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Most popular social networks of female beauty consumers in the United States as of August 2016 | This statistic presents the reach of the most popular social networks among female beauty consumers in the United States as of August 2016 . During the survey period , 62 percent of respondents had an Instagram account . | [['Response', 'Percentage of respondents'], ['Facebook', '93%'], ['Pinterest', '73%'], ['YouTube', '63%'], ['Twitter', '63%'], ['Instagram', '62%'], ['LinkedIn', '36%'], ['Snapchat', '32%'], ['Etsy', '31%'], ['Sephora Community', '25%'], ['WhatsApp', '11%']] |
Crude birth rate in France , from 1800 to 2020 | In France , the crude birth rate in 1800 was 29.4 live births per thousand people , meaning that 2.9 percent of the population had been born in that year . In the first half of the nineteenth century France 's crude birth rate dropped from it 's highest recorded level of 29.4 in 1800 , to 21.9 by 1850 . In the second half of the 1800s the crude birth rate rose again , to 25.5 in 1875 , as the Second Republic and Second Empire were established , which was a time of economic prosperity and the modernization of the country . From then until 1910 there was a gradual decline , until the First World War caused a huge decline , resulting in a record low crude birth rate of 13.3 by 1920 ( the figures for individual years fell even lower than this ) . The figure then bounced back in the early 1920s , before then falling again until the Second World War . After the war , France experienced a baby boom , where the crude birth rate reached 22.2 , before it dropped again until the 1980s , and since then it has declined slowly . The crude birth rate of France is expected to reach a new , record low of 11.2 in 2020 . | [['Year', 'Crude birth rate'], ['2020', '11.2'], ['2015', '12.3'], ['2010', '12.8'], ['2005', '12.9'], ['2000', '12.7'], ['1995', '12.8'], ['1990', '13.7'], ['1985', '14.2'], ['1980', '13.8'], ['1975', '16.1'], ['1970', '17.2'], ['1965', '18.3'], ['1960', '18.2'], ['1955', '19.1'], ['1950', '22.24'], ['1945', '15.14'], ['1940', '14.53'], ['1935', '16.48'], ['1930', '18.19'], ['1925', '19.34'], ['1920', '13.28'], ['1915', '17.25'], ['1910', '19.89'], ['1905', '21.25'], ['1900', '21.89'], ['1895', '22.33'], ['1890', '23.04'], ['1885', '24.69'], ['1880', '25.33'], ['1875', '25.54'], ['1870', '23.9'], ['1865', '22.96'], ['1860', '23.82'], ['1855', '23.08'], ['1850', '21.86'], ['1845', '23.01'], ['1840', '23.92'], ['1835', '24.47'], ['1830', '24.96'], ['1825', '25.36'], ['1820', '25.68'], ['1815', '25.88'], ['1810', '26.68'], ['1805', '28.38'], ['1800', '29.4']] |
In your opinion , will the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) outbreak harm the Russian economy as a whole , and if so , to what extent ? | Over 95 percent of Russian business managing representatives stated that the coronavirus spread in the country would lead to strong or rather strong damages to the national economy , while the share of those with positive prospects was represented by a minority . For further information about the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) pandemic , please visit our dedicated Facts and Figures page . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['Will damage strongly', '69%'], ['Will harm rather strongly', '27%'], ['Will harm, but rather unsignificantly', '2%'], ['Will not harm at all or to a very little extent', '1%'], ['Difficult to answer', '1%']] |
Share of adults with a subscription to Philo with live TV in the United States as of May 2020 | Awareness of TV streaming site Philo with live TV is low among adults in the United States , with 60 percent of respondents having never heard of the platform as of May 2020 . Although 34 percent of those surveyed had heard of the service but never subscribed , just two percent currently subscribed to Philo . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['I currently subscribe', '2%'], ['I currently share a password on this account', '1%'], ['I have subscribed in the past, but not now', '3%'], ['I have heard of this, but never subscribed', '34%'], ['I have never heard of this', '60%']] |
Countries projected to have the lowest median age in 2050 | This statistic shows the countries with the lowest projected median age in 2050 . By 2050 , Niger is projected to have the population with the lowest median age at 19 years old . | [['Country', 'Median age'], ['Niger', '19.0'], ['Somalia', '20.5'], ['Angola', '20.7'], ['Mali', '21.5'], ['Chad', '22.0'], ['Democratic Republic of the Congo', '22.1'], ['United Republic of Tanzania', '22.3'], ['Nigeria', '22.4'], ['Burundi', '22.7'], ['Burkina Faso', '22.7'], ['Zambia', '22.8'], ['Mozambique', '22.9'], ["Cote d'Ivoire", '23.1'], ['Benin', '23.3'], ['Gambia', '23.5'], ['Congo', '23.6'], ['Cameroon', '24.0'], ['Central African Republic', '24.0'], ['Guinea', '24.0'], ['Senegal', '24.1'], ['Malawi', '24.4'], ['South Sudan', '24.4'], ['Sao Tome and Principe', '24.4'], ['Togo', '24.4'], ['Guinea-Bissau', '24.6']] |
Total area of peas for combining in hectares in the United Kingdom ( UK ) as of June 2017 , by country | This statistic shows the total area of peas for combining in hectares in the United Kingdom ( UK ) as of June 2017 , by country . During this period there were approximately 39 thousand hectares of peas grown in England . | [['nation within the UK', 'Area in hectares'], ['Scotland', '714'], ['England', '39150'], ['United Kingdom', '40065']] |
The 10 most valuable corporate brands in China in 2018 ( in billion euros ) | This statistic presents the most valuable corporate brands in China in 2018 , as ranked by the European Brand Institute . The most valuable corporate Chinese brand of 2019 was Alibaba Group with a brand value of over 53.7 billion euros . Tencent came as second with 45.4 billion euros . | [['Brand corporation', 'Brand value in billion euros'], ['Alibaba Group (retail)', '53.73'], ['Tencent/QQ (IT & technology)', '45.4'], ['ICBC (financial services)', '29.84'], ['China Construction Bank (financial services)', '29.55'], ['Pingan Insurance (financial services)', '28.54'], ['Agricultural Bank of China (financial services)', '25.1'], ['Bank of China (financial services)', '23.94'], ['Huawei (IT & technology)', '23.43'], ['China Life Insurance (financial services)', '22.62'], ['Baidu (IT & technology)', '16.51']] |
Niger : Gross domestic product ( GDP ) in current prices from 1984 to 2021 ( in billion international dollars ) | The statistic shows gross domestic product ( GDP ) in Niger from 1984 to 2018 , with projections up until 2021 . Gross domestic product ( GDP ) denotes the aggregate value of all services and goods produced within a country in any given year . GDP is an important indicator of a country 's economic power . In 2018 , Niger 's gross domestic product amounted to around 32.19 billion international dollars . | [['Year', 'Gross domestic product in billion international dollars'], ['2021*', '38.81'], ['2020*', '35.21'], ['2019*', '34.66'], ['2018', '32.19'], ['2017', '29.37'], ['2016', '27.45'], ['2015', '25.71'], ['2014', '24.38'], ['2013', '22.46'], ['2012', '20.91'], ['2011', '18.55'], ['2010', '17.75'], ['2009', '16.18'], ['2008', '15.77'], ['2007', '14.35'], ['2006', '13.56'], ['2005', '12.43'], ['2004', '11.25'], ['2003', '10.92'], ['2002', '10.46'], ['2001', '9.83'], ['2000', '8.98'], ['1999', '8.88'], ['1998', '8.76'], ['1997', '7.88'], ['1996', '7.63'], ['1995', '7.47'], ['1994', '7.15'], ['1993', '6.88'], ['1992', '6.7'], ['1991', '6.42'], ['1990', '6.22'], ['1989', '6.07'], ['1988', '5.79'], ['1987', '5.23'], ['1986', '5.1'], ['1985', '4.7'], ['1984', '4.23']] |
Percentage of U.S. middle and high school students who were cyber bullied as of April 2019 , by type of cyber bullying | This statistic presents the percentage of middle and high school students in the United States who were cyber bullied , divided by the type of cyber bullying endured . During the April 2019 survey , 10.1 percent of cyber bullying victims had been impersonated online during the last 30 days . Cyber bullying includes unwanted contact by threatening or insulting the respondent via digital communications as well as sharing private information online . Overall , 36.5 percent of U.S. middle and high school students have ever been cyber bullied . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['I have been cyber bullied', '17.4%'], ['Mean or hurtful comments online', '24.9%'], ['Rumors online', '22.2%'], ['Threatened to hurt me through a cell phone text', '12.2%'], ['Posted mean names or comments online about me with a sexual meaning', '12%'], ['Threatened to hurt me online', '11.7%'], ['Posted a mean or hurtful picture online of me', '10.8%'], ['Pretended to be me online', '10.1%'], ['Posted mean names or comments about my race or color', '9.5%'], ['Posted a mean or hurtful video online of me', '7.1%'], ['Posten mean names or comments online about my religion', '6.7%'], ['Created a mean or hurtful web page about me', '6.4%'], ['One or more of above, two or more times', '30.1%']] |
Manufacturer sales of mobile phones in the United Kingdom ( UK ) from 2008 to 2013 ( in million GBP ) | The statistic illustrates the manufacturer sales of mobile phones in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2013 . In 2008 , the UK manufacturer sales of mobile and satellite phones amounted to 111.33 million GBP . This statistic includes telephones for cellular networks and for other wireless networks and satellite phones . | [['Year', 'Manufacturer sales in million GBP'], ['2013', '81.51'], ['2012', '83.09'], ['2011', '71.05'], ['2010', '71.34'], ['2009', '77.98'], ['2008', '111.33']] |
