stringlengths 17
| response
stringlengths 0
After restarting youll have all your configuration files under the configbackup folder so if you experience any loss of information you can manually restore it by deleting the newly created config file for example HOMEmozilla and moving the old mozilla folder to HOME by doing mv HOMEconfigbackupmozilla HOME
A: After restarting you’ll have all your configuration files under the config-backup folder, so if you experience any loss of information, you can manually restore it by deleting the newly created config file, for example $HOME/.mozilla and moving the old .mozilla folder to $HOME by doing mv $HOME/config-backup/.mozilla $HOME/
And you can not only visit tombs but if you like also the Imhotep Museum which named after the Djosers great architect features a lot of ancient items found here and teaches the visitors about the ancient Egyptian architecture
A: And you can not only visit tombs, but, if you like, also the Imhotep Museum which, named after the Djoser’s great architect, features a lot of ancient items found here and teaches the visitors about the ancient Egyptian architecture.
As simple as that Here is an example doing just that
A: As simple as that! Here is an example doing just that.
Albergo AllAncora provides an outdoor terrace where you can comfortably eat and drink during the warm months
| A: Albergo All'Ancora provides an outdoor terrace where you can comfortably eat and drink during the warm months. |
Please answer this: I know that the answer to the question "1080p/24 is known with?" is in "Non-cinematic HDTV video recordings intended for broadcast are typically recorded either in 720p or 1080i format as determined by the broadcaster. 720p is commonly used for Internet distribution of high-definition video, because most computer monitors operate in progressive-scan mode. 720p also imposes less strenuous storage and decoding requirements compared to both 1080i and 1080p. 1080p/24, 1080i/30, 1080i/25, and 720p/30 is most often used on Blu-ray Disc.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: Blu-ray Disc
Please answer this: I know that the answer to the question "What makes poultry different from other birds?" is in ""Poultry" is a term used for any kind of domesticated bird, captive-raised for its utility, and traditionally the word has been used to refer to wildfowl (Galliformes) and waterfowl (Anseriformes). "Poultry" can be defined as domestic fowls, including chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks, raised for the production of meat or eggs and the word is also used for the flesh of these birds used as food. The Encyclopædia Britannica lists the same bird groups but also includes guinea fowl and squabs (young pigeons). In R. D. Crawford's Poultry breeding and genetics, squabs are omitted but Japanese quail and common pheasant are added to the list, the latter frequently being bred in captivity and released into the wild. In his 1848 classic book on poultry, Ornamental and Domestic Poultry: Their History, and Management, Edmund Dixon included chapters on the peafowl, guinea fowl, mute swan, turkey, various types of geese, the muscovy duck, other ducks and all types of chickens including bantams. In colloquial speech, the term "fowl" is often used near-synonymously with "domesticated chicken" (Gallus gallus), or with "poultry" or even just "bird", and many languages do not distinguish between "poultry" and "fowl". Both words are also used for the flesh of these birds. Poultry can be distinguished from "game", defined as wild birds or mammals hunted for food or sport, a word also used to describe the flesh of these when eaten.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: captive-raised for its utility
Please answer this: I know that the answer to the question "What company is Pathe?" is in "It is the world's fourth oldest major film studio, after the renowned French studios Gaumont Film Company and Pathé, and the Danish Nordisk Film company.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: | French |
Consider the question. Examples of proxies include ice cores, tree rings, sub-fossil pollen, boreholes, corals, lake and ocean sediments, and carbonate speleothems. The character of deposition or rate of growth of the proxies' material has been influenced by the climatic conditions of the time in which they were laid down or grew. Chemical traces produced by climatic changes, such as quantities of particular isotopes, can be recovered from proxies. Some proxies, such as gas bubbles trapped in ice, enable traces of the ancient atmosphere to be recovered and measured directly to provide a history of fluctuations in the composition of the Earth's atmosphere. To produce the most precise results, systematic cross-verification between proxy indicators is necessary for accuracy in readings and record-keeping.
What is an example of a natural climate record/proxy?
If the answer is 'ice cores'; explain the reasoning: | The relevant sentence in the passage is: Examples of proxies include ice cores, tree rings, sub-fossil pollen, boreholes, corals, lake and ocean sediments, and carbonate speleothems. |
Does "Even one thread uncut will leave one thread too small." appear to be an accurate statement based on "It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and it is very difficult to cut them precisely the right size. The tiniest slip of the scissors will make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small."? | no |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
The term " China syndrome " refers to a scenario , not meant to be taken literally , where a reactor core could melt through the Earth " all the way to China " .
" China syndrome " is a fanciful term — not intended to be taken literally — that describes a fictional result of a nuclear meltdown , where reactor components melt through their containment structures and into the underlying earth , " all the way to China . "
The club has won national honours , namely the 1950-51 B Division , the 2001-02 Scottish Second Division and the 2002-03 Scottish Challenge Cup .
The club 's national honours include winning the Division B Championship in season 1950 – 51 , the Second Division Championship in season 2001 – 02 and in season 2012 – 13 , and also the Scottish Challenge Cup in seasons 2002 – 03 and 2012 – 13 .
The role of the video game producer has been defined by different companies and different teams .
| Over its entire history , the role of the video game producer has been defined in a wide range of ways by different companies and different teams , and there are a variety of positions within the industry referred to as " producer " .
Determine the topic of the passage. "Transmission occurs primarily by drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated by the feces (waste product) of an infected person, including one with no apparent symptoms." Topic:
| Cholera |
Please answer this: I know that the answer to the question "What size tube do Yagi-Uda arrays often use?" is in "Instead, it is often desired to have an antenna whose impedance does not vary so greatly over a certain bandwidth. It turns out that the amount of reactance seen at the terminals of a resonant antenna when the frequency is shifted, say, by 5%, depends very much on the diameter of the conductor used. A long thin wire used as a half-wave dipole (or quarter wave monopole) will have a reactance significantly greater than the resistive impedance it has at resonance, leading to a poor match and generally unacceptable performance. Making the element using a tube of a diameter perhaps 1/50 of its length, however, results in a reactance at this altered frequency which is not so great, and a much less serious mismatch which will only modestly damage the antenna's net performance. Thus rather thick tubes are typically used for the solid elements of such antennas, including Yagi-Uda arrays.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: tube of a diameter perhaps 1/50 of its length
Please answer this: I know that the answer to the question "The Zytglogge was part of what locale?" is in "The city grew out towards the west of the boundaries of the peninsula formed by the River Aare. The Zytglogge tower marked the western boundary of the city from 1191 until 1256, when the Käfigturm took over this role until 1345. It was, in turn, succeeded by the Christoffelturm (formerly located close to the site of the modern-day railway station) until 1622. During the time of the Thirty Years' War, two new fortifications – the so-called big and small Schanze (entrenchment) – were built to protect the whole area of the peninsula.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: city
Please answer this: I know that the answer to the question "How much does new Buddhism differ from the older?" is in "Formal membership varies between communities, but basic lay adherence is often defined in terms of a traditional formula in which the practitioner takes refuge in The Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha), and the Sangha (the Buddhist community). At the present time, the teachings of all three branches of Buddhism have spread throughout the world, and Buddhist texts are increasingly translated into local languages. While in the West Buddhism is often seen as exotic and progressive, in the East it is regarded as familiar and traditional. Buddhists in Asia are frequently well organized and well funded. In countries such as Cambodia and Bhutan, it is recognized as the state religion and receives government support. Modern influences increasingly lead to new forms of Buddhism that significantly depart from traditional beliefs and practices.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: | significantly |
I know that the answer to the question "What does ParkScore's unique formula seek to measure?" is in "In its 2013 ParkScore ranking, The Trust for Public Land reported that the park system in New York City was the second best park system among the 50 most populous U.S. cities, behind the park system of Minneapolis. ParkScore ranks urban park systems by a formula that analyzes median park size, park acres as percent of city area, the percent of city residents within a half-mile of a park, spending of park services per resident, and the number of playgrounds per 10,000 residents.". Can you tell me what it is?
| urban park systems |
** Shopping mall is a large indoor shopping centre, usually anchored by departmental stores or large number of indoor merchants. A human can get an outfit, makeup and eat lunch all at the same place in a shopping mall. She was there for just one location and one pair of jeans, but she spent hours looking at everything and anything in the shopping mall.
shopping mall
** She was there for for just one location and one pair of jeans, but she spent hours looking at everything and anything in the what?
- clothing store
- shopping plaza
- shopping mall
- laundromat
- thrift store
** Coffee is drink. People drink coffee in the morning with breakfast. Brad ordered eggs, toast and coffee to drink.
** It was breakfast time. Brad ordered eggs, toast, and something to drink. What might he drink?
- coffee
- throw up
- food
- getting drunk
- wine
** Bringing suit means to legally file a case against someone. One would have to go to a court after bringing suit against someone. Going to court involves a set of laws and procedures.
going to court
** What would you be doing if you are bringing suit against someone?
- swimming
- going to court
- ruling
- randomness
- laughter
** Brothers are generally male people who are born to the same mother. Younger brothers are usually called little brothers.
** | He had a great time with his what brother?
- small
- horrible
- awful
- little
- terrible |
Goofy was the creation of the Walt Disney studios writers and animators. No inspiration for the character has been mentioned.
"The inspiration for Goofy was FDR's rival and was meant to clearly resemble him."
Is the above claim true?
- yes
- no
The sentence is true because by looking at the different types of Canidae, it is evidence that the claim is true. The evidence is tangible.
Is the following statement true?
"Canidae walk on four legs due to their biology makeup."
Children are in a very developmental stage of life and are not capable of taking full responsibility for their actions.
| Is the following a factual statement?
"Parents take responsibility for their children's actions until they are considered adults."
- yes
- no |
Please answer the following question: Given the following passage "Both private individuals and large production companies have used YouTube to grow audiences. Independent content creators have built grassroots followings numbering in the thousands at very little cost or effort, while mass retail and radio promotion proved problematic. Concurrently, old media celebrities moved into the website at the invitation of a YouTube management that witnessed early content creators accruing substantial followings, and perceived audience sizes potentially larger than that attainable by television. While YouTube's revenue-sharing "Partner Program" made it possible to earn a substantial living as a video producer—its top five hundred partners each earning more than $100,000 annually and its ten highest-earning channels grossing from $2.5 million to $12 million—in 2012 CMU business editor characterized YouTube as "a free-to-use... promotional platform for the music labels". In 2013 Forbes' Katheryn Thayer asserted that digital-era artists' work must not only be of high quality, but must elicit reactions on the YouTube platform and social media. In 2013, videos of the 2.5% of artists categorized as "mega", "mainstream" and "mid-sized" received 90.3% of the relevant views on YouTube and Vevo. By early 2013 Billboard had announced that it was factoring YouTube streaming data into calculation of the Billboard Hot 100 and related genre charts.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is been discussed?
A: | YouTube |
Ques & Ans: The DSM is now in its fifth edition, the DSM-5, published on May 18, 2013. The DSM evolved from systems for collecting census and psychiatric hospital statistics, and from a United States Army manual. Revisions since its first publication in 1952 have incrementally added to the total number of mental disorders, although also removing those no longer considered to be mental disorders.
Based on this passage, how many editions of the dsm are there?
Stream of consciousness: To answer the question, consider the following: The DSM is now in its fifth edition, the DSM-5, published on May 18, 2013.
Ques & Ans: Chris Sullivan appears as Taserface in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
Who plays taserface in guardians of the galaxy?
Chris Sullivan
Stream of consciousness: To answer this question, we should know that: Chris Sullivan appears as Taserface in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
Ques & Ans: The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice in the United States, equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries. The department was formed in 1870 during the Ulysses S. Grant administration.
Based on this passage, what branch of the government is the justice department in?
a federal executive department of the U.S. government
Stream of consciousness: To answer this question, we should know that: The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice in the United States, equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries.
Ques & Ans: Jesse Katsopolis (portrayed by John Stamos; the character's last name in season one was Cochran, but was changed reportedly due to John Stamos wanting his character to better reflect his Greek heritage) is Danny's brother-in-law, Pam's younger brother, husband of Rebecca Donaldson and father of twin sons Nicky and Alex. Born Hermes Katsopolis (as revealed in the season five episode "The Legend of Ranger Joe"), he was named after his great-grandfather, who in turn is named after the Greek god of swiftness. However, he did not like his birth name, as other kids teased him for it; so when he was in kindergarten, he begged his parents to have his name changed to Jesse, thinking that one had to have a "cool name" to be in the in-crowd. As an adult, he was more confident with his true name, telling the girls about the Greek god of speed, and how his great-grandfather saved a village from a volcano, but still goes by Jesse.
Answer this question: what was uncle jesse's original last name on full house?
Stream of consciousness: | The important part for answering this question is: Jesse Katsopolis (portrayed by John Stamos; the character's last name in season one was Cochran, but was changed reportedly due to John Stamos wanting his character to better reflect his Greek heritage) is Danny's brother-in-law, Pam's younger brother, husband of Rebecca Donaldson and father of twin sons Nicky and Alex. |
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form.
