MODULE ObxHello1; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create a new, empty text object *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) f.WriteString("Hello World"); f.WriteLn; (* write a string and a 0DX into new text *) v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a new text view for t *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the view in a window *) END Do; END ObxHello1.
MODULE ObxLabelLister; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Controls, FormModels, FormControllers, StdLog; PROCEDURE List*; VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; rd: FormModels.Reader; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN rd := c.form.NewReader(NIL); rd.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO IF v IS Controls.Control THEN StdLog.String(v(Controls.Control).label); StdLog.Ln END; rd.ReadView(v) END END END List; END ObxLabelLister.
MODULE ObxLines; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Stores, Ports, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; TYPE Line = POINTER TO RECORD next: Line; x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER END; Model = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) lines: Line END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) color: Ports.Color; model: Model END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg) l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; LineOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: Model; line: Line END; ColorOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) view: View; color: Ports.Color END; PROCEDURE GetBox (x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF x0 > x1 THEN l := x1; r := x0 ELSE l := x0; r := x1 END; IF y0 > y1 THEN t := y1; b := y0 ELSE t := y0; b := y1 END; INC(r, Ports.point); INC(b, Ports.point) END GetBox; PROCEDURE (op: LineOp) Do; VAR l: Line; msg: UpdateMsg; BEGIN l := op.line; IF l # op.model.lines THEN (* insert op.line *) ASSERT(l # NIL, 100); ASSERT(l.next = op.model.lines, 101); op.model.lines := l ELSE (* delete op.line *) ASSERT(l = op.model.lines, 102); op.model.lines := l.next END; GetBox(l.x0, l.y0, l.x1, l.y1, msg.l, msg.t, msg.r, msg.b); Models.Broadcast(op.model, msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; x0: INTEGER; p: Line; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(x0); m.lines := NIL; WHILE x0 # MIN(INTEGER) DO NEW(p); p.next := m.lines; m.lines := p; p.x0 := x0; rd.ReadInt(p.y0); rd.ReadInt(p.x1); rd.ReadInt(p.y1); rd.ReadInt(x0) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR p: Line; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); p := m.lines; WHILE p # NIL DO wr.WriteInt(p.x0); wr.WriteInt(p.y0); wr.WriteInt(p.x1); wr.WriteInt(p.y1); p := p.next END; wr.WriteInt(MIN(INTEGER)) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN m.lines := source(Model).lines (* lines are immutable and thus can be shared *) END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Insert (x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER), NEW; VAR op: LineOp; p: Line; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; NEW(p); p.next := m.lines; op.line := p; p.x0 := x0; p.y0 := y0; p.x1 := x1; p.y1 := y1; Models.Do(m, "Insert Line", op) END Insert; PROCEDURE (op: ColorOp) Do; VAR color: Ports.Color; BEGIN color := op.view.color; (* save old state *) op.view.color := op.color; (* set new state *) Views.Update(op.view, Views.keepFrames); (* restore everything *) op.color := color (* old state becomes new state for undo *) END Do; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(v.color); rd.ReadStore(st); v.model := st(Model) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteInt(v.color); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN ASSERT(model IS Model, 20); WITH source: View DO v.model := model(Model); v.color := source.color END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR p: Line; BEGIN p := v.model.lines; WHILE p # NIL DO f.DrawLine(p.x0, p.y0, p.x1, p.y1, f.dot, v.color); p := p.next END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO Views.UpdateIn(v, msg.l, msg.t, msg.r, msg.b, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetColor (color: Ports.Color), NEW; VAR op: ColorOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.view := v; op.color := color; Views.Do(v, "Set Color", op) END SetColor; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y, res, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO x0 := msg.x; y0 := msg.y; x1 := x0; y1 := y0; f.SaveRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, res); (* operation was successful if res = 0 *) IF res = 0 THEN f.DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, Ports.point, v.color) END; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); IF (x # x1) OR (y # y1) THEN GetBox(x0, y0, x1, y1, l, t, r, b); f.RestoreRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.keepBuffer); x1 := x; y1 := y; IF res = 0 THEN f.DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, Ports.point, v.color) END END UNTIL ~isDown; GetBox(x0, y0, x1, y1, l, t, r, b); f.RestoreRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.disposeBuffer); v.model.Insert(x0, y0, x1, y1) | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN CASE msg.char OF | "B": v.SetColor(Ports.black) | "r": v.SetColor(Ports.red) | "g": v.SetColor(Ports.green) | "b": v.SetColor(Ports.blue) ELSE END END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR m: Model; v: View; BEGIN NEW(m); NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxLines.
MODULE ObxLinks; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Files, Stores, Converters, Fonts, Ports, Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, StdLinks; PROCEDURE PathToLoc (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(""); IF path # "" THEN i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT ch := path[i]; INC(i); IF (ch = "/") OR (ch = 0X) THEN name[j] := 0X; j := 0; loc := loc.This(name) ELSE name[j] := ch; INC(j) END UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (loc.res # 0) END END PathToLoc; PROCEDURE Directory* (path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: Views.View; tv: TextViews.View; old, new: TextModels.Attributes; conv: Converters.Converter; loc: Files.Locator; li: Files.LocInfo; fi: Files.FileInfo; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; title: Views.Title; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.WriteString("Directories"); f.WriteLn; old := f.rider.attr; (* save old text attributes for later use *) new := TextModels.NewStyle(old, old.font.style + {Fonts.underline}); (* use underline style *) new := TextModels.NewColor(new, Ports.blue); (* use blue color *) f.rider.SetAttr(new); (* change current attributes of formatter *) (* generate list of all locations *) PathToLoc(path, loc); li := Files.dir.LocList(loc); WHILE li # NIL DO (* no particular sorting order is guaranteed *) str := "ObxLinks.Directory('"; IF path # "" THEN str := str + path + "/" END; str := str + li.name + "')"; v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(str); f.WriteView(v); (* insert left link view in text *) f.WriteString(li.name); v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); f.WriteView(v); (* insert right link view in text *) f.WriteLn; li := li.next END; f.rider.SetAttr(old); (* reset current attributes of formatter *) f.WriteLn; f.WriteString("Files"); f.WriteLn; f.rider.SetAttr(new); (* change current attributes of formatter *) (* generate a list of all files *) fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE fi # NIL DO (* no particular sorting order is guaranteed *) conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.fileType # fi.type) DO conv := conv.next END; IF conv # NIL THEN (* there is a converter for this file type *) str := "ObxLinks.Open('"; str := str + path + "', '"; str := str + fi.name + "')"; v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(str); f.WriteView(v); (* insert left link view in text *) f.WriteString(fi.name); v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); f.WriteView(v); (* insert right link view in text *) f.WriteLn END; fi := fi.next END; tv := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* set Browser mode: *) title := "Directory of " + path; Views.OpenAux(tv, title) END Directory; PROCEDURE Open* (path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; c: Converters.Converter; n: Files.Name; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN PathToLoc(path, loc); n := name$; IF loc # NIL THEN f := Files.dir.Old(loc, n, Files.shared); IF f # NIL THEN (* search in converter list for a converter that can import a file of this type *) c := Converters.list; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.fileType # f.type) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN Converters.Import(loc, n, c, s); WITH s: Views.View DO Views.Open(s, loc, n, c) ELSE END END END END END Open; END ObxLinks.
MODULE ObxLookup0; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT TextModels, TextMappers, TextControllers, ObxPhoneDB; PROCEDURE Do*; (** use TextCmds.SelectionGuard as guard command **) VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; buf: TextModels.Model; from, to: INTEGER; s: TextMappers.Scanner; f: TextMappers.Formatter; number: ObxPhoneDB.String; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(from, to); s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetPos(from); s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN buf := TextModels.CloneOf(c.text); f.ConnectTo(buf); ObxPhoneDB.LookupByName(s.string$, number); f.WriteString(number); from := s.start; to := s.Pos() - 1; (* scanner has already read on character beyond string! *) c.text.Delete(from, to); (* delete name *) c.text.Insert(from, buf, 0, buf.Length()); (* move phone number from buffer into text *) c.SetSelection(from, from + LEN(number$)) (* select the phone number *) END END END Do; END ObxLookup0.
MODULE ObxLookup1; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Stores, Models, TextModels, TextMappers, TextControllers, ObxPhoneDB; PROCEDURE Do*; (** use TextCmds.SelectionGuard as guard command **) VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; buf: TextModels.Model; from, to: INTEGER; s: TextMappers.Scanner; f: TextMappers.Formatter; number: ObxPhoneDB.String; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(from, to); s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetPos(from); s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN buf := TextModels.CloneOf(c.text); f.ConnectTo(buf); ObxPhoneDB.LookupByName(s.string$, number); f.WriteString(number); from := s.start; to := s.Pos() - 1; (* scanner has already read on character beyond string! *) Models.BeginScript(c.text, "#Obx:Lookup", script); c.text.Delete(from, to); (* delete name *) c.text.Insert(from, buf, 0, buf.Length()); (* move phone number from buffer into text *) Models.EndScript(c.text, script); c.SetSelection(from, from + LEN(number$)) (* select the phone number *) END END END Do; END ObxLookup1.
MODULE ObxMMerge; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) (* note that as in the other sample programs, no error handling is performed *) IMPORT Files, Dialog, Views, TextModels, TextViews, TextControllers; CONST tab = 09X; TYPE Field = POINTER TO RECORD prev: Field; (* field list is sorted in reverse order *) name: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; (* name of placeholder *) tmplFrom, tmplTo: INTEGER; (* character range used by placeholder in template *) index: INTEGER; (* column index of this field *) dataFrom, dataTo: INTEGER (* character range used by actual data in database *) END; PROCEDURE TmplFields (t: TextModels.Model): Field; (* returns a list of placeholder fields, in reverse order *) (* each field defines a text range and name of a placeholder *) (* the placeholder has the form "...<NameOfPlaceholder>..." *) VAR l, f: Field; r: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN l := NIL; r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot DO IF ch = "<" THEN NEW(f); f.tmplFrom := r.Pos() - 1; r.ReadChar(ch); i := 0; WHILE ch # ">" DO f.name[i] := ch; INC(i); r.ReadChar(ch) END; f.name[i] := 0X; f.tmplTo := r.Pos(); f.dataFrom := -1; f.dataTo := -1; f.prev := l; l := f END; r.ReadChar(ch) END; RETURN l END TmplFields; PROCEDURE ThisDatabase (): TextModels.Model; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; BEGIN t := NIL; loc := NIL; name := ""; Dialog.GetIntSpec("", loc, name); IF loc # NIL THEN v := Views.OldView(loc, name); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN t := v(TextViews.View).ThisModel() END END; RETURN t END ThisDatabase; PROCEDURE MergeFields (f: Field; t: TextModels.Model); (* determine every template field's index in the data text's row of fields *) VAR r: TextModels.Reader; index, i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN r := t.NewReader(NIL); WHILE f # NIL DO (* iterate over all fields in the template *) f.index := -1; r.SetPos(0); index := 0; ch := tab; WHILE (ch = tab) & (f.index = -1) DO (* compare names of the fields *) REPEAT r.ReadChar(ch) UNTIL ch >= " "; i := 0; WHILE ch = f.name[i] DO r.ReadChar(ch); INC(i) END; IF (ch < " ") & (f.name[i] = 0X) THEN (* names match *) f.index := index ELSE (* no match; proceed to next data field *) WHILE ch >= " " DO r.ReadChar(ch) END END; INC(index) END; f := f.prev END END MergeFields; PROCEDURE ReadTuple (f: Field; r: TextModels.Reader); (* read tuple in data, and assign ranges to corresponding fields *) VAR index: INTEGER; from, to: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; g: Field; BEGIN index := 0; ch := tab; WHILE ch = tab DO REPEAT r.ReadChar(ch) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (ch >= " ") OR (ch = tab) OR (ch = 0DX); from := r.Pos() - 1; WHILE ch >= " " DO r.ReadChar(ch) END; to := r.Pos(); IF ~r.eot THEN DEC(to) END; g := f; WHILE g # NIL DO IF g.index = index THEN g.dataFrom := from; g.dataTo := to END; g := g.prev END; INC(index) END END ReadTuple; PROCEDURE AppendInstance (f: Field; data, tmpl, out: TextModels.Model); VAR start, from: INTEGER; r: TextModels.Reader; attr: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN start := out.Length(); r := out.NewReader(NIL); out.InsertCopy(start, tmpl, 0, tmpl.Length()); (* append new copy of template *) WHILE f # NIL DO (* substitute placeholders, from end to beginning of template *) from := start + f.tmplFrom; r.SetPos(from); r.ReadRun(attr); (* save attributes *) out.Delete(from, from + f.tmplTo - f.tmplFrom); (* delete placeholder *) out.InsertCopy(from, data, f.dataFrom, f.dataTo); (* insert actual data *) out.SetAttr(from, from + f.dataTo - f.dataFrom, attr); (* set attributes *) f := f.prev END END AppendInstance; PROCEDURE Merge*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; tmpl, data, out: TextModels.Model; tmplFields: Field; r: TextModels.Reader; v: TextViews.View; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN tmpl := c.text; (* text template used for mail merge *) tmplFields := TmplFields(tmpl); (* determine fields in template *) data := ThisDatabase(); (* get text database for mail merge *) IF data # NIL THEN MergeFields(tmplFields, data); (* determine every template field's column in database *) out := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create output text *) r := data.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(0); ReadTuple(tmplFields, r); (* skip meta data *) REPEAT ReadTuple(tmplFields, r); (* read next data row *) AppendInstance(tmplFields, data, tmpl, out) (* append new instance of template *) UNTIL r.eot; v := TextViews.dir.New(out); Views.OpenView(v) (* open text view in window *) END END END Merge; END ObxMMerge.
MODULE ObxOmosi; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Stores, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog; CONST outside = -1; white = 0; top = 1; left = 2; right = 3; (* Kind *) gridDefault = FALSE; minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 1; TYPE Palette = ARRAY 4 OF Ports.Color; Kind = INTEGER; Field = RECORD kind: Kind; sel: BOOLEAN END; Row = ARRAY 8 OF Field; Model = ARRAY 15 OF Row; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) (* persistent state *) pal: Palette; mod: Model; (* non-persistent state *) sel: INTEGER; grid: BOOLEAN END; FieldPath = ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; FieldOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: StdView; i, j: INTEGER; kind: Kind END; ColorOp = POINTER TO ColorOpDesc; ColorOpDesc = RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: StdView; n: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) i, j: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE InitRow (VAR row: Row; k: INTEGER); VAR i, l, r: INTEGER; BEGIN l := (8 - k) DIV 2; r := 8 - l; i := 0; WHILE i # l DO row[i].kind := outside; INC(i) END; WHILE i # r DO row[i].kind := white; INC(i) END; WHILE i # 8 DO row[i].kind := outside; INC(i) END; i := 0; WHILE i # 8 DO row[i].sel := FALSE; INC(i) END END InitRow; PROCEDURE InitPalette (VAR p: Palette); BEGIN p[white] := Ports.white; p[top] := 0080FFH; p[left] := 004080H; p[right] := 000040H END InitPalette; PROCEDURE InitModel (VAR m: Model); VAR j: INTEGER; BEGIN InitRow(m[0], 2); InitRow(m[1], 4); InitRow(m[2], 6); j := 3; WHILE j # 12 DO InitRow(m[j], 8); INC(j) END; InitRow(m[12], 6); InitRow(m[13], 4); InitRow(m[14], 2) END InitModel; PROCEDURE H (s: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN s * 500 DIV 866 END H; PROCEDURE GetFieldPath (v: StdView; f: Ports.Frame; i, j: INTEGER; OUT p: FieldPath); VAR w, h, s: INTEGER; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); s := (w - f.unit) DIV 8; h := H(s); IF ODD(i + j) THEN p[0].x := i * s; p[0].y := (j + 1) * h; p[1].x := (i + 1) * s; p[1].y := j * h; p[2].x := (i + 1) * s; p[2].y := (j + 2) * h ELSE p[0].x := i * s; p[0].y := j * h; p[1].x := (i + 1) * s; p[1].y := (j + 1) * h; p[2].x := i * s; p[2].y := (j + 2) * h END END GetFieldPath; PROCEDURE AdjustPath (f: Ports.Frame; i, j: INTEGER; VAR p: FieldPath); VAR d, e: INTEGER; BEGIN d := 2 * f.dot; e := 3 * f.dot; IF ODD(i + j) THEN INC(p[0].x, e); DEC(p[1].x, d); INC(p[1].y, e); DEC(p[2].x, d); DEC(p[2].y, e) ELSE INC(p[0].x, d); INC(p[0].y, e); DEC(p[1].x, e); INC(p[2].x, d); DEC(p[2].y, e) END END AdjustPath; PROCEDURE ValidField (v: StdView; i, j: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (0 <= i) & (i < 8) & (0 <= j) & (j < 15) & (v.mod[j, i].kind > outside) END ValidField; PROCEDURE DrawField (v: StdView; f: Ports.Frame; i, j: INTEGER); VAR col: Ports.Color; p: FieldPath; BEGIN IF ValidField(v, i, j) THEN col := v.pal[v.mod[j, i].kind]; GetFieldPath(v, f, i, j, p); f.DrawPath(p, 3, Ports.fill, col, Ports.closedPoly); IF v.grid THEN f.DrawPath(p, 3, 0, Ports.grey25, Ports.closedPoly) END; IF v.mod[j, i].sel THEN AdjustPath(f, i, j, p); f.DrawPath(p, 3, 0, 800000H, Ports.closedPoly) END END END DrawField; PROCEDURE SelectField (v: StdView; f: Ports.Frame; i, j: INTEGER; sel: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF ValidField(v, i, j) & (v.mod[j, i].sel # sel) THEN v.mod[j, i].sel := sel; IF sel THEN INC(v.sel) ELSE DEC(v.sel) END; DrawField(v, f, i, j) END END SelectField; PROCEDURE LocateField (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; OUT i, j: INTEGER); VAR u, w, h, s, sx, sy: INTEGER; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); s := (w - f.unit) DIV 8; u := f.unit; h := H(s); sx := x DIV s; sy := y DIV h; IF (0 <= sx) & (sx < 9) & (0 <= sy) & (sy < 16) THEN i := SHORT(sx); j := SHORT(sy); IF ODD(i + j) THEN IF (s - x) MOD s * (h DIV u) >= y MOD h * (s DIV u) THEN DEC(j) END ELSE IF x MOD s * (h DIV u) >= y MOD h * (s DIV u) THEN DEC(j) END END; IF (i = 8) OR (j = 15) OR (j >= 0) & (v.mod[j, i].kind = outside) THEN j := -1 END ELSE j := -1 END END LocateField; PROCEDURE Select (v: StdView; set: BOOLEAN); VAR i, j, sel: INTEGER; BEGIN j := 0; WHILE j # 15 DO i := 0; WHILE i # 8 DO v.mod[j, i].sel := set; INC(i) END; INC(j) END; IF set THEN sel := 64 ELSE sel := 0 END; IF v.sel # sel THEN v.sel := sel; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END END Select; PROCEDURE Track (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR script: Stores.Operation; op: FieldOp; cop: ColorOp; col: Ports.Color; i, j, i0, j0, i1, j1: INTEGER; isDown, prevSel, setCol: BOOLEAN; m: SET; BEGIN LocateField(v, f, x, y, i, j); i0 := i; j0 := j; prevSel := ValidField(v, i, j) & v.mod[j, i].sel; IF ~prevSel & ~(Controllers.extend IN buttons) & (v.sel > 0) THEN j := 0; WHILE j # 15 DO i := 0; WHILE i # 8 DO IF v.mod[j, i].sel THEN SelectField(v, f, i, j, FALSE) END; INC(i) END; INC(j) END; v.sel := 0; i := i0; j := j0 END; SelectField(v, f, i, j, ~prevSel OR ~(Controllers.extend IN buttons)); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); LocateField(v, f, x, y, i1, j1); IF (i1 # i) OR (j1 # j) THEN IF ~(Controllers.extend IN buttons) THEN SelectField(v, f, i, j, FALSE) END; i := i1; j := j1; SelectField(v, f, i, j, ~prevSel OR ~(Controllers.extend IN buttons)) END UNTIL ~isDown; IF ~(Controllers.extend IN buttons) & ((i # i0) OR (j # j0) OR ~prevSel) THEN SelectField(v, f, i, j, FALSE) END; IF ValidField(v, i, j) THEN IF Controllers.modify IN buttons THEN Dialog.GetColor(v.pal[v.mod[j, i].kind], col, setCol); IF setCol THEN NEW(cop); cop.v := v; cop.n := v.mod[j, i].kind; cop.col := col; Views.Do(v, "Color Change", cop) END ELSIF ~(Controllers.extend IN buttons) THEN Views.BeginScript(v, "Omosi Change", script); j := 0; WHILE j # 15 DO i := 0; WHILE i # 8 DO IF (v.mod[j, i].sel OR (i = i1) & (j = j1)) & (v.mod[j, i].kind > outside) THEN NEW(op); op.v := v; op.i := i; op.j := j; op.kind := (v.mod[j, i].kind + 1) MOD 4; Views.Do(v, "", op) END; INC(i) END; INC(j) END; Views.EndScript(v, script) END END END Track; (* FieldOp *) PROCEDURE (op: FieldOp) Do; VAR k: Kind; msg: UpdateMsg; BEGIN k := op.v.mod[op.j, op.i].kind; op.v.mod[op.j, op.i].kind := op.kind; op.kind := k; msg.i := op.i; msg.j := op.j; Views.Broadcast(op.v, msg) END Do; (* ColorOp *) PROCEDURE (op: ColorOp) Do; VAR c: Ports.Color; BEGIN c := op.v.pal[op.n]; op.v.pal[op.n] := op.col; op.col := c; Views.Update(op.v, Views.keepFrames) END Do; (* View *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); i := 0; WHILE i # 4 DO wr.WriteInt(v.pal[i]); INC(i) END; j := 0; WHILE j # 15 DO i := 0; WHILE i # 8 DO wr.WriteInt(v.mod[j, i].kind); INC(i) END; INC(j) END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR i, j: INTEGER; version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN i := 0; WHILE i # 4 DO rd.ReadInt(v.pal[i]); INC(i) END; j := 0; WHILE j # 15 DO i := 0; WHILE i # 8 DO rd.ReadInt(v.mod[j, i].kind); v.mod[j, i].sel := FALSE; INC(i) END; INC(j) END; v.grid := FALSE END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: StdView DO v.pal := source.pal; v.mod := source.mod; v.sel := source.sel; v.grid := gridDefault END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN j := 0; WHILE j # 15 DO i := 0; WHILE i # 8 DO DrawField(v, f, i, j); INC(i) END; INC(j) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO DrawField(v, f, msg.i, msg.j) ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) | msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.selectable := TRUE | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO Select(v, msg.set) ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST minW = 3 * Ports.mm; stdW = 7 * Ports.mm; (* per field *) BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w > Views.undefined) & (msg.h > Views.undefined) THEN DEC(msg.h, 1 * Ports.mm); Properties.ProportionalConstraint(1000, 2 * H(1000), msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.w < 8 * minW THEN msg.w := 8 * minW; msg.h := 16 * H(minW) END ELSE msg.w := 8 * stdW; msg.h := 16 * H(stdW) END; INC(msg.h, 1 * Ports.mm) | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* commands *) PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN NEW(v); InitPalette(v.pal); InitModel(v.mod); v.sel := 0; v.grid := FALSE; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; PROCEDURE ToggleGrid*; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: StdView DO v.grid := ~v.grid; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END END ToggleGrid; PROCEDURE ResetColors*; VAR v: Views.View; p0: Palette; script: Stores.Operation; cop: ColorOp; i: INTEGER; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: StdView DO Views.BeginScript(v, "Reset Colors", script); InitPalette(p0); i := 0; WHILE i # 4 DO NEW(cop); cop.v := v; cop.n := i; cop.col := p0[i]; Views.Do(v, "", cop); INC(i) END; Views.EndScript(v, script) ELSE END END END ResetColors; END ObxOmosi.
MODULE ObxOpen0; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Files, Converters, Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; v: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN loc := NIL; name := ""; conv := NIL; (* no defaults for Views.Old *) v := Views.Old(Views.ask, loc, name, conv); (* ask user for a file and open it as a view *) IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN (* make sure it is a text view *) t := v(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); (* get the text view's model *) f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(t.Length()); (* set the formatter to the end of the text *) f.WriteString("appendix"); (* append a string *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the text view in a window *) END END Do; END ObxOpen0.
MODULE ObxOpen1; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Converters, Files, Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; v: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; res: INTEGER; BEGIN loc := NIL; name := ""; conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.ask, loc, name, conv); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN t := v(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(t.Length()); f.WriteString("appendix"); Views.Register(v, Views.ask, loc, name, conv, res) (* ask the user where to save the document *) END END Do; END ObxOpen1.
MODULE ObxOrders; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Files, Dialog, Fonts, Stores, Views, TextModels, TextViews, TextMappers, TextRulers, StdCmds, StdStamps; CONST (* values for card field of interactor *) amex = 0; master = 1; visa = 2; (* prices in 1/100 Swiss Francs *) ofwinfullVal = 45000; ofmacfullVal = 45000; ofwineduVal = 15000; ofmaceduVal = 15000; odfVal = 5000; vatVal = 65; type = "dat"; (* file type *) TYPE Interactor* = RECORD name*, company*, adr1*, adr2*, adr3*, email*: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; phone*, fax*: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; ofwinfull*, ofmacfull*, ofwinedu*, ofmacedu*, odf*: INTEGER; card*: INTEGER; cardno*: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; vat*: BOOLEAN END; Element = POINTER TO RECORD prev, next: Element; data: Interactor END; VAR par*: Interactor; root, cur: Element; (* header and current element of doubly-linked ring *) name: Files.Name; loc: Files.Locator; PROCEDURE ReadElem (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; e: Element); BEGIN rd.ReadString(e.data.name);rd.ReadString(e.data.company); rd.ReadString(e.data.adr1); rd.ReadString(e.data.adr2); rd.ReadString(e.data.adr3); rd.ReadString(e.data.email); rd.ReadString(e.data.phone); rd.ReadString(e.data.fax); rd.ReadString(e.data.cardno); rd.ReadInt(e.data.ofwinfull); rd.ReadInt(e.data.ofmacfull); rd.ReadInt(e.data.ofwinedu); rd.ReadInt(e.data.ofmacedu); rd.ReadInt(e.data.odf); rd.ReadInt(e.data.card); rd.ReadBool(e.data.vat) END ReadElem; PROCEDURE WriteElem (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; e: Element); BEGIN wr.WriteString(e.data.name); wr.WriteString(e.data.company); wr.WriteString(e.data.adr1); wr.WriteString(e.data.adr2); wr.WriteString(e.data.adr3); wr.WriteString(e.data.email); wr.WriteString(e.data.phone); wr.WriteString(e.data.fax); wr.WriteString(e.data.cardno); wr.WriteInt(e.data.ofwinfull); wr.WriteInt(e.data.ofmacfull); wr.WriteInt(e.data.ofwinedu); wr.WriteInt(e.data.ofmacedu); wr.WriteInt(e.data.odf); wr.WriteInt(e.data.card); wr.WriteBool(e.data.vat) END WriteElem; PROCEDURE Init; BEGIN cur := root; root.next := root; root.prev := root END Init; PROCEDURE Update; BEGIN par := cur.data; Dialog.Update(par) END Update; PROCEDURE Load*; VAR e: Element; f: Files.File; rd: Stores.Reader; count: INTEGER; BEGIN Dialog.GetIntSpec(type, loc, name); IF loc # NIL THEN f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, Files.shared); IF (f # NIL) & (f.type = type) THEN rd.ConnectTo(f); rd.ReadInt(count); Init; WHILE count # 0 DO NEW(e); IF e # NIL THEN e.prev := cur; e.next := cur.next; e.prev.next := e; e.next.prev := e; ReadElem(rd, e); cur := e; DEC(count) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("out of memory"); Dialog.Beep; count := 0; root.next := root; root.prev := root; cur := root END END; Update ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("cannot open file"); Dialog.Beep END END END Load; PROCEDURE Save*; VAR e: Element; f: Files.File; wr: Stores.Writer; count, res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (loc = NIL) OR (name = "") THEN Dialog.GetExtSpec("", "", loc, name) END; IF (loc # NIL) & (name # "") THEN f := Files.dir.New(loc, Files.dontAsk); wr.ConnectTo(f); e := root.next; count := 0; WHILE e # root DO INC(count); e := e.next END; (* count elements *) wr.WriteInt(count); e := root.next; WHILE e # root DO WriteElem(wr, e); e := e.next END; (* write elements *) f.Register(name, type, Files.dontAsk, res); Init; name := ""; loc := NIL; (* close database *) Update END END Save; PROCEDURE Insert*; VAR e: Element; BEGIN NEW(e); IF e # NIL THEN (* insert new record at end of database *) IF cur # root THEN cur.data := par END; (* save current record, in case it was changed *) e.prev := root.prev; e.next := root; e.prev.next := e; e.next.prev := e; cur := e; Update ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("out of memory"); Dialog.Beep END END Insert; PROCEDURE Delete*; BEGIN IF cur # root THEN StdCmds.CloseDialog; cur.next.prev := cur.prev; cur.prev.next := cur.next; cur := cur.prev; IF cur = root THEN cur := root.next END; Update END END Delete; PROCEDURE Next*; BEGIN IF cur.next # root THEN cur.data := par; cur := cur.next; Update END END Next; PROCEDURE Prev*; BEGIN IF cur.prev # root THEN cur.data := par; cur := cur.prev; Update END END Prev; PROCEDURE NonemptyGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := cur = root END NonemptyGuard; PROCEDURE NextGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := cur.next = root END NextGuard; PROCEDURE PrevGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := cur.prev = root END PrevGuard; PROCEDURE WriteLine (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; no, val: INTEGER; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR total, vat: INTEGER); BEGIN IF no # 0 THEN val := no * val; f.WriteInt(no); f.WriteString(name); INC(total, val); INC(vat, val); f. WriteTab; f.WriteIntForm(val DIV 100, 10, 5, TextModels.digitspace, FALSE); f.WriteChar("."); f.WriteIntForm(val MOD 100, 10, 2, "0", FALSE); f.WriteLn END END WriteLine; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); (* TextRulers.SetLeft(r, 30 * Ports.mm); TextRulers.SetRight(r, 165 * Ports.mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 130 * Ports.mm); *) RETURN r END NewRuler; PROCEDURE Invoice*; VAR v: TextViews.View; f: TextMappers.Formatter; a: TextModels.Attributes; total, vat: INTEGER; BEGIN IF cur # root THEN v := TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.New()); f.ConnectTo(v.ThisModel()); f.WriteView(NewRuler()); (* create header of invoice *) f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteTab; f.WriteString("Basel, "); f.WriteView(StdStamps.New()); f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; (* write address *) IF par.name # "" THEN f.WriteString(par.name); f.WriteLn END; IF par.company # "" THEN f.WriteString(par.company); f.WriteLn END; IF par.adr1 # "" THEN f.WriteString(par.adr1); f.WriteLn END; IF par.adr2 # "" THEN f.WriteString(par.adr2); f.WriteLn END; IF par.adr3 # "" THEN f.WriteString(par.adr3); f.WriteLn END; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; (* set bold font weight *) a := f.rider.attr; f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(a, Fonts.bold)); f.WriteString("Invoice"); (* this string will appear in bold face *) f.rider.SetAttr(a); (* restore default weight *) f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteString("Creditcard: "); CASE par.card OF | amex: f.WriteString("American Express") | master: f.WriteString("Euro/MasterCard") | visa: f.WriteString("Visa") END; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; (* write products with subtotals *) total := 0; vat := 0; WriteLine(f, par.ofwinfull, ofwinfullVal, " ofwin full", total, vat); WriteLine(f, par.ofmacfull, ofmacfullVal, " ofmac full", total, vat); WriteLine(f, par.ofwinedu, ofwineduVal, " ofwin edu", total, vat); WriteLine(f, par.ofmacedu, ofmaceduVal, " ofmac edu", total, vat); WriteLine(f, par.odf, odfVal, " odf", total, vat); (* write vat *) IF par.vat THEN f.WriteLn; INC(total, (vat * vatVal) DIV 1000); (* vat is 6.5% *) f.WriteString("value added tax ("); f.WriteInt(vatVal DIV 10); f.WriteChar("."); f.WriteInt(vatVal MOD 10); f.WriteString("% on "); f.WriteInt(vat DIV 100); f.WriteChar("."); f.WriteIntForm(vat MOD 100, 10, 2, "0", FALSE); f.WriteString(")"); f.WriteTab; f.WriteIntForm((vat * vatVal) DIV 100000, 10, 5, TextModels.digitspace, FALSE); f.WriteChar("."); f.WriteIntForm(((vat * vatVal) DIV 1000) MOD 100, 10, 2, "0", FALSE); f.WriteLn END; (* write total *) f.WriteLn; f.WriteString("Total"); f.WriteTab; f.WriteIntForm(total DIV 100, 10, 5, TextModels.digitspace, FALSE); f.WriteChar("."); f.WriteIntForm(total MOD 100, 10, 2, "0", FALSE); f.WriteString(" sFr."); f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; f.WriteString("The exporter of the products covered by this document declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of Swiss preferential origin."); f.WriteLn; Views.OpenAux(v, "Invoice") END END Invoice; BEGIN NEW(root); Init END ObxOrders.
MODULE ObxParCmd; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, Models, Controls, TextModels, TextMappers, StdLog; PROCEDURE Connect (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; OUT done: BOOLEAN); VAR c: Models.Context; BEGIN done := FALSE; IF Controls.par # NIL THEN c := Controls.par.context; (* the context of an open view is never NIL *) WITH c: TextModels.Context DO s.ConnectTo(c.ThisModel()); s.SetPos(c.Pos() + 1); s.Scan; done := TRUE ELSE END END END Connect; PROCEDURE Do0*; VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Connect(s, done); IF done THEN IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN StdLog.String(s.string); StdLog.Ln (* write string after button to log *) END END END Do0; PROCEDURE Do1*; VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; done: BOOLEAN; res: INTEGER; BEGIN Connect(s, done); IF done THEN IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN Dialog.Call(s.string, " ", res) (* execute string after button as a command sequence *) END END END Do1; END ObxParCmd.
MODULE ObxPatterns; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Stores, Views, Properties; CONST minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, d: INTEGER; col: INTEGER; colors: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Color; BEGIN colors[0] := Ports.red; colors[1] := Ports.green; colors[2] := Ports.blue; v.context.GetSize(w, h); d := 4 * f.dot; col := 0; l := 0; t := 0; r := w; b := h; WHILE (r> l) & (b > t) DO f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, f.dot, colors[col]); INC(l, d); INC(t, d); DEC(r, d); DEC(b, d); col := (col + 1) MOD 3 END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR p: Properties.Message); CONST min = 10 * Ports.mm; max = 160 * Ports.mm; pref = 90 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH p: Properties.SizePref DO (* prevent illegal sizes *) IF p.w = Views.undefined THEN (* no preference for width -> skip *) ELSIF p.w < min THEN p.w := min ELSIF p.w > max THEN p.w := max END; IF p.h = Views.undefined THEN p.h := pref ELSIF p.h < min THEN p.h := min ELSIF p.h > max THEN p.h := max END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxPatterns.
MODULE ObxPDBRep0; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, ObxPhoneDB; PROCEDURE GenReport*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; i: INTEGER; name, number: ObxPhoneDB.String; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create empty text carrier *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) i := 0; ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number); WHILE name # "" DO f.WriteString(name); (* first string *) f.WriteTab; (* tab character *) f.WriteString(number); (* second string *) f.WriteLn; (* carriage return *) INC(i); ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a text view for the text generated above *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the text view in its own window *) END GenReport; END ObxPDBRep0.
MODULE ObxPDBRep1; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, ObxPhoneDB; PROCEDURE GenReport*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; i: INTEGER; name, number: ObxPhoneDB.String; default, green: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create empty text carrier *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) default := f.rider.attr; (* save old text attributes for later use *) green := TextModels.NewColor(default, Ports.green); (* use green color *) i := 0; ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number); WHILE name # "" DO f.rider.SetAttr(green); (* change current attributes of formatter's rider *) f.WriteString(name); (* first string *) f.rider.SetAttr(default); (* change current attributes of formatter's rider *) f.WriteTab; (* tab character *) f.WriteString(number); (* second string *) f.WriteLn; (* carriage return *) INC(i); ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a text view for the text generated above *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the text view in its own window *) END GenReport; END ObxPDBRep1.
MODULE ObxPDBRep2; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextRulers, ObxPhoneDB; PROCEDURE WriteRuler (VAR f:TextMappers.Formatter); CONST cm = 10 * Ports.mm; (* universal units *) VAR ruler: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN ruler := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.AddTab(ruler, 4 * cm); (* define a tab stop, 4 cm from the left margin *) TextRulers.SetRight(ruler, 12 * cm); (* set right margin *) f.WriteView(ruler) (* a ruler is a view, thus can be written to the text *) END WriteRuler; PROCEDURE GenReport*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; i: INTEGER; name, number: ObxPhoneDB.String; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create empty text carrier *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) WriteRuler(f); i := 0; ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number); WHILE name # "" DO f.WriteString(name); (* first string *) f.WriteTab; (* tab character *) f.WriteString(number); (* second string *) f.WriteLn; (* carriage return *) INC(i); ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a text view for the text generated above *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the text view in its own window *) END GenReport; END ObxPDBRep2.
MODULE ObxPDBRep3; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, StdFolds, ObxPhoneDB; PROCEDURE WriteOpenFold (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; IN shortForm: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; t: TextModels.Model; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.NewFromString(shortForm); (* convert a string into a text model *) fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", t); f.WriteView(fold) END WriteOpenFold; PROCEDURE WriteCloseFold (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; len: INTEGER; BEGIN fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", NIL); f.WriteView(fold); fold.Flip; (* swap long-form text, now between the two fold views, with hidden short-form text *) len := f.rider.Base().Length(); (* determine the text carrier's new length *) f.SetPos(len) (* position the formatter to the end of the text *) END WriteCloseFold; PROCEDURE GenReport*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; i: INTEGER; name, number: ObxPhoneDB.String; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create empty text carrier *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) i := 0; ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number); WHILE name # "" DO WriteOpenFold(f, name$); (* write left fold view into text, with name as its short-form text *) (* now write the long-form text *) f.WriteString(name); (* first string *) f.WriteTab; (* tab character *) f.WriteString(number); (* second string *) WriteCloseFold(f); (* write closing fold, and swap short- and long-form texts *) f.WriteLn; (* carriage return *) INC(i); ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a text view for the text generated above *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the text view in its own window *) END GenReport; END ObxPDBRep3.
MODULE ObxPDBRep4; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, StdLinks, StdLog, ObxPhoneDB; CONST cmdStart = "ObxPDBRep4.Log('"; cmdEnd = "')"; PROCEDURE GenReport*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; i: INTEGER; name, number: ObxPhoneDB.String; link: StdLinks.Link; cmd: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create empty text carrier *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) i := 0; ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number); WHILE name # "" DO cmd := cmdStart + name + " " + number + cmdEnd; link := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd); f.WriteView(link); f.WriteString(name); (* the string shown between the pair of link views *) link := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); f.WriteView(link); f.WriteLn; (* carriage return *) INC(i); ObxPhoneDB.LookupByIndex(i, name, number) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a text view for the text generated above *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the text view in its own window *) END GenReport; PROCEDURE Log* (param: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN StdLog.String(param); StdLog.Ln END Log; END ObxPDBRep4.
MODULE ObxPhoneDB; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) CONST maxLen = 32; (* maximum length of name/number strings *) maxEntries = 5; (* maximum number of entries in the database *) TYPE String* = ARRAY maxLen OF CHAR; Entry = RECORD name, number: String END; VAR db: ARRAY maxEntries OF Entry; PROCEDURE LookupByIndex* (index: INTEGER; OUT name, number: String); BEGIN (* given an index, return the corresponding <name, number> pair *) ASSERT(index >= 0); IF index < maxEntries THEN name := db[index].name; number := db[index].number ELSE name := ""; number := "" END END LookupByIndex; PROCEDURE LookupByName* (name: String; OUT number: String); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN (* given a name, find the corresponding phone number *) i := 0; WHILE (i # maxEntries) & (db[i].name # name) DO INC(i) END; IF i # maxEntries THEN (* name found in db[i] *) number := db[i].number ELSE (* name not found in db[0..maxEntries-1] *) number := "" END END LookupByName; PROCEDURE LookupByNumber* (number: String; OUT name: String); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN (* given a phone number, find the corresponding name *) i := 0; WHILE (i # maxEntries) & (db[i].number # number) DO INC(i) END; IF i # maxEntries THEN (* number found in db[i] *) name := db[i].name ELSE (* number not found in db[0..maxEntries-1] *) name := "" END END LookupByNumber; BEGIN (* initialization of database contents *) db[0].name := "Daffy Duck"; db[0].number := "310-555-1212"; db[1].name := "Wile E. Coyote"; db[1].number := "408-555-1212"; db[2].name := "Scrooge McDuck"; db[2].number := "206-555-1212"; db[3].name := "Huey Lewis"; db[3].number := "415-555-1212"; db[4].name := "Thomas Dewey"; db[4].number := "617-555-1212" END ObxPhoneDB.
