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User Interface Overview Sugar's user interface is dependent on the client (i.e. base, mobile, or portal) being used to access the system. Clients are the various platforms that use Sugar's APIs to render the user interface. Each platform type will have a specific path for its components. While the Developer Guide mainly covers the base client type, the following sections will outline the various metadata locations. Clients Clients are the various platforms that access and use Sidecar to render content. Depending on the platform you are using, the layout, view, and metadata will be driven based on its client type. The following sections describe the client types. base The base client is the Sugar application that you use to access your data from a web browser. The framework's specific views, layouts, and fields are rendered using Sidecar.  Files specific to this client type can be found in the following directories: ./clients/base/ ./custom/clients/base/ ./modules/<module>/clients/base/ ./custom/modules/<module>/clients/base/ mobile The mobile client is the SugarCRM mobile application that you use to access data from your mobile device. The framework-specific views, layouts, and fields for this application are found in the following directories: ./clients/mobile/ ./custom/clients/mobile/ ./modules/<module>/clients/mobile/ ./custom/modules/<module>/clients/mobile/ portal The portal client is the customer self-service portal application that comes with Sugar Enterprise and Sugar Ultimate. The framework-specific views, layouts, and fields for this application are found in the following directories: ./clients/portal/ ./custom/clients/portal/ ./modules/<module>/clients/portal/ ./custom/modules/<module>/clients/portal/
TopicsSidecarSidecar is a platform that moves processing to the client side to render pages as single-page web apps. Sidecar contains a complete Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework based on the Backbone.js library.EventsThe Backbone events module is a lightweight pub-sub pattern that gets mixed into each Backbone class (Model, View, Collection, Router, etc.). This means that you can listen to or dispatch custom named events from any Backbone object.RoutesRoutes determine where users are directed based on patterns in the URL.HandlebarsThe Handlebars library, located in ./sidecar/lib/handlebars/, is a JavaScript library that lets Sugar create semantic templates. Handlebars help render content for layouts, views, and fields for Sidecar. Using Handlebars, you can make modifications to the display of content such as adding HTML or CSS.LayoutsLayouts are component plugins that define the overall layout and positioning of the page. Layouts replace the previous concept of MVC views and are used system-wide to generate rows, columns, bootstrap fluid layouts, and pop-ups by wrapping and placing multiple views or nested layouts on a page.ViewsViews are component plugins that render data from a context. View components may contain field components and are typically made up of a controller JavaScript file (.js) and at least one Handlebars template (.hbs).FieldsFields are component plugins that render and format field values. They are made up of a controller JavaScript file (.js) and at least one Handlebars template (.hbt). For more information regarding the data handling of a field, please refer the data framework fields documentation. For information on creating custom field types, please refer the Creating Custom Field Types cookbook example.SubpanelsFor Sidecar, Sugar's subpanel layouts have been modified to work as simplified metadata. This page is an overview of the metadata framework for subpanels.DashletsDashlets are special view-component plugins that render data from a context and make use of the Dashlet plugin. They are typically made up
that render data from a context and make use of the Dashlet plugin. They are typically made up of a controller JavaScript file (.js) and at least one Handlebars template (.hbs).DrawersThe drawer layout widget, located in ./clients/base/layouts/drawer/, is used to display a window of additional content to the user. This window can then be closed to display the content the user was previously viewing.AlertsThe alert view widget, located in ./clients/base/views/alert/, displays helpful information such as loading messages, notices, and confirmation messages to the user.LanguageThe language library, located in ./sidecar/src/core/language.js, is used to manage the user's display language as well as fetch labels and lists. For more information on customizing languages, please visit the language framework documentation.MainLayoutSugar's Main navigation is split into two components: Top-Header and Sidebar. The Top-Header is primarily used for search, notifications, and user actions and the Sidebar is the primary tool used to navigate the front end of the Sugar application.Administration LinksAdministration links are the shortcut URLs found on the Administration page in the Sugar application. Developers can create additional administration links using the extension framework.Legacy MVCThe legacy MVC Architecture.
Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Layouts Overview Layouts are component plugins that define the overall layout and positioning of the page. Layouts replace the previous concept of MVC views and are used system-wide to generate rows, columns, bootstrap fluid layouts, and pop-ups by wrapping and placing multiple views or nested layouts on a page. Layout components are typically made up of a controller JavaScript file (.js) and a PHP file (.php), however, layout types vary and are not dependent on having both files. Hierarchy Diagram The layout components are loaded in the following manner: Note: The Sugar application client type is "base". For more information on the various client types, please refer to the User Interface page. Sidecar Layout Routing Sidecar uses routing to determine where to direct the user. To route the user to a specific page in Sugar, refer to the following default URL formats: Behavior URL Format Route the user to the list layout for a module http://{site url}/#<module>/ Route the user to the record layout for a specific record http://{site url}/#<module>/f82d09cb-48cd-a1fb-beae-521cf39247b5 Route the user to a custom layout for the module http://{site url}/#<module>/layout/<layout> Layout Example The list layout, located in ./clients/base/layouts/list/, handles the layout for the list view. The sections below outline the various files that render this view. JavaScript The file list.js, shown below, contains the JavaScript used to place the layout content. ./clients/base/layouts/list/list.js /** * Layout that places components using bootstrap fluid layout divs * @class View.Layouts.ListLayout * @extends View.FluidLayout */ ({ /** * Places a view's element on the page. * @param {View.View} comp
* @param {View.View} comp * @protected * @method */ _placeComponent: function(comp, def) { var size = def.size || 12; // Helper to create boiler plate layout containers function createLayoutContainers(self) { // Only creates the containers once if (!self.$el.children()[0]) { comp.$el.addClass('list'); } } createLayoutContainers(this); // All components of this layout will be placed within the // innermost container div. this.$el.append(comp.el); } }) Layout Definition The layout definition is contained as an array in list.php. This layout definition contains four views: massupdate massaddtolist recordlist list-bottom ./clients/base/layouts/list/list.php <?php $viewdefs['base']['layout']['list'] = array( 'components' => array( array( 'view' => 'massupdate', ), array( 'view' => 'massaddtolist', ), array( 'view' => 'recordlist', 'primary' => true, ), array( 'view' => 'list-bottom', ), ), 'type' => 'simple', 'name' => 'list', 'span' => 12, ); Application For information on working with layouts, please refer to the Creating Layouts and Overriding Layouts pages for practical examples.
TopicsCreating LayoutsThis example explains how to create a custom layout to define the various components that load on a page.Overriding LayoutsThis page explains how to override a stock layout component. For this example, we will extend the stock record view and create a custom view named "my-record" that will be used in our record layout's override. This example involves two steps: Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Overriding Layouts Overview This page explains how to override a stock layout component. For this example, we will extend the stock record view and create a custom view named "my-record" that will be used in our record layout's override. This example involves two steps: Override the Layout Extend the View These steps are explained in the following sections. Overriding the Layout First, copy ./clients/base/layouts/record/record.php to ./custom/clients/base/layouts/record/record.php. Once copied, modify the following line from: 'view' => 'record', To: 'view' => 'my-record', That line will change the record layout from using the base record.js view, ./clients/base/views/record/record.js, to instead use a custom view that we will create in ./custom/clients/base/views/my-record/my-record.js. At this point, the custom layout override should be very similar to the example below: ./custom/clients/base/layouts/record/record.php <?php $viewdefs['base']['layout']['record'] = array( 'components' => array( array( 'layout' => array( 'type' => 'default', 'name' => 'sidebar', 'components' => array( array( 'layout' => array( 'type' => 'base', 'name' => 'main-pane', 'css_class' => 'main-pane span8', 'components' => array( array( 'view' => 'my-record', 'primary' => true, ), array( 'layout' => 'extra-info', ), array( 'layout' => array( 'type' => 'filterpanel',
'layout' => array( 'type' => 'filterpanel', 'last_state' => array( 'id' => 'record-filterpanel', 'defaults' => array( 'toggle-view' => 'subpanels', ), ), 'refresh_button' => true, 'availableToggles' => array( array( 'name' => 'subpanels', 'icon' => 'fa-table', 'label' => 'LBL_DATA_VIEW', ), array( 'name' => 'list', 'icon' => 'fa-table', 'label' => 'LBL_LISTVIEW', ), array( 'name' => 'activitystream', 'icon' => 'fa-clock-o', 'label' => 'LBL_ACTIVITY_STREAM', ), ), 'components' => array( array( 'layout' => 'filter', 'xmeta' => array( 'layoutType' => '', ), 'loadModule' => 'Filters', ), array( 'view' => 'filter-rows', ), array( 'view' => 'filter-actions', ), array( 'layout' => 'activitystream', 'context' => array( 'module' => 'Activities', ), ), array( 'layout' => 'subpanels', ), ), ), ), ), ), ), array( 'layout' => array( 'type' => 'base', 'name' => 'dashboard-pane',
'type' => 'base', 'name' => 'dashboard-pane', 'css_class' => 'dashboard-pane', 'components' => array( array( 'layout' => array( 'type' => 'dashboard', 'last_state' => array( 'id' => 'last-visit', ) ), 'context' => array( 'forceNew' => true, 'module' => 'Home', ), 'loadModule' => 'Dashboards', ), ), ), ), array( 'layout' => array( 'type' => 'base', 'name' => 'preview-pane', 'css_class' => 'preview-pane', 'components' => array( array( 'layout' => 'preview', ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ); Extending the View For this example, we will extend the stock record view and create a custom view named my-record that will be used in our record layouts override. ./custom/clients/base/views/my-record/my-record.js ({ extendsFrom: 'RecordView', initialize: function (options) { this._super("initialize", [options]); //log this point console.log("**** Override called"); } }) Once the files are in place, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Creating Layouts Overview This example explains how to create a custom layout to define the various components that load on a page.  Creating the Layout This example creates a component named "my-layout", which will render a custom view named "my-view". ./custom/clients/base/layouts/my-layout/my-layout.php <?php $viewdefs['base']['layout']['my-layout'] = array( 'type' => 'simple', 'components' => array( array( 'view' => 'my-view', ), ), ); Creating a View The view component will render the actual content we want to see on the page. The view below will display a clickable cube icon that will spin when clicked by the user. ./custom/clients/base/views/my-view/my-view.js ({ className: 'my-view tcenter', cubeOptions: { spin: false }, events: { 'click .sugar-cube': 'spinCube' }, spinCube: function() { this.cubeOptions.spin = !this.cubeOptions.spin; this.render(); } }) ./custom/clients/base/views/my-view/my-view.hbs <style> { padding-top: 5%; } .sugar-cube { fill:#bbbbbb; height:200px; width:200px; display: inline; } </style> <h1>My View</h1> {{{subFieldTemplate 'sugar-cube' 'detail' cubeOptions}}} <p>Click to spin the cube!</p>
<p>Click to spin the cube!</p> Once the files are in place, navigate to Admin > Repair and perform a Quick Repair and Rebuild. Navigating to the Layout To see this new layout and view, navigate to http://{site url}/#<module>/layout/my-layout. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Language Overview The language library, located in ./sidecar/src/core/language.js, is used to manage the user's display language as well as fetch labels and lists. For more information on customizing languages, please visit the language framework documentation. Methods app.lang.get(key, module, context) The app.lang.get(key, module, context) method fetches a string for a given key. The method searches the module strings first and then falls back to the app strings. If the label is a template, it will be compiled and executed with the given context. Parameters Name Required Description key yes The key of the string to retrieve module no The Sugar module that the label belongs to context no Template context Example app.lang.get('LBL_NAME', 'Accounts'); app.lang.getAppString(key) The app.lang.getAppString(key) method retrieves an application string for a given key. Parameters Name Required Description key yes The key of the string to retrieve Example app.lang.getAppString('LBL_MODULE'); app.lang.getAppListStrings(key) The app.lang.getAppListStrings(key) method retrieves an application list string or object. Parameters Name Required Description key yes The key of the string to retrieve Example app.lang.getAppListStrings('sales_stage_dom'); app.lang.getModuleSingular(moduleKey) The app.lang.getModuleSingular(moduleKey) method retrieves an application list string or object. Parameters Name Required Description moduleKey yes The module key of the singular module label to retrieve Example app.lang.getModuleSingular("Accounts"); app.lang.getLanguage() The app.lang.getLanguage() method retrieves the current user's language key. Example app.lang.getLanguage(); app.lang.updateLanguage(languageKey)
