805 values
Hurdle Jumper<br>Dan loved to run, but he also loved to jump. During college, Dan's running coach recommended being a Hurdler. Dan decided to try out jumping hurdles. Dan loved jumping hurdles so much! Dan was glad his coach recommended jumping hurdles for him. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? the agent is aged 26
It's impossible to say
Q: Only 2 people have touched it Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 22 (P. Oxy. 22) contains fragments of the "Oedipus Tyrannus" by Sophocles, written in Greek. It was discovered by Grenfell and Hunt in 1897 in Oxyrhynchus. The fragment is dated to the fifth century. It is housed in the British Library (Department of Manuscripts). The text was published by Grenfell and Hunt in 1898. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: the names of less than eight people are listed Michel Dupont, of the FTQ; Michel Angers, of the CSN; Yves St-Pierre, of Action-Chmage; Jean-Louis Lavoie, of the Mauricie St-Jean-Baptiste society; Franois Brunette, of the AQDR; Martin Roy, of the UQTR students' association; and Brian Barton, of the Trois-Rivires Solidarit populaire. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: It is possible to hard boil eggs in a pan How to make shrimp chef salad with lime and cilantro<br>Hard boil the eggs. This is very easy and really completes the salad. [substeps] Set the eggs in a pan and fill the pan with cold water. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: Archaeologists have also found Caesar's comb. Archaeologists have found approximately 30 beautifully preserved mummies in a 4,000 year old Egyptian necropolis which held 53 tombs. Supervisor of Antiquities for Middle Egypt Dr. Abdel-Rahman El-Ayedi's team established his archaeological site in the Faiyum Oasis near the El-Lahun Egyptian pyramid which is just south of Cairo. Besides the mummies, the team found masks, amulets, clay pots and an offering table located in a funerary chapel. The chapel dates back to about 30 BC to 337 AD. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true (see options at the end): We want the right to copy verbatim works that should be in the public domain and would be in the public domain but for a statute that cannot be justified under ordinary First Amendment analysis or under a proper reading of the limits built into the Copyright 16 Clause. Sentence: All the verbatim works is public domain pick from the following. (A). Yes (B). It's impossible to say (C). No
In 1999, Victor Conte was sent two vials of a new drug by a chemist he knew and he started giving it to some of his clients. Including says Conte, one of Americas most iconic sportswomen, Marion Jones, who was about to compete in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Marion Jones was not a contender for the olympics"? Possible answers: * Yes; * It's impossible to say; * No; I think the answer is
How to make marshmallow and oats bars<br>Add 3 tablespoons of butter in a pan and heat it until it completely melts. Add the marshmallows. Make sure to use a bag of them because when they melt, their size will decrease. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? This recipe requires exact measurements.
It's impossible to say
input hypothesis: The auditor-general did not know about the report. Context: The charges came after the auditor-general revealed last month that some details had been removed from the 1MDB report. Kandasamy led 1MDB from 2015 until he was terminated in June. The two men were released on bail, and face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty. true or false: No input hypothesis: Statistics are used to highlight the divisions between race and highlight a area which is drawn into question. Context: But let me go a step further. We have a long distance yet to travel in terms of fairness in America. I don't know how you can govern in this country when you look at New York City and you see that 50 percent of the black males there are unemployed, when you see 40 percent of Hispanic children -- of black children in some cities -- dropping out of high school. true or false: Yes input hypothesis: Chris Nielsen won a Grammy for Second Chance. Context: Chris Nielsen (born April 2, 1955 in Aalborg, Denmark) is a Canadian country singer, who recorded both as a solo artist and as a duo with her husband R. Harlan Smith. Her singles included "You Know I Want You", "Baby Pictures", "I'd Love You Like Nobody Dared To", "Everyone's Laughin' But Me" and "Second Chance". true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: marriage fraud has a x Context: How to report immigration marriage fraud<br>Contact the united states immigration and customs enforcement division. If your spouse got married to evade u.s. immigration law, he is guilty of marriage fraud and can be deported. [substeps] Call the hotline at 1-866-347-2423 to report suspected marriage fraud. true or false:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Video Frances and Patrick Connolly say they are 'overwhelmed' with their £115 win. "This is a massive sum of money and we want it to have a huge impact on the lives of other people we know and love as well as on our future too." Frances said the most important thing they have done since their win is make a list of people they want to give the money to. "It's going to be so much fun giving it away," she said. "The pleasure for me is going to be seeing people's faces." pick from the following. [i] Yes [ii] It's impossible to say [iii] No Hypothesis: Frances says it will be fun to give the money away.
Problem: Uncle Teddy ! ''<br>Rob scampered down the avenue as fast as his short legs would carry him .<br>All he boys but Dan ran after him to see who should be first to open the gate , and in a moment the carriage drove up with boys swarming all over it , while Uncle Teddy sat laughing in the midst , with his little daughter on his knee . Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Rob ran after someone to see who would be first to open the gate."? A: No Problem: How to register as a native american<br>Retain copies of your parents' or families' tribal records. This is the best way to find out the tribe and the connection you have to a native american tribe. You will be able to use copies of these records to prove you are a descendant of a tribe member, and possibly to prove your blood quantum. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "native americans are all from the same tribe"? A: No Problem: iCarly<br>Carly was upset when her wedding photographer failed to show up. She was resourceful, and she came up with a plan. Carly got all of her friends together before the wedding ceremony. She asked all of her friends to take photos with their smart phones. Carly ended up getting amazing wedding photos from her friends. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Carly's plan requires the use of her friends' phones"? A:
Q: The warrior discovered in the site was intact. The discovery of the body of a warrior - thought to have died in battle more than 2,000 years ago - could help archaeologists to pinpoint the site of an ancient holy site. The young warrior, aged about 30, with his spear, a sword, his belt and scabbard, stunned archaeologists who found his stone coffin. A: It's impossible to say Q: Some girls try to lose fat to shrink their buttocks. How to deal with having a small butt (teen girls )<br>Accept your body. Everybody is different, and that is what makes you so special and unique. Many would envy having such a small butt, as a large butt can be a problem for some girls who often go on diets to cut their size down. A: Yes Q: Kate Moss has launched her own hair product line. Have you always coveted Kate Moss’ devil-may-care, rock star hair? Hell, I know I have. Well, the going just got a little easier, folks. News has it that James Brown, Moss’ long-time hair stylist and friend, has just launched a brand new, on-the-cheap line of hair products sold at Starting at £5.99 per product, which equals out to about ten bucks, this may just be the best drugstore news I’ve heard in months. So get thee onto the site asap to bring some of that Moss magic into your life. A: No Q: You can get a blue cast cover to waterproof your cast from the local drug store. How to take a shower in a cast<br>Purchase a cast cover. This is probably the easiest means of waterproofing a cast, as it takes care of some work for you. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist about cast covers. A:
It's impossible to say
Clonaid, which claims to have produced 13 cloned babies worldwide, told the Streats daily newspaper two Singaporean couples had signed deals agreeing to pay $200,000 to conceive children through cloning. Clonaid claims to have produced less than 14 babies worldwide. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Dragon<br>Fred always loved dragons. He wanted to draw comics about them. He found some friends. He started doodling around with them. They all wrote a dragon comic together. Fred wanted to draw comics about only green dragons. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say How to use the emoji slider on instagram<br>Open the camera in the top left. The camera screen that opens allows you to either take a picture or select one from your gallery. Open the sticker tray. Open the camera in the top left. The camera screen that opens allows you to either take a picture or select one from your gallery. Open the sticker tray. Most people prefer to take a picture. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Putting Away the Eggs<br>Brad had gone to the store. He had bought a dozen eggs for his mother. He put the eggs on the counter when he got home. His mother didn't notice and knocked the eggs down. Brad's mother fussed at him for not putting the eggs away. brads mother thanked him A: No Core Python Programming is a textbook on the Python programming language, written by Wesley J. Chun. The first edition of the book was released on December 14, 2000. The second edition was released several years later on September 18, 2006. "Core Python Programming" is targeted mainly at higher education students and IT professionals. Core Python Programming is a textbook about cooking A: No Grudge<br>Tom had a grudge against Ana. He decided he was going to slit her throat. Tom waited in the shadows by Ana's house. When he saw her red coat he lunged out, slicing and stabbing! Tom had only killed Ana's friend, who had borrowed her coat. Ana's friend stole her coat A:
If the Minister of Finance genuinely disagrees with the statement yesterday of the Secretary of State or International Financial Institutions that two income families deserve special tax treatment, why does he not give the tax relief that Canadians deserve to all Canadians families? The Minister of Finance has not shown to give Canadian families tax relief they should get. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes input hypothesis: A study was later done after this was written that stated otherwise Context: A recent study found no evidence of seasonal affective disorder in Iceland where the sun does not appear for a long time in the winter. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: How to buy citric acid<br>Determine how much citric acid you need to buy. The amount you need will determine where you should shop for citric acid. Smaller quantities can generally be purchased at the grocery store, while larger quantities may need be purchased at a bulk store or online. Hypothesis: Buying smaller amounts of citric acid may need to be purchased at a bulk store. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No The 42-year-old actor was outside a movie theater in central London's Leicester Square, doing press interviews, Sunday, when a man squirted Cruise with a water pistol disguised as a microphone, London's Metropolitan Police said. Sentence: A man hurled a microphone at Cruise outside the movie theater Output: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: It says, and I agree with my colleague from the New Democratic Party on this, that instead of cutting a total amount of $48 billion between now and the year 2003, cutting $48 billion in higher education, social assistance and health, the government will only be cutting $42 billion. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: The speaker is disinterested in public policy. **** Answer: No Honourable senators, may I ask the Leader of the Government in the Senate whether he will take the occasion of a debate, which is now adjourned in the name of Senator Bryden, on the report of the Special Senate Committee on the Cape Breton Development Corporation to make a full statement to the Senate within the next few days? The senators are being asked for a bill to be passed in the next few days OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Yes. Because my husband and I had left early -- we had our infant with us and he needed to get home -- we had heard that there were comments that were said after we left about teachers should be fired if they don't listen to the school board's directive. And we wanted to hear that for ourselves, so my husband had previously requested the tapes and then at that meeting he stood again to request the tapes. In addition, Barrie Callahan had stood to request the tapes at that meeting, as well. Can we draw the following conclusion? My husband is a teacher in the school district Select from: [+] Yes [+] It's impossible to say [+] No
It's impossible to say
[Q]: Patrick Maclellan of Bombie (d. c. 1452) Sheriff of Galloway, then the head of his family, the Clan MacLellan, and a staunch royalist declined an invitation to join William Douglas, 8th Earl of Douglas, along with the Earls of Ross and Crawford and Ormond in a powerful alliance against the young King James II of Scotland. Maclellan was the patriarch of his family. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: Yes Problem: Your Honor, just one other clarification question. With regard to asking what they saw and heard with regard to all of the statements and the articles, I would assume that's statements made after the gavel banged and the meeting was over. Some of those quotes are afterwards. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The quotes need to be better."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: kittens will die if they drink cold milk when they're warm How to feed newborn kittens commercial milk replacer<br>Test the kitten's temperature. It can be dangerous for a kitten to be fed cold milk when it is already cold. Feel the pads of the kitten's feet and place your finger in the kitten's mouth. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No The fight originated when Gilson Ramos da Silva, 21, a.k.a. "Gilson Aritana," a member of the ADA ("Amigos do Bairro") gang led other members into the "morro da Mineira" (Miner Hill) to sell drugs, Ricardo Teixeira Dias, a local police official said. The region is controlled by rival gang Comando Vermelho (Red Command), which does not approve of other gangs selling drugs in the region. Comando Vermelho members started attacking the rival members of ADA to protect their turf. Gilson Ramos da Silva defected from his gang after the fight OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Improving your looks will make boys like you Context: How to become glamorous in one summer (girls )<br>Make a list of what you want to improve about yourself. This should include an idea of how you want to cut your hair, (ex. Layered, bangs, much shorter, etc. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: some of the different breweries will be from other countries Context: Join Horus Aged Ales and Hop Culture Magazine at the California Center for the Arts for what might be one of the West Coast's greatest craft beer festivals. We'll have drinks and food from over 80 different breweries across the country including Bissell Brothers, Great Notion, Other Half, Foam, and Cycle Brewing among many more. There will also be food trucks, a DJ spinning tunes, and Horus x Hop Culture limited-edition, collaborative merch and glassware from artist Spring Whitaker and designer Sam Taylor. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
Glenn Danzig (born Glenn Allen Anzalone, June 23, 1955) is an American singer, songwriter and musician from Lodi, New Jersey. He is the founder of the bands Misfits, Samhain, and Danzig. He owns the Evilive record label as well as Verotik, an adult-oriented comic book publishing company. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? Glenn Danzig is the same person as Glenn Allen Anzalone.
