int64 0
| Question
stringclasses 1
value | Options
sequencelengths 5
| Answer
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stringclasses 12
values | Images
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200 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) convergence curves of 3 neural networks with binary activations on the wsj1 dataset .",
"B) the rmse convergence curves of synthetic data of our proposed methods ( 5db ) .",
"C) the convergence curves of the four methods for training the neural network .",
"D) convergence curves of different networks trained with resnet-50 architecture on imagenet .",
"E) convergence curves of sr networks trained on observed data combined with different types of synthetic data ."
] | A | cs.CL | |
201 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) mse versus snr for doa estimation in the case of mutual coupling .",
"B) rmse versus snr of the proposed snr estimator .",
"C) mse versus snr for doa estimation in the case of gain-phase error .",
"D) rmse versus snr for esprit-based doa estimators .",
"E) channel estimation mse versus snr ."
] | C | cs.LG | |
202 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) power of the proposed 0.05-level test under the -community stochastic block models .",
"B) the stochastic block model with 1000 and 1000 nodes in each community .",
"C) the stochastic block model with 100 and 1900 nodes in each community .",
"D) the stochastic block model with 700 and 1300 nodes in each community .",
"E) the stochastic block model with 400 and 1600 nodes in each community ."
] | B | other cs | |
203 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) average number of iterations required to decode the pldpc-hadamard code with r = 10 and k = 460 , 800 .",
"B) average number of iterations for convergence by nash equilibrium computation algorithm .",
"C) average number of iterations needed for the convergence of algorithm 1 , versus the number of data points n ( 1000 realizations ; k = 3 , n = 30 ) .",
"D) average number of iterations needed for the convergence of algorithm 1 , versus the number of data points n ( 1000 realizations ; d = 10 , k = 3 ) .",
"E) average number of iterations needed for the convergence of algorithm 1 , versus the number of data points n ( 1000 realizations ; d = 10 , n = 20 ) ."
] | D | other cs | |
204 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the evolution of numerical solutions of 2y to the optimal solution .",
"B) the evolution of numerical solutions in the xy coordinate plane to the optimal solution .",
"C) the evolution of numerical solutions of 2x to the optimal solution .",
"D) the evolution of numerical solutions in the m m coordinate plane to the optimal solution .",
"E) the evolution of numerical solutions of 1x to the optimal solution ."
] | B | cross-list | |
205 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) parallel case ( n = 8 ) : % ∆optsum .",
"B) parallel case ( n = 8 ) : % ∆opt .",
"C) parallel case ( n = 4 ) : % ∆opt for 12 runs .",
"D) parallel case ( n = ) : % ∆optsum .",
"E) parallel case ( n = 4 ) : % ∆optsum ."
] | B | cross-list | |
206 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) parallel case ( n = 8 ) : % ∆opty .",
"B) parallel case ( n = 4 ) : % ∆opt .",
"C) parallel case ( n = 4 ) : % ∆optsum .",
"D) sequential case : % ∆optx .",
"E) parallel case ( n = 8 ) : % ∆optsum ."
] | B | cross-list | |
207 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) : roc curves of different weight factor configurations in the range [ 100,200 ] .",
"B) : roc curves of different threshold of the cnn probability with false positive suppression .",
"C) : roc curves of multiple trainings of the same network configuration .",
"D) : roc curves of different weight factor configurations in the range [ 1,100 ] .",
"E) : roc curves of different step learning rate configurations ."
] | E | cs.CV | |
208 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) : roc curves of different weight factor configurations in the range [ 1,100 ] .",
"B) : roc curves of different step learning rate configurations .",
"C) : roc curves of different weight factor configurations in the range [ 100,200 ] .",
"D) : roc curves of different threshold of the cnn probability with false positive suppression .",
"E) : roc curves of multiple trainings of the same network configuration ."
] | C | cs.CV | |
209 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) throughput performance in 100 heterogeneous servers .",
"B) throughput performance in 10 heterogeneous servers .",
"C) throughput performance in 10 heterogeneous servers with poisson arrival and constant service .",
"D) throughput performance in 10 heterogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service .",
"E) throughput performance in 50 heterogeneous servers ."
] | A | cs.DC | |
210 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) throughput performance in 10 heterogeneous servers .",
"B) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"C) throughput performance in 10 heterogeneous servers with poisson arrival and constant service .",
"D) throughput performance in 10 heterogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"E) throughput performance in 10 heterogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service ."
] | D | cs.DC | |
211 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"B) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and constant service .",
"C) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and constant service .",
"D) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service .",
"E) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service ."
] | C | cs.DC | |
212 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"B) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and constant service .",
"C) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"D) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service .",
"E) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service ."