Example app.lang.getLanguage(); app.lang.updateLanguage(languageKey) The app.lang.updateLanguage(languageKey) method updates the current user's language key. Parameters Name Required Description languageKey yes Language key of the language to set for the user Example app.lang.updateLanguage('en_us'); Testing in Console To test out the language library, you can trigger actions in your browsers developer tools by using the global Apps variable as shown below: App.lang.getAppListStrings('sales_stage_dom'); Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Subpanels Overview For Sidecar, Sugar's subpanel layouts have been modified to work as simplified metadata. This page is an overview of the metadata framework for subpanels.  The reason for this change is that previous versions of Sugar generated the metadata from various sources such as the SubPanelLayout and MetaDataManager classes. This eliminates the need for generating and processing the layouts and allows the metadata to be easily loaded to Sidecar. Note: Modules running in backward compatibility mode do not use the Sidecar subpanel layouts as they use the legacy MVC framework. Hierarchy Diagram When loading the Sidecar subpanel layouts, the system processes the layout in the following manner: Note: The Sugar application's client type is "base". For more information on the various client types, please refer to the User Interface page. Subpanels and Subpanel Layouts Sugar contains both a subpanels (plural) layout and a subpanel (singular) layout. The subpanels layout contains the collection of subpanels, whereas the subpanel layout renders the actual subpanel widget. An example of a stock module's subpanels layout is: ./modules/Bugs/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/subpanels.php <?php $viewdefs['Bugs']['base']['layout']['subpanels'] = array ( 'components' => array ( array ( 'layout' => 'subpanel', 'label' => 'LBL_DOCUMENTS_SUBPANEL_TITLE', 'context' => array ( 'link' => 'documents', ), ), array ( 'layout' => 'subpanel', 'label' => 'LBL_CONTACTS_SUBPANEL_TITLE', 'context' => array ( 'link' => 'contacts', ), ), array (
'link' => 'contacts', ), ), array ( 'layout' => 'subpanel', 'label' => 'LBL_ACCOUNTS_SUBPANEL_TITLE', 'context' => array ( 'link' => 'accounts', ), ), array ( 'layout' => 'subpanel', 'label' => 'LBL_CASES_SUBPANEL_TITLE', 'context' => array ( 'link' => 'cases', ), ), ), 'type' => 'subpanels', 'span' => 12, ); You can see that the layout incorporates the use of the subpanel layout for each module. As most of the subpanel data is similar, this approach allows us to use less duplicate code. The subpanel layout, shown below, shows the three views that make up the subpanel widgets users see. ./clients/base/layouts/subpanel/subpanel.php <?php $viewdefs['base']['layout']['subpanel'] = array ( 'components' => array ( array ( 'view' => 'panel-top', ) array ( 'view' => 'subpanel-list', ), array ( 'view' => 'list-bottom', ), ), 'span' => 12, 'last_state' => array( 'id' => 'subpanel' ), ); Adding Subpanel Layouts
), ); Adding Subpanel Layouts When a new relationship is deployed from Studio, the relationship creation process will generate the layouts using the extension framework. You should note that for stock relationships and custom deployed relationships, layouts are generated for both Sidecar and Legacy MVC Subpanel formats. This is done to ensure that any related modules, whether in Sidecar or Backward Compatibility mode, display a related subpanel as expected. Sidecar Layouts Custom Sidecar layouts, located in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/<client>/layouts/subpanels/, are compiled into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/<client>/layouts/subpanels/subpanels.ext.php using the extension framework. When a relationship is saved, layout files are created for both the "base" and "mobile" client types. For example, deploying a 1:M relationship from Bugs to Leads will generate the following Sidecar files: ./custom/Extension/modules/Bugs/Ext/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/bugs_leads_1_Bugs.php <?php $viewdefs['Bugs']['base']['layout']['subpanels']['components'][] = array ( 'layout' => 'subpanel', 'label' => 'LBL_BUGS_LEADS_1_FROM_LEADS_TITLE', 'context' => array ( 'link' => 'bugs_leads_1', ), ); ./custom/Extension/modules/Bugs/Ext/clients/mobile/layouts/subpanels/bugs_leads_1_Bugs.php <?php $viewdefs['Bugs']['mobile']['layout']['subpanels']['components'][] = array ( 'layout' => 'subpanel', 'label' => 'LBL_BUGS_LEADS_1_FROM_LEADS_TITLE', 'context' => array ( 'link' => 'bugs_leads_1', ),
array ( 'link' => 'bugs_leads_1', ), ); Note: The additional legacy MVC layouts generated by a relationships deployment are described below. Legacy MVC Subpanel Layouts Custom Legacy MVC Subpanel layouts, located in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/, are compiled into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php using the extension framework. You should also note that when a relationship is saved, wireless layouts, located in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/, are created and compiled into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php. An example of this is when deploying a 1-M relationship from Bugs to Leads, the following layoutdef files are generated: ./custom/Extension/modules/Bugs/Ext/Layoutdefs/bugs_leads_1_Bugs.php <?php $layout_defs["Bugs"]["subpanel_setup"]['bugs_leads_1'] = array ( 'order' => 100, 'module' => 'Leads', 'subpanel_name' => 'default', 'sort_order' => 'asc', 'sort_by' => 'id', 'title_key' => 'LBL_BUGS_LEADS_1_FROM_LEADS_TITLE', 'get_subpanel_data' => 'bugs_leads_1', 'top_buttons' => array ( 0 => array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopButtonQuickCreate', ), 1 => array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopSelectButton', 'mode' => 'MultiSelect', ), ), );
'mode' => 'MultiSelect', ), ), ); ./custom/Extension/modules/Bugs/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/bugs_leads_1_Bugs.php <?php $layout_defs["Bugs"]["subpanel_setup"]['bugs_leads_1'] = array ( 'order' => 100, 'module' => 'Leads', 'subpanel_name' => 'default', 'title_key' => 'LBL_BUGS_LEADS_1_FROM_LEADS_TITLE', 'get_subpanel_data' => 'bugs_leads_1', ); Fields Metadata Sidecar's subpanel field layouts are initially defined by the subpanel list-view metadata. Hierarchy Diagram The subpanel list metadata is loaded in the following manner: Note: The Sugar application's client type is "base". For more information on the various client types, please refer to the User Interface page. Subpanel List Views By default, all modules come with a default set of subpanel fields for when they are rendered as a subpanel. An example of this is can be found in the Bugs module: ./modules/Bugs/clients/base/views/subpanel-list/subpanel-list.php <?php $subpanel_layout['list_fields'] = array ( 'full_name' => array ( 'type' => 'fullname', 'link' => true, 'studio' => array ( 'listview' => false, ), 'vname' => 'LBL_NAME', 'width' => '10%', 'default' => true, ), 'date_entered' => array ( 'type' => 'datetime', 'studio' => array (
'type' => 'datetime', 'studio' => array ( 'portaleditview' => false, ), 'readonly' => true, 'vname' => 'LBL_DATE_ENTERED', 'width' => '10%', 'default' => true, ), 'refered_by' => array ( 'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_REFERED_BY', 'width' => '10%', 'default' => true, ), 'lead_source' => array ( 'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_LEAD_SOURCE', 'width' => '10%', 'default' => true, ), 'phone_work' => array ( 'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_PHONE', 'width' => '10%', 'default' => true, ), 'lead_source_description' => array ( 'name' => 'lead_source_description', 'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_LEAD_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION', 'width' => '10%', 'sortable' => false, 'default' => true, ), 'assigned_user_name' => array ( 'name' => 'assigned_user_name', 'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME', 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelDetailViewLink', 'target_record_key' => 'assigned_user_id', 'target_module' => 'Employees', 'width' => '10%', 'default' => true, ), 'first_name' => array ( 'usage' => 'query_only', ), 'last_name' =>
'usage' => 'query_only', ), 'last_name' => array ( 'usage' => 'query_only', ), 'salutation' => array ( 'name' => 'salutation', 'usage' => 'query_only', ), ); To modify this layout, navigate to Admin > Studio > {Parent Module} > Subpanels > Bugs and make your changes. Once saved, Sugar will generate ./custom/modules/Bugs/clients/<client>/views/subpanel-for-<link>/subpanel-for-<link>.php which will be used for rendering the fields you selected. You should note that, just as Sugar mimics the Sidecar layouts in the legacy MVC framework for modules in backward compatibility, it also mimics the field list in ./modules/<module>/metadata/subpanels/default.php and ./custom/modules/<module>/metadata/subpanels/default.php. This is done to ensure that any related modules, whether in Sidecar or Backward Compatibility mode, display the same field list as expected. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Legacy MVC Overview The legacy MVC Architecture. You should note that the MVC architecture is being deprecated and is being replaced with sidecar. Until the framework is fully deprecated, modules set in backward compatibility mode will still use the MVC framework. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Overview A model-view-controller, or MVC, is a design philosophy that creates a distinct separation between business-logic and display logic. Model : This is the data object built by the business/application logic needed to present in the user interface. For Sugar, it is represented by the SugarBean and all subclasses of the SugarBean. View : This is the display layer which is responsible for rendering data from the Model to the end-user. Controller : This is the layer that handles user events such as "Save" and determines what business logic actions to take to build the model, and which view to load for rendering the data to end users. SugarCRM MVC Implementation The following is a sequence diagram that highlights some of the main components involved within the Sugar MVC framework.   TopicsViewDisplaying information to the browser.ControllerThe basic actions of a module.MetadataAn overview of the legacy MVC metadata framework.ExamplesProvides an overview of example MVC customizations. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Controller Overview The basic actions of a module. Controllers The main controller, named SugarController, addresses the basic actions of a module from EditView and DetailView to saving a record. Each module can override this SugarController by adding a controller.php file into its directory. This file extends the SugarController, and the naming convention for the class is: <module>Controller Inside the controller, you define an action method. The naming convention for the method is: action_<action name> There are more fine-grained control mechanisms that a developer can use to override the controller processing. For example, if a developer wanted to create a new save action, there are three places where they could possibly override. action_save: This is the broadest specification and gives the user full control over the save process. pre_save: A user could override the population of parameters from the form. post_save: This is where the view is being set up. At this point, the developer could set a redirect URL, do some post-save processing, or set a different view. Upgrade-Safe Implementation You can also add a custom Controller that extends the module's Controller if such a Controller already exists. For example, if you want to extend the Controller for a module, you should check if that module already has a module-specific controller. If so, you extend from that controller class. Otherwise, you extend from SugarController class. In both cases, you should place the custom controller class file in ./custom/modules/<module>/Controller.php instead of the module directory. Doing so makes your customization upgrade-safe. File Structure ./include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php ./include/MVC/Controller/ControllerFactory.php ./modules/<module>/Controller.php ./custom/modules/<module>/controller.php Implementation If the module does not contain a controller.php file in ./modules/<module>/, you will create the following file:
./custom/modules/<module>/controller.php class <module>Controller extends SugarController { function action_<action>() { $this->view = '<action lowercase>'; } } If the module does contain a controller.php file, you will need to extend it by doing the following: ./custom/modules/<module>/controller.php require_once 'modules/<module>/controller.php'; class Custom<module>Controller extends <module>Controller { function action_<action>() { $this->view = '<action lowercase>'; } } Note: When creating or moving files you will need to rebuild the file map. More information on rebuilding the file map can be found in the SugarAutoLoader. Mapping Actions to Files You can choose not to provide a custom action method as defined above, and instead, specify your mappings of actions to files in $action_file_map. Take a look at ./include/MVC/Controller/action_file_map.php as an example: $action_file_map['subpanelviewer'] = 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelViewer.php'; $action_file_map['save2'] = 'include/generic/Save2.php'; $action_file_map['deleterelationship'] = 'include/generic/DeleteRelationship.php'; $action_file_map['import'] = 'modules/Import/index.php'; Here the developer has the opportunity to map an action to a file. For example, Sugar uses a generic sub-panel file for handling subpanel actions. You can see above that there is an entry mapping the action 'subpanelviewer' to ./include/SubPanel/SubPanelViewer.php. The base SugarController class loads the action mappings in the following path sequence: ./include/MVC/Controller ./modules/<module> ./custom/modules/<module> ./custom/include/MVC/Controller
./custom/modules/<module> ./custom/include/MVC/Controller Each one loads and overrides the previous definition if in conflict. You can drop a new action_file_map in the later path sequence that extends or overrides the mappings defined in the previous one. Upgrade-Safe Implementation If you want to add custom action_file_map.php to an existing module that came with the SugarCRM release, you should place the file at ./custom/modules/<module>/action_file_map.php File Structure ./include/MVC/Controller/action_file_map.php ./modules/<module>/action_file_map.php ./custom/modules/<module>/action_file_map.php Implementation $action_file_map['soapRetrieve'] = 'custom/SoapRetrieve/soap.php'; Classic Support (Not Recommended) Classic support allows you to have files that represent actions within your module. Essentially, you can drop in a PHP file into your module and have that be handled as an action. This is not recommended, but is considered acceptable for backward compatibility. The better practice is to take advantage of the action_<action> structure. File Structure ./modules/<module>/<action>.php Controller Flow Overview For example, if a request comes in for DetailView the controller will handle the request as follows: Start in index.php and load the SugarApplication instance. SugarApplication instantiates the SugarControllerFactory. SugarControllerFactory loads the appropriate Controller. SugarControllerFactory checks for ./custom/modules/<module>/Controller.php. If not found, check for ./modules/<module>/Controller.php. If not found, load SugarController.php. Calls on the appropriate action. Look for ./custom/modules/<module>/<action>.php. If found and ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.<action>.php is not found, use this view.
