stringlengths 23
| response
stringlengths 0
You are given a statement written in Assamese. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option .
Example input: Statement: ৰোমান সম্ৰাজ্যৰ সময়ত আনুমানিক খ্ৰীষ্টীয় দ্বিতীয় শতিকাত নেমু দক্ষিণ ইটালীৰ পৰা ইউৰোপত প্ৰৱেশ কৰিছিল। কিন্তু নেমু খেতি তেতিয়া জনপ্ৰিয়তা অৰ্জন কৰা নাছিল। পিছলৈ ই ৭০০ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দত পাৰস্য আৰু তাৰপিছত <MASK> আৰু ইজিপ্তলৈ প্ৰৱেশ কৰে। দশম শতিকাৰ আৰৱীয় সাহিত্যৰ ইছলামিক বাগিচা সমূহত আলংকাৰিক উদ্ভিদ হিচাপে নেমু ৰোৱাৰ বিষয়ে উল্লেখ আছে। ১০০০ ৰ পৰা ১১৫০ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দলৈ ই গোটেই মধ্য প্ৰাচ্য অঞ্চল বিয়পি পৰে।
Option A: ইৰাক
Option B: তুৰস্ক
Option C: মেক্সিকো
Option D: ইজিপ্ত
Example output: ইৰাক
Example explanation: The statement talks about lemon cultivation in various places and based on local context the most suitable word to replace the <MASK> token is ইৰাক as the other places have already been mentioned .
Q: Statement: <MASK>ৰ যন্তৰ মন্তৰ (Jantar Mantar) কেইবাটাও জ্যোতিৰ্বিজ্ঞান যন্ত্ৰ স্থাপত্যৰ সমষ্টি। ১৭২৭ চনৰ পৰা ১৭৩৪ চনৰ মধ্যবৰ্তী সময়ত মহাৰাজা দ্বিতীয় জয়সিংহই জয়পুৰত যন্তৰ মন্তৰ নিৰ্মাণ কৰে । তেওঁ এই ধৰণৰ পাঁচটা স্থাপত্য, পাঁচটা ভিন্ন ভিন্ন স্থানত নিৰ্মাণ কৰিছিল। তাৰ মাজৰ দুটা দিল্লী আৰু জয়পুৰত অৱস্থিত। জয়পুৰ মানমন্দিৰটো আছিল বৃহত্তম আৰু ইয়াত তেওঁ ২০টি স্থায়ী যন্ত্ৰ স্থাপন কৰিছিল। মোগল সাম্ৰাজ্যৰ শেষ পৰ্বত এক জ্ঞানী সামান্তৰাজৰ ৰাজদৰবাৰৰ জ্যোতিৰ্বিজ্ঞান দক্ষতা আৰু বিশ্বচেতনাৰ অভিপ্ৰকাশ ৰূপে ই ইউনেস্কো বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্য তালিকাত সাংস্কৃতিক সম্পত্তি ৰূপে অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত হয়।
Option A: জয়পুৰ
Option B: উজবেকিস্তান
Option C: ইউনেস্কো
Option D: দিল্লী
A: | জয়পুৰ |
In this task, you need to provide the correct option for a given problem on probability from the provided options.
Example: Problem: in a throw of a coin find the probability of getting a tail ?
Options: a ) 1 / 2 , b ) 1 / 3 , c ) 1 / 4 , d ) 2 / 5 , e ) 2 / 7
Example solution: a
Example explanation: "s = { h , t } e = { t } p ( e ) = 1 / 2 answer is a"
Problem: Problem: in how many ways can 7 boys be seated in a circular order ?
Options: a ) 110 , b ) 230 , c ) 720 , d ) 420 , e ) 680
| Solution: c |
In this task, you need to count the number of vowels (letters 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') / consonants (all letters other than vowels) in the given sentence.
One example is below.
Q: Sentence: 'a white cat on a desk near a computer monitor'. Count the number of vowels in the given sentence.
A: 16
Rationale: This sentence has 5 occurrences of letter 'a', 4 of 'e', 2 of 'i', 4 of 'o', and 1 of 'u'. This adds up to 16. So, the answer is 16.
Q: Sentence: 'a photo of a clock and about a dozen books'. Count the number of consonants in the given sentence.
A: | 18 |
Categorize the comment on the basis of severe toxicity. If the comment is severely toxic output Yes, otherwise output No.
Q: But if they do this, all the panhandlers will go to Eugene !
Oh darn !
A: | Yes |
You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Hebrew.
Q: Przejrzystość.
A: | אז בהירות. |
Detailed Instructions: A text is given in Gujarati. Translate it from the Gujarati language to the Hindi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Q: પરિષદના અધિકારોની સીમા અને નિર્ણયો લેવાની શક્તિને પણ વધારવામાં આવી છે.
A: | council के अधिकारों के दायरे और फैसले लेने की शक्ति को भी बढ़ाया गया है। |
Problem: Add spaces: Tostietal.(12)hasdocumentedthatallergicstomatitis(inflammationoftheoralcavityduetoallergicprovocation)rarelyoccurs,butitisnearlyalwaysassociatedwiththeoccurrenceofmetallicmercury.
Spaces added: Tosti et al. (12 ) has documented that allergic stomatitis (inflammation of the oral cavity due to allergic provocation) rarely occurs, but it is nearly always associated with the occurrence of metallic mercury.
This text is missing some spaces, please add them: EverywhereIwent,peoplewentonaboutDanishTVbeingthecoolestintheworld,andthemostexoticandsophisticated.”
Everywhere I went, people went on about Danish TV being the coolest in the world, and the most exotic and sophisticated.”
input question: Fix spacing: Ourhousefromthestreet.
output answer: Our house from the street.
Problem: EU-radiatorgrilleset,Stainlesssteel,Setof7complet,Order-no=1504385,Internet-no=
What's a sentence that uses these characters?
EU-radiator grille set, Stainless steel, Set of 7 complet, Order-no = 1504385, Internet-no =
Add spaces: Ispend2monthsofeveryyearinmyseasideflatinanotherEUcountry.DoIhavetoregisteratthetownhall?
Answer: I spend 2 months of every year in my seaside flat in another EU country. Do I have to register at the town hall?
This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Thewordsofthewickedareaboutlyinginwaitforblood,Butthespeechoftheuprightrescuesthem.
| The words of the wicked are about lying in wait for blood, But the speech of the upright rescues them. |
Given a sentence in the Japanese, provide an equivalent translation in Filipino that retains the same meaning through the translation. In translation, keep numbers as it is.
Example input: フランスのパリ、パルク・デ・プランスで行われた2007年ラグビーワールドカップのプールCで、イタリアは31対5でポルトガルを下した。
Example output: Natalo ng Italya ang Portugal sa puntos na 31-5 sa Grupong C noong 2007 sa Pandaigdigang laro ng Ragbi sa Parc des Princes, Paris, France.
Example explanation: This is a correct and accurate translation from Japanese to Filipino because translated text is just paraphrased of Japanese sentence. Also, it preserves the numbers as it is.
Q: 暴露はルイスPRとコンピュータ・セキュリティ会社のF?セキュアによる情報の自由の要請の結果起こった。
A: | Sinundan ng pagkakabunyag ay ang kahilingan sa Kalayaan sa Impormasyon ni Lewis PR at ng kompanya sa seguridad ng kompyuter na F-Secure. |
Craft one correct answer to the question given in input. To make it more interesting, try to use non-stereotypical language if possible. Make sure your correct answer is reasonably long, consistent with the context, and requires common sense (instead of explicit extraction from the context.) In your answer, use as few words as possible from the given context. Use a response that is uncommon/non-stereotypical, so that it is less predictable. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question.
One example is below.
Q: Context: I was told, in person over the phone, that my shoes were on their way. They have my money. I have no shoes.
Question: What may happen after the call?
A: I will return the shoes and get back the money.
Rationale: Excellent correct answer: as it presents a non-stereotypical solution involving "return".
Q: Context: I ' ve been extremely busy and stressed lately . Nothing I ca n't handle , just enough to leave me with my wits usually too scattered to post anything coherent for anyone other than myself to understand . And just enough to have me listening to Rammstein 24/7 .
Question: What may be the reason they are so busy ?
A: | They have alot of work they have n't completed yet . |
In this task, you are given a list of integers and an integer k. You need to add integer k to each element in the list and return the updated list.
One example: [100, 291, 285, 281, 151, 189, 220, 235, 288, 160, 233, 198, 294, 269, 162, 152, 217, 247, 98, 145] k=14
Solution is here: [114, 305, 299, 295, 165, 203, 234, 249, 302, 174, 247, 212, 308, 283, 176, 166, 231, 261, 112, 159]
Explanation: 14 is added to all the elements of the input list.
Now, solve this: [69, 293, 199, 96, 198, 254, 270, 164, 18, 245, 188, 85, 125, 185, 60, 37, 101, 285, 56, 169] k=6
Solution: | [75, 299, 205, 102, 204, 260, 276, 170, 24, 251, 194, 91, 131, 191, 66, 43, 107, 291, 62, 175] |
Instructions: You are given a sentence in Portuguese. Your job is to translate the Portuguese sentence into Italian.
Input: Na verdade, eles é que são os infiéis.
Output: | In effetti, essi sono gli infedeli. |
In this task, given a sentence in the Burmese Language, your task is to convert it into the English language.
Q: ဂျီအမ်တီ ၁၃.၃၀ တွင် ၊ ဂျပန် မိုးလေဝသဆိုင်ရာ အဖွဲ့အစည်း အရ တိုကျိုမြို့ တောင်ဘက် ကီလိုမီတာ ၈၀ဝ တွင် ပမာဏ ၆.ဝ ရှိသော ငလျင် တစ်ခု ။
A: | At 13.30 GMT, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake 800 km south of Tokyo according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. |
In this task, you are given an input list. A list contains several comma-separated items written within brackets. You need to return the position of all the alphabetical elements in the given list in order. Assume the position of the 1st element to be 1. Return -1 if no alphabetical element is in the list.
One example: ['238', 'h', '92', 'U', '2799']
Solution is here: 2, 4
Explanation: Here, the alphabetical elements in the input list are 'h' and 'U' and they are at positions '2' and '4', respectively.
