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Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | , when stressed, rheb instead inhibits protein synthesis by amplifying the phosphorylation (adding a phosphate group to a protein to alter its function) of another protein known eif2a. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The age of seizure onset or age at the ketogenic diet initiation were not related to the eventual seizure outcome. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Never the less, immediate application of dry heat had a similar effect but to a lesser extent. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Belief in free will is essential to experiencing the emotional state that makes thanksgiving actually about giving thanks: gratitude. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | For every 10 ng/ml increase in igf-i, those on a high-protein diet were 9 percent more likely to die from cancer than those on a low-protein diet, in line with past research associating igf-i levels to cancer risk. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | These systems will likely need to employ more advanced machine learning algorithms to interpret the shifting patterns of activity. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Corruption is part of the explanation, acting through two different channels: first, it pushes skilled natives to virtuous countries, where they can find a job based on meritocratic criteria; second, it discourages the entry of foreign talents, which would hardly have access to string-pulling recommendations. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | P P =0.05) for every 2 cups/day increment in coffee intake, and 1% ( P =0.52) for every 200mg/day increment in caffeine intake, respectively. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | MyoPS was similarly increased (∼90%) above basal in each group at 5 h (P < 0.05) and remained elevated (∼90%) at 24 h only in the LEU group (P < 0.05). | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | 7 percent of participants 15 to 17 years of age, who would most likely be high school students, reported ever using a juul. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The isolated feather came from an unknown feathered dinosaur and that its attribution to archaeopteryx was wrong. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Two particular types of bacteria were present in all cases. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Single women tend to be more liberal (socially), less religious and were more likely to vote for barack obama during ovulation. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Spending time near blue spaces can boost mental health.a a unsplash / frank mckenna. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The short time scale of the changes in sexual and social activity may explain why dominance and reproductive status in male giraffe in the field seem to be unstable. | 0 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Increased levels of the hormone along with depressive symptoms predicted the risk of major depression in teen boys. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Whereas isoproterenol triggered s1pr1 internalization, with receptors retreating from their active front at the cell surface into the interior of the cell, metoprolol produced the opposite effect. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | MN motion is passive, resulting in an even distribution of MN across the first two cell lineages. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (compared to sham), delivered concurrently with iReadMore, resulted in a 2.6% (95% confidence interval −0.1 to 5.3; d = 0.41) facilitation for reading accuracy, both for trained and untrained words. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Benzodiazepine use among adults is more than twice as high as previously reported, with nearly 13 percent using the drugs within the past year. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | This policy may have had serious adverse consequences for mental health in England, which could outweigh any benefits that arise from moving people off disability benefits. | 0 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Clinical outcomes and the rate of return to work were excellent overall. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Middle-aged people may have experienced more hardship during the recession, the study authors said. | 0 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | These projections can be captured, to first order, by a single delay differential equation with human–water interactions parameterized as a delay kernel that links present water supply to the population history and its impacts on water resources. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Increases in minimum densities could be attained roughly within the target time horizon of existing growth plans, but that these increases hinge on assumptions of continuing high growth rates. | -0.2 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | On the basis of these results dermatomed skin may be a better estimate of in vivo performance of drug-coated metallic microprojections. | 0 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Holding current growing regions fixed, area-weighted average yields are predicted to decrease by 30–46% before the end of the century under the slowest (B1) warming scenario and decrease by 63–82% under the most rapid warming scenario (A1FI) under the Hadley III model. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The membrane-damaging interaction between VLY and tBLM was observed in the absence of the human CD59 receptor, known to strongly facilitate the hemolytic activity of VLY. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The population sizes of denisovans and neanderthals were small, leading to interbreeding. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Increasing training for teachers will likely lead to better outcomes for students and to greater numbers of students seeking futures in the sciences. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | One strategy to reduce depression rates might be for health care providers to give more thought to the role these medications might play in depression risk. | -0.2 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | This failure of immunoregulation is partly attributable to a lack of exposure to organisms (“Old Friends”) from mankind’s evolutionary past that needed to be tolerated and therefore evolved roles in driving immunoregulatory mechanisms. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | About 4 million people 12 and older meet the classification for a marijuana use disorder -- due to the kinds of problems that humphreys noted. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The mathematical ideas and techniques introduced by Minkowski were fundamental in Einstein’s construction, a decade later, of the general theory of relativity. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The duration times they derived from the titanium diffusion measurements agreed closely with those produced by the faceting method. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Dopamine may not only reward behavior, but it may also stimulate it too. | 0 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | 85% of them were nonadherent as defined by pharmacy refill data, indicating insufficient medication on hand to cover a minimum of 80% of days during at least 1 year of follow-up. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The most efficient beating of cilia was at its natural length of 10-12 microns, or about one-fifth the width of a human hair. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | , compared with other locales, the ancient herding sites had elevated levels of nitrogen and mineral nutrients, especially phosphorus and calcium. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The Supreme Court has made it clear that persons are entitled to refuse to answer questions about their organizational membership and about their beliefs and associations unless the government could demonstrate a compelling interest in obtaining that information, which the government cannot do. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Losing a loved one may double your risk of suffering cardiovascular events like heart attack or stroke, illuminating another mortality factor for the aging population. | 0 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Most patients already had sepsis at the time of hospital admission. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Iron is increased in the hippocampus and is associated with tissue damage in that area. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Parents of 1035 children reported on the presence of household smokers at seven follow-ups from ages 1.5 to 7.5. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | These activities were part of the tobacco industry’s campaign to promote their version of ‘sound science’ and ‘good epidemiology’.5 McCambridge and colleagues6 provide yet another example of how two industries, apparently working together, have influenced a policy that is ostensibly meant to advance the use of evidence in policy. | 0.7 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | They could test samples from patients with bowel cancer to identify which were most likely to respond to immunotherapy by assessing molecular changes within miniature tumours grown in the laboratory. | 0.5 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Cumulative risk of ESRD after 15 years was significantly lower for patients whose HbA1c decreased than for those whose HbA1c increased or remained poor (29% versus 42%; P<0.001). | 0.7 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Professor Freiwald argues that inadequate information prevents Congress from appreciating the threat to communication attributes and recommends steps to improve that problem. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | An important stimulus for establishing PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases was the recognition that these conditions, possibly more than any other, are linked to social factors that rank in importance with the biological factors of the parasites and their hosts, the clinical features, and the large-scale approaches that rely on preventive chemotherapy and vector control. | 0.5 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Many cells died within 24 hours, leading to growth arrest and seedling death. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The model of drawdown-induced overpressuring and remobilization may be applicable to many other evaporitic basins, and represents a novel mechanism for inducing large-scale sediment remobilization of shallow buried depositional systems at the earliest stages of salt basin development. | 0.1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Only 20 percent died, indicating that infections are probably the biggest risk for injured ants. | 0.3 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | However, transgender children were less likely than both control groups to believe that their gender at birth matches their current gender, whereas both transgender children and siblings were less likely than controls to believe that other people's gender is stable. | 0.9 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The emergence of superconductivity in this material is connected rather with the formation of domain walls between commensurate and incommensurate phase transitions. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | A more plausible interpretation is that ratings affect state government emphasis. | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Models of primate affiliative behavior assume that benefits derived from social relationships with different individuals are not equal and that individuals are selected to maximize the benefits they receive from social relationships with others. | 0.2 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | A modest increase in the odds of psychological distress associated with T2DM diagnosis (OR=1.30) | 0.8 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | 44 percent of all seabird species have plastic in and around their bodies, and fish, birds, turtles, and whales often become fatally entangled in plastic waste. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Xylem vessels of a wide variety of different plants have been evaluated for the consistency and reproducibility of their helical parameters. | 0.5 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The sharp increase in prevalence of falls in middle-age, particularly among women supports the notion that falls are not just a problem of old age, and that middle-age may be a critical life stage for preventive interventions. | 0.2 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The lithic-strewn pavement created by this ancient stone tool manufacture possibly represents the earliest human environmental impact at a landscape scale and is an example of anthropogenic change. | 0.333333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The majority of reliable research put the advent of fire between 300,000 and 400,000 years ago. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | For waist obesity, the corresponding findings were 1.17, 1.41, and 1.61 (trend p < 0.01). | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The study found only weak evidence to support the hypothesis that these relationships between owner personality and dog behavior were mediated via the owners’ use of punitive training methods, but it did detect a more than five-fold increase in the use of aversive/confrontational training techniques among men with moderate depression. | 0.333333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The phase-space diagram showing relative velocity versus cluster-centric distance indicates that the gas-rich galaxies have entered the cluster more recently than the gas-poor star-forming galaxies and passive galaxies located in the virialized region of this cluster. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Exercise - particularly moderate to intense exercise, whether it be cardio, strength training or yoga - may also help you sleep better. | 0.2 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Individuals often feel anxious in anticipation of tasks such as speaking in public or meeting with a boss. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | While hospice enrollment increased to 56.4% in 2012 from 31.3% in 1999, the primary cause of this increase was enrollment within the last 7 days of life. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | A previous attempt to model the observation of rapid uplift following the 2002 breakup of Larsen B Ice Shelf was limited by incomplete knowledge of the pattern of ice unloading and possibly the assumption of an elastic-only mechanism. | 0.466667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Fatigue is present in radiology and affects diagnostic accuracy. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | This proportion is higher than non-suicidal self-injury rates previously reported for college students, adult community samples, and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, which sugge... | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | 0.6 percent of the women had a gonorrhea infection before they gave birth, and nearly 85 percent of those women were diagnosed before they became pregnant. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | A handful of countries have made abortion illegal for all indications, but most of these countries are either very small and susceptible to external influence, such as the Dominican Republic or Nicaragua, or imposed these restrictions under a dictatorship, as was the case in Chile and Romania. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | This is inconsistent with predictions for nuclear flames spreading laterally as deflagrations and suggests detonations instead. | 0.466667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The fatty acids were more resistant to chemical attack by ozone, and therefore can survive longer and travel further in the atmosphere, if they adopt these complex structures. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | M6a, when present, protected the transcripts by preventing an enzyme from degrading them. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | One source of information may be facial feedback signals generated when we automatically mimic the expressions displayed on others' faces. | 0.066667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | More than half of the exposures to blood in sites other than the hand would have been prevented by the use of face shields, waterproof gowns and waterproof boots. | 0.733333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Vegetation has been left to decompose in the reservoir, resulting in acidic, anoxic water that will corrode the turbines. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | At least one pregnancy was reported by more patients in the chemotherapy + goserelin arm versus the chemotherapy arm (five-year cumulative incidence, 23.1 versus 12.2 percent, respectively; odds ratio, 2.34; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.07 to 5.11; p = 0.03). | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | This has implications for the structure of the intermediate age neutron stars, suggesting that their poloidal field should consist of a dipole and a octupole component accompanied by a very weak toroidal quadrupole. | 0.333333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Interactive physical and cognitive exercise (both high and low mental challenge) yielded similarly significant cognitive benefit for adherent sMCI exercisers over six months. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Taking collagen 1-hour before exercise or rehab activity increases the uptake of collagen into your joints, thereby accelerating recovery.[5]. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The memory of disliking benzaldehyde had formed but could not be retrieved--the worm forgot about it. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The amygdala responds differently depending on whether the person has bipolar disorder or depression. | 0.733333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Researchers believe their findings are significant and that they raise the question of whether eliminating inflammation would eliminate depression. | 0.6 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Children who actively commuted to school had lower body fat, and therefore were less likely to be overweight or obese. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Male noses grow disproportionately larger than female noses around age 11. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Resting-state cbf is a marker of cmb-related small-vessel disease. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | While areas around black holes did indeed follow this law, surfaces like holographic screens simply did not. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Conversely, in cities with high levels of openness, the opposite trend was observed, sugg... | 0.733333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Venus circles the sun embedded within a huge band of dust that is 10-15 million kilometres high and stretches all the way around its orbit. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Previous claims of possible transits from optical ground- and space-based photometry were likely correlated noise in the data from Proxima Centauri's frequent flaring. | 0.733333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Wives are more satisfied with the division of labor when they work with their spouse rather than alone. | 1 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | An estimated 51,000 perpetrators, or approximately 10% of the overall violence, can be attributed to the station. | 0.733333 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Consciously experienced yet briefly presented incongruent scenes take longer to process, even when subjects do not explicitly detect their incongruency. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Conclusions: Fast-food and commercial baked goods consumption may have a detrimental effect on depression risk. | 0 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Neurologic relapse occurred after initially mild disease in three patients. | 0.866667 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | Some sweeteners may be doing more than just making foods and drinks taste sweeter. | 0.2 |
Kids get more exercise when the sun is out later in the evening . | The origin of the magma was not controlled by partial melting near a benioff zone. | 0.866667 |
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