public void testStopClock(){ AbstractThrottle instance=new AbstractThrottleImpl(); instance.stopClock(); }
Test of stopClock method, of class AbstractThrottle.
public synchronized void dump(){ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("dumping allocations {}",events.size()); for ( Entry<BaseEvent,Info> entry : events.entrySet()) { log.debug("{} {}",entry.getKey(),entry.getValue().refcount); } } }
Dumps allocations
public static Sdk findAndroidSDK(){ Sdk[] allJDKs=ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks(); for ( Sdk sdk : allJDKs) { if (sdk.getSdkType().getName().toLowerCase().contains("android")) { return sdk; } } return null; }
Is using Android SDK?
public static boolean checkIfRightExpressionRequireEvaluation(Expression expression){ if (expression.getFilterExpressionType() == ExpressionType.UNKNOWN || !(expression instanceof LiteralExpression) && !(expression instanceof ListExpression)) { return true; } for ( Expression child : expression.getChildren()) { if (checkIfRightExpressionRequireEvaluation(child)) { return true; } } return false; }
This method will check if a given expression contains a column expression recursively.
protected POInfo initPO(Properties ctx){ POInfo poi=POInfo.getPOInfo(ctx,Table_ID,get_TrxName()); return poi; }
Load Meta Data
public static CGPoint ccp(float x,float y){ return new CGPoint(x,y); }
Helper macro that creates a CCPoint
public BusinessObjectFormatEntity createBusinessObjectFormatEntity(String namespaceCode,String businessObjectDefinitionName,String businessObjectFormatUsage,String fileType,Integer businessObjectFormatVersion,String businessObjectFormatDescription,Boolean businessObjectFormatLatestVersion,String businessObjectFormatPartitionKey,String partitionKeyGroupName,List<Attribute> attributes){ return createBusinessObjectFormatEntity(namespaceCode,businessObjectDefinitionName,businessObjectFormatUsage,fileType,businessObjectFormatVersion,businessObjectFormatDescription,businessObjectFormatLatestVersion,businessObjectFormatPartitionKey,partitionKeyGroupName,attributes,null,null,null,null,null); }
Creates and persists a new business object format entity.
public synchronized void mountBLOB(final File location,final boolean full) throws IOException { Date d; try { d=my_SHORT_MILSEC_FORMATTER.parse(location.getName().substring(this.prefix.length() + 1,this.prefix.length() + 18),0).getTime(); } catch ( final ParseException e) { throw new IOException("date parse problem with file " + location.toString() + ": "+ e.getMessage()); } BLOB oneBlob; if (full && this.buffersize > 0 && !this.trimall) { oneBlob=new Heap(location,this.keylength,this.ordering,this.buffersize); } else { oneBlob=new HeapModifier(location,this.keylength,this.ordering); oneBlob.optimize(); } this.blobs.add(new blobItem(d,location,oneBlob)); }
add a blob file to the array. note that this file must be generated with a file name from newBLOB()
public CodeType findByName(String name){ try { EntityManager entityManager=EntityManagerHelper.getEntityManager(); entityManager.getTransaction().begin(); CriteriaBuilder builder=entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CodeType> query=builder.createQuery(CodeType.class); Root<CodeType> from=query.from(CodeType.class);; query.where(builder.equal(from.get("name"),name)); List<CodeType> items=entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList(); entityManager.getTransaction().commit(); if (items.size() > 0) { return items.get(0); } return null; } catch ( Exception re) { EntityManagerHelper.rollback(); throw re; } finally { EntityManagerHelper.close(); } }
Method findByName.
public static void main(String[] args){ doMain(args); }
Application entry point.
public boolean showChatColors(){ return chatColors; }
Get if the client has chat colors enabled.
public Object eval(Reader reader) throws ScriptException { return eval(reader,context); }
<code>eval(Reader)</code> calls the abstract <code>eval(Reader, ScriptContext)</code> passing the value of the <code>context</code> field.
public void loading(){ mHintView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mProgressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }
loading status
@SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) public static MixtureOfGaussians serializableInstance(){ return new MixtureOfGaussians(.5,-2,2,2,2); }
Generates a simple exemplar of this class to test serialization.
@DSGenerator(tool_name="Doppelganger",tool_version="2.0",generated_on="2014-02-24 13:04:40.439 -0500",hash_original_method="EFD9495A1C7E86FA87C6E18B7AEF10E0",hash_generated_method="81482A8F6DCF884684552385CD88BCFE") public OrientedBoundingBox computeOrientedBoundingBox(){ return GestureUtils.computeOrientedBoundingBox(points); }
Computes an oriented bounding box of the stroke.
