StdScrollers DEFINITION StdScrollers; IMPORT Dialog, Properties, Views; CONST horBar = 0; verBar = 1; horHide = 2; verHide = 3; width = 4; height = 5; savePos = 7; showBorder = 6; TYPE Prop = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide: BOOLEAN; width, height: INTEGER; showBorder, savePos: BOOLEAN END; VAR dialog: RECORD horizontal, vertical: RECORD mode: INTEGER; adapt: BOOLEAN; size: REAL END; showBorder, savePos: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE AddScroller; PROCEDURE RemoveScroller; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE Set; PROCEDURE DialogGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE HeightGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE WidthGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE HorAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE VerAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE WrappedView (v: Views.View): Views.View; PROCEDURE WrapView (v: Views.View): Views.View END StdScrollers. Green color denote new features for version 2.0. Module StdScrollers provides a wrapper view which can be wrapped around any other view to provide it with a horizontal and/or vertical scrollbar. For example, a text view in a form may be wrapped in a scroller in order to allow the scrolling of text that doesn't completely fit in the text view. CONST horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide, width, height, savePos, showBorder Property elements of the Prop descriptor. TYPE Prop (Properties.Property) Properties describing the attributes of a scroller view. horBar: BOOLEAN Is there a horizontal scrollbar? verBar: BOOLEAN Is there a vertical scrollbar? horHide: BOOLEAN horHide -> horBar Only valid if horBar. This leaves three legal possibilities: ~horBar scrollbar is never visible horBar & horHide scrollbar is only visible when needed (appears or disappears automatically) horBar & ~horHide scrollbar is always visible verHide: BOOLEAN verHide -> verBar Only valid if verBar. This leaves three legal possibilities: ~verBar scrollbar is never visible verBar & verHide scrollbar is only visible when needed (appears or disappears automatically) verBar & ~verHide scrollbar is always visible width, height: INTEGER width >= 0 & height >= 0 [units] Size of the wrapped view. A value of 0 means that the wrapped view automatically adapts its size to the scroller (wrapper) view. Other values are fixed sizes. showBorder: BOOLEAN Display a border around the wrapped view. savePos: BOOLEAN Save the current scroll position when the wrapper is saved to disk, and makes scrolling undoable. VAR dialog: RECORD Interactor for setting the scroller properties of a singleton selection. horizontal, vertical: RECORD Descriptor of scrollbar behavior for both dimensions. mode: INTEGER mode IN {0, 1, 2} 0: never a scrollbar 1: automatic scrollbar 2: always a scrollbar adapt: BOOLEAN adapt: set size (width or height) to 0 ~adapt: retain a fixed size size: REAL size in cm (Dialog.metricSystem) or in inches (~Dialog.metricSystem) showBorder, savePos: BOOLEAN Values according to property descriptor. PROCEDURE AddScroller Guard: StdCmds.SingletonGuard Wraps a scroller around the selected view. PROCEDURE RemoveScroller Guard: StdCmds.SingletonGuard Removes the scroller which is selected. PROCEDURE InitDialog Initializes variable dialog according to the selected scroller view. PROCEDURE Set Applies the newly defined properties to the selected scroller view. PROCEDURE DialogGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE HeightGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE WidthGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE HorAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE VerAdaptGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Various guards for the Std/Rsrc/Scrollers dialog box. PROCEDURE WrappedView (v: Views.View): Views.View Returns the wrapped view of v if v is a scroller view implemented in StdScrollers. Otherwise, returns v. Pre v # NIL PROCEDURE WrapView (v: Views.View): Views.View Returns the wrapped view of v.
StdStamps DEFINITION StdStamps; PROCEDURE Deposit; ...plus some other items used internally... END StdStamps. StdStamps are views which indicate (1) the date when the containing document has been saved the last time and (2) the number of document changes. Stamp views carry a sequence number and a fingerprint of the document with them. Each time the document (and therefore its fingerprint) is changed and stored, the sequence number is incremented. When determining the fingerprint of the document, whitespace is ignored, except in string literals. This behavior makes StdStamps particularily useful for program texts. Each stamp view also keeps track of the history of the most recent changes. For up to 25 entries, the date and time, and an optional one-line comment is stored. To avoid too many entries in the history while working on a document, the most recent history entry is overwritten upon the generation of a new sequence number if the current date is the same as the date in the most recent history entry. To avoid exceeding 25 entries the oldest uncommented entry is deleted or the oldest if they are all commented. PROCEDURE Deposit Deposit command for standard stamps. ...plus some other items used internally... Clicking on the stamp view shows a history of when the document has been saved. Ctrl-clicking on the stamp view opens a dialog box that allows to edit the comment associated with the current and previous sessions. Specifying a Comment for a new sequence number (Seq. Nr.) always adds a new entry to the history even if fingerprint and date are unchanged. Selecting an existing sequence number allows to modify the comment of a previous session. Any comment editing is made persistent only when the document is saved the next time.
StdStdCFrames Cross-platform realization of controls for StdCFrames intrerface - `Update()` method is called when control contents and/or state are updated by the external source; that's why we're calling `c.Update^` everywhere we should check for a label/text change there for edit controls, etc. - `Close()` is called when the control is going to die; we should free any resources there - `SetOffset()` is called when the control is moved placed/moved; it was used to "adapt" the original native controls - `DblClickOk()` is called to check if doubleclick is accepted. seems to be used only for various list boxes (listbox, selection, combo). - `UpdateList()` is called i don't know when yet, for ListBox, ComboBox, SelectionBox, and TreeFrame. seems to be called when we need to repopulate the internal list storage. - `UpdateRange()` in SelectionBox seems to do this: IF (op = Dialog.set) OR (from # TO) THEN c.Update; RETURN END; otherwise invert the selection - `Select()` in SelectionBox does nothing - `GetSelection()` in SelectionBox returns [0..MAX(INTEGER)]. for ComboBox it operates on the editor. - TreeFrame overrides `GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER)` for some reason. - `.noRedraw` field means that instead of calling `Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames);` on state change, the code in `Controls` module will call `Update()` method instead. i.e. it expects that the control will redraw itself in its updater. the original code does lazy allocation of native controls in `Restore()`, so we can do the same. note that ListBox can work as a combobox w/o editor when its size is small enough. also, ComboBox displays its predefinted contents as a listbox when it is big enough.
Map to the Std Subsystem Links-Dialog Links & Targets StdApi API for StdCmds StdClocks analog clock views StdCmds cmds of std menus StdCoder ASCII coder StdDebug minimal debugger StdFolds fold views StdHeaders headers / footers StdLinks hyperlink views StdLog standard output StdMenuTool menu tool StdStamps date stamp views StdTables table controls StdTabViews tabbed folder views StdViewSizer set size of a view
StdTables DEFINITION StdTables; IMPORT Ports, Dialog, Views, Properties, Controls; CONST line = 0DX; deselect = -1; select = -2; changed = -3; layoutEditable = 0; dataEditable = 1; selectionStyle = 2; noSelect = 0; cellSelect = 1; rowSelect = 2; colSelect = 3; crossSelect = 4; TYPE Table = RECORD rows-, cols-: INTEGER; (VAR tab: Table) SetSize (rows, cols: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) SetItem (row, col: INTEGER; item: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetItem (row, col: INTEGER; OUT item: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) SetLabel (col: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetLabel (col: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) HasSelection (): BOOLEAN, NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetSelection (OUT row, col: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) Select (row, col: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) Deselect, NEW; (VAR tab: Table) SetAttr (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color), NEW; (VAR tab: Table) GetAttr (row, col: INTEGER; OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER; OUT color: Ports.Color), NEW END; Prop = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) layoutEditable, dataEditable: BOOLEAN; selectionStyle: INTEGER; (p: Prop) IntersectWith (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) NewControl (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View, ABSTRACT, NEW END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; text: Dialog.String; dlg: RECORD layoutEditable, dataEditable: BOOLEAN; selectionStyle: Dialog.List END; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE Set; PROCEDURE Guard (idx: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Notifier (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE DepositControl; END StdTables. Module StdTables implements a simple tabular control ("grid view"). To allow clients to create new table controls, a directory object is exported (StdTables.dir). As interactor, type StdTables.Table is provided. Typical menu command: "Insert Table" "" "StdTables.DepositControl; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" The property editor for the StdTables is the same as for normal controls. The fields, Link, Label, Guard and Notifier works in the same way as for other controls. In addition to the property editor, a special dialog for tables is offered, where one can choose the visual feedback of the selection in a table. Furthermore one can specify, whether the layout should be editable (column width), and whether the data in the cells should be editable. CONST line New line character for multiple line labels. CONST deselect Notifier op-code. Indicates that the cell at position row = from and column = to has been deselected. CONST select Notifier op-code. Indicates that the user has selected a cell at position row = from and column = to. CONST changed Notifier op-code. Indicates that the user has changed the contents of a cell in the table at position row = from and column = to. CONST layoutEditable Element of a control property's valid set. Determines, whether the layout editable property is valid. CONST dataEditable Element of a control property's valid set. Determines, whether the data editable property is valid. CONST selectionStyle Element of a control property's valid set. Determines, whether the selection style property is valid. CONST noSelect, cellSelect, rowSelect, colSelect, crossSelect Selection style property constants. TYPE Table Interactor for table controls. rows-, cols-: INTEGER (rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0) Number of rows and columns of the table. PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetSize (rows, cols: INTEGER), NEW Set size of the table. Pre 20 (rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0) 21 ((cols > 0) OR ((cols = 0) & (rows = 0)) PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetItem (row, col: INTEGER; item: Dialog.String), NEW Set contents of cell in row row and column col to item. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetItem (row, col: INTEGER; OUT item: Dialog.String), NEW Get contents of cell in row row and column col. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetLabel (col: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String), NEW Set contents of label of column col. For each occurence of the character StdTables.line in label a new line is created. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetLabel (col: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String), NEW Get contents of label of column col. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) HasSelection (): BOOLEAN, NEW Returns, whether a cell in the table is currently selected. PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetSelection (OUT row, col: INTEGER), NEW Get coordinates (row and column) of the selected table cell. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before 21 tab.HasSelection() PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Select (row, col: INTEGER), NEW Set selection in table to row row and column col. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before Post tab.HasSelection() = TRUE PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Deselect, NEW Remove current selection in table, if any. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before Post tab.HasSelection() = FALSE PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetAttr (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color), NEW Sets the the attributes for a range of cells. style and weight affects the font for the cell and color is the color of the text in the cell. (For explanations of the parameters style and weight, see Fonts.Font.) The range is indicated by l and t being the column and row for the top left cell in the range, and r and b being the column and row of the bottom right cell in the range. PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetAttr (row, col: INTEGER; OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER; OUT color: Ports.Color), NEW Retrieves the current attribute values for the cell at position row, col in the table. Pre 20 SetSize must have been called before TYPE Prop Table specific properties. layoutEditable, dataEditable: BOOLEAN Column width is editable by the user; data in table cells is editable by the user. selectionStyle: INTEGER Visual feedback of selections: noSelect: no visual feedback cellSelect: selected cell is high-lighted rowSelect: all cells in selected row are high-lighted colSelect: all cells in selected column are high-lighted crossSelect: all cells in selected row and column are high-lighted PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) Intersect table properties p with another property record q. Iff both are equal, equal is set to TRUE. TYPE Directory New controls can be created using the directory object StdTables.dir. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewControl (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View, ABSTRACT, NEW Create a new table control using properties p. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory dir # NIL, stdDir # NIL, stable stdDir = d Directory and standard directory objects for table controls. VAR text: Dialog.String valid only during the editing of a cell Contents of the cell currently being edited. VAR dlg: RECORD Interactor for table property dialog. PROCEDURE InitDialog Init table property dialog. PROCEDURE Set Set properties as selected in table property dialog. PROCEDURE Guard (idx: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for table property dialog. CASE idx OF 0: Layout Editable checkbox 1: Data Editable checkbox 2: Selection Style listbox END PROCEDURE Notifier (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER) Notifier for table property dialog. CASE idx OF 0: Layout Editable checkbox 1: Data Editable checkbox 2: Selection Style listbox END PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Set directory object. Pre d # NIL 20 Post stdDir' = NIL stdDir = d dir = d PROCEDURE DepositControl Deposit command for table controls.
StdTabViews DEFINITION StdTabViews; IMPORT Views, Dialog, StdCFrames; CONST noTab = -1; TYPE Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (): View, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Frame = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (StdCFrames.Frame) (f: Frame) GetDispSize (OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: Frame) InDispArea (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: Frame) SetIndex (i: INTEGER), NEW END; FrameDirectory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: FrameDirectory) GetTabSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: FrameDirectory) New (): Frame, NEW, ABSTRACT END; View = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Views.View) (tv: View) GetItem (i: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String; OUT v: Views.View), NEW; (tv: View) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); (tv: View) GetNotifier (OUT notifier: Dialog.String), NEW; (tv: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); (tv: View) Index (): INTEGER, NEW; (tv: View) Neutralize; (tv: View) NofTabs (): INTEGER, NEW; (tv: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); (tv: View) SetIndex (i: INTEGER), NEW; (tv: View) SetItem (i: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String; v: Views.View), NEW; (tv: View) SetNofTabs (nofTabs: INTEGER), NEW; (tv: View) SetNotifier (IN notifier: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; NotifierProc = PROCEDURE (tv: View; from, to: INTEGER); VAR dir-: Directory; dlg: RECORD name, notifier: Dialog.String; opt: INTEGER END; frameDir-: FrameDirectory; frameStdDir-: FrameDirectory; setFocus: BOOLEAN; stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE AddTab; PROCEDURE BeginChanges (tv: View); PROCEDURE Delete; PROCEDURE DeleteGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE EndChanges (tv: View); PROCEDURE Focus (): View; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE LabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE LayoutModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Left; PROCEDURE MaskModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ModeNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE NewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE NotifierGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Rename; PROCEDURE RenameGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Right; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE SetFrameDir (d: FrameDirectory); PROCEDURE SetGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SetNotifier; PROCEDURE This (v: Views.View): View; END StdTabViews. A StdTabViews.View displays a set of tabs to the user. Each tab consists of a label and a view. When the user clicks on the label, the associated view is displayed. Try it on the example below! This example was created with FormViews but any Views.View can be used in the tabs. There are two ways of creating StdTabViews: The tab can be created programmatically or it can be created using a graphical user interface. In most cases the graphical user interface is enough, and no programming is needed to create a StdTabViews.View. For more advanced use there exists a programming interface and this will be described further down. To use the graphical user interface a StdTabViews.View needs to be dropped into a document or a form. This can be done by selecting the option Insert Tab View from the Controls menu. The new StdTabViews.View contains two tabs, called Tab1 and Tab2, and they each have an (empty) FormViews.View associated with them. A newly created tab looks like this: The StdTabViews.View is fully functional, but a bit boring. If the StdTabViews.View is focused, each tab can be edited just like a normal form. Controls can be dropped into it and moved aound and their properties can be edited. Also this can be tried on the tab above. To add, remove or edit the name of tabs the StdTabViews property editor needs to be started. This is done by selecting the tab and choosing "Edit->Object Properties...". The property editor looks like this: The buttons and fields have the following meaning: <- Clicking on this button moves the current tab one step to the left. This can be used to changed the order of the tabs. -> Clicking on this button moves the current tab one step to the right. This can be used to changed the order of the tabs. Label Displays the label of the current tab. Rename Sets the label of the currrent tab to the text displayed in the label field. An empty label is not allowed. New Tab Creats a new tab and adds it to the list. The label of the new tab is set to the text displayed in the label field. If the text field is empty no new tab can be created. Delete Removes the current tab from the tab view. Notifier Displays the name of the notifier that is associated with the tab view. Set Sets the notifier of the the tab view to the name displayed in the notifier field. All tabs in Layout Mode Sets all tabs in the Tab View in Layout Mode. Layout Mode is a container mode that allows for editing. For more information about container modes see About Container Modes futher down. All tabs in Mask Mode Sets all tabs in the Tab View in Mask Mode. Mask Mode is a container mode that doesn't allow selecting of contained views. This mode is used for displaying documents as dialogs. For more information about container modes see About Container Modes futher down. About Notifiers The notifier for StdTabViews is not the same as a notifier for normal Controls, but it works in a similar way. The signarure is different and there is just one type of notification sent. StdTabViews notifiers have the signature described by the type StdTabViews.NotifierProc. The notifier is only called when the current tab is changed. When called, tv is the StdTabViews.View that the notification concerns, from is the tab that used to be the current tab and to is the new current tab. When a tab is saved the index of the current tab is saved with it and when the tab is internalized the current tab is set to the index that was saved. This enables the designer of a dialog with a tab to control which tab is the current tab when the dialog is opened. It also provides a way to find a StdTabViews.View in a dialog. When the current tab is set for the first time during internalization the notifier is called with tv set to the new StdTabViews.View, from set to the constant noTab and to set to the index of the current tab saved in externalize. This means that whenever a document with a StdTabViews.View inside is opened the notifier is called and this allows the application to bind to the StdTabViews.View if needed. This is an easy way to get to the programming interface described below. About Container Modes Containers can have different modes. A FormViews.View is a container and can for example be put in Layout Mode and Mask Mode. In Layout Mode it is possible to select contained views, such as Controls, and move them around. In Mask Mode, on the other hand, it is not possible to select or move around contained views. Container modes can be changed using the Dev-menu but normally this is not needed. The normal way is to save a document in Edit or Layout Mode and then open it in the desired mode using the commands provided in StdCmds. A dialog, for example, is usually saved in Layout Mode and then opened in Mask Mode by using StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog. The problem is that StdTabViews breaks this pattern since each tab can contain its own container with its own mode. It is needed to use the Dev-menu to put the tabs in the correct mode before saving a dialog. To use the container modes and the Dev-menu requires some knowledge about Containers. To avoid this requirement the radiobuttons "All tabs in Layout Mode" and "All tabs in Mask Mode" are provided. These buttons make it possible to set all tabs in Mask mode before saving the dialog or setting all tabs in Layout mode to edit the dialog, thus eliminating the need to use the Dev-menu. CONST noTab Constant used as from value to the notifier when a StdTabViews.View is internalize. TYPE View = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Views.View) Allows the user to select different views by clicking on tabs. PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetItem (i: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String; v: Views.View) NEW Adds a new tab to tv. The new tab gets label as its label and v as its view. i indicates the position of the tab among the other tabs. IF i is greater than tv.NofTabs() then then number of tabs in tv is increased, if not, the prevous tab at position i is overwritten. A deep copy of v is made before it is added to tv. Pre i >= 0 label # "" v # NIL PROCEDURE (tv: View) GetItem (i: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String; OUT v: Views.View) NEW Retrievs the label and the view for tab i. Pre i >= 0 i < tv.NofTabs() PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetNofTabs (nofTabs: INTEGER) NEW Makes sure that nofTabs tabs are available in tv.Note that SetItem also increases the number of tabs of the View if necessary, so SetNofTabs is strictly only necessary to decrease the number of tabs. Pre nofTabs >= 0 Post tv.NofTabs() = nofTabs PROCEDURE (tv: View) NofTabs (): INTEGER, NEW; NEW Retruns the number of tabs in tv. Post Returned value >= 0 PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetIndex (i: INTEGER) NEW Sets the current tab in tv, updates the view. The notifier is not called when tabs are changed by a call to SetIndex. Pre i >= 0 i < tv.NofTabs() Post tv.Index() = i PROCEDURE (tv: View) Index (): INTEGER NEW Returns the index of the currently selected tab. The index is updated whenever a user clicks on a tab or whenever SetIndex is called. Post Returned value is >= 0 and < tv.NofTabs() PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetNotifier (IN notifier: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Sets the notifier of tv to be notifier. notifier = "" is permitted and it is interpreted as meaning that tv has no notifer. For more information about notifiers, see the chapter About Notifiers above. PROCEDURE (tv: View) GetNotifier (OUT notifier: Dialog.String) NEW Sets notifier to the value of the notifier of tv. notifer is the empty string if tv doesn't have a notifier. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory type for StdTabViews.View. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): View NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new View. TYPE NotifierProc = PROCEDURE (tv: View; from, to: INTEGER) StdTabViews notification commands must have this signature. Through calls of notification procedures, an application can be notified when the selected tab of a StdTabViews.View is changed due to user interaction. The parameters have the following meaning: tv = the StdTabViews.View where the tab was changed. from = the selected tab before the change. Has the value noTab when the notifier is called from Internalize. to = the new selected tab. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory dir # NIL & stdDir # NIL Directories for creating StdTabViews.Views. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Set directory. PROCEDURE Deposit Allocate a new View using dir.New, adds two tabs to it and deposits it. PROCEDURE This (v: Views.View): View Traverserses view v and all its contained views (if any) and returns the first StdTabViews.View that is found. If no StdTabViews.View is found then NIL is returned. Pre v # NIL PROCEDURE Focus (): View Searches for a StdTabViews.View along the focus path. If one is found it is returned, if not NIL is returned. If more than one StdTabViews.View exists in the focus path it is undefinied which one will be returned. PROCEDURE BeginChanges (tv: View) Disables update of tv until a subsequent call to EndChanges. Each call to BeginChanges must be balanced by a call to EndChanges, otherwise a trap will occur (in StdTabViews.BalanceAction.Do). The calls may be nested. BeginChanges and EndChanges are provided to make it possible to do several changes to a StdTabViews.View without intermediate updates. Pre Number of calls to BeginChanges >= Number of calls to EndChanges, 20 PROCEDURE EndChanges (tv: View) Enables update for tv again after a call to BeginChanges. Pre Number of calls to BeginChanges > Number of calls to EndChanges, 20 The following types, variables and procedures are only used internally to handle frames of StdTabViews: TYPE Frame = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (StdCFrames.Frame) TYPE FrameDirectory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD VAR frameDir-, frameStdDir-: FrameDirectory PROCEDURE SetFrameDir (d: FrameDirectory) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) GetDispSize (OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (f: Frame) InDispArea (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SetIndex (i: INTEGER), NEW PROCEDURE (d: FrameDirectory) GetTabSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (d: FrameDirectory) New (): Frame, NEW, ABSTRACT The following types, variables and procedures are only used for the property inspector of the StdTabViews.View: VAR dlg: RECORD name, notifier: Dialog.String; opt: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE AddTab PROCEDURE Delete PROCEDURE DeleteGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE InitDialog PROCEDURE LabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE LayoutModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Left PROCEDURE MaskModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ModeNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE NewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE NotifierGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE Rename PROCEDURE RenameGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE Right PROCEDURE SetGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE SetNotifier The following variable is only used internally: VAR setFocus: BOOLEAN
PROCEDURE Autosave (v: Views.View; IN location, fname: Files.Name); Autosave before close is implemented using: BeforeCloseMsg = RECORD (Sequencers.Message) CloseHookDesc.Close sends a msg: BeforeCloseMsg via Sequencer.Notify SeqNotifier = RECORD (Sequencers.Notifier) processes BeforeCloseMsg PROCEDURE Autosave installs an n: SeqNotifier into a view's sequencer So, when (any) window is about to be closed, the notification is sent to it's sequencer, and if a notifier is installed, it processes the notification and autosaves the window's view. This infrastructure actually allows arbitrary views to be autosaved before close.
StdViewSizer DEFINITION StdViewSizer; IMPORT Dialog; VAR size: RECORD typeName-: Dialog.String; w, h: REAL END; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE SetViewSize; PROCEDURE SizeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE UnitGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END StdViewSizer. StdViewSizer is a command package allowing the user to resize views embedded in containers by specifying width and height as numbers. This is useful whenever dragging view borders with the mouse is not precise enough. The command package works on any singleton view. For entry in a menu, the following line is recommended: "View Size..." "" "StdViewSizer.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/ViewSizer', 'View Size')" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" VAR size: RECORD Interactor for setting the view size. typeName-: Dialog.String Type of the current singleton view. w: INTEGER View width in cm or inch, depending on the value of Dialog.metricSystem. h: INTEGER View height in cm or inch, depending on the value of Dialog.metricSystem. PROCEDURE InitDialog Initialization command for size interactor. PROCEDURE SetViewSize Applies the interactor values in size. To set up size to the selected view, InitDialog needs to be called first. PROCEDURE SizeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard which ensures that the size interactor matches the current singleton selection. If there is no singleton selection, the guard disables. PROCEDURE UnitGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard that sets par.label to "cm" or "inch" respectively, depending on the value of Dialog.metricSystem.
MODULE StdApi; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20070430, mf, OpenBrowser: allowDuplicates parameter set to FALSE in call to StdDialog.Open - 20080317, mf, OpenBrowser: allowDuplicates parameter set to TRUE in call to StdDialog.Open - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150329, center #34, fixing the reuse of open documents - 20151201, center #88, support for localizable documentation - 20150114, center #93, Opening a Form with a Tab View - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 20200120, dia, remember converter for files opened in browser mode " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Views, Files, Dialog, Converters, Windows, Sequencers, Stores, Meta, Librarian, Containers, StdDialog, Documents, Strings; VAR modeHook*: PROCEDURE(c: Containers.Controller); (* for setting nested forms to the container's mode *) (* Auxiliary procedures *) PROCEDURE CheckQualident (VAR str, mod, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT ch := str[i]; mod[i] := ch; INC(i) UNTIL (i = LEN(str)) OR (i = LEN(mod)) OR ~Strings.IsIdent(ch); IF ch = "." THEN mod[i - 1] := 0X; j := 0; REPEAT ch := str[i]; name[j] := ch; INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL (i = LEN(str)) OR (j = LEN(name)) OR ~Strings.IsIdent(ch); IF ch # 0X THEN mod[0] := 0X; name[0] := 0X END ELSE mod[0] := 0X; name[0] := 0X END END CheckQualident; PROCEDURE FileExists (loc: Files.Locator; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR fi: Files.FileInfo; BEGIN fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE (fi # NIL) & (fi.name # name) DO fi := fi.next END; RETURN fi # NIL END FileExists; PROCEDURE PathToSpec (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name; useLang: BOOLEAN); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; nameUpper, fn: Files.Name; langParent: Files.Locator; BEGIN i := 0; j := 0; loc := Files.dir.This(""); langParent := NIL; WHILE (loc.res = 0) & (i < LEN(path) - 1) & (j < LEN(name) - 1) & (path[i] # 0X) DO ch := path[i]; INC(i); IF (j > 0) & ((ch = "/") OR (ch = "\")) THEN name[j] := 0X; j := 0; IF (loc = langParent) & (name = Dialog.defaultLanguage) THEN langParent := NIL (* map ".../Docu/en/..." to ".../Docu/..." *) ELSE loc := loc.This(name) END; IF useLang & (langParent = NIL) THEN Strings.ToUpper(name, nameUpper); IF nameUpper = "DOCU" THEN langParent := loc END END ELSE name[j] := ch; INC(j) END END; IF path[i] = 0X THEN name[j] := 0X; IF (loc = langParent) & (Dialog.language # "") & (Dialog.language # Dialog.defaultLanguage) THEN (* use Dialog.language *) loc := loc.This(Dialog.language); fn := name; Files.dir.GetFileName(fn, Files.docType, fn); IF ~FileExists(loc, fn) THEN loc := langParent ELSE loc.res := 0 END; END ELSE loc.res := 1; name := "" END END PathToSpec; PROCEDURE ThisDialog (dialog: ARRAY OF CHAR; useLang: BOOLEAN): Views.View; VAR fname, submod, sub, mod: Files.Name; canCreate: BOOLEAN; conv: Converters.Converter; loc: Files.Locator; file: Files.File; v: Views.View; s: Stores.Store; var: Meta.Item; BEGIN ASSERT(dialog # "", 20); v := NIL; file := NIL; canCreate := FALSE; CheckQualident(dialog, submod, fname); IF submod # "" THEN (* is qualident *) Meta.LookupPath(dialog, var); IF var.obj = Meta.varObj THEN (* variable exists *) canCreate := TRUE; Librarian.lib.SplitName(submod, sub, mod); loc := Files.dir.This(sub); IF loc.res = 0 THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(fname, Files.docType, fname); loc := loc.This("Rsrc"); IF loc.res = 0 THEN file := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, Files.shared) END; END END END; IF (file = NIL) & ~canCreate THEN (* try file name *) PathToSpec(dialog, loc, fname, useLang); IF loc.res = 0 THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(fname, Files.docType, fname); file := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, Files.shared) END END; IF file # NIL THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(fname, Files.docType, fname); conv := NIL; Converters.Import(loc, fname, conv, s); IF s # NIL THEN v := s(Views.View) END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", dialog, "", "") END; RETURN v END ThisDialog; PROCEDURE ThisMask (param: ARRAY OF CHAR; useLang: BOOLEAN): Views.View; VAR v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN v := ThisDialog(param, useLang); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: Containers.View DO c := v.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection}); IF modeHook # NIL THEN modeHook(c) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NotEditable") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:ContainerExpected") END END; RETURN v END ThisMask; (* Interface procedures *) PROCEDURE CloseDialog* (OUT closedView: Views.View); CONST canClose = {Windows.neverDirty, Windows.isTool, Windows.isAux}; VAR w: Windows.Window; msg: Sequencers.CloseMsg; BEGIN closedView := NIL; w := Windows.dir.First(); IF w # NIL THEN IF w.sub THEN closedView := w.frame.view; Windows.dir.Close(w); ELSIF (w.flags * canClose = {}) & w.seq.Dirty() THEN Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:CannotCloseDirtyWindow") ELSE msg.sticky := FALSE; w.seq.Notify(msg); IF ~msg.sticky THEN closedView := w.frame.view; Windows.dir.Close(w) END END END END CloseDialog; PROCEDURE OpenAux* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; t: Views.Title; BEGIN PathToSpec(file, loc, name, FALSE); IF loc.res = 0 THEN loc.res := 77; v := Views.OldView(loc, name); loc.res := 0; IF v # NIL THEN t := title$; Views.OpenAux(v, t) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END END OpenAux; PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); VAR t0: Views.Title; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(title, t0); Windows.SelectByTitle(NIL, {Windows.isAux}, t0, done); IF ~done THEN v := ThisMask(file, TRUE); IF v # NIL THEN StdDialog.Open(v, title, NIL, "", NIL, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) END END END OpenAuxDialog; (* Opening a file in 'Browser' mode is used mainly for online help files. In that case, but also in others, it is convenient to bring an existing window to the front in case the same file is browsed again. This behavior is the same as with opening a file as a normal window. In order to be able to browse and edit at the same time, i.e. in two different domains, the isAux flag is used to distinguish between both. *) PROCEDURE OpenBrowser* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; t: Views.Title; c: Containers.Controller; w: Windows.Window; conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN PathToSpec(file, loc, name, TRUE); IF loc.res = 0 THEN w := Windows.GetBySpec(loc, name, Converters.list, {Windows.isAux}); IF w # NIL THEN (* bring to front; avoid re-loading the document *) Windows.dir.Select(w, Windows.lazy); v := w.doc.ThisView(); ELSE (* load document and open reusable aux window in Browser mode *) loc.res := 77; v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, conv); loc.res := 0; IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: Containers.View DO c := v.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} + {Containers.noCaret}) END ELSE END; t := title$; StdDialog.Open(v, t, loc, name, conv, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END END OpenBrowser; PROCEDURE OpenDoc* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN PathToSpec(file, loc, name, FALSE); IF loc.res = 0 THEN conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, conv); IF loc.res = 78 THEN loc := NIL; name := "" END; (* stationery *) IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, conv) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END END OpenDoc; PROCEDURE OpenCopyOf* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN PathToSpec(file, loc, name, FALSE); IF loc.res = 0 THEN conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, conv); IF loc.res = 78 THEN loc := NIL; name := "" END; (* stationary *) IF v # NIL THEN IF v.context # NIL THEN v := Views.CopyOf(v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc(), Views.deep); Stores.InitDomain(v) ELSE v := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep) END; Views.Open(v, NIL, "", conv) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END END OpenCopyOf; PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View); VAR t0: Views.Title; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(title, t0); Windows.SelectByTitle(NIL, {Windows.isTool}, t0, done); IF ~done THEN v := ThisMask(file, FALSE); IF v # NIL THEN StdDialog.Open(v, title, NIL, "", NIL, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) END END END OpenToolDialog; END StdApi.
MODULE StdCFrames; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20230116, k8, changed signature of `KeyDown()` — added `modifiers` - 20230209, k8, added `ForceUpdate()` method, and `pressed` field " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Views, Dates, Dialog; CONST lineUp* = 0; lineDown* = 1; pageUp* = 2; pageDown* = 3; TYPE Frame* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.Frame) disabled*, undef*, readOnly*, noRedraw*: BOOLEAN; font*: Fonts.Font; pressed*: BOOLEAN END; PushButton* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; default*, cancel*: BOOLEAN; Do*: PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) END; CheckBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; Get*: PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox; OUT on: BOOLEAN); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox; on: BOOLEAN) END; RadioButton* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; Get*: PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton; OUT on: BOOLEAN); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton; on: BOOLEAN) END; ScrollBar* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) Track*: PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar; dir: INTEGER; VAR pos: INTEGER); Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar; OUT size, sect, pos: INTEGER); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar; pos: INTEGER) END; Field* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) maxLen*: INTEGER; (* max num of characters in field (w/o 0X) *) left*, right*, multiLine*, password*: BOOLEAN; Get*: PROCEDURE (f: Field; OUT string: ARRAY OF CHAR); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: Field; IN string: ARRAY OF CHAR); Equal*: PROCEDURE (f: Field; IN s1, s2: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN END; UpDownField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) min*, max*, inc*: INTEGER; Get*: PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField; OUT val: INTEGER); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField; val: INTEGER) END; DateField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) Get*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; OUT date: Dates.Date); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; IN date: Dates.Date); GetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; OUT sel: INTEGER); SetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; sel: INTEGER) END; TimeField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) Get*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; OUT date: Dates.Time); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; IN date: Dates.Time); GetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; OUT sel: INTEGER); SetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; sel: INTEGER) END; ColorField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ColorField; OUT col: INTEGER); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ColorField; col: INTEGER) END; ListBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) sorted*: BOOLEAN; Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ListBox; OUT i: INTEGER); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ListBox; i: INTEGER); GetName*: PROCEDURE (f: ListBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR) END; SelectionBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) sorted*: BOOLEAN; Get*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; i: INTEGER; OUT in: BOOLEAN); Incl*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER); Excl*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER); GetName*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR) END; ComboBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) sorted*: BOOLEAN; Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox; OUT string: ARRAY OF CHAR); Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox; IN string: ARRAY OF CHAR); GetName*: PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR) END; Caption* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; left*, right*: BOOLEAN; END; Group* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR END; TreeFrame* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame) sorted*, haslines*, hasbuttons*, atroot*, foldericons*: BOOLEAN; NofNodes*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame): INTEGER; Child*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode; Parent*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode; Next*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode; Select*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode); Selected*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame): Dialog.TreeNode; SetExpansion*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; tn: Dialog.TreeNode; expanded: BOOLEAN) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; VAR setFocus*: BOOLEAN; defaultFont*, defaultLightFont*: Fonts.Font; dir-, stdDir-: Directory; (** Frame **) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) MouseDown* (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) WheelMove* (x, y: INTEGER; op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; (* signature extended: added `modifiers` *) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) KeyDown* (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Restore* (l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) UpdateList*, NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Mark* (on, focus: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Edit* (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) GetCursor* (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; (* schedule the redraw *) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Update*, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; root: Views.RootFrame; BEGIN (* k8: added this guard, so i can call `Update^` without annoying checks *) IF f.view # NIL THEN l := f.l + f.gx; t := f.t + f.gy; r := f.r + f.gx; b := f.b + f.gy; root := Views.UltimateRootOf(f); Views.UpdateRoot(root, l, t, r, b, Views.keepFrames) (* Views.ValidateRoot(root) *) END END Update; (* perform the immediate redraw; used in mouse tracking for buttons, etc. *) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) ForceUpdate*, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; root: Views.RootFrame; BEGIN IF f.view # NIL THEN l := f.l + f.gx; t := f.t + f.gy; r := f.r + f.gx; b := f.b + f.gy; root := Views.UltimateRootOf(f); Views.RestoreRoot(root, l, t, r, b) END END ForceUpdate; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DblClickOk* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END DblClickOk; (* this is used internally in StdCFramesGuts to notify about closing a popup *) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) PopupClosed* (popup: ANYPTR), NEW, EMPTY; (** Field **) PROCEDURE (f: Field) Idle* (), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Field) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Field) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Field) Length* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Field) GetCursor* (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN cursor := Ports.textCursor END GetCursor; (** UpDownField **) PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Idle*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) GetCursor* (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN cursor := Ports.textCursor END GetCursor; (** SelectionBox **) PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) UpdateRange* (op, from, to: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN f.Update END UpdateRange; (** ComboBox **) PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Idle* (), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Length* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* TreeFrame **) PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) GetSize* (OUT w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetPushButtonSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCheckBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetRadioButtonSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetScrollBarSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetFieldSize* (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetUpDownFieldSize* (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetDateFieldSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTimeFieldSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetColorFieldSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetListBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetSelectionBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetComboBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCaptionSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetGroupSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTreeFrameSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewPushButton* (): PushButton, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCheckBox* (): CheckBox, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewRadioButton* (): RadioButton, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewScrollBar* (): ScrollBar, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewField* (): Field, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewUpDownField* (): UpDownField, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewDateField* (): DateField, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTimeField* (): TimeField, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewColorField* (): ColorField, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewListBox* (): ListBox, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewSelectionBox* (): SelectionBox, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewComboBox* (): ComboBox, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCaption* (): Caption, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewGroup* (): Group, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTreeFrame* (): TreeFrame, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d; IF stdDir = NIL THEN stdDir := d END END SetDir; BEGIN setFocus := FALSE END StdCFrames.
MODULE StdClocks; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dates, Math, Domains := Stores, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Services, Properties, TextModels; CONST minSize = 25 * Ports.point; niceSize = 42 * Ports.point; minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; TYPE StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) time: Dates.Time END; TickAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; Msg = RECORD (Models.Message) consumed: BOOLEAN; time: Dates.Time END; VAR clockTime: Dates.Time; action: TickAction; actionIsAlive: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Cos (r, g: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(r * Math.Cos(2 * Math.Pi() * g / 60) + 0.5)) END Cos; PROCEDURE Sin (r, g: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(r * Math.Sin(2 * Math.Pi() * g / 60) + 0.5)) END Sin; PROCEDURE (a: TickAction) Do; VAR msg: Msg; time: Dates.Time; BEGIN Dates.GetTime(time); IF clockTime.second = time.second THEN Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2) ELSE clockTime := time; msg.consumed := FALSE; msg.time := time; Views.Omnicast(msg); IF msg.consumed THEN Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2) ELSE actionIsAlive := FALSE END END END Do; (* View *) PROCEDURE DrawTick (f: Views.Frame; m, d0, d1, s, g: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color); BEGIN f.DrawLine(m + Sin(d0, g), m - Cos(d0, g), m + Sin(d1, g), m - Cos(d1, g), s, c) END DrawTick; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteByte(9) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; format: BYTE; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, thisVersion); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadByte(format); v.time.second := -1 END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: StdView DO v.time.second := -1 END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; color: Ports.Color; time: Dates.Time; i, m, d, u, hs, hd1, ms, md1, ss, sd0, sd1, w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~actionIsAlive THEN actionIsAlive := TRUE; Services.DoLater(action, Services.now) END; IF v.time.second = -1 THEN Dates.GetTime(v.time) END; c := v.context; c.GetSize(w, h); WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); color := a.color ELSE color := Ports.defaultColor END; u := f.unit; d := h DIV u * u; IF ~ODD(d DIV u) THEN DEC(d, u) END; m := (h - u) DIV 2; IF d >= niceSize - 2 * Ports.point THEN hs := 3 * u; ms := 3 * u; ss := u; hd1 := m * 4 DIV 6; md1 := m * 5 DIV 6; sd0 := -(m DIV 6); sd1 := m - 4 * u; i := 0; WHILE i < 12 DO DrawTick(f, m, m * 11 DIV 12, m, u, i * 5, color); INC(i) END ELSE hd1 := m * 2 DIV 4; hs := u; ms := u; ss := u; md1 := m * 3 DIV 4; sd0 := 0; sd1 := 3 * u END; time := v.time; f.DrawOval(0, 0, d, d, u, color); DrawTick(f, m, 0, m * 4 DIV 6, hs, time.hour MOD 12 * 5 + time.minute DIV 12, color); DrawTick(f, m, 0, md1, ms, time.minute, color); DrawTick(f, m, sd0, sd1, ss, time.second, color) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Msg DO msg.consumed := TRUE; IF v.time.second # msg.time.second THEN (* execute only once per view *) Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); v.time := msg.time END ELSE END END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE SizePref (v: StdView; VAR p: Properties.SizePref); BEGIN IF (p.w > Views.undefined) & (p.h > Views.undefined) THEN Properties.ProportionalConstraint(1, 1, p.fixedW, p.fixedH, p.w, p.h); IF p.w < minSize THEN p.w := minSize; p.h := minSize END ELSE p.w := niceSize; p.h := niceSize END END SizePref; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO SizePref(v, msg) ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (** allocation **) PROCEDURE New* (): Views.View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN NEW(v); v.time.second := -1; RETURN v END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(New()) END Deposit; BEGIN clockTime.second := -1; NEW(action); actionIsAlive := FALSE CLOSE IF actionIsAlive THEN Services.RemoveAction(action) END END StdClocks.
MODULE StdCmds; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, A.A. Dmitriev, I.A. Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20200311, Temirgaleev IE, result of Open procedures " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Meta, Files, Converters, Printers, Printing, Fonts, Ports, Services, Stores, Sequencers, Models, Views, Controllers, Containers, Properties, Dialog, Documents, Windows, Strings, StdDialog, StdApi; CONST illegalSizeKey = "#System:IllegalFontSize"; defaultAllocator = "TextViews.Deposit; StdCmds.Open"; (* wType, hType *) fix = 0; page = 1; window = 2; (* DirtyHook.Do: action *) default* = 0; defer* = 1; save* = 2; cancel* = 3; close* = 4; (* hints *) expDoc = 1; (* imported view should be stored as document *) TYPE DirtyHook* = PROCEDURE (w: Windows.Window; OUT action: INTEGER); ClipboardHook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; Param* = POINTER TO RECORD dirtyHook*: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; clearSeqOnSave*: BOOLEAN; proc: DirtyHook; InitDefaults-, Init-: PROCEDURE (a: ANYPTR); END; OpenAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.GetAction) END; OpenCopyAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.GetAction) END; SaveAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.GetAction) w: Windows.Window; rename: BOOLEAN; v: Views.View; END; SaveAsAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.GetAction) v: Views.View; END; VAR size*: RECORD size*: INTEGER END; layout*: RECORD wType*, hType*: INTEGER; width*, height*: REAL; doc: Documents.Document; u: INTEGER END; allocator*: Dialog.String; propEra: INTEGER; (* (propEra, props) form cache for StdProps() *) props: Properties.StdProp; (* valid iff propEra = Props.era *) prop: Properties.Property; (* usef for copy/paste properties *) stdDirtyHook*: DirtyHook; clipboardHook*: ClipboardHook; exitHook*: PROCEDURE; objectMenuGuard*: PROCEDURE (VAR par: Dialog.Par); specHook: Views.GetSpecHook; result*: INTEGER; (* 0 - last OpenXXX successful, 1 - last OpenXXX failed *) param*: Param; PROCEDURE (h: ClipboardHook) Register* (v: Views.View; wid, hei: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: ClipboardHook) Paste*, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* auxiliary procedures *) PROCEDURE SetGetSpecHook* (h: Views.GetSpecHook); BEGIN specHook := h END SetGetSpecHook; PROCEDURE StdProp (): Properties.StdProp; BEGIN IF propEra # Properties.era THEN Properties.CollectStdProp(props); propEra := Properties.era END; RETURN props END StdProp; PROCEDURE Append (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR len, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN len := LEN(s); i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; j := 0; REPEAT ch := t[j]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (i = len); s[len - 1] := 0X END Append; (* standard commands *) PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN StdApi.OpenAuxDialog(file, title, v); IF v = NIL THEN result := 1 ELSE result := 0 END END OpenAuxDialog; PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN StdApi.OpenToolDialog(file, title, v); IF v = NIL THEN result := 1 ELSE result := 0 END END OpenToolDialog; PROCEDURE OpenDoc* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN StdApi.OpenDoc(file, v); IF v = NIL THEN result := 1 ELSE result := 0 END END OpenDoc; PROCEDURE OpenCopyOf* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN StdApi.OpenCopyOf(file, v); IF v = NIL THEN result := 1 ELSE result := 0 END END OpenCopyOf; PROCEDURE OpenAux* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN StdApi.OpenAux(file, title, v); IF v = NIL THEN result := 1 ELSE result := 0 END END OpenAux; PROCEDURE OpenBrowser* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN StdApi.OpenBrowser(file, title, v); IF v = NIL THEN result := 1 ELSE result := 0 END END OpenBrowser; PROCEDURE CloseDialog*; (** CloseDialog will ONLY close "dialog" windows (aux, tool, neverdirty) or clean docs. It does NOT provide the user with a dialog to save a dirty document and therefore does NOT save dirty documents. It is used in form commands, so this probably was it's initial purpose. *) VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN StdApi.CloseDialog(v) END CloseDialog; PROCEDURE SaveConvByName (IN name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter); VAR i, len: INTEGER; type: Files.Type; BEGIN len := LEN(name$); type := ""; conv := NIL; i := len; WHILE (i > 0) & (name[i] # ".") DO DEC(i) END; IF i > 0 THEN Strings.Extract(name,i+1,len-i,type); conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & ~( (conv.exp # "") & (conv.fileType = type) ) DO conv := conv.next END END END SaveConvByName; PROCEDURE OpenConvByName (IN name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter); VAR i, len: INTEGER; type: Files.Type; BEGIN len := LEN(name$); type := ""; i := len; WHILE (i > 0) & (name[i] # ".") DO DEC(i) END; IF i > 0 THEN Strings.Extract(name,i+1,len-i,type); conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & ~( (conv.imp # "") & (conv.fileType = type) ) DO conv := conv.next END END; IF (i <= 0) OR (conv = NIL) THEN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & ~(Converters.importAll IN conv.opts) DO conv := conv.next END END END OpenConvByName; PROCEDURE SaveConvByType (IN type: Files.Type; VAR conv: Converters.Converter); BEGIN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & ~( (conv.exp # "") & (conv.fileType = type) ) DO conv := conv.next END END SaveConvByType; PROCEDURE OpenConvByType (IN type: Files.Type; VAR conv: Converters.Converter); BEGIN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & ~( (conv.imp # "") & (conv.fileType = type) ) DO conv := conv.next END END OpenConvByType; PROCEDURE ExOpen (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter); (** open an existing document or view (ex HostCmds.Open) **) VAR v: Views.View; s: Stores.Store; w: Windows.Window; BEGIN (* w := Windows.GetBySpec(loc, name, conv, {}); *) w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE (w # NIL) & ((w.loc = NIL) OR (w.name = "") OR (w.loc.res = 77) OR ~Files.dir.SameFile(loc, name, w.loc, w.name) OR (w.conv # conv)) DO w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END; IF w # NIL THEN s := w.doc ELSE Converters.Import(loc, name, conv, s); IF s # NIL THEN StdDialog.RecalcView(s(Views.View)) END END; IF s # NIL THEN v := s(Views.View); IF (conv # NIL) & (expDoc IN conv.opts) THEN conv := NIL END; Views.Open(v, loc, name, conv) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FailedToOpen", name, "", "") END END ExOpen; PROCEDURE (a: OpenAction) Do; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN IF ~a.cancel THEN loc := a.loc; name := a.name; IF a.converterName # "" THEN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # a.converterName) DO conv := conv.next END ELSE IF (a.type = "") OR (a.type = "*") THEN OpenConvByName(name, conv) ELSE OpenConvByType(a.type$, conv) END END; ExOpen(loc, name, conv); END END Do; PROCEDURE OpenDialog*; (* for replace HostCmds.Open *) (** open an existing document or view **) VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; action: OpenAction; BEGIN loc := NIL; name := ""; conv := NIL; IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows THEN specHook.GetIntSpec(loc, name, conv); IF loc # NIL THEN ExOpen(loc, name, conv); END ELSE NEW(action); action.title := "#Std:Open..."; Dialog.GetIntLocName("", loc, action); END END OpenDialog; PROCEDURE (a: OpenCopyAction) Do; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; v: Views.View; BEGIN IF ~a.cancel THEN loc := a.loc; name := a.name; IF a.converterName # "" THEN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # a.converterName) DO conv := conv.next END ELSE IF (a.type = "") OR (a.type = "*") THEN OpenConvByName(name, conv) ELSE OpenConvByType(a.type$, conv) END END; (* HostCmds.OpenCopyOf *) v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, conv); IF v # NIL THEN IF v.context # NIL THEN v := Views.CopyOf(v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc(), Views.deep); Stores.InitDomain(v) ELSE v := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep) END; Views.Open(v, NIL, "", conv) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FailedToOpen", name, "", "") END END END Do; PROCEDURE OpenCopyOfDialog*; (* for replace HostCmds.OpenCopyOf *) VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; v: Views.View; action: OpenCopyAction; BEGIN loc := NIL; IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows THEN (* HostCmds.OpenCopyOf *) v := Views.Old(Views.ask, loc, name, conv); IF v # NIL THEN IF v.context # NIL THEN v := Views.CopyOf(v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc(), Views.deep); Stores.InitDomain(v) ELSE v := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep) END; Views.Open(v, NIL, "", conv) END ELSE NEW(action); action.loc := loc; action.title := "#Std:Open As Copy..."; Dialog.GetIntLocName("", loc, action); END END OpenCopyOfDialog; PROCEDURE (a: SaveAction) Do; VAR title: Views.Title; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; conv: Converters.Converter; len, i: INTEGER; w: Windows.Window; rename: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF ~a.cancel THEN name := a.name; IF (a.type # "") & (a.type # "*") THEN Strings.Find(name, ".", 0, i); IF i = -1 THEN name := name + "." + a.type END END; IF a.converterName # "" THEN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.exp # a.converterName) DO conv := conv.next END END; IF conv = NIL THEN IF (a.type = "") OR (a.type = "*") THEN SaveConvByName(name, conv) ELSE SaveConvByType(a.type$, conv) END END; IF conv = NIL THEN conv := Converters.list END; loc := a.loc; w := a.w; v := a.v; rename := a.rename; Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saving"); Converters.Export(loc, name, conv, v); IF loc.res = 0 THEN IF w.seq.Dirty() THEN IF param.clearSeqOnSave THEN (* clear sequencer *) w.seq.BeginModification(Sequencers.notUndoable, NIL); w.seq.EndModification(Sequencers.notUndoable, NIL); END; w.seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END; IF rename THEN len := MIN(LEN(name$), LEN(Views.Title) - 1); Strings.Extract(name, 0, len, title); IF len = LEN(Views.Title) - 1 THEN title[len - 1] := "."; title[len - 2] := "."; title[len - 3] := "." END; w.SetTitle(title); w.SetSpec(loc, name, conv) END; w.SetTitle(title); w.SetSpec(loc, name, conv); Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saved") ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Failed") END; Kernel.Cleanup END END Do; PROCEDURE SaveWindow (w: Windows.Window; rename: BOOLEAN); VAR title: Views.Title; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; conv: Converters.Converter; len: INTEGER; action: SaveAction; BEGIN IF (w # NIL) & (rename OR ~(Windows.neverDirty IN w.flags)) THEN v := w.doc.OriginalView(); loc := w.loc; name := w.name$; conv := w.conv; IF name = "" THEN Dialog.MapString("#System:untitled", name) END; IF (loc = NIL) OR (loc.res = 77) OR (conv # NIL) & (conv.exp = "") THEN rename := TRUE END; IF (Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows) OR ~rename THEN IF rename THEN specHook.GetExtSpec(v, loc, name, conv) END; IF loc # NIL THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saving"); Converters.Export(loc, name, conv, v); IF loc.res = 0 THEN IF w.seq.Dirty() THEN IF param.clearSeqOnSave THEN (* clear sequencer *) w.seq.BeginModification(Sequencers.notUndoable, NIL); w.seq.EndModification(Sequencers.notUndoable, NIL); END; w.seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END; IF rename THEN len := MIN(LEN(name$), LEN(Views.Title) - 1); Strings.Extract(name, 0, len, title); IF len = LEN(Views.Title) - 1 THEN title[len - 1] := "."; title[len - 2] := "."; title[len - 3] := "." END; w.SetTitle(title); w.SetSpec(loc, name, conv) END; Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saved") ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Failed") END END; Kernel.Cleanup ELSE NEW(action); IF conv # NIL THEN action.selectConverter := conv.exp ELSE action.selectConverter := Converters.list.exp END; action.v := v; action.w := w; action.rename := rename; IF rename THEN action.title := "#Std:Save As..." ELSE action.title := "#Std:Save..." END; Dialog.GetExtLocName(name, "", loc, action); END END END SaveWindow; PROCEDURE SaveDialog*; (* to replace HostCmds.Save *) (** save document shown in target window under old name **) VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF w # NIL THEN SaveWindow(w, FALSE) END END SaveDialog; PROCEDURE SaveAsDialog*; (* to replace HostCmds.SaveAs *) (** save document shown in target window under new name **) VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF w # NIL THEN SaveWindow(w, TRUE) END END SaveAsDialog; PROCEDURE (a: SaveAsAction) Do; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; conv: Converters.Converter; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~a.cancel THEN name := a.name; IF (a.type # "") & (a.type # "*") THEN Strings.Find(name, ".", 0, i); IF i = -1 THEN name := name + "." + a.type END END; IF a.converterName # "" THEN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.exp # a.converterName) DO conv := conv.next END END; IF conv = NIL THEN IF (a.type = "") OR (a.type = "*") THEN SaveConvByName(name, conv) ELSE SaveConvByType(a.type$, conv) END END; IF conv = NIL THEN conv := Converters.list END; loc := a.loc; v := a.v; Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saving"); Converters.Export(loc, name, conv, v); IF loc.res = 0 THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saved") ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Failed") END; Kernel.Cleanup END END Do; PROCEDURE SaveCopyAsDialog*; (* to replace HostCmds.SaveCopyAs *) (** save copy of document shown in target window under new name **) VAR w: Windows.Window; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; conv: Converters.Converter; action: SaveAsAction; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF w # NIL THEN v := w.doc.OriginalView(); loc := w.loc; name := w.name$; conv := w.conv; IF name = "" THEN Dialog.MapString("#System:untitled", name) END; IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows THEN specHook.GetExtSpec(v, loc, name, conv); IF loc # NIL THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saving"); Converters.Export(loc, name, conv, v); IF loc.res = 0 THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Saved") ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:Failed") END END; Kernel.Cleanup ELSE NEW(action); IF conv # NIL THEN action.selectConverter := conv.exp ELSE action.selectConverter := Converters.list.exp END; action.v := v; action.title := "#Std:Save Copy As..."; Dialog.GetExtLocName(name, "", loc, action) END END END SaveCopyAsDialog; PROCEDURE GuardedClose* (w: Windows.Window; OUT cancelled, deferred: BOOLEAN); (* cancelled: the user cancelled closing of w process (possibly by clicking Cancel button); if closing w was part of closing a sequence of windows, the closing of the sequence is thus also cancelled deferred: the closing of w was deferred (possibly by asking the user a non-modal question *) VAR msg: Sequencers.CloseMsg; action: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); cancelled := TRUE; deferred := FALSE; IF w.sub THEN Windows.dir.Close(w) ELSE msg.sticky := FALSE; w.seq.Notify(msg); IF msg.sticky THEN cancelled := TRUE; deferred := FALSE ELSE IF w.seq.Dirty() & ~(Windows.neverDirty IN w.flags) THEN (* here you actually involve a dirty close dialog hook *) IF param.proc # NIL THEN param.proc(w, action) ELSE action := default END; ASSERT(stdDirtyHook # NIL, 38); IF action = default THEN stdDirtyHook(w, action) END; IF action = defer THEN cancelled := FALSE; deferred := TRUE ELSIF action = save THEN deferred := FALSE; SaveWindow(w, FALSE); (* if saving is canceled, document remains dirty *) IF w.seq.Dirty() THEN cancelled := TRUE ELSE Windows.dir.Close(w); cancelled := FALSE END ELSIF action = cancel THEN cancelled := TRUE; deferred := FALSE ELSIF action = close THEN cancelled := FALSE; deferred := FALSE; Windows.dir.Close(w) END ELSE cancelled := FALSE; deferred := FALSE; Windows.dir.Close(w) END END; Kernel.Cleanup END END GuardedClose; PROCEDURE CloseThis* (w: Windows.Window); VAR cancelled_, deferred_: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GuardedClose(w, cancelled_, deferred_) END CloseThis; PROCEDURE CloseTopDialog*; (** close topmost window *) VAR w: Windows.Window; cancelled_, deferred_: BOOLEAN; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); IF w # NIL THEN GuardedClose(w, cancelled_, deferred_) END END CloseTopDialog; PROCEDURE Exit*; VAR prev, w: Windows.Window; deferred, cancelled: BOOLEAN; BEGIN cancelled := FALSE; deferred := FALSE; prev := NIL; REPEAT IF prev = NIL THEN w := Windows.dir.First() ELSE w := Windows.dir.Next(prev) END; IF w # NIL THEN GuardedClose(w, cancelled, deferred); IF w.frame # NIL (* not closed *) THEN prev := w ELSE prev := NIL END END UNTIL (w = NIL) OR cancelled OR deferred; IF (Windows.dir.First() = NIL) & ~cancelled & ~deferred & (exitHook # NIL) THEN exitHook END END Exit; PROCEDURE Open*; VAR i: INTEGER; v: Views.View; BEGIN i := Views.Available(); IF i > 0 THEN Views.Fetch(v); Views.OpenView(v) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:DepositExpected") END END Open; PROCEDURE PasteView*; VAR i: INTEGER; v: Views.View; BEGIN i := Views.Available(); IF i > 0 THEN Views.Fetch(v); Controllers.PasteView(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined, FALSE) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:DepositExpected") END END PasteView; (* file menu commands *) PROCEDURE New*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN Dialog.Call(allocator, " ", res) END New; (* edit menu commands *) PROCEDURE Undo*; VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); IF w # NIL THEN w.seq.Undo; IF ~param.clearSeqOnSave THEN w.seq.SetDirty(TRUE) END END END Undo; PROCEDURE Redo*; VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); IF w # NIL THEN w.seq.Redo; IF ~param.clearSeqOnSave THEN w.seq.SetDirty(TRUE) END END END Redo; PROCEDURE CopyProp*; BEGIN Properties.CollectProp(prop) END CopyProp; PROCEDURE PasteProp*; BEGIN Properties.EmitProp(NIL, prop) END PasteProp; PROCEDURE Clear*; (** remove the selection of the current focus **) VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg; BEGIN msg.op := Controllers.cut; msg.view := NIL; msg.clipboard := FALSE; Controllers.Forward(msg) END Clear; PROCEDURE SelectAll*; (** select whole content of current focus **) VAR msg: Controllers.SelectMsg; BEGIN msg.set := TRUE; Controllers.Forward(msg) END SelectAll; PROCEDURE DeselectAll*; (** select whole content of current focus **) VAR msg: Controllers.SelectMsg; BEGIN msg.set := FALSE; Controllers.Forward(msg) END DeselectAll; PROCEDURE SelectDocument*; (** select whole document **) VAR w: Windows.Window; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.path); IF w # NIL THEN c := w.doc.ThisController(); IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noSelection IN c.opts) & (c.Singleton() = NIL) THEN c.SetSingleton(w.doc.ThisView()) END END END SelectDocument; PROCEDURE SelectNextView*; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noSelection IN c.opts) THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := NIL END; IF v = NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v) ELSE c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v); IF v = NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v) END END; c.SelectAll(FALSE); IF v # NIL THEN c.SetSingleton(v) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTargetFocusFound") END END SelectNextView; (** font menu commands **) PROCEDURE Font* (typeface: Fonts.Typeface); (** set the selection to the given font family **) VAR p: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.typeface}; p.typeface := typeface; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Font; PROCEDURE DefaultFont*; (** set the selection to the default font family **) VAR p: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.typeface}; p.typeface := Fonts.default; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END DefaultFont; (** attributes menu commands **) PROCEDURE Plain*; (** reset the font attribute "weight" and all font style attributes of the selection **) VAR p: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.style, Properties.weight}; p.style.val := {}; p.style.mask := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout}; p.weight := Fonts.normal; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Plain; PROCEDURE Bold*; (** change the font attribute "weight" in the selection; if the selection has a homogeneously bold weight: toggle to normal, else force to bold **) VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p0); NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.weight}; IF (Properties.weight IN p0.valid) & (p0.weight # Fonts.normal) THEN p.weight := Fonts.normal ELSE p.weight := Fonts.bold END; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Bold; PROCEDURE Italic*; (** change the font style attribute "italic" in the selection; if the selection is homogeneous wrt this attribute: toggle, else force to italic **) VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p0); NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.style}; p.style.mask := {Fonts.italic}; IF (Properties.style IN p0.valid) & (Fonts.italic IN p0.style.val) THEN p.style.val := {} ELSE p.style.val := {Fonts.italic} END; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Italic; PROCEDURE Underline*; (** change the font style attribute "underline" in the selection; if the selection is homogeneous wrt this attribute: toggle, else force to underline **) VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p0); NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.style}; p.style.mask := {Fonts.underline}; IF (Properties.style IN p0.valid) & (Fonts.underline IN p0.style.val) THEN p.style.val := {} ELSE p.style.val := {Fonts.underline} END; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Underline; PROCEDURE Strikeout*; (** change the font style attribute "strikeout" in the selection, without changing other attributes; if the selection is homogeneous wrt this attribute: toggle, else force to strikeout **) VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p0); NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.style}; p.style.mask := {Fonts.strikeout}; IF (Properties.style IN p0.valid) & (Fonts.strikeout IN p0.style.val) THEN p.style.val := {} ELSE p.style.val := {Fonts.strikeout} END; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Strikeout; PROCEDURE Size* (size: INTEGER); (** set the selection to the given font size **) VAR p: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.size}; p.size := size * Ports.point; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Size; PROCEDURE SetSize*; VAR p: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN IF (0 <= size.size) & (size.size < 32768) THEN NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.size}; p.size := size.size * Fonts.point; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg(illegalSizeKey) END END SetSize; PROCEDURE InitSizeDialog*; VAR p: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p); IF Properties.size IN p.valid THEN size.size := p.size DIV Fonts.point END END InitSizeDialog; PROCEDURE Color* (color: Ports.Color); (** set the color attributes of the selection **) VAR p: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.color}; p.color.val := color; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Color; PROCEDURE UpdateAll*; (* for HostCmds.Toggle *) VAR w: Windows.Window; pw, ph: INTEGER; dirty: BOOLEAN; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE w # NIL DO IF ~w.sub THEN dirty := w.seq.Dirty(); Models.Domaincast(w.doc.Domain(), msg); IF ~dirty THEN w.seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END (* not perfect: "undoable dirt" ... *) END; HostWindows.Update(w(HostWindows.Window), Views.keepFrames);w.port.GetSize(pw, ph); (* no HostWindows *) w.Restore(0, 0, pw, ph); w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END END UpdateAll; PROCEDURE RestoreAll*; VAR w: Windows.Window; pw, ph: INTEGER; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE w # NIL DO w.port.GetSize(pw, ph); w.Restore(0, 0, pw, ph); w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END END RestoreAll; (** document layout dialog **) PROCEDURE SetLayout*; VAR opts: SET; l, t, r, b, r0, b0: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN c := layout.doc.ThisController(); opts := c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth..Documents.winHeight}; IF layout.wType = page THEN INCL(opts, Documents.pageWidth) ELSIF layout.wType = window THEN INCL(opts, Documents.winWidth) END; IF layout.hType = page THEN INCL(opts, Documents.pageHeight) ELSIF layout.hType = window THEN INCL(opts, Documents.winHeight) END; layout.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); r0 := r; b0 := b; IF layout.wType = fix THEN r := l + SHORT(ENTIER(layout.width * layout.u)) END; IF layout.hType = fix THEN b := t + SHORT(ENTIER(layout.height * layout.u)) END; IF (opts # c.opts) OR (r # r0) OR (b # b0) THEN Views.BeginScript(layout.doc, "#System:ChangeLayout", script); c.SetOpts(opts); layout.doc.SetRect(l, t, r, b); Views.EndScript(layout.doc, script) END END SetLayout; PROCEDURE InitLayoutDialog*; (* guard: WindowGuard *) VAR w: Windows.Window; c: Containers.Controller; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); IF w # NIL THEN layout.doc := w.doc; c := w.doc.ThisController(); IF Documents.pageWidth IN c.opts THEN layout.wType := page ELSIF Documents.winWidth IN c.opts THEN layout.wType := window ELSE layout.wType := fix END; IF Documents.pageHeight IN c.opts THEN layout.hType := page ELSIF Documents.winHeight IN c.opts THEN layout.hType := window ELSE layout.hType := fix END; IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN layout.u := Ports.mm * 10 ELSE layout.u := Ports.inch END; w.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); layout.width := (r - l) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100; layout.height := (b - t) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100 END END InitLayoutDialog; PROCEDURE WidthGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF layout.wType # fix THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END END WidthGuard; PROCEDURE HeightGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF layout.hType # fix THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END END HeightGuard; PROCEDURE TypeNotifier* (op_, from_, to_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; d: BOOLEAN; BEGIN layout.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); IF layout.wType = page THEN layout.doc.PollPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, d) ELSIF layout.wType = window THEN layout.doc.context.GetSize(w, h); r := w - l END; layout.width := (r - l) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100; layout.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); IF layout.hType = page THEN layout.doc.PollPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, d) ELSIF layout.hType = window THEN layout.doc.context.GetSize(w, h); b := h - t END; layout.height := (b - t) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100; Dialog.Update(layout) END TypeNotifier; (** window menu command **) PROCEDURE NewWindow*; (** guard ModelViewGuard **) VAR win: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; v: Views.View; title: Views.Title; seq: ANYPTR; clean: BOOLEAN; BEGIN win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); IF win # NIL THEN v := win.doc.ThisView(); IF v.Domain() # NIL THEN seq := v.Domain().GetSequencer() ELSE seq := NIL END; clean := (seq # NIL) & ~seq(Sequencers.Sequencer).Dirty(); doc := win.doc.DocCopyOf(v); (* Stores.InitDomain(doc, v.Domain()); *) ASSERT(doc.Domain() = v.Domain(), 100); win.GetTitle(title); Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(Windows.dir.New(), doc, win.flags, title); IF clean THEN seq(Sequencers.Sequencer).SetDirty(FALSE) END END END NewWindow; (* properties *) PROCEDURE GetCmd (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch, lch: CHAR; key: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := name[0]; key[0] := "#"; j := 1; REPEAT key[j] := ch; INC(j); lch := ch; INC(i); ch := name[i] UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (ch = ".") OR Strings.IsUpper(ch) & ~Strings.IsUpper(lch); IF ch = "." THEN key := "#System:" + name ELSE key[j] := ":"; INC(j); key[j] := 0X; j := 0; WHILE ch # 0X DO name[j] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := name[i] END; name[j] := 0X; key := key + name END; Dialog.MapString(key, cmd); IF cmd = name THEN cmd := "" END END GetCmd; PROCEDURE SearchCmd (call: BOOLEAN; OUT found: BOOLEAN); VAR p: Properties.Property; std: BOOLEAN; v: Views.View; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; pos, res: INTEGER; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); found := FALSE; IF v # NIL THEN Services.GetTypeName(v, cmd); GetCmd(cmd, cmd); IF cmd # "" THEN found := TRUE; IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END END END; std := FALSE; Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE p # NIL DO IF p IS Properties.StdProp THEN std := TRUE ELSE Services.GetTypeName(p, cmd); GetCmd(cmd, cmd); IF cmd # "" THEN found := TRUE; IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END ELSE Services.GetTypeName(p, cmd); Strings.Find(cmd, "Desc", LEN(cmd$)-4, pos); IF LEN(cmd$)-4 = pos THEN cmd[pos] := 0X; GetCmd(cmd, cmd); IF cmd # "" THEN found := TRUE; IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END END END END END; p := p.next END; IF std & ~found THEN Dialog.MapString("#Std:Properties.StdProp", cmd); IF cmd # "Properties.StdProp" THEN found := TRUE; IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END END END; IF ~found THEN Dialog.MapString("#System:ShowProp", cmd); IF cmd # "ShowProp" THEN found := TRUE; IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END END END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath END SearchCmd; PROCEDURE ShowProp*; VAR found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN SearchCmd(TRUE, found) END ShowProp; PROCEDURE ShowPropGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN SearchCmd(FALSE, found); IF ~found THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END ShowPropGuard; (* container commands *) PROCEDURE ActFocus (): Containers.Controller; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.ThisView(); IF v IS Documents.Document THEN v := v(Documents.Document).ThisView(); IF v IS Containers.View THEN c := v(Containers.View).ThisController() ELSE c := NIL END END END; RETURN c END ActFocus; PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocus*; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := ActFocus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.ThisView(); IF ~((v IS Documents.Document) OR (Containers.noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN IF Containers.noFocus IN c.opts THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus}) ELSE c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noFocus}) END END END END ToggleNoFocus; PROCEDURE OpenAsAuxDialog*; (** create a new sub-window onto the focus view shown in the top window, mask mode **) VAR win: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; v, u: Views.View; title: Views.Title; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) & ~(v IS Documents.Document) THEN win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); ASSERT(win # NIL, 100); doc := win.doc.DocCopyOf(v); u := doc.ThisView(); c := u(Containers.View).ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection}); IF v # win.doc.ThisView() THEN c := doc.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth, Documents.pageHeight} + {Documents.winWidth, Documents.winHeight}) END; (* Stores.InitDomain(doc, v.Domain()); already done in DocCopyOf *) win.GetTitle(title); Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(Windows.dir.New(), doc, {Windows.isAux, Windows.neverDirty, Windows.noResize, Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll}, title) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END OpenAsAuxDialog; PROCEDURE OpenAsToolDialog*; (** create a new sub-window onto the focus view shown in the top window, mask mode **) VAR win: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; v, u: Views.View; title: Views.Title; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) & ~(v IS Documents.Document) THEN win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); ASSERT(win # NIL, 100); doc := win.doc.DocCopyOf(v); u := doc.ThisView(); c := u(Containers.View).ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection}); IF v # win.doc.ThisView() THEN c := doc.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth, Documents.pageHeight} + {Documents.winWidth, Documents.winHeight}) END; (* Stores.InitDomain(doc, v.Domain()); already done in DocCopyOf *) win.GetTitle(title); Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(Windows.dir.New(), doc, {Windows.isTool, Windows.neverDirty, Windows.noResize, Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll}, title) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END OpenAsToolDialog; PROCEDURE RecalcFocusSize*; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; bounds: Properties.BoundsPref; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.ThisView(); bounds.w := Views.undefined; bounds.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, bounds); v.context.SetSize(bounds.w, bounds.h) END END RecalcFocusSize; PROCEDURE RecalcAllSizes*; VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE w # NIL DO StdDialog.RecalcView(w.doc.ThisView()); w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END END RecalcAllSizes; PROCEDURE SetMode(opts: SET); VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; gm: Containers.GetOpts; sm: Containers.SetOpts; w: Windows.Window; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); gm.valid := {}; IF (c # NIL) & (c.Singleton() # NIL) THEN v := c.Singleton(); Views.HandlePropMsg(v, gm); END; IF gm.valid = {} THEN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.path); IF (w # NIL) & (w.doc.ThisView() IS Containers.View) THEN v := w.doc.ThisView() ELSE v := NIL END END; IF v # NIL THEN sm.valid := {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret}; sm.opts := opts; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, sm); END; END SetMode; PROCEDURE GetMode(OUT found: BOOLEAN; OUT opts: SET); VAR c: Containers.Controller; gm: Containers.GetOpts; w: Windows.Window; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); gm.valid := {}; IF (c # NIL) & (c.Singleton() # NIL) THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(c.Singleton(), gm); END; IF gm.valid = {} THEN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.path); IF (w # NIL) & (w.doc.ThisView() IS Containers.View) THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(w.doc.ThisView(), gm); END END; found := gm.valid # {}; opts := gm.opts END GetMode; PROCEDURE SetMaskMode*; (* Guard: SetMaskGuard *) BEGIN SetMode({Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret}) END SetMaskMode; PROCEDURE SetEditMode*; (* Guard: SetEditGuard *) BEGIN SetMode({}) END SetEditMode; PROCEDURE SetLayoutMode*; (* Guard: SetLayoutGuard *) BEGIN SetMode({Containers.noFocus}) END SetLayoutMode; PROCEDURE SetBrowserMode*; (* Guard: SetBrowserGuard *) BEGIN SetMode({Containers.noCaret}) END SetBrowserMode; PROCEDURE PasteObject*; BEGIN Dialog.ShowMsg("PasteObject not implemented yet"); END PasteObject; PROCEDURE PasteToWindow*; BEGIN Dialog.ShowMsg("PasteToWindow not implemented yet"); END PasteToWindow; (* standard guards *) PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocusGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := ActFocus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.ThisView(); IF ~((v IS Documents.Document) OR (Containers.noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN IF Containers.noFocus IN c.opts THEN par.label := "#System:AllowFocus" ELSE par.label := "#System:PreventFocus" END ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END ToggleNoFocusGuard; PROCEDURE ReadOnlyGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.readOnly := TRUE END ReadOnlyGuard; PROCEDURE WindowGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); IF w = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END WindowGuard; PROCEDURE ModelViewGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); par.disabled := (w = NIL) OR (w.doc.ThisView().ThisModel() = NIL) END ModelViewGuard; PROCEDURE SetMaskModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret}; VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetMode(found, opts); IF found THEN par.checked := opts * mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret} ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END SetMaskModeGuard; PROCEDURE SetEditModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret}; VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetMode(found, opts); IF found THEN par.checked := opts * mode = {} ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END SetEditModeGuard; PROCEDURE SetLayoutModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret}; VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetMode(found, opts); IF found THEN par.checked := opts * mode = {Containers.noFocus} ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END SetLayoutModeGuard; PROCEDURE SetBrowserModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret}; VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetMode(found, opts); IF found THEN par.checked := opts * mode = {Containers.noCaret} ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END SetBrowserModeGuard; PROCEDURE SelectionGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ops.valid * {Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy} = {} THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END SelectionGuard; PROCEDURE SingletonGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ops.singleton = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END SingletonGuard; PROCEDURE SelectAllGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~ops.selectable THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END SelectAllGuard; PROCEDURE CaretGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ops.valid * {Controllers.pasteChar .. Controllers.paste} = {} THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END CaretGuard; PROCEDURE PasteCharGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.pasteChar IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END PasteCharGuard; PROCEDURE PasteLCharGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.pasteChar IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END PasteLCharGuard; PROCEDURE PasteViewGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.paste IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END PasteViewGuard; PROCEDURE ContainerGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF Containers.Focus() = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END ContainerGuard; PROCEDURE UndoGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR f: Windows.Window; opName: Stores.OpName; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#System:Undo", par.label); f := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); IF (f # NIL) & f.seq.CanUndo() THEN f.seq.GetUndoName(opName); Dialog.MapString(opName, opName); Append(par.label, " "); Append(par.label, opName) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END UndoGuard; PROCEDURE RedoGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR f: Windows.Window; opName: Stores.OpName; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#System:Redo", par.label); f := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); IF (f # NIL) & f.seq.CanRedo() THEN f.seq.GetRedoName(opName); Dialog.MapString(opName, opName); Append(par.label, " "); Append(par.label, opName) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END RedoGuard; PROCEDURE PlainGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF props.known * {Properties.style, Properties.weight} # {} THEN par.checked := (Properties.style IN props.valid) & (props.style.val = {}) & ({Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout} - props.style.mask = {}) & (Properties.weight IN props.valid) & (props.weight = Fonts.normal) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END PlainGuard; PROCEDURE BoldGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF Properties.weight IN props.known THEN par.checked := (Properties.weight IN props.valid) & (props.weight = Fonts.bold) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END BoldGuard; PROCEDURE ItalicGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF Properties.style IN props.known THEN par.checked := (Properties.style IN props.valid) & (Fonts.italic IN props.style.val) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END ItalicGuard; PROCEDURE UnderlineGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF Properties.style IN props.known THEN par.checked := (Properties.style IN props.valid) & (Fonts.underline IN props.style.val) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END UnderlineGuard; PROCEDURE StrikeoutGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF Properties.style IN props.known THEN par.checked := (Properties.style IN props.valid) & (Fonts.strikeout IN props.style.val) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END StrikeoutGuard; PROCEDURE SizeGuard* (size: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF Properties.size IN props.known THEN par.checked := (Properties.size IN props.valid) & (size = props.size DIV Ports.point) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END SizeGuard; PROCEDURE ColorGuard* (color: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF Properties.color IN props.known THEN par.checked := (Properties.color IN props.valid) & (color = props.color.val) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END ColorGuard; PROCEDURE DefaultFontGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF Properties.typeface IN props.known THEN par.checked := (Properties.typeface IN props.valid) & (props.typeface = Fonts.default) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END DefaultFontGuard; PROCEDURE TypefaceGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR props: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN props := StdProp(); IF ~(Properties.typeface IN props.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END TypefaceGuard; PROCEDURE SaveGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF (w = NIL) OR (Windows.neverDirty IN w.flags) OR ~w.seq.Dirty() THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END SaveGuard; (* printing *) PROCEDURE PrintGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF (w = NIL) OR (Printers.dir = NIL) OR ~Printers.dir.Available() THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END PrintGuard; PROCEDURE PrinterGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~Printers.dir.Available() THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END PrinterGuard; PROCEDURE HasSel (w: Windows.Window): BOOLEAN; VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN ops.type := ""; ops.singleton := NIL; ops.selectable := FALSE; ops.valid := {}; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(ops); RETURN ops.singleton # NIL END HasSel; PROCEDURE PrintSel (w: Windows.Window; from_, to_, copies_: INTEGER); VAR wt, title: Views.Title; i: INTEGER; edit: Controllers.EditMsg; BEGIN edit.op := Controllers.copy; edit.view := NIL; edit.clipboard := FALSE; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(edit); ASSERT(edit.view # NIL, 100); w.GetTitle(wt); title := "["; i := 1; WHILE (wt[i - 1] # 0X) & (i < LEN(title)) DO title[i] := wt[i - 1]; INC(i) END; IF i >= LEN(title) - 1 THEN i := LEN(title) - 2 END; title[i] := "]"; title[i + 1] := 0X; Printing.PrintView(edit.view, (*edit.w, edit.h,*) Printing.NewDefaultPar(title)) END PrintSel; PROCEDURE PrintDoc (w: Windows.Window; from, to, copies: INTEGER); VAR pw, ph, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; decorate: BOOLEAN; page: Printing.PageInfo; header, footer: Printing.Banner; BEGIN w.doc.PollPage(pw, ph, l, t, r, b, decorate); page.first := 1; page.from := from; page.to := to; page.alternate := FALSE; w.GetTitle(page.title); IF decorate THEN header.gap := 5 * Ports.mm; header.right := "&d&;&p"; ELSE header.gap := 0; header.right := ""; END; footer.gap := 0; footer.right := ""; Printing.PrintView(w.doc, Printing.NewPar(page, header, footer, copies)); END PrintDoc; PROCEDURE PrintThis (w: Windows.Window; from, to, copies: INTEGER; sel: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF copies > 0 THEN IF sel THEN PrintSel(w, from, to, copies) ELSE PrintDoc(w, from, to, copies) END END END PrintThis; PROCEDURE Print*; (** print the front window's document **) VAR win: Windows.Window; from, to, copies: INTEGER; selection: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF Printers.dir.Available() THEN win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF win # NIL THEN WHILE win.sub DO win := win.link END; selection := FALSE; StdDialog.PrintDialog(HasSel(win), from, to, copies, selection); PrintThis(win, from, to, copies, selection) END; Kernel.Cleanup END END Print; (* clipboard *) PROCEDURE Cut*; (** move the focus document's selection into the clipboard **) VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg; BEGIN msg.op := Controllers.cut; msg.clipboard := TRUE; msg.view := NIL; msg.w := Views.undefined; msg.h := Views.undefined; Controllers.Forward(msg); IF msg.view # NIL THEN clipboardHook.Register(msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle) END END Cut; PROCEDURE Copy*; (** move a copy of the focus document's selection into the clipboard **) VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg; BEGIN msg.op := Controllers.copy; msg.clipboard := TRUE; msg.view := NIL; msg.w := Views.undefined; msg.h := Views.undefined; Controllers.Forward(msg); IF msg.view # NIL THEN clipboardHook.Register(msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle) END END Copy; PROCEDURE Paste*; BEGIN IF clipboardHook # NIL THEN clipboardHook.Paste END; END Paste; PROCEDURE ObjectMenu*; (* this procedure should no be ever called, see MdiMenus *) BEGIN HALT(127) END ObjectMenu; PROCEDURE ObjectMenuGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF objectMenuGuard # NIL THEN objectMenuGuard(par) ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END ObjectMenuGuard; PROCEDURE CutGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.cut IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END CutGuard; PROCEDURE CopyGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.copy IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END CopyGuard; PROCEDURE PasteGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.paste IN ops.valid) (* OR ~HostClipboard.ConvertibleTo(ops.pasteType) TODO *) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END PasteGuard; PROCEDURE CutGuardHidden* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN par.label := '-' (* StdMenus.hidden*); Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.cut IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END CutGuardHidden; PROCEDURE CopyGuardHidden* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN par.label := '-' (* StdMenus.hidden*); Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.copy IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END CopyGuardHidden; PROCEDURE PasteGuardHidden* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN par.label := '-' (* StdMenus.hidden*); Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ~(Controllers.paste IN ops.valid) (* OR ~HostClipboard.ConvertibleTo(ops.pasteType) TODO *) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END PasteGuardHidden; (* standard notifiers *) PROCEDURE DefaultOnDoubleClick* (op, from, to_: INTEGER); VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN IF (op = Dialog.pressed) & (from = 1) THEN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.frontPath); c := Containers.Focus(); Controllers.ResetCurrentPath; IF {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret} - c.opts = {} THEN msg.op := Controllers.pasteChar; msg.char := 0DX; msg.modifiers := {}; Controllers.ForwardVia(Controllers.frontPath, msg) END END END DefaultOnDoubleClick; PROCEDURE ParamInit (par: ANYPTR); VAR val: RECORD (Meta.Value) hook: DirtyHook END; it: Meta.Item; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH par: Param DO par.proc := NIL; Meta.LookupPath(par.dirtyHook, it); IF it.Valid() THEN it.GetVal(val, ok); IF ok THEN par.proc := val.hook END END END END ParamInit; PROCEDURE ParamInitDefaults (par: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH par: Param DO par.dirtyHook := ""; par.proc := NIL; par.clearSeqOnSave := FALSE; par.Init := ParamInit; par.InitDefaults := ParamInitDefaults END END ParamInitDefaults; PROCEDURE Init; BEGIN allocator := defaultAllocator; propEra := -1; NEW(param); ParamInitDefaults(param) END Init; BEGIN Init END StdCmds. Closing windows and exiting BlackBox technical note by Anton Dmitriev StdCmds.CloseTopDialog StdCmds.GuardedClose(w...) w.seq.Notify(msg:Sequencers.CloseMsg) StdTiles.SeqNotifier.Notify(msg) StdTiles.CloseNestedWindows(w) ∀u∈w: StdCmds.GuardedClose(u) IF ~msg.sticky THEN DirtyHook(w, action) (* presents a modal or non-modal dirty close confirmation *) CASE action OF default | cancel | save | close | defer END END Kernel.Cleanup File->Close => StdCmds.CloseTopDialog Window ⨂ => LinBackends.DeleteHandler.Do StdWindows.guardedCloseHook -> StdCmds.CloseThis StdCmds.GuardedClose So, for this to work, 1) the tyler window's sequencer has to be given a notifier. This is done in StdTiles.New. 2) StdWindows.guardedCloseHook has to be set. This is done in LinInit File->Exit => StdCmds.Exit The main event loop for dialog (event-driven) applications is now in Dialog.Loop. It's started in Lin(Win)Init with Dialog.Start, which is given two procedures: one to let the platform process an event, another to validate views. The loop ends when there's no windows AND exit without windows has been enabled thru Dialog.RequestExit(Dialog.exitWithoutWindows). Windowless applications should enable the loop to operate without windows by Dialog.RequestExit(~Dialog.exitWithouWindows): this way they can sit in the background and wait for a timer event or another platform event, and, if/when necessary, open new windows. Dialog.RequestExit can be done at any time. Another application kind is batch applications (or command-line applications). They do not use the Dialog.Loop (thru Dialog.Start) at all, which is clear in LinIntInit, for example. To enable legacy MDI applications to exit, StdCmds provides VAR exitHook, which is called at the end of StdCmds.Exit in case all windows were successfully closed. Applications using the new event loop do not need to provide this hook. StdCmds.Exit close all windows exitHook -> MdiMenus.AllowExit MdiMenus.exit := TRUE WinMenus.Loop WHILE WinApi.GetMessage() # 0 DO IF exit THEN Exit WinApi.SendMessage(WinWindows.main, WM_CLOSE) WinMenus.ApplWinHandler CASE WM_CLOSE: WinMenus.Quit IF ~WinMenus.exit THEN StdCmds.Exit END WinApi.DefWndProc sends WM_QUIT to WinWindows.main END END END; (* WinApi.GetMessage() = 0 AFTER WM_QUIT *) Kernel.Quit File->Exit => StdCmds.Exit Click Main ⨂ => sends WM_CLOSE to WinWindows.mainWin (see above) => StdCmds.Exit MDI ⨂ => WinWindows.DocWinHandler CASE WM_CLOSE WinApi.SendMessage(WinWindows.main, WM_COMMAND iClose) WinMenus.ApplWinHandler CASE WM_COMMAND WinMenus.MenuCommand CASE iClose StdCmds.CloseTopDialog
MODULE StdCoder; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "www.oberon.ch, blackbox.oberon.org" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20160321, center #110, use mapped strings for labels in all forms - 20161010, center #133, bug fix in Encoding/Decoding Unicode filenames and paths - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 20170225, center #148, StdCoder to support file names with spaces - 20190211, center #196, StdCoder to support both "\" & "/" in file paths " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Converters, Stores, Views, Controllers, Dialog, Documents, Windows, TextModels, TextViews, TextControllers, TextMappers, Utf, StdCmds; CONST N = 16384; LineLength = 74; OldVersion = 0; ThisVersion = 1; Tag = "StdCoder.Decode"; (* first letter of Tag must not to appear within Tag again *) Separator = "/"; Separator2 = "\"; View = 1; File = 2; List = 3; TYPE FileList = POINTER TO RECORD next: FileList; file: Files.File; type: Files.Type; name: Dialog.String END; ParList* = RECORD list*: Dialog.Selection; storeAs*: Dialog.String; files: FileList END; VAR par*: ParList; askOption*: BOOLEAN; code: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; revCode: ARRAY 256 OF BYTE; table: ARRAY N OF BYTE; stdDocuType: Files.Type; PROCEDURE NofSelections(IN list: Dialog.Selection): INTEGER; VAR i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; n := 0; WHILE i # list.len DO IF list.In(i) THEN INC(n) END; INC(i) END; RETURN n END NofSelections; PROCEDURE ShowError(n: INTEGER; par: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN Dialog.Beep; CASE n OF 1: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:bad characters", par, "", "") | 2: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:checksum error", par, "", "") | 3: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:incompatible version", par, "", "") | 4: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:filing error", par, "", "") | 5: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:directory ^0 not found", par, "", "") | 6: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:file ^0 not found", par, "", "") | 7: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:illegal path", par, "", "") | 8: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:no tag", par, "", "") | 9: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:disk write protected", par, "", "") | 10: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:io error", par, "", "") END END ShowError; PROCEDURE ShowSizeMsg(x: INTEGER); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; s: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(x >= 0, 20); i := 0; REPEAT s[i] := CHR(ORD("0") + x MOD 10); INC(i); x := x DIV 10 UNTIL x = 0; s[i] := 0X; DEC(i); j := 0; WHILE j < i DO ch := s[j]; s[j] := s[i]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); DEC(i) END; Dialog.ShowParamStatus("#Std:^0 characters coded", s, "", "") END ShowSizeMsg; PROCEDURE Write(dest: TextModels.Writer; x: INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER); BEGIN dest.WriteChar(code[x]); INC(n); IF n = LineLength THEN dest.WriteChar(0DX); dest.WriteChar(" "); n := 0 END END Write; PROCEDURE WriteHeader(dest: TextModels.Writer; VAR n: INTEGER; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; type: BYTE ); VAR byte, bit, i, res: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; tag: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; utf8: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN tag := Tag; i := 0; ch := tag[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO dest.WriteChar(ch); INC(n); INC(i); ch := tag[i] END; dest.WriteChar(" "); INC(n); bit := 0; byte := 0; i := 0; Utf.StringToUtf8(name, utf8, res); ASSERT(res = 0); REPEAT ch := utf8[i]; INC(byte, ASH(ORD(ch), bit)); INC(bit, 8); WHILE bit >= 6 DO Write(dest, byte MOD 64, n); byte := byte DIV 64; DEC(bit, 6) END; INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X; IF bit # 0 THEN Write(dest, byte, n) END; Write(dest, ThisVersion, n); Write(dest, type, n) END WriteHeader; PROCEDURE WriteFileType(dest: TextModels.Writer; VAR n: INTEGER; t: Files.Type); VAR byte, bit, i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF t = Files.docType THEN t := stdDocuType END; bit := 0; byte := 0; i := 0; dest.WriteChar(" "); REPEAT ch := t[i]; INC(byte, ASH(ORD(ch), bit)); INC(bit, 8); WHILE bit >= 6 DO Write(dest, byte MOD 64, n); byte := byte DIV 64; DEC(bit, 6) END; INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X; IF bit # 0 THEN Write(dest, byte, n) END END WriteFileType; PROCEDURE WriteFile(dest: TextModels.Writer; VAR n: INTEGER; f: Files.File); VAR hash, byte, bit, i, j, sum, len: INTEGER; src: Files.Reader; b: BYTE; BEGIN len := f.Length(); j := len; i := 6; WHILE i # 0 DO Write(dest, j MOD 64, n); j := j DIV 64; DEC(i) END; i := 0; REPEAT table[i] := 0; INC(i) UNTIL i = N; hash := 0; bit := 0; byte := 0; sum := 0; src := f.NewReader(NIL); WHILE len # 0 DO src.ReadByte(b); DEC(len); sum := (sum + b MOD 256) MOD (16 * 1024); IF table[hash] = b THEN INC(bit) (* 0 bit for correct prediction *) ELSE (* Incorrect prediction -> 1'xxxx'xxxx bits *) table[hash] := b; INC(byte, ASH(1, bit)); INC(bit); INC(byte, ASH(b MOD 256, bit)); INC(bit, 8) END; WHILE bit >= 6 DO Write(dest, byte MOD 64, n); byte := byte DIV 64; DEC(bit, 6) END; hash := (16 * hash + b MOD 256) MOD N END; IF bit # 0 THEN Write(dest, byte, n) END; i := 6; WHILE i # 0 DO Write(dest, sum MOD 64, n); sum := sum DIV 64; DEC(i) END; IF n # 0 THEN dest.WriteChar(0DX); n := 0 END END WriteFile; PROCEDURE Read(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER); VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF res = 0 THEN REPEAT src.ReadChar(ch); x := revCode[ORD(ch)] UNTIL (x >= 0) OR src.eot; IF src.eot THEN res := 1 END END; IF res # 0 THEN x := 0 END END Read; PROCEDURE Utf8ToString(IN in: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN Utf.Utf8ToString(in, out, res); ASSERT(res IN {0, 2}) (* for backward compatibility: res = 2 allows non-encoded strings as well *) END Utf8ToString; PROCEDURE ReadHeader(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR res: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR type: BYTE ); VAR x, bit, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; tag: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; utf8: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN tag := Tag; i := 0; name := ""; WHILE ~src.eot & (tag[i] # 0X) DO src.ReadChar(ch); IF ch = tag[i] THEN INC(i) ELSIF ch = tag[0] THEN i := 1 ELSE i := 0 END END; IF ~src.eot THEN res := 0; i := 0; bit := 0; x := 0; REPEAT WHILE (res = 0) & (bit < 8) DO Read(src, j, res); INC(x, ASH(j, bit)); INC(bit, 6) END; IF res = 0 THEN ch := CHR(x MOD 256); x := x DIV 256; DEC(bit, 8); utf8[i] := SHORT(ch); INC(i) END UNTIL (res # 0) OR (ch = 0X); Read(src, j, res); IF res = 0 THEN Utf8ToString(utf8, name); IF (j = ThisVersion) OR (j = OldVersion) THEN Read(src, j, res); type := SHORT(SHORT(j)) ELSE res := 3 END END ELSE res := 8 END END ReadHeader; PROCEDURE ReadFileType(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR res: INTEGER; VAR ftype: Files.Type); VAR x, bit, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN res := 0; i := 0; bit := 0; x := 0; REPEAT WHILE (res = 0) & (bit < 8) DO Read(src, j, res); INC(x, ASH(j, bit)); INC(bit, 6) END; IF res = 0 THEN ch := CHR(x MOD 256); x := x DIV 256; DEC(bit, 8); ftype[i] := ch; INC(i) END UNTIL (res # 0) OR (ch = 0X); IF ftype = stdDocuType THEN ftype := Files.docType END END ReadFileType; PROCEDURE ReadFile(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR res: INTEGER; f: Files.File); VAR hash, x, bit, i, j, len, sum, s: INTEGER; byte: BYTE; dest: Files.Writer; BEGIN res := 0; i := 0; len := 0; REPEAT Read(src, x, res); len := len + ASH(x, 6 * i); INC(i) UNTIL (res # 0) OR (i = 6); i := 0; REPEAT table[i] := 0; INC(i) UNTIL i = N; bit := 0; hash := 0; sum := 0; dest := f.NewWriter(NIL); WHILE (res = 0) & (len # 0) DO IF bit = 0 THEN Read(src, x, res); bit := 6 END; IF ODD(x) THEN (* Incorrect prediction -> 1'xxxx'xxxx *) x := x DIV 2; DEC(bit); WHILE (res = 0) & (bit < 8) DO Read(src, j, res); INC(x, ASH(j, bit)); INC(bit, 6) END; i := x MOD 256; IF i > MAX(BYTE) THEN i := i - 256 END; byte := SHORT(SHORT(i)); x := x DIV 256; DEC(bit, 8); table[hash] := byte ELSE byte := table[hash]; x := x DIV 2; DEC(bit) (* correct prediction *) END; hash := (16 * hash + byte MOD 256) MOD N; dest.WriteByte(byte); sum := (sum + byte MOD 256) MOD (16 * 1024); DEC(len) END; IF res = 0 THEN i := 0; s := 0; REPEAT Read(src, x, res); s := s + ASH(x, 6 * i); INC(i) UNTIL (res # 0) OR (i = 6); IF (res = 0) & (s # sum) THEN res := 2 END END END ReadFile; PROCEDURE ShowText (t: TextModels.Model); VAR l: INTEGER; v: Views.View; wr: TextMappers.Formatter; conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN l := t.Length(); wr.ConnectTo(t); wr.SetPos(l); wr.WriteString(" --- end of encoding ---"); ShowSizeMsg(l); v := TextViews.dir.New(t); conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # "StdTextConv.ImportText") DO conv := conv.next END; Views.Open(v, NIL, "", conv); Views.SetDirty(v) END ShowText; PROCEDURE EncodedView*(v: Views.View): TextModels.Model; VAR n: INTEGER; f: Files.File; wrs: Stores.Writer; t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer; BEGIN f := Files.dir.Temp(); wrs.ConnectTo(f); Views.WriteView(wrs, v); t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); n := 0; WriteHeader(wr, n, "", View); WriteFileType(wr, n, f.type); WriteFile(wr, n, f); RETURN t END EncodedView; PROCEDURE EncodeDocument*; VAR v: Views.View; w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := Windows.dir.First(); IF w # NIL THEN v := w.doc.OriginalView(); IF (v.context # NIL) & (v.context IS Documents.Context) THEN v := v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc() END; IF v # NIL THEN ShowText(EncodedView(v)) END END END EncodeDocument; PROCEDURE EncodeFocus*; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF v # NIL THEN ShowText(EncodedView(v)) END END EncodeFocus; PROCEDURE EncodeSelection*; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; t: TextModels.Model; c: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); t := TextModels.CloneOf(c.text); t.InsertCopy(0, c.text, beg, end); ShowText(EncodedView(TextViews.dir.New(t))) END END EncodeSelection; PROCEDURE EncodeFile*; VAR n: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; f: Files.File; t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer; BEGIN Dialog.GetIntSpec("", loc, name); IF loc # NIL THEN f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE); IF f # NIL THEN t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); n := 0; WriteHeader(wr, n, name, File); WriteFileType(wr, n, f.type); WriteFile(wr, n, f); ShowText(t) END END END EncodeFile; PROCEDURE GetFile(VAR path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := path[0]; loc := Files.dir.This(""); name := ""; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (loc.res = 0) DO j := 0; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # Separator) & (ch # Separator2) DO name[j] := ch; INC(j); INC(i); ch := path[i] END; name[j] := 0X; IF (ch = Separator) OR (ch = Separator2) THEN loc := loc.This(name); INC(i); ch := path[i] END; END; IF loc.res # 0 THEN loc := NIL END; path[i] := 0X END GetFile; PROCEDURE ReadPath(rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR len: INTEGER); VAR i, l: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; quote: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; l := LEN(path) - 1; REPEAT rd.ReadChar(ch) UNTIL rd.eot OR (ch > " "); IF (ch = "'") OR (ch = '"') THEN quote := ch; rd.ReadChar(ch) ELSE quote := 0X END; WHILE ~rd.eot & (i < l) & ((quote = 0X) & (ch > " ") OR (quote # 0X) & (ch # quote) & (ch >= " ")) DO path[i] := ch; INC(i); rd.ReadChar(ch) END; path[i] := 0X; len := i END ReadPath; PROCEDURE WriteString(w: Files.Writer; IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR; len: INTEGER); VAR i, res: INTEGER; utf8: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN Utf.StringToUtf8(str, utf8, res); ASSERT(res = 0); len:= LEN(utf8$) + 1; i := 0; WHILE i < len DO IF ORD(utf8[i]) > MAX(BYTE) THEN w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(ORD(utf8[i]) - 256))) ELSE w.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(utf8[i]))) END; INC(i) END END WriteString; PROCEDURE EncodeFileList*; TYPE FileList = POINTER TO RECORD next: FileList; f: Files.File END; VAR beg, end, i, j, n: INTEGER; err: BOOLEAN; files, last: FileList; list, f: Files.File; w: Files.Writer; loc: Files.Locator; rd: TextModels.Reader; wr: TextModels.Writer; t: TextModels.Model; c: TextControllers.Controller; name: Files.Name; path, next: ARRAY 2048 OF CHAR; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg); err := FALSE; list := Files.dir.Temp(); w := list.NewWriter(NIL); files := NIL; last := NIL; ReadPath(rd, path, i); WHILE (path # "") & (rd.Pos() - i < end) & ~err DO GetFile(path, loc, name); IF loc # NIL THEN f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE); err := f = NIL; IF ~err THEN IF last = NIL THEN NEW(last); files := last ELSE NEW(last.next); last := last.next END; last.f := f; ReadPath(rd, next, j); IF (next = "=>") & (rd.Pos() - j < end) THEN ReadPath(rd, next, j); IF next # "" THEN WriteString(w, next, j + 1); ReadPath(rd, next, j) ELSE err := TRUE END ELSE WriteString(w, path, i + 1) END; path := next; i := j END ELSE err := TRUE END END; IF ~err & (files # NIL) THEN t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); n := 0; WriteHeader(wr, n, "", List); WriteFileType(wr, n, list.type); WriteFile(wr, n, list); WHILE files # NIL DO WriteFileType(wr, n, files.f.type); WriteFile(wr, n, files.f); files := files.next END; ShowText(t) ELSIF err THEN IF path = "" THEN ShowError(7, path) ELSIF loc # NIL THEN ShowError(6, path) ELSE ShowError(5, path) END END END END EncodeFileList; PROCEDURE DecodeView(rd: TextModels.Reader; name: Files.Name); VAR res: INTEGER; f: Files.File; ftype: Files.Type; rds: Stores.Reader; v: Views.View; BEGIN ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype); IF res = 0 THEN f := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, f); IF res = 0 THEN rds.ConnectTo(f); Views.ReadView(rds, v); Views.Open(v, NIL, name, NIL); Views.SetDirty(v) ELSE ShowError(res, "") END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END END DecodeView; PROCEDURE DecodeFile(rd: TextModels.Reader; name: Files.Name); VAR res: INTEGER; ftype: Files.Type; loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; BEGIN ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype); IF res = 0 THEN Dialog.GetExtSpec(name, ftype, loc, name); IF loc # NIL THEN f := Files.dir.New(loc, askOption); IF f # NIL THEN ReadFile(rd, res, f); IF res = 0 THEN f.Register(name, ftype, askOption, res); IF res # 0 THEN ShowError(4, "") END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END ELSIF loc.res = 4 THEN ShowError(9, "") ELSIF loc.res = 5 THEN ShowError(10, "") END END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END END DecodeFile; PROCEDURE DecodeFileList (rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR files: FileList; VAR len, res: INTEGER); VAR i, n: INTEGER; b: BYTE; p: FileList; ftype: Files.Type; f: Files.File; frd: Files.Reader; utf8: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype); IF res = 0 THEN f := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, f); IF res = 0 THEN files := NIL; p := NIL; n := 0; frd := f.NewReader(NIL); frd.ReadByte(b); WHILE ~frd.eof & (res = 0) DO INC(n); i := 0; WHILE ~frd.eof & (b # 0) DO utf8[i] := SHORT(CHR(b MOD 256)); INC(i); frd.ReadByte(b) END; utf8[i] := 0X; (* IF (i > 4) & (utf8[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(utf8[i - 3]) = "O") & (CAP(utf8[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(utf8[i - 1]) = "C") THEN utf8[i - 4] := 0X ELSE utf8[i] := 0X END; *) IF ~frd.eof THEN IF p = NIL THEN NEW(p); files := p ELSE NEW(p.next); p := p.next END; Utf8ToString(utf8, p.name); frd.ReadByte(b) ELSE res := 1 END END; p := files; len := n; WHILE (res = 0) & (p # NIL) DO ReadFileType(rd, res, p.type); IF res = 0 THEN p.file := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, p.file) END; p := p.next END END END END DecodeFileList; PROCEDURE OpenDialog(files: FileList; len: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; p: FileList; BEGIN par.files := files; par.list.SetLen(len); p := files; i := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO par.list.SetItem(i, p.name); INC(i); p := p.next END; par.storeAs := ""; Dialog.Update(par); Dialog.UpdateList(par.list); StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog("Std/Rsrc/Coder", "#Std:DecodeDialog") END OpenDialog; PROCEDURE CloseDialog*; BEGIN par.files := NIL; par.list.SetLen(0); par.storeAs := ""; Dialog.UpdateList(par.list); Dialog.Update(par) END CloseDialog; PROCEDURE Select*(op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR p: FileList; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (op = Dialog.included) OR (op = Dialog.excluded) OR (op = Dialog.set) THEN IF NofSelections(par.list) = 1 THEN i := 0; p := par.files; WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := p.next END; par.storeAs := p.name ELSE par.storeAs := "" END; Dialog.Update(par) END END Select; PROCEDURE CopyFile(from: Files.File; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; type: Files.Type); CONST BufSize = 4096; VAR res, k, l: INTEGER; f: Files.File; r: Files.Reader; w: Files.Writer; buf: ARRAY BufSize OF BYTE; BEGIN f := Files.dir.New(loc, askOption); IF f # NIL THEN r := from.NewReader(NIL); w := f.NewWriter(NIL); l := from.Length(); WHILE l # 0 DO IF l <= BufSize THEN k := l ELSE k := BufSize END; r.ReadBytes(buf, 0, k); w.WriteBytes(buf, 0, k); l := l - k END; f.Register(name, type, askOption, res); IF res # 0 THEN ShowError(4, "") END ELSIF loc.res = 4 THEN ShowError(9, "") ELSIF loc.res = 5 THEN ShowError(10, "") END END CopyFile; PROCEDURE StoreSelection*; VAR i, n: INTEGER; p: FileList; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; BEGIN n := NofSelections(par.list); IF n > 1 THEN i := 0; p := par.files; WHILE n # 0 DO WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := p.next END; GetFile(p.name, loc, name); CopyFile(p.file, loc, name, p.type); DEC(n); INC(i); p := p.next END ELSIF (n = 1) & (par.storeAs # "") THEN i := 0; p := par.files; WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := p.next END; GetFile(par.storeAs, loc, name); CopyFile(p.file, loc, name, p.type) END END StoreSelection; PROCEDURE StoreSelectionGuard*(VAR p: Dialog.Par); VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := NofSelections(par.list); p.disabled := (n = 0) OR ((n = 1) & (par.storeAs = "")) END StoreSelectionGuard; PROCEDURE StoreSingle*; VAR i: INTEGER; p: FileList; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; BEGIN IF NofSelections(par.list) = 1 THEN i := 0; p := par.files; WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := p.next END; GetFile(p.name, loc, name); Dialog.GetExtSpec(name, p.type, loc, name); IF loc # NIL THEN CopyFile(p.file, loc, name, p.type) END END END StoreSingle; PROCEDURE StoreSingleGuard*(VAR p: Dialog.Par); BEGIN p.disabled := NofSelections(par.list) # 1 END StoreSingleGuard; PROCEDURE StoreAllFiles(files: FileList); VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; BEGIN WHILE files # NIL DO GetFile(files.name, loc, name); CopyFile(files.file, loc, name, files.type); files := files.next END END StoreAllFiles; PROCEDURE StoreAll*; BEGIN StoreAllFiles(par.files) END StoreAll; PROCEDURE DecodeAllFromText*(text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER; ask: BOOLEAN); VAR res, i: INTEGER; type: BYTE; name: Files.Name; rd: TextModels.Reader; files: FileList; BEGIN CloseDialog; rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg); ReadHeader(rd, res, name, type); (* i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; IF (i > 4) & (name[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(name[i - 3]) = "O") & (CAP(name[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(name[i - 1]) = "C") THEN name[i - 4] := 0X END; *) IF res = 0 THEN IF type = View THEN DecodeView(rd, name) ELSIF type = File THEN DecodeFile(rd, name) ELSIF type = List THEN DecodeFileList(rd, files, i, res); IF res = 0 THEN IF ask THEN OpenDialog(files, i) ELSE StoreAllFiles(files) END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END ELSE ShowError(3, "") END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END END DecodeAllFromText; PROCEDURE Decode*; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; c: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN CloseDialog; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE beg := 0 END; DecodeAllFromText(c.text, beg, TRUE) END END Decode; PROCEDURE ListFiles(rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR wr: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR i, n, res: INTEGER; b: BYTE; ftype: Files.Type; f: Files.File; frd: Files.Reader; path: Dialog.String; utf8: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype); IF res = 0 THEN f := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, f); IF res = 0 THEN n := 0; frd := f.NewReader(NIL); frd.ReadByte(b); WHILE ~frd.eof & (res = 0) DO INC(n); i := 0; WHILE ~frd.eof & (b # 0) DO utf8[i] := SHORT(CHR(b MOD 256)); INC(i); frd.ReadByte(b) END; utf8[i] := 0X; (* IF (i > 4) & (utf8[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(utf8[i - 3]) = "O") & (CAP(utf8[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(utf8[i - 1]) = "C") THEN utf8[i - 4] := 0X ELSE utf8[i] := 0X END; *) IF ~frd.eof THEN Utf8ToString(utf8, path); wr.WriteString(path); wr.WriteLn; frd.ReadByte(b) ELSE res := 1 END END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END END ListFiles; PROCEDURE ListSingleton(type, name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR wr: TextMappers.Formatter); BEGIN wr.WriteString(type); IF name # "" THEN wr.WriteString(": '"); wr.WriteString(name); wr.WriteChar("'") END; wr.WriteLn END ListSingleton; PROCEDURE EncodedInText*(text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER): TextModels.Model; VAR res, i: INTEGER; type: BYTE; name: Files.Name; rd: TextModels.Reader; report: TextModels.Model; wr: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN report := TextModels.dir.New(); wr.ConnectTo(report); rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg); ReadHeader(rd, res, name, type); (* i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; IF (i > 4) & (name[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(name[i - 3]) = "O") & (CAP(name[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(name[i - 1]) = "C") THEN name[i - 4] := 0X END; *) IF res = 0 THEN IF type = View THEN ListSingleton("View", name, wr) ELSIF type = File THEN ListSingleton("File", name, wr) ELSIF type = List THEN ListFiles(rd, wr) ELSE ShowError(3, "") END ELSE ShowError(res, "") END; RETURN report END EncodedInText; PROCEDURE ListEncodedMaterial*; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; c: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE beg := 0 END; Views.OpenView(TextViews.dir.New(EncodedInText(c.text, beg))) END END ListEncodedMaterial; PROCEDURE InitCodes; VAR i: BYTE; j: INTEGER; BEGIN j := 0; WHILE j # 256 DO revCode[j] := -1; INC(j) END; code[0] := "."; revCode[ORD(".")] := 0; code[1] := ","; revCode[ORD(",")] := 1; i := 2; j := ORD("0"); WHILE j <= ORD("9") DO code[i] := CHR(j); revCode[j] := i; INC(i); INC(j) END; j := ORD("A"); WHILE j <= ORD("Z") DO code[i] := CHR(j); revCode[j] := i; INC(i); INC(j) END; j := ORD("a"); WHILE j <= ORD("z") DO code[i] := CHR(j); revCode[j] := i; INC(i); INC(j) END; ASSERT(i = 64, 60) END InitCodes; BEGIN InitCodes; askOption := TRUE; stdDocuType[0] := 3X; stdDocuType[1] := 3X; stdDocuType[2] := 3X; stdDocuType[3] := 0X END StdCoder.
MODULE StdConfig; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, A. Dmitriev, I. Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Converters, Dialog, Documents, Views, Ports, Containers, Windows, StdMenus, StdMenuTool, StdTiles, StdGrids, StdWindows, StdDocuments; PROCEDURE Router (IN title: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR trapTitle: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE EndsWith (IN str, patt: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR k, i: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN i := LEN(patt$); k := LEN(str$); IF k >= i THEN REPEAT DEC(i); DEC(k); res := str[k] = patt[i] UNTIL ~res OR (i = 0) ELSE res := FALSE END; RETURN res END EndsWith; PROCEDURE StartsWith (IN str, patt: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i, k: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN i := LEN(patt$); k := LEN(str$); IF k >= i THEN k := 0; REPEAT res := patt[k] = str[k]; INC(k) UNTIL ~res OR (k = i) ELSE res := FALSE END; RETURN res END StartsWith; BEGIN IF title = ">>>" THEN (* rout sub windows by current target track *) IF StdTiles.targetTrack = "User" THEN StdTiles.SetTarget("Aux") ELSIF (StdTiles.targetTrack = "Aux") OR (StdTiles.targetTrack = "System") THEN StdTiles.SetTarget("User") ELSE StdTiles.SetTarget("") END ELSE (* rout new windows by title *) Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Trap", trapTitle); IF (title = "Variables") OR (title = trapTitle) OR (title = "Heap Object") OR EndsWith(title, " interface)") OR StartsWith(title, "<") THEN StdTiles.SetTarget("Aux") ELSIF (title = "#Dev:Log") OR (title = "Log") THEN StdTiles.SetTarget("System") ELSE StdTiles.SetTarget("User") END; END END Router; PROCEDURE CanDrop (v_: StdGrids.View; ind_: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* Forbids dropping new views into v; needed by the root and unnamed dividers *) BEGIN RETURN FALSE END CanDrop; PROCEDURE SetupWorkspace; VAR right: StdGrids.View; root: StdGrids.View; (* root divider *) w: StdWindows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; mainLine, u: Views.View; system, user, aux: StdGrids.View; bd: StdWindows.BackendDirectory; c: Containers.Controller; tmsg: StdGrids.TrackPropMsg; screenWidth, screenHeight: INTEGER; BEGIN root := StdGrids.NewDivider(StdGrids.horizontal); root.canDrop := CanDrop; system := StdGrids.NewStack(); user := StdGrids.NewStack(); aux := StdGrids.NewStack(); tmsg.name := 'System'; Views.HandlePropMsg(system, tmsg); tmsg.name := 'Root'; Views.HandlePropMsg(root, tmsg); tmsg.name := 'User'; Views.HandlePropMsg(user, tmsg); tmsg.name := 'Aux'; Views.HandlePropMsg(aux, tmsg); right := StdGrids.NewDivider(StdGrids.horizontal); right.canDrop := CanDrop; StdGrids.AppendDivTile(right, user, 180 * Ports.mm, 0); StdGrids.AppendDivTile(right, aux, 0, 0); StdGrids.AppendDivTile(root, system, 90 * Ports.mm, 0); StdGrids.AppendDivTile(root, right, 0, 0); bd := StdWindows.backendDir; StdWindows.SetBackendDir(StdWindows.stdBackendDir); w := StdWindows.stdDir.New()(StdWindows.Window); ASSERT(w.port # NIL); IF bd # StdWindows.backendDir THEN StdWindows.SetBackendDir(bd) END; Windows.dir.GetBounds(screenWidth, screenHeight); Windows.dir.l := screenWidth DIV 10; Windows.dir.t := screenHeight DIV 10; Windows.dir.r := screenWidth - screenWidth DIV 10; Windows.dir.b := screenHeight - screenHeight DIV 10; doc := Documents.dir.New(root, Views.undefined, Views.undefined); c := doc.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth..Documents.winHeight} + {Documents.winHeight, Documents.winWidth} ); Windows.dir.Open(w, doc, {Windows.isAux, Windows.neverDirty, Windows.noVScroll, Windows.noHScroll}, Dialog.appName$, NIL, "", NIL ); WITH doc: StdDocuments.Document DO mainLine := StdMenus.NewMainLine(); StdDocuments.InsertBar(doc, StdDocuments.top, mainLine, NIL, TRUE, NIL); StdMenus.DepositStatusBar; Views.Fetch(u); IF u # NIL THEN StdDocuments.InsertBar(doc, StdDocuments.bottom, u, NIL, FALSE, NIL) END ELSE HALT(61) END; StdTiles.BindCloseNotifier(w); END SetupWorkspace; (* PROCEDURE SecondHead; VAR root, stack, ref: StdGrids.View; (* root divider *) n: INTEGER; BEGIN StdWindows.ext.GetNumHeads(n); IF n > 1 THEN root := StdGrids.NewDivider(StdGrids.horizontal); root.canDrop := CanDrop; ref := StdGrids.NewDivider(StdGrids.vertical); ref.canDrop := CanDrop; stack := StdGrids.NewStack(); stack.canDrop := CanDrop; StdGrids.AppendDivTile(root, stack, 0, 5000); StdGrids.AppendDivTile(root, ref, 0, 10000); StdWindows.ext.ToHead(wb, 2); StdWindows.ext.Maximize(wb) END END SecondHead; *) PROCEDURE Setup*; VAR res: INTEGER; par: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN StdWindows.Init; StdDocuments.Install; Converters.Register( "StdDocuments.ImportDocument", "StdDocuments.ExportDocument", "", "odc", {}); StdMenus.Install; StdMenuTool.UpdateAllMenus; StdWindows.border := 0; StdTiles.On; SetupWorkspace; StdTiles.SetWindowsRouter(Router); Converters.Register("StdTextConv.ImportUtf8", "StdTextConv.ExportUtf8", "TextViews.View", "utf8", {Converters.importAll}); Converters.Register("StdTextConv.ImportText", "StdTextConv.ExportText", "TextViews.View", "txt", {}); Converters.Register("StdTextConv.ImportUnicode", "StdTextConv.ExportUnicode", "TextViews.View", "utf", {}); Converters.Register("StdTextConv.ImportDosText", "", "TextViews.View", "txt", {}); Converters.Register("StdTextConv.ImportHex", "", "TextViews.View", "dat", {Converters.importAll}); Converters.Register("StdTextConv.ImportUtf8", "StdTextConv.ExportUtf8", "TextViews.View", "xml", {}); Converters.Register("StdTextConv.ImportUtf8", "StdTextConv.ExportUtf8", "TextViews.View", "html", {}); Converters.Register("DevBrowser.ImportSymFile", "", "TextViews.View", "osf", {}); Converters.Register("DevBrowser.ImportCodeFile", "", "TextViews.View", "ocf", {}); Converters.Register("WinBitmaps.ImportBitmap", "WinBitmaps.ExportBitmap", "WinBitmaps.StdView", "bmp", {}); Converters.Register("", "XhtmlExporter.ExportText", "TextViews.View", "html", {}); Converters.Register("StdRasters.Import", "", "StdRasters.View", "png", {}); Dialog.Call("StdLog.Open", "", res); Dialog.Call("StdFilesBrowser.SetupPlaces", "", res); Dialog.GetPar("DEBUG", par, res); Kernel.debug := res = 0; END Setup; END StdConfig.
MODULE StdDebug; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, new module" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20070123, bh, WriteString, ShowArray, & ShowVar changed (Unicode support) - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150929, center #72, speeding up the dump of large data structures by avoiding fold.Flip - 20170215, center #139, localization support for error messages - 20181207, center #195, support for long identifiers in trap handlers " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel, Utf, Strings, Fonts, Services, Ports, Views, Properties, Dialog, Containers, StdFolds, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextRulers, Librarian; CONST refViewSize = 9 * Ports.point; heap = 1; source = 2; module = 3; modules = 4; (* RefView types *) TYPE ArrayPtr = POINTER TO RECORD last, t, first: INTEGER; (* gc header *) len: ARRAY 16 OF INTEGER (* dynamic array length table *) END; RefView = POINTER TO RefViewDesc; RefViewDesc = RECORD type: SHORTINT; command: SHORTINT; back: RefView; adr: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; name: Kernel.Utf8Name END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) text: TextModels.Model END; Cluster = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] (* must correspond to Kernel.Cluster *) size: INTEGER; next: Cluster END; FoldContext = RECORD prevText: TextModels.Model; prevPos: INTEGER END; VAR out: TextMappers.Formatter; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.SetRight(r, 140 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 4 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 34 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 80 * mm); RETURN r END NewRuler; PROCEDURE OpenViewer (t: TextModels.Model; title: Views.Title; ruler:TextRulers.Ruler); VAR v: TextViews.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(title, title); v := TextViews.dir.New(t); v.SetDefaults(ruler, TextViews.dir.defAttr); c := v.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} + {Containers.noCaret}) END; Views.OpenAux(v, title) END OpenViewer; PROCEDURE OpenFold (OUT fc: FoldContext); BEGIN fc.prevText := out.rider.Base(); fc.prevPos := out.Pos(); out.ConnectTo(TextModels.dir.New()) END OpenFold; PROCEDURE CloseFold (IN fc: FoldContext; collapsed: BOOLEAN; IN hidden: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; t: TextModels.Model; w: TextMappers.Formatter; hiddenx: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(hidden, hiddenx); (* avoid expensive fold.Flip operation *) IF collapsed THEN fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.collapsed, "", out.rider.Base()); out.ConnectTo(fc.prevText); out.WriteView(fold); out.WriteString(hiddenx) ELSE t := TextModels.dir.New(); w.ConnectTo(t); w.WriteString(hiddenx); fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", t); t := out.rider.Base(); out.ConnectTo(fc.prevText); out.WriteView(fold); fc.prevText.Insert(out.Pos(), t, 0, t.Length()); out.SetPos(out.rider.Base().Length()) END; fold := StdFolds.dir.New(collapsed, "", NIL); out.WriteView(fold) END CloseFold; PROCEDURE WriteHex (n: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteIntForm(n, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 9, "0", TextMappers.showBase) END WriteHex; PROCEDURE WriteString (adr, len, base: INTEGER; zterm, unicode: BOOLEAN); CONST beg = 0; char = 1; code = 2; VAR ch: CHAR; sc: SHORTCHAR; val, mode: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN mode := beg; IF base = 2 THEN SYSTEM.GET(adr, ch); val := ORD(ch) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(adr, sc); val := ORD(sc) END; IF zterm & (val = 0) THEN out.WriteString('""') ELSE REPEAT IF (val >= ORD(" ")) & (val < 7FH) OR (val > 0A0H) & (val < 100H) OR unicode & (val >= 100H) THEN IF mode # char THEN IF mode = code THEN out.WriteString(", ") END; out.WriteChar(22X); mode := char END; out.WriteChar(CHR(val)) ELSE IF mode = char THEN out.WriteChar(22X) END; IF mode # beg THEN out.WriteString(", ") END; mode := code; Strings.IntToStringForm(val, Strings.hexadecimal, 1, "0", FALSE, str); IF str[0] > "9" THEN out.WriteChar("0") END; out.WriteString(str); out.WriteChar("X") END; INC(adr, base); DEC(len); IF base = 2 THEN SYSTEM.GET(adr, ch); val := ORD(ch) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(adr, sc); val := ORD(sc) END UNTIL (len = 0) OR zterm & (val = 0) END; IF mode = char THEN out.WriteChar(22X) END END WriteString; PROCEDURE OutString (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR str: Dialog.String; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(s, str); out.WriteString(str) END OutString; (* ------------------- variable display ------------------- *) PROCEDURE FormOf (t: Kernel.Type): SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, t) DIV 256 = 0 THEN RETURN SHORT(CHR(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, t))) ELSE RETURN SHORT(CHR(16 + t.id MOD 4)) END END FormOf; PROCEDURE LenOf (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr): INTEGER; BEGIN IF t.size # 0 THEN RETURN t.size ELSIF ptr # NIL THEN RETURN ptr.len[t.id DIV 16 MOD 16 - 1] ELSE RETURN 0 END END LenOf; PROCEDURE SizeOf (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr): INTEGER; BEGIN CASE FormOf(t) OF | 0BX: RETURN 0 | 1X, 2X, 4X: RETURN 1 | 3X, 5X: RETURN 2 | 8X, 0AX: RETURN 8 | 11X: RETURN t.size | 12X: RETURN LenOf(t, ptr) * SizeOf(t.base[0], ptr) ELSE RETURN 4 END END SizeOf; PROCEDURE WriteName (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr); VAR modName, name: Kernel.Name; f: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN f := FormOf(t); CASE f OF | 0X: OutString("#Dev:Unknown") | 1X: out.WriteString("BOOLEAN") | 2X: out.WriteString("SHORTCHAR") | 3X: out.WriteString("CHAR") | 4X: out.WriteString("BYTE") | 5X: out.WriteString("SHORTINT") | 6X: out.WriteString("INTEGER") | 7X: out.WriteString("SHORTREAL") | 8X: out.WriteString("REAL") | 9X: out.WriteString("SET") | 0AX: out.WriteString("LONGINT") | 0BX: out.WriteString("ANYREC") | 0CX: out.WriteString("ANYPTR") | 0DX: out.WriteString("POINTER") | 0EX: out.WriteString("PROCEDURE") | 0FX: out.WriteString("STRING") | 10X..13X: Kernel.GetTypeName(t, name); IF name = "!" THEN IF f = 11X THEN out.WriteString("RECORD") ELSIF f = 12X THEN out.WriteString("ARRAY") ELSE OutString("#Dev:Unknown") END ELSIF (t.id DIV 256 # 0) & (t.mod.refcnt >= 0) THEN Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteChar("."); out.WriteString(name) ELSIF f = 11X THEN Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteString(".RECORD") ELSIF f = 12X THEN out.WriteString("ARRAY "); out.WriteInt(LenOf(t, ptr)); t := t.base[0]; WHILE (FormOf(t) = 12X) & ((t.id DIV 256 = 0) OR (t.mod.refcnt < 0)) DO out.WriteString(", "); out.WriteInt(LenOf(t, ptr)); t := t.base[0] END; out.WriteString(" OF "); WriteName(t, ptr) ELSIF f = 13X THEN out.WriteString("POINTER") ELSE out.WriteString("PROCEDURE") END | 20X: out.WriteString("COM.IUnknown") | 21X: out.WriteString("COM.GUID") | 22X: out.WriteString("COM.RESULT") ELSE OutString("#Dev:UnknownFormat"); out.WriteInt(ORD(f)) END END WriteName; PROCEDURE WriteGuid (a: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Hex (a: INTEGER); VAR x: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(a, x); out.WriteIntForm(ORD(x), TextMappers.hexadecimal, 2, "0", FALSE) END Hex; BEGIN out.WriteChar("{"); Hex(a + 3); Hex(a + 2); Hex(a + 1); Hex(a); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 5); Hex(a + 4); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 7); Hex(a + 6); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 8); Hex(a + 9); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 10); Hex(a + 11); Hex(a + 12); Hex(a + 13); Hex(a + 14); Hex(a + 15); out.WriteChar("}") END WriteGuid; PROCEDURE^ ShowVar (ad, ind: INTEGER; f, c: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView; VAR name, sel: Kernel.Name); PROCEDURE ShowRecord (a, ind: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; back: RefView; VAR sel: Kernel.Name); VAR dir: Kernel.Directory; obj: Kernel.Object; name: Kernel.Name; i, j, n: INTEGER; base: Kernel.Type; fc: FoldContext; BEGIN WriteName(desc, NIL); out.WriteTab; IF desc.mod.refcnt >= 0 THEN OpenFold(fc); n := desc.id DIV 16 MOD 16; j := 0; WHILE j <= n DO base := desc.base[j]; IF base # NIL THEN dir := base.fields; i := 0; WHILE i < dir.num DO obj := SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Object, SYSTEM.ADR(dir.obj[i])); Kernel.GetObjName(base.mod, obj, name); ShowVar(a + obj.offs, ind, FormOf(obj.struct), 1X, obj.struct, NIL, back, name, sel); INC(i) END END; INC(j) END; out.WriteString(" "); CloseFold(fc, (ind > 1) OR (sel # ""), "#Dev:Fields") ELSE OutString("#Dev:Unloaded") END END ShowRecord; PROCEDURE ShowArray (a, ind: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView; VAR sel: Kernel.Name); VAR f: SHORTCHAR; i, n, m, size, len: INTEGER; name: Kernel.Name; eltyp, t: Kernel.Type; vi: SHORTINT; vs: BYTE; str: Dialog.String; high: BOOLEAN; fc: FoldContext; BEGIN WriteName(desc, ptr); out.WriteTab; len := LenOf(desc, ptr); eltyp := desc.base[0]; f := FormOf(eltyp); size := SizeOf(eltyp, ptr); IF (f = 2X) OR (f = 3X) THEN (* string *) n := 0; m := len; high := FALSE; IF f = 2X THEN REPEAT SYSTEM.GET(a + n, vs); INC(n) UNTIL (n = 32) OR (n = len) OR (vs = 0); REPEAT DEC(m); SYSTEM.GET(a + m, vs) UNTIL (m = 0) OR (vs # 0) ELSE REPEAT SYSTEM.GET(a + n * 2, vi); INC(n); IF vi DIV 256 # 0 THEN high := TRUE END UNTIL (n = len) OR (vi = 0); n := MIN(n, 32); REPEAT DEC(m); SYSTEM.GET(a + m * 2, vi) UNTIL (m = 0) OR (vi # 0) END; WriteString(a, n, size, TRUE, TRUE); INC(m, 2); IF m > len THEN m := len END; IF high OR (m > n) THEN out.WriteString(" "); OpenFold(fc); out.WriteLn; IF high & (n = 32) THEN WriteString(a, m, size, TRUE, TRUE); out.WriteLn; out.WriteLn END; WriteString(a, m, size, FALSE, FALSE); IF m < len THEN out.WriteString(", ..., 0X") END; out.WriteString(" "); CloseFold(fc, TRUE, "...") END ELSE t := eltyp; WHILE FormOf(t) = 12X DO t := t.base[0] END; IF FormOf(t) # 0X THEN OpenFold(fc); i := 0; WHILE i < len DO Strings.IntToString(i, str); name := "[" + SHORT(str$) + "]"; ShowVar(a, ind, f, 1X, eltyp, ptr, back, name, sel); INC(i); INC(a, size) END; out.WriteString(" "); CloseFold(fc, StdFolds.collapsed, "#Dev:Elements") END END END ShowArray; PROCEDURE ShowProcVar (a: INTEGER); VAR vli, n, ref: INTEGER; m: Kernel.Module; modName, name: Kernel.Name; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); Kernel.SearchProcVar(vli, m, vli); IF m = NIL THEN IF vli = 0 THEN out.WriteString("NIL") ELSE WriteHex(vli) END ELSE IF m.refcnt >= 0 THEN Kernel.GetModName(m, modName); out.WriteString(modName); ref := m.refs; REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, n, nn) UNTIL (n = 0) OR (vli < n); IF vli < n THEN out.WriteChar("."); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); out.WriteString(name) END ELSE OutString("#Dev:ProcInUnloadedMod"); Kernel.GetModName(m, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteString(" !!!") END END END ShowProcVar; PROCEDURE ShowPointer (a: INTEGER; f: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; back: RefView; VAR sel: Kernel.Name); VAR adr, x: INTEGER; ptr: ArrayPtr; c: Cluster; btyp: Kernel.Type; BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(a, adr); IF f = 13X THEN btyp := desc.base[0] ELSE btyp := NIL END; IF adr = 0 THEN out.WriteString("NIL") ELSIF f = 20X THEN out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar("]"); out.WriteChar(" "); c := SYSTEM.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); WHILE (c # NIL) & ((adr < SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c)) OR (adr >= SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c) + c.size)) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr) END ELSE IF (f = 13X) OR (f = 0CX) THEN x := adr - 4 ELSE x := adr END; IF ((adr < -4) OR (adr >= 65536)) & Kernel.IsReadable(x, adr + 16) THEN out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar("]"); IF (f = 13X) OR (f = 0CX) THEN out.WriteChar(" "); c := SYSTEM.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); WHILE (c # NIL) & ((adr < SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c)) OR (adr >= SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c) + c.size)) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr); IF (f = 13X) & (FormOf(btyp) = 12X) THEN (* array *) adr := SYSTEM.ADR(ptr.len[btyp.id DIV 16 MOD 16]) END ELSE OutString("#Dev:IllegalPointer") END END ELSE OutString("#Dev:IllegalAddress"); WriteHex(adr) END END END ShowPointer; PROCEDURE ShowSelector (ref: RefView); VAR b: RefView; n: SHORTINT; a, a0: TextModels.Attributes; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Name; BEGIN b := ref.back; n := 1; IF b # NIL THEN WHILE (b.name = ref.name) & (b.back # NIL) DO INC(n); b := b.back END; ShowSelector(b); IF n > 1 THEN out.WriteChar("(") END; out.WriteChar(".") END; Utf.Utf8ToString(ref.name, nn, res); out.WriteString(nn); IF ref.type = heap THEN out.WriteChar("^") END; IF n > 1 THEN out.WriteChar(")"); a0 := out.rider.attr; a := TextModels.NewOffset(a0, 2 * Ports.point); out.rider.SetAttr(a); out.WriteInt(n); out.rider.SetAttr(a0) END END ShowSelector; PROCEDURE ShowVar (ad, ind: INTEGER; f, c: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView; VAR name, sel: Kernel.Name); VAR i, j, vli, a: INTEGER; tsel: Kernel.Name; a0: TextModels.Attributes; vc: SHORTCHAR; vsi: BYTE; vi: SHORTINT; vr: SHORTREAL; vlr: REAL; vs: SET; BEGIN out.WriteLn; out.WriteTab; i := 0; WHILE i < ind DO out.WriteString(" "); INC(i) END; a := ad; i := 0; j := 0; IF sel # "" THEN WHILE sel[i] # 0X DO tsel[i] := sel[i]; INC(i) END; IF (tsel[i-1] # ":") & (name[0] # "[") THEN tsel[i] := "."; INC(i) END END; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO tsel[i] := name[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; tsel[i] := 0X; a0 := out.rider.attr; IF c = 3X THEN (* varpar *) SYSTEM.GET(ad, a); out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(a0, {Fonts.italic})) END; IF name[0] # "[" THEN out.WriteChar(".") END; out.WriteString(name); out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteTab; IF (c = 3X) & (a >= 0) & (a < 65536) THEN out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("NIL VARPAR") ELSIF f = 11X THEN Kernel.GetTypeName(desc, name); IF (c = 3X) & (name[0] # "!") THEN SYSTEM.GET(ad + 4, desc) END; (* dynamic type *) ShowRecord(a, ind + 1, desc, back, tsel) ELSIF (c = 3X) & (f = 0BX) THEN (* VAR anyrecord *) SYSTEM.GET(ad + 4, desc); ShowRecord(a, ind + 1, desc, back, tsel) ELSIF f = 12X THEN IF (desc.size = 0) & (ptr = NIL) THEN SYSTEM.GET(ad, a) END; (* dyn array val par *) IF ptr = NIL THEN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, ad - 8) END; ShowArray(a, ind + 1, desc, ptr, back, tsel) ELSE IF desc = NIL THEN desc := SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Type, ORD(f)) END; WriteName(desc, NIL); out.WriteTab; CASE f OF | 0X: (* SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); WriteHex(vli) *) | 1X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vc); IF vc = 0X THEN out.WriteString("FALSE") ELSIF vc = 1X THEN out.WriteString("TRUE") ELSE OutString("#Dev:Undefined"); out.WriteInt(ORD(vc)) END | 2X: WriteString(a, 1, 1, FALSE, FALSE) | 3X: WriteString(a, 1, 2, FALSE, TRUE); SYSTEM.GET(a, vi); IF vi DIV 256 # 0 THEN out.WriteString(" "); WriteString(a, 1, 2, FALSE, FALSE) END | 4X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vsi); out.WriteInt(vsi) | 5X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vi); out.WriteInt(vi) | 6X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); out.WriteInt(vli) | 7X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vr); out.WriteReal(vr) | 8X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vlr); out.WriteReal(vlr) | 9X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vs); out.WriteSet(vs) | 0AX: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); SYSTEM.GET(a + 4, i); IF (vli >= 0) & (i = 0) OR (vli < 0) & (i = -1) THEN out.WriteInt(vli) ELSE out.WriteIntForm(i, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); WriteHex(vli) END | 0CX, 0DX, 13X, 20X: ShowPointer(a, f, desc, back, tsel) | 0EX, 10X: ShowProcVar(a) | 0FX: WriteString(a, 256, 1, TRUE, FALSE) | 21X: WriteGuid(a) | 22X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); WriteHex(vli) ELSE END END END ShowVar; PROCEDURE ShowStack; VAR ref, end, i, j, x, a, b, c: INTEGER; m, f: SHORTCHAR; mod: Kernel.Module; modName, name, sel: Kernel.Name; d: Kernel.Type; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN a := Kernel.pc; b := Kernel.fp; c := 100; REPEAT mod := Kernel.modList; WHILE (mod # NIL) & ((a < mod.code) OR (a >= mod.code + mod.csize)) DO mod := mod.next END; IF mod # NIL THEN DEC(a, mod.code); IF mod.refcnt >= 0 THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteString(modName); ref := mod.refs; REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, nn) UNTIL (end = 0) OR (a < end); IF a < end THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); out.WriteChar("."); out.WriteString(name); sel := mod.name$; i := 0; WHILE sel[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; sel[i] := "."; INC(i); j := 0; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO sel[i] := name[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; sel[i] := ":"; sel[i+1] := 0X; out.WriteString(" ["); WriteHex(a); out.WriteString("] "); i := Kernel.SourcePos(mod, 0); IF name # "$$" THEN Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); WHILE m # 0X DO IF name[0] # "@" THEN ShowVar(b + x, 0, f, m, d, NIL, NIL, name, sel) END; Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res) END END; out.WriteLn ELSE out.WriteString(".???"); out.WriteLn END ELSE Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); out.WriteChar("("); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteString(") (pc="); WriteHex(a); out.WriteString(", fp="); WriteHex(b); out.WriteChar(")"); out.WriteLn END ELSE out.WriteString("<system> (pc="); WriteHex(a); out.WriteString(", fp="); WriteHex(b); out.WriteChar(")"); out.WriteLn END; IF (b >= Kernel.fp) & (b < Kernel.stack) THEN SYSTEM.GET(b+4, a); (* stacked pc *) SYSTEM.GET(b, b); (* dynamic link *) DEC(a); DEC(c) ELSE c := 0 END UNTIL c = 0 END ShowStack; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; (* delayed trap window open *) BEGIN Kernel.SetTrapGuard(TRUE); OpenViewer(a.text, "#Dev:Trap", NewRuler()); Kernel.SetTrapGuard(FALSE); END Do; PROCEDURE GetTrapMsg(OUT msg: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR ref, end, a, res: INTEGER; mod: Kernel.Module; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; name, head, tail: Kernel.Name; errstr: ARRAY 12 OF CHAR; key: ARRAY Kernel.nameLen * 3 + LEN(errstr) OF CHAR; BEGIN a := Kernel.pc; mod := Kernel.modList; msg := ""; WHILE (mod # NIL) & ((a < mod.code) OR (a >= mod.code + mod.csize)) DO mod := mod.next END; IF mod # NIL THEN DEC(a, mod.code); ref := mod.refs; REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, nn) UNTIL (end = 0) OR (a < end); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); IF a < end THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, head); Librarian.lib.SplitName(head, head, tail); Strings.IntToString(Kernel.err, errstr); key := tail + "." + name + "." + errstr; Dialog.MapString("#" + head + ":" + key, msg); IF msg = key THEN msg := "" END END END END GetTrapMsg; PROCEDURE OutAdr (adr: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:adr"); out.WriteString(" = "); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar(")") END OutAdr; PROCEDURE Trap; VAR a0: TextModels.Attributes; action: Action; msg: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; BEGIN out.ConnectTo(TextModels.dir.New()); a0 := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(a0, Fonts.bold)); IF Kernel.err = 129 THEN OutString("#System:invalid WITH") ELSIF Kernel.err = 130 THEN OutString("#System:invalid CASE") ELSIF Kernel.err = 131 THEN OutString("#System:function without RETURN") ELSIF Kernel.err = 132 THEN OutString("#System:type guard") ELSIF Kernel.err = 133 THEN OutString("#System:implied type guard") ELSIF Kernel.err = 134 THEN OutString("#System:value out of range") ELSIF Kernel.err = 135 THEN OutString("#System:index out of range") ELSIF Kernel.err = 136 THEN OutString("#System:string too long") ELSIF Kernel.err = 137 THEN OutString("#System:stack overflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 138 THEN OutString("#System:integer overflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 139 THEN OutString("#System:division by zero") ELSIF Kernel.err = 140 THEN OutString("#System:infinite real result") ELSIF Kernel.err = 141 THEN OutString("#System:real underflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 142 THEN OutString("#System:real overflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 143 THEN OutString("#System:undefined real result"); out.WriteString(" ("); out.WriteIntForm(Kernel.val MOD 10000H, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 4, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); out.WriteString(", "); out.WriteIntForm(Kernel.val DIV 10000H, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 3, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err = 144 THEN OutString("#System:not a number") ELSIF Kernel.err = 200 THEN OutString("#System:keyboard interrupt") ELSIF Kernel.err = 201 THEN OutString("#System:NIL dereference") ELSIF Kernel.err = 202 THEN OutString("#System:illegal instruction"); out.WriteString(": "); out.WriteIntForm(Kernel.val, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 5, "0", TextMappers.showBase) ELSIF Kernel.err = 203 THEN IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN OutString("#System:NIL dereference (read)") ELSE OutString("#System:illegal memory read"); OutAdr(Kernel.val) END ELSIF Kernel.err = 204 THEN IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN OutString("#System:NIL dereference (write)") ELSE OutString("#System:illegal memory write"); OutAdr(Kernel.val) END ELSIF Kernel.err = 205 THEN IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN OutString("#System:NIL procedure call") ELSE OutString("#System:illegal execution"); OutAdr(Kernel.val) END ELSIF Kernel.err = 257 THEN OutString("#System:out of memory") ELSIF Kernel.err = 10001H THEN OutString("#System:bus error") ELSIF Kernel.err = 10002H THEN OutString("#System:address error") ELSIF Kernel.err = 10007H THEN OutString("#System:fpu error") ELSIF Kernel.err < 0 THEN OutString("#System:Exception"); out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteIntForm(-Kernel.err, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 3, "0", TextMappers.showBase) ELSE OutString("#System:TRAP"); out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteInt(Kernel.err); IF Kernel.err = 126 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:not yet implemented"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err = 125 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:call of obsolete procedure"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err >= 100 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:invariant violated"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err >= 60 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:postcondition violated"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err >= 20 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:precondition violated"); out.WriteChar(")") END END; GetTrapMsg(msg); IF msg # "" THEN out.WriteLn; out.WriteString(msg) END; out.WriteLn; out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteLn; ShowStack; NEW(action); action.text := out.rider.Base(); Services.DoLater(action, Services.now); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END Trap; BEGIN Kernel.InstallTrapViewer(Trap); END StdDebug.