] | D | cs.DC | |
213 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service .",
"B) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"C) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service .",
"D) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and constant service .",
"E) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service ."
] | B | cs.DC | |
214 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and constant service .",
"B) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"C) delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service .",
"D) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with bursty arrival and poisson service .",
"E) heavy-traffic delay performance under 10 homogeneous servers with poisson arrival and bursty service ."
] | D | cs.DC | |
215 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) precision-recall curves of different methods .",
"B) precision-recall curves of our model ( candis ) against traditional methods .",
"C) precision-recall curves for the proposed model and various baseline models .",
"D) the precision/recall curves of previous state-of-the-art methods and our proposed framework .",
"E) precision-recall curves for the proposed model and various baselines ."
] | B | cs.CL | |
216 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) change of cumulative regret with respect to number of turns where s = 10 , n = 5 , α = 1 and µ = µ1 .",
"B) change of cumulative regret with respect to number of turns where s = 10 , n = , α = 0 and µ = µ2 .",
"C) change of cumulative regret with respect to number of turns where s = 10 , n = 5 , α = 1 and µ = µ2 .",
"D) change of cumulative regret with respect to α where s = 10 , n = 5 .",
"E) change of cumulative regret with respect to number of turns where s = 10 , n = 5 , α = 1 and µ = µ2 ."
] | B | cs.LG | |
217 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) discrete transformation using 30 hidden states .",
"B) discrete transformation using 5 hidden states .",
"C) discrete transformation using 20 hidden states .",
"D) eventid transformation using 15 hidden states .",
"E) discrete transformation using 15 hidden states ."
] | B | cs.CR | |
218 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) eventid transformation using 30 hidden states .",
"B) eventid transformation using 15 hidden states .",
"C) eventid transformation using 5 hidden states .",
"D) eventid transformation using 20 hidden states .",
"E) discrete transformation using 200 hidden states ."
] | D | cs.CR | |
219 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) eventid transformation using 20 hidden states .",
"B) eventid transformation using 30 hidden states .",
"C) discrete transformation using 30 states .",
"D) eventid transformation using 15 hidden states .",
"E) eventid transformation using 5 hidden states ."
] | B | cs.CR | |
220 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) discrete transformation using 15 hidden states .",
"B) discrete transformation using 5 hidden states .",
"C) discrete transformation using 20 hidden states .",
"D) discrete transformation using 30 hidden states .",
"E) eventid transformation using 31 hidden states ."
] | D | cs.CR | |
221 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) roc curves on subset 10-20-30-100 .",
"B) roc curves for dr detection .",
"C) roc curves on full dataset .",
"D) roc curves for different models .",
"E) roc curves with w values ."
] | E | cs.CR | |
222 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) error time-history of the crank-nicolson scheme .",
"B) error time-history of the regularized scheme .",
"C) error time-history of the lax-wendroff scheme .",
"D) error time-history of the scheme of higher accuracy .",
"E) time-histories of the solution for µ = 1 ."
] | C | other cs | |
223 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) recognition error ( % ) on ar face database .",
"B) recognition accuracy for gatech face database .",
"C) recognition rates on faces 95 .",
"D) recognition rates on faces 96 .",
"E) recognition rates on faces 94 ."
] | D | cs.CV | |
224 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) recognition rates on faces 96 .",
"B) recognition rates on faces 94 .",
"C) recognition rates on faces 95 .",
"D) face recognition rate of pca-like methods for the color feret face database .",
"E) recognition error ( % ) on ar face database ."
] | B | cs.CV | |
225 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the comparison of bpcrw with different α against rmss under the different decaying parameters λ. tkde is the source object .",
"B) comparison of nmi for rmss under different λ with optimal nmi for pathsim under different α on bioin .",
"C) comparison of nmi for rmss under different λ with optimal nmi for pathsim under different α on dblpc .",
"D) the comparison of pathsim with different α against rmss under the different decaying parameters λ. tkde is the source object .",
"E) comparison of nmi for rmss under different λ with optimal nmi for bscse under different α on dblpc ."
] | E | other cs | |
226 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) sensitivity of bpcrw to different meta-paths on dblpr in terms of ranking with tkde as the source object .",
"B) the comparison of pathsim with different α against rmss under the different decaying parameters λ. cikm is the source object .",
"C) the comparison of pathsim with different α against rmss under the different decaying parameters λ. tkde is the source object .",
"D) comparison of nmi for rmss under different λ with optimal nmi for bscse under different α on dblpc .",
"E) the comparison of bpcrw with different α against rmss under the different decaying parameters λ. tkde is the source object ."
