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Watson Reports Positive Findings for Prostate Drug
Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. (WPI) , the largest U.S. maker of generic drugs, reported positive results for its experimental prostate treatment in two late-state trials. The drug, silodosin, was more effective than a placebo in treating enlarged prostates, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, the Corona, California-based company said today in a statement on PR Newswire. The tests were in the final of three phases of trials normally needed for regulatory approval. Non-cancerous enlarged prostate affects more than half of American men in their 60s and as many as 90 percent of them by age 85, Watson said. Prescription drug sales to treat the disorder total $1.7 billion a year, the company said. Watson plans to apply for U.S. approval to market the drug in the first half of 2008, after completion later this year of a one-year safety trial, the company said. The two studies reported today showed that cardiovascular and blood-pressure side effects were low, Watson said. To contact the reporter on this story: Robert Simison in Washington at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Robert Simison at [email protected] .
Roche to Buy CuraGen Unit for $140 Million to Map DNA
Roche Holding AG (ROG) , the world's biggest maker of diagnostic tests, agreed to buy CuraGen Corp.'s 454 Life Sciences for $140 million in cash to gain the company's DNA-mapping technology. Shareholders of 454 Life Sciences, a majority-owned unit of CuraGen, may also get as much as $14.9 million in cash from holders of stock options and warrants, if those are exercised, Basel, Switzerland-based Roche said today in a statement on its Web site. Roche already had a research collaboration with the company that gave it access to the genome-sequencing system. 454 Life Sciences' machines can read how genetic sequences are organized on a single strand of DNA. German scientists are using the technology to try to uncover the genetic makeup of Neanderthals using 45,000-year-old bones found in Croatia , the company said last year. Mapping can also help identify the genetic cause of a disease or suggest ways to treat it. ``This acquisition is part of our strategy to strengthen our position as a major player in the sequencing market,'' Severin Schwan, who heads Roche's diagnostics unit, said in the statement. ``Our existing collaboration is very successful.'' Roche shares gained 2.9 Swiss francs, or 1.4 percent, to 217.1 francs at the close of trading in Zurich. CuraGen shares slid 77 cents, or 20 percent, to $3.07 at the New York close of Nasdaq Stock Market composite trading. ``It's an interesting addition for Roche Diagnostics, but it's not relevant to the value of the company's stock,'' said Holger Geissler, who manages the equivalent of $1.8 billion in pharmaceutical stocks, including Roche, at DWS Investment GmbH in Frankfurt. Avastin Separately, the European Union approved Roche's and Genentech Inc.'s Avastin drug as a first choice to treat breast cancer that has spread, in combination with chemotherapy. The approval was based on tests that showed the medicine helps women live on average twice as long as those given chemotherapy alone. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last year delayed approving Avastin, Roche's and partner Genentech Inc.'s second-biggest cancer product, to treat breast tumors because it wanted more time to analyze the safety and effectiveness of the drug. ``This is a positive signal given the delay for this indication in the U.S.,'' said Geissler in a televised interview today. Avastin was first approved in the U.S. in February 2004 as a first-choice treatment for people with colon cancer that had spread. To contact the reporters on this story: Marthe Fourcade in Paris at [email protected] ; Angela Cullen in Frankfurt at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Elser at [email protected]
Australian Dollar Gains; Japanese May Buy on New Financial Year
The Australian dollar rose against the dollar to near the strongest in a decade as Japanese investors bought the nation's higher-yielding assets. Australia 's dollar was also the second strongest against the yen among 16 most active currencies, on speculation investors from Japan will resume buying overseas bonds as a new financial year starts in April. The currency was set for a fourth quarterly gain against the dollar and yen as investors borrowed cheaply in Japan to buy assets in Australia in so-called carry trades. ``It screams out to me that we're seeing carry trades going through,'' said Paul Milton, chief dealer at Societe Generale in Sydney. ``We've seen quite a lot of Japanese interest in the Australian dollar today.'' The Australian dollar was at 80.83 cents as of 4:48 p.m. in Sydney from 80.66 in late Asia yesterday. It touched 81.08 cents on March 26 and the day after, the highest since December 1996. The currency will trade between 80.6 and 80.9 cents today, Milton said. Australia's dollar rose 0.8 percent to trade at 94.82 yen from 94.11 yesterday. The nation's key interest rate is 5.75 percentage points above Japan's, which at 0.5 percent is the lowest among major economies. Australia's two-year government bonds yield 5.48 percentage points more than like-dated Japanese debt and offer an extra 1.77 percentage points over U.S. Treasuries. Barrier Options Further gains in the currency may be limited by speculation traders are unwilling to buy it above its decade-high. Speculators have left instructions to sell the currency to protect so-called barrier options that become worthless on a gain to 81.10, 81.25 and 81.50 cents, said Ray Attrill, director of foreign exchange research at Forecast Ltd. in Sydney. ``This means the upside on the Australian dollar will be pretty tough going above 81 cents so it will probably range between 80 and 81 cents this week,'' he said. The currency last week rose above 80 cents for only the second time since 1996 and extended its rally as traders boosted bets the central bank will lift interest rates from a six-year high of 6.25 percent in coming months. Its gained 2.5 percent this quarter as interest rate speculation has been buoyed by reports showing unemployment near a 30-year low, rising consumer confidence and retail spending. The probability of the Reserve Bank raising interest rates a quarter-percentage point by August is 94 percent compared with 26 percent odds two weeks ago, according to 30-day interbank rate tracking futures contracts. Bonds Decline Traders see the likelihood of a rate increase as soon as the bank's April 4 meeting at 51 percent, according to a Credit Suisse index calculated by the exchange of interest payments. ``The Australian dollar will sustain its gains above 80 cents'' and rise to 82 in a month, said Richard Grace , senior currency strategist at Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Sydney. ``Prospects for the currency are very good because an interest rate increase could come as soon as next week.'' Australian government bonds declined for a second day, pushing the yield of the benchmark 10-year security up 2 basis points to 5.85 percent, 1.23 percentage points higher than like- dated U.S. Treasuries. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point. The price of the 6 percent bond maturing in February 2017 fell 0.181, or A$1.81 per A$1,000 face amount, to 101.104. Bond yields move inversely to price. To contact the reporter on this story: Chris Young in Sydney at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Sandy Hendry at [email protected] .
Imax Expands Accounting Probe, Sees More Restatements
Imax Corp. (IMAX) , the biggest maker of large-screen movie theaters, expanded a probe into accounting errors and said restatements may exceed the $2.5 million already announced. The company delayed filing its 2006 annual report a second time to review its sales accounting at the prompting of U.S. and Canadian regulators, Toronto-based Imax said today in a statement. The company said it can't say when it will file its annual report, which was due tomorrow. Imax will examine its accounting for revenue from theater- system installations. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Ontario Securities Commission began probing revenue recognition by Imax last year. The company reviewed six years of accounting after finding errors the treatment of costs. The new filing delay will put Imax in default of the financial reporting covenant on $160 million in senior notes, said Michael Kelman, a Susquehanna Financial Group analyst in Bala Cynwyd , Pennsylvania , in a report today. It is also likely to prompt a delisting notice from Nasdaq , said Kelman, who rates the shares ``neutral.'' Earlier this month, the company said it misclassified some expenses as capital spending , which can be written off gradually, instead of current expenses, which can't be. Shares of Imax fell 38 cents, or 6.2 percent, to C$5.79 at 4 p.m. in Toronto Stock Exchange trading. They've risen 33 percent this year. To contact the reporter on this story: Emma Moody at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Emma Moody at [email protected]
Liberty, Great Portland Start London Property Venture
Liberty International Plc, the U.K.'s largest owner of malls, and Great Portland Estates Plc, a property company focusing on London's West End, formed a 460 million-pound ($903 million) venture to invest in central London. Liberty's Capital & Counties unit is investing 299 million pounds of office assets in the venture, with Great Portland putting in 162 million pounds of properties and 68 million pounds in cash, the two companies said in separate statements today. Great Portland will manage the venture. Great Portland will be able to redevelop more assets in the West End, the most expensive place in the world to rent offices, while Capital & Counties can focus on retail assets in the U.K. capital's Covent Garden district, where it is the biggest landlord. ``This will allow us to prosecute our business plan much more aggressively,'' Great Portland Chief Executive Toby Courtauld said in an interview. ``Joint ventures give us access to messy raw material that we couldn't get if they came on the open market.'' The properties in the venture have around 850,000 square feet of space (79,000 square meters), generating 21.1 million pounds of rents at inception. That will rise to about 30 million pounds a year in four or five years, excluding any increases as a result of redevelopments, said Courtauld. ``This is another transaction in which Liberty receives cash,'' JPMorgan Chase & Co. analyst Harm Meijer said in a note to clients. ``We would suggest Liberty returns cash to shareholders by buying back its own shares, rather than pursuing further acquisitions in this hot market.'' The venture was a ``win-win'' for both companies, said Meijer. JPMorgan rates both companies ``overweight.'' West End Rents Some hedge fund managers are paying more than 100 pounds a square foot in rent for prime space in Mayfair in the West End. Tenants in the properties in the venture are paying around 26 pounds a square foot, said Courtauld. Two of Liberty's offices in the venture are in Piccadilly and Regent Street. Many of Liberty's properties in the venture are owned by the Queen of England's property estate, while a number of Great Portland's are close to Crown Estate properties. ``There will be buying and selling both ways and restructuring of leases,'' said Courtauld. Liberty's shares rose 23 pence, or 1.9 percent, to 1,243 pence in London. Great Portland's shares gained 16.5 pence, or 2.2 percent, to 772 pence. To contact the reporter for this story: Peter Woodifield in Edinburgh at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rob Urban at [email protected] .
Malaysian Bonds Rally on Best Sale Since October; Ringgit Gains
Malaysian bonds rallied, pushing three-, five- and 10-year yields below the nation's benchmark interest rate for the first time, after demand at a debt auction surged. The ringgit strengthened. The government today auctioned 3.5 billion ringgit ($1.01 billion) of April 2010 bonds at 3.497 percent, the lowest since a similar-maturity debt yielded 3.229 percent at a September 2005 auction. The sale attracted 2.86 ringgit of bids for every 1 ringgit of debt sold, the most since the government sold the same three-year benchmark notes in October at 3.869 percent. ``We saw great interest in the new issue, especially from offshore players who are bullish on the ringgit,'' said Sing Yang, head of bond trading at OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Bhd. The yield on the 3.869 percent note due February 2017 fell 6 basis points, or 0.06 percentage point, to 3.45 percent at the 5 p.m. close in Kuala Lumpur, according to central bank data. The price rose 0.178, or 1.78 ringgit per 1,000 ringgit face amount, to 101.2. Bond yields move inversely to prices. Three- and five year benchmark bond yields have both dropped more than a percentage point in a rally since June, causing a so-called inversion of the yield curve to the overnight lending rate. Overseas investors in December raised their holding of local bonds to the highest since at least 2001 on speculation the ringgit will add to its 7.1 percent appreciation in 2006. Gains in the nation's currency may also temper inflation, giving more room to the central bank to cut interest rates. Bank Negara has kept its overnight rate at 3.5 percent in the past seven meetings, saying inflation will cool. The central bank this month forecast inflation to average 2 percent to 2.5 percent in 2007, compared with 3.6 percent in 2006. Ringgit Gains The ringgit pared earlier losses on speculation gains in the nation's stocks and bonds will underpin demand for the ringgit. The Kuala Lumpur Composite Index gained 0.05 percent after falling as much as 1 percent. The currency traded at 3.455 against the U.S. dollar, compared with 3.463 in late Asian trading yesterday, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It has gained 2.1 percent this year, the third-best in the Asia-Pacific region after the Thai baht offshore rate and the Australian dollar. ``The money keeps coming in, lately by foreign interests,'' said Tan Chee Wee, a senior bond analyst at AmResearch Sdn. in Kuala Lumpur. ``The capital gains from ringgit appreciation could give some extra returns, so that's quite an attraction to offshore players.'' To contact the reporter on this story: David Yong in Kuala Lumpur at [email protected] . To contact the editors responsible for this story: Sandy Hendry at [email protected] .
Carrefour Must Find Property `Solutions,' Duran Says
2007-03-29T15:59:14Z Carrefour SA (CA) , Europe's biggest retailer, must find ways to sell real estate without disturbing its operations, Chief Executive Officer Jose Luis Duran said. ``We have to find solutions,'' the CEO said today in an interview during a conference in Barcelona , Spain. Duran softened his stance on real estate after strategy talks with representatives of Colony Capital LLC and Groupe Arnault, who teamed up this month to buy a 9.8 percent stake in Paris-based Carrefour. The CEO has resisted property sales until now, arguing that loss of control over rental costs would erode margins. ``We all agree on targets
faster, and how to create more value for shareholders,'' he said. ``The question is how to do it without endangering the operating side of the business.'' The retailer is ``clearly undervalued'' and has ``enormous potential'' for development, Bernard Arnault , the billionaire CEO of luxury-goods maker LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA (MC) , said today on Europe1 radio. ``Colony has pushed the management to think more about how to extract value from real estate,'' said Emmanuel Soupre, who helps oversee $33 billion in stocks as a fund manager at Banque de Neuflize in Paris. ``We will see if the relationship turns out to be a happy couple or an arranged marriage.'' Too Low? Carrefour has 6 million square meters (64.6 million square feet) of retail space excluding warehouses and backrooms worth 15 billion euros ($20 billion) to 20 billion euros, according to Finance Director Eric Reiss. That's too low, analysts and investors say. The retailer's land and buildings, 80 percent of which are located in Europe, are worth at least 26 billion euros, according to Guillaume Rascoussier, an analyst at Oddo & Cie. in Paris. ``Carrefour may first sell its shopping centers and subsequently launch an IPO of its Carrefour Property subsidiary,'' he wrote in a March 26 note. Duran said he aims to continue raising sales with the help of discounts. Executives will accelerate the price-cutting strategy implemented in the past 24 months, he said. The CEO declined to comment on speculation about a possible bid for Carrefour, the operator of Champion supermarkets, by buyout firms. ``There is not a single company, not just in retail, where private equity is not looking around,'' he said. Family Stake The company's stock has gained 19 percent this year, helped by speculation that the 13 percent stake controlled by its main investor may be for sale. The holding, owned by the Halley family, will not be sold, a spokesman said March 23. Carrefour is gearing up to enter India in ``months to come'' and taking time to choose a partner, according to Duran. ``It's a difficult market where we absolutely have to have a partner,'' he said. Duran declined to comment on reports that Carrefour is in talks to form a joint venture with Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) , India's largest company by market value. Reliance, whose activities range from refining oil to making textiles, is adding to its retail division to capitalize on growth of the Indian middle class and a pending loosening of retail laws. Carrefour shares added 63 cents, or 1.2 percent, to 54.72 euros in Paris today. To contact the reporter on this story: Ladka Bauerova in Paris at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Keith Campbell at [email protected] .
