Detailed Instructions: You will be given a text in the Russian language, and you should classify the given input text to one of the emotion labels from this list of emotion labels- ['joy', 'sadness', 'surprise', 'fear', 'anger']. Make sure your output label (i) is strictly present in the given list of emotion labels. (ii) is unambiguous. Q: Местные жители возмущены актом вандализма и надеются, что правоохранители найдут совершивших злоумышленников как можно скорее. A:
In this task, you are given a word, followed by a sentence. You should respond with a valid sentence which contains the word with the same meaning as in the given sentence. For example, if the given sentence refers to a 'fly' as the insect, you should not respond with a sentence which uses 'fly' as the verb. You may use the word in a different tense than is given. For example, you may use the word 'ended' in the output where the given input word is 'end'. Ex Input: stain Sentence: People knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages. Ex Output: Stain this table a beautiful walnut color. Ex Input: key Sentence: The key to solving this problem is persistence. Ex Output: The key to development is economic integration. Ex Input: child Sentence: Go easy on him: he is but a child. Ex Output:
She writes books for children.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you are given a hateful post in Bengali that expresses hate or encourages violence in a geopolitical context based on the protected characteristics such as race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. You are expected to classify the post into two classes: geopolitical or non-geopolitical depending on the topic. খকুকুর কে লাই দিতে নেই, যদি লাই দেওয়া হয় তাহলে মাথায় ওঠে বসে Solution: non-geopolitical Why? Here it expresses hate against a person or a community, hence tagged as non-geopolitical. New input: পুলিশের গুলি কেড়ে নিল দুই ইমামের পা, কি অপরাধ তাদের? Solution:
Question: What type of details about r. thayer rivers , jr. . can be gathered from the following bio? Bio: rubin thayer rivers , jr. -lrb- born january 7 , 1947 -rrb- is a former american politician in the state of south carolina . he served in the south carolina house of representatives from 2001 to 2006 from the 122nd district . he is a lawyer . Answer:
- state house - successor - party - predecessor - district - term end - term start - birth date - name - image size - birth place - occupation
We would like you to assess the QUALITY of each of the following argument (discussing Gun Control) and determine if the argument is Valid or Invalid. A valid argument is clearly interpretable and either expresses an argument, or a premise or a conclusion that can be used in an argument for the topic of gun control. An invalid argument is a phrase that cannot be interpreted as an argument or not on the topic of gun control. Ex Input: And to respond to you, those childre n are orhans now because their father was killed not able to defend himself. Ex Output: Valid Ex Input: You're so quick at finding the exceptions in California's mandatory storage law, you should have no problem understanding the language of the basic Castle Doctrine laws. Ex Output: Valid Ex Input: Let's assume for a moment that gun laws are proper and would protect people from violence. Ex Output:
Q: In this task, you are given a sentence. You must judge whether a single noun or verb has been replaced with another word with the same part of speech. The inversion would result in the sentence sounding unnatural, So unnatural sentences will be considered changed. Label the instances as "Original" or "Changed" based on your judgment. Turning her over , he stroked her inner thighs and smiled at the painted murals . A:
You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply multiple mathematical operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer. Joan bought toy cars for $ 14.88 , a skateboard for $ 4.88 , and got toy trucks for $ 5.86 . She spent $ 14.55 on pants . In total , how much did Joan spend on toys ?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are provided with an article about the legal acts. Your task is to generate a headline for that article. Within the limits of the funds allocated for this purpose in the Budget, the Community shall contribute, on the conditions laid down in Article 2 and in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 3, to the restoration and improvement of: - production conditions in agriculture or on farms,- facilities for marketing or processing agricultural products,which are required in the Friuli/Venezia Giulia region as a result of the damage caused by the earthquake in May 1976. 1. The following provisions of Council Regulation 17/64/EEC of 5 February 1964, on the conditions for granting aid from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (2) shall also apply to Community aid provided under Article 1: - Article 13,- Article 14 (1) (c), and (2) (a) and (c),- Article 17,- Article 20 (2), (3), (4) and (6),- Article 21 (2),- Article 22.2. Furthermore, Community aid shall be subject to the following special conditions: (a) the project must contribute to the economic recovery of agriculture while taking account of the need to increase its productivity, in accordance with Article 39 (1) (a) of the Treaty, or to improve the outlets for agricultural products;(b) for a given project: - the subsidies granted by the Fund may not exceed 45 % of the amount invested;- the beneficiary of the restoration or improvement operation must participate in its finance ; such financial participation must represent not less than 10 %, if the restoration or improvement relates to facilities for marketing or processing agricultural products;(c) the Italian Republic shall undertake to cover the financing plan, taking account of the Community aid and the participation of the beneficiary. The following procedure is laid down for aid provided under Article 1: (1)Opinion delivered on 18 June 1976 (not yet published in the Official Journal). (2)OJ No 34, 27.2.1964, p. 586/64. (a) applications for aid may be submitted to the Commission at any time, but not later than 31 October 1976 ; however, applications relating to investments in farms can be submitted up to 31 December 1976.(b) the Commission must take all necessary measures to ensure that a decision on the substance of each individual case is taken not later than six weeks following receipt of the information required for its decision;(c) the Commission shall, as far as possible, consult the Standing Committee on Agricultural Structures on the draft decisions on the substance at the regular meetings of that Committee, although such consultation may not prevent the adoption of the decisions within the period laid down in (b) ; failing this, the Commission shall inform the Committee as soon as possible of the decisions which it has taken. The following provisions of the financial Regulation No 73/91/ECSC, EEC, Euratom, of 25 April 1973, applicable to the general budget of the Communities (1) shall apply in the same way to funds allocated in the Budget for financing the actions provided for by the present Regulation: - Article 6 (5),- Article 40 (2),- Article 114. This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Council Regulation on the Community contribution towards repairing the damage caused to agriculture by the earthquake in May 1976 in the Friuli/Venezia Giulia region
In this task, you are given inputs k, i, and A, where k and i are integers and A is a list. You need to find every ith element of A starting from the kth element. The process stops when the position of the next ith element exceeds the length of the list. Ex Input: 1, 2, ['7601', 'r', '8213', '7201', 'k', 'K', '4767', '9989', '1647'] Ex Output: 7601, 8213, k, 4767, 1647 Ex Input: 1, 4, ['8211', 'k', 'R', 'r', 'S', '6053', '5255', '7383', 'V'] Ex Output: 8211, S, V Ex Input: 3, 8, ['6645', '7341', '9219', 'j', 'N', 'I', 'X', 'm', '7251', '9361', '329', 'D', 'P', '3367', '8253', 'a', 'I', '4309', 'f'] Ex Output:
9219, 329, f
Teacher:In this task, you will be presented with a question about part-of-speech tag of a word in the question. You should write the required POS tag answering the question. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: What is the part-of-speech tag of the word "is" in the following question: Who is the star of the show on the NBC network ? Student:
TASK DEFINITION: In medical studies, treatments are tested within a group of study participants. You will be given a sentence of a study report in which your task is to list the phrases that give information about the participants of the study. You should list the phrases in the same order that they appear in the text, separated by commas. If no information about the participants is mentioned, just output "not found". Relevant information about participants include: gender, medical conditions, location, number of people participating. Do not contain participant mentions without relevant information. PROBLEM: The 101 eligible cases ( bestatin : 48 , control : 53 ) were analyzed ; the bestatin group achieved longer remission than the control group and a statistically significant longer survival . SOLUTION: 101 eligible cases PROBLEM: This study reports results of a randomized controlled trial aimed at joint attention ( JA ) and symbolic play ( SP ) in preschool children with autism , with prediction to language outcome 12 months later . SOLUTION: preschool children with autism PROBLEM: No significant differences , within and between groups , were observed in the exercise-induced increase in the ratios para- and ortho-hydroxyantipyrine to antipyrine . SOLUTION:
not found
TASK DEFINITION: This task is about identifying the object of a given sentence. The object of a sentence is the person or thing that receives the action of the verb. It is the who or what that the subject does something to. Each sentence in this task is guaranteed to contain a single object. The input is a sentence and the output is the identified object of that sentence. PROBLEM: The comic character, Dane Whitman Black Knight was created by Roy Thomas. SOLUTION: Roy Thomas PROBLEM: Huang Liping judged the 2008 Summer Olympics. SOLUTION: Huang Liping PROBLEM: Collateral Damage grossed $15,058,432. SOLUTION:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you're given a context, a sentence, and a character. The sentence describes an action or job of the given character. Also, the context provides more information about the sentence or the character. Your task is to write the character's motivation by doing a specific job, which is given in the sentence. You can use context to find the motivation; however, all the inputs do not provide context. Also, in some inputs, there can be zero motivation; output, 'None' in this case. Context: Alan was the coach of a little league baseball team. His son was on the team. Sentence: Alan was very excited because the team was doing well. Character: Team Output:
to succeed
Detailed Instructions: This task is about classifying the sentiment of tweets in the Arabic language as POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. A positive (negative) sentiment indicates that the expressed opinion in the sentence is positive (negative). The input is a sentence is a sentence in Arabic and the output is the classified sentiment. Problem:الاردن لديه الخبره في مجال اداره الموارد البشريه واستخدام هذه الامكانيات بافضل مايمكن لتوجيه اقتصاد الدوله Solution:
Given a prompt and two completions from a language model, select the completion that has the most similar style to the prompt. Style is defined as the tone, word choice, grammar, and sentence structure throughout the prompt-completion pair. If a prompt is colloquial, then the completion should also be colloquial, as opposed to a completion that is encyclopedic or overly formal. Generate either Completion A or Completion B. Example Input: Prompt: Everything I have, I am grateful for it all. My family, Completion A: friends, fans, the people who do this work. If I have something I want, I am going to give it back. And when Completion B: my friends, all my work ethic, all my health and all my life have always been a blessing to me. It's the only thing I ca Example Output: Completion A Example Input: Prompt: Seriously though, we often confuse arguing with debating. I feel that Completion A: the topic is in fact between the people who have been paying attention. To each his/her own, I guess. But I don't see why Completion B: in that situation, we need to let our minds go a little bit and look at this as a discussion about whether we're arguing or debating. Example Output: Completion A Example Input: Prompt: Vic is fucking my old bitch, Nunu. She's acting like she didn't fuck Completion A: you, like you were your shit, like you were like a fucktoy or something. And she's the bitch I'm gonna be Completion B: anything and she's getting angry sometimes. I'm not going to go into this with my game, honestly, I'm not sure what was going o Example Output:
Completion A
In this task you're given two statements in Hindi. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. The sentences are separated by a newline character. Output either the word 'cause' or 'effect'. लड़की ने एक इच्छा की। उसने एक शूटिंग स्टार को देखा।
Detailed Instructions: In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is angry or not. Label the instances as "Angry" or "Not angry" based on your judgment. Problem:- Make it unaffordable for locals.\n- Sell & resell among their own.\n- 'No value, for money land' for locals.\n- Local resentment. Solution:
Not angry
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a sentence that describes a restaurant. You will also be given a few categories of information regarding that sentence. Your task is to fill each of the categories with the appropriate information from the sentenece. Q: Sentence: xname is a New American restaurant and pricey. It is in Manhattan with accommodating service and nice ambiance. it provides legendary food. I would suggest it. ; Categories: location, price, recommend A:
location[Manhattan], price[expensive], recommend[yes]
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In mathematics, the absolute value of a number is the non-negative value of that number, without regarding its sign. For example, the absolute value of -2 is 2, and the absolute value of 5 is 5. In this task you will be given a list of numbers and you need to return the element with highest absolute value. If a negative and positive element have the same absolute value you should return the positive element. The absolute value for negative numbers can be found by multiplying them by -1. After finding the element with the maximum absolute value you should return the value of that element before you applied the absolute value. [-13.441 35.251 -91.524 68.418]
Given a sentence in French, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Chinese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. Tabda, également connue sous le nom de Tabto, est une ville de la région de Jubbada Hoose (Juba inférieur), au sud de la Somalie.
