stringlengths 20
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QUESTION: Fix punctuation: A footnote refers to Douce pp 4455
ANS: A footnote refers to Douce pp. 44-55.
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Environment Commission takes SLOVENIA back to Court for failure to issue industrial permit for a major cement factory and asks for fines
ANS: Environment: Commission takes SLOVENIA back to Court for failure to issue industrial permit for a major cement factory and asks for fines
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Hohenschwangau Castle photo travels Germany photos of Germany Germany pictures
ANS: Hohenschwangau Castle - photo travels, Germany, photos of Germany, Germany pictures
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: It is the markets only fully hydraulic hitch system that can tackle connecting pressurised tools and attachments at full system pressure
ANS: | It is the market's only fully hydraulic hitch system that can tackle connecting pressurised tools and attachments at full system pressure. |
Problem: I know that the answer to the question "The economy did what?" is in "The Ottoman economic mind was closely related to the basic concepts of state and society in the Middle East in which the ultimate goal of a state was consolidation and extension of the ruler's power, and the way to reach it was to get rich resources of revenues by making the productive classes prosperous. The ultimate aim was to increase the state revenues without damaging the prosperity of subjects to prevent the emergence of social disorder and to keep the traditional organization of the society intact.". Can you tell me what it is?
A: increase the state revenues without damaging the prosperity of subjects to prevent the emergence of social disorder and to keep the traditional organization of the society intact
Problem: I know that the answer to the question "The Supreme Court and Constitutional Court are?" is in "Mali's constitution provides for an independent judiciary, but the executive continues to exercise influence over the judiciary by virtue of power to appoint judges and oversee both judicial functions and law enforcement. Mali's highest courts are the Supreme Court, which has both judicial and administrative powers, and a separate Constitutional Court that provides judicial review of legislative acts and serves as an election arbiter. Various lower courts exist, though village chiefs and elders resolve most local disputes in rural areas.". Can you tell me what it is?
A: Mali's highest courts
Problem: I know that the answer to the question "Where did Goethe live when he came to study in Strasboug" is in "Strasbourg, well known as centre of humanism, has a long history of excellence in higher-education, at the crossroads of French and German intellectual traditions. Although Strasbourg had been annexed by the Kingdom of France in 1683, it still remained connected to the German-speaking intellectual world throughout the 18th century and the university attracted numerous students from the Holy Roman Empire, including Goethe, Metternich and Montgelas, who studied law in Strasbourg, among the most prominent. Nowadays, Strasbourg is known to offer among the best university courses in France, after Paris.". Can you tell me what it is?
A: Holy Roman Empire
Problem: I know that the answer to the question "What were the examples of locales that picked up a lot of the Hellenic culture?" is in "Throughout the Hellenistic world, these Greco-Macedonian colonists considered themselves by and large superior to the native "barbarians" and excluded most non-Greeks from the upper echelons of courtly and government life. Most of the native population was not Hellenized, had little access to Greek culture and often found themselves discriminated against by their Hellenic overlords. Gymnasiums and their Greek education, for example, were for Greeks only. Greek cities and colonies may have exported Greek art and architecture as far as the Indus, but these were mostly enclaves of Greek culture for the transplanted Greek elite. The degree of influence that Greek culture had throughout the Hellenistic kingdoms was therefore highly localized and based mostly on a few great cities like Alexandria and Antioch. Some natives did learn Greek and adopt Greek ways, but this was mostly limited to a few local elites who were allowed to retain their posts by the Diadochi and also to a small number of mid-level administrators who acted as intermediaries between the Greek speaking upper class and their subjects. In the Seleucid empire for example, this group amounted to only 2.5 percent of the official class.". Can you tell me what it is?
A: | Alexandria and Antioch |
Question. Context: Nix v. Hedden, 149 U.S. 304 (1893), was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that, under U.S. customs regulations, the tomato should be classified as a vegetable rather than a fruit. The Court's unanimous opinion held that the Tariff Act of 1883 used the ordinary meaning of the words "fruit" and "vegetable," instead of the technical botanical meaning.
Question: is tomato a fruit or vegetable us supreme court?
Answer. a vegetable
What step-by-step reasoning justifies that answer? | Reasoning: The relevant information to answer the above question is: Nix v. Hedden, 149 U.S. 304 (1893), was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that, under U.S. customs regulations, the tomato should be classified as a vegetable rather than a fruit. |
If "Even before they reached town, they could hear a sound like corn popping. Dora asked what it was, and Dad said it was firecrackers.", can we conclude that "Dora asked what the town was." | no |
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc.
One example is below.
Q: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini.
A: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini.
Rationale: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels".
Q: It was thought that physical punishment , such as whippings , only made prisoners worse .
A: | The hard corporal punishment , such as whippings , used in other penal stations was thought to only serve to harden criminals , and did nothing to turn them from their immoral ways . |
Question: Determine the topic of the passage. "Erie is a Statutory Town in Boulder and Weld counties in the U.S. state of Colorado ." Topic:
Answer: | Erie, Colorado |
input: Please answer the following: I know that the answer to the question "What is named Rhone?" is in "Glaciers end in ice caves (the Rhone Glacier), by trailing into a lake or river, or by shedding snowmelt on a meadow. Sometimes a piece of glacier will detach or break resulting in flooding, property damage and loss of life. In the 17th century about 2500 people were killed by an avalanche in a village on the French-Italian border; in the 19th century 120 homes in a village near Zermatt were destroyed by an avalanche.". Can you tell me what it is?
output: Glacier
Please answer this: I know that the answer to the question "When did the United Nations General Assembly adopt the resolution?" is in "After the Holocaust, which had been perpetrated by the Nazi Germany and its allies prior to and during World War II, Lemkin successfully campaigned for the universal acceptance of international laws defining and forbidding genocides. In 1946, the first session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that "affirmed" that genocide was a crime under international law, but did not provide a legal definition of the crime. In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) which defined the crime of genocide for the first time.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: After the Holocaust
Problem: I know that the answer to the question "Which of the following is not a musician: Jenny Lind, Chopin or Stafford?" is in "In London Chopin took lodgings at Dover Street, where the firm of Broadwood provided him with a grand piano. At his first engagement, on 15 May at Stafford House, the audience included Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The Prince, who was himself a talented musician, moved close to the keyboard to view Chopin's technique. Broadwood also arranged concerts for him; among those attending were Thackeray and the singer Jenny Lind. Chopin was also sought after for piano lessons, for which he charged the high fee of one guinea (£1.05 in present British currency) per hour, and for private recitals for which the fee was 20 guineas. At a concert on 7 July he shared the platform with Viardot, who sang arrangements of some of his mazurkas to Spanish texts.". Can you tell me what it is?
A: Stafford
Problem: Given the question: I know that the answer to the question "Nasser is rival with?" is in "The crowd roared in approval and Arab audiences were electrified. The assassination attempt backfired, quickly playing into Nasser's hands. Upon returning to Cairo, he ordered one of the largest political crackdowns in the modern history of Egypt, with the arrests of thousands of dissenters, mostly members of the Brotherhood, but also communists, and the dismissal of 140 officers loyal to Naguib. Eight Brotherhood leaders were sentenced to death, although the sentence of its chief ideologue, Sayyid Qutb, was commuted to a 15-year imprisonment. Naguib was removed from the presidency and put under house arrest, but was never tried or sentenced, and no one in the army rose to defend him. With his rivals neutralized, Nasser became the undisputed leader of Egypt.". Can you tell me what it is?
The answer is:
input question: I know that the answer to the question "Who was Flordia loyal to during the American Revolution?" is in "As a result of these initiatives northeastern Florida prospered economically in a way it never did under Spanish rule. Furthermore, the British governors were directed to call general assemblies as soon as possible in order to make laws for the Floridas and in the meantime they were, with the advice of councils, to establish courts. This would be the first introduction of much of the English-derived legal system which Florida still has today including trial by jury, habeas corpus and county-based government. Neither East Florida nor West Florida would send any representatives to Philadelphia to draft the Declaration of Independence. Florida would remain a Loyalist stronghold for the duration of the American Revolution.". Can you tell me what it is????
output answer: British
input question: I know that the answer to the question "The Drillers are in what league?" is in "Oklahoma has teams in basketball, football, arena football, baseball, soccer, hockey, and wrestling located in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Enid, Norman, and Lawton. The Oklahoma City Thunder of the National Basketball Association (NBA) is the state's only major league sports franchise. The state had a team in the Women's National Basketball Association, the Tulsa Shock, from 2010 through 2015, but the team relocated to Dallas–Fort Worth after that season and became the Dallas Wings. Oklahoma supports teams in several minor leagues, including Minor League Baseball at the AAA and AA levels (Oklahoma City Dodgers and Tulsa Drillers, respectively), hockey's ECHL with the Tulsa Oilers, and a number of indoor football leagues. In the last-named sport, the state's most notable team was the Tulsa Talons, which played in the Arena Football League until 2012, when the team was moved to San Antonio. The Oklahoma Defenders replaced the Talons as Tulsa's only professional arena football team, playing the CPIFL. The Oklahoma City Blue, of the NBA Development League, relocated to Oklahoma City from Tulsa in 2014, where they were formerly known as the Tulsa 66ers. Tulsa is the base for the Tulsa Revolution, which plays in the American Indoor Soccer League. Enid and Lawton host professional basketball teams in the USBL and the CBA.". Can you tell me what it is????
output answer: | Minor League Baseball |
Question: I know that the answer to the question "During the Arrival of the three queens, what is their purpose in Southampton?" is in "At certain times of the year, The Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria may all visit Southampton at the same time, in an event commonly called 'Arrival of the Three Queens'.". Can you tell me what it is?
Answer: | visit |
Logic ==> Doorway is an entrance to a room through a door. We would grab an object contained by a doorway at the doorway.
Question ==> Where would you grab an object contained by a doorway?
- television
- control panel
- opening doors
- doorknob
- doorway
** Theatre is a building where various dramas are played. Drama is a kind of a show.
** Where can someone watch a show from a balcony?
- theater
- opera house
- concert
- new orleans
- michigan
Detailed logic: People rest when they are tired. Working all day will causes tiredness.
worked all day
Question for this logic: When I have rest, what does that mean happened earlier?
- took it easy
- worked all day
- exhausted
- were very tired
- feel better
Logic ==> Getting a refund back is treated as free money.
free money
Question ==> John got his tax refund back. He treated it like it was what?
- candy
- death and
- free money
- discount
- credit
** Babies crying results into stress. After you start family due to babies crying then stress could happen.
** What could happen after you start family due to babies crying?
- regret
- stressed
- have sex
- need more money
- spend money
Detailed logic: Hamburgers comes with toppings and cheese. Randy was feeling too much hungry that he couldn’t even wait for applying cheese and toppings on a hamburger. He just wanted to eat without cheese and toppings to fill his hunger.
eat hamburger
Question for this logic: | Randy was suffering from great hunger and he didn't even need cheese or toppings, he just wanted to what?
- eat hamburger
- prepare meal
- eat breakfast
- cook dinner
- buy food |
Explanation and answer: Atlantic cod are edible and therefore not poisonous.
The corresponding question: Does the following sentence make sense?
"Atlantic cod will poison humans when eaten."
- yes
- no
It is outlandish since he is not known for playing Batman but for playing SuperMan.
Is the following statement true?
"Christopher Reeve played Batman in a hero film."
Explanation and answer: It is on record that Holly did put together a band with Jennings in it.
The corresponding question: Is the following a factual statement?
"Buddy Holly assembled a band in 1959 that included Waylon Jennings."
- yes
- no
The word mother is commonly used for all sorts of species.
Claim: "The word Mother only applies to humans, not to female animals."
Is the claim above correct, and can it be verified by human common sense and without a web search?
- yes
- no
Explanation and answer: During the great recession and for several years after that segregation actually increased due to an unequal recovery between whites and minorities.
The corresponding question: "It has been proven that since the election of Obama, Racial segregation in the United States is no more."
Is the above claim true?
- yes
- no
Explanation and answer: The Persian gulf does not flood every year.
The corresponding question: | Is the following a factual statement?
"The Persian Gulf floods every year."
- yes
- no |
Given the question: Given the following passage "On July 16, 1989, the Popular Front of Azerbaijan held its first congress and elected Abulfaz Elchibey, who would become President, as its Chairman. On August 19, 600,000 protesters jammed Baku’s Lenin Square (now Azadliq Square) to demand the release of political prisoners. In the second half of 1989, weapons were handed out in Nagorno-Karabakh. When Karabakhis got hold of small arms to replace hunting rifles and crossbows, casualties began to mount; bridges were blown up, roads were blockaded, and hostages were taken.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: A 2D shape with four equal straight sides and four right angles is called?
The answer is: | Square |
Answer: 1970. Now, what could be the question and solution-maybe?
Ques: MASH (stylized as M * A * S * H on the poster art) is a 1970 American satirical black comedy war film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner, Jr., based on Richard Hooker's novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The picture is the only feature film in the M * A * S * H franchise and became one of the biggest films of the early 1970s for 20th Century Fox.
Based on this passage, who directed the movie mash and what year was it released?
CoT: To answer the question, consider the following: MASH (stylized as M * A * S * H on the poster art) is a 1970 American satirical black comedy war film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner, Jr., based on Richard Hooker's novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors.
Ans: Honor , Courage , and Commitment
Ques: Context: The Marine Corps Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment have gained increased prominence in recent years. As an emphasis on performing morally on and off duty, the concept of core values has been infiltrated into many aspects of Marine life, beginning in recruit training and continuing into combat. This "warrior ethos" provides guidance to Marines in difficult ethical situations and acts as a reminder to provide good order and discipline.
Question: what are the values of the marine corps?
CoT: To answer the question, consider the following: The Marine Corps Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment have gained increased prominence in recent years.
Ans: Devon Bostick
Ques: Devon Bostick (born November 13, 1991) is a Canadian actor best known for playing the lead role of Simon in the Atom Egoyan directed film Adoration, Brent in Saw VI, Rodrick Heffley in the first three Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies and Jasper Jordan on The CW show The 100 from 2014 to 2017.
Based on this passage, the guy who plays rodrick in diary of a wimpy kid?
CoT: To answer this question, we should know that: Devon Bostick (born November 13, 1991) is a Canadian actor best known for playing the lead role of Simon in the Atom Egoyan directed film Adoration, Brent in Saw VI, Rodrick Heffley in the first three Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies and Jasper Jordan on The CW show The 100 from 2014 to 2017.