] | E | other cs | |
227 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the evolution of numerical solutions in the x y coordinate plane to the optimal solution .",
"B) the evolution of numerical solutions of 1x to the optimal solution .",
"C) the evolution of numerical solutions of 2x to the optimal solution .",
"D) the evolution of numerical solutions of u to the optimal solution .",
"E) the evolution of numerical solutions in the x y coordinate plane to the optimal solution ."
] | C | cs.SY | |
228 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) ber results for bch ( 6,6 ) code .",
"B) ber results for bch ( 127,106 ) code .",
"C) ber results for bch ( 3,45 ) code trained with multiloss .",
"D) ber results for bch ( 63,45 ) code .",
"E) ber results for bch ( 63,5 ) code ."
] | D | cross-list | |
229 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) validation accuracy while training for wisconsin breast cancer dataset .",
"B) validation error while training for wisconsin breast cancer dataset .",
"C) training time error for breast cancer problem .",
"D) training time error for breast cancer problem .",
"E) training error while training for wisconsin breast cancer dataset ."
] | E | cs.LG | |
230 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) error rate while training a single hmm .",
"B) training time error for breast cancer problem .",
"C) validation error while training for wisconsin breast cancer dataset .",
"D) training error while training for wisconsin breast cancer dataset .",
"E) validation accuracy while training for wisconsin breast cancer dataset ."
] | C | cs.LG | |
231 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) time evolution of θ ( t ) of nodes with degree 20 for different values of δ20 .",
"B) time evolution of the probability θ ( t ) for the iobt mean-field game and the finite iobt game .",
"C) time evolution of the probability θ ( t ) for different values of βe20 .",
"D) time evolution of the potential function v for different choices of α .",
"E) time evolution of the acceptance probability of nodes with degree 20 for different values of βe20 ."
] | C | other cs | |
232 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) variation ( interpolated ) of previous word λ about distance 0 .",
"B) variation ( interpolated ) of posterior word λ about distance 0 .",
"C) variation ( interpolated ) of posterior word λ about distance -2 .",
"D) variation ( interpolated ) of previous word λ about distance 1 .",
"E) variation ( interpolated ) of posterior word λ about distance -1 ."
] | C | cs.CL | |
233 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) variation of error throughout the epochs .",
"B) log-log error plot .",
"C) error rates generated at different values of 351 .",
"D) training error and test error ( up to 7500 epochs ) .",
"E) error variation depending on the size of history ."
] | A | cs.CL | |
234 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the control inputs of the actuators of agent 1 .",
"B) the control inputs of agent 1 with −8.5 ≤ u1 , j ( t ) ≤ 8.5 .",
"C) the control inputs of agent 3 with −.5 ≤ u3 , j ( t ) ≤ .5 .",
"D) the control inputs of the actuators of agent 3 .",
"E) the control inputs of agent 2 with −8.5 ≤ u2 , j ( t ) ≤ 8.5 ."
] | B | cs.RO | |
235 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the control inputs of agent 2 with −8.5 ≤ u2 , j ( t ) ≤ 8.5 .",
"B) the control inputs of the actuators of agent 1 .",
"C) the control inputs of the actuators of agent 2 .",
"D) the control inputs of agent 1 with −8.5 ≤ u1 , j ( t ) ≤ 8.5 .",
"E) the control inputs of agent 3 with −.5 ≤ u3 , j ( t ) ≤ .5 ."
] | A | cs.RO | |
236 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the control inputs of agent 2 with −8.5 ≤ u2 , j ( t ) ≤ 8.5 .",
"B) the control inputs of agent 1 with −8.5 ≤ u1 , j ( t ) ≤ 8.5 .",
"C) the control inputs of the actuators of agent 3 .",
"D) the control inputs of the actuators of agent 1 .",
"E) the control inputs of agent 3 with −.5 ≤ u3 , j ( t ) ≤ .5 ."
] | E | cs.RO | |
237 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) effect of number of epochs on model accuracy .",
"B) mean accuracy versus number of epochs .",
"C) number of epochs vs loss val and accuracy .",
"D) accuracy vs. epochs .",
"E) loss and accuracy vs epochs ."
] | C | cs.CL | |
238 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) asc versus λ for different values of µd , µe , κd = κe = 3 , and md = me = 2 .",
"B) spsc versus λ for different values of md , me , κd = κe = 3 , and µd = µe = 2 .",
"C) spso versus λ for different values of µd , µe , κd = κe = 3 , and md = me = 2 .",
"D) sopl versus λ for different values of md , me , κd = κe = 3 , µd = µe = 2 , and rs = 1 .",
"E) sop versus λ for different values of md , me , κd = κe = 3 , µd = µe = 2 , and rs = 1 ."