MODULE ObxPhoneUI; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, ObxPhoneDB; VAR phone*: RECORD name*, number*: ObxPhoneDB.String; lookupByName*: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE Lookup*; BEGIN IF phone.lookupByName THEN ObxPhoneDB.LookupByName(phone.name, phone.number); IF phone.number = "" THEN phone.number := "not found" END ELSE ObxPhoneDB.LookupByNumber(phone.number, phone.name); IF phone.name = "" THEN phone.name := "not found" END END; Dialog.Update(phone) END Lookup; PROCEDURE LookupGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN (* disable if input string is empty *) par.disabled := phone.lookupByName & (phone.name = "") OR ~phone.lookupByName & (phone.number = "") END LookupGuard; PROCEDURE NameGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN (* make read-only if lookup is by number *) par.readOnly := ~phone.lookupByName END NameGuard; PROCEDURE NumberGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN (* make read-only if lookup is by name *) par.readOnly := phone.lookupByName END NumberGuard; END ObxPhoneUI.
MODULE ObxPhoneUI1; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, ObxPhoneDB; VAR phone*: RECORD name*, number*: ObxPhoneDB.String END; PROCEDURE NameNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN ObxPhoneDB.LookupByName(phone.name, phone.number); Dialog.Update(phone) END NameNotifier; PROCEDURE NumberNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN ObxPhoneDB.LookupByNumber(phone.number, phone.name); Dialog.Update(phone) END NumberNotifier; END ObxPhoneUI1.
MODULE ObxPi; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Int := Integers, StdLog; PROCEDURE Pi* (digits: INTEGER): Int.Integer; (* entier(pi * 10^digits) *) VAR p1, p2, inc, sum: Int.Integer; guard, div: INTEGER; BEGIN (* pi = 16 * atan(1/5) - 4 * atan(1/239) *) (* atan(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ... *) guard := 8; p1 := Int.Quotient(Int.Product(Int.Power(Int.Long(10), digits + guard), Int.Long(16)), Int.Long(5)); p2 := Int.Quotient(Int.Product(Int.Power(Int.Long(10), digits + guard), Int.Long(-4)), Int.Long(239)); sum := Int.Sum(p1, p2); div := 1; REPEAT p1 := Int.Quotient(p1, Int.Long(-5 * 5)); p2 := Int.Quotient(p2, Int.Long(-239 * 239)); INC(div, 2); inc := Int.Quotient(Int.Sum(p1, p2), Int.Long(div)); sum := Int.Sum(sum, inc) UNTIL Int.Sign(inc) = 0; RETURN Int.Quotient(sum, Int.Power(Int.Long(10), guard)) END Pi; PROCEDURE WritePi* (digits: INTEGER); VAR i: Int.Integer; s: ARRAY 10000 OF CHAR; BEGIN i := Pi(digits); Int.ConvertToString(i, s); StdLog.String(s); StdLog.Ln END WritePi; END ObxPi.
MODULE ObxRandom; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" references = "Martin Reiser, Niklaus Wirth, Programming In Oberon, ISBN 0201565439" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) VAR z: INTEGER; (* global variable *) PROCEDURE Uniform* (): REAL; CONST a = 16807; m = 2147483647; q = m DIV a; r = m MOD a; VAR gamma: INTEGER; BEGIN gamma := a * (z MOD q) - r * (z DIV q); IF gamma > 0 THEN z := gamma ELSE z := gamma + m END; RETURN z * (1.0 / m) (* value of the function *) END Uniform; PROCEDURE InitSeed* (seed: INTEGER); BEGIN z := seed END InitSeed; BEGIN z := 314159 (* initial value of seed *) END ObxRandom.
MODULE ObxRatCalc; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Stores, Models, Dialog, TextModels, TextControllers, TextMappers, Integers; CONST (* scanner classes *) stop = 0; int = 1; openPar = 2; closePar = 3; powOp = 4; mulOp = 5; addOp = 6; approximationLength = 40; TYPE Scanner = RECORD r: TextModels.Reader; nextCh: CHAR; end, level: INTEGER; pos: INTEGER; class: INTEGER; num, den: Integers.Integer; op: CHAR; error: BOOLEAN END; Expression = POINTER TO RECORD op: CHAR; sub1, sub2: Expression; int: Integers.Integer END; VAR zero, one, ten, hundred, maxExponent, minusOne: Integers.Integer; (* scanning *) PROCEDURE ReadInteger (r: TextModels.Reader; OUT nextCh: CHAR; OUT num, den: Integers.Integer); VAR i, j, l1, l2, beg: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; buf: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; BEGIN beg := r.Pos() - 1; l1 := 0; l2 := 0; REPEAT INC(l1); r.ReadChar(ch) UNTIL r.eot OR (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9"); IF ch = "." THEN r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") DO INC(l2); r.ReadChar(ch) END END; NEW(buf, l1 + l2 + 1); i := 0; r.SetPos(beg); REPEAT r.ReadChar(buf[i]); INC(i) UNTIL i = l1; IF l2 # 0 THEN j := l2; r.ReadChar(ch); REPEAT r.ReadChar(buf[i]); INC(i); DEC(j) UNTIL j = 0 END; buf[i] := 0X; Integers.ConvertFromString(buf^, num); IF l2 # 0 THEN buf[0] := "1"; i := 1; REPEAT buf[i] := "0"; INC(i) UNTIL i = l2 + 1; buf[i] := 0X; Integers.ConvertFromString(buf^, den) ELSE den := NIL END; r.ReadChar(nextCh) END ReadInteger; PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) Read, NEW; VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF ~s.error THEN ch := s.nextCh; IF s.r.eot THEN s.pos := s.r.Pos() ELSE s.pos := s.r.Pos() - 1 END; WHILE ~s.r.eot & (s.r.Pos() <= s.end) & (ch <= " ") DO s.r.ReadChar(ch) END; IF ~s.r.eot & (s.r.Pos() <= s.end) THEN IF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") THEN s.class := int; ReadInteger(s.r, ch, s.num, s.den) ELSIF (ch = "+") OR (ch = "-") THEN s.class := addOp; s.op := ch; s.r.ReadChar(ch) ELSIF (ch = "*") OR (ch = "/") THEN s.class := mulOp; s.op := ch; s.r.ReadChar(ch) ELSIF ch = "^" THEN s.class := powOp; s.op := ch; s.r.ReadChar(ch) ELSIF ch = "(" THEN s.class := openPar; INC(s.level); s.r.ReadChar(ch) ELSIF ch = ")" THEN s.class := closePar; DEC(s.level); s.r.ReadChar(ch) ELSE s.error := TRUE END ELSE s.class := stop END; s.nextCh := ch ELSE s.class := stop END END Read; PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) ConnectTo (t: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER), NEW; VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN s.r := t.NewReader(NIL); s.r.SetPos(beg); s.r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~s.r.eot & (beg < end) & (ch <= " ") DO s.r.ReadChar(ch); INC(beg) END; s.nextCh := ch; s.pos := beg; s.end := end; s.level := 0; s.error := FALSE END ConnectTo; (* parsing *) PROCEDURE^ ReadExpression (VAR s: Scanner; OUT exp: Expression); PROCEDURE ReadFactor (VAR s: Scanner; OUT exp: Expression); VAR e: Expression; BEGIN IF s.class = openPar THEN s.Read; ReadExpression(s, exp); s.error := s.error OR (s.class # closePar); s.Read ELSIF s.class = int THEN IF s.den = NIL THEN NEW(exp); exp.op := "i"; exp.int := s.num ELSE NEW(exp); exp.op := "/"; NEW(e); e.op := "i"; e.int := s.num; exp.sub1 := e; NEW(e); e.op := "i"; e.int := s.den; exp.sub2 := e END; s.Read ELSE s.error := TRUE END; IF ~s.error & (s.class = powOp) THEN NEW(e); e.op := s.op; e.sub1 := exp; exp := e; s.Read; ReadFactor(s, e.sub2) END END ReadFactor; PROCEDURE ReadTerm (VAR s: Scanner; OUT exp: Expression); VAR e: Expression; BEGIN ReadFactor(s, exp); WHILE ~s.error & (s.class = mulOp) DO NEW(e); e.op := s.op; e.sub1 := exp; exp := e; s.Read; ReadFactor(s, exp.sub2) END END ReadTerm; PROCEDURE ReadExpression (VAR s: Scanner; OUT exp: Expression); VAR e: Expression; BEGIN IF (s.class = addOp) & (s.op = "-") THEN s.Read; NEW(e); e.op := "i"; e.int := zero; NEW(exp); exp.op := "-"; exp.sub1 := e; ReadTerm(s, exp.sub2) ELSE ReadTerm(s, exp) END; WHILE ~s.error & (s.class = addOp) DO NEW(e); e.op := s.op; e.sub1 := exp; exp := e; s.Read; ReadTerm(s, exp.sub2) END END ReadExpression; (* evaluation *) PROCEDURE Normalize (VAR num, den: Integers.Integer); VAR g: Integers.Integer; BEGIN IF Integers.Sign(num) # 0 THEN g := Integers.GCD(num, den); num := Integers.Quotient(num, g); den := Integers.Quotient(den, g); IF Integers.Sign(den) < 0 THEN num := Integers.Product(num, minusOne); den := Integers.Abs(den) END ELSE den := one END END Normalize; PROCEDURE Evaluate (exp: Expression; OUT num, den: Integers.Integer; VAR error: INTEGER); VAR exponent: INTEGER; op: CHAR; n1, d1, n2, d2, g, h: Integers.Integer; BEGIN error := 0; op := exp.op; IF op = "i" THEN num := exp.int; den := one ELSE Evaluate(exp.sub1, n1, d1, error); IF error = 0 THEN Evaluate(exp.sub2, n2, d2, error); IF error = 0 THEN IF (op = "+") OR (op = "-") THEN g := Integers.GCD(d1, d2); h := Integers.Quotient(d2, g); IF op = "+" THEN num := Integers.Sum( Integers.Product(n1, h), Integers.Product(n2, Integers.Quotient(d1, g))) ELSE num := Integers.Difference( Integers.Product(n1, h), Integers.Product(n2, Integers.Quotient(d1, g))) END; den := Integers.Product(d1, h); Normalize(num, den) ELSIF op = "*" THEN num := Integers.Product(n1, n2); den := Integers.Product(d1, d2); Normalize(num, den) ELSIF op = "/" THEN IF Integers.Sign(n2) # 0 THEN num := Integers.Product(n1, d2); den := Integers.Product(d1, n2); Normalize(num, den) ELSE error := 1 END ELSIF op = "^" THEN IF Integers.Sign(n1) = 0 THEN num := n1; den := d1 ELSE IF Integers.Compare(d2, one) = 0 THEN IF Integers.Sign(n2) = 0 THEN num := one; den := one ELSE IF Integers.Sign(n2) < 0 THEN g := n1; n1 := d1; d1 := g; n2 := Integers.Abs(n2) END; IF Integers.Compare(n2, maxExponent) <= 0 THEN exponent := SHORT(Integers.Short(n2)); num := Integers.Power(n1, exponent); den := Integers.Power(d1, exponent); Normalize(num, den) ELSE error := 3 END END ELSE error := 2 END END ELSE HALT(99) END END END END END Evaluate; (* output *) PROCEDURE WriteInteger (w: TextModels.Writer; x: Integers.Integer); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Integers.Sign(x) # 0 THEN IF Integers.Sign(x) < 0 THEN w.WriteChar("-") END; i := Integers.Digits10Of(x); REPEAT DEC(i); w.WriteChar(Integers.ThisDigit10(x, i)) UNTIL i = 0 ELSE w.WriteChar("0") END END WriteInteger; PROCEDURE Replace (t: TextModels.Model; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; n, d: Integers.Integer; a: TextModels.Attributes); VAR s: Stores.Operation; w: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN Models.BeginScript(t, "computation", s); t.Delete(beg, end); w.ConnectTo(t); w.SetPos(beg); w.rider.SetAttr(a); WriteInteger(w.rider, n); IF (Integers.Sign(n) # 0) & (Integers.Compare(d, one) # 0) THEN w.WriteString(" / "); WriteInteger(w.rider, d) END; Models.EndScript(t, s); end := w.Pos() END Replace; PROCEDURE ReplaceReal (t: TextModels.Model; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; n, d: Integers.Integer; a: TextModels.Attributes); VAR i, k, e: INTEGER; q, r: Integers.Integer; s: Stores.Operation; w: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN Models.BeginScript(t, "computation", s); t.Delete(beg, end); w.ConnectTo(t); w.SetPos(beg); w.rider.SetAttr(a); IF Integers.Sign(n) < 0 THEN w.WriteChar("-"); n := Integers.Abs(n) END; Integers.QuoRem(n, d, q, r); k := Integers.Digits10Of(q); IF k > approximationLength THEN DEC(k); e := k; w.WriteChar(Integers.ThisDigit10(q, k)); w.WriteChar("."); i := 1; REPEAT DEC(k); w.WriteChar(Integers.ThisDigit10(q, k)); INC(i) UNTIL i = approximationLength; w.WriteString("...*10^"); w.WriteInt(e) ELSE e := 0; IF (k = 0) & (Integers.Sign(r) # 0) & (Integers.Compare(Integers.Quotient(d, r), hundred) > 0) THEN REPEAT Integers.QuoRem(Integers.Product(ten, r), d, q, r); INC(e) UNTIL Integers.Sign(q) # 0 ELSIF k = 0 THEN k := 1 END; WriteInteger(w.rider, q); IF Integers.Sign(r) # 0 THEN w.WriteChar("."); REPEAT Integers.QuoRem(Integers.Product(ten, r), d, q, r); WriteInteger(w.rider, q); INC(k) UNTIL (Integers.Sign(r) = 0) OR (k = approximationLength); IF Integers.Sign(r) # 0 THEN w.WriteString("...") END END; IF e # 0 THEN w.WriteString("*10^-"); w.WriteInt(e) END END; Models.EndScript(t, s); end := w.Pos() END ReplaceReal; (* commands *) PROCEDURE Compute (approx: BOOLEAN); VAR beg, end, error: INTEGER; exp: Expression; s: Scanner; attr: TextModels.Attributes; c: TextControllers.Controller; num, den: Integers.Integer; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); s.ConnectTo(c.text, beg, end); attr := s.r.attr; beg := s.pos; s.Read; ReadExpression(s, exp); end := s.pos; IF ~s.error & (s.class = stop) THEN Evaluate(exp, num, den, error); IF error = 0 THEN IF approx THEN ReplaceReal(c.text, beg, end, num, den, attr) ELSE Replace(c.text, beg, end, num, den, attr) END; c.SetSelection(beg, end) ELSIF error = 1 THEN Dialog.ShowMsg("division by zero.") ELSIF error = 2 THEN Dialog.ShowMsg("non-integer exponent.") ELSIF error = 3 THEN Dialog.ShowMsg("exponent too large.") ELSE HALT(99) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("syntax error."); c.SetCaret(s.pos) END END END Compute; PROCEDURE Simplify*; BEGIN Compute(FALSE) END Simplify; PROCEDURE Approximate*; BEGIN Compute(TRUE) END Approximate; BEGIN zero := Integers.Long(0); one := Integers.Long(1); ten := Integers.Long(10); hundred := Integers.Long(100); maxExponent := Integers.Long(1000000); minusOne := Integers.Long(-1) END ObxRatCalc.
MODULE ObxSample; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) TYPE File* = POINTER TO RECORD len: INTEGER (* hidden instance variable *) END; Rider* = POINTER TO RECORD (* there may be several riders on one file *) file-: File; (* read-only instance variable *) eof*: BOOLEAN; (* fully exported instance variable *) pos: INTEGER (* hidden instance variable *) (* Invariant: (pos >= 0) & (pos < file.len) *) END; PROCEDURE (f: File) GetLength* (OUT length: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN length := f.len END GetLength; PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) SetPos* (pos: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN (* assert invariants, so that errors may not be propagated across components *) ASSERT(pos >= 0); ASSERT(pos < rd.file.len); rd.pos := pos END SetPos; (* ... *) END ObxSample.
MODULE ObxScroll; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Stores, Fonts, Ports, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; cellSize = 7 * Ports.mm; boardSize = 10; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) x, y: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteInt(v.x); wr.WriteInt(v.y) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(v.x); rd.ReadInt(v.y) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.x := source.x; v.y := source.y END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR x, y, asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color; str: ARRAY 3 OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font; BEGIN str := "00"; font := Fonts.dir.Default(); x := l DIV cellSize; IF Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) THEN r := r - r MOD cellSize END; WHILE (x * cellSize < r) & (v.x + x < boardSize) DO y := t DIV cellSize; IF Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) THEN b := b - b MOD cellSize END; WHILE (y * cellSize < b) & (v.y + y < boardSize) DO IF ODD(x + y + v.x + v.y) THEN color := Ports.black ELSE color := Ports.white END; f.DrawRect(x * cellSize, y * cellSize, (x + 1) * cellSize, (y + 1) * cellSize, Ports.fill, color); str[0] := CHR(ORD("0") + x + v.x); str[1] := CHR(ORD("0") + y + v.y); font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); f.DrawString( (x * cellSize + cellSize DIV 2) - font.StringWidth(str) DIV 2, (y * cellSize + cellSize DIV 2) + asc DIV 2, Ports.red, str, font); INC(y) END; INC(x) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR val, vis, w, h: INTEGER; changed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO v.context.GetSize(w, h); msg.focus := FALSE; (* v is not a container *) IF msg.vertical THEN msg.partSize := h DIV cellSize; msg.wholeSize := boardSize + MAX(0, msg.partSize + v.y - boardSize); msg.partPos := v.y ELSE msg.partSize := w DIV cellSize; msg.wholeSize := boardSize + MAX(0, msg.partSize + v.x - boardSize); msg.partPos := v.x END; msg.valid := (msg.partSize < msg.wholeSize); msg.done := TRUE | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO v.context.GetSize(w, h); changed := FALSE; msg.focus := FALSE; (* v is not a container *) IF msg.vertical THEN val := v.y; vis := h DIV cellSize ELSE val := v.x; vis := w DIV cellSize END; CASE msg.op OF Controllers.decLine: IF val > 0 THEN DEC(val); changed := TRUE END | Controllers.incLine: IF val < boardSize - vis THEN INC(val); changed := TRUE END | Controllers.decPage: DEC(val, vis); changed := TRUE; IF val < 0THEN val := 0 END | Controllers.incPage: INC(val, vis); changed := TRUE; IF val > boardSize - vis THEN val := boardSize - vis END | Controllers.gotoPos: val := msg.pos; changed := TRUE END; IF msg.vertical THEN v.y := val ELSE v.x := val END; msg.done := TRUE; IF changed THEN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END | msg: Controllers.PageMsg DO v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF msg.op IN {Controllers.nextPageY, Controllers.gotoPageY} THEN vis := h DIV cellSize ELSE vis := w DIV cellSize END; CASE msg.op OF Controllers.nextPageX: INC(v.x, vis) | Controllers.nextPageY: INC(v.y, vis) | Controllers.gotoPageX: v.x := msg.pageX * vis | Controllers.gotoPageY: v.y := msg.pageY * vis END; msg.done := TRUE; msg.eox := v.x >= boardSize; msg.eoy := v.y >= boardSize ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR p: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH p: Properties.SizePref DO IF p.w = Views.undefined THEN p.w := (boardSize - v.x) * cellSize END; IF p.h = Views.undefined THEN p.h := (boardSize - v.y) * cellSize END | p: Properties.ResizePref DO p.horFitToWin := TRUE; p.verFitToWin := TRUE | p: Properties.FocusPref DO p.setFocus := TRUE ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.x := 0; v.y := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; PROCEDURE DepositAt* (x, y: INTEGER); VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.x := 0; v.y := 0; IF (x > 0) & (x < boardSize) THEN v.x := x END; IF (y > 0) & (y < boardSize) THEN v.y := y END; Views.Deposit(v) END DepositAt; END ObxScroll.
MODULE ObxStores; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) (* This example illustrates the persistency service implemented by Stores. It is shown how a graph of linked nodes can be externalized and internalized, maintaining invariants like objects refered to through multiple pointers and cycles. Stores also offeres a mechanism to just copy such a graph. To run the example, click on the commanders below: ObxStores.WriteRead ObxStores.Copy *) IMPORT Dialog, Files, Stores; TYPE Node = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Store) a, b: Node END; (* Methods of Node *) PROCEDURE (n: Node) Externalize (VAR w: Stores.Writer); BEGIN w.WriteStore(n.a); w.WriteStore(n.b) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (n: Node) Internalize (VAR r: Stores.Reader); VAR s: Stores.Store; BEGIN r.ReadStore(s); IF (s # NIL) & (s IS Node) THEN n.a := s(Node) ELSE n.a := NIL END; r.ReadStore(s); IF (s # NIL) & (s IS Node) THEN n.b := s(Node) ELSE n.b := NIL END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (n: Node) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Node DO IF source.a # NIL THEN n.a := Stores.CopyOf(source.a)(Node) ELSE n.b := NIL END; IF source.b # NIL THEN n.b := Stores.CopyOf(source.b)(Node) ELSE n.b := NIL END END END CopyFrom; (* Build and check a graph of Nodes *) PROCEDURE NewGraph (): Node; VAR n: Node; BEGIN NEW(n); NEW(n.a); Stores.Join(n, n.a); NEW(n.b); Stores.Join(n, n.b); n.a.a := n.b; n.a.b := NIL; n.b.a := n.a; n.b.b := n.b; RETURN n END NewGraph; PROCEDURE GraphOk (n: Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (n # n.a) & (n # n.b) & (n.a # n.b) & (n.a.a = n.b) & (n.a.b = NIL) & (n.b.a = n.a) & (n.b.b = n.b) & Stores.Joined(n, n.a) & Stores.Joined(n, n.b) END GraphOk; (* Demonstrate Ex- and Internalization *) PROCEDURE WriteRead*; VAR n, m: Node; f: Files.File; w: Stores.Writer; r: Stores.Reader; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN (* allocate and check new graph *) n := NewGraph(); ASSERT(GraphOk(n), 1); (* externalize graph to a temporary file *) f := Files.dir.Temp(); w.ConnectTo(f); w.WriteStore(n); (* read graph back from file *) r.ConnectTo(f); r.ReadStore(s); m := s(Node); (* check graph to be internalized with nodes correctly linked and joined *) ASSERT(GraphOk(m), 2); Dialog.ShowMsg("WriteRead test ok.") END WriteRead; (* Demonstrate Copying *) PROCEDURE Copy*; VAR n, m: Node; BEGIN (* allocate and check new graph *) n := NewGraph(); ASSERT(GraphOk(n), 1); (* copy entire graph *) m := Stores.CopyOf(n)(Node); (* check graph to be internalized with nodes correctly linked and joined *) ASSERT(GraphOk(m), 2); Dialog.ShowMsg("Copy test ok.") END Copy; END ObxStores.
MODULE ObxTabs; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, TextModels, TextViews, TextControllers; CONST tab = 09X; line = 0DX; VAR field: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE ReadField (r: TextModels.Reader); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN (* read a field, which is a sequence of characters terminated by the end of text, or a tab or line character *) i := 0; r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot & (ch # tab) & (ch # line) DO field[i] := ch; INC(i); r.ReadChar(ch) END; field[i] := 0X END ReadField; PROCEDURE WriteField (w: TextModels.Writer); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := field[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO w.WriteChar(ch); INC(i); ch := field[i] END END WriteField; PROCEDURE Convert*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; t: TextModels.Model; r: TextModels.Reader; w: TextModels.Writer; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); r := c.text.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(beg); t := TextModels.CloneOf(c.text); w := t.NewWriter(NIL); ReadField(r); (* title *) WHILE ~r.eot DO WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(" "); ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(" "); (* first name *) ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(tab); (* name *) ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(tab); (* company 1 *) ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(tab); (* company 2 *) ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(tab); (* address *) ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(" "); (* ZIP *) ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(tab); (* city *) ReadField(r); WriteField(w); w.WriteChar(line); (* country *) ReadField(r) (* title *) END; Views.OpenView(TextViews.dir.New(t)) END END Convert; END ObxTabs.
MODULE ObxTabViews; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT StdTabViews, Views, Strings, Dialog, StdLog, ObxCalc, ObxCubes; VAR st: StdTabViews.View; calc: Views.View; PROCEDURE New* (): StdTabViews.View; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN st := StdTabViews.dir.New(); calc := ObxCalc.New(); v := ObxCubes.New(); st.SetItem(0, 'Cube', v); st.SetItem(1, 'Calc 1', calc); st.SetItem(2, 'Calc 2', calc); st.SetNotifier("ObxTabViews.Notify"); RETURN st END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(New()) END Deposit; PROCEDURE AddNewCalc*; VAR s: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToString(st.NofTabs(), s); st.SetItem(st.NofTabs(), 'Calc ' + s, calc) END AddNewCalc; PROCEDURE DeleteTab*; VAR i: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; v: Views.View; BEGIN IF st.NofTabs() > 0 THEN FOR i := st.Index() TO st.NofTabs() - 2 DO st.GetItem(i + 1, s, v); st.SetItem(i, s, v) END; st.SetNofTabs(st.NofTabs() - 1) END END DeleteTab; PROCEDURE Notify* (v: StdTabViews.View; from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN StdLog.String("Notify: "); StdLog.Int(from); StdLog.Int(to); StdLog.Ln END Notify; END ObxTabViews.
MODULE ObxTickers; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Services, Stores, Models; CONST minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; TYPE Ticks = POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) ticks: Ticks; last: INTEGER; offset: INTEGER END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; Msg = RECORD (Models.Message) consumed: BOOLEAN END; VAR action: Action; actionIsActive: BOOLEAN; seed: INTEGER; PROCEDURE UniRand (): REAL; CONST a = 16807; m = 2147483647; q = m DIV a; r = m MOD a; BEGIN seed := a * (seed MOD q) - r * (seed DIV q); IF seed <= 0 THEN seed := seed + m END; RETURN seed * (1.0 / m) END UniRand; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR msg: Msg; BEGIN msg.consumed := FALSE; Views.Omnicast(msg); IF msg.consumed THEN Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 5) ELSE actionIsActive := FALSE END END Do; (* view *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR i, len: INTEGER; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteInt(v.offset); wr.WriteInt(v.last); len := LEN(v.ticks); wr.WriteInt(len); FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO wr.WriteInt(v.ticks[i]) END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version, i, len: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(v.offset); rd.ReadInt(v.last); rd.ReadInt(len); NEW(v.ticks, len); FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO rd.ReadInt(v.ticks[i]) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); VAR i, len: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.offset := source.offset; v.last := source.last; len := LEN(source.ticks); NEW(v.ticks, len); FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO v.ticks[i] := source.ticks[i] END END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 50 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); VAR len, m: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Msg DO len := LEN(v.ticks); m := v.ticks[v.last]; IF UniRand() > 0.5 THEN INC(m) ELSE DEC(m) END; v.last := (v.last + 1) MOD len; v.ticks[v.last] := m; msg.consumed := TRUE; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, x, y0, ylast, p, p1, len, len2, i, j: INTEGER; ticks: Ticks; BEGIN IF ~actionIsActive THEN Services.DoLater(action, Services.now); actionIsActive := TRUE END; v.context.GetSize(w, h); len := LEN(v.ticks); len2 := 1 + w DIV f.dot; IF len2 > len THEN (* allocate new array and copy data *) NEW(ticks, len2); i := 0; WHILE i <= v.last DO ticks[i] := v.ticks[i]; INC(i) END; j := i + len2 - len; WHILE i < len DO ticks[j] := v.ticks[i]; INC(i); INC(j) END; v.ticks := ticks; len := len2 END; (* adjust offset so that the last point is visible *) ylast := (v.ticks[v.last] + v.offset) * f.dot; IF ylast > h DIV 2 THEN DEC(v.offset) ELSIF ylast < -h DIV 2 THEN INC(v.offset) END; p := (v.last - (len2 - 1)) MOD len; (* index of first entry *) x := 0; y0 := h DIV 2 + v.offset * f.dot; WHILE p # v.last DO p1 := (p + 1) MOD len; f.DrawLine(x, y0 + v.ticks[p] * f.dot, x + f.dot, y0 + v.ticks[p1] * f.dot, 0, Ports.red); x := x + f.dot; p := p1 END; f.DrawLine(l, y0, r, y0, 0, Ports.black) END Restore; (* commands *) PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); NEW(v.ticks, 142); v.last := 0; v.offset := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; BEGIN NEW(action); actionIsActive := FALSE; seed := SHORT(Services.Ticks()) END ObxTickers.
MODULE ObxTrap; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, Views, Controllers; VAR global: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR i: INTEGER; str: Dialog.String; v: Views.View; BEGIN str := "String"; global := 13; v := Controllers.FocusView(); i := 777; str[i] := "*" (* index out of range, since the Dialog.String array only contains 256 elements *) END Do; END ObxTrap.
MODULE ObxTwins; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Services, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, TextViews; CONST minVersion = 3; maxVersion = 3; (* old versions 0 .. 2 of ObxTwin views cannot be read anymore *) border = Ports.mm; TYPE Identity = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) END; (* dummy model *) Context = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) base: View; (* container view *) view: Views.View; (* contained view *) l, t, r, b: INTEGER (* cached bounding box of contained view *) END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) top, bottom: Context; ident: Identity; (* temporary dummy model *) focus: Context (* current focus; either top or bottom *) END; (* Context *) PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL (* don't give the embedded views information about the dummy twin model *) END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.r - c.l; h := c.b - c.t END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, sep: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.base.top = c THEN (* top view *) c.base.context.MakeVisible(l + border, t + border, r + border, b + border) ELSE (* bottom view *) c.base.context.GetSize(w, h); sep := h DIV 3; c.base.context.MakeVisible(l + border, t + sep + border, r + border, b + sep + border) END END MakeVisible; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); BEGIN c.base.context.Consider(p) END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.base.context.Normalize() END Normalize; PROCEDURE NewContext (v: Views.View; base: View): Context; VAR c: Context; BEGIN NEW(c); c.view := v; c.base := base; v.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(v, base); RETURN c END NewContext; PROCEDURE CopyOf (source: Context; shallow: BOOLEAN; base: View): Context; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Views.CopyOf(source.view, shallow ); RETURN NewContext(v, base) END CopyOf; (* View *) PROCEDURE RecalcLayout (v: View); VAR w, h, sep: INTEGER; c: Context; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); sep := h DIV 3; (* separate the two views at 1/3 of the container's height *) c := v.top; c.l := border; c.t := border; c.r := w - border; c.b := sep - border; c := v.bottom; c.l := border; c.t := sep + border; c.r := w - border; c.b := h - border END RecalcLayout; PROCEDURE SetFocus (v: Views.View; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN (* determine whether v should be focused when the mouse is clicked at (x, y) in v *) p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x; p.y := y; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.setFocus END SetFocus; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); VAR shallow: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH source: View DO shallow := model = source.ident; (* shallow copy if both views share the same model *) Stores.Join(v, model); v.top := CopyOf(source.top, shallow, v); v.bottom := CopyOf(source.bottom, shallow, v); v.ident := model(Identity); v.focus := v.bottom END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; h: Views.View; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN Views.ReadView(rd, h); v.top := NewContext(h, v); Views.ReadView(rd, h); v.bottom := NewContext(h, v); NEW(v.ident); Stores.Join(v, v.ident); v.focus := v.bottom END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); Views.WriteView(wr, v.top.view); Views.WriteView(wr, v.bottom.view) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize; BEGIN v.focus.view.Neutralize END Neutralize; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.ident END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR d: INTEGER; c: Context; BEGIN RecalcLayout(v); (* install the subframes for the subviews *) c := v.top; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, v.focus = c); c := v.bottom; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 1, v.focus = c); (* draw frame around the subviews *) d := 2 * f.dot; c := v.top; IF (c.t - d < c.b + d) & (c.l - d < c.r + d) THEN f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, f.dot, Ports.black) END; c := v.bottom; IF (c.t - d < c.b + d) & (c.l - d < c.r + d) THEN f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, f.dot, Ports.black) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; newFocus: Context; mMsg: Controllers.MarkMsg; w, h, sep: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO v.context.GetSize(w, h); sep := h DIV 3; IF msg.y >= sep THEN newFocus := v.bottom ELSE newFocus := v.top END; focus := newFocus.view; IF (newFocus # v.focus) & ((msg IS Controllers.TrackMsg) OR (msg IS Controllers.DropMsg)) & SetFocus(focus, msg.x, msg.y) THEN (* remove marks in old focus *) mMsg.show := FALSE; mMsg.focus := TRUE; g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.focus.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg) END; v.focus := newFocus; (* set new focus *) (* set marks in new focus *) mMsg.show := TRUE; mMsg.focus := TRUE; g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.focus.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg) END END (* the following scrolling-oriented messages are always sent to bottom view, independent of focus *) | msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.bottom.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END; IF msg.vertical & ~msg.done THEN msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := TRUE (* disable default-scrolling *) END | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.bottom.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END; IF msg.vertical THEN msg.done := TRUE END | msg: Controllers.PageMsg DO focus := v.bottom.view ELSE (* all other messages are sent to the focus, however *) focus := v.focus.view END (* the assignment to focus signals that the view v wants to forward the message to the corresponding embedded view *) END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Views.PropMessage); CONST defW = 80 * Ports.mm; defH = 60 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF msg.w = Views.undefined THEN msg.w := defW END; IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN msg.h := defH END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.verFitToWin := TRUE (* make view always as high as window *) ELSE Views.HandlePropMsg(v.bottom.view, msg) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) ConsiderFocusRequestBy (view: Views.View); BEGIN IF view = v.top.view THEN v.focus := v.top ELSIF view = v.bottom.view THEN v.focus := v.bottom ELSE HALT(20) END END ConsiderFocusRequestBy; PROCEDURE NewTwin* (top, bottom: Views.View): Views.View; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.top := NewContext(top, v); v.bottom := NewContext(bottom, v); NEW(v.ident); Stores.Join(v, v.ident); v.focus := v.bottom; RETURN v END NewTwin; (* example twin view with two embedded text views *) PROCEDURE New* (): Views.View; BEGIN RETURN NewTwin(TextViews.dir.New(NIL), TextViews.dir.New(NIL)) END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(New()) END Deposit; END ObxTwins.
MODULE ObxUnitConv; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Dialog; VAR par*: RECORD metric*, inch*, point*: REAL; metricUnit*: Dialog.List END; metricUnits: ARRAY 4 OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE NotifyMetric* (op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR units: REAL; BEGIN units := par.metric * metricUnits[par.metricUnit.index] * Ports.mm; par.inch := units / Ports.inch; par.point := units / Ports.point; Dialog.Update(par) END NotifyMetric; PROCEDURE NotifyInch* (op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR units: REAL; BEGIN units := par.inch * Ports.inch; par.metric := units / metricUnits[par.metricUnit.index] / Ports.mm; par.point := units / Ports.point; Dialog.Update(par) END NotifyInch; PROCEDURE NotifyPoint* (op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR units: REAL; BEGIN units := par.point * Ports.point; par.metric := units / metricUnits[par.metricUnit.index] / Ports.mm; par.inch := units / Ports.inch; Dialog.Update(par) END NotifyPoint; BEGIN par.metricUnit.SetLen(4); par.metricUnit.SetItem(0, "mm"); metricUnits[0] := 1; par.metricUnit.SetItem(1, "cm"); metricUnits[1] := 10; par.metricUnit.SetItem(2, "m"); metricUnits[2] := 1000; par.metricUnit.SetItem(3, "km"); metricUnits[3] := 1000000 END ObxUnitConv.
MODULE ObxViews0; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews0.
MODULE ObxViews1; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews1.
MODULE ObxViews10; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN (* accept typing *) v.s[v.i] := msg.char; INC(v.i); v.s[v.i] := 0X; (* append character to string *) Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.s := ""; v.i := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews10.
MODULE ObxViews11; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "Same as ObxViews10, but the view's string can be stored and copied" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(v.i); rd.ReadString(v.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(v.i); wr.WriteString(v.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.i := source.i; v.s := source.s END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN (* accept typing *) v.s[v.i] := msg.char; INC(v.i); v.s[v.i] := 0X; (* append character to string *) Views.SetDirty(v); (* mark view's document as dirty *) Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.s := ""; v.i := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews11.
MODULE ObxViews12; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "Same as ObxViews11, but uses a separate model for the string" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE Model = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) model: Model END; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(m.i); rd.ReadString(m.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(m.i); wr.WriteString(m.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Model DO m.i := source.i; m.s := source.s END END CopyFrom; (* View *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(st); v.model := st(Model) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN v.model := model(Model) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.model.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR m: Model; umsg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN m := v.model; m.s[m.i] := msg.char; INC(m.i); m.s[m.i] := 0X; (* append character to string *) Views.SetDirty(v); (* mark view's document as dirty *) Models.Broadcast(m, umsg) (* update all views on this model *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; m: Model; BEGIN NEW(m); m.i := 0; m.s := ""; NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews12.
MODULE ObxViews13; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "Same as ObxViews12, but generate undoable operations for character insertion" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE Model = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) model: Model END; PasteCharOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: Model; char: CHAR; do: BOOLEAN END; (* PasteCharOp *) PROCEDURE (op: PasteCharOp) Do; VAR m: Model; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN m := op.model; IF op.do THEN (* do operation's transformation *) m.s[m.i] := op.char; INC(m.i) (* insert character into string *) ELSE (* undo operation's transformation *) DEC(m.i) (* remove character from string *) END; m.s[m.i] := 0X; op.do := ~op.do; (* toggle between "do" and "undo" *) Models.Broadcast(m, msg) (* update all views on this model *) END Do; PROCEDURE NewPasteCharOp (m: Model; char: CHAR): PasteCharOp; VAR op: PasteCharOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.char := char; op.do := TRUE; RETURN op END NewPasteCharOp; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(m.i); rd.ReadString(m.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(m.i); wr.WriteString(m.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Model DO m.i := source.i; m.s := source.s END END CopyFrom; (* View *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(st); v.model := st(Model) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN v.model := model(Model) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.model.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR op: Stores.Operation; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN op := NewPasteCharOp(v.model, msg.char); (* generate operation *) Models.Do(v.model, "Typing", op) (* execute operation *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; m: Model; BEGIN NEW(m); m.i := 0; m.s := ""; NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews13.
MODULE ObxViews14; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "Same as ObxViews13, but interfaces and implementations separated, and operation directly in Insert procedure" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Model) END; ModelDirectory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdModel = POINTER TO RECORD (Model) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; StdModelDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (ModelDirectory) END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (View) model: Model END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; PasteCharOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: StdModel; char: CHAR; do: BOOLEAN END; VAR mdir-: ModelDirectory; dir-: Directory; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Insert* (char: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Remove*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetString* (OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; (* ModelDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: ModelDirectory) New* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* PasteCharOp *) PROCEDURE (op: PasteCharOp) Do; VAR m: StdModel; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN m := op.model; IF op.do THEN (* do operation's transformation *) m.s[m.i] := op.char; INC(m.i); ELSE (* undo operation's transformation *) DEC(m.i) (* remove character from string *) END; m.s[m.i] := 0X; op.do := ~op.do; (* toggle between "do" and "undo" *) Models.Broadcast(m, msg) (* update all views on this model *) END Do; (* StdModel *) PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(m.i); rd.ReadString(m.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(m.i); wr.WriteString(m.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: StdModel DO m.i := source.i; m.s := source.s END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Insert (char: CHAR); VAR op: PasteCharOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.char := char; op.do := TRUE; Models.Do(m, "insertion", op) END Insert; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Remove; VAR msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN DEC(m.i); m.s[m.i] := 0X; Models.Broadcast(m, msg) (* update all views on this model *) END Remove; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) GetString (OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN s := m.s$ END GetString; (* StdModelDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdModelDirectory) New (): Model; VAR m: StdModel; BEGIN NEW(m); m.s := ""; m.i := 0; RETURN m END New; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (m: Model): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* StdView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(st); IF st IS Model THEN v.model := st(Model) ELSE (* concrete model implementation couldn't be loaded-> an alien store was created *) rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent) (* internalization of v is cancelled *) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: StdView DO v.model := model(Model) END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN v.model.GetString(s); f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN v.model.Insert(msg.char) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 *d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New* (m: Model): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN ASSERT(m # NIL, 20); NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); RETURN v END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN v := dir.New(mdir.New()); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; PROCEDURE SetModelDir* (d: ModelDirectory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); mdir := d END SetModelDir; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR md: StdModelDirectory; d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(md); mdir := md; NEW(d); dir := d END Init; BEGIN Init END ObxViews14.
MODULE ObxViews2; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews2.
MODULE ObxViews3; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews3.
MODULE ObxViews4; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Controllers; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.paste}; msg.selectable := TRUE; msg.type := "Obx.Tutorial" ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews4.
MODULE ObxViews5; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Controllers; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) x, y: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red); f.DrawLine(v.x, t, v.x, b, 0, Ports.white); f.DrawLine(l, v.y, r, v.y, 0, Ports.white) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.paste}; msg.selectable := TRUE; msg.type := "Obx.Tutorial" | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN (* cursor keys *) IF msg.char = 1DX THEN INC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1CX THEN DEC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1EX THEN DEC(v.y, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1FX THEN INC(v.y, Ports.mm) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO v.x := msg.x; v.y := msg.y; v.context.GetSize(w, h); v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); IF (x # v.x) OR (y # v.y) THEN v.x := x; v.y := y; v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h) END UNTIL ~isDown; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.graphicsCursor ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.x := 0; v.y := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews5.
