In 1890 there were 3000 Māori in the Mormon Church, 1 out of 12 Māori at that time.
I te tau 1890 e 3000 ngā Māori o te Hāhi Momona, 1 o ngā Māori 12 i tērā wā.
Look out
The Mormon Church developed through the exchange of slaves from other religions, and the Mormon Church clashed with Māori of other faiths.
I whanake te hāhi Mōmona i runga i te whakawhitiwhiti o ngā pononga o hāhi kē, ā, ka Tukituki te Hāhi Mōmona me ngā Māori o ētahi atu whakapono.
The Mormons were blocked in Ngāti Porou.
Ina rā i āraingia ngā Mōmona i roto o Ngāti Porou.
After the Second World War, the Church did not know whether to integrate Māori with European characteristics, or to recognize Māori in the Church.
I muri i te Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao kāore e mōhio te Hāhi mehemea ka whakahanumi i te Māori ki ngā āhuatanga o te Pākehā, ka whakamana rānei i Ngāi Māori i roto i te Hāhi.
At that time, the traditional homes and houses of worship were abandoned and the Maori people migrated to the cities to live.
I taua wā ka whakarerea ngā wā kāinga me ngā whare karakia o ngā kāinga ā ka maunu atu te iwi Maori ki ngā taone noho ai.
Then the Māori language was removed from Mormon activities.
Kātahi ka whakatakētia te reo Māori i ngā mahi Mōmona.
But his benefit was the inclusion of Māori in leadership positions in the church, and the church continues to grow among the Māori people today.
Engari ko tōna painga ko te whakaurunga o ngā Māori ki ngā tūranga rangatira o te hāhi, ā, ka tipu tonu te hāhi ki waenga i te iwi Māori i ēnei rā.
In 2006, 50 percent of the Church was Māori.
I te tau 2006, e 50 ōrau o te Hāhi he Māori.
Page 6.
Whārangi 6.
The Salvation Army
Te Ope Whakaora
The arrival of the Salvation Army
Te taenga mai o te Ope Whakaora
The Salvation Army means the army that heals people.
Ko te tikanga o Te Ope Whakaora, ko te taua e whakarauora i te tangata.
The officers of the Salvation Army arrived in New Zealand in Piritone in 1883, at a time when Māori were growing tired of the management of European churches in New Zealand.
Ko ngā āpiha o te Ope Whakaora i tae ki Aotearoa i Piritone I 1883, he wā kua hōhā haere Ngāi Māori i ngā whakahaere o ngā hāhi Pākehā i Aotearoa.
At the same time, the Salvation Army worked in towns and cities, but Māori did not participate, because they lived outside the cities.
I te tutahi i mahi te Ope Whakaora ki ngā taone me ngā tāone nui, engari kāore i uru mai ngā Māori, nā te mea, kei waho o ngā tāone rātou e noho ana.
The few who joined were people like 'Māori Joe' Solomon from Kaiapoi, and Maraea Morris, a leading woman who was the flag sergeant of the Tūranga party.
Ko te tokoiti i uru mai ko ngā tāngata pērā I a ‘Māori Joe’ Solomon nō Kaiapoi, rāua ko Maraea Morris, he wāhine rangatira i tū hei heihana-kara o te rōpū o Tūranga.
Māori missions
Ngā mīhana Māori
In 1888 Captain Ernest Holdaway of the Salvation Army and his wife Lizzie began their mission in the Whanganui River.
I te tau 1888 ka tīmata te mīhana a Kāpene Ernest Holdaway o te Ope Whakaora me tana wahine a Lizzie ki roto o te awa o Whanganui.
The star in the sky was captured by them, namely the leader of Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Tamatea Aurunui.
Ko te whetū i te rangi ka kapohia e rāua ara ko te rangatira o Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi ko Tamatea Aurunui.
He vacated his house in Jerusalem for a meeting for them, and he gave Rangimarie's car to the officers.
I whakawātea ia i tana whare i Hiruharama hei huihuinga mō rātou, ā, nānā i tuku i te waka o Rangimarie ki ngā āpiha.
Holdaway also went to other tribes and met Tawhiao, Te Whiti and Te Kooti.
Ka haere anō a Holdaway ki ētahi atu o ngā iwi, ā, ka tūtaki ki a Tāwhiao, ki a Te Whiti me Te Kooti.
He also performed Māori concerts of the Salvation Army abroad.
Nānā anō i taki ngā kōnehete Māori o te Ope Whakaora ki tāwāhi.
19th century
Rautau 1900
The Salvation Army's activities in Māori communities were reduced due to changes in its programs by the organization's managers.
