings and celebrations if it violates their religious beliefs. Two senators -- Donovan Dela Cruz and Brian T. Taniguchi -- were excused from today's vote. The four no votes were Senate President Donna Mercado Kim, Sens. Mike Gabbard, Ronald Kouchi, and Slom. Senators took up the bill a second time because of changes made in the House, where the bill was amended and passed after a five-day public hearing and two lengthy floor sessions. An earlier version of the bill passed the Senate 20-4 with one lawmaker excused. The vote today brings a legislative end to a decades-long journey for proponents and opponents of giving gay couples the same marriage rights as heterosexual couples. The state Supreme Court ruled in 1993 that denying same-sex couples marriage licenses was a violation of equal protection under the state Constitution. The court's ruling influenced Congress to approve the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which restricted marriage to heterosexual couples, and prompted Hawaii voters in 1998 to approve a constitutional amendment that gave the state Legislature the power to define marriage as between a man and a woman. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the federal Defense of Marriage Act was an unconstitutional violation of due process and equal protection, allowing same-sex couples who are legally married to receive federal benefits. The court left it up to the states to decide whether to legalize gay marriage. Abercrombie responded to the court's ruling by calling the Legislature into special session. While the legislative action on the bill ends, opponents vow to continue the fight in court. On Thursday, Circuit Judge Karl Sakamoto declined to issue a restraining order sought by state Rep. Bob McDermott to halt action on the special session's same-sex marriage legislation. But the judge said once the law is adopted, he'll consider its constitutionality. McDermott (R, Ewa Beach-Iroquois Point) sent Abercrombie a letter on Friday stating that he would seek a temporary restraining order in Circuit Court to prevent the state from issuing marriage licences to gay couples. McDermott contends that the 1998 constitutional amendment that gave the Legislature the power to define marriage as between heterosexual couples trumps any statutory change to the law. He insists that another vote by the people is necessary to redefine marriage. Sakamoto on Thursday raised questions about how voters who ratified the 1998 amendment knew that it authorized the Legislature to later approve same-sex marriages. In his statement today, Abercrombie said, "I believe this bill provides equal rights for all people, is legally sound, and is in accord with the Hawaii State Constitution." Once Abercrombie signs the bill Wednesday, Hawaii will be the 15th state plus the District of Columbia to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. The Illinois legislature passed a similar measure last week, but Gov. Pat Quinn said he would sign a the bill into law at a ceremony in Chicago on Nov. 20. ------ The Associated Press contributed to this report. ||||| A:
The US is about to have 16 states in which gay marriage is legal. Hawaii's state Senate today approved the legislation and sent it to the governor for his promised signature, reports the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. The 19-4 vote means that same-sex couples could wed as early as Dec. 2, a move that could set up the state nicely to be a destination wedding locale, notes AP. Hawaii's vote follows similar action last week in Illinois. That bill also is awaiting the governor's promised signature. "I've always been proud to have been born in Hawaii, and today's vote makes me even prouder," said President Obama in a statement after the vote. In addition to the 16 states, DC also allows gay marriage. Is New Mexico next?
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. -------- Question: what kind of currency does greece have? Answer: Euro Question: where is university of alabama located? Answer: Tuscaloosa Question: where does selena gomez live right now 2010? Answer:
New York City
Problem: Cara Anthony covers restaurants and retail for the Belleville News-Democrat, where she works to answer readers' questions about restaurant openings, business closures and the best new dishes in the metro-east. She attended Althoff Catholic High School in Belleville and grew up in East St. Louis. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Cara Anthony went to college "? A: It's impossible to say Problem: OD<br>My wife's nephew had drug addiction problems for years. He was on methadone, trying to recover from heroin addiction. He celebrated the capture of the Tsarnaev terrorist by shooting up. Unfortunately, he overdosed and died. He was cremated a few days later. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "My wife's nephew was recovering from heroin that caused nightmares."? A: It's impossible to say Problem: Man from Plains (originally titled He Comes in Peace) is a 2007 American documentary film written and directed by Jonathan Demme, which chronicles former President of the United States Jimmy Carter's book tour across America to publicize his new book, "". Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The United States of America never once had a president who was able to go on a book tour."? A:
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Kelly played Laurie Forman, the older sister of Eric Forman, on That '70s Show. She abruptly left the show midway through the third season, and her character was written out of the show to ``attend beauty school''. She returned to the show in the fifth season for four episodes but was replaced with Christina Moore in the sixth season. In an interview with ABC News, she admitted that ``with That '70s Show I was guilty of a drinking problem, and I ran'', blaming her alcoholism on the loss of a baby. did they change laurie in that 70s show? The Super Bowl ring is an award in the National Football League given to the winners of the league's annual championship game, the Super Bowl. Since only one Vince Lombardi Trophy is awarded to the team (ownership) itself, the Super Bowl ring offers a collectable memento for the actual players and team members to keep for themselves to symbolise their victory. do the losers of the super bowl get a ring? The pelvic region of the trunk is the lower part of the trunk, between the abdomen and the thighs. It includes several structures: the bony pelvis, the pelvic cavity, the pelvic floor, and the perineum. The bony pelvis (pelvic skeleton) is the part of the skeleton embedded in the pelvic region of the trunk. It is subdivided into the pelvic girdle and the pelvic spine. The pelvic girdle is composed of the appendicular hip bones (ilium, ischium, and pubis) oriented in a ring, and connects the pelvic region of the spine to the lower limbs. The pelvic spine consists of the sacrum and coccyx.
is the femur part of the pelvic girdle?
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language. His family once lived near Olympic Boulevard and Vermont Avenue , as well as in South Central , the Crenshaw District and West Hollywood . Output:
Sa famille a déjà vécu près du boulevard olympique et de l' avenue Vermont , ainsi que dans le sud-centre , le district de Crenshaw et West Hollywood .
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. A woman who was sexually abused as a child by her step-father has spoken out for the first time after a confession to her fiancé led to her attacker being jailed. Kim Hill, from Suffolk, has bravely waived her right to anonymity and spoken about how she was abused by Derek Osborne from the age of four. The now 31-year-old revealed she was forced to dress up in her mother's lingerie at the age of eight, and was even made to watch pornographic films. Kim Hill (left) was abused for years by her step-father but never revealed her past until her partner Rob (right) encouraged her to approach the police about her attacker. The couple pictured on their wedding day in 2013Kim Hill was abused by her step-father from a young ageHe forced her to wear lingerie and watch 'sick porn' films aged nineKim never revealed what had happened until she met her husband RobWith his encouragement Kim reported her abuser and saw him sentencedDerek Osborne was jailed for 21 years in 2013 aged 72He confessed to abusing other girls as well as raping another womanKim has now set up a blog to help other victims of sexual assault Questions:She says that right from the start _ offered her huge support and she found him trustworthy. (A) Kim Hill (B) Suffolk (C) Derek Osborne (D) Rob (E) Kim
Question: Voting for a new European Parliament has been clouded by apathy. Is this true? Apathy clouds EU voting. Answer: yes Question: Ramadan told reporters at the opening ceremony of the Baghdad International Exposition, "No cooperation and no inspection or monitoring by the American Zionist espionage commission (the Special Commission for disarming Iraq's banned weapons - UNSCOM) before Iraq's demands are met." Is this true? Ramadan announced that Iraq will not cooperate with the inspectors. Answer: yes Question: The extraditables today claimed responsibility for the murder of Antioquia police commander colonel Waldemar Franklin Quintero, which occurred this morning in Medellin. Is this true? police officer killed Answer:
If "Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is indiscreet.", is "Susan is indiscreet." correct?
