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I want your cock, Les. |
I'm a hungry bear and i want to eat you, mr. Strauss. |
Narwhal scuba funtime |
Basically use the normie web ie Facebook, Twitter, jewtube etc to get as many people aware of bitchute as possible while at the same time feeding the vailed redpilled on the normie web inventing them to seek the truth on bitchute |
It's been proven the fucking alphabet agencies or some sort of AI or whatever is listening to you and uses the information to personalize what ads you get online. Like you're talking about how much you wish you had a dildo in your ass right now and next thing you know an ad for dildos appears on your screen. Spooky. |
you're far too stupid to post on 5chinz, sweaty
you have to go back |
How the fuck did you know i'm sweaty right now? this is some next level espionage, i don't even have a camera. |
It's more about the association than anything, after all, you think a major soda or other big company wants to be associated with a video about NSFW topics? It's really stupid in the long run, any regular person could see it, but when people start taking those surveys about where they learned about the product, and they say a video about say, the KKK, then the executives start to get nervous, and they put pressure on the site or they'll pull out, and when most, if not all your sites income comes from said ad space, then you can start to see their rather retarded logic. |
FUCKING ZOG JOOTOOB B.V.Tnet shitting up and derailing a good thread. Fucking bullshit |
Fucktard, nobody gives a shit about money except poor people. You dumb slaves are amusing. |
One final note is that you can get away with posting redpilles on YouTube you just need to be a little sneaky. When ever you say jew or blacks or any race have part of the word bleeped out, and use other symbols implace of the swastika. I know it sounds crazy but most videos are deleted by bots which can only detect certain key phrases, words or shapes. |
Nah dude, just a bored semi-troll creativefag.
This is what i keep saying, you guys are paranoid low IQ soiboy menchildren in your 20's. This place is a joke, that's why i troll this place instead of the more serious higher IQ right-wing sites. Besides, it's the whole point of 4chan to come here and talk shit and have a good time. |
You aren't trolling shit. You just seem like a fucking retard. |
kek |
Cause i am but so are you, that's what's funny. You actually take yourselves and this shithole seriously. |
Fuck you and fuck Jewish Slavs who murdered Germans and squatted on German land, the Slavs deserved to die for it. |
Just don't worry about it, go back to sleep. |
And the krauts invaded France and got killed for it, this is the level of intellectual discussion on this board low IQ virtue signalling soiboy opinions. Pathetic. |
What, you think money just appears in your inbox from having a video site and streaming platform buddy? There's only so much you can do to get money for hosting video's before it turns into a charged membership type of situation, and that tends to turn more people away than it brings in. So, would you rather pay like $20 per month for membership, or watch a 10 second ad? It's annoying sure, but its better than the alternative. |
Millions of White Russians were murdered by Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution. They were basically slaves fighting for their Sand Nigger Jew masters in WW2. |
Ad-blocker, loser. Jesus, you guys are a fucking joke. Hack life or die. |
This. There is nothing else besides this and praying the us government signs an EO to force big tech to stop being assholes |
Most of the French were fine with German occupation. The French resistance was a queer Antifa faction funded by Sand Nigger Jews. |
>bots flooding replies..
>dont let this slide edition.
>start new threads and crosslink
>dont let this slide
These threads scare (((them)))
It is being spammed by no less than 5 autobots. Its gonna reach thread limit soon. |
I'm smart enough to know i'm a retard, you guys better wise up. You're high level peasants low level warriors at most. The SS would laugh at you. |
One step closer to paying $20 for what was once relatively free buddy. |
Oh and all of Europe is being ethnically replaced because Germany, the Good guys, lost the war.
America supported the Communist, and so did England. Both are paying for their crimes by having their white populations genocide and ethnically replaced with sand niggers, faggots, beaners, and regular niggers. |
People here with YouTube channels need to transfer all of their videos to bitchute and drop a polite message to YouTube explaining why you did so. People here without a YouTube channel should boycott YouTube and write them a similar message |
Bullshit, there was anti-German French Christian right-wing resistance too not just the commies.
I'm literally not a bot but i'm also not White (Semite, not Jewish AFAIk i look like a Syrian or some other MENA).
That shit was going to happen eventually anyway. I can predict trends, genius. I can see where this whole thing is going, by 2030 the internet will be like TV is now. The Wild West days of the internet are at an end, WW3 is coming IMO. Enjoy it while you have it, download all right-wing content and store it in USB drives. Prep and Pray. |
Th krauts where not the fucking "good guys" LMAO. They weren't even Christian.
Whites will be fine, the only thing i'm worried about is nuclear WW3 or the AI/Singularity, we can handle the rest. Trust me. |
you didn't lurk for 2 years before making your first post. you didn't lurk here for even 2 weeks. |
You cannot be anti-German, and still be a right wing French. The French and Germans belong to the same race.
