In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: A federation is a union of a number of self-governing states or regions , which are joined together under a central government . A: A federation ( also known as a federal state ) is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing provinces , states , or other regions under a central federal government ( federalism ) . **** Q: Unsportsmanlike conduct ( or unsporting behaviour , or ungentlemanly conduct ) describes a kind of action by professional sportspeople . A: Unsportsmanlike conduct ( also called unsporting behaviour or ungentlemanly conduct or bad sportsmanship or poor sportsmanship or anti fair-play ) is a foul or offense in many sports that violates the sport 's generally accepted rules of sportsmanship and participant conduct . **** Q: The ideology of Nazism was based upon the idea of the Aryan race or Germanic peoples being a master race . A:
The ideology of Nazism was based upon the conception of the ancient Aryan race being a superior race , holding the highest position in the racial hierarchy and that the Germanic peoples were the most racially pure existing peoples of Aryan stock . ****
Question: Once called the "Queen of the Danube," Budapest has long been the focal point of the nation and a lively cultural centre. Budapest was once popularly known as the "Queen of the Danube." Answer: yes Question: Access to the underground workings at the La Camorra mine is via a ramp from the surface, excavated at a -15% grade and connecting numerous levels. La Camorra is a mine. Answer: yes Question: He endeared himself to artists by helping them in lean years and following their careers, said Henry Hopkins, chairman of UCLA's art department, director of the UCLA/Armand Hammer Museum and Cultural Center and former director of the Weisman foundation. The UCLA/Hammer Museum is directed by Henry Hopkins. Answer:
Those teens who are gay, lesbian or confused about their sexuality are also more likely to attempt suicide. OPTIONS: - yes - no Question: Teens who are depressed are much more at risk of attempting suicide than other teens. no Epiphyte is the name applied to the class of plants which typically do not root in the soil but, rather, attach themselves to trees or other tall objects where they can obtain light and moisture. OPTIONS: - yes - no Question: Plants are grown in substances other than soil. yes Castro's successful visits to Harlem and the Bronx, his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, and the October 21 march of 3,000 against U.S. policy and subsequent picket lines at Cuba's UN mission in defense of the revolution - all these events dealt blows to the U.S. government's unceasing efforts to isolate and slander Cuba. OPTIONS: - yes - no Question: Castro visits the UN.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. -------- Question: How known was the phrase used?, Context: The only words of Jesus on the cross in the Mark and Matthew accounts, this is a quotation of Psalm 22. Since other verses of the same Psalm are cited in the crucifixion accounts, it is often considered a literary and theological creation. Geza Vermes, however, points out that the verse is cited in Aramaic rather than the Hebrew in which it usually would have been recited, and suggests that by the time of Jesus, this phrase had become a proverbial saying in common usage. Compared to the accounts in the other Gospels, which he describes as 'theologically correct and reassuring', he considers this phrase 'unexpected, disquieting and in consequence more probable'. He describes it as bearing 'all the appearances of a genuine cry'. Raymond Brown likewise comments that he finds 'no persuasive argument against attributing to the Jesus of Mark/Matt the literal sentiment of feeling forsaken expressed in the Psalm quote'. Answer: in common usage Question: The most heat-treatable alloys are decided but only?, Context: Conversely, most heat-treatable alloys are precipitation hardening alloys, which produce the opposite effects that steel does. When heated to form a solution and then cooled quickly, these alloys become much softer than normal, during the diffusionless transformation, and then harden as they age. The solutes in these alloys will precipitate over time, forming intermetallic phases, which are difficult to discern from the base metal. Unlike steel, in which the solid solution separates to form different crystal phases, precipitation hardening alloys separate to form different phases within the same crystal. These intermetallic alloys appear homogeneous in crystal structure, but tend to behave heterogeneous, becoming hard and somewhat brittle. Answer: Conversely Question: What is the fourth part of the death penalty process?, Context: The legal administration of the death penalty in the United States is complex. Typically, it involves four critical steps: (1) sentencing, (2) direct review, (3) state collateral review, and (4) federal habeas corpus. Recently, a narrow and final fifth level of process – (5) the Section 1983 challenge – has become increasingly important. (Clemency or pardon, through which the Governor or President of the jurisdiction can unilaterally reduce or abrogate a death sentence, is an executive rather than judicial process.) The number of new death sentences handed down peaked in 1995–1996 (309). There were 73 new death sentences handed down in 2014, the lowest number since 1973 (44). Answer:
federal habeas corpus
The Actors Studio offering will be based on Simon's female version of the play which was premiered in 1985 in New York, at the Broadhurst Theatre, with the characters' names being Florence Unger and Olive Madison, played by Sally Struthers and Rita Moreno respectively. Can we say the following? Broadhurst Theatre is located in New York. OPTIONS: - yes - no yes Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov set the record for the longest continuous amount of time spent in space, a staggering 438 days, between 1994 and 1995. He orbited the Earth 7000 times, witnessing 7000 sunrises and 7000 sunsets. Can we say the following? 7000 days is the record for the longest stay in space by a human. OPTIONS: - yes - no no Definitely do not lift the ban on ivory, it will drive the species to near extinction again. Elephant numbers should be controlled but what has ivory got to do with it? It is a barbaric trade and should be banned permanently. Can we say the following? The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. OPTIONS: - yes - no yes Accompanied by Sioux prayers and the keening of Scottish bagpipes, a plain cotton shirt was returned to South Dakota this past summer. Can we say the following? A Sioux ghost shirt was returned by a Scottish museum. OPTIONS: - yes - no
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. -------- Question: who is the new governor of oregon? Answer: John Kitzhaber Question: what is the currency used in tunisia? Answer: Tunisian dinar Question: who is the governor of california 2010? Answer:
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Just when you think you 've got it straight, along comes the Fool with his pig's bladder and whops you on the nose. By the way, I'm no idiot. I could tell Gillian and Stuart weren't thrilled to see me at the airport. Multi-choice question: Can we infer the following? Gillian and Stuart weren't thrilled to see her at the airport pick from the following. 1). Yes 2). No 3). It's impossible to say
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. Ex Input: December Weather. With December ushering in the first days of Australia’s summer, the weather within all areas is quite warm. Being the start of summer, the temperature’s range spans from the mid to high 20°sC (70°sF) in most major cities. For more information, see the weather forecast and our average climate infomation (by month in graphs) below. * Data from nearest weather station: Brisbane, Australia (71.8 KM). Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year. The monthly mean minimum and maximum daily temperature. The major Australian public holiday is, of course, Anzac Day on April 25. And if Easter takes place in April, Easter Monday is a public holiday as well. April, too, is the month of the actual birthday of Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, and the anniversary of Captain James Cook’s landing at Sydney’s Botany Day to eventually claim Australia for England. Best Answer: The weather in Australia will be mainly hot and dry in the southern regions. In the northern tropics it will be very hot and humid. Throughout most of ... Be 'SunSmart' by using these three simple steps when you go outdoors: 1 Stay in the shade whenever possible. 2 Wear a shirt, hat and sunglasses. 3 Use SPF 30+ sunscreen. Reapply every 2 hours. Expect 28°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 11 hours of sunshine per day in Western Australia in December. Check more long-term weather averages for Western Australia in December before you book your next holiday to Western Australia in 2017. Sydney is a sunny city in general, but December sees a good amount of sunshine. The city usually experiences an average of 9 hours of sunshine per day throughout the month and there's an 18% chance of a sunny day. With summer arriving in the Southern Hemisphere and a multitude of Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Year's Eve events to discover, December is a great month to visit Australia on your family vacation, especially since schoolchildren in the United States celebrate their winter break this time of year. Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year. 1 The monthly mean minimum and maximum daily temperature. 2 This is the monthly total of sunhours. 3 The monthly mean water temperature. 4 This is the mean monthly precipitation, including rain, snow, hail etc. 5 This is the number of days each month with rain, snow, hail etc. Melbourne is known for having four seasons in one day, therefore it's entirely possible to arrive in June and get a lovely 22C day. The wettest months are usually October to December, but the rain is fairly well spread out across all 12 months. Pack for all weather if you're visiting Melbourne. Uluru (Ayers Rock), NT Mean daily temperatures: Query: how is the weather in australia in december Ex Output: December ushering in the first days of Australia’s summer, the weather within all areas is quite warm. Ex Input: Milk Sell date , How long after the sell by date is milk still good for? The sell date is the last day that the product can be sold in the store. Depending on how cold your fridge is and how the milk was handled, it can last a week or more past the use by date. Take another look at that date, It is NOT an expiration date, it is a use by date. It should also say something about will remain wholesome for up to a week after that date. Of course, veggies and fruits are perishable, but they don't come with expiration dates, so use this advice: Most vegetables are best if used within a week of purchase, although carrots can often last longer, says Nussinow. The precise answer to that question depends to a large extent on storage conditions - to maximize the shelf life of milk, keep it refrigerated at all times. How long do milk substitutes last? Use our expiration tables, tips and FAQs to get the maximum shelf life of soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk. According to Ruff, most products are safe to eat long after their expiration date. In fact, even meat or milk that's clearly starting to spoil is not necessarily dangerous. Very often, you won't eat it because of the smell, and you probably won't like the taste, but in a lot of cases, it's unlikely to cause you illness, he says. A: Canned evaporated milk can last for one more year past its printed expiration date when stored in the pantry. Once opened, a can of evaporated milk should be stored inside the refrigerator and must be consumed within 3 to 4 days. Continue Reading According to the Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance, the milk needs to stay fresh longer because organic products often have to travel farther to reach store shelves since it is not produced throughout the country. The process that gives the milk a longer shelf life is called ultrahigh temperature (UHT) processing or treatment, in which milk is heated to 280 degrees Fahrenheit (138 degrees Celsius) for two to four seconds, killing any bacteria in it. The printed expiration date on milk is really just a sell by date, and milk is usually still good for a few days after that. Milk should last up to 7 days past the sell-by date if properly... The printed expiration date on milk is really just a sell by date, and milk is usually still good for a few days after that. The only items required by federal law to be labeled for expiration are infant formula and some baby foods; some states also mandate pulling dairy from store shelves on the expiration date. Learn the Lingo of Expiration Dates. This brings us to terminology. The actual term Expiration Date refers to the last date a food should be eaten or used. Query: how long does milk last past the expiration date Ex Output: Milk should last up to 7 days past the sell-by date. Ex Input: How long do microbes like bacteria and viruses live on surfaces in the home at normal room temperatures? Art Dekenipp Alvin, Texas. The answer is probably not what you want to hear: Microbes can live on household surfaces for hundreds of years. The good news, however, is that most don't. Some well-known viruses, like HIV, live only a few seconds. Microbes, of course, are everywhere. Each square centimeter of skin alone harbors about 100,000 bacteria. How long do microbes like bacteria and viruses live on surfaces in the home at normal room temperatures?Art Dekenipp Alvin, Texas The answer is probably not what you want to hear: Microbes can live on household surfaces for hundreds of years. The good news, however, is that most don't. Some well-known viruses, like HIV, live only a few seconds. Germs can stay alive in air for up to 48 hours after leaving an infected person or animal. Some germs can live up to a week on surfaces they infect. It is best to keep hands washed, and surfaces sterile to kill germs. Germs can stay alive in air for up to 48 hours after leaving an infected person or animal. Flu viruses can also survive as droplets in the air for several hours; low temperatures increase their survival in the air. Parainfluenza virus, which causes croup in children, can survive for up to 10 hours on hard surfaces and up to four hours on soft surfaces. Stomach bugs. There are many germs that can cause a stomach bug. Generally, MRSA bacteria survive for longer on hard surfaces than on soft surfaces. Herpes. Herpes viruses from cold sores around the mouth can survive for two hours on the skin. If you have a cold sore, try not to touch it. If you do touch it, for example to apply cold sore cream, wash your hands immediately afterwards. How long germs can live outside the body depends on the type of bacteria or virus and what kind of surface they are on. Find out more about cold and flu viruses, MRSA and germs that cause stomach bugs. How long do microbes like bacteria and viruses live on surfaces in the home at normal room temperatures? The answer is probably not what you want to hear. posted Aug 22nd, 2002 at 12:43pm Flu viruses capable of being transferred to hands and causing an infection can survive on hard surfaces for 24 hours. Infectious flu viruses can survive on tissues for only 15 minutes. Like cold viruses, infectious flu viruses survive for much shorter periods on the hands. Germs can stay alive in air for up to 48 hours after leaving aninfected person or animal. Some germs can live up to a week onsurfaces they infect. Norovirus and C. difficile, however, can survive for much longer. In one study, C. difficile was shown to survive for five months. Norovirus can survive for days or weeks on hard surfaces. When someone with norovirus vomits, the virus is distributed in small droplets in the air. Query: how long do germs live in the air Ex Output:
Germs can stay alive in air for up to 48 hours after leaving an infected person or animal.
Teacher:A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: where does dr. sanjay gupta practice? Student:
Grady Memorial Hospital
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Eligibility. To see if you might be eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, visit our pre-screening tool. For households in the 48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. To get SNAP benefits, households must meet certain tests, including resource and income tests: 1 Resources. 2 Income. 3 Deductions. 4 Employment Requirements. 5 Special Rules for Elderly or Disabled. 6 Immigrant Eligibility. In fact, we’re not spending enough on food stamps. The need for food assistance is greater than food stamps can fill, and the benefit amount is too low to allow a family to purchase an adequate, healthy diet. The average monthly food stamp benefit per person is only $133.85, or less than $1.50 per person, per meal. Between 2009-2011 the purchasing power of food stamps declined by about 7%, or $47/month for a family of four, due to inflation in the cost of food. You’ve likely heard stories (and outrage) about people using food stamps to purchase “steak and lobster” as well as cigarettes and alcohol, showing up at the grocery store in a nice car, nice clothes, a nice purse or an iPhone. But the federal government sets the food stamps benefit amount at, on average, roughly $4 a day per person. Yes, someone could save up their monthly allotment to buy some high-priced food items for a special occasion. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Effective October 2016. Maximum Monthly SNAP Amounts. The chart below shows the maximum dollar amount of SNAP benefits your household can receive each month. This dollar amount is based on the number of people in your household, your income and your expenses. You could receive any amount up to or including these amounts. National Standards for reasonable amounts have been established for five necessary expenses: food, housekeeping supplies, apparel and services, personal care products and services, and miscellaneous. See the SNAP page on Applicants and Recipients for detailed information about eligibility requirements and benefits. The SNAP home page provides access to information on all aspects of the program. fns On average, 45 million people received SNAP benefits each month in fiscal year 2011, which represents a 70 percent increase over the roughly 26 million people (or one of every 11) who received benefits in 2007. The truth is, a $125 per person per month grocery budget may seem like a farce to a household currently spending $300 per person per month, but it’s actually quite achievable. *For households with more than eight people, add $5,408 per additional person. Always check with the appropriate managing agency to ensure the most accurate guidelines. To see if you might be eligible for SNAP benefits, use SNAP's pre-screening tool. Related Links. ¡ 1 Exija Sus Derechos! - 4300 S. ¡ 2 EXIJA SUS DERECHOS! Usted Tiene El Derecho - DHS 8219 S. ¡ 3 La tarjeta Illinois Link se acepta en mercados de agricultores selectos! DHS 9201 S. 4 B Attitude - Folic Acid - DHS 4758. 5 AABD Cash Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled - DHS 587. 6 Active Play for Families - DHS 4586. Query: average amount food stamps per one person in al for a month Solution: The average monthly food stamp benefit per person is only $133.85, or less than $1.50 per person. Why? The passage details the eligibility and resources provided by SNAP. The passage includes information on individual per meal food stamp benefit, that can be used to answer the query. New input: If you are due any additional refunds, the IRS will send you a notice. informing you that the direct deposit limit has been exceeded, and that you should receive a refund. check instead of the direct deposit you requested in approximately four weeks if there are no other. issues with the return. exists and is an alternate of . If tax return was filed online completely and correctly and you have received your acknowledgment from the IRS that they have received and accepted your 1040 federal income tax return as you filed it from that date it could take about 10 days to 3 weeks for you direct deposit. If the tax return was mailed it could take 6 to 8 weeks for the direct deposit to be made. You can use your tax software to do it electronically. Or, use IRS’ Form 8888, Allocation of Refund (including Savings Bond Purchases) if you file a paper return. Just follow the instructions on the form. If you want IRS to deposit your refund into just one account, use the direct deposit line on your tax form. This is the same electronic transfer system used to deposit nearly 98 percent of all Social Security and Veterans Affairs benefits into millions of accounts. Combining direct deposit with IRS e-File is the fastest way to receive your refund. IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days. You can track your refund using our Where’s My Refund? tool. Direct deposit is easy to use. Just select it as your refund method through your tax software and type in the account number and routing number. Or, tell your tax preparer you want direct deposit. You can even use direct deposit if you are one of the few people still filing by paper. Additional input from our contributors: About 4-5 business days.I filed my State Tax Returns through TurboTax E-File. Federal direct deposit takes about 8 days but state returns can vary from a week to over a month. I'm a Massachusetts resident and it has been close to 30 days and i still have not received the direct deposit. State along with federal taxes usually take 14 to 21 days if electronically filed with Direct Deposit. You can receive your refund sooner. But this is the norm. The best and fastest way to get your tax refund is to have it electronically deposited for free into your financial account. The IRS program is called direct deposit. You can use it to deposit your refund into one, two or even three accounts. Eight out of 10 taxpayers get their refunds by using Direct Deposit. It is simple, safe and secure. How long does it take for South Carolina tax refund to direct deposit? Depending on what way the tax payer filed for their taxes it varies. Taxpayers in South Carolina can expect their tax refund to deposit anywhere from 10 days to 3 weeks out. Direct Deposit is a safe, reliable, and convenient way to receive Federal payments. The Department of. the Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service and the Internal Revenue Service both encourage direct. deposit of IRS tax refunds. Direct Deposit combined with IRS e-file provides taxpayers with the fastest. Confidence votes 7.5K. If tax return was filed online completely and correctly and you have received your acknowledgment from the IRS that they have received and accepted your 1040 federal income tax return as you filed it from that date it could take about 10 days to 3 weeks for you direct deposit. Query: how long does federal taxes direct deposit take? Solution:
Federal taxes takes about 10 days to 3 weeks for you direct deposit.