[Q]: The 2009 KNVB Cup Final was a football match between Heerenveen and FC Twente on 17 May 2009 at De Kuip, Rotterdam. It was the final match of the 2008–09 KNVB Cup competition. Heerenveen beat FC Twente on penalties after the match finished 2–2 after extra time. It was the side's first KNVB Cup trophy. The 2009 KNVB Cup Final was a football match between Heerenveen and FC Twente, the first game they played against each other in the KNVB Cup trophy. But they played each other during the regular season. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Salad Days: "A Decade of Punk in Washington, DC (1980-90)" is a documentary written and directed by Scott Crawford. Released on December 19, 2014, the Kickstarter-funded film features early pioneers of the Washington, DC hardcore punk music scene over a decade (1980-1990) including Minor Threat, Fugazi, Bad Brains, Government Issue, Youth Brigade, Teen Idles, Rites of Spring, and others. Fugazi was omitted from the movie [A]: No [Q]: Namaste Tower is a 316 m tall skyscraper currently under construction in Mumbai, India. It will be a mixed use skyscraper with 63 floors that will house a 380-room W Hotel, office and retail space. It has been designed by Atkins, Dubai. The design resembles the Namaste gesture: two wings of the hotel are clasped together like hands greeting. Namaste Tower overlooks the Taj Mahal. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: MPL Communications (which stands for McCartney Productions Ltd.) is the holding company for the business interests of Paul McCartney. In addition to handling McCartney's post-Beatles work, MPL is one of the world's largest privately owned music publishers through its acquisition of numerous other publishing companies. MPL is based in London and New York City. MPL is short for McCartney products Ltd. [A]:
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. The parent who claims the child as a dependent is eligible to claim the child tax credit. This is true even if the parent’s filing status is married filing separately. Income phase-out. As your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) increases, the child tax credit begins to phase out. The credit is reduced $50 for every $1,000 — or portion of $1,000 — that your modified AGI is more than: Child Tax Credit News & Opinion Articles. 1 Thu Mar 09, 2017 | 2 Tue Mar 29, 2016 | 3 Sun Mar 13, 2016 | 4 Mon Mar 16, 2015 | 5 Tue Mar 10, 2015 | 6 Thu Feb 26, 2015 | 7 Tue Feb 24, 2015 | 8 Sat Feb 28, 2015 | − Dependency Exemption, Head of Household filing status, and Earned Income Tax. Credit (EITC) – the child must be under age 19 or a full-time student under age 24 on. December 31, 2016, or any age if permanently and totally disabled.  The child can’t have provided over half of his or her own support during the year. You can’t carry forward any portion of the child tax credit to future years. You need to claim the nonrefundable credits in a certain order to get the most benefit. You might need to calculate other credits first to properly apply the child tax credit. Additional child tax credit. If your child tax credit is limited, you might be able to claim the additional child tax credit. To qualify, one of these must apply:  It can put you in a different filing status so you pay a lower tax.  You can get the child tax credit, and if you meet the rules, you can get the EITC. There are rules about whether you can claim a child for taxes. You must follow the rules. back to the state or the IRS or pay more taxes and other penalties. Thu Mar 09, 2017 | The earned income tax credit is often overlooked by taxpayers who did not earn a significant salary the previous year,... Tue Mar 29, 2016 | The Child Tax Credit can reduce your tax bill by as much as $1,000 per child, if you meet all seven requirements. Sun Mar 13, 2016 | The Child Tax Credit is an important tax credit that may save you up to $1,000 for each eligible qualifying child. The child tax credit is worth up to $1,000 for each qualifying child. This credit can be both a nonrefundable and a refundable credit. The refundable portion of the child tax credit is called the additional child tax credit. To qualify for the child tax credit, both of these must apply: The qualifying child must be under age 17 at the end of the year. How the CTC Works Today. Taxpayers can claim a tax credit of up to $1,000 for each child under age 17. The credit is reduced by 5 percent of adjusted gross income over $75,000 for single parents ($110,000 for married couples). Six Things That Determine If You Are Eligible For The Child Tax Credit. Mar 25 2017. 0. 8.2k. 5. The Child Tax Credit is one of the most straight forward tax credits that are available for Americans of all tax brackets. The child tax credit (CTC) provides a credit of up to $1,000 per child under age 17. If the CTC exceeds taxes owed, families may receive some or all of the credit as a refund, known as the additional child tax credit (ACTC) or refundable CTC. How the CTC Works Today Taxpayers can claim a tax credit of up to $1,000 for each child under age 17. Query: how long can i get child tax credit You can get a child tax credit under the age of 17. Antimony is a chemical element with symbol Sb (from Latin: stibium) and atomic number 51. A lustrous gray metalloid, it is found in nature mainly as the sulfide mineral stibnite (Sb2S3). Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were powdered for use as medicine and cosmetics, often known by the Arabic name, kohl. The 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) is set at 0.5 mg/m3 by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists and by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a legal permissible exposure limit (PEL) in the workplace. element has 6 valence electrons, shows properties of metals and nonmetals, and has 52 protons in the nucleus. Antimony - Applications. 1 About 60% of antimony is consumed in flame retardants, and 20% is used in alloys for batteries, plain bearings, and solders. [47] 2 Antimony is mainly used in the trioxide for flame-proofing compounds, always in combination with halogenated flame retardants except in halogen-containing polymers. Unit 3 Study Guide: Electron Configuration & The Periodic Table 1. For each of the following elements, state whether the element is radioactive, synthetic or both. Berkelium - Radium - Radon - Francium - 2. For each of the following substances, state whether it is an element or compound. brass (Cu + Zn) - methane (CH4) - carbon (C) - water (H2O) - Electrons always fill orbitals in the same order. Each s orbital holds 2 electrons, each set. of p orbitals holds 6 electrons, each set of d orbitals holds 10 electrons, and each set of f. orbitals holds 14 electrons. The order in which orbitals are filled, from first to last, is: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d 7p. Aluminum has 13 electrons. 31. Antimony is like a nonmetal in that it is a brittle, crystalline solid, has poor electrical and heat conductivity, and has a low boiling point. However, it is also like a metal because of its shiny silver appearance and ability to form alloys. Into which group should antimony be placed? 32. A lustrous gray metalloid, it is found in nature mainly as the sulfide mineral stibnite (Sb2S3). Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were powdered for use as medicine and cosmetics, often known by the Arabic name, kohl.[4] Metallic antimony was also known, but it was erroneously identified as lead upon its discovery. 15. Hydrogen is a nonmetal yet it is positioned in group 1 on the periodic table because: Antimony - Precautions. 1 The effects of antimony and its compounds on human and environmental health differ widely. 2 For oral absorption, ICRP (1994) recommended values of 10% for tartar emetic and 1% for all other antimony compounds. 3 Antimony is mainly excreted from the human body via urine. Query: how is antimony like a nonmetal Antimony is like a nonmetal in that it is a brittle, crystalline solid, has poor electrical and heat conductivity, and has a low boiling point. That’s why you will see me recommending three different time frames when it comes to the no contact rule, 1 The 21 Day Rule. 2 The 30 Day Rule. 3 The 45 Day Rule. The No Contact Rule = The premise behind NC (no contact) is that you basically cut off all communication with your ex for a certain amount of time with the intent of making them miss you while at the same time facilitating a recovery (more on that in a second.) There is nothing too out of the ordinary here. (To learn more about the “no contact rule” I highly recommend you check out The No Contact Rule Book) Now that you have a pretty good idea of how the no contact rule works I want to move on to the next step. Experts say it takes about 21 days to stick to a new habit, but I've found that heartbroken people need a little more time than that. So similar to Greg Behrendt, author of It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken, I recommend following the No-Contact Rule for two whole months. Within those two months, here's what's probably going to happen: 1. Clarity. Going back and forth with an ex often causes stress and confusion. The no contact rule is always going to be more effective if you aren’t living with your ex. That’s just the way it is and anyone who tells you anything differently is lying straight to your face. BUT the no contact rule can still be effective if you live with the person so don’t go into a depression just yet. But experience has taught me that this isn’t always the best practice. For some situations 30 days may be too long and for others it may not be long enough. That’s why you will see me recommending three different time frames when it comes to the no contact rule, The 21 Day Rule. The 30 Day Rule. The 45 Day Rule. (To learn more about the “no contact rule” I highly recommend you check out The No Contact Rule Book) Do you remember above when I mentioned that if I give people too much leeway they will take advantage of it and look for any excuse to break the no contact rule. Situations That Make You Alter The No Contact Rule (To learn more about the “no contact rule” I highly recommend you check out The No Contact Rule Book) This is where things tend to get a bit more complicated. The 30 Day Rule. The 30 day no contact rule is what I like to call the basic no contact rule. In other words, it should be your ideal starting point. Take a look at the graphic I put together for you below, This graphic is meant to represent what I want every person who does the no contact rule to do. Instead, I thought that it would be best if I just listed out the most common alterations I see people having to make, 1 If Children Are Involved. 2 If You Work With Them. 3 If You Live With Them. 4 If You Go To School With Them. 5 If You Unexpectedly Run Into Them. 6 The Item Exchange. Query: how long for no contact rule
No contact rule is for 20 days, 30 days, and 45 days.
