You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Television drama's whole point is to bring you through an often slow start, followed by a complex development to a point where there are two or three potential dénouements before, "Cut!", it is the end of the episode and you will have to await the "right answer" in the following week's show. This post came to me at 10pm last night, on Day 16 of this challenge, after a day of holidaying in London and with my head (and feet) too weary to put finger to touchscreen. Mrs Mc and I had just watched another live instalment of Broadchurch, murder mystery extraordinaire, particularly since in the second series there is no actual fresh murder to investigate. The verdict is about to be given on the accused killer from Series 1 when the inevitable happens... Cue title music. This moment has even gained a moniker in British homes, based on the theme tune to the real masters of the four-times-a-week cliffhanger, London-based soap opera Eastenders. It's call a ", ba, ba-ba-ba-ba" (YouTube will provide overseas readers with auditory explanation). Eastenders is such a master of writing in the perfect pace that every 28 minute episode ends with a tantalising screen freeze on the latest shocked face / smirking baddy / confused victim. For really big stories the cliffhanger can last significantly longer. This week, to celebrate the show's 30 year birthday, we will finally find out the answer to a question unanswered for the past 14 months: "Who killed Lucy Beale?" Now, most classrooms do not involve murder, incest, dodgy deals and danger, but "good teaching" encourages a type of pacing that totally ignores the ingredients that have millions in the edges of their seats every day: the good old cliffhanger. In fact, we see teachers giving away the punchline at the beginning: "Today we are learning this:...". Question: What was the soap opera admired by British people that the author says is a master of writing? Solution: Eastenders Why? The seventh sentence of the passage clearly states that Eastenders is master of writing. So, the answer is Eastenders. New input: If you turned on the TV towards the end of 2002 you could have been forgiven for thinking that Britain had gone absolutely horseshit mental. Every week, it seemed, another pretty young girl from a nice family, who was happy and popular and always did well at school, was being kidnapped or murdered by what the Sun newspaper cheerfully termed 'evil paedo scum'. Naming and shaming was as popular a feature in the Murdoch press as Page Three girls and discounted holidays to Butlin's. Of course you can't blame parents for wanting to keep their children safe; that's pretty much the job description of a parent. And, on the face of it, the tabloids were doing a public service in warning us about the paedophile menace lurking in our midst. The problem came when it turned out that a huge number of these concerned tabloid-reading parents were also absolute fucking morons. For every story of an actual sex offender being driven from their house by a baying mob there was one like that of Dr Yvette Cloete, a doctor at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport, South Wales, who returned home from work to find that a group of 'concerned parents' had daubed the word 'paedo' on her front door in bright red paint. Dr Cloete was a consultant paediatrician. Easy mistake. If you're an absolute fucking moron. And so it was that one hung-over morning, after reading yet another story about vigilantes who had threatened to stone Maxine Carr, the girlfriend of Soham killer Ian Huntley, to death during her high-profile trial for perverting the course of justice, I decided to set up a website parodying this collective national madness. The result of two or three hours of hung-over labour was, a spoof campaign site which claimed to offer a handy online guide for crazy vigilantes of all stripes to co-ordinate their crazy vigilante efforts. Although there are a few parts of the site I'm still a bit proud of, the majority of it was, I freely admit, satire of the lowest order. Question: Who had her door vandalized by a group of 'concerned parents'? Solution:
Dr. Yvette Cloete
Problem: Tropical climates are found around the equator. These climates have warm temperatures year round. Tropical climates may be very wet or wet and dry. Tropical wet climates occur at or very near the equator. They have high rainfall year round. Tropical rainforests grow in this type of climate. Tropical wet and dry climates also occur near the equator. They receive less rainfall. Most of the rain falls in a single season. The rest of the year is dry. Few trees can withstand the long dry season. The main plants are grasses. Dry climates receive very little rainfall. They also have high rates of evaporation. This makes them even drier. Deserts can get less than 25 centimeters of rain per year. Thats less than 10 inches per year. How much rain do you get at your house? Question: "What are two factors contributing to the dryness of deserts?" Answer: "The main plants are grasses" Answer: no Problem: Static electricity is like a teeter-totter. What happens if a teeter-totter is balanced? Correct! It does not move. What about when its not balanced? Yes, it will now begin to move. Charges move when they are not balanced. Charges can build up by friction. Maybe you rub your feet on a wool mat or carpet. Rubber soled shoes readily gain charges. The wool carpet easily gives up charges. The two items become unbalanced. One item has a positive charge. The other has a negative charge. The difference in charge is called static electricity. Just like the teeter-totter, something is going to move. Positive charges build up on the mat. Negative charges build up on you. Question: "If two items build unbalanced charges, the difference is called what?" Answer: "Good charge" Answer: no Problem: Clarifying the Record The defense of U.S. airspace on 9/11 was not conducted in accord with preexisting training and protocols. It was improvised by civilians who had never handled a hijacked aircraft that attempted to disappear, and by a military unprepared for the transformation of commercial aircraft into weapons of mass destruction. As it turned out, the NEADS air defenders had nine minutes' notice on the first hijacked plane, no advance notice on the second, no advance notice on the third, and no advance notice on the fourth. We do not believe that the true picture of that morning reflects discredit on the operational personnel at NEADS or FAA facilities. NEADS commanders and officers actively sought out information, and made the best judgments they could on the basis of what they knew. Individual FAA controllers, facility managers, and Command Center managers thought outside the box in recommending a nationwide alert, in ground-stopping local traffic, and, ultimately, in deciding to land all aircraft and executing that unprecedented order flawlessly. More than the actual events, inaccurate government accounts of those events made it appear that the military was notified in time to respond to two of the hijackings, raising questions about the adequacy of the response. Those accounts had the effect of deflecting questions about the military's capacity to obtain timely and accurate information from its own sources. In addition, they overstated the FAA's ability to provide the military with timely and useful information that morning. In public testimony before this Commission in May 2003, NORAD officials stated that at 9:16, NEADS received hijack notification of United 93 from the FAA. This statement was incorrect. There was no hijack to report at 9:16. United 93 was proceeding normally at that time. In this same public testimony, NORAD officials stated that at 9:24, NEADS received notification of the hijacking of American 77. This statement was also incorrect. The notice NEADS received at 9:24 was that American 11 had not hit the World Trade Center and was heading for Washington, D.C. In their testimony and in other public accounts, NORAD officials also stated that the Langley fighters were scrambled to respond to the notifications about American 77,178 United 93, or both. These statements were incorrect as well. The fighters were scrambled because of the report that American 11 was heading south, as is clear not just from taped conversations at NEADS but also from taped conversations at FAA centers; contemporaneous logs compiled at NEADS, Continental Region headquarters, and NORAD; and other records. Question: "What was overstated in regards to the perceived inadequacy in military response to 9/11" Answer: "FAA" Answer:
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. Example: passage: Franchising is a way for small business owners to benefit from the economies of scale of the big corporation (franchiser). McDonald's and Subway are examples of a franchise. The small business owner can leverage a strong brand name and purchasing power of the larger company while keeping their own investment affordable. However, some franchisees conclude that they suffer the "worst of both worlds" feeling they are too restricted by corporate mandates and lack true independence. It is an assumption that small business are just franchisees, but the truth is many franchisers are also small businesses, Although considered to be a successful way of doing business, literature has proved that there is a high failure rate in franchising as well, especially in UK, where research indicates that out of 1658 franchising companies operating in 1984, only 601 remained in 1998, a mere 36%. question: can a franchise be considered a small business? Example solution: Yes Example explanation: Based on the passage, a franchise can be considered a small business. Problem: passage: If exposure is suspected, the person should be removed from the source of exposure and decontaminated. Treatment involves supportive care and giving the person 100% oxygen. Hydroxocobalamin (vitamin B12) appears to be useful as an antidote and is generally first-line. Sodium thiosulphate may also be given. Historically cyanide has been used for mass suicide and by the Nazis for genocide. question: is oxygen an effective treatment for cyanide poisoning?
Solution: Yes
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Solution: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. Why? The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". New input: It must be given before they are interrogated , in accordance with the " Miranda " ruling . Solution:
The Miranda warning ( often shortened to " Miranda " , or " Mirandizing " a suspect ) is the name of the formal warning that is required to be given by law enforcement in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody ( or in a custodial situation ) before they are interrogated , in accordance with the " Miranda " ruling .
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. One example is below. Q: Roman Yakub won first price in a Choral Composition Competition at a liberal arts college founded by who? A: William Egbert Rationale: This is a good example, and output correctly answers the question. Q: Partners features a Barbara Streisand duet with Jason Emmanuel Gould, and he is related to Streisand how? A:
47-year-old son
input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. CHAPTER XXII--THE CITY OF BRIDGES So for long hours sat Enid by her lord, There in the naked hall, propping his head, And chafing his pale hands, and calling to him. And at the last he waken'd from his swoon. TENNYSON, Enid. The transit was happily effected, and closely hidden in wool, Leonard Copeland was lifted out the boat, more than half unconscious, and afterwards transferred to the vessel, and placed in wrappings as softly and securely as Grisell and Clemence could arrange before King Edward's men came to exact their poundage on the freight, but happily did not concern themselves about the sick man. He might almost be congratulated on his semi-insensibility, for though he suffered, he would not retain the recollection of his suffering, and the voyage was very miserable to every one, though the weather was far from unfavourable, as the captain declared. Grisell indeed was so entirely taken up with ministering to her knight that she seemed impervious to sickness or discomfort. It was a great relief to enter on the smooth waters of the great canal from Ostend, and Lambert stood on the deck recognising old landmarks, and pointing them out with the joy of homecoming to Clemence, who perhaps felt less delight, since the joys of her life had only begun when she turned her back on her unkind kinsfolk. Nor did her face light up as his did while he pointed out to Grisell the beauteous belfry, rising on high above the many-peaked gables, though she did smile when a long-billed, long-legged stork flapped his wings overhead, and her husband signed that it was in greeting. The greeting that delighted him she could not hear, the sweet chimes from that same tower, which floated down the stream, when he doffed his cap, crossed himself, and clasped his hands in devout thanksgiving. 1. Who did he sit by? 2. Where? 3. Who was removed from the floating vessel? 4. Was he alive? 5. Where was he put? 6. Did the other people care about him? 7. Who was taking care of the knight? 8. Were the waters choppy? 9. Who was showing famous land marks? 10. Who to? 11. Was she happy when he showed he belfry? 12. What bird was there? 13. Why? 14. What did she not observe? numbered_answers: 1. lord 2. naked hall 3. Leonard Copeland 4. half unconscious 5. placed in wrappings 6. did not concern themselves about the sick man. 7. Grisell 8. No, smooth waters 9. Lambert 10. Clemence 11. she did smile 12. ong-legged stork 13. it was in greeting 14. sweet chime input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. CHAPTER XXVII. And full of hope, day followed day, While that stout ship at anchor lay Beside the shores of Wight. The May had then made all things green, And floating there, in pomp serene, That ship was goodly to be seen, His pride and his delight. Yet then when called ashore, he sought The tender peace of rural thought, In more than happy mood. To your abodes, bright daisy flowers, He then would steal at leisure hours, And loved you, glittering in your bowers, A starry multitude. WORDSWORTH. Harry's last home morning was brightened by going to the school to see full justice done to Norman, and enjoying the scene for him. It was indeed a painful ordeal to Norman himself, who could, at the moment, scarcely feel pleasure in his restoration, excepting for the sake of his father, Harry, and his sisters. To find the head-master making apologies to him was positively painful and embarrassing, and his countenance would have been fitter for a culprit receiving a lecture. It was pleasanter when the two other masters shook hands with him, Mr. Harrison with a free confession that he had done him injustice, and Mr. Wilmot with a glad look of congratulation, that convinced Harry he had never believed Norman to blame. Harry himself was somewhat of a hero; the masters all spoke to him, bade him good speed, and wished him a happy voyage, and all the boys were eager to admire his uniform, and wish themselves already men and officers like Mr. May. He had his long-desired three cheers for "May senior!" shouted with a thorough goodwill by the united lungs of the Whichcote foundation, and a supplementary cheer arose for the good ship Alcestis, while hands were held out on every side; and the boy arrived at such a pitch of benevolence and good humour, as actually to volunteer a friendly shake of the hand to Edward Anderson, whom he encountered skulking apart. 1. Is Harry going on a trip? 2. What was he wearing? 3. Is he in the service? 4. Is he a private? 5. What is he? 6. Where did he go before his trip? 7. For what? 8. Are they related? 9. How? 10. Are his sisters there? 11. Is Norman in trouble? numbered_answers: 1. yes 2. a uniform 3. yes 4. no 5. officer 6. school 7. to see full justice done to Norman 8. yes 9. brothers 10. unknown 11. yes input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. The city of Bern or Berne (German: Bern, pronounced [bɛrn] ( listen); French: Berne [bɛʁn]; Italian: Berna [ˈbɛrna]; Romansh: Berna [ˈbɛrnɐ] (help·info); Bernese German: Bärn [b̥æːrn]) is the de facto capital of Switzerland, referred to by the Swiss as their (e.g. in German) Bundesstadt, or "federal city".[note 1] With a population of 140,634 (November 2015), Bern is the fifth most populous city in Switzerland. The Bern agglomeration, which includes 36 municipalities, had a population of 406,900 in 2014. The metropolitan area had a population of 660,000 in 2000. Bern is also the capital of the Canton of Bern, the second most populous of Switzerland's cantons. The official language of Bern is (the Swiss variety of Standard) German, but the main spoken language is the Alemannic Swiss German dialect called Bernese German. In 1983 the historic old town in the centre of Bern became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Bern is ranked among the world’s top ten cities for the best quality of life (2010). 1. What is the de facto Swiss capital? 2. How else it it spelled? 3. How many people live in the area? 4. How many cities are in there? 5. What is the official language? 6. Is it the same Germany spoken in Germany? 7. What do most people speak? 8. Is it a bad city to live in? 9. How good of a place to live is it? 10. In the county? 11. How many people live in the city? 12. Is it the biggest city in the country? 13. What is its ranking? 14. What is the city called by the residents? numbered_answers:
1. Bärn 2. Bern or Berne 3. 406,900 in 2014 4. 36 5. German 6. no 7. Bernese German 8. no 9. top ten 10. world’s top ten 11. 140,634 12. no 13. fifth 14. Bundesstad
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. One example is below. Q: For four years we have waited expectantly for the pitter patter of tiny paws. Soon, that wait could finally be over. Tian Tian, the UK's only female giant panda, has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as August. However Edinburgh Zoo, where the pandas live, have warned people 'not to get too excited' as the process is 'extremely complex'. Moreover, on the two previous occasions keepers inseminated Tian Tian - whose name means 'Sweetie' - she has failed to produce a panda cub. She was artificially inseminated again in March this year, but keepers at the zoo say implantation - when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterus - has not yet occurred.Tian Tian has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as AugustShe has been inseminated twice before but so far failed to produce a cubTian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in 2011 from China to great fanfareOn loan at £600k a year, became first giant pandas to live in UK for 17 years Questions:Under the terms of the agreement any cubs will return to _ at the age of two, the age at which they would normally leave their mother in the wild. (A) Tian Tian (B) UK (C) Edinburgh Zoo (D) Sweetie (E) Yang Guang (F) China A: (F) Rationale: This is a good example. Based on the passage, any cubs will return to China at the age of two Q: (CNN) -- In a place accustomed to tough stretches, this has been a particularly tough few days at the White House. After emerging from the showdown over the Republican-led government shutdown relatively unscathed, the Obama administration finds itself under assault on three fronts: problems surrounding Obamacare, the revelations of the U.S. spying on allies, and the 2012 attack on the U.S diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, the latter for which a senator has threatened to hold up all of the Obama administration's nominations. The controversies are sure to fuel continued Republican attacks on President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies as the nation gears up for midterm elections next year, and the White House has portrayed the attacks as so much partisan chatter.The White House is on the defensive over claims some could lose health coverageThe administration is also facing criticism over spying allegationsBenghazi is also resurfacing as senator threatens to delay nominationsThe controversies are sure to fuel partisan rancor as midterm campaigns ramp up Questions:The worst part for _ may be figuring out what to do about it all -- not just the various individual fires, but more generally how to "take control of his own government," CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger said. (A) CNN (B) White House (C) Republican (D) Obama (E) Obamacare (F) U.S. (G) U.S (H) Benghazi (I) Libya (J) Democratic A:
*Question* This year some twenty-three hundred teen-agers (young people aged from 13-19) from all over the world will spend about ten months in U.S. homes . They will attend U. S. schools , meet U.S. teenagers , and form impressions of the real America . At the same time , about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world . Here is a two-way student exchange in action . Fred , nineteen ,spent last year in Gemany with George's family . In turn , George's son Mike spent a year in Fred's home in America . Fred , a lively young man , knew little German when he arrived , but after two months' study , the language began to come to him . School was completely different from what he had expected-much harder . Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room . They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States . There were almost no outside activities . Family life , too , was different . The father's word was law , and all activities were around the family rather than the individual. Fred found the food too simple at first . Also , he missed having a car . "Back home ,you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time . In Germany , you walk , but you soon learn to like it ." At the same time , in America , Mike , a friendly German boy , was also forming his idea . "I suppose I should criticize American schools ." He says , "it is far too easy by our level . But I have to say that I like it very much . In Germany we do nothing but study . Here we take part in many outside activities . I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens . There ought to be some middle ground between the two ." After experiencing the American school life , Mike thought _ . A) the easy life in the American schools was more helpful to the students . B) German schools trained students to be better citizens . C) American schools were not as good as German schools D) a better education should include something good from both America and Germany **Answer** D *Question* As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let's look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about the dog, for example, "a homeless dog", "a mad dog", "a running dog" and "a dog catching a mouse", have negative meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe positive actions. For example, "you are a lucky dog" means you are a lucky person. And "every dog has its day" means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person's serious illness, they say "sick as a dog". The word "dog-tired" means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, "cat" is often used to describe a woman who is cruel. There are many other examples of how "cat" is used differently as well. The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries. The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A) Words show differences in culture. B) Chinese people prefer dogs to cats. C) Western people think cats to be good friends. D) Rose is the national flower of all western countries. **Answer** A *Question* There is a common belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever considered spelling unimportant as a basic skill. There are, however, quite different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself freely in writing without holding him back with spelling. If spelling becomes the only point of his teacher's interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to " _ ". He will write only words within his spelling range . That's why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability. I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:"This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling mistakes." It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupils technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad thing for the teacher who had omitted to read the composition, which contained some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the mistakes, but if his priority had centered on the child's ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more hope to seek improvement. Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that _ . A) students will be able to express their ideas more freely B) teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakes C) students will have more trust in writing D) students will learn to spell words correctly **Answer** A *Question* We often don' t give importance to minor things thinking they won' t matter. But at times, some things look very minor but their result can be really powerful. Here are some of the efforts which can change the relationship between parents and children. Pat your child when he loses:May it be failure in the class, or on the field, speak words of encouragement to your child. The trust and confidence in your relationship will go to another level. After all, words of encouragement during failure are more valuable than words of praise after success. Give him importance, like a member of the family:Hang his painting in your room or in the office, take his opinion when you are buying furniture for the house. Your child will believe in himself and be a winner throughout. Share your own experience when your child makes a mistake:When you see your child lying or stealing, share with him the mistakes you made in your life. He' 11 know it is all right to make mistakes and that he can share with you anything. Appreciate at least one quality in your child every day:Each day look at what qualities your child possesses and appreciate him, maybe for his caring attitude, his dance skills or his observation power. Tell him how proud you are of him because of those qualities. Become his age before bedtime:Jump on the bed, have pillow fights, act silly, dance--become a child with your child for sometime. You' 11 forget all your day's stress. Try these minor things; you' 11 see the love deepen and the relationship blossom. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) Children should be patted when they lose something. B) Children should be encouraged if they are in trouble. C) Both failure and mistakes should be ignored. D) Children should help parents buy furniture for the house. **Answer**
Teacher:In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: In the United States, jurisdiction-stripping (also called court-stripping or curtailment-of-jurisdiction), refers to Congress' constitutionally-granted authority to determine the jurisdiction of federal and state courts. Student:
congress has the power to control the judicial branch by
question: that attitude would stay negative very long B: they did things for people, you know, for their communities, for their, uh, families, for their friends, where now, I'm not sure they really do. A: Yes. Yeah. Well, I think sometimes through groups and organizations, um, uh, when they asked the question I thought, well that sounds wonderful. And then, I wondered if people were unwilling but I think even if you went in with a negative attitude I don't think it would stay negative very long. answer: No question: they killed them B: No, it was, I didn't like the way it ended. A: I know, well the only reason I know why it ended is on Arsenio Hall one night, Christopher Reeves told, that, you know, B: Uh-huh. A: I can't believe they killed them. answer: Yes question: resentment lay just under Peter's skin Anna looked at Peter again and said to herself in a guilty whisper, ``Will he become even more difficult?'' She wondered if a stranger could tell that he was difficult, just by looking at him. Would such a person watching Peter now reading the prayers of Rite B in his level pleasant voice notice that resentment lay like his blood just under his skin because the life he had chosen had not turned out as he had expected it to? answer: Yes question: he was in despair I was angry with her for not saying anything, not doing anything. I still had a formless feeling that she understood me where my mother did not. Perhaps it was despair that made me believe there was one person in the world who might know that I was in despair. answer:
Logic ==> At restaurant, we wait for food. We wait at reception of the restaurant. restaurant Question ==> Where does a person what in reception while waiting for food? Options: - restaurant - restorand - church basement - feel relaxed - wedding party ** Shelf are higher and hard to reach easily. Shelf gets dust and requires cleaning. shelf ** John couldn't reach the place he needed to dust. What couldn't he reach? Options: - coffee shop - fridge - table - library - shelf Detailed logic: A flight is needed to travel to a different country. England is a country. England is ruled by the queen. The climate in England is notoriously foggy. england Question for this logic: John goes to the booking office and books a flight to a place that is notoriously foggy, where they like tea, and that is ruled by a Queen. Where is John going? Options: - airport - travel agency - england - mall - toilet Logic ==> Heavy is of great weight, difficult to lift or move. If something's weight isn't light, it is heavy. heavy Question ==> If something's weight isn't light, what is it? Options: - crucial - darkness - cumbersome - heavy - darkness ** Solar energy is the energy that is collected from the heat of sunlight. Sun is the centre of the galaxy in which earth is present. Sun is older than the earth. solar energy ** Dan outfitted his house to run on the oldest heat source on Earth. What is the oldest heat source on Earth? Options: - fire - solar energy - sun - house - coal or wood Detailed logic: Swimming pool can have chemicals. Water enters the vagina from a swimming pool. Swimming pool is an artificial pool. swimming pool Question for this logic:
Sally and Joe were burned by chemicals because they ignored the signs. She had chemical burns in her vagina. Where might they have been? Options: - swimming pool - beach - crystal meth lab - chemistry lab - laboratory
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Problem:What nationality are both Gwen Stefani and Pepper Keenan? Solution:
Answer: author Gennifer Choldenko. Now, what could be the question and solution-maybe? Ques: Passage: Al Capone Does My Shirts is a historical fiction novel for young adults by author Gennifer Choldenko. In this story, Moose Flanagan and his family move from Santa Monica to Alcatraz Island. The move was caused by the father's new job positions as an electrician and as a guard in the well known Alcatraz prison. The book was named as a Newbery Honor selection and in 2007 it received the California Young Reader Medal. It has two sequels, Al Capone Shines My Shoes and Al Capone Does My Homework. Question: Based on this passage, who is the author of al capone does my shirts? CoT: The relevant information is: Al Capone Does My Shirts is a historical fiction novel for young adults by author Gennifer Choldenko. Ans: between the shoulder blades Ques: The withers is the ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal, typically a quadruped. In many species it is the tallest point of the body, and in horses and dogs it is the standard place to measure the animal's height (in contrast, cattle are normally measured to the top of the hips). Answer this question: where are the withers located on a horse? CoT: The relevant information is: The withers is the ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal, typically a quadruped. Ans: Nancy Ques: Passage: "As Long as He Needs Me" is a torch song sung by the character of Nancy in the 1960 musical Oliver! and written by Lionel Bart. Georgia Brown, who was the first actress to play Nancy, introduced the song. It is a love ballad expressing Nancy's love for her criminal boyfriend Bill Sikes despite his mistreatment of her. In the film adaptation of the musical, it was sung by Shani Wallis. Question: Based on this passage, who sings as long as he needs me in oliver? CoT: The important part for answering this question is: "As Long as He Needs Me" is a torch song sung by the character of Nancy in the 1960 musical Oliver! and written by Lionel Bart. Answer: North American release on 21 April 2017 and international rollout throughout April and May. Now, what could be the question and solution-maybe? Ques: The Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S8+ (shortened to S8 and S8+, respectively) and Samsung Galaxy S8 Active are Android smartphones produced by Samsung Electronics as part of the Samsung Galaxy S series. The S8 and S8+ were unveiled on 29 March 2017 and directly succeed the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, with a North American release on 21 April 2017 and international rollout throughout April and May. The S8 Active was announced on 8 August 2017, and is exclusive to certain U.S. cellular carriers. Answer this question: when did the galaxy s8+ come out? CoT: To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: The S8 and S8+ were unveiled on 29 March 2017 and directly succeed the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, with a North American release on 21 April 2017 and international rollout throughout April and May. Ans: Atticus Finch Ques: Context: Atticus Finch is the middle-aged father of Jem and Scout Finch. He is a lawyer and was once known as "the deadliest shot in Maycomb County". Although he was a good shot, he does not like to mention the fact as he does not like the thought of having an advantage over people. He appears to support racial equality and was appointed to represent Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. The town disapproves of him defending Tom especially when he makes clear his intent to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his abilities. He is portrayed by Gregory Peck in the film adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird. Question: name of attorney in to kill a mockingbird? CoT: To answer the question, consider the following: He is a lawyer and was once known as "the deadliest shot in Maycomb County". Ans: Seth Green
Ques: Christopher Cross "Chris" Griffin is a fictional character from the American animated television series Family Guy. He is the elder son and middle child of Peter and Lois Griffin and brother of Stewie and Meg Griffin. He is voiced by Seth Green and first appeared on television, along with the rest of the family, in a 15-minute short on December 20, 1998. Chris was created and designed by MacFarlane himself. MacFarlane was asked to pitch a pilot to the Fox Broadcasting Company, based on The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve, two shorts made by MacFarlane featuring a middle-aged man named Larry and an intellectual dog, Steve. After the pilot was given the green light, the Griffin family appeared in the episode "Death Has a Shadow". Answer this question based on the passage: who does chris griffin's voice on family guy? CoT: The relevant information is: He is voiced by Seth Green and first appeared on television, along with the rest of the family, in a 15-minute short on December 20, 1998.
Q: In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Do Brady Seals and Jello Biafra play the same genre of music? A:
Please capitalize where necessary: let it be noted that no such wind-sound is heard in modern-day “pentecostal” meetings! A: Let it be noted that no such wind-sound is heard in modern-day “pentecostal” meetings! Q: bloomberg reported apple has assembled a team of robotics and data-collection experts who will use the drones to update its google maps competitor. A: Bloomberg reported Apple has assembled a team of robotics and data-collection experts who will use the drones to update its Google Maps competitor. Q: do not waste a chance to win this massive megamillions jackpot A: Do not waste a chance to win this massive MegaMillions jackpot Problem: once the download process gets completed, run it to start the repair process by following the instructions displayed on the screen Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: Once the download process gets completed, run it to start the repair process by following the instructions displayed on the screen Text: the flowers are composed of four sepals large and small petals, sitting on thin stalks. in form they broadly, 2-6 cm in diameter, azure-blue or violet-blue color. Correct capitalization: The flowers are composed of four sepals large and small petals, sitting on thin stalks. In form they broadly, 2-6 cm in diameter, azure-blue or violet-blue color. Q: individuals with surname selchou A:
Individuals with surname SELCHOU
Definition: Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Input: As the United States consults with allies about a possible military response to a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria, Russia said Wednesday that all parties involved should refrain from actions that could destabilize the fragile situation in the region. Russia is an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and has fought in support of his government in the conflict since 2015. The United States has backed rebel groups in Syria and blames Assad's forces for the attack in eastern Ghouta on Saturday that killed at least 40 people. Both Syria and Russia have denied the allegations. U.S. President Donald Trump has warned those responsible will pay a "big price," and he has spoken repeatedly with his British and French counterparts about a possible response to the attack. "We are looking for a coordinated response, whatever that response might be," State Department spokesman Heather Nauert said Tuesday. French President Emmanuel Macron said a decision would be made "in the coming days," and that any airstrikes would target the Syrian government's chemical facilities. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop added her country's support Wednesday for any action that is "targeted, calibrated and proportionate." In addition to blaming Syria, Trump has further blamed Assad's backers in Iran and Russia for the eastern Ghouta attack. A global chemical weapons watchdog on Tuesday said it will send a team to investigate the incident. The World Health Organization said Wednesday that according to reports from its partners, 500 people who sought treatment Saturday showed signs and symptoms of toxic chemical exposure. The WHO expressed outrage at the suspected use of chemical weapons and demanded immediate access to the area to provide care. At the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, Russia vetoed a U.S.-drafted plan that would have set up a commission to investigate and assign blame for the chemical weapons attack. The World Health Organization said Wednesday that according to reports from its partners, 500 people who sought treatment Saturday showed signs and symptoms of toxic chemical exposure. The WHO expressed outrage at the suspected use of chemical weapons and demanded immediate access to the area to provide care. Question: Who is an ally of Bashar al-Assad? Output:
Q: I thought I might get some good ideas if I went down to the hospital. I always have stayed away from hospitals. People died or were born. But now I thought I might get some idea if I went down to where it was all happening, the being born and the dying. Mostly the dying. It was the dying that interested me. I sat on a bench in a sort of waiting room. I wanted to call it a green room; it wasn't a place where the patients would wait to be called by the doctor; it was a place where the relatives would wait while the patient was in their room. It had a coffee bar, and comfortable couches, with trendy, muted colors on the walls and floor. Everything was clean and modern without being cold, a homogenized balancing act designed to keep everyone calm during their stressful time. It was a green room; patients were "guests"; their families were "guests" as well. Here was where the families would sit and be feted while they waited to be called out to perform, to smile and encourage or to don faces of appropriate mournfulness. The old ones would put on smiles, the young ones would look sad. I think I went there because it seemed to me that it was the place richest in emotional impact. It reeked of spent emotions, and the emotions were made all the stronger, here in the green room, by the efforts at suppression--the muted walls and gourmet coffees and scones, the overstuffed loveseats and couches, as if those in grief should not be permitted to sit on benches or folding chairs. It absolutely reeked of hush and hidden feeling. It was worse than a church. It was worse than a highschool hallway. It was more universal, more basic, something even the children could comprehend. What is can be inferred about the author? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - They are not emotionally intelligent - They are emotionally intelligent - They are intellectually intelligent - not enough information A: They are emotionally intelligent Q: PAUL Reynolds doodled idly on a bar napkin as he sipped at his margarita. All around him tourists of every size and shape were donning paper pirate hats and plastic eye patches. They were part of a relatively new Key West tradition called the Booty Hunt - a glorified bar crawl where participants followed a "treasure map" that led them from bar to bar, with occasional stops in private homes, and where the chief treasure to be found was the pleasure of being surrounded by fellow drunks and saying "Arrrr" a lot. Paul had participated a few times himself and was kind of embarrassed at how much fun it was. His pen drew a rough sketch of the crowd, although in his version they were actual pirates, in full dress with real swords and pistols and parrots. He took another sip and glanced around the bar, wondering where his drinking companion had gotten to. It was still early - just an hour or so after sunset, and Crooked Pete's was only half full. Located on Simonton, a block off the tourist-choked sidewalks of Duval Street, the bar hadn't hit its stride for the evening yet. The real crowd and the regulars would come later, once they had gotten a bite to eat and were ready for some serious, cheap drinking. He saw his friend Sandee emerge - finally - from the bathroom, smiling at Paul from across the bar while maneuvering through the gaggle of barhopping buccaneers. Thick, cascading black curls complemented Sandee's black sequined mini-dress that clung to every slim curve and emphasized shapely breasts. Sandee winked at one of the tourists, blowing the man a kiss as he ogled in naked admiration. "Did you miss me?" Sandee asked, sitting down beside Paul. "Of course," Paul replied, sliding another margarita to Sandee. "But your drink missed you more. All your ice is melting." "Oh, the poor darlings," Sandee cooed, licking the salt on the rim suggestively before taking a long swallow that emptied a third of the contents. Why was Crooked Pete's only half full? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - The real crowd and the regulars would come later - not enough information - because the Booty Hunt hadn't started - because Sandee hadn't emerged from the bathroom A: The real crowd and the regulars would come later Q: Not really that huge a deal, but we laughed about it for a while. My friends and I went to see the Gin Blossoms in 1993 at a small venue in Chicago. We were having some beers and enjoying the opening band (they were okay, but not memorable) when this guy came and stood right in front of my roommate. I mean, the floor was filling up, sure, but we’d landed a decent spot right in the middle and he came and stood right in front of her when there was plenty of room off to the side a bit. My roommate and our friend and I looked at each other and were like, “How rude!” Frankly, I was surprised my roommate didn’t do or say anything - holding her tongue wasn’t her forte. I half expected her to spank his bottom - I’d seen her do it before to get some guy’s attention, and this guy was pretty cute. But when that same song came to an end, the guy turned around and actually apologized to all of us. He held up his camera and said he wanted a really good shot of the band as they were friends of his. He actually went and bought each of us a beer, so it totally worked out well. We thanked him and he took off. The only excuse I have for us is that we were in college and not glued to MTV or entertainment magazines, and really, only Hey Jealousy had hit the airwaves when we went to the concert. But sure enough, when the Gin Blossoms took the stage, Robin Wilson gave a shout out to those three girls he’d blocked the stage for earlier and hoped we’d enjoyed our beers. Like I said, it’s pretty tame, but I thought he handled it with class, so it’s always made me remember their music fondly. what is true about the girls Pick the correct answer from the following options: - They like music - they hate music - they like going out - not enough information
A: They like music
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)? Context: Three Christs is an upcoming American drama film directed, co-produced, and co-written by Jon Avnet, based on the book "The Three Christs of Ypsilanti" by Milton Rokeach. It screened in the Gala Presentations section at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival. Hypothesis: Three Christs screened in the Gala Presentations in 2015. pick from the following. A). Yes. B). It's impossible to say. C). No.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: Indonesia 's sea-lane position helped international trade . A:
The country 's strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade ; trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history .
