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, Here is our forecast
Re: , Traveling to have a business meeting takes the fun out of the trip. Especially if you have to prepare a presentation. I would suggest holding the business plan meetings here then take a trip without any formal business meetings. I would even try and get some honest opinions on whether a trip is even desired or necessary. As far as the business meetings, I think it would be more productive to try and stimulate discussions across the different groups about what is working and what is not. Too often the presenter speaks and the others are quiet just waiting for their turn. The meetings might be better if held in a round table discussion format. My suggestion for where to go is Austin. Play golf and rent a ski boat and jet ski's. Flying somewhere takes too much time.
Re: test , test successful. way to go!!!
, Randy, Can you send me a schedule of the salary and level of everyone in the scheduling group. Plus your thoughts on any changes that need to be made. (Patti S for example) Phillip
Re: Hello , Let's shoot for Tuesday at 11:45.
Re: Hello , Greg, How about either next Tuesday or Thursday? Phillip
, Please cc the following distribution list with updates: Phillip Allen ([email protected]) Mike Grigsby ([email protected]) Keith Holst ([email protected]) Monique Sanchez Frank Ermis John Lavorato Thank you for your help Phillip Allen
Re: PRC review - phone calls , any morning between 10 and 11:30
Re: High Speed Internet Access , 1. login: pallen pw: ke9davis I don't think these are required by the ISP 2. static IP address IP: Sub: gate: DNS: 3. Company: 0413 RC: 105891
Re: FW: fixed forward or other Collar floor gas price terms , Mr. Buckner, For delivered gas behind San Diego, Enron Energy Services is the appropriate Enron entity. I have forwarded your request to Zarin Imam at EES. Her phone number is 713-853-7107. Phillip Allen
, Lucy, Here are the rentrolls: Open them and save in the rentroll folder. Follow these steps so you don't misplace these files. 1. Click on Save As 2. Click on the drop down triangle under Save in: 3. Click on the (C): drive 4. Click on the appropriate folder 5. Click on Save: Phillip
, Dave, Here are the names of the west desk members by category. The origination side is very sparse. Phillip
Re: 2001 Margin Plan , Paula, 35 million is fine Phillip
, Tim, mike grigsby is having problems with accessing the west power site. Can you please make sure he has an active password. Thank you, Phillip
, Brenda, Please use the second check as the October payment. If you have already tossed it, let me know so I can mail you another. Phillip
Re: Not business related.. , I think Fletch has a good CPA. I am still doing my own.
Re: Original Sept check/closing , Brenda, Please use the second check as my October payment. I have my copy of the original deal. Do you want me to fax this to you? Phillip
San Juan Index , Liane, As we discussed yesterday, I am concerned there has been an attempt to manipulate the El Paso San Juan monthly index. A single buyer entered the marketplace on both September 26 and 27 and paid above market prices ($4.70-$4.80) for San Juan gas with the intent to distort the index. At the time of these trades, offers for physical gas at significantly (10 to 15 cents) lower prices were bypassed in order to establish higher trades to report into the index calculation. Additionally, these trades are out of line with the associated financial swaps for San Juan. We have compiled a list of financial and physical trades executed from September 25 to September 27. These are the complete list of trades from Enron Online (EOL), Enron's direct phone conversations, and three brokerage firms (Amerex, APB, and Prebon). Please see the attached spreadsheet for a trade by trade list and a summary. We have also included a summary of gas daily prices to illustrate the value of San Juan based on several spread relationships. The two key points from this data are as follows: 1. The high physical prices on the 26th & 27th (4.75,4,80) are much greater than the high financial trades (4.6375,4.665) on those days. 2. The spread relationship between San Juan and other points (Socal & Northwest) is consistent between the end of September and October gas daily. It doesn't make sense to have monthly indeces that are dramatically different. I understand you review the trades submitted for outliers. Hopefully, the trades submitted will reveal counterparty names and you will be able to determine that there was only one buyer in the 4.70's and these trades are outliers. I wanted to give you some additional points of reference to aid in establishing a reasonable index. It is Enron's belief that the trades at $4.70 and higher were above market trades that should be excluded from the calculation of index. It is our desire to have reliable and accurate indeces against which to conduct our physical and financial business. Please contact me anytime I can assist you towards this goal. Sincerely, Phillip Allen
, Reagan, Just wanted to give you an update. I have changed the unit mix to include some 1 bedrooms and reduced the number of buildings to 12. Kipp Flores is working on the construction drawings. At the same time I am pursuing FHA financing. Once the construction drawings are complete I will send them to you for a revised bid. Your original bid was competitive and I am still attracted to your firm because of your strong local presence and contacts. Phillip
Re: Gas Trading Vision meeting , Nymex expiration is during this time frame. Please reschedule.