Question: Given the following passage "Typical stringed instruments of the early period include the harp, lute, vielle, and psaltery, while wind instruments included the flute family (including recorder), shawm (an early member of the oboe family), trumpet, and the bagpipes. Simple pipe organs existed, but were largely confined to churches, although there were portable varieties. Later in the period, early versions of keyboard instruments like the clavichord and harpsichord began to appear. Stringed instruments such as the viol had emerged by the 16th century, as had a wider variety of brass and reed instruments. Printing enabled the standardization of descriptions and specifications of instruments, as well as instruction in their use.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What family of instrument did the harp belong to? Answer:
Find the right ending to this passage. Accused: Iran state TV identified the man as Amir Mirzaei Hekmati An American accused by Iran of working for the CIA could face the death penalty, it was reported today. In a closed court hearing, the prosecution asked for capital punishment for suspect Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, said the semi-official Fars news agency. Hekmati is alleged to have 'admitted' receiving training in America and planned to imply that Iran was 'involved in terrorist activities in foreign countries' after returning home. The prosecutor said 28-year-old Arizona-born Hekmati entered Iran's intelligence department three times. Hekmati repeated a confession broadcast on state television on December 18, according to the Fars report. Under Iranian law spying is punishable by death only in military cases . OPTIONS: - America officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - American officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - Amir Mirzaei Hekmati officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - Arizona officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - CIA officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - Fars officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - Hekmati officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - Iran officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking. - Iranian officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking.
Iran officials accused them of spying, but they say they were innocent and had got lost while hiking.
Please answer the following question: Life in the 2100s will be very different from life today. Between then and now many changes will take place. What will the changes be? The population is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer than people do now. Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much easier and cheaper. More people will go to other countries on holiday. There will be changes in our food, too. Maybe no one will eat meat every day. Instead, they eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work canl be done by robots, because of this, many people will not have work to do. This will be a problem. In the future more people _ A) will go to other countries for holidays B) will study at school C) will go to work earlier D) will work for many hours Answer:
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Input: Washington (CNN) The organizers behind the Women's March earlier this year returned to the streets of Washington DC on Friday, this time with a new mission: To protest the National Rifle Association. Hundreds trekked 18 miles by foot from NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, to the Department of Justice in 90-degree weather to demonstrate against the organization. The marchers chanted "Hey hey, ho ho, the NRA has got to go" while holding up signs with slogans ranging from "none of us are safe until all of us are safe" to "91 Gun Deaths a Day: Enough is Enough." Ahead of the march, some set up large banners outside the NRA headquarters. One read "Love Trumps Hate," and another displayed gray silhouettes of the Sandy Hook Elementary School students and teachers -- with their names and ages -- who were killed in 2012.Hundreds showed up to walk in a 17-mile march from the NRA headquarters in Virginia to the Department of Justice in DCThe NRA created a recruitment video that Women's March organizers argue attacks the First Amendment Questions:I think black and brown folks who are lawful gun carriers are not being defended by the _. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Women's March (D) Washington DC (E) National Rifle Association (F) Fairfax (G) Virginia (H) Department of Justice (I) Love Trumps Hate (J) Sandy Hook Elementary School (K) DC (L) First Amendment Output:
Given the below context: Johnny O'Clock is a junior partner in a posh casino with Guido Marchettis. Complicating their longtime working relationship is Guido's wife Nelle, who is still in love with former boyfriend Johnny. She gives Johnny an expensive custom pocket watch, the twin of a birthday present she gave her husband, except Johnny's has a romantic engraving on the back. Johnny gives the watch, along with a rejection note, to Harriet Hobson, a hat-check girl at the casino, to return to Nelle. Harriet, however, apparently commits suicide using gas. Her sister Nancy shows up to find out what happened. She becomes attracted to Johnny. They eventually learn from Police Inspector Koch that Harriet was killed by poison. Harriet was dating Chuck Blayden, a crooked cop who is trying to persuade Guido to let him take Johnny's place. When Blayden also turns up dead, Koch suspects that either Johnny or Marchettis is responsible. Though Johnny tries to resist, little by little, he falls for Nancy. When Koch shows both Johnny and Marchettis Johnny's watch and note, Johnny tells Nancy their relationship is through and takes her to the airport. As he is driving away, however, he narrowly survives a drive-by shooting, and Nancy realizes he was only trying to protect her. She refuses to leave him. Johnny decides to flee to South America with Nancy, but not before brazenly cashing in his share of the casino. Marchettis pulls out a gun when Johnny's back is turned. They shoot it out; Marchettis is killed and Johnny wounded. Afterward, Nelle offers to testify it was self-defense, but only if he will come back to her. He refuses, so she tells Koch it was cold-blooded murder. Johnny's first instinct is to run away, but Nancy convinces him to give himself up. Guess a valid title for it! Answer:
Johnny O'Clock
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. How Long Will It Take? Apartment Search Timeline. Last fall we estimated how much you’ll need to save up before you can move out. (Rule of thumb: If you save an amount equal to about 8-10% of your annual salary, you’ll be in good shape.) So by now you’ve been saving for 4-5 months, and you’re ready to make your move. Although these tips aren’t necessarily screening tips, the idea is to save you valuable time. 1 Consider the curb appeal of the property. 2 Fix any problems in the apartment beforehand. 3 Have selling points ready to discuss. 4 Turn the lights on in each room when you’re showing the apartment or house. the money you pay for the app/background check are non refundable...the fee that you pay/paid to 'hold' a place is. Just make sure you have that in writing and alway get a receipt. He said the application fee is $22.00 and that I would give one month rent to hold the place. I was just trying to see is it possible to pay that application fee get approved and then proceed with the rest after that. Validate items on their application: The credit report should have a few lines for prior residences as well, which you can bump up against what the applicant listed on their application. Check for any bankruptcies, payments sent to collections, evictions, and other public records and see if an explanation was provided on the application. For more, check out our guide chapter on how to analyze a tenant’s credit report. Almost all rentals, whether you are looking for an apartment, town home, duplex or even single family home, will require you to verify that you make enough money to afford rent. Most will call or ask for a letter from your employer to verify: If, however, you’ve had a job for five or more years, the 12 months you’ll be at this apartment will likely be a financially stable time. Checkbook. Finally, bring your checkbook when applying for apartments. You may have to pay an application fee or a fee to take the unit off the market until you sign the lease. That way, no one else can swoop in and take your dream apartment while you’re waiting for the OK. Have all these items on hand when you tour a place in case you want to fill out an apartment application on the spot. Happy hunting! Pin this post: A lease is a legally binding contract, laying out the rules agreed upon between the landlord or property owner and you, the tenant. It can be from one to many pages, but in general, a lease defines exactly how long you'll be renting the apartment (six months, one year, two years and so on) and exactly how much money you'll pay in rent each month (and on what day). The applicant hereby applies to rent/lease Apar tment #_____at_____ ____ _____for $_____ per month , and upon owner’s approval agrees to enter into a Rental Agreement and/or Lease and pay all rent and security deposits required before occupancy. An application fee of $_____ is hereby submitted fo r the cost of processing this application, to obtain credit history and other background information . I have been renting for many years and it has always been always instant approval. This Greystar apartment I applied (through told me they would have the result on the first weekday (Monday). After several calls they told me they still did not have the results. How can a background check take this long for an apartment lease? Even employment background check does not take days. Plus I do not remember giving consent on for a background check. Unless they are sending out investigators (hard to believe for this kind of background check) there is not reason for it to take more than a day. Deposits range from $200 to $500 & submitted with application / $25.00 admin fee each over two adults PAID BY: CHECK # & MONEY ORDER(S) If after approval, applicant fails to sign the rental agreement, pay the security deposit and begin paying rent, the Application Deposit will be forfeited to the landlord. COMMENTS: Query: how long to verify a application to lease a apartment