Fuck off. |
Deplatforming works. I don't know where to get the real Milo or Alex anymore. |
>I'm smart enough to know i'm a retard
Now this is some giga nigga brain shit |
No, Hitler said that Germany will either be a Communist Nation or a Christian nation. Hitler said that they choose to be a Christian nation.
Not that I care though. Race above all else matters most.
Judaism is Sand Nigger supremacy. |
>Deplatforming works.
If one uses only mainstream platforms then yes
>I don't know where to get the real Milo or Alex anymore.
Milo is on telagram, Alex is on infowars.com |
>telagram |
>The Wild West days of the internet are at an end,
What is the deep web nibba |
No they don't, you post-WW2 deracinated faggot. I can literally tell Germans and Frenchmen apart from eachother just by the way they look, you conflict avoiding pussy.
Yeah man, i'm smart enough to understand what the smart (130 IQ+) people are saying but that's about it.
That's nonsense, none of you here are actual racists you unironically think all Whites are more or less equal. That's retarded. |
We need more content that will want to make people bawl their eyes out laughing out loud uploaded on bitchute. Simple. |
Stop calling Jews sandniggers, they're not. Particularly the Ashkenazim who are very Nordic looking.
You're a moron, the deepweb/darkweb is a leftist shithole and Nazi shit is very taboo EVEN THERE. Darkweb is only good if you're a pedo. |
Yeah is pretty based, theres hundreds of wignat channels on there |
When right-wing content gets banned on the surfaceweb it will be harder to find it on the deepweb, then it will be hard, then it will be impossible. Then the lights will go out.
That's the sequewnce of events for the pre-staged collapse the elites have planned for us, that or something worse like the AI/Singularity. I'm not sure. |
>Nazi shit is very taboo EVEN THERE
Oh shit my views are taboo their? well fuck I sure would hate to have taboo views not with in the Overton window cause that would be crazy, guess the deep web is out. |
Fuck off Sand Nigger, all Jews to include Ashkenazim have trace amounts of Nigger DNA. That is obvious by looking at their nigger lips and kinky hair. Karl Marx even admitted it was so you stupid sand nigger. |
Jews are sand niggers, period. |
What happened in the 80s? Looks like another holocaust. |
Also you cannot tell a French man or German man apart since they are both genetically the same.
Unless however one has Nigger DNA. Then you could tell, but then again you are a sand nigger. |
screencap this post
the internet sees censorship as a networking problem, it just routes around the problem
web 5.0 |
In regards to censorship it has always been this way. Videos would often get deleted before they hit 1million views it is just now they are being more aggressive with their policy.
Right now there is alot of focus on us and what content is being uploaded but as time goes by they will stop enforcing their policy as a new bogyman pops up for the media to complain about.
If you want to continue producing propoganda then you have to use third party sites for the time being. |
>it will be harder to find it on the deepweb, then it will be hard, then it will be impossible
Weapons smugglers, human traffickers and pedo sites are all illegal on the surface web yet are abundant ob the deep web. The whole point of using the deep web is that is a bitch for the government to shut down sites and their easily respectable if they are shut down at all. |
Oh and for those complaining about bitchute not being popular. You are building an entire platform from ground up so deal with it. |
You don't get it, the deepweb is infested with leftists even more than the surfaceweb is cause what's the deepweb for to begin with? pedo shit.
There's a clear distinction between sandniggers who have low IQ's and aren't mixed with Euros and kikes who have high IQs and are mixed with Euros, genius. Also, Arabs don't pretend like they're White nor could they since they don't really look White either.
Why the fuck do you think Jews can say they're White and normies believe them? cause they fucking look more or less White unless you know which features to look for. Also, some proper Whites have Semitic features aswell and i'm not just talking about Meds. You fucking losers aren't even racist LMAO.
No they're not, Jews are kikes, heebs, whatever you wanna call them. They're not Arabs.
Why the fuck do you think the Nazis allied with the Muslims against Jews? why the fuck did Hitler said he admired Islam? LMAO. |
Shut the fuck up pleb, i can tell a kraut from a frog just fine most of the time. This is the level you kids are at, i should stop coming here it reflects on how much of a pleb i am. |
This. Like I've been saying directing normies to bitchute throught the normie web is essential to grow and mature the platfrom as a home for taboo views. |
Wrong, all those you mentioned are leftists by default. Right wingers don't do that shit. And aside from the politics, right winger just means White Christian male and lefitst just means White or Jewish Satanist. |
The biggest problem i have with bitchute is i can't upload videos. |
They have like 5% max of african dna while south europeans 3%, levantines have like 15%, anyways go ask any of them if they're proud of it. |
Illegal guns are for criminals who are mostly non-White, human trafficking is some kike and mud shit. Illegal drugs is a leftist scene for the most part, pedo shit is all leftists. |
Why? Is there a malfunction on your end or the website? |
Jews are the people of Satan, Arabs are low IQ muds and largely irrelevant. Pretty Satanic though, at least the Muslims. |
K. But all that shit is still illegal. point is that even if rightwing thought is banned in the USA it can still proliferate on the deep web just like illegal drugs, slaves, guns etc |
Once you really understand Jews, you realize they are basically White/Nordic (high IQ/agency) but evil/parasitical. Arabs are way too goyish, they will literally fight you in open ground, i mean wtf is that LMAO? stupid goyim.