, Chris, What is the latest with PG&E? We have been having good discussions regarding EOL. Call me when you can. X37041 Phillip
, Greg, Happy B-day. Email me your phone # and I will call you. Keith
, Kathy, Regarding the guest password for gas daily, can you please relay the information to Mike Grigsby at 37031 so he can pass it along to the user at gas daily today. I will be out of the office on Friday. thank you Phillip
, John, Denver's short rockies position beyond 2002 is created by their Trailblazer transport. They are unhedged 15,000/d in 2003 and 25,000/d in 2004 and 2005. They are scrubbing all their books and booking the Hubert deal on Wednesday and Thursday. Phillip
, Jim, Is there going to be a conference call or some type of weekly meeting about all the regulatory issues facing California this week? Can you make sure the gas desk is included. Phillip
, George, Below is a list of questions that Keith and I had regarding the Westgate project: Ownership Structure What will be the ownership structure? Limited partnership? General partner? What are all the legal entities that will be involved and in what capacity(regarding ownership and liabilities)? Who owns the land? improvements? Who holds the various loans? Is the land collateral? Investment What happens to initial investment? Is it used to purchase land for cash?Secure future loans? Why is the land cost spread out on the cash flow statement? When is the 700,000 actually needed? Now or for the land closing? Investment schedule? Investment Return Is Equity Repayment the return of the original investment? Is the plan to wait until the last unit is sold and closed before profits are distributed? Debt Which entity is the borrower for each loan and what recourse or collateral is associated with each loan? Improvement Construction Are these the only two loans? Looks like it from the cash flow statement. Terms of each loan? Uses of Funds How will disbursements be made? By whom? What type of bank account? Controls on max disbursement? Internet viewing for investors? Reports to track expenses vs plan? Bookkeeping procedures to record actual expenses? What is the relationship of Creekside Builders to the project? Do you get paid a markup on subcontractors as a general contractor and paid gain out of profits? Do you or Larry receive any money in the form of salary or personal expenses before the ultimate payout of profits? Design and Construction When will design be complete? What input will investors have in selecting design and materials for units? What level of investor involvement will be possible during construction planning and permitting? Does Creekside have specific procedures for dealing with subcontractors, vendors, and other professionals? Such as always getting 3 bids, payment schedules, or reference checking? Are there any specific companies or individuals that you already plan to use? Names? These questions are probably very basic to you, but as a first time investor in a project like this it is new to me. Also, I want to learn as much as possible from the process. Phillip
, George, Here sales numbers from Reagan: As you can see his units sold at a variety of prices per square foot. The 1308/1308 model seems to have the most data and looks most similiar to the units you are selling. At 2.7 MM, my bid is .70/sf higher than his units under construction. I am having a hard time justifying paying much more with competition on the way. The price I am bidding is higher than any deals actually done to date. Let me know what you think. I will follow up with an email and phone call about Cherry Creek. I am sure Deborah Yates let you know that the bid was rejected on the De Ville property. Phillip Allen
, Jeff, What is up with Burnet? Phillip
Re: burnet , Jeff, I need to see the site plan for Burnet. Remember I must get written approval from Brenda Key Stone before I can sell this property and she has concerns about the way the property will be subdivided. I would also like to review the closing statements as soon as possible. Phillip
, Lucy, I want to have an accurate rent roll as soon as possible. I faxed you a copy of this file. You can fill in on the computer or just write in the correct amounts and I will input.