Now, solve this: ['v', '4711', 't', 'U', 'Q', 'm', 'w', 'j', 'A', '9585', '9175', '6935', '903', 'n', '6017', '2817', '1859', 'q', 'u', 'a', '6611', '8859', '2169', 'r', 'c', '3781', 'Z', '953', '7107', '9291', 'X', 'Q', 'k', '3801', '3563', '7805', 'z']
Solution: | 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 31, 32, 33, 37 |
You are given a sentence in Portuguese. Your job is to translate the Portuguese sentence into Spanish.
Example: Podem assim exprimir tudo desde admiração e desejo até ansiedade e angústia.
Example solution: Y puede expresar desde admiración y codicia, hasta ansiedad y angustia.
Example explanation: The Portugese sentence is correctly translated into Spanish, because the meaning is preserved.
Problem: Agora sim, estamos muito empolgados!
| Solution: Esto nos emociona. |
You are given a list of queries separated by new line. Your job is to answer with the query that is the most well-formed or well-structured query in terms of grammar, punctuations, or spelling errors.
Q: What is the top ten cutest pokemon ?
What is elie wieseleducation ?
How much does technician earn ?
What is critical pressure of diesel fuel ?
A: | What is critical pressure of diesel fuel ? |
In this task, you are given a statement spoken by a politician in natural language. Your task is to generate the subject of the discussion for the given statement. The subject generated is not necessarily a part of the given input. Your answer should contain one or more words.
One example: Says the Annies List political group supports third-trimester abortions on demand.
Solution is here: abortion
Explanation: It's a correct subject of the statement because it talks about a political group supporting demans of abortions.
Now, solve this: Under Gov. Rick Perrys leadership [Texas] has created more jobs over the last decade than the rest of the states combined.
Solution: | economy |
Instructions: In this task, you will be given two sentences separated by ", so". You should decide whether the first sentence can be the cause of the second sentence. If you can see a possible causation, answer with "plausible", otherwise answer with "not plausible".
Input: The girl came across an unfamiliar word in her textbook, so she knew what was going on
Output: | not plausible |
In this task, you are given an input stream, and your task is to produce a grammatically correct version of the input sentence. The input to this task is a stream of words, possibly from captions generated by a speech-to-text engine, and the output is a grammatically correct version of the input stream. Stream words are in [] and have been separated with a comma. The sentence can contain words that have case, punctuation, stem-based, intra-word, and digit punctuation errors that need to be corrected. For example, the text should be uppercased/lowercased as per necessity (like the beginning of a sentence, proper nouns, etc.), and digits need to be normalized (6 as six and so on). Note that you don't need to normalize the years. You don't need to fully edit the sentences, if end of the input stream contains sentence fragments, keep them as is.
Q: ['', 'this', 'video', 'I', 'want', 'to', 'do', 'a', 'few', 'examples', 'dealing', 'with', 'functions', 'and', 'functions', 'tend', 'to', 'be', 'something', 'that', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'students', 'find', 'difficult', 'but', 'I', 'think', 'if', 'you', 'really', 'kind', 'of', 'get', 'what', "we're", 'talking', 'about', "you'll", 'see', 'that', "it's", "it's", 'actually', 'a', 'pretty', 'straightforward', 'idea', 'and', 'you', 'sometimes', 'wonder', 'well', 'what', 'was', 'all', 'of', 'the', 'hubbub', 'about', 'all', 'of', 'function', 'is', 'is', 'an', 'association', 'between', 'two', 'variables', 'so', 'if', 'we', 'say', 'that', 'Y', 'is', 'equal', 'to', 'a', 'function', 'of', 'X', 'all', 'that', 'means', 'is', 'you', 'give', 'me', 'an', 'X', 'you', 'kind', 'of', 'you', 'can', 'imagine', 'this']
A: | ['', 'this', 'video,', 'I', 'want', 'to', 'do', 'a', 'few', 'examples', 'dealing', 'with', 'functions', 'and', 'functions', 'tend', 'to', 'be', 'something', 'that', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'students', 'find', 'difficult,', 'but', 'I', 'think', 'if', 'you', 'really', 'kind', 'of', 'get', 'what', "we're", 'talking', 'about,', "you'll", 'see', 'that', "it's", "it's", 'actually', 'a', 'pretty', 'straightforward', 'idea.', 'And', 'you', 'sometimes', 'wonder,', 'well', 'what', 'was', 'all', 'of', 'the', 'hubbub', 'about?', 'All', 'a', 'function', 'is,', 'is', 'an', 'association', 'between', 'two', 'variables.', 'So', 'if', 'we', 'say', 'that', 'y', 'is', 'equal', 'to', 'a', 'function', 'of', 'x,', 'all', 'that', 'means', 'is,', 'you', 'give', 'me', 'an', 'X', 'you', 'kind', 'of', 'you', 'can', 'imagine', 'this'] |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given dvd product reviews in German language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative.
Q: Langweilig . Habe die erste Viertelstunde gesehen - reicht. Keine Spannung, keine richtigen Konflikte. Mir hat der Film überhaupt nicht gefallen.
A: | NEG |
In this task, you are given an adjective, and your job is to generate its antonym. An antonym of a word is a word opposite in meaning to it.
Example: accident
Example solution: purpose
Example explanation: An accident is unintentional, while purpose involves intention. So the two words have opposite meaning and are hence antonyms.
Problem: enter
| Solution: leave |
In this task, you're given a review from Amazon and your task is to generate the name of the category of the product based on the review given by the user. The categories are: kitchen, office product, watch, wireless, other, toy, digital video download, camera, jewelry, pet products, sports, industrial supplies, baby product, grocery, drugstore, home improvement, pc, shoes, automotive, digital ebook purchase, musical instruments, beauty, book, electronics, lawn and garden, apparel, home, video games, luggage, furniture, personal care appliances.
One example is below.
Q: Arrived broken. Manufacturer defect. Two of the legs of the base were not completely formed, so there was no way to insert the casters. I unpackaged the entire chair and hardware before noticing this. So, I'll spend twice the amount of time boxing up the whole useless thing and send it back with a 1-star review of part of a chair I never got to sit in. I will go so far as to include a picture of what their injection molding and quality assurance process missed though. I will be hesitant to buy again. It makes me wonder if there aren't missing structures and supports that don't impede the assembly process.
A: furniture
Rationale: The customer gives a review of the product which belongs to the furniture category because we can see it from the way the customer describes his experience sharing how he unpackaged his chair.
Q: Terrible product! The sound is not clear, has a lot of noise when you play the music. Also when you sing, the music’s volume automatically lowers, so it impossible to sing a song! Waste of money, returning!
A: | musical instruments |
Given a sentence in German, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Chinese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Q: Der Fluss Fădimac ist ein Nebenfluss des Flusses Bega in Rumänien.
A: | Fădimac河是罗马尼亚Bega河的支流。 |
In this task you are given a premise and two alternatives in Thai. You must choose the alternative that is more plausibly the cause or effect of the situation described by the premise. The input format is "premise
(1)alternative_1(2)alternative_2", the output should either be "1" or "2" based on your judgment.
Example input: สิ่งของถูกห่อไว้ในพลาสติก
Example output: 1
Example explanation: The first alternative makes more sense because you put object is bubble wrap if they are delicate.
Q: คู่รักดีใจที่ได้เจอกัน
A: | 1 |
Instructions: Given a sentence in Japanese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in German that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Input: ベイリーはブレイクハートヒルの世話人としてヘンリーコールに置き換えられました。
Output: | Bailey wurde von Henry Cole als Hausmeister von Breakheart Hill abgelöst. |
Q: A question that is free of any grammatical or logcal errors, should be labeled 'yes', otherwise it should be indicated as 'no'. A question is grammatically correct if all its entities i.e. nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, pronouns, adverbs are at appropriate position. A question is logically correct if the semantic makes sense.
Sentence: So really, that's what many of the people are doing now,"" he said.
Question: How long will they be doing that?
A: | Yes. |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and an answer, you would be asked to create the sentence based on the Question-Answer provided. It should be contained within the Question-Answer provided.
Input: Question: Which two processes are common to all living things? Answer: using nutrients and growing
Output: | Using nutrients and growing are common to all living things. |
Definition: In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D".
Input: [header] How to remove paint from your shirt [title] Wear gloves and painting clothes. [step] You don't want to stain any more clothing or get your hands dirty. So wear gloves and clothing that you wouldn't mind getting paint on. <sep> (A) Gloves are important for much of the time, because they protect your hands and may help your paint flake off. [substeps] Try to wear disposable gloves when painting your shirt. (B) [title] Remove excess paint as soon as possible. [step] You can use a kitchen utensil like a knife or spoon or a scraper such as a popsicle stick. (C) [substeps] You could also wear safety goggles or goggles with loofahs. [title] Wash your clothes in soapy water before you start painting. (D) [title] Sort it into separate clothing sections so there will be clean space for you to work on. [title] Paint the area where the stain was caused.
Output: | B |
Given a comment, classify it into a 'hate' speech or 'not hate' speech. Answer using 'hate' or 'not hate'.
One example: I hate women. All of them are useless.
Solution is here: hate
Explanation: Gender discrimination is shown in this comment. Hence, it is classified as hate speech.
Now, solve this: He smiles while talking about drowning his own children
Solution: | not hate |
Detailed Instructions: Categorize the comment on the basis of severe toxicity. If the comment is severely toxic output Yes, otherwise output No.
Q: These people are a disgrace to the state of Alaska!
A: | No |
question: A no.when divided by 221 gives a remainder 43, what remainder will beobtained by dividingthe same no.17?
(A) 3
(B) 6
(C) 9
(D) 10
(E) 12
answer: Stream of consciousness: 221 + 43 = 264/17 = 9 (Remainder) The answer is (C).
q: In a school of 700 boys, 44% of Muslims, 28% Hindus, 10% Sikhs and the remaining of other communities. How many belonged to the other communities?
(A) 173
(B) 126
(C) 153
(D) 143
(E) 133
a: Stream of consciousness: 44 + 28 + 10 = 82%
100 – 82 = 18%
700 * 18/100 = 126 The answer is (B).
question: If a man can cover 12 metres in one second, how many kilometres can he cover in 3 hours 45 minutes?
(A) 118 km
(B) 162 km
(C) 1767 km
(D) 1887 km
(E) 177 km
answer: Stream of consciousness: 12 m/s = 12 * 18/5 kmph
3 hours 45 minutes = 3 3/4 hours = 15/4 hours
Distance = speed * time = 12 * 18/5 * 15/4 km = 162 km. The answer is (B).
q: A train of 24 carriages, each of 60 meters length, when an engine also of 60 meters length is running at a speed of 60 kmph. In what time will the train cross a bridge 1.5 km long?
