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Catch a star if you can
Wish for somethin special
Let it be me, my love is free
Sing a song to yourself
Think of someone listenin
One melody, youre all for me
Ill write a symphony just for you and me
If you let me love you
Ill paint a masterpiece just for you to see
If you let me love you, let me love you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Youre the one like the sun
Shine your love around me
Youll always be the one for me
Say the word, Ill be there
Lovin you forever
Dont let me go, just say its so
Well hear the music ring from the mountaintops
To the valley below us
Well serenade the world with a lullaby
So the angels will know us, angels will know us
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am
Yes I am
Yes I am
Yes I am
Yes I am
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love?
Yes I am, are you
Are you ready, are you ready for love? |
Som konge blir jeg mægtig stærk
Og fjenderne de får
Ha, hvornår er dyrekonger set
Med sårn en smule hår?
Som konge blir jeg verdenskendt
Den største vi har haft
Jeg øver mig i fornem gang
Og i et brøl med kraft
Det lyder som en gammel... klarinet
Jeg blir meget snart majestæt
Du har meget at lære endnu, unge herre, hvis du tror–
Ingen siger: Gør det
Ingen siger: Bli her
Ingen siger: Stop det
Ingen siger: Se her
Frihed hele dagen lang
Jeg bestemmer slagets gang
Jeg tror, at du og jeg bør ta
En snak om slid og slæb
Tror du, en konge modtar
Gode råd fra fugles næb?
Hvis kongehuset går den vej
Tror jeg, jeg bakker ud
Ud af jobbet, ud af Afrika
Jeg får et sammenbrud
Den knægt er mere vild, end han er let
Jeg blir meget snart majestæt
Alle ser til venstre
Alle ser til højre
Jeg er ham i centrum
Ikke til at tjøre
Lad alle dyrene møde festpåklædt
Og danse rundt i ring med høje spjæt
Og synge om Simbas stolte æt
Jeg blir meget snart majestæt
Jeg blir meget snart majestæt
Jeg blir meget snaart
Majestæt |
I cant light no more of your darkness
All my pictures seem to fade to black and white
I’m growin tired, and time stands still before me
Frozen here on the ladder of my life
Too late to save yourself from falling
Take a chance and change your way of life
But you misread my meanin when I met you
Closed the door and left me blinded by the light
Don’t let the sun go down on me
Although I search myself, its always someone else I see
Id just allow a fragment of your life to wander free
But losin everything is like the sun goin down on me |
I hardly think Im qualified
To come across all sanctified
I just dont cut it with the cherubim
The towns already on its knees
Being worshipped is a breeze
I barely know the words to any hymn
Listen, if we dont comply
With the locals wishes I
Can see us being sacrificed or stuffed
Lets be gods, the perks are great
El Dorado on a plate
Local feeling should not be rebuffed
Its tough to be a god
Tread where mortals have not trod
Be deified when really youre a sham
Be an object of devotion
Be the subject of psalms
Its a terrifying notion
All those prayers and those salaams
Any normal man would bridle
If hes forced to be an idol
And a normal mans exactly what I am
All the same, its pretty clear
The scoundrels dont keep much up here
They must have zillions under lock and key
But gods can force them to unleash
Enough to make us nouveau riche
Beyond our wildest dreams, so follow me!
Cant you see I wont relax
If religious maniacs
Tell me Im all-powerful and sublime
How can I be their belief
When Im lying through my teeth?
Why dont we just say, some other time?
Its tough to be a god
But if you get the peoples nod
Count your blessings, keep them sweet is my advice
Be nirvana, be salvation
Be all things to all men
Butter up your congregation
Every Sunday score a ten
The alternative is dire
Simply frying pan to fire
So sign on two new gods for paradise, paradise |
They say we bruise too easily
I dont know if its that way for me
Ive seen them come, Ive seen them go
Ive seen everyone I know
Fall in and out of love
Its just the way it goes
Word is out, silence seems so loud
Theres no light above or below me now
Ive seen it grow, Ive seen it live
Ive seen everything I give
Falling out my hands, no matter who Im with
And nobody ever tells you
When love is dying, when love is dying
It just gets a little colder
And we stop trying, we stop trying, yeah we stop trying
Oh when love is dying
Theres a pain you never can explain
Cuts so deep time and time again
I felt it then, I feel it now
But nobody told me how
To fight a world of hurt
Somebody help me now
But love never gets to show you
And I never got to know you
No we never stood a chance
When love was dying
No and love never makes it easy
And I never got that feeling
No we never stood a chance
When love was dying |
When I was young, I prayed for lightning
My mother said it would come and find me
I found myself without a prayer
I lost my love and no one cared
When I was young, I prayed for lightning
Yeah, I looked with my face up to the sky
But I saw nothing there, no, no, nothing there
Yeah, I stared while my eyes filled up with tears
But there was nothing there, no, no, nothing
I heard one sine from above
I heard one sine from above
Then the signal split in two
The sound crеated stars like me and you
Bеfore there was love, there was silence
I heard one sine
And it healed my heart, heard a sine
I heard one sine
When I was young, I felt immortal
And not a day went by without a struggle
I lived my days just for the nights
I lost myself under the lights
When I was young, I felt immortal
Yeah, I looked with my face up to the sky
But I saw nothing there, no, no, nothing there
Yeah, I stared while my eyes filled up with tears
But there was nothing there, no, no nothing
I heard one sine from above
I heard one— from above
Then the signal split in two
The sound created stars like me and you
Before there was love, there was si—
I heard one sine
And it healed my heart, heard a sine
S-Sine, sine
Healed my heart, heard a sine
I heard one, one, one-one
Healed my heart, heard a sine
Then the signal split in two
The sound created stars like me and you
Before there was love, there was silence
And it healed my heart, heard a sine
I heard one sine from above
Then the signal split in two
The sound created stars like me and you
Before there was love, there was silence
I heard one sine
And it healed my heart |
Dont be afraid to fly
Spread your wings
Open up a door
So much more inside
Be afraid to fly
Come spread your wings and just fly with me and youll see why
Its alright to
Just fly
Just fly
Dont be afraid
Dont let your spirit die
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Dont be afraid
Dont be afraid
Dont be afraid to fly
So much more inside
Come spread your wings and just flutter right into the sun
Dont be afraid to fly
Dont be afraid to just fly
You have become a butterfly
Dont be afraid to just fly
Prepare to fly
Are free to fly
Fly away
Bye bye
Are free to fly
Fly away
Bye bye
Bye bye
Bye bye
Are free to fly
Bye bye
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly away
Fly away
Fly away
Fly away
Bye bye
Fly away
Bye bye
Fly away
Butterfly |
No mans a jester playing Shakespeare
Round your throne room floor
While the jugglers act is danced upon
The crown that you once wore
And sooner or later
Everybodys kingdom must end
And Im so afraid your courtiers
Cannot be called best friends
Caesars had your troubles
Widows had to cry
While mercenaries in cloisters sing
And the king must die
Some men are better staying sailors
Take my word and go
But tell the ostler that his name was
The very first they chose
And if my hands are stained forever
And the altar should refuse me, yeah
Would you let me in, would you let me in, would you let me in?
Should I cry sanctuary?
Caesars had your troubles
Widows had to cry
While mercenaries in cloisters sing
And the king must die, yeah!
The king must die
The king must die, oh, yeah
No mans a jester playing Shakespeare
Round your throne room floor
While the jugglers act is danced upon
The crown that you once wore
The king is dead
The king is dead
The king is dead
The king is dead
Long live the king |
Holy Moses, I have been removed
I have seen the spectre, he has been here too
Distant cousin from down the line
Brand of people who aint my kind
Holy Moses, I have been removed
Holy Moses, I have been deceived
Now the wind has changed direction, and Ill have to leave
Wont you please excuse my frankness
But its not my cup of tea
Holy Moses, I have been deceived
Im goin back to the border
Where my affairs, my affairs aint abused
I cant take any more bad water
Been poisoned from my head down to my shoes, oh
Holy Moses, I have been deceived
Holy Moses, let us live in peace
Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease
Theres a man over there
Whats his color? I dont care
Hes my brother, let us live in peace, oh
Hes my brother, let us live in peace, oh
Hes my brother, let us, let us live in peace |
Jag ser vad som händer?
Hur ska jag förstå?
Nån som rör mitt hjärta nu
Nån jag saknat så
Ögonblick av lycka
Som för alltid känns
Känner att den värld jag önskar
Är utan tid och gräns
Känn en doft av kärleken
Den sveper tyst förbi
En kort sekund
Kan allt som lever här
Få känna harmoni
Känna harmoni
Finns en plats för var och en
Bara vi förstår
Att varje liv är värdefullt
På den jord vi går
Allting hör ihop här
Liv behöver liv
En öppen hand kan ge och ta emot
Det ändras perspektiv
Känn en doft av kärleken
Den sveper tyst förbi
En kort sekund
Kan allt som lever här
Få känna harmoni
Så känn en doft av kärleken
Den kommer närmare, ooh
Den når in i varje liten vrå
Den finns där vi är
Känn en doft av kärleken
Den sveper tyst förbi
En kort sekund
Kan allt som lever här
Få känna harmoni |
In the quiet silent seconds I, I turned off the light switch
And I, I came down to meet you in the half light the moon left
While a, a cluster of night jars sang some songs out of tune
A mantle of bright light shone down from a room
Come down in time, I still hear her say
So clear in my ear like it was today
Come down in time was the message she gave
Come down in time and Ill meet you half way
Well, I dont know if I should have heard her as yet
But a, a true love like hers is a, a hard love to get
And I, Ive walked most all the way and I, I aint heard her call
And I, Im getting to thinking if shes coming at all
Come down in time, I still hear her say
So clear in my ear like it was today
Come down in time was the message she gave
Come down in time and Ill meet you half way
There are women, women and some hold you tight
While some leave you counting the stars in the night |
When are you gonna come down
When are you going to land
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man
You know you cant hold me forever
I didnt sign up with you
Im not a present for your friends to open
This boys too young to be singing the blues
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You cant plant me in your penthouse
Im going back to my plough
Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh Ive finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
What do you think youll do then
I bet thatll shoot down your plane
Itll take you a couple of vodka and tonics
To set you on your feet again
Maybe youll get a replacement
Theres plenty like me to be found
Mongrels who aint got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground |
Wise men say
It looks like rain today
It crackled on the speakers
And trickled down the sleepy subway trains
For heavy eyes could hardly hold us
Aching legs that often told us
Its all worth it
We all fall in love sometimes
The full moons bright
And starlight filled the evening
We wrote it and I played it
Something happened its so strange this feeling
Naive notions that were childish
Simple tunes that tried to hide it
But when it comes
We all fall in love sometimes
Did we, didnt we, should we couldnt we
Im not sure cause sometimes were so blind
Struggling through the day
When even your best friend says
Dont you find
We all fall in love sometimes
And only passing time
Could kill the boredom we acquired
Running with the losers for a while
But our empty sky was filled with laughter
Just before the flood
Painting worried faces with a smile |
Excuse me Im sorry to bother you
But dont I know you?
Theres just something about you
Havent we met before?
Weve been in love forever
When we got on top of the hill
We saw Rome burning
I just let you walk away
Ive never forgiven myself
I saw you on the steps in Paris
You were with someone else
Couldnt you see that should have been me?
I just walked on by
Then we met in 42
But we were on different sides
I hid you under my bed
But they took you away
I lost you in a London smog
As you crossed the lane
And Id never know where youd gonna be next
But Id know that youd surprise me
Come with me, Ill find some rope
Ill tie us together
Ive been waiting for you so long
I dont want to lose you again
I dont want to walk into the crowd again
I dont want to walk away again
I dont want to lose you
I dont want to lose you
I dont want to lose you again
Theres just something about you
Have we been in love forever?
9/11 in New York
I took your photograph
I still have your smiling face in a heart-shaped frame
Snowed in at Wheeler street
Just two old friends
Keeping the fire going
We looked so good together
Cant we just stay there forever?
We were so happy
Id live that day over and over
But the world wont stop turning
When we got to the top of the hill
We saw Rome burning
I dont want to lose you
I dont want lose you again
Dont walk away again
Dont leave me unloved again
Dont want to lose you
I dont want to lose you
I dont want to lose you again
Dont want to lose you
I dont want to lose you
I dont want to lose you again
Oh no, not again
No, no, not again
Not again, not again
No, no, no, no, not again
Not again
Never again! |
I was made in England
Out of Cadillac muscle
I had a quit-me father
I had a love-me mother
I had Little Richard
And that black piano
Oh, that sweet Georgia Peach
And the boy from Tupelo
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
I was made in England
Out of Cadillac muscle
Face down on a playground
Crying, God, send me a brother
Not a bloody nose
For rock n roll
Give me that sweet Georgian Peach
And the boy from Tupelo
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
I was made in England
Like a blue Cortina
But a Yankee summer
Had a way about her
You had a scent for scandal
Well heres my middle finger
I had forty years of pain
And nothing to cling to
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
If youre made in England
Youre built to last
You can still say homo
And everybody laughs
But the jokes on you
You never read the song
They all think they know
But theyve all got it wrong
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
Woh oh oh oh, I was made in England
Yeah, yeah!