Re: Sept 1 Payment , Brenda, I checked my records and I mailed check #1178 for the normal amount on August 28th. I mailed it to 4303 Pate Rd. #29, College Station, TX 77845. I will go ahead and mail you another check. If the first one shows up you can treat the 2nd as payment for October. I know your concerns about the site plan. I will not proceed without getting the details and getting your approval. I will find that amortization schedule and send it soon. Phillip
, Lucy, You wrote fewer checks this month. Spent more money on Materials and less on Labor. June July August Total Materials 2929 4085 4801 Services 53 581 464 Labor 3187 3428 2770 Here are my questions on the August bank statement (attached): 1. Check 1406 Walmart Description and unit? 2. Check 1410 Crumps Detail description and unit? 3. Check 1411 Lucy What is this? 4. Check 1415 Papes Detail description and units? 5. Checks 1416, 1417, and 1425 Why overtime? 6. Check 1428 Ralph's What unit? 7. Check 1438 Walmart? Description and unit? Try and pull together the support for these items and get back to me. Phillip
,[email protected]
Re: Chelsea Villas , Jeff, I received the rent roll. I am going to be in San Marcos this weekend but I am booked with stage coach. I will drive by Friday evening. I will let you know next week if I need to see the inside. Can you find out when Chelsea Villa last changed hands and for what price? What about getting a look at the site plans for the Burnet deal. Remember we have to get Brenda happy. Phillip
, 9/8 9/7 diff Socal 36,600 37,200 -600 NWPL -51,000 -51,250 250 San Juan -32,500 -32,000 -500 The reason the benchmark report shows net selling San Juan is that the transport positions were rolled in on 9/8. This added 800 shorts to San Juan and 200 longs to Socal. Before this adjustment we bought 300 San Juan and sold 800 Socal.
Re: VaR by Curve , why is aeco basis so low on the list? Is NWPL mapped differently than AECO? What about the correlation to Nymex on AECO?
Re: Sagewood etc. , Jeff, You would clearly receive a commission on a deal on the sagewood. I am surprised by your request for payment on any type of project in which I might become involved with Creekside. Are you in the business of brokering properties or contacts? Is your position based on a legal or what you perceive to be an ethical issue? Did you propose we look at developing a project from scratch? I am not prepared to pay more than 2.7 for sagewood yet. Phillip
, Larry, Just a note to touch base on the sagewood townhomes and other development opportunities. I stumbled across some other duplexes for sale on the same street. that were built by Reagan Lehmann. 22 Units were sold for around $2 million. ($182,000/duplex). I spoke to Reagan and he indicated that he had more units under construction that would be available in the 180's. Are the units he is selling significantly different from yours? He mentioned some of the units are the 1308 floor plan. My bid of 2.7 million is almost $193,000/duplex. As far as being an investor in a new project, I am still very interested. Call or email with your thoughts. Phillip
, Ina, I scheduled a meeting with Jean Mrha tomorrow at 3:30
Re: , resumes of whom?
Re: Western Gas Market Report -- Draft , Richard, Compare your california production to the numbers in the 2000 California Gas Report. It shows 410. But again that might be just what the two utilities receive.
, Cooper, Can you give access to the new west power site to Jay Reitmeyer. He is an analyst in our group. Phillip
, John Lavorato-M Mike Grigsby-D Keith Holst-D Frank Ermis-D Steve South-D Janie Tholt-D Scott Neal-P Hunter Shively-P Tom Martin-P John Arnold-P
Re: (No Subject) , Greg, Got your message. Good luck on the bike ride. What were you doing to your apartment? Are you setting up a studio? The kids are back in school. Otherwise just work is going on here. Keith
Re: Security Request: CLOG-4NNJEZ has been Denied. , Why are his requests coming to me?