It will take six months, one year, two years to verify a application to lease a apartment.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. Problem:The show at the Cartwright Hall gallery will focus on his early life and work. Hockney was born in Bradford in 1937. As a teenager, he would use a pram loaded with paints and brushes as a mobile art studio on the city streets. He went on to find fame at the Royal College of Art in London in the 1960s. A major show of Hockney's landscapes at the Royal Academy earlier this year, titled A Bigger Picture, attracted more than 600,000 people. Cartwright Hall is asking Bradford residents to take items including paintings, drawings, photographs and Christmas cards to a drop-in day on Wednesday 26 September between 11:00 and 15:00 BST, or to contact curators directly. The gallery said it hoped the exhibition, which will run from December until next April, would be "a truly, uniquely Bradford exhibition". Hockney studied at Bradford College of Art in the mid-1950s. Cartwright Hall's collection includes Hockney's Bolton Junction, Eccleshill, which was painted while he was at art college and which was featured in the Royal Academy show. Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe, Bradford Council's executive member for culture, said: "David Hockney is one of Bradford's most famous sons. "It's therefore fitting that this exhibition will have a local perspective with valuable contributions from the district's residents." Solution:
A gallery in David Hockney's home town of Bradford is asking people who met him at the start of his career to dig out works of art or pieces of memorabilia for a new exhibition.
Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: A band plays music on stage. a man
plays the drums intensely.
Problem: Does "The Associated Press reported in mid-January 2005 that the FBI essentially abandoned the use of Carnivore in 2001, in favor of commercially available software, such as NarusInsight." answer the question "When did the FBI abandon Carnivore?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Does the sentence "[A critical examination of the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, regarding original sin with respect to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary], in which Aquinas is interpreted not as treating the question of the Immaculate Conception later formulated in the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus but rather the sanctification of the fetus within Mary's womb." provide a valid answer to the question "What position was the teacher later given by the Holy Roman Church ?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Question: Choose your answer: Is "Stephen Hawking and co-author Leonard Mlodinow state in their book, The Grand Design, that it is reasonable to ask who or what created the universe, but if the answer is God, then the question has merely been deflected to that of who created God." a good answer to the question "What does Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow pose as a better question that "Is there a God"?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: yes QUES: Q: What type of material is used to make CDs? A: The time it takes to "stamp" one CD is usually two to three seconds. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no Does "On April 18, 1780, the state capital was moved from the colonial capital of Williamsburg to Richmond, to provide a more centralized location for Virginia's increasing westerly population, as well as to isolate the capital from British attack." contain the correct answer to "What happened on April 18, 1780?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Problem: Does "They are allocated a large suite of rooms known as the Belgian Suite, situated at the foot of the Minister's Staircase, on the ground floor of the north-facing Garden Wing." answer the question "Where do foreign heads of stay usually stay in Buckingham Palace?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Recommendation: Congressional oversight for intelligence-and counterterrorism-is now dysfunctional. Congress should address this problem. We have considered various alternatives: A joint committee on the old model of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy is one. A single committee in each house of Congress, combining authorizing and appropriating authorities, is another. The new committee or committees should conduct continuing studies of the activities of the intelligence agencies and report problems relating to the development and use of intelligence to all members of the House and Senate. We have already recommended that the total level of funding for intelligence be made public, and that the national intelligence program be appropriated to the National Intelligence Director, not to the secretary of defense. We also recommend that the intelligence committee should have a subcommittee specifically dedicated to oversight, freed from the consuming responsibility of working on the budget. The resolution creating the new intelligence committee structure should grant subpoena authority to the committee or committees. The majority party's representation on this committee should never exceed the minority's representation by more than one. Four of the members appointed to this committee or committees should be a member who also serves on each of the following additional committees: Armed Services, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, and the Defense Appropriations subcommittee. In this way the other major congressional interests can be brought together in the new committee's work. Members should serve indefinitely on the intelligence committees, without set terms, thereby letting them accumulate expertise. The committees should be smaller-perhaps seven or nine members in each house-so that each member feels a greater sense of responsibility, and accountability, for the quality of the committee's work. The leaders of the Department of Homeland Security now appear before 88 committees and subcommittees of Congress. One expert witness (not a member of the administration) told us that this is perhaps the single largest obstacle impeding the department's successful development. The one attempt to consolidate such committee authority, the House Select Committee on Homeland Security, may be eliminated. The Senate does not have even this. Congress needs to establish for the Department of Homeland Security the kind of clear authority and responsibility that exist to enable the Justice Department to deal with crime and the Defense Department to deal with threats to national security. Question: "What are two alternatives that Congress have considered?" Response: "Streamlining the work into subcommittees or increasing taxes" OPTIONS: - no - yes A: no Problem: { { plot } } In 1964 , in the peak of Beatlemania , a reluctant John Lennon is persuaded by manager Brian Epstein to meet Freddie Lennon , the father who abandoned him seventeen years earlier , with the press in attendance . When they meet , John accuses his father of abandoning him , but his father says that `` he left it up to John . '' John and Brian quickly leave the meeting . The movie then jumps to 1967 , after Brian Epstein has died . The Beatles are giving a press conference about their new film, Magical Mystery Tour . John is skeptical about the film , but Paul ( ( ( Andrew Scott convinces him to go through with the idea . John then invites his father to his mansion to live with him . Freddie Lennon arrives and meets his grandson , Julian . Sitting with his wife , John reads the criticism of Magical Mystery Tour , while comparing his wife to Brigitte Bardot , whom he says he will meet after he returns from India . John finds a letter addressed to him , with the word `` Breathe '' written on it . Later , after finding his father in a neighbor's house , Freddie reveals that he has a 19 year old girlfriend named Pauline , with whom he wants to live . Lennon accuses his father of leaving him again , and then leaves , after telling his father that he wo n't live with him anymore . After meeting Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , the Beatles quickly return to London , and in a press conference they say they made a mistake when they trusted Maharishi . The journalists are curious about the Beatles new business -- Apple Records . Question: "In what year do The Beatles give a press conference about their new film, Magical Mystery Tour?" Answer: "1970" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Question: Fossils give clues about major geological events. Fossils can also give clues about past climates. Fossils of ocean animals on the top of a mountain? Ocean animals have been found on the Earths tallest mountain. Its hard to believe, but it is true. These fossils were found at the top of Mt. Everest. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain on Earth. These fossils showed that this entire area was once at the bottom of a sea. It can only mean that Mt. Everest was uplifted. In fact, the entire Himalaya mountain range was raised. It was forced up from the collision of two continents. Fossils of plants are found in Antarctica. Now, Antarctica is almost completely covered with ice. Plants do not grow in Antarctica. According to fossils, they once did. This means that Antarctica was once much warmer than it is now. These fossils tell us about Antarcticas past climate. After reading the above, is "Andes" the correct answer to the question "Which mountain range has the Earth's highest mountain?"