Yeah, oh
I was made in England
Whoa, rock on, boy, yeah
Hey |
You wore a little cross of gold around your neck
I saw it as you flew between my reason
Like a raven in the night time when you left
I wear a chain upon my wrist that bears no name
You touched it and you wore it
And you kept it in your pillow all the same
My high-flying bird has flown from out my arms
I thought myself her keeper
She thought I meant her harm
She thought I was the archer
A weather man of words
But I could never shoot down
My high-flying bird
The white walls of your dressing room are stained in scarlet red
You bled upon the cold stone like a young man
In the foreign field of death
Wouldnt it be wonderful is all I heard you say
You never closed your eyes at night and learned to love daylight
Instead you moved away
My high-flying bird has flown from out my arms
I thought myself her keeper
She thought I meant her harm
She thought I was the archer
A weather man of words
But I could never shoot down
My high-flying bird has flown from out my arms
I thought myself her keeper
She thought I meant her harm
She thought I was the archer
A weather man of words
But I could never shoot down
My high-flying bird
My high-flying, high-flying bird
My high-flying, high-flying bird
My high-flying, high-flying bird
My high-flying, high-flying bird |
Where do I belong?
Tell me your story and Ill tell you mine
Im all ears, take your time, weve got all night
Show me the rivers crossed, the mountains scaled
Show me who made you walk all the way here
Settle down, put your bags down
Youre alright now
We dont need to be related to relate
We dont need to share genes or a surname
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
So what if we dont look thе same?
We been going through the samе thing, yeah
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
Hand me a pen and Ill rewrite the pain
When youre ready, well turn the page together
Open a bottle, its time we celebrate
Who you were, who you are
Were one and the same, yeah
We dont need to be related to relate
We dont need to share genes or a surname
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
So what if we dont look the same?
We been going through the same thing, yeah
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
I chose you
You chose me
I chose
Chosen family
I chose you
You chose me
Were alright now
We dont need to be related to relate
We dont need to share genes or a surname
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
So what if we dont look the same?
We been going through the same pain, yeah
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
We dont need to be related to relate
We dont need to share genes or a surname
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
So what if we dont look the same?
We been going through the same pain, yeah
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
We dont need to be related to relate
We dont need to share genes or a surname
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family
So what if we dont look the same?
We been going through the same pain, yeah
You are, you are
My chosen, chosen family |
Oh, oh, oh
Fortune favors the brave
Oh, oh
Fortune favors the brave
We have swept to glory
Egypts mastery expands
From the Niles northern delta
To the dry, dry southern sands
The more we find, the more we see
The more we come to learn
The more that we explore
The more we shall return
Oh, oh, oh
Fortune favors the brave
Its all worked out, my road is clear
The lines of latitude extend
Way beyond my wildest dreams
Toward some great triumphant end
We seized the day
We turned the tide
We touched the stars
We mocked the grave
We moved into uncharted lands
Fortune favors the brave
The more we find, the more we see
The more we come to learn
The more that we explore
The more we shall return
Nothing is an accident
We are free to have it all
We are what we want to be
Its in ourselves to rise or fall
This is easy to believe
When distant places call to me
Its harder from the palace yard
Fortune favors the free...
Oh, oh, oh
Fortune favors the young...
Oh, oh, oh
Fortune favors the brave! |
If you feel that its real, I’m on trial
And Im a-here in your prison
Like a coin in your mint
I am dented and Im spent with high treason
Through a glass eye, your throne
Is the one danger zone
Take me to the pilot for control
Take me to the pilot of your soul
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Na na na, na na na
Na na na, na-na-na na na
Na na na, na na na
Na na na, na-na-na na na
Well, I know he’s not old
And Im told, and Im told hes a virgin
For he may be she
What Im told is never, never for certain
Through a glass eye, your throne
Is the one danger zone
Take me to the pilot for control
Take me to the pilot of your soul
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Na na na, na na na
Na na na, na-na-na na na
Na na na, na na na
Na na na, na-na-na na na
Through a glass eye, your throne
Is the one danger zone
Take me to the pilot for control
Take me to the pilot of your soul
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Na na na, na na na
Na na na, na-na-na na na
Na na na, na na na
Na na na, na-na-na na na |
Oh, its carnival night
And theyre stringing the lights around you
Hanging paper angels
Painting little devils on the roof
Oh the furnace wind
Is a flickering of wings about your face
In a cloud of incense
Yea, it smells like Heaven in this place
I cant eat, cant sleep
Still I hunger for you when you look at me
That face, those eyes
All the sinful pleasures deep inside
Tell me how, you know now, the ways and means of getting in
Underneath my skin
Oh you were always my original sin
And tell me why, I shudder inside, every time we begin
This dangerous game
Oh you were always my original sin
A dream will fly
The moment that you open up your eyes
A dream is just a riddle
Ghosts from every corner of your life
Up in the balcony
All the Romeos are bleeding for your hand
Blowing theater kisses
Reciting lines they dont understand |
Its a human sign
When things go wrong
When the scent of her lingers
And temptations strong
Into the boundary
Of each married man
Sweet deceit comes calling
And negativity lands
Cold, cold heart
Hard done by you
Some things lookin better, baby
Just passin through
And its no sacrifice
Just a simple word
Two hearts livin
In two separate worlds
But, its no sacrifice
No sacrifice
No sacrifice, at all
Mutual misunderstandings
After the fact
Sensitivity builds a prison
In the final act
We lose direction
No stone unturned
No tears to damn you
When jealousy burns
Cold, cold heart
Hard done by you
Some things look better, baby
Just passin through
And its no sacrifice
Just a simple word
Two hearts livin
In two separate world
And, its no sacrifice
No sacrifice
No sacrifice, at all
I gave my heart
I gave my heart
I gave my heart
I gave my heart |
I got frostbitten in the winter
Ice skating on the river
With my pretty little black-eyed girl
Shed make your darn toes curl just to see her, yeah
I got a fringe front on my buggy
I got a frisky little colt in a hurry
And a pretty little black-eyed Susie by by by my side
Well, she sure knows how to use me
Pretty little black-eyed Susie
Playing hooky with my heart all the time
Living with her funky family
In a derelict old alley
Down by the river where we share a little loving in the moonshine
Im an old hayseed harp player
Im the hit of the county fair
With my pretty little black-eyed girl
Living proof as she swirls, shes a dancer, yeah
I got a fringe front on my buggy
I got a frisky little colt in a hurry
And a pretty little black-eyed Susie by by by my side
Well, she sure knows how to use me
Pretty little black-eyed Susie
Playing hooky with my heart all the time
Living with her funky family
In a derelict old alley
Down by the river where we share a little loving in the moonshine
Well, she sure knows how to use me
Pretty little black-eyed Susie
Playing hooky with my heart all the time, oh
Living with her funky family
In a derelict old alley
Down by the river where we share a little loving in the moonshine
Well, she sure knows how to use me
Pretty little black-eyed Susie
Playing hooky with my heart all the time
Living with her funky family
In a derelict old alley
Down by the river where we share a little loving in the moonshine |
When I saw the signs, I shouldve let you go
But I kept you beside me
And if I held you back, at least I held you close
Should have known you were lonely
I know things will never be the same
Time weve lost will never be replaced
Im the reason you forgot to love
So dont be scared to live again
Be scared to live again
No, dont be scared to live again
Be scared to live again
You always miss the chance to fall for someone else
Cause your heart only knows me
They try to win your love, but there was nothing left
They just made you feel lonely
Well, I am not the man I used to be
Did some things I couldnt let you see
Refuse to be the one who taints your heart
So dont be scared to live again
Be scared to live again
No, dont be scared to live again, baby
Be scared to live again
I hope you know that, I hope you know that
Ive been praying that you find yourself
I hope you know that, I hope you know that
We fell apart, right from the start
I should have made you my only
When its said and done
So dont be scared to live again, baby
Be scared to live again
No, dont be scared to live again, baby
Be scared to live again
I hope you know that, I hope you know that
Ive been praying that you find yourself
I hope you know that, I hope you know that
We fell apart, right from the start |
Has anybody here seen Razor Face?
I heard hes back, looking for a place, to lay down
Must be getting on
Needs a man whos young to walk him around
Needs a man whos young to walk him around
Oh, it must be hard for the likes of you
To get by in a world that you just cant see through
And it looks so cold
How does it feel to know you cant go home
How does it feel to know you cant go home
Come on, Razor Face, my old friend
Ill meet you down by the truck stop inn
With a bottle of booze in the back of my car
Youre a song on the lips of an aging star
Razor Face, ooh! Amazing grace, protects you like a glove
And Ill never learn the reason why I love your Razor Face
Has anybody here seen Razor Face?
I heard hes back, and looking for a place, to lay down
Must be getting on
Needs a man whos young to walk him around
Needs a man whos young to walk him around
Come on, Razor Face, my old friend
Ill meet you down by the truck stop inn
With a bottle of booze in the back of my car
Youre a song on the lips of an aging star
Razor Face, ooh! Amazing grace, protects you like a glove
And Ill never learn the reason why I love your Razor Face
I love your Razor Face
I love your Razor Face
Ooh, I love Razor Face
Love your Razor Face
I did love your Razor Face
I love your Razor Face |
Soon the pines will be falling everywhere
Village children fight each other for a share
And the 6:09 goes roaring past the creek
Deacon Lee prepares his sermon for next week
I saw grandma yesterday down at the store
Well, shes really going fine for eighty-four
Well, she asked me if sometime Id fix her barn
Poor old girl, she needs a hand to run the farm
And its good old country comfort in my bones
Just the sweetest sound my ears have ever known
Just an old-fashioned feeling fully-grown
Country comforts in a truck thats going home
Down at the well, they got a new machine
The foreman says it cuts man-power by fifteen
Yeah, but that aint natural, yeah, well, so old Clay would say
You see, hes a horse-drawn man until his dying day
And its good old country comfort in my bones
Just the sweetest sound my ears have ever known
Just an old-fashioned feeling fully-grown
Country comforts in a truck thats going back home
Now the old fat goose is flying across the sticks
The hedgehogs done in clay between the bricks
And the rocking chairs are creaking on the porch
Across the valley moves the herdsman with his torch
And its good old country comfort in my bones
Its the sweetest sound my ears have ever known
Just an old-fashioned feeling fully-grown
Country comforts in a truck thats going home
Oh, country comforts in a truck thats going back home, yes, it is
Country com-comforts in a truck thats going back home |
Im going on the circuit
Im doing all the clubs
And I really need a song, boys
To stir those workers up
And get their wives to sing it with me
Just like in the pubs
When I worked the good old pubs in Stepney
Oh, could you knock a line or two
Together for a friend?
Sentimental, tear-inducing
With a happy end
And we need a tune to open
Our season at Southend
Can you help us?
Its hard to write a song with bitter fingers
So much to prove, so few to tell you why
Those old die-hards in Denmark Street start laughing
At the keyboard players hollow haunted eyes
It seems to me a change is really needed
Im sick of tra-la-las and la-de-das
No more long days hacking hunks of garbage
Bitter fingers never swung on swinging stars, swinging stars
I like the warm blue flame
The hazy heat it brings
It loosens up the muscles
And forces you to sing
You know its just another hit and run
From the tin pan alley twins
And theres a chance that one day
You might write a standard, lads
So churn them out quick and fast
And well still pat your backs
Cause we need what we can get
To launch another dozen acts
Are you working?
Its hard to write a song with bitter fingers
So much to prove, so few to tell you why
Those old die-hards in Denmark Street start laughing
At the keyboard players hollow haunted eyes
It seems to me a change is really needed
Im sick of tra-la-las and la-de-das
No more long days hacking hunks of garbage
Bitter fingers never swung on swinging stars, swinging stars
Its hard to write a song with bitter fingers
So much to prove, so few to tell you why
Those old die-hards in Denmark Street start laughing
At the keyboard players hollow haunted eyes
It seems to me a change is really needed
Im sick of tra-la-las and la-de-das
No more long days hacking hunks of garbage
Bitter fingers never swung on swinging stars, swinging stars
Swinging stars, swinging stars
Its hard to write a song with bitter fingers
So much to prove, so few to tell you why
Those old die-hards in Denmark- |
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Theres a calm surrender to the rush of day
When the heat of a rolling wind can be turned away
An enchanted moment, and it sees me through
Its enough for this restless warrior just to be with you
And can you feel the love tonight?
It is where we are
Well, its enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far, oh love
And can you feel the love tonight?
How its laid to rest, oh
Its enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best
Theres a time for everyone, see, if they only learn
That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn
Theres a rhyme and reason
To the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours
And can you feel the love tonight?
It is where we are
Its enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far
This far, yeh
And can you feel
The love tonight?
It is where we are, yeah
Its enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far
Can you feel the love tonight?
How its laid to rest
Well its enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best
Its enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best |
Boston at last, and the planes touching down
Our hostess is handing the hot towels around
From a terminal gate to a black limousine
Its a ten minute ride to the Holiday Inn
Boredoms a pastime that one soon acquired
Where you get to the stage where youre not even tired
Kicking your heels till the time comes around
To pick up your bags and head out of town
Slow down, Joe, Im a rock and roll man
Ive twiddled my thumbs in a dozen odd bands
And you aint seen nothing till youve been
In a motel, baby, like the Holiday Inn
Slow down, Joe, Im a rock and roll man
Ive twiddled my thumbs in a dozen odd bands
And you aint seen nothing till youve been
In a motel, baby, like the Holiday Inn
Oh, I dont even know if its Cleveland or Maine
With the buildings as big and rooms just the same
And the TV dont work and the French fries are cold
And the room service closed about an hour ago |
If anyone should see me making it down the highway
Breaking all the laws of the land
Well, dont you try to stop me, Im going her way
And thats the way Im sure she had it planned
Well, thats my rock and roll Madonna
Shes always been a lady of the road
Well, everybody wants her, and no one ever gets her
Well, the freeway is the only way she knows
Well, if she would only slow down for a short time
Id get to know her just before she leaves
But shes got some fascination for that two-wheel combination
And I swear its gonna be the death of me
Well, thats my rock and roll Madonna
Shes always been a lady of the road
Well, everybody wants her, and no one ever gets her
Well, the freeway is the only way she knows
Well, thats my rock and roll Madonna
Shes always been a lady of the road
Well, everybody wants her, and no one ever gets her
Well, the freeway is the only way she knows
Lets get a little bit lower
Lets get a little bit lower
Oh, youre standing alright
Single, baby? Ah, yeah, thats pretty good
Now, is everybody gonna rock on with me?