[Q]: How to calculate daily interest<br>Gather the information needed to calculate interest. This includes the amount of money you will be investing or saving, the length of the term and the proposed interest rates. You may have several sets of variables if your intention is to compare alternatives. Daily interest can be calculated without knowing the length of the term. [A]: No [Q]: The Second is the second studio album by Canadian-American rock band Steppenwolf, released in October 1968 on ABC Dunhill Records. The album contains one of Steppenwolf's most famous songs, "Magic Carpet Ride". The background of the original ABC LP cover was a shiny "foil", in contrast to later (MCA Records) LP issues and the modern CD sleeve. Steppenwolf never won any awards [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: The Ebro Delta (delta de l'Ebro) is the largest humid zone in Catalonia. It is the second most important natural aquatic habitat in Spain after the Doana National Park. The Delta is of international importance for its plant species and its fauna. Doana National Park is located in southern Spain [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: A New Job<br>Sara had recently ran away from home and needed some type of work. She figured nannying would be under the table. She quickly found someone looking for a nanny. She ended up loving her new job a ton. Unfortunately, her boss found out that she was a runaway and fired her. Sara was fired because she was paid under the table. [A]:
Problem: Rock stars Aerosmith are to hold a free concert in Hawaii to placate angry fans who brought a legal case against them. The Walk This Way hitmakers cancelled a sold-out show in Maui two years ago, leaving hundreds of fans out of pocket. They filed a class action case, which claimed the band had pulled out in favour of a bigger gig in Chicago and a private show for car dealers in Oahu. Lawyers for the would-be concert-goers said Aerosmith had now agreed to put on a new show, and would pay all expenses. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Aerosmith will hold a concert."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Problem: Mechanic<br>Eric was fascinated by his grandfather. His grandfather was a mechanic. He admired that his grandfather could fix anything that went wrong. He wanted to be able to do the same. Now Eric too is a mechanic and able to fix anything that goes wrong. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Eric's grandfather taught him to be a mechanic."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Problem: I think we need to have clean coal technologies. I propose $2 billion worth. By the way, I just found out the other day an interesting fact, that there is a national petroleum reserve right next to -- in Prudhoe Bay that your administration opened up for exploration in that pristine area. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The speaker is proposing more than $500 million in clean coal technologies."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
How to pay by check at a store<br>Confirm the store accepts checks for payment. Most businesses feature acceptable payment methods on their front doors and registers. Alternately, ask an employee whether the store accepts checks. Can we draw the following conclusion? If you ask an employee they are likely to know if the store accepts checks or not. Options are: [1]. Yes [2]. It's impossible to say [3]. No
How to take a shower in a cast<br>Purchase a cast cover. This is probably the easiest means of waterproofing a cast, as it takes care of some work for you. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist about cast covers. You can't get your cast wet when you shower. A: Yes Stains<br>I tried not to do anything to mess up the new carpet. I was very careful while I cleaned the house. Just as I turned from picking up a can, my dog ran into me. The can flew out of my hand and hit the carpet. There was now a huge soda stain that I couldn't get out. The stain in the carpet could be removed with fire A: It's impossible to say The Garden<br>Erin loved growing vegetables. She planted a large garden. She watched the plants grow for a few months. She finally had some crops to pick! She loved eating things she had grown herself. Erin loved growing vegetables but also planted strawberries. A:
It's impossible to say
Tuesday, famed ocean liner, Queen Elizabeth 2, popularly known as the QE2, arrived in her home port of Southampton, England for the final time. The Cunard Line ship has been in service since 1969, and is to become a floating hotel in Dubai. The homecoming was marred as the vessel ran aground on a sandbank near Calshot at the mouth of Southampton Water. The ship hit the sandbank at around 0530 GMT, and five tugs took around 30 minutes to pull the QE2 clear. The 70,000 tonne vessel was towed into port and eventually docked at 0730 GMT according to the Solent coastguard. Around a thousand crew and 1,700 passengers were aboard the ship, which was returning from a cruise around the Mediterranean. Can we infer the following? The QE2 was damaged
It's impossible to say
Kate McMurray is an author of gay romance who has served as president of Rainbow Romance Writers, the LGBT romance chapter of Romance Writers of America. Her stories have been published in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. She was born on July 3, 1980 and lives with her two cats in Brooklyn, NY. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? Kate McMurray is a teenager.
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: The 2015 Brownlow Medal was the 88th year the award was presented to the player adjudged the fairest and best player during the Australian Football League (AFL) home and away season. Nat Fyfe of the Fremantle Football Club won the medal by polling thirty-one votes during the 2015 AFL season. He became the first Fremantle player to win the Brownlow Medal. Hypothesis: A Fremantle player had never won the Brownlow Medal. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: How to write a weekly report<br>Identify the purpose of your report. While you may be required to submit weekly reports as part of your job duties, keeping your job is not the purpose for the report itself. Determining why your employer wants weekly reports will help you decide exactly what information should go into it, and which items are the most important. Hypothesis: Weekly reports should be submitted to both colleagues and superiors. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: How to solar power your home<br>Call a professional. Grid tied systems are probably your best bet, especially if you live in an area with reliable power. By having a grid tied system, you are eligible for tax credits, plus you'll be able to sell your excess power back to your power company. Hypothesis: you can sell your excess power back to the power company Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: Ruben Schaken (] ; born 3 April 1982) is a Dutch professional footballer who last played as a right winger for ADO Den Haag in the Dutch Eredivisie. He also represented the Netherlands national team on seven occasions between 2012 and 2013, scoring two goals in the process. Hypothesis: Ruben's day of birth is April 3.
Q: Larry Bliss's education lead to him being a successful politician and educator. Lawrence Steven Bliss, commonly known as Larry Bliss, is an American educator and former politician from the state of Maine. A Democrat, he served in the Maine House of Representatives (2000–2008) and the Maine Senate (2008–2011). He resigned as a senator on April 15, 2011 after accepting a position as an administrator in the California State University system and leaving the state of Maine. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: the phrase gets used less. How entrenched is the term 'Fake News' in our everyday lives? So much that it's being added to the next print edition of the Collins Dictionary. John Q. Public now uses the phrase 'Fake news' so much that the Collins Dictionary has named it the "Word of the Year" (yes, I realize it's actually two words, not one). According to the latest numbers, usage of the phrase is up by 365% since 2016 - and that's not fake news. Sign Up for the Our Newsletter Enter your email to receive the latest news and information directly to your inbox! Name * First Last Email * OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: The Nasdaq often closes at record highs Shares of tech companies rose as a rebound in risk appetite stoked demand for the sector. The Nasdaq Composite closed at a record high as comments from Federal Reserve Jerome Powell alleviated worries about the effects of higher interest rates on growth. Microsoft is being investigated by U.S. authorities over potential bribery and corruption related to software sales in Hungary, The Wall Street Journal reported. A fire on the grounds of Tesla's car factory in California on Thursday burned a scrap pile but was extinguished before it could cause major damage. Rob Curran, [email protected] OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: Each night more than two hundred celebrity guests appeared, with musical performances from the latest artists. Beat TV (known as The Beat of London in Australia) was a daily entertainment show broadcast on ITV2. Hosted by Darren McMullen, Laura Whitmore and Dave Berry, the show broadcast for 30 minutes live each weeknight of the 2012 Summer Olympics celebrating a more social side to the games. Each night two celebrity guests appeared, with musical performances from the latest artists. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Time<br>Tommy was being a bad kid. He was tossing food around. His mom got angry. She gave him time out. She let him back in after a hour. Tommy got in trouble for peeing his pants A: No The Successful Vlog<br>Hannah wanted to become a Youtube vlogger. She designed a channel and put up several videos. At first, none of them were getting much attention. Then one day she shared a video on a Facebook group. Suddenly she got several views before her whole channel blew up. Hannah shared several of her videos to a Facebook group A: No The Pick-up<br>He texted her then hung up the phone. Mattie looked at her phone buzzing, as the notification came through. That was the signal, so she grabbed her purse and left. Once in the car, she quickly drove toward the station. He was waiting for her when she got there. Mattie is his girlfriend A:
It's impossible to say
Context: There are difficulties about that . ''<br>But difficulties only sharpened the ingenuity of this admirable king .<br>`` The other fellow had a Flying Horse , '' said he .<br>By `` the other fellow '' King Prigio meant an Italian knight , Astolfo , who , in old times , visited the moon , and there found and brought back the common sense of his friend , Orlando , as you may read in the poem of Ariosto .<br>`` Now , '' reasoned King Prigio , `` if there is a Flying Horse at all , he is in the stables of the King of Delhi .<br>I must look into this . '' Hypothesis: The Knight was Jamaican. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Unlike seal hunting in Canada, where pups are hunted for fur, poachers in China catch seals primarily to sell to zoos or to use the genital organs for traditional Chinese medicine. Sentence: Seal pups are hunted for zoos in china Output: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: WASHINGTON—Lawmakers, activists and local officials expressed disappointment over federal prosecutors' decision to drop charges against most members of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's security detail who were accused of playing a role in the beating of protesters last May in Washington. Prosecutors dropped charges against 11 of 15 members of Mr. Erdogan's security team, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, in a case that created a long-running rift between Turkey and the U.S. ... OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Tension between Turkey and the U.S. are very dangerous right now. **** Answer: It's impossible to say [Q]: Little Joscelyn `` It simply is n't to be thought of , Aunty Nan , '' said Mrs. William Morrison decisively .<br>Mrs. William Morrison was one of those people who always speak decisively .<br>If they merely announce that they are going to peel the potatoes for dinner their hearers realize that there is no possible escape for the potatoes .<br>Moreover , these people are always given their full title by everybody .<br>William Morrison was called Billy oftener than not ; but , if you had asked for Mrs. Billy Morrison , nobody in Avonlea would have known what you meant at first guess . Billy's formal name was Mrs. William Michigan. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: No Problem: The Stew<br>Josh liked cooking. He decided to make a stew. He chopped the vegetables and meat. He mixed it in a pot and let it simmer. The stew tasted great! Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Josh cooked a great tasting stew"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Context: ZOO<br>Bob took his daughter to the ZOO. She was happy to see all the animals. In the primate house a monkey came to say hi to them. The little girl got scared. They run away from there. Hypothesis: Bob's daughter saw a tiger OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No