] | B | cross-list | |
239 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) eδ2 versus snr for the rate /7 optimized code compared with hamming ( 7 , ) code .",
"B) eδ2 versus snr for the rate 8/12 optimized code compared with hamming ( 12 , 8 ) code .",
"C) eδ2 versus snr for the rate 3/8 optimized code compared with hadamard ( 8,3 ) code .",
"D) eδ1 versus snr for the rate 4/7 optimized code compared with hamming ( 7,4 ) code .",
"E) eδ2 versus snr for the rate 4/7 optimized linear code compared with hamming ( 7,4 ) code ."
] | D | cross-list | |
240 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) roc curves for nist special database 4 .",
"B) roc curves when 300 points are used for training .",
"C) roc curves for fvc2002 datasets .",
"D) roc curves of the algorithms for ssi data .",
"E) roc curves on lfw dataset ."
] | C | cs.CR | |
241 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) roc curves of classification techniques .",
"B) roc curves for each classification model .",
"C) roc curves for the different machine learning models .",
"D) roc curves for classifying process name spoof attacks .",
"E) roc curves for classifying domain name spoof attacks ."
] | D | cs.CR | |
242 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) roc curves for classifying domain name spoof attacks .",
"B) roc curves for the different machine learning models .",
"C) intra-domain roc curves for the classifiers on the computer science dataset .",
"D) roc curves of classification techniques .",
"E) roc curves for classifying process name spoof attacks ."
] | A | cs.CR | |
243 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) matchings using pattern 3 .",
"B) pattern counts .",
"C) comparison of the matchings for different patterns .",
"D) matchings using pattern 1 .",
"E) matchings using pattern 2 ."
] | D | other cs | |
244 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) matchings using pattern 3 .",
"B) pattern counts .",
"C) matchings using pattern 1 .",
"D) comparison of the matchings for different patterns .",
"E) matchings using pattern 2 ."
] | E | other cs | |
245 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) matchings using pattern 1 .",
"B) pattern counts .",
"C) matchings using pattern 3 .",
"D) comparison of the matchings for different patterns .",
"E) matchings using pattern 2 ."
] | C | other cs | |
246 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 104 , m = 300 , ks = 3 , u = 4 .",
"B) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 300 , ks = , u = 8 .",
"C) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 00 , ks = , u = 8 .",
"D) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 300 , ks = 6 , u = 4 .",
"E) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 102 , m = 300 , ks = 3 , u = 16 ."
] | C | cross-list | |
247 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 00 , ks = , u = 8 .",
"B) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 102 , m = 300 , ks = 3 , u = 16 .",
"C) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 104 , m = 300 , ks = 3 , u = 4 .",
"D) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 300 , ks = 6 , u = 4 .",
"E) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 300 , ks = , u = 8 ."
] | B | cross-list | |
248 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 300 , ks = , u = 8 .",
"B) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 104 , m = 300 , ks = 3 , u = 4 .",
"C) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 102 , m = 300 , ks = 3 , u = 16 .",
"D) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 300 , ks = 6 , u = 4 .",
"E) the figure depicts pmd over snr for n = 1024 , m = 00 , ks = , u = 8 ."
] | A | cross-list | |
249 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) f1-score evolution with increasing number of observations from the user in the production experiment .",
"B) evolution of accuracy for the splitcifar100 dataset .",
"C) prediction accuracies in the comprehension experiment with synthetic data .",
"D) accuracy evolution with increasing number of observations from the user in the comprehension experiment with synthetic data .",
"E) results of the experiment ( i ) , accuracy for each model on different data proportions ( english corpus ) ."
] | D | cs.CL | |
250 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( icp+iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"B) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*icp ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp ) decision fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"C) the recognition rates using iclap , productbased ( bow*icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp+iclap ) decision fusion approaches with both tactile and kinesthetic sensing pipelines against different number of touches .",
"D) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow*iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"E) the recognition rates with icp , bow and iclap when different number of touches are taken ."
] | D | cs.RO | |
251 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*icp ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp ) decision fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"B) the recognition rates with icp , bow and iclap when different number of touches are taken .",
"C) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( icp+iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"D) the recognition rates using iclap , productbased ( bow*icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp+iclap ) decision fusion approaches with both tactile and kinesthetic sensing pipelines against different number of touches .",
"E) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow*iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches ."
] | D | cs.RO | |
252 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow*iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"B) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*icp ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp ) decision fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"C) the recognition rates with icp , bow and iclap when different number of touches are taken .",
"D) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( icp+iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"E) the recognition rates using iclap , productbased ( bow*icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp+iclap ) decision fusion approaches with both tactile and kinesthetic sensing pipelines against different number of touches ."