Monthly change in nonfarm payroll employment in the United States in November 2020 , by industry sector ( in 1,000s ) | In November 2020 , employment in education and health services increased by roughly 54,000 in the United States . The data are seasonally adjusted . According to the BLS , the data is derived from the Current Employment Statistics ( CES ) program which surveys about 140,000 businesses and government agencies each month , representing approximately 440,000 individual worksites , in order to provide detailed industry data on employment . | [['industry sector', 'Over-the-month change in thousands'], ['Transportation and warehousing', '145.0'], ['Professional and business services', '60.0'], ['Education and health services', '54.0'], ['Leisure and hospitality', '31.0'], ['Construction', '27.0'], ['Manufacturing', '27.0'], ['Financial activities', '15.0'], ['Wholesale trade', '10.4'], ['Other services', '7.0'], ['Mining and logging', '1.0'], ['Information', '1.0'], ['Utilities', '-0.1'], ['Retail trade', '-34.7'], ['Government', '-99.0']] |
Per capita personal income in Kentucky from 2000 to 2019 ( in current U.S. dollars ) | This statistic shows the per capita personal income in Kentucky from 2000 to 2019 . In 2019 , the per capita personal income in Kentucky was 43,770 U.S. dollars . Personal income is the income that is received by persons from all sources . | [['Year', 'Income in U.S. dollars'], ["'19", '43770'], ["'18", '42338'], ["'17", '40904'], ["'16", '39754'], ["'15", '39199'], ["'14", '37585'], ["'13", '35921'], ["'12", '35754'], ["'11", '34624'], ["'10", '33141'], ["'09", '32157'], ["'08", '32757'], ["'07", '31615'], ["'06", '30543'], ["'05", '29110'], ["'04", '27989'], ["'03", '26624'], ["'02", '26057'], ["'01", '25609'], ["'00", '24894']] |
Suzuki GSXR 600 registered motorcycle numbers in Great Britain from 2000 to 2018 | This statistic shows the total number of registered Suzuki GSXR 600 model motorcycles in Great Britain between 2000 and 2018 . The number of Suzuki GSXR 600 in Great Britain peaked at slightly over fourteen thousand units in 2008 , before decreasing by nearly half until 2018 . | [['Year', 'Number of registered motorcycles'], ['2018', '7024'], ['2017', '7622'], ['2016', '8389'], ['2015', '8888'], ['2014', '9241'], ['2013', '9716'], ['2012', '10534'], ['2011', '11545'], ['2010', '12733'], ['2009', '13597'], ['2008', '14072'], ['2007', '13956'], ['2006', '13224'], ['2005', '12325'], ['2004', '11616'], ['2003', '10203'], ['2002', '8284'], ['2001', '6210'], ['2000', '4746']] |
Number of movie theaters operated by AMC Theatres worldwide from 2013 to 2019 | In 2019 , AMC Theatres operated 1,004 theatres worldwide . The company is the market leader in both the United States and Europe , and operated over 11 thousand screens in 15 countries , including more than 630 theaters in the United States and close to 2.94 thousand screens in European markets and Saudi Arabia . | [['Year', 'Number of theaters'], ['2019', '1004'], ['2018', '1006'], ['2017', '1014'], ['2016*', '906'], ['2015', '387'], ['2014', '346'], ['2013', '345']] |
France foreign direct investment outflow from 2011 to 2018 ( in billion euros ) | Since 2014 , the amount of foreign direct investment outflow in France has increased , while fluctuating in 2017 , and reached more than 86 billion euros in 2018 . In other words , there were over 86 billion euros invested from France in foreign countries in a direct manner , meaning that these investments are linked to an ownership or a business from France . The main countries in which French investments went were located in the European Union : about 33.4 billion euros were destined to EU-member countries , among which 22.5 billion euros to countries within the Eurozone as of 2017 ( stat 468610 ) . | [['Year', 'Investments in billion euros'], ['2018', '86.8'], ['2017', '36.6'], ['2016', '58.6'], ['2015', '48.0'], ['2014', '37.5'], ['2013', '15.3'], ['2012', '27.6'], ['2011', '37.0']] |
Number of young unemployed people worldwide from 2009 to 2014 up to 2019 ( in millions ) | The statistic shows the number of young unemployed people worldwide from 2009 to 2014 up to 2019 . In 2012 , there were approximately 74.01 million unemployed young people worldwide . | [['Year', 'Young unemployed people in millions'], ['2019**', '73.13'], ['2018**', '73.21'], ['2017**', '73.32'], ['2016**', '73.55'], ['2015**', '73.78'], ['2014*', '73.67'], ['2013', '73.74'], ['2012', '74.01'], ['2011', '74.13'], ['2010', '75.44'], ['2009', '76.46']] |
Revenue of the Philadelphia 76ers from 2001/02 to 2018/19 ( in million U.S. dollars ) | The statistic shows the revenue of the Philadelphia 76ers franchise from the 2001/02 season to the 2018/19 season . In 2018/19 , the estimated revenue of the National Basketball Association franchise amounted to 300 million U.S. dollars . | [['Year', 'Revenue in million U.S. dollars'], ['18/19', '300'], ['17/18', '268'], ['16/17', '184'], ['15/16', '140'], ['14/15', '124'], ['13/14', '125'], ['12/13', '117'], ['11/12', '107'], ['10/11', '116'], ['09/10', '110'], ['08/09', '115'], ['07/08', '116'], ['06/07', '112'], ['05/06', '110'], ['04/05', '110'], ['03/04', '107'], ['02/03', '109'], ['01/02', '106']] |
Oman : Fertility rate from 2008 to 2018 | This statistic shows the fertility rate in Oman from 2008 to 2018 . The fertility rate is the average number of children born by one woman while being of child-bearing age . In 2018 , the fertility rate in Oman amounted to 2.89 children per woman . | [['Year', 'Number of children born per woman'], ['2018', '2.89'], ['2017', '2.92'], ['2016', '2.94'], ['2015', '2.94'], ['2014', '2.93'], ['2013', '2.91'], ['2012', '2.9'], ['2011', '2.88'], ['2010', '2.87'], ['2009', '2.87'], ['2008', '2.87']] |
Global consumer interactions with retail brands on social media as of September 2014 | This statistic illustrates common consumer interactions with brands on social media as of September 2014 . During the survey period , it was found that 15 percent of global consumers had liked and shared retail brand products on social media . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['Followed some of my favorite brands or retailers', '34%'], ['Discovered brands I did not know or brands in which I developed a particular interest', '28%'], ["Researched a brand including reading others' feedback", '27%'], ['Provided positive or negative comments about my experience with a product or brand', '23%'], ['Viewed videos about the brand/product', '21%'], ['Liked and shared products', '15%'], ['Connected to people like me who like a brand', '8%'], ['Purchased directly from social media', '7%'], ['None of the above', '32%']] |
Percentage of U.S. adults who use Reddit as of February 2019 , by annual household income ( in U.S. dollars ) | This statistic shows the share of adults in the United States who were using Reddit as of February 2019 , sorted by income . During that period of time , 9 percent of respondents earning 30,000 U.S. dollars or less used the social networking site . | [['Household Income', 'Reach'], ['Under $30,000', '6%'], ['$30,000-$74,999', '14%'], ['$75,000+', '15%']] |
Most popular blog content formats according to bloggers worldwide as of September 2019 | During a 2019 survey of bloggers , 77 percent of respondents claimed to have published a how-to-article within the past 12 months , making how-to-articles the most popular blog content format . News and trend articles were ranked second , with 49 percent of responding bloggers stating that they had published content in this segment in the past year . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['How-to-articles', '77%'], ['News and trends', '49%'], ['Guides and e-books', '47%'], ['Opinion', '44%'], ['Interviews', '41%'], ['Original research', '35%'], ['Gated content', '32%'], ['Infographics', '30%'], ['Roundup', '29%']] |
Leading 20 countries based on suicide mortality rate in 2016 ( per 100 000 population ) | The countries with the highest suicide mortality rate worldwide include Lithuania , Russia , Guyana , and South Korea . Suicide rates of men are much higher than among women in many countries . Unsurprisingly , Lithuania , the country with the highest overall suicide rate , has the highest suicide rate for men . However , South Korea reports the highest suicide rate for women , with a significantly higher rate than Japan , the country with the second highest rate for women . | [['Country', 'Suicide mortality rate per 100 000 population'], ['Lithuania', '31.9'], ['Russian Federation', '31.0'], ['Guyana', '29.2'], ['Republic of Korea', '26.9'], ['Belarus', '26.2'], ['Suriname', '22.8'], ['Kazakhstan', '22.5'], ['Ukraine', '22.4'], ['Latvia', '21.2'], ['Belgium', '20.7'], ['Hungary', '19.1'], ['Slovenia', '18.6'], ['Japan', '18.5'], ['Uruguay', '18.4'], ['Estonia', '17.8'], ['France', '17.7'], ['Switerland', '17.2'], ['Croatia', '16.5'], ['Equatorial Guinea', '16.4'], ['India', '16.3']] |
Number of merger and acquisition ( M & A ) transactions in the United Kingdom ( UK ) from 2015 to 2022 , by activity | This statistic displays the number of merger and acquisitions ( M & A ) transactions in the United Kingdom ( UK ) between 2015 and 2019 with a forecast up until 2022 , by domestic and cross-border transactions . For both domestic and cross-border , the number of merger and acquisition ( M & A ) transactions are estimated to fluctuate overall towards 2022 . | [['Year', 'Domestic', 'Cross-Border'], ['2022*', '1981', '1062'], ['2021*', '1960', '983'], ['2020*', '1803', '892'], ['2019', '1708', '962'], ['2018', '2204', '1142'], ['2017', '1838', '1099'], ['2016', '1337', '1026'], ['2015', '1461', '1036']] |
Crude oil imports to Canada in 2019 , by region of origin ( in million metric tons ) | In 2019 , Canada imported 24.2 million metric tons of crude oil from the United States , which was the largest quantity Canada imported from of any country . | [['Country', 'Imports in million metric tons'], ['United States', '24.2'], ['Saudi Arabia', '5.1'], ['West Africa', '1.1'], ['Europe', '0.9'], ['Russia', '0.9'], ['CIS (excluding Russia)*', '0.3'], ['South and Central America', '0.2'], ['North Africa', '0.1'], ['Total', '32.9']] |