Australian Media Law Changes to Take Effect April 4
2007-03-29T07:43:13Z Laws removing most restrictions on media ownership in Australia will take effect April 4, paving the way for overseas companies to take control of local media and for broadcasters and newspaper publishers to combine. ``The government's media reforms will encourage greater competition and allow media companies to achieve economies of scale and scope,'' Communications Minister Helen Coonan said in a statement released in Canberra today. Parliament passed the laws in October, triggering a rush in media transactions as billionaire proprietors Rupert Murdoch, James Packer and Kerry Stokes and buyout firms including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. jockeyed for position ahead of the change. Under the new laws, 20-year-old rules stopping overseas investors from owning more than 25 percent of a city newspaper publisher and 15 percent of a TV network will be abolished. One company will also be able to own two forms of media
one. To contact the reporter on this story: Fergus Maguire in Canberra, Australia at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Peter Vercoe at [email protected]
All Fiscal Roads Lead U.S. to a Value-Added Tax: Albert R. Hunt
2010-03-21T15:00:00Z President Barack Obama , nearing the end of a bruising health-care battle, should consider the counsel of a former Bush official and propose a radical new consumption tax that most Americans oppose. Sounds nuts. It really isn’t. Just follow along for a bit. The federal budget deficit problem is chronic and most experts, and ultimately markets, see it as systemic and lethal; partial fixes involve painful spending cutbacks and middle-class tax increases. The promise of the president’s bipartisan fiscal commission, due to make recommendations after the November congressional elections, was set back last week when five of the six Republicans named to the panel by congressional leaders are theological opponents of any tax increases (the exception being New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg ). No one seriously believes the deficit can be controlled without cutting spending on entitlements and raising taxes. With this background the proposal by Columbia Law School professor Michael Graetz, a top Treasury official in the first Bush administration (the better Bush years in the view of most Democrats and independents), to partially replace the federal income tax with a consumption tax may start to look like more of a winner, on the substance certainly, and perhaps even politically. Worsening Deficit Last year, Graetz published a book on this notion, “100 Million Unnecessary Returns: A Simple, Fair, and Competitive Tax Plan for the United States .” In an interview last week, he said he had tweaked his proposals to adjust for the worsening deficit realities and some new data. A look at the options in fiscal year 2015 is instructive. Using reasonable economic assumptions, to reach Obama’s target of a deficit that is 3 percent of gross domestic product by that year would require about $400 billion in spending cuts or tax increases (That assumes terminating the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, which most Republicans resist). Graetz would impose a 14 percent value-added tax on goods and services; it would be collected piecemeal at each stage of production. Small businesses, those with gross receipts of less than $500,000, would be exempt. Ending Income Taxes He then would eliminate the federal income tax for taxpayers making less than $100,000 a year. A 25 percent rate would be slapped on income above that level, and, he says, a 30 percent or 35 percent rate on income above $500,000. This would remove up to 150 million Americans from the federal income-tax rolls. The corporate tax rate would be slashed to below 20 percent from the current 35 percent. This would make American corporations more competitive globally and the U.S. a more attractive place to invest. Almost 150 nations have a value-added or consumption tax, the outliers being some African and Middle Eastern countries, Greenland and the U.S. Payroll taxes would be unchanged and, with cost of living adjustments, Social Security recipients unaffected, as would expenditures in education and most health care. Adjustments would be made so the working poor, recipients of the current earned income-tax credit , would do just as well. Trimming Deductions An important question, Graetz says, is exactly which current deductions would be eliminated; this is a political and budgetary consideration. He envisions doing away with state and local tax write-offs as incentives would be created for states to piggyback off the value-added tax. Charitable deductions would be unchanged. There would be savings in compliance costs; Graetz dismisses complaints about that. “If Sri Lanka can administer a value-added tax, we can,” he says. A bottom line, he sees, would be a tax system that even if isn’t more progressive and more simplified than the current one, at least encourages economic growth and investment, and is easier to adjust for changing economic circumstances. “We can no longer afford the luxury of a tax system that relegates the goal of economic growth to the back burner,” Graetz declares. Five-Year Plan The most compelling case for the Graetz tax may be the alternatives. To reduce the deficit by $400 billion five years from now, assume half from spending cutbacks and half from more revenue. On the spending side, a big contributor would have to be the politically sensitive pension programs such as Social Security. Reducing the cost of living increases, boosting the retirement age and doubling the wages subject to Social Security taxes would get about a third of it. The other two-thirds would have to come from cutting the defense budget
seat, they say. Since almost no one outside of Oregon remembers the late Democratic congressman, he was the House Ways and Means Committee chairman from 1975 to 1981 whose Washington duties caused him to lose touch with his sprawling district. He would have lost even if he had never mentioned a value-added tax. Yes, a consumption tax would be politically perilous. Yet, this fall, voters and the press should ask every congressional candidate if it’s acceptable, five years into the recovery, to run a budget deficit that by some estimates may reach almost $1 trillion. If not, they should be forced to spell out precisely how they would get it to $500 billion. The alternatives then will seem more perilous than Michael Graetz’s value-added tax. ( Albert R. Hunt is the executive editor for Washington at Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are his own.) For Related News and Information: To contact the writer of this column: Albert R. Hunt in Washington at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this column: Max Berley at [email protected] .
Gazprom May Buy Sakhalin-1 Gas for Russian Far East
OAO Gazprom, Russia's state-run natural-gas exporter, may buy gas from the Sakhalin-1 project to sell domestically, said Victor Timoshilov, eastern projects coordinator for the company. Russian government officials told Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) in August not to plan on exporting natural gas from the $17 billion Sakhalin-1 venture it operates and instead to work more closely with Gazprom to ensure domestic demand for the fuel is met. ``Gazprom can be instrumental to help that these priorities are met,'' Timoshilov said at the Sakhalin Oil and Gas Conference in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. ``We can purchase the fuel and then sell it throughout the Russian Far East .'' Sakhalin-1 has escaped much of the pressure that Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA) 's Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project faced from Russian environmental inspectors last year. Shell and its partners sold Gazprom a 50 percent stake plus one share for $7.45 billion in April. Exxon is ``looking at all options'' for the sale of its natural gas, said James Taylor , executive vice president for Exxon Neftegaz Ltd., the subsidiary that operates Sakhalin-1, at the conference. `Top Priority' Sakhalin-1 will be the only source to supply gas to Russia's eastern regions until ``at least'' 2015, Gazprom said in an e-mailed statement today. Supplying domestic customers is a ``top priority'' of the government's plan approved in June to develop gas production and transportation in the Far East and eastern Siberia, the company said. The Sakhalin-2 venture, which plans to start producing Russia's first liquefied natural gas next year, has contracts to sell almost all of its output to utilities in Japan and Korea . Irving, Texas-based Exxon owns 30 percent Sakhalin-1, which began pumping oil in 2005 to reach production of 250,000 barrels a day in February. SODECO of Japan also owns 30 percent and OAO Rosneft and India 's Oil & Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC) each own 20 percent. The development is comprised of the Chayvo, Odoptu and Arkutun Dagi fields, which lie under seas choked with ice for half the year. The fields are estimated to hold up to 2.3 billion barrels of oil and 485 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Exxon signed a production sharing agreement with the Russian government for Sakhalin-1 in 1996, which allows it to export natural gas outside of Gazprom's monopoly. To contact the reporter on this story: Christian Schmollinger in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reinie Booysen at [email protected]
N.Z. Oil & Gas Says Taranui Well to Be Abandoned
New Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd. (NZO) , the nation's biggest publicly traded explorer, said the Taranui-1 well off the country's Taranaki coast contained only minor oil shows and will be plugged and abandoned. ``Logs recorded while drilling indicate that there are no potentially productive intervals present,'' the Wellington-based company said in a statement to the New Zealand stock exchange. Taranui, 30 kilometers (19 miles) off the west coast of New Zealand's North Island , had been estimated to contain 5 million to 15 million barrels of oil. It was targeted as an add-on to the nearby 32 million-barrel Tui field, developed in partnership with Australian Worldwide Exploration Ltd. and Mitsui & Co. N.Z. Oil & Gas owned 12.5 percent of Taranui. Its stock fell 2.9 percent to NZ$1.00 at the 5 p.m. close of trading in Wellington. Last month, the partners also abandoned the Hector well 65 kilometers southwest of Tui. The prospect had been estimated to hold about 60 million barrels of oil. To contact the reporter on this story: Gavin Evans in Wellington at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reinie Booysen at [email protected]
TA Associates Buys Stake in Bleichroeder Holdings
TA Associates , the private-equity firm with stakes in a dozen investment companies, bought a minority position in Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Holdings Inc., manager of First Eagle mutual funds. Terms weren't disclosed. The founding-family shareholders of New York-based ASB Holdings will remain majority owners, the firms said today in a statement. The transaction provides funds for equity incentives to Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder's employees. TA Associates, formed 39 years ago to invest in fast-growing companies, has bought stakes in three investment managers this year as higher assets and rising stock markets have increased industry profits. In March, the Boston-based firm purchased a stake in K2 Advisors LLC of Stamford , Connecticut , which invests clients' money in hedge funds. Also in March, TA Associates acquired the Jupiter mutual-fund unit of German bank Commerzbank AG for $1.45 billion. ``It's part of a deliberate strategy to make more investments in asset-management companies as they have recurring revenues and rapid growth,'' Roger Kafker, a managing director at TA Associates, said today in an interview. ``Even during stock market declines, they stay profitable because there is a natural trend towards saving more money.'' Investment-management acquisitions rose 30 percent globally to 112 in the first half of 2007, according to Putnam Lovell NBF Securities. The value of those deals more than doubled to $32 billion, largely driven by private-equity buyers. Keystone, Affiliated Managers TA Associates made its first asset-management deal in 1989 with its investment in Keystone Group, a Boston-based mutual-fund distributor and investment adviser. TA Associates, which manages $10 billion, has since invested in money managers including Beverly, Massachusetts-based Affiliated Managers Group Inc. (AMG) and Amvescap Plc's Aim Investments in Houston. Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder manages $45 billion in assets, including the First Eagle funds, which is home to stock-picker Jean-Marie Eveillard. The company also manages hedge funds and separately managed accounts for institutions and wealthy individuals. Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder was formed from the merger of two German financing firms in 1931. It shifted to New York in 1937. Hedda Nadler, a spokeswoman for Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, and TA Associates spokeswoman Marcia O'Carroll declined to comment on the terms. To contact the reporter on this story: Sree Vidya Bhaktavatsalam in Boston at [email protected] . To contact the editor on this story: Larry Edelman in Boston at [email protected] .
Alcoa to Invest $42 Million to Improve Massena, N.Y., Plant
By Dan Hart
Alcoa Inc. (AA) agreed to invest $42 million to prepare for the upgrade of a smelter at its Massena, New York, aluminum plant, as part of a long-term power supply accord with the New York Power Authority. The largest U.S. aluminum producer also will provide $10 million for a North Country Economic Development Fund, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement. The agreement is expected to help keep at least 900 jobs at the site, the governor said. The project is awaiting approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which put forth a plan for cleanup of the Grasse River. The decision is expected next month, the governor’s office said. As part of a long-term power supply agreement with NYPA in 2008, Alcoa must invest at least $600 million to modernize the Massena operations, the statement said. Alcoa agreed to set up the fund to boost economic development in New York’s St. Lawrence, Franklin, Essex, Jefferson, Lewis, Hamilton and Herkimer counties as well as on the Akwesasne Mohawk reservation. The new power contract will begin January 2014, and extends to 2045, with a 10-year option to extend service , Cuomo said in the statement. Massena is about 400 miles (643 kilometers) north-northwest of New York City on the border with the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. To contact the reporter on this story: Dan Hart in Washington at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Sylvia Wier at [email protected]
N.Z. Cricketer Jesse Ryder Out of Induced Coma After Bar Assault
By Ben Sharples
New Zealand cricketer Jesse Ryder is out of an induced coma and off a ventilator as he recovers from an assault outside a bar in Christchurch, according to a statement from his manager, Aaron Klee. Police have arrested and charged two men, aged 20 and 37, over the assault, and they will appear in Christchurch District Court on April 4, New Zealand Police said in statements on its website yesterday. To contact the reporter on this story: Ben Sharples in Melbourne at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stanley James at [email protected]
Landslide in Tibet Traps 83 Miners, No Survivors or Bodies Found
By Bloomberg News
A landslide at a Chinese-run mine in Tibet trapped 83 workers, and after 28 hours rescuers have yet to find any survivors or recover bodies, the official Xinhua news agency reported today. The chances of survival for those buried are slim as rescue efforts are hindered by the high altitude and low temperatures, Xinhua said. Two of those trapped are Tibetan and the rest are Han Chinese migrant workers from neighboring provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have ordered every effort be made to rescue the workers, Xinhua said. The Jiama copper and gold mine in Maizhokunggar county near Lhasa is the Chinese government’s biggest project to tap mineral resources in Tibet, with planned investment of 5 billion yuan ($805 million) through 2015, according to the industry ministry’s website. The mine is operated by the Huatailong Mining Development Co. To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Xin Zhou in Beijing at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jim McDonald at [email protected]
Kenya Supreme Court Upholds Kenyatta’s Presidential Vote Win
By Eric Ombok and Sarah McGregor
Kenya ’s Supreme Court upheld Uhuru Kenyatta’s victory in this month’s presidential election, dismissing a petition from defeated candidate Raila Odinga for the result to be annulled, The court “reached a unanimous decision on all the four issues for determination,” Chief Justice Willy Mutunga said, reading a ruling on behalf of the six-judge bench in the capital, Nairobi. Kenyatta and his deputy, William Ruto , “were validly elected,” he said. The decision clears the way for the inauguration of Kenyatta, who is facing a separate legal challenge at the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity. Kenyatta, Ruto, and a Kenyan radio presenter are accused by the ICC of orchestrating violence after the last presidential election five years ago. They all maintain they are innocent and will fight the charges. “I want to assure all Kenyans, including those who did not vote for the Jubilee Coalition, and indeed even those who challenged the validity of my election, that my government will work with, and serve all Kenyans without any discrimination whatsoever,” Kenyatta said in an e-mailed statement. Kenyatta extended an olive branch to Odinga and other competitors to join him “so that we can work together in the interest of the well-being of our people.” Police used tear gas to disperse groups of youth burning tires and blocking roads in Kisumu after the verdict was read. Widespread fighting engulfed the western port city after the 2007 election. “The situation at the moment is under control and police are patrolling,” Elisha Cherono, head of the administrative police in Kisumu, said by phone today. Fair, Transparent Kenyatta, 51, won this year’s election with 50.07 percent of votes cast, surpassing by about 8,000 ballots the absolute majority required to avoid a runoff, while Odinga got 43.3 percent. More than 12 million Kenyans voted, a record 86 percent turnout, according to the country’s electoral agency. The vote “was conducted in a free, fair, transparent and credible manner,” Mutunga said. Odinga, 68, said the March 4 vote should be nullified and new elections held because of the failure of electronic systems including finger-print identification readers and the mobile phone-based transmission of provisional results. Turnout surpassed the number of registered voters at some polling stations and some return forms were doctored, he said. “I wish the president-elect, Uhuru Kenyatta, and his team, well,” Odinga said after the ruling. “Casting doubt on the judgment of the court could lead to higher political and economic uncertainty, and make it more difficult for our country to move forward.” Not Fraud The ruling means discrepancies pointed out by Odinga “don’t amount to enough to allow Odinga’s petition to succeed,” Mwalimu Mati, head of the independent watchdog Mars Group, said in a phone interview from Nairobi after the verdict. “They indicated institutional challenges which can be remedied and not corruption or fraud.” The court had ordered forms to be scrutinized from all polling stations. The Registrar of the Supreme Court said in a report yesterday that it examined documents from 18,000 out of 33,400 sites and found some discrepancies including some sites with missing forms. British Prime Minister David Cameron congratulated Kenyatta on his victory and urged Kenyans to accept the decision of the court, according to an e-mailed statement from the U.K. High Commission in Nairobi. The U.S. government also congratulated Kenyatta and commended Odinga for accepting the verdict, urging all of Kenya’s citizens to do the same. “Now is the time for Kenyans to come together to fully implement the political, institutional and accountability reforms envisioned in the Kenyan constitution,” a statement from the U.S. Office of the Press Secretary said. Allegations of vote-rigging by Odinga after he lost his campaign for the presidency in December 2007 led to two months of ethnic clashes that killed more than 1,100 people and cut economic growth to 1.5 percent in 2008 from 7 percent the year before. Kenya is East Africa ’s largest economy and the regional hub for companies including Google Inc. and Toyota Motor Corp. (7203) No Appeal The Supreme Court’s decision on a presidential election petition is final and no appeal is possible, according to the constitution. Kenyatta is set to be sworn in by April 9. Kenyatta’s trial at The Hague-based court is scheduled to begin in July. He is fighting to have the ICC prosecutor’s office drop the charges, as it did earlier this month for his co-accused Francis Muthaura, the former head of Kenya’s civil service, after a key witness recanted his testimony. To contact the reporters on this story: Eric Ombok in Nairobi at [email protected] ; Sarah McGregor in Nairobi at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Nasreen Seria at [email protected]
