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/m/05fm3g | The movie opens with Casey (Michelle Trachtenberg) skating on a backyard rink at her house. Her mom (Joan Cusak) calls her in, but she wants to stay out for just a bit longer.We then see Casey in Science class. The teacher is cooking toast over a Bunsen burner, and offers a slice to Casey. When she accepts, you know she's a science geek. The teacher suggests that she go for a scholarship, and should do a research project to improve her chances of winning. He suggests that it be technical, yet personal.After class, Casey is discussing the project with her math geek friend, and another girl surprisingly calls them over and offers Casey an invitation to a party. Casey is flattered until the girl asks Casey to give the invitation to a guy in her science class. It appears we've just encountered the enemy.Casey and her Math geek friend Ann (Amy Stewart) discuss the research project, and they decide that the physics of figure skating would be a great topic.Casey shows up at the rink and admires the trophies and photographs of synchronized skating teams, and what appears to be an older picture of coach Tina (Kim Cattrall). She pulls out her video camera as the skaters take to the ice.Suddenly coach Tina shows up and starts yelling at her for spying. She is accused of being associated with skaters from another club, and is checking on the competition. Apparently the competition is stiff at the upcoming regionals, and only the top 4 skaters will make it to the sectional championships. Tina comments that the CIA used to train figure skaters as spies.Casey explains that this is for a science project, but Tina asks for more proof. She pulls out her notebook, which is checked out by Zamboni-Guy Teddy (Trevor Blumas). He sees pages of complex physics equations, and jokingly tells coach Tina that she is a spy! She's got a secret code book!Tina agrees to let her film, if it is okay with the parents. The parents of the three star junior skaters reluctantly agree. Gen (Hayden Panettiere), the nasty girl who was earlier handing out the invitations, turns out to be one of the skaters, and coach Tina is her mom! She warns Casey that if a picture of her falling on her butt shows up at school, Casey is dead meat. Casey videos Gen, as well as Nikki, the short-but-spunky red-head, and the graceful Tiffany.Casey puts her project together, but she and her math geek friend agree that it is lacking something. It needs more passion. Casey wants to try to apply her research to herself. She asks Tina about signing up at the skating club. Tina looks down her nose at her, and tells her that there is a beginner program starting soon. She'll have to skate 3 times a week, and the cost is $800. Casey is determined, and gets a job at the rink's snack bar. She takes various abuse from the younger patrons ("She breathed on my hot dog!"), as well as Gen, Nikki and Tiffany.When the 3 girls buy lunch (a hamburger patty - hold the bun for Tiffany, and a salad with only lettuce, garbanzo beans, and a bit of cheese for Gen), she gives them the price, along with all the permutations and combinations of the prices added up. Spunky red-head Nikki tells her she can keep the change if she'll stop doing that!Casey joins the lesson group, and is slammed by the 6 and 7 year old kids. After one lesson, Casey is watching the smooth ice laid down by the Zamboni. She sneaks onto the ice, and finds she can skater much nicer on the smooth ice. She is caught by Teddy, who yells at her. She explains that she's only ever skated on the rough ice of her pond. They share a laugh, and next thing you know, it's almost test day for the beginners.Casey wasn't planning on going for the test, but changed her mind. Tina gives her one of her old skating costumes to wear. Casey knows she has a conflict - a Harvard applicant party - that is expected to wrap up just before the test is scheduled to start.We see that Casey's mom is a professor, and has high expectations for her daughter. She has Casey practice her lines prior to the party - why she likes Harvard, and why she loves physics, however we can see that Casey is not into it. Mom has bought Casey a lovely new outfit for the party - a skirt and blouse with a tweed jacket. Mom is very much a feminist who doesn't believe in skimpy skating dresses. Luckily she doesn't find out that Casey is wearing her skating dress underneath her business attire.Casey makes it to the skating test just in time. The beginner skating kids skate as a group to a song. Casey leads them through some basic steps, then throws in a few much more complex moves, including a double jump. The kids get their test results. They all passed that level, but Casey has skipped 2 levels to Junior, which is the same as the three star skaters. The kids are excited for Casey saying that skipping levels is virtually unheard of.Casey asks Tina about joining the group. Tina says no - because she doesn't have the determination nor the money to get new $600 skates plus blades, take ballet, and private ice time. Looks like Casey is down for the count. She has no hope of making the money necessary to pull this off - until her science teacher tells her that her project is so good she could make some money from it.Casey studies the skaters weaknesses, realizes she can help and approaches the 3 Junior skaters, and tells them that she can help them improve their weak areas that need adjustment. Nikki (now known as the Jumping Shrimp, which her mom copyrighted) denies that she has any faults, but in the end, they all listen to Casey, and their programs improve. Casey has her video camera, laptop, and finite element analysis software at the rink, and is pointing out what each is doing wrong. They are impressed, and Casey is welcomed into their world.She trains hard, doing ballet, working out at the gym, and trying to get her homework done late into the night.One Saturday, Gen is fighting with mom Tina. She wants to go out, but mom says no. She's got a 5:30am practice the next day, and she won't sparkle if she's out late. Gen asks if she can go out with Casey. Mom says yes. Gen suggests they take in a movie but takes Casey to a wild party instead. Casey protests she is not dressed for a party. Gen being quite nice, and helps Casey with her hair. Casey doesn't know anyone and Gen introduces her to a hockey player and makes it appear they have something in common. However she quickly abandons her to be with her boyfriend, Brian. Casey tries small talk, but he runs away when she starts babbling physics equations. Things are not going well, but then Zamboni Guy show up! She and Teddy hit it off and she finds out that he is Tina's son.Before you know it, the Regional championship has arrived. The four skaters, their parents and coaches all ride in a bus to the out-of-town location. Casey's mom is not there. The night before, Casey got found with her skates and costume in her bag and she and her mom had a fight. Her mom wants her to ditch skating, but Casey has realized she loves it, and wants to compete at regionals. So, she sets out the next morning although her mom is dead against it. When she arrives at the van outside Harwood Skating Club, the girls are psyching each other out, but at least they explain what's going on to Casey. They certainly don't see her as a threat.At the competition, they meet Zoey Bloch, the skate thief. Apparently she steals other girls skates to wreck their programs. She looks at Casey's skates (garage sale specials), and figures there's not much to worry about here.The girls perform well. After the short program, the Jumping Shrimp is in first, Zoey is second, Tiffany is third, Gen is forth, and Casey is fifth. Everyone is surprised at how well Casey did and Gen tells Casey that she has a chance to knock her out of fourth position, which Tina overhears. Remember, the top four will get to go to the Junior Sectional championships.Casey's blade is coming loose on one of her old skates. They are obviously on their last legs. Tina pulls out her credit card, and buys new skates and blades for Casey. Wow. Thinking that Tina is being generous and supportive, and wants Casey to do well, she accepts the gift. However during the program, Casey falls and the new skates cause major blister trouble (the bloody foot scene may be too intense for younger children). Zoey ends up first, followed by Nikki, Tiffany, Gen, and Casey is still in fifth.In the locker room, Zoey notices the new skates (she would - she is the Skate Thief), and asks about them. She can't believe that Casey would skate in brand new skates for the first time at a competition and proceed to tell her that it takes at least 10 days to break them in. She figures that Tina must have done that to mess up Casey's long program, and ensure that Gen would make it into the top 4 to qualify for Sectionals.Casey uncharacteristically (ie: stupidly) accuses Tina, Gen, and Teddy of conspiring against her, when Gen and Teddy knew nothing of Tina's plans, as Tina was the only one who saw Casey as a threat to her own daughter's chances. Casey is mad and frustrated, and calls her mom to come and get her. Tina and Casey's Mom exchange words when Casey is picked up from the competition. We find out that mom and Tina go way back. Tina was the prom queen, and stood for everything that mom hates.Gen is not happy. She is fed up with pressure of skating. One day at school, she tries to talk to Casey to convince her that she wasn't involved in her mom's "new skates" sabotage, but Casey brushes her off and walks around the corner of the hallway. Just then Tina marches in to yell at Gen for being late for practice. Those in the school halls are forced to scatter after Tina bawls out the gawkers. Gen tells her Mom how she really feels about skating and tells her mom that she is quitting. Tina leaves and Gen finds a wall to slide down so she can cry. Casey walks up. Gen asks if she heard what happened. Casey did and realizes they are still friends. Gen tells Casey that she will inherit fourth place, and will be able to skate at the upcoming sectional championships. However, Casey tells Gen that she won't take that "slot", because Harvard is her "slot".Casey is pondering this as she sits through her Harvard entrance interview. She tell the interviewer that she was passionate about skating, and that helped her with her project. He asks her why she is passionate about Harvard. She stops, thinks, and says that she'd rather skate than go to Harvard. The interviewer reminds her that there is no rescheduling or second chance. The interview is over. Mom is devastated that she blew the chance and doesn't understand her daughter. They exchange words. Mom accuses her of giving up her dream. Casey replies that she is giving up Mom's dream in order to follow her true dream.Casey is reduced to skating back on the pond at home. She just can't do the jumps any more, as the ice is too rough. But wait! What's that? It's Teddy driving the Zamboni down the lane to smooth her backyard rink. She understands that he didn't know about Tina's cruel plan. They're friends again.Now Casey has to prepare for Sectionals. There is still a problem. Casey, up to this point, has been skating without a coach. She approaches Tina, and asks for 5 minutes of her time. Casey asks Tina why she gave up skating. Casey says "You're a coach with no student, and I'm a student with no coach." Tina agrees to coach Casey for the big Sectional Championships.Casey's mom accuses her of becoming just like Tina, of wanting to tell lies and be glamorous and feel beautiful. Casey asks Mom why she is jealous of Tina, and asks her to come watch her skate just once. Mom refuses and walks out. Mom and Casey barely talk to each other for two months.Cut to Sectionals, where Michelle Kwan and Brian Boitano are commenting for ESPN. After the short program, Zoey is in first place, Jumping Shrimp Nikki is second, and Casey is in fourth. Casey