stringlengths 29
| question
stringlengths 17
| db_id
stringclasses 8
values |
SELECT extract FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY extract ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the most effective extraction method in terms of pesticide residues detection? | Pesticide |
SELECT determin FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY determin ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the most effective determinative method in terms of pesticide residues detection? | Pesticide |
SELECT lab FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY lab ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 5 | What are the top 5 analyzing labs where pesticide residues detection was conducted? | Pesticide |
SELECT commtype FROM resultsdata15 WHERE commod = "AP" GROUP BY commtype ORDER BY sum(concen) DESC LIMIT 1 | Wha commodity type of apple has the highest pesticide residues to consume? | Pesticide |
SELECT T1.country FROM sampledata15 as T1 JOIN resultsdata15 as T2 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk GROUP BY T1.country ORDER BY T2.concen | Rank the country of product origins in terms of pesticide residues detection. | Pesticide |
SELECT T1.disttype FROM sampledata15 as T1 JOIN resultsdata15 as T2 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk GROUP BY T1.disttype ORDER BY sum(T2.concen) DESC LIMIT 1 | What type of collection facility results in the most risky consumption in terms of pesticide residues detection? | Pesticide |
SELECT T1.country FROM sampledata15 as T1 JOIN resultsdata15 as T2 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk WHERE T2.concen = "0" GROUP BY T1.country | What are the country of product origins where pesticide residues were not detected? | Pesticide |
SELECT commod, count(*) FROM sampledata15 GROUP BY commod | how many entries are of each specific food? | Pesticide |
SELECT pestcode FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY pestcode ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | which pesticides are most used? | Pesticide |
SELECT pestcode FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY pestcode ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 1 | which pesticides have been used the least? | Pesticide |
SELECT sample_pk, testclass FROM resultsdata15 | how was a specific sample tested? | Pesticide |
SELECT sample_pk, growst FROM sampledata15 | in which state was a specific sample grown? | Pesticide |
SELECT sample_pk, packst FROM sampledata15 | in which state was a specific sample packed? | Pesticide |
SELECT sample_pk, distst FROM sampledata15 | in which state was a specific sample distributed? | Pesticide |
SELECT sample_pk FROM sampledata15 WHERE origin = "2" | show all imported samples? | Pesticide |
SELECT DISTINCT commod FROM sampledata15 | which foods are captured in the data set? | Pesticide |
SELECT count(*) FROM sampledata15 WHERE origin = "3" | how many samples have unknown countries of origin? | Pesticide |
SELECT T2.commod FROM resultsdata15 as T2 JOIN sampledata15 as T1 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk WHERE T1.year = 15 GROUP BY T2.commod ORDER BY sum(T2.concen) DESC LIMIT 10 | Which are the top 10 commodities that have the highest residue during 2015? | Pesticide |
SELECT commod FROM sampledata15 WHERE origin = 2 AND commod not in (SELECT commod FROM sampledata15 WHERE origin = 1) | Name some imported commodities that are not found in the US. | Pesticide |
SELECT T1.growst, avg(T2.concen) FROM sampledata15 as T1 JOIN resultsdata15 as T2 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk GROUP BY T1.growst | Tell me the average pesticide residue for each state in the US where food is grown. | Pesticide |
SELECT T1.variety FROM resultsdata15 as T2 JOIN sampledata15 as T1 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk WHERE T2.commod = "AP" GROUP BY T1.variety ORDER BY sum(T2.concen) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which varieties of apple typically have higher pesticide levels? | Pesticide |
SELECT commod FROM resultsdata15 WHERE concen > lod | Which commodities have the pesticides concentration much higher than their limit for detection? | Pesticide |