One more time
I said, thats my rock and roll Madonna, aw, everybody
Shes always been a lady of the road
Well, everybody wants her, but no one ever gets her
Well, the freeway is the only way she knows, yeah |
While youve been away cavorting
Matters here have moved apace
Now I need you home supporting
All the plans Ive put in place
First of all this means your wedding
Youll recall your future bride
For the way that Pharaohs heading
Times no longer on our side
According to the hawk god, Horus
Our most regal invalid
Is not that much longer for us
Build another pyramid!
There are many wholl be tearful
As our leader fades away
But our architects are cheerful
And each dog must have its day
If our country is to flourish
Then my son must take the lead
Be our inspiration, nourish
All our hopes our dreams our creed
Soon our monarch will have filled a
Tomb just like his fathers did
Summon Egypts greatest builders
Re: another pyramid
Build it, build it
Another pyramid
There will be a time for mourning
But for now put plans on hold
For I give the nation warning
That before the corpse is cold
Well extend fair Egypts power
Egypts glory strength and style
We shall have our finest hour
Far beyond the mighty Nile
He must have a vault thats grand by
Any standards, floor to lid
Put five thousand slaves on stand by
Build another pyramid!
Build it, build it
Build it, build it
Build it, build it
Build it-
Build it, build it
Build it-
He must have a vault thats grand by
Any standards, floor to lid
Put five thousand slaves on stand by
Build another pyramid! |
Oh, pity me
Im so alone and so blue
My friends have all gone away
Their friendliness too
It was I on my own
With no need to belong
And I wanted to die
That’s when you came along
And thank you for all of your lovin
Thank you for all of your tears
Thank you for all of your kindness
Thank you for bein here
What a difference it made
My life has started again
And if you go away
It just won’t be the same
Its hard to say what I feel
When Im by your side
Youre there when Im worried
All my troubles, in you I confide
And thank you for all of your lovin
Thank you for all of your tears
Thank you for all of your kindness
Thank you for bein here
Oh, pity me
Im so alone and so blue
My friends have all gone away
Their friendliness too
It was I on my own
With no need to belong
And I wanted to die
That’s when you came along
And thank you for all of your lovin’
Thank you for all of your tears
Thank you for all of your kindness
Thank you for bein here |
I am here to tell you we can never meet again
Simple really, isnt it, a word or two and then
A lifetime of not knowing where or how or why or when
You think of me or speak of me and wonder what befell
The someone you once loved so long ago so well
Never wonder what Ill feel as living shuffles by
You dont have to ask me and I need not reply
Every moment of my life from now until I die
I will think or dream of you and fail to understand
How a perfect love can be confounded out of hand
Is it written in the stars
Are we paying for some crime
Is that all that we are good for
Just a stretch of mortal time
Or some gods experiment
In which we have no say
In which were given paradise
But only for a day
Marry the princess, Radames. You can help my people, this could be our chance to do something important! Dont you see?
Nothing can be altered, there is nothing to decide
No escape, no change of heart, no anyplace to hide
You are all Ill ever want, but this I am denied
Sometimes in my darkest thoughts, I wish Id never learned
What it is to be in love and have that love returned
Is it written in the stars
Are we paying for some crime
Is that all that we are good for
Just a stretch of mortal time
Or some gods experiment
In which we have no say
In which were given paradise
But only for a day |
Lately, Ive been thinkin
How much I miss my lady
Amoreenas in a cornfield
Brightenin the daybreak
Livin like a lusty flower
Runnin through the grass for hours
Rollin through the hay, oh
Like a puppy, child
And when it rains, the rain falls down
Washin out the cattle town
And shes far away somewhere
In her eiderdown
And she dreams of crystal streams
Of days gone by when we would lean
Laughing, fit to burst upon each other
I can see you sittin
Eatin apples in the evenin
Fruit juice, flowin slowly, slowly, slowly
Down the bronze of your body
Livin like a lusty flower
Runnin through the grass for hours
Rollin through the hay, oh
Like a puppy, child
And when it rains, the rain falls down
Washin out the cattle town
And shes far away somewhere
In her eiderdown
And she dreams of crystal streams
Of days gone by when we would lean
Laughing, fit to burst upon each other
Oh, if only I could nestle
In the cradle of your cabin
My arms around your shoulder, oh
The window wide and open
While the swallow and the sycamore, whoa
Are playin in the valley
Oh, I miss you, Amoreena
Like the king bee misses honey
And when it rains, the rain falls down
Washin out the cattle town
And shes far away somewhere
In her eiderdown
And she dreams of crystal streams
Of days gone by when we would lean
Laughing, fit to burst upon each other
Lately, Ive been thinkin
How much I miss my lady
Amoreenas in a cornfield
Brightenin the daybreak
Livin like a lusty flower
Runnin through the grass for hours
Rollin through the hay, oh
Like a puppy, like a puppy, child |
I cheated just to get on by
Yea, I cheated just to get on by
If I cant save my sinnin whys
Gonna keep on getting high
Im sleeping off the weekend drunk
Sleeping off the weekend drunk
When Im awake Im looking back
On all the ships Ive sunk
Two fingers of whiskey
Good ol fashioned rye
Wish I was bound for glory
And prohibition dry
Two fingers of whiskey
That is all I need
To keep drowning the devil
Living in me
Living in me
Im hanging on the hook of the moon
Hanging on that treble moon
If I dont get out of this battle
Lord, youre gonna see me soon
Just like a dog, I wanna howl
Like an old dog, I wanna howl
Used up all of my aces
Who is gonna save me now?
Two fingers of whiskey
Good ol fashioned rye
Wish I was bound for glory
And prohibition dry
Two fingers of whiskey
That is all I need
To keep drowning the devil
Living in me
Living in me
Two fingers of whiskey
Good ol fashioned rye
Wish I was bound for glory
And prohibition dry
Two fingers of whiskey
That is all I need
To keep drowning the devil
Living in me
Living in me |
I heard from a friend youd been messing around
With a cute little thing Id been dating uptown
Well I dont know if I like that idea much
Well youd better stay clear I might start acting rough
You out of town guys sure think youre real keen
Think all of us boys are homespun and green
But thats wrong my friend so get this through your head
Were tough and were Texan with necks good and red
So its Ki yi yippie yi yi
You long hairs are sure gonna die
Our American home was clean till you came
And kids still respected the presidents name
And the eagle still flew in the sky
Hearts filled with national pride
Then you came along with your drug-crazy songs
Goddamit youre all going to die
How dare you sit there and drink all our beer
Oh its made for us workers who sweat spit and swear
The minds of our daughters are poisoned by you
With your communistic politics and them negro blues
Well Im going to quit talking and take action now
Run all of you fairies clean out of this town
Oh Im dog tired of watching you mess up our lives
Spending the summertime naturally high |
She packed my bags last night, pre-flight
Zero hour: Nine AM
And Im gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the Earth so much, I miss my wife
Its lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
And I think its gonna be a long, long time
Til touchdown brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no, Im a rocket man
Rocket Man, burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think its gonna be a long, long time
Til touchdown brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no, Im a rocket man
Rocket Man, burning out his fuse up here alone
Mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact, its cold as hell
And theres no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I dont understand
Its just my job five days a week
Rocket Man, Rocket Man
And I think its gonna be a long, long time
Til touchdown brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no, Im a rocket man
Rocket Man, burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think its gonna be a long, long time
Til touchdown brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no, Im a rocket man
Rocket Man, burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think its gonna be a long, long time
And I think its gonna be a long, long time
And I think its gonna be a long, long time |
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Siyo nqoba
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala
Desde el día que al mundo llegamos
Y nos ciega el brillo del sol
Hay más que ver de lo que se puedes ver
Más que hacer de lo que da el vigor
Son muchos más los tesoros
Los que se podrán descubrir
Bajo la luz del sol no habrá distinción
Grandes y chicos han de convivir
En el ciclo sin fin que nos mueve a todos
Y aunque estemos solos, debemos buscar
Hasta encontrar nuestro gran legado
En el ciclo‚ ciclo sin fin
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
En el ciclo sin fin que nos mueve a todos
Y aunque estemos solos‚ debemos buscar
Hasta encontrar nuestro gran legado
En el ciclo‚ ciclo sin fin |
Have my love, it fits you like a glove
Join my dream, tell me yes
Bail out, should there be a mess
The pieces you dont need are mine
Take my time, Ill show you cloud 9
Take my smile and my heart
They were yours from the start
The pieces to omit are mine
Have my love, use it while it does you good
Share my highs but the times
That it hurts pay no mind
Those pieces you dont need are mine
Ill see you there on cloud 9
Take my hope, maybe even share a joke
If theres good to be shown
You may make it all your own
And if you want to quit thats fine
While youre out looking for cloud |
So youre just thinking of me
Just like I know you should
I can not give you everything, you know I wish I could
I’m so high at the moment
Im so caught up in this
Yeah, were just young, dumb and broke
We still got love to give
While we’re young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb, broke high school kids
Young, dumb, broke, high school kids
We have so much in common
We argue all the time
You always say Im wrong, but...
Im pretty sure Im right
Whats fun about commitment?
When we have our life to live
Yeah, were just young dumb and broke
But we still got love to give
While were young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb, broke high school kids
Young, dumb, broke high school kids
Jump and we think - do it all in the game of love
Run into sin, do it all in the name of fun
Im so high at the moment
I’m so caught up in this
Yeah, we’re just young, dumb and broke
But we still got love to give
While were young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb
Young, young, dumb and broke
Young, dumb, broke high school kids
Young, dumb, broke high school kids
Young, dumb, broke high school kids
Yeah, whoa
Young, dumb, broke high school kids
Young, dumb, broke high school kids |
Oh, pity me
Im so alone and so blue
My friends have all gone away
Their friendliness too
It was I on my own
With no need to belong
And I wanted to die
Thats when you came along
And thank you for all of your loving
Thank you for all of your tears
Thank you for all of your kindness
Thank you for being here
What a difference it made
My life has started again
And if you go away
It just wont be the same
Its hard to say what I feel
When Im by your side
Youre there when Im worried
All my troubles, in you I confide
And thank you for all of your loving
Thank you for all of your tears
Thank you for all of your kindness
Thank you for being here
Oh, pity me
So alone and so blue
My friends have all gone away
Their friendliness too
It was I on my own
With no need to belong
And I wanted to die
Thats when you came along
And thank you for all of your loving
Thank you for all of your tears
Thank you for all of your kindness
Thank you for being here
Thank you for all of your loving
Thank you for all of your loving
Thank you for all of your loving
Thank you for all of your loving
Thank you for all of your loving |
She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m
And Im gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
Its lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
And I think its gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at all
Oh no no no Im a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think its gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no, Im a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
Mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact its cold as hell
And theres no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I dont understand
Its just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man
And I think its gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at all
Oh no no no, Im a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think its gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
Im not the man they think I am at all
Oh no no no, Im a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think its gonna be a long long time
And I think its gonna be a long long time
And I think its gonna be a long long time
And I think its gonna be a long long time |
Tread on my face if you like, little lady
Turn me inside out if you have to, baby
But dont you cross me off your list
Ooh, I am young and I aint never been kissed
Never been kissed by a lady called Amy
Youre far out, youre fab and insane
A woman of the world, its quite plain
My dad told me Amys your name
Said hed break my neck if I played your game
But he can bust my head cause I, I love you all the same
Amy, I know you dont have to show your affection
Cause the big boys like you and to you, Im an infection
So if you dont want me around
I think Ill run along and drown
You cant want this bum in town, Amy
Amy, I know you dont have to show your affection
Cause the big boys like you and to you, Im an infection
So if you dont want me around
I think Ill run along and drown
You cant want this bum in town, Amy
Im beaten on the streets because I loves you
I watch you go to work in the summer
I dont whistle at you down the street
I would if I could but I cant whistle, you see
Amy, I may not be James Dean
Amy, I may not be nineteen
And I may still be in romper boots and jeans
But ooh, Amy, youre the girl that wrecks my dreams
Amy, I may not be James Dean
Amy, I may not be nineteen
And I may still be in romper boots and jeans
But ooh, Amy, youre the girl that wrecks my dreams |
When I think of those East End lights, muggy nights
The curtains drawn in the little room downstairs
Prima Donna lord you really should have been there
Sitting like a princess perched in her electric chair
And its one more beer and I dont hear you anymore
Weve all gone crazy lately
My friends out there rolling round the basement floor
And someone saved my life tonight sugar bear
You almost had your hooks in me didnt you dear
You nearly had me roped and tied
Altar-bound, hypnotized
Sweet freedom whispered in my ear
Youre a butterfly
And butterflies are free to fly
Fly away
High away
Bye bye
I never realized the passing hours of evening showers
A slip noose hanging in my darkest dreams
Im strangled by your haunted social scene
Just a pawn out-played by a dominating queen
Its four oclock in the morning
Damn it! Listen to me good
Im sleeping with myself tonight
Saved in time, thank God my musics still alive
And someone saved my life tonight, sugar bear
You almost had your hooks in me
Didnt you, dear?