If not found check for modules/<module>/<action>.php. If found and ./modules/<module>/views/view.<action>.php is not found, then use the ./modules/<module>/<action>.php action. If not found, check for the method action_<action> in the controller. If not found, check for an action_file_mapping. If not found, report error "Action is not defined". Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
View Overview Displaying information to the browser. What are Views? Views, otherwise known as actions, are typically used to render views or to process logic. Views are not just limited to HTML data. You can send JSON encoded data as part of a view or any other structure you wish. As with the controllers, there is a default class called SugarView which implements much of the basic logic for views, such as handling of headers and footers. There are five main actions for a module: Display Actions Detail View: A detail view displays a read-only view of a particular record. Usually, this is accessed via the list view. The detail view displays the details of the object itself and related items (subpanels). Subpanels are miniature list views of items that are related to the parent object. For example, Tasks assigned to a Project, or Contacts for an Opportunity will appear in subpanels in the Project or Opportunity detail view. The file ./<module>/metadata/detailviewdefs.php defines a module's detail view page layout. The file ./<module>/metadata/subpaneldefs.php defines the subpanels that are displayed in the module's detail view page. Edit View: The edit view page is accessed when a user creates a new record or edits details of an existing one. Edit view can also be accessed directly from the list view. The file ./<module>/metadata/editviewdefs.php defines a module's edit view page layout. List View: This Controller action enables the search form and search results for a module. Users can perform actions such as delete, export, update multiple records (mass update), and drill into a specific record to view and edit the details. Users can see this view by default when they click one of the module tabs at the top of the page. Files in each module describe the contents of the list and search view. Process Actions
Process Actions Save: This Controller action is processed when the user clicks Save in the record's edit view. Delete: This action is processed when the user clicks "Delete" in the detail view of a record or in the detail view of a record listed in a subpanel. Implementation Class File Structure ./include/MVC/Views/SugarView.php ./include/MVC/Views/view.<view>.php ./custom/include/MVC/Views/view.<view>.php ./modules/<module>/views/view.<view>.php ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.<view>.php Class Loading The ViewFactory class loads the view based off the the following sequence loading the first file it finds: ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.<view>.php ./modules/<module>/views/view.<view>.php ./custom/include/MVC/View/view.<view>.php ./include/MVC/Views/view.<view>.php Methods There are two main methods to override within a view: preDisplay(): This performs pre-processing within a view. This method is relevant only for extending existing views. For example, the include/MVC/View/views/view.edit.php file uses it, and enables developers who wishes to extend this view to leverage all of the logic done in preDisplay() and either override the display() method completely or within your own display() method call parent::display(). display(): This method displays the data to the screen. Place the logic to display output to the screen here. Creating Views Creating a new/view action consists of a controller action and a view file. The first step is to define your controller action. If the module does not contain a controller.php file in ./modules/<module>/ you will create the following file: ./custom/modules/<module>/controller.php <?php class <module>Controller extends SugarController { function action_MyView()
class <module>Controller extends SugarController { function action_MyView() { $this->view = 'myview'; } } More information on controllers can be found in the Controller section. The next step is to define your view file. This example extends the ViewDetail class but you can extend any of the classes you choose in ./include/MVC/View/views/. ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.newview.php <?php require_once 'include/MVC/View/views/view.detail.php' ; class <module>ViewMyView extends ViewDetail { function display() { echo 'This is my new view<br>'; } } Overriding Views The following section will demonstrate how to extend and override a view. When overriding existing actions and views, you won't need to make any changes to the controller. This approach will be very similar for any view you may choose to modify. If the module you are extending the view for does not contain an existing view in its modules views directory ( ./modules/<module>/views/ ), you will need to extend the views base class. Otherwise, you will extend the view class found within the file. In the case of a detail view, you would check for the file ./modules/<module>/views/view.detail.php. If this file does not exist, you will create ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.detail.php and extend the base ViewDetail class with the name <module>ViewDetail. ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.detail.php <?php require_once('include/MVC/View/views/view.detail.php'); class <module>ViewDetail extends ViewDetail { function display() { echo 'This is my addition to the DetailView<br>'; //call parent display method parent::display(); } }
//call parent display method parent::display(); } } If ./modules/<module>/views/view.detail.php does exist, you would create ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.detail.php and extend the base <module>ViewDetail class with the name Custom<module>ViewDetail. ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.detail.php <?php require_once('modules/<module>/views/view.detail.php'); class Custom<module>ViewDetail extends <module>ViewDetail { function display() { echo 'This is my addition to the DetailView<br>'; //call parent display method parent::display(); } } Display Options for Views The Sugar MVC provides developers with granular control over how the screen looks when a view is rendered. Each view can have a config file associated with it. In the case of an edit view, the developer would create the file ./customs/modules/<module>/views/view.edit.config.php . When the edit view is rendered, this config file will be picked up. When loading the view, ViewFactory class will merge the view config files from the following possible locations with precedence order (high to low): ./customs/modules/<module>/views/view.<view>.config.php ./modules/<module>/views/view.<view>.config.php ./custom/include/MVC/View/views/view.<view>.config.php ./include/MVC/View/views/view.<view>.config.php Implementation The format of these files is as follows: $view_config = array( 'actions' => array( 'popup' => array( 'show_header' => false, 'show_subpanels' => false, 'show_search' => false, 'show_footer' => false, 'show_JavaScript' => true, ),
'show_JavaScript' => true, ), ), 'req_params' => array( 'to_pdf' => array( 'param_value' => true, 'config' => array( 'show_all' => false ), ), ), ); To illustrate this process, let us take a look at how the 'popup' action is processed. In this case, the system will go to the actions entry within the view_config and determine the proper configuration. If the request contains the parameter to_pdf, and is set to be true, then it will automatically cause the show_all configuration parameter to be set false, which means none of the options will be displayed. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Examples Provides an overview of example MVC customizations.  TopicsChanging the ListView Default Sort OrderThis article addresses the need to customize the advanced search layout options for modules in backward compatibility mode to change the default sort order from ascending to descending. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Changing the ListView Default Sort Order Overview This article addresses the need to customize the advanced search layout options for modules in backward compatibility mode to change the default sort order from ascending to descending. Customization Information This customization is only for modules in backward compatibility mode and involves creating custom files that extend stock files. You should note that this customization does not address all scenarios within the view that may assign a sort order. Extending the Search Form First, we will need to extend the SearchForm class. To do this, we will create a CustomSearchForm class that extends the original SearchForm class located in ./include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php. We will then override the _displayTabs method to check the $_REQUEST['sortOrder'] and default it to descending if it isn't set. ./custom/include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php <?php require_once 'include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php'; class CustomSearchForm extends SearchForm { /** * displays the tabs (top of the search form) * * @param string $currentKey key in $this->tabs to show as the current tab * * @return string html */ function _displayTabs($currentKey) { //check and set the default sort order if (!isset($_REQUEST['sortOrder'])) { $_REQUEST['sortOrder'] = 'DESC'; } return parent::_displayTabs($currentKey);; } } ?> Extending the List View Next, we will need to extend the ListView. We will create a ViewCustomList class that extends the original ListView located in ./include/MVC/View/views/view.list.php. In the ViewCustomList class, we will override the prepareSearchForm and getSearchForm2 methods to call the CustomSearchForm class.
./custom/include/MVC/View/views/view.customlist.php <?php require_once 'include/MVC/View/views/view.list.php'; class ViewCustomList extends ViewList { function prepareSearchForm() { $this->searchForm = null; //search $view = 'basic_search'; if(!empty($_REQUEST['search_form_view']) && $_REQUEST['search_form_view'] == 'advanced_search') $view = $_REQUEST['search_form_view']; $this->headers = true; if(!empty($_REQUEST['search_form_only']) && $_REQUEST['search_form_only']) $this->headers = false; elseif(!isset($_REQUEST['search_form']) || $_REQUEST['search_form'] != 'false') { if(isset($_REQUEST['searchFormTab']) && $_REQUEST['searchFormTab'] == 'advanced_search') { $view = 'advanced_search'; } else { $view = 'basic_search'; } } $this->view = $view; $this->use_old_search = true; if (SugarAutoLoader::existingCustom('modules/' . $this->module . '/SearchForm.html') && !SugarAutoLoader::existingCustom('modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/searchdefs.php')) { require_once('include/SearchForm/SearchForm.php'); $this->searchForm = new SearchForm($this->module, $this->seed); } else { $this->use_old_search = false; //Updated to require the extended CustomSearchForm class require_once('custom/include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php'); $searchMetaData = SearchForm::retrieveSearchDefs($this->module);
$searchMetaData = SearchForm::retrieveSearchDefs($this->module); $this->searchForm = $this->getSearchForm2($this->seed, $this->module, $this->action); $this->searchForm->setup($searchMetaData['searchdefs'], $searchMetaData['searchFields'], 'SearchFormGeneric.tpl', $view, $this->listViewDefs); $this->searchForm->lv = $this->lv; } } /** * Returns the search form object * * @return SearchForm */ protected function getSearchForm2($seed, $module, $action = "index") { //Updated to use the extended CustomSearchForm class return new CustomSearchForm($seed, $module, $action); } } ?> Extending the Sugar Controller Finally, we will create a CustomSugarController class that extends the orginal SugarController located in ./include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php. We will then need to override the do_action and post_action methods to execute their parent methods as well as the action_listview method to assign the custom view to the view attribute. ./custom/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php <?php /** * Custom SugarCRM controller * @api */ class CustomSugarController extends SugarController { /** * Perform the specified action. * This can be overridde in a sub-class */ private function do_action() { return parent::do_action(); } /** * Perform an action after to the specified action has occurred. * This can be overridde in a sub-class */ private function post_action() { return parent::post_action();
private function post_action() { return parent::post_action(); } /** * Perform the listview action */ protected function action_listview() { parent::action_listview(); //set the new custom view $this->view = 'customlist'; } } ?> Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Metadata Overview An overview of the legacy MVC metadata framework. You should note that the MVC architecture is being deprecated and is being replaced with sidecar. Until the framework is fully deprecated, modules set in backward compatibility mode will still use the legacy MVC framework. Metadata Framework Background Metadata is defined as information about data. In Sugar, metadata refers to the framework of using files to abstract the presentation and business logic found in the system. The metadata framework is described in definition files that are processed using PHP. The processing usually includes the use of Smarty templates for rendering the presentation and JavaScript libraries to handle some business logic that affects conditional displays, input validation, and so on. Application Metadata All application modules are defined in the modules.php file. It contains several variables that define which modules are active and usable in the application. The file is located under the '<sugar root>/include' folder. It contains the $moduleList() array variable which contains the reference to the array key to look up the string to be used to display the module in the tabs at the top of the application. The coding standard is for the value to be in the plural of the module name; for example, Contacts, Accounts, Widgets, and so on. The $beanList() array stores a list of all active beans (modules) in the application. The $beanList entries are stored in a 'name' => 'value' fashion with the 'name' value being in the plural and the 'value' being in the singular of the module name. The 'value' of a $beanList() entry is used to lookup values in our next modules.php variable, the $beanFiles() array.
