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Unable to play video. HTML5 is not supported! After the violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, over a Confederate monument, internet companies are making it difficult for white supremacist groups to organize online. Neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer was booted from web host GoDaddy after the rally. GoDaddy tweeted the site violated its terms of service. The Daily Stormer then tried to move to Google and then a Russian domain, but both hosts rejected the site. Twitter and LinkedIn also canceled Daily Stormer-related accounts, and YouTube has cracked down on accounts associated with alt-right figures. SEE MORE: Phoenix's Mayor Wants President Trump To Delay A Rally In The City White supremacists aren't being allowed to express themselves through song, either. Spotify is purging white supremacist music from its archives. And Pandora said it's making sure there's nothing like that on its service. This was a trend before the "Unite the Right" rally even started. Airbnb deleted accounts of users it suspected were trying to book rooms in Charlottesville before the event. White supremacists aren't just being blocked from posting on the internet. They're also being blocked from profiting from it. Crowd-funding sites like Patreon and GoFundMe blocked the accounts of alt-right figures and groups, forcing some to use a knockoff called Hatreon. Trending stories at Newsy.com | false | 492 |
The Veterans Recognition Foundation built Veterans Park in Longview, Texas to serve as a thank you for the work of veterans in all branches of the military and as a reminder of their sacrifice. Unfortunately, something happened earlier this week in the park that has deeply upset many veterans and visitors. The Longview News-Journal reports that the statue of the Unknown Solider has been destroyed. Air Force veteran David Applewhite posted a photo to Facebook saying, “One of the statues guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument has been pushed over by vandals at the Veterans Plaza in Longview! Was not young children who did this!” Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any news on who could have ruined the statue, nor if this was definitely an act of vandalism. Some are speculating that it could have been the result of a structural failure in a weak part of the sculpture. Several Longview residents are expressing their anger on social media, calling for all kinds of punishments for the vandals. Others are just hoping to see the statue repaired as quickly as possible. The Veterans Plaza website has a “ support” page where they accept donations to rebuild what was lost. | false | 474 |
Republicans knew what they were getting when they overwhelmingly voted for Bruce Rauner. He made no secret of his support for abortion. In 2014, his wife, Diana Rauner, went so far as to take out an ad assuring pro-choice Democrats of her husband's stance. Despite what you've been reading about the far right's consternation with Bruce Rauner over his ostensible support for abortion in Illinois, I think it's been a pretty good month for the governor. The union-busting Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees case that he initiated has made it to the Supreme Court. And he's got liberal groups like Planned Parenthood praising him for his stance on reproductive rights. It looks like he may be able to put together the band of rabid right-wingers and abortion-rights moderates who helped elect him in the first place. I know that sounds like the oddest of coalitions—but it just goes to show you what a clever politician can buy with his billions. The Republican right-to-lifers are furious that Rauner flip-flopped and signed HB 40, the reproductive rights bill that expanded Medicaid funding for some abortions and eliminated the controversial "trigger provision" from state law. (The trigger language would've made abortions illegal in Illinois should Roe v. Wade be overturned.) And many, including Steve Bannon, are talking about recruiting someone to mount a primary challenge against Rauner. But I think it's mostly bluster. In fact, I can't understand why they're so outraged. They knew what they were getting when they overwhelmingly voted for Rauner back in 2014. Rauner made no secret of his support for abortion. In 2014, his wife, Diana Rauner, went so far as to take out an ad assuring pro-choice Democrats that when it came to abortion rights her husband would be no different than his opponent, former governor Pat Quinn. Backed by many pro-choice moderates in DuPage County, the North Shore, and the Gold Coast, Rauner edged out Quinn and promptly went to work bankrupting public education by vetoing the budget. Earlier this year, the governor panicked when it looked as though he might be losing support among downstate Republicans. So he assured right-to-life legislators he would veto HB40. That enraged pro-choice voters, who claimed he was betraying his lifelong commitment to their cause. Rauner found himself in a jam. He had to decide which group he could least afford to alienate on the eve of next year's election: Gold Coast and North Shore moderates or rabid Republicans. Obviously, he went with the former, at least partly because, if push came to shove, they might actually vote for a Democrat. As for the rabid right, he probably figured he'd give 'em a tax break and they'd follow him off a cliff. Of course, Rauner was slick about it. Over the summer he made a real show of inviting various pro-choice women to his office to explain to him how important it was to pass HB40. And then on September 28, he signed it, making a big deal about it, like he was King Solomon making a wrenching decision as opposed to a lifelong abortion supporter doing what he'd promised to do four years ago. In any case, it seems to have worked. Key players in the pro-choice movement fell for it. When Rauner signed HB40, Planned Parenthood of Illinois sent an e-mail calling on members to "thank Governor Rauner." Puh-lease! A more accurate response would've been "Thanks for nothing, Bruce!" Even if the strategy fails and he doesn't win reelection, Rauner's in a perfect position to achieve his great dream of damaging, if not destroying, public unions in Illinois thanks to the Janus case. Mark Janus is a state employee who argues that his First Amendment rights are being violated because state law requires him to contribute a "fair share" portion of his paycheck to the union that represents him—in this case, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. In particular, he doesn't think he should have to donate money to a union with which he disagrees politically. It's called a fair-share contribution because the money guarantees that workers share the cost of financing a union that represents them in bargaining and grievance hearings. On February 9, 2015, a few weeks after he took office, Rauner issued an executive order halting automatic fair-share deductions from paychecks. Several unions and attorney general Lisa Madigan sued and Rauner's executive order was overturned. Rauner also filed a suit in federal court seeking to stop automatic fair-share contributions on First Amendment grounds. In 2016, a federal judge ruled against Rauner, decreeing that the governor didn't have standing in the case. By then Janus had joined the case—as a state employee, he clearly has standing. Janus is being represented by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, a union-busting outfit that's financially supported by the Koch brothers, the Walton Family Foundation, and other stalwarts of the far right. On September 28, the Supreme Court agreed to hear Janus's case. The suit is similar to one filed by Rebecca Friedrichs, a teacher in California, who lost when the Supreme Court was deadlocked 4-4. Since then President Trump and the Senate have put conservative Neil Gorsuch on the court. So unless another judge flips—c'mon Justice Kennedy, you can do it!—it looks like SCOTUS will issue a bruising blow against unions, which will have to scramble to keep up their funding. This is a cruel irony on many levels. For one thing, government employees such as Janus will be relatively defenseless without unions if they're fired or harassed by a powerful politician like Rauner. Good luck getting the National Right to Work Foundation to help them with that. As for Rauner's friends at Planned Parenthood—well, with a drop in membership, unions will be less able to help elect Democrats. So really the assault on unions is an attempt to cripple the Democratic Party. You don't think the Koch brothers actually give a hoot about workers like Mark Janus, do you? If Democrats can't beat Republicans, they can't enact liberal-minded measures, like—oh, just to pick one—reproductive rights. Think about this, Planned Parenthood. Your good friend, Bruce, is throwing you under the bus once again. Only this time he's got a more roundabout way of doing it. v | true | 510 |
Image via Michael B. Images FBI Labels “Black Identity Extremists” As Threat To Police This is how it starts. Everyone needs to pay attention because one day we might look back at this moment as a pivotal moment when the federal government reinvigorated a campaign against Black protesters and activists. According to ForeignPolicy, the FBI’s counterterrorism unit is warning that “black identity extremists” are a major threat to law enforcement officers. They even have a cute acronym for “these types” of people, BIE. Peep the langage used here: “The FBI assesses it is very likely Black Identity Extremist (BIE) perceptions of police brutality against African Americans spurred an increase in premeditated, retaliatory lethal violence against law enforcement and will very likely serve as justification for such violence,” “Perceptions”. PERCEPTIONS. “Perceptions of police brutality against African Americans”…ain’t no “perceptions”, b!tc#! We KNOW the police whoop our azzes just for living. Our collective response to the police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson is the catalyst for the Black boogie men who are taking aim at cops if you let them tell it: “The FBI assesses it is very likely incidents of alleged police abuse against African Americans since then have continued to feed the resurgence in ideologically motivated, violent criminal activity within the BIE movement,” Again, “alleged”. Pay. Attention. The feds are labeling Black folks who are angry at systemic racism as domestic terrorists. Something that the President didn’t do when addressing the tiki-torchers in Charlottesville. You know what America does when they perceive a group of people to be terrorists…at least when they’re Black or brown. Guess they don’t see neo-Nazis and alt-right azzholes in that same light. Imagine that. | true | 468 |
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested 97 people after raiding a Tennessee meat processing plant, in what civil rights activists say was the largest crackdown at a single place in almost a decade. ICE spokeswoman Tammy Spicer announced the raid in a statement on Friday and said that of the 97 people taken into custody from Southeastern Provision meat processing plant in eastern Tennessee, 11 people were arrested on criminal charges, 54 were placed in detention and 32 were released. She said they were all arrested on suspicion of being in the country illegally. The National Immigration Law Center said it believes this was the largest single-workplace raid since George W. Bush was president, the Washington Post reported. Federal immigration officials did not confirm if it was the largest. This was the latest crackdown on illegal immigrants by the Trump administration after he announced last year that ICE agents would be targeting employers that choose to hire immigrants knowing they are illegal. A total of 21 people were arrested after immigration agents raided 7-11 stores nationwide in January. The Associated Press contributed to this report. | false | 396 |
Image via SAUL /Getty Images Trump has told sources that he expects to appoint three more Supreme Court Justices before the end of his first term, Axios reports. Trump has already nominated conservative judge Neil Gorsuch, who was confirmed and then sworn into office in April of 2017. Gorsuch replaced the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Trump believes that Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is 81 years old, will soon be out. Kennedy is rumored to be considering retirement. You can read the exchange with Trump, obtained by Axios, below. "Ok," one source told Trump, "so that's two. Who are the others?" "Ginsburg," Trump replied. "What does she weigh? 60 pounds?" "Who's the fourth?" the source asked. "Sotomayor," Trump said, referring to the relatively recently-appointed Obama justice, whose name is rarely, if ever, mentioned in speculation about the next justice to be replaced. "Her health," Trump explained. "No good. Diabetes." Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 84 years old, while Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor is just 63 years old. Sotomayor, who was appointed by President Obama, is the first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court. She was diagnosed with diabetes as a child. Ironically, Trump is the oldest person to be elected president in U.S. history. The reality television star is 71 years old. One source is quoted as saying, "it's all about the numbers for him," which is not surprising because we are talking about a man who constantly bragsabout numbers, whether it be rating numbers, the size of the crowd at his inauguration or crowds for his rallies in general. | false | 308 |
In Arizona, there is a special election to replace Rep. Trent Franks, who resigned earlier this year. Making special appearances to help the Democrat in that race are the kids from Parkland, Florida. These are the kids the left-wing media has promoted because of their demands for gun control, since the mass shooting in Parkland that killed 17. The left’s obsession with gun control is nothing new. The left embraced the creation of the Brady Center to Prevent Handgun Violence after its creation in the 1980s. Other left-wing attempts to repeal and block the Second Amendment rights of Americans go further back. As a policy idea, gun control has been a disaster. Ignoring the fact that it is one of the preferred tools of tyrants, gun control simply does not work. Britain essentially banned firearms after the 1996 Dunblane massacre. While Britain, for more than 20 years, has had the kind of gun control American liberals can only dream of, the results have not been good. Crime in London is out of control. In gun-free London, a number of people have been shot to death in the last three months. Only a year ago, the BBC reported that gun crime had risen by 42 percent. How could that be? The left promises us that if we only ban guns, crime will go away. In the absence of guns, many criminals in the U.K. have turned to knives. And guess what? The politicians in Britain are now pushing knife control. The issue for Americans is not simply the removal of the right to bear arms. It is a fundamental intrusion on one of the most basic liberties someone may have. Freedom. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the draft of the Virginia Constitution, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” The keywords in Jefferson’s draft were “free man.” One of the fundamental rights that any free man or woman has is the right to self-defense. Free people can defend themselves. Slaves cannot. The left ignores the fact that when guns are used in this nation, they are overwhelmingly used for self-defense. But it is this fundamental right of self-defense that the left challenges and would see destroyed in America. In the last 20 years in America, an alarming change has taken place in schools. Before this time, if two children became involved in a fight at school, the school would try to determine who started the fight and punish that child. No longer. Now, both children (or more) are punished. It does not matter if one child was trying to defend himself against a bully. It doesn’t matter if someone else started the fight, the mere act of self-defense becomes a punishable offense. The left has this obsession with people and the nation being defenseless. They want to strip away the rights of citizens to use weapons to defend themselves. They do not like the idea of something like missile defense to protect this nation against an attack. The left loves to preach to us. They tell real Americans that it is necessary to strip away our rights to make us safe. In 1783, William Pitt spoke in the House of Commons and said, “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” That perfectly sums up the left. Their goal is tyranny and their objective is to reduce every American to the status of a slave. • Judson Phillips is founder of the Tea Party Nation. © Copyright (c) 2018 News World Communications, Inc. —- This content is published through a licensing agreement with Acquire Media using its NewsEdge technology. | true | 408 |
An unattended package near the north fence of the White House was cleared by the Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Tuesday afternoon. The White House was placed on an apparent lockdown Tuesday while President Trump was en route to Arizona for a rally in Phoenix, according to multiple reports. The Hill reported that Secret Service cleared the White House’s North Lawn and sent media members and construction workers in the area into the West Wing. The Secret Service confirmed via Twitter that it and the Washington, D.C. Police Department were responding to an unattended package near the north fence of the White House complex. Trump is reportedly heading to a campaign-style rally in Phoenix late Tuesday, an event which is also expected to draw major protests. The president will also reportedly visit a Border Patrol facility in Yuma, Arizona before Tuesday’s rally. Trump will examine Border Patrol equipment such as a Predator drone and an agency boat during his stop in Yuma. Immigration is a major issue for Trump’s supporters, and the president campaigned extensively on the topic during last year’s White House race. Trump has long vowed to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, arguing it will reduce illegal immigration and increase America’s border security. The president has also pledged to take a tougher stance on drug trafficking across America’s borders. | false | 526 |
In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, FEMA said they would only give aid to victims if they had received (unspecified) vaccinations. In late August and early September 2017, false rumors began to spread on Facebook and Twitter that FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) was refusing to give aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey unless they had been vaccinated, and that the agency was forcing people to undergo vaccinations in order to receive aid. These rumors are entirely false, and we could not find any iteration of them which provided even a fabricated source or citation. Fema is saying that Texans will have to have a vaccine shot in order to get aid are you paying attention. Despite including absolutely no evidence whatsoever, the post was shared more than 5,0 times within a few days. A search of FEMA’s press releases, Facebook account and Twitter account shows that the agency has not said any such thing. Not only that, but a FEMA spokesperson definitively rejected the rumors in a statement sent to us: There is absolutely no requirement for Hurricane Survivors to be vaccinated in order to receive assistance from FEMA. They only need to register with FEMA for assistance. They can do this online at disasterassistance.gov or call 1-800-621-3362. This is just the latest in a series of false claims surrounding FEMA, and forms part of the long-standing “ FEMA camps” conspiracy theory, which holds that the federal government is planning to build concentration camps and impose martial law in the aftermath of a natural disaster. | false | 622 |
What is a dotard? In one of the strangest war of words we’ve seen here at PolitiFact, President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un traded insults recently, culminating in the use of the insult "dotard." Merriam-Webster noted that searches for the word spiked. Older PolitiFact staffers informed our younger counterparts that a dotard is someone who has entered his or her dotage, and that dotage is "a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness," according to Merriam-Webster. Kim Jong Un hurled the word at Trump in response to Trump’s recent speech at the United Nations, saying that Trump’s speech was "unprecedented rude nonsense one has never heard from any of his predecessors. A frightened dog barks louder. I’d like to advise Trump to exercise prudence in selecting words and to be considerate of whom he speaks to when making a speech in front of the world." Later in the statement, Kim said, "Whatever Trump might have expected, he will face results beyond his expectation. I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire." Trump responded on Twitter: "Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!" Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2017 Where this war of words will lead is anyone’s guess. PolitiFact recently reviewed the issues surrounding North Korea as a preview to Trump’s speech at the United Nations, and we fact-checked Trump’s speech as well. | false | 511 |
Jerry Drake Varnell was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City after the FBI reports he planned to detonate a bomb outside an downtown bank. (Courtesy of the Oklahoma DOC) Jerry Drake Varnell was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City after the FBI reports he planned to detonate a bomb outside an downtown bank. (Courtesy of the Oklahoma DOC) OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — An Oklahoma man has been arrested after attempting to detonate a vehicle bomb parked outside a downtown Oklahoma City bank. Jerry Drake Varnell, of Sayre, was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City. Court documents show that at 1 a.m. 23-year-old Varnell attempted to detonate what he believed was a van loaded with explosives parked in an alley next to BancFirst, 101 N. Broadway. Court documents show that the FBI learned of Varnell's plot in December 2016 after being notified by a confidential informant of his plot to "bomb the Federal Reserve Building in Washington D.C. in a manner similar to the Oklahoma City Bombing." The informant later told Varnell that they had access to anhydrous ammonia and ammonium nitrate. The two then began collecting items to develop an explosive device. In May 2017, Varnell allegedly told the informant he wanted to target BancFirst in downtown Oklahoma City instead because "I don't wanna kill a bunch of people". Court records show that Varnell admitted to "holding 3 percent ideology" during a meeting with the informant. "Varnell expressed a desire to start the new revolution. His targets included institutions with affiliation to the U.S. Government in Washington D.C." FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda said. The DOJ reports that Varnell continued to advance his plans to build a device and had a statement ready to be posted to social media following the explosion. On August 11, Varnell met with an undercover FBI employee that was posing as the supplier of the anhydrous ammonia. The two then drove to a mini-storage unit in El Reno and began constructing the device. All of the items used to construct the bomb were inert and provided by the undercover employee. Varnell then allegedly drove the van with the device to an alley by BancFirst and left on foot. The undercover employee picked up Varnell and the two drove a short distance away. Court records show that Varnell used a "burner" cell phone to dial a number to detonate the bomb several times. He was then arrested by FBI agents. The FBI reports that that monitored Varnell closely during the months-long plot. He has been charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce. Varnell was arraigned in federal court Monday afternoon. The U.S. Attorney's Office plans to seek indictment from the grand jury within 30 days. If convicted, he faces up to 30 years in prison. United States Attorney Mark Yancey and FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda spoke to the media Monday to discuss the arrest. Major Bill Weaver with the Oklahoma City Police Department says Varnell's plan was derailed thanks to a concerned citized and a committed group of law enforcement. "This goes to show what happens when someone that sees something says something and then law enforcement works forward to interdict that threat," Weaver said. BancFirst has released the following statement on the incident: BancFirst has been working cooperatively with the FBI. At no time were employees, customers or the general public ever in any danger. We believe our BancFirst downtown Oklahoma City building was a random and convenient selection by the suspect. There is no further threat or reason for concern. We take comfort and our company embraces a deep appreciation and admiration for the men and women of the FBI for their diligent and dedicated work in protecting our nation. | false | 63 |
LifeZette editor-in-chief says Democrats, establishment GOP ‘happiest’ when president struggles By Kathryn Blackhurst; LifeZette: LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham said that Never-Trumper Republicans and resisting liberals are “happiest” when President Donald Trump’s approval numbers go down, even if their own numbers plummet as well. Ingraham, who was guest-hosting Tuesday on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” blasted balking GOP members of Congress and Democrats for blocking and stalling the president’s legislative agenda throughout his first 200 days in office. Noting that Republican senators such as Jeff Flake (Arizona), John McCain (Arizona), and Thom Tillis (North Carolina) delight in making rounds on the news talk shows to criticize Trump, Ingraham pointed out their own plunging approval numbers as the American voters wait for them to fulfill their campaign promises. “Do you know what a liberal’s idea of Armageddon is? No, it’s not a nuclear North Korea, but a successful Trump presidency. Do you know what the Never-Trump Republicans on Capitol Hill fear the most? No, it’s not ISIS and it’s not a 5,0-point [drop] in the Dow, but a successful Trump presidency,” Ingraham said. “Today is the 200th day of this administration,” she added. “And despite the hyperventilation and alarmism we’re hearing from the national press corps — they’re prematurely declaring the Trump administration a failure, of course — but in fact, it’s the resistance to Trump that is playing a risky gambit.” No compatible source was found for this video. In this “resistance,” Ingraham included Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and “supposed right” senators such as Flake, McCain and Tillis. And what unites all of them is their sad and rather pathetic fear and loathing of President Trump,” she said. “So they want you so saturated in this endless and mindless Russia story deal, and other irrelevant West Wing staff intrigues that’s mostly fueled by leaks, that you even begin to believe their negative spin. And let’s face it — these people are happiest when his numbers go down, when his legislation and his confirmations stall, even if their own approval numbers go down, too. It’s like they don’t even care.” Pointing to recent Quinnipiac University poll measuring congressional approval ratings, Ingraham noted these politicians have plummeted even as Trump’s numbers have dwindled into the 30s. “And Trump’s approval rating may only be about 37 percent according to one poll, but check this out. Tom Tillis’ approval rating, North Carolina — 29 percent. Nancy Pelosi’s — 27 percent. Chuck Schumer’s is 26 percent, and [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell’s is a very impressive 17 percent,” Ingraham said, noting that McConnell has failed repeatedly to rally 50 of 52 GOP senators in support of various measures to repeal and replace Obamacare. “Now despite two years of non-stop bile and vitriol from Washington’s bipartisan elite class, Trump is actually beating all of them,” she added. “Now while of course it’s true that key legislative successes are lacking, whether on health care, tax reform, infrastructure — but it’s equally true as well that President Trump has done a lot even without Congress to make our lives better.” Ingraham said that Trump does need to work on boosting his approval numbers, but she argued the president has “done a heck of a lot in just 200 days.” Pointing to the successful confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s slashing of Obama-era red-tape and regulations, the thriving stock market, consumer confidence and more, Ingraham said that Trump’s presidency hasn’t been the failure that the media, the Left and the Never-Trumpers are making it out to be. “His approval numbers — yeah, they need boosting, that’s for sure. But considering the 24/7 media onslaught against him, the distraction of the Russia probe, and the resistance from Congress — both sides in Congress — he’s done a heck of a lot in just 200 days,” she said. “And if he can keep focused and he can keep his team motivated, keep them together, and put pressure on the Hill to deliver on some of these big issues, he’ll improve his numbers and he’ll grow the populist movement.” To read related content visit LifeZette. | true | 274 |
Donald Trump was speaking at an NRA rally (Niall ) Donald Trump has defended the use of guns in America by comparing a London hospital to a “war zone” because of knife crime. Speaking at a pro-gun rally, the US president claimed that knife crime in London is so bad that one unnamed hospital in the capital is “like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds” with “blood all over the floors”. He told the National Rifle Convention (NRA) in Dallas: “I recently read a story that in London, which has unbelievably tough gun laws, a once very prestigious hospital right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds. All of us here today are united by the same timeless values. We believe that our liberty is a gift from our creator, and that no Government can ever take it away. We believe in the rule of law - and we support the men and women of law enforcement. We have pride in our history. pic.twitter. 1Y8oju— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 4, 2018 “Yes that’s right, they don’t have guns they have knives. And instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. “We’re here today because we recognise a simple fact. The one thing that has always stood between the American people and the elimination of our Second Amendment rights has been Conservatives and congress willing to fight for those rights, and we’re fighting.” At least 38 people in London have lost their lives to knife crime so far this year, the Met confirmed. “Thanks to your activism and dedication you have an administration fighting to protect your Second Amendment” @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #NRA pic.twitter. — NRA (@NRA) May 4, 2018 Mr Trump also argued that the Paris terror attack could have been prevented if more people were armed. “The terrorists would have fled or been shot and it would have been a whole different story,” he said. The 2015 attack left 130 dead after terrorists carried out a series of suicide bombs and mass shootings in the French capital. | false | 531 |
Gutterpube Who Says “F All Them Crackas” Who Got Shot In Vegas, Is A Deadbeat Dad Coke Dealer Who Claims He Donated Drug Proceeds To PR Relief Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at [email protected] for more information. Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 10.29.56 AM Obviously the big story of the day is the massacre that occurred in Las Vegas last night at a Country Music concert, where at least 50 people were killed by a man from a 32nd floor hotel room at Mandalay Bay casino. Naturally this has already been politicized, with people arguing about immigration, gun control, and all things Trump. Oh and Hillary said this: The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017 But yea, Trump is the only one who tweets dumb things. Good thing the democrats gave us a viable alternative in 2016 that we could really get behind. Those machine gun silencers are a real killer. Anyway, we have no interest in going all political about this. Maybe Jay Dub will. Just not my cup of tea. What we do is always find the worst people on the Internet and see what they have to say about this tragedy. Today’s winner is an illiterate drug dealer from Hartford named Allen Lozada, AKA AP El Titere. Here’s his initial reaction to the mass shooting: He might not have finished his GED, but he basically sees the world the same exact way 99% of employees at CNN do – everything is Trump’s fault. And those crackas who were peacefully watching a concert in Vegas? They deserved it. The whole thing was a big setup to draw attention away from hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. He was just getting started though: But he’s one of the good guys because he admits to donating his profits from drug transactions towards disaster relief: Oh yea, he’s a winner. And you’ll never guess who his favorite bouncing ball team is…. There’s gonna be a lot of talk in the days and weeks ahead about banning whatever guns were used in Las Vegas. But I think we can all agree that what REALLY needs to be banned are flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hats and anyone who is inclined to wear them. There are plenty of responsible, law abiding gun owners out there. But there has never, ever, ever been a decent, law-abiding person who has chosen to wear that thing on their head. If you know anyone that owns that hat, disassociate with them immediately. They will only bring you down. He even rocks the Chicago Bulls winter hat when he’s pouring out some Henny for the homeys in the January: Easy on the Henny Allen – it’s not good for your bowels: I know when I die I want people to come to my headstone and drink copious amounts of Red Bull and Henny, the nectar of the hoodrats. He really misses his boy, who I’m sure lived a noble and worthwhile life, because now that Sito isn’t around, he doesn’t have anyone to come scoop him up to he can “turn up on these fuck n words”: You can also find Allen Lozada on Deadbeatdirectory.com, with his own profile: Oh good, he’s a cokehead deadbeat “dad,” who allegedly threatened to choke his baby until she turned blue. Shocking. Especially considering his overall philosophy on women: When he eventually gets killed by a cop and SJWs pretend like his death is an actual loss to the community, he wants you to commemorate him by burning Hartford to the ground: He’s very familiar with the inside of a courthouse: He lives the good life by cashing in his SSI check for stays at the Marriott: Last year things were beginning to look up for Allen. He was trying to stay out of the police logs, and gave himself one Internet cookie for going a full month without stabbing, shooting, or running over someone with a car: He gets another Internet cookie for going four days sober: And he’s going legit because the “feds out here snatching everybody”: Also this: I have no idea what that means, but it sounds important. VERY important. Anyway, it is gonna be interesting to see what the killer’s motivation was in Las Vegas. He shot at a country music festival. A place that more than likely was filled with people who voted for Donald Trump. Not saying that’s his motive, but he could’ve shot up any large group of people and he chose this one. Just sayin. Either way, Allen Lozada is a useless sack of gutterpubes, and the 50+ who died in Las Vegas are much, much bigger losses to society than he could ever be. We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community! Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 10.14.48 AM Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 2.17.19 PM Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 8.48.23 PM | true | 128 |
A substitute teacher in a Texas elementary school called police on a six-year-old Muslim boy with Down syndrome, fearing he was a terrorist. Mohammad Suleiman's father, Maher, felt discrimination was in play after the teacher claimed the boy kept repeating 'Allah' and 'boom' in his Pearland, Texas, classroom. 'Mohammad was born with Down Syndrome chromosome 21, the father said to F ox 26 about his son's intellectual difficulties and his inability to speak, something the school claimed he could do. 'It's not true, he doesn't speak at all.' Teacher calls police on special needs student CONNECTING. A substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary school in Pearland, Texas, allegedly called the police on Mohammad Suleiman, six, (pictured) and claimed he was a terrorist A substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary school in Pearland, Texas, allegedly called the police on Mohammad Suleiman, six, (pictured) and claimed he was a terrorist Maher can't help but be disgusted by the allegations against his son being a terrorist that the substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary School made. 'She claimed he was a terrorist,' added Maher. 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination.' The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family. The teacher said that Mohammad kept saying 'Allah' and 'boom' but his father, Maher, asserts that the boy has down syndrome and does not speak The teacher said that Mohammad kept saying 'Allah' and 'boom' but his father, Maher, asserts that the boy has down syndrome and does not speak 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination,' the father (pictured) said 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination,' the father (pictured) said 'The last three to four weeks have been the hardest of my life,' said Maher. 'My wife and kids were crying a few days ago and I told them everything is fine.' The Pearland Police Department did tell FOX26 that an investigation took place but found that there was no need for police involvement. Child Protective Services is still conducting their investigation. Due to privacy laws, the Pearland Independent School District has not released any information pertinent to either the student or the personnel, according to a spokesperson. The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family | false | 368 |