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Input: After what seemed an eternity to Tibo, they arrived at the mouth of a cave between two rocky hills. The opening was low and narrow. A few saplings bound together with strips of rawhide closed it against stray beasts. Bukawai removed the primitive door and pushed Tibo within. The hyenas, snarling, rushed past him and were lost to view in the blackness of the interior. Bukawai replaced the saplings and seizing Tibo roughly by the arm, dragged him along a narrow, rocky passage. The floor was comparatively smooth, for the dirt which lay thick upon it had been trodden and tramped by many feet until few inequalities remained. The passage was tortuous, and as it was very dark and the walls rough and rocky, Tibo was scratched and bruised from the many bumps he received. Bukawai walked as rapidly through the winding gallery as one would traverse a familiar lane by daylight. He knew every twist and turn as a mother knows the face of her child, and he seemed to be in a hurry. He jerked poor little Tibo possibly a trifle more ruthlessly than necessary even at the pace Bukawai set; but the old witch-doctor, an outcast from the society of man, diseased, shunned, hated, feared, was far from possessing an angelic temper. Nature had given him few of the kindlier characteristics of man, and these few Fate had eradicated entirely. Shrewd, cunning, cruel, vindictive, was Bukawai, the witch-doctor. <sep>Were the walls and the floor of the cave smooth?<sep>Yes Output:
A: I think so, I think, B: I really do. Oh, yeah, it's going to take, uh, you know, the police, I don't think can do it alone, you know. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? the police can do it alone
Paragraph: Before the mysterious disappearance of one of its passenger jets this month, Malaysia wasn't a country used to finding itself dominating headlines around the world. Some of its Southeast Asian neighbors, including Indonesia and the Philippines, have suffered devastating natural disasters in recent years and are all too familiar with the media frenzy that accompanies a major crisis. But Malaysia has largely managed to stay out of the international spotlight since its independence from British colonial rule more than half a century ago. "It is one of these countries, because of its geography, that doesn't have earthquakes," said Ernest Bower, senior adviser for Southeast Asia studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It doesn't have tsunamis. It hasn't been tested with a disaster like this." The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has thrust the government into the dazzling glare of worldwide attention. And it hasn't emerged with very good grades. "I think on a stress test, they're failing," Bower told CNN's Jake Tapper, pointing to the government's coordination of different agencies and communication with other countries. China among critics Criticism and complaints have come from other countries involved in the search for the missing plane, including China and Vietnam, and from the relatives of passengers. Malaysian officials have created confusion by issuing contradictory statements on key aspects of the investigation. The majority of the people on board the plane were Chinese, and Beijing has increasingly voiced its displeasure with the search, especially after Malaysia announced over the weekend that evidence suggested the plane had been deliberately flown west into the Indian Ocean, away from its last confirmed location over the South China Sea. "The new information means the intensive search in the South China Sea for the whole past week was worthless and would never bear fruit," said a commentary published by China's state-run news agency Xinhua. "Even worse, the golden time for saving possible survivors, if any, was generously wasted." Question: "According to the media, has the Malaysian government done well in responding to the disappearance of Flight 370?" Answer: "No, it has failed" Based on the paragraph, choose if the answer is correct: Pick your answer from: (1). no. (2). yes.
Problem:Passage: The Lion King is a 1994 American animated epic musical film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 32nd Disney animated feature film, and the fifth animated film produced during a period known as the Disney Renaissance. The Lion King was directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff, produced by Don Hahn, and has a screenplay credited to Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts, and Linda Woolverton. Its original songs were written by composer Elton John and lyricist Tim Rice, with a score by Hans Zimmer. The film features an ensemble voice cast that includes Matthew Broderick, James Earl Jones, Jeremy Irons, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Moira Kelly, Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Rowan Atkinson, Robert Guillaume, Madge Sinclair, Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, and Jim Cummings. The story takes place in a kingdom of lions in Africa and was influenced by William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Question: Based on this passage, when did the lion king movie come out? Solution:OK... To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: The Lion King is a 1994 American animated epic musical film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. 1994. Problem:The seventh season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each, the seventh season consisted of only seven. Like the previous season, it largely consisted of original content not found in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, while also incorporating material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Answer this question: when is the finale of got season 7? Solution:OK... This is the relevant information: The seventh season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. August 27 , 2017. Problem:Passage: "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" is a song recorded by American singer Belinda Carlisle for her second studio album Heaven on Earth (1987). Written by Rick Nowels and Ellen Shipley, the power ballad was released as the album's lead single in September 1987, and it hit number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 on December 5, 1987, becoming Carlisle's only US chart-topper. A month later it hit number one in the United Kingdom, where it held the top spot of the UK Singles Chart for two weeks. Question: Based on this passage, who sings the song blue heaven is a place on earth? Solution:
OK... To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" is a song recorded by American singer Belinda Carlisle for her second studio album Heaven on Earth (1987). American singer Belinda Carlisle.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. (CNN) Republican National Committee communications director Sean Spicer said Saturday reports that the RNC was hacked by the Russians are not true and cast doubt on the Intelligence community assessments of Russia's attempts to influence US elections. "If (US Intelligence communities are) so certain it happened, why won't they go on the record and say it," Spicer told CNN's Michael Smerconish in a heated conversation. "I don't understand it. It doesn't make any sense." Spicer's comments came the morning after President-elect Donald Trump's transition team issued a stunning rebuke of Intelligence communities who have said, in recent reports from CNN and the Washington Post, that Russian hackers not only wanted to disrupt US elections but actively worked toward getting the Republican presidential nominee elected.Sean Spicer said Donald Trump does not support foreign involvement in the electionMichael Smerconish pushed back on the certainty that Spicer articulated Questions:Spicer also dismissed the paper's broader conclusions about the role of the _ government in the election. (A) CNN (B) Republican National Committee (C) Sean Spicer (D) RNC (E) Russians (F) Russia (G) US (H) Spicer (I) Michael Smerconish (J) Donald Trump (K) Intelligence (L) Washington Post (M) Russian (N) Republican
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Example input: For four years we have waited expectantly for the pitter patter of tiny paws. Soon, that wait could finally be over. Tian Tian, the UK's only female giant panda, has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as August. However Edinburgh Zoo, where the pandas live, have warned people 'not to get too excited' as the process is 'extremely complex'. Moreover, on the two previous occasions keepers inseminated Tian Tian - whose name means 'Sweetie' - she has failed to produce a panda cub. She was artificially inseminated again in March this year, but keepers at the zoo say implantation - when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterus - has not yet occurred.Tian Tian has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as AugustShe has been inseminated twice before but so far failed to produce a cubTian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in 2011 from China to great fanfareOn loan at £600k a year, became first giant pandas to live in UK for 17 years Questions:Under the terms of the agreement any cubs will return to _ at the age of two, the age at which they would normally leave their mother in the wild. Example output: China Example explanation: This is a good example. Based on the passage, any cubs will return to China at the age of two Q: (CNN) In the end, Donald Trump stayed true to himself. Beset by appeals from foreign leaders and corporate titans to put the planet first, he pulled out of the Paris climate accord Thursday. It's a decision that upheld his political instincts, nationalistic economic vision and dark view of a predatory world with one unified goal -- to rip America off. In fact, the move to leave the climate pact, endorsed by almost 200 countries worldwide, is one of the few international promises Trump has actually followed through on. The White House choreographed Thursday's announcement as a triumph for Trump after a turbulent debut to his presidency in which he has struggled to translate the populist, anti-elite promises of his campaign into real change and has railed against the limits of his office.Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris climate accordIts one of the few major campaign promises on foreign policy he's kept Question:Internationally, _ has run into the headwinds of geopolitical reality, the national security imperative to work with global partners and the need to honor legal obligations. A:
Donald Trump
Given the stream of consciousness rationale, provide a reasonable question and answer. Rationale: Cat can be in a family room. Couch is placed in the family room. TV can be located in the family room. Family room is a room in the house. The question and answer:
The cat pawed demurely at the couch and walked in front of the TV, where was the cat? Options: - family room - back yard - residential area - bathroom - comfortable position The answer is family room
Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: Men snarl and we see the crowd and shots of volleyball play. We see ladies on the sidelines. a tall man **** Answer: is shown from the legs up as he jumps. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to finish maple Sand the project you have made from maple wood using progressively fine sandpaper of 120 to 320 grit. Finishing this tight will help close up the pores of the wood in preparation for staining. When sanding is complete, wipe down the entire maple project with a lint-free cloth. **** Answer: This removes dust that was left over from the sanding. Choose a type of stain within your skill set as it can be a challenge for the beginner. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: People are seen walking around a neighborhood with some walking dogs. A young girl walks a dog around the area. another man **** Answer: follows her from behind. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: A person puts a hole at the bottom of the pumpkin. A child adds soil to the inside of the pumpkin. A person adds water to the pumpkin. the pumpkin **** Answer:
is buried in black dirt.
Add punctuation: Some GBL file extension formats can be opened in binary format only A: * Some GBL file extension formats can be opened in binary format only. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: 7 months ago 1100 TXXX Mexican interracial 12 months ago 0609 TXXX Mexican fetish ANS: 7 months ago 11:00 TXXX Mexican, interracial 12 months ago 06:09 TXXX Mexican, fetish QUES: It is located in Oravsky Podzamok town northern Slovakia Orava Castle is one of the most visited castles whole Slovak republic and it houses many attractions for tourists including museum exhibitions festivals weddings and much more correct the punctuation. CORRECTED: It is located in Oravsky Podzamok town, northern Slovakia. Orava Castle is one of the most visited castles whole Slovak republic and it houses many attractions for tourists including museum, exhibitions, festivals, weddings and much more. Question: Of this we can ensure you Should our deliveries not meet your expectations we would urge you to contact us on our telephone number 45 33 32 32 46 or via email shopfildefercphcom -- Answer: Of this we can ensure you. Should our deliveries not meet your expectations, we would urge you to contact us on our telephone number (+45) 33 32 32 46 or via email: [email protected] According to the customer survey the products energy efficiency has become a decisive factor when choosing supplier and this is used as a selling point in the dialogue with the customer Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation? According to the customer survey the product's energy efficiency has become a decisive factor when choosing supplier, and this is used as a selling point in the dialogue with the customer. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: 21 Evil shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate ANS:
21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: With this easytouse script authoring tool you can make a professional menu just in minutes ANS: With this easy-to-use script authoring tool, you can make a professional menu just in minutes! QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Harmonys outer case is designed to shed moisture and resist water penetration ANS: Harmony’s outer case is designed to shed moisture and resist water penetration. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: In the aftermath of the international economic and financial crisis the EU is striving to get back on the growth track EU competitiveness must be increased and green resourceefficient and sustainable growth must be ensured ANS: In the aftermath of the international economic and financial crisis, the EU is striving to get back on the growth track. EU competitiveness must be increased, and green, resource-efficient and sustainable growth must be ensured. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Description Northern Hawk Owl perched in the top of a tree ANS:
Description: Northern Hawk Owl perched in the top of a tree
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Input: The CIA's senior management saw problems with the armed Predator as well, problems that Clarke and even Black and Allen were inclined to minimize. One (which also applied to reconnaissance flights) was money. A Predator cost about $3 million. If the CIA flew Predators for its own reconnaissance or covert action purposes, it might be able to borrow them from the Air Force, but it was not clear that the Air Force would bear the cost if a vehicle went down. Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz took the position that the CIA should have to pay for it; the CIA disagreed. Second, Tenet in particular questioned whether he, as Director of Central Intelligence, should operate an armed Predator." This was new ground,"he told us. Tenet ticked off key questions: What is the chain of command? Who takes the shot? Are America's leaders comfortable with the CIA doing this, going outside of normal military command and control? Charlie Allen told us that when these questions were discussed at the CIA, he and the Agency's executive director, A. B." Buzzy" Krongard, had said that either one of them would be happy to pull the trigger, but Tenet was appalled, telling them that they had no authority to do it, nor did he. Third, the Hellfire warhead carried by the Predator needed work. It had been built to hit tanks, not people. It needed to be designed to explode in a different way, and even then had to be targeted with extreme precision. In the configuration planned by the Air Force through mid-2001, the Predator's missile would not be able to hit a moving vehicle. White House officials had seen the Predator video of the "man in white." On July 11, Hadley tried to hurry along preparation of the armed system. He directed McLaughlin, Wolfowitz, and Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman Richard Myers to deploy Predators capable of being armed no later than September 1. <sep>Why was Tenet appalled?<sep>Because this was happening outside of the normal military command and control, and he felt they didn't have the required authority Output:
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. One example: For four years we have waited expectantly for the pitter patter of tiny paws. Soon, that wait could finally be over. Tian Tian, the UK's only female giant panda, has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as August. However Edinburgh Zoo, where the pandas live, have warned people 'not to get too excited' as the process is 'extremely complex'. Moreover, on the two previous occasions keepers inseminated Tian Tian - whose name means 'Sweetie' - she has failed to produce a panda cub. She was artificially inseminated again in March this year, but keepers at the zoo say implantation - when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterus - has not yet occurred.Tian Tian has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as AugustShe has been inseminated twice before but so far failed to produce a cubTian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in 2011 from China to great fanfareOn loan at £600k a year, became first giant pandas to live in UK for 17 years Questions:Under the terms of the agreement any cubs will return to _ at the age of two, the age at which they would normally leave their mother in the wild. (A) Tian Tian (B) UK (C) Edinburgh Zoo (D) Sweetie (E) Yang Guang (F) China Solution is here: (F) Explanation: This is a good example. Based on the passage, any cubs will return to China at the age of two Now, solve this: Washington (CNN) Rep. Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump's pick for CIA director, promised Thursday at his Senate confirmation hearing to deliver unvarnished facts to the President and pledged to shield the agency from political influence at a time when Trump has been critical of the intelligence community. Like other nominees this week, the Kansas Republican disagreed with the President-elect in tone and substance on several occastions. He vowed not to reinstate enhanced interrogation techniques -- even if ordered to do so by Trump -- and took a harder line on Russia than Trump has displayed. Pompeo opened the hearing with criticism of Moscow even as the President-elect has suggested that the intelligence community's findings of Russian meddling in last year's election were overblown.Pompeo, a Kansas Republican, sits down before the Senate Select Committee on IntelligenceRussia's hacking efforts are an issue of top concern on both sides of the aisle Questions:In response to the 2014 Senate report that found the _ tortured suspected terrorists, Pompeo released a statement saying the methods used were constitutional. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Mike Pompeo (D) Donald Trump (E) CIA (F) Senate (G) Trump (H) Kansas (I) Republican (J) Russia (K) Pompeo (L) Moscow (M) Russian (N) Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Solution:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle. Solution: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar? Why? The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage. New input: The Solanaceae, or nightshades, are an economically important family of flowering plants. The family ranges from annual and perennial herbs to vines, lianas, epiphytes, shrubs, and trees, and includes a number of important agricultural crops, medicinal plants, spices, weeds, and ornamentals. Many members of the family contain potent alkaloids, and some are highly toxic, but many, including tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell/chili peppers, and tobacco are widely used. The family belongs to the order Solanales, in the asterid group and class Magnoliopsida (dicotyledons). The Solanaceae consists of about 98 genera and some 2,700 species, with a great diversity of habitats, morphology and ecology. Solution:
are tomatoes a member of the nightshade family?
Teacher:In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Greater Bangladesh , or Great Bengal , is a political idea in Bangladesh to unite the region of Bengal . Student:
Greater Bangladesh also referred to as Bishal Bangla ( " Great Bengal " ) , describes the nationalist political ideology which seeks to unite all Bengali speaking regions into a single nation .
Question. Context: Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the generational demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years. Millennials are sometimes referred to as "echo boomers" due to a major surge in birth rates in the 1980s and 1990s, and because millennials are often the children of the baby boomers. The 20th-century trend toward smaller families in developed countries continued, however, so the relative impact of the "baby boom echo" was generally less pronounced than the post -- World War II baby boom. Question: when were you born to be a millenial? Answer. the early 1980s What step-by-step reasoning justifies that answer?
Reasoning: The relevant sentence in the passage is: There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
Student A:Passage: Rochon made her film debut in 1985, when she starred opposite Fred Williamson in Fox Trap. In 1987, she played the role of Debby in the film The Wild Pair, starring Beau Bridges and Bubba Smith. In 1989, Rochon acted opposite Eddie Murphy in 1989's Harlem Nights, as the memorable "Sunshine" character. She again worked with Murphy in the successful 1992 romantic comedy, Boomerang. In 1995, she was regular cast member during the first season of The WB sitcom, The Wayans Bros. Question: Based on this passage, who played sunshine in the movie harlem nights? Student B:OK... The relevant information is: In 1989, Rochon acted opposite Eddie Murphy in 1989's Harlem Nights, as the memorable "Sunshine" character. Rochon. Problem:Mariyappan Thangavelu (born 28 June 1995) is an Indian Paralympic high jumper. He represented India in the 2016 Summer Paralympic games held in Rio de Janeiro in the men's high jump T-42 category, winning the gold medal in the finals. He is India's first Paralympian gold medallist since 2004. Tamil film director Aishwaryaa Dhanush is making a film about this life and achievements titled Mariyappan. Based on this passage, who won gold medal in rio paralympics in high jump? Solution:OK... The relevant sentence in the passage is: He represented India in the 2016 Summer Paralympic games held in Rio de Janeiro in the men's high jump T-42 category, winning the gold medal in the finals. Mariyappan Thangavelu. Student A:The first issue (1966) was produced by three mints: 146.5 million were minted at the Royal Australian Mint in Canberra, with 239 million at the Melbourne Mint and 26.6 million at the Perth Mint. With the exception of 1966 and 1981, all other one-cent coins have been produced at the Canberra mint. In 1981, 40.3 million were struck at the British Royal Mint in Llantrisant, Wales, as well as 183.6 million in Canberra. The only year when it was not minted during its years in general circulation was 1986. It was last minted in 1990. Based on this passage, when did australia stop making 1 cent coins? Student B:OK... The relevant information to answer the above question is: It was last minted in 1990. 1990. Problem:In Biblical cosmology, the firmament is the structure above the atmosphere, conceived as a vast solid dome. According to the Genesis creation narrative, God created the firmament to separate the "waters above" the earth from the "waters below" the earth. The word is anglicized from Latin firmamentum, which appears in the Vulgate, a late fourth-century Latin translation of the Bible. Answer this question: what is the definition of firmament in the bible? Solution:OK... The important part for answering this question is: In Biblical cosmology, the firmament is the structure above the atmosphere, conceived as a vast solid dome. the structure above the atmosphere , conceived as a vast solid dome. Student A:The Sklar brothers have also appeared in television shows such as CSI, Comedy Bang! Bang!, Mighty Med, Childrens Hospital, Law & Order, Becker, Providence, The Oblongs (as conjoined twin brothers Biff and Chip Oblong), Entourage, Grey's Anatomy (as conjoined twin brothers Peter and Jake Weitzman), Curb Your Enthusiasm (Jason only), and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (as dance marathon DJs on the episode "The Gang Dances Their Asses Off"). They recently appeared on season 3 of Better Call Saul as the owners of a music shop called ABQ In Tune. The Sklars have appeared in the films My Baby's Daddy, Bubble Boy, Wild Hogs, and The Comebacks. Who are the twins in better call saul? Student B:OK... The relevant information to answer the above question is: They recently appeared on season 3 of Better Call Saul as the owners of a music shop called ABQ In Tune. The Sklar brothers. Student A:Passage: The interventricular septum, is the stout wall separating the ventricles, the lower chambers of the heart from one another. Question: Based on this passage, what is the function of the interventricular septum in the heart? Student B:
OK... This is the relevant information: The interventricular septum, is the stout wall separating the ventricles, the lower chambers of the heart from one another. separating the ventricles , the lower chambers of the heart from one another.
