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Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a hateful post in Bengali that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or a group based on the protected characteristics such as race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. You are expected to classify the post into two classes: political or non-political depending on the topic. See one example below: Problem: খানকির পুলা মালায়নদের মেরে সাফা করে ফেল Solution: political Explanation: Here it expresses hate against the government, hence tagged as political. Problem: বোকাচোদা আমার কমেন্ট টা ভাল করে পড় মাদারচোদ Solution:
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question that has multiple possible answers. You should choose the most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E", based on your commonsense knowledge. Input: Question: It was a very expensive wristwatch, when he wasn't wearing it he kept it displayed in it's what? Options: A jewelery box B hock C jewelry store D dresser E case Output:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. These bra inserts are very stiff and tend toslip out of place on your shoulder----they arerather heavy/bulky and more uncomfortable thanhaving a bra strap dig into you! I have sincefound lightweight ones that stay in place allday and were $1.99 a pair--(commonlyfound in the lingerie sections of most dept.stores). Output:
Given a sequence of actions to navigate an agent in its environment, provide the correct command in a limited form of natural language that matches the sequence of actions when executed. Commands are lowercase and encapsulate the logic of the sequence of actions. Actions are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. opposite turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output. Q: I_LOOK I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK A: look around left twice after look twice **** Q: I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK A: look around left after jump left twice **** Q: I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_LEFT I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK A:
look opposite left twice after turn right twice ****
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a statement written in Kannada. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option . Statement: ಸ್ಲೊವೊಮಿರ್ ರವಿಚ್ಜ್ 1956ರಲ್ಲಿ ಅವರ ದ ಲಾಂಗ್ ವಾಕ್ ಪುಸ್ತಕ ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಿದರು,1940ರ ಚಳಿಗಾಲದಲ್ಲಿ ಅವರು ಮತ್ತು ಇತರ ಕೆಲವರು ಹಿಮಾಲಯ ದಾಟುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾಗ, ಎರಡು ದ್ವಿಪಾದಿ ಪ್ರಾಣಿಗಳು ಹಿಮದಲ್ಲಿ ಸುಮ್ಮನೆ ಹೆಜ್ಜೆ ಹಾಕುತ್ತಿದ್ದಂತೆ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದರಿಂದ ಅವರ ದಾರಿ ತಾಸಿಗೂ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಗೆ ಮುಚ್ಚಿತ್ತು ಎಂದು ಪುಸ್ತಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೇಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ರಾವಿಕ್ಜ್‌ನು ಇದನ್ನು ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿ ಕಾಲ್ಪನಿಕ ಎಂದು ಹೇಳುತ್ತಾನೆ. 1957ರ ಶುರುವಿನಲ್ಲಿ, ಅಮೆರಿಕಾದ ತೈಲಗಾರಹೊಂದಿದ್ದ ಸಿರಿವಂತ ಟಾಮ್ ಸ್ಲೀಕ್ ಯೇತಿ ವರದಿಯ ಪರಿಶೋಧನೆಗಾಗಿ ಕೆಲವು ನಿಯೋಗಕ್ಕೆ ಹಣ ನೀಡಿದ. 1959ರಲ್ಲಿ,ಸ್ಲೀಕ್‌ನ ಒಬ್ಬ ಪ್ರಯಾಣಿಕ ಯೇತಿಯ ಸಗಣಿ ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಿದ್ದಾಗಿ ಭಾವಿಸಿದ;ಸಗಣಿ ವಿಂಗಡನೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಪರೋಪಜೀವಿ ಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿದರು ಆದರೆ ವರ್ಗೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟೋಜೂಲಾಜಿಸ್ಟ್ ಬೆರ್ನಾರ್ಡ್ ಹ್ಯುವೆಲ್‌ಮನ್ "ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಂದು ಜೀವಿಯು ಅದರ ಸ್ವಂತ ಪರೋಪಜೀವಿ ಹೊಂದಿರುತ್ತದೆ,ಆದರೆ ಇದು ಅತಿಥಿ ಪ್ರಾಣಿಯು ಅನಾಮಿಕ ಪ್ರಾಣಿ ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸುತ್ತದೆ" ಎಂದು ಬರೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ.1959ರಲ್ಲಿ ನಟ ಜೇಮ್ಸ್ ಸ್ಟುವರ್ಟ್ <MASK>ಕ್ಕೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿದ್ದಾಗ ಯೇತಿಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಪಟ್ಟ ಕೆಲವು ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ಕದ್ದೊಯ್ದ ಎಂಬ ಗುಮಾನಿಯಿತ್ತು. Option A: ಲಂಡನ್‌ Option B: ಭೂತಾನ್ Option C: ಭಾರತ Option D: ಡಿಸ್ನಿಲ್ಯಾಂಡ್‌
Context: How to calculate blood alcohol level<br>Understand what blood alcohol content (bac) means. Blood alcohol content is a measurement of the amount of alcohol in your body. So, a bac of 0.10% means 1 part alcohol for every 1000 parts of blood. Hypothesis: This context involves explaining how blood alcohol level is calculated. Yes Context: I would agree. And I also agree that most police officers, of course, are doing a good job and hate this practice also. I talked to an African-American police officer in Springfield, Massachusetts not long ago who raised this question and said that in his opinion one of the biggest solutions is in the training. Hypothesis: There are African-American police officers in Massachusetts Yes Context: And as for why it happened, I'm no expert on the Texas procedures, but what my friends there tell me is that the governor opposed a measure put forward by Democrats in the legislature to expand the number of children that would be covered. And instead directed the money toward a tax cut, a significant part of which went to wealthy interests. Hypothesis: Wealthy interests were directed money toward a tax cut that helped them buy more cars.
It's impossible to say
Instructions: A text is given in Malayalam. Translate it from the Malayalam language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Input: ദൈനംദിന സംഭാഷണങ്ങളിലൂടെ ഹിന്ദി ഭാഷ പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കണമെന്നും ഔദ്യോഗിക ആവശ്യങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് സങ്കീര്‍ണമായ സാങ്കേതിക സംജ്ഞകള്‍ ഒഴിവാക്കണമെന്നും പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ഊന്നിപ്പറഞ്ഞു. Output:
రోజువారీ సంభాష‌ణల ద్వారా హిందీ భాష ను వ్యాప్తి చేయాల‌ని, సంక్లిష్ట‌మైన సాంకేతిక ప‌దాల‌ను ఉప‌యోగించ‌డం మానుకోవాలని, లేదంటే వాటిని ఆధికారిక ప్రయోజనాలకై కొద్ది మేర‌కు ఉప‌యోగించాల‌ంటూ ఆయ‌న స్ప‌ష్టం చేశారు.
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Manuel Rosales, who ran against Mr Chavez in the 2006 presidential election, faces corruption charges he says are baseless. He had been in hiding since the charges were filed last month. Venezuela's Interior Minister Tareck el-Aissami said Mr Rosales was a criminal on the run. "If he doesn't appear before the appropriate courts, he would be a fugitive from justice, and as a result the court will activate mechanisms for his international capture," said Mr Aissami, denying that the charges were political. Hypothesis: Manuel Rosales loved hearing Mr. Chavez
It's impossible to say
In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: obscene and non-obscene. A comment is obscene if it is considered offensive to the public sense of decency, for example because it too obviously relates to sex or contains language regarded as taboo in polite usage. Example: Comment: Damn! Another cloudy day, and it's all Obama's doing! Example solution: Obscene Example explanation: This is obscenity because it hints on sexual content that is offensive to the public sense of decency. Problem: Comment: I hope they catch the driver who hit him or that they have the courage to do the right thing and turn themselves in. I'm sorry for your loss. Regardless of why he was in the road on on the road, no one should be left by the side of the road like garbage.
Solution: Non-obscene
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Problem:Head: go to performance<sep>Tail: leave theater Solution:
Generate a question about the following movie plot: Location: Lake Chapeau, SwitzerlandLate on a wintery night, security guards are screening cars for their official invitations for a black-tie event at a château. Other security guards armed with submachine guns and guard dogs patrol the grounds, and spotlights shine around. Underwater in a canal that passes through the yard, professional spy Harry Tasker (Arnold Schwarzenegger), wearing scuba diving gear, cuts through the gate with a torch. He breaks through the ice on the other side of the gate with a large knife and removes his headgear, then sets a leather bag on the ice and gets out.Harry hides behind the boathouse and removes a walkie-talkie from the bag and says, "Honey, I'm home" to his partners Albert "Gib" Gibson (Tom Arnold) and Faisil (Grant Heslov), parked in a surveillance van across the lake. Harry removes his scuba gear, revealing a tuxedo, and puts on his gun. He then puts on a radio earpiece, then his coat, and then places a radio-controlled explosive device on a barrel of benzene and puts on some cologne from a small bottle.Following advice from Gib, Harry sneaks into the mansion through the service door. After passing through the kitchen, a cook confronts him in French. Harry responds in French, acting all important and criticizing the feast displayed on the table. He grabs a glass of wine and walks into the ballroom. The orchestra plays "the Blue Danube" as Harry greets a sheik in Arabic. Gib asks Harry if he has seen Jamel Khaled yet, and Harry responds that he does. Another woman, Juno Skinner, (Tia Carrere) greets Khaled (Marshall Manesh), then watches Harry as he checks her out. Harry bumps into and greets a colonel, who doesn't know him. Harry ditches his drink and goes through the main foyer and to the second floor. He goes into the library then to the second-floor balcony. He climbs up the wall to the third floor, quietly breaks into the room there, hooks up a modem to a computer and transmits files to his partners in the van. Faisil begins decrypting the files.Harry comes out of a... Answer:
Who ships the antique statues?
Context: WannaCry attack is good business for cyber security firms SAN FRANCISCO For Kris Hagerman, chief executive of UK-based cyber security firm Sophos Group Plc , the past week could have been bad. The WannaCry "ransomware" attack hobbled some of its hospital customers in Britain's National Health Service, forcing them to turn away ambulances and cancel surgeries. Hypothesis: Kris Hagerman knew the attack would affect the hospital. It's impossible to say Context: Lee Foss is an American-born producer and DJ from Chicago, Illinois. In addition to a number of releases on labels such as Culprit, Wolf+Lamb and No. 19, he co-founded the dance music label Hot Creations and is a member of the house music band Hot Natured alongside Jamie Jones, Ali Love and Luca C. Hypothesis: Ali Love is a singer. It's impossible to say Context: Third WI-SA T20 abandoned KINGSTON: South Africa’s chances of making a comeback in the T20I series against Windies Women were dealt a severe blow when the third game of the series was abandoned without a ball being bowled. Torrential rain few hours before the game in Trinidad forced a delay to the start, but after the umpires conducted multiple inspections of the outfield post that, it was finally decided to call it off with the outfield remaining soggy. Windies Women now lead the series 2-0 after having won the first two games. Hypothesis: Third Wo-Sp M60 abandoned Egypt's chances.