@Override public String toString(){ if (m_Classifiers == null) { return "Bagging: No model built yet."; } StringBuffer text=new StringBuffer(); text.append("All the base classifiers: \n\n"); for (int i=0; i < m_Classifiers.length; i++) text.append(m_Classifiers[i].toString() + "\n\n"); if (m_CalcOutOfBag) { text.append("Out of bag error: " + Utils.doubleToString(m_OutOfBagError,4) + "\n\n"); } return text.toString(); }
Returns description of the bagged classifier.
public static double futureInvestmentValue(double investmentAmount,double monthlyInterestRate,int years){ return investmentAmount * Math.pow(1 + monthlyInterestRate,years * 12); }
Method futureInvestmentValue computes future investement value
public void parseForClass(GenericDeclaration genericDecl,String signature){ setInput(genericDecl,signature); if (!eof) { parseClassSignature(); } else { if (genericDecl instanceof Class) { Class c=(Class)genericDecl; this.formalTypeParameters=EmptyArray.TYPE_VARIABLE; this.superclassType=c.getSuperclass(); Class<?>[] interfaces=c.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces.length == 0) { this.interfaceTypes=ListOfTypes.EMPTY; } else { this.interfaceTypes=new ListOfTypes(interfaces); } } else { this.formalTypeParameters=EmptyArray.TYPE_VARIABLE; this.superclassType=Object.class; this.interfaceTypes=ListOfTypes.EMPTY; } } }
Parses the generic signature of a class and creates the data structure representing the signature.
public BufferedRuleBasedScannerExt(int size){ super(); setBufferSize(size); }
Creates a new buffered rule based scanner which does not have any rule. The buffer size is set to the given number of characters.
@HLEUnimplemented @HLEFunction(nid=0x03D9526F,version=150) public int sceHttpSetResolveRetry(int templateId,int count){ return 0; }
Set resolver retry
public GVTGlyphVector createGlyphVector(FontRenderContext frc,int[] glyphCodes,CharacterIterator ci){ return new AWTGVTGlyphVector(awtFont.createGlyphVector(frc,glyphCodes),this,scale,ci); }
Returns a new GlyphVector object created with the specified integer array and the specified FontRenderContext.
public static double sqrt(double x){ return Math.sqrt(x); }
Returns the positive square root of the specified value.
public static IngredientsFragment newInstance(Recipe recipe,int sectionNumber){ IngredientsFragment fragment=new IngredientsFragment(); fragment.recipe=recipe; Bundle args=new Bundle(); args.putInt(ARG_SECTION_NUMBER,sectionNumber); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; }
Returns a new instance of this fragment for the given section number.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ DataModel dataModel=getDataEditor().getSelectedDataModel(); if (dataModel instanceof DataSet) { DataSet dataSet=(DataSet)dataModel; if (dataSet.getNumRows() == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionUtils.centeringComp(),"Data set is empty."); return; } JComponent editor=editor(); int selection=JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(JOptionUtils.centeringComp(),editor,"Sample Size",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,null,new String[]{"Done","Cancel"},"Done"); if (selection != 0) { return; } try { DataSet newDataSet=RandomSampler.sample(dataSet,getSampleSize()); DataModelList list=new DataModelList(); list.add(newDataSet); getDataEditor().reset(list); getDataEditor().selectFirstTab(); } catch ( Exception e1) { String s=e1.getMessage(); if (s == null || "".equals(s)) { s="Could not construct random sample."; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionUtils.centeringComp(),s); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionUtils.centeringComp(),"Must be a tabular data set."); } }
Performs the action of loading a session from a file.
public void insertAddress(LocoNetMessage m){ m.setElement(1,getLowBits()); m.setElement(2,getHighBits() | getASBit()); }
Update a LocoNet message to have this address.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String fileName=args[0]; JdkHelloWorld helloWorld=new JdkHelloWorld(); System.out.println(" ***" + fileName + " line count="+ helloWorld.readFile(fileName)); String url=""; System.out.println(" ***" + url + " line count="+ helloWorld.readUrl(url)); url=""; System.out.println(" ***" + url + " status code="+ helloWorld.urlWithConnection(url)); System.out.println(" *** jdbc interactions"); helloWorld.jdbcInteractions(); }
Read a file, execute http requests, and make jdbc calls.
public void testCase13(){ byte aBytes[]={15,48,-29,7,98,-1,39,-128}; int aSign=1; byte rBytes[]={15,48,-29,7,98,-1,39,-128}; BigInteger aNumber=new BigInteger(aSign,aBytes); BigInteger bNumber=BigInteger.ONE; BigInteger result=aNumber.divide(bNumber); byte resBytes[]=new byte[rBytes.length]; resBytes=result.toByteArray(); for (int i=0; i < resBytes.length; i++) { assertTrue(resBytes[i] == rBytes[i]); } assertEquals("incorrect sign",1,result.signum()); }
Divide a positive number by ONE.
private static final byte[] hash(final byte[] value) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md=MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.reset(); md.update(value); return md.digest(); }
Return the hash of an array of bytes. This method is thread safe.