The $beanFiles variable is also stored in a 'name' => 'value' fashion. The 'name', typically in singular, is a reference to the class name of the object, which is looked up from the $beanList 'value', and the 'value' is a reference to the class file. The remaining relevant variables in the modules.php file are the $modInvisList variable which makes modules invisible in the regular user interface (i.e., no tab appears for these modules), and the $adminOnlyList which is an extra level of security for modules that are accessible only by administrators through the Admin page. Module Metadata The following table lists the metadata definition files found in the modules/[module]/metadata directory, and a brief description of their purpose within the system. File Description additionalDetails.php Used to render the popup information displayed when a user hovers the mouse cursor over a row in the List View. editviewdefs.php Used to render a record's EditView. detailviewdefs.php Used to render a record's DetailView. listviewdefs.php Used to render the List View display for a module. metafiles.php Used to override the location of the metadata definition file to be used. The EditView, DetailView, List View, and Popup code check for the presence of these files. popupdefs.php Used to render and handle the search form and list view in popups. searchdefs.php Used to render a module's basic and advanced search form displays. sidecreateviewdefs.php Used to render a module's quick create form shown in the side shortcut panel. subpaneldefs.php Used to render a module's subpanels shown when viewing a record's DetailView. SearchForm Metadata The search form layout for each module is defined in the module's metadata file searchdefs.php. A sample of the Accounts searchdefs.php appears as:
<?php $searchdefs['Accounts'] = array( 'templateMeta' => array( 'maxColumns' => '3', 'widths' => array( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30' ) ), 'layout' => array( 'basic_search' => array( 'name', 'billing_address_city', 'phone_office', array( 'name' => 'address_street', 'label' => 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS', 'type' => 'name', 'group' => 'billing_address_street' ), array( 'name' => 'current_user_only', 'label' => 'LBL_CURRENT_USER_FILTER', 'type'=>'bool' ), ), 'advanced_search' => array( 'name', array( 'name' => 'address_street', 'label' => 'LBL_ANY_ADDRESS', 'type' => 'name' ), array( 'name' => 'phone', 'label' => 'LBL_ANY_PHONE', 'type' => 'name' ), 'website', array( 'name' => 'address_city', 'label' => 'LBL_CITY', 'type' => 'name' ), array( 'name' => 'email', 'label' =>'LBL_ANY_EMAIL', 'type' => 'name' ), 'annual_revenue', array( 'name' => 'address_state', 'label' =>'LBL_STATE', 'type' => 'name'
'label' =>'LBL_STATE', 'type' => 'name' ), 'employees', array( 'name' => 'address_postalcode', 'label' =>'LBL_POSTAL_CODE', 'type' => 'name' ), array( 'name' => 'billing_address_country', 'label' =>'LBL_COUNTRY', 'type' => 'name' ), 'ticker_symbol', 'sic_code', 'rating', 'ownership', array( 'name' => 'assigned_user_id', 'type' => 'enum', 'label' => 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO', 'function' => array( 'name' =>'get_user_array', 'params' => array(false) ) ), 'account_type', 'industry', ), ), ); ?> The searchdefs.php file contains the Array variable $searchDefs with one entry. The key is the name of the module as defined in $moduleList array defined in include/modules.php. The $searchDefsarray is another array that describes the search form layout and fields. The 'templateMeta' key points to another array that controls the maximum number of columns in each row of the search form ('maxColumns'), as well as layout spacing attributes as defined by 'widths'. In the above example, the generated search form files will allocate 10% of the width spacing to the labels and 30% for each field respectively.
The 'layout' key points to another nested array which defines the fields to display in the basic and advanced search form tabs. Each individual field definition maps to a SugarField widget. See the SugarField widget section for an explanation about SugarField widgets and how they are rendered for the search form, DetailView, and EditView. The searchdefs.php file is invoked from the MVC framework whenever a module's list view is rendered (see include/MVC/View/views/view.list.php). Within view.list.php, checks are made to see if the module has defined a SearchForm.html file. If this file exists, the MVC will run in classic mode and use the aforementioned include/SearchForm/SearchForm.php file to process the search form. Otherwise, the new search form processing is invoked using include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php and the searchdefs.php file is scanned for, first under the custom/modules/[module]/metadata directory and then in modules/[module]/metadata. The processing flow for the search form using the metadata subpaneldefs.php file is similar to that of EdiView and DetailView. DetailView and EditView Metadata Metadata files are PHP files that declare nested Array values that contain information about the view, such as buttons, hidden values, field layouts, and more. Following is a visual diagram representing how the Array values declared in the Metadata file are nested: The following diagram highlights the process of how the application determines which Metadata file is to be used when rendering a request for a view: The "Classic Mode" on the right hand side of the diagram represents the SugarCRM pre-5.x rendering of a Detail/Editview. This section will focus on the MVC/Metadata mode.
When the view is first requested, the preDisplay method will attempt to find the correct Metadata file to use. Typically, the Metadata file will exist in the [root level]/modules/[module]/metadata directory, but in the event of edits to a layout through the Studio interface, a new Metadata file will be created and placed in the [root level]/custom/modules/[module]/metadata directory. This is done so that changes to layouts may be restored to their original state through Studio, and also to allow changes made to layouts to be upgrade-safe when new patches and upgrades are applied to the application. The metafiles.php file that may be loaded allows for the loading of Metadata files with alternate naming conventions or locations. An example of the metafiles.php contents can be found for the Accounts module (though it is not used by default in the application). $metafiles['Accounts'] = array( 'detailviewdefs' => 'modules/Accounts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php', 'editviewdefs' => 'modules/Accounts/metadata/editviewdefs.php', 'ListViewdefs' => 'modules/Accounts/metadata/ListViewdefs.php', 'searchdefs' => 'modules/Accounts/metadata/searchdefs.php', 'popupdefs' => 'modules/Accounts/metadata/popupdefs.php', 'searchfields' => 'modules/Accounts/metadata/SearchFields.php', ); After the Metadata file is loaded, the preDisplay method also creates an EditView object and checks if a Smarty template file needs to be built for the given Metadata file. The EditView object does the bulk of the processing for a given Metadata file (creating the template, setting values, setting field level ACL controls if applicable, etc.). Please see the EditView process diagram for more detailed information about these steps.
After the preDisplay method is called in the view code, the display method is called, resulting in a call to the EditView object's process method, as well as the EditView object's display method. The EditView class is responsible for the bulk of the Metadata file processing and creation of the resulting display. The EditView class also checks to see if the resulting Smarty template is already created. It also applies the field level ACL controls for Sugar Sell, Serve, Ultimate, Enterprise, Corporate, and Professional. The classes responsible for displaying the Detail View and SearchForm also extend and use the EditView class. The ViewEdit, ViewDetail and ViewSidequickcreate classes use the EditView class to process and display their contents. Even the file that renders the quick create form display (SubpanelQuickCreate.php) uses the EditView class. DetailView (in DetailView2.php) and SearchForm (in SearchForm2.php) extend the EditView class while SubpanelQuickCreate.php uses an instance of the EditView class. The following diagram highlights these relationships. The following diagram highlights the EditView class's main responsibilities and their relationships with other classes in the system. We will use the example of a DetailView request although the sequence will be similar for other views that use the EditView class. One thing to note is the EditView class's interaction with the TemplateHandler class. The TemplateHandler class is responsible for generating a Smarty template in the cache/modules/<module> directory. For example, for the Accounts module, the TemplateHandler will create the Smarty file, cache/modules/Accounts/DetailView.tpl, based on the Metadata file definition and other supplementary information from the EditView class. The TemplateHandler class actually uses Smarty itself to generate the resulting template that is placed in the aforementioned cache directory.
Some of the modules that are available in the SugarCRM application also extend the ViewDetail class. One example of this is the DetailView for the Projects module. As mentioned in the MVC section, it is possible to extend the view classes by placing a file in the modules/<module>/views directory. In this case, a view.detail.php file exists in the modules/Projects/views folder. This may serve as a useful example in studying how to extend a view and apply additional field/layout settings not provided by the EditView class. The following diagram shows the files involved with the DetailView example in more detail: A high level processing summary of the components for DetailViews follows: The MVC framework receives a request to process the DetaiView.php (A) action for a module. For example, a record is selected from the list view shown on the browser with URL: index.php?action=DetailView&module=Opportunities&record=46af9843-ccdf-f489-8833 At this point the new MVC framework checks to see if there is a DetailView.php (A2) file in the modules/Opportunity directory that will override the default DetailView.php implementation. The presence of a DetailView.php file will trigger the "classic" MVC view. If there is no DetailView.php (A2) file in the directory, the MVC will also check if you have defined a custom view to handle the DetailView rendering in MVC (that is, checks if there is a file modules/Opportunity/views/view.detail.php). See the documentation for the MVC architecture for more information. Finally, if neither the DetailView.php (A2) nor the view.detail.php exists, then the MVC will invoke include/DetailView/DetailView.php (A). The MVC framework (see views.detail.php in include/MVC/View/views folder) creates an instance of the generic DetailView (A) // Call DetailView2 constructor
// Call DetailView2 constructor $dv = new DetailView2(); // Assign by reference the Sugar_Smarty object created from MVC // We have to explicitly assign by reference to back support PHP 4.x $dv->ss =& $this->ss; // Call the setup function $dv->setup($this->module, $this->bean, $metadataFile, 'include/DetailView/DetailView.tpl'); // Process this view $dv->process(); // Return contents to the buffer echo $dv->display(); When the setup method is invoked, a TemplateHandler instance (D) is created. A check is performed to determine which detailviewdefs.php metadata file to used in creating the resulting DetailView. The first check is performed to see if a metadata file was passed in as a parameter. The second check is performed against the custom/studio/modules/[Module] directory to see if a metadata file exists. For the final option, the DetailView constructor will use the module's default detailviewdefs.php metadata file located under the modules/[Module]/metadata directory. If there is no detailviewdefs.php file in the modules/[Module]/metadata directory, but a DetailView.html exists, then a "best guess" version is created using the metadata parser file in include/SugarFields/Parsers/DetailViewMetaParser.php (not shown in diagram). The TemplateHandler also handles creating the quick search (Ajax code to do look ahead typing) as well as generating the JavaScript validation rules for the module. Both the quick search and JavaScript code should remain static based on the definitions of the current definition of the metadata file. When fields are added or removed from the file through Studio, this template and the resulting updated quick search and JavaScript code will be rebuilt.
It should be noted that the generic DetailView (A) defaults to using the generic DetailView.tpl smarty template file (F). This may also be overridden through the constructor parameters. The generic DetailView (A) constructor also retrieves the record according to the record id and populates the $focus bean variable. The process() method is invoked on the generic DetailView.php instance: function process() { //Format fields first if($this->formatFields) { $this->focus->format_all_fields(); } parent::process(); } This, in turn, calls the EditView->process() method since DetailView extends from EditView. The EditView->process() method will eventually call the EditView->render() method to calculate the width spacing for the DetailView labels and values. The number of columns and the percentage of width to allocate to each column may be defined in the metadata file. The actual values are rounded as a total percentage of 100%. For example, given the templateMeta section's maxColumns and widths values: 'templateMeta' => array( 'maxColumns' => '2', 'widths' => array( array( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30' ), array( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30' ) ), ), We can see that the labels and fields are mapped as a 1-to-3 ratio. The sum of the widths only equals a total of 80 (10 + 30 x 2) so the actual resulting values written to the Smarty template will be at a percentage ratio of 12.5-to-37.5. The resulting fields defined in the metadata file will be rendered as a table with the column widths as defined:
The actual metadata layout will allow for variable column lengths throughout the displayed table. For example, the metadata portion defined as: 'panels' => array( 'default' => array( array( 'name', array( 'name' => 'amount', 'label' => '{$MOD.LBL_AMOUNT} ({$CURRENCY})', ), ), array( 'account_name', ), array( '', 'opportunity_type', ) ) ) This specifies a default panel under the panels section with three rows. The first row has two fields (name and amount). The amount field has some special formatting using the label override option. The second row contains the account_name field and the third row contains the opportunity_type column. Next, the process() method populates the $fieldDefs array variable with the vardefs.php file (G) definition and the $focus bean's value. This is done by calling the toArray () method on the $focus bean instance and combining these values with the field definition specified in the vardefs.php file (G). The display() method is then invoked on the generic DetailView instance for the final step. When the display() method is invoked, variables to the DetailView.tpl Smarty template are assigned and the module's HTML code is sent to the output buffer.