Answer: Luke Zimmerman ( born September 11 , 1980 in Evanston , Illinois , United States ). Now, what could be the question and solution-maybe? Ques: Luke Zimmerman (born September 11, 1980 in Evanston, Illinois, United States) is an American actor, who is best known for his role as Tom Bowman on ABC Family's The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Answer this question based on the passage: who plays tom on the secret life of american teenager? CoT: To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: Luke Zimmerman (born September 11, 1980 in Evanston, Illinois, United States) is an American actor, who is best known for his role as Tom Bowman on ABC Family's The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Ans: Mercedes - Benz Stadium in Atlanta , Georgia Ques: The College Football Playoff selection committee chose the semifinalists following the conclusion of the 2017 regular season. Alabama and Georgia advanced to the national championship after winning the semifinal games hosted by the Sugar Bowl and the Rose Bowl, respectively, on January 1, 2018. The championship game was played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia on January 8, 2018. Answer this question based on the passage: where will college football national championship game be played? CoT: To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: The championship game was played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia on January 8, 2018. Ans: a 1987 Pontiac Trans Am though in the Finale ( The Office ) he 's driving a 2013 Dodge Challenger Ques: Passage: Dwight is trained in the art of surveillance, and is a former Lackawanna County volunteer sheriff's deputy. He has a purple belt in Goju-Ryu karate, and is the senpai at his dojo. Dwight is a pop culture and sci-fi enthusiast, who has expressed fanship of many sci-fi movies and popular television series. In the episode "The Fire", he mentioned the movie The Crow as being his favorite film. He hints at belief in fictional creatures such as androids, zombies and vampires (though curiously, despite having claimed in "Business School", to have shot a werewolf ( that was actually his neighbor's dog), he says in one of his blog entries that he does not believe in them; however, he may have simply been denying claims of werewolves at Schrute Farms in order to prevent potential visitors from being frightened away ). He enjoys, and is shown to be skilled at, playing table tennis, and states that many of his heroes are table tennis players. His musical tastes vary, but heavy metal and classic rock seem to be a recurring theme. His personal musical talents are not lacking, as he plays guitar and recorder, and sings, as well. He has a fascination with cars; he usually checks a car's suspension, especially muscle cars. He drives a 1987 Pontiac Trans Am though in the Finale (The Office) he's driving a 2013 Dodge Challenger. His technological talents are limited, but he shows a passion for the online role playing game Second Life, in which the only differences between himself and his avatar is that his avatar has the last name' Shelford' and the ability to fly. He also shows an interest in trains, as he is restoring a turn-of-the-century steam engine in his slaughterhouse, during "The Meeting", which has him bonding with Toby Flenderson, as they share the same interest. In "Todd Packer", it is revealed that Dwight does not know who Justin Bieber is, asking Jim "Who is Justice Beaver?", leaving Jim to answer "A crime-fighting beaver." Question: Based on this passage, what type of car does dwight schrute drive? CoT: The relevant information is: He drives a 1987 Pontiac Trans Am though in the Finale (The Office) he's driving a 2013 Dodge Challenger. Answer: able to move any number of squares vertically , horizontally or diagonally. Now, what could be the question and solution-maybe? Ques: The queen (♕, ♛) is the most powerful piece in the game of chess, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Each player starts the game with one queen, placed in the middle of the first rank next to the king. Because the queen is the strongest piece, a pawn is promoted to a queen in the vast majority of cases. Answer this question based on the passage: how many steps can the queen move in chess? CoT: This is the relevant information: The queen (♕, ♛) is the most powerful piece in the game of chess, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Ans: 1977 Ques: The franchise began in 1977 with the release of the film Star Wars (later subtitled Episode IV: A New Hope in 1981), which became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon. It was followed by the successful sequels The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983); these three films constitute the original Star Wars trilogy. A prequel trilogy was released between 1999 and 2005, which received mixed reactions from both critics and fans. A sequel trilogy began in 2015 with the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and continued in 2017 with the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The first eight films were nominated for Academy Awards (with wins going to the first two films released) and have been commercial successes, with a combined box office revenue of over US $8.5 billion, making Star Wars the second highest-grossing film series. Spin-off films include the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) and Rogue One (2016), the latter of which is the first in a planned series of anthology films. Answer this question based on the passage: when was the first stars wars movie released? CoT: This is the relevant information: The franchise began in 1977 with the release of the film Star Wars (later subtitled Episode IV: A New Hope in 1981), which became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon. Ans: Chris Pine
Ques: Most of the cast returned from the first film, including Julie Andrews, Anne Hathaway, Héctor Elizondo, Heather Matarazzo, and Larry Miller. Garry Marshall returned to direct and Debra Martin Chase to produce. New characters include Viscount Mabrey (John Rhys-Davies), Lord Nicholas Devereaux (Chris Pine), and Andrew Jacoby (Callum Blue). Who plays nicholas in the princess diaries 2? CoT: To answer the question, consider the following: New characters include Viscount Mabrey (John Rhys-Davies), Lord Nicholas Devereaux (Chris Pine), and Andrew Jacoby (Callum Blue).
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Input: LONDON, England (CNN) -- There is a mathematical reason why the French Open is so different to any other of the Grand Slam tennis tournaments. Clay courts require a different type of game to grass and hard court surfaces The Roland Garros tournament is currently being contested, with Rafael Nadal looking for his fifth win in a row, and world number two Roger Federer searching for his first ever French Open title. • Get the latest French Open news What has brought problems to Federer, and to other greats like Pete Sampras and Boris Becker -- who never won a French Open, is the clay surface on which it is contested.Clay, grass and hard tennis court surfaces all produce different bouncesThe speed and bounce of certain courts can adversely affect a player's gameUse the CNN interactive to see how the bounce differs on each surface Questions:One of the problems _ has on clay is that he has a single-handed backhand, and Nadal can get so much spin -- so Federer is trying to hit single-handed shots up around his shoulder." (A) LONDON (B) England (C) CNN (D) French Open (E) Grand Slam (F) Roland Garros (G) Rafael Nadal (H) Roger Federer (I) Pete Sampras (J) Boris Becker (K) Clay Output:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. passage: The events helped to discredit Bennett's Conservative government, and in the 1935 federal election, his party went from holding 134 seats to just 39. After the Trek, the Saskatchewan government provided free transportation as a peace sign back to the west. The camps were soon dismantled and replaced by seasonal relief camps run by the provinces, and that paid the men slightly more for their labor than the earlier camps. Although the Trek did not reach Ottawa, its reverberations certainly did. Several demands of the Trekkers were eventually met, and the public support that galvanized behind the Trek set the tone for the social and welfare provisions of the postwar era. question: was the on to ottawa trek a success?
You stare at waterfall for a minute or two, and then shift your gaze to its surroundings. What you now see appears to drift upward. These optical illusions occur because the brain is constantly matching its model of reality to signals from the body's sensors and interpreting what must be happening--that your brain must have moved, not the other; that downward motions is now normal, so a change from it must now be perceived as upward motion. The sensors that make this magic are of two kinds. Each eye contains about 120 million rods , which provide somewhat blurry black and white vision. These are the windows of night vision; once adapted to the dark, they can detect a candle burning ten miles away. Color vision in each eye comes from six to seven million structures called cones . Under ideal conditions, every cone can "see" the entire rainbow spectrum of visible color1s, but one type of cone is most sensitive to red, another to green, a third to blue. Rods and cones send their messages pulsing an average 20 to 25 times per second along the optic nerve. We see an image for a fraction of a second longer than it actually appears. In movies, reels of still photographs are projected onto screens at 24 frames per second, tricking our eyes into seeing a continuous moving picture. Like apparent motion, color1 vision is also subject to unusual effects. When day gives way to night, twilight brings what the poet T.S. Eliot called "the violet hour." A light levels fall, the rods become progressively less responsive. Rods are most sensitive to the shorter wavelengths of blue and green, and they impart a strange vividness to the garden's blue flowers. However, look at a white shirt during the reddish light of sunset, and you'll still see it in its "true" color1--white, not red. Our eyes are constantly comparing an object against its surroundings. They therefore observe the effect of a shift in the color1 of illuminating on both, and adjust accordingly. The eyes can distinguish several million graduations of light and shade... Visual illusions often take place when the image of reality is _ . A) matched to six to seven million structures called cones. B) confused in the body's sensors of both rods and cones. C) interpreted in the brain as what must be the case. D) signaled by about 120 million rods in the eye. C (Question) The seas and rivers are being poisoned by radioactive wastes, by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous raw swage . The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles; even the rain is poisoned. It's little wonder forests and lakes are being destroyed and everywhere wildlife is disappearing, and yet the destruction continues. Governments and industries throughout the world are intensifying their efforts to extract the earth's mineral riches and to destroy its living resources. The great rain-forest and the frozen continents alike are seriously threatened, despite the warnings of the scientific community and the deep concern of millions of ordinary people. In fact, we can create environmentally clean industries, use the power of the sun, wind and waves for our energy needs and manage the finite resources of the earth in a way that will safeguard our future and protect all the rich variety of life-forms which share this planet with us. The main idea of the passage is that . A) the seas and rivers are being poisoned B) we can protect natural environments C) the natural world is under violent attack from man D) governments and industries should be responsible for the destruction of the natural world (Answer) C Ques: Have you ever made contact with the creative spirit, that certain something hard to describe, but full of good--and sometimes great--ideas? It is more than an occasional great thought. When we feel the moving of the creative spirit, it brings to life a style of being: a lifetime filled with the desire to invent, to explore new ways of doing things, and to turn dreams into reality. That flash of inspiration is the final moment of a process marked by unique stages--the basic steps in creative problem-solving. The first stage is preparation, when you look for any information that might be important. It's when you let your imagination run free. But one barrier is the inside voice of judgment that locks up our creative spirit within the limits of what we think acceptable. It's the voice that whispers to you, "They'll think I'm foolish," or "That will never work." But we can learn to recognize this voice of judgment and have the courage to discount its unhelpful advice. Once you have thought about all the relevant pieces and pushed your mind to the limits, you can let the problem remain and take in all you have gathered. It's a stage when much of what goes on occurs outside your focused awareness. As the saying goes, "You sleep on it." We are more open to creative thoughts from the unknowing mind when we are not really thinking of anything. That is why daydreams are so useful in the search for creativity. Anytime you can just daydream and relax is useful in the creative process: a shower, long drives, a quiet walk, etc. With luck, daydreaming will lead to a light turning on above your head, when all of a sudden the answer will come to you as if from nowhere. This is the popular stage--the one that usually gets all the glory and attention, the moment that people sweat and long for, the feeling "This is it!" But the thought alone is still not a creative act. The final stage is translation, when you take your creative thought and transform it into action; it becomes useful to you and others. When does creativity become useful to us and others? A) When thought is turned into action. B) When people understand our ideas. C) When the popular stage is reached. D) When we think "This is it!". Ans: A Air travel makes some people very nervous. The crowds, the noise and flying itself can cause unease. But there are classes that people can take to help them defeat the fear of flying. And now we are going to talk about similar training for service dogs that suffer from the same problem. Service dogs almost never leave the side of the people they care for. You will see them working on buses, trains and other public transport systems. But the busy environment in an airport can trouble even the best trained working dog. People with disabilities depend on their dogs. They also need the dogs to remain calmly on duty on the airplane, even when the flight is not smooth. This takes special training. The Air Hollywood K9 Flight School is one place where such help can be found. The school has a piece of equipment that provides the sights, sounds and even the feel of an airplane in flight. It is called a flight simulator . The simulator was built for filming airplane scenes in movies. Sandy Alexander lives in Newport Beach, California. He has a disability that requires his two-year-old dog, Doc, to be always at his side. Mr. Alexander took the dog to the flight school to get him ready for plane trips. He says Doc did not like the bumpy part of the flight simulation. "When that started he was pretty _ and looked up at me and wasn't sure what was gong on." "Dogs need to be exposed gradually and repetitively to stimulation, to the environment, to loud noises, to sounds and other dogs so that when this experience happens to them on a daily basis, they are able to act in a way that they are used to acting and don't get excitable," days dog trainer, Mary Segall. Dog owners who have attended the training say they now feel much more at ease about future flights. Their dogs also seem ready for take-off. The flight simulator _ . A) can help people to learn how to fly an airplane B) was built for filming airplane scenes in movies C) can't provide the feel of an airplane in flight D) let service dog owners experience the thrill of flying
Please capitalize where necessary: forbidden city - photo travels, china, photos of china, china pictures A: Forbidden City - photo travels, China, photos of China, China pictures Please capitalize where necessary: (nl/5178343782) the north sea around sylt naturally attracts numerous water sports. A: (NL/5178343782) The North Sea around Sylt naturally attracts numerous water sports. Please capitalize where necessary: /124/ back eu: commission directive 97/45/ec of 14 july 1997 adapting to technical progress annexes ii, iii, vi and vii to council directive 76/768/eec on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to cosmetic products. A: /124/ back EU: Commission Directive 97/45/EC of 14 July 1997 adapting to technical progress Annexes II, III, VI and VII to Council Directive 76/768/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products. Please capitalize where necessary: this helps the world wide web community because as website owners we’ll receive less spam. A:
This helps the world wide web community because as website owners we’ll receive less spam.
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. Q: passage: Seawater, or salt water, is water from a sea or ocean. On average, seawater in the world's oceans has a salinity of about 3.5% (35 g/L, 599 mM). This means that every kilogram (roughly one litre by volume) of seawater has approximately 35 grams (1.2 oz) of dissolved salts (predominantly sodium (Na ) and chloride (Cl ) ions). Average density at the surface is 1.025 kg/L. Seawater is denser than both fresh water and pure water (density 1.0 kg/L at 4 °C (39 °F)) because the dissolved salts increase the mass by a larger proportion than the volume. The freezing point of seawater decreases as salt concentration increases. At typical salinity, it freezes at about −2 °C (28 °F). The coldest seawater ever recorded (in a liquid state) was in 2010, in a stream under an Antarctic glacier, and measured −2.6 °C (27.3 °F). Seawater pH is typically limited to a range between 7.5 and 8.4. However, there is no universally accepted reference pH-scale for seawater and the difference between measurements based on different reference scales may be up to 0.14 units. question: is salt water the same as sea water? A:
(CNN) -- Move over, Edward Cullen. Tell those bayou bloodsuckers from "True Blood" to step aside, too. More than 112 years after he first climbed out of the coffin, the world's most famous vampire is back -- and he's bloodier than ever. "Dracula the Un-Dead," released this month in the United States, is a sequel to Bram Stoker's 1897 classic written by Dacre Stoker, the original author's great-grandnephew. The book, co-written by Dracula historian Ian Holt, picks up 25 years after the Victorian-era monster is supposedly killed in the original and is based in part on 125 pages of handwritten notes that Bram Stoker left behind. But while many of the original characters are here -- troubled couple Jonathan and Mina Harker and vampire hunter Van Helsing among them -- the horror has gotten a 21st-century update. The sex and violence that Stoker deftly alluded to in the original are, at times, front and center in his descendant's sequel. "You've got to keep in mind the perspective," said Dacre Stoker, a native of Montreal, Quebec, now living in Aiken, South Carolina. "The degree of sex and violence he had, in this very stuffy and conservative Victorian society, was cutting edge at the time. Even the exposure of a woman's flesh, the piercing of the flesh, was a metaphor for the sex act." And with authors from Anne Rice and Charlaine Harris to Stephen King and Poppy Z. Brite having crafted their own, sometimes lurid, reworkings of the vampire legend, Stoker said he knew that the new book couldn't just be a straight continuation of the first. Based on the article and the following list of answers, write a list of questions. 1. Dracula 2. Dracula the Un-Dead 3. Dacre Stoker 4. The original author. 5. He's a great-grandnephew. 6. It's a sequel 7. Bram Stoker's 1897 classic 8. Yes 9. Jonathan Harker 10. Mina Harker 11. They are a couple. Numbered questions:
1. Who's this about? 2. What movie about him will be released shortly? 3. Who wrote it? 4. Who's he related to? 5. How? 6. Is this film the first in a series? 7. To what film? 8. Did any characters from that film come out in the new one? 9. Name one. 10. Name another. 11. Were those two related?
Given the question: I had seen it before, those fuzzy, furry leaves and stalks, with the pretty, star-pointed purple flowers, but up until that moment that I saw them sitting in a basket at the market stalls, I admit I had never taken notice of it as a food. It grow along cracks in stone walls and along the roadside near my home in Settignano, which is blooming with spring goodness right now: robinia (black locust) trees, wild garlic (three-cornered leek) and even elderflowers are already bursting. I asked the vendor just to double check, “Is this borage?” “Si,” Came the answer, “Borragine.” He confirmed. “I’ve had it in ravioli,” I started to say, “Brava!” He said, as if we were about to start a guessing game on what could be done with it. Actually, there’s a lot that can be done with it. If you can use it as a ravioli filling with ricotta, then you can imagine it taking the place of spinach in gnudi, too, but also soups or frittata or stirred through polenta. I learned that the flowers are just as delicious, if not more interesting, for their delicate cucumber-like flavour — people told me of their use in salads or cocktails like Pimms, and someone even mentioned she freezes them in ice cubes, what a pretty idea for those first warm nights when you can dine al fresco, homemade cocktail in hand. Then there’s risotto and of course the fritters, much like these ones. Or you can simply deep fry the clusters of buds that haven’t yet burst open like these deep-fried robinia flowers. borage and ricotta crepes The problem, I was thinking, as I took home my bag of borage, is that I can’t decide what to make. There’s simply too much choice. I consulted two of my favourite books that also happen to be cookbooks. Patience Gray’s Honey from a Weed and Luigi Ballerini’s A Feast of Weeds. Both had wonderful ideas for borage (and indeed many other edible, foraged plants). Who bought the flowers? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - not enough information - A traveler - The writer for food - A cook The answer is:
The writer for food
instruction: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. question: (CNN) The Iraqi Air Force dropped thousands of leaflets over Mosul on Saturday night to warn residents of a looming offensive on the ISIS-held city. "It's victory time," blares a headline on the newspaper-style leaflets, quoting Iraqi President Haider al-Abadi in remarks directed at Mosul's residents. "Time to celebrate a clean Iraq without 'Daesh' (ISIS) or any dark belief." Another headline reads, "We are preparing to take action to free Mosul and regain security and stability in the region." The four-page leaflets tell residents that coalition forces are making advances on Iraq's second-largest city and that no one should panic. Residents are asked to stay away from certain parts of the city, avoid ISIS positions, remain in their homes and seal their windows and doors. A phone number for Mosul residents to report ISIS activity is included.Iraqi military, Kurdish forces and other groups are preparing to retake MosulISIS tells its wounded fighters they can leave for Raqqa, Syria, a source says Questions:Later Saturday, 14 members of ISIS were executed after trying to flee with their families from _ to Raqqa, the witnesses said. (A) Iraqi Air Force (B) Mosul (C) ISIS (D) Iraqi (E) Haider al (F) Abadi (G) Iraq (H) Daesh (I) Kurdish (J) Raqqa (K) Syria answer: (B) question: Manama, Bahrain (CNN) -- Clashes broke out in Bahrain on Friday as authorities tried to prevent thousands of opposition supporters converging on a mosque to hear a sermon from the kingdom's most prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Isa Qassim. The unrest followed a series of bombings in the capital, Manama, earlier this week, and the government's decision to strip some 31 opposition activists of their citizenship. Amid the unrest Friday, a teenage boy was knocked over by a car and killed as he crossed a busy road in the area. Sixteen-year-old Ali Abbas Radhi had been detained by police, according to witnesses and his family, and then escaped. They said he was hit by the car as he was pursued.Prominent Shia cleric Qassim delivered sermonPolice reportedly seal off access to mosqueTeen boy struck by vehicle during unrest and killed Questions:Earlier this week, authorities said the 31 people stripped of their _ nationality had harmed state security. (A) Manama (B) Bahrain (C) CNN (D) Shia (E) Isa Qassim (F) Ali Abbas Radhi (G) Prominent Shia (H) Qassim answer: (B) question: A loved-up couple have made TV history by getting engaged after meeting on Channel 4 show First Dates just a few months ago. Scott White, 39, left many viewers teary eyed when his proposal to girlfriend Victoria Wills, 29, from London, was aired on the Christmas special and season finale last night. Scott went down on one knee in the bar where the couple had first met just three months before in September. The sales manager started his speech by saying, 'Well miss, you know we talked about getting married' as he begins to get out of his seat and takes her hand.Scott White, 39, left many viewers teary eyed with his cute proposalHe met fiancée Victoria Wills, 29, on the Channel 4 show in SeptemberWent down on one knee in the bar of the First Dates restaurantPopped question with jelly ring but later replaced it with a diamond one Questions:When they were invited back onto _, Scott decided it was the perfect time to pop the question. (A) Channel 4 (B) First Dates (C) Scott White (D) Victoria Wills (E) London (F) Scott answer:
Q: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Dead were mostly soldiers loyal to military strongman Khalifa Haftar, according to military sources An attack on an airbase in southern Libya has killed 141 people, mostly soldiers loyal to military strongman Khalifa Haftar, according to a spokesman for his forces. Khalifa Haftar: renegade general causing upheaval in Libya Read more On Thursday, members of the Third Force militia loyal to the UN-backed government of national accord (GNA) in Tripoli attacked the base used by Haftar’s self-proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA), according to military sources. An LNA spokesman, Ahmad al-Mesmari, said that the victims included civilians who worked at the Brak al-Shati airbase or who were in the nearby area. “The soldiers were returning from a military parade. They weren’t armed. Most of them were executed,” he said. The GNA said that a commission of inquiry had been set up to investigate the attack. It said it had decided to suspend its defence minister, Al-Mahdi al-Barghati, and the head of the Third Force from their duties until those responsible were identified. The GNA and defence ministry condemned the assault and said they had not ordered any such action. The unity government, the rival administration in eastern Libya and their respective backers are battling for influence in the north African country, which has been wracked by chaos since the fall of dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. The LNA does not recognise the authority of the GNA and instead supports the rival authorities based in the east. The UN envoy to Libya voiced alarm at reports of the attack on the base, 650km (400 miles) south of Tripoli. “I am outraged by reports of significant numbers of fatalities, including civilians and by reports that summary executions may have taken place,” the UN envoy, Martin Kobler, said. Britain’s ambassador to Libya, Peter Millett, also denounced the assault. “Disgusted by attack on Brak al-Shati & reports of mass executions. Perpetrators must be brought to justice,” he wrote on Twitter. The incident at the base in Wadi al-Shati district took place a month after an attack by the LNA on the Tamenhant airbase controlled by the Third Force near the south’s main city of Sebha. Trump aide drew plan on napkin to partition Libya into three Read more That attack was called off after a reconciliation meeting between Haftar and the head of the unity government, Fayez al-Sarraj, in Abu Dhabi on 2 May. The speaker of the eastern-based parliament, which is supported by the LNA, accused the Misrata-based Third Force of a “serious breach of the truce agreement reached in Abu Dhabi”. Aguila Saleh said there were a “number of martyrs” in LNA ranks, without giving a figure. The speaker said he had given orders for the armed forces “to take the measures necessary to respond to the assault and defend the south and cleanse it of all outlaw militias”. In Tripoli, the GNA called for an immediate ceasefire in the south where tribes and militias vie for control of lucrative smuggling routes with neighbouring Chad, Niger and Sudan. “We hope reason will prevail and that the escalation and provocation will stop,” it said. The unity government’s defence ministry laid the blame on “those who started bombing Tamenhant base with warplanes and tanks,” referring to Haftar’s forces. Elsewhere on Friday a pro-Haftar tribal chief, Sheikh Ibrayek Alwati, and five other people including a child were killed in a car bombing outside a mosque in the eastern city of Slouq, according to medical and security sources. ||||| Image copyright AFP Image caption Many of those killed were from the Libyan National Army, seen in action in this file photo Reports suggest as many as 140 people, including civilians, may have died in an attack on an airbase in Libya. It was originally thought 60 people died when a government-allied militia tried to take over the Brak al-Shati base on Thursday. The UN-backed government's defence minister and the commander of the militia have both been suspended pending an investigation. The prime minister's office has denied ordering the attack. A militia spokesman said they had "liberated the base and destroyed all the forces inside". The town's mayor said some aircraft had been set ablaze. Most of the dead were soldiers of the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA), an alliance in the east of the country which does not recognise the government in the capital, Tripoli. That force has been in control of the airbase since December. Its spokesman gave the new death toll of 140. "The soldiers were returning from a military parade. They weren't armed. Most of them were executed," he said. The UN's envoy to Libya, Martin Kobler, said he was "outraged" by reports of summary executions. The attack breached an informal truce between the rival forces that was reached earlier this month when the LNA's commander, General Khalifa Haftar, met the UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj. The Tripoli government has set up an investigative committee to present its findings to the prime minister within 15 days. ||||| A:
An official in Libya says at least 140 people—including civilians—were killed in a strike on the Brak al-Shati airbase, more than doubling the original count from the attack Thursday, the BBC reports. According to the Guardian, the base was attacked by the Third Force militia, which is loyal to the UN-backed Libyan government. A spokesperson for the Third Force says they "liberated the base and destroyed all the forces inside." Brak al-Shati had been under the control of the Libyan National Army, a group that doesn't recognize the government and is loyal to military strongman Khalifa Haftar, since December. An LNA spokesperson says most of the 140 casualties were unarmed soldiers returning from a military parade, adding most of them were "executed." The spokesperson says the dead also include civilians working on the base or in the vicinity. The UN-backed Libyan government condemned the attack, which it denied ordering. It says it has suspended the defense minister and the Third Force's commander pending an investigation. Martin Kobler, UN envoy to Libya, says the "unprovoked attack" could amount to a war crime, Al Jazeera reports. “I am outraged by reports of significant numbers of fatalities, including civilians and by reports that summary executions may have taken place,” Kobler says. The attack may also have breached a truce between Haftar and the government reached on May 2.
