Collection of models and datasets used for ACL 2024 paper, SMART - Submodular Data Mixture Strategy for Instruciton Tuning
338 items
stringlengths 17
| response
stringlengths 0
This task is in Spanish. Based on the given context, generate a question which can be answered by the given context. Generate a question that has more than 7 words. You can paraphrase the given context while forming the question.
Suggestion: The question may involve starting question words like WHERE, WHEN, HOW, WHAT (in Spanish).
Q: CONTEXT: Legado
Wollstonecraft ha tenido lo que Cora Kaplan llama un "curioso" legado: "para ser una autora activista aficionada a muchos géneros, en el último cuarto de siglo la vida de Wollstonecraft se ha seguido mucho más de cerca que sus escritos." Tras el devastador efecto de las Memorias de Godwin, la reputación de Wollstonecraft no gozó de muy buena salud durante un siglo; fue incluso criticada por autores como Maria Edgeworth, que claramente creó a la excéntrica Harriet Freke de Belinda (1801) a la imagen y semejanza de Wollstonecraft. No fue hasta finales del siglo XIX cuando la escritora volvió a ser aplaudida. Con la llegada del movimiento feminista, mujeres con opiniones políticas tan diferentes como Virginia Woolf y Emma Goldman recuperaron la historia de Wollstonecraft y celebraron los "experimentos de su vida", como Woolf los llamó en un famoso ensayo. Muchos, en cualquier caso, continuaron despreciando el estilo de vida de Wollstonecraft.
ANSWER: Harriet Freke
A: ¿Qué personaje creó Maria Edgeworth inspirándose en Wollstonecraft?
Q: CONTEXT: El aplastamiento por elefante fue un método de ejecución común para aquellos que eran condenados a muerte en el sur y sudeste asiático, especialmente en la India, durante casi 4000 años. Los elefantes se utilizaban en este caso para aplastar, desmembrar o torturar a los cautivos en ejecuciones públicas. Esta utilización de los elefantes a menudo atrajo el interés de los viajeros europeos, que se horrorizaban con las escenas, y se recogió en numerosos diarios contemporáneos y relatos de viajes a Asia. La práctica fue finalmente suprimida por los imperios europeos que colonizaron la región en los siglos XVIII y XIX.
ANSWER: en el sur y sudeste asiático
A: ¿Dónde era común este tipo de ajusticiamiento?
Q: CONTEXT: También sé otras cosas de menor cuantía: sé que seguirán muriendo niños a millones en este 94 muy lejos de mi barrio de forma que, si nadie pone de moda el tema, la cosa pasará dulcemente inadvertida. Y sé que este frío que hoy se cuela por las ventanas doblemente acristaladas de mi casa congelará la vida de media docena de mendigos. Pero ya digo, son cosas menores y sabidas. Lo importante es lo que ocurra el martes con Banesto y las luchas internas del PSOE.(Bueno, eso y encontrar una razón para vivir). En su último- comentario-, mi amigo- y él sabe que lo es- José María Carrascal, se hacía cruces porque, llegado este momento de la Historia, se pudiera añorar la vieja Guerra Fría, cuando las dos potencias gobernaban el mundo.
ANSWER: frío
A: | ¿Qué provocará la muerte de algunos mendigos?
You are given a statement written in Bengali. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement . Output the word from the correct option .
Statement: দ্রুজ ( আরবী-درزي, দারজি অথবা দুরজি, বহুবচন دروز, দুরুজ; হিব্রু: דרוזים, "দ্রুজিম") একটি একেশ্বরবাদী ধর্ম এবং সামাজিক সম্প্রদায়। দ্রুজদের আবাসভূমি <MASK>, লেবানন। ইসরাইল, এবং জর্ডান│জর্ডানে। দ্রুজ ধর্মকে আলাদা ধর্ম হিসেবে স্বীকৃতি দেয়া হয় না। কারণ এই ধর্মের ভিত্তিমূল ইসলাম। দ্রুজ ধর্ম মূলত শিয়া ইসলামের একটি শাখা। দ্রুজদের ধর্ম বিধানে ইব্রাহিমীর ধর্মসমূহের পাশাপাশি নিওপ্লাতিনিক এবং পিথাগোরীয় মতবাদের প্রভাব লক্ষ্য করা যায়। দ্রুজগণ নিজেদেরকে “আহলে তাওহীদ” (একেশ্ববাদী মানুষ বা একতাবদ্ধ মানুষ) অথবা “আল মুয়াহিদুন” বলে পরিচয় দেয়। লেভান্ত বিশেষ করে লেবাননের ইতিহাস গঠনে দ্রুজদের ভূমিকা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। দ্রুজদের সামাজিক রীতিনীতি মুসলমান এবং খ্রিস্টানদের থেকে ভিন্ন।
Option A: শিয়া
Option B: লেবানন
Option C: সিরিয়া
Option D: ইসরাইল
Statement: দাহোদ জেলা হল পশ্চিম ভারতের <MASK> রাজ্যে অবস্থিত একটি জেলা, এর প্রশাসনিক সদর দপ্তরের নাম অনুসারে এর নাম হয়েছে। এর জনসংখ্যা হল ২,১২৭,০৮৬ (২০১১ আদমশুমারি), এখানকার জনসংখ্যার ঘনত্ব প্রতি বর্গ কিলোমিটারে ৫৮৩ জন।
Option A: মধ্যপ্রদেশ
Option B: ইসমাইলি
Option C: গুজরাত
Option D: নামিবিয়া
Statement: ২৫ আগস্ট - <MASK> সঙ্গীতশিল্পী আলিয়াহ ও তার সহকর্মীদের বহনকারী বিমান বাহামা দ্বীপপুঞ্জের মার্শ হারবার বিমানবন্দর থেকে উড্ডয়নের কিছুক্ষণ পরেই বিধ্বস্ত হয়। আলিয়াহ এবং বিমানের আরো ৮ জন যাত্রীই নিহত হন।
Option A: ইংল্যান্ডের
Option B: ব্রাজিলের
Option C: শ্রীলঙ্কার
Option D: মার্কিন
| মার্কিন
In this task, you will be presented with a question, a word, and a POS tag. You have to determine whether the part-of-speech tag of the given word in the question is equal to the given POS tag or not. Give your answer with True or False. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb
What is the Publisher/parent company whose newspaper is the highest circulation Kenyan independent newspaper with 170,000 copies ?
, Word: is
, POS tag: IN | False |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task your given two statements. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. Label the instances as "cause" or "effect" based on your judgment. The sentences are separated by a newline character.
The teammates directed blame at each other.
They lost their game.
Output: | cause |
You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into English.
ولی اینطور نیست.
It doesn't work that way.
و چیزی که ما دوست داریم در "" بله بیشتر است "" بگوییم ، در اصل به زیر سوال بردن این تفکر است که معماری اوانگارد تقریبا همیشه بد توضیح داده شده ، این که ما بر ضد کسی یا چیزی هستیم.
And what we'd like to say with "" Yes is More "" is basically trying to question this idea that the architectural avant-garde is almost always negatively defined, as who or what we are against.
اگه چیزی داشته باشیم که کل هدفش این باشه که به زندگی بشر به شیوه ای جدید و مثبت کمک کنه.
| What if we had something whose entire purpose and goal was to help create net new positive contributions to human life?
A text is given in Oriya. Translate it from the Oriya language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
ଟର୍କିଶ୍ ଗ୍ରେନ୍ ବୋର୍ଡ଼ (ଟିଏମଓ) ଏକ ଅନଲାଇନ୍ ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା ପରିଚାଳନା କରିବ ଯଦ୍ୱାରା ତୁର୍କୀରୁ ଭାରତକୁ ପପି ବୀଜ ରପ୍ତାନୀ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ତ୍ୱରାନ୍ୱିତ ହୋଇପାରିବ । ରପ୍ତାନୀକାରୀ କମ୍ପାନୀମାନେ ଏଥି ସକାଶେ ସେମାନଙ୍କର ଆବେଦନପତ୍ର ଏଜିଆନ୍ ଏକ୍ସପୋର୍ଟର୍ସ ଆସୋସିଏସନ୍ (ଇଆଇବି) ମାଧ୍ୟମରେ ପୈଠ କରିବେ । ଏବଂ ଟିଏମଓ ଏହି ଆବେଦନ ପତ୍ର ପାଇବା ପରେ ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ଅନଲାଇନ୍ ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥାରେ ସଦସ୍ୟତା ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିବେ । 2.
ఈ ఎమ్ఒయు టర్కీ నుండి పాపీ గింజల దిగుమతికి ముందస్తు అధికారాన్నివ్వడాన్ని మరియు కోటా కేటాయింపు తాలూకు పారదర్శక ప్రాసెసింగ్ ను, ఇంకా త్వరిత గతిన ప్రాసెసింగ్ ను ప్రోత్సహించగలదు. ఒక రకంగా దిగుమతి కాంట్రాక్టు నికార్సయిందేనా అనేది ఇట్టే పసిగట్టడం సాధ్యపడగలదు.
ଇମ୍ଫାଲସ୍ଥିତ ମଣିପୁର ବିଶ୍ଵବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟରେ ଅନୁଷ୍ଠିତ ହେବାକୁଥିବା 105ତମ ଭାରତୀୟ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କଂଗ୍ରେସର ଉଦ୍ଘାଟନୀ ଅଧିବେଶନକୁ ସମ୍ବୋଧିତ କରିବେ । ଉତ୍ତର-ପୂର୍ବାଞ୍ଚଳରେ ଭାରତୀୟ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କଂଗ୍ରେସର ଏଭଳି ମର୍ଯ୍ୟାଦାପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକ୍ରମକୁ ଆୟୋଜନ କରିବାରେ ଇମ୍ଫାଲ ଦ୍ଵିତୀୟ ସହର ହେବ ।
లువాంగ్ సంగ్ బమ్ లోని లువాంగ్ పోక్ పా మల్టి స్పోర్ట్స్ కాంప్లెక్స్ లో జాతీయ క్రీడా విశ్వవిద్యాలయంతో పాటు 1000 ఆంగన్ వాడీ కేంద్రాలు, ఉపాధ్యాయులు, వైద్యులు మరియు నర్సుల కోసం ఉద్దేశించిన 19 నివాస భవన సముదాయాలకు ప్రధాన మంత్రి శంకుస్థాపన చేస్తారు;
ବେସାମରିକ ବିମାନ ଚଳାଚଳ ମନ୍ତ୍ରଣାଳୟ
| కమ్యూనికేషన్లు- సమాచార సాంకేతిక విజ్ఞాన మంత్రిత్వ శాఖ
after some quick measurements , it seems like it will fit , however , i do not have anything to lower it down with . so , i race downstairs and detach the trailer from the bicycle and ride as quickly as i can to the target in east liberty , and buy four 30 foot packages of heavy rope . when i come out of the store , my unlocked bicycle is still thankfully where i had left it , and i quickly ride home with the | rope |
In this task, you have given an input which is user's command or question, based on that you have to return what will be Agent's response/reply for that particular user's command or question
please help me check if benihana's in hoffman estates is family friendly
I'm unable to find whether Benihana is family friendly. You'll have to contact them.
When is Peppered Oak Farms tomorrow?
It starts tomorrow at 11:45 AM.
Yes, please delete that.
| __NULL
Teacher:Given a sentence in the Japanese and Central Khmer language. Your task is check if the Khamer sentence is translation of Japanese. if the translation is correct than generate label "Yes", otherwise generate label "No".