Answer: May 11 , 2017. Now, what could be the question and solution-maybe?
Ques: "Malibu" is a song recorded by American singer Miley Cyrus as the lead single from Cyrus' upcoming sixth studio album, Younger Now. It was written by Cyrus and Oren Yoel, and produced by Yoel. The song premiered on Beats 1 on May 11, 2017, and subsequently released for digital download and streaming by RCA Records.
Answer this question based on the passage: when does miley cyrus malibu song come out?
CoT: The important part for answering this question is: The song premiered on Beats 1 on May 11, 2017, and subsequently released for digital download and streaming by RCA Records.
Ans: Jack Peter Shepherd
Ques: Passage: Jack Peter Shepherd (born 14 January 1988) is an English actor. He has portrayed the character of David Platt in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street since April 2000.
Question: Based on this passage, actor who plays david platt in coronation street?
CoT: The important part for answering this question is: He has portrayed the character of David Platt in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street since April 2000.
Ans: Hunter Tylo
| Ques: Hunter Tylo (born Deborah Jo Hunter, July 3, 1962) is an American actress, author and former model. She is best known for her role as Taylor Hayes (1990 -- 2002, 2004, 2005 -- 13, 2014, 2018 --) on The Bold and the Beautiful.
Who plays taylor on bold and the beautiful?
CoT: To answer this question, we should know that: She is best known for her role as Taylor Hayes (1990 -- 2002, 2004, 2005 -- 13, 2014, 2018 --) on The Bold and the Beautiful. |
Detailed Instructions: Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form.
Problem:Most modern solar panels are sold with a 10 – 25 year warranty, and are designed to deliver 80% of their rated power after 30 years. Research tests have proven that solar panels can last for 40 years or longer! It is not uncommon for a home solar panel installation to deliver $50,000, $75,000, or even $100,000 in cumulative energy savings over time. For more examples, view the Southern Current Solar Install Portfolio. If solar power was used to charge the Powerwall, it would save the charging fee of $0.45 a day, making the Powerwall savings each year $358. Factoring in the installed solar panel cost of $3,570[2] for a 1.5 kilowatt system[iii], makes the payback period 31 years, still 3 times the warranty period. If you’re reviewing multiple quotes, there are plenty of metrics that can help you make a decision about which solar option is best for you, but studies show most solar shoppers rely on one metric in particular: the solar panel payback period. Here’s how the numbers pencil out for a North Carolina solar purchase with a small rooftop solar system: 1 First-year loan payments: $948. - 2 First-year electric bill savings: $275. = 3 First-year cost of solar: $673. 4 First year federal tax credit: $2,340. 5 Total in your pocket after year 1: $1,667. For most homeowners in Bee Cave who pay cash instead of financing, the average solar panel installation will pay for itself in 11 years. What this means is that over 11 years, the value of energy produced by a solar energy system should equal the cost to have the system installed. One of the world’s purest silicone mines is in western North Carolina near Asheville. 1 Solar Energy Industry Association. 2 American Solar Energy Society. 3 North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association. 4 The NC Clean Energy Business Alliance. How Long Does It Take For A Solar Panel Installation In Bee Cave To Pay For Itself? Home › News › How Long Does It Take For A Solar Panel Installation In Bee Cave To Pay For Itself? Installing solar panels in Bee Cave, TX will provide ROI in about 11 years, followed by many more years of 'prepaid' energy from the sun. Since a panel can't work without an inverter, you have to also consider that cost, so you might as well add a few more panels (we'll call it a solar installation) and take advantage of government incentives (if they exist in your area). Since a panel can't work without an inverter, you have to also consider that cost, so you might as well add a few more panels (we'll call it a solar installation) and take advantage of gove... This page may be out of date. The sheep control the grass, so that it does not grow up and shade the solar panels. We attach a gutter to the bottom of some of the rows of the solar panels, and collect rainwater for the sheep to drink. We do not use goats or cows because they might eat the electric wires or jump up on or rub against the solar panels. Query: how long does it take for a solar panel to pay for itself nc
Solution: | It takes 11 years for a solar panel to pay for itself. |
Q: An old farmer lived on a farm with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early to read his Bhagavat Geeta. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Bhagavat Geeta just like you but I don't understand it, What good does reading the Bhagavat Geeta do?" The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water." The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the same took place. He told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water with a basket. The old man said, " You're just not trying hard enough," So the boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!" "So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket." The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket into a clean one inside and outside. "You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Krishna in our lives." The grandfather gave his grandson a lesson by _ . A) telling him an interesting story B) having a heated discussion with him C) asking him to carry water with a basket D) performing an experiment for him
A: C
Q: Chengdu No.7 High School has formed a bright character and good tradition in school operation in the long period education and teaching practices. It mainly focuses on compulsory subjects, with a combination of selected subjects. It has formed a practical teaching system which mainly focuses on subject practical teaching, social practices teaching and campus extracurricular activities teaching. In the year of 1994, Mr. Li Lanqing, who was the then Prime Minister of the State Council, highly evaluated Chengdu No.7 High School when he visited here and said: "The happiest thing I have seen in the school is that students can get fully developed". With 100 years' history, Chengdu No.7 High School has many talents. Large numbers of alumni became academic masters, talents and government backbones by holding key positions in education and scientific research departments, key businesses, national defense authorities and governments. Famous people Sun Zhen and Tian Jiaying once studied at No.7 High School, while academicians from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engieering like Chen Jiayong, Li Yinyuan, Pu Fuke graduated from Chengdu No.7 High School. Chengdu No.7 High School has many intelligent students. There are about 400 students every year from Chengdu No.7 High School who get municipal-above level prizes in various competitions. Up to the year of 2010, 9 gold medals have been obtained in International High School Students' Subjects Olympic Competitions. Every year more than half of the school graduates are accepted into famous Chinese universities. Its acceptance rate ranks top. Also there are about 100 students every year who are accepted by famous overseas universities. Chengdu No.7 High School has four student organizations, two newspapers, four magazines as well as more than 30 student communities and more than 80 selective courses and activity classes. All of these provide a great stage and diversified options for student full development. Chengdu No.7 High School is the window for... We can learn from the text that _ . A) the newspapers and magazines issued by the school authority are much liked by students B) the school's alumni, like Sun Zhen and Li Lanqing, became backbones of the country C) extracurricular activities and selective courses are designed for students' full development D) the school's long history and good tradition are the only two reasons for its greatness
A: C
Q: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote the story of the detective Sherlock Holmes, was having a trip in Europe. One day he got out of the railway station and climbed into a taxi. Before he could say a word, the driver turned to him and asked, "Where can I take you, Mr. Doyle?" Doyle was rather surprised. He asked the driver if he had ever seen him before. "No, sir," the driver replied, "I have never seen you before." Then he explained, "This morning's newspaper had a story about your being on vacation in Marseilles. This is the taxi stop where people who return from Marseilles always come. Your skin color tells me you have been on vacation. The ink spot on your right fingers suggests to me that you are a writer. Your clothes are very English, not French. Adding up all those pieces of information, I conclude that you are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." "This is truly surprising!" the writer cried out. "You are a real-life copy to my fictional story, Sherlock Holmes!" "And there is one other thing," the driver added, with a smile on his face. "What's that?" "Your name is on the front of your suitcase." From what the driver said, we could know _ . A) Doyle was from England B) Doyle could not speak French C) Doyle liked English very much D) Doyle was writing a French story
A: A
Q: Bea, a five-year-old girl, was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children of her age, because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold. Bea was diagnosed with this disease when she was five months old. Since then, the hospital has become her second home, medicines for food, and all kinds of treatments her friends. Bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old, which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful. After that, she spent two weeks in ICU before living for four months on a separate ward . Bea was allowed home in February but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicines every two days. Her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover each morning to make sure Bea is free from any possible bacteria. Anna, Bea's mother, said, "she is weak but so strong. We've never seen any child stronger than her. It seems as if nothing in the world could beat her. We really hope to send her to school next year." She used to drive on the local playground, but Bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car. "It was heartbreaking to see Bea staring at the running and laughing children there. She never stopped fighting the disease. I know she's dying for such a normal life." Hearing of Bea's story, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden. "Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her," said the chairman of the foundation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation had a play park built for Bea to_. A) honor her bravery in fighting against her disease B) call for attention to this immune system deficiency C) encourage more children like Bea to be optimistic D) launch a campaign against this serious disease
| A: A |
Ques: I showed up at the address on Columbine's invitation just before eleven; it was a converted warehouse in an industrial zone on the city's north side. Since it was a Saturday night, everything else was empty for miles. The parking lot was filled with sports cars, hybrids, and shiny suburban tanks. The door facing the parking lot was open, spilling out muted lights and the din of yuppie chatter. It cast a somewhat foreboding aura over the entrance. The first thing I noticed as I approached was the beefy refrigerator in a rented tux blocking the doorway. The second thing was the surveillance camera perched on the wall above his head. I had stopped home and changed first, so I was sure I was dressed mostly appropriately for some rich faux-hipster art party - charcoal gray pinstripe jacket over a TV on the Radio t-shirt, skinny cuffed jeans, Docs, and a black fedora. I certainly didn't look any worse than the other idiots I saw filing in and out of the door. I even had an invitation. So I was fairly confident I'd be able to gain admission to this thing without incident. "No, absolutely not," the doorman said, pressing a meaty palm into my chest. "I was invited!" I said, exasperated. "I have documentation." I waved the rave card in front of his face. "No dice." I stepped aside to let a couple of aging goths through the door and wondered for a moment if the doorman somehow knew who I was. Then I noticed the ear piece he was wearing and my eyes darted back to the surveillance camera. "Motherfucker," I spat and raised both arms to flip off the camera. I didn't know it at the time, but at that moment Dylan Maxwell was sitting in front of a wall of monitors, laughing his ass off. When did the narrator notice the doorman's ear piece? - After noticing the camera. - not enough information - Before approaching wearhouse. - After being denied entry.
Ans: After being denied entry.
Ques: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's choice to lead the Department of Homeland Security, retired Marine General John Kelly, is one of the U.S. military's longest-serving commanders and the most senior officer since 9/11 to lose a child in combat. Blunt-spoken and popular with military personnel, Kelly, 66, was born and raised in Boston. He initially enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1970, and was discharged from active duty as a sergeant in 1972. He returned to the Marine Corps after graduation from the University of Massachusetts Boston in 1976. Kelly rose through the ranks to serve as the commanding general of the Multi-National Force West in Iraq from February 2008 to February 2009, and as the commander of Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces North in October 2009. He succeeded General Douglas Fraser as commander of U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) on Nov. 19, 2012. As the head of USSOUTHCOM, Kelly was in charge of the military jail at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and also was exposed to immigration, drug trafficking and other cross-border problems over a sprawling area that encompasses 32 countries in the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Kelly took a tough tone on border security, warning Congress last year about the risks of smuggling rings in Mexico and Central America that spirited "tens of thousands of people," including unaccompanied children, "to our nation's doorstep." He also clashed with the Obama administration over plans to close Guantanamo and the Pentagon's order that opened all jobs in combat units to women, including the most elite forces like the Navy SEALs. In 2010, Kelly became the highest ranking U.S. military officer to lose a child in combat operations in Southwest Asia. His youngest son, 1st Lieutenant Robert Michael Kelly, was killed in action in Afghanistan on Nov. 9, 2010. The younger Kelly was a Marine and was on his third combat tour, but on his first combat tour as a Marine Corps infantry officer. Since his son's death, Kelly has talked in stark terms about the... Who was succeeded by Kelly at U.S Southern Command? - not enough information - Kelly - Guantanamo - Fraser
Ans: Fraser
Ques: It’s October, which means it’s that time of the year again: flu vaccination time! Back when I worked in a primary care clinic, this is when we made a big push to offer the seasonal flu shot to all of our patients. (And we got ourselves immunized, as well.) Not all of our patients agreed. Many older adults are skeptical of the need to get a yearly vaccination against influenza. They aren’t sure it will help. Or they think that the vaccination will actually give them a mild case of the flu. Or they just don’t like needles. Or maybe they aren’t sure which type of seasonal flu shot to get: the regular one or one of the newer “stronger” versions, designed for older adults? I’m never surprised when people bring up these questions. Vaccination for seasonal influenza can indeed be a confusing topic. But it’s certainly important to consider. Depending on the year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that every year, influenza affects 9-60 million Americans, causes 140,000-710,100 hospitalizations, and results in 12,000-56,000 deaths. (Influenza is more severe in some years than others.) Most people get better without needing hospitalization, but some people get very sick. Older adults are especially likely to get dangerously ill from catching the flu. So I agree with the CDC’s recommendation: everyone over the age of 6 months should get their seasonal flu shot. In fact, I’m about to go get mine. As a healthy woman in her 40s, I’m not that concerned about getting dangerously ill from influenza. Instead, I get my annual flu shot because I want to minimize my chance of getting sick and perhaps exposing my older patients to influenza. This month, you’ll probably be encouraged to get vaccinated too. So in this article, I’ll address some key things to know about influenza and the flu shot, along with some common questions and concerns. Here’s what I’ll cover: * The basics of influenza and vaccination against the flu * What to know about flu shots for older adults * What’s new and resources for the 2017-2018 flu... What does the Centers for Disease Control probably believe. - not enough information - They probably believe all adults should get the seasonal flu. - They probably believe all adults should get a flu shot. - They probably believe all adults should go to the hospital for the flu.
Ans: | They probably believe all adults should get a flu shot. |
Q: In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D".
She opens a white bin and pours water and soap into it. She then closes it and turns the top. she <sep> (A) pours the water and the soap into a cup and measures it with a rag and a cup. (B) then begins playing a small flute to make music. (C) hangs the clothes from a wood rack to dry. (D) smells something and tastes it.
A: | C |
Premise: it made national um
Hypothesis: It went national.
Does the premise entail the hypothesis?
1). yes.
2). it is not possible to tell.
3). no. | 1). |
1 year ago 08:00 viptube outdoor, reality, cute, uniform
How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? | 1 year ago 08:00 VipTube outdoor, reality, cute, uniform |
Imagine the conversation that came before this response?
Yamin Ahmadzai Mohammad Yamin Ahmadzai (born 25 July 1992) is an Afghan cricketer.
Who is Yamin Ahmadzai?
Input: See this dialog response. Truth Is Truth Is may refer to: What came before?