MODULE StdDialog; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, changes from 1.7.2 marked by green" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Anton Dmitriev, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070212, mf, minor cleanup - 20150329, center #34, fixing the reuse of open documents - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 20191107, AD, introduced a hook to modify the Open behavior as part of the Tyler project " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Meta, Strings, Files, Stores, Models, Sequencers, Views, Log, Ports, Fonts, Librarian, StdRegistry, TextModels, TextViews, Controllers, Printers, Containers, Dialog, Properties, Documents, Converters, Windows; TYPE Item* = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD next*: Item; item-, string-, filter-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; shortcut-: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; privateFilter-, failed, trapped: BOOLEAN; (* filter call failed, caused a trap *) res: INTEGER (* result code of failed filter *) END; FilterProcVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: Dialog.GuardProc END; FilterProcPVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: PROCEDURE(n: INTEGER; VAR p: Dialog.Par) END; ViewHook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.ViewHook) END; StdViewHook = POINTER TO RECORD (ViewHook) END; PrintHook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; (* page setup *) Preview = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) END; VAR curItem-: Item; (** IN parameter for item filters **) platformPrefOk*, platformInitPrefDialog*, RecalcMainWindow*: PROCEDURE; (* called after preferences have been changed *) prefs*: RECORD statusbar*, colorTheme*, windowBackground*, defaultColor*: INTEGER; thickCaret*: BOOLEAN; caretPeriod*: INTEGER; scaleFactor*: INTEGER; beep*: BOOLEAN; language*: Dialog.Combo; END; prefFName, prefDName: Fonts.Typeface; prefFSize, prefDSize, prefDWght: INTEGER; prefDStyle: SET; (* page setup *) setup*: RECORD decorate*: BOOLEAN; landscape*: BOOLEAN; left*, right*, top*, bottom*: REAL; w*, h*: INTEGER; hs, vs: REAL END; viewHook: ViewHook; stdViewHook: StdViewHook; printHook: PrintHook; PROCEDURE GetSubLoc* (mod: ARRAY OF CHAR; cat: Files.Name; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name); BEGIN Librarian.lib.GetSpec(mod, cat, loc, name) END GetSubLoc; PROCEDURE AddItem* (i: Item; item, string, filter, shortcut: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(i # NIL, 20); NEW(i.item, LEN(item$) + 1); NEW(i.string, LEN(string$) + 1); NEW(i.filter, LEN(filter$) + 1); ASSERT((i.item # NIL) & (i.string # NIL) & (i.filter # NIL), 100); i.item^ := item$; i.string^ := string$; i.filter^ := filter$; i.shortcut := shortcut$; j := 0; ch := filter[0]; WHILE (ch # ".") & (ch # 0X) DO INC(j); ch := filter[j] END; i.privateFilter := (j > 0) & (ch = 0X); i.failed := FALSE; i.trapped := FALSE END AddItem; PROCEDURE ClearGuards* (i: Item); BEGIN i.failed := FALSE; i.trapped := FALSE END ClearGuards; PROCEDURE GetGuardProc (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: Meta.Item; VAR par: BOOLEAN; VAR n: INTEGER); VAR j, k: INTEGER; num: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN j := 0; WHILE (name[j] # 0X) & (name[j] # "(") DO INC(j) END; IF name[j] = "(" THEN name[j] := 0X; INC(j); k := 0; WHILE (name[j] # 0X) & (name[j] # ")") DO num[k] := name[j]; INC(j); INC(k) END; IF (name[j] = ")") & (name[j+1] = 0X) THEN num[k] := 0X; Strings.StringToInt(num, n, k); IF k = 0 THEN Meta.LookupPath(name, i); par := TRUE ELSE Meta.Lookup("", i) END ELSE Meta.Lookup("", i) END ELSE Meta.LookupPath(name, i); par := FALSE END END GetGuardProc; PROCEDURE CheckFilter* (i: Item; VAR failed, ok: BOOLEAN; VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR x: Meta.Item; v: FilterProcVal; vp: FilterProcPVal; p: BOOLEAN; n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~i.failed THEN curItem := i; par.disabled := FALSE; par.checked := FALSE; par.label := i.item$; par.undef := FALSE; par.readOnly := FALSE; i.failed := TRUE; i.trapped := TRUE; GetGuardProc(i.filter^, x, p, n); IF (x.obj = Meta.procObj) OR (x.obj = Meta.varObj) & (x.typ = Meta.procTyp) THEN IF p THEN x.GetVal(vp, ok); IF ok THEN vp.p(n, par) END ELSE x.GetVal(v, ok); IF ok THEN v.p(par) END END ELSE ok := FALSE END; IF ok THEN i.res := 0 ELSE i.res := 1 END; i.trapped := FALSE; i.failed := ~ok END; failed := i.failed END CheckFilter; PROCEDURE HandleItem* (i: Item); VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~i.failed THEN Views.ClearQueue; res := 0; Dialog.Call(i.string^, " ", res) ELSIF (i # NIL) & i.failed THEN IF i.trapped THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:ItemFilterTrapped", i.string^, i.filter^, "") ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:ItemFilterNotFound", i.string^, i.filter^, "") END END END HandleItem; PROCEDURE RecalcView* (v: Views.View); (* recalc size of all subviews of v, then v itself *) VAR m: Models.Model; v1: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; minW, maxW, minH, maxH, w, h, w0, h0: INTEGER; BEGIN IF v IS Containers.View THEN c := v(Containers.View).ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN v1 := NIL; c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v1); WHILE v1 # NIL DO RecalcView(v1); c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v1) END END END; IF v.context # NIL THEN m := v.context.ThisModel(); IF (m # NIL) & (m IS Containers.Model) THEN m(Containers.Model).GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); v.context.GetSize(w0, h0); w := w0; h := h0; Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, w, h, w, h); IF (w # w0) OR (h # h0) THEN v.context.SetSize(w, h) END END END END RecalcView; PROCEDURE Open* (v: Views.View; title: ARRAY OF CHAR; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty: BOOLEAN); BEGIN viewHook.Open(v, title, loc, name, conv, asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty) END Open; (* ViewHook *) PROCEDURE (h: StdViewHook) Open (v: Views.View; title: ARRAY OF CHAR; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty: BOOLEAN); VAR t: Views.Title; flags, opts: SET; done: BOOLEAN; d: Documents.Document; len: INTEGER; win: Windows.Window; c: Containers.Controller; seq: ANYPTR; BEGIN IF conv = NIL THEN conv := Converters.list END; (* use document converter *) ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); flags := {}; done := FALSE; IF noResize THEN flags := flags + {Windows.noResize, Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll} END; IF asTool THEN INCL(flags, Windows.isTool) END; IF asAux THEN INCL(flags, Windows.isAux) END; IF neverDirty THEN INCL(flags, Windows.neverDirty) END; len := MIN(LEN(title$), LEN(Views.Title) - 1); Strings.Extract(title, 0, len, t); IF len = LEN(Views.Title) - 1 THEN t[len - 1] := "."; t[len - 2] := "."; t[len - 3] := "." END; IF ~allowDuplicates THEN Windows.SelectBySpec(loc, name, conv, flags, done); IF ~done & (title # "") & (loc = NIL) & (name = "") THEN Windows.SelectByTitle(v, flags, t, done) END ELSE INCL(flags, Windows.allowDuplicates) END; IF ~done THEN IF v IS Documents.Document THEN IF v.context # NIL THEN d := Documents.dir.New( Views.CopyOf(v(Documents.Document).ThisView(), Views.shallow), Views.undefined, Views.undefined) ELSE d := v(Documents.Document) END; ASSERT(d.context = NIL, 22); v := d.ThisView(); ASSERT(v # NIL, 23) ELSIF v.context # NIL THEN ASSERT(v.context IS Documents.Context, 24); d := v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc(); IF d.context # NIL THEN d := Documents.dir.New(Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow), Views.undefined, Views.undefined) END; ASSERT(d.context = NIL, 25) (*IF d.Domain() = NIL THEN Stores.InitDomain(d, v.Domain()) END (for views opened via Views.Old *) ELSE d := Documents.dir.New(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined) END; IF asTool OR asAux THEN c := d.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noSelection}) END; ASSERT(d.Domain() = v.Domain(), 100); ASSERT(d.Domain() # NIL, 101); seq := d.Domain().GetSequencer(); IF neverDirty & (seq # NIL) THEN ASSERT(seq IS Sequencers.Sequencer, 26); seq(Sequencers.Sequencer).SetDirty(FALSE) END; IF neverDirty THEN (* change "fit to page" to "fit to window" in secondary windows *) c := d.ThisController(); opts := c.opts; IF Documents.pageWidth IN opts THEN opts := opts - {Documents.pageWidth} + {Documents.winWidth} END; IF Documents.pageHeight IN opts THEN opts := opts - {Documents.pageHeight} + {Documents.winHeight} END; c.SetOpts(opts) END; win := Windows.dir.New(); IF seq # NIL THEN Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(win, d, flags, t) ELSE Windows.dir.Open(win, d, flags, t, loc, name, conv) END END END Open; PROCEDURE (h: ViewHook) OldView* (loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter): Views.View; VAR w: Windows.Window; s: Stores.Store; c: Converters.Converter; BEGIN ASSERT(loc # NIL, 20); ASSERT(name # "", 21); Files.dir.GetFileName(name, Files.docType, name); s := NIL; c := conv; IF c = NIL THEN c := Converters.list END; (* use document converter *) w := Windows.GetBySpec(loc, name, c, {}); IF w # NIL THEN s := w.doc.ThisView() END; IF s = NIL THEN Converters.Import(loc, name, conv, s); IF s # NIL THEN RecalcView(s(Views.View)) END END; IF s # NIL THEN RETURN s(Views.View) ELSE RETURN NIL END END OldView; PROCEDURE (h: ViewHook) RegisterView* (v: Views.View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter); BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(loc # NIL, 21); ASSERT(name # "", 22); Files.dir.GetFileName(name, Files.docType, name); Converters.Export(loc, name, conv, v) END RegisterView; PROCEDURE InitLanguage; VAR loc: Files.Locator; li: Files.LocInfo; lang: Dialog.Language; n: INTEGER; BEGIN prefs.language.SetItem(0, Dialog.defaultLanguage); n := 1; loc := Files.dir.This("System/Rsrc/"); li := Files.dir.LocList(loc); WHILE li # NIL DO IF LEN(li.name$) = 2 THEN Strings.ToLower(li.name, lang); prefs.language.SetItem(n, lang); INC(n); END; li := li.next; END; prefs.language.SetLen(n); prefs.language.item := Dialog.language$; IF prefs.language.item = '' THEN prefs.language.item := Dialog.defaultLanguage$ END; END InitLanguage; PROCEDURE PrefOk*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF prefs.statusbar = 1 THEN Dialog.showsStatus := TRUE; Dialog.memInStatus := FALSE ELSIF prefs.statusbar = 2 THEN Dialog.showsStatus := TRUE; Dialog.memInStatus := TRUE ELSE Dialog.showsStatus := FALSE END; Dialog.Call("StdCmds.UpdateAll", "", res); Dialog.Call("StdCmds.RecalcAllSizes", "", res); Dialog.Call("TextCmds.UpdateDefaultAttr", "", res); StdRegistry.WriteBool("noStatus", ~Dialog.showsStatus); StdRegistry.WriteBool("memStatus", Dialog.memInStatus); Dialog.thickCaret := prefs.thickCaret; Dialog.caretPeriod := prefs.caretPeriod; IF prefs.scaleFactor < 50 THEN prefs.scaleFactor := 50; Dialog.UpdateInt(prefs.scaleFactor); END; IF prefs.scaleFactor > 200 THEN prefs.scaleFactor := 200; Dialog.UpdateInt(prefs.scaleFactor); END; Dialog.scaleFactor := prefs.scaleFactor; Dialog.colorTheme := prefs.colorTheme; Dialog.defaultColor := prefs.defaultColor; Ports.background := prefs.windowBackground; Dialog.Call("StdTiles.UpdateUIColors", "", res); StdRegistry.WriteInt("colorTheme", Dialog.colorTheme); StdRegistry.WriteInt("defaultColor", Dialog.defaultColor); StdRegistry.WriteInt("windowBackground", Ports.background ); Dialog.beep := prefs.beep; StdRegistry.WriteBool("thickCaret", Dialog.thickCaret); StdRegistry.WriteInt("caretPeriod", Dialog.caretPeriod); StdRegistry.WriteInt("scaleFactor", Dialog.scaleFactor); StdRegistry.WriteBool("beep", Dialog.beep); IF platformPrefOk # NIL THEN platformPrefOk END; Dialog.SetLanguage(prefs.language.item$, Dialog.persistent); IF RecalcMainWindow # NIL THEN RecalcMainWindow() END; END PrefOk; PROCEDURE PrefsNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR msg: UpdateMsg; t: INTEGER; BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN IF prefs.caretPeriod < 50 THEN prefs.caretPeriod := 50; Dialog.UpdateInt(prefs.caretPeriod) END; IF prefs.caretPeriod > 10000 THEN prefs.caretPeriod := 10000; Dialog.UpdateInt(prefs.caretPeriod) END; (* IF prefs.scaleFactor < 10 THEN prefs.scaleFactor := 10; Dialog.UpdateInt(prefs.scaleFactor) END; IF prefs.scaleFactor > 500 THEN prefs.scaleFactor := 500; Dialog.UpdateInt(prefs.scaleFactor) END *) END END PrefsNotifier; PROCEDURE InitPrefDialog; BEGIN IF ~Dialog.showsStatus THEN prefs.statusbar := 0 ELSIF Dialog.memInStatus THEN prefs.statusbar := 2 ELSE prefs.statusbar := 1 END; prefs.thickCaret := Dialog.thickCaret; prefs.caretPeriod := Dialog.caretPeriod; prefs.scaleFactor := Dialog.scaleFactor; prefs.colorTheme := Dialog.colorTheme; prefs.defaultColor := Dialog.defaultColor; prefs.windowBackground := Ports.background; prefs.beep := Dialog.beep; Dialog.GetDefaultFont(prefFName, prefFSize); Dialog.GetDialogFont(prefDName, prefDSize, prefDStyle, prefDWght); InitLanguage; IF platformInitPrefDialog # NIL THEN platformInitPrefDialog END END InitPrefDialog; PROCEDURE OpenPrefDialog*; VAR m, mPlatform: TextModels.Model; v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN InitPrefDialog; IF Dialog.language # Dialog.defaultLanguage THEN v := Views.OldView(Files.dir.This("Std/Rsrc/"+Dialog.language), "Preferences.odc") END; IF v = NIL THEN v := Views.OldView(Files.dir.This("Std/Rsrc"), "Preferences.odc") END; IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: TextViews.View DO m := v.ThisModel() ELSE END END; IF (m # NIL) & (Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows) THEN IF Dialog.language # Dialog.defaultLanguage THEN v := Views.OldView( Files.dir.This("Win/Rsrc/"+Dialog.language), "Preferences.odc") END; IF v = NIL THEN v := Views.OldView(Files.dir.This("Win/Rsrc"), "Preferences.odc") END; WITH v: TextViews.View DO mPlatform := v.ThisModel(); ELSE END; IF (mPlatform # NIL) THEN m.Insert(m.Length(), mPlatform, 0, mPlatform.Length()) END END; IF m # NIL THEN v := TextViews.dir.New(m); WITH v: Containers.View DO c := v.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection}); Open(v, "#Std:Preferences", NIL, "", NIL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) (* asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty *) (* for some reason, asUax = TRUE => (wheel) scrolling enabled!, ~asAux => scrolling disabled! эта работа пока не завершена *) END END ELSE Log.String("can not find Preferences form neither Std nor Win subsystem"); Log.Ln; END END OpenPrefDialog; (* printer dialogs *) PROCEDURE SetPrintHook* (hook: PrintHook); BEGIN printHook := hook END SetPrintHook; PROCEDURE (hook: PrintHook) GetPage* (p: Printers.Printer; VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (hook: PrintHook) PrintSetup*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (hook: PrintHook) PrintDialog* ( hasSelection: BOOLEAN; VAR from, to, copies: INTEGER; VAR selection: BOOLEAN ), NEW, ABSTRACT; (* page setup previewer view *) PROCEDURE (v: Preview) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); CONST scale = 16; rmm = Ports.mm DIV scale; size = 460 * rmm; VAR u, w, h, x, y, uu: INTEGER; BEGIN u := f.unit; IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN uu := 10 * rmm ELSE uu := Ports.inch DIV scale END; w := setup.w DIV scale; h := setup.h DIV scale; x := (size - w) DIV 2; y := (size - h) DIV 2; l := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.left * uu)); t := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.top * uu)); r := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.right * uu)); b := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.bottom * uu)); f.DrawRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, Ports.fill, Ports.background); f.DrawRect(x - u, y - u, x + w + u, y + h + u, 0, Ports.defaultColor); IF setup.decorate THEN IF t < 14 * rmm THEN t := 14 * rmm END; f.DrawRect(x + l, y + 10 * rmm, x + l + 20 * rmm, y + 10 * rmm + u, Ports.fill, Ports.defaultColor); f.DrawRect(x + w - r - 8 * rmm, y + 10 * rmm, x + w - r, y + 10 * rmm + u, Ports.fill, Ports.defaultColor) END; IF (w - r > l) & (h - b > t) THEN f.DrawRect(x + l, y + t, x + w - r, y + h - b, 0, Ports.defaultColor) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: Preview) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: Preview; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; (* page setup dialog *) PROCEDURE SetupNotify* (op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR msg: UpdateMsg; t: INTEGER; BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN IF setup.landscape # (setup.w > setup.h) THEN t := setup.w; setup.w := setup.h; setup.h := t END; Views.Omnicast(msg); Dialog.Update(setup) END END SetupNotify; PROCEDURE PageSetupOk*; VAR win: Windows.Window; w, h, l, t, r, b, uu, res_: INTEGER; BEGIN win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF win # NIL THEN IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN uu := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE uu := Ports.inch END; w := setup.w; h := setup.h; l := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.left * uu)); t := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.top * uu)); r := w - SHORT(ENTIER(setup.right * uu)); b := h - SHORT(ENTIER(setup.bottom * uu)); IF (0 <= l) & (l < r) & (r <= w) & (0 <= t) & (t < b) & (b <= h) THEN win.doc.SetPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, setup.decorate); Dialog.Call("StdCmds.CloseDialog", "", res_) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END END PageSetupOk; PROCEDURE InitPageSetup; VAR win: Windows.Window; w, h, pw, ph, l, t, r, b, uu: INTEGER; p: Printers.Printer; BEGIN win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath); IF win # NIL THEN IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN uu := Ports.mm DIV 10 ELSE uu := Ports.inch DIV 100 END; win.doc.PollPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, setup.decorate); p := Printers.dir.Current(); IF p # NIL THEN printHook.GetPage(p, pw, ph); IF (pw > ph) = (w > h) THEN w := pw; h := ph ELSE w := ph; h := pw END END; r := w - r; b := h - b; setup.left := l DIV uu / 100; setup.right := r DIV uu / 100; setup.top := t DIV uu / 100; setup.bottom := b DIV uu / 100; setup.w := w; setup.h := h; setup.hs := setup.right + setup.left; setup.vs := setup.bottom + setup.top; setup.landscape := w > h END END InitPageSetup; PROCEDURE OpenPageSetup*; VAR res_: INTEGER; BEGIN IF printHook # NIL THEN InitPageSetup; Dialog.Call("StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/PageSetup', '#System:PageSetup')", "", res_) END END OpenPageSetup; PROCEDURE PrintSetup*; BEGIN IF printHook # NIL THEN printHook.PrintSetup END END PrintSetup; PROCEDURE PrintDialog* (hasSelection: BOOLEAN; VAR from, to, copies: INTEGER; VAR selection: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF printHook # NIL THEN printHook.PrintDialog(hasSelection, from, to, copies, selection) END END PrintDialog; (* Std Dialogs *) PROCEDURE DefaultFontDialog*; VAR tf: Fonts.Typeface; size, color, w: INTEGER; style: SET; set: BOOLEAN; title: Dialog.String; BEGIN tf := prefFName; size := prefFSize; w := Fonts.normal; style := {}; Dialog.MapString("#Std:Default font", title); Dialog.GetFont(TRUE, tf, size, color, w, style, set, title); IF set THEN prefFName := tf; prefFSize := size; Dialog.SetDefaultFont(prefFName, prefFSize); END END DefaultFontDialog; PROCEDURE DialogsFontDialog*; VAR tf: Fonts.Typeface; size, color, w: INTEGER; style: SET; set: BOOLEAN; title: Dialog.String; BEGIN tf := prefDName; size := prefDSize; w := prefDWght; style := prefDStyle; Dialog.MapString("#Std:Dialog font", title); Dialog.GetFont(TRUE, tf, size, color, w, style, set, title); IF set THEN prefDName := tf; prefDSize := size; prefDStyle := style; prefDWght := w; Dialog.SetDialogFont(prefDName, prefDSize, prefDStyle, prefDWght); END END DialogsFontDialog; PROCEDURE ColorDialog*; VAR set: BOOLEAN; p: Properties.StdProp; color: Ports.Color; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p); IF ~(Properties.color IN p.known) THEN p.color.val := Ports.black END; Dialog.GetColor(p.color.val, color, set); IF set THEN p.valid := {Properties.color}; p.color.val := color; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END END ColorDialog; PROCEDURE FontDialog*; (** open font dialog and set selection to choosen attributes **) VAR set: BOOLEAN; p, p0: Properties.StdProp; title: Dialog.String; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p0); IF (p0 # NIL) & (Properties.typeface IN p0.known) THEN NEW(p); p.typeface := p0.typeface$; p.size := p0.size; p.color.val := p0.color.val; p.weight := p0.weight; p.style := p0.style; Dialog.MapString("#Std:Font", title); Dialog.GetFont(TRUE, p.typeface, p.size, p.color.val, p.weight, p.style.val, set, title); IF set THEN p.valid := {Properties.typeface, Properties.style, Properties.weight, Properties.size, Properties.color}; p.style.mask := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout}; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END END END FontDialog; PROCEDURE TypefaceDialog*; (** open font dialog and set selection to choosen typeface **) VAR set: BOOLEAN; p, p0: Properties.StdProp; title: Dialog.String; BEGIN Properties.CollectStdProp(p0); IF (p0 # NIL) & (Properties.typeface IN p0.known) THEN NEW(p); p.typeface := p0.typeface$; p.size := p0.size; p.weight := p0.weight; p.style := p0.style; Dialog.MapString("#Std:Typeface", title); Dialog.GetFont(FALSE, p.typeface, p.size, p.color.val, p.weight, p.style.val, set, title); IF set THEN p.valid := {Properties.typeface}; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END END END TypefaceDialog; PROCEDURE SetViewHook* (hook: ViewHook); BEGIN IF hook = NIL THEN hook := stdViewHook END; viewHook := hook; Views.SetViewHook(hook) END SetViewHook; PROCEDURE Init; VAR b: BOOLEAN; p, res: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(stdViewHook); Views.SetViewHook(stdViewHook); viewHook := stdViewHook; StdRegistry.ReadBool("noStatus", b, res); Dialog.showsStatus := (res # 0) OR ~b; StdRegistry.ReadBool("memStatus", b, res); Dialog.memInStatus := (res = 0) & b; StdRegistry.ReadBool("thickCaret", b, res); IF res = 0 THEN Dialog.thickCaret := b END; StdRegistry.ReadInt("caretPeriod", p, res); IF (res = 0) & (p > 0) & (p <= 10000) THEN Dialog.caretPeriod := p END; StdRegistry.ReadInt("colorTheme", p, res); IF res = 0 THEN Dialog.colorTheme := p END; StdRegistry.ReadInt("defaultColor", p, res); IF res = 0 THEN Dialog.defaultColor := p END; StdRegistry.ReadInt("windowBackground", p, res); IF res = 0 THEN Ports.background := p END; StdRegistry.ReadBool("beep", b, res); IF res = 0 THEN Dialog.beep := b END; END Init; BEGIN Init END StdDialog.
MODULE StdDocuments; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, new module" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Anton Dmitriev, Ivan Denisov, Ketmar Dark" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070326, bh, SetPage corrected - 20070327, bh, SetOrientation calls added - 20191201, AD, Document.GetBackground now returns Views.transparent - 20230520, k8, scrollbar fixes - 20240521, dia, prevent fall in DoRecalc " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Files, Ports, Printers, Documents, Services, Windows, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Printing, Containers, StdScrollbars; CONST (** Controller.opts **) pageWidth = Documents.pageWidth; pageHeight = Documents.pageHeight; winWidth = Documents.winWidth; winHeight = Documents.winHeight; forceRecalc = TRUE; (* for PROCEDURE DoRecalc *) mm = Ports.mm; defB = 8 * Ports.point; (* defB also used by HostWindows in DefBorders *) scrollUnit = 16 * Ports.point; resizingKey = "#System:Resizing"; pageSetupKey = "#System:PageSetup"; docTag = 6F4F4443H; docVersion = 0; modelVersion = 0; minVersion = 0; maxModelVersion = 0; maxDocVersion = 0; maxCtrlVersion = 0; (* Constants for Document.frame.flags that indicate it ∈ to front or target path *) front* = 20; target* = 21; left* = TRUE; right* = ~left; (** Constants for Param.sbSide *) center* = -1; (* possible value for l, t in PROCEDURE InsertOverlaid *) (* Context.align *) noalign* = 0; top* = 1; bottom* = 2; (* OverlayProposal.op *) show* = 0; hide* = 1; poll* = 2; pollFrame* = 3; TYPE Context* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Documents.Context) l*, t*, w*, h*, (** bounding box, w = 0 => not restored (not Views.InstallFrame'd) *) level*: INTEGER; (** z-ordering, passed into Views.InstallFrame *) view*: Views.View; END; StdContext = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Context) next: StdContext; model: StdModel; align: INTEGER; overlaid: BOOLEAN; (* modal: BOOLEAN; *) owner: Views.View; (* optional owner of an overlaid view, will receive msgs *) par: ANYPTR; END; (* merge these types? *) SBContext = POINTER TO RECORD (StdContext) END; (* this type is for the sake of Consider'ing a StdScrollbars.Proposal *) Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Documents.Directory) END; Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Model) (** responsible for allocating and positioning auxiliary views *) view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; (* possibly r, b >= Views.infinite *) (* the box occupied by .view *) (* l, t: constant (= defB) *) (* r-l, b-t: invalid in some cases, use PollRect *) doc-: Document; (* one-to-one relationship *) (* parameters to .Recalc: *) ocw-, och-, (* last obtained original's context w, h,*) unit-: INTEGER; (* frame unit, (backup unit size, for situations when Recalc is requested while it's frame is not provided (i.e. when .Recalc is called from PollRect) *) opts-: SET; (* and original's controllers opts *) END; Document* = POINTER TO RECORD (Documents.Document) model: Model; (* one-to-one relationship *) original: Document; (* original # NIL => d IS copy of original *) pw, ph, pl, pt, pr, pb: INTEGER; (* invalid if original # NIL, use PollPage *) decorate: BOOLEAN; x, y: INTEGER; (* scroll state *) clipper: RootContext; (* clipping box for doc's view in this ACTUAL (not original) document. This clipping box is different from the view's box obtained thru PollRect, 'cause in case of winWidth, winHeight options, the view's box depends on the ORIGINAL doc's context, not the ACTUAL doc's context. At the time, .clipper.view = NIL *) prevW, prevH: INTEGER; (* clipper: Clipper; (* clipping box for doc's view in this ACTUAL (not original) document. This clipping box is different from the view's box obtained thru PollRect, 'cause in case of winWidth, winHeight options, the view's box depends on the ORIGINAL doc's context, not the ACTUAL doc's context *) *) END; Clipper = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; (** Wrapper that sets up clipping rect for root view *) ClipperCtx = POINTER TO RECORD (Context) model: Model END; RootContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Context) model: Model END; SetRectOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: Model; w, h: INTEGER END; SetPageOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) d: Document; pw, ph, pl, pt, pr, pb: INTEGER; decorate: BOOLEAN END; ReplaceViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: Model; new: Views.View END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) doc: Document END; Param* = POINTER TO RECORD sbSide*: BOOLEAN; (** left = TRUE; right = FALSE *) sbThickness*: Pixels; (** scrollbar thickness, in pixels *) debug*: BOOLEAN; InitDefaults-, Init-: PROCEDURE (par: ANYPTR) END; OverlayProposal* = RECORD (Models.Proposal) op*, x*, y*: INTEGER; owner*, (* optional owner for .view, will receive some related msgs *) view*: Views.View; (* view to be shown if .op = show *) frame*: Views.Frame; (* valid iff .op = pollFrame; IN: .owner's frame OUT: overlay's frame *) END; UCs = INTEGER; Pixels = INTEGER; PollOptsMsg* = RECORD (Views.Message) opts*: SET END; PanWindowPref* = RECORD (Properties.Preference) (* relocate? cf. TylerMenus, LinWindows*) atLocation*: BOOLEAN; x*, y*: INTEGER; panWindow*: BOOLEAN (* callee => caller *) END; StdModel = POINTER TO RECORD (Model) param: Param; sbV, sbH: StdContext; sbVv, sbHv: StdScrollbars.Scrollbar; showV, showH: BOOLEAN; aux: StdContext; (* linked list of aux views *) END; Controller = POINTER TO RECORD (Containers.Controller) doc: Document; model: StdModel; overlaid: StdContext; END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; ResetBarAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; PollPointerMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) x, y: INTEGER END; (** Used to poll current pointer position *) RemoveOverlayMsg* = RECORD (Views.Message) END; (** Informs the overlaid owner view of the fact the overlay is removed *) Backdrop = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) view: Views.View; END; BackdropContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) backdrop: Backdrop END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; param*: Param; resetBar: ResetBarAction; bar: StdContext; par-: ANYPTR; (* optional parameter of currently activated pane *) PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize* (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize* (OUT w, h: INTEGER), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN w := c.w; h := c.h END GetSize; (* Clipper *) PROCEDURE (c: ClipperCtx) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN c.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: ClipperCtx) ThisDoc (): Document; BEGIN RETURN c.model.doc END ThisDoc; PROCEDURE (v: Clipper) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; m: Model; BEGIN c := v.context; WITH c: ClipperCtx DO m := c.model; Views.InstallFrame(f, m.view, m.l + m.doc.x, m.t + m.doc.y, 0, TRUE) ELSE HALT(20) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: Clipper) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN focus := v.context(ClipperCtx).model.view END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: Clipper) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN Views.HandlePropMsg(v.context(ClipperCtx).model.view, msg) END HandlePropMsg; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (lo: Model) First* (): Context, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** First aux view context for doc *) PROCEDURE (lo: Model) Next* (c: Context): Context, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Linked list of contexts for aux views *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Recalc- (clipper: Context), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Recalculate aux views boxes for m. m.ocw, .och, .unit, .opts are parameters to Recalc, their valid values are guaranteed by the caller. clipper is the clipping rectangle for document's view: it may exclude the space occupied by tiled auxiliary views and is the box in which the view is placed. The view's rect (cf. PollRect, SetRect) is a rect inside clipper *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize2- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom2- (source: Stores.Store), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR c: RootContext; thisVersion: INTEGER; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN m.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxModelVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; Views.ReadView(rd, m.view); rd.ReadInt(l); rd.ReadInt(t); rd.ReadInt(r); rd.ReadInt(b); m.l := defB; m.t := defB; m.r := defB + r - l; m.b := defB + b - t; NEW(c); c.model := m; m.view.InitContext(c); m.Internalize2(rd) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN ASSERT(m.doc.original = NIL, 100); m.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxModelVersion); Views.WriteView(wr, m.view); wr.WriteInt(m.l); wr.WriteInt(m.t); wr.WriteInt(m.r); wr.WriteInt(m.b); m.Externalize2(wr) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); VAR c: RootContext; BEGIN WITH source: Model DO m.view := Stores.CopyOf(source.view)(Views.View); m.l := source.l; m.t := source.t; m.r := source.r; m.b := source.b; NEW(c); c.model := m; m.view.InitContext(c); m.CopyFrom2(source) END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (m: Model) InitFrom- (source: Containers.Model); VAR c: RootContext; BEGIN WITH source: Model DO m.view := Stores.CopyOf(source.view)(Views.View); m.l := source.l; m.t := source.t; m.r := source.r; m.b := source.b; NEW(c); c.model := m; m.view.InitContext(c) END END InitFrom; PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetEmbeddingLimits* (OUT minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER); BEGIN minW := 5 * mm; minH := 5 * mm; maxW := MAX(INTEGER) DIV 2; maxH := MAX(INTEGER) DIV 2 END GetEmbeddingLimits; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ReplaceView* (old, new: Views.View); VAR con: Models.Context; op: ReplaceViewOp; BEGIN ASSERT(old # NIL, 20); con := old.context; ASSERT(con # NIL, 21); ASSERT(con.ThisModel() = m, 22); ASSERT(new # NIL, 23); ASSERT((new.context = NIL) OR (new.context = con), 24); IF new # old THEN IF new.context = NIL THEN new.InitContext(con) END; Stores.Join(m, new); NEW(op); op.model := m; op.new := new; Models.Do(m, "#System:ReplaceView", op) END END ReplaceView; PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) ThisModel (): Model; BEGIN RETURN c.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) ThisDoc (): Document; BEGIN RETURN c.model.doc END ThisDoc; (* StdModel *) (* shouldn't First and .Next be replaced with Containers.Controller.GetFirst, .GetNext? *) PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) First (): StdContext; VAR res: StdContext; BEGIN res := m.aux; IF res = NIL THEN res := m.doc.ThisController()(Controller).overlaid END; RETURN res END First; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Next (c: Context): StdContext; VAR ctx, overlaid, res: StdContext; ctrl: Containers.Controller; BEGIN ctrl := m.doc.ThisController(); WITH ctrl: Controller DO overlaid := ctrl.overlaid; ctx := m.aux; WHILE (ctx # NIL) & (ctx # overlaid) DO ctx := ctx.next END; IF ctx = overlaid THEN overlaid := NIL END (* Post: overlaid ∉ m.aux *) ELSE HALT(21) END; IF (c = overlaid) & (overlaid # NIL) THEN (* nothing *) ELSE WITH c: StdContext DO res := c.next; IF res = NIL THEN res := overlaid END ELSE HALT(20) END END; RETURN res END Next; PROCEDURE SBLeft (wid, hei, thickness: UCs; validV, validH: BOOLEAN; clipper: Context; v, h: StdContext); VAR a: UCs; (** scrollbar on the left *) BEGIN v.l := 0; v.t := 0; clipper.t := 0; h.l := 0; IF validV THEN a := MIN(wid, thickness) ELSE a := 0 END; v.w := a; clipper.w := wid - a; clipper.l := a; IF validH THEN a := MIN(hei, thickness) ELSE a := 0 END; h.h := a; h.t := hei - a; clipper.h := hei - a; v.h := hei - a; h.w := wid; END SBLeft; PROCEDURE SBRight (wid, hei, thickness: UCs; validV, validH: BOOLEAN; clipper: Context; v, h: StdContext); VAR a: UCs; (** scrollbar on the right *) BEGIN clipper.l := 0; clipper.t := 0; v.t := 0; h.l := 0; IF validV THEN a := MIN(wid, thickness) ELSE a := 0 END; v.w := a; v.l := wid - a; clipper.w := wid - a; IF validH THEN a := MIN(hei, thickness) ELSE a := 0 END; h.h := a; h.t := hei - a; clipper.h := hei - a; v.h := hei; h.w := wid - v.w; END SBRight; PROCEDURE PreferredSize (v: Views.View; m: StdModel; OUT w, h: INTEGER); VAR bounds: Properties.BoundsPref; wl, wh, hl, hh: INTEGER; BEGIN bounds.w := Views.undefined; bounds.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, bounds); IF (bounds.w > Views.undefined) & (bounds.h > Views.undefined) THEN w := bounds.w; h := bounds.h ELSE m.GetEmbeddingLimits(wl, wh, hl, hh); w := Views.undefined; h := Views.undefined; Properties.PreferredSize(v, wl, wh, hl, hh, 50 * Ports.mm, 50 * Ports.mm, w, h) END END PreferredSize; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Recalc (clipper: Context); VAR _, thickness, aw, ah, l, t, r, b: UCs; c: StdContext; BEGIN IF m.doc.context = NIL THEN (* window initialization branch *) m.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); clipper.l := 0; clipper.t := 0; clipper.w := r; clipper.h := b ELSE m.doc.context.GetSize(aw, ah); IF m.unit = 0 THEN thickness := 0 ELSE thickness := m.param.sbThickness * (Ports.point - Ports.point MOD m.unit) END; IF (aw = 0) OR (ah = 0) THEN ELSIF m.param.sbSide = left THEN SBLeft(aw, ah, thickness, m.showV, m.showH, clipper, m.sbV, m.sbH) ELSE SBRight(aw, ah, thickness, m.showV, m.showH, clipper, m.sbV, m.sbH) END END; (* At this point, the scrollbars and clipper have been set *) c := m.aux; WHILE c # NIL DO IF (c.align = top) OR (c.align = bottom) THEN PreferredSize(c.view, m, _, c.h); c.l := clipper.l; c.w := clipper.w; IF c.align = top THEN c.t := clipper.t; INC(clipper.t, c.h); DEC(clipper.h, c.h) ELSE DEC(clipper.h, c.h); c.t := clipper.t + clipper.h END END; c := c.next END; (* At this point, all aligned auxiliary views have been set *) (* The .overlaid view is set when handling OverlayProposal -> DoInsertOverlaid *) END Recalc; PROCEDURE GetSection (f: Views.Frame; focus, vertical: BOOLEAN; VAR size, sect, pos: INTEGER; VAR valid: BOOLEAN); VAR msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; BEGIN (* portable *) msg.focus := focus; msg.vertical := vertical; msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0; msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(f, msg); IF msg.done THEN size := msg.wholeSize; sect := msg.partSize; pos := msg.partPos; IF size < 0 THEN size := 0 END; IF sect < 0 THEN sect := 0 ELSIF sect > size THEN sect := size END; IF pos > size - sect THEN pos := size - sect END; IF pos < 0 THEN pos := 0 END ELSE size := 1; sect := 0; pos := 0 END; valid := msg.valid END GetSection; PROCEDURE UpdateScrollbar (f: Views.Frame; m: StdModel; vertical, focus: BOOLEAN; OUT show, upd: BOOLEAN); VAR size, sect, pos: INTEGER; sb: StdScrollbars.Scrollbar; BEGIN IF vertical THEN sb := m.sbVv ELSE sb := m.sbHv END; GetSection(f, focus, vertical, size, sect, pos, show); IF show THEN (* ? *) IF size = 0 THEN size := 1 END ELSIF ~focus THEN GetSection(f, FALSE, vertical, size, sect, pos, show) END; upd := FALSE; IF show THEN IF sb.wholeSize # size THEN sb.wholeSize := size; upd := TRUE END; IF sb.partSize # sect THEN sb.partSize := sect; upd := TRUE END; IF sb.partPos # pos THEN sb.partPos := pos; upd := TRUE END END END UpdateScrollbar; PROCEDURE ^ Recalc* (d: Document; unit: INTEGER); PROCEDURE (m: Model) UpdateScrollbars- (f: Views.Frame; opts: SET), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) UpdateScrollbars (f: Views.Frame; opts: SET); VAR recalc, updV, updH, showV, showH: BOOLEAN; flags: SET; BEGIN WITH f: Views.RootFrame DO flags := f.flags ELSE flags := {} END; showV := ~(Windows.noVScroll IN flags); showH := ~(Windows.noHScroll IN flags); IF showV THEN UpdateScrollbar(f, m, StdScrollbars.vertical, FALSE, showV, updV) END; IF showH THEN UpdateScrollbar(f, m, ~StdScrollbars.vertical, FALSE, showH, updH) END; recalc := (m.showV # showV) OR (m.showH # showH); m.showV := showV; m.showH := showH; IF recalc THEN Recalc(m.doc, f.unit) ELSE IF updV THEN Views.Update(m.sbVv, Views.keepFrames) END; IF updH THEN Views.Update(m.sbHv, Views.keepFrames) END END END UpdateScrollbars; PROCEDURE UpdateScrollbars* (f: Views.Frame); VAR recalc, updV, updH, showV, showH: BOOLEAN; opts: SET; d: Views.View; m: Model; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); (* if Controllers.modify IN opts THEN scrollbars should show doc's proper scroll state rather than it'f focus view's scroll state *) IF f.view # NIL THEN d := f.view; WITH d: Document DO d.model.UpdateScrollbars(f, d.ThisController().opts) ELSE HALT(21) END END END UpdateScrollbars; (* operations *) PROCEDURE (op: SetRectOp) Do; VAR m: Model; w, h: INTEGER; upd: UpdateMsg; BEGIN m := op.model; w := m.r - m.l; h := m.b - m.t; m.r := m.l + op.w; m.b := m.t + op.h; op.w := w; op.h := h; IF m.doc.context # NIL THEN upd.doc := m.doc; Views.Domaincast(m.doc.Domain(), upd) END END Do; PROCEDURE (op: SetPageOp) Do; VAR d: Document; pw, ph, pl, pt, pr, pb: INTEGER; decorate: BOOLEAN; upd: UpdateMsg; BEGIN d := op.d; pw := d.pw; ph := d.ph; pl := d.pl; pt := d.pt; pr := d.pr; pb := d.pb; decorate := d.decorate; d.pw := op.pw; d.ph := op.ph; d.pl := op.pl; d.pt := op.pt; d.pr := op.pr; d.pb := op.pb; d.decorate := op.decorate; op.pw := pw; op.ph := ph; op.pl := pl; op.pt := pt; op.pr := pr; op.pb := pb; op.decorate := decorate; IF d.context # NIL THEN upd.doc := d; Views.Domaincast(d.Domain(), upd) END END Do; PROCEDURE (op: ReplaceViewOp) Do; VAR new: Views.View; upd: UpdateMsg; BEGIN new := op.new; op.new := op.model.view; op.model.view := new; upd.doc := op.model.doc; IF upd.doc.context # NIL THEN Views.Domaincast(upd.doc.Domain(), upd) END END Do; (* support for Document paging *) PROCEDURE HasFocus (v: Views.View; f: Views.Frame): BOOLEAN; VAR focus: Views.View; dummy: Controllers.PollFocusMsg; BEGIN focus := NIL; dummy.focus := NIL; v.HandleCtrlMsg(f, dummy, focus); RETURN focus # NIL END HasFocus; PROCEDURE ScrollDoc (v: Document; x, y: INTEGER); VAR xShift, yShift: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x # v.x) OR (y # v.y) THEN xShift := x - v.x; yShift := y - v.y; v.x := x; v.y := y; Views.Scroll(v, xShift, yShift) END END ScrollDoc; PROCEDURE GetOtherSBSize (v: Document; vert: BOOLEAN): UCs; VAR res, w, h: UCs; m: StdModel; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); res := 0; IF v.model IS StdModel THEN m := v.model(StdModel); IF vert & m.showH THEN ASSERT(m.sbHv # NIL, 100); m.sbHv.context.GetSize(w, h); res := MAX(0, h) ELSIF ~vert & m.showV THEN ASSERT(m.sbVv # NIL, 101); m.sbVv.context.GetSize(w, h); res := MAX(0, w) END END; RETURN res END GetOtherSBSize; PROCEDURE CalcScrollParams (d: Document; unit: UCs; vert: BOOLEAN; OUT p, ps, vs, sz: INTEGER); VAR w, h, l, t, r, b, sbsize: UCs; BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); d.PollRect(l, t, r, b); d.context.GetSize(w, h); IF vert THEN p := -d.y; ps := h; vs := b + t; sz := b - t ELSE p := -d.x; ps := w; vs := r + l; sz := r - l END; sbsize := GetOtherSBSize(d, vert); INC(vs, sbsize); INC(sz, sbsize) END CalcScrollParams; PROCEDURE PollSection (v: Document; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg); VAR mv: Views.View; g: Views.Frame; p, vs, ps, ws, sz: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN IF Windows.isTool IN f(Views.RootFrame).flags THEN (* novelty: docs open in tool windows show scrollers in case doc's proper view won't fit in the size allowed for it, and DO NOT show scrollers for embedded views *) ELSE mv := v.model.view; g := Views.ThisFrame(f, mv); c := v.ThisController(); IF c.Singleton() # NIL THEN g := NIL END; IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END; IF (g = NIL) OR ~msg.done & (~msg.focus OR ~HasFocus(mv, g)) THEN CalcScrollParams(v, f.unit, msg.vertical, p, ps, vs, sz); IF ps > vs THEN ps := vs END; ws := vs - ps; (* normalized scroll state *) IF p > ws THEN (* Scroll position normalization: PollSection is called by scrollbar update mechanism; if the document discovers itself in a new size (after window resize), it tries to 'normalize' it's scroll position, as much as possible - i.e. return itself to 0,0 if it had beed scrolled off 0,0 before *) p := ws; IF msg.vertical THEN ScrollDoc(v, v.x, -p) ELSE ScrollDoc(v, -p, v.y) END END; msg.wholeSize := vs; msg.partSize := ps; msg.partPos := p; msg.valid := ws > Ports.point END; END; msg.done := TRUE END PollSection; PROCEDURE Scroll (v: Document; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg); VAR mv: Views.View; g: Views.Frame; vs, ps, ws, p, sz: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; was: BOOLEAN; BEGIN mv := v.model.view; g := Views.ThisFrame(f, mv); c := v.ThisController(); IF c.Singleton() # NIL THEN g := NIL END; IF g # NIL THEN was := msg.focus; IF Windows.isTool IN f(Views.RootFrame).flags THEN msg.focus := TRUE END; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg); msg.focus := was END; IF (g = NIL) OR ~msg.done OR ~msg.focus OR ~HasFocus(mv, g) THEN CalcScrollParams(v, f.unit, msg.vertical, p, ps, vs, sz); IF sz - ps > f.dot * 2 THEN (* adimetrius: follwing are weird calculations that i don't understand... *) ws := vs - ps; CASE msg.op OF Controllers.decLine: p := MAX(0, p - scrollUnit) | Controllers.incLine: p := MIN(ws, p + scrollUnit) | Controllers.decPage: p := MAX(0, p - ps + scrollUnit) | Controllers.incPage: p := MIN(ws, p + ps - scrollUnit) | Controllers.gotoPos: p := MAX(0, MIN(ws, msg.pos)) ELSE END; IF msg.vertical THEN ScrollDoc(v, v.x, -p) ELSE ScrollDoc(v, -p, v.y) END END; msg.done := TRUE END; (* msg.done := TRUE *) END Scroll; PROCEDURE Page (d: Document; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.PageMsg); VAR g: Views.Frame; BEGIN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, d.model.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END END Page; (* Document *) PROCEDURE (d: Document) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; opts: SET; BEGIN d.Internalize2^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxDocVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadInt(d.pw); rd.ReadInt(d.ph); rd.ReadInt(d.pl); rd.ReadInt(d.pt); rd.ReadInt(d.pr); rd.ReadInt(d.pb); rd.ReadBool(d.decorate); NEW(d.clipper); (* change infinite height to "fit to window" *) c := d.ThisController(); IF (c # NIL) & (d.model.b >= 29000 * mm) & (c.opts * {winHeight, pageHeight} = {}) THEN opts := { winHeight } ELSE opts := {} END; c.SetOpts(c.opts + opts - {Containers.noSelection}); d.x := 0; d.y := 0; Stores.InitDomain(d); Recalc(d, 0) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (d: Document) Externalize2- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN ASSERT(d.original = NIL, 100); d.Externalize2^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxDocVersion); wr.WriteInt(d.pw); wr.WriteInt(d.ph); wr.WriteInt(d.pl); wr.WriteInt(d.pt); wr.WriteInt(d.pr); wr.WriteInt(d.pb); wr.WriteBool(d.decorate) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (d: Document) CopyFromModelView2- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: Document DO d.pw := source.pw; d.ph := source.ph; d.pl := source.pl; d.pt := source.pt; d.pr := source.pr; d.pb := source.pb; d.decorate := source.decorate; NEW(d.clipper) END END CopyFromModelView2; PROCEDURE (d: Document) AcceptableModel- (m: Containers.Model): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN m IS Model END AcceptableModel; PROCEDURE (d: Document) InitModel2- (m: Containers.Model); BEGIN ASSERT((d.model = NIL) OR (d.model = m), 20); ASSERT(m IS Model, 23); WITH m: Model DO d.model := m; m.doc := d END END InitModel2; PROCEDURE DoRecalc (d: Document; unit: INTEGER; force: BOOLEAN); (** Check if recalc is necessary and, if so, perform it *) VAR w_, h_, ww, wh, pw, ph, l, t, r, b, w, h: INTEGER; opts: SET; org: Documents.Document; c: Containers.Controller; m: Model; decorate_: BOOLEAN; curCL, curCT, curCW, curCH: INTEGER; uu: INTEGER; BEGIN org := d.original; IF org = NIL THEN org := d END; IF org.context # NIL THEN org.context.GetSize(w, h) ELSE w := 0; h := 0 END; c := org.ThisController(); IF c = NIL THEN opts := {} ELSE opts := c.opts * { pageWidth, pageHeight, winWidth, winHeight } END; m := d.model; IF force OR (m.ocw # w) OR (m.och # h) OR (opts # m.opts) OR (unit # 0) & (unit # m.unit) THEN IF unit # 0 THEN m.unit := unit END; m.ocw := w; m.och := h; m.opts := opts; m.Recalc(d.clipper); curCL := d.clipper.l; curCT := d.clipper.t; curCW := d.clipper.w; curCH := d.clipper.h; (* adapted from PollRect *) WITH org: Document DO pw := org.pr - org.pl; ph := org.pb - org.pt; w := org.model.r - org.model.l; h := org.model.b - org.model.t ELSE org.PollPage(w_, h_, l, t, r, b, decorate_); pw := r - l; ph := b - t; org.PollRect(l, t, r, b); w := r - l; h := b - t END; l := d.model.l; t := d.model.t; IF d.context = NIL THEN ww := 0; wh := 0 ELSIF d.context IS Documents.PrinterContext THEN ww := pw; wh := ph ELSE INC(l, curCL); INC(t, curCT); ww := curCW - 2 * d.model.l; wh := curCH - 2 * d.model.t (* doc border *) END; IF pageWidth IN m.opts THEN r := l + pw ELSIF winWidth IN m.opts THEN IF ww > 0 THEN r := l + ww ELSE r := d.model.r END ELSE r := l + w END; IF pageHeight IN m.opts THEN b := t + ph ELSIF winHeight IN m.opts THEN IF wh > 0 THEN b := t + wh ELSE b := d.model.b END ELSE b := t + h END; IF r <= l THEN r := l + 1 END; IF b <= t THEN b := t + 1 END; m.l := l - curCL; m.t := t - curCT; m.r := r - curCL; m.b := b - curCT; Views.Update(d, Views.keepFrames); END END DoRecalc; PROCEDURE Recalc* (d: Document; unit: INTEGER); BEGIN DoRecalc(d, unit, forceRecalc) END Recalc; PROCEDURE (d: Document) PollRect* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN DoRecalc(d, 0, ~forceRecalc); l := (* d.clipper.l + *) d.model.l; t := (* d.clipper.t + *) d.model.t; r := (* d.clipper.l + *) d.model.r; b := (* d.clipper.t + *) d.model.b END PollRect; PROCEDURE (d: Document) PollPage* (OUT w, h, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; OUT decorate: BOOLEAN); VAR doc: Document; BEGIN IF d.original = NIL THEN doc := d ELSE doc := d.original END; w := doc.pw; h := doc.ph; l := doc.pl; t := doc.pt; r := doc.pr; b := doc.pb; decorate := doc.decorate END PollPage; PROCEDURE (d: Document) DocCopyOf* (v: Views.View): Documents.Document; VAR c0, c1: Containers.Controller; u: Views.View; new: Documents.Document; w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(~(v IS Document), 21); ASSERT(d.Domain() = v.Domain(), 22); ASSERT(d.Domain() # NIL, 23); Views.BeginModification(3, v); u := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow); v.context.GetSize(w, h); new := dir.New(u, w, h); WITH new: Document DO IF d.original # NIL THEN new.original := d.original ELSE new.original := d END END; c0 := d.ThisController(); c1 := new.ThisController(); c1.SetOpts(c0.opts); Views.EndModification(3, v); RETURN new END DocCopyOf; PROCEDURE (d: Document) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR c: Containers.Controller; m: Model; con: Models.Context; s: Views.View; ctx: Context; dw, dh: INTEGER; BEGIN m := d.model; con := d.context; (* k8: we need to recalc if document size was changed. fixes bug with scrollbars in subwindows. *) d.context.GetSize(dw, dh); IF (m.unit = 0) OR (d.prevW # dw) OR (d.prevH # dh) THEN DoRecalc(d, f.unit, forceRecalc) END; d.prevW := dw; d.prevH := dh; WITH con: Documents.PrinterContext DO IF con.param.page.alternate & ~ODD(con.param.page.first + Printing.Current()) THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, m.view, con.pw - con.r, con.t, 0, FALSE) ELSE Views.InstallFrame(f, m.view, con.l, con.t, 0, FALSE) END ELSE c := d.ThisController(); s := c.Singleton(); IF param.debug THEN f.DrawRect(d.clipper.l, d.clipper.t, d.clipper.l + d.clipper.w, d.clipper.t + d.clipper.h, 0, Ports.red); END; d.GetRect(f, m.view, l, t, r, b); Views.InstallFrame(f, m.view, l, t, 0, s = NIL); ctx := d.model.First(); WHILE ctx # NIL DO Views.InstallFrame(f, ctx.view, ctx.l, ctx.t, 0, FALSE); ctx := m.Next(ctx) END; END END Restore; PROCEDURE (d: Document) GetRect* (f_: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; BEGIN ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); c := view.context; ASSERT(c # NIL, 21); IF view = d.model.view THEN d.PollRect(l, t, r, b); INC(l, d.clipper.l); INC(t, d.clipper.t); INC(r, d.clipper.l); INC(b, d.clipper.t); INC(l, d.x); INC(t, d.y); INC(r, d.x); INC(b, d.y) ELSE HALT(126) END END GetRect; PROCEDURE (d: Document) SetView* (view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); CONST wA4 = 210 * mm; hA4 = 296 * mm; (* A4 default paper size *) lm = 20 * mm; tm = 20 * mm; rm = 20 * mm; bm = 20 * mm; VAR m: Model; c: RootContext; prt: Printers.Printer; ctrl: Containers.Controller; opts: SET; rp: Properties.ResizePref; u, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH, dw, dh, pw, ph, pageW, pageH, paperW, paperH, leftM, topM, rightM, botM: INTEGER; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; port: Ports.Port; BEGIN ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); ASSERT(~(view IS Document), 21); ASSERT(d.original = NIL, 100); m := d.model; NEW(c); c.model := m; view.InitContext(c); ASSERT(view.context = c, 60 (* make sure view accepted c *) ); IF d.context # NIL THEN Stores.Join(d, view) END; IF Printers.dir # NIL THEN prt := Printers.dir.Current() ELSE prt := NIL END; IF prt # NIL THEN prt.SetOrientation(FALSE); port := prt.ThisPort(); prt.GetRect(l, t, r, b); port.GetSize(pw, ph); u := port.unit; paperW := r - l; paperH := b - t; pageW := paperW - lm - rm; pageH := paperH - tm - bm; leftM := lm; topM := tm; rightM := rm; botM := bm; IF pageW > pw * u THEN pageW := pw * u END; IF pageH > ph * u THEN pageH := ph * u END; IF leftM + l < 0 THEN dw := -(leftM + l) ELSIF paperW - rightM + l > pw * u THEN dw := pw * u - (paperW - rightM + l) ELSE dw := 0 END; IF topM + t < 0 THEN dh := -(topM + t) ELSIF paperH - botM + t > ph * u THEN dh := ph * u - (paperH - botM + t) ELSE dh := 0 END; INC(leftM, dw); INC(topM, dh); INC(rightM, dw); INC(botM, dh) ELSE paperW := wA4; paperH := hA4; pageW := paperW - lm - rm; pageH := paperH - tm - bm; leftM := lm; topM := tm; rightM := rm; botM := bm END; m.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); defW := MAX(minW, pageW - m.l - defB); defH := MAX(minH, pageH - m.t - defB); Properties.PreferredSize(view, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH, w, h); opts := {}; rp.fixed := FALSE; rp.horFitToPage := FALSE; rp.verFitToPage := FALSE; rp.horFitToWin := FALSE; rp.verFitToWin := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(view, rp); IF rp.horFitToPage THEN INCL(opts, pageWidth) ELSIF rp.horFitToWin THEN INCL(opts, winWidth) END; IF rp.verFitToPage THEN INCL(opts, pageHeight) ELSIF rp.verFitToWin THEN INCL(opts, winHeight) END; Views.BeginModification(Views.notUndoable, d); m.view := view; d.x := 0; d.y := 0; ctrl := d.ThisController(); ctrl.SetOpts(ctrl.opts - {pageWidth..winHeight}); d.SetPage(paperW, paperH, leftM, topM, paperW - rightM, paperH - botM, Documents.plain); ASSERT(w > 0, 100); ASSERT(h > 0, 101); d.SetRect(m.l, m.t, m.l + w, m.t + h); ctrl.SetOpts(ctrl.opts + opts); Views.EndModification(Views.notUndoable, d); Stores.Join(d, view); Views.Update(d, Views.rebuildFrames) (* Recalc? *) END SetView; PROCEDURE (d: Document) ThisView* (): Views.View; BEGIN RETURN d.model.view END ThisView; PROCEDURE (d: Document) OriginalView* (): Views.View; BEGIN IF d.original = NIL THEN RETURN d.model.view ELSE RETURN d.original.model.view END END OriginalView; PROCEDURE (d: Document) SetRect* (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR m: Model; op: SetRectOp; c: Containers.Controller; w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(l < r, 22); ASSERT(t < b, 25); m := d.model; IF (m.l # l) OR (m.t # t) THEN m.r := l + m.r - m.l; m.l := l; m.b := t + m.b - m.t; m.t := t END; IF d.original # NIL THEN m := d.original.model END; c := d.ThisController(); w := r - l; h := b - t; IF (pageWidth IN c.opts) OR (winWidth IN c.opts) THEN w := m.r - m.l END; IF (pageHeight IN c.opts) OR (winHeight IN c.opts) THEN h := m.b - m.t END; IF (w # m.r - m.l) OR (h # m.b - m.t) THEN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.w:= w; op.h := h; Views.Do(d, resizingKey, op) END END SetRect; PROCEDURE (d: Document) SetPage* (pw, ph, pl, pt, pr, pb: INTEGER; decorate: BOOLEAN); VAR op: SetPageOp; doc: Document; BEGIN IF d.original = NIL THEN doc := d ELSE doc := d.original END; IF (doc.pw # pw) OR (doc.ph # ph) OR (doc.decorate # decorate) OR (doc.pl # pl) OR (doc.pt # pt) OR (doc.pr # pr) OR (doc.pb # pb) THEN ASSERT(0 <= pw, 20); ASSERT(0 <= ph, 22); ASSERT(0 <= pl, 24); ASSERT(pl < pr, 25); ASSERT(pr <= pw, 26); ASSERT(0 <= pt, 27); ASSERT(pt < pb, 28); ASSERT(pb <= ph, 29); NEW(op); op.d := doc; op.pw := pw; op.ph := ph; op.pl := pl; op.pt := pt; op.pr := pr; op.pb := pb; op.decorate := decorate; Views.Do(doc, pageSetupKey, op) END END SetPage; PROCEDURE (d: Document) HandleViewMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO IF (msg.doc = d) OR (msg.doc = d.original) THEN DoRecalc(d, 0, ~forceRecalc) END | msg: PollOptsMsg DO WITH f: Views.RootFrame DO msg.opts := f.flags ELSE END ELSE END END HandleViewMsg2; PROCEDURE (d: Document) HandleCtrlMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR smsg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; g: Views.Frame; m: StdModel; dw, dh, w, h: UCs; sendScroll: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH f: Views.RootFrame DO WITH msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO PollSection(d, f, msg); focus := NIL | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO Scroll(d, f, msg); focus := NIL | msg: Controllers.PageMsg DO Page(d, f, msg); focus := NIL | msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO d.context.GetSize(dw, dh); IF d.model IS StdModel THEN m := d.model(StdModel); smsg.focus := FALSE; smsg.op := msg.op; smsg.pos := 0; smsg.done := FALSE; sendScroll := FALSE; IF m.showV & (m.sbVv # NIL) & (msg.y >= 0) & (msg.y < dh) THEN m.sbVv.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (m.param.sbSide = left) & (msg.x >= 0) & (msg.x < w) OR (m.param.sbSide = ~left) & (msg.x >= dw - w) & (msg.x < dw) THEN smsg.vertical := TRUE; sendScroll := TRUE END END; IF ~sendScroll & m.showH & (m.sbHv # NIL) THEN m.sbHv.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (msg.x >= 0) & (msg.x < dw) & (msg.y >= dh - h) & (msg.y < dh) THEN smsg.vertical := FALSE; sendScroll := TRUE END END; IF sendScroll THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, d.model.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, smsg) END; msg.done := TRUE; focus := NIL; IF ~smsg.done THEN Scroll(d, f, smsg) END END END ELSE END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; (* RootContext *) PROCEDURE ^ ConsiderOverlayProposal (c: Context; model: StdModel; VAR p: OverlayProposal); PROCEDURE (c: RootContext) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); VAR m: Model; BEGIN WITH p: OverlayProposal DO m := c.model; WITH m: StdModel DO ConsiderOverlayProposal(c, m, p) ELSE END ELSE END END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: RootContext) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN c.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: RootContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); VAR m: Model; dc: Models.Context; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN m := c.model; m.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); w := r - l; h := b - t; dc := m.doc.context; IF dc # NIL THEN WITH dc: Documents.PrinterContext DO w := MIN(w, dc.r - dc.l); h := MIN(h, dc.b - dc.t) ELSE END END; ASSERT(w > 0, 60); ASSERT(h > 0, 61) END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: RootContext) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER); VAR m: Model; d: Document; minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH: INTEGER; BEGIN m := c.model; d := m.doc; ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); m.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); defW := m.r - m.l; defH := m.b - m.t; Properties.PreferredSize(m.view, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH, w, h); d.SetRect(m.l, m.t, m.l + w, m.t + h) END SetSize; PROCEDURE (c: RootContext) ThisDoc* (): Document; BEGIN RETURN c.model.doc END ThisDoc; PROCEDURE (c: RootContext) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR x, y, w, h, dw, dh, ml, mt, mr, mb: INTEGER; d: Document; BEGIN d := c.model.doc(Document); WITH d: Document DO d.context.GetSize(w, h); x := -d.x; y := -d.y; d.PollRect(ml, mt, mr, mb); dw := mr + ml - w; dh := mb + mt - h; IF dw > 0 THEN IF r > x + w - 2 * ml THEN x := r - w + 2 * ml END; IF l < x THEN x := l END; IF x < 0 THEN x := 0 ELSIF x > dw THEN x := dw END END; IF dh > 0 THEN IF b > y + h - 2 * mt THEN y := b - h + 2 * mt END; IF t < y THEN y := t END; IF y < 0 THEN y := 0 ELSIF y > dh THEN y := dh END END; ScrollDoc(d, -x, -y) END END MakeVisible; (* Controller *) PROCEDURE (ctrl: Controller) RestoreMarks2 (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR d: Documents.Document; BEGIN IF param.debug THEN d := ctrl.doc; d.PollRect(l, t, r, b); f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.green); d.GetRect(f, d.ThisView(), l, t, r, b); f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.blue); END; END RestoreMarks2; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR g: Views.Frame; BEGIN WITH msg: RemoveOverlayMsg DO (* ASSERT(c.overlaid # NIL, 20); removed in producion version *) IF c.overlaid # NIL THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, c.overlaid.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.RemoveFrame(f, g) END END; ELSE c.HandleViewMsg^(f, msg) END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR v: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxCtrlVersion, v) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxCtrlVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InitView2 (v: Views.View); VAR m: Models.Model; BEGIN IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: Document DO c.doc := v; m := c.doc.ThisModel(); ASSERT(m # NIL, 21); WITH m: StdModel DO c.model := m ELSE HALT(22) END ELSE HALT(20) END ELSE c.doc := NIL; c.model := NIL END END InitView2; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetContextType (OUT type: Stores.TypeName); END GetContextType; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetValidOps (OUT valid: SET); BEGIN IF c.Singleton() # NIL THEN valid := {Controllers.copy} END END GetValidOps; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeModel (m: Models.Model): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN m IS StdModel END NativeModel; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeView (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN v IS Document END NativeView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeCursorAt (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN Ports.arrowCursor END NativeCursorAt; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PollNativeProp (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.Property; VAR truncated: BOOLEAN); END PollNativeProp; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetNativeProp (selection: BOOLEAN; p, old: Properties.Property); END SetNativeProp; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetFirstView (selection: BOOLEAN; OUT v: Views.View); BEGIN IF selection THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := c.doc.ThisView() END END GetFirstView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetNextView (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View); (** Skip 'modal' views that are out of focus *) VAR next: StdContext; ctx: Models.Context; BEGIN v := NIL (* IF selection THEN v := NIL ELSIF v = c.doc.ThisView() (* clipper *) THEN next := c.model.aux ELSE ctx := v.context; ASSERT(ctx # NIL, 20); WITH ctx: StdContext DO ASSERT(ctx.ThisDoc() = c.doc, 21); next := ctx.next ELSE HALT(22) END END; IF next # NIL THEN v := next.view; IF next.modal & (c.ThisFocus() # v) THEN c.GetNextView(selection, v) END ELSE v := NIL END *) END GetNextView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetPrevView (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View); VAR this: Models.Context; aux: StdContext; BEGIN v := NIL (* ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); aux := c.model.aux; IF selection THEN v := NIL ELSIF v = c.doc.ThisView() (* clipper*) THEN v := NIL ELSIF aux = NIL THEN HALT(21 (* v ∈ ctrl.doc *)) ELSIF v = aux.view THEN v := c.doc.ThisView() (* clipper *) ELSE this := v.context; ASSERT(this # NIL, 22); WITH this: StdContext DO ASSERT(this.model = c.model, 23); WHILE (aux # NIL) & (this # aux.next) DO aux := aux.next END; ASSERT(aux # NIL(*=>this = aux.next*), 24 (* v ∈ ctrl.doc *)); v := aux.view ELSE HALT(25) END END *) END GetPrevView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) TrackMarks (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; units, extend, add: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Neutralize END TrackMarks; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Resize (view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR d: Document; l0, t0, r0_, b0_: INTEGER; BEGIN d := c.doc; ASSERT(view = d.ThisView(), 20); d.PollRect(l0, t0, r0_, b0_); d.SetRect(l0, t0, l0 + r - l, t0 + b - t) END Resize; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) DeleteSelection; END DeleteSelection; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MoveLocalSelection (f, dest: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; view: Views.View; BEGIN IF f = dest THEN view := c.doc.ThisView(); c.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); DEC(dx, x); DEC(dy, y); INC(l, dx); INC(t, dy); INC(r, dx); INC(b, dy); c.Resize(view, l, t, r, b); IF c.Singleton() = NIL THEN c.SetSingleton(view) END END END MoveLocalSelection; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectionCopy (): StdModel; BEGIN RETURN NIL END SelectionCopy; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativePaste (m: Models.Model; f: Views.Frame); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH m: StdModel DO c.model.ReplaceView(c.doc.ThisView(), m.doc.ThisView()); m.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); c.doc.SetRect(l, t, r, b) END END NativePaste; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteView (f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); VAR m: StdModel; l, t, r, b, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH: INTEGER; BEGIN m := c.model; m.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); c.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); defW := r - l; defH := b - t; Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH, w, h); m.ReplaceView(c.doc.ThisView(), v); c.doc.SetRect(l, t, l + w, t + h) END PasteView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Drop (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, x, y, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; v: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR m: StdModel; l, t, r, b, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH: INTEGER; BEGIN m := c.model; m.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); c.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); defW := r - l; defH := b - t; Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH, w, h); m.ReplaceView(c.doc.ThisView(), v); c.doc.SetRect(l, t, l + w, t + h) END Drop; (* selection *) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Selectable (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END Selectable; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectAll (select: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF ~select & (c.Singleton() # NIL) THEN c.SetSingleton(NIL) ELSIF select & (c.Singleton() = NIL) THEN c.SetSingleton(c.doc.ThisView()) END END SelectAll; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InSelection (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.Singleton() # NIL END InSelection; (* caret *) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HasCaret (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END HasCaret; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkCaret (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); END MarkCaret; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CanDrop (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END CanDrop; (* handlers *) PROCEDURE GetFocusPrefAt (v: Views.View; host, frame: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; OUT hot, set: BOOLEAN); VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x + host.gx - frame.gx; p.y := y + host.gy - frame.gy; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); ASSERT(~(p.setFocus & p.hotFocus), 20); hot := p.hotFocus; set := ~hot & p.setFocus END GetFocusPrefAt; PROCEDURE IsMasked (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; (** Returns TRUE if v is a container view in mask mode, FALSE otherwise *) VAR res: BOOLEAN; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN WITH v: Containers.View DO c := v.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN res := Containers.mask * c.opts = Containers.mask END ELSE END; RETURN res END IsMasked; PROCEDURE RemoveOverlaid (c: Controller); VAR msg: RemoveOverlayMsg; BEGIN IF (c.overlaid # NIL) & (c.overlaid.owner # NIL) THEN Views.Broadcast(c.overlaid.owner, msg) END; Views.Broadcast(c.doc, msg); (* Received by each frame of c.doc so that overlaid frame can be removed - this is done to avoid rebuilding the whole frame tree *) c.overlaid := NIL END RemoveOverlaid; PROCEDURE LeafAt (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): Views.View; VAR g: Views.Frame; BEGIN REPEAT g := f; f := Views.FrameAt(f, x, y); IF f # NIL THEN DEC(x, f.gx - g.gx); DEC(y, f.gy - g.gy) END UNTIL f = NIL; RETURN g.view END LeafAt; PROCEDURE IsAux (ctrl: Controller; ctx: StdContext): BOOLEAN; VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN ASSERT(ctx # NIL, 20); c := ctrl.model.aux; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c # ctx) DO c := c.next END; RETURN c = ctx END IsAux; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); CONST ESC = 1BX; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; g: Views.Frame; dont, aux, hot, _: BOOLEAN; ctx: Models.Context; br, new: StdContext; top: Views.View; ct: Containers.Controller; BEGIN aux := FALSE; WITH msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO IF c.Singleton() = NIL THEN (* move the copypasted black text somewhere in this branch? *) g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF g # NIL THEN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO ctx := g.view.context; WITH ctx: StdContext DO aux := TRUE; IF ctx.overlaid THEN new := ctx; focus := g.view ELSIF (c.overlaid # NIL) & (c.overlaid.owner # NIL) & (LeafAt(f, msg.x, msg.y) = c.overlaid.owner) THEN new := c.overlaid END ELSE IF (c.overlaid # NIL) & (c.overlaid.owner # NIL) THEN IF (LeafAt(f, msg.x, msg.y) = c.overlaid.owner) THEN new := c.overlaid END; END END; IF new # c.overlaid THEN (* Mark-Unmark*) IF c.overlaid # NIL THEN RemoveOverlaid(c) END; c.overlaid := new; Recalc(c.doc, 0); END; IF focus = NIL THEN GetFocusPrefAt(g.view, f, g, msg.x, msg.y, hot, _); IF hot OR IsMasked(g.view) THEN focus := g.view END END; IF focus # NIL THEN ctx := focus.context; WITH ctx: StdContext DO br := ctx ELSE END END ELSE IF g.view.context IS StdContext THEN focus := g.view END END END END; | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ESC) & (c.overlaid # NIL) THEN RemoveOverlaid(c); Recalc(c.doc, 0) ELSIF c.overlaid # NIL THEN focus := c.overlaid.view; br := focus.context(StdContext) END (* | msg: PollOutermostMsg DO msg.model := c.model; aux := TRUE *) ELSE END; IF br # NIL THEN ASSERT(bar = NIL, 100); (* should never be nested *) bar := br; par := bar.par; Services.DoLater(resetBar, Services.immediately) ELSIF ~aux & (focus = NIL) THEN dont := FALSE; IF ~(Containers.noFocus IN c.opts) THEN WITH msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO g := Views.UltimateRootOf(f); top := g.view; WITH top: Document DO ct := top.ThisController(); WITH ct: Controller DO dont := (ct.overlaid # NIL) & ~IsAux(ct, ct.overlaid); IF dont THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(g, ct.overlaid.view); (* let overlaid rcv the tick *) IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END (* maybe also send a MarkMsg to front window with focus = FALSE, on = FALSE to let texts display proper caret? that's more appropriate when the overlaid is inserted, though *) END ELSE END ELSE END; IF ~dont & (c.Singleton() = NIL) THEN c.SetFocus(c.doc.ThisView()) END | msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO IF c.Singleton() = NIL THEN (* delegate to focus, even if not directly hit *) focus := c.ThisFocus(); c.doc.GetRect(f, focus, l, t, r, b); (* except for resize in lower right corner *) IF (c.opts * {pageWidth..winHeight} # {}) OR (msg.x < r) OR (msg.y < b)(l <= msg.x) & (msg.x < r) & (t <= msg.y) & (msg.y < b) THEN RETURN END END ELSE END END; IF ~dont THEN c.HandleCtrlMsg^(f, msg, focus) END END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (ctrl: Controller) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN ctrl.HandlePropMsg^(msg); WITH msg: PanWindowPref DO IF msg.atLocation THEN c := ctrl.model.First(); WHILE (c # NIL) & ~((c.l <= msg.x) & (msg.x - c.l < c.w) & (c.t <= msg.y) & (msg.y - c.t < c.h)) DO c := ctrl.model.Next(c) END; IF c # NIL THEN DEC(msg.x, c.l); DEC(msg.y, c.t); Views.HandlePropMsg(c.view, msg) END END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisFocus (): Views.View; BEGIN IF c.Singleton() = NIL THEN c.SetFocus(c.doc.ThisView()) END; RETURN c.ThisFocus^() END ThisFocus; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteChar (ch: CHAR); END PasteChar; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ControlChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR); END ControlChar; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ArrowChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR; units, select: BOOLEAN); END ArrowChar; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CopyLocalSelection (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER); END CopyLocalSelection; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewModel* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewController* (): Containers.Controller, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER): Document; VAR doc: Document; m: Model; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); ASSERT(~(view IS Document), 21); m := dir.NewModel(); NEW(doc); doc.InitModel(m); c := dir.NewController(); doc.SetController(c); NEW(doc.clipper); doc.SetRect(defB, defB, defB + 1, defB + 1); (* set top-left point *) doc.SetView(view, w, h); (* joins store graphs of doc and view *) Stores.InitDomain(doc); (* domains of new documents are bound *) RETURN doc END New; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE NewScrollbar (isVertical: BOOLEAN; m: StdModel; OUT sb: StdScrollbars.Scrollbar; OUT ctx: StdContext); VAR c: SBContext; BEGIN sb := StdScrollbars.sbDir.New(); sb.isVertical := isVertical; sb.wholeSize := 0; NEW(c); ctx := c; c.view := sb; c.model := m; sb.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(sb, m) END NewScrollbar; PROCEDURE InitModel (m: StdModel); BEGIN m.showV := FALSE; m.showH := FALSE; m.param := param; NewScrollbar(StdScrollbars.vertical, m, m.sbVv, m.sbV); NewScrollbar(~StdScrollbars.vertical, m, m.sbHv, m.sbH); m.aux := m.sbV; m.sbV.next := m.sbH END InitModel; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewModel (): StdModel; VAR m: StdModel; BEGIN NEW(m); InitModel(m); RETURN m END NewModel; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewController (): Controller; VAR res: Controller; BEGIN NEW(res); RETURN res END NewController; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR ver: INTEGER; v: Views.View; new, last: StdContext; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(modelVersion, modelVersion, ver); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN InitModel(m); REPEAT Views.ReadView(rd, v); IF v # NIL THEN NEW(new); IF last # NIL THEN last.next := new ELSE m.aux := new END; last := new; new.view := v; rd.ReadInt(new.align); rd.ReadBool(new.overlaid); new.model := m; v.InitContext(new) END UNTIL v = NIL END END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(modelVersion); c := m.aux; WHILE c # NIL DO IF (c # m.sbV) & (c # m.sbH) THEN Views.WriteView(wr, c.view); wr.WriteInt(c.align); wr.WriteBool(c.overlaid) END; c := c.next END; wr.WriteStore(NIL) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) CopyFrom2 (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN InitModel(m) END CopyFrom2; (* Bars *) PROCEDURE Next (c: StdContext; align: INTEGER): StdContext; BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); REPEAT c := c.next UNTIL (c = NIL) OR (c.align = align); RETURN c END Next; PROCEDURE InsertBar* (d: Document; align: INTEGER; view, above: Views.View; overlaid: BOOLEAN; par: ANYPTR); (** Insert view as a bar at the top (align = top) or bottom (align = bottom) of d just above above., including it in the overlaid focus path if overlaid is set. par is an arbitrary parameter that will be assigned to global variable par before view's HandleCtrlMsg is called. ATTN! view will only receive Controller.TrackMsg if it is 'hot focus' (cf. Properties.FocusPref) or if it is a Containers.View with controller in mask mode. For example, a regular t: TextViews.View may be inserted as a bar; a link may be in the text calling some command C; when C is activated, it may check TylerLayouts.par for the par that was passed to InsertBar. Pre: d # NIL 20 view # NIL 21 view.context = NIL 22 d.ThisModel() IS StdModel 23 above # NIL above ∈ m 24 25 26 27 (align = top) OR (align = bottom) OR (align = noalign) 28 (view.Domain() = NIL) OR (d.Domain() = view.Domain()) 29 *) VAR next, c, new: StdContext; mm: Containers.Model; m: StdModel; ac: Models.Context; BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); ASSERT(view # NIL, 21); ASSERT(view.context = NIL, 22); ASSERT((align = top) OR (align = bottom) OR (align = noalign), 28); mm := d.ThisModel(); WITH mm: StdModel DO m := mm ELSE HALT(23) END; IF above # NIL THEN ac := above.context; ASSERT(ac # NIL, 24); WITH ac: StdContext DO ASSERT(ac.model = m, 25) ELSE HALT(26) END END; ASSERT((view.Domain() = NIL) OR (d.Domain() = view.Domain()), 29); NEW(new); new.view := view; new.align := align; new.model := m; new.overlaid := overlaid; new.par := par; view.InitContext(new); Stores.Join(d, view); next := m.aux; REPEAT c := next; next := Next(c, align) UNTIL (c = NIL) OR (next = NIL) OR (next.view = above); IF c # NIL THEN ASSERT((next # NIL) OR (above = NIL), 27 (* above ∈ m *)); new.next := c.next; c.next := new ELSE m.aux := new END; Recalc(d, 0) END InsertBar; PROCEDURE DoInsertOverlaid (m: StdModel; v, owner: Views.View; l, t, w, h: INTEGER; par: ANYPTR); VAR c: Models.Context; ctrl: Controller; ctx: StdContext; BEGIN ctrl := m.doc.ThisController()(Controller); IF ctrl.overlaid # NIL THEN (* remove a temporal overlaid - the one not among aux views *) ctx := ctrl.model.aux; WHILE (ctx # NIL) & (ctx # ctrl.overlaid) DO ctx := ctx.next END; IF ctx = NIL THEN RemoveOverlaid(ctrl) END END;IF (ctrl.overlaid # NIL) & ~IsAux(ctrl, ctrl.overlaid) THEN (* remove a temporal overlaid - the one not among aux views *) RemoveOverlaid(ctrl) END; c := v.context; IF c = NIL THEN NEW(ctx); ctx.view := v; ctx.model := m; ctx.l := 0; ctx.t := 0; ctx.owner := owner; Stores.Join(v, m); v.InitContext(ctx); ctrl.overlaid := ctx ELSE WITH c: StdContext DO ASSERT(c.model = m, 21); ctrl.overlaid := c; ctx := c ELSE HALT(22) END END; IF (w = Views.undefined) OR (h = Views.undefined) THEN PreferredSize(v, m, ctx.w, ctx.h) ELSE ctx.w := w; ctx.h := h END; IF (l = center) OR (t = center) THEN m.doc.context.GetSize(w, h); IF l = center THEN l := (w - ctrl.overlaid.w) DIV 2 END; IF t = center THEN t := (h - ctrl.overlaid.h) DIV 2 END END; ctrl.overlaid.l := l; ctrl.overlaid.t := t; ctrl.overlaid.overlaid := TRUE; ctrl.overlaid.par := par END DoInsertOverlaid; PROCEDURE InsertOverlaid* (v, owner: Views.View; d: Document; l, t, w, h: INTEGER; par: ANYPTR); BEGIN DoInsertOverlaid(d.ThisModel()(StdModel), v, owner, l, t, w, h, par); Recalc(d, 0) END InsertOverlaid; (* Contexts *) PROCEDURE ConsiderOverlayProposal (c: Context; model: StdModel; VAR p: OverlayProposal); VAR upd: BOOLEAN; ctrl: Controller; f: Views.Frame; BEGIN upd := FALSE; ctrl := model.doc.ThisController()(Controller); IF p.op = show THEN upd := TRUE; ASSERT(p.view # NIL, 20); DoInsertOverlaid(model, p.view, p.owner, p.x + c.l, p.y + c.t, Views.undefined, Views.undefined, NIL) ELSIF p.op = hide THEN upd := TRUE; RemoveOverlaid(ctrl) ELSIF p.op = poll THEN IF ctrl.overlaid = NIL THEN p.view := NIL ELSE p.view := ctrl.overlaid.view END ELSIF p.op = pollFrame THEN ASSERT(p.frame # NIL, 21); ASSERT(ctrl.overlaid # NIL, 22); ASSERT(ctrl.overlaid.owner # NIL, 23); ASSERT(p.frame.view = ctrl.overlaid.owner, 24); f := p.frame; REPEAT f := Views.HostOf(f) UNTIL (f = NIL) OR (f.view = model.doc); IF f # NIL THEN p.frame := Views.ThisFrame(f, ctrl.overlaid.view) ELSE p.frame := NIL END ELSE HALT(26) END; IF upd THEN Recalc(model.doc, 0) END END ConsiderOverlayProposal; PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN WITH p: OverlayProposal DO ConsiderOverlayProposal(c, c.model, p) ELSE END END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: SBContext) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); VAR msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; host: Views.Frame; BEGIN WITH p: StdScrollbars.Proposal DO IF (p.sb = c.view) & (p.frame # NIL) & (p.frame.view = p.sb) THEN host := Views.HostOf(p.frame); ASSERT((host # NIL) & (host.view = c.ThisDoc())); msg.pos := p.sb.partPos; msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := p.sb.isVertical; msg.op := p.op; msg.done := FALSE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(host, msg) END ELSE END END Consider; (* Backdrop *) PROCEDURE (v: Backdrop) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 0, 128); Views.InstallFrame(f, v.view, 2 * Ports.mm, 2 * Ports.mm, 0, TRUE) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: Backdrop) GetBackground (VAR col: Ports.Color); VAR c: Models.Context; BEGIN v.view.GetBackground(col); IF col = Views.transparent THEN c := v.context; WITH c: StdContext DO c.model.doc.GetBackground(col) ELSE END; IF col = Views.transparent THEN col := Ports.background END END END GetBackground; PROCEDURE AddBackground* (v: Views.View): Views.View; VAR bk: Backdrop; c: BackdropContext; BEGIN NEW(bk); bk.view := v; NEW(c); c.backdrop := bk; v.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(v, bk); RETURN bk END AddBackground; PROCEDURE (v: Backdrop) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN focus := v.view END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: Backdrop) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); WITH msg: Properties.BoundsPref DO INC(msg.w, 4 * Ports.mm); INC(msg.h, 4 * Ports.mm) | msg: Properties.SizePref DO INC(msg.w, 4 * Ports.mm); INC(msg.h, 4 * Ports.mm) ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (c: BackdropContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(c.backdrop # NIL, 20); c.backdrop.context.GetSize(w, h); DEC(w, 4 * Ports.mm); DEC(h, 4 * Ports.mm) END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: BackdropContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: BackdropContext) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; (* Commands *) PROCEDURE CloseThisBar (bar: StdContext); VAR m: StdModel; c: StdContext; ctrl: Controller; BEGIN ASSERT(bar # NIL, 20); ASSERT(bar.view # NIL, 21); ASSERT(bar.view.context = bar, 22); m := bar.model; ctrl := m.doc.ThisController()(Controller); IF bar = ctrl.overlaid THEN ctrl.overlaid := NIL ELSIF m.aux = bar THEN m.aux := bar.next ELSE c := m.aux; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.next # bar) DO c := c.next END; ASSERT(c # NIL, 23); c.next := bar.next; bar.next := NIL END; Recalc(m.doc, 0); IF bar.view = ctrl.ThisFocus() THEN ctrl.SetFocus(m.doc.ThisView()) END END CloseThisBar; PROCEDURE CloseBar*; (** Close the currently activated bar, if any *) BEGIN IF bar # NIL THEN CloseThisBar(bar) END END CloseBar; PROCEDURE RemoveFrontBar* (d: Document); (** Remove the front bar from d, if any*) VAR f: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); f := d.ThisController().ThisFocus(); IF (f # NIL) & (f.context IS StdContext) THEN CloseThisBar(f.context(StdContext)) END END RemoveFrontBar; (* Conversion between Documents.Document and StdDocuments.Document *) PROCEDURE ImportDocument* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR rd: Stores.Reader; tag, version: INTEGER; res: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); rd.ConnectTo(f); rd.ReadInt(tag); IF tag = docTag THEN rd.ReadInt(version); ASSERT(version = docVersion, 100); rd.ReadStore(s); (* k8: if we want to open loaded document later, it must be StdDocument.Document. otherwise StdWindows will make the copy of the document view, violating the (unwritten) rule that OldView result should be the same view that the window will show. not all loaded documents will be opened, but let's trade some resources for keeping the contract unchanged. *) WITH s: Document DO res := s.ThisView(); s.PollRect(l, t, r, b); | s: Documents.Document DO res := Documents.DuplicateAs(s, dir).ThisView(); ELSE END; s := res END END ImportDocument; PROCEDURE ExportDocument* (s: Stores.Store; f: Files.File); VAR w: Stores.Writer; v: Views.View; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; std, d: Documents.Document; BEGIN ASSERT(s # NIL, 20); ASSERT(s IS Views.View, 21); ASSERT(f # NIL, 22); v := s(Views.View); IF (v.context # NIL) & (v.context IS Documents.Context) THEN d := v.context(Context).ThisDoc() END; IF d # NIL THEN Services.GetTypeName(d, name); IF name = "Documents.StdDocument" THEN std := d ELSE std := Documents.DuplicateAs(d, Documents.stdDir) END ELSE IF v.context # NIL THEN v := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow) END; std := Documents.stdDir.New(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined) END; w.ConnectTo(f); w.WriteInt(docTag); w.WriteInt(docVersion); w.WriteStore(std) END ExportDocument; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d; IF stdDir = NIL THEN stdDir := d END; Documents.SetDir(d) (* relay *) END SetDir; (* Actions *) PROCEDURE (a: ResetBarAction) Do; BEGIN bar := NIL; par := NIL END Do; PROCEDURE InitParam (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO END END InitParam; PROCEDURE InitDefaults (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO p.debug := FALSE; p.sbSide := right; p.sbThickness := 10; p.InitDefaults := InitDefaults; p.Init := InitParam; END END InitDefaults; PROCEDURE Install*; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); SetDir(d); NEW(param); InitDefaults(param); NEW(resetBar) END Install; PROCEDURE Uninstall*; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN Documents.SetDir(Documents.stdDir) END Uninstall; END StdDocuments. Modal focus A view may be inserted in a document model as a modal focus view. Such views are only displayed when they are in focus; as soon as they become out of focus, they are undisplayed (but not removed from the model) doc.ThisController().ThisFocus() = v <=> v is visible in doc A view is inserted as a modal focus view by InsertModal. To put such a view v into focus (and therefore make it visible): doc.ThisController().SetFocus(v) Implementation: A context has .modal flag. Controller.GetNextView() skips modal focus views that are out of focus. This means that such views do not participate in doc's behavior. doc.Restore() uses Controller.GetNextView() to iterate thru a doc's auxiliary views, including modal focus views, therefore allowing Controller to filter out modal focus views that are out of focus. Whenever an interaction results in doc's focus view changing, Controller.SetFocus is called. This procedure is terminal in Containers; I found no way of how the extender would be informed of a focus change. Such informing is necessary, because when a modal focus view is moved out of focus, it's frame needs to be removed (on all doc's frames for that matter). Therefore, I had to export FocusMsg from Containers, and respond to it in doc.HandleViewMsg2. Another opportunity would be to go over all modal focus views in doc.Restore, and remove all their frames, if any. The drawback of this would be that the Document view has to be made aware of modal focus flags; whereas now it isn't - it relies completely on the Controller filtering those views out. But on the positive side, you won't have to export Containers.FocusMsg.
MODULE StdFilesBrowser; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Ivan Denisov, Ketmar Dark (k8)" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20220531, dia, add cross-platform file browser - 20230105, k8, added "parent dir" place; use right align for current path control, better keyboard navigation - 20230106, k8, going to parent dir now correctly places the cursor; fixed "Open" button guard - 20230106, k8, pressing alphanum now jumps to the next list item started with that char - 20230107, k8, added M-Down to open converter popup, and (limited) keyboard navigation for it - 20230108, k8, added proper guard for "save" button in save file dialog, and for directory selection browser " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Files, Stores, Models, Sequencers, Views, Fonts, Dialog, Properties, Converters, Ports, Controllers, Controls, Librarian, StdDialog, StdScrollers; CONST (* for standard files browser *) undefined = -2; back = -1; location = 1; open = 2; save = 3; itemHeight = 5 * Ports.mm; closedConvList = 6 * Ports.mm; expandedConvList = 25 * Ports.mm; (* char codes *) CtrlPageUp = 10X; CtrlPageDown = 11X; PageUp = 12X; PageDown = 13X; HomeKey = 14X; EndKey = 15X; CtrlHome = 16X; CtrlEnd = 017X; LeftArrow = 1CX; RightArrow = 1DX; UpArrow = 1EX; DownArrow = 1FX; Enter = 0DX; Esc = 1BX; Backspace = 08X; Tab = 09X; DeleteKey = 07H; TYPE DialogStdGetHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.StdGetHook) END; (* for standard files browser *) Context = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) base: FilesBrowser; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; wrapped: BOOLEAN END; FilesBrowser = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) action: Dialog.GetAction; font: Fonts.Font; files, places, converters, confirmAddButton, confirmButton, cancelButton, addButton, pathField, nameField, fNameField: Context; focusView: Views.View; margin, convertersHeight: INTEGER; type: BYTE; convList: Converters.Converter; converter: Converters.Converter; focusLocInfoNum, focusFileInfoNum: INTEGER; activeAddFolder: BOOLEAN; initTypes: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Files.Type; (* k8:HACK! for some reason, "go up" with `MakeVisible()` doesn't work; force it in repaint with this autoresetflag *) forceMakeCurrFVisible: BOOLEAN END; PlaceActionProc = PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserPlaces); Place = POINTER TO RECORD name, path: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; specialAction: PlaceActionProc; next: Place END; FilesBrowserPlaces = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) base: FilesBrowser END; FilesBrowserTable = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) base: FilesBrowser END; FilesBrowserConverters = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) base: FilesBrowser END; CloseNotifier = POINTER TO RECORD (Sequencers.Notifier) END; Param* = POINTER TO RECORD bgCursorUpDir*, bgCursorDir*, bgCursorFile*, bgActivePlace*, bgActiveConverter* : Ports.Color; upDirStr*: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; upper*: Files.Name; InitDefaults-: PROCEDURE (a: ANYPTR) END; VAR browser-: FilesBrowser; showHidden*, preventCleanup: BOOLEAN; name*, fName*, path-: Files.Name; place*: Place; param*: Param; lastLoc: Files.Locator; PROCEDURE UpdatePath; BEGIN Dialog.GetLocPath(browser.action.loc, path); Dialog.UpdateString(path) END UpdatePath; PROCEDURE IsHidden (item: ANYPTR): BOOLEAN; VAR hidden: BOOLEAN; name: Files.Name; i: INTEGER; BEGIN hidden := TRUE; IF browser # NIL THEN WITH item: Files.LocInfo DO name := item.name; hidden := ~showHidden & (name[0] = ".") | item: Files.FileInfo DO name := item.name; hidden := ~showHidden & (name[0] = "."); IF ~hidden THEN IF (browser.converter # NIL) THEN hidden := (item.type = "") OR (browser.converter.fileType # item.type) ELSE IF (browser.initTypes # NIL) & (browser.initTypes[0] # "*") THEN hidden := TRUE; IF (item.type # "") THEN FOR i := 0 TO LEN(browser.initTypes) - 1 DO IF item.type = browser.initTypes[i] THEN hidden := FALSE END END END END END END ELSE END END; RETURN hidden END IsHidden; PROCEDURE CountLocs (nav: FilesBrowser): INTEGER; VAR locInfo: Files.LocInfo; locs: INTEGER; BEGIN locs := 0; locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(nav.action.loc); WHILE locInfo # NIL DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN INC(locs) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; RETURN locs END CountLocs; PROCEDURE CountLocsFiles (nav: FilesBrowser; OUT locs, files: INTEGER); VAR locInfo: Files.LocInfo; fileInfo: Files.FileInfo; BEGIN locs := 0; locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(nav.action.loc); WHILE locInfo # NIL DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN INC(locs) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; files := 0; fileInfo := Files.dir.FileList(nav.action.loc); WHILE fileInfo # NIL DO IF ~IsHidden(fileInfo) THEN INC(files) END; fileInfo := fileInfo.next END END CountLocsFiles; PROCEDURE LookupNextDirForChar (nav: FilesBrowser; ch: CHAR; fidx: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR info: Files.LocInfo; res, idx: INTEGER; BEGIN res := -1; ch := CAP(ch); idx := 0; info := Files.dir.LocList(nav.action.loc); WHILE (res < 0) & (info # NIL) DO IF ~IsHidden(info) THEN IF (idx > fidx) & (CAP(info.name[0]) = ch) THEN res := idx END; INC(idx) END; info := info.next END; RETURN res END LookupNextDirForChar; PROCEDURE LookupNextFileForChar (nav: FilesBrowser; ch: CHAR; fidx: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR info: Files.FileInfo; res, idx: INTEGER; BEGIN res := -1; ch := CAP(ch); idx := 0; info := Files.dir.FileList(nav.action.loc); WHILE (res < 0) & (info # NIL) DO IF ~IsHidden(info) THEN IF (idx > fidx) & (CAP(info.name[0]) = ch) THEN res := idx END; INC(idx) END; info := info.next END; RETURN res END LookupNextFileForChar; (* return `FALSE` if not found *) PROCEDURE LookupNextItemForChar (nav: FilesBrowser; ch: CHAR; OUT loc, file: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR idx: INTEGER; isdir: BOOLEAN; BEGIN idx := -1; isdir := FALSE; IF (nav.focusLocInfoNum # undefined) OR ((nav.focusLocInfoNum = undefined) & (nav.focusFileInfoNum = undefined)) THEN (* look into dirs *) idx := LookupNextDirForChar(nav, ch, nav.focusLocInfoNum); isdir := TRUE END; (* look into files *) IF idx < 0 THEN idx := LookupNextFileForChar(nav, ch, nav.focusFileInfoNum); isdir := FALSE END; (* and again *) IF idx < 0 THEN idx := LookupNextDirForChar(nav, ch, -1); isdir := TRUE END; IF idx < 0 THEN idx := LookupNextFileForChar(nav, ch, -1); isdir := FALSE END; (* setup results *) IF idx >= 0 THEN IF isdir THEN loc := idx; file := undefined ELSE loc := undefined; file := idx END END; RETURN (idx >= 0) END LookupNextItemForChar; PROCEDURE GetLastDirName (v: FilesBrowser; OUT ldname: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR path: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; i, dp: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL); Dialog.GetLocPath(v.action.loc, path); i := LEN(path$); (* k8: didn't i told ya that we need platform-independent path manipulation API?! *) IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows THEN IF (i = 1) & ((path[0] = '/') OR (path[0] = '\')) THEN ldname := "" ELSIF (i = 3) & (path[1] = ':') & ((path[2] = '/') OR (path[2] = '\')) THEN ldname := "" ELSE WHILE (i > 0) & ((path[i-1] # '/') & (path[i] # '\') ) DO DEC(i) END; INC(i); dp := 0; WHILE path[i] # 0X DO ldname[dp] := path[i]; INC(i); INC(dp) END; ldname[dp] := 0X END ELSE IF (i = 1) & (path[0] = '/') THEN ldname := "" ELSE WHILE (i > 0) & (path[i-1] # '/') DO DEC(i) END; dp := 0; WHILE path[i] # 0X DO ldname[dp] := path[i]; INC(i); INC(dp) END; ldname[dp] := 0X END END END GetLastDirName; PROCEDURE SelectDirInFiles (v: FilesBrowser; IN dname: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR n, y: INTEGER; locInfo: Files.LocInfo; path: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL); IF dname[0] # 0X THEN Dialog.GetLocPath(v.action.loc, path); locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(v.action.loc); n := 0; y := itemHeight * 2; WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & (locInfo.name # dname) DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN INC(y, itemHeight); INC(n) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; IF locInfo # NIL THEN v.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.focusLocInfoNum := n ELSE v.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.focusLocInfoNum := undefined END; v.forceMakeCurrFVisible := TRUE; Views.Update(v.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames(*keepFrames*)); v.focusView := browser.files.view ELSE v.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.focusLocInfoNum := 0; Views.Update(v.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames) END END SelectDirInFiles; PROCEDURE GoOneDirUp (v: FilesBrowser); VAR i: INTEGER; path: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; dname: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL); Dialog.GetLocPath(v.action.loc, path); IF param.upper # path THEN GetLastDirName(v, dname); i := LEN(path$); WHILE (i > 0) & ((path[i] # "/") & (path[i] # "\") ) DO DEC(i) END; IF (i = 0) & ((path[0] = "/") OR (path[0] = "\")) THEN path[1] := 0X; i := 1 ELSE path[i] := 0X END; IF i > 0 THEN v.action.loc := v.action.loc.This(path); UpdatePath; (*Views.Update(v.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames)*) SelectDirInFiles(v, dname) END END END GoOneDirUp; PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.wrapped THEN w := c.r - c.l; h := 300 * Ports.mm ELSE w := c.r - c.l; h := c.b - c.t END END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); BEGIN c.base.context.Consider(p) END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.base.context.Normalize() END Normalize; PROCEDURE NewContext (v: Views.View; base: FilesBrowser): Context; VAR c: Context; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 21); NEW(c); c.view := v; c.base := base; c.wrapped := FALSE; v.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(v, base); RETURN c END NewContext; (* get spec dialogs *) PROCEDURE BrowserConfirm*; VAR action: Dialog.GetAction; BEGIN IF (browser # NIL) & ~((browser.type = open) & (browser.focusFileInfoNum = undefined)) THEN IF browser.type = location THEN IF name # "" THEN browser.action.loc := browser.action.loc.This(name) END; browser.action.name := "" ELSE browser.action.name := name$ END; IF browser.converter # NIL THEN IF browser.type = save THEN browser.action.converterName := browser.converter.exp ELSIF browser.type = open THEN browser.action.converterName := browser.converter.imp END; browser.action.type := browser.converter.fileType$ ELSE browser.action.converterName := ""; browser.action.type := "" END; browser.action.cancel := FALSE; lastLoc := browser.action.loc; action := browser.action; browser := NIL; action.Do; END END BrowserConfirm; PROCEDURE BrowserConfirmGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF browser # NIL THEN par.disabled := FALSE; CASE browser.type OF | open: par.disabled := (browser.focusFileInfoNum = undefined) | save: par.disabled := (name$ = "") | location: par.disabled := (browser.focusLocInfoNum < 0) ELSE END END END BrowserConfirmGuard; PROCEDURE BrowserCancel*; BEGIN IF browser # NIL THEN browser.action.cancel := TRUE; browser.action.Do; browser := NIL END END BrowserCancel; PROCEDURE BrowserNewFolderDialog*; BEGIN IF browser # NIL THEN fName := ""; browser.activeAddFolder := TRUE; browser.focusView := browser.fNameField.view END END BrowserNewFolderDialog; PROCEDURE CloseAddFolder; BEGIN IF browser # NIL THEN fName := ""; browser.focusView := browser.files.view; browser.activeAddFolder := FALSE; Views.Update(browser, Views.rebuildFrames) END END CloseAddFolder; PROCEDURE BrowserCreateFolderGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR locInfo: Files.LocInfo; BEGIN IF browser # NIL THEN par.disabled := (fName$ = ""); (* check if folder already exists *) IF ~par.disabled THEN locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(browser.action.loc); WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & (locInfo.name # fName) DO locInfo := locInfo.next END; par.disabled := (locInfo # NIL) END END END BrowserCreateFolderGuard; PROCEDURE BrowserCreateFolder*; VAR file: Files.File; res, n, y: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; locInfo: Files.LocInfo; BEGIN IF (browser # NIL) & (fName$ # "") THEN (* check if folder already exists *) locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(browser.action.loc); WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & (locInfo.name # fName) DO locInfo := locInfo.next END; IF locInfo = NIL THEN (* create new folder by making temp file *) loc := browser.action.loc.This(fName); IF loc.res = 0 THEN file := Files.dir.New(loc, Files.dontAsk); IF loc.res = 0 THEN file.Register('.temp', '', Files.dontAsk, res); Files.dir.Delete(loc, ".temp") ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("error") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("error") END END; (* select folder *) locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(browser.action.loc); n := 0; y := itemHeight * 2; WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & (locInfo.name # fName) DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN INC(y, itemHeight); INC(n) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; IF locInfo # NIL THEN browser.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; browser.focusLocInfoNum := n END; Views.Update(browser, Views.rebuildFrames); StdScrollers.WrappedView(browser.files.view).context.MakeVisible(0, y, 0, y + itemHeight); browser.focusView := browser.files.view; browser.activeAddFolder := FALSE END END BrowserCreateFolder; PROCEDURE PreventCleanup*; BEGIN preventCleanup := TRUE END PreventCleanup; PROCEDURE (c: CloseNotifier) Notify (VAR msg: Sequencers.Message); BEGIN IF ~preventCleanup THEN browser := NIL END END Notify; PROCEDURE GetFirstLocInfo (): Files.LocInfo; VAR locInfo: Files.LocInfo; BEGIN IF ~showHidden THEN locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(browser.action.loc); WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & IsHidden(locInfo) DO locInfo := locInfo.next END ELSE locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(browser.action.loc) END; RETURN locInfo END GetFirstLocInfo; PROCEDURE GetFirstFileInfo (): Files.FileInfo; VAR fileInfo: Files.FileInfo; BEGIN IF ~showHidden THEN fileInfo := Files.dir.FileList(browser.action.loc); WHILE (fileInfo # NIL) & IsHidden(fileInfo) DO fileInfo := fileInfo.next END ELSE fileInfo := Files.dir.FileList(browser.action.loc) END; RETURN fileInfo END GetFirstFileInfo; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) IsConvOpen (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN (v.convertersHeight # closedConvList) END IsConvOpen; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) ConvOpen, NEW; BEGIN IF ~v.IsConvOpen() & (v.convList.next # NIL) THEN v.forceMakeCurrFVisible := TRUE; v.convertersHeight := expandedConvList; v.focusView := v.converters.view; Views.Update(v, Views.rebuildFrames) END END ConvOpen; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) ConvClose, NEW; BEGIN IF v.IsConvOpen() THEN v.forceMakeCurrFVisible := TRUE; v.convertersHeight := closedConvList; v.focusView := v.files.view; Views.Update(v, Views.rebuildFrames) (*StdScrollers.WrappedView(v.files.view).context.MakeVisible(0, 0, 1, 1)*) END END ConvClose; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) IsGoodConv (cc: Converters.Converter): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := FALSE; IF cc # NIL THEN IF (v.type = open) & (cc.imp # "") THEN res := TRUE ELSIF (v.type = save) & (cc.exp # "") THEN res := TRUE END END; RETURN res END IsGoodConv; (* HACK! *) PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) ConvResetFileCursor, NEW; VAR locs: INTEGER; BEGIN IF v.focusFileInfoNum # undefined THEN v.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; locs := CountLocs(v); IF locs > 0 THEN v.focusLocInfoNum := locs - 1 ELSE v.focusLocInfoNum := undefined END END; v.forceMakeCurrFVisible := TRUE END ConvResetFileCursor; PROCEDURE RecalcLayout (v: FilesBrowser; w, h: INTEGER); VAR sep, leftTitlesWidth, w1, w2, nameShift: INTEGER; nameStr, locatorStr: Dialog.String; c: Context; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Std:Name:", nameStr); w1 := v.font.StringWidth(nameStr); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Locator:", locatorStr); w2 := v.font.StringWidth(locatorStr); leftTitlesWidth := MAX(w1, w2) + v.margin * 2; sep := w DIV 3; (* name input field *) IF v.nameField # NIL THEN c := v.nameField; c.l := v.margin + leftTitlesWidth; c.t := v.margin; c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := v.margin + 7 * Ports.mm; nameShift := 7 * Ports.mm + v.margin END; IF v.fNameField # NIL THEN IF v.activeAddFolder THEN (* path and "add folder" button *) c := v.pathField; c.l := v.margin + leftTitlesWidth; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := w - 70 * Ports.mm - v.margin * 3; c.b := v.margin + nameShift + 7 * Ports.mm; c := v.fNameField; c.l := w - 70 * Ports.mm - 2 * v.margin; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := w - 20 * Ports.mm - 2 * v.margin; c.b := v.margin + nameShift + 7 * Ports.mm; c := v.confirmAddButton; c.l := w - 20 * Ports.mm - v.margin; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := v.margin + nameShift + 7 * Ports.mm ELSE (* path only *) c := v.pathField; c.l := v.margin + leftTitlesWidth; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := w - 30 * Ports.mm - v.margin * 2; c.b := v.margin + nameShift + 7 * Ports.mm; c := v.addButton; c.l := w - 30 * Ports.mm - v.margin; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := v.margin + nameShift + 7 * Ports.mm END; nameShift := nameShift + 7 * Ports.mm + v.margin ELSE (* path only *) c := v.pathField; c.l := v.margin + leftTitlesWidth; c.t := v.margin; c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := v.margin + 7 * Ports.mm; nameShift := v.margin + 7 * Ports.mm END; c := v.places; c.l := v.margin; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := sep - v.margin; c.b := h - v.margin - 10 * Ports.mm; IF v.converters # NIL THEN c := v.files; c.l := sep + v.margin; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := h - v.margin - 10 * Ports.mm - (v.convertersHeight + v.margin); c := v.converters; c.l := sep + v.margin; c.t := h - v.margin - 10 * Ports.mm - (v.convertersHeight); c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := h - v.margin - 10 * Ports.mm ELSE c := v.files; c.l := sep + v.margin; c.t := v.margin + nameShift; c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := h - v.margin - 10 * Ports.mm END; c := v.confirmButton; c.l := w - v.margin - 74 * Ports.mm; c.t := h - v.margin - 8 * Ports.mm; c.r := w - v.margin - 38 * Ports.mm; c.b := h - v.margin; c := v.cancelButton; c.l := w - v.margin - 36 * Ports.mm; c.t := h - v.margin - 8 * Ports.mm; c.r := w - v.margin; c.b := h - v.margin END RecalcLayout; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR c: Context; conv: Converters.Converter; d, w, h, asc, dsc, w_, locs, files: INTEGER; nameStr, locatorStr: Dialog.String; removeFrame: Views.Frame; BEGIN IF browser = NIL THEN RETURN END; v.context.GetSize(w, h); f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.dialogBackground); RecalcLayout(v, w, h); browser.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w_); (* draw name input field *) IF v.nameField # NIL THEN c := v.nameField; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Name:", nameStr); f.DrawString(v.margin+Ports.mm, c.t+(c.b-c.t) DIV 2 + asc DIV 2 - Ports.mm DIV 2, Ports.black, nameStr, browser.font) END; (* draw locator label *) c := v.pathField; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Locator:", locatorStr); f.DrawString(v.margin + Ports.mm, c.t+(c.b-c.t) DIV 2 + asc DIV 2 - Ports.mm DIV 2, Ports.black, locatorStr, browser.font); (* draw places *) c := v.places; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE); c := v.files; (* calculate size of files list, possible to optimize *) c.view.context.GetSize(w_, h); StdScrollers.WrappedView(c.view).context.GetSize(w, h); CountLocsFiles(v, locs, files); IF v.type = location THEN h := (locs + 2) * itemHeight ELSE h := (locs + files + 2) * itemHeight END; StdScrollers.WrappedView(c.view).context.SetSize(w_, h); Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE); (* draw file types *) IF v.converters # NIL THEN c := v.converters; c.view.context.GetSize(w_, h); StdScrollers.WrappedView(c.view).context.GetSize(w, h); IF ~v.IsConvOpen() THEN h := closedConvList ELSE h := itemHeight * 2; conv := v.convList; WHILE conv # NIL DO IF v.IsGoodConv(conv) THEN INC(h, itemHeight) END; conv := conv.next END END; StdScrollers.WrappedView(c.view).context.SetSize(w_, h); Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE) END; (* draw buttons *) c := v.confirmButton; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE); c := v.cancelButton; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE); (* add new direcrory button *) IF v.activeAddFolder THEN IF v.addButton # NIL THEN removeFrame := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.addButton.view); IF removeFrame # NIL THEN Views.RemoveFrame(f, removeFrame) END END; IF v.fNameField # NIL THEN c := v.fNameField; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE) END; IF v.confirmAddButton # NIL THEN c := v.confirmAddButton; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE) END ELSE IF v.fNameField # NIL THEN removeFrame := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.fNameField.view); IF removeFrame # NIL THEN Views.RemoveFrame(f, removeFrame) END END; IF v.confirmAddButton # NIL THEN removeFrame := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.confirmAddButton.view); IF removeFrame # NIL THEN Views.RemoveFrame(f, removeFrame) END END; IF v.addButton # NIL THEN c := v.addButton; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, TRUE) END END; (* draw frame around the subviews *) d := f.dot; IF v.places # NIL THEN c := v.places; IF (c.t - d < c.b + d) & (c.l - d < c.r + d) THEN IF v.focusView = c.view THEN f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, 2 * f.dot, Ports.black) ELSE f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, f.dot, Ports.black) END END END; IF v.files # NIL THEN c := v.files; IF (c.t - d < c.b + d) & (c.l - d < c.r + d) THEN IF v.focusView = c.view THEN f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, 2 * f.dot, Ports.black) ELSE f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, f.dot, Ports.black) END END END; IF v.converters # NIL THEN c := v.converters; IF (c.t - d < c.b + d) & (c.l - d < c.r + d) THEN IF v.focusView = c.view THEN f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, 2 * f.dot, Ports.black) ELSE f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d, f.dot, Ports.black) END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; res_: INTEGER; eaten: BOOLEAN; (* foward edit msgs to focused view *) PROCEDURE PassMessage; BEGIN IF v.focusView # NIL THEN IF (v.addButton # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.addButton.view) THEN focus := v.files.view ELSE focus := v.focusView END END END PassMessage; (* k8: sorry for this mess! *) PROCEDURE DoTabNext; BEGIN IF v.focusView = NIL THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.nameField # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.nameField.view ELSE v.focusView := v.files.view END ELSIF (v.nameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.nameField.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.addButton # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.addButton.view ELSE v.focusView := v.files.view END ELSIF (v.addButton # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.addButton.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; v.focusView := v.files.view ELSIF (v.fNameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.fNameField.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.confirmAddButton # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.confirmAddButton.view END ELSIF (v.confirmAddButton # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.confirmAddButton.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.fNameField # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.fNameField.view END ELSIF v.focusView = v.files.view THEN IF v.nameField # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.nameField.view; eaten := TRUE END END END DoTabNext; (* k8: sorry for this mess! *) PROCEDURE DoTabPrev; BEGIN IF v.focusView = NIL THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.nameField # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.nameField.view ELSE v.focusView := v.files.view END ELSIF (v.nameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.nameField.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; v.focusView := v.files.view ELSIF (v.addButton # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.addButton.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.nameField # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.nameField.view ELSE v.focusView := v.files.view END ELSIF (v.fNameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.fNameField.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.confirmAddButton # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.confirmAddButton.view END ELSIF (v.confirmAddButton # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.confirmAddButton.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; IF v.fNameField # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.fNameField.view END ELSIF v.focusView = v.files.view THEN IF v.nameField # NIL THEN v.focusView := v.nameField.view; eaten := TRUE END END END DoTabPrev; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view; v.focusView := g.view END | msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view END | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO eaten := FALSE; IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = Tab) & (msg.modifiers*{Controllers.extend,Controllers.modify,Controllers.pick} # {}) THEN DoTabPrev ELSIF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.modifiers = {}) THEN CASE msg.char OF | Enter: IF (v.nameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.nameField.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; PreventCleanup; Dialog.Call("StdCmds.CloseTopDialog", "", res_); BrowserConfirm ELSIF (v.fNameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.fNameField.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; BrowserCreateFolder END | Esc: IF (v.fNameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.fNameField.view) THEN eaten := TRUE; CloseAddFolder ELSIF ~v.IsConvOpen() THEN eaten := TRUE; BrowserCancel; Dialog.Call("StdCmds.CloseTopDialog", "", res_) END | Tab: DoTabNext ELSE END END; IF eaten THEN Views.Update(v, Views.rebuildFrames(*keepFrames*)) ELSE PassMessage END | msg: Controllers.Message DO IF (v.nameField # NIL) & (v.focusView = v.nameField.view) THEN focus := v.focusView END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* places table *) PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserPlaces) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; str, path: Dialog.String; p: Place; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(x, y); f.DrawRect(0, 0, x, y, Ports.fill, Ports.white); Dialog.GetLocPath(browser.action.loc, path); x := 5 * Ports.mm; y := 7 * Ports.mm; p := place; WHILE p # NIL DO Dialog.MapString("#Std:" + p.name, str); IF path = p.path THEN f.DrawRect( x - Ports.mm, y - 4 * Ports.mm, x + browser.font.StringWidth(str) + Ports.mm, y + Ports.mm, Ports.fill, param.bgActivePlace) END; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, str, v.base.font); y := y + 7 * Ports.mm; p := p.next END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserPlaces) HandleCtrlMsg (f_: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR pos: INTEGER; p: Place; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO pos := Ports.mm * 7; p := place; WHILE (p # NIL) & (msg.y > pos) DO pos := pos + Ports.mm * 7; p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN IF p.specialAction # NIL THEN p.specialAction(v) ELSE v.base.action.loc := Files.dir.This(p.path); v.base.focusLocInfoNum := back; v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; UpdatePath; StdScrollers.WrappedView(v.base.files.view).context.MakeVisible(0, 0, 1, 1); Views.Update(v.base.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames(*keepFrames*)) END END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* converters table *) PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserConverters) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR x, y, n, i: INTEGER; str: Dialog.String; conv: Converters.Converter; PROCEDURE MapConv (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; sub, str: Dialog.String; BEGIN str := cmd$; i := 0; WHILE str[i] >= "0" DO INC(i) END; str[i] := 0X; Librarian.lib.SplitName(str, sub, str); Dialog.MapString("#"+sub+":"+cmd, name) END MapConv; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(x, y); IF ~v.base.IsConvOpen() THEN IF v.base.convList.next # NIL THEN f.DrawRect(0, 0, x, y, Ports.fill, Ports.white) ELSE f.DrawRect(0, 0, x, y, Ports.fill, Ports.grey12) END; x := 3 * Ports.mm; y := 4 * Ports.mm + Ports.mm DIV 2; IF v.base.converter # NIL THEN IF v.base.type = open THEN MapConv(v.base.converter.imp, str) ELSIF browser.type = save THEN MapConv(v.base.converter.exp, str) END; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, str+" (*."+v.base.converter.fileType+")", v.base.font) ELSIF (v.base.initTypes = NIL) OR (v.base.initTypes[0] = "*") THEN Dialog.MapString("#System:AllFiles", str); f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, str + " (*.*)", v.base.font) ELSE Dialog.MapString("#System:AllSupportedFiles", str); str := str + " ("; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(v.base.initTypes) - 1 DO str := str + "*." + v.base.initTypes[i] + "," END; str[LEN(str$)-1] := 0X; (* remove last comma *) str := str + ")"; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, str, v.base.font) END ELSE f.DrawRect(0, 0, x, y, Ports.fill, Ports.white); x := 3 * Ports.mm; y := 5 * Ports.mm; conv := v.base.convList; n := 0; WHILE conv # NIL DO str := ""; IF v.base.type = open THEN MapConv(conv.imp, str) ELSIF v.base.type = save THEN MapConv(conv.exp, str) END; IF str # "" THEN IF conv = v.base.converter THEN f.DrawRect( x - Ports.mm, y - 4*Ports.mm, x + 16*Ports.mm + v.base.font.StringWidth(str) + 14*f.dot + 2*Ports.mm, y + Ports.mm, Ports.fill, param.bgActiveConverter) END; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, str + " (*." + conv.fileType + ")", v.base.font); INC(y, itemHeight) END; conv := conv.next; INC(n) END; IF (n > 1) & (v.base.type = open) THEN IF v.base.converter = NIL THEN f.DrawRect( x - Ports.mm, y - 4*Ports.mm, x + 16*Ports.mm + v.base.font.StringWidth(str) + 14*f.dot + 2*Ports.mm, y + Ports.mm, Ports.fill, param.bgActiveConverter) END; IF (v.base.initTypes = NIL) OR (v.base.initTypes[0] = "*") THEN Dialog.MapString("#System:AllFiles", str); f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, str + " (*.*)", v.base.font) ELSE Dialog.MapString("#System:AllSupportedFiles", str); str := str + " ("; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(v.base.initTypes) - 1 DO str := str + "*." + v.base.initTypes[i] + "," END; str[LEN(str$)-1] := 0X; (* remove last comma *) str := str + ")"; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, str, v.base.font) END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserConverters) HandleCtrlMsg (f_: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR okconv: Converters.Converter; forceSet: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE MakeCurrConvVisible; VAR conv: Converters.Converter; y: INTEGER; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN done := FALSE; y := 5 * Ports.mm; conv := v.base.convList; WHILE ~done & (conv # NIL) DO IF conv = v.base.converter THEN done := TRUE ELSE IF v.base.IsGoodConv(conv) THEN INC(y, itemHeight) END; conv := conv.next END END; IF (conv = NIL) & (v.base.type = open) THEN done := TRUE END; IF done THEN DEC(y, itemHeight - Ports.mm); v.context.MakeVisible(0, y, 1, y+itemHeight-1) END END MakeCurrConvVisible; PROCEDURE DoMouseSelect (y: INTEGER); VAR conv: Converters.Converter; h: INTEGER; BEGIN conv := v.base.convList; h := itemHeight; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (h < y) DO conv := conv.next; IF v.base.IsGoodConv(conv) THEN INC(h, itemHeight) END END; IF (conv # NIL) OR (v.base.type = open) THEN v.base.converter := conv; IF conv # NIL THEN v.base.action.type := conv.fileType$ END; v.base.ConvClose END END DoMouseSelect; PROCEDURE GoUp; VAR conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN conv := v.base.convList; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv # v.base.converter) DO IF v.base.IsGoodConv(conv) THEN okconv := conv END; conv := conv.next END END GoUp; PROCEDURE GoDown; VAR conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN conv := v.base.converter; WHILE (okconv = NIL) & (conv # NIL) & (conv.next # NIL) DO conv := conv.next; IF v.base.IsGoodConv(conv) THEN okconv := conv END END; IF (okconv = NIL) & (v.base.type = open) THEN forceSet := TRUE END END GoDown; PROCEDURE GoHome; VAR conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN conv := v.base.convList; WHILE (okconv = NIL) & (conv # NIL) DO IF v.base.IsGoodConv(conv) THEN okconv := conv END; conv := conv.next END; IF (okconv # NIL) & (okconv = v.base.converter) THEN okconv := NIL END END GoHome; PROCEDURE GoEnd; VAR conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN IF v.base.type = open THEN okconv := NIL; forceSet := (v.base.converter # NIL) ELSE conv := v.base.convList; WHILE (conv # NIL) DO IF v.base.IsGoodConv(conv) THEN okconv := conv END; conv := conv.next END; IF (okconv # NIL) & (okconv = v.base.converter) THEN okconv := NIL END END END GoEnd; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO v.base.ConvOpen | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF ~v.base.IsConvOpen() THEN v.base.ConvOpen ELSE DoMouseSelect(msg.y) END | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO okconv := NIL; forceSet := FALSE; IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.modifiers = {}) THEN CASE msg.char OF | Enter, Esc: v.base.ConvClose | UpArrow: GoUp | DownArrow: GoDown | HomeKey: GoHome | EndKey: GoEnd ELSE END; IF forceSet OR ((okconv # NIL) & (okconv # v.base.converter)) THEN v.base.converter := okconv; IF okconv # NIL THEN v.base.action.type := okconv.fileType$ END; MakeCurrConvVisible; v.base.ConvResetFileCursor; Views.Update(v.base, Views.rebuildFrames) END END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* files table *) PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserTable) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l_, t_, r, b_: INTEGER); VAR locInfo: Files.LocInfo; fileInfo: Files.FileInfo; x, y, n: INTEGER; visy: INTEGER; BEGIN visy := -1024; x := Ports.mm * 5; y := itemHeight; IF -1 = v.base.focusLocInfoNum THEN visy := y; f.DrawRect( x - Ports.mm, y - 4 * Ports.mm, r - Ports.mm * 2, y + Ports.mm, Ports.fill, param.bgCursorUpDir) END; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, param.upDirStr, v.base.font); INC(y, itemHeight); (* draw dirs *) locInfo := Files.dir.LocList(v.base.action.loc); n := 0; WHILE locInfo # NIL DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN IF n = v.base.focusLocInfoNum THEN (* selected dir background *) visy := y; f.DrawRect( x - Ports.mm, y - 4 * Ports.mm, r - Ports.mm * 2, y + Ports.mm, Ports.fill, param.bgCursorDir) END; (* folder icon *) f.DrawRect(x, y - 12 * f.dot, x + 12 * f.dot, y - 9 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); f.DrawRect(x, y - 9 * f.dot, x + 14 * f.dot, y + 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey75); (* folder name *) f.DrawString(x + 16 * f.dot, y, Ports.black, locInfo.name, v.base.font); INC(y, itemHeight); INC(n) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; (* draw files *) IF v.base.type # location THEN fileInfo := Files.dir.FileList(v.base.action.loc); n := 0; WHILE fileInfo # NIL DO IF ~IsHidden(fileInfo) THEN IF n = v.base.focusFileInfoNum THEN (* selected file background *) visy := y; f.DrawRect( x - Ports.mm, y - 4 * Ports.mm, r - Ports.mm * 2, y + Ports.mm, Ports.fill, param.bgCursorFile) END; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, fileInfo.name, v.base.font); INC(y, itemHeight); INC(n) END; fileInfo := fileInfo.next END END; (* k8: i'm not sure if it is legal to do this here, but meh... it seems to work *) IF v.base.forceMakeCurrFVisible THEN v.base.forceMakeCurrFVisible := FALSE; IF visy >= 0 THEN v.context.MakeVisible(0, visy - 4 * Ports.mm, 1, visy + itemHeight) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserTable) HandleCtrlMsg (f_: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR locInfo: Files.LocInfo; fileInfo: Files.FileInfo; tmp: Files.Name; y, n, locs, files: INTEGER; w, h: INTEGER; PROCEDURE OpenItem (msgy: INTEGER); VAR res_: INTEGER; BEGIN IF v.base.type # save THEN name := "" END; IF msgy < itemHeight THEN GoOneDirUp(v.base) ELSE y := itemHeight * 2; locInfo := GetFirstLocInfo(); WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & (y < msgy) DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN INC(y, itemHeight) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; IF locInfo # NIL THEN IF (v.base.type IN {save, open}) OR (Files.dir.LocList(v.base.action.loc.This(locInfo.name)) # NIL) THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := back; v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.base.action.loc := v.base.action.loc.This(locInfo.name); UpdatePath END ELSIF v.base.type # location THEN (* open file *) n := 0; tmp := ""; DEC(y, itemHeight); fileInfo := GetFirstFileInfo(); WHILE (fileInfo # NIL) & (y < msgy) DO IF ~IsHidden(fileInfo) THEN INC(y, itemHeight); INC(n); tmp := fileInfo.name END; fileInfo := fileInfo.next END; IF n # 0 THEN IF (v.base.type = open) OR (tmp # "") THEN name := tmp; PreventCleanup; Dialog.Call("StdCmds.CloseTopDialog", "", res_); BrowserConfirm END END END END END OpenItem; PROCEDURE MakeItemVisible; BEGIN IF v.base.focusLocInfoNum < 0 THEN IF v.base.focusFileInfoNum < 0 THEN v.context.MakeVisible(0, 0, 1, 1) ELSE v.context.MakeVisible( 0, (locs + (v.base.focusFileInfoNum+1))*itemHeight, 1, (locs + (v.base.focusFileInfoNum+2))*itemHeight+itemHeight DIV 2) END ELSE v.context.MakeVisible( 0, (v.base.focusLocInfoNum+1)*itemHeight, 1, (v.base.focusLocInfoNum+2)*itemHeight + itemHeight DIV 2) END END MakeItemVisible; PROCEDURE CursorMoved; BEGIN UpdatePath; Views.Update(v.base.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames(*keepFrames*)); MakeItemVisible END CursorMoved; PROCEDURE MoveUpDown (delta: INTEGER); BEGIN CountLocsFiles(v.base, locs, files); WHILE delta # 0 DO IF delta < 0 THEN IF v.base.focusFileInfoNum > 0 THEN DEC(v.base.focusFileInfoNum) ELSE v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; IF v.base.focusLocInfoNum = undefined THEN IF locs = 0 THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := back ELSE v.base.focusLocInfoNum := locs - 1 END ELSIF v.base.focusLocInfoNum > back THEN DEC(v.base.focusLocInfoNum) END END; INC(delta) ELSE IF (v.base.focusFileInfoNum = undefined) & (v.base.focusLocInfoNum < locs-1) THEN INC(v.base.focusLocInfoNum) ELSIF (v.base.type # location) & (files > 0) THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := undefined; IF v.base.focusFileInfoNum < files THEN IF v.base.focusFileInfoNum = undefined THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := 0 ELSE IF v.base.focusFileInfoNum < files - 1 THEN INC(v.base.focusFileInfoNum) END END END END; DEC(delta) END END; CursorMoved END MoveUpDown; PROCEDURE MoveHome; BEGIN CountLocsFiles(v.base, locs, files); IF v.base.focusFileInfoNum > 0 THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := 0 ELSIF v.base.focusFileInfoNum = 0 THEN IF locs > 0 THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := 0 END ELSIF v.base.focusLocInfoNum > 0 THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := 0 ELSIF v.base.focusLocInfoNum = 0 THEN IF files > 0 THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := 0; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := undefined END END; CursorMoved END MoveHome; PROCEDURE MoveEnd; BEGIN CountLocsFiles(v.base, locs, files); IF (files > 0) & (v.base.focusFileInfoNum # undefined) &(v.base.focusFileInfoNum < files-1) THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := files-1 ELSIF (files > 0) & (v.base.focusFileInfoNum = files-1) THEN IF locs > 0 THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := locs-1 END ELSIF (locs > 0) & (v.base.focusLocInfoNum # undefined) & (v.base.focusLocInfoNum < locs-1) THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := locs-1 ELSIF (locs > 0) & (v.base.focusLocInfoNum = locs-1) THEN IF files > 0 THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := files-1; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := undefined END END; CursorMoved END MoveEnd; PROCEDURE MovePageUp; BEGIN v.base.files.view.context.GetSize(w, h); MoveUpDown(-(h DIV itemHeight)) END MovePageUp; PROCEDURE MovePageDown; BEGIN v.base.files.view.context.GetSize(w, h); MoveUpDown(h DIV itemHeight) END MovePageDown; PROCEDURE GoToPrjDir; VAR locs: INTEGER; path: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.GetLocPath(Files.dir.This(""), path); v.base.action.loc := v.base.action.loc.This(path); locs := CountLocs(v.base); v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; IF locs > 0 THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := 0 ELSE v.base.focusLocInfoNum := undefined END; v.base.forceMakeCurrFVisible := TRUE; UpdatePath; Views.Update(v.base, Views.rebuildFrames) END GoToPrjDir; PROCEDURE DoAcceptDirDown (): BOOLEAN; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := FALSE; IF v.base.focusLocInfoNum = back THEN res := TRUE; GoOneDirUp(v.base) ELSIF v.base.focusLocInfoNum # undefined THEN res := TRUE; locInfo := GetFirstLocInfo(); n := 0; WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & (n < v.base.focusLocInfoNum) DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN INC(n) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; IF locInfo # NIL THEN IF (v.base.type IN {save, open}) OR (Files.dir.LocList(v.base.action.loc.This(locInfo.name)) # NIL) THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := back; v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.base.action.loc := v.base.action.loc.This(locInfo.name); UpdatePath; Views.Update(v.base.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames(*keepFrames*)); v.context.MakeVisible(0, 0, 1, 1) END END END; RETURN res END DoAcceptDirDown; PROCEDURE DoAccept; VAR n: INTEGER; res_: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~DoAcceptDirDown() & (v.base.focusFileInfoNum # undefined) THEN fileInfo := GetFirstFileInfo(); n := 0; WHILE (fileInfo # NIL) & (n <= v.base.focusFileInfoNum) DO IF ~IsHidden(fileInfo) THEN INC(n); name := fileInfo.name$ END; fileInfo := fileInfo.next END; IF name # "" THEN PreventCleanup; Dialog.Call("StdCmds.CloseTopDialog", "", res_); BrowserConfirm END END END DoAccept; PROCEDURE LookupNext (ch: CHAR); VAR l, f: INTEGER; BEGIN IF LookupNextItemForChar(v.base, ch, l, f) THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := l; v.base.focusFileInfoNum := f; CountLocsFiles(v.base, locs, files); (* requred for `MakeItemVisible()` *) CursorMoved END END LookupNext; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO v.base.ConvClose | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF Controllers.doubleClick IN msg.modifiers THEN OpenItem(msg.y); IF browser # NIL THEN UpdatePath; Views.Update(v.base.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames(*keepFrames*)); v.context.MakeVisible(0, 0, 1, 1) END ELSE IF msg.y < itemHeight THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := back; v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined ELSE (* search focus folder name *) locInfo := GetFirstLocInfo(); y := itemHeight * 2 + Ports.mm; n := 0; WHILE (locInfo # NIL) & (y < msg.y) DO IF ~IsHidden(locInfo) THEN INC(y, itemHeight); INC(n) END; locInfo := locInfo.next END; IF locInfo # NIL THEN IF v.base.type = location THEN (* store folder name to use later *) name := locInfo.name$ END; v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := n ELSIF v.base.type # location THEN v.base.focusLocInfoNum := undefined; (* search focus file name *) fileInfo := GetFirstFileInfo(); n := 0; tmp := ""; DEC(y, itemHeight); WHILE (fileInfo # NIL) & (y < msg.y) DO IF ~IsHidden(fileInfo) THEN INC(y, itemHeight); INC(n); tmp := fileInfo.name END; fileInfo := fileInfo.next END; IF n = 0 THEN v.base.focusFileInfoNum := undefined ELSE name := tmp; v.base.focusFileInfoNum := n - 1 END END END; Views.Update(v.base.files.view, Views.rebuildFrames(*keepFrames*)) END; v.base.ConvClose | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN (* shift 24 extend 1 Shift key ctrl 25 modify 2 Ctrl key alt 28 pick 4 Alt key *) IF Controllers.pick IN msg.modifiers THEN (* Alt *) IF msg.char = DownArrow THEN v.base.ConvOpen END ELSIF msg.modifiers*{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} = {} THEN CASE msg.char OF | CtrlPageUp: GoOneDirUp(v.base) | CtrlPageDown: IF DoAcceptDirDown() THEN END (* sorry! *) | CtrlHome: GoToPrjDir() | PageUp: MovePageUp | PageDown: MovePageDown | HomeKey: MoveHome | EndKey: MoveEnd | UpArrow: MoveUpDown(-1) | DownArrow: MoveUpDown(1) | Backspace: GoOneDirUp(v.base) | Enter: IF msg.modifiers = {} THEN DoAccept END ELSE (* process letters and digits *) IF msg.modifiers = {} THEN IF (msg.char >= 020X) & (msg.char <= 07EX) THEN LookupNext(msg.char) END END END END END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 200 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 100 * Ports.mm END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowser) ConsiderFocusRequestBy (view: Views.View); BEGIN IF view = v.places.view THEN v.focusView := v.places.view ELSIF view = v.files.view THEN v.focusView := v.files.view ELSE HALT(20) END END ConsiderFocusRequestBy; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserTable) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: FilesBrowserTable DO v.base := source.base; v.base.focusLocInfoNum := source.base.focusLocInfoNum END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserPlaces) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: FilesBrowserPlaces DO v.base := source.base END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: FilesBrowserConverters) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: FilesBrowserConverters DO v.base := source.base END END CopyFromSimpleView; (* common code to create various browsers *) PROCEDURE CreateBrowserFormCommon (navtype: BYTE; action: Dialog.GetAction; IN svstr, dlgstr: Dialog.String); VAR nav: FilesBrowser; w1: FilesBrowserPlaces; w2: FilesBrowserTable; w3: FilesBrowserConverters; context2: Context; title: Dialog.String; tf: Fonts.Typeface; size, weight, pos, pos2, n: INTEGER; style: SET; p: Controls.Prop; cNotif: CloseNotifier; conv, conv2: Converters.Converter; type: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; locs, files: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(nav); preventCleanup := FALSE; nav.type := navtype; nav.margin := 2 * Ports.mm; nav.action := action; nav.action.cancel := TRUE; (* build converters list; this is not required for directory browser *) IF navtype # location THEN IF action.type # "" THEN n := 0; pos := 0; WHILE action.type[pos] # 0X DO IF action.type[pos] = "," THEN INC(n) END; INC(pos) END; NEW(nav.initTypes, n+1); pos := -1; n := 0; REPEAT INC(pos); pos2 := 0; WHILE (action.type[pos] # 0X) & (action.type[pos] # ",") DO type[pos2] := action.type[pos]; INC(pos); INC(pos2) END; type[pos2] := 0X; nav.initTypes[n] := type$; INC(n) UNTIL action.type[pos] = 0X END; IF action.converterName # "" THEN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # action.converterName) DO conv := conv.next END END; IF conv # NIL THEN NEW(nav.convList); nav.convList^ := conv^; nav.convList.next := NIL; nav.converter := nav.convList ELSE IF action.type = "" THEN nav.convList := Converters.list; IF action.selectConverter # "" THEN conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # action.selectConverter) DO conv := conv.next END END; IF conv # NIL THEN nav.converter := conv ELSE nav.converter := Converters.list END ELSIF action.type = "*" THEN nav.convList := Converters.list; nav.converter := NIL ELSE pos := -1; REPEAT INC(pos); pos2 := 0; WHILE (action.type[pos] # 0X) & (action.type[pos] # ",") DO type[pos2] := action.type[pos]; INC(pos); INC(pos2) END; type[pos2] := 0X; conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & ~((conv.imp # "") & (conv.fileType = type)) DO conv := conv.next END; IF conv # NIL THEN IF nav.convList = NIL THEN NEW(nav.convList); nav.convList^ := conv^; nav.converter := nav.convList; nav.convList.next := NIL ELSE conv2 := nav.convList; WHILE conv2.next # NIL DO conv2 := conv2.next END; NEW(conv2.next); conv2.next^ := conv^; conv2.next.next := NIL END END UNTIL action.type[pos] = 0X; IF nav.convList = NIL THEN nav.convList := Converters.list END END END END; nav.focusLocInfoNum := undefined; nav.focusFileInfoNum := undefined; Dialog.GetDialogFont(tf, size, style, weight); nav.font := Fonts.dir.This(tf, size, style, weight); (* places *) NEW(w1); w1.base := nav; nav.places := NewContext(w1, nav); (* file/dir list *) NEW(w2); w2.base := nav; context2 := NewContext(w2, nav); context2.wrapped := TRUE; nav.files := NewContext(StdScrollers.WrapView(w2), nav); (* converters are not required for directory browser *) IF navtype # location THEN NEW(w3); w3.base := nav; context2 := NewContext(w3, nav); context2.wrapped := TRUE; nav.converters := NewContext(StdScrollers.WrapView(w3), nav); nav.convertersHeight := closedConvList END; (*k8: assign it here to activate the guard early *) fName := ""; IF navtype = save THEN (* file name entry field *) name := action.name$ END; browser := nav; (* "accept" button *) NEW(p); p.link := "StdFilesBrowser.PreventCleanup; StdCmds.CloseTopDialog; StdFilesBrowser.BrowserConfirm"; p.label := svstr$; (*"#Std:OpenFile";*) p.guard := "StdFilesBrowser.BrowserConfirmGuard"; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := FALSE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; nav.confirmButton := NewContext(Controls.dir.NewPushButton(p), nav); (* "cancel" button *) NEW(p); p.link := "StdFilesBrowser.BrowserCancel; StdCmds.CloseTopDialog"; p.label := "#Std:Cancel"; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := FALSE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; nav.cancelButton := NewContext(Controls.dir.NewPushButton(p), nav); IF (navtype = save) OR (navtype = location) THEN (* "new directory" button *) NEW(p); p.link := "StdFilesBrowser.BrowserNewFolderDialog"; p.label := "#Std:Add folder"; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := FALSE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; nav.addButton := NewContext(Controls.dir.NewPushButton(p), nav); (* "confirm new directory" button *) NEW(p); p.link := "StdFilesBrowser.BrowserCreateFolder"; p.label := "#Std:Confirm"; p.guard := "StdFilesBrowser.BrowserCreateFolderGuard"; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := FALSE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; nav.confirmAddButton := NewContext(Controls.dir.NewPushButton(p), nav); (* directory name entry field *) NEW(p); p.link := "StdFilesBrowser.fName"; p.label := ""; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := TRUE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; nav.fNameField := NewContext(Controls.dir.NewField(p), nav) END; IF navtype = save THEN (* file name entry field *) (*name := action.name$;*) NEW(p); p.link := "StdFilesBrowser.name"; p.label := ""; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := TRUE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; nav.nameField := NewContext(Controls.dir.NewField(p), nav) END; IF action.loc = NIL THEN IF lastLoc # NIL THEN action.loc := lastLoc ELSE Dialog.GetLocPath(Files.dir.This(""), path); action.loc := Files.dir.This(path) END END; Dialog.GetLocPath(action.loc, path); NEW(p); p.link := "StdFilesBrowser.path"; p.label := ""; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := TRUE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; nav.pathField := NewContext(Controls.dir.NewField(p), nav); CountLocsFiles(nav, locs, files); IF locs > 0 THEN nav.focusLocInfoNum := 0 ELSIF files > 0 THEN nav.focusFileInfoNum := 0 END; IF navtype = save THEN nav.focusView := nav.nameField.view ELSE nav.focusView := nav.files.view END; IF action.title = "" THEN Dialog.MapString(dlgstr$, title) ELSE Dialog.MapString(action.title, title) END; StdDialog.Open(nav, title, NIL, "", NIL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); (* asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty *) NEW(cNotif); nav.Domain().GetSequencer()(Sequencers.Sequencer).InstallNotifier(cNotif) END CreateBrowserFormCommon; (* select a directory *) PROCEDURE (hook: DialogStdGetHook) GetLoc (action: Dialog.GetAction); BEGIN IF browser = NIL THEN CreateBrowserFormCommon(location, action, "#Std:Choose folder", "#Std:Choose folder") END END GetLoc; (* open existing file *) PROCEDURE (hook: DialogStdGetHook) GetIntLocName (action: Dialog.GetAction); BEGIN IF browser = NIL THEN CreateBrowserFormCommon(open, action, "#Std:OpenFile", "#Std:Open...") END END GetIntLocName; (* save file with a new name *) PROCEDURE (hook: DialogStdGetHook) GetExtLocName (action: Dialog.GetAction); BEGIN IF browser = NIL THEN CreateBrowserFormCommon(save, action, "#Std:Save", "#Std:Save...") END END GetExtLocName; PROCEDURE ActPlaceGoUp (v: FilesBrowserPlaces); BEGIN GoOneDirUp(v.base) END ActPlaceGoUp; PROCEDURE FindPlace (IN name: Dialog.String): Place; VAR c: Place; BEGIN c := place; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.name$ # name$) DO c := c.next END; RETURN c END FindPlace; (* add new place, or replace the existing one *) PROCEDURE AddPlaceIntr (IN name, path: Dialog.String; act: PlaceActionProc); VAR c: Place; BEGIN ASSERT(LEN(name$) > 0); c := FindPlace(name); IF c = NIL THEN c := place; IF c = NIL THEN NEW(c); place := c ELSE WHILE c.next # NIL DO c := c.next END; NEW(c.next); c := c.next END END; c.name := name$; c.path := path$; c.specialAction := act END AddPlaceIntr; PROCEDURE AddPlace* (IN name, path: Dialog.String); BEGIN AddPlaceIntr(name, path, NIL) END AddPlace; PROCEDURE SetupPlaces*; VAR path, pathName: Dialog.String; res_: INTEGER; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Std:Parent folder", pathName); AddPlaceIntr(pathName, "..", ActPlaceGoUp); Dialog.GetLocPath(Files.dir.This(""), path); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Project folder", pathName); AddPlace(pathName, path); IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows THEN Dialog.GetPar("USERPROFILE", path, res_) ELSE (*ELSIF Dialog.platform = Dialog.linux THEN*) Dialog.GetPar("HOME", path, res_) END; Dialog.MapString("#Std:Home folder", pathName); AddPlace(pathName, path) (* this paramiter allow to limit upper directory user can browse StdFilesBrowser.upper := path$; *) END SetupPlaces; PROCEDURE ParamDefaults (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO p.bgCursorUpDir := Ports.RGBColor(220,210,235); p.bgCursorDir := Ports.RGBColor(220,210,235); p.bgCursorFile := Ports.RGBColor(220,210,235); p.bgActivePlace := Ports.RGBColor(220,210,235); p.bgActiveConverter := Ports.RGBColor(220,210,235); p.upDirStr := "<..>"; p.upper := ""; p.InitDefaults := ParamDefaults; END END ParamDefaults; PROCEDURE Init; VAR dh: DialogStdGetHook; BEGIN NEW(dh); Dialog.SetStdGetHook(dh); browser := NIL; name := ""; showHidden := FALSE; NEW(param); ParamDefaults(param); END Init; PROCEDURE ResetupAfterUnload*; BEGIN Init; place := NIL; SetupPlaces END ResetupAfterUnload; BEGIN Init END StdFilesBrowser. StdFilesBrowser.ResetupAfterUnload
MODULE StdFolds; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20150327, center #32, remove fonts dependencies - 20150616, center #61, Unicode support for fold labels - 20160330, center #110, dialog improved - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Stores, Containers, Models, Views, Controllers, Fonts, Properties,Controls, TextModels, TextViews, TextControllers, TextSetters, Dialog, Services; CONST expanded* = FALSE; collapsed* = TRUE; minVersion = 0; currentVersion = 1; collapseFoldKey = "#Std:Collapse Fold"; expandFoldKey = "#Std:Expand Fold"; zoomInKey = "#Std:Zoom In"; zoomOutKey = "#Std:Zoom Out"; expandFoldsKey = "#Std:Expand Folds"; collapseFoldsKey = "#Std:Collapse Folds"; insertFoldKey = "#Std:Insert Fold"; setLabelKey = "#Std:Set Label"; TYPE Label* = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; Fold* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) leftSide-: BOOLEAN; collapsed-: BOOLEAN; label-: Label; (* valid iff leftSide *) hidden: TextModels.Model (* valid iff leftSide; NIL if no hidden text *) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; FlipOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) text: TextModels.Model; (* containing text *) leftpos, rightpos: INTEGER (* position of left and right Fold *) END; SetLabelOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) text: TextModels.Model; (* containing text *) pos: INTEGER; (* position of fold in text *) oldlabel: Label END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; foldData*: RECORD nested*: BOOLEAN; useFilter*: BOOLEAN; filter*: Label; newLabel*: Label END; action: Action; fingerprint: INTEGER; (* for the property inspector *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (collapsed: BOOLEAN; label: Label; hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE GetPair (fold: Fold; VAR l, r: Fold); VAR c: Models.Context; text: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; nest: INTEGER; BEGIN c := fold.context; l := NIL; r := NIL; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO text := c.ThisModel(); rd := text.NewReader(NIL); IF fold.leftSide THEN l := fold; rd.SetPos(c.Pos()+1); nest := 1; REPEAT rd.ReadView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) THEN IF v(Fold).leftSide THEN INC(nest) ELSE DEC(nest) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (nest = 0); IF v # NIL THEN r := v(Fold) ELSE r := NIL END ELSE r := fold; rd.SetPos(c.Pos()); nest := 1; REPEAT rd.ReadPrevView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) THEN IF ~v(Fold).leftSide THEN INC(nest) ELSE DEC(nest) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (nest = 0); IF v # NIL THEN l := v(Fold) ELSE l := NIL END END ELSE (* fold not embedded in a text *) END; ASSERT((l = NIL) OR l.leftSide & (l.hidden # NIL), 100); ASSERT((r = NIL) OR ~r.leftSide & (r.hidden = NIL), 101) END GetPair; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HiddenText* (): TextModels.Model, NEW; VAR l, r: Fold; BEGIN IF fold.leftSide THEN RETURN fold.hidden ELSE GetPair(fold, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN RETURN l.hidden ELSE RETURN NIL END END END HiddenText; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) MatchingFold* (): Fold, NEW; VAR l, r: Fold; BEGIN GetPair(fold, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN IF fold = l THEN RETURN r ELSE RETURN l END ELSE RETURN NIL END END MatchingFold; PROCEDURE CalcSize (f: Fold; VAR w, h: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; BEGIN c := f.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN font := c(TextModels.Context).Attr().font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); w := asc * 29 DIV 20; h := asc + dsc END CalcSize; PROCEDURE Update (f: Fold); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN CalcSize(f, w, h); f.context.SetSize(w, h); Views.Update(f, Views.keepFrames) END Update; PROCEDURE FlipPair (l, r: Fold); VAR text, hidden: TextModels.Model; cl, cr: Models.Context; lpos, rpos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (l # NIL) & (r # NIL) THEN ASSERT(l.leftSide, 100); ASSERT(~r.leftSide, 101); ASSERT(l.hidden # NIL, 102); ASSERT(r.hidden = NIL, 103); cl := l.context; cr := r.context; text := cl(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); lpos := cl(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1; rpos := cr(TextModels.Context).Pos(); ASSERT(lpos <= rpos, 104); hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(text); hidden.Insert(0, text, lpos, rpos); text.Insert(lpos, l.hidden, 0, l.hidden.Length()); l.hidden := hidden; Stores.Join(l, hidden); l.collapsed := ~l.collapsed; r.collapsed := l.collapsed; Update(l); Update(r); TextControllers.SetCaret(text, lpos) END END FlipPair; PROCEDURE (op: FlipOp) Do; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; left, right: Views.View; BEGIN rd := op.text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(op.leftpos); rd.ReadView(left); rd.SetPos(op.rightpos); rd.ReadView(right); FlipPair(left(Fold), right(Fold)); op.leftpos := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); op.rightpos := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() END Do; PROCEDURE (op: SetLabelOp) Do; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; fold: Views.View; left, right: Fold; lab: Label; BEGIN rd := op.text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(op.pos); rd.ReadView(fold); WITH fold: Fold DO GetPair(fold, left, right); IF left # NIL THEN lab := fold.label; left.label := op.oldlabel; op.oldlabel := lab; right.label := left.label END END END Do; PROCEDURE SetProp (fold: Fold; p : Properties.Property); VAR op: SetLabelOp; left, right: Fold; BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Controls.Prop DO IF (Controls.label IN p.valid) & (p.label # fold.label) THEN GetPair(fold, left, right); IF left # NIL THEN NEW(op); op.oldlabel := p.label$; op.text := fold.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); op.pos := fold.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); Views.Do(fold, setLabelKey, op) END END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Flip*, NEW; VAR op: FlipOp; left, right: Fold; BEGIN ASSERT(fold # NIL, 20); NEW(op); GetPair(fold, left, right); IF (left # NIL) & (right # NIL) THEN op.text := fold.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); op.leftpos := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); op.rightpos := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); Views.BeginModification(Views.clean, fold); IF ~left.collapsed THEN Views.Do(fold, collapseFoldKey, op) ELSE Views.Do(fold, expandFoldKey, op) END; Views.EndModification(Views.clean, fold) END END Flip; PROCEDURE ReadNext (rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR fold: Fold); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN REPEAT rd.ReadView(v) UNTIL rd.eot OR (v IS Fold); IF ~rd.eot THEN fold := v(Fold) ELSE fold := NIL END END ReadNext; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) FlipNested*, NEW; VAR text: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; l, r: Fold; level: INTEGER; op: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(fold # NIL, 20); GetPair(fold, l, r); IF (l # NIL) & (l.context # NIL) & (l.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN text := l.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(l.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()); IF l.collapsed THEN Models.BeginScript(text, expandFoldsKey, op); ReadNext(rd, fold); level := 1; WHILE (fold # NIL) & (level > 0) DO IF fold.leftSide & fold.collapsed THEN fold.Flip END; ReadNext(rd, fold); IF fold.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END END ELSE (* l.state = expanded *) Models.BeginScript(text, collapseFoldsKey, op); level := 0; REPEAT ReadNext(rd, fold); IF fold.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END; IF (fold # NIL) & ~fold.leftSide & ~fold.collapsed THEN fold.Flip; rd.SetPos(fold.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()+1) END UNTIL (fold = NIL) OR (level = 0) END; Models.EndScript(text, op); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text) END END FlipNested; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR prop: Controls.Prop; c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; asc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO CalcSize(fold, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO NEW(prop); prop.known := {Controls.label}; prop.valid := {Controls.label}; prop.readOnly := {}; prop.label := fold.label$; msg.prop := prop | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(fold, msg.prop) | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := fold.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); a.font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w) END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Track (fold: Fold; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR hit: BOOLEAN); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; c: Models.Context; w, h, asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; BEGIN c := fold.context; hit := FALSE; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); font := a.font; c.GetSize(w, h); in0 := FALSE; in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h); REPEAT IF in # in0 THEN f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE); in0 := in END; f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h) UNTIL ~isDown; IF in0 THEN hit := TRUE; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, asc + dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE) END ELSE END END Track; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR hit: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER; l, r: Fold; context: TextModels.Context; text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF fold.context IS TextModels.Context THEN Track(fold, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, hit); IF hit THEN IF Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers THEN fold.FlipNested ELSE fold.Flip; context := fold.context(TextModels.Context); text := context.ThisModel(); IF TextViews.FocusText() = text THEN GetPair(fold, l, r); pos := context.Pos(); IF fold = l THEN TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos + 1) ELSE TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos) END; TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos + 1, TRUE) END END END END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE GetIconPath (fold: Fold; f: Views.Frame; w, h_dummy, asc: INTEGER; VAR path: ARRAY OF Ports.Point); VAR i, xoff, w2, w4: INTEGER; BEGIN (* use device coordinates for symmetric arrow rendering*) w := w DIV f.unit; asc := asc DIV f.unit; w2 := w * 10 DIV 18; IF ~ODD(w2) THEN DEC(w2) END ; w4 := w2 DIV 2; xoff := (w - w2 - w4) DIV 2; IF xoff < 1 THEN xoff := 1 END ; WHILE xoff + w2 + w4 > w DO DEC(w2, 2); DEC(w4) END ; (* left side icon *) path[0].x := xoff; path[0].y := asc; (* lower left *) path[1].x := path[0].x; path[1].y := path[0].y - w2; (* upper left *) path[2].x := path[1].x + w2; path[2].y := path[1].y; (* upper middle *) path[3].x := path[2].x + w4; path[3].y := path[2].y + w4; (* right arrow *) path[4].x := path[2].x - 1; path[4].y := path[0].y; (* lower middle, x offset -1 needed for symmetric filling *) IF ~fold.leftSide THEN (* mirror *) FOR i := 0 TO LEN(path) - 1 DO path[i].x := w - path[i].x END END ; (* convert to universal coordinates *) FOR i := 0 TO LEN(path) - 1 DO path[i].x := path[i].x * f.unit; path[i].y := path[i].y * f.unit; END END GetIconPath; PROCEDURE DrawMarkers(fold: Fold; f: Views.Frame; IN path: ARRAY OF Ports.Point); VAR w2, height, thickness, margin, len, left, top: INTEGER; BEGIN (* scale size and thickness of +/- markers, thickness / height = 1 / 7*) w2 := ABS(path[2].x - path[1].x); (* universal coordinates *) height := (path[0].y - path[1].y); (* universal coordinates *) thickness := height DIV f.unit DIV 7; (* device coordinates *) IF thickness < 1 THEN thickness := 1 (* ELSIF ~ODD(thickness) THEN (* alternative for perfect symmetry but scales in larger increments *) DEC(thickness) *) END ; thickness := thickness * f.unit; (* universal coordinates *) margin := height DIV f.unit DIV 4; (* device coordinates *) IF margin < 1 THEN margin := 1 END; (* for small fonts *) margin := margin * f.unit; (* universal coordinates *) len := w2 - margin * 2; (* universal coordinates *) IF ((len DIV f.unit) MOD 2 = 1) & ((thickness DIV f.unit) MOD 2 = 0) THEN INC(len, f.unit) (* avoid cross assymetry *) END; IF len < 1 THEN len := 1 END ; (* avoid TRAP in DrawRect for very small sizes *) (* draw - *) IF fold.leftSide THEN left := path[0].x + margin ELSE left := path[2].x + margin END ; top := path[1].y + (height - thickness) DIV 2; f.DrawRect(left, top, left + len, top + thickness, Ports.fill, Ports.background); IF fold.collapsed THEN (* draw | *) left := left + (len - thickness) DIV 2; top := path[1].y + margin; f.DrawRect(left, top, left + thickness, top + len, Ports.fill, Ports.background) END END DrawMarkers; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; color: Ports.Color; c: Models.Context; font: Fonts.Font; w, h: INTEGER; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; path: ARRAY 5 OF Ports.Point; BEGIN CalcSize(fold, w, h); (* important side effect: initializes Log window for drawing folds! *) c := fold.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := fold.context(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font; color := a.color; IF color = Ports.defaultColor THEN color := Dialog.defaultColor END ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color := Dialog.defaultColor END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); GetIconPath(fold, f, w, h, asc, path); f.DrawPath(path, LEN(path), Ports.fill, color, Ports.closedPoly); DrawMarkers(fold, f, path) END Restore; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN (* fold.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: Fold DO ASSERT(source.leftSide = (source.hidden # NIL), 100); fold.leftSide := source.leftSide; fold.collapsed := source.collapsed; fold.label := source.label; IF source.hidden # NIL THEN fold.hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(source.hidden); Stores.Join(fold.hidden, fold); fold.hidden.InsertCopy(0, source.hidden, 0, source.hidden.Length()) END END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; store: Stores.Store; xint: INTEGER; BEGIN fold.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, currentVersion, version); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadXInt(xint);fold.leftSide := xint = 0; rd.ReadXInt(xint); fold.collapsed := xint = 0; IF version >= 1 THEN rd.ReadString(fold.label) ELSE rd.ReadXString(fold.label) END; rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN fold.hidden := store(TextModels.Model); Stores.Join(fold.hidden, fold) ELSE fold.hidden := NIL END; fold.leftSide := store # NIL END Internalize; PROCEDURE HasWideChars (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := s[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch <= 0FFX) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; RETURN ch # 0X END HasWideChars; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR xint, version: INTEGER; BEGIN fold.Externalize^(wr); IF HasWideChars(fold.label) THEN version := 1 ELSE version := 0 END; wr.WriteVersion(version); IF fold.hidden # NIL THEN xint := 0 ELSE xint := 1 END; wr.WriteXInt(xint); IF fold.collapsed THEN xint := 0 ELSE xint := 1 END; wr.WriteXInt(xint); IF version >= 1 THEN wr.WriteString(fold.label) ELSE wr.WriteXString(fold.label) END; wr.WriteStore(fold.hidden) END Externalize; (* --------------------- expanding and collapsing in focus text ------------------------ *) PROCEDURE ExpandFolds* (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR op: Stores.Operation; fold, l, r: Fold; rd: TextModels.Reader; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); IF nested THEN Models.BeginScript(text, expandFoldsKey, op) ELSE Models.BeginScript(text, zoomInKey, op) END; rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); ReadNext(rd, fold); WHILE ~rd.eot DO IF fold.leftSide & fold.collapsed THEN IF (label = "") OR (label = fold.label) THEN fold.Flip; IF ~nested THEN GetPair(fold, l, r); rd.SetPos(r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()) END END END; ReadNext(rd, fold) END; Models.EndScript(text, op); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text) END ExpandFolds; PROCEDURE CollapseFolds* (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR op: Stores.Operation; fold, r, l: Fold; rd: TextModels.Reader; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); IF nested THEN Models.BeginScript(text, collapseFoldsKey, op) ELSE Models.BeginScript(text, zoomOutKey, op) END; rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); ReadNext(rd, fold); WHILE ~rd.eot DO IF ~fold.leftSide & ~fold.collapsed THEN GetPair(fold, l, r); IF (label = "") OR (label = l.label) THEN fold.Flip; GetPair(l, l, r); rd.SetPos(r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()+1); IF ~nested THEN REPEAT ReadNext(rd, fold) UNTIL rd.eot OR fold.leftSide ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold) END ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold) END ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold) END END; Models.EndScript(text, op); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text) END CollapseFolds; PROCEDURE ZoomIn*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN ExpandFolds(text, FALSE, "") END END ZoomIn; PROCEDURE ZoomOut*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN CollapseFolds(text, FALSE, "") END END ZoomOut; PROCEDURE Expand*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN ExpandFolds(text, TRUE, "") END END Expand; PROCEDURE Collapse*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN CollapseFolds(text, TRUE, "") END END Collapse; (* ---------------------- foldData dialogbox --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE FilterGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := (TextViews.Focus() = NIL) OR ~foldData.useFilter END FilterGuard; PROCEDURE SetLabelGuard* ( VAR p : Dialog.Par ); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); p.disabled := (v = NIL) OR ~(v IS Fold) OR ~v(Fold).leftSide; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END SetLabelGuard; PROCEDURE ExpandLabel*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN IF ~foldData.useFilter & (foldData.filter # "") THEN foldData.filter := ""; Dialog.Update(foldData) END; text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN IF foldData.useFilter THEN ExpandFolds(text, foldData.nested, foldData.filter) ELSE ExpandFolds(text, foldData.nested, "") END END END ExpandLabel; PROCEDURE CollapseLabel*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN IF ~foldData.useFilter & (foldData.filter # "") THEN foldData.filter := ""; Dialog.Update(foldData) END; text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN IF foldData.useFilter THEN CollapseFolds(text, foldData.nested, foldData.filter) ELSE CollapseFolds(text, foldData.nested, "") END END END CollapseLabel; PROCEDURE FindFold(first: BOOLEAN); VAR c : TextControllers.Controller; r: TextModels.Reader; v : Views.View; pos, i : INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN IF first THEN pos := 0 ELSE pos := c.CaretPos(); IF pos = TextControllers.none THEN c.GetSelection(i, pos); IF pos = i THEN pos := 0 ELSE INC(pos) END; pos := MIN(pos, c.text.Length()-1) END END; r := c.text.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(pos); REPEAT r.ReadView(v) UNTIL r.eot OR ((v IS Fold) & v(Fold).leftSide) & (~foldData.useFilter OR (v(Fold).label$ = foldData.filter$)); IF r.eot THEN c.SetCaret(0); Dialog.Beep ELSE pos := r.Pos(); c.view.ShowRange(pos-1, pos, FALSE); c.SetSelection(pos-1, pos); IF LEN(v(Fold).label) > 0 THEN foldData.newLabel := v(Fold).label END; Dialog.Update(foldData) END ELSE Dialog.Beep END END FindFold; PROCEDURE FindNextFold*; BEGIN FindFold(FALSE) END FindNextFold; PROCEDURE FindFirstFold*; BEGIN FindFold(TRUE) END FindFirstFold; PROCEDURE SetLabel*; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) & (LEN(foldData.newLabel) > 0) THEN v(Fold).label := foldData.newLabel ELSE Dialog.Beep END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END SetLabel; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF (v = NIL) OR ~(v IS Fold) THEN fingerprint := 0; foldData.newLabel := "" ELSE fp := Services.AdrOf(v); IF fp # fingerprint THEN foldData.newLabel := v(Fold).label; fingerprint := fp; Dialog.Update(foldData) END END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2) END Do; (* ------------------------ inserting folds ------------------------ *) PROCEDURE Overlaps* (text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR n, level: INTEGER; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); ASSERT((beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end), 21); rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg); n := 0; level := 0; REPEAT rd.ReadView(v); IF ~rd.eot & (rd.Pos() <= end) THEN WITH v: Fold DO INC(n); IF v.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END ELSE END END UNTIL rd.eot OR (level < 0) OR (rd.Pos() >= end); RETURN (level # 0) OR ODD(n) END Overlaps; PROCEDURE InsertionAttr (text: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER): TextModels.Attributes; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(pos); rd.ReadChar(ch); RETURN rd.attr END InsertionAttr; PROCEDURE Insert* (text: TextModels.Model; label: Label; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN); VAR w: TextModels.Writer; fold: Fold; insop: Stores.Operation; a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); ASSERT((beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end), 21); a := InsertionAttr(text, beg); w := text.NewWriter(NIL); w.SetPos(beg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; NEW(fold); fold.leftSide := TRUE; fold.collapsed := collapsed; fold.hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(text); Stores.Join(fold, fold.hidden); fold.label := label$; Models.BeginScript(text, insertFoldKey, insop); w.WriteView(fold, 0, 0); w.SetPos(end+1); a := InsertionAttr(text, end+1); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; NEW(fold); fold.leftSide := FALSE; fold.collapsed := collapsed; fold.hidden := NIL; fold.label := ""; w.WriteView(fold, 0, 0); Models.EndScript(text, insop) END Insert; PROCEDURE CreateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); IF Overlaps(c.text, beg, end) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END CreateGuard; PROCEDURE Create* (state: INTEGER); (* menu cmd parameters don't accept Booleans *) VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN collapsed := state = 0; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); IF ~Overlaps(c.text, beg, end) THEN Insert(c.text, "", beg, end, collapsed) END ELSE beg := c.CaretPos(); Insert(c.text, "", beg, beg, collapsed) END END END Create; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (collapsed: BOOLEAN; label: Label; hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold; VAR fold: Fold; BEGIN NEW(fold); fold.leftSide := hiddenText # NIL; fold.collapsed := collapsed; fold.label := label; fold.hidden := hiddenText; IF hiddenText # NIL THEN Stores.Join(fold, fold.hidden) END; RETURN fold END New; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE InitMod; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN foldData.useFilter := FALSE; foldData.nested := FALSE; foldData.filter := ""; foldData.newLabel := ""; NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d; NEW(action); Services.DoLater(action, Services.now); END InitMod; BEGIN InitMod END StdFolds.