(A) 5 mins
(B) 3 mins
(C) 7 mins
(D) 9 mins
(E) 2 mins
a: Stream of consciousness: D = 25 * 60 + 1500 = 3000 m
T = 3000/60 * 18/5 = 180 sec = 3 mins The answer is (B).
question: The average of 11 results is 50, if the average of first five results is 49 and that of the last seven is 52. Find the fifth result?
(A) 55
(B) 56
(C) 57
(D) 58
(E) 59
answer: Stream of consciousness: 1 to 11 = 11 * 50 = 550
1 to 5 = 5 * 49 = 245
5 to 11 = 7 * 52 = 364
5th = 245 + 364 – 550 = 59 The answer is (E).
question: A train of 24 carriages, each of 60 meters length, when an engine also of 60 meters length is running at a speed of 60 kmph. In what time will the train cross a bridge 4.5 km long?
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 5
(D) 6
(E) 9
answer: | Stream of consciousness: D = 25 * 60 + 4500 = 6000 m
T = 6000/60 * 18/5 = 360 sec = 6 mins The answer is (D). |
Given a sentence in German, generate a new German sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true.
Q: Sie würden einen Designer kaufen, weil Sie die Eigenschaften, die es anders machen wollen.
A: | Sie würden einen Stier wachsen, weil Sie die Eigenschaften, die es exzellent machen wollen. |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a string S and a character c separated by a comma. You need to check if the character c is present in S or not. Return 1 if it is present, else return 0.
TuimqgMTzrlJKsaVRbDqASLg, A
| 1 |
In this task, you are given a paragraph, event and an entity. The event is part of the given paragraph and it changes the state of the entity. Your task is to classify the state of the entity into three classes: 1) not exist, 2) unknown location and 3) known location. "not exist" means the entity doesn't exist in that state anymore. "unknown location" means the entity exists in that state but location is unknown. "known location" means the entity exists and location is known.
"process paragraph : : A plant produces a fruit with seeds in it. An animal eats the fruit. The animal wanders to another area. The animal defecates. The seeds are included in the waste. The seeds produce a new plant. ", "event : An animal eats the fruit.", "entity : fruit" | not exist |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question in Dutch language, and you have to write the named entities from the question if present. B denotes the first item of a phrase and an I any non-initial word. Here is the list of terms used: person names (PER), organizations (ORG), locations (LOC) and miscellaneous names (MISC). There can be instances with no named entities, then return 'None'.
Q: Van de Wouwer 0:13 -- 4 .
A: | Van: B-PER, de: I-PER, Wouwer: I-PER |
In this task, you are given a sentence which contains a motion and your task is to identify the physical entities involved in the motion. The input sentence can have more than one entity and also there is at least one entity that takes part in physical motion. There are two types of entities which are animate (beings that are alive) and inanimate entities (beings that are not alive).
Example: Mr. Miller waved his hands in a gesture of divine despair, spun round, darted up the aisle, turned, and bounded back.
Example solution: Mr. Miller, hands
Example explanation: In this sentence, the female is performing a motion on the liquids. So the answer should be Yes. Mr. Miller is the animate entity who is taking part in a motion where he is performing various actions like moving his hands around. The hands are the inanimate entity on which a motion is performed. This is the example where multiple entities are involved and are separated by commas.
Problem: So we went on for a long while, only interfered with by the occasional attentions of some barking dog.
| Solution: dog |
Question: W: Never mind. So did I. What was said before this conversation?
Answer: | M: I'm sorry that I completely forgot our appointment yesterday. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a paper review. Based on the review, your job is to identify language and generate "en" if the review is in English or generate "es" if the review is in Spanish. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
See one example below:
Problem: Este artículo no es un artículo de investigación, ya que sólo muestra cómo programar un robot mediante la herramienta de lógica difusa. Este tema ya ha sido propuesto como solución en navegación de robots.
Solution: es
Explanation: This review is written in spanish. Hence, the label is 'es'.
Problem: El artículo presenta un estudio de la percepción que tienen los ingenieros de requisitos (noveles y expertos) en relación a la efectividad de las diferentes técnicas de educción para el descubrimiento de los requisitos en un proyecto de desarrollo de software. El articulo trata un tema que merece cierta atención ante la gran cantidad de técnicas de educción que existen y la desorientación de los ingenieros de requisitos respecto de cuál utilizar en un determinado contexto. El estudio realizado considera como noveles Ingenieros que no tienen conocimiento de técnicas de educción y uno de los atributos que debe ser calificado como base del estudio comparativo, es precisamente su experiencia. De hecho como conclusión se expresa que “una más amplia formación y principalmente de tipo práctica, es necesaria para que los ingenieros noveles puedan decidir….”, eso es de Perogrullo. Debería ser considera una gama mayor de atributos del contexto como los sugeridos en [14], que permitan conclusiones más veraces.
Solution: | es |
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Malayalam language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Q: NITI Aayog Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) to launch a new program for Community Innovation tomorrow
A: | രാജ്യത്ത് നവീന ആശയങ്ങള്പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിന്റെ ഭാഗമായി നിതിആയോഗിന് കീഴിലുള്ള അടല് ഇന്നവേഷന് മിഷന് രൂപം നല്കിയ കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റി ഇന്നവേഷന് പരിപാടിക്ക് ന്യൂഡല്ഹിയില് നാളെതുടക്കമാകും. |
You are given a background paragraph that describes one or more causal or qualitative relationships such as a relationship in economics or a scientific law and a story that makes use of the concepts or the relationship described in the provided paragraph. You need to come up with a question about the story that requires an understanding of the relationship described in the background paragraph. The generated question should not be answerable without both the background and story. Write a question about the story that requires a relationship in the background paragraph to answer. Check whether your question requires both the background paragraph and the story to answer. If your question can be answered by only one of these, try to rewrite your question so that it requires both. Note that "flipping" a word in the question can give rise to a new question where the answer will be different from the original question. Often, "flipping" a word gives rise to flipping the direction of the relationship, for example, from "increase" to "decrease."
Q: Background Paragraph: Because of human activities, there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than in the past hundreds of thousands of years. Burning fossil fuels and has released great quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Cutting forests and clearing land has also increased carbon dioxide into the atmosphere because these activities reduce the number of autotrophic organisms that use up carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. In addition, clearing often involves burning, which releases carbon dioxide that was previously stored in autotrophs.
Story: Two researchers looked at the human influence on atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Tim studied a human settlement from 10000 years ago, while Bob studied a present day county. Today's economy in the county revolved around extensive agriculture.
A: | Which researcher didn't find that clearing often involves burning? |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Bengali language.
Q: Farrar said, “Experience from Australia shows most cases are dealt with by way of education.”
A: | ফারার বলেন, "অস্ট্রেলিয়ার অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে দেখা যাচ্ছে যে শিক্ষার মাধ্যমেই অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে মোকাবিলা করা হয়েছে"। |
Question 1: Has the world, at any point in human history, been entirely at peace?
Question 2: Which has been the most crucial time in humans' history?
- no
- yes
Would the answer to these two questions be the same?
Question 1: How iPhone is better than Android?
Question 2: What is better: iPhone or Android?
- no
- yes
A: yes
First question: Why do I invest in a hedge fund if I can see their portfolio and copy them?
Second question: Why do invest in hedge fund if I can see their portfolio and copy them?
Are these two questions asking the same thing?
- no
- yes
Questions: Q1: How can I download IGNOU study materials?
Q2: Are there any IGNOU study centres which actually help students with the course material? Have you had good experience with any SC?
- no
- yes
Answer: no
INPUT: Does anyone face inconvenience in demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupees in India?
What is the biggest inconvenience you've faced owing to recent demonetization in India?
Please tell me if those questions are the same.
- no
- yes
question: Do Indian women find themselves more attracted to white western men?
Do Indian women find Pakistani men attractive?
- no
- yes
answer: | no |
Instructions: In this task, you're given a question, along with a context passage which has extra information available on certain terms mentioned in it, i.e., the proper nouns in the passage. Your job is to determine whether information from more than one term is needed to answer the question. Indicate your choice as `a` for Yes or `b` for No.
Input: Question: Where was Peter Derow's teacher and lasting influence at Oxford born? Passage:Born in Newport, Rhode Island, Derow obtained his secondary education at The Roxbury Latin School in West Roxbury, Massachusetts. After an A.B. degree at Amherst (with Peter K. Marshall), he read for Greats as a second B.A. degree at Oxford in 1965–1967, achieving a First. At Oxford he was taught by, among others, W. G. (George) Forrest, who was a lasting influence. He completed a Ph.D. at Princeton on 'Rome and the Greek world from the earliest contacts to the end of the first Illyrian war', for which Professor J. V. A. Fine was his Advisor; in the preface to that work, he acknowledges the additional inspiration he had drawn from T. J. Luce and the historian and epigrapher C. Bradford Welles. After a spell of teaching at the University of Toronto, he returned to succeed Forrest at Wadham in 1977 when the latter was elected to the Wykeham Professorship of Ancient History at New College. In 2002–2005 Derow was also Director of Graduate Studies in ancient history for the Oxford Faculty of Classics.
Output: | b |
A text is given in Marathi. Translate it from the Marathi language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
One example is below.
Q: मित्रांनो, माझी ही सूचना तुम्हाला निश्चितच चांगली वाटली असणार
A: دوست، میرا نوٹس آپ نے یقینی طور پر اچھا محسوس کیا ہے
Rationale: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'Friends, my notice that you have definitely felt good' which is the same as the output sentence.
Q: भारताच्या धावपटू, पाय्योली एक्स्प्रेस, उडान परी आणि गोल्डन गर्ल नावाने ओळखल्या जाणाऱ्या पी टी उषा यांनी या शाळेच्या विकासासाठी मोठे योगदान दिले आहे. त्यांच्या या योगदानाचे स्मरण करत कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करणे आज औचित्याचे ठरेल.
A: | اُوشا اسکول کے سنتھیٹک ٹریک کےویڈیوکانفرنسنگ کے توسط سے افتتاح کے موقع پر وزیراعظم کی تقریر |
Instructions: In this task, you will be given sentences and a drug name in which your task is to indicate the doses of intake of that particular drug. A dose refers to a specified amount of medication taken at one time. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them.