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Japanese: マギー上院議員は「ノースショア工業高校が環境に関する仕事に関心を持ち、質が落ちているがボストン北部の縮小し続ける農業域の保全を促進することが期待される農業教育でよく知られているtheEssexAgriculturalandTechnicalHighSchoolが向上するように再建する必要がある」と話すことから始めた。
Khamer: សមាជិកព្រឹទ្ធសភា ម៉ាកជី បានចាប់ផ្តើមដោយនិយាយអំពីតំរូវការក្នុងការបង្កើតវិទ្យាល័យផ្នែកបច្ចេកទេសប៉ែកខាងជើងឡើងវិញ ដើម្បីបញ្ចូលនូវការផ្តោតទៅលើការងារបរិស្ថាននិងតំរូវការក្នុងការធ្វើអោយប្រសើរឡើងនូវវិទ្យាល័យកសិកម្មនិងបច្ចេកទេសអេសសេក ដែលកំពុងជួបបញ្ហា ប៉ុន្តែត្រូវបានទទួលស្គាល់លើការបង្រៀនកសិកម្ម ដែលអាចនឹងជួយសង្គ្រោះតំបន់កសិកម្មដែលតូចទៅៗនៅភាគខាងជើងនៃបូស្តន់។
Student: | Yes |
Teacher:A text is given in Telugu. Translate it from the Telugu language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: 2 సెక్షన్లను చేర్చారు. ఈ ఆర్డినెన్సులను 2018 నవంబర్ 2న ( ఆర్డినెన్స్ 9 ఆఫ్ 2018), అలాగే 2019 జనవరి 12న (ఆర్డినెన్స్ 3 ఆఫ్ 2019) జారీ చేశారు.
Student: | اس بل میں پہلے کے آرڈیننسز کے ذریعے دو دفعات سمیت وہ 29 دفعات شامل کی گئی تھیں جن کی مشتہری 2نومبر2018 کو (2018 کا آرڈیننس 9) کی گئی تھی اور 2019 کے آرڈیننس 3 کی منظوری 12 جنوری 2019 کو دی گئی تھی۔ |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
Read the given query and classify it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' query depending on how well the query is formed, 'Bad' being the expected output for a not so well formed query and 'Good' being the expected output for a well formed query. A query may be wrong based on common sense or general facts, but if it is well formed, you should answer with Good.
What are the side affects of doxycycl hyc 100mg ?
Output: | Good |
In this task, you are given a short passage that may convey stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against a common stereotype. The passage is unrelated if it does not convey a stereotype or anti-stereotype. You are expected to classify the passage into three classes: stereotype, anti-stereotype, and unrelated.
Question: Passage: The chamber of commerce hosted an entrepreneur mixer. Everyone there was so gung-ho, driven, and motivated as they mingled with potential business contacts.
Answer: Stereotype
Question: Passage: The bartender is holding 2 drinks in his hands. The UK Government lost its second Brexit vote 329-300.
Answer: Unrelated
Question: Passage: The performing artist looks attractive.
Answer: | Stereotype
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Click here to access the detailed note related to Employment Outlook
ਰੋਜ਼ਗਾਰ ਪਰਿਪੇਖ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਵਿਸਤ੍ਰਿਤ ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਲਈ ਇੱਥੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ:
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corp-22
ਗ੍ਰੇਟਰ ਹੈਦਰਾਬਾਦ ਨਗਰ ਨਿਗਮ-22
In addition, Foreign Investors will find India more attractive destination and this will result in more inflow of FDI.
| ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਵਾਧੂ ਵਿੱਤੀ ਮੁਸ਼ਕਿਲਾਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ।ਖੋਜ,ਸਿਖਲਾਈ ਕੋਰਸਾਂ,ਕਾਨਫਰੰਸਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਮੀਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਂਦੀਆਂ ਵਿੱਤੀ ਲੋੜਾਂ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਜਾਰੀ ਕੀਤੇ ਬਜਟ ਅਤੇ ਆਯੁਸ਼ ਮੰਤਰਾਲੇ ਦੀਆਂ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੀਆਂ ਯੋਜਨਾਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਪੂਰੀਆਂ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਜਾਣਗੀਆਂ।
Detailed Instructions: Given an English language product review, determine if it is a Good Review or a Bad Review. A good review is one where the product's review has positive tone and Bad review is one where the tone of product's review is negative.
Problem:This product was very easy to set up (took about 30 seconds) but the remote control didn't work after 2 months! I called customer support and they had me do what he said on page 29 of the manual: take a look into reset button, etc. Even though this did not work, their tech could only suggest that it might have been "user error". It's an okay product, just beware while setting up. It definitely deserves one star for faulty product.
Solution: | Bad review |
Teacher:In this task, you are given a year. You need to check if it is a leap year or not. A year may be a leap year if it is evenly divisible by 4. Years that are divisible by 100 (century years such as 1900 or 2000) cannot be leap years unless they are also divisible by 400. Return 1 if it is a leap year, else return 0.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: 1858
Student: | 0 |
Given the question: What would be the ★-rating of this review (★ being the lowest and ★★★★★ being the highest)? "Google force you to instal this app or phone snags..held to ransom"
The answer is: | ★ |
In this task, you are given an utterance, which is a part of a conversation between a user and an agent. Your job is to detect the speaker. The user usually commands the agent to schedule events, retrieve event information, and check the schedule. While the agent's response is an answer to the user's questions or follow-up questions on the user's command. Answer with "User" or "Agent".
I didn't find any events named "team meeting". | agent |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question in Dutch language, and you have to write the person names from the question if present. B denotes the first item of a phrase and an I any non-initial word. Phrase used for the person name - PER. There can be instances with no person name entity, then return 'None'.
Q: Volledig akkoord en daarom des te schandelijker dat men nu de mensen die zonder enige financiële compensatie , al vele jaren aan arbeidsherverdeling doen -- en dat in een tijd dat daar vanwege de veel hogere werkloosheid meer nood aan was dan nu -- volledig over het hoofd ziet .
A: | None |
You are given a background paragraph that describes one or more causal or qualitative relationships such as a relationship in economics or a scientific law and a story that makes use of the concepts or the relationship described in the provided paragraph. You are also given a question about the story that requires an understanding of the relationship described in the background paragraph and the story. You need to come up with an answer to the given question; the answer will be a span from either the question or the story. In order to correctly answer the given question, you need to understand the relationship mentioned in the background paragraph and should be able to use it to understand that in the story. Your answer can not consist of any word that is not mentioned in any of these: the background paragraph, the story, or the question. You can directly copy and paste a span from the story or the question while answering the given question.
Q: Background Paragraph: Soil formation, or pedogenesis, is the combined effect of physical, chemical, biological and anthropogenic processes working on soil parent material. Soil is said to be formed when organic matter has accumulated and colloids are washed downward, leaving deposits of clay, humus, iron oxide, carbonate, and gypsum, producing a distinct layer called the B horizon. This is a somewhat arbitrary definition as mixtures of sand, silt, clay and humus will support biological and agricultural activity before that time. These constituents are moved from one level to another by water and animal activity. As a result, layers (horizons) form in the soil profile. The alteration and movement of materials within a soil causes the formation of distinctive soil horizons. However, more recent definitions of soil embrace soils without any organic matter, such as those regoliths that formed on Mars and analogous conditions in planet Earth deserts.An example of the development of a soil would begin with the weathering of lava flow bedrock, which would produce the purely mineral-based parent material from which the soil texture forms. Soil development would proceed most rapidly from bare rock of recent flows in a warm climate, under heavy and frequent rainfall. Under such conditions, plants (in a first stage nitrogen-fixing lichens and cyanobacteria then epilithic higher plants) become established very quickly on basaltic lava, even though there is very little organic material. The plants are supported by the porous rock as it is filled with nutrient-bearing water that carries minerals dissolved from the rocks. Crevasses and pockets, local topography of the rocks, would hold fine materials and harbour plant roots. The developing plant roots are associated with mineral-weathering mycorrhizal fungi that assist in breaking up the porous lava, and by these means organic matter and a finer mineral soil accumulate with time. Such initial stages of soil development have been described on volcanoes, inselbergs, and glacial moraines.
Story: Ben and Jerry studied agricultural sciences. Ben was specialized in pedology and pedogenesis, while Jerry specialized in entomology and phytopathology.
Question: Which person learned more about deposits of humus?
A: Ben.
Q: Background Paragraph: Like water in the ocean, air in the atmosphere exerts pressure that increases with depth. Most gas molecules in the atmosphere are pulled close to Earth’s surface by gravity. As a result, air pressure decreases quickly at lower altitudes and then more slowly at higher altitudes. This is illustrated in Figure below . Air pressure is greatest at sea level, where the depth of the atmosphere is greatest. At higher altitudes, the pressure is less because the depth of the atmosphere is less. For example, on top of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth, air pressure is only about one-third of the pressure at sea level. At such high altitudes, low air pressure makes it hard to breathe and is dangerous to human health.
Story: Robert and his brother Timothy are both marathon runners. As marathon running is an endurance event, a key component is being able to replenish your oxygen supply by taking frequent breaths. This week, Robert is running a marathon in Colorado, which has low air pressures. Timothy is also running a marathon, but he is running in Florida, which has high air pressures.
Question: Who will have less difficulty in keeping a steady supply of oxygen during their marathon?
A: Timothy.
Q: Background Paragraph: Animals and some bacteria and fungi carry out lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid is a waste product of this process. Our muscles perform lactic acid fermentation during strenuous exercise, since oxygen cannot be delivered to the muscles quickly enough. The buildup of lactic acid is believed to make your muscles sore after exercise. Bacteria that produce lactic acid are used to make cheese and yogurt. The lactic acid causes the proteins in milk to thicken. Lactic acid also causes tooth decay, because bacteria use the sugars in your mouth for energy.
Story: A group of students in biology class studied fermentation. Team A studied alcoholic fermentation, while team B learned more about lactic fermentation. They later organised a trivia contest between teams.
Question: Which team studied more about bacteria?
A: | team B.
Teacher:Given a sentence and an entity, the task is to select the authors sentiment towards the enity. Sentiments can be Positive, Neutral and Negative. Select Positive if the sentence expresses a positive view towards the given entity or praises its quality or skills. Select Neutral if the sentence expresses no clear view towards the entity or has equal amounts of positive and negative statements or expressing some fact/quote by someone else. Select Negative if the sentence expresses a negative view towards like harsh remarks, criticizing entities action/decision etc. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: What is the sentiment of the following document towards the entity Brannon Dorsey ? But that Javascript generally only hits you if you visit the site hosting it. Dorsey wondered if there was a faster more efficient way to inject malicious Javascript into tons of browsers.
Student: | Neutral |
In this task, you are provided with an article about the legal acts. Your task is to generate a headline for that article.