Came before: DIALOG:
What is truth is?
Write the conversation that led to this response. This mechanism is often called "direct gas impingement" (DGI), although it differs from prior gas systems.
How does the bolt carrier work?
- The bolt carrier acts as a movable cylinder and the bolt itself acts as a stationary piston.
- What is the difference between the two?
Input: What came before. The windows are fitted with wooden shutters.
Solution: DIALOG:
What is special about the masonry of a Lorraine house?
- The masonry of a Lorraine house is made of irregular stones and is plastered.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- The lintels, jambs and sills of the windows and doors are picked out both in terms of relief and colour; they are made of local sandstone or limestone.
- What else is made of wood?
What might have been said before [Between the old canal and the river lies a long narrow strip of land referred to as Merritt Island that is now a park.] ???
What is the 8 most important aspects of the Welland?
- It has an outdoor pool shaped like a figure 8.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- There is also a cenotaph at this park.
- What happened in the late 1960s?
- In the late 1960s, the eastern part of the park was used for the Welland Canal bypass.
- What happened with the ships?
- Patrons of the park can often see ships passing through the bypass.
- What else is important about the welland?
- At the heart of the old city of Welland, near the Main Street Bridge, the Welland River passes under the old Welland Canal, then runs parallel to it for a few miles.
- What else is known about the river?
Imagine the conversation that came before this response?
First was ‘The Kitchen’ by Arnold Wesker which also incorporated improvised scenes alongside the actual script and was staged in the Emma Cons Hall at Morley College.
When was the company formed?
- During the early spring term of 1977 auditions consisting of improvisational scenes run by the Youth Theatre’s first professional directors Lucy Parker and Frederick Proud took place and around 40 applicants were chosen to form the company.
- What was their first production?
- By the middle of the summer in 1977 the 'Old Vic Youth Theatre’ had performed two plays for the paying public.
- What was the play they first performed?
- |
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)?
Nick Davis is a visual effects supervisor who has worked in visual effects since the early 1990s. He was nominated at the 81st Academy Awards for "The Dark Knight". He was nominated in the category of Best Visual Effects, he shared his nomination with Chris Corbould, Paul Franklin and Tim Webber.
Hypothesis: Nick Davis was nominated for The Darker Nicht.
Pick from:
(A). Yes.
(B). It's impossible to say.
(C). No. | (C). |
Ques:The bright Sunday morning sun illuminated the stained glass windows, diffusing multi-colored hues across the congregation. Attendance is up today, thought Greg. As the organist was nearing the end of the Prelude, he stepped up to the podium. "Please take your hymnals and turn to page 23, and let's stand and sing 'Holy, Holy, Holy.'" Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning, our song shall rise to Thee... As Greg sang and conducted the 4/4 pattern, which he could do in his sleep, his mind began to wander. Shouldn't he feel guilty about what he was thinking last night while kissing Cynthia on the couch? His actions had been within the bounds of acceptable behavior. He had nothing to be ashamed of in that regard. But what about his thoughts? It wasn't what he did with Cynthia--it was what he wanted to do. He didn't want to dishonor her or his commitment to God. But his feelings had been only natural. God created humans and gave them sexual desire. Wasn't it okay to want to have sex, as long as you didn't actually do it? Then he remembered the passage from Matthew 5:28. But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart. At the end of the hymn, Greg stepped back and Dr. Huff went to the podium and said a prayer. Then there were announcements, two more hymns, and a chorus. After the offering, it was time for the choir to sing their anthem. When Greg motioned to the choir to stand, Cynthia smiled at him from the Alto section. She was so incredibly beautiful. Standing there in her choir robe, she looked like a redheaded angel. If they could just get married, Greg could stop feeling guilty about his desire for her. What did Greg do? A. Draw B. not enough information C. Sing D. Dance
Ques:White House officials on Wednesday laid out plans to send National Guard troops to the United States’ southern border with Mexico, as part of President Donald Trump’s efforts to confront what he says is a growing problem with illegal immigrants. The decision to deploy the U.S. military to the border represents a major new aspect of Trump’s wide-ranging immigration crackdown. But major parts of the move are unclear, including how many troops will be sent, when they will deploy, or what exactly they will do. “It will take time to have the details in place, but we are beginning today and are moving quickly,” said Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. “We are anxious to have this support.” In the U.S., the active duty military is generally restricted from domestic law enforcement functions, which would include apprehending border crossers. However, U.S. presidents have deployed the National Guard to the border to act in support roles. Nielsen said the National Guard troops will help with border surveillance and other “support functions.” She declined to say how large the force would be, but she did say it would include “as many (troops) as is needed to fill the gaps today.” A senior Trump administration official declined to say whether the National Guard troops will be armed, saying those details are still being worked out. But the official said the force would be effective. “Suffice it to say, for individuals looking to pay a smuggler to get in the United States right now, that would be a very unwise investment,” the official said. Trump signed a proclamation authorizing the move Wednesday evening. But states must also approve the decision before deploying their guard members. Trump repeatedly has threatened to deploy the military to help secure the border, especially as a caravan of Central American migrants makes it way north through Mexico, with some headed for the U.S. After the end of the story how will illegal immigration change? A. It probably will decrease illegal immigration B. it probably won't change anything C. it probably will increase illegal immigration D. not enough information
Ques:The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan dropped more bombs during the first quarter of 2018 than it has in the same period in any of the last 15 years, according to Pentagon data. The increased bombing is the latest evidence the 17-year-old war in Afghanistan is significantly intensifying since U.S. President Donald Trump announced his new military strategy for the country in August. Coalition planes dropped 1,186 weapons on Afghanistan during the first three months of 2018, according to figures released by U.S. Air Forces Central Command. The previous record (1,083) was set during the height of the war in 2011. The U.S. has not released 2001 to 2003 airstrike data. Those figures do not include activity by the Afghan Air Force (AAF), which has stepped up its aerial bombardment since gaining the ability to conduct airstrikes two years ago. The AAF carries out between 4 to 12 airstrikes every day, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defense. If recent trends are any indication, 2018 is likely to get even more violent. Fighting traditionally picks up during the warmer months, and the coalition has expanded its bombing campaign against the Islamic State group, as well as narcotic labs and other Taliban revenue sources. But there is little indication the expanded airstrikes are helping end the conflict, says Thomas Johnson, an Afghanistan specialist who teaches national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. "It's basically a tactic of desperation," said Johnson, author of Taliban Narratives: The Use of Power and Stories in the Afghanistan Conflict. "There's never been an insurgency in history that's been defeated purely through air power." Even high-level U.S. military officials concede the conflict remains a stalemate. According to the latest U.S. military estimate, the Afghan government controls 56 percent of Afghanistan's districts, with insurgents controlling or contesting the rest. Insurgent attacks also have continued. Nearly 60 people died Sunday when an Islamic State... How long do airstrikes last from US to Afghanistan? A. years B. not enough information C. 1 week D. 2 days
Ques:Jason Munt said him and Carly Furnish got beamed up by a bunch of aliens just after he'd boldly gone with her in the car park woods. It was the boldly going bit people thought was bullshit. Carly Furnish was a good God-loving girl. Trouble was, she'd gone missing. And Jason Munt had a weird crescent-shaped branding in his back, and was sticking to his story. Jason got hauled in by the cops and told he was in a whole heap of trouble. He reported blinding lights and a feeling like floating. He described being strapped to a table by little green men. A cop slapped the table and shouted, 'there's a frigging girl out there.' Jason said he knew how it sounded - the little green men, the whole thing - but it's true: they were little and green, just like out of the comic books. He volunteered tests for drink and drugs. He came back negative on both counts. They left him to stew. He said the last he saw of Carly was her being sucked up in some kind of light ray. He said, 'she seemed asleep - all peaceful, like.' Jason could not explain why he'd been beamed back down to earth, yet they'd seemingly taken Carly all the way off home with them to the Planet Zog. There were plenty of people willing to reckon it proved aliens had mighty good taste, but it wasn't the time nor the place to say it out loud. The cops released Jason after two days of questions. He stuck to his story throughout. The desk sergeant said, 'mark my words, there's a lot of hate out there.' Jason headed straight home. He lived in one of the straggle of council houses leading up to the tip. Carly Furnish and her folks lived two doors down. Supposedly they were distant relatives, but that's what everyone said about folks on that street. How old is Jason? A. 30 B. 55 C. not enough information D. 16
Ans: | C
----- |
Problem: Given the following passage "On 23 June 1757, the English East India Company defeated Siraj-ud-Daula, the Nawab of Bengal, in the Battle of Plassey. The British thus became masters of east India (Bengal, Bihar, Orissa) – a prosperous region with a flourishing agriculture, industry and trade. This led to a large amount of children being forced into labour due to the increasing need of cheap labour to produce large numbers of goods. Many multinationals often employed children because that they can be recruited for less pay, and have more endurance to utilise in factory environments. Another reason many Indian children were hired was because they lack knowledge of their basic rights, they did not cause trouble or complain, and they were often more trustworthy. The innocence that comes with childhood was utilised to make a profit by many and was encouraged by the need for family income.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Why might a family let their child work?
A: the need for family income
Problem: Given the question: Given the following passage "Houston is served by the Houston Chronicle, its only major daily newspaper with wide distribution. The Hearst Corporation, which owns and operates the Houston Chronicle, bought the assets of the Houston Post—its long-time rival and main competition—when Houston Post ceased operations in 1995. The Houston Post was owned by the family of former Lieutenant Governor Bill Hobby of Houston. The only other major publication to serve the city is the Houston Press—a free alternative weekly with a weekly readership of more than 300,000.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which newspaper outlived the other?
The answer is:
input question: Given the following passage "Greece is a democratic and developed country with an advanced high-income economy, a high quality of life and a very high standard of living. A founding member of the United Nations, Greece was the tenth member to join the European Communities (precursor to the European Union) and has been part of the Eurozone since 2001. It is also a member of numerous other international institutions, including the Council of Europe, NATO,[a] OECD, OIF, OSCE and the WTO. Greece, which is one of the world's largest shipping powers, middle powers and top tourist destinations, has the largest economy in the Balkans, where it is an important regional investor.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: __ is now known as Southeast Europe.???
output answer: Balkans
Given the following passage "Josip Broz Tito received a total of 119 awards and decorations from 60 countries around the world (59 countries and Yugoslavia). 21 decorations were from Yugoslavia itself, 18 having been awarded once, and the Order of the National Hero on three occasions. Of the 98 international awards and decorations, 92 were received once, and three on two occasions (Order of the White Lion, Polonia Restituta, and Karl Marx). The most notable awards included the French Legion of Honour and National Order of Merit, the British Order of the Bath, the Soviet Order of Lenin, the Japanese Order of the Chrysanthemum, the German Federal Cross of Merit, and the Order of Merit of Italy.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is Tito's nationality?
Answer: Yugoslavia
Q: Given the following passage "Since over half of GE's revenue is derived from financial services, it is arguably a financial company with a manufacturing arm. It is also one of the largest lenders in countries other than the United States, such as Japan. Even though the first wave of conglomerates (such as ITT Corporation, Ling-Temco-Vought, Tenneco, etc.) fell by the wayside by the mid-1980s, in the late 1990s, another wave (consisting of Westinghouse, Tyco, and others) tried and failed to emulate GE's success.[citation needed]", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Minority of money made by GE is through what?
A: manufacturing
[Q]: Given the following passage "Scholars and historians are divided as to what event signals the end of the Hellenistic era. The Hellenistic period may be seen to end either with the final conquest of the Greek heartlands by Rome in 146 BC following the Achean War, with the final defeat of the Ptolemaic Kingdom at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, or even the move by Roman emperor Constantine the Great of the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople in 330 AD. "Hellenistic" is distinguished from "Hellenic" in that the first encompasses the entire sphere of direct ancient Greek influence, while the latter refers to Greece itself.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What event related to war might you see as the end of the Hellenistic era if you think it ended less than a century before the common era?
[A]: | Battle of Actium |
Detailed Instructions: Generate the answer for a given question. The question requires common knowledge of English. Make sure that the answer is in detail, long, consistent with the context, and requires general knowledge of English. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Give a proper explanation to answer, and if necessary, provide the definition of various terms. And conclude your answer if it's long. If you have used other resources (e.g., Merriam Webster's.) to answer the question, include citations in your answer. You don't need to paraphrase the context of your resources, but make sure that your answer is consistent and complete.
Problem:What's the verb for 'to drink small amounts of drink' (especially to enjoy it as slowly and long as possibly)? What's the drinking equivalent of 'nibble'?.
Solution: | sip is the common word, but it does not denote 'to enjoy it as slowly and long as possibly'. For that, I suggest savor (UK: savour) Taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it to the full He has dinner and actually savors the wine, rather than drinking to get drunk. 1.1 Enjoy or appreciate (something pleasant) to the full, especially by lingering over it (Oxford Dictionaries) sip Drink (something) by taking small mouthfuls. 'I sat sipping coffee' 'she sipped at her tea' (Oxford Dictionaries) You can definitely savor a good cup of coffee. A difference is this: if your coffee is hot, you can use she sipped her coffee because it was hot but you wouldn't really say she savored her coffee because it was hot. You'd say she savored her coffee because it was delicious. sip is also a occurs as a noun, meaning A small mouthful of liquid (Oxford) And we say stuff like take a sip (very common) and have a sip. She took a sip of wine is equal to she sipped her wine (one time). lists these synonyms for sip (verb): drink in, extract, imbibe, partake, quaff, sample, savor, sup, swallow, taste, toss Only savor includes the notion of enjoy as part of its definition. Quaff means to 'drink (alcoholic beverages) heartily' but does not include the sense of slow enjoyment. In fact, it can be more of an antonym, since 'drink heartedly' can entail drinking quickly. |
Question 1: What is the scope of electronics engineering in India?
Question 2: Does B.Tech in ECE have a future in the next 4 years?
- no
- yes
Would the answer to these two questions be the same?
Question 1: Where can I find pending request on instagram?
Question 2: How do I see the people I requested to follow on instagram?
- no
- yes
A: no
First question: How could Donald Trump get Mexico to pay for a border wall?
Second question: How is Trump planning to get Mexico to pay for his supposed wall?
Are these two questions asking the same thing?
- no
- yes
Questions: Q1: Is masturbation good for health in case of males?
Q2: Is masturbating good for health?
- no
- yes
Answer: no
INPUT: What do b/f c/f b/d c/d mean in financial accounting?