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Input: The 1933 double eagle, a $20 gold piece with a mysterious history that involves a president, a king and a Secret Service sting operation, was auctioned Tuesday last night for a record price for a coin, $7.59 million, nearly double the previous record. The anonymous buyer, believed to be an individual collector who lives in the United States, made the winning bid in a fiercely contested nine-minute auction at Sotheby's in Manhattan. Eight bidders were joined by 500 coin collectors and dealers in an auction house audience seemingly devoid of celebrity bidders, while an additional 534 observers followed the bidding on eBay. As auction houses prepare for their fall seasons in an uncertain economy, the sale price "suggests that the marketplace for important items is enormously strong," said David Redden, a vice chairman at Sotheby's, who was the auctioneer. "This is an astonishing new record for a coin," he said. In an unprecedented move, the auction proceeds were split by the U.S. Mint and a London coin dealer, Stephen Fenton, who had won that right in court after having been arrested by Secret Service agents for trying to sell the coin in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan in 1996. Henrietta Holsman Fore, the director of the U.S. Mint, who witnessed the sale, said, "The monies we receive will go toward helping to pay down the debt and to fight the war on terrorism." Fenton commented that the double eagle had been on "a long historic journey, with a very satisfying ending." He added, "I am thrilled with the price." The previous numismatic record holder was an 1804 U.S. silver dollar, which sold for $4.14 million in 1999. Sotheby's partner in the one-lot auction was Stack's Rare Coins, with which it shared the customary 15 percent commission. "I have never seen as much interest in the sale of any coin in my 30 years in the business," said Lawrence R. Stack, the company's managing director. "This is the Mona Lisa of coins," said Beth Deisher, editor of Coin World, the largest weekly coin publication in the United States, with a circulation of 85,000. "It is unique. Forbidden fruit." Collectors' Web sites have surged with speculation about the sale price, and enthusiasts even organized betting pools. Does the response "$7.5 million" correctly answer the question "What is the dollar amount difference between the Tuesday night's sale price and the previous record?"? OPTIONS: - no - yes *** Output:
Given a paragraph, your job is to generate a question that can be answered from the passage. The answer to your question should be a single entity, person, time, etc. that can be extracted from the passage. Q: Historically, the Methodist Church has supported the temperance movement. John Wesley warned against the dangers of drinking in his famous sermon, 'The Use of Money,' and in his letter to an alcoholic. At one time, Methodist ministers had to take a pledge not to drink and encouraged their congregations to do the same. Today the United Methodist Church states that it 'affirms our long-standing support of abstinence from alcohol as a faithful witness to God's liberating and redeeming love for persons.' In fact, the United Methodist Church uses unfermented grape juice in the sacrament of Holy Communion, thus 'expressing pastoral concern for recovering alcoholics, enabling the participation of children and youth, and supporting the church's witness of abstinence.' Moreover, in 2011 and 2012, The United Methodist Church's General Board of Church and Society called on all United Methodists to abstain from alcohol for Lent. A: Historically, which movement has the Methodist Church supported? **** Q: Nearby, in Ogród Saski (the Saxon Garden), the Summer Theatre was in operation from 1870 to 1939, and in the inter-war period, the theatre complex also included Momus, Warsaw's first literary cabaret, and Leon Schiller's musical theatre Melodram. The Wojciech Bogusławski Theatre (1922–26), was the best example of 'Polish monumental theatre'. From the mid-1930s, the Great Theatre building housed the Upati Institute of Dramatic Arts – the first state-run academy of dramatic art, with an acting department and a stage directing department. A: What is the Saxon Garden in Polish? **** Q: The United Methodist Church opposes conscription as incompatible with the teaching of Scripture. Therefore, the Church supports and extends its ministry to those persons who conscientiously oppose all war, or any particular war, and who therefore refuse to serve in the armed forces or to cooperate with systems of military conscription. However, the United Methodist Church also supports and extends its ministry to those persons who conscientiously choose to serve in the armed forces or to accept alternative service. The church also states that 'as Christians they are aware that neither the way of military action, nor the way of inaction is always righteous before God.' A:
What does the UMC oppose as incompatible with the teaching of Scripture? ****
Problem: Does "Cork has also been home to pirate radio stations, including South Coast Radio and ERI in the 1980s." answer the question "When were South Coast Radio and ERI running their pirate stations out of Cork?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Does the sentence "Islam ranks third in New York City, with official estimates ranging between 600,000 and 1,000,000 observers and including 10% of the city's public schoolchildren, followed by Hinduism, Buddhism, and a variety of other religions, as well as atheism." provide a valid answer to the question "What borough has the largest population of Jewish people?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Question: Choose your answer: Is "In addition, NRG Astrodome was the first indoor stadium in the world, built in 1965." a good answer to the question "What was the first indoor stadium in the world?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: yes QUES: Q: What year did Carrie Underwood win American Idol? A: Underwood has since sold 65 million records worldwide, and become the most successful Idol contestant in the U.S., selling over 14 million albums copies in the U.S. and has more Underwood has won seven Grammy Awards, the most Grammys by an "American Idol" alumnus. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no Does "At high temperatures (1000–1400 K, 700–1100 °C or 1300–2000 °F), steam (water vapor) reacts with methane to yield carbon monoxide and H_2." contain the correct answer to "What temperature is needed for steam to react with methane?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Problem: Does "This gives dogs the ability to recognize emotional human sounds, making them friendly social pets to humans." answer the question "An MRI study on dogs proved that dogs have the same response as humans to what?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Ques:There is a Web site called the "World Database of Happiness." It combines and analyzes the results of hundreds of surveys from around the world that have been conducted on life satisfaction. Most of the findings are predictable, but a few are surprising. The database makes it clear that there is not a strong connection between material wealth and general contentment. It is a cliche to say that money can't buy happiness, but the old saying seems to be supported by research. Many people still cling to the belief that gaining riches will be the answer to all their problems, yet they are probably mistaken. Studies have been carried out on people who acquired sudden wealth, such as lottery winners. In most cases, after the initial joy had worn off, people were not left with a sense of lasting happiness. In fact, they tended to revert to the way they felt before they became rich. Previously contented people continue to be contented, while those who were miserable before sink back into misery. If material wealth does not bring happiness, then what does? Perhaps happiness has something to do with where you live. The authorities at the World Database on Happiness have surveyed levels of happiness in different countries. Apparently, people in America, Canada, and Singapore are very happy; people living in India and Russia, not surprisingly, are not happy. Other surveys consistently point to the importance of relationships. Family relationships in particular seem to be the key to long-term contentment. The Web site suggests that falling in love and having children are two of the situations that bring the greatest happiness. Nowadays people look to technology as an alternative source of satisfaction. People increasingly spend more time alone watching TV or surfing the Internet rather than spending time with family. Can technology truly make people happy? It is too difficult to tell, but one thing is sure: If the Web site's research is accurate, time spent with your family is a better investment than time spent making money. Which description is right according to the passage? A) The material wealth and general contentment are strongly connected with each other. B) The more one's wealth is, the happier he will be. C) Many people have wrong concept towards the relation between love and money. D) Money can solve all the problems. Ans:C ----- Ques:Beijing's broadened ban on smoking in public places took effect Thursday, adding force to the effort to hold a smoke-free Olympics. The new rules extend existing anti-smoking regulations to more places, including fitness centers, cultural relic sites, offices, meeting rooms, dining halls, toilets and lifts. Restaurants, Internet cafes, parks, and waiting halls at airports, railway stations and coach stations are required to set up smoking areas. Hotels will have to offer smoke-free rooms or floors, but the regulations do not specify a proportion. However, some restaurant owners have complained that it would be difficult to have a separate smoking room as required by the new regulations. "We plan to issue