Louisville, Michigan Advance to NCAA Tournament Regional Finals
By Eben Novy-Williams
The University of Michigan and University of Louisville advanced to the regional finals at the National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball men’s tournament. The Wolverines beat Kansas 87-85 in overtime at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas , behind 23 points from guard Trey Burke, who forced overtime with a three-point shot with 4.2 seconds remaining in regulation. Michigan never led in the second half and outscored Kansas 11-9 in the extra frame. Michigan advances to the South regional final on March 31 in Arlington to face the winner of tonight’s game between Florida and Florida Gulf Coast. Lousiville guard Russ Smith scored a game-high 31 points as the Cardinals, the top overall seed in the tournament, beat Oregon 77-69 for their 13th consecutive win. Louisville will play the winner of Michigan State and Duke in the Midwest regional final in Indianapolis. To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Michigan Wins in Overtime, to Face Florida in Regional Final
By Eben Novy-Williams
The University of Michigan won the first overtime game of the men’s college basketball national championship, while the University of Florida ended Florida Gulf Coast University ’s unprecedented tournament run. The No. 4 seed in the 16-team South region, Michigan ’s Wolverines rallied from a 14-point second-half deficit yesterday to defeat the top-seeded University of Kansas 87-85 in overtime behind 23 points from guard Trey Burke. Michigan advances to the regional finals of the National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament to play third-seeded Florida , which beat Florida Gulf Coast 62-50. “We just stuck with it,” Burke said in a televised interview after the game. “We’re in those situations every day in practice and we just try to find ways to come back and win. I’m so proud of my team.” Florida’s Gators took advantage of a 16-2 run to close the first half and cruised to a 12-point victory in Arlington, Texas . Florida Gulf Coast, the first No. 15 seed ever to advance to the round of 16, committed 19 turnovers and attempted 44 field goals, 13 fewer than Florida. In the first game of the evening, top-seeded Louisville beat Oregon 77-69 in Indianapolis to advance to the regional finals for the fourth time in the past six seasons. Cardinals guard Russ Smith matched a career-high with 31 points as Louisville, the only No. 1 seed remaining in the tournament, led by at least six points through the entire second half. Winners of 13 consecutive games dating back to Feb. 14, Louisville will face second-seeded Duke in the Midwest regional finals tomorrow. Blue Devils guard Seth Curry scored 29 points as Duke defeated Michigan State 71-61 in Indianapolis. The win marks the 13th regional finals appearance for Blue Devils coach Mike Krzyzewski. “Seth Curry put us on his back offensively,” Krzyzewski said in a televised interview after the game. “And then defensively we played as a unit.” Michigan never led in the second half against Kansas , tying the game with 4.2 seconds remaining on a three-point shot from Burke. The Jayhawks blew a 10-point lead with 2:53 to play and missed shots to win at the end of regulation and overtime. Syracuse will play Marquette at 4:30 p.m. today in the East regional final in Washington , D.C. The Orange defeated the region’s top-seeded Indiana on March 28, while the Golden Eagles topped second-seeded Miami. Ohio State will face ninth-seeded Wichita State, the lowest-seeded team remaining in the tournament, in the West regional final tonight at 7:05 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) in Los Angeles. The Buckeyes, a No. 2 seed, rallied from an 11- point first-half deficit to beat Arizona two nights ago, while the Shockers beat La Salle to advance to the program’s first regional finals since 1981. To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Indonesia Leader Takes Over Ruling Party as Support Fades
By Berni Moestafa
Indonesia’s ruling Democrat Party selected the country’s president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, as chairman as it seek to overcome corruption probes and revive its popularity before elections. The party’s leadership chose Yudhoyono to succeed Anas Urbaningrum at an extraordinary congress in Bali yesterday, said Transport Minister Evert Erenst Mangindaan, who led the meeting. Urbaningrum, who was named chairman in May 2010, resigned last month after becoming at least the third senior party official in less than two years to be investigated by the country’s anti- corruption agency. Yudhoyono, who must step down after his maximum second- consecutive presidential term ends next year, may help the party regain credibility, said Kuskridho Ambardi, a political analyst at the University of Gadjah Mada. “The SBY factor is still attractive to some voters,” Mada said text message, referring to Yudhoyono’s initials. The Democrat Party’s approval rating sank to 8.3 percent in February, according to a survey by Saiful Muljani Research & Consulting. It won 20.85 percent of the national vote in the 2009 legislative election and 148 of parliament’s 560 seats. Yudhoyono’s decade at the helm of Southeast Asia’s biggest economy is nearing an end as a trade deficit pummels the rupiah and the economy expands at the slowest pace in more than two years. Yudhoyono will serve two years at most as chairman, Mangindaan said. Parliamentary elections are scheduled for next April, followed by the July ballot for president. Corruption Probes Former Democratic Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin was sentenced in April 2012 to almost five years prison in a bribery case involving building projects for the 2011 Southeast Asian Games. Youth & Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng resigned in December after he was named a suspect in a case related to a sports center in Bogor, West Java. Chairman Urbaningrum was named a suspect in the same case last month. Both men denied any wrongdoing. Rival parties are gaining support. Former President Megawati Soekarnoputri, chairwoman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, is leading the presidential race at 20.7 percent, followed by Golkar Party Chairman Aburizal Bakrie at 20.3 percent, according to a March survey by the Indonesian Survey Circle, the Jakarta Post reported March 18. “If we look at the surveys, none of the popular candidates are from the Democrat Party,” Fauzi Ichsan, Jakarta-based economist at Standard Chartered Plc (STAN) , said in an interview before yesterday’s meeting in Bali. “So whatever the outcome is at the congress, its relevancy to the presidential election will be small.” Yudhoyono Victories Yudhoyono has had some recent victories. A parliamentary committee approved his choice for central bank chief, Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo, by a vote of 46 to seven on March 26. Martowardojo’s plan to raise fuel prices was scuttled last year by violent protests including an advance on parliament. The nomination of Martowardojo as governor of Bank Indonesia (BBRI) may be an attempt to sideline him from government decisions and “open the door for a more profligate approach to fiscal policy ahead of the election,” Gareth Leather, a London- based Asia economist at Capital Economics Ltd., said in a March 11 report. To contact the reporter on this story: Berni Moestafa in Jakarta at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Greg Ahlstrand at [email protected]
Afghanistan’s Karzai Heads to Qatar to Discuss Taliban Office
By Eltaf Najafizada
Afghan President Hamid Karzai is traveling to Qatar today to discuss the opening of a Taliban office there that will facilitate peace talks, according to his spokesman, Aimal Faizi. The leader’s agenda includes “issues of peace efforts with Taliban and the opening of an office for them in Qatar,” Faizi said by phone. He will meet with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, and other senior officials, according an e-mailed statement from Karzai’s office. Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul and Salahuddin Rabbani, chairman of the country’s high peace council, are traveling with Karzai on the two-day trip. Having an office with a direct line to Taliban militants may open the way for peace talks with Afghan officials and help end a 12-year conflict that started after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., Jawid Kohistani, a Kabul-based political analyst, said by phone. Karzai is trying “to guarantee the whole country’s security,” he said. To contact the reporter on this story: Eltaf Najafizada in Pakistan at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Peter Hirschberg at [email protected]
Sabic Leads Saudi Arabian Shares Down First Time in Five Days
By Deema Almashabi
Saudi Arabia’s benchmark stock index snapped a four-day advance, led down by petrochemical companies. The Tadawul All Share Index slid 0.3 percent to close at 7,157.64 in Riyadh. Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC) , the world’s largest petrochemical maker, declined 0.5 percent to 97 riyals, the lowest level since March 25. National Industrialization Co. (NIC) , the petrochemicals maker known as Tasnee, fell 1.6 percent, the most since Jan. 21, to 31 riyals. The gauge of the Arab world’s biggest stock exchange has added 5.2 percent this year. “The Saudi index closed in an up-trend last week at its highest level since May and this week is the last week before first-quarter earnings start coming out,” said Turki Fadaak, head of research and consultancy at Albilad Investment Co. “I think the movement of the market is going to be volatile during the week until earning results.” Saudi Arabia ’s stock exchange is the only Persian Gulf bourse open on Saturdays. To contact the reporter on this story: Deema Almashabi in Riyadh at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Shaji Mathew at [email protected]
Belgian 2013 Budget Deal to Shrink Deficit, Lower Debt
By Rebecca Christie
Belgium will cut spending, raise taxes and sell state assets as part of a 2013 budget deal that aims to reduce debt to 100 percent of gross domestic product, the government said. The budget will reduce the deficit to 2.46 percent of GDP, including a structural shortfall of 1.8 percent, the government said today in Brussels. The deal calls for 1.4 billion euros ($1.8 billion) in structural adjustments to lower the deficit, along with about 1 billion euros in one-off asset sales over the next year to meet the debt target. “Budget discipline is not a goal in itself,” Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo said at a press conference in Brussels. Rather, it’s “a means to overcome the crisis,” he said. Belgium’s budget deficit surpassed European Union targets last year as a shrinking economy curbed tax revenue and money was used to replenish Dexia SA (DEXB) ’s capital. The deficit widened to 3.9 percent of GDP in 2012 from 3.7 percent the year before, the Brussels-based National Bank of Belgium said in a March 28 statement. The Belgian economy shrank 0.2 percent last year. Di Rupo said the 2013 budget aims to address a “difficult” situation, meet European targets and help small and medium-sized businesses. “Since November 2012, the deterioration of economic growth and thus the drastic decrease in receipts has had a considerable impact on our public finances,” Di Rupo said. Today’s budget agreement aims to “reinforce the fundamentals that are necessary to leave the crisis,” he said. Asset Sales Belgium will aim to complete the asset sales this year, Finance Minister Koen Geens told reporters today. He declined to give details of the planned sales so as not to affect pricing. The Belgian Parliament will need to approve proposed tax measures , Geens said. Most of the other measures won’t require legislative action. “There will be no major hurdle in order to realize these measures,” Geens said. “As far as the tax measures are concerned, I will need new legislation before the summer.” Belgium is aiming to achieve “structural equilibrium” in its finances by 2015, Geens said. To contact the reporter on this story: Rebecca Christie in Brussels at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at [email protected]
Duke Beats Michigan State 71-61, Advance to NCAA Regional Finals
By Eben Novy-Williams
Duke University defeated Michigan State University 71-61 to advance to the regional finals at the National Collegiate Athletic Association men’s basketball tournament. Duke guard Seth Curry scored a game-high 29 points as the Blue Devils used a 9-0 run in the middle of the second half to pull away from the Spartans at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Duke advances to the Midwest regional final on March 31 in Indianapolis, facing the Louisville Cardinals who beat Oregon earlier in the evening. It will be the 13th regional finals appearance for Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski, who has led the Blue Devils to the Final Four 11 times. Elsewhere in the NCAA tournament, Michigan beat Kansas in overtime and will face the winner of Florida and Florida Gulf Coast in the South regional final. To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Argentina One-Sixth Bond Offer Seen as ‘Thumbing Nose’
By Bob Van Voris
2013-03-30T16:05:38Z Argentina , which defaulted on a record $95 billion in sovereign debt in 2001, proposed giving holders of $1.3 billion of the repudiated bonds about one-sixth of what a U.S. judge has said they’re entitled to receive
Capital $720 million. That compares with an estimated value of $120.6 million for NML under one of the payment alternatives the nation is proposing, the so-called discount option. “Argentina’s proposal accounts for past-due amounts to bring the debt current, provides for a fair return going forward, and also gives an upside in the form of annual payments if Argentina’s economy grows,” the country’s lawyers said in its letter. “The proposal fulfills the court’s dual objectives to satisfy the pari passu clause: non-discrimination in payment priority and equal treatment among bondholders.” New Bonds In 2005 and 2010, Argentina offered its creditors new bonds, at a deep discount. About 91 percent of bondholders agreed to the debt restructuring, or exchange. NML and other holdouts have tried to use U.S. courts to enforce their rights under the original bond agreements. In its letter to the appellate court yesterday, Argentina estimates that NML paid $48.7 million for the bonds in 2008. “The formula adopted by the district court would cause great harm to the exchange bondholders while giving plaintiffs a return that is exorbitant on its face,” Argentina said. Argentina’s top leaders previously vowed never to pay the “vulture” investors, many of which bought the distressed bonds in hopes of turning a profit. Argentina’s legislature in 2005 passed a so-called lock law barring payment on the defaulted bonds. Par Option Under Argentina’s proposal, a so-called par option, which is intended for small accountholders, would give bondholders new bonds due in 2038 in a nominal face amount equal to the amount of their defaulted debt, plus unpaid interest up to the end of 2001. The par bonds would pay interest that rises from 2.5 percent to 5.25 percent a year over the life of the bonds. They would also receive a one-time cash payment to compensate for interest they would have earned if the bonds had been issued on Dec. 31, 2003, according to the letter. The holders would receive additional payments when the Argentine gross domestic product growth exceeds about 3 percent a year, the government said in the letter. The discount option would give bondholders discount bonds due in 2033, less than the defaulted amount, with an 8.28 percent annual rate and an increase in principal over time. They would be compensated for past due interest on those bonds with new bonds due in 2017 that pay 8.75 percent annually, according to the letter. The holders would also receive GDP-tied payments, according to the proposal. No Better Terms “It is our hope that the plaintiffs will finally join the 92% of creditors, accept this fair and equitable offer and put this difficult period to rest,” said Sean O’Shea, a lawyer for the exchange bondholders, in an e-mailed statement. Argentina said its proposal wouldn’t allow the plaintiffs in the lawsuit to force it to offer payment on better terms than those received by bondholders who agreed to the restructuring. Eugenio Bruno, an attorney at the Buenos Aires law firm Estudio Garrido, said in an e-mail that Argentina’s proposal is similar to past debt-restructuring offers by the country that have been rejected by NML and the other holdouts. If the government were to offer a better deal, it would trigger provisions allowing holders of the exchange bonds to take advantage of more favorable terms offered to the holdouts, he said. Former Governor Bruno represents Alfonso Prat-Gay, a former governor of Argentina’s central bank, who submitted a brief in the case supporting his country’s effort to overturn the lower U.S. court ruling. Bruno said he also advises exchange bondholders and holdouts who aren’t involved in litigation. In November, U.S. District Judge Thomas Griesa in Manhattan said Argentina must pay the entire $1.3 billion claimed by the creditors in the lawsuit whenever it made any payment on its restructured debt. The issue was argued before the appeals court on Feb. 27 in Manhattan. On March 1, the appellate court ordered Argentina to provide a suggested formula for paying the creditors, led by NML Capital, which refused to take the restructured bonds at a deep discount. Argentina’s lawyer, in the Feb. 27 hearing, “appeared to propose” an alternative to the payment formula devised by Griesa, according to the appeals court. The three-judge panel gave Argentina a final chance to influence its decision. The judges may ask for a response from the creditors to yesterday’s filing or come to a decision without one. Court’s Requirements The appellate judges said Argentina must tell them how and when it proposes to make current its payments on the defaulted bonds and the rate it proposes to pay. The panel also sought assurances that Argentina’s government would take the necessary actions to make the payments. In a related case, the U.S. Court of Appeals said March 26 that it won’t grant a full-court reconsideration of an earlier ruling. In that decision, a three-judge panel barred Argentina from treating restructured-debt holders more favorably than holders of the repudiated debt. Joshua Rosner , an analyst at Graham Fisher & Co., said in an e-mailed note this morning that Argentina’s last minute proposal in the current appeal amounted to the South American nation “ignoring (even thumbing its nose at)” the court. The lower court case is NML Capital Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina, 08-06978, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan). The appeal is NML Capital Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina, 12-00105, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (New York). To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Van Voris in the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at [email protected]
Animal Kingdom, 2011 Kentucky Derby Champ, Wins Dubai World Cup
By Bob Bensch
Animal Kingdom, winner of the 2011 Kentucky Derby , ran to a two-length victory in the $10 million Dubai World Cup , the world’s richest horse race. Animal Kingdom, ridden by Joel Rosario with 11-2 odds, captured the 1 1/4-mile event at Meydan Racecourse in a time of two minutes, 03.21 seconds. The 5-year-old is the first American horse to win the World Cup since Well Armed in 2009. “Turning for home, he was looking around,” said Rosario. “I was hoping I had enough horse left because it’s a long stretch.” Red Cadeaux, at 25-1, was second, with 10-1 shot Planteur third in the 12-horse field. Barry Irwin’s Team Valor sold a majority interest in Animal Kingdom to John Messara’s Arrowfield Stud, based north of Sydney in Scone, Australia . The stallion, with $8.4 million in lifetime winnings, will begin his stud career in Australia in September. Royal Delta set the early pace ahead of Side Glance, Animal Kingdom and 11-4 favorite Hunter’s Light. Rosario took Animal Kingdom to the front with about 2 ½ furlongs left and held off a late charge from Red Cadeaux along the rail for the win. Hunter’s Light faded and finished back in the pack. Defending champion Monterosso was scratched from the race earlier yesterday after becoming lame. Animal Kingdom won the Kentucky Derby, the first leg of U.S. racing’s Triple Crown, as a 20-1 longshot. He was favored in the remaining two races, but finished second at the Preakness Stakes and sixth at the Belmont Stakes. To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Bensch in London at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Elser at [email protected] .