@Override public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions(){ debugCodeCall("supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions"); return false; }
Returns whether data manipulation and CREATE/DROP is supported in transactions.
public final void showToolButton(@NotNull IsWidget button){ if (button != null) { toolbarHeader.setWidgetHidden(button.asWidget(),false); } }
Sets button visible on part toolbar.
public Node item(int index){ ElemTemplateElement node=m_firstChild; for (int i=0; i < index && node != null; i++) { node=node.m_nextSibling; } return node; }
NodeList method: Return the Nth immediate child of this node, or null if the index is out of bounds.
public boolean isCanceled(){ return name.get() ==; }
<p>Return <code>true</code> iff this object represents a <em>Canceled</em> state.</p>
private void saveUidValidity(long uidValidity) throws IOException { File validityFile=new File(rootFolder,VALIDITY_FILE); if (!validityFile.createNewFile()) throw new IOException("Could not create file " + validityFile); FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(validityFile); try { fos.write(String.valueOf(uidValidity).getBytes()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos); } }
Save the given uidValidity to the file system
public boolean reset(){ boolean wasReset=false; if (super.reset()) { wasReset=true; } return wasReset; }
Try's to reset the super class and reset this class for re-use, so that you don't need to create a new serializer (mostly for performance reasons).
public boolean save(String filename){ try { mOutput=new FileOutputStream(filename); byte[] output=new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; while (mInput.available() > 0) { int size=read(output); if (size > 0) { mOutput.write(output,0,size); } else break; } mInput.close(); mOutput.close(); return true; } catch ( Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (mInput != null) mInput.close(); if (mOutput != null) mOutput.close(); } catch ( IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; }
Saves an unencrypted copy of the music file as an Mp3
@Override public boolean isSingleton(){ return true; }
Always returns <code>true</code>.
public final void append(String s){ compoundID.append(s); }
Append a new segment to the compound name of the operator
@Override public void eUnset(int featureID){ switch (featureID) { case TypesPackage.TSTRUCT_GETTER__DEFINED_MEMBER: setDefinedMember((TStructMember)null); return; } super.eUnset(featureID); }
<!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
private void doSetRhythmDrawable(@Nullable RhythmDrawable drawable){ if (mRhythmDrawable != null) { mRhythmDrawable.setCallback(null); } mRhythmDrawable=drawable; if (mRhythmDrawable != null) { mRhythmDrawable.setBounds(mBounds); mRhythmDrawable.setCallback(this); } }
Links new drawable to this view
protected AbstractSVGFilterPrimitiveElementBridge(){ }
Constructs a new bridge for a filter primitive element.
@Pointcut("within(@javax.persistence.Entity *) || " + "within(@javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass *) || " + "within(@javax.persistence.Embeddable *)") public void jpa(){ }
Pointcut for jpa entities
public OMGrid(double lat,double lon,int x,int y,double vResolution,double hResolution,int[][] data){ setRenderType(RENDERTYPE_OFFSET); set(lat,lon,x,y,vResolution,hResolution,data); }
Create a OMGrid that covers a x/y screen area, anchored to a lat/lon point. Column major by default. If your data is row major, use null for the data, set the major direction, and then set the data.
@Override public int compareTo(SpatialObjectPair other){ return,other.distance); }
Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. <p/>
void checkLabel(final Label label,final boolean checkVisited,final String msg){ if (label == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + msg + " (must not be null)"); } if (checkVisited && labels.get(label) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + msg + " (must be visited first)"); } }
Checks that the given label is not null. This method can also check that the label has been visited.
public MinecraftlyLogger(MinecraftlyCore core,Logger parentLogger) throws MissingResourceException { super("Core " + parentLogger.getName(),parentLogger.getResourceBundleName()); this.core=core; this.debug=new File(core.getMinecraftlyDataFolder(),".debugging").exists(); setParent(parentLogger); setUseParentHandlers(true); }
Method to construct a logger for Minecraftly's Core.