Huma Abedin, an aide to Hillary Clinton, at a Women for Hillary event at West Los Angeles College on June 3, 2016, in Culver City, Calif. An article by the Daily Caller says Abedin forwarded some government passwords to her private Yahoo email account in 2009, when Clinton was secretary of state. Yahoo was hacked in 2013, which affected all 3 billion of its accounts. [Irfan Khan | Los Angeles Times via TNS] WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump made his first "Crooked Hillary" Twitter post less than 48 hours into the new year Tuesday, accusing a former Clinton aide of "disregarding basic security protocols," and calling his own Justice Department a "deep state." "Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols," he wrote. "She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others" Attacking his former Democratic opponent from the 2016 presidential election and taking aim at his own Justice Department struck familiar tones for the new year. Almost 14 months after the 2016 presidential election, Trump has kept up a regular drumbeat of attacks on Clinton. Last year, Trump also criticized the Justice Department and Attorney General Jeff Sessions for not pursing investigations of his political opponents. Tuesday morning’s Twitter post followed an article in the Daily Caller, a conservative publication that Trump closely monitors. The article said Abedin forwarded some government passwords to her private Yahoo email account in 2009, when Clinton was secretary of state. Yahoo was hacked in 2013, which affected all 3 billion of its accounts. After the breach, the data was offered for sale by a hacking collective based in Eastern Europe. Trump also implored his administration to investigate Abedin. The term "deep state" typically refers to a shadow government of agency officials who secretly plot to influence policy; they are usually associated with countries that have authoritarian elements that undercut democratically elected leaders. On Friday, the State Department released about 3,0 of Abedin’s work-related emails. The emails were found on the laptop of Abedin’s now estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, and were released as part of a public records request. The emails found on Weiner’s computer are a sore spot for Clinton. James Comey, the former FBI director, had notified Congress shortly before the 2016 election about the existence of newly discovered emails that could be relevant to the closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state. Clinton, in a book released last year, said Comey’s October 2016 disclosure hurt her campaign’s momentum and helped Trump win the election. In his Twitter post, Trump also referred to the case of a Navy sailor who was jailed for taking pictures inside a military submarine. According to a report in Fox News, the sailor had hoped to receive a pardon from the president, but has not. | false | 599 |
Ever since last week’s High Court judgment threw a spanner in the works of the Government’s plan to use the Royal Prerogative to trigger Article 50 there have been all sorts of rumours and suggestions as to how the Government is going to deliver Brexit. Theresa May has already said she will appeal to the Supreme Court. Brexit Secretary David Davis confirmed this in the Commons on Monday. Another suggestion is to bring forward a Bill that specifically rejects the High Court’s ruling and hands the Government the power to act alone. Or there’s the idea of a simple one-line Bill to trigger Article 50 itself. And those are just the more obvious ideas. There seem to be as many different theories and suggestions as there are EU members. The moment we trigger Article 50 the clock starts ticking and we know we will leave the EU 24 months later, deal or no deal. Brexit will mean Brexit Things would be so much better if, as in the joke, we didn’t have to start from here. Or, to put it another way, if Mrs May had done what her predecessor had suggested should happen. Because for all his faults David Cameron got one thing bang on. Back in February, when he was setting out to MPs the details of the pathetic “deal” he had negotiated with the EU, Mr Cameron made clear what he thought would and should happen if we voted for Brexit: “If the British people vote to leave there is only one way to bring that about, namely to trigger Article 50 of the treaties and begin the process of exit and the British people would rightly expect that to start straightaway.” The referendum took place in June. Theresa May’s plan is to trigger Article 50 by the end of March next year. Even if she sticks to that timetable that will have been a nine-month wait. By no stretch of the imagination can that be described as triggering Article 50 “straightaway”. Mr Davis confirmed that Mrs May has already said she will appeal to the Supreme Court But Mr Cameron was clearly right that the British people would expect the process to have started straightaway. With hindsight it is surely now clear to everyone who isn’t plotting to stop Brexit – and was clear after the referendum to many of us – that Mrs May should have done what Mr Cameron said would happen and triggered Article 50 as soon as she entered Downing Street. Indeed he might even have done so himself. Imagine how different things would now be. Instead of politics being consumed with questions of procedure and timing – almost all of which are fig leaves pushed by Remainers who don’t want us to leave – and instead of the Remainers being handed ever more time to plot how they can frustrate the will of the British people, the path would have been set and the referendum result honoured. Straightaway. The moment we trigger Article 50 the clock starts ticking and we know we will leave the EU 24 months later, deal or no deal. Brexit will mean Brexit. Unless there is a unanimous decision by the rest of the EU to change that timetable nothing can alter that. So that’s what should have happened. But the fact that it didn’t doesn’t mean there aren’t important lessons for the future as to what should now happen and how we can avoid a further mess. Mrs May repeated after the High Court ruling that she still plans to trigger Article 50 by the end of March. The crucial word here is “by”. That doesn’t necessarily mean waiting until March. It means making sure it’s done by March, which could mean acting now. And there are compelling reasons why she should put a stop to the uncertainty and trigger Article 50 now. Most obviously it would destroy the Remainers’ attempts to keep us in. They are playing for time. They have been doing that since the vote and will continue doing so for as long as they can. Their hope is that the longer they delay Article 50 being triggered, the more they can make a case that the referendum result is no longer valid. Make no mistake about this: they will do whatever they can to stop Article 50 coming into force. That’s just one reason why appealing to the Supreme Court carries a huge risk: that the Government might lose. The Remainers who brought the case are using the language of parliamentary scrutiny because it sounds appropriate and modest. But their goal isn’t scrutiny: it’s destruction. They want to destroy the referendum result. And handing them any victory, especially from the Supreme Court, is unnecessary and unwise. Wed, September 14, 2016 Britain has voted to leave the EU. So who's next? We look at which European countries want to hold their own EU referendum. Frexit, Nexit or Auxit? Who will be next to leave the EU On Monday the Brexit Secretary confirmed in the Commons that the Government could introduce a one-line Bill triggering Article 50 now, bypassing any Supreme Court decision. The Remainers would then be put on the spot and their plots exposed. Voting against triggering Article 50 would reveal their real agenda of ignoring the referendum result. They would doubtless seek to amend the Bill and use every parliamentary device at their disposal. But their motives would be obvious and the wiser among them would surely realise the huge risk they were running with democracy itself. They would in reality have no choice but to accept the result of the referendum and implement Article 50 – or risk sticking two fingers up to the very idea of a sovereign people. And even the Remainers, surely, are not that wilful. | true | 426 |
There's been a lot of talk this week about President Trump's mental state. Psychiatrists have weighed in calling him a "very sick man." Former associates report that people close to him are "deeply concerned about his mental health.” It's been reported that he's telling people that the person on the "Access Hollywood" tape wasn't really him, and claiming (again) that he actually won the popular vote. But the most vivid and obvious evidence that Trump is becoming even more unbalanced even than before (which is saying something) comes from his Twitter feed, which has been a daily dumpster fire ever since word came down that Michael Flynn had apparently made a deal with Robert Mueller. Trump's Twitter is a window into his mind, and right now it isn't offering an attractive view. He's madly tweeted lies about his tax plan, applauded himself for single-handedly causing the stock market to rise, insulted the media, slandered old friends and condemned some of the famous men who have been fired for sexual harassment. Apparently he is more assured of his omnipotence than ever, since he was rewarded with the presidency while all those other guys have been brought low. He's put on quite a show and all of it has further degraded the presidency and embarrassed the nation before the world. But there was one series of tweets that stood out and it's so bad that it may have actually caused a diplomatic break with our closest ally. On Thursday morning, for some inexplicable reason, the president of the United States retweeted three videos claiming to be Muslim extremists perpetrating violence. One purported to show a group of Muslims pushing a boy off a roof, another claimed to show a Muslim destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary and a third supposedly showed a Muslim immigrant hitting a Dutch boy on crutches. The Dutch embassy clarified that the third video actually of two native-born dutch boys fighting, and did not involve Muslim immigrants at all. The tweets were from a vile British neofascist named Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of a tiny far-right, anti-immigrant group called Britain First. You may recall that prior to the Brexit vote last year a Labour Party member of Parliament named Jo Cox was assassinated by a man who shouted the words "Britain First" before he killed her. According to the Daily Beast: The group had previously struggled to garner mainstream-media coverage of their video stunts, which include mosque “invasions” and “Christian patrols” during which uniformed thugs carrying white crosses attempt to intimidate minority citizens. On Wednesday, Trump catapulted Fransen and the group’s leader Paul Golding, who is also a convicted criminal, into the global conversation. Trump sent those videos out to his millions of followers; hundreds of millions more may have seen them through other social media and mainstream news by now. These anti-Muslim videos are the worst kind of hate propaganda, the kind of thing one expects to find deep in the bowels of the extremist right-wing internet. Needless to say, Fransen was delighted and thanked Trumpfor "sharing the videos with his "44 MILLION FOLLOWERS! GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA!" The reaction was swift. Prime Minister Theresa May's office rebuked the president in a statement which said that Britain First "divides communities in their use of hateful narratives which pedal lies and stoke tensions. This causes anxieties to law-abiding people. The British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents; decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this." Trump himself was not contrite, of course. He responded this way: . @Theresa_May, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2017 The British Parliament did not take this well. In speech after speech members demanded that Trump's invitation for a state visit (already controversial) be rescinded. Labor M.P. Stephen Doughty declared that by sharing those tweets, Trump had shown himself to be "either a racist, incompetent or unthinking — or all three. I love America, it is a country and people of extraordinary generosity, courage, kindness and humanity — but this president represents none of those things.” London Mayor Sadiq Khan said May should use "any influence she and her government claim to have with the president” to ask that he “delete these tweets and to apologize to the British people.” None of that is going to happen, of course. Trump's state of mind at the moment is that following his racist instincts are what got him to the most powerful office on earth and following those instincts is the winning formula going forward. We are all well aware of Trump's bond with the old-fashioned American far right. David Duke is a big fan and applauded him for retweeting the videos. Trump thinks that one can be a "very fine person" and still carry a torch and march with Nazis shouting "Jews will not replace us" in American cities. His xenophobic rhetoric toward Mexicans and Muslims, and his barely concealed racism, have been obvious for years and were major selling points during his campaign. Trump has also shown an affinity for the neofascist right in Europe, perhaps under the influence of Steve Bannon, who has developed alliances with such groups for some time through his Breitbart International media venture. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said later that Trump did not know who Jayda Fransen was before he retweeted her, and claimed he was trying to "elevate the issue" of extremist violence in Europe. That's not enough. He has been retweeting white supremacists and neofascists for a long time. Quite likely he doesn't know who they all are either, but he obviously likes what they have to say and he's happy to use his platform of tens of millions of followers and the prestige of the White House to spread their message far and wide. May did not rescind the invitation to the state visit. But the British don't seem to be in any hurry to set a date either. Plans for a "working visit" from Trump in January have been dropped, which seems wise. Our president seems to have done something that nobody else has been able to do in Britain lately: He brought left and right together -- in mutual loathing for him. Over the Thanksgiving holiday Trump made a weird, cryptic comment to Coast Guard troops, saying, "You never know about an ally, an ally can turn, you're going to find that out." Maybe he was talking about himself. | true | 43 |
Justin Kaneps for The New York Times Microsoft busted Kremlin-linked hackers who broadened their targets in the United States. And Facebook, YouTube and others found new influence campaigns originating from Russia and Iran. | false | 360 |
Bernice Burgos, the alleged ‘side chick’ in T.I. and Tiny’s marriage, hit The Breakfast Club this morning to discuss all the drama. As you know, Tiny discussed Burgos during a recent appearance on The Wendy Show, stating that Bernice stepped out of line and clearly didn’t know her place (click HERE if you missed that). Well now, Burgos is playing her position and in her latest interview, claims she and Tip were never a ‘thing’ and that their interactions was only for “business”. Video below… In the video clip above, Bernice apologizes about the entire social media fiasco between her and Tiny stating “I’m very disappointed in what I did.” She continues… Social media sometimes will put you in a place that you have to fight with people you don’t even know. On her ‘relationship’ with T.I. and being called a ‘homewrecker’, Burgos states, It was only for business… I got introduced for a movie. Check out the full interview below… | false | 541 |
Actor Terry Crews has taken to social media to share his experience with sexual assault in Hollywood. The 49-year-old Brooklyn Nine-Nine star told his story as more allegations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein were made public. Crews alleges that another 'Hollywood honcho' touched him inappropriately in 2016. In a Twitter thread tonight, he wrote: "This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME. My wife [and] I were at a Hollywood function last year [and] a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. "Jumping back I said What are you doing! My wife saw everything [and] we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk. "I was going to kick his ass right then - but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. '240 lbs. Black man stomps out Hollywood Honcho' would be the headline the next day. "Only I probably wouldn't have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left." Crews added that he told everyone he knew and worked with about what happened to him. And that the executive called him the next day to apologise, but never explained his reason for the assault. He said he never took it further, as we would be "ostracized, [which is] par for the course when the predator has power and influence. Who's going to believe you?" Credit: PA Images "Hollywood is not the only business where this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior- you are not alone," Crews added. "Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless." It comes after a number of high-profile women in Hollywood went public with claims of inappropriate behavior by film producer Weinstein, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, and Rosanna Arquette. As we have previously noted at LADbible, figures released previously by the Ministry of Justice, showed that more than one in 10 victims of rape or attempted rape in the UK are male. A report published in 2015, titled 'Silent Suffering: Supporting The Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault', revealed that as few as 3.9% of male victims of rape and sexual assault report the crime to police. Featured Image Credit: PA Images | false | 454 |
Clinton now baselessly blames election-integrity laws for loss, media parrots By Kathryn Blackhurst, LifeZette: American Spectator Senior Editor John Fund blasted the media for refusing to cover former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s “ravings” claiming that “voter suppression” contributed to her Election Day loss, during an interview Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” Fund, a national-affairs columnist for National Review Online, said both Democrats and the mainstream media ridiculed President Donald Trump for claiming that 3 million to 5 million people voted illegally while giving Clinton a complete pass for her claims. Pointing to the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s Monday report proving that more than 5,556 illegal voters were enrolled across 138 of Virginia’s counties and cities, Fund claimed that voter fraud is far more substantiated than Clinton’s claims. “All they do is yell ‘voter suppression!’ But they don’t have any evidence. They don’t have any statistics. They don’t have any of them. All they have are Hillary Clinton’s ravings.” “There’s no evidence that voter ID laws prevent people from voting. What really defeated Hillary Clinton was that in every single swing state, including states that don’t have voter ID, African-American turnout went down because African-American voters didn’t particularly like Hillary Clinton,” Fund said. “What we have is the Democrats actively trying to hide the ball on any attempt to find out if there is voter fraud,” Fund continued. “All they do is yell ‘voter suppression!’ But they don’t have any evidence. They don’t have any statistics. They don’t have any of them. All they have are Hillary Clinton’s ravings.” No compatible source was found for this video. Fund referred to Clinton’s recent interview with New York magazine in which she insisted, “I would have won had I not been subjected to the unprecedented attacks by Comey and the Russians, aided and abetted by the suppression of the vote, particularly in Wisconsin. . . . Whoever comes next, this is not going to end. Republicans learned that if you suppress votes you win.” Declaring this unsubstantiated claim to be utter nonsense, Fund noted that even liberal organizations such as the fact-checking site Snopes, Vox, and Slate have all “called Hillary’s assertion that she lost because of voter suppression just a fantasy.” “But by the way, how much media coverage did you get?” Fund said. Instead, Trump’s claims of 3 million to 5 million people illegal voters have been getting all the attention. “Trump should have never have said it. It discredits the cause,” Fund conceded. “Having said that, the outrage against Trump was perfectly appropriate. But where’s the outrage at Hillary Clinton coming up with her fantasy about voter suppression with just as little evidence? I don’t know if anyone in the media … has talked about it or heard about it.” Pointing once again to Virginia and its resident “consigliere of the Clinton White House,” Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Fund noted that he has “desperately tried to prevent groups like the Public Interest Legal Foundation to go into voter registration rolls and try to find out who has been removed from the rolls in Virginia because” they were illegally registered to vote when they obtained a driver’s license. “That would be the evidence that there were non-citizens voting in our elections,” Fund said. “Well, McAuliffe sent out a directive to every local election official: Don’t cooperate with these questions. And it turns out they now have the answers from 138 communities in Virginia. Not the whole state, just part of it, [that] 5,500 non-citizens have been removed from the voter registration rolls in the last 5 years. Over a third of them had been voting.” The real issue, Fund insisted, is former President Barack Obama’s reluctance to investigate or illegal voting or allow others to investigate whether the country’s democratic election process had been compromised. “For eight years, state after state asked the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security, ‘You have a list of every legal alien in the country, people with green cards, student visas. Please send us the list. All we’ll do with it is match it with out voter-registration rolls and see if some non-citizens are registering and possibly voting,'” Fund said. “For eight years the Obama administration refused to turn over those lists, claiming ‘privacy’ considerations, which were bogus,” Fund added. “The reason why he claimed there is no voter fraud is he’s actively trying to hide it.” The Trump administration has since set up, by executive order, a commission to investigate voter fraud. This article was used with permission from LifeZette. | true | 263 |
Occasionally, the news suggests glimmers of Hope: CO-OPTATION SAVES THE NATION- {rhyme} Our nation’s Trump-era history get reversed in this yuugely-odd mystery: - - The Donald the Dems have co-opted! Their policies Trump has adopted! The Opposition has clout to drag America out of the stupid Repug-dug ditch. Huzzah for The Donald’s switch. ========= Show All Comments | false | 407 |
The mainstream media is floating rumors that Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was removed from Air Force One this week and may be resigning. Kelly has been assigned Trump duties the past few months. According to conversations with Steve Bannon John Kelly is not allowing President Trump to receive his news from conservative news outlets. Pajamas Media reported: Bloomberg White House correspondent Jennifer Jacobs reports on Twitter that Trump’s chief of staff, General John Kelly, was originally going to be on the Air Force One flight to Las Vegas but was “pulled off flight” at the last moment. Gen. Kelly was originally going to be on AF1 to Vegas with Trump today but was pulled off flight, I'm told.WH not answering Qs about it. — Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) October 4, 2017 Although the White House initially refused to answer her questions about this rather akward move, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders eventually said that there’s “nothing to read into here,” explaining: He is basically always on the manifest. Sometimes he travels, and sometimes he doesn’t. An important caveat, of course, but Huckabee’s explanation did not prevent Scott Dworkin from tweeting that not one, not two, but three people have told him that this may very well be General Kelly’s last week as Trump’s chief of staff. I’ve heard from three people from different circles on the Hill that this may be John Kelly’s last week as Trump’s Chief of Staff. #AMJoy 9AGHeGR9y — Scott Dworkin (@funder) October 4, 2017 Sponsored | true | 138 |
President Donald Trump speaks to reporters before leaving the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2017, for a trip to Quantico, Va., to attend the FBI National Academy graduation ceremony. (AP Balce Ceneta) QUANTICO, Va. — President Donald Trump laced into FBI leadership Friday, while proclaiming his loyalty and support for law enforcement in an address at the agency's training academy. "It's a shame what's happened" with the FBI, the president said as he left the White House for a speech at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia. He called the agency's handling of Hillary Clinton's email investigation "really disgraceful" and told reporters "we're going to rebuild the FBI." Shortly afterward, Trump lavished praise on graduates of a weeks-long FBI National Academy program and their families, touting their accomplishments and pledging his unwavering support. Trump told law enforcement leaders he is "more loyal than anyone else could be" to police. "Anti-police sentiment is wrong and it's dangerous," he added. "Anyone who kills a police officer should get the death penalty." Trump used the speech to promote his administration's tough-on-crime policies, delivering a stern warning to members of the international gang MS-13 that his administration will root them out and arrest them. He also celebrated his decision to make it easier for local police forces to purchase surplus military equipment, and questioned rising violence in Chicago. "What the hell is going on in Chicago? What the hell is happening there," he asked. Hours before, White House Deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley told Fox News Channel that edits to former FBI Director James Comey's statement on Clinton's private email server and anti-Trump texts from a top agent are "deeply troubling." "There is extreme bias against this president with high-up members of the team there at the FBI who were investigating Hillary Clinton at the time," Gidley charged, as special counsel Robert Mueller pushes on with a probe of possible Trump campaign ties to Russia. Gidley says Trump maintains confidence in the FBI's rank-and-file. Edits to the Comey draft appeared to soften the gravity of the bureau's finding in its 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state. "It is very sad when you look at those documents, how they've done that is really, really disgraceful, and you have a lot of really angry people who are seeing it," Trump said of the document. Gidley said the disclosure of politically charged text messages sent by one of the agents on the Clinton case, Peter Strzok, were "eye-opening." Strzok, who was in the room as Clinton was interviewed, was later assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller's team to investigate potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. He was re-assigned after the messages were uncovered this summer. About 200 leaders in law enforcement from around the country attended the weeks-long FBI National Academy program aimed at raising law enforcement standards and cooperation. Coursework included intelligence theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, and forensic science. | false | 76 |
Iran and Russia plan to destroy Western Europe, the US, and Canada by means of a new wave of millions of Syrian Sunnis fleeing to the West to escape the Shiite takeover of Syria. In my weekly column two months ago, I claimed that Iran is the real victor in the Syrian civil war. Using the war against ISIS as a smokescreen, it is taking over large swathes of Syrian territory, mainly in the scarcely populated middle and eastern parts of the country. In the more fertile and densely populated west of Syria, there are Iraqi, Afghan, and Iranian Shiite militias augmenting Lebanese Hezbollah fighters who were given carte blanche to do whatever Hassan Nasrallah decides to do there. Assad’s strength continues to increase as ISIS and the other rebel forces lose ground. The brutality of Russian involvement and the cruelty of Shiite militias overcame the anti-Assad forces, the turning point occurs when in 2015, Turkey’ s Erdogan was forced by Russia to cease his aid to the rebels and ISIS. Today, although Erdogan is an unwilling ally of Russia, Alawite Assad still sees him, justifiably, as an Islamist enemy. The Kurds of northeast Syria, treated as below third class citizens until 2011, will never agree to live under Arab mercy once again and it is reasonable to assume that should Syria remain an undivided country under Assad’s rule, the Kurds will preserve relative autonomy in their region – or fight the regime for their rights. That is certainly a problem, but the main issue facing a united Syria is going to be the drastic demographic changes the country is going to face. First of all, about half of Syria’s citizens – close to 10 million – are refugees, half located in Syria and the other half in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, other Arab countries, Europe, North and South America, Australia and even Israel. Syrian refugees who reached points outside the Arab world will in all probability stay put, benefitting from the secure and orderly lives they can now lead. On the other hand, the 3.5 million now in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey are awaiting the end of hostilities in order to return to their homes. Those expectations may be dashed, however, because Syrian reality is totally changed, and large parts of its cities are in ruins after six and a half years of a cruel and bloody war. Countless bombs dropped from planes and helicopters, artillery and tank barrages, mines, and explosives planted by both sides have made much of urban Syria, where most of the fighting took place, unsafe to live in. In Homs, Aleppo, Adlib, Hamat and many other cities, entire neighborhoods will have to be razed and their infrastructure rebuilt from scratch. Decades and billions of dollars are needed to rebuild the country and I, for one, do not see the world’s nations standing in line to donate the necessary funds. Refugees will not agree to switch their tents in Jordan for ruined buildings lacking basic infrastructure in a desolate and destroyed Syria. The other reason the refugees will not return is their justified fear of the new lords of the land – the Shiites. Iran has been moving Shiites from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan to Syria for a long time in a clear attempt to change the demographic makeup of the country from the Sunni majority it had before the civil war broke out in 2011. The issue could not be more clear because it is no secret that the pre-civil war Sunni majority considered the Alawite ruler’s heretic idol worshippers who had no right to live in Syria, much less rule over it. The Alawites know well that the Sunnis rebelled against them twice: The first time was from 1976 to 1982, a rebellion that took the lives of 50,0 citizens. The second time, slowly drawing to an end, has cost the lives of half a million men, women, children and aged citizens of Syria. The Alawites intend to prevent a third rebellion and the best way to do that is to change the majority of the population to Shiites instead of Sunnis. They will not allow the Sunni refugees to return to their homes, leaving them eternal refugees whose lands have been taken over by the enemy. Iran, meanwhile, will populate Syria with Shiites from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. This ethnic cleansing is the Ayatollah’s dream come true, the dream that sees a Shiite crescent drawn from Iran through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea. This will cover the eastern Arab world from the north, while the war in Yemen is being fought in order to create a parallel southern crescent, entrapping Saudi Arabia and Jordan between the two. With the help of Allah, both those countries and Israel, the Small Satan, will soon fall into the hands of the Shiites, while Europe and America do nothing because who cares when Muslims fight other Muslims? The Shiite majority in Syria will play along with Lebanon’s Hezbollah, their natural allies, and it is possible that some form of federation might be created between the two in order to push the Lebanese Christians out of the picture, “persuading” them to flee to other countries, leaving Lebanon to its “rightful” Shiite masters. This explains Nasrallah’s eager willingness to fight on Syrian soil as well as the opposition of those against Nasrallah to his involvement there. The new demographic situation in Syria will convince the Sunni refugees that they have no place to which to return. They will try their best to be allowed to leave Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey for any country, preferably North America and Europe, willing to allow them entry. I predict a process that is the exact opposite of the one the world expects to take place when “peace” breaks out in Syria: Instead of refugees returning to their birthplace, expect the mass flight of Sunni refugees from the region, and expect a heightened incidence of Islamist terror in the countries that allow them in. The reasons are obvious: 1. Former ISIS and rebel forces will infiltrate along with the refugees, because they, too, are Sunni. They are filled with fury and hatred for the Western countries who were part of the coalition that fought ISIS or stood by without aiding the rebels. Some of them will continue their Jihad on European and North American soil. Expect shootings, explosives and ramming attacks against citizens of these countries. 2. Some of the refugees will not find work and live on the economic and social fringes of society, in poverty-stricken Islamist neighborhoods which have already existed for years in many European cities, and where the local police fear to tread. Poverty and life on the fringe of society will turn some of the Muslim young people into easy prey for terrorist organization recruiters who arouse the desire for Jihad by describing the accepting host countries as decadent societies infected with permissiveness, prostitution, alcohol, drugs, materialism, and corruption. They present the countries that allowed the immigrants entry as having done so to take advantage of them as industrial slaves, garage hands, cashiers and other degrading occupations, while the privileged citizens are lawyers, accountant, businessmen, and homeowners who take advantage of the migrants in humiliating ways. It is only a matter of time until young Muslims, especially those who were taught that “everyone is equal” in Western schools, enlist in terrorist organizations. 3. Countries which allow in refugees will suffer a higher crime rate as a result, including violence in public places, sexual attacks, and harassment, housebreaking, car theft, substance abuse, unreported work to avoid paying taxes and illegal construction. This will all occur at the same time these countries expend a larger part of their budgets on social services for the refugees, from child allowances to unemployment, health and old age benefits. At this point in time, the percentage of second and third generation immigrants populating the prisons in Western Europe is significantly larger than their percentage in the general population. 4. Increased economic, social and security problems in Europe and North America as a result of the rise in the number of migrants will lead to a rise in the strength of the right and the extreme right. This will, in turn, lead to more social tensions in the West. Members of Parliament whose only wish is to be re-elected will adapt their parliamentary activity – especially the laws they promote – to the expectations of the rapidly Islamizing constituencies, sacrificing their own people’s interests on the altar of their political careers. Many Europeans, aware of their elected leaders’ betrayal, will despair and leave those socially and economically deteriorating countries. This will increase the rate at which Europe turns into an Islamic region. And that is how the agreements Iran and Russia will soon coerce Syria into accepting are going to start a chain reaction increasing the number of refugees and pulling Europe down to a point of no return, without the world understanding what is going on. The Atlantic Ocean is not wide enough to protect North America from this debacle crossing the sea. This is how the Iranian Ayatollahs intend to destroy the heretic, permissive, drunk and materialistic West. More of the unfortunate Syrian millions will find themselves exiled to the heretic countries hated by the Ayatollahs, and Iran will operate from Syrian soil to vanquish Europe and America. Reprinted with author’s permission from Israel National News | true | 530 |
President Trump responded to the Senate Republican's inability to pass a skinny version of Obamacare's repeal the only way he knows how: Twitter. Senate Republicans weren't able to muster enough votes to pass their skinny repeal of Obamacare. Senators voted 49-51 shortly before 2:00 a.m. Friday morning. Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) cast a surprise "no" vote. He was joined by GOP Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine). The bill, titled the Health Care Freedom Act, would have repealed the individual insurance mandate. It would also have repealed the employer mandate for eight years. GOP leaders and Vice President Mike Pence huddled with McCain, Murkowski and Collins before the vote, which was stalled for nearly an hour. A few minutes before the vote, McCain crossed the chamber to huddle with Democrats. McCain's "no" vote came as a shock to many. Democrats applauded the move on Twitter. The vote is a devastating blow for Republicans who have fought for months to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and will likely have to start the process all over again. "This is clearly a disappointing moment," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said shortly after the final vote tally was called. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer admitted that the current health care law is not perfect and called for Republicans and Democrats to work together to fix the problems with Obamacare. Other memorable moments from the health care debate: Now the Senate will move on to the defense budget. | false | 517 |
