stringlengths 50
| impoliteness
int64 0
| intolerance
int64 0
Democrats Blast Tom Cotton For Holding 8 US Attorney Nominees Hostage @LINK via @USER | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER They are responsible for millions of injuries and deaths in children. They need to be stopped but unfortunately so many refuse to believe it. | 0 | 0 |
@USER You are pro Patriot act. You have no like to stand on | 1 | 0 |
@USER Subtract NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington, Boston metro areas from the rest of the U.S. and no Dems would ever win again. Why should hopelessly corrupt big cities with zero election integrity run the 90% of the remaining regions? | 0 | 0 |
#OTD in 1920, the League of Nations formally recognized Swiss neutrality, creating the headquarters in Geneva and exempting Switzerland from military obligations. #DebateAndDiplomacyInHistory | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER anyone w/ a pulse knows you're an idiot. Boebert: " oh I am hot!" No. You have big buck teeth, a wide flat ass, & a cheap lop sided boob job. Boebert: " I can handle guns & you should be scared." No. Illiterate folks & the educated can handle guns. | 1 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER Todays unions do nothing but steal me by from members and destroy companies. They are no longer needed. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER We wait in misery and suffering for the day where it will be said that US CITIZENS & their foreign spouses can finally go home without RACIST & XENOPHOBIC barriers in their way. #HR2920 or Eliminate the bars altogether. We all suffer needlessly! @LINK | 0 | 0 |
Biden never wanted to unify the country. The Democrats want to keep the country divided while they slip more spending in and call it Building Back Better. So far I haven't seen better | 0 | 0 |
@USER You're fear mongering the same way you accuse the Democrats. You're hell bent on spending taxpayer money on lawsuits that are unnecessary. You embarrass the state every time you get on social media. And you worship a man who needs to be in prison. Just stop. | 1 | 0 |
@USER You fucking lying bastards! Lets hope that Putin Will bomb the USA with nucleair weapons. Biden is a war criminal! | 1 | 1 |
@USER This is why it's good when Democrats lie about their policy positions | 0 | 0 |
Moderation to UNITE US, KEEP US SAFE, Contribute to Economic Certainty, Create Equal outcomes of Opportunity while Protecting the Few and Avoiding Favoring one group of Americans over another. Let's get politics behind us and shine! 2/16 @LINK | 0 | 0 |
Because "deploy the military against it's own civilian population" is the democratic thing to do, obviously. 20 bucks says this same person was terrified of Trump doing the same thing. @LINK | 0 | 1 |
@USER Sorry duning a pandemic every measure to keep people safe and alive must be taken. You do realize that the unfortunate people dying g are mostly Republicans. I guess you don't care about your own people | 0 | 0 |
@USER This is so true, and worthy of the American People,who certainly deserves everything possible to recover from the misinformation and dangerous behavior of Republican unhinged actions or better yet INACTIONS on Many Fronts,concerning the American People. | 0 | 0 |
@USER Wonder what "Just Us" Robert's got for his part in the death of democracy? | 0 | 0 |
@USER You are not fighting to protect democracy. You are fighting to get Democrats elected, plain n simple. | 0 | 0 |
Israeli satellite images show rapid Russian military buildup in Crimea - The Times of Israel @LINK via @USER | 0 | 0 |
Your tax dollars are paying for this asswipe. And the school board is supporting it. @LINK | 1 | 0 |
This is awful and heartbreaking. The only people getting hurt by the power struggle is the innocent. Hispanics are being targeted because to democrats we are the most important vote. People are dying because politicians are going on international news outlets | 0 | 1 |
@USER @USER Of course we're happy you aren't dead. This isn't about who has suffered, it's about the lies we're told in the media all the time, but of course take it as a personal attack instead of looking at the bigger picture. | 1 | 0 |
@USER Obamacare forced doctors to become employees of Big Health instead of having private practices - otherwise the whole Plandemic to usher in World Marxism wouldn't have worked so well. | 0 | 1 |
@USER @USER Wow you sure do have a lot of blind faith in the government. Good luck with that. | 0 | 0 |
@USER You let us down when you knew about the dangers of the pandemic, did nothing and allowed Americans to @LINK your watch. | 0 | 0 |
ADVOCATES STRUGGLE TO OVERCOME NEW #VOTINGBARRIERS IN #TEXAS. Provisions in #SenateBill1 have spurred anxiety in civic engagement groups. @LINK | 0 | 0 |
Republican National Committee overwhelmingly votes to censure Cheney, Kinzinger for sitting on Jan. 6 cmte. Finally the Leaders of the Republicans party is standing up to what is correct. Censuring Republicans who cross the line again Americans RNC! @LINK | 0 | 0 |