public void cleanIndex(RowMutator mutator,DataObjectType doType,SoftReference<IndexCleanupList> listToCleanRef){ IndexCleanupList listToClean=listToCleanRef.get(); if (listToClean == null) { _log.warn("clean up list for {} has been recycled by GC, skip it",doType.getClass().getName()); return; } Map<String,List<Column<CompositeColumnName>>> cleanList=listToClean.getColumnsToClean(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String,List<Column<CompositeColumnName>>>> entryIt=cleanList.entrySet().iterator(); Map<String,ColumnField> dependentFields=new HashMap<>(); while (entryIt.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String,List<Column<CompositeColumnName>>>; String rowKey=entry.getKey(); List<Column<CompositeColumnName>> cols=entry.getValue(); for (int i=0; i < cols.size(); i++) { Column<CompositeColumnName> column=cols.get(i); ColumnField field=doType.getColumnField(column.getName().getOne()); field.removeColumn(rowKey,column,mutator,listToClean.getAllColumns(rowKey)); for ( ColumnField depField : field.getDependentFields()) { dependentFields.put(depField.getName(),depField); } } for ( ColumnField depField : dependentFields.values()) { depField.removeIndex(rowKey,null,mutator,listToClean.getAllColumns(rowKey),listToClean.getObject(rowKey)); } } removeIndexOfInactiveObjects(mutator,doType,(IndexCleanupList)listToClean,true); mutator.executeIndexFirst(); }
Clean out old column / index entries synchronously
protected void onPrepareRequest(HttpUriRequest request) throws IOException { }
Called before the request is executed using the underlying HttpClient. <p>Overwrite in subclasses to augment the request.</p>
public String toString(){ return (super.toString() + "NameConstraints: [" + ((permitted == null) ? "" : ("\n Permitted:" + permitted.toString()))+ ((excluded == null) ? "" : ("\n Excluded:" + excluded.toString()))+ " ]\n"); }
Return the printable string.
public LRUCache(int initialSize,int maxSize){ this(initialSize,maxSize,1); }
Create a new LRU cache.
public HarCapabilityContainerTest(String testName,EnvironmentTestData testData) throws Exception { super(testName,testData); }
Initializes the test case.
private final File locate(String name){ String prefix=""; File sourceFile=null; int idx=0; while (true) { if ((idx == 0) && (ToolIO.getUserDir() != null)) { sourceFile=new File(ToolIO.getUserDir(),name); } else { sourceFile=new File(prefix + name); } if (sourceFile.exists()) break; if (idx >= libraryPathEntries.size()) break; prefix=(String)libraryPathEntries.elementAt(idx++); } return sourceFile; }
Searches for the file in current directory (ToolIO.userDirectory) and in library paths
public static void main(String args[]){ TimeResolution timeResolution=new TimeResolution(); timeResolution.measureTimer(); timeResolution.measureTimeFunctions(INCREMENT,MAX); timeResolution.measureSleep(); timeResolution.measureWait(); }
Execute the various timer resolution tests.
private void readObject( s) throws, ClassNotFoundException { try { s.defaultReadObject(); this.queue=new Object[q.size()]; comparator=q.comparator(); addAll(q); } finally { q=null; } }
Reconstitutes this queue from a stream (that is, deserializes it).
public Edge createEdge(BasicBlock source,BasicBlock dest,@Edge.Type int type){ Edge edge=createEdge(source,dest); edge.setType(type); return edge; }
Add a unique edge to the graph. There must be no other edge already in the CFG with the same source and destination blocks.
private void initialize(){ this.setContentPane(getJPanel()); this.pack(); }
This method initializes this
public void translate(float x,float y,float z){ Matrix4f tmp=new Matrix4f(); tmp.loadTranslate(x,y,z); multiply(tmp); }
Modifies the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a translation matrix of given dimensions
public AdaptiveJobCountLoadProbe(){ }
Initializes active job probe.
void primeFncName(Session s,int line){ primeAllFncNames(s); }
Called in order to make sure that we have a function name available at the given location. For AVM+ swfs we don't need a swd and therefore don't have access to function names in the same fashion. We need to ask the player for a particular function name.
public static <V>boolean addDistinctEntry(List<V> sourceList,V entry){ return (sourceList != null && !sourceList.contains(entry)) ? sourceList.add(entry) : false; }
add distinct entry to list
protected void initFromJar(File file){ JarFile jar; JarEntry entry; Enumeration<JarEntry> enm; if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Analyzing jar: " + file); } if (!file.exists()) { System.out.println("Jar does not exist: " + file); return; } try { jar=new JarFile(file); enm=jar.entries(); while (enm.hasMoreElements()) { entry=enm.nextElement(); if (entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { add(entry.getName()); } } initFromManifest(jar.getManifest()); } catch ( Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
Fills the class cache with classes from the specified jar.
