stringlengths 29
| response
stringlengths 1
input ---- The fellowship between these people made a powerful impression on me
output ---- The fellowship between these people made a powerful impression on me.
Add punctuation: Thats a problem as you are not able to use a single program and dictionaries system wide Also programs may work in a different way and adjusting to different autocompletion tools may take time as well
A: That’s a problem as you are not able to use a single program, and dictionaries system wide. Also, programs may work in a different way, and adjusting to different auto-completion tools may take time as well.
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: She became the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka in 1960 the first female head of a parliamentary government
ANS: She became the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka in 1960, the first female head of a parliamentary government.
QUES: Strategies to Secure Company Data By Free Mobile Phone Tracker Online Business expands when employees work with loyalty
correct the punctuation.
CORRECTED: Strategies to Secure Company Data By Free Mobile Phone Tracker Online? Business expands when employees work with loyalty.
Question: They claim that applying Idol whitening just didnt start any distress or pain on them and so they had the ability to profit by having dazzle white in color tooth very fast
Answer: They claim that applying Idol whitening just didn’t start any distress or pain on them, and so they had the ability to profit by having dazzle white in color tooth very fast.
input: Informal Meeting of the Strategic Committee on Immigration Frontiers and Asylum eu2012dk
fixed: | Informal Meeting of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum | |
His famous series of sixteen great designs for the Apocalypse is dated 1498, as is his engraving of St. Michael Fighting the Dragon. He made the first seven scenes of the Great Passion in the same year, and a little later, a series of eleven on the Holy Family and saints. The Seven Sorrows Polyptych, commissioned by Frederick III of Saxony in 1496, was executed by Durer and his assistants c. Around 1503-1505 he produced the first seventeen of a set illustrating the Life of the Virgin, which he did not finish for some years. Neither these, nor the Great Passion, were published as sets until several years later, but prints were sold individually in considerable numbers. During the same period Durer trained himself in the difficult art of using the burin to make engravings. It is possible he had begun learning this skill during his early training with his father, as it was also an essential skill of the goldsmith. In 1496 he executed the Prodigal Son, which the Italian Renaissance art historian Giorgio Vasari singled out for praise some decades later, noting its Germanic quality. He was soon producing some spectacular and original images, notably Nemesis (1502), The Sea Monster (1498), and Saint Eustace (c. 1501), with a highly detailed landscape background and animals. His landscapes of this period, such as Pond in the Woods and Willow Mill, are quite different from his earlier watercolours. There is a much greater emphasis on capturing atmosphere, rather than depicting topography. He made a number of Madonnas, single religious figures, and small scenes with comic peasant figures. Prints are highly portable and these works made Durer famous throughout the main artistic centres of Europe within a very few years. After reading the above, is "1503 - 1505" the correct answer to the question "When did Durer first produce a set of seventeen prints illustrating the Life of the Virgin that was sold individually for several years?"?
Surely, you have noticed the tall poles along the roadside. Do you know what is on top of those poles? Thats right, wires that carry electric current. These wires carry electric current to your home. But what is electric current? Electric current is actually the flow of electrons. You may recall, an electron is the outer-most particle in an atom. They have a negative charge. Electricity is the continuous flow of these particles. Electrons are able to move through wires. Their speed can even be measured. The SI unit for electric current (or speed) is the ampere (A). Ampere is often shortened to amp. Electric current may flow in just one direction, or it may keep reversing direction. Direct current (DC) flows in only one direction. Direct current is what is used in devices like flashlights. Alternating current (AC) flows in two directions. This is the type of current that flows into your home through wires. After reading the above, is "Electron" the correct answer to the question "Electricity is the continuous flow of the particles found in the outer most particle of what?"?
Among the early blows struck for independence was a rebellion in the town of Olhão. On 16 June 1808, the townsfolk — armed with little more than ancient swords, spears, and stones — attacked and captured the local French garrison. It's said that a party of local men then set sail from Olhão all the way to Brazil, without maps or navigational aids, to tell the king of the insurrection. The real battle, however, was waged under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington, whose coalition forces expelled the French after two years of bitter fighting. The war left Portugal further weakened, and in 1822 its major empire outpost, Brazil, declared independence. At the same time, a dispute over the crown continually raged between Pedro IV, the absentee monarch who preferred to reign as Emperor of Brazil rather than return to Portugal, and his brother Miguel. The power struggle, with strong overtones of absolutism versus liberalism, excited the interest and intervention of other powers. With British help, Pedro defeated Miguel off Cape St. Vincent in 1833, and his expeditionary force marched to Lisbon. Pedro took the throne, though armed struggle continued for months and the lingering bitterness long after that. By 1892 Portugal, racked by wars and the continuing expense of maintaining its African colonies (including those of Mozambique and Angola), declared itself bankrupt. The seeds of discontent with absolutist rule were sown. Kingdom's End Bloodshed would haunt the remaining years of the Portuguese monarchy. On 1 February 1908, the royal family was riding in an open carriage along the Lisbon river front plaza, Terreiro do Paço, when an assassin opened fire and killed King Carlos and the heir to the throne, Prince Luis Filipe. The prince's younger brother, Prince Manuel, was also hit, but he survived and was thus propelled to the throne at the tender age of 19. Amid republican agitation, a surprise uprising led by elements within the armed forces deposed Manuel in 1910. Having ruled for less than three years, Manuel died in exile in 1932 in England. The sudden end of more than seven centuries of monarchy brought confusion and crisis to the country. Presidents and prime ministers were ushered into and out of office an unbelievable 45 times between 1910 and 1926, until a military revolution suspended Portugal's problematic democracy. After reading the above, is "The war left Portugal further weakened" the correct answer to the question "Under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington, what happened to Portugal?"?
| yes |
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph:
How to find a missing person who is on foot
Look all over your own house.
Look behind sheds in the yard, and any place the missing person might hide.
Call the emergency services and tell them when you last saw the person and when you became aware they were gone.
Pick from:
+ Find the missing person's car. Sometimes a missing person will hide in a car.
+ Ask them if they can request a tracking dog. Create a flyer and start it printing.
+ Call the relevant police departments if you live out of state or other areas. Write down the name of the missing person when you go to report the disappearance and when you last saw them.
+ Also ask if they will call the police again immediately if there is any suspicious activity. Call your property finder/hotline operator and ask how you can find the missing person. | Ask them if they can request a tracking dog. Create a flyer and start it printing. |
The credits of the clip are shown. The lady whips her hair from side to side. The lady parts her hair. the lady
brushes her hair, applies gel to her parted hair, and starts to braid her hair.
How to start a peach tree from a pit
Select a variety.
The first thing to do when selecting a good peach to grow is to look at what varieties have the characteristics you want. This can include the taste of the peach, as well as characteristics like type of skin and fruit size.
Just keep in mind that each variety has its strengths and weaknesses while growing. The most common variety is the' redhaven.
How to draw the map of india
Make a square.
Draw a square on page as big as you would like to make the map in it.
Mark the half of the box, vertically and horizontally.
Make all the guidelines very light with a light pencil so you can erase them easily in the end. Divide the square in four equal parts.
How to advertise on buses
Outline your demands for your advertising campaign.
This should include the product or service you want to advertise, your target audience, your budget, and preferred launch date and running period of the campaign.
Hire an advertising company that creates compelling ad campaigns for buses.
| The best way to find a qualified advertising agency is to make a note of a current ad campaign on buses and call the bus company or the company whose product is being advertised to find out which agency designed the campaign. You can also do an online search for advertising companies that design bus advertising campaigns. |
There 's old Mrs. Warner at the Channel Head .<br>She 's had heaps of trouble all her life , poor soul , and she 's lost almost everyone she cared about .<br>She 's always saying that she 'll be glad when her time comes , and she does n't want to live any longer in this vale of tears .
Miss Warner has had piles of trouble throughout her lifetime,
A: Yes
Swing Sequence: Dustin Johnson What we can learn from Dustin Johnson's booming drives: Only a few tour pros have a shot that can make other tour pros stop what they're doing on the range and have a look. 2016 PGA Tour Player of the Year Dustin Johnson has one. Study his swing frame-by-frame. Start Slideshow
Dustin Johnson is a PGA Tour Player.
A: Yes
While preliminary work goes on at the Geneva headquarters of the WTO, with members providing input, key decisions are taken at the ministerial meetings.
no key decisions are made.
A: | No |
Meridian National Corp. said it sold 750,000 shares of its common stock to the McAlpine family interests, for $1 million, or $1.35 a share. The sale represents 10.2% of Meridian's shares outstanding. The McAlpine family, which operates a number of multinational companies, including a London-based engineering and construction company, also lent to Meridian National $500,000. That amount is convertible into shares of Meridian common stock at $2 a share during its one-year term. The loan may be extended by the McAlpine group for an additional year with an increase in the conversion price to $2.50 a share. The sale of shares to the McAlpine family along with the recent sale of 750,000 shares of Meridian stock to Haden MacLellan Holding PLC of Surrey, England and a recent public offering have increased Meridian's net worth to $8.5 million, said William Feniger, chief executive officer of Toledo, Ohio-based Meridian.
Question: "To whom did Meridian sell 10.2% of its shares?"
Answer: "McAlpine"
Response: yes
The Legal Services Corp. (LSC), a quasi-governmental agency that provides legal aid for the poor, would receive $329 million in fiscal 2004 under President Bush's proposal - the same amount requested in 2003 and approved for 2002 and 2001. If approved, the hold-the-line request for LSC means its budget would erode with inflation for another year, but it could be worse for the organization: Many conservatives fought for years to do away with the LSC altogether, saying legal services attorneys were spending too much time fighting for liberal causes or pursuing politically charged cases against the government instead of representing the needy. Opposition to the organization has cooled since 1996, when Congress approved restrictions (PL 104-134) on the sorts of cases federally funded legal aid attorneys can take. (1996 Almanac, p. 5-36) Republicans cut the organization's budget deeply in 1996, but its funding has recovered slowly. Last month, in the omnibus spending bill for fiscal 2003, the Senate added a onetime increase of $19 million, which, if approved in the final version, would bring the LSC budget to $348 million. The money would go to help states, such as Michigan and Ohio, that lost money when the organization redistributed its funding based on census counts made in 2000 of poor households. If the extra money survives a conference with the House and makes it to the president's desk, LSC supporters may try to include it in the organization's fiscal 2004 funding. The federal government began funding some programs to provide legal assistance to the poor in the late 1960s; the Legal Services Corporation was created in 1974 (PL 93-355). LSC gives nearly all its money to state and local agencies, which provide civil legal assistance to those whose income is less than 125 percent of the federal poverty level - $11,075 a year for an individual and $22,625 for a family of four. Funding for legal services goes to defend needy clients in domestic violence cases, custody cases and other such matters, according to LSC. Since 1996, lawyers who receive money from Legal Services have been prohibited from such activities as lobbying legislatures, filing class-action suits, participating in political demonstrations or strikes, pursuing abortion-related litigation, representing illegal aliens or prisoners, or defending public housing tenants evicted because they were charged with selling drugs
Question: "What organization did Congress approve restriction on the sorts of cases federally funded legal aid attorneys can take?"
Answer: "The Legal Services Corp. (LSC)"
Response: yes
The Mummy 's Shroud is set in 1920 and tells the story of a team of archaeologists who come across the lost tomb of the boy Pharaoh Kah-To-Bey . The story begins with a flash back sequence to Ancient Egypt and we see the story of how Prem , a manservant of Kah-To-Bey , spirited away the boy when his father was killed in a palace coup and took him into the desert for protection . Unfortunately , the boy dies and is buried . The story then moves forward to 1920 and shows the expedition led by scientist Sir Basil Walden and business man Stanley Preston finding the tomb . They ignore the dire warning issued to them by Hasmid , a local Bedouin about the consequences for those that violate the tombs of Ancient Egypt and remove the bodies and the sacred shroud . Sir Basil is bitten by a snake just after finding the tomb . He recovers , but has a relapse after arriving back in Cairo . Preston takes advantage of this and commits him to an insane asylum , to take credit for finding the tomb and Prince 's mummy himself . Meanwhile , after being placed in the Cairo Museum , the mummy of Prem is revived when Hasmid chants the sacred oath on the shroud . The mummy then proceeds to go on a murderous rampage to kill off the members of the expedition , beginning with Sir Basil after he escapes from the asylum . One by one , those who assisted in removing the contents of the tomb to Cairo are eliminated by such grisly means as strangulation , being thrown out of windows , and having photographic acid thrown in their face .
Question: "Name someone who is killed by Prem"
Answer: "Kah-To-Bey"
Response: no
Grim disappeared upstairs himself, and returned about ten minutes later in the uniform of a Shereefian officer--that is to say, of Emir Feisul's Syrian army. Nothing could be smarter, not anything better calculated to disguise a man. Disguise, as any actor or detective can tell you, is not so much a matter of make- up as suggestion. It is little mannerisms--unstudied habits that identify. The suggestion that you are some one else is the thing to strive for, not the concealment of who you really are. Grim's skin had been sun-tanned in the Arab campaign under Lawrence against the Turks. The Shereefian helmet is a compromise between the East and West, having a strip of cloth hanging down behind it as far as the shoulders and covering the ears on either side, to take the place of the Arab head-dress. The khaki uniform had just enough of Oriental touch about it to distinguish it from that of a British officer. No man inexperienced in disguise would dream of choosing it; for the simple reason that it would not seem to him disguise enough. Yet Grim now looked so exactly like somebody else that it was hard to believe he was the same man who had been in the room ten minutes before. His mimicry of the Syrian military walk--blended of pride and desire not to seem proud--was perfect.
Question: "How is the term "disguise" described?"
Answer: "It is described as not so much a matter of make, It is little mannerisms , unstudied habits that identify"
Response: | yes |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Kathleen Delaney is an American actress, voice actress, singer, and dancer who works on Broadway and on the properties of 4Kids Entertainment. She is best known as the voice of Hina in the 4Kids dub of One Piece, Mai Valentine in uncut versions of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" and Rouge in "Sonic X" and the succeeding games until 2010, when she was replaced by Karen Strassman.
(1). Yes (2). It's impossible to say (3). No
Hypothesis: She is known for her work in comic books
| (3). |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Fast Food<br>Val walked up to the counter. She skimmed the menu to make sure she knew what she wanted. The cashier greeted her. Val told him her order. She then waited for her food to be prepared.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: Val would go on to be unhappy with her food.
It's impossible to say
[Q]: How to make money easily (for kids )<br>Host a lemonade stand. Are popular in the summer, and can make you a nice amount of money. Get some friends together and make lemonade to sell in your neighborhood. kids friend will buy all lemonade. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
[A]: It's impossible to say
Problem: Five million Americans have lost their health insurance in this country. You've got about a million right here in Arizona, just shy, 950,000, who have no health insurance at all. 82,000 Arizonians lost their health insurance under President Bush's watch. 223,000 kids in Arizona have no health insurance at all.
Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Just under a fourth of those in Arizona without health insurance are children."? OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
Q: the basis of the game was developed while he was at RAND in 1950
Merrill Meeks Flood (1908 – 1991) was an American mathematician, notable for developing, with Melvin Dresher, the basis of the game theoretical Prisoner's dilemma model of cooperation and conflict while being at RAND in 1950 (Albert W. Tucker gave the game its prison-sentence interpretation, and thus the name by which it is known today).
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
Swan<br>Jean went to the lake by her house for a quick walk. When she arrived there, a crowd was blocking the path. She peeked through to see a white swan. It was gliding on the water among the ducks. She took a picture like everybody else before resuming her walk.
