12. d1d2
Not the best move according to the winner.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4
12... b8d7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner.
13. c3e4
White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7
13... f7f5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center.
14. e3g5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5
14... d8b6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5
15. f1h3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6
15... d7f6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3
16. e4f6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6
16... g4f6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6
17. e2c3
With the idea to castle long.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6
17... b6b2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long.
18. a1b1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2
18... b2a3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1
19. b1b7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3
19... f8f7
Magnus was afraid of the line
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7
20. b7b3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line
20... a3c5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3
21. d2e3
The king will be safe without the queens on the board.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5
21... c5c7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board.
22. e3b6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7
22... e5e4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6
23. b6c6
Naiditsch lures the rook on c8.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4
23... a8c8
The only move as after
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8.
24. e1g1
Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after
24... c7c6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick
25. d5c6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6
25... c8c6
"Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch)
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6
26. f1b1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch)
26... h7h6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1
27. g5f6
White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6
27... g7f6
Diagram [#]
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was
28. c3e4
The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#]
28... f6e5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain.
29. e4d2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5
29... c6c2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2
30. d2f3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2
30... c2a2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3
31. h3g2
A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2
31... e5f6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with
32. f3h2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6
32... g8g7
Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2
33. g2d5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that.
33... f7e7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5
34. b3b4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7
34... a2d2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4
35. d5c4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2
35... a6a5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4
36. b4b7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5
36... d2d4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7
37. b7e7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4
37... f6e7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7
38. c4b5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7
38... h6h5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5
39. h2f3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5
39... d4f4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3
40. g1g2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4
40... h5h4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2
41. b1d1
Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4
41... f4g4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4.
42. g2f1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4
42... h4h3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1
43. d1d3
A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3
43... e7f6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds.
44. f3h2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6
44... g4h4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2
45. f1g1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4
45... f6d4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1
46. d3f3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4
46... g7f6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3
47. h2f1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6
47... d4e5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1
48. f1e3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5
48... f6g5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3
49. g1h1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5
49... g5f6
The last chance for the World Champion was the line
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1
50. e3c4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line
50... g6g5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4
51. c4a5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5
51... g5g4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5
52. f3d3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4
52... f5f4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3
53. a5c4
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4
53... h4h7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4
54. c4e5
Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed.
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7
54... d6e5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed.
55. a4a5
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5
55... h7c7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5
56. d3a3
The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7
56... c7c1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is
57. h1h2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1
57... c1c2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2
58. a5a6
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2 57... c1c2
58... c2f2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2 57... c1c2 58. a5a6
59. h2h1
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2 57... c1c2 58. a5a6 58... c2f2
59... g4g3
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2 57... c1c2 58. a5a6 58... c2f2 59. h2h1
60. a6a7
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2 57... c1c2 58. a5a6 58... c2f2 59. h2h1 59... g4g3
60... f2d2
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2 57... c1c2 58. a5a6 58... c2f2 59. h2h1 59... g4g3 60. a6a7
61. a3a1
Arkadij Naiditsch won his second game in a row against the World Champion Magnus Carlsen and can be proud with the game that he had played!
1. e2e4 1... g7g6 Carlsen did not use the Pirc since 2012 and with a good reason as his results are not great here. It seems as he was ready to risk more than usual in this game. 2. d2d4 2... f8g7 3. b1c3 3... d7d6 4. c1e3 4... a7a6 5. a2a4 5... g8f6 6. h2h3 6... e8g8 7. g2g4 7... e7e5 8. d4d5 8... c7c6 9. g1e2 A logical novelty. White wants to bring the knight on g3 as quick as possible to kill any counterplay related with the f7-f5 advance. 9... c6d5 10. e4d5 10... c8g4 An unexpected move to say at least... "I was of course quite shocked when he played this but maybe it is not such a bad practical chance as I was already threatening Ne2-g3". (Naiditsch) 11. h3g4 11... f6g4 12. d1d2 Not the best move according to the winner. 12... b8d7 13. c3e4 White is slowing dow the opponent's pawns in the center. 13... f7f5 14. e3g5 14... d8b6 15. f1h3 15... d7f6 16. e4f6 16... g4f6 17. e2c3 With the idea to castle long. 17... b6b2 18. a1b1 18... b2a3 19. b1b7 19... f8f7 Magnus was afraid of the line 20. b7b3 20... a3c5 21. d2e3 The king will be safe without the queens on the board. 21... c5c7 22. e3b6 22... e5e4 23. b6c6 Naiditsch lures the rook on c8. 23... a8c8 The only move as after 24. e1g1 Arkadij calculated that he wins the pawn back. The trick 24... c7c6 25. d5c6 25... c8c6 "Endgame should be close to winning for White" (Naiditsch) 26. f1b1 26... h7h6 27. g5f6 White is happy to have the rook on f7. Another tempting continuation was 27... g7f6 Diagram [#] 28. c3e4 The point behind White's previous play! White regains the pawn and destroys the black pawn chain. 28... f6e5 29. e4d2 29... c6c2 30. d2f3 30... c2a2 31. h3g2 A slip for which Arkadij was furous about. He could have won with 31... e5f6 32. f3h2 32... g8g7 Now the game starts again. White is still better but has to maneuver a lot to prove that. 33. g2d5 33... f7e7 34. b3b4 34... a2d2 35. d5c4 35... a6a5 36. b4b7 36... d2d4 37. b7e7 37... f6e7 38. c4b5 38... h6h5 39. h2f3 39... d4f4 40. g1g2 40... h5h4 41. b1d1 Intending to swap off the rooks after Rd1-d4. 41... f4g4 42. g2f1 42... h4h3 43. d1d3 A nice regroupment. The white king goes to the h file to deal with the Black's complex of a dangerous passer and rook behind it. The knight is set free for greater deeds. 43... e7f6 44. f3h2 44... g4h4 45. f1g1 45... f6d4 46. d3f3 46... g7f6 47. h2f1 47... d4e5 48. f1e3 48... f6g5 49. g1h1 49... g5f6 The last chance for the World Champion was the line 50. e3c4 50... g6g5 51. c4a5 51... g5g4 52. f3d3 52... f5f4 53. a5c4 53... h4h7 54. c4e5 Without the bishop on the board Black cannot stop the white passer. The game is essentially over although some accuracy is still needed. 54... d6e5 55. a4a5 55... h7c7 56. d3a3 The last subtle move. Rook behind the pawn promotes it automatically. It also kills the black counter-chances related with his strong pawns. Worse is 56... c7c1 57. h1h2 57... c1c2 58. a5a6 58... c2f2 59. h2h1 59... g4g3 60. a6a7 60... f2d2