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Re: Has StormFront changed the Mod issue yet? | Exactly. The designers of these studies probably assume that Hispanics (e.g. Mestizos and other mongrels), which Colorado has plenty of, are White, and then end up finding the cited levels of Amerindian admixture. :rolleyes: Yep even our FBI prints mexicans as: Race:White (Hispanic) I wasn't aware they considered a dirt coloration as white. |
Re: Has StormFront changed the Mod issue yet? | I have been at this forum for a long time, my details showing it or not, and have noticed many people here as respected Wn publicly sympathizing antis' and jews. I am compiling a grand thread titled: Truth Revealed :rofl Release is set for sometime in October. |
EXPLODING GADGETS -- IT'S NOT JUST LAPTOPS | Thursday, it was Apple's turn in the doghouse. The company announced it was recalling nearly 2 million laptop computer batteries out of concern that they may overheat and catch fire. Last week, you'll recall, Dell recalled 4.1 million laptop batteries. No surprise here. The computers use essentially the same batteries, which are manufactured by Sony. http://redtape.msnbc.com/2006/08/exp...dge.html#posts |
Re: Sustaining Member Program | I will be donating $15 this month. I will also be adding Support Stormfront/ Sustaining member link in my signature when one is allowed. Great forum Don! You show us the spirit is alive and well. |
Re: Stop Educating our enemies, let's be pro active | Great point, that is what I can't understand about the opposing views section. Some people seem to love educating non-whites . I say the less they know the better off we are. |
Re: Scary Movies | Shouldn't this be in the movie section of the forum? :rolleyes: |
Antis: why do you oppose WN self-determination | This is a serious question for antis who lurk here. First of all, taking the example of the northwest front (a region that is mainly white, to which WN would migrate and create their own white state or nation) if this was done peacefully, with all non whites repatriated non violently and maybe even compensated for any losses, all the people in the region wanted an independent white nation (just as you may support a jewish or arab nation in the middle east) would you oppose that? If you would, why would you oppose it specifically? If you would oppose it, in what way would you oppose it? How would you prevent WN's from acheiving independence in any hypothetical region? Say a WN party was voted into power in one state (I don't know much about US politics, I'm just assuming the majority here will be American so can relate better to this) and the majority voted democratically and peacefully to seceede as a white nationalist state or nation, how would you prevent it? Send in the army? Redraw the voting lines until you had the result you required? Or even create an army of volunteers as in the Spanish/ russian civil war? Lastly, if you were a communist dictator with absolute power, what would you do with WN's? In all honesty? Education camps? Forced integration? What if these didn't work and someone stuck to their racial beliefs, would you imprison them indefinately? Or use the death penalty as per USSR etc? |
Re: What would you do to mixed race couples? | Hi, having an originally ethnicaly Chinese girlfriend I thought this would be an interesting question to ask. What would you (members of Stormfront), or your ideal political Party if in power, with judicial backing, do to mixed race couples/relationships etc if you had the power? Thanks. If we had a White Nation then they would be deported, if you wanted to be with her you would have to move to China. But fear not, all non-whites are extremely open and kind and anti-racist, you'd be welcomed with open arms then and treated like a brother! :D |
Re: Jessica Alba, DNA, And Her Stupidity. | Someone who is 75% Swedish and 25% Amerindian will obviously appear whiter than someone who is 85% Spanish and 15% Amerindian. I'm personally not fully convinced about the whiteness of Greece, Italy, Spain, and Ireland. Their second world economies indicate they are nations that need a good pruning, meaning they need to hang some criminals and sterilize a fair amount of degenerates. Greece, Spain and Ireland were subject to heavy colonialism which sets the nation back. Economies are more dependent on natural resources, none of the above have much mineral wealth or oil. I don't know if a nations GDP is a good indicator of whiteness particularly, otherwise Qatar should have its own section on SF! List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Greece, Italy and Spain probably have some blood of the Turks and Moors respectively, but Ireland was one of the whitest nations on earth up until fairly recently, with over 95% white population. The population is mostly r1b which is basically the celtic race. Ireland was never subject to many jewish immigrants even under the British Empire (and we kicked them out as soon as the Free State was declared. I call it the Irish Inquisition, like the Spaniards who turfed out the Muslims and jews, except there were only about 5 of them here!) :D But still they have all done fairly well in the circumstances, Greece fought off the massive Ottoman Empire (and had previously established the Byzantine Kingom, the Italians had the Roman Empire, Ireland at times held her own against the largest empire in the World). |