Part 1. Definition In this task you are expected to provide an SQL statement from an english description of what that SQL statement does. The description may include multiple steps but you should only ouput one SQL statement that accomplishes every step. An SQL query works by selecting data from a table where certain conditions apply. A table contains columns where every row in that table must have a value for each column. Every table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each row, usually an id. To choose which columns are returned you specify that after the "SELECT" statement. Next, you use a "FROM" statement to specify what tables you want to select the data from. When you specify a table you can rename it with the "AS" statement. You can reference that table by whatever name follows the "AS" statement. If you want to select data from multiple tables you need to use the "JOIN" statement. This will join the tables together by pairing a row in one table with every row in the other table (Cartesian Product). To limit the number of rows returned you should use the "ON" statement. This will only return rows where the condition specified after the statement is true, this is usually an equals operator with primary keys. You can also use the "WHERE" statement to specify that only rows with column values statisfying a certain condition, should be returned. The "GROUP BY" statement will group rows together that have equal column values for whatever columns follows the statement. The "HAVING" statement will return groups that statisfy whatever condition follows the statement. Any column(s) being returned from grouped rows must either be an aggregate function, (AVG, MAX, COUNT, SUM, ...) of a column, or the column(s) that the data was grouped by. To sort the returned data you can use the "ORDER BY" command which will order the data by whatever aggregate function or column follows the statement. The "DESC" statement will sort in descending order and the "ASC" statement will sort in ascending order. Finally, you can use the "LIMIT" statement to return a certain number of rows. When "*" is used in an SQL statement every column is returned. For example, SELECT * FROM table WHERE attribute = 1, will select every column from rows with the attribute column equal to 1. Part 2. Example Step 1: For each row in Movie table, find the corresponding rows in Rating table. Step 2: find each value of director in the results of step 1 along with the summation of stars of the corresponding rows to each value Answer: SELECT T1.title , Sum ( T2.stars ) FROM Movie AS T1 JOIN Rating AS T2 ON T1.mID = T2.mID GROUP BY T1.director Explanation: This SQL statement uses a "JOIN" statement to combine the "Movie" and "Rating" table then find the corresponding rows by comparing the movie id, which accomplishes step 1. Finally the SQL statement groups the values by each director and returns the title of each movie and the sum of all the stars, which accomplishes step 2. This is a good example. Part 3. Exercise Step 1: For each row in Catalog_Structure table, find corresponding rows in Catalogs table and in Catalog_Contents table. Step 2: find catalog_name, date_of_publication of the results of step 1 whose price_in_pounds greater than 5 Answer:
SELECT T1.catalog_name , T1.date_of_publication FROM Catalogs AS T1 JOIN Catalog_Structure AS T2 ON T1.catalog_id = T2.catalog_id JOIN Catalog_Contents AS T3 ON T2.catalog_level_number = T3.catalog_level_number WHERE T3.price_in_pounds > 5
Part 1. Definition In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that does not connect with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. Part 2. Example Title: Marcus Buys Khakis. Sentence 1: Marcus needed clothing for a business casual event. Sentence 2: All of his clothes were either too formal or too casual. Sentence 3: He decided to buy a pair of khakis. Sentence 4: The pair he bought fit him perfectly. Choices: a. Marcus was happy to have the right clothes for the event. b. He left in a huff for having his ideas mocked. Answer: b Explanation: Marcus is buying clothes for a business event and not presenting an idea. Part 3. Exercise Title: The Pencil. Sentence 1: April had a pencil box. Sentence 2: But there were no pencils in it! Sentence 3: She looked through her backpack until she found her box of them. Sentence 4: She sharpened each one and placed it in the box. Choices: a. She was ready to start the school year! b. She felt lost and didn't know what to do with her day. Answer:
Teacher:You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply a single mathematical operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report final the numerical answer. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Maria has 3 boxes of eggs . Each box holds 7 eggs and there are 8 boxes in a case . How many eggs does Maria have ? Student:
Q: In this task, you are given a text from tweets. Your task is to classify given tweet text into two categories: 1) positive, and 2) negative based on its content. can't watch HatP's 500th show because her internet connection is being stupid right now. A:
Question: Estuaries are called "the nurseries of the sea" because many species lay eggs and develop their young in estuaries. Which two features of estuaries support this role most? What is the correct answer to the question from the following choices?
abundant shelter and concentrated nutrients
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given inputs i,j, and A, where i and j are integers and A is a list. You need to list all elements of A from the ith element to the jth element. i and j will be non-negative, and will always have a value less than the length of A. i will always be less than j. 2, 6, ['Q', '3301', '8535', 'D', 'p', 'z', 'D', 'H', 'u']
3301, 8535, D, p, z
In this task, you will be presented with a premise and a hypothesis sentence. Determine whether the hypothesis sentence entails (implies), contradicts (opposes), or is neutral with respect to the given premise sentence. Please answer with "Contradiction", "Neutral", or "Entailment". Example: Premise: If you can dream it, you can achieve it — unless you're a goose trying to play a very human game of rugby. In the video above, one bold bird took a chance when it ran onto a rugby field mid-play. Things got dicey when it got into a tussle with another player, but it shook it off and kept right on running. After the play ended, the players escorted the feisty goose off the pitch. It was a risky move, but the crowd chanting its name was well worth it. Video credit: Storyful / Nathan Swarbrick @swazza1990 <sep> Hypothesis: The crowd believed they knew the name of the goose running on the field. Example solution: Entailment Example explanation: This is a good example, the hypothesis sentence entails the given premise. Because the crowd was chanting its name, the crowd must have believed they knew the goose's name. Problem: Premise: The Coupon<br>Ava wanted a new pair of jeans. She found a coupon for 25% off of her favorite store. She tried on lots of pairs. She found the perfect pair! They looked and felt great, so she bought them. <sep> Hypothesis: Ava desired lots of pairs of jeans.
Solution: Contradiction
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: Google has posted a note on its security blog informing users that there will now be a banner warning you if Google believes that a state-sponsored cyber attacker is trying to compromise your account or computer. Eric Grosse, Google's Vice President of Security Engineering, wrote on, "When we have specific intelligence - either directly from users or from our own monitoring efforts - we show clear warning signs and put in place extra roadblocks to thwart these bad actors." The warning seen below will state: "Warning: We believe state-sponsored attackers may be attempting to compromise your account or computer. Protect yourself now." "If you see this warning it does not necessarily mean that your account has been hijacked. It just means that we believe you may be a target, of phishing or malware for example, and that you should take immediate steps to secure your account." Grosse wrote in the blog posting. The unusual security notice by Google may make users wonder how Google knows their accounts are potentially being probed. "You might ask how we know this activity is state-sponsored. We can't go into the details without giving away information that would be helpful to these bad actors, but our detailed analysis - as well as victim reports - strongly suggest the involvement of states or groups that are state-sponsored," Grosse said in the blog posting. In 2009 China tried to gain access to the Gmail accounts of dozens of Chinese dissidents and human rights activists. It was part of a larger state-sponsored cyber attack targeting as many as 30 U.S. companies including Yahoo, Adobe, Rackspace and Northrop Grumman. U.S. officials believe China was attempting to gain access to these firms' networks to obtain intellectual property and source code information. Google disclosed the attack in January 2010. Google, in its posting, advises users to have strong, unique, passwords, update their internet browsers and software, and avoid clicking on attachments that could contain malware. Google says the banner may stay up on a user's page for several days to remind users to take the necessary security steps. "We believe it is our duty to be proactive in notifying users about attacks or potential attacks so that they can take action to protect their information. And we will continue to update these notifications based on the latest information," Grosse wrote in the blog posting. ||||| We are constantly on the lookout for malicious activity on our systems, in particular attempts by third parties to log into users’ accounts unauthorized. When we have specific intelligence—either directly from users or from our own monitoring efforts—we show clear warning signs and put in place extra roadblocks to thwart these bad actors.Today, we’re taking that a step further for a subset of our users, who we believe may be the target of state-sponsored attacks. You can see what this new warning looks like here:If you see this warning it does not necessarily mean that your account has been hijacked. It just means that we believe you may be a target, of phishing or malware for example, and that you should take immediate steps to secure your account. Here are some things you should do immediately: create a unique password that has a good mix of capital and lowercase letters, as well punctuation marks and numbers; enable 2-step verification as additional security; and update your browser, operating system, plugins, and document editors. Attackers often send links to fake sign-in pages to try to steal your password, so be careful about where you sign in to Google and look forin your browser bar. These warnings are not being shown because Google’s internal systems have been compromised or because of a particular attack.You might ask how we know this activity is state-sponsored. We can’t go into the details without giving away information that would be helpful to these bad actors, but our detailed analysis—as well as victim reports—strongly suggest the involvement of states or groups that are state-sponsored.We believe it is our duty to be proactive in notifying users about attacks or potential attacks so that they can take action to protect their information. And we will continue to update these notifications based on the latest information. ||||| Output:
Big Brother might be watching ... Google. In a strange new world, Google officials have announced they plan to issue warnings when they suspect that "state-sponsored" cyber attacks are targeting users. The banner alert will read: “Warning: We believe state-sponsored attackers may be attempting to compromise your account or computer. Protect yourself now." If "you see this warning it does not necessarily mean that your account has been hijacked. It just means that we believe you may be a target, and that you should take immediate steps to secure your account," writes Eric Grosse, the company's VP of security engineering on The blog posting offers protection tips, such as immediately changing passwords and updating systems. Google doesn't name which states may be behind such cyber attacks, but China is a key suspect. In 2009 the nation attempted to gain access to the Gmail accounts of Chinese dissidents, notes ABC News. China was also suspected in online attacks in a bid to steal intellectual property and source code information. “You might ask how we know this activity is state-sponsored. We can’t go into the details without giving away information that would be helpful to these bad actors, but our detailed analysis—as well as victim reports—strongly suggest the involvement of states or groups that are state-sponsored,” writes Grosse.
Underpants is an undergarment, especially for men or boys, covering the lower part of the torso and having two holes for the legs. Underpants is a very bad place to find a the reasoning for what question and answer pair?
Q: Where is a very bad place to find a crab? Options: - chesapeake bay - underpants - seychelles - fishing boat - cooking pot A: underpants
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Problem:You are terrified to share a woman in a public building . Solution:
You are likely to find a hall in a public building.
Question: A new battery claims that it "lasts twice as long as competing batteries under the same loading conditions." Which comparison of the battery with competing batteries would validate this claim? What is the correct answer to the question from the following choices?
It stores more chemical energy.
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Head: jog<sep>Tail: put on shoes Yes Head: leave line<sep>Tail: put change in pocket Yes Head: PersonX adapts ___ to conditions<sep>Tail: Get things doen more effectively
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task, you are given a sentence containing a particular emotion. You must classify the sentence into one of the six emotions: 'joy', 'love', 'anger', 'fear', or 'surprise'. Example: i am ever feeling nostalgic about the fireplace i will know that it is still on the property Output: love The word "nostalgic" could either indicate "love" or "sadness", but the fact that it is still on the property eliminates "love". New input case for you: i couldnt help but feel sincere gratitude for the blessings of the lord in my life and the lives of my children Output:
You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into English. Spróbujcie ze swoimi dziećmi. Może zadziała. (Śmiech) Chociaż nie sądzę. Try it with your kids. See if it works. (Laughter) I don't think so. Mamy możliwość robienia z nimi coraz bardziej skomplikowanych rzeczy. We have the ability to do more powerful things with them. Brzuchomówca najpierw zmusza nas do uwierzenia że mały chłopiec siedzi na jego kolanach.