is happy to be in fourth, but Tina is not and criticizes her performance. As soon as Tina leaves the room, Gen walks in and encourages Casey.Mom is teaching a class, but keeps looking at the clock.As the long program skating starts, Tina gives Casey earplugs and tells her to "go into the bubble". Just before Casey's turn to skate, she tries to call Mom at home, but gets the answering machine.Casey is the last person to skate. Tina finally gives Casey some encouragement and places a tiara in her hair. Math Geek friend is sitting with Gen. Tina is rooting for Casey and is very nervous to watch her performance and is standing next to a seated Gen. Casey starts her routine, but falls on her first jump, a triple salchow. Gen offers her mom some popcorn to help her nerves and the two are seen holding hands during Casey's performance. The two have resolved their differences. A little while after Casey resumes her performance, she notices that her mom has come to the arena for the first time. She gets excited and picks up the pace. She throws in an extra triple jump, and nails the rest of the program. Everyone is amazed at how well she did. The scores are announced. Casey is just behind Nikki and gets the silver medal. Michelle Kwan announces that Casey is going to Nationals and speculates that Casey could be at the 2006 Olympics.Casey finally reconciles with Mom. Then she goes back out on the ice to relive some of the best moments of her performance, but is interrupted by Teddy bringing her red roses. He offers to let her drive the Zamboni anytime, and they finally kiss.Nikki chews out her coach and parents because she almost lost, and she is worried that Casey will be unbeatable in six months. She really is nasty - until a TV reporter starts interviewing her. Then she turns on the fake smile, and says a few nothings to the camera.All is well, as Mom, Casey, and Tina leave the arena. Mom and Tina start making plans for Casey. They discuss what kind of sponsor to get for Casey, to pay the bills. She'll have get rid of the boyfriend (both moms agree). Mom says that she'll have to take 4 university courses next term. Tina says no courses. They compromise on 2.The screen darkens and the credits roll. | Ice Princess | 5c1bfca2-5c9f-49cf-1e21-aa3cddfeebfb | Who is Casey's coach? | [
] | false |
/m/05fm3g | The movie opens with Casey (Michelle Trachtenberg) skating on a backyard rink at her house. Her mom (Joan Cusak) calls her in, but she wants to stay out for just a bit longer.We then see Casey in Science class. The teacher is cooking toast over a Bunsen burner, and offers a slice to Casey. When she accepts, you know she's a science geek. The teacher suggests that she go for a scholarship, and should do a research project to improve her chances of winning. He suggests that it be technical, yet personal.After class, Casey is discussing the project with her math geek friend, and another girl surprisingly calls them over and offers Casey an invitation to a party. Casey is flattered until the girl asks Casey to give the invitation to a guy in her science class. It appears we've just encountered the enemy.Casey and her Math geek friend Ann (Amy Stewart) discuss the research project, and they decide that the physics of figure skating would be a great topic.Casey shows up at the rink and admires the trophies and photographs of synchronized skating teams, and what appears to be an older picture of coach Tina (Kim Cattrall). She pulls out her video camera as the skaters take to the ice.Suddenly coach Tina shows up and starts yelling at her for spying. She is accused of being associated with skaters from another club, and is checking on the competition. Apparently the competition is stiff at the upcoming regionals, and only the top 4 skaters will make it to the sectional championships. Tina comments that the CIA used to train figure skaters as spies.Casey explains that this is for a science project, but Tina asks for more proof. She pulls out her notebook, which is checked out by Zamboni-Guy Teddy (Trevor Blumas). He sees pages of complex physics equations, and jokingly tells coach Tina that she is a spy! She's got a secret code book!Tina agrees to let her film, if it is okay with the parents. The parents of the three star junior skaters reluctantly agree. Gen (Hayden Panettiere), the nasty girl who was earlier handing out the invitations, turns out to be one of the skaters, and coach Tina is her mom! She warns Casey that if a picture of her falling on her butt shows up at school, Casey is dead meat. Casey videos Gen, as well as Nikki, the short-but-spunky red-head, and the graceful Tiffany.Casey puts her project together, but she and her math geek friend agree that it is lacking something. It needs more passion. Casey wants to try to apply her research to herself. She asks Tina about signing up at the skating club. Tina looks down her nose at her, and tells her that there is a beginner program starting soon. She'll have to skate 3 times a week, and the cost is $800. Casey is determined, and gets a job at the rink's snack bar. She takes various abuse from the younger patrons ("She breathed on my hot dog!"), as well as Gen, Nikki and Tiffany.When the 3 girls buy lunch (a hamburger patty - hold the bun for Tiffany, and a salad with only lettuce, garbanzo beans, and a bit of cheese for Gen), she gives them the price, along with all the permutations and combinations of the prices added up. Spunky red-head Nikki tells her she can keep the change if she'll stop doing that!Casey joins the lesson group, and is slammed by the 6 and 7 year old kids. After one lesson, Casey is watching the smooth ice laid down by the Zamboni. She sneaks onto the ice, and finds she can skater much nicer on the smooth ice. She is caught by Teddy, who yells at her. She explains that she's only ever skated on the rough ice of her pond. They share a laugh, and next thing you know, it's almost test day for the beginners.Casey wasn't planning on going for the test, but changed her mind. Tina gives her one of her old skating costumes to wear. Casey knows she has a conflict - a Harvard applicant party - that is expected to wrap up just before the test is scheduled to start.We see that Casey's mom is a professor, and has high expectations for her daughter. She has Casey practice her lines prior to the party - why she likes Harvard, and why she loves physics, however we can see that Casey is not into it. Mom has bought Casey a lovely new outfit for the party - a skirt and blouse with a tweed jacket. Mom is very much a feminist who doesn't believe in skimpy skating dresses. Luckily she doesn't find out that Casey is wearing her skating dress underneath her business attire.Casey makes it to the skating test just in time. The beginner skating kids skate as a group to a song. Casey leads them through some basic steps, then throws in a few much more complex moves, including a double jump. The kids get their test results. They all passed that level, but Casey has skipped 2 levels to Junior, which is the same as the three star skaters. The kids are excited for Casey saying that skipping levels is virtually unheard of.Casey asks Tina about joining the group. Tina says no - because she doesn't have the determination nor the money to get new $600 skates plus blades, take ballet, and private ice time. Looks like Casey is down for the count. She has no hope of making the money necessary to pull this off - until her science teacher tells her that her project is so good she could make some money from it.Casey studies the skaters weaknesses, realizes she can help and approaches the 3 Junior skaters, and tells them that she can help them improve their weak areas that need adjustment. Nikki (now known as the Jumping Shrimp, which her mom copyrighted) denies that she has any faults, but in the end, they all listen to Casey, and their programs improve. Casey has her video camera, laptop, and finite element analysis software at the rink, and is pointing out what each is doing wrong. They are impressed, and Casey is welcomed into their world.She trains hard, doing ballet, working out at the gym, and trying to get her homework done late into the night.One Saturday, Gen is fighting with mom Tina. She wants to go out, but mom says no. She's got a 5:30am practice the next day, and she won't sparkle if she's out late. Gen asks if she can go out with Casey. Mom says yes. Gen suggests they take in a movie but takes Casey to a wild party instead. Casey protests she is not dressed for a party. Gen being quite nice, and helps Casey with her hair. Casey doesn't know anyone and Gen introduces her to a hockey player and makes it appear they have something in common. However she quickly abandons her to be with her boyfriend, Brian. Casey tries small talk, but he runs away when she starts babbling physics equations. Things are not going well, but then Zamboni Guy show up! She and Teddy hit it off and she finds out that he is Tina's son.Before you know it, the Regional championship has arrived. The four skaters, their parents and coaches all ride in a bus to the out-of-town location. Casey's mom is not there. The night before, Casey got found with her skates and costume in her bag and she and her mom had a fight. Her mom wants her to ditch skating, but Casey has realized she loves it, and wants to compete at regionals. So, she sets out the next morning although her mom is dead against it. When she arrives at the van outside Harwood Skating Club, the girls are psyching each other out, but at least they explain what's going on to Casey. They certainly don't see her as a threat.At the competition, they meet Zoey Bloch, the skate thief. Apparently she steals other girls skates to wreck their programs. She looks at Casey's skates (garage sale specials), and figures there's not much to worry about here.The girls perform well. After the short program, the Jumping Shrimp is in first, Zoey is second, Tiffany is third, Gen is forth, and Casey is fifth. Everyone is surprised at how well Casey did and Gen tells Casey that she has a chance to knock her out of fourth position, which Tina overhears. Remember, the top four will get to go to the Junior Sectional championships.Casey's blade is coming loose on one of her old skates. They are obviously on their last legs. Tina pulls out her credit card, and buys new skates and blades for Casey. Wow. Thinking that Tina is being generous and supportive, and wants Casey to do well, she accepts the gift. However during the program, Casey falls and the new skates cause major blister trouble (the bloody foot scene may be too intense for younger children). Zoey ends up first, followed by Nikki, Tiffany, Gen, and Casey is still in fifth.In the locker room, Zoey notices the new skates (she would - she is the Skate Thief), and asks about them. She can't believe that Casey would skate in brand new skates for the first time at a competition and proceed to tell her that it takes at least 10 days to break them in. She figures that Tina must have done that to mess up Casey's long program, and ensure that Gen would make it into the top 4 to qualify for Sectionals.Casey uncharacteristically (ie: stupidly) accuses Tina, Gen, and Teddy of conspiring against her, when Gen and Teddy knew nothing of Tina's plans, as Tina was the only one who saw Casey as a threat to her own daughter's chances. Casey is mad and frustrated, and calls her mom to come and get her. Tina and Casey's Mom exchange words when Casey is picked up from the competition. We find out that mom and Tina go way back. Tina was the prom queen, and stood for everything that mom hates.Gen is not happy. She is fed up with pressure of skating. One day at school, she tries to talk to Casey to convince her that she wasn't involved in her mom's "new skates" sabotage, but Casey brushes her off and walks around the corner of the hallway. Just then Tina marches in to yell at Gen for being late for practice. Those in the school halls are