Guitar Hero and Rock Band Saving White Culture | First of all, since this is a guest-only forum I figure no one, except people who are gluttons for punishment, actually read this board. Sorry I'm not inclined to join your community but I prefer anonymity. http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Musi...sic/index.html If you've ever played air guitar, more than likely, you weren't doing it to a Michael Jackson song. You were doing it to an Aerosmith song, CNN tacitly acknowledges that these video games are pulling kids out of the quagmire of ubiquitous urban music which has been befouling our public airwaves for more than a decade. Here's to a potential renaissance of good music that's more than shouting 'mοthеrfuсkеr' and 'skeet skeet skeet'. |
Re: Question to Japanese and East Asians | invite many more like minded East Asians here (stormfront) it will make us look more mainstream and give us support as I know that your people share a fond fascination of our true culture as we do yours Granted.:D |
SF's General Policy : Shoot first,ask questions second | Now I want to ask the MODs in SF, is it your policy to shoot first and ask question second ? I registered recently under my native language as 中華戰鴿, but my account was disabled as soon as I made my first post, the reason being your screen name might violate SF's guidelines. Did the mods check what does it means first before deciding to just ban me, or is it that participant of other races are not welcomed here, despite the fact that OV is supposed to be a forum for people of all races. |
Re: A suggestion from a non white | Obviously your question is invalid to any persons of a racialist outlook, of any race. I recognize women of others races are attractive but do not find them suitable for procreation. I recognize white children and admire them for their potential and intrinsic relation to myself and what my body is capable of. I respect the idea of liberalized homogeneous states and not soon to be racial melting pots disguised as the multicult. |
Re: Do I belong here? Asians and whites. | They are the most similar to the white race for sure, not just with light skin color but intelligence and honour. But we are too different to live among each other, that much should be obvious from either perspective. And for their sake alone do not have mixed race children, life will be hard for them because even if they cannot admit it most white people (even their own extended family) will view them as foreign, and its ten times worse for whites in asia. I don't see why after the revolution we can't have tourist areas, to learn about other cultures, but mxiing does not work and never will. |
Re: What is Scientology? | Do you know if they have any racial motivations/ideologies? Yup, multiculturalism just isn't enough for them, they also believe in some galactic confederacy.. Reminds me of the film independence day where the hippies with their 'welcome aliens' banners got zapped! :D |
Re: A suggestion from a non white | Thanks for your post. The point Im making is if we can get away with being racist to white people in their own land like this couldnt you racists return the favour by shrouding your racism by saying you prefer to marry whites only because of your culture and heritage? That way you get what you want by not mixing and dont even get called racist. I didnt intend for this post to be so long thanks for reading. One problem is we are still left with non whites in our nations, and hiding our true feelings only drives us further underground. The only reason non-whites in the UK feel the need to hide their true feelings is because they live in a (only just) majority white country, in India I don't think they have such liberal bull, in fact many are openly and proudly racist and religiously bigoted, mostly of course the Hindu majority against the christian minority. And I have no problem with that, Christianity was imposed on you against your will, why should you tolerate its contuinued existence in your country? |
national socialism not only for the white | i am a girl from china when i was 14 years old,i began to read the book 'will to power' i was impressed deeply and inspired by the ideal of superman i red a lot of book written by F,N,after a few years later i realized it was Adolf Hitler who turned this ideal into reality. his actions,his determination,shown me what the highest virtue a leader should have. however,i hate the government of china,i think the way they treats chinese is not the worse thing,but their mental condition,their corruption. i love my land,i think national socialism is not only for the white i know a lot white people think bad about china,i really want to say our chinese have thoughts ,not every chinese always bears lies from governments of every countries,including chinese government. sorry for my poor english writting. |