Freight traffic in China from 1980 to 2018 by transport carrier ( in million metric tons ) | The timeline shows freight traffic in China from 1980 to 2018 , by transport carrier . In 2018 , about 7.7 million metric tons were carried by air freight . | [['Year', 'Rail', 'Road', 'Water', 'Air', 'Pipeline'], ['2018', '4026.31', '39568.71', '7026.84', '7.7', '898.07'], ['2017', '3688.65', '36868.58', '6678.46', '7.06', '805.76'], ['2016', '3331.86', '33412.59', '6382.38', '6.68', '734.11'], ['2015', '3358.01', '31500.19', '6135.67', '6.29', '758.7'], ['2014', '3813.34', '31133.34', '5982.83', '5.94', '737.52'], ['2013', '3966.97', '30766.48', '5597.85', '5.61', '652.09'], ['2012', '3904.38', '31884.75', '4587.05', '5.45', '622.74'], ['2011', '3932.63', '28201.0', '4259.68', '5.58', '570.73'], ['2010', '3642.71', '24480.52', '3789.49', '5.63', '499.72'], ['2005', '2692.96', '13417.78', '2196.48', '3.07', '310.37'], ['2000', '1785.81', '10388.13', '1223.91', '1.97', '187.0'], ['1995', '1659.82', '9403.87', '1131.94', '1.01', '152.74'], ['1990', '1506.81', '7240.4', '800.94', '0.37', '157.5'], ['1985', '1307.09', '5380.62', '633.22', '0.2', '136.5'], ['1980', '1112.79', '3820.48', '426.76', '0.09', '105.25']] |
Proportion of businesses using enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) software in the United Kingdom ( UK ) from 2011 to 2013 , by size | This statistic displays the share of businesses using ERP software in the United Kingdom from 2011 to 2013 , by business size . In 2013 , roughly 65.6 percent of businesses with over 1000 employees used the software . | [['Year', '2011', '2012', '2013'], ['10-49 employees', '5.6%', '6.9%', '7.1%'], ['50-249 employees', '22.9%', '23.4%', '29.5%'], ['250-999 employees', '43.4%', '47.6%', '52.6%'], ['1000+ employees', '57.5%', '59.7%', '65.6%']] |
Return on equity ( RoE ) of the Royal Bank of Scotland from 2012 to 2019 | This statistic illustrates the development of the Royal Bank of Scotland ( RBS ) return on equity ratio ( profitability measure ) from 2012 to 2019 . During this period of time , the return on equity ratio has fluctuated with an overall increase . In 2019 , the Royal Bank of Scotland presented the highest return on equity ratio , with a total value of 9.6 percent . | [['Year', 'Return on equity*'], ['2019', '9.6%'], ['2018', '24.3%'], ['2017', '23.7%'], ['2016', '16.2%'], ['2015', '11.7%'], ['2014', '17.5%'], ['2013', '-5.7%'], ['2012', '-3.1%']] |
Number of enterprises in the manufacture of glass and glass products industry in Croatia from 2008 to 2017 | This statistic shows the number of enterprises in the manufacture of glass and glass products industry in Croatia from 2008 to 2017 . In 2017 , there were 140 enterprises manufacturing glass and glass products in Croatia . | [['Year', 'Number of enterprises'], ['2017', '140'], ['2016', '142'], ['2015', '145'], ['2014', '145'], ['2013', '158'], ['2012', '160'], ['2011', '163'], ['2010', '169'], ['2009', '173'], ['2008', '171']] |
Number of deaths caused by majors droughts worldwide from 1900 to 2016 | This statistic illustrates deaths due to drought worldwide from 1900 to 2016 . The dry period of April 1983 in Sudan caused around 150,000 deaths . | [['Major drought', 'Number of deaths'], ['China (1928)', '3000000'], ['Bangladesh (1943)', '1900000'], ['India (1942)', '1500000'], ['India (1965)', '1500000'], ['India (1900)', '1250000'], ['Soviet Union (1921)', '1200000'], ['China (1920)', '500000'], ['Ethiopia (May 1983)', '300000'], ['Sudan, (April 1983)', '150000'], ['Ethiopia (December 1973)', '100000']] |
Average number of books read by French people within a year in 2019 | This graph illustrates the results of a survey regarding the reading habits of the French in 2019 . The results of this study show that about 23 percent of respondents said they were `` casual readers '' , meaning that they had read between one and four books in the 12 months preceding the survey . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['Great reader (20+ books)', '31%'], ['Average reader (5 to 19 books)', '39%'], ['Casual reader (from 1 to 4 books)', '23%'], ['Non-reader (0 book)', '8%']] |
Top donors to Hillary Clinton 's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign committee as of August , 2016 ( in U.S. dollars ) | This statistic shows the top donors to Hillary Clinton 's campaign committee in the 2016 U.S. presidential election . As of August , 2016 , around 739,097 U.S. dollars was contributed to Hillary Clinton 's campaign committee by the University of California . | [["Top donors to Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign committee", 'Amount contributed in U.S. dollars'], ['University of California', '739097'], ['Alphabet Inc', '673636'], ["EMILY's List", '497399'], ['Morgan & Morgan', '415209'], ['Harvard University', '415161'], ['Stanford University', '375092'], ['Morgan Stanley', '345705'], ['Time Warner', '338247'], ['JPMorgan Chase & Co', '328557'], ['US Government', '325775'], ['DISH Network', '325722'], ['Akin, Gump et al', '321605'], ['US Dept of State', '319247'], ['Paul, Weiss et al', '319234'], ['Microsoft Corp', '310095'], ['Skadden, Arps et al', '300552'], ['DLA Piper', '288137'], ['Kirkland & Ellis', '283838'], ['Columbia University', '270946'], ['Comcast Corp', '269032']] |
Revenue of Converse worldwide from 2010 to 2020 ( in million U.S. dollars ) | This statistic depicts the revenue of Nike 's affiliate brand , Converse , worldwide from 2010 to 2020 . In 2020 , the global revenue of Converse amounted to about 1.85 billion U.S. dollars . | [['Year', 'Revenue in million U.S. dollars'], ['2020', '1846'], ['2019', '1906'], ['2018', '1886'], ['2017', '2042'], ['2016', '1955'], ['2015', '1982'], ['2014', '1684'], ['2013', '1449'], ['2012', '1324'], ['2011', '1131'], ['2010', '983']] |
Number of visits from overseas to the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games 2012 , by age and gender ( in 1,000s ) | This statistic presents the total number of visits by international tourists to the United Kingdom ( UK ) for the London Olympic Games and Paralympics in 2012 , by age and gender . In total , around 471,000 trips were made to the UK with the main purpose of going to the Olympic or Paralympic events . Of these , 81,000 visits were made by males aged between 35 and 44 . In comparison only 28,000 visits were made by females in the same age group . A higher number of 25 to 34 year old females visited the Games from overseas . Male visitors also tended to be higher than females among 45 to 54 year olds . This is also reflected in international tourist spending on the London Olympics , with males between the ages of 25 and 64 spending significantly more on visits for the Games than females of the same age . The Summer Olympic Games are a major international multi-sport event , held every four years in different city destinations worldwide . The Paralympic Games usually take place after the main Summer Olympic events , involving athletes with various disabilities . In 2012 , London hosted the Olympic Games for the third time , with a total budget of 11.3 billion British pounds ( or 17.7 billion U.S dollars ) . The main international visitors to arrive in the UK for the London Olympics came from France , the Netherlands and Germany . Visitors from the United States also made up a large proportion of visitors . | [['Year', 'Male', 'Female'], ['0-15', '14', '8'], ['16-24', '21', '26'], ['25-34', '71', '65'], ['35-44', '81', '28'], ['45-54', '66', '31'], ['55-64', '31', '12'], ['65+', '13', '4']] |
Number of Oscar winners in the category `` International Feature Film '' from 1948 to 2020 , by country | Since 1948 , 11 Italian films have won the Oscar in the International Feature Film category . The 2019 award was won by the Mexican movie , 'Roma ' _ , and in 2020 a South Korean movie won an Oscar in this category for the first time with 'Parasite ' _ . | [['Country', 'Number of Oscar winning countries'], ['Italy', '11'], ['France', '9'], ['Spain', '4'], ['Denmark', '3'], ['The Netherlands', '3'], ['Sweden', '3'], ['Soviet Union', '3'], ['Argentina', '2'], ['Austria', '2'], ['Czechoslovakia', '2'], ['Germany', '2'], ['Hungary', '2'], ['Iran', '2'], ['Switzerland', '2'], ['Algeria', '1'], ['Bosnia-Herzegovina', '1'], ['Canada', '1'], ['Chile', '1'], ['Czech Republic', '1'], ['West Germany', '1'], ['Ivory Coast', '1'], ['Japan', '1'], ['Poland', '1'], ['Russia', '1'], ['South Africa', '1'], ['Taiwan', '1'], ['Mexico', '1'], ['South Korea', '1']] |
Total deposit value at private banks across India between FY 2017 and FY 2019 ( in trillion Indian rupees ) | In fiscal year 2019 , the total value of deposits from all private Indian banks amounted to almost 38 trillion Indian rupees . This was an increase when compared to the previous fiscal year 's 32.6 trillion rupees worth of deposits . Overall , HDFC Bank had the highest amount of deposits amounting to over nine trillion rupees in fiscal year 2019 alone , followed by ICICI Bank and Axis Bank . | [['Fiscal years', 'Value in trillion Indian rupees'], ['FY 2019', '37.7'], ['FY 2018', '32.62'], ['FY 2017', '25.65']] |
Monthly sales of over-the-counter ( OTC ) drugs , vitamins , herbal remedies and other health supplements at large retailers in Canada from January 2015 to April 2019 ( in million Canadian dollars ) | This statistic shows the monthly sales of over-the-counter drugs , vitamins , herbal remedies and other health supplements at large retailers in Canada from 2015 to 2019 . Retail sales of over-the-counter drugs , vitamins , herbal remedies and other health supplements at large retailers in Canada amounted to approximately 129.52 million Canadian dollars in April 2019 . | [['Month', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019'], ['Dec', '190.41', '206.43', '130.03', '133.87', '-'], ['Nov', '180.77', '182.07', '124.77', '123.85', '-'], ['Oct', '200.88', '191.96', '131.53', '132.77', '-'], ['Sep', '185.57', '178.01', '122.94', '126.59', '-'], ['Aug', '179.13', '180.07', '122.21', '123.82', '-'], ['Jul', '183.58', '182.45', '121.93', '122.94', '-'], ['Jun', '175.28', '182.73', '120.7', '122.75', '-'], ['May', '173.58', '177.29', '118.65', '125.79', '-'], ['Apr', '166.46', '187.98', '119.04', '115.99', '129.52'], ['Mar', '175.44', '184.51', '123.37', '125.95', '125.53'], ['Feb', '177.87', '181.57', '114.96', '113.11', '114.58'], ['Jan', '200.76', '204.11', '131.55', '133.04', '137.53']] |