] | B | cs.RO | |
253 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*icp ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp ) decision fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"B) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( bow*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow*iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches .",
"C) the recognition rates using iclap , productbased ( bow*icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( bow+icp+iclap ) decision fusion approaches with both tactile and kinesthetic sensing pipelines against different number of touches .",
"D) the recognition rates with icp , bow and iclap when different number of touches are taken .",
"E) the recognition rates using iclap , product-based ( icp*iclap ) and weighted sum-based ( icp+iclap ) hybrid fusion approaches against different number of touches ."
] | E | cs.RO | |
254 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) accuracy @ topn on 80 % training data .",
"B) accuracy of proposed methods with different k value set-up .",
"C) comparison of top-p accuracy with existing techniques .",
"D) top-k accuracy , mean average precision @ k , and mean recall @ k .",
"E) top-k accuracy comparison with existing techniques ."
] | E | cs.SE | |
255 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) ber performance of bicm-id with 4-d 16- and 16-qam over rayleigh fading channels .",
"B) ber performance of bicm-id with 4-d 128- and 256-qam over rayleigh fading channels .",
"C) error-floor bounds of ber for bicm-id with 4-d 16- and 32-qam over rayleigh fading channels .",
"D) error-floor bounds of ber for bicm-id with 4-d 64-qam over rayleigh fading channels .",
"E) error-floor bounds of ber for bicm-id with 4-d 8- and 256-qam over rayleigh fading channels ."
] | C | cross-list | |
256 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) function f ( x ) = x4 .",
"B) graph of function f ( x ) = x .",
"C) the function ϕε ( x ) for ε = 14 .",
"D) the function f ( x ) given in ( 20 ) .",
"E) function f ( x ) = x3 for x ∈ [ 1 , 3 ] ."
] | E | other cs | |
257 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) pdcch al2 , rbs with 3db stronger interferences : [ 1:24 ] , tdla , s : 300ns .",
"B) pdcch al , rbs with 3db stronger interferences : [ 1:12 ] , tdla , ds : 300ns .",
"C) pdcch al1 , rbs with 3db stronger interferences : [ 1:1 ] , tdla , ds : 300ns .",
"D) pdcch al8 , rbs with 3db stronger interferences : [ 1:12 ] , tdla , ds : 300ns .",
"E) pdcch al1 , rbs with 3db stronger interferences : [ 1:24 ] , tdla , ds : 300ns ."
] | A | cross-list | |
258 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) ber comparison in 4×4 system between msm and generalized method which is proposed in [ 5 ] in terms of average number of molecules per bit .",
"B) ber comparison for different m ’ s , with egc .",
"C) ber of 2×2 system based on msm and 2×2 system based on proposed method in [ 5 ] in terms of average number of molecules .",
"D) ber of 2×1 system based on msm and 1×1 system based on qcsk in terms of average number of molecules .",
"E) ber comparison for differential stc schemes in a 4×1 system at 3 bits/s/hz ."
] | A | other cs | |
259 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) optimal solutions for g variation ( i− 1 = ip ) .",
"B) optimal solutions for v0i variation ( i− 1 > ip ) .",
"C) optimal solutions for v0i variation ( i− 1 = ip ) .",
"D) optimal solutions for t0i variation ( i− 1 > ip ) .",
"E) optimal solutions for β variation ( i− 1 > ip ) ."
] | E | cross-list | |
260 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 2000 to 4000 ) .",
"B) execution time of multi-reference cosine 1000 3-grams .",
"C) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 6000 to 8000 ) .",
"D) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 4000 to 6000 ) .",
"E) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 0 to 2000 ) ."
] | D | other cs | |
261 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) mean absolute error of multi-reference cosine with zero frequency 3-grams removed reference .",
"B) mean absolute error of multi-reference cosine 1000 3-grams .",
"C) mean absolute error of multi-reference cosine ( 6000 to 8000 ) .",
"D) mean absolute error of multi-reference cosine 2000 3-grams .",
"E) mean absolute error of multi-reference cosine 00 3-grams ."
] | C | other cs | |
262 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) execution time of multi-reference cosine 1000 3-grams .",
"B) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 0 to 2000 ) .",
"C) execution time of multi-reference cosine 2000 3-grams .",
"D) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 4000 to 6000 ) .",
"E) execution time of multi-reference cosine 1500 3-grams ."
] | A | other cs | |
263 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 2000 to 4000 ) .",
"B) execution time of multi-reference cosine 2000 3-grams .",
"C) execution time of multi-reference cosine 1500 3-grams .",
"D) execution time of multi-reference cosine 1000 3-grams .",
"E) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 6000 to 8000 ) ."