Input: Severe abdominal pain in low dosage clofazimine. clofazimine
Output: | low |
In this task, you are given an abstract of article. Your task is to generate label "True" if abstract is structured, otherwise generate "False". A structured abstract is composed of a topic sentence (or key sentence), relevant supporting sentences, and a closing (or transition) sentence. This structure is key to keeping your abstract focused on the main idea and creating a clear and concise image.
Example: RanBP type proteins have been reported to increase the catalytic efficiency of the RanGAP-mediated GTPase reaction on Ran. Since the structure of the Ran-RanBP1-RanGAP complex showed RanBP1 to be located away from the active site, we reinvestigated the reaction using fluorescence spectroscopy under pre-steady-state conditions. We can show that RanBP1 indeed does not influence the rate-limiting step of the reaction, which is the cleavage of GTP and/or the release of product P(i). It does, however, influence the dynamics of the Ran-RanGAP interaction, its most dramatic effect being the 20-fold stimulation of the already very fast association reaction such that it is under diffusion control (4.5 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1)). Having established a valuable kinetic system for the interaction analysis, we also found, in contrast to previous findings, that the highly conserved acidic C-terminal end of RanGAP is not required for the switch-off reaction. Rather, genetic experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae demonstrate a profound effect of the acidic tail on microtubule organization during mitosis. We propose that the acidic tail of RanGAP is required for a process during mitosis.
Example solution: False
Example explanation: Output is appropriate for the given abstract because it is not structured.
Problem: BACKGROUND Calcium supplementation has been shown to decrease the risk of recurrence of colorectal adenomas in randomized trials. However, the duration of this protective effect after cessation of active supplementation is not known.
METHODS In the Calcium Polyp Prevention Study, 930 subjects with a previous colorectal adenoma were randomly assigned from November 1988 through April 1992 to receive placebo or 1200 mg of elemental calcium daily for 4 years. The Calcium Follow-up Study was an observational phase of the trial that tracked adenoma occurrence for an average of 7 years after the end of randomized treatment and gathered information regarding the use of medications, vitamins, and supplements during that time. We obtained follow-up information for 822 subjects, 597 of whom underwent at least one colonoscopy after the end of study treatment and are included in this analysis. Generalized linear models were used to compute relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the effect of randomized calcium treatment on risk of adenoma recurrence during the first 5 years after study treatment ended and during the subsequent 5 years. Statistical tests were two-sided.
RESULTS During the first 5 years after randomized treatment ended, subjects in the calcium group still had a substantially and statistically significantly lower risk of any adenoma than those in the placebo group (31.5% versus 43.2%; adjusted RR = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.46 to 0.87, P = .005) and a smaller and not statistically significant reduction in risk of advanced adenomas (adjusted RR = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.43 to 1.69, P = .65). However, the randomized treatment was not associated with the risk of any type of polyp during the next 5 years. The findings were broadly similar when the analysis was restricted to subjects who did not report use of any calcium supplements after the treatment phase of the trial ended.
CONCLUSION The protective effect of calcium supplementation on risk of colorectal adenoma recurrence extends up to 5 years after cessation of active treatment, even in the absence of continued supplementation.
| Solution: True |
In this task, you are given a text of the article. Your task is to generate a headline (title) for this article.
One example: australia 's current account deficit shrunk by a record #.## billion dollars -lrb- #.## billion us -rrb- in the june quarter due to soaring commodity prices , figures released monday showed .
Solution is here: australian current account deficit narrows sharply
Explanation: This headline is appropriate for the given article text because the focus of this article is Australian current accounts.
Now, solve this: british foreign secretary robin cook met bosnian serb opposition leaders wednesday before going on to croatia and talks with president franjo tudjman .
Solution: | cook arrives in zagreb after talks with serbs by UNK UNK |
You will be given a context, a subject and a relation. Your task is to generate a question based on the subject and relation. The generated question should include the given subject. Try to use a minimum number of words that are not present in either context, subject or relation while generating question.
Example: Context : Isaac Nicola Romero (1916 in Havana, Cuba -- 1997) was a prominent Cuban guitarist and one of the founders of the modern Cuban Guitar School.
Subject : Isaac Nicola
Relation : place of birth
Example solution: What was Isaac Nicola's city of birth?
Example explanation: Here the question is generated on Isaac Nicola Romero who is the subject and the relation of question to the context is about the place of birth of Isaac Nicola Romero. Hence generated question is correct
Problem: Context : Production soon followed, entering the armed forces of both countries as the Solothurn S2-200 and Maschinengewehr Solothurn 1930, or MG 30, respectively.
Subject : MG 30
Relation : service entry
| Solution: What year was MG 30 commissioned? |
In this task, you are given a sentence in the Bulgarian language and corresponding Greek translation of this sentence. Here, your job is to generate label "True" if translation is correct, otherwise generate label "False".
Example input: Поддържащата доза е 15 mg веднъж дневно, но при някои пациенти по- високите дози може да са от полза.
Example output: True
Example explanation: Translation of French sentence to Slovak sentence is correctly translated.
Q: При едновременната употреба на ABILIFY и карбамазепин, дозата на ABILIFY трябва да бъде удвоена.Η δόση του ABILIFY θα πρέπει να διπλασιάζεται όταν υπάρχει ταυτόχρονη χορήγηση του ABILIFY με καρβαμαζεπίνη.
A: | True |
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in Spanish. Your job is to translate the Spanish sentence into Farsi.
Q: Dividámoslos, descompongamos eso en problemas mucho más pequeños, y luego encontremos soluciones simples para ellos.
A: | آنها را بشکنیم ، آنها را به مشکلات کوچکتری خرد کنیم ، و بعد برای حل آنها راههای ساده پیدا کنیم. |
Instructions: Given a real-life anecdote of a complex ethical situation, identify who is wrong here. Classify each post into the following categories : AUTHOR (if the author of the post is wrong in the situation), OTHER (if any of the others mentioned in the paragraph is wrong), EVERYBODY (if everyone mentioned is wrong) and NOBODY (if no one is wrong in the situation).
Input: I love my girlfriend to death, and between school and work we rarely get to hang out. Every other weekend we get to hangout, and for the most part I'm ecstatic when she gets to come over, as is her. But some days I just want to be alone, some days I dont entirely feel like being around anyone for that matter and that usually leaves my girlfriend sad, and me feeling awful. AITA?
Output: | NOBODY |
In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every even number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no even numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list.
Example: [[7, -3, -3, 11], [-6, -6, -5, 2], [-8, 4, -3]]
Example solution: [0, 72, -32]
Example explanation: The first inner list has no even integers, so the first number in the output is 0. The second list has -6, -6, 2 for even integers so the second output is 72. The third list has -8, 4 as even numbers so the third output is -32. This is a good example.
Problem: [[-11, 46, -7, -50, -3], [13, -7, 18, 10], [14, 9], [23, 39, -39, 46, -43], [17, -39, 14, 14], [41, -16], [-23, 15, -6], [20, -42, -30], [-11, 39, -47, -6, 4], [0, 13], [45, -39, -30, -40], [10, -19], [34, 40, -32, 44, -18]]
| Solution: [-2300, 180, 14, 46, 196, -16, -6, 25200, -24, 0, 1200, 10, 34467840] |
Question: Combine facts and answer this: What year was the magazine, which featured "A Sound of Thunder" in 1952, founded?
Answer: 1888
Question: Combine facts and answer this: Spider One and Aleksi Sihvonen, have which similar occupation?
Answer: singer
Question: Combine facts and answer this: Who wrote the screenplay for a 2006 film directed by the director of "The French Connection"?
Answer: | Tracy Letts |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given an input list. A list contains several comma-separated items written within brackets. You need to return the position of all the numerical elements in the given list in order. Assume the position of the 1st element to be 1. Return -1 if no numerical element is in the list.
Q: ['7715', 'f', '1489', '6281', '4081', '3825', 'w', '1793', '6765', '7827', '8199', 'j', 'n', '6537', '5029', 'K']
A: | 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 |
In this task, you are given a list. This list contains many lists of integers. The list is several items written within a []. Your task is to find the maximum number among the members of each inner list. The output should be a list comprised of the maximums with the same order as the internal lists.
Example: [[5, 3], [2, 9, 8], [3, 3], [5, 2, 7, 1]]
Example solution: [5, 9, 3, 7]
Example explanation: Input of this example is a list containing four inner lists. The maximum value of the first inner list is 5, the maximum value of the second list is 9, the maximum value of the third list is 3, and the maximum value of the fourth list is 7. So the output should be [5, 9, 3, 7], and this is a good example.
Problem: [[-131, 44, 61, -178, -136, -46, 94], [-127, -88, -143, 35], [-159, -169, -82, -145, -83, 78], [-40, -102, -26, 69], [-83, -48, -170, -136, 30, -97], [-190, 50, -189, -16, -174, -69], [-101, -76, 70, -62, -43, -105], [-98, -171, -103, -10, 1, -68]]
| Solution: [94, 35, 78, 69, 30, 50, 70, 1] |
A text is given in Gujarati. Translate it from the Gujarati language to the Malayalam language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Example input: ജന് ആധാര് മണി (ജാം)- ആനുകൂല്യങ്ങള് നേരിട്ടു ഗുണഭോക്താക്കള്ക്ക് നല്കല് ( ഡിബിറ്റി) എന്നിവ ബാങ്ക് ദേശസാല്ക്കരണത്തിനു ശേഷമുള്ള വിപ്ലവകരമായ മാറ്റങ്ങളാണെന്ന് മന്ത്രി വിശേഷിപ്പിച്ചു
Example output: મંત્રીએ બેંકો (ડીબીટી) સાથે લાભદાયી લાભાર્થીઓને વર્ણવ્યું
Example explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'The minister described the Beneficent beneficiaries with Banks (DBT)' which is the same as the output sentence.
Q: മോദി പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയെന്ന നിലയില് പ്രതീക്ഷകള് ഉയര്ത്തിയെന്ന വീക്ഷണം ചിലയാളുകള്ക്കുണ്ടാകാമെന്ന് അദ്ദേഹം പറഞ്ഞു.
A: | કેટલાક લોકો એવું માને છે કે, મોદીએ પ્રધાનમંત્રી તરીકે અપેક્ષાઓ ઊભી કરી છે. |
Q: In this task, you're given a text which is the body of the document. Indicate your answer as "Yes" if the text is about a person, otherwise indicate your answer as "No". Don't generate anything else apart from "Yes" or "No". Pay attention that for your answer to be "Yes", the passage should be generally about a person. Mentions of people in the text don't necessarily mean the text is about a person.