MODULE ObxViews6; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Controllers; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) x, y: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, v.c); f.DrawLine(v.x, t, v.x, b, 0, Ports.white); f.DrawLine(l, v.y, r, v.y, 0, Ports.white) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; prop: Properties.Property; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := v.c; stdProp.valid := {Properties.color}; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, stdProp) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO prop := msg.prop; WHILE prop # NIL DO WITH prop: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN prop.valid THEN v.c := prop.color.val END ELSE END; prop := prop.next END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.paste}; msg.selectable := TRUE; msg.type := "Obx.Tutorial" | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN IF msg.char = 1DX THEN INC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1CX THEN DEC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1EX THEN DEC(v.y, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1FX THEN INC(v.y, Ports.mm) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO v.x := msg.x; v.y := msg.y; v.context.GetSize(w, h); v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); IF (x # v.x) OR (y # v.y) THEN v.x := x; v.y := y; v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h) END UNTIL ~isDown; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.graphicsCursor ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.x := 0; v.y := 0; v.c := Ports.black; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews6.
MODULE ObxWordEdit; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "Some examples of how the Word Automation Interface 9.0 can be used." changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT CtlWord9, CtlT, StdLog, Fonts, Services; VAR app: CtlWord9.Application; connectDoc: CtlWord9.Document; PROCEDURE GetApplication (): CtlWord9.Application; BEGIN RETURN app END GetApplication; (* Connecting / Disconnecting *) PROCEDURE Connect*; (* Connects to a Word application. If Word is not running, it is started. *) BEGIN connectDoc := CtlWord9.NewDocument(); connectDoc.Windows().Item(CtlT.Int(1)).PUTVisible(FALSE); app := connectDoc.Application(); StdLog.String(' Connected to Word.'); StdLog.Ln() END Connect; PROCEDURE Disconnect*; (* Disconnects from Word. If nobody else is using the application, it is terminated. *) BEGIN connectDoc.Close(NIL, NIL, NIL); app := NIL; StdLog.String(' Disconnected to Word.'); StdLog.Ln() END Disconnect; (* Starting / Quitting *) PROCEDURE Start*; (* Starts a new Word application. *) BEGIN app := CtlWord9.NewApplication(); app.Options().PUTSmartCutPaste(FALSE); app.PUTVisible(TRUE); StdLog.String(' Word started.'); StdLog.Ln() END Start; PROCEDURE Quit*; (* Quits Word. *) BEGIN app.Quit(CtlT.Bool(FALSE),NIL,NIL); app := NIL; StdLog.String(' Word quited.'); StdLog.Ln() END Quit; PROCEDURE Restart*; (* Restarts Word. *) BEGIN Quit; Start END Restart; (* File *) PROCEDURE NewDoc*; (* Creates a new document using CtlWord9.NewDocument() and makes it visible. *) (* The document is created in the oldest running Word. If there is no Word running, it is started. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := CtlWord9.NewDocument(); doc.Windows().Item(CtlT.Int(1)).PUTVisible(TRUE); StdLog.String("New Document created. "); StdLog.Ln END NewDoc; PROCEDURE CreateDoc*; (* Creates a new, visible document using CtlWord9.Application.Documents().Add. *) (* It is only visible, if the application is visible. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().Documents().Add(NIL, NIL, NIL, CtlT.Bool(TRUE)); StdLog.String(' Document '); StdLog.String(doc.FullName()); StdLog.String(' created.'); StdLog.Ln END CreateDoc; PROCEDURE CreateInvisibleDoc*; (* Creates a new, invisible document. It is also invisible, if the application is visible. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().Documents().Add(NIL, NIL, NIL, CtlT.Bool(FALSE)); StdLog.String(' Document '); StdLog.String(doc.FullName()); StdLog.String(' created invisible.'); StdLog.Ln END CreateInvisibleDoc; PROCEDURE OpenDoc (filename: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Opens the file filename. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().Documents().Open(CtlT.Str(filename),NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL); StdLog.String(' Document '); StdLog.String(doc.FullName()); StdLog.String(' opened.'); StdLog.Ln END OpenDoc; PROCEDURE OpenDocTest*; (* Opens a test file. *) BEGIN OpenDoc('D:\Users\Juerg\test.doc') END OpenDocTest; PROCEDURE CloseDoc*; (* Closes the active document without saving. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; name: CtlT.Strg; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); name := doc.FullName(); doc.Close(CtlT.Int(CtlWord9.wdDoNotSaveChanges),NIL,NIL); StdLog.String(' Document '); StdLog.String(name); StdLog.String(' closed.'); StdLog.Ln END CloseDoc; PROCEDURE SaveAndCloseDoc*; (* Saves the active document and closes it. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; name: CtlT.Strg; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); name := doc.FullName(); doc.Close(CtlT.Int(CtlWord9.wdSaveChanges),NIL,NIL); StdLog.String(' Document '); StdLog.String(name); StdLog.String(' saved and closed.'); StdLog.Ln END SaveAndCloseDoc; PROCEDURE SaveDoc*; (* Saves the active document. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); doc.Save; StdLog.String(' Document '); StdLog.String(doc.FullName()); StdLog.String(' saved.'); StdLog.Ln END SaveDoc; PROCEDURE Print*; (* Prints the active document. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); doc.PrintOut(NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL); StdLog.String(' Document '); StdLog.String(doc.FullName()); StdLog.String(' printed.'); StdLog.Ln END Print; (* Application *) PROCEDURE DispDocs*; (* Displays the full names of all the open documents. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; docs: CtlWord9.Documents; BEGIN docs := GetApplication().Documents(); count := docs.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Documents available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(docs.Item(CtlT.Int(i)).FullName()); StdLog.Ln END END DispDocs; PROCEDURE DispFontNames*; (* Displays the names of the available fonts in Word. *) VAR fontNames : CtlWord9.FontNames; count, i: INTEGER; BEGIN fontNames := GetApplication().FontNames(); count := fontNames.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' FontNames available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(fontNames.Item(i)); StdLog.Ln END END DispFontNames; PROCEDURE DispBBFontNames*; (* Displays the names of the available fonts in BlackBox. There are more than in Word. *) VAR t: Fonts.TypefaceInfo; BEGIN StdLog.String(' BB FontNames:'); t := Fonts.dir.TypefaceList(); WHILE t # NIL DO StdLog.String(t.typeface); StdLog.Ln; t := t.next END END DispBBFontNames; PROCEDURE DispLanguages*; (* Displays the languages available in Word. *) VAR count: INTEGER; languages: CtlWord9.Languages; lang: CtlWord9.Language; enum: CtlT.Enumerator; BEGIN languages := GetApplication().Languages(); count := languages.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Languages available.'); StdLog.Ln; enum:= languages._NewEnum(); lang := CtlWord9.ThisLanguage(enum.First()); WHILE lang # NIL DO StdLog.String(lang.NameLocal()); StdLog.Ln; lang := CtlWord9.ThisLanguage(enum.Next()) END END DispLanguages; PROCEDURE DispLanguagesAndDictionaries*; (* Displays the languages available in Word and whether they have a dictionary. *) (* Attention: ActiveSpellingDictionary traps if there is no dictionary available... *) VAR count: INTEGER; languages : CtlWord9.Languages; lang: CtlWord9.Language; enum:CtlT.Enumerator; BEGIN languages := GetApplication().Languages(); count := languages.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Languages available.'); StdLog.Ln; enum:= languages._NewEnum(); lang := CtlWord9.ThisLanguage(enum.First()); WHILE lang # NIL DO StdLog.String(lang.NameLocal()); IF lang.ActiveSpellingDictionary() # NIL THEN StdLog.String(' (Dict)') END; StdLog.Ln; lang := CtlWord9.ThisLanguage(enum.Next()) END END DispLanguagesAndDictionaries; PROCEDURE UseSmartCutPaste*; (* Sets the option SmartCutPaste. *) BEGIN GetApplication().Options().PUTSmartCutPaste(TRUE); StdLog.String(' SmartCutPaste turned on.'); StdLog.Ln END UseSmartCutPaste; (* Visibility *) PROCEDURE MakeWordVisible*; (* Makes all documents visible, also the ones that were created invisible. *) BEGIN GetApplication().PUTVisible(TRUE); StdLog.String(' Word made visible.'); StdLog.Ln END MakeWordVisible; PROCEDURE MakeWordInvisible*; (* Makes all documents invisible. *) BEGIN GetApplication().PUTVisible(FALSE); StdLog.String(' Word made invisible.'); StdLog.Ln END MakeWordInvisible; PROCEDURE MakeWinVisible*; (* Makes the first window of the active document visible. *) BEGIN GetApplication().ActiveDocument().Windows().Item(CtlT.Int(1)).PUTVisible(TRUE); StdLog.String(' Window made visible.'); StdLog.Ln END MakeWinVisible; PROCEDURE MakeWinInvisible*; (* Makes the first window of the active document invisible. *) BEGIN GetApplication().ActiveDocument().Windows().Item(CtlT.Int(1)).PUTVisible(FALSE); StdLog.String(' Window made invisible.'); StdLog.Ln END MakeWinInvisible; PROCEDURE IsWinVisible*; (* Displays whether the first window of the active document is visible. *) BEGIN StdLog.Bool(GetApplication().ActiveDocument().Windows().Item(CtlT.Int(1)).Visible()); StdLog.Ln END IsWinVisible; (* Document *) PROCEDURE Undo*; (* Undoes the last action. Actions, such a typing characters, can be merged to one action by Word. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); IF doc.Undo(CtlT.Int(1)) THEN StdLog.String(' Undone.') ELSE StdLog.String(' Undo not possible.') END; StdLog.Ln END Undo; PROCEDURE Redo*; (* Redoes the last undone action. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); IF doc.Redo(CtlT.Int(1)) THEN StdLog.String(' Redone.') ELSE StdLog.String(' Redo not possible.') END; StdLog.Ln END Redo; PROCEDURE Protect*; (* Protects the active document. *) BEGIN GetApplication().ActiveDocument().Protect(CtlWord9.wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NIL, NIL); StdLog.String('Document locked.'); StdLog.Ln END Protect; PROCEDURE Unprotect*; (* Unprotects the active document. *) BEGIN GetApplication().ActiveDocument().Unprotect(NIL); StdLog.String('Document unlocked.'); StdLog.Ln END Unprotect; (* Accessing the Content of a Document *) PROCEDURE DispContent*; (* Displays the content of the active document. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); StdLog.String('Document content: '); StdLog.String(doc.Content().Text()); StdLog.Ln END DispContent; PROCEDURE DispParagraphs*; (* Displays the paragraphs of the active document. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; paras: CtlWord9.Paragraphs; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); paras := doc.Paragraphs(); count := paras.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Paragraphs available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(paras.Item(i).Range().Text()); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln END END DispParagraphs; PROCEDURE DispListParagraphs*; (* Displays the ListParagraphs of the active document. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; paras: CtlWord9.ListParagraphs; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); paras := doc.ListParagraphs(); count := paras.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' ListParagraphs available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(paras.Item(i).Range().Text()); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln END END DispListParagraphs; PROCEDURE DispLists*; (* Displays the Lists of the active document. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; lists: CtlWord9.Lists; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); lists := doc.Lists(); count := lists.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Lists available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(lists.Item(i).Range().Text()); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln END END DispLists; PROCEDURE DispWords*; (* Displays the Words of the active document, using the CtlWord9.Document.Words method. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; words: CtlWord9.Words; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); words := doc.Words(); count := words.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Words available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(words.Item(i).Text()); StdLog.Ln END END DispWords; PROCEDURE DispWords2*; (* Displays the Words of the active document, using the CtlWord9.Range.Next method. *) VAR len: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; r: CtlWord9.Range; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); len := doc.Characters().Count(); r := doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(0)); StdLog.String(' Words: '); StdLog.Ln; REPEAT r := r.Next(CtlT.Int(CtlWord9.wdWord), NIL); StdLog.String(r.Text()); StdLog.Ln UNTIL r.End() >= len END DispWords2; PROCEDURE DispWords3*; (* Displays the Words of the active document, using the CtlWord9.Range.MoveEnd method. *) VAR moved, lastEnd: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; r: CtlWord9.Range; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); r := doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(0)); lastEnd := -1; StdLog.String(' Words: '); StdLog.Ln; REPEAT lastEnd := r.End(); moved := r.MoveEnd(CtlT.Int(CtlWord9.wdWord), CtlT.Int(1)); StdLog.String(r.Text()); StdLog.Ln; r.Collapse(CtlT.Int(CtlWord9.wdCollapseEnd)) UNTIL lastEnd = r.End() END DispWords3; PROCEDURE DispCharacters*; (* Displays the Characters of the active document. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; chars: CtlWord9.Characters; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); chars := doc.Characters(); count := chars.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Characters available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(chars.Item(i).Text()); StdLog.String(' ') END END DispCharacters; PROCEDURE DispSentences*; (* Displays the Sentences of the active document. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; sentences: CtlWord9.Sentences; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); sentences := doc.Sentences(); count := sentences.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' Sentences available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(sentences.Item(i).Text()); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln END END DispSentences; PROCEDURE DispStoryRanges*; (* Displays the StoryRanges of the active document. *) VAR count, i: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; storyRanges: CtlWord9.StoryRanges; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); storyRanges := doc.StoryRanges(); count := storyRanges.Count(); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(' StoryRanges available.'); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := 1 TO count DO StdLog.String(storyRanges.Item(i).Text()); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln END END DispStoryRanges; PROCEDURE DispRuns*; (* Should write the runs of the active document, but it does not work! How can we get the runs? *) VAR len: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; r: CtlWord9.Range; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); len := doc.Characters().Count(); r := doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(0)); StdLog.String('Runs: '); StdLog.Ln; REPEAT r := r.Next(CtlT.Int(CtlWord9.wdCharacterFormatting), NIL); StdLog.String(r.Text()); StdLog.Ln UNTIL r.End() >= len END DispRuns; (* Editing Text *) PROCEDURE AppendThisText*; (* Appends "This Text" to the end of the active document. This means that it is insert in front of the last 0DX. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); doc.Content().InsertAfter('This Text'); StdLog.String('This Text appended.'); StdLog.Ln END AppendThisText; PROCEDURE OverwriteLastCharWithA*; (* Overwrites the last character, which is always a 0DX, with "A". Word then inserts a new 0DX at the end. *) VAR count: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); count := doc.Characters().Count(); doc.Range(CtlT.Int(count-1), CtlT.Int(count)).PUTText('A'); StdLog.String('Last Character overwritten.'); StdLog.Ln END OverwriteLastCharWithA; PROCEDURE CopyText*; (* Copies and inserts the first 10 chars at the beginning of the active document. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; text: CtlT.Strg; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); text := doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(10)).Text(); doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(0)).PUTText(text); StdLog.String('Text copied.'); StdLog.Ln END CopyText; PROCEDURE CopyFormattedText*; (* Copies and inserts the first 10 chars at the beginning of the active document, formatted. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; formattedText: CtlWord9.Range; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); formattedText := doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(10)).FormattedText(); doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(0)).PUTFormattedText(formattedText); StdLog.String('Formatted text copied.'); StdLog.Ln END CopyFormattedText; PROCEDURE DeleteText*; (* Deletes the first 10 character of the active document. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); doc.Range(CtlT.Int(0),CtlT.Int(10)).PUTText(''); StdLog.String('Text deleted.'); StdLog.Ln END DeleteText; (* Font *) PROCEDURE Disp2ndParagraphFontName*; (* Displays the name of the font of the 2nd paragraph of the active document, if it is defined. *) VAR doc: CtlWord9.Document; fontName: ARRAY 100 OF CHAR; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); fontName := doc.Paragraphs().Item(2).Range().Font().Name()$; IF fontName[0] = 0X THEN StdLog.String('2nd Paragraph Font Name is not defined (result = empty string)') ELSE StdLog.String('2nd Paragraph Font Name = '); StdLog.String(fontName) END; StdLog.Ln END Disp2ndParagraphFontName; PROCEDURE Is1stParagraphBold*; (* Displays whether the 1st paragraph of the active document is bold or not, if it is defined. *) VAR bold: INTEGER; doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); bold := doc.Paragraphs().Item(1).Range().Bold(); StdLog.String('The first paragraph '); IF bold = 0 THEN StdLog.String('is Not Bold') ELSIF bold = -1 THEN StdLog.String('is Bold') ELSE StdLog.String('is neither Bold nor Not Bold') END; StdLog.String(' (result = '); StdLog.Int(bold); StdLog.String(')'); StdLog.Ln END Is1stParagraphBold; PROCEDURE Disp1stParagraphFontSize*; (* Displays the size of the font of the 1st paragraph of the active document, if it is defined. *) VAR size: SHORTREAL; doc: CtlWord9.Document; BEGIN doc := GetApplication().ActiveDocument(); StdLog.String('The first paragraph: size ='); size := doc.Paragraphs().Item(1).Range().Font().Size(); IF size # CtlWord9.wdUndefined THEN StdLog.Real(size) ELSE StdLog.String('undefined (result = '); StdLog.Real(size); StdLog.String(' )') END; StdLog.Ln END Disp1stParagraphFontSize; (* Performance *) PROCEDURE Performance*; CONST wordTries = 1000; bbTries = 100000000; VAR start, counterTime, wordTime, bbTime : LONGINT; i : INTEGER; opt: CtlWord9.Options; PROCEDURE Put (newValue: BOOLEAN); VAR value: BOOLEAN; BEGIN value := newValue END Put; BEGIN IF app = NIL THEN Start END; opt := GetApplication().Options(); start:= Services.Ticks(); FOR i := 1 TO wordTries DO END; counterTime := Services.Ticks() - start; start:= Services.Ticks(); FOR i := 1 TO wordTries DO opt.PUTSmartCutPaste(TRUE) END; wordTime := Services.Ticks() - start - counterTime; StdLog.Int(wordTries); StdLog.String(" PUTSmartCutPaste took "); StdLog.Real(wordTime / Services.resolution); StdLog.String(" sec."); StdLog.Ln; start:= Services.Ticks(); FOR i := 1 TO bbTries DO END; counterTime := Services.Ticks() - start; start := Services.Ticks(); FOR i := 1 TO bbTries DO Put(TRUE) END; bbTime := Services.Ticks() - start - counterTime; StdLog.Int(bbTries); StdLog.String(" BlackBox procedure calls took "); StdLog.Real(bbTime / Services.resolution); StdLog.String(" sec."); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Properties are "); StdLog.Int( (wordTime * bbTries) DIV (bbTime * wordTries)); StdLog.String(" times slower."); StdLog.Ln END Performance; END ObxWordEdit.
MODULE ObxWrappers; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, StdLog; CONST minVersion = 2; maxVersion = 2; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) inner: Views.View (* v # NIL *) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN Views.ReadView(rd, v.inner) (* generate Views.Alien if necessary *) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); Views.WriteView(wr, v.inner) (* handle Views.Alien if necessary *) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: View DO IF model = NIL THEN v.inner := Views.CopyOf(source.inner, Views.deep) ELSE v.inner := Views.CopyWithNewModel(source.inner, model) END END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.inner.ThisModel() END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitContext (context: Models.Context); BEGIN v.InitContext^(context); v.inner.InitContext(context) (* wrapper and wrapped view share the same context *) END InitContext; PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize; BEGIN v.inner.Neutralize END Neutralize; (* GetNewFrame: wrapper uses standard frame *) (* GetBackground: wrapper has no intrinsic background color *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.inner, 0, 0, 0, TRUE) (* create and install wrapped view's frame *) END Restore; (* RestoreMarks: wrapper has no intrinsic marks, wrapped view's RestoreMarks is called by framework *) (* HandleModelMsg: framework performs message propagation *) (* HandleViewMsg: framework performs message propagation *) PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN (* here comes the behavior which is specific to this wrapper - it modifies the wrapped view's behavior *) WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO (* sample special behavior: copy typing into log *) IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN StdLog.Char(msg.char); StdLog.Ln END ELSE END; focus := v.inner (* forward all controller messages to wrapped view *) END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN Views.HandlePropMsg(v.inner, msg) (* forward all property messages to wrapped view *) END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Wrap*; VAR poll: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; w: View; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(poll); IF (poll.singleton # NIL) & ~(poll.singleton IS View) THEN NEW(w); w.inner := poll.singleton; Stores.Join(w, w.inner); replace.old := poll.singleton; replace.new := w; Controllers.Forward(replace) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END Wrap; PROCEDURE Unwrap*; VAR poll: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(poll); IF (poll.singleton # NIL) & (poll.singleton IS View) THEN replace.old := poll.singleton; replace.new := poll.singleton(View).inner; Controllers.Forward(replace) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END Unwrap; END ObxWrappers.
MENU "Примеры" "Примеры производителя" "" "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('Obx/Docu/ru/Sys-Map', 'Примеры производителя')" "" SEPARATOR "Создание простых диалогов" "" "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('i21диал/Создание простых диалогов.odc', 'Создание простых диалогов')" "" "Пошаговая разработка" "" "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('i21прим/Docu.Пошаговая разработка/0. Пошаговая разработка.odc', 'Пошаговая разработка: обзор')" "" SEPARATOR "Игра Тетрис..." "" "i21примТетрис.НоваяИгра" "" "Игра Блэкбокс..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/BlackBox', 'Игра Блэкбокс')" "" END "Hello0" "" "ObxHello0.Do" "" "Hello1" "" "ObxHello1.Do" "" "Open0..." "" "ObxOpen0.Do" "" "Open1..." "" "ObxOpen1.Do" "" "Capitalize Text" "" "ObxCaps.Do" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Open Mail Template" "" "StdCmds.OpenDoc('Obx/Samples/MMTmpl')" "" "Merge..." "" "ObxMMerge.Merge" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Show Directory" "" "ObxLinks.Directory('')" "" SEPARATOR "Orders..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Orders', 'Order Processing')" "" "Controls..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Controls', 'ObxControls Demo')" "" "Dialog..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Dialog', 'ObxDialog Demo')" "" "File Tree..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/FileTree', 'ObxFileTree Demo')" "" "Tab View..." "" "ObxTabViews.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" SEPARATOR "Trap!" "" "ObxTrap.Do" "" "Простые числа..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Actions', 'Вычисление простых чисел')" "" "Вычислить факториал" "" "ObxFact.Compute" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Упростить" "" "ObxRatCalc.Simplify" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Аппроксимировать" "" "ObxRatCalc.Approximate" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "New Pattern" "" "ObxPatterns.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New Calculator" "" "ObxCalc.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New Omosi" "" "ObxOmosi.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New Cube" "" "ObxCubes.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "Cube Colors..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Cubes', 'Cube Colors')" "" "New Checkerboard" "" "ObxScroll.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" SEPARATOR "Insert Button" "" "ObxButtons.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "New Ticker" "" "ObxTickers.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" SEPARATOR "New Lines" "" "ObxLines.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New Graph" "" "ObxGraphs.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" SEPARATOR "Wrap" "" "ObxWrappers.Wrap" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" "Unwrap" "" "ObxWrappers.Unwrap" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" SEPARATOR "New Twin" "" "ObxTwins.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "Focus Magic Control" "" "ObxContIter.Do" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" MENU "Tut" "Phone Database..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/PhoneUI', 'Phone Database')" "" "Phone Database 1..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/PhoneUI1', 'Phone Database')" "" "Right-Shift Selection" "" "ObxControlShifter.Shift" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "List Labels" "" "ObxLabelLister.List" "FormCmds.FocusGuard" "Generate Report 0" "" "ObxPDBRep0.GenReport" "" "Generate Report 1" "" "ObxPDBRep1.GenReport" "" "Generate Report 2" "" "ObxPDBRep2.GenReport" "" "Generate Report 3" "" "ObxPDBRep3.GenReport" "" "Generate Report 4" "" "ObxPDBRep4.GenReport" "" "Count Atoms" "" "ObxCount0.Do" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Count Symbols" "" "ObxCount1.Do" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Lookup 0" "" "ObxLookup0.Do" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Lookup 1" "" "ObxLookup1.Do" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "New View 0" "" "ObxViews0.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 1" "" "ObxViews1.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 2" "" "ObxViews2.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 3" "" "ObxViews3.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 4" "" "ObxViews4.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 5" "" "ObxViews5.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 6" "" "ObxViews6.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" SEPARATOR "New View 10" "" "ObxViews10.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 11" "" "ObxViews11.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 12" "" "ObxViews12.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 13" "" "ObxViews13.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" "New View 14" "" "ObxViews14.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "" END MENU "New" ("Obx.Tutorial") "Beep" "" "Dialog.Beep" "" END MENU "Блэкбокс" ("ObxBlackBox.View") "Показать решение" "" "ObxBlackBox.ShowSolution" "ObxBlackBox.ShowSolutionGuard" "Новые атомы" "" "ObxBlackBox.New" "" "Правила" "" "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('Obx/Docu/ru/BB-Rules', 'Правила игры Блэкбокс')" "" END
STRINGS Lookup Lookup ObxConv.ImportTEXT Obx Text File Off Switch Off On Switch On list[0] Daffy Duck list[1] Wile E. Coyote list[2] Scrooge Mc Duck list[3] Huey Lewis list[4] Thomas Dewey CtrlCol.Prop ObxCtrlCol.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Obx/Rsrc/CtrlCol', 'Properties') (Obx)Actions (Obx)Actions Upper Bound Предел Start Начать (Obx)BlackBox (Obx)BlackBox Size of the board Размер поля Number of hidden Atoms Число скрытых атомов Open Начать Obx/Mod/BlackBox Obx/Mod/BlackBox atoms Атомов: score Счёт:
Name Address0 Address1 State Country Mr. A. Hill 39 Sunstreet Moon City Alabama USA Mr. G. Ernst Feldweg 28 Hochdorf Bayern Deutschland Ms. P. Thompson 12 Oak Ave. Littletown N.Carolina USA Mr. W. Trou 81, rue Paris Mantes IledeParis France
OleClient This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
OleData This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
OleServer This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
OleStorage This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Map to the Ole Subsystem Views OLE wrapper views
OleViews DEFINITION OleViews; IMPORT CtlT, Views; PROCEDURE NewObjectView (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View; PROCEDURE NewObjectViewFromClipboard (): Views.View; PROCEDURE Deposit (name: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE IsObjectView (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsAutoView (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE OleObject (v: Views.View): CtlT.Interface; PROCEDURE AutoObject (v: Views.View): CtlT.Object; PROCEDURE Connect (sink: CtlT.OutObject; source: Views.View); END OleViews. OleViews provides a programming interface for OLE objects used as views in BlackBox. PROCEDURE NewObjectView (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View Instantiates an OLE object of a given type. name can either be a valid OLE class name (e.g., "Excel.Sheet") or a GUID (global unique identifier) in string form, provided it is a valid class identifier (e.g., "{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"). If instatiantion failed, the return value is NIL. PROCEDURE NewObjectViewFromClipboard (): Views.View Instantiates the OLE object currently contained in the clipboard. Returns NIL if there is no OLE object on the clipboard. PROCEDURE Deposit (name: ARRAY OF CHAR) Deposit command for new OLE objects of a given type. name can either be a valid OLE class name (e.g., "Excel.Sheet") or a GUID (global unique identifier) in string form, provided it is a valid class identifier (e.g., "{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"). PROCEDURE IsObjectView (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN Return TRUE if the given View is an OLE object, FALSE otherwise. PROCEDURE IsAutoView (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN Return TRUE if the given View is an OLE Automation object (an object which supports the IDispatch interface), FALSE otherwise. PROCEDURE OleObject (v: Views.View): CtlT.Interface Returns the IUnknown interface of the object contained in v as an automation controller object. Only useful in conjunction with the Direct-To-COM compiler (DTC). For information about automation controller objects see the CtlDocu. NIL is returned if v is not an OLE object. PROCEDURE AutoObject (v: Views.View): CtlT.Object Returns the automation controller object associated with v. For information about automation controller objects see the CtlDocu. NIL is returned if v is not an OLE Automation object. PROCEDURE Connect (sink: CtlT.OutObject; source: Views.View) Connects the automation controller callback object sink to an OLE object contained in the view source. For information about automation controller objects see the CtlDocu.
MODULE OleClient; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, COM, WinApi, WinOle, WinOleCtl, WinOleAut, WinOleDlg, OleStorage, OleData, OleServer, Meta, Dialog, Services, Ports, Stores, Sequencers, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Containers, Controls, StdDialog, Log, HostPorts, HostWindows, HostMenus; CONST debug = FALSE; minModelVersion = 0; maxModelVersion = 1; minViewVersion = 0; maxViewVersion = 0; ObjectID = "{00000001-1000-11cf-adf0-444553540000}"; (* BlackBox views *) miscStatus = WinOle.OLEMISC_RECOMPOSEONRESIZE + WinOle.OLEMISC_CANTLINKINSIDE + WinOle.OLEMISC_RENDERINGISDEVICEINDEPENDENT; oleUnit = Ports.mm DIV 100; TYPE IOleClientSite = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IOleClientSite) ias: IAdviseSink; iips: IOleInPlaceSite; obj: Model; frame: Views.Frame; wnd: WinApi.HWND END; IAdviseSink = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IAdviseSink) site: IOleClientSite; obj: Model END; IOleInPlaceSite = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IOleInPlaceSite) site: IOleClientSite; obj: Model END; IOleInPlaceUIWindow = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IOleInPlaceUIWindow) wnd: WinApi.HWND; iipao: WinOle.IOleInPlaceActiveObject END; WinHook = POINTER TO RECORD (HostWindows.Hook) iipw: IOleInPlaceUIWindow END; IOleInPlaceFrame = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IOleInPlaceFrame) objWnd: WinApi.HWND; (* for menu handling *) iipao: WinOle.IOleInPlaceActiveObject END; FrameHook = POINTER TO RECORD (HostWindows.Hook) END; Sink = POINTER TO RECORD next: Sink; (* obj: CtlT.OutObject; *) point: WinOle.IConnectionPoint; cookie: INTEGER END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) model: Model; hasNotifier: BOOLEAN END; Model = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) site: IOleClientSite; advConn: INTEGER; open: BOOLEAN; objUnk: COM.IUnknown; objView: WinOle.IViewObject2; objObj: WinOle.IOleObject; objIPObj: WinOle.IOleInPlaceObject; (* # NIL: in place open *) stg: WinOle.IStorage; flags: SET; w, h: INTEGER; (* actual site size (units) *) rw, rh: INTEGER; (* actual pos rect size (pixels) *) guard: BOOLEAN; focusGuard: BOOLEAN; onServer: BOOLEAN; view: View; link: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; sinks: Sink END; Frame = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.Frame) END; Notifier = POINTER TO RECORD (Sequencers.Notifier) model: Model END; Deactivator = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) obj: Model END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg) checkSize: BOOLEAN END; (* ObjectValue = RECORD (Meta.Value) obj*: CtlT.OutObject END; *) ProcValue = RECORD (Meta.Value) open*: PROCEDURE(v: Views.View) END; Op = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: Model; link: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR END; VAR appFrame: IOleInPlaceFrame; winMenu: WinApi.HMENU; hAccel: WinApi.HACCEL; nAccel: INTEGER; menuBar: WinApi.HMENU; (* ----------callback linking ---------- *) PROCEDURE Connect* (v: Views.View; iid: COM.GUID; disp: WinOleAut.IDispatch); VAR res: COM.RESULT; cont: WinOle.IConnectionPointContainer; point: WinOle.IConnectionPoint; sink: Sink; BEGIN WITH v: View DO res := v.model.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(cont), cont); IF res >= 0 THEN res := cont.FindConnectionPoint(iid, point); IF res >= 0 THEN NEW(sink); sink.point := point; res := point.Advise(disp, sink.cookie); IF res >= 0 THEN sink.next := v.model.sinks; v.model.sinks := sink END END END ELSE END END Connect; PROCEDURE Disconnect (model: Model); VAR res: COM.RESULT; sink: Sink; BEGIN sink := model.sinks; WHILE sink # NIL DO res := sink.point.Unadvise(sink.cookie); sink := sink.next END; model.sinks := NIL END Disconnect; PROCEDURE OpenLink (model: Model); VAR item: Meta.Item; pv: ProcValue; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF model.link # "" THEN Meta.LookupPath(model.link, item); IF item.obj = Meta.procObj THEN item.GetVal(pv, ok); IF ok THEN pv.open(model.view) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType", model.link, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:NotFound", model.link, "", "") END END END OpenLink; (* PROCEDURE OpenLinks (model: Model); VAR item: Meta.Item; ov: ObjectValue; ok: BOOLEAN; iid: COM.GUID; res: COM.RESULT; cont: WinOle.IConnectionPointContainer; disp: WinOleAut.IDispatch; point: WinOle.IConnectionPoint; i, j: INTEGER; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; sink: Sink; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE model.link[i] # 0X DO WHILE (model.link[i] # 0X) & (model.link[i] <= ",") DO INC(i) END; j := 0; WHILE model.link[i] > "," DO name[j] := model.link[i]; INC(j); INC(i) END; name[j] := 0X; IF name # "" THEN Meta.LookupPath(name, item); IF item.obj # Meta.undef THEN IF (item.obj = Meta.typObj) & (item.typ = Meta.ptrTyp) THEN item.GetBaseType(item) END; IF (item.obj = Meta.typObj) & (item.typ = Meta.recTyp) & item.Is(ov) THEN (* item.Allocate(ov); *) ov.obj := item.New()(CtlT.OutObject); res := model.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(cont), cont); IF res >= 0 THEN ov.obj.GetIID(iid); res := cont.FindConnectionPoint(iid, point); IF res >= 0 THEN disp := CtlT.Disp(ov.obj); ASSERT(disp # NIL); NEW(sink); sink.obj := ov.obj; sink.point := point; res := point.Advise(disp, sink.cookie); IF res >= 0 THEN sink.next := model.sinks; model.sinks := sink; res := model.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(disp), disp); IF res >= 0 THEN sink.obj.source := CtlT.Obj(disp) END END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType", name, "", "") END ELSE HALT(100) END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType", name, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:NotFound", name, "", "") END END END END OpenLinks; PROCEDURE CloseLinks (model: Model); VAR res: COM.RESULT; sink: Sink; iid: COM.GUID; BEGIN sink := model.sinks; WHILE sink # NIL DO res := sink.point.Unadvise(sink.cookie); sink.obj.source := NIL; sink := sink.next END; model.sinks := NIL END CloseLinks; *) PROCEDURE PollProp (model: Model; VAR list: Properties.Property); VAR p: Controls.Prop; res: COM.RESULT; cont: WinOle.IConnectionPointContainer; BEGIN res := model.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(cont), cont); IF res >= 0 THEN NEW(p); p.valid := {Controls.link}; p.known := p.valid; p.link := model.link$; Properties.Insert(list, p) END END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetProp (model: Model; p: Properties.Property); VAR res: COM.RESULT; cont: WinOle.IConnectionPointContainer; op: Op; BEGIN res := model.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(cont), cont); IF res >= 0 THEN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Controls.Prop DO IF Controls.link IN p.valid THEN NEW(op); op.model := model; op.link := p.link$; Models.Do(model, "#System:SetProp", op) END ELSE END; p := p.next END END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (op: Op) Do; VAR link: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN (* Disconnect(op.model); *) link := op.model.link$; op.model.link := op.link$; op.link := link$; OpenLink(op.model) END Do; (* ---------- auxiliary ---------- *) PROCEDURE Visible (m: Model; f: Views.Frame): BOOLEAN; VAR g: Views.Frame; ctrl: Containers.Controller; BEGIN IF m.flags * WinOleCtl.OLEMISC_INVISIBLEATRUNTIME = {} THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE g := Views.HostOf(f); IF (g = NIL) OR ~(g.view IS Containers.View) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE ctrl := g.view(Containers.View).ThisController(); RETURN Containers.mask * ctrl.opts # Containers.mask END END END Visible; PROCEDURE GenGlobalMedium (hg: WinApi.HGLOBAL; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); BEGIN sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL; sm.u.hGlobal := hg; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenGlobalMedium; PROCEDURE MediumGlobal (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinApi.HGLOBAL; BEGIN ASSERT(sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL, 20); RETURN sm.u.hGlobal END MediumGlobal; PROCEDURE GenStorageMedium (stg: WinOle.IStorage; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); BEGIN sm.u.hGlobal := 0; sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE; sm.u.pstg := stg; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenStorageMedium; PROCEDURE MediumStorage (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinOle.IStorage; BEGIN ASSERT(sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE, 20); RETURN sm.u.pstg END MediumStorage; PROCEDURE DoVerb (obj: Model; f: Views.Frame; verb: SHORTINT); VAR res: COM.RESULT; w, h: INTEGER; rect: WinApi.RECT; BEGIN obj.site.frame := f; IF f # NIL THEN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); rect.left := f.gx DIV f.unit; rect.top := f.gy DIV f.unit; rect.right := (f.gx + w) DIV f.unit; rect.bottom := (f.gy + h) DIV f.unit; obj.rw := w DIV f.unit; obj.rh := h DIV f.unit; IF debug THEN Log.Int(rect.left); Log.Int(rect.top); Log.Int(rect.right); Log.Int(rect.bottom); Log.Ln END; res := obj.objObj.DoVerb(verb, NIL, obj.site, 0, f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port.wnd, rect) ELSE rect.left := 0; rect.top := 0; rect.right := 0; rect.bottom := 0; res := obj.objObj.DoVerb(verb, NIL, obj.site, 0, 0, rect) END END DoVerb; PROCEDURE UpdateSizes (v: View; checkSize, setRect: BOOLEAN); VAR obj: Model; f: Views.Frame; host: Views.Frame; p: HostPorts.Port; res: COM.RESULT; pos, clip: WinApi.RECT; size: WinApi.SIZE; w, h, ow, oh: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; s: Views.View; g: BOOLEAN; BEGIN obj := v.model; f := obj.site.frame; IF (f # NIL) & ((f.rider = NIL) OR (obj.objIPObj = NIL) OR (f.view # v)) THEN f := NIL END; IF checkSize THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("check sizes"); Log.Ln END; res := obj.objObj.GetExtent(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, size); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN ow := size.cx * oleUnit; oh := size.cy * oleUnit; v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (w # ow) OR (h # oh) THEN IF debug THEN Log.String(" set size"); Log.Int(ow); Log.Int(oh); Log.Ln END; Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); c := Containers.Focus(); Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); s := c.Singleton(); IF f # NIL THEN host := Views.HostOf(f) END; g := obj.focusGuard; obj.focusGuard := TRUE; v.context.SetSize(ow, oh); v.model.w := ow; v.model.h := oh; IF f # NIL THEN IF host # NIL THEN (* restore saved frame *) IF debug THEN Log.String(" restore frame"); Log.Ln END; Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(host)); f := Views.ThisFrame(host, v); obj.site.frame := f END; c.SetFocus(v) (* restore focus *) ELSIF (s # NIL) & (s # c.Singleton()) THEN c.SetSingleton(s) (* restore selection *) END; obj.focusGuard := g END END END; IF f # NIL THEN v.context.GetSize(w, h); w := w DIV f.unit; h := h DIV f.unit; IF w > obj.rw THEN obj.rw := w; setRect := TRUE END; IF h > obj.rh THEN obj.rh := h; setRect := TRUE END; IF setRect THEN pos.left := f.gx DIV f.unit; pos.top := f.gy DIV f.unit; pos.right := pos.left + obj.rw; pos.bottom := pos.top + obj.rh; p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port; clip.left := 0; clip.top := 0; clip.right := p.w; clip.bottom := p.h; IF debug THEN Log.String("set object rects"); Log.Int(obj.rw); Log.Int(obj.rh); Log.Ln END; res := obj.objIPObj.SetObjectRects(pos, clip) END END END UpdateSizes; PROCEDURE GetAccelTable* (VAR a: WinApi.HACCEL; VAR n: INTEGER); VAR res: INTEGER; m: HostMenus.Menu; data: ARRAY 128 OF WinApi.ACCEL; f: BYTE; i: StdDialog.Item; BEGIN IF menuBar # HostMenus.menuBar THEN (* update table *) IF hAccel # 0 THEN res := WinApi.DestroyAcceleratorTable(hAccel) END; nAccel := 0; m := HostMenus.menus; WHILE m # NIL DO IF m.class IN {0, 2, 4} THEN i := m.firstItem; WHILE (i # NIL) & (nAccel < LEN(data)) DO WITH i: HostMenus.Item DO IF i.code # 0 THEN f := WinApi.FVIRTKEY; IF i.shift THEN INC(f, WinApi.FSHIFT) END; IF i.ctrl THEN INC(f, WinApi.FCONTROL) END; data[nAccel].key := SHORT(i.code); data[nAccel].cmd := SHORT(i.id); data[nAccel].fVirt := SHORT(CHR(f)); INC(nAccel) END END; i := i.next END END; m := m.next END; hAccel := WinApi.CreateAcceleratorTable(data[0], nAccel); IF debug THEN Log.String("new accel table"); Log.Int(nAccel); Log.Int(hAccel); Log.Ln END; IF hAccel = 0 THEN nAccel := 0 END; menuBar := HostMenus.menuBar END; a := hAccel; n := nAccel END GetAccelTable; (* ---------- IOleClientSite ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IOleClientSite) QueryInterface (IN iid: COM.GUID; OUT int: COM.IUnknown): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF COM.QUERY(this, iid, int) OR COM.QUERY(this.ias, iid, int) OR COM.QUERY(this.iips, iid, int) THEN RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_NOINTERFACE END END QueryInterface; PROCEDURE (this: IOleClientSite) SaveObject (): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; ips: WinOle.IPersistStorage; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("do save object"); Log.Ln END; IF (this.obj # NIL) & (this.obj.objUnk # NIL) THEN res := this.obj.