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Nnaji said that it is what has befallen this country therefore, they are supposed to support their own in other to represent them in the government. | Nnaji kwuru na ọ bụ ihe bu obodo a n'isi ya mere na ha kwesiri ịkwado onye nke ha iji nọchị anya ha n'ihe gbasara ọchịchị. |
He explained that in severe cases, unexplainable bleeding from ears, eyes, nostrils, mouths and other body openings were observed. | Ọ kọwara na n'ọnọdụ dị oke njọ, a na-ahụ ọbara ọgbụgba na-enweghị atụ site na ntị, anya, imi, ọnụ na oghere ndị ọzọ. |
some people normally add onions, maggi and crabs. | Ụfọdụ na-etinyekwa yabasị, maggị nakwa ịsha |
if you look | I lee anya. |
Quran used for muslim prayer. | Quran e ji ekpe ekpere Muslim. |
The two ladies had last week taken to social media to call out the singer for impregnating one of them and refusing to accept responsibility. | Izu gara aga, ụmụ nwanyị abụọ ndị ahụ ji akara mgbasa ozi kpọọ onye ahụ na-akpọ egwu maka ịkwakpo otu n'ime ha ime ma jụ ịnara ibu ọrụ ya |
Policemen explained that they captured him on the second day of January this year, as his evil deeds caught up with him,at magistrate court of Abak in Awka Ibom state. | Ndị Uweojii kọweara na ya nwụchiri ya na abali abụọ nke ọnwa Januarị afọ dịka iko ya juru ma kpụpụ ya ụlọikpe magie dị n'Abak dị n'Akwa-Ibom steeti. |
Trump's Trial Or Triumph? By Hannatu Musawa | Nke Trump ọ bụ ikpe ka ọ bụ mmeri? Nke si n' aka Hannatu Musawa. |
Christine Lagarde is the coordinator of IMF | Christine Lagarde bụ onyeisi IMF |
Judge Nyako gave this mandate to cover his track of releasing Nnamdi Kanu to Abaribe in 2017. | Ọkaikpe Nyako nyere iwu a iji megharị usoro oji hanye Nnamdi Kanu n'aka Abaribe n'afọ 2017. |
The IRB board have decided that this type of case will be the condition to which cases arising from Nigerian migrants for Refuge from now on wards. | Ndị otu ikpe mkpegharị IRB kpebiri na ya bụ ikpe bụ ịhe a ga-eji elegara anya na-ikpebị ikpe ndị ọzọ gbasara ndị si Naịjirịa gbata ọsọ ndụ bido ụgbụa gawazịa. |
Similarly, Sarah Ogunmiyiwa with the Twitter handle, @sara_ogun, corrected another Twitter user, Olusegun Iselaiye @10tama22, for using'his' to describe Bobrisky. | N'otu aka ahụ, Sarah Ogunmiyiwa jiri akara 'twitter', @sara_ogun, meziri onye ọrụ 'Twitter' ọzọ, Olusegun Iselaiye @10tama22, maka iji 'ya/his' kọwaa Bobrisky. |
Banning of codiene: the price for cough medicine has increased | Mmachi Codeine: Ọgwụ ụkwara adaala ọnụ |
Up to twenty people have died in Mexico as fire entered petroleum pipe. | Ihe ruru mmadụ iri abụọ anwụọla na mba Mexico ka ọkụ bara igwe na-ebu mmanụ ụgbọala. |
He said this when he went for thanksgiving of a priest whose wife survived a car accident. . | O kwuru nke a mgbe ọ gara ụka mmamma a tụrụ maka ụkọchukwu nọ n'okpuru ya nwunye ya gbalahụrụ ọnwụ site n'ihe mberede ụgbọala. |
There has been bit by bit trying of vaccination | Anwaala ọgwụ mgbochi mbụ ma na ọ bu n'obere obere |
“We become numb, we lose hope, and we subconsciously accept that this is how things are and there's nothing we can say or do to change it. | anyị naz-anọ enweghị enyemaka, olileanya na-efu, anyị na-anabata na ọ bụ etua ka ihe dị n'amaghị ama, ma ọ dịghị ihe anyị pụrụ ikwu ma ọbụ mee iji gbanwee ya |