specific rules to solve this problem as soon as possible," Rao Yingsheng, vice-director of the Beijing Committee for Patriotic Public Health Campaign, was quoted by the Beijing News as saying Thursday. He said small restaurants without a separate room should set aside at least 70 percent of their area for non-smokers. He also said customers and restaurant owners would be asked for their thoughts on the new rule. Local authorities dispatched about 100,000 inspectors to make sure the ban was being enforced Thursday. Everyone has the right to dissuade people from smoking in public places, Liu Zejun, who works for the Beijing committee, said. "Citizens are encouraged to expose those who refuse to obey the rule by calling the free telephone line 12320," Liu said. People caught smoking in forbidden areas will be fined 10 yuan ($1.40), while enterprises and institutions that violate the ban will face fines of between 1,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan. Smoking was forbidden in hospitals, kindergartens, schools, museums, sports venues and other places before the new regulations took effect. From Oct 1 last year, the city also banned smoking in its 66,000 cabs, and imposed fines of 100 yuan to 200 yuan on drivers caught smoking in taxis. China has pledged a cigarette-free, green Olympics. This year's event will be the first... The passage mainly tells us _ . A) There will be more places where smoking is forbidden. B) More people should give up smoking. C) Broadened ban on smoking in public places took effect in order to set up a non-smoking Olympic Games. D) Those who smoke at public places will be fined. Ans:C ----- Ques:Are we getting more stupid? According to Gerald Crabtree, a scientist at Stanford University in the US, we are. You may not want to hear this, but Crabtree believes that human intelligence reached its peak more than 2,000 years ago and ever since then has been going downhill. "If an average Greek from 1,000 BC were transported to modern times, he or she would be one of the brightest among us," Crabtree told The Guardian. At the heart of Crabtree's thinking is a simple idea. In the past, intelligence was critical for survival when our ancestors had to avoid dangerous animals and hunt for food. The difference of being smart or stupid is often life or death. However, after the spread of agriculture, when our ancestors began to live in dense farming communities, the need to keep their intelligence in peak condition gradually reduced. This is not hard to understand. Most of the time, pressure is what keeps us going - you need the pressure from your teachers to finish your homework; the pressure of looking pretty prompts you to lose weight when summer comes. And the same is also true of our intelligence - if we think less, we become less smart. These mutations are harmful to our intelligence and they were all developed in the past 3,000 years. The other evidence that Crabtree holds is in our genes. He found that among the 2,000 to 5,000 genes that we have that determine human intelligence , there are two or more mutations in each of us. However, Crabtree's theory has been criticized by some who say that early humans may have better hunting and surviving abilities, but people today have developed a more diverse intelligence. For example, spearing a tiger doesn't necessarily require more brainpower than playing chess or writing a poem. Moreover, the power of modern education means a lot more people have the opportunity to learn nowadays. "You wouldn't get Stephen Hawking 2,000 years ago. He just wouldn't exist," Thomas Hills of the University of Warwick, UK, told Live Science. "But now we have people of his... What is Thomas Hills' attitude toward Crabtree's theory? A) Supportive B) Unfavorable C) Worried D) Confused Ans:
B -----
Question: What sport do you like best? Daniel: I like basketball best. I often watch NBA. I play basketball every day. I am short, but I am strong. I am a good basketball player in our school. Lucy: Ping-ping is my favourite sport. I am a Chinese and Chinese ping-pong players are the best in the world. I want to be a good ping-pong player too. I often play it every afternoon. Tom: I am tall and strong. I like football best. My father is a football player. I often watch my father play football. My father often teaches me to play football. I play with my father and others in the park every day. What does Tom's father do? A) A teacher. B) A doctor. C) A policeman. D) A football player. Answer:
Definition: In this task, you are given a passage and a question regarding that passage. You must determine whether or not the question is answerable from the given passage. If a question is answerable, output should be 'True', otherwise 'False'. You must not consider any other information that is not provided in the passage while labelling True or False. Input: Passage: For certain physical scenarios, it is impossible to model forces as being due to gradient of potentials. This is often due to macrophysical considerations that yield forces as arising from a macroscopic statistical average of microstates. For example, friction is caused by the gradients of numerous electrostatic potentials between the atoms, but manifests as a force model that is independent of any macroscale position vector. Nonconservative forces other than friction include other contact forces, tension, compression, and drag. However, for any sufficiently detailed description, all these forces are the results of conservative ones since each of these macroscopic forces are the net results of the gradients of microscopic potentials. Question: Micro-physical considerations yield what? Output:
Definition: In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. Input: Carnage Park -- Keating described Carnage Park as being a nod to films by Sam Peckinpah and Peter Watkins that were made in the 1970s, and he built the film around that concept. Output:
is carnage park based on a true story
This is part two of a four part series on Inner Wisdom Eating (IWE) The 4 steps of Inner Wisdom Eating (or eating like a thin person) are exactly the same as those promoted by Intuitive Eating. Eat when you’re hungry Eat what you want Eat consciously Stop when you are full The difference lies in the approach and the detail. I will discuss each step in this four part series. ————————————————— EAT WHAT YOU WANT DOES YOUR FOOD SING TO YOU? Have a look in your fridge and cupboards. Does the food in there sing to you, does it call your name, and are you looking forward to eating it? Do you eat it because you enjoy it or because you think you should? By choosing only to eat what sings to me, I have discovered (again!) that I am not a big fan of meat and would rather eat a predominantly vegetarian diet. Occasionally I’ll eat chicken leg and I love bacon but beyond that I’m not fussed. FOOD DOES NOT HAVE A VALUE There are no good and bad foods. There are no trigger foods or forbidden foods. There is nosuch thing as junk. There is a place in your diet for your favourite indulgences in moderation. Believe me that when you let yourself eat cheesecake, chocolate and hot chips, the novelty soon wears off. I mostly eat unprocessed food, not because it’s “good” but because I love the taste and prefer how it makes me feel. YOU CAN STILL EAT DIET FOOD Low fat ice-cream, Diet Coke and protein powder are still in my diet but I eat them because I prefer the taste over their ‘real’ counterparts. I can still ask for dressing on the side and no butter on my sandwich not because I’m counting calories but because I can’t see the point in eating food I don’t actually want. Who is not a big fan of meat? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - the author's child - the author's spouce - the author - not enough information the author There’s a story in my Tuscan family of nobility and forbidden love. It’s set in Taranto, Puglia, on Italy’s southern heel and involves my daughter’s great-great-grandmother. The best known version is told by my husband Marco’s uncle, Riccardo, who remembers it being told to him by his elderly Nonna Anna herself. Anna Michela Comasia Maria Calianno. Her long name was a sign of her family’s noble status. She was born in Taranto, Puglia, in 1889, into a wealthy, well-educated Tarantine family of physicians, surgeons and landowners. One day, by chance, young Anna answered the door instead of the butler. There was Nicola Cardellicchio, the postman. He came from a poor family of bricklayers and wool spinners, raised by a single mother. “He was no adonis,” noted Nonna Anna. Nicola was rather short and stocky, but she liked him immediately. She continued answering the door whenever the postman passed. When Anna’s mother, Girolama, noticed her daughter’s growing interest in the postman, she forbid her to see him again, threatening to disown her. So Anna did what any lovesick girl would do: she ran away, eloping with Nicola. The couple had nine children in Taranto — Mario, Marco’s grandfather was born in the middle of the First World War — but times were very hard, and they moved north to Torino to look for work. Nonna Anna was perhaps not an instinctive cook. I wondered whether she ever had the possibility to learn how to cook. Her grandchildren, Angela (my mother in law) and Riccardo, remember her only ever making lesso (boiled meat) and these polpette, which became variously known in the family as “sugo di nonna Anna” and, oddly, “amatriciana” (which is actually a different recipe, a chilli-spiked sauce of fried guanciale and tomato to coat pasta). But these polpette – plump meat balls, cooked slowly in tomato sauce, a very traditional dish from Puglia – were passed down to Anna’s daughter in law, Angela’s Tuscan mother, Lina, who made them so often for her own family that she in turn taught her daughter in law,... Why did Anna and Nicola elope? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - They were looking for work in Torino. - Anna's grandmother threatened to disown her. - Anna wanted to learn how to cook. - not enough information Anna's grandmother threatened to disown her. QUEBEC CITY — Emotions were on display when U.S. President Donald Trump met other G-7 leaders at their annual summit in Canada on Friday, but the discussions were civilized and diplomatic, according to sources. Trump held firm on asserting the United States is disadvantaged when it comes to trade with its European allies. “The other leaders presented their numbers and Trump presented his,” a G-7 official who spoke on condition of anonymity told the Reuters news agency. “As expected he did not budge. This is probably not because he does not understand, but because of domestic reasons.” At a bilateral meeting later with the summit's host, Justin Trudeau, the U.S. president joked that the Canadian prime minister had agreed to “cut all tariffs.” Despite the two leaders exchanging criticism of each other’s trade policies the previous day, Trump described the cross-border relationship as very good, stating “we’re actually working on cutting tariffs and making it all very fair for both countries. And we’ve made a lot of progress today. We’ll see how it all works out.” In a subsequent sit-down meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Trump said “the United States has had a very big trade deficit for many years with the European Union and we are working it out. And Emmanuel’s been very helpful in that regard.” Macron responded that he had a “very direct and open discussion” with Trump and "there is a critical path that is a way to progress all together.” Canada’s foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland, confirms she met on Friday with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to discuss the tariffs and the fate of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). She said Canada, however, will not change its mind about the U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs which she termed “illegal.” Trump imposed the tariffs on the grounds that weak domestic industries could affect U.S. national security. America’s closest allies, Canada, Mexico and the European Union, are introducing retaliatory tariffs. Why did Trump meet with Trudeau? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - It was the annual summit in Canada - they went to a concert together - it was election day in Canada - not enough information
It was the annual summit in Canada
My wife and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local convenience store. I don't think many people appreciate what a difficult job these folks have. They work for a little over minimum wage and I often wonder how they make ends meet. One of the clerks, Charlie, was always wearing his glasses but he didn't one day. I asked him about it and he said they'd been out of order and that he couldn't afford a new pair. His family needed money. It was obvious that he was having a difficult time. We wanted to help him, so we turned to our own eye doctor for assistance with a plan. We had his secretary contact him, asking him to come in for an eye exam for free. We told the doctor to let him order whatever glasses he wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questioned what was going on, the doctor just told him that someone had offered the money for his new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was so touched by our idea that he _ the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses! It was so wonderful to see Charlie in her new glasses and he enjoyed telling all the regular customers how the gift came about. I'm sure that upon hearing her story, ideas of kindness may have emerged in the minds of many. From the passage, we can infer that _ . A) Charlie was a young man with skills B) Charlie knew who paid the money for the new glasses C) Charlie didn't support his family with enough money D) Charlie entirely accepted the money for the new glasses A:
Question: When was Microsoft Windows 3.0 released? Is In 1989, Jean-Louis Gassée had steadfastly refused to lower the profit margins on Mac computers, then there was a component shortage that rocked the exponentially-expanding PC industry that year, forcing Apple USA head Allan Loren to cut prices which dropped Apple's margins. a good answer to this question?
Definition: Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. Input: A muscle strain (or pulled muscle) is an overstretched or torn muscle. Back strain is the most common cause of back pain, especially lower back pain. Muscle strain is often caused by overuse of a muscle or overloading a muscle. When a muscle is stressed beyond its limits, injury occurs. However, you risk a pull if you don’t warm up properly before you exercise and stretch a muscle past its limit, train longer than what your body can handle, or if you push a past muscle injury too far before the muscle has had adequate time to heal. You will know a muscle is pulled typically within 24 to 48 hours of the injury, as the area will become stiff, sore, you may experience loss of movement and muscle spasms, and bruising or swelling will often develop around the injured muscle. If you suffer a pulled muscle, here are ten ways to help speed the healing and soothe the pain and inflammation… 1. Ice. Icing a muscle strain as quickly as possible will do its part to reduce swelling and soothe pain. Ice applications can be administered in ice pack form or you can wrap ice cubes in a towel and cover the area frequently throughout the day for no more than 15-minutes each time. A grade-three injury is the most severe and also the least common type of strain injury. It refers to a complete tearing of a muscle or tendon, and it often occurs where the muscle is attached to the tendon above or below the joint. This kind of strain is accompanied by weakness, which means a person can no longer use that muscle. Cast immobilization and surgery are sometimes necessary. Due to the injury’s severity, recovery generally takes three to six months or longer. Back muscle strain is a common cause of lower back pain. Muscle strain can be caused by overuse of a muscle or overloading a muscle. A strain is a muscle or tendon injury; a sprain is a ligament injury. Relief from pain and inflammation from pulled back muscles / ligaments can be obtained by applying ice to the injury (wrap ice in cloth - do not apply ice directly to skin) for 15 to 20 minutes every 4 hours for two or three days. The cold helps reduce pain and inflammation and is also a distraction from the back pain. For a mild muscle strain, it takes around three to six weeks to recover with basic home care, according to an article by Healthline. Severe strains may take months to properly heal.... For a mild muscle strain, it takes around three to six weeks to recover with basic home care, according to an article by Healthline. Severe strains may take months to properly heal. Most people with a strained muscle usually experience full recovery with proper treatment, explains Pietrangelo. 10 Ways to Help Heal Pulled Muscles. A muscle pull (or strain) occurs when you twist, pull, or tear your muscle or tendon, the strong elastic cord that connects your muscle to the bone. As we age we are more susceptible to muscle pulls. The recovery time of muscle pull depends on the grade of muscle strain as described below: 1 Healing Time for Grade I Muscle Strain: This is minor condition, where only a small percentage of muscles are affected. This type of pulled muscle normalizes within a few weeks. Like back strain, back sprains may trigger back muscle spasms. Healing time depends on the severity of the sprain. Most back sprains heal in six to eight weeks but it can take several months for complete recovery from a severe back sprain. Ligaments take longer to heal than muscles. In most of the cases, how long will the muscle pull last depends on the location of the muscle and it also depends on the impact and severity of the injury. Under normal circumstances, symptoms of mild back muscle pull show improvement in about one to two weeks and show complete recovery in about 4 to 6 weeks. Moderate to mild pulled muscle in legs take about 8 to 10 weeks to heal completely. Symptoms of severe pulled muscle (usually grade III strain) persist until the tear in the muscle is surgically repaired. In some cases, the symptoms may persist even after the repair is done. Query: how long can it take to heal a pulled back muscle Output:
It takes about 4 to 6 weeks for a mild pulled back muscle to heal completely.
Problem: Add spaces: SuburbaboveFunchalinMadeira. Spaces added: Suburb above Funchal in Madeira. This text is missing some spaces, please add them: TheseandothershavenotceasedbecauseofinstructionsreceivedfromChrist,(becausehehimselfsays,Ihavenotcometodestroythelaw,buttofulfillit),butbecauseduetotheauthorityofthechurchtheyhavebeenchanged." These and others have not ceased because of instructions received from Christ, (because he himself says, I have not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it), but because due to the authority of the church they have been changed." input question: Fix spacing: Includes:Accommodationinacentrallylocated***Hotel–BreakfastBuffet output answer: Includes: Accommodation in a centrally located *** Hotel – Breakfast Buffet Problem: Amongtheingredients:TeaTreeOil,apowerfulantibacterial... What's a sentence that uses these characters? - Among the ingredients : Tea Tree Oil, a powerful antibacterial ... Add spaces: Foundedin1984,AxisislistedontheOMXNordicExchange,LargeCapandInformationTechnology.FormoreinformationaboutAxis, Answer: Founded in 1984, Axis is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange, Large Cap and Information Technology. For more information about Axis, please visit our website at This text is missing some spaces, please add them: ThereisachancethatyourSVIR.EXEerrorcouldberelatedtoamalwareinfectiononyourPC.Thesemaliciousintruderscandamage,corrupt,orevendeleteEXE-relatedfiles.Furthermore,there'sapossibilitythattheSVIR.EXEerroryouareexperiencingisrelatedtoacomponentofthemaliciousprogramitself.