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(ips), ips); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); res := WinOle.OleSave(ips, this.obj.stg, 1); ASSERT(res >= 0, 101); res := ips.SaveCompleted(NIL); ASSERT(res >= 0, 102); RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END SaveObject; PROCEDURE (this: IOleClientSite) GetMoniker ( assign, which: INTEGER; OUT mk: WinOle.IMoniker ): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END GetMoniker; PROCEDURE (this: IOleClientSite) GetContainer (OUT container: WinOle.IOleContainer): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END GetContainer; PROCEDURE (this: IOleClientSite) ShowObject (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("do show object"); Log.Ln END; (* Container.MakeVisible(object) *) RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ShowObject; PROCEDURE (this: IOleClientSite) OnShowWindow (show: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; VAR msg: UpdateMsg; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("do show window"); Log.Ln END; this.obj.open := show # 0; msg.checkSize := FALSE; Models.Broadcast(this.obj, msg); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnShowWindow; PROCEDURE (this: IOleClientSite) RequestNewObjectLayout (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("request new layout"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END RequestNewObjectLayout; (* ---------- IAdviseSink ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IAdviseSink) OnDataChange ( IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; IN medium: WinOle.STGMEDIUM ); BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("on data change"); Log.Ln END END OnDataChange; PROCEDURE (this: IAdviseSink) OnViewChange (aspect: SET; index: INTEGER); VAR msg: UpdateMsg; ips: WinOle.IPersistStorage; res: COM.RESULT; seq: ANYPTR; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("on view change"); Log.Ln END; msg.checkSize := TRUE; IF ~this.obj.guard THEN Models.Broadcast(this.obj, msg) END; IF WinOle.OleIsRunning(this.obj.objObj) # 0 THEN (* check dirty *) res := this.obj.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(ips), ips); IF (res >= 0) & (ips.IsDirty() # WinApi.S_FALSE) THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("set dirty"); Log.Int(ips.IsDirty()); Log.Ln END; IF this.obj.Domain() # NIL THEN seq := this.obj.Domain().GetSequencer(); IF seq # NIL THEN seq(Sequencers.Sequencer).SetDirty(TRUE) END ELSIF debug THEN Log.String("nil domain !!!"); Log.Ln END END END END OnViewChange; PROCEDURE (this: IAdviseSink) OnRename (moniker: WinOle.IMoniker); BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("on rename"); Log.Ln END END OnRename; PROCEDURE (this: IAdviseSink) OnSave (); BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("on save"); Log.Ln END END OnSave; PROCEDURE (this: IAdviseSink) OnClose (); BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("on close"); Log.Ln END; this.obj.open := FALSE END OnClose; (* ---------- IOleInPlaceSite ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) GetWindow (OUT wnd: WinApi.HWND): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: get window"); Log.Ln END; IF this.site.frame # NIL THEN wnd := this.site.frame.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port.wnd; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END GetWindow; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) ContextSensitiveHelp (enter: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: context help"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ContextSensitiveHelp; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) CanInPlaceActivate (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: can activate"); Log.Ln END; IF this.site.frame # NIL THEN RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.S_FALSE END END CanInPlaceActivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) OnInPlaceActivate (): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; host: Views.Frame; c: Containers.Controller; style: SET; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: on activate"); Log.Ln END; res := this.obj.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(this.obj.objIPObj), this.obj.objIPObj); IF this.site.frame # NIL THEN this.site.wnd := this.site.frame.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port.wnd; style := SYSTEM.VAL(SET, WinApi.GetWindowLong(this.site.wnd, -16)); res := WinApi.SetWindowLong(this.site.wnd, -16, SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, style + {25})); host := Views.HostOf(this.site.frame); IF (host # NIL) & (host.view IS Containers.View) THEN c := host.view(Containers.View).ThisController(); c.SetFocus(this.site.frame.view) END END; res := this.site.OnShowWindow(1); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnInPlaceActivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) OnUIActivate (): COM.RESULT; VAR f: Views.Frame; p: HostPorts.Port; win: HostWindows.Window; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: on ui activate"); Log.Ln END; (* remove user interface *) f := this.site.frame; p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port; win := SYSTEM.VAL(HostWindows.Window, WinApi.GetWindowLong(p.wnd, 0)); OleServer.RemoveUI(win); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnUIActivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) GetWindowContext (OUT frame: WinOle.IOleInPlaceFrame; OUT doc: WinOle.IOleInPlaceUIWindow; OUT pos, clip: WinApi.RECT; VAR info: WinOle.OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO): COM.RESULT; VAR pwin: IOleInPlaceUIWindow; whk: WinHook; fhk: FrameHook; p: HostPorts.Port; f: Views.Frame; w, h: INTEGER; win: HostWindows.Window; outerSite: WinOle.IOleInPlaceSite; r1, r2: WinApi.RECT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: get context"); Log.Ln END; IF this.site.frame = NIL THEN RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END; f := this.site.frame; p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port; pos.left := f.gx DIV f.unit; pos.top := f.gy DIV f.unit; (* f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); *) pos.right := pos.left + this.obj.rw; pos.bottom := pos.top + this.obj.rh; clip.left := 0; clip.top := 0; clip.right := p.w; clip.bottom := p.h; win := SYSTEM.VAL(HostWindows.Window, WinApi.GetWindowLong(p.wnd, 0)); outerSite := OleServer.ContextOf(win); IF outerSite # NIL THEN RETURN outerSite.GetWindowContext(frame, doc, r1, r2, info) ELSE IF appFrame = NIL THEN NEW(appFrame); NEW(fhk); HostWindows.mainHook := fhk END; frame := appFrame; NEW(pwin); doc := pwin; pwin.wnd := p.wnd; NEW(whk); win.hook := whk; whk.iipw := pwin; info.fMDIApp := 1; info.hwndFrame := HostWindows.main; GetAccelTable(info.haccel, info.cAccelEntries); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END END GetWindowContext; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) Scroll (scrollExtent: WinApi.SIZE): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: scroll"); Log.Ln END; (* scroll document *) RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Scroll; PROCEDURE (d: Deactivator) Do; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF d.obj.objIPObj # NIL THEN res := d.obj.objIPObj.InPlaceDeactivate() END END Do; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) OnUIDeactivate (undoable: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; win: HostWindows.Window; done: BOOLEAN; d: Deactivator; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: ui deactivate"); Log.Ln END; (* restore user interface *) win := SYSTEM.VAL(HostWindows.Window, WinApi.GetWindowLong(this.site.wnd, 0)); OleServer.ResetUI(win, done); IF ~done & (appFrame # NIL) THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("reset oberon/f user interface"); Log.Ln END; res := appFrame.SetMenu(0, 0, 0); res := appFrame.SetBorderSpace(NIL) END; NEW(d); d.obj := this.obj; Services.DoLater(d, Services.now); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnUIDeactivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) OnInPlaceDeactivate (): COM.RESULT; VAR host: Views.Frame; c: Containers.Controller; style: SET; res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := this.site.OnShowWindow(0); IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: deactivate"); Log.Ln END; IF this.site.frame # NIL THEN IF ~this.obj.guard THEN host := Views.HostOf(this.site.frame); IF (host # NIL) & (host.view IS Containers.View) THEN c := host.view(Containers.View).ThisController(); IF debug THEN Log.String("remove focus"); Log.Ln END; c.SetFocus(NIL); c.SetSingleton(this.site.frame.view) END END; style := SYSTEM.VAL(SET, WinApi.GetWindowLong(this.site.wnd, -16)); res := WinApi.SetWindowLong(this.site.wnd, -16, SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, style - {25})) END; (* minimal undo support *) DoVerb(this.obj, NIL, WinOle.OLEIVERB_DISCARDUNDOSTATE); this.obj.objIPObj := NIL; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnInPlaceDeactivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) DiscardUndoState (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: discard undo"); Log.Ln END; (* no undo state *) RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END DiscardUndoState; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) DeactivateAndUndo (): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: deactivate & undo"); Log.Ln END; res := this.obj.objIPObj.InPlaceDeactivate(); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END DeactivateAndUndo; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceSite) OnPosRectChange (IN posRect: WinApi.RECT): COM.RESULT; VAR pos, clip: WinApi.RECT; res: COM.RESULT; p: HostPorts.Port; f: Views.Frame; w, h: INTEGER; host: Views.Frame; c: Containers.Controller; g: BOOLEAN; v: Views.View; size: WinApi.SIZE; BEGIN f := this.site.frame; IF (f = NIL) OR (f.rider = NIL) THEN RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END; host := Views.HostOf(f); v := f.view; p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port; IF debug THEN Log.String("ip site: on pos rect change"); Log.Int((posRect.right - posRect.left) * f.unit DIV oleUnit); Log.Int((posRect.bottom - posRect.top) * f.unit DIV oleUnit); Log.Ln; res := this.obj.objObj.GetExtent(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, size); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN Log.String(" get extent"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy) ELSE Log.String(" get extent failed") END; Log.Ln; v.context.GetSize(w, h); Log.String(" get size"); Log.Int(w DIV oleUnit); Log.Int(h DIV oleUnit); Log.Ln END; this.obj.rw := posRect.right - posRect.left; this.obj.rh := posRect.bottom - posRect.top; UpdateSizes(this.site.frame.view(View), TRUE, TRUE); (* g := this.obj.focusGuard; this.obj.focusGuard := TRUE; v.context.SetSize((posRect.right - posRect.left) * f.unit, (posRect.bottom - posRect.top) * f.unit); IF host # NIL THEN (* update saved frame *) Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(host)); f := Views.ThisFrame(host, v); this.site.frame := f; END; IF this.obj.objIPObj # NIL THEN pos.left := f.gx DIV f.unit; pos.top := f.gy DIV f.unit; v.context.GetSize(w, h); pos.right := pos.left + w DIV f.unit; pos.bottom := pos.top + h DIV f.unit; clip.left := 0; clip.top := 0; clip.right := p.w; clip.bottom := p.h; IF debug THEN Log.String("set object rects"); Log.Ln END; res := this.obj.objIPObj.SetObjectRects(pos, clip); IF (host # NIL) & (host.view IS Containers.View) THEN c := host.view(Containers.View).ThisController(); c.SetFocus(v) END END; this.obj.focusGuard := g; *) RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnPosRectChange; (* ---------- IOleInPlaceUIWindow ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceUIWindow) GetWindow (OUT wnd: WinApi.HWND): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip win: get window"); Log.Ln END; wnd := this.wnd; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetWindow; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceUIWindow) ContextSensitiveHelp (enter: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip win: context help"); Log.Ln END; IF this.iipao # NIL THEN res := this.iipao.ContextSensitiveHelp(enter) END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ContextSensitiveHelp; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceUIWindow) GetBorder (OUT border: WinApi.RECT): COM.RESULT; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := WinApi.GetClientRect(this.wnd, border); IF debug THEN Log.String("ip win: get border"); Log.Int(border.left); Log.Int(border.top); Log.Int(border.right); Log.Int(border.bottom); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetBorder; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceUIWindow) RequestBorderSpace ( IN width: WinOle.BORDERWIDTHS ): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip win: request space"); Log.Int(width.left); Log.Int(width.top); Log.Int(width.right); Log.Int(width.bottom); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.INPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE END RequestBorderSpace; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceUIWindow) SetBorderSpace ( IN [nil] width: WinOle.BORDERWIDTHS ): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip win: set space"); IF VALID(width) THEN Log.Int(width.left); Log.Int(width.top); Log.Int(width.right); Log.Int(width.bottom) ELSE Log.String(" nil") END; Log.Ln END; IF ~VALID(width) OR (width.left = 0) & (width.top = 0) & (width.right = 0) & (width.bottom = 0) THEN RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.OLE_E_INVALIDRECT END END SetBorderSpace; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceUIWindow) SetActiveObject ( obj: WinOle.IOleInPlaceActiveObject; name: WinApi.PtrWSTR ): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip win: set active obj"); Log.Ln END; this.iipao := obj; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END SetActiveObject; (* ---------- WinHook ---------- *) PROCEDURE (hk: WinHook) Activate (do: BOOLEAN); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF (hk.iipw # NIL) & (hk.iipw.iipao # NIL) THEN IF do THEN res := hk.iipw.iipao.OnDocWindowActivate(1) ELSE res := hk.iipw.iipao.OnDocWindowActivate(0); res := WinApi.SendMessage(HostWindows.client, 560, HostMenus.menuBar, winMenu); res := WinApi.DrawMenuBar(HostWindows.main); HostWindows.SetMainBorderWidth(0, 0, 0, 0); HostMenus.isCont := FALSE END END END Activate; PROCEDURE (hk: WinHook) Focus (do: BOOLEAN); VAR res: COM.RESULT; wnd: WinApi.HWND; BEGIN IF do & (hk.iipw # NIL) & (hk.iipw.iipao # NIL) THEN res := hk.iipw.iipao.GetWindow(wnd); res := WinApi.SetFocus(wnd) END END Focus; PROCEDURE (hk: WinHook) Resize (w, h: INTEGER); VAR res: COM.RESULT; rect: WinApi.RECT; BEGIN IF (hk.iipw # NIL) & (hk.iipw.iipao # NIL) THEN res := WinApi.GetClientRect(hk.iipw.wnd, rect); res := hk.iipw.iipao.ResizeBorder(rect, hk.iipw, 0) END END Resize; (* ---------- IOleInPlaceFrame ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) GetWindow (OUT wnd: WinApi.HWND): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: get window"); Log.Ln END; wnd := HostWindows.main; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetWindow; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) ContextSensitiveHelp (enter: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: context help"); Log.Ln END; IF this.iipao # NIL THEN res := this.iipao.ContextSensitiveHelp(enter) END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ContextSensitiveHelp; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) GetBorder (OUT border: WinApi.RECT): COM.RESULT; BEGIN HostWindows.GetMainBorder(border.left, border.top, border.right, border.bottom); IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: get border"); Log.Int(border.left); Log.Int(border.top); Log.Int(border.right); Log.Int(border.bottom); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetBorder; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) RequestBorderSpace (IN width: WinOle.BORDERWIDTHS): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: request space"); Log.Int(width.left); Log.Int(width.top); Log.Int(width.right); Log.Int(width.bottom); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END RequestBorderSpace; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) SetBorderSpace (IN [nil] width: WinOle.BORDERWIDTHS): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: set space"); IF VALID(width) THEN Log.Int(width.left); Log.Int(width.top); Log.Int(width.right); Log.Int(width.bottom) ELSE Log.String(" nil") END; Log.Ln END; IF VALID(width) THEN HostWindows.SetMainBorderWidth(width.left, width.top, width.right, width.bottom) ELSE HostWindows.SetMainBorderWidth(0, 0, 0, 0) END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END SetBorderSpace; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) SetActiveObject (obj: WinOle.IOleInPlaceActiveObject; name: WinApi.PtrWSTR): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: set active obj"); Log.Ln END; this.iipao := obj; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END SetActiveObject; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) InsertMenus (menu: WinApi.HMENU; VAR widths: WinOle.OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS): COM.RESULT; VAR res, n, p: INTEGER; m: HostMenus.Menu; ss: ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: insert menus"); Log.Ln END; m := HostMenus.menus; p := 0; WHILE p < 6 DO WHILE (m # NIL) & (m.class < p) DO m := m.next END; n := 0; WHILE (m # NIL) & (m.class = p) DO ss := SHORT(m.menu$); res := WinApi.AppendMenu(menu, WinApi.MF_POPUP, m.menuH, ss); m := m.next; INC(n) END; widths.width[p] := n; INC(p, 2) END; m := HostMenus.menus; WHILE (m # NIL) & ~m.isWinMenu DO m := m.next END; IF m # NIL THEN winMenu := m.menuH ELSE winMenu := 0 END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END InsertMenus; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) SetMenu (menu: WinApi.HMENU; oleMenu: WinOle.HOLEMENU; activeObj: WinApi.HWND): COM.RESULT; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: set menu"); Log.Int(menu); Log.Ln END; IF menu # 0 THEN this.objWnd := activeObj; res := WinApi.SendMessage(HostWindows.client, 560, menu, winMenu); HostMenus.isCont := TRUE ELSIF this.objWnd # 0 THEN this.objWnd := 0; res := WinApi.SendMessage(HostWindows.client, 560, HostMenus.menuBar, winMenu); HostMenus.isCont := FALSE END; res := WinApi.DrawMenuBar(HostWindows.main); RETURN WinOle.OleSetMenuDescriptor(oleMenu, HostWindows.main, activeObj, this, this.iipao) END SetMenu; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) RemoveMenus (menu: WinApi.HMENU): COM.RESULT; VAR m: HostMenus.Menu; i: INTEGER; sm: WinApi.HMENU; res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: remove menus"); Log.Ln END; i := WinApi.GetMenuItemCount(menu); WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); sm := WinApi.GetSubMenu(menu, i); m := HostMenus.menus; WHILE (m # NIL) & (m.menuH # sm) DO m := m.next END; IF m # NIL THEN res := WinApi.RemoveMenu(menu, i, WinApi.MF_BYPOSITION) END END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END RemoveMenus; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) SetStatusText (text: WinApi.PtrWSTR): COM.RESULT; VAR res, i: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: set status"); Log.Ln END; IF Dialog.showsStatus THEN IF text # NIL THEN i := 0; WHILE (i < LEN(str) - 1) & (text[i] # 0X) DO str[i] := SHORT(text[i]); INC(i) END; str[i] := 0X; res := WinApi.SetWindowText(HostWindows.status, str); res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(HostWindows.status) END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END SetStatusText; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) EnableModeless (enable: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: enable modeless"); Log.Ln END; (* enable/disable modeless dialogs *) RETURN WinApi.S_OK END EnableModeless; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceFrame) TranslateAccelerator (IN msg: WinApi.MSG; id: SHORTINT): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; r: INTEGER; m: WinApi.MSG; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ip frame: translate accelerator"); Log.Int(id); Log.Ln END; res := WinApi.S_OK; IF (id >= 100) & (id < HostMenus.lastId) THEN r := WinApi.SendMessage(HostWindows.main, 273, id + 65536, 0) ELSE m := msg; r := WinApi.TranslateMDISysAccel(HostWindows.client, m); IF r = 0 THEN res := WinApi.S_FALSE END END; RETURN res END TranslateAccelerator; (* ---------- FrameHook ---------- *) PROCEDURE (hk: FrameHook) Activate (do: BOOLEAN); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF (appFrame # NIL) & (appFrame.iipao # NIL) THEN IF do THEN res := appFrame.iipao.OnFrameWindowActivate(1) ELSE res := appFrame.iipao.OnFrameWindowActivate(0) END END END Activate; PROCEDURE (hk: FrameHook) Resize (w, h: INTEGER); VAR res: COM.RESULT; rect: WinApi.RECT; BEGIN IF (appFrame # NIL) & (appFrame.iipao # NIL) THEN HostWindows.GetMainBorder(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); res := appFrame.iipao.ResizeBorder(rect, appFrame, 1) END END Resize; PROCEDURE (hk: FrameHook) Focus (on: BOOLEAN), EMPTY; (* ---------- View ---------- *) PROCEDURE (v: View) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: Frame; BEGIN NEW(f); frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE InitModel(v: View; m: Model); BEGIN v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); IF m.view = NIL THEN m.view := v END; OpenLink(m) END InitModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minViewVersion, 1 (* maxViewVersion *), thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadStore(s); ASSERT(s # NIL, 100); ASSERT(s IS Model, 101); InitModel(v, s(Model)) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxViewVersion); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; (* PROCEDURE (v: View) PropagateDomain; BEGIN Stores.InitDomain(v.model, v.Domain()) END PropagateDomain; *) PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN InitModel(v, model(Model)) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR res: COM.RESULT; dc: WinApi.HDC; rect, wrect: WinApi.RECT; w, h: INTEGER; size: WinApi.SIZE; g: BOOLEAN; p: HostPorts.Port; s: SET; fl, ft, fr, fb: INTEGER; n: Notifier; BEGIN IF ~v.hasNotifier & (v.Domain() # NIL) & (v.Domain().GetSequencer() # NIL) & (v.Domain().GetSequencer() IS Sequencers.Sequencer) THEN NEW(n); n.model := v.model; v.Domain().GetSequencer()(Sequencers.Sequencer).InstallNotifier(n); v.hasNotifier := TRUE END; IF (v.model.objObj # NIL) & (v.model.objView # NIL) & Visible(v.model, f) THEN v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (w # v.model.w) OR (h # v.model.h) THEN size.cx := w DIV oleUnit; size.cy := h DIV oleUnit; g := v.model.guard; v.model.guard := TRUE; IF WinOle.OleIsRunning(v.model.objObj) # 0 THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("set size (running)"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; res := v.model.objObj.SetExtent(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, size) ELSIF v.model.flags * WinOle.OLEMISC_RECOMPOSEONRESIZE # {} THEN res := WinOle.OleRun(v.model.objUnk); IF debug THEN Log.String("set size (recomp)"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; res := v.model.objObj.SetExtent(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, size); res := v.model.objObj.Update(); res := v.model.objObj.Close(WinOle.OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY) END; v.model.w := w; v.model.h := h; v.model.guard := g END; p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port; dc := p.dc; rect.left := f.gx DIV f.unit; rect.top := f.gy DIV f.unit; rect.right := (f.gx + w) DIV f.unit; rect.bottom := (f.gy + h) DIV f.unit; wrect.left := 0; wrect.top := 0; wrect.right := p.w; wrect.bottom := p.h; res := WinApi.SaveDC(dc); IF p.wnd # 0 THEN res := WinApi.SelectClipRgn(dc, 0) END; f.rider.GetRect(fl, ft, fr, fb); res := WinApi.IntersectClipRect(dc, fl, ft, fr, fb); s := WinApi.SetTextAlign(dc, {}); res := v.model.objView.Draw(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, 0, NIL, 0, dc, rect, wrect, NIL, 0); h := WinApi.RestoreDC(dc, -1); IF debug THEN IF p.wnd # 0 THEN Log.String("draw"); Log.Int(res); Log.Int(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, p)); Log.Int(p.wnd); Log.Int(dc); Log.Int(rect.left); Log.Int(rect.top); Log.Int(rect.right); Log.Int(rect.bottom); Log.Int(wrect.left); Log.Int(wrect.top); Log.Int(wrect.right); Log.Int(wrect.bottom); Log.Ln ELSE Log.String("draw (p)"); Log.Int(res); Log.Int(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, p)); Log.Int(p.wnd); Log.Int(dc); Log.Int(rect.left); Log.Int(rect.top); Log.Int(rect.right); Log.Int(rect.bottom); Log.Int(wrect.left); Log.Int(wrect.top); Log.Int(wrect.right); Log.Int(wrect.bottom); Log.Ln END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) RestoreMarks (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF v.model.open & ((v.model.objIPObj = NIL) OR (v.model.site.frame # f)) & ~v.model.focusGuard & ~Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) THEN f.MarkRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, HostPorts.focusPat, TRUE) END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); VAR res: COM.RESULT; size: WinApi.SIZE; ow, oh, w, h: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; s: Views.View; path: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO IF debug THEN Log.String("update"); Log.Ln END; UpdateSizes(v, msg.checkSize, FALSE); (* res := v.model.objView.GetExtent(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NIL, size); IF debug THEN Log.String("update"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN ow := size.cx * oleUnit; oh := size.cy * oleUnit; v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (w # ow) OR (h # oh) THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("set size"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; path := Controllers.path; Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); c := Containers.Focus(); Controllers.SetCurrentPath(path); s := c.Singleton(); v.context.SetSize(ow, oh); IF c.Singleton() # s THEN c.SetSingleton(s) END; v.model.w := ow; v.model.h := oh END; END; *) Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR res: COM.RESULT; g: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO IF msg.focus & ~v.model.focusGuard THEN g := v.model.guard; v.model.guard := TRUE; IF ~msg.show THEN (* defocus *) IF debug THEN Log.String("defocus"); Log.Ln END; IF v.model.objIPObj # NIL THEN res := v.model.objIPObj.InPlaceDeactivate() END; (* ELSIF msg.show & (v.model.flags * WinOle.OLEMISC_INSIDEOUT # {}) THEN DoVerb(v.model, f, WinOle.OLEIVERB_SHOW) *) END; v.model.guard := g END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF v.model.flags * WinOle.OLEMISC_INSIDEOUT # {} THEN DoVerb(v.model, f, WinOle.OLEIVERB_SHOW) END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR size: WinApi.SIZE; res: COM.RESULT; i: INTEGER; iev: WinOle.IEnumOLEVERB; ov: ARRAY 1 OF WinOle.OLEVERB; pstr: WinApi.PtrWSTR; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN res := v.model.objView.GetExtent(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NIL, size); IF res >= 0 THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("get size (prefs)"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; msg.w := size.cx * (Ports.mm DIV 100); msg.h := size.cy * (Ports.mm DIV 100) ELSE IF debug THEN Log.String("get size (prefs) (no size)"); Log.Ln END; msg.w := 60 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 60 * Ports.mm END END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF v.model.flags * WinOle.OLEMISC_INSIDEOUT # {} THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO PollProp(v.model, msg.prop) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(v.model, msg.prop) | msg: Properties.PollVerbMsg DO res := v.model.objObj.EnumVerbs(iev); IF res >= 0 THEN REPEAT res := iev.Next(1, ov, NIL) UNTIL (res # WinApi.S_OK) OR (ov[0].lVerb = msg.verb); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN i := 0; IF ov[0].lpszVerbName # NIL THEN WHILE ov[0].lpszVerbName[i] # 0X DO msg.label[i] := SHORT(ov[0].lpszVerbName[i]); INC(i) END END; msg.label[i] := 0X; msg.disabled := 0 IN ov[0].fuFlags; msg.checked := 3 IN ov[0].fuFlags END END | msg: Properties.DoVerbMsg DO DoVerb(v.model, msg.frame, SHORT(msg.verb)) | msg: HostMenus.TypeMsg DO res := v.model.objObj.GetUserType(WinOle.USERCLASSTYPE_SHORT, pstr); IF res >= 0 THEN i := 0; WHILE pstr[i] # 0X DO msg.type[i] := SHORT(pstr[i]); INC(i) END; msg.type[i] := 0X; WinOle.CoTaskMemFree(SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrVoid, pstr)) END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* ---------- Frame ---------- *) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SetOffset (gx, gy: INTEGER); VAR obj: Model; pos, clip: WinApi.RECT; w, h: INTEGER; p: HostPorts.Port; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN f.SetOffset^(gx, gy); obj := f.view(View).model; IF (obj.site.frame = f) & (obj.objIPObj # NIL) THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("set offset"); Log.Ln END; UpdateSizes(f.view(View), FALSE, TRUE) (* IF debug THEN Log.String("set object rects"); Log.Ln END; p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port; pos.left := f.gx DIV f.unit; pos.top := f.gy DIV f.unit; f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); pos.right := pos.left + w DIV f.unit; pos.bottom := pos.top + h DIV f.unit; clip.left := 0; clip.top := 0; clip.right := p.w; clip.bottom := p.h; res := obj.objIPObj.SetObjectRects(pos, clip); *) END END SetOffset; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Close; BEGIN (*f.Close^;*) IF f = f.view(View).model.site.frame THEN f.view(View).model.site.frame := NIL END END Close; (* ---------- Model ---------- *) PROCEDURE Init (model: Model); VAR res: COM.RESULT; ilb: WinOle.ILockBytes; BEGIN NEW(model.site); model.site.obj := model; NEW(model.site.ias, model.site); model.site.ias.obj := model; model.site.ias.site := model.site; NEW(model.site.iips, model.site); model.site.iips.obj := model; model.site.iips.site := model.site; res := WinOle.CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal(0, 1, ilb); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); res := WinOle.StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(ilb, WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, model.stg); ASSERT(res >= 0, 101) END Init; PROCEDURE Setup (model: Model; object: COM.IUnknown); VAR res: COM.RESULT; size: WinApi.SIZE; a, b: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN model.objUnk := object; res := object.QueryInterface(COM.ID(model.objView), model.objView); ASSERT(res >= 0, 102); res := model.objView.SetAdvise(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, {}, model.site.ias); ASSERT(res >= 0, 103); res := object.QueryInterface(COM.ID(model.objObj), model.objObj); ASSERT(res >= 0, 104); res := model.objObj.SetClientSite(model.site); ASSERT(res >= 0, 105); res := model.objObj.Advise(model.site.ias, model.advConn); IF debug THEN Log.String("setup "); Log.Int(model.advConn); Log.Ln END; (* res := WinOle.OleSetContainedObject(object, 1); ASSERT(res >= 0, 107); *) a := "BlackBox"; b := "BlackBox Document"; res := model.objObj.SetHostNames(a, b); IF debug & (res < 0) THEN Log.String("set host names"); Log.Int(res); Log.Ln END; model.open := FALSE; res := model.objObj.GetMiscStatus(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, model.flags); res := model.objView.GetExtent(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NIL, size); IF debug THEN Log.String("get size (setup)"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; model.w := size.cx * oleUnit; model.h := size.cy * oleUnit; (* OpenLinks(model) *) END Setup; PROCEDURE (n: Notifier) Notify (VAR msg: Sequencers.Message); VAR model: Model; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF msg IS Sequencers.RemoveMsg THEN model := n.model; Disconnect(model); IF debug THEN Log.String("release "); Log.Int(model.advConn); Log.Ln END; IF model.objView # NIL THEN res := model.objView.SetAdvise(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, {}, NIL); model.objView := NIL END; IF model.objObj # NIL THEN res := model.objObj.Close(WinOle.OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY); res := model.objObj.SetClientSite(NIL); res := model.objObj.Unadvise(model.advConn); model.objObj := NIL END; model.objUnk := NIL END END Notify; (* PROCEDURE (model: Model) PropagateDomain; VAR n: Notifier; d: Stores.Domain; BEGIN OpenLink(model); NEW(n); n.model := model; d := model.Domain(); WITH d: Sequencers.Sequencer DO d.InstallNotifier(n) ELSE END END PropagateDomain; *) PROCEDURE (model: Model) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; stg: WinOle.IStorage; ilb: WinOle.ILockBytes; res: COM.RESULT; object: COM.IUnknown; BEGIN model.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minModelVersion, maxModelVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; Init(model); IF thisVersion = 1 THEN rd.ReadXString(model.link) END; ilb := OleStorage.NewReadILockBytes(rd.rider); ASSERT(ilb # NIL); res := WinOle.StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(ilb, NIL, WinOle.STGM_DIRECT + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, NIL, 0, stg); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); res := stg.CopyTo(0, NIL, NIL, model.stg); res := WinOle.OleLoad(model.stg, COM.ID(object), model.site, object); ASSERT(res >= 0, 101); res := ilb.Flush(); (* resynchronise reader *) Setup(model, object) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (model: Model) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR stg: WinOle.IStorage; res: COM.RESULT; ips: WinOle.IPersistStorage; ilb: WinOle.ILockBytes; g: BOOLEAN; BEGIN g := model.guard; model.guard := TRUE; IF debug THEN Log.String("externalize (m)"); Log.Ln END; model.Externalize^(wr); IF model.link # "" THEN wr.WriteVersion(1); wr.WriteXString(model.link) ELSE wr.WriteVersion(0) END; ilb := OleStorage.NewWriteILockBytes(wr.rider); res := WinOle.StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(ilb, WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, stg); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); IF debug THEN Log.String("externalize (1)"); Log.Ln END; res := model.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(ips), ips); ASSERT(res >= 0, 101); IF debug THEN Log.String("externalize (2)"); Log.Ln END; res := WinOle.OleSave(ips, stg, 0); ASSERT(res >= 0, 102); IF debug THEN Log.String("externalize (3)"); Log.Ln END; res := ilb.Flush(); (* resynchronise writer *) IF debug THEN Log.String("externalize (4)"); Log.Ln END; res := ips.SaveCompleted(NIL); ASSERT(res >= 0, 103); model.guard := g; IF debug THEN Log.String("externalized (m)"); Log.Ln END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (model: Model) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); VAR res: COM.RESULT; ips: WinOle.IPersistStorage; object: COM.IUnknown; BEGIN WITH source: Model DO Init(model); res := source.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(ips), ips); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); res := WinOle.OleSave(ips, model.stg, 0); ASSERT(res >= 0, 101); res := ips.SaveCompleted(NIL); ASSERT(res >= 0, 102); res := WinOle.OleLoad(model.stg, COM.ID(object), model.site, object); model.link := source.link$; Setup(model, object) END END CopyFrom; (* PROCEDURE (model: Model) InitFrom (source: Models.Model); VAR res: COM.RESULT; ips: WinOle.IPersistStorage; object: COM.IUnknown; BEGIN WITH source: Model DO Init(model); res := source.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(ips), ips); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); res := WinOle.OleSave(ips, model.stg, 0); ASSERT(res >= 0, 101); res := ips.SaveCompleted(NIL); ASSERT(res >= 0, 102); res := WinOle.OleLoad(model.stg, COM.ID(object), model.site, object); model.link := source.link$; Setup(model, object) END END InitFrom; *) (* ---------- import / export ---------- *) PROCEDURE ImportInfo* (VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; VAR type: Stores.TypeName; OUT w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR hnd: WinApi.HGLOBAL; p: WinOle.PtrOBJECTDESCRIPTOR; res: INTEGER; BEGIN hnd := MediumGlobal(med); p := SYSTEM.VAL(WinOle.PtrOBJECTDESCRIPTOR, WinApi.GlobalLock(hnd)); type := "OleClient.View"; w := p.sizel.cx * oleUnit; h := p.sizel.cy * oleUnit; rx := p.pointl.x * oleUnit; ry := p.pointl.x * oleUnit; isSingle := TRUE; res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(hnd) END ImportInfo; PROCEDURE Import* ( VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; OUT v: Views.View; OUT w, h: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN ); VAR cv: View; model: Model; res: COM.RESULT; object: COM.IUnknown; BEGIN OleServer.Import(med, v, w, h, isSingle); IF v = NIL THEN (* no BlackBox object *) NEW(model); Init(model); res := WinOle.OleCreateFromData(OleData.dataObj, COM.ID(object), WinOle.OLERENDER_DRAW, NIL, model.site, model.stg, object); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); Setup(model, object); NEW(cv); InitModel(cv, model); v := cv; w := 0; h := 0; isSingle := TRUE END END Import; PROCEDURE ExportInfo* ( v: Views.View; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM ); VAR hnd: WinApi.HGLOBAL; p: WinOle.PtrOBJECTDESCRIPTOR; id: COM.GUID; stat: SET; res, size, nlen, slen: INTEGER; name, source: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; sp: WinApi.PtrWSTR; BEGIN ASSERT(med.tymed = {}, 20); WITH v: View DO res := v.model.objObj.GetUserClassID(id); res := v.model.objObj.GetMiscStatus(WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, stat); res := v.model.objObj.GetUserType(WinOle.USERCLASSTYPE_FULL, sp) ELSE id := ObjectID; stat := miscStatus; res := WinOle.OleRegGetUserType(ObjectID, WinOle.USERCLASSTYPE_FULL, sp) END; IF sp # NIL THEN name := sp^$; WinOle.CoTaskMemFree(SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrVoid, sp)) ELSE name := "" END; nlen := 0; slen := 0; WHILE name[nlen] # 0X DO INC(nlen) END; nlen := 2 * (nlen + 1); WHILE Dialog.appName[slen] # 0X DO source[slen] := Dialog.appName[slen]; INC(slen) END; source[slen] := 0X; slen := 2 * (slen + 1); size := 52 + nlen + slen; hnd := WinApi.GlobalAlloc(WinApi.GMEM_DDESHARE + WinApi.GMEM_MOVEABLE, size); IF hnd # 0 THEN p := SYSTEM.VAL(WinOle.PtrOBJECTDESCRIPTOR, WinApi.GlobalLock(hnd)); p.cbSize := size; p.clsid := id; p.dwDrawAspect := WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT; p.sizel.cx := w DIV oleUnit; p.sizel.cy := h DIV oleUnit; p.pointl.x := x DIV oleUnit; p.pointl.y := y DIV oleUnit; p.dwStatus := stat; p.dwFullUserTypeName := 52; p.dwSrcOfCopy := 52 + nlen; SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(name), SYSTEM.ADR(p^) + 52, nlen); SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(source), SYSTEM.ADR(p^) + 52 + nlen, slen); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(hnd); GenGlobalMedium(hnd, NIL, med) END END ExportInfo; PROCEDURE Export* (v: Views.View; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); VAR stg: WinOle.IStorage; res: COM.RESULT; ilb: WinOle.ILockBytes; ips: WinOle.IPersistStorage; BEGIN WITH v: View DO IF med.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE THEN stg := MediumStorage(med) ELSE res := WinOle.CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal(0, 1, ilb); ASSERT(res >= 0, 110); res := WinOle.StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(ilb, WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, stg); ASSERT(res >= 0, 111); GenStorageMedium(stg, NIL, med) END; res := v.model.objUnk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(ips), ips); ASSERT(res >= 0, 112); res := WinOle.OleSave(ips, stg, 0); ASSERT(res >= 0, 113); res := ips.SaveCompleted(NIL); ASSERT(res >= 0, 114) END END Export; (* ---------- commands ---------- *) PROCEDURE InsertObject*; VAR v: View; model: Model; res: COM.RESULT; pmfp: WinApi.PtrMETAFILEPICT; p: WinOleDlg.OLEUIINSERTOBJECT; w: HostWindows.Window; fname: ARRAY 260 OF SHORTCHAR; guids: ARRAY 1 OF COM.GUID; object: COM.IUnknown; c: Containers.Controller; f: Views.Frame; v1: Views.View; BEGIN NEW(model); Init(model); w := HostWindows.dir.First(); guids[0] := ObjectID; p.cbStruct := SIZE(WinOleDlg.OLEUIINSERTOBJECT); p.dwFlags := WinOleDlg.IOF_DISABLELINK + WinOleDlg.IOF_SELECTCREATENEW + WinOleDlg.IOF_CREATENEWOBJECT + WinOleDlg.IOF_CREATEFILEOBJECT + WinOleDlg.IOF_DISABLEDISPLAYASICON; (* + WinOleDlg.IOF_SHOWINSERTCONTROL; *) p.hWndOwner := w.wnd; p.lpszCaption := NIL; p.lpfnHook := NIL; p.lCustData := 0; p.hInstance := 0; p.lpszTemplate := NIL; p.hResource := 0; p.lpszFile := fname; p.cchFile := LEN(fname); p.cClsidExclude := LEN(guids); p.lpClsidExclude := guids; p.iid := COM.ID(object); p.oleRender := WinOle.OLERENDER_DRAW; p.lpFormatEtc := NIL; p.lpIOleClientSite := model.site; p.lpIStorage := model.stg; p.ppvObj := SYSTEM.ADR(object); p.sc := WinApi.S_OK; p.hMetaPict := 0; res := WinOleDlg.OleUIInsertObject(p); IF res = WinOleDlg.OLEUI_OK THEN IF p.hMetaPict # 0 THEN pmfp := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrMETAFILEPICT, WinApi.GlobalLock(p.hMetaPict)); res := WinApi.DeleteMetaFile(pmfp.hMF); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(p.hMetaPict); res := WinApi.GlobalFree(p.hMetaPict) END; Setup(model, object); NEW(v); InitModel(v, model); Controllers.PasteView(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined, FALSE); (* Windows.dir.Update(w); *) c := Containers.Focus(); c.GetFirstView(FALSE, v1); WHILE (v1 # NIL) & (~(v1 IS View) OR (v1(View).model # model)) DO c.GetNextView(FALSE, v1) END; IF v1 # NIL THEN v := v1(View); c.SetSingleton(v); f := Controllers.FocusFrame(); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)); f := Views.ThisFrame(f, v); IF debug THEN Log.String("Object created ("); Log.Int(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, f)); Log.Char(")"); Log.Ln END; DoVerb(model, f, WinOle.OLEIVERB_SHOW) END ELSIF res # WinOleDlg.OLEUI_CANCEL THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("Object creation failed ("); Log.Int(res); Log.Char(")"); IF res = WinOleDlg.OLEUI_IOERR_SCODEHASERROR THEN Log.String(" ("); Log.Int(p.sc); Log.Char(")") END; Log.Ln END END END InsertObject; PROCEDURE PasteSpecial*; VAR res: INTEGER; p: WinOleDlg.OLEUIPASTESPECIAL; win: HostWindows.Window; guids: ARRAY 1 OF COM.GUID; pmfp: WinApi.PtrMETAFILEPICT; entries: ARRAY 16 OF WinOleDlg.OLEUIPASTEENTRY; key: Dialog.String; conv: ARRAY 16 OF OleData.Converter; str: ARRAY 16, 2, 64 OF SHORTCHAR; c: OleData.Converter; n: INTEGER; msg: Controllers.EditMsg; BEGIN win := HostWindows.dir.First(); guids[0] := ObjectID; n := 0; c := OleData.convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & (n < LEN(entries)) DO IF (c.imp # "") & ~(OleData.info IN c.opts) THEN entries[n].fmtetc := c.format; IF c.type # "" THEN key := "#Host:" + c.imp; Dialog.MapString(key, key); str[n, 0] := SHORT(key$); key := "#Host:" + c.type; Dialog.MapString(key, key); str[n, 1] := SHORT(key$); entries[n].lpstrFormatName := str[n, 0]; entries[n].lpstrResultText := str[n, 1] ELSE entries[n].lpstrFormatName := "%s"; entries[n].lpstrResultText := "%s" END; entries[n].dwFlags := WinOleDlg.OLEUIPASTE_PASTEONLY; conv[n] := c; INC(n) END; c := c.next END; p.cbStruct := SIZE(WinOleDlg.OLEUIPASTESPECIAL); p.dwFlags := WinOleDlg.PSF_DISABLEDISPLAYASICON; p.hWndOwner := win.wnd; p.lpszCaption := NIL; p.lpfnHook := NIL; p.lCustData := 0; p.hInstance := 0; p.lpszTemplate := NIL; p.hResource := 0; p.lpSrcDataObj := NIL; p.arrPasteEntries := SYSTEM.ADR(entries[0]); p.cPasteEntries := n; p.arrLinkTypes := NIL; p.cLinkTypes := 0; p.cClsidExclude := LEN(guids); p.lpClsidExclude := guids; p.hMetaPict := 0; res := WinOleDlg.OleUIPasteSpecial(p); IF res # WinOleDlg.OLEUI_CANCEL THEN ASSERT(res = WinOleDlg.OLEUI_OK, 100); ASSERT((p.nSelectedIndex >= 0) & (p.nSelectedIndex < n), 101); OleData.GetDataViewUsing( p.lpSrcDataObj, conv[p.nSelectedIndex], msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle); IF (msg.view = NIL) & (p.nSelectedIndex + 1 < n) & (conv[p.nSelectedIndex].imp = conv[p.nSelectedIndex + 1].imp) THEN OleData.GetDataViewUsing( p.lpSrcDataObj, conv[p.nSelectedIndex + 1], msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle) END; IF msg.view # NIL THEN msg.op := Controllers.paste; msg.clipboard := TRUE; Controllers.Forward(msg) END; IF p.hMetaPict # 0 THEN pmfp := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrMETAFILEPICT, WinApi.GlobalLock(p.hMetaPict)); res := WinApi.DeleteMetaFile(pmfp.hMF); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(p.hMetaPict); res := WinApi.GlobalFree(p.hMetaPict) END END END PasteSpecial; PROCEDURE NewView* (clsid: COM.GUID): Views.View; VAR unk: COM.IUnknown; res: COM.RESULT; m: Model; v: View; BEGIN NEW(m); Init(m); res := WinOle.OleCreate(clsid, COM.ID(unk), WinOle.OLERENDER_DRAW, NIL, m.site, m.stg, unk); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN Setup(m, unk); NEW(v); InitModel(v, m); RETURN v ELSIF debug THEN Log.String("NewView: "); Log.Int(res); Log.Ln END; RETURN NIL END NewView; (* PROCEDURE NewViewFrom* (unk: COM.IUnknown): Views.View; VAR res: COM.RESULT; ips: WinOle.IPersistStorage; new: COM.IUnknown; m: Model; v: View; BEGIN res := unk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(ips), ips); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN NEW(m); Init(m); res := WinOle.OleSave(ips, m.stg, 0); ASSERT(res >= 0, 100); res := ips.SaveCompleted(NIL); ASSERT(res >= 0, 101); res := WinOle.OleLoad(m.stg, COM.ID(new), m.site, new); Setup(m, new); NEW(v); InitModel(v, m); RETURN v END; RETURN NIL END NewViewFrom; *) PROCEDURE NewViewFrom* (unk: COM.IUnknown): Views.View; VAR res: COM.RESULT; dobj: WinOle.IDataObject; new: COM.IUnknown; m: Model; v: View; BEGIN res := unk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(dobj), dobj); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN NEW(m); Init(m); res := WinOle.OleCreateFromData( dobj, COM.ID(new), WinOle.OLERENDER_DRAW, NIL, m.site, m.stg, new); IF res >= 0 THEN Setup(m, new); NEW(v); InitModel(v, m); RETURN v END END; RETURN NIL END NewViewFrom; PROCEDURE NewViewFromCB* (): Views.View; VAR res: COM.RESULT; dobj: WinOle.IDataObject; new: COM.IUnknown; m: Model; v: View; BEGIN res := WinOle.OleGetClipboard(dobj); IF res >= 0 THEN NEW(m); Init(m); res := WinOle.OleCreateFromData( dobj, COM.ID(new), WinOle.OLERENDER_DRAW, NIL, m.site, m.stg, new); IF res >= 0 THEN Setup(m, new); NEW(v); InitModel(v, m); RETURN v END END; RETURN NIL END NewViewFromCB; PROCEDURE IUnknown* (v: Views.View): COM.IUnknown; BEGIN IF v IS View THEN RETURN v(View).model.objUnk ELSE RETURN NIL END END IUnknown; PROCEDURE TranslateOleKeys (VAR msg: WinApi.MSG; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF (appFrame # NIL) & (appFrame.iipao # NIL) THEN res := appFrame.iipao.TranslateAccelerator(msg); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN done := TRUE END END END TranslateOleKeys; BEGIN HostMenus.TranslateOleKeys1 := TranslateOleKeys END OleClient.