Buhari said '60% of 180 million people are not up to 30 years, many of them have not gone to school, they are saying that Nigeria is an oil producing country without them doing anything, and be getting accommodation, health care and education without paying any money' | Buhari sị: 'Pasentị iri isii n'ime mmadụ dị nde 180 n'ọnụọgụgụ, erubeghị afọ iri atọ ọtụtụ n'ime ha agabeghị akwụkwọ, ha na-ekwu na Naijiria bụ mba na-emepụta mmanụ ya mere na ha ga-etukwuru ala na enweghị ihe ha na-eme, ma na enweta ebe obibi, nleta ahụike na agụmakwụkwọ na-e akwụghị ego ọbụla.' |
The anus is also for him, the head is for his first son. | Akpụrụotule bụ nke ya, isi ya nke diọkpara. |
Imo State Election 2019: Uche Nwosu is still part of it — FCC Jones | Imo State Election 2019: Uche Nwosu ka so n'ihe a na-eme - FCC Jones |
Let me use this forum to tell Nigerians that a new Big Brother Naija is on its way coming and we are working with Startimes. | Ka m jiri nnọkọ a gwa ndị Big Brother Naịja ọhụrụ na-abịa, anyị na ndị Startimes na-emekọ. |
The news that will interest you | Akụkọ ndị ga-amasị gị: |
In April, the board of directors of Dangote Flour approved a 100 per cent take over from Olam. | N'ọnwa Eprel, ndị isi ntụ ọka Dangote kwadoro nnwachi Olam nke pacent 100. |
Eze went on to say that it was when he went to answer Okpanda's invite to his house on that day was one of the days he saw Doby (Onyemaechi Mbanefo), one of the people accused to have committed the crime, the two persons tried to convince him to join them in the crime but he refused. | Eze gara n'ihu kwuo na ọ bụ mgbe ọ gara ịza oku Okpanda kpọrọ ya n'ụlọ ya ụbọchị so ụbọchị ahụ ka ọ hụrụ Dobby (Onyemaechi Mbanefo), otu na ndị eboro ebubo na ha kpara mkpamkpa ahụ, ha abụọ ndị gbara mbọ rịọ ya ka o soro gaa ije ahụ mana o kweghị. |
The insurgents are obviously riding the momentum and are motivated in manners that are completely alien to the military. According to a recent report by the AFP, in no year since the upsurge of conflicts in the North East have Nigerian troops been exposed to the level of casualties inflicted on them by the insurgents in 2018 alone. With an enlarged war chest, a strategic control of the economic mainstay of the Chad Basin cross cutting fishing, all season farming, water and control of cross border trade routes, the insurgents are looking formidable. | Ndị omekome na-enwe mmeri ugbua ma na enwe mkpali n'ụzọ nke na-eyi ndị agha egwu. Dịka mkpesa anyị nwetara site n'aka AFP, ọ nwebeghị mgbe ọgbaaghara dị etua mere na Ugwu Ọwụwa anyanwụ nke mere ka ndị agha Naịjirịa banye na nsogbu dịka ha nọ ugbua n'aka ndị omekome naanị n'afọ 2018. N'ihi mbawanye nke obi ọgụ, atụmatụ mgbazi nke akụnaụba nke Chad Basin nyere ịkụ azụ, ịkọ ugbo oge niile, mmiri, mgbazi ngafe oke ala azụmahịa, ndị omekome ahụ nọsiri ike. |
Uwaleke said that if Nigeria accepted. it will be very difficult for them to pay up their bill in the outside country. | Uwaleke kwuru na ọ bụrụ na Naijiria nwe ya ugbua, na ọ ga arịa ya ahụ ịkwụ ụgwọ o ji na mba ofesi n'ihi n'ọ ga a dịrị ya oke ọnụ. |
They did not run away from this trend | Ụmụnwaanyị agbanahụghị mgbanwe nke a. |