HU Jintao's scientific development, history determinism?duplicity?bravado? | The commie boss of China Hu Jintao, delivers a keynote speech at a senior course for ministerial officials and provincial heads at the CPC Central Committee's Party School in Beijing, capital of China, on June 25, 2007. Hu once again stressed the importance of implementing the scientific concept of development, promoting social harmony and building an overall well-off society, ahead of the 17th national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) later this year. Scientific development,um! But without open debates, it is hard to be scientific even if it can be. Hu's outdated philosophy is far different from those of most Chinese. He thinks this is a scientific phenomenon?! He,however, is only bluffing.Never be serious about it! |
Say no to the 2008 Beijing Olympics! | The invested interests spend so much national wealth in preparing the Olympic Games to blandish the international, launch so much propaganda about the 2008 Olympics to gloss over official corruption and social inequality! At the last National People's Congress session, China's Wen wowed discretionarily for the Chinese's enthusiasm for the 2008 Olympics - ignoring the voices of naysayers. Many feel the GDP comes from inflation. houses and food are all more expensive. China is falling into the capitalism seen in the 1800s, before the October Revolution. Most recent and upcoming college graduates from all over China squash in fancy metropolises, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc, while other provinces remain stagnant. Next spring, Chinese colleges and universities expect a record 4.95 million graduates, up 820,000 from this year. More than a million of them will wind up jobless, according to estimates. The proportion of people's salaries to GDP has been falling year after year.The M2/GDP ratio is unusually high, 200% in 2005.All money is the ruling group's money,all hardship is the mass's hardship.Fight ,or die! Terrible idea. Please think of the athletes? Some athletes,poor kids,just run a risk for money at the expense of life,health! Look forward to a better world. We should be embracing China at every possible opportunity. What possible bad could come from befriending such a massive power? Don't think China is going into capitalism at all.It is an officialdom-economy.And the Stalinists won't change its autarchy without pressure. No participate in the 2008 Beijing Olympics! No watch the games! No buy the mementos! If you come to Beijing to see the games,wear a T-shirt bearing the logo above at least? http://www.youchoose.net/campaign/sa...ijing_olympics http://www.thepetitionsite.com/4/boy...ijing-olympics |
White inferiority? | Hello Stormfront, Bit of a preface: I'm a white university student who is anything but a brainwashed leftist. This place has interested me in a while, because my views on immigration, crime and personal liberties overlap with much of the userbase. Yet I can never bring myself to embrace white nationalism because such collective pride comes off as an unnecessary crutch for weaklings more than anything else. I place emphasis upon recognizing the danger of certain minority groups instead of glorifying a white history that none of us have made any earth-shaking contributions to. Don't get me wrong, I'm awesome--but that is due more to me being a brilliant and motivated individual than the color of my skin. I have plenty of racemates who are slightly less urbane, to say the least. Anyway, I've been living in Japan for quite a few months now and I've enjoyed every day here so far. Whether you'd like to admit it or not, I've come to the conclusion that the average person here is simply more civilized than the typical white American. Educated, fit, fashionable and polite. Not nearly as prone to emotional outbursts or outright violence, unlike some fine Aryan men I know back home. There's traditions and ceremonies, but no all-permeating religious mindset that turns the culture away from reason. Compare this level of development to the throughly-Christianized white Midwest, and the difference is night and day. Now, white inferiority is a bit of a lead-on. If I don't base my personal superiority on my skin color, I'm not about to judge every last one of you because of yours. However, after my experience in both nations, I can't help but guffaw at some of you pot-bellied bottomdwellers and your delusions, when it is strikingly obvious that non-whites have crafted a prosperous, orderly and logical society that would place you right at the bottom of their totem pole. So, what are your thoughts on Japan? Western society has obviously been the shining beacon of progress and reason throughout history, but I'm more interested in seeing how you , oh glorious white brothers and sisters, can claim to be a refined individual comparable to our yellow friends overseas. |
Re: The Japanese Obsession... | The Asian obsession phenomenon very directly pertains to my reason for joining Stormfront. I'll prepare a statement on this as soon as I can. I'm Chinese, not Japanese, but I've noticed that its Asians in general that seem to be the focal point. |
Re: A question for our White Mexican friends | Maybe you had something in your face!? See, everything is explained. And here you we're feeling all special! |
Re: Jews and Asians are really superior | Well, the Future is Asia..there is nothing we can do about it, just see how fast China's economy is growing, its almost going to replace the U.S. plus there is S.Korea and Japan.. The future is ASIA! |
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