It's impossible to say
Robert Geoffrey Gerard AO (born 3 January 1945) is a businessman, was Chairman of the Gerard Family's company Gerard Industries Pty Ltd, a former member of the Reserve Bank of Australia, and ran for the leadership of the Liberal party in 1987. He was born and grew up in Adelaide, and attended Prince Alfred College. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Robert always wanted to be a politician. Choose from: (a). Yes (b). It's impossible to say (c). No
Problem: The Blood Cell is a BBC Books original novel written by James Goss and based on the long-running British science fiction television series "Doctor Who". It features the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald. The book was released on 11 September 2014 along with "Silhouette" and "The Crawling Terror". Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The Blood Cell is a autobiography by James Goss"? A: No Problem: I thought the best example of a way to handle the situation was East Timor when we provided logistical support to the Australians, support that only we can provide. I thought that was a good model. But we can't be all things to all people in the world, Jim. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "This kind of support can only be provided by this group."? A: Yes Problem: Antara Mitra (born 10 July 1987) is an Indian singer. Mitra came to limelight when she became a contestant in the popular singing reality show "Indian Idol 2" in 2006.Mitra become more well-known and got recognition after the release of her duets Gerua and Janam Janam with Arijit Singh. She also received significant amount of Indian media coverage for her singing of the Dilwale songs. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Antara Mitra had a duet song with Janam Janam. "? A:
How to write a process essay<br>Assess your audience's skill level. Before you put pen to paper, take a few moments to consider who will be reading your essay. This will narrow down the type of language that you'll use and the information that you'll include. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? the essay needs to be 3000 words
It's impossible to say
A Matter of Chance is a short story by Vladimir Nabokov written in Russian under his pen name Vladimir Sirin in Berlin in 1924. It was rejected by the newspaper "Rul" and first published by the emigre magazine "Segodnya" in Riga. In 1974 it became part of a collection of thirteen stories called "Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories" published by McGraw-Hill. Can we draw the following conclusion? the piece of writing was done by an unknown author
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: When the Berlin Wall fell in early November, 1989 Berlin's east and west sections were rejoined to create the third-largest city in Europe , with a population of about 3 million. Options are: (1). Yes (2). It's impossible to say (3). No Hypothesis: The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1963.
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: The four-time world champion has established himself as one of the world’s greatest ever drivers since he broke onto the scene in 2007. But his outspoken character has often got him in trouble off the track, most recently with Max Verstappen. Hamilton’s former team-mate Jenson Button even said he was “weird” to work with. Rob Wilson – who has taught over half of the current F1 circuit how to drive faster – also believes there is something different about the Mercedes ace. Hypothesis: Hamilton broke on to the scene the year prior to 2008. **** Answer: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Tom Online revenues for the three months ended June 30, 2005 were US$42.78 mn, an increase of 38.5% over the same period in 2004. Hypothesis: tom online could be real **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: The 337 Squadron (Norwegian: "337-skvadronen" ) is a maritime helicopter unit of the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF). Based at Bardufoss Air Station, the squadron operates eight NHIndustries NH90. The helicopters are used by the Norwegian Coast Guard and serve on the "Nordkapp"-class, the "Barentshav"-class and on NoCGV "Svalbard". Hypothesis: squadron operates more than seven NHIndustries NH90 **** Answer:
Q: You can reduce your excessive by writing down all your monthly income versus monthly expenses How to rein in excessive spending<br>Find out what you actually spend. You might be aware of an excessive spend, but how excessive is it? Write down all your monthly income versus monthly expenses and see where the problem or problems lie. Start with your income and write how much you earn per week or per month after payroll or income taxes. A: Yes Q: There are many more articles on this topic. The evacuation of Chinese workers in Libya highlights Beijing”s vulnerabilities as it partners with oil-rich regimes. Upheaval in Africa and the Middle East could force China to weigh political risks more carefully.The Chinese construction workers and their families huddled inside their company”s li Read the full story here: L.A. Times – Sparks A: It's impossible to say Q: John has art on his face. The Alameda County Sheriff's office has confirmed an AMBER ALERT is over after a missing child and his father were found safe at a hotel in Dublin.Modesto police say John Cosso forced his way into his estranged girlfriend's home yesterday and took his son named Jayce Cosso. John has tattoos on his face.Late last night police revealed they were also looking for this woman, Renee Quijada as a person of interest in the abduction. But again, investigators say the AMBER ALERT has been called off.The father has been detained and son is with Dublin Police. A: Yes Q: The 337 Squadron (Norwegian: "337-skvadronen" ) is a maritime helicopter unit of the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) used in WWII. The 337 Squadron (Norwegian: "337-skvadronen" ) is a maritime helicopter unit of the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF). Based at Bardufoss Air Station, the squadron operates eight NHIndustries NH90. The helicopters are used by the Norwegian Coast Guard and serve on the "Nordkapp"-class, the "Barentshav"-class and on NoCGV "Svalbard". A:
It's impossible to say
PHUKET: A man has been stabbed to death east of Phuket Town after his female partner snubbed another man by refusing his advances and "unfriending" him on Facebook. Police were called to the scene, in Soi Maliphan on Koh Siray, early Saturday morning (May 12). Full story: Eakkapop Thongtub The Phuket News Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Advances were accepted by the woman.
Binge drinking among young women is on the rise, bringing with it a number of health consequences, including fetal alcohol syndrome. Can we infer the following? ALL Women binge drink during pregnancy Pick your answer from: (a). Yes. (b). It's impossible to say. (c). No. The answer is:
Miyahuaxochtzin of Tiliuhcan was a Queen of Tenochtitlan as a wife of King Huitzilihuitl. She was a daughter of King Tlacacuitlahuatzin and sister of Princess Matlalxochtzin and Queen Tlacochcuetzin. She was the mother of Prince Huehue Zaca and aunt of Princes Cahualtzin, Tetlepanquetzatzin, Tecatlapohuatzin, Coauoxtli and Oquetzal. She was also a grandmother of the King Huitzilatzin. Can we infer the following? Miyahuaxochtzin of Tiliuhcan had multiple Princesses in her family Choices: *Yes *It's impossible to say *No The answer is:
[Q]: Thursday at Ten, KTIV's Sheila Brummer will introduce you to a breast cancer survivor. Plus, Sheila underwent a mammogram in order to demonstrate the procedure for area viewers and reinforce the importance of early detection in the fight against breast cancer. "Battling Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know" on KTIV News 4 at Ten. We want to hear your stories too. What experiences or advice do you have to offer to those fighting breast cancer? Sheila Brummer contains a qq [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Well, to my understanding, intelligent design just presupposes that everything in life is too complex, that it has to be designed. But I also know that creationism was used repeatedly with the term -or, I'm sorry, not with the term "intelligent design." Intelligent design came up after the fact. But I do know that, in its original context, it was creationism that was being used. And when I think of creationists, again, I think of Young Earth creationists, and I do not subscribe to that way of thinking. Creationists are not something they think of. [A]: No [Q]: The ball took one last turn and dropped into the cup for birdie, making Retief Goosen more than just the sole survivor of par at Pinehurst No. 2. The puck took one last turn and dropped into the cup for birdie. [A]: No [Q]: PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, a unit of Japan’s Daihatsu Motor Co Ltd , expects 2015 sales to remain flat at 185,000 units, Kontan daily reported. The firm recorded sales of 185,226 units in 2014, representing 15 percent of Indonesia’s domestic car sales. The Indonesian automotive manufacturers association (Gaikindo) sees auto sales in 2015 unchanged from the previous year’s level of 1.21 million units. (Kontan) Note: Reuters has not verified this story and does not vouch for its accuracy. (Compiled by Jakarta Newsroom; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier) In 2002 sales were 105,000 units. [A]:
It's impossible to say
Q: Tom lost all of the weight again after his girlfriend broke up with him. Getting Too Fat<br>Tom got a girlfriend after a while of being single. He started to let himself go. Tom gained weight and started not dressing up as much. His girlfriend didn't like his laziness. She broke up with him over it. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: His name starts with a B Christoph Hegendorff (1500 – 8 August 1540), of Leipzig, was a Protestant theological scholar and expert of law, an educator and a great, public admirer of Erasmus, whom he called "optimarum literarum princeps" ("the prince of the best literary style") and "theologorum nostri temporis columen" ("the pillar of theologists of our times"). OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: Michael J. McCann is from Montreal Michael J. McCann is a Canadian author of crime fiction and supernatural fiction. His crime novel "Sorrow Lake", the first March and Walker Crime Novel, is a finalist for the 2015 Hammett Prize. He is also the author of the Donaghue and Stainer Crime Novel series and "The Ghost Man", a supernatural thriller. He is a member of the Crime Writers of Canada. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: the agent is aged 20 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Officials say a man has been found dead inside a home that caught fire in South Los Angeles. It happened around 5:30 p.m. Thursday. Fire officials say firefighters saw heavy flames shooting out of the front of the single-story home when they arrived. A fire department spokeswoman says a man in his early 40s was found dead inside the house. It wasn't immediately clear how the man had died and his identity wasn't immediately released. Advertisement The Los Angeles Fire Department says the home did not have any smoke alarms. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Diqing Shangri-La Airport (IATA: DIG, ICAO: ZPDQ) is an airport serving Shangri-La City, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The airport does not have any taxiways(other than the one leading to the terminal building), requiring planes landind there to backtaxi to the terminal building. Sentence: Yunnan Province will shut down Diqing Shagri-La Airport in a few years due to the lack of taxiways