Jean went during the afternoon OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Indonesian tsunami volcano lost two-thirds of its height PANDEGLANG, Indonesia: The Indonesian volcano which caused a tsunami that killed more than 400 people last week lost more than two-thirds of its height following the eruption which triggered the killer waves. A section of Anak Krakatoa’s crater collapsed after an eruption and slid into the ocean, generating the tsunami last Saturday night.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: Indonesian tsunami volcano has been visited by obama
| It's impossible to say |
Q: Passage: The Flintstones is a 1994 American buddy comedy film directed by Brian Levant and written by Tom S. Parker, Jim Jennewein, and Steven E. de Souza. It is a live-action motion picture adaptation of the 1960 -- 1966 animated television series of the same name. The film stars John Goodman as Fred Flintstone, Rick Moranis as Barney Rubble, Elizabeth Perkins as Wilma Flintstone, and Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble, along with Kyle MacLachlan as a villainous executive-vice president of Fred's company, Halle Berry as his seductive secretary and Elizabeth Taylor (in her final theatrical film appearance), as Pearl Slaghoople, Wilma's mother. The B-52's (as The BC-52's in the film) performed their version of the cartoon's theme song.
Question: Based on this passage, who plays barney rubble in flintstones the movie?
Let's give stream of consciousness below
| The relevant information is: The film stars John Goodman as Fred Flintstone, Rick Moranis as Barney Rubble, Elizabeth Perkins as Wilma Flintstone, and Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble, along with Kyle MacLachlan as a villainous executive-vice president of Fred's company, Halle Berry as his seductive secretary and Elizabeth Taylor (in her final theatrical film appearance), as Pearl Slaghoople, Wilma's mother. So the answer is Rick Moranis. |
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Input: Consider Input: Was it the ultimate adventure or an audacious act of disrespect that should be punished by law? An Internet sensation was touched off this week by Russian photographer Vadim Makhorov and a group of his friends -- the group ignored regulations prohibiting the public from climbing on the Pyramids at Giza, Egypt, and came away with spectacular photos. The images from Makhorov and another photographer, Vitaliy Raskalov, were taken on top of the Pyramids from positions that avoided detection by guards. The photos have incited reactions ranging from envy and awe to indignation and concern for the preservation of the ancient wonders.Russian photographer caused sensation with pictures from top of the PyramidVadim Makhorov explains how and why he did itMakhorov: "I would like to apologize for this ascension."
Question:In an email to CNN, Makhorov now explains his reasons for flouting the regulations, and issues an apology to _ and the world.
Output: Egypt
Input: Consider Input: (CNN) Khuram Shahzad Butt, a 27-year-old British national born in Pakistan who died in a hail of police bullets Saturday night after the London attack, was a tall, lanky, straggly bearded young man of few words -- a brainwashed follower of al-Muhajiroun, a loose grouping of British extremists supportive of ISIS linked to a large number of terrorist plots involving UK nationals. The latest on London attack CNN's Sandi Sidhu met him several times while reporting on the group in the United Kingdom between 2014 and 2016. He went by the name "Abz" or "Abu Zaitun" and seldom spoke during meetings. He was content to leave the task of proselytizing to louder, older members of the group, according to Sidhu.London attacker Khuram Shahzad Butt appeared in a 2016 Channel 4 documentary called "The Jihadis Next Door"At the time of the attack, Butt worked as a receptionist at a fitness center in Ilford, a friend from the gym said
Question:The identification of Butt as one of the attackers raised many questions about what _ authorities knew about him and when.
Output: British
Input: Consider Input: (CNN) -- Ever since Myo's head was smashed into a block of ice he's had trouble hearing. The Burmese man, whose name has been changed for his safety, was on a fishing boat in Thailand last year when it happened. He had left Myanmar, also known as Burma, thinking he was going to work in a factory processing pineapple. But when he arrived in Thailand, he says, his recruiters sold him to a boat captain for the equivalent of around $430. After being held on the vessel for 10 months, working against his will and suffering regular beatings, he finally managed to escape.U.S. says Thailand isn't doing enough to fight human traffickingThailand could face sanctions as a result of State Department's annual reportThailand's ambassador to the U.S. says "significant efforts" have been made to tackle problemCountries need to show "results" not only promises, State Department says
Question:_'s story features in the United States' latest report on countries efforts to fight modern slavery around the world.
| Output: Myo
Weltenbrand is a darkwave band from Liechtenstein formed in 1995 by Oliver Falk. Ritchie Wenaweser and Simone Steiner joined for vocals. In the same year, the band secured a record deal with Witchhunt Records and subsequently released their first album, "Das Rabenland". a romantically inclined darkwave album that immediately found acceptance within the genre.
Hypothesis: Weltenbrand is a darkwave band from Liechtenstein formed in 1905 OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Jon Moulton (born 15 October 1950) is a British venture capitalist. He is the founder and managing partner of the private equity firm Better Capital, and is the former managing partner of the private equity firm Alchemy Partners. Moulton is best known for leading Alchemy Partners' bid to buy MG Rover from BMW in 2000, which ultimately lost out to a rival offer from the Phoenix Consortium.
Hypothesis: Better Capital was established in nineteen hundred eighty seven. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
It's impossible to say
The Pikes Peak Center for the Performing Arts (known commonly as Pikes Peak Center) is a concert auditorium in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It serves as an entertainment, cultural, educational, and assembly center for the citizens of El Paso County, the Pikes Peak region, and the surrounding area.
Hypothesis: The Pikes Peak Center is in a state that has an even number of letters. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
| Yes |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage.
Q: passage: On the grounds of the speedway is the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum, which opened in 1956, and houses the Auto Racing Hall of Fame. The museum moved into its current building located in the infield in 1976. Also on the grounds is the Brickyard Crossing Golf Resort, which originally opened as the Speedway Golf Course in 1929. The golf course has 14 holes outside the track, along the backstretch, and four holes in the infield. The speedway also served as the venue for the opening ceremonies for the 1987 Pan American Games.
question: is there a golf course at the indy 500?
A: | Yes |
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Example: This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site.
Example solution: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram
Example explanation: The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example.
Problem: During the Age of Discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal and Spain pioneered European exploration of the globe, and in the process established large overseas empires. Envious of the great wealth these empires generated, England, France, and the Netherlands began to establish colonies and trade networks of their own in the Americas and Asia. A series of wars in the 17th and 18th centuries with the Netherlands and France left England and then, following union between England and Scotland in 1707, Great Britain, the dominant colonial power in North America. It then became the dominant power in the Indian subcontinent after the East India Company's conquest of Mughal Bengal at the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
| Solution: what was the status of england as it began colonization |
IN: World Cup Football Quiz
OUT: world cup football quiz
IN: 1 year ago 08:00 JizzBunker nurse, Japanese, cumshot
OUT: 1 year ago 08:00 jizzbunker nurse, japanese, cumshot
IN: Additional types of files may also be using the TBX file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats using the TBX file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly.
OUT: additional types of files may also be using the tbx file extension. if you are aware of any other file formats using the tbx file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly.
IN: The universe would be an unremitting "nothing".
OUT: | the universe would be an unremitting "nothing". |
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer.
One example: where did france surrender ww2?
Solution is here: Mediterranean Sea
Explanation: This is a good example and the output correctly answers the question.
Now, solve this: when did kerry run for president?
Solution: | John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004 |
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False.
Let me give you an example: Property tax -- Property tax or 'house tax' is a local tax on buildings, along with appurtenant land. It is and imposed on the Possessor (not the custodian of property as per 1978, 44th amendment of constitution). It resembles the US-type wealth tax and differs from the excise-type UK rate. The tax power is vested in the states and is delegated to local bodies, specifying the valuation method, rate band, and collection procedures. The tax base is the annual rental value (ARV) or area-based rating. Owner-occupied and other properties not producing rent are assessed on cost and then converted into ARV by applying a percentage of cost, usually four percent. Vacant land is generally exempt. Central government properties are exempt. Instead a 'service charge' is permissible under executive order. Properties of foreign missions also enjoy tax exemption without requiring reciprocity. The tax is usually accompanied by service taxes, e.g., water tax, drainage tax, conservancy (sanitation) tax, lighting tax, all using the same tax base. The rate structure is flat on rural (panchayat) properties, but in the urban (municipal) areas it is mildly progressive with about 80% of assessments falling in the first two brackets.
The answer to this example can be: is house tax and property tax are same
Here is why: The question generated asks whether the house tax and property tax are the same and can be answered by reading the passage. Additionally, it has a binary answer and hence the generated question is correct.
OK. solve this:
Vince Carter -- On June 25, 2009, Carter was traded, along with Ryan Anderson, to the Orlando Magic in exchange for Rafer Alston, Tony Battie and Courtney Lee. Orlando hoped Carter would provide center Dwight Howard with a perimeter scorer who can create his own shot--something the Magic lacked in losing the NBA Finals to the Los Angeles Lakers. On February 8, 2010, he had a season-high 48 points, 34 in the second half, when the Magic rallied from a 17-point deficit to defeat the New Orleans Hornets 123--117. Carter helped the Magic reach the Eastern Conference Finals, where they were defeated 4--2 by the Boston Celtics. It marked his first and so far only Conference Finals series.
Answer: | has vince carter ever been to the finals |
Eugene Gearty is an American sound engineer. He was nominated for an Academy Award in the category Best Sound for the film "Gangs of New York". He has worked on over 80 films since 1983. At the 84th Academy Awards, Gearty won an Oscar for Best Sound Editing for his work on Martin Scorsese's "Hugo". He also won Emmy Award for Boardwalk Empire.
Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Eugene Gearty has been working since the 80s"?
Select from the following.
-- Yes
-- It's impossible to say
-- No
I think the answer is | Yes |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Example: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini.
Output: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini.
The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels".
New input case for you: Proto-Indo-European language ( PIE ) is the ancestor of the Indo-European languages .
Output: | Proto-Indo-European ( PIE ) is the linguistic reconstruction of the ancient common ancestor of the Indo-European languages , the most widely spoken language family in the world . |
Right after the Pentagon was hit, NEADS learned of another possible hijacked aircraft. It was an aircraft that in fact had not been hijacked at all. After the second World Trade Center crash, Boston Center managers recognized that both aircraft were transcontinental 767 jetliners that had departed Logan Airport. Remembering the "we have some planes" remark, Boston Center guessed that Delta 1989 might also be hijacked. Boston Center called NEADS at 9:41 and identified Delta 1989, a 767 jet that had left Logan Airport for Las Vegas, as a possible hijack. NEADS warned the FAA's Cleveland Center to watch Delta 1989. The Command Center and FAA headquarters watched it too. During the course of the morning, there were multiple erroneous reports of hijacked aircraft. The report of American 11 heading south was the first; Delta 1989 was the second. NEADS never lost track of Delta 1989, and even ordered fighter aircraft from Ohio and Michigan to intercept it. The flight never turned off its transponder. NEADS soon learned that the aircraft was not hijacked, and tracked Delta 1989 as it reversed course over Toledo, headed east, and landed in Cleveland. But another aircraft was heading toward Washington, an aircraft about which NORAD had heard nothing: United 93. United Airlines Flight 93 FAA Awareness. At 9:27, after having been in the air for 45 minutes, United 93 acknowledged a transmission from the Cleveland Center controller. This was the last normal contact the FAA had with the flight. Less than a minute later, the Cleveland controller and the pilots of aircraft in the vicinity heard "a radio transmission of unintelligible sounds of possible screaming or a struggle from an unknown origin." The controller responded, seconds later: "Somebody call Cleveland?"This was followed by a second radio transmission, with sounds of screaming.
Question: "At what time did the last normal contact between United 93 and the FAA?"
Answer: "Transmission from the New York Center controller"
Is this answer correct? | no |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true. Select from options at the end:
Among Stellafane's most ardent partisans is David H. Levy, co-discoverer with Dr. Eugene Shoemaker of a comet named for the two that broke apart in 1994 as it was drawn toward Jupiter, creating fireworks visible from Earth.
Hypothesis: The Shoemaker-Levy comet was discovered by Shoemaker, his wife, Carolyn, and an astronomer David H. Levy.
Select from: -- yes -- no
The answer is | no |
Problem: In 1987 , Fallahian was appointed Chief Prosecutor by Ruhollah Khomeini of the Special Court for the Clergy , and led the trial of Mehdi Hashemi .
In 1987 Fallahian was appointed by Ruhollah Khomeini as chief prosecutor of the Special Court for the Clergy and led the trial against Mehdi Hashemi .
- no
- yes
A: yes
Problem: He does , and then decides at home that he looks bad .
He does , then at home decides he looks bad .
- no
- yes
A: yes
Problem: Products of this business architecture efforts are used to guide plans , make business decisions and develop their implementations .
Products of this business architecture - efforts are used to develop plans , make business decisions and control their implementations .
- no
- yes
A: | no |
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Ex Input:
Rio Ferdinand believes Louis van Gaal's decision to return Wayne Rooney to his favoured attacking role has led to the Manchester United's upturn in performance levels. Writing in his column in The Sun ahead of the Manchester derby on Sunday, Ferdinand, now at Queens Park Rangers, revealed his belief that Rooney playing as a striker is fundamental to United hitting fifth gear. He praised Van Gaal for moving his captain further up the field after a spell in the centre of the pitch at the start of the year but admitted the return to form and fitness of Ander Herrera, Marouane Fellaini and Michael Carrick has also been important.Rio Ferdinand says Manchester United need Wayne Rooney in attackHe believes Rooney's form has been key to their upturn in performancesFerdinand said United's 2-1 win at Anfield shows they are 'on to something'Manchester United vs Manchester United: The expert view of the derbyCLICK HERE for all the latest Manchester United news
Question:Ferdinand also pointed to the return of midfield player Michael Carrick (left) as a help to _.
Ex Output:
Manchester United
Ex Input:
Could the golfing summer be set up any more perfectly? Is there anyone who now doubts we are in at the start of a rivalry that is going to have us pinned to our seats for the next decade? For the first time in the game’s long history the world No 1 and world No 2 hold all four majors between them and the next stop just happens to be — honestly, who is writing these scripts? — the Home of Golf itself. Who’s your money on? Rory McIlroy, the No 1 with all the talent, or Jordan Spieth, the No 2 infused with Texan grit? It is like Roger Federer against Rafael Nadal from a few years ago, only played out in wide open spaces and with smaller balls.Jordan Spieth won the US Open to claim his second major of 2015American and Rory McIlroy currently hold all four majors between themThe pair are set for a showdown at The Open in next major at St Andrews
Question:It is hard to imagine anything energising 26-year-old McIlroy more than a 21-year-old invading his territory but in _ he has clearly got the worthiest of adversaries.
Ex Output:
Jordan Spieth
Ex Input:
With Branislav Ivanovic out injured, Jose Mourinho is forced to look for an alternative at right back against Aston Villa. But one name mentioned by the Chelsea boss is a relative unknown: Ola Aina. While Cesar Azpilicueta, Kurt Zouma and Ramires were all touted as options for Saturday's game by Mourinho, it was the name of the academy product who turned 19 last week that drew the most interest for many spectators. Here, Sportsmail takes you through who the young right back is and why Mourinho rates him highly. Now aged 19, Temitayo Olufisayo Olaoluwa Aina has been at Chelsea since he was 11, progressing through the club's youth sides while working his way up the ranks with England, too.Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho says he has four options for a right backFirst-choice Branislav Ivanovic is out after picking up a hamstring injuryCesar Azpilicueta, Kurt Zouma, Ramires or Ola Aina could deputiseAina is a two-time FA Youth Cup winner who impressed Mourinho on tourTony Pulis: Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho's £50,000 fine is 'extraordinary'
Question:A pacey option at right back, _ can also play in the centre of defence, on the left, or in a more advanced position on the right wing.
Ex Output:
| Ola Aina
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Input: Consider Input: What did the supercapacitors improve?, Context: Last but not least the electric double-layer capacitor (now Supercapacitors) were invented. In 1957 H. Becker developed a "Low voltage electrolytic capacitor with porous carbon electrodes". He believed that the energy was stored as a charge in the carbon pores used in his capacitor as in the pores of the etched foils of electrolytic capacitors. Because the double layer mechanism was not known by him at the time, he wrote in the patent: "It is not known exactly what is taking place in the component if it is used for energy storage, but it leads to an extremely high capacity.".