Stream of consciousness rationale: Office supply store is a supply store for consumables. He needed a stapler and index card, he figured office supply store will be the best place to purchase. The question and answer pair are described below.
Q: He needed a stapler and index card, he figure where would be the best place to purchase them? Options: - oral report - book store - library - card catalogue - office supply store A: office supply store
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Example Input: Dr. Benjamin Stone is a hotshot young surgeon who longs to leave the drudgery of a Washington , D.C. emergency room and finally leaps at his chance at more money and less death as a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills . On his last day , Ben's relationship with his co-workers is presumed to be anything but a warm one . None of his colleagues will join him for a drink and a cake in his honor has an iced portion of the phrase `` Good riddance , asshole '' sliced out . Ben's cross-country drive in a 1956 Porsche 356 Speedster is interrupted when he crashes in the rural hamlet of Grady , South Carolina . The crash damages the fence of local Judge Evans , who sentences him to community service at a nearby hospital . Ben offers to pay for the fence , but the stern judge increases his community service each time he talks back . Defeated , he reports to the hospital , where Nurse Packer humbles him by ordering him to clock in and out , as would a factory worker . Though upset , Ben quickly makes friends with Mayor Nick Nicholson , the town cafe's proprietor/head waitress , and Melvin , the local mechanic tasked with repairing Ben's car . Ben soon finds his clinic work to be much more laid-back than the emergency room . He has simple cases such as spots before the eyes , fishing hook impalings , and even reading mail for a young illiterate couple , whose baby he later delivers . The experience also humbles Ben when he mistreats a case of mitral valve regurgitation leading to late cyanosis in the child . <sep>Where did Judge Evans live?<sep>Grady, South Carolina Example Output: Yes Example Input: Tuesday, September 11, 2001, dawned temperate and nearly cloudless in the eastern United States. Millions of men and women readied themselves for work. Some made their way to the Twin Towers, the signature structures of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Others went to Arlington, Virginia, to the Pentagon. Across the Potomac River, the United States Congress was back in session. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, people began to line up for a White House tour. In Sarasota, Florida, President George W. Bush went for an early morning run. For those heading to an airport, weather conditions could not have been better for a safe and pleasant journey. Among the travelers were Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari, who arrived at the airport in Portland, Maine. Boston: American 11 and United 175. Atta and Omari boarded a 6:00 A.M. flight from Portland to Boston's Logan International Airport. When he checked in for his flight to Boston, Atta was selected by a computerized prescreening system known as CAPPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), created to identify passengers who should be subject to special security measures. Under security rules in place at the time, the only consequence of Atta's selection by CAPPS was that his checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that he had boarded the aircraft. This did not hinder Atta's plans. Atta and Omari arrived in Boston at 6:45. Seven minutes later, Atta apparently took a call from Marwan al Shehhi, a longtime colleague who was at another terminal at Logan Airport. They spoke for three minutes. It would be their final conversation. <sep>At what time did Atta take a phone call from Marwan al Shehhi?<sep>6:07 Example Output: No Example Input: Earthquakes seemed to outline a special feature of earth's crust. Earthquakes let scientists know where the crust was moving. This led to the discovery that the Earths crust was broken up into regions, or plates. Earthquakes happen most often along these plate boundaries. This was evidence that continents can move. The movements of the plates are called plate tectonics. The Earths crust is divided into plates. There are about a dozen large plates and several small ones. Each plate is named for the continent or ocean basin it contains. Scientists know he plates are in motion. They now know the direction and speed of this motion . Plates dont move very fast. They move only a few centimeters a year. This is about the same rate fingernails grow. So you might wonder, what could cause this motion? What supplies the energy to cause this change? <sep>To get a sense of how fast plates move, what can you look at on your body?<sep>Feet Example Output:
Teacher:In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: (CNN) Mitt Romney has added his voice to the chorus of Republicans who are dismayed that an ignorant demagogue such as Donald Trump could be poised to capture the presidential nomination of their grand and noble party. In a speech Thursday morning, Romney said, "Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University." He laid out a comprehensive case for why Republicans should reject Trump and pick one of the other candidates still in the race. But before we start lauding Romney for being a statesmanlike voice of reason and moderation, it's worth remembering a few things about him.Paul Waldman: Romney, GOP have used same ugly tactics as Trump, only with more politesseHe says Romney's 2012 campaign used racial code words, bullying mightTrumpism is GOP conservatism stripped of its veneer of subtlety, Waldman says Question:It may not have been quite as appalling as what Trump is doing now, but in many ways it was similar, the only difference being that _ says out loud what Republicans such as Romney prefer to imply. Student:
Donald Trump
Dec 27 (Reuters) - * Central Depository Services (India) Ltd files for IPO of upto 35.2 million shares * Central Depository Services (India) Ltd - shares are proposed to be listed on NSE * Central Depository Services (India) Ltd files for IPO * Central Depository Services (India) ltd - co has got "in-priniciple" approval from nse for listing of equity shares * Central Depository Services (India) Limited - Haitong Securities Pvt Ltd, IDBI Capital, Yes Securities (India) are the book running lead managers Source text: India contains more than one business. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Walpeup is a town in the Mallee region of north west Victoria. The town is in the Rural City of Mildura local government area and on the Mallee Highway and Pinnaroo railway line between Ouyen and the South Australian border, 458 km north west of the state capital, Melbourne and 130 km south west of the regional centre of Mildura. At the 2016 census , Walpeup had a population of 158. The Mallee region contains a town named Walpeup. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes KALAMAZOO, MI -- A water main break has caused a Kalamazoo street to be closed Friday, Jan. 12. Solon Street between West Main Street and Santos Avenue is closed, according to a news release from the city. Motorists should seek an alternate route. A detour has been posted. Boil water advisory for East Cork and Harvard Streets in Kalamazoo Solon Street was closed on the day of the week that comes before Saturday. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Teacher: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle. Solution: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar? Reason: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage. Now, solve this instance: The ``flavourings'' are believed to include cloves, soy sauce, lemons, pickles and peppers. Student:
is soy sauce and worcestershire sauce the same thing?
Lisa Jacobs is a British actress who is best known for playing Jewish diarist Anne Frank in the 1988 television film, "". She was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie for her role in this movie. The film also starred Mary Steenburgen as Miep Gies. Jacobs worked very hard on the role. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say It’s been a crazy day with pregnant celebrities like Khloe Kardashian and Cardi B, but is Ariana Grande pregnant too! Lately, tons of Arianators have been tweeting their theory that ‘The Dangerous Woman’ singer is preggers with her boyfriend, Mac Miller’s baby. We have all the evidence here to prove that this story might actually be true! Comment below if you think the theories true! ariana grande desire to get pregnant OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Castro's successful visits to Harlem and the Bronx, his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, and the October 21 march of 3,000 against U.S. policy and subsequent picket lines at Cuba's UN mission in defense of the revolution - all these events dealt blows to the U.S. government's unceasing efforts to isolate and slander Cuba. In October, an event regarding revolution occurred. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be given a passage to read. A fill in the blank question will be given to you. Your answer should fit the blank appropriately. Q: Two songs taken from the album ( Mandatory Suicide and South of Heaven ) have become near constant fixtures in the band 's live setlist , notching up appearances on the following : the live DVDs Live Intrusion , War at the Warfield , Still Reigning , Soundtrack to the Apocalypse 's deluxe edition 's bonus live disc , and the live double album Decade of Aggression . Lombardo guested with Finnish cellist group Apocalyptica on a live medley of the two tracks at 1998 's Headbanger 's Heaven festival in the Netherlands . Adrien Begrand of PopMatters described South of Heaven as an unorthodox set opener in theory , noting the song went over like a megaton bomb detonating the place : dozens of inverted crosses projected behind the high drum riser , the sinewy opening notes kicked in , followed by an overture of bass , cymbal crashes , and tom fills , leading up to the slowly building crescendo in a concert review . Lombardo remembers listening to a live rendition of South of Heaven and thinking ‘ Man ! There 's just so much groove in that song . ’ To my kids I was saying , ‘ Listen to that ! Listen to how groovy that is ! ’ And it 's heavy . A rare live version of the track featured on the JÄGERMUSIC Rarities 2004 promotional CD , given away to attendees at the Spring 2004 Jägermeister Music Tour . A live rendition of South of Heaven was also included on a bonus DVD which came with the group 's 2007 re @-@ release of ninth studio album Christ Illusion , shot in Vancouver , British Columbia during 2006 's Unholy Alliance tour . fill in the blank : Metal Maniacs asked Slayer in a 2006 interview whether they would consider playing South of Heaven . A:
Please capitalize where necessary: even a basic phone, one that does not have an app store and can not connect to a computer network, can run n r $ 200.
Even a basic phone, one that does not have an app store and can not connect to a computer network, can run n r $ 200.
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. Q: passage: Wembley Park is a London Underground station in Wembley Park, north west London. The station is served by the Underground's Metropolitan and Jubilee Lines and is in Travelcard Zone 4. It is located on Bridge Road (A4089) and is the nearest Underground station to the Wembley Stadium and Wembley Arena complex. This is where the Jubilee line from Stanmore diverges from the Metropolitan line which was formerly a branch of the Metropolitan Railway and was taken over by the Bakerloo line and today part of the Jubilee line. question: is wembley stadium in zones 1-6? A:
Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Input: The 2014 AFC Women 's Asian Cup was the 18th edition of the AFC Women 's Asian Cup . Output:
The 2014 AFC Women 's Asian Cup , the 18th edition of the competition , was a women 's association football tournament competed by national teams in Asian Football Confederation ( AFC ) .
The Horizon elliptical cross trainer Elite E4000 has 14 programs and is Passport Ready it can be connected with the optionally available Passport SetUp box for even more variety Add punctuation.
The Horizon elliptical cross trainer Elite E4000 has 14 programs and is "Passport Ready" - it can be connected with the optionally available Passport Set-Up box for even more variety.
Please answer the following question: If you turned on the TV towards the end of 2002 you could have been forgiven for thinking that Britain had gone absolutely horseshit mental. Every week, it seemed, another pretty young girl from a nice family, who was happy and popular and always did well at school, was being kidnapped or murdered by what the Sun newspaper cheerfully termed 'evil paedo scum'. Naming and shaming was as popular a feature in the Murdoch press as Page Three girls and discounted holidays to Butlin's. Of course you can't blame parents for wanting to keep their children safe; that's pretty much the job description of a parent. And, on the face of it, the tabloids were doing a public service in warning us about the paedophile menace lurking in our midst. The problem came when it turned out that a huge number of these concerned tabloid-reading parents were also absolute fucking morons. For every story of an actual sex offender being driven from their house by a baying mob there was one like that of Dr Yvette Cloete, a doctor at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport, South Wales, who returned home from work to find that a group of 'concerned parents' had daubed the word 'paedo' on her front door in bright red paint. Dr Cloete was a consultant paediatrician. Easy mistake. If you're an absolute fucking moron. And so it was that one hung-over morning, after reading yet another story about vigilantes who had threatened to stone Maxine Carr, the girlfriend of Soham killer Ian Huntley, to death during her high-profile trial for perverting the course of justice, I decided to set up a website parodying this collective national madness. The result of two or three hours of hung-over labour was, a spoof campaign site which claimed to offer a handy online guide for crazy vigilantes of all stripes to co-ordinate their crazy vigilante efforts. Although there are a few parts of the site I'm still a bit proud of, the majority of it was, I freely admit, satire of the lowest order. How long did it take to set up website? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - Few years - Few month - not enough information - 10 minutes Answer:
Few month
Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science (French: "Impostures Intellectuelles" ), published in the UK as Intellectual Impostures, is a book by physicists Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont. Sokal is best known for the Sokal Affair, in which he submitted a deliberately absurd article to "Social Text", a critical theory journal, and was able to get it published. Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont were long time physicists that published the book Intellectual Impostures. A: It's impossible to say New World () is a 2013 South Korean crime drama film written and directed by Park Hoon-jung. Starring Choi Min-sik, Hwang Jung-min and Lee Jung-jae, the film shows the conflict between the police and the mob through the eyes of an undercover cop. "New World" is the first entry in a planned trilogy. In 2013 Park Hoon-jung contributed to the movie project, New World, that would introduce an undercover cop torn between mob and police conflicts. A: Yes Seyyid Kasim Gubari of Diyarbakır is recorded as being responsible for much of the calligraphy of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (the "Blue Mosque") in Istanbul, he was commissioned to write verses from the Quran throughout the mosque. He was also said to be one of the greatest calligraphers of his day. Seyyid Kasim Gubari is famous for the kebab. A:
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Who starred in "Flashdance" and "Before I Fall"?
Jennifer Beals
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Input: Consider Input: where is canadian county oklahoma? Output: Oklahoma City, OK Metropolitan Statistical Area Input: Consider Input: what channel does anderson cooper come on? Output: CNN Input: Consider Input: what tourist attractions are in houston texas?
Output: George R. Brown Convention Center
"Both" is the third single from American rapper Gucci Mane's tenth studio album "The Return of East Atlanta Santa". The song features Canadian rapper Drake. The songwriting was partly handled by Atlanta based Nicholas Cobey between spring/summer 2016, the production of the song was provided by Metro Boomin and Southside. This songs marks their second 2016 collaboration following "Back on Road". There have already been two singles released from the album The Return of East Atlanta Santa. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Touch is an album released by Delirious? in 2002. It is essentially a clone of album "Audio Lessonover?" released in North America. In fact, only the first song, "Touch", is new. "Love is the Compass" and "Waiting for the Summer" are different versions from the UK release, and four songs present on "Audio Lessonover" were removed from "Touch". the song Touch is just a different version of Love is the Compass. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Shawn Levy (born July 23, 1968) is a Canadian film director, producer, and actor. He directed the films "Big Fat Liar" (2002), "Just Married" (2003), "Cheaper by the Dozen" (2003), "The Pink Panther" (2006), "Night at the Museum" (2006), "" (2009), "Date Night" (2010), "Real Steel" (2011), "The Internship" (2013), "This Is Where I Leave You" (2014) and "" (2014). Shawn Levy is still currently living in 2019. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
The Mercedes-Benz W221 is a chassis code of S-Class, the successor of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W220) and the predecessor of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W222). The S-Class are the flagship vehicles of Mercedes-Benz and each generation typically introduces a range of technical innovations and developments that over time will find their way into smaller cars. Can we infer the following? The Mercedes-Benz W221 made way to the W222 -Yes -It's impossible to say -No The answer is:
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Ex Input: Where did the player who replaced Trevor Knight prior to the 2015 season begin his football career? Ex Output: Texas Tech Red Raiders Ex Input: What 2006 criminal case led by Mike Nifong was the basis of an episode of "Law & Order"? Ex Output: The Duke lacrosse case Ex Input: Henry Beaufort, 3rd Duke of Somerset was a commander during which wars to control the throne of England between 1455-1487? Ex Output:
Wars of the Roses
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Who is a retired American track and field athlete, who mostly competed in the shot put who returned four years later to the most populous metropolitan area in the world ?