Well, this is odd. Former President Obama has chosen not to host hard-copy versions of his manuscripts and letters in his presidential library. Is the former Commander-in-Chief hiding something? The move has “historians scratching their heads.” Fox News report: The Obama Foundation is taking an unconventional approach to the presidential center and library being planned in Chicago. It’s opting to host a digital archive of President Barack Obama’s records, but not keep his hard-copy manuscripts and letters and other documents onsite. That means no thumbing through the ex-president’s correspondence on the health care fight or first drafts of his State of the Union addresses. The decision has historians scratching their heads. “All archivists are waiting to see how this will work, because we are all struggling with how to make things available digitally,” Peggy Glowacki, a manuscripts librarian at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told the Chicago Tribune. An interesting piece of information to note is evidence surrounding Susan Rice’s role in the ‘unmasking’ probe have been moved to the future library. The documents were moved to the Obama Library and under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office. President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton said Wednesday on Fox & Friends that President Trump can obtain these records from the Obama Presidential Library because they are federal records. Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy said that the President himself could obtain the records if he were to ask for them. Tom Fitton: “Yes, they are still federal records. They are under the control of the national archives and he can get ’em. If he needs them, then the President can conduct his official duties he can get them, Subpoenas issued by Congress can get them. Special Counsel Mueller, if he decides to actually investigate real crimes like the unmasking, the illicit surveillance, the leaking–he could get them if he issued subpoenas. There are options to get these records and they need to be taken because there could be elements of the records in the other agencies, but these are key White House records about what the White House was up to and that to me is as important as anything else.” Sponsored Sponsored | true | 165 |
President Donald Trump on Tuesday began dismantling the government program protecting hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children. Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared the Obama administration’s program “an unconstitutional exercise of authority” that must be revoked. New applications will be halted for President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program, which has provided nearly 800,0 young immigrants a reprieve from deportation and the ability to work legally in the U.S. in the form of two-year, renewable work permits. “I’m here today to announce that the program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama administration is being rescinded,” Sessions announced. Cummins Inc., the Columbus-based global diesel engine maker and power company, issued a statement after the DACA announcement. Here’s the statement by Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger: “The decision by the Trump Administration to rescind DACA is discriminatory, harmful and sets our country back. These young people deserve every opportunity to continue living, working, and thriving in the United States – for nearly all of them the U.S. is the only country they have ever known. This is their home. Dreamers are our colleagues, our friends and our neighbors. They strengthen our country through daily contributions to our companies, our universities and our communities. We have a moral obligation to help these young people, protect them from living in fear, and to prevent families from being torn apart. Cummins stands in full support of Dreamers and we ask Congress to take immediate action to pass the Dream Act or find a permanent legislative solution to support these young people before anyone is affected by this decision. We hope that Americans speak out and make it clear to Congress and the President that we stand with the Dreamers.” Dreamers are our colleagues, friends & neighbors. We are deeply disappointed with today's decision to rescind #DACA. pic.twitter. — Cummins Inc. (@Cummins) September 5, 2017 Cummins is proud to stand #withDreamers who make our company and our communities stronger. #DefendDACA — Cummins Inc. (@Cummins) September 2, 2017 Cummins currently employs approximately 55,400 people worldwide and serves customers in approximately 190 countries and territories through a network of approximately 600 company-owned and independent distributor locations and approximately 7,400 dealer locations. Cummins earned $1.39 billion on sales of $17.5 billion in 2016. Groups planning rally in Columbus Some Columbus area churches and organizations are planning a Rally in Support of Dreamers at 6:30 p.m. today at Columbus City Hall, 123 Washington St. The rally is being organized to support immigrant children threatened with deportation, said The Rev. Felipe Martinez, First Presbyterian Church. In an announcement about the rally, organizers said President Donald Trump is planning to rescind the executive order known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). DACA protects from deportation young undocumented immigrants (known as Dreamers) who were brought to the United States as children by their parents, the announcement states. Those who attend the rally will be asked to write to their senators and congressman asking them to pass legislation which would place DACA protections into law. Participants are asked to show their support by bringing American flags and signs expressing love and solidarity. Collaborating partners include First Presbyterian Church, Bartholomew County Indivisible, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbus, SuCasa and Islamic Society of Columbus. From Vice President Mike Pence, a Columbus native: From @POTUS: In best interests of country & keeping w/ office of POTUS obligations @DHSgov will begin orderly transition & wind-down of DACA pic.twitter. — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 From @POTUS' statement: President Obama made an end-run around Congress and violating the core tenets that sustain our Republic. — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 . @POTUS said, "Only by the reliable enforcement of immigration law can we produce safe communities, a robust middle class & econ. fairness." — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 . @POTUS: We'll resolve DACA & compassion thru lawful Dem process while ensuring immigration reform provides benefits for US citizens — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 Indiana University has also issued a statement. "Indiana University is deeply disappointed in the Trump Administration's decision to end the #DACA program." 1aukEMp9 — Indiana University (@IndianaUniv) September 5, 2017 AP story: Trump rescinding DACA program protecting young immigrants | false | 641 |
A Connecticut woman bought a desk from Staples, but after a few years grew tired of it. She decided to sell it to Noah Muroff and his wife for about $150 on Craigslist. There was nothing peculiar about the transaction at all. Muroff and his wife had difficulty fitting the desk into the room. They decided to take it apart to fit it in. After Noah removed the filing cabinets, he noticed a plastic bag poking out. First, he saw a $100 bill. Then he saw that inside there were stacks of them. He and his wife counted the money. There was a whopping $98,0. “If we didn’t take those drawers out, we never would have found it,” Muroff said. But he knew immediately that he couldn’t keep the money. He called the woman he bought it from. It turned out she hid her inheritance in the desk and couldn’t remember where she put it. When Muroff called her, she was speechless. “She was so shocked and touched that anyone would call,” he said. “She said, ‘You could have kept the money and nobody would have ever known.'” Muroff, who is a rabbi, and his wife believe honesty is the most important thing. “We both agreed that this is not our money,” he said. “If God wants us to have $98,0, he’ll make sure to give it to us in some other way.” The woman was so grateful, she summed up how she felt in a thank-you card. “I do not think there are too many people in this world that would have done what you did by calling me. I do like to believe that there are still good people left in this crazy world we live in. You certainly are one of them,” the woman wrote. “I cannot thank you enough for your honesty and integrity.” Please SHARE this story if you’re glad Noah Muroff did the right thing for the woman! Due to restrictions, this video cannot be viewed in your region. | false | 436 |
An online fundraiser for the family of Heather Heyer, who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed through a group of counterprotesters, has raised nearly $225,0 -- exceeding by more than four times its original goal. Donations continue to pour into the GoFundMe account. TRENDING NOW: “Heather Heyer was murdered while protesting against hate,” the GoFundMe account creator, Felicia Venita Correa, wrote in the account’s page description. “We are raising money to give to her family for anything that they may need. The family is aware of this and is in complete charge of when and where the funds will be released. She is a Greene County native and graduated from William Monroe High School. Her mother (whom I will not name until she is ready) said “She died doing what was right. My heart is broken, but I am forever proud of her. She will truly be missed.” The banner image on Heyer’s Facebook page spoke of civic engagement: President Donald Trump addressed Heyer’s death via Twitter without naming her, writing: “Condolences to the family of the young woman killed today, and best regards to all of those injured, in Charlottesville, Virginia. So sad!” First person piece: ‘ This is not my Charlottesville’ Authorities arrested James Alex Fields, 20, of Ohio, and charged him with second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and one count of failing to stop at an accident that resulted in a death. The Associated Press reported three other arrests stemming from Saturday’s chaos in Charlottesville, where people protesting the removal of a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee clashed with counterprotesters. Troy Dunigan, 21, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was charged with disorderly conduct; Jacob L. Smith, 21, of Louisa, Virginia, was charged with assault and battery; and James M. O’Brien, 44, of Gainesville, Florida, was charged with carrying a concealed handgun. JUST IN: Booking photo of James Alex Fields, Jr. @NBC29 pic.twitter.com/9nxtsvqNmt — Henry Graff (@HenryGraff) August 13, 2017 In a statement on Saturday, Trump blamed “many sides” for inciting the violence -- an equivocation that’s drawn criticism from across the political spectrum. Here are comments from Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, who was once Trump’s rival for the presidential nomination, and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder: @realDonaldTrump, thanks, at long last, for condemning hate in speech and action. Our work here is just beginning. Yours is too. — Mike Signer (@MikeSigner) August 12, 2017 Very important for the nation to hear @potus describe events in #Charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by #whitesupremacists — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) August 12, 2017 If ISIS rammed a car into a crowd this would be labeled quickly & logically. Charlottesville - call it what it is, domestic terrorism. — Eric Holder (@EricHolder) August 13, 2017 “We agreed that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now,” Trump said during remarks issued from his New Jersey resort. “We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true affection for each other,” he said. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It’s been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump. Not Barack Obama. It’s been going on for a long, long time.” He also called for a swift return of law and order. Here are some excerpts from the statement, posted on Trump’s Twitter feed: We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST. pic.twitter. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2017 What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. #Charlottesville pic.twitter. 22fgnu6L — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2017 Scott Images © 2018 Cox Media Group. | false | 493 |
Thursday's New York Times features accounts by two women who say Donald Trump made unwanted sexual advances. The Trump campaign called the article "fiction," and his lawyer demanded the paper retract its story and issue an apology. Michael Barbaro, New York Times' national political reporter and host of the Run-Up podcast, and reporter Megan Twohey join "CBS This Morning" to discuss their article. | false | 326 |
The Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is asking the FBI questions in what he describes as an “alarming” development about the debunked Trump dossier. Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last week asking if there is a possibility that the contents of the dossier were “surreptitiously funneled” from foreign intelligence agencies to U.S. intelligence agencies essentially creating “an echo” of reporting information from the dossier. Grassley pointed out that Christopher Steele, the British spy who compiled the garbage dossier acknowledged in a London court that he indeed shared the 35-page document with British intelligence agencies. Per the Daily Caller: “It is possible that this political dossier’s collusion allegations…may have also been surreptitiously funneled into U.S. intelligence streams through foreign intelligence sharing,” Grassley wrote in his letter to Wray. “If so, that foreign information would likely have ended up within the FBI’s investigation of allegations of collusion between Trump associates and Russia.” According to some reports, foreign intelligence agencies have shared information with U.S. investigators that matches some of the allegations about collusion laid out in the dossier. But Trump and members of his campaign named in the dossier have denied the allegations. Grassley also said, “it may not have been clear to the FBI that the foreign reporting was actually based on the work of Mr. Steele and Fusion GPS. If this in fact happened, it would be alarming.” As previously reported, a third deadline passed for the FBI and Justice Department to hand over subpoenaed documents to the House Intelligence Committee relating to the debunked Russian dossier on September 22nd. The big question is, did the FBI actually use this garbage dossier to obtain a FISA warrant like reports suggest? The Obama FBI used a secret court order to wiretap Manafort. We the people deserve to know if the debunked dossier was used to obtain this FISA warrant in order to spy on Trump’s camp. What we do know is that Comey cited this dossier in some of his briefings: FBI Director James Comey has cited the dossier in some of his briefings with lawmakers in recent weeks as one of the information sources used by his bureau to bolster its probe, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation told CNN. We also know that Fusion GPS, the company that commissioned the dossier is a Democrat oppo research firm. Via Paul Sperry of the New York Post: A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party. Fusion GPS was on the payroll of an unidentified Democratic ally of Clinton when it hired a long-retired British spy to dig up dirt on Trump. In 2012, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to uncover dirt on GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. And in 2015, Democrat ally Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to investigate pro-life activists protesting the abortion group. One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama. And the liberal media and Secret Service and John McCain believed this nonsense? Now we learn Rep. Nunes has issued subpoenas to the firm behind the discredit dossier. Zerohedge reports: CNN reports that Nunes earlier this month issued subpoenas to the founders of Fusion GPS, the Washington opposition research firm that originally helped procure the dossier, demanding that they participate in public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee, and turn over all pertinent documents. Earlier this year, Nunes announced that he was stepping aside from directing the committee’s Russia inquiry when he became the subject of an ethics investigation into his handling of classified information after he informed the White House about the possibility that members of the Trump campaign were legally surveilled during the race before informing his own committee. […] Nunes’ Democratic colleagues have repeatedly accused Nunes of deliberately trying to undermine the FBI’s investigation by forcing the agency to reveal sensitive details about the dossier that the intelligence community previously decided to withhold from the January report on the intelligence community’s finding that Russia had interfered with the election. Here is more background on the now-discredited Trump Dossier. With just ten days to go before he was sworn in as America’s forty-fifth president, the political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump with a double-barreled blast of “leaked” “intelligence” reports by CNN and BuzzFeed. The documents contained explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleged intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump. Sponsored Sponsored | true | 194 |
Stephen Paddock has been identified as the sole suspect in the Las Vegas concert shooting that took place on Sunday night. Police say that Paddock opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more. Police found “ more than 10 rifles” in Paddock’s hotel room. The 64-year-old Mesquite, Nevada, resident is deceased, according to police. It has been reported that he committed suicide. Just about 12 hours following the attack, the Associated Press reported that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding that Paddock converted to Islam “months ago.” BREAKING: Without providing evidence, Islamic State claims Las Vegas attack, says shooter converted to Islam months ago. — The Associated Press (@AP) October 2, 2017 “The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the mass shooting in Las Vegas, saying that the perpetrator was ‘a soldier’ who had converted to Islam months ago, without providing any evidence to support the claim… It did not name the suspected shooter…but said he had ‘executed the operation in response to calls to target countries of the coalition’ batting the extremist group in Iraq and Syria,” reports the Associated Press. ISIS has not released any kind of video to support their claims. Many people are skeptical about Paddock’s involvement with the group and officials have yet to confirm or deny any ties between ISIS and Paddock. Paddock’s brother, Eric, spoke to the Daily Mail about the shooting. He told the outlet that his brother didn’t have any political or religious affiliation. Eric also clearly stated his opinion on the shooting, saying it was “not a terror arrack.” “He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something. We know absolutely nothing, this is just, we are dumbfounded,” Eric Paddock explained. “He has no political affiliation, no religious affiliation, as far as we know. This wasn’t a terror attack…He’s my brother, we don’t have a very close relationship but we talk occasionally. There’s no rhyme or reason here, it makes no sense,” Eric added. The FBI is not currently investigating any ties between ISIS and Paddock. | false | 202 |
Notre Dame Students Walk Out During Mike Pence's Commencement Speech More Dozens of students walked out of Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame on Sunday. One student sported a rainbow cape, while a number of others who walked out in protest bore rainbow flags on their graduation caps. Pence, a former governor of Indiana, has a history of hostility toward the LGBTQ community. In his remarks at the Indiana university, the vice president criticized what he called campus “safe spaces” and urged students not to suppress free speech. “While this institution has maintained an atmosphere of civility and open debate, far too many campuses across America have become characterized by speech codes, safe spaces, tone policing, administration-sanctioned political correctness ― all of which amounts to the suppression of free speech,” he said. “These practices are destructive of learning and the pursuit of knowledge.” Pence is not the only political speaker who’s received a mixed welcome at the university. In 2009, then-President Barack Obama faced protests over his support for abortion rights, with some graduates choosing to skip the ceremony altogether. | false | 546 |
Put on your tin foil hats, kids — we’ve got a conspiracy theory for you. Is the White House trying to pull a fast one on us by using a Melania Trump stunt double? See the ‘proof’ on Twitter that has voters convinced our FLOTUS is a fraud! There’s a lot to dissect here, but first things first: why would the White House need to deploy a Melania Trump stunt double? Nobody really knows the answer to that question, but it doesn’t have anyone less convinced that President Donald Trump had a Melania decoy by his side during a press conference on the White House lawn on October 13. The masterful conspiracy theory was posited by intrepid internet explorer Andrea Wagner Barber, who posted a video of the presser on Facebook. Andrea pointed out that Melania didn’t look exactly like herself, and thousands on Twitter agreed. Watch the video below, and scroll through this gallery of Melania Pics to see if you can spot the difference! To the casual viewer half-paying attention to another POTUS and FLOTUS appearance, there’s really nothing amiss about Melania. It’s when you look closer that you see some subtle differences. “Melania” — if that’s her real name — is wearing massive sunglasses that cover half her face. Chic, or suspicious? Her lips appear to be much bigger and differently shaped. As some have pointed out, her hair is a little frizzy and dry, far from the pristine condition she usually keeps it in. Could it be a wig? Pay attention to the president, too. He says, “My wife, Melania, who happens to be right here…” Why would he need to point that out? Is he letting the world know that this isn’t Melania, and the real one’s chilling in Air Force One? Thinking about it, this isn’t the first time that he’s seemingly been confused about Melania’s whereabouts while they happen to be in the same room. During their trip to Texas to visit the victims of Hurricane Harvey, he said, “Melania wanted to be here today” during a press conference. Melania was standing directly beside him in her FLOTUS hat. Did Melania stay home and send out a decoy in her disaster heels? Of course, the most logical answer here is that Melania was simply having a bad hair day, wore a little too much lipliner, and on impulse bought a pair of sunglasses that her friends haven’t told her don’t work yet. Or…the conspiracy theorists have a valid point. Political decoys have been used throughout modern history to protect high-powered individuals from harm, or to attend to duties they cannot fulfill themselves. However, the technique’s been used very sparingly, and most likely wouldn’t work for someone like Melania. Let these voters tell you why they’re absolutely convinced we’ve got a bodysnatcher in the White House: HollywoodLifers, do you think the White House is using a Melania Trump stunt double? Let us know! | true | 238 |
JOHNSTON, Iowa — An Iowa woman faces multiple charges after police said she left her four children home alone while taking a trip to Europe. Erin Lee Macke, 30, of Johnston, is charged with four counts of child endangerment – substantial risk, and one count of transfer of pistol or revolver to a person under 21. Johnston police Lt. Tyler Tompkins told KCCI that Macke left her children ages 12, 12, 7 and 6 alone at home Sept. 20 while she traveled to Germany. Tompkins said the children were left alone for 24 hours before the police department and Iowa Department of Human Services received a tip and visited the children. The children told police, “Mom left them and left the country,” police said. Tompkins told KCCI that police contacted Macke Sept. 21 and that Macke told officers she planned to be in Germany until Oct. 1. "All of her sitter options fell through, and she left the kids in the care of the two 12-year-olds," Tompkins said. He admitted that the case is well out of the ordinary. “I’ve never heard of anything like this before,” Tompkins said. “We have situations where parents go next door or parents may go out for the night, and while that’s not advisable either depending on the age of the children, obviously leaving the country is a totally different situation. This, where a parent has left the country and left the kids home alone, I’ve never heard of it before.” Authorities said they convinced Macke to return to the United States before Oct. 1. She arrived Wednesday evening and was arrested Thursday morning. Police said the 12-year-old children are staying with family and the seven- and six-year-old children are with their father. Macke is charged with one count of transfer of pistol or revolver to a person under 21 because there was a firearm within reach of the children in the home, according to police. | false | 382 |
The Destruction of History (Image by YouTube, Channel: Lauren Southern) Permission Details DMCA As I predicted, the erasing of American history will not be limited to Confederate monuments. Last week a member of the board of trustees of the Dallas, Texas, school district recommended changing the name of James Madison High School. James Madison was the father of the US Constitution, considered by Identity Politics, the political ideology of the Democratic Party and the American /left, to be a "racist document." From a British reader comes the news that the various segments of Western society divided into victim groups by Identity Politics have divided very finely and have turned on one another. On September 13, the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) and their bitter enemies, Trans Activists, clashed in a fist fight in London's Hyde Park. 60-year-old Maria MacLachlan, who describes herself as a "gender critical feminist," was knocked to the ground. The presstitutes at the New York Times even use the crossword puzzle to spread their lies and disinformation. This morning one of the clues was "like the peninsula seized by Russia in 2014." The NYT is referring to Crimea, for 300 years a Russian province with a Russian population that voted by a 97% majority to rejoin Russia when the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in a coup. The NYT presstitutes treat this exercise in democracy as "Russian aggression." As the "newspaper of record," clearly the record is falsified. My northern acquaintances believe that the South, by definition, is racist even though the cities that were the heart of the Confederacy are ruled by black mayors. The mayor of Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy, Levar Stoney, is black. The mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, is black. The Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina, Stephen Benjamin, is black. Because of Identity Politics, these black mayors cannot prevent southern history from being cast down the Memory Hole. Any black mayor who stood up for historical truth would be branded an "Uncle Tom." There is no greater absurdity than moving history off its factual basis and substituting a fictional basis as dictated by Identity Politics. In the United States -- indeed, in the entirely of the Western world -- history has become a construction that serves not the truth but special interests. This is the reason that the Western World is doomed. Peoples whose history is destroyed are defenceless. They have no idea who they are. How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home | true | 92 |
Getty Images Hillary Clinton’s niece is turning her back on her “selfish” aunt — to endorse Donald Trump for president. “I support Donald Trump 100 percent,” Macy Smit, the daughter of Bill Clinton’s half-brother Roger Clinton, declared to RadarOnline. “I have been a Democrat my entire life, but Trump is what we need right now — somebody who is going to stand up for us. I think at this point Hillary just wants it for the history books — to be the first woman president for selfish reasons,” the Tampa hairstylist continued. Smit, 25, admitted she’s never met Hillary Clinton, and said that side of the family doesn’t think much of her. “Something tells me the Clinton side looks at me and my mother as not good enough, but we’re hard-working,” Smit told the gossip site. Roger Clinton was a deadbeat dad who dumped Smit’s mom, Martha Spivey, shortly after she became pregnant with his child, according to RadarOnline. “The Clintons are all talk!” Spivey, 50, told the site. “Hillary says she’s all about family, but she’s got a niece she’s never met and never acknowledged. The Clintons have never helped us out.” Hillary’s lost the trust of even more voters with her inconsistencies: | true | 52 |
CNN's Don Lemon discusses a potential "whitelash" created by President Trump with network contributor Van Jones and his panel. From Friday's broadcast of CNN Tonight: DON LEMON, CNN: So we're back now with my panel. I want to bring them back in. Scott Jennings, Van Jones and David Swerdlick. Scott, I read those numbers differently than you read them. Because it shows that -- I think that most people think that the players have the right to do it. They have the right, that they're doing the right thing or that they had the right to do it, not that they're doing the right thing. But I think that I read that differently, that poll differently than you did. Van, I'm not sure if that is what you wanted to comment on. VAN JONES, CNN: Well, what I want to say is what's surprising -- it's not surprising that the majority of Americans look down on this protest. If you look at the 1960s, 1963, 67, 70 percent of white Americans said, hey, stop this black protesting. This freedom rights, you're hurting your cause, the sit-in movement, you're hurting your cause. Cut it out, it's bad. Huge numbers of people in the '60s with Dr. King said stop these black protests. When you look at these numbers, these are some of the most popular black protests in American history. If you look at contextually, what they're doing are some of the most popular protests in American history with white folks, because in general the white public has not liked to see black folks protesting. So I see it differently. LEMON: I see it differently because everyone, listen, when taking a knee, that is in reverence. But even the player I had on Michael Thomas of the Miami Dolphins said to me the other night, he said, everybody would like to stand. I think most people would like to stand. What the issue is that -- in that poll, 60 percent of Americans think that President Trump did the wrong thing by criticizing the athletes. This doesn't necessarily that they agree with what they did, but they think he should not have inserted himself. If you ask someone should you stand up for the flag? Of course they say you should stand up for the flag. But did he do the right thing in calling them sons of bitches and saying they should be fired, the majority of people saying, no, he shouldn't have done that. Van, I was talking to you, because I interrupted you. JONES: I mean Donald Trump never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Here's an issue where his concern is this line with public opinion, but the way he deals with it is actually, you know, puts him in a super minority in terms of people who are able to somehow bring himself to support his language and demeanor. I want to say this as clearly as I can say it. In this country, African- Americans, no matter what we do -- when we sit in, when we freedom ride, when we kneel in, whatever it is, the initial response from the public tends to be overwhelmingly negative, because basically we're kind of raining on folks' parades, I don't want to hear this stuff. As time goes on, the Muhammad Ali's and all the people that raised those issues, they then become heroes later. They're never heroes in the moment. They're heroes later on when people reflect on the courage they showed and the issues that they raised. And that is really where we are. Colin Kaepernick, as the years go on, will be a more and more revered figure and frankly, Donald Trump is in danger of being a more and more reviled figure as the years go on. LEMON: Another message, David, from the President seems to be that he gets to define what patriotism is and who is patriotic. SWERDLICK: That is right, Don. And I think he is made the mistake here kind of along the lines of what Van is saying by casting his view in the way that he did. There was a point just a week ago where the owners and management in the NFL were a lot closer to the position of the President by castigating the players in this way, he has driven the owners closer to the players because they -- I think been able to see that, ok, now when you have the players versus the President of the United States, you can see more clearly what the players are trying to do. The players have said Colin Kaepernick has said, his former teammate Eric Reed said in "The New York Times" this week that they chose kneeling specifically, because they wanted to do a protest in the most respectful way possible. They didn't stay in the locker room. They didn't turn their backs on the flag. They came out for the anthem, but knelt to underscore what is the underlying issue here, which is police violence and the tension between communities of color and police. But, no, no, go ahead. LEMON: Not to rush you guys along but I want to get to two things. Why do we play the national anthem at a ball game anyway? Why is that such a big deal? JENNINGS: We play it at a lot of events. I view it as one of the rituals that we all go through together that reminds us that we're all in this together. We're all Americans and we're all in this experience together. But there's an important set of rituals we go through that sort of give us that every now and then reminder that, hey, we're all Americans and what does it mean to be an American? It means we're all in this country together and we're all fighting for the same thing, the same freedom, and the same liberty. I think when people see what they perceive as disrespect of those rituals, they have a visceral reaction. Trump has a visceral reaction, a lot of his supporters do. According to a CNN poll 90 percent of his supporters had the same reaction that he did. There's a population that don't like to see people disrespecting the rituals that reminds us, hey, we're all in this together. LEMON: That is been my whole point. Is that this President has had the chance to elevate and educate people to realize that just by draping yourself in the flag is not necessarily patriotism. That is just a ritual and rituals can be hollow. Van, when you step back and think about all the President has said about the NFL players, and I know that -- is this a white lash against the players and the supporters that is what's resulted here? JONES: If you take a big step back, there's something happening throughout the west that this politics of resentment, this politics of kind of finding these dog whistle issues is becoming a playbook for a certain set of politicians. You saw that happening in Germany, very far right people who made it to parliament in Germany. Playing us against each other. And I think the President of the United States is all too often guilty of those same kinds of tactics. I think that we have forgotten -- we've got of lost the plot here. Those NFL players, the African-American ones, they say well, they're rich. They should just be grateful. They shouldn't complain. Rich celebrities shouldn't complain. Donald Trump is a rich celebrity -- LEMON: All the time. JONES: -- and he is been complaining all the time. Apparently it's ok to be a rich celebrity and complain. Ask the President. That is how he got where he is. They say they shouldn't raise these issues, a lot of these guys are two or three years out of the hood. Their families still live there. They're getting text messages from cousins. They go home to thanksgiving to neighborhoods where if it was mine or yours or Donald Trump's neighborhood, they would be screaming and yelling something is going terribly wrong. The street violence and the police violence. Too much violence, too many funerals. They're doing a good thing for American racist issues. | true | 120 |
Hamburg police officers have received £3.9 million worth of equipment to battle ISIS Officers from the BFE, Germany’s special police unit, modelled their elaborate gear at a special press conference in the city. Haenel assault rifles, heavy-duty ballistic protection helmets and body armour are items amongst the long-list of equipment that at least 70 police officers received to use in the event of a terrorist attack. According to the German news website NDR.de, the decision to equip the police force with the expensive heavy-duty equipment was due to the ongoing threat posed by Islamic State. The Survivor 1 armoured personal carrier, which will be used for anti-terror police operations, can deal with chemical, nuclear and biological warfare agents in order to protect officers inside the vehicle from exposure. Mon, July 25, 2016 Ansbach explosion: Syrian asylum seeker killed by own bomb at German bar Police secure an area after an explosion in Ansbach, near Nuremberg The heavy-duty SK4 rated protection gear can even stop a round fired from an AK-47 rifle. Germany splashed the cash on the Hamburg’s police unit a few weeks after ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbing of two people in Hamburg on October 16. A few days later, German police officers were called to raid refugee centres and homes in Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia to find suspects who were involved in organised criminal actives such as bodily harm, blackmail, illegal restraint and harassment. The heavy-duty SK4 rated protection gear can even stop a round fired from an AK-47 rifle Germany splashed the cash on the Hamburg’s police unit a few weeks after ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbing of two people in Hamburg on October 16. The armour can deal with chemical, nuclear and biological warfare agents A few days later, German police officers were called to raid refugee centres and homes in Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia to find suspects who were involved in organised criminal actives such as bodily harm, blackmail, illegal restraint and harassment. Only 70 police officers from Hamburg will have access to the new equipment | false | 437 |