forced to scatter after Tina bawls out the gawkers. Gen tells her Mom how she really feels about skating and tells her mom that she is quitting. Tina leaves and Gen finds a wall to slide down so she can cry. Casey walks up. Gen asks if she heard what happened. Casey did and realizes they are still friends. Gen tells Casey that she will inherit fourth place, and will be able to skate at the upcoming sectional championships. However, Casey tells Gen that she won't take that "slot", because Harvard is her "slot".Casey is pondering this as she sits through her Harvard entrance interview. She tell the interviewer that she was passionate about skating, and that helped her with her project. He asks her why she is passionate about Harvard. She stops, thinks, and says that she'd rather skate than go to Harvard. The interviewer reminds her that there is no rescheduling or second chance. The interview is over. Mom is devastated that she blew the chance and doesn't understand her daughter. They exchange words. Mom accuses her of giving up her dream. Casey replies that she is giving up Mom's dream in order to follow her true dream.Casey is reduced to skating back on the pond at home. She just can't do the jumps any more, as the ice is too rough. But wait! What's that? It's Teddy driving the Zamboni down the lane to smooth her backyard rink. She understands that he didn't know about Tina's cruel plan. They're friends again.Now Casey has to prepare for Sectionals. There is still a problem. Casey, up to this point, has been skating without a coach. She approaches Tina, and asks for 5 minutes of her time. Casey asks Tina why she gave up skating. Casey says "You're a coach with no student, and I'm a student with no coach." Tina agrees to coach Casey for the big Sectional Championships.Casey's mom accuses her of becoming just like Tina, of wanting to tell lies and be glamorous and feel beautiful. Casey asks Mom why she is jealous of Tina, and asks her to come watch her skate just once. Mom refuses and walks out. Mom and Casey barely talk to each other for two months.Cut to Sectionals, where Michelle Kwan and Brian Boitano are commenting for ESPN. After the short program, Zoey is in first place, Jumping Shrimp Nikki is second, and Casey is in fourth. Casey is happy to be in fourth, but Tina is not and criticizes her performance. As soon as Tina leaves the room, Gen walks in and encourages Casey.Mom is teaching a class, but keeps looking at the clock.As the long program skating starts, Tina gives Casey earplugs and tells her to "go into the bubble". Just before Casey's turn to skate, she tries to call Mom at home, but gets the answering machine.Casey is the last person to skate. Tina finally gives Casey some encouragement and places a tiara in her hair. Math Geek friend is sitting with Gen. Tina is rooting for Casey and is very nervous to watch her performance and is standing next to a seated Gen. Casey starts her routine, but falls on her first jump, a triple salchow. Gen offers her mom some popcorn to help her nerves and the two are seen holding hands during Casey's performance. The two have resolved their differences. A little while after Casey resumes her performance, she notices that her mom has come to the arena for the first time. She gets excited and picks up the pace. She throws in an extra triple jump, and nails the rest of the program. Everyone is amazed at how well she did. The scores are announced. Casey is just behind Nikki and gets the silver medal. Michelle Kwan announces that Casey is going to Nationals and speculates that Casey could be at the 2006 Olympics.Casey finally reconciles with Mom. Then she goes back out on the ice to relive some of the best moments of her performance, but is interrupted by Teddy bringing her red roses. He offers to let her drive the Zamboni anytime, and they finally kiss.Nikki chews out her coach and parents because she almost lost, and she is worried that Casey will be unbeatable in six months. She really is nasty - until a TV reporter starts interviewing her. Then she turns on the fake smile, and says a few nothings to the camera.All is well, as Mom, Casey, and Tina leave the arena. Mom and Tina start making plans for Casey. They discuss what kind of sponsor to get for Casey, to pay the bills. She'll have get rid of the boyfriend (both moms agree). Mom says that she'll have to take 4 university courses next term. Tina says no courses. They compromise on 2.The screen darkens and the credits roll. | Ice Princess | 74f02c48-5e13-0da7-ee2f-26611cbe328a | Who is the friend of Casey Carlyle? | [
] | false |
/m/052172r | In 1984, a few months before the disaster, Dilip (Rajpal Yadav), a rickshaw driver, loses his pay source as his rickshaw breaks down while transporting an employee to the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. Dilip lives in the slums around the plant with his wife, a son and his sister. He gets a job in the plant as a labourer, and is happy since his daily wage is restored.
The plant witnesses a drop in its revenue due to lower sales of pesticides, and in order to reduce the loss the officials neglect safety and maintenance. Questioning the chemicals used in the plant, Motwani (Kal Penn), a tabloid reporter publishes reports in his makeshift printing press which are disregarded by most of the officials and workers. Roy (Joy Sengupta), the in-charge for the safety of the plant expresses his concerns. The officials however ignore his warnings, and a worker is killed when a drop of methyl isocyanate leaking from a pipeline lands on his arm. The officials deem the worker's irresponsibility as the cause of the accident and the plant continues to function. Dilip is given a better-paying vacant job in the plant despite lacking the skill to operate machinery. A gas leak is prevented by Roy when water is mixed with methyl isocyanate, and in an attempt to stop people from panicking, the official in the plant sabotages the warning siren.
Warren Anderson (Martin Sheen), the CEO of Union Carbide, visits the plant to inspect its functionality, where he is briefed about a plan to connect two additional tanks for storage of methyl isocyanate to increase the output of the plant, ignoring the deteriorated condition of the tanks. Motwani meanwhile meets Eva Gascon (Mischa Barton), a reporter in the Paris Match, and persuades her to get an interview of Anderson. She impersonates the identity of an Associated Press reporter, but fails as her true identity is exposed in between the interview. Motwani convinces Dilip of the danger posed by the chemicals.
As the date of the disaster nears, Dilip arranges a loan for the wedding of his sister. Roy later explains how the company is ignoring safety standards, and that how a future leak might become uncontrolled as the officials had turned off safety measures to reduce the maintenance costs. Roy gives his resignation to the company and advises Dilip not to talk about the plant's safety if he wishes to retain his job. Dilip makes a phone call to Motwani describing what Roy just said, and expresses his fear about the plant's safety, saying he will return to the rickshaw-pulling business as soon as his sister is married.
In order to overcome the increasing revenue loss, the officials shut down the plant, firing most of the workers, including Dilip. The plant officials then order the usage of the remaining methyl isocyanate as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Dilip is busy with the wedding of his sister, and Roy has a final look of the control room. The safety measures fail and a runaway reaction follows. The faulty tanks cause the gas to start leaking, and an attempt to contain the leak fails. The gas escapes to the surroundings and is carried east by the wind. Motwani rushes to alert the people in the vicinity of the plant to vacate and head west, since the warning sirens were previously sabotaged. He meets Dilip, who ignores the warning and asks Motwani to leave the area without causing any hindrance to the wedding. Meanwhile, the guests experience irritation in the eyes and discomfort in breathing. Dilip senses the danger and visits the plant, realising that the plant had been compromised. He rushes back to his residence where he finds his family and relatives dying from acute exposure to the toxic gas. He carries away his son, paying farewell to his wife's corpse and flees the slum.
As the gas shows its effects, a nearby hospital is filled with hundreds of patients reporting cyanide poisoning, and the lack of antidote results in most of the patients' death. Dilip, on his deathbed, and using the last of his strength, rips off his Union Carbide identity badge and after flinging it away, rests his dead son on the ground. He eventually accepts his fate to die in the highly toxic gas cloud and succumbs to the toxic gas, dying by his son's side. The story jumps to the present day, where a blind boy is holding Dilip's identity badge, and the film ends with Motwani narrating the words "Whatever may be the cause of the disaster, Carbide never left Bhopal". A photo montage depicts the aftermath of the disaster, and pictures of the characters and their real-life counterparts | Bhopal: Prayer for Rain | d4e6f198-7ba2-4180-a41d-ee2d6a1b6cf0 | Where did the 'bhopalgas tragedy/disaster' happen? | [
"Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal"
] | false |
/m/052172r | In 1984, a few months before the disaster, Dilip (Rajpal Yadav), a rickshaw driver, loses his pay source as his rickshaw breaks down while transporting an employee to the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. Dilip lives in the slums around the plant with his wife, a son and his sister. He gets a job in the plant as a labourer, and is happy since his daily wage is restored.
The plant witnesses a drop in its revenue due to lower sales of pesticides, and in order to reduce the loss the officials neglect safety and maintenance. Questioning the chemicals used in the plant, Motwani (Kal Penn), a tabloid reporter publishes reports in his makeshift printing press which are disregarded by most of the officials and workers. Roy (Joy Sengupta), the in-charge for the safety of the plant expresses his concerns. The officials however ignore his warnings, and a worker is killed when a drop of methyl isocyanate leaking from a pipeline lands on his arm. The officials deem the worker's irresponsibility as the cause of the accident and the plant continues to function. Dilip is given a better-paying vacant job in the plant despite lacking the skill to operate machinery. A gas leak is prevented by Roy when water is mixed with methyl isocyanate, and in an attempt to stop people from panicking, the official in the plant sabotages the warning siren.
Warren Anderson (Martin Sheen), the CEO of Union Carbide, visits the plant to inspect its functionality, where he is briefed about a plan to connect two additional tanks for storage of methyl isocyanate to increase the output of the plant, ignoring the deteriorated condition of the tanks. Motwani meanwhile meets Eva Gascon (Mischa Barton), a reporter in the Paris Match, and persuades her to get an interview of Anderson. She impersonates the identity of an Associated Press reporter, but fails as her true identity is exposed in between the interview. Motwani convinces Dilip of the danger posed by the chemicals.
As the date of the disaster nears, Dilip arranges a loan for the wedding of his sister. Roy later explains how the company is ignoring safety standards, and that how a future leak might become uncontrolled as the officials had turned off safety measures to reduce the maintenance costs. Roy gives his resignation to the company and advises Dilip not to talk about the plant's safety if he wishes to retain his job. Dilip makes a phone call to Motwani describing what Roy just said, and expresses his fear about the plant's safety, saying he will return to the rickshaw-pulling business as soon as his sister is married.