The revolution needs people that are willing to put their countries first, not their personal interests. | Ntughari a chọrọ ndị mmadụ ibute mba ha ụzọ, ọbụghị nke onwe ha . |
Oladoyin who expressed displeasure over the misconduct of the students ordered that the case be thoroughly investigated so that the perpetrators of the act will be brought to book. | Oladoyin onye nke gosiri mwute banyere mmebi iwu nke ụmụakwụkwọ nyere iwu ka eme ezigbo nnyocha ka ndị yibere nkea taa ahụhụ dịịrị ha |
It will not be a wonder if Nigeria also imports pizza, tookpick and other minor things. | Pizza, nghụeze na ụmụ mpịampịa ihe ndị ọzọ atụghị anya Naijiria na-atụbata |
Availability of aerial photography has helped in identifying areas that will house high density, medium and low density as well as industrial areas,’’ he said. | ọdịdị nke onyoonyo ikuku enyela aka ịchọpụta ebe ndị nwere ike ibu nnukwu ụlọ, nke etiti na nke obere ma gunyekwa ebe mmepụta, ka o kwuru |
Atiku Abubakar will forgive those that stole Nigerian money | Atiku Abubakar ga-agbaghara ndị zuru ego Naịjirịa |
Here's my #BetterChallenge - please watch and share if you feel compelled — Banky Wellington (@BankyW) September 14, 2019 | Nke a bụ #Betterchallenge - biko, lelee ma kesaa ma ọ bụrụ na ọ na-adị gị mma - Banky Wellington (@ BankyW) Septemba 14, 2019 |
All staff of AIRS and some staff members of FIRS participated in the road show. | Ndị ọrụ niile nke AIRS na ụfọdụ ndị ọrụ FIRS sonyere na ngosi ahụ. |
The owner of the handle @SegunAndrews agreed to what Sanusi said. | Onye nwere akara @SegunAndrews kwenyere n'ihe Sanusi kwuru. |
He enjoined healthcare workers to practice standard precautions at all times, that is, wearing gloves when handling patients or providing care to an ill patient/relative. | Ọ gwara ndị ọrụ ahụike ka ha na-akpachapụ anya ha mgbe niile, ya bụ, iyi uwe aka (gloves) mgbe ha na-elekọta ndị ọrịa. |
A fuel tanker of about thirty-three thousand got burnt at Ojo, Lagos. | Otu tanka bu mmanụ ụgbọ-ala ruru lita puku iri ato na ato agbaala ọkụ na Ojo Legos. |
Youth activities | Ihe ndi ntoroọbịa |
The Biafran soldiers | Ndị agha Biafra |
The kinsmen make laws concerning the community. It is meant for all first born sons of every family in the community. | Ndị ụmụnna na-eme iwu gbasara obodo ebe ụmụ ọkpara n'ezinaụlọ dị icheiche n'obodo na-anọ na ya |
He urged the government to find a lasting solution to rising unemployment in the country, saying if not arrested, it poses a big threat to the country, Daily Trust reports. | Ọ gbara gọọmentị ume ka ọ chọta ihe usoro ga-adịgide maka enweghị ọrụ na-arịwanye elu na mba ahụ, na-ekwu na ọ bụrụ na ejideghị ya, ọ bụ nnukwu ihe iyi egwu na mba ahụ, Daily Trust na-akọ. |
Lai Mohammed: it is 110 students that are missing in Dapchi community | Lai Mohammed: Ọ bụ Ụmụakwụkwọ 110 na-efu n'obodo Dapchi |
It is only an animal that staying where buyers are bargaining price. | Ọ bụ anụmanụ na-anọ ebe a na-ekwe ya ọnụ.' |
still in the news, there are different tribal marks. | N'akụkọ a, mata maka ichi dị icheiche. |
Emiliano Sala: How many players die as they were about to shine. | Emiliano Sala: Ugboro ole ndị egwuregwu nwụrụ ka ọnwa ha na-achake |