In accounting, what is the meaning of a bank asset?
Please tell me if those questions are the same.
- no
- yes
question: How can I stop myself from watching too much of porn?
How can I stop temptation to watch porn?
- no
- yes
answer: | yes |
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible.
Input: What year was the club founded that had a player moved to that played defender for Toronto FC and the Belgium national team . ?
Output: | 1971 |
Given a paragraph, your job is to generate a question that can be answered from the passage. The answer to your question should be a single entity, person, time, etc. that can be extracted from the passage.
Example input: There are a million times more viruses on the planet than stars in the universe. Viruses also harbor the majority of genetic diversity on Earth. Scientists are finding evidence of viruses as a planetary force, influencing the global climate and geochemical cycles. They have also profoundly shaped the evolution of their hosts. The human genome, for example, contains 100,000 segments of virus DNA.
Example output: How many segments of virus DNA does the human genome contain?
Example explanation: The paragraph states the number of segments of virus DNA does the human genome contain, hence the question asked above is appropriate.
Q: A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime because 1 and 5 are its only positive integer factors, whereas 6 is composite because it has the divisors 2 and 3 in addition to 1 and 6. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic establishes the central role of primes in number theory: any integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of primes that is unique up to ordering. The uniqueness in this theorem requires excluding 1 as a prime because one can include arbitrarily many instances of 1 in any factorization, e.g., 3, 1 · 3, 1 · 1 · 3, etc. are all valid factorizations of 3.
A: | What is the only divisor besides 1 that a prime number can have? |
1. By elevation , Wilmont is the highest incorporated community in Nobles County , and is the only place in America where Larry Lang 's onion rings are sold .
2. By elevation , Wilmont is the highest integrated community in Nobles County and is the only place in America where the onion rings are sold by Larry Lang .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? | yes |
In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible.
One example is below.
Q: Tracy slept awkwardly on their new bed and was having some pain, so Tracy cracked her neck.
Question: What did Tracy do with her neck?
A: crack her neck
Rationale: The output phrase perfectly answers the question and is explicitly mentioned in the passage as well.
Q: Kai wanted to do something fun for the weekend. Kai went camping with friends.
Question: How would Others feel as a result?
A: | happy |
In this task, you will be shown an incorrect English sentence. You need to generate a corrected form of the input sentence.
Example input: The car's wheel are loose.
Example output: The car's wheel is loose.
Example explanation: The instance of are is replaced by the word is. This makes the sentence grammatically correct.
Q: In todays world there is a high and almost unreplenishable thirst for change .
A: | In today 's world , there is a deep and almost unreplenishable thirst for change . |
(1) He was born in Athens ( Petroupoli ) in July 1973 .
(2) He was born in July 1973 in Athens ( Petroupoli ) .
Do these two sentences mean the same thing?
(1). no.
(2). yes. | (2). |
Detailed Instructions: Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form.
Problem:The average American is exposed to … about 3000 advertising messages a day; at least three thousand ads every day; 100 advertisements before 9 am each day. 247 advertisements in one day; 5000 advertising and promotional messages per day; over 30000 commercials each year The data reaffirms much of what Nielsen has found in past studies, namely that television remains by far the dominant medium for video viewing. The Ball State study found that the average American adult was exposed to five hours and nine minutes of live TV each day, almost 15 minutes of TV via a DVR device and 2.4 minutes of video on the computer. They cite many references that give numbers for how many ads we see daily. One such example : “The average American is exposed to 247 commercial messages each day.” Consumer Reports Website But the numbers just go up from there. Estimate 1: 3,000 a day. “The average American is exposed to over 3000 ads every day. The ads increasingly encroach upon our public space — our schools, our public transportation, our buildings, and even our beaches (a new technique enables the advertisers to stamp their ads onto the sand at beaches.) How many ads to people see on average on their mobile devices in a day? How many users click on ads on Facebook every day? How can PPC/CPC be assessed for a banner ad? Since people are spending more time away from home, marketers are spending more money on bringing TV to you: in shopping malls and in grocery stores. There's even an Autonet in auto repair shops, and of course, advertising reaches people on computers and movie screens. There's more media than ever before, Mandese said. waking day, that would give a total of 76 advertisements of which a person is to some degree aware. Charles F. Adams, working with the Bauer and Greyser data in 1965, emphasized that of the 76 advertisements a day of which a person might be aware, only 12 made any kind of impression on him, and three of those impressions were negative. If “exposure” means you could have In the golden age of television, an ad on one of the big three networks could reach 70 percent of the viewing audience. But then the landscape changed: along came cable digital video recorders like Tivo, which allow viewers to fast forward through ads with the click of a remote. IN a world with grocery store television screens, digitally delivered movie libraries and cellphone video clips, the average American is exposed to 61 minutes of TV ads and promotions a day. Some people may think that amount seems excessive. In one 45-minute journey, the average London commuter is exposed to more than 130 adverts. Only half of that information makes any impact, while unprompted we can remember none of the blur of adverts, according to new technology tested by the Guardian. By Owen Gibson. Query: how many ads is the average person exposed to a day
Solution: | The average person exposed 3000 ads every day. |
Imagine the conversation that came before this response?
Marcos Mondaini Marcos Gustavo Mondaini (born 14 February 1985 in Sáenz Peña) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a Striker for Guayaquil City in the Ecuadorian Serie A.
Who is Marcos Mondaini?
Input: See this dialog response. That relationship worked until the late 1990s, when King started receiving equal billing with Kubek after 1997. What came before?
Came before: DIALOG:
What was the Bnois King's relationship with Rob Kubek?
Write the conversation that led to this response. Zogu Ghana Zogu is a community in the Savelugu-Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana.
What is known about Zogu Ghana?
Input: What came before. The population of Kümbetli was 1578 as of 2011.
Solution: DIALOG:
What is known about the alleged mass poisoning of a Turkish migrant family in the English language?
- Kümbetli Kümbetli is a village in the central (Kars) district of Kars Province, Turkey at .
- Where is it located?
- It is situated a little north of the Turkish state highway , west of Kars.
- What is the population?
What might have been said before [In 1861, the school adopted the dress and discipline of an all-boys military school.] ???
What is Linsly School?
- Linsly School The Linsly School, formerly known as the Linsly Military Institute, is a boarding and day school located in Wheeling, West Virginia.
- When was it founded?
- It was founded in 1814 by Noah Linsly and chartered by the State of Virginia in the same year.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- The school is the oldest preparatory school west of the Alleghenies.
- What was it originally known as?
- It was originally known as the Lancastrian Academy.
- When did it change to what it is known as today?
What might have been said before [Together with American slam poet Mighty Mike McGee and fellow Canadian C. R.] ???
Who is Shane Koyczan?
- Shane Koyczan Shane L. Koyczan (born 22 May 1976) is a Canadian spoken word poet, writer, and member of the group Tons of Fun University.
- What is he known for?
- He is known for writing about issues like bullying, cancer, death, and eating disorders.
- What is he most famous for?
- He is most famous for the anti-bullying poem To This Day which has over 20 million views on YouTube.
- Where is he from?
- Koyczan was born in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, and he grew up in Penticton, British Columbia.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- In 2000, he became the first Canadian to win the Individual Championship title at the beach National Poetry Slam.
- Who did he win against?
- |
In this task you are given a question. You need to generate an answer to the question.
[EX Q]: Question:What is the name of the A1 Pacific steam locomotive which was completed in 2009 and is the first of its kind built for over 50 years?
[EX A]: tornado
[EX Q]: Question:Where is the giant copper statue of a man, woman and child, known as the African Renaissance monument, that was unveiled in April 2010?
[EX A]: Senegal
[EX Q]: Question:In what country is vodou religion commonly practiced?
[EX A]: | vodoo
Imagine a question and stream-of-consciousness explanation for which this is the answer: yes | Question: Do human sacrums have more fused vertebrae than an Alaskan Malamute?
Stream-of-consciousness: The human sacrum consists of five fused vertebrae. An Alaskan Malamute is a large domestic dog breed. Dogs have three fused vertebrae attached to their sacrums. |
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Happy Mother's Day, Love George (also known Run Stranger, Run) is a 1973 American mystery film produced and directed by Darren McGavin. The film stars Patricia Neal, Cloris Leachman, Bobby Darin, Tessa Dahl, Ron Howard, Kathie Browne, Joe Mascolo, Simon Oakland, and Thayer David.
Sentence: The film was well received.
Output: It's impossible to say
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true:
Donald Joseph Stanhouse (born February 12, 1951 in Du Quoin, Illinois) is a retired baseball pitcher who had a ten-year major league career from 1972 to 1980, 1982. He played for the Texas Rangers and Baltimore Orioles of the American League and the Montreal Expos and Los Angeles Dodgers of the National League.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
Hypothesis: Donald Joseph Stanhouse retired because of the Texas Rangers.
It's impossible to say
[Q]: Justin Tinucci is an American actor, musician and professional indoor skydiver who is best known for his roles on "Incredible Crew" as a recurring guest star, iCarly, Big Love, Trophy Wife and the Netflix show Lady Dynamite where he plays Jason. He will appear in an upcoming Sony Pictures Home Entertainment film called Devil's Whisper in 2017. Justin Tinucci was born in South America. OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
[A]: No
Problem: The Magic Roundabout in Swindon, England, was constructed in 1972 and consists of five mini-roundabouts arranged around a sixth central, anticlockwise roundabout. Located near the County Ground, home of Swindon Town F.C., its name comes from the popular children's television series "The Magic Roundabout". In 2009 it was voted the fourth scariest junction in Britain, in a poll by Britannia Rescue.
Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The Magic Roundabout was constructed in the summer of 1972."? OPTIONS:
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Q: The album was hated by critics
Fun & Games is the third album by the American pop/rock band The Connells, released in 1989. It was recorded primarily at Fort Apache Studios, in Cambridge, MA, with additional recording at Studio 900 in New York City and Reflection Studio in Charlotte, NC. In the US, the album reached #163 on the "Billboard" 200 while the single "Something to Say" reached #7 on the Hot Modern Rock Tracks chart.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: It's impossible to say
Q: Russia was almost involved in the conflict.
The Six-Day War (Hebrew: מלחמת ששת הימים , "Milhemet Sheshet Ha Yamim"; Arabic: النكسة , "an-Naksah", "The Setback" or حرب ۱۹٦۷ , "Ḥarb 1967", "War of 1967"), also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (known at the time as the United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria.
- Yes
- It's impossible to say
- No
A: | It's impossible to say |
(1) St. George 's Homes in Kodaikanal constructed later had the same purpose as that of Kalimpong homes , but influenced and modeled by Graham 's work in Kalimpong .
(2) Later , St. George 's Homes in Kodaikanal had the same purpose as the Kalimpong Homes , but were influenced and modeled by Graham 's work in Kalimpong .
Do these two sentences mean the same thing? | yes |
In this task, you are given a question and an answer. Answer "Yes" if the given answer correctly answers the question, otherwise answer "No".
One example is below.
Q: what latitude is tropic of cancer, Answer: It currently (Year 2013) lies at 23° 26′ 15.143′′ north of the Equator.
A: Yes
Rationale: This is a good example, and the given answer correctly answers the question.
Q: what was the first honda car, Answer: It was launched in March 1964.
A: | Yes |
Imagine the conversation that came before this response?
Rowe left Decca in 1975 .
What happened in 1975?
Input: See this dialog response. Apocalypse (Bottom) "Apocalypse" is the fourth episode of the first series of British sitcom "Bottom". What came before?
Came before: DIALOG:
What was the title of Apocalypse (Bottom)?
Write the conversation that led to this response. Chōfu Station (Yamaguchi) Chōfu Station is served by the Sanyō Main Line. ! colspan=5|JR West
What lines pass through Ch ⁇ fu Station?
Input: What came before. ÅIF ÅIF may refer to:
Solution: DIALOG:
What is the difference between new york style cheesecake and regular cheesecake
What might have been said before [He helped organize a memorial service for Armenian American veterans at the Arlington National Cemetery on May 21, 1978, where the graves of forty-nine Armenian American veterans, spanning the period from the Spanish–American War to the Vietnam War, were decorated with carnations.] ???
What happened in 1983?
- He was appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of the newly established "Washington Times" daily newspaper in 1983.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- Juskalian was a prominent figure in the Armenian community.
- What was some of his work he did in the community?
- He served at the local St. Mary's Armenian Apostolic Church and the Diocesan Council of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America.
- What other ways did he serve?
- He served on the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, and subsequently for a ten-year term on its Board of Trustees.
- Was there any other work he did?
- He was also a member of the Armenian General Benevolent Union's Central Committee of America and the Armenian Assembly of America.
- What other ways did he serve?
See the last examples. Predict the preceding dialog. DIALOG:
When was the Code of Canon Law formed?
- Under the aegis of the Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, the Commission for the Codification of Canon Law was completed under Benedict XV, who promulgated the Code on 27 May 1917, effective on 29 May 1918.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- The work having been begun by Pius X, it was sometimes called the "Pio-Benedictine Code" but more often the 1917 Code to distinguish it from the later 1983 Code which replaced it.
- What did the experts do?
- In its preparation, centuries of material was examined, scrutinized for authenticity by leading experts, and harmonized as much as possible with opposing canons and even other codes, from the Code of Justinian to the Napoleonic Code.
- Was there any change made to the code?
- In the succeeding decades, some parts of the 1917 Code were retouched, especially under Pope Pius XII.
- Did it remain the same?
Preceding conversation: | DIALOG:
When was the Code of Canon Law formed?
- Under the aegis of the Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, the Commission for the Codification of Canon Law was completed under Benedict XV, who promulgated the Code on 27 May 1917, effective on 29 May 1918.
- Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
- The work having been begun by Pius X, it was sometimes called the "Pio-Benedictine Code" but more often the 1917 Code to distinguish it from the later 1983 Code which replaced it.
- What did the experts do?
- In its preparation, centuries of material was examined, scrutinized for authenticity by leading experts, and harmonized as much as possible with opposing canons and even other codes, from the Code of Justinian to the Napoleonic Code.
- Was there any change made to the code?
- In the succeeding decades, some parts of the 1917 Code were retouched, especially under Pope Pius XII.
- Did it remain the same?
- |
Imagine the conversation that came before this response? Response: Antrim. | Dialog:
P1) What was the name of the virtual tour of William Steel Dickson?.