public List<BakedQuad> build(@Nullable Consumer<UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder> quadConsumer){ List<BakedQuad> quads=new ArrayList<BakedQuad>(this.vertices.size() / 4); if (this.vertices.size() % 4 != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid number of vertices"); for (int i=0; i < this.vertices.size(); i+=4) { Vertex vert1=this.vertices.get(i); Vertex vert2=this.vertices.get(i + 1); Vertex vert3=this.vertices.get(i + 2); Vertex vert4=this.vertices.get(i + 3); quads.add(this.createQuad(this.format,vert1,vert2,vert3,vert4,quadConsumer)); } this.vertices.clear(); return quads; }
Builds the quads. Specify a consumer to modify the quads
public static SQLExceptionTranslator newJdbcExceptionTranslator(){ return new SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator(); }
Create an appropriate SQLExceptionTranslator for the given TransactionManager. If a DataSource is found, a SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator for the DataSource is created; else, a SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator as fallback.
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState){ outState.putBoolean("",mSlidingMenu.isMenuShowing()); outState.putBoolean("SlidingActivityHelper.secondary",mSlidingMenu.isSecondaryMenuShowing()); }
Called to retrieve per-instance state from an activity before being killed so that the state can be restored in onCreate(Bundle) or onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) (the Bundle populated by this method will be passed to both).
public SymbolTableEntryInternal steFor_$fieldInit(){ return getSymbolTableEntryInternal("$fieldInit",true); }
"$fieldInit" - retrieve the internal symbol table entry for the symbol "$fieldInit"
public boolean isProcessing(){ Object oo=get_Value(COLUMNNAME_Processing); if (oo != null) { if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue(); return "Y".equals(oo); } return false; }
Get Process Now.
public static Profile createFromCommandline(String[] args){ Profile profile=new Profile(); int i=0; while (i != args.length) { if (args[i].equals("-u")) { profile.setUser(args[i + 1]); } else if (args[i].equals("-p")) { profile.setPassword(args[i + 1]); } else if (args[i].equals("-c")) { profile.setCharacter(args[i + 1]); } else if (args[i].equals("-h")) { profile.setHost(args[i + 1]); } else if (args[i].equals("-P")) { profile.setPort(Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1])); } else if (args[i].equals("-S")) { profile.setSeed(args[i + 1]); } i++; } if (profile.getCharacter() == null) { profile.setCharacter(profile.getUser()); } return profile; }
create a profile based on command line arguments <ul> <li>-u: username</li> <li>-p: password</li> <li>-c: character name (defaults to username)</li> <li>-h: hostname</li> <li>-P: port</li> <li>-S: pre authentication seed</li> </ul>
public MainWindow(){ super("Main Window"); settings=new Settings(); update=new UpdateWindow(); blocksWindow=new BlockListWindow(); consoleLog=new GUIConsoleLog(); if (settings.getPreferences().getBoolean("OPEN_CONSOLE_ON_START",true)) { consoleLog.setVisible(true); } export=new ExportWindow(); main=this; setSize(1000,800); setMinimumSize(new Dimension(400,400)); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("jMC2Obj"); setLocationRelativeTo(null); panel=new MainPanel(); add(panel); setVisible(true); }
Window contructor.
public void findAndInit(Iterator<?> it){ while (it.hasNext()) { findAndInit(; } }
Eventually gets called when the MouseDelegator is added to the BeanContext, and when other objects are added to the BeanContext anytime after that. The MouseDelegator looks for a MapBean to manage MouseEvents for, and MouseModes to use to manage those events. If a MapBean is added to the BeanContext while another already is in use, the second MapBean will take the place of the first.
boolean wantsFutureVariantBases(){ return mHaplotypeA.wantsFutureVariantBases() || mHaplotypeB.wantsFutureVariantBases(); }
Test whether a deficit of variant bases are upstream in the queue in order to perform a step.
public PotentialProducer createPotentialProducer(final Object baseObject,final String methodName,final Class<?> dataType){ String description=getDescriptionString(baseObject,methodName,dataType); return new PotentialProducer(parentComponent,baseObject,methodName,dataType,null,null,description); }
Create a potential producer (without auxiliary arguments). This is probably the main method to use in a script.
public Hashtable(){ this(11,0.75f); }
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default initial capacity (11) and load factor, which is <tt>0.75</tt>.