MODULE StdGrids; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, new module" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Anton Dmitriev, Ivan Denisov, Ketmar Dark" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20230107, k8, don't allow to scroll the tabs away - 20230107, k8, make newly activated tab visible " issues = " - AD: "technical debt" issues (specific to a particular source code part) are marked with color 0BC2AF4H - both Divider and Stack need to HandlePropMsg if they want to be universal " **) IMPORT Views, Controllers, Ports, Models, Fonts, Stores, Services, Properties, Windows, Dialog, StdWindows, StdCFrames, StdDocuments; CONST version = 1; mm = Ports.mm; magicWidth = -28051978; fixedPointBase = 32768; (* keep in synch with HostPorts constants *) resizeHCursor = 16; resizeVCursor = 17; stopCursor = 22; stack* = 0; divider* = 1; (* kind of View *) remove* = 0; activate* = 1; setTitle* = 2; vertical* = FALSE; horizontal* = ~vertical; append* = -1; (** possible value for PROCEDURE Transfer(... pos: INTEGER...) *) (* navigation methods *) navMethodDefault* = 0; (* Ctrl+PageUp, Ctrl+PageDown *) navMethodAltPg* = 1; (* Alt+PageUp, Alt+PageDown *) navMethodCtrlAltArr* = 3; (* Ctrl+Alt+Left, Ctrl+Alt+Right *) (* these constants need to be in sync with Containers docu *) PageLeft = 10X; PageRight = 11X; PageUp = 12X; PageDown = 13X; LeftArrow = 1CX; RightArrow = 1DX; left = TRUE; right = ~left; none = -1; TYPE Pixels = INTEGER; (* for values in pixel coordinates *) UCs = INTEGER; (* used for values in universal coordinates *) GenericContext* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Context) (* revisit *) fnt: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc: INTEGER; END; View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) kind-: BYTE; ctx-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Context; active: INTEGER; canDrop*: PROCEDURE (v: View; ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; transferCopy*: (* may not be necessary, cf. StdTiles.Proxy.CopyFromSimpleView *) PROCEDURE (source: Views.View; toV: View; toF: Views.Frame): Views.View; backdrop*: Views.View; (** this view is restored in empty filler views *) track: Views.Title; (* optional track name, a control property *) END; Context* = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD (GenericContext) filler-: View; (* = NIL => context removed from filler *) view-: Views.View; title-: Views.Title; w, h: INTEGER END; Divider = POINTER TO RECORD (View) (** devide window to several areas *) isHorizontal: BOOLEAN END; Tile = POINTER TO RECORD (Context) x, (** left or top border of tile inside it's divider *) size, esize: UCs; (** size in pixels; effective size, used for calculations, ~permanent *) pSize: INTEGER; (** size in percent ( fixed point, [0..1], the base is 32768) *) END; CheckDirtyAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) stack: Stack END; Stack = POINTER TO RECORD (View) tb: Tabulator; newTitle: Views.Title; (** parameter for Insert: title of newly inserted view *) dirtyChecker: CheckDirtyAction; END; Tab = POINTER TO RECORD (Context) closer: Closer; titleView: TitleView END; TabVerb* = PROCEDURE (c: Context); Tabulator = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) (** ribbon of tabs, normally at the top of a Stack *) stack: Stack; dropMark, actL, actR, scrollShift: INTEGER; (* passed from Restore to RestoreMarks *) END; TabGeometry = RECORD (** encapsulates geometry of embedded objects *) stack: Stack; ind: INTEGER; closerWidth, titleWidth, closerLeft, titleLeft, width: INTEGER; closerSide: BOOLEAN END; Closer = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) (** show close button on a tab and closes the tab when clicked *) tab: Tab; afterTrack: BOOLEAN; (* reduce selection after canceling close dialog *) END; CloserCtx = POINTER TO RECORD (GenericContext) wid: INTEGER; END; TitleView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) tab: Tab; dirty: BOOLEAN; wid, hei: INTEGER END; TitleCtx = POINTER TO RECORD (GenericContext) view: TitleView END; BackdropCtx = POINTER TO RECORD (GenericContext) filler: View END; Proposal* = RECORD (Models.Proposal) (** a proposal to remove view from View *) op*: INTEGER; title*: Views.Title END; DropTabPollMsg = RECORD (Controllers.TransferMessage) frame: Views.Frame; filler: View; ind: INTEGER; END; DropFeedbackMsg = RECORD (Controllers.Message) x, y, ind: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN; END; (* DropFeedbackMsg is expected to be delivered directly to the receiver thru Views.ForwardCtrlMsg; this implies that containers do not forward it to focus views or views at certain locations *) ActivateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) (* used by Divider *) was, is: INTEGER; (** active view changes from was to is *) END; FindFrameMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) frame: Views.Frame END; RemoveMsg* = RECORD (Controllers.Message) (** sent to a view before it is removed from a Divider or Stack. Receiver may have no frame!! *) processed*: BOOLEAN (** callee => caller. Callee may ask to not be removed by resetting .ok. Preset to FALSE *) END; RefocusAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) frame: Views.Frame; view: Divider END; WindowPref* = RECORD (Properties.Preference) win*: StdWindows.Window END; StackCreator = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) clickTime: LONGINT; n: INTEGER; d: Divider END; Param* = POINTER TO RECORD color*, colorFocus*, tabHeight*, minTabWidth*: INTEGER; bgColor*, (** background color *) gutterColor*, marksColor*, closerColor*: Ports.Color; (** color to draw close button in *) closerSide*: BOOLEAN; (** close button position (left or right) *) closerMark*: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; (** (unicode) character for close button *) boldenFront*: BOOLEAN; (** make a tab's title boldface if it's on front *) selectedBgColor*: Ports.Color; (** background of selected tab when it's on the front path *) nonselectedBgColor*: Ports.Color; (** background of selected tab when it's on the front path *) strokeColor*, strokeColorShaded*: Ports.Color; markColor*: Ports.Color; margins*, gutterWidth*: INTEGER; debug*, markDirty*: BOOLEAN; navigationMethod*: INTEGER; InitDefaults-, Init-: PROCEDURE (par: ANYPTR) END; TrackMsg* = RECORD (Views.Message) name*: Views.Title; cnt*: INTEGER; track*: View; frame*: Views.Frame; (* .frame.view = .track *) END; TrackPropMsg* = RECORD (Properties.Message) done*: BOOLEAN; (* callee => caller *) poll*: BOOLEAN; (* poll or set *) name*: Views.Title (* the track name for the receiver *) END; VAR refocusAction: RefocusAction; param*: Param; globalStackCreator: StackCreator; hotBtn: Views.View; PROCEDURE^ GetActiveTabPosition (f: Views.Frame; st: Stack; OUT x0, x1: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Focus* (v: View): Context; VAR c: Context; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); IF v.active # none THEN c := v.ctx[v.active] END; RETURN c END Focus; PROCEDURE Len* (f: View): INTEGER; VAR len: INTEGER; BEGIN IF f.ctx = NIL THEN len := 0 ELSE len := LEN(f.ctx) END; RETURN len END Len; PROCEDURE Recalc (d: Divider; wid, hei, dot: UCs); VAR i, len, undef: INTEGER; x, defined, std: UCs; gross: LONGINT; ctx: Context; tile: Tile; BEGIN IF d.isHorizontal THEN gross := wid ELSE gross := hei END; len := Len(d); DEC(gross, dot * MAX(0, len - 1)); defined := 0; undef := 0; i := 0; WHILE i < len DO tile := d.ctx[i](Tile); (* 1st pass:figure out desired e(ffective) size *) IF tile.size # 0 THEN tile.esize := tile.size ELSIF tile.pSize # 0 THEN tile.esize := SHORT(gross * tile.pSize DIV fixedPointBase) ELSE tile.esize := 0; INC(undef) END; INC(defined, tile.esize); INC(i) END; IF undef > 0 THEN std := MAX(0, (SHORT(gross) - defined) DIV undef) ELSE std := 0 END; i := 0; x := 0; WHILE i < len DO tile := d.ctx[i](Tile); (* 2nd pass: shrink tiles that don't fit *) tile.x := x; IF tile.esize = 0 THEN tile.esize := std END; tile.esize := MAX(0, MIN(SHORT(gross - x), tile.esize)); ASSERT(tile.esize >= 0, 60); INC(x, tile.esize); INC(x, dot * param.gutterWidth); ctx := d.ctx[i]; IF d.isHorizontal THEN ctx.w := tile.esize; ctx.h := hei ELSE ctx.w := wid; ctx.h := tile.esize END; INC(i) END END Recalc; PROCEDURE CheckTitleWidth (tv: TitleView; force: BOOLEAN); VAR ctx: TitleCtx; dummy: UCs; font: Fonts.Font; BEGIN ctx := tv.context(TitleCtx); IF force OR (ctx.fnt # StdCFrames.defaultFont) THEN ctx.fnt := StdCFrames.defaultFont; IF param.boldenFront THEN font := Fonts.dir.This(ctx.fnt.typeface, ctx.fnt.size, ctx.fnt.style, Fonts.bold); font.GetBounds(ctx.asc, ctx.dsc, dummy); tv.wid := font.StringWidth(tv.tab.title) + param.margins * 3 ELSE ctx.fnt.GetBounds(ctx.asc, ctx.dsc, dummy); tv.wid := ctx.fnt.StringWidth(tv.tab.title) + param.margins * 3 END; IF param.closerSide = left THEN INC(tv.wid, param.margins); END; IF tv.wid < param.minTabWidth THEN tv.wid := param.minTabWidth END; INC(tv.wid, mm); tv.hei := param.tabHeight - param.margins - Ports.point * 2; END END CheckTitleWidth; PROCEDURE InitGenericCtx (c: GenericContext); VAR dummy: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); c.fnt := StdCFrames.defaultFont; c.fnt.GetBounds(c.asc, c.dsc, dummy) END InitGenericCtx; PROCEDURE NewFillerCtx (f: View): Context; VAR c: Context; BEGIN NEW(c); InitGenericCtx(c); c.filler := f; c.w := magicWidth; RETURN c END NewFillerCtx; PROCEDURE ThisInd (c: Context): INTEGER; VAR i, len: INTEGER; ctx: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Context; BEGIN i:= 0; ctx := c.filler.ctx; len := LEN(ctx); WHILE (i < len) & (ctx[i] # c) DO INC(i) END; ASSERT(i < len, 20 (* c expected to be part of c.filler.ctx *) ); RETURN i END ThisInd; PROCEDURE (f: View) Activate (ind: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR msg: ActivateMsg; BEGIN IF f.active # ind THEN msg.was := f.active; msg.is := ind; f.active := ind; Views.Broadcast(f, msg); Views.Update(f, Views.keepFrames); END END Activate; PROCEDURE (f: View) Remove (ind: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR new, j, k, len: INTEGER; ctx, copy: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Context; BEGIN ASSERT(f.ctx # NIL, 20); ctx := f.ctx; len := LEN(ctx); ASSERT((0 <= ind) & (ind < len), 21 (* w is not in f *) ); IF ind = f.active THEN IF f.active < len - 1 THEN new := f.active + 1 ELSE new := f.active - 1 END; f.Activate(new); IF new > ind THEN f.active := ind END ELSIF ind < f.active THEN DEC(f.active) END; f.ctx[ind].filler := NIL; IF len > 1 THEN NEW(copy, len - 1); j := 0; k := 0; WHILE j < len DO IF j # ind THEN copy[k] := ctx[j]; INC(k) END; INC(j) END; f.ctx := copy ELSE ASSERT(ind = 0, 60); f.ctx := NIL END; Views.Update(f, Views.rebuildFrames); ASSERT(f.active < Len(f), 60) END Remove; PROCEDURE Remove* (c: Context); BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); c.filler.Remove(ThisInd(c)) END Remove; PROCEDURE SetTitle (f: View; ind: INTEGER; IN title: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN ASSERT((0 <= ind) & (ind < Len(f)), 20); f.ctx[ind].title := title$; WITH f: Stack DO CheckTitleWidth(f.ctx[ind](Tab).titleView, TRUE); Views.Update(f.tb, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END SetTitle; PROCEDURE (f: View) Insert (view: Views.View; pos: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE Insert (f: View; view: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; IN title: ARRAY OF CHAR; context: Context ); VAR j, k, len: INTEGER; ctx, copy: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Context; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); ASSERT(context # NIL, 21); ASSERT(0 <= pos, 22); ASSERT(pos <= Len(f), 23); IF view # NIL THEN context.view := view; view.InitContext(context); Stores.Join(f, view) END; InitGenericCtx(context); context.filler := f; context.w := magicWidth; ctx := f.ctx; len := Len(f); ASSERT(pos <= len, 20); NEW(copy, len + 1); j := 0; k := 0; WHILE k <= len DO IF k = pos THEN copy[k] := context ELSE copy[k] := ctx[j]; INC(j) END; INC(k) END; f.ctx := copy; SetTitle(f, pos, title); IF pos <= f.active THEN INC(f.active) ELSIF f.active = none THEN f.active := pos END END Insert; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) Insert (view: Views.View; pos: INTEGER); VAR tile: Tile; BEGIN ASSERT(0 <= pos, 20); ASSERT(pos <= Len(d), 21); NEW(tile); tile.pSize := 0; tile.size := 0; tile.esize := 0; IF pos = 0 THEN tile.x := 0 ELSE tile.x := d.ctx[pos-1](Tile).x + d.ctx[pos-1](Tile).esize END; Insert(d, view, pos, '', tile) END Insert; PROCEDURE CheckCloserWidth (c: Closer): INTEGER; VAR ctx: CloserCtx; BEGIN ctx := c.context(CloserCtx); IF param.closerMark = "" THEN ctx.wid := 11 * Ports.point; ELSE ctx.wid := ctx.fnt.StringWidth(param.closerMark) END; RETURN ctx.wid END CheckCloserWidth; PROCEDURE (st: Stack) Insert (view: Views.View; pos: INTEGER); VAR tab: Tab; clCtx: CloserCtx; tCtx: TitleCtx; tv: TitleView; r_: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(0 <= pos, 20); ASSERT(pos <= Len(st), 21); NEW(tab); NEW(tab.closer); NEW(clCtx); InitGenericCtx(clCtx); tab.closer.InitContext(clCtx); Stores.Join(tab.closer, st); NEW(tv); tv.dirty := FALSE; tab.titleView := tv; tv.tab := tab; NEW(tCtx); tCtx.view := tv; InitGenericCtx(tCtx); tv.InitContext(tCtx); Stores.Join(tv, st); tab.closer.tab := tab; tab.closer.afterTrack := FALSE; clCtx.wid := 0; Insert(st, view, pos, st.newTitle, tab); r_ := CheckCloserWidth(tab.closer); st.newTitle := '' END Insert; PROCEDURE (f: View) Append (view: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN f.Insert(view, Len(f)) END Append; PROCEDURE InitFiller (f: View); BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); f.ctx := NIL; f.active := none END InitFiller; PROCEDURE AppendDivTile* (f: View; view: Views.View; size: UCs; pSize: REAL); VAR i: INTEGER; tile: Tile; d: Divider; BEGIN ASSERT(f IS Divider, 20); d := f(Divider); d.Append(view); i := Len(d) - 1; tile := d.ctx[i](Tile); tile.size := size; IF pSize > 0 THEN tile.pSize := SHORT(ENTIER(pSize * fixedPointBase)) ELSE tile.pSize := 0 END; Views.Update(d, Views.rebuildFrames) END AppendDivTile; PROCEDURE AppendStackTab* (f: View; view: Views.View; IN title: Views.Title); VAR st: Stack; BEGIN ASSERT((f # NIL) & (f IS Stack), 20); st := f(Stack); IF view # NIL THEN ASSERT(view.context = NIL) END; st.newTitle := title$; st.Append(view); ASSERT(st.ctx[LEN(st.ctx) - 1].view = view, 60); Views.Update(st, Views.rebuildFrames) END AppendStackTab; PROCEDURE NewDivider* (vertical: BOOLEAN): Divider; VAR d: Divider; BEGIN NEW(d); d.kind := divider; InitFiller(d); d.isHorizontal := vertical; RETURN d END NewDivider; PROCEDURE Activate* (c: Context); BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); ASSERT(c.filler # NIL, 21); c.filler.Activate(ThisInd(c)) END Activate; PROCEDURE HandleViewMsg (v: View; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); (** Handle view messages common to any View *) BEGIN WITH msg: TrackMsg DO IF msg.name = v.track THEN INC(msg.cnt); IF msg.cnt = 1 THEN msg.track := v; msg.frame := f END END ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) HandleViewMsg- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); CONST focusChange = TRUE; VAR mark: Controllers.MarkMsg; g: Views.Frame; BEGIN HandleViewMsg(d, f, msg); WITH msg: ActivateMsg DO mark.focus := focusChange; IF msg.was # none THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, d.ctx[msg.was].view); IF g # NIL THEN mark.show := Controllers.hide; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mark) END END; IF msg.is # none THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, d.ctx[msg.is].view); IF g # NIL THEN mark.show := Controllers.show; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mark) END END | msg: FindFrameMsg DO ASSERT(msg.frame = NIL, 126 (* divider in multiple frames NIY*)); msg.frame := f ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE InstallActiveFrame (st: Stack; f: Views.Frame; wid, hei: INTEGER); (** Install into f a frame for st's active view, assuming st's wid and hei *) VAR c: Context; BEGIN IF st.active # none THEN c := st.ctx[st.active]; IF c.view # NIL THEN c.w := wid; c.h := hei - param.tabHeight; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, 0, param.tabHeight, 0, TRUE) END END END InstallActiveFrame; PROCEDURE (st: Stack) HandleViewMsg- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR wid, hei: INTEGER; g: Views.Frame; mark: Controllers.MarkMsg; PROCEDURE MakeActiveVisible; VAR width, height: INTEGER; x0, x1: INTEGER; BEGIN st.tb.context.GetSize(width, height); IF (width > Ports.mm) & GetActiveTabPosition(f, st, x0, x1) THEN (* k8: check of current tab is visible *) INC(x0, st.tb.scrollShift + 2 * mm); INC(x1, st.tb.scrollShift + 2 * mm); IF x0 < 4 * mm THEN DEC(st.tb.scrollShift, x0 - 4 * mm) ELSIF x1 + 6 * mm > width THEN INC(st.tb.scrollShift, width - x1 - 6 * mm) END; st.tb.scrollShift := MIN(st.tb.scrollShift, 0); (* left limit *) (* k8: FIXME: better right limit processing granularity! *) (* st.tb.scrollShift := MAX(st.tb.scrollShift, -(totalW - width + Ports.mm * 4)); (* right limit *) *) END END MakeActiveVisible; BEGIN HandleViewMsg(st, f, msg); WITH msg: FindFrameMsg DO msg.frame := f | msg: ActivateMsg DO (* Cannot call Views.Update from here, so do frame work manually *) ASSERT((none <= msg.was) & (msg.was < LEN(st.ctx)), 20); ASSERT((none <= msg.is) & (msg.is < LEN(st.ctx)), 21); ASSERT(msg.is = st.active, 22); IF msg.was # none THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, st.ctx[msg.was].view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.RemoveFrame(f, g) END END; IF msg.is # none THEN st.context.GetSize(wid, hei); InstallActiveFrame(st, f, wid, hei); MakeActiveVisible; g := Views.ThisFrame(f, st.ctx[st.active].view); IF g # NIL THEN mark.focus := TRUE; mark.show := Controllers.show; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mark) END END ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE ContextAt (d: Divider; x, y: INTEGER): Context; VAR len, i: INTEGER; ctx: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Context; res: Context; BEGIN ctx := d.ctx; len := Len(d) - 1; i := -1; IF d.isHorizontal THEN WHILE (x > 0) & (i < len) DO INC(i); DEC(x, ctx[i].w) END; ELSE WHILE (y > 0) & (i < len) DO INC(i); DEC(y, ctx[i].h) END; END; IF (0 <= i) & (i < len) THEN res := ctx[i] END; RETURN res END ContextAt; PROCEDURE HandlePropMsg (v: View; VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: TrackPropMsg DO msg.done := TRUE; IF msg.poll THEN msg.name := v.track$ ELSE v.track := msg.name$ END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR i, len: INTEGER; ctx: Context; BEGIN HandlePropMsg(d, msg); WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF msg.atLocation THEN ctx := ContextAt(d, msg.x, msg.y) ELSIF d.active # none THEN ctx := d.ctx[d.active] END; IF ctx # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(ctx.view, msg) END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (s: Stack) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN HandlePropMsg(s, msg); WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF msg.atLocation THEN s.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (0 <= msg.x) & (msg.x < w) & (0 <= msg.y) & (msg.y < tabHeight) THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE ELSE msg.setFocus := Len(s) > 0 END ELSE msg.setFocus := Len(s) > 0 ENDmsg.setFocus := Len(s) > 0 ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE DoTransfer (fromV: View; from: INTEGER; toV: View; VAR to: INTEGER; toF: Views.Frame); (** Upon return, to may be adjusted *) VAR copy: Views.View; c: Context; ctx: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Context; i: INTEGER; focus: Context; BEGIN ASSERT(from < LEN(fromV.ctx), 21); IF toV.ctx = NIL THEN ASSERT(to = 0, 22) ELSE ASSERT(to <= LEN(toV.ctx), 23) END; IF (fromV = toV) & (from = to) THEN (* nothing *) ELSIF fromV = toV THEN (* just reorder contexts *) IF from # to THEN focus := fromV.ctx[fromV.active]; c := fromV.ctx[from]; ctx := toV.ctx; IF to < from THEN i := from; WHILE i > to DO ctx[i] := ctx[i - 1]; DEC(i) END ELSIF from < to THEN DEC(to); i := from; WHILE i < to DO ctx[i] := ctx[i + 1]; INC(i) END END; ctx[to] := c; Activate(focus) END ELSE IF fromV.transferCopy # NIL THEN copy := fromV.transferCopy(fromV.ctx[from].view, toV, toF) ELSE copy := Views.CopyOf(fromV.ctx[from].view, Views.shallow) END; WITH toV: Stack DO toV.newTitle := fromV.ctx[from].title$ ELSE END; fromV.Remove(from); toV.Insert(copy, to) END; Views.Update(fromV, Views.rebuildFrames); IF fromV # toV THEN Views.Update(toV, Views.rebuildFrames) END END DoTransfer; PROCEDURE Transfer* (what: Views.View; where: View; pos: INTEGER); (** Request to transfer what (embedded into some View) into where at position pos. pos = append => at the end *) VAR msg: FindFrameMsg; from, len: INTEGER; c: Models.Context; fromV: View; BEGIN ASSERT(what # NIL, 20); ASSERT(where # NIL, 21); ASSERT(pos >= append, 22); c := what.context; WITH c: Context DO fromV := c.filler; from := 0; WHILE fromV.ctx[from] # c DO INC(from) END; len := Len(where); ASSERT(pos <= len, 23); IF pos = append THEN pos := len END; Views.Broadcast(where, msg); IF msg.frame # NIL THEN DoTransfer(fromV, from, where, pos, msg.frame) END ELSE HALT(24) END END Transfer; (* Persistency *) PROCEDURE (s: Stack) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR i, len: INTEGER; tab: Context; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(version); len := Len(s); wr.WriteString(s.track); wr.WriteInt(len); i := 0; WHILE i < len DO tab := s.ctx[i]; wr.WriteString(tab.title); Views.WriteView(wr, tab.view); INC(i) END END Externalize; PROCEDURE InitStack (st: Stack); BEGIN st.kind := stack; InitFiller(st); NEW(st.tb); st.tb.stack := st; st.tb.dropMark := -1; st.tb.scrollShift := 0; st.tb.InitContext(NewFillerCtx(NIL)); Stores.Join(st.tb, st); IF param.markDirty THEN NEW(st.dirtyChecker); st.dirtyChecker.stack := st; Services.DoLater(st.dirtyChecker, Services.now); END; END InitStack; PROCEDURE (s: Stack) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR i, ver, len: INTEGER; title: Views.Title; v: Views.View; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(version, version, ver); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN InitStack(s); rd.ReadString(s.track); rd.ReadInt(len); WHILE len > 0 DO DEC(len); rd.ReadString(title); Views.ReadView(rd, v); IF v # NIL THEN AppendStackTab(s, v, title) END END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR i, len: INTEGER; tile: Tile; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(version); len := Len(d); wr.WriteString(d.track); wr.WriteBool(d.isHorizontal); wr.WriteInt(len); i := 0; WHILE i < len DO tile := d.ctx[i](Tile); wr.WriteString(tile.title); wr.WriteInt(tile.size); wr.WriteInt(tile.pSize); Views.WriteView(wr, tile.view); INC(i) END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR size, pSize, ver, len: INTEGER; v: Views.View; title_: Views.Title; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(version, version, ver); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN d.kind := divider; InitFiller(d); rd.ReadString(d.track); rd.ReadBool(d.isHorizontal); rd.ReadInt(len); WHILE len > 0 DO DEC(len); rd.ReadString(title_); rd.ReadInt(size); rd.ReadInt(pSize); Views.ReadView(rd, v); IF v # NIL THEN AppendDivTile(d, v, size, pSize) END; END ;len := Len(d); WHILE len > 0 DO DEC(len); ASSERT(d.ctx[len] = d.ctx[len].view.context) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) CopyFromSimpleView (src: Views.View); VAR len: INTEGER; tile, style: Tile; BEGIN (* this is temporary! Nested views are embeded directly into the divider, which is a no-go. TO make a valid copy of the Divider, you'd need shallow copies of all nested views. But this is just for a persistency experiment, the copy is made, externalized, then disposed. So, it shall go. Otherwise, you'd need actual shallow copies of embedded view, or, alternatively and more BB-way - the Divider should be a model view, and views shall be embedded into a model rather than directly the Divivder. *) WITH src: Divider DO d.kind := divider; len := Len(src); IF len # 0 THEN NEW(d.ctx, len); REPEAT DEC(len); stile := src.ctx[len](Tyle); NEW(tile); d.ctx[len] := tile; tile.filler := d; tile.view := stile.view; tile.title := stile.title$; tile.w := stile.w; tile.h := stile.h; tile.x := stile.x; tile.size := stile.size; tile.pSize := stile.pSize UNTIL len = 0 END;d.ctx := src.ctx; d.active := src.active; d.canDrop := src.canDrop; d.transferCopy := src.transferCopy; d.backdrop := src.backdrop; d.track := src.track$; d.isHorizontal := src.isHorizontal END (* debug ; IF param.debug THEN Con.String("Divider.CopyFromSimpleView"); Con.Ln; END; *) END CopyFromSimpleView; (* Stack and Divider *) PROCEDURE (bc: BackdropCtx) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (bc.filler # NIL) & (bc.filler.context # NIL) THEN bc.filler.context.GetSize(w, h); DEC(h, param.tabHeight) END END GetSize; PROCEDURE (st: Stack) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR c: Context; wid, hei: UCs; bc: BackdropCtx; BEGIN st.context.GetSize(wid, hei); IF st.ctx # NIL THEN c := st.tb.context(Context); c.w := wid; c.h := param.tabHeight; Views.InstallFrame(f, st.tb, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); InstallActiveFrame(st, f, wid, hei) END; IF (st.active = none) & (st.backdrop # NIL) THEN IF st.backdrop.context = NIL THEN NEW(bc); bc.filler := st; st.backdrop.InitContext(bc); Stores.Join(st, st.backdrop); END; ASSERT(Stores.Joined(st, st.backdrop), 20); Views.InstallFrame(f, st.backdrop, 0, param.tabHeight, 0, FALSE) END END Restore; PROCEDURE StackEditOp (_: Views.Frame; st: Stack; IN msg: Controllers.EditMsg; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR to: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (Len(st) > 0) THEN to := st.active; CASE param.navigationMethod OF | navMethodAltPg: IF Controllers.pick IN msg.modifiers THEN (* Alt *) CASE msg.char OF | PageUp: DEC(to) | PageDown: INC(to) ELSE END END | navMethodCtrlAltArr: IF msg.modifiers*{Controllers.pick,Controllers.modify} = {Controllers.pick,Controllers.modify} THEN (* Ctrl+Alt *) CASE msg.char OF | LeftArrow: DEC(to) | RightArrow: INC(to) ELSE END END ELSE (* default *) IF msg.modifiers*{0..7} = {} THEN (* Ctrl+PageUp=PageLeft Ctrl+PageDown=PageRight *) CASE msg.char OF | PageLeft: DEC(to) | PageRight: INC(to) ELSE END END END; IF to # st.active THEN focus := NIL END; to := MAX(0, MIN(to, Len(st) - 1)); IF to # st.active THEN st.Activate(to) END END END StackEditOp; PROCEDURE (st: Stack) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR g: Views.Frame; ctx: GenericContext; wid, hei, asc, dsc, dummy: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; BEGIN WITH msg: DropFeedbackMsg DO IF msg.show THEN st.context.GetSize(wid, hei); IF st.context IS GenericContext THEN ctx := st.context(GenericContext); fnt := ctx.fnt; fnt := Fonts.dir.This(fnt.typeface, 10 * mm, fnt.style, Fonts.bold) ELSE fnt := Fonts.dir.This(StdCFrames.defaultFont.typeface, 10 * mm, fnt.style, Fonts.bold) END; fnt.GetBounds(asc, dsc, dummy); f.DrawString((wid - fnt.StringWidth("*")) DIV 2, (hei - asc - dsc) DIV 2 + asc, param.marksColor, "*", fnt) ELSE Views.Update(st, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END ELSE WITH msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y) ELSE END; IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view ELSIF st.active # none THEN focus := st.ctx[st.active].view ELSE focus := NIL END; WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO StackEditOp(f, st, msg, focus) ELSE END; IF focus = NIL THEN WITH msg: DropTabPollMsg DO IF st.active = none THEN msg.ind := 0 ELSE msg.ind := st.active END; msg.frame := f; msg.filler := st ELSE END END END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) GetBackground* (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := param.bgColor END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: UCs); VAR wid, hei, x, y: UCs; i, len: INTEGER; tile: Tile; BEGIN d.context.GetSize(wid, hei); Recalc(d, wid, hei, f.dot); len := Len(d); IF d.isHorizontal THEN y := 0 ELSE x := 0 END; i := 0; WHILE i < len DO tile := d.ctx[i](Tile); IF d.isHorizontal THEN x := tile.x ELSE y := tile.x END; IF i > 0 THEN (* draw gutter *) IF d.isHorizontal THEN f.DrawRect(x - f.dot * param.gutterWidth, t, x, b, Ports.fill, param.gutterColor) ELSE f.DrawRect(l, y - f.dot * param.gutterWidth, r, y, Ports.fill, param.gutterColor) END END; IF tile.view # NIL THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, tile.view, x, y, 0, i = d.active) END; INC(i) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) RestoreMarks* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR col: INTEGER; tile: Tile; BEGIN IF param.debug THEN IF d.active # none THEN tile := d.ctx[d.active](Tile); IF d.isHorizontal THEN t := 0; l := tile.x; r := l + tile.w; b := tile.h; col := Ports.red + Ports.blue ELSE l := 0; r := tile.w; t := tile.x; b := t + tile.h; col := Ports.red + Ports.green END ELSE l := 0; t := 0; d.context.GetSize(r, b) END; f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, 0, col); f.DrawLine(l, t, r, b, 0, col) END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE ThisIndex (d: Divider; x, y: UCs): INTEGER; VAR i, len, ind: INTEGER; u: UCs; ctx: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Context; BEGIN ctx := d.ctx; len := Len(d); IF d.isHorizontal THEN u := x ELSE u := y END; i := 0; WHILE (i < len) & ((ctx[i](Tile).x + ctx[i](Tile).esize) <= u) DO INC(i) END; IF (i < len) THEN IF u < ctx[i](Tile).x THEN ind := -i - 1 (* falls in the gap *) ELSE ind := i END ELSE ind := -1 END; RETURN ind; END ThisIndex; PROCEDURE InResizer (d: Divider; x, y: UCs; OUT ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR u: UCs; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ind := ThisIndex(d, x, y); IF d.isHorizontal THEN u := x ELSE u := y END; IF ind < -1 THEN ind := -ind - 2; res := TRUE ELSIF (ind >= 0) & (ind < Len(d) - 1) THEN IF d.isHorizontal THEN u := x ELSE u := y END; res := ((d.ctx[ind + 1](Tile).x - u) < Ports.point * 30 DIV 10) ELSE res := FALSE END; RETURN res END InResizer; PROCEDURE CursorAt (f: Views.Frame; x, y: UCs): INTEGER; VAR cur, dummy: INTEGER; d: Divider; BEGIN ASSERT(f.view IS Divider, 20); d := f.view(Divider); IF InResizer(d, x, y, dummy) THEN IF d.isHorizontal THEN cur := resizeHCursor ELSE cur := resizeVCursor END ELSE cur := Ports.arrowCursor END; RETURN cur END CursorAt; PROCEDURE TrackResize (f: Views.Frame; xo, yo: UCs); VAR min, max, wid, hei: UCs; isDown: BOOLEAN; mod: SET; d: Divider; (* divider in which the resizing should occur *) ind: INTEGER; (* index of tile which should be resized *) ind2: INTEGER; (* index of the adjacent tile which should be resized; IF tracking started on a gutter's boundary, THEN ind + 2 = ind, ELSE ind + 1 = ind END *) t1, t2: Tile; (* Tiles that should be resized *) gross: Pixels; (* size of the divider *) esize: UCs; (* new esize of the view being recalculated *) together: UCs; (* size of the two affected divisions; invariant!! *) ox, oy: UCs; (* old x, old y - pixel coords that have been previousely used in recalc *) x, y: UCs; (* current tracking coordinates *) gs: UCs; (* gutter size *) ticks: LONGINT; ffm: FindFrameMsg; BEGIN d := f.view(Divider); d.context.GetSize(wid, hei); Recalc(d, wid, hei, f.dot); (* seek the tiler whose resizer was clicked *) IF InResizer(d, xo, yo, ind) THEN gs := f.dot * param.gutterWidth ; ind2 := ind + 1; t1 := d.ctx[ind](Tile); t2 := d.ctx[ind2](Tile); together := t1.esize + t2.esize; min := t1.x + mm; max := t2.x + t2.esize; IF d.isHorizontal THEN gross := wid ELSE gross := hei END; x := xo; y := yo; ox := x; oy := y; ticks := Services.Ticks(); REPEAT IF (x < min) OR (x >= max) THEN x := ox END; IF (y < min) OR (y >= max) THEN y := oy END; esize := -1; IF d.isHorizontal & (x # ox) THEN esize := x - t1.x - gs ELSIF ~d.isHorizontal & (y # oy) THEN esize := y - t1.x - gs END; IF esize # -1 THEN IF t1.pSize # 0 THEN t1.pSize := SHORT(LONG(esize) * fixedPointBase DIV gross) ELSE t1.size := esize END; t1.esize := esize; (* now recalculate the next (to the right or to the bottom) divider section *) esize := together - esize; IF t2.size # 0 THEN t2.size := esize ELSIF t2.pSize # 0 THEN t2.pSize := SHORT(LONG(esize) * fixedPointBase DIV gross) END; t2.esize := esize; ASSERT(together = t1.esize + t2.esize); IF Services.Ticks() - ticks > 20 THEN Views.Update(f.view, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)); IF f.rider = NIL (* f closed while validating *) THEN Views.Broadcast(d, ffm); f := ffm.frame END; ticks := Services.Ticks() END END; ox := x; oy := y; IF f # NIL THEN ASSERT(f.rider # NIL); f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown) END UNTIL (f = NIL) OR ~isDown; Views.Update(f.view, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)); END END TrackResize; PROCEDURE ClaimFocus (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; (* adapted from Containers *) BEGIN p.atLocation := FALSE; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.setFocus END ClaimFocus; PROCEDURE ClaimFocusAt (v: Views.View; f, g: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; (* adapted from Containers *) BEGIN p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x + f.gx - g.gx; p.y := y + f.gy - g.gy; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.setFocus & ~p.hotFocus END ClaimFocusAt; PROCEDURE SetFocus (d: Divider; focus: Views.View); VAR i, len: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; len := Len(d); WHILE (i < len) & (d.ctx[i].view # focus) DO INC(i) END; IF i < len THEN d.Activate(i) END END SetFocus; PROCEDURE ThisTile (d: Divider; x, y: UCs): INTEGER; VAR ind: INTEGER; BEGIN ind := ThisIndex(d, x, y); IF ind < -1 THEN ind := -ind - 2 END; RETURN ind END ThisTile; PROCEDURE ShowDropMark (f: Views.Frame; d: Divider; VAR msg: DropFeedbackMsg); VAR ctx: GenericContext; wid, hei, asc, dsc, x, y, dummy: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; ch: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; tile: Tile; BEGIN ASSERT(msg.ind >= 0, 20); IF msg.show THEN d.context.GetSize(wid, hei); IF d.ctx = NIL THEN x := 0; y := 0 ELSE IF msg.ind > 0 THEN DEC(msg.ind) END; tile := d.ctx[msg.ind](Tile); IF d.isHorizontal THEN x := tile.x; wid := tile.esize; y := 0 ELSE x := 0; y := tile.x; hei := tile.esize END END; IF d.context IS GenericContext THEN ctx := d.context(GenericContext); fnt := ctx.fnt; fnt := Fonts.dir.This(fnt.typeface, 10 * mm, fnt.style, Fonts.bold) ELSE fnt := StdCFrames.defaultFont; fnt := Fonts.dir.This(fnt.typeface, fnt.size, fnt.style, Fonts.bold) END; fnt.GetBounds(asc, dsc, dummy); IF d.isHorizontal THEN ch := '▶' (*→*); INC(x, wid - fnt.StringWidth(ch) - mm); y := (hei - asc - dsc) DIV 2 ELSE ch := '↓' (*▼*); x := (wid - fnt.StringWidth(ch)) DIV 2; INC(y, hei - dsc - mm) END; f.DrawString(x, y, param.marksColor, ch, fnt) ELSE Views.Update(d, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END END ShowDropMark; PROCEDURE CheckMaskFocus (f: Views.Frame; d: Divider; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR i, len: INTEGER; msg: Controllers.MarkMsg; g: Views.Frame; BEGIN IF (*f.mark &*) ((focus = NIL) OR ~ClaimFocus(focus)) THEN i := 0; len := Len(d); WHILE (i < len) & (d.ctx[i].view # NIL) & ~ClaimFocus(d.ctx[i].view) DO INC(i) END; IF i < len THEN d.Activate(i) END; focus := NIL ELSIF focus # NIL THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, focus); IF g # NIL THEN msg.focus := FALSE; msg.show := TRUE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END END END CheckMaskFocus; PROCEDURE (a: RefocusAction) Do; VAR _: Views.View; ffm: FindFrameMsg; f: Views.Frame; BEGIN f := a.frame; IF f.rider = NIL THEN Views.Broadcast(a.view, ffm); f := ffm.frame END; IF f # NIL THEN CheckMaskFocus(f, a.view, _) END END Do; PROCEDURE NewStack* (): Stack; VAR st: Stack; BEGIN NEW(st); InitStack(st); RETURN st END NewStack; PROCEDURE (sc: StackCreator) Do; VAR s: Stack; dev: View; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Services.Ticks() - sc.clickTime > Services.resolution DIV 2 THEN IF sc.n > 1 THEN dev := NewDivider(vertical); FOR i := 1 TO sc.n DO s := NewStack(); AppendDivTile(dev, s, 0, 0); END; AppendDivTile(sc.d, dev, 0, 0); ELSE s := NewStack(); AppendDivTile(sc.d, s, 0, 0); END; globalStackCreator := NIL; ELSE Services.DoLater(sc, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 5) END END Do; PROCEDURE CreateStack(d: Divider); BEGIN IF globalStackCreator = NIL THEN NEW(globalStackCreator); globalStackCreator.n := 1; globalStackCreator.d := d; globalStackCreator.clickTime := Services.Ticks(); Services.DoLater(globalStackCreator, Services.now); ELSE INC(globalStackCreator.n); globalStackCreator.clickTime := Services.Ticks() END END CreateStack; PROCEDURE (d: Divider) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR dummy: INTEGER; g: Views.Frame; dx, dy: UCs; w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN d.context.GetSize(w, h); WITH msg: DropFeedbackMsg DO ShowDropMark(f, d, msg) | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO IF d.active # none THEN focus := d.ctx[d.active].view END; IF msg.show & (focus # NIL) & ~ClaimFocus(focus) THEN focus := NIL; (* don't relay the message, because focus will likely change *) refocusAction.view := d; refocusAction.frame := f; Services.DoLater(refocusAction, Services.immediately) END | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO IF d.active # none THEN focus := d.ctx[d.active].view END; CheckMaskFocus(f, d, focus) | msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO IF InResizer(d, msg.x, msg.y, dummy) & ((msg IS Controllers.TrackMsg) OR (msg IS Controllers.PollCursorMsg)) THEN WITH | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO TrackResize(f, msg.x, msg.y) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := CursorAt(f, msg.x, msg.y) END ELSIF (msg.x > w - f.dot * 10) & (msg.y < param.tabHeight) THEN WITH | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO CreateStack(d) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.tableCursor ELSE END ELSE g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view END; IF (focus # NIL) & (msg IS Controllers.TrackMsg) & ClaimFocusAt(focus, f, g, msg.x, msg.y) THEN SetFocus(d, focus) END END ELSE IF d.active = none THEN focus := NIL ELSE focus := d.ctx[d.active].view END END; WITH msg: DropTabPollMsg DO IF focus # NIL THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, focus); IF g # NIL THEN dx := f.gx - g.gx; dy := f.gy - g.gy; INC(msg.x, dx); INC(msg.y, dy); Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg); DEC(msg.x, dx); DEC(msg.y, dy) END; focus := NIL END; IF (msg.filler = NIL) & (f.l <= msg.x) & (msg.x < f.r) & (f.t <= msg.y) & (msg.y < f.b) THEN msg.ind := ThisTile(d, msg.x, msg.y); IF (msg.ind = -1) & (Len(d) = 0) THEN msg.ind := 0 ELSIF msg.ind >= 0 THEN INC(msg.ind) END; IF (msg.ind # -1) & (d.canDrop # NIL) & ~d.canDrop(d, msg.ind) THEN msg.ind := -1 END; IF msg.ind # -1 THEN msg.frame := f; msg.filler := d END END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* GenericContext *) PROCEDURE (c: GenericContext) Normalize* (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: GenericContext) ThisModel* (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; PROCEDURE CloseTab (f: Views.Frame; VAR tab: Tab); VAR close: RemoveMsg; focus_, v: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); ASSERT(tab # NIL, 21); v := tab.view; ASSERT(v # NIL, 22); close.processed := FALSE; v.HandleCtrlMsg(Views.ThisFrame(f, v), close, focus_); IF tab.filler # NIL THEN IF close.processed THEN Activate(tab) ELSE Remove(tab); tab := NIL END END END CloseTab; (* Closer context and button *) PROCEDURE (ctx: CloserCtx) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := ctx.wid; IF param.closerMark[0] # 0X THEN h := ctx.asc + ctx.dsc ELSE h := ctx.wid END END GetSize; PROCEDURE (btn: Closer) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR ctx: CloserCtx; VAR color, w, w2, nw, s, s2, h: INTEGER; BEGIN ctx := btn.context(CloserCtx); IF param.closerMark[0] # 0X THEN f.DrawString(0, ctx.asc, param.closerColor, param.closerMark, ctx.fnt); ELSE w := 9 * Ports.point; nw := ((w DIV f.unit) - (w DIV f.unit) MOD 2 + 1) * f.unit; IF (nw # w) OR (nw # h) THEN btn.context.SetSize(nw, nw); w := nw END; w2 := w DIV 2; s := 5 * Ports.point - (5 * Ports.point) MOD f.unit; s2 := s + f.unit; IF (hotBtn # NIL) & (hotBtn = btn) THEN color := Ports.black; f.DrawRect(w2-s, w2-s, w2+s2, w2+s2, Ports.fill, Ports.RGBColor(200, 200, 200)); s := 4 * Ports.point - (4 * Ports.point) MOD f.unit; f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 + s, w2 + s, f.dot, color); f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 + s, w2 - s, f.dot, color); f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 - s, w2 + s, f.dot, color); f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 - s, w2 - s, f.dot, color); ELSE IF param.markDirty & btn.tab.titleView.dirty THEN f.DrawOval(w2-s, w2-s, w2+s2-f.dot, w2+s2-f.dot, Ports.fill, param.color) ELSE color := Ports.grey50; s := 4 * Ports.point - (4 * Ports.point) MOD f.unit; f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 + s, w2 + s, f.dot, color); f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 + s, w2 - s, f.dot, color); f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 - s, w2 + s, f.dot, color); f.DrawLine(w2, w2, w2 - s, w2 - s, f.dot, color); END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (btn: Closer) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View ); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO CloseTab(f, btn.tab); btn.afterTrack := TRUE; (* just after TrackMsg there is PollCursorMsg called, btn should be marked for not to be focused then *) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO IF (hotBtn = NIL) & ~ btn.afterTrack THEN hotBtn := btn; Views.Update(btn, Views.keepFrames) END; btn.afterTrack := FALSE ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* TitleView *) PROCEDURE (a: CheckDirtyAction) Do; VAR i: INTEGER; wpref: WindowPref; state: BOOLEAN; tv: TitleView; BEGIN FOR i:=0 TO Len(a.stack) - 1 DO tv := a.stack.ctx[i](Tab).titleView; Views.HandlePropMsg(tv.tab.view, wpref); IF (wpref.win # NIL) & ~ (Windows.neverDirty IN wpref.win.flags) THEN state := wpref.win.seq.Dirty(); IF state # tv.dirty THEN tv.dirty := state; Views.Update(tv.tab.closer, Views.keepFrames) END END END; Services.DoLater(a, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 4) END Do; PROCEDURE IsFront(view: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR wpref: WindowPref; msg: StdDocuments.PollOptsMsg; front: BOOLEAN; BEGIN front := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(view, wpref); IF wpref.win # NIL THEN msg.opts := {}; Views.Broadcast(wpref.win.doc, msg); front := StdDocuments.front IN msg.opts END; RETURN front END IsFront; PROCEDURE (tv: TitleView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR ctx: TitleCtx; fnt: Fonts.Font; w, h: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color; name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; rf: Views.Frame; BEGIN tv.context.GetSize(w, h); IF param.debug THEN f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.RGBColor(200, 100, 100)) END; CheckTitleWidth(tv, FALSE); ctx := tv.context(TitleCtx); fnt := ctx.fnt; IF IsFront(tv.tab.view) THEN col := param.colorFocus; IF param.boldenFront THEN fnt := Fonts.dir.This(fnt.typeface, fnt.size, fnt.style, Fonts.bold) END ELSE col := param.color END; IF col = Ports.defaultColor THEN col := Dialog.defaultColor END; IF param.closerSide = left THEN f.DrawString(param.margins, h DIV 2 + (ctx.asc - ctx.dsc) DIV 2, col, tv.tab.title, fnt) ELSE f.DrawString(param.margins * 2, h DIV 2 + (ctx.asc-ctx.dsc) DIV 2, col, tv.tab.title, fnt) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (tv: TitleView) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: FindFrameMsg DO ASSERT(msg.frame = NIL, 126); msg.frame := f ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (tv: TitleView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR poll: DropTabPollMsg; x, y, ox, oy, targInd: INTEGER; ticks: LONGINT; mod: SET; isDown, wasActive: BOOLEAN; tell: DropFeedbackMsg; target: View; tFrame: Views.Frame; prop: Proposal; wpref: WindowPref; ffm: FindFrameMsg; BEGIN WITH | msg: StdWindows.PrefocusMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(tv.tab.view, wpref); IF wpref.win # NIL THEN msg.win := wpref.win END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO x := msg.x; y := msg.y; ticks := Services.Ticks(); ox := x; oy := y; targInd := -1; REPEAT IF (((Services.Ticks() - ticks) > (Services.resolution DIV 5)) & (x # ox) & (y # oy)) OR ((Services.Ticks() - ticks) > (Services.resolution DIV 1)) THEN f.SetCursor(Ports.refCursor); poll.filler := NIL; Controllers.Transfer(x, y, f, msg.x, msg.y, poll); IF (target # poll.filler) OR (targInd # poll.ind) THEN IF target # NIL THEN tell.x := ox; tell.y := oy; tell.ind := targInd; tell.show := FALSE; IF tFrame.rider = NIL THEN ffm.frame := NIL; Views.Broadcast(target, ffm); tFrame := ffm.frame END; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(tFrame, tell) END; IF poll.filler # NIL THEN f.SetCursor(Ports.refCursor); tell.x := poll.x; tell.y := poll.y; tell.ind := poll.ind; tell.show := TRUE; IF poll.frame.rider = NIL THEN ffm.frame := NIL; Views.Broadcast(poll.filler, ffm); poll.frame := ffm.frame END; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(poll.frame, tell) ELSE f.SetCursor(stopCursor) END END; ox := x; oy := y; target := poll.filler; targInd := poll.ind; tFrame := poll.frame END; IF f.rider = NIL THEN ffm.frame := NIL; Views.Broadcast(tv, ffm); f := ffm.frame END; IF f # NIL THEN f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown) ;ASSERT(f.rider # NIL) END UNTIL (f = NIL) OR ~isDown; IF target # NIL THEN tell.x := ox; tell.y := oy; tell.ind := targInd; tell.show := FALSE; IF tFrame.rider = NIL THEN ffm.frame := NIL; Views.Broadcast(target, ffm); tFrame := ffm.frame END; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(tFrame, tell) END; IF poll.filler # NIL THEN wasActive := tv.tab.filler.active = ThisInd(tv.tab); DoTransfer(tv.tab.filler, ThisInd(tv.tab), poll.filler, poll.ind, poll.frame); IF wasActive THEN (*poll.filler.Activate(poll.ind);*) prop.op := activate; poll.filler.ctx[poll.ind].Consider(prop) END; ELSE Activate(tv.tab) END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (tctx: TitleCtx) GetSize (OUT wid, hei: INTEGER); BEGIN CheckTitleWidth(tctx.view, FALSE); wid := tctx.view.wid; hei := tctx.view.hei END GetSize; (* Tabulator *) PROCEDURE (tb: Tabulator) GetBackground (VAR bg: Ports.Color); BEGIN bg := param.bgColor END GetBackground; PROCEDURE GetNextTabGeometry (VAR tg: TabGeometry); VAR tab: Tab; width, height, len, margin: INTEGER; BEGIN INC(tg.ind); len := Len(tg.stack); IF (0 = len) OR (tg.ind >= len) THEN tg.ind := -1 ELSE tab := tg.stack.ctx[tg.ind](Tab); tg.stack.tb.context.GetSize(width, height); CheckTitleWidth(tab.titleView, FALSE); tg.titleWidth := tab.titleView.wid; margin := ((height - param.margins) - tg.closerWidth) DIV 2; IF tg.closerSide = left THEN tg.closerLeft := margin; tg.titleLeft := tg.closerLeft + tg.closerWidth; ELSE tg.closerLeft := tg.titleWidth; tg.titleLeft := 0 END; tg.width := tg.titleWidth + tg.closerWidth + margin; END END GetNextTabGeometry; PROCEDURE GetFirstTabGeometry (st: Stack; closerSide: BOOLEAN; OUT tg: TabGeometry); VAR tab: Tab; BEGIN ASSERT(st # NIL, 20); tg.stack := st; tg.ind := -1; tg.closerSide := closerSide; IF Len(st) > 0 THEN tab := st.ctx[0](Tab); tg.closerWidth := CheckCloserWidth(tab.closer); GetNextTabGeometry(tg) END END GetFirstTabGeometry; (** absolute, i.e. w/o shift *) PROCEDURE GetActiveTabPosition (f: Views.Frame; st: Stack; OUT x0, x1: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR x, margin, cwdt, w, tidx: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; tab: Tab; BEGIN x0 := 0; x1 := 0; IF (st = NIL) OR (st.active < 0) OR (st.active >= LEN(st.ctx)) THEN res := FALSE ELSE x := 0; margin := Ports.point *2; margin := margin - margin MOD f.unit; FOR tidx := 0 TO st.active DO tab := st.ctx[tidx](Tab); cwdt := CheckCloserWidth(tab.closer); CheckTitleWidth(tab.titleView, FALSE); w := tab.titleView.wid + cwdt + margin; IF st.tb.dropMark = tidx THEN INC(w, 18 * f.dot) END; IF tidx = st.active THEN IF st.tb.dropMark = tidx+1 THEN INC(w, 18 * f.dot) END; x0 := x; x1 := x + w; res := TRUE ELSE INC(x, w + param.margins * 4) END END END; RETURN res END GetActiveTabPosition; PROCEDURE (tb: Tabulator) CalcTotalTabWidth (f: Views.Frame): INTEGER, NEW; VAR tabG: TabGeometry; x, w, h, margin: INTEGER; BEGIN x := 2 * mm; margin := Ports.point * 2; margin := margin - margin MOD f.unit; GetFirstTabGeometry(tb.stack, param.closerSide, tabG); WHILE (tabG.ind # -1) DO INC(x, tabG.width + margin); GetNextTabGeometry(tabG) END; RETURN x END CalcTotalTabWidth; PROCEDURE (tb: Tabulator) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR len, width, height, x, posX, posY, col, margin: INTEGER; tabG: TabGeometry; titleView: TitleView; PROCEDURE DrawDropMark; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO f.DrawLine( x + (i+1) * f.dot, param.margins DIV 2 + height DIV 2 - i * f.dot, x + (i+1) * f.dot, param.margins DIV 2 + height DIV 2 + i * f.dot, f.dot, param.marksColor); END; f.DrawRect( x + 8 * f.dot, param.margins DIV 2 + height DIV 2 - 4 * f.dot, x + 14 * f.dot, param.margins DIV 2 + height DIV 2 + 5 * f.dot, Ports.fill, param.marksColor); INC(x, 18 * f.dot) END DrawDropMark; BEGIN tb.context.GetSize(width, height); x := tb.scrollShift + 2 * mm; margin := Ports.point *2; margin := margin - margin MOD f.unit; IF tb.stack.ctx # NIL THEN IF param.strokeColor # Views.transparent THEN f.DrawRect(0, height - f.dot, width, height, Ports.fill, param.strokeColor) END; len := Len(tb.stack); ASSERT(LEN(tb.stack.ctx) = len, 100); GetFirstTabGeometry(tb.stack, param.closerSide, tabG); WHILE tabG.ind # -1 DO tabG.width := tabG.width - tabG.width MOD f.unit; IF tb.dropMark = tabG.ind THEN DrawDropMark END; IF tabG.ind = tb.stack.active THEN tb.actL := x; tb.actR := x + tabG.width; (* for RestoreMarks *) col := param.selectedBgColor; IF col = Views.transparent THEN tb.stack.ctx[tabG.ind].view.GetBackground(col) END; IF col # Views.transparent THEN f.DrawRect(x, param.margins, x + tabG.width, height, Ports.fill, col) END; col := param.strokeColor; IF col # Views.transparent THEN f.DrawLine(x, param.margins, x, param.margins + height, f.dot, col); f.DrawLine(x + tabG.width, param.margins, x + tabG.width, height, f.dot, col) END; ELSE col := param.nonselectedBgColor; IF col # Views.transparent THEN f.DrawRect(x, param.margins + 2 * Ports.point, x + tabG.width, height, Ports.fill, col) END; col := param.strokeColorShaded; IF col # Views.transparent THEN f.DrawLine(x, param.margins + 3 * f.dot, x, height, f.dot, col); f.DrawLine(x + tabG.width, param.margins + 3 * f.dot, x + tabG.width, height, f.dot, col); f.DrawLine(x, param.margins + 3 * f.dot, x + tabG.width, param.margins + 3 * f.dot, f.dot, col); END END; posX := x + tabG.closerLeft; posX := posX - posX MOD f.unit; (* correct position with respect to f.unit *) posY := param.margins + (height - param.margins) DIV 2 - tabG.closerWidth DIV 2 + 3 * f.dot; (* posY := posY - posY MOD f.unit; *) Views.InstallFrame(f, tb.stack.ctx[tabG.ind](Tab).closer, posX, posY, 0, FALSE); titleView := tb.stack.ctx[tabG.ind](Tab).titleView; posX := x + tabG.titleLeft; posX := posX - posX MOD f.unit; (* correct position with respect to f.unit *) posY := param.margins + 3 * f.dot; posY := posY - posY MOD f.unit; Views.InstallFrame(f, titleView, posX, posY, 0, FALSE); INC(x, tabG.width + margin); GetNextTabGeometry(tabG) END END; IF tb.dropMark = len THEN DrawDropMark END END Restore; PROCEDURE (tb: Tabulator) RestoreMarks (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR width, height, color: INTEGER; BEGIN tb.context.GetSize(width, height); IF (tb.stack.active >= 0) & IsFront(tb.stack.ctx[tb.stack.active].view) THEN f.DrawRect(tb.actL, param.margins, tb.actR, param.margins + 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, param.markColor) END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE (tb: Tabulator) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR g: Views.Frame; tabG: TabGeometry; x, w, h, margin: INTEGER; tmp: Views.View; BEGIN WITH | msg: DropTabPollMsg DO msg.filler := tb.stack; x := tb.scrollShift + 2 * mm; margin := Ports.point *2; margin := margin - margin MOD f.unit; GetFirstTabGeometry(tb.stack, param.closerSide, tabG); WHILE (tabG.ind # -1) & (msg.x >= (x + tabG.width)) DO INC(x, tabG.width + margin); GetNextTabGeometry(tabG) END; IF tabG.ind = -1 THEN IF tb.stack = NIL THEN msg.ind := 0 ELSE msg.ind := Len(tb.stack) END ELSIF msg.x < (x + tabG.width DIV 2) THEN msg.ind := tabG.ind ELSE msg.ind := tabG.ind + 1 END; msg.frame := f | msg: DropFeedbackMsg DO IF msg.show THEN tb.dropMark := msg.ind ELSE tb.dropMark := -1 END; Views.Update(tb, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) | msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO (* calculate total tab width *) x := 2 * mm; margin := Ports.point *2; margin := margin - margin MOD f.unit; GetFirstTabGeometry(tb.stack, param.closerSide, tabG); WHILE (tabG.ind # -1) DO INC(x, tabG.width + margin); GetNextTabGeometry(tabG) END; tb.context.GetSize(w, h); IF msg.op = Controllers.incLine THEN INC(tb.scrollShift, Ports.mm * 10) ELSIF msg.op = Controllers.decLine THEN DEC(tb.scrollShift, Ports.mm * 10); END; IF x < w THEN tb.scrollShift := 0 ELSE tb.scrollShift := MIN(tb.scrollShift, 0); (* left limit *) tb.scrollShift := MAX(tb.scrollShift, - (x - w + Ports.mm * 4) ); (* right limit *) END; msg.done := TRUE; Views.Update(tb, Views.keepFrames) | msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view END; IF hotBtn # NIL THEN tmp := hotBtn; hotBtn := NIL; Views.Update(tmp, Views.keepFrames) END; ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* AD: currently, a click inside a tab that falls in the gap between the Closer and the TitleView is just not handled; it should be as an activation click *) PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize* (OUT w, h: UCs); BEGIN IF c.w = magicWidth THEN IF (c.filler # NIL) & (c.filler.context # NIL) THEN c.filler.context.GetSize(c.w, c.h); DEC(c.h, 6 * mm) END END; w := c.w; h := c.h END GetSize; PROCEDURE (fc: Context) Consider* (VAR p: Models.Proposal); VAR f: View; len: INTEGER; BEGIN f := fc.filler; ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); WITH p: Proposal DO CASE p.op OF | remove: len := Len(f); Remove(fc); ASSERT(len = Len(f) + 1, 60) | activate: Activate(fc); f.context.Consider(p) | setTitle: IF f IS Stack THEN SetTitle(f(Stack), ThisInd(fc), p.title) END ELSE HALT(20) END ELSE END END Consider; PROCEDURE ThisFiller* (v: Views.View): View; VAR res: View; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); IF v.context IS Context THEN res := v.context(Context).filler END; RETURN res END ThisFiller; PROCEDURE InitParam (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO p.nonselectedBgColor := Ports.grey25; p.color := Ports.RGBColor(100, 100, 100); p.colorFocus := Ports.black; (* TODO: should be calculated from colorTheme settings... *) END END InitParam; PROCEDURE InitDefaults (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO p.closerColor := Ports.red; p.marksColor := Ports.RGBColor(255, 215, 50); p.closerSide := right; p.closerMark := ""; p.boldenFront := FALSE; p.selectedBgColor := Views.transparent; p.nonselectedBgColor := Ports.grey25; p.strokeColor := Views.transparent; p.strokeColorShaded := Views.transparent; p.color := Ports.defaultColor; p.colorFocus := Ports.defaultColor; p.markDirty := TRUE; p.bgColor := Ports.RGBColor(40, 40, 40); p.markColor := Ports.RGBColor(255, 215, 50); p.margins := mm; p.gutterColor := Ports.RGBColor(50, 50, 50); p.gutterWidth := 3; p.tabHeight := 8 * Ports.mm; p.minTabWidth := 15 * Ports.mm; p.debug := FALSE; p.navigationMethod := navMethodDefault; p.InitDefaults := InitDefaults; p.Init := InitParam; END END InitDefaults; BEGIN NEW(refocusAction); NEW(param); InitDefaults(param) END StdGrids.
MODULE StdHeaders; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) (* headers / footers support the following macros: &p - replaced by current page number as arabic numeral &r - replaced by current page number as roman numeral &R - replaced by current page number as capital roman numeral &a - replaced by current page number as alphanumeric character &A - replaced by current page number as capital alphanumeric character &d - replaced by printing date &t - replaced by printing time &&- replaced by & character &; - specifies split point &f - filename with path/title *) IMPORT Stores, Ports, Models, Views, Properties, Printing, TextModels, Fonts, Dialog, TextViews, Dates, Windows, Controllers, Containers; CONST minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 2; mm = Ports.mm; point = Ports.point; maxWidth = 10000 * mm; alternate* = 0; number* = 1; head* = 2; foot* = 3; showFoot* = 4; TYPE Banner* = RECORD left*, right*: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; gap*: INTEGER END; NumberInfo* = RECORD new*: BOOLEAN; first*: INTEGER END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) alternate: BOOLEAN; (* alternate left/right *) number: NumberInfo; (* new page number *) head, foot: Banner; font: Fonts.Font; showFoot: BOOLEAN; END; Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) alternate*, showFoot*: BOOLEAN; number*: NumberInfo; head*, foot*: Banner END; ChangeFontOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) header: View; font: Fonts.Font END; ChangeAttrOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) header: View; alternate, showFoot: BOOLEAN; number: NumberInfo; head, foot: Banner END; VAR dialog*: RECORD view: View; alternate*, showFoot*: BOOLEAN; number*: NumberInfo; head*, foot*: Banner; END; PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; PROCEDURE Equal(IN b1, b2: Banner): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (b1.left = b2.left) & (b1.right = b2.right) & (b1.gap = b2.gap) END Equal; BEGIN WITH q: Prop DO valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE; IF p.alternate # q.alternate THEN EXCL(valid, alternate) END; IF p.showFoot # q.showFoot THEN EXCL(valid, showFoot) END; IF (p.number.new # q.number.new) OR (p.number.first # q.number.first) THEN EXCL(valid, number) END; IF ~Equal(p.head, q.head) THEN EXCL(valid, head) END; IF ~Equal(p.foot, q.foot) THEN EXCL(valid, foot) END; IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END END END IntersectWith; (* SetAttrOp *) PROCEDURE (op: ChangeFontOp) Do; VAR v: View; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; c: Models.Context; BEGIN v := op.header; font := op.font; op.font := v.font; v.font := font; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); c := v.context; c.SetSize(maxWidth, asc + dsc + 2*point); Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE DoChangeFontOp (v: View; font: Fonts.Font); VAR op: ChangeFontOp; BEGIN IF v.font # font THEN NEW(op); op.header := v; op.font := font; Views.Do(v, "#System:SetProp", op) END END DoChangeFontOp; PROCEDURE (op: ChangeAttrOp) Do; VAR v: View; alternate, showFoot: BOOLEAN; number: NumberInfo; head, foot: Banner; BEGIN v := op.header; alternate := op.alternate; showFoot := op.showFoot; number := op.number; head := op.head; foot := op.foot; op.alternate := v.alternate; op.showFoot := v.showFoot; op.number := v.number; op.head := v.head; op.foot := v.foot; v.alternate := alternate; v.showFoot := showFoot; v.number := number; v.head := head; v.foot := foot; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE DoChangeAttrOp (v: View; alternate, showFoot: BOOLEAN; number: NumberInfo; head, foot: Banner); VAR op: ChangeAttrOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.header := v; op.alternate := alternate; op.showFoot := showFoot; op.number := number; op.head := head; op.foot := foot; Views.Do(v, "#Std:HeaderChange", op) END DoChangeAttrOp; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.alternate := source.alternate; v.number.new := source.number.new; v.number.first := source.number.first; v.head := source.head; v.foot := source.foot; v.font := source.font; v.showFoot := source.showFoot END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteString(v.head.left); wr.WriteString(v.head.right); wr.WriteInt(v.head.gap); wr.WriteString(v.foot.left); wr.WriteString(v.foot.right); wr.WriteInt(v.foot.gap); wr.WriteString(v.font.typeface); wr.WriteInt(v.font.size); wr.WriteSet(v.font.style); wr.WriteInt(v.font.weight); wr.WriteBool(v.alternate); wr.WriteBool(v.number.new); wr.WriteInt(v.number.first); wr.WriteBool(v.showFoot); END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN IF version = 0 THEN rd.ReadXString(v.head.left); rd.ReadXString(v.head.right); v.head.gap := 5*mm; rd.ReadXString(v.foot.left); rd.ReadXString(v.foot.right); v.foot.gap := 5*mm; rd.ReadXString(typeface); rd.ReadXInt(size); v.font := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size * point, {}, Fonts.normal); rd.ReadXInt(v.number.first); rd.ReadBool(v.number.new); rd.ReadBool(v.alternate) ELSE rd.ReadString(v.head.left); rd.ReadString(v.head.right); rd.ReadInt(v.head.gap); rd.ReadString(v.foot.left); rd.ReadString(v.foot.right); rd.ReadInt(v.foot.gap); rd.ReadString(typeface); rd.ReadInt(size); rd.ReadSet(style); rd.ReadInt(weight); v.font := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, weight); rd.ReadBool(v.alternate); rd.ReadBool(v.number.new); rd.ReadInt(v.number.first); IF version = 2 THEN rd.ReadBool(v.showFoot) ELSE v.showFoot := FALSE END END END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE SetProp(v: View; msg: Properties.SetMsg); VAR p: Properties.Property; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; alt, sf: BOOLEAN; num: NumberInfo; h, f: Banner; BEGIN p := msg.prop; WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.typeface IN p.valid THEN typeface := p.typeface ELSE typeface := v.font.typeface END; IF Properties.size IN p.valid THEN size := p.size ELSE size := v.font.size END; IF Properties.style IN p.valid THEN style := p.style.val ELSE style := v.font.style END; IF Properties.weight IN p.valid THEN weight := p.weight ELSE weight := v.font.weight END; DoChangeFontOp (v, Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, weight) ); | p: Prop DO IF alternate IN p.valid THEN alt := p.alternate ELSE alt := v.alternate END; IF showFoot IN p.valid THEN sf := p.showFoot ELSE sf := v.showFoot END; IF number IN p.valid THEN num := p.number ELSE num := v.number END; IF head IN p.valid THEN h := p.head ELSE h := v.head END; IF foot IN p.valid THEN f := p.foot ELSE f := v.foot END; DoChangeAttrOp(v, alt, sf, num, h, f) ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetProp; PROCEDURE PollProp(v: View; VAR msg: Properties.PollMsg); VAR sp: Properties.StdProp; p: Prop; BEGIN NEW(sp); sp.known := {Properties.size, Properties.typeface, Properties.style, Properties.weight}; sp.valid := sp.known; sp.size := v.font.size; sp.typeface := v.font.typeface; sp.style.val := v.font.style; sp.style.mask := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout}; sp.weight := v.font.weight; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, sp); NEW(p); p.known := {alternate, number, head, foot, showFoot}; p.valid := p.known; p.head := v.head; p.foot := v.foot; p.alternate := v.alternate; p.showFoot := v.showFoot; p.number := v.number; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE PageMsg(v: View; msg: TextViews.PageMsg); BEGIN IF Printing.par # NIL THEN Dialog.MapString(v.head.left, Printing.par.header.left); Dialog.MapString(v.head.right, Printing.par.header.right); Dialog.MapString(v.foot.left, Printing.par.footer.left); Dialog.MapString(v.foot.right, Printing.par.footer.right); Printing.par.header.font := v.font; Printing.par.footer.font := v.font; Printing.par.page.alternate := v.alternate; IF v.number.new THEN Printing.par.page.first := v.number.first - msg.current END; Printing.par.header.gap := 5*Ports.mm; Printing.par.footer.gap := 5*Ports.mm END END PageMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR d, w, h: INTEGER; (*line: Line; *)asc, dsc, x0, x1, y: INTEGER; win: Windows.Window; title: Views.Title; dec: BOOLEAN; pw, ph: INTEGER; date: Dates.Date; time: Dates.Time; pageInfo: Printing.PageInfo; banner: Printing.Banner; BEGIN IF Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) THEN (* am drucken *) END; v.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); win := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE (win # NIL) & (win.doc.Domain() # v.Domain()) DO win := Windows.dir.Next(win) END; IF win = NIL THEN title := "(" + Dialog.appName + ")" ELSE win.GetTitle(title) END; d := f.dot; v.context.GetSize(w, h); win.doc.PollPage(pw, ph, l, t, r, b, dec); w := r - l; f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 0, Ports.black); x0 := d; x1 := w-2*d; y := asc + d; Dates.GetDate(date); Dates.GetTime(time); pageInfo.alternate := FALSE; pageInfo.title := title; banner.font := v.font; IF v.showFoot THEN banner.gap := v.foot.gap; Dialog.MapString(v.foot.left, banner.left); Dialog.MapString(v.foot.right, banner.right) ELSE banner.gap := v.head.gap; Dialog.MapString(v.head.left, banner.left); Dialog.MapString(v.head.right, banner.right) END; Printing.PrintBanner(f, pageInfo, banner, date, time, x0, x1, y) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO msg.w := maxWidth; IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN v.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); msg.h := asc + dsc + 2*point END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: TextModels.Pref DO msg.opts := {TextModels.hideable} | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO PollProp(v, msg) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(v, msg) | msg: TextViews.PageMsg DO PageMsg(v, msg) ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.EmitMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.set) | msg: Properties.CollectMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.poll) ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE New*(p: Prop; f: Fonts.Font): Views.View; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.head := p.head; v.foot := p.foot; v.number := p.number; v.alternate := p.alternate; v.font := f; v.showFoot := FALSE; RETURN v; END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.head.left := ""; v.head.right := "&d&;&p"; v.head.gap := 5*mm; v.foot.left := ""; v.foot.right := ""; v.foot.gap := 5*mm; v.font := Fonts.dir.Default(); v.number.first := 1; v.number.new := FALSE; v.alternate := FALSE; v.showFoot := FALSE; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; (* property dialog *) PROCEDURE InitDialog*; VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO | p: Prop DO dialog.alternate := p.alternate; dialog.showFoot := p.showFoot; dialog.number := p.number; dialog.head := p.head; dialog.head.gap := dialog.head.gap DIV point; dialog.foot := p.foot; dialog.foot.gap := dialog.foot.gap DIV point; Dialog.Update(dialog) ELSE END; p := p.next END END InitDialog; PROCEDURE Set*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {alternate, number, head, foot, showFoot}; p.alternate := dialog.alternate; p.showFoot := dialog.showFoot; p.number := dialog.number; p.head := dialog.head; p.head.gap := p.head.gap * point; p.foot := dialog.foot; p.foot.gap := p.foot.gap * point; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Set; PROCEDURE HeaderGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS View) THEN par.disabled := FALSE; IF (dialog.view = NIL) OR (dialog.view # v) THEN dialog.view := v(View); InitDialog END ELSE par.disabled := TRUE; dialog.view := NIL END END HeaderGuard; PROCEDURE AlternateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN HeaderGuard(par); IF ~par.disabled THEN par.disabled := ~ dialog.alternate END END AlternateGuard; PROCEDURE NewNumberGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN HeaderGuard(par); IF ~par.disabled THEN par.disabled := ~ dialog.number.new END END NewNumberGuard; END StdHeaders.
MODULE StdInflate; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "www.oberon.ch blackbox.oberon.org" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Ketmar Dark" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " based on tinf — tiny inflate library (inflate, gzip, zlib) version 1.00 (with later improvements) streaming interface by Ketmar Dark Copyright (c) 2003 by Joergen Ibsen / Jibz All Rights Reserved http://www.ibsensoftware.com/ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. This Ultra Pascal port was made by Ketmar // Invisible Vector ketmar@ketmar.no-ip.org the original code was heavily changed and uglified (sorry!) Adler-32 algorithm taken from the zlib source, which is Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler **) CONST PKZIP_BUG_TOLERANCE = TRUE; CONST AdlerBase = 65521; AdlerNMax = (*5552*) 4102; (* this should be totally safe *) RD_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; (* current state *) ExpectZLibHeader = 0; (* expecting ZLib header *) ExpectBlock = 1; (* expecting new block *) RawBlock = 2; (* uncompressed block *) CompressedBlock = 3; EOF = 4; (* inf.ReadByte() returns false before block header *) Dead = 5; (* some error occured, throw exception on any read *) (* stream format *) ZLib* = 0; Deflate* = 1; TYPE Mode* = INTEGER; State = INTEGER; Tree = RECORD counts: ARRAY 16 OF INTEGER; (* ushort: counts of code length counts *) symbols: ARRAY 288 OF INTEGER; (* ushort: code -> symbol translation counts *) maxsym: INTEGER END; Inflater* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (* state data *) bytesLeft: INTEGER; (* bytes to copy both for compressed and for uncompressed blocks *) matchOfs: INTEGER; (* match offset for inflated block *) lt: Tree; (* dynamic length/symbol tree *) dt: Tree; (* dynamic distance tree *) lastBlockWasFixed: BOOLEAN; (* to avoid extra copies *) doingFinalBlock: BOOLEAN; (* := false; *) (* stop on next processBlockHeader() *) state: State; (* := State.ExpectZLibHeader; *) mode: Mode; (* := Mode.ZLib; *) (* other data *) tag: INTEGER; (* ushort *) bitcount: INTEGER; (* adler-32 *) a32s1, a32s2: INTEGER; nmaxLeft: INTEGER; (* := Adler32.AdlerNMax; *) cura32: INTEGER; (* unsigned *) (* dictionary *) dict: ARRAY 32768 OF SHORTCHAR; dictEnd: INTEGER; (* current dict free byte *) rdbuf: ARRAY RD_BUFFER_SIZE OF SHORTCHAR; rbpos, rbused: INTEGER; rbeof: BOOLEAN; totalUnpacked-: INTEGER; END; VAR sltree: Tree; (* fixed length/symbol tree *) sdtree: Tree; (* fixed distance tree *) lengthBits: ARRAY 30 OF INTEGER; (* extra bits and base tables for length codes *) lengthBase: ARRAY 30 OF INTEGER; distBits: ARRAY 30 OF INTEGER; (* extra bits and base tables for distance codes *) distBase: ARRAY 30 OF INTEGER; clcidx: ARRAY 19 OF INTEGER; (* special ordering of code length codes *) (******** Tree ********) PROCEDURE (VAR tree: Tree) Invalidate, NEW; BEGIN tree.maxsym := -1 END Invalidate; PROCEDURE (VAR tree: Tree) Wipe, NEW; VAR f: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR f := 0 TO LEN(tree.counts) - 1 DO tree.counts[f] := 0 END; tree.maxsym := -1 END Wipe; PROCEDURE (VAR tree: Tree) Valid (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN (tree.maxsym >= 0) & (tree.maxsym <= 288) END Valid; (* given an array of code lengths, build a tree *) PROCEDURE (VAR tree: Tree) BuildTree (IN lengths: ARRAY OF INTEGER; beg, end: INTEGER), NEW; VAR offs: ARRAY 16 OF INTEGER; (* ushort *) f, l, available, numCodes, used: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(beg < end, 20); ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); ASSERT(end <= LEN(lengths), 22); (* clear code length count counts *) tree.Wipe; (* count number of codes for each non-zero length *) f := beg; WHILE f < end DO l := lengths[f]; IF l # 0 THEN IF (l < 0) OR (l > 15) THEN tree.Invalidate; RETURN END; (* error! *) tree.maxsym := f - beg; INC(tree.counts[l]) END; INC(f) END; (* compute offset table for distribution sort *) available := 1; numCodes := 0; FOR f := 0 TO 15 DO used := tree.counts[f]; (* Check length contains no more codes than available *) IF used > available THEN tree.Invalidate; RETURN END; (* error! *) available := 2 * (available - used); offs[f] := numCodes; INC(numCodes, used) END; (* check all codes were used, or for the special case of only one code that it has length 1 *) IF ((numCodes > 1) & (available > 0)) OR ((numCodes = 1) & (tree.counts[1] # 1)) THEN tree.Invalidate; RETURN (* error! *) END; (* fill in symbols sorted by code *) f := beg; WHILE f < end DO l := lengths[f]; IF l # 0 THEN tree.symbols[offs[l]] := f - beg; INC(offs[l]) END; INC(f) END; (* for the special case of only one code (which will be 0) add a code 1 which results in a symbol that is too large *) IF numCodes = 1 THEN tree.counts[1] := 2; tree.symbols[1] := tree.maxsym + 1 END END BuildTree; (******** Inflater ********) (* read as much as you can, return number of read bytes *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ReadBuf- (VAR buf: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) Init* (mode: Mode), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT((mode = ZLib) OR (mode = Deflate), 20); inf.bytesLeft := 0; inf.matchOfs := 0; inf.lastBlockWasFixed := FALSE; inf.lt.Invalidate; inf.dt.Invalidate; inf.doingFinalBlock := FALSE; inf.mode := mode; inf.tag := 0; inf.bitcount := 0; inf.a32s1 := 0; inf.a32s2 := 0; inf.nmaxLeft := AdlerNMax; inf.cura32 := 0; inf.dictEnd := 0; inf.rbpos := 0; inf.rbused := 0; inf.rbeof := FALSE; inf.totalUnpacked := 0; IF mode = ZLib THEN inf.state := ExpectZLibHeader ELSE inf.state := ExpectBlock END END Init; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) PutByte (bt: SHORTCHAR), NEW; BEGIN inf.dict[inf.dictEnd] := bt; inf.dictEnd := (inf.dictEnd + 1) MOD LEN(inf.dict); IF inf.mode = ZLib THEN INC(inf.a32s1, ORD(bt)); INC(inf.a32s2, inf.a32s1); IF (inf.a32s1 < 0) OR (inf.a32s2 < 0) THEN DEC(inf.a32s2, inf.a32s1); DEC(inf.a32s1, ORD(bt)); inf.a32s1 := inf.a32s1 MOD AdlerBase; inf.a32s2 := inf.a32s2 MOD AdlerBase; INC(inf.a32s1, ORD(bt)); INC(inf.a32s2, inf.a32s1) END END; INC(inf.totalUnpacked) END PutByte; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) FinishAdler32 (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN inf.a32s1 := inf.a32s1 MOD AdlerBase; inf.a32s2 := inf.a32s2 MOD AdlerBase; RETURN ASH(inf.a32s2, 16) + inf.a32s1 END FinishAdler32; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) SetErrorState, NEW; BEGIN inf.state := Dead; inf.lastBlockWasFixed := FALSE; inf.lt.Invalidate; inf.dt.Invalidate; inf.doingFinalBlock := FALSE (* just in case too *) END SetErrorState; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ReadByte (): SHORTCHAR, NEW; VAR res: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF inf.state # Dead THEN IF (inf.rbpos = inf.rbused) & ~inf.rbeof THEN inf.rbpos := 0; inf.rbused := inf.ReadBuf(inf.rdbuf); inf.rbeof := (inf.rbused <= 0) END; IF ~inf.rbeof THEN res := inf.rdbuf[inf.rbpos]; INC(inf.rbpos) ELSE inf.SetErrorState; res := 0X END ELSE res := 0X END; RETURN res END ReadByte; (* get one bit from source stream to `ubyte onebit` *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ReadBit (): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN DEC(inf.bitcount); IF inf.bitcount = -1 THEN inf.tag := ORD(inf.ReadByte()); inf.bitcount := 7 END; res := ODD(inf.tag); inf.tag := inf.tag DIV 2; RETURN res END ReadBit; (* read a num bit value from a stream and add base *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ReadBits (num, base: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR val, mask: INTEGER; BEGIN val := 0; mask := 0; WHILE mask < num DO IF inf.ReadBit() THEN INC(val, ASH(1, mask)) END; INC(mask) END; RETURN val + base END ReadBits; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ProcessZLibHeader, NEW; VAR cmf, flg: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN (* 7 bytes *) (* compression parameters *) cmf := inf.ReadByte(); (* flags *) (* if (!inf.ReadByte(readBuf, flg)) throw new Exception("out of input data"); *) flg := inf.ReadByte(); (* check format *) (* check checksum *) IF ~((256 * ORD(cmf) + ORD(flg)) MOD 31 = 0) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* check method (only deflate allowed) *) IF ~(ORD(cmf) MOD 10H = 8) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* check window size *) IF ~(ORD(cmf) DIV 16 <= 7) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* there must be no preset dictionary *) IF ODD(ORD(flg) DIV 020H) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* FYI: flg>>6 will give you compression level: *) (* 0 - compressor used fastest algorithm *) (* 1 - compressor used fast algorithm *) (* 2 - compressor used default algorithm *) (* 3 - compressor used maximum compression, slowest algorithm *) (* not that you can make any sane use of that info though... *) (* note that last 4 bytes is Adler32 checksum in big-endian format *) (* init Adler32 counters *) inf.a32s1 := 1; inf.a32s2 := 0; inf.nmaxLeft := AdlerNMax; (* ok, we can go now *) inf.state := ExpectBlock END ProcessZLibHeader; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) FinishZLibData, NEW; VAR a32: SET; bt: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN (* read Adler32 *) a32 := {}; bt := inf.ReadByte(); a32 := a32 + BITS(ASH(ORD(bt), 24)); bt := inf.ReadByte(); a32 := a32 + BITS(ASH(ORD(bt), 16)); bt := inf.ReadByte(); a32 := a32 + BITS(ASH(ORD(bt), 8)); bt := inf.ReadByte(); a32 := a32 + BITS(ORD(bt)); IF ORD(a32) # inf.FinishAdler32() THEN inf.SetErrorState END (* invalid checksum *) END FinishZLibData; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) DecodeSymbol (IN t: Tree): INTEGER, NEW; VAR base, ofs, len, c: INTEGER; BEGIN base := 0; ofs := 0; (* Get more bits while code index is above number of codes Rather than the actual code, we are computing the position of the code in the sorted order of codes, which is the index of the corresponding symbol. Conceptually, for each code length (level in the tree), there are counts[len] leaves on the left and internal nodes on the right. The index we have decoded so far is base + offs, and if that falls within the leaves we are done. Otherwise we adjust the range of offs and add one more bit to it. *) len := 1; WHILE len # 0 DO ofs := ofs * 2; IF inf.ReadBit() THEN INC(ofs) END; IF len > 15 THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN -1 END; (* error *) c := t.counts[len]; IF ofs < c THEN len := 0 ELSE INC(base, c); DEC(ofs, c); INC(len) END END; IF (base + ofs < 0) OR (base + ofs >= 288) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN -1 END; (* error *) RETURN t.symbols[base + ofs] END DecodeSymbol; (* given a data stream, decode dynamic trees from it *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) DecodeTrees, NEW; VAR codeTree: Tree; lengths: ARRAY 288 + 32 OF INTEGER; hlit, hdist, hclen, sym: INTEGER; f, num, length, bt: INTEGER; BEGIN inf.lastBlockWasFixed := FALSE; inf.lt.Invalidate; inf.dt.Invalidate; (* get 5 bits HLIT (257-286) *) hlit := inf.ReadBits(5, 257); (* get 5 bits HDIST (1-32) *) hdist := inf.ReadBits(5, 1); (* distances 31 and 32 are not technically allowed, but sometimes seen in the wild *) IF ~PKZIP_BUG_TOLERANCE THEN IF (hlit > 286) OR (hdist > 30) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END (* error *) END; (* get 4 bits HCLEN (4-19) *) hclen := inf.ReadBits(4, 4); FOR f := 0 TO 18 DO lengths[f] := 0 END; (* read code lengths for code length alphabet *) f := 0; WHILE f < hclen DO lengths[clcidx[f]] := inf.ReadBits(3, 0); (* get 3 bits code length (0-7) *) INC(f) END; (* build code length tree *) codeTree.BuildTree(lengths, 0, 19); IF ~codeTree.Valid() THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* error *) (* decode code lengths for the dynamic trees *) num := 0; WHILE num < hlit + hdist DO sym := inf.DecodeSymbol(codeTree); IF (sym < 0) OR (sym > codeTree.maxsym) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* error *) CASE sym OF | 16: (* copy previous code length 3-6 times (read 2 bits) *) IF num = 0 THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* error *) bt := lengths[num - 1]; length := inf.ReadBits(2, 3) | 17: (* repeat code length 0 for 3-10 times (read 3 bits) *) bt := 0; length := inf.ReadBits(3, 3) | 18: (* repeat code length 0 for 11-138 times (read 7 bits) *) bt := 0; length := inf.ReadBits(7, 11) ELSE (* values 0-15 represent the actual code lengths *) ASSERT((sym >= 0) & (sym < 16), 103); (* invalid tree symbol *) length := 1; bt := sym END; (* fill it *) IF length > hlit + hdist - num THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* error *) WHILE length # 0 DO DEC(length); lengths[num] := bt; INC(num) END END; (* check if EOB symbol is present *) IF lengths[256] = 0 THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* error *) (* build dynamic trees *) inf.lt.BuildTree(lengths, 0, hlit); IF ~inf.lt.Valid() THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END; (* error *) inf.dt.BuildTree(lengths, hlit, hlit + hdist); IF ~inf.dt.Valid() THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN END (* error *) END DecodeTrees; (* can return zero-length slice (on state switch, for example) *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) InflatedBlock (VAR btdest: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; beg, end: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR btpos, sym: INTEGER; dist, length, offs: INTEGER; bt: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(beg < end, 20); ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); ASSERT(end <= LEN(btdest), 22); btpos := beg; WHILE (btpos # end) & (inf.state # ExpectBlock) DO IF inf.bytesLeft # 0 THEN (* copying match; all checks already done *) bt := inf.dict[(inf.dictEnd + LEN(inf.dict) - inf.matchOfs) MOD LEN(inf.dict)]; inf.PutByte(bt); btdest[btpos] := bt; INC(btpos); DEC(inf.bytesLeft) ELSE sym := inf.DecodeSymbol(inf.lt); IF (sym < 0) OR (inf.state = Dead) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN -1 END; (* error! *) IF sym = 256 THEN (* end of block, fix state *) inf.state := ExpectBlock ELSIF sym < 256 THEN (* normal *) bt := SHORT(CHR(sym)); inf.PutByte(bt); btdest[btpos] := bt; INC(btpos) ELSE (* copy *) (* check sym is within range and distance tree is not empty *) IF (sym > inf.lt.maxsym) OR (sym - 257 > 28) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN -1 (* error! *) END; DEC(sym, 257); (* possibly get more bits from length code *) length := inf.ReadBits(lengthBits[sym], lengthBase[sym]); dist := inf.DecodeSymbol(inf.dt); IF (dist < 0) OR (dist > 29) OR (dist > inf.dt.maxsym) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN -1 END; (* error! *) (* possibly get more bits from distance code *) offs := inf.ReadBits(distBits[dist], distBase[dist]); IF (offs < 0) OR (offs > 32768(*inf.dictEnd*)) THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN -1 END; (* error! *) offs := offs MOD 32768; (* copy match *) inf.bytesLeft := length; inf.matchOfs := offs END END END; RETURN btpos - beg END InflatedBlock; (* can return zero-length slice (on state switch, for example) *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) UncompressedBlock (VAR btdest: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; beg, end: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR btpos: INTEGER; bt: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(beg < end, 20); ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); ASSERT(end <= LEN(btdest), 22); btpos := beg; WHILE (btpos # end) & (inf.bytesLeft # 0) DO (* copying *) bt := inf.ReadByte(); inf.PutByte(bt); btdest[btpos] := bt; INC(btpos); DEC(inf.bytesLeft) END; IF inf.bytesLeft = 0 THEN inf.state := ExpectBlock END; (* end of block, fix state *) RETURN btpos - beg END UncompressedBlock; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ReadU16 (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR b0, b1: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN b0 := inf.ReadByte(); b1 := inf.ReadByte(); RETURN ORD(b0) + ASH(ORD(b1), 8) END ReadU16; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ProcessRawHeader, NEW; VAR length, invlength: INTEGER; BEGIN length := inf.ReadU16(); invlength := inf.ReadU16(); (* one's complement of length *) (* check length *) IF BITS(length) # (-BITS(invlength)) * {0..15} THEN inf.SetErrorState; RETURN (* error! *) END; inf.bitcount := 0; (* make sure we start next block on a byte boundary *) inf.bytesLeft := length; inf.state := RawBlock END ProcessRawHeader; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ProcessFixedHeader, NEW; BEGIN IF ~inf.lastBlockWasFixed THEN inf.lt := sltree; inf.dt := sdtree; inf.lastBlockWasFixed := TRUE END; inf.bytesLeft := 0; (* force reading of symbol (just in case) *) inf.state := CompressedBlock END ProcessFixedHeader; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ProcessDynamicHeader, NEW; BEGIN (* decode trees from stream *) inf.DecodeTrees; inf.bytesLeft := 0; (* force reading of symbol (just in case) *) inf.state := CompressedBlock END ProcessDynamicHeader; (* set state to State.EOF on correct EOF *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ProcessBlockHeader, NEW; BEGIN IF inf.doingFinalBlock THEN inf.state := EOF; inf.doingFinalBlock := FALSE; IF inf.mode = ZLib THEN inf.FinishZLibData END ELSE inf.doingFinalBlock := inf.ReadBit(); (* final block flag *) (* read block type (2 bits) and fix state *) CASE inf.ReadBits(2, 0) OF | 0: inf.ProcessRawHeader (* uncompressed block *) | 1: inf.ProcessFixedHeader (* block with fixed huffman trees *) | 2: inf.ProcessDynamicHeader (* block with dynamic huffman trees *) | 3: inf.SetErrorState (* invalid block code *) END END END ProcessBlockHeader; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) CheckStreamHeader*, NEW; BEGIN IF (inf.mode = ZLib) & (inf.state = ExpectZLibHeader) THEN inf.ProcessZLibHeader END END CheckStreamHeader; (* returns length *) PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) ReadSChars* (VAR btdest: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; beg, len: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR st, rd, end: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(len >= 0, 20); ASSERT(beg >= 0, 21); ASSERT(LEN(btdest) - beg >= len, 22); IF inf.state = EOF THEN RETURN 0 END; st := beg; end := beg + len; WHILE (beg < end) & (inf.state # EOF) & (inf.state # Dead) DO CASE inf.state OF | ExpectZLibHeader: inf.ProcessZLibHeader | ExpectBlock: inf.ProcessBlockHeader | RawBlock: rd := inf.UncompressedBlock(btdest, beg, end); INC(beg, rd) | CompressedBlock: rd := inf.InflatedBlock(btdest, beg, end); INC(beg, rd) END END; IF inf.state = Dead THEN beg := 0; st := 1 END; RETURN beg - st END ReadSChars; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) Eof* (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN inf.state = EOF END Eof; PROCEDURE (inf: Inflater) Error* (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN inf.state = Dead END Error; (******** data initialisers ********) (* fixed length/symbol tree *) PROCEDURE InitSLTree; VAR f: INTEGER; BEGIN sltree.Wipe; sltree.counts[7] := 24; sltree.counts[8] := 152; sltree.counts[9] := 112; FOR f := 0 TO 23 DO sltree.symbols[f] := 256 + f END; FOR f := 0 TO 143 DO sltree.symbols[24 + f] := f END; FOR f := 0 TO 7 DO sltree.symbols[24 + 144 + f] := 280 + f END; FOR f := 0 TO 111 DO sltree.symbols[24 + 144 + 8 + f] := 144 + f END; sltree.maxsym := 285 END InitSLTree; (* fixed distance tree *) PROCEDURE InitSDTree; VAR f: INTEGER; BEGIN sdtree.Wipe; sdtree.counts[5] := 32; FOR f := 0 TO 31 DO sdtree.symbols[f] := f END; sdtree.maxsym := 29 END InitSDTree; PROCEDURE FillBits (VAR bits: ARRAY OF INTEGER; delta: INTEGER); VAR f: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR f := 0 TO delta - 1 DO bits[f] := 0 END; FOR f := 0 TO 30 - delta - 1 DO bits[f + delta] := f DIV delta END; END FillBits; PROCEDURE FillBase (VAR base: ARRAY OF INTEGER; IN bits: ARRAY OF INTEGER; first: INTEGER); VAR f, sum: INTEGER; BEGIN sum := first; FOR f := 0 TO 29 DO base[f] := sum; INC(sum, ASH(1, bits[f])) END END FillBase; (* extra bits and base tables for length codes *) PROCEDURE BuildLengthBitsBase; VAR bits: ARRAY 30 OF INTEGER; BEGIN (* bits *) FillBits(lengthBits, 4); lengthBits[28] := 0; (* fix a special case *) (* base *) FillBits(bits, 4); FillBase(lengthBase, bits, 3); lengthBase[28] := 258 (* fix a special case *) END BuildLengthBitsBase; (* extra bits and base tables for distance codes *) PROCEDURE BuildExtraBitsBase; BEGIN (* bits *) FillBits(distBits, 2); (* base *) FillBase(distBase, distBits, 1) END BuildExtraBitsBase; PROCEDURE Init; VAR pos: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Put (v: INTEGER); BEGIN clcidx[pos] := v; INC(pos) END Put; BEGIN InitSLTree; InitSDTree; BuildLengthBitsBase; BuildExtraBitsBase; pos := 0; Put(16); Put(17); Put(18); Put(0); Put(8); Put(7); Put(9); Put(6); Put(10); Put(5); Put(11); Put(4); Put(12); Put(3); Put(13); Put(2); Put(14); Put(1); Put(15); ASSERT(pos = LEN(clcidx), 100) END Init; BEGIN Init END StdInflate.
MODULE StdInterpreter; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, A. Dmitriev, K8" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070209, bh, general command signatures - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150403, center #36, support for long identifiers in StdInterpreter - 20170819, center #172, adding BOOLEAN parameters to StdInterpreter - 20191017, ad, check if string is too long - 20230425, k8, added support for REALs, and integer conversions " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Meta, Strings, Views, Dialog; TYPE IntValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) int: INTEGER; END; StrValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) str: Dialog.String; END; BoolValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) bool: BOOLEAN; END; (* additional values for type conversions *) BIntValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) bint: BYTE; END; SIntValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) sint: SHORTINT; END; LIntValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) lint: LONGINT; END; RealValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) rval: REAL; END; SRealValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value) srval: SHORTREAL; END; CallHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.CallHook) END; PROCEDURE (hook: CallHook) Call (IN proc, errMsg: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: INTEGER); TYPE Ident = Kernel.Name; CONST modNotFound = 10; procNotFound = 11; identExpected = 12; unknownIdent = 13; depositExpected = 14; noDepositExpected = 15; syntaxError = 16; lparenExpected = 17; rparenExpected = 18; containerExpected = 19; quoteExpected = 20; fileNotFound = 21; noController = 22; noDialog = 23; cannotUnload = 24; commaExpected = 25; incompParList = 26; stringTooLong = 27; CONST ident = 0; dot = 1; semicolon = 2; eot = 3; lparen = 4; rparen = 5; quote = 6; comma = 7; int = 8; real = 9; VAR i, type: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; id: Ident; x: INTEGER; r: REAL; qch: CHAR; par: ARRAY 100 OF POINTER TO Meta.Value; numPar: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Error (n: INTEGER; msg, par0, par1: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR e, f: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF res = 0 THEN res := n; IF errMsg # "" THEN Dialog.MapString(errMsg, e); IF e = " " THEN Dialog.MapString("#System:CommandError", e) END; Dialog.MapParamString(msg, par0, par1, "", f); Dialog.ShowMsg(e + " " + f) END END END Error; PROCEDURE Init (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i < LEN(s) DO s[i] := 0X; INC(i) END END Init; PROCEDURE ShowLoaderResult (IN mod: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; importing, imported, object: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Kernel.GetLoaderResult(res, importing, imported, object); CASE res OF | Kernel.fileNotFound: Error(Kernel.fileNotFound, "#System:CodeFileNotFound", imported, "") | Kernel.syntaxError: Error(Kernel.syntaxError, "#System:CorruptedCodeFileFor", imported, "") | Kernel.objNotFound: Error(Kernel.objNotFound, "#System:ObjNotFoundImpFrom", imported, importing) | Kernel.illegalFPrint: Error(Kernel.illegalFPrint, "#System:ObjInconsImpFrom", imported, importing) | Kernel.cyclicImport: Error(Kernel.cyclicImport, "#System:CyclicImpFrom", imported, importing) | Kernel.noMem: Error(Kernel.noMem, "#System:NotEnoughMemoryFor", imported, "") ELSE Error(res, "#System:CannotLoadModule", mod, "") END END ShowLoaderResult; (* convert ints to other integer types *) PROCEDURE FixParams (VAR i: Meta.Item; VAR args: ARRAY OF POINTER TO Meta.Value): BOOLEAN; VAR res: BOOLEAN; f, len: INTEGER; t: Meta.Item; par, npar: POINTER TO Meta.Value; bi: BIntValue; si: SIntValue; li: LIntValue; sr: SRealValue; rv: RealValue; smr, rrv: SHORTREAL; BEGIN res := TRUE; len := i.NumParam(); f := 0; WHILE res & (f < len) DO i.GetParam(f, t); ASSERT(t.typ # Meta.undef, 100); par := args[f]; IF par = NIL THEN res := FALSE ELSE npar := par; WITH | par: IntValue DO CASE t.typ OF | Meta.byteTyp: IF (par.int >= MIN(BYTE)) & (par.int <= MAX(BYTE)) THEN NEW(bi); bi.bint := SHORT(SHORT(par.int)); npar := bi ELSE npar := NIL END | Meta.sIntTyp: IF (par.int >= MIN(SHORTINT)) & (par.int <= MAX(SHORTINT)) THEN NEW(si); si.sint := SHORT(par.int); npar := si ELSE npar := NIL END | Meta.intTyp: (* ok *) | Meta.longTyp: NEW(li); li.lint := LONG(par.int); npar := li | Meta.realTyp: (* REAL can represent any INTEGER *) NEW(rv); rv.rval := par.int; npar := rv; | Meta.sRealTyp: smr := par.int; rrv := par.int; IF LONG(smr) # rrv THEN npar := NIL ELSE NEW(sr); sr.srval := smr; npar := sr END ELSE npar := NIL END | par: RealValue DO IF t.typ # Meta.realTyp THEN IF t.typ = Meta.sRealTyp THEN smr := SHORT(par.rval); IF LONG(smr) # par.rval THEN npar := NIL ELSE NEW(sr); sr.srval := smr; npar := sr END ELSE npar := NIL END END ELSE END; res := (npar # NIL); IF res THEN args[f] := npar END END; INC(f) END; RETURN res END FixParams; PROCEDURE CallProc (IN mod, proc: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, t: Meta.Item; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ok := FALSE; Meta.Lookup(mod, i); IF i.obj = Meta.modObj THEN i.Lookup(proc, i); IF i.obj = Meta.procObj THEN i.GetReturnType(t); IF (t.typ = 0) & (i.NumParam() = numPar) & FixParams(i, par) THEN i.ParamCallVal(par, t, ok) ELSE ok := FALSE END; IF ~ok THEN Error(incompParList, "#System:IncompatibleParList", mod, proc) END ELSE Error(Kernel.commNotFound, "#System:CommandNotFoundIn", proc, mod) END ELSE ShowLoaderResult(mod) END END CallProc; PROCEDURE GetCh; BEGIN IF i < LEN(proc) THEN ch := proc[i]; INC(i) ELSE ch := 0X END END GetCh; PROCEDURE Scan; VAR j: INTEGER; num: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; ires: INTEGER; BEGIN IF res = 0 THEN WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch <= " ") DO GetCh END; IF ch = 0X THEN type := eot ELSIF ch = "." THEN type := dot; GetCh ELSIF ch = ";" THEN type := semicolon; GetCh ELSIF ch = "(" THEN type := lparen; GetCh ELSIF ch = ")" THEN type := rparen; GetCh ELSIF (ch = "'") OR (ch = '"') OR (ch = "`") THEN qch := ch; type := quote; GetCh ELSIF ch = "," THEN type := comma; GetCh ELSIF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") OR (ch = "-") OR (ch = "+") THEN type := int; j := 0; REPEAT num[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh UNTIL (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (ch < "A") OR (ch > "F"); CASE ch OF | 'H': num[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh | '.': type := real; REPEAT num[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh UNTIL (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") | '%': REPEAT num[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh UNTIL (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") ELSE END; num[j] := 0X; IF type = real THEN Strings.StringToReal(num, r, ires) ELSE Strings.StringToInt(num, x, ires) END; IF ires # 0 THEN Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "") END ELSIF Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) THEN type := ident; id[0] := ch; j := 1; GetCh; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (i < LEN(proc)) & Strings.IsIdent(ch) DO id[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh END; id[j] := 0X ELSE Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "") END END END Scan; PROCEDURE String (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR j: INTEGER; s0: Dialog.String; BEGIN IF type = quote THEN ASSERT(qch # 0X, 100); j := 0; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # qch) & (j < LEN(s) - 1) DO s[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh END; s[j] := 0X; IF j >= LEN(s) -1 THEN Strings.IntToString(LEN(Dialog.String), s0); Error(stringTooLong, "#System:StringTooLong", s0, s) ELSIF ch = qch THEN GetCh; Scan ELSE Error(quoteExpected, "#System:QuoteExpected", "", "") END ELSE Error(quoteExpected, "#System:QuoteExpected", "", "") END END String; PROCEDURE ParamList (); VAR iv: IntValue; sv: StrValue; bv: BoolValue; rv: RealValue; BEGIN numPar := 0; IF type = lparen THEN Scan; WHILE (numPar < LEN(par)) & (type # rparen) & (res = 0) DO IF type = quote THEN NEW(sv); String(sv.str); par[numPar] := sv; INC(numPar) ELSIF type = int THEN NEW(iv); iv.int := x; Scan; par[numPar] := iv; INC(numPar) ELSIF type = real THEN NEW(rv); rv.rval := r; Scan; par[numPar] := rv; INC(numPar) ELSIF (type = ident) & ((id = "TRUE") OR (id = "FALSE")) THEN NEW(bv); bv.bool := (id = "TRUE"); Scan; par[numPar] := bv; INC(numPar) ELSE Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "") END; IF type = comma THEN Scan ELSIF type # rparen THEN Error(rparenExpected, "#System:RParenExpected", "", "") END END; Scan END END ParamList; PROCEDURE Command; VAR left, right: Ident; BEGIN (* protect from parasitic anchors on stack *) Init(left); Init(right); left := id; Scan; IF type = dot THEN (* Oberon command *) Scan; IF type = ident THEN right := id; Scan; ParamList(); IF res = 0 THEN CallProc(left, right) END ELSE Error(identExpected, "#System:IdentExpected", "", "") END ELSE Error(unknownIdent, "#System:UnknownIdent", id, "") END END Command; BEGIN (* protect from parasitic anchors on stack *) i := 0; type := 0; qch := 0X; Init(id); x := 0; Views.ClearQueue; res := 0; i := 0; GetCh; Scan; IF type = ident THEN Command; WHILE (type = semicolon) & (res = 0) DO Scan; Command END; IF type # eot THEN Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "") END ELSE Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "") END; IF (res = 0) & (Views.Available() > 0) THEN Error(noDepositExpected, "#System:NoDepositExpected", "", "") END; Views.ClearQueue END Call; PROCEDURE Init; VAR hook: CallHook; BEGIN NEW(hook); Dialog.SetCallHook(hook) END Init; BEGIN Init END StdInterpreter.
MODULE StdLinks; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20150326, center #33, adding platform detection for wine, Windows 7, and Windows 8 - 20150430, center #44, fixing Unicode support for Link and Target content - 20150703, center #64, high byte added to Wingdings codes, DefaultAppearance improved - 20170905, center #173, adding new modifiers to Controllers - 20170912, center #174, fixing resource keys in StdLinks - 20170912, center #175, displaying Link and Target properties with mouse-right " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Services, Stores, Ports, Fonts, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, Containers, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextControllers, TextSetters, TextRulers, Strings, StdCmds; CONST kind* = 0; cmd* = 1; close* = 2; (* constants for Prop.valid *) always* = 0; ifShiftDown* = 1; never* = 2; (* constants for close attribute *) minLinkVersion = 0; maxLinkVersion = 2; minTargVersion = 0; maxTargVersion = 1; TYPE Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; Link* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) leftSide-: BOOLEAN; cmd: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; close: INTEGER END; Target* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) leftSide-: BOOLEAN; ident: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR END; Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) cmd*: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; link-: BOOLEAN; close*: INTEGER END; ChangeAttrOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: Views.View; cmd: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; close: INTEGER; valid: SET END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; par-: Link; iconFont: Fonts.Typeface; linkLeft, linkRight, targetLeft, targetRight: ARRAY 3 OF CHAR; coloredBackg: BOOLEAN; cleaner: TrapCleaner; dialog*: RECORD cmd*: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; type-: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; close*: Dialog.List; known, valid: SET; readOnly: BOOLEAN; (* if container is read only *) END; fingerprint: INTEGER; (** Cleaner **) PROCEDURE (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup; BEGIN par := NIL END Cleanup; (** Properties **) PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: Prop DO valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE; IF (cmd IN valid) & (p.cmd^ # q.cmd^) THEN EXCL(valid, cmd) END; IF (kind IN valid) & (p.link # q.link) THEN EXCL(valid, kind) END; IF (close IN valid) & (p.close # q.close) THEN EXCL (valid, close) END; IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END END END IntersectWith; PROCEDURE (op: ChangeAttrOp) Do; VAR v: Views.View; s: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; c: INTEGER; BEGIN v := op.v; WITH | v: Link DO IF cmd IN op.valid THEN s := op.cmd; op.cmd := v.cmd; v.cmd := s END; IF close IN op.valid THEN c := op.close; op.close := v.close; v.close := c END | v: Target DO IF cmd IN op.valid THEN s := op.cmd; op.cmd := v.ident; v.ident := s END END END Do; PROCEDURE DoChangeAttrOp (v: Views.View; s: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; c: INTEGER; valid: SET); VAR op: ChangeAttrOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.v := v; op.valid := valid; IF close IN valid THEN op.close := c END; IF cmd IN valid THEN NEW(op.cmd, LEN(s)+1); op.cmd^ := s$ END; Views.Do(v, "#Std:LinkChange", op) END DoChangeAttrOp; PROCEDURE SetProp(v: Views.View; msg: Properties.SetMsg); VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN p := msg.prop; WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Prop DO IF (cmd IN p.valid) OR (close IN p.valid) THEN DoChangeAttrOp(v, p.cmd, p.close, p.valid) END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetProp; PROCEDURE PollProp(v: Views.View; VAR msg: Properties.PollMsg); VAR p: Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); WITH v: Link DO p.known := {kind, cmd, close}; p.link := TRUE; p.cmd := v.cmd; p.close := v.close | v: Target DO p.known := {kind, cmd}; p.link := FALSE; p.cmd := v.ident ELSE END; p.valid := p.known; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE InitDialog*; VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN IF (TextControllers.Focus() # NIL) & (Containers.noSelection IN TextControllers.Focus().opts) THEN (* mask mode: dialog cannot be initialized from current selection *) RETURN END; dialog.cmd := ""; dialog.type := ""; dialog.close.index := -1; dialog.known := {}; dialog.valid := {}; dialog.readOnly := (TextControllers.Focus() # NIL) & (Containers.noCaret IN TextControllers.Focus().opts); Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Prop DO dialog.valid := p.valid; dialog.known := p.known; IF cmd IN p.valid THEN dialog.cmd := p.cmd$ END; IF kind IN p.valid THEN IF p.link THEN Dialog.MapString("#Std:Link", dialog.type) ELSE Dialog.MapString("#Std:Target", dialog.type) END END; IF close IN p.valid THEN dialog.close.index := p.close END ELSE END; p := p.next END; Dialog.Update(dialog) END InitDialog; PROCEDURE SetGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF dialog.readOnly THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END SetGuard; PROCEDURE Set*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := dialog.valid; IF cmd IN p.valid THEN NEW(p.cmd, LEN(dialog.cmd) + 1); p.cmd^ := dialog.cmd$ END; p.close := dialog.close.index; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p); fingerprint := 0 (* force actualization of fields *) END Set; PROCEDURE LinkGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF dialog.known # {} THEN IF close IN dialog.known THEN Dialog.MapString("#Std:Link:", par.label) ELSE Dialog.MapString("#Std:Target:", par.label) END END END LinkGuard; PROCEDURE CmdGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~(cmd IN dialog.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(cmd IN dialog.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); fp := 0; c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.selection, v); WHILE v # NIL DO fp := fp + Services.AdrOf(v); c.GetNextView(TRUE, v) END END; IF fp # fingerprint THEN fingerprint := fp; InitDialog END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END CmdGuard; PROCEDURE CloseGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~(close IN dialog.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(close IN dialog.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; IF dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END END CloseGuard; PROCEDURE Notifier* (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN INCL(dialog.valid, idx) END END Notifier; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewLink* (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR): Link, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTarget* (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR): Target, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE InFrame (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (f.l <= x) & (x < f.r) & (f.t <= y) & (y < f.b) END InFrame; PROCEDURE Mark (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); BEGIN f.MarkRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) END Mark; PROCEDURE ThisPos (v: TextViews.View; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* "corrected" v.ThisPos: does not adjust position when crossing 50% boundary of characters *) VAR loc: TextViews.Location; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := v.ThisPos(f, x, y); v.GetThisLocation(f, pos, loc); IF (loc.y <= y) & (y < loc.y + loc.asc + loc.dsc) & (x < loc.x) THEN DEC(pos) END; RETURN pos END ThisPos; PROCEDURE GetLinkPair (this: Link; VAR l, r: Link); (* POST: BalancedPair(l, r) & (l # r) & (l = this OR r = this) OR (l = r = NIL) *) VAR t: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; level: INTEGER; BEGIN l := NIL; r := NIL; level := 1; IF (this.context # NIL) & (this.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN t := this.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); rd := t.NewReader(NIL); IF this.leftSide THEN rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1); REPEAT rd.ReadView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Link) THEN IF v(Link).leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0); IF v # NIL THEN l := this; r := v(Link) END ELSE rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()); REPEAT rd.ReadPrevView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Link) THEN IF v(Link).leftSide THEN DEC(level) ELSE INC(level) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0); IF v # NIL THEN l := v(Link); r := this END END END END GetLinkPair; PROCEDURE GetTargetPair (this: Target; VAR l, r: Target); (* POST: BalancedPair(l, r) & (l # r) & (l = this OR r = this) OR (l = r = NIL) *) VAR t: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; level: INTEGER; BEGIN l := NIL; r := NIL; level := 1; IF (this.context # NIL) & (this.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN t := this.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); rd := t.NewReader(NIL); IF this.leftSide THEN rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1); REPEAT rd.ReadView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Target) THEN IF v(Target).leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0); IF v # NIL THEN l := this; r := v(Target) END ELSE rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()); REPEAT rd.ReadPrevView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Target) THEN IF v(Target).leftSide THEN DEC(level) ELSE INC(level) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0); IF v # NIL THEN l := v(Target); r := this END END END END GetTargetPair; PROCEDURE GetRange (l, r: Views.View; VAR beg, end: INTEGER); BEGIN beg := l.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); end := r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1 END GetRange; PROCEDURE MarkRange (v: TextViews.View; f: Views.Frame; beg, end: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN); VAR b, e: TextViews.Location; r, t: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(beg < end, 20); v.GetThisLocation(f, beg, b); v.GetThisLocation(f, end, e); IF (b.pos < e.pos) OR (b.pos = e.pos) & (b.x < e.x) THEN IF b.start # e.start THEN r := f.r; t := b.y + b.asc + b.dsc; f.MarkRect(b.x, b.y, r, t, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show); IF t < e.y THEN f.MarkRect(0, t, r, e.y, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) END; b.x := f.l; b.y := e.y END; f.MarkRect(b.x, b.y, e.x, e.y + e.asc + e.dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) END END MarkRange; PROCEDURE Reveal (left, right: Views.View; str: ARRAY OF CHAR; opname: Stores.OpName); VAR con: TextModels.Context; t: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER; w: TextMappers.Formatter; op: Stores.Operation; BEGIN con := left.context(TextModels.Context); t := con.ThisModel(); pos := con.Pos(); w.ConnectTo(t); w.SetPos(pos); IF con.Attr() # NIL THEN w.rider.SetAttr(con.Attr()) END; Models.BeginScript(t, opname, op); t.Delete(pos, pos + 1); w.WriteChar("<"); IF str # "" THEN w.WriteString(str) END; w.WriteChar(">"); con := right.context(TextModels.Context); pos := con.Pos(); w.SetPos(pos); IF con.Attr() # NIL THEN w.rider.SetAttr(con.Attr()) END; t.Delete(pos, pos + 1); w.WriteString("<>"); Models.EndScript(t, op) END Reveal; PROCEDURE RevealCmd (v: Link); VAR left, right: Link; BEGIN GetLinkPair(v, left, right); IF left # NIL THEN IF v.cmd # NIL THEN Reveal(left, right, v.cmd^, "#Std:Reveal Link Command") ELSE Reveal(left, right, "", "#Std:Reveal Link Command") END END END RevealCmd; PROCEDURE RevealTarget (targ: Target); VAR left, right: Target; BEGIN GetTargetPair(targ, left, right); IF left # NIL THEN IF left.ident # NIL THEN Reveal(left, right, left.ident^, "#Std:Reveal Target Ident") ELSE Reveal(left, right, "", "#Std:Reveal Target Ident") END END END RevealTarget; PROCEDURE CallCmd (v: Link; close: BOOLEAN); VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner); par := v; IF v.cmd^ # "" THEN IF close & (v.close = ifShiftDown) OR (v.close = always) THEN StdCmds.CloseDialog END; Dialog.Call(v.cmd^, "#Std:Link Call Failed", res) END; par := NIL; Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner) END CallCmd; PROCEDURE TrackSingle (f: Views.Frame; VAR in: BOOLEAN); VAR x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; in0, isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN in := FALSE; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); in0 := in; in := InFrame(f, x, y); IF in # in0 THEN Mark(f, in) END UNTIL ~isDown; IF in THEN Mark(f, FALSE) END END TrackSingle; PROCEDURE TrackRange (v: TextViews.View; f: Views.Frame; l, r: Views.View; x, y: INTEGER; VAR in: BOOLEAN); VAR pos, beg, end: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; in0, isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN in := FALSE; GetRange(l, r, beg, end); pos := ThisPos(v, f, x, y); IF (beg <= pos) & (pos < end) THEN REPEAT f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); pos := ThisPos(v, f, x, y); in0 := in; in := (beg <= pos) & (pos < end); IF in # in0 THEN MarkRange(v, f, beg, end, in) END UNTIL ~isDown; IF in THEN MarkRange(v, f, beg, end, FALSE) END END END TrackRange; PROCEDURE OpenProperties(l, r: Views.View; c: TextControllers.Controller; IN type, cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR; close: INTEGER; known: SET); VAR beg, end, res: INTEGER; linksProp: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN GetRange(l, r, beg, end); c.SetSelection(beg, end); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Links.Prop", linksProp); Dialog.Call(linksProp, "", res); IF Containers.noSelection IN c.opts THEN (* mask mode: cannot use selection *) Dialog.MapString(type, dialog.type); dialog.cmd := cmd$; dialog.close.index := close; dialog.known := known; dialog.valid := known; dialog.readOnly := TRUE; fingerprint := 0; Dialog.Update(dialog) END END OpenProperties; PROCEDURE Track (v: Link; f: Views.Frame; c: TextControllers.Controller; x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET); (* PRE: (c # NIL) & (f.view.ThisModel() = v.context.ThisModel()) OR (c = NIL) & (f.view = v) *) VAR l, r: Link; in: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetLinkPair(v, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN IF (Controllers.popup IN modifiers) & (c # NIL) THEN c.SetSelection(0, 0) END; IF c # NIL THEN TrackRange(c.view, f, l, r, x, y, in) ELSE TrackSingle(f, in) END; IF in THEN IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN IF (Controllers.popup IN modifiers) & (c # NIL) THEN OpenProperties(l, r, c, "#Std:Link", l.cmd, l.close, {kind, cmd, close}) ELSIF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN RevealCmd(l) (* for backwards compatibility *) END ELSE CallCmd(l, Controllers.extend IN modifiers) END END END END Track; PROCEDURE TrackTarget (targ: Target; f: Views.Frame; c: TextControllers.Controller; x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET); VAR in: BOOLEAN; l, r: Target; BEGIN GetTargetPair(targ, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN IF (Controllers.popup IN modifiers) & (c # NIL) THEN c.SetSelection(0, 0) END; IF c # NIL THEN TrackRange(c.view, f, l, r, x, y, in) ELSE TrackSingle(f, in) END; IF in THEN IF (Controllers.modify IN modifiers) & (c # NIL) THEN IF Controllers.popup IN modifiers THEN OpenProperties(l, r, c, "#Std:Target", l.ident, -1, {kind, cmd, close}) ELSIF ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN RevealTarget(targ) (* for backwards compatibility *) END END END END END TrackTarget; PROCEDURE (v: Link) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: Link DO ASSERT(source.leftSide = (source.cmd # NIL), 100); v.leftSide := source.leftSide; v.close := source.close; IF source.cmd # NIL THEN NEW(v.cmd, LEN(source.cmd^)); v.cmd^ := source.cmd^$ ELSE v.cmd := NIL END END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (t: Target) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: Target DO ASSERT(source.leftSide = (source.ident # NIL), 100); t.leftSide := source.leftSide; IF source.ident # NIL THEN NEW(t.ident, LEN(source.ident^)); t.ident^ := source.ident^$ ELSE t.ident := NIL END END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: Link) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR len, version, pos: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minLinkVersion, maxLinkVersion, version); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadBool(v.leftSide); rd.ReadInt(len); IF len = 0 THEN v.cmd := NIL ELSE NEW(v.cmd, len); IF version <= 1 THEN rd.ReadXString(v.cmd^) ELSE rd.ReadString(v.cmd^) END END; v.leftSide := v.cmd # NIL; IF v.leftSide THEN IF version >= 1 THEN rd.ReadInt(v.close) ELSE Strings.Find(v.cmd, "StdLinks.ShowTarget", 0, pos); IF (pos # 0) THEN v.close := ifShiftDown ELSE v.close := never END END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE HasWideChars (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := s[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch <= 0FFX) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; RETURN ch # 0X END HasWideChars; (* version history for left side Link: 0: 'cmd' stored as ASCII, standard closing behavior only 1: like 0 but 'close' attribute added for non-standard closing behavior 2. like 1 but 'cmd' stored as Unicode *) PROCEDURE (v: Link) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR pos, version: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); IF v.leftSide THEN IF HasWideChars(v.cmd) THEN version := 2 ELSE Strings.Find(v.cmd, "StdLinks.ShowTarget", 0, pos); IF (pos = 0) & (v.close = never) OR (v.close = ifShiftDown) THEN version := 0 ELSE version := 1 END END ELSE version := 0 END; wr.WriteVersion(version); wr.WriteBool(v.cmd # NIL); IF v.cmd = NIL THEN wr.WriteInt(0) ELSE wr.WriteInt(LEN(v.cmd^)); IF version <= 1 THEN wr.WriteXString(v.cmd^) ELSE wr.WriteString(v.cmd^) END END; IF version >= 1 THEN wr.WriteInt(v.close) END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (t: Target) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR len, version: INTEGER; BEGIN t.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minTargVersion, maxTargVersion, version); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadBool(t.leftSide); rd.ReadInt(len); IF len = 0 THEN t.ident := NIL ELSE NEW(t.ident, len); IF version = 0 THEN rd.ReadXString(t.ident^) ELSE rd.ReadString(t.ident^) END END; t.leftSide := t.ident # NIL END Internalize; (* version history for left side Target: 0: 'ident' stored as ASCII 1: like 0 but 'ident' stored as Unicode *) PROCEDURE (t: Target) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN t.Externalize^(wr); IF t.leftSide & HasWideChars(t.ident) THEN version := 1 ELSE version := 0 END; wr.WriteVersion(version); wr.WriteBool(t.ident # NIL); IF t.ident = NIL THEN wr.WriteInt(0) ELSE wr.WriteInt(LEN(t.ident^)); IF version = 0 THEN wr.WriteXString(t.ident^) ELSE wr.WriteString(t.ident^) END END END Externalize; PROCEDURE RestoreView (v: Views.View; f: Views.Frame; icon: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal); color := a.color ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color := Ports.black END; IF coloredBackg THEN f.DrawRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25) END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); f.DrawString(1*Ports.mm DIV 2, asc, color, icon, font) END RestoreView; PROCEDURE (v: Link) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF v.leftSide THEN RestoreView(v, f, linkLeft) ELSE RestoreView(v, f, linkRight) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (targ: Target) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF targ.leftSide THEN RestoreView(targ, f, targetLeft) ELSE RestoreView(targ, f, targetRight) END END Restore; PROCEDURE SizePref (v: Views.View; icon: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR msg: Properties.SizePref); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal) ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; msg.w := font.StringWidth(icon) + 1*Ports.mm; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); msg.h := asc + dsc END SizePref; PROCEDURE (v: Link) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; c: Models.Context; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; l, r: Link; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF v.leftSide THEN SizePref(v, linkLeft, msg) ELSE SizePref(v, linkRight, msg) END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: TextModels.Pref DO msg.opts := {TextModels.hideable} | msg: TextControllers.FilterPref DO msg.filter := TRUE | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); a.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); msg.dsc := dsc END | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO IF v.leftSide THEN PollProp(v, msg) ELSE GetLinkPair(v, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN PollProp(l, msg) END END | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO IF v.leftSide THEN SetProp(v, msg) ELSE GetLinkPair(v, l, r); SetProp(l, msg) END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (targ: Target) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; c: Models.Context; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; l, r: Target; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF targ.leftSide THEN SizePref(targ, targetLeft, msg) ELSE SizePref(targ, targetRight, msg) END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: TextModels.Pref DO msg.opts := {TextModels.hideable} | msg: TextControllers.FilterPref DO msg.filter := TRUE | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := targ.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); a.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); msg.dsc := dsc END | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO IF targ.leftSide THEN PollProp(targ, msg) ELSE GetTargetPair(targ, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN PollProp(l, msg) END END | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO IF targ.leftSide THEN SetProp(targ, msg) ELSE GetTargetPair(targ, l, r); SetProp(l, msg) END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE isHot(v: Views.View; f: Views.Frame; leftSide: BOOLEAN; c: TextControllers.Controller; x, y: INTEGER; mod: SET): BOOLEAN; VAR pos, beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN (* ignore 'pick' (alt, cmd, and middle clicks) in edit mode *) IF ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) & (Controllers.pick IN mod) THEN RETURN FALSE END; pos := ThisPos(c.view, f, x, y); (* ignore clicks in selection *) c.GetSelection(beg, end); IF (end > beg) & (pos >= beg) & (pos <= end) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF leftSide THEN RETURN pos >= v.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() ELSE RETURN pos <= v.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() END END isHot; PROCEDURE (v: Link) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor | msg: TextControllers.FilterPollCursorMsg DO IF isHot(v, f, v.leftSide, msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, {}) THEN msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor; msg.done := TRUE END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(v, f, NIL, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) | msg: TextControllers.FilterTrackMsg DO IF isHot(v, f, v.leftSide, msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) THEN Track(v, f, msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers); msg.done := TRUE END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (targ: Target) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO TrackTarget(targ, f, NIL, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) | msg: TextControllers.FilterTrackMsg DO IF (msg.modifiers * {Controllers.extend, Controllers.modify} # {}) & isHot(targ, f, targ.leftSide, msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) THEN TrackTarget(targ, f, msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers); msg.done := TRUE END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: Link) GetCmd* (OUT cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(v.leftSide, 20); ASSERT(v.cmd # NIL, 100); cmd := v.cmd$ END GetCmd; PROCEDURE (t: Target) GetIdent* (OUT ident: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(t.leftSide, 20); ASSERT(t.ident # NIL, 100); ident := t.ident$ END GetIdent; (* --------------- create commands and menu guards ------------------------ *) PROCEDURE GetParam (c: TextControllers.Controller; VAR param: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd: INTEGER); VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; i, beg, end: INTEGER; ch0, ch1, ch2: CHAR; BEGIN param[0] := 0X; lbrBeg := -1; IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL); c.GetSelection(beg, end); IF end - beg > 4 THEN rd.SetPos(beg); rd.ReadChar(ch0); rd.SetPos(end-2); rd.ReadChar(ch1); rd.ReadChar(ch2); IF (ch0 = "<") & (ch1 = "<") & (ch2 = ">") THEN rd.SetPos(beg+1); rd.ReadChar(ch0); i := 0; WHILE ~rd.eot & (ch0 # ">") DO IF i < LEN(param) - 1 THEN param[i] := ch0; INC(i) END; rd.ReadChar(ch0) END; param[i] := 0X; lbrBeg := beg; lbrEnd := rd.Pos(); rbrBeg := end -2; rbrEnd := end END END; IF lbrBeg = -1 THEN (* lbrBeg = -1 means selection without syntax*) rd.SetPos(beg); rd.ReadChar(ch0); i := 0; WHILE ~rd.eot & (ch0 # 0X) DO IF i < LEN(param) - 1 THEN param[i] := ch0; INC(i) END; rd.ReadChar(ch0) END; param[i] := 0X; END END END GetParam; PROCEDURE CreateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR param: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd: INTEGER; BEGIN GetParam(TextControllers.Focus(), param, lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd); par.disabled := param = "" END CreateGuard; PROCEDURE InsertionAttr (c: TextControllers.Controller; pos: INTEGER): TextModels.Attributes; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; r: TextRulers.Ruler; a: TextModels.Attributes; ch: CHAR; BEGIN rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL); a := NIL; rd.SetPos(pos); rd.ReadChar(ch); a := rd.attr; IF a = NIL THEN c.view.PollDefaults(r, a) END; RETURN a END InsertionAttr; PROCEDURE CreateLink*; VAR lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd, beg, end: INTEGER; left, right: Link; c: TextControllers.Controller; cmd: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; op: Stores.Operation; w: TextModels.Writer; a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); GetParam(TextControllers.Focus(), cmd, lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd); IF cmd # "" THEN w := c.text.NewWriter(NIL); Models.BeginScript(c.text, "#Std:Create Link", op); IF lbrBeg >= 0 THEN a := InsertionAttr(c, rbrBeg); c.text.Delete(rbrBeg, rbrEnd); right := dir.NewLink(""); w.SetPos(rbrBeg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; w.WriteView(right, 0, 0); a := InsertionAttr(c, lbrBeg); c.text.Delete(lbrBeg, lbrEnd); left := dir.NewLink(cmd); w.SetPos(lbrBeg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; w.WriteView(left, 0, 0) ELSE (* selection is unformatted and used as link text *) c.GetSelection(beg, end); a := InsertionAttr(c, beg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; right := dir.NewLink(""); w.SetPos(end); w.WriteView(right, 0, 0); left := dir.NewLink("dummy"); left.cmd[0] := 0X; w.SetPos(beg); w.WriteView(left, 0, 0); a := TextModels.NewColor(w.attr, Ports.blue); a := TextModels.NewStyle(a, a.font.style + {Fonts.underline}); c.text.SetAttr(beg + 1, end + 1, a) END; Models.EndScript(c.text, op); IF lbrBeg < 0 THEN OpenProperties(left, right, c, "#Std:Link", left.cmd, ifShiftDown, {kind..close}) END END END CreateLink; PROCEDURE CreateTarget*; VAR lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd, beg, end: INTEGER; left, right: Target; c: TextControllers.Controller; ident: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; op: Stores.Operation; w: TextModels.Writer; a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); GetParam(TextControllers.Focus(), ident, lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd); IF ident # "" THEN w := c.text.NewWriter(NIL); Models.BeginScript(c.text, "#Std:Create Target", op); IF lbrBeg >= 0 THEN a := InsertionAttr(c, rbrBeg); c.text.Delete(rbrBeg, rbrEnd); right := dir.NewTarget(""); w.SetPos(rbrBeg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; w.WriteView(right, 0, 0); a := InsertionAttr(c, lbrBeg); c.text.Delete(lbrBeg, lbrEnd); left := dir.NewTarget(ident); w.SetPos(lbrBeg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; w.WriteView(left, 0, 0) ELSE (* selection is unformatted and used as target text *) c.GetSelection(beg, end); a := InsertionAttr(c, beg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; right := dir.NewTarget(""); w.SetPos(end); w.WriteView(right, 0, 0); left := dir.NewTarget("dummy"); left.ident[0] := 0X; w.SetPos(beg); w.WriteView(left, 0, 0); END; Models.EndScript(c.text, op); IF lbrBeg < 0 THEN OpenProperties(left, right, c, "#Std:Target", left.ident, -1, {kind, cmd}) END END END CreateTarget; PROCEDURE ShowTarget* (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; left, right: Target; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL); REPEAT rd.ReadView(v) UNTIL rd.eot OR (v # NIL) & (v IS Target) & v(Target).leftSide & (v(Target).ident^ = ident); IF ~rd.eot THEN GetTargetPair(v(Target), left, right); IF (left # NIL) & (right # NIL) THEN beg := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); end := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1; c.SetSelection(beg, end); c.view.SetOrigin(beg, 0) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:Target Not Found", ident, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:Target Not Found", ident, "", "") END END END ShowTarget; (* programming interface *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewLink (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR): Link; VAR link: Link; i: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(link); link.leftSide := cmd # ""; IF link.leftSide THEN i := 0; WHILE cmd[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; NEW(link.cmd, i + 1); link.cmd^ := cmd$ ELSE link.cmd := NIL END; link.close := ifShiftDown; RETURN link END NewLink; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewTarget (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR): Target; VAR t: Target; i: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(t); t.leftSide := ident # ""; IF t.leftSide THEN i := 0; WHILE ident[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; NEW(t.ident, i + 1); t.ident^ := ident$ ELSE t.ident := NIL END; RETURN t END NewTarget; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR font: Fonts.Font; d: StdDirectory; PROCEDURE DefaultAppearance; BEGIN font := Fonts.dir.Default(); iconFont := font.typeface; linkLeft := "=>"; linkRight := "<="; targetLeft := ">>"; targetRight := "<<"; coloredBackg := TRUE END DefaultAppearance; BEGIN NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d; IF (Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows) & ~ Dialog.isWine THEN iconFont := "Wingdings"; font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, 10*Fonts.point (*arbitrary*), {}, Fonts.normal); IF font.IsAlien() THEN DefaultAppearance ELSE (* high byte F0 required for Russian Windows versions *) linkLeft := 0F0F6X; linkRight := 0F0F5X; (* "烶" "烵" *) targetLeft := 0F0A4X; targetRight := 0F0A1X; (* "炤" "炡" *) coloredBackg := FALSE END ELSE DefaultAppearance END; NEW(cleaner); dialog.close.SetResources("#Std:links") END Init; BEGIN Init END StdLinks.
MODULE StdLoader; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20141027, center #19, adding 16-bit Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT S := SYSTEM, Kernel, Files; CONST done = Kernel.done; fileNotFound = Kernel.fileNotFound; syntaxError = Kernel.syntaxError; objNotFound = Kernel.objNotFound; illegalFPrint = Kernel.illegalFPrint; cyclicImport = Kernel.cyclicImport; noMem = Kernel.noMem; descNotFound = -1; OFdir = "Code"; SYSdir = "System"; initMod = "Init"; OFtag = 6F4F4346H; (* meta interface consts *) mConst = 1; mTyp = 2; mVar = 3; mProc = 4; mField = 5; mBool = 1; mChar = 2; mLChar = 3; mSInt = 4; mInt = 5; mLInt = 6; mReal = 7; mLReal = 8; mSet = 9; mString = 10; mLString = 11; mRecord = 1; mArray = 2; mPointer = 3; mProctyp = 4; mInternal = 1; mReadonly = 2; mPrivate = 3; mExported = 4; (* fixup types *) absolute = 100; relative = 101; copy = 102; table = 103; tableend = 104; deref = 105; halfword = 106; TYPE Name = Kernel.Name; ModSpec = POINTER TO RECORD next, link, imp: ModSpec; name: Name; file: Files.File; mod: Kernel.Module; hs, ms, ds, cs, vs: INTEGER; (* headSize, metaSize, descSize, codeSize, dataSize *) mad, dad: INTEGER (* modAdr, descAdr *) END; Hook = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.LoaderHook) END; VAR res-: INTEGER; importing-, imported-, object-: Name; inp: Files.Reader; m: Kernel.Module; PROCEDURE Error (r: INTEGER; impd, impg: ModSpec); BEGIN res := r; imported := impd.name$; IF impg # NIL THEN importing := impg.name$ END; END Error; PROCEDURE Append (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR len, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN len := LEN(s); i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; j := 0; REPEAT ch := t[j]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (i = len); s[len - 1] := 0X END Append; PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE ch OF | 041X..05AX, 0C0X..0D6X, 0D8X..0DEX, 0178X..0179X, 0181X..0182X, 0186X..0187X, 0189X..018BX, 018EX..0191X, 0193X..0194X, 0196X..0198X, 019CX..019DX, 019FX..01A0X, 01A6X..01A7X, 01A9X, 01AEX..01AFX, 01B1X..01B3X, 01B7X..01B8X, 01BCX, 01C4X..01C5X, 01C7X..01C8X, 01CAX..01CBX, 01F1X..01F2X, 01F6X..01F8X, 023AX..023BX, 023DX..023EX, 0243X..0246X, 0376X, 037FX, 0388X..038AX, 038EX..038FX, 0391X..03A1X, 03A3X..03ABX, 03CFX, 03D2X..03D4X, 03F4X, 03F9X..03FAX, 03FDX..042FX, 04C0X..04C1X, 0531X..0556X, 010A0X..010C5X, 010C7X, 010CDX, 013A0X..013F5X, 01F08X..01F0FX, 01F18X..01F1DX, 01F28X..01F2FX, 01F38X..01F3FX, 01F48X..01F4DX, 01F68X..01F6FX, 01F88X..01F8FX, 01F98X..01F9FX, 01FA8X..01FAFX, 01FB8X..01FBCX, 01FC8X..01FCCX, 01FD8X..01FDBX, 01FE8X..01FECX, 01FF8X..01FFCX, 02102X, 02107X, 0210BX..0210DX, 02110X..02112X, 02115X, 02119X..0211DX, 0212AX..0212DX, 02130X..02133X, 0213EX..0213FX, 02145X, 02160X..0216FX, 02183X, 024B6X..024CFX, 02C00X..02C2EX, 02C62X..02C64X, 02C6DX..02C70X, 02C72X, 02C75X, 02C7EX..02C80X, 02CF2X, 0A77DX..0A77EX, 0A7AAX..0A7AEX, 0A7B0X..0A7B4X, 0A7B6X, 0FF21X..0FF3AX: RETURN TRUE | 0100X..0137X, 014AX..0177X, 0184X..0185X, 01A2X..01A5X, 01ACX..01ADX, 01DEX..01EFX, 01F4X..01F5X, 01FAX..0233X, 0248X..024FX, 0370X..0373X, 0386X..0387X, 038CX..038DX, 03D8X..03EFX, 0460X..0481X, 048AX..04BFX, 04D0X..052FX, 01E00X..01E95X, 01E9EX..01EFFX, 02124X..02129X, 02C60X..02C61X, 02C82X..02CE3X, 0A640X..0A66DX, 0A680X..0A69BX, 0A722X..0A72FX, 0A732X..0A76FX, 0A780X..0A787X, 0A790X..0A793X, 0A796X..0A7A9X: RETURN ~ODD(ORD(ch)) | 0139X..0148X, 017BX..017EX, 01B5X..01B6X, 01CDX..01DCX, 0241X..0242X, 03F7X..03F8X, 04C3X..04CEX, 01F59X..01F60X, 02C67X..02C6CX, 02CEBX..02CEEX, 0A779X..0A77CX, 0A78BX..0A78EX: RETURN ODD(ORD(ch)) ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsUpper; PROCEDURE SplitName (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR head, tail: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch, lch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := name[0]; IF ch # 0X THEN REPEAT head[i] := ch; lch := ch; INC(i); ch := name[i] UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (ch = ".") OR IsUpper(ch) & ~IsUpper(lch); IF ch = "." THEN i := 0; ch := name[0] END; head[i] := 0X; j := 0; WHILE ch # 0X DO tail[j] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := name[i] END; tail[j] := 0X; IF tail = "" THEN tail := head$; head := "" END ELSE head := ""; tail := "" END END SplitName; PROCEDURE ThisObjFile (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Files.File; VAR f: Files.File; loc: Files.Locator; dir, fname: Files.Name; BEGIN SplitName(name, dir, fname); Files.dir.GetFileName(fname, Files.objType, fname); loc := Files.dir.This(dir); loc := loc.This(OFdir); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, TRUE); IF (f = NIL) & (dir = "") THEN loc := Files.dir.This(SYSdir); loc := loc.This(OFdir); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, TRUE) END; RETURN f END ThisObjFile; PROCEDURE RWord (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; y: INTEGER; BEGIN inp.ReadByte(b); y := b MOD 256; inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 100H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 10000H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); x := y + 1000000H * b END RWord; PROCEDURE RNum (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; inp.ReadByte(b); WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); inp.ReadByte(b) END; x := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y END RNum; (* inline from module Utf to avoid import *) PROCEDURE Utf8ToString (IN in: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT res: INTEGER); VAR i, j, val, max: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; PROCEDURE FormatError(); BEGIN out := in$; res := 2 (*format error*) END FormatError; BEGIN ch := in[0]; i := 1; j := 0; max := LEN(out) - 1; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (j < max) DO IF ch < 80X THEN out[j] := ch; INC(j) ELSIF ch < 0E0X THEN val := ORD(ch) - 192; IF val < 0 THEN FormatError; RETURN END ; ch := in[i]; INC(i); val := val * 64 + ORD(ch) - 128; IF (ch < 80X) OR (ch >= 0E0X) THEN FormatError; RETURN END ; out[j] := CHR(val); INC(j) ELSIF ch < 0F0X THEN val := ORD(ch) - 224; ch := in[i]; INC(i); val := val * 64 + ORD(ch) - 128; IF (ch < 80X) OR (ch >= 0E0X) THEN FormatError; RETURN END ; ch := in[i]; INC(i); val := val * 64 + ORD(ch) - 128; IF (ch < 80X) OR (ch >= 0E0X) THEN FormatError; RETURN END ; out[j] := CHR(val); INC(j) ELSE FormatError; RETURN END ; ch := in[i]; INC(i) END; out[j] := 0X; IF ch = 0X THEN res := 0 (*ok*) ELSE res := 1 (*truncated*) END END Utf8ToString; PROCEDURE RName (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR b: BYTE; i, n, res: INTEGER; s: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN i := 0; n := LEN(name) - 1; inp.ReadByte(b); WHILE (i < n) & (b # 0) DO s[i] := SHORT(CHR(b MOD 256)); INC(i); inp.ReadByte(b) END; WHILE b # 0 DO inp.ReadByte(b) END; s[i] := 0X; Utf8ToString(s, name, res); ASSERT(res = 0) END RName; PROCEDURE Fixup (adr: INTEGER; mod: ModSpec); VAR link, offset, linkadr, t, n, x, low, hi: INTEGER; BEGIN RNum(link); WHILE link # 0 DO RNum(offset); WHILE link # 0 DO IF link > 0 THEN linkadr := mod.mad + mod.ms + link ELSE link := -link; IF link < mod.ms THEN linkadr := mod.mad + link ELSE linkadr := mod.dad + link - mod.ms END END; S.GET(linkadr, x); t := x DIV 1000000H; n := (x + 800000H) MOD 1000000H - 800000H; IF t = absolute THEN x := adr + offset ELSIF t = relative THEN x := adr + offset - linkadr - 4 ELSIF t = copy THEN S.GET(adr + offset, x) ELSIF t = table THEN x := adr + n; n := link + 4 ELSIF t = tableend THEN x := adr + n; n := 0 ELSIF t = deref THEN S.GET(adr+2, x); INC(x, offset); ELSIF t = halfword THEN x := adr + offset; low := (x + 8000H) MOD 10000H - 8000H; hi := (x - low) DIV 10000H; S.GET(linkadr + 4, x); S.PUT(linkadr + 4, x DIV 10000H * 10000H + low MOD 10000H); x := x * 10000H + hi MOD 10000H ELSE Error(syntaxError, mod, NIL) END; S.PUT(linkadr, x); link := n END; RNum(link) END END Fixup; PROCEDURE ReadHeader (mod: ModSpec); VAR n, p: INTEGER; name: Name; imp, last: ModSpec; BEGIN mod.file := ThisObjFile(mod.name); IF (mod.file = NIL) & (mod.link # NIL) THEN (* try closing importing obj file *) mod.link.file.Close; mod.link.file := NIL; mod.file := ThisObjFile(mod.name) END; IF mod.file # NIL THEN inp := mod.file.NewReader(inp); IF inp # NIL THEN inp.SetPos(0); RWord(n); RWord(p); IF (n = OFtag) & (p = Kernel.processor) THEN RWord(mod.hs); RWord(mod.ms); RWord(mod.ds); RWord(mod.cs); RWord(mod.vs); RNum(n); RName(name); IF name = mod.name THEN mod.imp := NIL; last := NIL; WHILE n > 0 DO NEW(imp); RName(imp.name); IF last = NIL THEN mod.imp := imp ELSE last.next := imp END; last := imp; imp.next := NIL; DEC(n) END ELSE Error(fileNotFound, mod, NIL) END ELSE Error(syntaxError, mod, NIL) END ELSE Error(noMem, mod, NIL) END ELSE Error(fileNotFound, mod, NIL) END END ReadHeader; PROCEDURE ReadModule (mod: ModSpec); TYPE BlockPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] 1000000H OF BYTE; VAR imptab, x, fp, ofp, opt, a: INTEGER; name: Name; dp, mp: BlockPtr; imp: ModSpec; obj: Kernel.Object; BEGIN IF mod.file = NIL THEN mod.file := ThisObjFile(mod.name) END; inp := mod.file.NewReader(inp); IF inp # NIL THEN inp.SetPos(mod.hs); Kernel.AllocModMem(mod.ds, mod.ms + mod.cs + mod.vs, mod.dad, mod.mad); IF (mod.dad # 0) & (mod.mad # 0) THEN dp := S.VAL(BlockPtr, mod.dad); mp := S.VAL(BlockPtr, mod.mad); inp.ReadBytes(mp^, 0, mod.ms); inp.ReadBytes(dp^, 0, mod.ds); inp.ReadBytes(mp^, mod.ms, mod.cs); mod.mod := S.VAL(Kernel.Module, mod.dad); Fixup(S.ADR(Kernel.NewRec), mod); Fixup(S.ADR(Kernel.NewArr), mod); Fixup(mod.mad, mod); Fixup(mod.dad, mod); Fixup(mod.mad + mod.ms, mod); Fixup(mod.mad + mod.ms + mod.cs, mod); imp := mod.imp; imptab := S.VAL(INTEGER, mod.mod.imports); WHILE (res = done) & (imp # NIL) DO RNum(x); WHILE (res <= done) & (x # 0) DO RName(name); RNum(fp); opt := 0; IF imp.mod # NIL THEN IF name = "" THEN obj := Kernel.ThisDesc(imp.mod, fp) ELSE obj := Kernel.ThisObject(imp.mod, name) END; IF (obj # NIL) & (obj.id MOD 16 = x) THEN ofp := obj.fprint; IF x = mTyp THEN RNum(opt); IF ODD(opt) THEN ofp := obj.offs END; IF (opt > 1) & (obj.id DIV 16 MOD 16 # mExported) THEN Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$ END; Fixup(S.VAL(INTEGER, obj.struct), mod) ELSIF x = mVar THEN Fixup(imp.mod.varBase + obj.offs, mod) ELSIF x = mProc THEN Fixup(imp.mod.procBase + obj.offs, mod) END; IF ofp # fp THEN Error(illegalFPrint, imp, mod); object := name$ END ELSIF name # "" THEN Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$ ELSE Error(descNotFound, imp, mod); (* proceed to find failing named object *) RNum(opt); Fixup(0, mod) END ELSE (* imp is dll *) IF x IN {mVar, mProc} THEN a := Kernel.ThisDllObj(x, fp, imp.name, name); IF a # 0 THEN Fixup(a, mod) ELSE Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$ END ELSIF x = mTyp THEN RNum(opt); RNum(x); IF x # 0 THEN Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$ END END END; RNum(x) END; S.PUT(imptab, imp.mod); INC(imptab, 4); imp := imp.next END; IF res # done THEN Kernel.DeallocModMem(mod.ds, mod.ms + mod.cs + mod.vs, mod.dad, mod.mad); mod.mod := NIL END ELSE Error(noMem, mod, NIL) END ELSE Error(noMem, mod, NIL) END; mod.file.Close; mod.file := NIL END ReadModule; PROCEDURE LoadMod (mod: ModSpec); VAR i: ModSpec; ok: BOOLEAN; j: INTEGER; BEGIN importing := ""; imported := ""; object := ""; i := mod; WHILE (i.link # NIL) & (i.link.name # mod.name) DO i := i.link END; IF i.link = NIL THEN ReadHeader(mod) ELSE Error(cyclicImport, i, i.link) END; i := mod.imp; WHILE (res = done) & (i # NIL) DO (* get imported module *) IF i.name = "$$" THEN i.name := "Kernel" END; IF i.name[0] = "$" THEN (* dll *) j := 1; WHILE i.name[j] # 0X DO i.name[j - 1] := i.name[j]; INC(j) END; i.name[j - 1] := 0X; Kernel.LoadDll(i.name, ok); IF ~ok THEN Error(fileNotFound, i, NIL) END ELSE i.mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(i.name); (* loaded module *) IF i.mod = NIL THEN i.link := mod; LoadMod(i) END (* new module *) END; i := i.next END; IF res = done THEN mod.mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(mod.name); (* guaranties uniqueness *) IF mod.mod = NIL THEN ReadModule(mod); IF res = done THEN Kernel.RegisterMod(mod.mod); res := done END END END; IF res = descNotFound THEN res := objNotFound; object := "<TypeDesc>" END; IF object # "" THEN Append(imported, "."); Append(imported, object); object := "" END END LoadMod; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) ThisMod (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Kernel.Module; VAR m: Kernel.Module; ms: ModSpec; BEGIN res := done; m := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(name); IF m = NIL THEN NEW(ms); ms.link := NIL; ms.name := name$; LoadMod(ms); m := ms.mod; inp := NIL (* free last file *) END; h.res := res; h.importing := importing$; h.imported := imported$; h.object := object$; RETURN m END ThisMod; PROCEDURE Init; VAR h: Hook; BEGIN NEW(h); Kernel.SetLoaderHook(h) END Init; BEGIN Init; (* m := Kernel.ThisMod("Init"); IF res # 0 THEN CASE res OF | fileNotFound: Append(imported, ": code file not found") | syntaxError: Append(imported, ": corrupted code file") | objNotFound: Append(imported, " not found") | illegalFPrint: Append(imported, ": wrong fingerprint") | cyclicImport: Append(imported, ": cyclic import") | noMem: Append(imported, ": not enough memory") ELSE Append(imported, ": loader error") END; IF res IN {objNotFound, illegalFPrint, cyclicImport} THEN Append(imported, " (imported from "); Append(imported, importing); Append(imported, ")") END; Kernel.FatalError(res, imported) END *) END StdLoader.