Output: electrolytic capacitor
Input: Consider Input: what is the second to last profession mentioned?, Context: Like the rest of India, Hyderabad has a large informal economy that employs 30% of the labour force.:71 According to a survey published in 2007, it had 40–50,000 street vendors, and their numbers were increasing.:9 Among the street vendors, 84% are male and 16% female,:12 and four fifths are "stationary vendors" operating from a fixed pitch, often with their own stall.:15–16 Most are financed through personal savings; only 8% borrow from moneylenders.:19 Vendor earnings vary from ₹50 (74¢ US) to ₹800 (US$12) per day.:25 Other unorganised economic sectors include dairy, poultry farming, brick manufacturing, casual labour and domestic help. Those involved in the informal economy constitute a major portion of urban poor.:71
Output: casual labour
Input: Consider Input: What exactly do motor systems do to create body movements, such as lifting a cup or walking?, Context: Motor systems are areas of the brain that are directly or indirectly involved in producing body movements, that is, in activating muscles. Except for the muscles that control the eye, which are driven by nuclei in the midbrain, all the voluntary muscles in the body are directly innervated by motor neurons in the spinal cord and hindbrain. Spinal motor neurons are controlled both by neural circuits intrinsic to the spinal cord, and by inputs that descend from the brain. The intrinsic spinal circuits implement many reflex responses, and contain pattern generators for rhythmic movements such as walking or swimming. The descending connections from the brain allow for more sophisticated control.
| Output: activating muscles
Use stream of consciousness to answer the following. Announced in August 2015, the lands are scheduled to open at both locations in 2019, with the Disneyland version opening first. Walt Disney Imagineering executive Scott Trowbridge is supervising the development of the new land at both parks. Disney CEO Bob Iger announced on March 3, 2016, at the Disney shareholders meeting, that construction on both versions of the land would begin in April 2016.
Answer this question based on the passage: when does star wars land disney world open? | To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: Announced in August 2015, the lands are scheduled to open at both locations in 2019, with the Disneyland version opening first. Final answer: 2019. |
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context?
Kenichi Hagiwara (萩原健一; "Hagiwara Ken'ichi", born 26 July 1950 in Omiya, Saitama, Japan), also known as Sho-Ken, was the lead singer of The Tempters , the "bad boys" of the Group Sounds Japan pop scene in the mid and late 1960s. A teen idol with a legion of loyal fans, Hagiwara was known for his good looks and arrogance, which appealed to both young male and female Japanese fans.
Hypothesis: Kenichi Hagiwara was the lead singer of kpop band The Tempers and bad boys | No |
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information.
Let me give you an example: Roman Yakub won first price in a Choral Composition Competition at a liberal arts college founded by who?
The answer to this example can be: William Egbert
Here is why: This is a good example, and output correctly answers the question.
OK. solve this:
Gentleman's Intermission included a cameo appearance by the photojournalist who has specialized in reportage on what two topics?
Answer: | human suffering in war zones and natural disasters |
BC<br>Our two year old granddaughter came to Boston last weekend. Her mother and father went to visit Boston College. They went to school there in 2003-2007. They bought her a BC t-shirt. She looked cute in it.
Our two year old granddaughter came to Boston last weekend and wore a school shirt.
A: Yes
Linda Johnson, who lives with her husband, Charles, and two cats in a rented one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco's Mission District, said Katrina has made her realize she needs to gather together, in one accessible place, her scattered disaster supplies.
Charles does not have a spare bedroom.
A: Yes
Raymond Curtis "Curt" Brinkman (November 21, 1953-September 8, 2010) was the winner of the 1980 Boston Marathon in the men's wheelchair division. He was the first participant in the wheelchair division to come in faster than the fastest runner, coming in seventeen minutes faster than the traditional winner, setting a (then) world record of 1:55:00. He also won several Paralympic medals.
Raymond Curtis "Curt" Brinkman contains a r
A: | Yes |
What most naturally follows?
How to whiten teeth with natural methods
Purchase baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
Both items can be found at local pharmacies and supermarkets.
Make sure that the peroxide you buy is a 3% solution. | Anything stronger is not safe for use in your mouth. Read the label to confirm that the peroxide concentration is safe for use in the mouth. |
Question with options: can we draw the following hypothesis from the context?
The Norwegian Nobel Committee is responsible for the selection of the candidates and the choice of Prize Winners for the Peace Prize. The Committee is composed of five members appointed by the Storting (Norwegian parliament). The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway and not in Stockholm, Sweden like the other Nobel Prizes.
Hypothesis: Nobel Peace Prize candidates have been chosen.
Pick from: - yes. - no.
A: | no |
Detailed Instructions: A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer.
Problem:what to see in downtown asheville nc?
Solution: | Asheville Art Museum |
In 1989 Roxus supported international bands , Poison and Bon Jovi , on their respective Australian tours .
Roxus supported the respective Australian bands Poison and Bon Jovi in their international tours in 1989 .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Caspar David Friedrich was born on 5 September 1774 in Greifswald , Pomerania , Sweden , on the Baltic coast of Germany .
Caspar David Friedrich was born on 5 September 1774 , in Greifswald , Swedish Pomerania , on the Baltic coast of Germany .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Pat takes Roy on a tour of Paris and they visit the below landmarks .
Pat takes Roy on a tour of Paris and they visit the landmarks below .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Wesley Enoch , the eldest son of Doug and Lyn Enoch from Brisbane , grew up in Stradbroke Island and is the brother of the Minister of Queensland , Leeanne Enoch .
The eldest son of Doug and Lyn Enoch from Stradbroke Island , Wesley Enoch grew up in Brisbane . He is the brother of Queensland government minister Leeanne Enoch .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
| no |
Question with options: can we draw the following hypothesis from the context?
Mr Fitzgerald revealed he was one of several top officials who told Mr Libby in June 2003 that Valerie Plame, wife of the former ambassador Joseph Wilson, worked for the CIA.
Hypothesis: Joseph Wilson is Valerie Plame's ex-husband.
Available choices:
A). yes;
B). no;
A: | B). |
Jake was walking to the park to play baseball with his friends. He loved being outside on sunny days, and now that school was over for the year, he was playing baseball every day. The more he played, the better he got. Only Frank was better than he was. He liked playing third base, but he often played in the field. He was carrying his favorite mitt that his Grandfather had bought him. His Grandfather had taught him to catch. He loved spending time with him when he was younger, but he had moved last year. Now he only saw his Grandfather in the summer. Jake was really excited to show him his skills when he came to their next game. He could throw really fast now. He was sure his Grandfather would want to sit in the front to watch him. He knew he would jump up and down. Jake happily ran the rest of the way to the park thinking about how much fun he was going to have playing baseball this year.
Question: "What is Jake really skilled at?"
Response: "Throwing"
Pick your answer from: + no + yes
Does the response correctly answer the question?
| yes |
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true (see options at the end):
The Pear Tree ("Derakht-e-Golabi") is a 1998 Iranian drama movie written and directed by Dariush Mehrjui with Homayoun Ershadi and Golshifteh Farahani in the lead. The movie was noted for the exemplary craftsmanship of Dariush Mehrjui on his examination of the Iranian bourgeoisie. This movie is also the debut film of the veteran Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani.
Sentence: The Pear Tree is the debut film of Golshifteh Farahani
Available choices: -Yes. -It's impossible to say. -No. | Yes |
1. Alessandra Schiavone ( born July 19 , 1984 in Assunta De Rossi ) is a Philippine actress and the younger sister of Alessandra De Rossi .
2. Alessandra De Rossi ( born Alessandra Schiavone ; 19 July 1984 ) is a Filipina actress , and the younger sister of actress Assunta De Rossi .
1. Founded in 1959 by Sérgio Britto , it has presented actors such as Fernanda Montenegro , Gianni Ratto , Italo Rossi , Tommy Wiseau and Fernando Torres .
2. Founded by Gianni Ratto in 1959 , it has presented actors such as Fernanda Montenegro , Sérgio Britto , Italo Rossi , Tommy Wiseau and Fernando Torres .
1. He spent several more years in New York City as a computer consultant and software engineer , then moved to Atlanta in 1998 .
2. He spent several years in New York City as a computer consultant and software engineer and moved to Atlanta in 1998 .
| yes |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Q: What type of governmental body is a parliament?, Context: Another body established under the Good Friday Agreement, the British–Irish Council, is made up of all of the states and territories of the British Isles. The British–Irish Parliamentary Assembly (Irish: Tionól Pharlaiminteach na Breataine agus na hÉireann) predates the British–Irish Council and was established in 1990. Originally it comprised 25 members of the Oireachtas, the Irish parliament, and 25 members of the parliament of the United Kingdom, with the purpose of building mutual understanding between members of both legislatures. Since then the role and scope of the body has been expanded to include representatives from the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales, the Northern Ireland Assembly, the States of Jersey, the States of Guernsey and the High Court of Tynwald (Isle of Man).
A: | legislatures |
Chapter 13. NAT'S NEW YEAR
'I don't expect to hear from Emil yet, and Nat writes regularly, but where is Dan? Only two or three postals since he went. Such an energetic fellow as he is could buy up all the farms in Kansas by this time,' said Mrs Jo one morning when the mail came in and no card or envelope bore Dan's dashing hand.
'He never writes often, you know, but does his work and then comes home. Months and years seem to mean little to him, and he is probably prospecting in the wilderness, forgetful of time,' answered Mr Bhaer, deep in one of Nat's long letters from Leipzig.
'But he promised he would let me know how he got on, and Dan keeps his word if he can. I'm afraid something has happened to him'; and Mrs Jo comforted herself by patting Don's head, as he came at the sound of his master's name to look at her with eyes almost human in their wistful intelligence.
'Don't worry, Mum dear, nothing ever happens to the old fellow. He'll turn up all right, and come stalking in some day with a gold-mine in one pocket and a prairie in the other, as jolly as a grig,' said Ted, who was in no haste to deliver Octoo to her rightful owner.
'Perhaps he has gone to Montana and given up the farm plan. He seemed to like Indians best, I thought'; and Rob went to help his mother with her pile of letters and his cheerful suggestions.
1. Where was Nat?
2. What had he promised?
3. Who did?
4. Who touched someone on the head?
5. What did she do?
6. Did he look stupid?
7. Who were they wondering about?
8. Does he keep in contact?
9. Is he lazy?
10. Who was comforting his mother?
11. What did he speculate?
12. Did Rob help his mother?
13. With What?
14. Where did Mr. Bhaer think he was?
15. How many letters had been delivered from him since he left?
16. Is time of importance to him?
17. What did he like best?
18. According to whom?
19. Did he share that with anyone?
20. What did he do?
21. Who did she not think a note would be arriving from? | 1. Leipzig.
2. He didn't.
3. Dan
4. Mrs Jo
5. Pat Don on the head.
6. No
7. Dan
8. not often
9. No
10. Ted
11. That he had gone to montana.
12. Yes.
13. Her pile of letters
14. Prospecting in the wilderness
15. Only two or three.
16. No
17. indians it seemed
18. Rob
19. No
20. Thought it
21. Emil |
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Calendula ( ), is a genus of about 15–20 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants in the daisy family Asteraceae that are often known as marigolds. They are native to southwestern Asia, western Europe, Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean. Other plants are also known as marigolds, such as corn marigold, desert marigold, marsh marigold, and plants of the genus "Tagetes".
Sentence: Calendula is full of a few species
Output: It's impossible to say
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Curzon Ashton Ladies Football Club is an English women's football club affiliated with Curzon Ashton F.C.. The club were known as Oldham Curzon Ladies Football Club until June 2005. They play in the North West Women's Regional League Division One South .
Sentence: The Club will go through another name change.
Output: It's impossible to say
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Zafar Mahmud (1923–2016) was a Royal Indian Air Force officer during the second world war, originally stationed in Burma and subsequently stationed in Quetta (in present-day Pakistan) from 1945 to 1947 before the partition of British India. He was sent to England a number of times to train with the Royal Air Force just before and after the war.
Sentence: Mahmud won awards after the war
Output: It's impossible to say
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Joan McAlpine (born 28 January 1962) is a Scottish journalist and Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for the South Scotland region. She has a newspaper column in "The Daily Record" and is author of the blog "Go Lassie Go", which won a Scottish media blog award.
Sentence: Joan McAlpine has written things for the newspaper.
Output: | Yes |
Input: Appended to the last book, however, is a self-contained essay on aesthetics, which Durer worked on between 1512 and 1528, and it is here that we learn of his theories concerning 'ideal beauty'. Durer rejected Alberti's concept of an objective beauty, proposing a relativist notion of beauty based on variety. Nonetheless, Durer still believed that truth was hidden within nature, and that there were rules which ordered beauty, even though he found it difficult to define the criteria for such a code. In 1512/13 his three criteria were function ('Nutz'), naive approval ('Wohlgefallen') and the happy medium ('Mittelmass'). However, unlike Alberti and Leonardo, Durer was most troubled by understanding not just the abstract notions of beauty but also as to how an artist can create beautiful images. Between 1512 and the final draft in 1528, Durer's belief developed from an understanding of human creativity as spontaneous or inspired to a concept of 'selective inward synthesis'. In other words, that an artist builds on a wealth of visual experiences in order to imagine beautiful things. Durer's belief in the abilities of a single artist over inspiration prompted him to assert that "one man may sketch something with his pen on half a sheet of paper in one day, or may cut it into a tiny piece of wood with his little iron, and it turns out to be better and more artistic than another's work at which its author labours with the utmost diligence for a whole year."
Does the response "He believe that believed that truth was hidden within nature, and that there were rules which ordered beauty" correctly answer the question "What was one of Durer's theories concerning 'ideal beauty?'"?
Output: yes
Input: Static electricity is like a teeter-totter. What happens if a teeter-totter is balanced? Correct! It does not move. What about when its not balanced? Yes, it will now begin to move. Charges move when they are not balanced. Charges can build up by friction. Maybe you rub your feet on a wool mat or carpet. Rubber soled shoes readily gain charges. The wool carpet easily gives up charges. The two items become unbalanced. One item has a positive charge. The other has a negative charge. The difference in charge is called static electricity. Just like the teeter-totter, something is going to move. Positive charges build up on the mat. Negative charges build up on you.
Does the response "There is no charge" correctly answer the question "When static electricity is not balanced, what happens to the charges?"?
Output: no
Input: Force is a vector. What then is a vector? Think about how you would give directions to a friend. You would not say, just walk half a mile. The person may walk a half mile in the wrong direction! More information is needed. You may say, follow this particular road for a half mile. You may say, look for the green house on Sumter St. In both examples, you provided a direction. You also gave the distance. In other words, you provided a vector. You did not just give a distance. Both pieces of information are needed to find a location. This is just like describing forces. To explain forces, both size and direction are needed. Notice the girl in Figure 1.1. She is pushing the swing away from herself. Thats the direction of the force. She can give the swing a strong push or a weak push.
Does the response "A conductor" correctly answer the question "What is a vector?"?
Output: no
Input: Density is also an important physical property of matter. The concept of density combines what we know about an objects mass and volume. Density reflects how closely packed the particles of matter are. When particles are packed together more tightly, matter is more dense. Differences in density of matter explain many phenomena. It explains why helium balloons rise. It explains why currents such as the Gulf Stream flow through the oceans. It explains why some things float in or sink. You can see this in action by pouring vegetable oil into water. You can see a colorful demonstration in this video.
Does the response "It is an important physical property of matter that combines what we know about an object's mass and volume. It is how closely packed the particles of matter are" correctly answer the question "What is density?"?