SELECT lab FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY lab ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 5 | Name top 5 labs with the maximum number of testing. | Pesticide |
SELECT T1.country FROM sampledata15 as T1 JOIN resultsdata15 as T2 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk GROUP BY T1.country ORDER BY sum(T2.concen) LIMIT 1 | Which country is the safest in terms of the pesticide concentration found in imported foods? | Pesticide |
SELECT distst FROM sampledata15 GROUP BY distst ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which is the most popular state in the US in terms of commodities distribution? | Pesticide |
SELECT max(concen) FROM resultsdata15 | What is the maximum pesticide concentration ever found in a commodity? | Pesticide |
SELECT year, month, day FROM sampledata15 WHERE sample_pk = 3763 | When is sample 3763 collected? | Pesticide |
SELECT distst FROM sampledata15 WHERE commod = "AP" GROUP BY distst ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which state has the most apple collected? | Pesticide |
SELECT growst FROM sampledata15 WHERE commod = "AP" GROUP BY growst ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which state has grow the most apples? | Pesticide |
SELECT count(DISTINCT variety) FROM sampledata15 | How many class of products are there? | Pesticide |
SELECT site FROM sampledata15 WHERE sample_pk = 3763 | what's the 4 digit collection code of sample 3763? | Pesticide |
SELECT country FROM sampledata15 WHERE sample_pk = 6480 AND origin = 2 | If sample 6480 is imported, which country is it originally from? | Pesticide |
SELECT quantity FROM sampledata15 WHERE sample_pk = 9628 | How many number of units are there in sample 9628? | Pesticide |
SELECT testclass FROM resultsdata15 WHERE sample_pk = 7498 | What's the code for test for sample 7498? | Pesticide |
SELECT confmethod FROM resultsdata15 as T2 JOIN sampledata15 as T1 ON T1.sample_pk = T2.sample_pk ORDER BY year, month, day DESC LIMIT 1 | What's the code for confirmation for the latest sample? | Pesticide |
SELECT lab FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY lab ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which lab has analyzed the most sample? | Pesticide |
SELECT max(testclass) FROM resultsdata15 | What's the majority of test classification result? | Pesticide |
SELECT conunit FROM resultsdata15 WHERE sample_pk = 3879 | What's the unit of measure for sample 3879? | Pesticide |
SELECT conunit FROM resultsdata15 WHERE commod = "PO" | What's the unit of measure used for the product commodity code PO? | Pesticide |
SELECT mean FROM resultsdata15 WHERE commod = "AP" | What's the mean result finding for product AP? | Pesticide |
SELECT max(extract) FROM resultsdata15 | What's the most common extraction method? | Pesticide |
SELECT lab FROM resultsdata15 GROUP BY lab ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which lab conduct of most number of tests? | Pesticide |
SELECT lab FROM resultsdata15 WHERE commod = "AP" | Which lab is used for testing for prodict AP? | Pesticide |
SELECT count(*) FROM sampledata15 WHERE origin = "2" | How many samples come from other countries? | Pesticide |
SELECT commod FROM resultsdata15 WHERE mean = "A" GROUP BY commod ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What kind of food has been tested 'detect' most? | Pesticide |
SELECT state FROM sampledata15 WHERE claim = "PO" GROUP BY state ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which state produce the most organic food? | Pesticide |
SELECT max(country) FROM sampledata15 | Where do the US import the most food ? | Pesticide |
SELECT max(commod) FROM resultsdata15 | What kind of food has been test the most? | Pesticide |
SELECT max(pestcode) FROM resultsdata15 | Which kind of pesticide is the easiest to be tested? | Pesticide |
SELECT FIRE_YEAR FROM Fires GROUP BY FIRE_YEAR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which year has the most wildfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT DISCOVERY_TIME FROM Fires GROUP BY DISCOVERY_TIME ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which time of day has the most wildfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT STAT_CAUSE_DESCR FROM Fires GROUP BY STAT_CAUSE_DESCR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What are the most common causes of the wildfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT avg(CONT_DATE - DISCOVERY_DATE) FROM Fires | How long does it take to control wildfires on average? | USWildFires |