MODULE StdLog; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20160408, center #111, code cleanups - 20210225, dia, reduce HostDialog dependency " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Log, Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Dialog, StdDialog, TextModels, TextMappers, TextRulers, TextViews, TextControllers; CONST (** IntForm base **) charCode* = TextMappers.charCode; decimal* = TextMappers.decimal; hexadecimal* = TextMappers.hexadecimal; (** IntForm showBase **) hideBase* = TextMappers.hideBase; showBase* = TextMappers.showBase; mm = Ports.mm; TYPE ShowHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.ShowHook) END; LogHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Log.Hook) END; VAR logAlerts: BOOLEAN; text-, buf-: TextModels.Model; defruler-: TextRulers.Ruler; dir-: TextViews.Directory; out, subOut: TextMappers.Formatter; showHook: ShowHook; PROCEDURE Flush; BEGIN text.Append(buf); Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()) END Flush; PROCEDURE Char* (ch: CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteChar(ch); Flush END Char; PROCEDURE Int* (i: LONGINT); BEGIN out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteInt(i); Flush END Int; PROCEDURE Real* (x: REAL); BEGIN out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteReal(x); Flush END Real; PROCEDURE String* (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteString(str); Flush END String; PROCEDURE Bool* (x: BOOLEAN); BEGIN out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteBool(x); Flush END Bool; PROCEDURE Set* (x: SET); BEGIN out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteSet(x); Flush END Set; PROCEDURE IntForm* (x: LONGINT; base, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN); BEGIN out.WriteIntForm(x, base, minWidth, fillCh, showBase); Flush END IntForm; PROCEDURE RealForm* (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteRealForm(x, precision, minW, expW, fillCh); Flush END RealForm; PROCEDURE Tab*; BEGIN out.WriteTab; Flush END Tab; PROCEDURE Ln*; BEGIN out.WriteLn; Flush; TextViews.ShowRange(text, text.Length(), text.Length(), TextViews.any) END Ln; PROCEDURE Para*; BEGIN out.WritePara; Flush; TextViews.ShowRange(text, text.Length(), text.Length(), TextViews.any) END Para; PROCEDURE View* (v: Views.View); BEGIN out.WriteView(v); Flush END View; PROCEDURE ViewForm* (v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteViewForm(v, w, h); Flush END ViewForm; PROCEDURE ParamMsg* (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteParamMsg(msg, p0, p1, p2); Flush END ParamMsg; PROCEDURE Msg* (IN msg: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteMsg(msg); Flush END Msg; PROCEDURE^ Open*; PROCEDURE (hook: ShowHook) ShowParamMsg (IN s, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN (*IF Dialog.showsStatus THEN Dialog.ShowParamStatus(s, p0, p1, p2); IF logAlerts THEN ParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2); Ln END ELSE*) IF logAlerts THEN Open; ParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2); Ln ELSE IF ~(Dialog.defShowHook IS ShowHook) THEN Dialog.defShowHook.ShowParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2) END END (*END*) END ShowParamMsg; PROCEDURE (hook: ShowHook) ShowParamStatus (IN s, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN IF ~(Dialog.defShowHook IS ShowHook) THEN Dialog.defShowHook.ShowParamStatus(s, p0, p1, p2) END END ShowParamStatus; PROCEDURE NewView* (): TextViews.View; VAR v: TextViews.View; BEGIN Flush; Dialog.SetShowHook(showHook); (* attach alert dialogs *) v := dir.New(text); v.SetDefaults(TextRulers.CopyOf(defruler, Views.deep), dir.defAttr); RETURN v END NewView; PROCEDURE New*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(NewView()) END New; PROCEDURE SetDefaultRuler* (ruler: TextRulers.Ruler); BEGIN defruler := ruler END SetDefaultRuler; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: TextViews.Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Open*; VAR v: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN v := NewView(); StdDialog.Open(v, "#Dev:Log", NIL, "", NIL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()); pos := text.Length(); TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos, TextViews.any); TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos) END Open; PROCEDURE Clear*; BEGIN Models.BeginModification(Models.notUndoable, text); text.Delete(0, text.Length()); buf.Delete(0, buf.Length()); Models.EndModification(Models.notUndoable, text) END Clear; (* Sub support *) PROCEDURE Guard (o: ANYPTR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (o # NIL) & ~( (o IS TextModels.Model) & (o = text) OR (o IS Stores.Domain) & (o = text.Domain()) OR (o IS TextViews.View) & (o(TextViews.View).ThisModel() = text) ) END Guard; PROCEDURE ClearBuf; VAR subBuf: TextModels.Model; BEGIN subBuf := subOut.rider.Base(); subBuf.Delete(0, subBuf.Length()) END ClearBuf; PROCEDURE FlushBuf; VAR buf: TextModels.Model; BEGIN buf := subOut.rider.Base(); IF buf.Length() > 0 THEN IF ~Log.synch THEN Open() END; text.Append(buf) END END FlushBuf; PROCEDURE SubFlush; BEGIN IF Log.synch THEN FlushBuf; IF Log.force THEN Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()) END END; END SubFlush; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Guard* (o: ANYPTR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN Guard(o) END Guard; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) ClearBuf*; BEGIN ClearBuf END ClearBuf; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) FlushBuf*; BEGIN FlushBuf END FlushBuf; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Beep*; BEGIN Dialog.Beep END Beep; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Char* (ch: CHAR); BEGIN subOut.WriteChar(ch); SubFlush END Char; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Int* (n: LONGINT); BEGIN subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteInt(n); SubFlush END Int; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Real* (x: REAL); BEGIN subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteReal(x); SubFlush END Real; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) String* (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN subOut.WriteString(str); SubFlush END String; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Bool* (x: BOOLEAN); BEGIN subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteBool(x); SubFlush END Bool; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Set* (x: SET); BEGIN subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteSet(x); SubFlush END Set; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) IntForm* (x: LONGINT; base, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN); BEGIN subOut.WriteIntForm(x, base, minWidth, fillCh, showBase); SubFlush END IntForm; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) RealForm* (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR); BEGIN subOut.WriteRealForm(x, precision, minW, expW, fillCh); SubFlush END RealForm; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Tab*; BEGIN subOut.WriteTab; SubFlush END Tab; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Ln*; BEGIN subOut.WriteLn; SubFlush; IF Log.synch THEN Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()) END END Ln; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Para*; BEGIN subOut.WritePara; SubFlush; IF Log.synch THEN Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()) END END Para; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) View* (v: ANYPTR); BEGIN IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Views.View) THEN subOut.WriteView(v(Views.View)); SubFlush END END View; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) ViewForm* (v: ANYPTR; w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Views.View) THEN subOut.WriteViewForm(v(Views.View), w, h); SubFlush END END ViewForm; PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) ParamMsg* (IN s, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR msg: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF logAlerts THEN IF Log.synch THEN Open END; Dialog.MapParamString(s, p0, p1, p2, msg); i := 0; ch := msg[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO IF ch = TextModels.line THEN subOut.WriteLn ELSIF ch = TextModels.para THEN subOut.WritePara ELSIF ch = TextModels.tab THEN subOut.WriteTab ELSIF ch >= " " THEN subOut.WriteChar(ch) END; INC(i); ch := msg[i]; END; subOut.WriteLn; SubFlush ELSE Dialog.defShowHook.ShowParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2) END END ParamMsg; PROCEDURE AttachSubLog; VAR h: LogHook; BEGIN subOut.ConnectTo(TextModels.dir.New()); NEW(h); Log.SetHook(h); END AttachSubLog; PROCEDURE DetachSubLog; BEGIN Log.SetHook(NIL); END DetachSubLog; PROCEDURE Init; VAR font: Fonts.Font; p: TextRulers.Prop; x: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; BEGIN logAlerts := TRUE; (* logReports := FALSE; *) text := TextModels.dir.New(); buf := TextModels.CloneOf(text); out.ConnectTo(buf); font := TextModels.dir.attr.font; defruler := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.SetRight(defruler, 80*mm); dir := TextViews.dir; NEW(showHook) END Init; BEGIN Init; AttachSubLog CLOSE DetachSubLog; END StdLog.
MODULE StdMenus; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Anton Dmitriev, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - " issues = " - " **) IMPORT Kernel, Views, Models, Ports, Controllers, Properties, Fonts, Dialog, Services, Stores, StdCFrames, StdDialog, StdMenuTool, Containers, StdDocuments, Strings; CONST version = 0; hidden* = "-"; (* items with this label are not shown in the menu *) mm = Ports.mm; (* Safe actions *) guardA = 1; executeA = 2; (* Item status *) itTrappedDbg = 0; itFailedDbg = 1; itTrapped = 2; itFailed = 3; itHidden = 4; itSeparator = 5; itRelabelled = 6; itDefault = 7; (* key codes *) ENTER = 0DX; ESC = 1BX; DL = 14X; DR = 15X; (* DU = 16X; DD = 17X; *) AL = 1CX; AR = 1DX; AU = 1EX; AD = 1FX; (* MainMenuUpdateMsg.what *) menuUpdate = 0; targetTypeNameChange = 1; cleanup = 100; (** cf. VAR executions *) allocKey = "#Std:AllocatedMemory"; totalKey = "#Std:Total"; byteKey = "#Std:Bytes"; actionsKey = "#Std:ActionsInTheQueue"; useSeparators = TRUE; TYPE Item = POINTER TO RECORD (StdDialog.Item) par: Dialog.Par; failed, trapped: BOOLEAN; (* Guard failed (# trapped) *) code: INTEGER; (* shortcut key code, may be host-specific *) mod: SET; (* shortcut modifiers *) END; Model = POINTER TO RECORD first: Item; label: Dialog.String; typeName: Stores.TypeName; link: Model; era: INTEGER END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) paramEra: INTEGER; (* synch with Param *) menu: Model; main: LineView; focus: Item; (* focused item, may be NIL *) era: INTEGER; (* (.menu.era = .era) = view synchronized with .menu *) link: View; cache: RECORD wid, hei: INTEGER END; END; LineView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) main: Model; first, active, dropped: View; removed: LONGINT; focussed: BOOLEAN; (* because the main menu never lies on the front path, the frames it is displayed in never have .front sent. So, when the main menu becomes focussed/defocussed, it has to remember this fact. This is done with .focussed and in handling of Controllers.MarkMsg *) END; SafeAction = RECORD (Services.SafeAction) what: INTEGER; item: Item END; Param* = POINTER TO RECORD typeface*: Fonts.Typeface; size*: INTEGER; check*: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font; itemH, separH, checkW, asc, dsc, margin, (* margin between label and menu item boundary *) initX (* init horizontal position to start draw of line menu *) : INTEGER; color*, colorLine*, bgColor*, bgColorLine*, disabledColor*, focusColorLine*, shortcutColor*, focusColor*, focusBg*, focusBgLine*, statusBg*, statusColor*: Ports.Color; debug*: BOOLEAN; era: INTEGER; Init-, InitDefaults-: PROCEDURE (p: ANYPTR) END; Directory = POINTER TO RECORD (StdMenuTool.Directory) main, this: Model; last: Item; END; ControlledTrackMsg = RECORD (Controllers.CursorMessage) END; MainMenuUpdateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) what: INTEGER END; DropMenuMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) END; (** Asks LineView to drop menu for dropReq.menu *) Actor = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; StatusBarUpdater = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) bar: StatusBar; END; StatusBar = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) updater: StatusBarUpdater; END; VAR dir: Directory; status-: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; param*: Param; updateStatusBar: BOOLEAN; metrics: RECORD alloc, used: INTEGER END; metricsStr, allocStr, totalStr, byteStr, actionsStr: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; trappedLbl, failedLbl: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; main: Model; targetTypeName: Stores.TypeName; actor: Actor; executions: INTEGER; (** menu item execution counter to do Kernel.Cleanup every cleanup executions *) dropReq: RECORD (* for handling Alt+CHAR menu activation requests *) item: Item; (* 'orphaned' item used to drop a main menu when Alt+CHAR is pressed *) menu: Model; (* main menu that is to be dropped *) END; executeItem: Item; PROCEDURE Hidden (m: Model): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (m.label = '*') OR (m.typeName # '') & (m.typeName # targetTypeName) END Hidden; PROCEDURE NextShownModel (m: Model): Model; BEGIN WHILE (m # NIL) & Hidden(m) DO m := m.link END; RETURN m END NextShownModel; PROCEDURE (h: Directory) FirstMatch* (VAR m: StdMenuTool.ShortcutMatcher): StdDialog.Item; VAR n: Model; it: Item; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN n := NextShownModel(main); it := n.first; WHILE (it # NIL) & ~m.Match(it, it.code, it.mod) DO IF it.next # NIL THEN it := it.next(Item) ELSIF n # NIL THEN n := NextShownModel(n.link); IF n # NIL THEN it := n.first ELSE it := NIL END ELSE it := NIL END END; IF (it = NIL) THEN n := NextShownModel(main); REPEAT i := -1; REPEAT INC(i); ch := n.label[i] UNTIL (ch = '&') OR (ch = 0X); IF ch = '&' THEN ch := n.label[i + 1] END; IF m.Match(NIL, ORD(ch), { Controllers.pick }) THEN it := dropReq.item; dropReq.menu := n END; n := NextShownModel(n.link) UNTIL (it # NIL) OR (n = NIL) END; RETURN it END FirstMatch; PROCEDURE (VAR a: SafeAction) Do; VAR failed_, ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(a.item # NIL, 20); IF a.what = guardA THEN StdDialog.CheckFilter(a.item, failed_, ok, a.item.par); a.item.failed := ~ok ELSIF a.what = executeA THEN StdDialog.HandleItem(a.item) ELSE HALT(21) END END Do; PROCEDURE Prepare (v: View); VAR it: Item; guard: SafeAction; m: Model; BEGIN m := v.menu; guard.what := guardA; it := m.first; WHILE it # NIL DO IF it.item^ # '' THEN IF it.filter^ # "" THEN guard.item := it; IF param.debug THEN StdDialog.ClearGuards(it); Services.Try(guard); it.trapped := guard.trapped ELSIF ~it.trapped & ~it.failed THEN Services.Try(guard); it.trapped := guard.trapped END; IF ~it.trapped & ~it.failed & (it.par.label # "-") & (it.par.label # it.item^) THEN Dialog.MapString(it.par.label, it.par.label) END END END; IF it.next = NIL THEN it := NIL ELSE it := it.next(Item) END END; INC(m.era) END Prepare; (* View *) PROCEDURE ItemStatus (it: Item): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF param.debug & it.trapped THEN res := itTrappedDbg ELSIF param.debug & it.failed THEN res := itFailedDbg ELSIF it.trapped THEN res := itTrapped ELSIF it.failed THEN res := itFailed ELSIF it.par.label = hidden THEN res := itHidden ELSIF it.item^ = '' THEN res := itSeparator ELSIF it.par.label # '' THEN res := itRelabelled ELSE res := itDefault END; RETURN res END ItemStatus; PROCEDURE LabelWidth (lbl: ARRAY OF CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font): INTEGER; VAR amp, i: INTEGER; under: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := -1; REPEAT INC(i); ch := lbl[i] UNTIL (ch = '&') OR (ch = 0X); IF ch = '&' THEN amp := i; REPEAT INC(i); ch := lbl[i]; lbl[i - 1] := ch UNTIL ch = 0X ELSE amp := -1 END; RETURN fnt.StringWidth(lbl) END LabelWidth; PROCEDURE PrepareLabelAnsShortcut (it: Item; OUT label, shortcut: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR str: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; i, j, len: INTEGER; BEGIN str := it.shortcut$; label := it.par.label$; IF str[0] = 0X THEN i:=0; len := LEN(label$); WHILE (i < len) & (label[i] # 09X) DO INC(i) END; IF label[i] = 09X THEN j := 0; label[i] := 0X; INC(i); WHILE i < len DO shortcut[j] := label[i]; INC(i); INC(j) END; shortcut[j] := 0X; ELSE shortcut := "" END ELSIF (str[0] # "F") & (str[0] # "*") THEN IF str$ = " " THEN str := "Space" END; shortcut := "Ctrl+" + str$; ELSIF str[0] = "*" THEN shortcut := "Ctrl+Shift" + str$; shortcut[10] := "+"; ELSE shortcut := str$ END; END PrepareLabelAnsShortcut; PROCEDURE Bounds (v: View; OUT w, h: INTEGER); VAR it: Item; m: Model; label, shortcut: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; items, separators, lw, kw: INTEGER; (* max label width and key width *) BEGIN m := v.menu; IF (param.era # v.paramEra) OR (m.era # v.era) THEN v.era := m.era; lw := 0; kw := 0; items := 0; separators := 0; it := m.first; WHILE it # NIL DO (* optimize! *) CASE ItemStatus(it) OF | itTrappedDbg: lw := MAX(lw, param.font.StringWidth(trappedLbl)); INC(items) | itFailedDbg: lw := MAX(lw, param.font.StringWidth(failedLbl)); INC(items) | itHidden: | itSeparator: INC(separators) | itRelabelled: PrepareLabelAnsShortcut(it, label, shortcut); INC(items); lw := MAX(lw, LabelWidth(label, param.font)); kw := MAX(kw, LabelWidth(shortcut, param.font)) | itDefault, itTrapped, itFailed: PrepareLabelAnsShortcut(it, label, shortcut); INC(items); lw := MAX(lw, LabelWidth(it.item^, param.font)); kw := MAX(kw, LabelWidth(shortcut, param.font)) END; IF it.next = NIL THEN it := NIL ELSE it := it.next(Item) END END; w := 8 * Ports.mm + param.checkW + lw + kw; h := items * param.itemH + separators * param.separH; v.cache.wid := w; v.cache.hei := h ELSE w := v.cache.wid; h := v.cache.hei END END Bounds; PROCEDURE (m: View) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := param.bgColor END GetBackground; PROCEDURE ItemHeight (v: View; it: Item): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN (* v is passed as a provision for if Views will have distinct Params *) IF it.item^ = "" THEN res := param.separH ELSIF it.par.label = hidden THEN res := 0 ELSE res := param.itemH END; RETURN res END ItemHeight; PROCEDURE DrawLabel (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color; lbl: ARRAY OF CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font); VAR amp, i: INTEGER; under: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := -1; REPEAT INC(i); ch := lbl[i] UNTIL (ch = '&') OR (ch = 0X); IF ch = '&' THEN amp := i; REPEAT INC(i); ch := lbl[i]; lbl[i - 1] := ch UNTIL ch = 0X ELSE amp := -1 END; f.DrawString(x, y, col, lbl, fnt); IF amp # -1 THEN under[0] := lbl[amp]; under[1] := 0X; lbl[amp] := 0X; INC(x, fnt.StringWidth(lbl)); f.DrawLine(x, y+f.dot, x + fnt.StringWidth(under), y+f.dot, f.dot, col) END END DrawLabel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); (* vertical menu *) VAR it: Item; status, col, wid, hei, x, y: INTEGER; label, shortcut: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF v.era # v.menu.era THEN Bounds(v, x, y) END; v.context.GetSize(wid, hei); y := 0; x := 3 * mm + param.checkW; it := v.menu.first; WHILE it # NIL DO status := ItemStatus(it); IF ~it.par.disabled & ~(status IN { itSeparator, itHidden, itTrappedDbg, itFailedDbg, itTrapped, itFailed }) & (it = v.focus) THEN f.DrawRect(l, y, r, y + ItemHeight(v, it), Ports.fill, param.focusBg) END; INC(y, mm + param.asc); IF (status IN { itTrappedDbg, itFailedDbg, itTrapped, itFailed }) OR it.par.disabled THEN col := param.disabledColor ELSIF it = v.focus THEN col := param.focusColor ELSE col := param.color END; CASE status OF | itTrappedDbg: f.DrawString(x, y, param.disabledColor, trappedLbl, param.font); | itFailedDbg: f.DrawString(x, y, param.disabledColor, failedLbl, param.font) | itHidden: DEC(y, mm + param.asc) | itSeparator: INC(y, - mm - param.asc + param.separH DIV 2); f.DrawRect(0, y, wid, y + f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); INC(y, param.separH DIV 2) | itTrapped, itFailed, itRelabelled, itDefault: PrepareLabelAnsShortcut(it, label, shortcut); IF it.par.checked THEN f.DrawString(2 * mm, y, col, param.check, param.font) END; IF status = itRelabelled THEN DrawLabel(f, x, y, col, label, param.font) ELSE DrawLabel(f, x, y, col, it.item, param.font) END; f.DrawString(wid - 2 * mm - param.font.StringWidth(shortcut), y, param.shortcutColor, shortcut, param.font); ELSE HALT(20) END; IF status IN { itTrappedDbg, itFailedDbg, itTrapped, itFailed, itRelabelled, itDefault } THEN INC(y, param.dsc + mm) END; IF it.next = NIL THEN it := NIL ELSE it := it.next(Item) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE ThisDropPos (v: LineView; drop: View; OUT x, y: INTEGER); VAR d: View; BEGIN x := param.initX; d := v.first; WHILE (d # NIL) & (d # drop) DO IF ~Hidden(d.menu) THEN INC(x, param.margin * 2 + LabelWidth(d.menu.label, param.font)) END; d := d.link END; y := param.asc + param.dsc + 2 * mm END ThisDropPos; PROCEDURE ShowDropIn (ctx: Models.Context; x, y: INTEGER; drop: View; owner, revalidate: Views.View); VAR p: StdDocuments.OverlayProposal; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.frontPath); Prepare(drop); IF (revalidate # NIL) & Views.IsInvalid(revalidate) THEN Views.RevalidateView(revalidate) END; p.x := x; p.y := y; p.op := StdDocuments.show; p.view := drop; p.owner := owner; ctx.Consider(p); Controllers.ResetCurrentPath END ShowDropIn; PROCEDURE ShowDrop (v: LineView; drop: View; revalidate: Views.View); VAR x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN ThisDropPos(v, drop, x, y); ShowDropIn(v.context, x, y, drop, v, revalidate); v.dropped := drop END ShowDrop; PROCEDURE HideDrop (v: View); VAR p: StdDocuments.OverlayProposal; BEGIN p.op := StdDocuments.hide; v.context.Consider(p); IF v.main # NIL THEN v.main.dropped := NIL END END HideDrop; PROCEDURE DoExecute (it: Item; OUT trapped: BOOLEAN); VAR execute: SafeAction; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.frontPath); execute.what := executeA; execute.item := it; Services.Try(execute); trapped := execute.trapped; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath; INC(executions); IF executions > cleanup THEN executions := 0; Kernel.Cleanup END END DoExecute; PROCEDURE (h: Directory) Execute* (it: StdDialog.Item); VAR trapped_: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH it: Item DO DoExecute(it, trapped_) ELSE HALT(20) END END Execute; PROCEDURE ExecActive (v: View); CONST bad = { itTrapped, itTrappedDbg, itFailed, itFailedDbg, itSeparator, itHidden }; VAR p: StdDocuments.OverlayProposal; trapped: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (v.focus # NIL) & ~(ItemStatus(v.focus) IN bad) & ~v.focus.par.disabled THEN HideDrop(v); executeItem := v.focus END END ExecActive; PROCEDURE ItemAt (v: View; y: INTEGER): Item; VAR it: Item; BEGIN it := v.menu.first; REPEAT IF it # NIL THEN DEC(y, ItemHeight(v, it)); IF y > 0 THEN IF it.next = NIL THEN it := NIL ELSE it := it.next(Item) END END END UNTIL (it = NIL) OR (y <= 0); RETURN it END ItemAt; PROCEDURE NextShown (v: View): View; BEGIN WHILE (v # NIL) & Hidden(v.menu) DO v := v.link END; RETURN v END NextShown; PROCEDURE MainRight (v: LineView; dropped: BOOLEAN; revalidate: Views.View); VAR next: View; BEGIN next := NextShown(v.active.link); IF next # NIL THEN v.active := next; IF dropped THEN ShowDrop(v, v.active, revalidate) ELSE Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END END END MainRight; PROCEDURE MainLeft (v: LineView; dropped: BOOLEAN; revalidate: Views.View); VAR next, drop: View; BEGIN ASSERT(v.active # NIL); next := NextShown(v.first); ASSERT(next # NIL); (* because v.focus follows and is ~Hidden *) WHILE next # v.active DO drop := next; next := NextShown(next.link) END; IF drop # NIL THEN v.active := drop; IF dropped THEN ShowDrop(v, drop, revalidate) ELSE Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END END END MainLeft; PROCEDURE Activatable (it: Item): BOOLEAN; CONST bad = { itTrapped, itTrappedDbg, itFailed, itFailedDbg, itSeparator, itHidden }; BEGIN RETURN ~it.par.disabled & ~(ItemStatus(it) IN bad) END Activatable; PROCEDURE NextActivatable (it: StdDialog.Item): Item; VAR res: Item; BEGIN IF it # NIL THEN WHILE (it # NIL) & ~Activatable(it(Item)) DO it := it.next END; IF it = NIL THEN res := NIL ELSE res := it(Item) END END; RETURN res END NextActivatable; PROCEDURE IsShortcut (shcut, char: CHAR): BOOLEAN; (** Placeholder for complex shortcut equivalence evaluation. Returts TRUE if char is equivalent to shortcut shcut *) BEGIN RETURN Strings.Upper(shcut) = Strings.Upper(char) END IsShortcut; PROCEDURE HandleLabelShortcut (v: View; char: CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; it: Item; BEGIN REPEAT IF it = NIL THEN it := NextActivatable(v.menu.first) ELSE it := NextActivatable(it.next) END; IF it # NIL THEN i := -1; REPEAT INC(i); ch := it.item[i] UNTIL (ch = '&') OR (ch = 0X); IF ch = '&' THEN ch := it.item[i + 1] ELSE ch := 0X END END UNTIL (it = NIL) OR IsShortcut(ch, char); IF it # NIL THEN v.focus := it; ExecActive(v) END END HandleLabelShortcut; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR x, y: INTEGER; mod: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; it: Item; refocus: StdDialog.Item; BEGIN WITH | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN refocus := v.focus; IF msg.char = ESC THEN HideDrop(v) ELSIF msg.char = ENTER THEN ExecActive(v) ELSIF msg.char = AD THEN IF v.focus = NIL THEN refocus := NextActivatable(v.menu.first) ELSIF v.focus.next # NIL THEN refocus := NextActivatable(v.focus.next(Item)) END ELSIF (msg.char = AU) & (v.menu.first # v.focus) THEN it := v.menu.first; REPEAT IF Activatable(it) THEN refocus := it END; IF it.next = NIL THEN it := NIL ELSE it := it.next(Item) END UNTIL it = v.focus ELSIF (msg.char = DL) & (v.focus # v.menu.first) THEN refocus := v.menu.first ELSIF (msg.char = DR) & (v.menu.first # NIL) THEN refocus := v.menu.first; WHILE refocus.next # NIL DO refocus := refocus.next END ELSIF (msg.char = AR) & (v.main # NIL) THEN MainRight(v.main, TRUE, v) ELSIF (msg.char = AL) & (v.main # NIL) THEN MainLeft(v.main, TRUE, v) ELSE HandleLabelShortcut(v, msg.char) END; IF refocus # v.focus THEN IF refocus = NIL THEN v.focus := NIL ELSE v.focus := refocus(Item) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO v.focus := ItemAt(v, msg.y); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown); it := ItemAt(v, y); IF it # v.focus THEN v.focus := it; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END UNTIL ~isDown; ExecActive(v) | msg: ControlledTrackMsg DO REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown); it := ItemAt(v, y); IF it # v.focus THEN v.focus := it; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END UNTIL ~isDown OR ~((f.l <= x) & (x < f.r) & (f.t <= y) & (y < f.b)); IF ~isDown & ((f.l <= x) & (x < f.r) & (f.t <= y) & (y < f.b)) THEN ExecActive(v) END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO IF (f.l <= msg.x) & (msg.x < f.r) THEN it := ItemAt(v, msg.y) ELSE it := NIL END; IF it # v.focus THEN v.focus := it; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (m: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO Bounds(m, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: Properties.BoundsPref DO Bounds(m, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE | msg: StdDocuments.PanWindowPref DO msg.panWindow := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.paramEra := source.paramEra; v.menu := source.menu; v.era := source.era; v.link := source.link END END CopyFromSimpleView; (* LineView menu view *) PROCEDURE NewView (menu: Model; line: LineView): View; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.main := line; v.menu := menu; v.era := menu.era; v.cache.wid := 0; v.cache.hei := 0; RETURN v END NewView; PROCEDURE LineViewBounds (v: LineView; OUT w, h: INTEGER); VAR m: Model; BEGIN w := param.margin; m := v.first.menu; WHILE m # NIL DO IF ~Hidden(m) THEN INC(w, LabelWidth(m.label, param.font)); IF m.link # NIL THEN INC(w, param.margin * 2) END END; m := m.link END; h := 2 * mm + param.asc + param.dsc; END LineViewBounds; PROCEDURE Rebuild (v: LineView); VAR m: Model; last, drop: View; w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN v.first := NIL; v.main := main; m := main; WHILE m # NIL DO drop := NewView(m, v); IF v.first = NIL THEN v.first := drop ELSE last.link := drop END; last := drop; m := m.link END; v.active := v.first; IF (v # NIL) & (v.context # NIL) & (v.first # NIL) THEN (* TODO доделать, чтобы обновлялось окно с новым размером меню *) LineViewBounds(v, w, h); v.context.SetSize(w, h); END; END Rebuild; PROCEDURE IsAnyDropped (v: LineView): BOOLEAN; VAR p: StdDocuments.OverlayProposal; d: View; BEGIN p.op := StdDocuments.poll; v.context.Consider(p); IF p.view # NIL THEN d := v.first; WHILE (d # NIL) & (d # p.view) DO d := d.link END END; RETURN d # NIL END IsAnyDropped; PROCEDURE IsDroppedMenu (line: LineView; drop: View): BOOLEAN; (** Returns TRUE if drop, a drop menu view in line, is dropped*) VAR p: StdDocuments.OverlayProposal; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(line # NIL, 20); ASSERT(drop # NIL, 21); p.op := StdDocuments.poll; line.context.Consider(p); IF (p.view # NIL) & (p.view IS View) THEN res := drop.menu = p.view(View).menu ELSE res := FALSE END; RETURN res END IsDroppedMenu; PROCEDURE (v: LineView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); (* horisontal *) VAR m: Model; col, x, z, w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF v.main # main THEN Rebuild(v) END; x := param.initX; m := v.first.menu; WHILE (m # NIL) & (x < r) DO IF ~Hidden(m) THEN w := LabelWidth(m.label, param.font); z := x + w + 2 * param.margin; IF (v.active # NIL) & (m = v.active.menu) THEN IF f.mark OR IsAnyDropped(v) THEN col := param.focusColorLine; f.DrawRect(x, t, z, b, Ports.fill, param.focusBgLine) ELSE col := param.colorLine END ELSE col := param.colorLine END; IF (l <= x) & (x < r) OR (l <= z) & (z < r) THEN DrawLabel(f, x + param.margin, 1 * mm + param.asc, col, m.label, param.font) END; x := z END; m := m.link END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: LineView) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR u: View; BEGIN WITH msg: MainMenuUpdateMsg DO IF msg.what = menuUpdate THEN Rebuild(v) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: DropMenuMsg DO IF dropReq.menu # NIL THEN u := v.first; WHILE (u # NIL) & (u.menu # dropReq.menu) DO u := u.link END; IF u # NIL THEN v.active := u; ShowDrop(v, u, v) END END | msg: StdDocuments.RemoveOverlayMsg DO v.removed := Services.Ticks() ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (v: LineView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO LineViewBounds(v, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: StdDocuments.PanWindowPref DO msg.panWindow := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE ThisDrop (v: LineView; x, y: INTEGER): View; VAR r: INTEGER; next, drop: View; BEGIN r := 0; next := v.first; REPEAT drop := next; IF (drop # NIL) THEN IF ~Hidden(drop.menu) THEN INC(r, LabelWidth(drop.menu.label, param.font) + param.margin * 2) END; next := drop.link END; UNTIL (next = NIL) OR (r >= x); IF r < x THEN drop := NIL END; RETURN drop END ThisDrop; PROCEDURE (v: LineView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR drop: View; x, y: INTEGER; mod: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; close: View; ctm: ControlledTrackMsg; op: StdDocuments.OverlayProposal; BEGIN WITH | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO IF IsAnyDropped(v) THEN drop := ThisDrop(v, msg.x, msg.y); IF (drop # NIL) & (drop # v.active) THEN v.active := drop; ShowDrop(v, drop, v); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO x := msg.x; y := msg.y; close := ThisDrop(v, x, y); IF (Services.Ticks() - v.removed > Services.resolution DIV 10) OR (v.dropped # close) THEN close := NIL END; REPEAT IF y < f.b THEN drop := ThisDrop(v, x, y); IF drop # NIL THEN IF (drop # v.active) OR ~IsDroppedMenu(v, drop) THEN v.active := drop; ShowDrop(v, drop, v); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END ELSE IF IsAnyDropped(v) THEN HideDrop(v.dropped); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END; v.active := NIL END ELSIF v.active # NIL THEN (* fwd to dropped menu *) (*focus := v.active doesn't work and doesn't fit*) op.op := StdDocuments.pollFrame; op.frame := f; v.active.context.Consider(op); IF op.frame # NIL THEN ctm.x := x - (op.frame.gx - f.gx); ctm.y := y - (op.frame.gy - f.gy); IF (op.frame.l <= ctm.x) & (ctm.x < op.frame.r) & (op.frame.t <= ctm.y) & (ctm.y < op.frame.b) THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(op.frame, ctm) END END END; IF (f # NIL) & (f.rider # NIL) THEN f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown) ELSE isDown := FALSE END UNTIL ~isDown; IF (close # NIL) & (close = v.active) THEN HideDrop(close) END | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN IF (msg.char = AR) & (v.active # NIL) & (v.active.link # NIL) THEN MainRight(v, FALSE, v) ELSIF (msg.char = AL) & (v.active # NIL) THEN drop := v.first; WHILE (drop # NIL) & (drop.link # v.focus) DO drop := drop.link END; IF drop # NIL THEN v.focus := drop; upd := TRUE ENDMainLeft(v, FALSE, v) ELSIF (msg.char = ENTER) OR (msg.char = AD) & (v.active # NIL) THEN ThisDropPos(v, v.active, x, y); ShowDrop(v, v.active, v) END END | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO IF msg.focus THEN IF v.focussed # msg.show THEN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END; v.focussed := msg.show; IF ~v.focussed THEN v.active := NIL END END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: LineView) GetBackground (VAR col: Ports.Color); BEGIN col := param.bgColorLine END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (lv: LineView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); VAR u, last, v: View; BEGIN WITH source: LineView DO lv.main := source.main; v := source.first; WHILE v.link # NIL DO u := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow)(View); u.main := lv; IF last = NIL THEN lv.first := u ELSE last.link := u END; last := u; v := v.link END ELSE END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE SetShortcut (it: Item); VAR j, n: INTEGER; ch, nch: CHAR; str: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; BEGIN it.code := 0; it.mod := {}; j := 0; ch := it.shortcut[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (it.code = 0) DO INC(j); nch := it.shortcut[j]; IF (ch >= "a") & (ch <= "z") THEN ch := CAP(ch) END; IF ch = "*" THEN INCL(it.mod, Controllers.extend) ELSIF ch = "^" THEN INCL(it.mod, Controllers.modify) ELSIF ch = "@" THEN INCL(it.mod, Controllers.pick) ELSIF (ch >= "A") & (ch <= "Z") OR (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") OR (ch = " ") OR (ch = "-") THEN IF (nch >= "a") & (nch <= "z") THEN nch := CAP(nch) END; IF nch = 0X THEN it.code := ORD(ch); INCL(it.mod, Controllers.modify) ELSIF StdMenuTool.encodeShortcut # NIL THEN (*str[0] := it.shortcut[j - 1]; ch := 0X;*) n := 0; DEC(j); REPEAT ch := it.shortcut[j]; str[n] := ch; INC(j); INC(n) UNTIL ch = 0X; (*WHILE nch # 0X DO str[n] := nch; INC(n); INC(j); nch := it.shortcut[j] END;*) StdMenuTool.encodeShortcut(str, it.code) END END; ch := nch END; IF it.code = -1 THEN Dialog.ShowMsg("Unrecognized shortcut: " + it.shortcut + str) END (*ASSERT(it.code # -1, 60 (* Unrecognized shortcut *)); (* need better error reporting *)*) END SetShortcut; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) AddItem (IN item, cmd, shortcut, filter: Dialog.String); VAR it: Item; n: StdDialog.Item; label: Dialog.String; BEGIN ASSERT(d.this # NIL, 20); Dialog.MapString(item, label); NEW(it); StdDialog.AddItem(it, label, cmd, filter, shortcut); SetShortcut(it); n := d.this.first; IF n = NIL THEN d.this.first := it ELSE WHILE n.next # NIL DO n := n.next END; n.next := it END; d.last := it; END AddItem; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) AddSeparator; BEGIN d.AddItem('', '', '', '') END AddSeparator; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Open (IN menuLabel: Dialog.String; IN typeName: Stores.TypeName); VAR m: Model; BEGIN NEW(m); m.era := 0; m.label := menuLabel; m.typeName := typeName; Dialog.MapString(menuLabel, m.label); IF d.main = NIL THEN d.main := m ELSE d.this.link := m END; d.this := m END Open; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Close, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) DeleteAll, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) InitMenus; VAR upd: MainMenuUpdateMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(d.main # NIL, 20); main := d.main; d.main := NIL; d.this := NIL; d.last := NIL; upd.what := menuUpdate; Views.Omnicast(upd) END InitMenus; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) PopupMenu; VAR menu: Model; found: BOOLEAN; f: Views.Frame; doc: Views.View; c: Models.Context; x, y: INTEGER; isDown_: SET; modifiers_: BOOLEAN; BEGIN menu := main; REPEAT found := (menu # NIL) & (menu.label = "*") & ((menu.typeName = targetTypeName) & (targetTypeName # '') OR (menu.typeName = '')); IF ~found THEN menu := menu.link END UNTIL found OR (menu = NIL); IF menu # NIL THEN f := Controllers.FocusFrame(); IF f # NIL THEN f := Views.UltimateRootOf(f) END; IF (f # NIL) & (f.view # NIL) THEN doc := f.view; WITH doc: StdDocuments.Document DO c := doc.ThisView().context ELSE END; IF c # NIL THEN f.Input(x, y, isDown_, modifiers_); ShowDropIn(c, x, y, NewView(menu, NIL), NIL, NIL) END END END END PopupMenu; PROCEDURE SetFocus; VAR c: Containers.Controller; f: Views.Frame; v, s: Views.View; BEGIN f := Controllers.FocusFrame(); v := f.view; WITH v: Containers.View DO c := v.ThisController(); s := c.Singleton(); IF s # NIL THEN c.SetFocus(s) END ELSE END END SetFocus; PROCEDURE HandleVerb (n: INTEGER); VAR v: Views.View; dvm: Properties.DoVerbMsg; BEGIN v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF v # NIL THEN dvm.frame := Views.ThisFrame(Controllers.FocusFrame(), v); dvm.verb := n; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, dvm) END END HandleVerb; PROCEDURE CheckVerb (v: Views.View; n: INTEGER; VAR pvm: Properties.PollVerbMsg); BEGIN pvm.verb := n; pvm.label := ""; pvm.disabled := FALSE; pvm.checked := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, pvm) END CheckVerb; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) PrimaryVerb; VAR v: Views.View; pvm: Properties.PollVerbMsg; BEGIN v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF v # NIL THEN CheckVerb(v, 0, pvm); IF pvm.label # "" THEN HandleVerb(0) ELSE SetFocus END END END PrimaryVerb; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) RevalidateGuards; (* Based on DevCmds.FlushResources *) VAR m: Model; i: StdDialog.Item; BEGIN m := main; WHILE m # NIL DO i := m.first; WHILE i # NIL DO StdDialog.ClearGuards(i); i := i.next END; m := m.link END END RevalidateGuards; PROCEDURE (a: Actor) Do; VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; upd: MainMenuUpdateMsg; it: Item; _: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF executeItem # NIL THEN it := executeItem; executeItem := NIL; DoExecute(it, _) END; Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF (main # NIL) & (ops.type # targetTypeName) THEN targetTypeName := ops.type$; upd.what := targetTypeNameChange; Views.Omnicast(upd) END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); Services.DoLater(a, Services.now) END Do; PROCEDURE AppendInt (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; n: INTEGER; useSeparators: BOOLEAN); VAR len: INTEGER; i, j: INTEGER; d: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(n >= 0, 20); i := 0; REPEAT d[i] := CHR(30H + n MOD 10); INC(i); n := n DIV 10; IF useSeparators & (i MOD 4 = 3) & (n # 0) THEN d[i] := "'"; INC(i) END UNTIL n = 0; len := LEN(s) - 1; j := 0; WHILE s[j] # 0X DO INC(j) END; IF j + i < len THEN REPEAT DEC(i); s[j] := d[i]; INC(j) UNTIL i = 0; s[j] := 0X END END AppendInt; PROCEDURE UpdateMetrics; VAR alloc, used: INTEGER; BEGIN alloc := Kernel.Allocated(); used := Kernel.Used(); IF (alloc # metrics.alloc) OR (used # metrics.used) THEN metrics.alloc := alloc; metrics.used := used; metricsStr := allocStr$; AppendInt(metricsStr, alloc, useSeparators); metricsStr := metricsStr + " " + byteStr + " | " + actionsStr + " "; AppendInt(metricsStr, Services.actionsInTheQueue, useSeparators); updateStatusBar := TRUE END END UpdateMetrics; PROCEDURE (v: StatusBar) GetBackground (VAR col: Ports.Color); BEGIN col := param.statusBg END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (v: StatusBar) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR asc, dsc, wid, w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN param.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, wid); f.DrawString(mm, mm + asc, param.statusColor, status, param.font); wid := param.font.StringWidth(metricsStr); IF Dialog.memInStatus THEN v.context.GetSize(w, h); f.DrawString(w - wid - mm, mm + asc, param.statusColor, metricsStr, param.font) END END Restore; PROCEDURE GetStatusBounds (v: StatusBar; OUT w, h: INTEGER); VAR w_: INTEGER; BEGIN param.font.GetBounds(w, h, w_); INC(h, w + 2 * mm); w := 2 * mm + param.font.StringWidth(status); IF Dialog.memInStatus THEN INC(w, param.font.StringWidth(metricsStr)) END END GetStatusBounds; PROCEDURE (v: StatusBar) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.BoundsPref DO GetStatusBounds(v, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: Properties.SizePref DO GetStatusBounds(v, msg.w, msg.h) ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (a: StatusBarUpdater) Do; BEGIN IF Dialog.memInStatus THEN UpdateMetrics END; IF updateStatusBar & (a.bar # NIL) THEN Views.Update(a.bar, Views.keepFrames); updateStatusBar := FALSE END; Services.DoLater(a, Services.immediately) END Do; PROCEDURE SetStatus* (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN status := in$; Dialog.UpdateString(status); updateStatusBar := TRUE END SetStatus; PROCEDURE DepositStatusBar*; VAR statusBar: StatusBar; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(allocKey, allocStr); Dialog.MapString(totalKey, totalStr); Dialog.MapString(byteKey, byteStr); Dialog.MapString(actionsKey, actionsStr); status := ""; metricsStr := ""; NEW(statusBar); NEW(statusBar.updater); statusBar.updater.bar := statusBar; updateStatusBar := TRUE; Views.Deposit(statusBar); (* just because it is deposited doesn't mean it will be used, so the updater is out of place *) Services.DoLater(statusBar.updater, Services.now) END DepositStatusBar; PROCEDURE NewMainLine* (): Views.View; VAR ml: LineView; BEGIN NEW(ml); ml.removed := Services.Ticks(); Rebuild(ml); RETURN ml END NewMainLine; PROCEDURE (line: LineView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(version) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (line: LineView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion_: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(version, version, thisVersion_); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN Rebuild(line) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE DropMenu*; (** Drop the menu determined by the most recently used shortcut Alt+CHAR. Used internally *) VAR msg: DropMenuMsg; BEGIN IF dropReq.menu # NIL THEN Views.Omnicast(msg) END; dropReq.menu := NIL END DropMenu; PROCEDURE InitParam (p: ANYPTR); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH p: Param DO p.font := Fonts.dir.This(p.typeface, p.size * Ports.point, {}, Fonts.normal); p.checkW := p.font.StringWidth(p.check); p.font.GetBounds(p.asc, p.dsc, w); p.itemH := 2 * Ports.mm + p.asc + p.dsc; p.separH := p.itemH DIV 2; p.margin := p.asc; p.initX := p.asc DIV 2 END END InitParam; PROCEDURE InitDefaults (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO param.typeface := StdCFrames.defaultFont.typeface; param.size := StdCFrames.defaultFont.size DIV Ports.point; IF Dialog.isWine THEN p.check := "v" ELSE p.check := "✓" END; p.bgColorLine := Ports.RGBColor(50, 50, 50); p.bgColor := Ports.RGBColor(70, 70, 70); p.color := Ports.RGBColor(220, 220, 220); p.colorLine := Ports.RGBColor(160, 160, 160); p.disabledColor := Ports.grey50; p.focusColor := Ports.black; p.focusColorLine := Ports.white; p.focusBgLine := Ports.RGBColor(70, 70, 70); p.shortcutColor := Ports.grey50; p.focusBg := Ports.RGBColor(255, 215, 50); p.statusBg := Ports.RGBColor(50, 50, 50); p.statusColor := Ports.grey25; p.debug := FALSE; p.era := 0; p.InitDefaults := InitDefaults; p.Init := InitParam; NEW(dropReq.item); StdDialog.AddItem(dropReq.item, "Fake", "StdMenus.DropMenu", "", "") END END InitDefaults; PROCEDURE HidingGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.label := hidden END HidingGuard; PROCEDURE SetFontFromDialogFont*; VAR upd: MainMenuUpdateMsg; BEGIN param.typeface := StdCFrames.defaultFont.typeface; param.size := StdCFrames.defaultFont.size DIV Ports.point; InitParam(param); INC(param.era); upd.what := menuUpdate; Views.Omnicast(upd) END SetFontFromDialogFont; PROCEDURE Install*; BEGIN NEW(dir); StdMenuTool.SetDir(dir); targetTypeName := ''; NEW(actor); Services.DoLater(actor, Services.Ticks() + 100); NEW(dir); InitParam(param); Dialog.MapString("#Tyler:Guard trapped", trappedLbl); Dialog.MapString("#Tyler:Failed to call guard", failedLbl); (* Need a laguage change notification! *) END Install; BEGIN NEW(param); InitDefaults(param) END StdMenus.
MODULE StdMenuTool; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "www.oberon.ch, blackbox.oberon.org" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Anton Dmitriev" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20150922, center #71, fix for case insensitive sort in Comp - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 202104, ad, Abstract directory introduced " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Fonts, Ports, Models, Stores, Views, Dialog, Properties, Containers, Documents, StdLinks, StdCmds, StdDialog, Strings, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextControllers; CONST char = TextMappers.char; string = TextMappers.string; keyword = 100; menuFile = "Menus"; rsrcDir = "Rsrc"; sysDir = "System"; TYPE LangNotifier = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.LangNotifier) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; ShortcutMatcher* = ABSTRACT RECORD END; VAR noerr, showerr, gen: BOOLEAN; includes: Files.LocInfo; langNotifier: LangNotifier; dir-: Directory; encodeShortcut*: PROCEDURE (IN shortcut: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT code: INTEGER); PROCEDURE (VAR m: ShortcutMatcher) Match* (it: StdDialog.Item; code: INTEGER; mod: SET): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Returns TRUE if it matches some criteria. The criteria is to be specified by extenders. This is intended to check shortcut matches - that is, check if it's shortcut matches the most recently pressed key *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) FirstMatch* (VAR m: ShortcutMatcher): StdDialog.Item, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Returns the first Item that matches some criteria thru m *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Execute* (it: StdDialog.Item), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) AddSeparator*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) AddItem* (IN item, cmd, shortcut, filter: Dialog.String), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Open* (IN menu: Dialog.String; IN category: Stores.TypeName), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Start forming a new menu *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Close*, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Finish forming the menu being formed since last Open *) (* Redundant? A next Open and final InitMenus is siffucient to detect the end of menu formation *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) DeleteAll*, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Deletes all menus and items *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) InitMenus*, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** To be called after all menu items have been entered into the menu (that is, the menu is formed) *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) RevalidateGuards*, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** All item guards that have been invalidated (failed = not found, or trapped) are made valid again *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) PopupMenu*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) PrimaryVerb*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE PopupMenu*; (* seldom referenced, could be replaced with StdMenuTool.dir.PopupMenu *) BEGIN dir.PopupMenu END PopupMenu; PROCEDURE PrimaryVerb*; (* seldom referenced, could be replaced with StdMenuTool.dir.PrimaryVerb *) BEGIN dir.PrimaryVerb END PrimaryVerb; PROCEDURE Scan (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner); VAR ch: CHAR; p: INTEGER; BEGIN s.Scan; IF s.type = string THEN p := s.rider.Pos() - 1; IF ~s.rider.eot THEN DEC(p) END; s.rider.SetPos(p); s.rider.ReadChar(ch); s.rider.Read; IF ch # '"' THEN s.type := keyword END END END Scan; PROCEDURE Comp (IN s1, s2: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; a, b: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; a := Strings.Upper(s1[0]); b := Strings.Upper(s2[0]); WHILE (a # 0X) & (a = b) DO INC(i); a := Strings.Upper(s1[i]); b := Strings.Upper(s2[i]) END; RETURN ORD(a) - ORD(b) END Comp; PROCEDURE Sort (VAR list: Files.LocInfo); VAR inc, last, i1, i2: Files.LocInfo; BEGIN inc := list; list := NIL; WHILE inc # NIL DO i1 := inc; inc := inc.next; i2 := list; last := NIL; WHILE (i2 # NIL) & (Comp(i1.name, i2.name) > 0) DO last := i2; i2 := i2.next END; IF last = NIL THEN i1.next := list; list := i1 ELSE i1.next := last.next; last.next := i1 END END END Sort; PROCEDURE ParseMenus (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; view: Views.View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name); VAR menu: Dialog.String; category: Stores.TypeName; n: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Error (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; err: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR end: INTEGER; BEGIN IF noerr & showerr THEN IF loc # NIL THEN Views.Open(view, loc, name, NIL) END; end := MAX(s.rider.Pos() - 1, s.start + 1); end := MIN(end, s.rider.Base().Length()); TextControllers.SetSelection(s.rider.Base(), s.start, end); TextViews.ShowRange(s.rider.Base(), s.start, end, TextViews.focusOnly); Dialog.ShowMsg(err) END; noerr := FALSE END Error; PROCEDURE Category (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; VAR c: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN IF (s.type = char) & (s.char = "(") THEN Scan(s); IF s.type # string THEN Error(s, "string expected") END; c := s.string$; Scan(s); IF (s.type # char) OR (s.char # ")") THEN Error(s, ") expected") END; Scan(s) ELSE c := "" END END Category; PROCEDURE Item (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner); VAR item, str, shortcut, filter: Dialog.String; BEGIN IF s.type = keyword THEN IF gen THEN dir.AddSeparator END; Scan(s) ELSE IF s.len < LEN(item) THEN item := s.string$ ELSE item := ""; Error(s, "string too long") END; IF item = "" THEN Error(s, "nonempty string expected") END; Scan(s); shortcut := ""; IF s.type = string THEN IF s.len < 8 THEN shortcut := s.string$ ELSE Error(s, "string too long") END ELSE Error(s, "string expected") END; Scan(s); IF s.type # string THEN Error(s, "string expected") END; IF s.len < LEN(str) THEN str := s.string$ ELSE str := ""; Error(s, "string too long") END; IF str = "" THEN Error(s, "nonempty string expected") END; Scan(s); IF s.type # string THEN Error(s, "string expected") END; IF s.len < LEN(str) THEN filter := s.string$ ELSE filter := ""; Error(s, "string too long") END; IF gen THEN dir.AddItem(item, str, shortcut, filter) END; Scan(s) END END Item; PROCEDURE IncludeSub (sub: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; view: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(sub); IF loc.res # 0 THEN RETURN END; loc := loc.This(rsrcDir); IF loc.res # 0 THEN RETURN END; view := Views.OldView(loc, menuFile); IF (view # NIL) & (view IS TextViews.View) THEN t := view(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(t); Scan(s); ParseMenus(s, view, loc, menuFile) END END END IncludeSub; PROCEDURE Include (sub: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR inc, last: Files.LocInfo; BEGIN IF sub = "*" THEN (* wildcard include *) IF ~gen THEN (* first pass: generate complete list *) IF includes # NIL THEN Error(s, "only one wildcard include allowed") END; includes := Files.dir.LocList(Files.dir.This("")) ELSE (* second pass: sort reduced list *) Sort(includes) END; inc := includes; WHILE (inc # NIL) & noerr DO IF Comp(inc.name, sysDir) # 0 THEN IncludeSub(inc.name) END; inc := inc.next END ELSE (* spedific includes *) IncludeSub(sub); inc := includes; last := NIL; WHILE (inc # NIL) & (Comp(inc.name, sub) # 0) DO last := inc; inc := inc.next END; IF inc # NIL THEN (* remove from wilcard list *) IF last = NIL THEN includes := inc.next ELSE last.next := inc.next END END END END Include; BEGIN n := 0; WHILE noerr & (s.type = keyword) & ((s.string = "MENU") OR (s.string = "INCLUDE")) DO IF s.string = "INCLUDE" THEN Scan(s); IF s.type # string THEN Error(s, "string expected") END; Include(s.string); Scan(s); INC(n) ELSE INC(n); Scan(s); IF s.type # string THEN Error(s, "string expected") END; menu := s.string$; IF menu = "" THEN Error(s, "nonempty string expected") END; Scan(s); Category(s, category); IF gen THEN dir.Open(menu, category) END; WHILE noerr & ((s.type = string) OR (s.type = keyword) & (s.string = "SEPARATOR")) DO Item(s) END; IF (s.type # keyword) OR (s.string # "END") THEN Error(s, "END expected") END; IF gen THEN dir.Close END; Scan(s) END END; IF (s.type # TextMappers.eot) OR (n = 0) THEN Error(s, "MENU expected") END; END ParseMenus; PROCEDURE InitNotifier; BEGIN IF langNotifier = NIL THEN NEW(langNotifier); Dialog.RegisterLangNotifier(langNotifier) END END InitNotifier; PROCEDURE UpdateFromText* (text: TextModels.Model); VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; BEGIN InitNotifier; ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); s.ConnectTo(text); s.SetPos(0); Scan(s); noerr := TRUE; showerr := FALSE; gen := FALSE; ParseMenus(s, NIL, NIL, ""); IF noerr THEN s.SetPos(0); Scan(s); gen := TRUE; dir.DeleteAll; ParseMenus(s, NIL, NIL, ""); dir.InitMenus END; includes := NIL END UpdateFromText; PROCEDURE UpdateMenus*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; BEGIN InitNotifier; t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetPos(0); Scan(s); noerr := TRUE; showerr := TRUE; gen := FALSE; ParseMenus(s, NIL, NIL, ""); IF noerr THEN s.SetPos(0); Scan(s); gen := TRUE; dir.DeleteAll; ParseMenus(s, NIL, NIL, ""); dir.InitMenus END END; includes := NIL END UpdateMenus; PROCEDURE UpdateAllMenus*; VAR view: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; loc: Files.Locator; BEGIN ASSERT(dir # NIL, 20); Dialog.FlushMappings; InitNotifier; loc := Files.dir.This(sysDir); IF loc.res # 0 THEN RETURN END; loc := loc.This(rsrcDir); IF loc.res # 0 THEN RETURN END; view := Views.OldView(loc, menuFile); IF (view # NIL) & (view IS TextViews.View) THEN t := view(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(t); Scan(s); noerr := TRUE; showerr := TRUE; gen := FALSE; ParseMenus(s, view, loc, menuFile); IF noerr THEN s.SetPos(0); Scan(s); gen := TRUE; dir.DeleteAll; ParseMenus(s, NIL, NIL, ""); dir.InitMenus ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("errors detected in menu file"); END END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("cannot open menu file") END; includes := NIL END UpdateAllMenus; PROCEDURE InsertLink (VAR w: TextMappers.Formatter; path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR a0: TextModels.Attributes; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN a0 := w.rider.attr; w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(w.rider.attr, {Fonts.underline})); w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(w.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); cmd := "StdCmds.OpenDoc('" + path + "')"; w.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); w.WriteString(path); w.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); w.rider.SetAttr(a0); END InsertLink; PROCEDURE ListAllMenus*; VAR sub: Files.LocInfo; loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; t: TextModels.Model; w: TextMappers.Formatter; path: Files.Name; v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; p: Properties.BoundsPref; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); w.ConnectTo(t); w.WriteString("Menu Files:"); w.WriteLn; w.WriteLn; path := sysDir + "/" + rsrcDir + "/" + menuFile; InsertLink(w, path); w.WriteLn; w.WriteLn; sub := Files.dir.LocList(Files.dir.This("")); Sort(sub); WHILE sub # NIL DO IF Comp(sub.name, sysDir) # 0 THEN loc := Files.dir.This(sub.name); loc := loc.This(rsrcDir); IF loc.res = 0 THEN path := menuFile; Files.dir.GetFileName(path, Files.docType, path); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, path, Files.shared); IF f # NIL THEN path := sub.name + "/" + rsrcDir + "/" + menuFile; InsertLink(w, path); w.WriteLn; END END END; sub := sub.next END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); c := v(Containers.View).ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noCaret}); p.w := Views.undefined; p.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); v := Documents.dir.New(v, p.w, p.h); Views.OpenAux(v, "All Menus") END ListAllMenus; PROCEDURE ThisMenu*; VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; c: Models.Context; v: Views.View; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF StdLinks.par # NIL THEN c := StdLinks.par.context; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO s.ConnectTo(c.ThisModel()); s.SetPos(c.Pos() + 1); s.rider.ReadView(v); (* right link view *) s.Scan; IF s.type = string THEN IF s.string = "*" THEN ListAllMenus ELSE name := s.string + "/" + rsrcDir + "/" + menuFile; StdCmds.OpenDoc(name) END END ELSE END END END ThisMenu; PROCEDURE (n: LangNotifier) Notify; BEGIN UpdateAllMenus END Notify; END StdMenuTool.
MODULE StdPictures; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20070201, bh, Unicode support - 20141215, center #23, fixing bugs in WinApi plus some refinements and extensions - 20230120, k8, half-working port to standard drawer (mac images only) - 20230211, k8, better rendering, support for fill patterns " issues = " - 20230211, k8, QuickDraw actually draws pixels at the right and bottom of the coord; it also seems to render full lines " **) IMPORT Kernel, Dialog, Files, Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST macPict = 0; winPict = 1; (* types *) minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; TYPE Model = POINTER TO RECORD file: Files.File; pos, len: INTEGER; ref: INTEGER; (* some pointer to resource like WinApi.HANDLE in WinPictures *) data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) model: Model; unit: INTEGER; w, h: INTEGER; mode: SHORTCHAR; type: BYTE END; POINT = Ports.Point; HANDLE = INTEGER; FillInfo = RECORD pat: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTINT; color, brushColor: Ports.Color; patFill, patEmpty: BOOLEAN; (* pattern type, for fill optimisations *) width: INTEGER (* for pens; <=0 means "no pen" *) END; ExternalDrawer* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; VAR drawBackRect*: BOOLEAN; doDump: BOOLEAN; externalDrawer: ExternalDrawer; PROCEDURE (ex: ExternalDrawer) Prepare* (len: INTEGER; data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (ex: ExternalDrawer) GetBytes* (ref, len: INTEGER; data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (ex: ExternalDrawer) Finalize* (ref: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (ex: ExternalDrawer) Draw* (f: Views.Frame; ref, mode, x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE SetExternalDrawer* (d: ExternalDrawer); BEGIN externalDrawer := d END SetExternalDrawer; (* Mac Pictures *) PROCEDURE ReadWord (rd: Files.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(b); x := 256 * (b MOD 256); rd.ReadByte(b); x := x + b MOD 256 END ReadWord; PROCEDURE ReadDWord (rd: Files.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR w0, w1: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, w0); ReadWord(rd, w1); x := 65536 * w1 + w0 END ReadDWord; PROCEDURE ReadI16 (rd: Files.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(b); x := 256 * (b MOD 256); rd.ReadByte(b); x := x + b MOD 256; x := (x + 32768) MOD 65536 - 32768 END ReadI16; PROCEDURE ReadByte (rd: Files.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(b); x := b END ReadByte; PROCEDURE Skip (rd: Files.Reader; n: INTEGER); BEGIN rd.SetPos(rd.Pos() + n) END Skip; PROCEDURE DrawMacPicture (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; picw, pich: INTEGER); CONST brushPen = 0; brushFill = 1; brushBack = 2; VAR rd: Files.Reader; end, len, x, y, z, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; op: INTEGER; v2, clipped: BOOLEAN; fgnd, bgnd: Ports.Color; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; size, style: INTEGER; poly, ppx: ARRAY 512 OF POINT; bt: BYTE; rl, rt, rr, rb, dl, dt, dr, db, ol, ot, or, ob, al, at, ar, ab, as, aa, gl, gt, gr, gb, ow, oh, lx, ly, tx, ty, plen: INTEGER; brushes: ARRAY 3 OF FillInfo; actBrush: INTEGER; actUsePen, actUseBrush: BOOLEAN; (*actPen, backBrush, fillBrush: FillInfo;*) curX, curY: INTEGER; font: Fonts.Font; scale: REAL; expath: ARRAY 512 OF INTEGER; expos: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Round (n: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(((n * scale) + 0.5) * f.unit)); END Round; PROCEDURE ConvertX (x: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN Round(x) END ConvertX; PROCEDURE ConvertY (y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN Round(y) END ConvertY; PROCEDURE ConvertWidth (w: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF w > 0 THEN w := MAX(f.unit, Round(w)) END; RETURN w END ConvertWidth; PROCEDURE ExInit; BEGIN expos := 0 END ExInit; PROCEDURE ExValue (v: INTEGER); BEGIN expath[expos] := v; INC(expos) END ExValue; PROCEDURE ExCommand (v: INTEGER); BEGIN ExValue(v) END ExCommand; PROCEDURE ExCoords (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN ExValue(ConvertX(x)); ExValue(ConvertY(y)) END ExCoords; PROCEDURE ExCoordsNC (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN ExValue(x); ExValue(y) END ExCoordsNC; (* PROCEDURE ExPattern (IN brush: FillInfo); VAR f: INTEGER; BEGIN IF brush.patFill THEN ExCommand(Ports.pathColor); ExValue(Ports.black) ELSIF brush.patEmpty THEN ExCommand(Ports.pathColor); ExValue(Ports.background) ELSE ExCommand(Ports.pathPattern); ExValue(Ports.black); ExValue(Ports.background); FOR f := 0 TO 7 DO ExValue(brush.pat[f]) END END END ExPattern; *) PROCEDURE Point (VAR x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN ReadI16(rd, y); ReadI16(rd, x) END Point; PROCEDURE Data (n: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN WHILE n > 0 DO rd.ReadByte(b); DEC(n) END END Data; PROCEDURE Region (VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR len: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, len); ReadI16(rd, l); ReadI16(rd, t); ReadI16(rd, r); ReadI16(rd, b); Data(len - 10) END Region; PROCEDURE Poly (VAR poly: ARRAY OF POINT; VAR len: INTEGER); VAR l, t, r, b, i: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, len); len := (len - 10) DIV 4; (* this seems to be a polygon bounds *) ReadI16(rd, l); ReadI16(rd, t); ReadI16(rd, r); ReadI16(rd, b); i := 0; WHILE i < len DO Point(poly[i].x, poly[i].y); INC(i) END END Poly; PROCEDURE Pattern (VAR brush: FillInfo); VAR i: INTEGER; b: BYTE; n: SHORTINT; isFullPat, isEmptyPat: BOOLEAN; BEGIN isFullPat := TRUE; isEmptyPat := TRUE; i := 0; WHILE i < 8 DO rd.ReadByte(b); n := SHORT(b MOD 256); brush.pat[i] := n; IF n # 0 THEN isEmptyPat := FALSE END; IF n # 255 THEN isFullPat := FALSE END; INC(i) END; brush.patFill := isFullPat; brush.patEmpty := isEmptyPat; IF isEmptyPat THEN brush.brushColor := Ports.background ELSIF isFullPat THEN brush.brushColor := Ports.black ELSE brush.brushColor := Ports.RGBColor(255, 128, 0) END END Pattern; PROCEDURE Pen (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN IF x < y THEN x := y END; (* x is width; style is "inside frame"; zero width is checked in renderers *) brushes[brushPen].width := x END Pen; PROCEDURE String (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR b: BYTE; i, len: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(b); len := b MOD 256; i := 0; WHILE i < len DO rd.ReadByte(b); (* mac to windows *) IF b >= ORD(" ") THEN s[i] := CHR(b MOD 256); INC(i) ELSE DEC(len) END END; s[i] := 0X END String; PROCEDURE PixMap (VAR rowBytes, height: INTEGER; VAR v2: BOOLEAN); VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, rowBytes); v2 := rowBytes >= 32768; ReadWord(rd, x); height := x; ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); height := x - height; ReadWord(rd, x); IF v2 THEN DEC(rowBytes, 32768); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); Point(x, y); Point(x, y); Point(x, y); Point(x, y); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x) END END PixMap; PROCEDURE ColorTab; VAR x, n: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, n); WHILE n >= 0 DO ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); DEC(n) END END ColorTab; PROCEDURE PixData (rowBytes, height: INTEGER; v2: BOOLEAN); VAR n, m: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN IF rowBytes < 8 THEN Skip(rd, rowBytes * height) ELSIF v2 THEN WHILE height > 0 DO IF rowBytes > 250 THEN ReadWord(rd, n) ELSE rd.ReadByte(b); n := b MOD 256 END; REPEAT ReadByte(rd, m); DEC(n); IF m >= 0 THEN WHILE m >= 0 DO rd.ReadByte(b); DEC(n); DEC(m) END ELSE ASSERT(m # -128, 100); rd.ReadByte(b); DEC(n) END UNTIL n <= 0; DEC(height) END ELSE WHILE height > 0 DO IF rowBytes > 250 THEN ReadWord(rd, n) ELSE rd.ReadByte(b); n := b MOD 256 END; Skip(rd, n); DEC(height) END END END PixData; PROCEDURE BitMap (isRegion: BOOLEAN); VAR x, y, w, h, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; v2: BOOLEAN; BEGIN PixMap(w, h, v2); IF v2 THEN ColorTab END; Point(x, y); Point(x, y); Point(x, y); Point(x, y); ReadWord(rd, x); IF isRegion THEN Region(l, t, r, b) END; PixData(w, h, v2) END BitMap; PROCEDURE PixPattern; VAR type, x, w, h: INTEGER; v2: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, type); Data(8); IF type = 1 THEN PixMap(w, h, v2); ColorTab; PixData(w, h, v2) ELSIF type = 2 THEN ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x) ELSE HALT(100) END END PixPattern; PROCEDURE Setup; BEGIN CASE op MOD 8 OF | 0: (* line with active pen *) actBrush := brushPen; actUsePen := TRUE; actUseBrush := FALSE | 1: (* fill with active brush *) actBrush := brushPen; actUsePen := FALSE; actUseBrush := TRUE | 2: (* fill with background brush *) actBrush := brushBack; actUsePen := FALSE; actUseBrush := TRUE | 4: (* fill with fill brush *) actBrush := brushFill; actUsePen := FALSE; actUseBrush := TRUE | 3, 5..7: (* draw nothing *) actUsePen := FALSE; actUseBrush := FALSE END END Setup; PROCEDURE SetLn; BEGIN actBrush := brushPen; actUsePen := TRUE; actUseBrush := FALSE END SetLn; PROCEDURE NewFont; VAR weight: INTEGER; stl: SET; BEGIN IF ODD(style) THEN weight := Fonts.bold ELSE weight := Fonts.normal END; stl := {}; IF 1 IN BITS(style) THEN INCL(stl, Fonts.italic) END; IF 2 IN BITS(style) THEN INCL(stl, Fonts.underline) END; font := Fonts.dir.This("Arial", Round(size), stl, weight) END NewFont; PROCEDURE LineTo (x, y: INTEGER); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~clipped & actUsePen & (brushes[actBrush].width > 0) THEN w := ConvertWidth(brushes[actBrush].width); f.DrawLine(ConvertX(curX), ConvertY(curY), ConvertX(x), ConvertY(y), w, brushes[actBrush].color) (* draw last pixel *) (* IF w < f.unit * 2 THEN f.DrawLine(ConvertX(lx), ConvertY(ly), ConvertX(lx) + f.unit, ConvertY(ly) + f.unit, w, drawWith.color) END; *) END; curX := x; curY := y END LineTo; PROCEDURE Text (x, y: INTEGER); VAR str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN String(str); IF ~clipped THEN IF font = NIL THEN NewFont END; f.DrawString(ConvertX(x), ConvertY(y), Ports.black, str, font) END END Text; PROCEDURE Rectangle (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF ~clipped THEN IF actUseBrush THEN (* switch fold if you don't have LC new `DrawComplexPath()` API *) ExInit; ExPattern(brushes[actBrush]); ExCommand(Ports.pathMoveTo); ExCoords(l, t); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); ExCoords(r, t); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); ExCoords(r, b); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); ExCoords(l, b); ExCommand(Ports.pathClose); f.DrawComplexPath(expath, expos, Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor) (* switch fold if you have LC new `DrawComplexPath()` API *) f.DrawRect(ConvertX(l), ConvertY(t), ConvertX(r), ConvertY(b), Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor) END; IF actUsePen & (brushes[actBrush].width > 0) THEN f.DrawRect(ConvertX(l), ConvertY(t), ConvertX(r), ConvertY(b), ConvertWidth(brushes[actBrush].width), brushes[actBrush].color) END END END Rectangle; (* PROCEDURE DrawRoundRect (l, t, r, b, rw, rh: INTEGER); CONST KAPPA90 = 0.5522847493; (* Length proportional to radius of a cubic bezier handle for 90deg arcs. *) VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Coords (x, y: REAL); BEGIN ExCoordsNC(SHORT(ENTIER(x + 0.5)), SHORT(ENTIER(y + 0.5))) END Coords; BEGIN l := ConvertX(l); t := ConvertY(t); r := ConvertX(r); b := ConvertY(b); IF (r - l <= 0) OR (b - t <= 0) THEN RETURN END; (* sorry! *) IF (rw <= 0) OR (rh <= 0) THEN ExCommand(Ports.pathMoveTo); ExCoordsNC(l, t); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); ExCoordsNC(r, t); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); ExCoordsNC(r, b); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); ExCoordsNC(l, b) ELSE x := l; y := t; w := r - l; h := b - t; ExCommand(Ports.pathMoveTo); Coords(x + rw, y); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); Coords(x + w - rw, y); ExCommand(Ports.pathBezierTo); Coords(x + w - rw*(1 - KAPPA90), y); Coords(x + w, y + rh * (1 - KAPPA90)); Coords(x + w, y + rh); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); Coords(x + w, y + h - rh); ExCommand(Ports.pathBezierTo); Coords(x + w, y + h - rh * (1 - KAPPA90)); Coords(x + w - rw * (1 - KAPPA90), y + h); Coords(x + w - rw, y + h); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); Coords(x + rw, y + h); ExCommand(Ports.pathBezierTo); Coords(x + rw * (1 - KAPPA90), y + h); Coords(x, y + h - rh * (1 - KAPPA90)); Coords(x, y + h - rh); ExCommand(Ports.pathLineTo); Coords(x, y + rh); ExCommand(Ports.pathBezierTo); Coords(x, y + rh * (1 - KAPPA90)); Coords(x + rw * (1 - KAPPA90), y); Coords(x + rw, y) END; ExCommand(Ports.pathClose); f.DrawComplexPath(expath, expos, Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor) END DrawRoundRect; *) PROCEDURE RoundRect (l, t, r, b, w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN (* switch fold if you don't have LC new `DrawRoundRect()` API *) IF ~clipped THEN IF actUseBrush THEN (* f.DrawRoundRect(ConvertX(l), ConvertY(t), ConvertX(r), ConvertY(b), ConvertX(w), ConvertY(h), Ports.fill, drawWith.brushColor) *) ExInit; ExPattern(brushes[actBrush]); DrawRoundRect(l, t, r, b, w, h) END; IF actUsePen & (brushes[actBrush].width > 0) THEN f.DrawRoundRect(ConvertX(l), ConvertY(t), ConvertX(r), ConvertY(b), ConvertX(w), ConvertY(h), ConvertWidth(brushes[actBrush].width), brushes[actBrush].color) END END (* switch fold if you have LC new `DrawRoundRect()` API *) Rectangle(l, t, r, b) END RoundRect; PROCEDURE Ellipse (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF ~clipped THEN IF actUseBrush THEN (* switch fold if you don't have LC new `DrawComplexPath()` API *) ExInit; ExPattern(brushes[actBrush]); ExCommand(Ports.pathEllipseTo); ExCoords(l, t); ExCoords(r, b); f.DrawComplexPath(expath, expos, Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor) (* switch fold if you have LC new `DrawComplexPath()` API *) f.DrawOval(ConvertX(l), ConvertY(t), ConvertX(r), ConvertY(b), Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor) END; IF actUsePen & (brushes[actBrush].width > 0) THEN f.DrawOval(ConvertX(l), ConvertY(t), ConvertX(r), ConvertY(b), ConvertWidth(brushes[actBrush].width), brushes[actBrush].color) END END END Ellipse; PROCEDURE ConvertPath (IN poly: ARRAY OF POINT; len: INTEGER); VAR f: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR f := 0 TO len - 1 DO ppx[f].x := ConvertX(poly[f].x); ppx[f].y := ConvertY(poly[f].y) END END ConvertPath; PROCEDURE Polyline (VAR poly: ARRAY OF POINT; len: INTEGER); BEGIN IF ~clipped & actUsePen & (brushes[actBrush].width > 0) THEN IF len > 1 THEN ConvertPath(poly, len); f.DrawPath(ppx, len, ConvertWidth(brushes[actBrush].width), brushes[actBrush].color, Ports.openPoly) END END END Polyline; PROCEDURE Polygon (IN poly: ARRAY OF POINT; len: INTEGER); VAR c, linecmd: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~clipped THEN IF actUseBrush THEN IF len > 1 THEN (* switch fold if you don't have LC new `DrawComplexPath()` API *) IF len > LEN(expath) DIV 3 - 8 THEN ConvertPath(poly, len); f.DrawPath(ppx, len, Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor, Ports.closedPoly) ELSE ExInit; ExPattern(brushes[actBrush]); linecmd := Ports.pathMoveTo; FOR c := 0 TO len - 1 DO ExCommand(linecmd); ExCoords(poly[c].x, poly[c].y); linecmd := Ports.pathLineTo END; ExCommand(Ports.pathClose); f.DrawComplexPath(expath, expos, Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor) END END (* switch fold if you have LC new `DrawComplexPath()` API *) IF len > 1 THEN ConvertPath(poly, len); f.DrawPath(ppx, len, Ports.fill, brushes[actBrush].brushColor, Ports.closedPoly) END END; IF actUsePen & (brushes[actBrush].width > 0) THEN IF len > 1 THEN ConvertPath(poly, len); f.DrawPath(ppx, len, ConvertWidth(brushes[actBrush].width), brushes[actBrush].color, Ports.closedPoly) END END END END Polygon; BEGIN IF (picw < 1) OR (pich < 1) THEN RETURN END; (* sorry! *) rd := v.model.file.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(v.model.pos); end := v.model.pos + v.model.len; ReadWord(rd, x); Point(l, t); Point(r, b); v.w := r - l; v.h := b - t; v2 := FALSE; IF (v.w < 1) OR (v.h < 1) THEN RETURN END; (* sorry! *) scale := picw / v.w; IF pich / v.h < scale THEN scale := pich / v.h END; f.rider.GetRect(rl, rt, rr, rb); (*f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).FixOrigin;*) font := NIL; brushes[brushPen].width := 1; brushes[brushPen].color := Ports.black; brushes[brushPen].brushColor := Ports.black; brushes[brushPen].patFill := TRUE; brushes[brushPen].patEmpty := FALSE; FOR z := 0 TO 7 DO brushes[brushPen].pat[z] := 0FFH END; brushes[brushFill].width := -1; brushes[brushFill].color := Ports.black; brushes[brushFill].brushColor := Ports.black; brushes[brushFill].patFill := TRUE; brushes[brushFill].patEmpty := FALSE; FOR z := 0 TO 7 DO brushes[brushFill].pat[z] := 0FFH END; brushes[brushBack].width := -1; brushes[brushBack].color := Ports.background; brushes[brushBack].brushColor := Ports.background; brushes[brushBack].patFill := FALSE; brushes[brushBack].patEmpty := TRUE; FOR z := 0 TO 7 DO brushes[brushBack].pat[z] := 0 END; actBrush := brushPen; actUsePen := FALSE; actUseBrush := FALSE; curX := 0; curY := 0; tx := 0; ty := 0; lx := 0; ly := 0; size := 10; style := 0; clipped := FALSE; REPEAT rd.ReadByte(bt); op := bt MOD 256; IF v2 THEN rd.ReadByte(bt); op := 256 * op + bt MOD 256 END; CASE op OF | 0: (* nop *) | 1: (* clip *) Region(l, t, r, b); clipped := (l = 0) & (t = 0) & (r = 0) & (b = 0) | 2: (* bgnd pattern *) Pattern(brushes[brushBack]) | 3: (* text font *) ReadWord(rd, x) | 4: (* text face *) rd.ReadByte(bt); style := bt; NewFont | 5: (* text mode *) ReadWord(rd, x) | 6: (* space extra *) Point(x, y) | 7: (* pen size *) Point(x, y); Pen(x, y) | 8: (* pen mode *) ReadWord(rd, x) | 9: (* pen pattern *) Pattern(brushes[brushPen]) | 0AH: (* fill pattern *) Pattern(brushes[brushFill]) | 0BH: (* oval size *) Point(ow, oh) | 0CH: (* origin *) Point(x, y) | 0DH: (* text size *) ReadWord(rd, size); NewFont | 0EH: (* foreground *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); fgnd := x * 65536 + y | 0FH: (* background *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); bgnd := x * 65536 + y | 10H: (* text ratio *) Point(x, y); Point(x, y) | 11H: (* version *) rd.ReadByte(bt); v2 := bt = 2 | 12H: (* bg pix pattern *) PixPattern | 13H: (* pen pix pattern *) PixPattern | 14H: (* fill pix pattern *) PixPattern | 15H: (* fract pen pos *) ReadWord(rd, x) | 16H: (* char extra *) ReadWord(rd, x) | 17H..19H: (* ??? *) | 1AH: (* rgb fg col *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); ReadWord(rd, z) | 1BH: (* rgb bg col *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); ReadWord(rd, z) | 1CH: (* hilite mode *) | 1DH: (* rgb hl col *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); ReadWord(rd, z) | 1EH: (* def hilite *) | 1FH: (* rgb op col *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); ReadWord(rd, z) | 20H: (* line *) Point(curX, curY); Point(lx, ly); SetLn; LineTo(lx, ly) | 21H: (* line from *) Point(lx, ly); SetLn; LineTo(lx, ly) | 22H: (* short line *) Point(lx, ly); curX := lx; curY := ly; ReadByte(rd, z); INC(lx, z); ReadByte(rd, z); INC(ly, z); SetLn; LineTo(lx, ly) | 23H: (* short line from *) ReadByte(rd, z); INC(lx, z); ReadByte(rd, z); INC(ly, z); SetLn; LineTo(lx, ly) | 24H..27H: (* ??? *) ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 28H: (* long text *) Point(tx, ty); Text(tx, ty) | 29H: (* dh text *) rd.ReadByte(bt); INC(tx, bt MOD 256); Text(tx, ty) | 2AH: (* dv text *) rd.ReadByte(bt); INC(ty, bt MOD 256); Text(tx, ty) | 2BH: (* dhv text *) rd.ReadByte(bt); INC(tx, bt MOD 256); rd.ReadByte(bt); INC(ty, bt MOD 256); Text(tx, ty) | 2CH: (* font typeface ? *) ReadWord(rd, len); ReadWord(rd, x); String(str) | 2DH..2FH: (* ??? *) ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 30H..37H: (* rect *) Point(rl, rt); Point(rr, rb); Setup; Rectangle(rl, rt, rr, rb) | 38H..3FH: (* same rect *) Setup; Rectangle(rl, rt, rr, rb) | 40H..47H: (* rrect *) Point(dl, dt); Point(dr, db); Setup; RoundRect(dl, dt, dr, db, ow, oh) | 48H..4FH: (* same rrect *) Setup; RoundRect(dl, dt, dr, db, ow, oh) | 50H..57H: (* oval *) Point(ol, ot); Point(or, ob); Setup; Ellipse(ol, ot, or, ob) | 58H..5FH: (* same oval *) Setup; Ellipse(ol, ot, or, ob) | 60H..67H: (* arc *) Point(al, at); Point(ar, ab); Point(aa, as) | 68H..6FH: (* same arc *) Point(aa, as) | 70H: (* poly *) Poly(poly, plen); SetLn; Polyline(poly, plen) | 71H..77H: (* poly *) Poly(poly, plen); Setup; Polygon(poly, plen) | 78H: (* same poly *) SetLn; Polyline(poly, plen) | 79H..7FH: (* same poly *) Setup; Polygon(poly, plen) | 80H..87H: (* rgn *) Region(gl, gt, gr, gb) | 88H..8FH: (* same rgn *) | 90H: (* bits rect *) BitMap(FALSE) | 91H: (* bits rgn *) BitMap(TRUE) | 92H..97H: (* ??? *) ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 98H: (* packed bits rect *) BitMap(FALSE) | 99H: (* packed bits rgn *) BitMap(TRUE) | 9AH..9FH: (* ??? *) ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 0A0H: (* short comment *) ReadWord(rd, x) | 0A1H: (* long comment *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 0A2H..0AFH: (* ??? *) ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 0B0H..0CFH: (* ??? *) | 0D0H..0FEH: (* ??? *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(x * 65536 + len) | 0FFH: (* end *) ELSE IF op < 8000H THEN (* ??? *) Data(op DIV 256 * 2) ELSIF op < 8100H THEN (* ??? *) ELSE (* ??? *) ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(x * 65536 + len) END END; IF v2 & ODD(rd.Pos() - v.model.pos) THEN rd.ReadByte(bt) END UNTIL (op = 0FFH) OR (rd.Pos() >= end) END DrawMacPicture; (* PROCEDURE Dump (v: StdView); VAR rd: Files.Reader; op, end, len, x, y: INTEGER; v2: BOOLEAN; b: BYTE; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE DumpBox (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN Log.String("("); Log.IntForm(l, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(", "); Log.IntForm(t, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(", "); Log.IntForm(r, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(", "); Log.IntForm(b, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(" : "); Log.IntForm(r - l, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String("x"); Log.IntForm(b - t, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(")") END DumpBox; PROCEDURE DumpPoint (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN Log.String("P("); Log.IntForm(x, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(", "); Log.IntForm(y, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(")") END DumpPoint; PROCEDURE Box; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadI16(rd, l); ReadI16(rd, t); ReadI16(rd, r); ReadI16(rd, b); Log.String("Box"); DumpBox(l, t, r, b) END Box; PROCEDURE Point; VAR x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadI16(rd, y); ReadI16(rd, x); DumpPoint(x, y) END Point; PROCEDURE ShortLine; VAR x, y: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN ReadI16(rd, y); ReadI16(rd, x); DumpPoint(x, y); rd.ReadByte(b); INC(x, b); rd.ReadByte(b); INC(y, b); Log.String(" TO "); DumpPoint(x, y) END ShortLine; PROCEDURE ShortLineFrom; VAR dx, dy: BYTE; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(dx); rd.ReadByte(dy); Log.String("DP("); Log.IntForm(dx, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(", "); Log.IntForm(dy, 10, 0, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(")") END ShortLineFrom; PROCEDURE Data (n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE n > 0 DO rd.ReadByte(b); DEC(n); i := b; IF i < 0 THEN INC(i, 256) END; Log.Char(" "); Log.IntForm(i, 16, 2, "0", FALSE) END END Data; PROCEDURE Region; VAR len: INTEGER; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, len); ReadI16(rd, l); ReadI16(rd, t); ReadI16(rd, r); ReadI16(rd, b); Log.String("Region"); DumpBox(l, t, r, b); Data(len - 10) END Region; PROCEDURE Text; VAR b: BYTE; len: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(b); len := b MOD 256; Log.String(' "'); WHILE len > 0 DO rd.ReadByte(b); Log.Char(CHR(b MOD 256)); DEC(len) END; Log.Char('"') END Text; PROCEDURE String (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR b: BYTE; i, len: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(b); len := b MOD 256; i := 0; WHILE i < len DO rd.ReadByte(b); (* mac to windows *) IF b >= ORD(" ") THEN s[i] := CHR(b MOD 256); INC(i) ELSE DEC(len) END END; s[i] := 0X END String; PROCEDURE PixMap (VAR rowBytes, height: INTEGER; VAR v2: BOOLEAN); VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, rowBytes); v2 := rowBytes >= 32768; Log.Int(rowBytes); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); height := x; ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); height := x - height; ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); IF v2 THEN DEC(rowBytes, 32768); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); Point; Point; Point; Point; ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x) END END PixMap; PROCEDURE ColorTab; VAR x, n: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, n); Log.Int(n); WHILE n >= 0 DO ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, x); DEC(n) END END ColorTab; PROCEDURE PixData (rowBytes, height: INTEGER; v2: BOOLEAN); VAR n, m, k: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN IF rowBytes < 8 THEN Skip(rd, rowBytes * height) ELSIF v2 THEN WHILE height > 0 DO IF rowBytes > 250 THEN ReadWord(rd, n) ELSE rd.ReadByte(b); n := b MOD 256 END; k := 0; REPEAT rd.ReadByte(b); DEC(n); m := b; IF m >= 0 THEN WHILE m >= 0 DO rd.ReadByte(b); DEC(n); DEC(m); INC(k) END ELSE ASSERT(m # -128, 100); rd.ReadByte(b); DEC(n); INC(k, 1 - m) END UNTIL n <= 0; ASSERT(n = 0, 101); ASSERT(k = rowBytes, 102); (* Skip(rd, n); *) DEC(height) END ELSE WHILE height > 0 DO IF rowBytes > 250 THEN ReadWord(rd, n) ELSE rd.ReadByte(b); n := b MOD 256 END; Skip(rd, n); DEC(height) END END END PixData; PROCEDURE PixPattern; VAR type, w, h: INTEGER; v2: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, type); Data(8); IF type = 1 THEN PixMap(w, h, v2); ColorTab; PixData(w, h, v2) ELSIF type = 2 THEN ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) ELSE HALT(100) END END PixPattern; PROCEDURE Bits (region: BOOLEAN); VAR w, h: INTEGER; v2: BOOLEAN; BEGIN PixMap(w, h, v2); IF v2 THEN ColorTab END; Point; Point; Point; Point; ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); IF region THEN Region END; PixData(w, h, v2) END Bits; PROCEDURE Poly; VAR i, l, t, r, b, len: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, len); len := (len - 10) DIV 4; ReadI16(rd, l); ReadI16(rd, t); ReadI16(rd, r); ReadI16(rd, b); Log.String("Region"); DumpBox(l, t, r, b); Log.String(" points:"); Log.Int(len); Log.String(" :"); i := 0; WHILE i < len DO Log.String(" "); Point; INC(i) END END Poly; PROCEDURE LongComment; VAR type, len, i: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadWord(rd, type); Log.Int(type); ReadWord(rd, len); IF (type = 182) & (len = 1 * 4) THEN Log.String(" : "); Point ELSIF (type = 150) & (len = 3 * 4) THEN Log.String(" :"); ReadDWord(rd, i); Log.Int(i); ReadDWord(rd, i); Log.Int(i); ReadDWord(rd, i); Log.Int(i) ELSIF (type = 154) & (len = 2 * 4) THEN Log.String(" : "); Point; Log.String(" "); Point ELSE Data(len) END END LongComment; BEGIN rd := v.model.file.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(v.model.pos); end := v.model.pos + v.model.len; Log.String("==== MACPIC: pos:"); Log.Int(v.model.pos); Log.String("; end:"); Log.Int(end); Log.String(" ===="); Log.Ln; ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); Box; Log.Ln; v2 := FALSE; REPEAT Log.IntForm(rd.Pos(), 10, 6, ' ', FALSE); Log.String(": "); rd.ReadByte(b); op := b MOD 256; IF v2 THEN rd.ReadByte(b); op := 256 * op + b MOD 256 END; Log.IntForm(op, 16, 4, "0", FALSE); Log.String("("); Log.IntForm(op MOD 8, 10, 1, "0", FALSE); Log.String(") "); CASE op OF | 0: Log.String("nop") | 1: Log.String("clip "); Region | 2: Log.String("bkd pattern "); Data(8) | 3: Log.String("text font "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 4: Log.String("text face "); rd.ReadByte(b); Log.Int(b MOD 256) | 5: Log.String("text mode "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 6: Log.String("space extra "); Point | 7: Log.String("pen size "); Point | 8: Log.String("pen mode "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 9: Log.String("pen pattern "); Data(8) | 0AH: Log.String("pen pattern "); Data(8) | 0BH: Log.String("oval size "); Point | 0CH: Log.String("origin "); Point | 0DH: Log.String("text size "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 0EH: Log.String("foreground "); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); Log.Int(x * 65536 + y) | 0FH: Log.String("background "); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, y); Log.Int(x * 65536 + y) | 10H: Log.String("text ratio "); Point; Point | 11H: Log.String("version "); rd.ReadByte(b); Log.Int(b MOD 256); v2 := b = 2 | 12H: Log.String("bg pix pattern "); PixPattern | 13H: Log.String("pen pix pattern "); PixPattern | 14H: Log.String("fill pix pattern "); PixPattern | 15H: Log.String("fract pen pos "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 16H: Log.String("char extra "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 17H..19H: Log.String("???") | 1AH: Log.String("rgb fg col "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 1BH: Log.String("rgb bg col "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 1CH: Log.String("hilite mode") | 1DH: Log.String("rgb hl col "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 1EH: Log.String("def hilite") | 1FH: Log.String("rgb op col "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 20H: Log.String("line "); Point; Point | 21H: Log.String("line from "); Point | 22H: Log.String("short line "); ShortLine | 23H: Log.String("short line from "); ShortLineFrom | 24H..27H: Log.String("??? "); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 28H: Log.String("long text "); Point; Text | 29H: Log.String("dh text "); rd.ReadByte(b); Log.Int(b MOD 256); Text | 2AH: Log.String("dv text "); rd.ReadByte(b); Log.Int(b MOD 256); Text | 2BH: Log.String("dhv text "); rd.ReadByte(b); Log.Int(b MOD 256); rd.ReadByte(b); Log.Int(b MOD 256); Text | 2CH: (* font typeface ? *) ReadWord(rd, len); ReadWord(rd, x); String(str); Log.String("font face: "); Log.String(str) | 2DH..2FH: Log.String("??? "); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 30H..37H: Log.String("rect "); Point; Point | 38H..3FH: Log.String("same rect") | 40H..47H: Log.String("rrect "); Point; Point | 48H..4FH: Log.String("same rrect") | 50H..57H: Log.String("oval "); Point; Point | 58H..5FH: Log.String("same oval") | 60H..67H: Log.String("arc "); Point; Point; Point | 68H..6FH: Log.String("same arc "); Point | 70H..77H: Log.String("poly "); Poly | 78H..7FH: Log.String("same poly") | 80H..87H: Log.String("rgn "); Region | 88H..8FH: Log.String("same rgn") | 90H: Log.String("bits rect "); Bits(FALSE) | 91H: Log.String("bits rgn "); Bits(TRUE) | 92H..97H: Log.String("??? "); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 98H: Log.String("packed bits rect "); Bits(FALSE) | 99H: Log.String("packed bits rgn "); Bits(TRUE) | 9AH..9FH: Log.String("??? "); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 0A0H: Log.String("short comment "); ReadWord(rd, x); Log.Int(x) | 0A1H: Log.String("long comment "); LongComment | 0A2H..0AFH: Log.String("??? "); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(len) | 0B0H..0CFH: Log.String("???") | 0D0H..0FEH: Log.String("??? "); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(x * 65536 + len) | 0FFH: Log.String("end") ELSE IF op < 8000H THEN Log.String("??? "); Data(op DIV 256 * 2) ELSIF op < 8100H THEN Log.String("???") ELSE Log.String("??? "); ReadWord(rd, x); ReadWord(rd, len); Data(x * 65536 + len) END END; IF v2 & ODD(rd.Pos() - v.model.pos) THEN rd.ReadByte(b) END; Log.Ln UNTIL (op = 0FFH) OR (rd.Pos() >= end) END Dump; *) PROCEDURE Evaluate (v: StdView); VAR len: INTEGER; rd: Files.Reader; BEGIN len := v.model.len; IF v.model.data = NIL THEN rd := v.model.file.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(v.model.pos); NEW(v.model.data, len); rd.ReadBytes(v.model.data^, 0, len) END; IF externalDrawer # NIL THEN v.model.ref := externalDrawer.Prepare(len, v.model.data); ASSERT(v.model.ref # 0, 100); END END Evaluate; (** **************** Model **************** **) PROCEDURE (m: Model) FINALIZE; BEGIN IF (externalDrawer # NIL) & (m.ref # 0) THEN externalDrawer.Finalize(m.ref); m.ref := 0 END END FINALIZE; (** **************** View **************** **) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR m: Model; thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadByte(v.type); IF (v.type # winPict) & (v.type # macPict) THEN rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent); RETURN END; rd.ReadInt(v.unit); rd.ReadInt(v.w); rd.ReadInt(v.h); rd.ReadSChar(v.mode); NEW(m); m.file := rd.rider.Base(); rd.ReadInt(m.len); m.pos := rd.Pos(); m.ref := 0; (* lazy allocation of metafile *) v.model := m; rd.SetPos(m.pos + m.len) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR len: INTEGER; r: Files.Reader; b: BYTE; BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteByte(v.type); wr.WriteInt(v.unit); wr.WriteInt(v.w); wr.WriteInt(v.h); wr.WriteSChar(v.mode); len := v.model.len; wr.WriteInt(len); IF v.model.data # NIL THEN wr.rider.WriteBytes(v.model.data^, 0, len) ELSIF v.model.file # NIL THEN r := v.model.file.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(v.model.pos); WHILE len # 0 DO r.ReadByte(b); wr.WriteSChar(SHORT(CHR(b))); DEC(len) END ELSIF externalDrawer # NIL THEN ASSERT(v.model.ref # 0, 100); NEW(v.model.data, len); externalDrawer.GetBytes(v.model.ref, len, v.model.data); wr.rider.WriteBytes(v.model.data^, 0, len) END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN (* v.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: StdView DO v.model := source.model; v.type := source.type; v.mode := source.mode; v.w := source.w; v.h := source.h; v.unit := source.unit END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(v.model # NIL, 20); v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF v.type = winPict THEN IF v.model.ref = 0 THEN Evaluate(v) END; IF externalDrawer # NIL THEN externalDrawer.Draw(f, v.model.ref, ORD(v.mode), f.gx, f.gy, w, h) END; ELSIF v.type = macPict THEN IF drawBackRect THEN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.green) ELSE f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.background) END; DrawMacPicture(v, f, w DIV f.unit, h DIV f.unit) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GetBkgndFor (f: Views.Frame; VAR col: Ports.Color; VAR homogeneous: BOOLEAN), NEW; BEGIN col := Ports.background END GetBkgndFor; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w > Views.undefined) & (msg.h > Views.undefined) THEN IF (v.type = macPict) & (v.w # 0) & (v.h # 0) OR (v.mode = 7X) THEN (* isotropic mode *) Properties.ProportionalConstraint(ABS(v.w), ABS(v.h), msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h) END ELSE IF (v.w > 0) & (v.h > 0) THEN (* default sizes *) msg.w := ABS(v.w); msg.h := ABS(v.h) END END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF doDump THEN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF v.type = macPict THEN Dump(v) END ELSE END END END HandleCtrlMsg; *) PROCEDURE PictType* (v: Views.View): INTEGER; BEGIN WITH v: StdView DO RETURN v.type ELSE RETURN -1 END END PictType; PROCEDURE SetDrawBackRect*; BEGIN drawBackRect := TRUE END SetDrawBackRect; PROCEDURE ResetDrawBackRect*; BEGIN drawBackRect := FALSE END ResetDrawBackRect; PROCEDURE SetDoDump*; BEGIN doDump := TRUE END SetDoDump; PROCEDURE ResetDoDump*; BEGIN doDump := FALSE END ResetDoDump; BEGIN IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows THEN Kernel.LoadMod("WinPictures") END; drawBackRect := FALSE; doDump := FALSE END StdPictures.
MODULE StdRasters; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, new module" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Anton Dmitriev, Ketmar Dark, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20231130, ivan, add scale by Ketmar Dark " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Ports, Files, Models, Views, Stores, Properties; CONST minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; cBadModel = 1; (* InitFromFileRange: copy *) shallow* = FALSE; deep* = TRUE; (* NewFromFile, NewModelFromFile: reference *) reference* = TRUE; (** source color swapping *) swap* = TRUE; noSwap* = FALSE; (* drawable raster scaling quality *) nearest* = 0; bilinear* = 1; TYPE ADDRESS = INTEGER; SIZET = INTEGER; TYPE ImageLoader* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; RasterData* = ARRAY OF Ports.Color; Image* = POINTER TO RECORD width*, height*: INTEGER; dpiX*, dpiY*: INTEGER; (* can be 0 if unknown; if one is 0, then the other is 0 too *) data*: POINTER TO RasterData; END; Raster* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Ports.Raster) (** StdRaster's storage presentation is: .rd.Base()[.beg, .end). .rd = NIL => uninitialized *) rd-: Files.Reader; beg-, end-: INTEGER; END; Model* = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) raster-: Raster; type-: Files.Type; filepath: Files.Name; (* # '' => .raster references external file filepath, = '' => Model carries file data for .raster, normally in the same file as Model itself *) END; View* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) model: Model; END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD type-: Files.Type; loader: ImageLoader; next: Directory; END; VAR list: Directory; buffer: ARRAY 10 * 1024 OF BYTE; PROCEDURE (ldr: ImageLoader) Detect* (rd: Files.Reader): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (ldr: ImageLoader) Load* (rd: Files.Reader): Image, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (ldr: ImageLoader) GetInfo* (rd: Files.Reader): Image, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE Load* (r: Raster): Image; VAR pos: INTEGER; img: Image; ok: BOOLEAN; d: Directory; rd: Files.Reader; BEGIN rd := r.rd; img := NIL; IF ~rd.eof THEN pos := r.beg; d := list; WHILE (d # NIL) & (img = NIL) DO IF d.loader # NIL THEN ok := d.loader.Detect(rd); rd.SetPos(pos); IF ok THEN img := d.loader.Load(rd); IF img = NIL THEN rd.SetPos(pos); END END END; d := d.next END END; RETURN img END Load; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Raster, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) HandlesFType* (IN type: Files.Type): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE CanHandle* (IN ftype: Files.Type): BOOLEAN; VAR d: Directory; BEGIN d := list; WHILE (d # NIL) & ~d.HandlesFType(ftype) DO d := d.next END; RETURN d # NIL END CanHandle; PROCEDURE AddDirectory* (d: Directory; type: Files.Type; loader: ImageLoader); VAR tmp: Directory; BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); d.type := type; d.loader := loader; IF list = NIL THEN list := d; ELSE tmp := list; ASSERT(tmp.type # type, 22); WHILE tmp.next # NIL DO tmp := tmp.next; ASSERT(tmp.type # type, 22); END; tmp.next := d END END AddDirectory; PROCEDURE ThisDirectory (ftype: Files.Type): Directory; (** Fetch the first directory that handles file type ftype *) VAR d: Directory; BEGIN d := list; WHILE (d # NIL) & ~d.HandlesFType(ftype) DO d := d.next END; RETURN d END ThisDirectory; PROCEDURE New* (type: Files.Type): Raster; VAR dir: Directory; BEGIN dir := ThisDirectory(type); ASSERT(dir # NIL, 20); RETURN dir.New() END New; PROCEDURE CopyFileRange (from: Files.Reader; beg, end: INTEGER; to: Files.Writer); (** Make a copy of from.Base()[beg, end) into to *) VAR len, chunk: INTEGER; BEGIN len := end - beg; from.SetPos(beg); WHILE len > 0 DO chunk := MIN(len, LEN(buffer)); from.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, chunk); to.WriteBytes(buffer, 0, chunk); DEC(len, chunk) END END CopyFileRange; PROCEDURE (r: Raster) InitFileRange-, NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE InitFromFileRange* (r: Raster; rd: Files.Reader; beg, end: INTEGER; copy: BOOLEAN); (** ~copy => r will reference rd.Base(); copy => a copy of rd.Base[beg, end) is made to be referenced by r *) VAR f: Files.File; BEGIN ASSERT(r # NIL, 20); ASSERT(r.rd = NIL, 21); ASSERT(rd # NIL, 22); IF ~copy THEN r.rd := rd.Base().NewReader(NIL); r.beg := beg; r.end := end ELSE f := Files.dir.Temp(); r.rd := f.NewReader(NIL); r.beg := 0; r.end := end - beg; CopyFileRange(rd, beg, end, f.NewWriter(NIL)) END; r.InitFileRange END InitFromFileRange; PROCEDURE NewModel* (r: Raster; IN type: Files.Type): Model; VAR m: Model; BEGIN ASSERT(r # NIL, 20); NEW(m); m.raster := r; m.type := type$; m.filepath := ''; RETURN m END NewModel; PROCEDURE NewModelFromSpec* (loc: Files.Locator; IN fname: Files.Name; reference: BOOLEAN): Model; (** reference => the model is to hold a reference to the file rather than the file content; ~reference => the model is to hold a copy of the file's content *) VAR m: Model; f: Files.File; r: Raster; d: Directory; BEGIN ASSERT(loc # NIL, 20); ASSERT(loc.res = 0, 21); ASSERT(fname # '', 22); IF reference THEN HALT(126) ELSE f := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, Files.shared); ASSERT(f # NIL, 23); d := ThisDirectory(f.type); ASSERT(d # NIL, 24); r := d.New(); ASSERT(r # NIL, 60); NEW(m); m.raster := r; m.type := d.type$; m.filepath := ''; InitFromFileRange(m.raster, f.NewReader(NIL), 0, f.Length(), deep) END; RETURN m END NewModelFromSpec; PROCEDURE NewView* (m: Model): View; VAR v: View; BEGIN ASSERT(m # NIL, 20); NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); RETURN v END NewView; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteString(m.filepath); wr.WriteString(m.type); IF m.filepath = '' THEN (* Copy storage presentation of .raster into wr *) wr.WriteInt(m.raster.end - m.raster.beg); CopyFileRange(m.raster.rd, m.raster.beg, m.raster.end, wr.rider) END; END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR beg, len, _version: INTEGER; d: Directory; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, _version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadString(m.filepath); rd.ReadString(m.type); IF m.filepath = '' THEN rd.ReadInt(len); beg := rd.Pos(); d := ThisDirectory(m.type); IF d # NIL THEN m.raster := d.New(); InitFromFileRange(m.raster, rd.rider, beg, beg + len, shallow); rd.SetPos(beg +len) ELSE rd.SetPos(beg +len); rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent); END ELSE HALT(126) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); VAR r: Raster; BEGIN WITH source: Model DO r := source.raster; m.type := source.type; m.raster := New(m.type); ASSERT(m.raster # NIL, 60); InitFromFileRange(m.raster, r.rd, r.beg, r.end, deep) END END CopyFrom; (* View *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; _l, _t, _r, _b: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(v.model # NIL, 20); f.DrawRaster(v.model.raster, 0, 0) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH | msg: Properties.BoundsPref DO v.model.raster.GetSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN v.model.raster.GetSize(msg.w, msg.h) END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR _version: INTEGER; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, _version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(s); WITH s: Model DO v.model := s ELSE rd.TurnIntoAlien(cBadModel) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN IF model = NIL THEN v.model := Models.CopyOf(source(View).model)(Model) ELSE v.model := model(Model) END END CopyFromModelView; (* Converters *) PROCEDURE Import* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR r: Raster; d: Directory; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); ASSERT(f.type # '', 21); d := ThisDirectory(f.type); ASSERT(d # NIL, 22); IF d # NIL THEN r := d.New(); InitFromFileRange(r, f.NewReader(NIL), 0, f.Length(), deep); s := NewView(NewModel(r, d.type)) END END Import; PROCEDURE Bounds (val, min, max: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN MAX(min, MIN(val, max)) END Bounds; (* based on the code from A2 *) (* swap R and B components *) PROCEDURE [code] SwapRB (c: Ports.Color): Ports.Color 0FH, 0C8H, 0C1H, 0C8H, 08H; PROCEDURE Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888Copy (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db: INTEGER; sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; yadr, adr: ADDRESS; col0: INTEGER; yadd: ADDRESS; fx, fy: INTEGER; BEGIN fy := sy; yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; adr := yadr; yadd := srcadr + (fy DIV 65536) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO SYSTEM.GET(yadd + (fx DIV 65536) * 4, col0); SYSTEM.PUT(adr, col0); INC(fx, sdx); INC(adr, 4) END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888Copy; PROCEDURE Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888CopySW (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db: INTEGER; sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; yadr, adr: ADDRESS; col, col0: INTEGER; yadd: ADDRESS; fx, fy: INTEGER; BEGIN fy := sy; yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; adr := yadr; yadd := srcadr + (fy DIV 65536) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO SYSTEM.GET(yadd + (fx DIV 65536) * 4, col0); col0 := SwapRB(col0); SYSTEM.PUT(adr, col0); INC(fx, sdx); INC(adr, 4) END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888CopySW; PROCEDURE Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888Copy (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db: INTEGER; sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y, xfleft, xfright, yftop, yfbottom: INTEGER; yadr: ADDRESS; col, col0, col1, col2, col3: INTEGER; b0, g0, r0, a0, b1, g1, r1, a1, cb, cg, cr, ca: INTEGER; fx, fy, xadd0, xadd1: INTEGER; yadd0, yadd1: ADDRESS; BEGIN yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; fy := sy - 8000H; sx := sx - 8000H; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; dstadr := yadr; yadd0 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; yadd1 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO (* destination color *) xadd0 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536, 0, sw - 1) * 4; xadd1 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sw - 1) * 4; SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd0, col0); SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd1, col1); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd0, col2); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd1, col3); xfleft := (65536 - fx MOD 65536); xfright := (fx MOD 65536); yftop := (65536 - fy MOD 65536); yfbottom := (fy MOD 65536); a0 := ((col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a1 := ((col2 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; ca := (a0 * yftop + a1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; IF ca # 0 THEN b0 := ((col0 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g0 := ((col0 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r0 := ((col0 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; b1 := ((col2 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g1 := ((col2 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r1 := ((col2 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; cb := (b0 * yftop + b1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cg := (g0 * yftop + g1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cr := (r0 * yftop + r1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; SYSTEM.PUT(dstadr, cb + ASH(cg, 8) + ASH(cr, 16) + ASH(ca, 24)) END; INC(fx, sdx); INC(dstadr, 4); END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888Copy; PROCEDURE Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888CopySW (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db: INTEGER; sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y, xfleft, xfright, yftop, yfbottom: INTEGER; yadr: ADDRESS; col, col0, col1, col2, col3: INTEGER; b0, g0, r0, a0, b1, g1, r1, a1, cb, cg, cr, ca: INTEGER; fx, fy, xadd0, xadd1: INTEGER; yadd0, yadd1: ADDRESS; BEGIN yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; fy := sy - 8000H; sx := sx - 8000H; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; dstadr := yadr; yadd0 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; yadd1 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO (* destination color *) xadd0 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536, 0, sw - 1) * 4; xadd1 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sw - 1) * 4; SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd0, col0); col0 := SwapRB(col0); SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd1, col1); col1 := SwapRB(col1); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd0, col2); col2 := SwapRB(col2); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd1, col3); col3 := SwapRB(col3); xfleft := (65536 - fx MOD 65536); xfright := (fx MOD 65536); yftop := (65536 - fy MOD 65536); yfbottom := (fy MOD 65536); a0 := ((col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a1 := ((col2 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; ca := (a0 * yftop + a1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; IF ca # 0 THEN b0 := ((col0 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g0 := ((col0 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r0 := ((col0 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; b1 := ((col2 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g1 := ((col2 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r1 := ((col2 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; cb := (b0 * yftop + b1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cg := (g0 * yftop + g1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cr := (r0 * yftop + r1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; SYSTEM.PUT(dstadr, cb + ASH(cg, 8) + ASH(cr, 16) + ASH(ca, 24)) END; INC(fx, sdx); INC(dstadr, 4); END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888CopySW; (* blend *) PROCEDURE Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888 (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db, sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; yadr, adr: ADDRESS; col, col0: INTEGER; cb, cg, cr, ca, dstb, dstg, dstr: INTEGER; yadd: ADDRESS; fx, fy: INTEGER; BEGIN fy := sy; yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; adr := yadr; yadd := srcadr + (fy DIV 65536) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO (* destination color *) SYSTEM.GET(adr, col); dstb := (col MOD 100H); dstg := (col DIV 100H) MOD 100H; dstr := (col DIV 10000H) MOD 100H; SYSTEM.GET(yadd + (fx DIV 65536) * 4, col0); ca := (col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H); IF ca # 0 THEN cb := (col0 MOD 100H); cg := (col0 DIV 100H MOD 100H); cr := (col0 DIV 10000H MOD 100H); IF ca # 255 THEN cb := MIN((cb * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstb) DIV 256, 255); cg := MIN((cg * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstg) DIV 256, 255); cr := MIN((cr * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstr) DIV 256, 255) END; SYSTEM.PUT(adr, cb + ASH(cg, 8) + ASH(cr, 16) + 0FF000000H) END; INC(fx, sdx); INC(adr, 4) END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888; (* blend *) PROCEDURE Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888SW (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db, sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; yadr, adr: ADDRESS; col, col0: INTEGER; cb, cg, cr, ca, dstb, dstg, dstr: INTEGER; yadd: ADDRESS; fx, fy: INTEGER; BEGIN fy := sy; yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; adr := yadr; yadd := srcadr + (fy DIV 65536) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO (* destination color *) SYSTEM.GET(adr, col); col := SwapRB(col); dstb := (col MOD 100H); dstg := (col DIV 100H) MOD 100H; dstr := (col DIV 10000H) MOD 100H; SYSTEM.GET(yadd + (fx DIV 65536) * 4, col0); ca := (col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H); IF ca # 0 THEN cb := (col0 MOD 100H); cg := (col0 DIV 100H MOD 100H); cr := (col0 DIV 10000H MOD 100H); IF ca # 255 THEN cb := MIN((cb * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstb) DIV 256, 255); cg := MIN((cg * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstg) DIV 256, 255); cr := MIN((cr * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstr) DIV 256, 255) END; SYSTEM.PUT(adr, cb + ASH(cg, 8) + ASH(cr, 16) + 0FF000000H) END; INC(fx, sdx); INC(adr, 4) END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888SW; (* blend *) PROCEDURE Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888 (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db, sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y, xfleft, xfright, yftop, yfbottom: INTEGER; yadr: ADDRESS; col, col0, col1, col2, col3 : INTEGER; b0, g0, r0, a0, b1, g1, r1, a1, cb, cg, cr, ca, dstb, dstg, dstr: INTEGER; fx, fy, xadd0, xadd1: INTEGER; yadd0, yadd1: ADDRESS; BEGIN yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; fy := sy - 8000H; sx := sx - 8000H; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; dstadr := yadr; yadd0 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; yadd1 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO (* destination color *) SYSTEM.GET(dstadr, col); dstb := col MOD 100H; dstg := col DIV 100H MOD 100H; dstr := col DIV 10000H MOD 100H; xadd0 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536, 0, sw - 1) * 4; xadd1 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sw - 1) * 4; SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd0, col0); SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd1, col1); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd0, col2); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd1, col3); xfleft := (65536 - fx MOD 65536); xfright := (fx MOD 65536); yftop := (65536 - fy MOD 65536); yfbottom := (fy MOD 65536); a0 := ((col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a1 := ((col2 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; ca := (a0 * yftop + a1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; IF ca # 0 THEN b0 := ((col0 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g0 := ((col0 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r0 := ((col0 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a0 := ((col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; b1 := ((col2 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g1 := ((col2 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r1 := ((col2 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a1 := ((col2 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; cb := (b0 * yftop + b1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cg := (g0 * yftop + g1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cr := (r0 * yftop + r1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; ca := (a0 * yftop + a1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; IF ca # 255 THEN cb := MIN((cb * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstb) DIV 256, 255); cg := MIN((cg * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstg) DIV 256, 255); cr := MIN((cr * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstr) DIV 256, 255) END; SYSTEM.PUT(dstadr, cb + ASH(cg, 8) + ASH(cr, 16) + 0FF000000H) END; INC(fx, sdx); INC(dstadr, 4) END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888; (* blend *) PROCEDURE Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888SW (srcadr, dstadr: ADDRESS; srcbpr, dstbpr, dl, dt, dr, db, sx, sy, sdx, sdy, sw, sh: INTEGER); VAR x, y, xfleft, xfright, yftop, yfbottom: INTEGER; yadr: ADDRESS; col, col0, col1, col2, col3 : INTEGER; b0, g0, r0, a0, b1, g1, r1, a1, cb, cg, cr, ca, dstb, dstg, dstr: INTEGER; fx, fy, xadd0, xadd1: INTEGER; yadd0, yadd1: ADDRESS; BEGIN yadr := dstadr + dl * 4 + dt * dstbpr; fy := sy - 8000H; sx := sx - 8000H; FOR y := dt TO db - 1 DO fx := sx; dstadr := yadr; yadd0 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; yadd1 := srcadr + Bounds(fy DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sh - 1) * srcbpr; FOR x := dl TO dr - 1 DO (* destination color *) SYSTEM.GET(dstadr, col); dstb := col MOD 100H; dstg := col DIV 100H MOD 100H; dstr := col DIV 10000H MOD 100H; xadd0 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536, 0, sw - 1) * 4; xadd1 := Bounds(fx DIV 65536 + 1, 0, sw - 1) * 4; SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd0, col0); col0 := SwapRB(col0); SYSTEM.GET(yadd0 + xadd1, col1); col1 := SwapRB(col1); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd0, col2); col2 := SwapRB(col2); SYSTEM.GET(yadd1 + xadd1, col3); col3 := SwapRB(col3); xfleft := (65536 - fx MOD 65536); xfright := (fx MOD 65536); yftop := (65536 - fy MOD 65536); yfbottom := (fy MOD 65536); a0 := ((col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a1 := ((col2 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; ca := (a0 * yftop + a1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; IF ca # 0 THEN b0 := ((col0 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g0 := ((col0 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r0 := ((col0 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a0 := ((col0 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col1 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; b1 := ((col2 MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; g1 := ((col2 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 100H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; r1 := ((col2 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 10000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; a1 := ((col2 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfleft + (col3 DIV 1000000H MOD 100H) * xfright) DIV 65536; cb := (b0 * yftop + b1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cg := (g0 * yftop + g1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; cr := (r0 * yftop + r1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; ca := (a0 * yftop + a1 * yfbottom) DIV 65536; IF ca # 255 THEN cb := MIN((cb * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstb) DIV 256, 255); cg := MIN((cg * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstg) DIV 256, 255); cr := MIN((cr * 256 + (256 - ca) * dstr) DIV 256, 255) END; SYSTEM.PUT(dstadr, cb + ASH(cg, 8) + ASH(cr, 16) + 0FF000000H) END; INC(fx, sdx); INC(dstadr, 4) END; INC(fy, sdy); INC(yadr, dstbpr) END END Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888SW; (* source rect must be completely in src, destination rect must be completely in dst *) PROCEDURE Scale* (IN src: RasterData; srcw, srch, sx, sy, sw, sh: INTEGER; VAR dst: RasterData; dstw, dsth, dx, dy, dw, dh: INTEGER; swapColor: BOOLEAN; q: INTEGER); VAR fw, fh: REAL; ssx, ssy: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((srcw > 0) & (srch > 0), 20); ASSERT((dstw > 0) & (dsth > 0), 21); ASSERT(LEN(src) >= srcw * srch, 22); ASSERT(LEN(dst) >= dstw * dsth, 23); ASSERT((sw > 0) & (sh > 0), 24); ASSERT((dw > 0) & (dh > 0), 25); ASSERT((sx >= 0) & (sy >= 0) & (sx < srcw) & (sy < srch), 26); ASSERT((srcw - sx >= sw) & (srch - sy >= sh), 27); ASSERT((dx >= 0) & (dy >= 0) & (dx < dstw) & (dy < dsth), 28); ASSERT((dstw - dx >= dw) & (dsth - dy >= dh), 29); fw := sw / dw; fh := sh / dh; ssx := sx * 65536; ssy := sy * 65536; IF q = nearest THEN IF swapColor THEN Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888CopySW( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) ELSE Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888Copy( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) END ELSE IF swapColor THEN Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888CopySW( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) ELSE Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888Copy( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) END END END Scale; (* source rect must be completely in src, destination rect must be completely in dst *) PROCEDURE ScaleBlend* (IN src: RasterData; srcw, srch, sx, sy, sw, sh: INTEGER; VAR dst: RasterData; dstw, dsth, dx, dy, dw, dh: INTEGER; swapColor: BOOLEAN; q: INTEGER); VAR fw, fh: REAL; ssx, ssy: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((srcw > 0) & (srch > 0), 20); ASSERT((dstw > 0) & (dsth > 0), 21); ASSERT(LEN(src) >= srcw * srch, 22); ASSERT(LEN(dst) >= dstw * dsth, 23); ASSERT((sw > 0) & (sh > 0), 24); ASSERT((dw > 0) & (dh > 0), 25); ASSERT((sx >= 0) & (sy >= 0) & (sx < srcw) & (sy < srch), 26); ASSERT((srcw - sx >= sw) & (srch - sy >= sh), 27); ASSERT((dx >= 0) & (dy >= 0) & (dx < dstw) & (dy < dsth), 28); ASSERT((dstw - dx >= dw) & (dsth - dy >= dh), 29); fw := sw / dw; fh := sh / dh; ssx := sx * 65536; ssy := sy * 65536; IF q = nearest THEN IF swapColor THEN Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888SW( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) ELSE Q0BGRA8888BGRA8888( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) END ELSE IF swapColor THEN Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888SW( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) ELSE Q1BGRA8888BGRA8888( SYSTEM.ADR(src[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(dst[0]), srcw * 4, dstw * 4, dx, dy, dx + dw, dy + dh, ssx, ssy, SHORT(ENTIER(fw * 65536)), SHORT(ENTIER(fh * 65536)), srcw, srch) END END END ScaleBlend; END StdRasters.
MODULE StdRastersPng; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "www.oberon.ch blackbox.oberon.org" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Ketmar Dark" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Files, Ports, StdInflate, StdRasters, Log; CONST Crc32Init = -1; defDPI = 96; TYPE ImageLoader* = POINTER TO RECORD (StdRasters.ImageLoader) END; FilesOffset = INTEGER; IDatReader = POINTER TO RECORD (StdInflate.Inflater) rd: Files.Reader; cleft: INTEGER; crc: INTEGER; nomore: BOOLEAN; crcIsWrong: BOOLEAN END; LineArrayPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; VAR DEBUG_PNG_LOADER*: BOOLEAN; DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER*: BOOLEAN; crc32Table: ARRAY 16 OF SET; PROCEDURE ColorsRGBA (r, g, b, a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN r + g * 100H + b * 10000H + a * 1000000H END ColorsRGBA; PROCEDURE ReadSChar (rd: Files.Reader; VAR c: SHORTCHAR); VAR x: BYTE; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(x); c := SHORT(CHR(x)) END ReadSChar; PROCEDURE ReadSChars (rd: Files.Reader; VAR a: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; w, len: INTEGER); VAR x: BYTE; BEGIN ASSERT(w >= 0, 20); ASSERT(len > 0, 21); ASSERT(w + len <= LEN(a), 22); WHILE len > 0 DO rd.ReadByte(x); a[w] := SHORT(CHR(x)); INC(w); DEC(len) END END ReadSChars; (******** crc32 ********) PROCEDURE Crc32Final (crc32: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN ORD(-BITS(crc32)) END Crc32Final; PROCEDURE Crc32SChar (VAR crc32: INTEGER; b: SHORTCHAR); VAR crc: INTEGER; BEGIN crc := crc32; crc := ORD(BITS(crc) / BITS(ORD(b))); crc := ORD(crc32Table[crc MOD 10H] / (BITS(ASH(crc, -4)) * {0..27})); crc := ORD(crc32Table[crc MOD 10H] / (BITS(ASH(crc, -4)) * {0..27})); crc32 := crc END Crc32SChar; PROCEDURE Crc32SChars (VAR crc32: INTEGER; IN arr: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; beg, len: INTEGER); VAR crc, b: INTEGER; BEGIN (* k8: don't bother ASSERT(beg >= 0, 20); ASSERT(len >= 0, 21); ASSERT(beg <= LEN(arr), 22); ASSERT(LEN(arr) - beg >= len, 23); *) crc := crc32; INC(len, beg); WHILE beg < len DO b := ORD(arr[beg]); INC(beg); crc := ORD(BITS(crc) / BITS(b)); crc := ORD(crc32Table[crc MOD 10H] / (BITS(ASH(crc, -4)) * {0..27})); crc := ORD(crc32Table[crc MOD 10H] / (BITS(ASH(crc, -4)) * {0..27})) END; crc32 := crc END Crc32SChars; (******** big-endian integer readers ********) PROCEDURE ReadByteBE (rd: Files.Reader; VAR crc: INTEGER; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR bt: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ReadSChar(rd, bt); Crc32SChar(crc, bt); x := ORD(bt) END ReadByteBE; PROCEDURE ReadWordBE (rd: Files.Reader; VAR crc: INTEGER; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR bt: ARRAY 2 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ReadSChars(rd, bt, 0, 2); Crc32SChars(crc, bt, 0, 2); x := ASH(ORD(bt[0]), 8) + ORD(bt[1]) END ReadWordBE; PROCEDURE ReadIntBE (rd: Files.Reader; VAR crc: INTEGER; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR bt: ARRAY 4 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ReadSChars(rd, bt, 0, 4); Crc32SChars(crc, bt, 0, 4); x := ORD(BITS(ASH(ORD(bt[0]), 24)) + BITS(ASH(ORD(bt[1]), 16)) + BITS(ASH(ORD(bt[2]), 8)) + BITS(ORD(bt[3]))) END ReadIntBE; (******** interlace tables ********) (* 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0 *) PROCEDURE WShift (pass: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((pass >= 0) & (pass <= 7), 20); RETURN (7 - pass) DIV 2 END WShift; (* 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0 *) PROCEDURE HShift (pass: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((pass >= 0) & (pass <= 7), 20); RETURN MIN(3, (8 - pass) DIV 2) END HShift; (* 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 *) PROCEDURE RowOfs (pass: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((pass >= 0) & (pass <= 7), 20); RETURN ASH(ASH(1, (8 - pass) DIV 2), -1) MOD 8 * ((pass + 1) MOD 2) END RowOfs; (* 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0 *) PROCEDURE ColOfs (pass: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((pass >= 0) & (pass <= 7), 20); RETURN ASH(ASH(1, (7 - pass) DIV 2), -1) * (pass MOD 2) END ColOfs; (******** idat byte stream ********) (* read as much as you can, return number of read bytes *) PROCEDURE (inf: IDatReader) ReadBuf- (VAR buf: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): INTEGER; VAR pos, left, rd, filecrc: INTEGER; sign: ARRAY 5 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN pos := 0; left := LEN(buf); WHILE ~inf.nomore & (left # 0) DO rd := MIN(inf.cleft, left); IF rd # 0 THEN ReadSChars(inf.rd, buf, pos, rd); IF inf.rd.eof THEN inf.nomore := TRUE; pos := 0 ; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" WRONG!"); Log.Ln END ELSE Crc32SChars(inf.crc, buf, pos, rd); DEC(inf.cleft, rd); INC(pos, rd); DEC(left, rd) END ELSE (* want a new idat chunk *) ReadIntBE(inf.rd, rd, filecrc); (* CRC *) IF filecrc # Crc32Final(inf.crc) THEN IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" CRC IS WRONG!"); Log.Ln END; inf.nomore := TRUE; inf.crcIsWrong := TRUE ELSE ReadIntBE(inf.rd, rd, inf.cleft); (* chunk size *) ReadSChars(inf.rd, sign, 0, 4); sign[4] := 0X; (* chunk signature *) inf.crc := Crc32Init; Crc32SChars(inf.crc, sign, 0, 4); inf.nomore := inf.rd.eof OR (sign # "IDAT") END END END; RETURN pos END ReadBuf; PROCEDURE Round16To8 (v: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR mv: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (v < 0) OR (v > 65535) THEN v := 1 ELSE mv := v MOD 256; v := v DIV 256; IF v # 255 THEN INC(v, mv DIV 128) END END; RETURN v END Round16To8; (******** main decoder ********) PROCEDURE LoadPng* (rd: Files.Reader): StdRasters.Image; VAR sign: ARRAY 9 OF SHORTCHAR; seenidat: BOOLEAN; csize: INTEGER; ncofs: FilesOffset; f, width, height: INTEGER; img: StdRasters.Image; tR, tG, tB: INTEGER; compression, filter, bitdepth: INTEGER; colortype, interlace: INTEGER; seenplte: BOOLEAN; plte: ARRAY 256 OF Ports.Color; trns: ARRAY 256 OF INTEGER; sr, sg, sb: SHORTCHAR; dpiX, dpiY: INTEGER; gamma: INTEGER; idat: IDatReader; crc: INTEGER; checkCRC: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE DecodeImage; VAR prevLine, currLine: LineArrayPtr; bytesPerPixel, bytesPerFullRow, bytesPerRowPass: INTEGER; pass: INTEGER; (* current deinterlacing pass *) passwdt: INTEGER; (* width of the current pass *) passxofs: INTEGER; (* starting x offset (in pixels) for the start of each line in the destination buffer *) passyofs: INTEGER; (* starting y offset (in pixels) for the first line in the destination buffer *) passxstep: INTEGER; (* x step in the destination buffer, in pixels *) passystep: INTEGER; (* y step in the destination buffer, in pixels *) curxofs, curxstep, curxval: INTEGER; rcount: INTEGER; curx, cury: INTEGER; clr: Ports.Color; dpos: INTEGER; tmpline: LineArrayPtr; (* get one pixel value; no converstion *) PROCEDURE GetPixelData (): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE bitdepth OF | 1: IF curxstep = 8 THEN INC(curxofs); curxstep := 0; curxval := ORD(currLine[curxofs]) ELSE INC(curxstep) END; res := curxval DIV 128; ASSERT((res = 0) OR (res = 1), 100); curxval := curxval * 2 MOD 256; | 2: IF curxstep = 4 THEN INC(curxofs); curxstep := 0; curxval := ORD(currLine[curxofs]) ELSE INC(curxstep) END; res := curxval DIV 64; ASSERT((res >= 0) & (res <= 3), 100); curxval := curxval * 4 MOD 256; | 4: IF curxstep = 1 THEN INC(curxofs); curxstep := 0; curxval := ORD(currLine[curxofs]) ELSE INC(curxstep) END; res := curxval DIV 16; ASSERT((res >= 0) & (res <= 15), 100); curxval := curxval * 16 MOD 256; | 8: res := ORD(currLine[curxofs]); INC(curxofs) | 16: res := ORD(currLine[curxofs]) * 256 + ORD(currLine[curxofs + 1]); INC(curxofs, 2) END; RETURN res END GetPixelData; PROCEDURE GetPixelValue (): Ports.Color; VAR pR, pG, pB, pA: INTEGER; res: Ports.Color; BEGIN CASE colortype OF | 0: (* grayscale *) pR := GetPixelData(); IF pR = tR THEN pA := 0 ELSE pA := 255 END; CASE bitdepth OF | 1: pR := pR * 255 | 2: CASE pR OF | 0: (* ok *) | 1: pR := 055H | 2: pR := 0AAH | 3: pR := 0FFH END | 4: pR := pR * 16 + pR | 8: (* ok *) | 16: pR := Round16To8(pR) END; res := ColorsRGBA(pR, pR, pR, pA) | 2: (* rgb *) pR := GetPixelData(); pG := GetPixelData(); pB := GetPixelData(); IF (pR = tR) & (pG = tG) & (pB = tB) THEN pA := 0 ELSE pA := 255 END; IF bitdepth = 16 THEN pR := Round16To8(pR); pG := Round16To8(pG); pB := Round16To8(pB) END; res := ColorsRGBA(pR, pG, pB, pA) | 3: (* indexed *) pR := GetPixelData(); res := ORD(BITS(plte[pR]) + BITS(ASH(trns[pR], 24))) | 4: (* grayscale with alpha *) pR := GetPixelData(); pA := GetPixelData(); IF bitdepth = 16 THEN pR := Round16To8(pR); pA := Round16To8(pA) END; res := ColorsRGBA(pR, pR, pR, pA) | 6: (* rgb with alpha *) pR := GetPixelData(); pG := GetPixelData(); pB := GetPixelData(); pA := GetPixelData(); IF bitdepth = 16 THEN pR := Round16To8(pR); pG := Round16To8(pG); pB := Round16To8(pB); pA := Round16To8(pA) END; res := ColorsRGBA(pR, pG, pB, pA) END; RETURN res END GetPixelValue; PROCEDURE SetupPass; VAR rowofs, colofs: INTEGER; BEGIN DEC(pass); REPEAT INC(pass); rowofs := RowOfs(pass); colofs := ColOfs(pass); UNTIL (rowofs < height) & (colofs < width) OR (pass = 7); IF (pass = 7) & (interlace # 0) THEN pass := 69 ELSE passwdt := WShift(pass); passwdt := ASH(width + ASH(1, passwdt) - 1 - colofs, -passwdt); bytesPerRowPass := ((passwdt * bytesPerPixel) * bitdepth + 8 - 1) DIV 8; passxofs := colofs; passyofs := rowofs; passxstep := ASH(1, WShift(pass)); passystep := ASH(1, HShift(pass)); (*curr = buffer+rowoffset*pitch+coloffset*bytesPerPixel;*) (*passpitch = pitch<<passheightshift[pass];*) IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String("pass:"); Log.Int(pass); Log.Ln; Log.String("passwdt:"); Log.Int(passwdt); Log.Ln; Log.String("passxofs:"); Log.Int(passxofs); Log.Ln; Log.String("passyofs:"); Log.Int(passyofs); Log.Ln; Log.String("passxstep:"); Log.Int(passxstep); Log.Ln; Log.String("passystep:"); Log.Int(passystep); Log.Ln; Log.String("bytesPerRowPass:"); Log.Int(bytesPerRowPass); Log.Ln END; END; END SetupPass; PROCEDURE UnfilterLineSub; VAR line: LineArrayPtr; bpp: INTEGER; idx: INTEGER; BEGIN line := currLine; bpp := bytesPerPixel; IF bitdepth = 16 THEN INC(bpp, bpp) END; FOR idx := 16 TO bytesPerRowPass + 16 - 1 DO line[idx] := SHORT(CHR((ORD(line[idx]) + ORD(line[idx - bpp])) MOD 256)) END; END UnfilterLineSub; PROCEDURE UnfilterLineUp; VAR line, prev: LineArrayPtr; idx: INTEGER; BEGIN line := currLine; prev := prevLine; FOR idx := 16 TO bytesPerRowPass + 16 - 1 DO line[idx] := SHORT(CHR((ORD(line[idx]) + ORD(prev[idx])) MOD 256)) END; END UnfilterLineUp; PROCEDURE UnfilterLineAverage; VAR line, prev: LineArrayPtr; bpp: INTEGER; idx: INTEGER; BEGIN line := currLine; prev := prevLine; bpp := bytesPerPixel; IF bitdepth = 16 THEN INC(bpp, bpp) END; FOR idx := 16 TO bytesPerRowPass + 16 - 1 DO line[idx] := SHORT(CHR(( ORD(line[idx]) + (ORD(line[idx - bpp]) + ORD(prev[idx])) DIV 2 ) MOD 256)) END; END UnfilterLineAverage; PROCEDURE Paeth (a, b, c: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR p, pa, pb, pc: INTEGER; BEGIN p := a + b - c; pa := ABS(p - a); pb := ABS(p - b); pc := ABS(p - c); IF (pa <= pb) & (pa <= pc) THEN p := a ELSIF pb <= pc THEN p := b ELSE p := c END; RETURN p END Paeth; PROCEDURE UnfilterLinePaeth; VAR line, prev: LineArrayPtr; bpp: INTEGER; idx: INTEGER; BEGIN line := currLine; prev := prevLine; bpp := bytesPerPixel; IF bitdepth = 16 THEN INC(bpp, bpp) END; FOR idx := 16 TO bytesPerRowPass + 16 - 1 DO line[idx] := SHORT(CHR(( ORD(line[idx]) + Paeth(ORD(line[idx - bpp]), ORD(prev[idx]), ORD(prev[idx - bpp])) ) MOD 256)) END; END UnfilterLinePaeth; BEGIN IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String("==== ==== ===="); Log.Ln END; CASE colortype OF | 2: bytesPerPixel := 3 (* rgb *) | 4: bytesPerPixel := 2 (* grayscale, alpha *) | 6: bytesPerPixel := 4 (* rgba *) ELSE bytesPerPixel := 1 END; (*bytesPerFullRow := ((UP.width * bytesPerPixel) * UP.bitdepth + UP.bitdepth - 1) DIV UP.bitdepth;*) bytesPerFullRow := ((width * bytesPerPixel) * bitdepth + 8 - 1) DIV 8; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String("bytesPerPixel:"); Log.Int(bytesPerPixel); Log.Ln; Log.String("bytesPerFullRow:"); Log.Int(bytesPerFullRow); Log.Ln END; NEW(prevLine, bytesPerFullRow + 32); NEW(currLine, bytesPerFullRow + 32); (*bytesPerRowOut := UP.width * bytesPerPixel;*) IF interlace # 0 THEN pass := 0 ELSE pass := 7 END; WHILE pass < 8 - interlace DO SetupPass; IF pass < 16 THEN (* clear first line *) FOR cury := 0 TO bytesPerRowPass + 31 - 1 DO currLine[cury] := 0X END; cury := passyofs; WHILE cury < height DO (* swap lines *) tmpline := currLine; currLine := prevLine; prevLine := tmpline; (* read filter *) rcount := idat.ReadSChars(currLine, 0, 1); IF (rcount # 1) OR idat.Error() OR idat.crcIsWrong THEN IF DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER THEN Log.String("RF-ERR: tup:"); Log.Int(idat.totalUnpacked); Log.String("; rcount:"); Log.Int(rcount); Log.String("; bytesPerRowPass:"); Log.Int(bytesPerRowPass); Log.String("; idaterr:"); Log.Bool(idat.Error()); Log.String("; crc is wrong:"); Log.Bool(idat.crcIsWrong); Log.Ln END; img := NIL; RETURN END; filter := ORD(currLine[0]); IF DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER THEN Log.String("cury:"); Log.Int(cury); Log.String("; filter:"); Log.Int(filter); Log.Ln; END; IF filter > 4 THEN IF DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER THEN Log.String("FL-ERR: tup:"); Log.Int(idat.totalUnpacked); Log.String("; rcount:"); Log.Int(rcount); Log.String("; bytesPerRowPass:"); Log.Int(bytesPerRowPass); Log.String("; idaterr:"); Log.Bool(idat.Error()); Log.String("; crc is wrong:"); Log.Bool(idat.crcIsWrong); Log.Ln END; img := NIL; RETURN END; (* read line data *) currLine[0] := 0X; rcount := idat.ReadSChars(currLine, 16, bytesPerRowPass); IF (rcount # bytesPerRowPass) OR idat.Error() OR idat.crcIsWrong THEN IF DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER THEN Log.String("RP-ERR: tup:"); Log.Int(idat.totalUnpacked); Log.String("; rcount:"); Log.Int(rcount); Log.String("; bytesPerRowPass:"); Log.Int(bytesPerRowPass); Log.String("; idaterr:"); Log.Bool(idat.Error()); Log.String("; crc is wrong:"); Log.Bool(idat.crcIsWrong); Log.Ln END; img := NIL; RETURN END; (* restore original line data *) CASE filter OF | 0: (* do nothing *) | 1: UnfilterLineSub | 2: UnfilterLineUp | 3: UnfilterLineAverage | 4: UnfilterLinePaeth END; (* unpack line data *) curxofs := 16; curxstep := 0; curxval := ORD(currLine[curxofs]); curx := 0; dpos := cury * width + passxofs; WHILE curx < passwdt DO clr := GetPixelValue(); img.data[dpos] := clr; INC(dpos, passxstep); INC(curx) END; (* next line *) INC(cury, passystep) END; INC(pass) END END; IF DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER THEN Log.String("DONE: err="); Log.Bool(idat.Error()); Log.Ln; END; IF ~idat.Eof() THEN (* this reads 0 bytes, but necessary to check the final Adler32 checksum of ZLib stream *) rcount := idat.ReadSChars(currLine, 0, 1); IF DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER THEN Log.String("DONE-EOF: err="); Log.Bool(idat.Error()); Log.Ln; END; IF idat.Error() OR idat.crcIsWrong THEN img := NIL END END END DecodeImage; PROCEDURE FinishChunk (ncofs: FilesOffset; crc: INTEGER; check: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR left: FilesOffset; b, filecrc: INTEGER; BEGIN IF rd.eof OR (ncofs < 0) OR (ncofs >= rd.Base().Length()) THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF ~check THEN IF rd.Base().Length() - ncofs < 12 THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE rd.SetPos(ncofs + 4); RETURN TRUE END ELSE left := ncofs - rd.Pos(); IF left < 0 THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE WHILE left # 0 DO ReadByteBE(rd, crc, b); DEC(left) END; ReadIntBE(rd, b, filecrc); RETURN ~rd.eof & (Crc32Final(crc) = filecrc) END END END FinishChunk; BEGIN (*rd.SetPos(0);*) IF rd.Base().Length() - rd.Pos() < 16 THEN RETURN NIL END; ReadSChars(rd, sign, 0, 8); sign[8] := 0X; IF sign # 89X+"PNG"+0DX+0AX+1AX+0AX THEN RETURN NIL END; (* first chunk must be IHDR *) ReadIntBE(rd, crc, csize); ReadSChars(rd, sign, 0, 4); sign[4] := 0X; IF rd.eof OR (sign # "IHDR") OR (csize # 13) THEN RETURN NIL END; crc := Crc32Init; Crc32SChars(crc, sign, 0, 4); ncofs := rd.Pos() + csize; (* skip CRC *) (* parse IHDR chunk *) ReadIntBE(rd, crc, width); ReadIntBE(rd, crc, height); IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String("PNG: width:"); Log.Int(width); Log.String("; height:"); Log.Int(height); Log.Ln END; IF (width < 1) OR (width > 32768) OR (height < 1) OR (height > 32768) THEN RETURN NIL END; NEW(img); img.width := width; img.height := height; ReadByteBE(rd, crc, bitdepth); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, colortype); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, compression); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, filter); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, interlace); IF rd.eof THEN RETURN NIL END; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" bitdepth:"); Log.Int(bitdepth); Log.Ln; Log.String(" colortype:"); Log.Int(colortype); Log.Ln; Log.String(" compression:"); Log.Int(compression); Log.Ln; Log.String(" filter:"); Log.Int(filter); Log.Ln; Log.String(" interlace:"); Log.Int(interlace); Log.Ln END; IF (compression # 0) OR (filter # 0) OR (interlace > 1) THEN RETURN NIL END; CASE colortype OF | 0: (* grayscale *) CASE bitdepth OF | 1, 2, 4, 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 2: (* rgb *) CASE bitdepth OF | 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 3: (* indexed *) CASE bitdepth OF | 1, 2, 4, 8: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 4: (* grayscale with alpha *) CASE bitdepth OF | 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 6: (* rgb with alpha *) CASE bitdepth OF | 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; ELSE RETURN NIL END; seenidat := FALSE; seenplte := FALSE; tR := -1; dpiX := defDPI; dpiY := defDPI; gamma := 0; FOR f := 0 TO 255 DO trns[f] := 255 END; (* default is fully opaque *) checkCRC := TRUE; WHILE ~rd.eof & ~seenidat DO IF rd.Base().Length() - ncofs <= 8 THEN RETURN NIL END; IF ~FinishChunk(ncofs, crc, checkCRC) THEN RETURN NIL END; ReadIntBE(rd, crc, csize); checkCRC := FALSE; crc := Crc32Init; ReadSChars(rd, sign, 0, 4); IF csize < 0 THEN RETURN NIL END; Crc32SChars(crc, sign, 0, 4); ncofs := rd.Pos() + csize; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" CHUNK: "); Log.String(sign$); Log.String(" : size:"); Log.Int(csize); Log.Ln END; IF sign = "PLTE" THEN checkCRC := TRUE; IF seenplte THEN RETURN NIL END; (* no more than one such chunk allowed *) IF (csize < 0) OR (csize MOD 3 # 0) THEN RETURN NIL END; (* invalid size *) seenplte := TRUE; IF colortype = 3 THEN (* we want chunk contents *) FOR f := 0 TO 255 DO plte[f] := -1 END; f := 0; WHILE (f # 256) & (csize # 0) DO ReadSChar(rd, sr); Crc32SChar(crc, sr); ReadSChar(rd, sg); Crc32SChar(crc, sg); ReadSChar(rd, sb); Crc32SChar(crc, sb); plte[f] := Ports.RGBColor(ORD(sr), ORD(sg), ORD(sb)); INC(f); DEC(csize, 3) END END ELSIF sign = "tRNS" THEN checkCRC := TRUE; CASE colortype OF | 0: (* grayscale, 16-bit value *) IF csize # 2 THEN RETURN NIL END; ReadWordBE(rd, crc, tR); CASE bitdepth OF | 1: IF tR > 1 THEN tR := -1 ELSIF tR = 1 THEN tR := 255 END | 2: CASE tR OF | 0: (* ok *) | 1: tR := 055H | 2: tR := 0AAH | 3: tR := 0FFH ELSE tR := -1 END | 4: IF tR > 15 THEN tR := -1 ELSE tR := tR * 16 + tR END | 8: IF tR > 255 THEN tR := -1 END ELSE END; | 2: (* rgb, 3 16-bit values *) IF csize # 2 * 3 THEN RETURN NIL END; ReadWordBE(rd, crc, tR); ReadWordBE(rd, crc, tG); ReadWordBE(rd, crc, tB); IF bitdepth = 8 THEN IF (tR > 255) OR (tG > 255) OR (tB > 255) THEN tR := 1 END ELSE ASSERT(bitdepth = 16) END | 3: (* byte table *) IF csize < 0 THEN RETURN NIL END; f := 0; WHILE (f # 256) & (csize # 0) DO ReadSChar(rd, sr); Crc32SChar(crc, sr); trns[f] := ORD(sr); INC(f); DEC(csize) END; END; ELSIF sign = "gAMA" THEN checkCRC := TRUE; IF csize >= 4 THEN ReadIntBE(rd, crc, gamma); IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" gamma:"); Log.Int(gamma DIV 100000); Log.String("."); Log.IntForm(gamma MOD 100000, 10, 0, '0', FALSE); Log.Ln; END; IF (gamma < 0) OR (gamma > 4 * 100000) THEN gamma := 0 END END ELSIF sign = "pHYs" THEN checkCRC := TRUE; IF csize >= 9 THEN ReadIntBE(rd, crc, dpiX); ReadIntBE(rd, crc, dpiY); ReadSChar(rd, sr); Crc32SChar(crc, sr); IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" dpiX:"); Log.Int(dpiX); Log.String("; dpiY"); Log.Int(dpiY); Log.String("; units:"); Log.Int(ORD(sr)); Log.Ln; END; IF sr = 01X THEN dpiX := MAX(0, SHORT(ENTIER(dpiX * 0.0254 + 0.5))); dpiY := MAX(0, SHORT(ENTIER(dpiY * 0.0254 + 0.5))); IF (dpiX = 0) OR (dpiY = 0) OR (dpiX > 8192) OR (dpiY > 8192) THEN dpiX := 0; dpiY := 0 END; ELSE dpiX := 0; dpiY := 0 END; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" fin: dpiX:"); Log.Int(dpiX); Log.String("; dpiY"); Log.Int(dpiY); Log.Ln; END; END ELSIF sign = "IEND" THEN RETURN NIL ELSIF sign = "IDAT" THEN seenidat := TRUE END END; IF ~seenidat OR rd.eof THEN RETURN NIL END; IF (colortype = 3) & ~seenplte THEN RETURN NIL END; IF rd.Base().Length() - ncofs <= 8 THEN RETURN NIL END; NEW(img.data, width * height); img.width := width; img.height := height; img.dpiX := dpiX; img.dpiY := dpiY; NEW(idat); idat.rd := rd; idat.cleft := csize; idat.crc := crc; idat.nomore := FALSE; idat.Init(StdInflate.ZLib); DecodeImage; RETURN img END LoadPng; (* return Img.Image without data if the image is a PNG image, and sets rd position after the last image byte. If there is an error, rd position is undefined. *) PROCEDURE ScanPng* (rd: Files.Reader): StdRasters.Image; VAR sign: ARRAY 9 OF SHORTCHAR; seenidat: BOOLEAN; csize: INTEGER; ncofs: FilesOffset; width, height: INTEGER; img: StdRasters.Image; compression, filter, bitdepth: INTEGER; colortype, interlace: INTEGER; seenplte: BOOLEAN; dpiX, dpiY: INTEGER; sr: SHORTCHAR; crc: INTEGER; checkCRC: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE FinishChunk (ncofs: FilesOffset; crc: INTEGER; check: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR left: FilesOffset; b, filecrc: INTEGER; BEGIN IF rd.eof OR (ncofs < 0) OR (ncofs >= rd.Base().Length()) THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF ~check THEN IF rd.Base().Length() - ncofs < 12 THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE rd.SetPos(ncofs + 4); RETURN TRUE END ELSE left := ncofs - rd.Pos(); IF left < 0 THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE WHILE left # 0 DO ReadByteBE(rd, crc, b); DEC(left) END; ReadIntBE(rd, b, filecrc); RETURN ~rd.eof & (Crc32Final(crc) = filecrc) END END END FinishChunk; BEGIN (*rd.SetPos(0);*) IF rd.Base().Length() - rd.Pos() < 16 THEN RETURN NIL END; ReadSChars(rd, sign, 0, 8); sign[8] := 0X; IF sign # 89X+"PNG"+0DX+0AX+1AX+0AX THEN RETURN NIL END; (* first chunk must be IHDR *) ReadIntBE(rd, crc, csize); ReadSChars(rd, sign, 0, 4); sign[4] := 0X; IF rd.eof OR (sign # "IHDR") OR (csize # 13) THEN RETURN NIL END; crc := Crc32Init; Crc32SChars(crc, sign, 0, 4); ncofs := rd.Pos() + csize; (* skip CRC *) (* parse IHDR chunk *) ReadIntBE(rd, crc, width); ReadIntBE(rd, crc, height); IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String("PNG: width:"); Log.Int(width); Log.String("; height:"); Log.Int(height); Log.Ln END; IF (width < 1) OR (width > 32768) OR (height < 1) OR (height > 32768) THEN RETURN NIL END; NEW(img); img.width := width; img.height := height; ReadByteBE(rd, crc, bitdepth); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, colortype); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, compression); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, filter); ReadByteBE(rd, crc, interlace); IF rd.eof THEN RETURN NIL END; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" bitdepth:"); Log.Int(bitdepth); Log.Ln; Log.String(" colortype:"); Log.Int(colortype); Log.Ln; Log.String(" compression:"); Log.Int(compression); Log.Ln; Log.String(" filter:"); Log.Int(filter); Log.Ln; Log.String(" interlace:"); Log.Int(interlace); Log.Ln END; IF (compression # 0) OR (filter # 0) OR (interlace > 1) THEN RETURN NIL END; CASE colortype OF | 0: (* grayscale *) CASE bitdepth OF | 1, 2, 4, 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 2: (* rgb *) CASE bitdepth OF | 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 3: (* indexed *) CASE bitdepth OF | 1, 2, 4, 8: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 4: (* grayscale with alpha *) CASE bitdepth OF | 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; | 6: (* rgb with alpha *) CASE bitdepth OF | 8, 16: (* ok *) ELSE RETURN NIL END; ELSE RETURN NIL END; seenidat := FALSE; seenplte := FALSE; dpiX := 0; dpiY := 0; checkCRC := TRUE; WHILE ~rd.eof & ~seenidat DO IF rd.Base().Length() - ncofs <= 8 THEN RETURN NIL END; IF ~FinishChunk(ncofs, crc, checkCRC) THEN RETURN NIL END; ReadIntBE(rd, crc, csize); checkCRC := FALSE; crc := Crc32Init; ReadSChars(rd, sign, 0, 4); IF csize < 0 THEN RETURN NIL END; Crc32SChars(crc, sign, 0, 4); ncofs := rd.Pos() + csize; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" CHUNK: "); Log.String(sign$); Log.String(" : size:"); Log.Int(csize); Log.Ln END; IF sign = "PLTE" THEN IF seenplte THEN RETURN NIL END; (* no more than one such chunk allowed *) seenplte := TRUE; ELSIF sign = "pHYs" THEN checkCRC := TRUE; IF csize >= 9 THEN ReadIntBE(rd, crc, dpiX); ReadIntBE(rd, crc, dpiY); ReadSChar(rd, sr); Crc32SChar(crc, sr); IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" dpiX:"); Log.Int(dpiX); Log.String("; dpiY"); Log.Int(dpiY); Log.String("; units:"); Log.Int(ORD(sr)); Log.Ln; END; IF sr = 01X THEN dpiX := MAX(0, SHORT(ENTIER(dpiX * 0.0254 + 0.5))); dpiY := MAX(0, SHORT(ENTIER(dpiY * 0.0254 + 0.5))); IF (dpiX = 0) OR (dpiY = 0) OR (dpiX > 8192) OR (dpiY > 8192) THEN dpiX := 0; dpiY := 0 END; ELSE dpiX := 0; dpiY := 0 END; IF DEBUG_PNG_LOADER THEN Log.String(" fin: dpiX:"); Log.Int(dpiX); Log.String("; dpiY"); Log.Int(dpiY); Log.Ln; END; END ELSIF sign = "IEND" THEN RETURN NIL ELSIF sign = "IDAT" THEN seenidat := TRUE END END; IF ~seenidat OR rd.eof THEN RETURN NIL END; IF (colortype = 3) & ~seenplte THEN RETURN NIL END; IF rd.Base().Length() - ncofs <= 8 THEN RETURN NIL END; img.dpiX := dpiX; img.dpiY := dpiY; RETURN img END ScanPng; (******** Loader ********) PROCEDURE (ldr: ImageLoader) Detect* (rd: Files.Reader): BOOLEAN; VAR buf: ARRAY 16 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ReadSChars(rd, buf, 0, 16); RETURN ~rd.eof & (buf[0] = 89X) & (buf[1] = 50X) & (buf[2] = 4EX) & (buf[3] = 47X) & (buf[4] = 0DX) & (buf[5] = 0AX) & (buf[6] = 1AX) END Detect; PROCEDURE (ldr: ImageLoader) Load* (rd: Files.Reader): StdRasters.Image; BEGIN RETURN LoadPng(rd) END Load; PROCEDURE (ldr: ImageLoader) GetInfo* (rd: Files.Reader): StdRasters.Image; BEGIN RETURN ScanPng(rd) END GetInfo; PROCEDURE InitCRC; CONST poly = 0EDB88320H; VAR n, c, k: INTEGER; BEGIN (* crc32Table[0] := BITS(00000000H); crc32Table[1] := BITS(1DB71064H); crc32Table[2] := BITS(3B6E20C8H); crc32Table[3] := BITS(26D930ACH); crc32Table[4] := BITS(76DC4190H); crc32Table[5] := BITS(6B6B51F4H); crc32Table[6] := BITS(4DB26158H); crc32Table[7] := BITS(5005713CH); crc32Table[8] := BITS(0EDB88320H); crc32Table[9] := BITS(0F00F9344H); crc32Table[10] := BITS(0D6D6A3E8H); crc32Table[11] := BITS(0CB61B38CH); crc32Table[12] := BITS(9B64C2B0H); crc32Table[13] := BITS(86D3D2D4H); crc32Table[14] := BITS(0A00AE278H); crc32Table[15] := BITS(0BDBDF21CH); *) (* make exclusive-or pattern from polynomial (0EDB88320H). terms of polynomial defining this crc (except x^32) uint poly = 0; // polynomial exclusive-or pattern foreach (immutable n; [0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,16,22,23,26]) poly |= 1u<<(31-n); *) n := 0; WHILE n < 16 DO c := n * 16; k := 8; WHILE k # 0 DO DEC(k); IF ODD(c) THEN c := ORD(BITS(SYSTEM.LSH(c, -1)) / BITS(poly)) ELSE c := SYSTEM.LSH(c, -1) END END; crc32Table[n] := BITS(c); INC(n); END END InitCRC; BEGIN InitCRC; DEBUG_PNG_LOADER := FALSE; DEBUG_PNG_DEPACKER := FALSE END StdRastersPng.