Nā te whakarerekētanga o ana kaupapa e ngā kaiwhakahaere o te ope ka iti iho ngā mahi mā te Ope Whakaora ki ngā hapori Māori.
In the aftermath, Māori support for the army declined again.
Nā whai anō ka paheke anō te tautoko a te Māori i te ope.
But it was during the time of Major Robert Prowse that he managed his mission in the East for 30 years until he died in 1967.
Engari nō te wā i a Meiha Robert Prowse ka whakahaere ia i tana mīhana ki te Tai Rāwhiti mō te 30 tau ā mate noa ia i te tau 1967.
In the year 2000, the Army made another effort to enter the Māori community.
Nō te tau 2000 ku whakapau kaha anō te Ope ki roto ki te ao Māori.
In 2006, Second Captains Joe (Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi) and Nan Pātea (Ngāti Porou) became the leaders of the Māori ministry of the Salvation Army.
Nō te tau 2006 ka tū ngā Kāpene Tuarua a Joe (Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi) me Nan Pātea (Ngāti Porou) hei rangatira mō te minitatanga Māori o te Ope Whakaora.
Page 7.
Whārangi 7.
Rattan and Ringatū
Rātana me Ringatū
The Primary Church
Te Hāhi Ringatū
Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Türuki was a prophet who escaped from Wharekauri when he was wrongfully imprisoned by the Crown.
He poropiti a Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki i marere morehu i Wharekauri i tana mauhere hētia e te Karauna.
When he was strong God appeared to him and he led his people from the desert to the promised land.
I tōna pōkaikahatanga ka whakaputa te Atua ki a ia, ā, ka aratakina e ia tōna iwi mai i te koraha ki te whenua oati.
In 1868 he was involved in the capture of the ship Rifleman .
I te tau 1868 i pahiko ia te hopunga o te kaipuke Rifleman.
300 prisoners (including women and children) were exposed.
E 300 ngā mauhere (wāhine mai, tamariki mai hoki) i puta te ihu.
When they landed, they raised their hands to praise God, and that was the photograph of the Ringatū Church.
Ka pae noa ki uta, ka tū ngā ringa whakamoemiti ki te Atua, ā, ko te pueatanga tērā o te Hāhi Ringatū.
The Use of Security
Te Whakahāhitanga o te Ringatū
In 1875, Te Kooti approved this belief as a religion.
I te tau 1875 ka whakamanatia i a Te Kooti te whakapono nei hei hāhi tonu atu.
The Ringatū does not have churches, but in its marae where its days are held.
Kāore ngā whare karakia o te Ringatū, engari ki ōna marae whakahaeretia ai ōna rā.
His ministers are also called priests.
Ko ōna minita ka kīia he tohunga hoki.
In 1915, Ringatū priests were called ministers under the Marriage Act.
I te tau 1915, ka kīia ngā tohunga Ringatū hei minita i raro i te Ture Mārena.
In 1928 the governing laws of the church were registered under the Corporations Act.
I te tau 1928 ka rēhitatia ngā ture ārahi o te hāhi ki raro ki te Ture mō ngā Rōpū Kaporeihana.
Originally, the head of the church was the bishop, but then this position changed to the president.
Mātua, ko te ūpoko o te hāhi ko te pīhopa, engari nāwai ka huri tēnei tūnga hei perehitini.
At a great meeting in Rūātoki, it was decided to call the head of the church the Poutikanga.
I tētahi hui nui ki Rūātoki, ka whakatauhia kia karangatia te ūpoko o te hāhi ko te Poutikanga.
In 2006 there were 16,419 slaves in the Ringatū.
I te tau 2006 e 16,419 ngā pononga o te Ringatū.
Great Days of the Holy Church
Ngā Rā Nui o te Hāhi Ringatū
Saturdays are the Lord's Sabbath, and the twelfth day of each month is the day of the church's main karakia.
Ko ngā Hatarei ngā Rā Hāpati a te Ringatū, ā, hei ngā tekau mā rua o ia marama ngā karakia nui a te hāhi.
In addition there are four pillars of the church year; i.e. the January One, the June One, the July One and the November One.
Tāpiri atu e whā ngā pou o te tau o te hāhi; arā ko te Tahi o Hanuere, ko te Tahi o Hune, ko te Tahi o Hūrae me te Tahi o Noema.
The First of January goes back to Exodus 40:2, which refers to the first day of the first month.
Ko te Tahi o Hanuere ka hoki ki te Hekenga (Exodus) 40:2, e tūtohu ana ki te rā tuatahi o te marama tuatahi.
The Tahi o Hūrae goes back to the 'sabbath of sabbaths'.