NIST publishes glossary of acronyms, abbreviations. 1 Abbreviations and acronyms generally appear in all capital letters, though there are exceptions — for example, meter (m) and decibels referenced to 1 milliwatt (dBm). Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of Network Security Administration? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: NETWARCOM - NETWC - NETWK - NETWOR - NETWORK - NETWORKS - NETX - NETY - NETZ - NEU FYI: NIST tries to bring order into the sometimes inconsistent and often confusing world of IT security acronyms and abbreviations. Definitions for Network security Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Network security. Freebase (5.00 / 2 votes) Rate this definition: Looking for the abbreviation of Network Security Administration? Find out what is the most common shorthand of Network Security Administration on! The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Network security Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. NIST Interagency Report (“NISTIR”) 7581 , “System and Network Security Acronyms and Abbreviations,” runs the alphabetical gamut from A (address resource record type) to ZSK (zone signing key). “The capitalization, spelling and definitions of acronyms and abbreviations frequently vary among publications,” the report states. Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Network security. Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. We've got 1 shorthand for Network Security Administration » What is the abbreviation for Network Security Administration? Looking for the shorthand of Network Security Administration? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: Network Security Administration. Possible matching categories: Cyber & Security Sample Sentences & Example Usage. 1 Chen Zhimin: We will set up 'network security offices' inside important website and Internet firms, so that we can catch criminal behavior online at the earliest possible point. Query: abbr. network security | “System and Network Security Acronyms and Abbreviations,” runs the alphabetical gamut from A. |
If you live in a big city, there are many thing to drive you crazy on your daily route, and it's not just overcrowded subway trains. Vicky Zhao is a mainlander working in Hong Kong. For her, one thing she can't put up with is people standing on the wrong side of the escalator in subway stations. "Escalators help us move faster and save time. It isn't a place to rest," the 24-year-old says. "I often see tourists block the way with their suitcases or chatting on the escalators during rush hours. _ annoys me to no end." Admitting she is not the patient type, Zhao says things are much better in Hong Kong than in cities on the mainland where "stand right, walk left" signs are often ignored. The logic behind the "stand right, walk left" escalator etiquette seems obvious. Even though you may want to catch your breath while you're transported up or down, you should still consider others and leave enough space for people in a hurry, so that they can run and catch the train. Many cities' escalators, including London's and Beijing's, use the "stand right, walk left" system to speed up the flow of people. (Australia is an exception and you should stand on the left side instead.) But some cities discourage people from moving on escalators out of safety reasons. In Hong Kong's subway stations there are regular announcements asking people to "stand still" on escalators. Even so, most people in thisfast-paced cityobserve the "stand right, walk left" etiquette. But the people who stand on escalators defend themselves by telling the walkers not to be so impatient. The BBC quotes one stander as saying: "If the person is in such a rush, why not just take the stairs? Even when the escalator is packed and there's nowhere to move, I see these same people complaining about not being able to pass." Whatever the escalator etiquette is in the place you live or visit, do what most people are doing and always be mindful of others: leave enough space between each other, don't stay at the end of the escalator, and if someone is blocking... Which of the following statements is the writer's opinion? A) People should stand right no matter where they are. B) People should do as the Romans do and consider others. C) People should do as they like on the escalators. D) People should be seriously criticized when they block the way.
For years and years people have been saying that the rail ways are dead. "We can do without railways", people say as if motorcars and planes have made the railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, that they lose money, and that they're dying. But this is far from the truth. In these days of expensive oil, the railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods from place to place, they are cheaper than planes. And they have much in common with planes. A plane goes in a straight line and so does a railway. What is more, it takes you from the heart of a city into the heart of another. It doesn't leave you as a plane does, miles and miles from the city center. It doesn't hold you up as a car does, in endless traffic jams. And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do. Far from being dead, the railways are very much alive. Modern railway lines give you a smooth, untroubled journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep in comfort, feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling at speed at the same time? And we are only at the beginning,for we have just entered the age of _ . Trains are traveling at 150 miles an hour and more. Soon we will be wondering why we spent so much on motorways we can't use because we have not enough money to buy the oil and planes we can't fly in for the same reason. The writer thinks that the railways, far from being dead, are very much alive because _ . A) we can have a smooth and untroubled journey B) we'll not have enough money to fly in planes C) we can now travel in super-fast trains D) all the above
Q: Many years ago in a small German town, a Jewish businessman had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the businessman's beautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain. The moneylender told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty bag. The girl would then have to pick one pebble from the bag. If she picked the black pebble, she would become the moneylender's wife and he would _ her father's debt. If she picked the white pebble, she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be forgiven. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail. They were standing on a pebble-strewn path. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. The sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag. No doubt she was caught in a dilemma. What would you have done if you were the girl? Careful analysis would produce three possibilities: 1.The girl should refuse to take a pebble. 2.The girl should know that there were two black pebbles in the bag and expose the money-lender as a cheat. 3.The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from his debt and imprisonment. The above story is used with the hope that it will make us appreciate the difference between lateral and logical thinking. Read on... The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles. "Oh, how clumsy of me!" she said. "But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked." Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one. And since the moneylender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an... It can be inferred from the passage that _ . A) The girl dropped the pebble onto the path on purpose B) The girl dropped the pebble onto the path by accident C) The girl didn't know there were two black pebbles in the bag D) The girl replaced a black pebble in the bag
| A: A |
GoDaddy has pulled the plug on another online peddler of violence. The popular internet registration service last week shut down, a website created by white nationalist leader Richard Spencer and popular with many in the so-called alt-right movement. The takedown is the latest example of how companies like GoDaddy are increasingly responding to growing public pressure to clamp down on violent sites in the wake of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last summer. GoDaddy, which registers domains for more than 75 million websites around the world, said it generally does not delist sites that promote hate, racism and bigotry on the ground that such content is protected as free speech. But it said had "crossed the line and encouraged and promoted violence in a direct and threatening manner." "In instances where a site goes beyond the mere exercise of these freedoms, however, and crosses over to promoting, encouraging or otherwise engaging in specific acts of violence against any person, we will take action," GoDaddy said in a statement emailed to VOA. The company would not say whether it canceled's domain registration in response to pressure but it stressed that "we take all complaints about content on websites very seriously, and have a team dedicated to investigate each complaint." The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a Washington-based civil rights organization, said it filed such a complaint with GoDaddy last month, citing several instances in which carried content that advocated violence. In one example, a January 26, 2018, article encouraged "use of live ammunition at the border, in order to create a substantial chance that they [immigrants crossing the border] lose their life in the process," according to the organization's complaint. Kristen Clarke, the group's president and executive director, said the shutdown of was part of her organization's campaign to combat a recent "hate crime crisis" in the... who shut down - not enough information - Trump - the government - GoDaddy
Aage Llievang tried explaining to his mother, but she shook her head. "Now, Aage. Really. Your own car? A car? What would the other co-op members think?" "Mom, this is a classic! 1952 MG-TD. It's even--" "British Racing green... yes, Aage. I know. Your father knows. Your grandmother knows. We all know about the car." "But Mom, look." He waved his Handy at her. The MG glowed on its small screen. "There's one up for auction on and I'm too young to bid. You've got to help me." "Aage!" She put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Your age is not the problem. You can't even afford it." "I'd pay you back." How could he explain his fascination with the Vehicular Age to her? The seductive sheen, the rumble, the combustive power of automobiles called to him like a siren at sea. He coveted the sense of possibility inherent in the turn of a key. And the MG-TD held a place high in his list of hope. British Racing Green, wood dashboard and a four-stroke engine. He had only seen one MG-TD, when he'd gone on holiday with his folks to the U.K. They had been walking down the street in downtown London. Most of the traffic had been pedestrian or cyclist. The occasional fuel-cell car glided by like a ghostly leftover from the Vehicular Age. Double-decker biodiesel buses roared past regularly, trailing the odor of fish and chips after them. And then it came down the street toward them. A car that purred as its rounded lines soaked up the sun with a green so deep it was almost black. It pulled into the valet parking of a grand hotel and two people got out. Aage barely noticed them. He stared inside the car, where chrome and brass gleamed against a burled wood dashboard. The doors of the car shut with the heavy thunk of real metal. A valet pulled the car out of the parking circle and Aage never saw it again. Who wanted to buy a 1952 MG-TD? - not enough information - Aage's mother - Aage - Aage's grandmother
Everybody knew Shandor Marley's mother liked to spend more time flirting with serial killers than she did taking care of things at home. So when her son went round with an air rifle popping his neighbours like they were allotment pigeons, they figured all the boy really needed was a bit of attention. Shandor finally flipped one day after finding out the inbred farm boys who made his life hell most days were in fact his half-brothers. He returned home to confront his mother only to find her pritt-sticking press cuttings of the Mad Killer into a brand new scrapbook and seemingly not in the least bit concerned by her son's unexpected discovery. Luckily Shandor's shooting spree didn't do too much damage beyond putting one of his so-called new father's eyes out, which could be considered doubly unfortunate given as the so-called new father in question owned the old byre Shandor and his mother called home. After Shandor had spent enough time shut away in borstal with the kind of kids who would've sent his mother all weak at the knees, he went straight home half-expecting the byre to be boarded up with a blu-tacked note saying she was lugging her stupid arse to Texas to spring her latest psycho boyfriend from his cell on death row. Shandor was thinking how much that excuse would sit well with her as he scuffed up the stone track to the byre with a black bin-bag of belongings and a sunburned arm across his forehead to shield himself from the glare. The place looked pretty much the same as he remembered it, only three years worse off. The strip of grass outside the back door was parched yellow and paint peeled around the blown-out windows. He had a hand on the door before he knew for sure it was still lived-in. He flapped thunderbugs off his forearm and creaked open the door. The kitchen stank of stale cigarettes and the dregs of spirit bottles. Shandor was probably in jail for: - a month - a week - not enough information - a few days
| a week
------ |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D".
[header] How to buy ram for your imac [title] Buy no more than 16 gb of extra ram. [step] Imacs from 2011 , 2010, and late 2009 support a total of 16 gb of memory. [substeps] You can buy up to 4 different rams, or memory modules, for these imac models; however, they must not exceed a total of 16 gb in memory. <sep> (A) [title] Buy ram with features that are compatible with your imac model. [step] Imac models from 2011 and 2010 use the same type of ram; whereas the late 2009 models use ram with slightly different features. (B) That means a lcd ram is capable of that ram. You'll need at least 2 gb of ram/ram per ram. (C) You will want to buy between 120 gb to 30 gb. Most drivers come with two gigabytes of ram. (D) [title] Learn how pcp to own your pc. [step] Pcp (bce/100 gb) is the unit used in most computers of throughout the world for the main battery, typically, memory modules.
Output: | A |
If But evangelical leaders, who are, in my experience, uniformly kind and generous in their personal relations, can also be terribly obnoxious in their relations with Jews., can we conclude that "Evangelicals are anti-Semitic."?
-it is not possible to tell
-no | it is not possible to tell |
Photos - Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany, photos of Germany, Germany pictures
Make this lower case | photos - neuschwanstein castle, germany, photos of germany, germany pictures |
Write the conversation that led to this response. The album was not as commercially successful as "Unledded" had been, and after a supporting tour, the Page/Plant reunion slowly dissolved, with both members going on to perform with other side projects.
What other instruments did Page and Plant use?
- Nigel Eaton playing hurdy-gurdy, and Ed Shearmur adding Hammond organ with orchestral arrangements.
- Did they create any albums with the instruments they chose?
- Page: Afterwards, the two artists entered the studio with engineer Steve Albini to record "Walking into Clarksdale", an album composed of entirely new material with more traditional rock enterprises.
- Was this album successful?
Write the conversation that led to this response. However, he had invested much of his fortune during the Commonwealth in buying up lands confiscated from convicted Royalists, and suffered considerable loss as a result.
What is the connection between John Trevor and the rise of theocracy?
- In 1656 Trevor was elected MP for Arundel in the Second Protectorate Parliament, and was one of those advocating the offer of the Crown to Cromwell (to whom he was related by his son's marriage to John Hampden's daughter, Ruth).
- What happened after Trevor was elected as a MP for Arundel?
- He was elected MP for Steyning in 1659 for the Third Protectorate Parliament.
- What was the significance of him being elected as a MP for Steyning?
- Although he resumed his seat at Grampound in 1659 in the restored Rump after Richard Cromwell's fall, he was an early supporter of the Restoration of Charles II, which ensured that he suffered no penalties for his earlier political loyalties after the King returned, being granted a royal pardon on 24 July 1660.
- What happened after he was elected as a MP for Steyning?
Write the conversation that led to this response. He also contributed to "Hvarf/Heim" (2007), where "Hvarf" contains studio recordings of previously unreleased songs.
Who is Orri Páll D ⁇ rason?
- Orri Páll Dýrason Orri Páll Dýrason (; born on 4 July 1977) is an Icelandic musician.
- What music has he worked on?
- He was previously the drummer for Sigur Rós.
- What years was that?
- He joined the band in 1999, shortly after the recording of the studio album "Ágætis byrjun", when the previous drummer, Ágúst Ævar Gunnarsson, left the band.
- Did he release any albums?
- Orri has recorded five studio albums with Sigur Rós: " ( )" (2002), "Takk..." (2005), "Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust" (2008), "Valtari" (2012), and "Kveikur" (2013).
- Any other albums?
Write the conversation that led to this response. The patients were moved to the mental institutions in Lincoln and in Hastings; the latter had been opened in 1889.
What happened in 1889?
- |
Keystone is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in central Keith County, Nebraska, United States. It lies along local roads near the North Platte River, northeast of the city of Ogallala, the county seat of Keith County. Its elevation is 3,100 feet (945 m). Although Keystone is unincorporated, it has a post office, with the ZIP code of 69144.
Can we draw the following conclusion?
Keystone is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in central Keith County, Nebraska, United States in the central time zone.