The Nigerian Unions of Journalist, NUJ has urged president Muhammadu Buhari's administration to take a second look at its fight against corruption in view of the report by Transparency International which ranks Nigerian amongst the most corrupt nations in the world.' | Otu jịkọtara ndị ntaakụkọ Naịjirịa, agwala gọọmentị onye isi ala Muhammadu Buhari ka o lee anya nke abụọ n'ọgụ ya megidere nrụụ aka n'ihi nkwupụta na 'Transperensi Intanashonal' nke dobere Naịjirịa dịka mba nke abụọ kacha mebie n'ụwa niile. |
She thanked management of St. Edmund Group of schools for going extra the mile to borrow St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Nkpor sporting ground to accommodate all sporting events. | Ọ kelere ndị nlekọta Igwe Ụlọakwụkwọ nke St. Edmund maka isetipụ aka rue ịnara ndị Ụka Katọlik St. Alphonsus, nke Nkpọọ ama egwuregwu iji nabata ihe egwuregwu niile. |
In a country like Nigeria, gender roles not only vary from region to region but they’re also shaped by our tetchy colonial past, and the education and religion that came with that predicament. | na mba dịka Naịjirịa, ọrụ okike abụghị naanị na ọ nwere ndịịiche site n'mpaghara rue mpaghara ma ha bụ nke ndị dọọrọ anyị n'agha tinyere n'ime anyị, ma agụmaakwụkwọ na okpukpe, ha ji ihe ihujuanya ahụ bịa |
Erosion broke a road in Umuawulu. See how it started. | Mbuze gbawara ụzọ n'Ụmụawụlụ, lee etu o si bido |
Mourinho, who has had successful spells at Real Madrid, Chelsea and Manchester United in recent times, replaces Mauricio Pochettino, who was sacked on Tuesday by the club. | Mourinho, onye mere nke ọma na Real Madrid, Chelsea na Manchester United n'oge na-adịbeghị anya, nọchiri anya Mauricio Pochettino, onye otu egwuregwu bọọlụ ahụ chụrụ na Tuesday. |
You would have thought they would have left him off the hook the moment he left office, but Republicans and their Narcissist-in-Chief in the White House have not left Obama alone for one brief moment. In fact, the grossly ignorant and incompetent lunatic in the White House still finds some ways to blame Obama or Hillary even for some of his own insanity or foolishness while fraudulently claiming to be the smartest President America has ever put in office. | Ị gaara iche na ha gaara ịhapụ ya mgbe ọ rituru n'ọchịchị, mana ndị ọ chịrị na ndị Isi n'Ụlọ Ọcha ahapụghị ya bụ Obama ọbụladị nwa oge. N'ezie,iberibe ahụ na onye ahụ amaghị ihe ọbụla nọ n'Ụlọ Ọcha ka na achọ ụzọ ịta Obama maọbụ HIllary ụta ọbụladị site na nzuzu ya nke ọ chere na ọ bụ ya bụ Onyeisi ala nke Amerịka kacha mara ihe nọrọrịị n'ọchịchị |
she does not know her husband's whereabout | 1.Ọ maghị ebe di ya nọ |
Since Sowore's appearances in court over this case with the DSS, armed operatives of the service in the court premises on December 6 were greater in number than ever. | N'okwu ndị DSS kwuru na ndị ọrụ ya anọghị n'ime ụlọ ikpe ahụ iji wee mepụta mwakpo ahụ, nyocha dị egwu na ihe nkiri ndị mgbasa ozi na ndị hụrụ ya kpughere gosiri na ụfọdụ ndị ọrụ ha na-eyighị uwe DSS nke akpọrọ aha otu na-adọkpụ Sowore na ala n'ime ogige. |