In order to overcome the increasing revenue loss, the officials shut down the plant, firing most of the workers, including Dilip. The plant officials then order the usage of the remaining methyl isocyanate as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Dilip is busy with the wedding of his sister, and Roy has a final look of the control room. The safety measures fail and a runaway reaction follows. The faulty tanks cause the gas to start leaking, and an attempt to contain the leak fails. The gas escapes to the surroundings and is carried east by the wind. Motwani rushes to alert the people in the vicinity of the plant to vacate and head west, since the warning sirens were previously sabotaged. He meets Dilip, who ignores the warning and asks Motwani to leave the area without causing any hindrance to the wedding. Meanwhile, the guests experience irritation in the eyes and discomfort in breathing. Dilip senses the danger and visits the plant, realising that the plant had been compromised. He rushes back to his residence where he finds his family and relatives dying from acute exposure to the toxic gas. He carries away his son, paying farewell to his wife's corpse and flees the slum.
As the gas shows its effects, a nearby hospital is filled with hundreds of patients reporting cyanide poisoning, and the lack of antidote results in most of the patients' death. Dilip, on his deathbed, and using the last of his strength, rips off his Union Carbide identity badge and after flinging it away, rests his dead son on the ground. He eventually accepts his fate to die in the highly toxic gas cloud and succumbs to the toxic gas, dying by his son's side. The story jumps to the present day, where a blind boy is holding Dilip's identity badge, and the film ends with Motwani narrating the words "Whatever may be the cause of the disaster, Carbide never left Bhopal". A photo montage depicts the aftermath of the disaster, and pictures of the characters and their real-life counterparts | Bhopal: Prayer for Rain | 08a55c17-71a3-b15a-374c-d929a23c45f7 | What is the name of the company? | [
"Union Carbide"
] | false |
/m/052172r | In 1984, a few months before the disaster, Dilip (Rajpal Yadav), a rickshaw driver, loses his pay source as his rickshaw breaks down while transporting an employee to the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. Dilip lives in the slums around the plant with his wife, a son and his sister. He gets a job in the plant as a labourer, and is happy since his daily wage is restored.
The plant witnesses a drop in its revenue due to lower sales of pesticides, and in order to reduce the loss the officials neglect safety and maintenance. Questioning the chemicals used in the plant, Motwani (Kal Penn), a tabloid reporter publishes reports in his makeshift printing press which are disregarded by most of the officials and workers. Roy (Joy Sengupta), the in-charge for the safety of the plant expresses his concerns. The officials however ignore his warnings, and a worker is killed when a drop of methyl isocyanate leaking from a pipeline lands on his arm. The officials deem the worker's irresponsibility as the cause of the accident and the plant continues to function. Dilip is given a better-paying vacant job in the plant despite lacking the skill to operate machinery. A gas leak is prevented by Roy when water is mixed with methyl isocyanate, and in an attempt to stop people from panicking, the official in the plant sabotages the warning siren.
Warren Anderson (Martin Sheen), the CEO of Union Carbide, visits the plant to inspect its functionality, where he is briefed about a plan to connect two additional tanks for storage of methyl isocyanate to increase the output of the plant, ignoring the deteriorated condition of the tanks. Motwani meanwhile meets Eva Gascon (Mischa Barton), a reporter in the Paris Match, and persuades her to get an interview of Anderson. She impersonates the identity of an Associated Press reporter, but fails as her true identity is exposed in between the interview. Motwani convinces Dilip of the danger posed by the chemicals.
As the date of the disaster nears, Dilip arranges a loan for the wedding of his sister. Roy later explains how the company is ignoring safety standards, and that how a future leak might become uncontrolled as the officials had turned off safety measures to reduce the maintenance costs. Roy gives his resignation to the company and advises Dilip not to talk about the plant's safety if he wishes to retain his job. Dilip makes a phone call to Motwani describing what Roy just said, and expresses his fear about the plant's safety, saying he will return to the rickshaw-pulling business as soon as his sister is married.
In order to overcome the increasing revenue loss, the officials shut down the plant, firing most of the workers, including Dilip. The plant officials then order the usage of the remaining methyl isocyanate as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Dilip is busy with the wedding of his sister, and Roy has a final look of the control room. The safety measures fail and a runaway reaction follows. The faulty tanks cause the gas to start leaking, and an attempt to contain the leak fails. The gas escapes to the surroundings and is carried east by the wind. Motwani rushes to alert the people in the vicinity of the plant to vacate and head west, since the warning sirens were previously sabotaged. He meets Dilip, who ignores the warning and asks Motwani to leave the area without causing any hindrance to the wedding. Meanwhile, the guests experience irritation in the eyes and discomfort in breathing. Dilip senses the danger and visits the plant, realising that the plant had been compromised. He rushes back to his residence where he finds his family and relatives dying from acute exposure to the toxic gas. He carries away his son, paying farewell to his wife's corpse and flees the slum.
As the gas shows its effects, a nearby hospital is filled with hundreds of patients reporting cyanide poisoning, and the lack of antidote results in most of the patients' death. Dilip, on his deathbed, and using the last of his strength, rips off his Union Carbide identity badge and after flinging it away, rests his dead son on the ground. He eventually accepts his fate to die in the highly toxic gas cloud and succumbs to the toxic gas, dying by his son's side. The story jumps to the present day, where a blind boy is holding Dilip's identity badge, and the film ends with Motwani narrating the words "Whatever may be the cause of the disaster, Carbide never left Bhopal". A photo montage depicts the aftermath of the disaster, and pictures of the characters and their real-life counterparts | Bhopal: Prayer for Rain | 9cf4e418-1104-f25c-d082-7baa1c450f61 | How many people were killed on December 3rd 1984 in the movie? | [] | true |
/m/052172r | In 1984, a few months before the disaster, Dilip (Rajpal Yadav), a rickshaw driver, loses his pay source as his rickshaw breaks down while transporting an employee to the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. Dilip lives in the slums around the plant with his wife, a son and his sister. He gets a job in the plant as a labourer, and is happy since his daily wage is restored.
The plant witnesses a drop in its revenue due to lower sales of pesticides, and in order to reduce the loss the officials neglect safety and maintenance. Questioning the chemicals used in the plant, Motwani (Kal Penn), a tabloid reporter publishes reports in his makeshift printing press which are disregarded by most of the officials and workers. Roy (Joy Sengupta), the in-charge for the safety of the plant expresses his concerns. The officials however ignore his warnings, and a worker is killed when a drop of methyl isocyanate leaking from a pipeline lands on his arm. The officials deem the worker's irresponsibility as the cause of the accident and the plant continues to function. Dilip is given a better-paying vacant job in the plant despite lacking the skill to operate machinery. A gas leak is prevented by Roy when water is mixed with methyl isocyanate, and in an attempt to stop people from panicking, the official in the plant sabotages the warning siren.
Warren Anderson (Martin Sheen), the CEO of Union Carbide, visits the plant to inspect its functionality, where he is briefed about a plan to connect two additional tanks for storage of methyl isocyanate to increase the output of the plant, ignoring the deteriorated condition of the tanks. Motwani meanwhile meets Eva Gascon (Mischa Barton), a reporter in the Paris Match, and persuades her to get an interview of Anderson. She impersonates the identity of an Associated Press reporter, but fails as her true identity is exposed in between the interview. Motwani convinces Dilip of the danger posed by the chemicals.
As the date of the disaster nears, Dilip arranges a loan for the wedding of his sister. Roy later explains how the company is ignoring safety standards, and that how a future leak might become uncontrolled as the officials had turned off safety measures to reduce the maintenance costs. Roy gives his resignation to the company and advises Dilip not to talk about the plant's safety if he wishes to retain his job. Dilip makes a phone call to Motwani describing what Roy just said, and expresses his fear about the plant's safety, saying he will return to the rickshaw-pulling business as soon as his sister is married.
In order to overcome the increasing revenue loss, the officials shut down the plant, firing most of the workers, including Dilip. The plant officials then order the usage of the remaining methyl isocyanate as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Dilip is busy with the wedding of his sister, and Roy has a final look of the control room. The safety measures fail and a runaway reaction follows. The faulty tanks cause the gas to start leaking, and an attempt to contain the leak fails. The gas escapes to the surroundings and is carried east by the wind. Motwani rushes to alert the people in the vicinity of the plant to vacate and head west, since the warning sirens were previously sabotaged. He meets Dilip, who ignores the warning and asks Motwani to leave the area without causing any hindrance to the wedding. Meanwhile, the guests experience irritation in the eyes and discomfort in breathing. Dilip senses the danger and visits the plant, realising that the plant had been compromised. He rushes back to his residence where he finds his family and relatives dying from acute exposure to the toxic gas. He carries away his son, paying farewell to his wife's corpse and flees the slum.
As the gas shows its effects, a nearby hospital is filled with hundreds of patients reporting cyanide poisoning, and the lack of antidote results in most of the patients' death. Dilip, on his deathbed, and using the last of his strength, rips off his Union Carbide identity badge and after flinging it away, rests his dead son on the ground. He eventually accepts his fate to die in the highly toxic gas cloud and succumbs to the toxic gas, dying by his son's side. The story jumps to the present day, where a blind boy is holding Dilip's identity badge, and the film ends with Motwani narrating the words "Whatever may be the cause of the disaster, Carbide never left Bhopal". A photo montage depicts the aftermath of the disaster, and pictures of the characters and their real-life counterparts | Bhopal: Prayer for Rain | 01388688-c187-c92f-f6f3-363a26fce922 | How much time has passed? | [
"33 years"
] | false |
/m/0gbfn9 | Don Anderson is the Mickey's hamburger chain marketing director who helped develop the "Big One", its most popular menu item. When he learns that independent research has discovered a considerable presence of fecal matter in the meat, he travels to the fictitious town of Cody, Colorado to determine if the local Uni-Globe meatpacking processing plant, Mickey's main meat supplier, is guilty of sloppy production. Don's tour shows him only the pristine work areas and most efficient procedures, assuring him that everything the company produces is immaculate.