Text: Jacob LeBlanc (born February 2 1981 in Auburn California) is an American retired professional soccer player.
A: | Yes |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in Persian, and your task is to translate it into English.
Q: هیچکس بهتر از او در مورد گناه غرور، فساد قدرت و رستگاری عشق ننوشته است.
A: | No one wrote better about the sin of pride, the corruption of power, and the redemption of love. |
Problem: Given the background: Ocean acidification occurs when excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes the oceans to become acidic. Burning fossil fuels has led to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is then absorbed by the oceans, which lowers the pH of the water. Ocean acidification can kill corals and shellfish. It may also cause marine organisms to reproduce less, which could harm other organisms in the food chain. As a result, there also may be fewer marine organisms for humans to consume. and the situation: The biologists found out that the Indian Ocean had a lower water pH than it did a decade ago, and it became acidic. The water in the Arctic ocean still had a neutral to basic pH. Answer the following question: Which ocean has a lower content of carbon dioxide in its waters?
A: Arctic
Problem: Given the background: The body's second line of defense against pathogens includes the inflammatory response. If bacteria enter the skin through a scrape, the area may become red, warm, and painful. These are signs of inflammation. Inflammation is one way the body reacts to infections or injuries. Inflammation is caused by chemicals that are released when skin or other tissues are damaged. The chemicals cause nearby blood vessels to dilate, or expand. This increases blood flow to the damaged area, which makes the area red and slightly warm. The chemicals also attract white blood cells called neutrophils to the wound and cause them to leak out of blood vessels into the damaged tissue. and the situation: John and Keith were playing football - the game was rough to say the least. They both got hurt. After the game they went to see the sports physician for a check up. The physician found that John had inflammation, but Keith didn't have any inflammation. Answer the following question: Whose wound would not have increased blood flow, John or Keith?
A: Keith
Problem: Given the background: Recall that air pollution is due to chemical substances and particles released into the air mainly by human actions. When most people think of air pollution, they think of the pollution outdoors. But it is just as easy to have indoor air pollution. Your home or school classroom probably doesn't get much fresh air. Sealing up your home reduces heating and cooling costs. But this also causes air pollution to stay trapped indoors. And people today usually spend a majority of their time indoors. So exposure to indoor air pollution can become a significant health risk. and the situation: James spent a lot of time indoors, and didn't get out much like Rob, his friend, who loved outdoors stuff. Answer the following question: Which friend was exposed more to chemical substances?
A: James
Problem: Given the background: Gamma rays, X-rays and the higher energy range of ultraviolet light constitute the ionizing part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word "ionize" refers to the breaking of one or more electrons away from an atom, an action that requires the relatively high energies that these electromagnetic waves supply. Further down the spectrum, the non-ionizing lower energies of the lower ultraviolet spectrum cannot ionize atoms, but can disrupt the inter-atomic bonds which form molecules, thereby breaking down molecules rather than atoms; a good example of this is sunburn caused by long-wavelength solar ultraviolet. The waves of longer wavelength than UV in visible light, infrared and microwave frequencies cannot break bonds but can cause vibrations in the bonds which are sensed as heat. Radio wavelengths and below generally are not regarded as harmful to biological systems. These are not sharp delineations of the energies; there is some overlap in the effects of specific frequencies.The word radiation arises from the phenomenon of waves radiating (i.e., traveling outward in all directions) from a source. This aspect leads to a system of measurements and physical units that are applicable to all types of radiation. Because such radiation expands as it passes through space, and as its energy is conserved (in vacuum), the intensity of all types of radiation from a point source follows an inverse-square law in relation to the distance from its source. Like any ideal law, the inverse-square law approximates a measured radiation intensity to the extent that the source approximates a geometric point. and the situation: A scientists has discovered two new types of radiation. He notes that radiation type A has the ability to break away atoms from molecules, while radiation type B simply causes them to vibrate. Answer the following question: Which radiation type will have a longer wavelength, radiation type A or B?
A: | A |
In this task you will be given a list of integers. You should find the minimum absolute difference between 2 integers in the list. The absolute difference is the absolute value of one integer subtracted by another. The output should be a single integer which is the smallest possible absolute distance.
Example: [9, 40, -33, 12, 17, -32, 40]
Example solution: 0
Example explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 0 because '40 - 40 = 0' and '40' appears in the list twice. So this is a good example.
Problem: [-35, 97, -89, -35, 18, 15, -66, 24, 24]
| Solution: 0 |
You are given a sentence in Portuguese. Your job is to translate the Portuguese sentence into Polish.
Example input: Os "" media "" interligavam-se connosco.
Example output: Media łączyły się z nami.
Example explanation: The Portugese sentence is correctly translated into Polish, because the meaning is preserved.
Q: Charles Babbage, penso que conhecido da maioria dos TEDsters, inventou a primeira calculadora mecânica e o primeiro protótipo de um computador moderno.
A: | Charles Babbage, zapewne znany widowni TED-a, skonstruował pierwszy kalkulator i prototyp komputera. |
Categorize the comment on the basis of obscenity. If the comment is obscene output Yes, otherwise output No.
Example input: Will this remove the property from city taxes?
Example output: No
Example explanation: The comment here is just a normal question without any indecent words and categorized as not obscene. Hence, it is a positive example
Q: Governor Walker is new on the block and yet he has proposed a solution to our fiscal problems. He barred his teeth to the legislative leadership today when he "unsheathed" the veto pen regarding the LIO purchase. Those facts and that gesture are creating political credibility with Alaskans. The old war horses who created this disaster just kept putting duct tape over the warning lights so as not to be bothered. For example, they did nothing between sessions to address this fiscal dilemma. As long as the CBR remains they will not be bothered. Oh, they may feign concern and take actions to perhaps reduce future expenditures ; however, nothing I have seen has eroded my faith in the prediction of Lyman Hoffman who stated last spring that they will do nothing this year to put our fiscal house in order and won't until after the election and then after the savings are drained.
A: | No |
In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You need to write an implausible answer to the question. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man".
Example: M: I am considering dropping my dancing class. I am not making any progress. W: If I were you, I stick with it. It's definitely worth time and effort., Question: What does the man suggest the woman do?
Example solution: Take a more interesting class.
Example explanation: This is a good example. Based on the conversation, the man thinks the dancing class is worth time and effort. So, the man doesn't suggest her to take a more interesting class and one of the wrong answers is "Take a more interesting class.".
Problem: M: Maria. Let's put aside the topic for later. My boss will blame me for being late. W: OK. I have to go and buy some pet foods., Question: What is the man's purpose by saying so?
| Solution: To continue the argument. |
Given a command in a limited form of natural language, provide the correct sequence of actions that executes the command to thus navigate an agent in its environment. A command can be broken down into many different actions. Actions are uppercase and are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. The word 'opposite' turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output.
Example input: jump left
Example output: I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP
Example explanation: The agent must first turn left and then jump in order to jump to the left.
Q: turn opposite right thrice after walk around left twice
Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in German that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Example input: 1975 년부터 76 년까지 NBA 시즌은 전국 농구 협회 (National Basketball Association)의 30 번째 시즌이었다.
Example output: Die Saison 1975 - 76 der National Basketball Association war die 30. Saison der NBA.
Example explanation: This is a correct and accurate translation from Korean to German because the translated paraphrase retains the main message that between the years 1975-1976, the 30th NBA season occurred.
Q: codesis _ 4에서 두 번째 파일은 codice _ 8이고 codesis _ 5에서 두 번째 파일은 codice _ 10입니다.
A: | In Codice 4 befindet sich der zweite Dateicodice 8 und Codice 5 ist der zweite Dateicodice 10. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given a list of strings and you need to concatenate them.
See one example below:
Problem: ['a', 'b', 'c']
Solution: abc
Explanation: The strings 'a', 'b', 'c', got concatenated into the string 'abc'. So this is a good example.
Problem: ['f', 'V', 'j', 'D', 'B', 'g', 'soon', 'W', 'wants', 'A']
Solution: | fVjDBgsoonWwantsA |
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Can I borrow your car for a few hours this afternoon, Sue? W: Sure, Bill. But I need it back by 5:00. M: I'll have it back by 4:30 with a full tank. Question: When will Bill return the car to Sue? - By 4:30 p.m. - At 5:00 p.m. - By 5:30 p.m.
By 4:30 p.m.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Hi, Dave. Good to see you could come a long way. Come in. M: Wow. Looks like the party is at a high point. W: Yeah. And they're eating all of my food. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister, Carol. She's visiting on the weekend. M: Oh. Which one is she? W: She's sitting on the sofa over there. M: You mean the woman with long black hair? W: That's right. Let me introduce her to you. You're both so friendly and adventurous. M: And who's the man sitting next to her? Uh, the man wearing the suit jacket? W: Oh, that's Bob, my ballet teacher. M: Ballet teacher! I never knew you could do ballet. W: I started about two months ago. Come on. I'd like you to meet them. M: I'm coming. Question: What is the relationship between the two speakers? - Colleagues. - Neighbours. - Friends.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: If I were ten years younger, I would have got the job. M: Right. They think young girls can do the job better. Question: Why didn't the woman get the job? - She is not old enough. - She is not good at the job. - She is no longer young.
| She is no longer young. |
Instructions: In this task, you are given the name of an Indian food dish. You need to classify the dish as "sweet" or "spicy".
Input: Poha
Output: | spicy |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question.
Problem:The first recorded reference to the dish was 'Welsh rabbit' in 1725, but the origin of the term is unknown.
Solution: | where does the name welsh rarebit come from |
Instructions: In this task, you're given the middle and ending of a three-part story. Your job is to complete the short story by writing a probable beginning of the story. Generated sentences must be short, have fewer than 10 words, and be simple as if narrating to a child. Avoid using any irrelevant extra information when creating the beginning, and use names (e.g. Jack, Barbara,...) instead of pronouns (e.g. he / she) wherever possible.
Input: Middle: Jody never made a mistake. Ending: Jody became a manager and succeeded.
Output: | Jody was a very hard worker. |
Given a set of four words, generate the category that the words belong to. Words are separated by commas. The possible categories are social gathering, accomodation, physical property, measurement unit, corporate, nutritional value, boats, police punishment, location (proximity), card games, outdoor sport activity, military rank, baby animals, weather, consumer product, animals, boxing terminology, food, chocolate food, bird, type of sandwich, date status, body part, ocean, employment activity, moral characteristic, elements, poker, computers, construction, guitar part, shady activities, physical activity, kitchenware, temperature, type of rigidity, emotional status, season, mode of transportation, window material, activity, emotional display, geographical property, fried food, store status, widespread, aesthetic characteristic, alcoholic drinks, secretary duty, direction, personal characteristic, and animal.