Tabda,也被称为Tabto,是索马里南部Jubbada Hoose(下朱巴)地区的一个城市。
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in Chinese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Spanish that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. See one example below: Problem: 1975年的NBA赛季 - 76赛季是全美篮球协会的第30个赛季。 Solution: La temporada 1975 - 76 de la Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto fue la temporada 30 de la NBA. Explanation: This is a correct and accurate translation from Chinese to Spanish because the translated paraphrase retains the main message that between the years 1975-1976, the 30th NBA season occurred. Problem: 黛比唐纳是一个虚构的“周六夜现场”角色的名字,该角色于2004年首次亮相,由雷切尔·德拉奇描绘。 Solution:
Debbie Downer es el nombre de un personaje ficticio de `` Saturday Night Live '' que debutó en 2004, y fue interpretado por Rachel Dratch.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a prompt and two completions from a language model, select the completion that is more topical with respect to continuing the prompt. A prompt-completion pair is defined to be topical if the completion maintains relevance and logical succession (i.e. stays on topic) with the prompt. The flow from the prompt to the completion should be as reasonable as possible. Generate either Completion A or Completion B. Prompt: Don't let me find out that bitches on Twitter are trash Completion A: talking Trump. That's fine, I'll stay away. I'm waiting for Trump to do something of consequence, like his ban on immigration Completion B: ! You‖re right, it's not worth that much. I'm sure you'd find a much more effective way to engage wit Output:
Completion A
Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence from the research paper and the category to which it belongs. Your task is to classify whether the given category is correct or not by providing "True" and "False", respectively. Here are the definitions for the categories: Background (Why is this problem important? What relevant works have been created before? What is still missing in the previous works? What are the high-level research questions? How might this help other research or researchers?), Purpose (What specific things do the researchers want to do? What specific knowledge do the researchers want to gain? What specific hypothesis do the researchers want to test?), Method (How did the researchers do the work or find what they sought? What are the procedures and steps of the research?), or Finding (What did the researchers find out? Did the proposed methods work? Did the thing behave as the researchers expected?). ", Input: Sentence: clinical disease , and management accumulated within just 1 year. Section: background Output:
In this task, you will be given a set of steps that are required to answer a specific question. Your job is to generate that question. Each given step refers to either an entity (known or unknown), a propery of an entity or a query operation (count, group, union, etc.) Knowing those operations and how they appear in the input may help you generate more accurate questions. Select: A select step is used to return a set of objects. There are no references to previous steps in a select step. template: Return [attributes] Filter: A filter step is used to return results from a previous step to which a certain condition applies. template: Return [#step] [condition] Project: A project step should return certain attributes of the results of a previous step. template: Return [attributes] of [#step] Aggregate: An aggregate step returns an aggregator function applied on a step's result. template: Return the [aggregator] of [#step]. Group: A group step is an aggregator applied on attributes. template: Return the [aggregator] of [#step] for each [attribute] Superlative: A superlative step is used to return the result with a highest/lowest attribute among other results. template: Return [#step1] [where] [#step2] [is] [highest / lowest] Comparative: A comparative step is used when we need to compare an attribute with a number to filter results. template: Return [#step1] [where] [#step2] [comparator] [number] Union: A union step is used to return results of two steps together. template: Return [#step1] [or / ,] [#step2] Intersection: An intersection step returns the result that two steps have in common. template: Return [attribute] of both [#step1] and [#step2] Discard: A discard step returns result of a step and excludes result of another step from it. template: Return [#step1] besides [#step2] Sort: A sort returns result of another step in a specific order. template: Return [#step1] [ordered / sorted by] [#step2] Is true: An is true step checks a condition on another result and returns a true or false. template: Return [is / if] [condition] Arithmetic: An arithmatic step operates an arithmatic operation on one or more steps. template: Return the [arithmetic op.] of [#step1] [and] [#step2]. #1 return shiny balls #2 return #1 that are small #3 return number of #2
How many shiny balls are small?
In this task, you will be given a sentence about a person. You should determine how the sentence affects how the person is perceived by most people in society. Your choices are: Positive: The social perception of [PERSON] in the sentence is considered predominantly positive. Negative: The social perception of [PERSON] in the sentence is considered predominantly negative. No impact: There is no clear impact of social perception of [PERSON] associated with the sentence. Q: [PERSON] was thought of as the most dangerous of the six, and he was used as a "puzzle expert," according to the report. A: Negative **** Q: [PERSON] was regarded as 'the most intelligent person I have ever met'. A: Positive **** Q: [PERSON] was thought of as an arrogant man who would never get into trouble for his words. A:
Negative ****
Ques: If functioning ears are used for sensing sound by animals, then what are used for sensing sound in animals? Answer choices: - in the frog family - four limbs - non-functioning ears - noses - eyes - chemical messengers - Electrical energy - functioning ears Ans: functioning ears Ques: If cells cannot survive without plants breathing into the atmosphere, then cells cannot survive without plants breathing into what? Answer choices: - carbon dioxide - seas - Sulfur dioxide - lungs - water vapor - atmosphere - water - water tanks Ans: atmosphere Ques: If pollination is the fertilization step in something that is healthy when clean, then pollination is the fertilization step in something that is healthy when what? Answer choices: - made - autumn - Summer - edible - clean - flowers - small - seeds Ans: clean Ques: If hurricanes cause bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain, then what do hurricanes do to the amount of water contained in bodies in water? Answer choices: - they do nothing - fissures of hot, acidic water - they make it increase - they make it decrease - forest is destroyed - Damages them - they displace all water - move to different locations Ans:
they make it increase
instruction: Given a sentence and two mentions from the text (arguments), indicate a phrase (a verb or noun phrase) that describes the relationship between the provided arguments. question: Sentence: 'Chester is certainly England 's most haunted city .', Argument/Subject 1: 'chester', Argument/Subject 2: 'england' answer: be city in question: Sentence: 'When President George W. Bush nominated Elaine L. Chao , the first Asian-American woman appointed to a President 's cabinet in U.S. history , he described her as an individual with strong executive talent , compassion , and commitment to helping people build better lives .', Argument/Subject 1: 'cabinet', Argument/Subject 2: 'president' answer: be appoint by question: Sentence: ' is based in Los Angeles , California .', Argument/Subject 1: 'reunioncom', Argument/Subject 2: 'lo angele' answer:
be base in
You are given a sentence in Arabic. Your job is to translate the Arabic sentence into Hebrew. أعذروني.
סלחו לי.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a short story with a beginning, two potential middles, and an ending. Your job is to choose the middle statement that makes the story incoherent / implausible by indicating 1 or 2 in the output. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. Q: Beginning: David and his friends went to the lake. Middle 1: Dave had fun and was very careful. Middle 2: Dave had fun until he had an accident. Ending: He hurt his elbow and had to leave the lake. A:
In this task, you are given a conversation between a flight agent and the customer. You are given 4 options and you need to select the goal of the conversation. It is provided as part of customer's context, which has to be one of the following: `book`: Make a new reservation, `cancel`: Cancel an existing reservation, `no_flight`: No flight found for the customer's preference, `no_reservation`: No reservation / No change / No cancellation was made in the conversation, mostly enquiring details Input: Consider Input: customer: Hello. agent: Hello, how may I be at your service today? customer: Can you please help me to book a flight from AUS to CLT? agent: Sure, I will help you in booking the ticket. May I know your travelling dates please? customer: Sure, I want to travel on Feb 15 and need to return on Feb 17. agent: Do you have any other specifications? customer: I need a connecting flight. agent: Please help me with your name for booking. customer: Myself Donald Rodriguez. agent: According to your information, I have found a flight with single stop over in your journey with a minimum fare of 100 with flight number 1019. Shall I proceed with this flight? customer: Ok, please proceed. agent: Your booking is done. customer: Thank you. agent: Most welcome. Output: book Input: Consider Input: customer: Hello. agent: Hello, how can I help you today? customer: Can you please help me to book a flight ticket from MCO to LAX? agent: Sure, please share your planned travel dates? customer: My travel dates are Oct 10 to Oct 12. agent: Can I have your name please? customer: My name is Dennis Hernandez. agent: Let me know your connection limit? customer: I need a flight with single connection. agent: Any other requirements to be met? customer: I prefer business class. Sorry, I need a direct flight. agent: Sorry, no flights found with your given details. customer: No problem, thanks for your information. agent: Thank you for reaching us. Output: no_flight Input: Consider Input: customer: Hello. My name is Patricia Martin. agent: Hello Patricia, I'm Travel Chat Bot! I can help you find your booking details, cancel or amendment. customer: I had planned to go on a vacation, but it was cancelled.Can you cancel my recent reservation? agent: Sure. I can definitely help you. I found your previous ticket. I cancelled your flight ticket and the airline is not charging you their normal fee. customer: Thank you for the help. agent: Welcome.