MODULE StdRegistry; (** project = "Лунь" organization = "" contributors = "" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "Kushnir Piotr Michailovich" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "Registry модуль для сохранения настроек, изначально лежал в Хост и все его импортировали без стеснения, теперь для желающих поимпортировать будет модуль в Std" changes = " - 20130308, pk, автогенерация заголовка -20130728, pk, добавил процедуру проверки готовности YHostRegistry " issues = "" **) IMPORT Kernel; TYPE Hook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; VAR hook: Hook; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) ReadString* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) ReadInt* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) ReadBool* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) ReadIntList* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: ARRAY OF INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) WriteString* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) WriteInt* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) WriteBool* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) WriteIntList* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN x: ARRAY OF INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE ReadString* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: INTEGER); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.ReadString(key, str, res) ELSE res:=-1 END; END ReadString; PROCEDURE ReadInt* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.ReadInt(key, x, res) ELSE res:=-1 END; END ReadInt; PROCEDURE ReadBool* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.ReadBool(key, x, res) ELSE res:=-1 END; END ReadBool; PROCEDURE ReadIntList* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: ARRAY OF INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.ReadIntList(key, x, res) ELSE res:=-1 END; END ReadIntList; PROCEDURE WriteString* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.WriteString(key, str) END; END WriteString; PROCEDURE WriteInt* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.WriteInt(key, x) END; END WriteInt; PROCEDURE WriteBool* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; x: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.WriteBool(key, x) END; END WriteBool; PROCEDURE WriteIntList* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN x: ARRAY OF INTEGER); BEGIN IF hook#NIL THEN hook.WriteIntList(key, x) END; END WriteIntList; PROCEDURE SetHook* (h: Hook); BEGIN hook:=h; END SetHook; PROCEDURE Ready*(): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (hook#NIL) END Ready; END StdRegistry.
MODULE StdScrollbars; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, new module" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Anton Dmitriev, Ketmar Dark, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20230512, k8, changed scrollbars look - 20240521, dia, prevent fall if scrollbar size is small " issues = " - " **) IMPORT Views, Ports, Models, Controllers, Services, Properties; CONST left = 16; middle = 17; right = 18; (* HostPorts.left, .middle, .right *) vertical* = TRUE; (* scrollbar orientation *) minThumbSize = 9; TYPE UCs = INTEGER; Pixels = INTEGER; Scrollbar* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) wholeSize*, partSize*, partPos*: INTEGER; isVertical*: BOOLEAN; lastDot-: INTEGER; (* the following is set by Recalc *) w, h: Pixels; (* last known width and height *) size: Pixels; (* last known scrollbar size *) thPos, thSize: Pixels (* last known thumbnail position and size *) END; StdScrollbar = POINTER TO RECORD (Scrollbar) END; ScrollbarDirectory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdScrollbarDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (ScrollbarDirectory) END; (** a proposal indicating to the context that the scrollbar has been scrolled by the user. It is up to the receiver of the proposal to request (thru Views.Update) or force (thru Views.RestoreRoot) the restoration of the scrollbar. *) Proposal* = RECORD (Models.Proposal) sb*: Scrollbar; frame*: Views.Frame; (** the sender may specify .sb's frame to allow optimizations in the receiver. ASSERT((.frame = NIL) OR (.frame.view = .sb)) *) op*: INTEGER (** same constants as for Controllers.ScrollMsg.op *) END; Param* = RECORD thumbColor*: Ports.Color; thumbMin*: INTEGER; shaftColor*: Ports.Color; shaftShade*: INTEGER; disabledColor*: Ports.Color; leftGoto*: BOOLEAN; smallerThumb*: BOOLEAN; (* calculated colors *) clrShaft: Ports.Color; clrThumb: Ports.Color; END; FindFrameMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) frame: Views.Frame END; VAR sbDir*: ScrollbarDirectory; stdSbDir-: StdScrollbarDirectory; param: Param; PROCEDURE (VAR p: Param) InitDefaults, NEW; BEGIN p.thumbColor := Ports.grey50; p.thumbMin := 30; p.shaftColor := Ports.grey25; p.shaftShade := 0; p.disabledColor := Ports.white; p.leftGoto := TRUE; p.smallerThumb := TRUE; END InitDefaults; PROCEDURE (VAR p: Param) Init*, NEW; BEGIN IF (p.shaftShade > 0) & (p.shaftShade < 100) THEN p.clrShaft := Ports.blue ELSE p.clrShaft := p.shaftColor END; p.clrThumb := p.thumbColor; END Init; (** Scrollbar **) PROCEDURE GetSBSize (sb: Scrollbar): INTEGER; BEGIN IF param.smallerThumb THEN RETURN MAX(0, sb.size - 2) ELSE RETURN MAX(0, sb.size) END; END GetSBSize; PROCEDURE GetThumbOfs (sb: Scrollbar): INTEGER; BEGIN IF param.smallerThumb THEN RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 END; END GetThumbOfs; (* thum size is proportional to the visible area size *) PROCEDURE CalcThumbSize (sb: Scrollbar): Pixels; VAR res: Pixels; sbsize: INTEGER; BEGIN sbsize := GetSBSize(sb); IF (sbsize <= 0) OR (sb.wholeSize <= 0) OR (sb.partSize > 0) & (sb.wholeSize <= sb.partSize) THEN res := sbsize ELSE res := MAX(minThumbSize, param.thumbMin); (* StdDocument often doesn't set part size *) IF sb.partSize > 0 THEN res := MAX(res, MIN(sbsize, SHORT(LONG(sbsize) * sb.partSize DIV sb.wholeSize))) END END; RETURN res END CalcThumbSize; (* sb.thSize should be already set *) PROCEDURE GetPartSize (sb: Scrollbar): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := sb.partSize; IF res <= 0 THEN ASSERT(sb.thSize >= minThumbSize, 100); IF sb.thSize >= GetSBSize(sb) THEN res := 0 ELSE res := SHORT(LONG(sb.wholeSize) DIV (GetSBSize(sb) - sb.thSize)) END END; RETURN MAX(0, res) END GetPartSize; PROCEDURE Recalc (sb: Scrollbar; dot: UCs); VAR pos, sz, sbsize: INTEGER; BEGIN sb.lastDot := dot; sb.context.GetSize(sb.w, sb.h); sb.w := sb.w DIV dot; sb.h := sb.h DIV dot; sb.size := 0; sb.thPos := 0; sb.thSize := 0; IF (sb.wholeSize > 0) & (sb.w > 0) & (sb.h > 0) THEN IF sb.isVertical THEN sb.size := sb.h ELSE sb.size := sb.w END; IF sb.size < minThumbSize + 3 THEN sb.size := 0 ELSE sb.thSize := CalcThumbSize(sb); sbsize := GetSBSize(sb); IF (sbsize <= 0) OR (sb.wholeSize <= 0) OR (sb.wholeSize <= sb.partSize) THEN sb.thPos := 0 ELSIF sb.thSize >= sbsize THEN sb.thPos := 0 ELSE ASSERT(sb.thSize <= sbsize, 100); sz := sb.wholeSize - GetPartSize(sb); IF sz <= 0 THEN sz := 1 END; pos := MAX(0, MIN(sb.partPos, sz)); sb.thPos := SHORT(LONG(sbsize - sb.thSize) * pos DIV sz) END END END END Recalc; (* tp is thumb position (top/left); result is the position in the sb range. should be called after Recalc. *) PROCEDURE Thumb2Pos (sb: Scrollbar; tp: Pixels): INTEGER; VAR res, sbsize: INTEGER; BEGIN sbsize := GetSBSize(sb); IF (tp <= 0) OR (sb.wholeSize <= 0) OR (sb.thSize = 0) THEN res := 0 ELSIF tp >= sbsize - sb.thSize THEN res := sb.wholeSize - GetPartSize(sb) ELSE res := SHORT(LONG(sb.wholeSize - GetPartSize(sb)) * tp DIV (sbsize - sb.thSize)) END; RETURN res END Thumb2Pos; PROCEDURE (sb: StdScrollbar) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, dot: UCs; BEGIN dot := f.dot; Recalc(sb, dot); IF GetSBSize(sb) = 0 THEN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, param.disabledColor) ELSE f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, param.clrShaft); sb.context.GetSize(w, h); IF sb.isVertical THEN IF param.smallerThumb THEN l := dot; t := dot; r := w - dot ELSE l := 0; t := 0; r := w END; INC(t, sb.thPos * dot); b := t + sb.thSize * dot ELSE IF param.smallerThumb THEN l := dot; t := dot; b := h - dot ELSE l := 0; t := 0; b := h END; INC(l, sb.thPos * dot); r := l + sb.thSize * dot END; f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, param.clrThumb); END END Restore; PROCEDURE UpdateRoot (c: Views.Frame); VAR root: Views.RootFrame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN root := Views.UltimateRootOf(Views.RootOf(c)); IF root # NIL THEN l := root.l + root.gx; t := root.t + root.gy; r := root.r + root.gx; b := root.b + root.gy; Views.RestoreRoot(root, l, t, r, b) END END UpdateRoot; PROCEDURE TrackThumb (sb: StdScrollbar; f: Views.Frame; msg: Controllers.TrackMsg); VAR p: Proposal; delta, q, x, y, ox, oy, partPos: INTEGER; ticks: LONGINT; mod: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; ffm: FindFrameMsg; BEGIN IF GetSBSize(sb) > 0 THEN x := msg.x; y := msg.y; ox := x; oy := y; IF sb.isVertical THEN delta := y DIV f.dot - sb.thPos ELSE delta := x DIV f.dot - sb.thPos END; INC(delta, GetThumbOfs(sb)); ticks := Services.Ticks(); REPEAT IF f.rider # NIL THEN f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown) END; IF (sb.isVertical & (y # oy)) OR (~ sb.isVertical & (x # ox)) THEN IF sb.isVertical THEN q := y DIV f.dot ELSE q := x DIV f.dot END; partPos := Thumb2Pos(sb, q - delta); IF (partPos # sb.partPos) & (isDown OR (Services.Ticks() - ticks > 10)) THEN sb.partPos := partPos; p.sb := sb; p.op := Controllers.gotoPos; p.frame := f; sb.context.Consider(p); (* Consider may cause Views.Update with Views.rebuildFrames; if so, obtain the new frame *) IF f.rider = NIL THEN Views.Broadcast(sb, ffm); f := ffm.frame END; (* k8: we need to do it this way, otherwise scrollbar and scroll visual positions could be wrong *) UpdateRoot(f); (* same check *) IF f.rider = NIL THEN Views.Broadcast(sb, ffm); f := ffm.frame END; ticks := Services.Ticks() END; ox := x; oy := y END UNTIL (f.rider = NIL) OR ~isDown ELSE REPEAT IF f.rider # NIL THEN f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown) END UNTIL (f.rider = NIL) OR ~isDown END END TrackThumb; (** w, h - dimensions of sb; ltrb - thumb bounding box *) PROCEDURE TrackShaft (sb: StdScrollbar; f: Views.Frame; msg: Controllers.TrackMsg); CONST interval = 500; none = -1; up = Controllers.decPage; down = Controllers.incPage; VAR p: Proposal; mod: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; x, y, tp: INTEGER; dir: INTEGER; ticks, oticks: LONGINT; BEGIN p.sb := sb; x := msg.x; y := msg.y; oticks := 0; REPEAT ticks := Services.Ticks(); IF (ticks - oticks > interval) & (f.l <= x) & (x < f.r) & (f.t <= y) & (y < f.b) THEN Recalc(sb, f.dot); IF GetSBSize(sb) > 0 THEN IF sb.isVertical THEN tp := y DIV f.dot ELSE tp := x DIV f.dot END; IF tp < sb.thPos + GetThumbOfs(sb) THEN dir := up ELSIF tp > sb.thPos + GetThumbOfs(sb) + sb.thSize THEN dir := down ELSE dir := none END; IF dir # none THEN p.op := dir; p.frame := f; sb.context.Consider(p) END END; oticks := ticks END; IF f.rider # NIL THEN f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown) END; UNTIL (f.rider = NIL) OR ~isDown END TrackShaft; PROCEDURE Goto (sb: StdScrollbar; f: Views.Frame; msg: Controllers.TrackMsg); VAR p: Proposal; q: INTEGER; partPos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF GetSBSize(sb) > 0 THEN IF sb.isVertical THEN q := msg.y DIV f.dot ELSE q := msg.x DIV f.dot END; DEC(q, sb.thSize DIV 2); partPos := Thumb2Pos(sb, q); IF partPos # sb.partPos THEN sb.partPos := partPos; p.sb := sb; p.op := Controllers.gotoPos; p.frame := f; sb.context.Consider(p) END END END Goto; PROCEDURE (sb: StdScrollbar) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR sbpos: Pixels; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Recalc(sb, f.dot); IF sb.isVertical THEN sbpos := msg.y DIV f.dot ELSE sbpos := msg.x DIV f.dot END; INC(sbpos, GetThumbOfs(sb)); IF middle IN msg.modifiers THEN Goto(sb, f, msg) ELSIF (sbpos >= sb.thPos) & (sbpos < sb.thPos + sb.thSize) THEN TrackThumb(sb, f, msg) ELSIF param.leftGoto & (left IN msg.modifiers) THEN Goto(sb, f, msg) ELSIF msg.modifiers * {left, right} # {} THEN TrackShaft(sb, f, msg) END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (sb: StdScrollbar) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (sb: StdScrollbar) HandleViewMsg- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: FindFrameMsg DO msg.frame := f ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (sb: StdScrollbar) GetBackground* (VAR col: Ports.Color); BEGIN col := Views.transparent END GetBackground; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: ScrollbarDirectory) New* (): Scrollbar, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** StdDirectory **) PROCEDURE (d: StdScrollbarDirectory) New (): Scrollbar; VAR sb: StdScrollbar; BEGIN NEW(sb); sb.isVertical := TRUE; sb.wholeSize := 0; RETURN sb END New; BEGIN NEW(stdSbDir); sbDir := stdSbDir; param.InitDefaults; param.Init END StdScrollbars.
MODULE StdScrollers; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20050715, mf, corrections in InnerFrame and its clients - 20150714, center #66, adding procedure WrappedView and improving View.HandleCtrlMsg - 20220531, dia, add WrapView " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, Ports, Services, Stores, Models, Views, Properties, Controllers, StdCFrames; CONST (* properties & options *) horBar* = 0; verBar* = 1; horHide* = 2; verHide* = 3; width* = 4; height* = 5; showBorder* = 6; savePos* = 7; TYPE Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) horBar*, verBar*: BOOLEAN; horHide*, verHide*: BOOLEAN; width*, height*: INTEGER; showBorder*: BOOLEAN; savePos*: BOOLEAN END; ScrollBar = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) v: View; ver: BOOLEAN END; InnerView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) v: View END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View); view: Views.View; sbW: INTEGER; orgX, orgY: INTEGER; w, h: INTEGER; (* = 0: adapt to container *) opts: SET; (* not persistent *) hor, ver: ScrollBar; inner: InnerView; rgap, bgap: INTEGER; (* = 0: no scrollbar *) border: INTEGER; update: Action END; Context = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) v: View; type: INTEGER END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) v: View END; Op = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: View; p: Prop END; SOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: View; x, y: INTEGER END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) changed: BOOLEAN END; VAR dialog*: RECORD horizontal*, vertical*: RECORD mode*: INTEGER; adapt*: BOOLEAN; size*: REAL END; showBorder*: BOOLEAN; savePos*: BOOLEAN; valid, readOnly: SET END; (* tools *) PROCEDURE CheckPos (v: View; VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); DEC(w, v.rgap + 2 * v.border); DEC(h, v.bgap + 2 * v.border); IF x > v.w - w THEN x := v.w - w END; IF x < 0 THEN x := 0 END; IF y > v.h - h THEN y := v.h - h END; IF y < 0 THEN y := 0 END END CheckPos; PROCEDURE InnerFrame (v: View; f: Views.Frame): Views.Frame; VAR g, h: Views.Frame; BEGIN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.inner); IF g = NIL THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.inner, v.border, v.border, 0, TRUE); g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.inner) END; IF g # NIL THEN h := Views.ThisFrame(g, v.view); IF h = NIL THEN Views.InstallFrame(g, v.view, -v.orgX, -v.orgY, 0, TRUE); h := Views.ThisFrame(g, v.view) END END; RETURN h END InnerFrame; PROCEDURE Scroll (v: View; dir: INTEGER; ver: BOOLEAN; p: INTEGER; OUT pos: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; last: Stores.Operation; op: SOp; BEGIN x := v.orgX; y := v.orgY; IF ver THEN pos := y ELSE pos := x END; IF dir = StdCFrames.lineUp THEN DEC(pos, 10 * Ports.mm) ELSIF dir = StdCFrames.lineDown THEN INC(pos, 10 * Ports.mm) ELSIF dir = StdCFrames.pageUp THEN DEC(pos, 40 * Ports.mm) ELSIF dir = StdCFrames.pageDown THEN INC(pos, 40 * Ports.mm) ELSIF dir = Controllers.gotoPos THEN pos := p END; IF ver THEN CheckPos(v, x, pos); y := pos ELSE CheckPos(v, pos, y); x := pos END; IF (x # v.orgX) OR (y # v.orgY) THEN last := Views.LastOp(v); IF ~(savePos IN v.opts) OR (last # NIL) & (last IS SOp) THEN v.orgX := x; v.orgY := y; Views.Update(v.view, Views.keepFrames) ELSE NEW(op); op.v := v; op.x := x; op.y := y; Views.Do(v, "#System:Scrolling", op) END END END Scroll; PROCEDURE PollSection (v: View; ver: BOOLEAN; OUT size, sect, pos: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF ver THEN size := v.h; sect := h - v.bgap - 2 * v.border; pos := v.orgY ELSE size := v.w; sect := w - v.rgap - 2 * v.border; pos := v.orgX END END PollSection; (* SOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SOp) Do; VAR x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN x := op.x; op.x := op.v.orgX; op.v.orgX := x; y := op.y; op.y := op.v.orgY; op.v.orgY := y; Views.Update(op.v.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; (* properties *) PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: Prop DO valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE; IF p.horBar # q.horBar THEN EXCL(valid, horBar) END; IF p.verBar # q.verBar THEN EXCL(valid, verBar) END; IF p.horHide # q.horHide THEN EXCL(valid, horHide) END; IF p.verHide # q.verHide THEN EXCL(valid, verHide) END; IF p.width # q.width THEN EXCL(valid, width) END; IF p.height # q.height THEN EXCL(valid, height) END; IF p.showBorder # q.showBorder THEN EXCL(valid, showBorder) END; IF p.savePos # q.savePos THEN EXCL(valid, savePos) END; IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END END END IntersectWith; PROCEDURE SetProp (v: View; p: Properties.Property); VAR op: Op; BEGIN WITH p: Prop DO NEW(op); op.v := v; op.p := p; Views.Do(v, "#System:SetProp", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE PollProp (v: View; OUT prop: Prop); VAR p: Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide, width, height, showBorder, savePos}; p.readOnly := {width, height} - v.opts; p.horBar := horBar IN v.opts; p.verBar := verBar IN v.opts; p.horHide := horHide IN v.opts; p.verHide := verHide IN v.opts; p.width := v.w; p.height := v.h; p.showBorder := showBorder IN v.opts; p.savePos := savePos IN v.opts; p.known := p.valid; prop := p END PollProp; (* Op *) PROCEDURE (op: Op) Do; VAR p: Prop; v: View; valid: SET; BEGIN v := op.v; p := op.p; PollProp(v, op.p); op.p.valid := p.valid; valid := p.valid * ({horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide, showBorder, savePos} + v.opts * {width, height}); IF horBar IN valid THEN IF p.horBar THEN INCL(v.opts, horBar) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, horBar) END END; IF verBar IN valid THEN IF p.verBar THEN INCL(v.opts, verBar) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, verBar) END END; IF horHide IN valid THEN IF p.horHide THEN INCL(v.opts, horHide) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, horHide) END END; IF verHide IN valid THEN IF p.verHide THEN INCL(v.opts, verHide) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, verHide) END END; IF width IN valid THEN v.w := p.width END; IF height IN valid THEN v.h := p.height END; IF showBorder IN valid THEN IF p.showBorder THEN INCL(v.opts, showBorder); v.border := 2 * Ports.point ELSE EXCL(v.opts, showBorder); v.border := 0 END END; IF savePos IN valid THEN IF p.savePos THEN INCL(v.opts, savePos) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, savePos) END END; Views.Update(v, Views.rebuildFrames) END Do; (* Action *) PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR msg: UpdateMsg; BEGIN msg.changed := FALSE; Views.Broadcast(a.v, msg); IF msg.changed THEN Views.Update(a.v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE Views.Broadcast(a.v.hor, msg); Views.Broadcast(a.v.ver, msg) END END Do; (* ScrollBars *) PROCEDURE TrackSB (f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar; dir: INTEGER; VAR pos: INTEGER); VAR s: ScrollBar; msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; pmsg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; host, inner: Views.Frame; BEGIN s := f.view(ScrollBar); host := Views.HostOf(f); msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := s.ver; msg.op := dir; msg.done := FALSE; inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END; IF msg.done THEN pmsg.focus := FALSE; pmsg.vertical := s.ver; pmsg.valid := FALSE; pmsg.done := FALSE; inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, pmsg) END; IF pmsg.done THEN pos := pmsg.partPos END ELSE Scroll(s.v, dir, s.ver, 0, pos); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(host)) END END TrackSB; PROCEDURE SetSB (f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar; pos: INTEGER); VAR s: ScrollBar; msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; p: INTEGER; host, inner: Views.Frame; BEGIN s := f.view(ScrollBar); host := Views.HostOf(f); msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := s.ver; msg.op := Controllers.gotoPos; msg.pos := pos; msg.done := FALSE; inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END; IF ~msg.done THEN Scroll(s.v, Controllers.gotoPos, s.ver, pos, p); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(host)) END END SetSB; PROCEDURE GetSB (f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar; OUT size, sect, pos: INTEGER); VAR s: ScrollBar; msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; host, inner: Views.Frame; BEGIN s := f.view(ScrollBar); host := Views.HostOf(f); msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := s.ver; msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0; msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE; inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END; IF msg.done THEN IF msg.valid THEN size := msg.wholeSize; sect := msg.partSize; pos := msg.partPos ELSE size := 1; sect := 1; pos := 0 END ELSE PollSection(s.v, s.ver, size, sect, pos) END END GetSB; PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewScrollBar(); f.disabled := FALSE; f.undef := FALSE; f.readOnly := FALSE; f.Track := TrackSB; f.Get := GetSB; f.Set := SetSB; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO f.GetCursor(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, msg.cursor) | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE END END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Update() END ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; (* View *) PROCEDURE Update (v: View; f: Views.Frame); VAR msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; w, h: INTEGER; depends: BOOLEAN; inner: Views.Frame; BEGIN v.bgap := 0; v.rgap := 0; depends := FALSE; v.context.GetSize(w, h); DEC(w, 2 * v.border); DEC(h, 2 * v.border); IF horBar IN v.opts THEN IF horHide IN v.opts THEN msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := FALSE; msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0; msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE; inner := InnerFrame(v, f); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END; IF msg.done THEN IF msg.valid THEN v.bgap := v.sbW END ELSIF v.w > 0 THEN IF w < v.w THEN v.bgap := v.sbW ELSIF w - v.sbW < v.w THEN depends := TRUE END END ELSE v.bgap := v.sbW END END; IF verBar IN v.opts THEN IF verHide IN v.opts THEN msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := TRUE; msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0; msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE; inner := InnerFrame(v, f); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END; IF msg.done THEN IF msg.valid THEN v.rgap := v.sbW END ELSIF v.h > 0 THEN IF h - v.bgap < v.h THEN v.rgap := v.sbW END END ELSE v.rgap := v.sbW END END; IF depends & (v.rgap > 0) THEN v.bgap := v.sbW END; CheckPos(v, v.orgX, v.orgY) END Update; PROCEDURE Init (v: View; newView: BOOLEAN); CONST min = 2 * Ports.mm; max = MAX(INTEGER); default = 50 * Ports.mm; VAR c: Context; x: INTEGER; msg: Properties.ResizePref; BEGIN IF newView THEN v.opts := v.opts + {horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide}; StdCFrames.dir.GetScrollBarSize(x, v.sbW); IF v.view.context # NIL THEN v.view.context.GetSize(v.w, v.h); v.view := Views.CopyOf(v.view, Views.shallow) ELSE v.w := Views.undefined; v.h := Views.undefined; Properties.PreferredSize(v.view, min, max, min, max, default, default, v.w, v.h) END; msg.fixed := FALSE; msg.horFitToWin := FALSE; msg.verFitToWin := FALSE; msg.horFitToPage := FALSE; msg.verFitToPage := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); IF ~msg.fixed THEN INCL(v.opts, width); INCL(v.opts, height); IF msg.horFitToWin OR msg.horFitToPage THEN v.w := 0 END; IF msg.verFitToWin OR msg.verFitToPage THEN v.h := 0 END END END; v.rgap := 0; v.bgap := 0; IF showBorder IN v.opts THEN v.border := 2 * Ports.point ELSE v.border := 0 END; NEW(v.inner); v.inner.v := v; NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 3; v.inner.InitContext(c); NEW(v.hor); v.hor.ver := FALSE; v.hor.v := v; NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 2; v.hor.InitContext(c); NEW(v.ver); v.ver.ver := TRUE; v.ver.v := v; NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 1; v.ver.InitContext(c); NEW(v.update); v.update.v := v; Stores.Join(v, v.view); Stores.Join(v, v.inner); Stores.Join(v, v.hor); Stores.Join(v, v.ver); Services.DoLater(v.update, Services.now) END Init; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, thisVersion); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN Views.ReadView(rd, v.view); rd.ReadInt(v.sbW); rd.ReadInt(v.orgX); rd.ReadInt(v.orgY); rd.ReadInt(v.w); rd.ReadInt(v.h); rd.ReadSet(v.opts); Init(v, FALSE) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(0); Views.WriteView(wr, v.view); wr.WriteInt(v.sbW); IF savePos IN v.opts THEN wr.WriteInt(v.orgX); wr.WriteInt(v.orgY) ELSE wr.WriteInt(0); wr.WriteInt(0) END; wr.WriteInt(v.w); wr.WriteInt(v.h); wr.WriteSet(v.opts); END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel(): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.view.ThisModel() END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: View DO IF model = NIL THEN v.view := Views.CopyOf(source.view, Views.deep) ELSE v.view := Views.CopyWithNewModel(source.view, model) END; v.sbW := source.sbW; v.orgX := source.orgX; v.orgY := source.orgY; v.w := source.w; v.h := source.h; v.opts := source.opts; END; Init(v, FALSE) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitContext (context: Models.Context); VAR c: Context; BEGIN v.InitContext^(context); IF v.view.context = NIL THEN NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 0; v.view.InitContext(c) END END InitContext; PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize; BEGIN v.view.Neutralize END Neutralize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF showBorder IN v.opts THEN v.border := 2 * f.dot; f.DrawRect(0, f.dot, w, v.border, Ports.fill, Ports.black); f.DrawRect(f.dot, 0, v.border, h, Ports.fill, Ports.black); f.DrawRect(0, h - v.border, w, h - f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); f.DrawRect(w - v.border, 0, w - f.dot, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); f.DrawRect(0, 0, f.dot, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); f.DrawRect(0, h - f.dot, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.white); f.DrawRect(w - f.dot, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.white) END; Views.InstallFrame(f, v.inner, v.border, v.border, 0, TRUE); IF v.bgap > 0 THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.hor, v.border, h - v.border - v.bgap, 0, FALSE) END; IF v.rgap > 0 THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.ver, w - v.border - v.rgap, v.border, 0, FALSE) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR w, h, p, n: INTEGER;smsg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; inner: Views.Frame; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO smsg.focus := FALSE; smsg.op := msg.op; smsg.pos := 0; smsg.done := FALSE; n := msg.nofLines; IF (v.rgap > 0) OR (v.bgap > 0) THEN smsg.vertical := v.rgap > 0; REPEAT smsg.done := FALSE; inner := InnerFrame(v, f); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, smsg) END; IF ~smsg.done THEN Scroll(v, smsg.op, smsg.vertical, 0, p); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)) END; DEC(n) UNTIL n <= 0; msg.done := TRUE ELSE focus := v.inner END | msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF msg.x > w - v.border - v.rgap THEN IF msg.y <= h - v.border - v.bgap THEN focus := v.ver END ELSIF msg.y > h - v.border - v.bgap THEN focus := v.hor ELSE focus := v.inner END | msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO inner := InnerFrame(v, f); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END; IF ~msg.done THEN PollSection(v, msg.vertical, msg.wholeSize, msg.partSize, msg.partPos); msg.valid := msg.partSize < msg.wholeSize; msg.done := TRUE END | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO inner := InnerFrame(v, f); IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END; IF ~msg.done THEN Scroll(v, msg.op, msg.vertical, msg.pos, p); Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f)); msg.done := TRUE END ELSE focus := v.inner END; (* avoid redundant updates in order to save memory and CPU resources *) IF ~((msg IS Controllers.TickMsg) OR (msg IS Controllers.PollCursorMsg) OR (msg IS Controllers.PollOpsMsg) OR (msg IS Controllers.PollFocusMsg)) THEN Services.DoLater(v.update, Services.now) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR b, r: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO b := v.bgap; r := v.rgap; Update(v, f); IF (v.bgap # b) OR (v.rgap # r) THEN msg.changed := TRUE END ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR w, h: INTEGER; p: Properties.Property; prop: Prop; fv: Views.View; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO v.context.GetSize(w, h); Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); IF msg.atLocation THEN IF (msg.x > w - v.border - v.rgap) & (msg.y > h - v.border - v.bgap) THEN msg.hotFocus := FALSE; msg.setFocus := FALSE ELSIF ((msg.x > w - v.border - v.rgap) OR (msg.y > h - v.border - v.bgap)) & ~msg.setFocus THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE END END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (v.w > 0) & (v.h > 0) THEN IF msg.w = Views.undefined THEN msg.w := 50 * Ports.mm END; IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN msg.h := 50 * Ports.mm END ELSE IF msg.w > v.rgap THEN DEC(msg.w, v.rgap + 2 * v.border) END; IF msg.h > v.bgap THEN DEC(msg.h, v.bgap + 2 * v.border) END; Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); IF msg.w > 0 THEN INC(msg.w, v.rgap + 2 * v.border) END; IF msg.h > 0 THEN INC(msg.h, v.bgap + 2 * v.border) END END; IF msg.w < 3 * v.sbW THEN msg.w := 3 * v.sbW END; IF msg.h < 3 * v.sbW THEN msg.h := 3 * v.sbW END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); IF v.w > 0 THEN msg.fixed := FALSE; msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.horFitToPage := FALSE END; IF v.h > 0 THEN msg.fixed := FALSE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToPage := FALSE END | msg: Properties.BoundsPref DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); INC(msg.w, 2 * v.border); INC(msg.h, 2 * v.border); IF (horBar IN v.opts) & ~(horHide IN v.opts) THEN INC(msg.w, v.sbW) END; IF (verBar IN v.opts) & ~(verHide IN v.opts) THEN INC(msg.h, v.sbW) END | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); PollProp(v, prop); Properties.Insert(msg.prop, prop) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO p := msg.prop; WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Prop) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN SetProp(v, p) END; Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); | msg: Properties.ControlPref DO fv := msg.focus; IF fv = v THEN msg.focus := v.view END; Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); msg.focus := fv ELSE Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg); END; END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE WrappedView* (v: Views.View): Views.View; BEGIN WITH v: View DO RETURN v.view ELSE RETURN v END END WrappedView; PROCEDURE WrapView* (view: Views.View): Views.View; VAR v: View; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg; BEGIN IF (view # NIL) & ~(view IS View) THEN NEW(v); v.view := view; Init(v, TRUE); replace.old := view; replace.new := v; RETURN v ELSE RETURN NIL END; END WrapView; (* InnerView *) PROCEDURE (v: InnerView) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := Ports.background END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (v: InnerView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.v.view, -v.v.orgX, -v.v.orgY, 0, TRUE) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: InnerView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN focus := v.v.view END HandleCtrlMsg; (* Context *) PROCEDURE (c: Context) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~(savePos IN c.v.opts) THEN c.v.context.GetSize(w, h); x := c.v.orgX; y := c.v.orgY; IF c.v.w > 0 THEN DEC(w, c.v.rgap + 2 * c.v.border); IF r > x + w - Ports.point THEN x := r - w + Ports.point END; IF l < x + Ports.point THEN x := l - Ports.point END; END; IF c.v.h > 0 THEN DEC(h, c.v.bgap + 2 * c.v.border); IF b > y + h - Ports.point THEN y := b - h + Ports.point END; IF t < y + Ports.point THEN y := t - Ports.point END; END; IF (x # c.v.orgX) OR (y # c.v.orgY) THEN CheckPos(c.v, x, y); c.v.orgX := x; c.v.orgY := y; Views.Update(c.v.view, Views.keepFrames) END; Services.DoLater(c.v.update, Services.now) END END MakeVisible; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); BEGIN c.v.context.Consider(p) END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN ~(savePos IN c.v.opts) END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN c.v.context.GetSize(w, h); DEC(w, c.v.rgap + 2 * c.v.border); DEC(h, c.v.bgap + 2 * c.v.border); IF c.type = 0 THEN IF c.v.w > 0 THEN w := c.v.w END; IF c.v.h > 0 THEN h := c.v.h END ELSIF c.type = 1 THEN w := c.v.rgap ELSIF c.type = 2 THEN h := c.v.bgap END END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER); VAR w0, h0, w1, h1: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(c.type = 0, 100); c.v.context.GetSize(w0, h0); w1 := w0; h1 := h0; IF c.v.w > 0 THEN c.v.w := w ELSE w1 := w + c.v.rgap + 2 * c.v.border END; IF c.v.h > 0 THEN c.v.h := h ELSE h1 := h + c.v.bgap + 2 * c.v.border END; IF (w1 # w0) OR (h1 # h0) THEN c.v.context.SetSize(w1, h1) END END SetSize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; (* dialog *) PROCEDURE InitDialog*; VAR p: Properties.Property; u: INTEGER; BEGIN Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Prop) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN WITH p: Prop DO IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN u := Ports.mm DIV 10 ELSE u := Ports.inch DIV 100 END; dialog.valid := p.valid; dialog.readOnly := p.readOnly; IF ~p.horBar THEN dialog.horizontal.mode := 0 ELSIF p.horHide THEN dialog.horizontal.mode := 1 ELSE dialog.horizontal.mode := 2 END; IF ~p.verBar THEN dialog.vertical.mode := 0 ELSIF p.verHide THEN dialog.vertical.mode := 1 ELSE dialog.vertical.mode := 2 END; dialog.horizontal.size := p.width DIV u / 100; dialog.vertical.size := p.height DIV u / 100; dialog.horizontal.adapt := p.width = 0; dialog.vertical.adapt := p.height = 0; dialog.showBorder := p.showBorder; dialog.savePos := p.savePos END END END InitDialog; PROCEDURE Set*; VAR p: Prop; u: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN u := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE u := Ports.inch END; NEW(p); p.valid := dialog.valid; p.horBar := dialog.horizontal.mode # 0; p.verBar := dialog.vertical.mode # 0; p.horHide := dialog.horizontal.mode = 1; p.verHide := dialog.vertical.mode = 1; IF ~dialog.horizontal.adapt THEN p.width := SHORT(ENTIER(dialog.horizontal.size * u)) END; IF ~dialog.vertical.adapt THEN p.height := SHORT(ENTIER(dialog.vertical.size * u)) END; p.showBorder := dialog.showBorder; p.savePos := dialog.savePos; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END Set; PROCEDURE DialogGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Prop) DO p := p.next END; IF p = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END DialogGuard; PROCEDURE HorAdaptGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF width IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END END HorAdaptGuard; PROCEDURE VerAdaptGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF height IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END END VerAdaptGuard; PROCEDURE WidthGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF dialog.horizontal.adapt THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF width IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END END WidthGuard; PROCEDURE HeightGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF dialog.vertical.adapt THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF height IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END END HeightGuard; (* commands *) PROCEDURE AddScroller*; VAR poll: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; v: View; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(poll); IF (poll.singleton # NIL) & ~(poll.singleton IS View) THEN NEW(v); v.view := poll.singleton; Init(v, TRUE); replace.old := poll.singleton; replace.new := v; Controllers.Forward(replace) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END AddScroller; PROCEDURE RemoveScroller*; VAR poll: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(poll); IF (poll.singleton # NIL) & (poll.singleton IS View) THEN replace.old := poll.singleton; replace.new := Views.CopyOf(poll.singleton(View).view, Views.shallow); Controllers.Forward(replace) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END RemoveScroller; END StdScrollers.
MODULE StdStamps; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20150617, center #62, Unicode and Internationalization support for StdStamps - 20151015, center #63, editing of old comments added plus some cleanups - 20160321, center #110, use mapped strings for labels in all forms " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, (* SYSTEM.ROT only, for fingerprint calculation *) Dialog, Strings, Dates, StdCmds, Ports, Models, Stores, Containers, Properties, Views, Controllers, Fonts, TextModels, TextSetters, TextMappers, TextViews, TextRulers; CONST setCommentKey = "#Std:Set Comment"; maxHistoryEntries = 25; (* prepared for future expansion *) minVersion = 0; origStampVersion = 0; noSnrVersion = 1; snrVersion = 2; wideCommentVersion = 3; maxVersion = 3; TYPE History = POINTER TO ARRAY OF RECORD fprint, snr: INTEGER; (* fingerprint, sequence number *) date: INTEGER; (* days since 1/1/1 *) time: INTEGER; (* min + 64 * hour *) comment: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; (* nil if no comment *) END; Comment* = ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) (*--snr: LONGINT; for version 1*) nentries: INTEGER; (* number of entries in history *) history: History; (* newest entry in history[0] *) comment0: Comment; (* comment for new history entry or empty *) END; SetCmtOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) stamp: StdView; age: INTEGER; oldcomment: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; END; VAR comment*: RECORD stamp: StdView; snrList*: Dialog.List; date-: Dates.Date; s*: Comment; END; PROCEDURE (op: SetCmtOp) Do; VAR temp: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; BEGIN IF op.age = 0 THEN NEW(temp, LEN(op.stamp.comment0) + 1); temp^ := op.stamp.comment0$; op.stamp.comment0 := op.oldcomment^$ ELSE temp := op.stamp.history[op.age - 1].comment; op.stamp.history[op.age - 1].comment := op.oldcomment END; op.oldcomment := temp; END Do; PROCEDURE FontContext (v: StdView): Fonts.Font; VAR c: Models.Context; BEGIN c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN RETURN c(TextModels.Context).Attr().font; ELSE RETURN Fonts.dir.Default() END; END FontContext; PROCEDURE CalcFP (t: TextModels.Model): INTEGER; CONST sglQuote = "'"; dblQuote = '"'; VAR fp: INTEGER; rd: TextModels.Reader; ch, quoteChar: CHAR; BEGIN quoteChar := 0X; fp := 0; rd := t.NewReader(NIL); rd.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~rd.eot DO IF ch = quoteChar THEN quoteChar := 0X; ELSIF (quoteChar = 0X) & ((ch = dblQuote) OR (ch = sglQuote)) THEN quoteChar := ch; END; IF (quoteChar = 0X) & (21X <= ch) & (ch # 8BX) & (ch # 8FX) & (ch # 0A0X) (* not in string literal *) OR (quoteChar # 0X) & (20X <= ch) (* within string literal *) THEN fp := SYSTEM.ROT(fp, 1) + 13 * ORD(ch); END; rd.ReadChar(ch); END; RETURN fp; END CalcFP; PROCEDURE FillComment (v: StdView; age: INTEGER; rebuild: BOOLEAN); VAR i: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 10 OF CHAR; BEGIN comment.stamp := v; IF rebuild THEN comment.snrList.SetLen(v.nentries + 1); comment.snrList.SetItem(0, "#Std:new"); FOR i := 1 TO v.nentries DO Strings.IntToString(v.history[i - 1].snr, s); comment.snrList.SetItem(i, s); END ; comment.snrList.index := age; Dialog.UpdateList(comment.snrList) END; IF age = 0 THEN Dates.GetDate(comment.date); comment.s := v.comment0$ ELSE DEC(age); Dates.DayToDate(v.history[age].date, comment.date); IF v.history[age].comment = NIL THEN comment.s := '' ELSE comment.s := v.history[age].comment$ END END; Dialog.Update(comment) END FillComment; PROCEDURE Update (v: StdView; forcenew: BOOLEAN); VAR fp, ndays, i: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time; BEGIN IF (v.context # NIL) & (v.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN fp := CalcFP(v.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel()); IF (fp # v.history[0].fprint) OR forcenew OR (v.comment0 # "") THEN Dates.GetDate(d); Dates.GetTime(t); ndays := Dates.Day(d); IF (ndays # v.history[0].date) OR forcenew THEN IF v.nentries = LEN(v.history) THEN (* find oldest uncommented entry *) i := LEN(v.history) - 1; WHILE (i > 0) & (v.history[i].comment # NIL) & (v.history[i].comment[0] # 0X) DO DEC(i) END; IF i = 0 THEN i := LEN(v.history) - 1 END ELSE i := v.nentries; INC(v.nentries) END; (* move down entries in history list *) WHILE i > 0 DO v.history[i] := v.history[i-1]; DEC(i); END; v.history[0].comment := NIL ELSIF v.nentries = 0 THEN v.nentries := 1 END; INC(v.history[0].snr); v.history[0].fprint := fp; v.history[0].date := ndays; v.history[0].time := t.minute + t.hour*64; IF v.comment0 # "" THEN NEW(v.history[0].comment, LEN(v.comment0$) + 1); v.history[0].comment^ := v.comment0$; v.comment0 := "" END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); IF comment.stamp = v THEN FillComment(v, 1, TRUE) END END; END; END Update; PROCEDURE HasWideChars (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := s[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch <= 0FFX) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; RETURN ch # 0X END HasWideChars; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR i, len: INTEGER; version: INTEGER; BEGIN Update(v, v.comment0 # ""); v.Externalize^(wr); i := 0; WHILE (i < v.nentries) & ~((v.history[i].comment # NIL) & HasWideChars(v.history[i].comment)) DO INC(i) END; IF i < v.nentries THEN version := wideCommentVersion ELSE version := snrVersion END; wr.WriteVersion(version); (*--wr.WriteLInt(v.snr);*) wr.WriteXInt(v.nentries); FOR i := 0 TO v.nentries-1 DO wr.WriteInt(v.history[i].fprint); wr.WriteInt(v.history[i].snr); wr.WriteInt(v.history[i].date); wr.WriteXInt(v.history[i].time); IF (v.history[i].comment # NIL) & (LEN(v.history[i].comment$) > 0) THEN len := LEN(v.history[i].comment$); wr.WriteXInt(len); IF version >= wideCommentVersion THEN wr.WriteString(v.history[i].comment) ELSE wr.WriteXString(v.history[i].comment) END ELSE wr.WriteXInt(0); END END; END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; format: BYTE; k, purge, i, len: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN IF version = origStampVersion THEN (* deal with old StdStamp format *) (* would like to calculate fingerprint, but hosting model not available at this time *) NEW(v.history, maxHistoryEntries); v.history[0].fprint := 0; v.history[0].snr := 1; v.nentries := 1; rd.ReadXInt(d.year); rd.ReadXInt(d.month); rd.ReadXInt(d.day); rd.ReadXInt(t.hour); rd.ReadXInt(t.minute); rd.ReadXInt(t.second); rd.ReadByte(format); (* format not used anymore *) v.history[0].date := Dates.Day(d); v.history[0].time := t.minute + t.hour*64; ELSE IF version = noSnrVersion THEN NEW(v.history, maxHistoryEntries); rd.ReadInt(v.history[0].snr) END; rd.ReadXInt(v.nentries); IF version > noSnrVersion THEN NEW(v.history, MAX(v.nentries, maxHistoryEntries)) END; purge := 0; FOR k := 0 TO v.nentries - 1 DO i := k - purge; rd.ReadInt(v.history[i].fprint); IF version > noSnrVersion THEN rd.ReadInt(v.history[i].snr) ELSIF (* (version = noSnrVersion) & *) i > 0 THEN v.history[i].snr := v.history[i-1].snr - 1; END; rd.ReadInt(v.history[i].date); rd.ReadXInt(v.history[i].time); rd.ReadXInt(len); IF len > 0 THEN NEW(v.history[i].comment, len + 1); IF version >= wideCommentVersion THEN rd.ReadString(v.history[i].comment) ELSE rd.ReadXString(v.history[i].comment) END ELSE v.history[i].comment := NIL END; IF (i > 0) & (v.history[i].date = v.history[i-1].date) THEN (* purge uncommented entry if another entry for the same date exists *) IF v.history[i-1].comment = NIL THEN v.history[i-1].comment := v.history[i].comment; INC(purge) ELSIF v.history[i].comment = NIL THEN INC(purge) END END END; DEC(v.nentries, purge); IF version < wideCommentVersion THEN (* cleanup *) i := v.nentries - 1; WHILE (i > 0) & (v.history[i].date = 0) DO DEC(i); DEC(v.nentries) END END END END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN (* v.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: StdView DO (*--v.snr := source.snr;*) v.nentries := source.nentries; v.comment0 := source.comment0; NEW(v.history, LEN(source.history)); FOR i := 0 TO MAX(v.nentries - 1, 1) DO v.history[i] := source.history[i]; IF source.history[i].comment # NIL THEN NEW(v.history[i].comment, LEN(source.history[i].comment$) + 1); v.history[i].comment^ := source.history[i].comment^$; END END END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; color: Ports.Color; c: Models.Context; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; date: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; seq: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; BEGIN c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := v.context(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font; color := a.color ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color := Ports.black END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); f.DrawLine(f.l, asc + f.dot, f.r, asc + f.dot, 1, Ports.grey25 ); Dates.DayToDate(v.history[0].date, d); Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.plainAbbreviated, date); Strings.IntToStringForm(v.history[0].snr, Strings.decimal, 4, "0", FALSE, seq); f.DrawString(0, asc, color, date + " (" + seq + ")", font) END Restore; PROCEDURE SizePref (v: StdView; VAR p: Properties.SizePref); VAR font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; s: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN font := FontContext(v); font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); d.day := 28; d.month := 1; d.year := 2222; p.w := 0; WHILE d.month <= 12 DO Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.plainAbbreviated, s); s := s + " (0000)"; w := font.StringWidth(s); IF w > p.w THEN p.w := w END; INC(d.month) END; p.h := asc + dsc; END SizePref; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR font: Fonts.Font; asc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO SizePref(v, msg) | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO font := FontContext(v); font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w); ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.SetRight(r, 140 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 15 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 35 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 75 * mm); RETURN r END NewRuler; PROCEDURE ShowHistory (v: StdView); VAR text: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; i: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; s: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; tv: TextViews.View; attr: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN text := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(text); attr := f.rider.attr; f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(attr, {Fonts.italic})); Dialog.MapString("#Std:seq nr.", s); f.WriteString(s); f.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Std:fingerprint", s); f.WriteString(s); f.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Std:date and time", s); f.WriteString(s); f.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Std:comment", s); f.WriteString(s); f.WriteLn; f.rider.SetAttr(attr); f.WriteLn; (*--n := v.snr;*) IF v.comment0 # "" THEN Dialog.MapString("#Std:new", s); f.WriteString(s); f.WriteTab; f.WriteTab; Dates.GetDate(d); Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.plainAbbreviated, s); f.WriteString(s); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(v.comment0); f.WriteLn END ; FOR i := 0 TO v.nentries-1 DO f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].snr, 10, 4, "0", FALSE); (*--DEC(n);*) f.WriteTab; f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].fprint, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", FALSE); f.WriteTab; Dates.DayToDate(v.history[i].date, d); Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.plainAbbreviated, s); f.WriteString(s); f.WriteString(" "); f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].time DIV 64, 10, 2, "0", FALSE); f.WriteString(":"); f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].time MOD 64, 10, 2, "0", FALSE); IF v.history[i].comment # NIL THEN f.WriteTab; f.WriteString( v.history[i].comment^); END; f.WriteLn; END; tv := TextViews.dir.New(text); tv.SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); tv.ThisController().SetOpts({Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret}); Views.OpenAux(tv, "History"); END ShowHistory; PROCEDURE Track (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR c: Models.Context; w, h: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; m: SET; d: Dates.Date; today, age: INTEGER; BEGIN c := v.context; c.GetSize(w, h); in0 := FALSE; in := TRUE; REPEAT IF in # in0 THEN f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.show); in0 := in END; f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h) UNTIL ~isDown; IF in0 THEN f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.hide); IF Controllers.modify IN m THEN Dates.GetDate(d); today := Dates.Day(d); IF (v.nentries = 0) OR (v.history[0].date # today) OR (v.comment0 # "") THEN age := 0 ELSE age := 1 END; FillComment(v, age, TRUE); StdCmds.OpenToolDialog("Std/Rsrc/Stamps", "#Std:Comment"); ELSE ShowHistory(v); END END END Track; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg ( f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE GetActiveStamp (): StdView; VAR context: Models.Context; BEGIN IF comment.stamp # NIL THEN context := comment.stamp.context; IF context # NIL THEN IF context.ThisModel() = TextViews.FocusText() THEN RETURN comment.stamp END END END; RETURN NIL END GetActiveStamp; (* ------------ programming interface: ---------------------- *) PROCEDURE GetFirstInText* (t: TextModels.Model): Views.View; VAR r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; BEGIN IF t # NIL THEN r := t.NewReader(NIL); REPEAT r.ReadView(v) UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (v IS StdView); RETURN v; ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END GetFirstInText; PROCEDURE IsStamp* (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN v IS StdView; END IsStamp; PROCEDURE GetInfo* (v: Views.View; OUT historylen: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(v IS StdView, 20); WITH v: StdView DO historylen := v.nentries; END END GetInfo; PROCEDURE GetData* (v: Views.View; entryno: INTEGER; OUT snr, fprint: INTEGER; OUT date: Dates.Date; OUT time: Dates.Time; OUT comment: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN ASSERT(v IS StdView, 20); WITH v: StdView DO ASSERT(entryno < v.nentries, 21); snr := v.history[entryno].snr; fprint := v.history[entryno].fprint; Dates.DayToDate(v.history[entryno].date, date); time.hour := v.history[entryno].time DIV 64; time.minute := v.history[entryno].time MOD 64; time.second := 0; IF v.history[entryno].comment # NIL THEN comment := v.history[entryno].comment^$ ELSE comment := "" END END END GetData; (** Insert new history entry with comment in v. *) PROCEDURE Stamp* (v: Views.View; IN comment: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN ASSERT(v IS StdView, 20); WITH v: StdView DO Update(v, TRUE); NEW(v.history[0].comment, LEN(comment$) + 1); v.history[0].comment^ := comment$; END END Stamp; PROCEDURE New* (): Views.View; VAR v: StdView; d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time; BEGIN NEW(v); NEW(v.history, maxHistoryEntries); v.history[0].snr := 0; v.nentries := 0; v.history[0].fprint := -1; Dates.GetDate(d); Dates.GetTime(t); v.history[0].date := Dates.Day(d); v.history[0].time := t.minute + t.hour*64; RETURN v; END New; PROCEDURE SetComment*; VAR v: StdView; op: SetCmtOp; BEGIN v := GetActiveStamp(); IF v # NIL THEN NEW(op); op.stamp := v; op.age := comment.snrList.index; NEW(op.oldcomment, LEN(comment.s$) + 1); op.oldcomment^ := comment.s$; Views.Do(v, setCommentKey, op) END END SetComment; PROCEDURE Deposit*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(New()) END Deposit; PROCEDURE Guard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := GetActiveStamp() = NIL END Guard; PROCEDURE SnrNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR v: StdView; BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN FillComment(comment.stamp, comment.snrList.index, FALSE) END END SnrNotifier; END StdStamps.
MODULE StdStdCFrames; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "www.oberon.ch, blackbox.oberon.org" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Ivan Denisov, Anton Dmitriev, Ketmar Dark" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20230106, k8, added (rough) SelectionBox implementation - 20230108, k8, implemented scrolling in Field (text edit control) - 20230108, k8, reimplemented ListBox (it is not a combo!) - 20230111, k8, make active ListBox item visible on first show (HACK!) - 20230112, k8, implemented search-on-type in ListBox - 20230113, k8, better implementation of ComboBox popup (screen bounds fitting, keyboard navigation) - 20230113, k8, S-Home and S-End handling in Field - 20230113, k8, added "stationary" ComboBox popup mode (as in windows version) - 20230113, k8, implemented very crude (but working) ColorField - 20230118, k8, completely reworked; removed storages; implemented new look&feel - 20230121, k8, moved guts out of this module; cosmetic fixes - 20230126, k8, vertical scrollbar (it is slightly glitchy, but works) - 20230208, k8, center list cursor on updates - 20230209, k8, removed `DrawIt()` method - 20230311, dia, moved k8 realisation to 2.0 - 20230627, dia, multiline fields " issues = " - k8: SelectionBox rendering is not optimal! " **) IMPORT Dialog, Fonts, Ports, Views, Strings, Controllers, Controls, Services, Stores, Dates, StdCFrames, StdCmds, TextViews, TextModels, Models, Log, Files, Documents, StdDocuments, StdRasters; CONST DELETE* = 07X; BACKSPACE* = 08X; TAB* = 09X; LTAB* = 0AX; ENTER* = 0DX; ESC* = 1BX; PL* = 10X; PR* = 11X; (* ctrl+page up, ctrl+page down *) PU* = 12X; PD* = 13X; (* page up, page down *) DL* = 14X; DR* = 15X; (* home, end *) DU* = 16X; DD* = 17X; (* ctrl+home, ctrl+end *) AL* = 1CX; AR* = 1DX; AU* = 1EX; AD* = 1FX; (* arrows *) (* character classes for word searching *) classBlank* = 0; classWord* = 1; classNonWord* = 2; (* skin states; "selected" is the selection for an editor, or marked item for a list *) stNormal* = 0; stFront* = 1; stDisabled* = 2; stReadOnly* = 3; stSelectedFlag* = 4; stCursorFlag* = 8; stCursorSelectedFlag* = 12; doubleclickTimeout = 300; singleLineSize = 1024; listTabSize = 12; (* for formatted lists *) maxLayoutColumns = 10; TYPE Storage = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD view: Views.View; next: Storage; END; ParamSkin* = POINTER TO RECORD backPopup*, textPopup*, (* control (button, checkbox) *) back*, text*, (* control (button, checkbox) hover *) backHover*, textHover*, (* control (button, checkbox) disabled *) backDisabled*, textDisabled*, (* control (button, checkbox) disabled *) backReadOnly*, textReadOnly*, (* control (button, checkbox) pressed *) backPressed*, textPressed*, (* active editor *) backEditor*, textEditor*, backEditorSelection*, textEditorSelection*, (* non-focused editor *) backEditorBlured*, textEditorBlured*, backEditorBluredSelection*, textEditorBluredSelection*, (* disabled editor *) backEditorDisabled*, textEditorDisabled*, backEditorDisabledSelection*, textEditorDisabledSelection*, (* readonly editor *) backEditorReadOnly*, textEditorReadOnly*, backEditorReadOnlySelection*, textEditorReadOnlySelection*, (* list views *) backList*, textList*, (* selected items *) backSelList*, textSelList*, backListCursor*, textListCursor*, (* cursor for selected items *) backSelListCursor*, textSelListCursor*, (* disabled list views *) backListDisabled*, textListDisabled*, (* selected items *) backSelListDisabled*, textSelListDisabled*, backListCursorDisabled*, textListCursorDisabled*, (* cursor for selected items *) backSelListCursorDisabled*, textSelListCursorDisabled*, (* blured list views *) backListBlured*, textListBlured*, (* selected items *) backSelListBlured*, textSelListBlured*, backListCursorBlured*, textListCursorBlured*, (* cursor for selected items *) backSelListCursorBlured*, textSelListCursorBlured*, (* sliders *) backSlider*, (* -slider-background-color- *) backPressedSlider*, (* -slider-background-active-color- *) trackSlider*, (* -slider-track-color- *) (* frames *) frame*, frameFocus*, frameReadOnly*, frameDisabled*: Ports.Color; frameFace*, frameLight*, frameDark*, frameShadow*, frameSemi*: Ports.Color; arrowDisabled*, arrowReadOnly*, arrow*: Ports.Color; (* scrollbars *) backScrollbar*, backScrollbarButtons*, knobScrollbar*, knobScrollbarPressed*: Ports.Color; scrollbarKnobMargin*: INTEGER; checkBoxFont: Fonts.Font; InitDefaults-: PROCEDURE (a: ANYPTR) END; (* common tools *) (* used for margins, if you didn't figured it; in dot counts *) MarginRect = RECORD l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; SBPosChangedCB = PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon; par: ANYPTR); ScrollBarCommon = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD min, max, pos, pageSize, contentSize, arrowStep: INTEGER; (* size along the main dimension; calcucated by the owner *) length: INTEGER; (* render position, in pixels; used to fix mouse coords *) x0, y0: INTEGER END; PopupCommon = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) owner: StdCFrames.Frame; (* listbox or combobox *) lst: ListCommon; (* shared with the parent *) dotsize: INTEGER; starty: INTEGER; hoveridx: INTEGER; hideCalled: BOOLEAN; END; EditorCommonText = POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; SingleLine = POINTER TO ARRAY singleLineSize OF CHAR; EditorCommonExpText = POINTER TO RECORD str: SingleLine; num, era: INTEGER; next: EditorCommonExpText END; TextStackItem = POINTER TO RECORD text: EditorCommonText; pos, from, to: INTEGER; next: TextStackItem END; (* common editor engine, shared between various input fields *) (* "not yet deremined" caret position is used after setting the selection. arrow keys will move the caret to the selection start, or to the selection end respectively. *) EditorCommon = POINTER TO RECORD ctl: StdCFrames.Frame; st: FieldStorage; text: EditorCommonText; (* 0-terminated, big *) textExp: EditorCommonExpText; (* exploded `text` *) textLen: INTEGER; (* cached text length *) textStars: EditorCommonText; (* used to replace fields with stars for passwords *) pos: INTEGER; (* caret position; -1 means "not yet determined" *) from, to: INTEGER; (* selection; from = to means "nothing selected" *) (* copy of fields from StdCFrames.Field *) maxLen, caretLine, lineHeight: INTEGER; left, right, multiLine, password: BOOLEAN; noMouseSelect: BOOLEAN; (* if TRUE, hold-and-drag mouse selection is disabled *) xoffs: INTEGER; (* render will start at x-xoffs *) x0, y0, w, h, pad-: INTEGER; (* render coordinates, don't include margin *) caretVisible: BOOLEAN; (* current caret state; used in `BlinkCaret` *) caretLastBlinkTime: LONGINT; changeCount: INTEGER; (* incremented on each text change; kind of Era *) outMargin: MarginRect; (* this is used in `Restore()` to clear "outer" margin; dot count *) lastDblTime: LONGINT; (* last doubleclick time, to detect triple click *) vsb: VScrollBar; vsbPressed: BOOLEAN; yoffs: INTEGER; END; TextChain = POINTER TO RECORD text: EditorCommonText; next: TextChain END; ListCommonItem = RECORD text: EditorCommonText; tabbed: TextChain; marked: BOOLEAN END; ListCommonItemArray = POINTER TO ARRAY OF ListCommonItem; (* list store and renderer, used by ListBox, ComboBox and SelectionBox *) ListCommon = POINTER TO RECORD ctl: StdCFrames.Frame; items: ListCommonItemArray; map, unmap: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; widths: ARRAY maxLayoutColumns OF INTEGER; pos: INTEGER; (* cursor position *) yoffs, xoffs: INTEGER; (* render will start at y-xoffs *) x0, y0, w, h: INTEGER; (* render coordinates, don't include margin *) lastSearchTime: LONGINT; lastSearchPos: INTEGER; outMargin: MarginRect; (* this is used in `Restore()` to clear "outer" margin; dot count *) maxWidth, totalHeight: INTEGER; (* cached total width and height *) vsb: VScrollBar; hsb: HScrollBar; vsbPressed, hsbPressed, sorted: BOOLEAN END; (* handy thing *) ClipRect = RECORD ox0, oy0, ox1, oy1: INTEGER; (* saved original *) f: Views.Frame END; (** for calling with Meta.CallWith *) LenParam = RECORD i: INTEGER END; IndexParam = RECORD i: INTEGER END; Popup = POINTER TO RECORD(PopupCommon) END; VScrollBar = POINTER TO RECORD (ScrollBarCommon) trackStartY, trackOfsY, trackSavedPos: INTEGER END; HScrollBar = POINTER TO RECORD (ScrollBarCommon) trackStartX, trackOfsX, trackSavedPos: INTEGER END; Directory = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Directory) END; Caption = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Caption) textExp: EditorCommonExpText; (* exploded `text` *) changeCount: INTEGER; END; Group = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Group) END; PushButton = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.PushButton) END; CheckBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.CheckBox) END; RadioButtonStorage = POINTER TO RECORD (Storage) hasFocus: BOOLEAN; END; RadioButton = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.RadioButton) END; (* `ctl` in `ed`/`lst` is set on the first update; this is used in the code! *) ComboBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ComboBox) ed: EditorCommon; lst: ListCommon; fixCursor: BOOLEAN; (* if TRUE, make the cursor visible on render (and center it) *) closedTime: LONGINT; popupOverlay: PopupCommon END; FieldStorage = POINTER TO RECORD (Storage) textStack, forwardStack: TextStackItem; END; Field = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Field) ed: EditorCommon END; UpDownField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.UpDownField) ed: EditorCommon; lastval: INTEGER END; ListBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ListBox) lst: ListCommon; fixCursor: BOOLEAN; (* if TRUE, make the cursor visible on render (and center it) *) closedTime: LONGINT; popupOverlay: PopupCommon END; SelectionBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.SelectionBox) lst: ListCommon; fixCursor: BOOLEAN (* if TRUE, make the cursor visible on render (and center it) *) END; NodeItem = RECORD p: INTEGER; n: Dialog.TreeNode END; TreeFrame = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.TreeFrame) leftMargin, lineHeight, strHeight, totalHeight, maxWidth, yoffs, xoffs, lines: INTEGER; vsb: VScrollBar; hsb: HScrollBar; vsbPressed, hsbPressed: BOOLEAN; nodesCache: POINTER TO ARRAY OF NodeItem; END; ScrollBar = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ScrollBar) vsb: VScrollBar; hsb: HScrollBar; vsbPressed, hsbPressed: BOOLEAN END; TimeField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.TimeField) ed: EditorCommon END; DateField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.DateField) ed: EditorCommon; dateSep: CHAR; yearPart, monthPart, dayPart: INTEGER; (* first = 1, last = 3 *) del1, del2: INTEGER (* position of separators *) END; ColorField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ColorField) END; VAR focusControl*: StdCFrames.Field; skin*: ParamSkin; revealPasswords*: BOOLEAN; inHandleMouse*: BOOLEAN; (* for compatibility with Windows version *) storages: Storage; folder, folderopen, leaf: StdRasters.Model; PROCEDURE (VAR r: MarginRect) SetZero*, NEW; BEGIN r.l := 0; r.t := 0; r.r := 0; r.b := 0 END SetZero; PROCEDURE (VAR r: MarginRect) SetUni* (size: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN r.l := size; r.t := size; r.r := size; r.b := size END SetUni; (* doesn't include 0X, newline, paragraph, but includes nbsp and such *) PROCEDURE IsBlank (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* 0DX is line, 0EX is para *) CASE ch OF | 01X .. 0CX, 0FX .. 20X , 08BX (* zwspace *) , 08FX (* digitspace *) , 0A0X: (* nbspace *) RETURN TRUE ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsBlank; PROCEDURE ClassifyChar (ch: CHAR): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE ch OF | 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', '0' .. '9', '_', '$': res := classWord | 0X .. 20X: res := classBlank ELSE IF IsBlank(ch) THEN res := classBlank ELSIF ch >= 80X THEN res := classWord ELSE res := classNonWord END END; RETURN res END ClassifyChar; (* k8: note that callind this will rebuild frames! *) PROCEDURE UpdateRoot* (c: StdCFrames.Frame); VAR root: Views.RootFrame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN (* this is wrong, because we don't need to update the whole main frame. besides, sometimes there isn't even one (design mode, for example, is *special*) (*root := Views.UltimateRootOf(c);*) root := Views.RootOf(c); IF root # NIL THEN l := root.l + root.gx; t := root.t + root.gy; r := root.r + root.gx; b := root.b + root.gy; Views.RestoreRoot(root, l, t, r, b) (*Views.ValidateRoot(root) — do not use, this may rebuild frames! *) END END UpdateRoot; PROCEDURE StrStartsWithCI (IN s0, s1: ARRAY OF CHAR; len: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR f: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := TRUE; f := 0; WHILE (f < len) & res DO IF (s0[f] = 0X) OR (s1[f] = 0X) THEN res := FALSE ELSE res := (Strings.Upper(s0[f]) = Strings.Upper(s1[f])) END; INC(f) END; RETURN res END StrStartsWithCI; PROCEDURE GetLen (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH rec: Dialog.Combo DO WITH par: LenParam DO par.i := rec.len END | rec: Dialog.List DO WITH par: LenParam DO par.i := rec.len END | rec: Dialog.Selection DO WITH par: LenParam DO par.i := rec.len END END END GetLen; PROCEDURE Update* (VAR cb, par: ANYREC); BEGIN Dialog.Update(cb) END Update; PROCEDURE GetSortedInfo (c: StdCFrames.Frame): BOOLEAN; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := FALSE; IF c.view # NIL THEN WITH c: StdCFrames.ListBox DO res := c(StdCFrames.ListBox).sorted | c: StdCFrames.SelectionBox DO res := c(StdCFrames.SelectionBox).sorted | c: StdCFrames.ComboBox DO res := c(StdCFrames.ComboBox).sorted END END; RETURN res END GetSortedInfo; PROCEDURE GetListLength (c: StdCFrames.Frame): INTEGER; VAR par: LenParam; con: Controls.Control; doit: BOOLEAN; res: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); res := 0; IF c.view # NIL THEN WITH c: StdCFrames.ListBox DO doit := TRUE | c: StdCFrames.SelectionBox DO doit := TRUE | c: StdCFrames.ComboBox DO doit := TRUE ELSE doit := FALSE END; IF doit THEN con := c.view(Controls.Control); ASSERT(con # NIL); IF con.item.Valid() THEN con.item.CallWith(GetLen, par); res := MAX(0, par.i) END END END; RETURN res END GetListLength; PROCEDURE ThisIndex (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); VAR res, i: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; BEGIN WITH par: IndexParam DO WITH rec: Dialog.Combo DO res := -1; i := 0; WHILE (res < 0) & (i < rec.len) DO rec.GetItem(i, s); IF s$ = rec.item$ THEN res := i END; INC(i) END; par.i := res END END END ThisIndex; PROCEDURE GetCursorIndex (c: StdCFrames.Frame): INTEGER; VAR con: Controls.Control; par: IndexParam; res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := -1; IF (c # NIL) & (c.view # NIL) THEN WITH c: StdCFrames.ListBox DO c.Get(c, res) | c: SelectionBox DO res := c.lst.pos | c: StdCFrames.ComboBox DO con := c.view(Controls.Control); ASSERT(con # NIL); IF con.item.Valid() THEN con.item.CallWith(ThisIndex, par); res := par.i END ELSE END END; RETURN res END GetCursorIndex; PROCEDURE GetItemText* (c: StdCFrames.Frame; idx: INTEGER; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN s := ""; IF (c # NIL) & (c.view # NIL) THEN WITH c: StdCFrames.ListBox DO c.GetName(c, idx, s) | c: StdCFrames.SelectionBox DO c.GetName(c, idx, s) | c: StdCFrames.ComboBox DO c.GetName(c, idx, s) ELSE END END END GetItemText; (** **************** ClipRect **************** **) PROCEDURE (VAR c: ClipRect) Init* (f: Views.Frame), NEW; BEGIN IF (f # NIL) & (f.rider # NIL) THEN c.f := f; f.rider.GetRect(c.ox0, c.oy0, c.ox1, c.oy1) ELSE c.f := NIL END END Init; PROCEDURE (VAR c: ClipRect) Close*, NEW; BEGIN IF (c.f # NIL) & (c.f.rider # NIL) THEN c.f.rider.SetRect(c.ox0, c.oy0, c.ox1, c.oy1) END; c.f := NIL END Close; (* `x1` and `y1` are NOT included *) PROCEDURE (VAR c: ClipRect) ShrinkToXY* (x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := FALSE; IF (c.f # NIL) & (c.f.rider # NIL) & (x0 <= x1) & (y0 <= y1) THEN (* transform selection rectangle to pixel coords *) x0 := (c.f.gx + x0) DIV c.f.unit; y0 := (c.f.gy + y0) DIV c.f.unit; x1 := (c.f.gx + x1) DIV c.f.unit; y1 := (c.f.gy + y1) DIV c.f.unit; c.f.rider.GetRect(cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1); IF (cx0 < cx1) & (cy0 < cy1) THEN IF (x1 <= cx0) OR (y1 <= cy0) OR (x0 >= cx1) OR (y0 >= cy1) THEN (* nothing to do *) ELSE (* rectangles intersects *) cx0 := MAX(cx0, x0); cy0 := MAX(cy0, y0); cx1 := MIN(cx1, x1); cy1 := MIN(cy1, y1); IF (cx0 < cx1) & (cy0 < cy1) THEN res := TRUE; c.f.rider.SetRect(cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1) ELSE c.f.rider.SetRect(cx0, cy0, cx0, cy0) END END END END; RETURN res END ShrinkToXY; PROCEDURE (VAR c: ClipRect) ShrinkToWH* (x0, y0, w, h: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF c.f # NIL THEN res := c.ShrinkToXY(x0, y0, x0 + w, y0 + h) ELSE res := FALSE END; RETURN res END ShrinkToWH; (** **************** common "onpress" code for buttons **************** **) PROCEDURE TrackMouseDown* (c: StdCFrames.Frame): BOOLEAN; VAR w, h, x, y: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := FALSE; IF c.rider # NIL THEN (* k8: this hack repaints other controls, so they could indicate focus loss *) UpdateRoot(c); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); c.pressed := TRUE; c.ForceUpdate; REPEAT c.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); IF c.pressed # ((x >= 0) & (y >= 0) & (x < w) & (y < h)) THEN c.pressed := ~c.pressed; c.ForceUpdate END UNTIL ~isDown; res := c.pressed; IF c.pressed THEN c.pressed := FALSE; c.ForceUpdate END END; RETURN res END TrackMouseDown; (** **************** ScrollBarCommon **************** **) PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) Init, NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) Draw (frm: Views.Frame; x, y, dim: INTEGER; pressed: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) SBMouseDown (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) SBMouseTrack (x, y: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) Width(): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN 12 * Ports.point END Width; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) GetMinKnobSize (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN sb.Width() END GetMinKnobSize; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) GetTotalSize (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN MAX(0, sb.max - sb.min + 1) END GetTotalSize; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) CanFit (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN sb.length - sb.Width() * 2 - sb.GetMinKnobSize() > 0 END CanFit; PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) CalcKnobSize (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR res, length: INTEGER; BEGIN length := sb.length - sb.Width() * 2; IF (length > 0) & (sb.pageSize > 0) THEN (* knob size shows how much of the total is visible i.e. if total is 20, visible is 5 and the main dim is 60, then knob size is 5/20*60 *) res := SHORT((LONG(sb.pageSize) * LONG(length)) DIV LONG(sb.contentSize)) END; IF res < sb.GetMinKnobSize() THEN res := sb.GetMinKnobSize() END; RETURN res END CalcKnobSize; (* in pixels, inside the main bar *) PROCEDURE (sb: ScrollBarCommon) CalcKnobPos (pos: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR res, sz, kSize, scrollSize: INTEGER; BEGIN scrollSize := sb.length - sb.Width() * 2; IF (scrollSize < 1) OR (sb.min >= sb.max) THEN res := 0 ELSE kSize := sb.CalcKnobSize(); IF kSize > scrollSize THEN res := 0 ELSE sz := sb.GetTotalSize(); (* knob position is current visible page position on the length minus knob size *) pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, pos)); res := SHORT((LONG(scrollSize - kSize) * LONG(pos)) DIV LONG(sz)) END END; RETURN res END CalcKnobPos; (** **************** EditorCommon (engine) **************** **) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) KeepText, NEW; VAR item: TextStackItem; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.st # NIL THEN NEW(item); NEW(item.text, LEN(ed.text)); item.pos := ed.pos; item.from := ed.from; item.to := ed.to; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(ed.text$) - 1 DO item.text[i] := ed.text[i] END; IF ed.st.textStack = NIL THEN ed.st.textStack := item ELSE item.next := ed.st.textStack; ed.st.textStack := item END; ed.st.forwardStack := NIL; END END KeepText; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) Init, NEW; BEGIN ed.ctl := NIL; NEW(ed.text, 256); ed.text[0] := 0X; ed.textLen := 0; ed.textStars := NIL; ed.pos := -1; ed.from := 0; ed.to := MAX(INTEGER); ed.xoffs := 0; ed.x0 := 0; ed.y0 := 0; ed.w := 0; ed.h := 0; ed.maxLen := 255; ed.password := FALSE; ed.left := TRUE; ed.right := FALSE; ed.multiLine := FALSE; ed.caretLine := 1; ed.lineHeight := 12 * Ports.point; ed.caretVisible := TRUE; (* why not? ;-) *) ed.caretLastBlinkTime := Services.Ticks(); ed.changeCount := 0; ed.outMargin.SetZero; ed.lastDblTime := 0; ed.noMouseSelect := FALSE END Init; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) SetupCtl (ctl: StdCFrames.Frame), NEW; BEGIN ed.ctl := ctl END SetupCtl; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) Setup (ctl: StdCFrames.Frame; x0, y0, w, h: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ed.x0 := x0; ed.y0 := y0; ed.w := w; ed.h := h; ed.SetupCtl(ctl) END Setup; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) IsValid (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN (ed.ctl # NIL) & (ed.w > 0) & (ed.h > 0) END IsValid; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) NeedCaret (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN (ed.ctl # NIL) & ~ed.ctl.disabled & ~ed.ctl.readOnly END NeedCaret; (* return TRUE if the text was changed *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) SetText (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR res: BOOLEAN; slen, f, nsz: INTEGER; nt: EditorCommonText; wasAllSelected: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF LEN(s) = 0 THEN IF ed.textLen # 0 THEN IF LEN(ed.text) > 256 THEN NEW(ed.text, 256) END; ed.text[0] := 0X; ed.textLen := 0; res := TRUE END ELSE slen := MIN(ed.maxLen, LEN(s$)); res := (slen # ed.textLen); IF ~res THEN (* same length *) (* `s` can be longer than allowed, so use the loop instead of `s$ # ed.text$` *) f := 0; WHILE ~res & (f < slen) DO res := (s[f] # ed.text[f]); INC(f) END END; IF res THEN (* need to reallocate the text storage? *) IF slen > LEN(ed.text) + 1 THEN ASSERT(slen < 020000000H); (* just in case *) nsz := MAX(256, MIN(slen * 2 + 1, ed.maxLen + 1)); NEW(nt, nsz); ed.text := nt; ed.text[0] := 0X (* just in case *) END; (* `s` can be longer than allowed, so use the loop instead of `ed.text^ := s$` *) f := 0; FOR f := 0 TO LEN(ed.text) - 1 DO ed.text[f] := s[f] END; IF slen < LEN(ed.text) - 1 THEN ed.text[slen] := 0X ELSE ed.text[LEN(ed.text) - 1] := 0X END; wasAllSelected := (ed.from = 0) & (ed.to >= ed.textLen) & ed.NeedCaret(); ed.textLen := slen; IF wasAllSelected OR ed.ctl.readOnly THEN ed.pos := -1; ed.from := 0; ed.to := slen ELSE ed.pos := slen; ed.from := slen; ed.to := slen END END END; RETURN res END SetText; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) FixSelection, NEW; VAR slen: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.textLen # 0 THEN slen := ed.textLen; ed.from := MAX(0, MIN(slen, ed.from)); IF (ed.to < 0) OR (ed.to > slen) THEN ed.to := slen END; IF ed.to < ed.from THEN slen := ed.from; ed.from := ed.to; ed.to := slen END ELSE ed.from := 0; ed.to := 0 END END FixSelection; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) Select (from, to: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ed.from := from; ed.to := to; ed.pos := to; ed.FixSelection END Select; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ed.FixSelection; from := ed.from; to := ed.to END GetSelection; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) GetVisText (): EditorCommonText, NEW; VAR res: EditorCommonText; f: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (ed.textLen = 0) OR ~ed.password THEN res := ed.text ELSE IF (ed.textStars = NIL) OR (LEN(ed.textStars) < LEN(ed.text)) THEN NEW(ed.textStars, LEN(ed.text)) END; FOR f := 0 TO ed.textLen - 1 DO ed.textStars[f] := '*' END; ed.textStars[ed.textLen] := 0X; res := ed.textStars END; RETURN res END GetVisText; (* this doesn't change `ed.pos`, but returns suitable `pos` for rendering *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) FixSelectionPos (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR pos, res: INTEGER; v: REAL; BEGIN IF ed.textLen # 0 THEN ed.FixSelection; IF ed.multiLine THEN pos := ed.pos; IF pos < 0 THEN IF ed.from = ed.to THEN pos := ed.textLen ELSE pos := ed.to END ELSE pos := MIN(pos, ed.textLen) (* sanitise it, just in case *) END; (* hack for numeric fields *) IF (ed.from <= 0) & (ed.to >= ed.textLen) THEN Strings.StringToReal(ed.text, v, res); IF res = 0 THEN pos := 0 END END ELSE pos := ed.pos; IF pos < 0 THEN IF ed.from = ed.to THEN pos := ed.textLen ELSE pos := ed.to END ELSE pos := MIN(pos, ed.textLen) (* sanitise it, just in case *) END; (* hack for numeric fields *) IF (ed.from <= 0) & (ed.to >= ed.textLen) THEN Strings.StringToReal(ed.text, v, res); IF res = 0 THEN pos := 0 END END END ELSE pos := 0; ed.from := 0; ed.to := 0 END; RETURN pos END FixSelectionPos; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) RetainCaret, NEW; BEGIN ed.caretLastBlinkTime := Services.Ticks(); ed.caretVisible := TRUE END RetainCaret; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) CalcCaretWidth (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR sw: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF Dialog.thickCaret THEN sw := ed.ctl.dot * 2 ELSE sw := ed.ctl.dot END ELSE sw := 1 END; RETURN sw END CalcCaretWidth; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) CalcTextWidth (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR sw, maxWidth: INTEGER; tmp: EditorCommonExpText; BEGIN sw := 0; IF (ed.textLen # 0) & ed.IsValid() THEN IF ed.multiLine THEN maxWidth := 0; tmp := ed.textExp; WHILE tmp # NIL DO sw := ed.ctl.font.StringWidth(tmp.str); IF sw > maxWidth THEN maxWidth := sw END; tmp := tmp.next END; sw := maxWidth ELSE sw := ed.ctl.font.StringWidth(ed.GetVisText()) END END; RETURN sw + ed.CalcCaretWidth() END CalcTextWidth; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) CalcXPos (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR x, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.IsValid() THEN sw := ed.CalcTextWidth(); IF ed.left THEN x := ed.pad; ELSIF ed.right THEN x := (ed.w - sw) - ed.pad; ELSE x := (ed.w - sw) DIV 2 END ELSE x := 0 END; RETURN x END CalcXPos; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) MakeCaretVisible, NEW; VAR pos, sw, x, addwdt: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := ed.FixSelectionPos(); IF (ed.textLen # 0) & ed.IsValid() THEN IF pos = 0 THEN ed.xoffs := 0 ELSE sw := ed.CalcTextWidth(); IF sw < ed.w THEN ed.xoffs := 0 ELSE addwdt := ed.pad * 2; x := ed.CalcXPos(); x := ed.ctl.CharPos(x, pos, ed.GetVisText(), ed.ctl.font); DEC(x, ed.xoffs); (* now check if the caret is visible *) IF x - addwdt < 0 THEN INC(ed.xoffs, x - addwdt) ELSE INC(x, ed.CalcCaretWidth() + addwdt); IF x > ed.w THEN INC(ed.xoffs, x - ed.w) END END; ed.xoffs := MIN(ed.xoffs, sw - ed.w + addwdt); ed.xoffs := MAX(ed.xoffs, 0) END END ELSE ed.xoffs := 0 END END MakeCaretVisible; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) NormaliseXOffs, NEW; VAR pos, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := ed.FixSelectionPos(); IF (ed.textLen # 0) & ed.IsValid() THEN IF pos = 0 THEN ed.xoffs := 0 ELSE sw := ed.CalcTextWidth(); IF sw < ed.w THEN ed.xoffs := 0 ELSE ed.xoffs := MIN(ed.xoffs, sw - ed.w); ed.xoffs := MAX(ed.xoffs, 0) END END ELSE ed.xoffs := 0 END END NormaliseXOffs; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) PrepareExplodedText, NEW; VAR pos, pos2, width, lastSpacePos, lastSpacePos2, line, vsbSize: INTEGER; str: SingleLine; lineBreak: BOOLEAN; tx: EditorCommonText; tmp: EditorCommonExpText; PROCEDURE AddStringToList (str: SingleLine); VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.textExp = NIL THEN NEW(ed.textExp); ed.textExp.era := ed.changeCount; ed.textExp.str := str; ed.textExp.num := 1; ELSE n := 2; tmp := ed.textExp; WHILE tmp.next # NIL DO INC(n); tmp := tmp.next; END; NEW(tmp.next); tmp.next.str := str; tmp.next.num := n; END END AddStringToList; BEGIN IF (ed.textExp # NIL) & (ed.textExp.era = ed.changeCount) THEN RETURN END; ed.textExp := NIL; tx := ed.GetVisText(); IF ed.vsb # NIL THEN vsbSize := MAX(0, ed.vsb.Width()) ELSE vsbSize := 0 END; pos := 0; line := 0; WHILE (tx[pos] # 0X) & (line < 1024) DO (* prevent hanging in case of trubles with parsing *) pos2 := 0; NEW(str); width := 0; lineBreak := FALSE; lastSpacePos := 0; lastSpacePos2 := 0; WHILE (tx[pos] # 0X) & (~lineBreak) DO IF tx[pos] = " " THEN lastSpacePos := pos; lastSpacePos2 := pos2; END; str[pos2] := tx[pos]; str[pos2+1] := 0X; width := ed.ctl.font.StringWidth(str); IF (width > ed.w - vsbSize - ed.x0 - ed.pad * 2 ) THEN lineBreak := TRUE; IF lastSpacePos # 0 THEN (* forward count untill space *) pos := lastSpacePos + 1; pos2 := lastSpacePos2 + 1 END ELSIF tx[pos] = ENTER THEN lineBreak := TRUE; INC(pos); INC(pos2) ELSE INC(pos); INC(pos2) END END; str[pos2] := 0X; AddStringToList(str); INC(line) END; IF (pos >= 1) & (tx[pos-1] = ENTER) THEN NEW(str); str[0] := 0X; AddStringToList(str) END END PrepareExplodedText; (* returns active string and position of caret in it *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) GetStr (atPos: INTEGER; OUT str: EditorCommonExpText; OUT pos: INTEGER), NEW; VAR tmp: EditorCommonExpText; len, lenPrev (* , state *) : INTEGER; BEGIN ed.PrepareExplodedText; (* state := -1; *) tmp := ed.textExp; len := 0; lenPrev := 0; WHILE tmp # NIL DO lenPrev := len; len := len + LEN(tmp.str$); IF (len = atPos) & (ed.text[atPos-1] # ENTER) THEN (* end of line without return *) (* state := 1; *) str := tmp; pos := LEN(tmp.str$); tmp := NIL ELSIF (len = atPos) & (ed.text[atPos-1] = ENTER) THEN (* end of line with return *) (* state := 2; *) ASSERT(tmp.next # NIL, 61); str := tmp.next; pos := 0; tmp := NIL ELSIF atPos < len THEN (* state := 3; *) str := tmp; pos := atPos - lenPrev; tmp := NIL ELSE (* state := 4; *) tmp := tmp.next END END; ASSERT(str # NIL, 61); END GetStr; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) DefineCaretLine, NEW; VAR tmp: EditorCommonExpText; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.textExp = NIL THEN ed.caretLine := 1 ELSE ed.GetStr(ed.pos, tmp, pos); ed.caretLine := tmp.num END END DefineCaretLine; (* this must remove caret if called second time; caret visibility flag is changed accordingly *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) DrawCaret, NEW; VAR asc, dsc, sw, dot, pos, vsbSize, x, y0, y1: INTEGER; clip: ClipRect; str: EditorCommonExpText; BEGIN ed.caretVisible := ~ed.caretVisible; ed.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); dot := ed.ctl.dot; IF ed.vsb # NIL THEN vsbSize := MAX(0, ed.vsb.Width()) ELSE vsbSize := 0 END; sw := ed.CalcTextWidth(); x := ed.CalcXPos(); DEC(x, ed.xoffs); IF ed.multiLine THEN y0 := ed.pad + (dsc + asc) + (ed.caretLine - 1) * ed.lineHeight; IF ed.vsb # NIL THEN y0 := y0 - ed.vsb.pos END ELSE y0 := ed.y0 + (ed.h - dsc + asc) DIV 2 END; DEC(y0, asc); y1 := y0 + asc + dsc; y0 := MAX(ed.y0, y0); y1 := MIN(ed.y0 + ed.h - 2 * dot, y1); IF y0 < y1 THEN (* caret *) clip.Init(ed.ctl); IF clip.ShrinkToWH(ed.x0, ed.y0, ed.w - vsbSize, ed.h) THEN pos := ed.FixSelectionPos(); IF pos # 0 THEN IF ed.multiLine THEN ed.GetStr(ed.pos, str, pos); x := ed.ctl.CharPos(x, pos, str.str, ed.ctl.font) ELSE x := ed.ctl.CharPos(x, pos, ed.GetVisText(), ed.ctl.font) END END; sw := ed.CalcCaretWidth(); ed.ctl.MarkRect(ed.x0+x, y0, ed.x0+x+sw, y1, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, ed.caretVisible) END; clip.Close END END DrawCaret; (* background should be already painted by the owner *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) Restore, NEW; VAR c: StdCFrames.Frame; clip: ClipRect; dot, asc, dsc, sw, sl, sr, textCol, bgCol, selTextCol, selBgCol: INTEGER; skidx, x, y: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; px0, py0, px1, py1: INTEGER; tx: EditorCommonText; vsb: VScrollBar; tmp, strFrom, strTo: EditorCommonExpText; str1, str2: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; replaced: CHAR; lineNum, posFrom, posTo, liHei, n, len, vsbSize: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.IsValid() THEN IF ed.multiLine THEN ed.PrepareExplodedText; tmp := ed.textExp; n := 0; WHILE tmp # NIL DO INC(n); tmp := tmp.next END END; ed.MakeCaretVisible; c := ed.ctl; c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); (* check if we need a scrollbar, and prepare it *) IF n * ed.lineHeight > ed.h THEN IF ed.vsb = NIL THEN NEW(vsb); vsb.Init; ed.vsb := vsb ELSE vsb := ed.vsb END; IF vsb # NIL THEN vsb.min := 0; vsb.max := (n * ed.lineHeight - ed.h) ; vsb.contentSize := (n * ed.lineHeight); vsb.pos := ed.yoffs; vsb.pageSize := ed.h; vsb.arrowStep := ed.lineHeight; vsb.length := ed.h; IF ~vsb.CanFit() THEN vsb := NIL END END; IF vsb # NIL THEN vsbSize := MAX(0, vsb.Width()); IF (vsbSize = 0) OR ((vsbSize + 4 * Ports.point) >= ed.w) THEN vsbSize := 0; vsb := NIL END END ELSE ed.vsb := NIL; vsb := NIL; vsbSize := 0 END; IF ed.vsb # NIL THEN ed.vsb.length := ed.h END; sw := ed.CalcTextWidth(); x := ed.CalcXPos(); DEC(x, ed.xoffs); IF ed.multiLine THEN y := ed.pad + (dsc + asc) - ed.yoffs ELSE y := ed.y0 + (ed.h - dsc + asc) DIV 2 END; (* map skin according coltrol state *) IF ed.ctl.disabled THEN textCol := skin.textEditorDisabled; bgCol := skin.backEditorDisabled; selTextCol := skin.textEditorDisabledSelection; selBgCol := skin.backEditorDisabledSelection; ELSIF ed.ctl.readOnly THEN textCol := skin.textEditorReadOnly; bgCol := skin.backEditorReadOnly; selTextCol := skin.textEditorReadOnlySelection; selBgCol := skin.backEditorReadOnlySelection; ELSIF ed.ctl.mark THEN textCol := skin.textEditor; bgCol := skin.backEditor; selTextCol := skin.textEditorSelection; selBgCol := skin.backEditorSelection; ELSE textCol := skin.textEditorBlured; bgCol := skin.backEditorBlured; selTextCol := skin.textEditorBluredSelection; selBgCol := skin.backEditorBluredSelection; END; dot := ed.ctl.dot; ed.ctl.DrawRect(ed.x0 - ed.outMargin.l * dot, ed.y0 - ed.outMargin.t * dot, ed.x0 + ed.w + ed.outMargin.r * dot, ed.y0 + ed.h + ed.outMargin.b * dot, Ports.fill, bgCol); tx := ed.GetVisText(); clip.Init(ed.ctl); IF clip.ShrinkToWH(ed.x0, ed.y0, ed.w, ed.h) THEN IF ed.multiLine THEN n := y; tmp := ed.textExp; WHILE tmp # NIL DO IF tmp.str$ # "" THEN len := LEN(tmp.str$)-1; IF tmp.str[len] = 0DX THEN tmp.str[len] := 0X; c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, n, textCol, tmp.str, c.font); tmp.str[len] := 0DX ELSE c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, n, textCol, tmp.str, c.font) END END; INC(n, ed.lineHeight); tmp := tmp.next END ELSE c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, y, textCol, tx, c.font) END END; clip.Close; (* selection *) IF c.front & ~c.disabled & (ed.from # ed.to) & (c.rider # NIL) THEN IF ed.multiLine THEN ed.GetStr(ed.from, strFrom, posFrom); ed.GetStr(ed.to, strTo, posTo); IF strFrom = strTo THEN tmp := strFrom; IF tmp.str$ # "" THEN len := LEN(tmp.str$) - 1; IF tmp.str[len] = 0DX THEN replaced := 0DX; tmp.str[len] := 0X ELSE replaced := 0X END; ch := tmp.str[posFrom]; tmp.str[posFrom] := 0X; sl := c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str); tmp.str[posFrom] := ch; (* text length with the selection *) ch := tmp.str[posTo]; tmp.str[posTo] := 0X; sr := c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str); tmp.str[posTo] := ch; IF sr > sl THEN clip.Init(c); (* transform selection rectangle to the actual coords*) px0 := ed.x0 + x + sl; px1 := ed.x0 + x + sr + c.dot; liHei := (tmp.num - 1) * ed.lineHeight; py0 := y + liHei - asc; py1 := y + liHei + dsc; IF clip.ShrinkToXY(px0, py0, px1, py1) THEN (* draw selection bar *) c.DrawRect(px0, py0, px1, py1, Ports.fill, selBgCol); (* and the text again, with the proper color *) c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, y + liHei, selTextCol, tmp.str, c.font); END; (* restore old clip rectangle *) clip.Close END; IF replaced = 0DX THEN tmp.str[len] := 0DX END END ELSIF strFrom.num < strTo.num THEN tmp := strFrom; IF tmp.str$ # "" THEN len := LEN(tmp.str$) - 1; IF tmp.str[len] = 0DX THEN replaced := 0DX; tmp.str[len] := 0X ELSE replaced := 0X END; ch := tmp.str[posFrom]; tmp.str[posFrom] := 0X; sl := c.font.StringWidth(strFrom.str); tmp.str[posFrom] := ch; sr := c.font.StringWidth(strFrom.str); IF sr > sl THEN clip.Init(c); (* transform selection rectangle to the actual coords*) px0 := ed.x0 + x + sl; px1 := ed.x0 + x + sr + c.dot; liHei := (tmp.num - 1) * ed.lineHeight; py0 := y + liHei - asc; py1 := y + liHei + dsc; IF clip.ShrinkToXY(px0, py0, px1, py1) THEN c.DrawRect(px0, py0, px1, py1, Ports.fill, selBgCol); c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, y + liHei, selTextCol, tmp.str, c.font); END; (* restore old clip rectangle *) clip.Close END; IF replaced = 0DX THEN tmp.str[len] := 0DX END END; tmp := strFrom.next; FOR n := strFrom.num + 1 TO strTo.num - 1 DO IF tmp.str$ # "" THEN len := LEN(tmp.str$) - 1; IF tmp.str[len] = 0DX THEN replaced := 0DX; tmp.str[len] := 0X ELSE replaced := 0X END; sl := 0; sr := c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str); IF sr > sl THEN clip.Init(c); (* transform selection rectangle to the actual coords*) px0 := ed.x0 + x + sl; px1 := ed.x0 + x + sr + c.dot; liHei := (tmp.num - 1) * ed.lineHeight; py0 := y + liHei - asc; py1 := y + liHei + dsc; IF clip.ShrinkToXY(px0, py0, px1, py1) THEN c.DrawRect(px0, py0, px1, py1, Ports.fill, selBgCol); c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, y + liHei, selTextCol, tmp.str, c.font); END; (* restore old clip rectangle *) clip.Close END; IF replaced = 0DX THEN tmp.str[len] := 0DX END END; tmp := tmp.next END; tmp := strTo; IF tmp.str$ # "" THEN len := LEN(tmp.str$) - 1; IF tmp.str[len] = 0DX THEN replaced := 0DX; tmp.str[len] := 0X ELSE replaced := 0X END; sl := 0; ch := tmp.str[posTo]; tmp.str[posTo] := 0X; sr := c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str); tmp.str[posTo] := ch; IF sr > sl THEN clip.Init(c); (* transform selection rectangle to the actual coords*) px0 := ed.x0 + x + sl; px1 := ed.x0 + x + sr + c.dot; liHei := (tmp.num - 1) * ed.lineHeight; py0 := y + liHei - asc; py1 := y + liHei + dsc; IF clip.ShrinkToXY(px0, py0, px1, py1) THEN c.DrawRect(px0, py0, px1, py1, Ports.fill, selBgCol); c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, y + liHei, selTextCol, tmp.str, c.font); END; (* restore old clip rectangle *) clip.Close END; IF replaced = 0DX THEN tmp.str[len] := 0DX END END END; ELSE (* single line *) (* text length before the selection *) ch := tx[ed.from]; tx[ed.from] := 0X; sl := c.font.StringWidth(tx); tx[ed.from] := ch; (* text length with the selection *) ch := tx[ed.to]; tx[ed.to] := 0X; sr := c.font.StringWidth(tx); tx[ed.to] := ch; IF sr > sl THEN clip.Init(c); (* transform selection rectangle to the actual coords*) px0 := ed.x0 + x + sl; px1 := ed.x0 + x + sr + c.dot; py0 := y - asc; py1 := y + dsc; IF clip.ShrinkToXY(px0, py0, px1, py1) THEN (* draw selection bar *) c.DrawRect(px0, py0, px1, py1, Ports.fill, selBgCol); (* and the text again, with the proper color *) c.DrawString(ed.x0 + x, y, selTextCol, tx, c.font); END; (* restore old clip rectangle *) clip.Close END END END; (* caret *) IF c.front & (ed.from = ed.to) & ed.NeedCaret() THEN IF ed.caretVisible THEN ed.caretVisible := FALSE; (* hack, because it is changed in `DrawCaret()` *) ed.DefineCaretLine; ed.DrawCaret END ELSE ed.caretVisible := FALSE; ed.caretLastBlinkTime := 0 END; IF vsb # NIL THEN vsb.Draw(c, ed.x0 + ed.w - vsbSize, ed.y0, ed.h, ed.vsbPressed); vsb.x0 := ed.x0 + ed.w - vsbSize; vsb.y0 := ed.y0 END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) BlinkCaret, NEW; VAR newTime: LONGINT; BEGIN ed.FixSelection; IF ed.IsValid() & (ed.from = ed.to) & ed.ctl.front & ed.NeedCaret() THEN newTime := Services.Ticks(); IF newTime > ed.caretLastBlinkTime + Dialog.caretPeriod THEN ed.DrawCaret; ed.caretLastBlinkTime := newTime END ELSE ed.caretVisible := ed.NeedCaret(); ed.caretLastBlinkTime := 0 END END BlinkCaret; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) GetSelectedText (): EditorCommonText, NEW; VAR res: EditorCommonText; f: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.textLen # 0 THEN ed.FixSelection; IF ed.from = ed.to THEN NEW(res, ed.textLen + 1); res^ := ed.text$ ELSE NEW(res, ed.to - ed.from + 1); f := 0; WHILE ed.from + f < ed.to DO res[f] := ed.text[ed.from + f]; INC(f) END; res[f] := 0X END ELSE NEW(res, 1); res[0] := 0X END; RETURN res END GetSelectedText; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) RemoveSelectedText, NEW; VAR f, e: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.textLen # 0 THEN ed.FixSelection; f := ed.from; e := ed.to; IF f # e THEN WHILE ed.text[e] # 0X DO ed.text[f] := ed.text[e]; INC(f); INC(e) END; ed.text[f] := 0X; ed.to := ed.from; ASSERT(f = LEN(ed.text$)); ed.textLen := f; ed.pos := ed.from; (* set update flag *) INC(ed.changeCount) END END END RemoveSelectedText; (* return FALSE if there is no room *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) InsertChar (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR nt: EditorCommonText; slen, newlen, pos, f: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := TRUE; IF (ch # 0X) THEN slen := ed.textLen; IF slen < ed.maxLen THEN (* grow the buffer *) IF slen + 1 >= LEN(ed.text) THEN ASSERT(slen + 1 < 020000000H); (* just in case *) newlen := MIN(LEN(ed.text) * 2, ed.maxLen + 1); NEW(nt, newlen); nt^ := ed.text$; ed.text := nt END; pos := ed.FixSelectionPos(); (* insert the char *) ed.text[slen + 1] := 0X; f := slen; WHILE f > pos DO ed.text[f] := ed.text[f - 1]; DEC(f) END; ed.text[pos] := ch; INC(ed.textLen); (* fix selection *) IF ed.from # ed.to THEN IF (pos >= ed.from) & (pos < ed.to) THEN INC(ed.to) END END; (* fix position *) ed.pos := pos + 1; (* set update flag *) INC(ed.changeCount) ELSE res := FALSE END END; RETURN res END InsertChar; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR clipboard: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; seltext: EditorCommonText; insok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF clipboard THEN CASE op OF | Controllers.copy: IF ~ed.password THEN seltext := ed.GetSelectedText(); StdCmds.clipboardHook.Register( TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.NewFromString(seltext)), 0, 0, FALSE); seltext := NIL END | Controllers.cut: IF (ed.from # ed.to) & ~ed.password THEN seltext := ed.GetSelectedText(); StdCmds.clipboardHook.Register( TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.NewFromString(seltext)), 0, 0, FALSE); seltext := NIL; ed.RemoveSelectedText END | Controllers.paste: IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: TextViews.View DO ed.KeepText; rd := v.ThisModel().NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); ed.RemoveSelectedText; insok := TRUE; REPEAT rd.Read; IF rd.view = NIL THEN IF (rd.char = TextModels.line) OR (rd.char = TextModels.para) THEN insok := ed.InsertChar(rd.char) ELSIF rd.char = TAB THEN insok := ed.InsertChar(" "); insok := ed.InsertChar(" "); insok := ed.InsertChar(" "); ELSE insok := ed.InsertChar(rd.char) END END UNTIL insok & rd.eot; IF ~insok THEN Dialog.Beep END ELSE END END ELSE END END END Edit; (* return position of the first char of the word *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) WordBack (pos: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR cc: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := MAX(0, MIN(pos, ed.textLen)); IF pos > 0 THEN IF ed.password THEN DEC(pos) ELSE cc := ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos - 1]); DEC(pos); WHILE (pos > 0) & (cc = ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos - 1])) DO DEC(pos) END END END; RETURN pos END WordBack; (* return position after the last char of the word *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) WordForward (pos: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR cc: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := MAX(0, MIN(pos, ed.textLen)); IF pos < ed.textLen THEN IF ed.password THEN INC(pos) ELSE cc := ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos]); INC(pos); WHILE (pos < ed.textLen) & (cc = ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos])) DO INC(pos) END END END; RETURN pos END WordForward; PROCEDURE SelectAll*; VAR ed: EditorCommon; BEGIN IF focusControl # NIL THEN WITH focusControl: Field DO ed := focusControl.ed; IF (ed.from # 0) OR (ed.to # ed.textLen) THEN INC(ed.changeCount); ed.from := 0; ed.to := ed.textLen; focusControl.Update END ELSE END END END SelectAll; PROCEDURE Cut*; VAR ed: EditorCommon; seltext: EditorCommonText; BEGIN IF focusControl # NIL THEN WITH focusControl: Field DO ed := focusControl.ed; IF (ed.from # ed.to) & ~ed.password THEN seltext := ed.GetSelectedText(); StdCmds.clipboardHook.Register( TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.NewFromString(seltext)), 0, 0, FALSE); seltext := NIL; ed.RemoveSelectedText; focusControl.Set(focusControl, ed.text); focusControl.Update END ELSE END END END Cut; PROCEDURE Copy*; VAR ed: EditorCommon; seltext: EditorCommonText; BEGIN IF focusControl # NIL THEN WITH focusControl: Field DO ed := focusControl.ed; IF (ed.from # ed.to) & ~ed.password THEN seltext := ed.GetSelectedText(); StdCmds.clipboardHook.Register( TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.NewFromString(seltext)), 0, 0, FALSE); seltext := NIL END ELSE END END END Copy; PROCEDURE Paste*; VAR ed: EditorCommon; type: Stores.TypeName; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; s: BOOLEAN; rd: TextModels.Reader; seltext: EditorCommonText; insok: BOOLEAN; oldChangeCount: INTEGER; BEGIN (* IF focusControl # NIL THEN WITH focusControl: Field DO ed := focusControl.ed; WinClipboard.GetClipView(type, v, w, h, s); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: TextViews.View DO rd := v.ThisModel().NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); oldChangeCount := ed.changeCount; ed.RemoveSelectedText; insok := TRUE; ed.KeepText; REPEAT rd.Read; IF rd.view = NIL THEN IF (rd.char = TextModels.line) OR (rd.char = TextModels.para) THEN insok := ed.InsertChar(rd.char) ELSIF rd.char = TAB THEN insok := ed.InsertChar(" "); insok := ed.InsertChar(" "); insok := ed.InsertChar(" "); ELSE insok := ed.InsertChar(rd.char) END END UNTIL insok & rd.eot; IF ~insok THEN Dialog.Beep END; IF ed.changeCount # oldChangeCount THEN focusControl.Set(focusControl, ed.text) END; ed.RetainCaret; focusControl.Update ELSE END END END END *) END Paste; PROCEDURE Delete*; VAR ed: EditorCommon; BEGIN IF focusControl # NIL THEN WITH focusControl: Field DO ed := focusControl.ed; IF ed.from # ed.to THEN ed.RemoveSelectedText; focusControl.Set(focusControl, ed.text); ed.RetainCaret; focusControl.Update END ELSE END END END Delete; PROCEDURE SelectAllGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN par.disabled := TRUE; IF focusControl # NIL THEN par.disabled := ~ (focusControl IS Field) END; END SelectAllGuard; PROCEDURE CutGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN par.disabled := TRUE; IF (focusControl # NIL) & ~focusControl.readOnly & ~focusControl.disabled THEN par.disabled := ~ (focusControl IS Field) & ~ focusControl(Field).password END; END CutGuard; PROCEDURE CopyGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN par.disabled := TRUE; IF focusControl # NIL THEN par.disabled := ~ (focusControl IS Field) & ~ focusControl(Field).password END; END CopyGuard; PROCEDURE PasteGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN par.disabled := TRUE; IF (focusControl # NIL) & ~focusControl.readOnly & ~focusControl.disabled THEN par.disabled := ~ (focusControl IS Field) END; END PasteGuard; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) KeepTextToForwardStack, NEW; VAR item: TextStackItem; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.st # NIL THEN NEW(item); NEW(item.text, LEN(ed.text)); item.pos := ed.pos; item.from := ed.from; item.to := ed.to; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(ed.text$) - 1 DO item.text[i] := ed.text[i] END; IF ed.st.forwardStack = NIL THEN ed.st.forwardStack := item ELSE item.next := ed.st.forwardStack; ed.st.forwardStack := item END END END KeepTextToForwardStack; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) TimeBack, NEW; BEGIN IF ed.st # NIL THEN IF ed.st.textStack # NIL THEN ed.KeepTextToForwardStack; ed.text := ed.st.textStack.text; ed.textLen := LEN(ed.text$); INC(ed.changeCount); ed.pos := ed.st.textStack.pos; ed.from := ed.st.textStack.from; ed.to := ed.st.textStack.to; ed.st.textStack := ed.st.textStack.next END END END TimeBack; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) TimeForward, NEW; BEGIN IF ed.st # NIL THEN IF ed.st.forwardStack # NIL THEN ed.text := ed.st.forwardStack.text; ed.textLen := LEN(ed.text$); INC(ed.changeCount); ed.pos := ed.st.forwardStack.pos; ed.from := ed.st.forwardStack.from; ed.to := ed.st.forwardStack.to; ed.st.forwardStack := ed.st.forwardStack.next END END END TimeForward; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET), NEW; VAR pos, npos, p1, p2: INTEGER; tx: EditorCommonText; tmp: EditorCommonExpText; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN pos := ed.FixSelectionPos(); CASE ch OF CHR(64977): (* Ctrl + Z *) ed.TimeBack | 019X: (* Ctrl + Y *) ed.TimeForward | CHR(64978): (* Ctrl + A *) IF (ed.from # 0) OR (ed.to # ed.textLen) THEN INC(ed.changeCount); ed.from := 0; ed.to := ed.textLen; END | BACKSPACE: (* backspace *) IF ed.from = ed.to THEN IF pos > 0 THEN ed.to := pos; IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN (* Ctrl *) (* word *) ed.from := ed.WordBack(pos) ELSE ed.from := pos - 1 END END END; ed.RemoveSelectedText | DELETE: (* delete *) IF ed.from = ed.to THEN IF pos < ed.textLen THEN ed.to := pos + 1; ed.from := pos END END; ed.RemoveSelectedText | DL: (* home *) IF Controllers.extend IN modifiers THEN (* Shift *) IF ed.from = ed.to THEN ed.to := pos END ELSE ed.to := 0 END; ed.pos := 0; ed.from := 0 | DR: (* end *) IF ed.multiLine THEN IF Controllers.extend IN modifiers THEN (* Shift *) IF ed.from = ed.to THEN ed.from := ed.pos END; tx := ed.GetVisText(); WHILE (tx[ed.pos] # ENTER) & (tx[ed.pos] # 0X) DO INC(ed.pos) END; ed.to := ed.pos; ELSE tx := ed.GetVisText(); WHILE (tx[ed.pos] # ENTER) & (tx[ed.pos] # 0X) DO INC(ed.pos) END; ed.from := ed.pos; ed.to := ed.pos END; ELSE IF Controllers.extend IN modifiers THEN (* Shift *) IF ed.from = ed.to THEN ed.from := pos END ELSE ed.from := ed.textLen END; ed.pos := ed.textLen; ed.to := ed.pos END | AU: (* arrow up *) IF ed.multiLine THEN IF ed.caretLine > 1 THEN ed.GetStr(ed.pos, tmp, p1); ed.pos := ed.pos - p1 - 1; tx := ed.GetVisText(); ed.GetStr(ed.pos, tmp, p2); IF p1 > LEN(tmp.str$) THEN ed.pos := ed.pos ELSE ed.pos := ed.pos - LEN(tmp.str$) + p1 + 1 END; ed.DefineCaretLine END END | AD: (* arrow down *) IF ed.multiLine THEN tx := ed.GetVisText(); IF tx[0] # 0X THEN ed.GetStr(ed.pos, tmp, p1); IF tx[ed.pos + LEN(tmp.str$)] # 0X THEN ed.pos := ed.pos - p1 + LEN(tmp.str$); ed.GetStr(ed.pos, tmp, p2); IF LEN(tmp.str$) > p1 THEN ed.pos := ed.pos + p1 ELSE ed.pos := ed.pos + LEN(tmp.str$) - 1 END; END; IF ed.pos > ed.textLen THEN ed.pos := ed.textLen END; ed.DefineCaretLine END END | AL: (* arrow left *) IF (ed.textLen = 0) OR (pos = 0) THEN IF ~(Controllers.extend IN modifiers) THEN ed.from := 0; ed.to := 0 END; ed.pos := 0 ELSE IF ed.from = ed.to THEN ed.from := pos; ed.to := pos END; (* calculate new cursor position *) IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN npos := ed.WordBack(pos); ELSE npos := MAX(0, pos - 1) END; (* extend selection *) IF Controllers.extend IN modifiers THEN ed.from := npos ELSE IF ed.from # ed.to THEN npos := ed.from END; ed.from := ed.to END; ed.pos := npos END; ed.DefineCaretLine | AR: (* arrow right *) IF (ed.textLen = 0) OR (pos >= ed.textLen) THEN IF ~(Controllers.extend IN modifiers) THEN ed.from := ed.textLen; ed.to := ed.textLen END; ed.pos := ed.textLen ELSE IF ed.from = ed.to THEN ed.from := pos; ed.to := pos END; (* calculate new cursor position *) IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN npos := ed.WordForward(pos) ELSE npos := MIN(ed.textLen, pos + 1) END; (* extend selection *) IF Controllers.extend IN modifiers THEN ed.to := npos ELSE IF (ed.from # ed.to) & (ed.to # MAX(INTEGER)) & (ed.to # 0) THEN npos := ed.to END; ed.from := ed.to END; ed.pos := npos END; IF ed.pos > ed.textLen THEN ed.pos := ed.textLen END; ed.DefineCaretLine ELSE (* insert char *) IF ch = TAB THEN ed.KeepText; ed.RemoveSelectedText; ok := ed.InsertChar(" "); ok := ed.InsertChar(" "); ok := ed.InsertChar(" "); IF ~ok THEN Dialog.Beep END; ed.DefineCaretLine ELSIF ed.multiLine & (ch = ENTER) THEN tx := ed.GetVisText(); ed.KeepText; ed.RemoveSelectedText; npos := ed.pos; WHILE (npos > 0) & (tx[npos] # ENTER) DO DEC(npos) END; p1 := 0; INC(npos); WHILE tx[npos] = " " DO INC(p1); INC(npos); END; ok := ed.InsertChar(ch); IF ok & (p1 > 0) THEN FOR npos := 0 TO p1 - 1 DO ok := ed.InsertChar(" ") END END; IF ~ok THEN Dialog.Beep END; ed.DefineCaretLine ELSIF ((ch >= 20X) & (ch # 07FX)) THEN ed.KeepText; ed.RemoveSelectedText; IF ~ed.InsertChar(ch) THEN Dialog.Beep END; ed.DefineCaretLine END END END KeyDown; (* `x` is in global ctl coords, not in editor coords *) PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) CharAtXY (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; VAR sx, sw, pos, sl, sr: INTEGER; tx: EditorCommonText; str: EditorCommonExpText; lineNum, len: INTEGER; tmp: EditorCommonExpText; BEGIN IF ed.textLen # 0 THEN (* convert `x` to editor coords *) DEC(x, ed.x0); sw := ed.CalcTextWidth() - ed.CalcCaretWidth(); sx := ed.CalcXPos(); DEC(sx, ed.xoffs); IF ed.multiLine THEN lineNum := 0; len := 0; tmp := ed.textExp; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (lineNum < (y + ed.yoffs - ed.lineHeight DIV 2) DIV ed.lineHeight) DO INC(lineNum); INC(len, LEN(tmp.str$)); tmp := tmp.next END; IF tmp = NIL THEN pos := ed.textLen ELSE sx := ed.ctl.CharIndex(sx, x, tmp.str, ed.ctl.font); IF (sx > 0) & (tmp.str[sx - 1] = 0DX) THEN pos := len + sx - 1 ELSE pos := len + sx END END ELSE IF x <= 0 THEN pos := 0 ELSIF x >= sw THEN pos := ed.textLen ELSE tx := ed.GetVisText(); pos := ed.ctl.CharIndex(sx, x, tx, ed.ctl.font); sl := ed.ctl.CharPos(sx, pos, tx, ed.ctl.font); sr := ed.ctl.CharPos(sx, pos + 1, tx, ed.ctl.font); IF x >= sl + (sr - sl) DIV 2 THEN INC(pos) END; pos := MAX(0, MIN(pos, ed.textLen)) END END ELSE pos := 0 END; RETURN pos END CharAtXY; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) NormaliseYOffs, NEW; VAR lineNum: INTEGER; tmp: EditorCommonExpText; textHeight: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.yoffs > 0 THEN lineNum := 0; tmp := ed.textExp; WHILE tmp # NIL DO INC(lineNum); tmp := tmp.next END; textHeight := (lineNum - 1) * ed.lineHeight; IF textHeight < ed.yoffs THEN ed.yoffs := textHeight END ELSE ed.yoffs := 0 END END NormaliseYOffs; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR asc, dsc, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ed.IsValid() & (x >= ed.x0) & (y >= ed.y0) & (x < ed.x0 + ed.w) & (y < ed.y0 + ed.h) THEN done := TRUE; IF op = Controllers.decLine THEN nofLines := -nofLines END; ed.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); IF ed.multiLine THEN INC(ed.yoffs, (asc + dsc) * nofLines); ed.NormaliseYOffs ELSE INC(ed.xoffs, sw * nofLines); ed.NormaliseXOffs END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (l: EditorCommon) EdTrackVSBMouse (), NEW; VAR c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y, ox, oy: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; opos: INTEGER; BEGIN c := l.ctl; IF c.rider # NIL THEN (* k8: this hack repaints other controls, so they could indicate focus loss *) UpdateRoot(c); l.vsbPressed := TRUE; l.ctl.ForceUpdate; opos := l.vsb.pos; ox := MIN(INTEGER); oy := MIN(INTEGER); REPEAT c.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); x := (x - l.x0) - l.vsb.x0; y := (y - l.y0) - l.vsb.y0; IF ox = MIN(INTEGER) THEN ox := x END; IF oy = MIN(INTEGER) THEN oy := y END; IF (ox # x) OR (oy # y) THEN ox := x; oy := y; l.vsb.SBMouseTrack(x, y); IF opos # l.vsb.pos THEN opos := l.vsb.pos; l.yoffs := opos; l.ctl.ForceUpdate END END UNTIL ~isDown; l.vsbPressed := FALSE; l.ctl.ForceUpdate END END EdTrackVSBMouse; PROCEDURE (ed: EditorCommon) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET), NEW; VAR isDown, triple: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; tstart: LONGINT; movedto, sx, pos, cc, dot, ox, oy: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (ed.vsb # NIL) & (ed.vsb.length > 0) & (ed.x0 + ed.w - x < ed.vsb.Width()) THEN IF ed.vsb.SBMouseDown((x - ed.x0) - ed.vsb.x0, (y - ed.y0) - ed.vsb.y0) THEN ed.EdTrackVSBMouse ELSE ed.yoffs := ed.vsb.pos (* the caller will repaint us *) END ELSIF (ed.textLen # 0) & ed.IsValid() & (x >= ed.x0) & (y >= ed.y0) & (x < ed.x0 + ed.w) & (y < ed.y0 + ed.h) THEN (*sw := ed.CalcTextWidth();*) sx := ed.CalcXPos(); DEC(sx, ed.xoffs); ed.pos := ed.CharAtXY(x, y); IF ed.multiLine THEN ed.DefineCaretLine END; ed.from := ed.pos; ed.to := ed.pos; pos := ed.FixSelectionPos(); IF ~ed.noMouseSelect THEN (* select word with double click *) IF Controllers.doubleClick IN buttons THEN ASSERT(pos <= ed.textLen); IF (ed.textLen # 0) & ~ed.password THEN IF pos = ed.textLen THEN (* from the end of the text *) ed.to := pos; cc := ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos - 1]); DEC(pos); WHILE (pos > 0) & (cc = ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos - 1])) DO DEC(pos) END; ed.from := pos; ed.pos := pos ELSE (* inside a word or a blank span *) ed.from := pos; cc := ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos]); WHILE (ed.from > 0) & (cc = ClassifyChar(ed.text[ed.from - 1])) DO DEC(ed.from) END; WHILE (pos < ed.textLen) & (cc = ClassifyChar(ed.text[pos])) DO INC(pos) END; ed.to := pos; ed.pos := pos END END; ed.lastDblTime := Services.Ticks() ELSIF ed.ctl.rider # NIL THEN (*Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(ed.ctl));*) (* k8: this hack repaints other controls, so they could indicate focus loss *) UpdateRoot(ed.ctl); ed.pos := pos; dot := ed.ctl.dot; pos := ed.pos; ox := x - 1; oy := y - 1; tstart := Services.Ticks(); triple := (tstart - ed.lastDblTime <= doubleclickTimeout); IF triple THEN (* select all *) ed.from := 0; ed.to := ed.textLen END; ed.lastDblTime := 0; REPEAT ed.ctl.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); IF (x # ox) OR (y # oy) THEN ox := x; oy := y; movedto := ed.CharAtXY(x, y); IF (movedto = pos) OR (Services.Ticks() - tstart < 150) THEN IF ~triple THEN ed.from := 0; ed.to := 0 END ELSE IF movedto > pos THEN ed.from := pos; ed.to := movedto; IF ed.to > ed.textLen THEN ed.to := ed.textLen END ELSE ed.from := movedto; IF ed.from < 0 THEN ed.from := 0 END; ed.to := pos END END; ed.pos := movedto; ed.RetainCaret; ed.ctl.ForceUpdate END UNTIL (ed.ctl.rider = NIL) OR ~isDown; END END END END MouseDown; (** **************** ListCommon (engine) **************** **) PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) Init, NEW; BEGIN l.ctl := NIL; l.items := NIL; l.pos := 0; l.yoffs := 0; l.x0 := 0; l.y0 := 0; l.w := 0; l.h := 0; l.lastSearchTime := 0; l.lastSearchPos := 0; l.outMargin.SetZero; l.maxWidth := 0; l.totalHeight := 0; l.vsb := NIL; l.sorted := FALSE; END Init; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) Idx (i: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN IF l.sorted & (l.map # NIL) THEN RETURN l.map[i] ELSE RETURN i END END Idx; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) IdxBack (i: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN IF l.sorted & (l.unmap # NIL) THEN RETURN l.unmap[i] ELSE RETURN i END END IdxBack; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) GetSelectionBox (): StdCFrames.SelectionBox, NEW; VAR sb: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; BEGIN IF (l.ctl # NIL) & (l.ctl IS StdCFrames.SelectionBox) THEN sb := l.ctl(StdCFrames.SelectionBox) ELSE sb := NIL END; RETURN sb END GetSelectionBox; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) GetLength (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR len: INTEGER; BEGIN IF l.items # NIL THEN len := LEN(l.items) ELSE len := 0 END; RETURN len END GetLength; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) RecalcCachedSizes, NEW; VAR asc, dsc, sw, f, col: INTEGER; tmp: TextChain; BEGIN IF (l.ctl # NIL) & (l.ctl.font # NIL) THEN l.maxWidth := 0; FOR f := 0 TO l.GetLength() - 1 DO IF l.items[f].tabbed # NIL THEN sw := 0; col := 0; tmp := l.items[f].tabbed; WHILE tmp # NIL DO sw := sw + l.widths[col]; IF tmp.next # NIL THEN sw := sw + listTabSize * Ports.point END; tmp := tmp.next; INC(col) END ELSE sw := l.ctl.font.StringWidth(l.items[f].text); END; IF sw > l.maxWidth THEN l.maxWidth := sw END END; l.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); l.totalHeight := (asc + dsc) * l.GetLength() ELSE l.maxWidth := 0; l.totalHeight := 0; END END RecalcCachedSizes; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) SetupCtl (ctl: StdCFrames.Frame), NEW; BEGIN IF l.ctl # ctl THEN l.ctl := ctl; IF ctl # NIL THEN l.RecalcCachedSizes END END END SetupCtl; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) Setup (ctl: StdCFrames.Frame; x0, y0, w, h: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN l.x0 := x0; l.y0 := y0; l.w := w; l.h := h; l.SetupCtl(ctl) END Setup; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) IsValid (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN (l.ctl # NIL) & (l.w > 0) & (l.h > 0) END IsValid; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) QuickSort, NEW; PROCEDURE LessThan (ai, bi: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR res, equal: BOOLEAN; i: INTEGER; a, b: ListCommonItem; BEGIN a := l.items[ai]; b := l.items[bi]; res := FALSE; equal := TRUE; i := 0; WHILE equal & (i < LEN(a.text$)) & (i < LEN(b.text$)) DO IF ORD(CAP(a.text[i])) = ORD(CAP(b.text[i])) THEN (* pass *) ELSIF ORD(CAP(a.text[i])) < ORD(CAP(b.text[i])) THEN res := TRUE; equal := FALSE ELSE equal := FALSE END; INC(i) END; RETURN res END LessThan; PROCEDURE Sort(L, R: INTEGER); VAR i, j: INTEGER; w, x: INTEGER; BEGIN i := L; j := R; x := l.map[(L+R) DIV 2]; REPEAT WHILE LessThan(l.map[i], x) DO i := i + 1; END; WHILE LessThan(x, l.map[j]) DO j := j - 1; END; IF i <= j THEN w := l.map[i]; l.map[i] := l.map[j]; l.map[j] := w; i := i + 1; j := j -1; END; UNTIL i > j; IF L < j THEN Sort(L, j); END; IF i < R THEN Sort(i, R); END END Sort; BEGIN Sort(0, LEN(l.map) - 1); END QuickSort; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) UpdateFromCtl (): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR f, oldlen, newlen, tmp, n: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; res, needup, markup, mark, newSorted: BOOLEAN; sb: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; t: LONGINT; BEGIN res := FALSE; IF l.ctl # NIL THEN sb := l.GetSelectionBox(); newSorted := GetSortedInfo(l.ctl); newlen := GetListLength(l.ctl); oldlen := l.GetLength(); needup := (oldlen # newlen) OR (newSorted # l.sorted); l.sorted := newSorted; markup := FALSE; IF ~needup THEN f := 0; WHILE ~needup & (f < newlen) DO ASSERT(f < oldlen); GetItemText(l.ctl, f, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); needup := (l.items[f].text$ # s$); IF ~needup & ~markup & (sb # NIL) THEN sb.Get(sb, f, mark); markup := (l.items[f].marked # mark) END; INC(f) END END; IF needup OR (newlen # oldlen) THEN IF newlen # oldlen THEN IF newlen # 0 THEN NEW(l.items, newlen) ELSE l.items := NIL END END; FOR f := 0 TO newlen - 1 DO GetItemText(l.ctl, f, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); NEW(l.items[f].text, LEN(s$) + 1); l.items[f].text^ := s$; IF sb # NIL THEN sb.Get(sb, f, mark) ELSE mark := FALSE END; l.items[f].marked := mark END; IF l.sorted & (newlen # 0) THEN IF (l.map = NIL) OR (LEN(l.map) # LEN(l.items)) THEN NEW(l.map, LEN(l.items)); NEW(l.unmap, LEN(l.items)) END; FOR f := 0 TO newlen - 1 DO l.map[f] := f END; l.QuickSort; FOR n := 0 TO newlen - 1 DO l.unmap[l.map[n]] := n END END; l.pos := GetCursorIndex(l.ctl); l.pos := MAX(-1, MIN(l.pos, newlen - 1)); l.RecalcCachedSizes; res := TRUE ELSE IF markup THEN ASSERT(sb # NIL); FOR f := 0 TO oldlen - 1 DO sb.Get(sb, f, mark); l.items[f].marked := mark END END; f := GetCursorIndex(l.ctl); IF f # l.pos THEN l.pos := MAX(0, MIN(f, newlen - 1)); res := TRUE END END END; RETURN res END UpdateFromCtl; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) GetItemHeight (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR asc, dsc, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (l.GetLength() # 0) & (l.ctl # NIL) THEN l.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); sw := asc + dsc ELSE sw := 1 END; RETURN sw END GetItemHeight; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) GetItemsPerPage (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR ih, res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := 1; IF (l.GetLength() # 0) & l.IsValid() THEN ih := l.GetItemHeight(); res := l.h DIV ih; IF res = 0 THEN res := 1 END END; RETURN res END GetItemsPerPage; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) GetFirstPageItem (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR y, ih, res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := 0; IF (l.GetLength() # 0) & l.IsValid() THEN y := 0 - l.yoffs; ih := l.GetItemHeight(); res := l.yoffs DIV ih; INC(y, res * ih); IF y < 0 THEN INC(res) END; res := MAX(0, MIN(l.GetLength() - 1, res)) END; RETURN res END GetFirstPageItem; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) GetItemYOfs (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR asc, dsc, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (l.GetLength() # 0) & l.IsValid() THEN l.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); sw := l.GetItemHeight(); IF asc + dsc > sw THEN sw := (sw - asc - dsc) DIV 2 ELSE sw := 0 END; INC(sw, asc) ELSE sw := 0 END; RETURN sw END GetItemYOfs; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) NormaliseYOffs, NEW; VAR ih: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (l.GetLength() # 0) & l.IsValid() THEN IF (l.pos < 0) OR (l.totalHeight <= l.h) THEN l.yoffs := 0 ELSE ih := l.GetItemHeight(); IF l.h < ih * 2 THEN l.yoffs := ih * l.pos ELSE IF l.hsb # NIL THEN l.yoffs := MIN(l.yoffs, l.totalHeight - (l.h - l.hsb.Width())) ELSE l.yoffs := MIN(l.yoffs, l.totalHeight - l.h) END; l.yoffs := MAX(l.yoffs, 0) END END ELSE l.yoffs := 0 END END NormaliseYOffs; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) MakeCursorVisibleWorker (doCenter: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR y, ih, pos, hsbSize: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (l.GetLength() # 0) & l.IsValid() & (l.pos > -1) THEN IF l.totalHeight = 0 THEN l.RecalcCachedSizes END; pos := l.IdxBack(l.pos); IF (pos <= 0) OR (l.totalHeight <= l.h) THEN l.yoffs := 0 ELSE ih := l.GetItemHeight(); y := ih * pos; hsbSize := 0; IF l.hsb # NIL THEN hsbSize := l.hsb.Width() END; IF l.h < ih * 2 THEN l.yoffs := y ELSE DEC(y, l.yoffs); (* now check if the cursor is visible *) IF y < 0 THEN INC(l.yoffs, y); IF doCenter & (l.h > ih * 4) THEN DEC(l.yoffs, ((l.h - hsbSize) - ih) DIV 2) END; ELSIF y + ih > (l.h - hsbSize) THEN INC(l.yoffs, y + ih - (l.h - hsbSize)); IF doCenter & (l.h > ih * 4) THEN INC(l.yoffs, ((l.h - hsbSize) - ih) DIV 2) END END END; l.NormaliseYOffs; END ELSE l.yoffs := 0 END END MakeCursorVisibleWorker; (* should be called from owner's `Restore()` *) PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) MakeCursorVisible, NEW; BEGIN l.MakeCursorVisibleWorker(FALSE) END MakeCursorVisible; (* should be called from owner's `Restore()` *) PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) MakeCursorVisibleCentered, NEW; BEGIN l.MakeCursorVisibleWorker(TRUE) END MakeCursorVisibleCentered; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) ResetCharSearch, NEW; BEGIN l.lastSearchPos := 0 END ResetCharSearch; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) CharSearch (ch: CHAR), NEW; VAR ctime: LONGINT; curpos, idx, spos, found: INTEGER; BEGIN IF l.GetLength() > 0 THEN ch := Strings.Upper(ch); ctime := Services.Ticks(); IF ctime - l.lastSearchTime > 600 THEN l.lastSearchPos := 0 END; l.lastSearchTime := ctime; curpos := l.pos; spos := l.lastSearchPos; IF spos = 0 THEN INC(curpos) END; idx := l.GetLength(); found := -1; WHILE (idx > 0) & (found < 0) DO DEC(idx); IF curpos >= l.GetLength() THEN curpos := 0 END; IF (spos = 0) OR StrStartsWithCI(l.items[curpos].text, l.items[l.pos].text, spos) THEN IF Strings.Upper(l.items[curpos].text[spos]) = ch THEN found := curpos; INC(l.lastSearchPos) END END; INC(curpos) END; IF (found # -1) & (found # l.pos) THEN l.pos := found END END END CharSearch; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) GetBackgroundColor (): Ports.Color, NEW; VAR bkcol: Ports.Color; BEGIN IF l.ctl.disabled OR l.ctl.readOnly THEN bkcol := skin.backListDisabled ELSIF l.ctl.mark THEN bkcol := skin.backList ELSE bkcol := skin.backListBlured END; RETURN bkcol END GetBackgroundColor; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) DefineColors (ff: INTEGER; OUT col, bcol: Ports.Color; OUT mark: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR c: StdCFrames.Frame; f: INTEGER; BEGIN c := l.ctl; f := l.Idx(ff); mark := FALSE; IF c.disabled OR c.readOnly THEN (* Disabled *) IF ~c.readOnly & (f = l.pos) THEN IF l.items[f].marked THEN (* Selected + Cursored *) bcol := skin.backSelListCursorDisabled; col := skin.textSelListCursorDisabled; ELSE (* Cursored *) bcol := skin.backListCursorDisabled; col := skin.textListCursorDisabled; END ELSE IF l.items[f].marked THEN (* Selected *) bcol := skin.backSelListDisabled; col := skin.textSelListDisabled; ELSE bcol := skin.backListDisabled; col := skin.textListDisabled; END END ELSIF c.mark THEN IF ~c.readOnly & (f = l.pos) THEN IF l.items[f].marked THEN (* Selected + Cursored *) bcol := skin.backSelListCursor; col := skin.textSelListCursor; ELSE (* Cursored *) IF l.GetSelectionBox() # NIL THEN bcol := skin.backList; col := skin.textList; ELSE bcol := skin.backListCursor; col := skin.textListCursor; END END; mark := l.pos >= 0 ELSE IF l.items[f].marked THEN (* Selected *) bcol := skin.backSelList; col := skin.textSelList; ELSE bcol := skin.backList; col := skin.textList; END END ELSE (* Blured *) IF ~c.readOnly & (f = l.pos) THEN IF l.items[f].marked THEN (* Selected + Cursored *) bcol := skin.backSelListCursorBlured; col := skin.textSelListCursorBlured; ELSE (* Cursored *) bcol := skin.backListCursorBlured; col := skin.textListCursorBlured; END ELSE IF l.items[f].marked THEN (* Selected *) bcol := skin.backSelListBlured; col := skin.textSelListBlured; ELSE bcol := skin.backListBlured; col := skin.textListBlured; END END END; END DefineColors; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) Restore, NEW; VAR c: StdCFrames.Frame; bkcol, col, bcol: Ports.Color; ih, iofs, len, y, f, xoffs, asc, dsc, sw, i, pos, column, colWidth: INTEGER; vsb: VScrollBar; vsbSize: INTEGER; hsb: HScrollBar; hsbSize: INTEGER; item, tmp: TextChain; clip: ClipRect; marked, tabbed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF l.IsValid() THEN IF l.totalHeight = 0 THEN l.RecalcCachedSizes END; c := l.ctl; (* check if we need a scrollbar, and prepare it *) IF l.totalHeight > l.h THEN IF l.vsb = NIL THEN NEW(vsb); vsb.Init; l.vsb := vsb ELSE vsb := l.vsb END; vsb.min := 0; vsb.max := l.totalHeight - l.h; vsb.contentSize := l.totalHeight; vsb.pos := l.yoffs; vsb.pageSize := l.h; vsb.arrowStep := l.GetItemHeight(); vsb.length := l.h; IF ~vsb.CanFit() THEN vsb := NIL ELSE vsbSize := MAX(0, vsb.Width()); vsb.length := l.h - vsb.Width(); IF (vsbSize = 0) OR ((vsbSize + 4 * Ports.point) >= l.w) THEN vsb := NIL END END ELSE vsb := NIL END; IF vsb = NIL THEN vsbSize := 0; l.vsb := NIL END; bkcol := l.GetBackgroundColor(); c.DrawRect(l.x0 - l.outMargin.l * c.dot, l.y0 - l.outMargin.t * c.dot, l.x0 + l.w + l.outMargin.r * c.dot, l.y0 + l.h + l.outMargin.b * c.dot, Ports.fill, bkcol); (* analyze list for tabs *) len := l.GetLength(); f := 0; tabbed := FALSE; WHILE f < len DO i := 0; column := 0; l.items[f].tabbed := NIL; REPEAT Strings.Find(l.items[f].text, TAB, i, pos); IF pos >= 1 THEN tabbed := TRUE; NEW(item); NEW(item.text, pos - i + 1); Strings.Extract(l.items[f].text, i, pos - i, item.text); IF l.items[f].tabbed = NIL THEN l.items[f].tabbed := item ELSE tmp := l.items[f].tabbed; WHILE tmp.next # NIL DO tmp := tmp.next END; tmp.next := item END; colWidth := c.font.StringWidth(item.text); IF l.widths[column] < colWidth THEN l.widths[column] := colWidth END; INC(column) ELSIF l.items[f].tabbed # NIL THEN pos := LEN(l.items[f].text$); NEW(item); NEW(item.text, pos - i + 1); Strings.Extract(l.items[f].text, i, pos - i, item.text); IF l.items[f].tabbed = NIL THEN l.items[f].tabbed := item ELSE tmp := l.items[f].tabbed; WHILE tmp.next # NIL DO tmp := tmp.next END; tmp.next := item END; colWidth := c.font.StringWidth(item.text); IF l.widths[column] < colWidth THEN l.widths[column] := colWidth END; INC(column) END; i := pos + 1 UNTIL ( pos = -1 ) OR ( pos >= LEN(l.items[f].text$) ); INC(f) END; IF tabbed THEN l.RecalcCachedSizes; END; (* check if we need a horisontal scrollbar, and prepare it *) IF (l.maxWidth > (l.w - vsbSize)) & (l.h > l.GetItemHeight() * 2) THEN IF l.hsb = NIL THEN NEW(hsb); hsb.Init; l.hsb := hsb ELSE hsb := l.hsb END; hsb.min := 0; hsb.max := (l.maxWidth - l.w + vsbSize + l.x0 + Ports.mm); hsb.contentSize := l.maxWidth; hsb.pos := l.xoffs; hsb.pageSize := l.w; hsb.arrowStep := Ports.mm; hsb.length := l.w; IF ~hsb.CanFit() THEN hsb := NIL ELSE hsbSize := MAX(0, hsb.Width()); hsb.length := l.w; IF vsb # NIL THEN DEC(hsb.length, vsbSize); DEC(vsb.length, hsbSize) END; IF (hsbSize = 0) OR ((hsbSize + 4 * Ports.point) >= l.h) THEN hsbSize := 0; hsb := NIL END END; IF vsb # NIL THEN INC(vsb.max, hsbSize); INC(hsb.max, vsbSize); END; ELSE l.hsb := NIL; hsbSize := 0; hsb := NIL; END; clip.Init(l.ctl); IF clip.ShrinkToWH(l.x0, l.y0, l.w, l.h) THEN y := 0 - l.yoffs; ih := l.GetItemHeight(); iofs := l.GetItemYOfs(); f := l.yoffs DIV ih; len := l.GetLength(); IF f < len THEN IF (hsb # NIL) THEN xoffs := - l.xoffs END; INC(y, f * ih); IF 2 * ih > l.h THEN IF (f >= 0) & (l.pos # -1) THEN f := l.pos END; l.DefineColors(f, col, bcol, marked); IF bcol # bkcol THEN c.DrawRect(l.x0, l.y0, l.x0 + l.w, l.y0 + l.h, Ports.fill, bcol) END; IF marked THEN c.MarkRect(l.x0 + 2*c.dot, l.y0 + 2*c.dot, l.x0 + l.w - 2*c.dot, l.y0 + l.h - 2*c.dot, c.dot, Ports.dim50, Ports.show) END; c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); iofs := (l.h - asc - dsc) DIV 2 - c.dot; IF (l.items[f].tabbed = NIL) THEN c.DrawString(l.x0 + xoffs + 2*c.dot, l.y0 + asc + iofs, col, l.items[f].text, c.font) ELSE tmp := l.items[f].tabbed; column := 0; pos := 0; WHILE tmp # NIL DO c.DrawString(l.x0 + xoffs + pos + 2*c.dot, l.y0 + asc + iofs, col, tmp.text, c.font); tmp := tmp.next; INC(column); pos := pos + l.widths[column-1] + listTabSize * Ports.point; END END ELSE WHILE (f < len) & (y < l.h) DO l.DefineColors(f, col, bcol, marked); IF bcol # bkcol THEN c.DrawRect(l.x0, l.y0 + y, l.x0 + l.w, l.y0 + y + ih, Ports.fill, bcol) END; IF marked THEN c.MarkRect(l.x0 + c.dot, l.y0 + y + c.dot, l.x0 + l.w - c.dot, l.y0 + y + ih - c.dot, c.dot, Ports.dim50, Ports.show) END; IF l.items[l.Idx(f)].tabbed = NIL THEN c.DrawString(l.x0 + xoffs+ 2*c.dot, l.y0 + y + iofs, col, l.items[l.Idx(f)].text, c.font) ELSE tmp := l.items[l.Idx(f)].tabbed; column := 0; pos := 0; WHILE tmp # NIL DO c.DrawString(l.x0 + xoffs + pos+ 2*c.dot, l.y0 + y + iofs, col, tmp.text, c.font); tmp := tmp.next; INC(column); pos := pos + l.widths[column-1] + listTabSize * c.dot END END; INC(y, ih); INC(f) END END END END; IF vsb # NIL THEN vsb.Draw(c, l.x0 + l.w - vsbSize, l.y0, l.h - hsbSize, l.vsbPressed); vsb.x0 := l.x0 + l.w - vsbSize; vsb.y0 := l.y0 END; IF hsb # NIL THEN hsb.Draw(c, l.x0, l.y0 + l.h - hsbSize, l.w - vsbSize, l.hsbPressed); hsb.x0 := l.x0; hsb.y0 := l.y0 + l.h - hsbSize END; IF (hsbSize > 0) & (vsbSize > 0) THEN c.DrawRect(l.x0 + l.w - vsbSize, l.y0 + l.h - hsbSize, l.w + 2*c.dot, l.h+ 2*c.dot, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbar) END; clip.Close END END Restore; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET), NEW; VAR f, pos, i: INTEGER; mark, doCenter: BOOLEAN; sb: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; BEGIN IF l.GetLength() > 0 THEN doCenter := FALSE; sb := l.GetSelectionBox(); CASE ch OF | DL: (* home *) IF l.unmap # NIL THEN pos := l.unmap[l.pos]; IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & (sb # NIL) THEN (* Shift *) IF pos > 0 THEN mark := ~l.items[pos].marked; FOR f := 0 TO pos DO l.items[f].marked := mark END; IF mark THEN sb.Incl(sb, 0, pos) ELSE sb.Excl(sb, 0, pos) END END END; l.pos := l.Idx(0) ELSE IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & (sb # NIL) THEN (* Shift *) IF l.pos > 0 THEN mark := ~l.items[l.pos].marked; FOR f := 0 TO l.pos DO l.items[f].marked := mark END; IF mark THEN sb.Incl(sb, 0, l.pos) ELSE sb.Excl(sb, 0, l.pos) END END END; l.pos := 0 END | DR: (* end *) IF l.unmap # NIL THEN pos := l.unmap[l.pos]; IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & (sb # NIL) THEN (* Shift *) IF pos < l.GetLength() - 1 THEN mark := ~l.items[pos].marked; FOR f := pos TO l.GetLength() - 1 DO l.items[f].marked := mark END; IF mark THEN sb.Incl(sb, pos, l.GetLength() - 1) ELSE sb.Excl(sb, pos, l.GetLength() - 1) END END END; l.pos := MAX(0, l.Idx(l.GetLength() - 1)) ELSE IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & (sb # NIL) THEN (* Shift *) IF l.pos < l.GetLength() - 1 THEN mark := ~l.items[l.pos].marked; FOR f := l.pos TO l.GetLength() - 1 DO l.items[f].marked := mark END; IF mark THEN sb.Incl(sb, l.pos, l.GetLength() - 1) ELSE sb.Excl(sb, l.pos, l.GetLength() - 1) END END END; l.pos := MAX(0, l.GetLength() - 1) END | AU: (* arrow up *) IF l.unmap # NIL THEN pos := l.unmap[l.pos] ELSE pos := l.pos END; IF pos > 0 THEN IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & (sb # NIL) THEN (* Shift *) IF l.items[l.Idx(pos - 1)].marked THEN l.items[l.Idx(pos)].marked := FALSE; sb.Excl(sb, l.Idx(pos), l.Idx(pos)) ELSE l.items[l.Idx(pos - 1)].marked := TRUE; sb.Incl(sb, l.Idx(pos - 1), l.Idx(pos-1)) END ELSIF sb # NIL THEN FOR i := 0 TO l.GetLength() - 1 DO IF l.items[i].marked & (i # l.Idx(pos - 1)) THEN sb.Excl(sb, i, i); l.items[i].marked := FALSE END END; i := l.Idx(pos - 1); IF ~l.items[i].marked THEN sb.Incl(sb, i, i); l.items[i].marked := TRUE END; END; DEC(pos); l.pos := l.Idx(pos) END | AD: (* arrow down *) IF l.unmap # NIL THEN pos := l.unmap[l.pos] ELSE pos := l.pos END; IF pos < l.GetLength() - 1 THEN IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & (sb # NIL) THEN (* Shift *) IF l.items[l.Idx(pos + 1)].marked THEN l.items[l.Idx(pos)].marked := FALSE; sb.Excl(sb, l.Idx(pos), l.Idx(pos)) ELSE l.items[l.Idx(pos + 1)].marked := TRUE; sb.Incl(sb, l.Idx(pos + 1), l.Idx(pos + 1)) END ELSIF sb # NIL THEN FOR i := 0 TO l.GetLength() - 1 DO IF l.items[i].marked & (i # l.Idx(pos + 1)) THEN sb.Excl(sb, i, i); l.items[i].marked := FALSE END END; i := l.Idx(pos + 1); IF ~l.items[i].marked THEN sb.Incl(sb, i, i); l.items[i].marked := TRUE END; END; INC(pos); l.pos := l.Idx(pos) END | AL: (* arrow left *) IF l.xoffs > 8 * Ports.point THEN l.xoffs := l.xoffs - 8 * Ports.point ELSE l.xoffs := 0 END | AR: (* arrow right *) l.xoffs := l.xoffs + 8 * Ports.point; IF l.xoffs > l.maxWidth THEN (* does not work somehow, TO CHECK *) l.xoffs := l.maxWidth END | PU: (* page up *) IF l.pos > l.GetFirstPageItem() THEN l.pos := l.GetFirstPageItem() ELSE DEC(l.pos, l.GetItemsPerPage()) END; l.pos := MAX(0, MIN(l.GetLength() - 1, l.pos)) | PD: (* page down *) IF l.pos < l.GetFirstPageItem() + l.GetItemsPerPage() - 1 THEN l.pos := l.GetFirstPageItem() + l.GetItemsPerPage() - 1 ELSE INC(l.pos, l.GetItemsPerPage()) END; l.pos := MAX(0, MIN(l.GetLength() - 1, l.pos)) | 20X: (* toggle mark *) IF sb # NIL THEN mark := ~l.items[l.pos].marked; l.items[l.pos].marked := mark; IF mark THEN sb.Incl(sb, l.pos, l.pos) ELSE sb.Excl(sb, l.pos, l.pos) END; IF l.pos < l.GetLength() - 1 THEN INC(l.pos) END ELSE l.CharSearch(ch); doCenter := TRUE END ELSE IF (ch >= 20X) & (ch # 7FX) THEN l.CharSearch(ch); doCenter := TRUE END END; l.MakeCursorVisibleWorker(doCenter) END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) WheelMove (x, y: INTEGER; op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR asc, dsc, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN IF l.IsValid() & (x >= l.x0) & (y >= l.y0) & (x < l.x0 + l.w) & (y < l.y0 + l.h) THEN done := TRUE; (* eat it! *) IF op = Controllers.decLine THEN nofLines := -nofLines END; l.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); INC(l.yoffs, (asc + dsc) * nofLines); l.NormaliseYOffs END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) LstTrackVSBMouse (), NEW; VAR c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y, ox, oy, opos: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; BEGIN c := l.ctl; IF c.rider # NIL THEN (* k8: this hack repaints other controls, so they could indicate focus loss *) l.vsbPressed := TRUE; UpdateRoot(c); l.ctl.ForceUpdate; opos := l.vsb.pos; ox := MIN(INTEGER); oy := MIN(INTEGER); REPEAT c.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); x := (x - l.x0) - l.vsb.x0; y := (y - l.y0) - l.vsb.y0; IF ox = MIN(INTEGER) THEN ox := x END; IF oy = MIN(INTEGER) THEN oy := y END; IF (ox # x) OR (oy # y) THEN ox := x; oy := y; l.vsb.SBMouseTrack(x, y); IF opos # l.vsb.pos THEN opos := l.vsb.pos; l.yoffs := opos; l.ctl.ForceUpdate END END UNTIL ~isDown; l.vsbPressed := FALSE; l.ctl.ForceUpdate END END LstTrackVSBMouse; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) LstTrackHSBMouse (), NEW; VAR c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y, ox, oy, opos: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; BEGIN c := l.ctl; IF c.rider # NIL THEN (* k8: this hack repaints other controls, so they could indicate focus loss *) l.hsbPressed := TRUE; UpdateRoot(c); l.ctl.ForceUpdate; opos := l.hsb.pos; ox := MIN(INTEGER); oy := MIN(INTEGER); REPEAT c.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); x := (x - l.x0) - l.hsb.x0; y := (y - l.y0) - l.hsb.y0; IF ox = MIN(INTEGER) THEN ox := x END; IF oy = MIN(INTEGER) THEN oy := y END; IF (ox # x) OR (oy # y) THEN ox := x; oy := y; l.hsb.SBMouseTrack(x, y); IF opos # l.hsb.pos THEN opos := l.hsb.pos; l.xoffs := opos; l.ctl.ForceUpdate END END UNTIL ~isDown; l.hsbPressed := FALSE; l.ctl.ForceUpdate END END LstTrackHSBMouse; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET), NEW; VAR id, ff, idx, asc, pos, dsc, sw, f, i, initPos: INTEGER; mark, makeCursorVisible, isDown, changed, selected: BOOLEAN; sb: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; modifiers: SET; BEGIN makeCursorVisible := TRUE; IF (l.GetLength() # 0) & l.IsValid() & (x >= l.x0) & (y >= l.y0) & (x < l.x0+l.w) & (y < l.y0+l.h) THEN IF (l.vsb # NIL) & (l.vsb.length > 0) & (l.x0+l.w - x < l.vsb.Width()) THEN makeCursorVisible := FALSE; IF l.vsb.SBMouseDown((x - l.x0) - l.vsb.x0, (y - l.y0) - l.vsb.y0) THEN l.LstTrackVSBMouse ELSE l.yoffs := l.vsb.pos (* the caller will repaint us *) END ELSIF (l.hsb # NIL) & (l.hsb.length > 0) & (l.y0 + l.h - y < l.hsb.Width()) THEN makeCursorVisible := FALSE; IF l.hsb.SBMouseDown((x - l.x0) - l.hsb.x0, (y - l.y0) - l.hsb.y0) THEN l.LstTrackHSBMouse ELSE l.xoffs := l.hsb.pos (* the caller will repaint us *) END ELSIF ~ l.ctl.readOnly THEN changed := FALSE; selected := FALSE; initPos := -777; REPEAT l.ctl.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); DEC(y, l.y0); l.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); id := (y + l.yoffs) DIV (asc + dsc) ; id := MAX(0, MIN(id, l.GetLength() - 1) ); idx := l.Idx(id); IF initPos = -777 THEN initPos := id END; sb := l.GetSelectionBox(); IF (sb # NIL) & ~selected THEN IF id # initPos THEN pos := initPos; IF id < pos THEN REPEAT IF ~l.items[l.Idx(pos - 1)].marked THEN l.items[l.Idx(pos - 1)].marked := TRUE; sb.Incl(sb, l.Idx(pos - 1), l.Idx(pos-1)); END; DEC(pos) UNTIL pos = id ELSIF id > pos THEN REPEAT IF ~l.items[l.Idx(pos + 1)].marked THEN l.items[l.Idx(pos + 1)].marked := TRUE; sb.Incl(sb, l.Idx(pos + 1), l.Idx(pos + 1)); END; INC(pos) UNTIL pos = id; END; changed := TRUE; ELSIF idx # l.pos THEN IF (Controllers.extend IN buttons) THEN (* Shift *) pos := l.IdxBack(l.pos); IF id < pos THEN REPEAT IF ~l.items[l.Idx(pos - 1)].marked THEN l.items[l.Idx(pos - 1)].marked := TRUE; sb.Incl(sb, l.Idx(pos - 1), l.Idx(pos-1)); END; DEC(pos) UNTIL pos = id ELSIF id > pos THEN REPEAT IF ~l.items[l.Idx(pos + 1)].marked THEN l.items[l.Idx(pos + 1)].marked := TRUE; sb.Incl(sb, l.Idx(pos + 1), l.Idx(pos + 1)); END; INC(pos) UNTIL pos = id; END; changed := TRUE; selected := TRUE ELSIF Controllers.modify IN buttons THEN (* Ctrl *) IF ~l.items[idx].marked THEN sb.Incl(sb, idx, idx); l.items[idx].marked := TRUE; changed := TRUE; selected := TRUE ELSE sb.Excl(sb, idx, idx); l.items[idx].marked := FALSE; changed := TRUE; selected := TRUE END ELSE FOR i := 0 TO l.GetLength() - 1 DO IF l.items[i].marked & (i # idx) THEN sb.Excl(sb, i, i); l.items[i].marked := FALSE; changed := TRUE; END END; IF ~ l.items[idx].marked THEN sb.Incl(sb, idx, idx); l.items[idx].marked := TRUE; changed := TRUE; END END ELSE IF Controllers.modify IN buttons THEN (* Ctrl *) IF ~l.items[idx].marked THEN sb.Incl(sb, idx, idx); l.items[idx].marked := TRUE; changed := TRUE; selected := TRUE ELSE sb.Excl(sb, idx, idx); l.items[idx].marked := FALSE; changed := TRUE; selected := TRUE END ELSE FOR i := 0 TO l.GetLength() - 1 DO IF l.items[i].marked & (i # idx) THEN sb.Excl(sb, i, i); l.items[i].marked := FALSE; changed := TRUE; END END; IF ~ l.items[idx].marked THEN sb.Incl(sb, idx, idx); l.items[idx].marked := TRUE; changed := TRUE END END END END; IF l.pos # idx THEN l.pos := idx; changed := TRUE; END; IF changed THEN l.ctl.ForceUpdate; changed := FALSE; END; UNTIL ~isDown; END END; IF makeCursorVisible THEN l.MakeCursorVisible END END MouseDown; (** **************** PopupCommon for ComboBox **************** **) PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) DrawFrame (c: Views.Frame; w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (* margins are in pixels *) PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) GetFrameMargins (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) GetBackground (VAR col: Ports.Color); BEGIN col := skin.backList END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) GetItemHeight (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR asc, dsc, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(p.owner # NIL); p.owner.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); RETURN asc + dsc + 2 * p.owner.dot END GetItemHeight; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) ForceUpdate, NEW; BEGIN Views.Update(p, Views.keepFrames) (* IF (p.owner # NIL) & (p.owner.view # NIL) THEN Views.Update(p.owner.view, Views.keepFrames) END *) END ForceUpdate; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) GetItemCount (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN p.lst.GetLength() END GetItemCount; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) GetCurrent (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN p.lst.pos END GetCurrent; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) GetItemsPerPage (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR w, h, ih, res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := 1; IF (p.owner # NIL) & (p.context # NIL) THEN p.context.GetSize(w, h); IF h > 0 THEN ih := p.GetItemHeight(); res := MAX(1, h DIV ih) END END; RETURN res END GetItemsPerPage; PROCEDURE^ (p: PopupCommon) MakeCursorVisible (doCenter: BOOLEAN), NEW; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) NormaliseYOfs, NEW; VAR w, h, ih, ph: INTEGER; BEGIN IF p.starty = MIN(INTEGER) THEN p.MakeCursorVisible(TRUE) END; p.starty := MAX(0, p.starty); IF (p.owner # NIL) & (p.context # NIL) THEN p.context.GetSize(w, h); ih := p.GetItemHeight(); ph := ih * p.GetItemCount(); IF ph <= h THEN p.starty := 0 ELSE p.starty := MIN(p.starty, h - ph) END END END NormaliseYOfs; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) MakeCursorVisible (doCenter: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR w, h, cy, ih, len, curidx: INTEGER; BEGIN IF p.starty = MIN(INTEGER) THEN p.starty := 0; doCenter := TRUE END; IF (p.owner # NIL) & (p.context # NIL) THEN curidx := p.GetCurrent(); len := p.GetItemCount(); IF (curidx >= 0) & (curidx < len) THEN p.context.GetSize(w, h); ih := p.GetItemHeight(); cy := ih * curidx; DEC(cy, p.starty); IF cy < 0 THEN INC(p.starty, cy); IF doCenter THEN DEC(p.starty, (h - ih) DIV 2) END ELSIF cy + p.GetItemHeight() > h THEN INC(p.starty, cy + p.GetItemHeight() - h); IF doCenter THEN INC(p.starty, (h - ih) DIV 2) END END END; p.NormaliseYOfs ELSE p.starty := 0 END END MakeCursorVisible; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) SetCurrent (idx: INTEGER; doCenter: BOOLEAN), NEW; BEGIN IF (idx >= 0) & (idx < p.GetItemCount()) & (idx # p.lst.pos) THEN p.lst.pos := p.lst.Idx(idx); p.MakeCursorVisible(doCenter); p.ForceUpdate END END SetCurrent; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) Restore (c: Views.Frame; left, top, right, bottom: INTEGER); VAR fnt: Fonts.Font; col: Ports.Color; l: ListCommon; tmp: TextChain; w, h, ih, iofs, asc, dsc, sw, f, x, y, curidx, len, ml, mt, mr, mb, pos, column: INTEGER; BEGIN p.GetFrameMargins(ml, mt, mr, mb); IF p.starty = MIN(INTEGER)THEN p.MakeCursorVisible(TRUE) END; p.dotsize := c.dot; p.NormaliseYOfs; p.context.GetSize(w, h); p.GetBackground(col); c.DrawRect(left, top, right, bottom, Ports.fill, col); fnt := p.owner.font; len := p.GetItemCount(); curidx := p.GetCurrent(); ih := p.GetItemHeight(); fnt.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); iofs := asc + (ih - asc - dsc) DIV 2; x := (ml + 2) * c.dot; y := 0 - p.starty + mt * c.dot; f := 0; WHILE (f < len) & (y <= bottom) DO IF y + ih >= top THEN IF p.lst.Idx(f) = curidx THEN c.DrawRect(c.dot, y, w - c.dot, y + ih, Ports.fill, skin.backSelList); col := skin.textSelList ELSIF f = p.hoveridx THEN c.DrawRect(c.dot, y, w - c.dot, y + ih, Ports.fill, skin.backHover); col := skin.textHover ELSE col := skin.text END; l := p.lst; IF l.items[l.Idx(f)].tabbed = NIL THEN c.DrawString(x, y + iofs, col, p.lst.items[p.lst.Idx(f)].text^, fnt) ELSE tmp := l.items[l.Idx(f)].tabbed; column := 0; pos := 0; WHILE tmp # NIL DO c.DrawString(x + pos, y + iofs, col, tmp.text, fnt); tmp := tmp.next; INC(column); pos := pos + l.widths[column-1] + listTabSize * c.dot END END END; INC(y, ih); INC(f) END; p.DrawFrame(c, w, h) END Restore; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) ClosePopup, NEW; VAR op: StdDocuments.OverlayProposal; BEGIN IF ~p.hideCalled THEN p.hideCalled := TRUE; op.op := StdDocuments.hide; p.context.Consider(op) END END ClosePopup; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) CopyFromModelView- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: PopupCommon DO p.owner := source.owner; p.lst := source.lst; p.starty := source.starty; p.hoveridx := -1 ELSE END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); BEGIN END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR w, h, ih: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (p.owner # NIL) & (p.context # NIL) THEN p.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (x >= 0) & (y >= 0) & (x < w) & (y < h) THEN done := TRUE; (* eat it! *) IF op = Controllers.decLine THEN nofLines := -nofLines END; ih := p.GetItemHeight(); INC(p.starty, nofLines * ih); p.NormaliseYOfs; p.ForceUpdate END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) ItemAtY (y: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN (y + p.starty + 1 * p.dotsize) DIV p.GetItemHeight() END ItemAtY; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET), NEW; BEGIN IF (p.owner # NIL) & (p.context # NIL) THEN p.SetCurrent(p.ItemAtY(y), FALSE); p.ClosePopup END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) MouseMoved (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET), NEW; VAR hidx: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (p.owner # NIL) & (p.context # NIL) THEN hidx := p.ItemAtY(y); IF hidx # p.hoveridx THEN p.hoveridx := hidx; p.ForceUpdate END END END MouseMoved; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; mods: SET): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR idx, len: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := TRUE; CASE ch OF | PU: (* page up *) len := p.GetItemCount(); IF len > 0 THEN idx := MAX(0, p.GetCurrent()-p.GetItemsPerPage()); p.SetCurrent(idx, FALSE) END | PD: (* page down *) len := p.GetItemCount(); IF len > 0 THEN idx := MIN(len - 1, p.GetCurrent()+p.GetItemsPerPage()); p.SetCurrent(idx, FALSE) END | DL: (* home *) p.SetCurrent(0, FALSE) | DR: (* end *) p.SetCurrent(p.GetItemCount() - 1, FALSE) | AU: (* arrow up *) p.SetCurrent(p.GetCurrent() - 1, FALSE) | AD: (* arrow down *) p.SetCurrent(p.GetCurrent() + 1, FALSE) | ENTER: p.SetCurrent(p.GetCurrent(), FALSE); p.ClosePopup | ESC, PL, PR: p.ClosePopup ELSE res := FALSE END; RETURN res END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) HandleCtrlMsg* (c_: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO p.