Example input: excavator, crane, hoist, upraise
Example output: construction
Example explanation: These four words are all construction equipment, such as 'excavator', 'crane', and 'hoist', or describe a common activity used in construction, such as 'upraise'.
Q: current, prompt, delayed, detests
A: | date status |
Given a negotiation between two participants, answer 'Yes' if both participants agree to the deal, otherwise answer 'No'.
Example input: THEM: i need the hats and the ball YOU: i can give you one hat and the ball. i want 2 books and 1 hat THEM: i have to have both hats and the ball or both hats and a book to make a deal YOU: sorry, i won`t make a deal without a hat THEM: if you take 1 hat i have to have everything else YOU: sorry can`t do THEM: no deal YOU: yesh no deal, sorry THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
Example output: No
Example explanation: Both participants do not agree to the deal, so the answer is No.
Q: THEM: hi, i would like the books and hat and you can have the balls YOU: sorry, i need the hat, but you can have the books. THEM: the only way i can let go of the hat is to get all the books and the balls YOU: okay. i can work with that. i'll take the 1 hat and you can get the rest of the 4. THEM: ok deal. thanks.
A: | Yes |
You will be given a text in the Russian language, and you should classify the given input text to one of the emotion labels from this list of emotion labels- ['joy', 'sadness', 'surprise', 'fear', 'anger']. Make sure your output label (i) is strictly present in the given list of emotion labels. (ii) is unambiguous.
Example input: Кому они так необходимы, эти страдания?» А у меня спина болит, ходить больно :(
Example output: sadness
Example explanation: The input text states the suffering of a person who is unable to walk as his back hurts. There is an emotion of 'sadness' in this text. So, the input text is labeled correctly as 'sadness'.
Q: Для девушки 24 - х , которая уже пережила довольно серьезные травмы в отношениях и позволившая себе глубоко влюбиться еще раз , это было невыносимо больно .
A: | sadness |
In this task you're given a question and you have to paraphrase the question to create the output question while retaining the meaning of the original question.
One example: What can one do after MBBS?
Solution is here: What do i do after my MBBS ?
Explanation: In this example both the question ask the same thing about what to do after MBBS hence second question is the correct output
Now, solve this: What is the biggest conning ever done by a man?
Solution: | What is the biggest injustice you have ever faced? |
Instructions: In the following task, you are given a yes/no question, its answer, and additional information which includes a description of a key term in the question and several facts. Your task is to "decompose the question"i.e. write the steps required to construct the given answer where each step is a question that can be answered using Wikipedia articles. To decompose the question, think of a decomposition strategy you could apply to answer the question through a search against Wikipedia. The decomposition strategy might not be obvious for some questions. For this reason, you are provided with additional information. You are not required to write decompositions that exactly match the provided facts, they are only meant as guidance. If the facts are too noisy, think about how you would have used Wikipedia to answer this question to create the decomposition. "not_definitive_answer" is true if there is no clear answer i.e. the question is ambiguous or a subjective opinion."incorrect_answer" is true if the answer to the question is not correct. If the answer is incorrect, write a decomposition that evaluates the correct answer. Each question should be easy to answer based on simple facts from Wikipedia pages, or a simple check using the answers to preceding questions. To ensure this, we also ask you to enter a potential Wikipedia article that would contain the answer to each question. If you can not think of a Wikipedia page that can answer your question, please think of a different strategy. You do not need to enter a Wikipedia page for steps that don't add new information and only contain simple checks. The answer to the final question is the same as the answer to the original question. Every question's answer has an impact on the final answer and there should be no redundant steps in the decomposition.
Input: Question: Does Carmen Electra own a junk?, Answer:No, Description of Junk (ship): Type of boat, Fact1: A junk is a boat., Fact2: Boats are sailed on open water., Fact3: Carmen Electra has a fear of open water.
Output: | Step1: What is another name for a junk?, Step2: Where does one use #1?, Step3: Does Carmen Electra like being in #2?, Wikipedia page for step 1: Junk, Wikipedia page for step 2: Boat, Wikipedia page for step 3: Carmen Electra, not_definitive_answer: False, incorrect_answer: False |
Given the fact that: An object with greater mass or greater velocity has more kinetic energy. Answer the question: Which object likely contains more energy a pinhead or the sun?
the sun
Given the fact that: The thinner the wire, the more resistance it offers. Answer the question: Barry is connecting new wires to his speakers. His new wires are thicker than the old ones, therefore, he should expect that the electrical current will display more or less resistance than his older, thinner ones?
Q: Given the fact that: At higher temperatures, particles of reactants have more energy, so they move faster. Answer the question: Tom raised the temperature of a reactant in a lab. The particles in the reactant now have less or more energy?
A: more
Question: Given the fact that: When your brain senses that your body temperature is increasing, it sends messages to the blood vessels in the skin to increase in diameter. Answer the question: The blood vessels near the top of the skin do what when it's warm enlarge or contract?
Answer: enlarge
Given the fact that: Because richer nations use more fossil fuels, they also cause more air pollution and global warming than poorer nations do. Answer the question: Mona lives in a nation that doesn't use a lot of fossil fuels. What would happen to her countries levels of air pollution if they were to increase their usage increase or decrease?
Given the fact that: The louder the sounds are, the less exposure is needed to cause hearing loss. Answer the question: If you are at a loud rock concert what will not happen to your hearing increase or decrease?
| increase |
For the given English description, write an SQL command such that it accomplishes every step. An SQL query works by selecting data from a table where certain conditions apply. A table contains columns where every row in that table must have a value for each column. Every table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each row, usually an id. To choose which columns are returned you specify that after the "SELECT" statement. Next, you use a "FROM" statement to specify what tables you want to select the data from. When you specify a table you can rename it with the "AS" statement. You can reference that table by whatever name follows the "AS" statement. If you want to select data from multiple tables you need to use the "JOIN" statement. This will join the tables together by pairing a row in one table with every row in the other table (Cartesian Product). To limit the number of rows returned you should use the "ON" statement. This will only return rows where the condition specified after the statement is true, this is usually an equals operator with primary keys. You can also use the "WHERE" statement to specify that only rows with column values statisfying a certain condition, should be returned. The "GROUP BY" statement will group rows together that have equal column values for whatever columns follows the statement. The "HAVING" statement will return groups that statisfy whatever condition follows the statement. Any column(s) being returned from grouped rows must either be an aggregate function, (AVG, MAX, COUNT, SUM, ...) of a column, or the column(s) that the data was grouped by. To sort the returned data you can use the "ORDER BY" command which will order the data by whatever aggregate function or column follows the statement. The "DESC" statement will sort in descending order and the "ASC" statement will sort in ascending order. Finally, you can use the "LIMIT" statement to return a certain number of rows. When "*" is used in an SQL statement every column is returned. For example, SELECT * FROM table WHERE attribute = 1, will select every column from rows with the attribute column equal to 1.
Input: Consider Input: Did M0 's cinematographer , art director , director , writer , costume designer , star , and editor direct and executive produce M1
Output: SELECT count(*) WHERE {
?x0 M0 .
?x0 M0 .
?x0 M0 .
?x0 M1 .
?x0 M0 .
?x0 ns:film.film_art_director.films_art_directed M0 .
?x0 ns:film.film_costumer_designer.costume_design_for_film M0 .
?x0 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced M1 .
?x0 M0
Input: Consider Input: Did M0 marry M5 , M6 , and M7 , influence M1 , M2 , and M3 , and influence M4
Output: SELECT count(*) WHERE {
FILTER ( M0 != M5 ) .
FILTER ( M0 != M6 ) .
FILTER ( M0 != M7 ) .
M0 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced M1 .
M0 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced M2 .
M0 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced M3 .
M0 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced M4 .
M0 ns:people.person.spouse_s/ns:people.marriage.spouse|ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.married_to/ns:fictional_universe.marriage_of_fictional_characters.spouses M5 .
M0 ns:people.person.spouse_s/ns:people.marriage.spouse|ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.married_to/ns:fictional_universe.marriage_of_fictional_characters.spouses M6 .
M0 ns:people.person.spouse_s/ns:people.marriage.spouse|ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.married_to/ns:fictional_universe.marriage_of_fictional_characters.spouses M7
Input: Consider Input: Did M3 's art director , director , cinematographer , and star direct M4 and executive produce M0 , M1 , and M2
| Output: SELECT count(*) WHERE {
?x0 M3 .
?x0 M3 .
?x0 M3 .
?x0 M4 .
?x0 ns:film.film_art_director.films_art_directed M3 .
?x0 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced M0 .
?x0 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced M1 .
?x0 ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced M2
Instructions: Given a sentence in Igbo language, translate the sentence to English language keeping the meaning of the original sentence intact
Input: Igbo sentence: Ma ọ bụ ikekwe ị na-arụ ọrụ ruo ogologo awa pụọ n'ụlọ?
Output: | Or perhaps you have to work for long hours away from home? |
You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Hebrew.
Example input: życiu stawić czoła Granicę przekrocz "" Będziesz wolna "", już ktoś tam woła. Kobiety nadziei Kobiety zmian Kobiety wojny i bólu Czuję waszą siłę tak ona powiedziała Jeśli czujesz się bezsilna, pomóż komuś Jeśli czujesz się bezsilna pomóż komuś Nikt naprawdę nie wie jak daleko pójdą by dalej żyć Nikt naprawdę nie wie jak daleko pójdą
Example output: ♫ עם הכוח לעמוד ♫ ♫ בחצותה את הגבול ♫ ♫ היא אמרה, "" אתם תגדלו חופשיים על האדמה הזו "" ♫ ♫ נשים של תקווה ♫ ♫ נשים של שינוי ♫ ♫ נשים של מלחמה וכאב ♫ ♫ אני יכולה להרגיש את הכוח שלכן ♫ ♫ במילים אלו היא אמרה ♫ ♫ אם אתן מרגישות חסרות ישע ♫ ♫ עיזרו למישהו ♫ ♫ אם אתן מרגישות חסרות ישע ♫ ♫ עיזרו למישהו ♫ ♫ אף אחד לא באמת יודע ♫ ♫ כמה רחוק הן תלכנה ♫ ♫ כדי להשאר בחיים ♫ ♫ אף אחד לא באמת יודע ♫ ♫ כמה רחוק הן תלכנה ♫
Example explanation: The Polish sentence is correctly translated into Hebrew, because the meaning is preserved.