Disney to Release Separate ‘Iron Man 3’ Version in China
By Anthony Palazzo
Walt Disney Co. (DIS) will release a separate version of its Marvel comic-book movie “Iron Man 3” in China , an unexpected plot twist for Hollywood’s most prominent collaboration yet in the country. Disney won’t seek official Chinese co-production status for “Iron Man 3,” according to an e-mailed statement. The film, set to debut in the U.S. on May 3, was partly filmed in China with partner DMG Entertainment. A release date for the Chinese version wasn’t announced. The decision, just over a month before “Iron Man 3” is set to kick off the U.S. summer movie season, hints at the challenges confronting Hollywood studios as they expand in China’s government-controlled market, which surpassed Japan last year as the biggest box office outside the U.S. The first two “Iron Man” movies grossed a total $1.21 billion worldwide. The studio won’t comment beyond the statement about the reasons for the decision, differences between the two versions or when the Chinese movie will be released, Melissa Zukerman of Principal Communications Group, a spokeswoman for Marvel Studios, said. DMG, which produced 2012’s “Looper,” is marketing and distributing the film in China, according to the statement. Chinese actor Wang Xueqi will appear in both versions, and both include footage filmed in Beijing in December. The Chinese version will feature actress Fan Bingbing and will include bonus footage for the Chinese audience, according to the statement. Disney added 0.6 percent to $56.80 on March 28 and has climbed 14 percent this year . U.S. markets were closed March 29 for Good Friday. Chinese Movies China limits the number of foreign movies released into theaters each year to about 34. U.S. studios have sought to bring more movies in by making co-productions, which don’t count against the quota. While the government censors all movies, co-productions must meet additional requirements. For example, one-third of the major actors must be Chinese, according to Robert Cain, who writes the China Film Biz blog . Co-productions also require a certain amount of Chinese cultural content, which could limit the film’s appeal elsewhere, making co-production status less attractive to the studio, he wrote in a March 7 blog post. Disney said in April 2012 it would co-produce “Iron Man 3” with DMG, which would make an investment in the production, manage the Chinese co-production and jointly produce the film in China, according to the statement at the time. To contact the reporter on this story: Anthony Palazzo in Los Angeles at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Anthony Palazzo at [email protected]
U.S. Envoy Tells Telegraph Further U.K. Defense Cuts a Concern
By Patricia Kuo
Louis Susman, the outgoing U.S. ambassador to the U.K., said further cuts to Britain’s defense spending would raise alarm for the Washington administration, the Daily Telegraph reported. The U.S. would have to “review the situation” if the U.K. were to make additional reductions in spending on top of cuts agreed in 2010, as it would jeopardize the nation’s defense capabilities, Susman, 75, told the newspaper in an interview. The US. government is pushing Britain to continue defense spending at 2 percent of gross domestic product, he said. To contact the reporter on this story: Patricia Kuo in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Faris Khan at [email protected]
Napolitano Vows to Find Compromise Creating Italy Government
By Andrew Frye
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano pledged to continue efforts to broker a parliamentary compromise aimed at giving the country a new government and denied he’s thinking about resigning. “I have come to the conclusion that, even though I am left with very limited options to help the formation of a government, I can until the last day at least try to create the most favorable conditions toward unblocking a political situation hardened by irreconcilable positions,” Napolitano said today at a press conference in Rome . He will create two teams to try to identify common ground on policy, he said. Napolitano is responsible for appointing the next prime minister and must find a leader capable of bringing together a majority of lawmakers in a divided parliament . The 87-year-old head of state, whose seven-year term ends May 15, has struggled to build a consensus among lawmakers since elections last month left the upper house split into three blocs. Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper reported today that Napolitano was considering resigning to make it easier for his successor to form a government. Presidents in the final stages of their mandates aren’t permitted to dissolve parliament and call new elections, an option that would be available to the next incumbent. Economic Stimulus Italy needs a government with a majority in parliament to pass economic stimulus measures and guard against bond-market speculation in the wake of the financial crisis in Cyprus . Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, who remains in office until a new government is installed, can’t count on a majority in parliament and has said he is eager for his mandate to expire. Italy is stuck in its fourth recession since 2001, and each of the top three political forces has proposed tax cuts aimed at spurring growth. Investors, who buy more than 30 billion euros ($38 billion) of bonds each month to finance Italy’s debt, are counting on a deal that will ensure a government strong enough to pass measures to boost the economy and manage the budget. Napolitano is seeking the help of the two teams after failing to broker a compromise when he met individually with leaders of the four biggest parliamentary groups yesterday. The members of the teams may be announced today, the president’s office said. Five Star The traditional balance of power in parliament was upset by the emergence this year of the euro-skeptic Five Star Movement, headed by ex-comic Beppe Grillo. Five Star won a quarter of the votes in the Feb. 24-25 election, preventing either Pier Luigi Bersani’s Democratic Party or former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s People of Liberty party from securing the Senate. Napolitano took charge of negotiations on March 28 after Bersani failed to muster a majority. “I will continue to act in the interests of the country until the final day of my mandate, without hiding the difficulties I’m still facing, and reiterating my confidence in the chances of working through this crucial time for Italy ,” Napolitano said. To contact the reporter on this story: Andrew Frye in Rome at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at [email protected]
Business-Labor Deal Marks Major Step To Immigration Bill
By Kathleen Hunter and Heidi Przybyla
A deal between business and labor leaders on allocating visas to low-skilled foreign workers improves the chances that the Senate will pass an immigration bill, said three members of the bipartisan group of senators who are negotiating an agreement. Senator Charles Schumer , a New York Democrat, said he expected the bill to reach the Judiciary Committee in April and the full Senate in May. “With the agreement between business and labor, every major policy issue has been resolved,” Schumer, one of the eight senators negotiating the agreement, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Still, Schumer, along with Republicans Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina , said there was no final agreement among the lawmakers because details of legislation haven’t been written. “We’re much closer with labor and business agreeing on this guest-worker plan,” Flake said on NBC. “That doesn’t mean we’ve crossed every ’I’ or dotted every ’T’ or vice-versa.” The agreement is designed to resolve a long-simmering dispute over a proposed guest-worker program that had been impeding Senate efforts to spearhead the broadest changes in immigration law in almost 30 years. The heads of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s largest business lobbying group, and the AFL-CIO, the biggest labor federation, reached the accord late on March 29. ‘First Step’ The plan is “just a first step” on what will be a long and rocky road toward revamping U.S. immigration law, said Tamar Jacoby, president of ImmigrationWorks USA, a nationwide federation of state-based business groups that advocate rewriting immigration laws. If history is any guide, “battles will be fierce” and immigration-law proposals will face additional obstacles as they work through Congress, Jacoby said yesterday. Aides to lawmakers and the Chamber of Commerce stressed that the deal hasn’t been approved by the bipartisan Senate group. “The senators will make the decisions about any final agreements and what makes the best public policy overall,” Blair Latoff Holmes, spokeswoman for the U.S. Chamber, said in an e-mailed statement. Republican Challenge Democrats who control the Senate will have difficulty garnering the 60 votes needed for passage in that chamber, and the Republican-controlled House poses an even greater challenge. President George W. Bush , a Republican, tried unsuccessfully from 2005 to 2007 to get immigration legislation through Congress. President Barack Obama ’s push for a smaller- scale immigration law in 2010 similarly failed. Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican member of the Senate group, said yesterday in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy , a Vermont Democrat, that “a rush to legislate, without fully considering all views and input from all senators, could be fatal to the effort of earning the public’s confidence.” Rubio said today in a statement that, while he was “encouraged” by the labor-business agreement, it would be “premature” to assume that the Senate group had reached a final decision. Any legislation the Senate group endorses “will only be a starting point,” he said. “In order to succeed, this process cannot be rushed or done in secret,” Rubio said. Citizenship Path The effort’s centerpiece would establish a 13-year path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S., which Obama has made a priority for his second term. Republican opposition to providing a citizenship path, a major stumbling block in past efforts, has lessened since the November election, in which Obama won 71 percent of Hispanic votes cast. Republican leaders have said the party needs to do more to court the fast-growing voter bloc. “They will have a path to citizenship but it will be earned, it will be long, it will be hard,” Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said on CNN’s “ State of the Union .” Comments made March 27 by Representative Don Young, an Alaska Republican, highlighted some of the tensions and political challenges his party faces as it discusses immigration and works to attract Hispanic voters. ‘Insensitive’ Comment On radio station KRBD in Ketchikan, Alaska, Young referred to Hispanic farm workers as “wetbacks,” drawing quick condemnation from lawmakers in both parties, including Representative John Boehner , an Ohio Republican who is speaker of the House. Young, 79, has been in the House for 40 years, making him the fifth-longest-serving current member. He issued two statements, apologizing in the second one for the “insensitive term” and saying there was “no malice” intended. Schumer said today that Young’s latest statement was “fuller” than a previous one in which Young didn’t apologize. To get the business-labor agreement U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue and Richard Trumka , head of the AFL-CIO, reached a verbal agreement during a conference call with Schumer, according to a person familiar with the discussion, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a private call. Schumer called White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough to alert him to the deal, the person said. Senate Compromise “This issue has always been the deal-breaker on immigration reform, but not this time,” Schumer said yesterday in an e-mailed statement. The agreement “seems like a fair compromise,” said Marshall Fitz, head of immigration policy at the Democratic- aligned Center for American Progress. “The two sides have been looking at this through the prism of what they were losing. Appears they have reached a point where they both understand that they are getting a lot of what they wanted.” “I think this agreement will seal the deal” for a Senate compromise, Fitz said. “Labor gets more data-driven accountability in the system; business gets a new worker program that is more flexible than the current patchwork of temporary visas.” The agreement would establish a federal bureau called the Bureau of Immigration and Labor Market Research and a visa program called the W Visa Program, according to the AFL-CIO. The bureau would use labor market and demographic information to identify labor shortages and to help set an annual visa cap. It would be funded through registered employer fees. Visa Program Employers seeking workers in lesser-skilled fields including hospitality, janitorial services, retail and construction could apply through the new visa program, which also would allow workers to petition for permanent status after working for one year. The program would start with 20,000 visas in the first year, 35,000 in the second, 55,000 in the third and 75,000 in the fourth. In year five the number would grow or shrink based on a formula that takes into account the unemployment rate , the number of job openings and other factors. The number of visas awarded annually could never exceed 200,000, and one-third of all visas would go only to businesses with under 25 employees, according to the AFL-CIO. Construction visas would be capped at 15,000 per year, addressing Trumka’s concern about a potentially adverse impact on that industry. ‘New Model’ “Each day we have become more encouraged that our goal is in reach, and quickly,” Trumka said yesterday in a statement. “We have created a new model, a modern visa system that includes both a bureau to collect and analyze labor market data, as well as significant worker protections.” The proposal also borrows language from a current law requiring employers to offer visa holders wages and working conditions that wouldn’t adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers. That means wages must be equal to the actual level paid by the employer to other workers with similar experience or the prevailing wage for the job at issue, whichever is greater. The deal between labor and business would apply to visas issued to foreign workers in low-skilled fields such as construction and restaurant and hotel work. It doesn’t deal with the issue of farm workers, who are covered under the existing H- 2A program, which provides for temporary labor to complete seasonal tasks, mainly harvests. Verifying Status Groups including the American Farm Bureau Federation , the biggest U.S. farmer group, say the H-2A program’s regulations are too onerous and inflexible and are lobbying for its replacement. The United Farmworkers say any new plan must include wage and labor-condition protections. The measure will probably include a better system for companies to verify the immigration status of job applicants and new rules that would prioritize the family members who can immigrate to the U.S. legally. Flake and Schumer also said they were working on creating “metrics” to measure the progress toward securing the U.S. border with Mexico . “We’re going to have to have that before we go any further,” Flake said. To contact the reporters on this story: Kathleen Hunter in Washington at [email protected] ; Heidi Przybyla in Washington at [email protected] To contact the editors responsible for this story: Steven Komarow at [email protected] ; Jodi Schneider at [email protected]
Asian Currencies Have Best Week in Two Months on Recovery Signs
By Bloomberg News
Asian currencies had their best week in more than two months on speculation an economic recovery in the U.S. will boost demand for the region’s exports. Gross domestic product in the world’s largest economy rose faster than previously estimated in the fourth quarter, while orders for durable goods climbed more than forecast in February, reports showed this week. The Bloomberg-JPMorgan Asia Dollar Index, which tracks the 10 most-active currencies in the region excluding the yen, advanced 0.2 percent since March 22. “The expectation is that the U.S. economy will continue to improve,” said Yeah Kim Leng, chief economist at RAM Holdings Bhd. in Kuala Lumpur. “With a stronger U.S. recovery, export- oriented Asian economies will benefit, strengthening their currencies.” The ringgit advanced 0.6 percent this week to 3.0938 per dollar in Kuala Lumpur, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. South Korea’s won climbed 0.7 percent to 1,111.35 and Taiwan’s dollar rose 0.1 percent to NT$29.875. The Asia Dollar Index lost 0.3 percent this month as global investors pulled $2.8 billion out of the stock markets of South Korea and Taiwan amid concern Europe ’s debt crisis will worsen. The Malaysian currency touched a five-week high of 3.0859 on March 25 after the central bank said last week that gross domestic product will increase as much as 6 percent this year from 5.6 percent in 2012. Prime Minister Najib Razak has embarked on a $444 billion spending program to build railways, roads and power plants in an effort to lift the country to developed-nation status by 2020. Yuan Rises The yuan touched a 19-year high yesterday after the People’s Bank of China raised the reference rate to the strongest level in more than 10 months. The PBOC increased the daily fixing by 0.08 percent to 6.2689 per dollar, the highest since May 2, 2012. The currency is allowed to trade 1 percent either side of the rate. The Purchasing Managers ’ Index for manufacturing in March will be 51.2, indicating a sixth month of expansion, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey of economists before official data on April 1. “Investors continue to be convinced about the gradual appreciation of the yuan,” said Samson Tu, a Taipei-based fund manager at Uni-President Assets Management Corp., which oversees $700 million. The yuan advanced 0.02 percent this week to 6.2108 per dollar, prices from the China Foreign Exchange Trade System show. The currency rose as high as 6.2086 yesterday, the strongest level since the government unified official and market exchange rates at the end of 1993. Korean Won The won had the first weekly gain in almost a month after data showed South Korea ’s current-account surplus widened in February. The surplus increased to $2.71 billion from $2.33 billion in January, the Bank of Korea said on March 28. The gap for March is likely to be similar as improving exports will offset an expected rise in dividend payments to foreign investors, according to Cho Yong Seung, a central bank official. Elsewhere, Thailand’s baht was steady from a week earlier at 29.28 per dollar, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Financial markets in India , Indonesia and Philippines were closed yesterday. India’s rupee gained 0.1 percent from March 22 to 54.28 per dollar on March 28, while Indonesia’s rupiah advanced 0.3 percent to 9,715. The Philippine peso appreciated 0.1 percent to 40.823 on March 28. To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Judy Chen in Shanghai at [email protected] ; Liau Y-Sing in Kuala Lumpur at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Regan at [email protected]
Israel Starts Tamar Gas Production
By Shoshanna Solomon and Gwen Ackerman