Output: | yes |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
A young mother is desperately trying to raise money for an expensive cancer treatment which could buy her more time with her family. Louisa Steckenreuter, 35, a mother to two young children, Darcy, 13, and Tilda, 2, was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a rare form of cancer last year. Now to have a chance at accessing potentially life-saving treatment the woman from Dulwich Hill, in Sydney's inner-west, needs to raise $100,000. 'What we’re hoping is that it gives me longer to spend time with my kids and watch them grow up. And grow old with husband like we had planned' Louisa Steckenreuter is desperately trying to raise money for an expensive cancer treatment which could buy her more time with her familyLouisa Steckenreuter was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma last JuneThe mother-of-two, 35, is fundraising to access expensive treatmentA drug called Keytruda could buy her more time with her husband and kidsIt costs $6000 a month and is not on the Pharmaceutical Benefits SchemeMs Steckenreuter would be the first Australian with her cancer to trial drug
Question:'Whereas the _ works with your body’s immune system and recognises the fact that the body’s immune system is able to fight the cancer cells if they realise the cells are bad,' Ms Steckenreuter explained.
| Keytruda |
Teacher:In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: An eight-year-old female Star Wars fan forced Disney to change its labelling policy after she complained her Darth Vader costume was marked 'for boys'. Izzy Cornthwaite, from Chorley, Lancashire, was disappointed to find the distinctive outfit she wanted to wear was classed not for girls - so she wrote to the industry giant to complain. Her concerns were so inspiring that the international company changed its policy, and now all outfits sold in the Disney Store are labelled as 'for kids'. Izzy's mum Becky Heyes said: 'All the Star Wars collection was for boys. There was no Princess Leia suit or anything to do with girls.Izzy Cornthwaite was desperate to dress up as the leader of the Dark SideHowever, only Darth Vader costume she could buy was labelled 'for boys'After purchasing outfit and light saber, contacted Disney to complainEntertainment giant has since relabelled all their costumes, with each outfit now sold as gender neutral
Questions:_'s deputy headteacher, Nick Roden said: 'It's amazing that a child so young can manage to get a multi-national corporation to change their policy for the better. (A) Star Wars (B) Disney (C) Darth Vader (D) Izzy Cornthwaite (E) Chorley (F) Lancashire (G) Disney Store (H) Becky Heyes (I) Leia (J) Dark Side (K) Entertainment
Student: | (D) |
1. Highsmith is the father of the current former NFL player Ali Highsmith and the uncle of the former NFL player Alonzo Highsmith .
2. Highsmith is the father of former NFL player Alonzo Highsmith and uncle of current former NFL player Ali Highsmith .
- no
- yes
1. The Italian ice hockey league consists mostly of South Tyrolean teams .
2. The South Tyrolean ice hockey league consists predominantly of Italian teams .
- no
- yes
1. Impressive essays by Dawkins ... , Marilynne Robinson and H. Allen Orr , set out to tell Terry Eagleton how false he is .
2. Impressive essays by Dawkins ... , Marilynne Robinson and H. Allen Orr , set out to tell Terry Eagleton how wrong he is .
- no
- yes
| yes |
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information.
One example is below.
Q: Roman Yakub won first price in a Choral Composition Competition at a liberal arts college founded by who?
A: William Egbert
Rationale: This is a good example, and output correctly answers the question.
Q: The state produced what player Brian Brohm, who was among the top 20 in his position, was drafted by what football team in the 2008 NFL Draft?
A: | Green Bay Packers |
Detailed logic: People close their eyes and try to fall asleep when they go to bed.
falling asleep
Question for this logic: If a person were going to bed, what would be their goal?
- lazy
- insomnia
- rest
- falling asleep
- dreaming of
Logic ==> Washington state is located near the beach of the Pacific ocean.
Question ==> A beaver is taking logs from a Pacific beach, where is it located?
- washington
- ontario
- books
- canada
- in russia
** Parents have a lot of aspiration for their children. In order to full fill their aspiration, you have to achieve something and be successful.
please parents
** He was constantly chasing their love, and it seemed being a success was the only way to what?
- being an upstanding citizen.
- please parents
- take oath
- procreate
- kiss
Detailed logic: Bridge of the nose supports spectacles. Spectacles are used for the eyes. Spectacles are a thing.
Question for this logic: What do you wear on the bridge of your nose?
- scar
- tunnel
- transportation system
- spectacles
- stringed instrument
Logic ==> Hard means done with a great deal of force or strength. A broken air conditioner could always blow air with force.
Question ==> Her air conditioner was broken she explained, no matter how low she set the dial it always blew what?
- house
- texas
- stuck
- hard
- car
Logic ==> A large body of water often appears to be blue.
Question ==> | A large body of water often appears to be what?
- blue
- dangerous
- important
- glass
- park |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Lloyd Newton Morrisett, Jr. (born November 2, 1929) is an American experimental psychologist with a career in education, communications, and philanthropy. He is one of the founders of the Sesame Workshop, the organization famous for the creation of the children's television shows "Sesame Street" which was also co-created by him, "The Electric Company", and many others.
Hypothesis: lloyd newton was born in united states | It's impossible to say |
Problem: Have you are burned something on the stove or in the oven? Do you know why things burn? It all has to do with temperature. Changes in matter are affected by temperature. For example, what if you place a cake in the oven and you leave it in too long? What do you think will happen? Thats right, it will probably burn. The same thing will happen if the oven setting is too high and you apply too much heat. In either case, heat has affected the rate of change in matter. Its probably obvious that when the temperature is increased a chemical change, like cooking, will occur faster. What about a physical change? Are physical changes affected by temperature? Most of us have seen steam rising off a wet road after a summer rainstorm. This happens because the road surface is very warm. The warm road and warm air temperature causes the water to evaporate quickly. The liquid water is turning into water vapor, but it is still water. The evaporation of water is a physical change. So yes, temperature affects the rate that physical change occurs.
Question: "What is causing cakes in the oven to burn and water from the road to evaporate on the hot day?"
Answer: "Heat"
- no
- yes
Answer: yes
The properties of matter depend on the types of atoms that matter is made of. Matter can exist in two forms. It can be a pure substance. This means it is not mixed with anything. It can also be a combination of different substances. This means it can be a mix of different types of atoms. You may recall that atoms differ based on the numbers of protons they contain. Some atoms contain only one proton such as Hydrogen. Other atoms contain many protons. There are many types of atoms. For example, Helium has two protons. An Oxygen atom has eight. Water is composed of a two types of atoms. Water is made of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atoms. There are only so many types of atoms. These atoms can be mixed into an almost limitless amount of substances. So what do we call a substance that has only a single type of atom? After reading the above, is "Can be a mix of different types of atoms" the correct answer to the question "If matter is composed of many different types of substances, it can be made of many different types of what?"? OPTIONS:
- no
- yes
Input: You just got done with a long run. You are gasping for air. Why does your body react this way? What is the purpose of breathing? All the cells of your body need oxygen to work properly. Your bodys circulatory system works with the respiratory system to deliver the oxygen. Your blood carries red blood cells. The main job of red blood cells is to carry oxygen throughout your body. The red blood cells get oxygen in the lungs. The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. The respiratory system is the body system that takes in oxygen. It then releases carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide is the waste material from the cells.
"What waste material do our cells release into the atmosphere?" is "CO2"?
- no
- yes
Output: yes
Input: At 9:48, a representative from the White House shelter asked if there were any indications of another hijacked aircraft. The deputy director for operations mentioned the Delta flight and concluded that "that would be the fourth possible hijack." At 9:49, the commander of NORAD directed all air sovereignty aircraft to battle stations, fully armed. At 9:59, an Air Force lieutenant colonel working in the White House Military Office joined the conference and stated he had just talked to Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. The White House requested (1) the implementation of continuity of government measures, (2) fighter escorts for Air Force One, and (3) a fighter combat air patrol over Washington, D.C. By 10:03, when United 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, there had been no mention of its hijacking and the FAA had not yet been added to the teleconference. The President and the Vice President The President was seated in a classroom when, at 9:05, Andrew Card whispered to him: "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack." The President told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see an excited reaction at a moment of crisis. The press was standing behind the children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring. The President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening. The President remained in the classroom for another five to seven minutes, while the children continued reading. He then returned to a holding room shortly before 9:15, where he was briefed by staff and saw television coverage. He next spoke to Vice President Cheney, Dr. Rice, New York Governor George Pataki, and FBI Director Robert Mueller. He decided to make a brief statement from the school before leaving for the airport. The Secret Service told us they were anxious to move the President to a safer location, but did not think it imperative for him to run out the door. Between 9:15 and 9:30, the staff was busy arranging a return to Washington, while the President consulted his senior advisers about his remarks. No one in the traveling party had any information during this time that other aircraft were hijacked or missing. Staff was in contact with the White House Situation Room, but as far as we could determine, no one with the President was in contact with the Pentagon.
Does the response "2 minutes" correctly answer the question "How long from the time that the president was told a second plane hit the second tower, did it take for air sovereignty aircraft to be directed to battle stations"?
- no
- yes
Output: no
Input: American Airlines Flight 11: FAA Awareness. Although the Boston Center air traffic controller realized at an early stage that there was something wrong with American 11, he did not immediately interpret the plane's failure to respond as a sign that it had been hijacked. At 8:14, when the flight failed to heed his instruction to climb to 35,000 feet, the controller repeatedly tried to raise the flight. He reached out to the pilot on the emergency frequency. Though there was no response, he kept trying to contact the aircraft. At 8:21, American 11 turned off its transponder, immediately degrading the information available about the aircraft. The controller told his supervisor that he thought something was seriously wrong with the plane, although neither suspected a hijacking. The supervisor instructed the controller to follow standard procedures for handling a "no radio" aircraft. The controller checked to see if American Airlines could establish communication with American 11. He became even more concerned as its route changed, moving into another sector's airspace. Controllers immediately began to move aircraft out of its path, and asked other aircraft in the vicinity to look for American 11. At 8:24:38, the following transmission came from American 11: American 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet, and you'll be okay. We are returning to the airport. The controller only heard something unintelligible; he did not hear the specific words "we have some planes." The next transmission came seconds later: American 11: Nobody move. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane.
"What did the supervisor tell the controller to do when the controller told the supervisor something seriously was wrong?" is "Raise the Altitude of the Plane"?
- no
- yes
Output: | no |
1. ABC Books has released seven paperback novels , each based on a specific episode and from the perspective of a single character .
2. ABC Books has released seven popular book novels , each based on a single episode , and from the perspective of a particular character .
- no
- yes
1. For `` Archives to Eighties '' Bobby Haynes recorded new bass and drums tracks played by Mayall and Joe Yuele .
2. Bobby Haynes adopted new bass and drums tracks for `` Archives to Eighties - tracks played by Mayall and Joe Yuele .
- no
- yes
1. North Durham County Prison Camp , also known as Durham County Tuberculosis Sanatorium , is a historic prison Ad Sanatorium in Durham , Durham County , North Carolina away .
2. North Durham County Prison Camp , also known as Durham County Tuberculosis Sanatorium , is a historic prison ad sanatorium located at Durham , Durham County , North Carolina .
- no
- yes
| yes |
Q: Newington's population will decrease by 2020.
Newington is a census-designated place (CDP) in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. The population was 12,943 at the 2010 census. The 2010 census showed a significant decrease after half the population was split off to the newly created Newington Forest CDP.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Cataloochee is a valley in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, located in the Southeastern United States. Now a recreational and historic area within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cataloochee was once home to a substantial Appalachian community and Cherokee hunting ground.
The great smokey mountains is in the southeastern United States. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
input hypothesis: In 2010, the SMU Mustangs football team represented Southern Methodist University in the 2010 NCAA Division I FBS football season.
Context: The 2010 SMU Mustangs football team represented Southern Methodist University in the 2010 NCAA Division I FBS football season. The Mustangs, led by third-year head coach June Jones, were members of Conference USA in the West Division and played their home games at Gerald J. Ford Stadium.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
true or false: Yes
Alif Allah (Jugni) (Punjabi: ), also known as Alif Allah Chambe Di Booti (Punjabi: ) is a popular Punjabi sufi song that was composed and sung by Arif Lohar and Meesha Shafi in Coke Studio Pakistan. The lyrics of the song were based on the works of 17th century Sufi poet Sultan Bahu.
Hypothesis: Sultan Bahu is the author of the popular Punjabi sufi song Alif Allah OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
The UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science (informally the Jill Dando Institute or the JDI) is an institute of crime science located in London, United Kingdom and a part of University College London (UCL). It was founded in 2001, becoming the first university institute in the world devoted specifically to crime science.
Sentence: The UCL Jill Dando Institute of fun and Crime Science (informally the Jill Dando Institute or the JDI) is an institute of crime science located in London, United Kingdom and a part of University College London (UCL)
Output: No
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Very Rev James MacGregor DD FRSE (1832-1910) Scottish minister and philanthropist. He was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1891. In 1886 he was made Chaplain in Ordinary to Queen Victoria, in 1901 Chaplain to King Edward VII, and in 1910 to King George V, serving three monarchs in all.
Sentence: Rev James MacGregor served as Chaplain in Ordinary to three different monarchs.
Output: | Yes |
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Input: Carly Simon was a fresh-faced 20-year-old crossing the Atlantic when she and her sister Lucy spotted Sean Connery on the SS United States bound from Southampton for New York. It was 1965 and she was on the cusp of her singing career, crooning with Lucy in a glamorous double act called the Simon Sisters. Connery, with four James Bond films under his belt, was a major star. And yet, within 15 minutes of the girls’ sending him a cheeky fan note, asking if he fancied coming to their tiny cabin for a ‘cup of tea or pre-prandial cocktail’, 007 had rung them from the liner’s presidential suite.Carly Simon's lovers include some of Hollywood’s most infamous studsWarren Beatty, Jack Nicholson, Kris Kristofferson and singer Mick JaggerShe now confirms at least one of You’re So Vain's verses was about BeattyBoys In The Trees: A Memoir by Carly Simon is published on December 3
Question:No wonder there has long been a guessing game over exactly who she was referring to in the lyrics of her famous ode to male arrogance, _.
Output: | You’re So Vain |
The development of agriculture by early humans, roughly 10,000 years ago, was also harmful to many natural ecosystems as they were systematically destroyed and replaced with artificial versions.
Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text?
Humans existed 10,000 years ago. | yes |
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage.
Example: passage: Franchising is a way for small business owners to benefit from the economies of scale of the big corporation (franchiser). McDonald's and Subway are examples of a franchise. The small business owner can leverage a strong brand name and purchasing power of the larger company while keeping their own investment affordable. However, some franchisees conclude that they suffer the "worst of both worlds" feeling they are too restricted by corporate mandates and lack true independence. It is an assumption that small business are just franchisees, but the truth is many franchisers are also small businesses, Although considered to be a successful way of doing business, literature has proved that there is a high failure rate in franchising as well, especially in UK, where research indicates that out of 1658 franchising companies operating in 1984, only 601 remained in 1998, a mere 36%.
question: can a franchise be considered a small business?
Example solution: Yes
Example explanation: Based on the passage, a franchise can be considered a small business.
Problem: passage: Disney released the film through its Touchstone Pictures division on June 22, 1988, to critical and commercial success, becoming a blockbuster. The film brought a renewed interest in the Golden Age of American animation, spearheading modern American animation and the Disney Renaissance.
question: who framed roger rabbit is it a disney movie?
| Solution: Yes |
This list contains the top 50 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of November 2017, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 227 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 129 million followers. Seven accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site.
Answer this question based on the passage: who has the largest number of followers on instagram? Let's have some stream of consciousness first. | To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: As of November 2017, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 227 million followers. So, the answer is Instagram 's own account. |
How to cure astigmatism<br>Speak to your optometrist about getting eyeglasses. Eyeglasses are a good option for correcting astigmatism. They help to correct the irregular curve of your cornea and allow your retina to focus properly.