WhatsApp traffic volume in the view of the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) outbreak in Russia in March 2020 ( in 1,000 views ) | The coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) outbreak led to a significant traffic growth on most social media platforms in Russia . Whatsapp.com accounted for the largest traffic flow , by amounting to over 15 million users on March 17 , which was the highest mark throughout the observed period . For further information about the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) pandemic , please visit our dedicated Facts and Figures page . | [['Month', 'Traffic in thousand views'], ['Mar 2', '1370.3'], ['Mar 3', '1325.7'], ['Mar 9', '1138.8'], ['Mar 10', '1381.8'], ['Mar 16', '1444.1'], ['Mar 17', '1526.6']] |
Average ticket price New York Knicks games of the NBA from 2006/07 to 2015/16 ( in U.S. dollars ) | This graph depicts the average ticket price for New York Knicks games of the National Basketball Association from 2006/07 to 2015/16 . In the 2006/07 season , the average ticket price was 70.51 U.S. dollars . With an average price of more than 120 U.S. dollars , tickets for New York Knicks games are the most expensive in the league . | [['Year', 'Average ticket price in U.S. dollars'], ['2015/16', '129.38'], ['2014/15', '129.38'], ['2013/14', '129.38'], ['2012/13', '123.22'], ['2011/12', '117.47'], ['2010/11', '88.66'], ['2009/10', '68.04'], ['2008/09', '70.51'], ['2007/08', '70.51'], ['2006/07', '70.51']] |
Average number of daily comments on brand posts on Facebook as of July 2018 , by vertical | This statistic presents the average number of daily user comments on brand posts on Facebook as of July 2018 , broken down by vertical . According to Brandwatch , leading consumer technology brands generated an average of 2.6 comments per brand post . | [['industry', 'Number of Facebook brand post comments per day'], ['Telecom', '37.2'], ['Retail', '21.5'], ['Airlines', '19.7'], ['Financial Services', '4.6'], ['Automotive', '4.3'], ['Consumer Technology', '2.6'], ['Consumer Goods', '2.0'], ['Television', '1.8'], ['Hotels', '1.6'], ['Alcohol', '1.5'], ['Pharma/Health', '1.0'], ['Energy', '0.9'], ['Fashion', '0.1']] |
Triumph Street Triple registered motorcycle numbers in Great Britain from 2007 to 2018 | This statistic shows the total number of registered Triumph Street Triple model motorcycles in Great Britain between 2007 and 2018 . The number of Triumph Street Triples in Great Britain increased from 449 in 2007 to 8.7 thousand in 2018 , while the peak was recorded in 2016 . | [['Year', 'Number of registered motorcycles'], ['2018', '8740'], ['2017', '9063'], ['2016', '9346'], ['2015', '8755'], ['2014', '7852'], ['2013', '6989'], ['2012', '6093'], ['2011', '5101'], ['2010', '4156'], ['2009', '2796'], ['2008', '1373'], ['2007', '449']] |
Estimated migration balance ( immigrants minus emigrants ) of different regions between 2015 and 2020 ( in millions ) | This statistic shows the net migration balance of different regions between 2015 and 2020 . During that time , Europe is estimated to have a net migration surplus of 6.81 million people . | [['Country', 'Migration balance in millions'], ['Europe', '6.81'], ['Northern America', '5.98'], ['Oceania', '0.78'], ['Africa', '-2.32'], ['Latin America and Caribbean', '-2.61'], ['Asia', '-8.65']] |
Per capita consumption of fresh peaches and nectarines in the United States from 2000 to 2019 ( in pounds ) | This statistic depicts the per capita consumption of fresh peaches in the United States from 2000 to 2019 . According to the report , the U.S. per capita consumption of fresh peaches amounted to approximately 2.13 pounds in 2019 . | [['Year', 'Per capita consumption in pounds'], ['2019', '2.13'], ['2018', '2.2'], ['2017', '2.66'], ['2016', '2.73'], ['2015', '2.91'], ['2014', '3.15'], ['2013', '3.02'], ['2012', '3.86'], ['2011', '4.47'], ['2010', '4.73'], ['2009', '4.41'], ['2008', '5.08'], ['2007', '4.46'], ['2006', '4.58'], ['2005', '4.83'], ['2004', '5.15'], ['2003', '5.17'], ['2002', '5.23'], ['2001', '5.16'], ['2000', '5.3']] |
Problems of Italian schools in 2019 | In a survey conducted in December 2019 , the largest group of respondents indicated the lack of opportunities to enter into the labor market as the main problem of Italian schools . Furthermore , 21 percent of interviewees stated that the lack of funding and resources was a relevant problem in the Italian school system . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['Lack of opportunities to enter into the labor market', '26%'], ['Lack of funding and resources', '21%'], ['Bad teachers', '13%'], ['Lack of financial aid for low-income families and students', '13%'], ['Inadequacy or backwardness of programs', '11%'], ['Violence', '7%'], ['All these aspects', '4%'], ['Others', '2%'], ['I do not know', '3%']] |
Value of investment in construction market worldwide in 2015 , by region ( in billion U.S. dollars ) | The statistic presents the value of investments into the construction investment worldwide in 2015 , broken down by region . Construction investments in Western Europe reached 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars in 2015 and is expected to grow by 2.2 percent in 2016 . | [['geographic region', 'Investments in billion U.S. dollars'], ['NAFTA', '15196.14'], ['Far East and Oceania', '3490.67'], ['Western Europe', '1429.04'], ['Eastern Europe', '404.24'], ['Latin America', '392.22'], ['Persian Gulf', '250.19'], ['Other Middle East and Africa', '241.45']] |
Net income of LG Electronics from 2009 to 2019 ( in million U.S. dollars ) | In 2019 , LG Electronics reported a net income figure of about 161 million U.S. dollars . In general , annual net income figures report a company 's revenues minus expenses over the course of a year and are highly affected by both expenses and corporate strategy . Changes between years are often quite variable as they include the expenses incurred in the form of large long-term investments in the expense column in addition to the usual yearly operating costs . That being said , 2018 marked a profitable year for LG with high net income figures , and a total revenue of about 55 billion U.S. dollars . | [['Year', 'Net income in million U.S. dollars'], ['2019', '161.01'], ['2018', '1318.16'], ['2017', '1673.2'], ['2016', '113.04'], ['2015', '222.94'], ['2014', '448.75'], ['2013', '199.32'], ['2012', '81.45'], ['2011', '-387.54'], ['2010', '1147.39'], ['2009', '2103.25']] |
Exports of goods and services from the United States from 1990 to 2018 , as a percentage of GDP | In 2018 , exports of goods and services from the United States made up about 12.22 percent of its gross domestic product ( GDP ) . This is an increase from 9.23 percent of the GDP of the United States in 1990 . | [['Year', 'Exports as a percentage of GDP'], ['2018', '12.22%'], ['2017', '12.09%'], ['2016', '11.87%'], ['2015', '12.44%'], ['2014', '13.54%'], ['2013', '13.54%'], ['2012', '13.53%'], ['2011', '13.53%'], ['2010', '12.32%'], ['2009', '11.01%'], ['2008', '12.51%'], ['2007', '11.5%'], ['2006', '10.65%'], ['2005', '10%'], ['2004', '9.63%'], ['2003', '9.04%'], ['2002', '9.13%'], ['2001', '9.67%'], ['2000', '10.66%'], ['1999', '10.27%'], ['1998', '10.48%'], ['1997', '11.08%'], ['1996', '10.71%'], ['1995', '10.61%'], ['1994', '9.86%'], ['1993', '9.52%'], ['1992', '9.68%'], ['1991', '9.64%'], ['1990', '9.23%']] |
Highest grossing Hollywood movies in India of all time as of August 2020 ( in billion Indian rupees ) | Avengers : Endgame was all-time highest grossing Hollywood movie in India as of August 2020 . The top ten movies include genres that are loaded with action or are animated , similar to the trend in domestic movies . | [['Hollywood movie', 'Box office gross in billion Indian rupees'], ['Avengers: Endgame', '3.73'], ['Avengers: Infinity War', '2.27'], ['The Jungle Book', '1.88'], ['The Lion King', '1.58'], ['Fast & Furious 7', '1.08'], ['Jurassic World', '1.01'], ['Fast and Furious 8', '0.86'], ['Spider-Man: Far From Home', '0.86'], ['Captain Marvel', '0.84'], ['Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom', '0.82']] |
Number of brands and legitimate entities targeted by phishing attacks from January 2009 to April 2020 | The statistic gives information on the number of brands and legitimate entities targeted by phishing attacks since January 2009 . In April 2020 , 364 brands were targeted by attacks , up from 333 in October in the preceding year . | [['Month', 'Number of affected brands'], ["Apr '20", '364'], ["Jan '20", '374'], ["Oct '19", '333'], ["Jul '19", '444'], ["Apr '19", '341'], ["Jan '19", '327'], ["Oct '18", '293'], ["Jul '18", '231'], ["Apr '18", '274'], ["Jan '18", '235'], ["Oct '17", '348'], ["Jul '17", '277'], ["Apr '17", '460'], ["Jan '17", '424'], ["Oct '16", '357'], ["Jul '16", '358'], ["Apr '16", '411'], ["Jan '16", '431'], ["Oct '15", '391'], ["Jul '15", '434'], ["Apr '15", '393'], ["Jan '15", '420'], ["Oct '14", '271'], ["Jul '14", '361'], ["Apr '14", '332'], ["Jan '14", '384'], ["Oct '13", '350'], ["Jul '13", '390'], ["Apr '13", '441'], ["Jan '13", '402'], ["Oct '12", '401'], ["Jul '12", '426'], ["Apr '12", '428'], ["Jan '12", '370'], ["Oct '11", '311'], ["Jul '11", '317'], ["Apr '11", '333'], ["Jan '11", '335'], ["Oct '10", '317'], ["Jul '10", '274'], ["Apr '10", '270'], ["Jan '10", '265'], ["Oct '09", '356'], ["Jul '09", '261'], ["Apr '09", '273'], ["Jan '09", '294']] |
Lease financing receivables of FDIC-insured commercial banks in the United States from 2000 to 2019 ( in billion U.S. dollars ) | The statistic presents the value of lease financing receivables of FDIC-insured commercial banks in the United States from 2000 to 2019 . In 2019 , the value of lease financing receivables of FDIC-insured commercial banks amounted to approximately 126.34 billion U.S. dollars . | [['Year', 'Receivables in billion U.S. dollars'], ['2019', '126.34'], ['2018', '127.53'], ['2017', '126.24'], ['2016', '122.88'], ['2015', '113.13'], ['2014', '110.72'], ['2013', '108.5'], ['2012', '103.22'], ['2011', '97.93'], ['2010', '99.57'], ['2009', '107.48'], ['2008', '118.75'], ['2007', '128.78'], ['2006', '136.92'], ['2005', '136.72'], ['2004', '141.63'], ['2003', '149.11'], ['2002', '158.57'], ['2001', '165.49'], ['2000', '162.63']] |
