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irrespective of its location, by any person not necessarily a citizen. Such a declaration | null |
was made as long back as in 1898. By an amendment in 2009 to the said section, the | null |
Code is extended to any person in any place "without and beyond the territory of India", | null |
committing an offence targeting a computer resource located in India.13. | null |
1. 'Every person'.—Every person is made liable to punishment, without distinction of | null |
nation, rank, caste or creed, provided the offence with which he is charged has been | null |
committed in some part of India. A foreigner who enters the Indian territories and thus, | null |
accepts the protection of Indian laws virtually gives an assurance of his fidelity and | null |
obedience to them and submits himself to their operation. It is no defence on behalf of | null |
a foreigner that he did not know he was doing wrong, the act not being an offence in | null |
his own country. A foreigner who commits an offence within India is guilty and can be | null |
punished as such without any limitation as to his corporal presence in India at the | null |
time.14. Indian Courts have jurisdiction against foreigners residing in foreign countries | null |
but their acts connected with transaction or part of transaction arising in India.15. | null |
[s 2.1] Corporate Criminal Liability | null |
A company is liable to be prosecuted and punished for criminal offences. Although | null |
there are earlier authorities to the fact that the corporation cannot commit a crime, the | null |
generally accepted modern rule is that a corporation may be subject to indictment and | null |
other criminal process although the criminal act may be committed through its agent. | null |
The majority in the Constitution bench held that there is no immunity to the companies | null |
from prosecution merely because the prosecution is in respect of offences for which | null |
the punishment is mandatory imprisonment and fine.16. When imprisonment and fine is | null |
prescribed as punishment the Court can impose the punishment of fine which could be | null |
enforced against the company.17. | null |
In CBI v Blue Sky Tie-up Pvt Ltd,18. the question again came up for consideration before | null |
the Supreme Court and it was held that since the majority of the Constitution Bench | null |
ruled in Standard Chartered Bank v Directorate of Enforcement [supra] that the company | null |
can be prosecuted even in a case where the Court can impose substantive sentence as | null |
also fine, and in such case only fine can be imposed on the corporate body, the contrary | null |
view taken by the learned single Judge cannot be approved. | null |
[s 2.2] Vicarious Liability.— | null |
Indian Penal Code, save and except some matters does not contemplate any vicarious | null |
liability on the part of a person. Commission of an offence by raising a legal fiction or | null |
by creating a vicarious liability in terms of the provisions of a statute must be expressly | null |
stated. The Managing Director or the Directors of the Company, thus, cannot be said to | null |
have committed an offence only because they are holders of offices.19. Vicarious | null |
liability of the Managing Director and Director would arise provided any provision exists | null |
in that behalf in the statute. Statutes indisputably must contain provision fixing such | null |
vicarious liabilities. Even for the said purpose, it is obligatory on the part of the | null |
complainant to make requisite allegations which would attract the provisions | null |
constituting vicarious liability.20. The provisions of the Essential Commodities Act, | null |
1955, Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Employees' Provident Fund (Miscellaneous | null |
Provision) Act, 1952, etc., have created such vicarious liability. It is interesting to note | null |
that section 14A of the 1952 Act specifically creates an offence of criminal breach of | null |
trust in respect of the amount deducted from the employees by the company. In terms | null |
of the explanations appended to section 405 of the IPC, 1860 a legal fiction has been | null |
created to the effect that the employer shall be deemed to have committed an offence | null |
of criminal breach of trust. Whereas a person in charge of the affairs of the company | null |
and in control thereof has been made vicariously liable for the offence committed by | null |
the company along with the company but even in a case falling under section 406 of | null |
the IPC, 1860 vicarious liability has been held to be not extendable to the Directors or | null |
officers of the company.21. | null |
There is no exception in favour of anyone in the Penal Code, but the following persons | null |
are exempted from the jurisdiction of criminal Courts of every country:— | null |
(a) Foreign Sovereigns.—The real principle on which the exemption, of every sovereign | null |
from the jurisdiction of every Court, has been deduced is that the exercise of such | null |
jurisdiction would be incompatible with his regal dignity—that is to say, with his | null |
absolute independence of every superior authority.22. | null |
(b) Diplomats.—United Nations Privileges and Immunities Act, 1947, and the Diplomatic | null |
Relations (Vienna Convention) Act, 1972, gave certain diplomats, missions and their | null |
member's diplomatic immunity even from criminal jurisdiction. The Diplomatic | null |
Relations (Vienna Convention) Act had been enacted to give effect to the Vienna | null |
Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961. The effect of section 2 of the Act is to give | null |
the force of law in India to certain provisions set out in the Schedule to the Act. | null |
A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving | null |
State. He shall also enjoy immunity from its civil and administrative jurisdiction except | null |
in the case of: | null |
(i) A real action relating to private immovable property situated in the territory of the | null |
receiving State, unless he holds it on behalf of the sending State for the | null |
purposes of the mission; | null |
(ii) An action relating to succession in which the diplomatic agent is involved as | null |
executor, administrator, heir or legatee as a private person and not on behalf of | null |
the sending State; | null |
(iii) An action relating to any professional or commercial activity exercised by the | null |
diplomatic agent in the receiving State outside his official functions.23. A | null |
diplomatic agent is not obliged to give evidence as a witness.24. Privileges and | null |
immunities are conferred on United Nations and its Representatives as well as | null |
on other international organisations and their representatives by the United | null |
Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1947.25. | null |
(c) Alien enemies.—In respect of acts of war alien enemies cannot be tried by criminal | null |
Courts. If an alien enemy commits a crime unconnected with war, e.g., theft, he would | null |
be triable by ordinary criminal Courts. | null |
(d) Foreign army.—When armies of one State are by consent on the soil of a foreign | null |
State they are exempted from the jurisdiction of the State on whose soil they are. | null |
(e) Warships.—Men-of-war of a State in foreign waters are exempt from the jurisdiction | null |
of the State within whose territorial jurisdiction they are. The domestic Courts, in | null |
accordance with principles of international law, will accord to the ship and its crew and | null |
its contents certain immunities. The immunities can, in any case, be waived by the | null |
nation to which the public ship belongs.26. | null |
(f) President and Governors.—Under Article 361 of the Indian Constitution, the | null |
President and Governors are exempt from the jurisdiction of Courts. | null |
2. 'Within India'.—If the offence is committed outside India it is not punishable under | null |
the Penal Code, unless it has been made so by means of special provisions such as | null |
sections 3, 4, 108A, etc., of the Code. Under section179 of the Cr PC, 1973 even the | null |
place(s) wherein the consequence (of the criminal act) "ensues" would be relevant to | null |
determine the Court of competent jurisdiction. Therefore, even the Courts within whose | null |
local jurisdiction, the repercussion/effect of the criminal act occurs, would have | null |
jurisdiction in the matter. When the consequence of an act committed by a foreigner | null |
outside India if ensued in India, he can be tried in India.27. Normally crime carries the | null |
person. The commission of a crime gives the Court of the place where it is committed | null |
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