There is a chance that your SVIR.EXE error could be related to a malware infection on your PC. These malicious intruders can damage, corrupt, or even delete EXE-related files. Furthermore, there's a possibility that the SVIR.EXE error you are experiencing is related to a component of the malicious program itself.
Q: In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. passage: The waterway allows passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the inland port of Duluth on Lake Superior, a distance of 2,340 miles (3,770 km) and to Chicago, on Lake Michigan, at 2,250 miles (3,620 km). question: are the great lakes connected to the atlantic ocean? A:
Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Q: Kadin loved the desert. Many creatures lived in the desert. Some learned to survive within her harsh burning grip. Some even learned to thrive in her, building stone monuments to themselves and living their lives surrounded in the lavish luxuries of Gods. How puny their monuments were compared to the desert herself. Where they had castles surrounded by dry moats, the desert had mountains surrounded by thousand year sandstorms. Where they had silks and the most beautiful slaves serving their every greatest desire, she had dunes that stretched for a thousand leagues and a sun that burned huge and deep crimson in the violet sky. Where desert kings, the Danken, dined on the finest food and drank the finest wine, the desert drank every drop of water from the air itself and feasted on men. Kadin knew the desert. He knew her voice whispering in the dark of night like a dangerous lover. The sound he heard now was not her voice but a cry from one trapped within the desert's teeth. It was the cry of a woman. Kadin rose from his makeshift bed in the dip of two dunes. He stood quickly, tying the leather straps of his knife belt around his waist. He pulled on his boots and silently mounted White Ash. THe mare felt his soft touch and made no sound. Kadin listened and heard the cry again. He studied the dunes in the darkness of night. THe blood moon painted the desert a deep red. He felt the echos and turned White Ash towards their origin. He rode quietly into the night. Kadin saw the glow of torchlight long before cresting the hill. He guessed four riders from the sound of their horses and confirmed it when he rose above them. Three men, now on foot, chased a woman in black across the dune. Their horses stood back, panting from a hard ride. The woman's own stallion lay dead, a black arrow buried in its flank. Question: Whose horse was killed? A:
Kadin's horse
Please capitalize where necessary: more or less 600 quipus have survived around in museums, and nobody today can interpret them. A: More or less 600 quipus have survived around in museums, and nobody today can interpret them. Please capitalize where necessary: the annual award show, 'Årets steppeulv', was celebrated in store vega friday night. the show featured nice live performances and a well done job by hostess maya albana. you can find photos of the setting sun, speaker bite me, sebastian, claus hempler, marybell catastrophy and suspekt feat. veto online. A: The annual award show, 'Årets Steppeulv', was celebrated in Store Vega Friday night. The show featured nice live performances and a well done job by hostess Maya Albana. You can find photos of The Setting Sun, Speaker Bite Me, Sebastian, Claus Hempler, Marybell Catastrophy and Suspekt feat. VETO online. Please capitalize where necessary: david capristo from philippines of after our technical detection and feedback research from netherlands antilles, ghana, benin, bulgaria, philippines, i need to say that dll suite is the most outstanding dll fixer in this field with its high efficiency and effect. A: David Capristo from Philippines of PCMAG.COM: After our technical detection and feedback research from Netherlands Antilles, Ghana, Benin, Bulgaria, Philippines, I need to say that DLL Suite is the most outstanding DLL Fixer in this field with its high efficiency and effect. Please capitalize where necessary: the new budget, which is to be negotiated for the period 2014-2020, must be adopted by the council unanimously after the european parliament has given its approval. A:
The new budget, which is to be negotiated for the period 2014-2020, must be adopted by the Council unanimously after the European Parliament has given its approval.
She said good morning to Alice and Alice said hallo. She was thin and rather tall with a very lined gentle face and hair that was white but which Alice could see had once been blonde. She could also have told this was Tina's mother before Mrs Darne went off down the passage that led to the Headmaster's Flat. Multi-choice question: Can we infer the following? this was Tina's mother Choose your answer from: [I] Yes [II] No [III] It's impossible to say
instruction: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". question: The Principals Committee had its first meeting on al Qaeda on September 4. On the day of the meeting, Clarke sent Rice an impassioned personal note. He criticized U.S. counterterrorism efforts past and present. The "real question" before the principals, he wrote, was "are we serious about dealing with the al Qida threat? Is al Qida a big deal? Decision makers should imagine themselves on a future day when the CSG has not succeeded in stopping al Qida attacks and hundreds of Americans lay dead in several countries, including the US," Clarke wrote. "What would those decision makers wish that they had done earlier? That future day could happen at any time." Clarke then turned to the Cole." The fact that the USS Cole was attacked during the last Administration does not absolve us of responding for the attack," he wrote. "Many in al Qida and the Taliban may have drawn the wrong lesson from the Cole: that they can kill Americans without there being a US response, without there being a price." <sep>On what date did Clarke send Rice a note criticizing U.S. counter-terrorism efforts?<sep>September 5 answer: No question: Alexander fled Macedon with his mother, dropping her off with her brother, King Alexander I of Epirus in Dodona, capital of the Molossians. He continued to Illyria, where he sought refuge with the Illyrian King and was treated as a guest, despite having defeated them in battle a few years before. However, it appears Philip never intended to disown his politically and militarily trained son. Accordingly, Alexander returned to Macedon after six months due to the efforts of a family friend, Demaratus, who mediated between the two parties. In the following year, the Persian satrap (governor) of Caria, Pixodarus, offered his eldest daughter to Alexander's half-brother, Philip Arrhidaeus. Olympias and several of Alexander's friends suggested this showed Philip intended to make Arrhidaeus his heir. Alexander reacted by sending an actor, Thessalus of Corinth, to tell Pixodarus that he should not offer his daughter's hand to an illegitimate son, but instead to Alexander. When Philip heard of this, he stopped the negotiations and scolded Alexander for wishing to marry the daughter of a Carian, explaining that he wanted a better bride for him. Philip exiled four of Alexander's friends, Harpalus, Nearchus, Ptolemy and Erigyius, and had the Corinthians bring Thessalus to him in chains. <sep>Name all of Alexander's family that are mentioned in this paragraph.<sep>Alexander's father Philip answer: Yes question: Albanian was proved to be an Indo-European language in 1854 by the German philologist Franz Bopp. The Albanian language comprises its own branch of the Indo-European language family. Some scholars believe that Albanian derives from Illyrian while others claim that it derives from Daco-Thracian. (Illyrian and Daco-Thracian, however, might have been closely related languages; see Thraco-Illyrian.) Establishing longer relations, Albanian is often compared to Balto-Slavic on the one hand and Germanic on the other, both of which share a number of isoglosses with Albanian. Moreover, Albanian has undergone a vowel shift in which stressed, long o has fallen to a, much like in the former and opposite the latter. Likewise, Albanian has taken the old relative jos and innovatively used it exclusively to qualify adjectives, much in the way Balto-Slavic has used this word to provide the definite ending of adjectives. The cultural renaissance was first of all expressed through the development of the Albanian language in the area of church texts and publications, mainly of the Catholic region in the North, but also of the Orthodox in the South. The Protestant reforms invigorated hopes for the development of the local language and literary tradition when cleric Gjon Buzuku brought into the Albanian language the Catholic liturgy, trying to do for the Albanian language what Luther did for German. <sep>What three areas of religious texts helped develop the Albanian language?<sep>Vowel shifts answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Problem:In which ocean is Canhas? Solution:
the north Atlantic Ocean