Retail price index of tables in India from January to December 2019 | As of December 2019 , the retail price index of tables in India was approximately 350 . This meant , the RPI of tables had increased by 250 percent compared to the base year of 2001 . Retail prices index is a measure of inflation published monthly by the Office for National Statistics . It measures the change in the cost of a representative sample of retail goods and services . | [['Month', 'Retail price index'], ['December', '350.83'], ['November', '349.79'], ['October', '349.11'], ['September', '346.67'], ['August', '346.67'], ['July', '346.49'], ['June', '345.59'], ['May', '345.59'], ['April', '345.59'], ['March', '343.05'], ['February', '343.05'], ['January', '336.58']] |
Percentage of adults in the United States with poor mental health as of 2017 , by ethnicity | This statistic depicts the percentage of adults with poor mental health in the United States as of 2017 , sorted by ethnicity . As of that year , some 40 percent of American Indian/Alaska Native adults had poor mental health . | [['Response', 'Percentage of adults'], ['Asian/Pacific Islander', '31.8%'], ['Hispanic', '33.5%'], ['Black', '35.9%'], ['White', '36.2%'], ['American Indian/Alaska Native', '40%'], ['Other', '43%']] |
Purchase mortgage originations in the United States from 2000 to 2018 ( in billion U.S. dollars ) | This statistic presents the purchase mortgage originations in the United States from 2000 to 2018 . In 2018 , the purchase mortgage originations in the United States was approximately 873 billion U.S. dollars . | [['Year', 'Mortgage originations in billion U.S. dollars'], ['2018', '873'], ['2017', '1110'], ['2016', '1052'], ['2015', '903'], ['2014', '759'], ['2013', '734'], ['2012', '588'], ['2010', '530'], ['2005', '1512'], ['2000', '905']] |
Use of social networks among travel companies in the United States as of the first quarter of 2014 | This statistic shows the use of social networks among travel companies in the United States as of the first quarter of 2014 . During the survey , 56 percent of travel companies said they currently use YouTube . | [['Response', 'Currently use', 'Plan to use in the next 12 months'], ['Facebook', '84%', '7%'], ['Twitter', '66%', '12%'], ['YouTube', '56%', '16%'], ['Google+', '48%', '19%'], ['LinkedIn', '50%', '16%'], ['Instagram', '35%', '21%'], ['Pinterest', '37%', '14%'], ['Foursquare', '17%', '11%'], ['WhatsApp', '14%', '12%'], ['Vine', '6%', '14%'], ['Tumblr', '9%', '10%']] |
Annual number of bankruptcy cases filed in the United States from 2007 to 2019 , by chapter | Bankruptcies in the United States peaked in 2010 , when 1.14 million Chapter 7 bankruptcies and 439,000 Chapter 13 bankruptcies were filed . These figures have since dropped to 484,000 and 283,000 respectively in 2019 . Chapter 7 bankruptcies are where the debtor 's assets are liquidated to repay as much debt as possible , while Chapter 13 bankruptcies are where the terms of the loan are changed so that the debt can be repaid over a longer period . Both are predominantly filed by private individuals . | [['Year', 'Chapter 7', 'Chapter 11', 'Chapter 13', 'Other Chapters*'], ['2019', '483988', '6808', '283413', '731'], ['2018', '475575', '7095', '290146', '602'], ['2017', '486347', '7442', '294637', '594'], ['2016', '490365', '7292', '296655', '648'], ['2015', '535047', '7241', '301705', '502'], ['2014', '619069', '7234', '310061', '431'], ['2013', '728833', '8980', '333626', '493'], ['2012', '843545', '10361', '366532', '653'], ['2011', '992332', '11529', '406084', '708'], ['2010', '1139601', '13713', '438913', '854'], ['2009', '1050832', '15189', '406962', '692'], ['2008', '744424', '10160', '362762', '425'], ['2007', '519364', '6353', '324771', '424']] |
Ranking of the least expensive top business schools in the U.S. in 2015 , by tuition costs and fees ( in thousand U.S. dollars ) | This graph shows the total tuition and fees for the least expensive top business schools in the United States in 2015 . At this time the least expensive quality business school in the U.S. was Hofstra university in Hempstead , New York , which cost students a total of 45 thousand U.S. dollars in tuition and fees . | [['US University', 'Tuition and fees in thousand U.S. dollars'], ['Hofstra (Zarb) - Hempstead, NY', '45'], ['Brigham Young (Marriott) - Provo, UT', '47'], ['Buffalo - Buffalo, NY', '51'], ['Texas A&M (Mays) - College Station, TX', '53'], ['Alabama (Manderson) - Tuscaloosa, AL', '54'], ['Wisconsin-Madison - Madison, WI', '59'], ['Missouri (Trulaske) - Columbia, MO', '60'], ['Florida (Hough) - Gainesville, FL', '61'], ['CUNY Baruch (Zicklin) - New York, NY', '64'], ['Pittsburgh (Katz) - Pittsburgh, PA', '64'], ['Colorado (Leeds) - Boulder, CO', '66'], ['Georgia (Terry) - Athens, GA', '67'], ['LSU (Ourso) - Baton Rouge, LA', '68'], ['Rollins (Crummer) - Winter Park, FL', '69'], ['Illinois-Urbana-Champaign - Champaign, IL', '73'], ['Willamette (Atkinson) - Salem, OR', '74'], ['Iowa (Tippie) - Iowa City, IA', '75'], ['Temple (Fox) - Philadelphia, PA', '77'], ['Penn State (Smeal) - University Park, PA', '77'], ['American (Kogod) - Washington, DC', '80']] |
Number of foreigners living in South Korea in 2017 , by country of origin ( in 1,000s ) | This statistic shows the number of foreign nationals living in South Korea in 2017 , by country of origin . That year , around 610,000 Chinese lived in South Korea . | [['Country', 'Number of immigrants in thousands'], ['China', '610'], ['Vietnam', '110'], ['United States', '70'], ['Philippines', '50'], ['Thailand', '30'], ['Indonesia', '30'], ['Mongolia', '30'], ['Uzbekistan', '20'], ['Japan', '20'], ['Sri Lanka', '20'], ['Canada', '20'], ['Cambodia', '10'], ['Bangladesh', '10'], ['Nepal', '10']] |
Change in U.S. commercial air carriers ' revenue passenger miles ( RPM ) for Atlantic flights from 2011 to 2040 | The timeline shows the annual growth of revenue passenger miles ( RPM ) in the Atlantic market of U.S. commercial air carriers from 2011 to 2040 . Between 2020 and 2040 , RPMs are projected to increase by 2.5 percent a year . | [['Year', 'Annual growth'], ['2020-2040* **', '2.5%'], ['2019-2039* **', '2.6%'], ['2018-2038* **', '2.9%'], ['2016-2037*', '2.8%'], ['2015-2036*', '3.1%'], ['2020* **', '7.4%'], ['2019* **', '8%'], ['2018*', '5.7%'], ['2017', '1%'], ['2016', '-1.9%'], ['2015', '0.7%'], ['2014', '0.8%'], ['2013', '-0.8%'], ['2012', '-3.4%'], ['2011', '2.8%']] |
Number of employees at Merck & Co. from 2008 to 2019 | Merck & Co. is a global health care and pharmaceutical company that is headquartered in Kenilworth , New Jersey in the U.S . The company operates globally . In 2019 , the company had a total of around 71 thousand full-time employees . The number of employees at the company has been on the decline since 2009 when the company experienced their largest number of employees . At that time Merck & Co. had around 100 thousand employees globally . | [['Year', 'Number of employees'], ['2019', '71000'], ['2018', '69000'], ['2017', '69000'], ['2016', '68000'], ['2015', '68000'], ['2014', '70000'], ['2013', '77000'], ['2012', '83000'], ['2011', '86000'], ['2010', '94000'], ['2009', '100000'], ['2008', '55200']] |
Top ten Instagram accounts with the most followers in Denmark as of October 2017 | The Danish Victoria 's Secret supermodel Josephine Skriver was the most-followed person on Instagram in Denmark , as of October 2017 , with over four million followers . In general , models had a strong presence in the ranking of most followed Instagram accounts in Denmark that year , such as Natasha Thomsen and Nina Agdal . A survey conducted on Danes in 2019 , concluded that nearly half of them were using Instagram several times a day . Only one percent of Danes reported to have used the social media platform less often than monthly . | [['Instagram account', 'Number of followers'], ['Josephine Skriver (josephineskriver)', '4276862'], ['Natasha Thomsen (natasha_k_t)', '3499089'], ['Daily Watch (dailywatch)', '2176328'], ['Nina Agdal (ninaagdal)', '1716327'], ['fashionairy (fashionary)', '1481149'], ['Caroline Wozniacki (carolinewozniacki)', '1149770'], ['Benjamin Lasnier (benjaminlasnier)', '936377'], ['Mathilde Gøhler (mathildegoehler)', '902491'], ['Christian Eriksen (chriseriksen8)', '743405'], ['Karsten Bove (karsten_bove)', '711636']] |
Worldwide number of Michelin 's full-time employees from 2006 to 2019 | At the end of 2019 , Michelin had some 121,300 full-time employees on the payroll worldwide , an increase of 9.2 percent . Concurrently , the total number of employees grew by 8.3 percent from 117,400 in 2018 to 127,200 in 2019 . | [['Year', 'Number of employees'], ['2019', '121300'], ['2018', '111100'], ['2017', '107800'], ['2016', '105700'], ['2015', '105800'], ['2014', '106700'], ['2013', '105700'], ['2012', '107300'], ['2011', '105100'], ['2010', '102700'], ['2009', '110300'], ['2008', '117565'], ['2007', '121356'], ['2006', '123975']] |
Online shopping channel usage among digital buyers in India from 2013 to 2015 | This statistic presents the online shopping channel usage among digital buyers in India as of 2015 . During the survey period , 29 percent of digital buyers in the country shopped online via PC on a weekly basis . | [['Response', 'Monthly', 'Weekly', 'Daily'], ['Online via smartphone/mobile', '27%', '24%', '9%'], ['Online via PC', '35%', '29%', '7%'], ['Online via tablet', '20%', '17%', '6%']] |
Leading financial advisors to German M & A in 2016 , by deal count | This statistic presents the leading financial advisory firms ( including investment banks ) to merger and acquisition deals in Germany in 2016 , ranked by deal count . In that time , Rothschild emerged as the leading advisor to M & A deals in Germany , with a transaction count of 42 deals in 2016 . | [['Financial advisory firms', 'M&A deal count'], ['Rothschild', '42'], ['KPMG', '40'], ['Deloitte', '35'], ['EY', '31'], ['PwC', '29'], ['Globalscope Partners', '28'], ['Lincoln International', '28'], ['JPMorgan', '23'], ['Goldman Sachs', '20'], ['Deutsche Bank', '20']] |