] | B | other cs | |
264 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 0 to 2000 ) .",
"B) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 2000 to 4000 ) .",
"C) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 4000 to 6000 ) .",
"D) execution time of multi-reference cosine ( 6000 to 8000 ) .",
"E) execution time of multi-reference cosine 2000 3-grams ."
] | A | other cs | |
265 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) performance at different ψ of our methods .",
"B) performance of our method on dev set for different γ .",
"C) performance on hybrid datasets .",
"D) performance of different models on several datasets .",
"E) the performance of our method by varying λ ."
] | A | cs.CL | |
266 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) convergence of the cost with iteration step for 30-bus model ( blue graph ) and for the polish model ( red graph ) .",
"B) comprehensive convergence diagrams of objective functions with respect to full analysis ( blue ) and reanalysis ( red ) with scales of 160 80 .",
"C) comprehensive convergence diagrams of objective functions with respect to full analysis ( blue ) and reanalysis ( red ) with scale of 80 80 .",
"D) comparison of the convergence behavior between algorithm ( solid blue line ) and 3 ( dotted red line ) .",
"E) comprehensive convergence diagrams of objective functions with respect to full analysis ( blue ) and reanalysis ( red ) with scale of 80 40 ."
] | C | other cs | |
267 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) convergence of the cost with iteration step for 30-bus model ( blue graph ) and for the polish model ( red graph ) .",
"B) comprehensive convergence diagrams of objective functions with respect to full analysis ( blue ) and reanalysis ( red ) with scale of 80 80 .",
"C) comprehensive convergence diagrams of objective functions with respect to full analysis ( blue ) and reanalysis ( red ) with scale of 80 40 .",
"D) comparison of the convergence behavior between algorithm ( solid blue line ) and 3 ( dotted red line ) .",
"E) comprehensive convergence diagrams of objective functions with respect to full analysis ( blue ) and reanalysis ( red ) with scales of 160 80 ."
] | E | other cs | |
268 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) sum rate versus transmit powers k = 16 users and bref = bits .",
"B) sum rate versus transmit powers k = 8 users and bref = 8 bits .",
"C) sum rate versus transmit powers k = 1 users and bref = 4 bits .",
"D) sum rate versus transmit powers k = 16 users and bref = 2 bits .",
"E) sum rate versus transmit powers k = 8 users and bref = 4 bits ."
] | E | cross-list | |
269 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) model accuracy on listops test set by size of training dataset .",
"B) comparison of model performance vs. training size on the se07 data set in pearson ’ s r .",
"C) influence of the training set size for the bach dataset .",
"D) performance comparison on the nyt dataset .",
"E) performance vs. training size ( log scale in x-axis ) on snli dataset ."
] | B | cs.CL | |
270 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) time behaviour of the vehicles ’ collision point distance during the simulation run .",
"B) velocity and distance between the vehicles with communication delay 0.333 s .",
"C) time behaviour of the vehicles ’ acceleration during the simulation run .",
"D) time behaviour of the vehicles ’ speed during the simulation run .",
"E) time behaviour of the vehicles ’ speed ratio during the simulation run ."
] | D | cs.SY | |
271 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) sop for various α1 with r1 = 0.1 , r2 = 0.2 , k = 2 , αj = 0.5 , p = 10 db , mu = me = mr = 2 , ε1 = 1.5 , ε2 = 2 , and ωe = −10 db .",
"B) sop with dpa scheme for various k with r1 = 0.1 , r2 = 0.2 , αj = 0.5 , p = 10 db , mu = me = mr = 2 , ε1 = 1.5 , ε2 = 2 , ̟ = 0.1 , µ = 5 , and ωe = −5 db .",
"C) sop for various k with r1 = 0.1 , r2 = 0.2 , mu = me = mr = 2 , p = 15 db , α1 = 0.2 , αj = 0.5 , ε1 = 1.5 , ε2 = 2 , and ωe = −12 db .",
"D) sop with dpa scheme for various µ with r1 = 0.1 , r2 = 0.2 , αj = 0.5 , p = 10 db , mu = me = mr = 2 , k = 3 , ε1 = 1.5 , ε2 = 2 , ̟ = 0.2 , and ωe = −5 db .",
"E) sop for various m with r1 = 0.1 , r2 = 0.2 , mu = me = mr = m , αj = 0.3 , k = 3 , p = 10 db , ε1 = 1.5 , ε2 = 2 , and ωe = −10 db ."
] | D | cross-list | |
272 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) links per year , positive covariance wind speed anomalies network after thresholding .",
"B) heaviest links per year , positive covariance wind speed anomalies network .",
"C) heaviest links per year , negative covariance wind speed anomalies network .",
"D) links per year , positive covariance carbon emissions network after thresholding .",
"E) links per year , negative covariance wind speed anomalies network after thresholding ."