The ventriloquist must first make us believe that a small boy is sitting on his lap.
Instructions: In this task, you are given a natural language interpretation of commands (consist of logical operations) to select relevant rows from the given table. Your job is to generate command (in terms of logical operations) from given natural language interpretation. Define body (contains a collection of statements that define what the this logical operator does) of each logical operator between '{}' parenthesis. Here are the definitions of logical operators that you can use while generating command: 1. count: returns the number of rows in the view. 2. only: returns whether there is exactly one row in the view. 3. hop: returns the value under the header column of the row. 4. and: returns the boolean operation result of two arguments. 5. max/min/avg/sum: returns the max/min/average/sum of the values under the header column. 6. nth_max/nth_min: returns the n-th max/n-th min of the values under the header column. 7. argmax/argmin: returns the row with the max/min value in header column. 8. nth_argmax/nth_argmin: returns the row with the n-th max/min value in header column. 9. eq/not_eq: returns if the two arguments are equal. 10. round_eq: returns if the two arguments are roughly equal under certain tolerance. 11. greater/less: returns if the first argument is greater/less than the second argument. 12. diff: returns the difference between two arguments. 13. filter_eq/ filter_not_eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is equal/not equal to the third argument. 14. filter_greater/filter_less: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less than the third argument. 15. filter_greater_eq /filter_less_eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less or equal than the third argument. 16. filter_all: returns the view itself for the case of describing the whole table 17. all_eq/not_eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are equal/not equal to the third argument. 18. all_greater/less: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less than the third argument. 19. all_greater_eq/less_eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to the third argument. 20. most_eq/not_eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are equal/not equal to the third argument. 21. most_greater/less: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less than the third argument. 22. most_greater_eq/less_eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to the third argument. Input: select the row whose total record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the nation record of this row is japan ( jpn ) . Output:
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; total ; 2 } ; nation } ; japan ( jpn ) }
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence containing a particular emotion. You must classify the sentence into one of the six emotions: 'joy', 'love', 'anger', 'fear', or 'surprise'. See one example below: Problem: i am ever feeling nostalgic about the fireplace i will know that it is still on the property Solution: love Explanation: The word "nostalgic" could either indicate "love" or "sadness", but the fact that it is still on the property eliminates "love". Problem: i am feeling restless for some reason today Solution:
TASK DEFINITION: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. If the conversation begins with a question, label it '1' otherwise '0'. PROBLEM: Person1: What can I do for you , Miss ? Person2: I want to buy a bottle of perfume for myself . Person1: Well , here is a perfume kind for women . Person2: I don't like strong perfumes . Person1: How about this Isawell's flowery perfume ? Person2: I don't think it smells nice . Person1: Do you have green tea perfume ? Person2: Yes , here you are . Person1: May I have a look at this ? Person2: Sure . The bittersweet perfume has a calming effect on the nerves . Person1: I like this fragrance . Person2: How much is it ? Person1: 150 yuan . Person2: I'll take it . SOLUTION: 1 PROBLEM: Person1: Good afternoon , Mr . Anderson . Person2: Good afternoon , Miss Li . Person1: How nice to see you again ! Person2: Nice to see you , too . Person1: It's been a long time , hasn't it ? How are you ? Person2: Fine , thank you . And you ? Person1: Very well too , is there anything I can do for you ? Person2: Yes . Could you guide me to where I can change money ? Person1: Sure , Mr . Anderson , please come along with me . Person2: Thank you . Person1: My pleasure . SOLUTION: 0 PROBLEM: Person1: Aren ’ t you interested in watching the Olympics ? There have been some excellent performances by athletes from all over the world . Person2: I just don ’ t find it very interesting . Person1: I think it ’ s wonderful to see people from all over the world taking part in such a great event . Person2: I think that for a lot of people , it ’ s just a way to try and show their country is better than other countries . Person1: I think the Olympics help to promote world peace . Person2: I ’ m not sure about that . We still have many wars in the world . I think that the idea behind the Olympics is a good one , but the reality is that during the Olympics countries compete . There ’ s no real spirit of cooperation and people are usually not very friendly to each other . Person1: You are so pessimistic ! The Olympics is a great opportunity for athletes to demonstrate their speed , skill , agility and strength . Most people hope to see someone from their country win , but I think that they are just happy to see good performances by any athlete . Person2: Well . I think that the most amazing performances are by athletes who participate in the Paralympics . Person1: Now there we are in agreement ! SOLUTION:
Q: In this task, you are given a short passage that may convey stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against a common stereotype. The passage is unrelated if it does not convey a stereotype or anti-stereotype. You are expected to classify the passage into three classes: stereotype, anti-stereotype, and unrelated. Passage: Iraq is a country with a rich history. No one thinks highly of Americans. A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. the pentagon is like a street nigger constantly bumming cigarettes spare change
Hate Speech
In this task, you have to generate the title of the recipe given its required ingredients and directions. Ex Input: ingredients: '1 c. sweetened condensed milk', '1/3 c. lemon juice', '2 tsp. grated lemon rind', '2 c. (1 pt.) plain yogurt', '2 c. miniature white marshmallows', '1/2 c. pecans, chopped', '1 pt. fresh sliced and drained strawberries', '1 c. fresh or frozen blueberries, well drained',<sep> directions: 'In large bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk, lemon juice and peel.', 'Mix well.', 'Stir in yogurt, marshmallows and nuts.', 'In 9 x 13-inch baking dish, spread half of the sweetened condensed milk mixture.', 'Arrange half the strawberries and blueberries on top; cover with remaining milk mixture and top with remaining fruit. Cover with foil and freeze until firm.', 'Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving.', 'Makes 15 servings.' Ex Output: Red, White And Blueberry Delight Ex Input: ingredients: '2 cups milk chocolate chips', '1 tablespoon shortening', '12 cup raisins', '12 cup almonds, chopped',<sep> directions: 'Using a double boiler, melt chocolate chips and shortening together.', 'Stir until smooth then remove from heat.', 'Stir in raisins and almonds.', 'Drop by tablespoonfuls onto waxed paper lined sheets.', 'Chill until ready to serve.' Ex Output: *s.w.o.c.* Pie Cookies Ex Input: ingredients: '6 chicken breasts, skinned and boned, may be pounded', '2 tbsp. lemon juice', '4 ounce. (1/2 c.) butter', '2 tbsp. flour', '8 ounce. chicken stock (1 c. or possibly 1 can)', '4 ounce. (1/2 c.) dry white wine', '1 egg yolk, lightly beaten', '1/2 teaspoon salt', 'Scant 1/2 teaspoon black pepper', 'Scant 1/4 teaspoon cayenne red pepper (optional)', '1/4 teaspoon nutmeg', '4 ounce. mushrooms', '1 teaspoon minced spring onions',<sep> directions: 'Sprinkle chicken with lemon juice and set aside.', 'Preheat oven to 400 degrees.', 'In frying pan, heat half the butter over medium heat.', 'Add in chicken and cook for approximately 8 min on each side till lightly browned.', 'Remove and set aside.', 'Grease cooking dish with half of remaining butter.', 'Heat rest of butter over medium heat.', 'Stir in flour and cook, stirring for 1 minute.', 'Add in chicken stock gradually, stirring constantly.', 'After absorbed, bring to boil, stirring constantly.', 'Stir in wine.', 'Cook till thick.', 'Beat 4 Tbsp.', 'of warm sauce into beaten egg yolk, one spoon at a time, slowly.', 'Stir egg mix into warm sauce.', 'Cook over very low heat (so it will not curdle) till thick.', 'Add in salt, pepper, cayenne, nutmeg, mushrooms and onions.', 'Cover with foil or possibly lid.', 'Bake at 400 degrees for 30 to 40 min till done.' Ex Output:
Chicken En Papillote (Parcel) Recipe
In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: obscene and non-obscene. A comment is obscene if it is considered offensive to the public sense of decency, for example because it too obviously relates to sex or contains language regarded as taboo in polite usage. Example Input: Comment: maybe go back to prison chicken shit. let's meet, I'll come over to your house and I want you to tell me to my face. I would watch what you say about service members, chicken. Example Output: Obscene Example Input: Comment: Let us all freak-out about this, jump up and down and raise hell, blame Trudeau and the liberals, great opportunity to make noise. Let us make sure we do not look at the big picture why there are so many refugees in the world today. How many are Muslims? oh my god, things are bad. Blame Trudeau. Panic. Example Output: Non-obscene Example Input: Comment: Yeah everything is obamas fault my dog died....god damn you Obama Example Output:
In this task, you will be presented with a question, and you have to write the part-of-speech tag for each word in the question. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb Ex Input: What type of school is the one that opened in the year closest to 45 ' , and in a suburb with less than 12,000 inhabitants ? Ex Output: WP NN IN NN VBZ DT NN WDT VBD IN DT NN NN TO CD '' , CC IN DT NN IN JJR IN CD NNS . Ex Input: What was the spoofed title of the series that starred Jack Klugman ? Ex Output: WP VBD DT JJ NN IN DT NN WDT VBD NNP NNP . Ex Input: What city , located in a region of foothills and high plains , has a venue with a seating capacity of over 40,000 ? Ex Output:
You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into English. Ex Input: ולא רק אחד, אלה רבים. Ex Output: And not just one, but many. Ex Input: הראיתי לכם מודל אחר, את האחד — זוהי הדרך שארגנתי לעצמי כדי לצייר את השרטוט — אז הבנתי את הבעיה. Ex Output: I showed you the other model, the one — this is the way I organized myself so I could make the drawing — so I understood the problem. Ex Input: אני ממש טוב בעבודה הזאת. Ex Output:
I'm really pretty good at this.
In this task, you are given a hateful post in Bengali that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or a group based on the protected characteristics such as race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. You are expected to classify the post into two classes: political or non-political depending on the topic. One example: খানকির পুলা মালায়নদের মেরে সাফা করে ফেল Solution is here: political Explanation: Here it expresses hate against the government, hence tagged as political. Now, solve this: মনে পড়ে শাহবাগের সেই গাঞ্জার আড্ডা আর চাঁদাবাজির দিনগুলি Solution:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into English. גם הם חלק מן העולם.
They are also part of this world.
Given a sentence in English, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Japanese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. In 1406 he had added the Juliana Anicia Codex of Dioscurides , rebound and a table of contents and Minuskel scholia in Byzantine Greek extensively restored .