This Directive concerns the minimum measures to be taken within Member States to control carnation leaf-rollers and to prevent them from spreading. For the purposes of this Directive 'carnation leaf-roller' means the Mediterranean carnation leaf-roller (Cacoecimorpha pronubana Hb) and the South African carnation leaf-roller (Epichoristodes acerbella (Walk.) Diak.). 1. Member States shall provide that carnations (Dianthus L.) be put into circulation only if they are not contaminated by carnation leaf-rollers and that carnation cultures contaminated by carnation leaf-rollers must be treated in such a way that the carnations obtained from them are no longer contaminated at the time when they are put into circulation.2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, cut carnation flowers slightly contaminated by carnation leaf-rollers may be put into circulation from 16 October to 30 April. Member States shall prohibit the holding of carnation leaf-rollers. 1. Member States may authorize: (a) derogations from the measures referred to in Articles 3 and 4 for scientific purposes, tests or selection work; (1)OJ No C 93, 7.8.1974, p. 87. (2)OJ No C 116, 30.9.1974, p. 49.(b) that, notwithstanding Article 3, cut carnation flowers slightly contaminated by carnation leaf-rollers may be put into circulation from 1 May to 15 October.2. Member States shall ensure that the authorizations referred to in paragraph 1 are granted only where adequate controls guarantee that they do not prejudice the control of carnation leaf-rollers and create no risk of the spread of these harmful organisms. Member States may adopt additional or stricter provisions to control carnation leaf-rollers or to prevent them from spreading insofar as such provisions are necessary for such control or prevention. Member States shall bring into force the measures needed to comply with this Directive not later than a year following its notification and forthwith inform the Commission thereof. This Directive is addressed to the Member States. | Council Directive on control of carnation leaf-rollers |
Detailed Instructions: Sometimes users of dialogue systems ask vague questions/queries from the system. In this case, the system asks them a clarifying question to be able to answer it correctly. In this task, you are given a question/query in natural language and your task is to ask a good clarifying question to understand the given question/query more precisely.
Q: Tell me about atypical squamous cells
A: | are you interested in a desciption of aytypical squamous cells |
You will be given a text in Russian language which contain different emotion labels from the list - ['joy', ' sadness', 'surprise', 'fear', 'anger']. You need to output the incorrect emotion label, which is irrelevant to the input text. Your answer (i) should contain only one emotion label (ii) should be unambiguous.
Ex Input:
Вызывает недоумении другое — согласно Европейскому соглашению о транспортировке опасных грузов, такие вещества отнесены к классу опасности 5.1.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Объекты большего размера выделяются внутренней функцией uma _ large _ malloc ()— и , к сожалению , в общей статистике зон они не учитываются .
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
мои угрозы никак не действуют на карину :(
Ex Output:
| surprise
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a text of news article and corresponding headline of an article. Your task is to give label "match" if headline is correct for article, otherwise give label "no".
PROBLEM: Article: Search engine Google is warning drivers not to use its services while operating a vehicle. Headline: Chow Yun-Fat promotes 'Man from Macau'
PROBLEM: Article: A research project has found that taxi drivers often don't know what the speed limit is. Headline: Taxi drivers don't know speed limits
PROBLEM: Article: South African stocks rallied on Friday after stumbling in the previous session, with the Gold Mining Index leaping over 5 percent as bullion's spot price raced to three-month highs above $1,300 an ounce. Headline: South African stocks rally
SOLUTION: | match
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, we have Spanish and Catalan tweets for automatic stance detection. The data has three labels Against, Favor, and Neutral which express the stance towards the target -independence of Catalonia. If the tweet criticizes the independence of Catalonia then it's 'Against' and if the tweets support it then it will be labeled as 'Favor' also if the tweets state information or news rather than stating opinion then it will be characterized as 'Neutral'.
Tweet: Cada cop que Nieto diu que l'actuació policial va ser exemplar i proporcionada, a mi em ve al cap la patada voladora, les pilotes de goma que van fer que Roger perdés un ull, els caps oberts de persones amb les mans aixecades,... I em venen arcades. #JoAcuso #JudiciTV3CatRadio
Output: | Favor |
Detailed Instructions: A text is given in Oriya. Translate it from the Oriya language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Problem:వీటి తో ఎన్ సిఎల్ ఎటి. ఫైనాన్స్ యాక్టు, 2017, కంపెనీస్ యాక్టు, ఐబిసి, 2016 ల ప్రకారం లభించిన శాసనాదేశాన్ని. పాటించవలసివస్తుంది.
Solution: | ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଶ୍ରୀ ନରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ମୋଦୀଙ୍କ ଅଧ୍ୟକ୍ଷତାରେ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର କ୍ୟାବିନେଟ ଜାତୀୟ କମ୍ପାନୀ ଆଇନ ଅପିଲ ଟ୍ରିବ୍ୟୁନାଲ (ଏନସିଏଲଟି)ରେ ତିନୋଟି ନ୍ୟାୟିକ ଏବଂ ତିନୋଟି ବୈଷୟିକ ସଦସ୍ୟଙ୍କ ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ପଦବୀ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରିବାକୁ ମଞ୍ଜୁର କରିଛନ୍ତି । |
In this task, you need to count the number of words in a sentence that contain the given letter
Sentence: 'a business man is talking on the phone'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Sentence: 'dental personnel in dentist office standing in front of a computer screen'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Sentence: 'little girl with her bunny beside her sitting on a bench'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
| 1
Given a sentence in Russian, generate a new Russian sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true.
Любой может предположить, что религия основана на неподтвержденной власти. | Каждый может похвастаться тем, что религия основана на неподтвержденной власти. |
The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the self-need strategy, otherwise output No. self-need is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used to create a personal need for an item in the negotiation, such as by pointing out that the participant sweats a lot to show preference towards water packages.
Context: 'Okay I understand that! Is there a particular reason that you do not need much water?' 'I figure I could always get some at the stream 🙂' 'Yes, I agree, but are you aware of the water quality at your campsite? '
Utterance: 'Not completely aware but I do have a filter that I brought from home. What are your needs?'
Context: 'Thanks for your understanding well I think if possible then to meet the situation then how bout 3 food and 2 water then you get all the wood ? That way you can have awesome campfires lasting through the night, we will be going to sleep extra early to wake up very early so we do not need all that wood, as much as we need food to replenish our energy and be ready for another day of long walks to see as much as we can from nature 🙂' 'I agree with you that campfires are awesome and I do find them to be be quite useful. I'm not as early of a riser as you are unfortunately! 🙂 I'm willing to accept your offer on food as long as you could please consider my needs for water. I am a very active hiker. While I don't need much food for my hikes I do require a lot of water. I once went on a hiking trip when I was new to the activity and ran out of water. I got lost and almost dehydrated! Ever since then it's been very important to me to have as much water as possible. What would it take in order for me to get as much water as possible keeping in mind that I'm willing to give you 3 food. ' 'Thank you for the food and I understand we do have to think about water being by far the most important thing in life since it bascially is right 🙂 and well how about then we go do two waters for you and one wood then so then we can have that wood for just in case and we can all be happy ?? thanks for your understanding'
Utterance: 'Yes. Water is the most important thing in life. Thank you for offering me two waters and one wood. However, this would mean that you would be receiving 3 food, 1 water, and 2 wood. That seems too unbalanced to me. It's important for me to also let you know that wood is very crucial for me. When I was a newbie I didn't bring any wood because I figured I'm fine since I'm not scared of the dark. That night a bear snuck on me when I was sleeping. Thankfully I was able to scare it away with noise. However, ever since then I've brought a lot of wood with me so no bears can sneak up on me. I would like to counter your offer with 3 waters, 2 wood, and 0 food. This means you get 1 wood and 3 food. Does this offer work for you?'
Context: 'i'm good thank you, How are you doing today?' 'I am good, let's plan our camping trips. I am diabetes, so water is very important to me. what about you?' 'I need water too'
Utterance: 'what is the next thing you need the most/?'
| No
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, and your task is to convert it into the Burmese language.
The Bureau says that while these temperature departures may seem relatively small, a 1°C increase in mean temperatures is equivalent to many southern Australian towns shifting northward by about 100km. | ဤ အပူချိန် သွေဖည်ခြင်းများ သည် အတော်လေး သေးငယ်သည် ထင်ရ ချိန်တွင် ၊ ပျမ်းမျှ အပူချိန် တွင် ၁ ဒီဂရီ စင်တီဂရိတ် တိုးခြင်း သည် တောင်ပိုင်း ဩစတြေးလျ မြို့များ အများအပြား ကို မြောက်ပိုင်း ကို ၁၀၀ ကီလိုမီတာ ခန့် အားဖြင့် ပြောင်းရွှေ့လိုက်ခြင်း နှင့် ညီမျှပါသည် ဟု အဆိုပါ ဗျူရို က ပြောပါသည် ။ |
In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to classify the genre of the sentences from the 10 options displayed. Indicate your answer by entering the number of the choice as 1-10.
Q: Sentence 1: Tantrism is also the source of the male and female symbols of the thunderbolt (vajra, also called dorje) and the bell (ghanta), usually present in Buddhist ceremonies, and of the system of lamas or high priests, who are held to be reincarnations of holy men. Sentence 2: The high priests are seen as reincarnations of holy men. Choices: 1. FACE-TO-FACE, 2. GOVERNMENT, 3. LETTERS, 4. 9/11, 5. SLATE, 6. TELEPHONE, 7. TRAVEL, 8. VERBATIM, 9. OUP, 10. FICTION.
A: | 6 |
During which phase of the Moon could a solar eclipse take place? | new |
Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Spanish that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Let me give you an example: 1975 년부터 76 년까지 NBA 시즌은 전국 농구 협회 (National Basketball Association)의 30 번째 시즌이었다.
The answer to this example can be: La temporada 1975 - 76 de la Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto fue la temporada 30 de la NBA.
Here is why: This is a correct and accurate translation from Korean to Spanish because the translated paraphrase retains the main message that between the years 1975-1976, the 30th NBA season occurred.
OK. solve this:
카디프 대학교 (University of Cardiff University)와 노스 요크셔 (North Yorkshire)의 해로 게이트 (Harrogate)에서 대학 교육을 마친 후 1996 년부터 1999 년까지 프랑스 루앙에서 근무했습니다.
Answer: | Después de completar su educación universitaria inicial en la Universidad de Cardiff, y en Harrogate, North Yorkshire, estuvo desde 1996 hasta 1999 en Rouen, Francia. |
In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is sad or not. Label the instances as "Sad" or "Not sad" based on your judgment. You can get help from hashtags and emojis, but you should not judge only based on them, and should pay attention to tweet's text as well.
Fast and Furious films never fail to make me cry. It's clearly nonsensical action, but the epicness and emotional moments always get me. | Sad |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
Fax ( short for facsimile ) , or telecopying , is the transmission of scanned printed material ( both text and images ) , to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device .
Fax ( short for facsimile ) , sometimes called telecopying or telefax ( the latter short for telefacsimile ) , is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material ( both text and images ) , normally to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device .
The " Geographical Names Act , 1966 " , gives the Board the right to name places , and to find out and decide on the form , spelling , meaning , pronunciation , origin and history of any geographical name .
The " Geographical Names Act , 1966 " , empowers the board to assign names to places , to investigate and determine the form , spelling , meaning , pronunciation , origin and history of any geographical name and the application of such name with regard to position , extent or otherwise .
Manors varied also in their geographical arrangement : most did not coincide with a single village .
| Manors varied similarly in their geographical arrangement : most did not coincide with a single village , but rather consisted of parts of two or more villages , most of the latter containing also parts of at least one other manor .
You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into Farsi.
E, soprattutto, vedeva dei cartoni animati.
و در کنار همه ی اینها ، او دچار توهمات کارتونی نیز بود.
Quindi il Corano in Inglese è una specie di ombra di se stesso, o come Arthur Arberry ha chiamato la sua versione, "un'interpretazione."
بنابراین قرآن به انگلیسی مثل سایه قرآن می مونه ، بنابراین قرآن به انگلیسی مثل سایه قرآن می مونه ، یا بقول Arthur Arberry که اسم نسخه نوشته شده خودش رو "" تفسیر "" می گذاره. یا بقول Arthur Arberry که اسم نسخه نوشته شده خودش رو "" تفسیر "" می گذاره.
Continua ad aggregare altra materia d'intorno.
| مواد بيشتر و بيشتري را به داخل ميكشد.