Pick from: I. Yes; II. It's impossible to say; III. No; | II. |
Two signatures. That's all that's needed to force a wide-ranging House debate — and votes — on border security and the immigration status of 700,000 undocumented young people brought to the U.S. as children. Since moderate Republicans opposed House leadership two weeks ago with a rare discharge petition to force a so-called "queen of the hill" debate (House rule based on the most votes) on immigration, the measure has steadily accumulated support within their own party. The petition needs 218 signatures to start that debate and — with the assumption that all 193 House Democrats will sign on — Republicans need just two more signatures. But that effort now goes on hold as Congress leaves town for an 11-day holiday recess, giving all sides breathing room to figure out what comes next. Many of the 23 Republican signers of the petition face tough re-election races in their districts this November. The debate over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients has challenged lawmakers since last September, when U.S. President Donald Trump ended the program, calling on Congress to find a permanent legislative solution. Lawmakers will return to Washington facing an immediate deadline. Representative Jeff Denham, a California Republican who is one of the leaders of the petition effort, told reporters that June 7 would be the absolute last moment to allow the petition to mature before lawmakers run up against a seven-week summer recess. Denham said talks with House leadership and the House Freedom Caucus, a conservative voting bloc seeking significant security concessions in return for a citizenship path for DACA recipients, have been productive. "We've had an agreement in principle," Denham said of a deal that would provide a 12-year path to citizenship for DACA recipients, known colloquially as Dreamers. "Now it's trying to put that information on paper. So, assuming we can continue to move forward, that is something we would bring to our conference on the 7th when we have our two-hour immigration meeting,... Where do the DACA recipients want to live? A. The U.S. B. Washington C. not enough information D. California
Being prepared for the unknown is something most people know we should do, but the majority of us don’t take time to actually do it! We have lived in a state prone to hurricanes for eight years and didn’t really have anything ready in case of a natural disaster. Recently, we moved closer to the coast in this region which forced us to make a hurricane emergency kit. If you don’t feel like putting together your own kit, you can order one from Amazon! Here’s an affiliate link to one that’s for four people. (Four Person Perfect Survival Kit Deluxe) They have several variations to choose from. Preparing a Hurricane Emergency Kit I will walk you through a few things to consider when preparing an emergency kit. Saving Money I would be lying if I didn’t say that I was financially driven to prepare a kit. The state of Virginia has one three-day sales tax holiday weekend beginning the first Friday in August. Yes, saving on tax pushed me to buy a bunch of stuff that I just may need one day. In addition to saving taxes on emergency preparedness items, customers can save tax on clothing, footwear, school supplies, and Energy Star and WaterSense products. For complete details on qualifying items and more, please go to Virginia’s Government Tax Page. Not in Virginia? Search “your state” + “emergency preparedness” or “emergency kit.” You can replace “hurricane” with “earthquake” or “tornado” or any other applicable term for your area. Depending on how much you purchase, the saving on taxes can add up pretty quickly. Be Prepared Before Preparing Heading out on a tax-free shopping spree won’t save you much money if you’re buying items that don’t qualify for the tax-free holiday, or you buy a bunch of items you don’t actually need or won’t use. The National Hurricane Center offers supply lists and emergency plans, along with a ton of resources to help you gain focus. After moving closer to the coast, how do they probably feel about preparing for hurricanes? A. not enough information B. They think they would be buying stuff that doesn't qualify for tax-free C. They feel it's much needed and better to be prepared D. They think they would just be buying a bunch of stuff
My mother’s first career was as a beautician. Growing up, she cut everyone in our family’s hair; she dyed mine whenever I wanted, and whatever crazy color I wanted, too. Until I was a senior in high school, I had never been to a salon. I don’t even remember why I went this time. Mom was going to have her hair done, and I had tagged along. She asked if I wanted a cut too and I said why not? So while Mom was getting her hair done I looked through the books and picked out a cute pageboy style that I liked. Finally it was my turn and after talking with the stylist and showing her what I wanted, she led me to the shampoo station. Now, as everybody who has ever been to a salon knows, you sit back in the chair with your neck in the indentation and they wash your hair. But I had never been to a salon. When mom washed my hair after dyeing it, I always leaned over the sink. So … I started to climb into the chair and lean over the sink here, too. My mom was mortified and the stylist couldn’t figure out what in the heck I was doing. Mom calls out, “No, Jennifer … you sit in the chair.” I look over my shoulder at her and then realize what I’ve done. Red-faced, I stand up and then turn around to sit and lean back in the chair. I honestly wanted to die right there. I’m pretty sure the stylist thought I was developmentally delayed or something because she talked to me for the rest of the time like one would talk to a three-year-old. Mom tried to explain that I’d never been to a salon before, but I think that just made the situation worse. Thankfully I’ve been to many salons now and understand how everything works, but I’ve never returned to THAT one. Who cut everyone's hair in the family as Jennifer grew up? A. not enough information B. Jennifer's C. stylist D. Jennifer's mom
| D |
[Q]: Given the following passage "On December 21, 1968, Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders became the first humans to ride the Saturn V rocket into space on Apollo 8. They also became the first to leave low-Earth orbit and go to another celestial body, and entered lunar orbit on December 24. They made ten orbits in twenty hours, and transmitted one of the most watched TV broadcasts in history, with their Christmas Eve program from lunar orbit, that concluded with a reading from the biblical Book of Genesis. Two and a half hours after the broadcast, they fired their engine to perform the first trans-Earth injection to leave lunar orbit and return to the Earth. Apollo 8 safely landed in the Pacific ocean on December 27, in NASA's first dawn splashdown and recovery.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What did the astronauts do after getting to the moon?
[A]: made ten orbits in twenty hours, and transmitted one of the most watched TV broadcasts in history
[Q]: Given the following passage "A elevator of this kind uses a vacuum on top of the cab and a valve on the top of the "shaft" to move the cab upwards and closes the valve in order to keep the cab at the same level. a diaphragm or a piston is used as a "brake" if there's a sudden increase in pressure avove the cab. however, to go down, it opens the valve so that the air can pressurize the top of the "shaft", allowing the cab to go down by its own weight. this also means that in case of a power failure, the cab will automatically go down. the "shaft" is made of acrilic, is always round, due to the shape of the vacuum pump turbine. in order to keep the air inside of the cab, rubber seals are used. due to technical limitations, these elevators have a low capacity. they usually allow 1-3 passengers and up to 525 lbs.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What uses a vacuum on top of the cab?
[A]: A elevator of this kind
[Q]: Given the following passage "A climbing elevator is a self-ascending elevator with its own propulsion. The propulsion can be done by an electric or a combustion engine. Climbing elevators are used in guyed masts or towers, in order to make easy access to parts of these constructions, such as flight safety lamps for maintenance. An example would be the Moonlight towers in Austin, Texas, where the elevator holds only one person and equipment for maintenance. The Glasgow Tower — an observation tower in Glasgow, Scotland — also makes use of two climbing elevators.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What situations are climbing elevators typically used in?
[A]: constructions
[Q]: Given the following passage "There were 72.1 million visitors to the city's museums and monuments in 2013. The city's top tourist attraction was the Notre Dame Cathedral, which welcomed 14 million visitors in 2013. The Louvre museum had more than 9.2 million visitors in 2013, making it the most visited museum in the world. The other top cultural attractions in Paris in 2013 were the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur (10.5 million visitors); the Eiffel Tower (6,740,000 visitors); the Centre Pompidou (3,745,000 visitors) and Musée d'Orsay (3,467,000 visitors). In the Paris region, Disneyland Paris, in Marne-la-Vallée, 32 km (20 miles) east of the centre of Paris, was the most visited tourist attraction in France, with 14.9 million visitors in 2013.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What museum attractions came in behind the Louvre?
[A]: | Centre Pompidou (3,745,000 visitors) and Musée d'Orsay |
Generate the answer for a given question. The question requires common knowledge of English. Make sure that the answer is in detail, long, consistent with the context, and requires general knowledge of English. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Give a proper explanation to answer, and if necessary, provide the definition of various terms. And conclude your answer if it's long. If you have used other resources (e.g., Merriam Webster's.) to answer the question, include citations in your answer. You don't need to paraphrase the context of your resources, but make sure that your answer is consistent and complete.
There is a particular taste that I could never quite translate in English. It is not bitter, although it sometimes occurs with it. The best example is eating a raw quince fruit. The mouth and tongue get a sort of dry feeling. Similar taste can be experienced with some persimmon fruit, and unripe plums. I know the word in French (apre) and Bulgarian (). Google translates these as rough, but that somehow seems unlikely. Any ideas?. | Astringent, maybe? Astringent taste is the least common of all the 6 Tastes and can be found in legumes (such as beans and lentils), fruits (including cranberries, pomegranates, pears, and dried fruit), vegetables (such as, broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke, asparagus and turnip), grains (such as rye, buckwheat, and quinoa), spices and herbs (including turmeric and marjoram), coffee, and tea. |
My straight best friend know that I'am gay, and he stay away from me, what shoud I do?
I'm in love with my best friend. I'm gay; he's straight. What should I do?
Please tell me if those questions are the same. OPTIONS:
- no
- yes
A: no
Why do people play with others' emotions?
Why do people play with others' feelings?
Please tell me if those questions are the same. OPTIONS:
- no
- yes
A: yes
Why do I still have acne despite being relatively healthy?
Does dandruff cause acne?
Please tell me if those questions are the same. OPTIONS:
- no
- yes
A: | no |
In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible.
Born in 1842 , Washington & Jefferson College alum was a judge in the US District Court for the Southern District of what state ? | Ohio |
Given a paragraph, your job is to generate a question that can be answered from the passage. The answer to your question should be a single entity, person, time, etc. that can be extracted from the passage.
There are also several smaller freight operators and numerous tourist railways operating over lines which were once parts of a state-owned system. Victorian lines mainly use the 1,600 mm (5 ft 3 in) broad gauge. However, the interstate trunk routes, as well as a number of branch lines in the west of the state have been converted to 1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1⁄2 in) standard gauge. Two tourist railways operate over 760 mm (2 ft 6 in) narrow gauge lines, which are the remnants of five formerly government-owned lines which were built in mountainous areas.
What is the gauge of the Victorian rail lines?
Chloroplasts have their own DNA, often abbreviated as ctDNA, or cpDNA. It is also known as the plastome. Its existence was first proved in 1962, and first sequenced in 1986—when two Japanese research teams sequenced the chloroplast DNA of liverwort and tobacco. Since then, hundreds of chloroplast DNAs from various species have been sequenced, but they're mostly those of land plants and green algae—glaucophytes, red algae, and other algal groups are extremely underrepresented, potentially introducing some bias in views of 'typical' chloroplast DNA structure and content.
What is chloroplast DNA abbreviated as?
Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, invited Huguenots to settle in his realms, and a number of their descendants rose to positions of prominence in Prussia. Several prominent German military, cultural, and political figures were ethnic Huguenot, including poet Theodor Fontane, General Hermann von François, the hero of the First World War Battle of Tannenberg, Luftwaffe General and fighter ace Adolf Galland, Luftwaffe flying ace Hans-Joachim Marseille, and famed U-boat captain Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière. The last Prime Minister of the (East) German Democratic Republic, Lothar de Maizière, is also a descendant of a Huguenot family, as is the German Federal Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maizière.
| What German ruler invited Huguenot immigration?
Same meaning?
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Cyangugu is a diocese located in the city of Cyangugu in the ecclesiastical province of Kigali in Rwanda .
The Roman - Catholic diocese of Cyangugu is a diocese in the city of Cyangugu in the church province of Kigali , Rwanda . | yes |
In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible.
Input: Consider Input: Of Saratoga Countys population in 2010, 6.3% were between ages of 5 and 9 years, 6.7% between 10 and 14 years, 6.5% between 15 and 19 years, 5.5% between 20 and 24 years, 5.5% between 25 and 29 years, 5.8% between 30 and 34 years, 6.6% between 35 and 39 years, 7.9% between 40 and 44 years, 8.5% between 45 and 49 years, 8.0% between 50 and 54 years, 7.0% between 55 and 59 years, 6.4% between 60 and 64 years, and 13.7% of age 65 years and over. 22.7% of the countys population was under age 18. The median age was 40.9 years.
Question: Which age groups each made up exactly 5.5% of the population?
Output: 20 and 24 years, 25 and 29 years
Input: Consider Input: Ash speeded on the highway ducking cars and going through several lanes.
Question: Why did Ash do this?
Output: wanted to avoid being late
Input: Consider Input: Casey was using Riley's lip balm, than put it back in her purse.
Question: What does Casey need to do before this?
| Output: ask Riley if she could borrow it
In this task, you will be shown an incorrect English sentence. You need to generate a corrected form of the input sentence.
Input: Consider Input: That is what it gives us a lot of opportunity to think .
Output: That is why it gives us a lot of opportunity to think .
Input: Consider Input: alternative Reading passege emphesize about alternative to priscibing burning by giving some turm like " disking " in this fire clear out dry and dead shrub and stimulate the growth of new plant life .
Output: The alternative reading passage emphasizes an alternative to prescribed burning by giving a term like " disking " in this fire to clear out dry and dead shrub and stimulate the growth of new plant life .
Input: Consider Input: finally the third cause that birds use a type of internal compass , birds have crystals of the mineral magetite embedded in their break .
| Output: Finally , the third piece of evidence that birds use a type of internal compass is that birds have crystals of the mineral magnetite embedded in their break .
Do these mean the same?
Lignoceric acid , or tetracosanoic acid , is the saturated fatty acid with formula CHCOOH .
Lignoceric acid or tetracosanic acid is the saturated fatty acid with CHCOOH formula .
pick from the following.