brightcove.createExperiences(); Donald Trump is one step closer to securing the Republican nomination for president. Following Tuesday night’s primary in Indiana, the GOP front-runner was named the presumptive nominee after Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced that he was suspending his campaign. “Donald Trump will be presumptive GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton,” Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus tweeted. Although, Trump and Cruz were far from cordial opponents throughout the race, the billionaire businessman said what Cruz did was a “brave thing to do because we want to bring unity.” While Cruz revealed he was leaving the race as there no longer seemed to be a “viable” path to the White House, Ohio Governor John Kasich has not announced the end of his campaign. However, even with Kasich still in the race, Trump sits in a comfortable position to officially take the nomination if he secures the required 1,237 delegates needed to win his party. “Tonight’s results are not going to alter Gov. Kasich’s campaign plans,” Kasich’s chief strategist John Weaver said, according to CNN. “Our strategy has been and continues to be one that involves winning the nomination at an open convention.” While Kasich’s camp continues to be optimistic, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton‘s campaign – which also took a blow to her campaign when Senator Bernie Sanders won Indiana – released a statement, condemning the announcement that Trump is the Republican party’s presumptive nominee. “Fundamentally, our next president will need to do two things: keep our nation safe in a dangerous world and help working families get ahead here at home,” the statement, obtained by PEOPLE, read. “Donald Trump is not prepared to do either. Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he’s too divisive and lacks the temperament to lead our nation and the free world. “With so much as stake, Donald Trump is simply too big of a risk. Hillary Clinton has proven that she has the strength to keep us safe in an uncertain world and a lifelong record of fighting to break down the barriers – economic and social – that hold working families back. While Donald Trump seeks to bully and divide Americans, Hillary Clinton will unite us to create an economy that works for everyone.” While Trump ignored any criticism, saying during his victory speech at Trump tower, “We’re going to win in November”, he faced backlash from another opponent in the form anti-Trump adds that the Progressive Change Campaign Committee has released in an accelerated campaign against Trump. According to a press release from the PC, the ads will highlight Trump’s “hate-mongering, his disrespect for women, and his belief that American wages are ‘too high’.” “We have already begun running ads across the nation hitting Donald Trump – defining him early and moving the debate to our turf. This is key to winning.” WATCH: Voters React to Ted Cruz Dropping Out of the Presidential Race Other opponents of the real estate mogul quickly vocalized their opinions, including former adviser to Jeb Bush Tim Miller who currently serves as the spokesman for an anti-Trump super-PAC, Our Principles PAC. “Never ever, ever Trump. Simple as that,” Miller tweeted Despite lots of criticism, the presidential hopeful did find support in Sarah Palin, who has endorsed the former reality star before, but also took to Facebook sharing a video in which she calls for unity “on the road to making America great again.” Trump also spoke about unity on Tuesday night, adding in his speech that his focus is on bringing the Republican Party together after “and amazing evening.” | false | 71 |
Illegal aliens, paid Soros protesters, angry Black Lives Matter terrorists inspired by Obama’s race war and Bernie Sanders supporters who have absolutely no idea why they showed up, sent four innocent police officers to the hospital; prevented thousands of innocent Americans from exercising their First Amendment right. Where are all of these “concerned citizens” (especially the Black Lives Matter terrorists) to protest for a solution for the murder of 117 people in Chicago already this year? Stats via: heyjackass.com Trending: NEW MEXICO FIVE Planned Terror Attack At Atlanta Hospital…Judge Let Them Out On Bond! George Soros Moveon.org group takes responsiblity for Alinsky style violent protests against free speech at Trump rally: Moveon.org shows its support for Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Here they “warn” anyone who opposes his radical ideology: Four police officers were sent to hospital: Violence against police officers is not only acceptable with Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter terrorists, its necessary to create chaos and panic: What kind of violent protest would be complete without Barack Obama’s good friend, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers: Actual terrorist Bill Ayers is protesting against trump in Chicago. pic.twitter.com/7dqat4Dvmh It’s probably just a coincidence that on a day that Obama was too busy to attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral, he was able to address a crowd about his hate for Trump only hours before this organized chaos in Chicago: And finally, we’re wondering how much our Organizer In Chief had to do with this Alinsky style chaos in Chicago: Illegal aliens, paid Soros protesters, angry Black Lives Matter terrorists inspired by Obama’s race war and Bernie Sanders supporters who have absolutely no idea why they showed up, sent four innocent police officers to the hospital; prevented thousands of innocent Americans from exercising their First Amendment right. Where are all of these “concerned citizens” (especially the Black Lives Matter terrorists) to protest for a solution for the murder of 117 people in Chicago already this year? Stats via: heyjackass.com Trending: NEW MEXICO FIVE Planned Terror Attack At Atlanta Hospital…Judge Let Them Out On Bond! George Soros Moveon.org group takes responsiblity for Alinsky style violent protests against free speech at Trump rally: Moveon.org shows its support for Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Here they “warn” anyone who opposes his radical ideology: Four police officers were sent to hospital: Violence against police officers is not only acceptable with Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter terrorists, its necessary to create chaos and panic: What kind of violent protest would be complete without Barack Obama’s good friend, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers: Actual terrorist Bill Ayers is protesting against trump in Chicago. pic.twitter.com/7dqat4Dvmh It’s probably just a coincidence that on a day that Obama was too busy to attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral, he was able to address a crowd about his hate for Trump only hours before this organized chaos in Chicago: And finally, we’re wondering how much our Organizer In Chief had to do with this Alinsky style chaos in Chicago: Illegal aliens, paid Soros protesters, angry Black Lives Matter terrorists inspired by Obama’s race war and Bernie Sanders supporters who have absolutely no idea why they showed up, sent four innocent police officers to the hospital; prevented thousands of innocent Americans from exercising their First Amendment right. Where are all of these “concerned citizens” (especially the Black Lives Matter terrorists) to protest for a solution for the murder of 117 people in Chicago already this year? Stats via: heyjackass.com Trending: NEW MEXICO FIVE Planned Terror Attack At Atlanta Hospital…Judge Let Them Out On Bond! George Soros Moveon.org group takes responsiblity for Alinsky style violent protests against free speech at Trump rally: Moveon.org shows its support for Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Here they “warn” anyone who opposes his radical ideology: Four police officers were sent to hospital: Violence against police officers is not only acceptable with Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter terrorists, its necessary to create chaos and panic: What kind of violent protest would be complete without Barack Obama’s good friend, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers: Actual terrorist Bill Ayers is protesting against trump in Chicago. pic.twitter.com/7dqat4Dvmh It’s probably just a coincidence that on a day that Obama was too busy to attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral, he was able to address a crowd about his hate for Trump only hours before this organized chaos in Chicago: And finally, we’re wondering how much our Organizer In Chief had to do with this Alinsky style chaos in Chicago: | true | 504 |
Apparently, condemning the NFL's kneeling protests of the national anthem is a step too far for CNN commentator Keith Boykin. He believes that, because of President Trump's tweeting, he sees an anti African-American trend -- that Trump is a racist puppet master, attempting to pull the strings on the black community. Boykin said, "We have a white supremacist president of the United States. He's encouraging white supremacists." And the CNN host even called him out for saying that, questioning whether he could back up that statement. But, then he said something even more radical: It's not about respect for the flag. It's about fanning the flames of racial hatred and this president is a master of that and that's the reason why he’s playing plantation politics. He thinks apparently that he is a slave master of black people in the NFL, of black people in the country. | true | 532 |
Former chair of the House Democratic Caucus Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. (AP Harnik) A clearer picture is coming into focus on the Democrat IT scandal that may help explain why Democrats have been so reluctant to condemn the Awans or help the police with the investigation. It also might explain why former DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been so jumpy lately. New information about a massive cybersecurity breach, gleaned from a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation, implicates the former chair of the House Democratic Caucus, then-Rep. Xavier Becerra, who is now the attorney general of California and a rising star in Democratic politics. Xavier Becerra was told by cops his server had major cybersecurity issues re: Imran. A fake server was given to cops He's remained silent.— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) September 13, 2017 This scandal isn't about bank fraud, folks. Kudos to Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller for chasing down this story, even as the Democratic media complex either poo-pooed or ignored the growing scandal. As Ace of Spades noted, at some point the legacy media is going to have the explain to their audiences why they didn't report on this major story all year long. A secret server is behind law enforcement’s decision to ban a former IT aide to Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the House network. Now-indicted former congressional IT aide Imran Awan allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server. Police grew suspicious and requested a copy of the server early this year, but they were provided with an elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations. The falsified image is what ultimately triggered their ban from the House network Feb. 2, according to a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation. The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said. Data was also backed up to Dropbox in huge quantities, the official said. Congressional offices are prohibited from using Dropbox, so an unofficial account was used, meaning Awan could have still had access to the data even though he was banned from the congressional network. Awan had access to all emails and office computer files of 45 members of Congress who are listed below. Fear among members that Awan could release embarrassing information if they cooperated with prosecutors could explain why the Democrats have refused to acknowledge the cybersecurity breach publicly or criticize the suspects. According to the DCNF's source, the Awans’ use of Dropbox went well beyond casual use. They were "funneling of huge quantities of data offsite where it could not be taken back by House authorities." | true | 237 |
Donald Trump lit a fresh controversy this week with his suggestion that "Second Amendment people" could stop Hillary Clinton from naming her judicial picks, if she becomes president - a remark many interpreted as a suggestion that gun rights activists could violently target Clinton or her judicial nominees. ""If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks," Trump said at a rally on Tuesday. "Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day." Trump and his defenders say critics misread the remark. They insist the GOP nominee was merely talking about Second Amendment supporters peacefully exercising their political power to prevent Clinton from appointing jurists to the federal bench. And some have pointed to a similar gaffe Clinton made in 2008 to argue that Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt. As the Democratic nomination was slipping from her grasp in May 2008, Clinton faced calls to drop out and endorse then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who'd at that point built a virtually insurmountable lead in the primary. When she was asked by a South Dakota newspaper at the end of that month why she was still running, Clinton replied, "You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? .We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California." To some, Clinton's response suggested she was staying in the race because there was a possibility Obama could be killed, as Bobby Kennedy had been during the 1968 Democratic primary. After an indignant eruption from Obama's team, Clinton quickly backtracked: "I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and in particular the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever." It wasn't quite a pristine mea culpa - she apologized "if" her remark was "in any way offensive," not for the remark itself. But it's worth noting that she was considerably more contrite than Trump has been in response to his own misstep. 66 Photos Best photos of campaign 2016 "Give me a break," Trump scoffed to Fox News when asked about the criticism. His campaign released a statement blaming the "dishonest media" for manufacturing the controversy. On May 25, 2008, days after Clinton's remark on RFK, her spokesman, Howard Wolfson, appeared on "Face the Nation" to offer the campaign's version of events. "What she clearly said, and what she meant, was that, in previous election cycles--and she referenced first her husband's in 1992, and then 1968--we've had campaigns that have gone on into June and actually beyond," he said. "And so her reference to Senator Kennedy was a historical reference. The people in the room in South Dakota where she said this at the newspaper found nothing peculiar about it. She has said this before; there was no commentary or discussion about it when she'd said it before. And I think, unfortunately, her remarks have been blown out of proportion. She very quickly made clear what she meant. If she caused anyone any discomfort or pain--because it is obviously a very sensitive topic--she apologized. But she was talking about it in a historical context." Still, Wolfson later added, he didn't believe Clinton owed Obama a personal apology. "Her remarks were not about Senator Obama," Wolfson explained. "They had nothing to do with Senator Obama. And so, you know, there would be no reason for her to apologize to Senator Obama." | false | 314 |
On July 28 1982, President Ronald Reagan designated August 14 as Navajo Code Talkers Day. Reagan called it a day dedicated to "all members of the Navajo Nation and to all Native Americans who gave their special talents and their lives so that others might live." "When called upon to serve the United States, [the Navajo Nation] contributed a precious commodity never before used in this way. In the midst of the fighting in the Pacific during World War II, a gallant group of men from the Navajo Nation utilized their language in coded form to help speed the Allied victory." According to the U.S. Marine Corps, Code Talkers took part in every assault by Marines in the Pacific during the war from 1942 to 1945 serving in all Marine six divisions. The Code Talkers were a vital part to the Allied forces victory as the Navajo language is the only spoken code to have never been deciphered. "The dedication and unswerving devotion to duty shown by the men of the Navajo Nation," Reagan said the proclamation, "should serve as a fine example for all Americans." PHOTOS: Honoring the Navajo Code Talkers | false | 625 |
DACA recipients have seized on American millennials' ability to receive financial aid and college scholarships in multiple states. ( AP Luis Magana) Asking the wrong questions will yield the wrong answers. If you ask yourself, as President Trump did — “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? [.] They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at a young age”- you will surely find the answer is no. However, if you ask yourself if you should support the proposed resurgence of the flagrantly unconstitutional and unjust “amnesty” that greatly disadvantages American millennials, the answer is less clear. The resurgence of the debate over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy would put all millennials in direct competition with illegal immigrants who were granted DACA permits, whether it be through college admissions, job opportunities, or wages. DACA creates competition in the higher education system that inherently favors illegal immigrants through policies such as affirmative action. Affirmative action mandates equal opportunities for, and often results in a larger presence of, minority groups in workplaces and, most notably, universities. Dreamers with permits qualify for affirmative action, giving young immigrants an advantage over not just the skilled worker, but also American college applicants. DACA recipients have seized on American millennials’ ability to receive financial aid and college scholarships in multiple states. Approximately one out of every four DACA recipients — about 200,0 individuals — live in California. California allows Dreamers to receive in-state college tuition and 19 other states have followed suit. The California Dream Act, embolden by DACA, has set a precedent for states to generously allocate funding to students who have entered or were brought into the country Illegally. California is merely one example of states diverting funding from the middle class to fund Dreamers. To fund the Cal Grant entitlement for the state’s “neediest” students, California has “phased-out” the Middle-Class Scholarship Program. Implementing the California Dream Act made certain that undocumented and nonresident students are eligible for state financial aid, and that alone accounts for $67 million of the increase in Cal Grant spending. However, California students and taxpayers are not the only ones who have felt the impact and burden of DACA. California serves as an example of how scholarship and state-funded aid for the average DACA recipient creates a disadvantage for Americans of similar income classes. Middle-Class American students are less likely to receive financial aid from universities and institutions, due to the diverting funds, implemented in State Dream Acts, emboldened by DACA. Additionally, DACA creates competition in the workforce, for the millions of jobless American millennials. Currently, over 10 percent of millennials remain unemployed. There are 800,0 millennials from other countries who are competing legally in the workplace for the same occupations where American millennials are looking for work. According to the Migration Policy Institute, there are an estimated 2.1 million illegal immigrants who are DACA-eligible in the United States in addition to the 800,0 already enrolled. However, the ultimate issue facing both millennials and Americans is that DACA allows for unjust amnesty. The United States admits approximately 1 million legal permanent immigrants every year, which is more than any other nation in the world. It is unjust to the millions of Americans and resident legal immigrants who followed the rules. Giving blanket amnesty to those who neglect to follow our laws is irresponsible and rewards those who fail to follow the rules. Refusing to enforce the law equally, by making special exceptions for favored groups, puts a burden on citizens and lawful residents in the states (especially border states) with the irresponsible federal abdication of immigration law. DACA also blatantly encourages more illegal immigrants to enter the United States in hopes of future amnesty. Granting legal status to Dreamers streamlines the pipeline of illegal immigration through extended family sponsorship. This is a slippery slope for America. The narrative on DACA touts the promise of the American dream by advertising the many who have benefited from the system. What it fails to mention are the impacts and burdens DACA has thrust upon the American millennials. Sydney Jacobs (@the_poli_chick), a Las Vegas, Nevada native, currently resides in Washington D.C and works in Republican politics. | true | 617 |
By: Rachel Blevins/ The Free Thought Project President Trump issued his first official pardon on Friday, sparing former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt after he violated a court order in a racial profiling case by continuing to target illegal immigrants. While both Trump and many of his supporters have applauded Arpaio, who refers to himself as “America’s toughest sheriff,” there is one thing he is not always tough on—pedophiles. In fact, according to a report from the Associated Press in December 2011, Airpaio’s office failed to investigate“more than 400 sex-crimes” that were reported in Maricopa County from 2005 to 2007, “including dozens of alleged child molestations—that were inadequately investigated and in some instances were not worked at all.” The report cited current and former police officers familiar with the cases who claimed that victims of the horrific crimes were as young as 2 years old. In El Mirage, the city where Arpaio’s office was providing contract police services, officials reportedly discovered at least 32 reported child molestations, and even though suspects were known in all but six cases, Arpaio “failed to follow through.” While Arpaio made headlines for his infamous Tent City Jail, a camp in which nearly 1,0 illegal immigrants were forced to live outdoors in Arizona’s sweltering 120-degree heat, he did not make headlines for his treatment of the children of illegal immigrants. According to the officers who worked with him, many of those children were victims of sex crimes, which Arpaio ignored, as he let their American citizen predators run free. After Arpaio’s contract ended, and his office was no longer required to provide police services for El Mirage, Detective Jerry Laird told the AP he found that an overwhelming majority of the cases he received from the office hadn’t been worked, which meant that “there were no follow-up reports, no collection of additional forensic evidence and zero effort made after the initial report of the crime was taken.” While some of the cases Arpaio’s office neglected were turned over to prosecutors, the report noted that the El Mirage Police Department claimed “most were no longer viable—evidence dating as far back as 2006 had grown cold or wasn’t collected in the first place, victims had either moved away or otherwise moved on.” Arpaio held a news conference in response to the 2011 report, in which he said, “If there were any victims, I apologize to those victims.” As The Free Thought Project has reported, a number of cases involving pedophiles have come to light under the Trump Administration, such as a pedophile ring investigation that resulted over 900 arrests in May, and a sex-trafficking investigation that resulted in over 1,0 arrests earlier this month. This raises the question—why aren’t Arpaio and other members of his office being held to the same standards? Joe Arpaio’s harsh treatment towards illegal immigrants has stirred up controversy, but his outright neglect of children who are victims of sex crimes seems to have slipped under the radar. Children have no control over which country they are born in, and they are the most vulnerable to predators. If a child is a victim of a sex crime, the question of whether the predators are “illegal aliens” or “legal American citizens” should not keep officials like Sheriff Arpaio from holding them accountable for their actions, and he should be held accountable for his failure to do so. | true | 605 |
There has been no shortage of talk recently about taking action to remove President Donald Trump from office, with Trump’s Charlottesville response proving to be a breaking point for many Republicans who had previously supported him. However, journalist Joan Walsh cautioned Americans to take a long, hard look at Trump’s would-be successor Mike Pence before we get excited about Pence being behind the Resolute desk in place of Trump. Wrote Walsh in an article bluntly titled “Why Mike Pence is Worse than Donald Trump” in The Nation, “You probably have these debates with your friends, too: Do we want Donald Trump to resign, or be impeached, which would leave us with Vice President Mike Pence in charge?…Would the low-charisma Pence, who looks like a B-movie producer’s idea of a president, be easier to defeat, especially given the GOP fratricide that would commence with Trump’s departure, however it came about?” She continued, “I try never to care about the political implications of whether Trump should stay or go. He should go, because he’s a racist authoritarian who got help from a foreign adversary to become president. He should go, because he’s more likely to stumble into war than Pence is. But I never let that obscure the truth, either: Pence is a far worse person, because of his creepy Handmaid’s Tale patriarchal approach to women’s equality. But also because he usually knows he’s lying about Trump, and their administration’s agenda, and he lies anyway.” Walsh then brought up disturbing comments the vice president made this past week during an appearance on the Today show. Said Pence, protesting the removal of Confederate monuments, “When I walked, back in 2010, across the Edmund Pettus Bridge with John Lewis, arm in arm, and we remembered Bloody Sunday, and the extraordinary progress of the civil rights movement, I can’t help but think that rather than pulling down monuments, as some are wont to do, rather than tearing down monuments that have graced our cities all across this country for years, we ought to be building more monuments.”Commented Joan about Pence, “I don’t think he gives a damn about the folks who protest these shameful statues. What was most galling about Pence’s comment, though, was that he used his bond with Lewis to clean up Trump’s despicable equation of Nazis and white supremacists with their opponents, who are the modern-day incarnation of John Lewis.” Do you think she is correct about Pence? | true | 171 |
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough expressed wariness on Thursday morning about the timing and source of the recent slew of sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump. The “Morning Joe” host speculated that allegations by multiple women in publications such as People magazine, The New York Times, BuzzFeed, and the Palm Beach Post may have been coordinated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He argued that sexual assault victims would have had months to come forward with allegations, and cited Trump’s inflammatory comments about Fox News host Megyn Kelly as a potential “triggering event.” . @JoeNBC on new accusations against Trump: I’m sceptical about the *timing*… Talk about an October surprise. 2gP5QD99 — Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) October 13, 2016 “I’m talking about the timing of all of this dropping, talk about an October surprise,” Scarborough said. “There have been 1,0 triggering events that would have made sense. If I had been sexually harassed by this man, the Megyn Kelly story would have given me and opportunity.” He added: “There have been 1,0 reports of this already. I’m just asking why all the sudden this stuff is dropping in October. Perhaps it’s all innocent. Perhaps there’s no oppo drop. Perhaps it’s not coordinated.” The allegations come after a 2005 video was released on Friday showing the Republican presidential nominee boasting about kissing and forcing himself on women without their permission. During the second presidential debate, Trump denied that he ever sexually assaulted women. The Trump campaign is already pushing back against the allegations. Trump’s attorneys sent a letter to the New York Times early Thursday morning denying the allegations and threatening to sue the paper for defamation if the paper didn’t issue a retraction. The real-estate magnate also took to Twitter to defend himself. The phoney story in the failing @nytimes is a TOTAL FABRICATION. Written by same people as last discredited story on woman. WATCH! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2016 Why didn’t the writer of the twelve year old article in People Magazine mention the “incident” in her story. Because it did not happen! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2016 NOW WATCH: Briefing videos Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. | false | 331 |
Souvenirs from this week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland took no prisoners. From Trump bumper stickers that call Clinton the B-word (wow) to a poster depicting Clinton in dominatrix gear (double wow) to Trump- and Clinton-themed condoms (triple wow), the swag was as surreal and distasteful as this historic election has been — and that's saying something. Photos by Steve Truesdell. | false | 456 |
Terry Crews, photographed Nov. 2017. Billy & Hells for TIME When dozens of women came forward with sexual assault and harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein—who has continued to deny all allegations of non-consensual sex—actor Terry Crews noticed that some people on Twitter were skeptical. Crews knows from personal experience how hard it is to experience harassment and muster the courage to speak out: He says he was groped by William Morris Endeavor agent Adam Venit at an industry event in front of his wife. The agency said they suspended and demoted Venit, who declined to comment for this article. He has since returned to work. Crews is now suing Venit and the agency for sexual assault. Crews—who was recognized as one of the Silence Breakers, TIME’s Person of the Year—realized that men had a responsibility to lend credence and support to these women’s claims. Almost without thinking through the consequences, Crews tweeted out his own story; in his viral series of tweets, he became one of the first men to join the chorus of women speaking out about harassment. Crews spoke to TIME about the reception to his story and why it’s imperative that men advocate for women’s rights. What was the moment you decided to speak out about what happened to you? I’d actually just read a comment someone made on Twitter about one of Weinstein’s accusers. It went something like: She’s just looking for attention and a payday. It really affected me. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I remember going to my phone and I started writing. And I couldn’t stop. What it became was this sixteen-tweet missive from me. I just remember having to say what I felt. I was really angry because these women were being discounted. These women were being discarded. Their pain was just—it was nothing. I wanted to join in. I wanted to say something. I wanted to support. But I did have to let these women know they weren’t alone. And that I understood. My whole mission was to give them strength. Don’t accept the shame that people are giving you. Because that’s what it was. They were being shamed. They were being victimized again. I just couldn’t stand for it. Watch: Why the Silence Breakers Are the 2017 Person of the Year Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:00 Loaded: 0% 0:00 Progress: 0% 0:00 Progress: 0% Stream TypeLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 Playback Rate 1 Chapters Chapters descriptions off, selected Descriptions subtitles off, selected Subtitles captions settings, opens captions settings dialog captions off, selected Captions Audio Track This is a modal window. Caption Settings Dialog Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window. TextColorWhiteTransparencyOpaqueBackgroundColorBlackTransparencyOpaqueWindowColorBlackTransparencyTransparent Font Size50% Text Edge StyleNone Font FamilyProportional Sans-Serif What was the reaction like? In a matter of hours it had become the #1 trending topic on Twitter. And I had a realization: I didn’t check with my wife, I didn’t check with my publicist, I didn’t check with anybody. I just did it. But at that moment, I was free. Until men stand up and say, “This harassment, this abuse, these assaults are wrong,” nothing will change. If I was silent, it would mean I’m consenting to all of it. I always have felt women have been able to take care of themselves, 100%. But men need to hold other men accountable. That’s my thing. I came up in the cult of masculinity, in football and the sports world and entertainment. You’re in places and guys are saying the wildest thing. People need to be called on that. You need to be held accountable for the things you say, the things you do. What it came from is literally a belief that as a man you are more valuable than a woman. The reason I have the authority to say it is because I was like it. I truly believed I was more valuable than my wife and kids. Until I had a major paradigm shift in my own life—it was like I hit rock bottom in order for me to see that I had it all wrong. I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault. It’s not. What happened to me was a prime example. People were saying, “You should have beat him up.” I’m like, “Why is no one questioning him?” No one questions the predator. The person who is doing the harassment doesn’t even get a question. You know why? Because they just expect it. And I said, “No more.” Why are you questioning the victim here? Let’s flip it. What would you say to people who think this is becoming a witch hunt? Hollywood was so far into the fact that everyone thought this behavior is normal. It needs to swing all the way back. What we need is a reset. People say, “Oh, it’s a witch hunt. People could lie.” You know what? First of all, the thread of that is going to keep people right. We need to know you can’t do it. If it’s not a witch, it’s a witch hunt. If there are actual witches there, we need to stop them. I have people coming to me saying, “Hey, man. You could ruin this guy’s life.” Very clever. That’s a very clever thing to say. But he ruined it when he did it. All these people need to be disciplined into knowing what is acceptable and what isn’t. The only way to do that is by holding people accountable every time. This is something that gives my life meaning. There’s no reason why—why should I be the guy to survive Flint, Michigan; survive forty-nine years on this Earth; married twenty-eight years with five kids, the whole thing—and then I just sit in my big house and relax. This gives my life meaning. Now I know why I was put here. Let me tell you—the guy who messed with me messed with the wrong guy. Is Hollywood a microcosm for how power is imbalanced in the rest of the world? I believe that. It is in every field, in every business, in sports, in politics. It’s bipartisan. It’s not Democratic, it’s not Republican, it’s not Russian, it’s not American, it’s not black, it’s not white. Because I am an African-American man, I’ve been just as vocal about the abuses in my own community. The pimp culture, where guys are praised for having two or three girls. I’ve been to the rally for civil rights, and they will look at a woman and say, “Bitch, sit down.” And you’re like, “Wait a minute—this is civil rights here.” When it’s like, as a black man, I’m equal to a white man, but they don’t believe that a man is equal to a woman. Self-defeating. Self-destructive. How are you going to get justice, and you aren’t even treating the women in your circle with justice? If you’re a Democrat, you can’t gloss over your own problems of the people in your party. If you’re a Republican, you can’t gloss over those problems in your party. If you’re American, you can’t say just because I’m an American, let’s gloss over that stuff. And sometimes you’ve got to be willing to walk alone. I get most of my courage from my wife. When I went through my trauma, she was right there with me. I’m very thankful to have a wise woman on my team. This interview has been edited and condensed. | false | 607 |
Week of August 7: Monday August 7: Joey puts himself in harm’s way to save Kayla. Brady interrogates Victor, who finally comes clean. Gabi makes a difficult decision regarding Chad. Sonny is stunned by Paul's news. Tuesday August 8: "Marlena" breaks up with John. Anjelica lures Adrienne into a trap. Brady's jealousy threatens to push him over the edge. Nicole makes a risky move to be near Holly. Wednesday August 9: Hattie breaks Bonnie out of Statesville. Steve and Kayla clash over the situation with Tripp and Joey. Brady gets the wrong idea about Nicole and Eric. Justin makes a confession to Sonny. Thursday August 10: More: Days recap: Chad plays the martyr and turns himself in to the police More: Beloved, unforgettable soap characters who touch our hearts Tripp secretly decides to skip town. Anjelica meets with Bonnie for the first time and explains her first order of business. Lani is put in a tough position at work. Chad and Abigail's reunion takes a surprising turn. Friday August 11: More: Deconstructing DOOL: A well-rounded week showcased zaniness, drama and that Chabby reunion Bonnie breaks Lucas's heart. Brady breaks into Eric's room and makes a shocking discovery. Chad and Sonny compare notes about the night of Deimos's murder. Marlena wakes to find herself trapped. Find late-breaking Days of our Lives news, and who is coming and going at Days of our Lives. Follow Soaps.com on Twitter, Days of our Lives on Twitter, Soaps.com on Facebook and Soaps.com on Instagram. Photo credit: Jill - Amy Fix | false | 542 |
Sabrina Rubin Erdely An attorney for the former University of Virginia dean suing Rolling Stone for defamation alleged during closing arguments that the magazine’s campus rape story was reported with a “reckless disregard for the truth.” Attorney Tom Clare charged that Rolling Stone “needed a villain” for the Nov. 2014 feature piece — and the story’s author, Sabrina Erdely, decided former associate dean of students Nicole Eramo fit the bill. “Every one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator … Ms. Erdely and Rolling Stone were intent on imposing that on this story,” Clare said. “It had all of the elements of a perfect story, but when something sounds too perfect to be true, it probably is.” Eramo, who is seeking $7.5 million, claims the since-discredited story portrayed her as turning a blind eye to gang rape claims made by a former student identified as “Jackie.” Clare argued that the defamation case is not about rape, but about journalistic failure. The lawyer said Erdely left out important details in her piece on purpose, like the fact that Eramo took Jackie to the police on two separate occasions. ‘Every one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator…’ “They made a decision to remove [from the article] every reference to the police and that’s actual malice,” he said. Clare also blasted Erdely for ignoring red flags, such as Jackie’s refusal to put her in touch with sources who could corroborate her alleged gang rape account. “Jackie’s refusal to put Ms. Erdely in touch with people who could confirm or deny her story was a giant, waving red flag,” he insisted. “Once they decided what the article was going to be, it didn’t matter what the facts were,” Clare added. Rolling Stone’s attorney Scott Sexton countered that Erdely put a “tremendous amount of work” into the article, but was ultimately fooled by Jackie. “Sabrina was acting in good faith when she wrote the article with the information she had,” he insisted. “Our world would shut down if we walked out that court room door and expected everyone to lie to us.” Sexton also said that because Eramo is a public figure, Erdely had every right to criticize her. “She is a highly compensated public servant… we are entitled as citizens to criticize a public figure,” he explained. Sexton argued that Eramo’s attorneys are intent on proving that the story was republished in Dec. 2014 — when the magazine added an editor’s note to the piece after Jackie’s rape account had been called into question — because they, “have no case for actual malice” before then. One of the questions jurors will be asked is whether they believe that Rolling Stone “affirmatively reiterated the content of any false and defamatory statements.” | false | 55 |