Output: cancel
Instructions: Given a sentence in French, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Korean that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. Input: Au nord de South Huntington, le NY 110 entre dans une intersection à niveau avec le NY 25 (West Jericho Turnpike) dans le hameau de Walt Whitman Shops. Output:
South Huntington, North의 북쪽 110 Walt Whitman Shops의 마을에있는 NY 25 (West Jericho Turnpike)와 at-grade 교차로에 진입했습니다.
Q: Given a short bio of a person, find the minimal text span containing the date of birth of the person. The output must be the minimal text span that contains the birth date, month and year as long as they are present. For instance, given a bio like 'I was born on 27th of Decemeber 1990, and graduated high school on 23rd October 2008.' the output should be '27th of December 1990'. Thomas Connery was born at the Royal Maternity Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland on 25 August 1930; he was named after his paternal grandfather A:
25 August 1930
Detailed Instructions: You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply multiplication or division mathematical operators on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer. Q: The value of a sport utility vehicle this year is 16000 dollars , which is 0.8 of what its value was last year . Find the value of the vehicle last year . A:
You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into Spanish. اگه آینده درخشانی رو برای خودمون تصور کنیم ، اضطراب و نگرانی کاهش پیدا می کنه.
Si esperamos un futuro brillante, el estrés y la ansiedad se reducen.
Given a premise and two alternatives in Gujarati, choose the alternative that is either a plausible cause or effect of the situation described by the premise. The premise is the 'નિવેદન' field and the alternatives are the 'વિકલ્પA' and 'વિકલ્પB' fields.The output should either be "વિકલ્પ A" or "વિકલ્પ B" based on your judgment. નિવેદન: હું નોકરી ઇન્ટરવ્યૂ botched. વિકલ્પ A: ઇન્ટરવ્યુ લેનારાએ મુશ્કેલ પ્રશ્નો પૂછ્યા. વિકલ્પ B: મેં ઇન્ટરવ્યુઅરના પ્રશ્નોની અપેક્ષા રાખી હતી.
વિકલ્પ A
The task is to generate text based off of an event. For the given event, there will be a person who does the action in the event (usually PersonX). Your task is to write that persons intent behind doing the event, i.e. why did the person do that action. PersonX reports the ___ to the police to let the police know PersonX continues PersonX's course to continue to learn PersonX eats PersonY anyway
to take revenge
*Question* Read the passage below and choose the right answer to the following question (choices are cooler or warmer ): If there are more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, more ultraviolet radiation will be trapped and the Earth will heat up. Carl is studying climate change, and notes that more ultraviolet radiation is being trapped, which means the earth will be cooler or warmer? **Answer** warmer *Question* Read the passage below and choose the right answer to the following question (choices are higher or lower? ): When particles move more quickly, temperature is higher and an object feels warmer. By filling up a party balloon with slower moving Helium particles from a gas cylinder as opposed to faster ones, would the temperature of the balloon be higher or lower?? **Answer** lower? *Question* Read the passage below and choose the right answer to the following question (choices are increase or decrease ): As humidity increases, the water potential gradient across the inside and outside the leaf become more equal, and so the rate of transpiration decreases. As the air becomes drier, transpiration of a leaf will increase or decrease? **Answer** increase *Question* Read the passage below and choose the right answer to the following question (choices are Larger or Smaller ): In erosion, a slower moving stream will only carry smaller particles. John was watching the movement of a stream in the forest. He noticed that the faster moving stream could carry particles that are Larger or Smaller? **Answer**
Here is an email: Summary Risk Data as of 26Dec2001 Previous Active Financial Deals 71 71 Active Physical Positions 40 40 P&L Daily ($thousands) 88.3 47.0 VaR ($thousands) 1,626.3* 1,611.4* ETS Margin Account Deals 0 0 *The VaR continues to be over the ETS VaR limit of $1,000,000. Company MTM by Counter Party Asset Liability Net 21Dec01 Previous Change NNG EL Paso Energy Marketing 17,727.8 (20,164.3) (2,436.5) (2,296.6) (139.9) NNG Reliant Energy Services 81.5 - 81.5 76.5 5.0 NNG TransCanada Energy 21,039.6 (20,429.4) 610.2 620.5 (10.3) NNG Grand Total 38,848.9 (40,593.7) (1,744.8) (1,599.6) (145.2) The terminated contracts with RMTC are now fixed receivables as of the early termination date of December 14, 2001 except for interest. NNG is owed $4.8mm and TW is owed $33.9mm. Amounts are past due. Definitions: Physical deals modeled in the Caminus Zainet system are deals which have some form of price risk, (i.e. Index to index deals, and anticipated fuel sales) This does not include standard transport and storage agreements or unhedged natural positions. P&L Daily: Daily change in the mark-to-market (MTM) valuation of all deals being tracked in the Caminus Zainet system. This includes the origination and changes in value for both the physical and financial sides of hedges, along with any speculative trades and floating unhedged physical positions. VaR is "Value at Risk": Enron Corp policy defines this as the maximum expected one day loss on the portfolio given a 95% statistical confidence interval. This number is currently calculated on the Caminus system using a variance covariance methodology, rather than a Monte Carlo simulation per the Enron Corp policy. What is a potential subject line for this email? A: Daily Summary of Risk Data 12/26 Here is an email: Jeff, Congratulations!--on your amazing successes and your uncanny ability to make good decisions. I've always held you in the highest regard for being the smartest person I ever worked with. I'm certain it's been a tough few weeks as you wrestled with your choice. In a small way I can relate and if others were willing to speak out you would find that you're far from alone. What is a potential subject line for this email? A: Passages Here is an email: In a continuing effort to align the legal groups with the business groups, the Power Trading and East Origination/Gas Trading Groups have merged to form the Energy Group of the Wholesale Legal Department. The Energy Group will be co-headed by Jeff Hodge and Elizabeth Sager. While the work handled by the new group will be essentially the same work handled by the predecessor groups, the new structure will give more opportunity for training across the commodities. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. What is a potential subject line for this email? A:
EWS Legal Department
What is the missing first step of the following process: - The flashlight is turned on - Two contact strips touch one another - A circuit is completed between the batteries and the lamp - The lamp in the flashlight begins to glow - The reflector in the flashlight directs the lamp's beam - A straight beam of light is generated - The flashlight is turned off - The circuit is broken - The beam is no longer visible. Answer:
Batteries are put in a flashlight
In this task, you are given a country name and you need to return the Top Level Domain (TLD) of the given country. The TLD is the part that follows immediately after the "dot" symbol in a website's address. The output, TLD is represented by a ".", followed by the domain. Norway
You are given a context, a pronoun, and a noun in this task. The given pronoun is shown in the context within parentheses. You should determine if the pronoun refers to the given noun or not. Please answer with "True" and "False". Q: I poured water from the bottle into the cup until (it) was full. <sep> Pronoun:it <sep> Noun: the bottle A:
You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into Italian. Q: זהו גן מדכא הגידול הנמצא כבוי בתדירות הגבוהה ביותר כמעט בכל סוג של סרטן. A:
Ѐ il gene oncosoppressore più frequentemente disattivato in quasi ogni tipo di cancro.