More than 200 secondary school children from various schools in Ebonyi and Anambra have come together to demonstrate and articulate how their innovative technology called the App works. | Ụmụaka secọndịrị karịrị narị abụọ n'ọnụ ọgụ si ọtụtụ ụlọakwụkwọ n'Ebonyi nakwa Anambra biakọtara ọnụ were gosi ma kwuputa ihe akụrụngwa teknụzụ ha rụpụtara nke a na-akpọ 'App' na-arụ. |
But they gave Nigerian government mandate to release of two weeks to release all the members of the IPOB who are kept in various prisons in Nigeria. | Mana ha nyere gọọmentị Naijiria izu-uka abụọ ị tọhapụ ndị otu IPOB niile ajidere na mkpọrọ dị icheiche n'ala Naịjirịa. |
In their book, Abdulhamid Bello, one of their leaders, said they would continue to protest. | N'akwụkwọ ha dere, Abdulhamid Bello, bu otu n'ime ndi isi ha, kwuru na ha ga aga n'ihu na-eme ngaghari iwe ha. |
The group stated that the report by the international anti- corruption body is a wake-up call thus the government which prides itself on its anti- corruption stance must truly intensify its efforts in fighting the menace . | Ndị otu ahụ kwuru na akụkọ nke otu na-ahu maka nrụrụ aka mba ụwa bụ mkpote ụra nyere gọọmentị nke na-atụkwasị onwe ya obi na mbuso agha ya megide nrụrụ aka ga-agbatikwu mbọ ya n'ịlụ ọgụ a |
As it is now, the PDP members in the house of senates are happy for what happened | Ka ọ dị ugbua, ndị otu PDP nọ n'ụlọomeiwu na-enwe ọṅụ maka ihe a mere. |
Norway defeated the south Korea with two goals as they played. | Norway ji kwa goolụ abụọ merie mba Sawụt Koria mgbe ha zutere onwe ha. |
She has it; but she cannot have it all. | Ọ nwere ya, mana ọ gaghị enwenwu ha niile. |
He also added that since the consignment came on time, every Anambra worker will get the rice a month ahead of Christmas. | Na-agbakwunye na kemgbe ozi ahụ bịara n'oge, ndị ọrụ Anambara niile ga-enweta osikapa otu ọnwa tupu ekeresimesi. |
Those that were caught in this house were Christopher Eze, Ikechukwu Umahi and Paul Eze. | Ndị e jidere n'ụlọ a bụ Christopher Eze, Ikechukwu Umahi na Paul Eze. |
A BBC journalist James Landale said that it has been suggested that the position be rotated among the leaders of commonwealth nations. | Onye ntaakụkọ BBC bụ James Landale sị na atụọla arọ ka ọkwa ahụ na-agagharị n'etiti ndị isi obodo nọ na Commonwealth. |
Also on the entourage are Minister of State, Foreign Affairs, ZubairuDada, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Niyi Adebayo, Minister of State, Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva, Minister ofCommunications, Ibrahim Pantami, the National Security Adviser, MajorGeneral Babagana Monguno (retd), Director General, National Intelligence Agency, Ambassador Ahmed Rufa’i Abubakar, and the GroupManaging Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Mele Kolo Kyari. | Ọzọkwa, ndị ga-esonyekwa ya bụ Mịnịsta nke steeti, Ihe banyere mba ofesi, ZubairuDada, Mịnịsta nke Ụlọ mmepụta, Azụmahịa na Nchekwa, Niyi Adebayo, Mịnịsta nke steeti, Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva, Minister ofCommunications, Ibrahim Pantami, the National Security Adviser, Major General Babagana Monguno (retd), Daịretọ Jenaral, Ndị Amamụihe nke Ala 'National Intelligence Agency', Ambasadọ Ahmed Rufa’i Abubakar, na Manejin Daịretọ nke Òtù, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC),Mele Kolo Kyari. |