- no;
- yes; | yes |
Teacher:Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Learn if being on the Pill for years can make it harder to get pregnant once you go off it. Giving up birth control, what to expect at a preconception doctor visit, screening for genetic disorders, when to stop drinking... Everything you need to know about the Pill as a postpartum contraceptive choice. But what about when you go off of it? Whether you're ditching birth control to get pregnant or just because you don't need it right now, you're probably curious about any changes that may come with going pill-free. Learn how to keep your vagina happy and healthy: If you don’t get your period for some time after stopping the pill chances are that you are either pregnant (do a pregnancy test!) or you did not ovulate. Even without getting your period first there might be a chance you are pregnant. With the implant, you can get pregnant as soon as it is removed. It may take 3 to 18 months after your last shot to get pregnant. The progestin-only pill, also called the mini-pill, does not seem to delay fertility. Most women will get pregnant within 6 months after stopping the mini-pill. Intrauterine devices (IUDs). If you experience severe acne, it’s best to see a dermatologist right before you make the switch to see if they can help. You Can Get Pregnant ASAP Obviously, if you go off birth control it’s easier for you to get pregnant unless you use a backup form of protection. If you were using the birth control pill, the ring, or the IUD, your ability to get pregnant bounces back right away, says Dweck. What to Do If You Become Pregnant While Taking Birth Control. The good news is that studies show taking birth control into early pregnancy will not hurt the baby. Some small studies have shown there may be a possibility of early delivery, low birth weight or congenital urinary tract issues, but these are very rare. The one complication of getting pregnant while on birth control is a possible tubal pregnancy. The way your body reacts really depends on why you started taking the pill in the first place, Dweck says. Women get on the pill for many beneficial reasons, such as more regular cycles, lighter periods, fewer cramps, improved symptoms of PMS (and the more severe version, PMDD), and clearer skin. More than 12 million U.S. women use the combined oral contraceptive pill, more commonly referred to as the pill. The pill is 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Even so, between 2 and 8 percent of women become pregnant each year while using it. The pill is 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Now, you have decided to stop all forms of birth control and get pregnant! But, how soon can you get pregnant after stopping birth control? Source: Understanding how birth control pills works is important. Most contraceptive pills contain two different hormones, estrogen, and progestogen. The purpose of taking birth control is so you stop ovulating every month. The birth control pills stop an egg being released from your ovaries every 28 days. There are birth control pill regimens designed to prevent bleeding for three months at a time or for as long as a year. But it's possible to prevent your period with continuous use of any birth control pill. This means skipping the placebo pills and starting right away on a new pack. Continuous use of your birth control pills works best if you're taking a monophasic pill — with the same hormone dose in the three weeks of active pills. Query: how fast can you get pregnant off of birth control pill
Student: | Most women will get pregnant within 6 months after stopping the mini-pill. |
Write the conversation that led to this response. Jazz Caper Jazz Caper is an album by saxophonist Bill Barron which was recorded in 1978 and first released on the Muse label in 1982.
What was Bill Barron's Jazz Caper?
Write the conversation that led to this response. Iwa Boman Iwa Boman (real name: "Rut Iva Elisabet Boman Söderberg"; born 23 November 1944 in Sundsvall (but grew up in Ånge)) is a Swedish actress and playwright.
What was the leading role in Iwa Boman's early career?
Write the conversation that led to this response. 2002 Family Circle Cup – Doubles Lisa Raymond and Rennae Stubbs were the defending champions and successfully defended their title, defeating Alexandra Fusai and Caroline Vis 6–4, 3–6, 7–6 in the final.
Who won the doubles at the 2002 Family Circle Cup?
Write the conversation that led to this response. My faithful harp, come to my arms." By first marriage to Tangwystl ferch Llywarch he had: By second marriage to Gwenllian ferch Rhys he had: By either of his marriages he had: By an unknown woman he had, illegitimate:
What is the farewell tune?
- Ednyfed then announced to the stunned throng: "This was the tune 'Farewell' to my dear Gwenllian.
- Why did he say that?
- Hence let her go with her new husband.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task you are given a question. You need to generate an answer to the question.
PROBLEM: Question:One of the longest ruling monarchs of the 20th century and a massive and dangerous volcano in the USA share which name?
PROBLEM: Question: What international event held at the end of each year, featuring some of the world's best racing and rally drivers, was first co-organised in 1988 by former rally driver Michle Mouton?
PROBLEM: Question:What separates Wales from Devon, England?
Stream of consciousness rationale: Bitcoin was launched as a currency in 2009. The Louisiana Purchase was in 1803.
The question and answer pair are described below. | Q: Was the Louisiana Purchase made with bitcoin?
A: no |
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
The Merdeka Palace (Indonesian: Istana Merdeka ; also known in Indonesian as Istana Gambir and during colonial times as Paleis te Koningsplein), is one of six presidential palaces in Indonesia. It is located on the north side of the Merdeka Square in Central Jakarta, Indonesia and is used as the official residence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: The Merdeka Palace was made by zebras.
[Q]: St Kilda is an inner suburb (neighbourhood) of the metropolitan area of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 6 km south-east of Melbourne's Central Business District. Its local government area is the City of Port Phillip. At the 2011 Census, St Kilda had a population of 17,795. The population of St Kilda is at nearly 18,000 residents. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
[A]: Yes
Problem: Relient K is the debut studio album by American rock band Relient K. Many of the tracks are newer versions of those found on their 1998 demo "All Work & No Play". Typical of early Relient K albums, the lyrics use pop culture references for teaching and to illustrate Biblical principles. As of late 2006/early 2007, this album has sold around 400,000 copies.
Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Relient K has a debut studio album of the same name."? OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
Q: Rajendra Singh has both male and female children.
Rishika Singh is an Indian actress who appears in Kannada-language films. She is the daughter of film director Rajendra Singh Babu and granddaughter of Mysore-based film producer Shankar Singh and former Bengali actress Pratima Devi. Her brother Aditya also appears in Kannada films.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
The Sandlot is a 1993 American coming-of-age baseball film co-written and directed by David M. Evans, which tells the story of a group of young baseball players during the summer of 1962. It stars Tom Guiry, Mike Vitar, Karen Allen, Denis Leary and James Earl Jones. The filming locations were in Glendale, Midvale, Salt Lake City, and Ogden, Utah.
The Sandlot will have its 20th anniversary in four years OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: Yes
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
The Condensed 21st Century Guide to King Crimson is a compilation by progressive rock band King Crimson, released in 2006. It contains select studio tracks from the two box sets, "The 21st Century Guide to King Crimson – Volume One – 1969–1974" and "The 21st Century Guide to King Crimson – Volume Two – 1981–2003".
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: The Condensed 21st Century Guide to King Crimson contains tracks spanning two volumes from 1969 to 2003.
| Yes |
Are these paraphrases?
The nearest station to Hayes Knoll is Cricklade , the nearest train station is on the Great Western Main Line .
The nearest railway station to Cricklade is Hayes Knoll . The nearest mainline railway station is on the Great Western Main Line . | no |
In this task, you are given a question and an answer. Answer "Yes" if the given answer correctly answers the question, otherwise answer "No".
Q: what is a vm server, Answer: A virtual machine (VM) is a software implemented abstraction of the underlying hardware , which is presented to the application layer of the system.
A: Yes
Q: how are ribosomes made, Answer: The ribosome (from ribonucleic acid and the Greek soma, meaning "body") is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the primary site of biological protein synthesis (translation).
A: No
Q: what is homebrew for wii?, Answer: Wii homebrew refers to the reuse of Nintendo 's Wii game console to run software that has not been authorized by Nintendo .
A: | Yes
Write the conversation that led to this response. In June 2016, the National Italian American Foundation launched a scholarship named for him, the NIAF Michael Gargiulo Scholarship in Broadcasting and Communications.
What awards did Michael Gargiulo win?
- That October, he was the master of ceremonies for the Epiphany School Foundation's annual Walkathon and was honored by the organization, and the following year, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn honored him for his reporting.
- What other awards did he win?
Write the conversation that led to this response. Akhenaten Suite Akhenaten Suite is the seventh album by American jazz trumpeter Roy Campbell, an extended work inspired by Amenhotep IV, Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt.
What is the Akhenaten Suite?
Write the conversation that led to this response. It is found in India.
What do you know about the necophora assamensis moth?
- Nemophora assamensis Nemophora assamensis is a moth of the Adelidae family.
- Where is it found?
Write the conversation that led to this response. Two Prudential Plaza (Jacksonville) Two Prudential Plaza is a skyscraper in Jacksonville, Florida.
What is Two Prudential Plaza?
- |
See this dialog response. 1840 United States presidential election in Maryland The 1840 United States presidential election in Maryland took place between October 30 and December 2, 1840, as part of the 1840 United States presidential election. What came before? | Convo:
Speaker 1: When did the 1840 United States presidential election take place in Maryland?
Speaker 2: |
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options.
Former U.S. presidents cost taxpayers more than $879,000 per year in pensions, personnel, benefits, travel and office expenses, and Bill Clinton's cumulative near-$16 million total is bringing him new scrutiny as his wife makes the case for a White House run of her own. Daily Mail Online reported Clinton's take in 2014, amounting to slightly less than $1.14 million per year, based on a paper from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS). That amount is still less than George W. Bush's $1.18 million annual haul. But since Clinton has had an eight-year head start, his overall benefits are the highest by far, totalling $15,938,000 since he left the White House in January 2001.The Former Presdients Act provides pensions and office expenses for Clinton, both Bushes and Jimmy CarterA 2014 Congressional Research Service report described the payments, pegging Clinton's total at $15.9 million, an average of $1.14 million per yearHe has an 8-year head start on George W. Bush, who nevertheless collects the most each year – an average of $1.18 millionSome of the Clinton payouts are subsidizing staff who work at his family foundation, now closely tied to his wife HillaryClinton spokesman insists the infamous private email server in the power-couple's home was paid for out of Bill Clinton's pocket
Questions:ART SUBSIDY: _ has taken up painting in his post-presidency, and taxpayers are buying the brushes and canvases. (A) U.S. (B) Bill Clinton (C) White House (D) Daily Mail Online (E) Clinton (F) Congressional Research Service (G) CRS (H) George W. Bush (I) Former Presdients Act (J) Bushes (K) Jimmy Carter (L) Hillary | (H) |
Teacher:In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for the answer based on the given article.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Article: Question: I have a one-year-old female bulldog, who has recently taken to biting my shoes when we are in the park and I'm on the mobile. She can be slightly aggressive and I'm starting to get worried and a bit annoyed. How do I stop her? ----Susan, London. Answer: You need to get this problem under control before it could escalate . I always advise owners not to talk on the mobile phone when they go for a walk with their dogs, because they should be focusing on this time with their pets, but I know people have busy lives and need to make phone calls. The behavior she is showing is either controlling or playfulness, but they both result from the same issue ---- you are not paying attention to her. If you must make phone calls while on a walk, try to still engage with your dog by speaking towards her, playing some sorts of game and so on. If that doesn't work, you'll have to try more of a training approach. You will need a training line and some treats. Start your walk in the usual way, make a phone call, and when your dog starts displaying the undesired behavior, simply stop walking --- otherwise she will see it as a game. When she is calm and looking at you, or if she sits, give her a treat; then continue walking. If she starts up again, pick up the lead, gently pull it, and tell her "no". Then ask her to sit and give her a treat if she does. The aim of this is to try to get her to forget how much fun it is biting your shoes. Do little sessions every day --- and try not to answer the phone if you know it's going to be a long conversation. Be patient and good luck! Remember that if an animal shows signs of distress or discomfort, an early visit to the vet is always recommended.
Answer: She finds her dog is getting a little aggressive.
Student: | What is Susan complaining about in her question? |
(CNN) -- Denied a proper buildup to the Australian Open for the second year in a row, Maria Sharapova has taken out her injury frustrations on some of the host country's most promising young male tennis players.
The planet's highest-paid female athlete will line up in Melbourne for the 10th time next week, confident she has overcome the neck problem that ruled her out of the Brisbane International earlier this month.
The world No. 2, who was hampered by an ankle injury before going on to lose last year's final, will play 105th-ranked fellow Russian Olga Puchkova in her opening match.
"I would have loved to come in with a few matches, but sometimes circumstances don't allow that," she told reporters on Saturday, having earlier presented the global launch of her new candy line "Sugarpova."
"To me I'd rather be going on to the court knowing that I'm healthy. Yes, I might be a little bit rusty, but I'll work my way through it. I'm experienced enough to know the adjustments I have to make in those types of circumstances. I went to Brisbane. I certainly would have loved to step on court and play those matches."
Instead the 25-year-old, who won the season's opening grand slam in 2008, got into shape with matches against male opposition.
"I think one of them got a wildcard in the main draw," Sharapova said. "One of them was really on top and then I got really mad. I think he had eight set-points and I ended up winning the set. What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. Who launched Sugarpova?
2. Where was she?
3. Where's that?
4. Was she there for another event?
5. How old is she?
6. How old is she?
7. Where is she ranked in her sport?
8. How does she rank for pay?
9. Is she recovering from an injury?
10. Just one?
11. What kind of injury?
12. Who will she play against?
13. Where is she ranked?
14. How many times has Sharapova played the Australian Open?
15. Did she win last year?
16. What got in the way of her game?
17. Is she annoyed by her injury this year?
18. What did she miss out on the same month due to her injury?
19. Does she think she's healthy now?
20. What did she win in 2008?
Answer: 1. Maria Sharapova.
2. Melbourne .
3. Australia.
4. Australian Open.
5. 25.
6. 25 years old.
7. The world No. 2,
8. Planet's highest-paid female athlete.
9. Yes.
10. Yes.
11. Neck problem.
12. Russian Olga Puchkova.
13. 105th.
14. Ten times.
15. No.
16. An ankle injury.
17. Yes.
18. The Brisbane International.
19. Yes.
20. Season's opening grand slam.
(CNN) -- Never underestimate the power of the dark side.
Scratch that.
Let's go with never underestimate the power of a cute blond kid cloaked in the robes of Mr. Dark Side himself, Darth Vader.
Despite having already been on television since 2009, 6-year-old Max Page is winning more fans than he likely ever could have imagined after his appearance in a Super Bowl advertisement for Volkswagen.
"My dad said I'm the hit star!" Max said Tuesday during an appearance on CNN's "American Morning."
You've doubtless seen the commercial by now. As many as 110 million Americans who watched the Super Bowl on Sunday saw it, and it's been viewed more than 20 million times on YouTube.
It depicts a young boy dressed in Vader's black robe and helmet feverishly trying to get something -- anything -- to obey "The Force" and bend to his will. He tries the washer and dryer. A doll. A sandwich. Nothing happens. Not even the family dog is moved.