P2) William Steel Dickson William Steel Dickson (1744–1824) was an Irish Presbyterian minister and member of the Society of the United Irishmen, a revolutionary republican organisation in late 18th century Ireland..
P1) Where was William born?.
P2) Dickson was born on 25 December 1744, the eldest son of John Dickson, a tenant farmer of Ballycraigy, in the parish of Carnmoney, co..
P1) What county was William born in?.
P2) |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options.
Minneapolis (CNN) The mayor of Minneapolis said she wants to hear from the officer who fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk. But so far, officer Mohamed Noor has exercised his constitutional right to not speak to state investigators, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said Tuesday. And, it's not clear if or when he will. "He has a story to tell that no one else can tell," Mayor Betsy Hodges said in a news conference Tuesday. "We can't compel him by law, but I wish that he would make that statement." The news conference capped a day of developments in a case that's raising questions about police training, use of force and body camera policies. The shooting has led newscasts in Australia, where Ruszczyk is originally from.A county attorney, not a grand jury, will decide whether either of the officers will be chargedFamily shown documents from case ahead of public release, council member says
Questions:Those documents were shared with _'s family Tuesday night, she said. (A) Minneapolis (B) CNN (C) Justine Ruszczyk (D) Mohamed Noor (E) Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (F) Betsy Hodges (G) Australia
| (C) |
Q: In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for the answer based on the given article.
Article: It was about six years ago.We were at senior high school.Those days in school were gray to most Chinese students because of the college entrance examination pressure.Not our parents and teachers didn't love us,but they loved us too much.Our only happiness was a high grade in the exam. One afternoon after the final exam,we four girls came to a small wood and we felt _ only belonging to us that afternoon.We talked and laughed.We played all the games that we could think of.We felt we were on the top of the world for the first time in our life.We totally forgot the unhappiness in our life and we threw the homework and the endless exams far away out of the wood. In the middle of the wood ran a small and peaceful stream.Now and then,we could see some wild ducks on the water looking for food.The water weeds danced happily while the water passed beside them.The air was so fresh that we breathed it freely. The sun had set before we knew it.We had to leave the place which brought us much happiness.We agreed to come back again every time we felt bored. Years later,we went there several times.But,every time we went there to find that great feeling,we failed.Strangely,the feeling was different from that of several years ago. I know that wonderful experience was just for once.We can never find that kind of happiness again which only belonged to the special afternoon in our life.That was a release of our uneasy heart.We can never go back to that young age or that simple life.It was our golden ages.No matter how boring and hard the life was,it gave us something worthy to recall.We'll treasure it forever.
Answer: Unhappy.
A: | What does the writer think of their senior high school life? |
input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. Steubenville, Ohio (CNN) -- One of the teens who recorded himself mocking the girl at the center of an Ohio rape case "did a really dumb thing and regrets it" but did not commit any crime, his lawyer said Monday.
The attorney, Dennis McNamara, said there was "no excuse or justification" for the jokes Michael Nodianos made, "and with some sober reflection, he is ashamed and embarrassed to hear them himself."
"He sincerely regrets his behavior and his comments and the effect that it's had on the parties involved, including his own family," McNamara told reporters in Steubenville, the small Ohio town that has become the focus of national attention because of the case. "He was not raised to act in this manner."
Two 16-year-old members of the town's powerhouse high school football team are charged with sexually assaulting a girl after a series of parties in August. They are set for trial in a juvenile court in February.
McNamara said Nodianos, 18, has been interviewed by detectives "at some length" and is not the subject of an investigation.
"Michael is a really good kid from a really good family who did a really dumb thing and regrets it," he said. "Beyond that, he has no involvement in the criminal case or in any of the underlying activity that led to the filing of the criminal charges."
Defense battles social media blizzard in Ohio rape case
The case gained national attention after The New York Times published a lengthy piece on it in December. The activist hacker group Anonymous and other critics have accused community leaders of trying to paper over rampant misconduct by football players and suggested that other students took part in the assaults or failed to do enough stop them. Anonymous helped organize a weekend protest in Steubenville that drew a crowd of hundreds to the town, a community of about 18,000 on the Ohio River across the river from West Virginia. 1. Who feels badly over something he did?
2. Who said so?
3. Who did he tell.
4. Is it a large place?
numbered_answers: 1. McNamara
2. Steubenville,
3. told reporters in Steubenville
4. no
input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. Apple Inc co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, counted among the greatest American CEOs of his generation, died on Wednesday at the age of 56, after a years-long and highly public battle with cancer. Mourners gathered outside his house in Palo Alto, California, and Apple stores around the world.
Steve Jobs made technology fun. As tech leaders, they're really happy if they have one hit in their life. Steve Jobs has the Apple II, the Mac, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad and Pixar.
Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant. They supported his early interest in electronics. He and his friend Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer--now just called Apple--in 1976. They stayed at the company until 1985. That year, Steve Wozniak returned to college and Steve Jobs left in a dispute with the chief executive.
Mr. Jobs then formed his own company, called NeXT Computer. He rejoined Apple in 1997 after it bought NeXT, He helped remake Apple from a business that was in bad shape then to one of the most valuable companies in the world today. However, Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple's chief executive in August, 2011 because of his health. He died a day after the company released a new iPhone version that met with limited excitement. Steve left behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.
President Obama said in a statement: by building one of the planet's most successful companies from his garage, Steve Jobs showed the spirit of American ingenuity . By making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible but intuitive and fun.
The fact that he was able to redesign American commerce top to bottom and across is really astonishing. He probably will be considered an industrial giant on the scale of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, so one of the greatest of all time. Steve Jobs not only revolutionized technology, he also revolutionized American business. Steve Jobs was remembered as a " great visionary and leader" and a marketing genius. 1. Who co-founded Apple?
2. What other position did he hold?
3. When did he die?
4. How old was he?
5. What was his second company?
6. Who was his partner in creating Apple?
7. When did they start it?
8. How many years was Jobs there?
9. Why did he leave?
10. Did he graduate college?
11. How many products and companies are mentioned?
12. What were his parents' occupations?
13. When he came back to Apple did he make it more or less valuable?
14. When did he step down?
15. Why?
16. What was the cause of his death?
17. Will he be considered a great businessman?
18. Like which other people?
19. Where was his home?
20. Besides there, where else did people gather after his death?
numbered_answers: 1. Steve Jobs
2. CEO
3. Wednesday
4. 56
5. NeXT Computer
6. Steve Wozniak
7. in 1976
8. Until 1985
9. Dispute with the cheif executive
10. College Dropout
11. Seven
12. unknown
13. More valuable
14. August 2011
15. His health
16. Cancer
17. Yes
18. Thomas Edison and Henry Ford
19. Palo Alto, California
20. Apple stores around the world
input: Make use of the article to answer the questions. Kacey was a princess living in a magical kingdom with her parents and two little brothers. One day a monster bashed down the door to the castle when Kacey wasn't home and grabbed her youngest brother. "Give me your jewels or I eat him!" the monster yelled. Kacey's mom and dad called for the guards, but the monster bashed them down. "Give me my jewels!" the monster said. "Or I'll eat your other son too!" Kacey got home to see the big back of the monster in the door. "What do I do?" Kacey thought. Then she remembered a move she had seen a fighter use at the fair she had gone to. She also remembered she could lift a thousand pounds. "I know!" She ran up behind the monster, grabbed him around the waist and lifted. She picked the monster up into the air, then slammed him down on his head. He didn't move, and Kacey smiled at her parents. Then she saw their sad faces. Oh no! She had squashed her little brother. 1. Who lived in a kingdom?
2. who was she?
3. Anyone else live there?
4. Anyone else?
5. What happened to them?
6. why?
7. or else what?
8. What did they do?
9. Did they help?
10. What happened to them?
11. Was KAcey there?
12. What happened when she got home?
13. Then what?
14. How much could she lift?
15. What happened after that?
16. on what?
17. How did her parents react?
18. how come?
19. Did the monster move?
20. Did he hit his head?
numbered_answers: | 1. Kacey
2. princess
3. her parents
4. two brothers
5. monster bashed door
6. jewels
7. he eats youngest brother
8. called for the guards
9. no
10. monster bashed them
11. no
12. saw monster in door
13. lifted monster
14. a thousand pounds
15. slammed him down
16. little brother.
17. sad faces
18. squashed brother.
19. no
20. yes |
Given the question: Given the below context: Jean Sibelius's Symphony No. 8 was his final major compositional project, occupying him intermittently from the mid-1920s until around 1938, though he never published it. During this time Sibelius was at the peak of his fame, a national figure in his native Finland and a composer of international stature. A fair copy of at least the first movement was made, but how much of the Eighth Symphony was completed is unknown. Sibelius repeatedly refused to release it for performance, though he continued to assert that he was working on it even after he had, according to later reports from his family, burned the score and associated material, probably in 1945. Much of Sibelius's reputation, during his lifetime and subsequently, derived from his work as a symphonist. His Seventh Symphony of 1924 has been widely recognised as a landmark in the development of symphonic form, and at the time there was no reason to suppose that the flow of innovative orchestral works would not continue. However, after the symphonic poem Tapiola, completed in 1926, his output was confined to relatively minor pieces and revisions to earlier works. During the 1930s the Eighth Symphony's premiere was promised to Serge Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony Orchestra on several occasions, but as each scheduled date approached Sibelius demurred, claiming that the work was not ready for performance. Similar promises made to the British conductor Basil Cameron and to the Finnish Georg Schnéevoigt likewise proved illusory. It is thought that Sibelius's perfectionism and exalted reputation prevented him ever completing the symphony to his satisfaction; he wanted it to be even better than his Seventh. After Sibelius's death in 1957, news of the Eighth Symphony's destruction was made public, and it was assumed that the work had disappeared forever. But in the 1990s, when the composer's many notebooks and sketches were being catalogued, scholars first raised the possibility that fragments of the music for the lost symphony might have survived. Since... Guess a valid title for it!
The answer is: | Symphony No. 8 (Sibelius) |
Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language.
Example input: He later scouted in Europe for the Montreal Canadiens .
Example output: Il a plus tard été dépisteur du Canadiens de Montréal en Europe .
Example explanation: English sentence is converted to the French language.
Q: After their relocation some of the Chajoma drifted back to their pre-conquest centres , creating informal settlements and provoking hostilities with the Poqomam of Mixco and Chinautla along the former border between the pre-Columbian kingdoms .
A: | Après leur implantation , certains Chajomas retournèrent dans leurs anciens territoires , créèrent des villages et s' opposèrent aux Poqomams de Mixco et de Chinautla le long de l' ancienne frontière entre les royaumes précolombiens . |
Write a phrase, the answer to which is present in the passage. The answer to this question should be completely and unambiguously found in the passage. The query must be about a single or multiple linked entities.
Input: Consider Input: 1 Upload failed. 2 We are experiencing some problems, please try again. 3 You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. 4 You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM. 5 You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. 6 You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB. This Site Might Help You. RE: what is a word for unfair treatment? What's a word for unfair treatment that is 14 letters long? M is the 7th letter. Power Thesaurus 1969, unfair treatment thesaurus, Power Thesaurus, viewed 28 January, 2018, <>. mla Power Thesaurus. unfair treatment thesaurus 31 December 1969. Power Thesaurus. (1969). unfair treatment thesaurus. Retrieved August 31, 2017, from Chicago. Power Thesaurus. 1969. unfair treatment thesaurus (accessed August 31, 2017). Harvard. Power Thesaurus 1969, unfair treatment thesaurus, Power Thesaurus, viewed 31 August, 2017, <>. Unfair treatment synonyms. Top synonym for unfair treatment (other word for unfair treatment) is raw deal. THE Disability Discrimination Bill will: Make it easier for mental health service users, people with cancer, HIV and multiple sclerosis to claim their rights; Create new rights to use public transport and set an end date for all rail vehicles to be accessible (2020); Tackle institutional discrimination through a duty to pro-mote disability equality for the public sector (paralleling the race equality duty); Extend the DDA to cover most functions of public authorities; Give disabled people ... This Site Might Help You. RE: what is a word for unfair treatment? What's a word for unfair treatment that is 14 letters long? "M" is the 7th letter. Source(s): word unfair treatment: Concepcion · 2 years ago Power Thesaurus. 1969. unfair treatment thesaurus (accessed January 28, 2018). Harvard Power Thesaurus 1969, unfair treatment thesaurus, Power Thesaurus, viewed 28 January, 2018, <>. MLA: Power Thesaurus. unfair treatment thesaurus 31 December 1969. Web. 28 January 2018. <> Power Thesaurus. 1969. unfair treatment thesaurus (accessed January 28, 2018). Harvard: Power Thesaurus 1969, unfair treatment thesaurus, Power Thesaurus, viewed 28 January, 2018, <>. MLA Synonyms for Institutional discrimination in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Institutional discrimination. 49 synonyms for discrimination: prejudice, bias, injustice, intolerance, bigotry, favouritism, unfairness, inequity, discernment, taste, judgment, perception. What are synonyms for Institutional discrimination?
Output: another word for unfair treatment
Input: Consider Input: The normal stresses of everyday life are unlikely to affect a pregnancy, but severe stress, like losing a job or going through a divorce, can increase the chances of premature labor. There’s even some research suggesting that very high levels of stress can affect the developing fetal brain. Street foods are the alternative food if you want to be a spend thrift. The taste of the food can be compared to the food being prepared at famous fast food and restaurants. The only difference is the price; it's more cheaper. Tourists, local and foreign, are also enjoying this kind of food setting. The harmful effects of fast food on our health can be of two forms; Short-term or long-term. The short-term effects may be such as lethargy, malaise, anxiety, etc. ” We consume without realizing chemical additives, GMOs in many countries vegetables (corn, soy …) and many other substances rejected by our body ”. Think about it the next time you are reaching for your second helping of cheesy nachos that accompanies the double stacked hamburger sandwich and large soda. Weight Gain. A negative effect of junk food on children is rapid weight gain, often leading to excessive weight and sometimes obesity. This is because it often tastes good, is not very filling and is high calorie. In addition, because of the competition among street vendors, some of them have to sell out-of-date food such as re-heated chicken wings. These factors can certainly have an effect on customers’ health. Sok Chhivsrun, 21, student (year 1 student at PUC) One big advantage of eating food from street stalls is that it’s cheap, so anyone can afford it. If we don't get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines.If we get too much food, or food that gives our bodies the wrong instructions, we can become overweight, undernourished, and at risk for the development of diseases and conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease.In short, what we eat is central to our health. The effects of eating street food can vary depending on what is eaten and who is eating it. Some street food can be high in calories and cause weight gain. Some can be aci…dic and cause heartburn. Street food can also be healthy and give a person energy. There is, for example, the possibility of creating brand-new allergens. Despite the potential health implications, more GM foods appear each year. In 2011 the USDA approved the planting of genetically enhanced sugar beets (sucrose) and alfalfa (hay for livestock). Effects: The junk food contains a lot of oil and artificial flavoring and colors which stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more than normal sebum which causes acne. 6. Obesity: Reason: It has been found that people who have street foods and junk foods regularly are more prone to weight gain and obesity. Effects: Street food contains sugars, fats, salts etc. All these are very bad for the body in higher concentrations. Street food such as burgers, hot dogs and flavored popcorn have a negative effect on school-going children. These foods are laden with calories and saturated fats that con…tribute to obesity.