Suspicious of the facade he's been shown, Don meets rancher Rudy Martin, who used to supply cattle to the Uni-Globe plant. Rudy and his Chicana housekeeper both assure him that because of the plant's production level, several safety regulations are ignored or worked against; workers have no time to make sure that the manure coming from the intestines stays away from the meat. Don later meets with Harry Rydell, executive VP of Mickey's, who admits being aware of the issue, but is not concerned.
Amber is a young, upbeat employee of Mickey's, studying for college and living with her mother Cindy. While her life seems to be set, she continually faces the contrast between her current career and her own ambition, emphasized by her two lazy co-workers, Brian and Andrew, who, having heard of armed robberies at fast food restaurants in the area, start planning their own.
Amber and Cindy are visited by Cindy's brother Pete, who encourages Amber to leave town and start a real career. Amber eventually meets a group of young activists, Andrew, Alice, and Paco, who plan to liberate cattle from Uni-Globe as their first act of rebellion. They proceed to sneak up to a holding pen at the plant, but after breaking down the fence, they are shocked that the cattle make no attempt to leave. Upon hearing the police, they retreat and contemplate why the cattle decided to stay in confinement.
Raul, his love interest Sylvia, and Sylvia's sister Coco are illegal immigrants from Mexico, trying to make it in Colorado. They all go to Uni-Globe in hopes of finding a job - Raul becomes a cleaner, while Coco works on a meat processing conveyor belt. Sylvia, however, cannot take the environment, and instead finds a job as a hotel maid. Coco develops a drug habit, and begins an affair with her exploitative superior, Mike.
In a work accident, a friend of Raul's falls in a machine, and his leg is mangled. Raul, attempting to save him, falls and is injured. At the hospital, Sylvia is told that Raul was on amphetamines at work. Because Raul is now unable to work, Sylvia has sex with Mike in order to find a job at Uni-Globe. She ends up working on the "kill floor." | Fast Food Nation | a0d95866-6022-2f39-5e62-7e600def93de | What is the hamburger chain's most popular menu item? | [
"The \"Big One\""
] | false |
/m/0gbfn9 | Don Anderson is the Mickey's hamburger chain marketing director who helped develop the "Big One", its most popular menu item. When he learns that independent research has discovered a considerable presence of fecal matter in the meat, he travels to the fictitious town of Cody, Colorado to determine if the local Uni-Globe meatpacking processing plant, Mickey's main meat supplier, is guilty of sloppy production. Don's tour shows him only the pristine work areas and most efficient procedures, assuring him that everything the company produces is immaculate.
Suspicious of the facade he's been shown, Don meets rancher Rudy Martin, who used to supply cattle to the Uni-Globe plant. Rudy and his Chicana housekeeper both assure him that because of the plant's production level, several safety regulations are ignored or worked against; workers have no time to make sure that the manure coming from the intestines stays away from the meat. Don later meets with Harry Rydell, executive VP of Mickey's, who admits being aware of the issue, but is not concerned.
Amber is a young, upbeat employee of Mickey's, studying for college and living with her mother Cindy. While her life seems to be set, she continually faces the contrast between her current career and her own ambition, emphasized by her two lazy co-workers, Brian and Andrew, who, having heard of armed robberies at fast food restaurants in the area, start planning their own.
Amber and Cindy are visited by Cindy's brother Pete, who encourages Amber to leave town and start a real career. Amber eventually meets a group of young activists, Andrew, Alice, and Paco, who plan to liberate cattle from Uni-Globe as their first act of rebellion. They proceed to sneak up to a holding pen at the plant, but after breaking down the fence, they are shocked that the cattle make no attempt to leave. Upon hearing the police, they retreat and contemplate why the cattle decided to stay in confinement.
Raul, his love interest Sylvia, and Sylvia's sister Coco are illegal immigrants from Mexico, trying to make it in Colorado. They all go to Uni-Globe in hopes of finding a job - Raul becomes a cleaner, while Coco works on a meat processing conveyor belt. Sylvia, however, cannot take the environment, and instead finds a job as a hotel maid. Coco develops a drug habit, and begins an affair with her exploitative superior, Mike.
In a work accident, a friend of Raul's falls in a machine, and his leg is mangled. Raul, attempting to save him, falls and is injured. At the hospital, Sylvia is told that Raul was on amphetamines at work. Because Raul is now unable to work, Sylvia has sex with Mike in order to find a job at Uni-Globe. She ends up working on the "kill floor." | Fast Food Nation | 1e253145-1c58-ff94-aea1-e0e7de51c43f | Don Anderson is the Marketing Director for what hamburger chain? | [
] | false |
/m/0gbfn9 | Don Anderson is the Mickey's hamburger chain marketing director who helped develop the "Big One", its most popular menu item. When he learns that independent research has discovered a considerable presence of fecal matter in the meat, he travels to the fictitious town of Cody, Colorado to determine if the local Uni-Globe meatpacking processing plant, Mickey's main meat supplier, is guilty of sloppy production. Don's tour shows him only the pristine work areas and most efficient procedures, assuring him that everything the company produces is immaculate.
Suspicious of the facade he's been shown, Don meets rancher Rudy Martin, who used to supply cattle to the Uni-Globe plant. Rudy and his Chicana housekeeper both assure him that because of the plant's production level, several safety regulations are ignored or worked against; workers have no time to make sure that the manure coming from the intestines stays away from the meat. Don later meets with Harry Rydell, executive VP of Mickey's, who admits being aware of the issue, but is not concerned.
Amber is a young, upbeat employee of Mickey's, studying for college and living with her mother Cindy. While her life seems to be set, she continually faces the contrast between her current career and her own ambition, emphasized by her two lazy co-workers, Brian and Andrew, who, having heard of armed robberies at fast food restaurants in the area, start planning their own.
Amber and Cindy are visited by Cindy's brother Pete, who encourages Amber to leave town and start a real career. Amber eventually meets a group of young activists, Andrew, Alice, and Paco, who plan to liberate cattle from Uni-Globe as their first act of rebellion. They proceed to sneak up to a holding pen at the plant, but after breaking down the fence, they are shocked that the cattle make no attempt to leave. Upon hearing the police, they retreat and contemplate why the cattle decided to stay in confinement.
Raul, his love interest Sylvia, and Sylvia's sister Coco are illegal immigrants from Mexico, trying to make it in Colorado. They all go to Uni-Globe in hopes of finding a job - Raul becomes a cleaner, while Coco works on a meat processing conveyor belt. Sylvia, however, cannot take the environment, and instead finds a job as a hotel maid. Coco develops a drug habit, and begins an affair with her exploitative superior, Mike.
In a work accident, a friend of Raul's falls in a machine, and his leg is mangled. Raul, attempting to save him, falls and is injured. At the hospital, Sylvia is told that Raul was on amphetamines at work. Because Raul is now unable to work, Sylvia has sex with Mike in order to find a job at Uni-Globe. She ends up working on the "kill floor." | Fast Food Nation | 994e1254-4b54-f44a-b015-a7c05dc4f561 | The main supplier of the hamburger chain's meat is located in what state? | [
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | 0a670ed8-0e73-1744-aee1-d1625b2692b7 | How do Charlotte and Sye become stranded in rural Greece? | [
"Car wreck"
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | 1f02e82d-5737-239b-a5bf-00f027527a5f | What is Sye's relationship to Charlotte? | [
"step brother"
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | 079c8edc-9517-53de-3a61-d1f6dea4d413 | What emotion does Charlotte use to hide behind? | [
"A sullen disposition"
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | fba625bf-6e77-2b0f-986a-4a3c69bb2163 | Who is the expatriate American they meet? | [
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | cff8bf01-30a4-ea8b-d26b-4c062675f7bb | Where are the teenagers stranded? | [
"The Peloponnese. Mount Parnassus."
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | a1fdbcdb-ac01-1ccd-2f30-c0fdcbaee665 | What is Sye's personality? | [] | true |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | 9034f683-12d9-aa0d-06c6-eb7c0c5a3aaa | What is the relationship between Charlotte and Sye? | [
"Brother and sister. Siblings."
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | a0cef5ff-e4a9-4d5e-b1f6-8eaf629358d8 | What is the group's destination? | [
"Mount Parnassus"
] | false |
/m/05zr931 | Arcadia Lost tells the story of two teenagers stranded in rural Greece after a car wreck. Charlotte (Haley Bennett) is a sixteen-year-old with a deep desire to find connection who hides behind a sullen disposition and her newfound sexual power. Sye (Carter Jenkins) is her recent stepbrother, introverted, intelligent, but forever at an ironic distance from the world through his camera and caustic wit. As they wander the dusty roads and staggering vistas of the Peloponnese, they come across the vagabond philosopher-drunk Benerji (Nick Nolte), an ex-patriot American who is an odyssey of his own. They reluctantly adopt him as their guide, and begin an adventurous journey toward the mystic waters on the sacred flanks of Mount Parnassus that takes them through a landscape both ancient and modern, forcing them to confront the truth of their past and the frightening, beautiful reality of their present. | Arcadia Lost | 3a0abbb9-4b71-40fc-dadb-254fa24ffaf0 | Who do Charlotte and Sye accept as their guide? | [
"Benerji, a drunk american."