private void runRoutesDistance(final String runNr,final Scenario sc){ UserGroup ug=UserGroup.URBAN; int lastIteration=sc.getConfig().controler().getLastIteration(); String eventsFile=sc.getConfig().controler().getOutputDirectory() + "/ITERS/it." + lastIteration+ "/"+ lastIteration+ ".events.xml.gz"; LegModeRouteDistanceDistributionAnalyzer lmdfed=new LegModeRouteDistanceDistributionAnalyzer(); lmdfed.init(sc,eventsFile); lmdfed.preProcessData(); lmdfed.postProcessData(); new File(RUN_DIR + "/analysis/legModeDistributions/").mkdirs(); lmdfed.writeResults(RUN_DIR + "/analysis/legModeDistributions/" + runNr+ "_it."+ lastIteration+ "_"); }
It will write route distance distribution from events and take the beeline distance for teleported modes
public List<String> findAvailableStrings(String uri) throws IOException { _resourcesNotLoaded.clear(); String fulluri=_path + uri; List<String> strings=new ArrayList<>(); Enumeration<URL> resources=getResources(fulluri); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL url=resources.nextElement(); try { String string=readContents(url); strings.add(string); } catch ( IOException notAvailable) { _resourcesNotLoaded.add(url.toExternalForm()); } } return strings; }
Reads the contents of the found URLs as a Strings and returns them. Individual URLs that cannot be read are skipped and added to the list of 'resourcesNotLoaded'
public double computeInPlace(double... dataset){ checkArgument(dataset.length > 0,"Cannot calculate quantiles of an empty dataset"); if (containsNaN(dataset)) { return NaN; } long numerator=(long)index * (dataset.length - 1); int quotient=(int)LongMath.divide(numerator,scale,RoundingMode.DOWN); int remainder=(int)(numerator - (long)quotient * scale); selectInPlace(quotient,dataset,0,dataset.length - 1); if (remainder == 0) { return dataset[quotient]; } else { selectInPlace(quotient + 1,dataset,quotient + 1,dataset.length - 1); return interpolate(dataset[quotient],dataset[quotient + 1],remainder,scale); } }
Computes the quantile value of the given dataset, performing the computation in-place.
public Ellipse scale(double factor){ RotatedRect r=rect.clone(); r.size=new Size(factor * rect.size.width,factor * rect.size.height); return new Ellipse(r); }
Scale this ellipse by a scaling factor about its center
private static File waitForReportRunCompletion(Dfareporting reporting,long userProfileId,File file) throws Exception { Integer interval; for (int i=0; i <= MAX_POLLING_ATTEMPTS; i++) { if (!file.getStatus().equals("PROCESSING")) { break; } interval=(int)(POLL_TIME_INCREMENT * (Math.pow(1.6,i))); System.out.printf("Polling again in %s ms.%n",interval); Thread.sleep(interval); file=reporting.reports().files().get(userProfileId,file.getReportId(),file.getId()).execute(); } return file; }
Waits for a report file to generate with exponential back-off.
private void showFeedback(String message){ if (myHost != null) { myHost.showFeedback(message); } else { System.out.println(message); } }
Used to communicate feedback pop-up messages between a plugin tool and the main Whitebox user-interface.
public AllocationSite(){ this(0,0); }
An anonymous allocation site
public synchronized boolean equals(Object o){ return super.equals(o); }
Compares the specified Object with this Vector for equality. Returns true if and only if the specified Object is also a List, both Lists have the same size, and all corresponding pairs of elements in the two Lists are <em>equal</em>. (Two elements <code>e1</code> and <code>e2</code> are <em>equal</em> if <code>(e1==null ? e2==null : e1.equals(e2))</code>.) In other words, two Lists are defined to be equal if they contain the same elements in the same order.
protected DateTimeConverter makeConverter(){ return new DateConverter(); }
Create the Converter with no default value.