— As a survivor of childhood sexual trauma, there are many misconceptions I live with on a daily basis. My pain is treated as fodder for jokes and people with backgrounds like mine are assumed to be abusers-in-the-making. Both of these are very real issues, but today I want to talk about a third issue that many people don’t even realize about sexual abuse victims: the effect that the abuse has had in obscuring our own understanding of our sexual and gender identities. It’s impossible for some of us to even understand what an innate gender or sexual identity would even feel like. Our entire perception of our “true” gender and orientation is mutilated by our experiences. It’s a well-established fact that child abuse does not cause homosexuality or gender fluidity, nor does gender fluidity or homosexuality cause people to become child abusers. This is an important truth that needs to be continually disseminated as too many people still think there is a causal link in one direction or both. It is unfortunate, however, that the well-intentioned desire to keep the LGBT community from being maligned has resulted in the experiences of many CSA victims being silenced because it confuses the narrative. It is a testimony that is actually quite simple: for many victims of CSA, especially repeated CSA, nothing about their identity can be fully separated from the early trauma. That includes sexual orientation and gender identity. Which means that many CSA survivors will tell you that they cannot say with a straight face that their perception of their gender identity or sexual orientation was not shunted down a different road by their experiences. It is a testimony that is actually quite simple: for many victims of CSA, especially repeated CSA, nothing about their identity can be fully separated from the early trauma. This requires a steady mind and a grasp of nuance to understand what is being said. Obviously not all, or even the majority if, gay CSA victims attribute their orientation to their abuse. Nor do, or should, gender fluid victims give credit to abusers when it comes to discovering their true self. What it does mean, however, is that men who do say their identity was affected by their trauma should not be dismissed out of hand. In abusive situations, coercion is often mixed with reward (such as emotional attention) and being forced to do something can still lead to physical arousal. Such experiences can rewire the brain into seeking out similar situations as an adult for complex psychological reasons other than because of natural inclination. Among male victims, the term “SSA” (same-sex attraction) continues to be a meaningful term. This is a term that in other circles has become appropriately abandoned, given the connection and connotations it has with fundamentalist conversion therapies. On its face, the term is benign and non-judgmental. In usage, however, it is a denial of orientation as an innate and non-changing element. That aspect of it, which when applied to homosexuals en masse is insulting and invalidating, is ironically exactly why some CSA survivors willingly apply it to themselves. Because they are not convinced that their sexual attraction to men was not the result of early trauma. In fact, they feel as if recognizing that attraction and their true orientation are at odds is actually a more authentic description of themselves. I’ve seen the term “abuse reactive” to label the difference between people who are able to know themselves apart from the abuse and people for whom the self before the trauma is a black hole difficult or even impossible to ever fully explore. One of the confusing aspects to this is that throughout history and even to this day, boys who showed effeminate characteristics were and are more likely to be denied a proper support system. They are more likely to be bullied and socially isolated and seen as unsatisfactory by both peers and adults. This puts them at a greater risk of abuse. No child is immune from the risk of being preyed upon, but many predators look for the outcast unlikely to be listened to or believed and desperate for ANY adult attention. Therefore, because of society’s prejudice, LGBT youth are often at greater risk of being sexually exploited. Drawn to signs of non-heteronormative behavior or not, a predator may very well strike before the boy himself understands his own orientation and gender. Across his entire lifespan, a male is most in danger of being sexually assaulted between the ages of 4 and 13. Think about what you didn’t know about yourself at age 7. The risk here is that conversation like this only gives fire to the bigots who want to say that there is something “wrong” with everyone who identifies as LGBT. That would be the wrong takeaway. The correct lesson is to believe individuals. For those who say “I was always this way,” believe them. For those who say “I can’t tell you for sure” or “I’m pretty sure my SSA was caused by my abuse,” believe them too. Don’t silence their voice because some people might misinterpret it. Don’t assume you know their true selves better than they do. — More on this subject by Dr. Joe Kort: Sexual abuse disorients you; it does not orient you. __ Photo credit: Getty Images | false | 475 |
People are hungry to learn more about Hillary Clinton’s Wikileaks scandal, but you wouldn’t know it if you get your news from the mainstream media. The search term “Wikileaks” dwarfs the term “Trump Women,” according to an info graphic shown on “Fox & Friends” on Saturday, but the network news coverage does not reflect the interest. ABC News devoted four minutes to discussing Trump’s sex scandals while NBC did 5 minutes and CBS did 3 minutes on the topic. By contrast, ABC spent a paltry one minute on Clinton’s Wikileaks scandal while CBS devoted two minutes to the email leaks. But NBC was, by far, the worst. With precisely no coverage at all the peacock network simply pretended the scandal didn’t exist. trump-women-vs-wikileaksw Play Video Not many on social media were surprised. . @tuckercarlson: “Here’s a breakdown [of coverage] for the three major networks.” pic.twitter.com/9wY725Tipa — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 14, 2016 This the game Hillary is playing, The accusers come out of the woodwork and chew up the Air Time, all the Plan — OhReally (@OhReally22) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson What hope do we have for a fair and prosperous future if the media insists on covering up corruption? 😪🙏🇺🇸🙏 — Deb (@ddefrankie) October 15, 2016 The MSM is so afraid of Hillary’s negatives they avoid — Hopper (@sofshoe) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson Of course it is covered more. They don’t want to show what HC does. I am sick of her free and to run for president. — Frances Shelton (@FrancesShelto20) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson this is a shame. Media is not supposed to be biased, but these outlets are bought by the Clintons. #clintonslaves — Tommy Mora (@TommyTommyjmora) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson Of course they do not report news, they are a Dems PR outlets no journalists, come on! — MRHF (@Jovisoul) October 15, 2016 | true | 584 |
Harvey Weinstein may end up losing all his money and going to prison for life after his sexual assault accusations, HollywoodLife.com has EXCLUSIVELY learned. Read more details here! Harvey Weinstein, 65, could be in deep trouble regarding the sexual assault claims from the many women who have come forward. “”In order to go to prison, Harvey would have to be convicted of a felony, like rape,” Darren Kavinoky, California Criminal Defense Attorney of 1.800.No.Cuffs shared EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife.com. “In order for him to go to prison, he would have to get sentenced for more than a year. What is dangerous about Harvey’s behavior, and crimes of a sexual nature, is that he could be subject to consecutive sentencing. When you are talking about sex offenses, you get mandatory consecutive sentencing where the punishments stack one on top of another. So you get these really insanely long sentences in sex based cases that you don’t see in other areas of law.” SEE THE LIST OF HARVEY”S ACCUSERS HERE. “If multiple women come forward and he is accused then convicted of many sex crimes, molestation, harassment and ultimately rape, he could easily be behind state prison bars for 10, 20, 30 years or even longer depending on how many women come forward and what he is ultimately convicted of,” Darren continued. “Furthermore, all of his alleged victims could, after criminal convictions, victims could then sue Harvey civilly for damages. With a net worth of an estimated $800 Million Dollars, depending on the number of victims, Harvey could easily lose his fortune in court, to his victims. He could be wiped out, and spend the rest of his life behind bars, broke, penniless and disgraced.” In addition to the general sexual assault accusations, Harvey made headlines this week after it was reported that his company, The Weinstein Company, allowed him to sexually harass women as long as he paid all the money owed if he got sued. The controversial reports surrounding the film producer have caused a lot of backlash on social media with stars speaking out against him and there have been reports that he has recently checked into rehab for his issues. HollywoodLifers, do you think Harvey should lose his fortune? Tell us here! | false | 251 |
They've got her now, just you wait. Republicans in Congress have Hillary Clinton in their sights, and it's all going to be different this time. They're demanding that the Justice Department appoint a special counsel to investigate Clinton, or more specifically, a couple of different matters relating to her, including the sale of a company that mines uranium and the Russia dossier, in which an opposition researcher assembled potentially damaging information on Donald Trump in 2016. What America obviously needs is a prosecutor with unlimited resources and subpoena power to get to the bottom of these matters, because . because . well because Hillary Damn Clinton, that's why! You may have noticed that Hillary Clinton is not actually the president, a fact that has left Republicans who were looking forward to four or eight years of rip-roaring investigations rather bereft. So why not have the Justice Department investigate the president's former opponent? Maybe they'll get to lock her up after all. Sure, that's something that tends to happen in countries where elections are a prelude to tyranny, but isn't the American system far too lenient on people who commit the crime of losing an election? What is the point of all this? The answer is a bit complicated, but first let's quickly address the Republicans' complaint. In their fantasy world, what demands investigation is chiefly this: Hillary Clinton gave 20 percent of our uranium to Russia in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation, and there was obviously something fishy going on. However, every bit of the previous sentence is false, other than that there is a person named "Hillary Clinton," a thing called "uranium," a place called "Russia," and an organization called the "Clinton Foundation." In fact, the Russian government controls a company that has rights to mine a portion of the uranium located within the United States (far less than 20 percent), and the uranium isn't allowed to leave the country. The sale of that company was approved in 2013 by a board that includes representatives of nine different federal agencies; though the State Department is one of the nine, Clinton had no personal role in the decision. The donations to the Clinton Foundation that supposedly were payback actually occurred in 2007, before she became secretary of state, from a man who no longer had any stake in the company by the time the sale took place (you can read more here or here). As for the Russian dossier, it was opposition research of the kind undertaken by candidates for every significant office in America. It contained some salacious rumors about Donald Trump, but the Clinton campaign didn't even make them public. In short, this isn't the kind of thing you appoint a special counsel to investigate. When this was brought up by far-right Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), whom retired Speaker of the House John Boehner recently referred to as a "legislative terrorist," at a Judiciary Committee hearing this week, even Attorney General Jeff Sessions seemed uninterested. But Jordan and his compatriots are hardly alone; the president himself recently said it's "very discouraging to me" that the Justice Department is not "going after Hillary Clinton." If there's one thing Republicans know, it's how to work a Clinton scandal. You start with wild charges, whether there are any facts behind them or not, then start to hold hearings, create a rising din in the conservative media, and before you know it, you've woven a scandal out of nothing. Of course, you have to pretend that you care very deeply about consular security or proper email management or whatever the ostensible topic of the scandal is, but they can manage that without too much trouble. This formula has to be understood as serving multiple goals. In the short run, it merely makes trouble for Democrats, putting them on the defensive and dominating the news. Now that Trump is president, it could also help distract attention from the administration's scandals. Since this story involves Russia too, it can potentially create a fog in the addled mind of the American public, to the point where "Russia" is just associated with a bunch of Washington corruption that involves both parties. In the longer run, the investigation can act as a lever, producing something more consequential than whatever it set out to investigate. Republicans don't have to know what they're fishing for at the outset; it's enough to hope that there might be something waiting to be uncovered. The Benghazi investigation revealed the existence of Clinton's private email server, so who knows what an investigation into the uranium company might produce? And then there's the emotional component. Investigating Hillary Clinton promises a return to a simpler time, when Republicans felt a sense of righteousness and purpose, and didn't have to worry about crafting complicated legislation that required difficult tradeoffs. That stuff is just no fun. The trouble with the project, however, to return to where we started, is that Hillary Clinton is not the president and is never going to be the president. She's gone. There isn't anything to be gained by rooting around like pigs hoping to unearth a truffle of scandal buried somewhere in the woods of Chappaqua. All it does is make them look like sore winners. Which of course is exactly what they are. Nothing in the last year has turned out the way they thought it would, and they have no idea what to do about it. A good Clinton scandal would make everything make sense again. But they probably won't get it, so they'll just have to content themselves with defending the toddler in the Oval Office and worrying about which of their candidates are going to turn out to have a thing for teenage girls. Oh — and maybe passing some legislation. If they get around to it. | true | 611 |
Google banned my channel with 80,0 people on it so join my Newsletter so they can’t stop us! A young man named Gio Rios just proved the FBI is lying scum about the Las Vegas shooting! Everything we’ve been told by the FBI and Fake News on TV is now officially a fraud! Listen to his riveting testimony as he talks about the multiple shooters he saw and the lies the FBI told about it all! Tell Trump to start firing people until the truth comes out! This is outrageous! We are worse than a banana Republic! The FBI must be investigated for fraud and coverup! We cannot allow the FBI and the Fake News to get away with this any longer. Spread this patriot’s testimony to every person you know. Tell them the FBI are liars and our news is fake! Tweet to Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump and tell him God told us in his Word to tell the truth! Tell him we all know the FBI is lying over Las Vegas! Tell him to do a press conference and stop the lies! Send him this video! We are not going to take the lies anymore! “And Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free” John 8:32 How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria — Without Lifting A Finger | true | 40 |
Defense Secretary James Mattis warned Monday that the US Army needs to “stand ready” for put into action its various options for attacking North Korea, saying “neither you nor I can say” what the future holds, and that it’s purely up to President Trump. Mattis presented the preparations to attack North Korea as necessary because of “continued provocations” by Pyongyang, despite North Korea not having said much of anything in recent weeks, other than being concerned that Trump has declared war during the many, many times he’s talked about destroying North Korea. While Trump has largely been driving the North Korea war hysteria for months on end, he’s been virtually the sole instigator of such talks lately, condemning diplomacy on a near-daily basis,and insisting that “ only one thing will work” against them, ominously threatening to show us all what that is “pretty soon.” Repeated threats to “totally destroy” North Korea have been among his most favored talking points on any subject since the UN General Assembly. Mattis’ talk of keeping the Army ready to carry out that threat only adds to concern that the US could start a massive war at any moment. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz | false | 122 |
Roy Moore and Donald Trump ( grab) The current political alliance between President Trump and Roy Moore isn’t new – their collusion goes back at least to 2011. It was then that the two teamed up to promote the “Birther Lie” that President Obama was not born in the USA. They served as active and vocal leaders of this racist cause over the five-year period from 2011 to 2016. President Obama’s short form and long form birth certificates were released by the Dept. of Health of the State of Hawaii, in June 2008 and April 2011 respectively. The birth records show that Barack Hussein Obama II was born at 7:24 pm on August 4, 1961, in the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama and Barack Hussein Obama. In the face of this documentary evidence, many early “Birthers” gave up the cause. But not Trump and Moore. They relentlessly promoted the lie, claiming in public speeches and interviews that they were privy to inside information that these birth certificates were forgeries. Moore, who began his involvement in the cause in 2008, declared to World Net Daily in 2010 that there was “substantial evidence that Obama was not born in our country.” Trump, who didn’t publicly join the cause until 2011, tweeted on August 6, 2012 that “an ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud.” Moore’s “substantial evidence” and Trump’s “extremely credible source” never, of course, materialized. Moore combined his birther claims with the Islamophobic lie that Obama was secretly a Muslim, while Trump cleverly used the lie in his Presidential campaigns of 2012 and 2016 to solidify the nationalist, racist, anti-Obama core of his base. The political effectiveness of the Birther Lie can be seen in the results of the NBC poll of September 2016. In the responses by registered Republicans only 28% agreed with the statement that “Barack Obama was born in the United States.” Another 41% disagreed, and 31% stated that they didn’t know one way or the other. The Birther Lie appears to have sowed doubt about the President being born in the U.S., and thus the legitimacy of his Presidency, among nearly three-quarters of registered Republicans. Trump officially gave up the “Birther Lie” on Sept. 16, 2016, with Moore doing so 3 months later. When Trump gave up the lie, however, he replaced it with another one – naming his opponent Hillary Clinton as the originator of the whole birther idea, again of course without any evidence. And now, in late 2017, Trump has apparently decided to revive the lie, letting people around him know that he still believes it. The “Birther Lie” shows us that Trump and Moore are inveterate liars. So why should we believe them when they completely deny the credible testimonies of the more than 21 women who accuse one or the other of these men of sexual molesting them? Once again, these “birther buddies” would like us to ignore credible evidence and believe more of their big fat lies. Guest author Tony Nugent is a symbologist, an expert in ancient symbols. He taught at Seattle University for fifteen years in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and is an ordained Presbyterian minister. | true | 100 |
The Dallas Cowboys will go back to their previous stance on the national anthem Sunday against the Los Angeles Rams, receiver Dez Bryant said. The team will stand with their hands over their heart for the anthem. There will be no pre-anthem kneel for unity as they did last Monday against the Arizona Cardinals. That show of solidarity was about joining the brethren across the league in responding to the expletive-filled attacks from President Donald Trump against the players who kneeled during the anthem in protest against racism and social injustice. “We’re going to stand, we’re going to stand and going to put our hand over our heart and we’re going to do what we did before,” Bryant said. “You all know what that was, that was just a response to Trump and that’s all that that was.” Today's top news by email The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Owner Jerry Jones said earlier Friday on his radio show that Bryant “was absolutely torn” about the decision and was getting a lot of pressure to kneel. The compromise of kneeling before the anthem and standing during it was one way of appeasing both sides, per Jones. Asked about the external pressures to protest and being torn on the issue, Byrant passed. Sports Highlights Up Next: Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald Your video will play in: 5 seconds Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Network insider Ian Rapoport reports that the Los Angeles Rams seem to be making progress on a new contract for Los Angeles Rams defensive end Aaron Donald. Play Video | 00:52 Your video will resume shortly. 00:52 Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Los Angeles Rams | 00:52 01:34 Patrick Peterson highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 01:34 02:50 How good will Dak and Zeke need to be for Cowboys to make playoffs? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:50 05:24 Texans vs. Rams highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Los Angeles Rams | 05:24 04:51 Cardinals vs. Cowboys highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 04:51 00:52 Can't-Miss Play: Muffed punt turns into wild scramble and Cardinals TD NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:52 00:38 Can't-Miss Play: Patrick Peterson jumps in front of receiver for easy pick-six NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:38 02:04 Sunday Ready: Dak Prescott NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:04 02:06 What does Frederick's absence mean for Cowboys? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:06 01:19 How Elliott, Prescott are affected by o-line injuries DraftKings NFL | 01:19 Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:00 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Stream TypeLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 Playback Rate 1 Chapters Chapters descriptions off, selected Descriptions subtitles off, selected Subtitles captions settings, opens captions settings dialog captions off, selected Captions Audio Track This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. Advertisement X “I’m going to leave that all in the past,” Bryant said. “You know, it is what it is. I’m focused on this week. I’m letting that . I don’t even want to think about it. I’m done with that.” | false | 570 |
New York Police Officer Miosotis Familia was brutally gunned down in cold blood by Alexander Bonds early Monday morning in an unprovoked attack. Officer Miosotis Familia was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. According to Infowars Bonds encouraged people to vote for Hillary Clinton. Would you look at that we have another cop killer, and the cop killer is a Hillary Clinton supporter. Wednesday’s identified assassin of a New York Police Department (NYPD) officer was a Hillary Clinton supporter, according to the killer’s Facebook page. So there you have it America this cop killer was another radicalized American done in by Obama's war a cops which Hillary Clinton supported as well. This once again shows the danger that Obama's and Hillary's rhetoric have given cops nationwide, as the last Presidency of Obama in the last two years of his administration made the environment for LEO's a very dangerous one as both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stated over and over again that police officers target blacks. Go figure though we have a cop killer again who is not only a Hillary advocate but an all out Democrat. | true | 338 |
In a bizarre turn of events, NBC News reports Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,0 to the Philippines one week before Sunday’s mass murder. Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,0 to an account in his live-in girlfriend’s home country of the Philippines in the week before he unleashed the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, according to multiple senior law enforcement officials. But while officials have confirmed that Marilou Danley was in the Philippines on Sunday when Paddock opened fire on a crowd attending a country music festival on the Vegas Strip, it was not known whether the money was for her, her family, or another purpose. Danley, 62, who had traveled to Hong Kong on Sept. 25, could fill in some of the blanks when she returns to the U.S. on Wednesday, the officials said. Her arrival airport was not known. As Americans begin to pick up the pieces from Sunday’s mass shooting in Las Vegas, new details are emerging in connection to Stephen Paddock’s financial activities. A new report by ABC News says over 200 reports of suspicious activities were made to authorities. ABC News reports: As authorities pick apart the life of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, they have come across one major thread of suspicious behavior: how he handled his money. Paddock’s recent financial transactions have become a key focus for investigators looking to learn more about the Nevada man and why he launched the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. […] In the last three years alone, more than 200 reports about Paddock’s activities, particularly large transactions at casinos, have been filed with law enforcement authorities, ABC News was told. Sponsored Sponsored | true | 137 |
We believe this is a great opportunity to contact people you have not heard from lately and surprise them with your text messages. Now is your time to say all that you want by sending free SMS to your friends and relatives in Europe. Check out the countries available in our list and have fun by sending free SMS to your loved ones for Free! Send Free SMS to Aland Islands Aland Islands Send Free Text Message to Aland Islands Send Free SMS to Albania Albania Send Free Text Message to Albania Send Free SMS to Andorra Andorra Send Free Text Message to Andorra Send Free SMS to Austria Austria Send Free Text Message to Austria Send Free SMS to Belarus Belarus Send Free Text Message to Belarus Send Free SMS to Belgium Belgium Send Free Text Message to Belgium Send Free SMS to Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Send Free Text Message to Bosnia and Herzegovina Send Free SMS to British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory Send Free Text Message to British Indian Ocean Territory Send Free SMS to Bulgaria Bulgaria Send Free Text Message to Bulgaria Send Free SMS to Croatia Croatia Send Free Text Message to Croatia Send Free SMS to Cyprus Cyprus Send Free Text Message to Cyprus Send Free SMS to Czech Republic Czech Republic Send Free Text Message to Czech Republic Send Free SMS to Denmark Denmark Send Free Text Message to Denmark Send Free SMS to Estonia Estonia Send Free Text Message to Estonia Send Free SMS to Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Send Free Text Message to Faroe Islands Send Free SMS to Finland Finland Send Free Text Message to Finland Send Free SMS to France France Send Free Text Message to France Send Free SMS to Germany Germany Send Free Text Message to Germany Send Free SMS to Gibraltar Gibraltar Send Free Text Message to Gibraltar Send Free SMS to Greece Greece Send Free Text Message to Greece Send Free SMS to Guernsey Guernsey Send Free Text Message to Guernsey Send Free SMS to Hungary Hungary Send Free Text Message to Hungary Send Free SMS to Iceland Iceland Send Free Text Message to Iceland Send Free SMS to Ireland Ireland Send Free Text Message to Ireland Send Free SMS to Isle of Man Isle of Man Send Free Text Message to Isle of Man Send Free SMS to Italy Italy Send Free Text Message to Italy Send Free SMS to Jersey Jersey Send Free Text Message to Jersey Send Free SMS to Latvia Latvia Send Free Text Message to Latvia Send Free SMS to Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Send Free Text Message to Liechtenstein Send Free SMS to Lithuania Lithuania Send Free Text Message to Lithuania Send Free SMS to Luxembourg Luxembourg Send Free Text Message to Luxembourg Send Free SMS to Macedonia Macedonia Send Free Text Message to Macedonia Send Free SMS to Malta Malta Send Free Text Message to Malta Send Free SMS to Moldova Moldova Send Free Text Message to Moldova Send Free SMS to Monaco Monaco Send Free Text Message to Monaco Send Free SMS to Montenegro Montenegro Send Free Text Message to Montenegro Send Free SMS to Netherlands Netherlands Send Free Text Message to Netherlands Send Free SMS to Norway Norway Send Free Text Message to Norway Send Free SMS to Poland Poland Send Free Text Message to Poland Send Free SMS to Portugal Portugal Send Free Text Message to Portugal Send Free SMS to Reunion Island Reunion Island Send Free Text Message to Reunion Island Send Free SMS to Romania Romania Send Free Text Message to Romania Send Free SMS to San Marino San Marino Send Free Text Message to San Marino Send Free SMS to Serbia Serbia Send Free Text Message to Serbia Send Free SMS to Slovakia Slovakia Send Free Text Message to Slovakia Send Free SMS to Slovenia Slovenia Send Free Text Message to Slovenia Send Free SMS to Spain Spain Send Free Text Message to Spain Send Free SMS to Sweden Sweden Send Free Text Message to Sweden Send Free SMS to Switzerland Switzerland Send Free Text Message to Switzerland Send Free SMS to Ukraine Ukraine Send Free Text Message to Ukraine Send Free SMS to United Kingdom United Kingdom Send Free Text Message to United Kingdom | false | 597 |
Fox News panel with Katie Pavlich and Adrienne Elrod (Photo: Screen capture) A Fox News host and panelist alleged that it was Hillary Clinton that colluded with Russia and thus should be taken to jail — not President Donald Trump. While Russian bots sowed division among Democratic voters, attacked people of color, attacked Hillary Clinton, worked to suppress voters of color then spread fake voter fraud claims, Fox News thinks this was a campaign in favor of Clinton’s 2016 bid. “Well, if it’s really a big threat and we want to stop them from meddling in our elections, why is it that during a three-year time span the Obama administration really didn’t do much to stop this from happening,” asked Town Hall editor Katie Pavlich. She referred to the 2012 election debate in which Mitt Romney cautioned that Russia was the greatest American foe over radical ISIS or Taliban extremists. However, 2016 was the first election Russia is known to have infiltrated. Pavlich and the host then turned to wonder why 300 elected officials didn’t show up for the classified briefing held at the FBI involving the “Gang of 8.” The 300 members likely didn’t have a high enough clearance level to view the classified documents. The “Gang of 8” all have the proper security clearance level to have viewed the documents. The Fox host asked former Clinton staffer Adrienne Elrod if the entire Russia scandal could have been avoided if former President Barack Obama had stopped Russia before they even started. Elrod explained that there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Given the security level, it’s likely much of the information available at the time could not be made public. She noted she wished Obama had acted prior to the election but asked what Trump is doing today to stop Russia from acting in the 2018 election. The Fox host along with Pavlich went on to claim that Clinton was colluding with Russia because her campaign partially paid the law firm that bought the opposition research dossier from Christopher Steele. Another portion of the dossier was paid for by Republicans hoping to discredit Trump prior to the general election. For that reason, Fox News believes Clinton colluded with Russia more than Trump did. Fox News hosts have also alleged that Clinton is behind the meeting with the Russian lawyer at Trump Tower. Watch the full conversation below: 00:00 | false | 101 |
The NFL Players Association is making an attempt to open up the lines of communication between the camps of Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin. NFL Media's Albert Breer reported that the NFLPA contacted the agents of Incognito and Martin on Wednesday morning to request a meeting, according to a source apprised of the plan. The proposal calls for the meeting to occur in Florida with union chief DeMaurice Smith present. Incognito was suspended indefinitely by the Miami Dolphins after the team was presented with evidence that Incognito sent abusive and racially insensitive messages to Martin via text message and voice mail. The suspension was handed down six days after Martin abruptly left the team after an incident at the Dolphins' dining facility. NFL Media's Jeff Darlington reported last week that Martin sought treatment at a South Florida hospital immediately after leaving the team. He left the hospital a short time later and now is at home in California with his parents. A local news affiliate tracked down Incognito on Tuesday as he left a doctor's appointment in Fort Lauderdale. "You know what, I'm just trying to weather the storm right now," Incognito told WSVN-TV. "This will pass." | false | 324 |
I reserve you reserve he reserves we reserve you reserve they reserve I am reserving you are reserving he is reserving we are reserving you are reserving they are reserving I reserved you reserved he reserved we reserved you reserved they reserved I was reserving you were reserving he was reserving we were reserving you were reserving they were reserving I have reserved you have reserved he has reserved we have reserved you have reserved they have reserved I have been reserving you have been reserving he has been reserving we have been reserving you have been reserving they have been reserving I had reserved you had reserved he had reserved we had reserved you had reserved they had reserved I had been reserving you had been reserving he had been reserving we had been reserving you had been reserving they had been reserving I will reserve you will reserve he will reserve we will reserve you will reserve they will reserve I will be reserving you will be reserving he will be reserving we will be reserving you will be reserving they will be reserving I will have reserved you will have reserved he will have reserved we will have reserved you will have reserved they will have reserved I will have been reserving you will have been reserving he will have been reserving we will have been reserving you will have been reserving they will have been reserving I would reserve you would reserve he would reserve we would reserve you would reserve they would reserve I would be reserving you would be reserving he would be reserving we would be reserving you would be reserving they would be reserving I would have reserved you would have reserved he would have reserved we would have reserved you would have reserved they would have reserved I would have been reserving you would have been reserving he would have been reserving we would have been reserving you would have been reserving they would have been reserving reserve Let's reserve reserve Verbe au hasard accrue - adopt - afford - bare - cant - capture - compare - confirm - create - delete - doom - draft - endeavor - exhaust - gift - giggle - hang - insure - knit - learn - let - like - love - manage - menace - miss - monger - omit - open - orient - prevent - rent - restore - save - see - ski - spill - spot - to be - to do - to go - to have - tough - web | false | 95 |
The tropical storm that hit the southern Philippines on Friday and Saturday has left at least 200 people dead and many homeless. The island of Mindanao was the worst hit. The local administration there has been criticised for not doing enough to help. A survivor from Tubod town, where an entire neighbourhood was destroyed, told Al Jazeera that they have ‘never experienced a flood like it'. Al Jazeera’s Rob McBride reports from Tubod Town, Southern Philippines. | false | 577 |
CHAPPAQUA, N.Y. -- Hillary Clinton will be telling her side of the story. Clinton, a Chappaqua resident, is set to write "What Happened," her recounting of her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. The book will be published on Sept. 12 by Simon and Schuster. “In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down," Clinton, who previously served as Senator and Secretary of State, said. The book will discuss what it was like to face Trump, Russian interference and the experience Clinton had of being the first woman nominated for president by a major party. Simon and Schuster is calling it "her most personal memoir yet." Clinton had previously written the memoirs "Living History," and "Hard Choices." In November, Clinton is set to speak at the Business Council of Westchester's annual dinne r, where she will receive the Westchester Global Leadership Laureate Award Click here to sign up for Daily Voice's free daily emails and news alerts. | false | 31 |