1406年に彼は追加、跳ね返り、そしてビザンチンギリシャの大規模な修復された目次と非常に小さいscholiaのJuliana Aniciaコーデックを持っていました。
Problem: The State of California Department of Occupational Health and Safety released its report on the September 5 fatal accident on Disneyland's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad attraction. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "A report was issued by the State of California Department of Occupational Health and Safety in early September."? A: Yes Problem: Van Province (Turkish: "Van ili" ) is a province in eastern Turkey, between Lake Van and the Iranian border. It is 19,069 km in area and had a population of 1,035,418 at the end of 2010. Its adjacent provinces are Bitlis to the west, Siirt to the southwest, Şırnak and Hakkâri to the south, and Ağrı to the north. The capital is the city of Van. The majority of the province's population is Kurdish. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Going in to 2011, the population of Van Province was over one million."? A: Yes Problem: "Transitions" is the fourth episode of the fifth season of the HBO original series, "The Wire". The episode was written by Ed Burns from a story by David Simon & Ed Burns and was directed by Dan Attias, who won the Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Drama Series for the episode. It first aired on January 27, 2008. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Ratings for "The Wire" increased over dvr and digital but remained the same over live viewings."? A:
It's impossible to say
In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that does not connect with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. Title: Scented Candle. Sentence 1: Tim's apartment smelled. Sentence 2: He decided to get scented candles for it. Sentence 3: The store had hundreds to choose from. Sentence 4: Tim spent hours sniffing different aromas. Choices: a. Eventually he bought his favorites. b. Everyone loved when Rose made them delicious food! b Title: Fire Hazard. Sentence 1: Sam's girlfriend was a hoarder. Sentence 2: He kept trying to get her to get rid of stuff. Sentence 3: ONe day there was a fire. Sentence 4: All her stuff burned up fast. Choices: a. Sam felt bittersweet about it. b. I drank half the bottle by myself. b Title: The partridge. Sentence 1: The partridge sat in the tree. Sentence 2: The hungry homesteaders saw the partridge and loaded their rifle. Sentence 3: They took a careful and steady aim at the partridge. Sentence 4: The homesteader fired the rifle and hit the partridge with one shot! Choices: a. I put it in my hair on top of the tail. b. The partridge fed the homesteaders family for two days.
Q: Al Sharpton needs help to make the President understands the meaning of respect. Friday in Detroit while speaking at Aretha Franklin's funeral, MSNBC host Al Sharpton said President Donald Trump needed to learn what respect means. Sharpton said, “You know, the other Sunday on my show I misspelled respect. And a lot of y'all corrected me. Now I want y'all to help me correct President Trump to teach him what it means.” He added, “And I say that because when word went out that Ms. Franklin passed, Trump said, 'She used to work for me.' No, she used to perform for you. She worked for us. Aretha never took orders from nobody but God.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN A: Yes Q: Neil Tennant has never not taught students before Neil Tennant (born 1 March 1950 in South Africa) is Arts & Humanities Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Ohio State University. Along with Michael Dummett, Crispin Wright, and a few others, Tennant is one of the most notable figures in the contemporary realism/anti-realism debate. He has also written extensively on intuitionistic logic and other non-classical logics. A: It's impossible to say Q: Reform party is a canadian political force The policies of the Reform Party, the policies of the new Canadian alliance, are such that I believe Quebecers could live with them if they took the time to read them, study them and give them careful thought, and not simply say with a prejudiced point of view ``We are not going to listen to them''. A: Yes Q: António Lopes Ribeiro has at least three names, a first, middle, and last. O Pai Tirano (lit. "The Tyrant Father") is a 1941 Portuguese film comedy directed by António Lopes Ribeiro, starring Vasco Santana, Ribeirinho (Francisco Ribeiro), Leonor Maia, Teresa Gomes and Laura Alves. It is one of the best known comedies of the Golden Age of Portuguese cinema, still popular six decades after its release. A:
Part 1. Definition In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Part 2. Example what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Answer: Russian Revolution Explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Part 3. Exercise What happened to times2 during the 6th year of the 2000s?, Context: The Times's main supplement, every day, is the times2, featuring various lifestyle columns. It was discontinued on 1 March 2010 but reintroduced on 11 October 2010 after negative feedback. Its regular features include a puzzles section called Mind Games. Its previous incarnation began on 5 September 2005, before which it was called T2 and previously Times 2. Regular features include columns by a different columnist each weekday. There was a column by Marcus du Sautoy each Wednesday, for example. The back pages are devoted to puzzles and contain sudoku, "Killer Sudoku", "KenKen", word polygon puzzles, and a crossword simpler and more concise than the main "Times Crossword". Answer:
Its previous incarnation
Mosaics is an album by Mark Heard, released in 1985 on Home Sweet Home Records. According to the liner notes in "Ashes and Light", this album was recorded first but delayed by the record company who wanted the less rock-oriented "Ashes" released first. Consequently, this was the first album recorded in Heard's own Fingerprint Recording Studio. The album was made by the artist mark heard OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes The Mt. Kinka Ropeway (金華山ロープウェー , Kinkazan Rōpuwē ) is Japanese aerial lift line in Gifu, Gifu. This is the only line Gifu Kankō Ropeway (岐阜観光索道 , Gifu Kankō Sakudō ) operates. The company belongs to Meitetsu Group. The line, opened in 1955, climbs Mount Kinka, linking Gifu Park and Gifu Castle. The Mt. Kinka Ropeway was opened before 1965 OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Gwen Graham running for Governor Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald × SHARE COPY LINK Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald the agent i aged 26 OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: obscene and non-obscene. A comment is obscene if it is considered offensive to the public sense of decency, for example because it too obviously relates to sex or contains language regarded as taboo in polite usage. Comment: "invaded and pushed out and have your culture changed by those different from you" Followed by: "That said, we all are citizens of Planet Earth and we need to have some tolerance." Invaded? Really? Did they come with guns and force you out of your homes? Did they prevent you from practicing your chosen religion? You were NOT invaded and holy shit maybe reread your last line. Output:
In this task, you are given a text from tweets. Your task is to classify given tweet text into two categories: 1) positive, and 2) negative based on its content. @flyfiddlesticks Spymaster is a crappy twitter based spy game
You are given a statement written in Kannada. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option . Statement: * 1993ರ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್‌ 14 – ಒಂದು ಏರ್‌ಬಸ್‌ A320 ಮಾದರಿಯಾದ ಲುಫ್ಥಾನ್ಸ ವಿಮಾನ 2904, ಫ್ರಾಂಕ್‌ಫರ್ಟ್‌ನಿಂದ ಪೋಲೆಂಡ್‌ನ <MASK>ಕ್ಕೆ 70 ಜನರನ್ನು ಹೊತ್ತು ಹಾರುತ್ತಿದ್ದು, ಓಡುದಾರಿ 11ರಲ್ಲಿ ಮಿತಿಮೀರಿ ಓಡಿ, ಓಡುದಾರಿಯ ಅಂತ್ಯದ 90 ಮೀ ಆಚೆಗೆ ಕಟ್ಟಲಾಗಿದ್ದ ಒಂದು ನೆಲದ ಒಡ್ಡಿಗೆ ಅಪ್ಪಳಿಸಿತು. ಸಹ-ವಿಮಾನ ಚಾಲಕ ಹಾಗೂ ಓರ್ವ ಪ್ರಯಾಣಿಕ ಇದರಿಂದ ಸತ್ತರು. ‌ಯೂನಿವರ್ಸಿಟ್ಯಾಟ್‌ ಬಿಯೆಲೆಫೆಲ್ಡ್ Option A: ಆಸ್ಟ್ರಿಯಾ Option B: ವಾರ್ಸಾ Option C: ಸೊಮಾಲಿಯಾ Option D: ಜರ್ಮನಿ
In this task, you will be presented with a text, a pronoun from the text, and two candidate names. You should determine what the pronoun refers to and classify the answers into A, B, or Neither. A and B here are referring to option A and option B. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. -------- Question: Although Edwards was very popular with the viewers, he gradually became tired of commuting from Britain to the United States for every race. He considered moving permanently to the United States. He eventually decided to remain in England, and reduce his involvement in America. In 2001, Edwards was replaced by Guy Hobbs as the main Champ Car commentator, but _he_did commentate for the races in Japan, Detroit, Mid-Ohio, Germany, Houston and Australia when Hobbs or Shaw had other commitments, and at the circuit for Rockingham Motor Speedway. <sep>, Pronoun: he <sep>, A: Edwards <sep>, B: Guy Hobbs Answer: A Question: Over time, Cannon has developed a series of substitution rules designed to maximize the team's performance. During the offseason, he plans to study what practice drills led to better game play. ``He thinks of things like that all the time that are completely out of the box,'' remarked Stevens. In _his_ first year at Butler, Cannon made a strong impression. <sep>, Pronoun: his <sep>, A: Stevens <sep>, B: Cannon Answer: B Question: She told him about ``the terrible cold in my head''. Ames described some of his favorite remedies and the actress appreciated how considerate Ames was. A year later they met again in New York. Ames was by now divorced and Torres had not gone through with an anticipated wedding. They met a number of times in New York and Hollywood before Stephen asked _her_ to marry him at the Colony Club while they were dancing. <sep>, Pronoun: her <sep>, A: Ames <sep>, B: Torres Answer:
Detailed Instructions: This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. See one example below: Problem: It's this amazing wonderful feeling and you know it when you get it. Solution: Es ese sentimiento asombroso e increíble, y lo reconoces cuando lo sientes. Explanation: This is a good example because the English sentence has been translated correctly to Spanish. Problem: Over the past 100 years, you've seen this, 75% decline in agro-biodiversity. Solution:
A lo largo de los últimos 100 años, han visto esto, un 75% de disminución de la agro-biodiversidad.
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Unfortunately I was in the restroom at the time that Max Pell was speaking because -- my husband told you I was eight months pregnant. I was actually nine months pregnant and due any day, so I spent quite a deal of time in the restroom. But I had excused myself to go to the restroom just after Barrie did this whole thing. Sentence: She felt sick while in the bathroom. Output: It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to calculate the expected value of sample information (evsi )<br>Calculate the expected monetary value (emv) of each alternative action. Note which is the emv * (greatest value). Determine the likelihood probabilities. Sentence: This is taught in high school Output: It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Lost Shoe<br>It was time for Ingrid to go to school. She had one shoe on. She couldn't find the other one. She finally found it under the couch. Dressed at last, Ingrid walked to school. Sentence: Ingrid never found her other shoe and just walked to school with one shoe on. Output: No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No College Wrestling<br>Sam was too small for his college wrestling team. His coach gave him a few months to bulk up. Sam tried different things but it didn't work. Sam wasn't able to gain enough mass. He was not allowed on the team. Sentence: Sam ate lots of protein while trying to bulk up. Output:
It's impossible to say
In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that does not connect with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. -------- Question: Title: The Gymnast. Sentence 1: Liv wanted to be an Olympic gymnast. Sentence 2: She trained every day after school. Sentence 3: Unfortunately, she was injured in a car accident. Sentence 4: She had to undertake months of physical therapy to heal her ankle. Choices: a. Eventually, she was back to practicing gymnastics. b. Luckily, the phone was still covered under warranty. Answer: b Question: Title: Sparky. Sentence 1: One day Sparky's teacher gave him a cabbage plant. Sentence 2: Sparky planted it in his Grandmother's vegetable garden. Sentence 3: The cabbage plant got very big. Sentence 4: Sparky's teacher sent a picture of the cabbage to the seed company. Choices: a. Johnny was adopted and is now over ten years old. b. Sparky got a nice box filled with vegetable seeds from the company. Answer: a Question: Title: Shoes. Sentence 1: Jake needed a new pair of shoes. Sentence 2: He found the perfect pair. Sentence 3: His mom said he could not have them. Sentence 4: Jake decided to get a job to buy them. Choices: a. They told the forum who she was and she lost all her friends. b. He was excited when he had enough money. Answer:
Q: In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: obscene and non-obscene. A comment is obscene if it is considered offensive to the public sense of decency, for example because it too obviously relates to sex or contains language regarded as taboo in polite usage. Comment: Nathan, I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things work out. In these discussions I'm hearing a lot of doubts expressed about Trump's ability to pick good leaders and make good decisions. That's primarily left-leaners who see things changing and mourning that their candidate lost. What gives me hope is that Trump is CEO of a complex and profitable $11B corporation. He didn't get there by being stupid and over the years he has developed a keen skill for evaluating people for their leadership abilities and putting them in positions where they can develop and deliver both growth and profits. So it will be interesting seeing how quickly and severely his management style conflicts with the entrenched bureaucracy and how much change he is actually able to drive. He has outlined an aggressive 100-day plan that I think is going to surprise a lot of bureaucrats by how quickly it knocks their ivory towers out from under them. A:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Jennings fired a scoreless two-thirds of an inning in Sunday's 5-3 win over the Yankees, allowing a walk. The 30-year-old southpaw has seen action in three of his first four days with his new club, but Sunday's outing was the first in which he actually recorded an out. Jennings had put together a solid body of work with the White Sox prior to being traded, so he's expected to see plenty of work as a lefty specialist during the second half. Hypothesis: Jennings is sinistral.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Who, between Mary and Aquinas, was NOT Doctor Angelicus in 1567?, Context: Popular opinion remained firmly behind the celebration of Mary's conception. In 1439, the Council of Basel, which is not reckoned an ecumenical council, stated that belief in the immaculate conception of Mary is in accord with the Catholic faith. By the end of the 15th century the belief was widely professed and taught in many theological faculties, but such was the influence of the Dominicans, and the weight of the arguments of Thomas Aquinas (who had been canonised in 1323 and declared "Doctor Angelicus" of the Church in 1567) that the Council of Trent (1545–63)—which might have been expected to affirm the doctrine—instead declined to take a position.