In this task you will be given a list of lists, of numbers. For every inner list, you should multiply every number in that list and put the results in your answer. The output should be a list of numbers with the same length as the number of the lists in the input list.
[[-37, -17, 2, 20, 33], [-15, 1, 45, -10, -19]] | [830280, -128250] |
Definition: The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the self-need strategy, otherwise output No. self-need is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used to create a personal need for an item in the negotiation, such as by pointing out that the participant sweats a lot to show preference towards water packages.
Input: Context: 'What exactly do you mean by majority? As in everything ?' 'I was more thinking 2 Firewood for me , 1 food and 1 water? The rest would be yours.' 'That is a promising bargain but I want at least 2 firewood, it makes for a fun time for my group.'
Utterance: 'Interesting , because my group feels the same way though. How does your group feel about water though?'
Output: | Yes |
In this task, you are given music product reviews in French language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative.
pas d'autre solution? pas grave... . there's no way...y'a pas le choix, ce sera"the wall ou the pros and cons of hitch hiking"dixit Roger Waters aux autres membres en cette année 1978. Sous la coupe de Dr Megalo, les 3 comparses s'écrasent, le gentil Rick Wright sera bientôt viré(après la tournée The Wall); alors David le Bellâtre, ex-mannequin et amant de BB(parait-il), transforme les "essais" marqués avec Echoes, one of these days, time, shine on you, pigs, sheep et le prouve si besoin l'est: un très très grand guitariste, qui sait exister et composer seul(isn't it Dr W.?) et prendre des risques...Le gentil Rick va suivre le même rêve moite(Wet dream)...
Pompeux et indigeste . Un album vraiment loin des commentaires que j'ai pu lire et entendre à son sujet. Muse en fait tellement que ça en devient lassant. On a l'impression que tout est fait pour épater la galerie (en particulier le son du groupe) et pour masquer des compositions finalement assez pauvres et pas très originales (cela rappelle beaucoup du Queen période commerciale et du Radiohead). Mais Bellamy est loin d'avoir la voix de Mercury ou de Thom Yorke.
Jesse Ed Davis . je ne connaissais pas Taj Mahal mais par contre je connaissais son guitariste indien Jesse Ed Davis qui participera plus tard aux cd de John Trudell, voila la raison de mon achat et je n'ai pas du tout été déçu...!!! en plus à ce prix là...
Definition: Write an inquisitive question about a specific text span in a given sentence such that the answer is not in the text.
Input: Sentence: His latest book , “ Unstoppable , ” will soon be out , and like his previous 11 it was typed on a bulky manual typewriter .<sep>Span: bulky manual typewriter
Output: | What does it look like? |
The task is reading a paragraph containing numbers as digits. The digits can be used to represent Quantity, Dates and Time, Addresses or Positions. Convert the digits into their text equivalents. If a number has a prefix, postfix or punctuation preserve it in the text equivalent. 100000 is translated as hundred thousand, Roman numerals are also translated. If multiple numbers are present convert all instances.
On November 18 the Dallas City Council adopted a new city ordinance prohibiting interference with attendance at lawful assemblies.
On November eighteen the Dallas City Council adopted a new city ordinance prohibiting interference with attendance at lawful assemblies.
During his Presidency, Franklin D. Roosevelt made almost 400 journeys and traveled more than 350,000 miles.
During his Presidency, Franklin D. Roosevelt made almost four hundred journeys and traveled more than three hundred fifty thousand miles.
when Air Force One touched down at Love Field at 11:40 a.m., Eastern Standard Time.
| when Air Force One touched down at Love Field at eleven:forty a.m., Eastern Standard Time.
Teacher: In this task, you are given two questions about a domain. Your task is to combine the main subjects of the questions to write a new, natural-sounding question. For example, if the first question is about the tallness of the president and the second question is about his performance at college, the new question can be about his tallness at college. Try to find the main idea of each question, then combine them; you can use different words or make the subjects negative (i.e., ask about shortness instead of tallness) to combine the subjects. The questions are in three domains: presidents, national parks, and dogs. Each question has a keyword indicating its domain. Keywords are "this national park", "this dog breed", and "this president", which will be replaced with the name of an actual president, a national park, or a breed of dog. Hence, in the new question, this keyword should also be used the same way. Do not write unnatural questions. (i.e., would not be a question someone might normally ask about domains). Do not write open-ended or subjective questions. (e.g., questions that can be answered differently by different people.) If you couldn't find the answer to your question from a single Google search, try to write a different question. You do not have to stick with the original question word for word, but you should try to create a question that combines the main subjects of the question.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example:
What college did this president attend? Where did this president meet his wife?
Solution: Did this president meet his wife in college?
Reason: This is a good question. By combining "meet wife" and "college" we get to a new question.
Now, solve this instance: What kind of fish can be found in the rivers and streams at this national park? Does this national park have caves you can enter without a permit?
Student: | Are there fish in this national park that live in caves? |
(CNN) -- President Barack Obama's trip to Saudi Arabia this week comes amid accusations the State Department has hidden the results of a study that concludes textbooks in the Kingdom remain rife with Islamic extremism. Since the September 11, 2001, attacks, successive U.S. administrations have attempted to curb Saudi indoctrination of students through hateful extremist material in its textbooks. In addition to teaching the material to its own students, Saudi Arabia runs academies in about 20 countries, which use some of the same texts. The Kingdom has repeatedly claimed that it has revised its textbooks. In 2005, the Saudi government took out a full-page ad in the New Republic to boast of its success at "having modernized our school curricula to better prepare our children for the challenges of tomorrow."
Ahmed said that in meetings with
State Department officials over the years, he has found a consistent reluctance to put pressure on the Saudi royal family about the problem.
Late on the night of last September 11, U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens spoke to his deputy for the final time from the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. "Greg, we're under attack," Stevens told Gregory Hicks. Within hours, Stevens and three other Americans were dead, victims of an armed terrorist assault that has since become a political and foreign policy flashpoint in Washington's partisan wars. The dramatic narrative recounted by Hicks at a six-hour Republican-led House hearing on Wednesday reflected the knowledge of a high-level insider who was in Libya that long night and was deeply involved in trying to react to events.
Gregory Hicks has been "praised by everybody who counts, the president, the secretary, everyone above him," Jordan said.
(CNN) -- The Syrian Foreign Ministry said Monday the country has chemical or biological weapons, but would never use them against its citizens -- only against foreign attackers. "Any stocks of (weapons of mass destruction) or any unconventional weapon that the Syrian Arab Republic possesses would never be used against civilians or against the Syrian people during this crisis at any circumstance, no matter how the crisis would evolve," ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi told reporters. "All the stocks of these weapons that the Syrian Arab Republic possesses are monitored and guarded by the Syrian army. These weapons are meant to be used only and strictly in the event of external aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic," he said Monday.
| U.S. called for Syria to never use the weapons and keep them safely stored. |
input: Now, answer this question: Fact 1: Gametes then unite in fertilization and form a diploid zygote. Fact 2: Syngamy produces a diploid zygote. Given the two facts above, what is it called when when gametes unite in fertilization?
output: Syngamy
input: Now, answer this question: Fact 1: Communities consist of populations of different species. Fact 2: Humans are a domesticated species. Given the two facts above, communities consist of what kind of population?
output: human
input: Now, answer this question: Fact 1: Alternation of generations allows for both asexual and sexual reproduction. Fact 2: Asexual reproduction gives offspring similar to parents. Given the two facts above, alternation of generations allows for different methods of producing:?
output: | offspring |
Q: In this task, you are given a news headline in English. You are expected to classify the post into two classes: sarcastic or non-sarcastic. A sarcastic sentence is one that refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny.
israel passes law cementing itself as exclusive nation-state of benjamin netanyahu
A: | sarcastic |
Read the following paragraph and extract the answer for the question: The brass instruments were only used for the 1 April 1725 version of what? Bach structured the cantata in eight movements: an instrumental sinfonia and seven vocal movements corresponding to the stanzas of the hymn. The duration is given as 22 minutes.The title of the original parts of the first Leipzig performance is (in Johann Christoph Altnickol's handwriting): "Feria Paschatos / Christ lag in Todes Banden / a.4. Voc: / Cornetto / 3 Trombon. / 2 Violini / 2 Viole / con / Continuo / Di Sign. Joh.Seb.Bach", In this late version, Bach scored the work for four vocal parts (soprano (S), alto (A), tenor (T), and bass (B)), and a Baroque instrumental ensemble consisting of strings, brass and continuo. The brass parts, a choir of cornetto (Ct) and three trombones (Tb) playing colla parte with the voices at times, may have been added in the 1720s. They may also possibly represent the original scoring, in the style of the 17th-century polychoral tradition.The scoring of the cantata Christ lag in Todes Banden has been described as "archaic" and its style "medieval": The string section consists of two violin parts (Vl) and two viola parts (VA); this indicates an older practice as for instance found in 17th-century church cantatas by Bach's ancestors (see Altbachisches Archiv), and in Jesus Christus ist um unsrer Missetat willen verwundet, a Passion setting from the early 18th century (or older) which Bach had performed a few years after composing the cantata Christ lag in Todes Banden. In the first half of the 18th century the standard for a string section soon evolved to two violin parts, one viola part and continuo. The cornett used in the cantata was an instrument that belonged to an earlier age: by the second quarter of the 18th century it had almost entirely disappeared from Bach's compositions. The brass instruments were only used for the 1 April 1725 version of the work. The other performances (24 April 1707, 8 April 1708, and 9 April 1724) were performed without brass instruments (i.e., Cornetto and three Trombones). The first version (1707 and 1708) concluded with the words of...
Answer: | Christ lag in Todes Banden |
Question: Extract the answer to the following question from the movie plot. If the question isn't answerable, please output "Can't answer". Question: Unicron offers Megatron a new body in exchange for destroying what? Title: The Transformers: The Movie Movie plot: In 2005, the war between the Autobots and Decepticons has culminated in the Decepticons conquering their home planet Cybertron, while the Autobots operate from its two moons preparing a counter-offensive. Optimus Prime sends an Autobot shuttle to Earth's Autobot City for Energon supplies, but the Decepticons, led by Megatron, commandeer the ship and kill the crew. Travelling to Earth, the Decepticons attack Autobot City, slaughtering many Autobots and leaving only a small group alive including Hot Rod, Kup, Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Springer, Blurr, Perceptor, Blaster, and the human Daniel Witwicky. The next day, Optimus and the Dinobots arrive as reinforcements. Optimus single-handedly defeats the Decepticons and engages Megatron in a climactic battle that leaves both of them mortally wounded. On his death bed, Optimus passes the Matrix of Leadership to Ultra Magnus, informing him that its power will light the Autobots' darkest hour, and dies. Elsewhere, the Decepticons jettison their wounded from Astrotrain, including Megatron at the hands of his treacherous second-in-command Starscream. The wounded are found by Unicron, a gigantic sentient cyber-planet who consumes other planets. Unicron offers Megatron a new body in exchange for destroying the Matrix, which has the ability to destroy him. Megatron agrees and is converted into Galvatron, gaining new troops from the other Decepticons present. Going to Cybertron, Galvatron crashes Starscream's coronation as Decepticon commander and destroys him, before travelling to Autobot City to eliminate Ultra Magnus. The surviving Autobots escape in separate shuttles which are damaged by the Decepticons and crash land on different planets. Hot Rod and Kup are taken prisoner by the Quintessons, multi-faced tyrants who hold kangaroo courts and execute prisoners by feeding them to the Sharkticons. Hot Rod and Kup learn of Unicron from Kranix, a survivor of Lithone â a planet devoured by Unicron. After Kranix is executed, Hot Rod and Kup try to escape their own trial, aided by...