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Example input: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Example output: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. Example explanation: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". Q: Nelson is the co-chair of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ( NORML ) advisory board . A:
Nelson is a major liberal activist and the co-chair of the advisory board of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ( NORML ) , which is in favor of marijuana legalization .
Definition: Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. Input: Page count is not a good way to measure length. A 20-page plan with dense text and no graphics is much longer than a 35-page plan broken up into readable bullet points, useful illustrations of locations or products, and business charts to illustrate important projections. Measure a plan by readability and summarization. A good business... If the Appendix is long, a divider should be used to separate it from the body of the plan, or a separate Appendix document should be prepared. These techniques ensure that the investor is not handed a thick business plan, which will make them queasy before even opening it up. How Long Should Your Business Plan Be? Depending on what you're using it for, a useful business plan can be any length, from a scrawl on the back of an envelope to, in the case of an especially detailed plan describing a complex enterprise, more than 100 pages. A typical business plan runs 15 to 20 pages, but there's room for wide variation from that norm. If you’ve reviewed what a business plan is, and why you need one to start and grow your business, then it’s time to dig into the process of actually writing a business plan. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll take you through every stage of writing a business plan that will actually help you achieve your goals. Main points should show up in a business plan as quickly as they do in a business pitch or presentation. Unfortunately, many people still use page count as measurement. And in that context, some of the more practical, internal-use-only business plans can be only 5 or 10 pages long. Corporate business plans for large companies can run into hundreds of pages. The first is the assumption that making a business continuity plan is enough, that it doesn’t have to be tested. The second is a shortage of staff available to run the tests. However if at least the necessity to test is recognised, even if resources are scarce, you can still make some amends. Ideally, your business plan should be 15-25 pages long and it should include an executive summary of between 2-4 pages, depending on the complexity of the business and the purpose of the plan, which answers the two questions asked by every experienced investor:: Here goes the quick guidelines to keep the business plan simple: 1 Avoid long complicated sentences. 2 Avoid buzzwords, jargon and acronyms; you know that KISS stands for “keep it simple, stupid,” but don’t assume anybody else does. 3 Avoid verbose text. 4 Keep the text style same throughout the business plan. For the business plan document we use to back up an effort to attract outside investors, or in an MBA contest setting, or to back up a commercial loan application, 10-15 pages of easy-to-read text plus as many charts and tables as you want. The more charts and tables, the better; don't count those charts and tables as part of the 10-15 pages. It seems, back in the day, the longer your business plan was, the more promising it was going to be, said Dany Levy, founder of, in a recent New York Times interview. And now it's, the shorter your business plan is, the more succinct and to the point it is, the better. Query: how long should business plans be Output:
A typical business plan should be 15 to 20 pages long.
Question. Context: The show's theme was called "There's a New Girl in Town", with music by David Shire, lyrics by Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman; performed by Linda Lavin. Several different arrangements of this tune were used throughout the series' run; the lyrics were altered after the second season. Question: who sings the theme song to the tv show alice? Answer. Linda Lavin What step-by-step reasoning justifies that answer?
Reasoning: The relevant information to answer the above question is: The show's theme was called "There's a New Girl in Town", with music by David Shire, lyrics by Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman; performed by Linda Lavin.
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Example input: where did france surrender ww2? Example output: Mediterranean Sea Example explanation: This is a good example and the output correctly answers the question. Q: what college did magic johnson go to? A:
Michigan State University
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. Weather. Today's Forecast; Hourly Forecast; 10 Day Forecast; Monthly Forecast; National Forecast; Get Notifications; Maps. Weather in Motion® Radar Maps; Classic Weather Maps; Regional Satellite; Driving Difficulty Map; Traffic and Radar NEW! Severe. Severe Alerts; Hurricane Central; Tornado Central; Local Severe Storm Risk; Winter Storm Central; Safety and Preparedness Find the most current and reliable 7 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for Kurunegala, LK with The Weather Network. Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Kurunegala, Sri Lanka with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Kurunegala, Sri Lanka with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Scan for updated forecast Connection restored! See the links below the 10-day Kurunegala weather forecast table for other cities and towns nearby along with weather conditions for local outdoor activities. Kurunegala is 161 m above sea level and located at 7.49° N 80.36° E. Kurunegala has a population of 28571. Local time in Kurunegala is +0530. View the latest weather forecasts, maps, news and alerts on Yahoo Weather. Find local weather forecasts for Kurunegala, Sri Lanka throughout the world View the latest weather forecasts, maps, news and alerts on Yahoo Weather. Find local weather forecasts for Kurunegala, Sri Lanka throughout the world Kurunegala, Sri Lanka weather text for Mon 26 th February. It looks on Monday, 26 February the Kurunegala, Sri Lanka weather is going to be fog. The visibility is going to be around 16 km i.e. 10 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1010 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 29 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 20 °c at night. Category 6. Welcome to Category 6. This is the collective home for Weather Underground's featured writeups by Dr. Jeff Masters (right), Bob Henson (left), Chris Burt, and other regular contributors. Location: Kurunegala. Current Time: Jan 18, 2018 at 9:58:55 am. Latest Report: Jan 18, 2018 at 8:30 am. Visibility: 13 mi. Pressure: 29.89 Hg. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 67 °F Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Kurunegala, Sri Lanka from Get the Kurunegala weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Kurunegala, Sri Lanka from Get the Kurunegala weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Kurunegala, Sri Lanka from my recent locations °c The only major change in the Kurunegala weather occurs during the monsoons from May to August and October to January when heavy rains can be expected. While the city does experience a noticeably drier weather during January and February, it does not qualify as a true dry season as average precipitation in both months are above 60 millimetres (2 in). Query: how is the weather in kurunegala
On Monday, 26 February, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka weather is going to be fog and the daytime temperature is going to reach 29 degrees Celsius and the temperature is going to dip to 20 degrees Celsius at night.
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Example input: For four years we have waited expectantly for the pitter patter of tiny paws. Soon, that wait could finally be over. Tian Tian, the UK's only female giant panda, has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as August. However Edinburgh Zoo, where the pandas live, have warned people 'not to get too excited' as the process is 'extremely complex'. Moreover, on the two previous occasions keepers inseminated Tian Tian - whose name means 'Sweetie' - she has failed to produce a panda cub. She was artificially inseminated again in March this year, but keepers at the zoo say implantation - when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterus - has not yet occurred.Tian Tian has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as AugustShe has been inseminated twice before but so far failed to produce a cubTian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in 2011 from China to great fanfareOn loan at £600k a year, became first giant pandas to live in UK for 17 years Questions:Under the terms of the agreement any cubs will return to _ at the age of two, the age at which they would normally leave their mother in the wild. Example output: China Example explanation: This is a good example. Based on the passage, any cubs will return to China at the age of two Q: Jihadi John will never enter 'paradise' because he beheaded British aid worker Alan Henning while he was 'under the protection of Muslims', a rival terror group battling ISIS has claimed. In a new propaganda magazine published online, the Jaish al-Fath group says the 47-year-old was a 'non-believer' but his murder was not justified under shariah law. Islamic State filmed the murder of Henning at the hands of Jihadi John - later outed as Mohammed Emwazi - and released the gruesome footage online in October 2014. But  the man who was described as a 'decent, caring human being' was supposedly granted Amana [protection] by two different Islamist groups and it was forbidden to harm him, according to Jaish al-Fath which commands up to 10,000 fighters.Statement from Jaish al-Fath Islamist group in new propaganda magazineBritish aid worker Henning was murdered by 'Jihadi John' in October 2014He was supposedly granted security by two different jihadi groups in SyriaJaish brands ISIS leader 'criminal' and its online supporters 'foul-mouthed' Question:_-Fath describes the footage as a 'costly gamble and publicity stunt'. A:
Jaish al
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. Problem:Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands -- Saint Croix (/ˌseɪnt ˈkrɔɪ/; Spanish: Santa Cruz; Dutch: Sint-Kruis; French: Sainte-Croix; Danish and Norwegian: Sankt Croix, Taino: Ay Ay) is an island in the Caribbean Sea, and a county and constituent district of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI), an unincorporated territory of the United States. Solution:
is st. croix part of the us virgin islands
Teacher:You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: The Welland Canal is a ship canal in Ontario, Canada, connecting Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. It forms a key section of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Traversing the Niagara Peninsula from Port Weller to Port Colborne, it enables ships to ascend and descend the Niagara Escarpment and bypass Niagara Falls. Student:
can you sail from lake ontario to lake erie?
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Example: For four years we have waited expectantly for the pitter patter of tiny paws. Soon, that wait could finally be over. Tian Tian, the UK's only female giant panda, has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as August. However Edinburgh Zoo, where the pandas live, have warned people 'not to get too excited' as the process is 'extremely complex'. Moreover, on the two previous occasions keepers inseminated Tian Tian - whose name means 'Sweetie' - she has failed to produce a panda cub. She was artificially inseminated again in March this year, but keepers at the zoo say implantation - when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterus - has not yet occurred.Tian Tian has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as AugustShe has been inseminated twice before but so far failed to produce a cubTian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in 2011 from China to great fanfareOn loan at £600k a year, became first giant pandas to live in UK for 17 years Questions:Under the terms of the agreement any cubs will return to _ at the age of two, the age at which they would normally leave their mother in the wild. (A) Tian Tian (B) UK (C) Edinburgh Zoo (D) Sweetie (E) Yang Guang (F) China Example solution: (F) Example explanation: This is a good example. Based on the passage, any cubs will return to China at the age of two Problem: (CNN) The cavalry is coming! Not exactly, but the sentiment of reassurance is the same. This week, US Defense Secretary James Mattis arrives in Asia to visit South Korea and Japan. Two stalwart US allies, policymakers in both capitals have nevertheless been shaken by statements Donald Trump made while campaigning for President. None of these was more dramatic than the suggestion that these allies should pay more for US troops or risk having these forces withdrawn. Statements like this played to the worst fears in Seoul and Tokyo that the United States might no longer be a committed ally. It is now Mattis' job to reassure them of US commitments and return the trajectory of alliance relations back to pre-2016 presidential campaign rhetoric.Jeffrey Hornung: Japan, South Korea were shaken by statements Donald Trump made while campaigningWashington's alliances with Seoul and Tokyo will be critical in managing challenges posed by China and North Korea, he says Questions:Given the severity of the _ threat, it is crucial they hammer out any possible differences that may have arisen since Trump became president. (A) US (B) James Mattis (C) Asia (D) South Korea (E) Japan (F) Donald Trump (G) Seoul (H) Tokyo (I) United States (J) Mattis (K) Jeffrey Hornung (L) Washington (M) China (N) North Korea
Solution: (N)
Teacher: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site. Solution: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram Reason: The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example. Now, solve this instance: In probability theory and statistics, the Poisson distribution (French pronunciation (pwaˈsɔ̃); in English often rendered / ˈpwɑːsɒn /), named after French mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson, is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space if these events occur with a known constant rate and independently of the time since the last event. The Poisson distribution can also be used for the number of events in other specified intervals such as distance, area or volume. Student:
what is the parameter of the poisson distribution
Question with options: can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: Scott's execution led to outrage in Ontario, and was largely responsible for prompting the Wolseley Expedition, which forced Louis Riel, now branded a murderer, to flee the settlement. Hypothesis: Scott's execution caused the Wolseley Expedition. Options are: i. yes; ii. no; A:
Definition: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Input: People such as Louis Pasteur proved what is known as the germ theory of disease only after Semmelweis ' death . Output:
Semmelweis 's practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death , when Louis Pasteur developed the germ theory of disease , offering a theoretical explanation for Semmelweis 's findings .
Problem: Captured Moments by Will Shetterly I remember Papa's stopbox, a teal blue Tiempo Capturado that Mama brought home for his birthday. It was huge and inefficient, and she should never have spent so many pesos on a toy, but Papa would not let her return it. He used it to preserve baby tomatoes, cucumbers, and strawberries in translucent cubes that he stored in the pantry for spring-time meals in the middle of winter. Mama kept her mink jacket, a family hand-me-down, safe from time in a stopbox, and lent the capturador to my uncle for his stamp collection. Sometimes they would let us little ones to seal a treasured toy or a last piece of birthday cake until we begged them for its release, usually a few hours after enclosing it. When my father died, a year after my mother, my sisters and I cleaned out their apartment. We found our baby shoes protected in stopboxes. I took mine home, where they sat above my computer while I worked on my first play. One night when I did not believe love had ever existed for anyone, I used my own capturador, a sleek titanium Sanyo Tardar Ahora, to undo the stopbox. Bringing my face close to the shoes, I breathed deeply of air that my parents had trapped while closing up that symbol of their love for me. The instant would have been improved had my baby shoes been cleaned before they were encased. But as soon as I coughed, I laughed, and I did not try to kill myself that night. Question: "Father died how many years after mother?" Answer: "Immediately" Answer: no Problem: Hundreds of thousands of years before China was to become the world's longest-running civilization, the prologue was enacted by means of the flicker of a carefully tended fire. Peking Man, a forebear of Homo sapiens, achieved a mastery of fire. We might call it the first Chinese invention. Not that he devised flint and steel, matches, or any other way of creating fire. Peking Man simply learned how to capture flame, perhaps from a forest fire, and keep it alight. He thus enjoyed two revolutionary luxuries: light and heat. Technologically and sociologically, it was a phenomenal breakthrough: with fire, communities could live year 'round in one cave, in which cooking and even smelting could be pursued. And so, by 600,000 b.c., about 50 km (31 miles) southwest of present-day Beijing, the ancestors of mankind were ready to settle down. Several hundred thousand years later, when Marco Polo reached the capital of China, he was astonished by a further development in fire technology. The Chinese, he announced, used black stones dug out of mountains as fuel. Europeans did not yet have a word for "coal," nor had they discovered a use for it. The First Dynasty The confluence of mythology and history in China took place around 4,000 years ago during what is referred to as the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty. This was still the Stone Age, but the people are thought to have made silk from thread produced by the worms they cultivated on the leaves of their mulberry trees. And written language (which evolved as early as 4,500 to 5,000 years ago) was already in use, originally by oracles and then by official scribes — China's first scholars. During the second of the quasi-legendary dynasties, the Shang (from about the 16th to 11th centuries b.c.), the Chinese developed an interest in art. Careful geometric designs as well as dragon and bird motifs adorned bowls and implements. And with the arrival of the Bronze Age, the Chinese created bronze vessels of such beauty and originality that, until modern times, archaeologists refused to believe they were cast 3,000 years ago. The Shang Dynasty gave rise to the concept of one Chinese nation under one government. Question: "Who could be called the first Chinese inventor?" Answer: "The shang dynasty" Answer: no Problem: Hundreds of thousands of years before China was to become the world's longest-running civilization, the prologue was enacted by means of the flicker of a carefully tended fire. Peking Man, a forebear of Homo sapiens, achieved a mastery of fire. We might call it the first Chinese invention. Not that he devised flint and steel, matches, or any other way of creating fire. Peking Man simply learned how to capture flame, perhaps from a forest fire, and keep it alight. He thus enjoyed two revolutionary luxuries: light and heat. Technologically and sociologically, it was a phenomenal breakthrough: with fire, communities could live year 'round in one cave, in which cooking and even smelting could be pursued. And so, by 600,000 b.c., about 50 km (31 miles) southwest of present-day Beijing, the ancestors of mankind were ready to settle down. Several hundred thousand years later, when Marco Polo reached the capital of China, he was astonished by a further development in fire technology. The Chinese, he announced, used black stones dug out of mountains as fuel. Europeans did not yet have a word for "coal," nor had they discovered a use for it. The First Dynasty The confluence of mythology and history in China took place around 4,000 years ago during what is referred to as the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty. This was still the Stone Age, but the people are thought to have made silk from thread produced by the worms they cultivated on the leaves of their mulberry trees. And written language (which evolved as early as 4,500 to 5,000 years ago) was already in use, originally by oracles and then by official scribes — China's first scholars. During the second of the quasi-legendary dynasties, the Shang (from about the 16th to 11th centuries b.c.), the Chinese developed an interest in art. Careful geometric designs as well as dragon and bird motifs adorned bowls and implements. And with the arrival of the Bronze Age, the Chinese created bronze vessels of such beauty and originality that, until modern times, archaeologists refused to believe they were cast 3,000 years ago. The Shang Dynasty gave rise to the concept of one Chinese nation under one government. Question: "What did the second quasi-legendary dynasty give rise to the concept of?" Answer: "Fire" Answer:
Part 1. Definition Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Part 2. Example Television drama's whole point is to bring you through an often slow start, followed by a complex development to a point where there are two or three potential dénouements before, "Cut!", it is the end of the episode and you will have to await the "right answer" in the following week's show. This post came to me at 10pm last night, on Day 16 of this challenge, after a day of holidaying in London and with my head (and feet) too weary to put finger to touchscreen. Mrs Mc and I had just watched another live instalment of Broadchurch, murder mystery extraordinaire, particularly since in the second series there is no actual fresh murder to investigate. The verdict is about to be given on the accused killer from Series 1 when the inevitable happens... Cue title music. This moment has even gained a moniker in British homes, based on the theme tune to the real masters of the four-times-a-week cliffhanger, London-based soap opera Eastenders. It's call a ", ba, ba-ba-ba-ba" (YouTube will provide overseas readers with auditory explanation). Eastenders is such a master of writing in the perfect pace that every 28 minute episode ends with a tantalising screen freeze on the latest shocked face / smirking baddy / confused victim. For really big stories the cliffhanger can last significantly longer. This week, to celebrate the show's 30 year birthday, we will finally find out the answer to a question unanswered for the past 14 months: "Who killed Lucy Beale?" Now, most classrooms do not involve murder, incest, dodgy deals and danger, but "good teaching" encourages a type of pacing that totally ignores the ingredients that have millions in the edges of their seats every day: the good old cliffhanger. In fact, we see teachers giving away the punchline at the beginning: "Today we are learning this:...". Question: What was the soap opera admired by British people that the author says is a master of writing? Answer: Eastenders Explanation: The seventh sentence of the passage clearly states that Eastenders is master of writing. So, the answer is Eastenders. Part 3. Exercise Ironically, J. Paul Getty never saw the Getty Villa. He died two years after his museum opened to the public in January 1974 in a new building modeled on an ancient Roman luxury home. It was not until after Getty's death in June 1976 that he returned from his estate in England to his "ranch" on the Pacific Coast: he is buried there at the edge of the property on a private plot overlooking the ocean, alongside his eldest and youngest sons, George and Timothy, both of whom predeceased him. Following a renovation and reinstallation of the galleries, the Getty Villa opens a new chapter in its history. Although Getty never set eyes on his creation, the story of how he built the Villa and assembled his collection pervades the galleries even today. A suite of revamped rooms—Galleries 105 to 108—share this history. Featuring ancient works of art Getty bought himself along with archival documents, the new displays place the objects in their cultural contexts and shed light on Getty's personal relationship to his museum and final resting place. From a Ranch House to an Ancient Villa Getty bought the 64-acre ranch—once part of the Rancho Boca de Santa Monica, an early-nineteenth-century 6,656-acre Mexican land grant—just after the end of World War II, intending it as a weekend retreat where his fifth wife Theodora ("Teddy") could ride horses and he could display his growing art collection. He knew the area well, for he already owned a small house on the beach in nearby Santa Monica, just steps from the sprawling complex his friend and rival collector William Randolph Hearst had built for the actress Marion Davies. (The Davies estate is now the Annenberg Community Beach House, while Getty's beach house has been replaced by a large modern condo complex, 270 Palisades Beach Road.) Question: Who owned a beach house in Santa Monica near to the home of collector William Randolph Hearst? Answer:
J. Paul Getty
A same meaning or not problem: OPTIONS: - no - yes Büyükorhan is a town and a district of Turkey in the Marmara region of the province of Bursa . Büyükorhan is a town and district of the province of Bursa in the Marmara region of Turkey . **** [A]: no Same meaning? The Holger Danske and Albertus Pictor , painted on the ceiling of the Floda church in Sweden , were attributed to Burman around 1480 . The Holger Danske and Burman , painted on the ceiling of the Floda church in Sweden , are attributed to Albertus Pictor around 1480 . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: S1: This was followed by further launches to Amsterdam , Brussels and Lisbon . S2: This was followed by further route launches to Lisbon , Brussels and Amsterdam . Do S1 & S2 convey the same information? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes Problem: (1) The popular French singers Coralie Clément and Benjamin Biolay , as well as the football player hopeful Grégory Bettiol and the actor and cellist Maurice Baquet were born in the city . (2) The popular French singers Grégory Bettiol and Coralie Clément , as well as footballers hopeful Benjamin Biolay and actor and cellist Maurice Baquet were born in the city . Do (1) and (2) mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: no Please check if these have the same meaning. Born in Salt Lake City , Laura Myntti lived in Sioux City , Iowa and San Diego , before settling in Minnesota in 1968 . Born in Minnesota , Laura Myntti lived in Sioux City , Iowa and San Diego , before settling in Salt Lake City in 1968 . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no A same meaning or not problem: OPTIONS: - no - yes The film was shot on location in Munich and Bavaria and at the Bavaria Studios in Austria . The film was shot on site in Munich and in Bavaria and at the Bavaria Studios in Austria . **** [A]:
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. The NYPD have unveiled an elite terrorist unit as security was ramped up in major cities across the United States in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks. In New York City, police increased bag checks in the subway system and at popular tourist destinations while Commissioner Bill Bratton revealed that the force was training to deal with an event similar to Friday's massacres. He also deployed the new terrorism task force of 560 officers, the Critical Response Command, on Monday, set up specifically to deal with threats and attacks in the city. During a press conference alongside Mayor Bill de Blasio he said: 'The world changed dramatically over the weekend.'New York City has increased security and police presence in the wake of Friday's terror attacks in ParisPolice are conducting more bag checks in the subway system and at popular tourist destinationsCommissioner Bill Bratton revealed that the NYPD was also training to deal with an event similar to Friday's massacresNew York's top cop unveiled a terrorism task force with Mayor DeBlasioHe said that information is being gathered in hopes of preventing an attack similar to the one that occurred in Paris Questions:_ announced security would be heightened at sensitive locations, telling the crowd that New York is the best equipped city in America to fight terrorism. (A) NYPD (B) United States (C) Paris (D) New York City (E) Bill Bratton (F) Critical Response Command (G) Bill de Blasio (H) New York (I) DeBlasio
Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. My dearest Lily, Forgive me. I would be with you now, rather than closeted in my study, but I do not wish you or our children to witness my demise. I love you. I tell you now, so that you will know that my last thought was of you. I have placed my affairs in order -- do not fear, my love, you will be well provided for -- all that is required of my remaining time is to explain the events which have led to my death. Though the scene will seem so similar to my elder brother's death, I would not wish you to think I had taken my own life in the manner in which Edmund took his. When Dr V came to see me some weeks ago, he brought with him the bottle of strychnine that now sits empty upon my desk. He was in high spirits, because his latest alchemical experiment had been a success, and brought the strychnine in order to demonstrate the efficacy of his elixir. In truth, his very presence could be considered proof, since he had been dead earlier that morning, but, as I had not witnessed his revival, he wished me to see the results first hand. At his request, I summoned the chambermaid, while he prepared a syringe of strychnine. I thought he would ask her to procure a hen or some such thing for use in his demonstration however, when she arrived, Dr V-- plunged the syringe into her arm with no warning. I leapt from my chair, but before I could do more than cross the room, the strychnine took effect with results that horrified me. Even though I had complete confidence in Dr V's elixir, I could not restrain a cry of dismay as the chambermaid's head tilted back in a sudden convulsion. Her lips tightened, giving her the appearance of laughter and she dropped to her knees, clawing at her throat. Her back arched, pitching her over so that she lay with only her head and heels touching the carpet. Question: Who is Lily? His wife. I don't know how this rates as "shocking", I guess it might depend on the culture in which you live, but, it is at the least "repulsive" or disgusting. There was a huge corporation in which I had a contract with. I was called in, to help them uncover what they considered "a very serious series of incidents". Their own "in house" attempts were fruitless. It turned out, they had an over-sized engineering department, and that it had been announced that this would be scaled back due to completion of contracts. Someone though, within the engineering department, was sabotaging the continued work, slowing the completion. I was to go undercover, posing as a visiting engineer from a distant plant, and find out who the perpetrator/s were, as they wished to file legal action. So, this is at the corporate headquarters, in the late 1980's. These people were making 6 figure incomes easily. That being said, you kind of expect a bit more of a dignified behavior here than you would with a construction laborer or dishwasher. I completed my job in four days, giving them the evidence and name of the lone individual respsonsible for the sabotage. What exactly was he doing? He carried rubber gloves in his back pocket, and he would periodically use the restroom, and remove his feces from the toilet and smear it all over the walls, covering as much surface as he could. He would also visit restrooms in different departments and do the same. This would cause the unionized individuals, who only had that restroom to use in their area, to walk off their work stations. Seriously, a butt-hurt guy fearing a layoff, so he decided to smear his shit all over the place before it even happened. He readily confessed when confronted by HR, further destroying his work record/career. Question: Who completed the job in 4 days? the investigator The U.S. State Department has asked American embassies and consulates around the world to identify certain groups that should get extra scrutiny when they apply for visas. A series of directives also instructs U.S. diplomatic posts overseas to review the social media accounts of visa applicants who are suspected of terrorist ties or of having been in Islamic State group-controlled areas. The diplomatic cables sent by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson directed embassies to convene security and intelligence working groups to determine criteria for "population sets" that would warrant increased scrutiny before traveling to the U.S. Even if the applicant otherwise qualifies for a visa, those identified as meeting the criteria would require additional scrutiny, leading to a possible visa denial. It is the first evidence of a plan for the "extreme vetting" of foreigners entering the United States that President Donald Trump promised during his campaign. The four cables sent between March 10 and March 17 do not define which groups would be considered among the "population sets" requiring more scrutiny. But in the first glimpse into what "extreme vetting" may look like under the Trump administration, one of Tillerson's memos would have added to the interview process questions about an applicant's workplaces, employers, addresses and travel history going back 15 years, as well as all email addresses and social media handles used in the last five years. The questions were withdrawn in a following memo, pending approval of the list by another federal agency. The directives, first reported by Reuters, quickly drew criticism from rights groups and others who've accused Trump of discriminating against Muslims through his now-suspended ban on travelers from six predominantly Muslim countries — Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. "These measures could provide license for discrimination based on national origin and religion,'' human rights group Amnesty International wrote in a letter to Tillerson on Thursday. "They could provide a pretext for barring individuals based on their nonviolent beliefs and expression. Social media checks, as well as demands for social media passwords at U.S. borders, have significant implications for privacy and freedom of expression.'' Question: Who can be identified as meeting the criteria for extreme vetting?
visa applicants
Problem: The Canyons is a 2013 American erotic thriller-drama film directed by Paul Schrader and written by Bret Easton Ellis. The film is set in Los Angeles and stars Lindsay Lohan, James Deen, Nolan Funk, Amanda Brooks, and Gus Van Sant. It received a limited release on August 2, 2013 at the IFC Center in New York City, the Bell Lightbox in Toronto, and on video on demand platforms. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The Canyons is a 2013 American erotic thriller-drama film written by two men."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: Cory Higgins was a basketball player for the Utah Hornets Roderick Dwayne "Rod" Higgins (born January 31, 1960) is an American retired professional basketball player who formerly served as president of basketball operations for the National Basketball Association's Charlotte Hornets. He is also the father of former Charlotte Hornets point guard Cory Higgins. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No The East–West Shrine Game is an annual postseason college football all-star game played each January since 1925. The game is sponsored by the fraternal group Shriners International, and the net proceeds are earmarked to some of the Shrine's charitable works, most notably the Shriners Hospitals for Children. The game's slogan is "Strong Legs Run That Weak Legs May Walk". The East–West Shrine Game has been played for over 39 years OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes input hypothesis: The Charter Township of Lansing is the only charter township in Ingham County that is not contiguous Context: The Charter Township of Lansing is a charter township of Ingham County in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, it had a population of 8,126. The township consists of five non-contiguous tracts of land: one on the west side of Lansing, three on the east side between Lansing and East Lansing, and one on the southeast side of Lansing. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: Hard Landing is a 2004 thriller novel by British author Stephen Leather. Published in 2004 by Hodder & Stoughton, it is the first book in the Dan ‘Spider’ Shepherd series. "Hard Landing" is an international bestseller and is available in ebook and paperback. Hypothesis: Hard Landing is the first book in the Dan 'Spider' Shepherd series that was released after the 3rd year of the 21st century but before the 5th. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Yes Problem: Stuart is a city in, and the seat of, Martin County, Florida, United States. Located on Florida's Treasure Coast, Stuart is the largest of four incorporated municipalities in Martin County. The population was 15,593 in the 2010 census. It is part of the Port St. Lucie, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Stuart is one of the best cities to visit in Florida."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: She was widely criticized for her militant tactics , but her work helped to achieve women 's suffrage in Britain . A:
She was widely criticised for her militant tactics , and historians disagree about their effectiveness , but her work is recognised as a crucial element in achieving women 's suffrage in the United Kingdom .
*Question* In the summer of 1980 a Spanish tourist, Gaspar Carner, went to Great Britain on holiday. When he was travelling in Scotland, he decided to visit Loch Ness, the famous lake where people say there is a monster. But while he was going across the lake in a boat, his bag fell into the water. In the bag were his passport, car keys, pen, and all his money. Loch Ness is 150 metres deep, so he didn't expect to see the bag again! Fourteen years later, in 1994, some scientists decided to explore the lake. They looked for the Loch Ness monster. Suddenly one of them saw something black in the water. They carefully went nearer. They thought the black thing was the monster. They went nearer and nearer. It was a bag. They took the bag out of the lake. They found that the photo on the passport was still clear. One of the scientists happened to be familiar with Gaspar Carner. So the bag was returned to him. How did the explorers know the bag was Carner's? A) Carner recognized the bag B) They expected it was the monster C) Carner was very famous D) One of the explorers knew Carner **Answer** D *Question* "Did you hear what happened to Adam last Friday?" Lindsey whispers to Tori. With her eyes shining, Tori brags, "You bet I did. Sean told me two days ago." What are Lindsey and Tori talking about? It just happens to be yours truly, Adam Freedman. I can tell you that what they are saying is (a) not nice and (b) not even true. Still, Lindsey and Tori aren't very different from most students here at Linton High School, including me. Many of our conversations are gossip . I have noticed three effects of gossip: it can hurt people, it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction, and it can cause social pressures in a group. An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about. Usually, gossip spreads information about a topic--breakups, troubles at home, even dropping out--that a person would rather keep secret. The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is, the juicer the gossip it makes. Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie. People often think of gossipers as harmless, bur cruel lies can cause pain. If we know that gossip can be harmful, then why do so many of us do it? The answer lies in another effect of gossip: the satisfaction it gives us. Sharing the latest rumor can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don't. Similarly, hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the "in group". In other words, gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority . Gossip can also have a third effect: it strengthens unwritten, unspoken rules about how people should act. Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group. Translated into high school terms, this means that if everybody you hang around with is laughing at what John wore or what Jane said, then you can bet that wearing or saying something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention. The do's and don'ts conveyed through gossip will never show up in any student... What advice does the author give in the passage? A) Never become a gossiper. B) Stay away from gossipers. C) Don't let gossip turn into lies. D) Think twice before you gossip. **Answer** D *Question* Young women who take part in beauty contests are helping to keep alive an outdated opinion of women that a woman's most important value is how she looks. Women have been working very hard through the years to change their image. They have been trying to prove that the value of a woman does not lie only in her beauty. The world is just beginning to recognize that women are as smart, wise and strong in personality as men are, and that there are qualities more important than looks when judging people. When women take part in beauty contests for top prizes, they encourage people to value them for their beauty alone. It is unfair to say that beauty alone determines one's worth. Beauty contests not only encourage spectators to judge women by their appearance, but they encourage this idea in the contestants as well. These young women spend months losing weight to be the "right" size and learning how to dress, wear makeup, and walk just right so that some judges will consider them beautiful. I think it's great for a woman to feel good about her appearance, but looks shouldn't be sought after in an extreme or unreasonable way. There are too many other, more important, things in a young woman's life: learning, developing friendships and preparing for their future work and perhaps a family. As long as there are beauty contests, women won't be fully recognized as well-rounded human beings. According to the author, beauty contests are _ . A) disrespectful to women B) unpleasant to contestants C) necessary for modern society D) helpful in improving women's image **Answer** A *Question* American parents generally can choose any name they want for their children. They may choose a name because it honors a family member. Or they may choose a name just because they like it. A website called Baby Center lists some unusual names given to American babies born last year. Some were named for characters in old stories, such as Hero, Thor and Ulysses. Other people named their babies after kinds of food, like actress Gwyneth Paltrow. She named her daughter Apple. Other people named their babies Banana, Pumpkin and Cookie. Still some babies were named for places. These included Brazil, India and Rome. Some parents used names of famous people from history such as Newton and Hannibal. Other parents named their babies after flowers or the weather. These babies were named Buttercup, Iris, Sunshine and Thunder. Recording artists and movie actors influence some parents' choices of names. Babies were named Beyonce, Charlize, Reda, Pierce, Shajira and Whitney. Movie actors themselves often give their babies unusual names. For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt named their baby daughter Shiloh. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes named their little girl Suri. Some American parents do not want unusual names. They want their baby's name to honor their religious faith. Such names include Abraham for boys or Sarah for girls. And many people give their babies the same name as a family member or good friend. The United States Social Security Administration once published a list of the most popular names for American girls and boys born. Many of the top ten boys, names are from the Jewish and Christian Bibles. If a girl is named Sarah, the name reflects her parents' _ . A) love B) career C) expectation D) religion **Answer**
What was the question for this implicit rationale, and corresponding answer? The relevant information is: "Take It All Back" is a song written and recorded by American folk band Judah & the Lion, released as a single from their second studio album Folk Hop N' Roll. The answer: American folk band Judah & the Lion
The question: "Take It All Back" is a song written and recorded by American folk band Judah & the Lion, released as a single from their second studio album Folk Hop N' Roll. It was released by the band's label, Cletus the Van Records. Answer this question: who sings take it all back just to have you?