Brown said: "I'm certainly not ruling out doing another vote." And he added: "When Republicans don't show up, they talk about inflation all the time on the Senate floor, and then they don't show up. Even if they want to vote no, they don't show up ... it is pretty troubling." | 0 | 0 |
for context when i came out to my parents as queer in 9th grade i almost got baker acted (institutionalized) and was almost functionally locked up. this is also part of why the #DontSayGay bill is harmful - it prevents key convos from happening that would secure queer kids safety | 0 | 0 |
Teachers Unions Urge Educators to Defy State Laws to Push Critical Race Theory @LINK | 0 | 0 |
Kavanaugh's concurrence is the quintessential R position: leave the door open to rule differently but for this election, when R's really need it, it stays in effect. Ridiculous! Supreme Court allows 1 state's election map over Black vote dilution claims @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER Oh, your fighting words: takeover bill. Tongue-in-cheek is how you communicate, Sen.Daines...everything is a joke. Your above tweet is wrong; has a anti-democracy tone. But you know that. #DirtyDaines | 1 | 0 |
I hope all you folks out there in her districts wake up to the tyrannical shariah law that the Squad really want to have this country under. Please wake up @USER | 0 | 1 |
This is one of the more ugly things they've done for decades. @LINK | 0 | 0 |
Sinema and Manchun are both closeted Republicans working to put roadblocks on Pres. Biden promise to the people who carry him to the White House. That was their plans all along. @USER | 0 | 0 |
The Great Civil War was basically A Fight Between The Republican Party vs The Democratic Party! The Battles of Blood shed ended...But The Real Truth is that The Civil War of Ideologies never Ended! It persist to this Moment! We must decide Now to Save America! No less! | 0 | 0 |
Trump is now calling for criminal prosecution of all Democrats involved in manufacturing the Russia hoax. Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Trump is right on target calling for criminal prosecution of Democrats involved in its fabrication. @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER As much as I hate the Truedeaus, Arderns they do prosecute their case. They do fuck up their opponents & they are nasty. Can you say that about a single conservative in the west | 1 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER Like banning and cancelling? Forcing mandates? Which policy of Trump was fascist? | 1 | 0 |
Biden has reduced the military and cabinet positions to utter incompetence. #fjb #letsgobrandon #brandon #joebiden #joebidensucks #biden #BIDENSAMERICA #bidensucks #BidenAdministration #BidenCrimeFamily #inflation #supplychain #democratsdestroyamerica #democratssuck @LINK | 1 | 1 |
@USER Rep. Hakeem Jefferies called the RNC The Republican National Cult . | 0 | 1 |
Tired of #fakenews? I'm USA's most #Progressive candidate-only 1 calling to breakup corporate media! SIGN my petition to get on the ballot, and run for governor of #arizona!--) @LINK #Women#politics #progressive #liberal #politics #NWPC #blm #youngDemocrats @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hey I'm on your side this administration is slowly killing our country | 1 | 0 |
@USER @USER Again, there are more white men in the country. White population: 70% of the population make up 52% perpetrators (underrepresented) Black: 13% of the population make up 27% of perpetrators (overrepresented) Do you not understand basic math? @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER Our Constitution definitely needs major updating. School when it was written was a luxury. It should still be treated that way. There must be educational requirements for anyone that holds office. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Fascinating. Check the White House documentary. What you are saying is not legit. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER @USER This is the reality of the situation. Don't pussy foot around it because its happening daily, in Every facet of our lives. If you are not willing to fight the way we NEED our Candidates to fight, let sombody else do it. This is not your Grandfathers Democrat party. | 0 | 1 |
My #FightingFifth spotlight for #BlackHistoryMonth today is Dorothy Lee Bolden. Founder of the @USER Union, Dorothy Bolden helped Atlanta Black care workers harness their political power and made clear across the country that care workers are essential workers. (1/3) @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER China must be looking at the US as the biggest fools ever. They give us Covid-19 and now are selling us masks and test kits. We are becoming the laughing stock of the world sad to say. I can't believe how far our country is falling. Thanks to the Socialist Democrats. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER Absolutely you guys care,maybe care more when you are battling,that's aways been my impression from @USER problem is the Trump Republicans cares just as much about tearing democracy down as much as you do about saving it. I hope homeland security are on their toes | 0 | 1 |