Output: effect of street foods to our health
Input: Consider Input: Dr. David M Keith, MD, is a Family Practice specialist in Union, South Carolina. He attended and graduated from Medical University Of South Carolina College Of Medicine in 1976, having over 42 years of diverse experience, especially in Family Practice. Dr. David Keith is a Family Medicine Doctor in Union, SC. Find Dr. Keith's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. Dr. David M Keith attended and graduated from Medical University Of South Carolina College Of Medicine in 1976. NPPES Info. NPI #: 1487677712; NPI Enumeration Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2006; NPPES Last Update: Thursday, April 7, 2016 DOROTHY V KEITH NPI profile information. DOROTHY KEITH, 2355S0801X - Speech-Language Assistant Speech & Language Therapists in UNION, SC NPI Number 1235139700 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. paul keith ratzker m.d.. Dr. David M Keith, MD has a medical practice at 429 East Main Street, Union, SC 29379. Currently, Dr. David M Keith specializes in family practice in Union area and has over 42 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from Medical University Of South Carolina College Of Medicine with his medical degree in 1976. NPI Number: 1487677712. Healthcare provider: DAVID MARTIN KEITH MD. Practice location address: 429 E MAIN ST UNION, SC, 29379-1902 DAVID MARTIN KEITH MD address is 429 E MAIN ST UNION, SC 29379 Other Providers at the same location The following 9 providers are registered at the same or nearby location. Dr. Keith Harkins practices at 3418 Casey Street, Loris SC. Profile of Dr. Keith Harkins, specializes in internal medicine, office hours, phone number, doctor reviews. South Carolina Anderson Pediatrics Dr. Keith M Hart Information About Dr. Keith M Hart is a male Pediatrician (taxonomy code 208000000X) located in Anderson, South Carolina. Dr. Keith M Hart's NPI Number is #1629053822 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 13 years. Dr. Keith M Hart's practice location is listed as: 2000 E Greenville St Ste 3000 Anderson, SC 29621 and can be reached via phone at (864) 224-1055.
| Output: dr. keith union, sc npi number
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph:
A set of instruction is seen with diagrams. a man
OPT: (1). uses a tool to repair individual links of a bike chain.. (2). spins a long ball around in circles and throws it for a goal.. (3). comes onto the screen to show a shaver and then explain how it is to shave off hair.. (4). pulls a pants and then puts on socks and shoes.. | (1). |
Article: The Lobund Institute grew out of pioneering research in germ-free-life which began in 1928. This area of research originated in a question posed by Pasteur as to whether animal life was possible without bacteria. Though others had taken up this idea, their research was short lived and inconclusive. Lobund was the first research organization to answer definitively, that such life is possible and that it can be prolonged through generations. But the objective was not merely to answer Pasteur's question but also to produce the germ free animal as a new tool for biological and medical research. This objective was reached and for years Lobund was a unique center for the study and production of germ free animals and for their use in biological and medical investigations. Today the work has spread to other universities. In the beginning it was under the Department of Biology and a program leading to the master's degree accompanied the research program. In the 1940s Lobund achieved independent status as a purely research organization and in 1950 was raised to the status of an Institute. In 1958 it was brought back into the Department of Biology as integral part of that department, but with its own program leading to the degree of PhD in Gnotobiotics.
Now answer this question: In what year did Lobund at Notre Dame become an Institute? | 1950 |
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage.
Example: passage: Franchising is a way for small business owners to benefit from the economies of scale of the big corporation (franchiser). McDonald's and Subway are examples of a franchise. The small business owner can leverage a strong brand name and purchasing power of the larger company while keeping their own investment affordable. However, some franchisees conclude that they suffer the "worst of both worlds" feeling they are too restricted by corporate mandates and lack true independence. It is an assumption that small business are just franchisees, but the truth is many franchisers are also small businesses, Although considered to be a successful way of doing business, literature has proved that there is a high failure rate in franchising as well, especially in UK, where research indicates that out of 1658 franchising companies operating in 1984, only 601 remained in 1998, a mere 36%.
question: can a franchise be considered a small business?
Example solution: Yes
Example explanation: Based on the passage, a franchise can be considered a small business.
Problem: passage: Twelve people have won all four major annual American entertainment awards in a competitive, individual (non-group) category of the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Awards. Respectively, these awards honor outstanding achievements in television, recording, film, and theater. Winning all four awards has been referred to as winning the ``grand slam'' of American show business.
question: has anyone won a grammy and an oscar?
| Solution: Yes |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown an incorrect English sentence. You need to generate a corrected form of the input sentence.
See one example below:
Problem: The car's wheel are loose.
Solution: The car's wheel is loose.
Explanation: The instance of are is replaced by the word is. This makes the sentence grammatically correct.
Problem: When i consumed that drink , then i came to know that we should not believe the advertisements .
Solution: | After I consumed that drink , then I came to know that we should not believe the advertisements . |
Write a plausible story that ends with this sentence?
Last sentence: A).
Options are: A). Neil felt very happy and satisfied that he'd been able to visit. B). Neil spent all his money too quickly, and never saw art again. | Neil had just arrived in Paris. He could not wait to see all the culture there! He spend his first day seeing art work. He visited three museums in just one day! A). |
In this task, you are given a second sentence. Your task is to generate the first sentence on the same topic but incoherent and inconsistent with the second sentence.
Example: Additionally , they donated US $200,000 to the All Souls Hospital in Morristown , New Jersey , US $100,000 of which were donated specifically by his wife .
Example solution: They also supported an all girls ' school in Saint - Briac - sur - Mer , Brittany , France .
Example explanation: Given a coherent sentence, an incoherent previous sentence to the given sentence is generated with the same topic of the given sentence
Problem: For example , consider a plate .
| Solution: To some extent , one can use one term in place of the other . |
Concepts: fog, sunrise, surround
A: sunrise and fog over the mountains surrounding
Q: Keywords: customer, look, television
What is a sentence that includes all these keywords?
A: customers looking at televisions for sale in a supermarket
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: architecture, city, structure
buildings known as structure are an example of architecture in the city
[Q]: Generate a sentence that includes all the following words: bathroom, counter, tile
[A]: A bathroom with tiled counters and tan walls.
CONCEPTS: dog, politician, wife
GEN: politician and his wife and daughter playing with the dogs at their home
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: food, need, organism, provide
| food provides organisms with the energy and raw materials needed to |
Definition: Write a phrase, the answer to which is present in the passage. The answer to this question should be completely and unambiguously found in the passage. The query must be about a single or multiple linked entities.
Input: The third time someone tries to put a saddle on you, you should admit you're a horse. (English proverb) Those that lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. (Native American proverb, Blackfoot) Every sun has to set. (Arabic proverb) Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.. (Corsican proverb) [U] tense and moving dramatization [C] The dramatization was faithful to the facts. (Definition of “dramatization” from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) Browse medical Definition of dramatization : the transformation which in psychoanalytic theory the underlying dream thoughts undergo into dramatic and pictorial form before they can take part in the actual dream Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: dramatization (Noun) The act of dramatizing. dramatization (Noun) A version that has been dramatized. This is a dramatization of life 1000 years ago. dramatization noun [U/C] / ˌdrɑ·mə·t̬əˈzeɪ·ʃən, ˈdræm·ə-/ › the act of changing a piece of writing into a play, or the play that is performed: Definition of dramatization in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is dramatization? Meaning of dramatization as a legal term. What does dramatization mean in law? A dramatization is the acting out of something. You see these a lot in documentaries on TV––there will be a dramatization of the JFK assassination, using actors to show what happened on that fateful day. Dramatization is a great way to cement learning. If you make a skit in your class showing how photosynthesis works, you are much more likely to remember it. Think Magic School Bus. Dramatization can also mean turning a novel into a movie or a play. Dramatization is a great way to cement learning. If you and your friends write a skit in biology class to show how photosynthesis works, you are much more likely to remember the process by which plants convert light into energy. As a supplement to the original, this dramatization would make a good addition to a school or community library and would be enjoyed by all members of the family, serving as a stimulus to read the original. ‘Troppmann is more given to dramatization than to action; indeed for him, the action in the Barcelona streets becomes a means for dramatization.’ ‘I had no idea of what the story was till I came to grips with it in this process of dramatization.’ His gift of dramatization had been exercised too long to be discarded now. She had no idea, no dramatization in her mind, of what awaited her or of what she intended to do. With twenty-nine leading characters the dramatization can be well staged. But dramatization will do more than anything else for the interpreting of the stories and the characters. I should imagine that the dramatization of a novel killed its sale. But his dramatization of himself did not indicate that he was not in earnest. In the chapter on Ideals of the Quakers, I have dwelt upon their dramatization of life.
Output: | dramatization meaning |
In this task, you will be shown an incorrect English sentence. You need to generate a corrected form of the input sentence.
Q: but most time it is important because most student is not baly and his think and ideas is very important .
A: | But most of the time it is important because most student do not do badly and their thoughts and ideas are very important . |
Please add spaces between words: Turnfromit,andpasson.4:16Fortheydon’tsleep,unlesstheydoevil. | Turn from it, and pass on. 4:16 For they don’t sleep, unless they do evil. |
In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for the answer based on the given article.
Article: People may use the expression"birdbrain"in English to talk about someone who is stupid,but crows prove that this is unfair.Now it has been discovered that crows may understand analogies . It was once thought that only humans could understand analogies,which help us to solve problems creatively,put things into categories,and make scientific discoveries. To test this ability in animals,scientists do"relational matching-to-sample"(RMTS) tests,according to the IFL Science website.If a pair was AA,for example,then picking BB to match it would be correct.If the pair was CD,however,then EF would be correct. Apes and monkeys have learned RMTS,but scientists wanted to know if crows could do it,too.An international team led by Edward Wasserman from the University of Iowa in the US first trained two hooded crows to match things by color1,shape,and number in what is called"identity matching-to-sample(IMTS)",then moved onto RMTS. For the IMTS test,the birds were put in a cage with a plastic tray that had three cards and two cups in it.The card in the middle was the sample card.The cups on either side were covered with the other two cards:One was the same as the sample (in the color1,shape,or number of shapes pictured),while the other wasn't.The cup with the card that matched the sample card contained two wormsto eat. In the second part of the experiment,the birds were tested with relational matching pairs.A card with two same-sized circles,for example,meant they should pick the test card with two same-sized squares and not two different-sized circles.The birds did well in the more difficult test and picked the correct card more than three quarters of the time,Science News reports. Wasserman was surprised that crows were able to solve the problem without any training in RMTS."What the crows have done is extraordinary,"he said in a news release."Honestly,if it was only by force that the crows showed this learning,then it would have been an impressive result.But this was spontaneous." So perhaps it's time to stop saying"birdbrain"permanently!
Answer: In the IMTS test,the birds needed to identify the sample card to get rewards. | Which of the following is TRUE about the tests on the hooded crows? |
Chain-of-thought: If you are afraid of water, diving into the seaside is dangerous and risky.
Question: Which of the following sentences is nonsensical?
- Sentence A: "He is afraid of water, so he never goes to the seaside"
- Sentence B: "He is afraid of water, so he always dives at the seaside"
Answer: Sentence B
Explanation for the following question's answer: A toilet's only use is for expelling human feces and urine.
Question: Choose the sentence that goes against common sense.
- Sentence A: "i tried sushi in a Japanese toilet"
- Sentence B: "i tried sushi in a Japanese restaurant"
Answer: Sentence A
Chain-of-thought: Dresses can be bought at the store, but not stolen.
Question: Pick which sentence is not logical.
- Sentence A: "We can go to the store and buy a new dress."
- Sentence B: "We can go to the store and steal a new dress."
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: Watermelons grow on vines on the ground, not in trees.
Question: Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense?
- Sentence A: "watermelons grow on trees"
- Sentence B: "apples grow on trees"
Answer: Sentence A
Explanation for the following question's answer: Salt makes one's body heavy created a serious lack of energy in one's body.
Question: Which of the following sentences is nonsensical?
- Sentence A: "Salt can provide energy."
- Sentence B: "Sugar provides energy."
Answer: Sentence A
Explanation for the following question's answer: Temples, churches and mosques are for people to practice their religion.
| Question: Which of these sentences doesn't make sense?
- Sentence A: "Temple, Church and Mosque are the places where people pray"
- Sentence B: "Temple, Church and Mosque are the places where people sleep"
Answer: Sentence B |
Definition: You are given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence that supports the given input.
Input: A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.
Output: | All chemical reactions involve both reactants and products. |
(1) On December 28 , 1850 , the name of Dunham Township changed from Byron Township to avoid confusion with Byron Township and honor a resident of Solomon J. Dunham .
(2) Byron Township changed his name from Byron Township on December 28 , 1850 to avoid confusion with Dunham Township and to honor a resident , Solomon J. Dunham .
Do these two sentences mean the same thing? | no |
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage.
See one example below:
Problem: Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle.
Solution: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar?
Explanation: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage.
Problem: In the novel, recounting events from various points of view, Martin introduces the plot-lines of the noble houses of Westeros, the Wall, and the Targaryens. The novel has inspired several spin-off works, including several games. It is also the namesake and basis for the first season of Game of Thrones, an HBO television series that premiered in April 2011. A March 2013 paperback TV tie-in re-edition was also titled Game of Thrones, excluding the indefinite article ``A''.
Solution: | is game of thrones based on the book? |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible.
See one example below:
Problem: Who were the builders of the mosque in Herat with fire temples ?
Solution: Ghurids
Explanation: This is a good example. Ghurids were the builders of the mosque in Herat with fire temples.