MODULE OleData; (* SP410 *) (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems", Alexander Iljin version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20080215, Fyodor Tkachov, reviewed - 20061012, ai, Updated procedures MemFile.NewReader and MemFile.NewWriter to reuse existing riders. " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, COM, WinOle, WinApi, Log, Files, Strings, Meta, Dialog, Services, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Properties, Containers, HostPorts; CONST debug = FALSE; (* opts *) stream* = 0; storage* = 1; file* = 2; info* = 16; single* = 17; select* = 18; obfTag = 6F4F4443H; TYPE Exporter* = PROCEDURE ( v: Views.View; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); Importer* = PROCEDURE ( VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; OUT v: Views.View; OUT w, h: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); InfoImporter* = PROCEDURE ( VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; VAR type: Stores.TypeName; OUT w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); IDataObject* = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IDataObject) view-: Views.View; w-, h-, rx, ry: INTEGER; isSingle, useSel: BOOLEAN; type: Stores.TypeName END; Converter* = POINTER TO RECORD next-: Converter; imp-, exp-: Dialog.String; type-: Stores.TypeName; format-: WinOle.FORMATETC; opts-: SET END; ExpVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: Exporter END; ImpVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: Importer END; InfoVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: InfoImporter END; MetaFileContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) (*domain: Stores.Domain;*) w, h: INTEGER END; MetaFileView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) view: Views.View; END; IEnumFORMATETC = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IEnumFORMATETC) cur: INTEGER; num: INTEGER; data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF RECORD c: WinOle.FORMATETC END; END; Info = POINTER TO InfoDesc; InfoDesc = RECORD [untagged] type: Stores.TypeName; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; END; MemFile = POINTER TO RECORD (Files.File) mem: WinApi.HGLOBAL; len: INTEGER; owner: BOOLEAN END; MemReader = POINTER TO RECORD (Files.Reader) base: MemFile; pos: INTEGER END; MemWriter = POINTER TO RECORD (Files.Writer) base: MemFile; pos: INTEGER; END; MemPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF BYTE; VAR dataObj-: WinOle.IDataObject; (* for importers *) convList-: Converter; unit: INTEGER; (* screen resolution *) (* Auxiliary procedures *) PROCEDURE GenFormatEtc (format: SHORTINT; aspect: SET; tymed: SET; VAR f: WinOle.FORMATETC); BEGIN f.cfFormat := format; f.ptd := NIL; f.dwAspect := aspect; f.lindex := -1; f.tymed := tymed END GenFormatEtc; PROCEDURE GenMetafileMedium ( mf: WinApi.HMETAFILEPICT; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM ); BEGIN sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_MFPICT; sm.u.hMetaFilePict := mf; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenMetafileMedium; PROCEDURE GenStreamMedium (stm: WinOle.IStream; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); BEGIN sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_ISTREAM; sm.u.pstm := stm; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenStreamMedium; PROCEDURE GenGlobalMedium (hg: WinApi.HGLOBAL; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); BEGIN sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL; sm.u.hGlobal := hg; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenGlobalMedium; PROCEDURE MediumStream (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinOle.IStream; BEGIN IF sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_ISTREAM THEN RETURN sm.u.pstm ELSE RETURN NIL END END MediumStream; PROCEDURE MediumGlobal (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinApi.HGLOBAL; BEGIN IF sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL THEN RETURN sm.u.hGlobal ELSE RETURN 0 END END MediumGlobal; PROCEDURE GetCommand (name: Dialog.String; VAR val: Meta.Value; VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR i: Meta.Item; BEGIN Meta.LookupPath(name, i); IF (i.obj = Meta.procObj) OR (i.obj = Meta.varObj) & (i.typ = Meta.procTyp) THEN i.GetVal(val, ok) ELSE ok := FALSE END END GetCommand; PROCEDURE Eql (IN f, g: WinOle.FORMATETC): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (f.cfFormat = g.cfFormat) & (f.ptd = g.ptd) & (f.dwAspect = g.dwAspect) & (f.lindex = g.lindex) & (f.tymed * g.tymed # {}) END Eql; PROCEDURE Equiv (IN f, g: WinOle.FORMATETC): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (f.cfFormat = g.cfFormat) & (f.ptd = g.ptd) & (f.dwAspect = g.dwAspect) & (f.lindex = g.lindex) END Equiv; PROCEDURE Compatible (c: Converter; VAR view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN ((c.type = "") OR Services.Is(view, c.type)) & (~(single IN c.opts) OR isSingle) & (~(select IN c.opts) OR ~isSingle) END Compatible; PROCEDURE Setup (data: IDataObject); VAR v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; m: Containers.Model; p: Properties.BoundsPref; dx, dy: INTEGER; BEGIN c := data.view(Containers.View).ThisController(); m := c.SelectionCopy(); (* v := Services.Clone(data.view)(Views.View); v.InitModel(m); v.CopyFrom(data.view); *) v := Views.CopyWithNewModel(data.view, m); p.w := Views.undefined; p.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); data.view := v; data.w := p.w; data.h := p.h; data.useSel := FALSE END Setup; (* IEnumFORMATETC *) PROCEDURE CreateIEnumFORMATETC (num: INTEGER; VAR data: ARRAY OF WinOle.FORMATETC; VAR enum: WinOle.IEnumFORMATETC); VAR i, n: INTEGER; new: IEnumFORMATETC; BEGIN NEW(new); IF new # NIL THEN new.cur := 0; new.num := num; NEW(new.data, num); i := 0; WHILE i < num DO new.data[i].c := data[i]; INC(i) END; enum := new END END CreateIEnumFORMATETC; PROCEDURE (this: IEnumFORMATETC) Next (num: INTEGER; OUT elem: ARRAY [untagged] OF WinOle.FORMATETC; OUT [nil] fetched: INTEGER ): COM.RESULT; VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := 0; IF VALID(fetched) THEN fetched := 0 ELSIF num # 1 THEN RETURN WinApi.E_POINTER END; IF this.cur < this.num THEN WHILE (this.cur < this.num) & (num > 0) DO elem[n] := this.data[this.cur].c; INC(this.cur); INC(n); DEC(num) END; IF VALID(fetched) THEN fetched := n END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END; RETURN WinApi.S_FALSE END Next; PROCEDURE (this: IEnumFORMATETC) Skip (num: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF this.cur + num < this.num THEN INC(this.cur, num); RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.S_FALSE END END Skip; PROCEDURE (this: IEnumFORMATETC) Reset (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN this.cur := 0; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Reset; PROCEDURE (this: IEnumFORMATETC) Clone (OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumFORMATETC): COM.RESULT; VAR new: IEnumFORMATETC; BEGIN NEW(new); IF new # NIL THEN new.num := this.num; new.cur := this.cur; new.data := this.data; enum := new; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_OUTOFMEMORY END END Clone; (* Metafile Pictures *) (* PROCEDURE (c: MetaFileContext) ThisDomain (): Stores.Domain; BEGIN RETURN c.domain END ThisDomain; *) PROCEDURE (c: MetaFileContext) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: MetaFileContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.w; h := c.h END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: MetaFileContext) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER); END SetSize; PROCEDURE (c: MetaFileContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END Normalize; PROCEDURE (d: MetaFileView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN Views.InstallFrame(f, d.view, 0, 0, 0, FALSE) END Restore; PROCEDURE (d: MetaFileView) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: Views.RootFrame; BEGIN NEW(f); frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (d: MetaFileView) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := Ports.background END GetBackground; (* PROCEDURE (d: MetaFileView) PropagateDomain; BEGIN Stores.InitDomain(d.view, d.domain) END PropagateDomain; *) PROCEDURE Paint (dc: WinApi.HDC; v: Views.View; w, h, unit: INTEGER); VAR d: MetaFileView; c: MetaFileContext; p: HostPorts.Port; f: Views.RootFrame; g: Views.Frame; (* m: Models.Model; *) BEGIN NEW(p); p.Init(unit, Ports.screen); p.SetSize(w, h); p.SetDC(dc, 0); NEW(c); (* m := v.ThisModel(); IF (m # NIL) & (m.domain # NIL) THEN c.domain := m.domain ELSE c.domain := Models.NewDomain() END; *) (* IF v.domain # NIL THEN c.domain := v.domain ELSE c.domain := Models.NewDomain() END; *) c.w := w * p.unit; c.h := h * p.unit; NEW(d); d.view := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow); Stores.Join(d, d.view); d.InitContext(c); d.view.InitContext(c); (* Stores.InitDomain(d, c.domain); *) (* Stores.InitDomain(d.view, c.domain); *) Stores.InitDomain(d); d.GetNewFrame(g); f := g(Views.RootFrame); f.ConnectTo(p); Views.SetRoot(f, d, FALSE, {}); Views.AdaptRoot(f); Views.RestoreRoot(f, 0, 0, c.w, c.h); END Paint; (* ---------- MemFiles ---------- *) PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) Base (): Files.File; BEGIN RETURN r.base END Base; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) Pos (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN r.pos END Pos; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(pos >= 0, 22); ASSERT(pos <= r.base.len, 21); r.pos := pos; r.eof := FALSE END SetPos; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE); VAR res: INTEGER; p: MemPtr; BEGIN ASSERT(r.base.mem # 0, 20); IF r.pos < r.base.len THEN p := SYSTEM.VAL(MemPtr, WinApi.GlobalLock(r.base.mem)); x := p[r.pos]; INC(r.pos); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(r.base.mem) ELSE x := 0; r.eof := TRUE END END ReadByte; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) ReadBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER); VAR res: INTEGER; p: MemPtr; BEGIN ASSERT(r.base.mem # 0, 20); ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); IF len > 0 THEN ASSERT(beg + len <= LEN(x), 23); IF r.pos + len <= r.base.len THEN p := SYSTEM.VAL(MemPtr, WinApi.GlobalLock(r.base.mem)); SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(p[r.pos]), SYSTEM.ADR(x[beg]), len); INC(r.pos, len); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(r.base.mem) ELSE r.eof := TRUE END ELSE ASSERT(len = 0, 22) END END ReadBytes; PROCEDURE (w: MemWriter) Base (): Files.File; BEGIN RETURN w.base END Base; PROCEDURE (w: MemWriter) Pos (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN w.pos END Pos; PROCEDURE (w: MemWriter) SetPos (pos: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(pos >= 0, 22); ASSERT(pos <= w.base.len, 21); w.pos := pos END SetPos; PROCEDURE (w: MemWriter) WriteByte (x: BYTE); VAR res, size: INTEGER; p: MemPtr; BEGIN ASSERT(w.base.mem # 0, 20); IF w.pos >= w.base.len THEN w.base.len := w.pos + 1; size := WinApi.GlobalSize(w.base.mem); IF size < w.base.len THEN w.base.mem := WinApi.GlobalReAlloc(w.base.mem, w.base.len + 1024, WinApi.GMEM_DDESHARE + WinApi.GMEM_MOVEABLE) END END; p := SYSTEM.VAL(MemPtr, WinApi.GlobalLock(w.base.mem)); p[w.pos] := x; INC(w.pos); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(w.base.mem) END WriteByte; PROCEDURE (w: MemWriter) WriteBytes (IN x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER); VAR res, size: INTEGER; p: MemPtr; BEGIN ASSERT(w.base.mem # 0, 20); ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); IF len > 0 THEN ASSERT(beg + len <= LEN(x), 23); IF w.pos + len > w.base.len THEN w.base.len := w.pos + len; size := WinApi.GlobalSize(w.base.mem); IF size < w.base.len THEN w.base.mem := WinApi.GlobalReAlloc(w.base.mem, w.base.len + 1024, WinApi.GMEM_DDESHARE + WinApi.GMEM_MOVEABLE) END END; p := SYSTEM.VAL(MemPtr, WinApi.GlobalLock(w.base.mem)); SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(x[beg]), SYSTEM.ADR(p[w.pos]), len); INC(w.pos, len); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(w.base.mem) ELSE ASSERT(len = 0, 22) END END WriteBytes; PROCEDURE (f: MemFile) Length (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN f.len END Length; PROCEDURE (f: MemFile) NewReader (old: Files.Reader): Files.Reader; VAR r: MemReader; BEGIN ASSERT(f.mem # 0, 20); (* 20061012, ai: this was simply NEW(r) *) IF (old = NIL) OR ~(old IS MemReader) THEN NEW(r) ELSE r := old(MemReader) END; r.base := f; r.pos := 0; r.eof := FALSE; RETURN r END NewReader; PROCEDURE (f: MemFile) NewWriter (old: Files.Writer): Files.Writer; VAR w: MemWriter; BEGIN ASSERT(f.mem # 0, 20); (* 20061012, ai: this was simply NEW(w) *) IF (old = NIL) OR ~(old IS MemWriter) THEN NEW(w) ELSE w := old(MemWriter) END; w.base := f; w.pos := f.len; RETURN w END NewWriter; PROCEDURE (f: MemFile) Register (name: Files.Name; type: Files.Type; ask: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER); BEGIN res := -1 END Register; PROCEDURE (f: MemFile) Close; END Close; PROCEDURE (f: MemFile) Flush; END Flush; PROCEDURE (f: MemFile) FINALIZE; BEGIN IF f.owner THEN f.mem := WinApi.GlobalFree(f.mem) END END FINALIZE; PROCEDURE NewMemFile (mem: WinApi.HGLOBAL; owner: BOOLEAN): Files.File; VAR f: MemFile; BEGIN NEW(f); f.mem := mem; f.len := WinApi.GlobalSize(mem); f.owner := owner; RETURN f END NewMemFile; (* standard exporters *) PROCEDURE ExportNative* ( v: Views.View; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM ); VAR hnd: WinApi.HGLOBAL; f: Files.File; wr: Stores.Writer; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN ASSERT(med.tymed = {}, 20); hnd := WinApi.GlobalAlloc(WinApi.GMEM_DDESHARE + WinApi.GMEM_MOVEABLE, 1024); f := NewMemFile(hnd, FALSE); wr.ConnectTo(f); wr.SetPos(0); wr.WriteInt(obfTag); wr.WriteInt(0); wr.WriteInt(w); wr.WriteInt(h); IF isSingle THEN wr.WriteSChar(1X) ELSE wr.WriteSChar(0X) END; wr.WriteStore(v); GenGlobalMedium(hnd, NIL, med) END ExportNative; PROCEDURE ExportInfo* ( v: Views.View; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM ); VAR hnd: WinApi.HGLOBAL; p: Info; res: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(med.tymed = {}, 20); hnd := WinApi.GlobalAlloc(WinApi.GMEM_DDESHARE + WinApi.GMEM_MOVEABLE, SIZE(InfoDesc)); IF hnd # 0 THEN p := SYSTEM.VAL(Info, WinApi.GlobalLock(hnd)); Services.GetTypeName(v, p.type); p.w := w; p.h := h; p.rx := x; p.ry := y; p.isSingle := isSingle; res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(hnd); GenGlobalMedium(hnd, NIL, med) END END ExportInfo; PROCEDURE ExportPicture* ( v: Views.View; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM ); VAR dc: WinApi.HDC; mf: WinApi.HMETAFILE; mp: WinApi.PtrMETAFILEPICT; rc: WinApi.RECT; res: INTEGER; hm: WinApi.HMETAFILEPICT; bp: Properties.BoundsPref; sp: Properties.SizePref; BEGIN ASSERT(med.tymed = {}, 20); IF (w = Views.undefined) OR (h = Views.undefined) THEN bp.w := Views.undefined; bp.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, bp); w := bp.w; h := bp.h END; IF (w = Views.undefined) OR (h = Views.undefined) THEN sp.w := Views.undefined; sp.h := Views.undefined; sp.fixedW := FALSE; sp.fixedH := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, sp); w := sp.w; h := sp.h END; (* w := w DIV (Ports.mm DIV 100); h := h DIV (Ports.mm DIV 100); (* w, h in mm/100 *) *) dc := WinApi.CreateMetaFileA(NIL); IF dc # 0 THEN res := WinApi.SetMapMode(dc, WinApi.MM_ANISOTROPIC); res := WinApi.SetWindowOrgEx(dc, 0, 0, NIL); res := WinApi.SetWindowExtEx(dc, w DIV unit, h DIV unit, NIL); IF v # NIL THEN Paint(dc, v, w DIV unit, h DIV unit, unit) END; mf := WinApi.CloseMetaFile(dc); IF mf # 0 THEN hm := WinApi.GlobalAlloc( WinApi.GMEM_DDESHARE + WinApi.GMEM_MOVEABLE, SIZE(WinApi.METAFILEPICT)); IF hm # 0 THEN mp := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrMETAFILEPICT, WinApi.GlobalLock(hm)); mp.hMF := mf; mp.mm := WinApi.MM_ANISOTROPIC; mp.xExt := w DIV (Ports.mm DIV 100); (* himetric units *) mp.yExt := h DIV (Ports.mm DIV 100); res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(hm); GenMetafileMedium(hm, NIL, med) ELSE res := WinApi.DeleteMetaFile(mf) END END END END ExportPicture; (* standard importers *) PROCEDURE ImportNative* (VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; OUT v: Views.View; OUT w, h: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR hnd: WinApi.HGLOBAL; f: Files.File; r: Stores.Reader; s: Stores.Store; tag, version, res: COM.RESULT; ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN v := NIL; hnd := MediumGlobal(med); med.u.hGlobal := 0; f := NewMemFile(hnd, TRUE); r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0); r.ReadInt(tag); IF tag = obfTag THEN r.ReadInt(version); r.ReadInt(w); r.ReadInt(h); r.ReadSChar(ch); isSingle := ch # 0X; r.ReadStore(s); v := s(Views.View) END END ImportNative; PROCEDURE ImportInfo* (VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; VAR type: Stores.TypeName; OUT w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR s: Stores.Store; hnd: WinApi.HANDLE; p: Info; res: INTEGER; BEGIN hnd := MediumGlobal(med); IF hnd # 0 THEN p := SYSTEM.VAL(Info, WinApi.GlobalLock(hnd)); type := p.type; w := p.w; h := p.h; rx := p.rx; ry := p.ry; isSingle := p.isSingle; res := WinApi.GlobalUnlock(hnd) END END ImportInfo; (* IDataObject *) PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) GetData* (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; OUT medium: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): COM.RESULT; VAR c: Converter; val: ExpVal; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN c := convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((c.exp = "") OR ~Compatible(c, this.view, this.isSingle) OR ~Eql(c.format, format)) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN GetCommand(c.exp, val, ok); medium.tymed := {}; IF ok THEN IF this.useSel & ~(info IN c.opts) THEN Setup(this) END; val.p(this.view, this.w, this.h, this.rx, this.ry, this.isSingle, medium); RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE IF debug THEN Log.String(c.exp); Log.String(" failed"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.E_UNEXPECTED END ELSE RETURN WinApi.DV_E_FORMATETC END END GetData; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) GetDataHere* (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; VAR medium: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): COM.RESULT; VAR c: Converter; val: ExpVal; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF format.tymed * (WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE + WinOle.TYMED_ISTREAM) # {} THEN c := convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((c.exp = "") OR ~Compatible(c, this.view, this.isSingle) OR ~Eql(c.format, format)) DO c := c.next END; IF (c # NIL) & (medium.tymed = c.format.tymed) THEN GetCommand(c.exp, val, ok); IF ok THEN IF this.useSel & ~(info IN c.opts) THEN Setup(this) END; val.p(this.view, this.w, this.h, this.rx, this.ry, this.isSingle, medium); RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE IF debug THEN Log.String(c.exp); Log.String(" failed"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.E_UNEXPECTED END ELSE RETURN WinApi.DV_E_FORMATETC END ELSE RETURN WinApi.DV_E_FORMATETC END END GetDataHere; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) QueryGetData* (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC): COM.RESULT; VAR c: Converter; BEGIN c := convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((c.exp = "") OR ~Compatible(c, this.view, this.isSingle) OR ~Eql(c.format, format)) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.DV_E_FORMATETC END END QueryGetData; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) GetCanonicalFormatEtc* (IN formatIn: WinOle.FORMATETC; OUT formatOut: WinOle.FORMATETC): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC END GetCanonicalFormatEtc; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) SetData* (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; IN medium: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; release: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.DV_E_FORMATETC END SetData; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) EnumFormatEtc* (direction: SET; OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumFORMATETC): COM.RESULT; VAR format: ARRAY 32 OF WinOle.FORMATETC; p: WinOle.IEnumFORMATETC; n, i: INTEGER; c: Converter; BEGIN IF direction = WinOle.DATADIR_GET THEN n := 0; c := convList; WHILE (n < LEN(format)) & (c # NIL) DO IF (c.exp # "") & Compatible(c, this.view, this.isSingle) THEN format[n] := c.format; i := 0; WHILE ~Equiv(format[i], c.format) DO INC(i) END; IF i = n THEN INC(n) ELSE format[i].tymed := format[i].tymed + c.format.tymed END END; c := c.next END; IF n > 0 THEN CreateIEnumFORMATETC(n, format, p); IF p # NIL THEN enum := p; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_OUTOFMEMORY END ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END END EnumFormatEtc; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) DAdvise* (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; flags: SET; advSink: WinOle.IAdviseSink; OUT connection: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END DAdvise; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) DUnadvise* (connection: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END DUnadvise; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) EnumDAdvise* (OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumSTATDATA): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END EnumDAdvise; (* import/export *) PROCEDURE DataConvTo* (data: WinOle.IDataObject; type: Stores.TypeName): BOOLEAN; VAR t: Stores.TypeName; c: Converter; v: Views.View; res: COM.RESULT; ok, s: BOOLEAN; med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; ival: InfoVal; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN v := NIL; c := convList; WHILE c # NIL DO IF c.imp # "" THEN IF (type = "") OR (c.type # "") & Services.Extends(c.type, type) THEN IF data.QueryGetData(c.format) = WinApi.S_OK THEN RETURN TRUE END ELSIF info IN c.opts THEN res := data.GetData(c.format, med); IF res >= 0 THEN GetCommand(c.imp, ival, ok); t := ""; IF ok THEN ival.p(med, t, w, h, x, y, s) ELSIF debug THEN Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(" failed (c)"); Log.Ln END; WinOle.ReleaseStgMedium(med); IF t = type THEN RETURN TRUE END END END END; c := c.next END; RETURN FALSE END DataConvTo; PROCEDURE GetDataView* (data: WinOle.IDataObject; type: Stores.TypeName; OUT v: Views.View; OUT w, h: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR t: Stores.TypeName; c: Converter; val: ImpVal; ival: InfoVal; ok, s: BOOLEAN; res: COM.RESULT; med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN v := NIL; t := ""; c := convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & (v = NIL) DO IF c.imp # "" THEN IF info IN c.opts THEN IF type # "" THEN res := data.GetData(c.format, med); t := ""; IF debug THEN Log.String("Get Data "); Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(c.exp); Log.Int(res); Log.Ln END; IF res >= 0 THEN GetCommand(c.imp, ival, ok); IF ok THEN ival.p(med, t, w, h, x, y, s) ELSIF debug THEN Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(" failed (i)"); Log.Ln END; WinOle.ReleaseStgMedium(med) END END ELSIF (type = "") OR (c.type # "") & Services.Extends(c.type, type) OR (c.type = "") & (t # "") & Services.Extends(t, type) THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("query"); Log.Int(data.QueryGetData(c.format)); Log.Ln END; res := data.GetData(c.format, med); IF debug THEN Log.String("Get Data "); Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(c.exp); Log.Int(res); Log.Ln END; IF res >= 0 THEN GetCommand(c.imp, val, ok); IF ok THEN dataObj := data; val.p(med, v, w, h, isSingle); dataObj := NIL ELSIF debug THEN Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(" failed (g)"); Log.Ln END; WinOle.ReleaseStgMedium(med) END END END; c := c.next END END GetDataView; PROCEDURE GetDataViewUsing* (data: WinOle.IDataObject; c: Converter; OUT v: Views.View; OUT w, h: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR val: ImpVal; ok: BOOLEAN; res: COM.RESULT; med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); ASSERT(c.imp # "", 21); ASSERT(~(info IN c.opts), 22); v := NIL; res := data.GetData(c.format, med); IF debug THEN Log.String("Get Data "); Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(c.exp); Log.Int(res); Log.Ln END; IF res >= 0 THEN GetCommand(c.imp, val, ok); IF ok THEN dataObj := data; val.p(med, v, w, h, isSingle); dataObj := NIL ELSIF debug THEN Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(" failed (g)"); Log.Ln END; WinOle.ReleaseStgMedium(med) END END GetDataViewUsing; PROCEDURE GetTextDataView* (data: WinOle.IDataObject; OUT v: Views.View; OUT w, h: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR c: Converter; BEGIN v := NIL; c := convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.imp # "OleData.ImportNative") DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN GetDataViewUsing(data, c, v, w, h, isSingle) END; IF v = NIL THEN c := convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.imp # "HostTextConv.ImportDRichText") DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN GetDataViewUsing(data, c, v, w, h, isSingle) END; END; IF v = NIL THEN GetDataView(data, "", v, w, h, isSingle) END END GetTextDataView; PROCEDURE GetDataType* (data: WinOle.IDataObject; OUT type: Stores.TypeName; OUT w, h, x, y: INTEGER; OUT isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR t: Stores.TypeName; c: Converter; res: COM.RESULT; med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; ival: InfoVal; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN type := ""; c := convList; WHILE (c # NIL) & (type = "") DO IF c.imp # "" THEN IF info IN c.opts THEN res := data.GetData(c.format, med); IF res >= 0 THEN GetCommand(c.imp, ival, ok); IF ok THEN ival.p(med, type, w, h, x, y, isSingle) ELSIF debug THEN Log.String(c.imp); Log.String(" failed (t)"); Log.Ln END; WinOle.ReleaseStgMedium(med) END ELSIF c.type # "" THEN IF data.QueryGetData(c.format) = WinApi.S_OK THEN type := c.type; isSingle := FALSE; w := 0; h := 0; x := 0; y := 0 END END END; c := c.next END END GetDataType; (* creation *) PROCEDURE ViewData* (v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN): IDataObject; VAR new: IDataObject; BEGIN NEW(new); new.view := v; new.w := w; new.h := h; new.rx := 0; new.ry := 0; new.isSingle := isSingle; new.useSel := FALSE; IF v # NIL THEN Services.GetTypeName(v, new.type) ELSE new.type := "*" END; RETURN new END ViewData; PROCEDURE ViewDropData* (v: Views.View; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; isSingle, useSel: BOOLEAN): IDataObject; VAR new: IDataObject; BEGIN IF useSel THEN ASSERT(~isSingle, 20); ASSERT(v IS Containers.View, 21); ASSERT(v(Containers.View).ThisController() # NIL, 22) END; NEW(new); new.view := v; new.w := w; new.h := h; new.rx := rx; new.ry := ry; new.isSingle := isSingle; new.useSel := useSel; IF v # NIL THEN Services.GetTypeName(v, new.type) ELSE new.type := "*" END; RETURN new END ViewDropData; PROCEDURE SetView* (data: IDataObject; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN data.view := v; data.w := w; data.h := h; IF v # NIL THEN Services.GetTypeName(v, data.type) ELSE data.type := "*" END; END SetView; (* registration *) PROCEDURE Register* (imp, exp, format: Dialog.String; type: Stores.TypeName; opts: SET); VAR c, f: Converter; tymed: SET; cbf: SHORTINT; fmt: ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN tymed := WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL; IF format = "TEXT" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_TEXT ELSIF format = "BITMAP" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_BITMAP; tymed := WinOle.TYMED_GDI ELSIF format = "METAFILEPICT" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_METAFILEPICT; tymed := WinOle.TYMED_MFPICT ELSIF format = "SYLK" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_SYLK ELSIF format = "DIF" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_DIF ELSIF format = "TIFF" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_TIFF ELSIF format = "OEMTEXT" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_OEMTEXT ELSIF format = "DIB" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_DIB; tymed := WinOle.TYMED_GDI ELSIF format = "PALETTE" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_PALETTE ELSIF format = "PENDATA" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_PENDATA ELSIF format = "RIFF" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_RIFF ELSIF format = "WAVE" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_WAVE ELSIF format = "UNICODETEXT" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_UNICODETEXT ELSIF format = "ENHMETAFILE" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_ENHMETAFILE; tymed := WinOle.TYMED_ENHMF ELSIF format = "HDROP" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_HDROP ELSIF format = "LOCALE" THEN cbf := WinApi.CF_LOCALE ELSE fmt := SHORT(format$); cbf := SHORT(WinApi.RegisterClipboardFormat(fmt)) END; IF stream IN opts THEN tymed := WinOle.TYMED_ISTREAM ELSIF storage IN opts THEN tymed := WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE ELSIF file IN opts THEN tymed := WinOle.TYMED_FILE END; NEW(c); c.imp := imp; c.exp := exp; c.type := type; c.opts := opts; GenFormatEtc(cbf, WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT, tymed, c.format); IF convList = NIL THEN convList := c ELSE f := convList; WHILE f.next # NIL DO f := f.next END; f.next := c END END Register; (* debug *) PROCEDURE DumpData* (data: WinOle.IDataObject); VAR type: Stores.TypeName; c: Converter; val: ImpVal; ival: InfoVal; ok, s: BOOLEAN; res: COM.RESULT; med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := convList; WHILE c # NIL DO IF c.imp # "" THEN res := data.QueryGetData(c.format); IF res >= 0 THEN Log.String(c.imp); Log.Char(" "); res := data.GetData(c.format, med); IF res >= 0 THEN Log.String(" read "); IF info IN c.opts THEN Log.String("(i) "); GetCommand(c.imp, ival, ok); IF ok THEN type := ""; ival.p(med, type, w, h, x, y, s); Log.String(type); Log.Int(w); Log.Int(h); Log.Int(x); Log.Int(y); IF s THEN Log.String(" singleton") END ELSE Log.String("failed"); END ELSE GetCommand(c.imp, val, ok); IF ok THEN v := NIL; dataObj := data; val.p(med, v, w, h, s); dataObj := NIL; IF v # NIL THEN Services.GetTypeName(v, type); Log.String(type); Log.Int(w); Log.Int(h); IF s THEN Log.String(" singleton") END ELSE Log.String("NIL") END ELSE Log.String("failed"); END END; WinOle.ReleaseStgMedium(med); Log.Ln END END END; c := c.next END END DumpData; PROCEDURE Init; VAR res: INTEGER; dc: WinApi.HDC; BEGIN dc := WinApi.GetDC(0); unit := 914400 DIV WinApi.GetDeviceCaps(dc, 90); res := WinApi.ReleaseDC(0, dc) END Init; BEGIN Init END OleData.