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) |msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO p.WheelMove(msg.x, msg.y, msg.op, msg.nofLines, msg.done) | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.modifiers * {0..7} = {} THEN IF p.KeyDown(msg.char, msg.modifiers) THEN END ELSIF Controllers.pick IN msg.modifiers THEN IF msg.char = AU THEN p.ClosePopup END END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO p.MouseMoved(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) HandleViewMsg- (c_: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR c: StdCFrames.Frame; BEGIN WITH msg: StdDocuments.RemoveOverlayMsg DO c := p.owner; IF c # NIL THEN c.PopupClosed(p) END (* | msg: Documents.RemoveOverlayMsg DO c := p.owner; IF c # NIL THEN c.PopupClosed(p) END *) ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (p: PopupCommon) SetupOwner (owner: StdCFrames.Frame; lst: ListCommon), NEW; BEGIN p.owner := owner; p.lst := lst; p.dotsize := 0; p.starty := MIN(INTEGER); p.hoveridx := -1; p.hideCalled := FALSE END SetupOwner; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) NewPopup(): PopupCommon, NEW; VAR p: Popup; BEGIN NEW(p); RETURN p END NewPopup; PROCEDURE (l: ListCommon) ShowPopup (yofs: INTEGER): PopupCommon, NEW; VAR popup: PopupCommon; doc: Views.View; root: Views.Frame; w, h, len, f, px, py, pw, ph, ml, mt, mr, mb, fw, fh: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN popup := NIL; IF (l.ctl # NIL) & ~l.ctl.readOnly & ~l.ctl.disabled & (l.ctl.rider # NIL) THEN len := l.GetLength(); IF len > 0 THEN popup := l.NewPopup(); popup.SetupOwner(l.ctl, l); root := Views.UltimateRootOf(l.ctl); ASSERT(root # NIL); ASSERT(root.view # NIL); doc := root.view; popup.GetFrameMargins(ml, mt, mr, mb); fw := MAX(0, (ml + mr) * l.ctl.dot); fh := MAX(0, (mt + mb) * l.ctl.dot); l.ctl.view.context.GetSize(w, h); FOR f := 0 TO len - 1 DO w := MAX(w, l.ctl.font.StringWidth(l.items[f].text) + fw) END; px := l.ctl.gx - root.gx; py := l.ctl.gy - root.gy + yofs; pw := MIN(w, root.r - root.l); ph := popup.GetItemHeight() * len + fh; ph := MIN(ph, root.b - root.t); px := MAX(0, MIN(px, root.r-pw)); py := MAX(0, MIN(py, root.b-ph)); WITH doc: StdDocuments.Document DO StdDocuments.InsertOverlaid(popup, popup, doc, px, py, pw, ph, NIL) | doc: Documents.Document DO (* Documents.InsertOverlay(doc, popup, px, py, pw, ph); Views.Update(root.view, Views.keepFrames); *) ELSE HALT(20) END END END; RETURN popup END ShowPopup; PROCEDURE GetStorage (v: Views.View): Storage; VAR st: Storage; BEGIN st := storages; WHILE (st # NIL) & (st.view # v) DO st := st.next END; RETURN st END GetStorage; PROCEDURE AddStorage (new: Storage); VAR st: Storage; BEGIN IF storages = NIL THEN storages := new ELSE st := storages; WHILE (st.next # NIL) & (st.view # new.view) DO st := st.next END; IF st.next = NIL THEN st.next := new END END END AddStorage; (* our skin system implies the correct color of dialog background *) PROCEDURE SetupDialogBackground* (c: StdCFrames.Frame); VAR root: Views.RootFrame; BEGIN (* IF Ports.dialogBackground # skin.back THEN Ports.dialogBackground := skin.back; (*root := Views.UltimateRootOf(c);*) root := Views.RootOf(c); IF root # NIL THEN Views.UpdateRoot(root, root.l, root.t, root.r, root.b, Views.keepFrames) END END *) END SetupDialogBackground; PROCEDURE (p: Popup) DrawFrame (c: Views.Frame; w, h: INTEGER); VAR x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (w > 2 * c.dot) & (h > 2 * c.dot) THEN x1 := w - c.dot; y1 := h - c.dot; x0 := 0; y0 := 0; IF (x1 - x0 > 2 * c.dot) & (y1 - y0 > 2 * c.dot) THEN c.DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y0, 0, skin.frameDark); c.DrawLine(x0, y0, x0, y1, 0, skin.frameDark); c.DrawLine(x0, y1, x1 + c.dot, y1, 0, skin.frameDark); c.DrawLine(x1, y0, x1, y1, 0, skin.frameDark); c.DrawLine(x0 + 1 * c.dot, y1 - 1 * c.dot, x1, y1 - 1 * c.dot, 0, skin.frameShadow); c.DrawLine(x1 - 1 * c.dot, y0 + 1 * c.dot, x1 - 1 * c.dot, y1 - 1 * c.dot, 0, skin.frameShadow) END END END DrawFrame; (* margins are in pixels *) PROCEDURE (p: Popup) GetFrameMargins (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN l := 2; t := 1; r := 2; b := 2 END GetFrameMargins; PROCEDURE DrawArrowUpDown (c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; invert: BOOLEAN); VAR path: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; pathCount: INTEGER; pathColor: Ports.Color; PROCEDURE AddPoint (px, py: INTEGER); BEGIN IF invert THEN py := 6 - py END; path[pathCount].x := x + px * Ports.point; path[pathCount].y := y + py * Ports.point; INC(pathCount) END AddPoint; BEGIN IF c.disabled THEN pathColor := skin.arrowDisabled ELSIF c.readOnly THEN pathColor := skin.arrowReadOnly ELSE pathColor := skin.arrow END; pathCount := 0; AddPoint(0, 6); AddPoint(3, 0); AddPoint(6, 6); c.DrawPath(path, pathCount, Ports.fill, pathColor, Ports.closedPoly); END DrawArrowUpDown; PROCEDURE DrawArrowUp (c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN DrawArrowUpDown(c, x, y, FALSE) END DrawArrowUp; PROCEDURE DrawArrowDown (c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN DrawArrowUpDown(c, x, y, TRUE) END DrawArrowDown; PROCEDURE DrawArrowLeftRight (c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; invert: BOOLEAN); VAR path: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; pathCount: INTEGER; pathColor: Ports.Color; PROCEDURE AddPoint (px, py: INTEGER); BEGIN IF invert THEN px := 6 - px END; path[pathCount].x := x + px * Ports.point; path[pathCount].y := y + py * Ports.point; INC(pathCount) END AddPoint; BEGIN IF c.disabled THEN pathColor := skin.arrowDisabled ELSIF c.readOnly THEN pathColor := skin.arrowReadOnly ELSE pathColor := skin.arrow END; pathCount := 0; AddPoint(0, 0); AddPoint(6, 3); AddPoint(0, 6); c.DrawPath(path, pathCount, Ports.fill, pathColor, Ports.closedPoly) END DrawArrowLeftRight; PROCEDURE DrawArrowLeft (c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN DrawArrowLeftRight(c, x, y, TRUE) END DrawArrowLeft; PROCEDURE DrawArrowRight (c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN DrawArrowLeftRight(c, x, y, FALSE) END DrawArrowRight; (* processing '&' and "&&"; return amp position and width *) PROCEDURE CleanAmp (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font; OUT awdt: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR tmp: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; i, j: INTEGER; apos: INTEGER; BEGIN apos := -1; awdt := -1; i := 0; j := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO IF (s[i] = '&') & (s[i + 1] # 0X) THEN INC(i); IF (apos < 0) & (s[i] # '&') THEN apos := j END END; s[j] := s[i]; INC(i); INC(j) END; s[j] := 0X; IF apos >= 0 THEN ASSERT(apos < LEN(s$)); i := apos; tmp[0] := s[i]; tmp[1] := 0X; s[apos] := 0X; apos := font.StringWidth(s); s[i] := tmp[0]; awdt := font.StringWidth(tmp) END; awdt := MAX(0, awdt); RETURN apos END CleanAmp; PROCEDURE DrawAmpString (c: StdCFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; apos, awdt: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (LEN(s) > 0) & (s[0] # 0X) THEN c.DrawString(x, y, col, s, c.font); IF awdt > c.dot THEN INC(y, 1 * c.dot); c.DrawRect(x + apos, y, x + apos + awdt, y + c.dot, Ports.fill, col) END END END DrawAmpString; PROCEDURE DummyRestore (c: StdCFrames.Frame; lbl: Dialog.String; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, mx, my, dw, dh, asc, dsc: INTEGER; BEGIN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); mx := w DIV 2; my := h DIV 2; dw := StdCFrames.defaultFont.StringWidth(lbl) DIV 2; StdCFrames.defaultFont.GetBounds(asc, dsc, dh); dh := (asc + dsc) DIV 2; c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 1, Ports.black); c.DrawString(mx - dw, my + dh, Ports.white, lbl, StdCFrames.defaultFont) END DummyRestore; (** **************** Caption **************** **) PROCEDURE (ed: Caption) PrepareExplodedCaption (width: INTEGER), NEW; VAR lastSpacePosInText, lastSpacePosInLine, textPos, linePos: INTEGER; str: SingleLine; tx: ARRAY 2048 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE AddStringToList (str: SingleLine); VAR n: INTEGER; tmp: EditorCommonExpText; BEGIN (* add string to list *) IF ed.textExp = NIL THEN NEW(ed.textExp); ed.textExp.era := ed.changeCount; ed.textExp.str := str; ed.textExp.num := 1; ELSE n := 2; tmp := ed.textExp; WHILE tmp.next # NIL DO INC(n); tmp := tmp.next; END; NEW(tmp.next); tmp.next.str := str; tmp.next.num := n; END END AddStringToList; BEGIN IF (ed.textExp # NIL) & (ed.textExp.era = ed.changeCount) THEN RETURN END; ed.textExp := NIL; Dialog.MapString(ed.label, tx); textPos := 0; linePos := 0; WHILE tx[textPos] # 0X DO IF linePos = 0 THEN NEW(str); lastSpacePosInLine := 0; lastSpacePosInText := 0; END; IF tx[textPos] = " " THEN lastSpacePosInText := textPos; lastSpacePosInLine := linePos END; IF tx[textPos] = ENTER THEN str[linePos] := 0X; AddStringToList(str); linePos := 0 ELSE str[linePos] := tx[textPos]; str[linePos+1] := 0X; INC(linePos); IF ed.font.StringWidth(str) > width THEN IF lastSpacePosInLine # 0 THEN textPos := lastSpacePosInText + 1; str[lastSpacePosInLine+1] := 0X; AddStringToList(str); linePos := 0 ELSE INC(textPos) END; ELSE INC(textPos) END; END; END; IF linePos > 0 THEN str[linePos] := 0X; AddStringToList(str) END END PrepareExplodedCaption; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR x, w, h, col, asc, dsc, sw, apos, awdt, len, n: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; i: INTEGER; find: BOOLEAN; str: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; tmp: EditorCommonExpText; BEGIN SetupDialogBackground(c); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF c.disabled THEN col := skin.textDisabled ELSE col := skin.text END; c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); Dialog.MapString(c.label, s); IF c.font.StringWidth(s) > w THEN c.PrepareExplodedCaption(w); tmp := c.textExp; n := asc - dsc; tmp := c.textExp; WHILE tmp # NIL DO IF tmp.str$ # "" THEN len := LEN(tmp.str$) - 1; IF tmp.str[len] = 0DX THEN tmp.str[len] := 0X; IF c.left THEN x := c.dot ELSIF c.right THEN x := w - c.dot - c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str) ELSE x := (w - c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str)) DIV 2 END; c.DrawString(x, n, col, tmp.str, c.font); tmp.str[len] := 0DX ELSE IF c.left THEN x := c.dot ELSIF c.right THEN x := w - c.dot - c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str) ELSE x := (w - c.font.StringWidth(tmp.str)) DIV 2 END; c.DrawString(x, n, col, tmp.str, c.font) END END; INC(n, dsc + asc); tmp := tmp.next END ELSE apos := CleanAmp(s, c.font, awdt); IF c.left THEN x := c.dot ELSIF c.right THEN x := w - c.dot - c.font.StringWidth(s) ELSE x := (w - c.font.StringWidth(s)) DIV 2 END; DrawAmpString(c, x, (h - dsc + asc) DIV 2, col, s, apos, awdt) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (f: Caption) Update; BEGIN f.Update^ END Update; (** **************** Group **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: Group) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, asc, dsc, sw, tw, apos, awdt, col: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN SetupDialogBackground(c); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); Dialog.MapString(c.label, s); apos := CleanAmp(s, c.font, awdt); c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); tw := c.font.StringWidth(s); IF c.disabled THEN col := skin.frameDisabled ELSIF c.readOnly THEN col := skin.frameReadOnly ELSE col := skin.frame END; IF h - Ports.point > (asc + dsc) * 2 DIV 3 THEN h := h - Ports.point ELSE h := (asc + dsc) * 2 DIV 3 + Ports.point END; c.DrawRect( Ports.point, (asc + dsc) * 2 DIV 3, w - Ports.point, h, Ports.point, col); IF LEN(s$) > 0 THEN c.DrawRect(Ports.mm * 3 DIV 2, 0, Ports.mm * 3 + tw, asc + dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.dialogBackground); IF c.disabled THEN col := skin.textDisabled ELSE col := skin.text END; DrawAmpString(c, Ports.mm * 2 , asc + dsc, col, s, apos, awdt) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: Group) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: Group) Update; BEGIN c.Update^ END Update; (** **************** PushButton **************** **) PROCEDURE Execute (c: PushButton); BEGIN IF c.Do # NIL THEN Dialog.ShowStatus(""); c.Do(c) END END Execute; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, res, asc, dsc, sw, x, y, apos, awdt, yofs, col: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; BEGIN SetupDialogBackground(c); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); Dialog.MapString(c.label, s); apos := CleanAmp(s, c.font, awdt); c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); (* for text *) res := c.font.StringWidth(s); y := (h - 3 * c.dot - dsc + asc) DIV 2 + c.dot (* h DIV 2 + (asc - dsc) DIV 2 *); x := (w - res) DIV 2; IF c.disabled THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, skin.backDisabled); c.DrawString(x, y, skin.textDisabled, s, c.font); c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameDisabled); ELSIF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, skin.backReadOnly); c.DrawString(x, y, skin.textReadOnly, s, c.font); c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly); ELSE IF c.pressed THEN col := skin.backPressed ELSE col := skin.back END; c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, col); IF c.pressed THEN col := skin.textPressed ELSE col := skin.text END; DrawAmpString(c, x, y, col, s, apos, awdt); IF c.default THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 2 * c.dot, Ports.RGBColor(51, 153, 255)) ELSIF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot , skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END; IF c.mark THEN c.MarkRect(2 * c.dot, 2 * c.dot, w - 2 * c.dot, h - 2 * c.dot, c.dot, Ports.dim50, Ports.show) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); IF TrackMouseDown(c) THEN Execute(c) END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) KeyDown (ch_: CHAR; modifiers: SET); BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); Execute(c) END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) Update; BEGIN c.Update^ END Update; (** **************** CheckBox **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, h2, res, asc, dsc, sw, awdt, apos, sz, ss: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color; s: Dialog.String; active: BOOLEAN; root: Views.Frame; BEGIN c.noRedraw := FALSE; IF c # NIL THEN c.Get(c, active); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF c.disabled THEN col := skin.frameDisabled ELSE col := skin.frame END; h2 := h DIV 2; skin.checkBoxFont.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); sz := asc + dsc - c.dot; c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); IF asc + dsc - c.dot > sz THEN sz := asc + dsc - c.dot END; IF sz > h THEN sz := h - c.dot END; ss := sz DIV 2; IF c.disabled THEN col := skin.textDisabled ELSIF c.readOnly THEN col := skin.textReadOnly ELSE col := skin.text END; c.DrawRect(c.dot, h2 - ss, sz+c.dot, h2 + ss, c.dot, col); Dialog.MapString(c.label, s); apos := CleanAmp(s, c.font, awdt); DrawAmpString(c, sz + 5 * c.dot, (h - dsc + asc) DIV 2, col, s, apos, awdt); IF active & ~ c.disabled THEN res := skin.checkBoxFont.StringWidth("V"); c.DrawString((sz - res) DIV 2, (h + asc) DIV 2 - 1 * c.dot, col, "V", skin.checkBoxFont); root := Views.HostOf(c); IF root.view IS TextViews.View THEN col := Ports.background ELSE col := Ports.dialogBackground END; c.DrawRect(2 * c.dot, h2-ss+c.dot, sz DIV 2, (h2-ss)+ss-c.dot, Ports.fill, col); c.DrawRect(2 * c.dot, h2 - ss + c.dot, sz, h2 + ss - c.dot, c.dot, col); END; IF c.mark & ~ c.disabled THEN res := c.font.StringWidth(s); asc := c.dot; IF asc < h2 - ss THEN asc := h2 - ss END; dsc := h - c.dot; IF dsc > h2 + ss THEN dsc := h2 + ss END; c.MarkRect( sz + 4 * c.dot, asc, sz + 7 * c.dot + res, dsc, c.dot, Ports.dim50, Ports.show); END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR state: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); IF TrackMouseDown(c) THEN c.Get(c, state); c.Set(c, ~state); c.Update END END MouseDown; (* `Controls` module guarantees that we'll get only hotkeys and space here *) PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR state: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); c.Get(c, state); c.Set(c, ~state); c.Update END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; (** **************** RadioButton **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Add(): Storage, NEW; VAR nst: RadioButtonStorage; BEGIN NEW(nst); nst.view := c.view; nst.hasFocus := FALSE; AddStorage(nst); RETURN nst END Add; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, asc, dsc, sw, res, h2, apos, awdt, rad1, rad2: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color; s: Dialog.String; active, drawBack: BOOLEAN; st: Storage; BEGIN st := GetStorage(c.view); IF (st = NIL) & (c.view # NIL) THEN st := c.Add() END; WITH st : RadioButtonStorage DO SetupDialogBackground(c); c.Get(c, active); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF c.disabled THEN col := skin.textDisabled ELSIF c.readOnly THEN col := skin.textReadOnly ELSE col := skin.text END; h2 := h DIV 2; rad1 := 5 * Ports.point - (5 * Ports.point) MOD c.unit; rad2 := 3 * Ports.point - (3 * Ports.point) MOD c.unit; c.DrawOval(c.unit, h2 - rad1, rad1 + c.unit + rad1, h2 + rad1, c.dot, col); IF active THEN c.DrawOval(rad1 + c.unit - rad2, h2 - rad2, rad1 + c.unit + rad2, h2 + rad2, Ports.fill , col) END; Dialog.MapString(c.label, s); apos := CleanAmp(s, c.font, awdt); c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); DrawAmpString(c, 16 * Ports.point, (h - dsc + asc) DIV 2, col, s, apos, awdt); (* IF c.mark OR st.hasFocus THEN res := c.font.StringWidth(s); c.DrawLine( 16 * Ports.point, h DIV 2 + asc DIV 2 + 2 * c.dot, 16 * Ports.point + res, h DIV 2 + asc DIV 2 + 2 * c.dot, c.dot, col) END *) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR state: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); IF TrackMouseDown(c) THEN c.Get(c, state); IF ~state THEN c.Set(c, TRUE) END END END MouseDown; (* `Controls` module guarantees that we'll get only hotkeys and space here *) PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR state: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); c.Get(c, state); IF ~state THEN c.Set(c, TRUE) END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN); VAR st: Storage; BEGIN st := GetStorage(c.view); IF (st = NIL) & (c.view # NIL) THEN st := c.Add(); END; WITH st : RadioButtonStorage DO IF focus THEN IF on THEN IF ~ st.hasFocus THEN st.hasFocus := TRUE END ELSE IF st.hasFocus THEN st.hasFocus := FALSE END END END END; c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Update; BEGIN c.Update^ END Update; (** **************** Field **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: Field) UpdateEd, NEW; VAR s: Dialog.String; ps: EditorCommonText; BEGIN c.ed.SetupCtl(c); (* INC(c.ed.changeCount); c.ed.changeCount := 0; *) c.ed.maxLen := c.maxLen; IF c.maxLen > 255 THEN ASSERT(c.maxLen < 1024*1024*32); NEW(ps, c.maxLen + 1); c.Get(c, ps^); IF c.ed.SetText(ps) THEN INC(c.ed.changeCount) END ELSE c.Get(c, s); IF c.ed.SetText(s) THEN INC(c.ed.changeCount) END END END UpdateEd; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Add(): Storage, NEW; VAR nst: FieldStorage; BEGIN NEW(nst); nst.view := c.view; AddStorage(nst); RETURN nst END Add; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR asc, dsc, sw, w, h: INTEGER; st: Storage; BEGIN st := GetStorage(c.view); IF (st = NIL) & (c.view # NIL) THEN st := c.Add() END; WITH st : FieldStorage DO c.ed.st := st; SetupDialogBackground(c); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF c.disabled THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, skin.backEditorDisabled); c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameDisabled); ELSE IF c.ed.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateEd; END; c.ed.Setup(c, c.dot, c.dot, w - 2 * c.dot, h - 2 * c.dot); IF ~c.readOnly & c.mark THEN c.ed.outMargin.SetUni(1) ELSE c.ed.outMargin.SetUni(2) END; c.ed.ctl.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); IF c.multiLine THEN c.ed.pad := Ports.mm ELSE c.ed.pad := (h - (asc + dsc)) DIV 3 END; IF c.ed.pad < 2 * Ports.point THEN c.ed.pad := 2 * Ports.point END; c.ed.maxLen := c.maxLen; c.ed.multiLine := c.multiLine; c.ed.password := c.password & ~revealPasswords; c.ed.left := c.left; c.ed.right := c.right; c.ed.Restore; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: Field) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (c.ed.vsb # NIL) & (x > w - c.ed.vsb.Width())THEN cursor := Ports.arrowCursor ELSE cursor := Ports.textCursor END END GetCursor; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN); VAR oldChangeCount: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF (~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly) OR (c.readOnly & (op = Controllers.copy)) THEN oldChangeCount := c.ed.changeCount; c.ed.Edit(op, v, clipboard); IF c.ed.changeCount # oldChangeCount THEN c.Set(c, c.ed.text) END; c.Update^ END END END Edit; PROCEDURE (c: Field) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR oldChangeCount: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN oldChangeCount := c.ed.changeCount; c.ed.WheelMove(x, y, op, nofLines, done); IF c.ed.changeCount # oldChangeCount THEN c.Set(c, c.ed.text) END; IF done OR (c.ed.changeCount # oldChangeCount) THEN c.Update^ END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (c: Field) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR oldChangeCount, res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF ~c.disabled THEN IF Controllers.popup IN buttons THEN focusControl := c; (* Dialog.Call(" show popup menu TODO ", 'error', res); *) ELSE oldChangeCount := c.ed.changeCount; c.ed.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); IF c.ed.changeCount # oldChangeCount THEN c.Set(c, c.ed.text) END; c.Update^ END END END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: Field) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR oldChangeCount: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN oldChangeCount := c.ed.changeCount; c.ed.KeyDown(ch, modifiers); IF c.ed.changeCount # oldChangeCount THEN c.Set(c, c.ed.text) END; c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Select (from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF ~c.disabled THEN c.ed.Select(from, to); c.Update^ END END END Select; PROCEDURE (c: Field) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.GetSelection(from, to) ELSE from := 0; to := MAX(INTEGER) END END GetSelection; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Idle; BEGIN c.ed.BlinkCaret END Idle; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Length (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN c.ed.textLen END Length; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: Field) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END DblClickOk; (* called when the text is updated by the external actor *) PROCEDURE (c: Field) Update; BEGIN c.UpdateEd; IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END Update; (** **************** ListBox **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) UpdateLCtl, NEW; BEGIN c.lst.SetupCtl(c); IF c.lst.UpdateFromCtl() THEN c.fixCursor := TRUE END END UpdateLCtl; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) NeedPopup (): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR w, h, strHeight: INTEGER; BEGIN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); strHeight := c.lst.GetItemHeight(); RETURN (w > 6 * Ports.point) & (h > 6 * Ports.point) & (h < strHeight * 2) END NeedPopup; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, y: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN SetupDialogBackground(c); IF c.lst.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl END; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); c.lst.outMargin.SetUni(0); IF c.fixCursor THEN c.fixCursor := FALSE; c.lst.MakeCursorVisibleCentered END; (* draw arrow *) IF c.NeedPopup() THEN c.lst.Setup(c, 2 * c.dot, 2 * c.dot, w - 3 * c.dot - h, h - 4 * c.dot); c.DrawRect(w - h, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbar); IF h > 3 * Ports.point THEN y := h DIV 2 - 2 * Ports.point; ELSE y := h DIV 2 END; DrawArrowDown(c, w - h DIV 2 - 3 * Ports.point, y) ELSE c.lst.Setup(c, 2 * c.dot, 2 * c.dot, w - 4 * c.dot, h - 4 * c.dot) END; c.lst.Restore; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) FixModelCursorPos, NEW; VAR idx: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.Get(c, idx); IF c.lst.GetLength() # 0 THEN IF idx # c.lst.pos THEN c.Set(c, c.lst.pos) END ELSIF idx # -1 THEN c.Set(c, -1) END END END FixModelCursorPos; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) PopupClosed (popup: ANYPTR); BEGIN c.closedTime := Services.Ticks(); c.popupOverlay := NIL; c.FixModelCursorPos; c.fixCursor := TRUE; c.Update END PopupClosed; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) ShowPopup, NEW; VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (c.lst.ctl # NIL) & ~c.readOnly & ~c.disabled & (c.rider # NIL) & c.NeedPopup() THEN IF (c.popupOverlay = NIL) & (Services.Ticks() - c.closedTime > 100) THEN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); c.popupOverlay := c.lst.ShowPopup(h - c.dot) END END END ShowPopup; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.lst.ctl # NIL THEN c.lst.WheelMove(x, y, op, nofLines, done); IF done THEN c.FixModelCursorPos; c.Update^ END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); BEGIN IF (c.lst.ctl # NIL) & (c.view # NIL) THEN IF ~c.disabled THEN IF c.NeedPopup() THEN c.ShowPopup ELSE c.lst.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); c.FixModelCursorPos; c.Update^ END END END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); BEGIN IF (c.lst.ctl # NIL) & (c.view # NIL) THEN IF (ch = PR) & c.NeedPopup() THEN c.ShowPopup ELSE c.lst.KeyDown(ch, modifiers); c.FixModelCursorPos; c.Update^ END END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR w, h: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := TRUE; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (c.lst.hsb # NIL) & (y > h - c.lst.hsb.Width()) THEN res := FALSE END; IF (c.lst.vsb # NIL) & (x > w - c.lst.vsb.Width()) THEN res := FALSE END; RETURN res END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) UpdateList; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl; c.Update^ END END UpdateList; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) Update; VAR cidx: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN IF c.lst.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl ELSE c.Get(c, cidx); cidx := MAX(0, MIN(cidx, c.lst.GetLength() - 1)); IF cidx # c.lst.pos THEN c.lst.pos := cidx; c.fixCursor := TRUE END END; c.Update^ END END Update; (** **************** ComboBox **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) UpdateEd, NEW; VAR s: Dialog.String; BEGIN c.ed.SetupCtl(c); c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.maxLen := 255; c.ed.SetupCtl(c); c.Get(c, s); IF c.ed.SetText(s) THEN INC(c.ed.changeCount) END END UpdateEd; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) UpdateLCtl, NEW; BEGIN c.lst.SetupCtl(c); c.UpdateEd; IF c.lst.UpdateFromCtl() THEN c.fixCursor := TRUE END END UpdateLCtl; (* with frame *) PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) GetEditorHeight (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR w, h, asc, dsc, sw: INTEGER; BEGIN c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); sw := asc + dsc + 6 * c.dot; IF (c.view # NIL) & (c.view.context # NIL) THEN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); sw := MIN(sw, h) END; RETURN sw END GetEditorHeight; (* k8: if the control is big enough, show popup under the edit line *) (* k8: this returns 0, or the popup size *) PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) GetVisPopupHeight (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR w, h: INTEGER; asc, dsc, sw: INTEGER; res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := 0; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF w > 12 * c.dot THEN res := h - c.GetEditorHeight(); c.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); IF res < asc + dsc + 6 * c.dot THEN res := 0 END END; RETURN res END GetVisPopupHeight; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) SetFromList, NEW; VAR s: Dialog.String; ns: EditorCommonText; BEGIN IF (c.view # NIL) & (c.lst.ctl # NIL) & (c.lst.GetLength() # 0) THEN c.Get(c, s); ns := c.lst.items[c.lst.pos].text; IF s$ # ns$ THEN c.Set(c, ns^); c.view(Controls.Control).item.CallWith(Update, c.lst^) (* second argument doesn't matter here *) END END END SetFromList; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) SetFromEd, NEW; VAR s: Dialog.String; ns: EditorCommonText; BEGIN IF (c.view # NIL) & (c.ed.ctl # NIL) & (c.lst.GetLength() # 0) THEN c.Get(c, s); ns := c.ed.text; IF s$ # ns$ THEN c.Set(c, ns^); c.view(Controls.Control).item.CallWith(Update, c.lst^) (* second argument doesn't matter here *) END END END SetFromEd; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) SetupCtl, NEW; VAR w, h, vh: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN vh := c.GetVisPopupHeight(); c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF vh = 0 THEN c.ed.Setup(c, 3 * c.dot, c.dot, w - 5 * c.dot - c.GetEditorHeight(), c.GetEditorHeight() - 3 * c.dot) ELSE c.ed.Setup(c, 3 * c.dot, c.dot, w - 5 * c.dot, c.GetEditorHeight() - 3 * c.dot) END; c.ed.outMargin.SetUni(1); IF vh > 0 THEN c.lst.Setup(c, 2 * c.dot, c.GetEditorHeight() + 3 * c.dot, w - 4 * c.dot, vh - 4 * c.dot); c.lst.outMargin.SetUni(0) ELSE c.lst.Setup(c, 0, 0, 0, 0); c.lst.outMargin.SetUni(0) END ELSE c.ed.Setup(c, 0, 0, 0, 0) END END SetupCtl; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (x >= c.ed.x0) & (y >= c.ed.y0) & (x < c.ed.x0+c.ed.w) & (y < c.ed.y0+c.ed.h) THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor ELSE cursor := Ports.arrowCursor END END GetCursor; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN SetupDialogBackground(c); IF c.ed.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl END; c.SetupCtl; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); (* draw editor *) c.ed.Restore; h := c.GetEditorHeight(); IF ~c.lst.IsValid() THEN (* draw arrow *) c.DrawRect(w - h, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbar); IF h > 3 * Ports.point THEN y := h DIV 2 - 3 * Ports.point; ELSE y := h DIV 2 END; x := w - h DIV 2 - 3 * Ports.point; (* minus one more because of borders *) DrawArrowDown(c, x, y) END; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END; (* draw list *) IF c.lst.IsValid() THEN IF c.fixCursor THEN c.fixCursor := FALSE; c.lst.MakeCursorVisibleCentered END; c.lst.Restore; h := c.GetEditorHeight() + c.GetVisPopupHeight(); IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, c.GetEditorHeight(), w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, c.GetEditorHeight(), w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, c.GetEditorHeight(), w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END; END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) PopupClosed (popup: ANYPTR); BEGIN c.closedTime := Services.Ticks(); c.popupOverlay := NIL; c.SetFromList; c.Update END PopupClosed; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) ShowPopup, NEW; BEGIN IF (c.ed.ctl # NIL) & ~c.readOnly & ~c.disabled & (c.rider # NIL) & ~c.lst.IsValid() THEN IF (c.popupOverlay = NIL) & (Services.Ticks() - c.closedTime > 100) THEN c.popupOverlay := c.lst.ShowPopup(c.GetEditorHeight() - c.dot) END END END ShowPopup; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) GoOneUpDown (dir: INTEGER), NEW; VAR len, idx, old: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN len := c.lst.GetLength(); IF len > 0 THEN idx := GetCursorIndex(c); IF idx < 0 THEN idx := c.lst.pos END; old := idx; IF dir > 0 THEN INC(idx) ELSE DEC(idx) END; idx := MAX(0, MIN(idx, len - 1)); IF old # idx THEN c.lst.pos := idx; c.SetFromList; c.Update^ END END END END GoOneUpDown; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); BEGIN (*k8:TODO: `incPage` and `decPage`*) IF (c.ed.ctl # NIL) & ~c.readOnly & ~c.disabled & (c.rider # NIL) THEN IF (op = Controllers.incLine) OR (op = Controllers.decLine) THEN done := TRUE; (* eat it! *) IF c.lst.IsValid() & (y > c.GetEditorHeight()) THEN c.lst.WheelMove(x, y, op, nofLines, done); c.Update^ ELSE IF op = Controllers.decLine THEN nofLines := -nofLines END; c.GoOneUpDown(nofLines) END END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (c.ed.ctl # NIL) & ~c.readOnly & ~c.disabled & (c.rider # NIL) THEN IF c.lst.IsValid() & (y > c.GetEditorHeight()) THEN c.lst.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); c.SetFromList; c.Update^ ELSE c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF x >= w - 3 * c.dot - 10 * c.dot THEN c.ShowPopup ELSE c.ed.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); c.Update^ END END END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.Edit(op, v, clipboard); IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN c.SetFromEd END; c.Update^ END END END Edit; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN CASE ch OF | AU: c.GoOneUpDown(-1) | AD: c.GoOneUpDown(1) | PR: (* ctrl+page down *) c.ShowPopup ELSE c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.KeyDown(ch, modifiers); IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN c.SetFromEd END; c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Close; BEGIN IF c.popupOverlay # NIL THEN c.popupOverlay.ClosePopup; c.popupOverlay := NIL END END Close; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Select (from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.Select(from, to); c.Update^ END END Select; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.GetSelection(from, to) ELSE from := 0; to := MAX(INTEGER) END END GetSelection; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Idle; BEGIN c.ed.BlinkCaret END Idle; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Length (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN c.ed.textLen END Length; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) UpdateList; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl; c.Update^ END END UpdateList; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Update; VAR cidx: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN IF c.ed.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl ELSE c.UpdateEd; c.ed.RetainCaret; cidx := GetCursorIndex(c); cidx := MAX(0, MIN(cidx, c.lst.GetLength() - 1)); IF cidx # c.lst.pos THEN c.lst.pos := cidx; c.fixCursor := TRUE END END; c.Update^ END END Update; (** **************** SelectionBox **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) UpdateLCtl, NEW; BEGIN c.lst.SetupCtl(c); IF c.lst.UpdateFromCtl() THEN c.fixCursor := TRUE END END UpdateLCtl; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN SetupDialogBackground(c); IF c.lst.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl END; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); c.lst.Setup(c, c.dot, c.dot, w - 2 * c.dot, h - 2 * c.dot); c.lst.outMargin.SetUni(0); IF c.fixCursor THEN c.fixCursor := FALSE; c.lst.MakeCursorVisibleCentered END; c.lst.Restore; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.lst.ctl # NIL THEN c.lst.WheelMove(x, y, op, nofLines, done); IF done THEN c.Update^ END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); BEGIN IF c.lst.ctl # NIL THEN IF ~c.disabled THEN c.lst.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); c.Update^ END END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); BEGIN IF c.lst.ctl # NIL THEN c.lst.KeyDown(ch, modifiers); c.Update^ END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN from := 0; to := MAX(INTEGER) END GetSelection; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Select (from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN END Select; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) UpdateList; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl; c.Update^ END END UpdateList; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Update; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.UpdateLCtl; c.Update^ END END Update; (** **************** UpDownField **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) UpdateEd, NEW; VAR val: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; BEGIN c.Get(c, val); (* differs from field, that here is integer *) IF c.ed.ctl = NIL THEN c.lastval := val + 1 END; c.ed.SetupCtl(c); c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.maxLen := 255; IF val # c.lastval THEN c.lastval := val; Strings.IntToString(val, s); IF c.ed.SetText(s) THEN INC(c.ed.changeCount) END END END UpdateEd; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) SetFromEd (): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR val, res: INTEGER; modified: BOOLEAN; BEGIN modified := FALSE; IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF c.view # NIL THEN Strings.StringToInt(c.ed.text^, val, res); IF (res = 0) & (val # c.lastval) THEN c.lastval := val; c.Set(c, val); modified := TRUE END END END; RETURN modified END SetFromEd; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) HasArrows (): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR w, h: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); res := w > 12 * Ports.point ELSE res := FALSE END; RETURN res END HasArrows; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; hasArrows: BOOLEAN; clip: ClipRect; x0, y0, ah: INTEGER; BEGIN SetupDialogBackground(c); IF c.ed.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateEd END; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); hasArrows := c.HasArrows(); IF hasArrows THEN c.ed.Setup(c, 3 * c.dot, c.dot, w - 5 * c.dot - 10 * Ports.point, h - 2 * c.dot) ELSE c.ed.Setup(c, 3*c.dot, c.dot, w - 5 * c.dot, h - 2 * c.dot) END; c.ed.outMargin.SetUni(1); c.ed.maxLen := 255; c.ed.Restore; (* arrows *) IF hasArrows THEN x0 := w - 9 * Ports.point; ah := h DIV 2; IF ah >= 8 * Ports.point THEN y0 := ah - 7 * Ports.point; DrawArrowUp(c, x0, y0); y0 := ah + Ports.point; DrawArrowDown(c, x0, y0) END END; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (x >= c.ed.x0) & (y >= c.ed.y0) & (x < c.ed.x0 + c.ed.w) & (y < c.ed.y0 + c.ed.h) THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor ELSE cursor := Ports.arrowCursor END END GetCursor; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) IncDec (inc: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR val: INTEGER; BEGIN val := c.lastval; IF inc THEN IF val < c.max THEN IF LONG(c.max) - val <= c.inc THEN val := c.max ELSE INC(val, c.inc) END END ELSE IF val > c.min THEN IF LONG(val) - c.min <= c.inc THEN val := c.min ELSE DEC(val, c.inc) END END END; IF val # c.lastval THEN c.Set(c, val); c.UpdateEd; c.Update^ END END IncDec; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (x >= 0) & (y >= 0) & (x < w) & (y < h) THEN done := TRUE; c.IncDec(op = Controllers.decLine) END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & (c.rider # NIL) THEN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF c.HasArrows() & (x > w - 3 * c.dot - 11 * c.dot) THEN c.IncDec(y < h DIV 2) ELSE c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN IF c.SetFromEd() THEN END END; c.Update^ END END END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR int, res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.changeCount := 0; CASE ch OF | AU: Strings.StringToInt(c.ed.text, int, res); Strings.IntToString(int+1, c.ed.text); c.ed.textLen := LEN(c.ed.text$); c.ed.pos := c.ed.textLen; INC(c.ed.changeCount) | AD: Strings.StringToInt(c.ed.text, int, res); Strings.IntToString(int-1, c.ed.text); c.ed.textLen := LEN(c.ed.text$); c.ed.pos := c.ed.textLen; INC(c.ed.changeCount) ELSE IF (ch > 20X) THEN IF ((ch >= '0') & (ch <= '9')) OR (ch = '-') OR (ch = '+') OR (ch = 'E') OR (ch = '.') THEN c.ed.KeyDown(ch, modifiers) END ELSIF (ch = AL) OR (ch = AR) OR (ch = BACKSPACE) OR (ch = DELETE) OR (ch = CHR(64977)) OR (ch = 019X) OR (ch = CHR(64978)) THEN c.ed.KeyDown(ch, modifiers) END END; IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN IF c.SetFromEd() THEN END END; c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.Edit(op, v, clipboard); IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN IF c.SetFromEd() THEN END END; c.Update^ END END END Edit; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Select (from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.Select(from, to); c.Update^ END END Select; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.GetSelection(from, to) ELSE from := 0; to := MAX(INTEGER) END END GetSelection; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Idle; BEGIN c.ed.BlinkCaret END Idle; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Update; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN c.UpdateEd; IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN c.ed.RetainCaret END; c.Update^ END END Update; (** **************** ColorField **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, col: INTEGER; BEGIN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF c.readOnly OR c.disabled THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, skin.backDisabled) ELSE IF c.front THEN col := skin.backHover ELSE col := skin.back END; c.Get(c, col); c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, col); IF c.front & (w > 8 * c.dot) & (h > 8 * c.dot) THEN c.MarkRect(4 * c.dot, 4 * c.dot, w - 4 * c.dot, h - 4 * c.dot, 0, Ports.invert, Ports.show) END END; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR set: BOOLEAN; col: INTEGER; BEGIN c.Get(c, col); Dialog.GetColor(col, col, set); IF set THEN c.Set(c, col); c.Update^ END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) Mark (on, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) Update; BEGIN c.Update^ END Update; (** **************** VScrollBar **************** **) PROCEDURE (sb: VScrollBar) Init; BEGIN END Init; (* draw it; called from `Restore()`; `dim` is main dimension size in pixels *) PROCEDURE (sb: VScrollBar) Draw (c: Views.Frame; x, y, length: INTEGER; pressed: BOOLEAN); VAR w, h, kpos, ksize, mbo, m: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color; BEGIN sb.length := length; IF sb.CanFit() THEN mbo := sb.Width(); w := sb.Width(); h := length; c.DrawRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbarButtons); c.DrawRect(x, y + mbo, x + w, y + h - mbo, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbar); DrawArrowUp(c(StdCFrames.Frame), x + (w - 6 * Ports.point) DIV 2, y + 3 * Ports.point); IF pressed THEN color := skin.knobScrollbarPressed ELSE color := skin.knobScrollbar END; kpos := sb.CalcKnobPos(sb.pos) + mbo; ksize := sb.CalcKnobSize(); m := skin.scrollbarKnobMargin * c.dot; c.DrawRect(x+m, y+kpos+m, x+w-m, y+kpos+ksize-m, Ports.fill, color); DrawArrowDown(c(StdCFrames.Frame), x + (w - 6 * Ports.point) DIV 2, y + h - 9 * Ports.point) END END Draw; (* return TRUE if the caller need to track the mouse and call `MouseTrack()` *) PROCEDURE (sb: VScrollBar) SBMouseDown (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR mbs, kpos, mbo, ksize, dsz: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := FALSE; mbs := sb.length - sb.Width() * 2; IF mbs > 0 THEN mbo := sb.Width(); kpos := sb.CalcKnobPos(sb.pos) + mbo; ksize := sb.CalcKnobSize(); IF y < mbo THEN (* top arrow *) DEC(sb.pos, sb.arrowStep); sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos)) ELSIF (y >= mbo) & (y < kpos) THEN (* before the knob *) sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos - sb.pageSize)) ELSIF (y >= kpos) & (y < kpos + ksize) THEN (* on the knob *) sb.trackStartY := y - mbo; sb.trackOfsY := y - kpos; sb.trackSavedPos := sb.pos; res := TRUE ELSIF (y >= kpos + ksize) & (y < mbo + mbs) THEN (* after the knob *) sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos + sb.pageSize)) ELSE (* bottom arrow *) INC(sb.pos, sb.arrowStep); sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos)) END END; RETURN res END SBMouseDown; PROCEDURE (sb: VScrollBar) SBMouseTrack (x, y: INTEGER); CONST area = 40 * Ports.point; VAR length, res, ksz: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x < -area) OR (y < -area) OR (x > sb.Width() + area) OR (y > sb.length + area) THEN sb.pos := sb.trackSavedPos; sb.trackStartY := MIN(INTEGER) ELSE length := sb.length - sb.Width() * 2; DEC(y, sb.Width()); IF (y < 0) OR (sb.min >= sb.max) THEN res := sb.min ELSIF y = sb.trackStartY THEN res := sb.pos ELSIF y >= length THEN res := sb.max ELSE ksz := sb.CalcKnobSize(); IF ksz < length THEN DEC(y, sb.trackOfsY); DEC(length, ksz); res := MIN(sb.max, SHORT(LONG(sb.GetTotalSize()) * LONG(y) DIV LONG(length))); IF res < sb.min THEN res := sb.min END END END; sb.pos := res END END SBMouseTrack; (** **************** HScrollBar **************** **) PROCEDURE (sb: HScrollBar) Init; BEGIN END Init; (* draw it; called from `Restore()`; `dim` is main dimension size in pixels *) PROCEDURE (sb: HScrollBar) Draw (c: Views.Frame; x, y, length: INTEGER; pressed: BOOLEAN); VAR w, h, kpos, ksize, mbo, m: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color; BEGIN sb.length := length; IF sb.CanFit() THEN mbo := sb.Width(); h := sb.Width(); w := length; c.DrawRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbarButtons); c.DrawRect(x + mbo, y, x + w - mbo, y + h, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbar); DrawArrowLeft(c(StdCFrames.Frame), x + 3 * Ports.point, y + (h - 6 * Ports.point) DIV 2); IF pressed THEN color := skin.knobScrollbarPressed ELSE color := skin.knobScrollbar END; kpos := sb.CalcKnobPos(sb.pos) + mbo; ksize := sb.CalcKnobSize(); m := skin.scrollbarKnobMargin * c.dot; c.DrawRect(x+kpos+m, y+m, x+kpos+ksize-m, y+h-m, Ports.fill, color); DrawArrowRight(c(StdCFrames.Frame), x + w - 9 * Ports.point, y + (h - 6 * Ports.point) DIV 2) END END Draw; (* return TRUE if the caller need to track the mouse and call `MouseTrack()` *) PROCEDURE (sb: HScrollBar) SBMouseDown (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR mbs, kpos, mbo, ksz, dsz: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := FALSE; mbs := sb.length - sb.Width() * 2; IF mbs > 0 THEN mbo := sb.Width(); kpos := sb.CalcKnobPos(sb.pos) + mbo; ksz := sb.CalcKnobSize(); IF x < mbo THEN (* left arrow *) DEC(sb.pos, sb.arrowStep); sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos)) ELSIF (x >= mbo) & (x < kpos) THEN (* before the knob *) sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos - sb.pageSize)) ELSIF (x >= kpos) & (x < kpos + ksz) THEN (* on the knob *) sb.trackStartX := x - mbo; sb.trackOfsX := x - kpos; sb.trackSavedPos := sb.pos; res := TRUE ELSIF (x >= kpos + ksz) & (x < mbo + mbs) THEN (* after the knob *) sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos + sb.pageSize)) ELSE (* right arrow *) INC(sb.pos, sb.arrowStep); sb.pos := MAX(sb.min, MIN(sb.max, sb.pos)) END END; RETURN res END SBMouseDown; PROCEDURE (sb: HScrollBar) SBMouseTrack (x, y: INTEGER); CONST area = 40 * Ports.point; VAR dim, res, ksz: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x < -area) OR (y < -area) OR (x > sb.length + area) OR (y > sb.Width() + area) THEN sb.pos := sb.trackSavedPos; sb.trackStartX := MIN(INTEGER) ELSE dim := sb.length - sb.Width() * 2; DEC(x, sb.Width()); IF (x < 0) OR (sb.min >= sb.max) THEN res := sb.min ELSIF x = sb.trackStartX THEN res := sb.pos ELSIF x >= dim THEN res := sb.max ELSE ksz := sb.CalcKnobSize(); IF ksz < dim THEN DEC(x, sb.trackOfsX); DEC(dim, ksz); res := MIN(sb.max, SHORT(LONG(sb.GetTotalSize()) * LONG(x) DIV LONG(dim))); IF res < sb.min THEN res := sb.min END; END END; sb.pos := res END END SBMouseTrack; (** **************** ScrollBar **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: ScrollBar) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h, size, sect, pos: INTEGER; vsb: VScrollBar; hsb: HScrollBar; BEGIN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); c.Get(c, size, sect, pos); (* size = size of embedded (wrapped) view sect = size of section, which we see in aperture pos = position of aperture *) IF h > w THEN (* vertical *) IF c.vsb = NIL THEN NEW(vsb); vsb.Init; c.vsb := vsb ELSE vsb := c.vsb END; vsb.min := 0; vsb.max := size - sect; vsb.contentSize := size; vsb.pos := pos; vsb.pageSize := sect; vsb.arrowStep := 5 * Ports.mm; vsb.Draw(c, 0, w - vsb.Width(), h, c.vsbPressed) ELSIF h < w THEN (* horisontal *) IF c.hsb = NIL THEN NEW(hsb); hsb.Init; c.hsb := hsb ELSE hsb := c.hsb END; hsb.min := 0; hsb.max := size - sect; hsb.contentSize := size; hsb.pos := pos; hsb.pageSize := sect; hsb.arrowStep := 5 * Ports.mm; hsb.Draw(c, h - hsb.Width(), 0, w, c.hsbPressed) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollBar) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR w, h, size, sect, pos, riderSize: INTEGER; (* doc: Views.View; *) mx, my: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; mbs, kpos, mbo, ksize, dsz, catchPos: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; vsb: VScrollBar; hsb: HScrollBar; BEGIN ASSERT(~c.disabled, 100); (* doc := Views.UltimateRootOf(c).view; WITH doc: Documents.Document DO Documents.RemoveOverlay(doc); ELSE END; *) IF c.rider # NIL THEN c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (h > w) & (c.vsb # NIL) THEN (* vertical *) vsb := c.vsb; mbs := vsb.length - vsb.Width() * 2; mbo := vsb.Width(); vsb.length := h; c.Get(c, size, sect, vsb.pos); kpos := vsb.CalcKnobPos(vsb.pos) + mbo; ksize := vsb.CalcKnobSize(); IF y < mbo THEN (* top arrow *) DEC(vsb.pos, vsb.arrowStep); vsb.pos := MAX(vsb.min, MIN(vsb.max, vsb.pos)); c.Set(c, vsb.pos); c.Update ELSIF (y >= mbo) & (y < kpos) THEN (* before the knob *) vsb.pos := MAX(vsb.min, MIN(vsb.max, vsb.pos - vsb.pageSize)); c.Set(c, vsb.pos); c.Update ELSIF (y >= kpos) & (y < kpos + ksize) THEN (* on the knob *) catchPos := y - kpos; c.vsbPressed := TRUE; REPEAT c.Input(mx, my, modifiers, isDown); c.Get(c, size, sect, pos); c.Set(c, SHORT(ENTIER(size * ((my - mbo - catchPos) / (h - mbo * 2))))); c.Update UNTIL ~isDown OR (c.rider = NIL); c.vsbPressed := FALSE; c.Update ELSIF (y >= kpos + ksize) & (y < mbo + mbs) THEN (* after the knob *) vsb.pos := MAX(vsb.min, MIN(vsb.max, vsb.pos + vsb.pageSize)); c.Set(c, vsb.pos); c.Update ELSE (* bottom arrow *) INC(vsb.pos, vsb.arrowStep); vsb.pos := MAX(vsb.min, MIN(vsb.max, vsb.pos)); c.Set(c, vsb.pos); c.Update END ELSIF (h < w) & (c.hsb # NIL) THEN (* horizontal *) hsb := c.hsb; mbs := hsb.length - hsb.Width() * 2; mbo := hsb.Width(); hsb.length := w; c.Get(c, size, sect, hsb.pos); kpos := hsb.CalcKnobPos(hsb.pos) + mbo; ksize := hsb.CalcKnobSize(); IF x < mbo THEN (* top arrow *) DEC(hsb.pos, hsb.arrowStep); hsb.pos := MAX(hsb.min, MIN(hsb.max, hsb.pos)); c.Set(c, hsb.pos); c.Update ELSIF (x >= mbo) & (x < kpos) THEN (* before the knob *) hsb.pos := MAX(hsb.min, MIN(hsb.max, hsb.pos - hsb.pageSize)); c.Set(c, hsb.pos); c.Update ELSIF (x >= kpos) & (x < kpos + ksize) THEN (* on the knob *) catchPos := x - kpos; c.hsbPressed := TRUE; REPEAT c.Input(mx, my, modifiers, isDown); c.Get(c, size, sect, pos); c.Set(c, SHORT(ENTIER(size * ((mx - mbo - catchPos) / (w - mbo * 2))))); c.Update UNTIL ~isDown OR (c.rider = NIL); c.hsbPressed := FALSE; c.Update; ELSIF (x >= kpos + ksize) & (x < mbo + mbs) THEN (* after the knob *) hsb.pos := MAX(hsb.min, MIN(hsb.max, hsb.pos + hsb.pageSize)); c.Set(c, hsb.pos); c.Update ELSE (* bottom arrow *) INC(hsb.pos, hsb.arrowStep); hsb.pos := MAX(hsb.min, MIN(hsb.max, hsb.pos)); c.Set(c, hsb.pos); c.Update END END END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollBar) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollBar) Update; BEGIN c.Update^ END Update; (** **************** DateField **************** **) PROCEDURE (c: DateField) GetDatePart (VAR date: Dates.Date; part: INTEGER; OUT val, min, max: INTEGER), NEW; (* GetDatePart picks the day, month or year part out of a given date and asigns it to the out parameter val, together with the min and max possible values for this part *) BEGIN IF part = -1 THEN part := 3 END; IF part = c.yearPart THEN val := date.year; min := 1; max := 9999 ELSIF part = c.monthPart THEN val := date.month; min := 1; max := 12 ELSE val := date.day; min := 1; IF date.month = 0 THEN max := 31 ELSIF date.month = 2 THEN (* leap year check *) IF (date.year MOD 4 = 0) & ((date.year < 1583) OR (date.year MOD 100 # 0) OR (date.year MOD 400 = 0)) THEN max := 29 ELSE max := 28 END ELSIF date.month IN {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12} THEN max := 31 ELSE max := 30 END END END GetDatePart; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) SetDatePart (VAR date: Dates.Date; part: INTEGER; val: INTEGER), NEW; (* SetDatePart sets the day, month or year part in a given date to the value specivied by the parameter val. If the month is set, the day is adjusted to the possible range of days in this month. If the day is set, then the month may be changed in order to obtain a valid date *) VAR v, min, max: INTEGER; BEGIN IF part = -1 THEN part := 3 END; IF part = c.yearPart THEN date.year := val ELSIF part = c.monthPart THEN date.month := val ELSE date.day := val END; c.GetDatePart(date, c.dayPart, v, min, max); IF (part = c.monthPart) THEN (* adjust day if month value is set and day > max *) IF v > max THEN date.day := max END ELSIF part = c.yearPart THEN (* adjust month is day value is set and day > max *) IF v > max THEN INC(date.month) END END END SetDatePart; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) DateToString (VAR date: Dates.Date; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; VAR val, min, max, p, i: INTEGER; BEGIN p := 1; i := 0; WHILE p <= 3 DO IF p > 1 THEN str[i] := c.dateSep; INC(i) END; c.GetDatePart(date, p, val, min, max); IF max = 9999 THEN str[i] := CHR(val DIV 1000 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i); str[i] := CHR(val DIV 100 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i) END; str[i] := CHR(val DIV 10 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i); str[i] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i); INC(p) END; str[i] := 0X END DateToString; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Select, NEW; VAR sel, f, t: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.GetSel(c, sel); CASE sel OF | 1: f := 0; t := c.del1 | 2: f := c.del1 + 1; t := c.del2 ELSE f := c.del2 + 1; t := c.del2 + 5 END; c.ed.Select(f, t) END END Select; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) UpdateEd, NEW; VAR ps: EditorCommonText; date: Dates.Date; s: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; BEGIN c.ed.SetupCtl(c); c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.maxLen := 10; c.ed.password := FALSE; c.ed.left := TRUE; c.ed.right := FALSE; IF c.undef THEN s := "" ELSE c.Get(c, date); c.DateToString(date, s) END; IF c.ed.SetText(s) THEN INC(c.ed.changeCount) END; c.Select END UpdateEd; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN SetupDialogBackground(c); IF c.ed.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateEd END; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); c.ed.Setup(c, c.dot, c.dot, w - 2 * c.dot, h - 2 * c.dot); c.ed.outMargin.SetUni(1); c.ed.Restore; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF clipboard & (op = Controllers.copy) THEN c.ed.changeCount := 0; (* copy the whole string *) c.ed.Select(0, 1024); c.ed.Edit(op, v, clipboard); c.Select END END END Edit; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR mods: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN done := TRUE; (* eat it! *) (* hack! *) c.Input(x, y, mods, isDown); IF mods * {Controllers.pick, Controllers.extend} # {} THEN INCL(mods, Controllers.modify) END; IF op IN {Controllers.incLine, Controllers.incPage} THEN c.KeyDown(AD, mods) ELSE c.KeyDown(AU, mods) END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR p, cp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); (* fix selection *) IF c.ed.from < c.ed.to THEN p := c.ed.from ELSE p := c.ed.pos END; IF p <= c.del1 THEN p := 1 ELSIF p <= c.del2 THEN p := 2 ELSE p := 3 END; c.SetSel(c, p); c.Select; c.Update^ END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR sel, s, val, v, min, max, dd: INTEGER; date: Dates.Date; setNow: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN setNow := FALSE; c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.GetSel(c, sel); s := sel; IF s < 1 THEN s := 3 END; c.Get(c, date); c.GetDatePart(date, s, val, min, max); v := val; CASE ch OF | TAB, AR, ':', '/', ' ': s := s MOD 3 + 1 | LTAB, AL: IF s = 0 THEN s := 1 END; s := (s - 2) MOD 3 + 1 | PL, DL: s := 1 | PR, DR: s := 3 | DELETE, BACKSPACE: v := min | AU: IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN dd := 10 ELSE dd := 1 END; v := (v - min - dd) MOD (max - min + 1) + min | AD: IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN dd := 10 ELSE dd := 1 END; v := (v - min + dd) MOD (max - min + 1) + min ELSE (* IF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") THEN v := v * 10 MOD 100 + ORD(ch) - ORD("0"); IF v > max THEN v := v MOD 10 ELSIF v < min THEN v := min END ELSIF (ch = 'n') OR (ch = 'N') THEN setNow := TRUE END *) setNow := (ch = 'n') OR (ch = 'N'); END; IF setNow THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN Dates.GetDate(date); c.Set(c, date); c.Update END ELSIF v # val THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN c.GetDatePart(date, s, val, min, max); IF (min <= v) & (v <= max) THEN c.SetDatePart(date, s, v); c.Set(c, date); c.Update END END ELSIF s # sel THEN c.SetSel(c, s); c.Select END; c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END DblClickOk; (* called when the text is updated by the external actor *) PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Update; BEGIN c.UpdateEd; IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END Update; (** **************** TimeField **************** **) PROCEDURE GetTimePart (VAR time: Dates.Time; part: INTEGER; VAR val, min, max: INTEGER); BEGIN IF part = -1 THEN part := 3 END; IF part = 4 THEN val := time.hour DIV 12; min := 0; max := 1 ELSIF part = 3 THEN val := time.second; min := 0; max := 59 ELSIF part = 2 THEN val := time.minute; min := 0; max := 59 ELSE val := time.hour; min := 0; max := 23 END END GetTimePart; PROCEDURE SetTimePart (VAR time: Dates.Time; part: INTEGER; val: INTEGER); BEGIN IF part = -1 THEN part := 3 END; IF part = 4 THEN time.hour := val * 12 + time.hour MOD 12 ELSIF part = 3 THEN time.second := val ELSIF part = 2 THEN time.minute := val ELSE time.hour := val END END SetTimePart; PROCEDURE TimeToString (VAR time: Dates.Time; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); CONST timeSep = ':'; VAR val, min, max, i, j, k: INTEGER; BEGIN GetTimePart(time, 1, val, min, max); str[0] := CHR(val DIV 10 + ORD("0")); str[1] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[2] := timeSep; GetTimePart(time, 2, val, min, max); str[3] := CHR(val DIV 10 + ORD("0")); str[4] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[5] := timeSep; GetTimePart(time, 3, val, min, max); str[6] := CHR(val DIV 10 + ORD("0")); str[7] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0")); str[8] := 0X END TimeToString; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Select, NEW; VAR sel: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.GetSel(c, sel); IF sel = -1 THEN sel := 3 END; c.ed.Select(3 * sel - 3, 3 * sel - 1) END END Select; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) UpdateEd, NEW; VAR ps: EditorCommonText; time: Dates.Time; s: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; BEGIN c.ed.SetupCtl(c); c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.maxLen := 10; c.ed.password := FALSE; c.ed.left := TRUE; c.ed.right := FALSE; IF c.undef THEN s := "" ELSE c.Get(c, time); TimeToString(time, s) END; IF c.ed.SetText(s) THEN INC(c.ed.changeCount) END; c.Select END UpdateEd; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Restore (l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN SetupDialogBackground(c); IF c.ed.ctl = NIL THEN c.UpdateEd END; c.view.context.GetSize(w, h); c.ed.Setup(c, c.dot, c.dot, w - 2 * c.dot, h - 2 * c.dot); c.ed.outMargin.SetUni(1); c.ed.Restore; IF c.readOnly THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF c.mark THEN c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, c.dot, skin.frame) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN IF clipboard & (op = Controllers.copy) THEN c.ed.changeCount := 0; (* copy the whole string *) c.ed.Select(0, 1024); c.ed.Edit(op, v, clipboard); c.Select END END END Edit; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR mods: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN done := TRUE; (* eat it! *) (* hack! *) c.Input(x, y, mods, isDown); IF mods * {Controllers.pick, Controllers.extend} # {} THEN INCL(mods, Controllers.modify) END; IF op IN {Controllers.incLine, Controllers.incPage} THEN c.KeyDown(AD, mods) ELSE c.KeyDown(AU, mods) END END END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR p, cp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.ed.MouseDown(x, y, buttons); (* fix selection *) IF c.ed.from < c.ed.to THEN p := c.ed.from ELSE p := c.ed.pos END; p := MAX(0, p) DIV 3 + 1; IF p <= 3 THEN c.SetSel(c, p); c.Select END; c.Update^ END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR sel, s, val, v, min, max, dd: INTEGER; time: Dates.Time; setNow: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF c.ed.ctl # NIL THEN setNow := FALSE; c.ed.changeCount := 0; c.GetSel(c, sel); s := sel; IF s = -1 THEN s := 3 END; c.Get(c, time); GetTimePart(time, s, val, min, max); v := val; CASE ch OF | TAB, AR, ':', '/', ' ': s := s MOD 3 + 1; | LTAB, AL: DEC(s); IF s <= 0 THEN s := 3 END | PL, DL: s := 1 | PR, DR: s := 3 | DELETE, BACKSPACE: v := min | AU: IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN dd := 10 ELSE dd := 1 END; v := (v - min - dd) MOD (max - min + 1) + min | AD: IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN dd := 10 ELSE dd := 1 END; v := (v - min + dd) MOD (max - min + 1) + min ELSE (* IF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") THEN v := v * 10 MOD 100 + ORD(ch) - ORD("0"); IF v > max THEN v := v MOD 10 ELSIF v < min THEN v := min END ELSIF (ch = 'n') OR (ch = 'N') THEN setNow := TRUE END *) setNow := (ch = 'n') OR (ch = 'N') END; IF setNow THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN Dates.GetTime(time); c.Set(c, time); c.Update END ELSIF v # val THEN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN SetTimePart(time, s, v); c.Set(c, time); c.Update END ELSIF s # sel THEN c.SetSel(c, s); c.Select END; c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Mark (on_, focus_: BOOLEAN); BEGIN c.Update^ END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END DblClickOk; (* called when the text is updated by the external actor *) PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Update; BEGIN c.UpdateEd; IF c.ed.changeCount # 0 THEN c.ed.RetainCaret; c.Update^ END END Update; (* TreeFrame *) PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END DblClickOk; PROCEDURE (c: TreeFrame) TreeTrackVSBMouse (), NEW; VAR x, y, ox, oy, opos: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; BEGIN IF c.rider # NIL THEN c.vsbPressed := TRUE; UpdateRoot(c); c.ForceUpdate; opos := c.vsb.pos; ox := MIN(INTEGER); oy := MIN(INTEGER); REPEAT c.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); x := x - c.vsb.x0; y := y - c.vsb.y0; IF ox = MIN(INTEGER) THEN ox := x END; IF oy = MIN(INTEGER) THEN oy := y END; IF (ox # x) OR (oy # y) THEN ox := x; oy := y; c.vsb.SBMouseTrack(x, y); IF opos # c.vsb.pos THEN opos := c.vsb.pos; c.yoffs := opos; c.ForceUpdate END END UNTIL ~isDown; c.vsbPressed := FALSE; c.ForceUpdate END END TreeTrackVSBMouse; PROCEDURE (c: TreeFrame) TreeTrackHSBMouse (), NEW; VAR x, y, ox, oy, opos: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; BEGIN IF c.rider # NIL THEN c.hsbPressed := TRUE; UpdateRoot(c); c.ForceUpdate; opos := c.hsb.pos; ox := MIN(INTEGER); oy := MIN(INTEGER); REPEAT c.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); x := x - c.hsb.x0; y := y - c.hsb.y0; IF ox = MIN(INTEGER) THEN ox := x END; IF oy = MIN(INTEGER) THEN oy := y END; IF (ox # x) OR (oy # y) THEN ox := x; oy := y; c.hsb.SBMouseTrack(x, y); IF opos # c.hsb.pos THEN opos := c.hsb.pos; c.xoffs := opos; c.ForceUpdate END END UNTIL ~isDown; c.hsbPressed := FALSE; c.ForceUpdate END END TreeTrackHSBMouse; PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) CheckYPos (h: INTEGER), NEW; VAR treeHeight: INTEGER; BEGIN IF f.yoffs < 0 THEN f.yoffs := 0 ELSE treeHeight := (f.lines + 1) * f.lineHeight; IF treeHeight < h THEN f.yoffs := 0 ELSE IF f.yoffs > (treeHeight - h) THEN f.yoffs := (treeHeight - h) END END END; END CheckYPos; PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR w, h, id: INTEGER; BEGIN IF f.view = NIL THEN RETURN END; f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); IF (f.vsb # NIL) & (f.vsb.length > 0) & (w - x < f.vsb.Width()) THEN IF f.vsb.SBMouseDown(x - f.vsb.x0, y - f.vsb.y0) THEN f.TreeTrackVSBMouse ELSE f.yoffs := f.vsb.pos (* the caller will repaint us *) END ELSIF (f.hsb # NIL) & (f.hsb.length > 0) & (h - y < f.hsb.Width()) THEN IF f.hsb.SBMouseDown(x - f.hsb.x0, y - f.hsb.y0) THEN f.TreeTrackHSBMouse ELSE f.xoffs := f.hsb.pos (* the caller will repaint us *) END ELSIF ~ f.readOnly & (f.lines > 0) THEN id := (y + f.yoffs - f.lineHeight DIV 3) DIV f.lineHeight; id := MAX(0, MIN(id, f.lines - 1) ); IF f.nodesCache # NIL THEN IF x > f.nodesCache[id].p THEN f.Select(f, f.nodesCache[id].n); IF (Controllers.doubleClick IN buttons) THEN IF f.nodesCache[id].n.IsExpanded() THEN f.SetExpansion(f, f.nodesCache[id].n, FALSE) ELSE f.SetExpansion(f, f.nodesCache[id].n, TRUE) END; END; ELSE IF f.nodesCache[id].n.IsExpanded() THEN f.SetExpansion(f, f.nodesCache[id].n, FALSE) ELSE f.SetExpansion(f, f.nodesCache[id].n, TRUE) END; END; f.CheckYPos(h); f.Update END END END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) WheelMove (x, y, op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR asc, dsc, sw, w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); done := TRUE; IF op = Controllers.decLine THEN nofLines := -nofLines END; f.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); INC(f.yoffs, (asc + dsc) * nofLines); f.CheckYPos(h); f.Update END WheelMove; PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR sel: Dialog.TreeNode; bkcol, w, h, int: INTEGER; str: Dialog.String; asc, dsc, sw, x, y, i: INTEGER; vsb: VScrollBar; vsbSize: INTEGER; hsb: HScrollBar; hsbSize: INTEGER; portState: BOOLEAN; selPath: ARRAY 16 OF Dialog.TreeNode; PROCEDURE AddNodeToCache (node: Dialog.TreeNode; pos, i: INTEGER); VAR nc: POINTER TO ARRAY OF NodeItem; BEGIN IF f.nodesCache = NIL THEN IF i < 128 THEN NEW(f.nodesCache, 128) ELSE NEW(f.nodesCache, i * 2) END ELSE IF i >= LEN(f.nodesCache) THEN NEW(nc, LEN(f.nodesCache)*2); FOR i := 0 TO LEN(f.nodesCache) - 1 DO nc[i] := f.nodesCache[i] END; f.nodesCache := nc END END; f.nodesCache[i].n := node; f.nodesCache[i].p := pos; END AddNodeToCache; PROCEDURE InSelPath (node: Dialog.TreeNode): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN i := 0; res := FALSE; WHILE ~ res & (selPath[i] # NIL) DO IF selPath[i] = node THEN res := TRUE END; INC(i) END; RETURN res END InSelPath; PROCEDURE DrawTriangle(f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; open: BOOLEAN); VAR path: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; point, point2, point3, point4: INTEGER; BEGIN point := Ports.point; point2 := 2 * Ports.point - (2 * Ports.point) MOD f.unit; point3 := 3 * Ports.point - (3 * Ports.point) MOD f.unit; point4 := 4 * Ports.point - (4 * Ports.point) MOD f.unit; IF open THEN path[0].x := x - point2; path[0].y := y + point; path[1].x := x + point3; path[1].y := y + point; path[2].x := x + point3; path[2].y := y - point4; f.DrawPath(path, 3, Ports.fill, Ports.black, Ports.closedPoly) ELSE path[0].x := x; path[0].y := y - point3; path[1].x := x; path[1].y := y + point3; path[2].x := x + point3; path[2].y := y; f.DrawPath(path, 3, f.dot, Ports.grey50, Ports.closedPoly) END END DrawTriangle; PROCEDURE DrawLeaves (node: Dialog.TreeNode; lev: INTEGER); VAR n, nextNode: Dialog.TreeNode; xShift, w, prevLineSameLevel: INTEGER; exp: BOOLEAN; BEGIN n := f.Child(f, node); IF f.haslines & (node # NIL) THEN nextNode := f.Next(f, n); IF (nextNode # NIL) & nextNode.IsFolder() THEN sw := 3 * Ports.point ELSE sw := 0 END; (* first vertical line *) (* f.MarkRect( f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * f.lines + f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs, f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point + f.dot, f.lineHeight * (f.lines+1) - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs - sw, f.dot, Ports.dim50, Ports.show) *) f.DrawLine( f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * f.lines + f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs, f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * (f.lines+1) - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs - sw, f.dot, Ports.grey25) END; WHILE n # NIL DO n.GetName(str); nextNode := f.Next(f, n); INC(f.lines); IF f.haslines THEN xShift := 5 * Ports.point; prevLineSameLevel := f.lines; ELSE xShift := 0 END; x := f.leftMargin + xShift + (lev + 5) * Ports.point; y := f.lineHeight * f.lines - f.yoffs; AddNodeToCache(n, x, f.lines-1); w := f.font.StringWidth(str); IF w > f.maxWidth THEN f.maxWidth := w END; IF n = sel THEN f.DrawRect( x + 11 * Ports.point, y - f.strHeight + 1 * Ports.point, x + w + 3 * Ports.point + 13 * Ports.point, y + 4 * Ports.point, Ports.fill, Ports.grey12 (* skin.backHover *) ) END; IF f.haslines THEN IF n.IsFolder() THEN sw := 4 * Ports.point ELSE sw := 0 END; (* horizontal *) (* f.MarkRect( f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point + sw, f.lineHeight * f.lines - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs, f.leftMargin + (lev + 9) * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * f.lines - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs + f.dot, f.dot, Ports.dim50, Ports.show); *) f.DrawLine( f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point + sw, f.lineHeight * f.lines - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs, f.leftMargin + (lev + 8) * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * f.lines - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs, f.dot, Ports.grey25) END; exp := InSelPath(n) OR n.IsExpanded(); sw := f.strHeight - 3 * Ports.point; asc := - 2 * Ports.point; IF n.IsFolder() THEN IF exp THEN f.DrawRaster(folderopen.raster, x + asc, y - sw) ELSE f.DrawRaster(folder.raster, x + asc, y - sw) END ELSE (* IF n.leafType = Dialog.leaf_notOk THEN f.DrawRaster(leafNotOk.raster, x + asc, y - sw) ELSIF n.leafType = Dialog.leaf_ok THEN f.DrawRaster(leafOk.raster, x + asc, y - sw) ELSE *) f.DrawRaster(leaf.raster, x + asc, y - sw) (* END *) END; IF n.IsFolder() THEN DrawTriangle(f, f.leftMargin + (lev - 1) * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * f.lines - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs, exp) END; f.DrawString(x + 13 * Ports.point, y, skin.textList, str, f.font); IF exp & (n.NofChildren() > 0) THEN DrawLeaves(n, lev + 10) END; IF f.haslines & (nextNode # NIL) THEN IF n.IsFolder() THEN sw := 4 * Ports.point ELSE sw := 0 END; IF (nextNode # NIL) & nextNode.IsFolder() THEN asc := 3 * Ports.point ELSE asc := 0 END; (* f.MarkRect( f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * prevLineSameLevel - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs + sw, f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point + f.dot, f.lineHeight * (f.lines+1) - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs - asc, f.dot, Ports.dim50, Ports.show); *) f.DrawLine( f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * prevLineSameLevel - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs + sw, f.leftMargin + lev * Ports.point, f.lineHeight * (f.lines+1) - f.strHeight DIV 4 - f.yoffs - asc, f.dot, Ports.grey25); END; n := nextNode END END DrawLeaves; BEGIN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); f.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, sw); f.strHeight := asc + dsc; f.lineHeight := (f.strHeight DIV 3) * 4; IF f.disabled OR f.readOnly THEN bkcol := skin.backListDisabled ELSIF f.mark THEN bkcol := skin.backList ELSE bkcol := skin.backListBlured END; f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, bkcol); sel := f.Selected(f); i := 0; WHILE sel # NIL DO sel := f.Parent(f, sel); selPath[i] := sel; INC(i) END; sel := f.Selected(f); f.lines := 0; f.maxWidth := 0; DrawLeaves(NIL, 0); f.totalHeight := f.lineHeight * (f.lines + 1); (* tree scroll bars *) IF f.totalHeight > h THEN IF f.vsb = NIL THEN NEW(vsb); vsb.Init; f.vsb := vsb ELSE vsb := f.vsb END; vsb.min := 0; vsb.max := f.totalHeight - h; vsb.contentSize := f.totalHeight; vsb.pos := f.yoffs; vsb.pageSize := h; vsb.arrowStep := f.lineHeight; vsb.length := h; IF ~vsb.CanFit() THEN vsb := NIL ELSE vsbSize := MAX(0, vsb.Width()); vsb.length := h - vsb.Width(); IF (vsbSize = 0) OR ((vsbSize + 4 * Ports.point) >= w) THEN vsb := NIL END END ELSE vsb := NIL END; IF vsb = NIL THEN vsbSize := 0; f.vsb := NIL END; IF (f.maxWidth > (w - vsbSize)) & (h > f.lineHeight * 2) THEN IF f.hsb = NIL THEN NEW(hsb); hsb.Init; f.hsb := hsb ELSE hsb := f.hsb END; hsb.min := 0; hsb.max := (f.maxWidth - w + vsbSize + Ports.mm); hsb.contentSize := f.maxWidth; hsb.pos := f.xoffs; hsb.pageSize := w; hsb.arrowStep := Ports.mm; hsb.length := w; IF ~hsb.CanFit() THEN hsb := NIL ELSE hsbSize := MAX(0, hsb.Width()); hsb.length := w; IF vsb # NIL THEN DEC(hsb.length, vsbSize); DEC(vsb.length, hsbSize) END; IF (hsbSize = 0) OR ((hsbSize + 4 * Ports.point) >= h) THEN hsbSize := 0; hsb := NIL END END; IF vsb # NIL THEN INC(vsb.max, hsbSize); INC(hsb.max, vsbSize); END; ELSE f.hsb := NIL; hsbSize := 0; hsb := NIL; END; IF vsb # NIL THEN vsb.x0 := w - vsbSize - Ports.point; vsb.y0 := 0; vsb.Draw(f, vsb.x0, vsb.y0, h - hsbSize, f.vsbPressed); END; IF hsb # NIL THEN hsb.x0 := 0; hsb.y0 := h - hsbSize; hsb.Draw(f, hsb.x0, hsb.y0, w - vsbSize, f.hsbPressed); END; IF (hsbSize > 0) & (vsbSize > 0) THEN f.DrawRect(w - vsbSize, h - hsbSize, w + 2 * f.dot, h + 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, skin.backScrollbar) END; (* outer frame *) IF f.readOnly THEN f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, f.dot, skin.frameReadOnly) ELSE IF f.mark THEN f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, f.dot * 2, skin.frameFocus) ELSE f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, f.dot, skin.frame) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR sel, parent, child, next, prev: Dialog.TreeNode; BEGIN CASE ch OF | AL: (* arrow left *) sel := f.Selected(f); IF sel # NIL THEN IF sel.IsExpanded() THEN f.SetExpansion(f, sel, FALSE); f.Update END END | AR: (* arrow right *) sel := f.Selected(f); IF sel # NIL THEN IF ~sel.IsExpanded() THEN f.SetExpansion(f, sel, TRUE); f.Update END END | AU: (* arrow up *) sel := f.Selected(f); IF sel # NIL THEN parent := f.Parent(f, sel); prev := NIL; next := f.Child(f, parent); WHILE (next # NIL) & (sel # next) DO prev := next; next := f.Next(f, next) END; IF prev = NIL THEN IF parent # NIL THEN f.Select(f, parent); f.Update END ELSE IF sel = next THEN f.Select(f, prev); f.Update END END END | AD: (* arrow down *) sel := f.Selected(f); IF sel # NIL THEN IF sel.IsExpanded() THEN child := f.Child(f, sel); IF child # NIL THEN f.Select(f, child); f.Update ELSE sel := f.Next(f, sel); IF sel # NIL THEN f.Select(f, sel); f.Update END END ELSE next := f.Next(f, sel); IF next # NIL THEN f.Select(f, next); f.Update ELSE parent := f.Parent(f, sel); IF parent # NIL THEN next := f.Next(f, parent); IF next # NIL THEN f.Select(f, next); f.Update END END; END END END ELSE END END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h) END GetSize; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetPushButtonSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 56 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 28 * Ports.point END (* 18 on Windows *) END GetPushButtonSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCheckBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 60 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END END GetCheckBoxSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetRadioButtonSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 60 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END END GetRadioButtonSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetScrollBarSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 120 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END END GetScrollBarSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetFieldSize (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN IF max = 0 THEN w := 80 * Ports.point ELSIF max < 10 THEN w := 32 * Ports.point ELSIF max < 15 THEN w := 56 * Ports.point ELSIF max < 30 THEN w := 80 * Ports.point ELSIF max < 100 THEN w := 120 * Ports.point ELSE w := 150 * Ports.point END END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END END GetFieldSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetUpDownFieldSize (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 56 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END END GetUpDownFieldSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetDateFieldSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 72 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END END GetDateFieldSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTimeFieldSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 72 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END END GetTimeFieldSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetColorFieldSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 36 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 18 * Ports.point END END GetColorFieldSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetListBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 18 * Ports.point END END GetListBoxSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetSelectionBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 54 * Ports.point END END GetSelectionBoxSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetComboBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 18 * Ports.point END END GetComboBoxSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCaptionSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 50 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END END GetCaptionSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetGroupSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 100 * Ports.point END END GetGroupSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTreeFrameSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 100 * Ports.point END END GetTreeFrameSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewPushButton* (): StdCFrames.PushButton; VAR f: PushButton; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; RETURN f END NewPushButton; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCheckBox* (): StdCFrames.CheckBox; VAR f: CheckBox; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; RETURN f END NewCheckBox; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewRadioButton* (): StdCFrames.RadioButton; VAR f: RadioButton; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; RETURN f END NewRadioButton; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewScrollBar* (): StdCFrames.ScrollBar; VAR f: ScrollBar; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; RETURN f END NewScrollBar; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewField* (): StdCFrames.Field; VAR f: Field; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := FALSE; NEW(f.ed); f.ed.Init; RETURN f END NewField; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewUpDownField* (): StdCFrames.UpDownField; VAR f: UpDownField; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := FALSE; NEW(f.ed); f.ed.Init; f.lastval := 0; (* doesn't matter *) RETURN f END NewUpDownField; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewDateField* (): StdCFrames.DateField; VAR f: DateField; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := FALSE; f.dateSep := '/'; f.yearPart := 1; f.monthPart := 2; f.dayPart := 3; f.del1 := 4; f.del2 := 7; NEW(f.ed); f.ed.Init; f.ed.noMouseSelect := TRUE; RETURN f END NewDateField; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTimeField* (): StdCFrames.TimeField; VAR f: TimeField; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := FALSE; NEW(f.ed); f.ed.Init; f.ed.noMouseSelect := TRUE; RETURN f END NewTimeField; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewColorField* (): StdCFrames.ColorField; VAR f: ColorField; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; RETURN f END NewColorField; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewListBox* (): StdCFrames.ListBox; VAR f: ListBox; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := FALSE; NEW(f.lst); f.lst.Init; f.fixCursor := TRUE; f.closedTime := 0; f.popupOverlay := NIL; RETURN f END NewListBox; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewSelectionBox* (): StdCFrames.SelectionBox; VAR f: SelectionBox; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := FALSE; NEW(f.lst); f.lst.Init; f.fixCursor := TRUE; RETURN f END NewSelectionBox; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewComboBox* (): StdCFrames.ComboBox; VAR f: ComboBox; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := FALSE; NEW(f.ed); f.ed.Init; NEW(f.lst); f.lst.Init; f.fixCursor := TRUE; f.closedTime := 0; f.popupOverlay := NIL; RETURN f END NewComboBox; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCaption* (): StdCFrames.Caption; VAR f: Caption; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; f.changeCount := 0; RETURN f END NewCaption; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewGroup* (): StdCFrames.Group; VAR f: Group; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; RETURN f END NewGroup; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTreeFrame* (): StdCFrames.TreeFrame; VAR f: TreeFrame; BEGIN NEW(f); f.noRedraw := TRUE; f.yoffs := 0; f.leftMargin := 6 * Ports.point; IF folder = NIL THEN folder := StdRasters.NewModelFromSpec(Files.dir.This("Std/Rsrc"), "tree_folder.png", FALSE); folderopen := StdRasters.NewModelFromSpec(Files.dir.This("Std/Rsrc"), "tree_folderopen.png", FALSE); leaf := StdRasters.NewModelFromSpec(Files.dir.This("Std/Rsrc"), "tree_leaf.png", FALSE); END; RETURN f END NewTreeFrame; PROCEDURE ParamDefaults (skin: ANYPTR); VAR selectColor: INTEGER; BEGIN selectColor := Ports.RGBColor(51, 153, 255); WITH skin: ParamSkin DO skin.backPopup := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.textPopup := Ports.RGBColor(0, 0, 0); skin.back := Ports.RGBColor(0E5H, 0E5H, 0E5H); skin.text := Ports.black; skin.backHover := Ports.RGBColor(0CCH, 0CCH, 0CCH); skin.textHover := Ports.RGBColor(000H, 000H, 000H); skin.backDisabled := Ports.grey25; skin.textDisabled := Ports.grey50; skin.backReadOnly := Ports.grey25; skin.textReadOnly := Ports.RGBColor(055H, 055H, 055H); skin.backPressed := Ports.RGBColor(37, 78, 118); skin.textPressed := Ports.RGBColor(0FFH, 0FFH, 0FFH); (* Editor *) skin.backEditor := Ports.white; skin.textEditor := Ports.black; skin.backEditorSelection := selectColor; skin.textEditorSelection := Ports.white; skin.backEditorDisabled := Ports.grey25; skin.textEditorDisabled := Ports.grey50; skin.backEditorDisabledSelection := Ports.RGBColor(090H, 090H, 090H); skin.textEditorDisabledSelection := Ports.RGBColor(066H, 066H, 066H); skin.backEditorReadOnly := Ports.grey12; skin.textEditorReadOnly := Ports.grey75; skin.backEditorReadOnlySelection := Ports.grey50; skin.textEditorReadOnlySelection := Ports.grey12; skin.backEditorBlured := Ports.white; skin.textEditorBlured := Ports.black; skin.backEditorBluredSelection := Ports.RGBColor(074H, 074H, 073H); skin.textEditorBluredSelection := Ports.RGBColor(000H, 000H, 000H); (* List *) skin.backList := Ports.white; skin.textList := Ports.black; skin.backSelList := selectColor; skin.textSelList := Ports.white; skin.backListCursor := selectColor; skin.textListCursor := Ports.white; skin.backSelListCursor := selectColor; skin.textSelListCursor := Ports.white; skin.backListDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(0E5H, 0E5H, 0E5H); skin.textListDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(044H, 044H, 044H); skin.backSelListDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.textSelListDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(022H, 022H, 022H); skin.backListCursorDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.textListCursorDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(022H, 022H, 022H); skin.backSelListCursorDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.textSelListCursorDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(066H, 066H, 066H); skin.backListBlured := Ports.RGBColor(0FAH, 0FAH, 0FAH); skin.textListBlured := Ports.black; skin.backSelListBlured := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0FFH); skin.textSelListBlured := Ports.black; skin.backListCursorBlured := Ports.RGBColor(0DCH, 0DCH, 0DCH); skin.textListCursorBlured := Ports.black; skin.backSelListCursorBlured := Ports.RGBColor(0D0H, 0DDH, 0D0H); skin.textSelListCursorBlured := Ports.RGBColor(000H, 000H, 0FFH); (* scrollbar *) skin.backSlider := Ports.RGBColor(077H, 077H, 077H); skin.backPressedSlider := Ports.RGBColor(055H, 055H, 055H); skin.trackSlider := Ports.RGBColor(055H, 055H, 055H); skin.backScrollbar := Ports.RGBColor(0DDH, 0DDH, 0DDH); skin.backScrollbarButtons := Ports.RGBColor(0CCH, 0CCH, 0CCH); skin.knobScrollbar := Ports.RGBColor(0BBH, 0BBH, 0BBH); skin.knobScrollbarPressed := Ports.RGBColor(090H, 090H, 090H); skin.scrollbarKnobMargin := 2; (* selecting controls *) skin.frame := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.frameFocus := Ports.RGBColor(099H, 099H, 099H); skin.frameReadOnly := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.frameDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.frameFace := Ports.RGBColor(0AAH, 0AAH, 0AAH); skin.frameLight := Ports.RGBColor(0FFH, 0FFH, 0FFH); skin.frameSemi := Ports.RGBColor(0BBH, 0BBH, 0BBH); skin.frameDark := Ports.RGBColor(000H, 000H, 000H); skin.frameShadow := Ports.RGBColor(055H, 055H, 055H); skin.arrowDisabled := Ports.RGBColor(090H, 090H, 090H); skin.arrowReadOnly := Ports.RGBColor(090H, 090H, 090H); skin.arrow := Ports.RGBColor(022H, 022H, 022H); skin.checkBoxFont := Fonts.dir.This("Verdana", 12 * Fonts.point, {}, Fonts.normal); END END ParamDefaults; PROCEDURE RevealPasswords*; BEGIN revealPasswords := TRUE END RevealPasswords; PROCEDURE HidePasswords*; BEGIN revealPasswords := FALSE END HidePasswords; PROCEDURE Init; VAR dir: Directory; BEGIN StdCFrames.setFocus := TRUE; inHandleMouse := FALSE; revealPasswords := FALSE; NEW(dir); StdCFrames.SetDir(dir); NEW(skin); ParamDefaults(skin); END Init; BEGIN Init END StdStdCFrames.
MODULE StdTabFrames; (** project = "ypk Host" subproject = "Control Frames" organization = "https://bitbucket.org/oberoncore/ypk/src/default/Mod/HostTabFrames.odc" contributors = "Peter Kushnir" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "" changes = "" issues = "" **) IMPORT Controllers, TV := StdTabViews, Dialog, Fonts, Kernel, Models, Ports, Services, Stores, Views; CONST pixel = SHORT(ENTIER((3 / 4)*Ports.point)); (* Традиционный пиксел *) scrollStep = 40*pixel; none = -1; TYPE IteratorItem = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD root: Iterator; prev, next: IteratorItem END; Iterator = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD(IteratorItem) first, last, this: IteratorItem; length: INTEGER END; IntMap = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD list: Iterator END; IntItem = POINTER TO RECORD(IteratorItem) id: INTEGER; data: ANYPTR END; UpdateAction = POINTER TO RECORD(Services.Action) v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; Directory = POINTER TO RECORD (TV.FrameDirectory) list: IntMap END; Scroll = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; ScrollContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) base: Views.View; v: Scroll; l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; Tab = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) i: INTEGER; title: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; END; TabContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) base: Views.View; v: Tab; l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; Bar = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; BarContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) base: Views.View; v: Bar; l, t, r, b, dx: INTEGER END; Frame = POINTER TO RECORD (TV.Frame) tabs: RECORD h: INTEGER; c: BarContext; s: ScrollContext END END; Prop = POINTER TO RECORD dx, bw, w, hl: INTEGER; upd: INTEGER END; VAR dir: Directory; PROCEDURE NewIterator (): Iterator; VAR it: Iterator; BEGIN NEW(it); it.length := 0; RETURN(it) END NewIterator; PROCEDURE (i: Iterator) First (), NEW; BEGIN i.this := i.first END First; PROCEDURE (i: Iterator) Next (), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(i.this # NIL, 20); i.this := i.this.next END Next; PROCEDURE (i: Iterator) Add (item: IteratorItem), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(item # NIL, 20); item.root := i; IF (i.last # NIL) & (i.first # NIL) THEN i.last.next := item; item.prev := i.last; item.next := NIL; i.last := item ELSE i.first := item; i.last := item; item.next := NIL; item.prev := NIL END; INC(i.length) END Add; PROCEDURE (m: IntMap) Item2 (id: INTEGER): IntItem, NEW; VAR x: IntItem; BEGIN x := NIL; m.list.First; WHILE (m.list.this # NIL) & (m.list.this IS IntItem) & (x = NIL) DO IF m.list.this(IntItem).id = id THEN x := m.list.this(IntItem) END; m.list.Next END; RETURN x END Item2; PROCEDURE (m: IntMap) Item (id: INTEGER): ANYPTR, NEW; VAR x: IntItem; BEGIN x := m.Item2(id); IF x # NIL THEN RETURN x.data ELSE RETURN NIL END END Item; PROCEDURE (m: IntMap) Add (id: INTEGER; item: ANYPTR), NEW; VAR i: IntItem; BEGIN ASSERT(item # NIL, 20); i := m.Item2(id); IF i # NIL THEN i.data := item ELSE NEW(i); i.id := id; i.data := item; m.list.Add(i) END END Add; PROCEDURE NewIntMap (): IntMap; VAR i: IntMap; BEGIN NEW(i); i.list := NewIterator(); RETURN i END NewIntMap; PROCEDURE (a: UpdateAction) Do; BEGIN Views.UpdateIn(a.v, a.l, a.t, a.r, a.b, TRUE) END Do; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) This (v: Views.View): Prop, NEW; VAR x: ANYPTR; p: Prop; BEGIN (* Kernel.Collect; *) x := d.list.Item(Services.AdrOf(v)); IF x # NIL THEN p := x(Prop) END; RETURN p END This; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Add (v: Views.View; p: Prop), NEW; BEGIN d.list.Add(Services.AdrOf(v), p) END Add; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewFrame (v: Views.View), NEW; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN p := dir.This(v); IF p # NIL THEN p.upd := 0 END END NewFrame; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) UpdateView (v: Views.View), NEW; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN p := d.This(v); IF (p # NIL) & (p.upd = 0) THEN (* Kernel.Collect; *) Views.Update(v, TRUE); p.upd := 1 ELSE Views.Update(v, TRUE) END END UpdateView; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) UpdateFrame (f: Frame), NEW; VAR p: Prop; a: UpdateAction; BEGIN p := d.This(f.view); IF (p # NIL) THEN (* Kernel.Collect; *) NEW(a); a.v := f.view; a.l := f.tabs.c.l; a.t := f.tabs.c.t; a.r := f.tabs.c.r; a.b := f.tabs.c.b; Services.DoLater(a, Services.immediately); p.upd := 1 END END UpdateFrame; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Close (f: Frame), NEW; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN p := d.This(f.view); IF (p # NIL) THEN (* Kernel.Collect; *) p.upd := 0 END END Close; PROCEDURE NewTabContext (v, base: Views.View): TabContext; VAR c: TabContext; BEGIN NEW(c); c.v := v(Tab); c.base := base; v.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(v, base); RETURN c END NewTabContext; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL (* don't give the embedded views information about the dummy twin model *) END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.r - c.l; h := c.b - c.t END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, sep: INTEGER; BEGIN c.base.context.MakeVisible(l, t, r, b) END MakeVisible; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); BEGIN c.base.context.Consider(p) END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.base.context.Normalize() END Normalize; PROCEDURE NewBarContext (v, base: Views.View): BarContext; VAR c: BarContext; p: Prop; BEGIN NEW(c); c.v := v(Bar); c.base := base; v.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(v, base); p := dir.This(base); IF p = NIL THEN NEW(p); p.dx := 0; p.hl := none; p.upd := 0; dir.Add(c.base, p) END; p.bw := 0; p.w := 0; RETURN c END NewBarContext; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL (* don't give the embedded views information about the dummy twin model *) END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.r - c.l; h := c.b - c.t END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, sep: INTEGER; BEGIN c.base.context.MakeVisible(l, t, r, b) END MakeVisible; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); BEGIN c.base.context.Consider(p) END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.base.context.Normalize() END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) SetWidth (bw: INTEGER), NEW; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN p := dir.This(c.base); IF p # NIL THEN p.bw := bw; p.w := c.r - c.l END END SetWidth; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) SetHover (idx: INTEGER), NEW; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN p := dir.This(c.base); IF (p # NIL) & (p.hl # idx) THEN (* p.hl := idx не нужен *) END END SetHover; PROCEDURE (c: BarContext) GetHover (): INTEGER, NEW; VAR p: Prop; res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := none; p := dir.This(c.base); IF p # NIL THEN res := p.hl END; RETURN res END GetHover; PROCEDURE NewScrollContext (v, base: Views.View): ScrollContext; VAR c: ScrollContext; BEGIN NEW(c); c.v := v(Scroll); c.base := base; v.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(v, base); RETURN c END NewScrollContext; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollContext) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL (* don't give the embedded views information about the dummy twin model *) END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.r - c.l; h := c.b - c.t END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollContext) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, sep: INTEGER; BEGIN c.base.context.MakeVisible(l, t, r, b) END MakeVisible; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollContext) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); BEGIN c.base.context.Consider(p) END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.base.context.Normalize() END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollContext) SetPos (x: INTEGER), NEW; VAR p: Prop; n: INTEGER; BEGIN p := dir.This(c.base); n := p.bw DIV scrollStep; p.dx := MAX(0, MIN(p.dx + x, n - 2)) END SetPos; PROCEDURE (c: ScrollContext) GetPos (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN p := dir.This(c.base); x := p.dx END GetPos; PROCEDURE DrawRect3d (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; dir: BYTE); VAR x1, y1, h: INTEGER; BEGIN h := 7 * f.dot; x1 := (r - l) DIV 2; y1 := ((b - t) DIV 2) - (h DIV 2); CASE dir OF | 2: (* влево *) f.DrawRect(l + 5 * f.dot, t + 7 * f.dot + y1, l + 6 * f.dot, t + 8 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* лев - 1 *) f.DrawRect(l + 6 * f.dot, t + 6 * f.dot + y1, l + 7 * f.dot, t + 9 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* 2 *) f.DrawRect(l + 7 * f.dot, t + 5 * f.dot + y1, l + 8 * f.dot, t + 10 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* 3 *) f.DrawRect(l + 8 * f.dot, t + 4 * f.dot + y1, l + 9 * f.dot, t + 11 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* 4 *) | 3: (* вправо *) f.DrawRect(r - 7 * f.dot, t + 7 * f.dot + y1, r - 6 * f.dot, t + 8 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* прав - 1 *) f.DrawRect(r - 8 * f.dot, t + 6 * f.dot + y1, r - 7 * f.dot, t + 9 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* прав - 1 *) f.DrawRect(r - 9 * f.dot, t + 5 * f.dot + y1, r - 8 * f.dot, t + 10 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* прав - 1 *) f.DrawRect(r - 10 * f.dot, t + 4 * f.dot + y1, r - 9 * f.dot, t + 11 * f.dot + y1, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* прав - 1 *) ELSE END END DrawRect3d; PROCEDURE (v: Scroll) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; p: Prop; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); p := dir.This(v.context(ScrollContext).base); IF (p # NIL) & (p.w < p.bw) THEN f.DrawRect(0, 3 * pixel, (w - pixel) DIV 2, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey12); f.DrawRect((w - pixel) DIV 2, 3 * pixel, w - pixel, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey12); f.DrawRect(0, 3 * pixel, w - pixel, h, pixel, Ports.black); f.DrawLine((w DIV 2) - pixel, 3 * pixel, (w DIV 2) - pixel, h - 2 * pixel, 2 * pixel, Ports.black); DrawRect3d(f, 0, 0, (w DIV 2) - 2 * pixel, h - 2 * pixel, 2); DrawRect3d(f, (w DIV 2) + 2 * pixel, 0, w - pixel, h - 2 * pixel, 3) ELSE f.DrawLine(0, h - pixel, w - pixel, h - pixel, pixel, Ports.black); p.dx:=0; END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: Scroll) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR w, h, x, y, res: INTEGER; mods: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; p: Prop; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); WITH |msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.Input(x, y, mods, isDown); IF isDown THEN p := dir.This(v.context(ScrollContext).base); IF (p # NIL) & (p.w < p.bw) THEN IF ((w DIV 2) >= x) THEN res := - 1 ELSE res := 1 END; v.context(ScrollContext).SetPos(res); dir.UpdateView(v.context(ScrollContext).base) END END ELSE END; focus := v END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE NewScroll (): Scroll; VAR s: Scroll; BEGIN NEW(s); RETURN s END NewScroll; (* processing '&' and "&&"; return amp position and width *) PROCEDURE CleanAmp (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font; OUT awdt: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR tmp: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; i, j: INTEGER; apos: INTEGER; BEGIN apos := -1; awdt := -1; i := 0; j := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO IF (s[i] = '&') & (s[i + 1] # 0X) THEN INC(i); IF (apos < 0) & (s[i] # '&') THEN apos := j END END; s[j] := s[i]; INC(i); INC(j) END; s[j] := 0X; IF apos >= 0 THEN ASSERT(apos < LEN(s$)); i := apos; tmp[0] := s[i]; tmp[1] := 0X; s[apos] := 0X; apos := font.StringWidth(s); s[i] := tmp[0]; awdt := font.StringWidth(tmp) END; awdt := MAX(0, awdt); RETURN apos END CleanAmp; PROCEDURE (v: Tab) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, dh: INTEGER; v0: Views.View; tv: TV.View; len, i: INTEGER; font: Fonts.Font; sw, tt, tl, tr, tb, col, mcol: INTEGER; asc, desc, weight, apos, awdt, x, y: INTEGER; hov, this: BOOLEAN; s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); font := Fonts.dir.Default(); font.GetBounds(asc, desc, weight); tv := v.context(TabContext).base(Bar).context(BarContext).base(TV.View); hov := (v.i = v.context(TabContext).base.context(BarContext).GetHover()); this := (v.i = tv.Index()); IF hov & this THEN col := Ports.grey6 ELSIF hov OR this THEN col := Ports.white; mcol:=Ports.black; ELSE col := Ports.grey12; mcol:=Ports.grey50 END; sw := font.StringWidth(v.title$); tl := v.context(TabContext).l; tr := v.context(TabContext).r; tt := v.context(TabContext).t; tb := v.context(TabContext).b; f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, pixel, mcol); f.DrawRect(pixel, pixel, w - pixel, h, Ports.fill, col); IF this THEN dh:=3*pixel ELSE dh:=1*pixel END; s := v.title$; apos := CleanAmp(s, font, awdt); x := (w DIV 2) - (sw DIV 2); y := (h DIV 2) + (asc DIV 2) - dh; f.DrawString(x, y, Ports.black, s, font); IF awdt > f.dot THEN INC(y, 1 * f.dot); f.DrawRect(x + apos, y, x + apos + awdt, y + f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.black) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: Tab) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR w, h, x, y: INTEGER; mods: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; tv: TV.View; g: Views.Frame; dw: INTEGER; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); WITH |msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.Input(x, y, mods, isDown); IF isDown THEN g:=f; REPEAT g:=Views.HostOf(g) UNTIL (g=NIL) OR (g IS Frame); v.context(TabContext).base.context(BarContext).SetHover(v.i); IF g#NIL THEN dw:=v.context(TabContext).base.context(BarContext).r - v.context(TabContext).r; IF dw<10*pixel THEN g(Frame).tabs.s.SetPos(MAX(2, w DIV scrollStep)); ELSE dw:=v.context(TabContext).l - v.context(TabContext).base.context(BarContext).l; IF dw<10*pixel THEN g(Frame).tabs.s.SetPos(- MAX(2,w DIV scrollStep)); END; END; END; g(Frame).SetIndex(v.i); (* вытащил из ветки охраны *) END |msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO IF (msg.x > v.context(TabContext).l) & (msg.y > v.context(TabContext).t) & (msg.x < v.context(TabContext).r) & (msg.y < v.context(TabContext).b) THEN (* v.context(TabContext).base.context(BarContext).SetHover(v.i) *) ELSE END ELSE END; focus := NIL END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE NewTab (idx: INTEGER; title: ARRAY OF CHAR): Tab; VAR t0: Tab; BEGIN NEW(t0); t0.i := idx; t0.title:=title$; RETURN t0 END NewTab; PROCEDURE (v: Bar) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR dw, w, h: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; v0: Views.View; tv: TV.View; len, i: INTEGER; font: Fonts.Font; sw, tt, tl, tr, tb, il, ir, col: INTEGER; asc, desc, weight: INTEGER; tab: Tab; tc: TabContext; bw, tw, th: INTEGER; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); font := Fonts.dir.Default(); font.GetBounds(asc, desc, weight); tv := v.context(BarContext).base(TV.View); i := 0; len := tv.NofTabs(); dw := - (scrollStep * v.context(BarContext).dx); tl := dw + 5 * pixel; tb := h - pixel; tr := dw; tt := 0; il := 0; ir := 0; bw := 0; WHILE i < len DO tv.GetItem(i, s, v0); Dialog.MapString(s$, s); (* s := v.vitle$; *) sw := font.StringWidth(s$); (* sw := MAX(sw + MAX(5*pixel, sw DIV 5), 20 * pixel); *) sw:=sw+4*Ports.mm; tr := tr + sw; tab := NewTab(i, s$); tc := NewTabContext(tab, v); IF i = tv.Index() THEN tt := 2 * pixel; il := tl; ir := tr ELSE tt := 4 * pixel END; tc.l := tl - pixel; tc.r := tr; tc.t := tt; tc.b := tb; IF i = tv.Index() THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, tab, tl - pixel, tt, 1, TRUE); ELSE Views.InstallFrame(f, tab, tl - pixel, tt, 0, TRUE); END; tc.GetSize(tw, th); INC(bw, tw); tl := tr; INC(i) END; v.context(BarContext).SetWidth(bw); f.DrawLine(0, h - pixel, il, h - pixel, pixel, Ports.black); f.DrawLine(ir, h - pixel, w, h - pixel, pixel, Ports.black) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: Bar) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; hl: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH |msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg); END |msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); (* hl := v.context(BarContext).GetHover(); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) ELSE v.context(BarContext).SetHover(none) END; IF (hl # v.context(BarContext).GetHover()) THEN dir.UpdateFrame(Views.HostOf(f)(Frame)) END *) |msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO ELSE END; focus := NIL END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) GetDispSize (OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); x := 2 * pixel; y := f.tabs.h + 2 * pixel; w := w - 4 * pixel; h := h - y - 2 * pixel END GetDispSize; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) InDispArea (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR ok: BOOLEAN; w, h: INTEGER; PROCEDURE ResetHover; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN p := dir.This(f.view); IF p # NIL THEN IF p.hl >= 0 THEN p.hl := none; dir.UpdateFrame(f) END END END ResetHover; BEGIN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); ok := (ABS(w - x) > 2 * pixel) & (y > (f.tabs.h + 2 * pixel)) & (y < h); IF ok THEN (* ResetHover *) END; RETURN ok END InDispArea; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawTabs, NEW; VAR w, h, col: INTEGER; BEGIN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); f.tabs.c.l := 0; f.tabs.c.t := 0; f.tabs.c.r := w - f.tabs.h; f.tabs.c.b := f.tabs.h + pixel; f.tabs.s.GetPos(f.tabs.c.dx); Views.InstallFrame(f, f.tabs.c.v, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); f.tabs.s.l := f.tabs.c.r; f.tabs.s.t := 0; f.tabs.s.r := w; f.tabs.s.b := f.tabs.h + pixel; Views.InstallFrame(f, f.tabs.s.v, f.tabs.c.r, 0, 0, TRUE); END DrawTabs; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) UpdateList; VAR v: Bar; s: Scroll; res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF f.tabs.c = NIL THEN dir.NewFrame(f.view); NEW(v); f.tabs.c := NewBarContext(v, f.view); NEW(s); f.tabs.s := NewScrollContext(s, f.view); Dialog.Call('Kernel.FastCollect', '', res); END END UpdateList; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); f.DrawTabs; f.DrawLine(0, f.tabs.h, 0, h - pixel, pixel, Ports.black); f.DrawLine(w - pixel, f.tabs.h, w - pixel, h - pixel, pixel, Ports.black); f.DrawLine(0, h - pixel, w - pixel, h - pixel, pixel, Ports.black) END Restore; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR g: Views.Frame; tm: Controllers.TrackMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100); IF f.rider # NIL THEN g := Views.FrameAt(f, x, y); IF g # NIL THEN tm.x := x; tm.y := y; tm.modifiers := {}; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, tm); END END; END MouseDown; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; mods: SET; VAR c: INTEGER); VAR g: Views.Frame; cm: Controllers.PollCursorMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100); IF f.rider # NIL THEN IF mods = {} THEN g := Views.FrameAt(f, x, y); IF g # NIL THEN cm.x := x; cm.y := y; cm.modifiers := {}; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, cm) END END END END GetCursor; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Close; BEGIN dir.Close(f); END Close; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTabSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 150 * pixel END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 100 * pixel END END GetTabSize; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Frame; VAR f: Frame; BEGIN NEW(f); f.tabs.h := 25 * pixel; RETURN f END New; PROCEDURE Init*; BEGIN NEW(dir); dir.list := NewIntMap(); TV.SetFrameDir(dir) END Init; END StdTabFrames.
MODULE StdTables; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20160321, center #110, use mapped strings for labels in all forms " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Services, Fonts, Ports, Dialog, Meta, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Containers, Properties, Controls, TextModels, TextViews (* , HostPorts *); CONST minVersion = 0; tabVersion = 2; maxCol = 256; defColW = 30 * Ports.mm; left = -1; right = -2; center = -3; (* adjustment modes *) move = 1; adjust = 2; field = 3; (* cursor modes *) tab = 09X; ltab = 0AX; lineChar = 0DX; esc = 1BX; line* = 0DX; (* line feed characher for labels *) deselect* = -1; select* = -2; changed* = -3; (* notifier op-values *) layoutEditable* = 0; dataEditable* = 1; selectionStyle* = 2; (* values for property validity in Prop *) noSelect* = 0; cellSelect* = 1; rowSelect* = 2; colSelect* = 3; crossSelect* = 4; (* selection style values *) TYPE Table* = RECORD rows-, cols-: INTEGER; selection: Selection; labels: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Dialog.String; data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Dialog.String; weights: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF INTEGER; styles: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF SET; colors: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Ports.Color END; Selection = POINTER TO RECORD on: BOOLEAN; row, col: INTEGER (** only valid if on = TRUE **) END; Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) layoutEditable*, dataEditable*: BOOLEAN; selectionStyle*: INTEGER END; Control = POINTER TO RECORD (Controls.Control) (* persistent *) sprop: Properties.StdProp; (* font attributes *) tprop: Prop; (* table attributes *) columns: INTEGER; (* width[0..columns-1] and mode[0..columns-1] are defined *) width: ARRAY maxCol OF INTEGER; mode: ARRAY maxCol OF INTEGER; (* not persistent *) fldFont, titFont: Fonts.Font; (* cell fonts *) rowHeight, labelHeight, baseOff: INTEGER; (* height of rows, height of the label row and offset for font *) orgRow, orgX: INTEGER; (* scroll state, orgX in coordinates, orgRow in rows *) selRow, selCol: INTEGER; (* selected field *) showSelection: BOOLEAN; hasSelection: BOOLEAN; (* control has a selected field *) x, y, w, h: INTEGER; field: Views.View (* textfield used to enter cell content *) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; PropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) (* typeface, style and size *) tab: Control; sprop: Properties.StdProp; tprop: Prop END; FormatOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) (* cell format *) tab: Control; col, width, mode: INTEGER END; TableValue = RECORD (Meta.Value) t: Table END; Context = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) w, h: INTEGER; base: Views.View END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; text*: Dialog.String; (* used to edit cell. Only one cell can be active at once *) dlg*: RECORD layoutEditable*, dataEditable*: BOOLEAN; selectionStyle*: Dialog.List; fingerprint: INTEGER; known, valid: SET END; action: Action; PROCEDURE CountLines (IN s: Dialog.String): INTEGER; VAR i, r, l: INTEGER; BEGIN r := 1; l := LEN(s$); FOR i := 0 TO l - 1 DO IF s[i] = line THEN INC(r) END END; RETURN r END CountLines; (* Prop *) PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; p0: Prop; BEGIN p0 := q(Prop); valid := p.valid * p0.valid; equal := TRUE; IF p.layoutEditable # p0.layoutEditable THEN EXCL(valid, layoutEditable) END; IF p.dataEditable # p0.dataEditable THEN EXCL(valid, dataEditable) END; IF p.selectionStyle # p0.selectionStyle THEN EXCL(valid, selectionStyle) END; IF valid # p.valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END END IntersectWith; (* Table *) PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetSize* (rows, cols: INTEGER), NEW; VAR i, j, fr, fc: INTEGER; labels: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Dialog.String; data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Dialog.String; weights: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF INTEGER; styles: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF SET; colors: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Ports.Color; BEGIN ASSERT((rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0), 20); ASSERT((cols > 0) OR ((cols = 0) & (rows = 0)), 21); tab.rows := rows; tab.cols := cols; IF rows > 0 THEN data := tab.data; NEW(tab.data, rows, cols); weights := tab.weights; NEW(tab.weights, rows, cols); styles := tab.styles; NEW(tab.styles, rows, cols); colors := tab.colors; NEW(tab.colors, rows, cols); IF data # NIL THEN FOR i := 0 TO MIN(rows, LEN(data, 0)) - 1 DO FOR j := 0 TO MIN(cols, LEN(data, 1)) - 1 DO tab.data[i, j] := data[i, j]; tab.weights[i, j] := weights[i, j]; tab.styles[i, j] := styles[i, j]; tab.colors[i, j] := colors[i, j] END END END; (* set defaults *) IF data = NIL THEN fr := 0; fc := 0 ELSE fr := LEN(data, 0); fc := LEN(data, 1) END; FOR i := fr TO LEN(tab.data, 0) - 1 DO FOR j := fc TO LEN(tab.data, 1) - 1 DO tab.weights[i, j] := Fonts.normal; tab.styles[i, j] := {}; tab.colors[i, j] := Ports.black END END ELSE tab.data := NIL END; IF cols > 0 THEN labels := tab.labels; NEW(tab.labels, cols); IF labels # NIL THEN FOR i := 0 TO MIN(cols, LEN(labels)) - 1 DO tab.labels[i] := labels[i] END END ELSE tab.labels := NIL END; IF tab.selection = NIL THEN NEW(tab.selection) ELSE tab.selection.on := FALSE END END SetSize; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetItem* (row, col: INTEGER; (*IN*) item: Dialog.String), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.data # NIL, 20); tab.data[row, col] := item END SetItem; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetItem* (row, col: INTEGER; OUT item: Dialog.String), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.data # NIL, 20); item := tab.data[row, col] END GetItem; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetLabel* (col: INTEGER; (*IN*)label: Dialog.String), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.labels # NIL, 20); tab.labels[col] := label END SetLabel; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetLabel* (col: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.labels # NIL, 20); label := tab.labels[col] END GetLabel; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) HasSelection* (): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN (tab.selection # NIL) & (tab.selection.on) END HasSelection; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetSelection* (OUT row, col: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.selection # NIL, 20); ASSERT(tab.selection.on, 21); row := tab.selection.row; col := tab.selection.col END GetSelection; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Select* (row, col: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.selection # NIL, 20); tab.selection.on := TRUE; tab.selection.row := row; tab.selection.col := col END Select; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Deselect*, NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.selection # NIL, 20); tab.selection.on := FALSE END Deselect; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetAttr* (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color), NEW; VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.data # NIL, 20); FOR i := t TO b DO FOR j := l TO r DO tab.weights[i, j] := weight; tab.styles[i, j] := style; tab.colors[i, j] := color END END END SetAttr; PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetAttr* (row, col: INTEGER; OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER; OUT color: Ports.Color), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(tab.data # NIL, 20); weight := tab.weights[row, col]; style := tab.styles[row, col]; color := tab.colors[row, col] END GetAttr; (* Context *) PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.w; h := c.h END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.base.context.Normalize() END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal); BEGIN c.base.context.Consider(p) END Consider; PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; PROCEDURE NewField(t: Control; col, w, h: INTEGER): Views.View; VAR c: Context; p: Controls.Prop; v: Views.View; prop: Properties.StdProp; setMsg: Properties.SetMsg; BEGIN NEW(p); p.link := "StdTables.text"; IF t.mode[col] = left THEN p.opt[Controls.left] := TRUE ELSIF t.mode[col] = right THEN p.opt[Controls.right] := TRUE END; (* bug in controls, thus adjusting has to be set to left mode *) p.opt[Controls.left] := TRUE; p.opt[Controls.right] := FALSE; v := Controls.dir.NewField(p); NEW(c); c.w := w; c.h := h; c.base := t; v.InitContext(c); NEW(prop); prop.typeface := t.fldFont.typeface; prop.size := t.fldFont.size - Fonts.point; prop.style.val := t.fldFont.style; prop.style.mask := t.fldFont.style; prop.weight := t.fldFont.weight; prop.valid := {Properties.typeface..Properties.weight}; prop.known := prop.valid; setMsg.prop := prop; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, setMsg); RETURN v END NewField; PROCEDURE SendNotifyMsg (c: Control); VAR msg: Views.NotifyMsg; BEGIN msg.id0 := c.item.adr; msg.id1 := msg.id0 + c.item.Size(); msg.opts := {2, 4}; (* update, guardcheck *) Views.Omnicast(msg) END SendNotifyMsg; PROCEDURE GetSize(c: Control; OUT rows, cols: INTEGER); VAR item: Meta.Item; BEGIN IF c.item.Valid() THEN item := c.item; c.item.Lookup("rows", item); rows := item.IntVal(); c.item.Lookup("cols", item); cols := item.IntVal() ELSE rows := 0; cols := 0 END END GetSize; PROCEDURE GetLabel(c: Control; col: INTEGER; OUT val: Dialog.String; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR t: TableValue; BEGIN ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20); c.item.GetVal(t, ok); t.t.GetLabel(col, val) END GetLabel; PROCEDURE GetAttr(c: Control; row, col: INTEGER; OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER; OUT color: Ports.Color; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR t: TableValue; BEGIN ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20); c.item.GetVal(t, ok); t.t.GetAttr(row, col, style, weight, color) END GetAttr; PROCEDURE GetText(c: Control; row, col: INTEGER; OUT val: Dialog.String; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR t: TableValue; BEGIN ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20); c.item.GetVal(t, ok); t.t.GetItem(row, col, val) END GetText; PROCEDURE SetText(c: Control; f: Views.Frame; row, col: INTEGER; IN val: Dialog.String; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR t: TableValue; BEGIN ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20); c.item.GetVal(t, ok); IF ok THEN t.t.SetItem(row, col, val); (* Notify(c, row, col, {}, changed); *) SendNotifyMsg(c); Controls.Notify(c, f, changed, row, col) END END SetText; PROCEDURE GetSelection(c: Control; OUT on: BOOLEAN; OUT row, col: INTEGER; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR t: TableValue; BEGIN ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20); c.item.GetVal(t, ok); IF ok THEN on := t.t.HasSelection(); IF on THEN t.t.GetSelection(row, col) ELSE row := -1; col := -1 END END END GetSelection; PROCEDURE SetSelection(c: Control; f: Views.Frame; on: BOOLEAN; row, col: INTEGER; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR t: TableValue; BEGIN ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20); c.item.GetVal(t, ok); IF ok THEN IF on THEN t.t.Select(row, col); Controls.Notify(c, f, select, row, col) ELSE t.t.Deselect; Controls.Notify(c, f, deselect, row, col) END; SendNotifyMsg(c) END END SetSelection; PROCEDURE SetupControl (t: Control); VAR i, asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN t.fldFont := Fonts.dir.This(t.sprop.typeface, t.sprop.size, t.sprop.style.val, Fonts.normal); t.titFont := Fonts.dir.This(t.sprop.typeface, t.sprop.size, t.sprop.style.val, Fonts.bold); t.rowHeight := 3 * t.sprop.size DIV 2; t.fldFont.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); t.rowHeight := asc + dsc + 4 * Ports.point; t.baseOff := (t.rowHeight - asc - dsc) DIV 2 + asc; i := t.columns; WHILE i < maxCol DO t.width[i] := defColW; t.mode[i] := center; INC(i) END; IF t.field # NIL THEN t.field.context(Context).h := t.rowHeight END; t.labelHeight := t.rowHeight END SetupControl; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewControl* (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* PropOp *) PROCEDURE (op: PropOp) Do; VAR c: Control; sprop: Properties.StdProp; tprop: Prop; BEGIN ASSERT((op.sprop # NIL) OR (op.tprop # NIL), 20); c := op.tab; IF op.sprop # NIL THEN sprop := Properties.CopyOf(c.sprop)(Properties.StdProp); sprop.valid := op.sprop.valid; (* fields to be restored *) IF Properties.typeface IN sprop.valid THEN c.sprop.typeface := op.sprop.typeface END; IF Properties.size IN sprop.valid THEN c.sprop.size := op.sprop.size END; IF Properties.style IN sprop.valid THEN c.sprop.style.mask := c.sprop.style.mask + op.sprop.style.mask; c.sprop.style.val := c.sprop.style.val - op.sprop.style.mask + op.sprop.style.val END; IF sprop.valid # {} THEN SetupControl(c) END; op.sprop := sprop END; IF op.tprop # NIL THEN tprop := Properties.CopyOf(c.tprop)(Prop); tprop.valid := op.tprop.valid; (* fields to be restored *) IF layoutEditable IN tprop.valid THEN c.tprop.layoutEditable := op.tprop.layoutEditable END; IF dataEditable IN tprop.valid THEN c.tprop.dataEditable := op.tprop.dataEditable END; IF selectionStyle IN tprop.valid THEN c.tprop.selectionStyle := op.tprop.selectionStyle END; op.tprop := tprop END; Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames) END Do; (* FormatOp *) PROCEDURE (op: FormatOp) Do; VAR t: Control; c, w, m: INTEGER; BEGIN t := op.tab; c := op.col; w := op.width; m := op.mode; op.width := t.width[c]; op.mode := t.mode[c]; t.width[c] := w; t.mode[c] := m; IF c >= t.columns THEN t.columns := c + 1 END; Views.Update(t, Views.keepFrames) END Do; (* properties *) PROCEDURE PollProp (c: Control; VAR list: Properties.Property); VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN p := Properties.CopyOf(c.sprop); p.valid := {Properties.typeface, Properties.size, Properties.style, Properties.weight}; p.known := p.valid; p.readOnly := {Properties.weight}; Properties.Insert(list, p); p := Properties.CopyOf(c.tprop); p.valid := {layoutEditable, dataEditable, selectionStyle}; p.known := p.valid; p.readOnly := {}; Properties.Insert(list, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetProp (c: Control; p: Properties.Property); VAR op: PropOp; valid: SET; BEGIN op := NIL; WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO valid := p.valid * {Properties.typeface, Properties.size, Properties.style}; IF valid # {} THEN IF op = NIL THEN NEW(op); op.tab := c END; op.sprop := Properties.CopyOf(p)(Properties.StdProp); op.sprop.valid := valid END | p: Prop DO valid := p.valid * {layoutEditable, dataEditable, selectionStyle}; IF valid # {} THEN IF op = NIL THEN NEW(op); op.tab := c END; op.tprop := Properties.CopyOf(p)(Prop); op.tprop.valid := valid END ELSE END; p := p.next END; IF op # NIL THEN Views.Do(c, "#System:SetProp", op) END END SetProp; (* Control *) PROCEDURE DrawBorder (f: Views.Frame; x, y, w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(x, y, x+f.dot, y+h, Ports.fill, Ports.white); f.DrawRect(x+f.dot, y+0, x+2 * f.dot, y+ h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); f.DrawRect(x+0, y+0, x+w, y+f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.white); f.DrawRect(x+f.dot, y+f.dot, x+w, y+2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); f.DrawRect(x+w - f.dot, y+0, x+w, y+h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); f.DrawRect(x+w - 2 * f.dot, y+f.dot, x+w - f.dot, y+h - f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.black); f.DrawRect(x+0, y+h - f.dot, x+w, y+h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); f.DrawRect(x+f.dot, y+h - 2 * f.dot, x+w - f.dot, y+h - f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.black) END DrawBorder; PROCEDURE DrawLabel (f: Views.Frame; x, y, w, x0, y0, w0, h0, mode: INTEGER; VAR is: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font; rowHeight: INTEGER); VAR dx, i, j, si, sw, rw: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String; BEGIN DEC(w, 4 * f.dot); INC(x, 2 * f.dot); j := 0; y := y - rowHeight; WHILE is[j] # 0X DO si := 0; WHILE (is[j] # 0X) & (is[j] # line) DO s[si] := is[j]; INC(si); INC(j) END; IF is[j] = line THEN INC(j) END; s[si] := 0X; y := y + rowHeight; sw := font.StringWidth(s); IF sw > w THEN rw := w - font.StringWidth("..."); IF (rw >= 0) & (LEN(s) >= 4) THEN i := f.CharIndex(0, rw, s, font); IF i > 0 THEN DEC(i) END; IF i > LEN(s) - 4 THEN i := LEN(s) - 4 END; s[i] := "."; s[i+1] := "."; s[i+2] := "."; s[i+3] := 0X; sw := font.StringWidth(s) ELSE sw := 0 END END; IF sw > 0 THEN dx := x; IF mode = center THEN dx := x + (w - sw) DIV 2 ELSIF mode = right THEN dx := x + w - sw END; f.DrawString(dx, y, Ports.black, s, font) END END; DrawBorder(f, x0, y0, w0, h0) END DrawLabel; PROCEDURE DrawField (f: Views.Frame; x, y, w, mode: INTEGER; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color); VAR i, sw, rw: INTEGER; BEGIN DEC(w, 4 * f.dot); INC(x, 2 * f.dot); sw := font.StringWidth(s); IF sw > w THEN rw := w - font.StringWidth("..."); IF (rw >= 0) & (LEN(s) >= 4) THEN i := f.CharIndex(0, rw, s, font); IF i > 0 THEN DEC(i) END; IF i > LEN(s) - 4 THEN i := LEN(s) - 4 END; s[i] := "."; s[i+1] := "."; s[i+2] := "."; s[i+3] := 0X; sw := font.StringWidth(s) ELSE sw := 0 END END; IF sw > 0 THEN IF mode = center THEN INC(x, (w - sw) DIV 2) ELSIF mode = right THEN INC(x, w - sw) END; f.DrawString(x, y, color, s, font) END END DrawField; PROCEDURE GetRect(t: Control; f: Views.Frame; row, col: INTEGER; OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER; OUT visible: BOOLEAN); VAR c: INTEGER; BEGIN c := 0; x := 2 * f.dot - t.orgX; WHILE c < col DO INC(x, t.width[c]); INC(c) END; IF row >= t.orgRow THEN visible := TRUE; IF row = -1 THEN h := t.labelHeight ELSE h := t.rowHeight END; y := (row - t.orgRow) * t.rowHeight + t.labelHeight + 3 * f.dot; w := t.width[col] ELSE visible := FALSE END END GetRect; PROCEDURE DrawSelection (tab: Control; f: Views.Frame; selRow, selCol: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN); VAR c, l, t, r, b, cols, rows: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (selRow >= tab.orgRow) OR (tab.tprop.selectionStyle IN {colSelect, crossSelect}) THEN GetSize(tab, rows, cols); IF (0 <= selRow) & (selRow < rows) & (0 <= selCol) & (selCol < cols) THEN IF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect THEN (* mark selected cell *) l := 2 * f.dot - tab.orgX; c := 0; WHILE c < selCol DO INC(l, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END; r := l + tab.width[selCol]; t := (selRow - tab.orgRow) * tab.rowHeight + tab.labelHeight + 3 * f.dot; b := t + tab.rowHeight; f.MarkRect(l + f.dot, t + f.dot, r - 2 * f.dot, b - 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) ELSIF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = rowSelect THEN (* mark selected row *) l := 2 * f.dot - tab.orgX; r := l; c := 0; WHILE c < cols DO INC(r, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END; t := (selRow - tab.orgRow) * tab.rowHeight + tab.labelHeight + 3 * f.dot; b := t + tab.rowHeight; f.MarkRect(l + f.dot, t + f.dot, r - 2 * f.dot, b - 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) ELSIF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = colSelect THEN (* mark selected column *) l := 2 * f.dot - tab.orgX; c := 0; WHILE c < selCol DO INC(l, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END; r := l + tab.width[selCol]; t := tab.labelHeight + 3 * f.dot; b := t + tab.rowHeight * (rows - tab.orgRow); f.MarkRect(l + f.dot, t + f.dot, r - 2 * f.dot, b - 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) ELSIF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = crossSelect THEN (* mark both the row and column *) IF selRow >= tab.orgRow THEN l := 2 * f.dot - tab.orgX; r := l; c := 0; t := (selRow - tab.orgRow) * tab.rowHeight + tab.labelHeight + 3 * f.dot; b := t + tab.rowHeight; IF selCol > 0 THEN WHILE c < selCol DO INC(r, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END; f.MarkRect(l + f.dot, t + f.dot, r - 2 * f.dot, b - 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) END; IF selCol + 1 < cols THEN r := r + tab.width[selCol]; l := r; c := selCol + 1; WHILE c < cols DO INC(r, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END; f.MarkRect(l + f.dot, t + f.dot, r - 2 * f.dot, b - 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) END END; l := 2 * f.dot - tab.orgX; c := 0; WHILE c < selCol DO INC(l, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END; r := l + tab.width[selCol]; t := tab.labelHeight + 3 * f.dot; b := t + tab.rowHeight * (rows - tab.orgRow); f.MarkRect(l + f.dot, t + f.dot, r - 2 * f.dot, b - 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) END END END END DrawSelection; PROCEDURE Select (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; on: BOOLEAN); VAR ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF on # c.hasSelection THEN c.hasSelection := on; c.showSelection := on; SetSelection(c, f, on, c.selRow, c.selCol, ok) END END Select; PROCEDURE ViewFromSelection (t: Control): Views.View; VAR str: Dialog.String; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF t.hasSelection & t.showSelection THEN GetText(t, t.selRow, t.selCol, str, ok); IF ok THEN RETURN TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.NewFromString(str)) ELSE RETURN NIL END ELSE RETURN NIL END END ViewFromSelection; PROCEDURE GetControlSize (t: Control; dot: INTEGER; OUT w, h: LONGINT); VAR r, c, i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~t.disabled & t.item.Valid() THEN w := 0; h := 0; GetSize(t, r, c); i := 0; WHILE (i < c) & (i < maxCol) DO INC(w, t.width[i]); INC(i) END; INC(w, 3 * dot); h := LONG(r - t.orgRow) * t.rowHeight + t.labelHeight ELSE w := Views.undefined; h := Views.undefined END END GetControlSize; PROCEDURE CheckPos (t: Control; x, y, dot: INTEGER; VAR col, type, p: INTEGER); VAR c, a: INTEGER; w, h: LONGINT; BEGIN GetControlSize(t, dot, w, h); INC(x, t.orgX); IF (x >= 0) & (x <= w) & (y >= 0) & (y <= h) THEN c := 0; w := 0; type := 0; INC(x, dot); WHILE (c < maxCol) & (x >= w + t.width[c]) DO INC(w, t.width[c]); INC(c) END; IF (x <= w + 3 * dot) & (c > 0) THEN col := c - 1; p := SHORT(w) + dot - t.orgX; type := move ELSIF y - dot < t.labelHeight THEN type := adjust; col := c; a := t.width[c] DIV 3; IF x < w + a THEN p := left ELSIF x > w + a * 2 THEN p := right ELSE p := center END ELSE col := c; p := (y - t.labelHeight - dot) DIV t.rowHeight + t.orgRow - 1 + 1; type := field END ELSE type := 0 END END CheckPos; PROCEDURE MoveLine (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; col, x0: INTEGER); VAR w, h, x, y, x1, limit: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; op: FormatOp; BEGIN t.context.GetSize(w, h); x := x0; limit := x0 - t.width[col] + 2 * f.dot; REPEAT f.Input(x1, y, m, isDown); IF x1 < limit THEN x1 := limit END; IF x1 # x THEN f.MarkRect(x, 0, x + f.dot, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, FALSE); x := x1; f.MarkRect(x, 0, x + f.dot, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, TRUE) END UNTIL ~isDown; NEW(op); op.tab := t; op.col := col; op.width := t.width[col] + x - x0; op.mode := t.mode[col]; Views.Do(t, "#System:SetLayout", op) END MoveLine; PROCEDURE ChangeAdjust (t: Control; col, mode: INTEGER); VAR op: FormatOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.tab := t; op.col := col; op.width := t.width[col]; op.mode := mode; Views.Do(t, "#System:SetLayout", op) END ChangeAdjust; PROCEDURE ControlSections (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; vertical: BOOLEAN; OUT size, part, pos: INTEGER); VAR r, c, w, max: INTEGER; BEGIN size := 0; part := 0; pos := 0; GetSize(t, r, c); IF vertical THEN size := r; part := (f.b - (f.t + t.labelHeight + 3*f.dot)) DIV t.rowHeight; pos := t.orgRow ELSE w := 0; max := MIN(c, maxCol); c := 0; WHILE (c < max) DO INC(w, t.width[c]); INC(c) END; size := w + 3 * f.dot; part := f.r - f.l; pos := t.orgX END END ControlSections; PROCEDURE ScrollControl (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; op, pos: INTEGER; vertical: BOOLEAN); VAR size, part, p, delta, l, t0, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN IF vertical THEN ControlSections(t, f, TRUE, size, part, p); delta := part - 1; IF delta < 1 THEN delta := 1 END; CASE op OF | Controllers.decLine: DEC(p) | Controllers.incLine: INC(p) | Controllers.decPage: DEC(p, delta) | Controllers.incPage: INC(p, delta) | Controllers.gotoPos: p := pos END; IF p > size - part THEN p := size - part END; IF p < 0 THEN p := 0 END; delta := (f.gy + t.labelHeight + 3 * f.dot) DIV f.unit; f.rider.GetRect(l, t0, r, b); IF b > delta THEN IF t0 < delta THEN f.rider.SetRect(l, delta, r, b) END; Views.Scroll(t, 0, (t.orgRow - p) * t.rowHeight); IF f.rider # NIL THEN f.rider.SetRect(l, t0, r, b) END END; t.orgRow := p ELSE ControlSections(t, f, FALSE, size, part, p); delta := part - defColW; IF delta < defColW THEN delta := defColW END; CASE op OF | Controllers.decLine: DEC(p, defColW) | Controllers.incLine: INC(p, defColW) | Controllers.decPage: DEC(p, delta) | Controllers.incPage: INC(p, delta) | Controllers.gotoPos: p := pos END; IF p >= size - part THEN p := size - part END; IF p < 0 THEN p := 0 END; Views.Scroll(t, t.orgX - p, 0); t.orgX := p END END ScrollControl; PROCEDURE HandleChar (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR); BEGIN CASE ch OF | 10X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decPage, 0, FALSE) | 11X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incPage, 0, FALSE) | 12X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decPage, 0, TRUE) | 13X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incPage, 0, TRUE) | 14X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, 0, FALSE) | 15X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, MAX(INTEGER), FALSE) | 16X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, 0, TRUE) | 17X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, MAX(INTEGER), TRUE) | 1CX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decLine, 0, FALSE) | 1DX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incLine, 0, FALSE) | 1EX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decLine, 0, TRUE) | 1FX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incLine, 0, TRUE) | 07X, 08X, 1BX: Select(t, f, FALSE) (* rdel, del, esc *) ELSE END END HandleChar; PROCEDURE (t: Control) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion, i: INTEGER; lockedLayout, lockedData, markRow, markCol: BOOLEAN; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, tabVersion, thisVersion); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN IF thisVersion = tabVersion THEN (* current table version *) NEW(t.tprop); rd.ReadBool(t.tprop.layoutEditable); rd.ReadBool(t.tprop.dataEditable); rd.ReadInt(t.tprop.selectionStyle) ELSIF thisVersion = 1 THEN (* intermediate Table version (after 1.4 Beta, before 1.4 final) *) rd.ReadBool(lockedLayout); rd.ReadBool(lockedData); rd.ReadBool(markRow); rd.ReadBool(markCol); NEW(t.tprop); t.tprop.layoutEditable := ~lockedLayout; t.tprop.dataEditable := ~lockedData; IF markRow THEN IF markCol THEN t.tprop.selectionStyle := noSelect ELSE t.tprop.selectionStyle := rowSelect END ELSE IF markCol THEN t.tprop.selectionStyle := colSelect ELSE t.tprop.selectionStyle := cellSelect END END ELSE (* old version, 1.4 Beta *) t.tprop.layoutEditable := TRUE; t.tprop.dataEditable := TRUE; t.tprop.selectionStyle := cellSelect END; NEW(t.sprop); rd.ReadString(t.sprop.typeface); rd.ReadInt(t.sprop.size); rd.ReadSet(t.sprop.style.val); t.sprop.style.mask := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout}; t.sprop.weight := Fonts.normal; rd.ReadInt(t.columns); i := 0; WHILE i < t.columns DO rd.ReadInt(t.width[i]); rd.ReadInt(t.mode[i]); INC(i) END; SetupControl(t) END END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (t: Control) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(tabVersion); wr.WriteBool(t.tprop.layoutEditable); wr.WriteBool(t.tprop.dataEditable); wr.WriteInt(t.tprop.selectionStyle); wr.WriteString(t.sprop.typeface); wr.WriteInt(t.sprop.size); wr.WriteSet(t.sprop.style.val); wr.WriteInt(t.columns); i := 0; WHILE i < t.columns DO wr.WriteInt(t.width[i]); wr.WriteInt(t.mode[i]); INC(i) END END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (t: Control) CopyFromSimpleView2 (source: Controls.Control); BEGIN WITH source: Control DO t.sprop := Properties.CopyOf(source.sprop)(Properties.StdProp); t.tprop := Properties.CopyOf(source.tprop)(Prop); t.columns := source.columns; t.width := source.width; t.mode := source.mode; SetupControl(t) END END CopyFromSimpleView2; PROCEDURE (t: Control) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := Ports.background END GetBackground; PROCEDURE Paint (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR width, w, h, rows, cols, row, col, x, y, rowHeight, dl, weight: INTEGER; font: Fonts.Font; str: Dialog.String; ok: BOOLEAN;style: SET; color: Ports.Color; BEGIN c.context.GetSize(w, h); IF ~c.disabled & c.item.Valid() THEN GetSize(c, rows, cols); DEC(c.rowHeight, c.rowHeight MOD f.unit); row := -1; y := 2 * f.dot; font := c.titFont; WHILE (row < rows) & (y < b) DO IF row = - 1 THEN rowHeight := 1; FOR col := 0 TO cols - 1 DO GetLabel(c, col, str, ok); dl := CountLines(str); IF dl > rowHeight THEN rowHeight := dl END END; rowHeight := rowHeight * c.rowHeight; c.labelHeight := rowHeight ELSE rowHeight := c.rowHeight END; IF ~Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) OR (y + rowHeight < b) THEN col := 0; x := 2 * f.dot - c.orgX; WHILE (col < cols) & (col < maxCol) & (x < r) DO width := c.width[col]; IF x + width >= 0 THEN f.DrawRect(x - f.dot, y, x, y + rowHeight, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* left vertical separation line *) IF ~Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) OR (x + width < r) THEN IF row = -1 THEN GetLabel(c, col, str, ok); f.DrawRect(x, y, x + width - f.dot, y + rowHeight - f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); (* background *) DrawLabel(f, x, y + c.baseOff, width - f.dot, x, y, width, rowHeight, c.mode[col], str, font, c.rowHeight) ELSE GetText(c, row, col, str, ok); GetAttr(c, row, col, style, weight, color, ok); f.DrawRect(x, y, x + width - f.dot, y + rowHeight - f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.white); (* background *) DrawField(f, x, y + c.baseOff, width - f.dot, c.mode[col], str, Fonts.dir.This(font.typeface, font.size, style, weight), color) END END END; INC(col); INC(x, width) END; f.DrawRect(x - f.dot, y, x, y + rowHeight, Ports.fill, Ports.black); (* right vertical separator line *) IF Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) & (x >= r) THEN DEC(x, width) END; IF row = -1 THEN row := c.orgRow; font := c.fldFont; INC(y, f.dot) ELSE INC(row) END END; INC(y, rowHeight); f.DrawRect(f.dot - c.orgX, y - f.dot, x, y, Ports.fill, Ports.black) (* bottom line *) END; IF f.dot - c.orgX < x THEN f.DrawRect(f.dot - c.orgX, f.dot, x, 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.black); f.DrawRect(f.dot - c.orgX, c.labelHeight + f.dot, x, c.labelHeight + 2 * f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.black) END ELSE f.DrawRect(f.dot, f.dot, w - f.dot, h - f.dot, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, f.dot, Ports.black) END END Paint; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR visible: BOOLEAN; g: Views.Frame; BEGIN Paint(c, f, l, t, r, b); IF c.field # NIL THEN GetRect(c, f, c.selRow, c.selCol, c.x, c.y, c.w, c.h, visible); IF visible THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, c.field, c.x, c.y, 0, TRUE) ELSE g := Views.ThisFrame(f, c.field); IF g # NIL THEN Views.RemoveFrame(f, g) END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN Views.Update(c, Views.keepFrames) END Update; PROCEDURE (c: Control) RestoreMarks (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR row, col: INTEGER; ok, on: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF c.item.Valid() THEN GetSelection(c, on, row, col, ok); IF ok THEN c.hasSelection := on; IF on THEN c.selRow := row; c.selCol := col; c.showSelection := c.field = NIL; IF c.showSelection THEN DrawSelection(c, f, c.selRow, c.selCol, TRUE) END END END END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE AddEditField (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; row, col: INTEGER); VAR g: Views.Frame; mMsg: Controllers.MarkMsg; ok, visible: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetRect(t, f, row, col, t.x, t.y, t.w, t.h, visible); IF visible THEN GetText(t, row, col, text, ok); t.field := NewField(t, col, t.w, t.h); Stores.Join(t, t.field); Views.InstallFrame(f, t.field, t.x, t.y, 0, TRUE); mMsg.show := TRUE; mMsg.focus := TRUE; g := Views.ThisFrame(f, t.field); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg) END END END AddEditField; PROCEDURE DisableEditField (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; update: BOOLEAN); VAR g: Views.Frame; mMsg: Controllers.MarkMsg; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF t.field # NIL THEN mMsg.show := FALSE; mMsg.focus := FALSE; g := Views.ThisFrame(f, t.field); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg); Views.RemoveFrame(f, g) END; t.field := NIL; IF update THEN SetText(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol, text, ok) END; t.showSelection := TRUE END END DisableEditField; PROCEDURE MoveEditField (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; right: BOOLEAN); VAR rows, cols: INTEGER; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN DisableEditField(t, f, TRUE); GetSize(t, rows, cols); Select(t, f, FALSE); IF right THEN t.selCol := (t.selCol + 1) MOD cols; IF t.selCol = 0 THEN t.selRow := (t.selRow + 1) MOD rows END ELSE t.selCol := (t.selCol - 1) MOD cols; IF t.selCol = cols - 1 THEN t.selRow := (t.selRow - 1) MOD rows END END; t.hasSelection := TRUE; t.showSelection := FALSE; SetSelection(t, f, TRUE, t.selRow, t.selCol, ok); AddEditField(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol) END MoveEditField; PROCEDURE TrackMouse (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; VAR r, c, type: INTEGER); VAR x, y, selr, selc: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown, sel: BOOLEAN; BEGIN selr := t.selRow; selc := t.selCol; sel := t.hasSelection; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); CheckPos(t, x, y, f.dot, c, type, r); IF sel & ((type # field) OR (selr # r) OR (selc # c)) THEN DrawSelection(t, f, selr, selc, FALSE) END; IF (type = field) & (~sel OR (selr # r) OR (selc # c)) THEN DrawSelection(t, f, r, c, TRUE) END; sel := type = field; selr := r; selc := c UNTIL ~isDown; IF ~sel & t.hasSelection THEN DrawSelection(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol, TRUE) END END TrackMouse; PROCEDURE (t: Control) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR p, col, type: INTEGER; x, y: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; ok, rebuild: BOOLEAN; c, w, size, part, pos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~t.disabled & t.item.Valid() THEN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO IF t.field # NIL THEN focus := t.field ELSIF t.hasSelection THEN msg.valid := {Controllers.copy} END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO IF (t.field # NIL) & (msg.x >= t.x) & (msg.x <= t.x + t.w) & (msg.y >= t.y) & (msg.y <= t.y + t.h) THEN focus := t.field ELSE CheckPos(t, msg.x, msg.y, f.dot, col, type, p); IF (type = move) & t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor (* HostPorts.resizeHCursor TODO *) ELSIF (type = adjust) & t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor ELSIF ~t.readOnly & (type = field) THEN msg.cursor := Ports.tableCursor END END | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO IF t.field # NIL THEN DisableEditField(t, f, TRUE); Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames) END | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF t.field # NIL THEN focus := t.field ELSIF ~msg.set THEN Select(t, f, FALSE) END | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF t.field # NIL THEN IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN DisableEditField(t, f, msg.char # esc); Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames) ELSIF (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab) THEN MoveEditField(t, f, msg.char = tab); Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames) ELSE focus := t.field END ELSE focus := t.field END ELSE IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = lineChar) & (t.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect) & t.hasSelection THEN t.showSelection := FALSE; SetSelection(t, f, TRUE, t.selRow, t.selCol, ok); AddEditField(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol); Views.Update(t, Views.keepFrames) ELSIF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN HandleChar(t, f, msg.char) ELSIF msg.op = Controllers.copy THEN msg.view := ViewFromSelection(t); msg.w := 0; msg.h := 0; msg.isSingle := FALSE END END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF (t.field # NIL) & (msg.x >= t.x) & (msg.x <= t.x + t.w) & (msg.y >= t.y) & (msg.y <= t.y + t.h) THEN focus := t.field ELSE rebuild := t.field # NIL; DisableEditField(t, f, TRUE); (* update below after notifications *) CheckPos(t, msg.x, msg.y, f.dot, col, type, p); IF type = move THEN IF t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN MoveLine(t, f, col, p) END ELSIF type = adjust THEN IF t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN ChangeAdjust(t, col, p); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown END ELSIF ~t.readOnly & (type = field) THEN TrackMouse(t, f, p, col, type); IF type = field THEN IF ~t.readOnly & t.tprop.dataEditable & ((Controllers.doubleClick IN msg.modifiers) OR (t.tprop.selectionStyle = noSelect)) THEN Select(t, f, FALSE); t.selRow := p; t.selCol := col; t.hasSelection := TRUE; t.showSelection := FALSE; SetSelection(t, f, TRUE, t.selRow, t.selCol, ok); AddEditField(t, f, p, col); Views.Update(t, Views.keepFrames) ELSE IF (t.selRow # p) OR (t.selCol # col) OR ~t.hasSelection THEN Select(t, f, FALSE); t.selRow := p; t.selCol := col; Select(t, f, TRUE) ELSIF t.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect THEN Select(t, f, FALSE) END END END END; IF rebuild THEN Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames) END END | msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO ControlSections(t, f, msg.vertical, msg.wholeSize, msg.partSize, msg.partPos); IF (msg.partPos > 0) & (msg.partPos > msg.wholeSize - msg.partSize) THEN ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, msg.wholeSize - msg.partSize, msg.vertical); ControlSections(t, f, msg.vertical, msg.wholeSize, msg.partSize, msg.partPos) END; msg.valid := msg.partSize < msg.wholeSize; msg.done := TRUE | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO ScrollControl(t, f, msg.op, msg.pos, msg.vertical); msg.done := TRUE | msg: Controllers.PageMsg DO IF msg.op IN {Controllers.nextPageY, Controllers.gotoPageY} THEN (* vertical *) ControlSections(t, f, TRUE, size, part, pos); IF msg.op = Controllers.nextPageY THEN t.orgRow := pos + part ELSE t.orgRow := msg.pageY * part END; msg.done := TRUE; msg.eoy :=t.orgRow >= size ELSE (* horizontal *) ControlSections(t, f, FALSE, size, part, pos); IF msg.op = Controllers.nextPageX THEN t.orgX := pos + part ELSE t.orgX := msg.pageX * part END; IF (t.orgX > 0) & (t.orgX < size) THEN c := 0; w := 0; WHILE w < t.orgX DO INC(w, t.width[c]); INC(c) END; t.orgX := w - t.width[c-1] + 1*f.dot END; msg.done := TRUE; msg.eox :=t.orgX >= size END ELSE END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (t: Control) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR w, h: LONGINT; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~t.disabled THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) & (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN GetControlSize(t, Ports.point, w, h); msg.w := SHORT(MIN(w, MAX(INTEGER))); msg.h := SHORT(MIN(h, MAX(INTEGER))) END; IF msg.w = Views.undefined THEN msg.w := 80 * Ports.mm END; IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN msg.h := 30 * Ports.mm END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Controls.PropPref DO msg.valid := {Controls.link, Controls.label, Controls.guard, Controls.notifier} | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO PollProp(t, msg.prop) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(t, msg.prop) | msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (t.field # NIL) & ((msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) OR (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab)) OR (t.field = NIL) & (t.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect) & t.hasSelection & (msg.char = lineChar) THEN msg.accepts := TRUE END ELSE IF t.field # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(t.field, msg) END END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: Control) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR item: Meta.Item; mod: Meta.Name; name: Meta.Name; BEGIN item := c.item; IF (item.typ = Meta.recTyp) THEN item.GetTypeName(mod, name); IF (mod = "StdTables") & (name = "Table") THEN ok := TRUE ELSE ok := FALSE END ELSE ok := FALSE END END CheckLink; (* Property Dialog *) PROCEDURE PollPropForDlg; VAR q: Properties.Property; p: Prop; BEGIN dlg.layoutEditable := TRUE; dlg.dataEditable := TRUE; dlg.selectionStyle.index := cellSelect; dlg.known := {}; dlg.valid := {}; Properties.CollectProp(q); WHILE (q # NIL) & ~(q IS Prop) DO q := q.next END; IF q # NIL THEN p := q(Prop); dlg.known := p.known; dlg.valid := p.valid; IF layoutEditable IN p.valid THEN dlg.layoutEditable := p.layoutEditable END; IF dataEditable IN p.valid THEN dlg.dataEditable := p.dataEditable END; IF selectionStyle IN p.valid THEN dlg.selectionStyle.index := p.selectionStyle END END; Dialog.Update(dlg) END PollPropForDlg; PROCEDURE SetPropFromDlg; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.known := dlg.known; p.valid := dlg.valid; p.layoutEditable := dlg.layoutEditable; p.dataEditable := dlg.dataEditable; p.selectionStyle := dlg.selectionStyle.index; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END SetPropFromDlg; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); c := Containers.Focus(); fp := 0; IF c # NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.selection, v); WHILE v # NIL DO fp := fp + Services.AdrOf(v); c.GetNextView(Containers.selection, v) END END; IF fp # dlg.fingerprint THEN PollPropForDlg; dlg.fingerprint := fp END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); Services.DoLater(a, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2) END Do; PROCEDURE InitDialog*; BEGIN IF action = NIL THEN NEW(action); Services.DoLater(action, Services.now) END; Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); PollPropForDlg; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END InitDialog; PROCEDURE Set*; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); SetPropFromDlg; PollPropForDlg; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END Set; PROCEDURE Guard* (idx: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~(idx IN dlg.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(idx IN dlg.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END END Guard; PROCEDURE Notifier* (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN INCL(dlg.valid, idx) END END Notifier; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE InitStdProp (OUT p: Properties.StdProp); VAR f: Fonts.Font; BEGIN NEW(p); f := Fonts.dir.Default(); p.typeface := f.typeface; p.size := f.size; p.style.val := f.style; p.style.mask := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout}; p.weight := Fonts.normal END InitStdProp; PROCEDURE InitTableProp (OUT p: Prop); BEGIN NEW(p); p.layoutEditable := TRUE; p.dataEditable := TRUE; p.selectionStyle := cellSelect END InitTableProp; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewControl (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View; VAR c: Control; BEGIN NEW(c); Controls.OpenLink(c, p); InitStdProp(c.sprop); InitTableProp(c.tprop); SetupControl(c); RETURN c END NewControl; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE DepositControl*; VAR p: Controls.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.link := ""; p.label := ""; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[Controls.sorted] := FALSE; Views.Deposit(dir.NewControl(p)) END DepositControl; PROCEDURE SetupSelectionStyleList (VAR l: Dialog.List); BEGIN l.SetLen(5); l.SetItem(noSelect, "#Std:No Selection"); l.SetItem(cellSelect, "#Std:Select Cell"); l.SetItem(rowSelect, "#Std:Select Row"); l.SetItem(colSelect, "#Std:Select Column"); l.SetItem(crossSelect, "#Std:Select Row & Column") END SetupSelectionStyleList; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); stdDir := d; dir := d; SetupSelectionStyleList(dlg.selectionStyle) END Init; BEGIN Init CLOSE Services.RemoveAction(action) END StdTables.