, Mark, Here is a spreadsheet detailing our September Socal trades. (I did not distinguish between buys vs. sells.) Phillip
, Mark, Were you able to log in to enron online and find socal today? I will follow up with a list of our physical deals done yesterday and today. Phillip
, Brenda Can you send me your address in College Station. Phillip
, Mark, The following is a guest password that will allow you temporary view only access to EnronOnline. Please note, the user ID and password are CASE SENSITIVE. Guest User ID: GNA45925 Guest Password: YJ53KU42 Log in to and install shockwave using instructions below. I have set up a composite page with western basis and cash prices to help you filter through the products. The title of the composite page is Mark's Page. If you have any problems logging in you can call me at (713)853-7041 or Kathy Moore, EnronOnline HelpDesk, 713/853-HELP (4357). The Shockwave installer can be found within "About EnronOnline" on the home page. After opening "About EnronOnline", using right scroll bar, go to the bottom. Click on "download Shockwave" and follow the directions. After loading Shockwave, shut down and reopen browser (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer/Netscape). I hope you will find this site useful. Sincerely, Phillip Allen
, Mark, Attached is a spreadsheet that lists the end of day midmarkets for socal basis and socal/san juan spreads. I listed the days during bidweek that reflected financial trading for Socal Index and the actual gas daily prints before and after bidweek. The following observations can be made: July 1. The basis market anticipated a Socal/San Juan spread of .81 vs actual of .79 2. Perceived index was 4.95 vs actual of 4.91 3. Socal Gas Daily Swaps are trading at a significant premium. Aug. 1. The basis market anticipated a Socal/San Juan spread of 1.04 vs actual of .99 2. Perceived index was 4.54 vs actual of 4.49 3. Gas daily spreads were much wider before and after bidweek than the monthly postings 4. Socal Gas Daily Swaps are trading at a significant premium. Enron Online will allow you to monitor the value of financial swaps against the index, as well as, spreads to other locations. Please call with any questions. Phillip
Re: Request from Steve Kean , Alan, You should have received updated numbers from Keith Holst. Call me if you did not receive them. Phillip
Re: Meeting to discuss 2001 direct expense plan? , Suzanne, Can you give me more details or email the plan prior to meeting? What do I need to provide besides headcount? Otherwise any afternoon next week would be fine Phillip
Re: regulatory filing summary , Colleen, Please add Mike Grigsby to the distribution. On another note, do you have any idea how Patti is holding up? Phillip
, Brad, With regard to Tori Kuykendall, I would like to promote her to commercial manager instead of converting her from a commercial support manager to an associate. Her duties since the beginning of the year have been those of a commercial manager. I have no doubt that she will compare favorably to others in that category at year end. Martin Cuilla on the central desk is in a similiar situation as Tori. Hunter would like Martin handled the same as Tori. Let me know if there are any issues. Phillip
Re: Evaluation for new trading application , Bruce, Can you stop by and set up my reuters. Phillip
, Lucy, The rent roll spreadsheet is starting to look better. See if you can add these modifications: 1. Use a formula in column E. Add the value in column C to column D. It should read =c6+d6. Then copy this formula to the rows below. 2. Column H needs a formula. Subtract amount paid from amount owed. =e6-g6. 3. Column F is filled with the #### sign. this is because the column width is too narrow. Use you mouse to click on the line beside the letter F. Hold the left mouse button down and drag the column wider. 4. After we get the rent part fixed, lets bring the database columns up to this sheet and place them to the right in columns J and beyond. Phillip
Re: receipts , Lucy, I got your email with the attachment. Let's work together today to get this done Phillip
Re: ENA Fileplan Project - Needs your approval , you have my approval
Re: checkbook and budget , Lucy, We can discuss your email later. How is progress on creating the spreadsheets. You will probably need to close the file before you attach to an email. It is 2:00. I really want to make some progress on these two files. Phillip
, Lucy, Please open this excel file and input the rents and names due for this week. Then email the file back.
, Open the "utility" spreadsheet and try to complete the analysis of whether it is better to be a small commercial or a medium commercial (LP-1). You will need to get the usage for that meter for the last 12 months. If we have one year of data, we can tell which will be cheaper. Use the rates described in the spreadsheet. This is a great chance for you to practice excel.