But when he tries to wield "The Force" on his dad's new car, the engine roars to life -- with a little help from dad and his keyfob, of course.
You can almost see Max's eyes, wide-open with amazement, as he holds his arms out and turns to his unseen parents as if to say, "Did you see that?"
"Lance Acord, the director, said what he brought to the spot when they were filming was more of an authenticity because he wasn't mimicking Darth Vader," Max's mom, Jennifer said. "He was just challenging Darth Vader and doing what he thought Darth Vader looked like." What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. Who directed the commercial?
2. Who was the star of the commercial?
3. Who was he dressed as?
4. When did the commercial air?
5. How many people saw it when it aired?
6. How many times has it been watched elsewhere?
7. On what platform?
8. What does Max look like?
9. how old is he?
10. Where did he make an appearance after the super bowl aired?
11. On what network?
12. What day was the appearance?
13. What's one of the objects he tried to manipulate with "The Force"?
14. How many other things did he try before he was successful?
15. What finally reacted to "The Force"?
16. Whose car was it?
17. Was it old?
18. What device really made the car react?
19. Did it fool Max?
20. Was he excited?
Answer: 1. Lance Acord
2. Max Page
3. Darth Vader
4. Super Bowl Sunday
5. 110 million
6. 20 million
7. YouTube
8. Cute blond
9. 6 years
10. "American Morning"
11. CNN
12. Tuesday
13. The washer
14. Four
15. A car
16. His dad's
17. No
18. Keyfob
19. Yes
20. Yes
June came and the hay was almost ready for cutting.On Midsummer's Eve, which was aSaturday, Mr.Jones went to Willington and got so drunk at the Red Lion that he did not comeback till midday on Sunday.The men had milked the cows in the early morning and then hadgone out rabbiting, without bothering to feed the animals.When Mr.Jones got back, heimmediately went to sleep on the living-room sofa with the "News of the world" over his face,so that when evening came, the animals were still not fed.At last, they could stand no longer.
One of the cows broke into the door of the store-house with her horns and all the animalsbegan to help themselves to the grains.It was just then that Mr.Jones woke up.The nextmoment he and his four men were in the store-house with whips in their hands,whipping in all directions.This was more than the hungry animals would bear.Together,though nothing of the kind had been planned beforehand, they jumped upon their masters.
Jones and his men suddenly found themselves being struck with horns and kicked from allsides.The situation was quite out of their control.They had never seen animals act like thisbefore, and this sudden uprising of creatures whom they were used to beating andwhipping just as they chose frightened them.After only a moment or two, they gave up tryingto defend themselves.A minute later all five of them were in full fright down the road, with theanimals running after them joyfully. What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. Why did the cows bust into the warehouse?
2. Why?
3. Whose job was it to feed them?
4. Why did Jones not not do it?
5. Why could he not stay up?
6. How many days was he out drinking?
7. In what town was he drinking?
8. What were his men doing instead of feeding the animals?
9. How many men went to try to stop the cows?
10. What did they use?
Answer: | 1. they were hungry
2. no one fed them
3. Mr Jones and the other men
4. he went to sleep
5. he had gotten drunk
6. .two days
7. Willington
8. They were rabbiting
9. four
10. whips |
Given the below context: Martin O'Donnell confirmed Halo 3's soundtrack would see a commercial release in a Bungie podcast. O'Donnell also stressed that the soundtrack would not be released at or near the release date of the game on September 25, 2007. The soundtrack was officially announced on October 17, 2007. The score to the game was used extensively for marketing purposes, even before the release of the game. The first piece heard was entitled "Finish the Fight", and was used in the announcement trailer for Halo 3 at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006. This piece was accented with O'Donnell's well-known Halo theme, which now included a trumpet fanfare and heavy brass section; O'Donnell stated "I want the viewer to have a feeling of anticipation and wonder for the first fifty seconds or so, up until Master Chief is revealed and they realize that it's Cortana trying to tell them something." The track opens with a piano section written by Matt Daspit, uncharacteristic for the series at that point; O'Donnell suspected "no [other announcement at E3] would start with a piano", thus grabbing attention. O'Donnell designed the opening to lull the listener into a sense of suspense, then wonder; "I want them to feel pride and longing the moment Master Chief walks out of the smoke." he said. "I want them to be left with that, 'I can hardly wait to play this game' feeling". Another reworked theme from Halo was used as the background music for the Halo 3 E3 2007 trailer; O'Donnell later offered this track for free online.In addition to the music composed by O'Donnell and Salvatori, the announcement of the Halo 3 Soundtrack was followed with a call for entries to all artists or bands to submit their own original song to be included on the final CD. The submissions were judged by O'Donnell, producer Nile Rodgers, and other artists including Steve Vai. Rodgers stated that more than 21,000 songs were entered, and at least 30% were "amazing"; the winner was Greg Haupt and his band Princeton, whose song "LvUrFR3NZ" appears as the final track on the... Guess a valid title for it!
| Halo 3 Original Soundtrack 2 |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language.
Example: He later scouted in Europe for the Montreal Canadiens .
Output: Il a plus tard été dépisteur du Canadiens de Montréal en Europe .
English sentence is converted to the French language.
New input case for you: During the campaign , the player controls a clone trooper called X2 , who was created from the DNA of a Jedi Master .
Output: | Pendant la campagne , le joueur contrôle un clone nommé X2 , qui a été créé à partir de l' ADN d' un maître jedi . |
Write a phrase, the answer to which is present in the passage. The answer to this question should be completely and unambiguously found in the passage. The query must be about a single or multiple linked entities.
One example: Most people should get all the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet, although some few people may need to take extra supplements. What this guide covers This guide has information about: Bonus: Like potassium, calcium helps regulate blood pressure. On your plate: milk (and other dairy products), spinach, beans and calcium-fortified products. 4. Magnesium: One of the most underrated minerals, magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body. other vitamins and minerals – including beta-carotene, copper, potassium and zinc ; Use these links to find out what these nutrients do, how much of them you need, how to ensure you get enough, and what the risks are if you take too much. Additional information. There are separate pages on: vitamins for children Vitamins and minerals. vitamins-minerals Vitamin A. vitamins-minerals B vitamins and folic acid. vitamins-minerals Vitamin C. vitamins-minerals Vitamin D. vitamins-minerals Vitamin E. vitamins-minerals Vitamin K. vitamins-minerals Calcium. There are separate pages on: 1 vitamins for children. 2 vitamins, supplements and nutrition in pregnancy. 3 fluoride. The 5 Minerals You Really Need ... and How to Add Them to Your Diet. According to Nobel Prize-winner Dr. Linus Pauling, you can trace every health ailment to a mineral deficiency. Who knew?Stress, for example, robs your body of magnesium. An iron deficiency can make you feel lethargic -- and compromise your immunity. On your plate: bananas, baked potatoes, raisins, tomatoes and artichokes. 1 3. Calcium: Sure, calcium helps build strong bones, but it also helps prevent PMS (a welcome side effect for women everywhere). 2 4. Magnesium: One of the most underrated minerals, magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body. other vitamins and minerals – including beta-carotene, copper, potassium and zinc Use these links to find out what these nutrients do, how much of them you need, how to ensure you get enough, and what the risks are if you take too much. Vitamins and minerals are nutrients your body needs in small amounts to work properly and stay healthy. Most people should get all the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet, although some few people may need to take extra supplements. What this guide covers. This guide has information about: vitamin A B vitamins and folic acid So which minerals do you need, and how do you add them to your diet? Minerals are incredibly important for health and to prevent chronic disease. Without them we'd suffer from osteoporosis, PMS, high blood pressure and low energy, just to name a few, says Karen Ansel, a registered dietitian in New York.
Solution is here: the importance of minerals in diet
Explanation: The passage is about the importance of nutrients in a diet. This includes minerals, and hence, the question of importance of minerals can be answered from the information in the passage.
Now, solve this: Here’s a rundown of some of the top NDS emulators available on Google Play: 1. DSDroid: This app was first developed as a plug-in to make games runs faster on entry-level Android phones. Now it has been converted into a full-fledged emulator. The app can run games like Pokémon, but with frame rates at 5-7 per second. The free emulator runs games in full-screen. 2. AndsEmu: Another great app, AndsEmu runs your favorite games. I wish like the gba emulators there was a fast forward button. Maybe I just got to used to the speed of the gba games but it really feels sluggish playing anything with this. Also when messing with the control scheme the buttons jitter around as you try to move them and it takes a bit to make them stick. White screen few minutes, then game runs fine. 0 r176 Pokemon Black Works JPN Runs very slow speed. Frame Skip doesn't seem to help... 1 r208 Pokemon White Works CHN Runs very slow speed. 1 r185 Pokemon Dash Working USA A little slow but playable. 0 r180 Pokemon Diamond Works USA Very slow. But speed is a little better then before. 1 r185 Pokemon Heart Gold Works USA Very slow. 2 r180 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team Works USA Runs at 1/2 to 1/4 speed. 1 r180 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness Works USA Runs at 1/2 to 1/4 speed. 1 r180 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Works USA Runs at 1/2 to 1/4 speed. 1 r180 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time Works USA Runs at 1/2 speed mostly, some graphic issues, nothing serious. also, wont save. 1 r154 The answer is yes, you can play Nintendo 3d games in pc, mac, android or any other devices or operating systems. You can play using 3ds emulator for pc & android. 3d emulator is software which is used to clone an operating system of other devices and later can be used to run program on different devices like windows, mac and android devices. Finally I can relive a sacred part of my childhood (and play Soul Silver again without having to pay $40)! But in all seriousness, I'm absolutely ecstatic to have a NDS emulator--and a damn good one at that--to replay games I've loved and explore some of the titles I've never gotten around to. Citra is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo 3DS capable of playing many of your favorite games. Learn More. DesMuMe emulator is the best DS emulator out there, hands down. It's build quality and efficiency is almost as good as a real DS. You can access all available features of a real DS ,on the emulator as well. Except for Wi-Fi emulation doesn't exist. (Some svn builds have wifi) Using emulators and roms is considered illegal and I strongly advice to go legally if possible. For more info on emulator : DeSmuME Nintendo Emulator. 1 Play Nintendo 3DS on PC, Mac and Linux. The Nintendo 3DS revolutionized gaming concepts; it boasts of the innovative touchscreen games unique only to the 3DS. 2 DeSmuME is derived from 'DS Emu' and 'ME' (which is popular for naming developer softwares, such as 'LoadME' and 'PassME'). 3. DeSmuME. DeSmuME is a free Nintendo DS emulator for Windows PC. It is the first Nintendo DS emulator to run some commercial games. You can check its official site for more information. 4. NeonDS. Neon DS is a Nintendo DS game emulator that runs on any Windows platform. It already runs on a few commercial game, and its compatibility is fairly good. You can download it for free at 5. iDeaS. iDeaS is an emulator that on a Windows PC with OpenGL. It can run a lot of commercial games including Super Mario 64 DS and Pokémon Diamond & Pearl. You can download it free at NeonDs is a Nintendo Emulator that runs on any of the platforms of Windows and already works well on some commercial games. It is quite a compatible and good emulator. From you can get this for free. Check Official Website. 6.iDeaS
Solution: | ds emulator that runs good |
What happens next?
How to open a lawn doctor franchise
Determine whether you have the financial qualifications for becoming a lawn doctor franchisee.
The total initial investment for a lawn doctor franchise falls into the range of $68 , 387-$98 , 237. You must meet the basic minimum qualifications :
Have $50 , 000 in liquid capital.
Pick your answer from:
(i). Do not have very good profit projections of financial expenses. Do not have access to ground transportation for customers.
(ii). The liquid capital requirement may depend on what your total initial investment will be, including any discounts you may qualify for. Have a net worth of $250 , 000 keep in mind that lawn doctor has an initial license fee of $30 , 000, and requires some working capital.
(iii). You must also be at least 40 years of age. Have the work experience and outside skills required.
(iv). Have excellent communication skills, pay stubs, and also extensive training. Have no high school diploma or ged or another equivalent. | (ii). |
Read this and answer the question
Despite some concerns, western vegetarians and vegans have not been found to suffer from overt zinc deficiencies any more than meat-eaters. Major plant sources of zinc include cooked dried beans, sea vegetables, fortified cereals, soyfoods, nuts, peas, and seeds. However, phytates in many whole-grains and fiber in many foods may interfere with zinc absorption and marginal zinc intake has poorly understood effects. The zinc chelator phytate, found in seeds and cereal bran, can contribute to zinc malabsorption. There is some evidence to suggest that more than the US RDA (15 mg) of zinc daily may be needed in those whose diet is high in phytates, such as some vegetarians. These considerations must be balanced against the fact that there is a paucity of adequate zinc biomarkers, and the most widely used indicator, plasma zinc, has poor sensitivity and specificity. Diagnosing zinc deficiency is a persistent challenge.
Where is zinc chelator phytate found? | seeds and cereal bran, |
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage.
Input: Consider Input: passage: If f is differentiable at a point x, then f must also be continuous at x. In particular, any differentiable function must be continuous at every point in its domain. The converse does not hold: a continuous function need not be differentiable. For example, a function with a bend, cusp, or vertical tangent may be continuous, but fails to be differentiable at the location of the anomaly.
question: if a function is continuous then it is differentiable at that point?
Output: Yes
Input: Consider Input: passage: In mathematical analysis, the maxima and minima (the respective plurals of maximum and minimum) of a function, known collectively as extrema (the plural of extremum), are the largest and smallest value of the function, either within a given range (the local or relative extrema) or on the entire domain of a function (the global or absolute extrema). Pierre de Fermat was one of the first mathematicians to propose a general technique, adequality, for finding the maxima and minima of functions.
question: can a local maximum also be an absolute maximum?