Before HTML code is sent back, the TemplateHandler (D) first performs a check to see if an existing DetailView template already exists in the cache respository (H). In this case, it will look for file cache/modules/Opportunity/DetailView.tpl. The operation of creating the Smarty template is expensive so this operation ensures that the work will not have to be redone. As a side note, edits made to the DetailView or EditView through the Studio application will clear the cache file and force the template to be rewritten so that the new changes are reflected. If the cache file does not exist, the TemplateHandler (D) will create the template file and store it in the cache directory. When the fetch() method is invoked on the Sugar_Smarty class (E) to create the template, the DetailView.tpl file is parsed. TopicsExamplesLegacy MVC metadata examples. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Examples Legacy MVC metadata examples. TopicsHiding the Quotes Module PDF ButtonsHow to hide the PDF buttons on a Quote.Manipulating Buttons on Legacy MVC LayoutsHow to add custom buttons to the EditView and DetailView layouts.Manipulating Layouts ProgrammaticallyHow to manipulate and merge layouts programmatically.Modifying Layouts to Display Additional ColumnsHow to add additional columns to layouts. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Manipulating Buttons on Legacy MVC Layouts Overview How to add custom buttons to the EditView and DetailView layouts. Note: This customization is only applicable for modules in backward compatibility mode. Metadata Before adding buttons to your layouts, you will need to understand how the metadata framework is used. Detailed information on the metadata framework can be found in the Legacy Metadata section. Custom Layouts Before you can add a button to your layout, you will first need to make sure you have a custom layout present. The stock layouts are located in ./modules/<module>/metadata/ and must be recreated in ./custom/modules/<module>/metadata/. There are two ways to recreate a layout in the custom directory if it does not already exist. The first is to navigate to: Studio > {Module} > Layouts > {View} Once there, you can click the "Save & Deploy" button. This will create the layoutdef for you. Alternatively, you can also manually copy the layoutdef from the stock folder to the custom folder. Editing Layouts When editing layouts you have three options in having your changes reflected in the UI. Developer Mode You can turn on Developer Mode: Admin > System Settings Developer Mode will remove the caching of the metadata framework. This will cause your changes to be reflected when the page is refreshed. Make sure this setting is deactivated when you are finished with your customization. Quick Repair and Rebuild You can run a Quick Repair and Rebuild: Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild Doing this will rebuild the cache for the metadata. Saving & Deploying the Layout in Studio You may also choose to load the layout in studio and then save & deploy it: Admin > Studio > {Module} > Layouts > {View}
Admin > Studio > {Module} > Layouts > {View} This process can be a bit confusing, however, once a layout is changed, you can then choose to load the layout in studio and then click "Save & Deploy" . This will rebuild the cache for that specific layout. Please note that any time you change the layout, you will have to reload the Studio layout view before deploying in order for this to work correctly. Adding Custom Buttons When adding buttons, there are several things to consider when determining how the button should be rendered. The following sections will outline these scenarios when working with the accounts editviewdefs located in ./custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/editviewdefs.php. JavaScript Actions If you are adding a button solely to execute JavaScript (no form submissions), you can do so by adding the button HTML to: $viewdefs['<Module>']['<View>']['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] Example <?php $viewdefs['Accounts'] = array ( 'DetailView' => array ( 'templateMeta' => array ( 'form' => array ( 'buttons' => array ( 0 => 'EDIT', 1 => 'DUPLICATE', 2 => 'DELETE', 3 => 'FIND_DUPLICATES', 4 => 'CONNECTOR', 5 => array ( 'customCode' => '<input id="JavaScriptButton" title="JavaScript Button" class="button" type="button" name="JavaScriptButton" value="JavaScript Button" onclick="alert(\'Button JavaScript\')">', ), ), ), Submitting the Stock View Form
), ), ), Submitting the Stock View Form If you intend to submit the stock layout form ('formDetailView' or 'formEditView') to a new action, you can do so by adding a the button HTML with an onclick event as shown below to: $viewdefs['<Module>']['<View>']['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] Example <?php $viewdefs['Accounts'] = array ( 'DetailView' => array ( 'templateMeta' => array ( 'form' => array ( 'hidden' => array ( 0 => '<input type="hidden" id="customFormField" name="customFormField" value="">', ), 'buttons' => array ( 0 => 'EDIT', 1 => 'DUPLICATE', 2 => 'DELETE', 3 => 'FIND_DUPLICATES', 4 => 'CONNECTOR', 5 => array ( 'customCode' => '<input id="SubmitStockFormButton" title="Submit Stock Form Button" class="button" type="button" name="SubmitStockFormButton" value="Submit Stock Form Button" onclick="var _form = document.getElementById(\'formDetailView\'); _form.customFormField.value = \'CustomValue\'; _form.action.value = \'CustomAction\'; SUGAR.ajaxUI.submitForm(_form);">', ), ), ), You should note in this example that there is also a 'hidden' index. This is where you should add any custom hidden inputs: $viewdefs['<Module>'][ '<View>'][ 'templateMeta'][ 'form'][ 'hidden'] Submitting Custom Forms
'templateMeta'][ 'form'][ 'hidden'] Submitting Custom Forms If you intend to submit a custom form, you will first need to set 'closeFormBeforeCustomButtons' to true. This will close out the current views form and allow you to create your own. $viewdefs['<Module>']['<View>']['templateMeta']['form']['closeFormBeforeCustomButtons'] Next, you will add the form and button HTML as shown below to: $viewdefs['<Module>']['<View>']['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] Example <?php $viewdefs['Accounts'] = array ( 'DetailView' => array ( 'templateMeta' => array ( 'form' => array ( 'closeFormBeforeCustomButtons' => true, 'buttons' => array ( 0 => 'EDIT', 1 => 'DUPLICATE', 2 => 'DELETE', 3 => 'FIND_DUPLICATES', 4 => 'CONNECTOR', 5 => array ( 'customCode' => '<form action="index.php" method="POST" name="CustomForm" id="form"><input type="hidden" name="customFormField" name="customFormField" value="CustomValue"><input id="SubmitCustomFormButton" title="Submit Custom Form Button" class="button" type="submit" name="SubmitCustomFormButton" value="Submit Custom Form Button"></form>', ), ), ), Removing Buttons To remove a button from the detail view will require modifying the ./modules/<module>/metadata/detailviewdefs.php. The code is originally defined as: $viewdefs[$module_name] = array ( 'DetailView' => array ( 'templateMeta' => array (
'DetailView' => array ( 'templateMeta' => array ( 'form' => array ( 'buttons' => array ( 'EDIT', 'DUPLICATE', 'DELETE', 'FIND_DUPLICATES' ), ), To remove one or more buttons, simply remove the 'buttons' attribute(s) that you do not want on the view. $viewdefs[$module_name] = array ( 'DetailView' => array ( 'templateMeta' => array ( 'form' => array ( 'buttons' => array ( 'DELETE', ), ),   Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Modifying Layouts to Display Additional Columns Overview How to add additional columns to layouts. By default, the editview, detailview, and quickcreate layouts for each module display two columns of fields. The number of columns to display can be customized on a per-module basis with the following steps. Note: This customization is only applicable for modules in backward compatibility mode. Resolution SugarCloud First, you will want to ensure your layouts are deployed in the custom directory. If you have not previously customized your layouts via Studio, go to Admin > Studio > {Module Name} > Layouts. From there, select each layout you wish to add additional columns to and click 'Save & Deploy'. This action will create a corresponding layout file under the ./custom/modules/{Module Name}/metadata/ directory. The files will be named editviewdefs.php, detailviewdefs.php, and quickcreatedefs.php depending on the layouts deployed. To access your custom files, go to Admin > Diagnostic Tool, uncheck all the boxes except for "SugarCRM Custom directory" and then click "Execute Diagnostic". This will generate an archive of your instance's custom directory to download, and you will find the layout files in the above path. Open the custom layout file, locate the 'maxColumns' value, and change it to the number of columns you would like to have on screen: 'maxColumns' => '3', Once that is updated, locate the 'widths' array to define the spacing for your new column(s). You should have a label and field entry for each column in your layout: 'widths' => array ( 0 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), 1 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), 2 => array (
'field' => '30', ), 2 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), ), After this is completed, you will need to create a module-loadable package to install the changes on your SugarCloud instance. More information on creating this package can be found in Creating an Installable Package that Creates New Fields. To upload and install the package, go to Admin > Module Loader. Note: Sugar Sell Essentials customers do not have the ability to upload custom file packages to Sugar using Module Loader. Once the installation completes, you can navigate to Studio and add fields to your new column in the layout. For any rows that already contain two fields, the second field will automatically span the second and third column. Simply click the minus (-) icon to contract the field to one column and expose the new column space: After you have added the desired fields in Studio, click 'Save & Deploy', and you are ready to go! On-Site First, you will want to ensure your layouts are deployed in the custom directory. If you have not previously customized your layouts via Studio, go to Admin > Studio > {Module Name} > Layouts. From there, select each layout you wish to add additional columns to and click 'Save & Deploy'. This action will create a corresponding layout file under the ./custom/modules/{Module Name}/metadata/ directory. The files will be named editviewdefs.php, detailviewdefs.php, and quickcreatedefs.php depending on the layouts deployed. Next, open the custom layout file, locate the 'maxColumns' value, and change it to the number of columns you would like to have on screen: 'maxColumns' => '3',
'maxColumns' => '3', Once that is updated, locate the 'widths' array to define the spacing for your new column(s). You should have a label and field entry for each column in your layout: 'widths' => array ( 0 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), 1 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), 2 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), ), Once this is completed, you can navigate to Studio and add fields to your new column in the layout. For any rows that already contain two fields, the second field will automatically span the second and third column. Simply click the minus (-) icon to contract the field to one column and expose the new column space: After you have added the desired fields in Studio, click 'Save & Deploy', and you are ready to go! Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Manipulating Layouts Programmatically Overview How to manipulate and merge layouts programmatically. Note: This customization is only applicable for modules in backward compatibility mode. The ParserFactory The ParserFactory can be used to manipulate layouts such as editviewdefs or detailviewdefs. This is a handy when creating custom plugins and needing to merge changes into an existing layout. The following example will demonstrate how to add a button to the detail view: <?php //Instantiate the parser factory for the Accounts DetailView. require_once('modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/ParserFactory.php'); $parser = ParserFactory::getParser('detailview', 'Accounts'); //Button to add $button = array( 'customCode'=>'<input type="button" name="customButton" value="Custom Button">' ); //Add button into the parsed layout array_push($parser->_viewdefs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'], $button); //Save the layout $parser->handleSave(false);   Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Hiding the Quotes Module PDF Buttons Overview How to hide the PDF buttons on a Quote. The PDF buttons on quotes are rendered differently than the standard buttons on most layouts. Since these buttons can't be removed directly from the DetailView in the detailviewdefs, the best approach is using jQuery to hide the buttons. Note: This customization is only applicable for the quotes module as it is in backward compatibility mode. Hidding the PDF Buttons This approach involves modifying the detailviewdefs.php in the custom/modules/Quotes/metadata directory to include a custom JavaScript file. If a custom detailviewdefs.php file doesn't exist, you will need to create it through Studio or by manually coping the detailviewdefs.php from the Quotes stock module metadata directory. First, we will create a javascript file, say removePdfBtns.js, in the ./custom/modules/Quotes directory. This javascript file will contain the jQuery statements to hide the Quotes "Download PDF" and "Email PDF" buttons on the DetailView of the Quote. ./custom/modules/Quotes/removePdfBtns.js SUGAR.util.doWhen("typeof $ != 'undefined'", function(){ YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function(){ $("#pdfview_button").hide(); $("#pdfemail_button").hide(); }); }); Next, we will modify the custom detailviewdefs.php file to contain the 'includes' array element in the templateMeta array as follows: ./custom/modules/Quotes/metadata/detailviewdefs.php $viewdefs['Quotes'] = array ( 'DetailView' => array ( 'templateMeta' => array ( 'form' => array ( 'closeFormBeforeCustomButtons' => true, 'buttons' => array ( 0 => 'EDIT', 1 => 'SHARE',
array ( 0 => 'EDIT', 1 => 'SHARE', 2 => 'DUPLICATE', 3 => 'DELETE', 4 => array ( 'customCode' => '<form action="index.php" method="POST" name="Quote2Opp" id="form"> <input type="hidden" name="module" value="Quotes"> <input type="hidden" name="record" value="{$}"> <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="{$current_user->id}"> <input type="hidden" name="team_id" value="{$fields.team_id.value}"> <input type="hidden" name="user_name" value="{$current_user->user_name}"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="QuoteToOpportunity"> <input type="hidden" name="opportunity_subject" value="{$}"> <input type="hidden" name="opportunity_name" value="{$}"> <input type="hidden" name="opportunity_id" value="{$fields.billing_account_id.value}"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="{$}"> <input type="hidden" name="valid_until" value="{$fields.date_quote_expected_closed.value}"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_id" value="{$fields.currency_id.value}"> <input id="create_opp_from_quote_button" title="{$APP.LBL_QUOTE_TO_OPPORTUNITY_TITLE}" class="button" type="submit" name="opp_to_quote_button" value="{$APP.LBL_QUOTE_TO_OPPORTUNITY_LABEL}" {$DISABLE_CONVERT}></form>',