Problem: In the PC plan for growth we call for government to allow Canadians to have more flexibility with their RESP contributions and transfers from their RRSPs, but only as part of a holistic policy toward economic growth, one that combines tax relief, lower income taxes, lower payroll taxes, greater opportunities for jobs and growth in Canada that would keep young people here where they belong. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Young people will stay if this plan is inacted"? A: It's impossible to say Problem: We were heartened to hear of the government's plan to address the issue of student finance, and to establish the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, an $800-million foundation geared mainly toward funding for university research, especially in health, the environment, science and engineering. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The Canadian Foundation for Innovation is an $800-million foundation."? A: Yes Problem: The 2019 Genesis Open aims to get back on track Saturday with the completion of the second round, a cut, and the start of the third round for all players. One group of players continued their second round starting at 10 a.m. Eastern, while a second group who completed their first rounds began their Round 2 play at 10:40 a.m. Follow our live blog here all day. For the latest on Tiger Woods, hop on our Tiger Tracker and follow him shot-by-shot. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The 2019 Genesis Open has been visited by ashley"? A:
It's impossible to say
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question, and you have to write the part-of-speech tag for each word in the question. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb Problem:what is the year of the title that is an arts-based British documentary series , broadcast mainly on BBC 1 in the United Kingdom ? Solution:
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example Input: A Parliamentary Delegation from the Republic of Chile led by Mr Fidel Espinoza, the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile, called on President of India, Shri Ram NathKovind, at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (February 6, 2018). Example Output: ਚਿਲੀ ਦੇ ਸੰਸਦੀ ਵਫ਼ਦ ਨੇ ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰਪਤੀ ਨਾਲ ਮੁਲਾਕਾਤ ਕੀਤੀ ਚਿਲੀ ਦੇ ਚੈਂਬਰ ਆਵ੍ ਡਿਪਟੀਜ਼ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਫਦੇਲ ਏਸਪਿਨੋਜਾ (Mr Fidel Espinoza) ਦੀ ਅਗਵਾਈ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਏ ਇੱਕ ਸੰਸਦੀ ਵਫ਼ਦ ਨੇ ਅੱਜ (06 ਫਰਵਰੀ 2018) ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰਪਤੀ ਸ਼੍ਰੀ ਰਾਮਨਾਥ ਕੋਵਿੰਦ ਨਾਲ ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰਪਤੀ ਭਵਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੁਲਾਕਾਤ ਕੀਤੀ। Example Input: From the earth to the sky, Example Output: ਧਰਤੀ ਸੇ ਅੰਬਰ ਤਕ, Example Input: Please give 10 best examples. Example Output:
ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ 10 ਵਧੀਆ ਉਦਾਹਰਨਾਂ ਦਿਓ।
In this task, you will be presented with a question, and you have to write the part-of-speech tag for each word in the question. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb Ex Input: What is the dam whose carries location connects Highway 22 in Rocky View County just north of Redwood Meadows to Deerfoot Trail ( Highway 2 ) in Calgary ? Ex Output: WP VBZ DT NN WP$ VBZ NN NNS NNP CD IN NNP NNP NNP RB RB IN NNP NNP TO NNP NNP ( NNP CD ) IN NNP . Ex Input: What is the population of the largest island in the Firth of Clyde ? Ex Output: WP VBZ DT NN IN DT JJS NN IN DT NNP IN NNP . Ex Input: What is the sport ( s ) of the school that has more than 1300 students from 33 states and 16 foreign countries ? Ex Output:
[Q]: How to check out cuts, scratches and abrasions<br>After getting a cut, scratch, or abrasion, your skin may start bleeding. This happens because the injury breaks or tears the tiny blood vessels that live right under the skin's surface. Your body wants to stop the bleeding, so the platelets in your blood come to the rescue. Every cut leads to a bleed. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: What a slap in the face to many of the parents and taxpayers of the Dover area. How sad that a member of our own school board would be so closed-minded and not want to carry on the mission of Dover schools. "His ignorance will not only hold back children attending Dover area schools, but also reinforce other communities' views that Dover is a backwards, close-minded community. That member would be responsible for children no attending to Dover area schools [A]: Yes [Q]: The traditionally teen-friendly app now counts 14% of smartphone users who are 35 or older as users, as compared to 67.5% of users ages 18 to 24. It remains to be seen whether the arrival of older users will be a turnoff for Snapchat’s core audience. Snapchat is mostly used by young adults. [A]: Yes [Q]: How to grow kale indoors<br>Fill seed trays with a soil-less growing medium. Purchase seeds trays for germination with drainage holes on the bottom. Fill each seed container in the tray with 3-4 inches of soil-less growing mix. people can grow kale outdoors as well. [A]:
It's impossible to say
Pharmacy<br>Jezebel went to the pharmacy. She bought a pregnancy test. She took a piss in the bathroom. Sure enough, the test came back positive. Jezebel bought a beer and sat in the park sad. Jezebel prefered beer to drink A: It's impossible to say The world's oldest known child has been discovered in East Africa in an area known appropriately as the Cradle of Humanity. The 3.3-million-year-old fossilized toddler was uncovered in north Ethiopia's badlands along the Great Rift Valley (map of Ethiopia). The skeleton, belonging to the primitive human species Australopithecus afarensis, is remarkable for its age and completeness, even for a region spectacularly rich in fossils of our ancient ancestors, experts say. The new find may even trump the superstar fossil of the same species: "Lucy," a 3.2-million-year-old adult female discovered nearby in 1974 that reshaped theories of human evolution. (Related: "Fossil Find Is Missing Link in Human Evolution, Scientists Say" [April 2006].) . The oldest child was living. A: No Let us reform the budget so that some day the working poor will pay no income tax, so that some day seniors on fixed incomes will no longer fear the taxman coming, so that some day all taxpayers will pay the same percentage rate of taxation, so that some day the federal government will live within modest means and help rather than hurt, and so that some day we will have viable universal medicare for everyone. There will be no tax fear in the years ahead A:
It's impossible to say
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a text, a pronoun from the text, and two candidate names. You should determine what the pronoun refers to and classify the answers into A, B, or Neither. A and B here are referring to option A and option B. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. Q: ``She spills coffee on herself with Cole, and then Todd, my dad, walks in on the two of them. Something innocent gets blown out of proportion, and then when Marty's pushed down the stairs, Cole automatically thinks it's Todd. It's been upsetting for Starr.'' Carlivati stated Hannah as being a ``real problem.'' Cole's incarceration for _his_ brutal attack on ``Todd'' allows for the introduction of another love interest, James (Nic Robuck), the younger brother of Robert Ford (David A. <sep>, Pronoun: his <sep>, A: Todd <sep>, B: James A:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: The soldiers, who were said to have been wearing Arab headdress, were accused of firing at Iraqi police when stopped at a road block. Select from the following. a). Yes b). It's impossible to say c). No Hypothesis: Arab soldiers fired upon Iraqi police
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Gujarati language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example: ગાંધીજી ભારતને એક એવા સર્વસમાવેશક રાષ્ટ્ર સ્વરૂપે જોતાં હતાં, જ્યાં વસતિનો દરેક વર્ગ સમાનતા સાથે રહેતો હોય અને દરેક માટે સમાન તક ઉપલબ્ધ હોય Output: Gandhiji looked India as a universal nation, where every class of the population lives with equality and is available for each opportunity for everyone Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'Gandhiji looked India as a universal nation, where every class of the population lives with equality and is available for each opportunity for everyone' which is the same as the output sentence. New input case for you: ખેતીથી લઈને પશુપાલન અને તેની સાથે સંકળાયેલા અન્ય વ્યવસાયોને નવી ટેકનોલોજીથી બહેતર બનાવવાની જવાબદારી આપણી યુવાન પેઢીના ખભે છે. Output:
It is the responsibility of our younger generation to make the agriculture and animal husbandry and other related activities better by using the modern technology.