Dallas Crutcher Long
The Museum of Turkish Calligraphy Art (Turkish: "" ) is a museum located in Beyazıt Square in Fatih district of Istanbul, Turkey. Constructed between 1506–08, the building formerly served as the medrese of Bayezid II Complex which was built within the order of Sultan Bayezid II, son of Mehmed the Conqueror. Its collection consists of 3121 pieces mainly reflecting Islamic calligraphic art. The Turkish museum holds over ten Islamic artifacts. A: Yes Belinda is the first solo album by Belinda Carlisle, notable as her first recording after the break-up of new wave band The Go-Go's, for whom she was their lead singer. Released in mid-1986 it featured a hit single "Mad About You" which went to No. 3 on the US "Billboard" Hot 100 and No. 1 in Canada. Belinda is Belinda Carlisle's third album. A: No Brazilian Sketches is an album by British saxophonist Jim Tomlinson that was released in 2003. The album features Stacey Kent on vocals. The album contains cover versions of songs by Antonio Carlos Jobim, Vinícius de Moraes, Marcos Valle, and Luiz Bonfá. There were cover songs in addition to those by Antonio Carlos Jobim, Vinícius de Moraes, Marcos Valle, and Luiz Bonfá. A:
What was the question for this implicit rationale, and corresponding answer? In difficult time, a person gets frustrated. A person begins to get frustrate if they are not understanding something. The answer: get frustrated
The question: The person was having a difficult time understanding the computer program, they were beginning to what? Options: - stare at computer screen - compile - get frustrated - write code - think logically
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. (AP) — Moments before he launched a carefully planned pep talk to members of the Air Force's nuclear missile force, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was undercut by yet another sign of trouble in their ranks: a drug probe of two missile officers. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks with airmen of the 20th Air Force 90th Missile Wing during a trip to F.E. Warren Air Force Base on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014 in Cheyenne, Wyo. It was the first time since... (Associated Press) Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks with airmen of the 20th Air Force 90th Missile Wing during a trip to F.E. Warren Air Force Base on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014, in Cheyenne, Wyo. It was the first time... (Associated Press) Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel greets an airman from the 20th Air Force 90th Missile Wing during a trip to F.E. Warren Air Force Base on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014 in Cheyenne, Wyo. It was the first time since... (Associated Press) Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks with airmen of the 20th Air Force 90th Missile Wing during a trip to F.E. Warren Air Force Base on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014 in Cheyenne, Wyo. It was the first time since... (Associated Press) Hagel flew here Thursday to deliver a message he felt needed to be heard by men and women who sometimes tire of toiling in a job that can seem like military oblivion. He wanted to buck them up, while also insisting they live up to their own standards, which he said should never be compromised in a business as potentially dangerous as the launching of the world's deadliest weapons. "We depend on your professionalism," he declared to an assembly of members of the 90th Missile Wing, which operates 150 Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles, one third of the entire ICBM force. What Hagel did not count on was the news — disclosed just as he was preparing to deliver his words of praise and encouragement — that two Minuteman 3 launch control officers at an ICBM base in Montana had been removed from duty because they were under investigation for illegal narcotics. Details of the illegal narcotics case were not released, but the two officers were members of the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations was handling the probe. Hagel did not mention the news, which he was told about by aides while he was visiting a missile launch control center in "Flight Echo" of the 319th Missile Squadron at a remote site just across the state line in his home state of Nebraska. The Pentagon's press secretary, Rear Adm. John Kirby, said Hagel was the first defense secretary to visit an ICBM launch control center since Caspar Weinberger in 1982. Since then, defense secretaries have visited ICBM bases but none has ventured to a launch center, a pill-shaped capsule buried at least 60 feet below ground. In his speech later back at F.E. Warren, Hagel stepped lightly on the sensitive issues of misbehavior and occasional performance, training and leadership lapses in the ICBM force. "You are doing something of great importance to the world," Hagel told the group. Lest they sometimes doubt that importance, he said, "You have chosen a profession where there is no room for error — none." Hagel made no direct reference to problems revealed in the past year by The Associated Press, including an unprecedented sidelining last spring of 17 launch control officers at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., after commanders deemed them unfit to fulfill their duties, which include the potential launching of nuclear war, and none in his audience asked his views on the state of their profession. One asked Hagel what the future holds for ICBMs, and the Pentagon chief said the Obama administration was committed to preserving all three legs of the strategic nuclear triad: ballistic missile submarines, heavy bombers and ICBMs. He said the Pentagon was making progress on a study it began last year to determine what kind of missile should replace the Minuteman 3, which was first deployed in 1970 and is approaching obsolescence. Some have questioned whether the U.S. can afford to further modernize its ICBM force at a time of shrinking defense budgets. "You are doing something of great importance for the world," Hagel said. At the same time, he said he realizes that their jobs must be carried out in isolation, with little public recognition or acclaim. "No fanfare, no TV cameras," Hagel said. The unsung nature of their work, coupled with increasing talk about ICBMs being an expendable element of the U.S. nuclear force, has weighed on the morale of many in the missile force. The AP disclosed in November that a RAND Corp. study of the ICBM force had detected signs of "burnout" among a sample of missile launch officers and some missile security forces. In an apparent allusion to breakdowns in discipline, Hagel said, "How you do the job really is as important as the job itself." F.E. Warren Air Force Base, which is headquarters for the organization in charge of all 450 U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles, has more than 3,000 enlisted airmen and officers and saw 12 courts-martial in 2013, compared with nine the year before, 12 in 2011 and eight in 2010, according to Air Force statistics provided to the AP last week in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. In each of the past four years, the courts-martial rate at F.E. Warren was higher than in the Air Force as a whole, the statistics show. Drug offenses have been at or near the top of the list at F.E. Warren. Of the seven top offenses that led to courts-martial there last year, for example, the most common was "use of controlled substances," and also on the list was the distribution of controlled substances, according to statistics provided by the Air Force Legal Operations Agency. In 2012 the top offense in courts-martial was "wrongful use of marijuana." ___ Follow Robert Burns on Twitter at ||||| WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two missile-launch crew members at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana have been implicated in an illegal narcotics operation and have had their access to classified information suspended, a U.S. defense official said on Thursday. The two officers were members of the 341st Missile Wing at the base, the official said. News of the investigation came as Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was visiting a sister missile base in neighboring Wyoming to deliver a message about the importance of the U.S. nuclear weapons mission, which has been troubled by morale problems. The major general in charge of U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles was fired last year for drunken and inappropriate behavior while leading a security delegation to Moscow. (Reporting by David Alexander; Editing by Peter Cooney) ||||| Two Air Force ICBM launch officers at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana have been implicated in an illegal-narcotics investigation, a U.S. defense official said Thursday, adding to the list of troubles uncovered by Associated Press reporting in the past year on the country's nuclear force: —In April, 19 missile crew members in the 91st Missile Wing at Minot, N.D., were deemed temporarily unfit for duty and given weeks of remedial training. The wing's deputy commander of operations complained of "rot" in the force. Later, the officer in charge of the 91st's missile crew training and proficiency was relieved of duty. —In August, the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom failed a safety and security inspection. Nine days later the officer in charge of security forces there was relieved of duty. In October the unit passed a do-over test. —On Oct. 11, the Air Force fired Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, commander of the 20th Air Force, which is responsible for the entire Minuteman 3 missile force, amid an investigation of an alcohol-related complaint. This happened two days after a Navy admiral who was second-in-command at U.S. Strategic Command, the military's main nuclear war-fighting command, was relieved of duty amid a gambling-related investigation. —The AP reported that twice last year the Air Force has punished officers involved in separate incidents of opening the blast door of their launch control center while one of the two launch officers was asleep, in violation of Air Force rules. —In November, the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. Mark Welsh, disclosed that as a result of the Carey firing, the Air Force would take a closer look at the background of candidates for general officer-level nuclear command jobs. —Also in November, the AP reported that key members of the Air Force's nuclear missile force are feeling "burnout" from what they see as exhausting, unrewarding and stressful work. The finding, in an unpublished RAND Corp. study provided to the AP in draft form, also cited heightened levels of misconduct such as spousal abuse and said court-martial rates in the nuclear missile force in 2011 and 2012 were more than twice as high as in the overall Air Force. ||||| A:
America got yet another reason to worry about the men who have their fingers on the nuclear button yesterday, when two Air Force ICBM launch officers were suspended and named as targets of an illegal narcotics investigation. The two men, part of the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana, have had their security clearances suspended pending an investigation, NBC News and Reuters report. The timing of the news was hilariously bad—it came just moments before Chuck Hagel was set to deliver a speech to another Air Force ICBM unit intended to boost morale in the face of the rampant problems that have plagued America's nuclear force. Hagel's aides told him about the news, the AP reports, but Hagel left it out of his speech. "You are doing something of great importance," he said. "There is no room for error—none." But there have been a lot of errors recently; the AP used the drug case as an opportunity to run down some of the recent snafus: In April, 19 members of one crew were deemed unfit for duty and given weeks of remedial training. In August the 341st Wing—the same one now involved in the drug scandal—failed a safety inspection. Nuclear guards have twice been caught sleeping with the blast door to their control center open. The general in charge of the entire missile operation was fired for acting like a "drunken boor" on an official trip.
input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. JavaScript (), often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, object-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production. It is used to make webpages interactive and provide online programs, including video games. The majority of websites employ it, and all modern web browsers support it without the need for plug-ins by means of a built-in JavaScript engine. Each of the many JavaScript engines represent a different implementation of JavaScript, all based on the ECMAScript specification, with some engines not supporting the spectrum fully, and with many engines supporting additional features beyond ECMA. As a multi-paradigm language, JavaScript supports event-driven, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles. It has an API for working with text, arrays, dates, regular expressions, and basic manipulation of the DOM, but does not include any I/O, such as networking, storage, or graphics facilities, relying for these upon the host environment in which it is embedded. Initially only implemented client-side in web browsers, JavaScript engines are now embedded in many other types of host software, including server-side in web servers and databases, and in non-web programs such as word processors and PDF software, and in runtime environments that make JavaScript available for writing mobile and desktop applications, including desktop widgets. 1. Is JavaScript multi-paradigm? 2. Does it incorporate API? 3. To help work with what? 4. Anything not included? 5. Whats an example of that? 6. Can you name others? 7. What is its abbreviation? 8. Is it strongly typed? 9. How important is it? 10. Is it an integral part of the Internet? 11. Along with what other languages? 12. What specification is it based on? numbered_answers: 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. text, arrays, dates, regular expressions, and basic manipulation 4. I/O 5. networking 6. storage, or graphics facilities 7. JS 8. No 9. high-level 10. Yes 11. HTML and CSS 12. ECMAScript input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its width and its height. It is commonly expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, as in "16:9". For an "x":"y" aspect ratio, no matter how big or small the image is, if the width is divided into "x" units of equal length and the height is measured using this same length unit, the height will be measured to be "y" units. In, for example, a group of images that all have an aspect ratio of 16:9, one image might be 16 inches wide and 9 inches high, another 16 centimeters wide and 9 centimeters high, and a third might be 8 yards wide and 4.5 yards high. The most common aspect ratios used today in the presentation of films in cinemas are 1.85:1 and 2.39:1. Two common videographic aspect ratios are 4:3 (1.3:1), the universal video format of the 20th century, and (1.7:1), universal for high-definition television and European digital television. Other cinema and video aspect ratios exist, but are used infrequently. In still camera photography, the most common aspect ratios are 4:3, 3:2, and more recently being found in consumer cameras 16:9. Other aspect ratios, such as 5:3, 5:4, and 1:1 (square format), are used in photography as well, particularly in medium format and large format. 1. what is a common ratio used in films? 2. is there one for camera photography? 3. what is it? 4. any others used? 5. what? 6. What does aspect ratio do? 7. how would you express this? 8. does x stand for height? 9. what does it stand for? 10. Does Y stand for circumfrence? 11. what does it stand for? 12. what is the aspect ratio for the universal video format? 13. for the 19th century? 14. what century? 15. what is the aspect ratio for high def tv? 16. are there different aspect ratios used in camera photography with different formats? 17. what seperates the two numbers? numbered_answers: 1. 1.85:1 2. yes 3. 4:3 4. yes 5. 3:2, 16:9, 5:3, 5:4, and 1:1 6. describes the proportional relationship between its width and its height. 7. two numbers separated by a colon 8. no 9. the width 10. no 11. the height 12. 4:3 (1.3:1) 13. no 14. 20th 15. (1.7:1) 16. yes 17. a colon input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. Few buildings on earth can compete with the legendary beauty of the Taj Mahal. Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument to love ever created. The lovers in this story are the 17th century Indian emperor Shah Jehan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. She took a leading role in advising him, which is something unusual for a woman to do for a husband who's an emperor. Over the course of their nineteen-year marriage she gave birth to 14 children. But in 1631 while trying to deliver their fifteenth -- she tragically died. He was heartbroken when she died. And after her death, he decided to build the world's greatest monument ever built, for love. He ordered the royal architects to design the most beautiful building the world had known and decided to name it after his beloved, Mumtaz Mahal. He called on twenty thousand workers and sent many more people to all corners of his country in search of valuable metals and jewels. And after seventeen years of hard work, Shah Jehan's monument was completed and his beloved empress was moved to her final resting place. Everything had gone according to plan, but Shah Jehan's luck was about to change ... In 1658, just four years after the completion of the Taj Mahal, he was thrown out of power. Unfortunately, his son, Aran Azibe imprisoned him, his own father. And he spent the last seven years of his life in prison. And he was allowed to look at the Taj Mahal through a window. His life was in ruins, but when he died his last wish was promised. He was buried beside his beloved wife in the Taj Mahal. 1. Where is the Taj Mahal? 2. Who is the wife int he story? 3. and the husband? 4. What was unusual about her? 5. Who was he? 6. Did they have a lot of children? 7. how many? 8. What happened to Mumtaz? 9. from what? 10. Where was she buried? 11. What about the husband when he died? 12. What did the husband do after the wife died? 13. How long did it take? 14. and how many people helped? 15. what happened four years after completion? 16. by who? 17. where did he put his father? 18. for how many years did he stay? 19. What was his final wish? 20. was he? numbered_answers:
1. Agra 2. Mumtaz Mahal 3. Shah Jehan 4. She took a leading role in advising him 5. the emperor 6. yes 7. 14 8. she died 9. while trying to deliver their fifteenth child 10. the Taj Mahal 11. He was buried beside her 12. he decided to build the world's greatest monument 13. seventeen years 14. twenty thousand 15. he was thrown out of power 16. his son 17. in prison 18. seven 19. to be buried beside his wife 20. yes
Given the stream of consciousness rationale, provide a reasonable question and answer. Rationale: A person is afraid of failure. Result of exam can be a failure. Failure is nerve wracking. The question and answer:
Studying for taking final exams can be nerve wracking, especially if you're afraid of what? Options: - success - graduation - failure - anxiety - studying The answer is failure
Part 1. Definition You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Part 2. Example Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle. Answer: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar? Explanation: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage. Part 3. Exercise A United Kingdom is a 2016 British biographical romantic drama film directed by Amma Asante and written by Guy Hibbert, based on the true-life romance between Sir Seretse Khama and his wife Ruth Williams Khama. David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike portray Seretse and Ruth, respectively. Answer:
is the movie a united kingdom a true story?
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". In chapters 3 and 4 we described how the U.S. government adjusted its existing agencies and capacities to address the emerging threat from Usama Bin Laden and his associates. After the August 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, President Bill Clinton and his chief aides explored ways of getting Bin Laden expelled from Afghanistan or possibly capturing or even killing him. Although disruption efforts around the world had achieved some successes, the core of Bin Laden's organization remained intact. President Clinton was deeply concerned about Bin Laden. He and his national security advisor, Samuel "Sandy" Berger, ensured they had a special daily pipeline of reports feeding them the latest updates on Bin Laden's reported location. In public, President Clinton spoke repeatedly about the threat of terrorism, referring to terrorist training camps but saying little about Bin Laden and nothing about al Qaeda. He explained to us that this was deliberate-intended to avoid enhancing Bin Laden's stature by giving him unnecessary publicity. His speeches focused especially on the danger of nonstate actors and of chemical and biological weapons. As the millennium approached, the most publicized worries were not about terrorism but about computer breakdowns-the Y2K scare. Some government officials were concerned that terrorists would take advantage of such breakdowns. On November 30, 1999, Jordanian intelligence intercepted a telephone call between Abu Zubaydah, a longtime ally of Bin Laden, and Khadr Abu Hoshar, a Palestinian extremist. Abu Zubaydah said, "The time for training is over." Suspecting that this was a signal for Abu Hoshar to commence a terrorist operation, Jordanian police arrested Abu Hoshar and 15 others and informed Washington. One of the 16, Raed Hijazi, had been born in California to Palestinian parents; after spending his childhood in the Middle East, he had returned to northern California, taken refuge in extremist Islamist beliefs, and then made his way to Abu Zubaydah's Khaldan camp in Afghanistan, where he learned the fundamentals of guerrilla warfare. He and his younger brother had been recruited by Abu Hoshar into a loosely knit plot to attack Jewish and American targets in Jordan. After late 1996, when Abu Hoshar was arrested and jailed, Hijazi moved back to the United States, worked as a cabdriver in Boston, and sent money back to his fellow plotters. After Abu Hoshar's release, Hijazi shuttled between Boston and Jordan gathering money and supplies. With Abu Hoshar, he recruited inTurkey and Syria as well as Jordan; with Abu Zubaydah's assistance, Abu Hoshar sent these recruits to Afghanistan for training. <sep>President Clinton often spoke of terrorist camps, but did he refer to Bin Laden by name and what was the reason for his choice?<sep>No, he didn't know who he was No Mechanical energy is a combination of the energy of motion or position. This type of energy describes objects that are moving or could move. A moving ball can have energy from motion. An arrow can also have the energy of motion. Both are types of mechanical energy. Can you think of some other examples? Where does the energy of motion come from? It comes from the energy created by position. This energy is stored energy. This means it is not moving yet, but it has the potential to move. How can you store energy? The arrow gains energy from the drawn bow. As the arrow is released, the bow releases its stored energy and puts the arrow into motion. Can you think of some other ways to store energy using position? <sep>What kind of energy is created by position?<sep>Mechanical energy No The judge leaned back in his chair and beckoned to Mr. Andrews. It was finished. Spear was free, and from different parts of the courtroom people were moving toward the door. Their numbers showed that the friends of the young man had been many. Mr. Thorndike felt a certain twinge of disappointment. Even though the result relieved and pleased him, he wished, in bringing it about, he had had some part. He begrudged to Isaacs & Sons the credit of having given Spear his liberty. His morning had been wasted. He had neglected his own interests, and in no way assisted those of Spear. He was moving out of the railed enclosure when Andrews called him by name. "His honor," he said impressively, "wishes to speak to you." The judge leaned over his desk and shook Mr. Thorndike by the hand. Then he made a speech. The speech was about public-spirited citizens who, to the neglect of their own interests, came to assist the ends of justice, and fellow-creatures in misfortune. He purposely spoke in a loud voice, and every one stopped to listen. "The law, Mr. Thorndike, is not vindictive," he said. "It wishes only to be just. Nor can it be swayed by wealth or political or social influences. But when there is good in a man, I, personally, want to know it, and when gentlemen like yourself, of your standing in this city, come here to speak a good word for a man, we would stultify the purpose of justice if we did not listen. I thank you for coming, and I wish more of our citizens were as unselfish and public-spirited." It was all quite absurd and most embarrassing, but inwardly Mr. Thorndike glowed with pleasure. It was a long time since any one had had the audacity to tell him he had done well. <sep>Why did the judge loudly thank Mr. Thorndike for coming?<sep>Because he sacrificed his time
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Ex Input: Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump has made no secret of his desire to roll back environmental regulations and change the playing field for the fossil-fuel industry. His administration's actions over its first six months have followed that lead, including what many scientists say is a full-fledged battle against research and facts. Last week the twitter account for the Department of Energy tweeted out an op-ed written by a scholar at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, with the headline: "In the fight between Rick Perry and climate scientists -- He's winning" At the Interior Department, a climate scientist who has shared his thoughts on global warming was recently reassigned -- to accountant. At the Agriculture Department, the man Trump has chosen to head science as undersecretary of agriculture for research, education and economics has no formal hard sciences background. At the Environmental Protection Agency, where the administration has successfully delayed a number of regulations drafted under President Barack Obama, Administrator Scott Pruitt is aiming to get more industry voices into the scientific process.A number of major changes to science have taken place through many government agencies since Trump took officeThe administration is now looking to deregulate even more Question:Following that decision, the _, as required by the court, released endangerment findings that found greenhouse gas emissions endanger public health. Ex Output: Environmental Protection Agency Ex Input: The moment Tony Abbott stood in front of sexist signs describing Julia Gillard as a 'witch' and 'Bob Brown's b***h' as he gave an anti-carbon tax speech five years ago should have ended his career, the former Prime Minister says. Just weeks after Ms Gillard announced the federal government would introduce a carbon tax, then-opposition leader Tony Abbott addressed a crowd of 3,000 angry protesters outside Parliament House on March 23, 2011. Mr Abbott stood in front of offensive signs that read 'Ditch the Witch', 'Juliar' and 'Bob Brown's b***h' as a backdrop for his speech accusing Ms Gillard of breaking a pre-election promise not to introduce a carbon tax.Tony Abbott used angry signs as a backdrop to his anti-carbon tax speechThen opposition leader addressed protesters in 2011 in CanberraSigns referring to Julia Gillard read 'Ditch the Witch' and 'Juliar'Ms Gillard says that moment should have ended Mr Abbott's careerThe Killing Season: The Long Shadow airs tonight at 8.30pm on the ABC Question:'Ditch the Witch is bad enough but, _, Bob Brown's b***h is so deeply and utterly offensive,' he said. Ex Output: Juliar Ex Input: Chelsea will be back in action in the Premier League on Saturday as they host Norwich at Stamford Bridge following the relief of the international break. Jose Mourinho's side sit 16th in the table off the back of three consecutive defeats against West Ham, Liverpool and Stoke, and are just three points above the drop zone. Here, Sportsmail takes a look at five reasons Chelsea should be cheerful about their return, and five more as to why the fans should perhaps be a little more fearful. Mourinho's side need to rediscover the form of last season and their fixture run-in suggests they'll have the chance to do so.Chelsea have an easy run of Premier League home fixtures coming upThe Stamford Bridge faithful are still fully behind boss Jose MourinhoDiego Costa is struggling for goals and his behaviour is a problemJohn Terry and Co have been poor in defence as they've shipped goals Question:The longer he argues that the world is against _, the more his players will look for excuses after every defeat. Ex Output:
Chemical changes produce new substances. For this reason, they often cannot be undone. Some chemical changes can be reversed, sort of. To do so requires another chemical change to take place. For example, you can undo the tarnish on copper pennies by placing them in vinegar. The acid in the vinegar reacts with the tarnish. This is a chemical change that makes the pennies bright and shiny again. You can try this yourself at home to see how well it works. Other chemical changes cannot be reversed at all or may be difficult to do. Rusting is a chemical change. If metal rusts, the best you can do is to sand off the rust to get down to the shiny metal. Although the metal may now be shiny, the rust was removed. The rust was not changed back into the original metal. Some chemical reactions occur in only one direction. These reactions are called irreversible reactions. For example, you cannot change a fried egg back into a raw egg. Can you think of some other irreversible reactions related to cooking? Would you like a piece of cake? Choose your answer: According to the above paragraph, the correct answer to the question "What are some examples of irreversible reactions?" is "mixing water and oil"? Pick from: [I] no. [II] yes.
Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: How to change a background in adobe illustrator Make a rectangle the size of your artboard. The only way to permanently change the color of your background is to create a separate background layer. If you simply change the background color, the color will disappear when you print your artwork.
To create a background layer : Select the " rectangle tool " in the left tool bar. ( right column, fourth item from the top).
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Who is the artist that sings both "Fading" and "Take a Bow"? Output:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Late on the next Sunday afternoon Gifford had gone for a country walk which he had arranged to bring him round in time for the evening service at the little village church of Wynford standing just outside the park boundary. His way took him by well-remembered field-paths which, although towards the end of his walk darkness had set in, he had no difficulty in tracing. The last field he crossed brought him to a by-road joining the highway which ran through Wynford, the junction being about a quarter of a mile from the church. As he neared the stile which admitted to the road he saw, on the other side of the hedge and showing just above it, the head of a man. At the sound of his footsteps the man quickly turned, and, as for a moment the fitful moonlight caught his face, Gifford was sure he recognized Gervase Henshaw. But he took no notice and kept on his way to the stile, which he crossed and gained the road. As he did so he glanced back. A horse and trap was waiting there with Henshaw in it. He was now bending down, probably with the object of concealing his identity, and had moved on a few paces farther down the road. <sep>Who was walking and what animal did he see?<sep>Wynford Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Q: What was the man who wrote the lyrics of "Last Night When We Were Young" an ardent critic of? A:
Q: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Many grevilleas interbreed freely , and some specially picked hybrids have been grown for sale . A:
Many grevilleas have a propensity to interbreed freely , and extensive hybridisation and selection of horticulturally desirable attributes has led to the commercial release of many named cultivars .
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. -------- Question: It had started as a joyful day. Joy Veron, 30, Texan schoolteacher, was on vacation with her family in the Colorado mountains. The trip had been idyllic, and they were preparing for one last swim before driving home to Texas. Then disaster struck. Her three small children, then aged between two and seven, ran ahead and got into the family SUV, which had its engine running and was parked next to a cliff leading down to a deep canyon. In seconds, the car slipped into gear and started to roll. Scroll down for video Guts: Joy Veron speaking to Oprah Winfrey on the Oprah: Where are they now? show in March 2015. She survived the accident and battled for years to regain her ability to walk, before eventually being forced to accept that she would never walk againIn 1999, Joy Veron, now 46, saved her children by throwing herself beneath the wheels of a SUV that was rolling towards a cliff with them insideShe suffered horrific injuries and after years of rehab she was forced to accept she would never walk againSpeaking 11 years on, she says she has come to terms with her disability - but reveals that her marriage of 23 years did not survive the strain Questions:My father put his hand on the brake before it went over the canyon and said, "_, Joy, I got it!". (A) Joy Veron (B) Texan (C) Colorado (D) Texas (E) Oprah Winfrey (F) Oprah Answer: (A) Question: A British woman told today of her horror at finding her two best friends shot dead on a sofa at a villa in Spain. Peter Tarsey and his wife, Jean, both 77, were found covered in a green raincoat, each killed with a single bullet in a double murder of 'terrible cruelty'. The friend, Ann, said she had gone to the house on Sunday afternoon with another friend because she was concerned at not being able to reach the couple on the phone. The expat, who had been friends with the couple for 25 years, said: 'I knew something was wrong as soon as we got there. What we found was like something out of your worst nightmare.Peter Tarsey and his wife, Jean, both 77, each killed with single bulletFriends went to their villa after being unable to reach them on phoneThey found them in each other's arms 'like he was protecting his wife'British expat friend: 'It was like something out of your worst nightmare' Questions:The four friends went out for lunch every Sunday and _ became concerned when she could not raise them on the phone. (A) British (B) Spain (C) Peter Tarsey (D) Jean (E) Ann Answer: (E) Question: (CNN) He's the eccentric doctor immortalized in the Netflix documentary Icarus, the whistleblower who exposed what a leading report called a doping "cover-up that operated on an unprecedented scale" in Russia. Now Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov is urging Russia to "do the right thing" and admit it. Russia has consistently denied the claims of Rodchenkov -- the former head of Moscow's anti-doping laboratory -- which formed the basis of the 2016 McLaren Report's conclusions that more than 1,000 athletes benefited from a systematic doping program between 2011 and 2015. The Russian ministry for sport continues to reject the report's findings, though an International Olympic Committee (IOC) panel has, this week, banned a further eight Russian athletes over cheating at the 2014 Sochi Winter Games, taking the total number to 22.Rodchenkov's evidence backed by International Olympic CommitteeEight more Russian athletes banned for life over doping at Sochi 2014Russia denies allegations of systematic doping Questions:"The time has come for Russia to do the right thing and admit its past transgressions for the benefit of _ sport. (A) CNN (B) Netflix (C) Icarus (D) Russia (E) Grigory Rodchenkov (F) Rodchenkov (G) Moscow (H) McLaren Report (I) International Olympic Committee (J) IOC (K) Sochi Winter Games (L) Sochi Answer:
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. In the 2015 Australian Open, the defending champion had reached a career high ranking of what? world No. 3 What is the name of this Cameroonian professional footballer who plays as a striker and is one of the most famous players, along with Roger Milla and Thomas N'Kono? Samuel Eto'o When was the university that the Deutsche Hochschule für Politik (DHfP) integrated into founded?
15 October 1811
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Q: In his 17 seasons at Anfield, Gerrard won a total of two FA Cups, three League Cups, one UEFA Champions League, one UEFA Cup, one FA Community Shield and one UEFA Super Cup. He was named in the PFA Team of the Year a record eight times, the UEFA Team of the Year and FIFA World XI three times, was named PFA Players' Player of the Year in 2006 and the FWA Footballer of the Year in 2009 and came second to Kenny Dalglish in a Liverpool fan poll of '100 Players Who Shook The Kop' in 2008. Despite collective and individual success, Gerrard never won the Premier League, finishing runner-up with Liverpool on three occasions. He joined Major League Soccer club LA Galaxy in July 2015, spending one-and-a-half seasons there before retiring on 24 November 2016. A:
how many premier league titles does steven gerrard have
Please check if these have the same meaning. Choose your answer from: (I) no. (II) yes. Amun comes closest to Venus , and in 1964 , 2034 and 2103 it passes within 10 g . Amun comes closest to Venus , and in 1964 , 2034 , and 2103 passes within 10 Gm of it .
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Southwest Airlines said Monday it would be able to operate “close to normal” at Midway Airport after canceling all flights Sunday, a situation it blamed on an equipment malfunction and a shortage of de-icing fluid. The airline left hundreds of passengers stranded Sunday after having trouble de-icing planes at Midway. More than 250 flights were canceled. In an emailed statement Monday morning, the Dallas-based airline said it expects to operate “a close to normal” schedule. “The glycol (used to de-ice aircraft) has been replenished and the airport deicing equipment is fully functional,” the company said. Predicted clear skies would also help the airline operate more than 250 flights out of Midway, it said. It also apologized to passengers for the inconvenience. Southwest spokeswoman Lisa Tiller said a pump on one of the glycol tanks was not working property Sunday and the airline could not access some of the fluid. The pump has been fixed and additional glycol has been delivered, she said in an email. She declined to be specific about what measures were being taken to accommodate passengers. Tiller said the airline doesn’t typically offer “gestures of goodwill” as a result of weather events, but the large number of cancelations in this case has the airline making “additional considerations for impacted customers.” This is the second time this winter that Southwest has run into de-icing problems. A few days after Christmas, 90 Southwest Airlines flights were canceled due to delays caused by the de-icing of planes, according to a statement from the airline at the time. The airline blamed freezing conditions at the airport for slowing down crews in charge of de-icing the planes. [email protected] [email protected] Twitter @corilyns RELATED De-icing delays blamed for cancellation of nearly 90 flights at Midway » Chicago records 9 straight days of snowfall, matching record » 4 dead after shoveling, blowing or plowing snow in Lake County, Indiana » ||||| CLOSE Snow from a winter storm moving across the Great Lakes region is leaving roads treacherous and closing schools across the upper Midwest. AP A departure board shows cancellation flights of Southwest Airlines at Chicago Midway International Airport in Chicago after a winter storm moving across the Great Lakes forced the cancellation of hundreds of flights on Feb. 11, 2018. (Photo: Brian Cassella, Chicago Tribune, via AP) An icy winter storm moving across the Great Lakes forced Southwest Airlines to cancel all of its flights in and out of Chicago on Sunday. Southwest said the cancellations were due to a shortage of airplane de-icing fluid. In all, more than 250 flights were canceled “due to winter operational issues,” Midway Airport tweeted Sunday night. Southwest said it “proactively canceled” about 220 flights and was offering refunds or flight vouchers, WBBM-TV reported. Airlines at MDW have canceled 250+ flights today due to winter operational issues. Confirm flight status w/ your airline. — Midway Intl. Airport (@fly2midway) February 11, 2018 Due to having to deice many of our aircraft because of the weather, we are running low on deicing fluid. Safety will remain our top priority in this circumstance. Please reach out to our Team or Reservations Agents to get rebooked just as soon as possible. ^AB — Southwest Airlines (@SouthwestAir) February 11, 2018 In a statement, Alyssa Eliasen, a spokesperson for the airline, said Southwest had "actively worked to manage our glycol levels (used to deice aircraft)," but that due to the severity of the winter weather it was forced to cancel the flights. Southwest has "multiple glycol deliveries" scheduled for Monday and expects to resume "close to normal operations" at Midway, she said. Follow Greg Toppo on Twitter: @gtoppo Read or Share this story: |||||
Thousands of travelers booked on Southwest Airlines flights out of Chicago's Midway Airport had to change their plans after the airline found out that it didn't have enough de-icing fluid—for the second time this winter. An airline spokesperson said Southwest had "actively worked to manage" its level of glycol, which is used to de-ice aircraft, but "proactively" canceled at least 220 flights Sunday after levels ran low, USA Today reports. Midway Airport said a total of 250 flights were canceled after an icy storm, suggesting other airlines were also affected, though operations are expected to return to normal Monday, the Chicago Tribune reports. Forbes notes that the same thing happened in December, when Southwest canceled at least 90 flights from Midway due to de-icing issues.
This is a test of commonsense. Complete the next sentence: How to catch garfish Read up different varieties of gar. Gar or garfish are a family of freshwater fish that live in north america, distinguished by their long, cylindrical bodies, short snouts, and rounded tail fin. They are also good sport fish.
If you are thinking about trying gar, you should know that they come in several varieties, however. Take some time to learn about the different types, their habitat, and characteristics.
Given the rationale, provide a reasonable question and answer. Step-by-step reasoning process: Dummies are non living things. Non living things do not feel anything. Pain is a type of feeling. Human beings are living and hence can experience different feelings like pain. The question and answer:
What's one characteristic that separates a person from a stuffed dummy? Options: - absorb moisture - cross street - experience pain - deceive himself - dead The answer is experience pain
Continue the following story. Nick is hired by Craig to make a great dress for the ball due to
Craig being a wealthy girl.
Continue writing the next sentence. How to daisy chain lights Find out the maximum wattage your recessed light fixtures can individually consume. This may differ from the wattage of the light bulb in the fixture. If you are not sure of the fixture maximum wattage, use 100 watts per fixture as an estimate.
Determine whether the total wattage of new and existing lights will overload their shared circuit. If using a dimmer switch to control your lights, for example, most of these switches can handle up to 600 watts.
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. -------- Question: passage: where (A) and (B) express the concentration of the species A and B (usually in moles per liter (molarity, M)). The exponents x and y are the partial orders of reaction for A and B and the overall reaction order is the sum of the exponents. These are often positive integers, but they may also be zero, fractional, or negative. The constant k is the reaction rate constant or rate coefficient of the reaction and has units of 1/time. Its value may depend on conditions such as temperature, ionic strength, surface area of an adsorbent, or light irradiation. question: is it possible to have a negative order of reaction? Answer: Yes Question: passage: In NCAA softball, the rule is invoked if one team is ahead by at least eight runs after five innings and, unlike with college baseball, applies in the NCAA tournament as well with the exception of the championship series. In American high school softball, most states use a mercy rule of 20 runs ahead in three innings or 10 in five innings. (In either case, if the home team is ahead by the requisite number of runs, the game will end after the top half of the inning.) question: is there a run rule in ncaa softball? Answer: Yes Question: passage: The plot has some similarities to the real-life Columbine High School massacre of April 20, 1999, although Strasser began research on the book before the Columbine shooting. The book was the first book relating to school shootings published after Columbine. question: is give a boy a gun a true story? Answer:
In this task, you will be given a passage to read. A fill in the blank question will be given to you. Your answer should fit the blank appropriately. Q: In proposing his plan for a mint and a coinage system , Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in 1791 proposed that the one @-@ dollar denomination be struck both as a gold coin , and as one of silver , representative of the two metals which he proposed be made legal tender . Congress followed Hamilton 's recommendation only in part , authorizing a silver dollar , but no coin of that denomination in gold . In 1831 , the first gold dollar was minted , at the private mint of Christopher Bechtler in North Carolina . Much of the gold then being produced in the United States came from the mountains of North Carolina and Georgia , and the dollars and other small gold coins issued by Bechtler circulated through that region , and were now and then seen further away . Additional one @-@ dollar pieces were struck by August Bechtler , Christopher 's son . Soon after the Bechtlers began to strike their private issues , Secretary of the Treasury Levi Woodbury became an advocate of having the Mint of the United States ( Mint , when described as an institution ) strike the one @-@ dollar denomination in gold . He was opposed by the Mint Director , Robert M. Patterson . Woodbury persuaded President Andrew Jackson to have pattern coins struck . In response , Patterson had Mint Second Engraver Christian Gobrecht break off work on the new design for the silver one @-@ dollar coin and work on a pattern for the gold dollar . Gobrecht 's design featured a Liberty cap surrounded by rays on one side , and a palm branch arranged in a circle with the denomination , date , and name of the country on the other . Consideration was given to including the gold dollar as an authorized denomination in the revisionary legislation that became the Mint Act of 1837 . The Philadelphia newspaper Public Ledger , in December 1836 , supported a gold dollar , stating that the dollar is the smallest gold coin that would be convenient , and as it would be eminently so , neither silver nor paper should be allowed to take its place . Nevertheless , after Mint Director Patterson appeared before a congressional committee , the provision authorizing the gold dollar was deleted from the bill . fill in the blank : In proposing his plan for a mint and a coinage system , Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in 1791 proposed that the one @-@ dollar denomination be struck both as a __________________ coin , and as one of silver , representative of the two metals which he proposed be made legal tender . A: gold **** Q: Commercial operations are remunerated activities which fall within the ICAO definition of CAT . Some are , however , closely aligned to , and considered part of , the GA sector . Public transport operations are non @-@ scheduled , on @-@ demand services flying between points specified by the customer , providing a more flexible service than airline travel . Air taxi operations offer charter services for third parties , and business or corporate aviation uses company @-@ owned aircraft to transport employees and clients . Aircraft used in these operations include business jets , helicopters , and twin piston @-@ engine aeroplanes carrying between six and ten people . An example of this type of operation is the transport by helicopter of spectators to the British Formula One grand prix at Silverstone . This involves so many flights that , according to Cranfield Aviation Services , on race day the heliport is temporarily the world 's busiest airport . Aerial work is a small but important component of the commercial GA sector , characterised in its simplest form as remunerated non @-@ transport activities , such as surveying , crop spraying , and emergency services work ( air ambulance and police ) .fill in the blank : Commercial operations are remunerated activities which __________________ within the ICAO definition of CAT . A: fall **** Q: The beings in ancient Egyptian tradition who might be labeled as deities are difficult to count . Egyptian texts list the names of many deities whose nature is unknown and make vague , indirect references to other gods who are not even named . The Egyptologist James P. Allen estimates that more than 1 @,@ 400 deities are named in Egyptian texts , whereas his colleague Christian Leitz says there are thousands upon thousands of gods . The Egyptian language 's terms for these beings were nṯr , god , and its feminine form nṯrt , goddess . Scholars have tried to discern the original nature of the gods by proposing etymologies for these words , but none of these suggestions has gained acceptance , and the terms ' origin remains obscure . The hieroglyphs that were used as ideograms and determinatives in writing these words show some of the traits that the Egyptians connected with divinity . The most common of these signs is a flag flying from a pole . Similar objects were placed at the entrances of temples , representing the presence of a deity , throughout ancient Egyptian history . Other such hieroglyphs include a falcon , reminiscent of several early gods who were depicted as falcons , and a seated male or female deity . The feminine form could also be written with an egg as determinative , connecting goddesses with creation and birth , or with a cobra , reflecting the use of the cobra to depict many female deities . The Egyptians distinguished nṯrw , gods , from rmṯ , people , but the meanings of the Egyptian and the English terms do not match perfectly . The term nṯr may have applied to any being that was in some way outside the sphere of everyday life . Deceased humans were called nṯr because they were considered to be like the gods , whereas the term was rarely applied to many of Egypt 's lesser supernatural beings , which modern scholars often call demons . Egyptian religious art also depicts places , objects , and concepts in human form . These personified ideas range from deities that were important in myth and ritual to obscure beings , only mentioned once or twice , that may be little more than metaphors . Confronting these blurred distinctions between gods and other beings , scholars have proposed various definitions of a deity . One widely accepted definition , suggested by Jan Assmann , says that a deity has a cult , is involved in some aspect of the universe , and is described in mythology or other forms of written tradition . According to a different definition , by Dimitri Meeks , nṯr applied to any being that was the focus of ritual . From this perspective , gods included the king , who was called a god after his coronation rites , and deceased souls , who entered the divine realm through funeral ceremonies . Likewise , the preeminence of the great gods was maintained by the ritual devotion that was performed for them across Egypt . fill in the blank : The beings in ancient Egyptian tradition who might be labeled as __________________ are difficult to count . A:
deities ****
Part 1. Definition In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. Part 2. Example Property tax -- Property tax or 'house tax' is a local tax on buildings, along with appurtenant land. It is and imposed on the Possessor (not the custodian of property as per 1978, 44th amendment of constitution). It resembles the US-type wealth tax and differs from the excise-type UK rate. The tax power is vested in the states and is delegated to local bodies, specifying the valuation method, rate band, and collection procedures. The tax base is the annual rental value (ARV) or area-based rating. Owner-occupied and other properties not producing rent are assessed on cost and then converted into ARV by applying a percentage of cost, usually four percent. Vacant land is generally exempt. Central government properties are exempt. Instead a 'service charge' is permissible under executive order. Properties of foreign missions also enjoy tax exemption without requiring reciprocity. The tax is usually accompanied by service taxes, e.g., water tax, drainage tax, conservancy (sanitation) tax, lighting tax, all using the same tax base. The rate structure is flat on rural (panchayat) properties, but in the urban (municipal) areas it is mildly progressive with about 80% of assessments falling in the first two brackets. Answer: is house tax and property tax are same Explanation: The question generated asks whether the house tax and property tax are the same and can be answered by reading the passage. Additionally, it has a binary answer and hence the generated question is correct. Part 3. Exercise Fourth wall -- The method of breaking the fourth wall in literature is typically referred to as metafiction. Metafiction genre occurs when a character within a literary work acknowledges the reality that they are in fact a fictitious being. The use of the fourth wall in literature can be traced back as far as The Canterbury Tales and Don Quixote. However, it was popularized in the early 20 century during the Post-Modern literary movement. Artists like Virginia Woolf in To the Lighthouse and Kurt Vonnegut in Breakfast of Champions used the genre to question the accepted knowledge and sources of the culture. The use of metafiction or breaking the fourth wall in literature varies from that on stage in that the experience is not communal but personal to the reader and develops a self-consciousness within the character/reader relationship that works to build trust and expand thought. This does not involve acknowledgment of a character's fictive nature. Breaking the fourth wall in literature is not always metafiction. Modern examples of breaking the fourth wall include Ada Palmer's Terra Ignota and William Goldman's The Princess Bride. Answer:
can you break the fourth wall in a book
Dick Turpin is a 1933 British historical drama film directed by Victor Hanbury and John Stafford it starred Victor McLaglen, Jane Carr, Frank Vosper, James Finlayson and Cecil Humphreys. The film depicts the adventures of the eighteenth century highwayman Dick Turpin and his legendary ride to York. It is based on a historical novel by Harrison Ainsworth. Can we draw the following conclusion? Dick Turpin is a movie about a man's journey to New York. Select from the following. + Yes; + It's impossible to say; + No;
Q: debian is a member of the following organizations, either directly or through spi. A: Debian is a member of the following organizations, either directly or through SPI. ++++++++ Q: 2:9 wherefore god also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: A: 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: ++++++++ Q: just like in case of the envelopes, the interpretation of the bollinger bands is based on the fact that the prices tend to remain in between the top and the bottom line of the bands. a distinctive feature of the bollinger band indicator is its variable width due to the volatility of prices. A:
Just like in case of the Envelopes, the interpretation of the Bollinger Bands is based on the fact that the prices tend to remain in between the top and the bottom line of the bands. A distinctive feature of the Bollinger Band indicator is its variable width due to the volatility of prices. ++++++++
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Q: how much mlb teams are there? A:
Baltimore Orioles
Continue writing the next sentence. How to install vertical blinds Screw holes into the valance. The valance is l-shaped so the top surface can be mounted inside the upper frame and the front of the valance will hide the headrail. Place the valance on a flat surface with the front of the valance in an upright position.