It's impossible to say
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Hey, look who's here. It is Annunaki, bringing us music for this Episode of ASO Radio. Totally awesome of them, and they will be back with more music next Episode. We are dishing out a trio of dual reviews this time including video game, manga, and of course, anime reviews. And more fan mail too, lucky days! Sentence: there is at least one more planned episode of ASO radio
That we spent -- the top 1% receive 223 as opposed to 445 billion in new spending. The top -- let's talk about my tax plan. The top 1% will pay one-third of all the federal income taxes. And in return, get one-fifth of the benefits, because most of the tax reductions go to the people at the bottom end of the economic ladder. Can we draw the following conclusion? Most of the tax reductions go to the people at the bottom end of the economic ladder but it's not enough. Pick your answer from: [I] Yes. [II] It's impossible to say. [III] No.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given inputs i,j, and A, where i and j are integers and A is a list. You need to list all elements of A from the ith element to the jth element. i and j will be non-negative, and will always have a value less than the length of A. i will always be less than j. Q: 4, 8, ['4275', 'r', 'm', 'I', 'W', 'K', '8429', '8125', '3927'] A:
I, W, K, 8429, 8125
Q: the drugs were found in his locker After a government prosecution that lasted nearly seven years, a federal jury Wednesday convicted home-run king Barry Bonds on one charge of obstruction of justice for allegedly lying about using performance-enhancing drugs. Read the full story here: Los Angeles Times – Top News OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: Franquin starts with an f. Tintin, the Smurfs, Boule et Bill, Astérix, Natacha, Spirou and other legendary characters were created by talented artists like Hergé, Morris, Franquin and Walthéry. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: There are no suburbs in the Sunshine Coast Region. Kiels Mountain is a suburb of the Sunshine Coast Region in South East Queensland, Australia about 100 kilometres north of Brisbane. At the 2011 Australian Census the suburb recorded a population of 657. The Bruce Highway defines the western boundary and Eudlo Creek passes through the southeast tip of Kiels Mountain. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: DPA is synonymous with "German Press Agency". Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH (DPA; "German Press Agency") is a German news agency founded in 1949. Based in Hamburg, it has grown to be a major worldwide operation serving print media, radio, television, online, mobile phones, and national news agencies. News is available in German, English, Spanish, and Arabic. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
NEW YORK, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Brent crude futures fell on Friday and posted a small loss for the week as a fragile global economy countered any support from a better-than-expected U.S. employment report, North Sea crude cargo delays and the threat of supply disruptions due to Middle East turmoil. Brent November crude fell 56 cents, or 0.50 percent, to settle at $112.02 a barrel, having traded from $110.54 to $113.05. For the week, Brent prices fell 37 cents or 0.33 percent. (Reporting by Robert Gibbons) Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "For the week, Brent prices fell over 32 cents."? Pick your answer from: (A). Yes; (B). It's impossible to say; (C). No; I think the answer is
The South African national cricket team, nicknamed the Proteas (after South Africa's national flower, the king protea), represents South Africa in international cricket. It is administered by Cricket South Africa. South Africa is a full member of the International Cricket Council (ICC) with Test and One Day International (ODI) status. South Africa has, at one point, not been a part of the ICC. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Metalocalypse: The Doomstar Requiem - A Klok Opera is a rock opera special for the Adult Swim animated series Metalocalypse. It was announced on May 10, 2013, by Adult Swim and was released on October 27, 2013. The special picks up directly after "Metalocalypse" season 4. It featured all new music from Dethklok, which was released on a soundtrack album on October 29, 2013. "Metalocalypse" season 2 was released before October 27, 2013. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Emile Zola Berman (November 3, 1902 – July 3, 1981) was an American criminal defense lawyer. He was named after the French novelist Émile Zola (1840–1902). During World War II he was an intelligence officer in the 10th Air Force in Burma where he received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Bronze Star. He was discharged as a lieutenant colonel. Berman remarried after his time in the air force. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
By the time Nat was washed and done up in a blanket by the fire , while Nursey cut his hair , a new detachment of boys arrived and were shut into the bath-room , where they made as much splashing and noise as a school of young whales at play .<br>`` Nat had better sleep here , so that if his cough troubles him in the night you can see that he takes a good draught of flax-seed tea , '' said Mrs. Bhaer , who was flying about like a distracted hen with a large brood of lively ducklings . Can we infer the following? Mrs. Bhaer is literally a hen, not a person. Choose from: (A). Yes (B). It's impossible to say (C). No The answer is:
Q: a story of a large-town girl, Sue Graham (played by Mabel Normand) who comes to Hollywood The Extra Girl (1923) is a story of a small-town girl, Sue Graham (played by Mabel Normand) who comes to Hollywood to be in the pictures. This Mabel Normand vehicle, produced by Mack Sennett, followed earlier films about the film industry and also paved the way for later films about Hollywood, such as King Vidors Show People (1928). OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Honourable senators, may I ask the Leader of the Government in the Senate whether he will take the occasion of a debate, which is now adjourned in the name of Senator Bryden, on the report of the Special Senate Committee on the Cape Breton Development Corporation to make a full statement to the Senate within the next few days? The senators are being asked for a bill to be passed in the next few days OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No input hypothesis: Rick Dinon has the initials RD. Context: 20th Century spokesman Rick Dinon said that between the time it applied for the rate increase and changed its mind, the estimated quake losses had ballooned by several hundred million dollars. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes Context: Frame by Frame is the debut solo studio album by American singer-songwriter Cassadee Pope, lead vocalist of pop punk band Hey Monday and winner of the third season of "The Voice". It was released on October 8, 2013 by Republic Nashville. The album was produced by Dann Huff with additional production from Nathan Chapman on three tracks, and Max Martin and Shellback on one. Hypothesis: The winner of the third season of The Voice released an album in Fall, 2013. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Yes Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No The relocation has enabled the company to eliminate the use of cyanide and chrome in its plating work replacing it with a soaplike solution. Sentence: the company use to use soaplike solution by now use cyanide so the owners are very happy Output: No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to make a putt under pressure<br>Make sure you hit the green, preferably on the upslope as close to the hole as possible. You want to give yourself a make-able putt if a tournament is on the line. Aim towards the hole and try to hit your shot onto the upslope because they are easier putts to make opposed to downhill putts. Sentence: Always putt with your favorite putter because you'll do better with it when you're under pressure. Output:
It's impossible to say
Q: David Zucker was initially slated to direct, but instead found himself in a starring role. Ruthless People is a 1986 American black comedy film written by Dale Launer, directed by David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and Jerry Zucker, and starring Danny DeVito, Bette Midler, Judge Reinhold, Anita Morris, and Helen Slater, with Bill Pullman in a supporting role in his film debut. A: No Q: The rock Sam hit was sharp. Broken Tire<br>Sam was bicycling one day. He hit a big rock by accident. The wheel of his bicycle was bent. Sam had to walk it back home. He eventually got it replaced. A: It's impossible to say Q: North Korea displayed peacelike attitudesand actions. North Korea states intention to restart reactors, throws out IAEA inspectors and takes down inspection cameras, announces immediate withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and makes threats of war if the UN or the United States imposes sanctions. A: No Q: kitten has no k How to know if a kitten is stressed<br>Notice any digestive problems. Stress and anxiety in a kitten can lead to digestive issues. Diarrhea and constipation are common reactions to stress. A:
Tired of people always running them out of town, the rogues in question, Jake (filmmaker Martin) and the womanizing Travis (Clint Hummel), are more than happy to oblige when Jim (Christoph Sanders), a greenhorn from Philadelphia, is looking for a guide to escort him from Mexico to Big Kill, an Arizona mining town where his brother operates the Easy Lady saloon. this story takes place in one location OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Indonesian tsunami volcano lost two-thirds of its height PANDEGLANG, Indonesia: The Indonesian volcano which caused a tsunami that killed more than 400 people last week lost more than two-thirds of its height following the eruption which triggered the killer waves. A section of Anak Krakatoa’s crater collapsed after an eruption and slid into the ocean, generating the tsunami last Saturday night. Indonesian tsunami volcano has been visited by trump OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say How to travel safely around peru<br>Prepare yourself for entering into a land where over 90% of the population speaks only spanish. Basic spanish classes are recommended for a full, more confident experience in peru. Travelers can get by without spanish while within their tour groups, but one does miss a lot of the overall experience. It's suggested that you take basic spanish classes before going to Peru. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
The Liar<br>Lisa met a new friend at the park. At first, she thought she was a great girl. But soon she realized that she lied constantly. She even lied about being married! Lisa avoided the girl the next time she saw her. Can we infer the following? Lisa found out the girl was lying by snooping on her phone.
It's impossible to say
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Anthony Carroll "Tony" Knowles (born January 1, 1943) is an American politician and businessman who served as the seventh Governor of Alaska from December 1994 to December 2002. Barred from seeking a third consecutive term as governor in 2002, he ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 2004 and again for governor in 2006. Sentence: Knowles was unsuccessful in his 2006 run for governor because it was his third try.