In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to determine if the two sentences clearly agree/disagree with each other, or if this can't be determined. Indicate your answer as yes or no respectively. [EX Q]: Sentence 1: We are heirs to the inexplicable pagan obsession with corpses. Sentence 2: We have a very strange pagan obsession with corpses. [EX A]: yes [EX Q]: Sentence 1: I said right out: 'You're an old woman, Emily, and there's no fool like an old fool. Sentence 2: I did not like Emily because she was old and foolish. [EX A]: no [EX Q]: Sentence 1: Do sit down, both of you. They obeyed. Sentence 2: Asked to sit, they steadfastly refused and turned their backs. [EX A]:
Low Self-esteem<br>Benny tried to practice cheerleading during recess. The other boys in the class made fun of him. This included calling him several names. Benny felt embarrassed. Although cheer leading was his passion, he decided to stop. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Benny made decisions based on his feelings. Available options: -Yes -It's impossible to say -No
In this task, you need to count the number of words in a sentence that contain the given letter Example Input: Sentence: 'a man sleeping on a park bench then a woman looks at another man with a newspaper over his face on another park bench'. How many words contain the letter 't' in the sentence. Example Output: 5 Example Input: Sentence: 'a person in the air with a skateboard upside down underneath'. How many words contain the letter 'i' in the sentence. Example Output: 4 Example Input: Sentence: 'a living room with a couch and a coffee table'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence. Example Output:
In this task, you are given two sets, and you need to count the number of elements at the intersection of two given sets. A Set is shown by two curly braces and comma-separated numbers inside, like {1, 2, 3}. The intersection of two given sets is the largest set which contains all the elements that are common to both sets. To find the intersection of two given sets, A and B is a set consisting of all the elements common to both A and B. Example input: Set1: '{11, 4, 6}', Set2: '{2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? Example output: 2 Example explanation: Intersection of Set1 and Set2 is {11, 4} and it has 2 elements. So, the answer is 2. Q: Set1: '{5, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ? A:
A Kelowna diner was the scene of a break-in over the weekend. Kelowna RCMP were called to MTL montREAL food diner on Kirschner Road early Saturday morning. Police say a suspect caused some damage to the business and stole an undisclosed amount of cash. They say they seized evidence at the scene. The suspect managed to escape before police arrived. There aren't many diners in Kelowna. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: The industrial espionage case involving GM and VW will negatively impact our mission to return to the moon by 2020. Context: The industrial espionage case involving GM and VW began with the hiring of Jos Ignacio Lopez, an employee of GM subsidiary Adam Opel, by VW as production director. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: Justice, the theory, which would advance the aim of limiting times in a way that is enforceable, is only applicable in the case that we brought before you here to the '98 act, and would not necessarily be applicable under the '76 act for the reasons the Government has offered. Hypothesis: Justice, the weird theory, which would advance the aim of limiting times in a way that is enforceable, is only applicable in the case that we brought before you here to the '98 act, OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to detect sarcasm in writing<br>See if the writer adds letters to common words. Sarcasm in writing can be difficult to detect in text due to the absence of verbal tone, which is often used to convey sarcasm when speaking. If someone is being sarcastic in writing, he or she may add multiple letters to common words to indicate a sarcastic tone. Sentence: sarcasm can be subjectively recognized Output: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to spider curl<br>Locate the right equipment. Typically you're going to need access to a gym if you want to do spider curls. Some gyms may have spider curl benches, but if yours does not, you can use a preacher curl bench. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Too many spider curls might lead to a dependency on spider curls. **** Answer: It's impossible to say A small plane has crashed in Hillyard near Wellesley and N. Freya. Firefighters were called to an extrication crash in the 3600 block of E. Wellesley which turned out to be a plane down. A witness told KHQ the plane actually went down closer to Francis. At this time we have not heard about any injuries, however, initial reports from officials on scene are that the pilot was the only one on board and they appear to be okay. Spokane International Airport Spokesman Todd Woodard told KHQ it was a private plane that went down. KHQ has a crews heading to the scene. Stay tuned for details. The size of the plane that crashed was not very big OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Idea for the Q&A below: The relevant information to answer the above question is: The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), formerly the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, is a UN organization. Q: The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), formerly the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, is a UN organization. The UNFPA says it "is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled". Their work involves the improvement of reproductive health; including creation of national strategies and protocols, and providing supplies and services. The organization has recently been known for its worldwide campaign against child marriage, obstetric fistula and female genital mutilation. Based on this passage, what is the full form of u n f p a? A: The United Nations Population Fund Idea for the Q&A below: The relevant information is: The Fate of the Furious premiered on April 4, 2017 in Berlin, and was theatrically released in the United States on April 14, 2017, playing in 3D, IMAX 3D and 4DX internationally. Q: Passage: The Fate of the Furious premiered on April 4, 2017 in Berlin, and was theatrically released in the United States on April 14, 2017, playing in 3D, IMAX 3D and 4DX internationally. The film received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the action sequences and performances, while criticizing the storyline. The film has grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide, making it the thirtieth film (and the second in the franchise, after Furious 7) to gross over $1 billion, the second highest-grossing film of 2017 and the eleventh highest-grossing film of all time. The film grossed $532 million worldwide during its opening weekend, setting the record for the highest-grossing opening of all time, ahead of Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($529 million). A sequel is scheduled to be released on April 19, 2019. Question: Based on this passage, when was the fate of the furious released? A: April 14 , 2017 Idea for the Q&A below: This is the relevant information: Today over 350 languages are used by the U.S. population. Q: Many languages are spoken, or historically have been spoken, in the United States. Today over 350 languages are used by the U.S. population. The most commonly used language is English (specifically, American English), which is the de facto national language of the United States. Since the 1965 Immigration Act, Spanish is the second most common language in the country. The United States does not have an official language, but 32 state governments out of 50 have declared English to be one, or the only, official language. The government of Louisiana offers services and most documents in both English and French, as does New Mexico in English and Spanish. The government of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, operates almost entirely in Spanish, even though its official languages are Spanish and English. There are many languages indigenous to North America or to U.S. states or holdings in the Pacific region. Hawaiian, although having few native speakers, is an official language along with English of the state of Hawaii. Alaska officializes English and twenty native languages. Answer this question: number of languages spoken in the united states? A: over 350 Idea for the Q&A below: To answer the question, consider the following: Metonymy (/ mɪˈtɒnɪmi / mi-TON-i-mee) is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept.
Q: Context: Metonymy (/ mɪˈtɒnɪmi / mi-TON-i-mee) is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept. The words metonymy and metonym come from the Greek μετωνῠμία, metōnymía, "a change of name", from μετά, metá, "after, beyond", and-ωνυμία,-ōnymía, a suffix that names figures of speech, from ὄνῠμα, ónyma or ὄνομα, ónoma, "name". Question: the idea that concepts are represented by a common instance of the category is called? A: Metonymy
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is launching a comprehensive review of the critical systems of Boeing's 787, the aircraft maker's newest and most technologically advanced plane, after a fire and a fuel leak earlier this week, the agency said Friday. The review will include the design, manufacture and assembly of those systems, the FAA said in a statement. Officials planned to detail the review at a news conference Friday morning. The 787, which Boeing calls the "Dreamliner," relies more than any other modern airliner on electrical signals to help power nearly everything the plane does. It's also the first Boeing plane to use rechargeable lithium ion batteries, which charge faster and can be molded to space-saving shapes compared to other airplane batteries. The plane is made with lightweight composite materials instead of aluminum. The FAA statement gave no indication that the agency intends to limit or prohibit the 787 from flying during the review. A Boeing official said the company is working with the FAA. "We are absolutely confident in the reliability and performance of the 787," Boeing spokesman Marc Birtel said. "We are working with the FAA and our customers to ensure we thoroughly understand any introductory issues that arise. While we take each issue seriously, nothing we've seen in service causes us to doubt the capabilities of the airplane." A fire ignited Monday in the battery pack of an auxiliary power unit of a Japan Airlines 787 empty of passengers as the plane sat on the tarmac at Boston's Logan International Airport. It took firefighters 40 minutes to put out the blaze. A day later, a fuel leak delayed a flight from Boston to Tokyo of another Japan Airlines 787. On Friday, Japan's All Nippon Airways reported two new cases of problems with the aircraft. ANA spokeswoman Ayumi Kunimatsu said a very small amount of oil was discovered leaking from the left engine of a 787 flight from southern Japan's Miyazaki airport to Tokyo. The jet returned to Miyazaki, but after checks found no safety risk it flew to Tokyo. ANA said on another flight, to Matsuyama on the island of Shikoku, glass in a cockpit window cracked and the aircraft was grounded for repairs. Boeing has insisted that the 787's problems are no worse than what it experienced when its 777 was new in the mid-1990s. That plane is now one of its top sellers and is well liked by airlines. Boeing has delivered 50 of the 787s, starting in late 2011, and has orders for nearly 800 more. To get through the backlog, Boeing is increasing production to build 10 of the planes per month in Washington state and South Carolina by the end of the year. By comparison, it builds more than one 737, Boeing's best seller, every day. The company said in November that it had begun making five 787s per month. But if any major manufacturing changes are needed to fix the problems, it could fall further behind in deliveries. ___ Follow Joan Lowy at http: ||||| Japan Airlines' (JAL) Boeing Co's 787 plane which encountered the mishap of a fuel leak arrives at New Tokyo international airport in Narita, east of Tokyo, in this photo taken by Kyodo, January 9, 2013. TOKYO/WASHINGTON Boeing Co's 787 Dreamliner jet suffered a cracked cockpit window and an oil leak on separate flights in Japan on Friday - the latest in a series of incidents to test confidence in the sophisticated new aircraft. All Nippon Airways Co said a domestic flight from Tokyo landed safely at Matsuyama airport in western Japan after a crack developed on the cockpit windscreen, and the plane's return to Tokyo was cancelled. The same airline later said oil was found leaking from an engine of a 787 Dreamliner after the plane landed at Miyazaki airport in southern Japan. An airline spokeswoman said that return flight to Tokyo's Haneda airport was also cancelled while the leak was investigated. No one was injured in either incident. The Dreamliner, the world's first carbon-composite airliner, which has a list price of $207 million, has been beset by problems this week. U.S. transportation officials will hold a press conference in Washington at 0930 EDT (1430 GMT) to discuss issues related to recent electrical problems on the new plane, one person familiar with the matter told Reuters. Bloomberg News said the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration would announce a review into the jet's power system at that news conference. U.S. regulators have raised questions about the plane's reliability on long transocean routes, the Wall Street Journal reported. The 787 Dreamliner made its first commercial flight in late-2011, after a series of production delays put deliveries more than three years behind schedule. By the end of last year, Boeing had sold 848 Dreamliners, and delivered 49. Earlier this week, a battery fire caused damage to an empty 787 jet operated by Japan Airlines while it was on the ground at Boston airport. The next day, another JAL 787 spilled 40 gallons of fuel onto the taxiway at the same airport after a problem that caused a valve to open, forcing the plane to delay its departure. [ID:nL1E9CA4BU] On Wednesday, ANA cancelled a domestic Dreamliner flight due to a brake-control computer glitch. Boeing's top Dreamliner engineer, Mike Sinnett, was rolled out midweek to defend the 787, saying the plane's problem rates were no higher than with Boeing's successful 777 jet. SPIDER WEB CRACK ANA said crew noticed a spider web-like crack in a window in front of the pilot's seat about 70 minutes into Friday's flight, which was close to its destination. "Cracks appear a few times every year in other planes. We don't see this as a sign of a fundamental problem" with Boeing aircraft, a spokesman for the airline said. On the later flight, the ANA spokeswoman said she could not specify how much oil leaked from the engine. The latest incidents came just hours before ANA was due to launch its maiden service between Tokyo and San Jose, California with the Dreamliner. That flight was due to leave Tokyo at 0830 GMT, returning to Japan after an around 90-minute turnaround in the United States. ANA and JAL together fly 24 of the 49 Dreamliners delivered to end-December. In India - where state-owned Air India has taken delivery of six Dreamliner jets and has more on order - a senior official at the aviation regulator said there was concern at the recent spate of Dreamliner glitches. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation has not ordered any Dreamliner checks for now, but is waiting for a safety report from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board, the official said. Air India spokesman K. Swaminathan told Reuters that the airline's debut Dreamliner flight from India to Paris on Thursday went without a hitch. FUEL SAVINGS One of Boeing's chief innovations with the 787 is its use of electrical power to run on-board functions such as hydraulics and air conditioning, instead of relying on heavier pneumatic systems used on other planes. The weight savings make the 787 more fuel efficient, a big advantage for airlines battling high jet fuel costs. To power the electrical system, the 787 uses generators attached to the plane's engines, which produce about 1.5 megawatts of power, enough to power about 300 hot water heaters. The system uses high-voltage distribution panels and powerful batteries, such as the one that caught fire in Boston on Monday. Makoto Yoda, president of Japanese battery maker GS Yuasa Corp, which makes the Dreamliner batteries, said his company was looking into Monday's fire, and was sending a team of engineers to cooperate with the U.S. investigation. (Reporting by Kentaro Sugiyama, James Topham, Mari Saito, Mayumi Negishi and Maki Shiraki in TOKYO, Anurag Kotoky in NEW DELHI, Deborah Charles in WASHINGTON, Ernest Scheyder in NEW YORK and Aman Shah in bangalore; Writing by Ian Geoghegan; Editing by Alex Richardson) ||||| A:
Another day, another handful of reported problems with Boeing's 787 Dreamliner. This time, one jet landed in Japan with a cracked windshield and another developed a sizable oil leak at a different airport in the country, reports Reuters. Neither resulted in any injuries, just canceled flights. Aviation experts chalk up the mishaps—including ones of similar scope earlier in the week—to "teething problems" common to any new airliner's rollout, reports CNN. Still, US aviation officials will lay out details of a comprehensive review of the plane's mechanical systems today, reports AP. "We are absolutely confident in the reliability and performance of the 787," says a Boeing spokesman. "We are working with the FAA and our customers to ensure we thoroughly understand any introductory issues that arise."