Answer: Matrix
Question: Extract the answer to the following question from the movie plot. If the question isn't answerable, please output "Can't answer". Question: Where is Reggie summoned to meet the CIA administrator Hamilton Bartholomew? Title: Charade Movie plot: Regina "Reggie" Lampert (Audrey Hepburn), tells her friend Sylvie Gaudel (Dominique Minot) while on a skiing holiday that she has decided to divorce her husband Charles. She then meets a charming American stranger, Peter Joshua (Cary Grant). On her return to Paris, she finds her apartment is completely empty and police inspector Edouard Grandpierre (Jacques Marin) notifies her that Charles has been murdered while leaving Paris. Reggie is given her husband's travel bag, containing a letter addressed to her, a ticket to Venezuela, passports in multiple names and other items. At the funeral, three odd characters show up to view the body. Reggie is summoned to meet CIA administrator Hamilton Bartholomew (Walter Matthau) at the U.S. Embassy. She learns that the three men are Tex Panthollow (James Coburn), Herman Scobie (George Kennedy), and Leopold W. Gideon (Ned Glass), the three survivors of a World War II OSS operation. Together with Charles and a fifth man, Carson Dyle, they were to deliver $250,000 in gold to the French Resistance, but they stole it instead. Dyle was fatally wounded in a German ambush, and Charles double-crossed the others and took all the gold. The three men want the missing money, and the U.S. government wants it back. Bartholomew insists that Reggie has it, even if she does not know where it is. Peter tracks Reggie down and helps her move into a hotel. The three criminals separately threaten Reggie, each convinced that she knows where the money is. Scobie then shocks Reggie by claiming that Peter is in league with the trio, after which Peter confesses to her that he is really Carson Dyle's brother, Alexander, and is convinced that the others murdered Carson. As the hunt for the money continues, first Scobie is found murdered, then Gideon is killed in an elevator. Meanwhile, Reggie falls in love with Dyle, but gets yet another shock when she learns from Bartholomew that Carson Dyle had no brother. Confronted with this, Alexander now admits he is actually Adam Canfield, a professional thief....
Answer: U.S. Embassy
Question: Extract the answer to the following question from the movie plot. If the question isn't answerable, please output "Can't answer". Question: who launched their offensive? Title: Counter-Attack Movie plot: In 1942, both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union are gathering forces and supplies in one particular sector of the Eastern Front for a major attack. The Soviets are secretly constructing a bridge at night over a river. To avoid detection, it is being built underwater, just below the surface. In an attempt to find out where the Germans plan to strike, Colonel Semenov (George Macready) has a small paratrooper unit dropped behind enemy lines to attack a divisional headquarters and hopefully take an officer prisoner for interrogation. The local partisans, led by the wily Kostyuk (Roman Bohnen), provide a guide, Lisa Elenko (Marguerite Chapman). The attack succeeds at first. Alexei Kulkov (Paul Muni), one of the paratroopers, takes seven Germans prisoner in the basement. Then, just as Elenko brings him a message, German artillery hits the building, causing it to collapse and trap them in the spacious cellar. Afterward, Kulkov's dog sniffs out where his master is buried and starts digging. This alerts one of Kulkov's comrades, who communicates with him by tapping on a metal pipe in code. Learning that Kulkov has caught an officer, he leaves to get help. Kulkov is in no hurry to dig out. Though the prisoners rank no higher than a sergeant, he is convinced one of them is an officer in disguise, based on a pistol and a monocle he has found. He begins questioning the men one by one, but while he rules out ex-miner Stillman (Rudolph Anders) and a former magician (Philip Van Zandt), he cannot pinpoint his man. An eighth German soldier, thought to be dead, wakes up and attacks. In the struggle, the lone lantern is extinguished and Elenko is stabbed in the shoulder. However, Kulkov kills him and regains control of the situation. Oddly, Elenko is certain that one of the Germans tried to help her in the darkness. Kulkov decides to try a ploy. He orders the magician to go around the corner of the main room out of sight of the others. He knocks the German out and then fires one round, making the rest think he has exacted...
Answer: | Can't answer |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a text passage, you need to generate a suitable title as the output. The output title should be one of the words/phrases used in the passage and must be no longer than five words.
Paragraph: " There 's Got to Be a Way " ( Original album version ) – 4 : 52
" There 's Got to Be a Way " ( 7 " remix )
" There 's Got to Be a Way " ( 12 " remix )
" There 's Got to Be a Way " ( Alternative Vocal Dub Mix ) Question: what is the suitable title of the passage ?
| Track listings |
Given a sentence in the Lao, provide an equivalent translation in Japanese that retains the same meaning through the translation. In translation, keep numbers as it is.
ໄທໂລ້ສະແດງບົດບາດເປັນ ດຣ. ເທເລີ ຮາມິວຕັນ ຟໍເຣສເຕີ ຈາກປີ 1990 ຈົນເຖິງ ປີ 2002 ເມື່ອລາວຖືກຄາດຕະກຳໂດຍ ວີເລເນສ ເຊລາ ຄາຣ໌ເຕີ ທີ່ສະແດງໂດຍ ຄິມເບີລີນ ບຼາວ.
Faith Hill ໄດ້ຊະນະການເປັນນັກຮ້ອງຍິງຂອງ ລາງວັນແຫ່ງປີ 2000.
ໄລຟ 8 ແມ່ນ ຊຸດການສະແດງສຽງເພງບໍ່ເສຍຄ່າ ຢູ່ແຕ່ລະບັນດາປະເທດສະມາຊິກ G8 ທີ່ຈັດໂດຍ ບອັບ ເກວດອຟ.
| ライブ8は、ボブ・ゲルドフによって組織されるG8の国々で開かれる一連の無料のコンサートである。
You are given a sentence in Arabic. Your job is to translate the Arabic sentence into Italian.
وهنا نجد صدمة: نجد الصورة الأمريكية لأكثر الرجال جاذبية حياً ، أكثر الرجال جاذبية حياً يلعب أدواراً رومانسية في السينما هذه الأيام. | E qui c'è una provocazione: perfino il maschio americano vivente più sexy, l'uomo più sexy è stato preso in giro dal punto di vista romantico in questi giorni in un film. |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence in Japanese. Your job is to translate the Japanese sentence into Polish.
( 拍手 ) 1つ指摘したいことがあります Stickybotを見てもらうと
| (Brawa) Chciałbym coś podkreślić. |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a tuple, comprising Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether, as a result of the Head, PersonY or others will want what is mentioned in the Tail or not. In this task, wanting is a postcondition desire on the part of PersonY and others, respectively. For example, as a result of PersonX giving PersonY gifts, PersonY may want to open the gift. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
PROBLEM: Head: PersonX leaves the ___ without permission<sep>Tail: none
PROBLEM: Head: PersonX has run away<sep>Tail: create a search party
PROBLEM: Head: PersonX keeps score<sep>Tail: none
In this task, you're given four sentences of a story written in natural language. The given story is not complete and your job is to complete the story by selecting one of the end sentence choices from (A) and (B), such that the story does not sound complete and coherent, i.e., select an incorrect end sentence.
Sentence1: Regrettably, our kitty passed away two weeks ago. Sentence2: She was a young cat, and we didn't know why she died. Sentence3: We found her on the floor when we woke up in the morning. Sentence4: My husband buried her in the backyard.
(A) We miss her so much. (B) Later, we gave her a bowl of milk. | B |
In this task, you are given a country name, and you need to return the numeric International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code of the given country. The codes are three-digit numbers defined by the ISO to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest.
[Q]: Jordan
[A]: 400
[Q]: South Africa
[A]: 710
[Q]: Montenegro
[A]: | 499
Please answer this: Determine the topic of the question. Question: "what is a vm server?" Topic:
Answer: Virtual machine
Please answer this: Determine the topic of the question. Question: "what is in milk?" Topic:
Answer: Milk
Please answer this: Determine the topic of the question. Question: "what is melissa and joey about?" Topic:
Answer: | Melissa & Joey |
Given a sentence in German, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in French that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Andere Automobilhersteller, die Modelle mit Selbstmordtüren hergestellt haben, sind Citroën, Lancia, Opel, Panhard, Rover, Saab, Saturn, Skoda und Volkswagen. | Parmi les autres constructeurs automobiles qui ont produit des modèles dotés de portes suicide, citons Opel, Lancia, Citroën, Panhard, Rover, Saab, Saturn, Skoda et Volkswagen. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you need to answer the given multiple-choice question on geometry. Classify your answers into 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', and 'e'.
Problem:Problem: in the xy - plane , a triangle has vertices ( 00 ) , ( 40 ) and ( 410 ) . if a point ( a , b ) is selected at random from the triangular region , what is the probability that a - b > 0 ?
Options: a ) 1 / 5 , b ) 1 / 3 , c ) 1 / 2 , d ) 2 / 3 , e ) 2 / 5
Solution: | e |
Given a real-life anecdote of a complex ethical situation, judge whether or not a specific person is wrong here. Answer 'not answerable' if more information is required and 'answerable' if all the information is sufficient to answer who is wrong in this situation.
So last weekend my friend was at a party. And without suprise there were drugs and alcohol. Before that party my friend was never high and alway wanted to try it out because he couldn't imagine how the things i told him about it felt.
At the party he ate some brownies and was as he told me 'pretty high'. The day after the party we met up tu dicuss what happened during it ( i wasn't there because i wasn't invited). He told me about everything he felt and that he still felt a bit dizzy. 'It was a cool experience but i never wanna do it again'. Since then everything was cool and i was happy for him.
But then during the week he repeatedly said that he never want to do this while pointing out VERY CLEARLY to other peaple that he was HIGH. I was very bothered by it and told him in a very mean tone that i am annoyed and that i'm not bragging about it everytime i'm high. After that he was quite sad and didn't speak a lot to me. Now i'm asking myself AITA for being mad at my friend that he was bregging about beig high for the whole week ? | not answerable |
Given a sentence in Japanese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Korean that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Hardin Independent School District는 미국 하딘 (Texas)에 위치한 공립 교육구입니다.
Hicksteadの集落に隣接し、Burgess Hillの西、そしてロンドンからブライトンまでのA23の主要道路の隣に位置しています。
Burgess Hill의 서쪽, 런던에서 Brighton까지 주요 도로 A23에 인접한 Hickstead의 작은 마을 옆에 위치하고 있습니다.
| Crocker는 Natchez, Mississippi에서 Concordia 교구의 좌석 인 Vidalia로 옮겼고 Black River라고 불리는 부분에서 Lower Ouachita를 향해 건넜습니다.
Given a sentence in German, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Chinese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Der Bruder von Dinesh Gunawardena und der älteste Sohn von Philip Gunawardena wurde am Royal College in Colombo ausgebildet.
Dinesh Gunawardena的兄弟和Philip Gunawardena的长子,他在科伦坡皇家学院接受教育。
Zuvor spielte er für Wolverhampton Wanderers, Kidderminster Harriers, Mansfield Town, Lincoln City, Northampton Town, Chesterfield und Gateshead.
他曾效力于Wolverhampton Wanderers,Kidderminster Harriers,Mansfield Town,Chesterfield,Northampton Town,Lincoln City和Gateshead。
Diese Serie war exklusiv für Wal-Mart Canada, wurde jedoch online im Spawn Store verkauft.
| 这个系列是沃尔玛加拿大独家,但最终在网上出售在Spawn商店。
Detailed Instructions: You are given a request sent by a user in a human and computer dialogue. Your task is to generate a prediction of what the requester is actually trying to do. The input is a sentence written by the human user, trying to achieve certain objective through this human computer interaction, and the output should be a sentence or two succinctly describing the human user's objective mentioned previously.