Q: Bardzo potężny.
A: | בעלת עוצמה רבה מאוד. |
In this task, you are given a premise, a hypothesis, and an update. The premise sentence describes a real-world situation and is always assumed to be true. The hypothesis sentence describes an assumption or inference that you might make about that situation having read the premise. The update provides additional information about the situation that might weaken or strengthen the hypothesis. A weakener is a statement that weakens the hypothesis, that is, it makes you much less likely to believe the hypothesis is true. A strengthener is a statement that strengthens the hypothesis, that is, it makes you much more likely to believe the hypothesis is true. Your task is to answer with 'strengthener' or 'weakener' if the update strengthens or weakens the hypothesis, respectively.
Example: Premise: Old man crafting something in his workshop.
Hypothesis: An old man is working.
Update: The man is serious and is surrounded by workers.
Example solution: strengthener
Example explanation: If the old man is serious and surrounded by workers, it is more likely that he is working.
Problem: Premise: Two children are playing on the beach and the girl is jumping.
Hypothesis: There are kids playing on the beach during sunset
Update: The kids' shadows are very short.
| Solution: weakener |
In this task, you are given reviews written about the books in Bengali. You are expected to classify the sentiment of the reviews into two classes: positive or negative.
Q: খুব খুব খুব ওভাররেটেড উপন্যাস। এরচাইতে ঢের ভালো লেখা আছে সমরেশ মজুমদারের।
A: | negative |
In this task, you're given a context passage. Your job is to generate relevant questions that can be answered by directly referring to the passage.
Q: Aubrey took the setback in stride and finished their homework.
A: | What will Aubrey want to do next? |
Question: Title: Good book Review: Wish it was a little bigger. Not as long either. But learned a lot from this book :). Would reccomend to others. Is the review positive or negative?
Answer: | Positive |
Translate the following sentence to German:
German: | . |
In this task, you are given the name of an Indian food dish. You need to return whether the dish is "non vegetarian" or "vegetarian". Do not answer with any words other than those two.
Example: Balu shahi
Example solution: vegetarian
Example explanation: Balu shahi is a vegetarian dish.
Problem: Biryani
| Solution: non vegetarian |
Question: Generate a question about the following movie plot: Brittney Havers (Susan Ward), a South Florida high school senior, lives with her wealthy stepfather, Niles Dunlap (Anthony John Denison), after her mother ran her car off the road in "Gator Alley" and was presumably eaten by alligators a year earlier. When Dunlap is killed in a private plane crash, his will calls for Brittney to receive a small stipend until she finishes college, after which she will receive only $25,000 a year for life from the estate. The rest of Dunlap's assets, totaling $70 million, are to be left to a corporate trust, unless a blood heir can be found. Brittney's brash, relatively poor classmate Maya (Leila Arcieri) suddenly claims to be Dunlap's illegitimate daughter as the result of her mother's extramarital affair. She is ordered by a judge to submit to a DNA test, the result of which proves she is Dunlap's child. At the Dunlap home, Brittney hears a noise on her way to the wine cellar but it turns out to just be rats. Suddenly Maya appears and the girls reveal they are lovers before being joined by Dr. Julian Haynes (Joe Michael Burke), who had arranged the DNA test. The trio are in cahoots, running a scam to secure and share Dunlap's fortune. Insurance investigator Terence Bridge (Isaiah Washington), investigating the circumstances of the plane crash, finds out from Dunlap's medical records that Dunlap had scarlet fever as a child, one of the side effects of which can be sterility, and asks Dr. Haynes how Dunlap could have fathered a child. Dr. Haynes gets nervous about the plot unraveling and contacts Maya. He agrees to meet her and Brittney that night at the docks, where Maya shoots him. The two girls dispose of his body in Gator Alley. After Bridge learns the entire affair was planned, he shows up at the Dunlap home and demands half the money in return for not going to the police. Brittney, refusing to give up any of the money, gets a gun and points it at Bridge, but instead kills Maya. She tells Bridge that he has to earn his half. He loads Maya's body into the trunk of his car...
Answer: | How old is Brittany Havers (aka Susan Ward) |
In this task, you are given music product reviews in Japanese language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative.
One example is below.
Q: アルトゥール・ルービンシュタインの豪華ボックス・セット . 今世紀を代表する大物ピアニストの一人、アルトゥール・ルービンシュタインの残した正規の録音をCD92枚に集大成した豪華ボックス・セット。装丁の立派さはもちろんのこと、なんと言っても素晴らしいのは高水準な内容の演奏が多いことで、ルービンシュタインに関心のある方にはたまらないボックス・セットだといえるでしょう。半世紀に及ぶルービンシュタインの録音活動のすべてをカバーしています。初CD化も多数。装丁ももちろん豪華。各CDはルービンシュタインの様々な写真をデザインしたデジパック仕様のジャケットに収められ、また、全380ページに及ぶハードカバー&カラーの大型欧文解説書には、未発表のものを含む写真220枚以上と便利な作品インデックスが掲載されています。さらに、それら全CDと解説書を収めるコレクターズ・ナンバー入り美麗豪華収納ボックスも付いてくるというのですから、言うことがありません。2000年度レコード・アカデミー賞受賞の名盤でもあります。
Rationale: The overall sentiment of the review is positive as the reviewer refers to the music piece with positive expressions such as '今世紀を代表する大物ピアニスト'. Hence, the label is 'POS'.
Q: 良質なんですけど・・・ . 「月のワルツ」に尽きますね。NHK「みんなのうた」で私ゃ見事ぶっとびました(笑)。DVD同梱でおいしい作品です。が・・・。CCCDっていったい何なんでしょ?一貫してハイファイな音質の作風なのにCCCD・・・。リスナーはもちろん、アーティストに対しても、またこの作品に携わり汗をかいた関係者全てに対する冒涜だと思います。だってDVDとCDの「月のワルツ」では音質明らかに違うじゃないですか。CDのほうはコンプレッサーかけすぎたようなシュワシュワした音・・・。DVD版を後から聴いてその音の立体感にハッとさせられたくらいで。私はオーディオ壊したくないので早速CD-Rに焼きましたが(爆)とにかくCCCD弾力化という流れのようなので、このオカシな状態を早く是正してもらいたいです。
A: | POS |
You will be asked how to do a certain task. You should describe a physical process that does not lead to the asked outcome, yet it is closely related to it (i.e., it should use the words that are provided in the input). The physical process can be moving something, arranging something in a certain way, mixing things, shaking them, etc. To make sure that the generated process does not lead to the asked outcome, you can introduce objects or events unrelated to the context of the question e.g. 'cleaning the keyboard by making an elephant sit on them'; or you can create contradictory statements e.g. 'drying wet keyboards with running water'. In your responses, avoid typos and misspellings.
Example input: How do you remove keys from a computer keyboard for cleaning?
Example output: Place the tip of your finger under the corner of a key and gently twist to pop it off.
Example explanation: The answer is related to the question, but certainly doesn't lead to the asked outcome( A sharp narrow object should be used instead of finger.), so this is a correct answer.
Q: How do you make sun tea?
A: | Get a large glass jug, fill it with water, add 6 to 8 tea bags of your flavor choice, put the lid on a set it inside a dark closet for 3 to 4 hours. Add ice and enjoy. |
In this task, you will be shown a Persian passage. You need to write a Persian question for the passage. Your question should be answerable based on the passage and only have one correct answer.
Example: وارن بافت، (زادهٔ ۳۰ اوت ۱۹۳۰) سرمایهگذار، اقتصاددان، مدیر اجرایی و نیکوکار آمریکایی است، که هماکنون (۲۰۲۱) با دارایی بیش از ۸۵ میلیارد دلار، بهعنوان هشتمین فرد ثروتمند جهان شناخته میشود. او مدیرعامل و رئیس هیئت مدیره شرکت برکشایر هاتاوی است. و مالکیت شرکتهای گایکو، دیری کوئین، هاینز و مارس اینکورپوریتد را در اختیار دارد، همچنین دارای سهام در شرکتهای اپل، جنرال الکتریک، گلدمن ساکس، ولز فارگو، شرکتهای کوکاکولا و پپسی، آمریکن اکسپرس، بنک آو امریکا و آیبیام میباشد. در زندگینامه وارن بافت آمدهاست که پدرش هاوارد بافت، تاجر و سیاستمدار بود. وارن بافت دومین فرزند از ۳ فرزند و تنها پسر خانواده بافت بود. او در دوران کودکی نیز استعداد زیادی در تجارت داشت. وارن تحصیلات خود را در دبستان رز هیل در شهر اوماها آغاز کرد. در سال ۱۹۴۲ پدرش در انتخابات کنگره آمریکا پیروز شد و در پی آن وارن بافت به همراه خانواده به واشینگتن دی سی نقل مکان کرد. وی در آنجا در مدرسه راهنمایی آلیس دیل تحصیلاتاش را ادامه داد و در سال ۱۹۴۷ در ۱۶ سالگی از دبیرستان وودرو ویلسون فارغالتحصیل شد.
Example solution: وارن بافت صاحب کدام شرکت ها می باشد؟
Example explanation: This is a good example. Based on the passage, you can answer this question.