, Mac, Thanks for the research report on EOG. Here are my observations: Gas Sales 916,000/day x 365 days = 334,340,000/year Estimated Gas Prices $985,721,000/334,340,000= $2.95/mcf Actual gas prices are around $1.00/mcf higher and rising. Recalc of EPS with more accurate gas prices: (334,340,000 mct X $1/mcf)/116,897,000 shares outst = $2.86 additional EPS X 12 P/E multiple = $34 a share That is just a back of the envelope valuation based on gas prices. I think crude price are undervalued by the tune of $10/share. Current price 37 Nat. Gas 34 Crude 10 Total 81 Can you take a look at these numbers and play devil's advocate? To me this looks like the best stock to own Also can you send me a report on Calpine, Tosco, and SLB? Thank you, Phillip
Re: enron close to 85 , I checked into exercising options with Smith Barney, but Enron has some kind of exclusive with Paine Weber. I am starting to exercise now, but I am going to use the proceeds to buy another apartment complex. What do you think about selling JDSU and buying SDLI? Also can you look at EOG as a play on rising oil and gas prices. Thanks, Phillip
Re: , I tried the new address but I don't have access. also, what do I need to enter under domain?
Re: , Cooper, This is the website I use: http://ectpdx-sunone/~ctatham/navsetup/index.htm Should I use a different address.
, Cooper, Did you add some more security to the expost hourly summary? It keeps asking me for additional passwords and domain. What do I need to enter? Phillip
Re: Your approval is requested , Stephanie Please grant Paul the requested eol rights Thanks, Phillip
tv on 33 , Cash Hehub Chicago PEPL Katy Socal Opal Permian Gas Daily Hehub Chicago PEPL Katy Socal NWPL Permian Prompt Nymex Chicago PEPL HSC Socal NWPL
Re: Ad Hoc VaR model , I tried to run the model and it did not work
Re: TRANSPORTATION MODEL , Colleen, I am out ot the office on Friday, but Keith Holst will attend. He has been managing the Transport on the west desk. Phillip
, Lucy, Now that #44 is rented and you have settled in for a couple of months, we need to focus on expenses and recordkeeping. First, I want to implement the following changes: 1. No Overtime without my written (or email) instructions. 2. Daily timesheets for you and Wade faxed to me daily 3. Paychecks will be issued each Friday by me at the State Bank 4. No more expenditures on office or landscape than is necessary for basic operations. Moving on to the checkbook, I have attached a spreadsheet that organizes all the checks since Jan. 1. When you open the file, go to the "Checkbook" tab and look at the yellow highlighted items. I have questions about these items. Please gather receipts so we can discuss. Phillip
Re: trading opportunities , What are your skills? Why do you want to be on a trading desk?
Re: Report on Property , Lucy, I didn't get a fax with the July bank statement on Friday. Can you refax it to 713 646 2391 Phillip
Re: 2- SURVEY/INFORMATION EMAIL 5-14- 01 , Outlook Migration Team@ENRON 05/11/2001 01:49 PM To:=09Cheryl Wilchynski/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cindy R Ward/NA/Enron@ENRON, J= o Ann Hill/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sonja Galloway/Corp/Enron@Enron, Bilal Bajwa/N= A/Enron@Enron, Binh Pham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bradley Jones/ENRON@enronXgate, Bruce= Mills/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chance Rabon/ENRON@enronXgate, Chuck Ames/NA/Enron= @Enron, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jad Doan/ENRON@enronXgate, O'Neal D Win= free/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sladana-Anna Kulic/ENRON@enro= nXgate, Victor Guggenheim/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alejandra Chavez/NA/Enron@ENRON, Ann= e Bike/Enron@EnronXGate, Carole Frank/NA/Enron@ENRON, Darron C Giron/HOU/EC= T@ECT, Elizabeth L Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Shim/Corp/Enron@ENRON, = Jeff Royed/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimat Singla/HOU/ECT@E= CT, Kristen Clause/ENRON@enronXgate, Kulvinder Fowler/NA/Enron@ENRON, Kyle = R Lilly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Luchas Johnson/NA/Enron@Enron, Maria Garza/HOU/ECT@ECT= , Patrick Ryder/NA/Enron@Enron, Ryan O'Rourke/ENRON@enronXgate, Yuan Tian/N= A/Enron@ENRON, Frank Ermis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jane M Tholt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jay Reitm= eyer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Keith Holst/HOU/ECT@ect, Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mik= e Grigsby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Monique Sanchez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT= @ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tori Kuykendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ina