public final boolean skip(String str,CharSequence csq){ if (,csq)) { index+=str.length(); return true; } else { return false; } }
Moves this cursor forward only if at the specified string. This method is equivalent to: [code] if (at(str, csq)) increment(str.length()); [/code]
@Override public ExpectedPartitionValuesInformation deleteExpectedPartitionValues(ExpectedPartitionValuesDeleteRequest expectedPartitionValuesDeleteRequest){ validateExpectedPartitionValuesDeleteRequest(expectedPartitionValuesDeleteRequest); PartitionKeyGroupEntity partitionKeyGroupEntity=partitionKeyGroupDaoHelper.getPartitionKeyGroupEntity(expectedPartitionValuesDeleteRequest.getPartitionKeyGroupKey()); Map<String,ExpectedPartitionValueEntity> expectedPartitionValueEntityMap=getExpectedPartitionValueEntityMap(partitionKeyGroupEntity.getExpectedPartitionValues()); Collection<ExpectedPartitionValueEntity> deletedExpectedPartitionValueEntities=new ArrayList<>(); for ( String expectedPartitionValue : expectedPartitionValuesDeleteRequest.getExpectedPartitionValues()) { ExpectedPartitionValueEntity expectedPartitionValueEntity=expectedPartitionValueEntityMap.get(expectedPartitionValue); if (expectedPartitionValueEntity != null) { deletedExpectedPartitionValueEntities.add(expectedPartitionValueEntity); } else { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.format("Expected partition value \"%s\" doesn't exist in \"%s\" partition key group.",expectedPartitionValue,partitionKeyGroupEntity.getPartitionKeyGroupName())); } } for ( ExpectedPartitionValueEntity expectedPartitionValueEntity : deletedExpectedPartitionValueEntities) { partitionKeyGroupEntity.getExpectedPartitionValues().remove(expectedPartitionValueEntity); } expectedPartitionValueDao.saveAndRefresh(partitionKeyGroupEntity); return createExpectedPartitionValuesInformationFromEntities(partitionKeyGroupEntity,deletedExpectedPartitionValueEntities); }
Deletes specified expected partition values from an existing partition key group which is identified by name.
public static void main(final String[] args){ DOMTestCase.doMain(hasAttribute01.class,args); }
Runs this test from the command line.
public void launch(){ final Activity parentActivity=ActivityDelegate.getActivityForTabId(mParentId); mLaunchedId=ChromeLauncherActivity.launchDocumentInstance(parentActivity,mIsIncognito,mAsyncParams); mLaunchTimestamp=SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); run(); }
Starts an Activity to with the stored parameters.
final boolean unlink(Index<V> succ){ return !indexesDeletedNode() && casRight(succ,succ.right); }
Tries to CAS right field to skip over apparent successor succ. Fails (forcing a retraversal by caller) if this node is known to be deleted.
public static LeafReader wrap(LeafReader reader,Sort sort) throws IOException { return wrap(reader,new Sorter(sort).sort(reader)); }
Return a sorted view of <code>reader</code> according to the order defined by <code>sort</code>. If the reader is already sorted, this method might return the reader as-is.
private static int fillPomsFromChildren(final Collection<ArtifactInformation> poms,final ArtifactInformation art,final Map<String,ArtifactInformation> artifacts){ int cnt=0; for ( final String childId : art.getChildIds()) { final ArtifactInformation child=artifacts.get(childId); if (child != null) { final String childName=child.getName(); if (isPomFileName(childName)) { poms.add(child); ++cnt; } } } return cnt; }
Fill a collection with all POMs for the children of an artifact.
public AxisSpace(){; this.bottom=0.0; this.left=0.0; this.right=0.0; }
Creates a new axis space record.
public FontConverter(final Mapper mapper){ this.mapper=mapper; if (mapper == null) { textAttributeConverter=null; } else { textAttributeConverter=new TextAttributeConverter(); } }
Constructs a FontConverter.
public String typeName(){ return "long"; }
Returns a String description of what kind of entry this is.
public static void d(String tag,String s){ if (LOG.DEBUG >= LOGLEVEL) Log.d(tag,s); }
Debug log message.
public EdgeInfo(int start,int end,int cap){ this(start,end,cap,0); }
Construct EdgeInfo from (start,end) vertices with given capacity.