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. One example: For four years we have waited expectantly for the pitter patter of tiny paws. Soon, that wait could finally be over. Tian Tian, the UK's only female giant panda, has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as August. However Edinburgh Zoo, where the pandas live, have warned people 'not to get too excited' as the process is 'extremely complex'. Moreover, on the two previous occasions keepers inseminated Tian Tian - whose name means 'Sweetie' - she has failed to produce a panda cub. She was artificially inseminated again in March this year, but keepers at the zoo say implantation - when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterus - has not yet occurred.Tian Tian has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as AugustShe has been inseminated twice before but so far failed to produce a cubTian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in 2011 from China to great fanfareOn loan at £600k a year, became first giant pandas to live in UK for 17 years Questions:Under the terms of the agreement any cubs will return to _ at the age of two, the age at which they would normally leave their mother in the wild. Solution is here: China Explanation: This is a good example. Based on the passage, any cubs will return to China at the age of two Now, solve this: Washington (CNN) Federal officials on Friday unsealed charges against three men accused of a thwarted plot to attack concert venues and landmarks around New York City in 2016, according to court documents -- a case that comes on the heels of a mass shooting at a concert in Las Vegas. The three men allegedly used internet messaging applications to plot bombings and shootings in Times Square, the New York subway and concerts during Ramadan last year, according to a news release on the unsealed court documents from the acting US attorney for the Southern District of New York. Charged in the case are Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, 19, a Canadian citizen; Talha Haroon, 19, a US citizen living in Pakistan; and Russell Salic, 37, a Philippines citizen, the release said. According to prosecutors, all three have been arrested and El Bahnasawy has already pleaded guilty following his May 2016 arrest. Haroon and Salic have been arrested overseas, and the US is seeking to have them extradited to stand trial here."I wanna kill . . . them in thousands," one of the men allegedly wrote to an undercover agentOne of the men has pleaded guilty Question:Haroon is alleged to have planned to travel from _ to New York to help and met with bomb experts in Pakistan. Solution:
Problem: B: So again, it never really penalizes, the company doing the wrong. A: Right. That will, B: They can go right on doing the same old thing they always used to. A: Huh. B: And if they know some practice is wrong, you know, Can we infer the following? some practice is wrong Answer: Yes Problem: B: That's what I've heard too. Uh, A: It seems bizarre to me. I don't quite understand it, although I think probably the worst thing that's happening at least the modern world today, is television. Can we infer the following? the worst thing that's happening in the modern world is television Answer: Yes Problem: B: Right. And they repacked the wheel bearings. A: and they repacked the the wheel bearings. Yeah but, uh, I've had considerable experience. you might say I'm, uh, uh, good back yard mechanic Can we infer the following? she is a good back yard mechanic Answer: Yes Problem: ``Oh, very well,'' he said wearily. He might have known that it was useless to argue with McAllister - her tongue was as long as her will was strong. Can we infer the following? it was useless to argue with McAllister Answer:
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Clarendon is an urbanized, upper-class neighborhood in Arlington County, Virginia, located between the Rosslyn area and the Ballston area. It was named after Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, a leading statesman and historian of the English Civil War. The main thoroughfares are Wilson Boulevard (one-way westbound) and Clarendon Boulevard (one-way eastbound). Hypothesis: There have been 3 Earls of Clarendon in total. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Spaceballs is a 1987 American comic science fiction film co-written, produced and directed by Mel Brooks. Starring Brooks, Bill Pullman, John Candy, and Rick Moranis, the film also features Daphne Zuniga, Dick Van Patten, and the voice of Joan Rivers. In addition to Brooks in a supporting role, the film also features Brooks regulars Dom DeLuise and Rudy De Luca in cameo appearances. Hypothesis: Rick Moranis starred in Spaceballs. **** Answer: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: "You Are My Sunshine" is a popular song recorded by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell and first recorded in 1939. It has been declared one of the state songs of Louisiana because of its association with Davis, a country music singer and governor of the state in the years 1944–1948 and 1960–1964. Hypothesis: Jimmie Davis ran for political office multiple times. **** Answer:
What was the question for this implicit rationale, and corresponding answer? This is the relevant information: Additionally, she is remembered as a child actress from the films Field of Dreams, Uncle Buck, Now and Then, and Volcano. The answer: Gabrielle Mary Hoffmann
The question: Gabrielle Mary Hoffmann (born January 8, 1982) is an American film and television actress best known for her roles on Sleepless in Seattle, Transparent and Girls, which garnered her nominations for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series and Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2015, respectively. Additionally, she is remembered as a child actress from the films Field of Dreams, Uncle Buck, Now and Then, and Volcano. Answer this question: who plays the little girl in field of dreams?
Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Input: On the way back , Scott 's team had many problems : very bad weather , poor food supply , injuries from falls , scurvy and frostbite . Output:
Scott 's party faced extremely difficult conditions on the return journey , mainly due to the exceptionally adverse weather , poor food supply , injuries sustained from falls , and the effects of scurvy and frostbite .
Logic ==> Cheating on someone means breaking their trust. When the husband tries to forget about his wife breaking his trust, he is lying to himself. Lying to one's own self means deceiving oneself. deceive himself Question ==> The person saw his wife cheating on him, but tries to forget it, what was he doing? Options: - deceive himself - thank god - experience pain - enjoy life - absorb moisture ** Flying is the act of moving through air using wings. Wings won't be well developed yet in young birds. Young birds attempt to use their wings as soon as they grow up. attempt to fly ** The bird is young and still nesting, what is it likely to do soon? Options: - spread wings - learn to fly - squawk - swim - attempt to fly Detailed logic: North Carolina is a southeastern state in the US whose capital is Raleigh. Land is uneven in the city of Raleigh and outside it. north carolina Question for this logic: Where would an apple tree be unlikely to grow due to the presence of uneven land? Options: - washington state - illinois - north carolina - florida - orchard Logic ==> Blood flows through living beings. Humans have parents. Humans are persons. person Question ==> Who has blood and parents? Options: - person - bloodbank - vein - capillaries - hospital ** Flower pot is a container used for growing flowers. Anemone is a flower. flower pot ** James wanted his anemone to grow and bloom, so he put it in what? Options: - flower shop - tide pool - flower pot - seafood restaurant - pool Detailed logic: We usually store things which we do not need immediately. Coffee can be stored in air tight container. container Question for this logic:
Where would you put some coffee if you do not need it immediately? Options: - container - cryogenic pod - train station - cup - internet cafe
Read the text and answer the questions. CHAPTER XXXVI. TOM TRINGLE GETS AN ANSWER. Faddle as he went down into the country made up his mind that the law which required such letters to be delivered by hand was an absurd law. The post would have done just as well, and would have saved a great deal of trouble. These gloomy thoughts were occasioned by a conviction that he could not carry himself easily or make himself happy among such "howling swells" as these Alburys. If they should invite him to the house the matter would be worse that way than the other. He had no confidence in his dress coat, which he was aware had been damaged by nocturnal orgies. It is all very well to tell a fellow to be as "big a swell" as anybody else, as Tom had told him. But Faddle acknowledged to himself the difficulty of acting up to such advice. Even the eyes of Colonel Stubbs turned upon him after receipt of the letter would oppress him. Nevertheless he must do his best, and he took a gig at the station nearest to Albury. He was careful to carry his bag with him, but still he lived in hope that he would be able to return to London the same day. When he found himself within the lodges of Stalham Park he could hardly keep himself from shivering, and, when he asked the footman at the door whether Colonel Stubbs were there, he longed to be told that Colonel Stubbs had gone away on the previous day to some--he did not care what--distant part of the globe. But Colonel Stubbs had not gone away. Colonel Stubbs was in the house. 1. What is this chapter called? 2. Who took a job at a station by Albury? 3. Did he hope to stay there? 4. What did he hope? 5. What did he take along? 6. Who did he ask about? 7. What was his question? 8. Who did he ask? 9. What was the answer? 10. What was he hoping? 11. What did Faddle think was absurd? 12. Did he think the mail would be just as good? 13. What would be a worse matter? Numbered answers:
1. TOM TRINGLE GETS AN ANSWER. 2. Faddle. 3. No. 4. That he would be able to return to London. 5. His bag. 6. Colonel Stubbs. 7. Whether Colonel Stubbs were there. 8. The footman at the door. 9. Colonel Stubbs was in the house. 10. That Colonel Stubbs had gone away. 11. The law which required such letters to be delivered by hand. 12. Yes. 13. If they should invite him to the house.
Definition: Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Input: Normal practice when handling ancient artifacts is to move carefully and minimize any sudden movements. Shaking the object is definitely not encouraged. But that's exactly what we—a group of museum curators and conservators—did when this exquisite Greek black-glazed kantharos (wine cup) was temporarily removed from display during the reinstallation of the Getty Museum's antiquities collection at the Getty Villa. One of just a handful of "rattling cups" that survive from the fifth and fourth centuries B.C., we wanted to learn more about how it was made.(1) Although we were eager to find out what was below the surface of the cup, we started by examining its exterior. The kantharos's distinctive shape, with profiled lip, tall foot, and elegant, upward-sweeping handles, is characteristic of black-glazed pottery made in the second half of the fourth century B.C., and replicates the form of luxury vessels in metal. Although the cup is currently catalogued as South Italian, the shape—and its striking decoration—are also typical of Athenian manufacture, and it may in fact have been produced there.(2) During the fourth century B.C., Athenian pottery was both imported into southern Italy and imitated by local craftsmen. The best South Italian versions were meant to be difficult to distinguish from Athenian examples, and we are continuing to investigate where ours may have been made. A Greek inscription applied in gilt around the rim reads: ΚΑΣΤΟΡΠΟΛΥΔΕΥΙΚΕΣ ("KASTORPOLYDEUIKES"). Kastor and Polydeukes were twin sons of Zeus—known together as the Dioskouroi—and were worshipped as protectors of sailors, horsemen, and chariot racing.(3) The inscription indicates that the kantharos was dedicated to them, perhaps as thanks for—or in hope of—safe passage at sea or a successful race. The gold decoration supports this idea: because each brother split his time between Mt. Olympus and Hades, they were often represented by stars, depicted here beneath the cup's rim. Further, the wreath, garlands, and bucrania (skulls of sacrificial bulls) decorating the cup's body all evoke religious ritual. Although a common decorative motif in ancient Greek art, the band of running waves must also have reminded viewers of the gods' special role as saviors of seafarers. Question: Who shook the kantharos? Output:
The museum curators
posted by lisa b. on march 16, 2015 1 comment Capitalize this past sentence correctly.
Posted by Lisa B. on March 16, 2015 1 comment
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Example input: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Example output: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. Example explanation: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". Q: The term decisive victory refers to a military victory that decides a matter or a conflict . A:
A decisive victory is a military victory in battle that definitively resolves the objective being fought over , ending one stage of the conflict and beginning another stage .
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Input: Alberto Salazar has responded to reports of a rift between Mo Farah and the Nike Oregon Project branding them 'absolutely false.' Rather than train with his team at their Portland base, Farah has been training at altitude in Font-Romeu, France. 'Mo is on a different training cycle, as he always is at this time of year,' Salazar told 'So I send him to Europe to get accustomed to the time zone. This is how we've always done it it. Scroll down to video The double Olympic champion pulled out of the Sainsbury's Birmingham Grand Prix earlier this month, stating he was 'physically and emotionally drained' in the wake of allegations made by the BBC's Panorama programme against his coach Salazar and training partner Galen Rupp.Mo Farah has been training at altitude in Font-Romeu, FranceBBC's Panorama made allegations against Farah's coach Alberto SalazarFarah pulled out of Birmingham Grand Prix earlier this monthDouble Olympic champion said he was 'physically and emotionally drained'Farah will return to action at Monaco Diamond League meeting on July 17 Questions:Among them, it is alleged that _ put Rupp on testosterone medication at the age of 16. (A) Alberto Salazar (B) Mo Farah (C) Nike Oregon Project (D) Portland (E) Farah (F) Font (G) Romeu (H) France (I) Mo (J) (K) Europe (L) Olympic (M) Sainsbury (N) Birmingham Grand Prix (O) BBC (P) Panorama (Q) Galen Rupp (R) Mo Farah (S) Double Olympic (T) Monaco Diamond League Output:
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Q: what college did kevjumba? A:
University of California, Davis
Add punctuation to the following sentence: Oil Filtration Filter Inserts for removal of particles water and oil degradation products Title FInserts
Oil Filtration Filter Inserts for removal of particles, water and oil degradation products Title: F-Inserts
Problem: Context: Putin and Bush say Iran doesn't have evil nuclear ambitions. Bush and Putin urge Iran to give up nuclear ambitions. A: no Problem: Context: Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman outside the Dakota on Dec. 8, 1980. Mark David Chapman killed Lennon. A: yes Problem: Context: The royal tombs at Vergina were identified as the ancient capital of Aigai in the 1930s. A royal tomb identified as possibly Philip II of Macedonia, Alexander the Great's father, was found in 1977 by Manolis Andronikos. Alexander the Great's Tomb remains undiscovered. A: no Problem: Context: Still, the storm surge was both stronger and earlier than expected, apparently coming through waterways southeast of the city, said Col. Richard Wagenaar, the Army Corps of Engineers' district chief in New Orleans. Col. Richard Wagenaar said the problems would set back repairs at least three weeks, but June was still the target for having the levees back to pre-Katrina strength. A:
1. u.s. energy consumption declined in 2012 for the fourth time in the last five years—even as economic recovery began to take hold. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: 1. U.S. energy consumption declined in 2012 for the fourth time in the last five years—even as economic recovery began to take hold. "we provide businesses with an email system that will allow them to send messages in a foreign customer's language, as well as receiving the reply in their own lingo," mr. scanlan said. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: "We provide businesses with an email system that will allow them to send messages in a foreign customer's language, as well as receiving the reply in their own lingo," Mr. Scanlan said. although it isn’t deal-breakingly bad, stopping music manually is indeed an annoying thing you have to do manually when one would expect windows to smartly mute it when it sees you play another video or audio which obviously has greater priority. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: Although it isn’t deal-breakingly bad, stopping music manually is indeed an annoying thing you have to do manually when one would expect Windows to smartly mute it when it sees you play another video or audio which obviously has greater priority. 30:2 thus speaks yahweh, the god of israel, saying, write all the words that i have spoken to you in a book. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized?
Answer: 30:2 Thus speaks Yahweh, the God of Israel, saying, Write all the words that I have spoken to you in a book.
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. what is been disussed in the passage?, Context: Calvin Veltman undertook, for the National Center for Education Statistics and for the Hispanic Policy Development Project, the most complete study of English language adoption by Hispanophone immigrants. Mr Veltman's language shift studies document high bilingualism rates and subsequent adoption of English as the preferred language of Hispanics, particularly by the young and the native-born. The complete set of these studies' demographic projections postulates the near-complete assimilation of a given Hispanophone immigrant cohort within two generations. Although his study based itself upon a large 1976 sample from the Bureau of the Census (which has not been repeated), data from the 1990 Census tend to confirm the great Anglicization of the US Hispanic American origin population. A:
language adoption
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? An asian girl sitting at a desk describes arm wrestling. the girl A: introduces an asian boy who sits across from the asian girl. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to make a garden salad Cut the leaves off the lettuce. Unless you bought your lettuce already cut into bite-sized pieces, you will need to cut the leaves off the lettuce head. Simply lay the lettuce down on its side and cut the base off where all of the leaves are gathered. A: Cut the lettuce into smaller pieces. Place a few leaves on top of each other and start chopping the lettuce horizontally. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? A girl is outside on a slab of concrete next to a body of water and she beings to jump rope doing intricate jumps in between. as the location A: changes, she moves in front of a mountain of rocks and begins twirling before she returns to jump roping. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to get to get fda approval to market a medical device Determine the classification of your medical device. There are 3 classes: class i, ii, and iii. They are classified based on risk, with class i being the lowest and class iii being the greatest. A:
You will find out what pre-marketing submission is required by fda based on classification of your device. General controls are assigned as class i either with or without exemptions.