Consumer Price Index of cereal and its products across urban and rural India from July 2019 to July 2020 | In July 2020 , the Consumer Price Index for cereal and cereal products across urban areas in India was over 151 . This meant that the prices had increased by over 51 percent since the year 2012 . A linear increase in the consumer prices of the products was seen over the months from December 2018 in the country . | [['Month', 'Rural', 'Urban', 'All India'], ['July 2020', '147.8', '151.6', '149.0'], ['June 2020', '148.2', '152.7', '149.6'], ['April 2020', '147.2', '151.8', '148.7'], ['March 2020', '144.4', '146.5', '145.1'], ['February 2020', '144.2', '146.2', '144.8'], ['January 2020', '143.7', '145.6', '144.3'], ['December 2019', '142.8', '144.9', '143.5'], ['November 2019', '141.8', '144.1', '142.5'], ['October 2019', '141.0', '143.5', '141.8'], ['September 2019', '140.1', '142.7', '140.9'], ['August 2019', '139.2', '142.1', '140.1'], ['July 2019', '138.4', '141.4', '139.3']] |
Leading beauty brands ranked by number of Instagram followers as of June 2020 ( in millions ) | As of June 2020 , Kylie Cosmetics was ranked first as the most popular beauty brand on Instagram with 24.2 million followers , and MAC Cosmetics ranked second with 23.66 million . Instagram is a popular social network for brands to connect with digital audiences , and beauty brands have been making inroads on the platform due to its visual focus and strong presence of social media influencers . | [['Beauty brand', 'Number of Instagram followers in millions'], ['Kylie Cosmetics', '24.2'], ['MAC Cosmetics', '23.66'], ['Anastasia Beverly Hills', '20.42'], ['Sephora', '20.03'], ['NYX Professional Makeup', '14.62'], ['Too Faced Cosmetics', '13.4'], ['Urban Decay Cosmetics', '11.35'], ['Morphe', '10.66'], ['Maybelline New York', '10.28'], ['Benefit Cosmetics', '10.17']] |
Consumer attitudes towards new product brands in the United Kingdom ( UK ) and Ireland in 2016 | This chart shows the share of consumers agreeing with statements regarding their attitudes towards new product brands , according to a survey conducted with UK and Irish consumers in 2016 . Of respondents , nearly 67 percent said it felt great to discover new brands or products and 56 percent said they did n't want to wear the same clothing as everyone else . | [['Response', 'Share of consumers agreeing'], ['It feels great to discover a new brand or product that I like', '66.6%'], ["I don't want to wear the same clothing as everyone else", '55.7%'], ['I often get bored of using the same stores and brands', '55.4%'], ['I like to seek out new and different products and brands when shopping', '55.2%']] |
Worldwide mobile advertising revenue of Facebook from 2012 to 2018 ( in million U.S. dollars ) | This statistic provides information regarding Facebook 's worldwide mobile advertising revenue from 2012 to 2018 . In the most recently reported fiscal year , the social network generated approximately 50.6 billion U.S. dollars in mobile ad revenues . The company stated that mobile accounted for 92 percent of its total advertising revenue . | [['Year', 'Mobile advertising revenue in million U.S. dollars'], ['2018', '50612'], ['2017', '35149'], ['2016', '22290'], ['2015', '13151'], ['2014', '7470'], ['2013', '3144'], ['2012', '471']] |
Rate of botched executions in the United States from 1890 to 2010 , sorted by method | The statistic above represents the rate of botched execution in the United States . From 1890 to 2010 , 7.1 percent of executions by lethal injection resulted in prolonged or painful death . | [['Response', 'Percentage of botched executions'], ['Lethal injection', '7.1%'], ['Gas chamber', '5.4%'], ['Hanging', '3.1%'], ['Electrocution', '1.9%'], ['Firing squad', '0%']] |
Leading players of the national football team of Serbia at FIFA World Cup as of June 2018 , by market value ( in million euros ) | The statistic displays the leading players of the national football team of Serbia at FIFA World Cup as of June 2018 , by market value . The most valuable player was Sergej Milinkovic-Savic , with a market value of 90 million euros . | [['Leading players of the national football team of Serbia ', 'Market value in million euros'], ['Sergej Milinkovic-Savic', '90.0'], ['Nemanja Matic', '40.0'], ['Andrija Zivkovic', '18.0'], ['Dusan Tadic', '15.0'], ['Luka Milivojevic', '15.0'], ['Adem Ljajic', '13.0'], ['Aleksandar Kolarov', '12.0'], ['Nikola Milenkovic', '9.0'], ['Aleksandar Mitrovic', '8.0'], ['Luka Jovic', '8.0'], ['Milos Veljkovic', '6.5'], ['Aleksandar Prijovic', '6.0'], ['Filip Kostic', '6.0'], ['Uros Spajic', '5.0'], ['Marko Grujic', '5.0'], ['Marko Dmitrovic', '4.0'], ['Branislav Ivanovic', '3.0'], ['Predrag Rajkovic', '2.5'], ['Nemanja Radonjic', '2.5'], ['Dusko Tosic', '2.0'], ['Milan Rodic', '1.2'], ['Antonio Rukavina', '1.0'], ['Vladimir Stojkovic', '0.75']] |
Unemployment rate in Spain from 1st quarter 2005 to 3rd quarter 2020 | At a rate of 16.26 percent in the third quarter of 2020 , Spain was one of the countries with the highest unemployment rates in the European Union . As of the third quarter of 2005 , the unemployment rate in Spain was at roughly 8.4 percent , in the same quarter of 2012 it increased resulting in a rate of around 24.8 . As of the second quarter of 2017 the unemployment rate was 9.72 percent lower than its peak , the peak occurred in the first quarter of 2013 before fluctuating somewhat in a downward trend . | [['Quarter', 'Unemployment rate'], ["Q3 '20", '16.26%'], ["Q2 '20", '15.33%'], ["Q1 '20", '14.41%'], ["Q4 '19", '13.78%'], ["Q3 '19", '13.92%'], ["Q2 '19", '14.02%'], ["Q1 '19", '14.7%'], ["Q4 '18", '14.45%'], ["Q3 '18", '14.55%'], ["Q2 '18", '15.28%'], ["Q1 '18", '16.74%'], ["Q4 '17", '16.55%'], ["Q3 '17", '16.38%'], ["Q2 '17", '17.22%'], ["Q1 '17", '18.75%'], ["Q4 '16", '18.63%'], ["Q3 '16", '18.91%'], ["Q2 '16", '20%'], ["Q1 '16", '21%'], ["Q4 '15", '20.9%'], ["Q3 '15", '21.18%'], ["Q2 '15", '22.37%'], ["Q1 '15", '23.78%'], ["Q4 '14", '23.7%'], ["Q3 '14", '23.67%'], ["Q2 '14", '24.47%'], ["Q1 '14", '25.93%'], ["Q4 '13", '25.73%'], ["Q3 '13", '25.65%'], ["Q2 '13", '26.06%'], ["Q1 '13", '26.94%'], ["Q4 '12", '25.77%'], ["Q3 '12", '24.79%'], ["Q2 '12", '24.4%'], ["Q1 '12", '24.19%'], ["Q4 '11", '22.56%'], ["Q3 '11", '21.28%'], ["Q2 '11", '20.64%'], ["Q1 '11", '21.08%'], ["Q4 '10", '20.11%'], ["Q3 '10", '19.59%'], ["Q2 '10", '19.89%'], ["Q1 '10", '19.84%'], ["Q4 '09", '18.66%'], ["Q3 '09", '17.75%'], ["Q2 '09", '17.77%'], ["Q1 '09", '17.24%'], ["Q4 '08", '13.79%'], ["Q3 '08", '11.23%'], ["Q2 '08", '10.36%'], ["Q1 '08", '9.6%'], ["Q4 '07", '8.57%'], ["Q3 '07", '8.01%'], ["Q2 '07", '7.93%'], ["Q1 '07", '8.42%'], ["Q4 '06", '8.26%'], ["Q3 '06", '8.08%'], ["Q2 '06", '8.44%'], ["Q1 '06", '9.03%'], ["Q4 '05", '8.71%'], ["Q3 '05", '8.41%'], ["Q2 '05", '9.32%'], ["Q1 '05", '10.17%']] |
Share of females aged 14 - 19 years who were pregnant in South Africa in 2018 , by age | As of 2018 , approximately five percent of females aged 14 to 19 years in South Africa stated that they were going through different stages of pregnancy within the last 12 months . The prevalence of pregnancy increased with age . While 0.3 percent of young women aged 14 stated that they were pregnant , the number of 19 year old pregnant women was 32 times higher . | [['Response', 'Share of females'], ['14-19 years', '5.2%'], ['14 years', '0.3%'], ['15 years', '1.7%'], ['16 years', '3.6%'], ['17 years', '5.8%'], ['18 years', '9.3%'], ['19 years', '9.7%']] |
Number of consumers who are vegetarian or vegan in Canada in 2018 ( in millions ) | There were approximately 2.3 million Canadians who followed a vegetarian diet in 2018 . A further 0.85 million consumers classed themselves as vegan in Canada . The highest rates of vegetarianism and veganism were found in British Columbia in that year , whilst the lowest rates were found in the Atlantic and Prairies regions . | [['food diet type', 'Number of consumers in millions'], ['Vegetarian', '2.3'], ['Vegan', '0.85']] |
Market size of e-commerce industry across India from 2014 to 2017 , with forecasts until 2027 ( in billion U.S. dollars ) | Owing to the increasing internet user base and favorable market conditions , India has a lot of potential in the e-commerce industry . Growing at an exponential rate , the market value of the e-commerce industry in India was approximately 50 billion U.S dollars in 2018 . This number was estimated to reach 200 billion U.S. dollars by 2027 . | [['Year', 'Value in billion U.S. dollars'], ['2027', '200'], ['2025', '188'], ['2021', '84'], ['2020', '64'], ['2018', '50'], ['2017', '39'], ['2015', '20'], ['2014', '14']] |
Average prices of Cymbalta in selected countries in 2013 ( in U.S. dollars ) | This statistic depicts average prices of Cymbalta in 2013 in selected countries worldwide . In 2013 , the price of Cymbalta averaged 52 U.S. dollars in the Netherlands . Cymbalta is a prescription drug used to treat depression , anxiety , and fibromyalgia . Prescription drug prices within the United States are among the highest in the world . | [['Country', 'Average price in U.S. dollars'], ['United States*', '194'], ['Canada', '110'], ['Switzerland', '76'], ['Spain', '71'], ['Netherlands', '52'], ['England', '46']] |
Number of beds in infectious diseases wards and in isolation hospitals during the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) outbreak in Poland in 2018 and March 2020 , by region | As of 5 March 2020 , the number of beds in infectious wards and hospitals fell in 13 voivodeships , and only in three voivodeships the count of such beds increased ( Dolnośląskie , Lubuskie , and Pomorskie ) . In the voivodships with the highest concentration of coronavirus patients , the number of beds mostly decreased . Hospitals and voivodeship offices declare that , if necessary , they will increase the number of beds in infectious wards , adjusting them to the needs . For further information about the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) pandemic , please visit our dedicated Facts and Figures page . | [['region of Poland', '2018', '2020'], ['Dolnośląskie', '112', '137'], ['Kujawsko-pomorskie', '244', '181'], ['Lubelskie', '238', '184'], ['Lubuskie', '35', '421'], ['Łódzkie', '217', '157'], ['Małopolskie', '311', '300'], ['Mazowieckie', '459', '278'], ['Opolskie', '55', '41'], ['Podkarpackie', '196', '167'], ['Podlaskie', '286', '219'], ['Pomorskie', '127', '290'], ['Śląskie', '213', '193'], ['Świętokrzystkie', '81', '76'], ['Warmińsko-mazurskie', '101', '87'], ['Wielkopolskie', '183', '126'], ['Zachodniopomorskie', '139', '69']] |