Problem: Between 2001 and 2017 how many Olympics took part in Asia ?
Solution: | 1 |
What was likely said next? A 2 person dialog:
P1: What is the difference between Asturias and other Spanish provinces?
P2: In popular architecture, the traditional granaries in Asturias, called "hórreos", are known for their demographic extension and their functional evolution, its basic characteristic being its mobility: it can be easily dismounted and transported to another location.
P1: Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
P2: The Panera is the evolution of the hórreo, with examples exceeding of area covered.
P1: What is the purpose of the Panera?
P2: The purpose of the horreo is to store objects and crops.
P1: What did you find interesting in this article?
P2: | With the arrival of maize and the beans, they were endowed with exterior corridors and railings for drying the harvests. |
You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph.
Example input: Optical mice use an LED and a camera to rapidly
capture images of the surface beneath the mouse.
The infomation from the camera is analyzed by a
DSP (Digital Signal Processor) and used to detect
imperfections in the underlying surface and
determine motion. Some materials, such as glass,
mirrors or other very shiny, uniform surfaces
interfere with the ability of the DSP to
accurately analyze the surface beneath the mouse.
\nSince glass is transparent and very uniform, the
mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in
the underlying surface to determine motion.
Mirrored surfaces are also a problem, since they
constantly reflect back the same image, causing
the DSP not to recognize motion properly. When the
system is unable to see surface changes associated
with movement, the mouse will not work properly.
Example output: why doesn't an optical mouse work on a glass
Example explanation: The passage talks about the glass and mirror surfaces beneath the optical mice and how the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. The last line of the passage explains why the mouse will not work properly on these surfaces. Thus it is a positive example.
Q: No. Check the source link.
A: | Am I the only person who really, really hate clowns? |
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No".
Input: In Colombia, the drug-financed guerrillas trying to seize the country and destroy democracy include M-19, which Castro has clearly backed. Robert Merkel, a former U.S. attorney handling drug indictments in Florida, doesn't think for a minute that Castro's much publicized trials of high officials engaged in the drug trade mean he has broken off with the Medellin drug cartel. "If the cartel succeeds in blackmailing the Colombian authorities into negotiations, the cartel will be in control and Fidel can exploit his past relationships with them," he told the Journal's David Asman recently. The struggle against the drug lords in Colombia will be a near thing. This week, the government arrested Jose Abello Silva, said to be the fourth-ranking cartel leader. He will probably be extradited to the U.S. for trial under an extradition treaty President Virgilia Barco has revived. Later, another high-ranking trafficker, Leonidas Vargas, was arrested and 1,000 pounds of dynamite seized. Mr. Barco has refused U.S. troops or advisers but has accepted U.S. military aid. President Bush has agreed to meet within 90 days with Mr. Barco, President Alan Garcia of Peru and President Jaime Paz Zamora of Bolivia to discuss the drug problem. It might not be a bad idea to do that sooner, rather than later. After the Panama fiasco, they will need some reassurance. Certainly, the Colombian press is much in need of that. <sep>What are the names of the two people most recently arrested in the drug trade?<sep>Mr. Barco, President Alan Garcia of Peru and President Jaime Paz Zamora of Bolivia
Output: | No |
Given the following passage "During the period of North–South division, Nanjing remained the capital of the Southern dynasties for more than two and a half centuries. During this time, Nanjing was the international hub of East Asia. Based on historical documents, the city had 280,000 registered households. Assuming an average Nanjing household had about 5.1 people at that time, the city had more than 1.4 million residents.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: __ saw the migration of the Han Chinese
The answer to this question is: | North–South division |
The nice thing about a city like Vegas was that when a man walked into a drug store covered in blood and reeking of sweaty dog, it was business as usual. I stepped up to the counter and threw down the bandages, handi-wipes, some sports drinks, and three pounds of beef jerky. Some girl with green hair and a pierced head was behind me chatting on her cell phone about flying out to Amsterdam to catch a P show at the end of the month. It took all I had not to turn around and strangle the life out of the waifish little nit. "--means Power. Fargo18 said it's a reference to Damon's first girlfriend, but he's full of shit. Paula was his sister, not his girlfriend. Hey, did you know their guitar player is related to a serial killer? That's so hot. I hear--" I leaned in close toward the cashier. "Can you ring this shit up a little faster?" As I walked out to the Jeep with my booty in hand, Cerberus sat in the passenger seat and casually watched me approach. In the few hours I've been with the dog, it never once threatened me. But its mindless stare made my skin crawl. And I was going to have to put the top up soon. This dog was far from predictable and the last thing I needed was him jumping out and running off with someone's kid. I would probably have to put the chain back on him. I threw the beef jerky at Cerberus' feet then spent the next fifteen minutes doctoring myself. I was going to have a nasty scar over my left eye to match the one on my right temple. After I put on a clean t-shirt I threw back the sports drink and waited a few minutes for the electrolytes to kick in. While I waited, I punched Mr. Benoit's address into my GPS system. A little dot began to flash on the screen. Question: When was Mr. Benoit's Address entered into the GPS system? Options: A. After the sports drink was consumed B. Before Cerberus was fed jerky C. not enough information D. While the main character was doctoring themselves === The correct answer is
| A |
In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible.
Q: Addison waited for Sasha's answer but Sasha forgot that Addision was waiting for them.
Question: What will Addison want to do next?
A: | ask Sasha to answer soon |
Consider this response: Doubravička
What was the preceding dialog? | A 2 person dialog: [-] What is the capital city of Doubrava?. [-] |
In this task, you're given a question, along with a context passage. The passage will not have a direct answer to the question, but can include some information and a clue for the answer. Assuming you can only obtain information about one entity in the passage, your job is to determine whether information from the passage can be used to answer the question. Indicate your choice as `a` for Yes or `b` for No.
Example: Question: When did the operation during which the 704th dropped supplies to allied troops near Nijmegen begin? Passage: The group was occasionally diverted from strategic missions to carry out air support and interdiction missions. It supported Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy by attacking transportation targets, including bridges, along with airfields and strong points in France. On D Day, the squadron and the rest of the 446th Group led the first heavy bomber mission of the day. The 446th aided ground forces at Caen and Saint-Lô during July by hitting bridges, gun batteries, and enemy troops. During Operation Market Garden, the attempt to seize a bridgehead across the Rhine in the Netherlands, the 704th dropped supplies to allied troops near Nijmegen. It struck lines of communications during the Battle of the Bulge. During Operation Varsity in March 1945, it supplied ground and airborne troops near Wesel. The squadron flew its last combat mission on 25 April 1945 against Salzburg, Austria. The group had flown 273 missions and had lost 58 aircraft during the war,
Example solution: a
Example explanation: The passage describes the 704th's actions during Operation Market Garden so only information about the operation is needed.
Problem: Question: He won the Bob Cousy Award when Collins was among the 17 finalists? Passage:Collins was the top returning scorer for the 2008–09 Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball team his junior year; every starter from the previous year's National Championship team graduated or departed for the NBA. Collins was on the early season Top 50 watchlist for the Naismith Award. He was also selected as being among the 17 Bob Cousy Award finalists, the Top 30 midseason Wooden Award candidates, the Top 30 midseason Naismith Award candidates and the Top 15 Oscar Robertson Trophy candidates. The team captain and vocal leader of the team, Collins was awarded the team's Danny Manning MVP award with Cole Aldrich following the season. Collins led the 2008–09 Jayhawks in points, minutes, assists and free-throw percentage. He led the team in scoring in 27 games, including the final 10 of the season. In the Big 12, he ranked third in scoring and fourth in assists. Collins made 35 consecutive free-throws over an eight-game span from January 10 – February 2 to set KU's all-time record. Over the course of the season he was named Big 12 Player of the Week three times. He was a unanimous selection to the 2008–09 Big 12 All-conference first team. He was a second-team 2009 NCAA Men's Basketball All-American by the United States Basketball Writers Association (USBW) and the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) and was a third-team All America selection by the Associated Press and The Sporting News. On Monday, April 13, Collins announced that he would return to KU for his senior season.
| Solution: b |
Given a context passage, generate a question from the passage such that its answer is shortest continous span from the passage.
Q: The IUCN, however, ranks the Canada warbler as a species of least concern.
A: | What is the status of Canada warbler? |
How similar are the following two sentences?
the ensuing battle and airstrikes killed at least 10 militants.
an ensuing battle killed at least 10 militants.
Give the answer on a scale from 0 - 5, where 0 is "not similar at all" and 5 is "means the same thing". | 4 |
In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D".
Example: [header] How to create a christmas tree forest [title] Consider the type of tree you want to plant. [step] There are a wide variety of christmas trees and include fir, pine, spruce, cypress, and cedar. These trees thrive in different climates and look different from one another. <sep> (A) It is important to research the tree before setting up your tree to try it out to make sure you can write the tree's growing season so that you can get the most supplies you need. If you're just interested in having a tree stand out, then make sure to check for the following : [substeps] Spruce trees. (B) [substeps] Trees green may be used in a mix of green and evergreen. Greens, such as pintos and olive oil, may be more delicate than these. (C) Where the trees grow together is up to you. [substeps] Spruce trees light up the night for hours in the morning and drown out the morning sunrise between afternoons. (D) Think about where your tree forest will be located and choose a tree that can thrive in that climate. [substeps] Balsam firs are a popular christmas tree species that grow in the northern united states and canada, in hardiness zones 3-5 or states like minnesota, north dakota, and montana.
Example solution: D
Example explanation: This is a good example. Only option D is about Christmas trees. So, it's the correct option.
Problem: [header] How to wash and reproof waterproof jackets and trousers [title] For jackets : [step] Jackets have to be washed with proper care. The following steps will make it clear on how to wash your jacket : [substeps] Check for any unwanted material in the jacket pockets and remove them. Now close all the zippers and velcro flaps present in your jacket. <sep> (A) On white jackets: this turns them light gray color and finishes them. They protect the jacket from white spray paint, leaving them brightly colored for a stylish and useful alternative to a casual jacket. (B) Click the back of the jacket and then slide the lid, called the " cover, " all the way to the top of the zipper, to close. You'll need an adapter with a small socket that is plugged into one of the back openings. (C) Untwist or loosen any pockets in the jacket. Inspect the jacket for any loose threads or tears. (D) This is to ensure that nothing unwanted goes in or comes outside while washing. Dry-brush the jacket with a soft bristled nail brush or a toothbrush to remove any mud, grease or any easily removable stains.
| Solution: D |
Article: The Jesuit China missions of the 16th and 17th centuries "learned to appreciate the scientific achievements of this ancient culture and made them known in Europe. Through their correspondence European scientists first learned about the Chinese science and culture." Western academic thought on the history of Chinese technology and science was galvanized by the work of Joseph Needham and the Needham Research Institute. Among the technological accomplishments of China were, according to the British scholar Needham, early seismological detectors (Zhang Heng in the 2nd century), the water-powered celestial globe (Zhang Heng), matches, the independent invention of the decimal system, dry docks, sliding calipers, the double-action piston pump, cast iron, the blast furnace, the iron plough, the multi-tube seed drill, the wheelbarrow, the suspension bridge, the winnowing machine, the rotary fan, the parachute, natural gas as fuel, the raised-relief map, the propeller, the crossbow, and a solid fuel rocket, the multistage rocket, the horse collar, along with contributions in logic, astronomy, medicine, and other fields.
Now answer this question: What type of map originated in China? | raised-relief |
Fact: food is a source of energy for animals
Question: food is a source of energy for what?
What's the answer? | grass snakes |
Teacher: Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example:
He later scouted in Europe for the Montreal Canadiens .
Solution: Il a plus tard été dépisteur du Canadiens de Montréal en Europe .
Reason: English sentence is converted to the French language.
Now, solve this instance: Castles owned by the Clan Armstrong have included amongst many others : Gilnockie Tower , also known as Hollows Tower , a couple of miles north of Canonbie in Dumfriesshire .
Student: | Le clan Armstrong possédait plusieurs châteaux , parmi lesquels : Gilnockie Tower , " la tour creuse " , située à quelques kilomètres au nord de Canonbie dans le Dumfriesshire . |
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: Humans Need Not Apply is a 2014 short Internet documentary film, directed, produced, written, and edited by CGP Grey. The film focuses on the future of the integration of automation into economics, as well as the impact of this integration to the worldwide workforce. It was released online as a YouTube video.
Hypothesis: Humans Need Not Apply involves automation
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: Unión Deportiva Vall de Uxó is a football team based in La Vall d'Uixó, in Castellón province, autonomous community of Valencian Community, Spain. Founded in 1975, it plays in Regional Preferente – Group 1. Its stadium is "José Mangriñán", which has a capacity of 4,000 seats.
Hypothesis: José Mangriñán has a capacity of 3000 seats.
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: Context: Live in Concert is the second live music video title by singer and actress Cher. Released by HBO in 1999, it contained footage from Cher's Do You Believe? Tour specials filmed at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Paradise, Nevada in 1999. It featured tracks from the Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves album to the Believe album, alongside various covers. She has 7 costume changes by stylist Bob Mackie.
Hypothesis: She changes costumes more than five times.
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Answer: | Context: Weltenbrand is a darkwave band from Liechtenstein formed in 1995 by Oliver Falk. Ritchie Wenaweser and Simone Steiner joined for vocals. In the same year, the band secured a record deal with Witchhunt Records and subsequently released their first album, "Das Rabenland". a romantically inclined darkwave album that immediately found acceptance within the genre.
Hypothesis: Ritchie Wenaweser and Simone Steiner love working together with Oliver Falk |
A: Oh, yes. Animals have a way of talking. B: Alfie did. I tell you if I could have gotten a hold of that cat that day. A: I don't know uh, that I'd trade my dog in for the world.
Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true?
he would trade his dog in for the world
1). Yes;
2). No;
3). It's impossible to say; | 2). |
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Having the 597 Business Letters Library is like having an experienced adviser at your side telling you exactly what say to produce the response you desire
ANS: Having the 597 Business Letters Library is like having an experienced adviser at your side, telling you exactly what say to produce the response you desire.
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Not surprisingly all Arctic cultures place a very high value on detailed local knowledge of the environment as well as on sharing food and helping others as do hunting peoples throughout the world
ANS: Not surprisingly, all Arctic cultures place a very high value on detailed local knowledge of the environment, as well as on sharing food and helping others - as do hunting peoples throughout the world.