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | dde23d02-6624-d15d-ea96-9994ea1bc918 | Who do the leaders of the fraternity ask Holmes to stop? | [
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | dc5f09db-8a46-0d3b-23aa-7fc83257a9c7 | Who had slipped the antidote to his supporters? | [
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | 0d9c1358-386f-cde7-1c8a-3caeb8f23121 | Who issues an arrest warrant for Holmes? | [
"Lord Coward"
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | 6a12b44a-81e8-4c3e-aac4-2f1caa43d357 | What is said to be prowling under the streets of London? | [] | true |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | 57076d9b-9922-97b8-62b7-81e251f05b6c | Where does Holmes find Adler after being lured there by Blackwood? | [
"in the sewers"
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | d10071e6-b4ae-ed89-0121-e8809287f54d | Who is partnered with Sherlock Holmes? | [
"Dr. John Watson",
"Dr. John Watson",
"Dr. John Watson"
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | 94d9217a-285d-2713-2997-c435efe0a63a | What was Holmes addiction? | [] | true |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | 48b5c13c-3b89-bdc2-ce50-b70f3929a001 | Who was Watson to marry? | [] | true |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | 435318fc-71f4-37ca-0945-17785527068e | What does the lone survivor of the shipwreck say brought the ship down? | [
"monstrous giant octopus"
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | 0e24a88c-944c-6513-d502-ddcd022840aa | Who unmasks Blackwood's supposed "magic"? | [
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | a5397d67-3599-d623-9bee-a6d984e4978a | Who studies the Blackwood's rituals? | [] | true |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | a9f28ef3-863e-deb7-0db2-a6f15cb9221e | What city does the madman want to see burnt to the ground? | [] | true |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | edc743a3-e5dd-9669-76e7-caefe46011e6 | Who is the Adler's employer? | [
"Professor Moriarty",
"Professor Moriarty",
"No Answer"
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | dae69587-517c-1cad-76a3-11ab9e2673dd | How many women did Lord Henry Blackwood kill before Holmes and Watson stopped him? | [
"No Answer"
] | false |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | fe6c15c2-217a-50ef-0948-593d5e8179f3 | Who is the key to Blackwood's plans? | [] | true |
/m/09gb9p1 | The film begins during the German air raids in London in 1940. An elderly Dr. John Watson tells his nurse the tale of an unrecorded case he shared with his friend Sherlock Holmes. In 1882, Holmes and Watson investigate the shipwreck of a royal treasury ship which was destroyed by a monstrous giant octopus on the coast of Newhaven. They do not believe the first-hand accounts of the sole survivor of the attack, but nonetheless investigate. Inspector Lestrade states that he has recently had contact with Holmes's estranged brother Thorpe, a former partner of Lestrade's who was paralyzed during a bank robbery seven years prior.
In Whitechapel, a young man is killed by a dinosaur. Watson is skeptical until he and Holmes discover the creature on their morning constitution. Finding escape, several more clues lead Holmes to deduce that the monsters are artificial, built by a criminal genius to acquire resources. On the case, the dinosaur steals a water pump operating a fountain and rolls of copper wire, presumably so Spring-Heeled Jack can create another monster. The octopus that destroyed the ship earlier is linked to the dinosaur because they are both similarly "exceptionally improbable". Lestrade accompanies Holmes and Watson during their investigation. On one of their leads, Lestrade ends up missing. Holmes's reasoning leads himself and Watson to an old castle in Helmsmouth he and his brother visited as children. They come across another monster, a masked mechanical man: Spring-Heeled Jack.
Spring-Heeled Jack is revealed to be Holmes' brother, Thorpe, who also assumed the identity of a patient of Watson's. Inesidora Ivory, his accomplice, is with him. Thorpe explains that he built a mechanical suit to cure his paralysis, and he deduced that the crippling bullet ricocheted off a doorframe, fired by Lestrade. He plans to destroy London, assassinate Queen Victoria and force Lestrade to claim responsibility. Ivory is revealed to be one of Thorpe's creations and his lover, and she carries that will detonate when she reaches Buckingham Palace, while Thorpe pilots his most complex invention yet, a fire-breathing dragon in which he pilots and holds Lestrade hostage. Watson is sent to stop Ivory from killing the Queen, while Holmes pilots another one of Thorpe's flying inventions in an attempt to stop his brother.
Thorpe's dragon sets fire to Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Ivory is deactivated by Watson moments before the explosion can take place and the dragon is sent crashing in the garden outside the Palace. Thorpe, crippled again, crawls from the wreckage and tries to shoot Watson, before he himself is shot by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes proves Lestrade was not responsible for Thorpe's crippling. Lestrade takes credit for saving the Queen and Holmes and Watson vow never to speak of the events again. In present time, Watson dies and his nurse visits his grave. Nearby, Ivory is visiting the grave of Thorpe Holmes. | Sherlock Holmes | d87297cd-0299-4748-c60f-1a3227d0ba72 | Is Moriarty intelligent as holmes? | [
"No Answer"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 7058c4e0-177d-9eca-437d-b6ab81191cb0 | What does Jonah and T.J. plan to lure the creature with? | [
"women's panties"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | a4c41016-52ab-2342-b239-7055635002df | What attacks Angel? | [
"Severed penis"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | de2e2858-6f66-835b-c5be-8b89a3522a60 | Where does Jim find Lance and Wanda? | [
"The bathroom"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 47bef0a2-0650-bb0b-666f-3bf842a91af3 | Who locks T.J. and Montz in the kitchen. | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 71fdf2eb-f770-72a4-4750-cbdf32fb016b | What does T.J. want to market? | [
"a sex toy"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 77f138e7-1153-cc83-fe76-afb06f45f02d | what does Laura reveal? | [
"a massive bulge in her abdomen"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | f78a1b95-5396-eb71-918c-b8be2b09b119 | How was Laura acting? | [
"Makeup and script girl"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 80fbfc26-4737-1ddc-3f84-bfacdda808a0 | What is the mountain man's name? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | d9ea974e-2d92-f2c9-6c2d-15fe3a926ced | Where do Jonah and Laura seek shelter? | [
"In a near by shack"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | cccbc0cd-3594-a958-eb07-fc19f46b8493 | How is Montz killed? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 7513123e-4b07-89e8-d132-ddc0c00cb352 | Who tries to help Rock? | [
"Jonah and T.J."
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 3712a239-2fdb-889e-c652-1ebc54096d21 | What did Ron do when the light hit him? | [
"collapses to the ground"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | b1739f1f-47d0-cf0f-0c4c-6a62593c5ac1 | Who is Mohtz? | [
"*Montz is a rugged mountain man."
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | f4e3fcc9-e751-431a-8395-199ca4a45b88 | Who dies with Montz? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | c61794bc-8732-9c8c-7ec8-87ddd195f496 | What did Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about? | [
"T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 1bdf755f-e7ee-6c37-f5c7-4a44af41ca29 | Who went out to get some more light? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 11c72818-fdb6-a86c-20d4-1d93dee7715c | Who are the three remaining survivors? | [
"Jonah, Laura, and fetus"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 5ac290c7-d149-e780-cc45-688d40ee14e1 | What does Jim try to escape in? | [
"a snow speeder"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 6090e460-f8b0-7b45-6564-a2e16632264a | Who tells Jonah about the radio shack? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 741004cc-f749-80b4-f0c8-397c08728f2c | What follows the trio in the passageway? | [
"severed dick"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | a403b1d3-b75d-d4a6-7834-2d206f8eb0b5 | Who is attacked by Ron's penis? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 2261636f-6059-c716-672a-bd36fb4944f3 | Where does the movie take place? | [
"The remote mountains of Northern California."
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | fa75ffd6-7c0a-a1e4-49d0-d138c420655f | Why are so many people meeting at the mountain? | [
"to shoot an adult movie"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 265d95a4-bdd5-6824-3047-ab2f51d1aacf | Where did Jonah go to get more lights? | [
"The Truck."
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 0f93dcfd-fce3-99ac-0b75-f5aca0309065 | What did Montz say he saw kill his platoon? | [
"A disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer."
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 9554b620-505f-be31-7da3-d734a29da23d | With whom was the first scene starting? | [] | true |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 90d4ba76-989f-1208-50ff-1e638c87c8d9 | What part of Ron's anatomy is thought to be possessed? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | b208113c-2910-0f8c-03eb-af9ed8f3b360 | How do they plan to trap it? | [] | true |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 3d2a3696-189d-0476-4281-adaa8043828f | To whom did Laura Talked about his past career? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | f7f7b851-ecda-ce18-446a-300cc674438a | What kills rock? | [
"Disembodied penis"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 65b71d65-1047-782d-eef8-054179d0c8b4 | when does Laura leave the cabin? | [
"at dawn"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 37ba9c23-12ce-642e-cddc-2790659672d6 | T.J. believes if they fail that what will come for them? | [
"Rock's penis"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 8877320c-1bf1-aae3-dfef-5fcbb26ce5f1 | When does Montz say he's encountered one? | [
"in the 1960's"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | f83942df-6dd1-f2c8-76e0-be20bfd46bd6 | Who makes a run for the car in hopes of escaping the mountain? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 441aef13-8209-c456-b06e-f7465ad7fbaf | Who gets strangled? | [
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 684626a0-7c1c-9422-8301-319d322c415e | What happens to Rock when he leaves the cabin? | [
"the penis shoves itself through him"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | f7db5279-effd-6ee1-2246-e63b1360f6ba | Who dies from the group? | [
"Ron, Veronica, Rock, Angel, Lance, T.J., Wanda, and Jim"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 168d862b-e101-f823-a47f-59821384232a | Where was the strange light hovering? | [
"The strange light is hovering in the sky over the mountains for several hours."