), ), 'footerTpl' => 'modules/Quotes/tpls/DetailViewFooter.tpl', ), 'maxColumns' => '2', 'widths' => array ( 0 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), 1 => array ( 'label' => '10', 'field' => '30', ), ), 'includes' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => 'custom/modules/Quotes/removePdfBtns.js', ), ), 'useTabs' => false, 'tabDefs' => array ( 'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION' => array ( 'newTab' => false, 'panelDefault' => 'expanded', ), 'LBL_PANEL_ASSIGNMENT' => array ( 'newTab' => false, 'panelDefault' => 'expanded', ), ), ), ... Finally, navigate to: Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild The buttons will then be removed from the DetailView layouts. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Events Overview The Backbone events module is a lightweight pub-sub pattern that gets mixed into each Backbone class (Model, View, Collection, Router, etc.). This means that you can listen to or dispatch custom named events from any Backbone object. Backbone events should not be confused with a jQuery events, which are used for working with DOM events in an API. Backbone supports an events hash on views that can be used to attach event handlers to DOM using jQuery. These are not Backbone events. This can be confusing because, among other similarities, both interfaces include an on() function and allow you to attach an event handler. The targets for jQuery events are DOM elements. The target for Backbone events are Backbone objects. Sidecar classes extend these base Backbone classes. So each Sidecar object (Layouts, Views, Fields, Beans, Contexts, etc.) supports Backbone events. Existing Backbone Event Catalog The current catalog of Backbone events is supported and triggered by the Sugar application. For example, we can listen to built-in Backbone router events, such as the route event, that is triggered by Sidecar. Try running the following JavaScript code from your browser's console: SUGAR.App.router.on('route', function(arguments) { console.log(arguments); }); As you click through the Sugar application, each time the router is called, you will see routing events appear in your browser console. Sidecar Events Global Application Events Application events are all triggered on the ( object. Below is a list of application events with a description of when you can expect them to fire. However, please note that these events can be triggered in more than one place and some events, such as app:sync:error, can trigger events such as app:logout. Name Description app:init
Name Description app:init Triggered after the Sidecar application initializesNote: Initialization registers events, builds out Sidecar API objects, loads public metadata and config, and initializes modules. app:start Triggered after the Sidecar application starts app:sync Triggered when metadata is being synced with the user interface, for example, after login has occurred app:sync:complete Triggered after metadata has completely synced app:sync:error Triggered when metadata sync fails app:sync:public:error Triggered when public metadata sync fails during initialization app:view:change Triggered when a new view is loaded app:locale:change Triggered when the locale changes lang:direction:change Triggered when the locale changes and the direction of the language is different app:login Triggered when the "Login" route is called app:login:success Triggered after a successful login app:logout Triggered when the application is logging out app:logout:success Triggered after a successful logout Bean Events The following table lists bean object events. Name Description acl:change Triggered when the ACLs change for that module acl:change:<fieldName> Triggered when the ACLs change for a particular field in that module validation:success Triggered when bean validation is valid validation:complete Triggered when bean validation completes error:validation Triggered when bean validation has an error error:validation:<fieldName> Triggered when a particular field has a bean validation error attributes:revert Triggered when the bean reverts to the previous attributes Context Events
attributes:revert Triggered when the bean reverts to the previous attributes Context Events The context object is used to facilitate communication between different Sidecar components on the page using events. For example, the button:save_button:click event triggers whenever a user clicks the Save button. The record view uses this event to run Save routines without being tightly coupled to a particular Save button. A list of these contextual events is not plausible because the user interface is continuously changing between versions, and there are many more possibilities based on the views and layouts in each version. Utilizing Events Application events can be bound to in any custom JavaScript controller or any JavaScript file loaded into Sugar and included on the page (such as via JSGroupings framework). An example below shows how one could add custom JavaScript code to trigger after the application log out. ./custom/include/javascript/myAppLogoutSuccessEvent.js (function(app){'app:logout:success', function(data) { //Add Logic Here console.log(data); }); })(SUGAR.App); With the custom event JavaScript file written and in place, include it into the system using the JSGroupings extension. ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/JSGroupings/myAppLogoutSuccessEvent.php foreach ($js_groupings as $key => $groupings) { foreach ($groupings as $file => $target) { //if the target grouping is found if ($target == 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js') { //append the custom JavaScript file $js_groupings[$key]['custom/include/javascript/myAppLogoutSuccessEvent.js'] = 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js'; } break; } }
} break; } } Once in place, navigate to Admin > Repair > Rebuild JS Grouping Files. After the JSGroupings are rebuilt, clear your browser cache and the custom JavaScript will now trigger after a successful logout. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Alerts Overview The alert view widget, located in ./clients/base/views/alert/, displays helpful information such as loading messages, notices, and confirmation messages to the user. Methods, options) The, options) method displays an alert message to the user with the options provided. Parameters Name Description id The id of the alert message. Used for dismissing specific messages. options.level The alert level options.title The alert's title, which corresponds to the alert's level options.messages The message that the user sees Note: Process alerts do not display messages. options.autoClose Whether or not to auto-close the alert popup options.onClose Callback handler for closing confirmation alerts options.onCancel Callback handler for canceling confirmation alerts options.onLinkClick Callback handler for click actions on a link inside of the alert Default Alert Values Alert Level Alert Appearance Alert Title info blue "Notice" success green "Success" warning yellow "Warning!" error red "Error" process loading message "Loading..." confirmation confirmation dialog "Warning" Alert Examples Standard Alert'message-id', { level: 'success', messages: 'Task completed!', autoClose: true }); Confirmation Alert'message-id', { level: 'confirmation', messages: 'Confirm?', autoClose: false, onConfirm: function(){ alert("Confirmed!"); }, onCancel: function(){ alert("Cancelled!"); } }); Process Alert'message-id', { level: 'process', title: 'In Process...' //change title to modify display from 'Loading...' }); app.alert.dismiss(id)
}); app.alert.dismiss(id) The app.alert.dismiss(id) method dismisses an alert message from view based on the message id. Parameters Name Description id The id of the alert message to dismiss. Example app.alert.dismiss('message-id'); app.alert.dismissAll The app.alert.dismissAll dismisses all alert messages from view. Example app.alert.dismissAll(); Testing in Console To test alerts, you can trigger them in your browser's developer tools by using the global App variable as shown below:'message-id', { level: 'success', messages: 'Successful!', autoClose: false }); Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Administration Links Overview Administration links are the shortcut URLs found on the Administration page in the Sugar application. Developers can create additional administration links using the extension framework. The global links extension directory is located at ./custom/Extension/modules/Administration/Ext/Administration/. After a Quick Repair and Rebuild, the PHP files in this directory are compiled into ./custom/modules/Administration/Ext/Administration/administration.ext.php. Additional information on this can be found in the extensions Administration section of the Extension Framework documentation. The current links defined in the administration section can be found in ./modules/Administration/metadata/adminpaneldefs.php. Example The following example will create a new panel on the Admin page: ./custom/Extension/modules/Administration/Ext/Administration/<file>.php <?php $admin_option_defs = array(); $admin_option_defs['Administration']['<section key>'] = array( //Icon name. Available icons are located in ./themes/default/images 'Administration', //Link name label 'LBL_LINK_NAME', //Link description label 'LBL_LINK_DESCRIPTION', //Link URL - For Sidecar modules 'javascript:void(parent.SUGAR.App.router.navigate("<module>/<path>", {trigger: true}));', //Alternatively, if you are linking to BWC modules //'./index.php?module=<module>&action=<action>', ); $admin_group_header[] = array( //Section header label 'LBL_SECTION_HEADER', //$other_text parameter for get_form_header() '', //$show_help parameter for get_form_header() false, //Section links $admin_option_defs,
//Section links $admin_option_defs, //Section description label 'LBL_SECTION_DESCRIPTION' ); To define labels for administration links in the new panel: ./custom/Extension/modules/Administration/Ext/Language/en_us.<name>.php <?php $mod_strings['LBL_LINK_NAME'] = 'Link Name'; $mod_strings['LBL_LINK_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Link Description'; $mod_strings['LBL_SECTION_HEADER'] = 'Section Header'; $mod_strings['LBL_SECTION_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Section Description'; Finally, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and the panel will appear on the Admin page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Dashlets Overview Dashlets are special view-component plugins that render data from a context and make use of the Dashlet plugin. They are typically made up of a controller JavaScript file (.js) and at least one Handlebars template (.hbs). Hierarchy Diagram Sugar loads the dashlet view components in the following manner: Note: The Sugar application's client type is "base". For more information on the various client types, please refer to the User Interface page. Dashlet Views The are three views when working with dashlets: Preview, Dashlet View, and Configuration View. The following sections discuss the differences between views. Preview The preview view is used when selecting dashlets to add to your homepage. Preview variables in the metadata will be assigned to the custom model variables. 'preview' => array( 'key1' => 'value1', ), The values in the preview metadata can be retrieved using: this.model.get("key1"); Dashlet View The dashlet view will render the content for the dashlet. It will also contain the settings for editing, removing, and refreshing the dashlet. Configuration View The configuration view is displayed when a user clicks the 'edit' option on the dashlet frame's drop-down menu. Config variables in the metadata will be assigned to the custom model variables 'config' => array( //key value pairs of attributes 'key1' => 'value1', ), The values in the config metadata can be retrieved using: this.model.get("key1"); Dashlet Example The RSS feed dashlet, located in ./clients/base/views/rssfeed/, handles the display of RSS feeds to the user. The sections below outline the various files that render this dashlet. Metadata The Dashlet view contains the 'dashlets' metadata: Parameters Type Required
The Dashlet view contains the 'dashlets' metadata: Parameters Type Required Description label String yes The name of the dashlet description String no A description of the dashlet config Object yes Pre-populated variables in the configuration viewNote: Config variables in the metadata are assigned to the custom model variables. preview Object yes  Pre-populated variables in the preview filter Object no Filter for display The RSS feed dashlets metadata is located in: ./clients/base/views/rssfeed/rssfeed.php <?php /* * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable * terms available at * * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not * install or use this SugarCRM file. * * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved. */ $viewdefs['base']['view']['rssfeed'] = array( 'dashlets' => array( array( 'label' => 'LBL_RSS_FEED_DASHLET', 'description' => 'LBL_RSS_FEED_DASHLET_DESCRIPTION', 'config' => array( 'limit' => 5, 'auto_refresh' => 0, ), 'preview' => array( 'limit' => 5, 'auto_refresh' => 0, 'feed_url' => '', ), ), ), 'panels' => array( array( 'name' => 'panel_body',
array( 'name' => 'panel_body', 'columns' => 2, 'labelsOnTop' => true, 'placeholders' => true, 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'feed_url', 'label' => 'LBL_RSS_FEED_URL', 'type' => 'text', 'span' => 12, 'required' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'limit', 'label' => 'LBL_RSS_FEED_ENTRIES_COUNT', 'type' => 'enum', 'options' => 'tasks_limit_options', ), array( 'name' => 'auto_refresh', 'label' => 'LBL_DASHLET_REFRESH_LABEL', 'type' => 'enum', 'options' => 'sugar7_dashlet_reports_auto_refresh_options', ), ), ), ), ); Controller The rssfeed.js controller file, shown below, contains the JavaScript to render the news articles on the dashlet. The Dashlet view must include 'Dashlet' plugin and can override initDashlet to add additional custom process while it is initializing. ./clients/base/views/rssfeed/rssfeed.js /* * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable * terms available at * * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not * install or use this SugarCRM file. * * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved. */ /**
* * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved. */ /** * RSS Feed dashlet consumes an RSS Feed URL and displays it's content as a list * of entries. * * The following items are configurable. * * - {number} limit Limit imposed to the number of records pulled. * - {number} refresh How often (minutes) should refresh the data collection. * * @class View.Views.Base.RssfeedView * @alias SUGAR.App.view.views.BaseRssfeedView * @extends View.View */ ({ plugins: ['Dashlet'], /** * Default options used when none are supplied through metadata. * * Supported options: * - timer: How often (minutes) should refresh the data collection. * - limit: Limit imposed to the number of records pulled. * * @property {Object} * @protected */ _defaultOptions: { limit: 5, auto_refresh: 0 }, /** * @inheritdoc */ initialize: function(options) { options.meta = options.meta || {}; this._super('initialize', [options]); this.loadData(options.meta); }, /** * Init dashlet settings */ initDashlet: function() { // We only need to handle this if we are NOT in the configure screen if (!this.meta.config) { var options = {}; var self = this; var refreshRate; // Get and set values for limits and refresh options.limit = this.settings.get('limit') || this._defaultOptions.limit; this.settings.set('limit', options.limit);
this.settings.set('limit', options.limit); options.auto_refresh = this.settings.get('auto_refresh') || this._defaultOptions.auto_refresh; this.settings.set('auto_refresh', options.auto_refresh); // There is no default for this so there's no pointing in setting from it options.feed_url = this.settings.get('feed_url'); // Set the refresh rate for setInterval so it can be checked ahead // of time. 60000 is 1000 miliseconds times 60 seconds in a minute. refreshRate = options.auto_refresh * 60000; // Only set up the interval handler if there is a refreshRate higher // than 0 if (refreshRate > 0) { if (this.timerId) { clearInterval(this.timerId); } this.timerId = setInterval(_.bind(function() { if (self.context) { self.context.resetLoadFlag(); self.loadData(options); } }, this), refreshRate); } } // Validation handling for individual fields on the config this.layout.before('dashletconfig:save', function() { // Fields on the metadata var fields = _.flatten(_.pluck(this.meta.panels, 'fields')); // Grab all non-valid fields from the model var notValid = _.filter(fields, function(field) { return field.required && !this.dashModel.get(; }, this); // If there no invalid fields we are good to go if (notValid.length === 0) { return true; } // Otherwise handle notification of invalidation _.each(notValid, function(field) { var fieldOnView = _.find(this.fields, function(comp, cid) {