Measure 3 inches (7.6 cm) from each end and position each bracket so the top edge is against the upright valance. Use a pencil to mark the 2 screw holes in each bracket.
Walpeup is a town in the Mallee region of north west Victoria. The town is in the Rural City of Mildura local government area and on the Mallee Highway and Pinnaroo railway line between Ouyen and the South Australian border, 458 km north west of the state capital, Melbourne and 130 km south west of the regional centre of Mildura. At the 2016 census , Walpeup had a population of 158. Can we infer the following? Walpeup is between Ouyen and the South Australian border.
Ironically, J. Paul Getty never saw the Getty Villa. He died two years after his museum opened to the public in January 1974 in a new building modeled on an ancient Roman luxury home. It was not until after Getty’s death in June 1976 that he returned from his estate in England to his “ranch” on the Pacific Coast: he is buried there at the edge of the property on a private plot overlooking the ocean, alongside his eldest and youngest sons, George and Timothy, both of whom predeceased him. Following a renovation and reinstallation of the galleries, the Getty Villa opens a new chapter in its history. Although Getty never set eyes on his creation, the story of how he built the Villa and assembled his collection pervades the galleries even today. A suite of revamped rooms—Galleries 105 to 108—share this history. Featuring ancient works of art Getty bought himself along with archival documents, the new displays place the objects in their cultural contexts and shed light on Getty’s personal relationship to his museum and final resting place. From a Ranch House to an Ancient Villa Getty bought the 64-acre ranch—once part of the Rancho Boca de Santa Monica, an early-nineteenth-century 6,656-acre Mexican land grant—just after the end of World War II, intending it as a weekend retreat where his fifth wife Theodora (“Teddy”) could ride horses and he could display his growing art collection. He knew the area well, for he already owned a small house on the beach in nearby Santa Monica, just steps from the sprawling complex his friend and rival collector William Randolph Hearst had built for the actress Marion Davies. (The Davies estate is now the Annenberg Community Beach House, while Getty’s beach house has been replaced by a large modern condo complex, 270 Palisades Beach Road.) When were J. Paul Getty's remains returned to his home in California? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - right before the opening of the museum - not enough information - two years after his museum opened to the public - after the renovation and reinstallation of the galleries two years after his museum opened to the public (Question) "That's Glenn Miller," my father said. "But it can't be." He had the back of the hospital bed cranked upright, the lower lid of his left eye creeping up in a warning signal I'd learned to recognize as a child. My older sister Ann had settled deep in the recliner, and she glared at me too, blaming me for winding him up. The jam box sat on the rolling tray table and my father was working the remote as he talked, backing up my newly burned CD and letting it spin forward to play a few seconds of low fidelity trombone solo. "You know the tune, of course," he said. "'King Porter Stomp.'" Those childhood years of listening to him play Glenn Miller on the console phonograph were finally paying off. "He muffed the notes the same way on the Victor version." "So why can't it be Miller?" I asked. "He wouldn't have played with a rabble like that." The backup musicians teetered on the edge of chaos, playing with an abandon somewhere between Dixieland and bebop. "They sound drunk." My father had a major emotional investment in Miller. He and my mother had danced to the Miller band at Glen Island Casino on Long Island Sound in the summer of 1942, when they were both sixteen. That signature sound of clarinet and four saxes was forever tied up for him with first love and the early, idealistic months of the war. But there was a better reason why it couldn't have been Miller playing that solo. If the date on the original recording was correct, he was supposed to have died three days earlier. The date was in India ink on a piece of surgical tape, stuck to the top of a spool of recording wire. The handwritten numerals had the hooks and day-first order of Europe: 18/12/44. I'd won it on eBay the week before as part of a lot that included a wire recorder and a stack of 78s by French pop stars like Charles Trenent and Edith Piaf. Why did my father think it was not Glenn Miller playing on the CD? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - My father insisted Miller woudn't of played with a rabble like that. - Because if the date of the original recording was correct, Miller would've died three days earlier. - not enough information - It was the Victor version. (Answer) Because if the date of the original recording was correct, Miller would've died three days earlier. Ques: The U.S. Supreme Court signaled Wednesday it may be open to new limits on the government's ability to track someone's movements by accessing data on that person's cellphone. A case before the high court could result in a landmark decision in the ongoing debate over civil liberties protections in an era of rapid technological change. At issue is whether law enforcement will be able to access cellphone data that can reveal a person's whereabouts without having to first obtain a court-issued search warrant. The case stems from the conviction of Timothy Carpenter for a series of robberies back in 2010 and 2011. Prosecutors were able to obtain cellphone records that indicated his location over a period of months, information that proved crucial to his conviction. On Wednesday, lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union argued that law enforcement should be required to obtain a court-ordered search warrant before obtaining such information. They also argued that allowing law enforcement to access the cellphone data without a warrant would violate the prohibition on unreasonable search and seizures contained in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. "It is impossible to go about our daily lives without leaving a trail of digital breadcrumbs that reveal where we have been over time, what we have done, who we spent time with," said ACLU attorney Nathan Freed Wessler, who spoke to reporters outside the Supreme Court following oral arguments. "It is time for the court, we think, to update Fourth Amendment doctrine to provide reasonable protections today." Some of the justices also raised concerns about privacy in the digital age. "Most Americans, I think, still want to avoid Big Brother," Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who often sides with the liberal wing of the court, said. Chief Justice John Roberts, who often sides with conservatives on the court, said the central question was whether the cellphone information should be accessible to the government "without a warrant." Who was convicted of a series of robberies in 2010 and 2011? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - not enough information - Steven Carpenter - Timothy Carpenter - John Harolds Ans:
Timothy Carpenter
Merimbula Merimbula is a town on the Merimbula Lake, located on the Far South Coast or Sapphire Coast of New South Wales, Australia. The Sapphire name is derived from a famous lady, often seen in the parts around the time of colonisation. Her name was Steph Amair, and she was referred to as "The Beautiful Sapphire". At the 2016 census , the population was 3,544. The Sapphire Coast is located in Australia. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Nikhil Manipuri Mahasabha, initially a Hindu nationalist organization, was founded in Manipur in 1934. At that time, the maharajah was its president. NMHM was opposed to the increasing foreign christian evangelistic aggression, and sought to protect the interests of Hindus in the state. The organization was modelled after the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha. The NMHM did not expand beyond Manipur OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say The 2014 South Dakota gubernatorial election took place on November 4, 2014, to elect the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota, concurrently with the election of South Dakota's Class II U.S. Senate seat, as well as other elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections. South Dakota voted on several things in 2014 OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Part 1. Definition In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Part 2. Example This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site. Answer: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram Explanation: The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example. Part 3. Exercise The bell pepper (also known as sweet pepper, pepper or capsicum) / ˈkæpsɪkəm / is a cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum. Cultivars of the plant produce fruits in different colors, including red, yellow, orange, green, white, and purple. Bell peppers are sometimes grouped with less pungent pepper varieties as 'sweet peppers'. Answer:
difference between sweet red pepper and red bell pepper
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Q: What movie stars an actor born 16 May 1990? A: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials **** Q: Finn Laudrup, is a Danish former association football player who played as a forward, and is the father of former Denmark national team players Michael Laudrup and Brian Laudrup, a retired Danish footballer, that currently works as a football commentator, pundit and analyst, on which two channels? A: Kanal 5 and 6'eren **** Q: Tightrope starred the actor who achieved success in what TV series? A:
Rawhide ****
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Image copyright Queensland Supreme Court Image caption The court saw photographs they had taken together An Australian man has been acquitted of the murder of a New Zealand woman during their first Tinder date. Gable Tostee, 30, was charged after Warriena Wright, 26, fell from his balcony in Queensland's Gold Coast in August 2014. Prosecutors argued that she was so intimidated that she tried to escape by climbing to a lower floor, but fell. After four days of deliberation, the jury found him not guilty of murder and manslaughter. Defence lawyer Nick Dore said outside the court that his client was "relieved this matter is now behind him and he's looking forward to moving on with his life". 'Just let me go home' Mr Tostee and Ms Wright connected on the popular dating app Tinder and exchanged messages back and forth. They met in person for the first time on 7 August 2014 at a seaside resort called Surfers Paradise. Hours later Ms Wright plunged to her death from his 14th storey balcony. During the trial, the key piece of evidence was a 199-minute audio recording of her pleading to be allowed to leave the apartment. The recording was found on Mr Tostee's phone after he made a decision to secretly record their altercation before Ms Wright's fall, according to the Australian media. Prosecutors said the recording proved his guilt, while his defence lawyers said it showed he was innocent. Mr Tostee can be heard saying Ms Wright physically assaulted him after allegedly throwing ornamental rocks at him. "You're lucky I haven't chucked you off my balcony," Mr Tostee says on the recording made on his phone. "If you try to pull anything, I'll knock you out." Ms Wright is later heard saying "just let me go home", after he allegedly locked her on the balcony. ||||| Gable Tostee trial: Jury hears recording of Warriena Wright's final moments alive Updated A Supreme Court jury has listened to Warriena Wright's last words moments before she fell to her death from the 14th floor balcony of Gable Tostee's Gold Coast apartment in the early hours of the morning on August 8, 2014. Tostee, 30, has pleaded not guilty to murdering the 26-year-old New Zealand tourist, whom he met that night via the Tinder dating app. He was living in the apartment at the time. Prosecutor Glen Cash told the court the audio recording from Tostee's mobile phone was a key piece of evidence in the case against him. The crown began to play the recording to the jury on Monday, and day two of the trial began Tuesday with the remainder of the recording being played to the court. In the audio, Ms Wright can be heard yelling "no, no, no" before being forced out onto the balcony with the sounds of a door closing behind her. Seconds later, there is silence from Ms Wright with only the sound of Tostee breathing being heard. Tostee's phone also recorded him leaving his apartment building and calling his father. "Hello dad, I might have a bit of a situation," Tostee said. "I met up with a girl for a date ... she started getting really aggressive. We had sex in bed and then after that she kept drinking." Tostee went on to explain that he and Ms Wright had both been drunk, that she kept beating him up and that he forced her onto the balcony. "I think she might've jumped off ... there's like a million cops," he said. "I'm f***ed, I don't know what to do. I didn't cause this, I didn't push her or anything." Tostee is then picked up by his father who suggested calling criminal lawyer Bill Potts, but he could not get through. "I hope she's not dead. What if she's dead, what if she jumped?'" Tostee said. His father replied: "Don't worry, there's nothing you can do about that." Tostee also asked his father to drive past the apartment building so he could see what was happening. Quotes and description from recording of Tostee and Ms Wright: 1:06am Ms Wright: "No I love Christian people. They're really good people." Tostee: Are they only good people because they’re scared of the gods?" Ms Wright: Me? I'm not scared of shit. I’m all good with dying, I'm like God f***ing kill me." Tostee: Yeah, you're a tough little cookie aren't you? You're not scared of me." Ms Wright: I'm all good ... I know you want to kill me because you told me so." 1:08am Tostee says he does not think there is anything after death. Tostee: "Throw me off the balcony and that is it. This is it, boom." 1:19am Music still playing in the background and soft sounds of groaning in background. 1:21am Ms Wright: "You do have to do shit to me." 1:23am Tostee: "Ow." 1:29am Tostee: "I don't like getting beaten up." 1:36am Tostee: "There is a tonne of your stuff here. Hey I didn't say you have to leave, I said that you have to stop beating me up." Heated conversation. 1:36am Ms Wright: "...I will f***ing destroy your jaw. It is not f***ing funny." 1:38am Tostee: "I should have never given you so much to drink. I thought that we were going to have fun?" 1:39am Tostee: "I don't deserve this shit, OK. I am a nice f***ing guy. 1:39am Tostee: "Do you even remember what you were doing to me half an hour ago? You were beating me up for no reason." Ms Wright: "Exactly." Tostee: "You thought it was funny or something. Why were you beating me up? Ms Wright: "I am gone, I will be out of your hair see you later. I am going." Ms Wright produces a phone, stating: "See you later." Tostee: "You are such a drama queen." 1:41am Tostee asks if they can "sit down and discuss this". Ms Wright says she is a freak. Tostee says he is going to have bruises, asks Ms Wright to stay the night. Tostee says he is the most tolerant person she would meet, "but you are just a bit violent". Tostee offers to cook something, asking Ms Wright if she wants something to eat. 1:48am Ms Wright: "Don't be a dick, don't be a dick." Tostee: "I'm not being a dick." Ms Wright asks if she can go over to the window and have a look. Tostee: "Don't jump off or anything." Ms Wright: "No." 2:10am Sounds of a struggle and ruffling sound of recording device. Ms Wright: "That really hurt my vagina." More struggling and male laughter. Ms Wright: "You sound like a faggot." 2:12am Tostee: "All right I give up, what do you want?" Loud bang. Tostee: "Ow." 2:14am Tostee: "You are not my kind of girl. That is enough. You have worn out your welcome. You have to leave." Ms Wright: "OK, it's all good." Tostee: "You have to leave." 2:15am Tostee: "I thought you were kidding and I have taken enough. This is f***ing bullshit. You are lucky I haven't chucked you off my balcony you goddamn psycho little bitch." 2:17am Tostee: "You're a goddamn psycho. I am going to let you go. I am going to walk you out of this apartment just the way you are. You are not going to collect any of your belongings you are just going to walk out and I am going to slam the door on you do you understand. If you try and pull anything. I'll knock you out. I'll knock you the f*** out. Do you understand? Do you understand? Do you understand?" Tostee: "Come on Get up. Get up." Ms Wright: "I am so sorry. Tostee: "I don't care ... you don't understand do you? You don't understand anything at all, do you? You don't understand, do you?" Sounds of a struggle. Tostee: "Let go. You think that you hit me and I was going to fall down like in the movies. Let go of it. Let go. Let Go. Let go." 2:19am Sounds consistent with door unlocking and then female states "No". Possible sound of glass door being hit. 2:20am Tostee: "Who the f*** do you think you are? Hey?" Ms Wright: "No, no, no ... No! No, no. No." Tostee: "You tried to kill me huh? Well why did you try and hit me with that. Huh? Shut your filthy mouth." Ms Wright: "No. No. No No. No (screaming)." Tostee: "It is all on recording you know. It is all being recorded." Ms Wright: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just let me go home." Tostee: "I would but you have been a bad girl." Ms Wright: "Just let me go home. Just let me go home. Just let me go home. Just let me go home." 2:21am Faint screaming detected. Tostee heard breathing very heavily. He makes a call on his mobile phone. Tostee: "Shit." 2:22am Tostee: "Where the f*** are my keys?" Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, courts-and-trials, brisbane-4000, surfers-paradise-4217 First posted |||||
Gable Tostee has been acquitted of murder charges stemming from the 2014 death of 26-year-old tourist Warriena Wright, who fell to her death from his balcony after meeting the Australian 30-year-old on Tinder. After a long night of drinking, the pair ended up on less-than-friendly terms, and Tostee locked Wright on the balcony. Drunk and locked out of his apartment, Wright, who was visiting from New Zealand, tried to climb down the fire escape, but fell. Prosecutors argued Tostee was guilty of murder or manslaughter because he had intimidated Wright to the point that she feared for her own safety. But, as the BBC reports, a Queensland jury didn't buy that argument, acquitting Tostee of all charges after four days of deliberations. The piece of evidence at the heart of the case is an hours-long recording Tostee secretly made of the conversation between the two. The recording shows a charged night that included consensual sex, multiple arguments and bouts of physical violence, and several instances of discussing death, even including the idea of falling off the balcony. Minutes before locking her out on the balcony, Tostee can be heard on the recording claiming that Wright had attacked him. "You're lucky I haven't chucked you off my balcony," he says. "If you try to pull anything, I'll knock you out." The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has other relevant excerpts from the recording. Prosecutors argued the recording proved that Tostee had terrified Wright to the point that she tried to run away from him, while defense attorneys argued Tostee was trying to protect himself from a drunk and unstable woman.