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | bf720ede-cb0f-308c-8d3a-6a588090edb3 | Who dropped the group off? | [
"School bus driver"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | e3839046-1366-dcca-889c-97c075488221 | Why can't the friends call for help? | [
"No cell phone signal"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 35e84980-f790-83e0-0740-815fc52a9391 | Who finds Angel's body? | [
"Lance and Laura"
] | false |
/m/0crsrvl | A disclaimer in the opening shot reads: "In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming."On a snow-covered mountain, a bus, truck, and a few cars arrive at a remote camp area to film a porn film. The group makes up of professional porn actors Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart (more or less playing themselves), novice porn stars Rock (John Edward Lee), Angel (Carmen Hart), Wanda (Jenny Guy), Lance (Bart Fletcher), as well as the director and producer Jim (Jeff Denton), cameraman T.J. (Caleb Mayo), gaffer-electrician and sound guy Jonah (Jason Graham), and makeup and script girl Laura (Amber Benson).After being dropped off by the school bus driver who leaves them behind, the group settles in their living quarters for the next few days to shoot. While Laura talks with Ron about his past career days, the guys, Lance, Rock and T.J. talk about T.J.'s latest suck-and-squeeze device for carnal pleasure that Jim wants to market, while Angel and Wanda talk about their experiences on the porn sets. Radio reports begin to describe a "strange light" in the sky that has been hovering over the mountains for the last several hours as Jim gets down to directing, starting with the first scene with Ron and Veronica. During a break in filming, Jonah goes outside to get some more lights from the truck while Ron also goes out to relief himself. Suddenly, a strange light hits Ron who then collapses to the ground. Jonah helps him up and they go back inside to finish filming the scene. Ron is acting strangely and begins to exhibit strange behavior as he begins performing in the sex scene with Veronica, who begin screaming in pain as Jim tries to yell "cut" as Ron continues to have rough sex with her. The guys are forced to pull Ron off Veronica as he goes into convulsions and suddenly dies. T.J., Jeff, and Jonah try to help Veronica who begins hemorrhaging and she looses conciseness. They guys look over to help Ron and see that he is dead. But they also notice that Ron's legendary 10-inch penis is gone as well.In Angel's room, she is rehearsing her upcoming scene, when the disembodied penis attacks her. Wanda walks in on this and runs out to inform Rock, Lance and Laura who run in only to find the disembodied member gone and Angel dead, with a large and gory hole in the back of her head. While everyone runs out to tell the others, Laura has an encounter the disembodied dick which attacks her.Holding themselves up in the main cabin, Jonah, Jim, T.J., Lance, Rock, and Wanda try to make sense of what is going on, just when Laura walks in, acting strangely. After the guys carry Ron's dead body outside, they debate on what to do since they are stranded there and no one has any signal for their cell phones. Rock wants to make a run for the cars to try to get off the mountain, but when he runs outside, the disembodied penis appears and shoves itself through him. When Jonah and T.J. run outside in a futile attempt to save him, they are surprised by the appearance of a rugged mountain man, named Montz (Charles Napier) who brings them back inside to the main cabin.Resting, Jonah and T.J. make the assumption that Ron's missing dick is possessed by some kind of alien force and is wants to use it's power to destroy and possibly do worse. Jeff suggests finding a way to kill it while Laura, who continues acting strange, wants to capture it. Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events. Just then, the severed penis slithers in through an crack in the bathroom window and attacks them both.Jonah and T.J. come up with a plan to capture the lethal creature by luring it through an open window, using a pair of women's panties borrowed from Laura, to try to trap it with Jeff's suck and squeeze device. Montz volunteers to kill it after he gives them a creepy but hilarious monologue about his encounter with a similar event back in Vietnam in the 1960s where he saw his platoon getting killed by a disembodied penis that came from the body of his commanding officer. T.J. volunteers to help out and has Jonah lock him and Montz in the kitchen to make sure that if they fail that Rock's dick will not be able to get them. But while their backs are turned, the disembodied "one-eyed monster" slithers into the kitchen and strangles Montz to death, while it shoves itself in rapid speed through T.J. killing him.Jim panics and runs into the nearby bathroom only to find a dead and cocooned Lance and Wanda against the wall. Panicking, he runs outside to the nearby barn and tries to start a snow speeder to try to escape. But the severed penis follows him in a super-fast chase down the mountain where it knocks him off his snow speeder and then gruesomely slices him in two from the crotch to the top of the head as it burrows through the snow.Back at the main cabin, the three survivors of Jonah, Laura, and the barely conscious Veronica are beside themselves and wait. Jonah, after being told earlier by Montz about the location of an old radio antenna atop the nearby mountain, suggests they run to a nearby cabin that Montz told them about where they is an underground passageway to the radio shack where they can travel to it and radio for help. With Veronica having regained some of her strength, they make it to the passageway, which is apparently an old mine shaft and walk through the long tunnel and make it to the radio shack where Jonah tries to get the radio to work only the severed dick follows them and lands on Laura. Jonah tries to swing at it with an axe, but the "thing" is much too fast and keeps evading his blows. Veronica then thinks of a way to fight it. She lays down on the floor and offers it to the entity which shoves itself between her legs. Veronica tells Jonah and Laura to run for safety as she will keep it occupied and use her expert thighs to drain it of it's power. Jonah and Laura flee from the radio shack cabin and down the mountain just as Veronica makes the severed dick to climax which it "blows it's load". The penis monster explodes in a massive blast, destroying itself as well as killing Veronica and blows up the radio cabin in a massive blast covering the sky with millions of particles.Jonah and Laura seek shelter in a nearby shack where they huddle for the night. At dawn, Laura hears sounds of rain, but Jonah tells her that the rain is "Ron". The remains of the penis monster is raining down semen on the entire area.At dawn, when the sounds had decapitated, Laura leaves the cabin and a sleeping Jonah where she ventures outside and to a place in the snow where she seems to be distraught over the death of the one-eyed monster. Laura reveals a massive bulge in her abdomen as she is now impregnated by the penis monster which attacked her earlier and will now be the apparent breeding chamber to the one-eye monster's off spring..... | One-Eyed Monster | 0256407a-e717-6200-ccbc-62c1aa61e4eb | Who is the cameraman? | [
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | d61da396-e625-2566-162f-c24bc03d2eb0 | Once Frank learns he has Klinefelter's syndrome, what else does he find out? | [
"He is not the father of his daughter."
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | aa54bd37-0c5e-65e5-8036-3dc6c9841a81 | How are Susan and Frank related? | [
"They are Spouses."
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | dcb29a3a-2dff-6d24-1897-3163abda940a | What is Frank Allen's profession? | [
"A professional speaker on time management."
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | bc2ff173-0998-cd69-3464-d1e01a2fedda | Who is Frank's wife? | [
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | 1430f818-cf9b-3a5c-abf5-eef16c307572 | What is the topic of the lecture that Frank is late in his arrival? | [
"Time management"
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | 8b84c7f9-9659-a9c2-2e3c-4b639df9d0ba | What disease does Frank have? | [
"Klinefelter's syndrome."
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | 4f4b8f11-4c81-fddf-601d-6c0113b0b38d | What disease does Frank have that makes it impossible for him to reproduce? | [
"Klinefelter's Syndrome"
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | 83d7172e-30a9-7dcd-1de1-b02a02864816 | How much time does Susan attempt to give Frank by altering his alarm clock? | [
"Ten minutes"
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | 0cd302d0-6469-f8a7-f3b3-7a457e5cd0f5 | What happens to Frank at the hospital? | [
"He is asked to fill out paperwork."
] | false |
/m/0bbq_v | Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management. He lives by example: perfectly maximizing his efficiency through scheduling and planning his own life down to the minute. One day when his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) decides to set the alarm clock back 10 minutes, in hopes of giving her husband an extra ten minutes of time in the morning, she accomplishes the exact opposite. From missing the ferry to arriving late to his lecture on time management, Frank experiences an off day. While driving home, he sees a pregnant woman needing help getting to the hospital and he decides to offer the stranger a lift. At the hospital, Frank is asked to fill out some paper work. Not thinking much about his situation, he puts his own information down and the nurses at the hospital misunderstand and assume he is the father.
The following morning, before Frank arrives home, a nurse from the hospital calls attempting to reach him and his wife answers the phone. The nurse, in trying to contact who she thought was the father, leads Susan to believe it is Frank's baby and she presupposes he is cheating on her and leading a double life. When Frank arrives home, he is unable to clear up the misunderstanding and Susan throws him out of the house. Susan even refuses to speak to him, and only allows him to see their daughter after school. In an attempt to prove his fidelity to his wife by demonstrating that it is not his baby, Frank sees a doctor for a paternity test, but receives the diagnosis that he was never able to reproduce to begin with, since he has Klinefelter's syndrome.
A few days later, the stranger brings her baby to the Allens' house in hopes of thanking Frank for his kindness, only to find his wife at home. After the stranger introduces herself and her baby to Susan, she clears up the misunderstanding, but the damage is done since Frank now knows that their daughter is not really his. The tides change dramatically as Frank realizes that he was the one in the relationship who was faithful, and goes through a withdrawal as he tries to comprehend how his daughter could not be his and how wrong his life turned out when he believed that he has always stayed straight and narrow.
After giving a life-changing speech about living on whim at his own time management lecture, he decides to live his life based on chance from that moment on. He starts his reformed outlook on life with the simple idea of possibility and randomness by making his decision based on shuffling three index cards with written options and choosing one at chance. Through his journey, he learns more about love, friendship, faith, hope and life than he ever imagined. | Chaos Theory | fbb37b42-9086-3b69-b9ff-23abc9d5b4a6 | What does Susan do in hopes of giving Frank an extra ten minutes of time in the morning? | [
"Susan sets Frank's alarm clock back ten minutes."
] | false |
/m/02rrv87 | Amir is a professional heartbreaker (people hire him to break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend when they don't want to do it themselves). At Amir's 30th birthday party, his childhood friend Charlie announces that he is getting married, but he and his fiance decide they don't want Amir to be the best man because of his bad "relationship karma". This depresses him, as do the relationship advice books he receives as gifts. Amir goes to visit his family for Thanksgiving and meets Zara, his attractive British cousin, who he hasn't seen in twenty years. Amir's mother persuades him to take Zara back to her home in Southern California, since she is in the United States traveling.
Zara decides to help Amir's relationship karma by claiming she is his girlfriend. While she is visiting, Zara also helps Amir be more compassionate when terminating people's relationships. After a Christmas party where they drink too much and are forced to kiss under the mistletoe, they go back to Amir's apartment and have drunken sex, which they regret, but Amir thinks that he has fallen in love with Zara. Zara doesn't feel the same. When they go back to Amir's family home for Christmas, it is revealed that Zara ran away from her British boyfriend after he proposed at the Grand Canyon, and her boyfriend is staying with Amir's family while he looks for her. After Christmas, Amir returns to Los Angeles alone. At Charlie's wedding on New Year's Eve, Amir & Zara (who stops by on her way to the airport) reveal to Amir's friends that they are cousins. At the reception after the wedding, Amir and Bridget, the single woman in their group of friends, realize they could be more than friends and decide to start dating. | Kissing Cousins | d7eda93b-9c24-7d1c-cf28-e98b8a8c3cbf | Who is Zara pretending to be? | [
"Amir's girlfriend"
] | false |
/m/02rrv87 | Amir is a professional heartbreaker (people hire him to break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend when they don't want to do it themselves). At Amir's 30th birthday party, his childhood friend Charlie announces that he is getting married, but he and his fiance decide they don't want Amir to be the best man because of his bad "relationship karma". This depresses him, as do the relationship advice books he receives as gifts. Amir goes to visit his family for Thanksgiving and meets Zara, his attractive British cousin, who he hasn't seen in twenty years. Amir's mother persuades him to take Zara back to her home in Southern California, since she is in the United States traveling.