MODULE StdTabViews; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20150114, center #93, Opening a Form with a Tab View - 20160118, center #79, bug fixes in StdTabViews " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Dialog, FormViews, StdCFrames, Stores, Views, Controllers, Ports, Properties, Containers, Services, Models, Fonts, Meta, StdApi; CONST minVersion = 1; maxVersion = 1; noTab* = -1; TYPE Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; TabInfo = RECORD label: Dialog.String; view: Views.View END; Tabs = POINTER TO ARRAY OF TabInfo; View* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Views.View) dispX, dispY, dispW, dispH: INTEGER; deposited: BOOLEAN; tabs: Tabs; font: Fonts.Font; index, nofTabs, scriptLevel: INTEGER; notifier: Dialog.String; ba: BalanceAction; tc: TrapCleaner END; TabContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context) w, h: INTEGER END; Frame* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (StdCFrames.Frame) END; FrameDirectory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; FocusMsg = RECORD (Controllers.Message) view: View END; SetItemOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) tv: View; label: Dialog.String; v: Views.View; i, oldLen: INTEGER; set: BOOLEAN END; DeleteOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) tv: View; label: Dialog.String; v: Views.View; i: INTEGER; set: BOOLEAN END; FontOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: View; font: Fonts.Font END; SetNotifierOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) notifier: Dialog.String; v: View END; NotifyProc = RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: PROCEDURE (tv: View; from, to: INTEGER) END; BalanceAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) v: View END; TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner) v: View END; NotifierProc* = PROCEDURE (tv: View; from, to: INTEGER); VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; d: StdDirectory; setFocus*: BOOLEAN; frameDir-, frameStdDir-: FrameDirectory; dlg*: RECORD name*, notifier*: Dialog.String; opt*, index: INTEGER; tab, ntab: View END; nv: View; oldModeHook: PROCEDURE(c: Containers.Controller); PROCEDURE^ (tv: View) SetIndex* (i : INTEGER), NEW; (* Auxiliary procedures *) PROCEDURE LayoutMode(view: Views.View); VAR c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN WITH view: Containers.View DO c := view.ThisController(); (* set view in layout mode *) c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret} + {Containers.noFocus} ) ELSE END END LayoutMode; PROCEDURE MaskMode(view: Views.View); VAR c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN WITH view: Containers.View DO c := view.ThisController(); (* set view in mask mode *) c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret}) ELSE END END MaskMode; PROCEDURE ExecNotifier (from, to, nop: INTEGER); VAR i: Meta.Item; p: NotifyProc; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(nv # NIL, 20); Meta.LookupPath(nv.notifier, i); IF i.obj # Meta.undef THEN i.GetVal(p, ok); IF ok THEN p.p(nv, from, to) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType", nv.notifier, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg(nv.notifier + ' is not a valid notifier for StdTabViews.View') END END ExecNotifier; PROCEDURE CallNotifier (tv: View; from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF tv.notifier # "" THEN nv := tv; Kernel.Try(ExecNotifier, from, to, 0); nv := NIL END END CallNotifier; (* Frame *) PROCEDURE (f: Frame) InDispArea* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) GetDispSize* (OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SetIndex* (i: INTEGER), NEW; VAR from: INTEGER; tv: View; BEGIN tv := f.view(View); from := tv.index; tv.Neutralize; (* avoids blocking controls in nested forms, in particular list boxes *) tv.SetIndex(i); CallNotifier(tv, from, i) END SetIndex; (** FrameDirectory **) PROCEDURE (d: FrameDirectory) GetTabSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: FrameDirectory) New* (): Frame, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE SetFrameDir* (d: FrameDirectory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); frameDir := d; IF frameStdDir = NIL THEN frameStdDir := d END END SetFrameDir; (* View *) PROCEDURE (tv: View) Update (), NEW; BEGIN IF tv.scriptLevel = 0 THEN Views.Update(tv, Views.rebuildFrames) END END Update; PROCEDURE (tv: View) Reset (), NEW; BEGIN tv.scriptLevel := 0; IF tv.tc # NIL THEN Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(tv.tc); tv.tc := NIL END; IF tv.ba # NIL THEN Services.RemoveAction(tv.ba); tv.ba := NIL END; tv.Update END Reset; PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetNofTabs* (nofTabs: INTEGER), NEW; VAR i: INTEGER; nt: Tabs; BEGIN ASSERT(nofTabs >= 0, 20); IF nofTabs = 0 THEN tv.nofTabs := 0; tv.tabs := NIL; tv.index := 0 ELSE NEW(nt, nofTabs); IF tv.tabs # NIL THEN FOR i := 0 TO MIN(nofTabs, tv.nofTabs) - 1 DO nt[i].label := tv.tabs[i].label; nt[i].view := tv.tabs[i].view END END; tv.tabs := nt; tv.nofTabs := nofTabs; tv.index := MIN(tv.index, tv.nofTabs - 1) END; tv.Update END SetNofTabs; PROCEDURE (tv: View) NofTabs* (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN IF tv.tabs = NIL THEN RETURN 0 END; RETURN MAX(0, tv.nofTabs) END NofTabs; PROCEDURE (tv: View) Index* (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN MAX(0, MIN(tv.index, tv.NofTabs() - 1)) END Index; PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetItem* (i: INTEGER; IN label: Dialog.String; v: Views.View), NEW; VAR sop: SetItemOp; BEGIN ASSERT(i >= 0, 20); ASSERT(label # "", 21); ASSERT(v # NIL, 22); NEW(sop); sop.tv := tv; sop.i := i; sop.v := v; sop.label := label; sop.set := TRUE; Views.Do(tv, "#Std:TabSetItem", sop) END SetItem; PROCEDURE (tv: View) GetItem* (i: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String; OUT v: Views.View), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT((i >= 0) & (i < tv.NofTabs()), 21); label := tv.tabs[i].label; v := tv.tabs[i].view END GetItem; PROCEDURE (tv: View) View (i: INTEGER): Views.View, NEW; BEGIN ASSERT((i >= 0) & (i < tv.NofTabs()), 20); RETURN tv.tabs[i].view END View; PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetIndex* (i : INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT((i >= 0) & (i < tv.NofTabs()), 20); tv.index := i; tv.Update END SetIndex; PROCEDURE (tv: View) SetNotifier* (IN notifier: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; VAR o: SetNotifierOp; BEGIN NEW(o); o.v := tv; o.notifier := notifier$; Views.Do(tv, "Set Notifier", o) END SetNotifier; PROCEDURE (tv: View) GetNotifier* (OUT notifier: Dialog.String), NEW; BEGIN notifier := tv.notifier END GetNotifier; PROCEDURE (tv: View) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR l: Dialog.String; i: INTEGER; v: Views.View; BEGIN tv.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteInt(tv.NofTabs()); wr.WriteInt(tv.Index()); wr.WriteString(tv.notifier); FOR i := 0 TO tv.NofTabs() - 1 DO tv.GetItem(i, l, v); wr.WriteString(l); Views.WriteView(wr, v) END; wr.WriteString(tv.font.typeface$); wr.WriteInt(tv.font.size); wr.WriteSet(tv.font.style); wr.WriteInt(tv.font.weight) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (tv: View) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion, i, size, weight: INTEGER; l: Dialog.String; v: Views.View; face: Fonts.Typeface; style: SET; BEGIN ASSERT(frameStdDir # NIL, 20); tv.Internalize^(rd); rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, thisVersion); IF (thisVersion >= minVersion) & (thisVersion <= maxVersion) THEN rd.ReadInt(i); tv.SetNofTabs(i); rd.ReadInt(tv.index); rd.ReadString(tv.notifier); FOR i := 0 TO tv.NofTabs() -1 DO rd.ReadString(l); Views.ReadView(rd, v); tv.SetItem(i, l, v) END; rd.ReadString(face); rd.ReadInt(size); rd.ReadSet(style); rd.ReadInt(weight); tv.font := Fonts.dir.This(face, size, style, weight); CallNotifier(tv, noTab, tv.index) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (tv: View) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); VAR l: Dialog.String; v: Views.View; i: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH source: View DO tv.notifier := source.notifier; tv.SetNofTabs(source.NofTabs()); FOR i := 0 TO tv.NofTabs() - 1 DO source.GetItem(i, l, v); v := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep); tv.SetItem(i, l, v) END; tv.font := Fonts.dir.This(source.font.typeface, source.font.size, source.font.style, source.font.weight); tv.SetIndex(source.Index()) END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (tv: View) GetNewFrame* (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: Frame; BEGIN f := frameDir.New(); f.font := tv.font; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (tv: View) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR v: Views.View; label: Dialog.String; BEGIN WITH f: Frame DO IF (~f.InDispArea(l,t) OR ~f.InDispArea(r,b)) THEN (* redraw is not completely within the display area so the control itself also needs to be restored *) f.UpdateList(); f.Restore(l , t , r, b) END; f.GetDispSize(tv.dispX, tv.dispY, tv.dispW, tv.dispH); IF tv.NofTabs() > 0 THEN tv.GetItem(tv.Index(), label, v); Dialog.MapString(label, label); IF (label # "") & (v # NIL) & (Views.ThisFrame(f, v) = NIL) THEN v.context.SetSize(tv.dispW, tv.dispH); Views.InstallFrame(f, v, tv.dispX, tv.dispY, 0, TRUE) END END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (tv: View) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR sp: Properties.SizeProp; BEGIN WITH f: Frame DO WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF (tv.NofTabs() > 0) & (f.InDispArea(msg.x, msg.y)) THEN focus := tv.View(tv.Index()) ELSE f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) END | msg: FocusMsg DO msg.view := tv | msg: Properties.PollPickMsg DO msg.dest := f; IF (tv.NofTabs() > 0) & (f.InDispArea(msg.x, msg.y)) THEN focus := tv.View(tv.Index()) END | msg: Properties.PickMsg DO NEW(sp); sp.known := {Properties.width, Properties.height}; sp.valid := sp.known; tv.context.GetSize(sp.width, sp.height); Properties.Insert(msg.prop, sp); IF (tv.NofTabs() > 0) & (f.InDispArea(msg.x, msg.y)) THEN focus := tv.View(tv.Index()) END |msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO IF (tv.NofTabs() > 0) & (f.InDispArea(msg.x, msg.y)) THEN focus := tv.View(tv.Index()) ELSE f.GetCursor(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, msg.cursor) END ELSE IF tv.NofTabs() > 0 THEN focus := tv.View(tv.Index()) ELSE WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.pasteChar} | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO f.Mark(msg.show, msg.focus) ELSE END END END END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE BeginChanges* (tv: View); BEGIN ASSERT(tv.scriptLevel >= 0, 20); IF tv.tc = NIL THEN NEW(tv.tc); tv.tc.v := tv; Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(tv.tc) END; IF tv.ba = NIL THEN NEW(tv.ba); tv.ba.v := tv; Services.DoLater(tv.ba, Services.now) END; INC(tv.scriptLevel) END BeginChanges; PROCEDURE EndChanges* (tv: View); BEGIN ASSERT(tv.scriptLevel > 0, 20); DEC(tv.scriptLevel); IF tv.scriptLevel = 0 THEN tv.Reset END END EndChanges; PROCEDURE ModeHook(c: Containers.Controller); VAR v, w: Views.View; i: INTEGER; label: Dialog.String; BEGIN IF oldModeHook # NIL THEN oldModeHook(c) END; c.GetFirstView(FALSE, v); WHILE v # NIL DO WITH v: View DO FOR i := 0 TO v.NofTabs() - 1 DO v.GetItem(i, label, w); WITH w: Containers.View DO w.ThisController().SetOpts(c.opts); StdApi.modeHook(w.ThisController()) ELSE END END ELSE END; c.GetNextView(FALSE, v) END END ModeHook; (* TrapCleaner *) PROCEDURE (t: TrapCleaner) Cleanup; BEGIN t.v.tc := NIL; t.v.Reset END Cleanup; (* Actions and Operations *) PROCEDURE (a: BalanceAction) Do-; BEGIN a.v.Reset(); HALT(100) (* Unbalanced call to BeginChanges/EndChanges *) END Do; PROCEDURE (o: SetNotifierOp) Do; VAR old: Dialog.String; BEGIN old := o.v.notifier; o.v.notifier := o.notifier; o.notifier := old END Do; PROCEDURE (o: FontOp) Do; VAR f: Fonts.Font; BEGIN f := o.v.font; o.v.font := o.font; o.font := f; o.v.Update END Do; PROCEDURE (o: SetItemOp) Do; VAR tc: TabContext; label: Dialog.String; view: Views.View; BEGIN IF o.set THEN o.set := FALSE; o.oldLen := o.tv.NofTabs(); view := Views.CopyOf(o.v, Views.deep); Stores.Join(o.tv, view); label := o.label; IF o.i >= o.oldLen THEN o.tv.SetNofTabs(o.i + 1) ELSE o.tv.GetItem(o.i, o.label, o.v) END; NEW(tc); view.InitContext(tc); o.tv.tabs[o.i].label := label; o.tv.tabs[o.i].view := view ELSE o.set := TRUE; IF o.i >= o.oldLen THEN o.tv.SetNofTabs(o.oldLen) ELSE view := o.v; label := o.label; o.tv.GetItem(o.i, o.label, o.v); o.tv.tabs[o.i].label := label; o.tv.tabs[o.i].view := view END END; o.tv.Update END Do; PROCEDURE (o: DeleteOp) Do; VAR j: INTEGER; BEGIN IF o.set THEN ASSERT(o.i < o.tv.NofTabs(), 20); o.set := FALSE; o.tv.GetItem(o.i, o.label, o.v); FOR j := o.i TO o.tv.NofTabs() - 2 DO o.tv.tabs[j].label := o.tv.tabs[j + 1].label; o.tv.tabs[j].view := o.tv.tabs[j + 1].view END; o.tv.SetNofTabs(o.tv.NofTabs() - 1) ELSE ASSERT(o.i <= o.tv.NofTabs(), 21); o.set := TRUE; o.tv.SetNofTabs(o.tv.NofTabs() + 1); FOR j := o.tv.NofTabs() - 1 TO o.i + 1 BY - 1 DO o.tv.tabs[j].label := o.tv.tabs[j - 1].label; o.tv.tabs[j].view := o.tv.tabs[j - 1].view END; o.tv.tabs[o.i].label := o.label; o.tv.tabs[o.i].view := o.v END; o.tv.Update END Do; PROCEDURE (tv: View) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR stp: Properties.StdProp; p: Properties.Property; face: Fonts.Typeface; size, weight, i, w, h, asc, dsc: INTEGER; style: SET; smsg: Properties.SizePref; fo: FontOp; v: Views.View; label: Dialog.String; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF tv.NofTabs() = 0 THEN IF msg.getFocus THEN msg.getFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus END ELSE msg.focus := tv.View(tv.Index()); Views.HandlePropMsg(msg.focus, msg) END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF (tv.NofTabs() = 0) OR (msg.atLocation & (msg.y < tv.dispY)) THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE ELSE IF msg.atLocation THEN msg.x := msg.x - tv.dispX; msg.y := msg.y - tv.dispY END; Views.HandlePropMsg(tv.View(tv.Index()), msg) END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN IF tv.deposited OR (tv.NofTabs() = 0) THEN frameDir.GetTabSize(msg.w, msg.h) ELSE w := 0; h:= 0; FOR i := 0 TO tv.NofTabs() - 1 DO tv.GetItem(i, label, v); Dialog.MapString(label, label); IF (label # "") & (v # NIL) THEN smsg.w := Views.undefined; smsg.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, smsg); w := MAX(smsg.w, w); h := MAX(smsg.h, h) END END; IF (w = 0) OR (h = 0) THEN frameDir.GetTabSize(msg.w, msg.h) ELSE (* add some constants to compensate for the tab view itself. *) msg.w := w + 2 * Ports.mm; tv.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); msg.h := h + asc + dsc + 4 * Ports.mm; IF msg.h < 0 THEN msg.h := MAX(INTEGER) END END END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO NEW(stp); stp.valid := {Properties.typeface..Properties.weight}; stp.known := stp.valid; stp.typeface := tv.font.typeface; stp.size := tv.font.size; stp.style.val := tv.font.style; stp.weight := tv.font.weight; stp.style.mask := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.strikeout, Fonts.underline}; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, stp) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO p := msg.prop; WHILE (p # NIL) DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF (p.valid * {Properties.typeface..Properties.weight}) # {} THEN face := tv.font.typeface$; size := tv.font.size; style := tv.font.style; weight := tv.font.weight; IF Properties.typeface IN p.valid THEN face := p.typeface$; IF face = Fonts.default THEN face := StdCFrames.defaultFont.typeface END END; IF Properties.size IN p.valid THEN size := p.size END; IF Properties.style IN p.valid THEN style := (p.style.val * p.style.mask) + (style - p.style.mask) END; IF Properties.weight IN p.valid THEN weight := p.weight END; NEW(fo); fo.v := tv; fo.font := Fonts.dir.This(face, size, style, weight); Views.Do(tv, "#System:SetProp", fo) END ELSE END; p := p.next END | msg: Containers.DropPref DO msg.okToDrop := TRUE ELSE IF tv.NofTabs() > 0 THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(tv.View(tv.Index()), msg) END END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (tv: View) Neutralize*; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN IF (tv.scriptLevel = 0) & (tv.NofTabs() > 0) THEN v := tv.View(tv.Index()); IF v # NIL THEN v.Neutralize END END END Neutralize; (* Tab context *) PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.w; h := c.h END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN c.w := w; c.h := h END SetSize; PROCEDURE (c: TabContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END Normalize; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (): View; VAR tv: View; BEGIN ASSERT(frameStdDir # NIL, 20); NEW(tv); tv.deposited := FALSE; tv.scriptLevel := 0; tv.nofTabs := 0; tv.index :=0; tv.notifier := ""; tv.ba := NIL; tv.tc := NIL; tv.font := StdCFrames.defaultFont; RETURN tv END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR tv: View; fv: FormViews.View; BEGIN tv := dir.New(); tv.deposited := TRUE; fv := FormViews.New(); LayoutMode(fv); tv.SetItem(0, "Tab1", fv); fv := FormViews.New(); LayoutMode(fv); tv.SetItem(1, "Tab2", fv); Views.Deposit(tv) END Deposit; (* Procedures to find tab views *) PROCEDURE This* (v: Views.View): View; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v0: Views.View; v1: View; BEGIN ASSERT (v # NIL, 20); IF v IS View THEN RETURN v(View) ELSIF v IS Containers.View THEN c := v(Containers.View).ThisController(); ASSERT(c # NIL, 100); c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v0); IF v0 # NIL THEN v1 := This(v0) END; WHILE (v0 # NIL) & (v1 = NIL) DO c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v0); IF v0 # NIL THEN v1 := This(v0) END END; RETURN v1 ELSE RETURN NIL END END This; PROCEDURE Focus* (): View; VAR msg: FocusMsg; BEGIN msg.view := NIL; Controllers.Forward(msg); RETURN msg.view END Focus; (* The property editor *) PROCEDURE SingleView() : View; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF v = NIL THEN v := Focus() END; IF (v # NIL) & (v IS View) THEN RETURN v(View) ELSE RETURN NIL END END SingleView; PROCEDURE Right*; VAR label1, label2: Dialog.String; v1, v2: Views.View; iv: View; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN iv := SingleView(); IF (iv # NIL) & (iv.Index() < (iv.NofTabs() - 1)) THEN Views.BeginScript(iv, "Shift tab right", script); iv.GetItem(iv.Index() , label1, v1); iv.GetItem(iv.Index() + 1 , label2, v2); iv.SetItem(iv.Index(), label2, v2); iv.SetItem(iv.Index() + 1, label1, v1); Views.EndScript(iv, script); iv.SetIndex(iv.Index() + 1); Dialog.Update(iv) END END Right; PROCEDURE Left*; VAR label1, label2: Dialog.String; v1, v2: Views.View; iv: View; BEGIN iv := SingleView(); IF (iv # NIL) & (iv.Index() > 0) THEN iv.GetItem(iv.Index() , label1, v1); iv.GetItem(iv.Index() - 1 , label2, v2); iv.SetItem(iv.Index(), label2, v2); iv.SetItem(iv.Index() - 1, label1, v1); iv.SetIndex(iv.Index() - 1); Dialog.Update(iv) END END Left; PROCEDURE AddTab*; VAR v: View; fv: FormViews.View; BEGIN ASSERT(dlg.name # "", 20); v := SingleView(); IF v # NIL THEN fv := FormViews.New(); LayoutMode(fv); v.SetItem(v.NofTabs(), dlg.name, fv) END END AddTab; PROCEDURE Rename*; VAR v: View; BEGIN ASSERT(dlg.name # "", 20); v := SingleView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v.NofTabs() > 0) THEN v.SetItem(v.Index(), dlg.name, v.View(v.Index())) END END Rename; PROCEDURE Delete*; VAR v: View; dop: DeleteOp; BEGIN v := SingleView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v.NofTabs() > 0) THEN NEW(dop); dop.tv := v; dop.i := v.Index(); dop.set := TRUE; Views.Do(v, "#Std:TabDeleteItem", dop) END END Delete; PROCEDURE ModeNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR tv: View; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF op IN {Dialog.changed} THEN tv := SingleView(); IF (tv # NIL) & (tv.NofTabs() > 0) THEN IF to = 0 THEN FOR i := 0 TO tv.NofTabs() - 1 DO LayoutMode(tv.View(i)) END ELSE FOR i := 0 TO tv.NofTabs() - 1 DO MaskMode(tv.View(i)) END END END END END ModeNotifier; PROCEDURE SetNotifier*; VAR v: View; o: SetNotifierOp; BEGIN v := SingleView(); IF v # NIL THEN NEW(o); o.v := v; o.notifier := dlg.notifier; Views.Do(v, "Set Notifier", o) END END SetNotifier; PROCEDURE NewGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: View; BEGIN v := SingleView(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (dlg.name = "") END NewGuard; PROCEDURE RenameGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: View; BEGIN v := SingleView(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (dlg.name = "") END RenameGuard; PROCEDURE DeleteGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: View; BEGIN v := SingleView(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (v.NofTabs() < 1) END DeleteGuard; PROCEDURE LabelGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: View; vv: Views.View; BEGIN v := SingleView(); IF v # NIL THEN IF (v # dlg.tab) OR (v.Index() # dlg.index) THEN par.disabled := FALSE; v.GetItem(v.Index(), dlg.name, vv); dlg.tab := v; dlg.index := v.Index(); Dialog.Update(dlg) END ELSE dlg.tab := NIL; dlg.index := -1; par.label := ""; par.disabled := TRUE END END LabelGuard; PROCEDURE NotifierGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: View; BEGIN v := SingleView(); IF v # NIL THEN IF v # dlg.ntab THEN par.disabled := FALSE; dlg.notifier := v.notifier; dlg.ntab := v; Dialog.Update(dlg) END ELSE dlg.ntab := NIL; par.label := ""; par.disabled := TRUE END END NotifierGuard; PROCEDURE SetGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: View; BEGIN v := SingleView(); par.disabled := v = NIL END SetGuard; PROCEDURE ModeGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par; layout: BOOLEAN); CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret}; VAR tv: View; i, l, m: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN tv := SingleView(); IF (tv # NIL) & (tv.NofTabs() > 0) THEN l := 0; m := 0; FOR i := 0 TO tv.NofTabs() - 1 DO IF tv.View(i) IS Containers.View THEN c := tv.View(i)(Containers.View).ThisController(); IF c.opts * mode = {Containers.noFocus} THEN INC(l) ELSIF c.opts * mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret} THEN INC(m) END END END; IF ((m # 0) & (l # 0)) OR ((m + l) < tv.NofTabs()) THEN par.undef := TRUE; dlg.opt := -1 ELSIF layout & (m = 0) THEN dlg.opt := 0 ELSIF ~layout & (l = 0) THEN dlg.opt := 1 END ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END ModeGuard; PROCEDURE LayoutModeGuard*(VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN ModeGuard(par, TRUE) END LayoutModeGuard; PROCEDURE MaskModeGuard*(VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN ModeGuard(par, FALSE) END MaskModeGuard; PROCEDURE InitDialog*; BEGIN dlg.tab := NIL; dlg.index := -1 END InitDialog; PROCEDURE Init; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN oldModeHook := StdApi.modeHook; StdApi.modeHook := ModeHook; setFocus := FALSE; dlg.tab := NIL; dlg.index := -1; NEW(d); stdDir := d; dir := d; IF Kernel.ThisLoadedMod('MdiInit') = NIL THEN Dialog.Call('StdTabFrames.Init', 'Could not load StdTabFrames', res) ELSE Dialog.Call('WinTabFrames.Init', 'Could not load WinTabFrames', res) END END Init; BEGIN Init CLOSE StdApi.modeHook := oldModeHook END StdTabViews.
MODULE StdTextConv; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Alexander Iljin" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20060905, ai, fixed trap upon copying an empty text view to the clipboard - 20070201, bh, Unicode support - 20070213, bh, improved paragraph handling in ParseRichText - 20151008, center #74, adding small and capital letter z with caron in ThisWndChar & WriteWndChar - 20151008, center #86, improvements in RTF import - 20170620, center #163, adding decimal tabs to TextRulers - 20171122, center #182, fixing code page conversion in RTF import - 20180314, center #184, HYPERLINK ignored in RTF import - 20190815, center #201, Importer and Exporter for UTF-8 texts added " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Strings, Log, Files, Fonts, Ports, Stores, Views, Properties, StdLinks, TextModels, TextRulers, TextViews, TextMappers; CONST CR = 0DX; LF = 0AX; FF = 0EX; TAB = 09X; halfpoint = Ports.point DIV 2; twips = Ports.point DIV 20; linkcmd = "Dialog.OpenExternal"; TYPE MemReader = POINTER TO RECORD (Files.Reader) adr, pos: INTEGER END; VAR debug*: BOOLEAN; codePageName: ARRAY [untagged] 16 OF SHORTCHAR; fromS*: ARRAY [untagged] 64 OF SHORTCHAR; toW*: ARRAY [untagged] 64 OF CHAR; (* MemReader *) PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) Base (): Files.File; BEGIN RETURN NIL END Base; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) Pos (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN r.pos END Pos; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER); BEGIN r.pos := pos END SetPos; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE); BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(r.adr + r.pos, x); INC(r.pos) END ReadByte; PROCEDURE (r: MemReader) ReadBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER); BEGIN HALT(126) END ReadBytes; (* PROCEDURE GenGlobalMedium (hg: WinApi.HGLOBAL; unk: COM.IUnknown; VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM); BEGIN sm.tymed := WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL; sm.u.hGlobal := hg; sm.pUnkForRelease := unk END GenGlobalMedium; PROCEDURE MediumGlobal (VAR sm: WinOle.STGMEDIUM): WinApi.HGLOBAL; BEGIN ASSERT(sm.tymed = WinOle.TYMED_HGLOBAL, 20); RETURN sm.u.hGlobal END MediumGlobal; *) PROCEDURE WriteWndChar (wr: TextModels.Writer; ch: CHAR); BEGIN CASE ch OF | CR, TAB, " "..7EX, 0A0X..0FFX: wr.WriteChar(ch) | LF: | 80X: wr.WriteChar(20ACX) (* euro *) | 82X: wr.WriteChar(201AX) | 83X: wr.WriteChar(0192X) | 84X: wr.WriteChar(201EX) | 85X: wr.WriteChar(2026X) | 86X: wr.WriteChar(2020X) | 87X: wr.WriteChar(2021X) | 88X: wr.WriteChar(02C6X) | 89X: wr.WriteChar(2030X) | 8AX: wr.WriteChar(0160X) | 8BX: wr.WriteChar(2039X) | 8CX: wr.WriteChar(0152X) | 8EX: wr.WriteChar(017DX) | 91X: wr.WriteChar(2018X) | 92X: wr.WriteChar(2019X) | 93X: wr.WriteChar(201CX) | 94X: wr.WriteChar(201DX) | 95X: wr.WriteChar(2022X) | 96X: wr.WriteChar(2013X) | 97X: wr.WriteChar(2014X) | 98X: wr.WriteChar(02DCX) | 99X: wr.WriteChar(2122X) | 9AX: wr.WriteChar(0161X) | 9BX: wr.WriteChar(203AX) | 9CX: wr.WriteChar(0153X) | 9EX: wr.WriteChar(017EX) | 9FX: wr.WriteChar(0178X) | 0X..8X, 0BX, 0CX, 0EX..1FX, 7FX, 81X, 8DX, 8FX..90X, 9DX: wr.WriteChar(CHR(0EF00H + ORD(ch))) END END WriteWndChar; PROCEDURE ThisWndChar (ch: CHAR): CHAR; BEGIN IF ch >= 100X THEN IF (ch >= 0EF00X) & (ch <= 0EFFFX) THEN ch := CHR(ORD(ch) - 0EF00H) ELSIF ch = 20ACX THEN ch := 80X (* euro *) ELSIF ch = 201AX THEN ch := 82X ELSIF ch = 0192X THEN ch := 83X ELSIF ch = 201EX THEN ch := 84X ELSIF ch = 2026X THEN ch := 85X ELSIF ch = 2020X THEN ch := 86X ELSIF ch = 2021X THEN ch := 87X ELSIF ch = 02C6X THEN ch := 88X ELSIF ch = 2030X THEN ch := 89X ELSIF ch = 0160X THEN ch := 8AX ELSIF ch = 2039X THEN ch := 8BX ELSIF ch = 0152X THEN ch := 8CX ELSIF ch = 017DX THEN ch := 8EX ELSIF ch = 2018X THEN ch := 91X ELSIF ch = 2019X THEN ch := 92X ELSIF ch = 201CX THEN ch := 93X ELSIF ch = 201DX THEN ch := 94X ELSIF ch = 2022X THEN ch := 95X ELSIF ch = 2013X THEN ch := 96X ELSIF ch = 2014X THEN ch := 97X ELSIF ch = 02DCX THEN ch := 98X ELSIF ch = 2122X THEN ch := 99X ELSIF ch = 0161X THEN ch := 9AX ELSIF ch = 203AX THEN ch := 9BX ELSIF ch = 0153X THEN ch := 9CX ELSIF ch = 017EX THEN ch := 9EX ELSIF ch = 0178X THEN ch := 9FX ELSE ch := "?" END ELSIF ch = 08FX THEN ch := " " (* digit space *) END; RETURN ch END ThisWndChar; PROCEDURE ImportText* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer; ch, nch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0); t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); r.ReadSChar(ch); WHILE ~r.rider.eof DO r.ReadSChar(nch); IF (ch = CR) & (nch = LF) THEN r.ReadSChar(nch) ELSIF ch = LF THEN ch := CR END; WriteWndChar(wr, ch); ch := nch END; s := TextViews.dir.New(t) END ImportText; PROCEDURE ImportTabText* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer; ch, nch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0); t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); r.ReadSChar(ch); WHILE ~r.rider.eof DO r.ReadSChar(nch); IF (ch = CR) & (nch = LF) THEN r.ReadSChar(nch) ELSIF ch = LF THEN ch := CR ELSIF (ch = " ") & (nch = " ") THEN ch := TAB; r.ReadSChar(nch) END; WriteWndChar(wr, ch); ch := nch END; s := TextViews.dir.New(t) END ImportTabText; PROCEDURE ImportUnicode* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model; v: TextViews.View; w: TextModels.Writer; ch0, ch1: SHORTCHAR; len, res: INTEGER; uc: CHAR; rev: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0); len := f.Length(); rev := FALSE; t := TextModels.dir.New(); w := t.NewWriter(NIL); w.SetPos(0); WHILE len > 0 DO r.ReadSChar(ch0); r.ReadSChar(ch1); IF rev THEN uc := CHR(ORD(ch1) + 256 * ORD(ch0)) ELSE uc := CHR(ORD(ch0) + 256 * ORD(ch1)) END; DEC(len, 2); IF uc = 0FFFEX THEN rev := ~rev ELSIF uc < 100X THEN WriteWndChar(w, uc) ELSIF uc # 0FEFFX THEN w.WriteChar(uc) END END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); s := v END ImportUnicode; PROCEDURE ImportDosText* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer; ch, nch: SHORTCHAR; PROCEDURE ConvertChar (wr: TextModels.Writer; ch: CHAR); (* PC Code Page Mappings M4 (Latin) to Unicode Encoding *) (* Reference: The Unicode Standard, Version 1.0, Vol 1, Addison Wesley, p. 536 *) BEGIN CASE ch OF | CR, TAB, " "..7EX: wr.WriteChar(ch) | LF: | 080X: wr.WriteChar(0C7X) | 081X: wr.WriteChar(0FCX) | 082X: wr.WriteChar(0E9X) | 083X: wr.WriteChar(0E2X) | 084X: wr.WriteChar(0E4X) | 085X: wr.WriteChar(0E0X) | 086X: wr.WriteChar(0E5X) | 087X: wr.WriteChar(0E7X) | 088X: wr.WriteChar(0EAX) | 089X: wr.WriteChar(0EBX) | 08AX: wr.WriteChar(0E8X) | 08BX: wr.WriteChar(0EFX) | 08CX: wr.WriteChar(0EEX) | 08DX: wr.WriteChar(0ECX) | 08EX: wr.WriteChar(0C4X) | 08FX: wr.WriteChar(0C5X) | 090X: wr.WriteChar(0C9X) | 091X: wr.WriteChar(0E6X) | 092X: wr.WriteChar(0C6X) | 093X: wr.WriteChar(0F4X) | 094X: wr.WriteChar(0F6X) | 095X: wr.WriteChar(0F2X) | 096X: wr.WriteChar(0FBX) | 097X: wr.WriteChar(0F9X) | 098X: wr.WriteChar(0FFX) | 099X: wr.WriteChar(0D6X) | 09AX: wr.WriteChar(0DCX) | 09BX: wr.WriteChar(0F8X) | 09CX: wr.WriteChar(0A3X) | 09DX: wr.WriteChar(0D8X) | 09EX: wr.WriteChar(0D7X) | 09FX: wr.WriteChar(0192X) | 0A0X: wr.WriteChar(0E1X) | 0A1X: wr.WriteChar(0EDX) | 0A2X: wr.WriteChar(0F3X) | 0A3X: wr.WriteChar(0FAX) | 0A4X: wr.WriteChar(0F1X) | 0A5X: wr.WriteChar(0D1X) | 0A6X: wr.WriteChar(0AAX) | 0A7X: wr.WriteChar(0BAX) | 0A8X: wr.WriteChar(0BFX) | 0A9X: wr.WriteChar(0AEX) | 0AAX: wr.WriteChar(0ACX) | 0ABX: wr.WriteChar(0BDX) | 0ACX: wr.WriteChar(0BCX) | 0ADX: wr.WriteChar(0A1X) | 0AEX: wr.WriteChar(0ABX) | 0AFX: wr.WriteChar(0BBX) | 0B5X: wr.WriteChar(0C1X) | 0B6X: wr.WriteChar(0C2X) | 0B7X: wr.WriteChar(0C0X) | 0B8X: wr.WriteChar(0A9X) | 0BDX: wr.WriteChar(0A2X) | 0BEX: wr.WriteChar(0A5X) | 0C6X: wr.WriteChar(0E3X) | 0C7X: wr.WriteChar(0C3X) | 0CFX: wr.WriteChar(0A4X) | 0D0X: wr.WriteChar(0F0X) | 0D1X: wr.WriteChar(0D0X) | 0D2X: wr.WriteChar(0CAX) | 0D3X: wr.WriteChar(0CBX) | 0D4X: wr.WriteChar(0C8X) | 0D5X: wr.WriteChar(0131X) | 0D6X: wr.WriteChar(0CDX) | 0D7X: wr.WriteChar(0CEX) | 0D8X: wr.WriteChar(0CFX) | 0DDX: wr.WriteChar(0A6X) | 0DEX: wr.WriteChar(0CCX) | 0E0X: wr.WriteChar(0D3X) | 0E1X: wr.WriteChar(0DFX) | 0E2X: wr.WriteChar(0D4X) | 0E3X: wr.WriteChar(0D2X) | 0E4X: wr.WriteChar(0F5X) | 0E5X: wr.WriteChar(0D5X) | 0E6X: wr.WriteChar(0B5X) | 0E7X: wr.WriteChar(0FEX) | 0E8X: wr.WriteChar(0DEX) | 0E9X: wr.WriteChar(0DAX) | 0EAX: wr.WriteChar(0DBX) | 0EBX: wr.WriteChar(0D9X) | 0ECX: wr.WriteChar(0FDX) | 0EDX: wr.WriteChar(0DDX) | 0EEX: wr.WriteChar(0AFX) | 0EFX: wr.WriteChar(0B4X) | 0F0X: wr.WriteChar(0ADX) | 0F1X: wr.WriteChar(0B1X) | 0F2X: wr.WriteChar(02017X) | 0F3X: wr.WriteChar(0BEX) | 0F4X: wr.WriteChar(0B6X) | 0F5X: wr.WriteChar(0A7X) | 0F6X: wr.WriteChar(0F7X) | 0F7X: wr.WriteChar(0B8X) | 0F8X: wr.WriteChar(0B0X) | 0F9X: wr.WriteChar(0A8X) | 0FAX: wr.WriteChar(0B7X) | 0FBX: wr.WriteChar(0B9X) | 0FCX: wr.WriteChar(0B3X) | 0FDX: wr.WriteChar(0B2X) | 0X..8X, 0BX, 0CX, 0EX..1FX, 7FX, 0B0X..0B4X, 0B9X..0BCX, 0BFX..0C5X, 0C8X..0CEX, 0D9X..0DCX, 0DFX, 0FEX, 0FFX: wr.WriteChar(CHR(0EF00H + ORD(ch))) END END ConvertChar; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0); t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); r.ReadSChar(ch); WHILE ~r.rider.eof DO r.ReadSChar(nch); IF (ch = CR) & (nch = LF) THEN r.ReadSChar(nch) ELSIF ch = LF THEN ch := CR END; ConvertChar(wr, ch); ch := nch END; s := TextViews.dir.New(t) END ImportDosText; PROCEDURE TextView(s: Stores.Store): Stores.Store; BEGIN IF s IS Views.View THEN RETURN Properties.ThisType(s(Views.View), "TextViews.View") ELSE RETURN NIL END END TextView; PROCEDURE ExportText* (s: Stores.Store; f: Files.File); VAR w: Stores.Writer; t: TextModels.Model; r: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(s # NIL, 20); ASSERT(f # NIL, 21); s := TextView(s); IF s # NIL THEN w.ConnectTo(f); w.SetPos(0); t := s(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot DO IF (ch # TextModels.viewcode) & (ch # TextModels.para) THEN ch := ThisWndChar(ch); w.WriteSChar(SHORT(ch)); IF ch = CR THEN w.WriteSChar(LF) END END; r.ReadChar(ch) END END END END ExportText; PROCEDURE ExportTabText* (s: Stores.Store; f: Files.File); VAR w: Stores.Writer; t: TextModels.Model; r: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(s # NIL, 20); ASSERT(f # NIL, 21); s := TextView(s); IF s # NIL THEN w.ConnectTo(f); w.SetPos(0); t := s(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot DO IF (ch # TextModels.viewcode) & (ch # TextModels.para) THEN ch := ThisWndChar(ch); IF ch = CR THEN w.WriteSChar(CR); w.WriteSChar(LF) ELSIF ch = TAB THEN w.WriteSChar(" "); w.WriteSChar(" ") ELSE w.WriteSChar(SHORT(ch)) END END; r.ReadChar(ch) END END END END ExportTabText; PROCEDURE ExportUnicode* (s: Stores.Store; f: Files.File); VAR w: Stores.Writer; t: TextModels.Model; r: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(s # NIL, 20); ASSERT(f # NIL, 21); s := TextView(s); IF s # NIL THEN w.ConnectTo(f); w.SetPos(0); w.WriteChar(0FEFFX); (* little endian *) t := s(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot DO IF ch = CR THEN w.WriteChar(CR); w.WriteChar(LF) ELSIF (ch >= " ") OR (ch = TAB) THEN IF (ch >= 0EF00X) & (ch <= 0EFFFX) THEN ch := CHR(ORD(ch) - 0EF00H) END; w.WriteChar(ch) END; r.ReadChar(ch) END END END END ExportUnicode; PROCEDURE ImportHex* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model; w: TextMappers.Formatter; ch: SHORTCHAR; a: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 17 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0); t := TextModels.dir.New(); w.ConnectTo(t); w.SetPos(0); r.ReadSChar(ch); a := 0; WHILE ~r.rider.eof DO IF a MOD 16 = 0 THEN w.WriteChar("["); w.WriteIntForm(a, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", FALSE); w.WriteSString("]") END; w.WriteIntForm(ORD(ch), TextMappers.hexadecimal, 2, "0", FALSE); IF ch > 20X THEN str[a MOD 16] := ch ELSE str[a MOD 16] := "" END; INC(a); IF a MOD 16 = 0 THEN str[16] := 0X; w.WriteString(""); w.WriteString(str); w.WriteLn ELSIF a MOD 4 = 0 THEN w.WriteString("") ELSE w.WriteChar("") END; r.ReadSChar(ch) END; IF a MOD 16 # 0 THEN str[a MOD 16] := 0X; i := (16 - a MOD 16) * 3 + (3 - a MOD 16 DIV 4) + 3; WHILE i # 0 DO w.WriteChar(""); DEC(i) END; w.WriteString(str) END; s := TextViews.dir.New(t) END ImportHex; (* imports a UTF-8 encoded file: 1. if the optional byte order mark (BOM) is found at the beginning of the file, it is skipped 2. three forms of line separators are supported: CR, LF, and CR LF 3. characters larger than 16 bit are reported as '?' 4. in case of finding an illegal encoding it falls back to importing a windows text *) PROCEDURE ImportUtf8* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR r: Files.Reader; t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer; ch, nch: CHAR; formatError: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ReadUtf8Char (VAR rd: Files.Reader; VAR ch: CHAR); VAR c1, c2, c3: BYTE; PROCEDURE FormatError; BEGIN rd.SetPos(rd.Base().Length()); rd.eof := TRUE; ch := 0X; formatError := TRUE END FormatError; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(c1); IF c1 >= 0 THEN (* 0xxx xxxx *) ch := CHR(c1) ELSIF BITS(c1) * {7, 6, 5} = {7, 6} THEN (* 110x xxxx, 10xx xxxx *) rd.ReadByte(c2); IF BITS(c2) * {7, 6} = {7} THEN ch := CHR(64 * (c1 MOD 32) + (c2 MOD 64)) ELSE FormatError END ELSIF BITS(c1) * {7, 6, 5, 4} = {7, 6, 5} THEN (* 1110 xxxx, 10xx xxxx, 10xx xxxx *) rd.ReadByte(c2); rd.ReadByte(c3); IF (BITS(c2) * {7, 6} = {7}) & (BITS(c3) * {7, 6} = {7}) THEN ch := CHR(4096 * (c1 MOD 16) + 64 * (c2 MOD 64) + (c3 MOD 64)) ELSE FormatError END ELSIF BITS(c1) * {7, 6, 5, 4, 3} = {7, 6, 5, 4} THEN (* 1111 0xxx, 10xx xxxx, 10xx xxxx, 10xx xxxx *) rd.ReadByte(c2); rd.ReadByte(c3); rd.ReadByte(c3); ch := '?' ELSE FormatError END END ReadUtf8Char; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); r := f.NewReader(NIL); t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); formatError := FALSE; ReadUtf8Char(r, ch); IF ch = 0FEFFX THEN ReadUtf8Char(r, ch) END; (* skip BOM *) WHILE ~r.eof DO ReadUtf8Char(r, nch); IF (ch = CR) & (nch = LF) THEN ReadUtf8Char(r, nch) ELSIF ch = LF THEN ch := CR END; wr.WriteChar(ch); ch := nch END; IF ~formatError THEN s := TextViews.dir.New(t) ELSE ImportText(f, s) (* fallback to Windows text importer *) END END ImportUtf8; (* exports a UTF-8 encoded file without inserting a byte order mark (BOM) and with LF as line separator *) PROCEDURE ExportUtf8* (s: Stores.Store; f: Files.File); VAR w: Stores.Writer; t: TextModels.Model; r: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; PROCEDURE WriteUtf8Char (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; ch: CHAR); BEGIN IF ch <= 7FX THEN wr.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(ORD(ch)))) ELSIF ch <= 7FFX THEN wr.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT( -64 + ORD(ch) DIV 64))); wr.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT( -128 + ORD(ch) MOD 64))) ELSE wr.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT( -32 + ORD(ch) DIV 4096))); wr.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT( -128 + ORD(ch) DIV 64 MOD 64))); wr.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT( -128 + ORD(ch) MOD 64))) END END WriteUtf8Char; BEGIN ASSERT(s # NIL, 20); ASSERT(f # NIL, 21); s := TextView(s); IF s # NIL THEN w.ConnectTo(f); w.SetPos(0); t := s(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot DO IF (ch # TextModels.viewcode) & (ch # TextModels.para) THEN IF ch = CR THEN WriteUtf8Char(w, LF) ELSE WriteUtf8Char(w, ch) END END; r.ReadChar(ch) END END END END ExportUtf8; END StdTextConv.
MODULE StdTiles; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Anton Dmitriev, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - " **) IMPORT Kernel, Meta, Models, Controllers, Properties, Ports, Stores, Dialog, Views, Containers, Documents, Files, Converters, Fonts, Log, Sequencers, Windows, StdCmds, StdWindows, StdGrids, StdDocuments, StdLog, StdDialog, StdMenus, TextViews, Strings, TextControllers; CONST version = 1; badKind = 1; (* externalized proxy content kinds *) external = 1; log = 2; internal = 3; empty = 4; stopCursor = 22; (* keep in sync with HostPorts.stopCursor *) dark* = 0; light* = 1; TYPE Param* = POINTER TO RECORD closeDialogLocation*, closeDialogDocument*: Files.Name; Init-, InitDefaults-: PROCEDURE (a: ANYPTR) END; Pixels = INTEGER; (* for values in pixel coordinates *) UCs = INTEGER; (* used for values in universal coordinates *) Backend = POINTER TO RECORD (StdWindows.WindowBackend) proxy: Proxy END; BackendDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (StdWindows.BackendDirectory) nextProxy: Proxy END; Proxy = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) wb: Backend; (* wb = NIL => window was closed; Proxy's host may not have removed Proxy *) base: Windows.Window; (* the non-Tiler window in which .wb is opened *) filler: StdGrids.View; (* param for Backend.Open *) delayed: RECORD (* data for delayed opening of a window with .view *) is: BOOLEAN; (* flags that proxy is delayed; for one of two reasons: after Internalize (=>.delayed.view # NIL) or after CopyFromSimpleView *) view: Views.View; title: Views.Title; flags: SET; loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; END END; SeqNotifier = POINTER TO RECORD (Sequencers.Notifier) loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; view: Views.View; win: Windows.Window; END; BeforeCloseMsg = RECORD (Sequencers.Message) END; FindFrameMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) frame: Views.Frame END; ViewHook = POINTER TO RECORD (StdDialog.ViewHook) tiled: BOOLEAN; (* whether tiling is on or off *) END; AttachedCheckHook = POINTER TO RECORD (StdWindows.AttachedCheckHook) END; VAR bckndDir-: BackendDirectory; param*: Param; lastWorkspaceName: Files.Name; lastWorkspaceLoc: Files.Locator; viewHook: ViewHook; attCheckHook: AttachedCheckHook; windowsRouter, backUp: PROCEDURE (IN title: ARRAY OF CHAR); targetTrack-: Views.Title; PROCEDURE SetWindowsRouter* (r: PROCEDURE (IN title: ARRAY OF CHAR)); BEGIN windowsRouter := r END SetWindowsRouter; PROCEDURE SetTarget* (IN target: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN targetTrack := target$ END SetTarget; PROCEDURE GetInnermostFiller (VAR f: Views.Frame; OUT filler: StdGrids.View); VAR msg: StdGrids.TrackPropMsg; v: Views.View; BEGIN REPEAT f := Views.HostOf(f); IF f # NIL THEN msg.done := FALSE; msg.poll := TRUE; Views.HandlePropMsg(f.view, msg) END UNTIL (f = NIL) OR msg.done; IF msg.done THEN v := f.view; WITH v: StdGrids.View DO filler := v ELSE HALT(126) END END END GetInnermostFiller; PROCEDURE GetBase (f: Views.Frame; OUT base: Windows.Window); (* since Proxy.base is not eliminatable at this point, is GetBase eliminatable? *) (** Get outermost window base that f is installed under *) BEGIN IF f # NIL THEN f := Views.UltimateRootOf(f); base := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE (base # NIL) & (base.frame # f) DO base := Windows.dir.Next(base) END END END GetBase; PROCEDURE GetThisFiller (IN name: Views.Title; OUT filler: StdGrids.View; OUT frame: Views.Frame); VAR msg: StdGrids.TrackMsg; BEGIN msg.name := name$; msg.cnt := 0; Views.Omnicast(msg); IF msg.cnt = 1 THEN filler := msg.track; frame := msg.frame END END GetThisFiller; PROCEDURE DoOpen (v: Views.View; IN title: Views.Title; loc: Files.Locator; IN fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; flags: SET; proxy: Proxy; forceMain: BOOLEAN; OUT win: StdWindows.Window); VAR opts, pvopts: SET; d: Documents.Document; c: Containers.Controller; s: ANYPTR; seq: Sequencers.Sequencer; bd: StdWindows.BackendDirectory; view: Views.View; ctx: Models.Context; gooddoc: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); win := NIL; IF conv = NIL THEN conv := Converters.list END; (* use document converter *) (* IF proxy # NIL THEN EXCL(flags, Views.modal) END; *) WITH v: Documents.Document DO d := v; view := v.ThisView() ELSE view := v; ctx := v.context; IF ctx # NIL THEN WITH ctx: Documents.Context DO d := ctx.ThisDoc() END END END; IF (d # NIL) & (d.context # NIL) THEN d := Documents.DuplicateAs(d, StdDocuments.dir); view := d.ThisView() END; IF d = NIL THEN d := Documents.dir.New(view, Views.undefined, Views.undefined) END; ASSERT(d.Domain() = view.Domain(), 100); ASSERT(d.Domain() # NIL, 101); ASSERT(d.context = NIL, 102); s := d.Domain().GetSequencer(); IF s # NIL THEN WITH s: Sequencers.Sequencer DO seq := s END END; c := d.ThisController(); gooddoc := (c # NIL) & (c IS TextControllers.Controller); opts := c.opts; IF { Windows.isTool, Windows.isAux } * flags # {} THEN INCL(opts, Containers.noSelection) END; (* k8: in primary windows too *) pvopts := opts; IF (Windows.neverDirty IN flags) OR ((proxy # NIL) & ~(Windows.noResize IN flags)) THEN (* change "fit to page" to "fit to window" in secondary windows *) IF Documents.pageWidth IN opts THEN opts := opts - {Documents.pageWidth} + {Documents.winWidth}; END; IF Documents.pageHeight IN opts THEN opts := opts - {Documents.pageHeight} + {Documents.winHeight}; END; (* k8: fixed size windows should be changed too *) IF gooddoc & ~(Containers.noSelection IN opts) THEN IF opts * {Documents.pageWidth, Documents.winWidth} = {} THEN INCL(opts, Documents.winWidth); END; IF opts * {Documents.pageHeight, Documents.winHeight} = {} THEN INCL(opts, Documents.winHeight); END END END; IF opts # c.opts THEN c.SetOpts(opts); IF (opts # pvopts) & (seq # NIL) THEN seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END END; IF (Windows.neverDirty IN flags) & (seq # NIL) THEN seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END; bd := StdWindows.backendDir; IF proxy = NIL THEN StdWindows.SetBackendDir(StdWindows.stdBackendDir) ELSE StdWindows.SetBackendDir(bckndDir); bckndDir.nextProxy := proxy END; win := StdWindows.dir.New()(StdWindows.Window); StdWindows.SetBackendDir(bd); IF ~forceMain & (seq # NIL) THEN Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(win, d, flags, title) ELSE Windows.dir.Open(win, d, flags, title, loc, fname, conv) END END DoOpen; PROCEDURE ProxyFor (IN title: Views.Title): Proxy; VAR filler: StdGrids.View; f: Views.Frame; proxy: Proxy; BEGIN proxy := NIL; WITH StdWindows.backendDir: BackendDirectory DO IF windowsRouter # NIL THEN windowsRouter(title) END; GetThisFiller(targetTrack, filler, f); IF (filler # NIL) & (f # NIL) THEN NEW(proxy); GetBase(f, proxy.base); proxy.filler := filler END ELSE END; RETURN proxy END ProxyFor; (* ViewHook *) PROCEDURE (h: ViewHook) Open (v: Views.View; title: ARRAY OF CHAR; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty: BOOLEAN); VAR t: Views.Title; flags: SET; proxy: Proxy; done: BOOLEAN; len: INTEGER; w_: StdWindows.Window; (* changes from StdDialog.Open marked by blue *) BEGIN IF conv = NIL THEN conv := Converters.list END; (* use document converter *) ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); flags := {}; done := FALSE; IF noResize THEN flags := flags + {Windows.noResize, Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll} END; IF asTool THEN INCL(flags, Windows.isTool) END; IF asAux THEN INCL(flags, Windows.isAux) END; IF neverDirty THEN INCL(flags, Windows.neverDirty) END; len := MIN(LEN(title$), LEN(Views.Title) - 1); Strings.Extract(title, 0, len, t); IF len = LEN(Views.Title) - 1 THEN t[len - 1] := "."; t[len - 2] := "."; t[len - 3] := "." END; IF ~allowDuplicates THEN Windows.SelectBySpec(loc, name, conv, flags, done); IF ~done & (title # "") & (loc = NIL) & (name = "") THEN Windows.SelectByTitle(v, flags, t, done) END ELSE INCL(flags, Windows.allowDuplicates) END; IF ~done THEN IF asTool OR ~h.tiled THEN (* nothing *) ELSE proxy := ProxyFor(t) END; DoOpen(v, t, loc, name, conv, flags, proxy, FALSE, w_) END END Open; PROCEDURE DelayedOpen (p: Proxy; f: Views.Frame); VAR w_: StdWindows.Window; ffm: FindFrameMsg; v: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(p.delayed.is, 22); p.delayed.is := FALSE; IF f # NIL THEN ASSERT(f.view = p, 21) ELSE Views.Broadcast(p, ffm); f := ffm.frame END; v := p.delayed.view; IF v # NIL THEN p.delayed.view := NIL; (* delayed after Internalize *) IF f # NIL THEN GetInnermostFiller(f, p.filler); ASSERT(p.filler # NIL, 126); GetBase(f, p.base); DoOpen(v, p.delayed.title, p.delayed.loc, p.delayed.fname, p.delayed.conv, p.delayed.flags, p, FALSE, w_); p.delayed.loc := NIL; p.delayed.conv := NIL IF v.context # NIL THEN ASSERT(v.context IS Documents.Context, 24); doc := v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc(); IF doc.context # NIL THEN Con.String("DelayedOpen: opts: "); Con.Set(doc.ThisController().opts); Con.Ln; doc := Documents.dir.New(Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow), Views.undefined, Views.undefined) ELSE ;Con.String("DelayedOpen: doc.context = NIL, opts: "); Con.Set(doc.ThisController().opts); Con.Ln; END ELSE doc := Documents.dir.New(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined) END; bd := StdWindows.backendDir; StdWindows.SetBackendDir(bckndDir); bckndDir.nextProxy := p; win := StdWindows.dir.New()(StdWindows.Window); IF bd # NIL THEN StdWindows.SetBackendDir(bd) END; StdWindows.Open(win, doc, p.delayed.flags, p.delayed.title); StdWindows.SetSpec(win, p.delayed.loc, p.delayed.fname, p.delayed.conv); END ELSE GetBase(f, p.base) (* delayed after Proxy.CopyFromSimpleView *) END END DelayedOpen; PROCEDURE (p: Proxy) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN IF p.delayed.is THEN DelayedOpen(p, f) END; WITH msg: FindFrameMsg DO msg.frame := f ELSE END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE DirtyHook* (w: Windows.Window; OUT action: INTEGER); VAR loc: Files.Locator; dlg: Views.View; doc: Documents.Document; c: Containers.Controller; wid, hei: INTEGER; name: Files.Name; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(w.doc # NIL, 21); action := StdCmds.default; doc := w.doc; WITH doc: StdDocuments.Document DO loc := Files.dir.This(param.closeDialogLocation); IF loc # NIL THEN name := param.closeDialogDocument; dlg := Views.OldView(loc, name); IF dlg # NIL THEN action := StdCmds.defer; WITH dlg: Containers.View DO c := dlg.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts + Containers.mask) END ELSE END; dlg.context.GetSize(wid, hei); TylerLayouts.InsertBar(w.doc(TylerDocuments.Document), TylerLayouts.top, Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep), NIL, FALSE, w)StdDocuments.InsertOverlaid(StdDocuments.AddBackground(Views.CopyOf(dlg, Views.deep)), NIL, doc, StdDocuments.center, StdDocuments.center, wid, hei, w) END END ELSE END END DirtyHook; PROCEDURE CloseNestedWindows (w: Windows.Window; OUT cancelled, deferred: BOOLEAN); CONST maxDeff = 50; VAR wnd, next: Windows.Window; wb: StdWindows.WindowBackend; defThis: BOOLEAN; deff, copy: POINTER TO ARRAY OF StdWindows.Window; i, nDef, len, j: INTEGER; BEGIN cancelled := FALSE; deferred := FALSE; wnd := Windows.dir.First(); nDef := 0; WHILE (wnd # NIL) & ~cancelled DO WITH wnd: StdWindows.Window DO wb := wnd.backend; IF wnd # w THEN WITH wb: Backend DO IF wb.proxy.base = w THEN i := 0; WHILE (i < nDef) & (deff[i] # wnd) DO INC(i) END; IF i = nDef THEN StdCmds.GuardedClose(wnd, cancelled, defThis); deferred := deferred OR defThis; IF defThis THEN IF deff = NIL THEN NEW(deff, maxDeff) ELSIF nDef = LEN(deff) THEN len := LEN(deff); NEW(copy, len + maxDeff); j := 0; WHILE j < len DO copy[j] := deff[j]; INC(j) END; deff := copy END; deff[nDef] := wnd; INC(nDef) END; IF ~cancelled & ~defThis THEN next := Windows.dir.First() ELSIF ~cancelled & defThis THEN next := Windows.dir.Next(wnd) ELSE next := NIL END END END ELSE END END; ELSE END; IF next # NIL THEN wnd := next ELSIF ~cancelled THEN wnd := Windows.dir.Next(wnd) END; next := NIL END END CloseNestedWindows; PROCEDURE CloseNow*; (** Command for use in a File close dialog. Causes immediate closing of the document losing all modifications. Only works when TilerWindows.par is initialized appropriately - that is, this is actually a private procedure. *) BEGIN IF StdDocuments.par # NIL THEN WITH StdDocuments.par: StdWindows.Window DO Windows.dir.Close(StdDocuments.par); Kernel.Cleanup ELSE Log.String( "TW.CloseNow: ~(TilerWindows.par IS StdWindows.Window); cannot Close") END END END CloseNow; PROCEDURE SaveNClose*; (** Command for use in a File close dialog. Causes the document to be saved and then closed. Only works when TilerWindows.par is initialized appropriately - that is, this is actually a private procedure. *) BEGIN IF StdDocuments.par # NIL THEN WITH StdDocuments.par: StdWindows.Window DO StdCmds.SaveDialog; Windows.dir.Close(StdDocuments.par); Kernel.Cleanup ELSE Log.String("StdTiles.SaveNClose: ~(StdDocuments.par IS StdWindows.Window); cannot SaveNClose") END END END SaveNClose; PROCEDURE ThisFiller* (w: StdWindows.Window): StdGrids.View; (** Returns the filler in which w is opened. *) VAR res: StdGrids.View; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); IF (w.backend # NIL) & (w.backend IS Backend) THEN res := StdGrids.ThisFiller(w.backend(Backend).proxy) END; RETURN res END ThisFiller; PROCEDURE (wb: Backend) Close; VAR prop: StdGrids.Proposal; BEGIN IF wb.proxy # NIL THEN prop.op := StdGrids.remove; wb.proxy.context.Consider(prop) (* this removes the proxy from the filler *) END; wb.proxy := NIL END Close; (* Proxy view *) PROCEDURE (dst: Proxy) CopyFromSimpleView (src: Views.View); (* Proxies are tricky: they display windows. But a window can only be displayed in one, well, window, one place. This is why, when a copy is made of a proxy, the original is stripped of it's window. I am not sure how well this will work with the rest of the framework, because the framework feels free to make copies of views for various reasons, even for the sake of externalizing a view. Like this: a copy of a view is made, this copy is exteralized, and then the copy is disposed, and what the user sees on the screen is actually the original. But, with a proxy, the original proxy would be stripped of it's window and would display nothing. So, I'm not sure how well this will work. At the time, this does not happen because when a filler is saved, it does not make a copy of it's content. The only time (now) that a copy of a proxy is made is explicitly when the proxy is dragged into another filler *) BEGIN WITH src: Proxy DO dst.wb := src.wb; src.wb := NIL; dst.wb.proxy := dst; dst.wb.proxy.base := NIL; dst.delayed.is := TRUE END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE Transfer* (w: StdWindows.Window; to: StdGrids.View); (** Transfer tiled window w into another filler to. *) VAR prop: StdGrids.Proposal; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(to # NIL, 20); IF (w.backend # NIL) & (w.backend IS Backend) THEN StdGrids.Transfer(w.backend(Backend).proxy, to, StdGrids.append); prop.op := StdGrids.activate; w.backend(Backend).proxy.context.Consider(prop); END END Transfer; PROCEDURE TransferTo* (w: StdWindows.Window; IN track: Views.Title); (** Transfer tiled window w into track track *) VAR prop: StdGrids.Proposal; to: StdGrids.View; _: Views.Frame; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); IF (w.backend # NIL) & (w.backend IS Backend) THEN GetThisFiller(track, to, _); ASSERT(to # NIL, 20); StdGrids.Transfer(w.backend(Backend).proxy, to, StdGrids.append); prop.op := StdGrids.activate; w.backend(Backend).proxy.context.Consider(prop); END END TransferTo; PROCEDURE (proxy: Proxy) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR w: StdWindows.Window; BEGIN IF proxy.delayed.is THEN DelayedOpen(proxy, f) END; WITH msg: Controllers.PollFocusMsg DO msg.focus := f ELSE IF proxy.wb # NIL THEN w := proxy.wb.win; IF w # NIL THEN WITH msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO IF msg.show & (w # StdWindows.front) THEN Windows.dir.Select(w, Windows.lazy) END | msg: StdGrids.RemoveMsg DO msg.processed := TRUE; StdWindows.GuardedClose(w) | msg: StdWindows.PrefocusMsg DO msg.win := w ELSE StdWindows.ForwardCtrlMsg(w, msg) END END ELSE WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := stopCursor ELSE END END END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (p: Proxy) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN IF p.delayed.is THEN DelayedOpen(p, NIL) END; WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := p.wb # NIL | msg: StdGrids.WindowPref DO IF p.wb # NIL THEN msg.win := p.wb.win END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (p: Proxy) GetBackground (VAR col: Ports.Color); BEGIN IF (p.wb # NIL) & (p.wb.win.doc # NIL) THEN p.wb.win.doc.GetBackground(col) END END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (proxy: Proxy) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: UCs); VAR wid, hei, asc, dsc, u, dummy: UCs; w: StdWindows.Window; title: Views.Title; fnt: Fonts.Font; BEGIN IF proxy.delayed.is THEN DelayedOpen(proxy, f) END; proxy.context.GetSize(wid, hei); IF proxy.wb # NIL THEN w := proxy.wb.win; IF (w # NIL) & (w.frame # NIL) & (w.backend IS Backend) THEN u := f.unit; w.SetSize((f.gx + wid) DIV u - f.gx DIV u, (f.gy + hei) DIV u - f.gy DIV u); StdWindows.InstallRoot(w, f, 0, 0, 0, StdWindows.front = w) END ELSE (* f.DrawRect(0, 0, wid, hei, Ports.fill, celadon); *) fnt := Fonts.dir.Default(); fnt := Fonts.dir.This(fnt.typeface, fnt.size, fnt.style, Fonts.bold); fnt.GetBounds(asc, dsc, dummy); IF w = NIL THEN title := "NIL" ELSE title := w.title END; f.DrawString((wid - u) DIV 2, (hei - asc - dsc) DIV 2, Ports.red, title, fnt) END END Restore; PROCEDURE Export (f: Files.File; v: Views.View; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR val: RECORD (Meta.Value) p: Converters.Exporter END; it: Meta.Item; BEGIN Meta.LookupPath(Converters.list.exp, it); IF (it.obj = Meta.procObj) OR (it.obj = Meta.varObj) & (it.typ = Meta.procTyp) THEN it.GetVal(val, ok) ELSE ok := FALSE END; IF ok THEN val.p(v, f) END END Export; PROCEDURE Import (f: Files.File; OUT v: Views.View); VAR val: RECORD (Meta.Value) p: Converters.Importer END; it: Meta.Item; ok: BOOLEAN; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN Meta.LookupPath(Converters.list.imp, it); IF (it.obj = Meta.procObj) OR (it.obj = Meta.varObj) & (it.typ = Meta.procTyp) THEN it.GetVal(val, ok) ELSE ok := FALSE END; IF ok THEN val.p(f, s); IF s # NIL THEN WITH s: Views.View DO v := s ELSE END END END END Import; PROCEDURE GetRelativeLocation (IN wrt: Files.Name; VAR loc: Files.Name); (** wrt: /home/anto/bb; loc: /home/anto/bb/Box => Box*) VAR j, i: INTEGER; a, b: CHAR; BEGIN i := -1; REPEAT INC(i); a := wrt[i]; b := loc[i] UNTIL (a = 0X) OR (b = 0X) OR (a # b); IF (b = '/') OR (b = '\') THEN INC(i) END; j := 0; IF j < i THEN REPEAT b := loc[i]; loc[j] := b; INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL b = 0X END END GetRelativeLocation; PROCEDURE (proxy: Proxy) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR w: StdWindows.Window; root, location: Files.Name; kind: INTEGER; rd: Files.Reader; b: BYTE; tmp: Files.File; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(version); IF proxy.wb # NIL THEN w := proxy.wb.win END; IF w # NIL THEN IF (w.name # "") & (w.loc # NIL) THEN kind := external ELSIF w.doc.ThisView().ThisModel() = StdLog.text THEN kind := log ELSIF w.doc.ThisView() IS TextViews.View THEN kind := internal ELSE kind := empty END; wr.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(kind))); IF kind = external THEN wr.WriteString(w.name); Dialog.GetLocPath(w.loc, location); Dialog.GetLocPath(Files.dir.This(''), root); GetRelativeLocation(root, location); wr.WriteString(location); wr.WriteString(w.conv.imp); wr.WriteString(w.title); wr.WriteSet(w.flags) ELSIF kind = internal THEN tmp := Files.dir.Temp(); Export(tmp, w.doc.ThisView(), ok); IF ~ok THEN wr.WriteInt(0) ELSE wr.WriteInt(tmp.Length()); rd := tmp.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); REPEAT rd.ReadByte(b); IF ~rd.eof THEN wr.WriteByte(b) END UNTIL rd.eof; wr.WriteString(w.title); wr.WriteSet(w.flags) END END ELSE END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: Proxy) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR location: Files.Name; len, ver: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; old: StdWindows.Window; conv: Converters.Converter; imp: Dialog.String; s: Stores.Store; b, kind: BYTE; tmp: Files.File; wr: Files.Writer; path: Files.Name; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(version, version, ver); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadByte(kind); CASE kind OF | empty: | external: rd.ReadString(p.delayed.fname); rd.ReadString(location); loc := Files.dir.This(location); rd.ReadString(imp); rd.ReadString(p.delayed.title); rd.ReadSet(p.delayed.flags); conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # imp) DO conv := conv.next END; IF conv # NIL THEN old := StdWindows.GetBySpec(loc, p.delayed.fname, conv, p.delayed.flags); IF old # NIL THEN s := old.doc.ThisView() ELSE Converters.Import(loc, p.delayed.fname, conv, s) END; IF s # NIL THEN WITH s: Views.View DO Dialog.GetLocPath(loc, path); p.delayed.view := s; p.delayed.conv := conv; p.delayed.loc := loc; ELSE END END END | internal: rd.ReadInt(len); IF len > 0 THEN tmp := Files.dir.Temp(); wr := tmp.NewWriter(NIL); wr.SetPos(0); REPEAT rd.ReadByte(b); wr.WriteByte(b); DEC(len) UNTIL len = 0; Import(tmp, p.delayed.view); rd.ReadString(p.delayed.title); rd.ReadSet(p.delayed.flags); p.delayed.fname := '' END | log: p.delayed.view := TextViews.dir.New(StdLog.text); p.delayed.fname := ''; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Log", p.delayed.title); p.delayed.flags := { Windows.neverDirty, Windows.isAux, Documents.winWidth } ELSE rd.TurnIntoAlien(badKind) END; p.delayed.is := p.delayed.view # NIL; END END Internalize; (* Backend *) PROCEDURE (wb: Backend) SetSize (w, h: Pixels), EMPTY; PROCEDURE (wb: Backend) SetTitle (IN title: Views.Title); VAR prop: StdGrids.Proposal; BEGIN IF (wb.proxy # NIL) & (wb.proxy.context # NIL) THEN prop.title := title$; prop.op := StdGrids.setTitle; wb.proxy.context.Consider(prop) END END SetTitle; PROCEDURE (wb: Backend) Select; VAR prop: StdGrids.Proposal; BEGIN IF (wb.proxy # NIL) & (wb.proxy.context # NIL) THEN prop.op := StdGrids.activate; wb.proxy.context.Consider(prop); IF wb.proxy.base IS StdWindows.Window THEN wb.proxy.base(StdWindows.Window).backend.Select; END; (* This is the only place where proxy.base is needed. If proxy were guaranteed to have a frame, then this frame could be obtained thru FindFrameMessage, then UltimateRootOf this frame would be the base window's root frame. But the proxy is NOT guaranteed to have a frame at this point: the context may not have granted the activation request, for example; or if it did, the update may have been requested but not validated, so the proxy may not have a frame at this point. *) (* this ↓ is done in StdWindows.Open, actually StdWindows.Validate(wb.base) (* during window initialization (StdWindows.Open), this forces Restore'ation and building of the frame tree -- ensures that proxy gets a frame and wb.win.rootFrame gets properly positioned thru Proxy.Restore->StdWindows.InstallRoot. This way, the same command that opens a window can also operate on it's content (frame tree). *) *) (* k8: we need proper frame structure to make things like TextCmds.FindFirst work. so let's built it! note that only newly created windows has no root host. *) IF (wb.win # NIL) & (wb.win.frame # NIL) & (Views.HostOfRoot(wb.win.frame) = NIL) THEN Views.BuildFrameTree(wb.win.frame, TRUE) END END END Select; PROCEDURE (wb: Backend) Open (isDialog: BOOLEAN); (* VAR w: StdWindows.Window; loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; flags: SET; title: Views.Title; doc: Documents.Document; dirty: BOOLEAN; proxy: Proxy; wasSub: BOOLEAN; *) VAR f: StdGrids.View; BEGIN (* w := wb.win; IF isDialog & w.sub THEN IF w # NIL THEN doc := w.doc; title := w.title; loc := w.loc; fname := w.name$; conv := w.conv; flags := w.flags; dirty := w.seq.Dirty(); proxy := NIL; (* IF ~(w.backend IS Backend) THEN proxy := ProxyFor(title) END; *) (* Windows.dir.Close(w); *) DoOpen(doc, title, loc, fname, conv, flags, proxy, TRUE, w); IF ~dirty THEN w.seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END END ELSE *) (* at this point, wb.win.port # NIL, but wb.proxy may have no frame *) ASSERT(wb.proxy # NIL, 20); ASSERT(wb.win # NIL, 21); ASSERT(wb.proxy.wb = wb, 22); ASSERT(wb.win.doc # NIL, 23); ASSERT(wb.win.doc.context # NIL, 24); IF wb.proxy.context = NIL THEN f := wb.proxy.filler; wb.proxy.filler := NIL; IF f.kind = StdGrids.divider THEN StdGrids.AppendDivTile(f, wb.proxy, 0, 0) ELSIF f.kind = StdGrids.stack THEN StdGrids.AppendStackTab(f, wb.proxy, wb.win.title) ELSE HALT(27) END END; Views.Obscure(wb.win.frame); (* obscure the root frame until it has a position. It will be unobscured with InstallRoot from Proxy.Restore when wb.proxy is grated a frame (which implies a position for the root frame) *) (* END *) END Open; PROCEDURE (d: BackendDirectory) NewBackend (): StdWindows.WindowBackend; VAR wb: Backend; res: StdWindows.WindowBackend; p: Proxy; BEGIN p := d.nextProxy; IF (p = NIL) & (targetTrack # "") THEN p := ProxyFor(targetTrack) END; IF p # NIL THEN d.nextProxy := NIL; ASSERT(p.base # NIL, 25); ASSERT(p.filler # NIL, 26); NEW(wb); res := wb; wb.proxy := p; p.wb := wb ELSE res := StdWindows.stdBackendDir.NewBackend() END; RETURN res END NewBackend; PROCEDURE (wb: BackendDirectory) GetBounds (OUT w, h: Pixels); BEGIN StdWindows.stdBackendDir.GetBounds(w, h) END GetBounds; PROCEDURE (wb: Backend) Port (): Ports.Port; BEGIN RETURN wb(Backend).proxy.base.port END Port; (* Commands *) PROCEDURE InstallViewHook*; BEGIN StdDialog.SetViewHook(viewHook); END InstallViewHook; PROCEDURE UninstallViewHook*; BEGIN StdDialog.SetViewHook(NIL); END UninstallViewHook; PROCEDURE BindCloseNotifier* (w: Windows.Window); VAR notifier: SeqNotifier; BEGIN NEW(notifier); notifier.win := w; w.seq.InstallNotifier(notifier); END BindCloseNotifier; PROCEDURE On*; BEGIN StdWindows.SetBackendDir(bckndDir); viewHook.tiled := TRUE; InstallViewHook END On; PROCEDURE Off*; BEGIN StdWindows.SetBackendDir(StdWindows.stdBackendDir); viewHook.tiled := FALSE; UninstallViewHook END Off; PROCEDURE OnOff*; (** Toggle Tiler on and off; for use in menus *) BEGIN IF StdWindows.backendDir = bckndDir THEN Off ELSE On END END OnOff; PROCEDURE OnOffGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.checked := StdWindows.backendDir # bckndDir END OnOffGuard; PROCEDURE GetThisTrack* (w: StdWindows.Window; OUT track: Views.Title); VAR msg: StdGrids.TrackPropMsg; f: Views.Frame; BEGIN f := Views.HostOfRoot(w.frame); msg.done := FALSE; WHILE (f # NIL) & ~msg.done DO msg.poll := TRUE; Views.HandlePropMsg(f.view, msg); f := Views.HostOf(f) END; IF msg.done THEN track := msg.name ELSE track := "" END END GetThisTrack; PROCEDURE (hook: AttachedCheckHook) IsAttached- (w: StdWindows.Window): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (w # NIL) & (w.backend IS Backend) END IsAttached; (* menu commands *) PROCEDURE ToggleAttached*; (** Attach (tile)/Detach (untile) target window *) VAR w: StdWindows.Window; loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; flags: SET; title: Views.Title; doc: Documents.Document; dirty: BOOLEAN; proxy: Proxy; wasSub: BOOLEAN; BEGIN w := StdWindows.target; IF w # NIL THEN doc := w.doc; title := w.title; loc := w.loc; fname := w.name$; conv := w.conv; flags := w.flags; dirty := w.seq.Dirty(); wasSub := w.sub; IF ~(w.backend IS Backend) THEN proxy := ProxyFor(title) END; Windows.dir.Close(w); DoOpen(doc, title, loc, fname, conv, flags, proxy, ~wasSub, w); IF ~dirty THEN w.seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END END END ToggleAttached; PROCEDURE AttachedGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := StdWindows.target = NIL; par.checked := ~par.disabled & (StdWindows.target.backend IS Backend) END AttachedGuard; PROCEDURE ToggleSub*; VAR w: StdWindows.Window; BEGIN w := StdWindows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); IF w.link = w THEN GetThisTrack(w, targetTrack); (* ask router where to shift duplication window *) windowsRouter(">>>"); (* halt windows router during new window open *) backUp := windowsRouter; windowsRouter := NIL; StdCmds.NewWindow; windowsRouter := backUp; ELSE Windows.dir.Select(w.link, Windows.eager) END END ToggleSub; (* experimental workspace section *) PROCEDURE SaveAs* (loc: Files.Locator; name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR f: Views.Frame; w: Windows.Window; file: Files.File; _res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF StdWindows.target # NIL THEN f := Views.UltimateRootOf(StdWindows.target.frame) END; IF f # NIL THEN IF f = StdWindows.target.frame THEN ELSE w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE w.frame # f DO w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END END; file := Files.dir.New(loc, Files.dontAsk); Documents.ExportDocument(w.doc.OriginalView(), file); file.Register(name$, 'odc', ~Files.ask, _res); END END SaveAs; PROCEDURE SaveWorkspace*; BEGIN SaveAs(lastWorkspaceLoc, lastWorkspaceName); END SaveWorkspace; PROCEDURE OpenAs* (loc: Files.Locator; name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; w: Windows.Window; quit: BOOLEAN; BEGIN lastWorkspaceLoc := loc; lastWorkspaceName := name$; v := Views.OldView(lastWorkspaceLoc, lastWorkspaceName); IF v # NIL THEN quit := TRUE; w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE (w # NIL) & quit DO StdWindows.GuardedClose(w); w := Windows.dir.First(); END; IF quit THEN Off; StdWindows.border := 0; Views.OpenAux(v, Dialog.appName$); BindCloseNotifier(Windows.dir.First()); On; END; END END OpenAs; PROCEDURE OpenWorkspace*; BEGIN OpenAs(lastWorkspaceLoc, lastWorkspaceName); END OpenWorkspace; PROCEDURE SaveGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := lastWorkspaceLoc = NIL END SaveGuard; PROCEDURE (n: SeqNotifier) Notify (VAR msg: Sequencers.Message); VAR file: Files.File; _: INTEGER; cancelled, deferred: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Sequencers.CloseMsg DO IF n.loc # NIL THEN file := Files.dir.New(n.loc, Files.dontAsk); Documents.ExportDocument(n.view, file); file.Register(n.fname, 'odc', ~Files.ask, _) END; CloseNestedWindows(n.win, cancelled, deferred); msg.sticky := cancelled OR deferred ELSE END END Notify; (* PROCEDURE Autosave* (v: Views.View; IN location, fname: Files.Name); VAR s: ANYPTR; n: SeqNotifier; BEGIN s := v.Domain().GetSequencer(); WITH s: Sequencers.Sequencer DO NEW(n); n.loc := Files.dir.This(location); n.fname := fname$; n.view := v; s.InstallNotifier(n) ELSE HALT(20) END END Autosave; example: StdCmds.OpenDoc('Workspace.odc'); w := StdWindows.GetBySpec(Files.dir.This(''), 'Workspace.odc', Converters.list, {}); IF w # NIL THEN StdTiles.Autosave(w.doc.ThisView(), '', 'Workspace') END; StdTiles.On; *) (* color themes *) PROCEDURE UpdateUIColors*; BEGIN IF Dialog.colorTheme = dark THEN IF StdMenus.param.InitDefaults # NIL THEN StdMenus.param.InitDefaults(StdMenus.param) END; IF StdGrids.param.InitDefaults # NIL THEN StdGrids.param.InitDefaults(StdGrids.param) END; ELSIF Dialog.colorTheme = light THEN StdMenus.param.bgColorLine := Ports.RGBColor(212, 208, 200); StdMenus.param.statusBg := Ports.RGBColor(212, 208, 200); StdMenus.param.bgColor := Ports.RGBColor(212, 208, 200); StdMenus.param.color := Ports.black; StdMenus.param.colorLine := Ports.black; StdMenus.param.focusBg := Ports.RGBColor(10, 36, 106); StdMenus.param.focusColor := Ports.white; StdMenus.param.focusColorLine := Ports.black; StdMenus.param.focusBgLine := Ports.RGBColor(180, 180, 180); StdMenus.param.statusColor := Ports.black; IF StdMenus.param.Init # NIL THEN StdMenus.param.Init(StdMenus.param) END; StdGrids.param.bgColor := Ports.RGBColor(128, 128, 128); StdGrids.param.gutterColor := Ports.RGBColor(140, 140, 140); IF StdGrids.param.Init # NIL THEN StdGrids.param.Init(StdGrids.param) END; END; IF (StdDocuments.param # NIL) & (StdDocuments.param.Init # NIL) THEN StdDocuments.param.Init(StdDocuments.param) END; END UpdateUIColors; PROCEDURE InitDefaults (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO p.closeDialogLocation := "Std/Rsrc"; p.closeDialogDocument := "ConfirmCloseOverlaid.odc"; p.InitDefaults := InitDefaults; END END InitDefaults; PROCEDURE Init; BEGIN NEW(attCheckHook); StdWindows.SetAttachedCheckHook(attCheckHook); targetTrack := ""; NEW(viewHook); viewHook.tiled := TRUE; NEW(bckndDir); NEW(param); InitDefaults(param); lastWorkspaceLoc := Files.dir.This(""); lastWorkspaceName := "workspace.odc"; UpdateUIColors; END Init; BEGIN Init CLOSE UninstallViewHook END StdTiles.
MODULE StdViewSizer; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20160321, center #110, use mapped strings for labels in all forms " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Services, Ports, Dialog, Views, Containers, Properties; CONST width = 1; height = 2; VAR size*: RECORD typeName-: Dialog.String; w*, h*: REAL; proportional*, fixedW, fixedH: BOOLEAN; unit, scaleW, scaleH, lastChanged: INTEGER; unitText: ARRAY 12 OF CHAR; view: Views.View; container: Containers.Controller END; PROCEDURE ConnectDialog (v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller); VAR pref: Properties.ResizePref; BEGIN IF (v # NIL) & (v.context # NIL) THEN IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN size.unit := Ports.mm * 10; size.unitText := "#Std:cm" ELSE size.unit := Ports.inch; size.unitText := "#Std:inch" END; size.view := v; size.container := c; Services.GetTypeName(v, size.typeName); v.context.GetSize(size.scaleW, size.scaleH); size.w := size.scaleW / size.unit; size.h := size.scaleH / size.unit; pref.fixed := FALSE; pref.horFitToPage := FALSE; pref.verFitToPage := FALSE; pref.horFitToWin := FALSE; pref.verFitToWin := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, pref); size.fixedW := pref.fixed; size.fixedH := pref.fixed; size.proportional := FALSE ELSE size.view := NIL; size.container := c; size.typeName := "" END; Dialog.Update(size) END ConnectDialog; PROCEDURE SetViewSize*; BEGIN IF size.view # NIL THEN size.view.context.SetSize(SHORT(ENTIER(size.w * size.unit + 0.5)), SHORT(ENTIER(size.h * size.unit + 0.5))); IF size.container # NIL THEN size.container.SetSingleton(size.view) END; ConnectDialog(size.view, size.container) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END SetViewSize; PROCEDURE InitDialog*; VAR v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := NIL END; IF (v # size.view) OR (c # size.container) THEN ConnectDialog(v, c) END END InitDialog; PROCEDURE ResetDialog*; VAR proportional: BOOLEAN; v: Views.View; BEGIN proportional := size.proportional; v := size.view; size.view := NIL; InitDialog; IF proportional & (v = size.view) THEN size.proportional := TRUE; Dialog.Update(size) END END ResetDialog; PROCEDURE WidthGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN InitDialog; par.disabled := size.view = NIL; par.readOnly := size.fixedW END WidthGuard; PROCEDURE HeightGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN InitDialog; par.disabled := size.view = NIL; par.readOnly := size.fixedH END HeightGuard; PROCEDURE ProportionGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := (size.view = NIL) OR size.fixedW OR size.fixedH OR (size.scaleW = 0) OR (size.scaleH = 0) END ProportionGuard; PROCEDURE UnitGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF size.view # NIL THEN par.label := size.unitText$ ELSE par.label := "" END END UnitGuard; PROCEDURE AdjustDialogToPref (fixedW, fixedH: BOOLEAN); VAR w, h: INTEGER; w0, h0: REAL; pref: Properties.SizePref; BEGIN w := SHORT(ENTIER(size.w * size.unit + 0.5)); h := SHORT(ENTIER(size.h * size.unit + 0.5)); IF size.proportional & (w > 0) & (h > 0) & (size.scaleW > 0) & (size.scaleH > 0) THEN Properties.ProportionalConstraint(size.scaleW, size.scaleH, fixedW, fixedH, w, h) END; pref.w := w; pref.h := h; pref.fixedW := fixedW; pref.fixedH := fixedH; Views.HandlePropMsg(size.view, pref); IF ~fixedW THEN w0 := pref.w / size.unit ELSE w0 := size.w END; IF ~fixedH THEN h0 := pref.h / size.unit ELSE h0 := size.h END; IF (w0 # size.w) OR (h0 # size.h) THEN size.w := w0; size.h := h0; Dialog.Update(size) END END AdjustDialogToPref; PROCEDURE WNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF size.w > 0 THEN AdjustDialogToPref(TRUE, FALSE); size.lastChanged := width ELSIF size.w # 0 THEN Dialog.Beep END END WNotifier; PROCEDURE HNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF size.h > 0 THEN AdjustDialogToPref(FALSE, TRUE); size.lastChanged := height ELSIF size.h # 0 THEN Dialog.Beep END END HNotifier; PROCEDURE ProportionNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (op = Dialog.changed) & size.proportional THEN IF size.lastChanged = width THEN AdjustDialogToPref(TRUE, FALSE) ELSIF size.lastChanged = height THEN AdjustDialogToPref(FALSE, TRUE) END END END ProportionNotifier; END StdViewSizer.
MODULE StdWindows; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Anton Dmitriev" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20150329, center #34, fixing the reuse of open documents - 20150703, center #65, notRecorded-operation overwrites Redo-tail in StdSequencer - 20150703, Anton Dmitriev, ... " issues = " - AD: "technical debt" issues (specific to a particular source code part) are marked with color 0BC2AF4H - In Browser mode, Home End buttons don't work as expected - AD: A whitepaper on my proposed amendments is missing and needs to be produced! " **) IMPORT Kernel, Strings, Ports, Files, Services, Stores, Sequencers, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, Converters, Containers, Documents, Windows, StdDocuments; CONST notRecorded = 3; untitledKey = "#System:untitled"; none* = -1; (* value for global variable L, indicates LTRB is not set *) borderW = 5 * Ports.point; scrollLock* = 8; (* modifier value for ScrollLock *) defW = 640; defH = 480; (* default screen size *) useSeparators = TRUE; noSeparators = FALSE; (* parameters to be used with AppendInt *) (* these constants need to be in sync with Backends; actually, they are defined in Containers docu *) (* ENTER = 0DX; ESC = 1BX; TAB = 09X; LTAB = 0AX; RDEL = 07X; LDEL = 08X; PL = 10X; PR = 11X; *) PU = 12X; PD = 13X; DL = 14X; DR = 15X; (* DU = 16X; DD = 17X; *) AL = 1CX; AR = 1DX; AU = 1EX; AD = 1FX; WL = 5; WR = 6; (* wheel left/right; picks up numbering after Controllers.gotoPos *) (**) TYPE Pixels = INTEGER; (* make declarations more self-documenting *) UCs = INTEGER; Ident = Kernel.Name; Window* = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Windows.Window) next: Window; hook*: Hook; (** window activity notification *) backend-: WindowBackend; title-, initialTitle: Views.Title; path: Files.Name; width, height: Pixels; (* window size *) END; (** A window is the cornerstone abstraction in the windowing system. It's main responsibility is to bring together the many abstractions that provide different aspects of the windowing system: * the Document - as the standard container for an arbitrary view, responsible for storing, paging, printing; * the Port - the bitmap canvas on which the content of the window is restored * the Layout - the view responsible for window layout, see below * two scrollbars * the sequencer - non-visible abstraction responsible for message delivery and model undo/redo operations * the backend - abstraction responsible for translating BB windows to underlying host mechanisms * the rootFrame and docFrame - connection points between the views framework and windowing system * the Locator, filename and Converter, connecting the window's root view to the permanent store (typically the filesystem) Another vital responsibility is connecting windows that present the same root view - duplicate windows; this is a distinguishing feature of the BlackBox windowing system. And don't forget the window title! In this version, Window is marked as EXTENSIBLE; however, the experiment in Tyler project showed that it may not be necessary to extend Window to implement new functionality; in Tyler, addition of features was achieved thru extending WindowBackend and Layout. *) (** Directory is responsible for creating and initializing new windows. *) StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Windows.Directory) END; WindowBackend* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD win-: Window; (** the window that this backend is connected to; may be NIL *) END; (** This type is responsible for translating a window in "host" terms; typically, the host is the underlying host system and it's windowing facilities. However, in Tyler project - the tiling widow manager - a "host" can be another window that serves as the container for "tiled" windows. This type is extended and impelemnted in HostWindows. *) BackendDirectory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; (** BackendDirectory is responsible for creating and initializing new backends. *) Hook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; (** window state notification hook *) AttachedCheckHook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; OpElem = POINTER TO RECORD next: OpElem; st: Stores.Store; op: Stores.Operation; name: Stores.OpName; invisible, transparent: BOOLEAN END; Script = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) up: Script; list: OpElem; level: INTEGER; (* nestLevel at creation time *) name: Stores.OpName END; StdSequencer = POINTER TO RECORD (Sequencers.Sequencer) home: Window; trapEra: INTEGER; (* last observed TrapCount value *) modLevel: INTEGER; (* dirty if modLevel > 0 *) entryLevel: INTEGER; (* active = (entryLevel > 0) *) nestLevel: INTEGER; (* nesting level of BeginScript/Modification *) modStack: ARRAY 64 OF RECORD store: Stores.Store; type: INTEGER END; lastSt: Stores.Store; lastOp: Stores.Operation; script: Script; undo, redo: OpElem; (* undo/redo stacks *) noUndo: BOOLEAN; (* script # NIL and BeginModification called *) invisibleLevel, transparentLevel, notRecordedLevel: INTEGER; END; SequencerDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Sequencers.Directory) END; Forwarder = POINTER TO RECORD (Controllers.Forwarder) END; (* Provided by Windows => not needed here any more *) Context = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Context) win: Window; END; DocContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Context) END; Reducer = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.Reducer) END; MsgHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.MsgHook) END; PrefocusMsg* = RECORD (Controllers.CursorMessage) win*: Window END; (** Forwarded before a TrackMsg when a click occurs in an unfocussed window. Normally in such case the window is focussed (selected) first, and then the TrackMsg is forwarded. Receiver may set .hotFocus to indicate that it doesn't require containing window to be focussed before tracking the mouse. For use by views that would change focus to another window as a result of TrackMsg - otherwise, there'd be a cascade of unwanted window selections *) UpdateMsg* = RECORD (Controllers.Message) END; (** Forwarded to windows' root views before validation to let them update their state. Used for scrollbars *) CheckAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) wait: WaitAction END; WaitAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) check: CheckAction END; LangNotifier = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.LangNotifier) END; SafeOpen = RECORD (Services.SafeAction) w: Window; doc: Documents.Document; flags: SET; title: Views.Title END; Param* = POINTER TO RECORD bgColor*: Ports.Color; wheelScrollByPage*: BOOLEAN; debug*: BOOLEAN; markTitles*: BOOLEAN; frontStr*, targetStr*, frontTargetStr*, markStr*: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; InitDefaults-, Init-: PROCEDURE (par: ANYPTR) END; Ext* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; (** A hook that provides services that are standard (because they are in this module), but may or may not be present in a particular situation. Right now, this is the support for multihead settings: Windows (and it's clients) have an interface to this feature, but the feature may or may not be provided. *) StdExt = POINTER TO RECORD (Ext) END; VAR dir-, (*Windows.Directory;*) stdDir-: StdDirectory; backendDir-, stdBackendDir-: BackendDirectory; backoff* : RECORD (** after an interaction with a menu, focus should be returned to backoff revisit *) front*, target-: Window END; front-: Window; (** Front window: the one receiving keyboard input *) target-: Window; (** Target window: the one that tool dialogs (may) operate on, if they so choose *) mark-: Window; (** Marked window: clients may provide commands operating on the marked wnd *) zList: Window; (* Z-ordered list of open windows, linked by .next, zList being topmost window *) border*: UCs; (** The document border for the next window to be opened; a request *) newNumber: INTEGER; (* number for next untitled document *) (* AD: from HostWindows *) dump-, stdDump-: PROCEDURE (p: ANYPTR); (** called to dump window or frame when ^Sh+LMB/MMB is clicked, see StdTrack *) guardedCloseHook*: PROCEDURE (w: Windows.Window); PortOrigin(*Hook*)*: PROCEDURE (p: Ports.Port; OUT xRoot, yRoot: Pixels): BOOLEAN; (** HostWindows should provide this procedure. Returns global screen coordinates of a Port's origin: translates Port's (0,0) to global screen coords. *) param*: Param; ext*: Ext; (** holder of extended Windows services that may not be provided by the host implementation *) attachedCheckHook-: AttachedCheckHook; (* Backend Directory *) PROCEDURE (bd: BackendDirectory) NewBackend* (): WindowBackend, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Produce a new backend. *) PROCEDURE (bd: BackendDirectory) GetBounds* (OUT w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** a procedure returning screen dimensions; to be proivided by HostWindows *) (** Returns the number of heads (monitors) currently connected to the system. ATTN: it's a VAR par, extensions have no obligation to actually fill it! In case no Ext is provided, ext may leave count unchanged *) PROCEDURE (e: Ext) GetNumHeads* (VAR count: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Request to send wb.win to head. May be ignored *) PROCEDURE (e: Ext) ToHead* (wb: WindowBackend; head: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Request to maximize wb.win. May be ignored *) PROCEDURE (e: Ext) Maximize* (wb: WindowBackend), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (e: StdExt) GetNumHeads (VAR count: INTEGER), EMPTY; PROCEDURE (e: StdExt) ToHead (wb: WindowBackend; head: INTEGER), EMPTY; PROCEDURE (e: StdExt) Maximize (wb: WindowBackend), EMPTY; (* can be called with w = NIL! *) PROCEDURE (hook: AttachedCheckHook) IsAttached- (w: Window): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Window **) PROCEDURE First (): Window; (** Returns the first (top) window in Z-order. NIL if no window is open *) BEGIN RETURN zList END First; PROCEDURE Next (w: Window): Window; (** Returns the window following w in Z-order. NIL if w is the last (bottom) window *) BEGIN IF w # NIL THEN w := w.next END; RETURN w END Next; PROCEDURE IsAttached* (w: Window): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (w # NIL) & (attachedCheckHook # NIL) & attachedCheckHook.IsAttached(w) END IsAttached; PROCEDURE IsDetached* (w: Window): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN ~IsAttached(w) END IsDetached; (* Scrolling procedures *) PROCEDURE ^ (w: Window) ForwardCtrlMsg* (VAR msg: Controllers.Message), EXTENSIBLE; (* auxiliary portable prcedures (scrolling) *) PROCEDURE GetSection (w: Window; focus, vertical: BOOLEAN; VAR size, sect, pos: INTEGER; VAR valid: BOOLEAN); VAR msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; BEGIN (* portable *) msg.focus := focus; msg.vertical := vertical; msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0; msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE; (*w.trapped := TRUE; *)w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg); (*w.trapped := FALSE;*) IF msg.done THEN size := msg.wholeSize; sect := msg.partSize; pos := msg.partPos; IF size < 0 THEN size := 0 END; IF sect < 0 THEN sect := 0 ELSIF sect > size THEN sect := size END; IF pos > size - sect THEN pos := size - sect END; IF pos < 0 THEN pos := 0 END ELSE size := 1; sect := 0; pos := 0 END; valid := msg.valid END GetSection; PROCEDURE Scroll (w: Window; focus, vertical: BOOLEAN; op, pos: INTEGER); (* scroll w by sending a Controllers.ScrollMsg. pos is ignored if op # Controllers.gotoPos. AD: based on Scroll and SetOrigin *) VAR msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN (* portable *) IF op # Controllers.gotoPos THEN (* AD: not sure why marks aren't faded for op = gotoPos *) c := w.doc.ThisController(); v := c.ThisFocus(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) THEN Containers.FadeMarks(v(Containers.View).ThisController(), FALSE) END ELSE msg.pos := pos END; msg.focus := focus; msg.vertical := vertical; msg.op := op; msg.done := FALSE; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg) END Scroll; (* Window *) PROCEDURE (w: Window) GetSize* (OUT width, height: Pixels), (*NEW, *)EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN IF w.port = NIL THEN width := 0; height := 0 (* closed window *) ELSE width := w.width; height := w.height END END GetSize; PROCEDURE InstallRoot* (w: Window; f: Views.Frame; x, y, level: INTEGER; focus: BOOLEAN); (** Installs a root frame for window w into frame f at position x,y and z-order level, marking it as focus frame if focus = TRUE. *) BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(w.frame # NIL, 21); Views.InstallRoot(f, w.frame, x, y, level, focus); w.port := w.rootFrame.rider.Base(); IF w.port = NIL THEN w.Init(w.frame.rider.Base()) ELSE ASSERT(w.port = w.frame.rider.Base(), 90) END END InstallRoot; PROCEDURE UpdateIn* (win: Window; l, t, r, b: Pixels; rebuild: BOOLEAN); (** Request delayed update of box l,t,r,b in win with frame rebuild flag rebuild. *) VAR f: Views.Frame; w, h, u: UCs; BEGIN ASSERT(win # NIL, 20); f := win.frame; IF f # NIL THEN win.GetSize(w, h); u := f.unit; l := l * u; t := t * u; r := r * u; b := b * u; r := MIN(r, w * u); b := MIN(b, h * u); Views.UpdateRoot(win.frame, l, t, r, b, rebuild); (* this does not respect frame scrolling *) END END UpdateIn; PROCEDURE Update* (win: Window; rebuild: BOOLEAN); (** Request delayed update of win with frame rebuild flag rebuild *) VAR f: Views.RootFrame; w, h: UCs; BEGIN IF win # NIL THEN f := win.frame; IF f # NIL THEN Views.AdaptRoot(f); win.GetSize(w, h); Views.UpdateRoot(f, 0, 0, w * f.unit, h * f.unit, rebuild) (* this doesn't respect frame scrolling *) END ELSE win := First(); WHILE win # NIL DO Update(win, rebuild); win := Next(win) END END END Update; PROCEDURE (w: Window) RRestore* (l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; (** deprecated, use Windows.UpdateIn or Windows.Update with rebuild = Views.KeepFrames *) BEGIN UpdateIn(w, l, t, r, b, Views.keepFrames) END RRestore; PROCEDURE ^ ValidateRing* (w: Window); PROCEDURE ScrollDir (w: Window; op, value: INTEGER; focus, vertical: BOOLEAN); VAR size, sect, pos: INTEGER; valid: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetSection(w, focus, vertical, size, sect, pos, valid); IF valid THEN Scroll(w, focus, vertical, op, value); ValidateRing(w); (* why does it have to update all sequencer's windows? replace w/Validate? *) END END ScrollDir; (** Force the restoration of w's update region. Use with care! Validation of a window's (as well as root frame's) update region may result in closing any or all subframes; thus, if Validate is called from a handler that was handed a frame f, after the call f may be closed and no operations on it permitted. A proper use case for Validate is forced restoration during mouse tracking. *) PROCEDURE Validate* (w: Window); VAR d: Documents.Document; BEGIN IF w # NIL THEN IF ~Views.IsObscured(w.frame) THEN d := w.doc; WITH d: StdDocuments.Document DO StdDocuments.UpdateScrollbars(w.frame) ELSE END; Views.ValidateRoot(w.frame) END ELSE w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO Validate(w); w := Next(w) END END; END Validate; PROCEDURE (w: Window) UUpdate*, NEW; BEGIN Validate(w) END UUpdate; PROCEDURE (w: Window) Init* (port: Ports.Port)(*, NEW*); (** Initialize w with port. Pre: w.port = NIL 20, port # NIL 21 *) BEGIN w.Init^(port); w.title := ""; w.initialTitle := "" END Init; PROCEDURE (w: Window) InitBackend* (wb: WindowBackend), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** Initialize w with backend wb (connect w and wb). EXTENSIBLE so that extensions could be notified of receiving a backend - just in case. Extensions have to call the base procedure in order for wb and w to be connected *) BEGIN ASSERT(wb # NIL, 20); ASSERT((w.backend = NIL) OR (w.backend = wb), 21); ASSERT(wb.win = NIL, 22); w.backend := wb; wb.win := w END InitBackend; PROCEDURE IsDialog (flags: SET; doc: Documents.Document): BOOLEAN; VAR isDialog: BOOLEAN; c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN isDialog := Windows.isTool IN flags; IF ~isDialog THEN v := doc.ThisView(); WITH v: Containers.View DO c := v.ThisController(); isDialog := (c # NIL) & ({Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection} - c.opts = {}) ELSE END END; RETURN isDialog END IsDialog; PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) SetSize- (width, height: Pixels), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (w: Window) SetSize* (width, height: Pixels); (** Set the size of w to width, height in pixels. *) VAR w0, h0: Pixels; BEGIN IF w.port # NIL THEN w.GetSize(w0, h0); IF (width # w0) OR (height # h0) THEN w.width := width; w.height := height; IF w.backend # NIL THEN w.backend.SetSize(width, height) END; IF w.frame # NIL THEN Views.AdaptRoot(w.frame) END; Views.Update(w.doc, Views.keepFrames) END END END SetSize; PROCEDURE GetInitSize (w: Window; doc: Documents.Document; OUT wid, hei: Pixels; flags: SET); VAR isDialog: BOOLEAN; u, dl, dt, dr, db, dw, dh, bw: UCs; W, H: Pixels; BEGIN ASSERT(doc.context = NIL, 20); (* to obtain a doc's desired size, it has to not be embedded *) isDialog := IsDialog(flags, doc); u := w.port.unit; IF isDialog THEN bw := 0; ELSE IF border < 0 THEN bw := borderW ELSE bw := border END; END; border := -1; IF (dir.l # none) & (dir.r > dir.l) & (dir.b > dir.t) THEN wid := dir.r - dir.l; hei := dir.b - dir.t; dr := wid* u - bw; db := hei * u - bw ELSE doc.PollRect(dl, dt, dr, db); dw := dr - dl; dh := db - dt; IF backendDir # NIL THEN backendDir.GetBounds(W, H) ELSE W := defW; H := defH END; IF ~(Windows.noHScroll IN w.flags) & ((dw DIV u) > (W - 40)) THEN dw := (W - 80) * u END; IF ~(Windows.noVScroll IN w.flags) & ((dh DIV u) > (H - 40)) THEN dh := (H - 160) * u END; dr := bw + dw; db := bw + dh; wid := (dr + bw) DIV u; hei := (db + bw) DIV u; END; dl := bw; dt := bw; IF ~ (Windows.isTool IN flags) THEN IF ~(Windows.noHScroll IN flags) THEN INC(wid, StdDocuments.param.sbThickness) END; IF ~(Windows.noVScroll IN flags) THEN INC(hei, StdDocuments.param.sbThickness) END; END; IF isDialog THEN dir.l := (W - wid) DIV 2; dir.t := (H - hei) DIV 2; END; doc.SetRect(dl, dt, dr, db); IF wid < 0 THEN wid := 0 END; IF hei < 0 THEN hei := 0 END; END GetInitSize; PROCEDURE (w: Window) BroadcastModelMsg2* (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (** This should be implemented by a Window extender in case it wants to add to the standard broadcasting behavior - for example, if it adds it's own (root) frames where model messages have to be broadcast. *) PROCEDURE (w: Window) BroadcastModelMsg* (VAR msg: Models.Message); (** Broadcast msg into w. A Window extender's w.BroadcastModelMsg2 is called, too, to give it a chance to broadcast msg message into it's (possible) structures. *) BEGIN Views.BroadcastModelMsg(w.frame, msg); w.BroadcastModelMsg2(msg); END BroadcastModelMsg; PROCEDURE (w: Window) BroadcastViewMsg2* (VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (** This should be implemented by a Window extender in case it wants to add to the standard broadcasting behavior - for example, if it adds it's own (root) frames where view messages have to be broadcast. *) PROCEDURE (w: Window) BroadcastViewMsg* (VAR msg: Views.Message); (** Broadcast msg into w. A Window extender's w.BroadcastViewMsg2 is called, too, to give it a chance to broadcast msg message into it's (possible) structures *) VAR name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Services.GetTypeName(msg, name); Views.BroadcastViewMsg(w.frame, msg); w.BroadcastViewMsg2(msg); END BroadcastViewMsg; PROCEDURE (w: Window) ForwardCtrlMsg* (VAR msg: Controllers.Message), EXTENSIBLE; (** Forward msg into w. An extension may add to this or override *) (* based on Windows.Window.ForwardCtrlMsg & HostWindows.Window.ForwardCtrlMsg *) VAR flags: SET; BEGIN IF (w.frame # NIL) & ~Views.IsObscured(w.frame) THEN flags := {}; IF w = front THEN INCL(flags, StdDocuments.front) END; IF w = target THEN INCL(flags, StdDocuments.target) END; Views.SetRoot(w.frame, w.frame.view, w = front, w.flags + flags); Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(w.frame, msg); END END ForwardCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE ^ Select (w: Window; lazy: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE StdTrack (w: Window; VAR track: Controllers.TrackMsg); CONST showWindow = {Controllers.extend, Controllers.modify, Controllers.pick}; showFrame = {Controllers.extend, Controllers.modify, Controllers.popup}; VAR x, y: UCs; f, g: Views.Frame; mod: SET; pan: StdDocuments.PanWindowPref; prefocus: PrefocusMsg; BEGIN mod := track.modifiers; x := track.x; y := track.y; IF dump # NIL THEN (* This was commented out in (Lin)HostWindows.HandleMouse; AD: brought it back in and adapted *) IF showWindow - mod = {} THEN dump(w) ELSIF showFrame - mod = {} THEN f := w.frame; REPEAT g := f; f := Views.FrameAt(g, x - g.gx, y - g.gy) UNTIL f = NIL; dump(g) END END; pan.atLocation := TRUE; pan.x := x; pan.y := y; pan.panWindow := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(w.doc, pan); IF ~pan.panWindow THEN prefocus.x := x; prefocus.y := y; prefocus.win := w; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(prefocus); IF prefocus.win # NIL THEN Select(prefocus.win, Windows.lazy) END; backoff.front := NIL ELSIF pan.panWindow & (w # front) & (backoff.front = NIL) THEN backoff.front := front END; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(track) END StdTrack; PROCEDURE StdWheel (w: Window; VAR msg: Controllers.WheelMsg); VAR scroll: Controllers.ScrollMsg; mod: SET; op: INTEGER; BEGIN mod := msg.modifiers; op := msg.op; IF ~(Controllers.modify IN mod) THEN w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg) END; IF ~msg.done THEN scroll.vertical := ~(Controllers.extend IN mod) OR (op = WL) OR (op = WR); scroll.focus := Controllers.modify IN mod; IF ~param.wheelScrollByPage & (Controllers.pick IN mod) OR param.wheelScrollByPage & ~(Controllers.pick IN mod) THEN CASE op OF Controllers.decLine, WL: scroll.op := Controllers.decPage | Controllers.incLine, WR: scroll.op := Controllers.incPage ELSE scroll.op := op END ELSE IF op = WL THEN scroll.op := Controllers.decLine ELSIF op = WR THEN scroll.op := Controllers.incLine ELSE scroll.op := op END END; scroll.done := FALSE; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(scroll); IF scroll.done THEN msg.done := TRUE ELSE scroll.focus := ~scroll.focus; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(scroll); msg.done := scroll.done END END END StdWheel; PROCEDURE StdPasteChar (w: Window; msg: Controllers.EditMsg); VAR scroll, scrolled, horizontal: BOOLEAN; ch: CHAR; mod: SET; c: Containers.Controller; pmsg: Controllers.PollFocusMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar, 21); ch := msg.char; mod := msg.modifiers; scroll := FALSE; pmsg.focus := NIL; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(pmsg); IF (pmsg.focus # NIL) & (pmsg.focus.view IS Containers.View) THEN c := pmsg.focus.view(Containers.View).ThisController(); IF (c # NIL) & (Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN scroll := TRUE END END; IF (scrollLock IN mod) OR scroll THEN scrolled := TRUE; horizontal := Controllers.modify IN mod; CASE ch OF | PU: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.decPage, 0, TRUE, ~horizontal) | PD: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.incPage, 0, TRUE, ~horizontal) | DR: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.gotoPos, MAX(INTEGER), TRUE, horizontal) | DL: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.gotoPos, 0, TRUE, horizontal) | AL: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.decLine, 0, TRUE, FALSE) | AU: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.decLine, 0, TRUE, TRUE) | AR: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.incLine, 0, TRUE, FALSE) | AD: ScrollDir(w, Controllers.incLine, 0, TRUE, TRUE) ELSE scrolled := FALSE END; IF scrolled THEN ch := 0X END END; IF ch = 0X THEN Dialog.Beep ELSE w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg) END END StdPasteChar; PROCEDURE ForwardCtrlMsg* (w: Window; VAR msg: Controllers.Message); (** Forward a controller message into the window, providing standard behaviour: wheel scrolling, frame and window dumping, and scroll position respect. If these standard behaviours are to be avoided, call Windows.Window.ForwardCtrlMsg instead *) BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); (* AD: copypasted from HostWindows; not sure what it's for *) WITH | msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO StdWheel(w, msg) | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO StdTrack(w, msg) | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN StdPasteChar(w, msg) ELSE w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg) END ELSE w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg) END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); Properties.IncEra END ForwardCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE Wheel* (w: Window; op, x, y: Pixels; mod: SET); (** Handle a mouse wheel event in the window. Intended for use from platform modules by WindowBackend extensions *) VAR msg: Controllers.WheelMsg; u: UCs; BEGIN u := w.port.unit; msg.modifiers := mod; msg.x := x * u; msg.y := y * u; msg.done := FALSE; msg.op := op; msg.nofLines := 1; ForwardCtrlMsg(w, msg) END Wheel; PROCEDURE UpdateCursor* (w: Window; x, y: Pixels; modifiers: SET); VAR pw, ph: INTEGER; msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg; cur: INTEGER; BEGIN w.GetSize(pw, ph); IF (x >= 0) & (x < pw) & (y >= 0) & (y < ph) THEN msg.x := x * w.frame.unit - w.frame.gx; msg.y := y * w.frame.unit - w.frame.gy; msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor; msg.modifiers := modifiers; (* does this ↓ need to be bracketed by Controllers.SetCurrentPath/ResetCurrentPath? *) w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg); cur := msg.cursor ELSE cur := Ports.arrowCursor END; IF cur >= 0 THEN w.frame.SetCursor(cur) END END UpdateCursor; PROCEDURE Track* (w: Window; x, y: Pixels; modifiers: SET); (** Handle a mouse down event in window. Intended for use in HostWidows by WindowBackend extensions *) VAR u: UCs; track: Controllers.TrackMsg; BEGIN u := w.port.unit; track.modifiers := modifiers; track.x := x * u; track.y := y * u; ForwardCtrlMsg(w, track) END Track; PROCEDURE (w: Window) KeyDown* (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET); VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); msg.op := Controllers.pasteChar; msg.char := ch; msg.modifiers:= modifiers; ForwardCtrlMsg(w, msg) END KeyDown; PROCEDURE (w: Window) MouseDown* (x, y, time: INTEGER; modifiers: SET), EMPTY; PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) GetOrigin* (OUT xRoot, yRoot: Pixels ): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** Translate wb's (0,0) into global screen coordinates, if possible. Result is TRUE if translation was possible/successful, FALSE otherwise. Post: res = FALSE => xRoot, yRoot undefined *) BEGIN RETURN FALSE END GetOrigin; PROCEDURE (w: Window) IsTool* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** Returns TRUE if w was opened as a Tool dialog, FALSE otherwise. *) BEGIN RETURN Windows.isTool IN w.flags END IsTool; PROCEDURE Reset (s: StdSequencer); BEGIN s.trapEra := Kernel.trapCount; IF (s.entryLevel # 0) OR (s.nestLevel # 0) THEN s.modLevel := 0; s.entryLevel := 0; s.nestLevel := 0; s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL; s.script := NIL; s.noUndo := FALSE; s.undo := NIL; s.redo := NIL; s.invisibleLevel := 0; s.transparentLevel := 0; s.notRecordedLevel := 0 END END Reset; PROCEDURE NewSequencer*(): Sequencers.Sequencer; (** Creates and returns a new sequencer. *) VAR s: StdSequencer; BEGIN NEW(s); Reset(s); RETURN s END NewSequencer; PROCEDURE AppendInt (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; n: INTEGER; useSeparators: BOOLEAN); VAR len: INTEGER; i, j: INTEGER; d: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(n >= 0, 20); i := 0; REPEAT d[i] := CHR(30H + n MOD 10); INC(i); n := n DIV 10; IF useSeparators & (i MOD 4 = 3) & (n # 0) THEN d[i] := "'"; INC(i) END UNTIL n = 0; len := LEN(s) - 1; j := 0; WHILE s[j] # 0X DO INC(j) END; IF j + i < len THEN REPEAT DEC(i); s[j] := d[i]; INC(j) UNTIL i = 0; s[j] := 0X END END AppendInt; PROCEDURE Append (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR len: INTEGER; i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN len := LEN(s); i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; j := 0; REPEAT ch := t[j]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (i = len); s[len - 1] := 0X END Append; PROCEDURE StripTitle (VAR s: Views.Title); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF s[0] = "<" THEN i := 1; WHILE (s[i] # ">") & (s[i] # 0X) DO s[i - 1] := s[i]; INC(i) END; DEC(i); s[i] := 0X END END StripTitle; PROCEDURE GenTitle (w: Window; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR title: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* generate window title for a document *) VAR newName: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF w.sub THEN title[0] := "<"; title[1] := 0X ELSE title[0] := 0X END; IF name # "" THEN i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; IF (i > 4) & (name[i-4] = ".") & (CAP(name[i-3]) = "O") & (CAP(name[i-2]) = "D") & (CAP(name[i-1]) = "C") THEN name[i-4] := 0X END; Append(title, name) ELSE Dialog.MapString(untitledKey, newName); Append(title, newName); AppendInt(title, newNumber, noSeparators); INC(newNumber) END; IF w.sub THEN Append(title, ">") END END GenTitle; PROCEDURE GenPathTitle (w: Window; OUT title: ARRAY OF CHAR); CONST mlen = LEN(Views.Title) - 1; VAR loc: Files.Locator; path: Files.Name; ch: CHAR; s1, s2: Views.Title; i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN loc := w.loc; title := ""; Dialog.GetLocPath(loc, path); w.path := path$; i := 0; ch := path[0]; j := 0; s2 := ""; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (j < mlen) DO IF (ch = "/") OR (ch = "\") THEN s1[j] := 0X; s2 := s1$; j := 0 ELSE s1[j] := ch; INC(j) END; INC(i); ch := path[i] END; s1[j] := 0X; i := 0; WHILE (i < 4) & (i < j) DO s1[i] := CAP(s1[i]); INC(i) END; s1[i] := 0X; IF s1 = "MOD" THEN IF LEN(title) <= LEN(s2$) + 2 THEN s2[LEN(title) - 3] := 0X END; title := "(" + s2$ + ")" ELSIF s1 = "DOCU" THEN IF LEN(title) <= LEN(s2$) + 2 THEN s2[LEN(title) - 3] := 0X END; title := "{" + s2$ + "}" ELSIF s1 = "RSRC" THEN IF LEN(title) <= LEN(s2$) + 2 THEN s2[LEN(title) - 3] := 0X END; title := "[" + s2$ + "]" END; Append(title, w.name) END GenPathTitle; PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) SetTitle* (IN title: Views.Title), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (w: Window) SetTitle* (title: Views.Title); VAR t0: Views.Title; h: Window; BEGIN w.initialTitle := title$; Dialog.MapString(title, t0); h := w; REPEAT GenTitle(w, t0, w.title); w.backend.SetTitle(w.title); w := w.link(Window) UNTIL w = h END SetTitle; PROCEDURE (w: Window) RefreshTitle* (), EXTENSIBLE; VAR title: Views.Title; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(w.initialTitle, title); w.SetTitle(title) END RefreshTitle; PROCEDURE (w: Window) GetTitle* (OUT title: Views.Title); BEGIN title := w.initialTitle$; IF title = "" THEN title := w.title$; StripTitle(title) END END GetTitle; PROCEDURE (w: Window) SetSpec* (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter); VAR title: Views.Title; BEGIN IF name # "" THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(name, Files.docType, name) END; w.SetSpec^ (loc, name, conv); IF (loc # NIL) THEN GenPathTitle(w, title); w.SetTitle(title) END END SetSpec; (* Procedures relating to selecting (activating) a window *) PROCEDURE MarkTitle (w: Window); VAR mark2, mark1: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); IF w.backend # NIL THEN IF (w = front) & (w = target) THEN mark2 := param.frontTargetStr$ ELSIF w = front THEN mark2 := param.frontStr$ ELSIF w = target THEN mark2 := param.targetStr$ ELSE mark2 := "" END; IF w = mark THEN mark1 := param.markStr$ ELSE mark1 := "" END; w.backend.SetTitle(mark1$ + w.title + mark2$) END END MarkTitle; PROCEDURE SetFrontWindow (w: Window); VAR u, v: Window; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); u := front; v := target; IF w.IsTool() & (front # NIL) & ~front.IsTool() THEN target := front ELSE target := w END; front := w; IF param.markTitles THEN MarkTitle(front); IF front # target THEN MarkTitle(target) END; IF (u # NIL) & (u # front) & (u # target) THEN MarkTitle(u) END; IF (v # NIL) & (v # front) & (v # target) THEN MarkTitle(v) END; END; IF (u # NIL) & (u # front) & (u # target) THEN Views.SetRoot(u.frame, u.frame.view, FALSE, u.flags); END; IF (v # NIL) & (v # front) & (v # target) THEN Views.SetRoot(v.frame, v.frame.view, FALSE, v.flags); END; IF front = target THEN Views.SetRoot(front.frame, front.frame.view, TRUE, front.flags + { StdDocuments.front, StdDocuments.target } ); ELSE Views.SetRoot(front.frame, front.frame.view, TRUE, front.flags + { StdDocuments.front } ); Views.SetRoot(target.frame, target.frame.view, TRUE, target.flags + { StdDocuments.target } ); END END SetFrontWindow; PROCEDURE Mark (w: Window; show, focus: BOOLEAN); VAR mark: Controllers.MarkMsg; BEGIN mark.show := show; mark.focus := focus; w.ForwardCtrlMsg(mark); Properties.IncEra END Mark; PROCEDURE (h: Hook) NotifySelect*, NEW, EMPTY; (** Called after the window that h is attached to has been selected (activated). *) PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) Select*, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Make wb.win activated (selected) host window (bring it up). If the host procedure(s) imply a callback, then such callback should not eventually call Windows.Select, otherwise unterminated recusion will take place *) PROCEDURE Select (w: Window; lazy: BOOLEAN); (** Select (activate, bring to front) w. *) CONST guardCheck = 4; (* adapted from HostWindows.ChildActivateHandler *) VAR u: Window; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(zList # NIL, 21 (* w is selected => w is in zList => zList # NIL *)); (* This is where the select candidate (the alternative window) should be suggested - cf. the F9 problem *) IF w # front THEN refrontAction.win := w; Services.DoLater(refrontAction, Services.immediately) IF front # NIL THEN Mark(front, FALSE, TRUEFALSE) END; SetFrontWindow(w); IF zList # w THEN u := zList; WHILE (u.next # NIL) & (u.next # w) DO u := u.next END; ASSERT(u.next # NIL, 21 (* w is not in Z-list - it hasn't been Open()ed properly *)); u.next := u.next.next; w.next := zList; zList := w END; ASSERT(zList = w, 60); IF w.backend # NIL THEN w.backend.Select END; (* k8: we need proper frame structure to make things like TextCmds.FindFirst work. so let's built it! note that only newly created windows has no root host. *) (* HACK: if this is first ever window, don't do it; otherwise main window flashes *) IF (zList.next # NIL) & (zList.next # zList) THEN IF (w.frame # NIL) & IsDetached(w) & (Views.HostOfRoot(w.frame) = NIL) & ~Views.HasAnyFrames(w.frame) THEN Views.BuildFrameTree(w.frame, FALSE) END END; Mark(w, TRUE, TRUEFALSE); IF w = front THEN IF w.hook # NIL THEN w.hook.NotifySelect() END; Dialog.Notify(0, 0, {guardCheck}) (* adapted from HostWindows.ChildActivateHandler *) END ELSE IF w.backend # NIL THEN w.backend.Select END END; backoff.front := NIL; IF lazy THEN Views.Update(w.doc, Views.keepFrames) ELSE (* experimental, need to be tested *) Validate(w) (* this ensures w has actualized frame structure right after Select *) END END Select; (* Procedures relating to closing a window *) PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) Close-, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Close/Remove host window. Pre: .port # NIL, .link = .next = .rootFrame = .frame = .loc = .layout = .hook = NIL *) PROCEDURE Close (w: Window); (** Close window unconditionally and without dialogueing with the user *) VAR t, u, v: Window; s: Sequencers.Sequencer; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); u := zList; WHILE (u # NIL) & (u # w) DO u := u.next END; IF u # NIL THEN v := w; IF w.sub THEN WHILE v.link # w DO v := v.link(Window) END END; REPEAT u := v.link(Window); (* u is to be removed; u # NIL 'cause .link is a ring, so v.link = v if 1 wnd in ring *) IF front = u THEN front := NIL END; IF target = u THEN target := NIL END; (* new values for front and target are not needed at this point: after a window is closed, the underlying host OS or library will activate another window, and that will cause a call to Select, which will assign new values for front and target *) IF mark = u THEN mark := NIL END; (* remove u from window list *) IF u = zList THEN zList := zList.next ELSE t := zList; WHILE (t.next # NIL) & (t.next # u) DO t := t.next END; ASSERT(t.next # NIL, 100 (* t is in window ring but not in window list *) ); t.next := t.next.next END; u.next := NIL; s := u.seq; WITH s: StdSequencer DO IF s.home = u THEN s.home := NIL END ELSE END; (* revisit when the duplicity Windows.StdSequencer <=> StdWindows.StdSequencer is resolved *) u.backend.SetSize(0, 0); (* may or may not be necessary *) u.Close; u.hook := NIL; u.backend.Close; u.next := NIL; u.backend.win := NIL; u.backend := NIL UNTIL w.sub OR (v.link = NIL) END; IF (front = NIL) & (zList # NIL) THEN Select(zList, Windows.lazy) END END Close; PROCEDURE GuardedClose* (w: Windows.Window); BEGIN ASSERT(guardedCloseHook # NIL, 39); guardedCloseHook(w) END GuardedClose; (* Procedures relating to opening a window *) PROCEDURE (w: Window) NewContext* (): Models.Context, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** Allows extenders to provide a custom context for the window's document. *) VAR c: DocContext; BEGIN NEW(c); c.win := w; RETURN c END NewContext; PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) Open- (isDialog: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; (** Called by Windows to have wb opened as a host window *) PROCEDURE (VAR so: SafeOpen) Do; VAR w: Window; doc: Documents.Document; s: Sequencers.Sequencer; f: Views.Frame; any: ANYPTR; wid, hei: Pixels; dw, dh: UCs; BEGIN w := so.w; doc := so.doc; IF (doc IS Documents.Document) & ~ (doc IS StdDocuments.Document) THEN doc := Documents.DuplicateAs(doc, StdDocuments.dir); END; GetInitSize(w, doc, wid, hei, so.flags); IF w.seq = NIL THEN any := doc.Domain().GetSequencer(); IF any # NIL THEN ASSERT(any IS Sequencers.Sequencer, 26); s := any(Sequencers.Sequencer) ELSE s := NewSequencer(); (* AD: in the future, I think Windows will have to ask Window for a new Sequencer - like it does ask .doc for a new frame *) doc.Domain().SetSequencer(s) END END; WITH s: StdSequencer DO IF s.home = NIL THEN s.home := w END ELSE END; doc.InitContext(w.NewContext()); doc.GetNewFrame(f); WITH f: Views.RootFrame DO f.ConnectTo(w.port); Views.SetRoot(f, doc, FALSE, so.flags); Windows.SetupWindow(w, f, doc, s, so.flags) END; w.SetSize(wid, hei); (* SetSize calls Views.AdaptRoot *) (* check: *) doc.context.GetSize(dw, dh); ASSERT((dw # 0) & (dh # 0), 61); w.backend.Open(IsDialog(so.flags, doc)); (* AD: copypasted this section from (Lin)HostWindows.Directory.Open; without this, some documents can't forward messages down to their view; I haven't figured out exact conditions. Also, it's unclear why this had to be done explicitly, and why it's not done somewhere in Documents. *) w.SetTitle(so.title) END Do; PROCEDURE Open (w: Window; doc: Documents.Document; flags: SET; IN title: Views.Title); (** Open doc in w with flags and title. *) (* Protected: if any traps occur in extenders' procedures involved in opening a window, the module Windows and it's data structures remain intact. *) VAR v: Views.View; so: SafeOpen; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(doc # NIL, 21); ASSERT(doc.context = NIL, 22); v := doc.ThisView(); ASSERT(v # NIL, 23); ASSERT(w.doc = NIL, 24); ASSERT(w.port # NIL, 25); ASSERT(doc.Domain() # NIL, 27); ASSERT(v.context # NIL, 28); so.w := w; so.doc := doc; so.flags := flags; so.title := title; Services.Try(so); dir.l := none; IF ~so.trapped THEN w.next := zList; zList := w; Select(w, Windows.lazy); (* here w is "registered" and becomes known to the rest of module Windows. If a trap occurs before this point, the window is not registered, and a poorly initialized window does not cause further traps. *) (* Validate(w) (* this makes sure w's frame tree is built *) *) ELSE w.next := NIL; w.hook := NIL; w.backend := NIL END END Open; PROCEDURE RestoreSequencer (seq: Sequencers.Sequencer); VAR w: Window; BEGIN w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO ASSERT(w.frame # NIL, 100); IF (seq = NIL) OR (w.seq = seq) THEN Validate(w) (* causes redrawing of BlackBox region *) END; w := Next(w) END END RestoreSequencer; PROCEDURE ValidateRing* (w: Window); (** Validates all windows displaying w's domain, or all windows if w = NIL *) BEGIN IF w = NIL THEN RestoreSequencer(NIL) ELSE ASSERT(w.seq # NIL, 21); RestoreSequencer(w.seq) END END ValidateRing; PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) IsInside* (xRoot, yRoot: Pixels; OUT inClient: BOOLEAN ): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** Tells if screen pixel coordinates xRoot, yRoot are inside wb; tell if they are inside wb's client area (as opposed to window decorations and borders)*) VAR x, y: Pixels; BEGIN IF wb.GetOrigin(x, y) THEN x := xRoot - x; y := yRoot - y; inClient := (0 <= x) & (x <= wb.win.width) & (0 <= y) & (y <= wb.win.height) ELSE inClient := FALSE END; RETURN inClient END IsInside; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) First* (): Window; BEGIN RETURN First() END First; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) Next* (w: Windows.Window): Window; BEGIN RETURN Next(w(Window)) END Next; PROCEDURE (wb: WindowBackend) Port* (): Ports.Port, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Returns the port that wb is displayed on. *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New* (): Window; (** Produce a new window. Post: .backend # NIL, .port # NIL *) VAR w: Window; wb: WindowBackend; p: Ports.Port; BEGIN ASSERT(backendDir # NIL, 20); NEW(w); wb := backendDir.NewBackend(); ASSERT(wb # NIL, 60); w.InitBackend(wb); p := wb.Port(); IF p = NIL THEN w := NIL ELSE w.Init(p) END; ASSERT(w # NIL, 70); RETURN w END New; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) Open* (w: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; flags: SET; name: Views.Title; loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter ); BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(doc # NIL, 21); ASSERT(doc.context = NIL, 22); IF (d.l >= 0) & (d.t >= 0) & ~((d.l = 0) & (d.t = 0) & (d.r = 0) & (d.b = 0)) THEN dir.l := d.l; dir.t := d.t; dir.r := d.r; dir.b := d.b END; Open(w(Window), doc, flags, name); w(Window).SetSpec(loc, fname, conv); d.l := none END Open; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) OpenSubWindow* (w: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; flags: SET; title: Views.Title ); (** Open w as a subwindow (a duplicate window) displaying doc with flags set to flgs and title set to title *) VAR u: Window; BEGIN ASSERT(w # NIL, 20); ASSERT(doc # NIL, 21); u := d.First(); WHILE (u # NIL) & (u.seq # doc.Domain().GetSequencer()) DO u := d.Next(u) END; IF u # NIL THEN WHILE u.sub DO u := u.link(Window) END; u.GetTitle(title); Open(w(Window), doc, flags, title); IF w.doc # NIL THEN w.SetSpec(u.loc, u.name, u.conv) END ELSE Open(w(Window), doc, flags, title) END END OpenSubWindow; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) Focus* (targetPath: BOOLEAN): Window; (** Returns the focus window on one of focus paths: Controllers.targetPath or Controllers.frontPath. Preserved for compatibility reasons, now is duplicated by global variables front and target. May be deprecated. *) VAR res: Window; BEGIN IF targetPath = Controllers.targetPath THEN res := target ELSE res := front END; RETURN res END Focus; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) GetThisWindow* (p: Ports.Port; px, py: Pixels; OUT x, y: Pixels; OUT w: Windows.Window ); (** Get topmost w such that (px,py) on p fall inside w, and translate (px,py) to (x,y) in w's coordinates *) VAR xRoot, yRoot: Pixels; found, dummy: BOOLEAN; ww: Window; BEGIN IF (PortOrigin # NIL) & PortOrigin(p, xRoot, yRoot) THEN INC(px, xRoot); INC(py, yRoot); ww := First(); found := FALSE; WHILE ~found & (ww # NIL) DO found := ww.backend.GetOrigin(xRoot,yRoot) & ww.backend.IsInside(px,py,dummy); IF ~found THEN ww := Next(ww) END END; IF found THEN x := px - xRoot; y := py - yRoot END END; w := ww END GetThisWindow; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) Select* (w: Windows.Window; lazy: BOOLEAN); BEGIN Select(w(Window), lazy) END Select; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) Close* (w: Windows.Window); BEGIN Close(w(Window)); END Close; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) UUpdate* (w: Window), NEW; (** deprecated, use Windows.UpdateRing instead *) BEGIN ValidateRing(w) END UUpdate; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) GetBounds* (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN backendDir.GetBounds(w, h) END GetBounds; (* Contexts *) PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: DocContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: UCs); VAR p: Ports.Port; BEGIN (* c.win.layout = NIL => c.win has been closed; w=h=0 signals to Views that doc's frame may be Closed as well *) p := c.win.port; IF p # NIL THEN c.win.GetSize(w, h); w := w * p.unit; h := h * p.unit ELSE w := 0; h := 0 END END GetSize; (* sequencing utilities *) PROCEDURE Prepend (s: Script; st: Stores.Store; IN name: Stores.OpName; op: Stores.Operation); VAR e: OpElem; BEGIN ASSERT(op # NIL, 20); NEW(e); e.st := st; e.op := op; e.name := name; e.next := s.list; s.list := e END Prepend; PROCEDURE Push (VAR list, e: OpElem); BEGIN e.next := list; list := e END Push; PROCEDURE Pop (VAR list, e: OpElem); BEGIN e := list; list := list.next END Pop; PROCEDURE Reduce (VAR list: OpElem; max: INTEGER); VAR e: OpElem; BEGIN e := list; WHILE (max > 1) & (e # NIL) DO DEC(max); e := e.next END; IF e # NIL THEN e.next := NIL END END Reduce; PROCEDURE (r: Reducer) Reduce (full: BOOLEAN); VAR e: OpElem; n: INTEGER; w: Window; BEGIN IF dir # NIL THEN w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO IF w.seq IS StdSequencer THEN IF full THEN n := 1 ELSE n := 0; e := w.seq(StdSequencer).undo; WHILE e # NIL DO INC(n); e := e.next END; IF n > 20 THEN n := n DIV 2 ELSE n := 10 END END; Reduce(w.seq(StdSequencer).undo, n) END; w := Next(w) END END; Kernel.InstallReducer(r) END Reduce; PROCEDURE Neutralize (st: Stores.Store); VAR neutralize: Models.NeutralizeMsg; BEGIN IF st # NIL THEN (* st = NIL for scripts *) WITH st: Models.Model DO Models.Broadcast(st, neutralize) | st: Views.View DO st.Neutralize ELSE END END END Neutralize; PROCEDURE Do (s: StdSequencer; st: Stores.Store; op: Stores.Operation); BEGIN INC(s.entryLevel); s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL; Neutralize(st); op.Do; DEC(s.entryLevel) END Do; PROCEDURE AffectsDoc (s: StdSequencer; st: Stores.Store): BOOLEAN; VAR v, w: Windows.Window; BEGIN w := s.home; IF (w = NIL) OR (st = w.doc) OR (st = w.doc.ThisView()) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE v := w.link; WHILE (v # w) & (st # v.doc) & (st # v.doc.ThisView()) DO v := v.link END; RETURN v = w END END AffectsDoc; (* Script *) PROCEDURE (s: Script) Do; VAR e, f, g: OpElem; BEGIN e := s.list; f := NIL; REPEAT Neutralize(e.st); e.op.Do; g := e.next; e.next := f; f := e; e := g UNTIL e = NIL; s.list := f END Do; (* StdSequencer *) PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) Handle (VAR msg: ANYREC); (* send message to all windows attached to s *) VAR w: Window; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; WITH msg: Models.Message DO IF msg IS Models.UpdateMsg THEN Properties.IncEra; IF s.entryLevel = 0 THEN (* updates in dominated model bypassed the sequencer *) Reset(s); (* panic reset: clear sequencer *) INC(s.modLevel) (* but leave dirty *) END END; w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO IF w.seq = s THEN w.BroadcastModelMsg(msg) END; w := Next(w) END | msg: Views.Message DO w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO IF w.seq = s THEN w.BroadcastViewMsg(msg) END; w := Next(w) END ELSE END END Handle; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) Dirty (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN s.modLevel > 0 END Dirty; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) SetDirty (dirty: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF dirty THEN INC(s.modLevel) ELSE s.modLevel := 0 END END SetDirty; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) LastOp (st: Stores.Store): Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(st # NIL, 20); IF s.lastSt = st THEN RETURN s.lastOp ELSE RETURN NIL END END LastOp; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) BeginScript (IN name: Stores.OpName; VAR script: Stores.Operation); VAR sop: Script; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; INC(s.nestLevel); IF (s.nestLevel = 1) & (s.invisibleLevel = 0) & (s.transparentLevel = 0) & (s.notRecordedLevel = 0) THEN INC(s.modLevel) END; s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL; NEW(sop); sop.up := s.script; sop.list := NIL; sop.level := s.nestLevel; sop.name := name; s.script := sop; script := sop END BeginScript; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) Do (st: Stores.Store; IN name: Stores.OpName; op: Stores.Operation); VAR e: OpElem; BEGIN ASSERT(st # NIL, 20); ASSERT(op # NIL, 21); IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; Do(s, st, op); IF s.noUndo THEN (* cannot undo: unbalanced BeginModification pending *) s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL ELSIF (s.entryLevel = 0) (* don't record when called from within op.Do *) & AffectsDoc(s, st) THEN (* don't record when Do affected child window only *) s.lastSt := st; s.lastOp := op; IF s.notRecordedLevel = 0 THEN s.redo := NIL; (* clear redo stack *) END; IF s.script # NIL THEN Prepend(s.script, st, name, op) ELSE IF (s.invisibleLevel = 0) & (s.transparentLevel = 0) & (s.notRecordedLevel = 0) THEN INC(s.modLevel) END; IF s.notRecordedLevel = 0 THEN NEW(e); e.st := st; e.op := op; e.name := name; e.invisible := s.invisibleLevel > 0; e.transparent := s.transparentLevel > 0; Push(s.undo, e) END END END END Do; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) Bunch (st: Stores.Store); VAR lastOp: Stores.Operation; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; ASSERT(st # NIL, 20); ASSERT(st = s.lastSt, 21); lastOp := s.lastOp; Do(s, st, lastOp); IF s.noUndo THEN s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL ELSIF (s.entryLevel = 0) (* don't record when called from within op.Do *) & AffectsDoc(s, st) THEN (* don't record when Do affected child window only *) s.lastSt := st; s.lastOp := lastOp END END Bunch; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) EndScript (script: Stores.Operation); VAR e: OpElem; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; ASSERT(script # NIL, 20); ASSERT(s.script = script, 21); WITH script: Script DO ASSERT(s.nestLevel = script.level, 22); s.script := script.up; IF s.entryLevel = 0 THEN (* don't record when called from within op.Do *) IF script.list # NIL THEN IF s.script # NIL THEN Prepend(s.script, NIL, script.name, script) ELSE (* outermost scripting level *) s.redo := NIL; (* clear redo stack *) IF ~s.noUndo THEN NEW(e); e.st := NIL; e.op := script; e.name := script.name; e.invisible := s.invisibleLevel > 0; e.transparent := s.transparentLevel > 0; IF s.notRecordedLevel=0 THEN Push(s.undo, e) END END; s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL END ELSE IF (s.script = NIL) & (s.modLevel > 0) & (s.invisibleLevel = 0) & (s.transparentLevel = 0) THEN DEC(s.modLevel) END END END END; DEC(s.nestLevel); IF s.nestLevel = 0 THEN ASSERT(s.script = NIL, 22); s.noUndo := FALSE END END EndScript; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) StopBunching; BEGIN s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL END StopBunching; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) BeginModification (type: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store); BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; IF s.nestLevel < LEN(s.modStack) THEN s.modStack[s.nestLevel].store := st; s.modStack[s.nestLevel].type := type END; INC(s.nestLevel); IF type = Sequencers.notUndoable THEN INC(s.modLevel); (* unbalanced! *) s.noUndo := TRUE; s.undo := NIL; s.redo := NIL; s.lastSt := NIL; s.lastOp := NIL; INC(s.entryLevel) (* virtual entry of modification "operation" *) ELSIF type = Sequencers.invisible THEN INC(s.invisibleLevel) ELSIF type = Sequencers.clean THEN INC(s.transparentLevel) ELSIF type = notRecorded THEN INC(s.notRecordedLevel) END END BeginModification; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) EndModification (type: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store); BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; ASSERT(s.nestLevel > 0, 20); IF s.nestLevel <= LEN(s.modStack) THEN ASSERT((s.modStack[s.nestLevel - 1].store = st) & (s.modStack[s.nestLevel - 1].type = type), 21) END; DEC(s.nestLevel); IF type = Sequencers.notUndoable THEN DEC(s.entryLevel) ELSIF type = Sequencers.invisible THEN DEC(s.invisibleLevel) ELSIF type = Sequencers.clean THEN DEC(s.transparentLevel) ELSIF type = notRecorded THEN DEC(s.notRecordedLevel) END; IF s.nestLevel = 0 THEN ASSERT(s.script = NIL, 22); s.noUndo := FALSE END END EndModification; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) CanUndo (): BOOLEAN; VAR op: OpElem; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; op := s.undo; WHILE (op # NIL) & op.invisible DO op := op.next END; RETURN op # NIL END CanUndo; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) CanRedo (): BOOLEAN; VAR op: OpElem; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; op := s.redo; WHILE (op # NIL) & op.invisible DO op := op.next END; RETURN op # NIL END CanRedo; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) GetUndoName (VAR name: Stores.OpName); VAR op: OpElem; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; op := s.undo; WHILE (op # NIL) & op.invisible DO op := op.next END; IF op # NIL THEN name := op.name$ ELSE name[0] := 0X END END GetUndoName; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) GetRedoName (VAR name: Stores.OpName); VAR op: OpElem; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; op := s.redo; WHILE (op # NIL) & op.invisible DO op := op.next END; IF op # NIL THEN name := op.name$ ELSE name[0] := 0X END END GetRedoName; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) Undo; VAR e: OpElem; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; IF s.undo # NIL THEN REPEAT Pop(s.undo, e); Do(s, e.st, e.op); Push(s.redo, e) UNTIL ~e.invisible OR (s.undo = NIL); IF ~e.transparent THEN IF s.modLevel > 0 THEN DEC(s.modLevel) END END END END Undo; PROCEDURE (s: StdSequencer) Redo; VAR e: OpElem; BEGIN IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; IF s.redo # NIL THEN Pop(s.redo, e); Do(s, e.st, e.op); Push(s.undo, e); WHILE (s.redo # NIL) & s.redo.invisible DO Pop(s.redo, e); Do(s, e.st, e.op); Push(s.undo, e) END; IF ~e.transparent THEN INC(s.modLevel) END END END Redo; (* Forwarder *) PROCEDURE (f: Forwarder) Forward (target: BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Controllers.Message); VAR w: Window; BEGIN w := stdDir.Focus(target); IF w # NIL THEN ForwardCtrlMsg(w, msg) END END Forward; PROCEDURE (f: Forwarder) Transfer (VAR msg: Controllers.TransferMessage); VAR w: Windows.Window; h: Views.Frame; p: Ports.Port; sx, sy, tx, ty, pw, ph: INTEGER; BEGIN h := msg.source; p := h.rider.Base(); (* (msg.x, msg.y) is point in local coordinates of source frame *) sx := (msg.x + h.gx) DIV h.unit; sy := (msg.y + h.gy) DIV h.unit; (* (sx, sy) is point in global coordinates of source port *) stdDir.GetThisWindow(p, sx, sy, tx, ty, w); IF w # NIL THEN (* (tx, ty) is point in global coordinates of target port *) w.port.GetSize(pw, ph); (* what's this for? *) msg.x := tx * w.port.unit; msg.y := ty * w.port.unit; (* (msg.x, msg.y) is point in coordinates of target window *) w.ForwardCtrlMsg(msg) END END Transfer; PROCEDURE GetByTitle* (IN title: Views.Title): Window; (** Get topmost window that has .title = title$ *) VAR w: Window; BEGIN w := zList; WHILE (w # NIL) & (w.title$ # title$) DO w := w.next END; RETURN w END GetByTitle; PROCEDURE MarkWindow*; (** Mark window at pointer: save it in mark. It can be used in subsequent commands. Post: IFF mouse pointer is over w: Window THEN mark = w ELSE mark = NIL. *) VAR w, u: Window; dummy: SET; found, dummy2: BOOLEAN; x, y, xRoot, yRoot: Pixels; BEGIN w := First(); WHILE (w # NIL) & ~w.backend.GetOrigin(xRoot, yRoot) DO w := Next(w) END; IF w # NIL THEN w.port.NewRider().Input(x, y, dummy, dummy2); INC(xRoot, x); INC(yRoot, y); found := FALSE; WHILE ~found & (w # NIL) DO found := w.backend.IsInside(xRoot, yRoot, dummy2); IF ~found THEN w := Next(w) END END; u := mark; mark := w; IF w # NIL THEN MarkTitle(w) END; IF u # NIL THEN MarkTitle(u) END END END MarkWindow; PROCEDURE MarkGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); (** Menu guard for MarkWindow *) BEGIN par.disabled := mark = NIL END MarkGuard; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE SetBackendDir* (d: BackendDirectory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); IF stdBackendDir = NIL THEN stdBackendDir := d END; backendDir := d END SetBackendDir; PROCEDURE SetDumper* (d: PROCEDURE (p: ANYPTR)); (** Sets the dumper procedure, cf. ForwardCtrlMsg *) BEGIN IF stdDump = NIL THEN stdDump := dump END; dump := d END SetDumper; PROCEDURE GetBySpec* (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; flags: SET): Window; (** Reuse of open documents; IF ~(allowDuplicates IN flags), THEN returns the topmost window that displays the permanent store, if any, identified by loc, name, internalized with conv, and has (isAux IN .flags) = (isAux IN flags) and (isTool IN .flags) = (isTool IN flags) ELSE returns NIL. *) VAR found, tool, aux: BOOLEAN; w: Window; BEGIN IF ~(Windows.allowDuplicates IN flags) & (loc # NIL) & (loc.res # 77) & (name # "") THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(name, Files.docType, name); (* appends .odc if no extension *) IF conv = NIL THEN conv := Converters.list END; tool := Windows.isTool IN flags; aux := Windows.isAux IN flags; w := First(); REPEAT found := (w # NIL) & ~(Windows.allowDuplicates IN w.flags) & (w.loc # NIL) & (w.loc.res # 77) & (w.name # "") & Files.dir.SameFile(loc, name, w.loc, w.name) & (w.conv = conv) & (tool = (Windows.isTool IN w.flags)) & (aux = (Windows.isAux IN w.flags)); IF ~found THEN w := Next(w) END UNTIL (w = NIL) OR found END; RETURN w END GetBySpec; PROCEDURE SelectBySpec* (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; flags: SET; VAR done: BOOLEAN); (** A convenience procedure, selects the window returned by GetBySpec, if any. Post: done = TRUE => window was found and selected; done = FALSE => window was not found *) VAR w: Window; BEGIN w := GetBySpec(loc, name, conv, flags); IF w # NIL THEN Select(w, Windows.lazy); done := TRUE ELSE done := FALSE END END SelectBySpec; PROCEDURE SelectByTitle* (v: Views.View; flags: SET; title: Views.Title; VAR done: BOOLEAN); (** Select the window with title that displays a view of the same (dynamic) type as v (if specified) or v(Documents.Document).ThisView() and has (.flags / flags) * {isAux, isTool} = {} and ~(allowDuplicates in .flags). Post: done = TRUE => window was found; done = FALSE window was not found. *) VAR w: Window; n1, n2: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN done := FALSE; IF v # NIL THEN IF v IS Documents.Document THEN v := v(Documents.Document).ThisView() END; Services.GetTypeName(v, n1) ELSE n1 := "" END; w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO IF ((w.flags / flags) * {Windows.isAux, Windows.isTool} = {}) & ~(Windows.allowDuplicates IN w.flags) & (w.initialTitle$ = title$) THEN Services.GetTypeName(w.doc.ThisView(), n2); IF (n1 = "") OR (n1 = n2) THEN Select(w, Windows.lazy); done := TRUE; RETURN END END; w := Next(w) END END SelectByTitle; PROCEDURE (h: MsgHook) Omnicast (VAR msg: ANYREC); VAR w: Window; BEGIN w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO IF ~w.sub THEN w.seq.Handle(msg) END; w := Next(w) END END Omnicast; PROCEDURE (h: MsgHook) RestoreDomain (d: Stores.Domain); VAR seq: ANYPTR; BEGIN IF d = NIL THEN RestoreSequencer(NIL) ELSE seq := d.GetSequencer(); IF seq # NIL THEN RestoreSequencer(seq(Sequencers.Sequencer)) END END END RestoreDomain; (* SequencerDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: SequencerDirectory) New (): Sequencers.Sequencer; BEGIN RETURN NewSequencer() END New; (** CheckAction **) PROCEDURE (a: CheckAction) Do; VAR w: Window; s: Sequencers.Sequencer; BEGIN Services.DoLater(a.wait, Services.resolution); w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO s := w.seq(*(StdSequencer)*); WITH s: StdSequencer DO IF s.trapEra # Kernel.trapCount THEN Reset(s) END; ASSERT(s.nestLevel = 0, 100); (* unbalanced calls of Views.BeginModification/EndModification or Views.BeginScript/EndScript *) ELSE END; w := Next(w) END END Do; PROCEDURE (a: WaitAction) Do; BEGIN Services.DoLater(a.check, Services.immediately) END Do; PROCEDURE SetAttachedCheckHook* (hook: AttachedCheckHook); BEGIN attachedCheckHook := hook END SetAttachedCheckHook; PROCEDURE (n: LangNotifier) Notify; VAR w: Window; BEGIN w := First(); WHILE w # NIL DO Update(w, Views.keepFrames); w.SetTitle(w.initialTitle); w := Next(w) END END Notify; PROCEDURE InitDefaults (p: ANYPTR); BEGIN WITH p: Param DO p.wheelScrollByPage := FALSE; (* monitored in StdWheel *) p.markTitles := FALSE; p.bgColor := Ports.white; p.frontStr := " ⌨"; p.targetStr := " ⦿"; p.frontTargetStr := " ⌨ ⦿"; p.markStr := "⚹"; p.InitDefaults := InitDefaults; END END InitDefaults; PROCEDURE Init*; VAR f: Forwarder; r: Reducer; sdir: SequencerDirectory; a: CheckAction; w: WaitAction; h: MsgHook; ln: LangNotifier; stdExt: StdExt; BEGIN NEW(sdir); Sequencers.SetDir(sdir); NEW(h); Views.SetMsgHook(h); NEW(f); Controllers.Register(f); NEW(r); Kernel.InstallReducer(r); NEW(a); NEW(w); a.wait := w; w.check := a; Services.DoLater(a, Services.immediately); NEW(ln); Dialog.RegisterLangNotifier(ln); NEW(stdDir); dir := stdDir; border := -1; Windows.SetDir(stdDir); dir.l := none; NEW(param); InitDefaults(param); newNumber := 1; NEW(stdExt); ext := stdExt; END Init; END StdWindows. Closing windows Windows.Close(w) - unconditional synchronous closing of w Windows.DialogClose(w) - allows to dialog with user before closing of w; may end up in Windows.Close(w) Menu ↳StdCmds.Close ↳Windows.DialogClose(Windows.First()) Windows.DialogClose(w) IF closeHook # NIL THEN ↳Windows.closeHook.Close(w) ELSE ↳Windows.Close END ⮾ (close button in window title bar) ↳ GTK sends "delete-event" signal to Gtk2Gtk.GtkWindow ↳HostWindows.DeleteSignal ↳HostWindows.DeleteHandler.Execute ↳Windows.DialogClose(w) HostCmds.CloseHook.Close(w) (* default impl *) ↳HostDialog.CloseDialog(res) IF ... THEN ↳Windows.Close(w) END
⮾ UNSAVED CHANGES Save & Close Close!