Output: Yes
Input: Consider Input: passage: In June 2016, Henkel acquired Sun Products and discontinued the brand in favor of its own Persil brand, which had recently been introduced to the North American market as a premium detergent.
question: is wisk laundry detergent still on the market?
| Output: No
In this task, you will be shown an incorrect English sentence. You need to generate a corrected form of the input sentence.
Ex Input:
The one of the reason that the fish is important is the fish can be a important bay for livestock and poultry .
Ex Output:
One of the reasons that the fish are important is the fish can be an important food for livestock and poultry .
Ex Input:
If there are specialized docters , the docter has done the operation very often before , so he is really talented in his job .
Ex Output:
If there are specialized doctors , it means that the doctor has done the operation many times before and is very talented at his job .
Ex Input:
One without the other is nothing .
Ex Output:
| One without the other is nothing .
Choose from options. Continue the following story.
Jim got his first credit card in college. He didn't have a job so he bought everything on his card. After he graduated he amounted a $10,000 debt. Jim realized that he was foolish to spend so much money.
Possible answers: (A). Jim decided to devise a plan for repayment. (B). Jim decided to open another credit card. | (A). |
In this task, you are given a second sentence. Your task is to generate the first sentence on the same topic but incoherent and inconsistent with the second sentence.
However , it can be found further inland , especially in Spain .
It is commonly observed on walls in urban environments , mainly in warm coastal areas .
Thus , in the summer of 1941 , the Germans had to capture the city again , this time from the Soviets .
On June 22 , 1941 , the city was attacked by the Wehrmacht on the first day of the anti-Soviet Operation Barbarossa .
However , as cultures become more sophisticated , national nuances appear in the style and references so that what is amusing in one culture may be unintelligible in another .
| Simple physical comedy such as slapstick is entertaining to a broad range of people of all ages .
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: dance, partner, wheelchair
A woman in a wheelchair is dancing alongside her partner.
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: face, motion, slap
A young man slaps his own face in very slow motion and the skin sags.
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: brother, meet, sister
| a brother meets his estranged sister and falls in love with her . |
Definition: Write a phrase, the answer to which is present in the passage. The answer to this question should be completely and unambiguously found in the passage. The query must be about a single or multiple linked entities.
Input: Dr. David M Keith, MD, is a Family Practice specialist in Union, South Carolina. He attended and graduated from Medical University Of South Carolina College Of Medicine in 1976, having over 42 years of diverse experience, especially in Family Practice. Dr. David Keith is a Family Medicine Doctor in Union, SC. Find Dr. Keith's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. Dr. David M Keith attended and graduated from Medical University Of South Carolina College Of Medicine in 1976. NPPES Info. NPI #: 1487677712; NPI Enumeration Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2006; NPPES Last Update: Thursday, April 7, 2016 DOROTHY V KEITH NPI profile information. DOROTHY KEITH, 2355S0801X - Speech-Language Assistant Speech & Language Therapists in UNION, SC NPI Number 1235139700 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. paul keith ratzker m.d.. Dr. David M Keith, MD has a medical practice at 429 East Main Street, Union, SC 29379. Currently, Dr. David M Keith specializes in family practice in Union area and has over 42 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from Medical University Of South Carolina College Of Medicine with his medical degree in 1976. NPI Number: 1487677712. Healthcare provider: DAVID MARTIN KEITH MD. Practice location address: 429 E MAIN ST UNION, SC, 29379-1902 DAVID MARTIN KEITH MD address is 429 E MAIN ST UNION, SC 29379 Other Providers at the same location The following 9 providers are registered at the same or nearby location. Dr. Keith Harkins practices at 3418 Casey Street, Loris SC. Profile of Dr. Keith Harkins, specializes in internal medicine, office hours, phone number, doctor reviews. South Carolina Anderson Pediatrics Dr. Keith M Hart Information About Dr. Keith M Hart is a male Pediatrician (taxonomy code 208000000X) located in Anderson, South Carolina. Dr. Keith M Hart's NPI Number is #1629053822 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 13 years. Dr. Keith M Hart's practice location is listed as: 2000 E Greenville St Ste 3000 Anderson, SC 29621 and can be reached via phone at (864) 224-1055.
Output: | dr. keith union, sc npi number |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be shown an incorrect English sentence. You need to generate a corrected form of the input sentence.
But I can not use only my own subject to design a building .
| But I can not use only my own subject to design a building . |
LEGOLAND® Online Tickets are valid for admission to LEGOLAND Billund on opening days between March 19 and October 30, 2016 as specified on the ticket.
Please remove spaces between words. | LEGOLAND®OnlineTicketsarevalidforadmissiontoLEGOLANDBillundonopeningdaysbetweenMarch19andOctober30,2016asspecifiedontheticket. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for the answer based on the given article.
Q: Article: Rembrandt was an extraordinary Dutch painter. He was most well-known for his brushwork and the way in which he connected with the human soul. His life, however, was not happy. He was born on July 15,1606 in Leiden, the Netherlands. His father wanted him to have a real, learned profession but Rembrandt left the University of Leiden after becoming bored. He began studying art under a local teacher but soon left and studied in Amsterdam where he mastered all his lessons in six months! At the age of 22, he moved back to Leiden and began to get his own students. One of his students was the famous artist Gerrit Dou. In 1631 he returned to Amsterdam where he became the most popular portrait painter in Holland. Rembrandt met Saskia and married her in 1634. She was a cousin of a very successful art dealer and she helped him to meet wealhy people who commissioned many paintings from him. He used her as a model in many of his paintings. Rembrandt's private life, however, was very unfortunate. He had four children with Saskia but only one, Titus, survived. Saskia died in 1642 at the age of only 30. In 1649, his housekeeper became his second wife and was also a model for many of his paintings. Even though Rembrandt was very successful as an artist, art dealer and teacher, he lived in a careless way and had to declare bankruptcy in 1656. He even had to sell his whole art collection and his house to pay off his debts. His unfortunate life, however, didn't affect his art. He painted many great paintings during that time. His new love, Hendrickje, died in 1663 and his 27-year-old son, Titus, died in 1668. Eleven months later, on October 4, 1669, Rembrandt died in Amsterdam. He produced more than 600 paintings and over 2,000 drawings!
Answer: Like other famous artists, he was thoughtless.
A: | Which of the following is the reason that made Rembrandt's business fail? |
Chain-of-thought: You cannot add to ten and still equal ten.
Question: Which of these sentences doesn't make sense?
- Sentence A: "Four plus six equals ten"
- Sentence B: "Ten plus six equals ten"
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: Hitting the gas does not cause a car to stop.
Question: Which of these sentences doesn't make sense?
- Sentence A: "Mike's car accelerates quickly when he hits the gas."
- Sentence B: "Mike's car stops quickly when he hits the gas."
Answer: Sentence B
Explanation for the following question's answer: A green fence is too heavy to float.
Question: Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense?
- Sentence A: "He floated a green fence to space."
- Sentence B: "He floated a red balloon to space."
Answer: Sentence A
Chain-of-thought: Horse can not have Tyre,it only has legs.
Question: One of the following sentences is nonsensical. Which one is it?
- Sentence A: "The tyre of the bus exploded"
- Sentence B: "The tyre of the horse exploded"
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: The dishes are not usable if they are underneath the table.
Question: Choose the sentence that goes against common sense.
- Sentence A: "The dishes sit on the table."
- Sentence B: "The table sits on the dishes."
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: The water from the shower cannot be sticky.
| Question: Choose the sentence that goes against common sense.
- Sentence A: "The water from the shower is warm."
- Sentence B: "The water from the shower is sticky."
Answer: Sentence B |
You are given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence that supports the given input.
Helium is the second most abundant element in the known universe, after hydrogen. | The element hydrogen is the most abundant in the universe. |
Are these paraphrases?
All celebrated commemorations below on 19 October by eastern Orthodox churches determined on the old calendar .
All celebrated commemorations below fixed on October 19 by Eastern Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar . | yes |
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
Winners receive the FA Cup trophy, of which there have been two designs and five actual cups; the latest is a 2014 replica of the second design, introduced in 1911. Winners also qualify for the Europa League and a place in the FA Community Shield match. Chelsea are the current holders, having beaten Manchester United 1--0 in the 2018 final. Arsenal are the most successful club with 13 titles. Arsenal's Arsène Wenger is the most successful manager in the competition with seven finals won.
does winning the fa cup qualify you for the champions league?
The four-leaf clover is a rare variation of the common three-leaf clover. According to traditional superstition, such clovers bring good luck, though it is not clear when or how that superstition got started. The earliest mention of ``Fower-leafed or purple grasse'' is from 1640 and simply says that it was kept in gardens because it was ``good for the purples in children or others''. A description from 1869 says that four-leaf clovers were ``gathered at night-time during the full moon by sorceresses, who mixed it with vervain and other ingredients, while young girls in search of a token of perfect happiness made quest of the plant by day''. The first reference to luck might be from an 11-year-old girl, who wrote in an 1877 letter to St. Nicholas Magazine, ``Did the fairies ever whisper in your ear, that a four-leaf clover brought good luck to the finder?''
is there such a thing as a four leaf clover?
In the United States, although the legality of headlight flashing varies from state to state, a federal court ruled that flashing headlights was a constitutionally protected form of speech, issuing an injunction prohibiting a police department from citing or prosecuting drivers who flash their lights to warn of radar and speed traps.
| is it illegal to flash lights to warn of police?
In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible.
When did the course in the second-largest city and metropolitan area in England close ?
21 June 1965
What dedication is in the location that is situated approximately 5.5 miles ( 9 km ) south-east of the town of Driffield ?
St Elgin
The 1st osteopathic medical school , which is a private , non-profit medical school , located in the 7th largest city in its state , had its first graduating class on what date ?
| 5 August 2013
+What is Leskov Island (Antarctica)?;
| Leskov Island (Antarctica) Leskov Island is an ice-covered island in the West Ice Shelf of Antarctica, rising to , northwest of Mikhaylov Island. |
You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph.
I find that it does. The Pro V1 for me is the best ball out there in terms of providing durability, distance and control. I've also used Nike and Top Flight and always come back to the Pro V1. But, the real answer is how the ball reacts to your swing and game. I recommend playing a few rounds with different brands.
Are expensive urethane golf balls e.g. Titleist Pro V1 worth it for the normal club golfer?
Some evidence of photosynthesis was found on rocks in Greenland dating from 3.7 billion years ago. Danish researchers reached that conclusion analyzing the relative abundance of uranium and thorium in some rocks, and the high abundance of uranium in those suggests that there was oxygen present. Their conclusion was that microorganisms like present day cyanobacteria were converting sunlight to chemical energy through oxygen-producing photosynthesis.
What is the oldest evidence of life?
Larry Johnson for sure, no question, he tore it up the second half of the season.
| who should i keep in my keeper league.Larry johnson or santana moss?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
How would the universe look without gravity? It would have no planets and no stars. Thats how it looked when it was young. When the universe was young, there was only gas and dust. From this gas and dust, everything we now see was made. How were stars and planets created from just gas and dust? The answer is gravity. The same gravity that holds you down on Earth. The same force that causes your pencil to roll off your desk. The same force that causes it to fall to the floor. The invisible force of gravity caused dust and gas particles to be pulled together. This force is what formed all the objects in our solar system. This force formed the smallest moons. It also formed our Sun. This force caused more than just our solar system to form. It caused all the other solar systems to form. It caused the formation of all the galaxies of the universe. <sep>Did the universe always have a sun?<sep>Yes
| No |
Please answer the following question: Given the following passage "Women in the Middle Ages were officially required to be subordinate to some male, whether their father, husband, or other kinsman. Widows, who were often allowed much control over their own lives, were still restricted legally. Women's work generally consisted of household or other domestically inclined tasks. Peasant women were usually responsible for taking care of the household, child-care, as well as gardening and animal husbandry near the house. They could supplement the household income by spinning or brewing at home. At harvest-time, they were also expected to help with field-work. Townswomen, like peasant women, were responsible for the household, and could also engage in trade. What trades were open to women varied by country and period. Noblewomen were responsible for running a household, and could occasionally be expected to handle estates in the absence of male relatives, but they were usually restricted from participation in military or government affairs. The only role open to women in the Church was that of nuns, as they were unable to become priests.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: In what sectors could only men serve?