@USER @USER @USER Have you not been watching TV around the world that have segments on what Joe said today. Google Australia who the left hold up as an example of civility. | 0 | 0 |
Oh @USER so, republicans don't want democrats to inside trading. Let's do them all ! Yippie !! Sen. Elizabeth Warren now wants to ban all state lawmakers and elected officials from trading corporate stocks @USER | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER Because is not helping anyone, if you take vaccine, you are more in danger than those not take it. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol "Republicans must be destroyed in 2022 and 2024" Sounds an awful lot like you want a one party state. Are you suggesting we resort to a one party system? Shades of the Nazis'. I see | 1 | 0 |
@USER Thanks to Biden's policies we are now reliant on Russia and the world for energy. We were energy independent under President Trump. Socialist leftist Democrats are weakening our country. | 0 | 1 |
Read The Vile Hate Mail Sent To Triple Amputee Veteran Behind #GoFundTheWall, Encouraged By Liberal Media And Celebrities @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER Right because we value your opinion The person who says she cares and then defunded and removed police from those that needed them most but all the while claiming their racist or this or that all the while MURDERS not "GUN violence " but PEOPLE violence is rising out of control | 0 | 0 |
@USER People in hell want ice water. Clean up your country. We need a favor though. Can you take the @USER ? | 0 | 0 |
McCarthy calls Pelosi 'irresponsible' in fiery press conference @LINK via @USER ARE SICK & TIRED OF PELOSI & HER FELLOW LIBERAL/SOCIALISTS' HATE-MONGERING !! | 0 | 0 |
@USER This is not a "far right" occupation! It's simply people who do not want to be force vaccinated. Many people of color absolutely do NOT want to be force-vaxxed! @LINK | 1 | 0 |
@USER I hope our allies don't leave us as after today the Republicans have proven that they have no interest in liberty, freedom, justice, and/or STAND FOR DEMOCRACY!!!!!! Today, the US proved by the REPUBLICANS that DEMOCRACY IS DEAD!!!! | 0 | 1 |
@USER is the greatest President since FDR. The press & everyone else will have to learn that the hard way. | 0 | 0 |
Live look at Ron Klein scrambling for a distraction from the record-high inflation he helped his idiot boss create. @LINK | 1 | 0 |
I see the news report with people walking in the background with no mask on. MY GOD it's DISGUSTING how pathetic these people are to only think of themselves. To not wear mask or get vaccinated! DISGUSTING HUMAN BEINGS! I'm mad! @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER | 1 | 0 |
@USER Los Angeles is a Democrat State with all the homelessness and drug addiction to go along with it so am sure now all Americans will have to pay to fix all these messes Democrat created in these States. | 0 | 1 |
Building a mechanism to ensure working people can keep food on the table, save for a rainy day, and keep their bills paid will make us all feel more secure. @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER Shut them all down. Useless at best and destructive at its worst. | 0 | 0 |
@USER Why do you choose to emphasize the control of future inflation rates (exceptionally difficult to predict) rather than public health improvements from increased access to wages, healthcare, & education? The former is the concern of financiers, the latter most of your constituents. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER Well when you demand communism you best be prepared for the consequences | 0 | 1 |
@USER @USER Look at Europe when the left let the radical Islam grew inside their community. Did you see what happened in France ? You think their dangerous ideas are far away right? Obama unleash the radical Iranian Mulla regime and helped them to grow in the Middle East and the world . | 1 | 0 |
@USER There is growing concern that the COVID vaccines may be causing what some are now calling Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS). Here's an article from before the vaccines were available that speculated this might happen. @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER Why don't you get a vaccine for BLM and Antifa to keep them from rioting and looting all over the country? Get a vaccine for all to protect people in cities across the country from gun violence where don't you? | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER The founders were very intelligent, BUT did not realize we would need to limit the "allowable" time in Congress to two terms!!! | 0 | 0 |