Norman/HO= U/ECT@ECT, Jackie Travis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael J Gasper/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda = H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeanne Wukasch/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Theresa Frank= lin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Potter/NA/Enron@Enron, Natalie Baker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Suz= anne Calcagno/NA/Enron@Enron, Albert Stromquist/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rajesh Ch= ettiar/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Derek Anderson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bra= d Horn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Camille Gerard/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cathy Lira/NA/Enron@EN= RON, Daniel Castagnola/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Eva Tow/Corp/En= ron@ENRON, Lam Nguyen/NA/Enron@Enron, Andy Pace/NA/Enron@Enron, Anna Santuc= ci/NA/Enron@Enron, Claudia Guerra/NA/Enron@ENRON, Clayton Vernon/Corp/Enron= @ENRON, David Ryan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Eric Smith/Contractor/Enron Communicat= ions@Enron Communications, Grace Kim/NA/Enron@Enron, Jason Kaniss/ENRON@enr= onXgate, Kevin Cline/Corp/Enron@Enron, Rika Imai/NA/Enron@Enron, Todd DeCoo= k/Corp/Enron@Enron, Beth Jensen/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Billi Harrill/NPNG/Enron@= ENRON, Martha Sumner-Kenney/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Phyllis Miller/NPNG/Enron@ENR= ON, Sandy Olofson/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Theresa Byrne/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Danny M= cCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Denis Tu/FGT/Enron@ENRON, John A Ayres/FGT/Enron@E= NRON, John Millar/FGT/Enron@Enron, Julie Armstrong/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Maggie= Schroeder/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Max Brown/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Randy Cantrell/GCO/E= nron@ENRON, Tracy Scott/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Charles T Muzzy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cora= Pendergrass/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Darren Espey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jessica White= /NA/Enron@Enron, Kevin Brady/NA/Enron@Enron, Kirk Lenart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa = Kinsey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Margie Straight/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark L Schrab/HOU/ECT@ECT,= Souad Mahmassani/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tammy Gilmore/NA/Enron@ENRON, Teresa Mc= Omber/NA/Enron@ENRON, Wes Dempsey/NA/Enron@Enron, Barry Feldman/NYC/MGUSA@M= GUSA, Catherine Huynh/NA/Enron@Enron cc:=09=20 Subject:=092- SURVEY/INFORMATION EMAIL 5-14- 01 Current Notes User:=20 To ensure that you experience a successful migration from Notes to Outlook,= it is necessary to gather individual user information prior to your date o= f migration. Please take a few minutes to completely fill out the followin= g survey. Double Click on document to put it in "Edit" mode. When you finis= h, simply click on the 'Reply With History' button then hit 'Send' Your su= rvey will automatically be sent to the Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox. Thank you. Outlook 2000 Migration Team ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ----------------------------------------------------------------- Full Name: Phillip Allen=09=09 Login ID: =09pallen Extension: =0937041 Office Location: EB3210C What type of computer do you have? (Desktop, Laptop, Both) =09Both Do you have a PDA? If yes, what type do you have: (None, IPAQ, Palm Pilo= t, Jornada) IPAQ Do you have permission to access anyone's Email/Calendar? =09 If yes, who? =20 Does anyone have permission to access your Email/Calendar? =09Yes, Ina Ran= gel If yes, who? =20 Are you responsible for updating anyone else's address book? =09 If yes, who? =20 Is anyone else responsible for updating your address book? =20 If yes, who? =20 Do you have access to a shared calendar? =20 If yes, which shared calendar? =20 Do you have any Distribution Groups that Messaging maintains for you (for m= ass mailings)? =20 If yes, please list here: =20 Please list all Notes databases applications that you currently use: =20 In our efforts to plan the exact date/time of your migration, we also will = need to know: What are your normal work hours? From: 7 To: 5 Will you be out of the office in the near future for vacation, leave, etc? If so, when? From (MM/DD/YY): To (MM/DD/YY): =20
Re: Analyst Resume - Rafael Avila , Send to Karen Buckley. Trading track interview to be conducted in May.