Answer: | military or government |
In this article, I’ll address a real mainstay of modern medicine: laboratory tests that require drawing blood. This is sometimes referred to as “checking labs,” “doing bloodwork,” or even “checking blood.” Most older adults have been through this. For instance, it’s pretty much impossible to be hospitalized without having bloodwork done, and it’s part of most emergency room care. Such testing is also often done as part of an annual exam, or “complete physical.” Last but not least, blood testing is usually — although not always — very helpful when it comes to evaluating many common complaints that affect aging adults. Fatigued and experiencing low energy? We should perhaps check for anemia and thyroid problems, among other things. Confused and delirious? Bloodwork can help us check on an older person’s electrolytes (they can be thrown off by a medication side-effect, as well as by other causes). Blood tests can also provide us with information related to infection, kidney function, and much more. Like much of medical care, blood testing is probably overused. But often, it’s an appropriate and an important part of evaluating an older person’s health care concerns. So as a geriatrician, I routinely order or recommend blood tests for older adults. Historically, laboratory results were reviewed by the doctors and were only minimally discussed with patients and families. But today, it’s becoming more common for patients to ask questions about their results, and otherwise become more knowledgeable about this aspect of their health. In fact, one of my top recommendations to older adults and family caregivers is to always request a copy of your laboratory results. (And then, keep it in your personal health record!) This way, if you ever have questions about your health, or need to see a different doctor, you’ll be able to quickly access this useful information about yourself. In this article, I’m going to list and briefly explain the blood tests that are most commonly used, for the primary medical care of older... Question: The author probably believes that: Options: A. not enough information B. they are only recommended to aging adults C. laboratory results are accurate D. laboratory results are easily understandable without interpretations from medical doctors === The correct answer is
A: | C |
Teacher:In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Fauré is regarded as one of the masters of the French art song, or mélodie. Ravel wrote in 1922 that Fauré had saved French music from the dominance of the German Lied. Two years later the critic Samuel Langford wrote of Fauré, "More surely almost than any writer in the world he commanded the faculty to create a song all of a piece, and with a sustained intensity of mood which made it like a single thought". In a 2011 article the pianist and writer Roy Howat and the musicologist Emily Kilpatrick wrote: His devotion to the mélodie spans his career, from the ever-fresh "Le papillon et la fleur" of 1861 to the masterly cycle L'horizon chimérique, composed sixty years and more than a hundred songs later. Fauré's songs are now core repertoire for students and professionals, sung in conservatories and recital halls throughout the world. In Copland's view, the early songs, written in the 1860s and 1870s under the influence of Gounod, except for isolated songs such as "Après un rêve" or "Au bord de l'eau", show little sign of the artist to come. With the second volume of the sixty collected songs written during the next two decades, Copland judged, came the first mature examples of "the real Fauré". He instanced "Les berceaux", "Les roses d'Ispahan" and especially "Clair de lune" as "so beautiful, so perfect, that they have even penetrated to America", and drew attention to less well known mélodies such as "Le secret", "Nocturne", and "Les présents". Fauré also composed a number of song cycles. Cinq mélodies "de Venise", Op. 58 (1891), was described by Fauré as a novel kind of song suite, in its use of musical themes recurring over the cycle. For the later cycle La bonne chanson, Op. 61 (1894), there were five such themes, according to Fauré. He also wrote that La bonne chanson was his most spontaneous composition, with Emma Bardac singing back to him each day's newly written material.
Question: What was the name of Fauré most spontaneous composition?
Student: | La bonne chanson |
See this dialog response. (ESPN holds a stake in TSN), with a stipulation that at least 17 games would be carried on ESPN2 (or another ESPN network, such as ESPN or ESPNEWS) each season, including the Grey Cup; this gives ESPN exclusive CFL rights during this time frame. What came before? | DIALOG: --What was the impact of the ESPN/TSN deal on the Canadian Football League?; -- |
In this task, you're given a question, along with a context passage. The passage will not have a direct answer to the question, but can include some information and a clue for the answer. Assuming you can only obtain information about one entity in the passage, your job is to determine whether information from the passage can be used to answer the question. Indicate your choice as `a` for Yes or `b` for No.
Example Input: Question: When was the creator of Conan the Barbarian born? Passage:"The Ivory Goddess" is a short story by American writers L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter, featuring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian created by Robert E. Howard. According to Morgan Holmes, citing de Camp friend Loay Hall, Carter did none of the writing, and the story was written by de Camp in collaboration with his wife Catherine Crook de Camp. The story was first published by Bantam Books in the paperback anthology Conan the Swordsman in August 1978. Later paperback editions of the collection were issued by Ace Books (1987 and 1991). The first hardcover edition was published by Tor Books in 2002. The book has also been translated into Italian. It was later gathered together with Conan the Liberator and Conan and the Spider God into the omnibus collection Sagas of Conan (Tor Books, 2004). The story has been translated into Italian.
Example Output: b
Example Input: Question: Which team won the game on October 16, 2010? Passage:Murray started the 2010 season off with a strong performance of 208 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns against Utah State. In the next game against Florida State, he had 51 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns. In the following game against Air Force, he recorded 110 rushing yards and his third consecutive game with two rushing touchdowns. In addition, he had five receptions for 38 yards and a receiving touchdown. After posting 67 rushing yards and a touchdown against Cincinnati in the following game, he had 115 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns against Texas. On October 16, 2010, with 112 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns against Iowa State, Murray passed running back Steve Owens as the all-time touchdown leader at the University of Oklahoma with 58 touchdowns. On November 20, against Baylor, he had 62 rushing yards, one rushing touchdown, six receptions, 120 receiving yards, and one receiving touchdown. In his final collegiate game, he had 93 rushing yards and one rushing touchdown against Connecticut in the 2011 Fiesta Bowl. He finished his last season with the Sooners with 1,214 rushing yards, 15 rushing touchdowns, 71 receptions, 594 receiving yards, and five receiving touchdowns. He ended his college career with 65 touchdowns, becoming only the fifth player in Big 12 conference history to score at least 60 career touchdowns.
Example Output: a
Example Input: Question: How tall is the player that was brought back to Boston in a February 24, 2005 trade that involved Payton? Passage:Prior to the 2004–05 season, the Lakers traded Payton and Rick Fox to the Boston Celtics for center Chris Mihm, small forward Jumaine Jones and point guard Chucky Atkins. While Payton expressed displeasure with the trade, he ultimately did report to Boston and began the 2004–05 season as the Celtics' starting point guard. On February 24, 2005 Payton was traded to the Atlanta Hawks in a deal that brought former Celtic Antoine Walker back to Boston. The Hawks then waived Payton immediately following the trade, and he returned a week later to Boston as a free agent. Payton started all 77 games he played for Boston and averaged 11.3 points per game and 6.1 assists as the Celtics won the Atlantic Division before losing in the first round to the Indiana Pacers.
Example Output: | a
Given a context passage, generate a question from the passage such that its answer is shortest continous span from the passage.
Differentiation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) into cancer cells causes increased sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents. Although inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) leads to CSC survival, the effect of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), an mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) activator remains unknown. In this study, we examined the effects of BCAA on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells expressing a hepatic CSC marker, EpCAM. We examined the effects of BCAA and/or 5-fluorouracil (FU) on expression of EpCAM and other CSC-related markers, as well as cell proliferation in HCC cells and in a xenograft mouse model. We also characterized CSC-related and mTOR signal-related molecule expression and tumorigenicity in HCC cells with knockdown of Rictor or Raptor, or overexpression of constitutively active rheb (caRheb). mTOR signal-related molecule expression was also examined in BCAA-treated HCC cells. In-vitro BCAA reduced the frequency of EpCAM-positive cells and improved sensitivity to the anti-proliferative effect of 5-FU. Combined 5-FU and BCAA provided better antitumor efficacy than 5-FU alone in the xenograft model. Stimulation with high doses of BCAA activated mTORC1. Knockdown and overexpression experiments revealed that inhibition of mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2) or activation of mTORC1 led to decreased EpCAM expression and little or no tumorigenicity. BCAA may enhance the sensitivity to chemotherapy by reducing the population of cscs via the mTOR pathway. This result suggests the utility of BCAA in liver cancer therapy. | What does mTOR stands for? |
Police 'did not link' Savile claims
Generate a new sentence that is, on a scale from 0 to 5, a 1 in textual similarity to the above sentence. | BBC faces questions for pulling Savile case |
In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D".
[header] How to operate a manual pallet jack [title] Find the release lever. [step] Stand behind the manual pallet jack as this is the position you will be in when you move it. Find the small lever that allows the pallet jack prongs (the large flat metal pieces near the floor) to drop all the way down toward the floor. <sep> (A) Pass that lever over the top of the pallet jack, locking it in place with your fingertips. Keep the pallet jack in this position for 45 seconds, until it begins to tilt upwards slightly. (B) Lock the release lever in place and open the pallet jack by rotating it counter clockwise. [substeps] One second later, reverse the motion in the locked position and use the bucket with the release lever to hoist the pallet jack farther up. (C) [substeps] The pallet jack drop lever is often a small lever in the middle of the rounded handle, on the vertical stem of the manual machine. It may be distinguished by a different color of plastic, or otherwise marked, or it may not be. (D) [title] Pull the lever counterclockwise. [step] Steadily pull this lever counterclockwise.
[header] How to find unclaimed money [title] Collect the names and past and current addresses for yourself and/or any others for who you want to search for unclaimed property. [title] Go to, www. enter your name and hit search. <sep> (A) [title] Contact the application and let it search to find unclaimed property. [step] You will be taken to a web page that suggests you have entered the right name, address and previous contact information. (B) [title] Take the name and current address and enter it on the search field at the top of your search results. [title] Click on " start my search ". (C) [title] Look for friends or coworkers that earn unclaimed money. [step] They will have fake names to provide potential buyers with time to find them. (D) [title] Review the list of names to see if your name is on the list. [step] If your name is not anywhere on the list skip to step 8.
The girl sits down, then gets on one knee and sits back down. We see a title screen on beige. the lady <sep> (A) sings and we see kids performing beam jumps. (B) puts a basketball in her mouth and chews it. (C) stands up and opens her belly. (D) gets up from the floor slowly with instructions on the screen.
| D
What is the title of this article:
Some of the most important surviving works of Old English literature are Beowulf, an epic poem; the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a record of early English history; the Franks Casket, an inscribed early whalebone artefact; and Cædmon's Hymn, a Christian religious poem. There are also a number of extant prose works, such as sermons and saints' lives, biblical translations, and translated Latin works of the early Church Fathers, legal documents, such as laws and wills, and practical works on grammar, medicine, and geography. Still, poetry is considered the heart of Old English literature. Nearly all Anglo-Saxon authors are anonymous, with a few exceptions, such as Bede and Cædmon. Cædmon, the earliest English poet we know by name, served as a lay brother in the monastery at Whitby.
Title: | Old English |
lighting a candle causes that candle to burn
Which of the following burns due to wax? | tea candle |
Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language.
[EX Q]: After six hours ' walk along the beach with crab holes and rotten trees , she arrived in Primapam , the patrol station at Cook 's Bay .
[EX A]: Après six heures de marche le long de la plage couverte de trous de crabes et d' arbres pourris , elle arrive à Pirimapum , la station de patrouille de Cook' s Bay .
[EX Q]: At least three other bar-tailed godwits also appear to have reached the Yellow Sea after non-stop flights from New Zealand . "
[EX A]: Au moins trois autres barges rousses semblent aussi avoir atteint la mer Jaune après des vols sans escales à partir de la Nouvelle-Zélande " .
[EX Q]: After he hears the news that his sons have been brutally killed in Salamanca , the Count holds a feast in celebration of their deaths , commanding his guests to revel with him .
[EX A]: | Après avoir appris la nouvelle de la mort brutale de ses fils à Salamanque , le comte organise un festin pour célébrer leur mort et ordonne à ses invités de s' amuser avec lui .
Syracuse IMG Sports Network is the radio and television name for Syracuse University sports. The radio affiliates broadcast football, as well as men's and women's basketball and men's lacrosse games. Time Warner Cable Sports broadcasts the coaches' show and a weekly program titled "Syracuse Sidelines".
Syracuse University plays womens basketball
A: Yes
Dave Ward, born 12 July 1959, is a British Trade Unionist and General Secretary of the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU), which was formed through the merger of the Union of Communication Workers and the National Communications Union in 1995. The CWU is the largest Trade Union in the United Kingdom for people working in the Postal and Telecommunications industry with over 200,000 members.
The largest trade union in the United Kingdom is known as the Communication Workers' Union.
A: Yes
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln, often referred to as Nebraska, UNL or NU, is a public research university in the city of Lincoln, in the state of Nebraska in the Midwestern United States. It is the state's oldest university, and the largest in the University of Nebraska system.
The University of Nebraska campus in Lincoln is a large university
A: | Yes |
He also liked swimming and cycling. He said that he wrote stories, though he had to admit that he had never got further than the first two pages. Willie meanwhile not only remained silent during these conversations but picked his berries slowly so that they might forget that he was there but he reckoned without Zach.
Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true?
Willie was there
*It's impossible to say. | Yes |
Total EU spending in Germany 13056 billion
A: Total EU spending in Germany – €13.056 billion
Hugo Larsen Hesselager Forest Mill 1937 Oil on hardboard 265 x 375 cm Private collection
A: Hugo Larsen: Hesselager Forest Mill, 1937. Oil on hardboard, 26.5 x 37.5 cm. Private collection.
Special Disclaimer Trademark names on this site which include Berocca are the property of each trademark holder We do not claim we are affiliated in any way with the manufacturer of Berocca as the holder of Trademark Berocca Brand name product Berocca is made by Berocca the trademark holder We at EuroDrugstoreeu advertise approved medicines
A: Special Disclaimer : Trademark names on this site, which include Berocca, are the property of each trademark holder. We do not claim we are affiliated in any way with the manufacturer of Berocca as the holder of Trademark Berocca. Brand name product Berocca is made by Berocca the trademark holder. We at advertise approved medicines.
Born in Hodsager Denmark
| A: Born in Hodsager, Denmark |
The actress used to be named Terpsichore , but she changed it to Tina a few years ago, because she figured *it* was easier to pronounce.
Are "Terpsichore" and "it" the same entity? | no |
You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph.
Some fundamentals for men: talk 30-40% and let her talk the rest of the time. Open doors, pick up the tab, and make eye contact. One big mistake I see guys make, and one that I made back in my dating days, is making the date seem more like an interview. Sure, you want to get to know the person, but that doesn't have to be crammed into one night of Q&A. Make an effort to strike up casual conversation, and talk about things that are in the moment. Remember, people evaluate how much they like or dislike you based upon the quality of the experience they have in your presence. If you are able to show people a good time, they will be attracted to you. If you make people feel like they are interviewing for a job, they will not be so keen on another date. (Watch any episode of Blind Date to find out what NOT to do.)
How should I act on a date?
Naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene? Either way, yes.
Have you ever smelled moth balls?
If you include that this deception is propogated between two or more people, you've got a pretty good definition of conspiracy, as it is, it's most like a definition of fraud.
| What is defined as a deception deliberatly practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain?
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False.