Nevermind. |
No it can't, you don't get it. Criminals are all leftists or non-White or both and they know you are their enemy. Have you ever been to the darkweb? not that i have but you can talk about kid fucking all you want but don't you dare say anything racist, bigot. |
It really is the Jews and everyone else, but some Whites are basically crypto-kikes so it can be confusing. |
We're like the goyim proper, we have kikes and traitors above us fucking us over and muds below us. |
We basically maintain society, no geniuses but we get the job done. The working class, as they say. The middle class. Middle IQ. |
Based |
If Amren videos cant stay up then pretty much any right wing thought on race is banned despite how you phrase it. |
Yeah man, there's a reason NS is dead aside from low IQ young neo-Nazi skinheads and some cringy LARPers that unironically wear SS uniforms. I hear James Mason became a Christian, you know, the guy who wrote SIEGE. |
ctrl+f "blockchain"
0 results
you guys are hopeless. Web3.0 is immutable. The whole thing is pirate bay. |
Yup, they don't give a fuck they know who you are and what you are about and they will find an excuse to ban you. This is God vs Satan IMO. |
>What the fuck are we gonna do about internet censorship?
I think we have bigger problems m8....
Come again? are you saying there's a way to avoid the Cathedral censorship on right-wing speech? |
This is a proof of concept that you can access from right from your command line, and hosted on the ripple blockchain. But really, there are a million ways things can go in the future. The point is, b l o c k c h a i n. |
Too big brained for me or maybe i'm just lazy or maybe i have too much faith in Jesus, anyway. Yeah no, the AI can censor you eventually. We're fucked. |
If you can think of a way to censor right-wingers, so can they. It's an arms race and i see no way we can win it. |
ahahaha haven't seen this guy in years, back when /b/ was still /b/. Thanks m8 |
White Russian can be a word for Belarusians. Hitler murdered a big number of white Russians. As the pic shows. |
make a burner account on bitchute and start uploading pewdiepie videos there, normies will follow your "fan" backup. If you eventually get banned nothing was lost. |
Nobody two years ago managed to prove that the Slavic genocide in ww2 is a lie, ie murder of Poles, various massacres and starvation on the eastern front have a genocidal vibe, plus kidnapping children from their families to be raised culturally nazi german also falls under the definition of genocide. pol is a mistake. |
Tried to find Vegas shooting videos after El Paso and Dayton shootings and theyre almost all gone only big news channels showing small clips of the incident. When the shooting first happened there were hundreds of first hand videos. Also hardly any conspiracy videos anymore. |
you can also run it in your browser, I'm just a retard and linked to a thread. In the case of cloudflare trying to shut it down like 8ch, you could access it the other way. Your computer is only communicating with the ripple blockchain.
I guess if they took control over 50% of the network. I'm not a DLT engineer but as I understand it, the whole new internet infrastructure is to be distributed, and immutable. |
The AI can just censor us, 10 years from now? we're fucked. I know i sound dumb but i'm thinking big picture here, this whole thing will eventually explode i assume. |
Cause you assume this moderate state of affairs will keep going on indefinetly cause, why? this isn't a joke. This is real, they're trying to kill Whites. They will censor you/us. They're not going to stop. |
We're gonna get fucking censored, it's gonna happen. Why you think everyone's talking about Civil War 2.0 and WW3? it's cause it's real. |
Imagine thinking it’s fine to ban political opinions from YouTube but evil to ban niggers from lunch counters |
I guess I'm just not defeated already, Joaquin. Distributed Ledger Technology is the future, you should learn about it. |
I mean what you think we win without a fucking war? HA! the differences are racial/genetic, the Jews can't stop even if they wanted to and even if they could you would still try to genocide them for what they have already done. |
I'm literally only talking about censorship. The future is immutable. |
The future? LMAO, you don't really think much about the future do you? just the near-future, you're prolly having too much fun to care. I assure you though, if Jesus isn't real we are doomed. Fuck the kikes, worry about the AI and the Satanists in charge.
I mean it's not just the Jews but they all behave more or less like kikes though, even the White elites. |
We keep posting stuff they hate, kameraden. |
It's not, the AI/Singularity is coming. |
You gotta think ahead and realize once the boomers die off in 10-15 years it's gonna get real. |
It's basically that, AI/Singularity or WW3. Dunno.
10-15 years, getting prgressively worse and more obvious the closer we get to the 2030's. If we manage to avoid WW3, then the AI/Singularity is still there, it's still coming. It's the next big thing. |
It's uncertain what will happen once the boomers die off, Xers are talking war. Millenials are talking war too. |
Is he white? |
he is purple |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi |
How do we wiggle down the number of democrats running for president? |
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