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Head: travel<sep>Tail: write thank letters
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: The Brooklyn Cyclones are a minor league baseball team based in Brooklyn, New York that plays in the Short-Season A classification New York–Penn League, affiliated with the New York Mets. The Cyclones play at MCU Park just off the Coney Island boardwalk in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. Hypothesis: The Brooklyn Cyclones are not a minor league baseball team. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: The itch<br>I was sitting on the floor. My dog had played in this room. I rolled over to get more comfortable. I landed on a pile of dog hair. The dog hair made my skin itch. Hypothesis: The dog was fighting Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: A special ceremony to commemorate the life of Civil Rights Activist Vernon Dahmer Sr. will be held Sunday. The program will be held at Shady Grover Baptist Church in Hattiesburg at 3 p.m. Dahmer was a leader of the Forrest County NAACP. He was killed at his home 50 years ago. Governor Phil Bryant declared January 10 as Vernon Dahmer Day Friday. Copyright 2016 WDAM. All rights reserved Hypothesis: Dahmer was governor on January 10 Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: TOKYO, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Japan’s Shionogi & Co said on Tuesday that it has applied to health regulators in the United States, Canada and Europe for approval of its HIV drug Dolutegravir. Shionogi developed Dolutegravir with a Viiv Healthcare, an AIDS drug joint venture between GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer, in exchange for its rights to the drug. Hypothesis: A lot of people are sick in Canada.
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. E hai unha falsa crenza que di que as vacinas causan autismo.
And a common misconception is that vaccines cause autism.
1923 MEMBER Sydney Walter Robinson In 1923 there was a member by the name of Sydney Walter Robinson. The Eagle eatType coffee shop; The Eagle food Indian; The Eagle area city centre; The Eagle familyFriendly yes; The Eagle near Burger King The Eagle is in city centre near Burger King. it serves Indian food. It also is a coffee shop. It is kid friendly. Alimentum eatType restaurant; Alimentum food Japanese; Alimentum priceRange moderate; Alimentum customer rating 1 out of 5; Alimentum area riverside; Alimentum near Yippee Noodle Bar
Alimentum is an average price restaurant in riverside near Yippee Noodle Bar. They serve Japanese food and they have low customer ratings.
You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into English. Q: Trafiłem na techniki planistyczne, które mógłbym wykorzystać na nasze potrzeby. Na ich podstawie stworzyłem zarządzanie holistyczne i planowane wypasanie, proces planowania, który bierze pod uwagę złożoność natury, oraz społeczne, środowiskowe i ekonomiczne czynniki. A:
And I found there were planning techniques that I could take and adapt to our biological need, and from those I developed what we call holistic management and planned grazing, a planning process, and that does address all of nature's complexity and our social, environmental, economic complexity.
Q: In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. Emir responded : A:
امیر پاسخ می‌دهد:
In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to determine if the two sentences clearly agree/disagree with each other, or if this can't be determined. Indicate your answer as yes or no respectively. [EX Q]: Sentence 1: some places do some don't right just depends you know how long how long it takes them to figure it out if they can just tell right away Sentence 2: Most places can figure it out right then and there. [EX A]: no [EX Q]: Sentence 1: Quality-of-life drugs offer not just the pleasing possibility that you can do something about impotence, baldness, blackened toenails. Sentence 2: Quality life drugs cannot help those suffering from impotence. [EX A]: yes [EX Q]: Sentence 1: yeah it uh works out uh really quite well course i have i have a dog also my son brought me a little Lhasa Apso uh for my birthday last Thanksgiving he brought him from Dallas he Sentence 2: My son bought me a dog because he knew I was lonely. [EX A]:
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Ex Input: Railways being the largest employer in India, the amalgamation of efforts between the two Ministries for the percolation of generic drugs would increase their accessibility to the common man manifold, Shri Prabhu added. Ex Output: ਡਾ. ਸੀ ਨਾਰਾਇਣ ਰੈੱਡੀ ਦੇ ਦੇਹਾਂਤ `ਤੇ ਸ਼ਹਿਰੀ ਵਿਕਾਸ, ਆਵਾਸ, ਸ਼ਹਿਰੀ ਗਰੀਬੀ ਹਟਾਉਣਾ, ਸੂਚਨਾ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਰਣ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਐੱਮ. Ex Input: The participants will include researchers from scientific organizations, academia and RD laboratories from India and Canada. Ex Output: * ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਿੱਸਾ ਲੈਣ ਵਾਲਿਆਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਜਥੇਬੰਦੀਆਂ, ਅਕਾਦਮਿਕ ਮਾਹਰਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਭਾਰਤ ਅਤੇ ਕੈਨੇਡਾ ਦੀਆਂ ਖੋਜ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਕਾਸ ਲੈਬਾਰਟਰੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੋਣਗੀਆਂ। Ex Input: 417. 10 crore towards severance package and for clearing the current liabilities of the company. Ex Output:
ਸਰਕਾਰ ਵੰਡ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅਤੇ ਕੰਪਨੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਚਾਲੂ ਦੇਣਦਾਰੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ 417.
Instructions: You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. Input: Encántame falar nos campus universitarios e compartir segredos e historias cos estudantes. Output:
I love to speak on college campuses and share secrets and the stories with students.
Scarlet Days is a 1919 American silent western film produced and directed by D. W. Griffith and released through Paramount/Artcraft Pictures, Artcraft being an affiliate of Paramount. Richard Barthelmess stars in a role for which Griffith had screentested Rudolph Valentino. It is considered by many to be one of Griffith's worst films. Scarlet Days has been seen by billions OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Dan was not killed in the fire. Context: House Fire<br>Dan was woken up by the sound of his fire alarm. Dan ran to the kitchen to see it was engulfed in flames. Dan grabbed his wallet and keys, and ran out the house. Dan watched as his house was literally on fire. Dan was sad, yet thankful he had escaped the fire. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes Context: Preliminary tests identified the source of the outbreak as the highly contagious norovirus, which had struck several guests just before they boarded the cruise Nov. 3 in Rome, Carnival officials said. Hypothesis: All of the guests came down with norovirus before they boarded the cruise. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to disinfect drinking water in the wilderness<br>Pack the proper water purifying equipment and chemicals. If you're backpacking you should have a high quality pump with a filter, and/or purifying tablets. Immerse the end of the pump where water flows in in the clearest portion of the water source that you can see. Sentence: You should immerse the pump in the deepest part of the water. Output: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to end a toxic friendship<br>Acknowledge the truth about the relationship. The first step from detangling from a toxic person is admitting what the relationship is. Even if you've decided to ditch a toxic friend, you may still be hanging on to certain notions about your friendship. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Ending a toxic friendship is a difficult process. **** Answer: It's impossible to say While I found the country-wide consensus on this issue interesting, I found equally interesting the wide range of diversity within the system, among the universities, colleges, and technical schools scattered across the country - each with its own unique mission and mandate, and each responding to the particular needs of the community within which it is situated - working together to provide a post-secondary system of education that may well be second to none. I found the country-wide consensus on this issue interesting but short OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
In this task, you will be presented with a text, a pronoun from the text, and two candidate names. You should determine what the pronoun refers to and classify the answers into A, B, or Neither. A and B here are referring to option A and option B. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. Ex Input: The composer conducted soloists Ursula Zollenkopf, Jeanne Deroubaix, Hugues Cu*nod, Richard Robinson, Charles Scharbach and Robert Oliver, the NDR Chor and the NDR Sinfonieorchester. Stravinsky dedicated the performance to Alessandro Piovesan, director of the Venice Biennale, who had recently died. The first Paris performance, on 14 November 1958, was disastrous. According to Stephen Walsh, Pierre Boulez failed to fulfil _his_ undertaking to obtain adequate performers, and those that he could obtain broke down several times. <sep>, Pronoun: his <sep>, A: Stephen Walsh <sep>, B: Pierre Boulez Ex Output: B Ex Input: Ash rushes over to Mewtwo, believing that this is the first time he's seen Mewtwo, and he and Brock try to free Mewtwo from the machines that are suppressing his mind and body, partly as thanks for Mewtwo protecting Pikachu earlier. However, Mewtwo is weak from using what was left of his power and strength to destroy the machines that held him, putting _his_ life force in jeopardy, but Ash carries Mewtwo away from Giovanni's battle while Brock, Misty and the other clones along with the bug Pok*mon keep Team Rocket occupied. <sep>, Pronoun: his <sep>, A: Ash <sep>, B: Giovanni Ex Output: Neither Ex Input: Together with its sister school, the School of St Helen and St Katharine in Abingdon, St Mary's was run by the sisters of the Community of St Mary the Virgin and was based in the Queen Anne house on Newbury Street. Sister Ellen was the first Sister-in-Charge and Sister Juliana succeeded _her_ in 1887. <sep>, Pronoun: her <sep>, A: Ellen <sep>, B: Sister Juliana Ex Output:
Question: Went to the dermatologist today and had biopsies on two places on my forehead . Hopefully nothing comes of it , but it 's a wait of two weeks to find out . The upside of the afternoon was that my mom kept baby boy , so I spent two hours after the appt . What may be the reason for the medical procedure ? Answer: I may have cancer . Question: The new rules seem to be going so far so good . No major complaints yet . I survived my trip to the airport although I was late getting there to pick up the boss . He was n't to mad . Why was the narrator likely late to the airport ? Answer: The roads were busy . Question: Allowed me to see the good in someone that I had been so skeptical to see . I have sort of neglected my writing for a while . That 's because I thought things were changing . Why did they stop writing for awhile ? Answer: None of the above choices . Question: I ' m going to be honest and admit that if I did n't gain weight , I 'd be the crappiest eater in the whole world . I 'd live on donuts , pie , soda , and other things that could be zapped in the microwave . Laziness and I are BFFs . What type of foods can be zapped in the microwave . Answer:
None of the above choices .
Choose from options: Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: There are at least 10 Motions. That is speaking about as directly as I can to Motions Nos. 9 and 10. By tabling regulations in parliament and having the House of Commons or a committee subsequently pass them, we want to make sure an effective check is placed on ministers or departmental officials in terms of a bill to arbitrarily implement changes in the legislation. OPT: I. Yes. II. It's impossible to say. III. No.