Israel started gas production at the Tamar offshore field in an effort to put the country on the road to energy independence and save a projected 1 billion shekels ($274 million) a month, according to the government. The gas was expected to reach Israel’s port city of Ashdod by afternoon today, the Energy and Water Ministry said. The field in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, estimated to hold 9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, is being developed by a group that includes Noble Energy Inc. (NBL) , Delek Drilling-LP, Avner Oil Exploration LLP (AVNRL) and Isramco Negev 2 LP. (ISRAL) Along with Noble, Israeli energy exploration companies have discovered enough gas under the Mediterranean over the past three years to supply the country for 150 years. “We are talking about billions of dollars coming to the state from tax revenues from Tamar gas over a 20-year period,” Gilad Alper, a senior analyst at Excellence Nessuah Brokerage Ltd. in Tel Aviv, said in a phone interview. “It will also reduce energy costs as we will replace expensive imports with a cheap domestic supply of natural gas. The start of the flow is a big positive for the economy.” The Tamar and Dalit fields could supply Israel with gas for two decades. The larger Leviathan field is estimated to hold 18 trillion cubic feet of gas, Noble said in a statement March 6. “This is an important day for the Israeli economy,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today in an e-mailed statement. “We are taking an important step toward energy independence.” ‘International Player’ The three fields provide Israel with reserves more than 14 times larger than Germany’s total proven gas reserves, which the BP Statistical Review of World Energy published in June 2012 lists at 2.2 trillion cubic feet. Russia holds the biggest gas reserves, followed by Iran, according to BP Plc. (BP/) “This is the beginning of a new era,” said Isaac Tshuva, controlling shareholder of Delek Group Ltd. (DLEKG) , which owns stakes in Tamar via its Delek Drilling and Avner units. “The Israeli economy will be able to exploit the advantages of natural gas environmentally, geopolitically, socially and economically, and turn Israel into an important international player.” Qatar, the Persian Gulf emirate with the world’s third- largest reserves of gas, said on March 10 it found a deposit with 2.5 trillion cubic feet of the fuel, its first discovery since locating the world’s biggest gas field 42 years ago. The North Field, shared with neighboring Iran, provides Qatar with 900 trillion cubic feet of reserves. GDP Boost The flow from Tamar is expected to contribute about 1 percent to Israel’s gross domestic product, the Bank of Israel said in a March 24 report, forecasting that the economy will grow 3.8 percent in 2013, including the contribution from gas. The Bank of Israel also said the flow from the Tamar field will improve the nation’s current-account balance by as much as $3 billion this year. For every $1 billion improvement in the balance, the exchange rate should appreciate about 1 percent, the bank has estimated. In February, Russia’s OAO Gazprom (GAZP) , the world’s biggest natural gas producer, signed an agreement for the exclusive rights to export liquefied natural gas produced from the Tamar floating LNG plant. Noble Energy forecast Israeli demand for gas to grow at a compounded rate of 15 percent in 2012-2017. The Leviathan field is expected to supply the domestic markets in 2016, Noble said in December. To contact the reporters on this story: Shoshanna Solomon in Tel Aviv at [email protected] ; Gwen Ackerman in Jerusalem at [email protected] To contact the editors responsible for this story: Andrew J. Barden at [email protected] ; Riad Hamade at [email protected]
Anglo American Says 3 Bodies Found in Brazil Iron Port Collapse
By Blake Schmidt
Anglo American Plc (AAL) , the metals producer with mines from Chile to Zimbabwe, said three bodies were found after the collapse of a port used for loading iron- ore shipments on Brazil ’s Amazon River. The cause of the accident at the port of Santana is being investigated as rescuers look for three others missing, Anglo American said. The search “will continue intensively,” the company said today in an e-mailed statement. Anglo said yesterday an “abnormally large wave of water rushing down the river” in the early morning hours of March 28 dragged vehicles and shipping equipment into the river and may have triggered a landslide at the port. Anglo has said operations at its nearby Amapa mine, which it agreed in January to sell to Zamin Ferrous Ltd., continue as normal. To contact the reporter on this story: Blake Schmidt in Sao Paulo at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Sylvia Wier at [email protected]
Singapore 3mo Property Auctions Beat 2012 Total: Business Times
By Sanat Vallikappen
Singapore sells S$76 million of property units through auctions in Jan.-March, compared with S$62.4 million in all of 2012, the newspaper reports, citing data from Colliers International * Four high-value sales accounted for 92 percent of quarter’s total, newspaper says * Sales of apartments and condominiums expected to remain low on additional buyers’ stamp duty introduced by government in January: Business Times To contact the reporter on this story: Sanat Vallikappen in Singapore at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stanley James at [email protected]
Rory McIlroy Makes Weekend Cut, Adds Tournament Prior to Masters
By Eben Novy-Williams
Rory McIlroy, the No. 2 player in the Official World Golf Ranking , will play the PGA Tour tournament prior to the Masters after qualifying for weekend play at the Houston Open on the 36-hole cut line. McIlroy added next week’s Texas Open in San Antonio to his schedule, according to a statement on the tournament’s website. The 23-year-old from Northern Ireland shot a two-under 70 yesterday to finish on the one-under-par cut line at Redstone Golf Club in Humble, Texas, and heads into play today nine strokes behind tournament leader Steve Wheatcroft of the U.S. Wheatcroft, a 35-year-old who qualified for the tournament on March 25, is alone atop the Houston Open leaderboard at 10- under, one stroke ahead of fellow Americans D.A. Points and Jason Kokrak. Phil Mickelson, a four-time major winner, is tied with McIlroy at one-under for the tournament. Defending-champion Hunter Mahan missed the cut, as did Australian Geoff Ogilvy and American Mark O’Meara. Players often skip at least one tournament prior to the Masters, the season’s first major championship, which begins April 11 this year in Augusta, Georgia . McIlroy, for example, took off three weeks prior to the Masters last year, according to ESPN. A two-time major champion, McIlroy has played three events this season, according to his PGA Tour profile. He lost the No. 1 spot in the world rankings to Tiger Woods earlier this week after Woods won the Arnold Palmer Invitational. To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Bank of Cyprus Clients May Lose Up to 60% on Deposits
By Paul Tugwell, Tom Stoukas and Georgios Georgiou
(Corrects eighth paragraph of March 30 story to show additional 10 basis points.) Cyprus may impose losses of as much as 60 percent on Bank of Cyprus Plc (BOCY) accounts exceeding 100,000 euros ($128,000) as part of an aid deal to stop the country from going bankrupt. Customers will have 37.5 percent of their deposits above this amount converted into shares with full voting rights and access to any future Bank of Cyprus dividend, the Nicosia-based central bank said in an e-mailed statement. A further 22.5 percent will be temporarily withheld to ensure the lender meets the terms of its recapitalization, as agreed under Cyprus’s loan agreement with international creditors, the central bank said. President Nicos Anastasiades agreed March 25 to impose losses on Bank of Cyprus’s larger depositors in exchange for a 10 billion-euro bailout after failing to get financial aid from Russia , one of the nation’s biggest investors. The agreement also shuttered Cyprus Popular Bank Pcl (CPB) , the country’s second- largest lender. The deposit-loss plan “will make things worse as small and medium-sized companies will run out of liquidity,” Marios Mavrides, a lawmaker for the ruling Disy party, said in a phone interview from Nicosia. The move “does not help to gain back people’s trust, deposits should be free in order to gain that trust.” Deal Rejected An earlier deal with the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank that would have forced losses on all depositors was rejected by the Cypriot parliament amid concern it would irreparably damage trust in the nation’s banking industry. The Central Bank of Cyprus will appoint an independent valuer for the commercial lender and all or part of the 22.5 percent additional haircut may also be converted into shares within 90 days of that process being completed, according to the statement. Any remaining amount will be returned to customers with interest, the central bank said. The so-called bail-in won’t apply to Bank of Cyprus account holders whose debts to the lender bring their net balance below the 100,000-euro threshold, according to the statement. Holders of accounts at other banks on the Mediterranean island aren’t being touched. The remaining 40 percent of Bank of Cyprus deposits above 100,000 euros that aren’t subject to the bail-in will be temporarily frozen to ensure the lender’s liquidity. This money, which won’t be used to recapitalize the lender, will receive interest at current levels plus an additional 10 basis points and be released “within a short timeframe,” the central bank said. Cyprus Popular Bank (CPB) will be divided into “good” and “bad” banks, according to the statement. Deposits of less than 100,000 euros will be absorbed by Bank of Cyprus and those above that level will be placed in the bad bank. Cyprus Popular Bank will operate normally from April 2 with all staff and branches passing to the control of Bank of Cyprus, according to the statement. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades vowed yesterday to keep his country in the euro as citizens adapted to restrictions on their use of the common currency to prevent a financial collapse. To contact the reporters on this story: Paul Tugwell in Athens at [email protected] ; Tom Stoukas in Athens at [email protected] ; Georgios Georgiou in Athens at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jerrold Colten at [email protected]
Mandela Breathes Without Difficulty on Third Day in Hospital
By Paul Burkhardt
Nelson Mandela is able to breathe “without difficulty” after a procedure was performed to drain excess fluid from around his lungs, according to a spokesman for South African President Jacob Zuma . The nation’s first black president remains in the hospital for a third day in Pretoria, the capital, being treated for pneumonia, Zuma’s spokesman, Mac Maharaj , said in an e-mailed statement. “He continues to respond to treatment and is comfortable,” Maharaj said. Mandela, 94, was admitted before midnight local time on March 27, his second hospital visit this year after a check-up less than three weeks ago. His health took a “downturn” that day and he was brought to the hospital to prevent the infection from spreading, Maharaj told Johannesburg-based broadcaster eNCA March 28. The Nobel Peace Prize winner was hospitalized from Dec. 8 to Dec. 26 to treat a lung infection and to have gallstones removed. He contracted tuberculosis while imprisoned on Robben Island during his 27-year incarceration for fighting white minority rule. Mandela led South Africa for five years after the African National Congress , or ANC, won the first all-race elections in 1994 that marked the end of apartheid rule. To contact the reporter on this story: Paul Burkhardt in Johannesburg at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Viljoen at [email protected]
Manchester United Moves Closer to Premiership Title With Win
By Bob Bensch
Manchester United continued its march to the English Premier League soccer title with a 1-0 win over Sunderland to extend its unbeaten run to 18 games. A Titus Bramble own goal gave United its sixth straight league win. United remains 15 points ahead of Manchester City, which defeated Newcastle 4-0, with eight games remaining. “It was all about coming here and winning,” United midfielder Michael Carrick told Sky Sports . “We’re getting closer and it’s one game less. We have to keep going.” Tottenham won 2-1 at Swansea to move into third place over Chelsea, which lost 2-1 at Southampton. Arsenal defeated Reading 4-1, Everton beat Stoke 1-0, West Ham defeated West Brom 3-1, and Wigan beat Norwich 1-0 to move out of the three relegation places at the bottom of the standings. United dominated play at Sunderland’s Stadium of Light but needed the own goal in the 27th minute to clinch the win. Robin van Persie sent a shot from the left side of the area which clipped Phil Bardsley before deflecting off Bramble’s knee past goalkeeper Simon Mignolet. “It didn’t matter who scored today, it was all about the three points,” van Persie said. “This team is full of winners. Everyone knows what they have to do and it was never in doubt for me.” Sunderland is winless in eight league matches, positioned just one point above the relegation zone. Manchester City had goals from Carlos Tevez , David Silva and Vincent Kompany , plus an own goal, to rout Newcastle and keep its fleeting title hopes alive. City visits its Manchester rival on April 8. Relegation Goals from Jan Vertonghen and Gareth Bale in the opening 21 minutes gave Spurs the win at Swansea. It lifts the north London club up to third place, two points ahead of Chelsea. Southampton moved four points clear of relegation with a home win over Chelsea as Rickie Lambert scored the winning goal with a free kick in the 35th minute. Jay Rodriguez also scored for the Saints, while John Terry had the Chelsea goal. Gervinho, Santi Cazorla, Olivier Giroud and Mikel Arteta scored as Arsenal pulled within two points of Chelsea. Reading, in its first game under manager Nigel Adkins, fell into last place below Queens Park Rangers on goal difference with both teams on 23 points. Everton stayed in the hunt for a top-four finish and a Champions League berth with its home win over Stoke. Kevin Mirallas scored as the Toffess stayed two points behind Arsenal and moved within four points of Chelsea. Arouna Kone’s goal with nine minutes remaining gave Wigan the home victory over Norwich. The Latics’ second straight league win moves them out of the relegation zone on goal difference over Aston Villa. Andy Carroll scored twice as West Ham eased its relegation fears by beating West Brom. It was just the Hammers’ third win in 12 games, but moved them six points clear of the drop zone. To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Bensch in London at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Elser at [email protected] .
Beijing Curbs Second Home Buying as China Cools Property Market
By Bloomberg News
China ’s capital, Beijing, banned single-person households from buying more than one residence and increased the minimum down-payment for all buyers of second homes as the government seeks to cool the property market. The new measures take effect today, the official Xinhua News Agency reported yesterday. The city will also enforce a 20 percent tax on capital gains from property, it said. Current rules allow each household with a Beijing residence permit to buy a second home, opening the way for couples to divorce on paper to double their ability to invest. “This will help to calm people’s panic about home prices,” said Yi Xianrong , a Beijing-based researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , which advises the Cabinet. “At the same time, restrictions on home purchases don’t change the fundamental demand, and it seems the new measures in Beijing are aimed more at short-term problems rather than long-term healthy development of the property market.” Prices in the capital jumped 5.9 percent from a year earlier in February, the biggest increase since February 2011, China’s National Bureau of Statistics said March 18. Prices across the country rose 160 percent in 1998-2011 after ownership passed into private hands, government data show. The city government of Shanghai , where new home prices in February rose 3.4 percent from a year earlier, also issued a notice saying the city will increase down-payment requirements and interest rates for second-home mortgages, while prohibiting banks from providing credit to third-home buyers. Property Bubble The measures come a month after former Premier Wen Jiabao , during his last days in office, ordered the central bank to raise down-payment requirements for second mortgages in cities with excessive price gains and told local governments with the biggest price pressures to tighten home-purchase limits. China has “very serious” property market bubbles in some regions, Xiang Songzuo, chief economist of Agricultural Bank of China , told a forum in Beijing March 29. China’s property curbs have seen “very limited” results as these measures are focusing on limiting demand while China should instead focus on boosting supply, Xiang said. The measures announced by Beijing yesterday will depress property trading in the city in the next six months, Hu Jinhui, vice president of Bacic & 5i5j, the second-biggest real estate broker in Beijing, said in a statement. “ Home prices will firstly stop rising before a possible moderation in the second half,” Hu said. Beijing, a city of about 20 million residents and a magnet for migrants from other provinces, has been implementing other rules including banning residents from buying more than two homes. Shanghai has been banning unmarried non-locals from buying homes in the city. To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Xin Zhou in Beijing at +86-10-6649-7731 or [email protected] To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Zhang Dingmin in Beijing at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stan James at [email protected]
Catcher Posey Signs $167 Million Deal With Giants, Says
By Eben Novy-Williams
Buster Posey signed the most lucrative contract in San Francisco Giants history after a 2012 season in which he won the National League’s Most Valuable Player award and batting title, according to The 26-year-old catcher agreed to a nine-year, $167 million contract, the website reported today citing an unidentified person familiar with the deal. The Major League Baseball club has an option for a 10th season that could raise the value of the contract to $186 million, according to the report. Posey hit an NL-best .336 last season, with 24 home runs and 103 runs batted in, becoming the first catcher in 40 years to be named NL MVP. He helped the Giants to their second World Series title in the past three years, a four-game sweep of the Detroit Tigers. San Francisco also won a World Series title in 2010, when Posey was named NL Rookie of the year. Giants pitcher Matt Cain’s six-year $127.5 million deal was the highest contract in team history before Posey’s, according to To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Cohen Confidant Steinberg Crossed Paths at SAC With Lee
By Saijel Kishan