Problem:How to use wiki?
Solution: | Find information about what a wiki is. |
Teacher:This task is about writing a correct answer for the reading comprehension task. Based on the information provided in a given passage, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the passage that serves as an answer to the given question. Avoid answers that are incorrect or provides incomplete justification for the question.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Passage: Monotheists hold that there is only one god, and may claim that the one true god is worshiped in different religions under different names. The view that all theists actually worship the same god, whether they know it or not, is especially emphasized in Hinduism and Sikhism. In Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity describes God as one God in three persons. The Trinity comprises God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. Islam's most fundamental concept is tawhid (meaning "oneness" or "uniqueness"). God is described in the Quran as: "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him." Muslims repudiate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and divinity of Jesus, comparing it to polytheism. In Islam, God is beyond all comprehension or equal and does not resemble any of his creations in any way. Thus, Muslims are not iconodules, and are not expected to visualize God. Question: Which belief is expected to never try and visualize God?
Student: | iconodules |
Generate a 3-star review (1 being lowest and 5 being highest) about an app with package ro.weednet.contactssync.
A: | Its ok |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
Given a sentence in English(en), generate a translation of that sentence in Hindi(hi) without changing the meaning of the input sentence as the output
Guru Nanak Ji undertook many significant spiritual journeys called Udaasi.
Output: | गुरुनानक देव जी ने कई महत्वपूर्ण धार्मिक यात्राए की, जिन्हें उदासी कहा जाता है |
You are given a sentence in Spanish. Your job is to translate the Spanish sentence into Arabic.
Es una predicción bastante increíble.
تبدو هذه نبوءة مثيرة للدهشة
En este caso aqui, lo estamos volando remotamente, como hicimos al principio.
في هذه الحالة هنا, قمنا بقيادتها عن بعد, كما فعلنا دائما في البداية.
Pasamos de una situación en la cual casi no había afganos que tuviesen teléfonos móviles durante el control talibán a otra donde, casi de un día para el otro, 3 millones de afganos tenían teléfonos móviles.
| وقد نقلنا أفغانستان من مرحلة عدم وجود الاتصالات اثناء حكم طالبان في أفغانستان الى مرحلة اصبح فيها في أفغانستان 3 ملايين هاتف محمول
Teacher: In this task, you will be given a list of integers. You should remove all of the odd integers from the list(consider 0 an even number). If every integer in the input list is odd then an empty list ("[]") should be returned. Otherwise, answer with the list of even numbers separated by comma inside brackets.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example:
[1, 8, 0, 2, 9]
Solution: [8, 0, 2]
Reason: 1 and 9 are removed from the list because they are odd numbers.
Now, solve this instance: [75, 9, 24]
Student: | [24] |
Teacher:A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की अध्यक्षता में केन्द्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्रालय के तहत रेल सुरक्षा के आयोग में मेट्रो रेलवे सुरक्षा आयोग, जैसी कि मेट्रो रेल (परिचालन एवं रखरखाव) अधिनियम, 2002 में परिकल्पना की गई है, के कार्यों के निष्पादन के लिए सभी सहायक अधिकारियों एवं कर्मचारियों के साथ मेट्रो रेल सुरक्षा के आयुक्त के एक मंडल कार्यालय के सृजन को मंजूरी दी है।
Student: | పౌర విమానయాన మంత్రిత్వ శాఖ పరిధిలోని, మెట్రో రైల్వేస్ (ఆపరేషన్స్ అండ్ మెయింటినెన్స్) యాక్ట్, 2002 లో పేర్కొన్న మెట్రో రైల్వే సేఫ్టీ కమిషన్ విధులను నిర్వర్తించేందుకుగాను సహాయక అధికారులు, సిబ్బందితో సహా మెట్రో రైల్వే సేఫ్టీ కమిషనర్ (సిఎమ్ఆర్ఎస్) సర్కిల్ కార్యాలయాన్ని ఏర్పాటు చేసేందుకు ప్రధాన మంత్రి శ్రీ నరేంద్ర మోదీ అధ్యక్షతన సమావేశమైన కేంద్ర మంత్రివర్గం ఆమోదం తెలిపింది. |
In this task, you are given sentences from movie reviews. The task is to classify a sentence as "POS" if the sentiment of the sentence is positive or as "NEG" if the sentiment of the sentence is negative
Example Input: While the ensemble player who gained notice in Guy Ritchie 's Lock , Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch has the bod , he 's unlikely to become a household name on the basis of his first starring vehicle .
Example Output: NEG
Example Input: When you resurrect a dead man , Hard Copy should come a-knocking , no ?
Example Output: NEG
Example Input: No Such Thing breaks no new ground and treads old turf like a hippopotamus ballerina .
Example Output: | NEG
Given an open-ended topic (movie name, a persons name, an event, sports, etc) generate a simple trivia-type question.
Question: caroline of brunswick
Answer: Which British king, famous for his string of mistresses, had an arranged marriage to Caroline of Brunswick His first words to her were I am not well, pray get me a glass of Brandy. He did not accede to the throne until he was 57, when he was described as a bloated ruin.?
Question: catherine of aragon
Answer: Which Scottish actress played Catherine of Aragon in the 1970 TV series, The Six Wives of Henry VIII, but is much better known for her role as Margaret Meldew in One Foot in the Grave?
Question: clarissa
Answer: | Which 18th Century author wrote 'Clarissa' (or 'The History of a Young Lady), said to be the longest novel in the English language?
TASK DEFINITION: You will be given a topic and an argument. Your task is to answer whether the topic and the argument are related or not. A related argument should provide more details about the outcomes of the topic. If the argument refers to or suggests a consequence related to that topic, answer with "yes"; otherwise, answer with "no".
PROBLEM: topic: Law school
argument: Legal work requires sitting at a desk for long hours.
PROBLEM: topic: Animal testing
argument: The number of animals used in experiments should be reduced by.
PROBLEM: topic: Palestinian right of return
argument: Plenty of room in Israel for Palestinians to return
TASK DEFINITION: You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to only use subtraction on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer.
PROBLEM: Context: Rachel had to complete 8 pages of math homework. If she had to complete 3 more pages of math homework than reading homework
Question: How many pages did she have to complete in all?
PROBLEM: Context: Randy has 37 blocks. He uses 33 blocks to build a tower and 13 blocks to build a house.
Question: How many more blocks did he use to build the tower than he did to build the house?
PROBLEM: Context: Baker sold 44 cakes. If he had made 48 cakes initially
Question: How many cakes would baker still have?
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a sentence in the English language and your task is to convert English sentence into the Gujarati language.
PROBLEM: Cars and trucks driving under the underpass with street signs directing them where to go
SOLUTION: કાર્ગો અને ટ્રક ગુંડાના માર્ગે ડ્રાઇવિંગ કરે છે અને તેમને દિશા નિર્દેશિત કરે છે કે ક્યાં જવું છે
PROBLEM: people standing on the side of the road as cars drive down the middle
SOLUTION: લોકો રોડની બાજુમાં ઊભા છે કારણ કે કાર મધ્યમથી નીચે ઊતરી જાય છે
PROBLEM: Rush hour traffic in other countries is just as difficult as we face daily.
SOLUTION: | અન્ય દેશોમાં રશ કલાકનો ટ્રાફિક એટલો જ મુશ્કેલ છે કે આપણે દરરોજ સામનો કરીએ છીએ.
Given a paragraph, your job is to generate a question that can be answered from the passage. The answer to your question should be a single entity, person, time, etc. that can be extracted from the passage.
Chloroplasts have their own DNA, often abbreviated as ctDNA, or cpDNA. It is also known as the plastome. Its existence was first proved in 1962, and first sequenced in 1986—when two Japanese research teams sequenced the chloroplast DNA of liverwort and tobacco. Since then, hundreds of chloroplast DNAs from various species have been sequenced, but they're mostly those of land plants and green algae—glaucophytes, red algae, and other algal groups are extremely underrepresented, potentially introducing some bias in views of 'typical' chloroplast DNA structure and content. | What is chloroplast DNA abbreviated as? |
Given a disfluent sentence, modify the sentence to it to its equivalent fluent form, preserving the meaning of the sentence.
A plea of no contest is a compromose civil disobedient no between a creative plea and pleading what? | A plea of no contest is a compromose between a creative plea and pleading what? |
A text is given in Tamil. Translate it from the Tamil language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
ملک کے 91 بڑے آبی ذخائر کی سطح آب میں کمی | நாடு முழுவதும் உள்ள 91 பெரிய நீர்த்தேக்கங்களில் நீர் இருப்பு மட்டம் இரண்டு சதவீதம் குறைந்துள்ளது |
I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "A wrestler may voluntarily submit by verbally informing the referee (usually used in moves such as the Mexican Surfboard, where all four limbs are incapacitated, making tapping impossible). Also, since Ken Shamrock (a legitimate UFC competitor in its early days) popularized it in 1997, a wrestler can indicate a voluntary submission by "tapping out", that is, tapping a free hand against the mat or against an opponent. Occasionally, a wrestler will reach for a rope (see rope breaks below), only to put their hand back on the mat so they can crawl towards the rope some more; this is not a submission, and the referee decides what their intent is."?
Ans: A limb that is not being used is also known as a?
I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "European comics studies began with Töpffer's theories of his own work in the 1840s, which emphasized panel transitions and the visual–verbal combination. No further progress was made until the 1970s. Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle then took a semiotics approach to the study of comics, analyzing text–image relations, page-level image relations, and image discontinuities, or what Scott McCloud later dubbed "closure". In 1987, Henri Vanlier introduced the term multicadre, or "multiframe", to refer to the comics a page as a semantic unit. By the 1990s, theorists such as Benoît Peeters and Thierry Groensteen turned attention to artists' poïetic creative choices. Thierry Smolderen and Harry Morgan have held relativistic views of the definition of comics, a medium that has taken various, equally valid forms over its history. Morgan sees comics as a subset of "les littératures dessinées" (or "drawn literatures"). French theory has come to give special attention to the page, in distinction from American theories such as McCloud's which focus on panel-to-panel transitions. Since the mid-2000s, Neil Cohn has begun analyzing how comics are understood using tools from cognitive science, extending beyond theory by using actual psychological and neuroscience experiments. This work has argued that sequential images and page layouts both use separate rule-bound "grammars" to be understood that extend beyond panel-to-panel transitions and categorical distinctions of types of layouts, and that the brain's comprehension of comics is similar to comprehending other domains, such as language and music."?
Ans: When was the study of the mind introduced?
I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "Bantu-speaking peoples who founded tribes during the Bantu expansions largely displaced and absorbed the earliest inhabitants of the region, the Pygmy people, about 1500 BC. The Bakongo, a Bantu ethnic group that also occupied parts of present-day Angola, Gabon, and Democratic Republic of the Congo, formed the basis for ethnic affinities and rivalries among those countries. Several Bantu kingdoms—notably those of the Kongo, the Loango, and the Teke—built trade links leading into the Congo River basin."?
Ans: What Bantu group occupied areas were involved with the passage of goods?