You nearly had me roped and tied
Altar-bound, hypnotized
Sweet freedom whispered in my ear
Youre a butterfly
And butterflies are free to fly
Fly away
High away
And I would have walked head on
Into the deep end of the river
Clinging to your stocks and bonds
Paying your H.P. demands forever
Theyre coming in the morning with a truck to take me home
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
So save your strength and run the field you play alone
And someone saved my life tonight sugar bear
You almost had your hooks in me
Didnt you, dear?
You nearly had me roped and tied
Altar-bound, hypnotized
Sweet freedom whispered in my ear
Youre a butterfly
And butterflies are free to fly
Fly away
High away
Someone saved, someone saved
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved, someone saved
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved, someone saved
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved, someone saved
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved, someone saved
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved, someone saved
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved, someone saved
Someone saved my life tonight |
I took myself a blue canoe
And I floated like a leaf
Dazzling, dancing half enchanted
In my Merlin sleep
Crazy was the feeling
Restless were my eyes
Insane, they took the paddles
My arms they paralyzed
So where to now, St. Peter?
If its true, Im in your hands
I may not be a Christian
But Ive done all one man can
I understand Im on the road
Where all that was is gone
So where to now, St. Peter?
Show me which road Im on
Which road Im on
It took a sweet young foreign gun
This lazy life is short
Something for nothing always ending
With a bad report
Dirty was the daybreak
Sudden was the change
In such a silent place as this
Beyond the rifle range
I took myself a blue canoe |
What do I gotta do to make you love me?
What do I gotta do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I hate to find that youre not there
What do I do to make you want me?
What do I gotta do to be heard?
What do I say when its all over?
And sorry seems to be the hardest word
Its sad , so sad
Its a sad, sad situation
And its getting more and more absurd
Its sad , so sad
Why cant we talk it over?
Oh, it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word
Some dessert, sir?
Yeah, um, two chocolate puddings, an apple pie and a raspberry fool, please
Any ice cream?
Uh, yeah, all of em
Excellent choice |
Staring all alone and your grace and style
Cut me to the bone with your razor blade smile
I watched you playing pool
Its all around the school that I love you
I love your gypsy hair and dark brown eyes
Always unprepared for your pointed replies
Cynical and lean
I lie awake and dream about you
If you only knew what Im going through
Time and again I get ashamed to say your name
Its hard to grin and bear when youre standing there
My lips are dry, I catch your eye and look away
Sitting in my room, Ive got it bad
Crying for the moon, they think Im mad
They say it isnt real but I know what I feel and I love you
If you only knew what Im going through
Time and again I get ashamed to say your name
Its hard to grin and bear when youre standing there
My lips are dry, I catch your eye and look away
Sitting in my room, Ive got it bad
Crying for the moon, they think Im mad
But I would give my life for a single night beside you |
Au matin de ta vie sur la planète
Ébloui par le dieu soleil
À l’infini tu t’éveilles aux merveilles
De la terre qui t’attendent et t’appellent
Tu auras tant de choses à voir
Pour franchir la frontière du savoir
Recueillir l’héritage
Qui vient du fond des âges
Dans l’harmonie d’une chaîne d’amour
C’est l’histoire de la vie
Le cycle éternel
Qu’un enfant béni
Rend immortel
La ronde infinie
De ce cycle éternel
C’est l’histoire
L’histoire de la vie |
I could really get off being in your shoes
I used to be stone sold on rhythm and blues
A heard of a place at the back of town
Where you really kick the shit when the sun goes down
I really got buzzed when your sister said
Throw away them records `cause the blues is dead
Let me take you, honey, where the scenes on fire
And tonight I learned for certain that the blues expired
Oh, your sister cant twist but she can rock and roll
She out-bucks the broncos in the rodeo-do
Shes only sixteen but its plain to see
She can pull the wool over little old me
Your sister cant twist but she can rock and roll
Your sister cant twist but she got more soul than me
Somebody help me because the bug bit me
Now Im in heaven with the aching feet
But Ill be back tonight where the music plays
And your sister rocks all my blues away
I really got buzzed when your sister said
Throw away them records `cause the blues is dead
Let me take you, honey, where the scenes on fire
And tonight I learned for certain that the blues expired
Oh, your sister cant twist but she can rock and roll
She out-bucks the broncos in the rodeo-do
Shes only sixteen but its plain to see
She can pull the wool over little old me
Your sister cant twist but she can rock and roll
Your sister cant twist but she got more soul than me
Oh, your sister cant surf but she can rock and roll
She out-bucks the broncos in the rodeo-do
Shes only sixteen but its plain to see
She can pull the wool over little old me
Your sister cant twist but she can rock and roll
Your sister cant twist but she got more soul than me
Oh, your sister cant twist but she can rock and roll
She out-bucks the broncos in the rodeo-do
Shes only sixteen but its plain to see
She can pull the wool over little old me
Your sister cant twist but she can rock and roll
Your sister cant twist but she got more soul than me |
Its a little bit funny this feeling inside
Im not one of those who can easily hide I
Dont have much money but boy if I did
Id buy a big house where we both could live
If I was a sculptor but then again no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
Oh I know its not much but its the best I can do
My gift is my song
And this ones for you
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that its done
I hope you dont mind
I hope you dont mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while youre in the world
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well theyve got me quite cross
But the suns been quite kind
While I wrote this song
Its for people like you that
Keep it turned on
So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see Ive forgotten
If theyre green or theyre blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes Ive ever seen
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but
Now that its done
I hope you dont mind
I hope you dont mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while youre in the world
I hope you dont mind
I hope you dont mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while youre in the world |
And now that its all over
The birds can nest again
Ill only snow when the sun comes out
Ill shine only when it starts to rain
And if you want a drink
Just squeeze my hand
And wine will flow into the land
And feed my lambs
For I am a mirror
I can reflect the moon
I will write songs for you
Ill be your silver spoon
Im sorry I took your time
I am the poem that doesnt rhyme
Just turn back a page
Ill waste away
Ill waste away
Ill waste away
Ill waste away
Ill waste away
Ill waste away |
Well I guess it would be nice, if I could touch your body
I know not everybody, has got a body like me baby
But I gotta think twice, before I give my heart away
Cause I know all the games you play
Cause I play them too baby
Oh but I need some time off, from that emotion
Time to pick my heart up off the floor
When our love comes down, with that devotion
Gonna take a strong man baby, but Im
Showin you that door, cause I gotta have - faaaiith
Baby baby baby, uhh
I know youre askin me to stay
Say Please, please, please dont go away
Because Im givin you the blues baby baby baby uhh
You like me, but all them words you say
I cant help but think of yesterday
And another who tied me down to the leather board please
Before this weather, becomes that notion
Fore you pick my heart up off the floor
When our loves come down, with that devotion
Gonna take a strong man baby, but Im
Showin you that door, cause I gotta have - faaaiith
Can you walk like a pimp, is your Bizkit Limp?
I got Faith like Miss Evans, make you run like the reverend
Will Smith you get Jiggy, yo Ill stick Biggie
Its Life After Death and I be livin proof
The roof is on fire, it cant get much higher
Im rockin this spot so hot, youve expired
You call me a liar, I might get upset
Kick a hole in the speaker, pull the plug then I jet
Before this weather, becomes that notion
Fore you pick my heart up off the floor
When our loves come down, with that devotion
Gonna take a strong man baby, but Im
Showin you that door, cause I gotta have - faaaiith
Showin you that door, cause I gotta have - faaaiith
Faaaiith |
C’est moi Simba, c’est moi le roi
Du royaume animal
C’est la première fois qu’on voit un roi
Avec si peu de poils
Je vais faire dans la cour des grands
Une entrée triomphale
En poussant, très royalement
Un rugissement bestial
Majesté, tu ne te mouches pas du coude !
Je voudrais déjà être roi !
Tu as encore un long chemin à faire
Votre altesse, tu peux me croire
Au roi, on ne dit pas...
D’ailleurs quand je dis ça...
Tiens ta langue et tais-toi
Ce que j’essaie de dire c’est...
Surtout ne fais pas ça !
Il faut que tu comprennes que...
Reste ici, assieds-toi
Restez ici !
Sans jamais dire où je vais
Ce lion a une tête de mule...
Je veux faire ce qui me plaît
Il est grand temps votre grandeur
Qu’on parle de coeur à coeur
Le roi n’a que faire
Des conseils d’une vieille corneille
Si tu confonds la monarchie avec la tyrannie
Vive la république, adieu l’Afrique
Je ferme la boutique
Prends garde Lion, ne te trompe pas de voie
Je voudrais déjà être roi !
Regardez bien à l’ouest
Regardez bien à l’est
Mon pouvoir, sans conteste
Et sans frontières
Pas encore !
C’est une rumeur qui monte jusqu’au ciel
Les animaux répandent la nouvelle
Simba sera le nouveau roi soleil
Je voudrais déjà être roi !
Je voudrais déjà être roi !
Je voudrais déjà être roi ! |
Grandma, do you really not remember about granddad?
Course I do!
How could I forget your granddad, Billy
We were married thirty-three year
So what was like like
He was a complete . . . Bastard!
I hated the sod - for thirty-three year
We should never have married of that Im quite clear
He spent the housekeeping money on whiskey and beer
And never lifted a finger
Times were hard, but the swine rolled back pissed
So wed fight and hed swing and he rarely missed
So Id clobber the sod when he couldnt resist:
Asleep, you cant lift a finger
But wed go dancing
And hed hold me tight
He was air, He was water, He was breath, He was light
And he would hold me there, with all his might
And it was bliss for an hour or so
But then they called time to go
And in the morning we were sober
O hed drink and hed talk just like a fool
Lie like a bairn and snore like a mule
Rarely was sober, pretty much was the rule
And he never lifted a finger
I suppose times were hard, things were different then
Women were women and men, they were men
Seventeen, that was it, your life ended when you had a ring around your finger
But wed go dancing, he was me own Brando
And for a moment there my heart was a-glow
We had dust in our hair and nowhere to go
Boo we were free for an hour or three
From the people we had to be
But in the morning we were sober
But if I went through my time again
Oh Id do it without the help of men
Or at least your Grandad
But then again, you know
Best not to linger
What is the use of dreaming now?
I had my chance, well anyhow
If Id only known then what I know now
Idve given them all the finger
And gone dancing, and not give a shit
And spin around and reel and love each bit
And Id dance alone and enjoy it
And Id be me for an entire life
Instead of somebodys wife
And I never would be sober
And I never would be sober |
We all lead such elaborate lives
Wild ambitions in our sights
How an affair of the heart survives
Days apart and hurried nights
Seems quite unbelievable to me
I dont want to live like that
Seems quite unbelievable to me
I dont want to love like that
I just want our time to be
Slower and gentler, wiser, free
We all live in extravagant times
Playing games we cant all win
Unintended emotional crimes
Take some out take others in
Too many choices tear us apart
I dont want to live like that
Too many choices tear us apart
I dont want to love like that
I just want to keep your heart
May this confession be the start
I know youll give me courage
To face what I must face
With all these complications
In another time and place
We all lead such elaborate lives
We dont know whose words are true
An affair of the heart survives
All the pain this world can do
Im so tired of all were going through
I dont want to live like that
Im so tired of all were going through
I dont want to love like that
I just want to be with you
Now and forever peaceful, true |
Whats this?
Its a letter
I can see its a letter
You can open it if you want
Thank God for that, the suspense was killing me
Its from me mum
Your mum?
She wrote it for us when I was eighteen, but since I couldnt wait
I see
You can read it if you want
Read it out
Dear Billy
I must seem a distant memory
Which is...
Which is probably a good thing
And it will have been a long-
Long time
And I will have missed you growing
And Ill have missed you crying
And Ill have missed you laugh
Missed your stomping and your shouting
I have missed telling you off
But please, Billy
Know that I was always there
I was with you through everything
And please, Billy...
But please, Billy
Know that I will always be
Proud to have known you
Proud that you were mine
Proud in everything
And you must promise me this, Billy
In everything you do
Always be yourself, Billy
And you always will be true
And I will have missed you growing
And Ill have missed you crying
And Ill have missed you laugh
Missed your stomping and your shouting
I have missed telling you off
But please, Billy
Know that I was always there
I was with you through everything
And please, Billy
Know that I will always be
Proud to have known you
Love you forever
Love you forever
Mam |
Six oclock alarm
I get the wake up call
Let that sucker jingle-jangle
Ring right off the wall
Im too low for zero
Im too tired to work
Tied one on with a friend last night
And wound up losing my shirt
Im too low for zero
Im on a losing streak
I got myself in a bad patch lately
I cant seem to get much sleep
Im too low for zero
I wind up counting sheep
Nothing seems to make much sense
Its all just Greek to me
You know Im too low, too low, too low for zero
You know Im too low, too low, too low for zero
Cutting out cups of coffee
Switching off the late night news
Putting the cat out two hours early
It isnt any use
Im too low for zero
Insomnia attacks
Watching flies with my eyes till sunrise
Its daylight when I hit the sack
Im too low for zero
Im on a losing streak
I got myself in a bad patch lately
I cant seem to get much sleep
Im too low for zero
I wind up counting sheep
Nothing seems to make much sense
Its all just Greek to me
Cutting out cups of coffee
Switching off the late night news
Putting the cat out two hours early
It isnt any use
Im too low for zero
Insomnia attacks
Watching flies with my eyes till sunrise
Its daylight when I hit the sack
Im too low for zero
Im on a losing streak
I got myself in a bad patch lately
I cant seem to get much sleep
Im too low for zero
I wind up counting sheep
Nothing seems to make much sense
Its all just Greek to me
Cutting out cups of coffee
Switching off the late night news
Putting the cat out two hours early
It isnt any use
Im too low for zero
Insomnia attacks
Watching flies with my eyes till sunrise
Its daylight when I hit the sack |
When youre standing on the side of a hill
Feeling like your day may be done
Here it comes, the strawberry smog
Chasing away the sun
Dont let those precious moments fool you
Happiness is getting you down
A rainbow never smiles or blinks
Its just a candy colored frown
You were going on at half-past seven
Now its going on a quarter to nine
All the angels want to know
Are you lost or treading water?