Distribution of global pharmaceutical international logistics in 2013 and 2016 | This statistic displays the distribution of international pharmaceutical logistics by transportation type in 2013 , and a forecast for 2016 . In 2013 , 85 percent of international pharmaceutical logistics were dealt with through air freight . Many companies are beginning to switch towards transportation by sea as the costs are much lower than relying on air transportation . | [['transportation type', '2013', '2016'], ['Air', '85%', '65%'], ['Trucking', '10%', '10%'], ['Ocean', '5%', '25%']] |
Share of voters in the United States that think President Trump possesses select character traits , as of July 2018 | This statistic shows the share of voters in the United States who agreed or disagreed with select characterizations of President Donald Trump , as of July 2018 . 58 percent of voters disagreed with President Trump being an honest person . | [['Characteristic', 'Agree', 'Disagree'], ['Is honest', '38%', '58%'], ['Has good leadership skills', '43%', '55%'], ['Cares about average Americans', '43%', '55%'], ['Is level headed', '34%', '62%'], ['Is a strong person', '63%', '32%'], ['Is intelligent', '57%', '39%'], ['Shares voters values', '37%', '60%'], ['Provides the U.S. with moral leadership', '36%', '62%']] |
Number of deaths caused by traffic accidents in Vietnam from 2012 to 2018 ( in 1,000s ) | The statistic shows the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents in Vietnam from 2012 to 2018 . In the most recent reported year , the number of deaths amounted to approximately 8.25 thousand , indicating a decrease of compared to 2017 . | [['Year', 'Number of deaths in thousands'], ['2018', '8.25'], ['2017', '8.28'], ['2016', '8.64'], ['2015', '8.73'], ['2014', '9.1'], ['2013', '9.85'], ['2012', '9.84']] |
Change in TV advertising spending in selected formats in the United States in September 2017 | The graph shows the change in TV advertising spending in selected formats in the United States in September 2017 . National broadcast TV advertising decreased by five percent in September 2017 versus September 2016 , while local TV advertising grew by 14 percent year on year . | [['Advertising Format', 'Year-on-year growth'], ['Local TV', '14%'], ['National syndication', '4%'], ['TV total', '-1%'], ['National cable', '-2%'], ['National broadcast', '-5%'], ['Local cable', '-12%']] |
Aggregated political composition of all states in the United States between 2008 and 2018 , by party affiliation | Over the last two years , the number of states either identifying with or leaning towards the Democratic Party has been growing , increasing from 14 in 2016 to 22 in 2018 . Corresponding to this has been a decline in both : support for the Republicans , which fell from 21 to 18 ; and the number of states that can be considered competitive , which fell from 15 to 10 . | [['Year', 'Solid Democrat', 'Lean Democrat', 'Competitive', 'Lean Republican', 'Solid Republican'], ['2018', '14', '8', '10', '5', '13'], ['2017', '15', '4', '15', '3', '13'], ['2016', '13', '1', '15', '7', '14'], ['2015', '11', '3', '16', '8', '12'], ['2014', '11', '6', '18', '5', '10'], ['2013', '12', '5', '19', '2', '12'], ['2012', '13', '6', '19', '3', '9'], ['2011', '11', '7', '15', '7', '10'], ['2010', '13', '9', '18', '5', '5'], ['2009', '23', '10', '12', '1', '4'], ['2008', '29', '6', '10', '1', '4']] |
Grandparents : What are the reasons you spend money on your grandchildren ? ( March 2012 ) | This statistic shows the results of a survey among American grandparents in 2011 on the reasons to spend money on their grandchildren . 95 percent of the respondents stated they spend money for birthday gifts for their grandchildren , whereas 23 percent said they spend money in order to help their grandchildren with medical or dental expenses . | [['Response', 'Share of respondents'], ['Holiday gifts (i.e., Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa)', '95%'], ['Birthday gifts', '95%'], ['Because I enjoy buying things for grandchildren', '89%'], ['To entertain or have fun with grandchildren', '82%'], ['To help with educational expenses', '53%'], ['To help with everyday living expenses', '37%'], ['Because grandchildren ask for things', '28%'], ['To help with medical or dental expenses', '23%']] |
Consumers ' powertrain preferences for their next vehicle as of October 2018 , by key country | This graph shows consumers ' powertrain preferences for their next vehicle as of October 2018 , by key country . Some 10 percent of survey respondents from Japan stated they would prefer to purchase a battery electric vehicle as their next vehicle . | [['Response', 'Gasoline ICE', 'Hybrid electric', 'Battery electric', 'Other'], ['United States', '71%', '22%', '4%', '3%'], ['Germany', '63%', '26%', '6%', '5%'], ['India', '61%', '21%', '6%', '12%'], ['South Korea', '57%', '28%', '5%', '10%'], ['Japan', '41%', '46%', '10%', '3%'], ['China', '35%', '44%', '12%', '9%']] |
Change of teenage marijuana use in U.S. states with medical marijuana laws according to surveys between 1995 and 2015 | This graph shows the change of teenage marijuana use in U.S. states with medical marijuana laws according to surveys between 1995 and 2015 . It was found that in 13 states with medical marijuana laws there were overall decreases in teenage marijuana use . There were five states that reported higher teenage marijuana use after medical marijuana laws were passed , but none of these were statistically significant changes . | [['State (Date medical marijuana was legalized)', 'Most recent use rates', 'Pre-law current use rates'], ['Alaska (1998)', '20%', '29%'], ['Arizona (2010)', '24%', '24%'], ['California (1996)', '24%', '26%'], ['Colorado (2000)', '11%', '10%'], ['Connecticut (2012)', '26%', '24%'], ['Delaware (2011)', '26%', '26%'], ['Hawaii (2000)', '19%', '25%'], ['Maine (1999)', '21%', '30%'], ['Massachusetts (2012)', '25%', '28%'], ['Michigan (2008)', '18%', '18%'], ['Montana (2004)', '21%', '23%'], ['Nevada (2000)', '19%', '26%'], ['New Jersey (2010)', '21%', '20%'], ['New Mexico (2007)', '28%', '26%'], ['Oregon (1998)', '21%', '21%'], ['Rhode Island (2006)', '24%', '25%'], ['Vermont (2004)', '26%', '28%'], ['Washington (1998)', '27%', '29%']] |
Number of new passenger car registrations in Germany in 2019 , by brand model | This statistic shows the car models with the highest number of new registrations in Germany in 2019 . Approximately 204.6 thousand units of the VW Golf model had been registered , making it the most popular model in that year . From the ten leading car models half were produced by Volkswagen . However , in terms of amount of units sold , the German vehicle manufacturer held approximately 63 percent of the leading models sold in Germany as of 2019 . | [['automobile model series', 'Number of new registrations'], ['VW Golf', '204550'], ['VW Tiguan', '87771'], ['Mercedes C-Class', '64403'], ['VW Polo', '61287'], ['VW Passat', '59322'], ['VW\xa0T-Roc', '58898'], ['Ford Focus', '58261'], ['Skoda Octavia', '55210'], ['Opel Corsa', '51708'], ['Audi A4, S4, RS4', '50740']] |
Number of jobs in Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada in 2019 , by NAICS category | This statistic shows the number of jobs in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2019 , by NAICS category . In 2019 , there were 28,025 jobs in the retail trade industry in Newfoundland and Labrador . | [['NAICS category', 'Number of jobs'], ['Health care and social assistance', '37875'], ['Retail trade', '28025'], ['Construction', '24190'], ['Public administration', '20425'], ['Educational services', '19185'], ['Accommodation and food services', '15520'], ['Other services (except public administration)', '11090'], ['Transportation and warehousing', '9515'], ['Manufacturing', '7770'], ['Finance and insurance', '7765'], ['Professional, scientific and technical services', '7750'], ['Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services', '6990'], ['Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction', '6860'], ['Wholesale trade', '6450'], ['Real estate and rental and leasing', '3235'], ['Utilities', '3070'], ['Information and cultural industries', '2995'], ['Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting', '2800'], ['Arts, entertainment and recreation', '2650'], ['Holding companies', '790']] |
Acceptability among men to wear certain fashion items in the United Kingdom ( UK ) in 2013 , by age group | This statistic depicts the acceptability among men in the United Kingdom ( UK ) to wear certain fashion items , by age group in 2013 . The survey revealed that 21 percent of the respondents between the ages of 18 to 34 felt it was acceptable to wear a sarong . | [['Response', 'Millennials (18-34)', 'Gen Xers (35-47)', 'Boomers (48-67)'], ['Man bag', '56%', '34%', '31%'], ['Deep V-neck T-shirts', '48%', '30%', '36%'], ['Pink or other traditionally "girlish" colors', '43%', '43%', '28%'], ['Two earrings', '31%', '26%', '26%'], ['Shoe lifts', '23%', '9%', '14%'], ['Figure shapers like Spanx', '23%', '11%', '6%'], ['Sarong', '21%', '13%', '9%'], ['Leggings', '20%', '4%', '7%'], ["Women's jeans", '15%', '6%', '9%'], ['None of these', '25%', '34%', '38%']] |
Net sales share of adidas worldwide in 2019 , by product category | The chart shows the share of adidas ' net sales worldwide in 2019 , broken down by product category . In 2019 , footwear accounted for 57 percent of all adidas ' net sales . That year , adidas Group had net sales amounting to about 23.64 billion euros . | [['Product Category', 'Sales share'], ['Footwear', '57%'], ['Apparel', '38%'], ['Hardware', '5%']] |