Generate a question about the following movie plot: In 1991, while riding his bike through the woods, a young boy spots a woman darting between the trees. He puts down his bike and runs after her. The woman meets up with another woman, they speak briefly and run together through the woods until they arrive at an old stone house. The boy continues after them, peeks through the window of the house and watches as they wildly slaughter a rooster. The women spot the boy at the window and chase after him, saying "You'll be sorry, I'll kill you, You'll never get away from us".Present Day. A young man, Julio, working late at night spies an attractive neighbor girl getting dressed. He watches her through binoculars as she takes off her red bra. The next morning, he rides his motorbike to his girlfriend's apartment to pick her up. After they make love in his apartment, the girlfriend leaves and Julio stays behind, watching the neighbors out the window (à la "Rear Window").Julio sees Sasha (the same young woman from the previous night's spying) having an argument with her mother. Later in the day, he meets her by chance at a video rental store. He doesn't speak to her, but he watches her as she talks with another woman, Federica. The two women both want to rent "Strangers on a Train". They talk and become friends. Julio rents some films by Fritz Lang whom he is studying for his college thesis.Later that night as Julio is watching his film while smoking marijuana, he sees Sasha watching her movies in the apartment across the street. Her mother tells her angrily to turn down the volume. Sasha meanders out to the balcony where she briefly sees Julio. He ducks back into his apartment.The next day, Julio is back at the video store and sees Federica as she rents "Strangers on a Train". The creepy video store guy makes some advances towards her, but she's not interested and drives away. Later, while riding his bicycle, Julio sees Sasha and Federica having lunch by a fountain, talking closely, almost intimately.That evening, a white-gloved intruder uses a key to enter Sasha's... Answer:
Who killed Sasha's mother?
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. Problem:Gao Dunying Art Festival: Good looking! Solution:
گائو دانیینگ آرت فستیوال: چه خوب!
Q: You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. Non sei cantos proxectos no planeta poden aforrar agora mesmo entre un 80 e un 90 por cento da enerxía en comparación con facer algo dunha forma tradicional. A:
I don't know how many other projects on the planet right now can save 80 to 90 percent of the energy compared to making something the traditional way.
In this task, you are given a hateful post in Bengali that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or a group based on the protected characteristics such as race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. You are expected to classify the post into two classes: political or non-political depending on the topic. Q: মালাউনেরা বাংলাদেশে এতো ঘন ঘন কেনো আসে ? A:
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Washington Scientists have identified a hormone that significantly extends the lifespan of mice, a discovery that could mark a crucial step toward developing drugs that boost longevity in people. Sentence: Scientists were in the process of trying to increase human lifespan
Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. WASTE OF MONEY. FIRST TIME BUYING SUCH AND IT NEVER WORKED. MOTOR NEVER TURNED WHEN BATTERY WAS PUT IN. SUCH BLATANT ROBBERY!
A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Let me give you an example: جدید ٹیکنالوجی کو تیزی سے اختیار کرنے کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتے ہوئے وزیراعظم نے کہا کہ مٹی کی جانچ ہاتھ میں پکڑنے والے آلات کے ذریعے ہی ممکن ہے۔ انہوں نے افسران پر زورد یا کہ وہ اس سلسلے می ںاسٹارٹ اپس اورصنعتوں کے امکان کی تلاش کریں۔ The answer to this example can be: প্রধানমন্ত্রী, আধুনিক প্রযুক্তি উৎসাহিত করে বলেন, হাত-ধরা ডিভাইসের মাধ্যমে মাটি পরীক্ষা সম্ভব।তারা কর্মকর্তাদের উপর জোর দেয় বা খুঁজে পায় যে তারা এই বিষয়ে সম্ভাব্যতা খুঁজে পেতে পারে। Here is why: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'Prime Minister, encouraging modern technology, said that soil test is possible through hand-catching devices.They emphasize the officers or find that they are likely to find the possibility of this regard.' which is the same as the output sentence. OK. solve this: انڈیا اسمارٹ سٹیز انٹرن شپ (آئی ایس سی آئی) پروگرام Answer:
ইন্ডিয়া স্মার্ট সিটিজ ইন্টার্নশিপ (আইএসসিআই) কর্মসূচি;
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: The Norwegian Nobel Committee is responsible for the selection of the candidates and the choice of Prize Winners for the Peace Prize. The Committee is composed of five members appointed by the Storting (Norwegian parliament). The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway and not in Stockholm, Sweden like the other Nobel Prizes. Hypothesis: The Norwegian Nobel Committee does not have less than 4 members Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: How to buy fractional shares<br>Choose companies you like. One of the benefits of investing through a direct stock purchase plan (dspp) is that you can invest directly in a company you personally like or believe in. While not all companies have dspps, many do. Hypothesis: It is possible to believe in a company. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Donald Trump views the mainstream press with contempt, and the mainstream press returns the favor. Or is it the other way around? Just as the president has trouble distinguishing between negative press coverage and "fake news," the journalists who cover him tend to treat every inaccurate, unfounded, or even debatable statement he makes as a lie. And that mistake, suggests Jacob Sullum, clouds the judgment and damages the credibility of reporters and commentators who aspire to skepticism but too often settle for reflexive disbelief. View this article. Hypothesis: The press does not like the president Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: Road Trip<br>Jordyn always wanted to go to California. She convinced her mother to take a trip. The two of them decided to make it a road trip. They packed their car with clothes and food. They hit the road and had a blast. Hypothesis: California is on the west coast.
Definition: You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. Input: Desde entón, eu usei uns 30 tipos de submarinos, empecei tres empresas e a fundación sen ánimo de lucro Deep Search para proxectar e construír sistemas de acceso ao mar profundo. Output:
Since then, I've used about 30 kinds of submarines and I've started three companies and a nonprofit foundation called Deep Search to design and build systems to access the deep sea.
In this task, you are given a short passage that may convey stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against a common stereotype. The passage is unrelated if it does not convey a stereotype or anti-stereotype. You are expected to classify the passage into three classes: stereotype, anti-stereotype, and unrelated. Passage: A football player is intelligent. Anti-stereotype Passage: Everyone in spain is american Anti-stereotype Passage: The delivery man works for meal delivery service Grubhub. The United Kingdom will exit the EU on Oct. 31.
In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that does not connect with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. Title: Getting sick. Sentence 1: Kim accidentally ate some expired meat. Sentence 2: She began to feel sick. Sentence 3: Kim went to the doctor. Sentence 4: The doctor gave her some medicine. Choices: a. Charles' mechanic said the car had major problems and was no good. b. Kim thankfully started to feel better after she took the medicine.
Given a sequence of actions to navigate an agent in its environment, provide the correct command in a limited form of natural language that matches the sequence of actions when executed. Commands are lowercase and encapsulate the logic of the sequence of actions. Actions are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. opposite turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output. Ex Input: I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK Ex Output: look opposite right twice after look around right twice Ex Input: I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP Ex Output: jump right thrice and jump around left Ex Input: I_TURN_LEFT I_RUN I_TURN_LEFT I_RUN I_TURN_LEFT I_RUN I_TURN_LEFT I_RUN I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT Ex Output:
run around left and turn opposite right twice
The petitioners state that at some point during the production of child pornography either a child or children have been victimized, that child pornography hurts children, that it can never be justified and that the possession of child pornography perpetuates the production of children pornography. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? child pornography is the very worst sin
It's impossible to say
Q: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Hindi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. 11 April 2019 A:
11 अप्रैल 2019
[Q]: College<br>Miranda wanted to be a dentist. She applied for a college in her city. Miranda was accepted into college. She studied very hard. Miranda is a dentist now. Miranda wanted to be a chef [A]: No [Q]: Sunday's explosion outside the Al-Rashi police station in the Al-Mashtel neighbourhood in the southeast of Baghdad, left a huge crater in the street. Sunday's explosion outside the Al-Rashi police station in the Al-Mashtel neighbourhood in the southeast of Baghdad. Al-Rashi is in Iraq. [A]: Yes [Q]: Jacques Santer succeeded Jacques Delors as president of the European Commission in 1995, the second Luxembourger to hold this high office. Two men named Jacques held a high position in the European Commission back-to-back in the mid 1990's. [A]: Yes [Q]: The others gave in very soon , and longed to be friends , for now there was no Daisy to pet and cook for them ; no Nan to amuse and doctor them ; and , worst of all , no Mrs. Jo to make home life pleasant and life easy for them .<br>To their great affliction , Mrs. Jo seemed to consider herself one of the offended girls , for she hardly spoke to the outcasts , looked as if she did not see them when she passed , and was always too busy now to attend to their requests . Daisy is not currently making them meals. [A]:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: That motion, like this one, arose out of parliamentary debate during the Thirty-fifth Parliament on Bill C-41, to amend the Divorce Act, the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and the Canada Shipping Act. Select from the following. a). Yes; b). It's impossible to say; c). No; Hypothesis: That motion, like no other, arose out of parliamentary debate during the Thirty-fifth Parliament on Bill C-41.
This question has options. Answer the question about text: I did n't sleep well last night . I had spent 5 hours in the ER yesterday with SHE as SHE was having cramps and was " afraid " SHE was having a miscarriage . It is soo hard to be supportive as a Mom and be worried about my daughter while being soo pissed at the situation she is in .... SHE had an ultrasound done and wanted me to look at the pictures of it and I refused . There is no way I want to look at it when SHE might abort . Why is the mother so pissed about the situation ? Available options: (1). The daughter may have had a miscarriage . (2). The daughter may choose to not have the baby . (3). The daughter already had an abortion . (4). None of the above choices .
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Once called the "Queen of the Danube," Budapest has long been the focal point of the nation and a lively cultural centre. Hypothesis: Budapest is in Hungary Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: DETROIT (WXYZ) - Police are investigating after one man was killed and another was injured at a bus stop shooting Sunday night, police said. It happened at about 7:30 p.m. near Livernois and Warren on Detroit's west side. Police said the two men are in their 20's. The surviving victim took a bus to the hospital, where he is listed in stable condition, police added. Police have no information about a suspect at this time. If you have any information about this shooting, call Detroit police. STAY WITH WXYZ.COM FOR UPDATES ON THIS DEVELOPING STORY. Hypothesis: Detroit's west side has a lot of violence. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: LOS ANGELES (AP) — A report of a major earthquake off the California coast has turned out to be a false alarm based on a quake that happened in 1925. The US Geological Survey sent out an email alert Wednesday afternoon saying a magnitude 6.8 quake had struck in the Pacific Ocean 10 miles west of Santa Barbara. The report cause huge ripples on Twitter and in newsrooms across the country, but suspiciously no reports of anyone having felt the temblor. USGS geophysicist Rafael Abreu says researchers were working on the 1925 earthquake when the mistaken alert went out. Hypothesis: LOS ANGELES (AP) — A report of a major earthquake off the Oregon coast has turned out to be a false alarm Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: How to choose a ppo<br>Make sure the doctors you need are covered under the plan. While ppos typically have more extensive networks than hmos, it is important to see if any of your preferred providers are not on the list. With some doctors that you see only once a year, you may be willing to switch. Hypothesis: Ppos are hard to afford
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