It's impossible to say
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to change schools in the middle of the school year<br>Meet with the new school's principal and teachers. If possible, hold a meeting between the school's teachers and principal and yourself. Ask about expectations for yourself and your child, including details about homework and school involvement. Sentence: This can only be done in the middle of the school year Output: It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No The Italian air transport sector features many typical causes of industrial conflict, including: the troubled economic situation of Alitalia, Italy's flagship airline (IT0404304F); a set of specific factors concerning services delivery; and a marked fragmentation of trade union representation. Sentence: Alitalia is the name of a trade union representative. Output: No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Matthew Bair (born June 2, 1987), known by his stage name Matthew Koma, is an American singer, songwriter, DJ, and record producer. Matthew Koma is one of the writers behind numerous hit songs, including Zedd's "Spectrum," and Grammy Award-winner "Clarity," also with Zedd. Sentence: His last name is Bair. Output: Yes Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Contrary to what is happening in some other parts of the Amazon, where the forest is being slashed and burned at an alarming rate, those who want to save Acre's forest seem to be winning. Sentence: The Amazon exists. Output:
How to accept that you don't make friends easily<br>Stop beating yourself up. Worrying about your social life won't change anything, so try to relax. Think positively instead of punishing yourself with. Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Positive thinking is easier than punishing yourself."? Choose your answer from: A. Yes B. It's impossible to say C. No I think the answer is
[Q]: Santeetlah Dam is a hydroelectric development on the Cheoah River (river mile 9) in Graham County, North Carolina. The dam together with a pipeline/tunnel facility, and a powerhouse form the Santeetlah Development. The Santeetlah powerhouse is located on the left bank of the Cheoah Reservoir portion of the Little Tennessee River five miles (8 km) upstream of the Cheoah Dam. The Little Tennessee River runs for ten miles in Alaska. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: No Problem: How to turn down a drink<br>Say no directly. If someone offers you alcohol, the best and easiest response is a simple, " no, thanks. " oftentimes people will not push you for a reason and respect your choices. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "If you want a drink you should say no thanks."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: My betta fish is allergic to water Beta Fish<br>I fed my betta fish today. I grabbed the fish food. I poured fish food in the tank. My fish swam to the top of the tank. My fish at the fish food. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No There are difficulties about that . ''<br>But difficulties only sharpened the ingenuity of this admirable king .<br>`` The other fellow had a Flying Horse , '' said he .<br>By `` the other fellow '' King Prigio meant an Italian knight , Astolfo , who , in old times , visited the moon , and there found and brought back the common sense of his friend , Orlando , as you may read in the poem of Ariosto .<br>`` Now , '' reasoned King Prigio , `` if there is a Flying Horse at all , he is in the stables of the King of Delhi .<br>I must look into this . '' the king of delhi has no stables OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No input hypothesis: Cayla is cutting her hair for a boy she likes. Context: Haircut at home<br>Cayla wanted her hair cut. So she went and bought a brand new pair of scissors. She looked at pictures on the internet of many desired hairstyles. She decided on a haircut and began cutting her hair. Cayla is now sporting a brand new haircut. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: to decide on which station to buy the card you should look up the prices. Context: How to buy gas gift cards<br>Choose your retailer. Almost every major gas station offers gift cards. To decide which station's card you want to buy, ensure that the person you're buying the card for has a gas station of the corresponding card nearby. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
It's impossible to say
How to make mushroom barley soup<br>Chop the vegetables. Wash 1 pound (480 g) of mushrooms , 2 large carrots , 2 large celery stalks, and peel 1 onion. Use a sharp knife to carefully cut the mushrooms into 1/2-inch (12 mm) pieces. mushrooms have to be cut in a certain way. A: It's impossible to say Halloween<br>Paula had decided to take her two year old trick or treating. She was excited to pick out a costume. Halloween night she dressed up her child and headed out. They walked all over the neighborhood getting candy. They both had a great time. Paula was excited for Halloween A: Yes Political change in eastern Europe and the removal of trade barriers in the Far East have given the four multinationals-Philip Morris, BAT Industries, R J Reynolds and Rothmans International-access to big potential new markets. Removing trade barriers will negatively impact the economy A:
Barea (ankle) delivered 10 points (4-11 FG, 0-3 3Pt, 2-2 FT), five assists and four rebounds across 21 minutes in the Mavericks' 126-118 loss to the Nuggets on Tuesday. Barea's return to action after a two-game absence was a successful one overall, and he played just four fewer minutes than starting point guard Jalen Brunson. The veteran is now averaging 12.9 points, 3.7 assists and 2.9 rebounds in the seven December contests in which he's suited up, with four double-digit scoring efforts over that span. The starting point guard played longer but not as well. A: It's impossible to say Insider The 2016 recruiting class was one of the most hyped classes in recent memory. After a run of five consecutive No. 1 classes, Alabama was unseated in 2016 by Florida State. The Seminoles' class was led by No. 5 overall recruit Levonta Taylor, one of nine players who earned five-star ratings from ESPN that year. Three years later, the class has by and large lived up to expectations and also produced some breakout stars. We examined how different the class would look if we reranked players based on their college production. Here are the top 25 players knowing what we know now. The top 25 players like florida. A: It's impossible to say How to clean beach sand<br>Gather twice as much sand as you'll need. You'll likely lose some sand during the cleaning process. When you collect sand at the beach, gather twice as much sand as you need for your project. Gather twice as much sand as you'll need. You'll likely lose some sand during the cleaning process. There is more sand on the earth than stars in the sky. A:
It's impossible to say
Surely the Chair cannot be placed in a position of determining whether a document or a piece of paper, or whatever it is-it is certainly not a document of the House-can or cannot be circulated, or that the Speaker in some way should regulate the persons to whom such a document could be circulated. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? The document in question is a bill for wine from "Chateau Picardie." Select from the following. I. Yes; II. It's impossible to say; III. No;
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)? Context: Brook Eats Thai Food<br>Brook wants to try a new type of food. She hears that there is a Thai food open in her neighborhood. Brooke tries it out. It is spicy but good. Brooke is happy to have tried new food. Hypothesis: Brooke isn't terrified to eat new food Options: i. Yes ii. It's impossible to say iii. No
input hypothesis: Mr. Muise contains a x Context: Actually, Mr. Muise may be at a disadvantage here. I did agree with Steve that we -he has an affidavit from someone who has indicated they have collected newspaper articles. So with respect to that issue, there's no objection. I have agreed that she has authenticated what she did to produce this article. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: No Context: How to overcome lack of motivation<br>Return your eyes to the prize. Over time, you may have lost sight of the reasons behind your major goals. You may be so busy or pressured that you have forgotten your personal reasons for doing your task. Hypothesis: Lack of motivation can be caused by eating too many tacos. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to make fabric earrings<br>Make your template out of thin cardboard. Draw a simple shape on a thin piece of cardboard. Great starter shapes include circles, triangles, hearts, and leaves. Sentence: moon shapes are also an option Output: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to make popcorn on the stove<br>Heat the oil in a 3-quart (or larger) saucepan on medium-high heat. You'll want to use an oil with a high smoke point, like peanut, canola or coconut. If using coconut oil, allow all of the solid oil to melt before adding kernels. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Canola oil is best for making popcorn **** Answer: It's impossible to say [Q]: I want to explore your understanding of what has actually taken place in this ninth-grade biology class that your daughter Alix is presently taking. Is it your understanding that Darwin's theory of evolution will be taught in this class pursuant to the Pennsylvania academic standards? Alix enjoys the class OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: WASHINGTON, Dec 13 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would accept a corporate tax rate of 21 percent and would sign a bill with that number. The White House has previously said it preferred a 20 percent tax rate for corporations, down from 35 percent at current levels. “If it got down to 21 ... I would be thrilled,” he said. “We haven’t set that final figure yet.” (Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by James Dalgleish) Donald trump has set a final figure. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]:
[Q]: Folks will be able to use a free Greeley Evans Transit shuttle to get around the 39th annual Greeley Arts Picnic from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. The bus will stop at 15th Street and 15th Avenue to board, which is wheelchair accessible, according to a news release. Greeley Central High School's north and west parking lots are available for shuttle parking. Shuttles will then drop people off on 10th Avenue across from Lincoln Park. The shuttle will run from both stops about every 10 minutes. Shuttle bus drivers know CPR [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Well, I suppose implicit in the argument that the '76 act, too, should have been declared void, and that we might leave it alone because of the disruption, is that for all these years the act has impeded progress in science and the useful arts. I just don't see any empirical evidence for that. Implications have been made. [A]: Yes [Q]: Inmate Death<br>An inmate died at Waymart Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania. The inmate slipped and fell and hit his head on the floor. He began bleeding from his head and lay there for ten minutes. When medical arrived, the man was unresponsive. With no oxygen to his brain, the prison did not offer life support. the inmate was in jail for murder [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: BROWNSVILLE (KFXV) — We move to Brownsville where police have released the identity of the man who escaped custody, leading them on a chase. According to investigators, Ricardo Gonzalez evaded police after they attempted to arrest him. DPS assisted Brownsville police in the extensive chase that ended on the 2200 block of Indiana road in southeast Brownsville. Gonzalez received five charges including aggravated assault, discharge of a firearm, escape from custody and others. ALSO ON RGVFOX Ricardo Gonzalez is a spanish name [A]:
How to check compatibility when building a computer<br>Confirm your motherboard supports the amount of ram you bought. Some older motherboards don't support more than 8 or 16 gb of ram. Check the type of ram that you need. Can we infer the following? All motherboards are the same.
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: MLB TV<br>My wife went to a ballgame on Monday. I saw her on tv during the game. I did not dvr the game. I went to MLB tv and subscribed. I was able to play the game on demand and record her. Sentence: My wife knew she was on TV during the game on Monday
It's impossible to say
Year of the Tiger is the sixth album released by German band La! Neu?. Like its sister-album "Goldregen" it was recorded and released relatively quickly in 1997-8. Unlike "Goldregen" - which featured only acoustic instruments - "Year of the Tiger" is predominantly electronic and beat-driven. The entire album is performed live on the CD "Live at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf". Can we infer the following? German band La! Neu? has toured in Canada.