Zara decides to help Amir's relationship karma by claiming she is his girlfriend. While she is visiting, Zara also helps Amir be more compassionate when terminating people's relationships. After a Christmas party where they drink too much and are forced to kiss under the mistletoe, they go back to Amir's apartment and have drunken sex, which they regret, but Amir thinks that he has fallen in love with Zara. Zara doesn't feel the same. When they go back to Amir's family home for Christmas, it is revealed that Zara ran away from her British boyfriend after he proposed at the Grand Canyon, and her boyfriend is staying with Amir's family while he looks for her. After Christmas, Amir returns to Los Angeles alone. At Charlie's wedding on New Year's Eve, Amir & Zara (who stops by on her way to the airport) reveal to Amir's friends that they are cousins. At the reception after the wedding, Amir and Bridget, the single woman in their group of friends, realize they could be more than friends and decide to start dating. | Kissing Cousins | 2b8d94a1-a9ca-1567-966d-5cf9d0d1f917 | How are Amir and Zara related in the movie? | [
"British cousin"
] | false |
/m/02rrv87 | Amir is a professional heartbreaker (people hire him to break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend when they don't want to do it themselves). At Amir's 30th birthday party, his childhood friend Charlie announces that he is getting married, but he and his fiance decide they don't want Amir to be the best man because of his bad "relationship karma". This depresses him, as do the relationship advice books he receives as gifts. Amir goes to visit his family for Thanksgiving and meets Zara, his attractive British cousin, who he hasn't seen in twenty years. Amir's mother persuades him to take Zara back to her home in Southern California, since she is in the United States traveling.
Zara decides to help Amir's relationship karma by claiming she is his girlfriend. While she is visiting, Zara also helps Amir be more compassionate when terminating people's relationships. After a Christmas party where they drink too much and are forced to kiss under the mistletoe, they go back to Amir's apartment and have drunken sex, which they regret, but Amir thinks that he has fallen in love with Zara. Zara doesn't feel the same. When they go back to Amir's family home for Christmas, it is revealed that Zara ran away from her British boyfriend after he proposed at the Grand Canyon, and her boyfriend is staying with Amir's family while he looks for her. After Christmas, Amir returns to Los Angeles alone. At Charlie's wedding on New Year's Eve, Amir & Zara (who stops by on her way to the airport) reveal to Amir's friends that they are cousins. At the reception after the wedding, Amir and Bridget, the single woman in their group of friends, realize they could be more than friends and decide to start dating. | Kissing Cousins | b5e10cee-7774-be55-8ea5-9675d814f54b | What is Zara's nationality? | [
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | 911d50f9-1b18-44b5-c691-3961c07b4880 | Where does Hundert return to ? | [
"St. Benedict's"
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | 3ee03525-714a-5f47-e458-ed16b4e62e34 | What is Sedgewick Bell poised to do ? | [
"Run for Senator"
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | ddc64060-8eb3-8f69-af40-e0f159eb9f81 | What did Bell raise to his head to "Think"? | [
"His hands"
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | b906f8d3-2b7b-768b-f016-6dbc53b7cf1d | What is Sedgewick's dad's job? | [
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | e72c3b32-a1e7-9cf5-4c9a-42bff7100853 | How is Sedgewick having answers fed to him? | [] | true |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | 7e950b7c-101f-2404-954e-df670c45a4a4 | Where did William Hundert used to work? | [
"St. Benedict's Academy for Boys"
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | 655a1e78-6861-5964-15de-2589e6be20a6 | William Hundert is a retired what? | [
"history teacher"
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | f1fb0b3e-ed73-9578-c307-2e6168662e0e | How is the reunion with Blythe ? | [] | true |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | 773aff95-3689-e459-d9a7-0102c67cfbda | Which of the freshmen was introverted? | [
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | 78ec8daa-f756-97a2-5c4f-91bc2569421d | What does Sedgewick plan to run for? | [
] | false |
/m/027njn | Professor William Hundert is a distinguished Classics history teacher at St. Benedict's Academy for Boys. Another year is beginning, and the students file in and introduce themselves. Hundert has a certain plaque above his door he requires one student, Martin Blythe to read. The plaque states: "I am Shutruk Nahunte, King Anshand and Sussa, sovereign of the land of Elam. By command of Ishushinck I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god, Inshushink." He requires his students to look up Shutruk Nahunte, then stops them, saying they won't find it in any history book, because Nahunte is not any. Hundert then says that Nahunte was virtually forgotten because "Ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance." Then he challenges his students, saying "What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" which becomes the theme of the film. A friendly relationship between Hundert and fellow teacher Elizabeth is also introduced, as she has returned from Greece and presents Hundert with a snow globe of the Parthenon.A new student enter the fray shortly after, a certain Sedgewick Bell, the son of a senator from West Virginia. The cocky Bell starkly contradicts the principled Hundert, and various acts of rebellion lead to much tension between the two. As Bell's attitude worsens, and Hundert unable to straighten him, Hundert feels forced to travel to Washington D.C. and have a word with Senator Bell, Sedgewick's father. The Senator shows a surprising amount of apathy in his son's character development, and reprimands Hundert, telling him that Hundert's job is to teach him facts out of a text book, but not to influence him as a person. Hundert dejectedly returns to St. Benedict's and begins preparations for a certain "Mr. Julius Caesar" contest. The three finalists are determined by a series of essays given by Hundert, and the three highest net scores proceed to the finals, where they stand on stage in togas and answer trivia questions about ancient Roman history. During the course of the essays, Hundert surprisingly sees a changed Bell, one who begins working hard in his studying and overachieves Hundert's expectations. After Hundert completes the grading of the essays, Deepak Mehta, Louis Masoudi, and Martin Blythe have the highest score. However, wanting to reward a newly-dedicated Bell, Hundert alters his grade, putting him ahead of Blythe.The Mr. Julius Caesar contest arrives and Masoudi, Mehta, and Bell are pitted against each other. Masoudi quickly misses a question and is forced to sit, leaving Bell and Mehta to duel each other for the crown. Both do surprisingly well, much to Hundert and Bell's father's excitement. However, Hundert notices Bell does a peculiar motion whenever he is asked a question, where he put his hands over his eyes. Hundert speculates Bell is cheating and quietly asks the headmaster what to do. Contradictory to Hundert's principles, the headmaster tells Hundert to allow it. Knowing Mehta read an extra-curricular book about Hamilcar Barca, who is not in the assigned textbooks, Hundert asks Bell a question about him. Surely enough, Bell can't answer and Mehta wins the crown of Mr. Julius Caesar. Hundert visits Bell later and discovers that Bell indeed was cheating, having taped notecards of the question on his toga, out of sight to anyone but him. Hundert keeps the incident to himself but the trust and respect he had developed for Sedgewick has been broken. Hundert feels he has failed as a teacher, especially considering he disallowed Blythe from participating.
Twenty-five years later, Hundert and Elizabeth are married, and the headmaster of St. Benedict's has passed away. Thinking he'll take the vacated position, Hundert is shocked to discover a fellow teacher has been given the privilege of being named the headmaster, because the Board believes he's a better fundraiser. Hundert immediately tenders his resignation, much to the Board's chagrin, and retires. Shortly after, Hundert receives a letter inviting him to a class reunion, one that a now-successful and wealthy Sedgewick Bell is hosting. Also, if Hundert agrees to come and host a rematch of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest, Bell will donate a large amount of money to the school. Agreeing to this, Hundert arrives at Bell's estate, where an enthusiastic Bell greets Hundert. Before the rematch begins, Bell speaks of Hundert's dignity and how much Hundert taught him, in spite of his rebellious nature. Then, Bell reveals his attentions to succeed his late father and run for Senator, and the contest begins.Once again Masoudi loses on the first question and Mehta and Bell duke it out again. Both again do surprisingly well, but Hundert catches a glimpse of an earpiece in Bell's ear, then looks to the back and sees a man on a headset looking in books. Shocked, Hundert continues the contest, but asks Sedgewick Bell who Shutruk Nahunte was, knowing Nahunte isn't in any textbooks. Both Bell and the man on the headset are stumped, but Mehta quickly recites the plaque that was above Hundert's wall, and wins the contest again.
Hundert goes to the bathroom to collect himself, and Bell walks in, engaging Hundert in pleasant conversation, which Hundert uses to confront Bell. Suddenly Bell's demeanor changes and he becomes defensive and spiteful, telling Hundert that he doesn't care for Hundert's principles and virtue, because it's all a bunch of bull****. Bell reveals he lives in a world where "people do what they do to get what the want." Suddenly, Bell's son emerges from a stall with a shocked look on his face, and quietly walks out. Bell is left speechless and embarrassed, knowing he just revealed himself to be a cheater and liar in front of his son. Hundert quietly retires to his room, and wakes up the next morning expecting to find his students down at breakfast. Reading a note they left wishing him well, and disappointed by their absence, he prepares to leave, but they throw a surprise party in his room when he returns, and Hundert later admits to a now-grown Martin Blythe that he allowed Bell to unfairly sneak over him in the Mr. Julius Caesar contest years earlier.Upon returning to his home, he decides to return to St. Benedict's, now a co-ed school, as a teacher of the Classics. It shows a fresh new batch of students, including Martin Blythe's son. Seeing Martin Blythe outside his classroom window and exchanging a friendly wave, Hundert has Blythe's son read Shutruk Nahunte's plaque, just as his father did years earlier. | The Emperor's Club | db5dde46-f92a-b8ac-168e-e54f2932dadc | Who is crowned "Mr. Julius Caesar"? | [
] | false |
Subsets and Splits