var fieldOnView = _.find(this.fields, function(comp, cid) { return ===; }); fieldOnView.model.trigger('error:validation:' +, {required: true}); }, this); // False return tells the drawer that it shouldn't close return false; }, this); }, /** * Handles the response of the feed consumption request and sets data from * the result * * @param {Object} data Response from the rssfeed API call */ handleFeed: function (data) { if (this.disposed) { return; } // Load up the template _.extend(this, data); this.render(); }, /** * Loads an RSS feed from the RSS Feed endpoint. * * @param {Object} options The metadata that drives this request */ loadData: function(options) { if (options && options.feed_url) { var callbacks = {success: _.bind(this.handleFeed, this), error: _.bind(this.handleFeed, this)}, limit = options.limit || this._defaultOptions.limit, params = {feed_url: options.feed_url, limit: limit}, apiUrl = app.api.buildURL('rssfeed', 'read', '', params);'read', apiUrl, {}, callbacks); } }, /** * @inheritdoc * * New model related properties are injected into each model: * * - {Boolean} overdue True if record is prior to now. */ _renderHtml: function() { if (this.meta.config) {
_renderHtml: function() { if (this.meta.config) { this._super('_renderHtml'); return; } this._super('_renderHtml'); } }) Workflow When triggered, the following procedure will render the view area: Retrieving Data Use the following commands to retrieve the corresponding data: Data Location Element Command Main pane Record View this.model Record View this.context.parent.get("model") List View this.context.parent.get("collection") Metadata   this.dashletConfig['metadata_key'] Module vardefs   app.metadata.getModule("ModuleName") Remote data Bean new"Module")new"Module") RestAPI, url, data, callbacks, options) Ajax Call  $.ajax() User inputs   this.settings.get("custom_key") Handlebar Template The rssfeed.hbs template file defines the content of the view. This view is used for rendering the markup rendering in the dashlet content. ./clients/base/views/rssfeed/rssfeed.hbs {{!-- /* * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable * terms available at * * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not * install or use this SugarCRM file. * * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved. */ --}} {{#if feed}} <div class="rss-feed"> <h4>
<div class="rss-feed"> <h4> {{#if}}<a href="{{}}">{{/if}} {{feed.title}} {{#if}}</a>{{/if}} </h4> <ul> {{#each feed.entries}} <li class="news-article"> <a href="{{link}}">Dashlets</a> {{#if author}} - {{str "LBL_RSS_FEED_AUTHOR"}} {{author}}{{/if}} </li> {{/each}} </ul> </div> {{else}} <div class="block-footer"> {{#if errorThrown}} {{str "LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE"}} {{else}} {{loading 'LBL_ALERT_TITLE_LOADING'}} {{/if}} </div> {{/if}} Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Sidecar Overview Sidecar is a platform that moves processing to the client side to render pages as single-page web apps. Sidecar contains a complete Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework based on the Backbone.js library. By creating a single-page web app, server load drastically decreases while the client's performance increases because the application is sending pure JSON data in place of HTML. The JSON data, returned by the v10 API, defines the application's modules, records, and ACLs, allowing UI processing to happen on the client side and significantly reducing the amount of data to transfer.    Composition Sidecar contains the following parts, which are briefly explained in the sections below: Backbone.js Components (Layouts, Views, and Fields) Context Backbone.js Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework based on MVP (model–view–presenter) application design. It allows developers to easily interact with a RESTful JSON API to fetch models and collections for use within their user interface. For more information about Backbone.js, please refer to their documentation at Backbone.js. Components Everything that is renderable on the page is a component. A layout is a component that serves as a canvas for one or more views and other layouts. All pages will have at least one master layout, and that master layout can contain multiple nested layouts. Layouts Layouts are components that render the overall page. They define the rows, columns, and fluid layouts of content that gets delivered to the end user. Example layouts include: Rows Columns Bootstrap fluid layouts Drawers and dropdowns For more information about the various layouts, please refer to the Layouts page of this documentation. Views
Views Views are components that render data from a context and may or may not include field components. Example views include not only record and list views but also widgets such as: Graphs or other data visualizations External data views such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or other web service integrations The global header For more information about views, please refer to the Views page of this documentation. Fields Fields render widgets for individual values that have been pulled from the models and also handle formatting (or stripping the formatting of) field values. Like layouts and views, fields extend Backbone views.  For more information about the various layouts, please refer to the Fields page of this documentation. Context A Context is a container for the relevant data for a page, and it has three major attributes: Module : The name of the module this context is based on Model : The primary or selected model for this context Collection : The set of models currently loaded in this context Contexts are used to retrieve related data and to paginate through lists of data.   Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Routes Overview Routes determine where users are directed based on patterns in the URL. Routes Routes, defined in ./include/javascript/sugar7.js, are URL patterns signified by a hashtag ("#") in the URL. An example module URL pattern for the Sugar application is http://{site url}/#<module>. This route would direct a user to the list view for a given module. The following sections will outline routes and how they are defined. Route Definitions The router accepts route definitions in the following format: routes = [ { name: "My First Route", route: "pattern/to/match", callback: function() { //handling logic here. } }, { name: "My Second Route", route: "pattern/:variable", callback: "<callback name>" } ] A route takes in three properties: the name of the route, the route pattern to match, and the callback to be called when the route is matched. If a default callback is desired, you can specify the callback name as a string. Route Patterns Route patterns determine where to direct the user. An example of routing is done when navigating to an account record. When doing this you may notice that your URL is: http://{site url}/#Accounts/aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee A stock route's definition is defined in ./include/javascript/sugar7.js as: { name: "record", route: ":module/:id" }, Variables in the route pattern are prefixed with a colon such as :variable. The route pattern above contains two variables: module id Custom Routes
module id Custom Routes As of 7.8.x, you can add the routes during the initialization of the Router, so custom routes can be registered in the Sidecar router during both router:init and router:start events. It is recommended to register them in the Initialization event before any routing has occurred. There are two methods in the Sidecar Router, which allow for adding custom routes: route() Arguments Name Required Type Description route true string The Route pattern to be matched by the URL Fragment name true string  The unique name of the Route callback true function  The callback function for the Route Example The following example registers a custom Route during the router:init event, using the route() method. ./custom/javascript/customRoutes.js (function(app){"router:init", function(){ //Register the route #test/123 app.router.route("test/:id", "test123", function() { console.log(arguments); app.controller.loadView({ layout: "custom_layout", create: true }); }); }) })(SUGAR.App); addRoutes()
}); }); }) })(SUGAR.App); addRoutes() When you need to add multiple routes, you can define the routes in an array and pass the entire array to the addRoutes() method on the Sidecar Router to ensure they are registered. Please note, the addRoutes() method utilizes the above route() method to register the routes with the Backbone Router. The Backbone router redirects after the first matching route. Due to this, the order in which the routes are listed in the array is important as it will determine which route will be used by the application. It is recommended that the most specific routes be listed first in the array so that they are recognized first, instead of those routes which may contain a variable. Arguments Name Required Type Description routes true array An array of route definition as defined above. Example The following example registers custom Route during the router:init event, using the addRoutes() method. The route's JavaScript controller can exist anywhere you'd like. For our purposes, we created it in ./custom/javascript/customRoutes.js. This file will contain your custom route definitions. ./custom/javascript/customRoutes.js (function(app){"router:init", function(){ var routes = [ { route: 'test/doSomething', name: 'testDoSomething', callback: function(){ alert("Doing something..."); } }, { route: 'test/:id', name: 'test123', callback: function(){ console.log(arguments); app.controller.loadView({ layout: "custom_layout", create: true }); } } ]; app.router.addRoutes(routes); })
} } ]; app.router.addRoutes(routes); }) })(SUGAR.App); Next, create the JSGrouping extension. This file will allow Sugar to recognize that you've added custom routes.  ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/JSGroupings/myCustomRoutes.php <?php foreach ($js_groupings as $key => $groupings) {     $target = current(array_values($groupings));     //if the target grouping is found     if ($target == 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js') {         //append the custom JavaScript file         $js_groupings[$key]['custom/javascript/customRoutes.js'] = 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js';     } } Once your files are in place, navigate to Admin > Repairs > Quick Repair & Rebuild. For additional information, please refer to the JSGroupings framework. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Handlebars Overview The Handlebars library, located in ./sidecar/lib/handlebars/, is a JavaScript library that lets Sugar create semantic templates. Handlebars help render content for layouts, views, and fields for Sidecar. Using Handlebars, you can make modifications to the display of content such as adding HTML or CSS.   For more information on the Handlebars library, please refer to their website at  Templates The Handlebars templates are stored in the filesystem as .hbs files. These files are stored along with the view, layout, and field metadata and are loaded according to the inheritance you have selected in your controller. To view the list of available templates, or to see if a custom-created template is available, you can open your browser's console window and inspect the Handlebars.templates namespace. Debugging Templates When working with Handlebar templates, it can be difficult to identify where an issue is occurring or what a variable contains. To assist with troubleshooting this, you can use the log helper. The log helper will output the contents of this and the variable passed to it in your browser's console. This is an example of using the logger in a handlebars template: {{log this}} Helpers Handlebar Helpers are a way of adding custom functionality to the templates. Helpers are located in the following places: ./sidecar/src/view/hbs-helpers.js : Sidecar uses these helpers by default ./include/javascript/sugar7/hbs-helpers.js : Additional helpers used by the base client Creating Helpers When working with Handlebar templates, you may need to create your helper. To do this, follow these steps:
Create a Handlebars helper file in the ./custom/ directory. For this example, we will create two functions to convert a string to uppercase or lowercase: ./custom/JavaScript/my-handlebar-helpers.js  /** * Handlebars helpers. * * These functions are to be used in handlebars templates. * @class Handlebars.helpers * @singleton */ (function(app) {"app:init", function() { /** * convert a string to upper case */ Handlebars.registerHelper("customUpperCase", function (text) { return text.toUpperCase(); }); /** * convert a string to lower case */ Handlebars.registerHelper("customLowerCase", function (text) { return text.toLowerCase(); }); }); })(SUGAR.App); Next, create a JSGrouping extension in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/JSGroupings/. Name the file uniquely for your customization. For this example, we will create:  ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/JSGroupings/my-handlebar-helpers.php <?php //Loop through the groupings to find include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js foreach($js_groupings as $key => $groupings) { foreach($groupings as $file => $target) { if ($target == 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js') { //append the custom helper file $js_groupings[$key]['custom/JavaScript/my-handlebar-helpers.js'] = 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js'; } break; } } Finally, navigate to Admin > Repair and perform the following two repair sequences to include the changes: Quick Repair and Rebuild
Quick Repair and Rebuild Rebuild JS Groupings. You can now use your custom helpers in the HBS files by using: {{customUpperCase "MyString"}} {{customLowerCase "MyString"}} Note: You can also access the helpers function from your browsers developer console using Handlebars.helpers Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Views Overview Views are component plugins that render data from a context. View components may contain field components and are typically made up of a controller JavaScript file (.js) and at least one Handlebars template (.hbs). Load Order Hierarchy Diagram The view components are loaded in the following manner: Note: The Sugar application's client type is "base". For more information on the various client types, please refer to the User Interface page. Components Views are made up of a controller and a Handlebar template. Controller The view's controller is what controls the view in how data is loaded, formatted, and manipulated. The controller is the JavaScript file named after the view. A controller file can be found in any of the directories shown in the hierarchy diagram above. In the example of the record view, the main controller file is located in ./clients/base/views/record/record.js and any modules extending this controller will have a file located in ./modules/<module>/clients/base/views/record/record.js.   Handlebar Template The views template is built on Handlebars and is what adds the display markup for the data. The template is typically named after the view or an action in the view. In the example of the record view, the main template us located in ./clients/base/views/record/record.hbs. This template will take the data fetched from the REST API to render the display for the user. More information on templates can be found in the Handlebars section. Extending Views