Yandex 's annual revenue from 2018 to 2019 , by segment ( in billion Russian rubles ) | The largest share of Yandex 's annual revenue stemmed from the advertising segment , amounting to 121.74 billion Russian rubles in 2019 . This marked an increase by 19 billion Russian rubles compared to the previous year 's figures . The taxi and food tech segments accounted for a roughly eight billion Russian rubles revenue growth each from 2018 to 2019 . | [['Year', 'Advertising revenue', 'Other revenue', 'Taxi segment'], ['2019', '121.74', '15.72', '37.93'], ['2018', '102.74', '5.71', '19.21']] |
Expenditure on veterans in the United States in 2019 , by state | This graph displays the expenditure on veterans in the United States in 2019 , by state . In 2019 , Alabama spent around four billion U.S. dollars on veteran care . | [['State', 'Expenditure in U.S. dollars'], ['Texas', '18546804'], ['California', '17880625'], ['Florida', '15181486'], ['Ohio', '9459429'], ['North Carolina', '8367343'], ['Georgia', '7345472'], ['New York', '6892834'], ['Virginia', '6829758'], ['Pennsylvania', '6107650'], ['Illinois', '5110463'], ['Tennessee', '5024969'], ['Washington', '4896346'], ['Arizona', '4694176'], ['Michigan', '4534486'], ['South Carolina', '4405950'], ['District of Columbia', '4301017'], ['Missouri', '4188436'], ['Alabama', '3990745'], ['Colorado', '3821243'], ['Oklahoma', '3744288'], ['Maryland', '3417492'], ['Indiana', '3294413'], ['Oregon', '3180476'], ['Wisconsin', '3175393'], ['Massachusetts', '3077073'], ['Minnesota', '3048351'], ['Louisiana', '2988018'], ['Kentucky', '2873868'], ['Arkansas', '2514572'], ['New Jersey', '2470315'], ['Nevada', '2431891'], ['West Virginia', '2197413'], ['Mississippi', '2046100'], ['New Mexico', '1751262'], ['Kansas', '1666762'], ['Iowa', '1624540'], ['Connecticut', '1450274'], ['Nebraska', '1356201'], ['Utah', '1340823'], ['Idaho', '1176243'], ['Maine', '1170204'], ['Hawaii', '1123321'], ['New Hampshire', '885836'], ['Montana', '884156'], ['Alaska', '823090'], ['South Dakota', '743077'], ['Rhode Island', '627131'], ['Delaware', '535395'], ['Wyoming', '504899'], ['North Dakota', '472047'], ['Vermont', '363180']] |
Number of employees at Cisco by geographic region from fiscal year 2010 to 2020 | In their 2020 fiscal year , Cisco employed 38.9 thousand people in the United States , down from the previous year , whilst the company saw an increase in the number of people employed across the rest of the world , rising to 38.6 thousand . | [['Year', 'United States', 'Rest of World'], ['2010', '38350', '32350'], ['2011', '37300', '34525'], ['2012', '36052', '30587'], ['2013', '37275', '37774'], ['2014', '36725', '37317'], ['2015', '36222', '35611'], ['2016', '37550', '36150'], ['2017', '37000', '35900'], ['2018', '37800', '36400'], ['2019', '39000', '36900'], ['2020', '38900', '38600']] |
Tablet computer penetration in the United Kingdom ( UK ) from 2011 to 2020 | Ownership rates of tablet computers in households in the United Kingdom ( UK ) rose rapidly following the release of the iPad on 3 April 2010 , and have remained consistently just under 60 percent since 2016 . Tablet penetration in households in the United Kingdom ( UK ) in 2020 stood at 52 percent . | [['Response', 'Percentage of population'], ['2020', '52%'], ['2019', '54%'], ['2018', '58%'], ['2017', '58%'], ['2016', '59%'], ['2015', '54%'], ['2014', '44%'], ['2013', '24%'], ['2012', '11%'], ['2011', '2%']] |
Net revenue of Guess , Inc. worldwide from fiscal year 2017 to 2020 ( in million U.S. dollars ) | The statistic shows the net revenue of Guess , Inc. worldwide from fiscal year 2017 to 2020 . In 2020 , the company 's net revenue amounted to 2.68 billion U.S. dollars , up from 2.61 billion U.S. dollars in 2019 . | [['Year', 'Net revenue in million U.S. dollars'], ['2020', '2678.11'], ['2019', '2609.69'], ['2018', '2363.75'], ['2017', '2190.45']] |
Number of children 's products recalled in the United States from 2001 to 2019 | The statistic depicts the number of children 's products that were recalled in the United States from 2001 to 2019 . In 2019 , 58 children 's products were the subject of a recall . | [['Year', 'Number of recalls'], ['2019', '58'], ['2018', '52'], ['2017', '93'], ['2016', '76'], ['2015', '68'], ['2014', '75'], ['2013', '114'], ['2012', '97'], ['2011', '124'], ['2010', '148'], ['2009', '143'], ['2008', '209'], ['2007', '232'], ['2006', '111'], ['2005', '122'], ['2004', '87'], ['2003', '66'], ['2002', '90'], ['2001', '118']] |
Budget expenditure of the central government in Norway from 2010 to 2020 ( in billion NOK ) | The Norwegian central government 's budgeted expenditure increased between 2010 and 2020 . Whereas the budgeted expenditure amounted to 891 billion Norwegian kroner in 2010 , it had a value of 1,443 billion Norwegian kroner in 2020 . How did the government plan to spend this large amount of money ? You can find the main entries of the Norwegian budget expenditure for 2020 here , and the main entries of the Norwegian budgeted revenue here . Although the budgeted expenditure was growing steadily over the years , the budgeted state revenue fluctuated within the same period of consideration . | [['Year', 'Expenditure in billion NOK'], ['2020', '1443'], ['2019', '1377'], ['2018', '1379'], ['2017', '1302'], ['2016', '1257'], ['2015', '1202'], ['2014', '1116'], ['2013', '1065'], ['2012', '1006'], ['2011', '960'], ['2010', '891']] |
Total number of Zumiez stores worldwide from 2011 to 2019 | This timeline depicts the total number of Zumiez stores worldwide from 2011 to 2019 . In 2019 , Zumiez operated 718 stores worldwide . | [['Year', 'Number of stores'], ['2019', '718'], ['2018', '707'], ['2017', '698'], ['2016', '685'], ['2015', '658'], ['2014', '603'], ['2013', '551'], ['2012', '498'], ['2011', '444']] |
Argentina : Distribution of employment by economic sector from 2010 to 2020 | The statistic shows the distribution of employment in Argentina by economic sector from 2010 to 2020 . In 2020 , 0.09 percent of the employees in Argentina were active in the agricultural sector , 21.05 percent in industry and 78.86 percent in the service sector . | [['Year', 'Agriculture', 'Industry', 'Services'], ['2020', '0.09%', '21.05%', '78.86%'], ['2019', '0.09%', '21.41%', '78.5%'], ['2018', '0.1%', '21.91%', '77.99%'], ['2017', '0.06%', '22.44%', '77.5%'], ['2016', '0.13%', '22.94%', '76.93%'], ['2015', '0.26%', '23.68%', '76.06%'], ['2014', '0.55%', '24.16%', '75.29%'], ['2013', '0.62%', '23.95%', '75.44%'], ['2012', '0.62%', '23.66%', '75.73%'], ['2011', '0.64%', '23.97%', '75.39%'], ['2010', '1.27%', '23.34%', '75.39%']] |
Distribution of ITV video on demand viewing in 2013 , by platform | This statistic displays the distribution of ITV video on demand ( VOD ) viewing in 2013 , by platform . Mobile viewing made up 6 percent of all VOD viewing . Most of video on demand viewing happened via a television set . The ITV Player ranks among the leading online video websites ranked by visitors in the United Kingdom . | [['Response', 'Share of viewing'], ['Via the television set', '53%'], ['Tablet', '19%'], ['PC', '18%'], ['Mobile', '6%'], ['Other', '4%']] |
Estimated retail sales value of fairtrade commodities in the United Kingdom ( UK ) from 2002 to 2013 ( in million GBP ) | This statistic shows estimates for the total retail sales value of fairtrade commodities in the United Kingdom from 2002 to 2013 . Over the period in consideration , there has been a steady growth in fairtrade retail sales , reaching 1.53 billion British pounds worth in 2012 . | [['Year', 'Sales value in million GBP'], ['2013**', '1780.0'], ['2012', '1530.2'], ['2011', '1294.1'], ['2010', '1173.8'], ['2009', '843.4'], ['2008', '712.6'], ['2007', '493.0'], ['2006', '286.3'], ['2005', '195.0'], ['2004', '140.8'], ['2003', '92.3'], ['2002', '63.0']] |
Players with most goals in the UEFA Europa League from 1971 to 2019 | As of December 2019 , Henrik Larsson is the European football player with the most goals scored in the UEFA Europa League with a total of 40 goals , followed by Klaas Jan Huntelaar with 34 . The record for most matches played in the Europa League is held by Giuseppe Bergomi with 96 games played before Frank Rost with 90 games under his belt . | [['Football player', 'Goals scored'], ['Henrik Larsson', '40'], ['Klaas Jan Huntelaar', '34'], ['Aritz Aduriz', '31'], ['Radamel Falcao', '31'], ['Dieter Müller', '29'], ['Shota Arveladze', '27'], ['Kevin Gameiro', '26'], ['Mladen Petrić', '25'], ['Alessandro Altobelli', '25'], ['Vágner Love', '24'], ['Claudio Pizarro', '24'], ['Jermain Defoe', '24'], ['Alan', '23'], ['Óscar Cardozo', '23'], ['Dimitris Salpingidis', '23'], ['Jupp Heynckes', '23'], ['Ivan Tričkovski', '23'], ['Jürgen Klinsmann', '22'], ['Dennis Bergkamp', '22'], ['Aleksandr Kerzhakov', '22'], ['Martin Chivers', '22'], ['Karl-Heinz Rummenigge', '22'], ['Manuel Fernandes', '22'], ['Alfredo Morelos', '22'], ['Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang', '22']] |
Shipments of wearable cameras worldwide from 2013 to 2015 ( in millions ) | The statistic shows the projected worldwide wearable camera shipments from 2013 to 2015 . Shipments of wearable cameras are forecast to total around 16 million units in 2015 . | [['Year', 'Shipments in millions'], ['2015', '15.81'], ['2014', '13.61'], ['2013', '6.64']] |
Vinci 's revenue from FY 2009 to FY 2019 ( in billion euros ) | The statistic represents Vinci 's total revenue from the fiscal year of 2009 to the fiscal year of 2019 . In the fiscal year of 2019 , the French concessions and construction company generated around 48.1 billion euros ( or about 53.9 billion US dollars ) in revenue . | [['Year', 'Revenue in billion euros'], ['2019', '48.05'], ['2018', '43.52'], ['2017', '40.25'], ['2016', '38.07'], ['2015', '38.5'], ['2014', '38.7'], ['2013', '40.34'], ['2012', '38.63'], ['2011', '36.96'], ['2010', '33.38'], ['2009', '30.74']] |
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