Given a travel related situation, and given a specific question about the situation, summarize the question into a title Q: Is there any day of the week and time when airfares are statistically the cheapest to buy? I read this question, but does anyone know it specifically for Qantas? Particularly, I'm searching for a flight from São Paulo (Brazil) to Auckland (New Zealand). A: When is the best day and time to buy tickets at Qantas? **** Q: For a particular hotel I booked Expedia's Check-in policies section states the following: Check-in time starts at 4 PM If a late check-in is planned, contact this property directly for their late check-in policy. My question is... what constitutes a late check-in? My flight is scheduled to arrive at the airport at 8:34pm. A: What constitutes a late check-in for a hotel and should I inform them about my late arrival? **** Q: I have dual citizenship. South African and Dutch. I am traveling from Amsterdam via Heathrow to Nairobi Kenya. I have exited Netherlands on my Dutch passport, but was warned not to show my South African passport at Heathrow. I do not need a visa if I enter Kenya on my South African passport. Should I be worried about this warning? And what should I do when asked for my visa at Heathrow(I don't have one)? A:
Dual Citizenship Question Netherlands to Kenya ****
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you will be given a movie review in Persian. You have to Classify the sentiment of the reviewer toward the movie into: "negative", "neutral", "positive", and "mixed". The mixed category indicates reviews where none of the sentiments are dominant (mix of positive and negative, or borderline cases); hence it is hard to detect the primary sentiment. Also, assign neutral label to reviews that express no clear sentiment toward an entity or any aspect of it. PROBLEM: از علی مصفا توقع چنین فیلمی رو نداشتم SOLUTION: negative PROBLEM: یه کمدی متفاوت و خوش ساخت من دوستش داشتم . SOLUTION: positive PROBLEM: حدود امتیاز: ۵ الی ۷ جیرانی همیشه فیلم ژانر رو دوست داره، با اینکه یه جاهایی بیرون می‌زنه و ریتم بسیار بسیار کندی داره ولی من خوشم اومد و هر کی بدش بیاد قطعا کلی دلیل منطقی داره که منم قبول دارم. SOLUTION:
In this task, you are given an input list A comprising of numbers and alphabets. You need to extract and sort the unique alphabets in the list. The alphabets in the input list will only be in lowercase. Return -1 if there is no alphabet in the input list. ['6249', '1235']
You will be given two pieces of text with the same meaning. One of them is simpler and easier to understand for non-native English speakers. Complex texts may contain more difficult words, have unnecessary phrases or contain long sentences. Your task is to choose the simpler piece of text. You are expected to output 'Text one' if the first sentence is simpler. Otherwise output 'Text two'. Example Input: Text one: Culture Attractions in Nouakchott include Nouakchott Museum, several markets including Nouakchott Silver Market, and the beaches. Text two: Culture Attractions in Nouakchott include a museum, markets, and beaches. Example Output: Text two Example Input: Text one: However, in criminal cases in which the sentence is expected to exceed two years, the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges with equal rights as the professional judge (Schöffengericht). Text two: However, in criminal cases in which the sentence is expected to be more than two years, the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges. They have equal rights as the professional judge (Schöffengericht). Example Output: Text two Example Input: Text one: Adam Smith, a graduate student of the college, is perhaps its best known alumnus. Text two: Adam Smith is perhaps its best known alumnus. Example Output:
Text two
instruction: Given a sentence in Japanese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in French that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. question: 彼は以前Wolverhampton Wanderers、Kidderminster Harriers、Mansfield Town、Lincoln City、Northampton Town、Chesterfield、Gatesheadでプレーしていました。 answer: Il a déjà joué pour Wolverhampton Wanderers, Kidderminster Harriers, Mansfield Town, Chesterfield, Northampton Town, Lincoln City et Gateshead. question: レオナルドとマドンナは合唱の中で、2節のラッパの上に、そしてまた真ん中の追加された器械的な休憩の間にスペイン語のフレーズを加えました。 answer: Leonard et Madonna avaient ajouté des phrases en espagnol dans le choeur, à propos des trompettes du second couplet et de la fracture instrumentale ajoutée au milieu. question: さらに、多くのアンギカスピーカーはペルシャ湾、アメリカ、カナダ、イギリスおよび他の国に移住しました。 answer:
En outre, de nombreux locuteurs d’Angika dans le golfe Persique ont émigré au Royaume-Uni, aux États-Unis, au Canada et dans d’autres pays.
Instructions: In this task, you need to provide the correct option for a given problem on probability from the provided options. Input: Problem: a bag contains 3 red , 5 yellow and 7 green balls . 3 balls are drawn randomly . what is the probability that the balls drawn contain balls of different colours ? Options: a ) 2 / 7 , b ) 3 / 5 , c ) 3 / 13 , d ) 1 / 4 , e ) 7 / 16 Output:
Instructions: This task is about identifying the object of a given sentence. The object of a sentence is the person or thing that receives the action of the verb. It is the who or what that the subject does something to. Each sentence in this task is guaranteed to contain a single object. The input is a sentence and the output is the identified object of that sentence. Input: Odisha District Balasore has 3rd Number in total Population (2011). Output:
You are given a dialog between 2 or more individuals. Within the dialog, there will be clues as to the names of the speakers. You will be asked at the end of the dialog to identify the name of one of the speakers. Q: Speaker 1: All right, I...I have to ask. Speaker 2: What? Speaker 1: Are you gonna break up with me if I get fat again? Speaker 2: What?! Speaker 1: Well, you broke up with Julie Grath! How much weight could she have gained? Speaker 2: A hundred and forty-five pounds. Speaker 1: In one year?! My God what did she eat? Her-her family! That's not the point. Speaker 2: Look I know it was a stupid reason to break up with somebody, but I was 15! Speaker 1: Well... That's not the only time this was an issue. You remember when umm, you spent Thanksgiving with us? You called me fat. Speaker 2: Okay. Okay, now wait a minute that was totally different. Speaker 1: How? Speaker 2: You were not supposed to hear that! I said that behind you back! Speaker 1: What if I have babies, okay? I mean I'm gonna look different. I'm okay with that, but I'm not sure that you are! Speaker 2: Look you have to realize I don't think of you as a thin, beautiful woman. See this is one of things that I can apologize for later! Look, what I mean is you're Monica! Okay? And I am in love with Monica. Speaker 1: Keep going. Speaker 2: So you can balloon up or you can shrink down and I will still love you. Speaker 1: Even if I shrink down to two inches tall? Speaker 2: I'd carry you around in my pocket. Speaker 1: I love you. Speaker 2: Skidmark's still got a way with the ladies. What is the name or nickname of Speaker 2? A:
In this task you will be given a claim and a perspective. You should determine whether that perspective supports or undermines the claim. If the perspective could possibly convince someone with different view, it is supporting, otherwise it is undermining. -------- Question: claim: Britain should scrap the monarchy. perspective: There should be a separation from the head of state and politics. Answer: undermine Question: claim: Force think tanks to reveal all of their sources of funding. perspective: Private investors have a right to privacy Answer: undermine Question: claim: Housewives should be paid for their work. perspective: Paying housewives would give them less incentives to find better conditions Answer:
Given a sentence in Dutch, generate a new Dutch sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. -------- Question: Je zult waarschijnlijk woorden vinden in een boek. Answer: Je zult waarschijnlijk woorden in een boek slurpen. Question: U kunt een Bitcoin winkel gebruiken om merchandise te kopen. Answer: U kunt een kaartwinkel gebruiken om merchandise te kopen. Question: De gezondheid van het varken moet worden verzorgd. Answer:
De gezondheid van de partij moet worden verzorgd.
The provided files include famous book titles and sentences in the English language, and we ask you to translate those to the Swedish Language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and form of each sentence in the Swedish language. 2) Also names ,dates and places should be preserved it should not get translated. You walk down the path, and as you pass the summer-house you glance in, and there are those two young idiots, huddled up into one corner of it; and they see you, and are evidently under the idea that, for some wicked purpose of your own, you are following them about.
Man vandrar längs gångarna och, då man passerar lusthuset tittar man in där och där sitter dessa två unga idioter, tätt tillsammans i ett av dess hörn; och de upptäcker en och får uppenbarligen för sig att man, av någon lömsk anledning som man bara själv känner till, förföljer dem.
In this task, you need to count the number of times the given letter appears in the given sentence. Sentence: 'a bunch of broken down trains sit in a yard'. Find frequency of the letter 'n' 5 Sentence: 'two people under an umbrella while walking down a sidewalk'. Find frequency of the letter 'i' 3 Sentence: 'doorway view of bathroom with a sink, toilet and shower'. Find frequency of the letter 's'
In this task, you are given a pair of action statements. Your task is to check if you can conclusively identify which statement is less ethical or not. Answer: 'no' if one of the statements is less ethical, and 'yes' otherwise. -------- Question: ACTION1: going against my parents wishes to go to study medicine ACTION2: wanting to hire a nanny despite the fact that I'm sahm Answer: yes Question: ACTION1: telling the brother of my long distance GF that she's been drinking and driving ACTION2: not paying for damage my cigarette did Answer: no Question: ACTION1: not going to my boyfriends grandmothers wake so I can go see a concert ACTION2: "not making my mom dinner" Answer:
instruction: You are given two sentences. You have to find if there is entailment or agreement of the Hypothesis by the Premise. From the given pair of sentences, you should identify if there is enough information in the Premise to support the claim made in the Hypothesis. The Premise may not exactly be the same as Hypothesis. Your task is to return 'entails' if the premise supports hypothesis else return 'neutral'. question: Premise: Oxygen is transferred from the atmosphere into the surface waters by diffusion Factors Affecting Dissolved Oxygen Levels The amount of oxygen available to estuarine organisms is affected by salinity and temperature. Hypothesis: Oxygen is transferred into the bloodstream by simple diffusion. answer: neutral question: Premise: The Sun, which is at the center of the solar system, is 100 times bigger than the Earth. Hypothesis: The sun is the center of our solar system. answer: entails question: Premise: There are many different types, from simple to complex. Hypothesis: There are six types types of simple machines. answer:
In this task you are given a premise and two alternatives in Vietnamese. You must choose the alternative that is more plausibly the cause or effect of the situation described by the premise. The input format is "premise (1)alternative_1(2)alternative_2", the output should either be "1" or "2" based on your judgment. [EX Q]: Người đàn ông mất thính giác. (1)Ông suýt chết đuối.(2)Ông suýt bị giết trong một vụ nổ. [EX A]: 2 [EX Q]: Cậu bé bóp bóng bay. (1)Bong bóng nổ.(2)Bong bóng bay đi. [EX A]: 1 [EX Q]: Cậu bé bóp bóng bay. (1)Bong bóng nổ.(2)Bong bóng bay đi. [EX A]:
Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. Q: Personality: I like reading. I enjoy taking late night walks when its completely dark. I like being by myself. My favorite band is dream theater. Pizza is my most favorite thing. Chat history: -Hi, I'm snacking on chocolate. -I just heated up some leftover pizza. Its my fav food ever. -No, me I've coffee daily. -I wish I ate pizza everyday. What do you do for fun? -No much I spend a lot of time teaching. -Nice. What do you teach? I like to read so I do that daily. -2nd grade I think, I do yoga daily, and I've a twin. -I like to run and I love walking especially when its really dark out. -Oh, I used to do that when I lived in the mountains. A: Nice. Where exactly did you live? **** Q: Personality: My favorite band is imagine dragons. Lately I ve been learning how to garden. I m a musician with a day job. I play electric violin, and also work as an accountant. I have a pond at home with a pet koi named spot. Chat history: -Hello how are you doing? -I'm doing great. You should congratulate me. -Congrats! What are we celebrating? -I just got accepted at Uc Santa Cruz. -That's amazing. I've already graduated with an accounting degree. -Oh wow. I'll be studying computer science. Do you like it? -Yes, but my real passion is music. I play gigs at night. -My real passion is animal rights. Are you familiar with vegetarianism. -Yes, I love animals, I even has a pet fish in my pong. -I do not like fish so much. You can not have a bond with a fish. A: I also am in to gardening, I'm currently learning how to do that. **** Q: Personality: People say I can cook well. I like to listen to country music. I can play piano. I surf everyday. I work at a bar. Chat history: -Hi! I am only 15, but do you wanna get to know each other? -Hi, ok, how are you doing today? -Great, always sunny in Florida, where I live. You? -Nice, it is winter weather here. What kind of food do you like? -I've to eat soft food because of my braces, like mashed potatoes. -That does not sound very good. At least your teeth will be straight. -Yeah, I'm bullied a lot. The only friends I have are my dogs. -Dogs are the best friends to have. I listen to country music, maybe that would help. -Good advice, and yeah dogs are great, my family has three. A:
What kinds? I take my dogs to the ocean so I can surf. ****
In this task, you are given a sentence in the French language. Your task is to convert it to Slovak language. Q: l’ appétit Affections psychiatriques Très fréquent: A: Veľmi časté: **** Q: Infanrix Hexa est un vaccin. A: Infanrix Hexa je očkovacia látka. **** Q: Il faut conseiller aux patients de suivre les recommandations diététiques qui leur ont été données (voir rubrique 4.2). A:
Pacientov treba upozorniť, že majú dodržiavať poskytnuté dietetické odporúčania (pozri časť 4. 2). ****
instruction: Given a sentence in French, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in German that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. question: Au nord de South Huntington, le NY 110 entre dans une intersection à niveau avec le NY 25 (West Jericho Turnpike) dans le hameau de Walt Whitman Shops. answer: Nördlich von South Huntington erreicht die NY 110 eine Kreuzung mit NY 25 (West Jericho Turnpike) in der Ortschaft Walt Whitman Shops. question: Certaines abréviations en hébreu et en araméen ne peuvent pas être incluses ici, et d'autres se trouvent dans la liste des abréviations en araméen ou dans la liste des abréviations en hébreu. answer: Einige hebräische und aramäische Abkürzungen sind hier möglicherweise nicht enthalten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Liste der hebräischen Abkürzungen oder in der Liste der aramäischen Abkürzungen. question: Le terme «sphérocytose non héréditaire est rarement, bien que parfois, utilisé. answer:
Der Begriff "nicht-erbliche Sphärozytose" wird selten verwendet, wenn auch gelegentlich.