# QUESTION Tucker gained international fame as the first artist to record the extremely popular "Order My Steps" by Glenn Edward Burleigh. Tucker released an album that was awarded two Texas Gospel Music Awards in 1993: Best New Album and Song of the Year. Answer this question: who wrote order my steps in your word? # ANSWER To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: Tucker gained international fame as the first artist to record the extremely popular "Order My Steps" by Glenn Edward Burleigh. FINAL ANSWER: Glenn Edward Burleigh # QUESTION The United Kingdom participated in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. The British entry for the 2017 contest in Kiev, Ukraine, was selected via the national final Eurovision: You Decide, organised by the British broadcaster BBC. Six acts competed in the national final, with the song "Never Give Up on You" performed by Lucie Jones being selected the winner following the combination of a public televote and the votes of a professional jury panel. The song was co-written by former Eurovision winner Emmelie de Forest who participated as a songwriter for the first time. The United Kingdom finished in 15th place with 111 points, the country's best result since 2011 Answer this question: how many points did the uk get in eurovision 2017? # ANSWER To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: The United Kingdom finished in 15th place with 111 points, the country's best result since 2011 FINAL ANSWER: 111 # QUESTION Passage: The Staten Island Ferry is a passenger ferry route operated by the New York City Department of Transportation. The ferry's single route runs 5.2 miles (8.4 km) through New York Harbor between the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Staten Island, with ferry boats making the trip in approximately 25 minutes. The ferry operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with boats leaving every 15 to 20 minutes during peak hours and every 30 minutes at other times. It is the only direct mass-transit connection between the two boroughs. Historically, the Staten Island Ferry has charged a relatively low fare compared to other modes of transit in the area; and since 1997, the route has been fare-free. The Staten Island Ferry is one of several ferry systems in the New York City area, and is operated separately from other systems such as NYC Ferry and NY Waterway. Question: Based on this passage, how far is it from staten island to manhattan? # ANSWER
This is the relevant information: The ferry's single route runs 5.2 miles (8.4 km) through New York Harbor between the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Staten Island, with ferry boats making the trip in approximately 25 minutes. FINAL ANSWER: 5.2 miles ( 8.4 km )
The idea of micropayments--- charging Web users tiny amounts of money for single pieces of online content--- was basically put to sleep toward the end of the dot-com boom. In December 2000, Clay Shirky, a professor in New York University's interactive telecommunications program , wrote a manifesto that people still quote whenever someone suggests using the idea. "Micropayments will never work," he wrote, mainly because "users hate them." But wait. Without many people noticing, micropayments have arrived--- just not in the way they were originally imagined. The 99 cents you pay for a song on the Internet is a micropayment. So are the tiny amounts that some operators of small web sites can earn whenever someone clicks on the ads on their pages. Some stock-photography companies sell pictures for as little as $1 each. "Micropayments are here" said Benjamin M. Companie, a lecturer atprefix = st1 /NortheasternUniversity, "they just have not developed in the way that everybody expected." From the earliest days of the Web until around the time of Mr Shirky's manifesto, the expectation was that a handful of companies would provide platforms---or perhaps a single platform--- that would enable Web users to pay a penny or a dollar for a bit of content such as a newspaper article, or a research report. Simply clicking a link would complete the transaction . Sellers of content--- at the time, newspaper companies---were among the most interested in the idea as they looked for tax income that didn't depend on advertising. You will have to pay for it, if you _ . A) visit some famous websites B) read latest news on the internet C) advertise for your products on some websites D) download your favorite songs C If you look at the night sky, you'll often see stars moving very quickly. In fact, they move much more quickly than they should according to their size and the laws of physics. Scientists do not completely understand why the speed of these stars is so high. But many believe the reason is that much of the universe is made of something called "dark matter". Groups of stars called galaxies, such as the Milky Way, might even be made up of 90 percent dark matter. How much something weighs depends on where it is. The same object weighs only half as much on Mars as it does on Earth and almost three times as much on Jupiter. So scientists prefer to talk about the mass of something rather than how much it weighs, because mass does not change. They can work out the mass of galaxies by measuring the distance between them and the speed they move at. Recently, Jorge Penarrubia, a senior academic at Edinburgh University, UK, and his team discovered something interesting: The mass of the Milky Way is only half as much as the mass of another nearby galaxy, Andromeda. This seems strange, and dark matter may explain why. Finding out more about dark matter could help us understand how the universe began, but this is not easy. Lots of scientists with different types of expert knowledge are working on the problem. We can't see dark matter, it's very difficult to measure and we can't find out its mass. Unlike stars, dark matter doesn't produce or reflect light. But we can make a good guess that it is there because of the way things move and the way light bends. Experts now think dark matter may be very different from the matter that we find on Earth. There may also be five times as much dark matter in the universe as ordinary matter. Something that weighs 15kg on Earth weighs about _ on Mars and _ on Jupiter. A) 7.5 kg; 45 kg B) 30 kg; 45 kg C) 45 kg; 7.5 kg D) 5 kg; 30 kg A The summer of 1975 I'd just graduated from college in Southern California and received a 1968 Ford Capri for a graduation present. I had my first job, in Los Angeles. One Sunday night, thinking myself a very independent gown-up, I left my uncle's place in South Laguna after a visit, without admitting to him that I had less than an eighth of a tank of gas and no cash to buy more on the way to L.A. I pulled onto the Pacific Coast Highway and watched the needle move down as I headed north. When the engine started giving off strong smells, I pulled into a gas station. There was no self-serve then; there were no credit cards, no ATMs. I begged the guy at the station. I could write him a check for gas, I said, or I could sleep in my car and try to walk to a town with a bank the next morning. As he was informing me that I could sleep in my car but he'd have me arrested, a station wagon pulled up to the next pump. The driver--a thin, plain, middle-aged guy--overheard the tail end of my failed request. As the attendant went to serve him, he nodded at me. "Fill her tank first," he said. "Really?" I said. Hope bloomed. "Oh, thank you. Thank you. But please. I just need two bucks' worth. I just need to get home." "Fill it," he repeated to the attendant. Then he turned to me, "You'll do the same one day, for someone else." The author had hoped that the gas station attendant would allow him to pay _ . A) in cash B) by check C) by credit D) nothing
Please add punctuation to this: GERD results when acid refluxes regurgitates or backwashes from the stomach back up into the esophagus
GERD results when acid refluxes (regurgitates, or backwashes) from the stomach back up into the esophagus.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. What did Apple give another company?, Context: In 1987, Apple spun off its software business as Claris. It was given the code and rights to several applications, most notably MacWrite, MacPaint, and MacProject. In the late 1980s, Claris released a number of revamped software titles; the result was the "Pro" series, including MacDraw Pro, MacWrite Pro, and FileMaker Pro. To provide a complete office suite, Claris purchased the rights to the Informix Wingz spreadsheet program on the Mac, renaming it Claris Resolve, and added the new presentation software Claris Impact. By the early 1990s, Claris applications were shipping with the majority of consumer-level Macintoshes and were extremely popular. In 1991, Claris released ClarisWorks, which soon became their second best-selling application. When Claris was reincorporated back into Apple in 1998, ClarisWorks was renamed AppleWorks beginning with version 5.0.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". The highest point of a wave is the crest. The lowest point is the trough. The vertical distance between a crest and a trough is the height of the wave. Wave height is also called amplitude. The horizontal distance between two crests is the wavelength. Both amplitude and wavelength are measures of wave size. The size of an ocean wave depends on how fast, over how great a distance, and how long the wind blows. The greater each of these factors is, the bigger a wave will be. Some of the biggest waves occur with hurricanes. A hurricane is a storm that forms over the ocean. Its winds may blow more than 150 miles per hour! The winds also travel over long distances and may last for many days. <sep>What is the difference between wavelength and amplitude?<sep>The horizontal distance between two crests is the wavelength and Wave height is also called amplitude Output:
Please check if these have the same meaning. Answer "yes" if they do, otherwise "no". Linna is voiced by Michie Tomizawa in Japanese and Elizabeth Becks in English in the original series , with Rio Natsuki and Kelly Manison in the 2040 series . Linna is spoken in the original series by Michie Tomizawa in Japanese and Elizabeth Becks in English , with Rio Natsuki and Kelly Manison in the 2040s series .
Tanya loved the washer that Mary bought for her, so Tanya wrote a thank you note. When Eric arrived for class at school, Christopher ignored him, so the teacher smiled at Eric . Neil speaks a Québécois dialect of French, while Kenneth's is more Parisian, so
Kenneth would be more out of place speaking his dialect to people from Montreal.
Kerala Janapaksham ('Kerala People's Party') is a political party in Kerala, India. The party is led by K. Raman Pillai. Pillai is the president of the party. Pillai had previously been a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, but formed Kerala Janapaksham in 2007. Baby Ambatt was appointed general secretary of the party in May 2010. Can we draw the following conclusion? Kerala Janapaksham was formed in the latter part of the twentieth century. A. Yes. B. It's impossible to say. C. No.
What happens next? How to use a eurorail pass Get the eurail global pass for maximum freedom. If you want to travel across several countries in europe, and to travel by train frequently during your trip, choose the global pass. This option allows you to travel through 28 countries in europe--most of the continent except great britain. Pick from: [+] Fortunately, this does not require any travel restrictions. The eurail global pass allows you to travel through 4 countries--russia, canada, france, iceland, urbania, romania, and poland. [+] The international pass is usually used when you are traveling by train. It charges a fee and usually lasts for 6 euros. [+] You will choose a specific global pass based on the length of your travel dates. Global passes can be used for essentially unlimited travel for a period of 15 days , 22 days, or 1-3 months. [+] Be sure to check out each country's schedules online for more information on rail schedules. You can click on your bus bus icon on the upper right hand corner of your screen to book on a pass.
You will choose a specific global pass based on the length of your travel dates. Global passes can be used for essentially unlimited travel for a period of 15 days , 22 days, or 1-3 months.
He decided to choose the boots over the galoshes, because the boots were a good fit for his feet. Winston loved audio, and preferred to use the headphones rather than the speakers to listen to music becasuse he thought that the headphones sounded perfect. The solutions were a lot easier than what we thought the problems were, because the
solutions had few steps.
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. Seat belt laws in the United States -- Most seat belt laws in the United States are left to the states. However, the first seat belt law was a federal law, Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 301, Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, which took effect on January 1, 1968, that required all vehicles (except buses) to be fitted with seat belts in all designated seating positions. This law has since been modified to require three-point seat belts in outboard-seating positions, and finally three-point seat belts in all seating positions. Initially, seat belt use was voluntary. New York was the first state to pass a law which required vehicle occupants to wear seat belts, a law that came into effect on December 1, 1984. Officer Nicholas Cimmino of the Westchester County Department of Public Safety wrote the nation's first ticket for such violation.
is it compulsory to wear seat belts in usa
B: I look at our big green containers, and I say, well, they work fine and I keep mine outside the garage so that I don't have any odors but it's clearly a place where, uh, uh, A: Oh, right. B: it will be interesting to see how well that works and I'm glad the community is doing it. Uh, it's one of those things that kind of has to be forced on people. Uh, I don't know what you saw back, uh, years ago, but for me the thing that strikes me is uh, growing up in rural South Dakota where, hey the farmers brought their eggs to town and the local hatchery would candle them and package them is that, uh, in the fifties, uh, you could say we had the recycling going on then that we should have now. Which was all the milk bottles were glass Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "they had the recycling going on then that they should have now"? OPT: A). Yes; B). No; C). It's impossible to say;
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. passage: Magnet wire or enameled wire is a copper or aluminium wire coated with a very thin layer of insulation. It is used in the construction of transformers, inductors, motors, speakers, hard disk head actuators, electromagnets, and other applications that require tight coils of insulated wire. question: is magnet wire the same as copper wire?
Spaceballs is a 1987 American comic science fiction film co-written, produced and directed by Mel Brooks. Starring Brooks, Bill Pullman, John Candy, and Rick Moranis, the film also features Daphne Zuniga, Dick Van Patten, and the voice of Joan Rivers. In addition to Brooks in a supporting role, the film also features Brooks regulars Dom DeLuise and Rudy De Luca in cameo appearances. Spaceballs has a cameo appearance by Rudy De Luca OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Nick Davis is a visual effects supervisor who has worked in visual effects since the early 1990s. He was nominated at the 81st Academy Awards for "The Dark Knight". He was nominated in the category of Best Visual Effects, he shared his nomination with Chris Corbould, Paul Franklin and Tim Webber. Nick Davis was nominated by Chris Corbould for his work in The Dark Knight. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No The Sound of Waves (潮騒 , Shiosai ) is a 1954 novel by the Japanese author Yukio Mishima. It is a coming-of-age story of the protagonist Shinji and his romance with Hatsue, the beautiful daughter of the wealthy ship owner Terukichi. For this book Mishima was awarded the Shincho Prize from Shinchosha Publishing in 1954. It has been adapted for film five times. The novel was popular outside of Japan. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. Q: When Bobby and Riley George were born 30 minutes apart with light skin, curly hair and brown eyes there was no doubting they were twins. But four years on, the boys couldn't be different as Bobby has blue eyes and a light complexion while Riley's skin and hair is dark like his father's. The twins, from Feltham, West London, were born to mother Abigail Tongue, 22, who is white and father Richard George, 26, who is of mixed race. When they first found out that Miss Tongue was expecting twins, doctors said there was a one-in-a-million chance that the babies, created by two separate eggs, would have a different skin tone.Twins Bobby and Riley George were born in 2011 and looked similarTheir mother Abigail is white and their father Richard is of mixed raceBut at six weeks old both boys' appearances started to change differentlyBobby now has light skin and blue eyes and Riley brown eyes and dark skin Questions:At the same time _'s skin started to become darker and his hair became straight and brown. (A) Bobby (B) Riley George (C) Feltham (D) West London (E) Abigail Tongue (F) Richard George (G) Miss Tongue (H) Twins Bobby (I) Abigail (J) Richard A: (B) **** Q: Jerusalem (CNN) -- "Lift the siege." "Stop the rockets." The dialogue of the deaf continues after nearly three weeks of conflict and well over 700 deaths. Hamas has rejected one Egyptian proposal to silence the guns. It wants assurances that any deal includes an end to the blockade that has wrecked Gaza's economy and impoverished its people. No, says Israel: stop firing rockets and then we'll talk about it. Hamas is a resilient organization. Fighters of its military wing have put up stiff resistance to the Israeli ground incursion. But it has few friends in the Arab world, and the Arab street has not risen in solidarity. And this time, Israeli leaders are publicly and persistently demanding what they call the 'demilitarization' of Gaza as the price for peace - so that Israel is spared another barrage of rockets like those that fell on its soil in 2008 and 2012 - and are again now.The Gaza conflict has lasted almost three weeks with over 700 deathsIsraeli leaders are demanding the 'demilitarization' of GazaKhaled Mashal -- leader of Hamas political wing -- is against thisIs there a halfway house providing Israel with security guarantees? Questions:_ is aware that above all the people of Gaza are gasping for the chance to breathe a more normal life. (A) Jerusalem (B) CNN (C) Hamas (D) Egyptian (E) Gaza (F) Israel (G) Israeli (H) Arab (I) Khaled Mashal A: (C) **** Q: A former terror suspect, whose appearance on ABC's Q&A program led to the broadcaster being heavily criticised, had sat in the audience on three previous occasions. Zaky Mallah, who was the first Australian arrested under anti-terror laws in 2003 and suggested that the government encouraged Muslim people to join ISIS on Monday night's show, claims it was also the third time he was permitted to ask a question on air, Fairfax reports. He said one of these proposed questions, 'who was responsible for the creation of ISIS?' - which was intended to attribute blame on the west - was approved for the live show following Anzac Day.Convicted criminal Zaky Mallah appeared in the Q&A audience on MondayHe claims he was an audience member on total of four separate occasionsMr Mallah said he had been permitted to ask a question three timesABC denied the claims, saying he'd been in the audience a total of 3 timesMr Mallah clashed with MP Steve Ciobo over proposed citizenship lawsMr Ciobo said he'd be happy if terror suspects were banned from AustraliaMr Mallah was the first Australian charged under anti-terror laws Questions:'In attempting to explore important issues about the rights of citizens and the role of the Government in fighting terrorism, the _ program made an error in judgement in allowing Zaky Mallah to join the audience and ask a question,' Mr Finlayson said in a statement. (A) ABC (B) Q&A (C) Zaky Mallah (D) Australian (E) Muslim (F) ISIS (G) Fairfax (H) Anzac Day (I) Mallah (J) Steve Ciobo (K) Ciobo (L) Australia A:
(B) ****
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: Don't be so quick to judge. Most people are familiar with the "trophy wife" stereotype that attractive women marry rich men, placing little importance on their other traits, including physical appearance, and that men look for pretty wives but don't care about their education or earnings. New research, however, by University of Notre Dame Sociologist Elizabeth McClintock, shows the trophy wife stereotype is largely a myth fueled by selective observation that reinforces sexist stereotypes and trivializes women's careers. In "Beauty and Status: The Illusion of Exchange in Partner Selection?" forthcoming in American Sociological Review, McClintock resolves the paradox between the trophy wife stereotype and the evidence that couples match on both physical attractiveness and socioeconomic status. Using, for the first time, a nationally representative sample of young couples in which both partners were interviewed and rated for physical attractiveness, McClintock was able to control for matching on attractiveness. She says prior research in this area has ignored two important factors. "I find that handsome men partner with pretty women and successful men partner with successful women," says McClintock, who specializes in inequality within romantic partnerships. "So, on average, high-status men do have better-looking wives, but this is because they themselves are considered better looking--perhaps because they are less likely to be overweight and more likely to afford braces, nice clothes and trips to the dermatologist, etc. Secondly, the strongest force by far in partner selection is similarity -- in education, race, religion and physical attractiveness." McClintock's research shows that there is not, in fact, a general tendency for women to trade beauty for money. That is not to say trophy wife marriages never happen, just that they are very rare. "Donald Trump and his third wife Melania Knauss-Trump may very well exemplify the trophy wife stereotype," McClintock says. "But, there are many examples of rich men who partner with successful women rather than 'buying' a supermodel wife. The two men who founded Google (Larry Page and Sergey Brin) both married highly accomplished women--one has a PhD and the other is a wealthy entrepreneur." McClintock says the trophy wife stereotype is most often wrongly-applied among non- celebrities. "I've heard doctors' wives referred to as trophy wives by observers who only notice her looks and his status and fail to realize that he is good-looking too and that she is also a successful professional--or was before she had kids and left her job," McClintock says. McClintock's research also indicates that, contrary to the trophy wife stereotype, social class barriers in the marriage market are relatively impermeable. Beautiful women are unlikely to leverage their looks to secure upward mobility by marriage. ### ||||| Photo: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Trophy wives are a constant source of media and pop-culture fixation, and for understandable reasons: One, they tend to be beautiful, and two, they tend to be hitched to powerful, prominent men. Underlying the concept, of course, is a particularly old-fashioned notion of gender, of who seeks what in a relationship — but one which has been supported by certain empirical literature on relationship and marriage patterns. An important new study argues that this idea, and the research backing it, may be a myth that can be explained by biased misinterpretations of who is pairing with whom, and why. The paper, written by Elizabeth Aura McClintock of Notre Dame and published in American Sociological Review, examined a big data set of heterosexual young-adult couples to better figure out how people choose a mate. McClintock discusses two mechanisms at work that potentially help explain the pairing process: matching and exchange. Matching is the notion that people “select a partner with similar characteristics” to themselves when it comes to education, attractiveness, and other characteristics. Exchange, on the other hand, is the idea of someone trading beauty or status to land a partner who has what they lack. The classic example of this is the trophy wife marrying a rich guy — she has beauty but lacks dough, while he has money but ain’t much to look at, so each partner is trading something for something. McClintock’s argument is that past evidence for so-called “beauty-status exchange” — focusing, naturally, on attractive women settling down with rich men — is built on a misreading of the data. To make a long and somewhat wonky story short, socioeconomic status and beauty are correlated — richer people are more likely to be attractive, and vice-versa (this may be because attractive people are treated better and have an easier time gaining status, because rich people are healthier and can afford better beauty and grooming products, or some combination of these and other factors). This leads to problems when you realize that several of the past studies upon which the idea of beauty-status exchange is built only examined the women’s attractiveness and the men’s status. They ignored how the men looked and the education and/or the status levels of the women. So let’s say you’re a researcher conducting one of these studies, and you notice that lots of high-status men marry beautiful women. Bam — beauty-status exchange. Only, slow down: What if these results can mostly be explained by matching rather than exchange? If people with high levels of status or beauty simply seek out similarly blessed people, that could explain why high-status men (who are more likely to be attractive) often end up with attractive women (who are more likely to be high status). Like is seeking like: It isn’t necessarily the case that much trading is going on. Without data on male attractiveness or female status, you’d miss these potential dynamics entirely, and instead chalk the patterns in the data up to a trophy-wife mechanism. That’s the case McClintock makes, writing that her study is the first of its size and scope to look at both partners’ attractiveness and status. Sure enough, she finds scant evidence for beauty-status exchange — and what little evidence she does find is gender-symmetric, meaning men are just as likely to trade their beauty for a woman’s status as vice-versa, and seems restricted to shorter-term relationships. It’s easy to find oneself flailing about in this methodological morass, but it’s worth understanding what’s going on here. McClintock’s study touches on some extremely important, fundamental questions about how we deal with gender in the social sciences, about how we potentially let our biases creep into the scientific (or “scientific”) method and therefore become legitimatized. No one study can conclusively disprove the idea of beauty-status exchange, but this one certainly puts a sizable dent in it, and it offers a rather compelling-seeming reason as to how so many researchers could have come to believe this idea in the first place. As McClintock puts it: This article … demonstrates how the expectations researchers bring to a topic may bias their findings. Assuming that the importance of beauty and status is gendered may cause researchers to overlook men’s attractiveness and women’s socioeconomic resources and thus to misidentify matching as exchange. Eli Finkel, a psychologist at Northwestern who studies relationships but who wasn’t involved in this study, expanded on this point in an email. “Scientists are humans, too, and we can be inadvertently blinded by their beliefs about how the world works,” he said. “The studies that only looked at men’s (but not women’s) income and only looked at women’s (but not men’s) attractiveness were problematic in that way, as was the peer review process that allowed flawed papers like that to be published. Fortunately, cases like that are the exception rather than the rule, and science tends to do a good job of ferretting them out. That’s what McClintock has done here.” ||||| A:
Before you assume the attractive woman married to the rich guy is a trophy wife, read this: A new study finds that stereotype is largely a myth. The belief goes that, when it comes to mates, rich men care about physical attractiveness more than any other attribute (like level of education or success), while attractive women care more about money than anything else (like physical appearance). But researchers found, when looking at a nationally representative sample of couples, "handsome men partner with pretty women and successful men partner with successful women," says sociologist and lead author Elizabeth McClintock. She also found that it's fairly rare for an attractive woman from a lower social class to move upward via marriage, according to the press release—and, in fact, men are just as likely to do so, New York reports. "High-status men" do, on average, have more attractive wives, McClintock notes, but that's because the men themselves are also considered more attractive than their less successful counterparts. Why is that? "Perhaps because they are less likely to be overweight and more likely to afford braces, nice clothes, and trips to the dermatologist," McClintock suggests. Though "trophy wife" partnerships do exist—McClintock points to Donald Trump and Melania Knauss-Trump—they're rare. "I've heard doctors' wives referred to as trophy wives by observers who only notice her looks and his status and fail to realize that he is good-looking too and that she is also a successful professional," McClintock notes. The most important factor when it comes to who will marry? Similarity. (A recent study found you may have more in common with your spouse than you think—like DNA.)