Anyone can cure astigmatism
A: No
State Farm Insurance agent Tisha Fast will be sponsoring a Business Day at the Camp Clay Aqua Park this summer. Local businesses purchase the day for the Van Wert Community; access includes swimming, a floating playground, zipline, paddleboats, a half-acre beach, and the 3,600-square-foot splash pad. New features include water cannons at the splash pad and a log roll to accompany the zipline and aqua toys. To learn more, visit the YMCA website at Shown are Fast and YMCA Camp Clay Director Kevin Morrison. (YMCA photo)
Tisha Fast was once Tisha Slow
A: It's impossible to say
I think credibility is going to be very important in the future in the Middle East. I want everybody to know should I be the president Israel's going to be our friend. I'm going to stand by Israel. Secondly, that I think it's important to reach out to moderate Arab nations, like Jordan and Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
The narrator does not think it is important to reach out to Egypt
A: | No |
[Q]: The 2017 Youngstown State Penguins football team represent Youngstown State University in the 2017 NCAA Division I FCS football season. They are led by third year head coach Bo Pelini and play their home games at Stambaugh Stadium. They are a member of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. bo pelini is the principal of the The Youngstown State university
[A]: No
[Q]: Digging in the badlands of east central Utah on a tip from a repentant poacher, researchers have unearthed the fossil remains of a dinosaur "missing link". The dinosaur was in very good condition
[A]: It's impossible to say
[Q]: Ahsan loses Finnish Open final KARACHI: Pakistan’ Ahsan Ayaz lost in the final of the $5,500 Finnish Open at Sport Forum, Mikkeli, Finland, on Monday. Top seed Ahsan, ranked 104th, was stunned by third seed Miko Äijänen of Finland 2-11, 11-8, 11-6, 11-9 in 52 minutes. Aijanen was nervous in the first game and lost it, but he came back in the second game and in the third game Ahsan lost the control. In the fourth game Ahsan showed good skills but eventually lost. ashan received a million dollar prize for second place
[A]: It's impossible to say
[Q]: However many days that young girl in Florida stood in her classroom, however long, even if it was only one day, doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of overcrowded classrooms in America and we need to do something about that. There are seniors who pay more for their prescriptions than a lot of other people, more than their pets, sometimes. That senior girl in Florida stood in her classroom, however long, even if it was only one day, doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of overcrowded classrooms in America
[A]: | No |
In the 1970s, she was one of the most popular female vocalists in France, and became well-known internationally. Anne Marie David, from Arles in the south of France, parlayed her initial success from playing Mary Magdalene in the French production of Jesus Christ Superstar into taking home the "grand prix" at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1973. Her winning song, "Tu te reconnaîtras" (You will recognize yourself), became a Europe-wide hit that spring.
Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Anne Marie David won the Eurovision Song Contest."? | yes |
A man is seen standing on a roof pushing pieces of debris up with a stick. the man
- moves around the roof while looking down and throwing his stick into the air.
- pauses to speak to the camera several times and continues pushing screws all along the roof while looking to the camera at the end.
- continues pushing the debris off the roof while digging deeper and deeper into the mess.
- then drags the pile around with the stick followed by others.
continues pushing the debris off the roof while digging deeper and deeper into the mess.
How to get a reflexology assessment
Arrive for your session at least 15 minutes early so that you will have time to fill out any required paperwork.
Answer all written and verbal questions honestly and thoroughly. The more detailed your response, the more likely it will be that the reflexologist can determine which areas of your body need adjustment and treatment.
- Pay special attention to your back, neck, shoulders, and abdominal muscles. Obtain a picture or multiple images of all of your areas of the body.
- It may also be helpful to bring along a photo of yourself or a printed image that clearly shows your personality. It may make it more comfortable to dress up as a qualified reflexologist for the reflexology exam than it is to dress down and disguise yourself in the audience.
- Be positive about the results you achieve! There's no need to jump to conclusions. Think about your face and body, as well as your personality and characteristics and accept them as valid.
- Be prepared to either sit in a reclining chair or lie down on a treatment table with your shoes and socks removed. Enjoy a warm foot bath if it is offered by your practitioner.
Be prepared to either sit in a reclining chair or lie down on a treatment table with your shoes and socks removed. Enjoy a warm foot bath if it is offered by your practitioner.
How to discourage people from messing with you
Travel in groups.
If you do not want someone to bother you, try traveling in groups. Someone is unlikely to mess with you if that person sees you're surrounded by friends.
- You can get away with it this way. If you feel you are in danger, you'll have a better chance of avoiding this person.
- In general, bigger groups are better. Look for a group of 5 or more people rather than going out in pairs of 2 or 3 only.
- You'll be less likely to bother them if they think you're alone and have no other recourse. It's a good idea to plan group trips to various locations.
- If you need to be outside, the next best thing is to spend time with people. Pick a group that you feel comfortable being around.
In general, bigger groups are better. Look for a group of 5 or more people rather than going out in pairs of 2 or 3 only.
Supplies to wrap a gift is laying on a wooden table. A gift wrapped present is wrapped with a clear plastic and taped in place. red ribbons
- are fastened around the gift wrapping in a circle.
- are tied at each end.
- are on the wrapping paper.
- are taped to the bow.
| are tied at each end. |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Ettore or Edoardo Ettore Forti was an Italian painter, who was prolific in depicting realistic Neo-Pompeian scenes of Ancient Roman life and events. These subjects were popular in the late-Victorian period, as exemplified by the popularity of Lawrence Alma-Tadema, as an example.
Hypothesis: Edoardo Ettore Forti was the most famous Italian painter
It's impossible to say
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Thomas "Tim" Buckley (May 28, 1942 – April 16, 2015) was an American anthropologist and Buddhist monastic best known for his long-term ethnographic research with the Yurok Indians of northern California, his early work in the anthropology of reproduction, and for his major reevaluation of the work of Alfred L. Kroeber.
Hypothesis: Thomas "Tim" Buckley was born in California.
It's impossible to say
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Jimmy Destri (born James Mollica, April 13, 1954, Brooklyn, New York City, United States) is an American musician. He played keyboards in the rock band Blondie, and was one of the principal songwriters for the band along with Chris Stein and Deborah Harry. Destri ceased touring with the band in 2004, but remained an official member for several more years.
Hypothesis: Blondie had three writers, one of them played the keyboard.
| Yes |
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False.
One example: Property tax -- Property tax or 'house tax' is a local tax on buildings, along with appurtenant land. It is and imposed on the Possessor (not the custodian of property as per 1978, 44th amendment of constitution). It resembles the US-type wealth tax and differs from the excise-type UK rate. The tax power is vested in the states and is delegated to local bodies, specifying the valuation method, rate band, and collection procedures. The tax base is the annual rental value (ARV) or area-based rating. Owner-occupied and other properties not producing rent are assessed on cost and then converted into ARV by applying a percentage of cost, usually four percent. Vacant land is generally exempt. Central government properties are exempt. Instead a 'service charge' is permissible under executive order. Properties of foreign missions also enjoy tax exemption without requiring reciprocity. The tax is usually accompanied by service taxes, e.g., water tax, drainage tax, conservancy (sanitation) tax, lighting tax, all using the same tax base. The rate structure is flat on rural (panchayat) properties, but in the urban (municipal) areas it is mildly progressive with about 80% of assessments falling in the first two brackets.
Solution is here: is house tax and property tax are same
Explanation: The question generated asks whether the house tax and property tax are the same and can be answered by reading the passage. Additionally, it has a binary answer and hence the generated question is correct.
Now, solve this: Spider-Man -- Spider-Man is a fictional superhero created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko. He first appeared in the anthology comic book Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962) in the Silver Age of Comic Books. He appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, as well as in a number of movies, television shows, and video game adaptations set in the Marvel Universe. In the stories, Spider-Man is the alias of Peter Parker, an orphan raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben in New York City after his parents Richard and Mary Parker were killed in a plane crash. Lee and Ditko had the character deal with the struggles of adolescence and financial issues, and accompanied him with many supporting characters, such as J. Jonah Jameson, Flash Thompson, Harry Osborn, romantic interests Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson, and foes such as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and Venom. His origin story has him acquiring spider-related abilities after a bite from a radioactive spider; these include clinging to surfaces, shooting spider-webs from wrist-mounted devices, and detecting danger with his ``spider-sense''.
Solution: | does spiderman make his own web in the comics |
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Norman Banks is the founder of an annual Christmas tradition whose largest event is held annual at what stadium?
Student: | Sidney Myer Music Bowl |
What is the most logical next event?
How to remove permanent marker from furniture
Use a solid white toothpaste.
The brand doesn't matter but avoid gel toothpastes or a combination as these don't tend to work as well.
This same process can work with baking soda in place of toothpaste. | Or better yet, use toothpaste that contains baking soda! Squeeze out a generous dollop. Use enough toothpaste to ensure the stained area will be completely covered when the toothpaste is spread around. |
Answer the questions at the end based on the text.
When Ian Macdonald had seen his father's house fairly stranded on the knoll, and had made it fast there with innumerable ropes, thin and thick, as the Lilliputians secured Gulliver, he bethought him that it was high time to visit the Little Mountain, to which his father had gone on at that time, and inform him of the amazing fact.
Before setting off, however, common propriety required that he should look in at Willow Creek in passing, not only to let them know what had occurred, if they had not already observed it, but to ask if there was any message for Mr Ravenshaw.
First releasing Peegwish, who now regarded him as a maniac, he embarked with him in the punt, and rowed over.
It was by that time approaching the afternoon. Before that--indeed before the house of Angus had gone afloat--Tony, Victor, and Petawanaquat had gone off to the Little Mountain in search of Mr Ravenshaw. Those of the family who remained behind had been so busy about their various avocations, that no one had observed the sudden removal of their neighbour's dwelling.
"Cora! quick! come here!" cried Elsie, in a tone that alarmed her sister. "Am I dreaming?"
Cora looked out at the window, where the other stood as if petrified. "Angus Macdonald's house on the knoll!" she screamed.
The scream brought her mother and Miss Trim hurriedly into the room. They stared in speechless amazement, and rubbed their eyes, but they could not rub the house of Angus Macdonald off the knoll.
1. How did Peegwish look at Ian?
2. Where was his dad's house stuck?
3. What time was it when he reached Willow Creek?
4. How did he secure the house?
5. how many had earlier gone to the smaller peak
6. Where had ian's dad gone?
7. Had the neighbours noticed the missing building?
8. what was he aiming to do at his neighbours?
9. and?
10. What was Ian going to do at Willow Creek?
11. Who did Elsie call for?
12. what did Cora do?
13. and?
Numbered answers: | 1. as a maniac
2. on the knoll
3. the afternoon
4. with innumerable ropes
5. one
6. to visit the Little Mountain
7. no
8. To search for Mr Ravenshaw.
9. inform him of the amazing fact.
10. look in at it
11. Cora
12. looked out at the window,
13. she screamed |
Question: iehost.dll blue screen of death (bsod):normally iehost.dll missing or having false antivirus like program:win32/baldeaglescreensaver installed, mistaken operation and iehost.dll modified by virus may lead bsod.
Answer: --> IEHost.dll Blue Screen of Death (BSOD):Normally IEHost.dll missing or having false antivirus like Program:Win32/BaldEagleScreensaver installed, mistaken operation and IEHost.dll modified by virus may lead BSOD.
Question: dress up basma bosil and other famous celebrities on stardoll.
Answer: --> Dress up Basma Bosil and other famous celebrities on Stardoll.
Question: before buying a vacuum cleaner bosch bsgl 52 231 specify all your options, equipment, appearance and warranty from the seller. please note that we are not engaged in the sale and manufacture warranty.
Answer: | --> Before buying a vacuum cleaner Bosch BSGL 52 231 specify all your options, equipment, appearance and warranty from the seller. Please note that we are not engaged in the sale and manufacture warranty. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Problem:Lucy is an eight year old girl who lives with her parents and pet bird. One Saturday afternoon, she sits at the kitchen table. She draws a picture of her family. She makes sure to draw her mom named Martha wearing a purple dress, because that is her favorite. She draws many yellow feathers for her pet bird named Andy. After she is done, she gives the picture to her mom. Her mom hangs it up on the silver refrigerator. The next day, Lucy's mom comes home with a brown dog named Oliver. She tells Lucy that she is pet-sitting, which is like babysitting but with a friend's dog. Lucy's mom tells her she can play with the dog as long as she takes good care of him. Lucy is excited. She pets Oliver nicely on his soft back. He wags his tail. He barks, "Woof!" and shows he wants to play fetch with her. Lucy giggles and throws a ball for him to catch. She wishes her bird could play like this with her every day! <sep>Who is 8 years old and excited?<sep>Martha
Solution: | No |
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true:
ISLAMABAD, Jul 26 (APP):Mutahida Majlis Amal Pakistan (MMAP) candidate Mehmood Ahmad Khan has won election from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa constituency PK-94 Tank by securing 27,651 votes. According to unofficial results announced by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), Awami National Party (ANP) candidate stood second by securing 15,452 votes and Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (PTI) candidate Irfanullah Kundi grabbed third position by getting 14,512 votes. Voter turnout was recorded at 44.18%.
Sentence: This election took place in 2018. | It's impossible to say |
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: It shall be when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberrytrees that then you shall bestir yourself for then is Yahweh gone out before you to strike the host of the Philistines
ANS: It shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry-trees, that then you shall bestir yourself; for then is Yahweh gone out before you to strike the host of the Philistines.
QUES: Which country is responsible for healthcare cover
correct the punctuation.
CORRECTED: Which country is responsible for healthcare cover?
Question: The revolutionary GTW File Analysis Tool scans analyzes and reports back every detail about your GTW file
Answer: The revolutionary GTW File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes, and reports back every detail about your GTW file.
Additional tips included floor carpet with a metal base crevice for soft furnishings ProAnimal Hair Brush
Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
Additional tips included floor / carpet with a metal base. crevice. for soft furnishings. ProAnimal Hair Brush
input: With this feature change the display turn off after time according to your taste and never worry about having to scroll your mouse again and again to reactivate your display
fixed: With this feature, change the display turn off after time according to your taste and never worry about having to scroll your mouse again and again to reactivate your display.
I did have a small mishap though having clipped a pile of tyres on a previous lap I ran over one of them on the next and was instantly flipped skidding and spinning upside down at a high speed and for a great distance along the road until I stopped eventually inches short of the swimming pool
Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
| I did have a small mishap though; having clipped a pile of tyres on a previous lap, I ran over one of them on the next and was instantly flipped, skidding and spinning upside down at a high speed and for a great distance along the road, until I stopped eventually, inches short of the swimming pool. |
Joel broke a hole through Derrick's lattice fence when trying to climb it, so
Joel offered to repair it.
The doctor sent Maria but not Sarah to the pharmacy because
Maria was very sick.
That afternoon, after he fixed the bike handle with the glue, the
| bike handle came loose because it needed a stronger product. |
Q: gear housing, bottom and top in solid cast steel, hardened shafts and piston rods, gripper cassette that can be retrofitted and and central lubrication as option.
A: Gear housing, bottom and top in solid cast steel, hardened shafts and piston rods, gripper cassette that can be retrofitted and and central lubrication as option.
Q: bike bull is the first choice whenever a generous supply of power is needed.
A: Bike Bull is the first choice whenever a generous supply of power is needed.
Q: nationally she became wider known for her performance at the crown prince couple's awards last year and from an appearance in dancing with the stars.
A: Nationally she became wider known for her performance at The Crown Prince Couple's Awards last year and from an appearance in Dancing with the Stars.
Q: despite the bitter antagonism between cantor and kronecker, cantor invited kronecker to address this first meeting as a sign of respect for one of the senior and most eminent figures in german mathematics.
A: | Despite the bitter antagonism between Cantor and Kronecker, Cantor invited Kronecker to address this first meeting as a sign of respect for one of the senior and most eminent figures in German mathematics. |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information.
Input: Which Nobel Prize winner had a daughter who is considered to the be the first woman in electrical noise theory?
Output: | Hendrik Antoon Lorentz |
Q: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
As food is pushed along, it undergoes digestion. Digestion is the process of breaking down food into nutrients. There are two types of digestion: mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion occurs when large chunks are turned into smaller chucks. Perhaps not surprisingly, this happens when you chew your food. Once you swallow the food, your stomach also does some of this work. Chemical digestion occurs when food is broken down into useful nutrients. This is a chemical process that begins as you start to chew your food. The saliva in your mouth starts this process. Once you swallow, the acid in your stomach further breaks down food. From the stomach, the foods moves into the small intestine. In the small intestines, another set of chemicals goes to work. Are you surprised? Your small intestine, and not your stomach, does most of the work! <sep>What is chemical digestion, and where does it occur?<sep>Food is broken down into useful nutrients
A: | Yes |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball
Output: No
Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No".