SELECT State FROM Fires GROUP BY State ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which state has the most wildfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT State FROM Fires ORDER BY FIRE_SIZE DESC LIMIT 1 | Which state has the largest wildfire? | USWildFires |
SELECT OWNER_DESCR FROM Fires GROUP BY OWNER_DESCR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What enrity is reponsible for managing the land at the point of origin of the most wildfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT STAT_CAUSE_DESCR FROM Fires WHERE FIRE_YEAR BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005 GROUP BY STAT_CAUSE_DESCR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What was the most common cause of fire between 2000 and 2005? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(*) FROM Fires WHERE FIRE_YEAR = 2006 AND FIRE_SIZE > 100 | How many fires were more than 100 acres in 2006? | USWildFires |
SELECT State FROM Fires WHERE FIRE_YEAR = 2001 GROUP BY State ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which states had the largest number of fires in 2001? | USWildFires |
SELECT sum(FIRE_SIZE), FIRE_YEAR FROM Fires WHERE State = "CA" AND FIRE_YEAR BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005 GROUP BY FIRE_YEAR | How many acres burned in fires in California each year between 2000 and 2005? | USWildFires |
SELECT FIRE_YEAR FROM Fires GROUP BY FIRE_YEAR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which year had the largest number of fires? | USWildFires |
SELECT * FROM Fires WHERE State = "TX" AND STAT_CAUSE_DESCR LIKE "Campfire" | Show all fires caused by campfires in Texas. | USWildFires |
SELECT OWNER_DESCR FROM FIres WHERE State = "OR" AND FIRE_YEAR = 2015 ORDER BY FIRE_SIZE DESC LIMIT 1 | Who was responsible for the land of the biggest fire in Oregon in 2015? | USWildFires |
SELECT COUNTY FROM Fires WHERE State = "WA" AND FIRE_YEAR = 2012 | Which counties in Washington had fires in 2012? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(*) FROM Fires WHERE FIRE_YEAR = 2010 AND STAT_CAUSE_DESCR LIKE "%Arson%" | How many arson-related fires were there in 2010? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(DISTINCT FIRE_YEAR) FROM Fires | How many years of data are recorded in this database? | USWildFires |
SELECT avg(DISCOVERY_DATE) FROM Fires where FIRE_YEAR BETWEEN 2000 AND 2004 | Average date of year that fire was discovered from 2000~2004? | USWildFires |
SELECT STAT_CAUSE_CODE FROM Fires GROUP BY STAT_CAUSE_CODE ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What’s the most common cause of the fire (code) in the database? | USWildFires |
SELECT FIRE_YEAR FROM Fires ORDER BY FIRE_SIZE DESC LIMIT 1 | What’s the year that have the largest acres in the fire area? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(*) FROM Fires WHERE OWNER_DESCR = "MISSING/NOT SPECIFIED" | How many missing / not specified name of the owner are there in the database? | USWildFires |
SELECT COUNTY FROM Fires GROUP BY COUNTY ORDER BY count(*) | What’s the county that contains most recorded burns in 2000 according to the database? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(DISTINCT STAT_CAUSE_DESCR) FROM Fires | How many distinct cause of the fire descriptions are there in the database? | USWildFires |
SELECT sum(FIRE_SIZE) FROM Fires WHERE State = "NY" and FIRE_YEAR = "2006" | Sum of the acres burned in NC state in 2006? | USWildFires |
SELECT * FROM Fires WHERE State = "UT" AND FIRE_YEAR = 1997 ORDER BY FIRE_SIZE DESC LIMIT 1 | What was the cause of the largest wildfire in Utah in the year 1997? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(*) FROM Fires WHERE COUNTY = "Gloucester" AND FIRE_SIZE > 10 | How many wildfires in Gloucester county have been larger than 10 acres? | USWildFires |