MODULE OleServer; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, COM, WinOle, WinApi, OleStorage, OleData, StdDialog, Kernel, Files, Services, Ports, Dialog, Stores, Sequencers, Views, Controllers, Properties, Converters, Containers, Documents, Windows, TextViews, Log, HostPorts, HostDialog, HostWindows, HostMenus; CONST debug = FALSE; ObjectID = "{00000001-1000-11cf-adf0-444553540000}"; streamStr = "CONTENTS"; cbFormat = 200H; obfTag = 6F4F4443H; miscStatus = WinOle.OLEMISC_RECOMPOSEONRESIZE + WinOle.OLEMISC_CANTLINKINSIDE + WinOle.OLEMISC_RENDERINGISDEVICEINDEPENDENT; oleUnit = Ports.mm DIV 100; borderW = 5 * Ports.point; fixed = 31; (* controller option *) TYPE IClassFactory = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IClassFactory) END; Object = POINTER TO RECORD (COM.IUnknown) ioo: IOleObject; ido: IDataObject; ips: IPersistStorage; iipo: IOleInPlaceObject; iipao: IOleInPlaceActiveObject; ics: WinOle.IOleClientSite; iips: WinOle.IOleInPlaceSite; (* # NIL => in place open *) iipf: WinOle.IOleInPlaceFrame; iipw: WinOle.IOleInPlaceUIWindow; fInfo: WinOle.OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO; idah: WinOle.IDataAdviseHolder; ioah: WinOle.IOleAdviseHolder; isg: WinOle.IStorage; ism: WinOle.IStream; rsm: WinOle.IStream; menu: WinApi.HMENU; oleMenu: WinOle.HOLEMENU; menuType: Stores.TypeName; w, h: INTEGER; view: Views.View; seq: Sequencers.Sequencer; win: HostWindows.Window; (* # NIL => open *) embedded: BOOLEAN; update: BOOLEAN; uiActive: BOOLEAN; useMenu: BOOLEAN; unit: INTEGER (* scaling when in place open *) END; IOleObject = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IOleObject) obj: Object END; IDataObject = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IDataObject) obj: Object; data: OleData.IDataObject END; IPersistStorage = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD (WinOle.IPersistStorage) obj: Object END; IOleInPlaceObject = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IOleInPlaceObject); obj: Object END; IOleInPlaceActiveObject = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IOleInPlaceActiveObject) obj: Object END; Window = POINTER TO RECORD (HostWindows.Window) obj: Object END; WinDir = POINTER TO RECORD (HostWindows.Directory) obj: Object; host: WinApi.HWND; pos, clip: WinApi.RECT; END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) w: Window END; Verb = POINTER TO RECORD verb: INTEGER; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; disabled, checked: BOOLEAN; next: Verb END; IEnumOLEVERB = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IEnumOLEVERB) first, cur: Verb END; VAR factory: IClassFactory; token: INTEGER; winDir: WinDir; (* ---------- auxiliary ---------- *) PROCEDURE Max (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x > y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Max; PROCEDURE Min (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Min; PROCEDURE GenGlobalMedium (hg: WinApi.HGLOBAL; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); BEGIN sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL; sm.u.hGlobal := hg; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenGlobalMedium; PROCEDURE MediumGlobal (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinApi.HGLOBAL; BEGIN ASSERT(sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL, 20); RETURN sm.u.hGlobal END MediumGlobal; PROCEDURE GenStorageMedium (stg: WinOle.IStorage; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); TYPE PS = POINTER TO RECORD t: SET; s: WinOle.IStorage; u: COM.IUnknown END; VAR ps: PS; BEGIN sm.u.hGlobal := 0; sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE; sm.u.pstg := stg; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenStorageMedium; PROCEDURE MediumStorage (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinOle.IStorage; BEGIN ASSERT(sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE, 20); RETURN sm.u.pstg END MediumStorage; PROCEDURE NewString (VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR): WinApi.PtrWSTR; VAR n: INTEGER; p: WinApi.PtrWSTR; BEGIN n := 0; WHILE str[n] # 0X DO INC(n) END; p := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrWSTR, WinOle.CoTaskMemAlloc(SIZE(CHAR) * (n + 1))); p^ := str$; RETURN p END NewString; PROCEDURE CheckVerb (v: Views.View; n: INTEGER; VAR pvm: Properties.PollVerbMsg); BEGIN pvm.verb := SHORT(n); pvm.label := ""; pvm.disabled := FALSE; pvm.checked := FALSE; IF v # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(v, pvm) END END CheckVerb; (* ---------- IClassFactory ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IClassFactory) CreateInstance (outer: COM.IUnknown; IN [iid] iid: COM.GUID; OUT [new] int: COM.IUnknown): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; new: Object; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("create instance"); Log.Ln END; IF outer = NIL THEN NEW(new); IF new # NIL THEN NEW(new.ioo, new); NEW(new.ido, new); NEW(new.ips, new); NEW(new.iipo, new); NEW(new.iipao); (* separate component *) IF (new.ioo # NIL) & (new.ido # NIL) & (new.ips # NIL) & (new.iipo # NIL) & (new.iipao # NIL) THEN new.ioo.obj := new; new.ido.obj := new; new.ido.data := OleData.ViewData(NIL, 0, 0, TRUE); new.ips.obj := new; new.iipo.obj := new; new.iipao.obj := new; new.embedded := FALSE; res := new.QueryInterface(iid, int); IF res >= 0 THEN HostMenus.Lock END; IF debug THEN Log.String("c lock "); Log.Int(HostMenus.locks); Log.Ln END; ELSE res := WinApi.E_OUTOFMEMORY END ELSE res := WinApi.E_OUTOFMEMORY END ELSE res := WinApi.CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION END; RETURN res END CreateInstance; PROCEDURE (this: IClassFactory) LockServer (lock: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF lock # 0 THEN HostMenus.Lock ELSE HostMenus.Unlock END; IF debug THEN Log.String("lock server "); Log.Int(lock); Log.Int(HostMenus.locks); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END LockServer; (* IEnumOLEVERB *) PROCEDURE (this: IEnumOLEVERB) Next (num: INTEGER; OUT elem: ARRAY [untagged] OF WinOle.OLEVERB; OUT [nil] fetched: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; VAR n: INTEGER; flags: SET; BEGIN n := 0; IF VALID(fetched) THEN fetched := 0 ELSIF num # 1 THEN RETURN WinApi.E_POINTER END; IF this.cur # NIL THEN WHILE (this.cur # NIL) & (num > 0) DO elem[n].lVerb := this.cur.verb; elem[n].lpszVerbName := NewString(this.cur.name); flags := {}; IF this.cur.disabled THEN INCL(flags, 0) END; IF this.cur.checked THEN INCL(flags, 3) END; elem[n].fuFlags := flags; IF this.cur.verb >= 0 THEN elem[n].grfAttribs := WinOle.OLEVERBATTRIB_ONCONTAINERMENU ELSE elem[n].grfAttribs := {} END; this.cur := this.cur.next; INC(n); DEC(num) END; IF VALID(fetched) THEN fetched := n END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END; RETURN WinApi.S_FALSE END Next; PROCEDURE (this: IEnumOLEVERB) Skip (num: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN WHILE (num > 0) & (this.cur # NIL) DO this.cur := this.cur.next; DEC(num) END; IF this.cur # NIL THEN RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.S_FALSE END END Skip; PROCEDURE (this: IEnumOLEVERB) Reset (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN this.cur := this.first; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Reset; PROCEDURE (this: IEnumOLEVERB) Clone (OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumOLEVERB): COM.RESULT; VAR new: IEnumOLEVERB; BEGIN NEW(new); IF new # NIL THEN new.first := this.first; new.cur := this.cur; enum := new; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_OUTOFMEMORY END END Clone; (* (* ---------- Object Release Patch ---------- *) (* VERY BIG HACK !!!!!!!!! *) PROCEDURE^ (this: Object) InPlaceDeactivate (); PROCEDURE ObjectRelease (this: Object): LONGINT; VAR n: LONGINT; msg: Sequencers.RemoveMsg; BEGIN n := Kernel.Release(SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, this)); IF debug THEN Log.String("release "); Log.Int(n); Log.Ln END; IF n = 0 THEN IF this.iips # NIL THEN this.InPlaceDeactivate END; this.ics := NIL; this.idah := NIL; this.ioah := NIL; IF this.seq # NIL THEN this.seq.Notify(msg) END; HostMenus.Unlock; IF debug THEN Log.String("r unlock "); Log.Int(HostMenus.locks); Log.Ln END; Kernel.Cleanup END; RETURN n END ObjectRelease; PROCEDURE PatchObjectRelease; CONST releaseMethOff = -4; BEGIN SYSTEM.PUT(SYSTEM.ADR(Object) + releaseMethOff, SYSTEM.ADR(ObjectRelease)) END PatchObjectRelease; *) (* ---------- Object ---------- *) PROCEDURE^ (this: Object) InPlaceDeactivate (), NEW; PROCEDURE (this: Object) RELEASE; VAR msg: Sequencers.RemoveMsg; BEGIN IF this.iips # NIL THEN this.InPlaceDeactivate END; this.ics := NIL; this.idah := NIL; this.ioah := NIL; IF this.seq # NIL THEN this.seq.Notify(msg) END; HostMenus.Unlock; IF debug THEN Log.String("r unlock "); Log.Int(HostMenus.locks); Log.Ln END; Kernel.Cleanup END RELEASE; PROCEDURE (this: Object) QueryInterface (IN iid: COM.GUID; OUT int: COM.IUnknown): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("query interface"); Log.Ln END; IF COM.QUERY(this, iid, int) OR COM.QUERY(this.ioo, iid, int) OR COM.QUERY(this.ido, iid, int) OR COM.QUERY(this.ips, iid, int) OR COM.QUERY(this.iipo, iid, int) THEN RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_NOINTERFACE END END QueryInterface; PROCEDURE (this: Object) GetMenuType (VAR changed: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN ops.type := ""; this.win.ForwardCtrlMsg(ops); IF ops.type # this.menuType THEN changed := TRUE; this.menuType := ops.type$ ELSE changed := FALSE END END GetMenuType; PROCEDURE (this: Object) InPlaceMenuCreate (), NEW; VAR menu: WinApi.HMENU; res, i, p, n: INTEGER; widths: WinOle.OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS; m: HostMenus.Menu; ss: ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("create menu"); Log.Ln END; i := 0; WHILE i < 6 DO widths.width[i] := 0; INC(i) END; menu := WinApi.CreateMenu(); res := this.iipf.InsertMenus(menu, widths); m := HostMenus.menus; p := 0; i := 0; WHILE p < 6 DO WHILE (m # NIL) & (m.class <= p) DO m := m.next END; INC(i, widths.width[p]); INC(p); n := 0; WHILE (m # NIL) & (m.class = p) DO IF (m.type = "") OR (m.type = this.menuType) THEN ss := SHORT(m.menu$); res := WinApi.InsertMenu(menu, i, WinApi.MF_POPUP + WinApi.MF_BYPOSITION, m.menuH, ss); INC(n); INC(i) END; m := m.next; END; widths.width[p] := n; INC(p) END; this.menu := menu; this.oleMenu := WinOle.OleCreateMenuDescriptor(menu, widths); IF debug THEN Log.String("menu created"); Log.Ln END; END InPlaceMenuCreate; PROCEDURE (this: Object) InPlaceMenuDestroy (), NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; i: INTEGER; m: HostMenus.Menu; sm: WinApi.HMENU; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("destroy menu"); Log.Ln END; res := WinOle.OleDestroyMenuDescriptor(this.oleMenu); this.oleMenu := 0; i := WinApi.GetMenuItemCount(this.menu); WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); sm := WinApi.GetSubMenu(this.menu, i); m := HostMenus.menus; WHILE (m # NIL) & (m.menuH # sm) DO m := m.next END; IF m # NIL THEN res := WinApi.RemoveMenu(this.menu, i, WinApi.MF_BYPOSITION) END END; IF this.iipf # NIL THEN res := this.iipf.RemoveMenus(this.menu) END; res := WinApi.DestroyMenu(this.menu); this.menu := 0; IF debug THEN Log.String("menu destroyed"); Log.Ln END; END InPlaceMenuDestroy; PROCEDURE (this: Object) UIActivate (): COM.RESULT, NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; dumy: BOOLEAN; rect: WinApi.RECT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ui activate"); Log.Ln END; IF this.iips # NIL THEN res := this.iips.OnUIActivate() END; res := WinApi.SetFocus(this.win.wnd); HostWindows.ActivateWindow(this.win, TRUE); IF this.iipf # NIL THEN res := this.iipf.SetActiveObject(this.iipao, "") END; IF this.iipw # NIL THEN res := this.iipw.SetActiveObject(this.iipao, "") END; this.GetMenuType(dumy); this.InPlaceMenuCreate; res := this.iipf.SetMenu(this.menu, this.oleMenu, HostWindows.main); this.useMenu := TRUE; HostMenus.isObj := TRUE; rect.left := 0; rect.top := 0; rect.right := 0; rect.bottom := 0; IF this.iipf # NIL THEN res := this.iipf.SetBorderSpace(rect) END; IF this.iipw # NIL THEN res := this.iipw.SetBorderSpace(rect) END; this.uiActive := TRUE; IF debug THEN Log.String("ui active"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END UIActivate; PROCEDURE (this: Object) UIDeactivate (), NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("ui deactivate"); Log.Ln END; IF this.iipf # NIL THEN res := this.iipf.SetMenu(0, 0, 0) END; this.useMenu := FALSE; this.InPlaceMenuDestroy; IF this.win # NIL THEN HostWindows.ActivateWindow(this.win, FALSE) END; IF this.iipf # NIL THEN res := this.iipf.SetActiveObject(NIL, NIL) END; IF this.iipw # NIL THEN res := this.iipw.SetActiveObject(NIL, NIL) END; IF this.iips # NIL THEN res := this.iips.OnUIDeactivate(0) END; HostMenus.isObj := FALSE; this.uiActive := FALSE; IF debug THEN Log.String("ui deactive"); Log.Ln END; END UIDeactivate; PROCEDURE (this: Object) InPlaceActivate (site: WinOle.IOleClientSite; ui: BOOLEAN): COM.RESULT, NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; host: WinApi.HWND; d: Documents.Document; c: Containers.Controller; w: Windows.Window; BEGIN IF site # NIL THEN IF this.iips = NIL THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("try in place"); Log.Ln END; res := site.QueryInterface(COM.ID(this.iips), this.iips); IF res < 0 THEN RETURN res END; res := this.iips.CanInPlaceActivate(); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("in place activate"); Log.Ln END; res := this.iips.OnInPlaceActivate(); (* undodeactivates := TRUE *) res := this.iips.GetWindow(host); this.fInfo.cb := SIZE(WinOle.OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO); res := this.iips.GetWindowContext(this.iipf, this.iipw, winDir.pos, winDir.clip, this.fInfo); (* open window *) this.view := Views.CopyOf(this.view, Views.shallow); winDir.obj := this; winDir.host := host; Windows.SetDir(winDir); d := Documents.dir.New(this.view, this.w, this.h); c := d.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth..Documents.winHeight} + {31}); StdDialog.Open(d, "", NIL, "", NIL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); w := Windows.dir.First(); this.seq := w.seq; this.win := w(Window); OleData.SetView(this.ido.data, this.view, this.w, this.h); Windows.SetDir(Windows.stdDir); IF this.ics # NIL THEN res := this.ics.ShowObject() END; IF debug THEN Log.String("in place active"); Log.Ln END; ELSE this.iips := NIL; RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END; IF ui THEN res := this.UIActivate() END; IF this.iips # NIL THEN (* minimal undo support *) res := this.iips.DiscardUndoState() END ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_INVALIDARG END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END InPlaceActivate; PROCEDURE (this: Object) CheckViewUpdate (), NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; w, h: INTEGER; v: Views.View; changed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (this.win # NIL) & (this.win.doc # NIL) THEN v := this.win.doc.ThisView(); v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (v # this.view) OR (w # this.w) OR (h # this.h) THEN this.view := v; this.w := w; this.h := h; OleData.SetView(this.ido.data, v, w, h); this.update := TRUE END END; IF this.update & (this.idah # NIL) & (this.iips = NIL) THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("on data change"); Log.Ln END; res := this.idah.SendOnDataChange(this.ido, 0, {}); this.update := FALSE END; (* check menus *) IF (this.win # NIL) & (this.iipf # NIL) & (this.menu # 0) & (Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath) = this.win) THEN this.GetMenuType(changed); IF changed THEN this.InPlaceMenuDestroy(); this.InPlaceMenuCreate; IF this.useMenu THEN res := this.iipf.SetMenu(this.menu, this.oleMenu, HostWindows.main) END END END END CheckViewUpdate; PROCEDURE (this: Object) InPlaceDeactivate (), NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("in place deactivate"); Log.Ln END; this.UIDeactivate; IF this.win # NIL THEN this.win.Close(); this.win := NIL END; IF this.iips # NIL THEN res := this.iips.OnInPlaceDeactivate() END; this.iips := NIL; this.iipf := NIL; this.iipw := NIL; this.CheckViewUpdate; Kernel.Cleanup; IF debug THEN Log.String("in place deactive"); Log.Ln END; END InPlaceDeactivate; PROCEDURE (this: Object) Open (), NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; v: Views.View; d: Documents.Document; c: Containers.Controller; w: Windows.Window; BEGIN IF this.win = NIL THEN IF this.view = NIL THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("show new"); Log.Ln END; v := TextViews.dir.New(NIL) ELSE IF debug THEN Log.String("show old"); Log.Ln END; v := Views.CopyOf(this.view, Views.shallow); END; winDir.obj := this; Windows.SetDir(winDir); d := Documents.dir.New(v, this.w, this.h); c := d.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth..Documents.winHeight}); Views.OpenAux(d, "BlackBox Object"); w := Windows.dir.First(); this.view := v; this.seq := w.seq; this.win := w(Window); OleData.SetView(this.ido.data, this.view, this.w, this.h); Windows.SetDir(Windows.stdDir) END; Windows.dir.Select(this.win, Windows.lazy); IF this.ics # NIL THEN res := this.ics.ShowObject() END; IF this.ics # NIL THEN res := this.ics.OnShowWindow(1) END; END Open; PROCEDURE (this: Object) CustomVerb ( verb: INTEGER; IN msg: WinApi.MSG; activeSite: WinOle.IOleClientSite; index: INTEGER; parent: WinApi.HWND; IN posRect: WinApi.RECT ): COM.RESULT, NEW; VAR res: COM.RESULT; pvm: Properties.PollVerbMsg; dvm: Properties.DoVerbMsg; BEGIN CheckVerb(this.view, 0, pvm); IF pvm.label = "" THEN IF verb = 0 THEN RETURN this.ioo.DoVerb(WinOle.OLEIVERB_SHOW, msg, activeSite, index, parent, posRect) ELSIF verb = 1 THEN RETURN this.ioo.DoVerb(WinOle.OLEIVERB_OPEN, msg, activeSite, index, parent, posRect) ELSE DEC(verb) END END; CheckVerb(this.view, verb, pvm); IF pvm.label = "" THEN res := this.ioo.DoVerb(0, msg, activeSite, index, parent, posRect); RETURN WinApi.OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDVERB END; dvm.frame := NIL; dvm.verb := SHORT(verb); Views.HandlePropMsg(this.view, dvm); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END CustomVerb; (* ---------- IOleObject ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) SetClientSite (site: WinOle.IOleClientSite): COM.RESULT; BEGIN this.obj.ics := site; IF site = NIL THEN Kernel.Cleanup END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END SetClientSite; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) GetClientSite (OUT site: WinOle.IOleClientSite): COM.RESULT; BEGIN site := this.obj.ics; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetClientSite; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) SetHostNames (app, obj: WinApi.PtrWSTR): COM.RESULT; BEGIN this.obj.embedded := TRUE; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END SetHostNames; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) Close (saveOption: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; dirty: BOOLEAN; r: INTEGER; q: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (this.obj.view = NIL) OR (this.obj.seq # NIL) & this.obj.seq.Dirty() THEN IF saveOption = WinOle.OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY THEN IF this.obj.ics # NIL THEN res := this.obj.ics.SaveObject() END; IF this.obj.ioah # NIL THEN res := this.obj.ioah.SendOnSave() END ELSIF saveOption = WinOle.OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE THEN IF this.obj.win # NIL THEN HostDialog.CloseDialog(this.obj.win, q, r) ELSE r := HostDialog.save END; IF r = HostDialog.save THEN IF this.obj.ics # NIL THEN res := this.obj.ics.SaveObject() END; IF this.obj.ioah # NIL THEN res := this.obj.ioah.SendOnSave() END ELSIF r = HostDialog.cancel THEN RETURN WinApi.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED END END END; IF this.obj.win # NIL THEN Windows.dir.Close(this.obj.win) END; Kernel.Cleanup; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Close; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) SetMoniker (which: INTEGER; mk: WinOle.IMoniker): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END SetMoniker; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) GetMoniker (assign, which: INTEGER; OUT mk: WinOle.IMoniker): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END GetMoniker; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) InitFromData (obj: WinOle.IDataObject; creation: WinApi.BOOL; reserved: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END InitFromData; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) GetClipboardData (reserved: INTEGER; OUT obj: WinOle.IDataObject ): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END GetClipboardData; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) DoVerb ( verb: INTEGER; IN msg: WinApi.MSG; activeSite: WinOle.IOleClientSite; index: INTEGER; parent: WinApi.HWND; IN posRect: WinApi.RECT ): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; v: Views.View; d: Documents.Document; pvm: Properties.PollVerbMsg; c: Containers.Controller; w: Windows.Window; vw, vh: INTEGER; dvm: Properties.DoVerbMsg; BEGIN CASE verb OF | WinOle.OLEIVERB_HIDE: IF this.obj.iips # NIL THEN this.obj.InPlaceDeactivate() ELSE IF this.obj.win # NIL THEN Windows.dir.Close(this.obj.win) END; IF this.obj.ics # NIL THEN res := this.obj.ics.OnShowWindow(0) END; Kernel.Cleanup END | WinOle.OLEIVERB_PRIMARY, WinOle.OLEIVERB_SHOW: IF this.obj.win = NIL THEN res := this.obj.InPlaceActivate(activeSite, TRUE); IF res # WinApi.S_OK THEN this.obj.Open END END | WinOle.OLEIVERB_OPEN: IF this.obj.iips # NIL THEN this.obj.InPlaceDeactivate END; this.obj.Open | WinOle.OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE: RETURN this.obj.InPlaceActivate(activeSite, FALSE) | WinOle.OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE: RETURN this.obj.InPlaceActivate(activeSite, TRUE) | WinOle.OLEIVERB_DISCARDUNDOSTATE: (* discard undo *) ELSE IF verb >= 0 THEN RETURN this.obj.CustomVerb(verb, msg, activeSite, index, parent, posRect) ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END DoVerb; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) EnumVerbs (OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumOLEVERB): COM.RESULT; VAR e: IEnumOLEVERB; v, last: Verb; pvm: Properties.PollVerbMsg; i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(e); IF e # NIL THEN NEW(v); v.verb := -3; v.name := "Hide"; e.first := v; last := v; NEW(v); v.verb := -2; v.name := "Open"; last.next := v; last := v; NEW(v); v.verb := -1; v.name := "Show"; last.next := v; last := v; i := 0; j := 0; CheckVerb(this.obj.view, 0, pvm); IF pvm.label = "" THEN NEW(v); v.verb := i; INC(i); last.next := v; last := v; Dialog.MapString("#Host:Edit", v.name); NEW(v); v.verb := i; INC(i); last.next := v; last := v; Dialog.MapString("#Host:Open", v.name); INC(j); CheckVerb(this.obj.view, j, pvm) END; WHILE pvm.label # "" DO NEW(v); v.verb := i; INC(i); last.next := v; last := v; Dialog.MapString(pvm.label, v.name); v.disabled := pvm.disabled; v.checked := pvm.checked; INC(j); CheckVerb(this.obj.view, j, pvm) END; e.cur := e.first; enum := e; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_OUTOFMEMORY END END EnumVerbs; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) Update (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Update; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) IsUpToDate (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.S_OK END IsUpToDate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) GetUserClassID (OUT id: COM.GUID): COM.RESULT; BEGIN id := ObjectID; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetUserClassID; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) GetUserType (form: INTEGER; OUT type: WinApi.PtrWSTR): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.OLE_S_USEREG END GetUserType; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) SetExtent (aspect: SET; IN size: WinApi.SIZE): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF aspect * WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT # {} THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("set extent"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; this.obj.w := size.cx * oleUnit; this.obj.h := size.cy * oleUnit; OleData.SetView(this.obj.ido.data, this.obj.view, this.obj.w, this.obj.h); IF this.obj.win # NIL THEN this.obj.view.context.SetSize(this.obj.w, this.obj.h) END; IF debug THEN Log.String("on data change (se)"); Log.Ln END; IF this.obj.idah # NIL THEN res := this.obj.idah.SendOnDataChange(this.obj.ido, 0, {}) END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END SetExtent; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) GetExtent (aspect: SET; OUT size: WinApi.SIZE): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF aspect * WinOle.DVASPECT_CONTENT # {} THEN this.obj.CheckViewUpdate; IF (this.obj.w # 0) & (this.obj.h # 0) THEN size.cx := this.obj.w DIV oleUnit; size.cy := this.obj.h DIV oleUnit; IF debug THEN Log.String("get extent"); Log.Int(size.cx); Log.Int(size.cy); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END END; RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END GetExtent; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) Advise (sink: WinOle.IAdviseSink; OUT connection: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF this.obj.ioah = NIL THEN res := WinOle.CreateOleAdviseHolder(this.obj.ioah); IF res < 0 THEN RETURN res END END; RETURN this.obj.ioah.Advise(sink, connection) END Advise; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) Unadvise (connection: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF this.obj.ioah # NIL THEN RETURN this.obj.ioah.Unadvise(connection) ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END Unadvise; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) EnumAdvise (OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumSTATDATA): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF this.obj.ioah # NIL THEN RETURN this.obj.ioah.EnumAdvise(enum) ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END EnumAdvise; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) GetMiscStatus (aspect: SET; OUT status: SET): COM.RESULT; BEGIN status := miscStatus; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetMiscStatus; PROCEDURE (this: IOleObject) SetColorScheme (IN pal: WinApi.LOGPALETTE): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.E_NOTIMPL END SetColorScheme; (* ---------- IDataObject ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) GetData (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; OUT medium: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("get data"); Log.Ln END; RETURN this.data.GetData(format, medium) END GetData; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) GetDataHere (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; VAR medium: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("get data here"); Log.Ln END; RETURN this.data.GetDataHere(format, medium) END GetDataHere; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) QueryGetData (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("query get data"); Log.Ln END; RETURN this.data.QueryGetData(format) END QueryGetData; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) GetCanonicalFormatEtc (IN formatIn: WinOle.FORMATETC; OUT formatOut: WinOle.FORMATETC): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC END GetCanonicalFormatEtc; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) SetData (IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; IN medium: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; release: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.DV_E_FORMATETC END SetData; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) EnumFormatEtc ( direction: SET; OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumFORMATETC ): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN this.data.EnumFormatEtc(direction, enum) END EnumFormatEtc; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) DAdvise ( IN format: WinOle.FORMATETC; flags: SET; advSink: WinOle.IAdviseSink; OUT connection: INTEGER ): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF this.obj.idah = NIL THEN res := WinOle.CreateDataAdviseHolder(this.obj.idah); IF res < 0 THEN RETURN res END END; RETURN this.obj.idah.Advise(this, format, flags, advSink, connection) END DAdvise; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) DUnadvise (connection: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF this.obj.idah # NIL THEN RETURN this.obj.idah.Unadvise(connection) ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END DUnadvise; PROCEDURE (this: IDataObject) EnumDAdvise (OUT enum: WinOle.IEnumSTATDATA): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF this.obj.idah # NIL THEN RETURN this.obj.idah.EnumAdvise(enum) ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_FAIL END END EnumDAdvise; (* ---------- IPersistStorage ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IPersistStorage) GetClassID* (OUT id: COM.GUID): COM.RESULT, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN id := ObjectID; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetClassID; PROCEDURE (this: IPersistStorage) IsDirty (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF (this.obj.view = NIL) OR (this.obj.seq # NIL) & this.obj.seq.Dirty() THEN RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.S_FALSE END END IsDirty; PROCEDURE (this: IPersistStorage) InitNew (stg: WinOle.IStorage): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; ps: WinApi.PtrWSTR; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("init new"); Log.Ln END; IF stg # NIL THEN res := stg.CreateStream(streamStr, WinOle.STGM_DIRECT + WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, this.obj.ism); IF res >= 0 THEN res := WinOle.OleRegGetUserType(ObjectID, WinOle.USERCLASSTYPE_SHORT, ps); res := WinOle.WriteFmtUserTypeStg(stg, cbFormat, ps); WinOle.CoTaskMemFree(SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrVoid, ps)); this.obj.isg := stg; this.obj.w := 60 * Ports.mm; this.obj.h := 60 * Ports.mm; this.obj.rsm := NIL; this.obj.view := TextViews.dir.New(NIL); this.obj.seq := NIL; this.obj.win := NIL; OleData.SetView(this.obj.ido.data, this.obj.view, this.obj.w, this.obj.h); RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN res END ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_POINTER END END InitNew; PROCEDURE (this: IPersistStorage) Load (stg: WinOle.IStorage): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; tag, version: INTEGER; is: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("load"); Log.Ln END; IF stg # NIL THEN res := stg.OpenStream(streamStr, 0, WinOle.STGM_DIRECT + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, this.obj.ism); IF res >= 0 THEN res := WinOle.CreateStreamOnHGlobal(0, 1, this.obj.rsm); res := this.obj.ism.CopyTo(this.obj.rsm, MAX(LONGINT), NIL, NIL); OleStorage.ImportFromStream(this.obj.rsm, this.obj.view, this.obj.w, this.obj.h, is); IF this.obj.view # NIL THEN this.obj.seq := NIL; this.obj.win := NIL; this.obj.isg := stg; OleData.SetView(this.obj.ido.data, this.obj.view, this.obj.w, this.obj.h); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END END; RETURN WinApi.STG_E_READFAULT ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_POINTER END END Load; PROCEDURE (this: IPersistStorage) Save (stg: WinOle.IStorage; sameAsLoad: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; VAR stm: WinOle.IStream; res: COM.RESULT; ps: WinApi.PtrWSTR; BEGIN IF sameAsLoad # 0 THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("save same"); Log.Ln END; stm := this.obj.ism; ELSIF stg # NIL THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("save"); Log.Ln END; res := stg.CreateStream(streamStr, WinOle.STGM_DIRECT + WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, stm); IF res < 0 THEN RETURN res END; res := WinOle.OleRegGetUserType(ObjectID, WinOle.USERCLASSTYPE_SHORT, ps); res := WinOle.WriteFmtUserTypeStg(stg, cbFormat, ps); WinOle.CoTaskMemFree(SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrVoid, ps)); ELSE RETURN WinApi.E_POINTER END; this.obj.CheckViewUpdate; OleStorage.ExportToStream(stm, this.obj.view, this.obj.w, this.obj.h, TRUE); IF this.obj.seq # NIL THEN this.obj.seq.BeginModification(Sequencers.notUndoable, NIL); this.obj.seq.EndModification(Sequencers.notUndoable, NIL); (* clear sequencer *) this.obj.seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Save; PROCEDURE (this: IPersistStorage) SaveCompleted (new: WinOle.IStorage): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("save completed"); Log.Ln END; IF new # NIL THEN res := new.OpenStream(streamStr, 0, WinOle.STGM_DIRECT + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, this.obj.ism); IF res >= 0 THEN this.obj.isg := new; ELSE RETURN res END END; IF this.obj.ioah # NIL THEN res := this.obj.ioah.SendOnSave() END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END SaveCompleted; PROCEDURE (this: IPersistStorage) HandsOffStorage (): COM.RESULT; VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN this.obj.ism := NIL; this.obj.isg := NIL; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END HandsOffStorage; (* ---------- IOleInPlaceObject ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceObject) GetWindow (OUT wnd: WinApi.HWND): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipo: get window"); Log.Ln END; wnd := this.obj.win.wnd; ASSERT(wnd # 0, 100); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetWindow; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceObject) ContextSensitiveHelp (enter: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipo: context help"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ContextSensitiveHelp; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceObject) InPlaceDeactivate (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipo: ip deactivate"); Log.Ln END; this.obj.InPlaceDeactivate; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END InPlaceDeactivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceObject) UIDeactivate (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipo: ui deactivate"); Log.Ln END; this.obj.UIDeactivate; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END UIDeactivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceObject) SetObjectRects (IN pos, clip: WinApi.RECT): COM.RESULT; VAR l, t, r, b, bw, u, res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipo: set rect"); Log.Ln END; u := this.obj.unit; bw := borderW DIV HostWindows.unit; l := Max(pos.left - bw, clip.left); t := Max(pos.top - bw, clip.top); r := Min(pos.right + bw, clip.right); b := Min(pos.bottom + bw, clip.bottom); res := WinApi.SetWindowPos(this.obj.win.wnd, 0, l, t, r - l, b - t, WinApi.SWP_NOZORDER); this.obj.win.SetSize(r - l, b - t); l := Min(bw, pos.left - clip.left) * u; t := Min(bw, pos.top - clip.top) * u; (* r := l + (pos.right - pos.left) * u; b := t + (pos.bottom - pos.top) * u; *) r := l + this.obj.w; b := t + this.obj.h; this.obj.win.doc.SetRect(l, t, r, b); RETURN WinApi.S_OK END SetObjectRects; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceObject) ReactivateAndUndo (): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipo: reactivate & undo"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ReactivateAndUndo; (* ---------- IOleInPlaceActiveObject ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceActiveObject) GetWindow (OUT wnd: WinApi.HWND): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipao: get window"); Log.Ln END; wnd := this.obj.win.wnd; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END GetWindow; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceActiveObject) ContextSensitiveHelp (enter: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipao: context help"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ContextSensitiveHelp; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceActiveObject) TranslateAccelerator (IN msg: WinApi.MSG): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipao: translate acc"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_FALSE END TranslateAccelerator; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceActiveObject) OnFrameWindowActivate (activate: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipao: on frame active "); Log.Int(activate); Log.Ln END; IF (this.obj.iipf # NIL) & (this.obj.iipw = NIL) THEN IF activate # 0 THEN HostWindows.ActivateWindow(this.obj.win, TRUE); HostMenus.isObj := TRUE ELSE HostWindows.ActivateWindow(this.obj.win, FALSE); HostMenus.isObj := FALSE END END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnFrameWindowActivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceActiveObject) OnDocWindowActivate (activate: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipao: on win active"); Log.Int(activate); Log.Ln END; IF this.obj.iipf # NIL THEN IF activate # 0 THEN IF this.obj.uiActive THEN res := this.obj.iipf.SetActiveObject(this, "") END; HostWindows.ActivateWindow(this.obj.win, TRUE); HostMenus.isObj := TRUE; IF this.obj.menu # 0 THEN res := this.obj.iipf.SetMenu(this.obj.menu, this.obj.oleMenu, HostWindows.main); this.obj.useMenu := TRUE END ELSE IF this.obj.menu # 0 THEN res := this.obj.iipf.SetMenu(0, 0, 0); this.obj.useMenu := FALSE END; HostWindows.ActivateWindow(this.obj.win, FALSE); HostMenus.isObj := FALSE; IF this.obj.uiActive THEN res := this.obj.iipf.SetActiveObject(NIL, NIL) END END END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END OnDocWindowActivate; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceActiveObject) ResizeBorder (IN border: WinApi.RECT; win: WinOle.IOleInPlaceUIWindow; frameWin: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipao: resize border"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ResizeBorder; PROCEDURE (this: IOleInPlaceActiveObject) EnableModeless (enable: WinApi.BOOL): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("iipao: enable modeless"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END EnableModeless; (* ---------- Window ---------- *) PROCEDURE (w: Window) BroadcastViewMsg (VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN w.BroadcastViewMsg^(msg); IF msg.view = w.obj.view THEN w.obj.update := TRUE END END BroadcastViewMsg; PROCEDURE (w: Window) ForwardCtrlMsg (VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage); VAR c, dc: Containers.Controller; BEGIN w.ForwardCtrlMsg^(msg); WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = 1BX) & (31 IN msg.modifiers) & w.obj.uiActive THEN w.obj.InPlaceDeactivate() END ELSE END END ForwardCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (w: Window) Close; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF w.obj.uiActive THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("close -> deactivate"); Log.Ln END; w.obj.InPlaceDeactivate() ELSE IF debug THEN Log.String("close window"); Log.Ln END; w.obj.CheckViewUpdate; SYSTEM.PUT(SYSTEM.ADR(w.sub), TRUE); (* don't send remove msg *) w.Close^; IF (w.obj.ics # NIL) & (w.obj.iips = NIL) THEN res := w.obj.ics.OnShowWindow(0) END; IF debug THEN Log.String("close window c"); Log.Ln END; w.obj.win := NIL END END Close; (* ---------- Action ---------- *) PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR res: COM.RESULT; w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF a.w.frame # NIL THEN a.w.obj.CheckViewUpdate; Services.DoLater(a, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution) END END Do; (* ---------- WinDir ---------- *) PROCEDURE (d: WinDir) New (): HostWindows.Window; VAR w: Windows.Window; sw: Window; a: Action; BEGIN IF d.obj # NIL THEN NEW(sw); sw.obj := d.obj; NEW(a); a.w := sw; Services.DoLater(a, Services.now); RETURN sw ELSE w := Windows.stdDir.New(); RETURN w(HostWindows.Window) END END New; PROCEDURE (d: WinDir) Open (w: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; flags: SET; name: Views.Title; loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter); VAR l, t, r, b, bw, u, u1, res: INTEGER; style: SET; wnd: WinApi.HWND; c: Containers.Controller; dc: WinApi.HDC; BEGIN IF (d.obj # NIL) & (d.obj.iips # NIL) THEN (* open in place *) WITH w: Window DO IF debug THEN Log.String("open window in place"); Log.Ln END; flags := flags + {Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll, Windows.noResize, HostWindows.inPlace}; u := d.obj.w DIV (d.pos.right - d.pos.left); u1 := d.obj.h DIV (d.pos.bottom - d.pos.top); IF u1 > u THEN u := u1 END; d.unit := u; d.Open^(w, doc, flags, name, loc, fname, conv); (* u := HostWindows.unit; *) bw := borderW DIV HostWindows.unit; l := Max(d.pos.left - bw, d.clip.left); t := Max(d.pos.top - bw, d.clip.top); r := Min(d.pos.right + bw, d.clip.right); b := Min(d.pos.bottom + bw, d.clip.bottom); style := {30}; (* child *) wnd := WinApi.CreateWindowEx({}, "Oberon Dlg", "", style, l, t, r - l, b - t, d.host, 0, WinApi.GetModuleHandle(NIL), SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, w)); ASSERT(wnd # 0, 100); dc := WinApi.GetDC(wnd); w.port(HostPorts.Port).SetDC(dc, wnd); w.SetSize(r - l, b - t); l := Min(bw, d.pos.left - d.clip.left) * u; t := Min(bw, d.pos.top - d.clip.top) * u; (* r := l + (d.pos.right - d.pos.left) * u; b := t + (d.pos.bottom - d.pos.top) * u; *) IF debug THEN Log.Int(d.obj.w); Log.Int(d.obj.h); Log.Ln END; r := l + d.obj.w; b := t + d.obj.h; w.doc.SetRect(l, t, r, b); res := WinApi.ShowWindow(wnd, 1); d.obj.unit := u; IF debug THEN style := SYSTEM.VAL(SET, WinApi.GetWindowLong(wnd, -16)); Log.Set(style); Log.Ln END; c := w.doc.ThisController(); c.SetFocus(w.doc.ThisView()) END ELSE d.Open^(w, doc, flags, name, loc, fname, conv) END; d.obj := NIL END Open; (* ---------- import / export ---------- *) PROCEDURE Export* (v: Views.View; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); VAR stg: WinOle.IStorage; stm: WinOle.IStream; res: COM.RESULT; ilb: WinOle.ILockBytes; ps: WinApi.PtrWSTR; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("export"); Log.Ln END; IF med.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_ISTORAGE THEN stg := MediumStorage(med) ELSE res := WinOle.CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal(0, 1, ilb); ASSERT(res >= 0, 110); res := WinOle.StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(ilb, WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, stg); ASSERT(res >= 0, 111); GenStorageMedium(stg, NIL, med) END; res := WinOle.WriteClassStg(stg, ObjectID); ASSERT(res >= 0, 112); res := stg.CreateStream(streamStr, WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, stm); ASSERT(res >= 0, 113); res := WinOle.OleRegGetUserType(ObjectID, WinOle.USERCLASSTYPE_SHORT, ps); res := WinOle.WriteFmtUserTypeStg(stg, cbFormat, ps); WinOle.CoTaskMemFree(SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrVoid, ps)); ASSERT(res >= 0, 114); OleStorage.ExportToStream(stm, v, w, h, isSingle); res := stg.Commit({}); ASSERT(res >= 0, 115) END Export; PROCEDURE Import* ( VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR isSingle: BOOLEAN ); VAR stg: WinOle.IStorage; res: COM.RESULT; id: COM.GUID; stm, stm2: WinOle.IStream; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("import"); Log.Ln END; stg := MediumStorage(med); res := WinOle.ReadClassStg(stg, id); IF (res = WinApi.S_OK) & (id = ObjectID) THEN res := stg.OpenStream(streamStr, 0, WinOle.STGM_DIRECT + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, stm); ASSERT(res >= 0, 110); res := WinOle.CreateStreamOnHGlobal(0, 1, stm2); ASSERT(res >= 0, 111); res := stm.CopyTo(stm2, MAX(LONGINT), NIL, NIL); ASSERT(res >= 0, 112); OleStorage.ImportFromStream(stm2, v, w, h, isSingle); ELSE v := NIL END END Import; (* ---------- commands ---------- *) PROCEDURE ContextOf* (w: Windows.Window): WinOle.IOleInPlaceSite; BEGIN WITH w: Window DO IF w.obj # NIL THEN RETURN w.obj.iips END ELSE RETURN NIL END END ContextOf; PROCEDURE RemoveUI* (w: Windows.Window); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN WITH w: Window DO IF (w.obj # NIL) & (w.obj.iips # NIL) & w.obj.uiActive THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("remove ui"); Log.Ln END; IF w.obj.iipf # NIL THEN res := w.obj.iipf.SetActiveObject(NIL, NIL) END; IF w.obj.iipw # NIL THEN res := w.obj.iipw.SetActiveObject(NIL, NIL) END; IF (w.obj.iipf # NIL) & (w.obj.menu # 0) THEN res := w.obj.iipf.SetMenu(0, 0, 0); w.obj.useMenu := FALSE END; (* HostWindows.ActivateWindow(w, FALSE); *) END ELSE END END RemoveUI; PROCEDURE ResetUI* (w: Windows.Window; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR res: COM.RESULT; rect: WinApi.RECT; BEGIN done := FALSE; WITH w: Window DO IF (w.obj # NIL) & (w.obj.iips # NIL) & w.obj.uiActive THEN IF debug THEN Log.String("reset ui"); Log.Ln END; IF w.obj.iipf # NIL THEN res := w.obj.iipf.SetActiveObject(w.obj.iipao, "") END; IF w.obj.iipw # NIL THEN res := w.obj.iipw.SetActiveObject(w.obj.iipao, "") END; IF (w.obj.iipf # NIL) & (w.obj.menu # 0) THEN res := w.obj.iipf.SetMenu(w.obj.menu, w.obj.oleMenu, HostWindows.main); w.obj.useMenu := TRUE END; rect.left := 0; rect.top := 0; rect.right := 0; rect.bottom := 0; IF w.obj.iipf # NIL THEN res := w.obj.iipf.SetBorderSpace(rect) END; IF w.obj.iipw # NIL THEN res := w.obj.iipw.SetBorderSpace(rect) END; (* HostWindows.ActivateWindow(w, TRUE); *) done := TRUE END ELSE END END ResetUI; PROCEDURE ShowOleStatus (w: Windows.Window; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN WITH w: Window DO IF w.obj.iipf # NIL THEN res := w.obj.iipf.SetStatusText(s) END ELSE END END ShowOleStatus; PROCEDURE UpdateOleMenus (); VAR w: Windows.Window; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE w # NIL DO WITH w: Window DO IF (w.obj.iipf # NIL) & (w.obj.menu # 0) THEN w.obj.InPlaceMenuDestroy(); w.obj.InPlaceMenuCreate(); IF w.obj.useMenu THEN res := w.obj.iipf.SetMenu(w.obj.menu, w.obj.oleMenu, HostWindows.main) END END ELSE END; w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END END UpdateOleMenus; PROCEDURE TranslateOleKeys (VAR msg: WinApi.MSG; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR w: Windows.Window; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); done := FALSE; IF w # NIL THEN WITH w: Window DO IF w.obj.iipf # NIL THEN res := WinOle.OleTranslateAccelerator(w.obj.iipf, w.obj.fInfo, msg); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN done := TRUE END END ELSE END END END TranslateOleKeys; PROCEDURE Register; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN NEW(factory); res := WinOle.CoRegisterClassObject(ObjectID, factory, WinOle.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, WinOle.REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, token); END Register; PROCEDURE Unregister; VAR res: COM.RESULT; n: INTEGER; p: Object; BEGIN IF token # 0 THEN res := WinOle.CoRevokeClassObject(token) END END Unregister; BEGIN NEW(winDir); HostDialog.ShowOleStatus := ShowOleStatus; HostMenus.UpdateOleMenus := UpdateOleMenus; HostMenus.TranslateOleKeys2 := TranslateOleKeys; Register CLOSE Unregister END OleServer. OleServer.xy OleServer.Close DevDecoder.Decode OleServer