ATF news wrote that ,the Boko Haram members invaded into the nigerian soldiers territory at Zaria in Borno state and had up to 30 soldiers killed. | AFP dere na ndị Boko wakporo ndịagha Naịjirịa n'obodo Zari n'ime Borno steeti, nakwa gbuo ndị agha ruru iri atọ. |
Alongside the picture, he wrote. “It’s been a long, hard road but we did it. We are coming home. | N'akụkụ foto ahụ, o dere, "ọ bụrịị ogologo oge, ụzọ siri ike mana anyị mere ya. Anyị na-alọta ụlọ |
As the president's spokesman Femi Adesina explained 'The Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has said that if the leadership he met in our country is looked into, that no money was reserved, our wealth were squanderd, he really tried' | Dịka ọnụ na-ekwuru onyeisiala bụ Femi Adesina si kọwa: 'Onyeisiala Naijiria bụ Muhammadu Buhari ekwuola na e lee anya n'ọnọdụ ọchịchị ya kwudoro n'ala anyị, na enweghị ego e dowere, e mefuchara akụnaụba anyị, ọ gbaliịkwaranụ.' |
It was on 14th April 2014 that the Boko Haram attacked Dapchi school and kidnapped 272 children | Ọ bụ n'ụbọchị 14 nke ọnwa Eprelu afọ 2014 ka ndị Boko Haram wakporo ụlọakwụkwọ Dapchi tọrọ ụmụaka 272. |
Rally Trade is a financial service brokerage company. | Rally Trade bụ ụlọ ọrụ na-akpata mmefu ego. |
On a month-on-month basis, the headline index increased by 1.07 per cent in October 2019, or 0.03 percentage points higher than the rate recorded in September 2019. | N'ọnwa n'ọnwa, isiakụkọ ji pasent 1.07 rịa elu n'Ọktoba 2019, maọbụ pasenti 0.03 dị elu karịa ọnụego e dere na Septemba 2019. |
This morning, Saraki is among those blocked from leaving their houses. | N'ụtụtụ a, Saraki so na ndị egbochiri ịpụ n'ezi ụlọ ya. |
The chief celebrator, Eze Chukwuemeka Eri, the Ezeora 34th and Aka Ji Ovo Igbo, described the Festival as a time when the Igbo world-wide gathered to remember their progenitor Eri, who is believed to have migrated from Israel and settled at Aguleri. | Onye kpọrọ oriri, Eze Chukwuemeka Eri, Ezeọra nke 34 na Aka ji Ọvọ Igbo, kọwara oriri ahụ dị ka oge ndị Igbo n' ụwa niile ji agbakọ wee cheta nna ha Eri, onye e kwenyere na o si Israel malite njem ma kwụsị n' Agụleri. |
Her children were taken away from her but they later got together again. | A nara nwaanyị a ụmụ ya ma ha bịakọrịtara ọnụ ọzọ n'afọ 2014. |
Accident in Awgu has claimed four heads | Ihe mbere okporoụzọ n'Awgu atala isi mmadụ anọ |
On the other hand, a woman named Hadijat Kabir and two other persons, a man and another woman, conived and pretended that she was kidnapped and collected fifteen million naira ransom from her husband. | N'aka nke ọzọ, otu nwaanyị aha ya bụ Hadijat Kabir na mmadụ abụọ ndị ọzọ gụnyere otu nwoke na nwaanyị ọzọ kpara nkata aghụghọ na ndị ntọrị ji ya ma naa di ya nde naira 15. |
The NCWS president said she was not against the BBN reality show but the sex content was disgusting. | Onyeisi NCWS kwuru na ya emegideghị ihe ngosi BBN mana nke gbasara mmekọahụ na-asọ oyi. |
civil servants in Imo will go back to working for five days in a week. | Ndị ọrụ Imo ga-alaghachị ịrụ ọrụ abali ise n'izuụka |
Akpugo is calm now-Ebere Amarizu | Akpugo dịzị oyi ugbua - Ebere Amarizu |
Stay hungry for a win | Nọdụ n' agụụ mmeri |