Given a math problem with context and a question and 5 answer choices, the task is to provide the correct answer choice based on the problem. You must choose one of the given answer choices by letter: a, b, c, d, or e; anything else is invalid. Q: Problem: there are 5 chess amateurs playing in villa ' s chess club tournament. if each chess amateur plays with exactly 8 other amateurs, what is the total number of chess games possible to be played in the tournament ? Options: a. 10, b. 20, c. 40, d. 60, e. 120 A:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a short passage that conveys a stereotype. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. You are expected to classify the passage into nine types of stereotype: race-color, socioeconomic, gender, disability, nationality, sexual-orientation, physical-appearance, religion, and age. Passage: A little like Italians with the scent of spaghetti. Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given music product reviews in English language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. See one example below: Problem: The Bee Gees-Their Greatest Hits . Fabulous-This is a must have for any Bee Gee fans. My 4 year old daughter even likes this music Solution: POS Explanation: The overall sentiment of the review is positive as the reviewer refers to the music piece with positive expressions such as 'must have', 'likes' etc. Hence, the label is 'POS'. Problem: WASTED MY MONEY . What a total hack. Do people really think this guy has talent? He is ruining the genre! Stupid me bought the CD because it seemed to be everywhere...big mistake. AVOID Solution:
In this task, you need to Translate Czech text to English. Q: Pregnanové anionické slouceniny obecného vzorce I, kde R.sup.1.n. znamená esterovou skupinu obecného vzorce R.sup.4.n.O-, která je schopna tvorit ion, kde R.sup.4.n. znamená skupinu HSO.sub.3.n.-, pyridin-SO.sub.3.n.-, HOOC-(CH.sub.2.n.).sub.2.n.-CO-, R.sup.2.n. znamená atom vodíku v konfiguraci alfa nebo beta, R.sup.3.n. znamená esterovou skupinu obecného vzorce R.sup.5.n.-COO-, kde R.sup.5.n. znamená CH.sub.3.n.-, nebo C.sub.5.n.H.sub.4.n.N-, a jejich farmaceuticky použitelné soli. Slouceniny obecného vzorce I se pripraví ze slouceniny vzorce II nebo slouceniny vzorce VIII. Slouceniny obecného vzorce I se používají pro výrobu farmaceutického prostredku pro lécení neurologických a psychiatrických onemocnení a stavu spojených s nadmernou aktivací NMDA receptoru jakými jsou neuroprotektiva proti excitotoxickému poškození centrálního nervového systému (CNS), stavy spojené s nadmernou aktivací NMDA podtypu glutamátových receptoru nebo tam, kde se tento typ receptoru podílí na vzniku nebo prubehu nekterých duševních a neurologických onemocnení, zvlášte jde o traumatické a hypoxické poškození nervové tkáne pri chorobách centrální nervové soustavy, jako jsou napr. Alzheimerova, Huntingtonova a Parkinsonova choroba, dále pri kognitivních poruchách vznikajících ve stárí, dalšími indikacemi jsou tardivní dyskineze, amyotrofická laterální skleróza, olivopontocerebelární degenerace, neurologické obtíže spojené s AIDS infekcí, alergická encefalomyelitida, a pro medikaci epilepsie, úzkosti, deprese, schizofrenie, chronické bolesti i lékové závislosti. A: In the present invention, there are disclosed pregnane anionic compounds of the general formula I, in which Re1 represents an ester group of the general formula Re4O-, which is capable to form an ion, wherein Re4 denotes the group HSOi3-, pyridine-SOi3-, HOOC-(CHi2)i2-CO-, Re2 represents a hydrogen atom in alpha or beta configuration, Re3 denotes an ester group of the general formula Re5-COO-, wherein Re5 represents CHi3-, or Ci5Hi4N-, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. The compounds of the general formula I are prepared from a compound of the general formula II or a compound of the general formula VIII. The compounds of the general formula I are used in the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition intended for treating neurologic and psychiatric diseases and conditions associated with excessive activation of NMDA receptors such as neuroprotecting agents against excitotoxic damage of central neural system (CNS), conditions associated with excessive activation of NMDA subtype of glutamate receptors or there where this receptor type participates in rise or course of some insanities or neurological diseases, that is particularly traumatic and hypoxic damage of neural tissue in diseases of central neural system such as AlzheimerÆs, HuntingtonÆs and ParkinsonÆs diseases, further in cognitive disorders arising in old-age. Other indications are tardive dyskinesia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, olivopontocerebellar atrophy, neurological difficulties associated with AIDS infection, allergic encephalomyelitis, and for medication of epilepsy, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, chronic pain as well as drug addiction. **** Q: Kolejová a silniční vozidla hromadné osobní, dopravy. Žjědnodušfení a zdokonaleníspojovacího měchu «z provozního hlediska. Spojovací měch článkového vozidla, vytvořený ž vlnovců z pipžného*neprodyšného materiálu, ve tvaru obráceného písmene U, které jsou na vnějším okraji přivrácených stran spojeny pomocí bočních výztužných lišt a horních výztužných lišt šrouby. Odnímatelná spodní vodorpvná část měchu, vytvořená spodními vlnovci se spodními výztužnými lištami je upevněna pomocí držáků, upravených na vnitřních spodních okrajích slabostěnných rámů. V rovině kolmé na podélnou osu je spojovací měch rozdělen do dvou částí, přičemž obě čela těchto částí jsou opatřena slabostěnnými rámy, ve tvaru obráceného písmene U. Pomocí třmenu je spojovací měch zavěšen za přilehlé slabostěnné rámy obou částí měchu na horní kloub článkového vozidla. Hromadná doprava osob A: Bulk and road passenger cars transport. Enhancement and Enhancement bellows «from an operational point of view. Connecting bellows articulated vehicle, made of bellows made of piped * airtight material, in the shape of an inverted letter U, which are on the outer edge of the letter side reinforcement bars and upper reinforcing bars bolts. Removable the lower water absorption portion of the bellows formed by the lower bellows with lower reinforcement bars are fixed by means of holders provided on the inner bottom edges of thin-walled frames. Perpendicular on the longitudinal axis the connecting bellows is divided into two parts, both ends of which are fitted with thin-walled frames, inverted The U-clamp is the connecting bellows suspended from adjacent weak-walled frames of both parts bellows on the upper articulated vehicle joint. Public transport of persons **** Q: Lineární hydraulický motor sestává z nejméně jedné dvojice těles, která jsou jednotlivá uspořádána po obou protilehlých stranách křivkové dráhy. V každém tělese jsou pod sebou v jedné vertikální roviůě vytvořeny nejméně tři válcové dutiny, jejichž osy jsou kolmé na směr pohybu křivkové dráhy. v jedné válcové dutině je uloženo rozváděči šoupátko opatřené na jednom konci čepem s otočnou kladkou a opírajíc! se druhým koncem o pružinu. V dalších váleových dutinách jsou uloženy nejméně dva písty, opatřené na jednom konci pístním čepem s otočně uloženou pístní kladkoň.Atak, že se všechny kladky dotýkají profilu křivkové dráhy. Hydraulická kapalina je přivedena od čerpadla dvSmp přívodními větvemi k rozváděcímu šoupátku, odkud je soustavou kanálů vytvořených v tělese přiváděna k pístům. Rychlost a smysl pohybu křivkové dráhy se řídí množstvím a změnou smyslu průtoku hydraulické kapaliny. A:
The linear hydraulic motor consists of the least one pair of bodies that are individual arranged on both opposite sides curve tracks. They are in every body below each other in one vertical plane at least three cylindrical cavities, of which the axes are perpendicular to the direction of travel of the curve path. a switchgear is placed in one cylindrical cavity gate valve fitted with a pin at one end with rotating pulley and leaning! with the other by the end of the spring. In other war cavities are stored at least two pistons provided at one end by a piston pin with a pivotally mounted piston rod. that all the pulleys touch the profile curve tracks. Hydraulic fluid is supplied from the pump by the dvSmp supply branches to the spool valve from where it is through the array of channels formed in the body to the pistons. Speed and sense of movement curve paths are controlled by quantity and change meaning of hydraulic fluid flow. ****
Q: In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head can be characterized by being or having the Tail or not. Being characterized usually describes entities' general characteristics such as rose is red, or subjective attributes such as thirst is uncomfortable. It can also map to descriptors that speak to the substance or value of items such as meat has the property of being stored in the freezer or bike is powered by a person's legs. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: agitated A:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you're given an input that contains two words, and your task is to predict the correct preposition that connects these two words. Predict the preposition that explicitly conveys both words' meaning, e.g., Word1: king Word2: fort: "king of fort". Possible prepositions are: "of", "on", "in", "for", "from", "about", and "with". Word1: magic Word2: prayer Output:
In this task, you are provided with an article about the legal acts. Your task is to generate a headline for that article. Input: Consider Input: The producer Member States shall institute arrangements for the registration of contracts to supply hops concluded between a producer or recognized producer group and a buyer. Such registration shall apply solely to contracts in respect of hops harvested in the Member State concerned. Contracts concluded in advance shall be concluded in writing. A copy of each contract concluded in advance shall be communicated by the producer or recognized producer group to the bodies designated by each Member State to register contracts within one month of its conclusion. The body referred to in Article 2 shall register all deliveries effected, distinguishing in so doing between contracts concluded in advance and contracts not so concluded. Registration shall be on the basis of a duplicate of the receipted invoice to be communicated by the seller to the said body. The seller may communicate such duplicates either as and when deliveries are effected or all together, but must in any event communicate them by 15 March. Each Member State shall communicate to the Commission by 31 March and for the first time by 31 March 1974 the following data for each recognized producer region and each variety: (a) for the harvest of the current calendar year and each succeeding harvest: - the amounts of hops which are the subject of contracts concluded in advance;- the average prices per 50 kilogrammes; (1)OJ No L 175, 4.8.1971, p. 1. (2)OJ No L 148, 30.6.1972, p. 11.(b) for all deliveries effected in connection with the harvest of the previous calendar year, distinguishing in so doing between contracts concluded in advance and contracts not so concluded: - the amounts of hops delivered;- the average prices per 50 kilogrammes. Registration of contracts shall apply for the first time to all contracts in respect of the 1973 harvest. Each Member State shall communicate to the Commission by 31 March of each year at latest for each recognized producer region and each variety: (a) the total area planted (in hectares) declared under Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1350/72;(b) the amounts harvested. This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Output: Regulation on registration of contracts and communication of data with respect to hops Input: Consider Input: There shall be added to Article 1 of the Council Directive of 7 July 1964 laying down detailed provisions concerning transitional measures in respect of activities of self-employed persons in manufacturing and processing industries falling within ISIC Major Groups 23-40 (Industry and small craft industries) a paragraph 3, which shall read as follows:'3. This Directive shall not apply to activities in respect of the examination of the organs of sight or hearing, or of other organs or parts of the body, carried out with a view to the manufacture, fitting, adjustment or sale of appliances for the correction of sight or hearing defects or of orthopaedic appliances.' This Directive shall not affect rights already acquired by beneficiaries under the Directive referred to in Article 1. This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Output: Council Directive amending the Council Directive of 7 July 1964 laying down detailed provisions concerning transitional measures in respect of activities of self-employed persons in manufacturing and processing industries falling within ISIC Major Groups 23-40 (Industry and small craft industries) Input: Consider Input: The levies fixed in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation No 121/67/EEC shall not be increased by an additional amount in respect of imports of live swine 1OJ No 117, 19.6.1967, p. 2283/67. 2OJ No 134, 30.6.1967, p. 2837/67.(sub-heading No ex 01.03 A II (b) of the Common Customs Tariff) and pig carcases (sub-heading No ex 02.01 A III (a) 1 of the Common Customs Tariff) originating in and coming from the Polish People's Republic. This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Output: Regulation on the non-fixing of an additional amount for imports of live swine and pig carcases from Poland
In this task, given a sentence in the Lao (Laotian) language, your task is to convert it into the English language. [EX Q]: ອີງຕາມສະມາຄົມນັກກິລາບານເຕະຢູໄນເຕັດສະເຕດອົສເຕຼລຽນ USFooty ການແຂ່ງຂັນຈະດຶງດູດຄວາມສົນໃຈນັກກິລາຫຼາຍກວ່າ 1000 ຄົນ. [EX A]: According to USFooty, the tournament will attract over 1000 players. [EX Q]: ພວກເຂົາຍັງໄດ້ຮຽກຮ້ອງໃຫ້ນາຍຍົກລັດຖະມົນຕີໃຫ້ຂະຫຍາຍຄວາມພະຍາຍາມທີ່ຈະຮັບມືກັບບັນຫາການກໍ່ການຮ້າຍແລະບັນຫາຄະຕິນິຍົມສຸດຂີດ. [EX A]: They also urge the Prime Minister to extend his efforts in tackling terrorism and extremism. [EX Q]: ເຈເນດ ຍັງຄົງບໍ່ຖືກຄຸມຂັງ ເພາະໄດ້ປະກັນຕົວເປັນຈຳນວນ $1 ລ້ານ ໃນລະຫວ່າງທີ່ຄະດີຢູ່ໃນຂະບວນການອຸທອນ. [EX A]:
Jaynes remains free on a $1 million bond while his case is appealed.
Given a sentence in Japanese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Chinese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. アジア、そしてアフリカとヨーロッパの一部を旅行した後、夫婦はニューヨークのニューヨークに落ち着きました。 在经过亚洲和一些非洲和欧洲的广泛旅行后,这对夫妇定居在纽约的纽约市。 彼は後に第25番連隊、第8番フサレンに加わり、1865年に第11番フサレンの少佐のランクで彼の軍歴を終えた。 他后来加入了第25军团,第8轻骑兵团,并在1865年结束了他的军事生涯,在第11次Hu骑兵中获得了军衔。 Aksuat Dendropark(ロシア語:Akshout Dendroparks)は天然記念物です(ウリヤノフスク州保護地域)
Aksuat Dendropark(俄语:Akshout Dendroparks)是一个天然纪念物(乌里扬诺夫斯克州的保护区)
Teacher:In this task, you're given a four sentences of story written in natural language. Your job is to complete end part of the story by predicting appropriate last sentence which is coherent with the given sentences. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Sentence1: John liked a girl at his work. Sentence2: He tried to get her attention by acting silly. Sentence3: She told him to grow up. Sentence4: John confesses he was trying to make her like him more. Student:
The girl found this charming, and gave him a second chance.
In this task, you are given a sentence from the Bible in Persian, and your task is to translate it into English. [EX Q]: و هر دو در یک شب خوابی دیدند، هر کدام خواب خود را. هر کدام موافق تعبیر خود، یعنی ساقی و خباز پادشاه مصر که در زندان محبوس بودند. [EX A]: And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where Joseph was bound. [EX Q]: و همه مصریان گرداگرد نهر برای آب خوردن حفره می‌زدند زیرا که از آب نهر نتوانستند نوشید.وبعد از آنکه خداوند نهر را زده بود، هفت روزسپری شد. [EX A]: And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. [EX Q]: بر او به سختی حکم رانی منما و از خدای خود بترس. [EX A]:
And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant:
In this task, you are given music product reviews in English language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. Simply the best . The cd includes versions of &quot;All or Nothing&quot; and &quot;Dov'and L'amore&quot;. The &quot;All or Nothing&quot; remixes are fantastic, specially 'Almighty Definite Mix'. All &quot;Dov'e l'amore&quot; versions are great, with a special attention to 'Tony Moran's Anthem Mix' and 'Ray Roc's Latin Soul Vocal Mix', turning this new single one of her bests. The beautiful cover follows the same style of the &quot;Greatest Hits&quot; collection and the show in Las Vegas, available in VHS and DVD, a must have!
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. The given sentence contains a typo which could be one of the following four types: (1) swapped letters of a word e.g. 'niec' is a typo of the word 'nice'. (2) missing letter in a word e.g. 'nic' is a typo of the word 'nice'. (3) extra letter in a word e.g. 'nicce' is a typo of the word 'nice'. (4) replaced letter in a word e.g 'nicr' is a typo of the word 'nice'. You need to identify the typo in the given sentence. To do this, answer with the word containing the typo. A beige vase is with some orange flowers in it is sitting at the edge of a tabe.
In this task, you're given two sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2, and the genre they belong to. Your job is to determine if the two sentences belong to the same genre or not. Indicate your answer with Y and N respectively. Genres available include: face-to-face, government, letters, 9/11, slate, telephone, travel, verbatim, oup, fiction. Sentences belonging to 'face-to-face' genres relate to conversations or dialogues, 'government' encompasses information released from public government websites, 'letters' refers to any written work for philanthropic fundraising, '9/11' relates to information pertaining to the 9/11 attacks, 'oup' includes non-fiction works on the textile industry and child development, 'slate' refers to any cultural topic that appears in the slate magazine, 'telephone' includes telephonic dialogue, 'travel' deals with information in travel guides, 'verbatim' includes short posts regarding linguistics, and 'fiction' includes popular works of fiction like 'The Secret Adversary' etc. Sentence 1: Postal Service, the Commission extended their application for an additional five-year period in a recent rulemaking. Sentence 2: This initiative will force the leadership apart. Genre: government.