Answer the questions at the end based on the text. CHAPTER 41 A stranger's roof to hold thy head, A stranger's foot thy grave to tread; Desert and rock, and Alp and sea, Spreading between thy home and thee. --SEWELL Mary Ross was eager for the first report from Hollywell the next morning, and had some difficulty in keeping her attention fixed on her class at school. Laura and Charlotte came in together in due time, and satisfied her so far as to tell her that Amy was very well. 'Is Captain Morville come?' thought Mary. 'No, I cannot guess by Laura's impressive face. Never mind, Charles will tell me all between services.' The first thing she saw on coming out of school was the pony carriage, with Charles and Captain Morville himself. Charlotte, who was all excitement, had time to say, while her sister was out of hearing,-- 'It is all made up now, Mary, and I really am very sorry for Philip.' It was fortunate that Mary understood the amiable meaning this speech was intended to convey, and she began to enter into its grounds in the short conference after church, when she saw the alteration in the whole expression of countenance. 'Yes,' said Charles, who as usual remained at the vicarage during the two services, and who perceived what passed in her mind, 'if it is any satisfaction to you to have a good opinion of your fellow-sponsor, I assure you that I am converted to Amy's opinion. I do believe the black dog is off his back for good and all.' 1. what did she tell Mary? 2. did Mary know the meaning of that? 3. was Mary at work? 4. where then? 5. where was she expecting to hear from? 6. when? 7. was this interfering with her studies? 8. who then joined her? 9. did they arrive separate? 10. what did she see when she left school? 11. who was on it? 12. who did they inform her was well? 13. did Charlotte want her sister to know what she was saying? 14. who is her sister? 15. who did Charles support? 16. what did he say about Amy? 17. what did he say about an animal? 18. do you believe he was talking about a dog in the literal sense? 19. who said the words "A stranger's roof to hold thy head....... 20. what is the chapter number? Numbered answers:
1. It is all made up now, Mary, and I really am very sorry for Philip 2. Yes 3. No 4. at school 5. Hollywell 6. the next morning 7. Yes 8. Laura and Charlotte 9. No 10. the pony carriage 11. Charles and Captain Morville 12. Amy 13. No 14. Laura 15. unknown 16. I am converted to Amy's opinion 17. I do believe the black dog is off his back for good and all. 18. No 19. SEWELL 20. 41
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Context: ``You 've heard something like that before. Haven't you, Jimmy?'' Jimmy had been shaken by those sounds more shaken than the others for good reason but Cardiff could see that he was unprepared to show it as he pushed himself away from the reception counter. Hypothesis: Jimmy was unprepared to show he had been shaken
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: An explosive new ad by the Trump campaign implying that Democrats would be "complicit" in any murder committed by undocumented immigrants "doesn't work," a leading Democratic senator said. "The American people are not going to accept the premise that immigrants are criminals and that we ought to deport the 'Dreamers,'" Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week" Sunday about an ad posted Saturday night to Trump's campaign website and YouTube page. "It doesn't work," Durbin said. The ad was posted as Republicans and Democrats try to reach an agreement that will end the government shutdown that started at the stroke of midnight Saturday. Immigration issues have been core to that debate, including the president's proposed border wall and Democrats' call for protections for so-called 'Dreamers,' the approximately 800,000 young immigrants who were brought illegally to the U.S. as children. "What it comes down to is we need a reasonable approach [to immigration] that is mindful of our national security, number one, but embraces a basic value in America," Durbin said. "We are a diverse nation, a nation of immigrants, and we're proud of it." Stephanopoulos asked about the deal that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly offered to the president Friday -- full funding of the border wall in exchange for protecting 'Dreamers' from deportation and making no changes to some other programs that enable legal immigration into the country. "It is true that Chuck Schumer made what I considered to be a bold and important concession and said, 'Yes, we'll go forward with the wall as long as we do this in a responsible fashion,'" Durbin responded. Stephanopoulos asked if it was correct that the border wall would cost $20 billion. "I'm not going to quote numbers because I don't think that's my place ... but I can tell you it was a substantial commitment to the president. The president embraced it. And Chuck came back to the Hill." But, Durbin added, "Two hours later, a call from the White House says, 'The deal is off. We're not going to stand by this at all.'" The senator added, "How can you negotiate with the president under those circumstances where he agrees face-to-face to move forward with a certain path and then within two hours calls back and pulls the plug?" Asked if Congress will reach a deal in time for the government to reopen Monday, Durbin said he couldn't answer but added, "There are bipartisan conversations going on right now." In a separate appearance on "This Week" Sunday, North Carolina Republican Congressman Mark Meadows disputed the notion that the president had reached an agreement with Schumer. Meadows, who chairs the House Freedom Caucus, addressed reports that he had convinced Trump to reject the proposed deal. “The president is the president of the United States,” the congressman said. “He makes his own decisions.” “Any suggestion that I'm going to convince the president to go one way or another greatly exaggerates my influence," Meadows said. "And I will say this, there was no deal. There is no deal.” Meadows also took issue with reports about how the border wall would be funded. "You were talking about Schumer offering $20 billion over seven years -- he can't do that," Meadows said. Meadows continued, “You can't obligate a future Congress. So even if [Schumer] made that offer, he can't even deliver on the very offer that he's putting forth. So when we look at this, let's call it what it is. This is a tactic.” ||||| Published on Jan 20, 2018 Donald Trump was elected President to build the wall and keep American families safe from evil, illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes against lawful U.S. citizens, Yet, one year after President Trump’s Inauguration, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats continue to put the interests of illegal immigrants over those of Americans. Our new campaign ad draws attention to the stark contrast between ‘complicit’ Democrats and the President for his full commitment to build a wall and fix our border to protect Americans from drugs, murder and other atrocities. ||||| Washington (CNN) Sen. Bernie Sanders denounced a web ad recently put out by President Donald Trump's reelection campaign, which called Democrats "complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants." "It is really unbelievable and so sad for our country that we have a President of the United States that says such nonsense and such outrageous statements," the Vermont Independent, who caucuses with Democrats, said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday morning. The ad was released hours into the government shutdown. The largest point of contention between political parties that led to the government shutdown was immigration policy -- including the funding for a proposed border wall and the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which has protected undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children from deportation. "They need a path toward citizenship," Sanders said, referring to the beneficiaries of DACA, known as Dreamers. "Then you see a President put something like that on the air, trying to divide us up, trying to foment hatred. It is really sad." Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, said on ABC's "This Week" that the rhetoric used in the Trump ad "doesn't work," citing Republican Ed Gillespie's failed gubernatorial campaign ads , which attacked now-Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam for voting "in favor of sanctuary cities that let dangerous illegal immigrants back on the street" and linking his vote to the rise of the violent gang MS-13. Read More ||||| The Trump campaign released a new ad spot on Saturday calling Democrats "complicit" in all murders by immigrants in the country illegally, following the opposition of Democratic senators to a short-term spending bill, which resulted in a federal government shutdown on Friday. "President Trump Donald John TrumpOakland Raiders's Marshawn Lynch sits during national anthem, then scores touchdown Trump declares state of emergency in Carolinas ahead of Hurricane Florence Ex-NFL player tears into Nike: Kaepernick ad ‘like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor’ MORE is right — build the wall, deport criminals, stop illegal immigration now," the ad says, showing clips of Democratic Minority Leaders Sen. Chuck Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis SchumerKavanaugh thoroughly understands the role of impartiality in America's judicial system Left fed up with Schumer’s Supreme Court playbook Election Countdown: Fallout from Massachusetts stunner | In Delaware, Carper looks to avoid next progressive upset | Dem 2020 primary already in full swing | How a Dem ex-governor hopes to take red-state Tennessee | GOP challengers hit Dems over tax votes MORE (N.Y.) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro PelosiImpeachment will be at the top of Democrats' agenda if they take the House majority Obama is not the leader of Democratic Party, says ex-spokesman Republicans and Democrats face off in ruthless election fight for victory MORE (Calif.) "Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants." The campaign forwarded the video ad, titled "Complicit" on the first anniversary of Trump's inauguration, after most Senate Democrats voted against the spending patch because Republicans would not offer to include legislation protecting thousands of immigrants brought to the country illegally as children from deportation. ADVERTISEMENT Trump faulted Democrats for the shutdown early on Saturday, saying the party wants "unchecked illegal immigration." The president has previously signaled he is open to a fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program after rescinding it last year, but attacked Democrats for refusing to get behind increased border security in exchange for securing votes for the spending bill. Democrats have targeted Republicans for using the Children's Health Insurance Program as a bargaining chip, and have blamed Trump's "chaotic" majority party for allowing the shutdown to happen on its watch. ||||| Output:
Just hours into the government shutdown, the Trump campaign released a video claiming that Democrats in Congress will be "complicit" in every murder committed by immigrants in the country illegally, the Hill reports. "President Trump is right—build the wall, deport criminals, stop illegal immigration now," the ad says. "Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants." (Watch it here.) The campaign posted the ad Saturday after negotiations over a short-term spending bill stalled over protections for immigrants in the US under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The ad was greeted with anger by Democrats and Independents in Washington and with consternation by some of the president's fellow Republicans. "It is really unbelievable and so sad for our country that we have a President of the United States that says such nonsense and such outrageous statements," said Bernie Sanders, per CNN. Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin, meanwhile, said the ad "doesn't work," ABC News reports. "The American people are not going to accept the premise that immigrants are criminals and that we ought to deport the 'dreamers,'" Durbin said. Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan told CBS's Face the Nation he doesn't know if the ad is "necessarily productive."
Definition: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Input: McGriddles are a type of breakfast sandwich sold by McDonald 's . Output:
The McGriddles sandwich ( colloquial singular form McGriddle ) is a type of breakfast sandwich sold by the international fast food restaurant chain McDonald 's .
Detailed Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. See one example below: Problem: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Solution: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. Explanation: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". Problem: The image may be projected onto a translucent " rear projection " screen . Solution:
Alternatively , the image may be projected onto a translucent " rear projection " screen , often used for continuous automatic display for close viewing .
My parents, Kelly and Kelley, said that it was that time of year to take a family vacation. We've been to big ride parks that have hotels with large pools. This year my parents wanted to do something different. They wanted to take us all to Elk River Castle. After lots of planning we hit the road for our trip. My Brother Kelsey and I enjoyed the long car ride there. Once we arrive, the castle looked much bigger than we had imagined. There was so much to see and so much to do. There was a swimming pool, movie theater and an elevator to take us from floor to floor. What a magical place! I was so excited because we had the whole place to our family! We spent our vacation playing around the huge castle and finding small mysterious places. There was even a tiny room in the back of one of the closets. My brother, Kelsey, and I played hide and go seek for hours, watched movies and swam until the sun went down. It was sad when our vacation finally came to an end but we made some amazing memories. We'll never forget our trip to Elk River Castle! Question: "Whose idea was it to go to Elk River Castle?" Response: "My parents, Kelly and Kelley" OPTIONS: (a). no (b). yes Does the response correctly answer the question?
Definition: A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Input: where is martin cooper from? Output:
United States of America
Problem: Earth processes have not changed over time. The way things happen now is the same way things happened in the past. Mountains grow and mountains slowly wear away. The same process is at work the same as it was billions of years ago. As the environment changes, living creatures adapt. They change over time. Some organisms may not be able to adapt. They become extinct. Becoming extinct means they die out completely. Some geologists study the history of the Earth. They want to learn about Earths past. They use clues from rocks and fossils. They use these clues to make sense of events. The goal is to place things in the order they happened. They also want to know how long it took for those events to happen. Question: "What happens to the living creature that fails to adapt to changes?" Answer: "They flourish and adapt" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: Although Bin Laden, Atef, and KSM initially contemplated using established al Qaeda members to execute the planes operation, the late 1999 arrival in Kandahar of four aspiring jihadists from Germany suddenly presented a more attractive alternative. The Hamburg group shared the anti-U.S. fervor of the other candidates for the operation, but added the enormous advantages of fluency in English and familiarity with life in the West, based on years that each member of the group had spent living in Germany. Not surprisingly, Mohamed Atta, Ramzi Binalshibh, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah would all become key players in the 9/11 conspiracy. Mohamed Atta was born on September 1, 1968, in Kafr el Sheikh, Egypt, to a middle-class family headed by his father, an attorney. After graduating from Cairo University with a degree in architectural engineering in 1990, Atta worked as an urban planner in Cairo for a couple of years. In the fall of 1991, he asked a German family he had met in Cairo to help him continue his education in Germany. They suggested he come to Hamburg and invited him to live with them there, at least initially. After completing a course in German, Atta traveled to Germany for the first time in July 1992. He resided briefly in Stuttgart and then, in the fall of 1992, moved to Hamburg to live with his host family. After enrolling at the University of Hamburg, he promptly transferred into the city engineering and planning course at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, where he would remain registered as a student until the fall of 1999. He appears to have applied himself fairly seriously to his studies (at least in comparison to his jihadist friends) and actually received his degree shortly before traveling to Afghanistan. In school, Atta came across as very intelligent and reasonably pleasant, with an excellent command of the German language. When Atta arrived in Germany, he appeared religious, but not fanatically so. This would change, especially as his tendency to assert leadership became increasingly pronounced. According to Binalshibh, as early as 1995 Atta sought to organize a Muslim student association in Hamburg. In the fall of 1997, he joined a working group at the Quds mosque in Hamburg, a group designed to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians. Atta proved a poor bridge, however, because of his abrasive and increasingly dogmatic personality. But among those who shared his beliefs, Atta stood out as a decisionmaker. Question: "Who are the four jihadists that arrived in Kandahar in 1999" Answer: "Ramzi Binalshibh" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: Juzo Murasaki arrives at a work construction area to take on his new job as a construction worker . To his quiet dismay , his supervising boss turns out to be Toru Akai , who with his gang had made Juzo's middle school life a living hell . Akai , however , does n't recognize Juzo . Juzo's more disconcerted when he discovers that Akai lives with his wife , Nozomi Akai and their toddler son above Juzo's new apartment . As Juzo emotionally struggles to handle these unexpected developments , a mysterious and seemingly malicious hooded figure appears . It calls itself Number 13 . As Juzo attempts to control increasing number of flashbacks and a spiral fall into psychological darkness , Akai constantly picks on Juzo and other work colleagues including Seki Hajime , a former middle school student who becomes Juzo's casual friend in spite of Juzo's anti-social tendencies , at work . Meanwhile Akai's wife , Nozomi , attempts to make friends with Juzo and entrusting the care of her toddler son to Juzo . She proudly shows Juzo her husband's school photos . In one class photo , Juzo's space is marked with an X to show he was absent . Juzo suffers a severe flashback to explain his absence that day : in their school's science room , Akai and his friends have thrown acid at Juzo's face . Seki becomes suspicious about Juzo's increasingly odd behavior and goes to inform Arai at the work site , but Arai dismisses him without giving him a chance to speak . During this incident , Seki does n't realize he's being watched by Number 13 , but as soon as he does , Number 13 kills him . Question: "Why was Juzo absent on while taking photos in the school day?" Answer: "He had acid thrown in his face" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Question: Tuesday, September 11, 2001, dawned temperate and nearly cloudless in the eastern United States. Millions of men and women readied themselves for work. Some made their way to the Twin Towers, the signature structures of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Others went to Arlington, Virginia, to the Pentagon. Across the Potomac River, the United States Congress was back in session. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, people began to line up for a White House tour. In Sarasota, Florida, President George W. Bush went for an early morning run. For those heading to an airport, weather conditions could not have been better for a safe and pleasant journey. Among the travelers were Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari, who arrived at the airport in Portland, Maine. Boston: American 11 and United 175. Atta and Omari boarded a 6:00 A.M. flight from Portland to Boston's Logan International Airport. When he checked in for his flight to Boston, Atta was selected by a computerized prescreening system known as CAPPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), created to identify passengers who should be subject to special security measures. Under security rules in place at the time, the only consequence of Atta's selection by CAPPS was that his checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that he had boarded the aircraft. This did not hinder Atta's plans. Atta and Omari arrived in Boston at 6:45. Seven minutes later, Atta apparently took a call from Marwan al Shehhi, a longtime colleague who was at another terminal at Logan Airport. They spoke for three minutes. It would be their final conversation. After reading the above, is "3 minutes" the correct answer to the question "How long was Atta's final conversation with Marwan al Shehhi?"? Answer: yes Question: Animated history of the US. Of course the cartoon is highly oversimplified, and most critics consider it one of the weakest parts of the film. But it makes a valid claim which you ignore entirely: That the strategy to promote "gun rights" for white people and to outlaw gun possession by black people was a way to uphold racism without letting an openly terrorist organization like the KKK flourish. Did the 19th century NRA in the southern states promote gun rights for black people? I highly doubt it. But if they didn't, one of their functions was to continue the racism of the KKK. This is the key message of this part of the animation, which is again being ignored by its critics. Buell shooting in Flint. You write: "Fact: The little boy was the class thug, already suspended from school for stabbing another kid with a pencil, and had fought with Kayla the day before". This characterization of a six-year-old as a pencil-stabbing thug is exactly the kind of hysteria that Moore's film warns against. It is the typical right-wing reaction which looks for simple answers that do not contradict the Republican mindset. The kid was a little bastard, and the parents were involved in drugs -- case closed. But why do people deal with drugs? Because it's so much fun to do so? It is by now well documented that the CIA tolerated crack sales in US cities to fund the operation of South American "contras" It is equally well known that the so-called "war on drugs" begun under the Nixon administration is a failure which has cost hundreds of billions and made America the world leader in prison population (both in relative and absolute numbers). After reading the above, is "CIA tolerated crack sales, which raises questions about how the epidemic spread in the U.S" the correct answer to the question "It is believed that which group tolerated crack sales raising what other questions>"? Answer: yes Question: In short, the United States has to help defeat an ideology, not just a group of people, and we must do so under difficult circumstances. How can the United States and its friends help moderate Muslims combat the extremist ideas? Recommendation: The U.S. government must define what the message is, what it stands for. We should offer an example of moral leadership in the world, committed to treat people humanely, abide by the rule of law, and be generous and caring to our neighbors. America and Muslim friends can agree on respect for human dignity and opportunity. To Muslim parents, terrorists like Bin Laden have nothing to offer their children but visions of violence and death. America and its friends have a crucial advantage-we can offer these parents a vision that might give their children a better future. If we heed the views of thoughtful leaders in the Arab and Muslim world, a moderate consensus can be found. That vision of the future should stress life over death: individual educational and economic opportunity. This vision includes widespread political participation and contempt for indiscriminate violence. It includes respect for the rule of law, openness in discussing differences, and tolerance for opposing points of view. Recommendation: Where Muslim governments, even those who are friends, do not respect these principles, the United States must stand for a better future. One of the lessons of the long Cold War was that short-term gains in cooperating with the most repressive and brutal governments were too often outweighed by long-term setbacks for America's stature and interests. American foreign policy is part of the message. America's policy choices have consequences. Right or wrong, it is simply a fact that American policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and American actions in Iraq are dominant staples of popular commentary across the Arab and Muslim world. That does not mean U.S. choices have been wrong. It means those choices must be integrated with America's message of opportunity to the Arab and Muslim world. After reading the above, is "Us" the correct answer to the question "Who should be generous and caring to their neighbours"? Answer: yes Question: This is the story of a young girl and her dog. The young girl and her dog set out a trip into the woods one day. Upon entering the woods the girl and her dog found that the woods were dark and cold. The girl was a little scared and was thinking of turning back, but yet they went on. The girl's dog was acting very interested in what was in the bushes up ahead. To both the girl and the dog's surprise, there was a small brown bear resting in the bushes. The bear was not surprised and did not seem at all interested in the girl and her dog. The bear looked up at the girl and it was almost as if he was smiling at her. He then rested his head on his bear paws and went back to sleep. The girl and the dog kept walking and finally made it out of the woods. To this day the girl does not know why the bear was so friendly and to this day she has never told anyone about the meeting with the bear in the woods. After reading the above, is "He was playing" the correct answer to the question "Where was the bear when he went back to sleep?"? Answer:
Answer the following Q with stream of consciousness. Context: Over the course of the early years in their career, Girl's Tyme changed their name to Something Fresh, Cliché, the Dolls, and to Destiny. The group signed with Elektra Records with the name Destiny, but were dropped several months later before they could release an album. The pursuit of a record deal affected the Knowles family: in 1995, Mathew Knowles resigned from his job as a medical-equipment salesman, a move that reduced Knowles' family's income by half, and her parents briefly separated due to the pressure. In 1996, they changed their name to Destiny's Child, which was taken from a passage in the Book of Isaiah. Mathew Knowles helped in negotiating a record deal with Columbia Records, which signed the group that same year. Prior to signing with Columbia, the group had recorded several tracks in Oakland, California produced by D'wayne Wiggins of Tony! Toni! Toné!, including "Killing Time", which upon the label's recognition that Destiny's Child had a "unique quality", was included in the soundtrack to the 1997 film Men in Black. Question: where did destiny's child name come from?
The relevant sentence in the passage is: In 1996, they changed their name to Destiny's Child, which was taken from a passage in the Book of Isaiah. Therefore, the final answer is a passage in the Book of Isaiah.