@purrples calls upon the chief lawmaker to also explain all he knows about the budget. | @Purrples sị na ya na-akpọ onyeisi ndị omeiwu ukwu ka ọ bịa zara ọnụ ya maka akwụkwọ mkpata na mmefu a. |
He also said that Nigeria played well in this match, and also said that the two goals scored by Nigeria which was nullified by the referee were supposed to be goal. | O kwukwara na Naịjirịa gbara ọfụma n'egwuregwu a, ma kwuo na goolu abụọ Naịjirịa nyere nke onye ogbu pịpịrọ gufuru, kwesịrị ịbụ goolu. |
In the message of the secretary of IPOB group called Emma Powerful to BBC, IPOB said that the statement is suspicious | N'ozi nke odeakwụkwọ mgbasa ozi otu IPOB bụ Emma Powerful zitara BBC, IPOB kwuru na okwu ahụ bụ okwu dị ime ma marakwa ọgọdọ n'ihi ọ bụ mba ọgụ etinyere ọnụ n'ime akpa were na abaa. |
He is also an entrepreneur. | Ọ bụkwa onye achụmnta ego. |
Bobrisky on the run as Police Storms. | Bobrisky na-agba ọsọ dịka ndị uweojii wakporo ya |
This group said that they were asserting that both Buhari and Atiku were more than 70 years old and that young people should be the ones who would rule the country now and in the future. | Otu a kwuru na ha na-ekwusi okwu ike makana ha abụọ bụ Buhari na Atiku karịrị afọ iri asaa na kwa na ndị ntorobia kwesiri ị bụ ndị ga-achị Naịjirịa ugbua na kwa n'iru. |
Lebron James Abandons California Mansion As Wildfire Ravages City | Lebron James hapụrụ California Mansion dị ka Wildfire mebiri obodo. |
mother will damp her daughter's stomach with hot water after which she will rub her with ointment like Aboniki | Nne ga na-ama ya mmiri ọkụ n'afọ na ebe ndị ọzọ ọ chọrọ, ma tekwaa ya ihe ga-ekpo ya ahụ ọkụ (robb, aboniki) |
It may then proceed to Strategy of the Revolutionary Transformation; Democratic Governance; Philosophy of Governance and Principles of State Policy; SocioEconomic Restructuring; The National Question, National Unity and Geo-political Restructuring; National Independence and Foreign Policy. | Ọ nwere ike ịga n'ihu na Usoro nke Mgbanwe; Ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya; Nkà ihe ọmụma banyere ọchịchị na ụkpụrụ nke iwu Ọchịchị; Idozi akụ na ụba ndị mmadụ; Ajụjụ Mba ahụ, ịdị n'otu mba na idozigharị ihe ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị; Nnwereonwe nke mba na iwu Ofesi. |
Overseas | N'ofesi, |
The President Muhammadu Buhari government is making a grave mistake, attracting negative local and international commentaries, a distraction the government does not need at any time, particularly now. | Ọchịchị onye isi ala Muhammadu Buhari na emehie nke ukwuu, na-adọta ndị na-ekwu okwu na adighị mma na mpaghara na mba ọzọ, ihe ndọpụ uche gọọmentị adighị mkpa n'oge maka gọọmentị ịkwụsị ige ntị n'olu ọgbahara ma malite igere olu amamihe ntị. |
What health value does your melon soup give to you? | Kedu ihe ofe Egusi gị na-enye ahụ gị? |
They invaded the market and threw stones. | Ha wakporo ọhịa na-elu okwute. |
collapsed house. | Ụlọ dara ada. |
President Muhammadu Buhari has enacted a law that would make the economy of every Nigerian who has property abroad very hard. | Onyeisiala Muhammadu Buhari etinyela aka n'akwụkwọ iwu ga-eme ka ihe taara onye Naịjirịa ọbụla nwere akụnaụba na mba ofesi akpụ. |
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