It's impossible to say
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It was the first time that I had really ever been around Barrie Callahan, so she strikes me -that memory strikes me because my mother had known her previously. And she was speaking about the textbook, just questioning them. I don't remember her exact words. Sentence: The writer's mother has previous met Barrie Callahan. Output: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Elizabeth de Beauchamp Goudge FRSL (24 April 1900 – 1 April 1984) was an English author of novels, short stories and children's books as Elizabeth Goudge. She won the Carnegie Medal for British children's books in 1946 for "The Little White Horse". She was a best-selling author in both the UK and the US from the 1930s through the 1970s. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Elizabeth de Beauchamp Goudge FRSL penned as Elizabeth Goudge since it was easier to remember. **** Answer: It's impossible to say [Q]: By our order of last Thursday -- the date escapes me, I think it was Thursday -- the Court denied relief in that matter. The Court was advised that yesterday, on September the 27th, the reporters, both of them, showed up at the appointed times for their depositions as appropriately scheduled by the defendants, and I'm advised -- and I'll correct this if I'm wrong -- that both reporters cited the reporter's privilege that they consider to exist under the First Amendment so that they would not answer any questions at those depositions. The speaker is a prosecutor. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say Problem: In 1999, Victor Conte was sent two vials of a new drug by a chemist he knew and he started giving it to some of his clients. Including says Conte, one of Americas most iconic sportswomen, Marion Jones, who was about to compete in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Victor Conte had brown hair."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: Arrangements have been made for a death anniversary taking place in April. All the arrangements have been completed to observe 39th death anniversary of former Prime Minister and founder of Pakistan People's Party (PPP), Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto at Jinnah Park (Old jail)on April 04.Talking to APP, President PPP city chapter Baber Khan Jadoon said that Qu'ran Khawani will be held at 10 a.m. and 'Dua' will be offered at—APP Related OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: The Primitives have released at least two albums. Pure is a 1989 studio album by the British band The Primitives, released as the follow-up to their debut, "Lovely". The line-up changed slightly over the course of the previous year: Steve Dullaghan was replaced on the bass guitar by Paul Sampson, who also shared the production duties with Wayne Morris. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
How to take action against pollution on private property<br>Locate the appropriate state or local agency. Depending on the type of pollution or environmental hazard present, you may need to file a complaint with a particular state or local agency to get the problem resolved. [substeps] You may have to call your state agency in charge of environmental affairs to find out the appropriate agency with which to place your complaint. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Don’t call the state environmental affairs agency to find out where you need to file a complaint (A). Yes (B). It's impossible to say (C). No
Q: What song do you always sing? Crisco, Dez and Ryan’s SECRETS™ – What do you want but are afraid to ask for? Crisco, Dez and Ryan Dirty Little Secrets: What story do you always tell, but know it's a lie? Text us your secrets anonymously to 75617 and we'll read them live on the air everyday at 8:20. Judging by the secrets we get, it's a good thing we don't know your names. SECRETS™ is a trademark of KSTP-FM, LLC. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No In the face of the referendums that have taken place, private citizens' referendums in British Columbia, not only in Smithers, but in Ladner, Vancouver, and Prince George, all of the surveys that have been done, why is he prepared to ignore the expressed wishes of British Columbians and ram this Nisga'a treaty through the House of Commons without giving the people of British Columbia a chance to vote on it in a referendum? the surveys were doen in smithers first OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Sarah and Ariel are now married. Context: Partisan is a 2015 Australian film directed by Ariel Kleiman. The film stars Vincent Cassel as Gregori, a cult leader. The feature marks Kleiman's directorial debut. Kleiman wrote the film with his girlfriend Sarah Cyngler. It premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: Early Drinking<br>Tom was laid off from work. It was the early afternoon and he was bored. He decided to drink some beer. Before he knew it he was drunk. The next day he decided to stop drinking. Hypothesis: Tom got drunk off beer. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Yes Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No The use of the military, there -- some people are now suggesting that if you don't want to use the military to maintain the peace, to do the civil thing, is it time to consider a civil force of some kind that comes in after the military that builds nations or all of that? Is that on your radar screen? Sentence: You have to be over 18 to be in the military Output: It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No SYDNEY James Hardie Industries Plc (JHX.N), the world's biggest fiber cement products maker, said on Thursday it expects the U.S. housing construction market to improve as it posted a 15 percent jump in fourth quarter sales. Sales were $376.4 million for the three months to March 31, compared to $326.8 million for the same period the previous year. The company's net operating loss for the quarter grew to $186.8 million from $69.5 million a year earlier because of an increase in asbestos adjustments. (Reporting By Byron Kaye; Editing by Diane Craft) Sentence: Fourth quarter sales jumped by more than 12%. Output:
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: A 3.5-magnitude earthquake struck less than four miles southeast of Ontario at 4:08 a.m. Tuesday, July 10, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The rattler was felt as far as San Bernardino and Temecula, according to the USGS Did You Feel It Map. As of 5 a.m., there were no reports of damage or injuries. Hypothesis: According to the U.S. Geological Survey the earthquake did not strike less than four miles southeast Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: I had a frantic vision of Miss Ponsonby scrambling down that acacia tree like an eloping damsel .<br>But Jerry was in dead earnest , and really it was quite possible if Miss Ponsonby only thought so .<br>I did not believe she would think so , but I was mistaken . Hypothesis: I had a frantic vision of Miss Ponsonby scrambling down that cherry tree Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: How to earn extra income as a working mom<br>Evaluate your schedule. Before you begin looking for a chance to earn extra income, determine what kind of time you can provide to another job. Ask for help. Hypothesis: Working moms can not make money outside their regular job. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: The Grandmaster<br>It had all come down to this for Demetri. There were only a few moves left. He put his queen into place and waited. His opponent fell for the trap. Checkmate, Demetri had won! Hypothesis: Demetri beat another person
Hurricane Trouble<br>Jenny drove outside a day after the hurricane. Each gas station was packed since everyone needed gas. Jenny tried to look for a gas station that wasn't packed. Since she looked for too long, her car ran out of gas. It shut down in the middle of the road. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Jenny was able to get a tow to the nearest garage
It's impossible to say
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Two midsummer cruises aboard Clipper Adventure Cruises' 140-passenger World Discoverer (July 8 and Aug. 9) will take you to the wind-swept cliffs of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea, where cartoon-faced horned and tufted puffins stare. Sentence: The cruises will have a swimming pool.
It's impossible to say
Alternately known as brash, emotional and brilliant, the maverick Kasparov could be a formidable opponent in the realm of politics. Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Kasparov was quite hard to best in the political arena even though we was brash and emotional."? Choose from: (a). Yes; (b). It's impossible to say; (c). No; I think the answer is
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)? Context: How to check compatibility when building a computer<br>Confirm your motherboard supports the amount of ram you bought. Some older motherboards don't support more than 8 or 16 gb of ram. Check the type of ram that you need. Hypothesis: Motherboards made years ago only needed to support 8 or 16 gb of ram. -- Yes. -- It's impossible to say. -- No.
input hypothesis: Chirag Kahan Roshni Kahan isn't American. Context: Chirag Kahan Roshni Kahan (Hindi: चिराग कहाँ रोशनी कहाँ ; English: Where is the lamp, where is the light is a 1959 Indian Bollywood film directed and produced by Devendra Goel. The film stars Meena Kumari as the protagonist Ratna, and Rajendra Kumar, Honey Irani and Madan Puri in pivotal roles. The film was remade in Telugu as "Maa Babu". true or false: Yes input hypothesis: Commanding officers were deemed sufficiently educated in military justice by the committee. Context: One feature of the summary trial reform that was discussed at length in committee was the requirement to provide commanding officers with more comprehensive training in their military justice duties and responsibilities and to have them certified as qualified to conduct summary trials. true or false: No input hypothesis: About a hundred species have been listed. Context: Carissa is a genus of shrubs or small trees native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Australia and Asia. Until recently about 100 species were listed, but most of them have been relegated to the status of synonyms or assigned to other genera, such as "Acokanthera". true or false: Yes input hypothesis: PGCPS has charter schools. Context: The Prince George's County Public Schools system (PGCPS) is a large school district administered by the government of Prince George's County, Maryland, United States and is overseen by the Maryland State Department of Education. The school system is headquartered in Upper Marlboro and the district serves Prince George's County. true or false:
It's impossible to say
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No If her reference is to Premier Clark, I assume Premier Clark has by now spoken to his minister of health with whom I spoke yesterday and has been reminded that the British Columbia government was at the table, part of the discussions, part of the agreement, and stands solidly with the rest of the governments of the country behind this agreement. Sentence: The British Columbia government was trying to create legislation that solely benefited itself. Output: No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No If Senator Ghitter is correct about his interpretation of the motion, that would mean that the committee adopted a proposition that was contrary to the Rules of the Senate while he was in the chair; that he and the other committee members and the clerk of the committee understood this motion to mean that he had to report by twelve noon today, even though the Senate would not be sitting until 4 p.m. today; and that no one, including himself, knew that this would be contrary to the rules. Sentence: Senator Ghitter read the rules Output: It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No #BacktoSchool on County 10 is brought to you by SageWest Healthcare (Fremont County, Wyo.) – Believe it or not, the school year is just a couple weeks away...and less than one week for some of us. So, what can your family do between now and then (besides back-to-school shopping)? Here are 10 of our favorite things you'll want to squeeze in with the family before summer's up! Sentence: Your family cando back-to-school shopping before the school year starts, Output: Yes Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Family Strings<br>Tanya has been practicing on her violin. She's still new to playing. Her older brother plays violin. Tanya wants to play just as well as he does. Tanya continues to practice diligently. Sentence: Tanya is not as good as her brother Output:
Marching Band<br>I always wanted to be in a marching band. The only instrument I played was piano. My friend told the instructor I wanted to be in the band. He handed me a baritone and told me to learn it. I took it home and learned it and then I was in the band! The first instrument this person learned was the piano. A: Yes SOCHI, Russia, Feb 8 (Reuters) - Vladimir Dmitriev, the chairman of Russia’s state development bank VEB, said on Monday the lender was interested in Islamic finance. He also told reporters that VEB was urging the government to make changes to the country’s legislation in order to facilitate access to such financing. (Reporting by Denis Dyomkin; writing by Vladimir Soldatkin; editing by Dmitry Solovyov) winter olympics were not held in the first location stated A: It's impossible to say Your Honor, one thing I might ask, since it is perhaps likely that issues are going to arise during the deposition, I'm wondering if we could now attempt to schedule the deposition at a time when everybody, including Your Honor, might be available to intercede. The speaker is trying to plan ahead with scheduling A:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: The bus, which was heading for Nairobi in Kenya , crashed in the Kabale district of Uganda near the Rwandan border. Choose your answer from: (a). Yes. (b). It's impossible to say. (c). No. Hypothesis: The bus has never been in an accident
Karim Mostafa Benzema (born 19 December 1987) is a French professional footballer who plays for Spanish club Real Madrid and the France national team as a striker. He has been described as an "immensely talented striker" who is "strong and powerful" and "a potent finisher from inside the box". Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? Karim Mostafa Benzema is at least 10 years old
The Toti class were submarines built for the Italian Navy in the 1960s. They were the first submarines designed and built in Italy since World War II. These boats were small and designed as "hunter killer" anti-submarine submarines. They are comparable to the German Type 205 submarines and the French Aréthuse class submarines. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? The Toti class were the first submarines designed and built in Italy since WWII
Sal's Pizza<br>Sal owned a popular pizza restaurant in New York. One night, his store was burglarized. All of his cooking equipment was stolen. The locals donated money to Sal. Sal got his business running again. It was difficult for Sal to get his business running again. A: It's impossible to say Avane Srimannarayana (English: He is Srimannarayana) is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy Kannada film directed by Sachin, an editor making his debut direction, and jointly produced by H. K. Prakash, Rakshit Shetty and Pushkar Mallikarjunaiah. It features Rakshit Shetty and Shanvi Srivastava in the lead roles. Whilst the soundtrack and score is by Charan Raj, the cinematography is by Karm Chawla. Avane is only a female name. A: It's impossible to say THE French justice minister who returned to work five days after having a baby, only to lose her job, launched a political comeback last week, letting it be known that she will run for mayor of Paris. Rachida Dati, 43, long seen as President Nicolas Sarkozy's favourite among the "Sarko-zettes" - his women ministers - lost his confidence and was ordered to leave the cabinet and instead run for the European parliament. She used the launch of her party's European election campaign to deny she was a Sarkozy creation and to add gravitas to the "bling-bling" image attached to her since she posed in a £15,000 Christian Dior dress at a fashion gala. The French justice minister who returned to work four days after having a baby. A:
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: In other words, you say to a youngster, it will be in your financial interest to start saving for future illness, but for the working folks that do want to have health care that can't afford it, a couple of things we need to do. One, we need more community health centers. Hypothesis: The community would like fewer community health centers. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: The bill relates specifically to the fact that under the current provisions of the legislation, if a bill arrives in the hands of a member or a candidate following the election, if it was not received within the required time period in which a candidate or his or her official agent may pay the bill, the only process available now to the member to be able to pay that bill is to get a court order allowing that to happen. Hypothesis: A Candidate cannot have an official agent. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: At this year’s Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood, the Trick ‘r Treat maze is one of the scariest frights imaginable. And who would be the perfect person to experience this haunted maze? None other than Nerdist New’s Amy Vorpahl. I had to stop the video multiple times to wipe my eyes from crying I was laughing so hard. Hypothesis: the maze costs 4 dollars to enter Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: The New Jacket<br>Gina needed a new jacket. She didn't have much money. Her friend told her to try looking at the thrift shop. Gina found a great jacket at the thrift shop. Gina began shopping at the thrift shop for all her clothes. Hypothesis: Gina has never shopped in a thrift shop since her bad experience that day.