@USER That's going to piss democrats off, since they already got their kickbacks from big business. So prices better start dropping, or American people will take over. | 0 | 1 |
@USER @USER You & the rest of the Dirty democrats have destroyed NY Financially & morally with your disgusting mandates & bail reform & ridiculous high taxes! #UNMASKOURCHILDREN #Republicans #BidenIsAFailure #LetsGoBrandon | 1 | 0 |
I am honored to receive an endorsement from the Restore Liberty organization! We must continue fighting for liberty and protect our children from the radical left social education policies. Parents should be able to decide with their children are learning in school! #alpolitics @LINK | 1 | 0 |
@USER In my opinion, at this point in time in America thinking that we are going to get our country back from the fraudulent criminal Democrats system, trying to fight against a criminal illegitimate democratic party government is completely delusional. What's needed is Hands-On fight. | 0 | 1 |
@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The US has a greater far right militia problem than Ukraine, to be fair | 0 | 0 |
@USER This all u people care about is student loan forgiveness all I hear from Democratic party this will not give a win if it gets done American families parents and kids need is emergency stimulus CTC no payments for 2 months already u should be working on CTC stop lying | 0 | 0 |
Biden Opens Child-Only Camp for Illegals, Proves 'Kids in Cages' Was Just a Campaign Lie via @USER @LINK | 0 | 1 |
FYI - The founders of our country believed that elections should be governed at the state level. | 0 | 0 |
Biden and Harris will reverse everything President Trump has done including his tax cuts. Which means higher taxes!! Democrats LIE, LIE & LIE!! @USER | 0 | 1 |
"The Democrats Are in Search of Their Next Scam" - President Trump Responds to Latest Fake News on National Archives @LINK via @USER | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER We might not agree but I think the most racist party is the democrats (D) The media helps cover up or less the effect of things that Joe Biden says. While both D & R had slaves back in the day, the D fought to keep slavery while the R were trying to abolish it. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER Why do you want to talk to young children about their sexuality so badly? | 0 | 0 |
@USER Where were you when the right attacked the Capital to overturn a legitimate election? Sit down Insurrectionists | 0 | 1 |
Yet just yesterday 3,189 Americans died from COVID in one day. Their arguments are weak and wrong! @LINK | 0 | 0 |
#Analytics_06 #Energy_06 #GOVT_06 #Experts_06 In reality, they would transform Kansas, one of the top producers of wind energy for two decades, into one of the most restrictive states in the nation, pro-wind #experts say. @LINK | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER We are all so tired and burned out waiting for Justice. The people investigating him don't know the half of what he has done. I'm of the opinion once they do find out and they will. It will be Treason that Trump has committed and the Justice Department will have to charge him. | 0 | 0 |
@USER And the wealth gap expanded faster last year than any other year in history. Bernie S went from $2mil to $3 mil in net worth last year on a salary of $174k. | 0 | 0 |
@USER @USER Because other politicians are scared to say what we are ALL thinking. I know competent strong leadership scares the left bcus they prey on fear, but its their own damn fault we have tough fighter no nonsense candidates this time round. We will not loose this fight. | 0 | 0 |
Parents send 'clear message' to left-wing school board members in San Francisco, boot them from office by overwhelming vote - TheBlaze @LINK | 1 | 0 |
@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Samantha You are clueless!!! No one should trust any government. Especially ours | 1 | 0 |
The Media is Shamelessly Slandering the VA Second Amendment Rally | The Dan Bongino Show @LINK | 1 | 0 |
MSNBC Reporter Admits What Conservatives Have Said About Guns Is Completely True @LINK | 0 | 0 |
The TwitCivility dataset is specifically developed to classify political incivility, focusing on multidimensional aspects of impoliteness and intolerance. Detailed methodologies are outlined in our paper.
All text is written in English.
We release TwitCivility as a data frame with the following fields:
text: This field contains the text (after preprocessing and anonymization) of the tweet.
impoliteness: A binary indicator (1 or 0) representing the presence of impoliteness in the text. A value of 1 signifies impoliteness, while 0 indicates non-impoliteness.
intolerance: Similarly, this binary value denotes the presence of intolerance in the text, with 1 indicating intolerance and 0 signifying non-intolerance.
title={Detecting Multidimensional Political Incivility on Social Media},
author={Sagi Pendzel and Nir Lotan and Alon Zoizner and Einat Minkov},