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Input: Britain's last Guantanamo Bay detainee Shaker Aamer is expected to be freed as early as June, according to US government sources. In a development which will hearten his family, officials in Washington said the 48-year-old is likely to be released in the summer after 13 years in captivity without charge or trial. It came as the man appointed by President Barack Obama to speed up the closure of the notorious prison camp said there was ‘no sound reason’ for keeping the terror suspect locked up any longer. British Guantanamo Bay detainee Shaker Aamer (pictured) is expected to be freed in June, US government sources have revealed. He is pictured right and left with son Michael and daughter, JohninhShaker Aamer has been held at Guantanamo without charge for 13 yearsThe 48-year-old, from London, could be freed in June, it has been revealedUS President Barack Obama has repeatedly vowed to close the facility Question:‘_ has always been a complete travesty of justice and whoever is in government must ensure... Shaker is returned to his family as soon as possible if he’s not going to be charged.’ Output:
Guantanamo Bay
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball Example solution: No Example explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". Problem: After more than a year of effort, attorneys with Northwest Justice Project earlier this week told 25 families in a mobile home park here that they can keep their homes and no longer need to fear eviction. The East Wenatchee City Council has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Wenatchee Housing Authority authorizing the Authority to purchase and maintain the Mobile Park Plaza mobile home park. Located just north of the Wenatchee Valley Mall, the park had been threatened with closure for more than a year. "We cannot say enough about how relieved we are that this is over," said Manuel Luna, one of the residents of Mobile Park Plaza. "We were afraid that no solution would be found, and that our families would have no place to go. We are very grateful for the help of our attorneys. Without them, we would not have saved our homes. We are also thankful for the help of the Housing Authority, the City Council and Mayor Steve Lacy." Formerly owned by local businessman Dan Jennings, Mobile Park Plaza had been home to 45 low-income families, many of them Latino farm workers. In October 2000 Jennings gave the park residents notice of his intent to close the park effective November 30, 2001. While some park residents decided to move, others, including 25 families, organized an informal association to relocate or save their homes. Unable to afford private legal counsel, the families asked for help from legal services attorneys at the Northwest Justice Project and Columbia Legal Services. In the succeeding months, these attorneys worked with representatives of the Greater Wenatchee Housing Authority, the state Office of Community Development, Chelan County, the City of East Wenatchee, state legislators, Jennings and others to secure funding and find a solution. "There seemed to be a never-ending set of obstacles," said Patrick Pleas, an attorney with Northwest Justice Project. "Mr. Jennings had financial considerations, the City had growth and economic development considerations, and the State and Housing Authority had their own concerns. Thankfully, hard work and good will from all parties allowed us to find a solution that works for everyone." Northwest Justice Project and Columbia Legal Services are non-profit organizations that provide civil legal assistance to low-income individuals and families throughout Washington state. Members of the state's Access to Justice Network, these organizations work with thousands of volunteer attorneys to ensure that justice is available to those who face critical legal problems and can't afford private legal counsel. <sep>What park just north of the Wenatchee Valley Mall has been threatened with closure for over a year?<sep>Wenatchee Housing plaza
Solution: No
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Roman Yakub won first price in a Choral Composition Competition at a liberal arts college founded by who? Solution: William Egbert Why? This is a good example, and output correctly answers the question. New input: The Good, the Bad, the Weird was a western film that included the actor that won Best Actor for what 2015 film? Solution:
Inside Men
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. One example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Solution is here: Russian Revolution Explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Now, solve this: What area is currently seeing development to help speed up the journey?, Context: The most dense rail network in Europe of 5,063 km (3,146 mi) carries over 350 million passengers annually. In 2007, each Swiss citizen travelled on average 2,258 km (1,403 mi) by rail, which makes them the keenest rail users. The network is administered mainly by the Federal Railways, except in Graubünden, where the 366 km (227 mi) narrow gauge railway is operated by the Rhaetian Railways and includes some World Heritage lines. The building of new railway base tunnels through the Alps is under way to reduce the time of travel between north and south through the AlpTransit project. Solution:
the Alps
Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. One example: Television drama's whole point is to bring you through an often slow start, followed by a complex development to a point where there are two or three potential dénouements before, "Cut!", it is the end of the episode and you will have to await the "right answer" in the following week's show. This post came to me at 10pm last night, on Day 16 of this challenge, after a day of holidaying in London and with my head (and feet) too weary to put finger to touchscreen. Mrs Mc and I had just watched another live instalment of Broadchurch, murder mystery extraordinaire, particularly since in the second series there is no actual fresh murder to investigate. The verdict is about to be given on the accused killer from Series 1 when the inevitable happens... Cue title music. This moment has even gained a moniker in British homes, based on the theme tune to the real masters of the four-times-a-week cliffhanger, London-based soap opera Eastenders. It's call a ", ba, ba-ba-ba-ba" (YouTube will provide overseas readers with auditory explanation). Eastenders is such a master of writing in the perfect pace that every 28 minute episode ends with a tantalising screen freeze on the latest shocked face / smirking baddy / confused victim. For really big stories the cliffhanger can last significantly longer. This week, to celebrate the show's 30 year birthday, we will finally find out the answer to a question unanswered for the past 14 months: "Who killed Lucy Beale?" Now, most classrooms do not involve murder, incest, dodgy deals and danger, but "good teaching" encourages a type of pacing that totally ignores the ingredients that have millions in the edges of their seats every day: the good old cliffhanger. In fact, we see teachers giving away the punchline at the beginning: "Today we are learning this:...". Question: What was the soap opera admired by British people that the author says is a master of writing? Solution is here: Eastenders Explanation: The seventh sentence of the passage clearly states that Eastenders is master of writing. So, the answer is Eastenders. Now, solve this: Yes, and I am not proud of it, but grief makes you do some really stupid things. My wife walked out of our 9 year marriage and into relationship on the same day with a (so-called) friend of mine that I had known for 25 years. I was completely blindsided and in shock. I was devastated, I was lost, and I was grieving terribly. I had not only lost my wife, but I had also lost my best friend (her, not the asshole so-called friend), and her family. While I was not particularly close to her family (most did not like me according to my ex-wife) I did care about them and they were are part of my life. I absolutely loved her sister and always enjoyed hanging out with her, as well as one of her cousins. Luckily they are both still friends with me on FB so I get to keep in touch. Anyway, I am not proud of the fact that I created a fake FB account to check her page and even talked to her through IM's. I thought that if I could just talk to her, even if not as me, that I would be okay. However, seeing photos of her with someone else just about broke me. It was a very stupid thing to do and only made matters worse. One day I forgot to block my location and she figured out it was me. I felt so stupid, but I had loved her so much that I needed her in my life. She called me out on it. I was busted. I was the grieving idiot that did not want to give up. She just married that person 2 weeks ago, and honestly….I just want her to be happy. I miss her, I always will, and in hindsight, I don't know why she stayed with me as long as she did. I was not an easy person to love. Question: Who did the narrator stalk online? Solution:
His ex-wife
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. One example is below. Q: Roman Yakub won first price in a Choral Composition Competition at a liberal arts college founded by who? A: William Egbert Rationale: This is a good example, and output correctly answers the question. Q: When did the producer born on June 25, 1963 release his first song that became a UK and US number one hit? A:
14 May 1984
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. Example input: Property tax -- Property tax or 'house tax' is a local tax on buildings, along with appurtenant land. It is and imposed on the Possessor (not the custodian of property as per 1978, 44th amendment of constitution). It resembles the US-type wealth tax and differs from the excise-type UK rate. The tax power is vested in the states and is delegated to local bodies, specifying the valuation method, rate band, and collection procedures. The tax base is the annual rental value (ARV) or area-based rating. Owner-occupied and other properties not producing rent are assessed on cost and then converted into ARV by applying a percentage of cost, usually four percent. Vacant land is generally exempt. Central government properties are exempt. Instead a 'service charge' is permissible under executive order. Properties of foreign missions also enjoy tax exemption without requiring reciprocity. The tax is usually accompanied by service taxes, e.g., water tax, drainage tax, conservancy (sanitation) tax, lighting tax, all using the same tax base. The rate structure is flat on rural (panchayat) properties, but in the urban (municipal) areas it is mildly progressive with about 80% of assessments falling in the first two brackets. Example output: is house tax and property tax are same Example explanation: The question generated asks whether the house tax and property tax are the same and can be answered by reading the passage. Additionally, it has a binary answer and hence the generated question is correct. Q: Gastrointestinal tract -- All bilaterians have a gastrointestinal tract, also called a gut or an alimentary canal. This is a tube that transfers food to the organs of digestion. In large bilaterians, the gastrointestinal tract generally also has an exit, the anus, by which the animal disposes of feces (solid wastes). Some small bilaterians have no anus and dispose of solid wastes by other means (for example, through the mouth). The human gastrointestinal tract consists of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines, and is divided into the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts. The GI tract includes all structures between the mouth and the anus, forming a continuous passageway that includes the main organs of digestion, namely, the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. However, the complete human digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder). The tract may also be divided into foregut, midgut, and hindgut, reflecting the embryological origin of each segment. The whole human GI tract is about nine metres (30 feet) long at autopsy. It is considerably shorter in the living body because the intestines, which are tubes of smooth muscle tissue, maintain constant muscle tone in a halfway-tense state but can relax in spots to allow for local distention and peristalsis. A:
is the liver part of the gi system
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: There is a semipermeable membrane so the water can enter the to the suguar but the suguar molecules are too large to enter the potatoe ANS: There is a semi-permeable membrane, so the water can enter the to the suguar, but the suguar molecules are too large to enter the potatoe. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Brain Dejes from Serbia of PCMAGCOM After our technical detection and feedback research from Venezuela United Arab Emirates Liberia Iceland Serbia I need to say that DLL Suite is the most outstanding DLL Fixer in this field with its high efficiency and effect ANS: Brain Dejes from Serbia of PCMAG.COM: After our technical detection and feedback research from Venezuela, United Arab Emirates, Liberia, Iceland, Serbia, I need to say that DLL Suite is the most outstanding DLL Fixer in this field with its high efficiency and effect. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Worldwide conflicts resemble tremendous natural disasters in that they cannot accurately be predicted even if one can sometimes feel them coming ANS: Worldwide conflicts resemble tremendous natural disasters in that they cannot accurately be predicted, even if one can sometimes feel them coming. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: In fact it is more lucrative casino bonuses you can claim here as a new player and the casino offers up 10000 ANS:
In fact it is more lucrative casino bonuses you can claim here as a new player, and the casino offers up $ 10.000.
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: mature big cock anal big tits mature anal latina blowjob ANS: mature, big cock, anal, big tits, mature anal, latina, blowjob QUESTION: Fix punctuation: In the case that your SITE file doesnt open it is highly likely that you do not have the correct software application installed on your PC to view or edit SITE file extensions ANS: In the case that your SITE file doesn't open, it is highly likely that you do not have the correct software application installed on your PC to view or edit SITE file extensions. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Also known as n3 fatty acids ANS: Also known as n-3 fatty acids. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Source for 110v led wall washer lww2144p manufacturers at zhongshan karnar lighting electron factory ANS:
Source for 110v led wall washer lww-2-144p manufacturers at zhongshan karnar lighting & electron factory.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball Example solution: No Example explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". Problem: The film starts with a brief pre-title clip from presenter Greg Palast s aborted interview with Florida Director of Elections Clayton Roberts , who walks out . Palast introduces George W. Bush with particular reference to his popular image as a war hero cemented in the public mind by his landing on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln for the 2003 Mission Accomplished Speech . However Palast alleges that Bush used his father s influence to gain a draft-dodging placement with the Texas Air National Guard Which he subsequently failed to serve . Palast picks up the story with Bush s 2000 US Presidential Election campaign where he claims Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris used their influence to purge and discount the ballots of predominantly Gore-supporting black voters through the fake felons list compiled by private company DBT/ChoicePoint for US$ 4 million . Palast goes on to examine the corporate donors to Bush s election campaign , such as Enron CEO Ken Lay , who as members of Bush s pioneer network contributed huge sums through family and friends , and who he claims subsequently profited from the Bush presidency with senior government appointments , no-bid contracts , executive orders and deregulation . Palast outlines what he refers to as the Bush-cycle , where Bush family members use money to gain political office and then use the office to gain even more money , dating back to Senator Prescott Bush who funded the family s entry into the oil business , citing the example of Bush s Harken Energy winning a contract to drill in the Persian Gulf thanks he alleges to Bush Snr s presidency . <sep>Who are the financial providers contributing to Bush's campaign, claimed by Palast?<sep>Ken Lay and Prescott Bush
Solution: Yes
Detailed logic: Closing sales takes place in kmart. K mart is the nationwide sale platform recently. k mart Question for this logic: Where were there recently a lot of closing sales? Options: - grocery store - furniture store - department store - k mart - clothing store Logic ==> He felt an adrenaline rush and intense excitement because he was anticipating victory on seeing the finish line. adrenaline rush Question ==> The athlete was competing in a race and saw the finish line, what did he feel as a result? Options: - strength - increased effort - vain thoughts - adrenaline rush - winning or losing ** Doing something you like makes you cheered and things interesting even though you are doing tideous thing. playing music and singing your favourite song makes you cheered when driving. sing ** Driving to work can be monotonous, she would play her favorite music and just what along with it? Options: - sing - listen to radio - listen to music - speed - head bang Detailed logic: Dinner is a type of meal. People have dinner in the evening. dinner Question for this logic: What meal would you find on your serving dish in the evening? Options: - brunch - dinner - fast food restaurant - appear appetizing - plate Logic ==> Card catalog is a set of cards with information of items. Set of cards are used in places with a large number of items. Kitchen is not a place with a large number of items. Kitchen is a room in the house. kitchen Question ==> Where is not likely to use a card catalog for organizing? Options: - book store - library - find information resources - store - kitchen Logic ==> Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent after Asia. Lion is likely to live in Africa. africa Question ==>
Where is a lion likely to live? Options: - veldt - ocean - savannah - africa - jungle
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". See one example below: Problem: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball Solution: No Explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". Problem: Howland talked but little on their way back to camp. The scene that he had just witnessed affected him strangely; it stirred once more within him all of his old ambition, all of his old enthusiasm, and yet neither found voice in words. He was glad when the dinner was over at Thorne's, and with the going of the mail sledge and the senior engineer there came over him a still deeper sense of joy. Now _he_ was in charge, it was _his_ road from that hour on. He crushed MacDonald's hand in a grip that meant more than words when they parted. In his own cabin he threw off his coat and hat, lighted his pipe, and tried to realize just what this all meant for him. He was in charge--in charge of the greatest railroad building job on earth--_he_, Jack Howland, who less than twenty years ago was a barefooted, half-starved urchin peddling papers in the streets where he was now famous! And now what was this black thing that had come up to threaten his chances just as he had about won his great fight? He clenched his hands as he thought again of what had already happened--the cowardly attempt on his life, the warnings, and his blood boiled to fever heat. That night--after he had seen Meleese--he would know what to do. But he would not be driven away, as Gregson and Thorne had been driven. He was determined on that. <sep>How did Jack feel after dinner and why did he feel this way?<sep>Jack was sorry to be replacing Thorne Solution:
Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon comes from Haiti. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Paul Collier, a leading poverty guru, spent a recent morning here waxing positive about how the world's economic freefall might prove the perfect moment for Haiti to sell more exports like T-shirts and mangoes to Americans. His improbable enthusiasm coincided with appearances by a bevy of luminaries descending on Haiti this month, including Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, and the entire Security Council. All of them came to stress that this destitute nation stands at a crossroads between salvation and "the darkness," as Mr. Ban put it.
Please add punctuation to this: It is a great experience to walk the cobbled winding streets admiring the beautiful houses Punctuation version:
It is a great experience to walk the cobbled winding streets admiring the beautiful houses.
You will be given options, read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Then the silence in the Zoo became complete. Woil stared around him and then suddenly with a push of his wings raised himself into the air, turned, and landed ten feet away on the back of a green bench. Creggan could see that he was afraid and that his fear was making him terribly uncertain. Sentence: Woil was afraid pick from the following. (A). Yes. (B). No. (C). It's impossible to say.
Tuesday, September 11, 2001, dawned temperate and nearly cloudless in the eastern United States. Millions of men and women readied themselves for work. Some made their way to the Twin Towers, the signature structures of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Others went to Arlington, Virginia, to the Pentagon. Across the Potomac River, the United States Congress was back in session. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, people began to line up for a White House tour. In Sarasota, Florida, President George W. Bush went for an early morning run. For those heading to an airport, weather conditions could not have been better for a safe and pleasant journey. Among the travelers were Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari, who arrived at the airport in Portland, Maine. Boston: American 11 and United 175. Atta and Omari boarded a 6:00 A.M. flight from Portland to Boston's Logan International Airport. When he checked in for his flight to Boston, Atta was selected by a computerized prescreening system known as CAPPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), created to identify passengers who should be subject to special security measures. Under security rules in place at the time, the only consequence of Atta's selection by CAPPS was that his checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that he had boarded the aircraft. This did not hinder Atta's plans. Atta and Omari arrived in Boston at 6:45. Seven minutes later, Atta apparently took a call from Marwan al Shehhi, a longtime colleague who was at another terminal at Logan Airport. They spoke for three minutes. It would be their final conversation. Question: "Who had their final conversation" Response: "Omari" Based on the paragraph, is the response to the question is factually correct? Select from the following. A). no. B). yes.
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Example input: This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site. Example output: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram Example explanation: The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example. Q: Assassin's Creed III: Liberation is a 2012 action-adventure video game developed and published by Ubisoft, initially as an exclusive title for PlayStation Vita. Sony announced the game at its press conference during the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012, few days after first leaks about the game presented in Game Informer. It was released on October 30, 2012 alongside Assassin's Creed III, with which it can be linked. The game was re-released as Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows via the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Steam, respectively. It was later packed as part of 'Assassin's Creed The Americas Collection' for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, along with Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. A:
what is the difference between assassin's creed 3 and liberation