[Q]: How to get audible credits on pc or mac<br>Go to https: // a web browser. In your preferred web browser, go to the audible desktop website on your windows or mac computer. Click sign in and sign in to your audible account. The web browser on audible is very reliable. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Christ Episcopal Church is a historic Episcopal church in Belvidere, Allegany County, New York. The Gothic Revival style frame church was built in 1860 and features Carpenter Gothic elements. It is a one story board and batten clad rectangular structure with a slate gable roof. 1860 was a year where a building was built. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: Yes [Q]: How to set up a chinchilla's cage<br>Choose the right cage. [substeps] Chinchilla cages must be well ventilated to keep the chinchilla cool, thus making metal wire mesh cages a good option. However it's of note that it's easier for the chinchilla to knock messes out of their cage and onto the floor with a wire cage. Chinchilla's will die if they don't have a cage OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Big Boat<br>Joe bought a brand new boat. He was very excited to show it off to all of his friends. In his excitement he dropped the keys, while signing the final papers. After a brief moment of fear, Joe found the keys on the dock. Joe breathed a sigh of relief as he headed home to see his friends. There are final papers that Joe signed. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]:
Abu Eisa al-Hindi was said to have been involved in a plot to attack Heathrow airport, details of which were allegedly discovered on the computer of Abu Eisa al-Hindi, 25, an al-Qa'ida suspect recently arrested in Pakistan. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Abu Eisa al-Hindi is a year younger than 26. OPTIONS: A. Yes; B. It's impossible to say; C. No;
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: The 26-member International Energy Agency said, Friday, that member countries would release oil to help relieve the U.S. fuel crisis caused by Hurricane Katrina. Sentence: The 26 countries who participate in the International Energy Agency said they would release oil to help relieve the U.S.
Jeff 2<br>Jeff stayed with us another night as well. That night we played hide and seek. My brother and I ran into our parent's bedroom. We decided to wear each other's clothes to trick him. My brother wore my dress, and I wore his jeans and shirt. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? The speaker is female. Available choices: (i) Yes. (ii) It's impossible to say. (iii) No.
How to watch tv on the internet<br>Make sure you have at least a 3mbps broadband internet connection. When streaming tv from free websites, the picture quality can be greatly affected by your download speed. Contact your internet service provider (isp) (or log into your account) to see if your connection speed meets this recommendation to watch standard-quality tv. The picture quality can be greatly affected by magnetic disturbances in the ionosphere. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No input hypothesis: This flower can be located in 4 places. Context: Geranium erianthum (woolly geranium) is a flowering plant found in China, Japan, Russia, and North America. Within its range, it is often known as "wild geranium" or "cranesbill", but note that these common names are also used for several other species within the "Geranium" genus. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes Context: Helen could say no more ; she kissed and comforted the faithful little soul , feeling all the while such sympathy and tenderness that she wondered at herself , for with this interest in the love of another came a sad sense of loneliness , as if she was denied the sweet experience that every woman longs to know .<br>Amy never could remain long under a cloud , and seeing Helen 's tears , began to cheer both her cousin and herself .<br>`` Hoffman said he might live with care , do n't you remember ?<br>and Hoffman knows the case better than we .<br>Let us ask him if Casimer is worse . Hypothesis: Helen was very happy. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No HAVANA, Cuba - On Feb. 3, 2005, the Brazilian Minister of Education, Tarso Genro, opened the XIV International Fair of Books in Havana during his five day visit to Cuba. The fair is scheduled to continue until February 13, 2005. Minister Genro opened the fair saying, "Cuba and Brazil have the same mixture and the same condition of sovereign nations." According to Genro, it was a honor for Brazil to be invited to the fair, where the country was the guest of honor. Sentence: Minister Genro opened the fair. Output: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: The Firework-Maker's Daughter is a short children's novel by Philip Pullman. It was first published in the United Kingdom by Doubleday in 1995. The first UK edition was illustrated by Nick Harris; a subsequent edition published in the United States was illustrated by S. Saelig Gallagher. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: the story referenced makes mention of colors **** Answer: Yes South Korea's deputy foreign minister says his country won't change its plan to send three-thousand soldiers to Iraq, despite the kidnapping of a South Korean man there. South Korea's deputy foreign minister says that his country will change its plan OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
input hypothesis: The suspect in the Monkey's Mask is a lesbian. Context: The Monkey's Mask is an international co-production 2000 thriller film directed by Samantha Lang. It stars Susie Porter and Kelly McGillis. Porter plays a lesbian private detective who falls in love with a suspect (McGillis) in the disappearance of a young woman. The film is based on the verse novel of the same name by Australian poet Dorothy Porter. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: How to prime a keurig coffee maker<br>Remove the reservoir. You may be getting a " prime " error on your machine due to a dirty water reservoir. Take the lid off of the water reservoir, and remove the water reservoir from your machine. Hypothesis: he is talking about a coffin only OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No San Francisco Giants' Nick Hundley, right, celebrates after making the game-winning hit against the San Diego Padres in the ninth inning of a baseball game Monday, April 30, 2018, in San Francisco. Hundley lined a two-run single off Padres closer Brad Hand with two outs in the ninth inning, lifting the Giants to a 6-5 win over San Diego. Ben Margot AP Photo Sentence: Hundley got the last hit in his last two games. Output: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Mr. Speaker, I am prepared to move a motion to refer the matter of the minister's actions to the committee, if you find that there is a prima facie case, and there is no mandate from this House and no one has the right to represent that they may act for members of this House without specific authority from this House. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Members of the House meet for lunch everyday. **** Answer: It's impossible to say [Q]: How to align garage door sensors<br>Turn off the power to your sensors by tripping the fuse for your garage. You'll find this in your home's breaker box. [substeps] You won't actually be working with the electrical wiring, but it's always best to be safe when working with electricity. garage door sensors has a xx OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: No [Q]: Carlos Ashley Raphael Barât (born 6 June 1978) is a British musician, best known for being the co-frontman with Peter Doherty of the garage rock band The Libertines. He was the frontman and lead guitarist of Dirty Pretty Things, and in 2010 debuted a solo album. In 2014 he announced the creation of his new band, The Jackals. Carlos is in his fifties. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]:
Q: Kris Jenner had an interview with ET on Thursday. During an interview with ET on Tuesday, Kris Jenner gushed about her daughter being in such a great place in her life. "We love Tristan so much, and she's so happy, and she's been through so much," Jenner said. "Just seeing her be able to do something so creative with [her denim line] Good American -- that's her passion. On top of it, to be in such a great place in her personal life is amazing. She's really happy." See more in the video below. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: Freesias should be planted in July. How to grow freesias<br>Find out when to plant your freesias. Freesias grow from bulbs that must be planted at a particular time of year to thrive. The season when you plant your freesias depends on what growing zone you live in. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: He wants to increase taxes. He been a senator for 20 years. He voted to increase taxes 98 times. When they tried to reduce taxes, he voted against that 127 times. He talks about being a fiscal conservative, or fiscally sound, but he voted over -- he voted 277 times to waive the budget caps, which would have cost the taxpayers $4. 2 trillion. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: The recall will not begin until March 31 and a six-figure amount of Mazdas will be impacted. Mazda is recalling around 174,000 cars because they have faulty seats. The recall is tied to the Mazda 2 Subcompact made in 2011, along with the Mazda 3 and Mazda Speed 3 compacts from 2010 and 2011. The problem? Seat height adjustment links can break or detach from the seat frame, making the vehicles hard to drive. The recall is expected to begin March 31. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Choose from options: Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: Inmates have been detained without trial. The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, also referred to as Guantánamo or GTMO ( ), which fronts on Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. Since the inmates have been detained indefinitely without trial and several inmates were severely tortured, this camp is considered as a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International. Select from the following. [a]. Yes [b]. It's impossible to say [c]. No
Input: Survivor SA contestant Katinka said goodbye to the island on Thursday night after she tried to rally votes to get off her closet ally, Werner. But the bold move blew up in her face as Werner found out about the plan and then plotted to get her out. So, what did she learn about being on Survivor SA and missing out on the loot because of one bad move? "I learnt a lot about myself. I am a very emotional person. But I learnt that you must speak your mind not matter what, no matter your age." Sentence: Katinka was able to vote off her closet ally Werner Output: No Input: How to treat little white shaker syndrome in maltese<br>Observe tremors in your maltese. Tremors are the telltale sign of little white shaker syndrome. They can start suddenly, get worse for 1 to 3 days, then remain about the same until treatment begins. Sentence: Maltese is a name given to tigers. Output: No Input: On August 6, 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The Enola Gay, piloted by Colonel Tibbetts, was chosen to make the mission. The mission was recorded as successful by Capt. William S. Parson at 9:20 A.M. Sentence: The Enola Gay is the name of something that can be piloted. Output: Yes Input: In the face of the referendums that have taken place, private citizens' referendums in British Columbia, not only in Smithers, but in Ladner, Vancouver, and Prince George, all of the surveys that have been done, why is he prepared to ignore the expressed wishes of British Columbians and ram this Nisga'a treaty through the House of Commons without giving the people of British Columbia a chance to vote on it in a referendum? Sentence: he is not prepared to ignore the expressed wishes Output:
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Friday that cuts in global oil production should not be expected and that demand was likely to grow, Interfax news agency reported. Novak will attend a seminar of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Vienna on Jun.3-4, ahead of the group’s meeting on Jun.5. OPEC is not expected to cut production to shore up oil prices. Can we infer the following? The OPEC meeting will be slightly larger than the following meeting taking place on Jun.5.