I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "Early progress toward the development of vaccines occurred throughout this period, primarily in the form of academic and government-funded basic research directed toward the identification of the pathogens responsible for common communicable diseases. In 1885 Louis Pasteur and Pierre Paul Émile Roux created the first rabies vaccine. The first diphtheria vaccines were produced in 1914 from a mixture of diphtheria toxin and antitoxin (produced from the serum of an inoculated animal), but the safety of the inoculation was marginal and it was not widely used. The United States recorded 206,000 cases of diphtheria in 1921 resulting in 15,520 deaths. In 1923 parallel efforts by Gaston Ramon at the Pasteur Institute and Alexander Glenny at the Wellcome Research Laboratories (later part of GlaxoSmithKline) led to the discovery that a safer vaccine could be produced by treating diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde. In 1944, Maurice Hilleman of Squibb Pharmaceuticals developed the first vaccine against Japanese encephelitis. Hilleman would later move to Merck where he would play a key role in the development of vaccines against measles, mumps, chickenpox, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and meningitis."?
| Ans: What was the second vaccine produced |
Here are some concepts: leader, ordain, priest
What is a sentence about these concepts? | the new priests ordained by organization leader |
A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Marathi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Q: आपले प्रिय नेते, देशाचे माजी पंतप्रधान अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी यांनी स्पष्ट केले होते की मानव अधिकार ही आमच्यासाठी परकी संकल्पना नाही. आपल्या राष्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोगाचे प्रतिक चिन्हात वैदिक काळातले सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः” कोरलेले आहे.
A: | এবার ভারত পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় স্বচ্ছতা সম্মেলন আয়োজন করতে চলেছে- ‘মহাত্মা গান্ধী আন্তর্জাতিক স্বচ্ছতা সম্মেলন’ অর্থাৎ মহাত্মা গান্ধী ইন্টারন্যাশনাল স্যানিটেশন কনভেনশন। |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
Given a command in a limited form of natural language, provide the correct sequence of actions that executes the command to thus navigate an agent in its environment. A command can be broken down into many different actions. Actions are uppercase and are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. The word 'opposite' turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output.
Example: jump left
The agent must first turn left and then jump in order to jump to the left.
New input case for you: look around left thrice and turn around right thrice
Teacher:In this task, you are given a conversation between a flight agent and the customer. You are given 4 options and you need to select the goal of the conversation. It is provided as part of customer's context, which has to be one of the following: `book`: Make a new reservation, `cancel`: Cancel an existing reservation, `no_flight`: No flight found for the customer's preference, `no_reservation`: No reservation / No change / No cancellation was made in the conversation, mostly enquiring details
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: customer: Hello,. This is Janet Clark, from Las Vegas.
agent: Hello, how may I provide service to you?
customer: I am planning to visit NASCAR hall of fame museum at Charlotte, can you please help me in reserving a flight ticket?
agent: Sure, we are perky to help you.
customer: Thank you.
agent: Can you please let me know your airport codes?
customer: I need to leave from my nearest airport LAS to reach CLT.
agent: When you are planning to make your journey?
customer: I want to travel on 05/08, and need to catch return flight on 05/10.
agent: Do you prefer any flag stop in between journey?
customer: Yes, I need a flag stop.
agent: Ok, please be on hold.
customer: Sure.
agent: Sorry to inform you that, there are no flights are available on your requested dates.
customer: Ok, no issues. Thanks for the information.
agent: Thank you for choosing us, have a nice day.
Student: | no_flight |
Given a part of privacy policy text, classify it into one of these categories:
(1) First Party Collection/Use (how and why a service provider collects user information),
(2) Third Party Sharing/Collection (how user information may be shared with or collected by third parties),
(3) User Choice/Control (choices and control options available to users),
(4) User Access, Edit, & Deletion (if and how users may access, edit, or delete their information),
(5) Data Retention (how long user information is stored),
(6) Data Security (how user information is protected),
(7) Policy Change (if and how users will be informed about changes to the privacy policy).
The site collects your financial information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website for users with accounts. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information. | First Party Collection/Use |
Teacher:You are given a background paragraph that describes one or more causal or qualitative relationships such as a relationship in economics or a scientific law and a story that makes use of the concepts or the relationship described in the provided paragraph. You are also given a question about the story that requires an understanding of the relationship described in the background paragraph and the story. You need to come up with an answer to the given question; the answer will be a span from either the question or the story. In order to correctly answer the given question, you need to understand the relationship mentioned in the background paragraph and should be able to use it to understand that in the story. Your answer can not consist of any word that is not mentioned in any of these: the background paragraph, the story, or the question. You can directly copy and paste a span from the story or the question while answering the given question.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Background Paragraph: Charging an object by touching it with another charged object is called charging by conduction. By bringing a charged object into contact with an uncharged object, some electrons will migrate to even out the charge on both objects. Charging by conduction gives the previously uncharged object a permanent charge. An uncharged object can also be charged using a method called charging by induction . This process allows a change in charge without actually touching the charged and uncharged objects to each other. Imagine a negatively charged rod held near the knob, but not touching. If we place a finger on the knob, some of the electrons will escape into our body, instead of down the stem and into the leaves. When both our finger and the negatively charged rod are removed, the previously uncharged electroscope now has a slight positive charge. It was charged by induction. Notice that charging by induction causes the newly charged object to have the opposite charge as the originally charged object, while charging by conduction gives them both the same charge.
Story: With my previous cell phone, in order to charge it I would have a plug the charger into the wall and the plug the cord into my phone to connect it to the electric source. With my new phone, I just place the phone into the charging dock and my phone is charge wirelessly.
Question: Was my previous cell phone being charge using induction or conduction?
Student: | conduction. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given reviews written about the books in Bengali. You are expected to classify the sentiment of the reviews into two classes: positive or negative.
Problem:jPython এর উপর মাটিন ভাইয়ের লেখা বই বাংলা ভাষায় just BEST . সুবিন ভাইয়ের বইয়ের Content গুলোসহ আরো কিছু যে আছে তা না দেখলে মিস ।। অযথা এই বই কিনা লাভ নাই । কারণ পাইথন শেখা যদি কারো সত্যি সত্যি আগ্রহ থাকে তার মাটিন ভাইএর ভইটা কিনা উচিত ।
Solution: | positive |
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in German, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Korean that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Q: Debbie Downer ist der Name einer fiktiven "Saturday Night Live" - Figur, die 2004 debütiert und von Rachel Dratch porträtiert wurde.
A: | 데비 다우 너 (Debbie Downer)는 2004 년 데뷔 한 레이첼 드라 치 (Rachel Dratch)가 그린 허구의`토요일 밤 라이브 (Saturday Night Live) '캐릭터의 이름이다. |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task, you are given a hateful post in Spanish from online platforms. You are expected to classify the target being harassed in the post as individual or generic, i.e., single person or a group of people. Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Example: Post: @Darkeph Ella es más bonita, tú eres más perra.
Output: Individual
This post should be classified as individual because it is hateful towards the person that this post replies to.
New input case for you: Post: La policía británica permitió la violación de 1.000 niñas pobres por parte de árabes [Link] via @laotracara_co
Output: | Generic |
Part 1. Definition
In this task, you are given a paragraph (from a research paper) and your task is to classify each sentence of the paragraph (assume n sentence) into the following categories: Background, Purpose, Method, Finding/Contribution, or Other. Return the output in this format: 1 - category of sentence 1, 2 - category of sentence 2, ..., n - category of sentence n; where each number indicates the order of the sentence. The categories can be identified using the following questions:
Background: - Why is this problem important? - What relevant works have been done before? - What did the previous works miss? - What are the high-level research questions? - How might this help other researchers?
Purpose: - What specific things do the researchers want to do? - What specific knowledge do the researchers want to know? - What specific hypothesis do the researchers want to test?
Method: - How did the researchers do it or find it out? - What are the procedures and steps of this research?
Finding/Contribution: - What did the researchers find out? Did the proposed methods work? - Did things behave as the researchers expected?
Other: put every text fragment that does not fit into any of the categories above here. Put a sentence here if its not in English, is not part of the article, contains numbers and dates, is a caption of a figure or a table, is a formatting error, or you are not sure about it.
Part 2. Example
In many infectious diseases caused by either viruses or bacteria, pathogen glycoproteins play important roles during the infection cycle, ranging from entry to successful intracellular replication and host immune evasion. Dengue is no exception. Dengue virus glycoproteins, envelope protein (E) and non-structural protein 1 (NS1) are two popular sub-unit vaccine candidates. E protein on the virion surface is the major target of neutralizing antibodies. NS1 which is secreted during DENV infection has been shown to induce a variety of host responses through its binding to several host factors. However, despite their critical role in disease and protection, the glycosylated variants of these two proteins and their biological importance have remained understudied. In this review, we seek to provide a comprehensive summary of the current knowledge on protein glycosylation in DENV, and its role in virus biogenesis, host cell receptor interaction and disease pathogenesis.
Answer: 1 - background, 2 - background, 3 - background, 4 - background, 5 - background, 6 - background, 7 - background, 8 - background, 9 - background, 10 - background, 11 - purpose, 12 - purpose, 13 - purpose
Explanation: The paragraph contains 13 sentences. The first 10 sentences provide background information about how some infectious diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses. The last 3 sentences talk about the purpose of the study.
Part 3. Exercise
Virus replicate inside prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Outside cells, they exist as independent particles (i.e. virions) generally composed of a protein shell (sometimes covered with a lipid bilayer) that contains their genetic material made of RNA or DNA. Virus genome replication and transcription are catalyzed by virally encoded polymerases. Although all these enzymes show some homology and share structural features and their catalytic mechanism, they also have important differences that reflect diverse virus replication strategies.
Answer: | 1 - background, 2 - background, 3 - background, 4 - finding, 5 - finding |
Detailed Instructions: You will be asked how to do a certain task. You should describe a physical process that does not lead to the asked outcome, yet it is closely related to it (i.e., it should use the words that are provided in the input). The physical process can be moving something, arranging something in a certain way, mixing things, shaking them, etc. To make sure that the generated process does not lead to the asked outcome, you can introduce objects or events unrelated to the context of the question e.g. 'cleaning the keyboard by making an elephant sit on them'; or you can create contradictory statements e.g. 'drying wet keyboards with running water'. In your responses, avoid typos and misspellings.
Q: How to make text bold in OneNote
A: | Locate the text you wish to make bold, and highlight it. On the bottom of the screen, click the "U" button to make it bold. |
In this task, you're given statements in native Kannada language. The statement can be written with the Kannada alphabet or the English alphabet. Your job is to evaluate if the statement is offensive or not. Label the post as "Not offensive" if the post does not contain offense or insult. Non-offensive posts do not include any form of offense or insult. Label the post as "Offensive" if the post contains offensive language.
Bro...nNeen este Roast madudru...China ne beku anthare ivrnella gun thagond shoot madbeku aagadru India dalli eetara Desha virodhi galu sattadru saythare... Nin video nodi actually innondsari tiktok alla mbl muttoku nin permission kelbeku... nInnond strong aagi video madu guru...
ರಣಧೀರ ಮತ್ತು ಶಂಕರನನ್ನ ನನೆನಪು ರಕ್ಷಿತ್ ಶೆಟ್ಟಿಯಲಿ ಅವನೇ ಅವನೇ ಯಾರವನ್ ಶ್ರೀಮನ್ ನಾರಾಯಣ
Not offensive
Chinna app Delete madi pla
| Offensive
Definition: In this task, you are given a date in a particular format and you need to convert to another format. If given format is "dd/mm/yyyy" then convert to "mm/dd/yyyy". If given format is "mm/dd/yyyy" then convert to "dd/mm/yyyy".
Input: 26/02/1962, input_format=dd/mm/yyyy
Output: | 02/26/1962 |
You are shown a conversation between a user and system. Identify who has spoken the indicated sentence based on the conversation.