] | E | other cs | |
273 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) results for semi-black box fgs attack with standalone dae and dimensionality reduction defenses .",
"B) results for black box fg attack with a cascaded dae and dimensionality reduction defense .",
"C) results for semi-white box fgs attack with a cascaded dae and dimensionality reduction defense .",
"D) results for semi-white box fg attack with a cascaded dae and dimensionality reduction defense .",
"E) results for black box fgs attack with a cascaded dae and dimensionality reduction defense ."
] | E | cross-list | |
274 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) surowiec-south flow duration curves for 2025 scenarios .",
"B) orrington-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios .",
"C) orrington-south flow duration curves for 2025 scenarios .",
"D) north-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios .",
"E) north-south flow duration curves for 2025 scenarios ."
] | E | cs.SY | |
275 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) orrington-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios .",
"B) surowiec-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios .",
"C) north-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios .",
"D) surowiec-south flow duration curves for 2025 scenarios .",
"E) north-south flow duration curves for 2025 scenarios ."
] | B | cs.SY | |
276 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) surowiec-south flow duration curves for 2025 scenarios .",
"B) orrington-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios .",
"C) north-south flow duration curves for 2025 scenarios .",
"D) north-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios .",
"E) surowiec-south flow duration curves for 2030 scenarios ."
] | D | cs.SY | |
277 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the roc curves corresponding to ablation 1 .",
"B) the roc curves corresponding to the ablation study .",
"C) the roc curves corresponding to the ablation study .",
"D) the roc curves corresponding to ablation 2 .",
"E) the roc curves corresponding to ablation 3 ."
] | D | cs.CV | |
278 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"B) classification accuracy vs. snr using a resnet with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"C) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"D) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of magnitude rank subsampling .",
"E) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of random subsampling ."
] | C | cross-list | |
279 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"B) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"C) classification accuracy vs. snr using a resnet with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"D) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of random subsampling .",
"E) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of magnitude rank subsampling ."
] | B | cross-list | |
280 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"B) classification accuracy vs. snr using a resnet with different degrees of random subsampling .",
"C) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of random subsampling .",
"D) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of magnitude rank subsampling .",
"E) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of random subsampling ."
] | E | cross-list | |
281 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of uniform subsampling .",
"B) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of magnitude rank subsampling .",
"C) classification accuracy vs. snr using a cldnn with different degrees of random subsampling .",
"D) classification accuracy vs. snr using a resnet with different degrees of magnitude rank subsampling .",
"E) classification accuracy vs. snr using an lstm with different degrees of magnitude rank subsampling ."
] | B | cross-list | |
282 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) mean rt vs. the number of commands for each condition .",
"B) error rate vs. the number of commands for each condition .",
"C) total time vs. the number of commands for each condition .",
"D) mean mt vs. the number of commands for each condition .",
"E) average condition numbers for different time increments ."
] | A | other cs | |
283 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) number of explored nodes for randomly generated problems as a function of threshold δ .",
"B) computation times for randomly generated problems without queue algorithm .",
"C) computation times for randomly generated problems .",
"D) number of explored nodes for randomly generated problems .",
"E) computation times for randomly generated problems as a function of threshold δ ."
] | E | cs.RO | |
284 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) number of explored nodes for randomly generated problems .",
"B) computation times for randomly generated problems .",
"C) number of explored nodes for randomly generated problems without queue algorithm .",
"D) computation times for randomly generated problems as a function of threshold δ .",
"E) number of explored nodes for randomly generated problems as a function of threshold δ ."
] | E | cs.RO | |
285 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) nmpc charging : voltage over the single cells .",
"B) cc-cv charging : voltage over the single cells .",
"C) cc-cv charging : temperature of the single cells .",
"D) voltage-based charging : voltage over the single cells .",
"E) voltage-based charging : temperature of the single cells ."
] | B | cs.SY | |
286 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) nmpc charging : voltage over the single cells .",
"B) voltage-based charging : temperature of the single cells .",
"C) cc-cv charging : voltage over the single cells .",
"D) voltage-based charging : state of charge ( soc ) .",
"E) voltage-based charging : voltage over the single cells ."
] | E | cs.SY | |
287 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) voltage-based charging : voltage over the single cells .",
"B) cc-cv charging : temperature of the single cells .",
"C) nmpc charging : temperature of the single cells .",
"D) cc-cv charging : voltage over the single cells .",
"E) voltage-based charging : temperature of the single cells ."
] | E | cs.SY | |
288 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) roc curves for both the standard and adpo line-based fracture detection scheme .",
"B) figure illustrating roc curve for the standard line-based fracture detection .",
"C) figure illustrating roc curve for the adpo line-based fracture detection .",
"D) figure illustrating roc curve for the improved chfb fracture detection .",
"E) figure illustrating roc curve for the standard chfb fracture detection ."