SELECT State FROM Fires GROUP BY State ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which state experiences the most wildfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT STAT_CAUSE_DESCR FROM Fires GROUP BY STAT_CAUSE_DESCR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the leading cause of wildfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT OWNER_DESCR FROM Fires GROUP BY OWNER_DESCR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | On what type of land (public or private) do more wildfires occur? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(*) FROM Fires WHERE STAT_CAUSE_DESCR LIKE "%Campfire%" AND FIRE_YEAR = 2014 | In 2014, how many wildfires were the result of mismanaged campfires? | USWildFires |
SELECT sum(FIRE_SIZE) FROM Fires WHERE State = "TX" AND FIRE_YEAR BETWEEN 2000 AND 2010 | How many total acres of land in Texas have seen a wildfire in the decade between 2000-2010? | USWildFires |
SELECT State FROM Fires GROUP BY State ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which state has the most number of fires being recorded? | USWildFires |
SELECT STAT_CAUSE_DESCR FROM Fires GROUP BY STAT_CAUSE_DESCR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the most common reason that causes a fire? | USWildFires |
SELECT sum(FIRE_SIZE) FROM Fires | What is the total area that has been burned until now? | USWildFires |
SELECT sum(FIRE_SIZE) FROM Fires WHERE STATE = "TX" AND FIRE_YEAR BETWEEN 2000 AND 2010 UNION SELECT sum(FIRE_SIZE) FROM Fires WHERE STATE = "TX" AND FIRE_YEAR BETWEEN 1990 AND 2000 | How many acres burned in 2000s and 1990s? | USWildFires |
SELECT count(*) FROM Fires WHERE OWNER_DESCR = "MISSING/NOT SPECIFIED" | How many fire cases occur on the land without any owner? | USWildFires |
SELECT LATITUDE FROM Fires GROUP BY LATITUDE ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the latitudinal band that is most likely to experience wildfires in the USA? | USWildFires |
SELECT groupName FROM torrents ORDER BY totalSnatched DESC LIMIT 100 | What are the top 100 torrent releases? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT artist FROM torrents GROUP BY artist ORDER BY sum(totalSnatched) DESC LIMIT 10 | What are name of top 10 artists or groups? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT releaseType FROM torrents GROUP BY releaseType ORDER BY sum(totalSnatched) DESC LIMIT 10 | What are the top 10 torrent release types? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT T2.groupName FROM torrents as T2 JOIN tags as T1 ON T1.id = T2.id WHERE T1.tag = "pop" and T2.releaseType = "album" ORDER BY T2.totalSnatched DESC LIMIT 20 | What are the top 20 pop albums? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT T2.groupName FROM torrents as T2 JOIN tags as T1 ON T1.id = T2.id WHERE T1.tag = "instrumental" and T2.releaseType = "album" and groupYear >= 2000 ORDER BY T2.totalSnatched DESC LIMIT 20 | What are the top 20 instrumental albums since 2000? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT T1.tag FROM torrents as T2 JOIN tags as T1 ON T1.id = T2.id WHERE T2.releaseType = "album" GROUP BY T1.tag ORDER BY sum(T2.totalSnatched) DESC LIMIT 1 | What type of musical album is the most popular? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT groupName FROM torrents WHERE releaseType = "single" ORDER BY totalSnatched DESC LIMIT 100 | What are the top 100 single musics? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT sum(totalSnatched), groupYear FROM torrents GROUP BY groupYear | What is the torrent download statistics for each release year? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT count(*), releaseType FROM torrents GROUP BY releaseType | how many entries are of each type? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT count(*), artist FROM torrents GROUP BY artist | how many unique entries are by the same Artist/group? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT groupName FROM torrents ORDER BY totalSnatched DESC LIMIT 1 | which entry have been downloaded the most? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT groupName FROM torrents ORDER BY totalSnatched LIMIT 1 | which entry have been downloaded the least? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT DISTINCT groupName FROM torrents | what are titles for each unique entry? | WhatCDHipHop |
SELECT groupName, groupYear FROM torrents | what year was each specific entry released? | WhatCDHipHop |
Subsets and Splits