Meidän on huolehdittava siitä, että tätä selvitetään, jotta varmistamme yhtä pätevästi kuin Maailmanpankki ja muut suuret pankit, että rahat käytetään asianmukaisesti. Which language is this? Language: Finnish Maailman terveysjärjestö on myös useasti viitannut rajattomiin vahinkoihin, joita tällaiset huumeet voivat käyttäjilleen aiheuttaa. Which language is this? Language: Finnish Saatamme nyt pohtia, onko EU ottanut nämä ehdotukset kunnolla huomioon, ja komission jäsenen puheenvuoro oli tässä mielessä kannustava. Which language is this? Language: Finnish On olemassa järjestelmä, joka perustuu valvontaan ja tasapainon ylläpitämiseen. Which language is this? Language:
In this task, you have to identify the named entities (NER) which are the ingredients required given its directions. Named entities are the names of the items without their quantity. [Q]: In a large skillet, cook and stir almonds and sugar over low heat until sugar is dissolved and almonds are coated; spread on foil to cool and break apart., In a large salad bowl, combine the spinach, strawberries and almonds., In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine the dressing ingredients; shake well. Drizzle over salad; toss gently to coat., Serve immediately. [A]: almonds, sugar, fresh spinach, fresh strawberries, DRESSING, canola oil, raspberry vinegar, green onion, sugar, Worcestershire sauce, poppy seed, salt, paprika [Q]: Blend shortening and flour till smooth., (Stir in Kitchen Bouquet if wanting to make brown gravies.), Chill mix in a covered container till needed for gravy making., Add in 3 Tbsp., mix for each c. of liquid., (Pan juices, water, etc.), Cook and stir till gravy thickens and bubbles., Season gravy as desired. [A]: shortening, flour, Kitchen, Liquid [Q]: Slice zucchini, onions and peppers; brown lightly in small amount oil, then set aside. Brown ground beef. Combine all ingredients in a casserole. Cover and bake at 350° for 20 to 30 minutes or until noodles are cooked. (Noodles will absorb fluid from vegetables.) [A]:
zucchini, onions, green peppers, lean ground beef, tomatoes, noodles, chili powder
Instructions: In this task, we are given the script of a dialogues. Indicate if the topic of conversation is Tourism. If so, then output Yes, otherwise output No Input: Have you attended school today ? I attended school today . Did you ? I wasn't able to attend school because I was feeling ill . I'm sorry to hear that . Would you like the assignments from English class ? I would really appreciate that , thanks . It's no trouble at all . If you get sick , I'll return the favor . Thanks . See you at school tomorrow if you feel better . Output:
instruction: In this task, you are given an input list. A list contains several comma-separated items written within brackets. You need to collate all the alphabetical elements at the start of the list followed by all the numerical elements of the list. Maintain the order in which the alphabetical elements appear in the given input list, and do the same for the numerical elements. question: ['901', '1619', 'e', 'G', '2165', 'r', '1891', 'f', '5913', 'f', '4759', '9531', '9093'] answer: e, G, r, f, f, 901, 1619, 2165, 1891, 5913, 4759, 9531, 9093 question: ['1805', 'B', '6109', 'F', 'u', 'y', '8997', '2423', 'y', 'N', '4781'] answer: B, F, u, y, y, N, 1805, 6109, 8997, 2423, 4781 question: ['T', '5103', '1541', '3293', '1195', 'g', '5327', '9609'] answer:
T, g, 5103, 1541, 3293, 1195, 5327, 9609
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given two strings A,B. You must perform the following operations to generate the required output list: (i) Find the longest common substring in the strings A and B, (ii) Convert this substring to all lowercase and sort it alphabetically, (iii) Replace the substring at its respective positions in the two lists with the updated substring. Problem:BIRwsk, HMRwhZ Solution:
BIrwsk, HMrwhZ
In this task you need to give wrong reasons to justify the pronoun coreference relations. Each of the provided inputs contains a sentence with a target pronoun and and a question about how to justify the coreference between a noun phrase and the target pronoun. Good practices involve (1) writing a sentence that gives no reason but relates to the content (e.g., mention the noun phrases that appear in the original sentence); (2) writing a reason that does not justify the relation to the correct noun phrases but another wrong ones. One example: Sentence: The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. Question: Why does the 'they' refer to the city councilmen? Solution is here: Because of the city's history of racial discrimination. Explanation: This is a wrong reason since the reason is descibing issue that does not relates to who will fear the violence. Now, solve this: Sentence: Dr. Adams informed Kate that she had retired and presented several options for future treatment. Question: Why does the 'she' refer to dr. adams? Solution:
Because as a psychiatrist she was treating her patients under a doctor's supervision.Dr.
Q: What is a waste product of the body that is excreted by the urinary system? Options: - (A) potash - (B) food - (C) CO 2 - (D) sugar - (E) urea - (F) liquid - (G) H 2 O - (H) sulfur Let's think step by step below.
Urine is the liquid waste product of the body that is excreted by the urinary system. Mammals excrete urea in the watery form of urine . Urea is a waste product of the body that is excreted by the urinary system. Thus, the answer is (E).
In this task if the pronoun is female or gender-neutral you are to replace it with a male pronoun. If there are no pronouns add a male-gendered word to the sentence. I am a retired male teacher and I love historical figures.
I am a retired teacher and I love historical figures.
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into Hebrew. Q: si basa non solo sul rapporto tra i rispettivi governi, ma anche sulla lingua e i valori che condividiamo. Mi ricordo di ciò guardando tutti voi oggi. A:
מבוססים לא רק על היחסים בין הממשלות, אלא גם על השפה והערכים המשותפים. ואני נזכרת בזה כשאני מתבוננת בכן היום.
You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into Polish. Example Input: ס "" צ: זו בקשה ברורה. Example Output: SC: To mówi samo za siebie. Example Input: תנו לנו לחשוב על זה. "" מפני שברגע ההוא, אין קלון ליד שמו של טוני; זה רק שנינו עומדים שם. Example Output: Zastanówmy się nad tym "". W tym momencie Tony nie jest naznaczony, jesteśmy tam tylko my. Example Input: ככומר אתם יכולים לתאר לעצמכם עד כמה אני מרגיש חוסר שייכות. Example Output:
Będąc duchownym. można sobie wyobrazić jak niestosownie się czuję.
In this task you will be given a list of dictionaries. A dictionary is a set of key-value pairs, where each key is unique and has a value associated with that key. You should sort the list of dictionaries from smallest to largest by their 'first' key. If there is two dictionaries with the same 'first' value then sort them by their 'second' key. Negative numbers should come before positive numbers. Q: [{'first': -74, 'second': -96}, {'first': -86, 'second': -77}, {'first': -23, 'second': -37}, {'first': 59, 'second': 13}, {'first': 35, 'second': -61}, {'first': -49, 'second': 80}, {'first': -82, 'second': 96}, {'first': -92, 'second': -56}] A: [{'first': -92, 'second': -56}, {'first': -86, 'second': -77}, {'first': -82, 'second': 96}, {'first': -74, 'second': -96}, {'first': -49, 'second': 80}, {'first': -23, 'second': -37}, {'first': 35, 'second': -61}, {'first': 59, 'second': 13}] **** Q: [{'first': 80, 'second': 57}, {'first': -5, 'second': 1}, {'first': 99, 'second': 13}, {'first': 70, 'second': 80}, {'first': 100, 'second': -7}, {'first': -73, 'second': -31}, {'first': 56, 'second': 69}, {'first': 46, 'second': 26}, {'first': -64, 'second': -89}, {'first': -2, 'second': -36}] A: [{'first': -73, 'second': -31}, {'first': -64, 'second': -89}, {'first': -5, 'second': 1}, {'first': -2, 'second': -36}, {'first': 46, 'second': 26}, {'first': 56, 'second': 69}, {'first': 70, 'second': 80}, {'first': 80, 'second': 57}, {'first': 99, 'second': 13}, {'first': 100, 'second': -7}] **** Q: [{'first': 23, 'second': -66}, {'first': 61, 'second': 44}] A:
[{'first': 23, 'second': -66}, {'first': 61, 'second': 44}] ****
In this task your given two statements in Haitian. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. Label the instances as "cause" or "effect" based on your judgment. The sentences are separated by a newline character. [EX Q]: Tout shosèt mwen te mete o sal. Mwen te mete sandal. [EX A]: effect [EX Q]: Mwen te rive anreta nan konferans la. Mwen te chita nan ran dèyè a. [EX A]: effect [EX Q]: Mwen te sigjere envite mwen pou nou soti al dine. Mwen te twò fatige pou prepare yon bagay. [EX A]:
Detailed Instructions: The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants in German, and we ask you to translate those to English language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations. Problem:finde mir bitte ein restaurant in der "main st .". Solution:
find me a restaurant on " main st . " please .
Given a passage in simplified Chinese, generate a reading comprehension question. The question should be unambiguous and the answer to this question should be in the passage. Q: Passage: 1964年美国总统选举是美国历史上最一边倒的总统选举之一,由林登·詹森成功当选总统。林登·詹森总统在将近一年前,其前任约翰·肯尼迪被暗杀后,已经继任美国总统,约翰逊成功地使自己与肯尼迪的声望相联系。詹森还成功地将自己的对手,来自亚利桑纳州的共和党参议员贝利·高华德刻画成一个希望废除始自1930年代的社会福利(例如社会保险)的右翼立法者。詹森还宣称高华德可能使美国陷入同苏联的核战争。因此,詹森轻易获选总统,在50个州中的44个州以及哥伦比亚特区获胜。1964年,詹森在普选中超过对手的差额达到 22.58%,在美国总统选举史上居于第5位(次于1920年美国总统选举、1924年美国总统选举、1936年美国总统选举、1972年美国总统选举)。詹森在国民普选中获得61.05%的支持,是1820年以来美国总统候选人获得的最高的普选比例。值得留意的是,这次选举高华德虽然落败,但他成功赢得多个南方州分,过去共和党从未在南方州分胜出,由于不少南方民主党人不满民主党对民权运动的支持,此后逐渐支持共和党,使共和党在南方逐渐取得优势。 A:
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a sentence which is either in the Swedish language or English language. You task is to identify the language of input sentence. Input sentence can be in Swedish or English language only and also it cannot have two languages at a time. PROBLEM: Det finns förstås fall där statligt stöd kan vara nödvändigt och legitimt, för att till exempel hjälpa företag vid omstruktureringar. SOLUTION: Swedish PROBLEM: But from the perspective of small Member States it is important that, as the European Commission is reformed, it must be done in a way that ensures that small Member States continue to have representation on the Commission. SOLUTION: English PROBLEM: Jämställdhet måste genomsyra inte bara projekt och program, utan också alla övergripande mål, handlingsplaner och strategier. SOLUTION:
Detailed Instructions: The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants, and we ask you to translate those to the Finnish language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations. Q: what " mexican " restaurant has the most reviews ? A:
millä " mexican " ravintolalla on eniten arvosteluja?