While officially the White House is condemning the ISIS suicide attacks in Tehran today, in keeping with their policy of being against ISIS, President Trump’s own statement on the matter appeared less than wholly sympathetic, attributing the attacks to Iran “ falling victim to the evil they promote.” President Trump has made clear since the campaign that he does not like Iran, and spent much of his recent trip to the Middle East pushing hostility toward Iran, as well as portraying Iran as being to blame for most of the terrorism in the region. That ISIS is the world’s biggest terrorist organization, and that Iran has been heavily supporting both Iraq and Syria in fighting ISIS, doesn’t fit into Trump’s narrative, and the fact that ISIS just launched terrorist attacks in Tehran is particularly unwelcome to the US agenda of trying to spin everything wrong in the Middle East as being Iran’s fault. President Trump’s answer to this, then, is to remind everyone that Iran is a “state sponsor of terrorism,” an official designation by the US government which means effectively nothing, and only currently applies to three countries that the US doesn’t like, none of whom has anything to do with ISIS, al-Qaeda, or other major international terrorist groups. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz | false | 116 |
Will this outrage stand? Today’s breaking story of the DOJ surveilling the communications of POTUS Trump’s longtime personal attorney is just now filtering through news watchers across the country. Remember, the Cohen surveillance was referred to by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, (and signed off by the DOJ’s #2 Rod Rosenstein who was the one who originally pushed for President Trump to fire then FBI Director James Comey) meaning it was effectively Mueller’s operation. And what THAT means is Robert Mueller was wiretapping the Trump White House. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN ALLOWED BEFORE. Early reports indicate at least one direct phone call between President Trump and Cohen was . In a normal world, as soon as the President of the United States was on the line, the DOJ would have initiated an all stop on surveillance. That has been long-standing (albeit unofficial) protocol for decades. That didn’t happen which would indicate capturing the President’s communications to Cohen was the primary purpose of the Mueller-originating surveillance all along. Consider this that the Department of Justice is charged with upholding the powers of the Constitution but in this case (and likely many-many others) it has shredded those same Constitutional protections in order to bring down a duly-elected President of the United States. When will enough Americans finally stand up and say ENOUGH? This is no longer merely about President Trump. It isn’t about Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. This is about America, our personal liberties, and the now-fractured foundation that was the Constitution. For if the government can go after a sitting president via such means it can come after any of us at any time. Hear that knock at your door? It’s for you. | true | 176 |
A big pro-Trump rally called “The Mother of All Rallies” (or MOAR for short) is taking place today in Washington, D.C. These are photos from the event, to give you an idea of what is happening today. The MOAR rally began its opening ceremonies at the north end of the Mall, near the Washington monument, at 11 a.m. Eastern, according to their website. “Keynote speakers will include author Hamody Jasim, Marco Gutierrez founder of Latinos for Trump, and congressional candidate for California Omar Navarro. The band Madison Rising is the featured performer. Panel discussions on a number of hot topics are also planned and much will be happening throughout the day and evening.” Peter Boykin, president of Gays for Trump and a speaker at the rally, told the Washington Post that some topics discussed at the event will be more controversial, including transgender men and women in the military, Sharia law, and the dreamers immigration program. According to the event’s website, the rally is focused on freedom, putting America first, and uniting everyone under the American flag: …No confederate flags, communist flags, or foreign flags allowed. This is not a Democrat or Republican rally. It’s not a left or right rally. We condemn racists of all colors and supremacy of all colors. Our patriots are of all colors and we are uniting under our constitutional rights. We are Americans and our color shouldn’t matter.” The event’s Facebook page mentions that the event is “in support of American values, American culture, American traditions, and of course President Donald Trump.” About 2,0 people RSVP’d for the event on Facebook, and an additional 6,200 indicated that they were interested in the event. The organizers originally wanted one million people at the event. But both Jason Webber, an organizer of the Juggalo rally, and Peter Boykin, a speaker at the MOAR rally, told The Washington Post that their events don’t plan to interact with each other and they don’t expect any brawls. Supporters have also been posting on Twitter and other social media sites about the event. Some counter protesters showed up too: The website for the event took pains to set itself up as different from the Charlottesville rally, saying that they wanted American flags and Confederate flags would not be allowed. The event was also heavily pro-Trump. | false | 145 |
Susan Montgomery / Shutterstock.com In many ways, money orders are safer than personal checks and cash. There’s no risk of a bounced check and associated fees when paying with a money order because the money order is prepaid in cash. Using a money order reduces the risk of theft because the buyer must specify the recipient. In order to cash a money order, the recipient must appear in person and show identification. And, while cash can be lost, money orders come with a tracking number, so money orders can be replaced. Since Rite Aid has many locations, and its stores are often open 24/7, you can save yourself a trip to the bank and just buy a money order next time you pick something up at Rite Aid. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about buying a money order at Rite Aid. And, if Rite Aid isn’t the right store for you, stick around to the end of this article for a list of similar stores that also sell money orders. In This Article What Are the Fees, Limits, and Accepted Payment Types? How Do I Purchase a Money Order at Rite Aid? Can I Cash a Money Order at Rite Aid? Other Rite Aid Services Similar Stores That Sell and Cash Money Orders Purchasing a Money Order at Rite Aid Does Rite Aid have MoneyGram? Does Rite Aid have Western Union? Rite Aid sells money orders through Western Union. Money orders are available during store hours so that means Rite Aid Western Union hours are the same as store hours. You can find the nearest store and their hours using the Rite Aid store locator. 4,242 of Rite Aid’s 4,586 locations sell money orders, so make sure your location sells money orders by using the Western Union’s agent locator. Select “search by agent”, and filter your search for Rite Aid and money orders. What Are the Fees, Limits, and Accepted Payment Types? According to Rite Aid customer service, you can purchase a single money order for up to $500 and multiple money orders up to $2,9. So, for example, if you need to pay $1,0, you can go to Rite Aid and purchase two $500 money orders to meet your needs. Rite Aid only accepts cash payment for money orders; you cannot pay with a debit card or credit card. There is a fee of $0.99 per money order. How Do I Purchase a Money Order at Rite Aid? While on the call with Rite Aid, we also confirmed that money orders are available for purchase during regular store hours. Simply ask to buy a money order at a register; all of the registers can generate money orders. Remember, you can only buy a money order with cash. Can I Cash a Money Order at Rite Aid? Rite Aid doesn’t cash money orders, even money orders sold at Rite Aid. Here’s our article about where to cash a money order. Other Rite Aid Services Rite Aid also has a number of other services you may want to take advantage of while you’re there buying a money order. Rite Aid Pharmacy Offers prescription refills and a prescription advisor to help you take your prescriptions according to guidelines Immunizations are available for: Chicken Pox, HIB, Hep A, Hep B, HPV, the flu, Meningitis, /Rubella, Pneumonia, Polio, Shingles, and Tetanus. Though not all vaccines are available in all states. Select locations have RediClinics, which treat common conditions like strep throat, ear infections, UTIs, pink eye, and others. Special discounts for seniors through the wellness65+ program A free quit-for-you program to help people stop smoking Photo Printing Printable in-store coupons Can print photos onto special gift items including mugs, metal wall art, tote bags, and canvas Print from smartphone at the photo kiosk in store Similar Stores to Rite Aid That Sell and Cash Money Orders If you don’t have a Rite Aid near where you live or work but you still need to purchase a money order, there are plenty of other options. For a list of all the places to buy money orders, including stores similar to Rite Aid, convenience stores and grocery stores see our article Where Can I Get a Money Order. If you’re looking for a place to cash a money order, you have fewer options. Your best bet is to deposit the money order into your own bank account, wait for it to clear, and then withdraw the funds. If you want to cash a money order, again, your own bank is the best option. But, there are some other places to cash a money order. See the complete list in our article, Where Can I Cash a Money Order? In Summary For people who want to pay bills, purchase goods, or simply want to send guaranteed funds without the risk associated with exchanging cash, money orders are a trusted method of payment. Rite Aid money orders are convenient because of the low fees, numerous locations, and long hours. No Rite Aid near you? There are many similar convenience and pharmacy stores that also sell money orders. | false | 211 |
About Hillary Clinton's "What Happened" Book is an upcoming memoir written by Hillary Clinton discussing the contentious 2016 United States presidential election. The book title was widely mocked on Twitter following its announcement in late July 2017. On July 27th, 2017, Hillary Clinton unveiled the title of her upcoming book What Happened, a memoir discussing experiences during her 2016 presidential run against Donald Trump (shown below). [1] Book Cover Spread That day, Twitter user @Kno tweeted a photoshopped version of the book cover edited to read "What in the Entire Fuck Happened?" (shown below, left). Meanwhile, Twitter user @ColeLedford11 posted a photoshopped picture of the inside of a book with a passage about Clinton getting "3 million more votes than Trump even with his collusion with the Russian government" (shown below, right). What in the Entire Fuck Happened? "I got 3 million more votes than Trump even with his collusion with the Russian government" Also on July 27th, several Twitter users posted joke names for the book along with the hashtag "#BetterNamesForHillarysBook" [2] (shown below). Meanwhile, The Daily Dot [3] published an article about the online reaction to the book titled "Hillary Clinton’s new book title is getting laughed off of Twitter." Search Interest External References | false | 236 |
Please sign in with your WRAL.com account to comment on this story. You also will need a Facebook account to comment. Oldest First I think WRAL should be ashamed! How can you just assume this person is a man? What if that is not the pronoun they choose for themselves and here you are all over your story just, "Man", "his", "he".I mean what you've basically done is committed a terroristic act on trans-non-binary people everywhere. You should post a public apology because I'm literally autistic and this makes me want to cry. I'm not even joking right now! I cannot believe how insensitive this story is!If this were California, you'd be in jail right now! Just when I have a sliver of faith in humanity, I go and read WRAL story comments. Good job being horrible people. That is one creepy looking "guy." So Democrats want their daughters to be okay with going to the restroom with this guy? Where does the story say anything about anyone using a female restroom? So.is it possible for them to assault each other and never trigger an "assault on a female" charge that often coincides with domestic disputes? Oldest First | false | 627 |
I was listening to a Christian radio show awhile back before I was scheduled to go on, and one of the guests before me was talking about the organization he formed to fight back against powerful liberals in the United States and the ideologies they are spending billions of dollars to advance. This man kept talking about how liberalism is a “threat” to Christianity, and how any number of liberal political ideologies are going to somehow damage the faith, though he wasn’t very specific as to how. Similarly, I was watching a video the other day in which the Christian missionary called Islam “the greatest threat to Christianity today.” Really? A threat to what? Make Christianity untrue? What Are We So Afraid Of? So many American Christians, evangelicals in particular, are paralyzed by fear. We talk about how political liberalism or Islam are “threats” to Christianity and make compelling cases for why our brothers and sisters in Christ should devote time, money and other resources to protect Christianity against these threats. Christianity is not threatened by modern political liberalism, any strand of Islam (violent or non-violent) or any other worldview on the entire planet. I tweeted last week: “If you view other religions or worldviews as ‘threats’ to Christianity, I kind of wonder if you know how the story ends.” The idea that something could be a “threat” to Christianity implies that, somehow, Christianity could be put on a sort of “endangered religions” list, or that Christians could become extinct altogether. This is a lie fueled by hearts that have made an idol of power and influence. Christianity, defined by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the implications of that gospel, offers the world what other worldviews cannot. So, Christians who want the best for their communities and the world are right to work for Christianity’s spread around the world. But, particularly among conservative evangelicals in 21st-century America, there seems to be a feeling that Christianity is at risk of extinction. This is not the case. Christianity’s Dominance Is Threatened Is Christianity at risk of losing its powerful influence over America? Yes it is (most say it already has). Is Christianity at risk of becoming less and less socially acceptable in America and bordering on being considered “hate”? Yes it is. For some, these two truths are terrifying and are indicative of the impending demise of Christianity. Do not believe this lie. It is right to be concerned for the millions of Christians around the world who are being threatened. This is a reality about which we should be praying regularly. But “threatened Christians” do not make a “threatened Christianity.” Christianity’s existence and well-being is not dependent on how widespread it is accepted in America or the world. Christianity is dependent on the finished work of Christ. Period. This means nothing is a “threat” to Christianity. Plenty of forces—worldviews, political ideologies and more—threaten Christianity’s dominance in America. For some, Christianity’s dominance in America and the Western world is what legitimizes it. It is these people who believe Christianity is threatened. Because it’s true—Christian dominance in America and the West is being overshadowed by other worldviews. Praise God that the Christian faith is not dependent on its 21st-century cultural dominance, but by the dominion of its eternal, glorious God. When you claim that ISIS or the Democrats or whomever else is threatening Christianity, you spit in the face of the God who conquered sin and death because you’re afraid he can’t conquer competing worldviews. Christianity doesn’t have to be the most popular worldview in America to be the right one. Sometimes I think American evangelicals push for the widespread acceptance of Christianity because they want to be “right” more than they want the world to flourish in the grace of God. No terrorist attack, peaceful mosque or Supreme Court justice can knock down the house whose cornerstone is Christ. But it will demolish the house whose cornerstone is cultural favor. Romans 8:35 says, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Or liberals, or ISIS, or Supreme Court Justices, or car bombs? The foundation of our faith is seated on the throne because his work is finished. He’s not concerned. Why should we be? This article originally appeared here. | true | 143 |
US President Donald Trump. | Photo Credit: US President Donald Trump on Thursday dismissed an upcoming book on his campaign and administration as "full of lies" and invented sources, after unsuccessfully attempting to block its release. “I authorised Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don't exist,” Mr. Trump tweeted in reference to Michael Wolff's “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.” “Look at this guy's past and watch what happens to him and Sloppy Steve!” Mr. Trump wrote. It was unclear to whom Mr. Trump was referring, with possibilities including Steve Bannon, his former chief strategist, and Steve Rubin, the president of Henry Holt and Company, which is publishing Wolff's book. The book quotes key Mr. Trump aides, including Mr. Bannon, expressing serious doubt about his fitness for office. Mr. Trump has been enraged by the betrayal by Mr. Bannon — a man who engineered the New York real estate mogul's link to the nationalist far right and helped create a pro-Trump media ecosystem. After Mr. Trump instructed his lawyers to try to block the release of the book, the publishers responded by moving the release date up by four days to Friday. | false | 638 |
Hotel Guard Opens Up Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who alerted police to the Las Vegas shooter, is speaking out for the first time about the violent encounter that left him with gunshot wounds. Jesus opened up to Ellen DeGeneres . detailing the harrowing moments leading up to him discovering Stephen Paddock on the 32nd floor, just as he was starting to open fire on the crowd of concertgoers below. He thinks a loud slamming door during his routine check of the floor is what tipped off his location to Paddock, who then started shooting into the hallway -- and hit Campos in the leg. Miraculously, Campos says he was still able to somehow get on his radio and tell his team shots had been fired. You can hear his full story on Wednesday's episode of 'Ellen.' | false | 620 |
Politicians are trying to deceive you. Modern (American) politics is essentially a game in which politicians say and do whatever they possibly can to persuade people that they are an ideal leader deserving of a vote. But you already know that. Hopefully. Most of us are pretty cynical about politics and straight-up expect politicians to lie to us. We understand that posturing, over-promising, tricky rhetoric, and psychological manipulation are par for the course in the political arena. Interestingly, though, I’ve been hearing some claims regarding the current presidential race that contradict the typical cynicism with which most people view political candidates. Specifically, I’ve heard many people expressing the belief that Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are refreshingly different from typical political candidates. Why? Because they say what they really feel and think, supposedly. They aren’t just talking heads. They’re real people who will let their real views and ideas be known, for better or worse. That might be true, to some extent. Trump and Sanders might be more authentic than most politicians (which wouldn’t take much). It’s almost impossible to say. The Truth But even if they are, make no mistake: They are still playing the game like everyone else. I’m not saying anything about their merits as candidates or people, and I’m not making any kind of moral judgment. I’m just saying that they too are posturing, over-promising, and employing tricky rhetoric and psychological tactics to win over their audiences. Don’t think for a second that they’re not. No one would have a prayer of winning a presidential race without doing those things. But people are viewing them as utterly genuine. People are taking them at face value. Sanders has this effect on people because he’s so fiercely passionate about the issues. I actually believe he sincerely cares about the things he wants to change, and so he exudes an earnestness while speaking that captivates many people, especially people in my generation. Nonetheless, I assure you that Sanders is self-aware of his grandiose, fiery style and his calls for revolution. He knows he’s over-promising, and he’s consciously trying to create a tsunami of unrealistically high hope for a better world and ride that wave into the White House, like Obama did. It’s a good strategy, though if he gets elected, many people will probably be upset when the revolution doesn’t arrive, when the billionaire class continues to exist, and when big money continues to influence politics.¹ Trump, on the other hand, is perceived as honest because he says and does so many ludicrous things, compared to traditional candidates. Trump’s behavior is so ridiculous that people can’t fathom that most of it could be an act, a strategy, a role he’s learned to play. But it is. And whereas Bernie is trying to ride a wave of hope into the White House, Trump is trying to ride a wave of fear and anger. Trump’s appeal is downright frightening because we are at a rather precarious moment in the history of the United States and the history of the world. The planet is filled with nuclear warheads; environmental crises are ; the largest refugee crisis since World War II is taking place. The 21st century is a time in which the countries of the world need more than ever to cooperate with one another, consider a global perspective, and devise strategies that will make the human enterprise sustainable through the 21st century and hopefully far beyond. But Trump isn’t much of a cooperator. He’s explicitly stated that he wants to build a wall around much of the United States, and he’s made comments that reveal a frighteningly uncritical and violent approach to international relations (on ISIS: “I would bomb the shit out of ’em,” and “ … you have to take out their families.”). From my vantage point, a leader like Trump is more likely to help bring about World War I than a more sustainable, equitable, and unified human enterprise.² Many people don’t see it this way, though. Many believe that Trump’s aggressive and America-centric approach to politics will be our saving grace. This may have something to do with the hypothesized psychological divide between people who lean Left versus people who lean Right. Some fascinating studies have suggested that there are neurobiological differences between liberals and conservatives. One study found, for instance, that conservatives tend to respond to threatening situations with more aggression than liberals. If one wanted to appeal to conservative-minded people, it follows then that one could paint a picture of the world as One Giant Threat to America and propose an extremely aggressive plan to ameliorate the situation. As we’ll see, Donald Trump is a master of this persuasive tactic. He’s a master of a number of other tactics as well, and the cumulative effect of these tactics is that he’s gone from being considered a joke candidate to having a decent chance of becoming the next leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. 12 Psychological Tactics That Make Donald Trump a Master Manipulator Let’s take a closer look at the various tactics Trump has used to climb into his present position. The following points were gathered primarily from two YouTube videos³ created by Charlie Houpert, which provide an excellent analysis of Trump’s various psychological strategies. You’ll find the videos embedded at the bottom of this article, if you’d like to watch them, but that isn’t necessary, as I’ll thoroughly summarize the 12 strategies they discuss. 1. Sowing Seeds of Fear Wiki Commons Trump has said, “You’re going to have more World Trade Centers. It’s going to get worse and worse, folks,” and “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs; they’re bringing crime; they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” These are blatant instances of fear-mongering. Trump deliberately hones in on frightening statistical rarities — terrorist attacks against the US and immigrants who are dangerous rapists — and acts like they’ve become the norm. Violence has actually declined over recent decades and centuries, but Trump makes it seem like the opposite has happened. Why does he do this? Charlie Houpert, the creator of the videos I mentioned, explains it well: “Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion. It captures our attention like no other emotion can. We focus intensely on the thing that is giving us that fear. Secondly, it shuts down higher thinking. When we’re terrified by a bump in the night, we don’t focus on the probability that it’s just the wind. Our critical thinking skills dip as we focus solely on protecting ourselves. Thirdly, it feels crappy, so the fastest way to get out of fear and move toward a powerful emotion is to move into anger.” Proven Winners Visit Site Major news outlets portray the world as a terrifying place because doing so captures people’s attention. Trump is doing the same thing. Fear ensnares our attention like nothing else can, while simultaneously short-circuiting our higher cognitive functioning. This is unsettling because our natural response to fear is to escape or destroy whatever is threatening us as quickly as possible. It is quite natural for humans to cope with fear by becoming angry and aggressive. Trump fuels this fire of fear-driven rage and hostility as much as he possibly can and directs it toward non-American outgroups. He says things like “China is taking our jobs; they’re taking our money,” and “Syrians are now being caught at the Southern border; we don’t know who they are; could be ISIS.” He sets up false dichotomies between the interests of Americans and the interests of other humans of the world, such that if you disagree with him, you appear to be anti-American. This leaves many credulous viewers with one obvious response: to be an angry, aggressive, Trump-supporting American who views the rest of the world with suspicion and aggression! This potent combination of fear-, anger-, and aggression-mongering then sets Trump up for one of his most effective lies: that he is the only big, strong man tough enough to do what needs to be done to kick everyone else’s ass and “make America great again.” Trump makes unrealistic claims such as “No one else will keep you safe,” and “No one is going to mess with us.” He presents himself as the most dominant and strongest-willed candidate — the only candidate capable of returning the US to its rightful position as Imminent, Dominant Global Superpower. But again, do we need America to dominate other at this point in history? It’s likely that some amount of military action is advisable, as certain groups (e.g. ISIS) are committing brutal crimes against innocent people. However, if one looks at the bigger picture, it becomes clear that cooperation rather than conflict must become the rule in the human enterprise, if the human species is to persist into the deep future. On a planet now laced with nuclear warheads, unbounded aggression is no longer an option. And in a biosphere facing various environmental crises, our species must recognize the collective goal of devising sustainable systems to avert catastrophe. But, as I mentioned earlier, research has suggested that conservative-minded people respond more aggressively to threatening situations than liberal-minded people. Instinctively aggressive people respond favorably to Trump’s call for a return to an Ultra-Dominant America. That some people are more instinctively aggressive than others is not a “bad” thing. Clearly, this arrangement was beneficial in our primal past, or we would not have evolved this way. However, we don’t live in the world of our distant ancestors anymore. We live in a world in which excessive is a potential threat to the entire biosphere and all sentient life. Thus, we need leaders who are capable of taking calculated aggressive measures after a thorough analysis of all available courses of action, not leaders whose default response to problematic circumstances is to use hyper-aggressive military force, as Trump wishes to do. The world is a damn complex and ambiguous place, but admitting this reality is not a good political strategy. It’s much more effective to paint the world as a simple place where things are either X or not-X. To do so is to commit the ‘false dilemma’ fallacy. A quintessential example is a much-cited statement made by George W. Bush in 2001: “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” It comforts people to tell them that things must be either this or that because it makes them feel that they understand the insanely complex bramble of global affairs that no individual human actually understands en toto. Trump is brilliant at reducing the complexity of the world to black-and-white narratives. One of his favorites is the narrative of Winners vs Losers. In Trump’s story, America has been unambiguously losing in recent memory; America is becoming a perma-loser before our eyes, and we’re just getting used to it. Wiki Commons Of course, with Trump as president, America is going to start winning again in all regards. “We’re going to start winning so much that you’re going to get used to winning instead of getting used to losing,” he has said. Does it even make sense to conceive of individual countries as “winners” or “losers” in a world where the future of our entire species and all life on Earth is potentially at stake? Probably not. Yet Trump’s black-and-white narrative appeals to our desire for simple, digestible stories and our American hyper-competitiveness. And again, when people are afraid and angry, they are primed to accept whatever convenient narrative promises to allow them to escape their fear, and thus the absurdly vague and reductive America is Going to Start Winning So Much Again That We’ll Have Nothing to Worry About story begins to seem quite alluring indeed. One downside of portraying yourself as the Big Strong Man is that there will still always be situations in which someone gets the best of you, making you appear foolish or weak. Donald Trump has found himself in this situation on a number of occasions. One of the most notable was a situation in which Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly confronted Trump about past comments in which Trump had called women he disliked “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” This question was a potential landmine for Trump, but he interrupted Megyn Kelly halfway through her question by saying, “Only Rosie O’Donnell.” This comment caused an uproar of laughter in the audience and all but derailed the inquiry into Trump’s juvenile and dehumanizing remarks. Trump has perfected this strategy of deflecting potential threats through the use of humor. As Charlie Houpert put it: “So that is the power of laughter. It is a pattern interrupt[ion]. You can’t stay booing and upset and angry when somebody makes you uncontrollably laugh. It also makes you more receptive to whatever comes next that somebody has to say because they’ve already started to lead you emotionally. So what Donald Trump is doing is using laughter to take control of situations where he’s starting to lose control. And what that does for him is it effectively helps him dodge any points that you make against him because he can almost erase them with a laughing crowd.“ Humor isn’t Trump’s only strategy for avoiding discussion of some of the more contentious issues in his record. Another favorite strategy of his is to simply act superior to all opponents and criticisms. In one of the GOP debates, Jeb Bush attempted to point out that Donald Trump had completely changed his stance on ISIS in a matter of two months. As Jeb was saying this, Trump didn’t even pay him the courtesy of looking in his direction. Instead, he looked only at the audience with an expression of disbelief and disgust that said, “Who is this guy?” This maneuver indicates to the audience that Bush’s attack is ridiculous, laughable, not even worthy of attention, allowing Trump to bypass any sort of rational discussion. By contrast, when Trump attacked Bush, Bush looked directly at Trump with an expression of distress and disconcertedness, playing perfectly into Trump’s game. Jeb appeared to be something of a confused and insecure novice looking to Big Daddy Trump for answers. This point is related to the previous two, but it deserves emphasis. Trump’s power plays — whether making jokes in the face of criticism or acting superior to other candidates — are all aimed at making him appear as the leader of a game in which everyone else is merely a player. In social dynamics, this is referred to as “frame control.” Trump frames every interaction as if he is unquestionably superior to those around him, as if everyone else is in his world. When it comes to politics, whichever politician has the strongest and most unflinching frame will make that frame a perceived reality. And Trump is very good at unflinchingly selling his frame. As a billionaire, thick-skinned businessman, he’s been practicing this tactic for decades. Combine this with his fear-mongering, anger-mongering, and presenting himself as the One Great Strong Solution to Loser America, and you’ve got a potent combination of factors coming together to make Donald Trump appear to be an untouchable, iron-willed leader in comparison to his opponents. Another of Trump’s favorite tactics (and another form of frame control) is to trap other candidates in double-bind situations. Essentially, this means that he puts them in positions where it doesn’t matter what they say or how they react to him — however they respond, he will come out looking better and they will come out looking worse. Charlie Houpert cites the example of Trump taunting Jeb Bush about having low energy during one of the GOP debates. Trump says, “I know you’re trying to build up your energy, Jeb, but it’s not working.” In the face of such a statement, Jeb Bush has two options: to try to ratchet his energy up or keep it where it it down a notch. If he chooses the former, he appears to be reacting to Trump, making Trump look like he’s in control. If he chooses the latter, he remains low-energy and Trump can just steamroll him throughout the debate. It’s a lose-lose situation for Jeb Bush, and this is the power of a double-bind. Donald Trump repeats emotionally provocative words like “strong” and “win” over and over and over. The second of Charlie Houpert’s videos shows one absurd clip in which Trump manages to say the word “win” 12 times in about 15 seconds. This tactic subtly conditions people to associate strength and victory with the Trump campaign. You might think that this tactic is silly or would only be effective on unintelligent people, but you’d be wrong. There’s a reason large companies pour millions of dollars into ad campaigns with catchy taglines and jingles: through sheer repetition, certain associations become embedded in the mind, if only on an unconscious level. Watch the documentary Century of the Self sometime if you don’t believe me. Trump loves to hammer social proof. He repeats over and over and over that he’s ahead in the polls or that people agree he won a particular debate. As social creatures, we have a distinct and sometimes malignant tendency to do and believe whatever we think everyone else is doing and believing. Trump understands the importance of this fact, and so at every turn, he acts as if he has an army of people behind him. Trump is also very careful to avoid negative social proof. For instance, at one point Trump appeared on the O’Reilly Factor, and Bill O’Reilly suggested that people had seen Trump as a “buffoon” when he first announced his campaign. Trump outright rejected this statement, acted as if it was outrageous, and assured the audience that people did not feel that way. He was very deliberate and forceful about this because he knows that what people think other people think is one of the most potent forces driving human belief and behavior. His decades in business almost certainly ingrained that lesson into his mind. Trump loves to assert that authority figures approve of him and disapprove of other candidates. The second video of Charlie Houpert’s cites Trump saying, “Larry Kudlow likes my tax plan,” and “Experts wonder if Cruz can run the US because he was born in Canada.” Trump understands that especially in our uncertain postmodern world with its endless sources of competing information, people look to experts to form their opinions. There is also a cognitive bias known as the Asch effect that is relevant here. From Wikipedia: “In repeated and modified instances of the Asch conformity experiments, it was found that high-status individuals create a stronger likelihood of a subject agreeing with an obviously false conclusion, despite the subject normally being able to clearly see that the answer was incorrect. So not only do we tend to feel pressure to conform with the herd, but we also feel pressure to agree with high-status individuals. Here’s an off-the-cuff armchair-evolutionary-psych explanation for this phenomenon: When our ancestors lived as bands of hunter-gatherers, it was beneficial to have an extraordinary level of cohesion of belief and action in a given tribe; it was often a matter of life or death. Thus, tribes in which people unquestioningly accepted the worldview passed on by wise elders and readily conformed to the herd mentality would be more likely to survive. Anyway, for whatever reason, we’re much more likely to believe something if an authority figure or expert tells us it’s true. Trump understands this and takes advantage of it at every turn. This might come as a surprise, but humans actually suck at making rational decisions and are much more likely to make emotion-driven decisions. This is a great thing a lot of the time because in many areas of life, our emotions and feelings are excellent indicators of an appropriate course of action. But when it comes to choosing the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, it might be a bad idea to vote for a guy because his smile gives you the warm fuzzies. Unfortunately, it’s damn difficult for humans to use rationality, especially if they haven’t been trained to think critically or haven’t researched the various cognitive biases that result in inaccurate thinking. Donald Trump knows that most people make their decisions on the basis of emotion rather than reason. He also knows that there are certain methods of manipulating people’s emotions to get them to do what you want. Most all of the items on this list — from fear-/anger-mongering and deflection via humor to repetition, social proof, and appeal to authority — are effective methods of making people feel very confident about a position, despite the fact that they haven’t considered any statistical evidence or rational arguments. Donald Trump understands this, and that’s why you’ll never see him engaging in a rational discussion of the issues or of the criticisms levied against him. When challenged to do so, Trump will deflect via humor, appeal to vague authorities or social proof, or utilize some sort of half-relevant anecdote to appeal to emotion and distract from his shortcomings. As I said before, Donald Trump isn’t the only one playing the manipulation game. Other candidates also understand that people are emotional creatures, and any candidate who wants to have a chance of winning must use some or all of these tactics. Such is the nature of American democracy in 2016. What’s frightening about Trump is that he’s so damn good at playing this game. He’s spent decades learning the subtle art of being a dominant social presence and persuading people to do what he wants them to do. His actual values and ideas could be egregiously ill-conceived. Hell, they could be a recipe for World War I. But because he’s such a talented hypnotist politician, his actual values and ideas don’t matter that much. If he wins the race, it will be because he effectively encouraged and harnessed the fear, anger, and emotion-driven decision-making of a large portion of the American public. Personally, I would prefer not to find out what happens to America after electing one of the most effective fear- and anger-mongers since, uh, Adolf Hitler. I would prefer not to find out if a man who has spent the last 30 years plastering his name on everything he could put his name on gives two shits about the interests of most Americans. I would prefer not to find out if a businessman with no political experience is prepared to approach the challenges of the presidency with wisdom and acumen. I would prefer not to find out if Trump’s hard-ass, violence-friendly approach to political problems is as dangerous for planet Earth as I think it is. If you found this article educational or important in any way, please pass it on to your friends. 1. Don’t get me wrong: I like Bernie and would likely vote for him if he were to get the nomination. All I’m saying is that he’s playing the game too, and that in reality, he had no choice but to play the game if he wanted to have any chance of winning. 2. One could also argue that an extremely passive or pacifistic US President could inadvertently cause a World-War-I situation by failing to take action to neutralize dangerous groups or leaders who are gaining power. Some argue that this is essentially what happened pre-World War II. My view is that we need leaders who are capable of taking aggressive measures after a thorough analysis of all available courses of action, not leaders whose default response to problematic circumstances is to use hyper-aggressive military force. 3. The two outstanding videos that inspired this post and provided many of the insights: 97.1% of users agree: 30 Challenges to Enlightenment is a life-changing set of tools. Start your journey now | true | 219 |