New input case for you: As for engravings, Durer's work was restricted to portraits and illustrations for his treatise. The portraits include Cardinal-Elector Albert of Mainz; Frederick the Wise, elector of Saxony; the humanist scholar Willibald Pirckheimer; Philipp Melanchthon, and Erasmus of Rotterdam. For those of the Cardinal, Melanchthon, and Durer's final major work, a drawn portrait of the Nuremberg patrician Ulrich Starck, Durer depicted the sitters in profile, perhaps reflecting a more mathematical approach. Despite complaining of his lack of a formal classical education, Durer was greatly interested in intellectual matters and learned much from his boyhood friend Willibald Pirckheimer, whom he no doubt consulted on the content of many of his images. He also derived great satisfaction from his friendships and correspondence with Erasmus and other scholars. Durer succeeded in producing two books during his lifetime. "The Four Books on Measurement" were published at Nuremberg in 1525 and was the first book for adults on mathematics in German, as well as being cited later by Galileo and Kepler. The other, a work on city fortifications, was published in 1527. "The Four Books on Human Proportion" were published posthumously, shortly after his death in 1528. <sep>Who engraved the portrait of Cardinal-Elector Albert of Mainz?<sep>Durer
Output: | Yes |
[Q]: "That's My Pa" is a 1962 single by Sheb Wooley. "That's My Pa" would be Sheb Wooley's first single to hit the country chart and was also his most successful release hitting the number one spot for one week and staying on the charts for seventeen weeks. Sheb Wooley never had another single hit number one on the charts.
[A]: It's impossible to say
[Q]: Day on Fire is an American film which was produced by Lodestar Entertainment and filmed in New York City and Israel in 2006. It is written and directed by Jay Anania, stars Academy Award winner Olympia Dukakis, Carmen Chaplin, Alyssa Sutherland and Martin Donovan and is produced by William Fisch and Larry Rattner. The film was scored by John Medeski with vocals by Judy Kuhn. Day on Fire had a total of two actors for the entire film
[A]: No
[Q]: The Golden Gate (1986) is the first novel by poet and novelist Vikram Seth. The work is a novel in verse composed of 590 Onegin stanzas (sonnets written in iambic tetrameter, with the rhyme scheme following the "ababccddeffegg" pattern of "Eugene Onegin"). It was inspired by Charles Johnston's translation of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin". Vikram Seth released another novel similar to "The Golden Gate" in 1987.
[A]: It's impossible to say
[Q]: Gustave Marie Maurice Mesny (28 March 1886 – 19 January 1945) was a French Army general in command of the 5th North African Infantry Division who was captured during the Second World War. Mesny was unlawfully executed in retribution for the death of German general Fritz von Brodowski. Gustave Marie Maurice Mesny served during WWII.
[A]: | Yes |
1. Atenaide ( RV 702 ) is a 1728 opera by Vivaldi for a revised edition of a libretto by Apostolo Zeno of 1709 for Caldara .
2. Atenaide ( RV 702 ) is a 1728 opera by Vivaldi to a revised edition of a 1709 libretto by Caldara for Apostolo Zeno .
1. Utica is located near two large slate formations , the Marcellus and Steubenville formations .
2. Utica is located near two large shale formations , the Marcellus and Steubenville formations .
1. The national councils had already begun acting more or less as provisional governments of independent countries .
2. The provisional councils had already more or less acted as national governments of independent countries .
| no |
what they do forget is that the one who developed that algorithm is a human, so breaking that algorithm by a human is also possible. windows on its part has given users an array of choices to ensure user integrity.
Please write the text above using proper case. | What they do forget is that the one who developed that algorithm is a human, so breaking that algorithm by a human is also possible. Windows on its part has given users an array of choices to ensure user integrity. |
Please answer the following question: A San Diego boy Kristoffer Von Hassel has the gaming world' s attention after he exposed a security weakness that let him log into his dad's Xbox Live account, without permission. Kristoffer's father, Robert, noticed soon after Christmas that his son was logging into his account and playing games that weren't appropriate for his age. When he asked how, Kristoffer showed him a hack that seems simple but is fairly impressive considering a 5-year- old found it. Kristoffer would go to his dad's account and type in an incorrect password. That would take him to a password verifications screen, where he would simply tap the space bar repeatedly and then press "enter. " "How awesome is that?" asked Davies, who works in online security himself. "just being 5 years old and being able to find a vulnerability I ty and getting attached to that I thought that was pretty cool." He told KGTV that Kristoffer has figured out three or four other "hacks", including getting past the lock on a smartphone by holding down the "home" key for long enough. Davies reported the vulnerability to Microsoft. And Microsoft acted, issuing a fix for it. "We' re always listening to our customers and thank them for bringing issues to our attention," the company said in a written statement. "We take security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it. " The company has even included Kristoffer's name on a list of security researchers who have helped make online Microsoft products safer. For his discovery, or more accurately, for reporting it with his father's help, Kristoffer will receive four games. $50 and a year's subseription to Xbox Live from Microsoft. Why did a San Diego boy attract the gaming world's attention? A) He is a security researcher. B) He designed a new software. C) He is addicted to playing games. D) He got past the lock of a game.
Answer: | D |
He also gained popularity by replacing Adam Rodriguez with `` and Archie Kao on '' .
He gained popularity also by replacing Adam Rodriguez on `` , and Archie Kao on `` .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? | yes |
Question: Conor Grennan was unwilling to be a volunteer . The 29-year-old American was not sure if he had the skills or a strong feeling for it. However, he went to work at an orphanage in Nepal. His first thought was to make people impressed. "I thought that if I volunteered just once. I could retell the story over and over," Grennan said in a Huffington Post article. However, his three-month stay it the orphanage turned into in unusual experience. It was 2004 and Grennan had given up his job to begin a year-long around-the-world trip, His first three months were spent in Nepal. When he arrived in the village, he knew nothing about the children or the local culture. When he opened the gate of the Little Princes Children's Home, he was faced by the excited children. The young American ended up caring for 18 children. He later discovered that they were trafficked children. So he walked through the mountains with great difficulty to find the kids' families, "I started walking with photos of the kids." he told the Reuters reporter. "I would show up in villages and show photographs around. I went with 24 photos, and I found 24 families." At the same time, he put his heart into Nepalese culture. Grennan said, "Volunteering is the single best way to see how the rest of the world lives." He also encouraged others to do what he had done. He believes that volunteering needs only making decisions to show up. Grennan's fight against child-trafficking has changed him. His book, Little Prince, came out last week. 1. how long did Grennan stay at the orphanage?
2. how many children did he end up caring for?
3. what has changed him?
4. what is the name of his book?
5. how old was he when he went to work in Nepal?
6. did he want to volunteer at first?
7. what year was it when he embarked on his round-the-world trip?
8. did he know anything about Nepal when he went?
9. what was the name of the Children's home?
10. what did he learn about the children?
11. what did he try to find?
12. who did he tell this to?
13. how many photos did he take with him?
14. where did they take the photos?
15. how many families did he end up finding? Provide a numbered list of answers.
A numbered of answers: 1. three-months
2. 18
3. fight against child-traffickin
4. Little Prince
5. 29
6. No.
7. 2004
8. No.
9. Little Princes Children's Home
10. they were trafficked children
11. the kids' families
12. Reuters reporter
13. 24
14. villages
15. 24
Question: After killing Osama Bin Laden and dropping his body into the ocean to avoid causing more hatred fro, the Muslims , the American government recently released a video of Osama Bin Laden living in his safe house watching TV , which has been viewed millions of times . The following are comments made by viewers .
A. Yeah , Osama got what he deserved , Iraq got what they deserved , and Afghanistan got what they deserved . Saddam got what he deserved , Hitler got what he deserved . The list goes on & on .
B. I hate saying this but is believe America deserved 9/11 ... They have screwed up so many governments ....
C. I'm American and I and my brother suspected the whole story about dropping him into the ocean . We feel if they really killed him they would keep his body for proof .
D. All you Islamic haters are ignorant fools . The terrorists don't have anything to do with the religion . They say they are part of the Islamic Religion but they are not . Nuking ( kill somebody with nuclear bombs ) Pakistan will do nothing by the way .
E. Please give me the 2 minutes of my life back that I watched your pointless and fake video .
F. Man ? Why is this video fake ? Rather than shouting about how it's obviously not Osama , why not provide the arguments for it instead of coming off as if you simply want to deny it for the sake of denial .
G. What a load of nonsense , an _ to any intelligent person , Bin Laden dead for ages ... watch Benazir Bhutto say so on YouTube a week before she herself was murdered . The Muslims murdered her for being an American spy !
H. I honestly don't know what to believe , but ... why did the terrorists confirm his death if it didn't happen . 1. What happen to Osama Bin Laden after he was killed?
2. Why?
3. Was a video released where he was living?
4. What did it show?
5. HOw many people have watched it?
6. What was one of the comments made?
7. Did they think Iraq got what they deserved?
8. What did someone say about America?
9. Are there any doubters about the body in the ocean story?
10. What was another comment? Provide a numbered list of answers.
A numbered of answers: | 1. his body was dropped into the ocean
2. to avoid causing more hatred
3. yes
4. him living in his safe house watching TV
5. millions
6. Osama got what he deserved
7. yes
8. that America deserved 9/11
9. yes
10. All you Islamic haters are ignorant fools |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire.
Output: Russian Revolution
This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned.
New input case for you: How did the weapons became safer?, Context: Rocket-propelled grenades can be—and often are—used against hovering helicopters (e.g., by Somali militiamen during the Battle of Mogadishu (1993)). Firing an RPG at steep angles poses a danger to the user, because the backblast from firing reflects off the ground. In Somalia, militia members sometimes welded a steel plate in the exhaust end of an RPG's tube to deflect pressure away from the shooter when shooting up at US helicopters. RPGs are used in this role only when more effective weapons are not available.
Output: | deflect pressure away from the shooter |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
If I have shortness of breath and coughing, I have most likely encountered one of many what?, Context: Asthma is characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Sputum may be produced from the lung by coughing but is often hard to bring up. During recovery from an attack, it may appear pus-like due to high levels of white blood cells called eosinophils. Symptoms are usually worse at night and in the early morning or in response to exercise or cold air. Some people with asthma rarely experience symptoms, usually in response to triggers, whereas others may have marked and persistent symptoms.
Output: | triggers |
Explain simply why starting fire is the correct answer to: I'm naked in the snow. I need some method of getting warm. What mightI try?
- jump in a swimming pool
- starting fire
- pleasure
- increase of temperature
- feeling comfortable. Explanation: | Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion. An exothermic chemical process produces heat. Heat makes us get warm. |
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage.
Ex Input:
neurons talk each other through, Context: The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have a brain; diffuse or localised nerve nets are present instead. The brain is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. The brain is the most complex organ in a vertebrate's body. In a typical human, the cerebral cortex (the largest part) is estimated to contain 15–33 billion neurons, each connected by synapses to several thousand other neurons. These neurons communicate with one another by means of long protoplasmic fibers called axons, which carry trains of signal pulses called action potentials to distant parts of the brain or body targeting specific recipient cells.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
What was AFL not?, Context: In October 2008, Tom Benson announced that the New Orleans VooDoo were ceasing operations and folding "based on circumstances currently affecting the league and the team". Shortly thereafter, an article in Sports Business Journal announced that the AFL had a tentative agreement to sell a $100 million stake in the league to Platinum Equity; in exchange, Platinum Equity would create a centralized, single-entity business model that would streamline league and team operations and allow the league to be more profitable. Benson's move to shut down the VooDoo came during the Platinum Equity conference call, leading to speculation that he had folded because of the deal.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Ancient Carthage had what language, which stemed from Phoenician?, Context: This growing coalition expanded the potential enemies that Rome might face, and moved Rome closer to confrontation with major powers. The result was more alliance-seeking, on the part of both the Roman confederacy and city-states seeking membership (and protection) within that confederacy. While there were exceptions to this (such as military rule of Sicily after the First Punic War), it was not until after the Second Punic War that these alliances started to harden into something more like an empire, at least in certain locations. This shift mainly took place in parts of the west, such as the southern Italian towns that sided with Hannibal.
Ex Output:
| Punic
Come out and let us teach you how to skydive today! We are located in Xenia, Ohio and is within a reasonable driving distance of major cities in Ohio. Situated on a private airport, Skydive Greene County offers world-class training. We didn't start skydiving but we are Ohio's oldest skydiving school which opened in 1961! Tandem Skydiving Tandem skydiving is required if this is your first time skydiving. After filling out paperwork and watching a short video, you will be ready to make your skydive. Somewhere around 11,500 feet you will be secured to your tandem instructor. The door will open and you exit the plane. Your freefall with your instructor will last for approximately 40-50 seconds. We can almost guarantee this will be the most exciting minute of your life as you reach the speed of around 120 mph, falling for about two miles back to the earth! Don't forget to have a video taken of your skydive to show all those that didn't think you would jump from an airplane! Static Line Courses Once you have made your tandem skydiving, you can move on to our Static Line Program. The Static Line Jump is the traditional way to learn to skydive. We have classes throughout the year. Every student will be led through the entire day by a licensed instructor. Never does the student feel unattended. Once training is over, students will make their first jump on that very same day! If the weather does not cooperate, you can come back the next day, or we will re-schedule a time to make your skydive. Price $165.00 Tandem skydiving only $175.00 Static Line Course only Invite one of our professional videographers on your skydive: $125.00 DVD with photos Booking To book your tandem skydive or skydiving course, call us at (937) 372-0700. We just ask for a call if you cannot keep your scheduled appointment. And you must be at least 18 years old to make a skydive at SGC. Come to learn with the best and make a skydive today! For further information, please call us at (937) 372-0700 or visit ourwebsite www.! Skydivers doing tandem skydiving will have to _ . A) practise before skydiving B) jump with a professional coach C) have a video taken while skydiving D) show others how to skydive from a plane
Answer: | B |
1948 hamsun finishes "paa gjengrodde stier", which is published the year after.- midsummer day: the supreme court reduces the fine to 325.000 kroner and hamsun stops writing.
Make this proper case | 1948 Hamsun finishes "Paa gjengrodde stier", which is published the year after.- Midsummer Day: The Supreme Court reduces the fine to 325.000 kroner and Hamsun stops writing. |
Input: Tom plays pool in a deserted pool hall , pocketing two balls by lowdown means and then wakes Jerry up by shooting the 10-ball into the pocket where he is sleeping . Jerry awakes just in time to avoid the 10-ball and is carried out to the ball return , where the 10 and the 13 smash the mouse between each other . Jerry is mad and walks up through the pocket , first sees nothing , but after a few steps back to the pocket , he spots Tom perched behind it . Jerry tries to jump into another corner pocket , but Tom aims a cue ball with so much force that it roll's into the pocket , and spins back out of it and it rolls Jerry backwards to Tom , who has made a ramp with his cue stick for the mouse to slide up . Jerry stops at the top of the stick and is then blown down by Tom , who then shoots a stream of balls to make the mouse flat . The whole train rebounds back towards the cat and the balls stack up at Tom's end of the table . Tom shoots all the balls in succession with his cue , and then tries to shoot Jerry , but the mouse hangs onto the cue tip . The cat , as if he were saying `` Have it your way '' , chalks up and shoots the 8-ball using Jerry . The mouse drops off the cue tip and then is upended by the 8-ball rolling in circles , and Tom forces Jerry to jump through the ball rack as if he were a circus performer . Tom then sets it on fire to add an additional level of torment , and when Jerry accomplishes this with poise , Tom discards the flaming rack and shoots the 8-ball across the table and back .
"Why is Jerry mad?" is "Anything else"?
