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the intention of causing death, or with the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likelyto cause death, or with the knowledge that he is likely by such act to cause death, commitsthe offence of culpable homicide. |
Clause 99 of the Bill seeks to provide various circumstances under which the culpable |
homicide is murder. |
Clause 100 of the Bill seeks to define culpable homicide by causing death of person |
other than person whose death was intended. |
Clause 101 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment for murder which shall be death or |
imprisonment for life, and also fine. Sub-Clause ( 2) further provides that when a murder is |
committed by a group of five or more persons acting in concert on the ground of race, casteor community, sex, place of birth, language, personal belief or any other ground each memberof such group shall be punished with death or with imprisonment for life or imprisonment fora term which shall not be less than seven years and shall also be liable to fine. |
Clause 102 of the Bill seeks to provide that whoever, being under sentence of |
imprisonment for life, commits murder, shall be punished with death or with imprisonment forlife, which shall mean the remainder of that person's natural life. |
Clause 103 of the Bill seeks to provide the punishment for culpable homicide not |
amounting to murder. |
Clause 104 of the Bill seeks to provide that whoever causes the death of any person by |
doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide, shall be punished withimprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years and shall alsobe liable to fine. It further provides that whoever causes death of any person by doing anyrash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide and escapes from the scene ofincident or fails to report the incident to a Police officer or Magistrate soon after the incident,shall be punished with imprisonment of either description of a term which may extend to tenyears and shall also be liable to fine. |
Clause 105 of the Bill seeks to provide that if any person under eighteen years of age, |
with mental illness, any delirious person or any person in a state of intoxication, commitssuicide, whoever abets the commission of such suicide, shall be punished with death orimprisonment for life, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years, and shall also beliable to fine. |
Clause 106 of the Bill seeks to provide that if any person commits suicide, whoever |
abets the commission of such suicide, shall be punished with imprisonment of eitherdescription for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine. |
Clause 107 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment for attempt to murder and if by that |
death is caused, he would be guilty of murder and shall be punished with imprisonmentwhich may extend to ten years and also for fine and further provides that if hurt is caused bysuch act the punishment shall be imprisonment for life, or with fine, or with both. |
Clause 108 of the Bill seeks to define attempt to commit culpable homicide not |
amounting to murder and provides for punishment which may extend to three years, or withfine, or with both; and, if hurt is caused to any person by such act, shall be punished withimprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine,or with both. |
Clause 109 of the Bill seeks to define organised crime to mean that continuing unlawful |
activity including kidnapping, robbery, vehicle theft, extortion, land grabbing, contract killing,112 |
economic offences, cyber-crimes having severe consequences, trafficking in people, drugs |
etc., and punishment thereof. |
Clause 110 of the Bill seeks to define petty organised crime as any crime that causes |
general feelings of insecurity among citizens relating to theft of vehicle or theft from vehicle,domestic and business theft, trick theft, cargo crime, theft (attempt to theft, theft of personalproperty),etc., and punishment thereof. |
Clause 111 of the Bill seeks to provide that a terrorist act shall mean using bombs, |
dynamite or other explosive substance to cause damage or loss due to damage or destructionof property or to cause extensive interference with, damage or destruction to criticalinfrastructure, etc., with the intention to threaten the unity, integrity and security of India, tointimidate the general public or a segment thereof, or to disturb public order. |
Clause 112 of the Bill seeks to provide whoever causes bodily pain, disease or |
infirmity to any person is said to cause hurt. |
Clause 113 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing hurt and punishment |
thereof. |
Clause 114 of the Bill seeks to provide that hurt namely, emasculation, permanent |
privation of the sight of either eye, permanent privation of the hearing of either ear privationof any member or joint, destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member orjoint, permanent disfiguration of the head or face, fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth,and any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be during the space offifteen days in severe bodily pain, or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits are grievous hurt. |
Clause 115 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing grievous hurt and |
punishment thereof. |
Clause 116 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt by |
dangerous weapons or means and punishment thereof. |
Clause 117 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt to |
extort property, or to constrain to an illegal to an act and punishment thereof. |
Clause 118 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt to |
extort confession, or to compel restoration of property and punishment thereof. |
Clause 119 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt to |
deter public servant from his duty and punishment thereof. |
Clause 120 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt on |
provocation and punishment thereof. |
Clause 121 of the Bill seeks to define causing hurt by means of poison, etc., with |
intent to commit an offence and punishment thereof. |
Clause 122 of the Bill seeks to define voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of acid, |
etc., and punishment thereof. |
Clause 123 of the Bill seeks to define act endangering life or personal safety of others |
and punishment thereof. |
Clause 124 of the Bill seeks to define wrongful restraint and punishment thereof. |
Clause 125 of the Bill seeks to define wrongful confinement and punishment thereof |
.Clause 126 of the Bill seeks to define force. |
Clause 127 of the Bill seeks to define criminal force. |
Clause 128 of the Bill seeks to define assault. |
Clause 129 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment for assault or criminal force |
otherwise than on grave provocation.113 |
Clause 130 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment for assault or criminal force to |
deter public servant from discharge of his duty. |
Clause 131 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment for assault or criminal force with |
intent to dishonour person, otherwise than on grave provocation. |
Clause 132 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment assault or criminal force in attempt |
to commit theft of property carried by a person. |
Clause 133 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment assault or criminal force in attempt |
wrongfully to confine a person. |
Clause 134 of the Bill seeks to provide punishment assault or criminal force on grave |
provocation. |
Clause 135 of the Bill seeks to define kidnapping and punishment thereof. |
Clause 136 of the Bill seeks to provide that whoever by force compels, or by any |
deceitful means induces, any person to go from any place, is said to abduct that person. |
Clause 137 of the Bill seeks to define kidnapping or maiming a child for purposes of |
begging and punishment thereof. |
Clause 138 of the Bill seeks to provide for kidnapping or abducting in order to murder |
or for ransom, etc., and punishment thereof. |
Clause 139 of the Bill seeks to provide for importation of girl or boy from foreign |
country and punishment thereof. |
Clause 140 of the Bill seeks to provide for wrongfully concealing or keeping in |
confinement, kidnapped or abducted person punishment thereof. |
Clause 141 of the Bill seeks to provide for trafficking of person and punishment |
thereof. |
Clause 142 of the Bill seeks to provide for exploitation of a trafficked person and |
punishment thereof. |
Clause 143 of the Bill seeks to provide for habitual dealing in slaves and punishment |
thereof. |
Clause 144 of the Bill seeks to provide for unlawful compulsory labour and punishment |
thereof. |
Clause 145 of the Bill seeks to provide for waging, or attempting to wage war, or |
abetting waging of war, against the Government of India and punishment thereof. |
Clause 146 of the Bill seeks to provide for conspiracy to commit offences punishable |
by section 145 and punishment thereof. |
Clause 147 of the Bill seeks to provide for collecting arms, etc., with intention of |
waging war against the Government of India and punishment thereof. |
Clause 148 of the Bill seeks to provide for concealing with intent to facilitate design |
to wage war and punishment thereof. |
Clause 149 of the Bill seeks to provide for assaulting President, Governor, etc., with |
intent to compel or restrain the exercise of any lawful power and punishment thereof. |