During the 1950s “Red Scare,” innocent Americans were smeared and sometimes blacklisted for being supposed Communists. Real subversives existed, including Alger Hiss, a traitor and Soviet spy whom liberals – to their misfortune – made into a poster boy of McCarthyism. But the actual number of Communists was tiny and utterly not commensurate with the fervent public witch hunt led by right-wingers. Today’s group hysteria comes from the left, as a fanatic political mob sees racists behind every door. Their paranoia is not harmless, as they use the racist bogeyman to intimidate political adversaries – and sometimes erstwhile friends – while seeking to silence political dialogue. As with the Red Scare, there’s some reason for vigilance regarding actual racists, as Charlottesville reminded us. But as with the hunt for Communists under every bed, the scare tactics far outweigh the actual problem. The New McCarthyism revealed its full absurdity this week via the ACLU’s Twitter stream, which had the temerity to post a picture of an adorable young toddler holding an American flag and a doll with the tag line “This is the future that ACLU members want.” Because the girl (TRIGGER WARNING: I assume it’s a girl, given the doll) happens to be blonde and Caucasian, the ACLU was promptly attacked – the ACLU! Immediately the politically correct rage mob commenced a digital protest led by credentialed injustice professionals such as Professor Nyasha Junior of Temple University who posted, “A white kid with a flag!” Yes, Professor. In much of America outside of your faculty lounge, young American children waving Old Glory warms the heart and makes us smile rather than prompt thoughts of white supremacy lurking under the sheets. Did the ACLU, a group once known for taking brave and unpopular stands, hold its ground or, better yet, simply ignore the online rabble? Sadly, no. The organization shortly responded with a Kermit the Frog image saying “That’s a very good point” and the post “When your followers keep you in check and remind you that white supremacy is everywhere.” Come again? This lovely young kid holding a flag equals “white supremacy”? Who even thinks of such things? Answer: the diversity hustlers. Shame on the ACLU, which apparently should have posted a picture of a gender-fluid dark-skinned child, holding a rainbow flag, perhaps with a COEXIST sticker on [gender-neutral pronoun] wheelchair. This is not merely social-media silliness. It’s not even lunacy, although it certainly seems insane. This is a weapon used cynically and viciously -- little girls are apparently acceptable collateral damage -- by the left to isolate and demonize opponents, and particularly President Trump and his supporters. As MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch said of Trump: “He is a racist -- can we just say it once and for all?” Such accusations are not rare. If I had a dollar for every time the mainstream media accused Trump and his voters of racism, I’d be about as rich as the recent Powerball winner. As a Hispanic, I believe that people of color, for far too long, have been taken for granted by the Democratic Party. I also believe that the Trump movement represents real policy solutions for the woes of poverty and violence that burden too many African-American and Latino citizens. But the digital rage mob holds people like me in particular contempt, as I saw during the 2016 campaign in the form of a constant stream of online slurs. Yes, today’s liberals are quick to use racism’s terms when it suits their purposes, calling me a “coconut” (brown on the outside, white on the inside) and “Tio Tomas” (Uncle Tom in Spanish). One of the main reasons America has succeeded as a country lies is our rejection of the tribalism that afflicts and paralyzes so much of the world. America is an idea, and one open to all who embrace it, regardless of skin color, heritage, or religion. To be sure, America must own the racist sins of our history. Thankfully, such systemic racism is just that, history – as evidenced by electing twice to our highest office an African-American man with a decidedly un-European name. Instead of allowing a new scourge, this Racist Scare, to corrode our discourse, we must embrace our common American identity, rooted in our best traditions and elucidated in our founding documents. We should be difficult to offend and slow to accuse others of the disease of prejudice. As the incumbent president of the United States explained in his inaugural address seven months ago: “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for bigotry.” Amen. Steve Cortes, a contributor to RealClearPolitics and Fox News, is the national spokesman for the Hispanic 100, an organization that promotes Latino leadership by advancing free enterprise principles. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve. Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says) | true | 10 |
Hillary Clinton Before Democrats burn James Comey in effigy, they should think about how the FBI director came to have an outsized influence in the election in the first place. It’s not something Comey sought or welcomed. A law enforcement official who prizes his reputation, he didn’t relish becoming a hate figure for half the country or more. No, the only reason that Comey figures in the election at all is that Democrats knowingly nominated someone under FBI investigation. Once upon a time — namely any presidential election prior to this one — this enormous political and legal vulnerability would have disqualified a candidate. Not this year, and not in the case of Hillary Clinton. The country has clearly lowered its standards in this election, and Donald Trump’s madcap candidacy provides evidence of that almost every day. But Hillary’s nomination was itself an offense against American political norms and an incredibly reckless act. And the Democrats were supposed to be the party acting rationally. Clinton effectively locked up the nomination in June and wasn’t cleared of criminal wrongdoing by the FBI until July. What if she had been indicted? Would Democrats have run her anyway? Would they have substituted in a 74-year-old socialist who had lost the nomination battle, or someone else who hadn’t even run? Any of these circumstances would have been unprecedented, but Democrats risked it. They did it, in part, because they could never bring themselves to fully acknowledge the seriousness of the email scandal and, relatedly, the ethical miasma around the Clinton Foundation. They considered it all another desperate trick of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. Clinton henchman David Brock demanded that the New York Times retract its initial report of Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email account in March 2015. A parade of Democratic operatives pooh-poohed the whole thing, from Clinton spokesman Karen Finney (“a politically motivated series of attacks”) to James Carville (“not going to amount to a hill of beans”) to Howard Dean (“hooey”). When they first got on a debate stage together last October, Bernie Sanders, the only man who had a chance to stop Clinton, pleased the crowd with a ringing denunciation of interest in her emails. Democrats bought the just-so stories offered up by the Clinton campaign. The FBI investigation was just a “security review.” The FBI wasn’t investigating Hillary, but only her server. Anything to deflect from the seriousness of the matter. While Democrats willfully looked the other way, they put Comey in an impossible position. An indictment would change the course of American history. That was all on him. He ultimately blinked. But he also put on the record the recklessness of Clinton’s practices as secretary of state in an attempt to create public accountability. Comey’s conduct is open to criticism, but there’s no way to please everyone when handling a case with such high political stakes. His notification to Congress last weekend is another case in point. All that can be said is that if Democrats didn’t want the FBI to have any part in the election, they could’ve considered that before nominating Clinton. Trump may be a deeply flawed candidate, but he caught a wave of popular fervor; Hillary, with her astonishing vulnerabilities, is a production of the Democratic elites who did everything to get her over the finish line. Just how vulnerable is she? If it weren’t for the new trove of Huma Abedin emails, the blockbuster news this week would come via a Wall Street Journal report that the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation — although Fox News reported the same thing at the beginning of the year, and Hillary, of course, dismissed it as an “unsourced and irresponsible claim that has no basis.” The email scandal and Clinton Foundation will dog Hillary until Election Day and, should she win, into her presidency. For this, she has no one to blame but herself — and her irresponsible enablers. | true | 60 |
Former Dawson’s Creek star James Van Der Beek is joining Terry Crews in admitting he has experienced sexual harassment as a man in Hollywood. Van Der Beek added his voice to the chorus of men and women condemning disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, in the wake of numerous sexual misconduct allegations. “What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he’s admitted to is unacceptable — in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out,” Van Der Beek wrote on Twitter before revealing his own experience with sexual harassment. “I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger,” he wrote. “I understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness & inability to blow the whistle. There’s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcome.” See his tweets below. This week, in the wake of the Weinstein scandal, Crews also revealed via Twitter that he was groped in the past by an unnamed Hollywood executive. “This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD,” Crews wrote before explaining he was targeted last year by a “high-level Hollywood executive” who “groped my privates.” “I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator,” Crews wrote. “Hollywood is not the only business [where] this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior — you are not alone. Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless.” Weinstein has been accused of sexual misconduct by numerous women, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Rosanna Arquette, Cara Delevingne, and more. In a statement to The New Yorker, which detailed numerous allegations — including claims made by actress and filmmaker Asia Argento that Weinstein raped her by forcibly performing oral sex on her — the producer “unequivocally denied” allegations of non-consensual sex. The statement, released by his representative, continued, “Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances. Mr. Weinstein obviously can’t speak to anonymous allegations, but with respect to any women who have made allegations on the record, Mr. Weinstein believes that all of these relationships were consensual. Mr. Weinstein has begun counseling, has listened to the community and is pursuing a better path. Mr. Weinstein is hoping that, if he makes enough progress, he will be given a second chance.” | false | 198 |
In recent months, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has taken to scaremongering his audience with well-worn Democratic Party talking points regarding health care insurance policy. Between yuks, he occasionally accuses Republicans of being would-be baby killers, which is treated as an important political development because, well, Jimmy Kimmel is famous. This week, the comedian was back to explain why the new Graham-Cassidy Republican "repeal" bill is bad news. There were only two things wrong with his monologue: Almost everything he said was either completely untrue or highly misleading, and his simplistic emotional appeal was completely disconnected from the real world. The comedian's interest in policy was sparked by the harrowing experience of having a newborn son who suffered from a rare health condition. Thankfully, his boy is OK. "If your baby is going to die and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make," said an emotional Kimmel in May. "I think that's something that, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right?" Yes, everyone agrees. As far as I know, there isn't a single politician in America who has ever supported allowing babies to die because they are born with birth defects, even if the parents can't pay. Not pre-Obamacare, and not post-Obamacare. In any event, after Kimmel's May rant, Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy showed up on his show to explain his position. These types of culture encounters shouldn't be dismissed, because the fact is most viewers are unaware of specific policies and have a notional understanding that's prejudiced by the establishment media's coverage. Cassidy came up with something he called the "Jimmy Kimmel Test," a test that no "family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise, because they can't afford it." Kimmel claims that the new bill doesn't meet this threshold. "This guy, Bill Cassidy, just lied right to my face," the talk-show host said on Tuesday night during an extended political rant. He went on to say, "And by the way, before you post a nasty Facebook message saying I'm politicizing my son's health problems, I want you to know: I am politicizing my son's health problems." OK. He explained: "Coverage for all? No. Fact, it will kick about 30 million Americans off insurance." Not a single person would be "kicked off" his or her insurance. Rather, the Congressional Budget Office review of the AHCA found that of the 24 million Americans who would no longer have health insurance after an Obamacare repeal, 14 million would choose not to buy insurance in 2018 in the absence of a penalty. And if Obamacare were not repealed, the CBO projects another 6 million people would voluntarily leave the Obamacare markets. Now, if you don't believe Americans should be afforded the choice to leave or not buy insurance, just say that. No one is being kicked off. Moreover, if Kimmel supports the individual mandate, Graham-Cassidy allows California to institute it -- as I am sure it would. Kimmel says: "Pre-existing conditions? Nope. If the bill passes, individual states can let insurance companies charge more if you have a pre-existing condition." States would be allowed to apply for waivers to change what qualifies as an essential health benefit as long as they still preserve "adequate and affordable health insurance coverage" for people with pre-existing conditions. You may prefer price fixing to allowing states flexibility to try and fix these problems, but Graham-Cassidy does not break the "Jimmy Kimmel Test." Kimmel might not be aware that there is no plan in place that has government cutting checks after every surgery. Kimmel then implored his audience to call Cassidy to stop the imaginary bill he had just described. It's a shame that Kimmel didn't provide a number to call for the tens of millions of Americans who have seen their premiums and out-of-pocket costs skyrocket under Obamacare's strictures. Is there no number available for those who are sick of being in exchanges that coerce them to buy plans they don't need that are sold by companies they don't like in fabricated, noncompetitive "markets" with dwindling choices? Anyway, so went a monologue that could have been written by any liberal activist. Which is to say it was all about cheap zero-sum emotionalism. Kimmel doesn't believe Americans deserve the chance to reduce the cost of health care with market-based reforms on the state level, or in giving states any flexibility in catering their plans to their own citizens. Kimmel believes California and New York should spend more per capita and smaller states should suffer. Kimmel doesn't believe that individuals and families should be allowed to contribute to health savings accounts or use them to help pay ever-growing insurance premiums. Kimmel wants average Americans to suffer. You see? Anyone can play this game. COPYRIGHT 2017 CREATORS.COM Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop | true | 7 |
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during an event in Scranton, Pennsylvania, August 15, 2016 and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a rally in Roanoke, Virginia, September 24, 2016 in a combination of file photographs. Donald Trump reported raising $100 million for his presidential campaign and the Republican party in September, a number that trails far behind Hillary Clinton’s fundraising haul in the same month. Trump’s campaign sent a statement Saturday announcing its “new fundraising record,” which will fill the coffers for his presidential bid as well as the joint efforts of the Republican National Committee, and various state GOP parties. The campaign said Trump himself contributed $2 million of that total. In total, the campaign and its affiliated joint fundraising committees finished September with approximately $75 million cash on hand. “These numbers show that Donald Trump continues to have incredible broad based support from across America,” Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s finance chairman. But Trump’s campaign apparatus is playing a catch-up game compared to Hillary Clinton’s behemoth fundraising efforts, which drew in more than $154 million for her campaign and the Democratic Party in September alone. HFA, along with the campaign’s other joint fundraising committees, began the month of October with a combined $150 million cash on hand. And when it comes to advertising, the numbers in the final stretch of the campaign continue the election-cycle trend of Clinton outspending Trump. Bloomberg reports that Clinton and various super PACs supporting the Democratic nominee have booked ads through election day with buys totaling $78.3 million. The amount is more than twice what Trump and his super PAC backers have scheduled -- $50 million, according to Kantar Media. | false | 293 |
Could Hurricane Matthew hit America? The National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said the hurricane is bringing “devastating” storm surge, extreme winds and heavy rains” to extensive parts of Florida. “Extremely dangerous hurricane Matthew heading for Florida,” the NHC warned last night. “If you are one of ~1.5 million people in Florida under evacuation instructions, leave those storm surge areas and mobile homes now!” The latest map, from the NHC, shows that the eye of the hurricane is travelling along the coast of Florida towards Georgia and the Carolinas. It is not yet known if the hurricane will go back out to sea after passing Florida but before reaching the other states further north. The governors of Florida, Goergia the Carolinas have declared a state of emergency amid fears that the storm could wreak havoc on today. The NHC said that the hurricane is due to track run parallel along the coast of Florida and Georgia all the way to South Carolina. It added that just a “small deviation” off track could bring the major onshore with terrible consequences. A Hurricane Warning is in effect along the East Coast from Florida to South Carolina. A Hurricane Watch alert is also affecting parts of North Carolina. It added: “Although strong winds and heavy rain are being experienced, the eye and thus the strongest winds are currently remaining just offshore. “Hurricane force winds are very close to the coast of Florida and the outer eyewall of Matthew is touching Cape Canaveral. A wind gust of 107 mph was recently recorded.” “When a hurricane is forecast to track roughly parallel to a coastline - as Matthew is forecast to go from Florida through South Carolina - it becomes very difficult to estimate the impacts this far in advance,” the NHC added. This map shows the possible path of the hurricane The Met Office said: "It is likely the eye of Hurricane Matthew will pass very close to the entire eastern coastline of the US state on Friday. "Over the weekend it is expected that Matthew will weaken and turn north and northeast and affect the coastal areas of Georgia and the Carolinas. "However, this is the point at which uncertainty grows in forecasts. "It is looking increasingly likely that later in the weekend Matthew will turn out to sea, but the timing of this cannot be stated with certainty. "Thus it is unclear how far north along the US coast will see impacts from Matthew." Met Office tropical prediction scientist Julian Heming explained that there are differences between the models that track the “very oblique” path of the hurricane towards the US. Will Hurricane Matthew hit the Carolinas? A full evacuation has been announced in South Carolina after Hurricane Matthew tore its way through the Caribbean. A state of emergency has been declared across the whole state of South Carolina and 1.1million people are set to be evacuated across the state. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley urged communities along to coast to evacuate at least 100 miles away and fill their cars full of gas before they set off on their journeys. A NHC spokesman said the eye of the hurricane looks "like it's going to impact the Carolinas" at the end of the week or over the weekend. North Carolina’s Governor Pat McCrory has declared a state of emergency in 66 counties in central and eastern North Carolina. Parts of North Carolina have been evacuated. Mr McCrory also called on farmers to harvest their crops as soon as possible to prevent devastating flood damage if the hurricane hits. “We want to have everything in place early prior to the potential of an earthquake hitting North Carolina,” he said. “I’m hoping this is a false alarm but we can’t gamble - we won’t gamble - with people’s lives.” Met Office Will Hurricane Matthew hit Georgia? Large swathes of Georgia have been evacuated and there is a state of emergency in place. But Georgia might be spared if the eye of the hurricane goes back out to sea before reaching the state. Mr Heming warned that the hurricane was approaching the US at an oblique angle which means that "small shifts can make a big difference". Even if the eye of the hurricane does not hit Georgia, there will be strong winds, rain, rip currents and dangerous conditions at sea. Matthew has been downgraded from category four to category three but it remains extremely powerful. Tue, October 4, 2016 At least 108 people have been killed by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and the Dominican Republic as the United States braces itself for the worst storm in a decade. Tropical Storm Matthew, which has since gained hurricane strength, is seen in an image captured by NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite. | false | 452 |
Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers Early this year, Donald Trump made the seemingly audacious suggestion that Hillary Clinton was somehow responsible for Bill Clinton's infidelities. Trump called her an "enabler" and said she "attacked the women who Bill Clinton mistreated afterward." In typical Trump fashion, the comment was designed to get attention. Mrs Clinton has been a champion of family issues and women's rights throughout her career, so the idea that she was the enabler of someone Mr Trump has called "the greatest abuser of women in the history of politics," appeared outrageous. And yet, something resonated in Mr Trump's description of Hillary. There was a kernel of truth to his claim and now it is hurting Mrs Clinton with young female voters. The New York Times today has a long article outlining Mrs Clinton's role in the political handling of her husband's sexual affairs. It's pretty damning, and for Clinton's supporters it must make unpleasant reading. Anyone with an iota of empathy, of course, sympathises with what Hillary Clinton went through during the Lewinsky scandal. I was here and covered the story. It was grim, and the image of Chelsea steadfastly holding both parents hands as they walked, heads slightly bowed, to the helicopter on their way to that summer holiday in Martha's Vineyard will stick with me as one of the more poignant family portraits ever taken. Dealing with a spouse's unfaithfulness is traumatic in private. It must be an even deeper circle of Hell when splashed on the front of every newspaper. What is disconcerting now, however, is Hillary's role in pursuing the women themselves - Gennifer, Paula, Monica, they all, according to both the New York Times and previously published accounts, became the subject of brutal, organised discreditation campaigns. In 1992, Hillary told Esquire magazine that if she had the chance to cross examine Flowers, she would "crucify her." Taking such determined steps to destroy a woman's reputation in order to protect her husband's political career smacks of depressingly cynical calculation. The Clintons hired a famous private investigator to dig up the women's pasts with the aim of destroying their reputations. It is not clear from the Times' reporting to what degree Mrs Clinton favoured this tough approach. Did she drive it or just give it an accepting nod? Maybe the more relevant point is that she condoned it. Hillary also famously called Ms Lewinsky a "narcissistic loony toon," according to a friend's testimony. A staff member who was close to Hillary said she referred to Mr Clinton's affairs as "bimbo eruptions". And there's the problem for young women voters. Why should the character or the sexual past of these women be relevant to the truthfulness of their claims? Indeed, Mr Clinton went on to confess to affairs with both Ms Flowers and Ms Lewinsky, after initially denying them. By discrediting the women, the Clintons were spreading the subliminal message that it was somehow their fault more than Bill's. What were they trying to prove - that he was led astray by sexual predators? In 2016 that sounds grotesque. How it all started for Hillary Clinton How it all started for Hillary Clinton Today's sexual mores are very different from the 1980s and 1990s. Young women today expect women to stand up for other women, particularly in the area of sexual relations and particularly when those sexual relations involve a very powerful man and a younger woman. Younger women who have been through bruising college sexual abuse scandals across America have little tolerance for women who in any way cast blame on the victim. That empathy extends to consensual affairs - they just don't like women shaming other women. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton was complicit in doing, according to the New York Times, and other previous accounts. Mrs Clinton's supporters say this is all old news, and is part of a right-wing attempt to slime her. Many millennial voters weren't even born when Monica and Bill were cavorting in the Oval Office. This is their first introduction to this sordid story. However the Clinton campaign tries to spin it, it just doesn't look great for their candidate. | true | 590 |
With 11 days left in the presidential election, the FBI’s decision to launch another investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system for government business threatens to upend an already volatile race. At the most, it could turn at least some voters to rival Donald Trump, who has rested much of his pitch on the argument that Clinton is dishonest and who grabbed at the news immediately as a gift to salvage his trailing campaign. With less but still important impact, it could freeze the momentum to Clinton that has helped her pull ahead in past weeks. At a minimum, it could have a nominal effect on an electorate that already had doubts about her honesty, and has already started voting. FBI Director James Comey set off the late October furor with a letter to Congress on Friday saying the agency was launching another investigation into Clinton’s personal email server after obtaining additional information in an unrelated case Thursday. “The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation,” Comey wrote in the letter. “I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” Breaking News Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Current Time 0:00 / Duration 3:10 Trump on newly discovered Clinton emails: at last justice will be done Advertisement Donald Trump was holding a rally in New Hampshire when news broke that the FBI would review new emails in its investigation of Hillary Clinton. He called the inquiry “bigger than Watergate.” By McClatchy Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta called the announcement so late in the campaign “extraordinary” and urged the FBI to release all of the details of what it is examining. “We are confident this will not produce any conclusions different from the one the FBI reached in July,” Podesta said, referring to the FBI decision earlier not to seek any prosecution of Clinton. His eagerness to address the matter as fast as possible underscored the mysterious nature of the new investigation and the impact it could have. Donald Trump and his Republican allies have been baselessly second-guessing the FBI and, in both public and private, browbeating the career officials there to revisit their conclusion in a desperate attempt to harm Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta The news spread quickly, including through the battleground state of North Carolina, one of several where a turn of a few percentage points still could decide the race. “This is definitely going to influence me,” said Democrat James Smythers, a warehouse manager from Princeton, North Carolina. “I’ll lean to Trump if he makes her pay for what she’s done.” A great day in our campaign just got even better. FBI reviewing new emails in Clinton probe @CNNPolitics 2lAK6— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) October 28, 2016 EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM “The perception she’s untrustworthy has existed for years,” said Luke Perrin, a North Carolina State University sophomore from Hickory, North Carolina, who’s a Clinton supporter. “This is going to add to that perception.” Related stories from Bradenton Herald FBI’s new Clinton investigation could upend presidential race Trump calls Clinton email investigation ‘bigger than Watergate’ EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM At a rally featuring Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence in Raleigh, the mood was buoyant among those waiting, but not overwhelmingly so. “Five days ago I was down in the dumps, reading the polls,” said Republican Suzanne Morse, a retiree from Clayton, North Carolina. “Now I think there’s hope. It may not make a big difference, it may not be in the millions, but every vote counts.” Even if it doesn’t drive voters to Trump, it could stop any momentum to Clinton. “Voters who are on the bubble and maybe leaning toward Hillary, this puts the brake on,” said Republican pollster Neil Newhouse. The FBI’s decision to reopen their criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email server just 11 days before the election shows how serious this discovery must be. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus Clinton, leading in both national polls and battleground-state surveys, had been trying not to cause any waves as the election winds down. She had benefited greatly from bad news about her opponent – multiple women accusing Trump of sexual assault following the release of a decade-old video in which he bragged about groping women – and was working to avoid any change in that narrative. Now Republicans will work hard in the next few days to use the latest development to drive the argument that Clinton is unfit. “Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before,” Trump said Friday in Manchester, New Hampshire, as the crowd broke into chants of “lock her up.” “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.” Clinton email scandal + Anthony Weiner = a volcanic news cycle that will serve as an 11 day negative ad worth millions.— Ron Bonjean (@RonBonjean) October 28, 2016 Trump will have to rely on news media coverage to drive much of that message, having made the tactical decision much earlier not to spend as much time as Clinton did raising money – money he now could use to buy ads on the FBI news. EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM New fundraising reports just this week showed Clinton and associated Democratic committees had more than $62 million on hand as of Oct. 20, nearly four times the almost $16 million Trump and Republicans had. EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM And he may have a bit of an uphill battle, given how many voters likely have already made up their minds about Clinton – or have already voted. EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM “Is it an unfortunate piece of the agenda?” asked Democratic pollster Mark Mellman. “The fact that we’re sitting here 11 days before the election talking about emails again? Yes, but I don’t think it fundamentally alters the race.” “The truth is this is a story that’s been out there a long time,” he said. “Most people have reached a conclusion on it one way or the other.” EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM Both campaigns now agree Director Comey needs to put forward more information about what prompted this letter to GOP chairmen.— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) October 28, 2016 Indeed, voters have already seen thousands of Clinton’s emails released by the State Department and thousands of her aides’ emails released, some illegally, by news organizations, conservative groups and the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks. “Most people have already decided who they’re going to vote for and I don’t think this will influence people who have decided,” said Jacob Trubey, a North Carolina State University freshman from Cary, North Carolina, who is not affiliated with either party. “I just think it’s going to be salacious for the next 10 days unless there’s some bombshell out there,” said Kim Alfano, a Republican strategist. “I don’t think this will do anything dramatic to the race.” The Democratic and Republican parties are offering a choice between a candidate under FBI investigation, and Donald Trump. Voters deserve a lot better than that. America deserves better than that. Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for president Another potential mitigating effect: The news comes after millions already have voted. An estimated 17.1 million people had voted as of Thursday, and the surge of early voting is giving Clinton an important boost in swing states. EDITORS: STORY CAN END HERE Nancy Gray, a retired high school counselor from Monterey Bay, Caliornia., for example, said she’d already voted for Clinton by mail and had tuned out politics until election night. “I’m not even paying attention, I’m so sick and tired of all the political stuff,” she said. John Fetterman, mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, and a Clinton surrogate who was about to introduce former President Bill Clinton to a crowd in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Friday, said he hadn’t gotten any “panicked calls from the campaign.” “I don’t know how to quote a shoulder shrug,” Fetterman said of his reaction to the email development. “It’s just kind of a nothing burger. Could it move the needle a couple of points? Possibly. But I don’t think it’s going to be meaningful. I really feel Pennsylvania is comfortably blue.” Vera Bergengruen and Lesley Clark contributed to this report. Anita Kumar: 202-383-6017, @anitakumar01 David Goldstein: 202-383-6105, @GoldsteinDavidJ David Lightman: 202-383-6101, @lightmandavid | false | 579 |