- no
- yes
Output: no
Input: Chinese Influences: The Japanese were forced out of the Korean peninsula in the sixth century, but not before the Koreans had bequeathed to the Yamato court copies of the sacred images and scriptures of Chinese Buddhism. Just as Christianity introduced Mediterranean culture into northern Europe, so Buddhism brought Chinese culture into Japanese society. Throughout the seventh and eighth centuries numerous Japanese monks, scholars, and artists made the perilous trip west across the Sea of Japan to study Chinese religion, history, music, literature, and painting — later to be brought back for further development in Japan. An outstanding figure of this time was Prince Shotoku, who in 604 developed the "Seventeen-Article Constitution," outlining a code of human conduct and the ideals of state as a basic law for the nation. He also established relations with the Sui dynasty in China. Through him, the Japanese imperial court developed Chinese patterns of centralized government, with its formal bureaucracy of eight court ranks. The Chinese calendar was used to calculate the year of Japan's foundation by counting back the 1,260 years of the Chinese cosmological cycle. Thus, 660 b.c. is still the official date celebrated nationwide. At this early stage in its history Japan was already (for the most part) only nominally ruled by the emperor. De facto power was exercised by the militarily and economically strongest family. The Sogas had promoted Buddhism as an imperially sanctioned counterweight to the native Shinto religion, along with the new Chinese customs, to weaken the influence of their more conservative rivals. But they in turn were ousted in a.d. 645 by Nakatomi Kamatari, founder of the great Fujiwara clan, which was to rule Japanese affairs for hundreds of years and provide prominent advisers to the emperor even up to the 19th century.
Does the response "Northern Europe" correctly answer the question "The main country that influenced Japan in the region"?
- no
- yes
Output: no
Problem: Hundreds of thousands of years before China was to become the world's longest-running civilization, the prologue was enacted by means of the flicker of a carefully tended fire. Peking Man, a forebear of Homo sapiens, achieved a mastery of fire. We might call it the first Chinese invention. Not that he devised flint and steel, matches, or any other way of creating fire. Peking Man simply learned how to capture flame, perhaps from a forest fire, and keep it alight. He thus enjoyed two revolutionary luxuries: light and heat. Technologically and sociologically, it was a phenomenal breakthrough: with fire, communities could live year 'round in one cave, in which cooking and even smelting could be pursued. And so, by 600,000 b.c., about 50 km (31 miles) southwest of present-day Beijing, the ancestors of mankind were ready to settle down. Several hundred thousand years later, when Marco Polo reached the capital of China, he was astonished by a further development in fire technology. The Chinese, he announced, used black stones dug out of mountains as fuel. Europeans did not yet have a word for "coal," nor had they discovered a use for it. The First Dynasty The confluence of mythology and history in China took place around 4,000 years ago during what is referred to as the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty. This was still the Stone Age, but the people are thought to have made silk from thread produced by the worms they cultivated on the leaves of their mulberry trees. And written language (which evolved as early as 4,500 to 5,000 years ago) was already in use, originally by oracles and then by official scribes — China's first scholars. During the second of the quasi-legendary dynasties, the Shang (from about the 16th to 11th centuries b.c.), the Chinese developed an interest in art. Careful geometric designs as well as dragon and bird motifs adorned bowls and implements. And with the arrival of the Bronze Age, the Chinese created bronze vessels of such beauty and originality that, until modern times, archaeologists refused to believe they were cast 3,000 years ago. The Shang Dynasty gave rise to the concept of one Chinese nation under one government.
Question: "Who could be called the first Chinese inventor?"
Answer: "Peking man"
- no
- yes
Answer: | yes |
IN: What happens next?
How to write a swalesian introduction
Introduce the topic.
When writing a swalesian introduction, begin by setting up the field you're writing about in a succinct summary. This first sentence (or sentences) holds a lot of weight as it sets up the focus for the article to follow.
- Start the intro just before the body of the article to let readers know that you've explored the topic in advance and'd like to include it directly. Check on subheadings that are still accessible.
- For example, say the topic here is " what ever you read before, check here too. " with the first sentence set to " define a claim, " guide your interlocutor towards understanding what that question or statistic indicates.
- You want the topic to push the reader into reading it as the introductory paragraph opening up the article. This should be a specific topic you want to tell the reader about in an overarching and concrete way.
- Your lead-in should be brief and clear enough for the reader to understand what the article will pertain to. Define your field of study by providing necessary background on your topic.
OUT: Your lead-in should be brief and clear enough for the reader to understand what the article will pertain to. Define your field of study by providing necessary background on your topic.
IN: What happens next?
How to get rid of nausea from anxiety
Eat to prepare for nausea.
If you are going into a situation in which you may become nauseous, prepare your stomach ahead of time. Eat a bland diet, like the brat diet, which consists of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.
- Stay away from spicy foods or the processed processed foods (especially unprocessed ones). Instead, eat something like oatmeal with peanut butter.
- You should also avoid the fasting pitas and other dips. Whole grain bread might be good, although you might want to avoid whole wheat flour, quinoa, or crackers, as it may contain high levels of preservatives and sugar.
- With a bit of prep, you should be able to be prepared for nausea. Eat something with grapefruit and blueberries.
- Avoid certain things like fried foods, spicy foods, or foods with strong aromas. Eat smaller meals to help your stomach digest less food.
OUT: Avoid certain things like fried foods, spicy foods, or foods with strong aromas. Eat smaller meals to help your stomach digest less food.
IN: What happens next?
A group of players run up and down the court. they
- are competing in a game of racquetball.
- are chasing a ball back and forth.
- take turns playing a game of lacrosse.
- run around one another and jump up and down.
OUT: | are chasing a ball back and forth. |
CHAMPAIGN — Several Campustown streets were closed for a few hours near midday Monday as crews worked to contain a gas leak. Champaign Deputy Fire Marshal Randy Smith said the leak happened around 10:50 a.m. at the intersection of John and Locust streets when a construction crew apparently hit a 4-inch gas line. He said one apartment was evacuated as a precaution. John was shut down between Oak and First streets, while Locust was closed between Green and Daniel streets. By 1:15 p.m., the fire department said the leak had been contained and the streets were re-opened.
Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true?
John is often shut down between Oak and First streets, while Locust was closed between Green and Daniel streets. | It's impossible to say |
Q: The upcoming film America's Biggest Serial Killer is about a man who has only been convicted of three murders.
Gosnell: America's Biggest Serial Killer is an upcoming American film about Kermit Gosnell, an abortion doctor who is reported to have killed hundreds of infants born alive during abortion procedures, and convicted of three counts of murder and whom many consider to be a serial killer.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
Q: Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book is a second film adaptation
Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book is a 1994 live-action American adventure film co-written and directed by Stephen Sommers, produced by Edward S. Feldman and Raju Patel, from a story by Ronald Yanover and Mark Geldman. It is the second film adaptation by The Walt Disney Company of the Mowgli stories from "The Jungle Book" and "The Second Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
Q: The Japanese Navy Air Service shot down all planes
The Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service (大日本帝國海軍航空隊 , Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun Kōkū-tai ) was the air arm of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. The organization was responsible for the operation of naval aircraft and the conduct of aerial warfare in the Pacific War.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Q: Cage the Elephant like Jay Joyce.
Thank You Happy Birthday is the second studio album by American rock band Cage the Elephant. It was released on January 11, 2011 to positive critical reception. The album was produced by Jay Joyce, who worked in the same capacity on the band's eponymous debut album.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: | It's impossible to say |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
FREEPORT — The Family YMCA of Northwest Illinois will hold its 2019 Mardi Gras fundraiser at 5 p.m. Feb. 23 at the Grand River Hall, sixth floor, 101 S. Liberty St. The event will include a silent auction, 50/50 raffle, Mr. Ed performing live, the Twisted by Time Escape Room, a masquerade, cash bar, Mardi Gras fare and a dessert auction. Early bird pricing is available through Jan. 23. Cost through Jan. 23: $35, individuals; $60, couples. Cost: After Jan. 23: $38, individuals; $65, couples. For information:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: The Family YMCA has a long term member with the name nappa
It's impossible to say
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Dan was the oldest ; he was my age -- thirteen .<br>He was a lean , freckled fellow with rather long , lank , brown hair and the shapely King nose .<br>We recognized it at once .<br>His mouth was his own , however , for it was like to no mouth on either the King or the Ward side ; and nobody would have been anxious to claim it , for it was an undeniably ugly one -- long and narrow and twisted .
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: Dan was the oldest and had long blonde hair
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Our patriotism emanates from and has its source not only in ourselves and in our relationships with our fellow citizens, but also in the majesty of nature and the physical grandeur and beauty of our great dominion from the misty Grand Banks of Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains, Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands''.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: The country has no awe-inspiring topogtaphy
| No |
Q: Willie Stewart still remembers his first day of kayaking through the grand Canyon. He was getting bounced around in the roughest white water he had ever seen. There was nothing the river threw at him.
There he was in a 40-pound boat, with only a few months of training and one arm. Tied to his left shoulder was a prosthetic limb that he'd had for just about a week. The plan was to paddle for 20 days over 227 miles of the roughest white water in the United States. It was one of the most remarkable adventures that the Grand Canyon had ever seen.
It started with a casual phone call in the spring of 2005. A good friend, Mike Crenshaw, finally got a permit from the National Park Service to lead a private party of 16 boaters down the Colorado River that coming August. He had a slot open for Willie, "Was he interested ?"
"It was the chance of a lifetime," Stewart said. He had been waiting years for this trip to happen. "How could I refuse ?"
But before they set off, Stewart had a couple of things to take care of. He had to get a white-water kayak, learn how to use it, and get an arm.
For most of his life, the _ 45-year-old man has lived with only his right arm. He lost his left arm in a horrible accident when he was 18.Stewart was doing a summer construction job inprefix = st1 /Washington,D.C.The trailing end of rope he was carrying got twisted in an industrial fan. Before he could react, the fan reeled in the rope tight and cut his arm just above the elbow.
He became a bitter young man, angry at the unfairness of what had happened ,and often got into fights. In time, he learned to channel his rage into sports. He joined a rugby team, established a reputation as a fearless player and eventually was elected captain. His days of rage long gone, he found peace and purpose in his life.
Answer the following questions:
1. Who got a permit to lead a party of boaters down the Colorado River?
2. Who had only one arm?
3. How old was he when he lost it?
4. What kind of job was he doing at the time?
5. What got twisted in a fan?
6. Were there 15 boaters in the party going down the Colorado?
7. Where was Stewart kayaking on his first day?
8. How much did the boat weigh?
9. How many days were they supposed to paddle for?
10. Over how many miles?
11. When was the phone call about the trip made?
12. Of what year?
13. Did Stewart have anything tied over his shoulder?
14. What?
15. How long had he had it?
16. How old was he?
17. Was he mad about what happened to him?
18. How did he act out?
19. What positive thing did he learn to do with his anger?
20. What did he join?
A: 1. Mike Crenshaw
2. Willie Stewart
3. 18
4. construction
5. rope
6. No
7. through the grand Canyon
8. 40lbs
9. 20
10. 227
11. In the Spring
12. 2005
13. Yes
14. a prosthetic limb
15. for just about a week
16. 45
17. Yes
18. often got into fights
19. to channel into sports
20. a rugby team
He looked expectantly on the cabin table for a letter upon his return to the ship, but was disappointed, and the only letter yielded by the post next morning came from Captain Barber. It was couched in terms of great resignation, and after bemoaning the unfortunate skipper’s untimely demise in language of great strength, wound up with a little Scripture and asked the mate to act as master and sail the schooner home.
"You’ll act as mate, Ben, to take her back," said the new skipper, thrusting the letter in his pocket.
"Aye, aye, sir," said Ben, with a side glance at Joe, "but I’ll keep for’ard, if you don’t mind."
"As you please," said Fraser, staring.
"And you’re master, I s’pose?" said Joe, turning to Fraser.
Fraser, whose manner had already effected the little change rendered necessary by his promotion from mate to master, nodded curtly, and the crew, after another exchange of looks, resumed their work without a word. Their behaviour all day was docile, not to say lamb-like, and it was not until evening that the new skipper found it necessary to enforce his authority.
The exciting cause of the unpleasantness was Mr. William Green, a slim, furtive-eyed young man, whom Fraser took on in the afternoon to fill the vacancy caused by Ben’s promotion. He had not been on board half an hour before trouble arose from his attempt to introduce the manners of the drawing-room into the forecastle.
"Mr. Will-yum Green," repeated Joe, when the new arrival had introduced himself; "well, you’ll be Bill ’ere."
Answer the following questions:
1. Why was the man upset after returning?
2. Who wrote to him the following day?
3. Who died?
4. What was asked of him in the note?
5. And do what with the vessel?
6. What did the he say to Ben?
7. Who asks Fraser to confirm his promotion?
8. And what is his response to Joe?
9. What is the crew's reaction?
10. Who replaced Ben?
11. When was he hired?
12. How long was he there before the altercation?
A: | 1. about the letter
2. from Captain Barber
3. the skipper
4. to act as master
5. sail home
6. to act as mate
7. Joe
8. he nodded
9. went back to work
10. Mr. William Green
11. in the afternoon
12. half an hour |
Known as a family-oriented seaside resort, Ocean City has prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages within its limits since its founding in 1879, offering miles of guarded beaches, a boardwalk that stretches for 2.5 miles (4.0 km), and a downtown shopping and dining district.
How many miles is ocean city nj boardwalk? Okie... think carefully first, then make a decision: | To answer this question, we should know that: Known as a family-oriented seaside resort, Ocean City has prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages within its limits since its founding in 1879, offering miles of guarded beaches, a boardwalk that stretches for 2.5 miles (4.0 km), and a downtown shopping and dining district. So, the answer is 2.5 miles. |
Part 1. Definition
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer.
Part 2. Example
where did france surrender ww2?
Answer: Mediterranean Sea
Explanation: This is a good example and the output correctly answers the question.
Part 3. Exercise
what airport fly into miami?
Answer: | Miami International Airport |
Shares in state-run lender Canara Bank eased after provisions were sharply higher in Dec. quarter, dealers said. The bank reported a 21 percent fall in quarterly profit to 8.76 billion rupees. Provisions were up at 5.01 billion rupees versus 1.57 billion rupees a year ago. At 1.21 p.m., the stock was down 2.47 percent at 468.10 rupees. (Reporting by Manoj Dharra)
The bank believes profit will start climbing again
A: It's impossible to say
Beijing's hard-line stance on the Dalai Lama has grown considerably tougher in recent years. Ties with Germany nose-dived after Chancellor Angela Merkel met with the Dalai Lama in September 2007, recovering only after Berlin offered a pledge similar to that made by France on Wednesday. Companies alleged to have supported the exiles' activities have been subjected to smear campaigns and boycott calls in China, and an appearance in mainland China by the British rock group Oasis was axed by Beijing last month because guitarist and chief songwriter Noel Gallagher once took part in a free Tibet concert — in 1997.
The Dalai Lama feels Disney is a poor steward of the Star Wars franchise.
A: It's impossible to say
Jean Rhys, CBE ( ; 24 August 1890 – 14 May 1979), born Ella Gwendolyn Rees Williams, was a mid-20th-century novelist who was born and grew up in the Caribbean island of Dominica, though she was mainly resident in England from the age of 16. She is best known for her novel "Wide Sargasso Sea" (1966), written as a prequel to Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre".
Jean Rhys left no will
A: | It's impossible to say |
The toxicological principles which the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has used were in accordance with the principles used in this project in the cases where the assessment of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency was carried out on basis of the effects of a compound and not on basis of odour
Please fix the punctuation. | The toxicological principles, which the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has used, were in accordance with the principles used in this project in the cases, where the assessment of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency was carried out on basis of the effects of a compound and not on basis of odour. |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
If you have a mass of 50 kg on Earth, what is your weight in newtons? An object with more mass is pulled by gravity with greater force. Mass and weight are closely related. However, the weight of an object can change if the force of gravity changes. On Earth, the force of gravity is the same everywhere. So how does the force of gravity change? It doesnt if you stay on Earth. What if we travel to another planet or moon in our solar system? Look at the photo of astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. taken by fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong in the Figure. They were the first humans to walk on the moon. An astronaut weighs less on the moon than he would on Earth. This is because the moons gravity is weaker than Earths. The astronauts mass, on the other hand, did not change. He still contained the same amount of matter on the moon as he did on Earth. If the astronaut weighed 175 pounds on Earth, he would have weighed only 29 pounds on the moon. If his mass on Earth was 80 kg, what would his mass have been on the moon? [Figure 3] <sep>How does gravity change?<sep>It's the same no matter where you are
| No |
IN: What happens next?
