Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
389 values
grasp the pink block lying in the slider
grasp the red block lying in the drawer
go push the blue block to the right
move the door all the way to the left
grasp the pink block, then lift it up
put the grasped block on top of a block
grasp the drawer handle and close it
move the light switch to turn on the light bulb
place the grasped block on top of another block
sweep the red block to the right
push the button to turn on the led
grasp the red block lying in the drawer
pick up the red block
grasp the pink block on the table, then lift it up
take the blue block and rotate it right
pick up the blue block from the shelf
grasp the handle of the drawer and open it
slide the blue block towards the right
grasp the door handle, then move the door to the right
lift the red block lying on the shelf
turn on the yellow lamp
lift the pink block lying in the drawer
push the object that it falls into the drawer
move down the switch
rotate the pink block towards the right
slide the pink block to the left
sweep the object into the drawer
grasp the door handle and slide the door to the right
push the object into the drawer
grasp the handle of the drawer and open it
grasp the red block from the drawer
rotate the pink block towards the left
grasp the red block on the table, then lift it up
unstack the blocks
push the door to the right
grasp the red block and turn it left
grasp the pink block and turn it left
lift the blue block from the table
take the blue block and turn it left
slide left the pink block
go push the red block to the right
in the slider pick up the red block
pick up the red block from the shelf
rotate the blue block 90 degrees to the left
slide the pink block to the right
sweep the red block to the right
lift the pink block up
go slide the blue block to the left
turn off the light bulb
stack blocks on top of each other
take off the stacked block
grasp the red block and rotate it right
pick up the pink block in the drawer
lift the pink block from the table
rotate the pink block to the left
push the object into the drawer
grasp the blue block, then rotate it right
go towards the red block in the drawer and grasp it
take the blue block and turn it left
toggle the light switch to turn off the light bulb
slide the red block towards the right
go push the blue block to the left
push down the button to turn on the led
remove a block from the stack
lift the blue block in the drawer
go slide the pink block to the left
take the red block and rotate it left
sweep the red block to the right
pick up the pink block from the drawer
push the door to the left
slide the red block to the left
take the red block and turn it right
turn on the led
grasp the pink block, then rotate it left
turn off the yellow light
push the blue block towards the right
slide right the pink block
slide the door to the left, then let it go
pick up the blue block from the table
toggle the light switch to turn on the yellow light
rotate the blue block 90 degrees to the right
in the sliding cabinet grasp the pink block
push the blue block towards the left
sweep the pink block to the left
slide right the pink block
push the button to turn off the green light
move the light switch to turn off the light bulb
rotate the red block towards the left
put the block in the cabinet
grasp the blue block and rotate it right
rotate the red block to the right
pick up the pink block from the table
grasp the drawer handle and open it
grasp the red block and rotate it left
grasp the blue block lying in the cabinet
pick up the blue block from the table
go slide the pink block to the left
sweep the red block to the right
lift the blue block lying in the drawer
open the drawer exists but content is empty.
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