Of all the former employees at SAC Capital Advisors LP who have been accused of insider trading, Michael S. Steinberg was closest to Steven A. Cohen, starting as a young recruit and rising to become one of the hedge-fund founder’s most-trusted money managers. He joined SAC in 1997, three years after graduating college, and was part of a group of traders who socialized with billionaire Cohen at joint vacations and sporting events. Steinberg introduced the hedge-fund owner to his art adviser, and Cohen attended Steinberg’s 1999 New York wedding, according to former colleagues, friends and people with knowledge of SAC. Steinberg was arrested yesterday by FBI agents at his Manhattan apartment, the seventh current or former SAC employee to be accused by the U.S. of insider trading while at the hedge fund. A 16-year veteran of Cohen’s firm, he is part of a group of former technology portfolio managers and analysts whose careers crossed paths at SAC during the late 1990s, when the hedge fund posted annual returns averaging almost 60 percent, and who have since been linked to the government investigation. Related: SAC's Steinberg Indicted as Probe Gets Closer to Cohen “Steinberg is another domino that has fallen in a path that leads to a central person at SAC,” said John C. Coffee Jr., a professor at Columbia Law School in New York. “He’s one of the few that had direct communications with Cohen.” In an indictment unsealed yesterday, Steinberg was charged by a federal grand jury with five counts of conspiracy and securities fraud. He is accused of being part of a conspiracy that began in late 2007 and continued until 2009. The U.S. said he received and traded on illegal tips from Jon Horvath, a former analyst at Stamford, Connecticut- based SAC, on technology companies Dell Inc. and Nvidia Corp (NVDA) . ‘Aggressive Investigations’ Steinberg pleaded not guilty. Barry Berke, Steinberg’s lawyer, said his client did nothing wrong. SAC, which manages $15 billion, said Steinberg always conducted himself “professionally and ethically” while at the firm. Cohen hasn’t been accused of wrongdoing. Steinberg, who turns 41 next week, worked at SAC’s Sigma Capital Management unit and was one of 15 portfolio managers handling technology, media and telecommunications stocks before he was put on paid leave in September. He oversaw as much as $200 million in gross assets, a relatively small amount in a firm where some portfolio managers handle as much as $1 billion, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because they didn’t want to discuss their relationship with Steinberg or SAC publicly. The son of a doctor, Steinberg grew up in Great Neck, a village on Long Island in New York. After graduating in 1994 from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin, he worked at Wall Street research firm Sanford C. Bernstein before joining SAC at the age of 25. Early Years Around the time when he joined, SAC had about 50 employees managing about $450 million, mainly Cohen’s own money, and was starting to transition from a proprietary-trading firm to a hedge fund with outside clients. As part of the process, the firm was expanding its fundamental research and organizing money managers along industries, according to SAC marketing documents dated 2011. Steinberg was part of a group of technology portfolio managers and analysts who sat together on a row in SAC’s former offices in the General Electric building in Stamford , where the hedge fund occupied a floor, according to two of the people. The group included David Ganek, who around the turn of the century ran the largest technology-stock portfolio after Cohen, his analyst Anthony Chiasson, and portfolio manager Richard Grodin, who had joined SAC around the time Cohen started the firm, the people said. Richard Choo Beng Lee, a Malaysian-born, Duke University graduate, worked as analyst for Steinberg out of SAC’s west coast offices. ‘SAC Family’ SAC at that time was a close-knit firm. Steinberg was among the employees who socialized with Cohen, taking vacations in places like the Caribbean, going to sporting events and parties at Cohen’s mansion, according to a person with knowledge of the firm. SAC held a beach-themed holiday party in 2000 and handed out videos titled the “SAC Family” that featured a slide show of photos of employees, said two of the people. Cohen was at Steinberg’s bachelor party in the Bahamas and a guest at his wedding in New York, according to three people. Steinberg married Elizabeth Sims in 1999, according to an announcement in the New York Times. Steinberg also introduced Cohen to Sandy Heller, who is Cohen’s longtime art adviser, said two people. Cohen has owned works by Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons. This month he bought Pablo Picasso’s “Le Reve” for $155 million, the highest paid by a U.S. collector for work of art, dealers told Bloomberg News. Gathering Information Steinberg and his colleagues at SAC’s technology teams analyzed markets and gathered information from corporations, helping the hedge fund score returns of 58 percent on average from 1997 to 2000. It was before the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission introduced in 2000 a rule preventing corporations from disseminating confidential information to select investors before others. When some of SAC’s technology teams left to start their own hedge funds, Steinberg stayed, moving to SAC’s Sigma unit after that group was started in 2001. There he worked alongside technology portfolio manager Dipak Patel and his analyst Wesley Wang, who had both joined in 2002. Ganek, after successfully betting against technology stocks amid the 2000 stock market slump, left with Chiasson to start Level Global Investors LP in 2003. The following year Grodin left to co-start a hedge fund, taking Lee with him. Lee later left to co-found his own fund, Spherix Capital LLC. Rajaratnam Link Several of his former colleagues were eventually swept up in the government’s insider-trading investigation. Lee in 2009 pleaded guilty to securities fraud while at Spherix and cooperated in the investigation of Galleon Group co-founder and convicted insider-trader Raj Rajaratnam. It was the first time a former SAC employee was linked to the government’s probe. Grodin was among the individuals and firms that were subpoenaed in 2009 as part of the Galleon Group case, a person familiar with the investigation said at the time. He hasn’t been charged with wrongdoing. The offices of Ganek and Chiasson’s hedge fund, Level Global, were raided by the FBI in 2010, which led to the firm’s liquidation the following year. Chiasson was found guilty in December 2012 of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and is waiting to be sentenced. He faces as long as 25 years in prison. Ganek, who was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in Chiasson’s trial, wasn’t charged in that case. Dell Trades Wang, who left SAC in 2005, pleaded guilty last year to passing illegal tips to people including Patel and was sentenced in January to two years’ probation. Patel, who ran a five-person team before leaving SAC in 2011, hasn’t been charged with a crime. Steinberg himself emerged in September as an unindicted co- conspirator in an insider-trading scheme involving Horvath, whom he supervised. Steinberg was put on leave after Horvath pleaded guilty to passing nonpublic information to his portfolio manager, who he said traded on the tips. On Aug. 26, 2008, two days before Dell Inc. was set to report second-quarter earnings, Horvath e-mailed Steinberg and another portfolio manager, to warn that the computer maker would miss earnings estimates. “I have a 2nd hand read from someone at the company,” Horvath said in the e-mail, which provided details on gross margins, expenditures and revenue. “Please keep to yourself as obviously not well known.” ‘Be Discreet’ Steinberg responded: “Yes normally we would never divulge data like this, so please be discreet. Thanks.” Dressed in a dark sweater and slacks, Steinberg was led into a Manhattan federal courtroom in handcuffs. At the 30- minute hearing, his bail was set at $3 million. Steinberg is “caught in the crossfire of aggressive investigations,” Berke said in a statement. “His trading decisions were based on detailed analysis as well as information that he understood had been properly obtained through the types of channels that institutional investors rely upon on a daily basis.” “Mike has conducted himself professionally and ethically during his long tenure at the firm,” Jonathan Gasthalter, a spokesman SAC, said in an e-mail. “We believe him to be a man of integrity.” Manhattan Apartment Steinberg lives in Manhattan in a Park Avenue apartment, which he bought for $8 million in 2009, according to He co-founded Natan, a network of young philanthropists who hold events to promote Jewish culture and Israel , according to its website. Steinberg and his wife, along with Ganek and his wife and his hedge fund Level Global, were listed as supporters of a New York charity co-founded by Grodin. The charity’s 2007 gala auctioned a breakfast with Cohen at his Greenwich, Connecticut, home. Steinberg has had health issues recently, according to two people. He had an aortic aneurysm several years ago, the people said. He faces as long as 20 years in prison if convicted. To contact the reporter on this story: Saijel Kishan in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christian Baumgaertel at [email protected]
Louisville Beats Oregon, Advances to NCAA Midwest Regional Final
By Eben Novy-Williams
The University of Louisville beat the University of Oregon 77-69 to advance to the regional finals at the National Collegiate Athletic Association men’s basketball tournament. Louisville guard Russ Smith scored a game-high 31 points at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, while center Gorgui Dieng added 10 points, nine rebounds and four blocks. The top overall seed in the tournament, the Cardinals never trailed in the contest and have now won 13 consecutive games. Louisville advances to the Midwest regional final on March 31 in Indianapolis, where they will face the winner of tonight’s game between Michigan State and Duke. To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Sunderland Manager O’Neill Fired With Club Battling Relegation
By Bob Bensch
Martin O’Neill was fired as Sunderland manager with the club fighting relegation in English soccer’s Premier League. Sunderland announced the move on its website hours after a 1-0 loss to league leader Manchester United . The defeat left the Black Cats 16th in the 20-team league, one point above the three relegation positions at the bottom of the standings. “Sunderland AFC has announced that it has parted company with manager Martin O’Neill this evening,” a statement on the club’s website read. “An announcement will be made in the coming days regarding a successor.” O’Neill, 61, took over as coach in December 2011, replacing the fired Steve Bruce. Sunderland’s next game is April 7 at Chelsea. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Bob Bensch at [email protected]
Chelsea Leads Race for Atletico Madrid’s Falcao, Daily Star Says
By Bob Bensch
Chelsea has moved ahead of Manchester City and Real Madrid in the race to sign Atletico Madrid striker Radamel Falcao, the Daily Star said. Chelsea has opened talks with Atletico and both sides are confident of reaching a deal to send the Colombian, who is rated at 40 million pounds ($61 million), to Stamford Bridge after the season, the Star said. Chelsea tried to sign Falcao in the past two transfer periods and one option available is offering Fernando Torres back to Atletico as part of a deal, the Star said. The Blues could also allow goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois to extend his loan stay at Atleico, the newspaper said. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Bob Bensch at [email protected]
Serena Williams Beats Sharapova for Sixth Sony Open Tennis Title
By Bob Bensch
Serena Williams beat Maria Sharapova in a matchup of the top two players in women’s tennis for her record sixth Sony Open championship. Top-ranked Williams won 4-6, 6-3, 6-0 in Key Biscayne, Florida, for her 48th career title. She won the final 10 games in beating Sharapova for the 11th straight time and 12th time in 14 career meetings. No. 2 Sharapova had won her last 11 matches and captured the title at Indian Wells two weeks ago. She’s now winless in five Key Biscayne final appearances. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Bob Bensch at [email protected]
Bayern Munich Nears Bundesliga Title With 9-2 Rout of Hamburg
By Bob Bensch
Bayern Munich moved to the brink of the title in German soccer’s Bundesliga with a 9-2 rout of Hamburg. Claudio Pizzaro scored four goals as Bayern stayed 20 points ahead of Borussia Dortmund, which beat Stuttgart 2-1, with seven games remaining. Bayern can claim its record- extending 22nd Bundesliga title by beating Frankfurt next weekend. Barcelona drew 2-2 with Celta Vigo as Lionel Messi scored in his 19th straight match in Spain’s La Liga. Barcelona stayed 13 points clear of second-place Real Madrid, which drew 1-1 with Real Zaragoza. Juventus won 2-1 at Inter Milan to maintain its nine-point lead in Italy’s Serie A over Napoli, which beat Torino 5-3. AC Milan is 11 points back following a 1-0 at Chievo. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Bob Bensch at [email protected]
Knicks Win Seventh Straight, Heat Win First Game Since Run Ended
By Eben Novy-Williams
J.R. Smith scored 37 points as the New York Knicks beat the Charlotte Bobcats yesterday for their seventh consecutive win, while the Miami Heat were victorious in their first game since their 27-game winning streak ended. The Brooklyn Nets fell 109-87 to the Denver Nuggets and National Basketball Association’s Western Conference-leading San Antonio Spurs won on a three-point play in the final seconds. The Knicks (45-26) took a lead with their first field goal of the game and never trailed again, as Smith scored at least 30 points for the third consecutive game and forward Carmelo Anthony added 32 points at Madison Square Garden. New York’s seven-game winning streak is their longest of the season, and the longest current streak in the NBA. “He is dialed in, locked in,” Anthony said of Smith after the game. “His confidence is sky-high. We are following his lead.” Last year’s league Most Valuable Player, LeBron James , scored 36 points to lead the Heat to a 108-89 victory over the New Orleans Hornets in Miami’s first game since having a 27-game winning streak, the second-longest in NBA history, snapped in Chicago. Dwyane Wade added 11 points and nine assists for Miami, who have an 11 1/2-game lead over the Knicks in the Eastern Conference standings. The Western Conference-leading Spurs (55-17) beat the Los Angeles Clippers 104-102 on a three-point play from Tim Duncan with 2.2 seconds remaining. The Oklahoma City Thunder (53-20), who trail the Spurs in the conference by 2 1/2 games, fell 101- 93 to the Minnesota Timberwolves, their third loss in the last six games. Elsewhere around the league it was the Orlando Magic 97, Washington Wizards 92; Boston Celtics 118, Atlanta Hawks 107; Toronto Raptors 99, Detroit Pistons 82; Memphis Grizzlies 103, Houston Rockets 94; Utah Jazz 105, Portland Trail Blazers 95; and Philadelphia 76ers 97, Cleveland Cavaliers 87. To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Birinyi Says Buy Mining, Technology Shares as Bull Ages
By Whitney Kisling
2013-03-30T04:00:01Z Laszlo Birinyi, one of the first money managers to tell clients to buy before the bull market began, said the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) ’s record rally probably has another year to go as investors give up their pessimism and buy. “As long as you have this sort of hesitancy or reluctance instead of acceptance, the positive case is still very much intact,” Birinyi, president of Birinyi Associates Inc. in Westport, Connecticut , said in a March 26 phone interview. “Don’t go looking for the exit. Leave the door open for a good year, because that is the one possibility that I do not hear.” The S&P 500 rose 0.4 percent to 1,569.19 on March 28, exceeding its previous record from October 2007 and recovering losses from the financial crisis that wiped more than $10 trillion from U.S. market value. Even with the rally, share volume on all U.S. exchanges has declined for four straight years and, at less than 6.4 billion shares a day, is the lowest since at least 2008, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Birinyi advised clients to purchase shares before March 2009, when the S&P 500 reached a 12-year low. The U.S. equity benchmark is up 132 percent since then. While companies with earnings most-tied to the economy such as retailers, computer makers and banks have led the advance , makers of home products such as soap and drugmakers are up the most in 2013. “It’s surprising to see that it’s not the deep cyclicals or the names that I would have expected in a really good market,” Birinyi said. “It just shows that people are comfortable with the market, and there’s a little bit more of a focus on stock picking than people realize.” S&P Profits S&P 500 profits are expanding for a third year and the U.S. Federal Reserve remains committed to continuing its unprecedented economic stimulus. The Fed pumped more than $2.3 trillion into the economy through monetary easing since 2008, sending Treasury yields to record lows last year. Per-share earnings are projected to reach $109.40 this year, compared with about $62 in 2009, analyst forecasts compiled by Bloomberg show. While profit estimates are set for a record, growth slowed last year to 8.1 percent for the fourth quarter compared with the 28 percent average of 2010 and 2011, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Analysts also cut their projections for the first quarter to a contraction of 1.8 percent from growth of 1.2 percent at the beginning of the year. “What I see looking forward is pretty flat earnings growth,” Jeffrey Kleintop , the Boston-based chief market strategist at LPL Financial Corp., which oversees $350 billion, said by telephone on March 28. “This market needs earnings to turn up before it can really begin to move higher.” Defensive Stocks Health-care stocks and consumer staples shares leading the rally also signal the advance in the S&P 500 may slow, he said. “You don’t usually see defensive groups leading the market to all-time highs,” Kleintop said. “What that suggests is that the rally may be getting a little tired. We might see something like we’ve seen in last few years
Syracuse, Wichita State Are First to Reach Men’s NCAA Final Four
By Nancy Kercheval
Syracuse University and Wichita State University are the first two teams to advance to the Final Four of the national men’s college basketball championship. Their opponents will be decided today when third-seeded Florida plays No. 4 Michigan in the South regional final and top-seeded Louisville faces No. 2 Duke in the Midwest regional final. Ninth-seeded Wichita State topped No. 2 Ohio State 70-66 in the West regional final yesterday. Syracuse, seeded fourth in the East region, beat No. 3 Marquette 55-39, for its fifth trip to the Final Four and the first since 2003, when it won the National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament. “Once we got in the Big East Tournament, we started to play good,” said Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim in a televised interview. “It carried over into the NCAA tournament. When you bounce back like that, that says a lot about your kids, your team and your character. This is a heck of a bounce-back.” Syracuse (30-9) will play Florida or Michigan, who meet today in the South regional final, on April 6 in Atlanta. James Southerland scored 16 points, C.J. Fair added 13 and Michael Carter-Williams had 12 points and 10 rebounds. “I had a great game,” Carter-Williams said. “I think this was one of my best.” The Orange last went to the Final Four in 2003, when the team was led by Carmelo Anthony, who is the New York Knicks’ leading scorer this season. ‘Every 10 Years’ “It’s a great thing,” Boeheim said. “We go every 10 years. Every 10 years is our time.” Vander Blue and Davante Gardner each scored 14 points for the third-seeded Golden Eagles (26-9), who hit 12 of 53 from the floor for 23 percent. “They beat us start to finish,” Marquette coach Buzz Williams said. “When we get beat, we get beat.” At Staples Center in Los Angeles, Malcolm Armstead scored 14 points to lead the Shockers to their second appearance in the Final Four, the first coming in 1965. “Last year we were watching all this on television,” said Cleanthony Early, who scored 12 points. “Now I’m looking at a hat that says ‘Final Four Atlanta’ with my team on it. It feels good, and it feels even better that I could experience it with these guys who had to struggle so hard to get here.” Wichita State (30-8) was ahead by as many as 20 points with 12 minutes, 41 seconds left to go in the game before the Buckeyes hit nine straight free throws to trail by 56-45. Ohio State (29-8) chipped away at the Shockers’ lead before running out of time. “We didn’t get many easy buckets and it shows,” said Ohio State’s Aaron Craft, who hit 2-of-12 field goal attempts for nine points. “They came out firing and we didn’t regain our balance until it was too late.” Fred Van Vleet had 12 points and Tekele Cotton added 10 for Wichita State which had a 35-22 halftime lead. DeShaun Thomas scored 23 points and LaQuinton Ross added 19 points for the Buckeyes. The Final Four will be played April 6 in Atlanta with the championship game two days later. To contact the reporter on this story: Nancy Kercheval in Washington at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
North Korea Says It’s in ‘State of War’ With South Korea
By Jungah Lee