And youre going on your fifteenth bender
But youve only got a matter of time
Yes weve all got seeds to sow
Not everyones got lambs to slaughter
When the night wind starts to turn
Into the ocean breeze
And the dew drops sting and burn
Like angry honey bees
That is when youll hear the song falling from the sky
Happy yesterday to all
We were born to die
Sometimes youre filled with the notion
The afterlifes a moment away
You want to tell someone the way that you feel
But then you aint got nothing to say
You fight for freedom from devotion
A battle that will always begin
With somebody giving you a piece of advice;
By the way youre living in sin
Now theres never gonna be an intermission
But therell always be a closing night
Never entertain those visions
Lest you may have packed your baggage
First impressions are cheap auditions
Situations are long goodbyes
Truth so often living dormant
Good luck walks and bullshit flies
When the headlights guide your way
You know the place is right
When the treetops sing and sway
Dont go to sleep tonight
That is when you see the sign
Luminous and high:
Tomorrows not what it used to be
We were born to die
Happy yesterday to all
We were born to die |
Seems as though I’ve lived my life on the bad side of the moon
Just stir your dregs and sitting still, without a rustic spoon
Now come on people live with me, where the light has never shown
And the harlots flock like hummingbirds, speaking in a foreign tongue
This is my life, this is my life, this is my life, my life
This is my life, this is my life, this is my life, my life
Seems as though I’ve lived my life on the bad side of the moon
Just stir your dregs and sitting still, without a rustic spoon
Now come on people live with me, where the light has never shown
And the harlots flock like hummingbirds, speaking in a foreign tongue
I’m a light world away, from the people who make me stay
Sitting on the bad side of the moon
There ain’t no need for watchdogs here, to justify or ways
We lived our lives in manacles, the main cause of our stay
And exiled here from other worlds, my sentence comes to soon
Why should I be made to pay on the bad side of the moon?
I’m a light world away, from the people who make me stay
Sitting on the bad side of the moon |
The problem is for many years
Ive lived my life publicly
So its hard for me to find a man I trust
I really trust
And every time I find someone I like, gotta worry about
If its really me that they see
And I thought you were the one, ohhhh...
Deep inside I wish that you could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that you could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
I dont have a lot of friends
And sometimes I have to wonder
Is it cash they see when they look at me?
Cause theyre lookin for a ride thats free
So I made the choice to be
Good to those who are good to me
Dont judge me or think Im bitter
For the evil does allow me to see Im just Mary
Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary
Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary
Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary
Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary
Deep inside I wish that you could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that they could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that you could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that they could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
The car i drive, the clothes i wear
The diamonds, the furs, and the house
Dont make the woman
Material things dont mean nothing to me
So, I need someone to stand by me and supply my needs
And Im just plain ol Mary
Why cant you love the person inside, and stop lookin outside
Deep inside I wish that they could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that they could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that you could see
If I could give you something else
But I cant give you nothing but me all day and all night
Im just Mary, Mary, Mary
Deep inside I wish that you could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that you could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Deep inside I wish that you could see
That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary |
Baby, so they give you anythin
Darlin, all the joy money can bring
Baby, do they bring you happiness
Darlin, youre no different from the rest
Cant you see that its love you really need
Take my hand, and Ill show what a love could be
Before its too late
Mama dont want you, daddy dont want you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont need you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Baby, fancy friends show you a smile
Darlin, rich relations for a while
Baby, I can only give you love
Darlin, a-this old heart should be enough
All I need is a chance to make you mine
Let me in, oh, Ill change the way you feel inside
Before its too late
Mama dont want you, daddy dont want you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont need you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont want you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont need you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont want you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont need you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont want you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont need you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont want you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love
Mama dont want you, daddy dont need you
Give it up, baby, baby, mama cant buy you love |
The more I learn, the more I see
The less the world impassions me
The hungry heart, the roving eye
Have come to rest, do not apply
The frantic chase, the crazy ride
The thrill has gone, I step aside
And Id believe in anything were it not for you
Showing me by just existing only this is true
I love you, I love you without question, I love you
The more I want the more I steal
The more I hold the less is real
All worldly things I follow blind
In hope not faith was paid in kind
The line is drawn, the change is made
I come to you, Im not afraid
And Id believe in anything were it not for you
Showing me by just existing only this is true
I love you, I love you without question, I love you
Id believe in anything were it not for you
Showing me by just existing only this is true
I love you, I love you without question, I love you |
You could never know what its like
Your blood like a winter freezes just like ice
And theres a cold lonely light that shines from you
Youll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use
And did you think this fool could never win
Well look at me, Imma coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
But if you need to know while Im still standing
You just fade away
Dont you know Im still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
Im still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
Im still standing, yeah yeah yeah
Im still standing, yeah yeah yeah
Once I never could hope to win
You starting down the road leaving me again
The threats you made were meant to cut me down
And if our love was just a circus
Youd be a clown by now
Dont you know Im still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
Im still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
Im still standing, yeah yeah yeah
Im still standing, yeah yeah yeah
Dont you know, Im still standing
Better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor
Feeling like a little kid
Im still standing
After all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
Im still standing
Yeah! yeah! yeah!
Im still standing
Yeah! yeah! yeah!
Im still standing
Yeah! yeah! yeah!
Im still standing
Yeah! yeah! yeah!
Im still standing
Yeah! yeah! yeah!
Im still standing
Yeah! yeah! yeah!
Im still standing |
I was sitting in the classroom
Trying to look intelligent
In case the teacher looked at me
She was long and she was lean, shes a middle-aged dream
And that lady means the whole world to me
Its a natural achievement
Conquering my homework
With her image pounding in my brain
Shes an inspiration for my graduation
And she helps to keep the classroom sane
Oh, teacher, I need you like a little child
You got something in you to drive a schoolboy wild
You give me education in the lovesick blues
Help me get straight, come out and say
Teacher I, teacher I, teacher I, teacher, I need you
I have to write a letter, ooh
Tell about my feelings
Just to let her know the scene
Focus my attention on some further education
In connection with the birdies and the bees
Oh, so Im sitting in the classroom, woo!
Im looking like a zombie
Im waiting for the bell to ring
Ive got John Wayne stances, Ive got Erroll Flynn advances
And it doesnt mean a doggoned thing
Oh, teacher, I need you like a little child
You got something in you to drive a schoolboy wild
You give me education in the lovesick blues
Help me get straight come out and say
Teacher I, teacher I, teacher I, teacher, I need you
Oh teacher I need you like a little child
You got something in you to drive a schoolboy wild
You give me education in the lovesick blues
Help me get straight come out and say
Teacher I, teacher I, teacher I, teacher, I need you |
Jeg ka se det komme
Det vil de ikke tro
De blir et par og resultatet er
Vores trio blir til to
Der romatik i luften
Og trolddom overalt
Sådan som de to hvisker ka jeg se
Det her det ender galt
Føl hvordan dit liv blir fyldt
Med glæde, ro og fred
For denne nat, er helt vidunderlig
Og skabt til kærlighed
Hvordan kan jeg forklare
Hvordan sku hun forstå
Og hvis jeg siger alt, umuligt
Hun vil vende sig og gå
Han holder noget hemligt
Han ikke ka få sagt
Jeg ved han er en konge inden i
Han har en konges magt
Føl hvordan dit liv blir fyldt
Med glæde, ro og fred
For denne nat
Er helt vidunderlig
Og skabt til kærlighed
Føl hvordan dit liv blir fyldt
Hvordan naturens fred
Pibler ud af nattens trylleri
Alt er kærlighed
Og hvis han nu forelsker sig
Er det klart som blæk
De glade dage
Med os to er forbi
Og vores ven er væk |
I grew up in your hometown, at least began to grow
I hadnt got to my first shave before the body blow
Egyptians in the courtyard, my family in chains
You witnessed our abduction, which possibly explains
How I know you
How I know you
Before that fateful morning, my family enjoyed
A privileged existence, for my father was employed
As advisor to the King, no less, which surely rings a bell
For as you are his daughter, you probably can tell
How I know you
Yes, I know you
You know too much, and what you say is better left unknown
And now Im just a slave like you, our lives our not our own
I never have abandoned, and nor I think could you
That spark of hope for freedom no terror can subdue
My only hope is silence, youve never seen my face
No, you remain a princess in any time or place
You dont know me
Yes, I know you
You dont know me
How I know you
How I know you |
Gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip
I heard it in the night, words that thoughtless speak
Like vultures swooping down below on the devils radio
I hear it through the day, airwaves getting filled
With gossip broadcast to and fro on the devils radio
Oh yeah, gossip, gossip, oh yeah
Hes in the clubs and bars and never turns it down
Talking about what he dont know on the devils radio
Hes in your TV set, wont give it a rest
That soul betraying so and so, the devils radio
Gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip
Oh yeah, gossip, gossip, oh yeah
Gossip, oh yeah, oh yeah, gossip
Its white and black like industrial waste
Pollution of the highest degree
You wonder why I dont hang out much
I wonder how you cant see
Hes in the films and songs and on all your magazines
Its everywhere that you may go, the devils radio
Oh yeah, gossip, gossip, oh yeah
Runs thick and fast, no one really sees
Quite what bad it can do
As it shapes you into something cold
Like an Eskimo igloo
Its all across our lives like a weed its spread
Until nothing else has space to grow, the devils radio
Can creep up in the dark, make us hide behind shades
And buzzing like a dynamo, the devils radio
Gossip, oh yeah, gossip, oh yeah, gossip
Gossip, gossip, gossip, oh yeah, gossip
I heard you on Satans wireless, gossip, oh yeah
You know the devils radio, child, gossip
Gossip, gossip, gossip |
Seen him playing in his backyard
Young boy just starting out
So much history in this landscape
So much confusion, so much doubt
Been there drinking on that front porch
Angry kids, mean and dumb
Looks like a painting, that blue skyline
God hates fags where we come from
Western skies dont make it right
Home of the brave dont make no sense
Ive seen a scarecrow wrapped in wire
Left to die on a high ridge fence
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold wind blowing, Wyoming
See two coyotes run down a deer
Hate what we dont understand
You pioneers give us your children
But its your blood that stains their hands
Somewhere that road forks up ahead
To ignorance and innocence
Three lives drift on different winds
Two lives ruined, one life spent
Western skies dont make it right
Home of the brave dont make no sense
Ive seen a scarecrow wrapped in wire
Left to die on a high ridge fence
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold wind blowing, Wyoming
Somewhere that road forks up ahead
To ignorance and innocence
Three lives drift on different winds
Two lives ruined, one life spent
Western skies dont make it right
Home of the brave dont make no sense
Ive seen a scarecrow wrapped in wire
Left to die on a high ridge fence
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold wind blowing, Wyoming
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold, cold wind
Its a cold wind blowing, Wyoming |
Dont go breaking my heart babe
I couldnt if I tried
Honey, if I get restless
Baby, youre not that kind
Dont go breaking my heart babe
You take the weight off of me babe
Ooh baby, when you knocked on my door
Oh I, I gave you my key
Yeah, yeah ooh, nobody knows it
When I was down
I was your clown
Ooh, nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart, ohh oh
I gave you my heart, yeah
And nobody told us
Oh cause nobody showed us, no
And now its up to us babe
Oh yeah, I think we can make it, yeah ooh
Dont misunderstand me, no
You put the light in my life, yeah
You put the sparks to the flame
Ive got your heart in my sights, yeah
Ooh, nobody knows it
When I was down
I was your clown
Ooh, oh yeah, nobody knows it
And right from the start
I gave you my heart
Ooh, I gave you my heart, ooh
Dont go breaking my heart, no
Dont go breaking my heart, dont go breaking
Dont go breaking my heart
When I was down
I was your clown
Ooh, dont go breaking my heart, dont go
Dont go breaking my heart, dont go breaking
Dont go breaking my heart
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
Ooh, dont go breaking my heart baby
Dont go breaking my heart
Dont go breaking my heart
Dont go breaking my heart
Yeah, dont go breaking my heart |
Oh ma cameo molesting
Kee pa a poorer for tea
Solar prestige a gammon
Lantern or turbert paw kwee
Solar prestige a gammon
Kool kar kyrie kay salmon
Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin
Cod ee say oo pay a loto
My zeta prestige toupay a floored
Ray indee pako a gammon
Solar prestige a pako can nord
Solar prestige a gammon
Kool kar kyrie kay salmon
Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin
Solar prestige a gammon
Kool kar kyrie kay salmon
Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin |
Feet are feeling light
Head on out to see the sights
Aint life a many splendored thing?