] | B | cs.CV | |
289 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) figure illustrating roc curve for the improved chfb fracture detection .",
"B) roc curves for both the standard and adpo line-based fracture detection scheme .",
"C) figure illustrating roc curve for the standard chfb fracture detection .",
"D) figure illustrating roc curve for the adpo line-based fracture detection .",
"E) figure illustrating roc curve for the standard line-based fracture detection ."
] | D | cs.CV | |
290 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) estimation error of f0 ( t ) .",
"B) estimation of β under different noise levels .",
"C) detection performance for varying level of noise parameter σ .",
"D) estimation of γ under different noise levels .",
"E) estimation of α under different noise levels ."
] | B | cs.SY | |
291 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) roc curves of the target classifiers .",
"B) roc plot of different classifiers using tfp-2 features .",
"C) roc curve for vgo-based classifiers .",
"D) roc plot for the 5 top-ranked classifiers without using the upvotes-related features .",
"E) roc plot for the 4 top-ranked classifiers ."
] | E | cs.SE | |
292 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) kaplan-meier curve for survival analysis .",
"B) the kaplan-meier survival model for three groups of experience factors over a period of one month .",
"C) the kaplan-meier survival model for two groups of activity factors over a period of two months .",
"D) the kaplan-meier survival model for one group of divisional and non-divisional variables over a period of one month .",
"E) the kaplan-meier survival model for two groups of experience factors over a period of one month ."
] | E | other cs | |
293 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the kaplan-meier survival model for one group of divisional and non-divisional variables over a period of one month .",
"B) kaplan-meier curve for survival analysis .",
"C) the kaplan-meier survival model for two groups of activity factors over a period of one month .",
"D) the kaplan-meier survival model for three groups of experience factors over a period of one month .",
"E) the kaplan-meier survival model for Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 of experience factors over a period of one month ."
] | C | other cs | |
294 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) held-out evaluation precision / recall curves for all nn-based models on nytfb-280k .",
"B) precision-recall curves for the proposed model and various attention-based neural models .",
"C) held-out evaluation precision / recall curves for pcnn+att , multir , dnmar and our proposed model pcnnnmar ( weighted ) on nytfb-68k .",
"D) held-out evaluation precision / recall curves for pcnn+att model on original nytfb-280k and its shared-entity-pairs-removed version .",
"E) the precision/recall curves of previous state-of-the-art methods and our proposed framework ."
] | C | cs.CL | |
295 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) pibr4 ( λ ) versus λ .",
"B) g ( λ̃1 ( δ ) ) versus λ̃1 ( δ ) in appendix e .",
"C) α as a function of λ .",
"D) the loss function eθ as function of ∆θ .",
"E) f ( λ̃1 ( δ ) ) versus λ̃1 ( δ ) in appendix i ."
] | B | other cs | |
296 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) p ( δ = j ) .",
"B) µ versus q1 for p1 = 0.3 .",
"C) p ( j=j ) for q = 0.7 , % ∗ = 0.7 .",
"D) p ( j=j ) for q = 0.5 , % ∗ = 0 .",
"E) ρ∗ ( α , p ) against p for different α ."
] | C | other cs | |
297 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) excess probability of distortion for δ = 0.01 .",
"B) probability distribution of wt { e∗ ( x ) } .",
"C) asymptotic of the common distribution α and δ .",
"D) probability distribution function of b̃ .",
"E) probability distribution function of δ and b̃ ."
] | E | other cs | |
298 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) frequency histogram with iteration planning as dependent variable and all the individual skills as factors .",
"B) frequency histogram with productivity as dependent variable .",
"C) productivity histogram of ds3 .",
"D) frequency histogram for the second model with scale 2 as dependent variable .",
"E) histogram of residuals ."
] | B | cs.SE | |
299 | Which caption best matches the image? | [
"A) the cumulative percentage of female first authored uk scopus-indexed journal articles 1996-2018 in each top cited percentile ( using nlcs values ) .",
"B) the cumulative percentage of female first authored us scopus-indexed journal articles 1996-2018 in each top cited percentile ( using nlcs values ) .",
"C) the cumulative percentage of female first authored canadian scopus-indexed journal articles 16-2018 in each top cited percentile ( using nlcs values ) .",
"D) the cumulative percentage of female first authored new zealand scopus-indexed journal articles 1996-2018 in each top cited percentile ( using nlcs values ) .",
"E) the cumulative percentage of female first authored irish scopus-indexed journal articles 1996-2018 in each top cited percentile ( using nlcs values ) ."
] | D | other cs |
Subsets and Splits