Ko te Tahi o Hūrae ka hoki ki te ‘hāpati o ngā hāpati’.
Salad is held on June 1st, and Pure is held on November 1st (or December 1st in some places).
Ko te huamata ka tū i te Tahi o Hune, ā, ko te Pure ka tū i te Tahi o Noema (1 o Tīhema rānei ki ētahi wāhi).
The Church of London
Te Haahi Rātana
The Original Pillar of the Ratan Church
Te Pou Taketake o te Hāhi Rātana
Tahupōtiki Williamu Ratana was born in 1873; a leader and a double father.
I whānau mai a Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana i te tau 1873; he kaiārahi, he pā whakawairua hoki.
When God appeared to him, he was determined to gather the Maori people under the protection of Jehovah, and abandon the beliefs of the Maori.
Nō ngā putanga o te Atua ki a ia, ka marutuna ia kia whakamine i te iwi Māori ki te maru o Ihowā, ā, whakarere i ngā whakapono a te Māori.
Under his influence, a small town sprung up on Ratana Farm to the east of Whanganui.
Nō raro mai i tōna awe, ka puea ake te taone iti ki te pāmu o Rātana ki te rāwhiti o Whanganui.
Eventually this place became known as Rātana Pā.
Nāwai ka mōhiotia tēnei wāhi ko Rātana Pā.
In the beginning, Ratana ordered people to remain faithful to their religion, but then he established his new faith.
I te tīmatanga, ka whakahau a Rātana kia piripono tonu ngā tāngata ki ō rātou hāhi, engari nāwai ka whakatū i a ia tōna whakapono hōu.
The spread of the Church
Te horapatanga o te Hāhi
In 1925, the religious order of the Ratan Church was created, and the Ratan Church was registered separately in that year as well.
I te tau 1925 ka waihangatia te tikanga whakapono o te Haahi Rātana, ā, ka rēhita motuhaketia te Haahi Rātana i taua tau hoki.
Ratana was the representative.
Ko Rātana tonu te māngai.
The main symbol is the five-pointed star.
Ko te tohu matua, ko te whetū e rima nei ōna mata.
The church does not include the Holy Trinity, namely the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as well as the True Angels and the Representative.
Hai roto hoki i te hāhi ko te tokotoru tapu, arā ko te Matua, te Tama me te Wairua Tapu tae atu ki ngā Anahera Pono me te Māngai.
In 1928, the Temple of the Ratana church was built with its two bell towers.
Nō te tau 1928 ka whakatūhia te Temepara o te hāhi Rātana me ana pourewa pere e rua .
Since then, many such temples have been established throughout the island.
Atu i taua wā he nui ngā momo temepara pēnei kua whakatūhia puta noa i te motu.
In 2006 the Ratana Church was the largest Māori church in New Zealand, with 50,565 members, around 10 percent of the Māori population.
I te tau 2006 ko te Haahi Rātana te hāhi Māori nui ake o Aotearoa, ā, e 50,565 ōna pononga, kei te takiwā o te 10 ōrau o te taupori Māori.
Page 8.
Whārangi 8.
The Pentecostal Church
Te Hāhi Penetaka
The Pentecostal Church came to New Zealand in the early 1900s.
Nō ngā tau tōmua o te rautau 1900 ka tau mai te Hāhi Penetaka ki Aotearoa.
Their focus was on healing, miracles and baptizing adults.
Ko tā rātou i arohia ko ngā mahi whakaora, ngā mahinga tipua me te iriiri i ngā pākeke.
These are some of the factors that attracted Māori to this church.
Ko ēnei ētahi o ngā āhuatanga i rarata ai te Māori ki tēnei hāhi.
In 1928 the European Stephen Jeffries prayed for a Māori suffering from cancer, and God healed him.
I te tau 1928 ka karakia te Pākehā a Stephen Jeffries mō tētahi Māori e mate pukupuku ana, ā, ka whakaorangia tērā e te Atua.
Many Māori converted to this church.
He nui ngā Māori ka tahuri ki tēnei hāhi.
God's audience
Ngā minenga o te Atua
This is the largest of the Pentecostal Churches and Congregations of God, and has only a small number of Māori members.
Ko tēnei te hāhi nui rawa o ngā Hāhi Penetaka me ngā Minenga o te Atua, ā, he tokoiti noa iho ōna mema Māori.
Because its leaders were immigrants, the churches were only found in the towns, and Māori did not attend this church.
Nā te mea he manene nō tāwāhi ōna rangatira, ka mutu i ngā taone anake ngā whare karakia, kāore te Māori i mene ki tēnei hāhi.
In 2007, the main council of the church decided to allow Māori more participation in the church.