Ducking up and down
All those crazy sights and sounds
Bounce around like puppets on a string
Never gonna find, anything to change my mind
Famous last lines of a fool
Just when you think
Youre chain is just one link
Something comes to tip you off your stool
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
My my, what have we here?
What a surprise, What a surprise!
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Im not alone its good to know
Someones out there to say hello
Do a dizzy dance
Twirl around and take a chance
Nothings easy
Nothing comes for free
Sniffing on a flower
Run through an autumn shower
Im better off with someone else like me
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Oh my my, what have we here?
What a surprise, What a surprise!
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Im not alone its good to know
Someones out there to say hello
And I could fly on the back of a bird
And I can shake all the leaves from a tree
If theres a quest Im a knight
Wheres theres wrong Ill do right
Two is better than the one I used to be
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Oh my my, what have we here?
What a surprise, What a surprise!
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Im not alone its good to know
Someones out there to say hello
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Oh my my, what have we here?
What a surprise, What a surprise!
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Im not alone its good to know
Someones out there to say hello
Hello, hello!
Hello, hello, hello, hello! |
Oh once I was a young man
Looked over vales and hills
Saw myself a future
Of riches and of thrills
But on me fifteenth birthday
I paid my union dues
And they sent me deep into the ground
Oh the winter wind can blow me colder
Oh the summers heat can parch me dry
But Ill not leave here for a fortune
I shall never leave here till I die
Oh once I had a family
Sons to make you proud
They have gone and left me now
And I count the time out loud
For now, I am an old man
Just waiting for my turn
Till they take me back into the ground
Oh the winter wind can blow me colder
Oh the summers heat can parch me dry
But Ill not leave here for a fortune
I shall never leave here till I die
Oh the winter wind can blow me colder
Oh the summers heat can parch me dry
But Ill love these dark, dark hills forever
And I wont leave them until I die
Oh once I loved a woman
She meant all the world to me
Saw ourselves a future
As far as I could see
But I was only forty-seven
When they took her down from me
And buried her deep
Oh the winter wind can blow me colder
Oh the summers heat can parch me dry
But Ill love these dark, dark hills forever
And I wont leave them until I die
Merry Christmas, Dad
Merry Christmas, Son |
I pulled out my Stage Coach Times
And I read the latest news
I tapped my feet in dumb surprise
And of course I saw they knew
The Pinkertons pulled out my bags
And asked me for my name
I stuttered out my answer
And I hung my head in shame
Now theyve found me
At last, theyve found me
Its hard to run
From a starving family
Now theyve found me
Well, I wont run
Im tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Now Ive seen this chain gang
Lord, I say let me see my priest
I couldnt have faced your desert sand
Old burning brown backed beast
The poor house they hit me for my kin
And claimed my crumbling walls
Now I know how Reno felt
When he ran from the law
Now theyve found me
At last, theyve found me
Its hard to run
From a starving family
Now theyve found me
Well, I wont run
Im tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Now theyve found me
Lord I say at last theyve found me
Its hard to run
From a starving family
Lord, I say now theyve found me
Well, I wont run
Im tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Lord, I say, now theyve found me
At last theyve found me
Its hard to run
From a starving family
Now theyve found me
And I wont run
Im tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun |
Goodbye Norma Jeane
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in
And I wouldve liked to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Loneliness was tough
The toughest role you ever played
Hollywood created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
Even when you died
Oh the press still hounded you
All the papers had to say
Was that Marilyn was found in the nude
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in
And I wouldve liked to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Goodbye Norma Jeane
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
Goodbye Norma Jeane
From the young man in the 22nd row
Who sees you as something more than sexual
More than just our Marilyn Monroe
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in
And I wouldve liked to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did |
There are ladies, illegal Xs
Mona Lisas, well connected
They may be shady, English roses
Blue blooded, turned up noses
Money talks, see what it catches
Postage paid, no strings attached
Shes a honey, shes a tramp
Roaring twenties, molls and vamps
Wrap her up, Ill take her home with me
Wrap her up, she is all I need
Wrap her up, I only get one chance
Beasts and beauties, but they all can dance
Wrap her up, Ill taker her home with me
Wrap her up, she is all I need
Wrap her up
Give her to me, wrap her up
Is she foreign, legs eleven
Italian girls, take me to heaven
You pretty babies, from Paris, France
Crazy horses, love to dance
Marlene Dietrich
Marilyn Monroe
Brigitte Bardot
Doris Day
Billie Jean
Samantha Fox
Joan Collins
Kiki Dee
Katharine Hepburn
Vivian Leigh
Grace Jones
Priscilla Presley
Vanessa Williams
Doris Franfeld
Nancy Reagan
Rita Hayworth
Petula Clark
Julie Andrews
Annie Lennox
Mata Hari
Shirley Temple
Tallulah Bankhead
Linda Lovelace
Little Eva
Natassia Kinski
Princess Caroline of Monaco
Miss Pat Verness
Elsie Tanner
Wrap her up |
I once knew all the answers
I stood on certain ground
A picture of true happiness
A confidence so effortless
No brighter could be foundOh noI never asked the questions
That trouble me today
I knew all was to know
Love worn lightly, put on show
My conquests on displayI cant believe hes changingAnd whod have thought that confidence could die?Oh noNot me, not meNot me, not meThat all I took for granted was a lieOh noNot me, not me Not me,no not meAnd whod have guessed Id throw my world away
To be with someone Im afraid will sayNot me, not meThis can never be
Hes in love
But hes not the only one
Wholl be changed
Why hasnt Radames come to see me again? Were to be married in three days, and yet... Aida, I must make things right with him!
I shall not envy lovers
But long for what they share
An empty room is merciless
Dont be surprised if I confess
I need some comfort
And whod have thought a love could be so good?
Not me, not me
And show me things I never understood
Not me, not me
And whod have guessed hed throw his world away
To be with someone til his dying day?
Not me, not meAnd whod have
Thought a love
Could be so good? And whod have
Thought a love
Could be so good? No goodNot me
Not meNot me
Not meNot me
Not meMy secrets and
My passions
UnderstoodHis secrets and
His passions
UnderstoodNo goodNot me
Not meNot me
Not meNot me
Not meAnd whod have
Guessed Id throw
My world away
To be with someone
til my dying day?And whod have
Guessed hed throw
His world away
To be with someone
til his dying day?Not me
Not meNot me
Not meThis can
Never beRadames
Not me
Oh, not me |
If youre hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat
Come on down and dine
On this tasty swine
All you have to do is get in line
Are you achin...
Yum, yum, yum!
...for some bacon?
Yum, yum, yum!
Hes a big pig
Yum, yum!
You could be a big pig too
Oy! |
Hold up yall, hold up
Not yet Elton, hold up
Let the beat ride for one second
Go head John
Go head John
I like that
Lets move it out, lets move it out
Break it down like this
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Uh-huh uh-huh
Yeah, yeah
Lets move it out like this
Bring it in
I heard that come on and play that back
Im really feelin that cmon lets smash the track
Its just a regularrrrr
Two man show
I heard that come on and play that back
Im really feelin that cmon lets smash the track
Its just a regularrrrr
Two man show
Yeah yeah
Dont it sound good to ya, dont you agree?
Yeah yeah
Dont it sound good to ya, dont you agree?
Yeah yeah
Say what?
Break it down for me
Slow it up
Cmon Elton, break it down
Elton, what, huh?
I heard that come on and play that back
Im really feelin that cmon lets smash the track
Its just a regularrrrr
Two man show
I heard that come on and play that back
Im really feelin that cmon lets smash the track
Its just a regularrrrr
Two man show
Dont it sound good to ya, dont you agree?
Dont it sound GOOD to ya, dont you agree?
Just switch it up right here
Yeah, I like that
Gimme that, gimme that
{whispering} I like that~!
Cmon Elton, take me to the higher levels
Go higher than that baby
Switch it up...
I like that! Huh, huh
Kill em
Yeah, ease it out for em
I like that
Now grab your cigar, grab your lady
Hug her tight and tell her that you love her
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Its been a pleasure yall
Shock Value, is now, officially over
Me, and Elton John, signin out |
I’m countin on a memory to get me outta here
I’m waitin for the fog around this spooky little town to clear
All this time I’ve spent bein someone else’s friend
Just one more time, for old time’s sake, I’d like to go back home again
The world had seven wonders once upon a time
It’s sure enough the favoured nations aided their decline
And all around me, I’ve seen times like it was back when
But like back then, I’d say amen if I could get back home again
If I could go back home, if I could go back home
If I’d never left, I’d never have known
We all dream of leavin, but wind up in the end
Spendin all our time tryin to get back home again
Couldve been a jailbreak and the spotlight hittin me
Or was I just some nightclub singer, back in 1963
In the old part of Valencia on the coast of Spain
Never tirin once of hearin songs about goin home again
If I could go back home, if I could go back home
If I’d never left, I’d never have known
We all dream of leavin, but wind up in the end
Spendin all our time tryin to get back home again
If I could go back home, if I could go back home
If I’d never left, I’d never have known
We all dream of leavin, but wind up in the end
Spendin all our time tryin to get back home again |
You might think youve peeped the scene
You havent, the real ones far too mean
The watered-down one, the one you know
Was made up centuries ago
They made it sound all wack and corny
Yes, its awful blasted boring
Twisted fictions, sick addiction
Well, gather round, children, zip it, listen
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I fantasized bout this back in Chicago
Mercy, mercy me, that Murciélago
Thats me the first year that I blow
How you say broke in Spanish? Mi no hablo
Me drown sorrow in that Diablo
Me found bravery in my bravado
DJs need to listen to the models
You aint got no fuckin Yeezy in your Serato?
Stupid, but what the hell do I know?
Im just a Chi-Town nigga with a Nas flow
And my bitch in that new Phoebe Philo
So much head, I woke up to Sleepy Hollow
Can we get much higher?
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
Look like a fat booty Celine Dion
Sex is on fire, Im the King of Leona Lewis
Beyond the truest
Hey, teacher, teacher, tell me how do you respond to students?
And refresh the page and restart the memory?
Re-spark the soul and rebuild the energy?
We stopped the ignorance, we killed the enemy
Sorry for the night demons that still visit me
The plan was to drink until the pain over
But whats worse, the pain or the hangover?
Fresh air, rollin down the window
Too many Urkels on your team, thats why your wins low
Dont make me pull the toys out, huh
Dont make me pull the toys
And fire up the engines
And then they make noise
Can we get much higher?
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
At the mall, there was a seance
Just kids, no parents
Then the sky filled with herons
Saw the devil in a Chrysler LeBaron
And the hell, it wouldnt spare us
And the fires did declare us
But after that, took pills, kissed an heiress
And woke up back in Paris
Can we get much higher?
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
Can we get much higher?
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
- The company is introducing strategies for the middling European market. Last year the company profited 340-million euros, which was a 5-percent raise. Fires are raging today, causing major damage in the local area forests. The specific cause is believed to be a comet that landed in the forests starting these fires. Local fire departments are working hard to control this situation. We are working to bring you more details in the hours to come
- First rule in this world baby, dont pay attention to anything you see in the news
Aint no question if I want it, I need it
I can feel it slowly drifting away from me
Im on the edge, so why you playing? Im saying
I will never ever let you live this down, down, down
Not for nothing, Ive foreseen it, I dreamed it
I can feel it slowly drifting away from me
No more chances, if you blow this, you bogus
I will never ever let you live this down, down, down
Penitentiary chances, the devil dances
And eventually answers to the call of autumn
All them fallin for the love of ballin
Got caught with thirty rocks, the cop look like Alec Baldwin
Inter-century anthems based off inner-city tantrums
Based off the way we was branded
All of the lights
Lights, lights
All of the lights
Turn up the lights in here, baby
Extra bright, I want yall to see this
Turn up the lights in here, baby
You know what I need, want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights
Fast cars, shooting stars
All of the lights, all of the lights
Until its Vegas everywhere we are
If you want it, you can get it for the rest of your life
If you want it, you can get it for the rest of your life
Somethin wrong, I hold my head
MJ gone, our nigga dead
I slapped my girl, she called the feds
I did that time and spent that bread
Im heading home, Im almost there
Im on my way, heading up the stairs
To my surprise, a nigga replacing me
I had to take him to that ghetto university
, lights
Cop lights, flashlights, spotlights
Strobe lights, street lights
Fast life, drug life, thug life
Rock life every night
Turn up the lights in here, baby
Extra bright, I want yall to see this
Turn up the lights in here, baby
You know what I need, want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights
I love it, though
I love it, though, huh, you know?
Uh, put your hands to the constellations
The way you look should be a sin, you my sensation
I know Im preachin to the congregation
We love Jesus, but you done learned a lot from Satan
I mean, a nigga did a lot of waiting
We aint married, but tonight I need some consummation
May the Lord forgive us, may the gods be with us
In that magic hour, I seen good Christians
Make brash decisions, oh, she do it
What happened to religion? Oh, she lose it
She putting on her makeup, she casually allure
Text message break-ups, the casualty of tour
How she gon wake up and not love me no more?
I thought I was the asshole, I guess its rubbin off
Hood phenomenon, the LeBron of rhyme
Hard to be humble when you stunting on a jumbotron
Im looking at her like, This what you really wanted, huh?
