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Dataset Card for ClarinPL Sejm/Senat Speech Corpus

Dataset Summary

A collection of 97 hours of parliamentary speeches published on the ClarinPL website.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

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The audio is in Polish.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A typical data point comprises the path to the audio file, usually called file and its transcription, called text. An example from the dataset is:

{'file': '/root/.cache/huggingface/datasets/downloads/extracted/4143b1d75559b10028c1c7e8800c9ccc05934ca5a8ea15f8f9a92770576a1ee3/SejmSenat/audio/AdamAbramowicz-20130410/file000.wav',
 'id': 'AdamAbramowicz-20130410-file000',
 'speaker_id': 'AdamAbramowicz',
 'text': 'panie marsza艂ku wysoka izbo panie ministrze pr贸buje si臋 przedstawia膰 polsk臋 jako zielon膮 wysp臋 kraj kt贸ry si臋 szybko rozwija tymczasem rzeczywisto艣膰 jest zupe艂nie inna a wida膰 j膮 tak偶e dzisiaj przed polskim parlamentem pr贸buje si臋 rz膮d pr贸buje zagoni膰 polak贸w do pracy a偶 do 艣mierci przed艂u偶a膰 wiek emerytalny czyliczyli sytuacja gospodarcza polski w tym wypadku jest przedstawiana ju偶 zupe艂nie inaczej pakiet klimatyczny i protok贸艂 z kioto jak si臋 zgadzaj膮 fachowcy od gospodarki jest szkodliwy dla kraj贸w kt贸re s膮 na dorobku a polska w艂a艣nie jest takim krajem'}

Data Fields

  • file: A path to the downloaded audio file in .wav format.
  • text: the transcription of the audio file.
  • speaker_id: The ID of the speaker of the audio.

Data Splits

Train Test
dataset 6622 130

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

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Citation Information

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