MODULE OleStorage; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Log, SYSTEM, COM, WinApi, WinOle, Files, Stores, Views; CONST debug = FALSE; obfTag = 6F4F4443H; TYPE ILockBytes = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.ILockBytes) org: INTEGER; len: INTEGER; (* org + len <= file.Length() *) file: Files.File; (* file # NIL *) rd: Files.Reader; (* (rd # NIL) & (rd.Base() = file) *) wr: Files.Writer (* (wr = NIL) OR (wr.Base() = file) *) END; StreamFile = POINTER TO RECORD (Files.File) stream: WinOle.IStream; org: LONGINT; len: INTEGER; pos: INTEGER (* actual seek pos of stream *) END; StreamReader = POINTER TO RECORD (Files.Reader) base: StreamFile; pos: INTEGER END; StreamWriter = POINTER TO RECORD (Files.Writer) base: StreamFile; pos: INTEGER; END; (* ---------- ILockBytes ---------- *) PROCEDURE (this: ILockBytes) ReadAt (offset: LONGINT; buf: WinApi.PtrVoid; len: INTEGER; OUT [nil] read: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; TYPE P = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] 2000000000 OF BYTE; VAR p: P; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("read@"); Log.Int(SHORT(offset)); Log.Int(len); END; IF (len > 0) & (offset < this.len) THEN this.rd.SetPos(SHORT(this.org + offset)); IF offset + len > this.len THEN len := SHORT(this.len - offset) END; p := SYSTEM.VAL(P, buf); this.rd.ReadBytes(p^, 0, len) ELSE len := 0 END; IF VALID(read) THEN read := len END; IF debug THEN Log.Int(len); Log.Int(p[0]); Log.Int(p[1]); Log.Int(p[2]); Log.Int(p[3]); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END ReadAt; PROCEDURE (this: ILockBytes) WriteAt (offset: LONGINT; buf: WinApi.PtrVoid; len: INTEGER; OUT [nil] written: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; TYPE P = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] 2000000000 OF BYTE; VAR res: COM.RESULT; p: P; BEGIN p := SYSTEM.VAL(P, buf); IF debug THEN Log.String("write@"); Log.Int(SHORT(offset)); Log.Int(len); Log.Int(p[0]); Log.Int(p[1]); Log.Int(p[2]); Log.Int(p[3]); Log.Ln END; IF this.wr # NIL THEN IF len > 0 THEN IF offset > this.len THEN res := this.SetSize(offset) END; this.wr.SetPos(SHORT(this.org + offset)); this.wr.WriteBytes(p^, 0, len); IF offset + len > this.len THEN this.len := SHORT(offset + len) END ELSE len := 0 END; IF VALID(written) THEN written := len END; IF debug THEN Log.String("written"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE IF VALID(written) THEN written := 0 END; RETURN WinApi.STG_E_ACCESSDENIED END END WriteAt; PROCEDURE (this: ILockBytes) Flush (): COM.RESULT; TYPE A4 = ARRAY 4 OF BYTE; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("flush"); Log.Ln END; IF this.wr # NIL THEN this.wr.SetPos(this.org - 4); this.wr.WriteBytes(SYSTEM.VAL(A4, this.len), 0, 4); this.file.Flush(); this.wr.SetPos(this.org + this.len) ELSE this.rd.SetPos(this.org + this.len) END; IF debug THEN Log.String("flushed"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Flush; PROCEDURE (this: ILockBytes) SetSize (size: LONGINT): COM.RESULT; VAR len: INTEGER; buf: ARRAY 256 OF BYTE; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("set size"); Log.Int(SHORT(size)); Log.Ln END; IF this.wr # NIL THEN IF size > this.len THEN (* enlarge file *) this.wr.SetPos(this.org + this.len); len := SHORT(size - this.len); WHILE len > 256 DO this.wr.WriteBytes(buf, 0, 256); DEC(len, 256) END; this.wr.WriteBytes(buf, 0, len); END; this.len := SHORT(size); RETURN WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN WinApi.STG_E_ACCESSDENIED END END SetSize; PROCEDURE (this: ILockBytes) LockRegion (offset, len: LONGINT; lockType: SET): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION END LockRegion; PROCEDURE (this: ILockBytes) UnlockRegion (offset, len: LONGINT; lockType: SET): COM.RESULT; BEGIN RETURN WinApi.STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION END UnlockRegion; PROCEDURE (this: ILockBytes) Stat (OUT statStg: WinOle.STATSTG; statflag: INTEGER): COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("stat"); Log.Ln END; statStg.pwcsName := NIL; statStg.type := WinOle.STGTY_LOCKBYTES; statStg.cbSize := this.len; statStg.mtime := 0; statStg.ctime := 0; statStg.atime := 0; statStg.grfMode := WinOle.STGM_DIRECT + WinOle.STGM_CREATE + WinOle.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE; IF this.wr # NIL THEN statStg.grfMode := statStg.grfMode + WinOle.STGM_READWRITE ELSE statStg.grfMode := statStg.grfMode + WinOle.STGM_READ END; statStg.grfLocksSupported := {}; statStg.clsid := WinOle.GUID_NULL; statStg.grfStateBits := {}; statStg.dwStgFmt := WinOle.STGFMT_FILE; IF debug THEN Log.String("stat end"); Log.Ln END; RETURN WinApi.S_OK END Stat; (* ---------- StreamReader ---------- *) PROCEDURE (r: StreamReader) Base (): Files.File; BEGIN RETURN r.base END Base; PROCEDURE (r: StreamReader) Pos (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN r.pos END Pos; PROCEDURE (r: StreamReader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN ASSERT(pos >= 0, 22); ASSERT(pos <= r.base.len, 21); r.pos := pos; r.eof := FALSE END SetPos; PROCEDURE (r: StreamReader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF r.pos < r.base.len THEN IF r.pos # r.base.pos THEN res := r.base.stream.Seek(r.base.org + r.pos, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_SET, NIL); r.base.pos := r.pos END; res := r.base.stream.Read(SYSTEM.ADR(x), 1, NIL); INC(r.pos); INC(r.base.pos); ELSE x := 0; r.eof := TRUE END END ReadByte; PROCEDURE (r: StreamReader) ReadBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); IF len > 0 THEN ASSERT(beg + len <= LEN(x), 23); IF r.pos + len <= r.base.len THEN IF r.pos # r.base.pos THEN res := r.base.stream.Seek(r.base.org + r.pos, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_SET, NIL); r.base.pos := r.pos END; res := r.base.stream.Read(SYSTEM.ADR(x[beg]), len, NIL); INC(r.pos, len); INC(r.base.pos, len) ELSE r.eof := TRUE END ELSE ASSERT(len = 0, 22) END END ReadBytes; (* ---------- StreamWriter ---------- *) PROCEDURE (w: StreamWriter) Base (): Files.File; BEGIN RETURN w.base END Base; PROCEDURE (w: StreamWriter) Pos (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN w.pos END Pos; PROCEDURE (w: StreamWriter) SetPos (pos: INTEGER); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN ASSERT(pos >= 0, 22); ASSERT(pos <= w.base.len, 21); w.pos := pos END SetPos; PROCEDURE (w: StreamWriter) WriteByte (x: BYTE); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF w.pos # w.base.pos THEN res := w.base.stream.Seek(w.base.org + w.pos, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_SET, NIL); w.base.pos := w.pos END; res := w.base.stream.Write(SYSTEM.ADR(x), 1, NIL); INC(w.pos); INC(w.base.pos); IF w.pos > w.base.len THEN w.base.len := w.pos END END WriteByte; PROCEDURE (w: StreamWriter) WriteBytes (IN x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER); VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); IF len > 0 THEN ASSERT(beg + len <= LEN(x), 23); IF w.pos # w.base.pos THEN res := w.base.stream.Seek(w.base.org + w.pos, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_SET, NIL); w.base.pos := w.pos END; res := w.base.stream.Write(SYSTEM.ADR(x[beg]), len, NIL); INC(w.pos, len); INC(w.base.pos, len); IF w.pos > w.base.len THEN w.base.len := w.pos END ELSE ASSERT(len = 0, 22) END END WriteBytes; (* ---------- StreamFile ---------- *) PROCEDURE (f: StreamFile) Length (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN f.len END Length; PROCEDURE (f: StreamFile) NewReader (old: Files.Reader): Files.Reader; VAR r: StreamReader; BEGIN ASSERT(f.stream # NIL, 20); NEW(r); r.base := f; r.pos := 0; r.eof := FALSE; RETURN r END NewReader; PROCEDURE (f: StreamFile) NewWriter (old: Files.Writer): Files.Writer; VAR w: StreamWriter; BEGIN ASSERT(f.stream # NIL, 20); NEW(w); w.base := f; w.pos := f.len; RETURN w END NewWriter; PROCEDURE (f: StreamFile) Flush; VAR res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN ASSERT(f.stream # NIL, 20); res := f.stream.Commit(WinOle.STGC_DEFAULT) END Flush; PROCEDURE (f: StreamFile) Close; BEGIN IF f.stream # NIL THEN f.Flush; f.stream := NIL; END END Close; PROCEDURE (f: StreamFile) Register (name: Files.Name; type: Files.Type; ask: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER); BEGIN res := 10 END Register; (* ---------- file creation ---------- *) PROCEDURE NewStreamFile* (stream: WinOle.IStream): Files.File; VAR f: StreamFile; res: COM.RESULT; y: LONGINT; BEGIN NEW(f); f.stream := stream; res := stream.Seek(0, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_CUR, f.org); res := stream.Seek(0, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_END, y); DEC(y, f.org); IF y > MAX(INTEGER) THEN y := MAX(INTEGER) END; f.len := SHORT(y); res := stream.Seek(f.org, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_SET, NIL); f.pos := 0; RETURN f END NewStreamFile; PROCEDURE NewWriteILockBytes* (wr: Files.Writer): WinOle.ILockBytes; VAR new: ILockBytes; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("new write"); Log.Ln END; NEW(new); IF new = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; wr.WriteByte(0); wr.WriteByte(0); wr.WriteByte(0); wr.WriteByte(0); (* length *) new.len := 0; new.org := wr.Pos(); new.file := wr.Base(); new.rd := new.file.NewReader(NIL); new.wr := wr; RETURN new END NewWriteILockBytes; PROCEDURE NewReadILockBytes* (rd: Files.Reader): WinOle.ILockBytes; TYPE A4 = ARRAY 4 OF BYTE; VAR new: ILockBytes; BEGIN IF debug THEN Log.String("new read"); Log.Ln END; NEW(new); IF new = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; rd.ReadBytes(SYSTEM.VAL(A4, new.len), 0, 4); new.org := rd.Pos(); new.file := rd.Base(); new.rd := rd; new.wr := NIL; RETURN new END NewReadILockBytes; (* stream import/export *) PROCEDURE GenStreamMedium (stm: WinOle.IStream; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); BEGIN sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_ISTREAM; sm.u.pstm := stm; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenStreamMedium; PROCEDURE MediumStream (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinOle.IStream; BEGIN ASSERT(sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_ISTREAM, 20); RETURN SYSTEM.VAL(WinOle.IStream, sm.u.pstm) END MediumStream; PROCEDURE ExportToStream* (stream: WinOle.IStream; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR f: Files.File; wr: Stores.Writer; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN res := stream.Seek(0, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_SET, NIL); f := NewStreamFile(stream); wr.ConnectTo(f); wr.SetPos(0); wr.WriteInt(obfTag); wr.WriteInt(0); wr.WriteInt(w); wr.WriteInt(h); IF isSingle THEN wr.WriteSChar(1X) ELSE wr.WriteSChar(0X) END; wr.WriteStore(v); f.Close END ExportToStream; PROCEDURE ExportOberon* ( v: Views.View; w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM ); VAR stream: WinOle.IStream; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF med.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_ISTREAM THEN (* use old stream *) stream := MediumStream(med) ELSE (* create new temporary stream *) res := WinOle.CreateStreamOnHGlobal(0, 1, stream); GenStreamMedium(stream, NIL, med) END; ExportToStream(stream, v, w, h, isSingle) END ExportOberon; PROCEDURE ImportFromStream* (stream: WinOle.IStream; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR f: Files.File; r: Stores.Reader; s: Stores.Store; tag, version, res: COM.RESULT; ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN v := NIL; res := stream.Seek(0, WinOle.STREAM_SEEK_SET, NIL); f := NewStreamFile(stream); r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0); r.ReadInt(tag); IF tag = obfTag THEN r.ReadInt(version); r.ReadInt(w); r.ReadInt(h); r.ReadSChar(ch); isSingle := ch # 0X; r.ReadStore(s); v := s(Views.View) END END ImportFromStream; PROCEDURE ImportOberon* (VAR med: WinOle.STGMEDIUM; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR stream: WinOle.IStream; BEGIN stream := MediumStream(med); ImportFromStream(stream, v, w, h, isSingle) END ImportOberon; END OleStorage. OleStorage? DevDecoder.Decode OleStorage
MODULE OleViews; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT COM, WinApi, WinOle, WinOleAut, CtlT, Properties, Views, Containers, Windows, OleServer, OleClient; (* client wrappers *) PROCEDURE NewObjectView* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View; VAR clsid: COM.GUID; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN IF name[0] = "{" THEN res := WinOle.CLSIDFromString(name, clsid) ELSE res := WinOle.CLSIDFromProgID(name, clsid) END; IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN RETURN OleClient.NewView(clsid) ELSE RETURN NIL END END NewObjectView; (* PROCEDURE NewObjectViewFrom* (obj: CtlT.Object): Views.View; VAR disp: WinOleAut.IDispatch; BEGIN disp := CtlT.Disp(obj); RETURN OleClient.NewViewFrom(disp) END NewObjectViewFrom; *) PROCEDURE NewObjectViewFromClipboard* (): Views.View; BEGIN RETURN OleClient.NewViewFromCB() END NewObjectViewFromClipboard; PROCEDURE IsObjectView* (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR unk: COM.IUnknown; BEGIN unk := OleClient.IUnknown(v); RETURN unk # NIL END IsObjectView; PROCEDURE IsAutoView* (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR unk: COM.IUnknown; disp: WinOleAut.IDispatch; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN unk := OleClient.IUnknown(v); IF unk # NIL THEN res := unk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(disp), disp); RETURN res = WinApi.S_OK ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsAutoView; PROCEDURE OleObject* (v: Views.View): CtlT.Interface; VAR unk: COM.IUnknown; BEGIN unk := OleClient.IUnknown(v); IF unk # NIL THEN RETURN CtlT.Intfce(unk) ELSE RETURN NIL END END OleObject; PROCEDURE AutoObject* (v: Views.View): CtlT.Object; VAR unk: COM.IUnknown; disp: WinOleAut.IDispatch; res: COM.RESULT; BEGIN unk := OleClient.IUnknown(v); IF unk # NIL THEN res := unk.QueryInterface(COM.ID(disp), disp); IF res = WinApi.S_OK THEN RETURN CtlT.Obj(disp) END END; RETURN NIL END AutoObject; PROCEDURE Deposit* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := NewObjectView(name); IF v # NIL THEN Views.Deposit(v) END END Deposit; (* PROCEDURE Activate*; VAR v, dv: Views.View; msg: Properties.DoVerbMsg; w: Windows.Window; f: Views.Frame; BEGIN v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF v # NIL THEN w := Windows.dir.Focus(TRUE); IF w # NIL THEN dv := w.doc.ThisView(); f := Views.ThisFrame(w.frame, dv); msg.frame := Views.ThisFrame(f, v); msg.verb := WinOle.OLEIVERB_SHOW; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg) END END END Activate; *) PROCEDURE Connect* (sink: CtlT.OutObject; source: Views.View); VAR iid: COM.GUID; disp: WinOleAut.IDispatch; BEGIN sink.GetIID(iid); disp := CtlT.Disp(sink); OleClient.Connect(source, iid, disp) END Connect; (* (* server wrappers *) PROCEDURE NewViewObject* (v: Views.View): CtlT.Interface; BEGIN ASSERT(v.context = NIL, 20); END NewViewObject; PROCEDURE IsViewObject* (i: CtlT.Interface): BOOLEAN; BEGIN END IsViewObject; PROCEDURE View* (i: CtlT.Interface): Views.View; BEGIN END View; *) END OleViews.
StdApi DEFINITION StdApi; IMPORT Views; PROCEDURE CloseDialog (OUT closedView: Views.View); PROCEDURE OpenAux (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); PROCEDURE OpenBrowser (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); PROCEDURE OpenCopyOf (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); PROCEDURE OpenDoc (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); END StdApi. StdApi is programming interface to many of the services provided by StdCmds. Since StdCmds is intended to be used in menus, hyperlinks etc., it is not always suitable as a programming interface. StdApi provides the exact same functionality but with a more "programmable" interface. PROCEDURE CloseDialog (OUT closedView: Views.View) This command closes the currently focused window. If the window is a document window and its contents dirty, an error message will be displayed. The root view of the closed window is returned in closedView. If CloseDialog failed NIL is returned. PROCEDURE OpenAux (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View) Takes a file specification of a BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens an auxiliary window with the specified title. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. The root view of the opened window is returned in v. If OpenAux fails NIL is returned in v. Auxiliary windows are used for displaying temporary editable data. PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View) Takes a file specification of a BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens a dialog with the specified document. The dialog is opened as an auxiliary window. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. The root view of the opened window is returned in v. If OpenAuxDialog fails NIL is returned in v. Auxiliary dialogs are used for self-contained dialogs, i.e., data entry masks or parameter entry masks for commands. In contrast to OpenAux, OpenAuxDialog turns the opened document into mask mode if it is a container (-> Containers), and opens it into a dialog window if the underlying platform distinguishes between document and dialog windows (e.g. as in Windows). PROCEDURE OpenBrowser (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View) Takes a file specification of a BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens the specified document in an auxiliary window. The window contents is not editable, but can be selected. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. The root view of the opened window is returned in v. If OpenBrowser fails NIL is returned in v. Browser windows are used for displaying documentation. It is possible to select and copy out browser window contents. It is possible to apply find & replace commands, the Info->Interface command, etc. PROCEDURE OpenCopyOf (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View) Opens a new document and uses the document specified by file as a template to initialize the new document. If successful the root view of the new document is returned in v otherwise NIL is returned in v. PROCEDURE OpenDoc (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View) Takes a file specification of a BlackBox document as parameter, and opens the document in a document window. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. If the same file is already open in an existing document window, this window is brought to the top, instead of opening a new window. The root view of the opened window (or window brought to the top) is returned in v. If OpenDoc fails NIL is returned in v. Document windows are used for displaying persistent editable data. PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View) Takes a file specification of an BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens a dialog with the specified document. The dialog is opened as tool window. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. The root view of the opened window is returned in v. If OpenAuxDialog fails NIL is returned in v. Tool dialogs are used for dialogs which operate on document windows beneath them, e.g., a Find & Replace dialog which operates on a text under it. Otherwise it is identical to OpenAuxDialog.
StdCFrames This is a private module of BlackBox. Its existence is necessary for BlackBox to work correctly.
StdClocks DEFINITION StdClocks; IMPORT Views; PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE New (): Views.View; END StdClocks. This module implements a simple clock view. Typical menu command: "Insert Clock" "" "StdClocks.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" PROCEDURE New (): Views.View Factory function for standard clocks. PROCEDURE Deposit Deposit command for standard clocks.
StdCmds DEFINITION StdCmds; IMPORT Dialog, Ports, Fonts; VAR allocator: Dialog.String; layout: RECORD wType, hType: INTEGER; width, height: REAL END; size: RECORD size: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE Bold; PROCEDURE BoldGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE CaretGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Clear; PROCEDURE CloseDialog; PROCEDURE Color (color: Ports.Color); PROCEDURE ColorGuard (color: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ContainerGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE CopyProp; PROCEDURE DefaultFont; PROCEDURE DefaultFontGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE DefaultOnDoubleClick (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE DeselectAll; PROCEDURE Font (typeface: Fonts.Typeface); PROCEDURE HeightGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE InitLayoutDialog; PROCEDURE InitSizeDialog; PROCEDURE Italic; PROCEDURE ItalicGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ModelViewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE New; PROCEDURE NewWindow; PROCEDURE Open; PROCEDURE OpenAsAuxDialog; PROCEDURE OpenAsToolDialog; PROCEDURE OpenAux (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE OpenBrowser (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE OpenDoc (file: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE PasteCharGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE PasteLCharGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE PasteProp; PROCEDURE PasteView; PROCEDURE PasteViewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Plain; PROCEDURE PlainGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ReadOnlyGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE RecalcAllSizes; PROCEDURE RecalcFocusSize; PROCEDURE Redo; PROCEDURE RedoGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE RestoreAll; PROCEDURE SelectAll; PROCEDURE SelectAllGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SelectDocument; PROCEDURE SelectNextView; PROCEDURE SelectionGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SetBrowserMode; PROCEDURE SetBrowserModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SetEditMode; PROCEDURE SetEditModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SetLayout; PROCEDURE SetLayoutMode; PROCEDURE SetLayoutModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SetMaskMode; PROCEDURE SetMaskModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SetSize; PROCEDURE ShowProp; PROCEDURE ShowPropGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SingletonGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Size (size: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SizeGuard (size: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Strikeout; PROCEDURE StrikeoutGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocus; PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocusGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE TypeNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE TypefaceGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Underline; PROCEDURE UnderlineGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Undo; PROCEDURE UndoGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE UpdateAll; PROCEDURE WidthGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE WindowGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END StdCmds. StdCmds is a command package which contains many commands and guards which are typically used in menu items (->StdMenuTool) or in hyperlinks (->StdLinks). The module exports more commands which are not described here; these are the commands and guards for menu items of the Windows standard menus. See the Menus text for how these commands are used (only on Windows; under Mac OS, the standard commands do not appear explicitly in the menu specifications). VAR allocator: Dialog.String This string contains the command sequence that is executed when the user invokes the Files->New command. By default, it is set to "TextViews.Deposit; StdCmds.Open". This string may be changed in the Config module. VAR layout: RECORD Interactor for root view layout (Tools->Document Size...). The size of the outermost view of a document (root view) may be determined in several different ways. Either it is equal to the window size, to the paper size minus the margins defined in the PageSetup dialog, or to a particular fixed size. The vertical and horizontal directions can be defined independently. wType, hType: INTEGER wType IN {0..2} & hType IN {0..2} Determines whether the root view size (horizontical/vertical) has a fixed size (0), the size defined by the PageSetup dialog (1), or by the window (2). width, height: REAL valid iff wType/hType = 1 The root view width/height in centimeters. VAR size: RECORD Interactor for setting the font size. size: INTEGER size >= 6 Font size in points (-> Fonts). PROCEDURE Bold PROCEDURE BoldGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE CaretGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables menu item if there is no current caret, i.e., no selection of length 0. PROCEDURE Clear PROCEDURE CloseDialog This command can be used from within a control to close the window in which the control is embedded. It can only be used as reaction to interactive manipulation of the control, i.e., when the mouse is clicked in the control or when it receives keyboard input. If the window is a document window and its contents dirty, an error message will be displayed. Pre must be called in interaction with control 20 PROCEDURE Color (color: Ports.Color) Set selection to the given color value (-> Ports.Color). PROCEDURE ColorGuard (color: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the Color command. PROCEDURE CopyProp Collect properties of current selection, so that they can be used later on for pasting them again. PROCEDURE ContainerGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for making sure that the focus is a container view (-> Containers.View). PROCEDURE DefaultFont Set selection to the default typeface. PROCEDURE DefaultFontGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the DefaultFont command. PROCEDURE DefaultOnDoubleClick (op, from, to: INTEGER) A standard notifier which "clicks" the default button when its control is double-clicked. Typically, this is used in selection boxes or combo boxes. PROCEDURE DeselectAll Remove the selection in the focus view. PROCEDURE Font (typeface: Fonts.Typeface) PROCEDURE HeightGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard command which sets par.readOnly if layout.hType # 0, i.e., if mode is not "fixed". PROCEDURE InitLayoutDialog Initialization command for layout interactor. PROCEDURE InitSizeDialog Initialization command for size interactor. PROCEDURE Italic Set selection to italicized text. PROCEDURE ItalicGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for Italic command. PROCEDURE ModelViewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for NewWindow command (checks that the focus view's ThisModel method does not return NIL). PROCEDURE New Open a new untitled document, using the command sequence in variable allocator. PROCEDURE NewWindow Guard: ModelViewGuard Opens another window onto the same document as the front window's. PROCEDURE Open Guard: a view was deposited Takes a deposited view from the global view queue and opens it in a new window. PROCEDURE OpenAsAuxDialog Opens another window onto the same document as the front window's; this window works as an auxiliary dialog box. PROCEDURE OpenAsToolDialog Opens another window onto the same document as the front window's; this window works as a tool dialog box. PROCEDURE OpenAux (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR) Takes a file specification of an BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens an auxiliary window with the specified title. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. Auxiliary windows are used for displaying temporary editable data. Example: "StdCmds.OpenAux('Form/Rsrc/Menus', 'Form Menus')" PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR) Takes a file specification of an BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens a dialog with the specified document. The dialog is opened as an auxiliary window. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. Auxiliary dialogs are used for self-contained dialogs, i.e., data entry masks or parameter entry masks for commands. In contrast to OpenAux, OpenAuxDialog turns the opened document into mask mode if it is a container (-> Containers), and opens it into a dialog window if the underlying platform distinguishes between document and dialog windows (e.g. as in Windows). Example: "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Form/Rsrc/Cmds', 'New Form')" PROCEDURE OpenBrowser (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR) Takes a file specification of an BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens the specified document in an auxiliary window. The window contents is not editable, but can be selected. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. Browser windows are used for displaying documentation. It is possible to select and copy out browser window contents. It is possible to apply find & replace commands, the Info->Interface command, etc. Example: "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('Form/Docu/Models', 'FormModels Docu')" PROCEDURE OpenDoc (file: ARRAY OF CHAR) Takes a file specification of an BlackBox document as parameter, and opens the document in a document window. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. If the same file is already open in an existing document window, this window is brought to the top, instead of opening a new window. Document windows are used for displaying persistent editable data. Example: "StdCmds.OpenDoc('System/Rsrc/Menus')" PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR) Takes a file specification of an BlackBox document and a window title as parameters, and opens a dialog with the specified document. The dialog is opened as tool window. Parameter file must be the path name of a file. Tool dialogs are used for dialogs which operate on document windows beneath them, e.g., a Find & Replace dialog which operates on a text under it. Otherwise it is identical to OpenAuxDialog. Example: "DevInspector.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/Inspect', 'Inspect')" PROCEDURE PasteCharGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables menu item if entering a character is currently not possible. PROCEDURE PasteLCharGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Obsolete. PROCEDURE PasteProp Guard: a property was collected (-> CopyProp) Takes the previously copied properties and applies them to the current selection. PROCEDURE PasteView Guard: a view was deposited Takes a deposited view from the global view queue and pastes it to the focus. PROCEDURE PasteViewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables menu item if pasting a view is currently not possible. PROCEDURE Plain Sets the selection to plain text (not italicized, not bold, not underlined). PROCEDURE PlainGuard Guard for the Plain command. PROCEDURE ReadOnlyGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Makes a control read-only, by setting par.readOnly to TRUE. PROCEDURE RecalcAllSizes Recalculates the sizes of all visible views. Must be called after font metrics are changed. PROCEDURE RecalcFocusSize Recalculates the size of the focus view. PROCEDURE Redo Redo the most recently undone command. PROCEDURE RedoGuard Guard for the Redo command. PROCEDURE RestoreAll Forces a restoration of all visible views. PROCEDURE SelectAll Selects the whole contents of the focus view. PROCEDURE SelectAllGuard Guard for the SelectAll command. PROCEDURE SelectDocument Selects the root view (the outermost container) of the front window. PROCEDURE SelectNextView If a singleton view is selected in a container, this command selects the next view in the container in a round-robin fashion. PROCEDURE SelectionGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables menu item if there is no current selection. PROCEDURE SetBrowserMode Guard: SetBrowserModeGuard Sets the selected container in browser mode. If no container is selected the outer most container is set in browser mode. This mode is common for texts used for documentation purposes. PROCEDURE SetBrowserModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for procedure SetBrowserMode. Sets par.checked if appropriate. PROCEDURE SetEditMode Guard: SetEditModeGuard Sets the selected container in edit mode. If no container is selected the outer most container is set in edit mode. This mode is common for editable texts. PROCEDURE SetEditModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for procedure SetEditMode. Sets par.checked if appropriate. PROCEDURE SetLayout Applies the interactor values in layout. To set up layout to the selected view, InitLayoutDialog needs to be called first. PROCEDURE SetLayoutMode Guard: SetLayoutModeGuard Sets the selected container in layout mode. If no container is selected the outer most container is set in layout mode. This mode is common for editable forms. PROCEDURE SetLayoutModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for procedure SetLayoutMode. Sets par.checked if appropriate. PROCEDURE SetMaskMode Guard: SetMaskModeGuard Sets the selected container in mask mode. If no container is selected the outer most container is set in mask mode. This mode is common for forms used as dialogs. PROCEDURE SetMaskModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for procedure SetMaskMode. Sets par.checked if appropriate. PROCEDURE SetSize Command for setting the selection to the size given in the size interactor. PROCEDURE ShowProp Shows the properties of the selection in the focus view. PROCEDURE ShowPropGuard Guard for the ShowProp command. PROCEDURE SingletonGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables menu item if there is no current selection, or if the selection doesn't encompass exactly one embedded view. PROCEDURE Size (size: INTEGER) Sets the selection to the given size, in points (-> Fonts). PROCEDURE SizeGuard (size: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the Size command. PROCEDURE Strikeout Sets the selection to the strikeout style. PROCEDURE StrikeoutGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the Strikeout command. PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocus Makes a focusable container non-focusable, or vice versa, by changing its mode in an appropriate way (-> Containers). PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocusGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the ToggleNoFocus command. PROCEDURE TypeNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER) PROCEDURE TypefaceGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the Font command. PROCEDURE Underline Sets the selection to the underline style. PROCEDURE UnderlineGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the Underline command. PROCEDURE Undo Undoes the most recent command. PROCEDURE UndoGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the Undo command. PROCEDURE UpdateAll PROCEDURE WidthGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard command which sets par.readOnly if layout.wType # 0, i.e., if mode is not "fixed". PROCEDURE WindowGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par)
StdCoder DEFINITION StdCoder; IMPORT TextModels, Views, Dialog; TYPE ParList = RECORD list: Dialog.Selection; storeAs: Dialog.String END; VAR par: ParList; PROCEDURE CloseDialog; PROCEDURE Decode; PROCEDURE DecodeAllFromText (text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER; ask: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE EncodeDocument; PROCEDURE EncodeFile; PROCEDURE EncodeFileList; PROCEDURE EncodeFocus; PROCEDURE EncodeSelection; PROCEDURE EncodedInText (text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER): TextModels.Model; PROCEDURE EncodedView (v: Views.View): TextModels.Model; PROCEDURE ListEncodedMaterial; PROCEDURE Select (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE StoreAll; PROCEDURE StoreSelection; PROCEDURE StoreSelectionGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE StoreSingle; PROCEDURE StoreSingleGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par); END StdCoder. StdCoder (or Coder for short) can be used to encode a document, a view, a text stretch, or files into a textual form. The encoding uses characters that are expected not to be changed by any mail system. White space characters (blanks, tabs, new lines, etc.) may be added or removed arbitrarily, because they are ignored upon decoding. Upon decoding a document or a text stretch a new window will be opened. Files will be stored on disk. Suggested menu items, as they are standard in menu Tools: "Encode Document" "" "StdCoder.EncodeDocument" "StdCmds.WindowGuard" "Encode Selection" "" "StdCoder.EncodeSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Encode File..." "" "StdCoder.EncodeFile" "" "Encode File List" "" "StdCoder.EncodeFileList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Decode..." "" "StdCoder.Decode" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "About Encoded Material" "" "StdCoder.ListEncodedMaterial" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" PROCEDURE EncodeDocument Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Encodes the document in the current front window and opens a new window with the generated code. PROCEDURE EncodeSelection Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Encodes the current text selection, and opens a new window with the generated code. PROCEDURE EncodeFile Encodes one file determined through the standard file opening dialog and opens a new window with the generated code. PROCEDURE EncodeFileList Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Encodes several files and opens a new window with the generated code. A list of valid file names must be selected. File names must be specified with their complete path name relative to the BlackBox directory. Use the slash character ("/") to separate the individual parts of the path name. (Example: Std/Code/Coder .) The path name is stored along with the encoding to allow for easy decoding of entire file packages. However, sometimes a file is kept in a different place than where it should be installed later. In such a case, a destination path name can be specified. The path name to be used during decoding can be given after an "arrow" ("=>"). Example: NewStd/Code/NewCoder => Std/Code/Coder will lead to encoding of the file NewCoder in the directory NewStd/Code, but for decoding the name Std/Code/Coder will be used. PROCEDURE Decode Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Decodes the information in the encoded text contained by the front window. The command scans for "StdCoder.Decode" as a tag that marks the begin of a code sequence. This allows e-mail headers and other text to precede the actual code. If a text selection is active in the front window, scanning will start at the begin of that selection. Depending on the kind of encoded data, that is, on the command used for encoding, one of the following actions will be taken: - if a document was encoded (EncodeDocument, EncodeSelection), it is opened in a new window. - if a single file was encoded (EncodeFile), the standard file store dialog is opened allowing the user to store the file. - if a list of files was encoded (EncodeFileList), a special dialog is opened allowing the user to select files for decoding. The path names included during the encoding are shown in a list. One or several files can be selected from that list. After pressing a command button the selected files will be decoded. If only one file is selected, the path name can be changed or the standard file store dialog can be used to browse the directory hierarchy. Via another command button all files can be decoded and stored under the listed names, regardless of the selection. Note: The dialog should always be closed using the cancel button to allow StdCoder to release resources allocated temporarily to manage the dialog. PROCEDURE ListEncodedMaterial Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Opens a text informing about what is encoded in the text displyed by the focus window. Like Decode, the command scans for a tag that marks the beginning of a code sequence. In the programming interface, two further procedures are available: PROCEDURE DecodeAllFromText (text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER; ask: BOOLEAN); Works like Decode, but uses the passed text as source instead of the focus. At text position beg a search for the tag is started and the text following the tag is processed. Like with Decode, encoded documents are opened in windows and single files are stored via the standard store dialog. If the code was generated through EncodeFileList, the behavior depends on the value of the parameter ask. If it equals to TRUE, a dialog is displayed as done by Decode and the user is put into control. If it equals to FALSE, no dialog is displayed, but all files are decoded and installed under the name stored with them. This behavior corresponds to pressing the "Decode All" button in the dialog. PROCEDURE EncodedView (v: Views.View): TextModels.Model; Generates a text containing the encoding of the passed view. PROCEDURE EncodedInText (text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER): TextModels.Model; Generates a text containing information about what is encoded in "text".
StdDebug DEFINITION StdDebug; END StdDebug. For a distribution version of an BlackBox application or component, use this limited version of the BlackBox debugger. It is not permitted to distribute the full debugger (DevDebug). This limited version doesn't allow to follow pointers and similar interactions, it only creates a passive display of the error state. Since this is a text document that can be saved, it enables the user to send error information to the developer (e.g., via StdCoder). StdDebug is installed during startup of BlackBox, if the full DevDebug could not be found.
StdDialog This is a private module of BlackBox. Its existence is necessary for BlackBox to work correctly.
StdETHConv DEFINITION StdETHConv; IMPORT Files, Stores, TextModels; PROCEDURE ImportETHDoc (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); PROCEDURE ImportOberon (f: Files.File): TextModels.Model; END StdETHConv. Module StdETHConv provides an importer for ETH Oberon V4 text files. PROCEDURE ImportETHDoc (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store) Importer for Oberon V4 text files. Can be registered by module Config with the statement: Windows: Converters.Register("StdETHConv.ImportETHDoc", "", "TextViews.View", ".ETH", {}) Mac OS: Converters.Register("StdETHConv.ImportETHDoc", "", "TextViews.View", ".Ob.", {}) PROCEDURE ImportOberon (f: Files.File): TextModels.Model Directly converts an Oberon V4 text file into a BlackBox text, without using the converter mechanism of module Converters.