Why we argue anyway? Oh, I forgot, its summertime
Put your hands to the constellations
The way you look should be a sin, you my sensation
I know Im preachin to the congregation
We love Jesus, but she done learned a lot from Satan
Satan, Satan, Satan
I mean, a nigga did a lot of waiting
We aint married, but tonight I need some consummation
When the sun go down, its the magic hour, the magic hour
And outta all the colors thatll fill up the skies
You got green on your mind, I can see it in your eyes
Why you standing there with your face screwed up?
Dont leave while youre hot, thats how Mase screwed up
Throwin shit around, the whole place screwed up
Maybe I should call Mase so he could pray for us
I hit the Jamaican spot, at the bar, take a seat
I ordered the jerk, she said you are what you eat
You see, I always loved that sense of humor
But tonight, you should have seen how quiet the room was
The Lyor Cohen of Dior Homme
Thats Dior Homme, not Dior, homie
The crib Scarface, could it be more Tony?
You love me for me, could you be more phony?
Put your hands to the constellations
The way you look should be a sin, you my sensation
- Your girlfriend is really beautiful
- Thank you
- Do you know shes a bird?
- Nah, I never noticed that
- I mean like, leave the monkey in the zoo
And I always find, yeah, I always find something wrong
You been puttin up with my shit just way too long
Im so gifted at finding what I dont like the most
So I think its time for us to have a toast
Lets have a toast for the douchebags
Lets have a toast for the assholes
Lets have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Lets have a toast for the jerk-offs
Thatll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
She find pictures in my email
I sent this bitch a picture of my dick
I dont know what it is with females
But Im not too good at that shit
See, I could have me a good girl
And still be addicted to them hoodrats
And I just blame everything on you
At least you know thats what Im good at
And I always find, yeah, I always find
Yeah, I always find something wrong
You been puttin up with my shit just way too long
Im so gifted at finding what I dont like the most
So I think its time for us to have a toast
Lets have a toast for the douchebags
Lets have a toast for the assholes
Lets have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Lets have a toast for the jerk-offs
Thatll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
Run away from me, baby
Ah, run away
Run away from me, baby
Run away
When it starts to get crazy
Then run away
Babe, I got a plan, run away as fast as you can
Run away from me, baby
Run away
Run away from me, baby
Run away
When it starts to get crazy
Why cant she just run away?
Baby, I got a plan
Run away as fast as you can
Twenty-four seven, three sixty-five, pussy stays on my mind
I-I-I-I did it, alright, alright, I admit it
Now pick your next move, you could leave or live with it
Ichabod Crane with that motherfuckin top off
Split and go where? Back to wearing knockoffs?
Haha, knock it off, Neimans, shop it off
Lets talk over mai tais, waitress, top it off
Hoes like vultures, wanna fly in your Freddy loafers
You cant blame em, they aint never seen Versace sofas
Every bag, every blouse, every bracelet
Comes with a price tag, baby, face it
You should leave if you cant accept the basics
Plenty hoes in the baller-nigga matrix
Invisibly set, the Rolex is faceless
Im just young, rich, and tasteless, P
Never was much of a romantic
I could never take the intimacy
And I know I did damage
Cause the look in your eyes is killing me
I guess you knew of that advantage
Cause you could blame me for everything
And I dont know how Ima manage
If one day, you just up and leave
And I always find, yeah, I always find something wrong
You been puttin up with my shit just way too long
Im so gifted at finding what I dont like the most
So I think its time for us to have a toast
Lets have a toast for the douchebags
Lets have a toast for the assholes
Lets have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Lets have a toast for the jerk-offs
Thatll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
Turn the level up if you wanna
Turn the camera on, she a born star
Turn the corners in a foreign car
Call the coroners, do the CPR
She gave that old nigga a ulcer
Her bittersweet taste made his gold teeth ache, uh
Make her knees shake, make a priest faint, uh
Make a nun cum, make her cremate, uh
Move downtown, cop a sweet space, uh
Livin life like we won the sweepstakes, what?
We headed to hell for Heavens sakes, huh
Well, Ima levitate, make the devil wait, yeah
Whose fault?
Lets play the blame game, I love you more
Lets play the blame game for sure
Lets call out names, names, I hate you more
Lets call out names, names for sure
Ill call you bitch for short
As a last resort and my first resort
You call me motherfucker for long
At the end of it, you know we both were wrong
But I love to play the blame game, I love you more
Lets play the blame game for sure
- Can I ask you a question?
- Of course, babe
- All of the statues that we see, where do you think they came from?
- I think that, artists carved them, years and years ago
- No. They are Phoenix turned to stone
- Baby, they-
- They are Phoenix turned to stone. Do you know what I hate worst about your world? Anything that is different you try to change. You try to tear it down. You rip the wings off the Phoenix and they turn to stone. And if I dont burn, I will turn to stone
- What do you mean burn?
- If I dont burn I cant go back to my world
- I dont want you to go back to your world. I want you to stay here with me
- I have to burn
- No. Ill never let you burn
Im up in the woods, Im down on my mind
Im building a still to slow down the time
Im up in the woods, Im down on my mind
Im building a still to slow down the time
Im up in the woods, Im down on my mind
Im building a still to slow down the time
Im up in the woods, Im down on my mind
Im building a still to slow down the time
Im up in the woods, Im down on my mind
Im building a still to slow down the time
Im up in the woods, Im down on my mind
Im building a still to slow down the time
Im up in the woods, Im down on my mind
Im building a still, down the time
Im lost in the world, been down my whole life
Im new in the city, and Im down for the night
Down for the night, said shes down for the night
, ooh
Im lost in the world, been down my whole life
Im new in the city, but Im down for the night
Down for the night, down for the night
Youre my devil, youre my angel
Youre my heaven, youre my hell
Youre my now, youre my forever
Youre my freedom, youre my jail
Youre my lies, youre my truth
Youre my war, youre my truce
Youre my questions, youre my proof
Youre my stress and youre my masseuse
Ma-ma-se, ma-ma-se, ma-ma-ku-sa
Lost in this plastic life
Lets break out of this fake-ass party
Turn this into a classic night
If we die in each others arms
Still get laid in the afterlife
If we die in each others arms
Still get laid, yeah, yeah, yeah
Run from the lights, run from the night, run for your life
Im new in the city
Down for the night, down for the night, down for the night
Im lost in the world, been down my whole life
Im new in the city
But Im down for the night, down for the night
Down for the night
Who will survive in America?
Who will survive in America?
Who will survive in America?
Who will survive in America?
Im lost in the world, been down my whole life
Im new in the city
And Im down for the night, down for the night
Im lost in the world, been down my whole life
Im new in the city
But Im down for the night, down for a night
Oh-oh, get down
Us living as we do upside-down
And the new word to have is revolution
People dont even want to hear the preacher spill or spiel
Because Gods whole card has been thoroughly piqued
And America is now blood and tears instead of milk and honey
The youngsters who were programmed to continue fucking up woke up one night
Digging Paul Revere and Nat Turner as the good guys
America stripped for bed and we had not all yet closed our eyes
The signs of truth were tattooed across our often-entered vagina
We learned to our amazement, the untold tale of scandal
Two long centuries buried in the musty vault
Hosed down daily with a gagging perfume
America was a bastard
The illegitimate daughter of the mother country
Whose legs were then spread around the world
And a rapist known as freedom, free-doom
Democracy, liberty, and justice were revolutionary codenames that preceded the bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling
In the mother countrys crotch
What does Webster say about soul?
All I want is a good home and a wife
And a children, and some food to feed them every night
After all is said and done, build a new route to China if theyll have you
Who will survive in America?
Who will survive in America?
Who will survive in America?
Who will survive in America? |
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Desde o dia em que ao mundo chegamos
Caminhamos ao rumo do sol
Há mais coisas pra ver
Mais que a imaginação
Muito mais que o tempo permitir
E são tantos caminhos pra se seguir
E lugares pra se descobrir
E o sol a girar sobre o azul deste céu
Nos mantém neste rio a fluir
É o ciclo sem fim
Que nos guiará
A dor e a emoção
Pela fé e o amor
Até encontrar
O nosso caminho
Neste ciclo, neste ciclo sem fim
É o ciclo sem fim
Que nos guiará
A dor e a emoção
Pela fé e o amor
Até encontrar
O nosso caminho
Neste ciclo, neste ciclo sem fim |
If it came to pass
That they should ask
What could I tell them?
Would they criticize
Behind my back
Maybe I should let them
Oh, if only then and only then
They would understand
Theyd turn a full-blooded city boy
Into a full-blooded city man
If they could face it
I could take it
In their eyes
Oh, I know Id make it
Their tiny minds
And sacred cows, just fake it
Oh, if only then and only then
They would understand
Theyd turn a full-blooded city boy
Into a full-blooded city man
But I know the way
They want me
In the way they publicize
If they could turn
Their focus off
To the image in their eyes
Maybe it would help them
Help them understand
Maybe it would help them
Help them understand
Maybe it would help them
Help them understand
That a full-blooded city boy
Is now a full-blooded city man
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul
Oh, my soul, oh, my soul, oh, my soul |
Well your eyes just havent been the same, Joseph
Are you bad at dealing with the fame, Joseph?
Theres a pale moonshine above you
Do you see both sides? Do they shove you around?
Is the touchstone forcing you to hide, Joseph?
Are the rumors eating you alive, Joseph?
When the holy night is upon you
Will you do whats right? The position is yours
From the temple walls to the New York night
Our decisions rest on a child
When she took her stand, did she hold your hand?
Will your faith stand still or run away?
Run away
When theyve driven you so far
That you think youre gonna drop
Do you wish you were back there
At the carpenter shop?
With the plane and the lathe
The work never drove you mad
Youre a maker, a creator
Not just somebodys dad
From the temple walls to the New York night
Our decisions rest on a man
When I take the stand, will he hold my hand?
Will my faith stand still or run away?
And the desert, its a hell of a place to find heaven
Forty years lost in the wilderness, looking for God
And you climb to the top of the mountain
Looking down on the city where you were born
Better you than me
Better you than me, yeah
Well, the holy night is upon you
Do you see both sides, do they shove you around?
Better you than me, Joseph
Better you than me, Joseph, Joseph
Joseph, Joseph
Better you than me
Well, your eyes just havent been the same, Joseph |
Dont go breakin’ my heart
I couldnt if I tried
Oh, honey, if I get restless
Baby, youre not that kind
Don’t go breakin my heart
You take the weight off of me
Oh, honey, when you knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key
Ooh, nobody knows it
When I was down
I was your clown
Ooh, nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
Oh, I gave you my heart
So dont go breakin my heart
I wont go breakin your heart
Dont go breakin my heart |
Dont come on so cocksure boy
You cant escape your genes
No point in feeling pure boy
Your background intervenes
Listen good and listen straight
Youre not the master of your fate
To this you must be reconciled
Youll always be your fathers child
At times acclaimed, at times reviled
Youll wind up doing just what Ive done
Like father, like son
Dont assume your vices
Get handed down the line
That a parents blood suffices
To condemn the childs design
Ive done wrong, I cant deny
But at least I know that I
Shouldnt blame that on my stock
This may come as quite a shock
Im no chip off any block
I wouldnt wish those words on anyone
Like father, like son
Son youre nervous, take my hand
All is settled, all is planned
Youve got the world at your command
I dont think you understand
I appreciate too well
The squalor at which you excel
It isnt very hard to tell
Evils a distinctive smell
Hes lost all sense of reason, and why?
Some foreign slut
Not only is that treason
Some doors are slamming shut
Just like me hes found that flesh
Can excite but will enmesh
Once we rid him of this blight
Once that harlots out of sight
Then I think hell see the light
He wont walk back to daddy
He will run
Like father, like son
Like Father, like son
Like Father, like son
Like Father, like -
Son |
Im not a rat to be spat on, locked up in this room
Those bars that look towards the sun
At night look towards the moon
Everyday the swallows play in the clouds of love
Make me wish that I had wings, take me high above
And I looked high, saw the empty sky
If I could only, I could only fly
Id drift with them in endless space
But no man flies from this place
At night I lay upon my bench and stare towards the stars
The cold night air comes creeping in and home seems, oh, so far
If only I could swing upon those twinkling dots above
Id look down from the heavens upon the ones I love
And I looked high, saw the empty sky
If I could only, I could only fly
Id drift with them in endless space
But no man flies from this place, fly!
And I looked high, saw the empty sky
If I could only, I could only fly
Id drift with them in endless space
But no man flies from this place, yeah
Hey, the lucky locket hangs around your precious neck
Some luck I ever got with you and I wouldnt like to bet
That sooner or later youll own just one half of this land
By shining your eyes on the wealth of every man, yeah
And I looked high and saw the empty sky
If I could only, I could only fly
Id drift with them in endless space
But no man flies from this place
Fly on
Just send up my love, aint seen nothing but tears
Now Ive got myself in this room for years
I dont see no one, I never see anyone
Anyone, ah yeah
Woo, yeah
I said get down with it, babe
I want you to shh...