A game of beer pong is being played outside at night, the camera is sideways. The camera is righted as the game continues. the video
OUT: ends with the one team getting two consecutive balls in cups.
IN: What happens next?
How to be civil when talking about politics
Avoid wanting to change their mind.
Don't go into a discussion with the goal of changing someone's mind or proving how bad their ideas are. Trying to change someone's beliefs is often at best futile and at worst annoying or upsetting.
OUT: If you're tempted to talk about politics with someone, check your intentions. If you want to prove something or tell them how dumb you think they are, you might want to sit this one out.
IN: What happens next?
They bend their elbows and close their fists as they show some karate chops while jumping up high in the air. The they step back as the crowd applauds for them. then one of the masters
OUT: | holds a wooden board suspended on a string while the other master concentrates and punches into the board to split it into two. |
IN: What happens next?
How to write a letter to a friend
Choose your stationery.
If you know that your friend loves colors and designs, consider using a stationery that matches their tastes. If you think your friend won't care either way, you can simply write your letter on some lined paper.
- Print the letter out so that the recipient can read it. Use a colored pen to write the letter on a sheet of paper that is 8.5 by 11 inch by 11 inch.
- A lot of craft stores, department stores, and dollar stores carry different types of stationery. You can even find sets with matching envelopes.
- It's also a good idea to choose a stationery color that you like, especially if you want your friend to like the color. Draw a picture or image on a piece of tissue paper first.
- Consider putting white caps on your letters. This can help differentiate the letters from one another.
OUT: A lot of craft stores, department stores, and dollar stores carry different types of stationery. You can even find sets with matching envelopes.
Problem: How does the next paragraph end?
How to detect water leaks in walls
Look for standing puddles of water near a wall.
This is the simplest way to tell that you have a water leak in your walls. You can be sure that water is leaking in a wall if you see conspicuously wet carpet or notice that the floor is always wet in a certain area of your home.
- You're most likely to see wet flooring near major appliances that use water (washing machine, dishwasher) or in the bathroom near the sink, toilet, or shower. Look for discoloration on a wall.
- Water from a puddle near your residence or other public area may not be safe for rainwater to enter, and in any confined area can be dangerous. Check up on leaks periodically to see how these things are affected.
- Your dry carpeting can usually tell you if you have a water leak here because it's not visible. If it only leaks into one area and there's not water and it isn't leaking through the wall, it will be visible.
- If your home is cluttered during the day, check your bathroom's plumbing and your insulation. This will tell you if water is leaking in these areas.
A: You're most likely to see wet flooring near major appliances that use water (washing machine, dishwasher) or in the bathroom near the sink, toilet, or shower. Look for discoloration on a wall.
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph:
A magazine about saxophones is shown just before a pair of hands are shown playing a saxophone. multiple screens
- appear with features to replace the ones shown on the tv screen.
- show the two hands playing as they play one more tune on the saxophone.
- begin to appear, showing the hands playing various notes on the screen.
- flash and a keyboard appears with the word " connect " and an arrow going down.
OUT: begin to appear, showing the hands playing various notes on the screen.
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following:
A woman is seen sitting on a table with another woman beside her speaking and instructing her where to put her body. the speaking woman
- grabs a tube and puts the naked girl's right leg on top of the left as well as a bottle of oil and split ends of a toothbrush.
- points all over the body of the woman on the table and places her body in certain movements to exercise the body.
- showing off her foot nails while the woman lays back speaking and gesturing to her nails.
- shows off her back and hips while showing off and more shots of her moving on the table appear.
points all over the body of the woman on the table and places her body in certain movements to exercise the body.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
How to memorize the perfect squares in math
Get a stack of index cards.
You will need one for as many perfect squares you want to memorize. Start simple with 10 cards, then add another 10 as your memory improves.
- Make sure that the drawing cards you use are clearly marked. For example, you might have the joker, jack, and queen.
- Note that you will also need 8 cards for each square. Which edge does the edge of a square come from? Think of in terms of how a standard square looks.
- You don't need to get the whole stack you started with back to back! You will be using 5 of these, so round up the scores accordingly. As with all other math assignments, it's best to be sure to have at least 5 cards and just choose cards that you like.
- Write the root numbers on the front of the card. Make the numbers large enough to read from a few feet away.
A: Write the root numbers on the front of the card. Make the numbers large enough to read from a few feet away.
Men snarl and we see the crowd and shots of volleyball play. We see ladies on the sidelines. a tall man
- meets with a tall lady and the crowd applauds.
- is shown from the legs up as he jumps.
- stands on the court talking.
- is crossing the net and has a ball that is released.
| is shown from the legs up as he jumps. |
Mr. Knight was the manager of a hotel. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. On Friday, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr. Knight said there were no rooms ready because of the meeting. The men were unhappy. Mr. Knight wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a small room, was empty. He asked them if they could share a room. The three men said they would. Mr. Knight said the room would be thirty dollars; ten dollars for each person. Each man gave him the money and then went up to the room. Mr. Knight soon began to feel sorry. "Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small room." he thought. He called his assistant over and said, "Here is five dollars. Take it to the men in Room 418. I asked too much for their room." The assistant took the money. While he was on the way there, he started to think, "How can three men divide five dollars? I'll give them each only one dollar and keep the two dollars for myself. The men will be happy to get something back. And Mr. Knight will never know." So the assistant returned one dollar to each man. Each man had at first paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned them one dollar each, each had actually(in fact) paid nine. There were three men. $9 3="$27." The assistant kept$2. $27+$2="$29." Where is the missing dollar? At first _ . A) $27 was paid by the three men B) $30 was paid by each of the three men C) $25 was paid by the three men D) $10 was paid by each of the three men
A: | D |
Read the text and answer the questions.
Ellie and her grandfather went to the beach late in the afternoon.
"Why are we going to the beach, Grandpa?" Ellie asked.
He smiled a big old smile. "We're looking for treasure," he said. He carried two small plastic shovels and a basket.
"What's in the basket?" she asked.
"Some pie and soda to celebrate when we find our treasure." He gave his granddaughter a happy laugh.
They picked a spot and started digging. They found only sand.
They picked another spot by some rocks and found all sorts of small and interesting little stones. Ellie grinned at their odd shapes and colors.
They dug further away from the water and found an old bottle. Ellie threw it away into the trash can.
They dug closer to the water and found many sea shells. Ellie clapped happily at how smooth and nice they felt.
They had much fun digging, but it started to get late. Her grandpa seemed sad. "We did not find any treasure after all," he said.
"How about that, grandpa?" she said, pointing toward the pretty sunset that made the water appear yellow and bright.
He grandfather laughed. "That is a great treasure after all."
Ellie and her grandfather laughed and hugged. They ate pie happily and watched the sun set.
1. When did they go to the beach?
2. Who?
3. What did they bring?
4. Did they have fun?
5. Why did they go to the beach?
6. Did they find it?
7. Where was it?
8. What did they find in the sky?
9. Did they look anywhere else?
10. Did they find anything?
11. How many places did they look?
Numbered answers:
1. The afternoon
2. Ellie and her grandfather
3. Two shovels, a basket, pie, and soda.
4. Yes
5. To look for treasure
6. Yes
7. In the sky.
8. A sunset.
9. Yes.
10. Yes.
11. Four.
Read the text and answer the questions.
Dennis Sinar, 51, a doctor from New York, is quick to explain why he took a year-long break from his job. "I was pretty burned out after practicing medicine for 26 years. I needed a recharge." So he took a "gap year", from July 2011 to June 2012, to explore things like ancient buildings, and traditional Eastern medicine, in locations including Alaska, Nepal and Romania.
"Taking a break from work is an excellent way for adults to go into a new career or refresh an old one," said Holly Bull, president of Princeton, N, J. "In recent years, mid-career breaks have been gaining more interest," she said. A report on adult gap years published this year by a market research company also described the potential American market for gap years as a "sleeping giant."
"A gap year is a challenge for the older individual to step out of a comfort zone and take a risk. I enjoyed that side most." said Dr. Sinar, who kept a daily blog about his experience. His time studying Eastern medicine "assured the reasons I went into health care," said Dr. Sinar, who returned to practice medicine at his old job, although he works fewer days. "I use those experiences to provide my patients with more care," he added. "And I listen better than I did before."
George Garritan, chairman of the Department of Leadership and Human Capital Management at New York University, certainly agrees with Dr. Sinar. He said a gap-year experience could be worthwhile for employees and companies. For employees, investing in themselves and improving skill sets is a move that will benefit throughout their career. He added that returning employees feel refreshed and have given more thought to their career. For companies, offering unpaid leaves makes good sense for attracting and keeping talented employees.
1. Where is Dennis Senar from?
| Numbered answers:
1. New York |
Peep Show is a British sitcom starring David Mitchell and Robert Webb. The series follows the lives of two men from their twenties to thirties. Mark Corrigan (Mitchell), who has steady employment for most of the series, and Jeremy "Jez" Usbourne (Webb), an unemployed would-be musician, are the main characters of the show.
Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text?
Peep Show follows the lives of two men and their children. | It's impossible to say |
I got a question for you: Sweetener is the fourth studio album by American singer Ariana Grande. It was released on August 17, 2018, through Republic Records. The album is the follow-up to her 2016 studio album, Dangerous Woman, and features guest appearances from Pharrell Williams, Nicki Minaj and Missy Elliott.
Answer this question: when is ariana grande album sweetener coming out?
Let's think first: | To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: It was released on August 17, 2018, through Republic Records.
Therefore, the answer is August 17 , 2018. |
"Hey, guy." "No, this is Ray." He smiled, leaned back in his chair. It was, of course, Pete. Pete was the night shift guy at Crossroads Detox across town. Ray called it the Jesus Shop because it was wholly supported by a contingent of local churches who saw addicts as a potential ministry. Apparently Jesus saved--not only from sin and hell, but also from Dark Eyed Jim Beam. Pete was a relatively innocuous born again fundie who volunteered his time two or three nights a week. When he was not saving the world, his Clark Kent was actually a steady CPA job with the local H&R Block. He'd been pulling shifts for about six months, knew nothing about drugs beyond that bad people used them to escape their problems and that they were tools of Satan, and he always needed Ray's advice about one thing or another. This arrangement was not problematic as Pete had long ago given up trying to convert him. Pete was also the only guy in the city who was, as Ray figured it, making less money than he was at such an hour. In return for Ray's magnanimity, Pete had done Ray's taxes for free last year. They had never actually met, though Ray had faxed him the tax forms and Pete had faxed back a photo of his two pre-teen daughters and his geriatric Lab. "What's the problem?" Ray asked. "I have a recalcitrant." That's what he called them, the drunk and definitely disorderly. Pete's vocabulary did not include the word shithead either in its singular or plural. "Pete, they're all like that. Alcohol is bad medicine. That's why places like ours are in business. To make them calcitrant." "I know that." Pete sounded a little annoyed. There was some commotion in the background, a knocking on doors. Where does Pete work at night? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - church - not enough information - Crossroads Detox - H&R Block
Crossroads Detox
I lost sight in one eye when in college, I had two preschool children at the time. I was walking through the house one morning and suddenly I could see NOTHING out of one eye. When I told my husband,who was right there when it happened, he assumed my eye was just blurry or something had gotten in the eye. He took me to the ophthalmologist who verified that I could not see out of the eye. Then we subsequently got the worse news that it was a neurological condition with a long name I do not remember that there was nothing he could do about. He said that I would either get my sight back or I you and all we could do was wait and see if it came back. This was right before finals that semester but he told me I absolutely could not be studying or using my good eye for reading or basically anything that would strain it or I could end up losing sight in that eye also. Needless to say, as a mom of two children ages 2 1/2 and 6 months,I could not afford to lose ALL of my sight! So, I had to wait. I could not drive like that either which made matters worse. Both my husband and I were in school fulltime (until then), fortunately it was the end of the semester, unfortunately it was BEFORE finals. My sight did come back but not for about 5 months. When it first started to come back I still couldn't drive because although I could see I did not have my peripheral vision, that did not fully come back for quite a while. I cannot imagine it a person who goes totally blind goes through, I just know for me it was not an easy to to go through. What had a long name that the author doesn't remember. Pick the correct answer from the following options: - The reason her eye sight came back after 5 months. - The last name of the ophthalmologist she saw. - The condition that caused her to lose her eye sight. - not enough information
The condition that caused her to lose her eye sight.
Q: SEOUL — South Korean Foreign Minister Kang, Kyung-wha said on Wednesday that the U.S. and South Korea jointly made the decision to suspend combined military exercises scheduled for August, but would not confirm if her government was given advanced notice before U.S. President Trump announced his intention to cancel the drills, after he met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12. “We have made it clear that this is a goodwill gesture to strengthen the dialogue momentum at this point, but they are not irreversible. They could quickly come back should we see the dialogue momentum losing speed or North Korea not living up to its denuclearization commitment,” said Foreign Minister Kang. During a press briefing in Seoul, the foreign minister said she was in in close communication with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about the drills directly following the Singapore summit. And while the announcement canceling the exercises came suddenly, Kang said, South Korea was also considering this option to keep diplomatic momentum moving forward following the U.S.-North Korea summit where Kim reaffirmed his commitment to the “complete denuclearization” of North Korea. The now cancelled Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercises normally held in August usually bring in 3,000 more American troops from abroad and involve 50,000 South Korean troops. No decision has yet been made whether the other large-scale joint exercise held in the spring would be suspended as well. At the Singapore summit Trump said he would cancel the “war games” that he said were both enormously expensive and “provocative,” as an act of good faith and in response to North Korea’s commitment to denuclearization, its continued suspension of nuclear and missile teats, and the recent closing of its nuclear testing site. North Korea has long called for the end of these joint military exercises that it says are offensive “rehearsals for war.” In the past U.S. officials refused to suspend the joint drills, that they defended as defensive in nature... How did President Trump enjoy his time in Singapore for the summit? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - He wish he could have stayed longer - His visit was less than ideal - not enough information - He had a productive visit
A: not enough information
I referenced this in my answer to Why do guys pretend they don't understand when the girl they like gives them all hints of liking them too? While attending my MOS AIT in the US Army (good lord, was that 25 years ago???), a few of us had a hotel party. It didn’t get too crazy as it was mainly to get off post. If I remember right, after some folks left, there was one couple, a couple girls (maybe 3?), and myself who stayed over. I had known them all for a month or so and had spent a ton of time hanging out at the barracks or around the school area. The couple took one bed, the girls took the other, and I took the floor at the foot of the girls’ bed. About the time everyone started to nod off, one of the girls woke me, asking if I would share the blanket, as the bed was too crowded. She and I had both recently gotten engaged to people two plane flights away and had been nothing more than friends previously - with no hint of anything else… I thought nothing of it and said sure. After a few minutes, she said she couldn’t sleep and asked if she could snuggle up a little. I thought nothing of it and said sure. I started to think… hunh… this is peculiar… After a few more minutes, she asked if I minded if we kissed a little. At that point, I started to get the idea… but that was as far as I thought anything was going to happen as I thought, hunh, OK, maybe she misses her fiance. I know I do. Then we progressed to (very quiet) sex at her request. As far as we knew, everyone else in the room was asleep - at least they never hinted at knowing. We dated another month or two while we were both there. I was so clueless as to how she felt and it took FAR too long to figure out what was happening. Why did the girl want to kiss? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - not enough information - she missed her fiance - she felt alone - she was interested in the author
| she was interested in the author |
Subsets and Splits