Generate a 5-star review (1 being lowest and 5 being highest) about an app with package The answer to this question is:
Great Works
Compose a new way to ask the same question. The new question must be asking the exact same thing as the original question does. Without any other information, you should be able to tell that the original question and the new question are the same. Preserve bracketed phrases in your new question. You can change the rest of the question provided the above requirements are satisfied. The new question must have a natural, fluent formulation, as if it were composed by a native English speaker. You will be given three pieces of information to help you create better questions. Those are: "Answer": the answer to the question, e.g., "Honolulu". "Answer Type": the type of the answer, e.g., "Location". "Auxiliary Information" is a detailed description of some concepts mentioned in the question, if any. Example Input: original question: Which genomic locus has the build of [Human Genome Build 36.2]? answer: x - [39795560,39846997], 1 - [199594764,199613427], x + [152561181,152569970]... answer type: Genomic Locus. Example Output: The [Human Genome Build 36.2] is associated with which genomic locus? Example Input: original question: what Endowed Organization is of [Phil Dubois]'s Organization leadership? answer: university of north carolina at charlotte answer type: Endowed Organization. Example Output: Which Endowed Organization does [Phil Dubois] lead? Example Input: original question: What is used as the unit of area in the same measurement system used by [Ohm meter]? answer: square kilometer, square meter answer type: Unit of Area. Example Output:
The measurement system that uses the [Ohm meter] uses what unit of area?
In this task, you are given an english sentence and a kurdish sentence you have to determine if they both are faithful translations of each other. Construct an answer that is 'Yes' if the second 'Kurdish' sentence is a translation of 'English' sentence and 'No' otherwise Q: 'English : * 60 year-old H.İ.G. accompanying his wife in a hospital in Zonguldak has tried to rape the 37 year-old patient N.Ç whom he did not know. The man taken into custody has been released pending trial. The hospital management has prohibited the man from entering the hospital.','Kurdish : 12ê Gulanê' A: No **** Q: 'English : I) Banning carrying or transportation of all sorts of gun and bullet even if they are registered','Kurdish : k) Qedexekirina hatina wa kesên ku qinaeta li ser wan ew e ku ew ciwatê têk didin.' A: No **** Q: 'English : The police have gone to the Arzu Yıldız’s house in order to take her into custody yet failed since Yıldız was not in her house.','Kurdish : Her dîsa TIBê(Serokatiya Ragihandina Telekomûnîkasyonê) malpera Arzu Yilmaz berpirsa wê ya nivîsîngeha Enqereyê ye, şeva dî hat girtin. (EA/MB)' A:
No ****
Detailed Instructions: You are given a statement written in Gujarati. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option . Q: Statement: મોટા જામપુર <MASK> દેશના પશ્ચિમ ભાગમાં આવેલા ગુજરાત રાજ્યના ઉત્તર ભાગમાં આવેલા બનાસકાંઠા જિલ્લામાં આવેલા કાંકરેજ તાલુકામાં આવેલું એક ગામ છે. મોટા જામપુર ગામના લોકોનો મુખ્ય વ્યવસાય ખેતી, ખેતમજૂરી તેમ જ પશુપાલન છે. આ ગામમાં મુખ્યત્વે ઘઉં, જીરુ, વરિયાળી, બાજરી, કપાસ, દિવેલા, રજકો તેમ જ અન્ય શાકભાજીના પાકની ખેતી કરવામાં આવે છે. આ ગામમાં પ્રાથમિક શાળા, પંચાયતઘર, આંગણવાડી તેમ જ દૂધની ડેરી જેવી સવલતો પ્રાપ્ય થયેલી છે. Option A: યુકે(UK) Option B: ભારત Option C: પંચાયતઘર Option D: આંગણવાડી A:
In this task you will be given two dialogues. You need to determine if both dialogues have the same underlying emotion. The possible emotions are happy, sad, angry, or other. If they do output 'yes', if not output 'no'. [Q]: Dialogue 1: 'what ur profession has nothing to do with what i studied what studied'. Dialogue 2: 'i am going to study i'm all with you don't disturb me'. [A]: no [Q]: Dialogue 1: 'just here to check howz you life's good and so am i lifeaposs fucked so am i'. Dialogue 2: 'listen to the chainsmokers gotta love it all we know song'. [A]: no [Q]: Dialogue 1: 'that's great you are so cute u r awesome'. Dialogue 2: 'wooofacewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoy finally someone got it squintingfacewithtongue u r awesome'. [A]:
instruction: In this task you will be given a list of numbers and you need to subtract every value in the list with the index it is at. The index of an elements shows its numerical order in the list(for example, in the list [7,10,4,5], the index of 7 is 1 and the index of 4 is 3) You should start the index at 1, so the first element in the list will be subtracted by one. For every element in the list you need to find "element - index" where the index of the beginning element is 1 and increments by 1 for each element. Put your result list in brackets. question: [11, -13, 2] answer: [10, -15, -1] question: [8, 11, 20, 7] answer: [7, 9, 17, 3] question: [12, -5, 9, -19] answer:
[11, -7, 6, -23]
Instructions: You are given a negative review and your task is to convert it to a positive review by one or more making minimal changes. Avoid changing the context of the review. Input: if your patio is south facing , you 're out of luck . Output:
if your patio is south facing , you 're in luck .
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you need to answer the given multiple-choice question on the gain. Gain is the value by which to multiply the input. Classify your answers into 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', and 'e'. PROBLEM: Problem: a statue is being carved by a sculptor . the original piece of marble weighed 200 kg . in the first week 20 percent is cut away . in the second week 25 percent of the remainder is cut away . in the third week the statue is completed when 35 percent of the remainder is cut away . what is the weight of the final statue ? Options: a ) 97.5 kg , b ) 103 kg , c ) 108 kg , d ) 125 kg , e ) 117 kg SOLUTION: a PROBLEM: Problem: on a sum of money , the s . i . for 2 years is $ 600 , while the c . i . is $ 612 , the rate of interest being the same in both the cases . the rate of interest is ? Options: a ) 3 % , b ) 4 % , c ) 5 % , d ) 6 % , e ) 7 % SOLUTION: b PROBLEM: Problem: after 10 % of the inhabitants of a village disappeared , a panic set in during which 25 % of the remaining inhabitants left the village . at that time , the population was reduced to 5535 . what was the number of original inhabitants ? Options: a ) 7900 , b ) 8200 , c ) 8500 , d ) 8800 , e ) 9100 SOLUTION:
Detailed Instructions: The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the other-need strategy, otherwise output No. other-need is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used when the participants discuss a need for someone else rather than themselves. For instance, describing the need for firewood to keep the kids warm. Problem:Context: 'Not bad, yourself?' 'Pretty good. The kids are looking forward to this weekend's camping trip. ' 'I see, thankfully I do not have any.' Utterance: 'yeah we got a lot of things planned for them at the campgrounds. they're going to be pretty busy' Solution:
A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example Input: অনুষ্ঠানে রাষ্ট্রপতি বলেন, আমরা বিকাশের লক্ষ্য পূরণ করতে এবং একটি যত্নশীল, সকলকে নিয়ে ও আনন্দপূর্ণ সমাজ গড়ে তোলার চেষ্টা চালানোর পাশাপাশি আমাদের উদ্ভাবনী শক্তি ব্যবহার করে স্বাস্হ্য, শিক্ষা, খাদ্য নিরাপত্তা, বিদ্যুত সংযোগ, পরিবেশ রক্ষা ও জাতীয় নিরাপত্তার মতো বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে ভারতের সমস্যাগুলির সমাধান সূত্রের সন্ধান করতে পারি। Example Output: اس موقع پر اظہار خیال کرتے ہوئے صدر جمہوریہ نے کہا کہ ہم ایک محفوظ، جامع اور خوشحال سماج کی تعمیر کرنا چاہتے ہیں اور ہم کو اہم ترقیاتی مقاصد پورے کرنے چاہئیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم کو اختراع کی طاقت وضع کرنا چاہیے تاکہ صحت، تعلیم، غذا، سلامتی ، توانائی تک رسائی، ماحولیاتی تحفظ اور قومی سلامتی جیسے گوناگوں معاملات میں ہندوستان کی تشویش کا حل تلاش کیا جاسکے۔ Example Input: নিউক্লিয়ার ইনস্যুরেন্স পুল Example Output: نیو کلئیر انشورنس پول Example Input: ভিলাই-এ পৌঁছনোর আগে প্রধানমন্ত্রী নয়া রাইপুর স্মার্টসিটি সফর করবেন। সেখানে তিনি এই স্মার্ট শহরের ইন্টিগ্রেটেড কমান্ড ও কন্ট্রোল সেন্টারের উদ্বোধন করবেন। Example Output:
بھِلائی پہنچنے سے قبل، وزیراعظم ،نیا رائے پور اسمارٹ سٹی بھی ملاحظہ کریں گے ، جہاں وہ اس شہر کے لیے مربوط کمان اور کنٹرول کے مرکز کا افتتاح کریں گے۔