private boolean isSessionPaused(FileSharingSession session){ if (session == null) { throw new ServerApiGenericException("Unable to check if transfer is paused since session with file transfer ID '" + mFileTransferId + "' not available!"); } return session.isFileTransferPaused(); }
Is session paused (only for HTTP transfer)
private RawProtein processProtein(final RawProtein<PfamHmmer3RawMatch> rawProteinUnfiltered,final List<SeedAlignment> seedAlignments){ RawProtein<PfamHmmer3RawMatch> filteredMatches=new RawProtein<PfamHmmer3RawMatch>(rawProteinUnfiltered.getProteinIdentifier()); final Set<PfamHmmer3RawMatch> seedMatches=new HashSet<PfamHmmer3RawMatch>(); if (seedAlignments != null) { for ( final SeedAlignment seedAlignment : seedAlignments) { for ( final PfamHmmer3RawMatch candidateMatch : rawProteinUnfiltered.getMatches()) { if (!seedMatches.contains(candidateMatch)) { if (seedAlignment.getModelAccession().equals(candidateMatch.getModelId()) && seedAlignment.getAlignmentStart() <= candidateMatch.getLocationStart() && seedAlignment.getAlignmentEnd() >= candidateMatch.getLocationEnd()) { filteredMatches.addMatch(candidateMatch); seedMatches.add(candidateMatch); } } } } } final Set<PfamHmmer3RawMatch> unfilteredByEvalue=new TreeSet<PfamHmmer3RawMatch>(rawProteinUnfiltered.getMatches()); for ( final RawMatch rawMatch : unfilteredByEvalue) { final PfamHmmer3RawMatch candidateMatch=(PfamHmmer3RawMatch)rawMatch; if (!seedMatches.contains(candidateMatch)) { final PfamClan candidateMatchClan=clanData.getClanByModelAccession(candidateMatch.getModelId()); boolean passes=true; if (candidateMatchClan != null) { for ( final PfamHmmer3RawMatch match : filteredMatches.getMatches()) { final PfamClan passedMatchClan=clanData.getClanByModelAccession(match.getModelId()); if (candidateMatchClan.equals(passedMatchClan)) { if (matchesOverlap(candidateMatch,match)) { if (!matchesAreNested(candidateMatch,match)) { passes=false; break; } } } } } if (passes) { filteredMatches.addMatch(candidateMatch); } } } return filteredMatches; }
Implementation of Rob Finn's algorithm for post processing, translated from Perl to Java. <p/> Also includes additional code to ensure seed alignments are included as matches, regardless of score.
@Override public void execute(MetricTimeSeries timeSeries,FunctionValueMap functionValueMap){ if (timeSeries.size() <= 0) { functionValueMap.add(this,Double.NaN); return; } double[] values=timeSeries.getValuesAsArray(); double min=values[0]; double max=values[0]; for (int i=1; i < values.length; i++) { double current=values[i]; if (current < min) { min=current; } if (current > max) { max=current; } } functionValueMap.add(this,Math.abs(max - min)); }
Gets difference between the maximum and the minimum value. It is always a positive value.
private void returnData(Object ret){ if (myHost != null) { myHost.returnData(ret); } }
Used to communicate a return object from a plugin tool to the main Whitebox user-interface.
public ImpliedCovTable(SemImWrapper wrapper,boolean measured,boolean correlations){ this.wrapper=wrapper; this.measured=measured; this.correlations=correlations;; if (measured() && covariances()) { matrix=getSemIm().getImplCovarMeas().toArray(); } else if (measured() && !covariances()) { matrix=corr(getSemIm().getImplCovarMeas().toArray()); } else if (!measured() && covariances()) { TetradMatrix implCovarC=getSemIm().getImplCovar(false); matrix=implCovarC.toArray(); } else if (!measured() && !covariances()) { TetradMatrix implCovarC=getSemIm().getImplCovar(false); matrix=corr(implCovarC.toArray()); } }
Constructs a new table for the given covariance matrix, the nodes for which are as specified (in the order they appear in the matrix).
public Graphics create(){ return new PSPathGraphics((Graphics2D)getDelegate().create(),getPrinterJob(),getPrintable(),getPageFormat(),getPageIndex(),canDoRedraws()); }
Creates a new <code>Graphics</code> object that is a copy of this <code>Graphics</code> object.
public static DeterministicKey deriveThisOrNextChildKey(DeterministicKey parent,int childNumber){ int nAttempts=0; ChildNumber child=new ChildNumber(childNumber); boolean isHardened=child.isHardened(); while (nAttempts < MAX_CHILD_DERIVATION_ATTEMPTS) { try { child=new ChildNumber(child.num() + nAttempts,isHardened); return deriveChildKey(parent,child); } catch ( HDDerivationException ignore) { } nAttempts++; } throw new HDDerivationException("Maximum number of child derivation attempts reached, this is probably an indication of a bug."); }
Derives a key of the "extended" child number, ie. with the 0x80000000 bit specifying whether to use hardened derivation or not. If derivation fails, tries a next child.
public LR1State merge(LR1State state){ HashSet<LR1Item> items=new HashSet<LR1Item>(); for ( LR1Item item1 : this.items) { LR1Item newItem=item1; LR1Item item2=state.getItemByLR0Kernel(item1.getLR0Kernel()); newItem=newItem.merge(item2); items.add(newItem); } return new LR1State(items); }
Merges this state with the given one and returns the result. Only works, if both states have equal LR(0) kernels.