Bicycle helmets in New Zealand -- Bicycle helmets have been mandatory in New Zealand since January 1994. The statute, delineated in Part 11 of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 (SR 2004/427), states that ``A person must not ride, or be carried on, a bicycle on a road unless the person is wearing a safety helmet of an approved standard that is securely fastened.'' The law describes six different acceptable helmet standards.
do you have to wear a helmet on a bike nz
Xbox 360 controller -- The Xbox 360 controller is the primary controller for the Microsoft Xbox 360 video game console that was introduced at E3 2005. The Xbox 360 controller comes in both wired and wireless versions. Original Xbox controllers are not compatible with the Xbox 360. The wired and wireless versions are also compatible with Microsoft PC operating systems, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
are all xbox 360 controllers compatible with pc
Vinegar -- The term ``distilled vinegar'' as used in the United States (called ``spirit vinegar'' in the UK, ``white vinegar'' in Canada) is something of a misnomer because it is not produced by distillation but by fermentation of distilled alcohol. The fermentate is diluted to produce a colorless solution of 5% to 8% acetic acid in water, with a pH of about 2.6. This is variously known as distilled spirit, ``virgin'' vinegar, or white vinegar, and is used in cooking, baking, meat preservation, and pickling, as well as for medicinal, laboratory, and cleaning purposes. The most common starting material in some regions, because of its low cost, is malt, or in the United States, corn. It is sometimes derived from petroleum. Distilled vinegar in the UK is produced by the distillation of malt to give a clear vinegar which maintains some of the malt flavour. Distilled vinegar is used predominantly for cooking, although in Scotland it is used as an alternative to brown or light malt vinegar. White distilled vinegar can also be used for cleaning, and some is actually sold specifically for this purpose.
| is distilled vinegar the same as white vinegar for cooking
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information.
Which dog, American Cocker Spaniel or Löwchen, is considered by some registries as a toy dog and by the American Kennel Club as a non-sporting dog? | The Löwchen |
Given the following passage "These were fighting words to be coming from a country that once insisted Europe needed Turkey and was willing to spill blood over it. For his authority Miller invokes the people, citing the "collective wisdom" of Europe, and introducing a concept to arise many times in the decades to follow under chilling circumstances:", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Sageness is a synonym of which noun?
The answer to this question is: | wisdom |
Given a context passage, generate a question from the passage such that its answer is shortest continous span from the passage.
''Belly Full of Turkey'' is the ninth episode in the first season of the television series How I Met Your Mother.
The Belly Full of Turkey was in what series?
A rocket is propelled into space by particles flying out of one end at high speed (see Figure 1.1). A rocket in space moves like a skater holding the fire extinguisher. Fuel is ignited in a chamber, which causes an explosion of gases. The explosion creates pressure that forces the gases out of the rocket. As these gases rush out the end, the rocket moves in the opposite direction, as predicted by Newtons Third Law of Motion. The reaction force of the gases on the rocket pushes the rocket forward. The force pushing the rocket is called thrust. Nothing would get into space without being thrust upward by a rocket. One of the first uses of rockets in space was to launch satellites. A satellite is an object that orbits a larger object. An orbit is a circular or elliptical path around an object. The Moon was Earths first satellite, but now many human- made "artificial satellites" orbit the planet. Thousands of artificial satellites have been put into orbit around Earth (Figure 1.2). We have even put satellites into orbit around the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. There are four main types of satellites. Imaging satellites take pictures of Earths surface for military or scientific purposes. Imaging satellites study the Moon and other planets. Communications satellites receive and send signals for telephone, television, or other types of communica- tions. Navigational satellites are used for navigation systems, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). The International Space Station, the largest artificial satellite, is designed for humans to live in space while conducting scientific research. Humans have a presence in space at the International Space Station (ISS) (pictured in Figure 1.3). Modern space stations are constructed piece by piece to create a modular system. The primary purpose of the ISS is scientific research, especially in medicine, biology, and physics. Craft designed for human spaceflight, like the Apollo missions, were very successful, but were also very expensive, could not carry much cargo, and could be used only once. To outfit the ISS, NASA needed a space vehicle that was reusable and able to carry large pieces of equipment, such as satellites, space telescopes, or sections of a space station. The resulting spacecraft was a space shuttle, shown in (Figure 1.4). Satellites operate with solar panels for energy. A photograph of the International Space Station was taken from the space shuttle Atlantis in June 2007. Construction of the station was completed in 2011, but new pieces and experiments continue to be added. A space shuttle has three main parts. The part you are probably most familiar with is the orbiter, with wings like an airplane. When a space shuttle launches, the orbiter is attached to a huge fuel tank that contains liquid fuel. On the sides of the fuel tank are two large "booster rockets." All of this is needed to get the orbiter out of Earths atmosphere. Once in space, the orbiter can be used to release equipment (such as a satellite or supplies for the International Space Station), to repair existing equipment such as the Hubble Space Telescope, or to do experiments directly on board the orbiter. When the mission is complete, the orbiter re-enters Earths atmosphere and flies back to Earth more like a glider than an airplane. The Space Shuttle program did 135 missions between 1981 and 2011, when the remaining shuttles were retired. The ISS is now serviced by Russian Soyuz spacecraft. Atlantis on the launch pad in 2006. Since 1981, the space shuttle has been the United States primary vehicle for carrying people and large equipment into space.
which of newtons laws of motion explains rocket propulsion?
Riceyman Steps is a novel by British novelist Arnold Bennett, first published in 1923 and winner of that year's James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction.
| Whose writing work is Riceyman Steps?
Determine the topic of the passage. "Due to Madden's insistence that the game be as realistic as possible, the first version of John Madden Football was not released until 1988." Topic:
Answer: | Madden NFL |
Choose from options. Continue the following story.
My neighbors are always playing loud music. It's not so bad during the day. They also play it at night, unfortunately. I finally asked them if they could lower the volume.
Options are:
- They agreed to lower the volume.
- They told me that they hadn't seen my cat. | They agreed to lower the volume. |
-Where are the Bhabra located in India?
- | In India they have been present at: In modern Delhi, the majority of Jains in Rup Nagar area are from Punjab. |
In early times, the privilege of papal election was not reserved to the cardinals, and for centuries the person elected was customarily a Roman priest and never a bishop from elsewhere. To preserve apostolic succession the rite of consecrating him a bishop had to be performed by someone who was already a bishop. The rule remains that, if the person elected Pope is not yet a bishop, he is consecrated by the Dean of the College of Cardinals, the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia.
Is there an answer to this question (If it cannot be answered, say "unanswerable"): In early times, who was generally electied to cardinal? | a Roman priest |
Does "Theologians of the Enlightenment wanted to reform their faith to its generally non-confrontational roots and to limit the capacity for religious controversy to spill over into politics and warfare while still maintaining a true faith in God." correctly answer the question of The Enlightenment era religious commentary was, in part, a response to which war? | no |
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Japanese language.
Question: The new species of butterflies are one subfamily of the Satyrinae species and the other a species of the Skipper butterfly.
Answer: 新種の蝶は、一つがジャノメチョウ種の亜科で、他はセセリチョウ科の種である。
Question: It will be listed in London, but taxed in Spain.
Answer: それはロンドンで上場するが、スペインで課税される。
Question: Flight Safety Pty Ltd had been asked to carry out an independent investigation by an anonymous client after the March 2007 disaster, which occurred when the aircraft landed at excessive speed and shot off the end of the runway.
Answer: | 飛行機が過剰なスピードで離陸し、滑走路の端にぶつかるという2007年3月の惨事以降、飛行安全社は、匿名のクライアントに独自の調査を実行することを要求された。
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True)
Q: Passage: International Criminal Court -- Unlike the International Court of Justice, the ICC is legally independent from the United Nations. However, the Rome Statute grants certain powers to the United Nations Security Council, which limits its functional independence. Article 13 allows the Security Council to refer to the Court situations that would not otherwise fall under the Court's jurisdiction (as it did in relation to the situations in Darfur and Libya, which the Court could not otherwise have prosecuted as neither Sudan nor Libya are state parties). Article 16 allows the Security Council to require the Court to defer from investigating a case for a period of 12 months. Such a deferral may be renewed indefinitely by the Security Council. This sort of an arrangement gives the ICC some of the advantages inhering in the organs of the United Nations such as using the enforcement powers of the Security Council, but it also creates a risk of being tainted with the political controversies of the Security Council.
Question: is the icc a part of the un
A: | 0 |
Determine the topic of the passage. "Pain and suffering is the legal term for the physical and emotional stress caused from an injury (see also pain and suffering )." Topic:
| Pain and suffering |
Given the following passage "Mill's empiricism thus held that knowledge of any kind is not from direct experience but an inductive inference from direct experience. The problems other philosophers have had with Mill's position center around the following issues: Firstly, Mill's formulation encounters difficulty when it describes what direct experience is by differentiating only between actual and possible sensations. This misses some key discussion concerning conditions under which such "groups of permanent possibilities of sensation" might exist in the first place. Berkeley put God in that gap; the phenomenalists, including Mill, essentially left the question unanswered. In the end, lacking an acknowledgement of an aspect of "reality" that goes beyond mere "possibilities of sensation", such a position leads to a version of subjective idealism. Questions of how floor beams continue to support a floor while unobserved, how trees continue to grow while unobserved and untouched by human hands, etc., remain unanswered, and perhaps unanswerable in these terms. Secondly, Mill's formulation leaves open the unsettling possibility that the "gap-filling entities are purely possibilities and not actualities at all". Thirdly, Mill's position, by calling mathematics merely another species of inductive inference, misapprehends mathematics. It fails to fully consider the structure and method of mathematical science, the products of which are arrived at through an internally consistent deductive set of procedures which do not, either today or at the time Mill wrote, fall under the agreed meaning of induction.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is another word for methods?
The answer to this question is: | procedures |
As part of a Jewish family, we celebrate Hanukkah instead of Christmas as the
- Hanukkah is strange to us.
- Christmas is strange to us.
Christmas is strange to us.
Aaron owns a Macaw, but Matthew won't go near it, so
- Aaron is more likely to love birds.
- Matthew is more likely to love birds.
Aaron is more likely to love birds.
Your grade is less important in the math category than in the grammar category because colleges ignore the
- math score.
- grammar score.
| math score. |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
Generate the answer for a given question. The question requires common knowledge of English. Make sure that the answer is in detail, long, consistent with the context, and requires general knowledge of English. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Give a proper explanation to answer, and if necessary, provide the definition of various terms. And conclude your answer if it's long. If you have used other resources (e.g., Merriam Webster's.) to answer the question, include citations in your answer. You don't need to paraphrase the context of your resources, but make sure that your answer is consistent and complete.
I am looking for the term describing when your hair grows kind of in a circular direction (defined by the direction of your hair root). Many people have something like this on the back of their heads or even on their foreheads. I found the term hair crown on but I feel like this is either not the correct term for it or it is not very widely used. There is a German article on human hair including a section about these things but I could not find the English equivalent. In German, these are called Haarwirbel meaning something like hair whirl.
Output: | You probably want to use hair whorl. You'll notice that it's virtually the same as the German term, except with the alternate spelling of whorl/whirl. In English, whirl is the verb form, whorl is the noun. |
Bird migration:
The timing of migration seems to be controlled primarily by changes in day length. Migrating birds navigate using celestial cues from the sun and stars, the earth's magnetic field, and probably also mental maps.
Please answer a question about this article. If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". How do migrating birds navigate? | celestial cues from the sun and stars |
Six weeks after arriving in the United States, Hassan Abduraheem takes a seat in the back pew of Tar Wallet Baptist Church. Tucked into the woods along a country road in rural Virginia, the church holds about 50 worshippers. On this cold November Sunday, Abduraheem and his family of eight noticeably increase the congregation's size. They do their best to follow the unfamiliar English of the old Baptist hymns, which are very familiar to their new neighbors. And they share the hymns from their former home — Sudan. Standing in a single line in front of the altar, the family fills the church with Arabic song. "Unbelievable," Abduraheem says repeatedly, as he describes his journey from a crowded prison cell in Sudan to a fixed-up house on the farm of his new pastor. "Unbelievable" seems like the only word that could describe the turn his life took, thanks to a Facebook post and a U.S. congressman. Abduraheem's work as a former pastor is not outlawed in his native Sudan, but Christians are a minority in a diverse country that has suffered through multiple civil wars. According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, there has been "an escalation in the Sudanese government's persecution of Christians,” since the 2011 secession of South Sudan. Abduraheem says his work was spreading the gospel; the Sudanese government accused him of espionage, and he was detained along with two other pastors in December 2015. "The first day when they took us to the prison, they beat us,” he says softly. Abduraheem was shifted from prison to prison. For five months, he wore the same clothes he was wearing when he was arrested. His eyes became damaged from the harsh prison light. Yet, despite constant interrogations, just two meals of beans a day and a tiny cell with barely enough room to sleep, he says the worst part of prison was not knowing. What has the Sudanese government been doing more of since 2011? - Persecuting more Christians living in Sudan - Freeing more Christians living in Sudan - not enough information - Giving equal rights to Christians living in Sudan
| Persecuting more Christians living in Sudan |
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence and a question in the input. The information provided in the sentence should be enough to answer the question. You're expected to write the correct answer. Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence.
Q: Sentence: Jesup refuses , but Edley knows that Jesup will be gone all weekend and has until Monday morning to get the Bey to sign a contract based on Jesup 's presumed involvement .
Question: when did edley would sign a contract from jesup?
The woman held the girl against *her* will.
the girl
I sallied out for a bit of food , more to pass the time than because I wanted *it* .
Susan knows all about Ann 's personal problems because *she* is nosy.
I used an old rag to clean the knife , and then I put *it* in the trash.
the knife
| no |
- What is Seyyed Jamal ol Din Rural District?;
| Seyyed Jamal ol Din Rural District Seyyed Jamal ol Din Rural District () is a rural district ("dehestan") in the Central District of Asadabad County, Hamadan Province, Iran. |
Subsets and Splits