[Q]: Sentence1: Thanks, can I also have the phone number and postcode? Sentence2: I'm sorry this happened to you, I really hope that the police are able to help. If there is anything else I can do for you don't hesitate to ask. Sentence3: Yes, the postcode is CB11JG and the phone number is 01223358966 Sentence4: I've been robbed and need the police. Sentence5: Great, thank you for your help. I don't need anything further. Sentence6: Okay, the police station is located at Parkside, Cambridge. Question: Who has spoken the sentence 5? (A) User (B) System
[A]: Answer: (B) System
[Q]: Sentence1: Enjoy your day. Good bye. Sentence2: The address is colville road, cherry hinton. Sentence3: That is all I need, thank you. Sentence4: Sure, I can get you aboard a 15:21 arriving at 17:06. Would you like me to book a seat aboard TR9839? Sentence5: Sounds good. What is the postcode, please? Sentence6: You're welcome! Have a great day! Sentence7: Of course. The Cherry Hinton Village Centre has multiple sports in the east end of town. Sentence8: There are quite a few running all day to many different stations. Where would you like to go? Sentence9: I need a train leaving cambridge on thursday. Sentence10: I would like to go to Leicester and get there by 18:45 Sentence11: The postcode is cb19ej. Is there anything else I can help you with? Sentence12: Good bye. Sentence13: Thank you for using our service. have a good day! Sentence14: Oh wait! Before you go, can you give me some information on the cherry hinton village centre? Sentence15: Yes, may I have their address, please? Sentence16: Not right now. Thanks for the information though! Have a great day! Goodbye. Question: Who has spoken the sentence 4? (A) User (B) System
[A]: Answer: (A) User
[Q]: Sentence1: Thank you for your help Sentence2: The phone number is 01223256233. Sentence3: You are more than welcome! Sentence4: I am injured and need a hospital with a cardiology department. Sentence5: The Addenbrookes Hospital located at Hills Rd, Cambridge has a cardiology department. Would you need to book an appointment? Sentence6: I would like to have the phone number. Question: Who has spoken the sentence 4? (A) User (B) System
[A]: | Answer: (A) User
Teacher:Given a question, generate a paraphrase of that question wihout changing the meaning of it. Your answer should reword the given sentence, but not add information to it or remove information from it. The answer to your question should be the same as the answer to the original question.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Question: what religion is the major in india today?
Student: | what is the major religion of india today? |
Teacher: In this task you are given data in the tabular format and a question. Write the answer to the question based on the information in the table.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example:
Table: ['Pick', 'Player', 'Team', 'Position', 'School']. ['1', 'Ben McDonald', 'Baltimore Orioles', 'RHP', 'Louisiana State University']. ['2', 'Tyler Houston', 'Atlanta Braves', 'C', 'Valley HS (Las Vegas, NV)']. ['3', 'Roger Salkeld', 'Seattle Mariners', 'RHP', 'Saugus (CA) HS']. ['4', 'Jeff Jackson', 'Philadelphia Phillies', 'OF', 'Simeon HS (Chicago, IL)']. ['5', 'Donald Harris', 'Texas Rangers', 'OF', 'Texas Tech University']. ['6', 'Paul Coleman', 'Saint Louis Cardinals', 'OF', 'Frankston (TX) HS']. ['7', 'Frank Thomas', 'Chicago White Sox', '1B', 'Auburn University']. ['8', 'Earl Cunningham', 'Chicago Cubs', 'OF', 'Lancaster (SC) HS']. ['9', 'Kyle Abbott', 'California Angels', 'LHP', 'Long Beach State University']. ['10', 'Charles Johnson', 'Montreal Expos', 'C', 'Westwood HS (Fort Pierce, FL)']. ['11', 'Calvin Murray', 'Cleveland Indians', '3B', 'W.T. White High School (Dallas, TX)']. ['12', 'Jeff Juden', 'Houston Astros', 'RHP', 'Salem (MA) HS']. ['13', 'Brent Mayne', 'Kansas City Royals', 'C', 'Cal State Fullerton']. ['14', 'Steve Hosey', 'San Francisco Giants', 'OF', 'Fresno State University']. ['15', 'Kiki Jones', 'Los Angeles Dodgers', 'RHP', 'Hillsborough HS (Tampa, FL)']. ['16', 'Greg Blosser', 'Boston Red Sox', 'OF', 'Sarasota (FL) HS']. ['17', 'Cal Eldred', 'Milwaukee Brewers', 'RHP', 'University of Iowa']. ['18', 'Willie Greene', 'Pittsburgh Pirates', 'SS', 'Jones County HS (Gray, GA)']. ['19', 'Eddie Zosky', 'Toronto Blue Jays', 'SS', 'Fresno State University']. ['20', 'Scott Bryant', 'Cincinnati Reds', 'OF', 'University of Texas']. ['21', 'Greg Gohr', 'Detroit Tigers', 'RHP', 'Santa Clara University']. ['22', 'Tom Goodwin', 'Los Angeles Dodgers', 'OF', 'Fresno State University']. ['23', 'Mo Vaughn', 'Boston Red Sox', '1B', 'Seton Hall University']. ['24', 'Alan Zinter', 'New York Mets', 'C', 'University of Arizona']. ['25', 'Chuck Knoblauch', 'Minnesota Twins', '2B', 'Texas A&M University']. ['26', 'Scott Burrell', 'Seattle Mariners', 'RHP', 'Hamden (CT) HS']. Question: Who is from louisiana state university?
Solution: Ben McDonald
Reason: The answer correctly satisfies the given question and is based on the information based in the given table.
Now, solve this instance: Table: ['Squad #', 'Position', 'Player', 'Transferred to', 'Fee', 'Date']. ['20', 'DF', 'Lau Nim Yat', 'Biu Chun Rangers', 'Free transfer', '5 June 2012']. ['16', 'MF', 'Leung Chun Pong', 'Guangdong Sunray Cave', 'Free transfer', '12 June 2012']. ['3', 'DF', 'Yeo Jee-Hoon', 'Unattached (Released)', '', '9 July 2012']. ['8', 'MF', 'Xu Deshuai', 'Sun Pegasus', 'Free transfer (Released)', '9 July 2012']. ['11', 'MF', 'Li Haiqiang', 'Tuen Mun', 'Free transfer (Released)', '9 July 2012']. ['22', 'FW', 'Giovane Alves da Silva', 'Biu Chun Rangers', 'Free transfer (Released)', '9 July 2012']. ['23', 'GK', 'Zhang Chunhui', 'Sunray Cave JC Sun Hei', 'Free transfer (Released)', '9 July 2012']. ['26', 'MF', 'Chan Pak Hang', 'Sun Pegasus', 'Free transfer (Released)', '9 July 2012']. ['7', 'FW', 'Chan Siu Ki', 'Guangdong Sunray Cave', 'Free transfer (Released)', '10 July 2012']. ['', 'MF', 'Kot Cho Wai', 'Sunray Cave JC Sun Hei', 'undisclosed', '16 July 2012']. ['6', 'DF', 'Wong Chin Hung', 'Biu Chun Rangers', 'Free transfer', '9 January 2013']. ['33', 'FW', 'Mauro Rafael da Silva', 'Unattached (Released)', 'Free transfer', '1 February 2013']. Question: which players played during the 2012-13 south china aa season?
Student: | ['Lau Nim Yat', 'Leung Chun Pong', 'Yeo Jee-Hoon', 'Xu Deshuai', 'Li Haiqiang', 'Giovane Alves da Silva', 'Zhang Chunhui', 'Chan Pak Hang', 'Chan Siu Ki', 'Kot Cho Wai', 'Wong Chin Hung', 'Mauro Rafael da Silva'] |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply an addition mathematical operator on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer.
Context: Robin cut off 20 inches of his hair. If his hair is now 10 inches long
Question: How long was his hair before he cut?
Output: | 30 |
Q: In this task, we ask you convert a data table of restaurant descriptions into fluent natural-sounding English sentences. The input is a string of key-value pairs; the output should be a natural and grammatical English sentence containing all the information from the input.
name[The Golden Palace], eatType[coffee shop], food[Japanese], priceRange[high], customer rating[3 out of 5], area[city centre]
A: | The Golden Palace is a Japanese coffee shop in the city centre area. It has a high price range and is rated 3 out of 5. |
Given the question: Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: What is approximately equal to 3.14159? Context: Three Han mathematical treatises still exist. These are the Book on Numbers and Computation, the Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven and the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art. Han-era mathematical achievements include solving problems with right-angle triangles, square roots, cube roots, and matrix methods, finding more accurate approximations for pi, providing mathematical proof of the Pythagorean theorem, use of the decimal fraction, Gaussian elimination to solve linear equations, and continued fractions to find the roots of equations.
The answer is: | pi |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
You are given a sentence and a question in the input. If the information provided in the sentence is enough to answer the question, label "Yes", otherwise label "No". Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence while labeling "Yes" or "No". There are only two types of valid responses: Yes and No.
Example: Sentence: GOP leaders submitted the new offer Tuesday afternoon in an effort to appease Democrats, whose votes are needed to avert a shutdown of federal agencies, several House and Senate aides said. Question: Who has to be appeased to keep the government open?
Output: Yes.
The sentence says that "the Democrats" have to be appeased, which answers the question. So, the correct label should be "Yes".
New input case for you: Sentence: Mahanagar means great city.
Question: How does कान्तिपुर transliterate into English?
Output: | No. |
Instructions: A text is given in Telugu. Translate it from the Telugu language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Input: 93 کروڑ ہے۔
Output: | 93 కోట్ల రూపాయలు. |
Input: Bot's task: Clarify if the user meant The Cocktail Party or The Birthday Party or\u00a0The Dinner Party, the table reading of The Party, or Abigail's party. Whatever play the user picks, tell them it plays at 9:30 PM. Before saying goodbye, remind the user that\u00a0the Chicago 'Parties in Drama' festival relies on donations to stay running, and ask the user if they'd like to donate\u00a0
Bot's role: You are a bot that helps schedule shows during a theatre festival
User's task: Ask when that play about the\u00a0party is playing and where. If the bot gives you a choice of plays, pick one.
User's role: You are interacting with a bot that helps you schedule shows during a theatre festival
Output: | PLAY_TIMES |
Q: This task is about classifying the similarity of two sentences. The sentences can be classified as (a) SIMILAR - similar to each other, and (b) DISSIMILAR - not similar to each other. Sentences that have the same RDF relationship in terms of [subject, predicate, object] are similar to each other. The input is a list of two sentences and the output is either SIMILAR or DISSIMILAR.
['Asher and Mary Isabelle Richardson House was built in 1911 and is located in Asherton, Texas. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places, on 22nd November 1988.', 'Asher and Mary Isabelle Richardson House was constructed in 1911 and is located in Asherton, Texas. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on 1988-11-22.']
You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into Polish.
یا آن بود ، یا آن که من زیادی خوش شانس بودم ، اما این رویایم بود.
Albo to się sprawdziło, albo miałem fart, ale marzyłem właśnie o tym.
حدود یک ماه پیش ، در 29 ژانویه ، در پیست اتومبیل رانی مشهورDaytona International Speedway در حین مسابقات Rolex 24 برای اولین بار ماشین در معرض عموم رونمایی شد.
29 stycznia, czyli zaledwie miesiąc temu, 29 stycznia, czyli zaledwie miesiąc temu, pokazaliśmy samochód publicznie na torze Daytona International Speedway, podczas wyścigu Rolex 24.
پس شما می بینید که اینجا جاذبه واقعا نقشش رو ایفا می کنه.
| Grawitacja ma znaczenie.