Bavarian is a Germanic dialect spoken by several hundred thousand people in the state of Bavaria in southern Germany Our Bavarian workbook is certainly a good way to practice Bavarian words and phrases Please fix the punctuation.
Bavarian is a Germanic dialect spoken by several hundred thousand people in the state of Bavaria in southern Germany. Our Bavarian workbook is certainly a good way to practice Bavarian words and phrases.
The Robinson R44 is a four-seat light helicopter produced by Robinson Helicopter Company since 1992. Based on the company's two-seat Robinson R22, the R44 features hydraulically assisted flight controls. It was first flown on 31 March 1990 and received FAA certification in December 1992, with the first delivery in February 1993. Can we draw the following conclusion? The Robinson R44 was produced before the year 2000. Options are: - Yes. - It's impossible to say. - No.
Once again, I've analysed my year of travel to see if I'm any closer to reducing it year on year. It's an annual habit, and if often kicks off new ideas that might affect my team's next year of work. The good answer is: yes, there is less travel! And not just that, but having reduced the schlepping I do, I've been able to hire more amazing people to lead on our work, and celebrate one of NoTosh's best years ever in terms of the quality, quantity and breadth of work we're doing. Key to traveling less has been a marked increase in the number of folk who see and are now reaping the value of working with us online. I've avoided as many as 20,000 miles of travel thanks to greener clients, who are also many dollars better off having not paid for the airmiles that are wrapped up in our regular fee structure. The quality of our work is better, too, thanks to this. We are doing fewer of those day-long workshops with teachers or leaders, when an hour or even thirty minutes before the day gets started is more worthwhile. We're seeing more school leaders take this up, although it's harder to get teachers into the habit of taking 30 minutes 'me time' to jump into a coaching session on the day or week ahead. But it's starting, and the value to us all is huge. Coaching is very different to 'consulting a Personal Learning Network' on Twitter. It's intense, targeted, focussed and involves a one-on-one discussion that arrives quickly at resolutions to current day challenges that will have a long-term impact. And we come back to measure whether that impact actually happened. I don't think it's a way of working that many are used to in Education, although many corporate clients have had some rare experience with it. Encouraging both groups to take more regular time out for coaching, little and often, is a real challenge, but we're beginning to see some huge impact from relatively little input (and relatively few dollars!). What is true about online coaches Pick the correct answer from the following options: - They want to stay home - not enough information - They like to save time - they want less travel Answer:
They like to save time
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. Example Input: passage: In the 1970s, Hulseman's son, Robert Leo Hulseman, came up with the now-ubiquitous red Solo cup. The red Solo cups are made of thick, molded polystyrene. They are known for being able to withstand drops, easily stackable, and disposable while price accessible. Their characteristic red color may conceal the drinking contents. question: did we have red solo cups in 1982? Example Output: Yes Example Input: passage: Burt Reynolds, who played Sandler's role in the original, co-stars as Nate Scarborough, the inmates' coach. Chris Rock plays Crewe's friend, known as Caretaker. The cast includes James Cromwell, Nelly, William Fichtner and several former and current professional athletes such as Terry Crews, Michael Irvin, Brian Bosworth, Bill Romanowski, Bill Goldberg, Bob Sapp, Kevin Nash, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Dalip ``The Great Khali'' Singh Rana. The film was produced by MTV Films and Happy Madison Productions and distributed by Paramount Pictures and Columbia Pictures, and was released on May 27, 2005. question: did michael irvin play in the longest yard? Example Output: Yes Example Input: passage: Torville Jones (born 6 April 1984), better known by his stage name Tokio Myers, is a pianist and music producer born in London. He won reality show Britain's Got Talent in 2017 playing Debussy's ``Clair de lune'', which turned into Ed Sheeran's song ``Bloodstream''; Rihanna's ``Diamonds'' in semi-final 3; and in the final, Hans Zimmer's Interstellar theme soundtrack and Rag'n'Bone Man's hit ``Human''. After winning Britain's Got Talent in 2017, Myers released many of his independent releases and became a major internet sensation. In October 2017, he announced his debut single, ``Bloodstream'', along with his debut album Our Generation. The single is a studio rendition of his audition performance on Britain's Got Talent. question: did tokio myers won britain's got talent? Example Output:
Detailed Instructions: Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Problem:U.S. voters head to the polls in November for a high-stakes congressional midterm election in which Republican control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate appears to be in jeopardy. The outcome of the elections could have a profound impact on U.S. President Donald Trump as well, and the president is starting to take notice. At a recent campaign-style rally in Washington, Michigan, Trump turned up the heat on opposition Democrats: "A vote for a Democrat in November is a vote for open borders and crime. It's very simple," he said. Opinion polls give Democrats an edge looking ahead to the balloting in November, and Trump is trying to get his supporters excited about turning out at the polls. "You know what it is? You get complacent," he said. "We cannot be complacent. We have to go out, right?" The president also told supporters not to pay attention to Democrats who insist they have the House all but won in November. "We've got to go out and we've got to fight like hell and we have got to win the House and win the Senate," Trump told the audience. "And I think we are going to do great in the Senate and I think we are going to do great in the House because the economy is so good." According to the website RealClearPolitics, the Democrats enjoy a generic ballot advantage of nearly 7 percentage points over the Republicans looking ahead to November. RealClearPolitics averaged several recent polls and found that 45.6 percent of those surveyed said they would support Democratic congressional candidates in November, compared with 38.9 percent who said they would vote for Republicans. Analysts see the generic ballot as a key indicator of party strength heading into the midterms. Historically, the president's party usually loses congressional seats two years after winning the White House.The losses are usually worse if the president's public approval rating is under 50 percent. Trump's approval has recently averaged about 41 percent. Question: Who told their supporters to not pay attention to Democrats? Solution:
Recently extinct mammals are any mammal that went extinct since the year 1500 C. E., as defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Strong scientific records show that since the year 1500 roughly 80 mammal species have become extinct. More than 100 mammal species have become extinct since 1500 OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Postal codes in Brunei are alphanumeric, consisting of two letters followed by four digits in the format of YZ0000, where Y denotes the district code, Z denotes the mukim code, the first two digits denote the area or village code, and the last two digits denote the nearest post office code (e.g. the postal code for Pantai Mentiri Golf Club is BU2529). Postal codes in Brunei confuses a lot of people in the area OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say The shooting of John Crawford III occurred on August 5, 2014. Crawford was a 22-year-old African-American man shot to death by Beavercreek police officer Sean Williams, in a Walmart store in Beavercreek, Ohio, near Dayton, while holding a toy BB gun. The shooting of John Crawford III took place in a shopping venue. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. Let me give you an example: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Eligibility. To see if you might be eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, visit our pre-screening tool. For households in the 48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. To get SNAP benefits, households must meet certain tests, including resource and income tests: 1 Resources. 2 Income. 3 Deductions. 4 Employment Requirements. 5 Special Rules for Elderly or Disabled. 6 Immigrant Eligibility. In fact, we’re not spending enough on food stamps. The need for food assistance is greater than food stamps can fill, and the benefit amount is too low to allow a family to purchase an adequate, healthy diet. The average monthly food stamp benefit per person is only $133.85, or less than $1.50 per person, per meal. Between 2009-2011 the purchasing power of food stamps declined by about 7%, or $47/month for a family of four, due to inflation in the cost of food. You’ve likely heard stories (and outrage) about people using food stamps to purchase “steak and lobster” as well as cigarettes and alcohol, showing up at the grocery store in a nice car, nice clothes, a nice purse or an iPhone. But the federal government sets the food stamps benefit amount at, on average, roughly $4 a day per person. Yes, someone could save up their monthly allotment to buy some high-priced food items for a special occasion. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Effective October 2016. Maximum Monthly SNAP Amounts. The chart below shows the maximum dollar amount of SNAP benefits your household can receive each month. This dollar amount is based on the number of people in your household, your income and your expenses. You could receive any amount up to or including these amounts. National Standards for reasonable amounts have been established for five necessary expenses: food, housekeeping supplies, apparel and services, personal care products and services, and miscellaneous. See the SNAP page on Applicants and Recipients for detailed information about eligibility requirements and benefits. The SNAP home page provides access to information on all aspects of the program. fns On average, 45 million people received SNAP benefits each month in fiscal year 2011, which represents a 70 percent increase over the roughly 26 million people (or one of every 11) who received benefits in 2007. The truth is, a $125 per person per month grocery budget may seem like a farce to a household currently spending $300 per person per month, but it’s actually quite achievable. *For households with more than eight people, add $5,408 per additional person. Always check with the appropriate managing agency to ensure the most accurate guidelines. To see if you might be eligible for SNAP benefits, use SNAP's pre-screening tool. Related Links. ¡ 1 Exija Sus Derechos! - 4300 S. ¡ 2 EXIJA SUS DERECHOS! Usted Tiene El Derecho - DHS 8219 S. ¡ 3 La tarjeta Illinois Link se acepta en mercados de agricultores selectos! DHS 9201 S. 4 B Attitude - Folic Acid - DHS 4758. 5 AABD Cash Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled - DHS 587. 6 Active Play for Families - DHS 4586. Query: average amount food stamps per one person in al for a month The answer to this example can be: The average monthly food stamp benefit per person is only $133.85, or less than $1.50 per person. Here is why: The passage details the eligibility and resources provided by SNAP. The passage includes information on individual per meal food stamp benefit, that can be used to answer the query. OK. solve this: Most modern solar panels are sold with a 10 – 25 year warranty, and are designed to deliver 80% of their rated power after 30 years. Research tests have proven that solar panels can last for 40 years or longer! It is not uncommon for a home solar panel installation to deliver $50,000, $75,000, or even $100,000 in cumulative energy savings over time. For more examples, view the Southern Current Solar Install Portfolio. If solar power was used to charge the Powerwall, it would save the charging fee of $0.45 a day, making the Powerwall savings each year $358. Factoring in the installed solar panel cost of $3,570[2] for a 1.5 kilowatt system[iii], makes the payback period 31 years, still 3 times the warranty period. If you’re reviewing multiple quotes, there are plenty of metrics that can help you make a decision about which solar option is best for you, but studies show most solar shoppers rely on one metric in particular: the solar panel payback period. Here’s how the numbers pencil out for a North Carolina solar purchase with a small rooftop solar system: 1 First-year loan payments: $948. - 2 First-year electric bill savings: $275. = 3 First-year cost of solar: $673. 4 First year federal tax credit: $2,340. 5 Total in your pocket after year 1: $1,667. For most homeowners in Bee Cave who pay cash instead of financing, the average solar panel installation will pay for itself in 11 years. What this means is that over 11 years, the value of energy produced by a solar energy system should equal the cost to have the system installed. One of the world’s purest silicone mines is in western North Carolina near Asheville. 1 Solar Energy Industry Association. 2 American Solar Energy Society. 3 North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association. 4 The NC Clean Energy Business Alliance. How Long Does It Take For A Solar Panel Installation In Bee Cave To Pay For Itself? Home › News › How Long Does It Take For A Solar Panel Installation In Bee Cave To Pay For Itself? Installing solar panels in Bee Cave, TX will provide ROI in about 11 years, followed by many more years of 'prepaid' energy from the sun. Since a panel can't work without an inverter, you have to also consider that cost, so you might as well add a few more panels (we'll call it a solar installation) and take advantage of government incentives (if they exist in your area). Since a panel can't work without an inverter, you have to also consider that cost, so you might as well add a few more panels (we'll call it a solar installation) and take advantage of gove... This page may be out of date. The sheep control the grass, so that it does not grow up and shade the solar panels. We attach a gutter to the bottom of some of the rows of the solar panels, and collect rainwater for the sheep to drink. We do not use goats or cows because they might eat the electric wires or jump up on or rub against the solar panels. Query: how long does it take for a solar panel to pay for itself nc Answer:
It takes 11 years for a solar panel to pay for itself.
Detailed logic: Let blood is the withdrawal of blood from a patient to prevent or cure illness and disease. Let blood is the treatment an old-time doctor might have tried to accomplish with leeches. let blood Question for this logic: What treatment might an old time doctor have tried to accomplish with leeches? Options: - heart transplant - distance himself - perform surgery - study medicine - let blood Logic ==> Arguments is an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one. Randy was not doing housework. His wife was raising two children, and this only increased her workload. It put her under a lot of stress. This might lead to Arguments. arguments Question ==> Randy was not doing housework. His wife was raising two children, and this only increased her workload. It put her under a lot of stress. What might this lead to? Options: - asthma - more - boredom - headache - arguments ** Everyone wants to be successful in life. One needs to be able to work, to become successful. To be able to work, one needs to be educated and knowledgeable. People go to school to learn and educate themselves. successful in life ** Why would a person go to school? Options: - party - own house - more leisure time - successful in life - not feel pain Detailed logic: Confusion can lead to going to wrong house. Children can go to wrong house. wrong house Question for this logic: If children get confused walking home where may they go? Options: - play chess - sun themselves - wrong house - set table - gettable Logic ==> Musicals is a type of play. People sing songs in musical play. sing songs Question ==> What does an actor in a musical do? Options: - branch out - vocals - pretend - wear costume - sing songs Logic ==> Market is a place where various things are sold. Market is generally filled up with people. When going some place filled up with people, we might be meeting new people. meeting new people Question ==>
What might be the result of going to market? Options: - meeting new people - tedium - buy things - eating samples - bankruptcy
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: SINGAPORE - Singapore-born writer Kevin Kwan, whose book inspired the movie Crazy Rich Asians, defaulted on his national service obligations, the Ministry of Defence said on Wednesday in response to queries from The Straits Times. "Mr Kevin Kwan failed to register for National Service (NS) in 1990, despite notices and letters sent to his overseas address. He also stayed overseas without a valid exit permit. Mr Kwan is therefore wanted for defaulting on his NS obligations," Mindef said. It added: "In 1994, his application and subsequent appeal to renounce his Singapore citizenship without serving NS were rejected." Under the Enlistment Act, Mr Kwan is liable for a fine of up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment of up to three years if convicted. Mr Kwan, who left Singapore at age 11 and now lives in the United States, did not respond to The Straits Times' recent requests for an interview. The 44-year-old was last interviewed by ST last year. Mr Kwan was a conspicuous absence at the red carpet event for the movie at Capitol Piazza on Tuesday night that featured nearly every Singaporean cast member. Hundreds gathered for the red carpet premiere on Tuesday to greet the stars of the film Crazy Rich Asians. The main attraction was leading man, Malaysian-British actor Henry Golding, who plays Nick Young, the heir to a fortune amassed by Singapore's wealthiest family. Related Story Did Crazy Rich Asians get Singapore right? The film's weekend takings of over US$35 million (S$47.9 million) in the US has far exceeded expectations for the romantic comedy. It was also No. 1 at the US box office over the weekend. The movie, which was filmed in large part in Singapore and featured nearly 300 crew members who are Singaporean or Singapore permanent residents, had also been hailed as a breakthrough for racial representation in Hollywood and as a good showcase for Singapore. The movie was supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and the Singapore Film Commission. In reply to ST queries on what STB considered in backing the movie, whether Mr Kwan's NS status was relevant and when STB became aware he was a defaulter, STB would only say that it is working with Warner Bros to organise marketing activities around the movie, "so as to promote awareness of destination Singapore and its offerings". It said it saw the movie as a "natural opening to pique viewers’ interest in visiting Singapore". STB said, without addressing the questions on Mr Kwan: "We expect the exposure from the movie to help bring greater global awareness of our destination and this could potentially attract more visitors over time. Moreover, the movie has profiled Singapore's talents, including the huge cast and crew who were involved in the production." Mr Kwan migrated at age 11 to Texas in the US with his engineer father, piano-teacher mother and two older brothers. In Singapore, he grew up in a multi-generational family home in Bukit Timah and attended Anglo-Chinese School (Primary). His grandfather was Singapore's first Western-trained ophthalmologist, Dr Arthur Kwan, who was for many years the commissioner of the St John Ambulance Brigade and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Dr Kwan shared a clinic with his brother-in-law, Dr Hu Tsai Kuen, father of Singapore's longest-serving finance minister, Dr Richard Hu. Should Mr Kwan return to Singapore, he would become the latest defaulter to be dealt with under the new sentencing framework set out by the Courts last year. In August, while addressing questions about footballer Ben Davis' request for deferment of his NS, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said that 13 NS defaulters have been prosecuted under the new framework, and stressed that the Enlistment Act is blind to "personal convenience and considerations". "In Court, each gave reasons why he did not enlist as required. Some wanted to complete their university degree first before NS... At the core of the Enlistment Act, the critical national need for a strong defence puts aside personal pursuits and mandates that each liable male performs his NS when required," he said. There have been other high profile NS defaulters in recent years. Last year (2017), two sons of Senior Counsel Tan Chee Meng were jailed for defaulting on their NS obligations. ||||| HONG KONG — The author of “Crazy Rich Asians,” the best-selling novel on which the new hit film is based, never fulfilled his national service obligations in Singapore and could face a fine or potential prison term, the country’s Ministry of Defense said Wednesday. The status of the author, Kevin Kwan, was revealed by the authorities one day after the film, which was largely set and filmed in Singapore, made its premiere there. Mr. Kwan did not attend the opening there, although the director, Jon M. Chu, and several of the film’s stars did. Mr. Kwan, 44, left Singapore when he was 11 and moved to Houston. Singapore requires all male citizens to perform two years of service in the military, the police or the civil defense force, generally starting at age 18. Singaporeans are not allowed to renounce their citizenship until they turn 21, and can face legal problems if they try to do so without fulfilling their national service. Some profiles of Mr. Kwan said he became an American citizen at age 18. But Singapore appears to have not given up its claims to him. The Ministry of Defense said Mr. Kwan’s application to renounce his citizenship in 1994 was rejected, as was a subsequent appeal. ||||| A:
As Kevin Kwan is learning, film-biz fame has its downside. The author whose book inspired the hit movie Crazy Rich Asians could face fines and/or imprisonment for not completing his national service obligations in Singapore, the New York Times reports. Kwan, 44—who moved to Houston as an 11-year-old and reportedly became an American at 18—was noticeably absent from the film's Singapore premiere on Tuesday. The Straits Times, a Singapore newspaper, did him the favor of contacting the nation's Ministry of Defense to set the matter straight. Kwan "failed to register for the National Service in 1990, despite notices and letters sent to his overseas address," responded a ministry official. "He also stayed overseas without a valid exit permit," the official added. "Mr. Kwan is therefore wanted for defaulting on his NS obligations." In practical terms, that could mean a fine of up to $7,300 and three years in prison. Kwan hasn't commented yet, but no doubt knows the story: Soon after separating from Malaysia in 1965, Singapore began building up its military force by having young men spend two years in the civil defense, police, or military force. Kwan apparently tried and failed to renounce his Singapore citizenship without serving in 1994; an appeal was also unsuccessful.