Extending Views When working with module views, it is important to understand the difference between overriding and extending a view. Overriding is essentially creating or copying a view to be used by your application that is not extending its parent. By default, some module views already extend the core ./clients/base/views/record/record.js controller. An example of this is the accounts RecordView ./modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/record/record.js ({ extendsFrom: 'RecordView', /** * @inheritdoc */ initialize: function(options) { this.plugins = _.union(this.plugins || [], ['HistoricalSummary']); this._super('initialize', [options]); } }) As you can see, this view has the property: extendsFrom: 'RecordView'. This property tells Sidecar that the view is going to extend its parent RecordView. In addition to this, you can see that the initialize method is also calling this._super('initialize', [options]);. Calling this._super tells Sidecar to execute the parent function. The major benefit of doing this is that any updates to ./clients/base/views/record/record.js will be reflected for the module without any modifications being made to ./modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/record/record.js. You should note that when using extendsFrom, the parent views are called similarly to the load hierarchy:    Create View and Record View Inheritance The diagram below demonstrates the inheritance of the create and record views for the Quotes module. This inheritance structure is the same for stock and custom modules alike.  Basic View Example
Basic View Example A simple view for beginners is the access-denied view. The view is located in ./clients/base/views/access-denied/ and is what handles the display for restricted access. The sections below will outline the various files that render this view. Controller The access-denied.js, shown below, controls the manipulation actions of the view. ./clients/base/views/access-denied/access-denied.js ({ className: 'access-denied tcenter', cubeOptions: {spin: false}, events: { 'click .sugar-cube': 'spinCube' }, spinCube: function() { this.cubeOptions.spin = !this.cubeOptions.spin; this.render(); } }) Attributes Attribute Description className The CSS class to apply to the view. cubeOptions A set of options that are passed to the spinCube function when called. events A list of the view events. This view executes the spinCube function when the sugar cube is clicked. spinCube Function to control the start and stop of the cube spinning. Handlebar Template The access-denied.hbs file defines the format of the views content. As this view is used for restricting access, it displays a message to the user describing the restriction. ./clients/base/views/access-denied/access-denied.hbs <div class="error-message"> <h1>{{str 'ERR_NO_VIEW_ACCESS_TITLE'}}</h1> <p>{{str 'ERR_NO_VIEW_ACCESS_REASON'}}</p> <p>{{str 'ERR_NO_VIEW_ACCESS_ACTION'}}</p> </div> {{{subFieldTemplate 'sugar-cube' 'detail' cubeOptions}}} Helpers Name Description str Handlebars helper to render the label string subFieldTemplate
Name Description str Handlebars helper to render the label string subFieldTemplate Handlebars helper to render the cube content Cookbook Examples When working with views, you may find the follow cookbook examples helpful: Adding Buttons to the Record View Adding Field Validation to the Record View Passing_Data_to_Templates TopicsMetadataThis page is an overview of the metadata framework for Sidecar modules. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Metadata Overview This page is an overview of the metadata framework for Sidecar modules. View Metadata Framework A module's view-specific metadata can be found in the modules view file: ./modules/<module>/clients/<client>/views/<view>/<view>.php Any edits made in Admin > Studio will be reflected in the file: ./custom/modules/<module>/clients/<client>/views/<view>/<view>.php Note: The Sugar application's client type is "base". For more information on the various client types, please refer to the User Interface page. Note: In the case of metadata, custom view metadata files are respected over the stock view metadata files. View Metadata The Sidecar views metadata is very similar to that of the MVC metadata, however, there are some basic differences. All metadata for Sidecar follows the format: $viewdefs['<module>']['base']['view']['<view>'] = array(); An example of this is the account's record layout shown below: ./modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/record/record.php <?php $viewdefs['Accounts']['base']['view']['record'] = array( 'panels' => array( array( 'name' => 'panel_header', 'header' => true, 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'picture', 'type' => 'avatar', 'width' => 42, 'height' => 42, 'dismiss_label' => true, 'readonly' => true, ), 'name', array( 'name' => 'favorite', 'label' => 'LBL_FAVORITE', 'type' => 'favorite', 'dismiss_label' => true, ), array(
'dismiss_label' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'follow', 'label'=> 'LBL_FOLLOW', 'type' => 'follow', 'readonly' => true, 'dismiss_label' => true, ), ) ), array( 'name' => 'panel_body', 'columns' => 2, 'labelsOnTop' => true, 'placeholders' => true, 'fields' => array( 'website', 'industry', 'parent_name', 'account_type', 'assigned_user_name', 'phone_office', ), ), array( 'name' => 'panel_hidden', 'hide' => true, 'columns' => 2, 'labelsOnTop' => true, 'placeholders' => true, 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'fieldset_address', 'type' => 'fieldset', 'css_class' => 'address', 'label' => 'Billing Address', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'billing_address_street', 'css_class' => 'address_street', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STREET', ), array( 'name' => 'billing_address_city', 'css_class' => 'address_city', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_CITY', ), array( 'name' => 'billing_address_state', 'css_class' => 'address_state', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STATE', ),
'placeholder' => 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STATE', ), array( 'name' => 'billing_address_postalcode', 'css_class' => 'address_zip', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE', ), array( 'name' => 'billing_address_country', 'css_class' => 'address_country', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_COUNTRY', ), ), ), array( 'name' => 'fieldset_shipping_address', 'type' => 'fieldset', 'css_class' => 'address', 'label' => 'Shipping Address', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_street', 'css_class' => 'address_street', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STREET', ), array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_city', 'css_class' => 'address_city', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_CITY', ), array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_state', 'css_class' => 'address_state', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STATE', ), array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_postalcode', 'css_class' => 'address_zip', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE', ), array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_country', 'css_class' => 'address_country', 'placeholder' => 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_COUNTRY', ), array( 'name' => 'copy',
), array( 'name' => 'copy', 'label' => 'NTC_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS', 'type' => 'copy', 'mapping' => array( 'billing_address_street' => 'shipping_address_street', 'billing_address_city' => 'shipping_address_city', 'billing_address_state' => 'shipping_address_state', 'billing_address_postalcode' => 'shipping_address_postalcode', 'billing_address_country' => 'shipping_address_country', ), ), ), ), array( 'name' => 'phone_alternate', 'label' => 'LBL_OTHER_PHONE', ), 'email', 'phone_fax', 'campaign_name', array( 'name' => 'description', 'span' => 12, ), 'sic_code', 'ticker_symbol', 'annual_revenue', 'employees', 'ownership', 'rating', array( 'name' => 'date_entered_by', 'readonly' => true, 'type' => 'fieldset', 'label' => 'LBL_DATE_ENTERED', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'date_entered', ), array( 'type' => 'label', 'default_value' => 'LBL_BY', ), array( 'name' => 'created_by_name', ), ), ), 'team_name', array( 'name' => 'date_modified_by', 'readonly' => true, 'type' => 'fieldset',
'readonly' => true, 'type' => 'fieldset', 'label' => 'LBL_DATE_MODIFIED', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'date_modified', ), array( 'type' => 'label', 'default_value' => 'LBL_BY', ), array( 'name' => 'modified_by_name', ), ), ), ), ), ), ); The metadata for a given view can be accessed using app.metadata.getView within your controller. An example fetching the view metadata for the Accounts RecordView is shown below: app.metadata.getView('Accounts', 'record'); You should note that this can also be accessed in your browser's console window by using the global App Identifier: App.metadata.getView('Accounts', 'record'); Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
MainLayout Overview Sugar's Main navigation is split into two components: Top-Header and Sidebar. The Top-Header is primarily used for search, notifications, and user actions and the Sidebar is the primary tool used to navigate the front end of the Sugar application. Layout Components The Main layout is composed of Top-Header (header-nav) and Sidebar/Rail (sidebar-nav) layouts, and each of those layouts host views.  Top Header (header-nav) The Top Header (header-nav) layout, located in ./clients/base/layouts/header-nav/header-nav.php, is composed of the quicksearch layout as well as the header-nav-logos,  notifications, profileactions views. To customize these components, you can create your own layout by extending it at ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/custom/clients/base/layouts/header-nav/header-nav.php to reference your own custom components.   Sidebar/Rail (sidebar-nav) The Sidebar/Rail layout hosts overall Menu options by grouping them into layouts separated by a line/divisor within the sidebar-nav definition. Rail is collapsed by default and contains two main clickable actions: Primary and Secondary.  Link Actions The following properties define the navigation, display, and visibility of all links in the system: Name Description acl_action The ACL action is used to verify the user has access to a specific action required for the link acl_module The ACL module is used to verify if the user has access to a specific module required for the link icon The bootstrap icon to display next to the link (the full list of icons are listed in Admin > Styleguide > Core Elements > Base CSS > Icons) label The label key that contains your link's display text openwindow
label The label key that contains your link's display text openwindow Specifies whether or not the link should open in a new window route The route to direct the user. For sidecar modules, this is #<module>, but modules in backward compatibility mode are routed as #bwc/index.php?module=<module>. Note: External links require the full URL as well as openwindow set to true. flyoutComponents An array of sub-navigation linksNote: Sub-navigation links contain these same basic link properties. Primary Action Primary actions are triggered by the click of a button on the sidebar-nav's views. By default if a route property is provided in the view object in the layout metadata, the Primary Action will be a link to the route provided. For example: $viewdefs[...] = [ 'layout' => [ 'type' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group', 'name' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group-bottom', 'css_class' => 'flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0', 'components' => [ [ 'view' => [ 'name' => 'greeting-nav-item', 'type' => '<some-custom-view>', 'route' => '#Accounts', ... ], ], ], ], ]; Otherwise, if you're using a custom view and the controller has a primaryActionOnClick method defined, that will be used in addition to the route property.  Secondary Action
Secondary Action With the introduction of the sidebar-nav-item component, we're now introducing secondary actions. These appear by way of a kebab menu when hovering on the sidebar-nav-item container to which they are added. Secondary Actions do have some default behavior. If the template has the following markup present, the kebab will render on hover: <button class="sidebar-nav-item-kebab bg-transparent absolute p-0 h-full"> <i class="{{buildIcon 'sicon-kebab'}} text-white"></i> </button> If metadata is provided with certain keys, clicking on the kebab icon will render a flyout menu, for example, a metadata definition such as: <?php $viewdefs['base']['layout']['sidebar-nav']['components'][] = [ 'layout' => [ 'type' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group', 'name' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group-bottom', 'css_class' => 'flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0', 'components' => [ [ 'view' => [ 'name' => 'greeting-nav-item', 'type' => 'greeting-nav-item', 'route' => '#Accounts', 'icon' => 'sicon-bell-lg', 'label' => 'Hello!', 'flyoutComponents' => [ [ 'view' => 'sidebar-nav-flyout-header', 'title' => 'Greetings', ], [ 'view' => [ 'type' => 'sidebar-nav-flyout-actions', 'actions' => [ [ 'route' => '#Accounts', 'label' => 'LBL_ACCOUNTS', 'icon' => 'sicon-account-lg', ], ],
'icon' => 'sicon-account-lg', ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ]; The flyoutComponents array will render all the views that are passed to it. In this case, we load a sidebar-nav-item-header component and a sidebar-nav-item-flyout-actions component. Similar to a Primary Action, you can override the default secondaryActionOnClick method in your custom view controller to change the behavior of clicking on the kebab menu.  $viewdefs[...] = [ 'layout' => [ 'type' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group', 'name' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group-bottom', 'css_class' => 'flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0', 'components' => [ [ 'view' => [ 'name' => 'greeting-nav-item', 'type' => 'greeting-nav-item', 'route' => '#Accounts', ... ], ], ], ], ];   The following components define how the Sidebar/Rail layout is displayed. Home The first group before the line/divisor contains the "hamburger" icon menu whose sole purpose is to expand/collapse the side nav. The second group contains: Home menu dedicated to Dashboards Quick Create menu dedicated to creating new records Home Menu
Home menu dedicated to Dashboards Quick Create menu dedicated to creating new records Home Menu The Home menu view is composed of the sidebar-nav-flyout-module-menu (responsible to display the Secondary Action menus with dashboards and recent items), sidebar-nav-item-module (responsible to display the menu's title) views. To customize these components, you can create your own layout by extending them at ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/custom/clients/base/views and locating its folder with the same name for your own custom components. Quick Create   Quick Create view has been redesigned and presents the modules on click. Note this view does not require secondary action as others do with submenu Quick Create View The Quick Create view is composed of the sidebar-nav-item-quickcreate (responsible to display the Quick Create menu and its icon), sidebar-nav-flyout-header (responsible to display the menu's title) and sidebar-quickcreate (responsible to display Secondary Action/submenu) views. To customize these components, you can create your own layout by extending them at ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/custom/clients/base/views and locating its folder with the same name for your own custom components. Modules
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Source: Sugarcrm 13.0 Dev Documentation

The chunks in the files are diffrent splittet based on the tokenizer conained in the name of the file

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