Right down now, right down now
Oh... get on now
Get on up now |
From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking step into the sun
Theres more to be seen that could ever be seen
More to do that could ever be done
Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give
In the circle of life
Its the wheel of fortune
Its a leap of faith
Its the band of hope
Til we find our place on the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life
Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with our scars
Theres far too much to take in here
More to find than could ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
In the circle of life
Its the wheel of fortune
Its a leap of faith
Its the band of hope
Til we find our place on the path unwinding
In the circle of life
Its the wheel of fortune
Its a leap of faith
Its the band of hope
Til we find our place on the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life |
I woke up long after dawn
20 years had come and gone
I know when it changed for me
A day in June you came to me
Ive seen through someone elses eyes
With nothin on the other side
Every motel, every town
Pieces scattered all around
Promises that I cant be
Someones heart that I cant keep
Days so long I couldnt speak
Roads so rocky I cant sleep
But Ive seen things so beautiful
All around this broken world
That pale in comparison to you
Caroline Im on my way back home to you
Cant imagine what Im goin through
Without you by my side
Its been a long long time
Oh wont you say a prayer for me
I hope you will remember me
Youre always on my mind
I have seen the canyon lands
Crooked lines like in your hands
Youd swear the earth was split in two
I wouldnt lie I promise you
That I have seen it, you will too
You could not believe if not for
Photographs I took for you, Caroline
Theyve built towers to the sky
It hurts sometimes to watch them try
They run themselves into the ground
But I know you will love them
And their city lights and city sounds
Theres beauty in the struggle
Anytime I feel it get me down
I see you smiling
Caroline, Im on my way back home to you
Cant imagine what Im goin through
Without you by my side
Its been a long long time
Oh wont you say a prayer for me
I hope you will remember me
Youre always on my mind
My Caroline
Now I have seen things in the sky
Stars and lights and birds and I
Ive been rocky mountain high
And told them all about you
Because you are still the only thing
That constantly amazes me
I love the road and Ive been blessed
But I love you best
Caroline, Im on my way back home to you
Cant imagine what Im goin through
Without you by my side
Its been a long long time
Oh wont you say a prayer for me
I hope you will remember me
Youre always on my mind
You were always on my mind
My Caroline |
Hakuna Matata ! Mais quelle phrase magnifique !
Hakuna Matata ! Quel chant fantastique !
Ces mots signifient que tu vivras ta vie
Sans aucun souci - philosophie
Hakuna Matata !
Hakuna Matata ?
Bah oui, cest notre vieux credo !
Cest quoi un credo ?
Cest Pumbaa le vieux crado !
Cest fastoche. Ces deux mots régleront tous tes problèmes
Cest vrai ! Tiens Pumbaa par exemple
Eh bien... Ce très jeune phacochère...
Jétais jeune et phacochère
Bel organe
Un jour, quelle horreur, il comprit que son odeur
Au lieu de sentir la fleur soulevait les coeurs
Mais ya dans tout cochon un poète que sommeille
Quel martyr, quand personne peut plus vous sentir !
Disgrâce infame
Qui inonde mon âme
Je déclenche une tempête
À chaque fois que je...
Non, Pumbaa ! Pas devant les enfants !
Oh. Pardon
Hakuna Matata ! Mais quelle phrase magnifique !
Hakuna Matata ! Quel chant fantastique !
Ces mots signifient que tu vivras ta vie
Ouais, chante, petit !
Sans aucun souci - philosophie
Hakuna Matata !
Hakuna Matata ! Hakuna Matata !
Hakuna Matata ! Hakuna -
Ces mots signifient que tu vivras ta vie
Sans aucun souci - philosophie
Hakuna Matata ! |
I was one as you were one
And we were two so much in love forever
I loved the white socks that you wore
But you dont wear white socks no more, now youre a woman
I joked about your turned-up nose
And criticized your school girl clothes
But would I then have paced these roads to love you
For seasons come and seasons go
Bring forth the rain the sun and snow
Make Valerie a woman
And Valerie is lonely
No more to roam on the snow hills of Hienton
Undecided with the guardians of the older generation
A doormat was a sign of welcome
In the winter months to come
And in the summer laughing
Through the castle ruins wed run
For the quadrangle sang to the sun
And the grace of our feeling
And the candle burned low as we talked of the future
Underneath the ceiling
There were tears in the sky
And the clouds in your eyes, they were just cover
For your thighs were the cushions
Of my love and yours for each other
The songs still are sung
It was fun to be young
But please dont be sad where ever you are
I am who I am
You are who you are
Now Valeries a woman
Now Valeries a woman
Now Valeries a woman |
If anyone should see me makin it down the highway
Breakin all the laws of the land
Dont you try to stop me
Im goin her way
And thats the way Im sure she had it planned
Well, thats my rock-and-roll Madonna
Shes always been a lady of the road
Well, everybody wants her
But no one ever gets her
The freeway is the only way she knows
Well, if she would only slow down for a short time
Id get to know her just before she leaves
But shes got some fascination
With that two-wheel combination
And I swear its gonna be the death of me
Thats my rock-and-roll Madonna
Shes always been a lady of the road
Well, everybody wants her
But no one ever gets her
The freeway is the only way she knows
Oh, thats my rock-and-roll Madonna
Shes always been a lady of the road
Well, everybody wants her
But no one ever gets her
The freeway is the only way she knows |
A few more days and well be home in glory
Already theyll be getting out the flags
With Memphis high motive dormitory
Still I only see a lot of snags
For just because Ive triumphed as a slaver
Brought beauty back to Egypt by the ton
Of this and every month, now Im the flavor
And scheduled to do things Ive never done
And why should I tell you this, a stranger I just met
A woman who in hours from now Ill certainly forget
Anonymous and undemanding, enchantment passing through
My secrets and my confidence are safe enough with you
My days out on the field are all but ended
Theyll put me out to grass which means the throne
Bedecked and bejeweled alongside my intended
I feel as if my heart is set in stone
For just because Ive triumphed as a slaver
Brought beauty back to Egypt by the ton
Of this and every month, Im now the flavor
And scheduled to do things Ive never done
And why should I tell you this, a stranger I just met
A woman who in hours from now Ill certainly forget
Anonymous and undemanding, enchantment passing through
My secrets and my confidence is safe enough in you
And why should I tell you this, a stranger I just met
Someone who in hours from now Ill certainly forget
So anonymous and undemanding, yes you are, enchantment passing through
My secrets and my confidence is safe enough with you
Why should I tell you this, a stranger I just met
A woman who in hours from now Ill certainly forget
Anonymous and undemanding, enchantment passing through
My secrets and my confidence is safe enough with you |
Look out new world here we come
Brave, intrepid and then some
Pioneers of maximum
Audacity whose resumes
Show that we are just the team
To live where others merely dream
Building up a head of steam
On the trail we blaze
Changing legend into fact
We shall ride into history
Turning myth into truth
We shall surely gaze
On the sweet unfolding
Of an antique mystery
All will be revealed
On the trail we blaze
Paradise is close at hand
Shangri-la the promised land
Seventh heaven on demand
Quite unusual nowadays
Virgin vistas, undefiled
Minds and bodies running wild
In the man behold the child
On the trail we blaze
The trail we blaze
Is a road uncharted
Through terra incognita to a golden shrine
No place for the traveler
To be faint-hearted
We are part of the sumptuous grand design
Seventh heaven on demand
Quite unusual nowadays
Virgin vistas, undefiled
Minds and bodies running wild
In the man before the child
On the trail we blaze |
Theres a dusty old gutter hes lying in now
Mmm, Hes blind and hes old
And theres a bottle that rolls down the road
Me, Im young and Im so wild
And I still feel the need
Of your apron strings once in a while
For theres taxi cabs a-hooting
But I cant be foot-loose forever
My suitcase its a cheap one
My darling, shes a dear one
My heads feeling light as a feather
Take my ears and tell me when the whistle blows
Wake me up and tell me when the whistle blows
Long lost and lonely boy
Youre just a black sheep going home
I want to feel your wheels of steel
Underneath my itching heels
Take my money
Tell me when the whistle blows
Part of me asked the young man for the time
With a cool vacant stare
Of undue concern, he said nine
Its not so bad but I really do love the land
And rather all this than those diamante lovers
In Hyde Park holding hands
Blowing heat through my fingers
Trying to kill off this cold
Will the street kids remember?
Can I still shoot a fast cue?
Has this country kid still got his soul?
Take my ears and tell me when the whistle blows
Wake me up and tell me when the whistle blows
Long lost and lonely boy
Youre just a black sheep going home
I want to feel your wheels of steel
Underneath my itching heels
Take my money
Tell me when the whistle blows
Take my money
Tell me when the whistle blows |
There was a time
I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me
I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
And I need to tell you
That you light up every second of the day
But in the moonlight
You just shine like a beacon on the bay
And I cant explain
But its something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
Its that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I cant describe
But its something about the way you look tonight, yeah
Girl, you take my breath away
The way you look tonight |
I may leave a great impression
As I race through a succession
Of the latest crazes, chase the newest fad
I feel better when beguiling
Find that fashion keeps me smiling
But in my heart I know its rather sad
That a life of great potential
Is dismissed, inconsequential
And only ever seen as being cute
So Ill flutter to deceive
Oh no you must believe
That one day youre bound to find
A stronger suit |
Is there anything left?
Maybe steak and eggs
Waking up to washing up
Making up your bed
Lazy days
My razor blade
Could use a better edge
Its enough to make you laugh
Relax in a nice cool bath
Inspiration for navigation
Of our new found craft
I know you
And you know me
Its always half and half
And we were, oh, oh, so, you know
Not the kind to dawdle
Will the things we wrote today
Sound as good tomorrow?
We will still be writing
In approaching years
Stifling yawns on Sundays
As the weekends disappear
We could stretch our legs if wed half a mind
But dont disturb us if you hear us trying
To instigate the structure of another line or two
Cause writings lighting up
And I like life enough
To see it through
And we were, oh, oh, so, you know
Not the kind to dawdle
Will the things we wrote today
Sound as good tomorrow?
We will still be writing
In approaching years
Stifling yawns on Sundays
As the weekends disappear
We could stretch our legs if wed half a mind
But dont disturb us if you hear us trying
To instigate the structure of another line or two
Cause writings lighting up
And I like life enough
To see it through
Cause writings lighting up
And I like life enough
To see it through |
These battered hands are all you own
This broken heart just turned to stone
Go hang your glory on the wall
There comes a time when castles fall
And all thats left is shifting in the sand
Youre out of time, youre out of place
Look at your face
Thats the measure of a man
This coat that fits you like a glove
These dirty streets you learned to love
So welcome back my long lost friend
Youve been to hell and back again
God alone knows how you crossed that span
Back on the beat, back to the start
Trust in your heart
Thats the measure of a man
Its the fire in the eyes, the lines on the hand
Its the things you understand
Permanent ties from which you once ran
Thats the measure of a man
Youve come full circle, now youre home
Without the gold, without the chrome
And this is where youve always been
You had to lose so you could win
And rise above your troubles while you can
Now you can love, now you can lose
Now you can choose
Thats the measure of a man |
I cant really explain it
I havent got the words
Its a feeling that you cant control
I suppose its like forgetting
Losing who you are
And at the same time, something makes you whole
Its like that theres a music
Playing in your ear
And Im listening, and Im listening
And then I disappear
And then I feel a change
Like a fire deep inside
Something bursting me wide open
Impossible to hide
And suddenly Im flying
Flying like a bird
Like electricity
Sparks inside of me
And Im free, Im free
Its a bit like being angry
Its a bit like being scared
Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell
Its like when youve been crying
And youre empty and youre full
I dont know what it is, its hard to tell
Its like that theres some music
Playing in your ear
But the music is impossible
Impossible to hear
But then I feel it move me
Like a burning deep inside
Something bursting me wide open
Impossible to hide
And suddenly Im flying
Flying like a bird
Like electricity
Sparks inside of me
And Im free, Im free
Sparks inside of me
And Im free, Im free
Oh, Im free |
Theres a river running sweat right through our land, through our land
Driven by a man with a bullwhip in his hand, in his hand
And Ive taken just as much as I can stand, I can stand
Oh, weve got to free our brothers from their shackles, yeah, if we can, if we can
Most nights I have to watch my woman cry, oh, she cries
Every day I watch the colonel smile, oh, he smiles
His painted ladies riding in from town, in from town
Oh, I swear one day im gonna burn the whorehouse to the ground, to the ground
Slave, slave
To fight the violence we must be brave
Hold on strong to the love God gave
Theres a rumor of a war thats yet to come, yet to come
That may free our families, free our families and our sons, and our sons
It may lay green lands to barren waste, all to waste, all to waste
Oh, the price of release is a bitter blow to face, oh, to face
Slave, slave
To fight the violence we must be brave
Hold on strong to the love God gave
Slave, oh, slave
To fight the violence we must be brave
Hold on strong to the love God gave
Slave, slave
To fight the violence we must be brave
Hold on strong to the love God gave
Slave |
Holy Moses, I have been removed
I have seen the spectre, he has been here too
Distant cousin from down the line
Brand of people who aint my kind
Holy Moses, I have been removed
Holy Moses, I have been deceived
Now the wind has changed direction
I think Ill have to leave
Wont you please excuse my frankness
But its not my cup of tea
Holy Moses, I have been deceived
Yes, I have
Im going back to the border
Where my affairs, my affairs aint been abused
I cant take any more bad water
Ive been poisoned from my head down to my shoes
Yes, I have
Holy Moses, I have been removed
Holy Moses, can we live in peace?
Let us try to find a way to make all hatred cease
Theres a man standing over there
Whats his color; do you care?
Holy, Holy Moses, can we live in peace?
Lord, help me now
Holy Moses, can we live in peace?
Holy Moses, can we live...
I wonder can we, can we, can we live in peace? |
Subsets and Splits