, Hunter, Are you watching Alberto? Do you have Yahoo Messenger or Hear Me turned on? Phillip
, can you build something to look at historical prices from where we saved curves each night. Here is an example that pulls socal only. Improvements could include a drop down menu to choose any curve and a choice of index,gd, or our curves.
, John, The only long term deal in the west that you could put prudency against is the PGT transport until 2023 Phillip
Re: Electric Overage (1824.62) , Lucy, I will call you this afternoon to discuss the things in your email. Phillip
Re: New Notice from Transwestern Pipeline Co. , please add mike grigsby to distribution
For Wade , Wade, I understood your number one priority was to deal with your vehicle situation. You need to take care of it this week. Lucy can't hold the tenants to a standard (vehicles must be in running order with valid stickers) if the staff doesn't live up to it. If you decide to buy a small truck and you want to list me as an employer for credit purposes, I will vouch for your income. Phillip
Re: your address , the merlin ct. address is still good. I don't know why the mailing would be returned.
, Tim, Can you authorize access to the west power site for Keith Holtz. He is our Southern California basis trader and is under a two year contract. On another note, is it my imagination or did the SARR website lower its forecast for McNary discharge during May. It seems like the flows have been lowered into the 130 range and there are fewer days near 170. Also the second half of April doesn't seem to have panned out as I expected. The outflows stayed at 100-110 at McNary. Can you email or call with some additional insight? Thank you, Phillip
, Here is the 1st draft of a wish list for systems.
Re: lunch , 11:15 today still works.
Re: 65th BD for Nea , Kay, I will be down that weekend, but I am not sure about the rest of the family. All is well here. I will try to bring some pictures if I can't bring the real thing. Keith
Re: Leander etc. , I would look at properties in San Antonio or Dallas.
assoc. for west desk , Celeste, I need two assoc./analyst for the west gas trading desk. Can you help? I also left you a voice mail. Phillip x37041
Re: Katy flatlands , How about Tuesday at 11:15 in front of the building?
Re: New Notice from Transwestern Pipeline Co. , please add mike grigsby to distribution list.
test , testing
Re: EXECUTIVE IMPACT COURSE , Ina, Please sign me up for this course whenever Hunter is signed up. Thanks
Re: Katy flatlands , Al, I am not in good enough shape to ride a century right now. Plus I'm nursing some injuries. I can do lunch this week or next, let's pick a day. Phillip
, Brenda, The word document attached is a notice/consent form for the sale. The excel file is an amortization table for the note. You can use the Additional Principal Reduction to record prepayments. Please email me back to confirm receipt. Phillip
Re: Brenda Stones telephone numbers , Jeff, I have spoken to Brenda and everything looks good. Matt Lutz was supposed to email me some language but I did not receive it. I don't have his # so can you follow up. When is the estimated closing date. Let me know what else I need to be doing. Phillip
Re: , Gary, I have also been speaking to Johnnie Brown in San Antonio to be the general contractor. According to Johnnie, I would not be pay any less buying from the factory versus purchasing the panels through him since my site is within his region. Assuming this is true, I will work directly with him. I believe he has sent you my plans. They were prepared by Kipp Flores architects. Can you confirm that the price is the same direct from the factory or from the distributor? If you have the estimates worked up for Johnnie will you please email them to me as well? Thank you for your time. I am excited about potentially using your product. Phillip Allen
Re: market intelligence , gary, thanks for the info.
Re: Memory , Anytime after 3 p.m.
Re: Thoughts on Presentation , Tim, Matt sent you a email with his attempt to organize some of the cems and wscc data. Tim H. expressed concern over the reliability of the wscc data. I don't know if we should scrap the wscc or just keep monitoring in case it improves. Let me know what you think. Phillip
Re: Notices , Lucy, I got your email. I didn't have time to finish it. I will read it this weekend and ask my dad about the a/c's. I am glad you are enjoying the job. This weekend I will mark up the lease and rules. If I didn't mention this when I was there, the 4th is a paid holiday for you and Wade. Have a good weekend and I will talk to you next week. Phillip
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