North Korea said it’s in a “state of war” with South Korea, escalating threats against the neighboring nation a day after putting its forces on standby to strike South Korean and U.S. targets. “Every issue raised between the North and South will be dealt with in a wartime manner,” the state-run Korean Central News Agency said today, citing what it called a special statement. U.S. stealth bomber flights over South Korea this week are “unacceptable” and North Korea’s statement is a “final warning” to the U.S. and its allies, KCNA said. Tensions have risen to the highest level in at least three years since North Korea detonated a nuclear device in February, defying global sanctions. Kim Jong Un’s regime this month cut off a military hot line with the South, put artillery forces on high alert and threatened pre-emptive nuclear strikes, drawing condemnation from U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. “It’s part of what I call March Madness on the Korean Peninsula,” said Kenneth Quinones, professor of Korean studies at Akita International University in Japan . “Every March when the U.S. and South Korea hold military maneuvers, North Korea goes on full alert and makes similar threats. The only difference is the rhetoric has intensified, and the situation certainly merits concern and close monitoring.” Industrial Zone North Korea said it will shut a jointly run industrial zone in its border city of Gaeseong if the South and the U.S. continue to “insult the dignity” of the country, an unidentified spokesman for the General Bureau for Central Guidance to the Development of the Special Zone said today in a statement carried by KCNA. North Korea may “ban the south side’s personnel’s entry into the zone and close it,” the spokesman said. No unusual North Korean troop movements have been detected since the North’s threat to close Gaeseong, and South Korean businesspeople spending the night there are safe, Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Hyung Suk said by phone from Seoul . “We regret these continued threats and urge the North to retract them,” said the spokesman. Emergency communication channels with South Koreans in Gaeseong are operating to ensure their security, he said. Gaeseong is the last remaining example of inter-Korean cooperation. More than 120 South Korean companies employ about 53,000 North Koreans at the complex. From its opening in 2005 through Jan. 31, goods totaling more than $2 billion have been produced there, according to Unification Ministry data. Previous Disruption About 900 South Koreans regularly visit Gaeseong, located about 10 miles (16 kilometers) north of the demilitarized zone, the world’s most heavily fortified border. Almost 800 South Koreans were stranded in Gaeseong in March 2009 after the North temporarily severed communications. The North also briefly cut ties in 2010 after an international panel found it responsible for the sinking of a South Korean warship that left 46 sailors dead. Four North Korean websites were inaccessible today due to what appeared to be a “loosely coordinated effort by hackers,” according to a website that monitors Internet activity on the Korean peninsula. The North’s main Naenara web portal and the homepages of KCNA, the state-run airline Air Koryo, and the Voice of Korea, a broadcast outlet, were malfunctioning, North Korea Tech said on its website. South Korea’s Unification Ministry spokesman said some North Korean sites seemed to be periodically working. Stealth Bombers South Korea’s armed forces “will continue to closely monitor the North’s military movements” and “comprehensively punish any instances of provocation by the North,” Kim Min Seok, a Defense Ministry spokesman, said by phone. North Korea yesterday put some units on standby after Hagel on March 28 denounced the totalitarian state’s “provocative actions and belligerent tone.” Kim met with military leaders yesterday and ordered the preparations after two U.S. B-2 stealth bombers flew over South Korea on March 28 in a show of deterrence. That followed earlier overflights by B-52 bombers as the U.S. and South Korea held a two-month exercise named Foal Eagle, an annual event scheduled to include about 10,000 soldiers. “The situation of the Korean peninsula being neither at peace nor at war has come to an end,” KCNA said today. The states remain technically at war because their 1950-1953 conflict ended without a peace treaty. Japanese Comments “It is extremely regrettable that North Korea continues to make provocative statements, including this one, and to carry out provocative actions,” Japanese Foreign Ministry Deputy Press Secretary Naoko Saiki said by phone. Japan will keep working with other countries, “seeking to have North Korea carry out its obligations.” Two calls to China ’s Foreign Ministry seeking comment on the North Korean statement went unanswered outside business hours. Kim’s country relies on its neighbor for diplomatic and economic support. “Barring any incident, I expect a gradual softening,” said Quinones, who worked for the U.S. State Department before joining the university in Akita. “I don’t think war is inevitable. I’m optimistic cooler heads in Washington and Seoul will prevail.” North Korea’s rhetoric has had little impact so far on South Korean stocks, as the benchmark Kospi index gained 2.9 percent this week, its best performance in six months. “Technically the two countries have been at war, just stopped fighting,” Sebastien Galy , a foreign-exchange strategist in New York at Societe Generale SA, wrote in a note to clients received today. “But in the game of rhetoric it feels a bit like closing the door behind you.” To contact the reporter on this story: Jungah Lee in Seoul at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stanley James at [email protected]
Gillard May Seek China Currency Deal, Australian Reports
By Ben Sharples
Prime Minister Julia Gillard may seek a deal enabling direct conversion of Australian dollars into Chinese currency when she visits China next week, the Australian newspaper reported today. Gillard will attend the Boao Forum, which runs from April 6 to April 8, and visit cities including Shanghai and Beijing, the Australian newspaper reported , without saying where it got the information. Darrin Barnett, a spokesman for the prime minister, confirmed Gillard would attend the forum, declining to comment on the currency conversion deal or full itinerary. China remained Australia’s top trading partner in January, even as transactions slid to A$9.9 billion ($10 billion), the lowest since September, according to figures from the government’s statistics bureau. Australia’s business sector has been seeking a deal for some time and a pact will help reduce costs, said Arthur Sinodinos, shadow parliamentary secretary to the leader of the opposition, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp. website. The Australian dollar closed at $1.0419 in Sydney yesterday. It rose 1.8 percent last year against the greenback. The so- called Aussie has surged as demand for the nation’s resources from China and India set off a record mining boom. Internationalization of the yuan, China’s currency, is in the interests of Australian businesses and the nation’s economy, Treasurer Wayne Swan said in July. Japan last year started to use its currency in direct trading with China. The central banks of China and Australia signed a A$30 billion currency swap agreement to ensure the availability of capital between the trading partners, the Reserve Bank of Australia said in March 2012. To contact the reporter on this story: Ben Sharples in Melbourne at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stanley James at [email protected]
Alford Signs With UCLA Basketball After Contract With New Mexico
By Bob Bensch
Steve Alford has signed on as men’s basketball coach at UCLA less than two weeks after agreeing to a 10-year contract with the University of New Mexico. Alford, who replaces the fired Ben Howland, joins the Bruins after six seasons at the University of New Mexico. The Lobos went 29-6 this season, winning the Mountain West Conference regular-season and tournament championships before losing their opening game of the National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament to Harvard. Before the loss to Harvard, the 48-year-old coach had reached a deal with New Mexico that was worth more than $20 million over 10 years and was to take effect tomorrow, the Associated Press said. Alford agreed with UCLA on a seven-year deal worth $18.2 million, with a yearly salary of $2.6 million and a $200,000 signing bonus, AP said, citing UCLA athletic director Dan Guerrero. “It was not an easy decision because I was extremely happy,” Alford said, according to the AP. “I was about as happy as I can be. When I kept thinking about things, it still came back to UCLA. You’re talking about the premier basketball program in the country. To have an opportunity like this, they don’t come around every day.” Guerrero called Alford “the perfect fit for UCLA.” “He is part of the storied history of the game of college basketball and understands the tradition and uniqueness of UCLA,” Guerrero said on the school’s website. “Yet he also connects with a new generation of players and brings an up-tempo and team-oriented brand of basketball to Westwood.” Alford, the captain of Indiana ’s 1987 NCAA championship team, has also coached at Iowa , Missouri State and Manchester College. He will be introduced at UCLA on April 2, the school said. Howland was fired March 25 after going 233-107 in 10 seasons. The Bruins were 25-10 this season and lost their opening NCAA tournament game to Minnesota . For Related News and Information: To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Bensch in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Mongolia Seeks to Play Peacemaker as North Korea Declares ‘War’
By Michael Kohn
Mongolia called for six-party talks to be resumed after North Korea said it’s in a “state of war” with its neighbor to the south. “Mongolia would like to extend its relationship with North Korea,” Prime Minister Norovyn Altankhuyag said at a press conference in Ulaanbaatar with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe. “Mongolia can contribute if they initiate any meetings.” North Korea’s official KCNA news agency stepped up its rhetoric against South Korea a month after the secretive regime defied global sanctions by detonating a nuclear device. Mongolia is one of the few countries to have a working relationship with both North Korea and the U.S., and hosted talks between the communist state and Japan in November. Six-party talks have continued, on and off, for years between South Korea , North Korea, China , the U.S., Russia and Japan. Mongolia has maintained good relations with North Korea for decades and, in a March 7 interview, Foreign Minister Luvsanvandan Bold said he’d broached the matter of opening up with the hardline state. Altankhuyag said he supports Japan’s efforts to repatriate citizens kidnapped by North Korea, which Abe said he hopes can be resolved during his administration. “Japan will never accept these North Korean tests,” Abe said, speaking at the start of a two-day visit to the Mongolian capital. “North Korea has to follow” United Nations Security Council resolutions, he said. Mongolia’s booming mining sector is attracting the attention of its neighbors and Abe agreed to cooperate on several economic initiatives. The Japanese leader announced a 4.2 billion-yen ($45 million) loan to upgrade Ulaanbaatar’s Power Station No. 4, built by the Soviets in 1981. The upgrade will increase the capacity of the power station by 100 megawatts to 580 megawatts. Japan also aims to assist Ulaanbaatar to build its first metro line, a 10 1/2-mile train line with 3.7 miles to be dug underground, according to a press release issued by Mongolia. The cooperation agreement also includes the development of a new international airport and Mongolia’s first oil refinery. To contact the reporter on this story: Michael Kohn in Ulaanbaatar at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Liu at [email protected]
Michigan, Louisville Advance to NCAA Tournament Regional Finals
By Eben Novy-Williams
The University of Michigan and University of Louisville advanced to the regional finals at the National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball men’s tournament. The Wolverines rallied from a 14-point second half deficit to beat Kansas 87-85 in overtime at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas . In the tournament’s first overtime game, Kansas missed shots to win at the end of both the second half and the extra period. Michigan guard Trey Burke scored 23 points, including a three-point shot to tie the game at 76-76 with 4.2 seconds left in the second half. Wolverines forward Mitch McGary added 25 points and 14 rebounds. “We just stuck with it,” Burke said in a televised interview after the game. “We’re in those situations every day in practice and we just try to find ways to come back and win. I’m so proud of my team.” Michigan, in the regional finals for the first time since 1994, will face either Florida or Florida Gulf Coast in the South regional final on March 31. In the first game of the evening, Louisville guard Russ Smith scored a game-high 31 points as the Cardinals, the top overall seed in the tournament, beat Oregon 77-69 for their 13th consecutive victory. Louisville took a 13-7 lead five minutes and 23 seconds into the game and never trailed again by less than six points. Louisville coach Rick Pitino is now 11-0 in round of 16 games, including a 5-0 record with the Cardinals. The only top seed remaining in the tournament, Louisville is in the regional finals for the fourth time in the past six seasons, where they will meet the winner of tonight’s game between Duke and Michigan State. To contact the reporter on this story: Eben Novy-Williams in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Argentina Offers One-Sixth of Court-Ordered Bond Payment
By Bob Van Voris
Argentina , which defaulted on a record $95 billion in sovereign debt in 2001, proposed giving holders of $1.3 billion of the repudiated bonds about one-sixth of what a New York judge has said they’re entitled to receive. The country’s filing of the proposed plan yesterday, less than an hour before a midnight deadline, paves the way for the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York to rule in a case in which a group of creditors, led by Elliott Management Corp.’s NML Capital Ltd., seeks to force the South American nation to pay after more than a decade of legal fighting. Argentina said it proposes two possibilities for bondholders to exchange their defaulted debt for new bonds. Argentine officials will submit a bill to their nation’s Congress to provide for the plan to be implemented, the government said in a 22-page letter filed in court. “Argentina’s proposal accounts for past-due amounts to bring the debt current, provides for a fair return going forward, and also gives an upside in the form of annual payments if Argentina’s economy grows,” the country’s lawyers said in the letter. “The proposal fulfills the court’s dual objectives to satisfy the pari passu clause: non-discrimination in payment priority and equal treatment among bondholders.” NML Recovery According to Argentina, the payment formula set by a New York judge that the country is challenging in the appeal, would pay NML Capital $720 million. That compares with an estimated value of $120.6 million for NML under one of the payment alternatives it is proposing, the so-called discount option. In its letter, Argentina estimates that NML paid $48.7 million for the bonds in 2008. “The formula adopted by the district court would cause great harm to the exchange bondholders while giving plaintiffs a return that is exorbitant on its face,” Argentina said in the letter. In 2005 and 2010, Argentina offered its creditors new bonds, at a deep discount. About 91 percent of bondholders agreed to the debt restructuring. NML and other holdouts have tried to use U.S. courts to enforce their rights under the original bond agreements. Argentina’s top leaders previously vowed never to pay the “vulture” investors, many of which bought the distressed bonds in hopes of turning a profit. Argentina’s legislature in 2005 passed a so-called lock law barring payment on the defaulted bonds. A decision forcing Argentina to pay defaulted bondholders immediately would expose the nation to $43 billion in additional claims it can’t pay and trigger a new default, the government has said. Par Option Under Argentina’s proposal, a so-called par option would give bondholders new bonds due in 2038 in a nominal face amount equal to the amount of their defaulted debt, plus unpaid interest up to the end of 2001. The par bonds would pay interest that rises from 2.5 percent to 5.25 percent a year over the life of the bonds. They would also receive a one-time cash payment to compensate for interest they would have earned if the bonds had been issued on Dec. 31, 2003, according to the letter. The holders would receive additional payments when the Argentine gross domestic product growth exceeds about 3 percent a year, the government said in the letter. The discount option would give bondholders discount bonds due in 2033, that would be less than the defaulted amount, with an 8.28 percent annual rate and an increase in principal over time. They would be compensated for past due interest on those bonds with new bonds due in 2017 that pay 8.75 percent annually, according to the letter. The holders would also receive GDP-tied payments, according to the proposal. No Better Terms Argentina said its proposal wouldn’t allow the plaintiffs in the lawsuit to force it to offer payment on better terms than those received by bondholders who agreed to the debt restructurings. Eugenio Bruno, an attorney at the Buenos Aires law firm Estudio Garrido, said in an e-mail that Argentina’s proposal is similar to past debt-restructuring offers by the country that have been rejected by NML and the other holdouts. If the government were to offer a better deal, it would trigger provisions allowing holders of the exchange bonds to take advantage of more favorable terms offered to the holdouts, he said. Bruno represents Alfonso Prat-Gay, a former governor of Argentina’s central bank, who submitted a brief in the case supporting his country’s effort to overturn the ruling. Bruno said he also advises exchange bondholders and holdouts who aren’t involved in litigation. Court Order In November, U.S. District Judge Thomas Griesa in Manhattan said Argentina must pay the entire $1.3 billion claimed by the creditors in the lawsuit whenever it made any payment on its restructured debt. The issue was argued in front of the appeals court on Feb. 27. On March 1, the appeals court ordered Argentina to provide a suggested formula for paying the creditors, led by NML Capital, which refused to take the restructured bonds at a deep discount. Argentina’s lawyer, in the Feb. 27 hearing, “appeared to propose” an alternative to the payment formula devised by Griesa, according to the appeals court. The three-judge panel gave Argentina a final chance to influence its decision. The judges said they may ask the creditors to file a response before they issue a ruling. Court’s Requirements The judges said Argentina must tell them how and when it proposes to make current its payments on the defaulted bonds and the rate it proposes to pay. The panel also sought assurances that Argentina’s government would take the necessary actions to make the payments. The panel said March 26 that it won’t grant a full-court reconsideration of its ruling in a related appeal. In that decision, the court barred Argentina from treating restructured- debt holders more favorably than holders of the repudiated debt. The lower court case is NML Capital Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina, 08-06978, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan). The appeal is NML Capital Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina, 12-00105, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (New York). To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Van Voris in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at [email protected]
Penguins Go 15-0 for NHL’s First Perfect Month, Crosby Injured
By Nancy Kercheval
The Pittsburgh Penguins capped the first perfect month in National Hockey League history with a 2-0 victory over the New York Islanders, extending their winning streak to 15 games, two shy of their own league record. Pittsburgh captain Sidney Crosby needed surgery on his mouth last night after he was hit in the face when a shot by his defenseman Brooks Orpik deflected off a stick. “Sidney took a puck to the teeth and lost a few,” head coach Dan Bylsma said on the team’s website. “We’ll continue to evaluate and monitor that.” During the past two years, Crosby missed the final 41 games in 2011 and the Stanley Cup finals with a concussion, as well as most of the 2012 regular season with lingering symptoms. “When you see the replay, he had no chance to move,” forward Jarome Iginla told reporters after his debut with the Penguins. After two scoreless innings on home ice at Consol Energy Center, Matt Cooke scored eight minutes into the final period and James Neal added a second goal five minutes later. Goalie Tomas Vokoun made 35 saves as the Penguins, 15-0-0 in March, need two more wins to match the record 17 straight victories set by Mario Lemieux and the 1992-93 Penguins. “The shutout is nice, but preserving the winning streak is even better,” Vokoun said. “It’s been great.” Pittsburgh’s next two games are a visit from the Buffalo Sabres on April 2 and a trip to Madison Square Garden to face the New York Rangers on April 3. Pittsburgh has the best record in the NHL at 28-8-0 for 56 points. The Chicago Blackhawks are second at 25-5-3 for 53 points. To contact the reporter on this story: Nancy Kercheval in Washington at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
Jockey JT McNamara Paralyzed in Cheltenham Fall, Family Says
By Bob Bensch
Jockey JT McNamara suffered paralysis in a fall earlier this month at English horse racing’s Cheltenham Festival, his family said in a statement. The 37-year-old amateur from Ireland fractured two vertebrae in his neck after falling from Galaxy Rock in the Challenge Cup race on March 14. He was remains at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol after undergoing surgery, though plans are being made to transfer him to Matar Hospital in Dublin. “While he suffered a serious neck injury resulting in paralysis, he has made progress in the last week and is in a very positive frame of mind,” according to a statement on behalf of McNamara’s family posted today on the website of the Injured Jockeys Fund. McNamara was placed in a medically induced coma, after which his family said he was “fully alert” but required full- time ventilation. To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Bensch in London at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Elser at [email protected] .