This is how you remake a society. Muslims pray in the streets of France A 2014 study in France found that one-third of French births were non-white. The was before the mass migrant invasion of Europe supported by French, German, EU and Vatican leaders. Today the numbers have risen dramatically. 73% of children born in Paris are African. The national rate in France of African births is 39% African births will outnumber French births in France in 3 to 5 years. This will not end well. By 2022, African births will outnumber French births in France.This type of multiculturalism will kill the entire country and culture. pic.twitter.com/57IydjhZP7 — /pol/ News Infinity (@polNewsInfinity) October 14, 2017 Sponsored Sponsored | true | 141 |
A group of anti-fascists attacked and stabbed a man outside his home in Vermont for not condemning a local white nationalist. On 16 August 2017, the right-wing web site BigLeaguePolitics.com reported that a Vermont man was attacked by an “antifa mob” — a description the alleged victim said did not come from him. Sam Wormer, the subject of the story, told us that he was met by five men outside his home a night earlier. Two of the five men, he said, attacked him directly while the other three “just kinda hung back,” but he disputed the story’s premise blaming anti-fascist groups: I honestly dont think antifa had anything to do with this. I personally believe this was a false flag attack perpetrated by the far right to further their own agenda. Big League Politics interviewed Wormer after he posted a picture of himself on his Facebook page with a visible cut to his stomach, which he told us came from a box cutter blade. The caption read: This is social justice apparently. This is what i get for sticking up for someone. Cowards. Wormer’s attackers have not been identified. He said that even though he was called a “Nazi” and a “fascist”, he did not describe them as being anti-fascists, either. He said there is a loosely organized antifa group in the area, which contacted him after the incident “trying to figure out what happened [and] who’s responsible, and have been very very supportive”. Wormer, who has not sought medical attention but filed a police report after the attack, first attracted media attention when he was interviewed in a Burlington Free Press story about Ryan Roy, a local man who was fired from his job after being identified as one of the participants in a white supremacist march held in Charlottesville, Virginia on 11 August 2017. Roy described himself as a white nationalist and supporter of President Donald Trump to the Free Press. He also said: Obviously I would advocate for racial separation and racial nationalism or repatriation or even a return to — our country was a white country up until the 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act. That legislation, which was signed into law by then-President Lyndon B. Johnson on 3 October 1965 and went into effect in June 1968, did away with quotas for immigrants to the U.S. based on their country of origin and instead gave priority to immigrants whose relatives already lived in the country, as well as those with “specialized skills.”. According to Wormer, he was “completely shocked” to see Roy in a Vice News report about the rally and did not agree with his beliefs, but still opposed subsequent demands online for him to be fired or lose custody of his child. Taking away somebody’s job and livelihood — I mean, that’s just adding fuel to the fire. I don’t think any good is going to come of this on anybody’s side. He said that he was attacked shortly after he made a separate comment about Roy on Facebook, which read: I believe he’s doing what he truly believes is right, and despite all the anger and hate pointed his way right now he stands by his choices. There’s a lot to be said for that. I respect him for that, and I won’t stand with those people who are trying to have Ryan’s child taken away or have him fired. I can’t, he and his family have done too much for me. Sorry but my allegiance is with Ryan no matter his choice, even if I can’t agree with him. You can hate me for it, but I stand with my decision and if any violence comes his way I will stand with him. I don’t agree with his actions but he has stuck up for me and other marginalized people when nobody else would. That is what family does. Wormer said besides the attack on him, his roommate and his roommate’s mother also received death threats, including “a threatening call”. Wormer also told us that Roy contacted him after the attack: He and his mother both reached out to me and made sure I was okay and safe, and thanked me for standing up for him. Police in Essex Junction, where Wormer lives, told us they have “nothing currently to report” on the matter. But Wormer said he would press charges if the people responsible were caught. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt,” he said. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here. | false | 558 |
(Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) [Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you [Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 1: Bruno Balanta] Don't let them run you [Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 2] [Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you [Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 3: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] You! You! You! Don't let 'em run you! Don't let 'em run you [Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 4] [Outro: Bruno Balanta] Don't let 'em run you | false | 160 |
Former Dems Now Backing Trump: 'Our Country's Going in the Wrong Direction' Donald Trump joined Bill O'Reilly on "The Factor" tonight to discuss a wide range of topics, including his claims that the election is rigged against him. "The system is rigged," Trump said, arguing that the media has been "horrible" in their coverage of him, while giving Hillary Clinton a pass for her various scandals. He added that Clinton was also given a pass by the Justice Department and the FBI for her private email server and mishandling of state secrets. "She is so guilty in so many different ways that she shouldn't even be allowed to run for president," Trump stated. "So right there, the system is really rigged." The Republican nominee added that he also isn't ruling out the possibility of widespread election fraud, with votes being miscounted at locations around the country. O'Reilly pointed out that there aren't any "hard facts" to back up such allegations. "On a mass level . 120 million American votes . the thing's going to be dishonest? Do you believe that?" O'Reilly asked. Trump asserted that there are 1.8 million deceased people registered to vote and 2.8 million people registered to vote in two states. "There are things that are going on, Bill." Watch the "O'Reilly Factor" interview above, and let us know what you think in the comments. Clinton Aide in New WikiLeaks Email: 'We Need to Clean This Up. He Has Emails from Her' | false | 214 |
You knew this was coming. Barack Obama increased the US national debt by nearly $10 trillion dollars and the liberal media SAID NOTHING! But now that President Trump is in office the liberal media had suddenly developed a new found interest in government spending. On Sunday Vice President Mike Pence attended the Indianapolis Colts game against the San Francisco 49ers. The VP had planned to attend the game for weeks. But after the NFL millionaires disrespected the US flag and military by kneeling during the national anthem, Vice President Pence and his wife walked out of the game. The liberal media is attacking the vice president for defending the flag and military. Several liberal hacks lashed out at the vice president after he left the game. Now this… CNN actually tabulated the cost of Mike Pence’s trip to the game. As if they give a damn about government spending! This is CNN: How much did Vice President Mike Pence’s trip to Indianapolis to watch — and then abruptly leave — a football game Sunday between the Indianapolis Colts and San Francisco 49ers cost? Here is an estimate of just the air costs (which does not include costs of advance personnel, Secret Service or support on the ground): According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,0. Pence’s flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,0 Pence then flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500. The grand total: about $242,500. What a joke the media has become. Sponsored Sponsored | true | 166 |
Methinks she doth protest too much -- and too late. Those who condemned President Trump for not condemning white supremacist groups quickly and forcefully enough after Charlottesville have no problem with Hillary Clinton taking five full days to hypocritically condemn sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. Maybe she was pondering the similarities between Weinstein’s predatory activities and that of her husband. Both used their positions of power to extort sexual favors, sometimes forcibly, from women. And just as Hollywood looked the other way for the sake of career advancement so too did Hillary Clinton as she rode her husband’s attained coattails to political prominence. So her recent expression of disgust over Weinstein’s activities ring hollow: At long last, the people who do the strategic planning for Hillary Clinton and tell her what emotions she should imitate in response to various stimuli have weighed in and they have decided that Harvey Weinstein is not a nice man: “I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein. The behavior described by the women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.” Hillary Clinton knew who and what Weinstein was as surely as she knew and knows what Bill Clinton is. Weinstein has been joined at the hip with the Clintons for a couple of decades… Ironically, as it turns out, he was a major defender of Bill Clinton in the Lewinski affair though Weinstein seemed to favor aiming at the ficus bushes rather than blue dresses. At the same time, mind you, that Hillary Clinton was active in directing a campaign to paint the battalion of women who had been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton as morally decrepit if not outright crazy. Between Hillary’s campaigns and the Clinton Foundation (out of curiosity, is the FBI still investigating this?) she has benefited from as much as a quarter million dollars from Weinstein. Hollywood was a major funder of both the Clinton and Obama political machines, and many a Hollywood star defended Bill Clinton’s sordid activities as a personal matter as long as he was doing a good job as President. They similarly defended Weinstein as Michelle Obama once did, as a “wonderful human being”, as well as “a good friend and just a powerhouse” Both the Obamas and Clintons knew Weinstein well and neither should be given a pass for feigning ignorance and shock at his activities: None other than CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said on Tuesday evening that former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama should not get a “pass” on Harvey Weinstein. In fact, Toobin said their association with Weinstein throughout the years is a “dark mark on their record.” “I don’t think we can give the Clintons and the Obamas a pass here,” Toobin said on Anderson Cooper 360. He cited Seth MacFarlane’s creepy joke about Weinstein at an Oscars event and added that MacFarlane’s joke illustrated that “a lot of people knew or had very strong suspicions that this was a very bad guy.” “The Obamas and the Clintons embraced him, did fundraisers with him, paid tribute to him,” Toobin continued. “I think it’s a dark mark on their record…” The Obamas also finally said on record that they were “disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.” “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein,” the Obamas said in a statement. “Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture -- including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect -- so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future…” As Breitbart News has reported, Weinstein visited the Obama White House on at least 13 occasions and Obama’s daughter, Malia Obama, “recently wrapped up an internship at the New York City offices of The Weinstein Co.” Right. Perhaps Weinstein wanted to see where Bill Clinton dropped his cigar in the Oval Office. Hillary, of course, should be all too familiar with Harvey Weinstein’s despicable behavior. She watched her husband do the same and worse for decades as she also allegedly fought for women’s rights, except for the right of their victims to leave the room unmolested. Hillary famously said that all claims of rape, abuse, and harassment should be deemed credible and be believed until proven otherwise. It seems there was an exception for her husband, an exception required by her need to ride his coattails to power, just as Hollywood excused Weinstein because he could advance or kill the careers of those he exploited. Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey as well as, some would suggest, a cast of thousands, have been groped, fondled, and used as sexual objects by one William Jefferson Clinton. Was Hillary appalled and shocked at her husband’s predatory activities or did she blame it on that “vast right-wing conspiracy”? And then there’s Juanita Broaddrick, who has accused President Clinton of rape. Juanita Broaddrick’s story is a credible one, and one of the many “ bimbo eruptions” that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton handled during her husband Bill’s presidential campaign As Linda Tripp, confidante of former Clinton intern Monica Lewinsky, told the Daily Mail of how Hillary both enabled and covered up Bill’s many dalliances: Tripp said: 'His political success was largely dependent upon Hillary. He owed her a great deal. As is widely acknowledged, Hillary took care of all the 'bimbo eruptions' of which there were thousands in order to present to the world an electable candidate. 'In this endeavor she was ruthless. She destroyed women so that their stories never saw the light of day.' So much for fighting for women’s rights. At a Trump press conference in 2016, Broaddrick, tired of being accused of being part of that vast right-wing conspiracy, and afraid that her attacker would once again occupy the White House with the woman who orchestrated the attacks on Bill Clinton’s “bimbo eruptions”, repeated her accusation: “Actions speak louder than words,” Broaddrick said. “Mr. Trump may have said some bad words but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.” Broaddrick, who has said Hillary threatened her, appeared with fellow Clinton sexual assault victims Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey appeared in an interview at presidential suite of the historic Watergate and related the taleof Bill’s assaults and their fear of Hillary’s retaliation: In an exclusive video interview at the presidential suite of the historic Watergate Hotel, the victims of Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual assault -- Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones -- got together for the first time in person to express their personal fear of Hillary Clinton and to warn voters that Clinton does not stand for women’s issues. The three women, who say their lives were forever changed by their experiences with the Clintons, used words like “terrified” and “frightened” to describe their feelings about the prospects of a Hillary Clinton presidency… “We were not willing participants,” Broaddrick said. “These were crimes.” In a separate interview, Broaddrick shared her own story of brutal sexual assault which she says Bill Clinton perpetrated against her. Willey called out NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell and CNN’s Jake Tapper by name, challenging them: “These are not infidelities. A rape is not an infidelity. These are crimes. Any other people would be in jail… “This is no longer about infidelities, indiscretions, girlfriends, sex, interns -- none of those. This is about a serial rapist, a predator, and his wife who has enabled his behavior all of these years.” Later in this interview, Jones, Willey, and Broaddrick expressed fear at how a potential President Hillary Clinton would use the power of her office. “It terrifies me and it should terrify all women,” Jones stated about Hillary’s presidential ambitions. “It should terrify all men and women,” Willey added. “She will annihilate any enemy. All of her enemies. Anybody who has spoken against her. Across the board for I don’t know how many years. She will get rid of them.” “No woman who advocates for women attacks the victims of sexual assault be it by her husband or anybody else,” said Willey. The women argued that the term “enabler” best describes Hillary Clinton’s role in her husband’s alleged sexual crimes. Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton – sexual predators separated at birth. Hillary and Hollywood knew them and their activities full well and tolerated them for similar reasons. We should be appalled, if not shocked, at their craven hypocrisy as both have waged a sick and depraved and very real war on women. Daniel John Sobieskiis a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications. | true | 593 |
Date: 3rd August 2017 at 11:23am Written by: James Forrest On the morning following an excellent Champions League game, what do you know? The Daily Record has yet another story linking Celtic fans to extremism, and this one is as bent looking as it’s possible to be. Today they are featuring a “Celtic fan” who sent a “bomb threat” to Ibrox with an ISIS twist. On Twitter. And it doesn’t take much to knock this story on its ass. This “person” joined Twitter in July this year. He or she has a grand total of 59 followers and follows a grand total of 125. This is the textbook definition of a complete non-story; if this person exists at all The Record has elevated them beyond utter irrelevance and used them to beat the rest of our support. I would suggest this story has been manufactured. I had a look at this Twitter twat’s timeline; he is a clown. He rants about various subjects in the kind of pre-school language Twitter is full of. The Record knows full well this is an idiot with a few fried brain cells, but I said the other day that an agenda is being pursued here and this is another demonstration of it. To have blown a tweet by a complete nobody off Twitter into a story that smears the Celtic support as a whole is an act of malevolence against our club, and as per usual with that arse-rag the story is so weak that no-one wants to stand their own name beside it. It carries the standard appellation for a story which is Utter Mince; “Daily Record Online Reporter” – or Daily Record Shit-Stirring Troll, a far more accurate description. Basically, a clown whose job is to scour Twitter and Facebook for any anti-Celtic angle they can find. I know nobody in our support still reads this gutter-rag … I still do not understand why anyone from our club is willing to talk to its “journalists” or entertain their presence at our ground. This publication does not wish us well, I cannot put it more bluntly than that. The paper claims to have reported this “incident” to Police Scotland. Talk about wasting police time. Hiding a blatant smear job behind civic virtue … a new low even for them. | false | 538 |
Disgraceful. Colin Kaepernick is one of the most divisive players to have ever played in the NFL, on the back of his stance against police brutality last year, and his refusal to stand during pre-game national anthems as a result. Criticism rained down on the former San Francisco 49ers Quarterback for his actions, but he also won support aplenty from fellow athletes and onlookers for his social justice stance. The 29-year-old is currently unemployed because of his actions, however, and NFL clubs are reluctant to touch him because of the publicity that his protests attract. Speak out and you're damned, so it goes. Kaepernick is one of the most courageous sports stars in the world, and should be lauded for not accepting what others know is wrong, but keep their mouths shut anyway. Instead, despite being one of the best quarterbacks in the game, he doesn't have a club. US president Donald Trump was speaking at a rally in Alabama on Friday night when he took declining NFL TV ratings to task, going on to claim that the lack of physicality in the game was a reason for this. Then he turned his attention to the Milwaukee man's tendency to kneel during national anthems, and without mentioning by name, referred to him as a "son of a bitch." “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL Owners, when someone disrespects our flag to say, ‘get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired, he’s fired,” Trump said to the crowd. . trump taking a veiled shot at colin kaepernick, says owner should say: "get that sonofabitch off the field right now. he's fired!" pic.twitter. 0VrPG — fake nick ramsey (@nick_ramsey) September 23, 2017 “You know, some owner is going to do that. He’s gonna say, ‘that guy disrespects our flag, he’s fired.’ And that owner, they don’t know it. They don’t know it. They’re friends of mine, many of them. They don’t know it. They’ll be the most popular person for a week. They’ll be the most popular person in the country.” It really is amazing just how brainwashed Trump's following is, and many of them were celebrating these comments like they were gospel, just like his own son was. Love this: @realDonaldTrump on NFL players disrespecting our : "get that son of a bitch off the field right now - YOU'RE FIRED!" — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 23, 2017 There are still sane people out there, and Kaepernick's mother Teresa spoke of her pride at her son's actions, as did many more. A nation is people, not a symbol. A protest for the eradication of racism that violates millions of those people is not disrespect. 4hAEz — Be A King (@BerniceKing) September 23, 2017 Smh & all because @Kaepernick7 is exercising his right as an American citizen to protest. — Bishop Sankey (@BishopSankey) September 23, 2017 Guess that makes me a proud bitch! — Teresa Kaepernick (@B4IleaveU) September 23, 2017 The war goes on. | true | 33 |
General Election Presidential Primary Mrs. Clinton said Senator Bernie Sanders has been a “largely very reliable supporter” of the National Rifle Association. Hillary Clinton said “of course” she would sign legislation raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. Mrs. Clinton said more guns brought into New York and used in crimes come from Vermont, on a per capita basis, than any other state. Senator Bernie Sanders said Hillary Clinton has received significant contributions from the fossil fuel industry. "If you look back to Iowa, Ted did change his view and his stance on ethanol quite a bit." Gov. John Kasich said he would pressure China to use its influence on its neighbor North Korea, resist its aggression in the South China Sea and strengthen United States capabilities to fight Chinese cyberhacking. Marco Rubio said that the political and human-rights situation in Cuba had worsened since President Obama made his diplomatic opening to the island. Donald J. Trump said he would "listen to the generals" in deciding how many troops to commit to the battle against ISIS -- and the numbers he is hearing are 20,0 to 30,0. Ted Cruz said Hillary Clinton, like Donald Trump, expresses a desire to be neutral between the Israelis and Palestinians. Trump: "G.D.P. was zero, essentially, for the last two quarters." Marco Rubio says that most green cards are granted on the basis of family relationships. "We're going to have to make changes in Social Security." Mr. Kasich said he held 200 town hall-style meetings in New Hampshire. Mr. Trump said the families of some Sept. 11 hijackers were allowed to leave the U.S. days before the attacks. Mr. Cruz claimed Donald J. Trump repeatedly donated to Mrs. Clinton, writing several checks to her presidential campaign eight years ago. "Every other country we do business with, we are getting absolutely crushed on trade." Mr. Rubio said two-thirds of the votes cast in the Republican primaries and caucuses to date have gone against Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump says he has beaten Hillary Clinton in many general election polls. Mr. Kasich said he was the only candidate to mention jobs at last week’s Republican debate. Mr. Rubio said Donald J. Trump received draft deferments because he had injuries from playing squash. Mr. Trump said the Canadian border is about four times as long as the Mexican border. Mr. Trump said he never advocated for the United States to topple Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi. Democratic-appointed Supreme Court justices always stay Democratic; not so for Republicans. Mr. Rubio says Obamacare "is not just a bad health care law. It is a job-killing law." Mr. Rubio said Donald J. Trump criticized Mitt Romney’s use of the term “self-deportation.” Donald J. Trump funded the "Gang of Eight" senators who forged immigration legislation. Mr. Trump said Ted Cruz does not have the endorsement of a single Republican senator. Mr. Trump said he used foreign workers at his Palm Beach club because Americans don't want temporary jobs in Florida. Mr. Trump says we are "losing $500 billion a year" to China. Donald J. Trump suggested he was not soliciting campaign contributions. Mr. Cruz says Donald J. Trump has contributed to John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid. Mr. Cruz said Marco Rubio told Univision that "he would not rescind President Obama's illegal executive amnesty on his first day in office." "We have in Social Security right now thousands and thousands of people that are over 106 years old. Now, you know they don't exist." "It's been over 80 years since a lame-duck president has appointed a Supreme Court justice." "The Constitution actually doesn't address that particular situation." Mr. Sanders said that none of the Republican presidential candidates believe that climate change is real. Waterboarding “does not meet the generally recognized definition of torture.” Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Sanders voted in 1998 for a resolution favoring regime change in Iraq. Mr. Sanders suggested that Mrs. Clinton was not welcoming to child immigrants from Central America. “Marco Rubio has gone on Univision and said in Spanish, ‘No, no, no, I wouldn’t rescind amnesty.’” Mr. Christie said a nurse quarantined during the Ebola outbreak had symptoms. North Korea's new missile launch "is the direct result of the failures of the first Clinton administration." "Right now, we're the highest-taxed country in the world." Mr. Trump tried to use eminent domain to take an older woman's home. Mr. Christie said President Obama was in favor of paying ransom for hostages. Mr. Cruz said his campaign mistakenly spread the word that Ben Carson was quitting the race because of a CNN report. Mr. Christie said Marco Rubio did not vote for his own Hezbollah sanctions act. Mr. Rubio said New Jersey's credit rating had been downgraded nine times during Gov. Chris Christie's tenure. "When you ran against Senator Obama, you thought him naïve because he thought it was a good idea to talk to our enemies." "Almost all new income and wealth is going to the top 1 percent." Mrs. Clinton said Bernie Sanders's vote against "Ted Kennedy's immigration reform" in 2007 was not progressive. Mrs. Clinton says that experts agree that her Wall Street reforms are the toughest. “Millions of Americans have lost their jobs” because of President Obama’s health care law. Mr. Rubio said Hillary Clinton “wants to put Barack Obama on the Supreme Court of the United States of America.” Chris Christie said New Jersey’s job growth in 2015 was the best in the past 15 years. Marco Rubio said that other countries would go along when he ripped up the Iran deal. Chris Christie said neighbors of the San Bernardino attackers knew of their plans. Cap-and-trade emissions regulations would "destroy our economy." The average worker "has lost $4,0 in the last seven years of his income because of this administration." Ted Cruz says he would carpet bomb the Islamic State, which Obama has failed to do because he has weakened the military. "My voting record in the Senate, during my years, is almost 90 percent, which is significantly higher than Barack Obama's or Hillary Clinton's was when they were running for president." "The leader of Goldman Sachs is a billionaire who comes to Congress and tells us we should cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid." Senator Bernie Sanders said that the United States must transform its energy system away from fossil fuels and toward energy-efficiency and sustainable energy. "I've got the most comprehensive legislation in the Senate to do that," he said. Hillary Clinton said Senator Bernie Sanders called President Obama “weak” and “disappointing,” and, in 2011, “publicly sought someone to run in a primary” against him. Hillary Clinton said that, because of the Affordable Care Act, "We now have driven costs down to the lowest they've been in 50 years." Senator Bernie Sanders said the United States spends almost three times more than the British on health care. Senator Bernie Sanders said 29 million people in the United States do not have health insurance. Donald J. Trump said he never suggested imposing a 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods. Donald J. Trump asserted that China, by manipulating its currency, has cost the United States "millions and millions of jobs." Senator Marco Rubio said President Obama had played down the threat of the Islamic State, which practices "genocide against Christians and Yazidis and others in the region." Gov. Chris Christie said President Obama and Hillary Clinton failed to enforce a red line in threatening to use military force if President Bashar al-Assad of Syria used chemical weapons against his own people. And he said Mrs. Clinton called Mr. Assad a reformer. Jeb Bush said he would move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as a signal to Iran. Gov. Chris Christie said he did not support President Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Kasich said wages have not climbed “because the Federal Reserve kept interest rates so low.” Discussing his eligibility to be president, Mr. Cruz recalled that in September, Donald J. Trump "said that he had had his lawyers look at this from every which way, and there was no issue there." Mr. Cruz said he disclosed bank loans that he obtained for his 2012 Senate campaign with the Senate, but his failure to disclose them to federal elections officials was just a paperwork error. "We have the lowest percentage of Americans working today of any year since 1977." “I never believed Edward Snowden was a good public servant the way that Ted Cruz once said, that he had done a public service for America.” Asked about his proposal for a 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods, Mr. Trump said, "I don't even know where the 45 percent came from." Mrs. Clinton said legislation that Bernie Sanders supported in 2005 forbids all lawsuits against gun makers and sellers. Mr. Rubio accused Chris Christie of having a record similar to President Obama's on issues like education, gun control and abortion. Mr. Christie said the murder rate had increased by 18 percent in Chicago and 11 percent in New York. Mr. Trump raised questions about whether Ted Cruz was eligible to be president because he was born in Canada. “I'm one of the few of the candidates that actually shows up to vote. Both Cruz and Rubio are missing the vast majority of their votes.” “Vladimir Putin is a person who has killed. He’s jailed and murdered journalists, political opponents. He bombed an apartment building as a pretext to attack the Chechens. He is responsible for the downing of that Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, because he provided the antiaircraft weaponry that was used for that.” “Our country is falling apart, frankly. Our infrastructure is a disaster. Our bridges are falling down. Sixty-one percent of our bridges are in danger.” Mrs. Clinton said Donald J. Trump “is becoming ISIS’ best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.” “Senator Sanders voted against the Brady Bill. Senator Sanders voted to give immunity to gun dealers. And Senator Sanders voted against even research dollars to look into this public health issue.” Mr. Sanders said he voted against the Iraq war because of his opposition to unilateral action. “I have never supported legalization” for undocumented immigrants. “There were numerous people, including the mother, that knew what was going on. They saw pipe bombs sitting all over the floor. They saw ammunition all over the place.” “On September 10th, 2001, I was named chief federal prosecutor in New Jersey.” Mr. Cruz’s characterizations of his vote on the USA Freedom Act, which expanded N.S.A. surveillance “so we now have cellphones” and other data. "Do you know how many illegal aliens George W. Bush deported? 10 million." "When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan, I say to him, 'You have a friend again, sir, who will stand with you to fight this fight,' he'll change his mind." Mrs. Fiorina said Stanley A. McChrystal and David H. Petraeus were "retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear." Mr. Rubio said the Islamic State took root because of Bashar al-Assad's decision to bomb his own people, and because of President Obama's unwillingness to arm the rebel groups. Mrs. Fiorina said Silicon Valley companies “do not need to be forced, they need to be asked” to help law enforcement get access to encrypted data. Rand Paul on Marco Rubio: “He is the one for an open border that is leaving us defenseless.” At Hewlett-Packard, Mrs. Fiorina said she provided equipment to assist the National Security Agency. Mr. Trump said he “certainly would never have made that horrible, disgusting, absolutely incompetent deal with Iran, where they get $150 billion. They're a terrorist nation.” “One of the first things I do in terms of executive order if I win will be to sign a strong, strong statement” that “anybody killing a police officer — death penalty.” “I am self-funding my own campaign. I have no people giving me money.” A poll asserting that 25 percent of Muslim Americans condone acts of violence against other Americans was from a “very highly respected group of people.” “I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.” Ted Cruz was “part of that coalition that worked with the Democrats like Chuck Schumer and the A.C.L.U. to harm our intelligence programs.” “I said Osama bin Laden is going to come and do damage to us. And nobody believed it.” Mr. O'Malley said parents and students were being charged 7% to 8% interest on government-backed college loans. Mrs. Clinton said she introduced legislation to rein in executive compensation on Wall Street. Mrs. Clinton said that wages, when adjusted for inflation, have been stagnant since the end of the Clinton administration. Mr. Sanders said the United States is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to maintain 5,0 nuclear weapons. “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’” Mr. Trump said, referring to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia Mrs. Fiorina said she met President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia “not in a green room for a show, but in a private meeting.” Mr. Paul says that if you want to live in a city with lower inequality, you live in a city with a Republican mayor. Dwight D. Eisenhower “moved a million and a half illegal immigrants out of this country.” “If we were serious about it, we would raise the capital requirements.” Mr. Trump said the United States was better off letting Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin, confront the Islamic State. Mr. Trump complained that the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal did nothing about currency manipulation, which is a key problem with China. | false | 364 |
The line of Republican cowards attempting to curry favor with Donald Trump stretches out the door, around the building, down the block, through the next door overflow room, and extends up to space, where it circles around the moon like Dr Manhattan. There's sniveling turdface Ted Cruz, who, among other things, listened to Trump call his wife ugly and his dad a traitor and a murderer. There's J Crew crewneck used to wipe pig vomit off of a misspelled yield sign Paul Ryan, who Trump has basically played the one-way dozens with for three years. And of course there's Most Racist Cracker Barrel Manager Ever Jefferson Sessions, who's remained mute as a Nazi church mouse as Trump continues to drink his milkshake on Twitter every day. But none of these cowards compare to the cowardice standard exhibited by John McCain; whose cowardice is legion and legendary, massive and magnificent. It's been only two years since Darth Cheeto — who was then still just Anakin Skyrapist — doubted McCain's war hero bonafides and added (quite humorously, I must admit) "I like people that weren’t captured." And now, here's McCain jumping out of his government-funded death futon to deny government-funded death futons to other sick people, all to support a President who disrespected the fuck out of him and whose only substantive agenda and platform is to erase everything the preceding President did. Again, Washington is full of cowards. But what makes McCain's cowardice special is that his whole entire personal and political brand is bravery. Well, "bravery." You expect people like Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan to be rats. But John McCain has created, attached himself to, and submerged himself in this maverick narrative; that he's somehow different from the rest of those craven motherfuckers. That he does what he does, but does what he does with integrity. And this story only exists and has been able to persist because he was a bad pilot. His "bravery" is to bravery what Arby's "roast beef" is to roast beef. Fuck him. | true | 635 |
Officials familiar with the situation say that NATO has agreed to join the US-led anti-ISIS coalition on an alliance level, with indications that Germany and France were the last nations to agree to the formal move, which will be announced during the Brussels summit. All NATO members are already individually members of the anti-ISIS coalition, and diplomats say that the move will have no actual consequence, and seemingly is being done just for the sake of a “purely symbolic” gesture during President Trump’s visit. President Trump has always been keen to bring NATO deeper into the ISIS war, of course, and has made a big deal about NATO’s obsolescence because it wasn’t formed specifically to deal with terrorism, claiming in April that “ back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.” While shortly after his election most NATO officials were just attacking Trump for being too “pro-Russia,” recently they seem to be eager to please him, so long as it only requires symbolic actions that won’t amount to anything. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz | false | 119 |
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