Problem: جیمز جوزف براون جونیورخواننده، ترانهسرا و نوازنده آمریکایی و از پیشگاموسیقی فانک بود. از او اغلب به عنوان "پدرخوانده موسیقی سول یاد میشود. در یک حرفه ای که ۵۰ سال به طول انجامید، او بر توسعه چندین ژانر موسیقی تأثیر گذاشت در سال ۱۹۳۳ در شهر بارنول در کارولینای جنوبی در ایالات متحده آمریکا متولد شد و در سال ۲۰۰۶ در سن ۷۳ سالگی در شهر آتلانتا در ایالت جورجیا در گذشت. جیمز جو براون جونیور در ۳ مه ۱۹۳۳ در اتاق یک کلبه در جنگل شهر بارونول، کارولینای جنوبی، در چند مایلی شرق مرز ایالات جورجیا متولد شد. مراسم غسل تعمید او در اوج احساس و درد در همان کلبه برگزار میشود، مادر او زنی افسرده و مفلوک و پدرش مردی خشن و متجاوز بود زمانی که جیمز کوچک بود والدین او از هم جدا شدند او در سن ۴ سالگی به شهر آگوستا در ایالت جورجیا در آمریکا فرستاده شد تا با خاله خود که رئیس یک فاحشه خانه بود زندگی کند. او در فقر و استرس زیاد بزرگ شد. جیمز برای امرار معاش از کوچکی کار میکرد اما کارهای او عجیب و غریب بود مثل رقصیدن برای سربازان، شستن ماشینها و واکس زدن کفشهای مردم. او میگوید:<<من واکس زدن کفشها رو با ۳ سنت شروع کردم و بعد توانستم ۵ سنت بدست بیارم اما در ان زمان هیچگاه نتوانستم ۱۰ سنت بدست بیارم به یاد دارم زمانی که در ۹ سالگی اولین بار برای خرید لباس به فروشگاه رفتم لباسهای من از کیسه و گونی درست شده بود، اما من میدانستم که باید این شرایط بد را درست کنم باید تلاش کنم که برای خودم کسی شوم!>>
| Solution: وقتی براون برای خرید لباس به مغازه میرود چه لباسی بر تن داشته است؟ |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you need to count the number of words in a sentence that contain the given letter
See one example below:
Problem: Sentence: 'two gray birds standing in a green field'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Solution: 3
Explanation: The words 'gray', 'standing', and 'a' contain the letter 'a'. So, the answer is 3.
Problem: Sentence: 'the bright blue background makes the street sign easy to read'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Solution: | 1 |
Q: Given a document, an entity and its sentiment towards the entity, verify if it is the correct sentiment towards the entity. Answer should be yes or no. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Verify if the sentiment of the following document towards the entity Hillary Clinton is Positive . "Trump was outspent by Clinton by 1.7 times , she had 2.4 more personnel than us .
Addressing the Oxford Union on Monday night , Mr Scaramucci discussed how Mr Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in November , despite the Democratic nominee 's greater financial clout .
A: | no |
The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants, and we ask you to translate those to the German language. Please bear in mind the following guidlines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks are named entities and *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 5) Note the input is all lowercased except for special placeholders. Please do the same in your translations.
Example: are there any " italian " restaurants nearby with 8 star reviews ?
Example solution: gibt es hier in der nähe " italian " restaurants mit 8-sterne-bewertungen?
Example explanation: The translation correctly preserves " italian " entity and is accurate
Problem: how many reviews are there at " starbucks " ?
| Solution: wie viele bewertungen hat " starbucks "? |
Question: I am trying to decide whether it's worth it to invest in this film proposal. Can you help me answer a few questions? If you can't, please say "No I can't". Question: Who do the criminals pass through security with? Movie title: Big Trouble Movie plot: In a high-school game of "Killer" (in which a student must shoot another with a squirt gun), Matt Arnold has to "kill" classmate Jenny Herk, and decides to sneak up on her at home. By coincidence, hitmen are also there to assassinate Arthur Herk, who has secretly embezzled money from his company, Penultra Corp. When the fake assassination attempt crosses paths with the real one, police officers Monica Romero and Walter Kramitz are called out to the resulting disturbance. During the chaos of the assassination attempts, Matt's friend, Andrew, called Eliot Arnold, Matt's father. Upon arriving to pick up Matt from the Herk's, Eliot immediately feels a mutual attraction to Anne Herk, Jenny's mother, as Matt and Jenny begin to feel attracted to each other as well. The Herk's housemaid, Nina, meanwhile, falls in love with a young homeless man named Puggy, who lives in a tree on their property, after she runs from the shootings and he saves her from the hitmen. Realizing that he is the intended victim, Arthur visits arms dealers to buy a rocket but is sold a suitcase nuclear bomb because the dealer claims to be out of rockets and doesn't tell him that it is a nuclear weapon. Escaped convicts Snake and Eddie, who were previously kicked out of the bar for disorderly conduct, hold up the bar and kidnap Arthur and Puggy (who is an employee there) and take the suitcase, not knowing its contents. Meanwhile, Matt tries to "kill" Jenny in a mall parking lot, but a security guard thinks that Matt's gun is real and opens fire on them. Matt and Jenny run away and eventually return to the Herk house, followed by officers Monica and Walter, who stumble across the confusion. Eliot is called over once again. The convicts force Arthur to return to his home, where they capture everyone and tie them up. Taking Puggy and kidnapping Jenny, they leave (with the suitcase) for the Airport. Nina, who was hiding in her room, frees everyone except for Monica and Arthur (who were handcuffed to an entertainment system). Shortly after, the house...
Answer: | Puggy and Jenny |
In this task, you are given a sentence in the Japanese language and your task is to convert it into the English language. In translation, keep numbers as it is and make it sentence case (capitalize only the first word of each sentence and noun).
Example input: フランスのパリ、パルク・デ・プランスで行われた2007年ラグビーワールドカップのプールCで、イタリアは31対5でポルトガルを下した。
Example output: Italy have defeated Portugal 31-5 in Pool C of the 2007 Rugby World Cup at Parc des Princes, Paris, France.
Example explanation: The Japanese sentence is correctly converted into English because the converted sentence holds the message that Italy defeated Portugal 31–5 in Pool C of the 2007 Rugby World Cup at the Parc des Princes in Paris, France. Also, translated sentence preserves the numbers as it is and converted sentence is sentence case.
Q: 教育委員会のインテリジェント・デザインについての声明は、インテリジェント・デザインが実際にどのように係るのかの理解を深めることに興味を持つ生徒の情報源として『パンダと人間について』を指示する。
A: | The school board's statement on Intelligent Design directs students to the book Of Pandas and People as a source of information "for students who might be interested in gaining an understanding of what Intelligent Design actually involves." |
Ques:Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: One of the best Review: Childrens' books out there. A beautifully illustrated book about unconditional love. A must share between every parent and child. Answer:
Ques:Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: To the point Review: Troubleshooting your PC for dummies, was very easy to read and the information will be very helpful. Answer:
Ques:Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: No Director's Cut Here Review: This set has decent Blu-Ray HD clarity, but if you are hoping the recent Director Cuts are found here - they are not. They are the original theatrical releases. The bonus footage is new and not recycled - some of it is even interesting if you are fan. If you are like my wife, you will yawn and fall asleep. Answer:
Ques:Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: Barely Disguised Political Drivel Review: This book is without a serious plot line. It is filled with undeveloped characters and has no drama whatsoever. It is simply a one-note political viewpoint disguised as a novel Was not worth the time and definitely not the money. Answer:
Ans: | Negative
----- |
In this task, you will be presented with a question having multiple possible answers in Polish language. And you should choose a most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E" based on your commonsense knowledge.
Q: Question: Co ktoś może zrobić z osobą oskarżoną o zabijanie ludzi, których kocha?
Options: A wracać do domu B Smutek C Wyrzuty sumienia D Odwet E pójście do więzienia
A: | D |
In this task you are expected to fix an SQL query based on feedback. You will be given an SQL statement and an English description with what is wrong about that SQL statement. You must correct the SQL statement based off of the feedback. An SQL query works by selecting data from a table where certain conditions apply. A table contains columns where every row in that table must have a value for each column. Every table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each row, usually an id. To choose which columns are returned you specify that after the "SELECT" statement. Next, you use a "FROM" statement to specify what tables you want to select the data from. When you specify a table you can rename it with the "AS" statement. You can reference that table by whatever name follows the "AS" statement. If you want to select data from multiple tables you need to use the "JOIN" statement. This will join the tables together by pairing a row in one table with every row in the other table (Cartesian Product). To limit the number of rows returned you should use the "ON" statement. This will only return rows where the condition specified after the statement is true, this is usually an equals operator with primary keys. You can also use the "WHERE" statement to specify that only rows with column values statisfying a certain condition, should be returned. The "GROUP BY" statement will group rows together that have equal column values for whatever columns follows the statement. The "HAVING" statement will return groups that statisfy whatever condition follows the statement. Any column(s) being returned from grouped rows must either be an aggregate function, (AVG, MAX, COUNT, SUM, ...) of a column, or the column(s) that the data was grouped by. To sort the returned data you can use the "ORDER BY" command which will order the data by whatever aggregate function or column follows the statement. The "DESC" statement will sort in descending order and the "ASC" statement will sort in ascending order. Finally, you can use the "LIMIT" statement to return a certain number of rows. When "*" is used in an SQL statement every column is returned. For example, SELECT * FROM table WHERE attribute = 1, will select every column from rows with the attribute column equal to 1.
Q: SQL: SELECT party_email FROM Parties GROUP BY party_phone ORDER BY Count ( * ) Desc LIMIT 1
Feedback: Take customer id in party services table instead of party phone in parties table .
A: | SELECT t1.party_email FROM parties AS t1 JOIN party_services AS t2 ON t1.party_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t1.party_email ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 |
Instructions: In this task, you're given a statement, the genre to which that statement belongs, and a label indicating if the statement should be agreed with (entailment), disagreed with (contradiction), or neither (neutral). Your job is to write a sentence that describes the genre that follows the tone with respect to the statement, as indicated by the label. If sentence X agrees with sentence Y, the can be concluded from one another. If sentence X disagrees with sentence Y, they can not be correct at the same time. The sentence must also belong to the genre specified.
Input: Statement: For example,
Label: contradiction.
Genre: government.
Output: | There is no example. |
Instructions: In this task, You are given an amazon review and its polarity (positive or negative). Your task is to answer "True" if the specified sentence and its polarity match; otherwise, answer "False"
Input: Review: Horrible product. I bought this product for a party. When I got it, it was damaged. So they sent me a replacement one. When I received the replacement one that one was broke as well. So I just sent both back and wanted my refund.
Polarity: negative
Output: | True |
Given a sentence in Chinese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in German that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Q: 导演Larysa Malyukova和电影评论家Amir Yatsiv讨论了罕见的动画电影类型。
A: | Eine Filmregisseurin Larysa Malyukova und der Filmkritiker Amir Yatsiv diskutierten das seltene Genre des animierten Dokumentarfilms. |
Convert a disfluent question to a proper question. A disfluent question is a question that has some interruptions in it while framing. A proper question is the correct form of the question without any disfluency.
Example: Why was uh where was the Rhine regulated with an upper canal?
Example solution: Where was the Rhine regulated with an upper canal?
Example explanation: The above disfluent question is correctly converted to a proper question. The 'uh' and the 'why' before the correction should be removed to make it fluent.
Problem: How do regimes not change oh fight against cultural imperialism?
| Solution: How do regimes not fight against cultural imperialism? |
Subsets and Splits