Napolitano Names Advisers in Renewed Push for Italy Deal
By Andrew Frye
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano renewed his push to forge a government from the country’s divided parliament by drafting advisers from two of the top three political forces. Members of the parliamentary coalitions headed by Pier Luigi Bersani and ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi were among the 10 men selected, according to an e-mail sent late yesterday by Napolitano’s office. Civil servants, a former politician, a retired judge and a central banker rounded out the two lists. Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement, the third-largest group, had no lawmakers included. The effort by Napolitano, 87, follows a week of talks among parliamentary leaders that failed to produce a government. Clashes that arose during the election campaign in January and February made it difficult for Bersani and Berlusconi to come to terms after the vote. Napolitano, in the final two months of his seven-year term, is counting on the lawmakers loyal to Bersani and Berlusconi to find common ground. “What Napolitano is trying to force is a kind of road map toward a coalition government,” said Giovanni Orsina, a history professor at Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome. “These names all together tell me dialogue.” Compromise between the top two groups may be easier after Bersani, who refused to share a cabinet with Berlusconi, took a step back on March 28 and relinquished control of negotiations. Berlusconi, a 76-year-old billionaire, has said he is open to governing with Bersani’s Democratic Party. Five Star, which campaigned for a renewal in Italian politics, has rejected forming a government in tandem with another party. Institutional Change Gaetano Quagliariello, a senator in Berlusconi’s People of Liberty party, and Luciano Violante, an ex-lawmaker with a forerunner of the Democratic Party, are on the team set to explore institutional changes. Democratic Party Senator Filippo Bubbico and Giancarlo Giorgetti, a representative with the Northern League, a Berlusconi ally, are among six members of the team focusing on economic, social and European issues. The work of the teams “may become in various forms the base for compromise among the various political forces,” Napolitano said at the presidential palace in Rome before the members were announced. “It could become useful material also for the tasks that will be required of the new president.” Grillo Criticism Napolitano reiterated that he will serve until his mandate ends on May 15, denying reports that he was considering a resignation to speed the entry of his successor into the talks. Presidents in the final stages of their mandates aren’t permitted to dissolve parliament and call new elections, an option that would be available to the next incumbent. Grillo, an ex-comic who characterized his party’s mission as the French Revolution without the guillotine, criticized Napolitano’s appointment of advisers in a blog posting today. Italy “doesn’t need ‘caretakers of democracy,’ but rather to make its parliament function better and quickly,” Grillo said . “The country doesn’t need mysterious negotiators or facilitators of the caliber of Violante, the grand master of backroom deals, to cite just one, to act as a group of wise men.” Violante, a former speaker of the lower house of parliament, didn’t respond to a request via his website for comment. Parliamentary Majority Italy needs a government with a majority in parliament to take steps such as passing economic stimulus measures and to guard against bond-market speculation in the wake of the financial crisis in Cyprus . Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, who remains in office until a new government is installed, can’t count on a majority in parliament and has said he is eager for his mandate to expire. Italy is stuck in its fourth recession since 2001, and each of the top three political forces has proposed tax cuts aimed at spurring growth. Investors, who buy more than 30 billion euros ($38 billion) of bonds each month to finance Italy’s debt, are counting on a deal that will ensure a government strong enough to pass measures to boost the economy and manage the budget. Quagliariello and Violante are joined on the institutional- change team by Valerio Onida, a former president of Italy’s Constitutional Court, and Mario Mauro, a senator in Monti’s Civic Choice party who previously belonged to Berlusconi’s group. The economic and social team is completed by European Affairs Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Competition Commissioner Giovanni Pitruzzella, Bank of Italy Deputy Director General Salvatore Rossi and Enrico Giovannini, chairman of the national statistics office Istat. To contact the reporter on this story: Andrew Frye in Rome at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at [email protected]
Huawei Expects to Triple Smartphones Sales This Year to 60 Million Units
By Cornelius Rahn
Huawei Technologies Co., China ’s largest maker of phone equipment, aims to triple the number of smartphones it delivers to 60 million this year as it takes aim at Apple Inc. (AAPL) ’s iPhone and new handsets by Nokia Oyj. (NOK1V) About 30 percent to 40 percent of this year’s shipments will probably go to China, Richard Yu, chairman of the company’s devices unit, said at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Huawei today unveiled the Ascend D quad handset, calling it “the world’s fastest smartphone.” The device will cost 15 percent to 20 percent less than “comparable phones.” Huawei, based in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, forecast in April last year that it plans to boost revenue to $100 billion over five to 10 years. The company, which was founded in 1987, is also adding areas like cloud computing and small-business networks to its traditional network-equipment business, where it competes with companies including Ericsson AB and Nokia Siemens Networks. “We want to be the top brand in the industry,” Yu said. “Our phone brand isn’t that famous, but our products should be the best ones.” The Ascend D quad will be sold in all major markets starting next quarter. A version that works on networks based on the the faster long-term evolution technology will be available in the second half of 2012, the company said. To contact the reporter on this story: Cornelius Rahn in Barcelona at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kenneth Wong at [email protected]
Obrascon, PBG Win 221 Million-Euro Contract for Road in Poland
By Esteban Duarte
Obrascon Huarte Lain SA (OHL) said it won with Poland’s PBG SA (PBG) a 221.4 million-euro ($298 million) contract to build a section of a road in Gdansk, the Polish northern city, according to a statement from the Madrid-based company today. To contact the reporter on this story: Esteban Duarte in Madrid at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Emma Ross-Thomas at [email protected]
Pennsylvania Beats Harvard to Put Ivy League Basketball Title Up for Grabs
By Nancy Kercheval
Zack Rosen hit two foul shots in the final 23.2 seconds to give the University of Pennsylvania a 55-54 win over Harvard University and throw the Ivy League Conference title up for grabs. A win by Harvard last night would have guaranteed the Crimson at least a share of the men’s college basketball conference title. Rosen, who had 20 points, scored the final nine for the Quakers, who overcame a 30-24 halftime deficit at Lavietes Pavilion in Boston . “It’s been a season of heart so far, and it’s going to be a season of heart for three more games,” Rosen told reporters. “We want this thing.” Pennsylvania (17-11, 9-2 Ivy), which last won the Ivy League title in 2007, ended Harvard’s 28-game home winning streak. Kyle Casey , who scored 12 points for Harvard, got his basket pulled back with four seconds left in the game by a charging call. Harvard (24-4, 10-2 Ivy) is seeking its first National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament spot since 1946. “It’s a devastating loss,” Harvard coach Tommy Amaker told reporters. “It’s a disappointing loss.” Harvard finishes the season with games against Columbia on March 2 and Cornell on March 3. Pennsylvania faces Brown on March 2, Yale on March 3 and Princeton on March 6 before the regular season ends. To contact the reporter on this story: Nancy Kercheval in Washington at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
New York Rangers End Two-Game Losing Streak With 3-2 Win Over Sabres
By Nancy Kercheval
2012-02-26T05:00:01Z Ryan Callahan scored a goal in overtime as the New York Rangers broke a two-game losing streak with a 3-2 victory over the Buffalo Sabres . Callahan recorded his 100th National Hockey League goal and career-high 24th of the season at two minutes, 59 seconds into overtime last night at New York’s Madison Square Garden. “It’s something to look back on at the end of the year
high,” Callahan said. “It’s nice to enjoy tonight but come Monday it’s another game.” Drew Stafford gave the Sabres a 1-0 lead with his first of two goals in the first period. Carl Hagelin tied it at 1-1 in the second period. Stafford got his second goal 44 seconds into the third period for a 2-1 Sabres lead. Marian Gaborik scored five minutes later to force the game into overtime. “We played much better in the little areas of the ice,” coach John Tortorella said. “When we tied it up, for some reason they ended up taking the momentum. That’s part of the game that wasn’t good. To go down early in the third period, you don’t want to script it this way as far as a win, but it turns out to be a good way to win. We were much better.” New York (39-15-6) leads the Eastern Conference with 84 points and is two points behind league-leading Vancouver. Buffalo (27-27-8) is 11th in the conference with 62 points, six points below the postseason cutoff. To contact the reporter on this story: Nancy Kercheval in Washington at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Sillup at [email protected]
BP Gulf Spill Trial Delayed to Allow for Settlement Talks
By Jef Feeley and Allen Johnson Jr.
2012-02-27T00:54:42Z The BP Plc trial over liability for the explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that followed was delayed until March 5 as settlement negotiations continue, according to court records. The one-week postponement of tomorrow’s scheduled start of a multibillion-dollar trial over who is to blame for the accident and spill is to allow for negotiations to reach a settlement to “fairly compensate people and businesses,” BP and lawyers for the plaintiffs said in a joint statement. “There can be no assurance that these discussions will lead to a settlement agreement,” according to the statement. “A further announcement will be made as appropriate.” U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier in New Orleans is scheduled to oversee the first phase of the case against London- based BP (BP) and other companies over the blast that killed 11 workers and caused the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history. In his order today delaying the trial, Barbier cited “reasons of judicial efficiency and to allow the parties to make further progress in their settlement discussions.” The April 2010 Macondo well blowout sent more than 4 million barrels of oil spewing into the gulf over 87 days, according to a U.S. government report issued in September. The accident spawned hundreds of lawsuits against BP and its partners, including Transocean Ltd. (RIG) , the Vernier, Switzerland-based owner and operator of the drilling rig, and Houston-based Halliburton Co. (HAL) , which provided cementing services on the facility. Fishing, Tourism The lawsuits include pollution claims by federal and state governments and consolidated cases brought by thousands of commercial fishermen, seafood processors, property owners and tourism-related businesses harmed by the spill. BP has been in settlement talks with the federal government, plaintiffs suing over the spill and other companies facing liability in the cases for months, people familiar the discussions have said. Barbier, who will hear the case without a jury, is to rule whether London-based BP should get help from the other firms involved in paying the $26 billion in costs associated with the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon and the spill. If there isn’t a deal reached by all sides, the judge will determine whether the companies must pay punitive damages to thousands of business and property owners, and fines to the government for polluting the Gulf of Mexico . ‘Significant Progress’ The trial delay may indicate “there has been significant progress in settlement talks and it may not be necessary to have a trial, or at least a trial as currently configured,” David Uhlmann, a University of Michigan law professor and former chief of the U.S. Justice Department’s environmental crime section, said today in a phone interview. Any agreement will probably focus on claims filed by lawyers for federal and state governments, though it could also be broader, Uhlmann said. “The delay indicates the judge believes there is some good-faith bargaining going on,” Carl Tobias , who teaches product-liability and mass-tort law at the University of Richmond in Virginia , said today in a phone interview. ‘Moving Parts’ “I think a global settlement is very unlikely to be consummated in the next day or two,” Tobias said. “There’s just too many moving parts. The real question is can they do it all in a week or will they just be able to settle parts of it.” David Nicholas, a BP spokesman, declined to comment on the trial delay or settlement negotiations. Wyn Hornbuckle, a U.S. Justice Department spokesman, said, “We have no comment and refer you to the order just issued by the court.” Beverly Stafford, a Halliburton spokeswoman, had no immediate comment on the trial delay. “This delay doesn’t change the facts of the case and Transocean is still fully prepared to go to trial,” Lou Colasuonno, a spokesman for the company, said today in a phone interview. The cases over economic and environmental damage were initially consolidated before Barbier, who has scheduled a three-phase trial. In the first phase, he will determine which companies share blame for the explosion, and whether any of them engaged in gross negligence or willful misconduct. Such a finding might trigger punitive damages
p.m., Monday through Thursday. He would not lightly agree to a delay unless he feels there is a genuine hope of an agreement.” The case is In re Oil Spill by the Oil Rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010, MDL-2179, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana ( New Orleans ). To contact the reporters on this story: Jef Feeley in New Orleans, at [email protected] ; Allen Johnson Jr. in New Orleans at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at [email protected]
Schaeuble Seeks to Cut Banks From Market Regulator, Spiegel Says
By Tony Czuczka
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is seeking to remove banking representatives from the board of Germany ’s BaFin financial-market regulator and replace them with academics or members of research institutes, Der Spiegel reported, without saying how it got the information. Schaeuble’s goal is to reduce the influence of the bank lobbies, which currently have a vote on the BaFin’s board along with government representatives, the magazine said today. To contact the reporter on this story: Tony Czuczka in Berlin at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at [email protected]
Swiss Re Focusing on Organic Growth, CEO Tells SonntagsZeitung
By Klaus Wille
Swiss Re Ltd (SREN) . is currently not focusing on acquisitions, Chief Executive Officer Michel Lies told SonntagsZeitung in an interview. The company is very much able at “growing organically,” Lies was quoted as saying by the Swiss newspaper. Swiss Re’s high liquidity enables the reinsurer to choose customers selectively and allows sustainable dividend payments, he said. To contact the reporter on this story: Klaus Wille in Zurich at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Craig Stirling at [email protected]
Ex-BP Browne May Buy Into Fairfield, Sunday Times Says
By Catherine Airlie
(Corrects John Browne ’s role at Riverstone in first paragraph.) A private equity company that includes former BP Plc Chief Executive Officer John Browne among its partners is in advanced talks to buy as much as half of Fairfield Energy Ltd., a U.K.-based oil and gas business, the Sunday Times reported. Browne heads the European unit of Riverstone Holdings LLC, which may acquire additional North-Sea oil and gas assets if it were to buy a stake in Fairfield Energy, the newspaper reported, without saying where it got its information. Riverstone and Fairfield together would have 30 billion pounds ($48 billion) under management, according to the report. Fairfield is controlled by Warburg Pincus LLC, a private equity fund based in New York . To contact the reporter on this story: Catherine Airlie in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mike Harrison at [email protected]
Takeda’s TAK-875 Fights Diabetes as Well as Older Drug in Study
By Simeon Bennett
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. (4502) ’s experimental diabetes drug lowered blood sugar as much as an older generic medicine with fewer side effects, a company- sponsored study found. In a trial of 426 patients with Type 2 diabetes , TAK-875 reduced blood sugar below a pre-determined level in as much as 48 percent of those receiving it after 12 weeks, compared with 40 percent of those who got glimepiride, the older drug, according to findings published online by The Lancet medical journal today. The research was presented in June at the American Diabetes Association ’s annual meeting in San Diego . Takeda is testing TAK-875 in the third and final stage of patient studies usually required for regulatory approval. The Osaka , Japan-based company seeks products to replace sales of Actos, the world’s best-selling diabetes treatment, that will be lost when the therapy’s patent protection ends this year. About 90 percent of the 285 million people worldwide with diabetes have Type 2, the form that TAK-875 is designed to fight. The pill belongs to a new class of treatments called GPR40 agonists, which activate a receptor that stimulates and regulates insulin production. New treatments are needed because of “the expected increase in the number of cases of Type 2 diabetes during the next few decades” and because some current drugs have “insufficient effect,” the researchers, led by Charles Burant at the University of Michigan Medical School, wrote in the study. About 2 percent of those receiving TAK-875 in the trial developed hypoglycemia, a complication in which blood sugar is lowered too much, compared with 19 percent of those receiving glimepiride, the researchers wrote. About half of the TAK-875 group experienced an adverse side effect of any kind, compared with 61 percent of those in the glimepiride group. To contact the reporter on this story: Simeon Bennett in Geneva at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Phil Serafino at [email protected]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Large Weak Labelled NER corpus

Dataset Summary

The dataset is generated through weak labelling of the scraped and preprocessed news corpus (bloomberg's news). so, only to research purpose. In order of the tokenization, news were splitted into sentences using nltk.PunktSentenceTokenizer (so, sometimes, tokenization might be not perfect)


from datasets import load_dataset

articles_ds = load_dataset("imvladikon/english_news_weak_ner", "articles") # just articles with metadata
entities_ds = load_dataset("imvladikon/english_news_weak_ner", "entities")

NER tags

Tags description:

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  • DUC Commercial item


['B-DATE', 'I-DATE', 'L-DATE', 'U-DATE', 'B-DUC', 'I-DUC', 'L-DUC', 'U-DUC', 'B-EVE', 'I-EVE', 'L-EVE', 'U-EVE', 'B-LOC', 'I-LOC', 'L-LOC', 'U-LOC', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'L-MISC', 'U-MISC', 'B-ORG', 'I-ORG', 'L-ORG', 'U-ORG', 'B-PER', 'I-PER', 'L-PER', 'U-PER', 'B-QTY', 'I-QTY', 'L-QTY', 'U-QTY', 'B-TTL', 'I-TTL', 'L-TTL', 'U-TTL', 'O']

Tags statistics:

    "O": 281586813,
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{'title': 'Watson Reports Positive Findings for Prostate Drug',
 'author': 'RobertSimison',
 'datetime': '2007-01-16T14:16:56Z',
 'url': '',
 'month': '1',
 'day': '16',
 'doc_id': 'a5c7c556bd112ac22874492c4cdb18eb46a30905',
 'text': 'Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. (WPI) , the\nlargest U.S. maker of generic drugs, reported positive results\nfor its experimental prostate treatment in two late-state trials.  \n The drug, silodosin, was more effective than a placebo in\ntreating enlarged prostates, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, the\nCorona, California-based company said today in a statement on PR\nNewswire. The tests were in the final of three phases of trials\nnormally needed for regulatory approval.  \n Non-cancerous enlarged prostate affects more than half of\nAmerican men in their 60s and as many as 90 percent of them by\nage 85, Watson said. Prescription drug sales to treat the\ndisorder total $1.7 billion a year, the company said.  \n Watson plans to apply for U.S. approval to market the drug\nin the first half of 2008, after completion later this year of a\none-year safety trial, the company said. The two studies reported\ntoday showed that cardiovascular and blood-pressure side effects\nwere low, Watson said.  \n To contact the reporter on this story:\nRobert Simison in  Washington  at \n [email protected] .  \n To contact the editor responsible for this story:\nRobert Simison at   [email protected] .',
 'year': '2007',
 'doc_title': 'watson-reports-positive-findings-for-prostate-drug-update1-'}


{'doc_id': '806fe637ed51e03d9ef7a8889fc84f63f8fc8569',
 'sent_num': 9,
 'sentence': 'Spain and Portugal together accounted for 45\npercent of group profit in 2010.',
 'doc_title': 'bbva-may-post-lower-first-quarter-profit-hurt-by-spain-decline',
 'spans': {'Score': [0.7858654856681824,
  'Text': ['Spain', 'Portugal', '45\npercent', '2010'],
  'BeginOffset': [0, 10, 42, 72],
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 'tags': {'tokens': ['Spain',
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Data splits

name train
entities 3515149
articles 446809

Citation Information

  author = {Gurevich, Vladimir},
  title = {Weakly Labelled Large English NER corpus},
  year = {2022},
  howpublished = \url{},
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