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: About Y475 manmade crystal bracelet
ANS: About Y475 : manmade crystal bracelet
QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Break a Wish This is a nice online game with cartoon characters
ANS: | Break a Wish This is a nice online game with cartoon characters. |
Context:Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster *he* had sold him didn't work.
Is "he" the same as "Tom"? | yes |
You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph.
Example input: Optical mice use an LED and a camera to rapidly
capture images of the surface beneath the mouse.
The infomation from the camera is analyzed by a
DSP (Digital Signal Processor) and used to detect
imperfections in the underlying surface and
determine motion. Some materials, such as glass,
mirrors or other very shiny, uniform surfaces
interfere with the ability of the DSP to
accurately analyze the surface beneath the mouse.
\nSince glass is transparent and very uniform, the
mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in
the underlying surface to determine motion.
Mirrored surfaces are also a problem, since they
constantly reflect back the same image, causing
the DSP not to recognize motion properly. When the
system is unable to see surface changes associated
with movement, the mouse will not work properly.
Example output: why doesn't an optical mouse work on a glass
Example explanation: The passage talks about the glass and mirror surfaces beneath the optical mice and how the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. The last line of the passage explains why the mouse will not work properly on these surfaces. Thus it is a positive example.
Q: why buy land that clearly had no purpose or meaning, clearly why it has been so long and you didn't keep up with the papers. not trying to be mean but if it was just b/c u have the money share the wealth!!!! but if i am wrong about all that good luck hopefully you may find the paper!
A: | How can I get my title deed after I lost it? |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False.
See one example below:
Problem: Property tax -- Property tax or 'house tax' is a local tax on buildings, along with appurtenant land. It is and imposed on the Possessor (not the custodian of property as per 1978, 44th amendment of constitution). It resembles the US-type wealth tax and differs from the excise-type UK rate. The tax power is vested in the states and is delegated to local bodies, specifying the valuation method, rate band, and collection procedures. The tax base is the annual rental value (ARV) or area-based rating. Owner-occupied and other properties not producing rent are assessed on cost and then converted into ARV by applying a percentage of cost, usually four percent. Vacant land is generally exempt. Central government properties are exempt. Instead a 'service charge' is permissible under executive order. Properties of foreign missions also enjoy tax exemption without requiring reciprocity. The tax is usually accompanied by service taxes, e.g., water tax, drainage tax, conservancy (sanitation) tax, lighting tax, all using the same tax base. The rate structure is flat on rural (panchayat) properties, but in the urban (municipal) areas it is mildly progressive with about 80% of assessments falling in the first two brackets.
Solution: is house tax and property tax are same
Explanation: The question generated asks whether the house tax and property tax are the same and can be answered by reading the passage. Additionally, it has a binary answer and hence the generated question is correct.
Problem: The Polka King -- The Polka King is based on a 2009 documentary about Lewan, The Man Who Would Be Polka King, directed by Joshua Brown and John Mikulak.
Solution: | is polka king based on a true story |
Definition: In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information.
Input: When was the dictatorial debut of the director of the fourth film in the "Disney Fairies" franchise?
Output: | 2008 |
Answer the following question: Given the following passage "These were fighting words to be coming from a country that once insisted Europe needed Turkey and was willing to spill blood over it. For his authority Miller invokes the people, citing the "collective wisdom" of Europe, and introducing a concept to arise many times in the decades to follow under chilling circumstances:", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Police and goverment figures are examples of what kind of individuals?
Answer: | authority |
Given a context passage, generate a question from the passage such that its answer is shortest continous span from the passage.
One example is below.
Q: In 1582 the united provinces invited francis, duke of anjou to lead them; but after a failed attempt to take antwerp in 1583, the duke left the netherlands again. after the assassination of william of orange (10 july 1584), both henry iii of france and elizabeth i of england declined the offer of sovereignty. however, the latter agreed to turn the united provinces into a protectorate of england (treaty of nonsuch, 1585), and sent the earl of leicester as governor-general. this was unsuccessful and in 1588 the provinces became a confederacy. the union of utrecht is regarded as the foundation of the republic of the seven united provinces, which was not recognized by the spanish empire until the peace of westphalia in 1648.
A: In what year did francis, duke of anjou leave the netherlands?
Rationale: The generated question is perfect. Because the question is based on second sentence of the input passage and its answer is 1583.
Q: Riociguat (Adempas(®)), an oral first-in-class soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) stimulator, is under global development by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc. for the treatment of adult patients with inoperable or chronic/persistent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) and for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The drug directly stimulates sGC in a nitric oxide independent manner, thereby increasing the sensitivity of sGC to nitric oxide, leading to increased cyclic guanosine monophosphate generation (a key signalling molecule involved in regulating vascular tone, proliferation, fibrosis and inflammation). Riociguat is the world's first approved pharmacotherapy for CTEPH, with its first global approval in this indication occurring in Canada. It has subsequently been approved in the USA for the treatment of patients with CTEPH and also received its first global approval in patients with PAH in the USA. It is undergoing regulatory review for these indications in Europe and for use in patients with CTEPH in Japan. This article summarizes the milestones in the development of riociguat, leading to its first global approvals in patients with CTEPH and PAH.
A: | What is generic name of drug Adempas? |
Answer the following question: Determine the topic of the passage. "Around 650 BC, it rose to become the dominant military land-power in ancient Greece." Topic:
Answer: | Sparta |
Choose from: 1. Gina's father grounded everyone for a month.; 2. Gina's father was proud.;
Write a story that ends with: 1. | Gina's dad came up from the basement furious. He found drugs on her teen brothers bed. What if one of the little kids had found these drugs. For her father this was the last straw. 1. |
What is the next dialog turn? CONVERSATION:Conversation:
[a]. What was Percy Sledge's European and World Success?
[b]. | Sledge charted with "I'll Be Your Everything" and "Sunshine" during the 1970s, and became an international concert favorite throughout the world, especially in the Netherlands, Germany, and on the African continent; he averaged 100 concerts a year in South Africa. |
What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable".
Although Dominic and the early brethren had instituted female Dominican houses at Prouille and other places by 1227, some of the brethren of the order had misgivings about the necessity of female religious establishments in an order whose major purpose was preaching, a duty in which women could not traditionally engage. In spite of these doubts, women's houses dotted the countryside throughout Europe. There were seventy-four Dominican female houses in Germany, forty-two in Italy, nine in France, eight in Spain, six in Bohemia, three in Hungary, and three in Poland. Many of the German religious houses that lodged women had been home to communities of women, such as Beguines, that became Dominican once they were taught by the traveling preachers and put under the jurisdiction of the Dominican authoritative structure. A number of these houses became centers of study and mystical spirituality in the 14th century. There were one hundred and fifty-seven nunneries in the order by 1358. In that year, the number lessened due to disasters like the Black Death.
Where in England was one female Dominican house located? | unanswerable |
Question: What does recent research from 2006 examine?
Answer: The evolution of the Greek economy during the 19th century (a period that transformed a large part of the world because of the Industrial Revolution) has been little researched.
Is the question answered in a satisfactory fashion? | yes |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Japanese language.
See one example below:
Problem: Test subjects will be administered either a placebo or PA-457 that will be taken in combination with the medication they already take.
Solution: 被験者は、彼らがすでに服用している薬剤と一緒に偽薬またはPA-457を与えられる。
Explanation: The above sentence is correctly translated from English to Japanese.
Problem: More than 300 people were watching as the whales set out to sea following a 30 hour rescue effort.
Solution: | 30時間の救助作業の後でクジラたちが海に向かって出発する様子を300人以上が見ていた。 |
Instructions: In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True)
Input: Passage: The Alchemist (novel) -- Over the years there have been film and theatrical adaptations of the work and musical interpretations of it.
Question: is there a movie based on the book the alchemist
Output: | 1 |
Answer the following question: Determine the topic of the passage. "IT management is the discipline whereby all of the technology resources of a firm are managed in accordance with its needs and priorities." Topic:
Answer: | Information technology management |
Given the question: Given the following passage "During the period of North–South division, Nanjing remained the capital of the Southern dynasties for more than two and a half centuries. During this time, Nanjing was the international hub of East Asia. Based on historical documents, the city had 280,000 registered households. Assuming an average Nanjing household had about 5.1 people at that time, the city had more than 1.4 million residents.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: __ saw the spread of Mahayana Buddhism and Daoism.
The answer is: | North–South division |
Problem: Continue the following story.
The man went to the hospital instead of going to the theater because sick people went to the
- hospital .
- theater .
Here's how I want to continue it: hospital .
Problem: Angela's budgie tweeted loudly every morning, which annoyed Laura to no end.
- Angela apologized for the tweeting but nothing could be done.
- Laura apologized for the tweeting but nothing could be done.
My choice: Angela apologized for the tweeting but nothing could be done.
[Q]: How does the sentence end?
Because his car was recently towed Carl had to take his bike to work. He tended to be more careless when parking the
- car .
- bike .
[A]: car .
QUES: Continue writing.
Amy was allowed to use the hot glue gun but not Megan because
- Amy was young.
- Megan was young.
ANS: Megan was young.
Problem: How does the sentence end?
I always used glue in school and not tape, because the
- glue was a lot stronger.
- tape was a lot stronger.
Answer: glue was a lot stronger.
sentence: Jen could make a chocolate or fruit cake for her mom's birthday. She chose the OPTIONS:
- fruit cake because it was healthier.
- chocolate cake because it was healthier.
complete: | fruit cake because it was healthier. |
Q: Generate the answer for a given question. The question requires common knowledge of English. Make sure that the answer is in detail, long, consistent with the context, and requires general knowledge of English. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Give a proper explanation to answer, and if necessary, provide the definition of various terms. And conclude your answer if it's long. If you have used other resources (e.g., Merriam Webster's.) to answer the question, include citations in your answer. You don't need to paraphrase the context of your resources, but make sure that your answer is consistent and complete.
Should e.g. and i.e. have periods, e.g. 'e.g.', or no periods, eg 'eg'? Should they be italicized, e.g. 'i.e.' or not, eg 'i.e'?.
A: | In formal contexts, I would go with 'e.g.' and 'i.e.', with two periods and without a whitespace. The spellings without periods are quite popular, but informal. For example, Merriam-Webster does not have an entry for either 'eg' or 'ie'. Wiktionary marks 'eg.' and 'eg' as informal, and offers the following usage notes: Opinion is mixed about whether this term should be italicized as although it is Latin, it has become part of standard English, and whether it should be written with a separating space 'e. g.' as it was originally two separate words. It also offers the following usage notes for 'i.e.': Opinion is mixed about whether the abbreviation should be italicized, or whether there should be a separating non-breaking space as in i. e.. ie is often found in current usage, and is perhaps now considered acceptable. Personally, I would argue that there's no need whatsoever to italicize 'e.g.' or 'i.e.'. Both expressions are extremely common in English, and have been for a long time. They are full-fledged citizens of the English language, and as such, they do not have to be italicized as if they were foreign words. |
What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable".
Socialism confronted consumerism in the chain State Department Stores (GUM), set up by Lenin in 1921 as a model retail enterprise. It operated stores throughout Russia and targeted consumers across class, gender, and ethnic lines. GUM was designed to advance the Bolsheviks' goals of eliminating private enterprise and rebuilding consumerism along socialist lines, as well as democratizing consumption for workers and peasants nationwide. GUM became a major propaganda purveyor, with advertising and promotional campaigns that taught Russians the goals of the regime and attempted to inculcate new attitudes and behavior. In trying to create a socialist consumer culture from scratch, GUM recast the functions and meanings of buying and selling, turning them into politically charged acts that could either contribute to or delay the march toward utopian communism. By the late 1920s, however, GUM's gandiose goals had proven unrealistic and largely alienated consumers, who instead learned a culture of complaint and entitlement. GUM's main function became one of distributing whatever the factories sent them, regardless of consumer demand or quality.
When did they last establish the organization? | unanswerable |
Question: U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch visited Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday, nine days after what she called a "shattering attack" at a gay nightclub. Lynch told the city's devastated gay community, "We stand with you in the light." She also announced a $1 million emergency grant to help Florida law enforcement pay for overtime costs related to the shooting, and she met with prosecutors, first responders and victims of the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Her visit comes as investigators continue to dig into the background of Omar Mateen, the gunman who killed 49 people and injured dozens more on June 12 at the Pulse nightclub. Lynch said it was a "cruel irony" that the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community — one defined almost entirely by love — is so often a target of hate. She told the LGBTQ community, "We stand with you to say that the good in the world far outweighs the evil; that our common humanity transcends our differences; and that our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love." Also Tuesday, Orlando police reopened streets near the nightclub and wound down their investigation at the crime scene. A makeshift memorial that went up nearby shortly after the massacre was still standing Tuesday, with chalk messages on the sidewalk and utility poles. Among them are drawings of hearts, the message "God bless'' and the hashtag "#Orlandostrong.'' Lynch declined to answer questions about the investigation and whether authorities are looking to charge anyone else in connection with the case. She said investigators will "go back ... and see if there's anything we could have missed or anything we could have done better'' in terms of spotting Mateen as a threat. She said "people often act out of more than one motivation,'' adding that a motive may never be known. Mateen was shot and killed by police during the attack. where did the attack take place - in america - not enough information - in Florida - somewhere in united states
Answer: | in Florida |
Q: You are given a sentence and a question in the input. The information provided in the sentence should be enough to answer the question. You're expected to write the correct answer. Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence.
Sentence: Soon, he could see tiny fruits starting to grow.
Question: What did Bill put in the ground?
A: | seeds. |
QUESTION: Is "Peter" the same as "his" in this sentence?
Do you suppose that Peter is responsible for the captain ’s illness? Maybe he bribed the cook to put something in *his* food.
ANS: no
QUESTION: Is "Haven" the same as "his" in this sentence?
Equally swoon-worthy is C.K. Dexter Haven , a pallid young dandy holding a jade-handled walking stick, with a poodle asleep at *his* feet
ANS: yes
QUESTION: Is "Susan" the same as "she" in this sentence?
Susan knew that Ann 's son had been in a car accident, because *she* told her about it.
ANS: no
QUESTION: Is "The drain" the same as "It" in this sentence?
The drain is clogged with hair. *It* has to be removed.
ANS: | no |
What was the response? Dialog:
Speaker A) Can you give me a little more information about the white lion, please?.
Speaker B) | In 2010 four were born by two female lions, each weighing about 1.5 kg (3.3 pounds). |
Subsets and Splits