I te tau 2007 ka whakatau te kaunihera matua o te hāhi ki ōna ngoikorehanga kia whai wāhi ake te Māori ki roto ki te hāhi.
That is why Minister Peter Hira was sent to lead a review on this issue.
Nō konā ka tonoa ko Minita Peter Hira ki te ārahi i tētahi arotake ki te take nei.
In 2006, 8 percent of this church was Māori.
I e tau 2006 e 8 ōrau o tēnei hāhi he Māori.
Apostolic Churches and New Life
Ngā Hāhi Āpotoro, Koiora Hōu hoki
In the 1940's and 1950's the Apostolic Church and the New Life Church held tent trips.
I ngā tekau tau 1940 me 1950 ka tū ngā haerenga tēneti o te hahi Āpotoro me te hāhi Koiora Hou.
Due to the location of these camps in rural areas, many Māori left.
Nā te tū o ēnei puni ki ngā taiwhenua, he nui te Māori ka mene atu.
The desire to raise Māori leaders was evident in the church.
He whakatipu rangatira Māori te hiahia i mārakerake kitea atu i te hāhi nei.
Manuel Renata later became the chairman of the highest organization of the Apostolic Church.
Nō muri mai ka tū a Manuel Renata hei heamana o te whakahaerenga teitei rawa o te hāhi Āpotoro.
Many hui are held in marae such as Tūrangawaewae to celebrate the church.
He nui ngā hui ka tū ki ngā marae pērā i Tūrangawaewae hei whakamāui i te hāhi.
At one of the meetings in 1979, Brian Tāmaki joined, and later he became a great leader of this church.
I tētahi o ngā hui i te tau 1979 ka uru mai a Brian Tāmaki, ā, nō muri mai ka tū ia hei rangatira nui mō tēnei hāhi.
When he left in 1994, Māori participation decreased.
Nō tana wehenga i te tau 1994 ka iti iho te whai wāhi atu o te Māori.
In 2006, 13 percent of the church was Māori.
I te tau 2006 e 13 ōrau o te hāhi he Māori.
Destiny Church
Te Hāhi Destiny
Brian Tamaki (Ngāti Ngāwaero, Ngāti Maniapoto) grew up as a Methodist, but when he was 21 he joined the Apostolic Church.
I tipu ake a Brian Tamaki (Ngāti Ngāwaero, Ngāti Maniapoto) hei Metoriti, engari nō te wā e 21 ana tau ka hono ia ki te Hāhi Āpotoro.
Soon he became the leader of the branch of the church in Rotorua, Lake City Church, the second church in the island for the Apostles.
Nāwai ka puea ia hei kaiārahi mō te peka o te hāhi ki Rotorua, Lake City Church, te hāhi tuarua o te motu mō ngā Āpotoro.
But in 1994 he left the church due to financial issues in the national administration.
Engari i te tau 1994 ka wehe ia i te hāhi i runga i ētahi take utu i te whakahaerenga ā-motu.
The Destiny Church was the result, and its followers quickly grew to 7,000.
Ko te huanga mai tērā o te Hāhi Destiny, ā, ka tere piki ōna pononga ki te 7,000.
According to church statistics, 78 percent of the church is Māori, and in 2008 he became the Māori ministry in the towns.
E ai ki ngā tatauranga o te hāhi, e 78 ōrau o te hāhi he Māori, ā, i te tau 2008 ka tū ia hei manatū Māori ki ngā taone.
This is why they are eligible for government funding to support economic, social and cultural services to Māori communities.
Nō konei ka āhei rātou ki ngā pūtea kāwanatanga hei tautoko i ngā ratonga mahi ōhanga, pāpori, ahurea hoki ki ngā hapori Māori.
In 2005, Thomas was consecrated as Bishop of the Destiny Church.
I te tau 2005 ka whakatapua a Tāmaki hei Pīhopa mō te Hāhi Destiny.
In 2009, he became 'Te Māngai', the name by which Tahupōtiki Willemu Ratana, the founder of the Ratana Church, was called.
I te tau 2009 ka meatia e ia koia tonu ‘Te Māngai’, ara te ingoa i karangatia ai a Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana, te kaiwhakaū i te Hāhi Rātana.
Although the flag is not of the real Māori world, this feature quickly caught on.
Ahakoa ehara te haki nō te ao Māori tūturu, he tere te hopu o tēnei āhuatanga.
The flag is visible in ethnic, political, religious and social contexts.
Kei roto i ngā āhuatanga iwi, tōrangapū, whakapono, pāpori hoki te haki e kitea ana.
A brief summary
He korero whakarapopoto