It's impossible to say
[Q]: How to fix mistakes made when writing checks<br>Stop writing as soon as you realize you've made an error. Take a moment to assess your error. Here are some common errors that are made when writing checks : [substeps] You write the date using last year, instead of the current one. A frequent mistake is writing a number that is 1 digit less than the correct number. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: Yes Problem: Beginners is a 2010 American romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Mike Mills. It tells the story of Oliver, a man reflecting on the life and death of his father, Hal, while trying to forge a new romantic relationship with a woman, Anna, dealing with father issues of her own. The film is based on the true-life coming out of Mills' father at the age of 75, five years before his death. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The film was leaked before release"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: Frank Goodyer resumed driving following his six month license suspension. Superintendent Frank Goodyer, who was caught by his own officers in the Wagga Wagga Local Area Command, was charged with driving at more than 45km/h over the speed limit, had his automatically license suspended for six months and fined A$1674. It was reported by Sydney radio station 2GB that it was Superintendent Frank Goodyer as the officer who was caught speeding by his own officers after the New South Wales Police released a media release which did not name the officer who was caught. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Trumpet<br>I was at my aunt's house. She asked my cousin to wake up my other cousin. So she went to his room. I heard a trumpet. Then I heard her being chased. The cousin was chased for more than a half hour. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: If cash is tight, make a lump sum payment rather than lease - as large a payment as possible, and ideally more than you can afford. Context: How to lease equipment<br>Conserve working capital. Instead of investing a large amount of capital in a cash down-payment, leasing will require you to make low monthly payments. This can be especially helpful if you do not have the necessary lump sum of money on hand to purchase a specific piece of equipment; in particular, leasing is appropriate when cash might be tight. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: No input hypothesis: turkey is an invader on this island Context: Since 1974, Cyprus has been divided, de facto, into the government-controlled southern two-thirds of the island and the Turkish-Cypriot northern one-third. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
It's impossible to say
[Q]: Chao Kuo-Jung (; born August 28, 1992 in Taiwan), better known in Japan as Youko (ヨウコ ) is a member of the latest Hello! Project group Ice Creamusume. She was announced as a winner of the Taiwan Hello! Project New Star auditions on September 20, 2008 along with the other members of Ice Creamusume. Youko was announced as the winner of the Taiwan Hello! Project New Star auditions in the Fall of 2008. [A]: Yes [Q]: The 17th Miss Chinese International Pageant, Miss Chinese International Pageant 2005 was held on January 29, 2005 in Hong Kong. The pageant was organized and broadcast by TVB in Hong Kong. Miss Chinese International 2004 Linda Chung of Vancouver, Canada crowned Leanne Li as the new winner. Li was the fourth winner from Vancouver to win the crown and the second time a consecutive win occurred. vancouver has a large asian population [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: The Coupon<br>Ava wanted a new pair of jeans. She found a coupon for 25% off of her favorite store. She tried on lots of pairs. She found the perfect pair! They looked and felt great, so she bought them. Ava got a good deal [A]: Yes [Q]: A brown field is an abandoned industrial site that just sits idle in some of our urban centers. And people are willing to invest capital in the brown fields don't want to do so for fear of lawsuit. I think we ought to have federal liability protection, depending upon whether or not standards have been met. Brown fields take many lives ever year [A]:
It's impossible to say
input hypothesis: The Norwegian Newspaper got it's start in 1989. Context: The Norwegian Newspaper Corpus is a large and self-expanding corpus of Norwegian newspaper texts. The collection of this dynamic and continually growing corpus began in 1998. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: No input hypothesis: The speaker has friends. Context: Zoo<br>When we were in Chicago my friends and I went to the zoo. We spent the whole day there, observing the animals. The animals in the zoo appeared to be happy enough. However, by the end of the day my friend was very sad. She realized that seeing caged animals made her depressed. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes input hypothesis: Noel Weinrich made comments. Context: No. There were statements made by many of the school board members that I found objectionable. It's just that Mr. Buckingham always seemed to say very inappropriate things. But in addition, Alan Bonsell said very inappropriate things, and Noel Weinrich said very inappropriate things. It's just that I didn't give much credit to Noel Weinrich's comments because he would say things like, Darwin's at least what, 60 years old, a theory becomes a theory if you say it over and over again. Those are the kind of things he would say. But they were all very outspoken. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes input hypothesis: ellery street has a mcdonalds Context: / Front page / News Update: 12:25PM RENWICK road in Suva will be closed from this afternoon and is expected to reopen again to the public tomorrow afternoon. The Fiji Roads Authority in a statement is advising travellers in Central Suva that Renwick Road will be closed from the corner of Ellery Street to Greig Street from 6pm today to 6pm tomorrow January 15, 2017. The closure is to allow installation works for a pedestrian crossing on Renwick Road. Motorists are requested to use alternative routes in the city. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
It's impossible to say
"Question: Is there anything else that the board has done here in connection with the curriculum change that provides a basis for your complaint? "Answer: From what I can see from attending the board meetings, I don't know, because so much of the curriculum debate takes place at non-public meetings that I am not aware of. And when board members are questioned at meetings, they really don't answer any questions. So it gives this whole illusion of secrecy to the process, which, you know, may be a big part of the problem. It may just be a big misunderstanding." Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? The speaker has had a ongoing complaint for many months concerning the curriculum change.
It's impossible to say
Measure<br>John wanted to know how dogs could find electronic devices. He set up a test to measure the chemicals off-gassed by plastic. John used a sensitive device that could detect odors. He found plastic devices gave off a certain chemical as they decayed. John published his research in an esteemed science journal. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? John never experimented on cats Pick from: (I). Yes; (II). It's impossible to say; (III). No;
How to avoid eviction<br>Make timely payments. The easiest way to avoid eviction is to pay your rent on time. Read your lease to see if there is any grace period (such as three or five days). avoiding eviction can be difficult A: It's impossible to say Bunny Cupcakes<br>Cindy was baking cupcakes with bunny faces for an Easter party. But she was not an experienced baker. When her cupcakes came out of the oven, the bunny faces were deformed. And Cindy was too embarrassed to take them to the party. She secretly ate all of the cupcakes on her own. she was not an experienced baker surprisingly A: Yes Some school districts that serve residents of Centre County offer a school of choice program that allows students who attend district schools to go to a non-assigned school within the district. These requests are OK’d, pending eligibility and classroom space. Pending eligibility and classroom space, requests for non-assigned school attendance are settled by lot. A:
It's impossible to say
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: In mathematics, the Vitali–Carathéodory theorem is a result in real analysis that shows that, under the conditions stated below, integrable functions can be approximated in L from above and below by lower- and upper-semicontinuous functions, respectively. It is named after Giuseppe Vitali and Constantin Carathéodory. pick from the following. [A]. Yes [B]. It's impossible to say [C]. No Hypothesis: Vitali–Carathéodory theorem involves mathematics
Q: Musical artists Tarek Abdelqader, Antoine Martinneau, and Brianna Lane are just three of the musicians that comprise the 2019 Cedar Commissions artists. The 2019 Cedar Commissions artists have each received $4,500 to create over 30 minutes of new music, drawing from their lives and experiences to create bold new works. Over the course of six months, they have been composing, exploring new ideas, and assembling musicians to bring their work to fruition on February 1st and 2nd. On night one, the artists Tarek Abdelqader, Antoine Martinneau, and Brianna Lane will perform their work. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Zebra<br>Jessica and Eric were dating. They went to the zoo for a date. Jessica loved the zebras the most. They took many pictures with the zebras. They had fun at the zoo as well as viewing the pictures later. Jessica and Eric loved dating. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: The man prayed even after being told to stop Context: Prayer<br>The man said a prayer out loud. Praying in the school was prohibited. He was asked to stop praying. He refused to stop. He was asked to leave the school until he could follow the rules. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes Context: LIFESTYLE The Royal Family Never Uses These 'Common' Words We Canadian non-royals use words like "living room" or "couch" regularly. But the Royal Family have their own terms for many commonly used words, according to Kate Fox, author of "Watching the English: The Hidden Rules Of English Behavior." Hypothesis: Kate Fox has never authored a book with "English" in the title. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Live At Leeds (1970) is The Who's first live album, and indeed is their only live album that was released while the band was still recording and performing regularly. Sentence: A lot of albums got lost in a fire Output: It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Disappointment<br>Anna went to Washington DC to protest the election. She believes neither candidate is a potential president. She also thinks the government is corrupt. She plans to move to England one day soon. She feels she would be happier there. Sentence: Anna wants to leave America. Output:
Context: "First" is a song by American actress and singer-songwriter Lindsay Lohan, taken from her debut studio album, "Speak" (2004). It was released as the album's third and final single on May 10, 2005 . The song was released to help promote Lohan's film, "", in which it appears on the soundtrack. The song failed to chart in the United States, but it performed well in other countries such as Taiwan. Hypothesis: She wrote the song herself. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Context: How to care for an affenpinscher<br>Teach your dog basic commands. Teaching your dog some basic commands is an excellent way to establish your dominance, encourage your dog to be polite, and begin building a relationship with your dog. You can begin by teaching " sit, " and then move on to teaching " stay, " " lay down, " and " heel. Hypothesis: Teaching a dog basic commands makes you a better dog owner OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Context: On his oak mantelpiece are a drinking bowl from Lake Turkana and an East African gourd, both of which he bought in Nairobi where he went in the fall of 1993 to visit Kitum Cave, the suspected host site for the Marburg virus, which is closely related to Ebola. Hypothesis: The virus is still a threat with these item in the house. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No
It's impossible to say
Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: Ugandan farmers are spending a lot of money to farm. In an effort to boost Uganda's economy, the government has been investing in the agricultural sector by helping farmers afford the farm inputs they need with vouchers and money subsidies. However, the current system often proves to be obsolete, resulting in farmers losing money or using the money for personal purposes or renouncing altogether to the subsidy when faced with the confusing voucher application process. Evelyn Namara, Founder and CEO of Vouch Digital joins CNBC Africa for more. Advertisement
It's impossible to say
Problem: Lebanon is in a period of mourning after a massive car bomb killed the former Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri, on Tuesday. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Lebanon is wildly happy."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: Leasing is always the best option. How to lease equipment<br>Conserve working capital. Instead of investing a large amount of capital in a cash down-payment, leasing will require you to make low monthly payments. This can be especially helpful if you do not have the necessary lump sum of money on hand to purchase a specific piece of equipment; in particular, leasing is appropriate when cash might be tight. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Crying Baby<br>Sherry had a newborn baby. She didn't know how to stop the baby from crying. Sherry decided to go stay with her mother for a few days. Her mother gave her tips on caring for the baby. Sherry was able to keep the baby calm more often. While Sherry was away, her mother cared for Sherry's baby. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No input hypothesis: Police will eventually found out where she is. Context: Concerns have been raised that potential leads in the hunt for missing York woman Claudia Lawrence are not being followed up quickly enough. It comes after hotel staff in Malton contacted police after a stranger in the bar expressed satisfaction when asked if the chef was still missing. The incident happened more than three weeks ago and staff said detectives had not yet been in touch. Police said leads were being assessed in a methodical and structured way. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: Queens of the Stone Age have announced their next album, Villains. In the trailer, directed by Liam Lynch, it is revealed that Villains is produced by Mark Ronson, who appears in the clip at around 1:28. A snippet of the first single, Feet Don't Fail Me, is also played at around 2:00. It's possible that the song Villains Of Circumstance, which Josh Homme debuted live a few years ago, will be included on the forthcoming album.Sources: Stereogum Hypothesis: Their next album is hereos OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Problem: The statements I make or the statements that I do not make in my classroom tell my students something. So I think we're charged with, you know, having an ethical decision to make when we walk into the classroom, the things that we say and the things that we do, and so I think that's very important. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "They dont like the students"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Well, we stand with Israel, but we have maintained the ability to serve as an honest broker. And one of the reasons that's important is that Israel cannot have direct dialogue with some of the people on the other side of conflicts, especially during times of tension, unless that dialogue comes through us. And if we throw away that ability to serve as an honest broker, then we have thrown -- we will have thrown away a strategic asset that's important not only to us but also to Israel. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? The person speaking is aged 38 Options are: (A). Yes (B). It's impossible to say (C). No