StdFolds DEFINITION StdFolds; IMPORT TextModels, Views, Dialog; CONST expanded = FALSE; collapsed = TRUE; TYPE Label = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; Fold = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) leftSide-, collapsed-: BOOLEAN; label-: Label; (fold: Fold) Flip, NEW; (fold: Fold) FlipNested, NEW; (fold: Fold) HiddenText (): TextModels.Model, NEW; (fold: Fold) MatchingFold (): Fold, NEW END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (collapsed: BOOLEAN; label: Label; hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold, NEW, ABSTRACT END; VAR foldData: RECORD nested, all: BOOLEAN; findLabel, newLabel: Label END; dir-, stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE CollapseFolds (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ExpandFolds (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Collapse; PROCEDURE Expand; PROCEDURE ZoomOut; PROCEDURE ZoomIn; PROCEDURE Overlaps (text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Insert (text: TextModels.Model; label: Label; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE CreateGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Create (state: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE FindFirstFold; PROCEDURE FindNextFold; PROCEDURE CollapseLabel; PROCEDURE ExpandLabel; PROCEDURE SetLabel; PROCEDURE SetLabelGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE FindLabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END StdFolds. Fold views, also called folds, are views that always appear in pairs. They are only meaningful when embedded in texts. A pair, called the left and right fold, brackets a stretch of text and represent a second piece of text that is hidden. By clicking at a fold with the mouse, the stretch of text between the left and right fold is replaced with the hidden text, and the text that originally appeared between the folds becomes the hidden text. Clicking a second time at the same fold restores the original state. Because the primary use of folds is to hide longer stretches of text and replace them with a usually much shorter placeholder, a fold is said to be either in expanded or collapsed state. Try it! This is a piece of text enclosed by folds in expanded modetext between collapsed folds Folds can be nested, but the stretch between one pair of folds must not partially overlap another. Hierarchically nested folds are often used in program texts. By hiding a sequence of statements and writing a short comment between the collapsed folds, the resulting program text can be explored interactively in a top-down manner. Try it with this example! PROCEDURE Enter (id: INTEGER; name: TextMappers.String; value: REAL); VAR n, h, p: Node; BEGIN NEW(n); n.id := id; n.name := name; n.value := value;create new node n h := list; p := NIL; WHILE (h # NIL) & (h.id <= id) DO p := h; h := h.next END;search position in list IF p # NIL THEN p.next := ninsert between p and h ELSE list := ninsert at beginning END; n.next := hinsert in list END Enter;enter a new value into the list Instead of clicking manually through a deep hierarchy of folds, you can hold down the modifier key while clicking at the fold. This expands or collapses a fold and all nested folds. The following menu entries operate on folds. Create Fold in menu Tools inserts a new pair of folds in the focus text. The current text selection in the focus text will be bracketed by the newly inserted folds. Expand All in menu Tools expands all folds in the focus text. Similarly, Collapse All collapses all folds in the focus text. Fold... in menu Tools opens a property inspector that lets you manipulate the folds in the focus text. The inspector looks like this: Find First searches in the focus text for the first occurence of a fold. If All is checked then the the very first fold in the text is selected. If All is not checked then Find First searches for a fold which has a label equal to the search criteria specified in the Find field. Find Next finds the next fold using the same criteria as Find First. Collapse collapses all folds in the focus text which comply to the search critera specified by All and Find. If Nested is checked the folds are searched for contained folds and these are also collapsed. Expand expands folds using All, Find and Nested in the same way as Collapse. When a fold is found or when a fold in the focus text is selected by the user its label is displayd in the field next to the Set Label button. The label can be changed by typing a new label into the field and clicking on Set Label. To describe the pre- and postconditions of procedures exported from StdFolds, we use the following pseudo-procedures. Pos(f) designates the position of the fold view f in its hosting text. 0 <= Pos(f) < text.Length(). Stretch(p1, p2) stands for the text stretch [p1, p2) if p1 < p2 holds, or if p2 <= p1, then it denotes the text stretch [p2, p1). Flipped(f) denotes the fold f in its dual, "flipped" state. f.state = collapsed <=> Flipped(f).state = expanded. Typical menu commands (typically in the Tools menu, some commands may be omitted in the standard distribution): MENU "Create Fold" "" "StdFolds.Create(1)" "StdFolds.CreateGuard" "Expand All" "" "StdFolds.Expand" "" "Collapse All" "" "StdFolds.Collapse" "" "Fold..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Folds', 'Zoom')" "" END CONST collapsed, expanded Possible values of field Fold.collapsed. TYPE Label String type for label property values. TYPE Fold (Views.View) View type of a fold. leftSide-: BOOLEAN Determines whether the view is the left or right element of a pair. collapsed-: BOOLEAN Determines whether the fold view currently is in expanded or collapsed state. label-: Label A string indicating the label property of the fold. If the fold has no label associated with it, label = "" holds. PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Flip NEW Changes the state of fold. The text stretch S between fold and fold.MatchingFold() is replaced by the text fold.HiddenText(). The stretch S will be the new hidden text. Pre fold # NIL 20 Post (fold.MatchingFold() # NIL) & fold.collapsed' ~fold.collapsed (fold.MatchingFold() # NIL) & ~fold.collapsed' fold.collapsed fold.MatchingFold() = NIL no effect PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) FlipNested NEW Changes the state of fold, and all fold views f between fold and fold.MatchingFold() for which f.state = fold.state. Pre fold # NIL 20 Post (fold.MatchingFold() # NIL) & fold.collapsed' ~fold.collapsed For all folds f between fold and fold.MatchingFold(): ~f.collapsed (fold.MatchingFold() # NIL) & ~fold.collapsed' fold.collapsed For all folds f between fold and fold.MatchingFold(): f.collapsed fold.MatchingFold() = NIL no effect PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HiddenText (): TextModels.Model NEW Returns the text stretch that is currently hidden by the pair (fold, fold.MatchingFold()). The text should not be modified. If the hidden text stretch is of length zero, NIL is returned. Pre fold # NIL 20 Post fold.MatchingFold() # NIL [ let p1 := Pos(Flipped(fold)), p2 := Pos(Flipped(fold).MatchingFold() ] ABS(p2 - p1) = 1 => result = NIL ABS(p2 - p1) > 1 => result is Stretch(p1, p2) fold.MatchingFold() = NIL result = NIL PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) MatchingFold (): Fold NEW Returns the matching fold view to fold, or NIL if none can be found. Pre fold # NIL 20 Post ~(fold.context IS TextModels.Context) result = NIL fold.context IS TextModels.Context (fold.kind = left) & (result.kind = right) & Pos(fold) < Pos(result) & (For all folds f with Pos(fold) < Pos(f) < Pos(result): (f.MatchingFold() # NIL) & (Pos(fold) < Pos(f.MatchingFold() < Pos(result)) OR (fold.kind = right) & (result.kind = left) & (Pos(fold) > Pos(result) & (For all folds f with Pos(result) < Pos(f) < Pos(fold): (f.Matching # NIL) & (Pos(result) < Pos(f.MatchingFold() < Pos(fold)) OR result = NIL TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for fold views. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (collapsed: BOOLEAN; IN label: Label; hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold NEW, ABSTRACT Create a new fold view in state collapsed, with label, and with the text hiddenText. If hiddenText is NIL, it is a right fold, otherwise it is a left fold. Post result.leftSide = (hiddenText # NIL) result.collapsed = collapsed result.label = label result.HiddenText() = hiddenText PROCEDURE CollapseFolds (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR) If nested holds and label = "", all folds f in text with ~f.collapsed are flipped. If ~nested, only the outermost folds in the nesting hierarchy are flipped. If label # "", only folds with f.label = label are flipped. Pre text # NIL 20 PROCEDURE ExpandFolds (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR) If nested holds and label = "", all folds f in text with f.collapsed are flipped. If ~nested, only the outermost folds in the nesting hierarchy are flipped. If label # "", only folds with f.label = label are flipped. Pre 20 text # NIL PROCEDURE Collapse Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Collapse all fold views in the focus text. PROCEDURE Expand Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Expand all fold views in the focus text. PROCEDURE ZoomOut Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Collapse all outermost expanded fold views in the focus text. PROCEDURE ZoomIn Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Expand all outermost collapsed views in the focus text. PROCEDURE Overlaps (text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER): BOOLEAN Returns TRUE if the text stretch [beg, end) in text partially overlaps a pair (f, f.MatchingFold()) of fold views. Pre text # NIL 20 (beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end) 21 PROCEDURE Insert (text: TextModels.Model; IN label: Label; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN) Inserts a new pair (f1, f2) of fold views into text. The new pair will bracket the text stretch [beg, end). Flag collapsed determines whether the fold is inserted in collapsed or in expanded state. Pre text # NIL 20 (beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end) 21 Post the text stretch [beg, end) does not partially overlap a pair of folds Pos(f1) = beg Pos(f2) = end+1 f1.MatchingFold() = f2 f1.collapsed = f2.collapsed f1.HiddenText() = NIL the text stretch [beg, end) partially overlaps a pair of folds nothing is done PROCEDURE CreateGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Sets par.disabled to TRUE when the text selection in the current focus text partially overlaps a pair (f, Matching(f)) of fold views. par.disabled is also set to TRUE if the focus text is shown in browser mode or mask mode, that is if the text cannot be modified. PROCEDURE Create (state: INTEGER) If CreateGuard holds, creates a a new pair of fold views and inserts them into the focus text, bracketing the current text selection or the caret position. Calls Insert(FocusText, selBeg, selEnd, state). state = 0 generates a collapsed fold, state = 1 generates an expanded fold. Pre state IN {0, 1) Post state = 0 result.collapsed state = 1 ~result.collapsed PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Set directory. The following variables and procedures are only used for the property inspector of the StdFolds.View: VAR foldData: RECORD nested, all: BOOLEAN; findLabel, newLabel: Label END; PROCEDURE FindFirstFold; PROCEDURE FindNextFold; PROCEDURE CollapseLabel; PROCEDURE ExpandLabel; PROCEDURE SetLabel; PROCEDURE SetLabelGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE FindLabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
StdHeaders DEFINITION StdHeaders; IMPORT Dialog, Views, Fonts, Properties; CONST alternate = 0; number = 1; head = 2; foot = 3; showFoot = 4; TYPE Prop = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) alternate: BOOLEAN; showFoot: BOOLEAN; number: NumberInfo; head, foot: Banner END; Banner = RECORD left, right: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; gap: INTEGER END; NumberInfo = RECORD new: BOOLEAN; first: INTEGER END; VAR dialog: RECORD alternate, showFoot: BOOLEAN; number: NumberInfo; head, foot: Banner END; PROCEDURE New (p: Prop; f: Fonts.Font): Views.View; PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE NewNumberGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE AlternateGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE HeaderGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Set; END StdHeaders. This module implements views that can be embedded in BlackBox texts, to provide page headers and/or footers upon printing. Typical menu command: "Insert Header" "" "StdHeaders.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" A header in a text is invisible, except if Text -> Show Marks has been executed. Selecting a header view and then executing Edit -> Show Properties... (or double-clicking on the view) opens a property sheet that allows to set the following properties: - "alternate": if checked, this option causes left and right pages to be distinguished, so that they can have different headers and footers. - "Show Foot": if checked, this option makes the header view display the footer, otherwise it displays the header (when it is visible at all). - "Start with new page number": if checked, the user can enter the page number for the page in which the view is embedded. It allows to change page numbering within a single document. - "Right Head", "Right Foot", "Left Head", "Left Foot": these are the properties of the right / left headers / footers. They are (one-line) strings. Optionally, these strings may contain macros, as described below. - "Head gap", "Foot gap": determines the distance between header/footer and the text area, in points. - "Font...": allows to set the font that is used for the headers and footers. The following macros can be used in the header/footer strings: &p - replaced by current page number as arabic numeral &r - replaced by current page number as roman numeral &R - replaced by current page number as capital roman numeral &a - replaced by current page number as alphanumeric character &A - replaced by current page number as capital alphanumeric character &d - replaced by printing date &t - replaced by printing time && - replaced by & character &; - specifies split point &f - filename with path/title These macros are evaluated upon printing (or upon display, when the header view is visible). The macro "&;" indicates a split point, which is a position in the string where the string can be broken apart to allow for a better layout. For example, the string "Left margin&;Right margin" allows the string part "Left margin" to be positioned at the left side of the page, and the string "Right margin" at the right side of the page. The split point becomes a kind of "elastic spring" that pushes the left and right string parts apart. CONST alternate, number, head, foot, showFoot Property numbers for the properties that are supported by header views. TYPE Prop (Properties.Property) Property descriptor for header views. alternate: BOOLEAN Determines whether left and right pages have their own headers/footers. showFoot: BOOLEAN Determines whether a visible header view shows the header or the footer. number: NumberInfo Determines the way in which page numbers are shown. head, foot: Banner Determines the way in which headers and footers are shown. TYPE Banner Determines the header or footer of a page (or pair of pages if "alternate" is chosen). left, right: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR Strings for the left and right header/footer. Supports macros as described at the beginning of this text. gap: INTEGER gap >= 0 Distance between header/footer and the body of the text. TYPE NumberInfo Determines the way pages are numbered. new: BOOLEAN Determines whether page numbering starts anew, using the page number first. first: INTEGER first >= 0 The starting page number that is used for the page in which the header view is embedded. VAR dialog Interactor for the property sheet. alternate: BOOLEAN Determines whether left and right pages have their own headers/footers. showFoot: BOOLEAN Determines whether a visible header view shows the header or the footer. number: NumberInfo Determines the way in which page numbers are shown. head, foot: Banner Determines the way in which headers and footers are shown. PROCEDURE New (p: Prop; f: Fonts.Font): Views.View Create a new header view with the given properties. PROCEDURE Deposit Deposit command for header views. The following procedures are used for the property sheet (Std/Rsrc/Headers). PROCEDURE InitDialog PROCEDURE NewNumberGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE AlternateGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE HeaderGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE Set
StdInterpreter DEFINITION StdInterpreter; END StdInterpreter. Module StdInterpreter implements a plug-in service for BlackBox: an interpreter for some forms of Component Pascal procedure calls. A sequence of statements of the following forms are legal: Proc = PROCEDURE ProcI = PROCEDURE (x: INTEGER) ProcII = PROCEDURE (x, y: INTEGER) ProcS = PROCEDURE (s: ARRAY OF CHAR) ProcSI = PROCEDURE (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER) ProcSII = PROCEDURE (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y: INTEGER) ProcSS = PROCEDURE (s, t: ARRAY OF CHAR) ProcSSI = PROCEDURE (s, t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER) ProcSSII = PROCEDURE (s, t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y: INTEGER) ProcR = PROCEDURE (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR); ProcRI = PROCEDURE (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER); ProcRII = PROCEDURE (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y: INTEGER); ProcRS = PROCEDURE (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: ARRAY OF CHAR); ProcRSI = PROCEDURE (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER); ProcRSII = PROCEDURE (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y: INTEGER); ProcSR = PROCEDURE (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN t: ARRAY OF CHAR); ProcSRI = PROCEDURE (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER); ProcSRII = PROCEDURE (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y: INTEGER); ProcRR = PROCEDURE (IN s, t: ARRAY OF CHAR); ProcRRI = PROCEDURE (IN s, t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER); ProcRRII = PROCEDURE (IN s, t: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y: INTEGER); For example, a procedure call of type ProcII followed by a procedure call of type Proc could be the following string: "TurtleDraw.GotoPos(35, 587); TurtleDraw.ShowPen". Such statement sequences are used mainly in menu command configurations and in control properties. Module StdInterpreter is installed during startup of BlackBox. Its service is made available through the procedure Dialog.Call.
StdLinks DEFINITION StdLinks; IMPORT Dialog, Views; TYPE Link = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) leftSide-: BOOLEAN; (v: Link) GetCmd (OUT cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; Target = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) leftSide-: BOOLEAN; (t: Target) GetIdent (OUT ident: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) NewLink (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR): Link, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewTarget (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR): Target, NEW, ABSTRACT END; VAR par-: Link; dir-, stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE CreateGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE CreateLink; PROCEDURE CreateTarget; PROCEDURE ShowTarget (ident: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END StdLinks. Link views, also called links, are views that always appear in pairs. They are only meaningful when embedded in texts. A pair brackets a stretch of text and contains a command. This an example of a link: Alinktotheusermanual If you do not see anything special to the left and right of the above text stretch, use Text>ShowMarks to make the views visible. If you click on either the left or right link view, the command associated with the link is executed. Moreover, the entire text stretch between the link pair is active also. The mouse cursor changes its shape when it points to the active stretch. If you hold down the modifier key when clicking on one of the link stretch, the two views are transformed into a textual form: <StdCmds.OpenBrowser('System/Docu/User-Man', 'User Manual')>Alinktotheusermanual<> The syntax is "<" command sequence ">" text stretch "<" ">". The command sequence usually consists of a StdCmds.OpenBrowser command. However, any command may be used, e.g., like in the following specification: <Dialog.Beep; Dialog.Beep>beepbeep<> To turn this specification into an active text stretch, select it (from and including the first "<", to and including the last ">") and then execute Tools>CreateLink. You may have noticed that the name "link" thus just denotes the most typical use of link views. They are not inherently specialized for text linking. The behavior is completely determined by the command sequence associated with them. In order to use link views for hypertext linking, it must be possible to use link commands which open a particular piece of text. The standard command for this purpose is StdCmds.OpenBrowser. For example, the command "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('Obx/Docu/Sys-Map', 'Map to the Obx Subsystem')" opens the Obx map text in browser mode. Sometimes it is useful to have a command which, as a reaction to activating it via a link view, scrolls the text in which the link view is embedded, to a certain target position. This target position can be marked with a pair of target views, which are created in a similar way as link views. The command to scroll to a certain target view is ShowTarget. To determine which target to show, a target contains an arbitrary identifier name. For example, the link view with the specification <StdLinks.ShowTarget('first target')>showtarget<> creates a link to a target given by the specification <first target>this is the first target<> MENU "Create Link" "" "StdLinks.CreateLink" "StdLinks.CreateGuard" "Create Target" "" "StdLinks.CreateTarget" "StdLinks.CreateGuard" END TYPE Link (Views.View) View type for links. leftSide-: BOOLEAN Tells whether it is a left or a right view. PROCEDURE (v: Link) GetCmd (OUT cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Returns the link's command. Post leftSide = (cmd # "") TYPE Target (Views.View) View type for targets. leftSide-: BOOLEAN Tells whether it is a left or a right view. PROCEDURE (t: Target) GetIdent (OUT ident: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Returns the target's identifier. Post leftSide = (ident # "") TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory type for link/target views. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewLink (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR): Link NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a new link view with cmd as command string. It is a left view if cmd # "", otherwise a right view. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTarget (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR): Target NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a new target view with ident as identifier string. It is a left view if ident # "", otherwise a right view. VAR par-: Link par # NIL exactly during the currently executed link command A command in a link can get access to its (left) link view, and thus to its context, via this variable during the execution of the command. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory Link/target directories. PROCEDURE CreateGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Menu guard procedure used for CreateLink and CreateTarget. par.disabled remains FALSE (i.e., the menu entry is not disabled) if the following holds. The focus view is a text view and the current text selection exactly covers a stretch of text with the syntax: "<" text ">" text "<>". PROCEDURE CreateLink Insert a link into the focus text. To create a link, a piece of text with the following syntax must be selected: "<" command sequence ">" arbitrary text "<>". The command sequence must not contain a ">" character. The stretch "<" command sequence ">" is replaced with the left link view. The stretch "<>" is replaced with the right link view. The link views can be hidden/shown with Text>ShowMarks and Text>HideMarks, resp. To edit the command sequence of a link, click on one of the link views with the modifier key pressed. This replaces the views with the original text. PROCEDURE CreateTarget Insert a target into the focus text. To create a target, a piece of text with the following syntax must be selected: "<" target identifier ">" arbitrary text "<>". The target identifier must not contain a ">" character. The stretch "<" target identifier ">" will be replaced with the left target view. The stretch "<>" will be replaced with the right target view. Target views can be hidden/shown with Text>ShowMarks and Text>HideMarks, resp. To edit the target identifier of an existing target, click on one of the views with the modifier key pressed. This replaces the views with the original text. PROCEDURE ShowTarget (ident: ARRAY OF CHAR) Searches the first target view in the focus text whose target identifier equals ident. If one is found, the text is scrolled such that the target view is shown on the first line, and the text stretch between the left and right target views is selected. (Note: if the text is opened in mask mode, the selection is not visible.) PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Sets the link/target view directory.
StdLoader This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
StdLog DEFINITION StdLog; IMPORT TextViews, Views, TextRulers, TextModels; CONST charCode = -1; decimal = 10; hexadecimal = -2; hideBase = FALSE; showBase = TRUE; VAR buf-: TextModels.Model; defruler-: TextRulers.Ruler; dir-: TextViews.Directory; text-: TextModels.Model; PROCEDURE Bool (x: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE Char (ch: CHAR); PROCEDURE Int (i: INTEGER); PROCEDURE IntForm (x: LONGINT; base, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE Real (x: REAL); PROCEDURE RealForm (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR); PROCEDURE Set (x: SET); PROCEDURE String (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ParamMsg (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Msg (IN msg: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Tab; PROCEDURE Para; PROCEDURE Ln; PROCEDURE View (v: Views.View); PROCEDURE ViewForm (v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); PROCEDURE New; PROCEDURE Open; PROCEDURE Clear; PROCEDURE NewView (): TextViews.View; PROCEDURE SetDefaultRuler (ruler: TextRulers.Ruler); PROCEDURE SetDir (d: TextViews.Directory); END StdLog. Module StdLog provides a log text and procedures that simplify writing into the log text. Typically, log windows are only used during development, not for end user environments. The log window is opened by the following statement in procedure Config.Setup: Dialog.Call("StdLog.Open", "", res) CONST charCode Possible value for parameter base of IntForm, asking for formatting integers following the syntax of Component Pascal numerical character literals. (For example, 0DX is the code for line, and 37X the code for "7".) CONST decimal Possible value for parameter base of IntForm, asking for formatting integers as decimal literals. CONST hexadecimal Possible value for parameter base of IntForm, asking for formatting integers as hexadecimal literals. CONST hideBase Possible value for parameter showBase of IntForm, asking for suppression of the base indicator. CONST showBase Possible value for parameter showBase of IntForm, asking for output of the base indicator. PROCEDURE Bool (x: BOOLEAN) Writes a Boolean value to the log. Except for performance, equivalent to: IF x THEN String("$TRUE") ELSE String("$FALSE") END PROCEDURE Char (ch: CHAR) Writes a character value to the log. For control characters the numerical literal form enclosed in spaces is written (e.g., " 9X " for a tab code). Note that it is much more efficient to use String if more than one character needs to be written. PROCEDURE Int (i: INTEGER) Writes an integer value to the log. Except for performance, equivalent to: IntForm(x, decimal, 0, digitspace, showBase) where digitspace = 8FX. PROCEDURE IntForm (x: LONGINT; base, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN) Write integer x. The numeral string used to represent the number is relative to base base. The total representation form will at least have a width of minWidth characters, where padding (if required) takes place to the left using characters as specified by fillCh. If nonђdecimal, the base can be requested to form part of the representation using showBase. The special value base = charCode renders the base suffix "X", while base = hexadecimal renders the suffix "H". All other nonђdecimal bases are represented by a trailing "%" followed by the decimal numerical literal representing the base value itself. Nonђdecimal representations of negative integers are formed using a baseђcomplement form of width minWidth. E.g., x = -3 renders for base = 16 and minWidth = 2 as "FD". Pre (base = charCode) OR (base = hexadecimal) OR ((base >= 2) & (base <= 16)) 20 minWidth >= 0 22 PROCEDURE Real (x: REAL) Writes a real value to the log. Except for performance, equivalent to: WriteRealForm(x, 16, 0, 0, digitspace) where digitspace = 8FX. PROCEDURE RealForm (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR) Write real x. The numeral string used to represent the number is either in fixed point or in scientific format, according to expW. precision denotes the number of valid decimal places (usually 7 for short reals and 16 for reals). minW denotes the minimal length in characters. If necessary, preceding fillCh will be inserted. Numbers are always rounded to the last valid and visible digit. expW > 0: exponential format (scientific) with at least expW digits in the exponent. expW = 0: fixpoint or floatingpoint format, depending on x. expW < 0: fixpoint format with -expW digits after the decimal point. For more details, see also the description of Strings.RealToStringForm. Pre precision > 0 20 0 <= minW 21 expW <= 3 22 PROCEDURE Set (x: SET) Writes a set value to the log. Except for performance, equivalent to: VAR i: INTEGER; Char("{"); i := MIN(SET); WHILE x # {} DO IF i IN x THEN Int(i); EXCL(x, i); IF (i + 2 <= MAX(SET)) & (i + 1 IN x) & (i + 2 IN x) THEN String(".."); x := x - {i + 1, i + 2}; INC(i, 3); WHILE (i <= MAX(SET)) & (i IN x) DO EXCL(x, i); INC(i) END; Int(i - 1) END; IF x # {} THEN String(", ") END END; INC(i) END; Char("}") PROCEDURE String (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR) Writes a string value to the log. PROCEDURE ParamMsg (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR) Writes a parameterized message string value mapped by the Dialog.MapParamString facility to the log. PROCEDURE Msg (IN msg: ARRAY OF CHAR) Writes a message string value mapped by the Dialog.MapParamString facility to the log. Except for performance, equivalent to: ParamMsg(msg, "", "", "") PROCEDURE Tab Writes a tab character (9X) to the log. PROCEDURE Para Writes a paragraph character (0EX) to the log. Afterwards, it makes sure that the current end of the log text is visible. PROCEDURE Ln Writes a carriage return character (0DX) to the log. Afterwards, it makes sure that the current end of the log text is visible. PROCEDURE View (v: Views.View) Writes a view to the log. The size of the view is determined by the text container in cooperation with the view itself. PROCEDURE ViewForm (v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER) Writes a view to the log, and forces it to a particular size given in w and h in universal units. PROCEDURE New Used internally. PROCEDURE Open Opens a log window if none is open, otherwise it brings the log window to the top. PROCEDURE Clear Clears the log text. PROCEDURE NewView (): TextViews.View Used internally. PROCEDURE SetDefaultRuler (ruler: TextRulers.Ruler) Sets the default ruler. Pre ruler # NIL 20 Post defruler = ruler PROCEDURE SetDir (d: TextViews.Directory) Set up the directory object for log text views. Pre d # NIL 20 Post dir = d VAR buf-: TextModels.Model The buffer used internally for minimizing screen refreshes. VAR defruler-: TextRulers.Ruler The log text's default ruler. VAR dir-: TextViews.Directory Used internally. VAR text-: TextModels.Model The log text.
StdLogos Used internally (views for the company logo of Oberon microsystems).
StdMenuTool DEFINITION StdMenuTool; IMPORT TextModels; PROCEDURE UpdateFromText (text: TextModels.Model); PROCEDURE UpdateMenus; PROCEDURE UpdateAllMenus; PROCEDURE ListAllMenus; PROCEDURE ThisMenu; END StdMenuTool. The menu tool is used during startup of BlackBox to set up the menus. Typical menu entries: MENU "&Menus" "" "StdCmds.OpenDoc('System/Rsrc/Menus')" "" "&All Menus" "" "StdMenuTool.ListAllMenus" "" "&Update Menus" "" "StdMenuTool.UpdateMenus" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "U&pdate All Menus" "" "StdMenuTool.UpdateAllMenus" "" END PROCEDURE UpdateFromText (text: TextModels.Model) Clears all menus and builds up a new menu bar according to the menu specification in text. PROCEDURE UpdateMenus Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Clears all menus and builds up a new menu bar according to the new menu specification in the focus text. PROCEDURE UpdateAllMenus Clears all menus and builds up a new menu bar according to the menu specification in System/Rsrc/Menus. PROCEDURE ListAllMenus Builds up a text with hyperlinks to all available menu configuration texts, i.e., each subsystem's /Rsrc/Menus text. PROCEDURE ThisMenu Used internally (in the hyperlinks of the INCLUDE statements).
StdScrollers DEFINITION StdScrollers; IMPORT Dialog, Properties; CONST horBar = 0; verBar = 1; horHide = 2; verHide = 3; width = 4; height = 5; savePos = 7; showBorder = 6; TYPE Prop = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide: BOOLEAN; width, height: INTEGER; showBorder, savePos: BOOLEAN END; VAR dialog: RECORD horizontal, vertical: RECORD mode: INTEGER; adapt: BOOLEAN; size: REAL END; showBorder, savePos: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE AddScroller; PROCEDURE RemoveScroller; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE Set; PROCEDURE DialogGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE HeightGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE WidthGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE HorAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE VerAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END StdScrollers. Module StdScrollers provides a wrapper view which can be wrapped around any other view to provide it with a horizontal and/or vertical scrollbar. For example, a text view in a form may be wrapped in a scroller in order to allow the scrolling of text that doesn't completely fit in the text view. CONST horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide, width, height, savePos, showBorder Property elements of the Prop descriptor. TYPE Prop (Properties.Property) Properties describing the attributes of a scroller view. horBar: BOOLEAN Is there a horizontal scrollbar? verBar: BOOLEAN Is there a vertical scrollbar? horHide: BOOLEAN horHide -> horBar Only valid if horBar. This leaves three legal possibilities: ~horBar scrollbar is never visible horBar & horHide scrollbar is only visible when needed (appears or disappears automatically) horBar & ~horHide scrollbar is always visible verHide: BOOLEAN verHide -> verBar Only valid if verBar. This leaves three legal possibilities: ~verBar scrollbar is never visible verBar & verHide scrollbar is only visible when needed (appears or disappears automatically) verBar & ~verHide scrollbar is always visible width, height: INTEGER width >= 0 & height >= 0 [units] Size of the wrapped view. A value of 0 means that the wrapped view automatically adapts its size to the scroller (wrapper) view. Other values are fixed sizes. showBorder: BOOLEAN Display a border around the wrapped view. savePos: BOOLEAN Save the current scroll position when the wrapper is saved to disk, and makes scrolling undoable. VAR dialog: RECORD Interactor for setting the scroller properties of a singleton selection. horizontal, vertical: RECORD Descriptor of scrollbar behavior for both dimensions. mode: INTEGER mode IN {0, 1, 2} 0: never a scrollbar 1: automatic scrollbar 2: always a scrollbar adapt: BOOLEAN adapt: set size (width or height) to 0 ~adapt: retain a fixed size size: REAL size in cm (Dialog.metricSystem) or in inches (~Dialog.metricSystem) showBorder, savePos: BOOLEAN Values according to property descriptor. PROCEDURE AddScroller Guard: StdCmds.SingletonGuard Wraps a scroller around the selected view. PROCEDURE RemoveScroller Guard: StdCmds.SingletonGuard Removes the scroller which is selected. PROCEDURE InitDialog Initializes variable dialog according to the selected scroller view. PROCEDURE Set Applies the newly defined properties to the selected scroller view. PROCEDURE DialogGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE HeightGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE WidthGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE HorAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE VerAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Various guards for the Std/Rsrc/Scrollers dialog box.
StdStamps DEFINITION StdStamps; PROCEDURE Deposit; ...plus some other items used internally... END StdStamps. Stamps are views which indicate the date when the containing document has been saved the last time. PROCEDURE Deposit Deposit command for standard stamps. ...plus some other items used internally... Clicking on the stamp view shows a history of when the document has been saved. Modifier-clicking on the stamp view opens a dialog box that allows to edit the comment associated with the current session.
Map to the Std Subsystem StdApi API for StdCmds StdClocks analog clock views StdCmds cmds of std menus StdCoder ASCII coder StdDebug minimal debugger StdFolds fold views StdHeaders headers / footers StdLinks hyperlink views StdLog standard output StdMenuTool menu tool StdStamps date stamp views StdTables table controls StdTabViews tabbed folder views StdViewSizer set size of a view
StdTables DEFINITION StdTables; IMPORT Ports, Dialog, Views, Properties, Controls; CONST line = 0DX; deselect = -1; select = -2; changed = -3; layoutEditable = 0; dataEditable = 1; selectionStyle = 2; noSelect = 0; cellSelect = 1; rowSelect = 2; colSelect = 3; crossSelect = 4; TYPE Table = RECORD rows-, cols-: INTEGER; (VAR tab: Table) SetSize (rows, cols: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) SetItem (row, col: INTEGER; item: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetItem (row, col: INTEGER; OUT item: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) SetLabel (col: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetLabel (col: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) HasSelection (): BOOLEAN, NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetSelection (OUT row, col: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) Select (row, col: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) Deselect, NEW; (VAR tab: Table) SetAttr (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetAttr (row, col: INTEGER; OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER; OUT color: Ports.Color), NEW END; Prop = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) layoutEditable, dataEditable: BOOLEAN; selectionStyle: INTEGER; (p: Prop) IntersectWith (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) NewControl (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View, ABSTRACT, NEW END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; text: Dialog.String; dlg: RECORD layoutEditable, dataEditable: BOOLEAN; selectionStyle: Dialog.List END; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE Set; PROCEDURE Guard (idx: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Notifier (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE DepositControl; END StdTables. Module StdTables implements a simple tabular control ("grid view"). To allow clients to create new table controls, a directory object is exported (StdTables.dir). As interactor, type StdTables.Table is provided. Typical menu command: "Insert Table" "" "StdTables.DepositControl; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" The property editor for the StdTables is the same as for normal controls. The fields, Link, Label, Guard and Notifier works in the same way as for other controls. In addition to the property editor, a special dialog for tables is offered, where one can choose the visual feedback of the selection in a table. Furthermore one can specify, whether the layout should be editable (column width), and whether the data in the cells should be editable. CONST line New line character for multiple line labels. CONST deselect Notifier op-code. Indicates that the cell at position row = from and column = to has been deselected. CONST select Notifier op-code. Indicates that the user has selected a cell at position row = from and column = to. CONST changed Notifier op-code. Indicates that the user has changed the contents of a cell in the table at position row = from and column = to. CONST layoutEditable Element of a control property's valid set. Determines, whether the layout editable property is valid. CONST dataEditable Element of a control property's valid set. Determines, whether the data editable property is valid. CONST selectionStyle Element of a control property's valid set. Determines, whether the selection style property is valid. CONST noSelect, cellSelect, rowSelect, colSelect, crossSelect Selection style property constants. TYPE Table Interactor for table controls. rows-, cols-: INTEGER (rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0) Number of rows and columns of the table. PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetSize (rows, cols: INTEGER), NEW Set size of the table. Pre 20 (rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0) 21 ((cols > 0) OR ((cols = 0) & (rows = 0)) PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetItem (row, col: INTEGER; item: Dialog.String), NEW Set contents of cell in row row and column col to item. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetItem (row, col: INTEGER; OUT item: Dialog.String), NEW Get contents of cell in row row and column col. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetLabel (col: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String), NEW Set contents of label of column col. For each occurence of the character StdTables.line in label a new line is created. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetLabel (col: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String), NEW Get contents of label of column col. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) HasSelection (): BOOLEAN, NEW Returns, whether a cell in the table is currently selected. PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetSelection (OUT row, col: INTEGER), NEW Get coordinates (row and column) of the selected table cell. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before 21 tab.HasSelection() PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Select (row, col: INTEGER), NEW Set selection in table to row row and column col. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before Post tab.HasSelection() = TRUE PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Deselect, NEW Remove current selection in table, if any. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before Post tab.HasSelection() = FALSE PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetAttr (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color), NEW Sets the the attributes for a range of cells. style and weight affects the font for the cell and color is the color of the text in the cell. (For explanations of the parameters style and weight, see Fonts.Font.) The range is indicated by l and t being the column and row for the top left cell in the range, and r and b being the column and row of the bottom right cell in the range. PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetAttr (row, col: INTEGER; OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER; OUT color: Ports.Color), NEW Retrieves the current attribute values for the cell at position row, col in the table. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before TYPE Prop Table specific properties. layoutEditable, dataEditable: BOOLEAN Column width is editable by the user; data in table cells is editable by the user. selectionStyle: INTEGER Visual feedback of selections: noSelect: no visual feedback cellSelect: selected cell is high-lighted rowSelect: all cells in selected row are high-lighted colSelect: all cells in selected column are high-lighted crossSelect: all cells in selected row and column are high-lighted PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) Intersect table properties p with another property record q. Iff both are equal, equal is set to TRUE. TYPE Directory New controls can be created using the directory object StdTables.dir. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewControl (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View, ABSTRACT, NEW Create a new table control using properties p. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory dir # NIL, stdDir # NIL, stable stdDir = d Directory and standard directory objects for table controls. VAR text: Dialog.String valid only during the editing of a cell Contents of the cell currently being edited. VAR dlg: RECORD Interactor for table property dialog. PROCEDURE InitDialog Init table property dialog. PROCEDURE Set Set properties as selected in table property dialog. PROCEDURE Guard (idx: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for table property dialog. CASE idx OF 0: Layout Editable checkbox 1: Data Editable checkbox 2: Selection Style listbox END PROCEDURE Notifier (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER) Notifier for table property dialog. CASE idx OF 0: Layout Editable checkbox 1: Data Editable checkbox 2: Selection Style listbox END PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Set directory object. Pre d # NIL 20 Post stdDir' = NIL stdDir = d dir = d PROCEDURE DepositControl Deposit command for table controls.
StdTabViews DEFINITION StdTabViews; IMPORT Views, Dialog, StdCFrames; CONST noTab = -1; TYPE Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (): View, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Frame = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (StdCFrames.Frame) (f: Frame) GetDispSize (OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: Frame) InDispArea (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: Frame) SetIndex (i: INTEGER), NEW END; FrameDirectory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: FrameDirectory) GetTabSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: FrameDirectory) New (): Frame, NEW, ABSTRACT END; View = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Views.View) (tv: View) GetItem (i: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String; OUT v: Views.View), NEW; (tv: View) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); (tv: View) GetNotifier (OUT notifier: Dialog.String), NEW; (tv: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); (tv: View) Index (): INTEGER, NEW; (tv: View) Neutralize; (tv: View) NofTabs (): INTEGER, NEW; (tv: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); (tv: View) SetIndex (i: INTEGER), NEW; (tv: View) SetItem (i: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String; v: Views.View), NEW; (tv: View) SetNofTabs (nofTabs: INTEGER), NEW; (tv: View) SetNotifier (IN notifier: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; NotifierProc = PROCEDURE (tv: View; from, to: INTEGER); VAR dir-: Directory; dlg: RECORD name, notifier: Dialog.String; opt: INTEGER END; frameDir-: FrameDirectory; frameStdDir-: FrameDirectory; setFocus: BOOLEAN; stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE AddTab; PROCEDURE BeginChanges (tv: View); PROCEDURE Delete; PROCEDURE DeleteGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE EndChanges (tv: View); PROCEDURE Focus (): View; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE LabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE LayoutModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Left; PROCEDURE MaskModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ModeNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE NewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE NotifierGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Rename; PROCEDURE RenameGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Right; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE SetFrameDir (d: FrameDirectory); PROCEDURE SetGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SetNotifier; PROCEDURE This (v: Views.View): View; END StdTabViews. A StdTabViews.View displays a set of tabs to the user. Each tab consists of a label and a view. When the user clicks on the label, the associated view is displayed. Try it on the example below! This example was created with FormViews but any Views.View can be used in the tabs. There are two ways of creating StdTabViews: The tab can be created programmatically or it can be created using a graphical user interface. In most cases the graphical user interface is enough, and no programming is needed to create a StdTabViews.View. For more advanced use there exists a programming interface and this will be described further down. To use the graphical user interface a StdTabViews.View needs to be dropped into a document or a form. This can be done by selecting the option Insert Tab View from the Controls menu. The new StdTabViews.View contains two tabs, called Tab1 and Tab2, and they each have an (empty) FormViews.View associated with them. A newly created tab looks like this: The StdTabViews.View is fully functional, but a bit boring. If the StdTabViews.View is focused, each tab can be edited just like a normal form. Controls can be dropped into it and moved aound and their properties can be edited. Also this can be tried on the tab above. To add, remove or edit the name of tabs the StdTabViews property editor needs to be started. This is done by selecting the tab and choosing "Edit->Object Properties...". The property editor looks like this: The buttons and fields have the following meaning: <- Clicking on this button moves the current tab one step to the left. This can be used to changed the order of the tabs. -> Clicking on this button moves the current tab one step to the right. This can be used to changed the order of the tabs. Label Displays the label of the current tab. Rename Sets the label of the currrent tab to the text displayed in the label field. An empty label is not allowed. New Tab Creats a new tab and adds it to the list. The label of the new tab is set to the text displayed in the label field. If the text field is empty no new tab can be created. Delete Removes the current tab from the tab view. Notifier Displays the name of the notifier that is associated with the tab view. Set Sets the notifier of the the tab view to the name displayed in the notifier field. All tabs in Layout Mode Sets all tabs in the Tab View in Layout Mode. Layout Mode is a container mode that allows for editing. For more information about container modes see About Container Modes futher down. All tabs in Mask Mode Sets all tabs in the Tab View in Mask Mode. Mask Mode is a container mode that doesn't allow selecting of contained views. This mode is used for displaying documents as dialogs. For more information about container modes see About Container Modes futher down. About Notifiers The notifier for StdTabViews is not the same as a notifier for normal Controls, but it works in a similar way. The signarure is different and there is just one type of notification sent. StdTabViews notifiers have the signature described by the type StdTabViews.NotifierProc. The notifier is only called when the current tab is changed. When called, tv is the StdTabViews.View that the notification concerns, from is the tab that used to be the current tab and to is the new current tab. When a tab is saved the index of the current tab is saved with it and when the tab is internalized the current tab is set to the index that was saved. This enables the designer of a dialog with a tab to control which tab is the current tab when the dialog is opened. It also provides a way to find a StdTabViews.View in a dialog. When the current tab is set for the first time during internalization the notifier is called with tv set to the new StdTabViews.View, from set to the constant noTab and to set to the index of the current tab saved in externalize. This means that whenever a document with a StdTabViews.View inside is opened the notifier is called and this allows the application to bind to the StdTabViews.View if needed. This is an easy way to get to the programming interface described below. About Container Modes Containers can have different modes. A FormViews.View is a container and can for example be put in Layout Mode and Mask Mode. In Layout Mode it is possible to select contained views, such as Controls, and move them around. In Mask Mode, on the other hand, it is not possible to select or move around contained views. Container modes can be changed using the Dev-menu but normally this is not needed. The normal way is to save a document in Edit or Layout Mode and then open it in the desired mode using the commands provided in StdCmds. A dialog, for example, is usually saved in Layout Mode and then opened in Mask Mode by using StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog. The problem is that StdTabViews breaks this pattern since each tab can contain its own container with its own mode. It is needed to use the Dev-menu to put the tabs in the correct mode before saving a dialog. To use the container modes and the Dev-menu requires some knowledge about Containers. To avoid this requirement the radiobuttons "All tabs in Layout Mode" and "All tabs in Mask Mode" are provided. These buttons make it possible to set all tabs in Mask mode before saving the dialog or setting all tabs in Layout mode to edit the dialog, thus eliminating the need to use the Dev-menu. CONST noTab Constant used as from value to the notifier when a StdTabViews.View is internalize. TYPE View = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Views.View) Allows the user to select different views by clicking on tabs. PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetItem (i: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String; v: Views.View) NEW Adds a new tab to tv. The new tab gets label as its label and v as its view. i indicates the position of the tab among the other tabs. IF i is greater than tv.NofTabs() then then number of tabs in tv is increased, if not, the prevous tab at position i is overwritten. A deep copy of v is made before it is added to tv. Pre i >= 0 label # "" v # NIL PROCEDURE (tv: View) GetItem (i: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String; OUT v: Views.View) NEW Retrievs the label and the view for tab i. Pre i >= 0 i < tv.NofTabs() PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetNofTabs (nofTabs: INTEGER) NEW Makes sure that nofTabs tabs are available in tv.Note that SetItem also increases the number of tabs of the View if necessary, so SetNofTabs is strictly only necessary to decrease the number of tabs. Pre nofTabs >= 0 Post tv.NofTabs() = nofTabs PROCEDURE (tv: View) NofTabs (): INTEGER, NEW; NEW Retruns the number of tabs in tv. Post Returned value >= 0 PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetIndex (i: INTEGER) NEW Sets the current tab in tv, updates the view. The notifier is not called when tabs are changed by a call to SetIndex. Pre i >= 0 i < tv.NofTabs() Post tv.Index() = i PROCEDURE (tv: View) Index (): INTEGER NEW Returns the index of the currently selected tab. The index is updated whenever a user clicks on a tab or whenever SetIndex is called. Post Returned value is >= 0 and < tv.NofTabs() PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetNotifier (IN notifier: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Sets the notifier of tv to be notifier. notifier = "" is permitted and it is interpreted as meaning that tv has no notifer. For more information about notifiers, see the chapter About Notifiers above. PROCEDURE (tv: View) GetNotifier (OUT notifier: Dialog.String) NEW Sets notifier to the value of the notifier of tv. notifer is the empty string if tv doesn't have a notifier. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory type for StdTabViews.View. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): View NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new View. TYPE NotifierProc = PROCEDURE (tv: View; from, to: INTEGER) StdTabViews notification commands must have this signature. Through calls of notification procedures, an application can be notified when the selected tab of a StdTabViews.View is changed due to user interaction. The parameters have the following meaning: tv = the StdTabViews.View where the tab was changed. from = the selected tab before the change. Has the value noTab when the notifier is called from Internalize. to = the new selected tab. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory dir # NIL & stdDir # NIL Directories for creating StdTabViews.Views. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Set directory. PROCEDURE Deposit Allocate a new View using dir.New, adds two tabs to it and deposits it. PROCEDURE This (v: Views.View): View Traverserses view v and all its contained views (if any) and returns the first StdTabViews.View that is found. If no StdTabViews.View is found then NIL is returned. Pre v # NIL PROCEDURE Focus (): View Searches for a StdTabViews.View along the focus path. If one is found it is returned, if not NIL is returned. If more than one StdTabViews.View exists in the focus path it is undefinied which one will be returned. PROCEDURE BeginChanges (tv: View) Disables update of tv until a subsequent call to EndChanges. Each call to BeginChanges must be balanced by a call to EndChanges, otherwise a trap will occur (in StdTabViews.BalanceAction.Do). The calls may be nested. BeginChanges and EndChanges are provided to make it possible to do several changes to a StdTabViews.View without intermediate updates. Pre Number of calls to BeginChanges >= Number of calls to EndChanges, 20 PROCEDURE EndChanges (tv: View) Enables update for tv again after a call to BeginChanges. Pre Number of calls to BeginChanges > Number of calls to EndChanges, 20 The following types, variables and procedures are only used internally to handle frames of StdTabViews: TYPE Frame = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (StdCFrames.Frame) TYPE FrameDirectory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD VAR frameDir-, frameStdDir-: FrameDirectory PROCEDURE SetFrameDir (d: FrameDirectory) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) GetDispSize (OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (f: Frame) InDispArea (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SetIndex (i: INTEGER), NEW PROCEDURE (d: FrameDirectory) GetTabSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (d: FrameDirectory) New (): Frame, NEW, ABSTRACT The following types, variables and procedures are only used for the property inspector of the StdTabViews.View: VAR dlg: RECORD name, notifier: Dialog.String; opt: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE AddTab PROCEDURE Delete PROCEDURE DeleteGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE InitDialog PROCEDURE LabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE LayoutModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Left PROCEDURE MaskModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ModeNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE NewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE NotifierGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE Rename PROCEDURE RenameGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE Right PROCEDURE SetGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE SetNotifier The following variable is only used internally: VAR setFocus: BOOLEAN
StdViewSizer DEFINITION StdViewSizer; IMPORT Dialog; VAR size: RECORD typeName-: Dialog.String; w, h: REAL END; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE SetViewSize; PROCEDURE SizeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE UnitGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END StdViewSizer. StdViewSizer is a command package allowing the user to resize views embedded in containers by specifying width and height as numbers. This is useful whenever dragging view borders with the mouse is not precise enough. The command package works on any singleton view. For entry in a menu, the following line is recommended: "View Size..." "" "StdViewSizer.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/ViewSizer', 'View Size')" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" VAR size: RECORD Interactor for setting the view size. typeName-: Dialog.String Type of the current singleton view. w: INTEGER View width in cm or inch, depending on the value of Dialog.metricSystem. h: INTEGER View height in cm or inch, depending on the value of Dialog.metricSystem. PROCEDURE InitDialog Initialization command for size interactor. PROCEDURE SetViewSize Applies the interactor values in size. To set up size to the selected view, InitDialog needs to be called first. PROCEDURE SizeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard which ensures that the size interactor matches the current singleton selection. If there is no singleton selection, the guard disables. PROCEDURE UnitGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard that sets par.label to "cm" or "inch" respectively, depending on the value of Dialog.metricSystem.