MENU "#System:&Window" "#System:&Dup Window" "F2" "StdTiles.ToggleSub" "StdCmds.ModelViewGuard" "#System:&New Window" "" "StdCmds.NewWindow" "StdCmds.ModelViewGuard" "#System:&Separate new windows" "" "StdTiles.OnOff" "StdTiles.OnOffGuard" "#System:Attached" "" "StdTiles.ToggleAttached" "StdTiles.AttachedGuard" SEPARATOR "#System:Save Workspace" "" "StdTiles.SaveWorkspace" "" "#System:Open Workspace." "" "StdTiles.OpenWorkspace" "" "Context menu" "*F10" "StdMenuTool.PopupMenu" "StdMenus.HidingGuard" "Context menu" "Apps" "StdMenuTool.PopupMenu" "StdMenus.HidingGuard" "Cut" "*Del" "StdCmds.Cut" "StdCmds.CutGuardHidden" "Copy" "^Ins" "StdCmds.Copy" "StdCmds.CopyGuardHidden" "Paste" "*Ins" "StdCmds.Paste" "StdCmds.PasteGuardHidden" END
Preferences of BlackBox Component Builder Default font being used for texts: Default font being used for controls: Language: Scale factor (50-200): % When checked, beeps are generated in case of certain errors and warnings. Unchecking this option allows to operate BlackBox more silently, which may be required in a shared office or in a public space. Use a thick caret for marking the text insertion point instead of the default caret. Caret blink period (in milliseconds). Format of the status bar at the bottom of the BlackBox application window: no status bar at all status messages for user left part for status messages and the right part shows the memory consumption and actions in the queue Color theme: Document background: Default color:
STRINGS Adapted Adapted All tabs in Layout Mode All tabs in Layout Mode All tabs in Mask Mode All tabs in Mask Mode alternate alternate Always Always Apply Apply &Apply &Apply Automatic Automatic Browse &Browse Close &Close Close: Close: Collapse Collapse Comment Comment Create Collapsed Fold Create Collapsed Fold Create Expanded Fold Create Expanded Fold Data Editable Data Editable Date Date Decode &Decode Decode All Decode &All DecodeDialog Decode Delete &Delete Expand Expand Find First Find First Find Next Find Next Fix: Fix: Fixed Fixed Font... &Font... Foot gap Foot gap Head gap Head gap Height Height Height: &Height: Horizontal Scrollbar Horizontal Scrollbar Keep proportions &Keep proportions Label: Label: Layout Editable Layout Editable Left Foot Left Foot Left Head Left Head Link: Link: Links & Targets Docu Links & Targets Docu Move Move Nested Nested Never Never New Tab &New Tab No Selection No Selection Notifier Notifier Page Height Page Height Page Width Page Width Rename &Rename Reset &Reset Right Foot Right Foot Right Head Right Head Save position Save position Select Cell Select Cell Select Column Select Column Selection Style: Selection Style: Select Row Select Row Select Row & Column Select Row & Column Seq. Nr. Seq. Nr. Set Set Set Label Set Label Show 3d border Show 3d border Show Foot Show Foot Size: &Size: Start with new page number Start with new page number Tabs Tabs Target: Target: Type: Type: Use Filter: Use Filter: Use Name: &Use Name: Vertical Scrollbar Vertical Scrollbar View Height View Height View Width View Width Width Width Width: &Width: Window Height Window Height Window Width Window Width cm cm comment comment date and time date and time fingerprint fingerprint inch inch new new seq nr. seq nr. bad characters bad characters in code! checksum error checksum error! incompatible version Code has been created with an incompatible version of Coder! filing error Could not store file! directory ^0 not found Folder ^0 does not exist! file ^0 not found File ^0 does not exist! illegal path '^0' is not a legal path name! no tag No Coder Tag found! ^0 characters coded Document coded into ^0 characters. Install all? Install all the coded files? This operation might overwrite old versions! Install individual? Install some of the coded files individually? Info Info Set Comment Set Comment StdETHConv.ImportETHDoc ETH V4 Oberon StdClocks.StdViewDesc StdClocks view StdLogos.ViewDesc StdLogos view StdStamps.StdViewDesc StdStamps view HeaderChange Header Change Link Link Target Target Create Link Create Link Create Target Create Target Reveal Link Command Reveal Link Command Reveal Target Ident Reveal Target Ident LinkChange Link Change Link Call Failed Link Call Failed Target Not Found target '^0' not found links[0] always links[1] if Shift-Key is pressed links[2] never Scrollers.Prop StdScrollers.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Scroller', 'Scroller') Headers.Prop StdHeaders.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Headers', 'Headers') Folds.Prop StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Folds','Zoom') Links.Prop StdLinks.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Links', 'Links & Targets') TabViews.View StdTabViews.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/TabViews','Tab View Inspector') TabSetItem Set Item TabDeleteItem Delete Item Tables.Prop StdTables.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Tables', 'Tables') Font Font Typeface Typeface Default font Default font Dialog font Dialog font SaveNClose Save && Close CloseNow No Shift Shift+ Ctrl Ctrl+ Space Space Edit &Edit Open &Open MoveHere &Move Here CopyHere &Copy Here LinkHere &Link Here Object &Object MissingDirectory Missing Directory CreateDir The directory ^0 will be created FileError File Error ReplaceWriteProtected ^0 could not be replaced^1because it is write protected ReplaceInUse ^0 could not be replaced^1because it is in use ReplaceAccessDenied ^0 could not be replaced^1because access is denied PreferencesDocu Preferences Docu AllocatedMemory Allocated Memory: ActionsInTheQueue Actions in the queue: Total Total: Bytes Bytes Print Print OpenFile Open ControlInspector Control Inspector SaveChanges ^0 has changed.^1^2Do you want to save the changes? Saving saving Saved saved Failed failed Document Document AllFiles All Files NotUnderWindows3 Feature not available under Windows 3.11 Read File As: Read File As: Use true type metric &Use true type metric Visual scrolling &Visual scrolling Beep &Beep Server Mode Server &Mode Caret Caret Thick Caret &Thick Caret Caret Period (in ms): &Caret Period (in ms): Language: &Language: Default font... D&efault font... Dialog font... Di&alog font... Status bar Status bar No &No Simple &Simple Double &Double Printing Page: Printing Page: Printer... Printer... Layout Layout Standard Header Standard Header Orientation Orientation Portrait Portrait Landscape Landscape Margins Margins Left: Left: Right: Right: Top: Top: Bottom: Bottom: StdDocuments.ImportDocument Document StdTextConv.ImportUtf8 UTF-8 Text StdTextConv.ImportText Text StdTextConv.ImportTabText Text (space pairs as tabs) WinTextConv.ImportRichText Rich Text StdTextConv.ImportUnicode Unicode Text StdTextConv.ImportHex Data File (hex) StdTextConv.ImportDosText Text (Dos encoding) WinBitmaps.ImportBitmap Bitmap StdRasters.Import Import raster image StdDocuments.ExportDocument Document StdTextConv.ExportUtf8 UTF-8 Text StdTextConv.ExportText Plain Text StdTextConv.ExportTabText Plain Text (tabs as space pairs) WinTextConv.ExportRichText Rich Text StdTextConv.ExportUnicode Unicode Text WinBitmaps.ExportBitmap Bitmap WinTextConv.ImportDRichText Rich Text WinTextConv.ImportDUnicode Unicode Text WinTextConv.ImportDText Plain Text WinTextConv.ImportDPict Picture (Metafile) WinTextConv.ImportDBitmap Picture (Bitmap) WinTextConv.ImportDPictAsBitmap Picture (Bitmap) TextViews.StdView Text WinPictures.StdView Metafile-Picture WinBitmaps.StdView Bitmap-Picture TextViews.View Text WinPictures.View Metafile-Picture WinBitmaps.View Bitmap-Picture Properties.StdProp StdDialog.FontDialog Bitmaps.Evaluate.101 Not enough memory to allocate bitmap openExtErr Failed to open external document: runExtErr Failed to run external command:
Console DEFINITION Console; PROCEDURE ReadLn (OUT text: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SetConsole (c: Console); PROCEDURE WriteChar (c: CHAR); PROCEDURE WriteLn; PROCEDURE WriteStr (IN text: ARRAY OF CHAR); END Console. PROCEDURE ReadLn (OUT text: ARRAY OF CHAR); Wait for new line input. PROCEDURE WriteChar (c: CHAR); Write c to output. PROCEDURE WriteLn; Write new line to output. PROCEDURE WriteStr (IN text: ARRAY OF CHAR); Write text to output. Example: MODULE ObxConsole; IMPORT Console; PROCEDURE Init; VAR name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Console.WriteStr("What is your name?"); Console.WriteLn; Console.ReadLn(name); Console.WriteStr("Hello, " + name); END Init; BEGIN Init END ObxConsole. DevCompiler.Compile For Windows DevLinker.LinkExe dos demo.exe := Kernel+ Utf WinKernel Files WinEnv WinFiles Console WinConsole ObxConsole For Linux: DevLinker1.LinkElfExe Linux demo := Kernel+ Utf LinKernel Files LinEnv LinFiles Console LinConsole ObxConsole
Containers DEFINITION Containers; IMPORT Controllers, Stores, Views, Models, Properties; CONST noSelection = 0; noFocus = 1; noCaret = 2; mask = {noSelection, noCaret}; layout = {noFocus}; deselect = FALSE; select = TRUE; any = FALSE; selection = TRUE; hide = FALSE; show = TRUE; TYPE Model = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Model) (m: Model) GetEmbeddingLimits (OUT minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) ReplaceView (old, new: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) InitFrom- (source: Model), NEW, EMPTY END; View = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) (v: View) CopyFromModelView2- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) Externalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandleModelMsg2- (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandlePropMsg2- (VAR p: Views.PropMessage), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandleViewMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) InitModel (m: Model), NEW; (v: View) InitModel2- (m: Model), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) AcceptableModel- (m: Model): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) ThisModel (): Model, EXTENSIBLE; (v: View) SetController (c: Controller), NEW; (v: View) ThisController (): Controller, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (v: View) GetRect (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) CatchModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) CatchViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) CatchCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) CatchPropMsg (VAR msg: Views.PropMessage), NEW, EMPTY END; Controller = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Controllers.Controller) opts-: SET; (c: Controller) ThisView (): View, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) SetOpts (opts: SET), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) GetContextType (OUT type: Stores.TypeName), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) GetValidOps (OUT valid: SET), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) NativeModel (m: Models.Model): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) NativeView (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) NativeCursorAt (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) PickNativeProp (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; VAR p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Controller) PollNativeProp (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.Property; VAR truncated: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Controller) SetNativeProp (selection: BOOLEAN; old, p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Controller) MakeViewVisible (v: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Controller) GetFirstView (selection: BOOLEAN; OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) GetNextView (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) GetPrevView (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) CanDrop (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) MarkDropTarget (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle, show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Controller) Drop (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) MarkPickTarget (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Controller) TrackMarks (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; units, extend, add: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) Resize (view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) GetSelectionBounds (f: Views.Frame; OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) DeleteSelection, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) MoveLocalSelection (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) CopyLocalSelection (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) SelectionCopy (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) NativePaste (m: Models.Model; f: Views.Frame), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) ArrowChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR; units, select: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) ControlChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) PasteChar (ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) PasteView (f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) HasSelection (): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) Selectable (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) Singleton (): Views.View, NEW; (c: Controller) SetSingleton (s: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) SelectAll (select: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) InSelection (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) MarkSelection (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) SetFocus (focus: Views.View), NEW; (c: Controller) HasCaret (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) MarkCaret (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) Mark (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EXTENSIBLE END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (): Controller, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (d: Directory) NewController (opts: SET): Controller, NEW, ABSTRACT END; DropPref = RECORD (Properties.Preference) mode-: SET; okToDrop: BOOLEAN END; GetOpts = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) valid, opts: SET END; SetOpts = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) valid, opts: SET END; PROCEDURE Focus (): Controller; PROCEDURE FocusSingleton (): Views.View; PROCEDURE MarkSingleton (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE FadeMarks (c: Controller; show: BOOLEAN); END Containers. Containers are views which may contain other (embedded) views. Typically, containers belong to one of two categories. The first category contains containers with a fixed structure and fixed types of the embedded views. For example, an e-mail container view may consist of exactly two views: a toolbar view at the top, and a text view below. The layout of these views typically cannot be edited. Such views are called static containers. The second category of containers can embed arbitrary numbers of views, which can be of arbitrary types. Text views and form views are typical examples of such dynamic container views. Only this second category of container views, called dynamic containers, is supported by module Containers, and it is the topic of this text. Dynamic containers consist of a variable number of embedded views, plus some intrinsic contents. Text views for example have text as their intrinsic contents, but also allow to let arbitrary views (i.e., non-intrinsic contents) flow along in the text. Form views are degenerated in the sense that they provide no intrinsic contents of their own. Different compound document standards (OLE, OpenDoc) differ in the way they treat selections and the focus. The focus is the currently edited view, the view which receives keyboard events, the view which determines the currently available menus, the view which contains the currently relevant selection, caret, or other mark. Containers provides the building blocks for container views, including special container models and container controllers. Other than most BlackBox modules, Containers exports several partially implemented types, rather than pure interface types. What is implemented is provided in a form suitable for the used platform, i.e. user interface differences are hidden by the implementation of Containers. In particular, Containers fully implements singleton selections, i.e., selections which cover exactly one view and no intrinsic contents. Such selections are subject to special operations and require platform-dependent treatment. Also, Containers implements the focus concept: a single embedded view within a controller's model that is picked by the user as current focus. Example: Formsubsystemmap CONST noSelection, noFocus, noCaret Possible elements of Controller.opt. noSelection denotes that selections should be switched off, noFocus denotes that no embedded view should be allowed to become focus, and noCaret denotes that the caret (insertion mark) and thus the possibility to type or paste should be switched off. CONST mask, layout Two particularly useful subsets of Controller.opt. A mask prevents editing of the container's intrinsic contents, but enables focusing and thereby editing of the contained objects; for example, this allows to use a form without changing the form itself. A layout does just the opposite: focusing and therefore editing of contained objects is inhibited, but the container's intrinsic contents may be freely edited; for example, this is useful when editing a form without wanting to actually activate, say, a button, while editing its position in the form. CONST deselect, select Possible values of the select parameter of Controller.SelectAll. CONST any, selection Possible values of the selection parameters of Controller.GetFirstView, Controller.GetNextView, Controller.GetPrevView, Controller.PollNativeProp, and Controller.SetNativeProp. Controls whether the range of the operation is the current selection or the whole container contents. CONST hide, show Possible values of the show parameter of FadeMarks, MarkSingleton, Controller.Mark, Controller.MarkCaret, Controller.MarkDropTarget, Controller.MarkPickTarget, and Controller.MarkSelections. Controls whether the respective mark is to be hidden or shown. TYPE Model (Models.Model) ABSTRACT Models for containers. PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetEmbeddingLimits (OUT minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Return minimum (minW, minH) and maximum (maxW, maxH) bounds on view sizes to be embedded in model m. If it is tried to embed a view into m with width < minW, width >= maxW, height < minH, or height >= maxH, then m should (but is not absolutely required to) modify the size of the embedded view in order to make it fit. Post 0 <= minW <= maxW 0 <= minH <= maxH PROCEDURE (m: Model) ReplaceView (old, new: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT In-place substitution of view old which must be embedded in m by view new which must not yet be embedded anywhere. As a result, new gets embedded in m, but old retains its context which it then shares with new. Replacing a view inplace allows wrapping of views: A new view takes place of an existing one, adds some new properties, but still can hold a reference to the old view and delegate requests to the old view. Since the old view has maintained its context, it will continue to function as if it where directly embedded in m. Pre old # NIL old.context.ThisModel() = m EmbeddedIn(old, m) new # NIL new.context = NIL Post NotEmbedded(old) new.context.ThisModel() = m new.context = old.context PROCEDURE (m: Model) InitFrom- (source: Model) NEW, EMPTY Initialize model m, which has been newly allocated as an object of the same type as source. In some (rare) cases, it may be useful to share some internal data structures between m and source. Pre source # NIL Type(m) = Type(source) TYPE View (Views.View) ABSTRACT Views for containers. PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader) Clarification of inherited procedure Fully implements internalization for views without intrinsic persistent state by handling internalization of the container view's model and controller. If the model internalization fails, the view is turned into an alien and internalization of v is cancelled; otherwise the model is attached to v. If the controller internalization fails, the controller is kept for later externalization to prevent loss of information, but is otherwise not connected to the view (v.ThisController() = NIL), and the view is internalized normally (i.e., not turned into an alien). Super call at the beginning is mandatory PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer) Clarification of inherited procedure Fully implements externalization for views without intrinsic persistent state by handling externalization of the container view's model and controller. If v has been internalized before with an alien controller, and no other controller has been installed thereafter, then the alien controller will be externalized, although v.ThisController() = NIL. Super call at the beginning is mandatory Pre v.ThisModel() # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store) Clarification of inherited procedure Assuming that the model of v has already been established, copy the controller and possibly other view state from source. If source holds a hidden alien controller (cf. Internalize above), a reference to it is also copied. Super call at the beginning is mandatory Pre v.ThisModel() # NIL 20 Post source.ThisController() = NIL v.ThisController() = NIL source.ThisController() # NIL v.ThisController() = source.ThisController().Clone().CopyFrom(source.ThisController()) PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Model EXTENSIBLE Return the model of v. Covariant narrowing of function result. PROCEDURE (v: View) InitModel (m: Containers.Model) NEW Assign a model to this view. Pre (v.ThisModel() = NIL) OR (v.ThisModel() = m) 20 m # NIL 21 v.AcceptableModel(m) 22 PROCEDURE (v: View) InitModel2- (m: Containers.Model) NEW, EMPTY Extension hook called by InitModel. PROCEDURE (v: View) SetController (c: Controller) NEW, EXTENSIBLE, Operation Set the controller of v. If v holds a hidden alien controller, it is removed. Pre v.ThisModel() # NIL 20 Post v.ThisController() = c PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisController (): Controller NEW, EXTENSIBLE Return the controller of v. PROCEDURE (v: View) GetRect (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT For display in frame f, determine the bounding box of view which must be a view contained in v. Should the computation of the bounding box be too expensive, returning an approximation is acceptable. Post l <= r t<= b PROCEDURE (v: View) CatchModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message) NEW, EMPTY Extension hook for HandleModelMsg which has become final. PROCEDURE (v: View) CatchViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message) NEW, EMPTY Extension hook for HandleViewMsg which has become final. PROCEDURE (v: View) CatchCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View) NEW, EMPTY Extension hook for HandleCtrlMsg which has become final. PROCEDURE (v: View) CatchPropMsg (VAR p: Properties.Message) NEW, EMPTY Extension hook for HandlePropMsg which has become final. PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View) Clarification of inherited procedure If v has a controller installed, calls v.ThisController().HandleCtrlMsg(f, msg, focus), then calls v.CatchCtrlMsg(f, msg, focus). That is, the controller sees the controller message msg before the view does. Additionally, a strict filter is applied to throw away unwanted messages: messages are only delegated to the controller or view if they fulfill one of the following three criteria: First, the frame f is a target or front frame. Second, the message is derived from Controllers.PollOpsMsg, Controllers.PollCursorMsg, Controllers.TransferMessage, or Controllers.PageMsg. Third, the context of v is normalizing, i.e., v.context.Normalize() holds, and the message is derived from Controllers.PollSectionMsg or Controllers.ScrollMsg. This is a standard message filtering condition making components more robust against spurious message sends. Finally, scrolling messages (derived from Controllers.PollSectionMsg or Controllers.ScrollMsg) may ask for shallow handling (~msg.focus), i.e., supression of forwarding to a possibly existing subfocus. This is generically handled by clearing focus on return in these cases. Post (msg IS Controllers.PollSectionMsg) OR (msg IS Controllers.ScrollMsg) ~msg.focus focus = NIL TYPE Controller (Controllers.Controller) ABSTRACT Controllers for containers. opts-: SET Option set of controller; used to restrict controller functionality to defined subsets. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisView (): View EXTENSIBLE Return type is narrowed. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetOpts (opts: SET) NEW, EXTENSIBLE, Operation Set the options of c. This is only an operation after a view has been installed, i.e., c.ThisView() # NIL, otherwise it is a simple assignment of opts to c.opts. Options 0..7 are used or reserved by BlackBox, the rest may be used by extensions. Post c.opts = opts PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetContextType (OUT type: Stores.TypeName) NEW, ABSTRACT Called by c.HandleCtrlMsg to fill in Controllers.PollOpsMsg.type. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetValidOps (OUT valid: SET) NEW, ABSTRACT Called by c.HandleCtrlMsg to fill in Controllers.PollOpsMsg.ops. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeModel (m: Models.Model): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Check whether m is a native model of c, i.e., a model that could be attached to a view attachable to c. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeView (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Check whether v is a native view of c, i.e., a view that could be attached to c. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeCursorAt (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT The cursor that c would display in f at point (x, y), irrespective of possible embedded views at that position. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PickNativeProp (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; VAR p: Properties.Property) NEW, EMPTY The properties of c's native contents in f at point (x, y), irrespective of possible embedded views at that position. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PollNativeProp (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.Property; VAR truncated: BOOLEAN); NEW, EMPTY The properties of c's native selected or whole contents, irrespective of possible embedded views in that range. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetNativeProp (selection: BOOLEAN; old, p: Properties.Property) NEW, EMPTY Set the properties of c's native selected or whole contents to p, irrespective of possible embedded views in that range. For properties also in old change only those property values of c that match the ones given in old. This allows for masked modification of properties. For example, in a colored model, all red objects could be changed to become green. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MakeViewVisible (v: Views.View) NEW, EMPTY Make the embedded view v visible in the controller's view. Pre v is embedded in c's view 20 PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetFirstView (selection: BOOLEAN; OUT v: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT Get the first view embedded in c's model, relative to the model's start or that of a possible selection. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetNextView (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT Get the next view in the specified range, which is either the selected or the whole contents of c's model. The next view of the last view in the range is NIL. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetPrevView (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Get the previous view in the specified range, which is either the selected or the whole contents of c's model. The default uses GetFirstView and GetNextView to seek the previous view of v. The previous view of the first view in the range is NIL. Pre v # NIL 20 EmbeddedIn(v, c.ThisModel()) 21 PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CanDrop (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN NEW, EXTENSIBLE Return whether the material being dragged could be dropped into frame f at its local coordinate (x, y). The default is to accept any drop request, i.e., to return TRUE. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkDropTarget (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle, show: BOOLEAN) NEW, EMPTY Mark the drop target in destination frame dst at point (dx, dy) for a potential dropping of material from source frame src, origin (sx, sy). show determines whether the mark should be drawn or removed. isSingle determines whether the selection to be dropped is a singleton. show indicates whether the mark should be shown or removed. (rx, ry) is the reference point inside the selection, where the drag & drop operation has started. See also Controllers.PollDropMsg. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Drop (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Drop the material being dragged from source frame src, origin (sx, sy) and encapsulated in view under control of c in destination frame dst at point (dx, dy). The default is to ignore the drop. isSingle determines whether the selection to be dropped is a singleton. (rx, ry) is the reference point inside the selection, where the drag & drop operation has started. See also Controllers.DropMsg. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkPickTarget (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN) NEW, EMPTY Mark the drop target in destination frame dst at point (dx, dy) for a potential dropping of material from source frame src, origin (sx, sy). show determines whether the mark should be drawn or removed. The default is not to mark at all. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) TrackMarks (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; units, extend, add: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Track marks in frame f starting at point (x, y) as specified by units, extend, and add. Marks are general selections and insertion points (carets). Tracking of larger logical units (e.g., words instead of characters) is requested by units. Continuous extension of an existing selection is requested by extend. Discontinuous addition to an existing selection is requested by add. Some controllers may ignore one or the other request, e.g., may not distinguish units of varying granularity, may not support multiple selected objects, or may not support discontinuous selections. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Resize (view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Request to resize view, which must be embedded in c's model, to the size given by rectangle (l, t, r, b). (Typically, a controller delegates this request to its model which implements the request by using Properties.PreferredSize to negotiate the new size with view.) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetSelectionBounds (f: Views.Frame; OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Return the bounding box of the selection, by giving its top-left reference point and its width and height. The bounding box is used for giving drag & drop feedback. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) DeleteSelection NEW, ABSTRACT Delete all objects in the current selection. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MoveLocalSelection (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Move selected objects within the model of c from the origin given by source frame src and point (sx, sy) to the target given by destination frame dst and point (dx, dy). Since this is a move of material within a single model, there is no need for conversions, and the most "natural" moving semantics can be provided. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CopyLocalSelection (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Copy selected objects within the model of c from the origin given by source frame src and point (sx, sy) to the target given by destination frame dst and point (dx, dy). Since this is a copy of material within a single model, there is no need for conversions, and the most "natural" copying semantics can be provided. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectionCopy (): Model NEW, ABSTRACT Return a copy of the selected objects, encapsulated in the returned model. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativePaste (m: Models.Model; f: Views.Frame) NEW, ABSTRACT Paste a native model into the model of c as displayed in frame f. Since the model is native, it is to be merged into the model of c rather than wrapped into a view and embedded. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ArrowChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR; units, select: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Interpret the arrow character ch, i.e., one out of the following list. The interpretation is to be modified as requested by units and select. The standard interpretation of arrow characters is the modification of the current selection or the moving of the insertion point. Modifying or moving in larger units (e.g., words instead of characters) is requested by units. Establishment of a selection if requested by select. Some controllers may ignore one or the other request, e.g., may not distinguish units of varying granularity or may not support selections. Table of arrow characters: name code meaning aL 1CX arrow left aR 1DX arrow right aU 1EX arrow up aD 1FX arrow down pL 10X page left pR 11X page right pU 12X page up pD 13X page down dL 14X document left dR 15X document right dU 16X document up dD 17X document down The intention is a modification or move in the indicated direction on the smallest supported granularity ("arrow"), on the basis of "pages" as defined by the size of frame f, or on the basis of the whole "document", i.e., the far extremes of the model of c. The precise interpretation of the directions and units is left to the specific controller. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ControlChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR) NEW, ABSTRACT Handle entry of control character ch related to the model and view of c as displayed in frame f. Table of control characters: name code meaning enter 3X enter rdel 7X right delete del 8X left delete tab 09X tabulator ltab 0AX reverse tabulator line 0DX line para 0EX paragraph esc 1BX escape PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteChar (ch: CHAR) NEW, ABSTRACT Paste character ch into the model of c. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteView (f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Paste view v with desired size (w, h) into the model of c. (Typically, a controller delegates this request to its model which implements the request by using Properties.PreferredSize to negotiate the new size with v.) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HasSelection (): BOOLEAN NEW, EXTENSIBLE Return whether the controller currently has a selection. By default, only singleton selections are supported. To be extended to include intrinsic selections. Pre c.ThisModel() # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Selectable (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Return whether the controller could establish a nonempty selection. If something (or everything) is already selected, this is considered selectable. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Singleton (): Views.View NEW If the controller currently has a singleton selection, then the selected view is returned, else NIL. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetSingleton (s: Views.View) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Set the controller's selection to a singleton selection covering view s. IF s = NIL, the current singleton selection is cleared. Needs to be extended to adjust intrinsic selection state accordingly. Pre c.ThisModel() # NIL 20 ~(noSelection IN c.opts) 21 s # NIL s.context # NIL 22 s.context.ThisModel() = c.ThisModel() 23 Post c.Singleton() = s PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectAll (select: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Set the selection to its maximum extent, i.e., select all intrinsic content of the controller's model plus all embedded views. For an empty model there is no visible result; for a model with only one embedded view and no intrinsic contents a singleton selection results. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InSelection (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Test whether in frame f the point (x, y) lies within the current selection. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkSelection (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Depending on show, show or hide the selection's visual marking. The default handles singleton selections only. To be replaced to include intrinsic selections. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetFocus (focus: Views.View) NEW Sets the current subfocus to focus; if focus = NIL, the current subfocus is removed. Pre c.ThisModel() # NIL 20 focus # NIL focus.context # NIL 21 focus.context.ThisModel() = c.ThisModel() 22 Post c.ThisFocus() = focus PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HasCaret (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Return whether the controller has a valid caret (insertion point). PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkCaret (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Depending on show, show or hide the current caret's visual marking. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Mark (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Except for performance, equivalent to: MarkFocus(c, f, show); c.MarkSelection(f, show); c.MarkCaret(f, show) To be extended to cover additional intrinsic marking. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) RestoreMarks (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) Clarification of inherited procedure Calls Mark to show all marks in (l, t, r, b), then, if no subfocus exists and c.opts indicates mask mode, tries to establish a subfocus: the first embedded view that wants to claim the focus (Properties.FocusPref.setFocus) gets it. If the new subfocus wants to start off with an initially selected contents (Properties.FocusPref.selectOnFocus), it is also fully selected. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Neutralize Clarification of inherited procedure Remove all modal marks, including focus, selection, and caret. The default handles focus and selection. To be extended to handle caret and possibly further marks. Except for performance, the default is equivalent to: c.SetFocus(NIL); c.SelectAll(deselect) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View) Clarification of inherited procedure Handles Controllers.PollCursorMsg, Controllers.PollOpsMsg, Controllers.TrackMsg, Controllers.EditMsg, Controllers.TransferMessage, Controllers.SelectMsg, Controllers.MarkMsg, Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg, Properties.CollectMsg, and Properties.EmitMsg. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandlePropMsg (VAR p: Properties.Message) Clarification of inherited procedure The default is to handle Properties.SetMsg and Properties.PollMsg by splitting the handling of native and embedded properties and set or return the combined property list. Also, unless noSelection, noFocus, and noCaret are set in c.opts, field Properties.FocusPref.setFocus is set. Pre c.ThisModel() # NIL 20 TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for controllers. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Controller NEW, EXTENSIBLE Except for performance, equivalent to: RETURN d.NewController({}) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewController (opts: SET): Controller NEW, ABSTRACT Return new controller with options opts. TYPE DropPref = RECORD (Properties.Preference) This message is sent to a contained view in a container when the container needs to decide if something should be dropped into the view or into the container. This message can be intercepted to allow drag and drop also when the container itself normally would catch the drop messages, i.e. when the container is in layout mode. mode-: SET The current mode of the container. okToDrop: BOOLEAN Set to TRUE if the view should recieve drop messages also in the mode given by mode. TYPE GetOpts = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) This message is sent to a selected view to ask about the container mode of this view. If a view answers this message it should set valid to the options that apply to the view and opts to the current values of these options. Whenever GetOpts is answered the SetOpts-message must also be answered. valid: SET Should be set to the options that apply to the view. opts: SET Current values of the options pointed out in valid. TYPE SetOpts = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) Sent to a view to indicate that its options should be changed to the values indicated by valid and opts. valid: SET Mask to indicate which values should be set. opts: SET Values of the options indicated by valid. PROCEDURE Focus (): Controller Returns the current focus view's container controller, if possible. PROCEDURE FocusSingleton (): Views.View Returns the current focus view's singleton selection, if possible. PROCEDURE MarkSingleton (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN) Used internally. PROCEDURE FadeMarks (c: Controller; show: BOOLEAN) Used internally.
Controllers DEFINITION Controllers; IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Views; CONST frontPath = FALSE; targetPath = TRUE; decLine = 0; incLine = 1; decPage = 2; incPage = 3; gotoPos = 4; nextPageX = 0; nextPageY = 0; gotoPageX = 2; gotoPageY = 3; cut = 0; copy = 1; pasteChar = 2; paste = 4; doubleClick = 0; extend = 1; modify = 2; popup = 3; pick = 4; noMark = FALSE; mark = TRUE; hide = FALSE; show = TRUE; TYPE Controller = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (): Controller, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Forwarder = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (n: Forwarder) Forward (target: BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Message), NEW, ABSTRACT; (n: Forwarder) Transfer (VAR msg: TransferMessage), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Message = Views.CtrlMessage; PollFocusMsg = EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Message) focus: Views.Frame END; PollSectionMsg = RECORD (Message) focus, vertical: BOOLEAN wholeSize, partSize, partPos: LONGINT; valid, done: BOOLEAN END; PollOpsMsg = RECORD (Message) type: Stores.TypeName; pasteType: Stores.TypeName; singleton: Views.View; selectable: BOOLEAN; valid: SET END; ScrollMsg = RECORD (Message) focus, vertical: BOOLEAN op: INTEGER; pos: LONGINT; done: BOOLEAN END; PageMsg = RECORD (Message) op: INTEGER; pageX, pageY: INTEGER; done, eox, eoy: BOOLEAN END; TickMsg = RECORD (Message) tick: INTEGER END; MarkMsg = RECORD (Message) show, focus: BOOLEAN END; SelectMsg = RECORD (Message) set: BOOLEAN END; RequestMessage = ABSTRACT RECORD (Message) requestFocus: BOOLEAN END; EditMsg = RECORD (RequestMessage) op: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; char: CHAR; view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN; clipboard: BOOLEAN END; ReplaceViewMsg = RECORD (RequestMessage) old, new: Views.View END; CursorMessage = ABSTRACT RECORD (RequestMessage) x, y: INTEGER END; PollCursorMsg = RECORD (CursorMessage) cursor: INTEGER; modifiers: SET END; TrackMsg = RECORD (CursorMessage) modifiers: SET END; WheelMsg = RECORD (CursorMessage) done: BOOLEAN; op, nofLines: INTEGER END; TransferMessage = ABSTRACT RECORD (CursorMessage) source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER END; PollDropMsg = RECORD (TransferMessage) mark: BOOLEAN; show: BOOLEAN; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h: INTEGER; rx, ry: INTEGER; dest: Views.Frame END; DropMsg = RECORD (CursorMessage) view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h: INTEGER; rx, ry: INTEGER END; VAR path-: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Forward (VAR msg: Message); PROCEDURE FocusFrame (): Views.Frame; PROCEDURE FocusView (): Views.View; PROCEDURE FocusModel (): Models.Model; PROCEDURE Register (f: Forwarder); PROCEDURE Delete (f: Forwarder); PROCEDURE ForwardVia (target: BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Message); PROCEDURE SetCurrentPath (target: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ResetCurrentPath; PROCEDURE PollSection (VAR msg: PollSectionMsg); PROCEDURE PollOps (VAR msg: PollOpsMsg); PROCEDURE PollCursor (x, y: INTEGER; OUT cursor: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Transfer (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; VAR msg: TransferMessage); PROCEDURE PollDrop (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; mark, show: BOOLEAN; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; OUT dest: Views.Frame; OUT destX, destY: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Drop (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER); PROCEDURE PasteView (view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; clipboard: BOOLEAN); END Controllers. Figure 1. Model-View-Controller Separation A controller implements the interactive behavior for a view class. It is an object which transforms controller messages into model or view transformations. A controller message is a message which is sent along exactly one path in a view hierarchy, the focus path. Every view on such a path decides for itself whether it is the terminal of this path, i.e., whether it is the current focus, or whether the message should be forwarded to one of its embedded views. BlackBox supports two focus paths, namely a target and a front focus. Both paths may fall together into one. The target path defines which view is the target of commands in dialogs. The front path defines which view is being edited, via mouse, keyboard, or menus. Figure 2. Simplified Example of Focus Hierarchy It is important to note that all controller messages which are not relevant for a particular view type can simply be ignored. CONST frontPath This value may be passed as target parameter to several procedures of this module. It lets a focus message be sent along the front focus path. CONST targetPath This value may be passed as target parameter to several procedures of this module. It lets a controller message be sent along the target focus path. CONST decLine, incLine, decPage, incPage These values can be assigned to the ScrollMsg.op field. They will cause the receiver view to scroll by increments or decrements of one line or page. It is up to the receiver to define what constitutes a "line" in its model, except that it should be smaller than a page. A page should correspond to the width/height of the focus frame. CONST gotoPos This value can be assigned to the ScrollMsg.op field. It causes the receiver view to scroll to the position given by ScrollMsg.pos. CONST nextPageX, nextPageY This value can be assigned to the PageMsg.op field. It causes the receiver view to display the next page in x resp. in y direction. CONST gotoPageX, gotoPageY This value can be assigned to the PageMsg.op field. It causes the receiver view to display a given page in x resp. in y direction. CONST cut, copy These values can be assigned to the EditMsg.op field. They should be handled by the receiver view in the following way: • cut delete selection, and assign a new view containing the deleted data or a copy thereof to EditMsg.view • copy copy selection, and assign a new view containing the copied data to EditMsg.view CONST pasteChar This value can be assigned to the EditMsg.op field. It denotes the input of some (Unicode or Latin-1) character. CONST paste This value can be assigned to the EditMsg.op field. The receiver view should insert a copy of the data that EditMsg.view contains. If it cannot insert the data directly because it doesn't know its type, it should insert a copy of the whole EditMsg.view into its model if it has this capability, i.e., if it is a container. CONST doubleClick, extend, modify, popup, pick BlackBox abstracts from the details of the pointing device (usually a mouse) and keyboard layout by passing information about special kinds of mouse clicks and mouse/key combinations as platform independent modifiers. For the mapping of platform specific keys see platform specific modifiers. Modifier sets are used in Controllers.TrackMsg, Controllers.EditMsg, and Ports.Frame.Input. doubleClick means that a mouse button has been pressed in a way which is interpreted by the underlying user interface as a "double click". extend is used to extend or toggle selections (usually by pressing the Shift key). modify is used to change the default behavior of a command, for example to change a drag-and-move into a drag-and-copy (usually by pressing the Ctrl key). popup means that a mouse button has been pressed in a way which is intended for showing a popup menu (usually by pressing the right mouse button if a multi-button mouse is available). pick means that a mouse button has been pressed in a way which is intended for drag-and-pick (usually by pressing the middle mouse button if a three-button mouse is available, or by pressing the Alt key). CONST noMark, mark Used internally. CONST hide, show These constants may be used for the PollDropMsg message and the PollDrop procedure. They determine whether target feedback during drag & drop should be drawn (show) or removed (hide). TYPE Controller (Stores.Store) ABSTRACT A controller is the third component of the model-view-controller triple. Its main purpose is to translate controller messages into model or view transformations. Simple applications can implement the controller's functionality in the view itself, thus needing no separate controller object at all. Container views usually have a separate controller. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Usually there is a controller directory in the views module of a subsystem, since the view directory must be able to allocate an appropriate controller. Such a directory is installed by the corresponding controller module upon loading. To guarantee the loading of the corresponding controller module is loaded, the view module's body usually contains a statement of the form Dialog.Call("XYZControllers.Install, "", res). PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Controller NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a new controller. Post result # NIL result.ThisView() = NIL TYPE Forwarder ABSTRACT Used internally. PROCEDURE (n: Forwarder) Forward (target: BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Message) NEW, ABSTRACT Used internally. PROCEDURE (n: Forwarder) Transfer (VAR msg: TransferMsg) NEW, ABSTRACT Used internally TYPE Message ABSTRACT Base type of all controller messages. In contrast to model and view messages, a controller message is never broadcast. Instead, it is passed along a focus path. The target and front focus paths are predefined. TYPE PollFocusMsg (Message) EXTENSIBLE This message is sent to find out the leaf view of a focus path. The message is handled by the framework itself. If your view should not give away its identity when it is focus, set focus to NIL when receiving the message. Otherwise ignore the message. focus: Views.Frame After the message returns from the traversal of a focus path, it should contain the frame of the leaf view of this path. TYPE PollSectionMsg (Message) This message is sent to poll the focus view's current scroll state. BlackBox contains a generic scrolling mechanism which scrolls simply by changing the scrolled frame's origin. Explicit handling of scrolling is only necessary for views which can become extremely large, and whose efficient implementation crucially depends on keeping frames small. focus: BOOLEAN This flag tells whether a container should forward the message to its focus or not. Non-containers obviously cannot forward to a focus. vertical: BOOLEAN Tells whether the vertical or horizontal direction is polled. wholeSize: INTEGER wholeSize >= 1 This value denotes the focus view's width or height, in coordinates which a view can freely choose, i.e., they need not necessarily be universal units. partSize: INTEGER 0 <= partSize <= wholeSize This value denotes the focus view frame's width or height, in the same coordinates as above. If partSize cannot be easily defined, it should be set to 0. partPos: INTEGER 0 <= partPos <= wholeSize - partSize This value denotes the focus view's origin, in the same coordinates as above. valid: BOOLEAN The receiving view should set this flag if it supports scrolling in the given direction. valid indicates that wholeSize, partSize, and partPos are valid indicators of the view's scroll position. done: BOOLEAN This flag should be set if the message has been interpreted, i.e., if the above output fields have been set. For some controllers this may depend on vertical, i.e., the controller only supports one scrolling direction. TYPE PollOpsMsg (Message) This message is sent to inquire which editing operations the focus view supports, depending on its current selection. type: Stores.TypeName This field denotes a context for the focus view. This context is used to determine which menus are relevant for the focus view. As a convention, a view assigns the type name of its abstract base pointer type to type, e.g., "TextViews.View". This convention guarantees globally unique context names, since module names are considered globally unique. If the view doesn't support any such context, ignore this field. pasteType: Stores.TypeName valid iff type = paste The type of the view of which a copy would be pasted, if a paste operation occurred. singleton: Views.View A container view which supports a selection should set this field to the selected view, if this view is the only contents currently selected. selectable: BOOLEAN This field should be set to TRUE if the focus view contains selectable elements, independent of whether they are currently selected or not. valid: SET valid IN {cut, copy, paste} This set denotes which edit operations are currently possible, out of the set {cut, copy, paste}. It is used by the framework to enable or disable the appropriate menu items. However, there is no guarantee that the framework will not send an edit message for cut/copy/paste even if the view returns an empty set in valid. Such a message can simply be ignored. TYPE ScrollMsg (Message) This message is sent in order to let the focus view scroll to another position. It is used only in conjunction with PollSectionMsg (cf. above). focus: BOOLEAN This flag tells whether a container should forward the message to its focus or not. Non-containers obviously cannot forward to a focus. vertical: BOOLEAN Denotes whether scrolling should occur in the vertical or in the horizontal direction. op: INTEGER op IN {decLine..gotoPos} Scroll operation to be performed. pos: INTEGER valid iff op = gotoPos pos >= 0 This denotes the position to be scrolled to, in the same coordinates that the PollSectionMsg uses. done: BOOLEAN This flag should be set if the message has been interpreted; for some controllers, this may depend on op. TYPE PageMsg (Message) A page message is similar to a scroll message, but its measures are in pages. It can be interpreted if the view should behave differently depending whether it is being printed or not. This is done e.g. in TextViews to avoid the last line on a page to become clipped, which is acceptable on screen. If this message is not interpreted for a view which cannot be printed on one page, a default printing strategy is used which decomposes the view into suitable pieces for printing. op: INTEGER op IN {nextPageX, nextPageY, gotoPageX, gotoPageY} Where to scroll to. pageX, pageY: INTEGER Current page in x and in y directions. done: BOOLEAN This flag should be set if the message has been interpreted; for some controllers, this may depend on op. eox, eoy: BOOLEAN These flags should be set when it is attempted to go beyond the last page in the x resp. in y direction. TYPE TickMsg (Message) This message is sent to the front focus view periodically. It can be used to realize effects like a blinking caret. tick: INTEGER Tick count. The difference between two ticks is given by the global variable resolution. TYPE MarkMsg (Message) This message is sent whenever the target or front focus paths change. Before the change, the message is sent along the focus path with show = FALSE, such that the focus view can switch off visible marks like the selection or the caret. After the change (e.g., another window coming to the top), a MarkMsg is sent along the focus path with show = TRUE, such that the focus view can switch on its marks again, if there are any. Behavior can be different if the focus path changes due to window reordering or due to user interaction (a user clicking in some other embedded view). In the former case, a focused view may still keep its focus state (selection, caret), even while it is temporarily in a non-focus window. When the window becomes focus again, the old focus view becomes focus again. In this case, it should show the same selection/caret state again. In the latter case, a view that becomes newly focused may behave in a special way. In particular, a control may focus its contents (e.g., a text field may select the entire text string that it contains). To detect such a situation, a field focus is provided in the MarkMsg. Wrapper views and special container views (i.e., containers not derived from the types in module Containers) have to forward the MarkMsg to their embedded views. show: BOOLEAN Tells whether the focus view's marks should be switched on or off. focus: BOOLEAN Tells whether the view is being focused or defocused. A view may use this information e.g. to select itself upon becoming focus (this is done by text field controls). This is done in the following way: IF msg.focus THEN IF msg.show THEN (* set selection on focus *) ... select contents of view ... ELSE (* remove selection on defocus *) ... remove selection ... END END TYPE SelectMsg (Message) This message is sent when the focus view should select all selectable items, or when it should deselect all selected items. Selection occurs e.g. when the Edit->Select All command is executed. set: BOOLEAN Determines whether everything should be selected (set = TRUE) or whether everything should be deselected (set = FALSE). TYPE RequestMessage (Message) ABSTRACT A view (or its controller) receiving a request message can indicate, by setting requestFocus to TRUE, that it wants to become focus afterwards, if it isn't already. requestFocus: BOOLEAN Set this flag to TRUE if receiver should become/remain focus after the message has been handled. TYPE EditMsg (RequestMessage) This message is sent when a key was pressed, or when a cut/copy/paste operation was invoked. The following operations can be supported (for every supported operation except pasting of characters, the corresponding flag in PollOpsMsg.valid should be set when receiving a PollOpsMsg): • cut Create a clone of the focus view, with a copy of its selection as contents. Assign this clone to EditMsg.view and delete the focus' selection. There is one exception: if the selection consists of exactly one view (a singleton), this view's clone should be copied to EditMsg.view, not a clone of its container. • copy Create a clone of the focus view, with a copy of the focus' selection as contents. Assign this clone to EditMsg.view. If the selection consists of exactly one view (a singleton), this view's clone should be copied to EditMsg.view. • pasteChar Interpret EditMsg.char, e.g., insert it into a text model. char may be a control character. For control characters, check field modifiers also. • paste Insert EditMsg.view view into the focus view's contents. If the receiver is a container: If EditMsg.isSingle: It should insert the view as a complete view, independent of its type. This means that merging of contents is not permitted, even if this were possible. If ~EditMsg.isSingle: If it knows the contents of EditMsg.view, it should insert it, otherwise the complete view. If the receiver is not a container: If it knows the contents of EditMsg.view, it should insert it, otherwise it should do nothing. op: INTEGER op IN {cut .. paste} Operation to be performed. modifiers: SET valid iff op= pasteChar Modifier keys. For the mapping of platform specific keys see platform specific modifiers. char: CHAR valid iff op = pasteChar Character to be pasted, or to be interpreted in the case of control characters. view: Views.View valid iff op IN {paste, cut, copy} & view # NIL & view.context = NIL If op = paste: (IN parameter) View which should be pasted. If op IN {cut, copy}: (OUT parameter) View which should be assigned by the message handler. w, h: INTEGER valid iff op IN {paste, cut, copy} w >= Views.undefined & h >= Views.undefined [units] If op = paste: (IN parameter) The desired width and height of the pasted view. These values can be treated as hints. If they are not suitable, others can be used. The value Views.undefined should be handled also. If op IN {cut, copy}: (OUT parameter) Current width and height of the view. isSingle: BOOLEAN valid iff op IN {paste, cut, copy} If op = paste: (IN parameter) Tells whether the pasted view should be inserted as singleton, i.e., not be merged even if this were possible. If op IN {cut, copy}: (OUT parameter) The message handler should set this flag if the cut/copied view is selected as a singleton. clipboard: BOOLEAN valid iff op IN {cut, copy, paste} This input parameter tells whether the cut/copied view will be transferred to the system clipboard, or whether the pasted view comes from the system clipboard. TYPE ReplaceViewMsg (RequestMessage) A container should check whether it contains old. If so, it should replace old by new, without modifying the view's context in any way. old, new: Views.View old # NIL & new # NIL old should be replaced by new. TYPE CursorMessage (RequestMessage) ABSTRACT The base type of all messages which denote some interaction that depends on the current cursor position. The cursor position is always measured in units relative to the view's top-left corner. x, y: INTEGER [units] Current cursor position. TYPE PollCursorMsg (CursorMessage) This message is sent regularly to inquire which cursor the focus view currently desires. cursor: INTEGER cursor IN {Ports.arrowCursor .. Ports.refCursor} This field can be set to the cursor appropriate for the focus view. modifiers: SET This is an input field that gives the current modifer state of the mouse. TYPE TrackMsg (CursorMessage) Extension This message is sent when the mouse button is pressed down. modifiers: SET Determines which modifier keys have been pressed together with the mouse button. For the mapping of platform specific keys see platform specific modifiers. TYPE WheelMsg (CursorMessage) Extension This message is sent when the wheel on a wheel mouse is rolled. done: BOOLEAN If a view handles this message it must set the done flag to TRUE. op: INTEGER Indicates which kind of event the mouse wheel caused. The same constants as for scrolling are used, but only the following values are valid: incPage, decPage, incLine and decLine. nofLines: INTEGER nofLines >= 1 If op is either incLine or decLine then nofLines indicates how many lines should be scrolled. For incPage and decPage this value is undefined. TYPE TransferMessage (CursorMessage) ABSTRACT This is the base type of all messages which denote an interaction between several views, e.g., for drag and drop. source: Views.Frame The frame from which the interaction started, e.g., where the mouse button has been clicked for dragging. sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER The position in the source frame where the mouse button has been clicked, e.g., when starting to drag. TYPE PollDropMsg (TransferMessage) While an item is being dragged around, PollDropMsgs are sent to enable feedback about the drop target. mark: BOOLEAN A container which supports drop feedback should show (hide) its feedback mark when mark is set (cleared). You don't need to deal with the view's border mark (the rectangular outline of the view which is drawn while you are dragging over a view), this is handled completely by BlackBox itself. show: BOOLEAN valid iff mark Indicates whether the mark should be drawn or removed. type: Stores.TypeName The type of the view to be dropped. The same naming convention as for the PollOpsMsg is used. Based on type, the message handler can determine whether the view to be dropped can be accepted. Note that if drag & drop happens completely within BlackBox, the inherited message field source may also be used for this test. However, source may be NIL if OLE drag & drop occurs. isSingle: BOOLEAN Tells whether the view to be dropped is a singleton selection. w, h: INTEGER Size of the view to be dropped. May be equal to Views.undefined. rx, ry: INTEGER rx >= 0 & ry >= 0 The reference point inside the selection where drag & drop started. dest: Views.Frame (OUT parameter) The receiver should set dest to its own frame, if it would accept a drop. TYPE DropMsg (CursorMessage) This message is used if a view should be dragged and dropped to the cursor location. view: Views.View view # NIL The view which is dropped. It is a copy of the original, and ready to be inserted at the drop destination. isSingle: BOOLEAN Tells whether the view to be dropped is a singleton selection. w, h: INTEGER [units] The size of the dropped view. One or both sizes may have the value Views.undefined. rx, ry: INTEGER The reference point inside the selection where drag & drop started. VAR path-: BOOLEAN The currently set path, either frontPath or targetPath. The path is set and reset by SetCurrentPath and ResetCurrentPath. PROCEDURE Forward (VAR msg: Message) Send msg to to current focus. PROCEDURE FocusFrame (): Views.Frame Returns the current focus frame, if there is any. PROCEDURE FocusView (): Views.View Returns the current focus view, if there is any. PROCEDURE FocusModel (): Models.Model Returns the current focus view's model, if there is any. The following procedures are used internally: PROCEDURE Register (f: Forwarder) Add forwarder f to the list of forwarders. If f is already registered, Register(f) does nothing. Pre f # NIL 20 PROCEDURE Delete (f: Forwarder) Remove f from the list of forwarders. If f is not registered, nothing happens. Pre f # NIL 20 PROCEDURE ForwardVia (target: BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage) Send msg to either target or front focus. PROCEDURE SetCurrentPath (target: BOOLEAN) Set path to target and push the previous path value onto a stack. Must be balanced by a call to ResetCurrentPath, otherwise a trap will occur (in Controllers.BalanceCheckAction.Do). PROCEDURE ResetCurrentPath Reset path to the value it had before the last call of SetCurrentPath. Calls of ResetCurrentPath must exactly balance the calls of SetCurrentPath. PROCEDURE PollSection (VAR msg: PollSectionMsg) Poll the current focus view's scroll state. PROCEDURE PollOps (VAR msg: PollOpsMsg) Poll the current focus view's currently valid editing operations. PROCEDURE PollCursor (x, y: INTEGER; OUT cursor: INTEGER) Poll the current focus view's currently desired cursor. PROCEDURE Transfer (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; VAR msg: TransferMessage) PROCEDURE PollDrop (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; mark, show: BOOLEAN; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; OUT dest: Views.Frame; OUT destX, destY: INTEGER) PROCEDURE Drop (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER) PROCEDURE PasteView (view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; clipboard: BOOLEAN)
Controls DEFINITION Controls; IMPORT Meta, Dialog, Views, Properties; CONST opt0 = 0; opt1 = 1; opt2 = 2; opt3 = 3; opt4 = 4; link = 5; label = 6; guard = 7; notifier = 8; level = 9; default = opt0; cancel = opt1; left = opt0; right = opt1; multiLine = opt2; password = opt3; sorted = opt0; haslines = opt1; hasbuttons = opt2; atroot = opt3; foldericons = opt4; TYPE Control = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) item-: Meta.Item; disabled-, undef-, readOnly-, customFont-: BOOLEAN; font-: Fonts.Font; label-: Dialog.String; prop-: Prop; (c: Control) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); (c: Control) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); (c: Control) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); (c: Control) HandleViewMsg- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); (c: Control) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); (c: Control) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Views.PropMessage); (c: Control) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) Externalize2- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) CopyFromSimpleView2- (source: Control), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) HandleViewMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) HandleCtrlMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) HandlePropMsg2- (VAR p: Views.PropMessage), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) CheckLink- (VAR ok: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) Update- (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Control) UpdateList- (f: Views.Frame), NEW, EMPTY END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) NewPushButton (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewCheckBox (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewRadioButton (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewListBox (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewSelectionBox (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewField (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewUpDownField (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewDateField (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewTimeField (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewTreeControl (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewColorField (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewComboBox (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewCaption (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewGroup (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Prop = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) opt: ARRAY 5 OF BOOLEAN; link, label, guard, notifier: Dialog.String; level: INTEGER; (p: Prop) IntersectWith (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) END; DefaultsPref = RECORD (Properties.Preference) disabled, undef, readOnly: BOOLEAN END; PropPref = RECORD (Properties.Preference) valid: SET END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; par-: Control; PROCEDURE Notify (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE OpenLink (c: Control; p: Prop); PROCEDURE Relink; PROCEDURE DepositPushButton; PROCEDURE DepositCheckBox; PROCEDURE DepositRadioButton; PROCEDURE DepositListBox; PROCEDURE DepositSelectionBox; PROCEDURE DepositField; PROCEDURE DepositUpDownField; PROCEDURE DepositDateField; PROCEDURE DepositTimeField; PROCEDURE DepositTreeControl; PROCEDURE DepositColorField; PROCEDURE DepositComboBox; PROCEDURE DepositCaption; PROCEDURE DepositGroup; PROCEDURE DepositCancelButton; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END Controls. Module Controls provides a variety of standard user interface elements, so-called controls. In BlackBox, a control is an extended view. As every view, a control can be embedded in any general container (-> Containers), such as forms (-> FormModels) but also texts (-> TextModels). Usually, controls are put into forms. The standard controls provided by BlackBox are: command buttons (push buttons), check boxes, radio buttons, list boxes, selection boxes, (text, date, time and color) fields, combo boxes, tree controls, captions, and groups. Unlike other views, these BlackBox controls can be linked to a program variable, or more exactly: to any field accessible through a globally declared variable. When the control is opened, BlackBox tries to link the control to its variable, using the advanced metaprogramming capabilities of the BlackBox Meta module. In this way, the link between control and variable can be built up automatically when a dialog is newly created or loaded from a file, and correct linking (i.e., correct typing) can be guaranteed even after a dialog layout had been edited or otherwise manipulated. Controls may take on different states at run-time. Depending on the control and on the underlying user interface, these states may be represented in visually distinct ways: enabled/disabled Only enabled controls may be modified interactively. To disable a control, its guard should set par.disabled to TRUE. A control which cannot be linked to its variable is always disabled. defined/undefined Illegal or otherwise undefined values may be hilighted as such. To mark a control as undefined, its guard should set par.undef to TRUE. normal/read-only Controls may be denoted as read-only, i.e., under program control only. To mark a control as read-only, its guard should set par.readOnly to TRUE. Controls which are linked to read-only variables are always read-only. Note that the above states are temporary, i.e., determined wholly at run-time; they are never externalized or internalized. All controls have the following persistent properties, which are externalized when the controls are written to files: link This is the name of a global variable, to which the control is linked, e.g., TextCmds.find.replace. label This is the displayed name of the control and, optionally, serves to define the keyboard shortcut. The keyboard shortcut must be marked by a preceding "&" character. It will be underlined in the displayed name. If you want "&" to appear in the displayed name, use the escape sequence "&&". Controls that do not have a displayed name, for example text fields, use this property only for defining the keyboard shortcut. guard This optional command name denotes a guard procedure which allows to disable/enable a control selectively, and to set the undef and readOnly states as well. notifier This optional command name denotes a notifier procedure which allows to do something whenever the value of a control was changed interactively. light font A field may either be displayed in the standard font for this purpose, or in a more discreet ("light") font. On some platforms, this property may be interpreted only in fields and captions. These properties, as well as further control-specific properties (see below) can be set interactively using a suitable tool (-> DevInspector), or programmatically using the Properties.SetMsg. Command Button Pressing a command button (also called a push button) invokes the linked BlackBox "Command". A Command is frequently an exported parameterless Component Pascal procedure, but it may be any sequence of procedure calls that comply with the "Command" syntax described in the Docu for StdInterpreter. The individual procedures called may be either constant (or normal) procedures, or procedure variables. Additional properties: default The button is activated when the user presses return or enter. cancel The button is activated when the user presses escape. Check Box A check box lets the user toggle between two states, checked and unchecked. A check box is linked to a BOOLEAN field or variable. Alternatively, a check box can also be linked to a SET field or variable. The level property then specifies to which entry of the set the control is linked to. The control is checked if the inspected element is in the set. A check box can also be linked to a Dialog.Selection field or variable. The level property then indicates which element of the val set of the selection is inspected. Additional property: level if a check box is linked to a set or to a Dialog.Selection variable, then the level field indicates which set element is displayed by the control. Radio Button Radio buttons let the user choose between several alternatives. Each alternative is represented as a radio button. At any time, exactly one of the radio buttons is "on", while all others are "off". All radio buttons which belong to one selection are linked to the same integer field. Each radio button is "on" for another value of the integer field. This value can be configured with the level property. Additional property: level a radio button is "on" when the value of the variable to which the button is bound is equal to the level value. List Box A list box presents a list of strings to the user. From this list, at most one entry can be selected. List boxes are linked to a Dialog.List. Selection Box A selection box presents a list of strings to the user. From this list, an arbitrary number of entries can be selected. Selection boxes are linked to a Dialog.Selection. Field A text field lets the user type in a string. Fields are either linked to ARRAY n OF CHAR, BYTE, SHORTINT, INTEGER, LONGINT, SHORTREAL, REAL, Dialog.Combo or Dialog.Currency fields. Fields perform some basic checks, such as for the maximum permissible string length, or for the permissible character set (for numbers, only digits and a few characters like "-" or "." make sense). Additional property: multi line The field linked to ARRAY n OF CHAR may display several lines. A carriage return character is accepted on input. password Don't display the characters that have been typed in. UpDownField The UpDownField is a special text field linked to a BYTE, SHORTINT or INTEGER variable. The value of the integer can be incremented and decremented through arrows, or by using the mouse wheel. If the <Ctrl> key is depressed the value is multiplied or divided by 10 rather than being incremented or decremented by 1. DateField A date field lets the user specify a date. Date fields are linked to variables of type Dates.Date. On input, date fields only allow valid dates. Time Field A time field lets the user specify a time. Time fields are linked to variables of type Dates.Time. On input, time fields only allow valid times. Tree Control A tree control presents a tree of strings to the user. From this tree, at most one node can be selected. Tree Controls are linked to a Dialog.Tree. Additional properties: Sorted Nodes with the same parent are displayed in alphabetical order rather than in the order they were added to the tree. Lines Lines are drawn between nodes in the tree. Buttons A button with a "+" or a "-" sign is drawn in front of nodes that have children. Lines/Buttons at Root Lines and buttons are drawn also at the root level in the tree. Folder Icons Icons are used to show nodes as folders or leafs. Color Field A color field lets the user specify a color. Color fields are linked to variables of type Dialog.Color or of type Ports.Color. Combo Box A combo box is a combination of a text field with a list box. Like a list box, it presents a list of strings from which can be chosen. Additionally, it provides a field in which a value may be typed in. This value may be one in the list, or another value altogether. Combo boxes are linked to a Dialog.Combo. Caption A caption is a static string, which cannot be manipulated by the user. Typically, a field is accompanied by a caption which tells what the meaning of the field is. Captions may either be unlinked, or linked to the same record field as their corresponding field. Captions are not completely passive in that they may be enabled or disabled (e.g., "greyed out") as other controls. Group A group is a rectangular frame with a label in it. It allows to logically group several controls together. Guard commands can be associated with a control. Such a command has the following signature: PROCEDURE Guard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) The main purpose of a guard command is to disable a control when necessary. This is done in the following way: PROCEDURE Guard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := condition END Guard; Controls which are always enabled need no guard. Besides disabling a control, guards may also set a control to an undefined or read-only state (par.undef, par.readOnly). Notifier commands can be associated with a control. Such a command has the signature of Dialog.NotifierProc, i.e., PROCEDURE Notifier (op, from, to: INTEGER) The purpose of a notifier command is to give a program the opportunity to customize the behavior of a control when its state is being modified by the user. For example, a status message may be shown when the user clicks onto a command button, and remove again when the user releases the button again (this can be done using the Dialog.ShowStatus procedure). Or, a notifier may perform some checks after each character typed into a text field. Another example are selection boxes: for each item / item range which is selected/deselected, a notification is produced. This makes it possible to e.g. update the count of currently selected items of this selection box. Examples: ObxControlsdocu the use of guards and notifiers ObxDialogdocu the use of selection boxes and combo boxes ObxButtonsdocu control not extended from Controls.Control shows how to handle control properties ObxCtrls slider control, extended from Controls.Control ObxFldCtrls special-purpose text field control, extended from Controls.Control CONST opt0, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4 Elements of a control property's valid set. They determine whether their corresponding optN fields are valid. CONST link Element of a control property's valid set. It determines whether the link field is valid. CONST label Element of a control property's valid set. It determines whether the label field is valid. CONST guard Element of a control property's valid set. It determines whether the guard field is valid. CONST notifier Element of a control property's valid set. It determines whether the notifier field is valid. CONST level Element of a control property's valid set. It determines whether the level field is valid. CONST default, cancel Aliases of opt0 and opt1, used for command buttons. CONST left, right, multiLine, password Aliases of opt0 to opt3 used for text entry fields CONST sorted Alias of opt0 used for list-structured controls (list/selection/combo boxes/tree control). CONST haslines Alias of opt1 used for tree control. CONST hasbuttons Alias of opt2 used for tree control. CONST atroot Alias of opt3 used for tree control. CONST foldericons Alias of opt4 used for tree control. TYPE Control (Views.View) ABSTRACT Base type for controls that can be linked to global variables or procedures via metaprogramming. Such a control has no separate model, the item to which it is linked takes the role of a model. item-: Meta.Item This item describes the variable or procedure to which the control is linked. disabled-, undef-, readOnly-: BOOLEAN The current temporary state of any control. customFont-: BOOLEAN This flag determines whether the control's font is taken from the operating system configuration, or from the font variable below. font-: Fonts.Font font # NIL -> customFont The control's custom font (customFont must be TRUE when font is used, i.e., when it is not NIL). label-: Dialog.String The control's label. prop-: Prop prop # NIL The control attributes of this control. PROCEDURE (c: Control) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Externalize2- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) CopyFromSimpleView2- (source: Control), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandleViewMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message) PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandleCtrlMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View) PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandlePropMsg2- (VAR p: Views.PropMessage) NEW, EMPTY Extension hooks for Internalize, Externalize, CopyFromSimpleView, HandleCtrlMsg, HandlePropMsg, HandlePropMsg. These methods are made final, and call their new empty extension hooks. PROCEDURE (c: Control) CheckLink- (VAR ok: BOOLEAN) NEW, EMPTY This hook procedure allows a control to check whether the item to which it is linked is acceptable. For example, a checkbox control would accept a link to a Boolean item, but not to an integer item. PROCEDURE (c: Control) Update- (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER) NEW, EMPTY Update the display of a control. For list-structured controls, the list is not changed. PROCEDURE (c: Control) UpdateList- (f: Views.Frame) NEW, EMPTY Update the display of a list-structured control, including a rebuilding of its list elements. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory type for standard controls. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewPushButton (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new command button. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCheckBox (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new check box. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewRadioButton (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new radio button. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewListBox (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new list box. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewSelectionBox (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new selection box. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewField (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new text field. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewUpDownField (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new text field with up and down arrows. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewDateField (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new date field. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTimeField (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new time field. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTreeControl (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new tree control. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewColorField (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new color field. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewComboBox (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new combo box. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCaption (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new text caption. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewGroup (p: Prop): Control NEW, ABSTRACT Allocates and returns a new group. TYPE Prop (Properties.Property) A property object describes various attributes of a control. There are messages which allow to poll or set the control properties of a control (-> Properties, -> Controllers). opt: ARRAY 5 OF BOOLEAN; Up to five Boolean options. Their meaning depends on the control's type. link: Dialog.String Name of the field or procedure to which control is linked, e.g., "TextCmds.find.replace". label: Dialog.String Displayed name and keyboard shortcut of the control. guard: Dialog.String Optional name of guard command. notifier: Dialog.String Optional name of notifier command. level: INTEGER only valid for radio buttons. Determines for which value of the bound variable the control is "on". TYPE DefaultsPref (Properties.Preference) This preference message allows to override the general defaults of a control's temporary state. disabled, undef, readOnly: BOOLEAN State of the control. It is being determined in three steps: 1) general default: disabled := ~c.item.Valid() undef := FALSE readOnly := c.item.vis = Meta.readOnly 2) control-specific default: by handling the DefaultsPref message, the general default can be overwritten. For example, with buttons: disabled := link = "" 3) guard call: If there is a guard, the guard result is used, otherwise the default. TYPE PropPref (Properties.Preference) Preference message which allows to specify the valid properties of the receiving control. {link, label, guard, notifier, customFont} is the default. By handling the PropPref message, elements of the valid set can be added or removed. valid: SET VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory dir # NIL & stdDir # NIL Directories for the lookup of standard controls. VAR par-: Control Before a control's guard or notifier procedure is called, and before any controller message is sent to it, the control is assigned to par. Afterwards, it is reset to its previous value. This variable can be used in a command to determine the currently active control. PROCEDURE Notify (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER) Used internally. PROCEDURE OpenLink (c: Control; p: Prop) Try to link control c according to control property p. Pre c # NIL 20 p # NIL 21 PROCEDURE Relink Force a re-evaluation of the control's link. PROCEDURE DepositPushButton Allocate a new command button using dir.NewPushButton and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositCheckBox Allocate a new check box using dir.NewCheckBox and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositRadioButton Allocate a new radio button using dir.NewRadioButton and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositListBox Allocate a new list box using dir.NewListBox and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositSelectionBox Allocate a new selection box using dir.NewSelectionBox and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositField Allocate a new field using dir.NewField and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositUpDownField Allocate a new up-down-field using dir.NewUpDownField and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositDateField Allocate a new date field using dir.NewDateField and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositTimeField Allocate a new time field using dir.NewTimeField and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositTreeControl Allocate a new tree control using dir.NewTreeControl and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositColorField Allocate a new color field using dir.NewColorField and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositComboBox Allocate a new combo box using dir.NewComboBox and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositCaption Allocate a new caption using dir.NewCaption and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositGroup Allocate a new group using dir.NewGroup and deposit it. PROCEDURE DepositCancelButton Allocate a new command button using dir.NewPushButton and deposit it. The button's link property is initialized to "StdCmds.CloseDialog" and its cancel-property is set to TRUE. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Assigns directory. SetDir is used in configuration routines. Pre d # NIL 20 Post stdDir' = NIL stdDir = d stdDir' # NIL stdDir = stdDir' dir = d
Converters DEFINITION Converters; IMPORT Stores, Files, Dialog; CONST importAll = 0; TYPE Importer = PROCEDURE (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); Exporter = PROCEDURE (s: Stores.Store; f: Files.File); Converter = POINTER TO RECORD next*: Converter; imp-, exp-: Dialog.String; storeType-: Stores.TypeName; fileType-: Files.Type; opts-: SET END; VAR list-: Converter; PROCEDURE Register (imp, exp: Dialog.String; storeType: Stores.TypeName; fileType: Files.Type; opts: SET); PROCEDURE Import (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converter; OUT s: Stores.Store); PROCEDURE Export (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converter; s: Stores.Store); END Converters. Module Converters allows the definition and registration of file converters. A file converter is an importer which translates a file into a store (usually some view type), or an exporter which translates a store into a file, or it is both an importer and an exporter simultaneously. For a given pair (file type, store type) there may be several file converters registered, e.g. a text view may be translated into an ASCII file with or without carriage returns at the end of lines. Example: ObxConvdocu CONST importAll Set element for the opts set of procedure Register. It indicates that the importer is able to import all file types (e.g., an importer that displays the file contents as a hex dump). TYPE Importer This procedure type is the signature of an importer command. An importer translates a given file f into a store s. Pre f # NIL 20 f has correct type 22 Post s # NIL TYPE Exporter This procedure type is the signature of an exporter command. An exporter translates a given store s into the contents of a file f. File f is already set up as an empty new (i.e., writable) file. Pre s # NIL 20 f # NIL 21 f.Length() = 0 22 s has correct type 23 Post f.Length() >= 0 TYPE Converter A converter object represents a file converter. It consists of an import and an export command, one of which may be empty. A converter converts between a file and a store. next*: Converter Next converter in the list. Converters are sorted by their registration time: later registration means further back in the list. imp-, exp-: Dialog.String imp # "" OR exp # "" Strings for the import/export commands, e.g., "StdTextConv.ImportText" or "StdTextConv.ExportText". storeType-: Stores.TypeName exp # "" -> storeType # "" Store type of the converter, e.g., "TextViews.TextView". fileType-: Files.Type fileType # "" File type of the converter, e.g., "TXT". opts-: SET Set of options, e.g., {} or {importAll}. VAR list-: Converter List of registered converters. Converters are sorted by their registration time: later registration means further back in the list. The first element of the list, i.e., list, is always the document converter, i.e., the converter used for standard BlackBox document files. PROCEDURE Register (imp, exp: Dialog.String; storeType: Stores.TypeName; fileType: Files.Type; opts: SET) Register an importer which translates a file of type fileType into a store of type storeType (e.g., "TextViews.View"), an exporter which translates a store of type storeType into a file of type fileType, or both. imp is the name of an importer command, which must have the signature of Importer. exp is the name of an exporter command, which must have the signature of Exporter. opts allows to express a set of options; currently only the element importAll is defined. Normally, opts is empty. Register does not yet load the modules which contain the import/export commands. They are loaded only when needed. The standard document converter is already installed by the BlackBox core. Converters that should be available at startup of BlackBox should be registered in the StdConfig module, e.g., converters for ASCII files, Unicode files, or picture files. StdConfig.Setup is executed upon startup of BlackBox to allow the establishment of custom configurations, such as the set of available converters. As a result of Register, a new converter is appended to list, with fields corresponding to the parameters passed. For each registered importer or exporter, there optionally may be a corresponding string mapping; to make the display of a list of importers/exporters more user-friendly. For example, the importer "StdTextConv.ImportText" could be mapped to the more telling name "Ascii" (in the standard file open dialog). The mapping is done in the Strings file in the Rsrc directory of the importer's subsystem, e.g., there may be the following lines in the Std/Rsrc/Strings text: StdTextConv.ImportText Ascii StdTextConv.ExportText Ascii Pre imp # "" OR exp # "" 20 fileType # "" 21 PROCEDURE Import (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converter; OUT s: Stores.Store) Converts the contents of the file specified by (loc, name) into store s, using converter conv. Internally it calls the converter's import command. If conv = NIL, the first suitable converter in list is used and returned in the VAR parameter. Pre loc # NIL 20 name # "" 21 conv = NIL OR conv.imp # "" 22 File type of (loc, name) = converter's file type 23 PROCEDURE Export (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converter; s: Stores.Store) Convert store s to a new file (loc, name) using converter conv. Internally it calls the converter's export command. Success or failure is reported in the locator's res field. Pre s # NIL 20 ~ s IS Stores.Alien 21 loc # NIL 22 name # "" 23 conv = NIL OR conv.exp # "" 24 TypeOf(s) = converter's store type 25
Dates DEFINITION Dates; CONST monday = 0; tuesday = 1; wednesday = 2; thursday = 3; friday = 4; saturday = 5; sunday = 6; short = 0; long = 1; abbreviated = 2; plainLong = 3; plainAbbreviated = 4; TYPE Date = RECORD year, month, day: INTEGER END; Time = RECORD hour, minute, second: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE DateToString (IN d: Date; format: INTEGER; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Day (IN d: Date): INTEGER; PROCEDURE DayOfWeek (IN d: Date): INTEGER; PROCEDURE DayToDate (n: INTEGER; OUT d: Date); PROCEDURE GetDate (OUT d: Date); PROCEDURE GetDateTime (OUT d: Date; OUT t: Time); PROCEDURE GetEasterDate (year: INTEGER; OUT d: Date); PROCEDURE GetTime (OUT t: Time); PROCEDURE GetUTCBias (OUT bias: INTEGER); PROCEDURE GetUTCDate (OUT d: Date); PROCEDURE GetUTCDateTime (OUT d: Date; OUT t: Time); PROCEDURE GetUTCTime (OUT t: Time); PROCEDURE TimeToString (IN t: Time; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ValidDate (IN d: Date): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ValidTime (IN t: Time): BOOLEAN; END Dates. Module Dates provides basic procedures to work with dates. It covers the Julian calendar up to 10/4/1582 and the Gregorian calendar starting at 10/15/1582. Module Dates can deal with dates from 1/1/1 up to 12/31/9999. The types Date and Time are known to the framework and can be displayed by suitable controls. CONST monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday Possible return value of procedure DayOfWeek. CONST short, long, abbreviated, plainLong, plainAbbreviated Possible value for parameter format of DateToString to specify the format. TYPE Date Date information. year: INTEGER 0001 <= year <= 9999 month: INTEGER 1 <= month <= 12 day: INTEGER 1 <= day <= 31 TYPE Time Time information. hour: INTEGER 0 <= hour <= 23 minute: INTEGER 0 <= minute <= 59 second: INTEGER 0 <= second <= 59 PROCEDURE DateToString (IN d: Date; format: INTEGER; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Convert the date d into string s. The format of the conversion is specified through the operation system, usually depending on country and language. format example short 01/02/92 abbreviated Thu, Jan 2, 1992 long Thursday, January 2, 1992 plainAbbreviated Jan 2, 1992 plainLong January 2, 1992 Pre ValidDate(d) (not explicitly checked) format IN {short, abbreviated, long, plainAbbreviated, longAbbreviated} 20 PROCEDURE Day (d: Date): INTEGER; For date d, return the number of days since 1/1/1. Day(1/1/1) = 1. The difference between two dates in days can be computed with Day(d2) - Day(d1). Pre ValidDate(d) (not explicitly checked) Post (result > 0) & (result < 3652062) PROCEDURE DayOfWeek (IN d: Date): INTEGER Return the weekday of date d. Pre ValidDate(d) (not explicitly checked) Post result IN {monday .. sunday} PROCEDURE DayToDate (n: INTEGER; OUT d: Date); Convert the number of days since 1/1/1 into a date. DayToDate(Day(d1), d2) => d1=d2 Pre (n > 0) & (n < 3652062) (not explicitly checked) Post ValidDate(d) & Day(d) = n PROCEUDRE GetDate (OUT d: Date) Get the current date. PROCEUDRE GetDateTime (OUT d: Date; OUT t: Time) Get the current date and time by one atomic operation. PROCEDURE GetEasterDate (year: INTEGER; OUT d: Date) Get the Easter date of year. Pre (year > 1582) & (year < 2300) 20 PROCEDURE GetTime (OUT t: Time) Get the current time. PROCEDURE GetUTCBias (OUT bias: INTEGER); Returns the current bias, in minutes, for local time translation on this computer. The bias is the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time. All translations between UTC and local time are based on the following formula: UTC = local time + bias UTC = Coordinated Universal Time, also known as Greenwich Mean time (GMT). PROCEDURE GetUTCDate (OUT d: Date); Get the UTC date. PROCEUDRE GetUTCDateTime (OUT d: Date; OUT t: Time) Get the UTC date and time by one atomic operation. PROCEDURE GetUTCTime (OUT t: Time); Get the UTC time. PROCEDURE TimeToString (IN t: Time; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Convert the time t into string s. The format of the conversion is specified through the operating system. Pre ValidTime(t) (not explicitly checked) PROCEDURE ValidDate (IN d: Date): BOOLEAN Test whether d is a valid date according to the Julian (before 1582) or Gregorian (after 1582) calendar. Dates between 10/5/1582 and 10/14/1582 did not exist and are not valid. PROCEDURE ValidTime (IN t: Time): BOOLEAN Test whether time t is valid.
Dialog DEFINITION Dialog; IMPORT Files; CONST cancel = 4; changed = 3; excluded = 6; exitWithoutWindows = TRUE; firstPos = 0; included = 5; lastPos = -1; linux = 30; macOS = 21; macOSX = 22; no = 3; nonPersistent = FALSE; ok = 1; persistent = TRUE; pressed = 1; released = 2; set = 7; tru64 = 40; windows2000 = 15; windows32s = 11; windows7 = 19; windows8 = 10; windows95 = 12; windows98 = 16; windowsNT3 = 13; windowsNT4 = 14; windowsVista = 18; windowsXP = 17; yes = 2; TYPE LangNotifier = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (n: LangNotifier) Notify-, NEW, ABSTRACT END; TreeNode = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (tn: TreeNode) Data (): ANYPTR, NEW; (tn: TreeNode) GetName (OUT name: String), NEW; (tn: TreeNode) IsExpanded (): BOOLEAN, NEW; (tn: TreeNode) IsFolder (): BOOLEAN, NEW; (tn: TreeNode) NofChildren (): INTEGER, NEW; (tn: TreeNode) SetData (data: ANYPTR), NEW; (tn: TreeNode) SetExpansion (expanded: BOOLEAN), NEW; (tn: TreeNode) SetName (name: String), NEW; (tn: TreeNode) ViewAsFolder (isFolder: BOOLEAN), NEW END; Color = RECORD val: INTEGER END; Combo = RECORD item: String; len-: INTEGER; (IN c: Combo) GetItem (index: INTEGER; OUT item: String), NEW; (VAR c: Combo) SetItem (index: INTEGER; IN item: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR c: Combo) SetLen (len: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR c: Combo) SetResources (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; Currency = RECORD val: LONGINT; scale: INTEGER END; GuardProc = PROCEDURE (VAR par: Par); Language = ARRAY 3 OF CHAR; List = RECORD index, len-: INTEGER; (IN l: List) GetItem (index: INTEGER; OUT item: String), NEW; (VAR l: List) SetItem (index: INTEGER; IN item: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR l: List) SetLen (len: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR l: List) SetResources (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; NotifierProc = PROCEDURE (op, from, to: INTEGER); Par = RECORD disabled, checked, undef, readOnly: BOOLEAN; label: String END; Selection = RECORD len-: INTEGER; (VAR s: Selection) Excl (from, to: INTEGER), NEW; (IN s: Selection) GetItem (index: INTEGER; OUT item: String), NEW; (IN s: Selection) In (index: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW; (VAR s: Selection) Incl (from, to: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR s: Selection) SetItem (index: INTEGER; IN item: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR s: Selection) SetLen (len: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR s: Selection) SetResources (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; String = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; Tree = RECORD (IN t: Tree) Child (node: TreeNode; pos: INTEGER): TreeNode, NEW; (VAR t: Tree) Delete (node: TreeNode): INTEGER, NEW; (VAR t: Tree) DeleteAll, NEW; (VAR t: Tree) Move (node, parent: TreeNode; pos: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR t: Tree) NewChild (parent: TreeNode; pos: INTEGER; name: String): TreeNode, NEW; (IN t: Tree) Next (node: TreeNode): TreeNode, NEW; (IN t: Tree) NofNodes (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN t: Tree) NofRoots (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN t: Tree) Parent (node: TreeNode): TreeNode, NEW; (IN t: Tree) Prev (node: TreeNode): TreeNode, NEW; (VAR t: Tree) Select (node: TreeNode), NEW; (IN t: Tree) Selected (): TreeNode, NEW END; VAR appName: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; appVersion: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; beep: BOOLEAN; caretPeriod: INTEGER; commandLinePars: String; language-: Language; mapRes: INTEGER; memInStatus: BOOLEAN; metricSystem: BOOLEAN; platform: INTEGER; serverMode: BOOLEAN; showsStatus: BOOLEAN; thickCaret: BOOLEAN; user: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; version: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Beep; PROCEDURE Call (IN proc, errorMsg: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE FlushMappings; PROCEDURE GetColor (in: INTEGER; OUT out: INTEGER; OUT set: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE GetExtSpec (defName: Files.Name; defType: Files.Type; VAR loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name); PROCEDURE GetIntSpec (defType: Files.Type; VAR loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name); PROCEDURE GetOK (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR; form: SET; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE IsLinux (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsMac (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsWindows (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsWine (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE MapParamString (in, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE MapString (in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Notify (id0, id1: INTEGER; opts: SET); PROCEDURE OpenExternal (IN fileName: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE RegisterLangNotifier (notifier: LangNotifier); PROCEDURE RemoveLangNotifier (notifier: LangNotifier); PROCEDURE ResetLanguage; PROCEDURE RunExternal (IN exeName: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SetLanguage (lang: Language; persistent: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ShowMsg (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ShowParamMsg (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ShowParamStatus (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ShowStatus (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Update (IN x: ANYREC); PROCEDURE UpdateBool (VAR x: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE UpdateByte (VAR x: BYTE); PROCEDURE UpdateChar (VAR x: CHAR); PROCEDURE UpdateInt (VAR x: INTEGER); PROCEDURE UpdateLInt (VAR x: LONGINT); PROCEDURE UpdateList (IN x: ANYREC); PROCEDURE UpdateReal (VAR x: REAL); PROCEDURE UpdateSChar (VAR x: SHORTCHAR); PROCEDURE UpdateSInt (VAR x: SHORTINT); PROCEDURE UpdateSReal (VAR x: SHORTREAL); PROCEDURE UpdateSString (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); PROCEDURE UpdateSet (VAR x: SET); PROCEDURE UpdateString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR); END Dialog. Module Dialog provides a variety of auxiliary services to simplify user interaction of a program. In particular, the output of messages, e.g. error messages, is supported. Furthermore, various base types are provided: List, Selection, Combo, Currency, Tree, etc. These types are known to the framework (more exactly: they are known to module Controls) and can be displayed by suitable controls, i.e. views which display not a normal model, but instead a variable of one of the mentioned types. CONST pressed This value may be passed to the op field of a notifier procedure. It notifies about a mouse-down event, i.e. the primary mouse key has just been pressed. CONST released This value may be passed to the op field of a notifier procedure. It notifies about a mouse-up event, i.e. the primary mouse key has just been released. CONST changed This value may be passed to the op field of a notifier procedure. It notifies about some change of an interactor field's value. For a Selection, the more specific constants included, excluded, or set are used. CONST included This value may be passed to the op field of a notifier procedure. It notifies about an inclusion of the range [from..to] in a Selection. Before the operation, this range was not included in the set. CONST excluded This value may be passed to the op field of a notifier procedure. It notifies about an exclusion of the range [from..to] in a Selection. Before the operation, this range was included in the set. CONST set This value may be passed to the op field of a notifier procedure. It notifies about a change in a Selection or SET, resulting in a set {from..to}. Any previous selection was cleared. CONST ok This value may be used as an element of the form set parameter of procedure GetOK. It indicates that the user has pressed the OK button. CONST yes This value may be used as an element of the form set parameter of procedure GetOK. It indicates that the user has pressed the Yes button. CONST no This value may be used as an element of the form set parameter of procedure GetOK. It indicates that the user has pressed the No button. CONST cancel This value may be used as an element of the form set parameter of procedure GetOK. It indicates that the user has pressed the Cancel button. CONST windows32s This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows 3.1 (Win32s). This platform is not supported anymore. CONST windows95 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98SE, or Windows 98 ME. CONST windowsNT3 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows NT 3.x. CONST windowsNT4 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows NT 4.x. CONST windows2000 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows 2000 (formerly called Windows NT 5.0). CONST windows98 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on one of the Windows 98 flavors (original Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, or Windows 98 ME). CONST windowsXP This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows XP. CONST windowsVista This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows Vista. CONST windows7 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows 7. CONST windows8 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Windows 8. CONST macOS This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Mac OS 7.x, 8.x, or 9.x. This platform is not supported anymore. CONST macOSX This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Mac OS X. This platform is currently not supported. CONST linux This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Linux. This platform is currently not supported. CONST tru64 This is a possible value of variable platform. It indicates that BlackBox is running on Compaq Tru64 Unix. This platform is currently not supported. CONST firstPos This value may be used in calls to Tree variables. It indicates that the first child of a node is requested. CONST lastPos This value may be used in calls to Tree variables. It indicates that the last child of a node is requested. CONST persistent This value may be used in calls to SetLanguage variables. It indicates that the setting is to be stored in a persistent registry and used again when BlackBox is started the next time. CONST nonPersistent This value may be used in calls to SetLanguage variables. It indicates that the setting is not to be stored in a persistent registry and thus will not affect BlackBox the next time it is started. CONST exitWithoutWindows This value may be passed to RequestExit to allow the application to exit once all windows are closed by the user. TYPE String String type for various names to be displayed for the user, or to be entered by the user. TYPE List A list type defines a sub range of the INTEGER type, and an item name (a string) for each element of this range. All valid names can be enumerated by indexing from 0 upwards until len - 1. index: INTEGER index >= -1 & index < len Currently selected item of the list. If index = -1 then no element of the list is selected, which may happen e.g. if len = 0. len-: INTEGER len >= 0 Number of elements in the list. PROCEDURE (VAR l: List) SetLen (len: INTEGER) NEW Makes sure that the list has at least len elements available. If len > l.len, then the size of the existing list is increased as much as necessary. Note that SetItem also increases the list size if necessary, so SetLen is strictly necessary only to shorten the list. SetLen should be called when the size of the list to be constructed is known in advance, to avoid unnecessary allocations and copying in SetItem. If len > l.len, the existing l.len elements are not affected by SetLen. Pre len >= 0 20 Post l.len = len PROCEDURE (VAR l: List) SetItem (index: INTEGER; IN item: String) NEW Given an index index, the corresponding item name is set, or overwritten if it had been set earlier. If index >= l.len then the length is increased as much as necessary Pre index >= 0 20 item # "" 21 Post index <l.len' l.len = l.len' index >= l.len' l.len = index + 1 PROCEDURE (VAR l: List) GetItem (index: INTEGER; OUT item: String) NEW Given an index index, the corresponding item name is returned. If index is outside of the valid index range, the empty string "" is returned. Post name # "" iff index is in 0 .. l.len - 1 PROCEDURE (VAR l: List) SetResources (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Set up the item list according to entries in a string resource file. For example, key = "#System:colors" would build up an item list (red, green, blue), assuming that resource file System/Rsrc/Strings contains the entries key[0] red key[1] green key[2] blue Pre key # "" 20 TYPE Selection A selection is similar to a List, except that not only one value can be represented, but between 0 and an arbitrary number of values instead, i.e., a selection is a potentially large set of integers. In this context, the term "list" denotes all selectable elements, not only the selected ones. len-: INTEGER len >= 0 Number of elements in the list. PROCEDURE (VAR s: Selection) SetLen (len: INTEGER) NEW Makes sure that the list has at least len elements available. If len > l.len, then the size of the existing list is increased as much as necessary. Note that SetItem also increases the list size if necessary, so SetLen is strictly necessary only to shorten the list. SetLen should be called when the size of the list to be constructed is known in advance, to avoid unnecessary allocations and copying in SetItem. If len > l.len, the existing l.len elements are not affected by SetLen. Pre len >= 0 20 Post s.len = len PROCEDURE (VAR s: Selection) SetItem (index: INTEGER; IN item: String) NEW Given an index index, the corresponding item name is set, or overwritten if it had been set earlier. If index >= s.len then the length is increased as much as necessary Pre index >= 0 20 item # "" 21 Post index <s.len' s.len = s.len' index >= s.len' s.len = index + 1 PROCEDURE (VAR s: Selection) GetItem (index: INTEGER; OUT item: String) NEW Given an index index, the corresponding item name is returned. If index is outside of the valid index range, the empty string "" is returned. Post name # "" iff index is in 0 .. s.len - 1 PROCEDURE (VAR s: Selection) SetResources (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Set up the item list according to entries in a string resource file. For example, key = "#System:colors" would build up an item list (red, green, blue), assuming that resource file System/Rsrc/Strings contains the entries key[0] red key[1] green key[2] blue Pre key # "" 20 PROCEDURE (VAR s: Selection) Incl (from, to: INTEGER) NEW Include the range [from..to] intersected with [0..s.len - 1] into the selection. If from > to, this is regarded as an empty range. PROCEDURE (VAR s: Selection) Excl (from, to: INTEGER) NEW Exclude the range [from..to] intersected with [0..s.len - 1] into the selection. If from > to, this is regarded as an empty range. PROCEDURE (VAR s: Selection) In (index: INTEGER): BOOLEAN NEW Determine whether element index is in the selection. If index is outside of the range [0..s.len-1], then FALSE is returned. TYPE Combo A combo is similar to a List, except that it also accepts other values than the predefined ones of a list. Typically, a combo is represented on the screen as a combo box control. Such a control is a mixture of a list box or popup box (where one of the listed values can be chosen) and a text field (in which non-standard values can be typed in). item: String Current value of the combo. len-: INTEGER len >= 0 Number of elements in the list. PROCEDURE (VAR c: Combo) SetLen (len: INTEGER) NEW Makes sure that the list has at least len elements available. If len > l.len, then the size of the existing list is increased as much as necessary. Note that SetItem also increases the list size if necessary, so SetLen is strictly necessary only to shorten the list. SetLen should be called when the size of the list to be constructed is known in advance, to avoid unnecessary allocations and copying in SetItem. If len > l.len, the existing l.len elements are not affected by SetLen. Pre len >= 0 20 Post c.len = len PROCEDURE (VAR c: Combo) SetItem (index: INTEGER; IN item: String) NEW Given an index index, the corresponding item name is set, or overwritten if it had been set earlier. If index >= c.len then the length is increased as much as necessary Pre index >= 0 20 item # "" 21 Post index <c.len' c.len = c.len' index >= c.len' c.len = index + 1 PROCEDURE (VAR c: Combo) GetItem (index: INTEGER; OUT item: String) NEW Given an index index, the corresponding item name is returned. If index is outside of the valid index range, the empty string "" is returned. Post name # "" iff index is in 0 .. c.len - 1 PROCEDURE (VAR c: Combo) SetResources (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Set up the item list according to entries in a string resource file. For example, key = "#System:colors" would build up an item list (red, green, blue), assuming that resource file System/Rsrc/Strings contains the entries key[0] red key[1] green key[2] blue Pre key # "" 20 TYPE TreeNode Holds information about a node in a Tree. A TreeNode is part of one and only one Tree. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) SetName (name: String) NEW Sets the name of tn. This is the text that is displayed when a Tree is bound to a tree control. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) GetName (OUT name: String) NEW Retrieves the name of tn. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) SetData (data: ANYPTR), NEW; Associates some data with node tn. This can be used to associate some application defined data with each node in a Tree. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) Data (): ANYPTR NEW Returns the data associated with the tn by an earlier call to SetData. Returns NIL if no call to SetData has been made. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) NofChildren (): INTEGER NEW Returns the number of immediate children to tn, i.e. all nodes, n, in tree, t, such that t.Parent(n) = tn. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) SetExpansion (expanded: BOOLEAN) NEW Marks tn as expanded or collapsed. When the tree is displayed in a Tree Control the node corresponding to tn will be expanded or collapsed according to the value of expanded. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) IsExpanded (): BOOLEAN NEW Returns TRUE if tn has been expanded by a Tree Control or by an explicit call to SetExpansion. Otherwise FALSE is returned. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) ViewAsFolder (isFolder: BOOLEAN) NEW When a Tree Control has the option "Folder Icons" set, it automatically displays nodes that have children as folders. If node tn should be viewed as a folder even if it has no children, tn.ViewAsFolder(TRUE) should be called. If node tn has children it will be viewed as a folder even if tn.ViewAsFolder(FALSE) is called. ViewAsFolder only provides a way to make leafs look like folders, not the other way around. PROCEDURE (tn: TreeNode) IsFolder (): BOOLEAN NEW Returns TRUE if tn has children or if tn.ViewAsFolder(TRUE) has been called, otherwise it returns FALSE. TYPE Tree Defines a tree structure for storing TreeNodes. Normally a Tree is bound to a Tree Control in the user interface. Each tree can have several roots. It is possible to navigate up and down in the tree as well as between siblings. All operations on a tree t that require a TreeNode tn have the precondition that tn was created using t.NewChild and that tn is still part of t, i.e., tn is a node in t and not in any other tree and tn has not been deleted from t. Note:Tree controls look different under Windows NT and other Windows versions. The background of a tree control is not set to gray when the control is disabled or read only under Windows NT. See PlatformSpecificIssues for more information. PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) NofNodes (): INTEGER NEW Returns the total number of nodes in the tree. Post Returned value is greater than or equal to 0. PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) NofRoots (): INTEGER NEW The total number of roots in the tree. A node, tn, is a root if tn.Parent() = NIL. Post Returned value is greater than or equal to 0. PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) NewChild (parent: TreeNode; pos: INTEGER; name: String): TreeNode NEW Creates a new node in a tree. The new node is inserted at positions pos among the children of parent. If parent has no children or pos = firstPos then the new node is inserted as the first child of parent. If parent has fewer children than the value of pos or pos = lastPos, then the new node is inserted as the last child of parent. If parent is NIL then the new node is added as a new root in the tree at position pos. Pre (pos >= 0) OR (pos = firstPos) OR (pos = lastPos) Post t.NofNodes() = t.NofNodes()' + 1 PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Delete (node: TreeNode): INTEGER NEW Removes node and all its children from the tree. Pre node # NIL Post t.NofNodes < t.NofNodes()' PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) DeleteAll NEW Removes all nodes from the tree. Post t.NofNodes() = 0 t.NofRoots() = 0 PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Move (node, parent: TreeNode; pos: INTEGER) NEW Moves a node in a tree from its current place to the place specified by parent and pos. The interpretation of parent and pos is the same as in NewChild. Pre node # NIL (pos >= 0) OR (pos = firstPos) OR (pos = lastPos) Post t.NofNodes() = t.NofNodes()' PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Parent (node: TreeNode): TreeNode NEW Returns the parent node of node. If node is a root then NIL is returned. Pre node # NIL PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Child (node: TreeNode; pos: INTEGER): TreeNode NEW Returns the child at position pos of node. If node is NIL the root at position pos is returned. The constants firstPos and lastPos can be used to retrieve the first and last child of a node. If node has no children or if it has fewer children than the value of pos, then NIL is returned. Pre (pos >= 0) OR (pos = firstPos) OR (pos = lastPos) PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Next (node: TreeNode): TreeNode NEW Returns the next node at the same level and with the same parent as node i.e. If node is at position pos then the returned node is at position pos + 1. If node is the last child of its parent then NIL is returned. Pre node # NIL PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Prev (node: TreeNode): TreeNode NEW Returns the previous node at the same level and with the same parent as node. If node is at position pos then the returned node is at position pos - 1. If node is the first child of its parent then NIL is returned. Pre node # NIL PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Select (node: TreeNode) NEW Makes node become the selected node in the tree. If node is NIL then there is no selection in the tree. PROCEDURE (VAR t: Tree) Selected (): TreeNode NEW Returns the selected node in a tree. If no node is currently selected then NIL is returned. TYPE Color Type for colors. val: INTEGER Current color value (in the same format as Ports.Color). TYPE Currency Type for money values. val: LONGINT The fixed-point value of the currency. The true value is val / 10^scale. scale: INTEGER scale > 0 Scale factor for val. For example, val = 12475 and scale = 2 is the representation for 124.75. If the currency denotes US dollars, then scale = 2 means that values can be displayed and entered with cent precision. A value of 3 would increase precision to 1/10 of a cent. TYPE Par Values of this parameter type are used to set up the names of menu items, and to disable or check menu items. A procedure of type GuardProc has a variable parameter of type Par. disabled: BOOLEAN Initially set to FALSE, this field can be set to TRUE by guard commands, to disable a menu item or a control. checked: BOOLEAN Initially set to FALSE, this field can be set to TRUE to show a check mark for a menu item. undef: BOOLEAN Initially set to FALSE, this field can be set to TRUE to set the undef state of a control. readOnly: BOOLEAN Initially set to FALSE, this field can be set to TRUE to set the readOnly state of a control. label: String For menu items or controls which show different labels depending on the current context, the current string can be deposited here. TYPE GuardProc = PROCEDURE (VAR par: Par) Menu guard or control guard commands must have this signature (or the extended version described below). They can set the fields of the par parameter to suitable values. Guard commands are called to determine the current state (in particular to find out whether the item is currently enabled) of a menu item or a control. For menu items, the guard commands are specified in the respective subsystem's /Rsrc/Menus text, or in System/Rsrc/Menus. Menu guard commands are called after the user clicks in the menu bar, and before the menu appears. For controls, the guard commands are specified in the inspector dialog which allows to set the various control properties. Control guard commands are called after the user interactively changed the state of a control, or after a program calls the procedure Update or UpdateList (or one of the other update procedures). Note that when the user clicks in a menu bar, possibly all menu guard commands may be executed. After the contents of an interactor has been changed and Update or UpdateList (or one of the other update procedures) has been called, all control guards are executed. This means two things. First, a guard command must be efficient. And second, the module which contains the guard is loaded as soon as the guard is evaluated for the first time. In this respect, menu commands are a certain pitfall during development: when a module has been unloaded, it is reloaded as soon as the user tries to execute a menu command. Guard commands may only modify fields of their par parameters, they must not modify any other state of the system, e.g., global variables. This means that the evaluation of a guard is similar to a function call without side-effects. Avoiding side-effects is particularly important since guards may be called by the framework at relatively unpredictable times. An extended version of GuardProc can be used as an alternative, with the following signature: PROCEDURE (n: INTEGER; VAR par: Par) An actual parameter for n must be a constant. TYPE NotifierProc = PROCEDURE (op, from, to: INTEGER) A notifier procedure must have one of the following signatures: PROCEDURE (op, from, to: INTEGER) PROCEDURE (n, op, from, to: INTEGER) Through calls of notification procedures, an application can be notified of manipulations of a control. op determines the kind of manipulation: op = pressed: A mouse-down event has occurred. op = released: A mouse-up event has occurred. op = changed: The value of a control (not bound to a SET or a Selection) has been changed. op = included: Range [from..to] has been included in a SET or a Selection. It wasn't included before. op = excluded: Range [from..to] has been excluded from a SET or a Selection. It was included before. op = set: Range [from..to] has been set in a SET or a Selection after clearing the previous selection. An actual parameter for n must be a constant. TYPE LangNotifier = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; Objects of this type can be registered and unregistered using RegisterLangNotifier and RemoveLangNotifier. PROCEDURE (n: LangNotifier) Notify- NEW, ABSTRACT This method is called for all registered LangNotifiers whenever the language is changed. The order in which the language notifiers are called is undefined. VAR metricSystem: BOOLEAN This variable indicates whether sizes should be measured in metric units or in inches. VAR showsStatus: BOOLEAN Indicates whether status messages are currently displayed. If showsStatus = FALSE, the procedures ShowParamStatus and ShowStatus will have no visible effect. VAR version: INTEGER Indicates the current major version of BlackBox. 10 = version 1.0 11 = version 1.1 12 = version 1.2 13 = version 1.3 14 = version 1.4 15 = version 1.5 16 = version 1.6 17 = version 1.7 VAR platform: INTEGER Indicates on which host operating system the application is running. VAR appName: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR Gives the name of the application program which is currently running; the default is "BlackBox". VAR appVersion: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR Gives the version of the application program which is currently running; the default is taken from the System property 'appVersion'. VAR language-: Language Current language in ISO 639 codes. See SetLanguage for more information about language support. VAR user: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR Login name of current user. Currently not used. VAR thickCaret: BOOLEAN Determines whether the text subsystem uses a Word-like thick caret or a normal thin caret. VAR caretPeriod: INTEGER Determines the blinking period that the text subsystem uses for caret blinking. The period is given in ticks (1/1000 second). The default is 500, i.e., half a second. VAR beep: BOOLEAN If not checked, Dialog.Beep is silent. VAR serverMode: BOOLEAN Optimizes BlackBox for operating as a server: (1) background task processing while mouse tracking, (2) shortest possible idle periods in main Windows thread (needs a restart of BlackBox in order to be effective). Warning about possible side-effects caused by background task processing in server mode. Note the potential CPU overhead in server mode caused by a smaller idlePeriod. For compatible with the BlackBox 1.6 switch off the serverMode. VAR commandLinePars: String Command line parameters that have been passed when starting BlackBox. Variable commandLinePars contains the string entered on the command line following the /PAR option. The string can be specified enclosed in either single or double quotes. Quotes may be omitted if no white space is contained in the string. If no /PAR option is present on the command line, commandLinePars contains the empty string. Examples: /PAR test /PAR "parameter string" /PAR 'A string containing a " can be entered like this' VAR mapRes: INTEGER Result of the last MapString operation: 0 — ok 6 — result is not fit into target array, clipped 5 — requested string is not mapped (not found in a strings file) 4 — strings file isn't loaded (not found or error) 1..3 — request syntax error PROCEDURE IsLinux (): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if and only if the application is runing under any Linux version. Note that in case of using the Windows emulator Wine IsLinux returns FALSE. PROCEDURE IsMac (): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if and only if the application is runing under any MacOS version. PROCEDURE IsWindows (): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if and only if the application is runing under any Windows verson. Note that also in case of using the Windows emulator Wine IsWindows returns TRUE. PROCEDURE IsWine (): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if and only if the application is runing under the Windows emulator Wine. Note that IsWine() implies IsWindows(). PROCEDURE Update (IN x: ANYREC) This procedure should be called after one or several fields of the interactor x have been modified by a program (it is called automatically when a field has been modified interactively via a control). It causes all controls which are bound to fields of this interactor to be updated, and then guards are evaluated. PROCEDURE UpdateList (IN x: ANYREC) For list-structured controls (list boxes, selection boxes, combo boxes, tree controls), the lists are re-created. For efficiency reasons, this is not done after a call to Update. Note that UpdateList also includes the functionality of Update, thus for efficiency reasons you shouldn't call UpdateList(rec); Update(rec). PROCEDURE UpdateBool (VAR x: BOOLEAN) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a BOOLEAN parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateByte (VAR x: BYTE) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a BYTE parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateChar (VAR x: CHAR) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a CHAR parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateInt (VAR x: INTEGER) Similar to Update, except that it accepts an INTEGER parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateLInt (VAR x: LONGINT) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a LONGINT parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateReal (VAR x: REAL) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a REAL parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateSChar (VAR x: SHORTCHAR) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a SHORTCHAR parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateSInt (VAR x: SHORTINT) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a SHORTINT parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateSReal (VAR x: SHORTREAL) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a SHORTREAL parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateSString (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR) Similar to Update, except that it accepts an ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateSet (VAR x: SET) Similar to Update, except that it accepts a SET parameter. PROCEDURE UpdateString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR) Similar to Update, except that it accepts an ARRAY OF CHAR parameter. PROCEDURE MapParamString (in, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR) Translates string in into string out. Strings in of the form "#Subsystem:message" with non-empty Subsystem and message are translated if there is a corresponding entry in the "Strings" resource file for this subsystem (in the subsystem's "Rsrc" directory). Otherwise, the "#Subsystem:" prefix is stripped away. As an example, "#System:Cancel" may be translated to "Cancel" in the USA, and to "Abbrechen" in Germany; or to "Cancel" if the resource file or the appropriate entry is missing. The form "#SubsystemModule:message" addresses to module's strings-resource file "ModuleStrings" for subsystem Subsystem. Three additional input parameters can be spliced into the in parameter. These parameters are inserted where "^0", "^1", or "^2" occur in in. The parameters are not mapped, but merely substituted. MapParamString allows to remove country- and language-specific strings from a program source text, while at the same time providing a default string in the program source text such that the program always works, even if string resources are missing. Post mapRes IN {0..6} PROCEDURE MapString (in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR) This is a simplified version of MapParamString which has no additional input parameters. Except for performance, equivalent to: MapParamString(in, "", "", "", out) PROCEDURE RegisterLangNotifier (notifier: LangNotifier) Adds notifier to the list of LangNotifiers to be called every time the language is changed. Pre notifier # NIL 20 PROCEDURE RemoveLangNotifier (notifier: LangNotifier) Removes notifier from the list of LangNotifiers called every time the language is changed. Pre notifier # NIL, 20 PROCEDURE SetLanguage (lang: ARRAY OF CHAR; persistent: BOOLEAN) Sets the current language to lang, specified in ISO 639 code. This indicates that String resources are not read from the Rsrc-directory directly but from a subdirectory within the Rsrc-directory with the same name as the language code. It also sets the value of the global variable language. For example, if lang = "de" the String resources are read from the directory "Rsrc/de". If no such directory exists or the requested resource does not exist then the resources are read from the normal Rsrc-directory. An empty string implies that no particular language has been selected and resources are read from the Rsrc-directory. The persistent parameter indicates whether the setting is being used again when BlackBox is started the next time. persistent = nonPersistent causes a non-permanent change, i.e. the change is effective for this particular instance of BlackBox only. With persistent = persistent the change is registered in a registry and the language will be set immediately when BlackBox starts up next time. For information on how to do software that needs to be notified whenever the value of the global variable language is changing, see RegisterLangNotifier. Pre (lang = "") OR (LEN(lang$) = 2) 20 PROCEDURE ResetLanguage Resets the current language to the value of the last persistent setting. See also SetLanguage. PROCEDURE ShowParamMsg (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR) Presents str as a message to the user. The string str is mapped. The additional input parameters p0, p1, and p2 are not mapped. This procedure is used to present urgent messages to the user, typically alerting the user that some action has failed. It shouldn't be used for casual success messages. If a log window is present it is assumed that the user prefers these kind of messages in the log. Therefore the message is printed in the log if one exists, otherwise the message is displayed in a separately opened dialog box. Pre LEN(str$) # 0 20 PROCEDURE ShowMsg (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR) This is a simplified version of ShowParamMsg which has no additional input parameters. Except for performance, equivalent to: ShowParamMsg(str, "", "", "") Pre LEN(str$) # 0 20 PROCEDURE ShowParamStatus (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR) Presents str as a message to the user. The string str is mapped. The additional input parameters p0, p1, and p2 are not mapped. In contrast to ShowParamMsg, ShowParamStatus is used for shorter-lived and less urgent messages; e.g., messages produced and updated during a lengthy process. This procedure should not be used for vital messages, because on some platforms there may be no status area to display status messages, or the message mechanism may be switched off. These conditions are indicated by the global variable showsStatus. PROCEDURE ShowStatus (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR) This is a simplified version of ShowParamStatus which has no additional input parameters. Except for performance, equivalent to: ShowParamStatus(str, "", "", "") PROCEDURE FlushMappings String mappings are cached in internal tables for efficiency reasons. This procedure flushes all string mapping tables. This forces a reload of these tables from the string resource files as soon as the mappings are performed again. PROCEDURE GetOK (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR; form: SET; OUT res: INTEGER) Modal dialog Presents a mapped string, with the optional parameters p0 to p2, in a modal dialog box. form indicates the set of buttons of the dialog box. Only meaningful combinations are allowed: {ok} {ok, cancel} {yes, no} {yes, no, cancel} res indicates which button has been pressed by the user. Pre ((yes IN form) = (no IN form)) & ((yes IN form) # (ok IN form)) 20 Post res IN form PROCEDURE GetIntSpec (defType: Files.Type; VAR loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name) Modal dialog Ask the user for a file specification (loc, name). defType indicates which file type is desired ("" stands for any file type; other types are platform-specific, e.g., "txt" for Windows Ascii files). loc # NIL indicates a valid file specification. Pre defType = "" OR defType is legal type name on this platform 20 PROCEDURE GetExtSpec (defName: Files.Name; defType: Files.Type; VAR loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name) Modal dialog Ask the user for a file specification for externalizing a file. defName is the default name presented to the user. defType is the file type which should be used as default type. loc # NIL indicates a valid file specification. Pre defType = "" OR defType is legal type name on this platform 20 PROCEDURE GetColor (in: INTEGER; OUT out: LONGINT; OUT set: BOOLEAN) Modal dialog Ask the user for a color. in is the default color presented to the user. PROCEDURE Call (IN cmd, errorMsg: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT res: INTEGER) Call executes a sequence of BlackBox commands denoted by cmd. If the corresponding modules are not yet loaded, Call tries to load them. If some error occurs, command execution terminates and res is returned with a value # 0. If errorMsg = "", Call does not display error messages. If errorMsg # "", Call displays errorMsg in case of an error, appended with a short description of the particular error having occurred. The syntax for commands with parameters is explained in the documentation of module StdInterpreter. PROCEDURE Beep Emit a short beep sound. PROCEDURE Notify Used internally. PROCEDURE RunExternal (IN exeName: ARRAY OF CHAR) Run any external application. exeName is the command string, which includes the name of an external ".exe" filename, possibly including its full path, and any command line parameters that this application needs. Windows OS specific documentation: Some applications may close their "Run environment" window before their output can be read. This window can be kept open by adding the string "cmd /k " to the beginning of exeName before calling RunExternal. Opening this window can be avoided, with the default ExtCallHook, by setting WinDialog.hideExtRunWindow to TRUE before calling RunExternal, which then resets it to FALSE. PROCEDURE OpenExternal (IN fileName: ARRAY OF CHAR) Open fileName in external application associated with such file type. URLs will be opened in default browser application. PROCEDURE RequestExit* (allow: BOOLEAN) Allow or forbid exit from the application once all windows are closed by the user. See module Loop for a discussion of the main loop and application kinds supported by the framework.
Documents This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Files DEFINITION Files; CONST exclusive = FALSE; shared = TRUE; dontAsk = FALSE; ask = TRUE; readOnly = 0; hidden = 1; system = 2; archive = 3; stationery = 4; TYPE Name = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; Type = ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; FileInfo = POINTER TO RECORD next: FileInfo; name: Name; length: INTEGER; type: Type modified: RECORD year, month, day, hour, minute, second: INTEGER END; attr: SET END; LocInfo = POINTER TO RECORD next: LocInfo; name: Name; attr: SET END; Locator = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD res: INTEGER; (l: Locator) This (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR): Locator, NEW, ABSTRACT END; File = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD type-: Type; (f: File) Length (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) Flush, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) Register (name: Name; type: Type; ask: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) Close, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) InitType (type: Type), NEW END; Reader = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD eof: BOOLEAN; (r: Reader) Base (): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) Pos (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE), NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) ReadBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Writer = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (w: Writer) Base (): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) Pos (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) SetPos (pos: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) WriteByte (x: BYTE), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) WriteBytes (IN x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) This (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR): Locator, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Temp (): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) New (loc: Locator; ask: BOOLEAN): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Old (loc: Locator; name: Name; shared: BOOLEAN): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Delete (loc: Locator; name: Name), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Rename (loc: Locator; old, new: Name; ask: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) SameFile (loc0: Locator; name0: Name; loc1: Locator; name1: Name): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) FileList (loc: Locator): FileInfo, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) LocList (loc: Locator): LocInfo, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) GetFileName (name: Name; type: Type; OUT filename: Name), NEW, ABSTRACT END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; docType-, objType-, symType-: Type; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END Files. Most programmers never need to deal with files directly, instead they can use readers and writers (of module -> Stores) which are set up already by BlackBox! Module Files provides the abstractions necessary to handle most aspects of a hierarchical file system. A file is a sequence of bytes. Several access paths can be open simultaneously on the same file, possibly at different positions. A file and its access paths are modeled as separate data structures, namely as File and Reader/Writer. Where a statement applies both to readers and writers, the term "rider" will be used. An open rider is never closed explicitly, and an application can create as many riders as it needs. Figure 1: File with three riders Each file resides at some location in the file hierarchy (i.e., in a subdirectory). In BlackBox, a location is described by a locator object. A directory object provides a procedure which creates a locator, given a path name in the host platform's file name syntax. Most other directory operations take a locator as parameter, to find the specific subdirectory where the operation should be performed. For temporary files, a system-specific (implicit) location is used. Temporary files are used as scratch files, and cannot be registered in the file directory. Module Dialog provides further sources for file locators, via standard file dialogs. A file itself is specified by a location and a name. The name is the file's local name at the given location, i.e., it cannot be a path name. A directory object provides three procedures to access a file: New, Temp, and Old. New creates a new file. This file already has a particular location, but is anonymous, i.e., it has no name (yet). When the file's contents are written, the file can be registered under a given name, possibly replacing an already existing file which in turn becomes anonymous itself. File registration is an atomic action, which reduces the danger that a file is replaced by a new, but incomplete or corrupted, file. Anonymous files for which no more riders exist are automatically deleted by the garbage collector, at an appropriate time. Temp creates a temporary file. Such a file is never registered, and thus remains anonymous. Old looks up and opens an existing file, given its name and location. The file may either be opened in shared or in exclusive mode. "shared" means that it may be looked up and opened by several programs simultaneously, but that none may alter it (immutable file). Even if a file has been opened, its entry in the file directory is replaced when a new file is registered at the same location and under the same name. In this case, the old file remains accessible through the existing file readers. However, looking up this file with procedure Old yields the most recently registered file version. When no more riders on an older file version exist, the disk space occupied by the file is reclaimed by the garbage collector eventually. Opening a file in shared mode is the rule in BlackBox; opening a file in exclusive mode is an infrequent exception. "exclusive" means that at most one program may open a file. As long as the file is not closed again, other programs remain locked out, i.e., Old on the same file fails. An exclusively opened file may be modified (mutable file), which is useful for simple data base applications. Registering a new file under the same name as an exclusively opened file has the same effect as for shared files, i.e., the existing file becomes anonymous, and is garbage collected eventually. A file can be opened in exclusive mode, closed, and then be opened again in shared mode, for example. However, it can never be open in exclusive and in shared mode simultaneously. Open files for which no more riders exist are automatically closed by the garbage collector at an appropriate time. For files opened in exclusive mode, it is recommended that they be closed explicitly, in order to make them accessible again to other programs as early as possible. A directory object represents all accessible files (not just one subdirectory), independent of their location in the file hierarchy. There is exactly one file hierarchy. However, every BlackBox service may implement its own file directory object. Such an object represents exactly the same file hierarchy, but may provide different ways to look up files, e.g., by applying default search paths, or it may define a current directory relative to which path names are evaluated, etc. Files are typed. This means that each file has a type attribute which is a string, typically of length 3. On some platforms, the host file system knows about file types (Mac OS), while on others file types are simulated by using file suffixes as extensions (Windows). File types are useful to tell the system which operations are permissible on files and which aren't. For example, it is possible to install file converters (-> Converters) in BlackBox which translate between file and memory data structures. Example: ObxAsciidocu CONST exclusive, shared Values which can be passed to the Directory.Old.shared parameter, to determine whether a file should be opened in shared or in exclusive mode. CONST ask, dontAsk Values which can be passed to the Directory.New, Directory.Rename, and File.Register methods. CONST readOnly Possible value for FileInfo.attr. Indicates that the file can be accessed only for reading. CONST hidden Possible value for FileInfo.attr. Indicates that the file is not displayed when the user lists the available file. CONST system Possible value for FileInfo.attr. Indicates that the file belongs to the operating system. CONST archive Possible value for FileInfo.attr. Indicates that the file is an archive. CONST stationery Possible value for FileInfo.attr. Indicates that the file is a stationery (i.e., a template). TYPE Name String type for file names. TYPE Type String type for file type names. Under Windows, file type names correspond to the three-character file name extensions, e.g., file XYZ.txt has type txt. TYPE Locator ABSTRACT A file locator identifies a location in the file system. File locators are used internally, and sometimes in commands which operate on non-BlackBox files. File locators are extended internally. res: INTEGER Directory operations return their results in the locator's res field. The following result codes are predefined: res = 0 no error res = 1 invalid parameter (name or locator) res = 2 location or file not found res = 3 file already exists res = 4 write-protection res = 5 io error res = 6 access denied res = 7 illegal file type res = 8 cancelled res = 80 not enough memory res = 81 not enough system resources (disk space, file handles, etc.) A particular BlackBox implementation may return additional, platform-specific, error codes. These error codes always have negative values. PROCEDURE (l: Locator) This (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR): Locator NEW, ABSTRACT This evaluates a relative path starting from the location specified by l. Post result # NIL result.res = 0 no error result.res # 0 illegal locator TYPE FileInfo This record represents information about a file. next: FileInfo Next entry in the list of file descriptors. No particular ordering is defined. name: Name name # "" The file's name. length: INTEGER length >= 0 The file's length in bytes. type: Type type # "" The file's type. modified: RECORD year, month, day, hour, minute, second: INTEGER END Date and time of most recent modification of the file. attr: SET Indicates various optional attributes of a file (readOnly, hidden, system, archive, stationery). TYPE LocInfo This record represents information about a location. next: LocInfo Next entry in the list of location descriptors. No particular ordering is defined. name: Name name # "" The file's name. attr: SET Indicates various optional attributes of a location (readOnly, hidden, system, archive). TYPE File ABSTRACT A file is a carrier for a linear sequence of bytes, which typically resides on a hard disk or similar device. Files are allocated by file directories. Files are used by commands which operate on non-BlackBox files. Files are extended internally. type-: Type type # "" This file's file type. PROCEDURE (f: File) Length (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the current length of the file in bytes. Post result >= 0 PROCEDURE (f: File) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a reader which has the appropriate type (for this file type). If old = NIL, then a new reader is allocated. If old # NIL and old has the appropriate type, old is returned. Otherwise, a new reader is allocated. The returned reader is connected to f, its eof field is set to FALSE, and its position is somewhere on the file. If an old reader is passed as parameter, the old position will be retained if possible. If an old reader is passed as parameter, it is the application's responsibility to guarantee that it is not in use anymore. Passing an unused old reader is recommended because it avoids unnecessary allocations. Post result # NIL ~result.eof old # NIL & old.Base() = f result.Pos() = old.Pos() old = NIL OR old.Base() # f result.Pos() = 0 PROCEDURE (f: File) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a writer which has the appropriate type (for this file type). If old = NIL, then a new writer is allocated. If old # NIL and old has the appropriate type, old is returned. Otherwise, a new writer is allocated. The returned writer is connected to f, and its position is somewhere on the file. If an old writer is passed as parameter, the old position will be retained if possible. If an old writer is passed as parameter, it is the application's responsibility to guarantee that it is not in use anymore. Passing an unused old writer is recommended because it avoids unnecessary allocations. Read-only files allow no writers at all. Post result # NIL old # NIL & old.Base() = f result.Pos() = old.Pos() old = NIL OR old.Base() # f result.Pos() = f.Length() PROCEDURE (f: File) Flush NEW, ABSTRACT To guarantee consistency of the file, Flush should be called after the last writer operation. Superfluous calls of Flush have no effect. Close may call Flush internally. PROCEDURE (f: File) Register (name: Name; type: Type; ask: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Register makes an anonymous file permanently available. If a file with the same name at the same location already exists, it is deleted first. If the deletion does not work, i.e. when the file is write protected, the parameter ask determines whether a platform specific error message is displayed or not. Pass either the constant ask or dontAsk. Register can be considered as an atomic action. Only files opened with procedure New may be registered. Trying to register a file opened with Old results in a precondition violation error. If an already existing file is deleted during Register, only its entry in the file directory is removed. The file's contents are still available to existing file riders. The space occupied by a file is reclaimed at an unspecified time after no more riders on it exist anymore. The file f and the riders operating on file f are not valid anymore after registering f, i.e., no more file or rider operations may be performed on it. This also implies that Register may only be executed once. However, the registered file can be retrieved by procedure Old again. Register may call Flush internally, and closes the file. Each registered file has a file type, which is passed to Register in the type parameter. Pre f is anonymous and not temporary 20 name # "" 21 name is a file name 22 Post res = 0 no error res = 1 invalid parameter (name or locator) res = 2 location or file not found res = 3 file already exists res = 4 write-protection res = 5 io error res = 6 access denied res = 7 illegal file type res = 8 cancelled res = 80 not enough memory res = 81 not enough system resources (disk space, file handles, etc.) A particular BlackBox implementation may return additional, platform-specific, error codes. These error codes always have negative values. PROCEDURE (f: File) Close NEW, ABSTRACT Closes an open file. Close does nothing if the file is not open. If a call to New or Old is not balanced by a call to Close, the Close is later performed automatically, at an unspecified time. If it is known that a file won't be used again, it is recommended to call its Close procedure. The file f and the riders operating on file f are not valid anymore after closing f, i.e., no more file or rider operations may be performed on it. However, the closed file can be retrieved and opened again by procedure Old. Close may call Flush internally. Close should (but need not necessarily) be called explicitly after a file is not needed anymore. PROCEDURE (f: File) InitType (type: Type) Initializes the file's type field. Pre type # "" 20 f.type = "" OR f.type = type 21 TYPE Reader ABSTRACT Reading access path to a file carrier. Readers are allocated by their base files. Readers are used by commands which read non-BlackBox files and operate at the byte level. Readers are extended internally. eof: BOOLEAN Set when it has been attempted to read the byte after the end of the file (by ReadByte or ReadBytes). Reset when the reader is generated or positioned. PROCEDURE (r: Reader) Base (): File NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the file to which the reader is currently connected. Post result # NIL PROCEDURE (r: Reader) Pos (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the reader's current position. Post 0 <= result <= r.Base().Length() PROCEDURE (r: Reader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Sets the reader's current position to pos and clears the eof flag. Pre pos >= 0 20 pos <= r.Base().Length() 21 Post r.Pos() = pos ~r.eof PROCEDURE (r: Reader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE) NEW, ABSTRACT Attempts to read the byte after the current position. If successful, it increments the position by one. If the current position (before reading) is at the end of the available data, i.e., Pos equals the carrier data's length, then r.eof is set. ReadByte internally may call SetPos. Post r.Pos()' < r.Base().Length() r.Pos() = r.Pos()' + 1 ~r.eof x = byte after r.Pos()' r.Pos()' = r.Base().Length() r.Pos() = r.Base().Length() r.eof x = 0H PROCEDURE (r: Reader) ReadBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Attempts to read len bytes after the current position. It increments the position by the number of bytes which have been read successfully. If reading is continued beyond the file's length, then r.eof is set. The data are transferred to the array x starting at element beg. ReadBytes internally may call SetPos. Pre beg >= 0 20 len >= 0 21 beg + len <= LEN(x) 22 Post r.Pos()' <= r.Base().Length() - len r.Pos() = r.Pos()' + len ~r.eof len bytes read after r.Pos()' and transferred into x r.Pos()' > r.Base().Length() - len r.Pos() = r.Base().Length() r.eof r.Base().Length() - r.Pos()' bytes read after r.Pos()' and transferred into x TYPE Writer ABSTRACT Writing access path to a file carrier. Writers are allocated by their base files. Writers are used by commands which write non-BlackBox files and operate at the byte level. Writers are extended internally. PROCEDURE (w: Writer) Base (): File NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the file to which the writer is currently connected. Post result # NIL PROCEDURE (w: Writer) Pos (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the writer's current position. Post 0 <= result <= w.Base().Length() PROCEDURE (w: Writer) SetPos (pos: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Sets the writer's current position to pos. Pre pos >= 0 20 pos <= w.Base().Length() 21 Post w.Pos() = pos PROCEDURE (w: Writer) WriteByte (x: BYTE) NEW, ABSTRACT Writes a byte after the current position, then increments the current position. If the current position is at the end of the carrier data, the writer's length is incremented also. WriteByte internally may call SetPos. Post x written at w.Pos()' w.Pos() = w.Pos()' + 1 w.Pos()' < w.Base().Length()' w.Base().Length() = w.Base().Length()' x has overwritten old value after w.Pos()' w.Pos()' = w.Base().Length()' w.Base().Length() = w.Base().Length()' + 1 x was appended PROCEDURE (w: Writer) WriteBytes (IN x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Writes len bytes after the current position and increments the position accordingly. If necessary the stream's length is increased. The data are transferred from array x starting with element beg. WriteBytes internally may call SetPos. Pre beg >= 0 20 len >= 0 21 beg + len <= LEN(x) 22 Post len bytes transferred from variable x to carrier w.Pos() = w.Pos()' + len w.Pos()' + len <= w.Base().Length()' w.Base().Length() = w.Base().Length()' w.Pos()' + len > w.Base().Length()' w.Base().Length() = w.Pos()' + len TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for the lookup in and manipulation of file directories. File directories are allocated by BlackBox. File directories are used by commands which operate on non-BlackBox files. File directories are extended internally. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) This (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR): Locator NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a locator, given an absolute or relative path name in the host platform's syntax. This may perform some validity checks, e.g., whether the syntax of the path name is correct. A relative path (including an empty path) is evaluated starting from the directory's default location. With the standard BlackBox configuration the directory denoted by Files.dir uses the BlackBox startup directory as the default. This does not check if the specified path exists. Post result # NIL result.res = 0 no error result.res = 1 invalid name result.res = 5 io error PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Temp (): File NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a temporary file. This file is anonymous, i.e., not registered in a directory. (In host file systems where anonymous files are not directly supported, they may appear under temporary names in a suitable subdirectory.) Registration is not possible on a temporary file. A temporary file always has both read and write capabilities (mutable file). Post result # NIL PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (loc: Locator; ask: BOOLEAN): File NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a new file object (or NIL if this is not possible). This file is anonymous, i.e., not yet registered in the directory. (In host file systems where anonymous files are not directly supported, they may appear under temporary names in subdirectory loc.) If the file is registered later, it will appear in the subdirectory specified by loc. If loc indicates a location that does not yet exist, the necessary location(s) (i.e., directories) must be created first. Parameter ask determines whether the user is asked for the permission to do so. Pass either the constant ask or dontAsk. A new file always has both read and write capabilities (mutable file). If location loc does not exist, the user may be asked whether the location should be created (loc.res = 0) or not (loc.res = 8). Pre loc # NIL 20 Post result # NIL loc.res = 0 no error result = NIL loc.res = 1 invalid name loc.res = 2 location not found loc.res = 4 write-protection loc.res = 5 io error loc.res = 8 cancelled PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Old (loc: Locator; name: Name; shared: BOOLEAN): File NEW, ABSTRACT Looks up and opens a file with name name at location loc. It returns this file (or NIL if this is not possible). Parameter shared determines whether the returned file is in shared or in exclusive mode. A shared file provides read-only access. This means that several applications may read the file simultaneously, but it may not be modified. An exclusively opened file provides exclusive read and write access. This means that both read and write access are denied to any other application. Note however, that the application may pass on the file pointer to wherever it likes. The point is, another application cannot gain access to the file solely via the file directory, without cooperation of the application which currently has access. Moreover, "exclusive" access does not imply that only one rider may be active on the file. A file is usually opened in shared mode. To change its contents, a new file is generated and then registered under the old name. If only a small part of the data is actually changed, it may be more appropriate to use the exclusive mode instead, e.g. when implementing simple data bases. In this case, the file should be closed explicitly as soon as it isn't needed anymore. Pre loc # NIL 20 name # "" 21 Post result # NIL loc.res = 0 no error result = NIL loc.res = 1 invalid name loc.res = 2 location or file not found loc.res = 6 access denied PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Delete (loc: Locator; name: Name) NEW, ABSTRACT Deletes the file specified by loc and name. Pre loc # NIL 20 Post loc.res = 0 no error loc.res = 1 invalid parameter (name or locator) loc.res = 2 location or file not found loc.res = 4 write-protection loc.res = 5 io error PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Rename (loc: Locator; old, new: Name; ask: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Rename the file specified by loc and new to the local name new. If a file with name new already exists, it must be deleted first. Parameter ask determines whether the user is asked for the permission to do so. Pass either the constant ask or dontAsk. Pre loc # NIL 20 Post loc.res = 0 no error loc.res = 1 invalid parameter (locator or name) loc.res = 2 location or file not found loc.res = 3 file already exists loc.res = 4 write-protection loc.res = 5 io error PROCEDURE (d: Directory) SameFile (loc0: Locator; name0: Name; loc1: Locator; name1: Name): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Determines whether two (locator, name) pairs denote the same file. Pre loc0 # NIL 20 name0 # "" 21 loc1 # NIL 22 name1 # "" 23 PROCEDURE (d: Directory) FileList (loc: Locator): FileInfo NEW, ABSTRACT Returns information about the files at a given location. The result is a linear list of file descriptions, in no particular order. The procedure may alter loc.res. Pre loc # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (d: Directory) LocList (loc: Locator): LocInfo NEW, ABSTRACT Returns information about subdirectories at a given location. The result is a linear list of location (subdirectory) descriptions, in no particular order. The procedure may alter loc.res. Pre loc # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetFileName (name: Name; type: Type; OUT filename: Name) NEW, ABSTRACT Make a file name out of a file and its type. filename = name + "." + type VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory (dir # NIL) & (stdDir # NIL) Directories for the lookup of files. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Assigns directory. SetDir is used in configuration routines. Pre d # NIL 20 Post stdDir' = NIL stdDir = d stdDir' # NIL stdDir = stdDir' dir = d VAR docType-, objType-, symType-: Type (docType # NIL) & (objType # NIL) & (symType # NIL) File types of BlackBox documents (docType), of BlackBox code files (objType), and of BlackBox symbol files (symType).
Files64 DEFINITION Files64; IMPORT Files; CONST exclusive = FALSE; shared = TRUE; dontAsk = FALSE; ask = TRUE; readOnly = 0; hidden = 1; system = 2; archive = 3; stationery = 4; TYPE Name = Files.Name; Type = Files.Type; FileInfo = POINTER TO RECORD next: FileInfo; name: Files.Name; length: LONGINT; type: Files.Type; modified: RECORD year, month, day, hour, minute, second: INTEGER END; attr: SET END; LocInfo = Files.LocInfo; Locator = Files.Locator; File = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD type-: Files.Type; (f: File) Length (): LONGINT, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) Flush, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) Register (name: Files.Name; type: Files.Type; ask: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) Close, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: File) InitType (type: Files.Type), NEW; END; Reader = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD eof: BOOLEAN; (r: Reader) Base (): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) Pos (): LONGINT, NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) SetPos (pos: LONGINT), NEW, ABSTRACT (r: Reader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE), NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) ReadBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; END; Writer = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (w: Writer) Base (): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) Pos (): LONGINT, NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) SetPos (pos: LONGINT), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) WriteByte (x: BYTE), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) WriteBytes (IN x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) This (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR): Files.Locator, NEW, ABSTRACT (d: Directory) Temp (): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) New (loc: Files.Locator; ask: BOOLEAN): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Old (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; shared: BOOLEAN): File, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Delete (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Rename (loc: Files.Locator; old, new: Files.Name; ask: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) SameFile (loc0: Files.Locator; name0: Files.Name; loc1: Files.Locator; name1: Files.Name): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) FileList (loc: Files.Locator): FileInfo, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) LocList (loc: Files.Locator): Files.LocInfo, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) GetFileName (name: Files.Name; type: Files.Type; OUT filename: Files.Name), NEW, ABSTRACT; END; VAR dir-, stdDir: Directory; docType-, objType-, symType-: Files.Type; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END Files64. Module Files64 is identical to Files except that it uses the 64-bit LONGINT type instead of the 32-bit INTEGER type for the file length and positions within a file. Note: This module may be removed in a later BlackBox release when 64-bit file length support is added to the module Files.
In DEFINITION In; VAR Done-: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Open; PROCEDURE Char (OUT ch: CHAR); PROCEDURE Int (OUT i: INTEGER); PROCEDURE LongInt (OUT l: LONGINT); PROCEDURE Real (OUT x: REAL); PROCEDURE Name (OUT name: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE String (OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); END In. This module is provided for compatibility with the book "Programming in Oberon" by Reiser/Wirth. It is useful when learning the language. It is not recommended for use in production programs. VAR Done This variable indicates whether the most recent input operation has succeeded. It is set to TRUE by a successful Open, and set to FALSE by the first unsuccessful input operation. Once set to FALSE, it remains FALSE until the next Open. PROCEDURE Open This procedure opens the input stream. In BlackBox, the input stream is opened onto the target focus' text. If there is no target focus, or if it doesn't contain text, Done is set to FALSE. If there is a target focus containing text, the input stream is connected to the beginning of the text if there is no selection, otherwise to the beginning of the selection. Post Done input stream was opened successfully ~Done input stream couldn't be opened PROCEDURE Char (OUT ch: CHAR) If Done holds, this procedure attempts to read a character, otherwise it does nothing. Post Done ch has been read ~Done no character could be read PROCEDURE Int (OUT i: INTEGER) If Done holds, this procedure attempts to read an integer, otherwise it does nothing. Post Done i has been read ~Done no integer could be read PROCEDURE LongInt (OUT l: LONGINT) If Done holds, this procedure attempts to read a long integer, otherwise it does nothing. Post Done l has been read ~Done no long integer could be read PROCEDURE Real (OUT x: REAL) If Done holds, this procedure attempts to read a real number, otherwise it does nothing. Post Done x has been read ~Done no real number could be read PROCEDURE Name (OUT name: ARRAY OF CHAR) If Done holds, this procedure attempts to read a name, otherwise it does nothing. A name is a sequence of legal Component Pascal identifiers concatenated by periods, e.g., "Dialog.Beep". Post Done x has been read ~Done no name could be read PROCEDURE String (OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR) If Done holds, this procedure attempts to read a string, otherwise it does nothing. A string is a sequence of characters delimited by white space (i.e., blanks, carriage returns, tabulators) or by double quotes ("). Post Done str has been read ~Done no string could be read
Init This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Integers DEFINITION Integers; IMPORT Files; TYPE Integer = POINTER; PROCEDURE Abs (x: Integer): Integer; PROCEDURE Compare (x, y: Integer): INTEGER; PROCEDURE ConvertFromString (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: Integer); PROCEDURE ConvertToString (x: Integer; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Difference (x, y: Integer): Integer; PROCEDURE Digits10Of (x: Integer): INTEGER; PROCEDURE Entier (x: REAL): Integer; PROCEDURE Externalize (w: Files.Writer; x: Integer); PROCEDURE Float (x: Integer): REAL; PROCEDURE GCD (x, y: Integer): Integer; PROCEDURE Internalize (r: Files.Reader; OUT x: Integer); PROCEDURE Long (x: LONGINT): Integer; PROCEDURE Power (x: Integer; exp: INTEGER): Integer; PROCEDURE Product (x, y: Integer): Integer; PROCEDURE QuoRem (x, y: Integer; OUT quo, rem: Integer); PROCEDURE Quotient (x, y: Integer): Integer; PROCEDURE Remainder (x, y: Integer): Integer; PROCEDURE Short (x: Integer): LONGINT; PROCEDURE Sign (x: Integer): INTEGER; PROCEDURE Sum (x, y: Integer): Integer; PROCEDURE ThisDigit10 (x: Integer; exp10: INTEGER): CHAR; END Integers. Module Integer implements an abstract data type Integer to represent arbitrary precision integer numbers. It also offers the most important arithmetical operations on such numbers and a variety of conversion operations. The arithmetical operations include summation, multiplication, powering, computations of quotients, remainders, and greatest common divisors. With respect to assignment and procedure parameters, variables of type Integers.Integer can be used in the same way as variables of the numerical types built into the language. Of course, to perform operations with such variables, special procedures have to be called. The "operators" +, -, *, DIV, MOD, etc. cannot be used . The same holds for comparisons. Note: Though the language syntax allows two variables of type Integers.Integer to be compared using the "="-operator, the result is not what you would expect. Instead of values, pointers to objects representing the values are compared. Thus, the comparison may yield the result FALSE, although the values of the variables are equal. Hence, use the Integers.Compare-function instead of the "="-operator. The individual values are represented by objects on the heap rather than the stack. Clients of module Integers will use references to these objects only. Values of existing objects cannot be changed (they are immutable). Thus, copying such values is completely safe; it is not possible to inadvertantly change a value via an alias pointer. The space needed to represent a small integer is that of the minimum object size of your Component Pascal implementation. To represent a large value, the required memory is proportional to the number of decimal digits in the value. Each of the operations offered by module Integers allocates memory necessary to represent its result, but no extra memory will be allocated beyond that (space for intermediate results is allocated on the stack). Examples of client modules: ObxFactdocu calculate factorials ObxFractdocu calculatior/simplifier for rational numbers TYPE Integer Opaque Opaque type to represent integers of arbitrary size. Values of this type are allocated on the heap. The required memory size depends on the number of decimals to be represented. The objects are immutable. PROCEDURE Long (x: LONGINT): Integer Long generates a new Integer from a LONGINT variable. PROCEDURE Entier (x: REAL): Integer Entier generates a new Integer from a REAL variable. Entier rounds similar to the ENTIER-function of the Component Pascal programming language; both implement the floor-function. PROCEDURE Short (x: Integer): LONGINT Short converts a value of type Integer into a LONGINT. Pre MIN(LONGINT) <= x <= MAX(LONGINT) PROCEDURE Float (x: Integer): REAL Float converts a value of type Integer into a REAL. Pre MIN(REAL) <= x <= MAX(REAL) PROCEDURE Sum (x, y: Integer): Integer PROCEDURE Difference (x, y: Integer): Integer PROCEDURE Product (x, y: Integer): Integer PROCEDURE Quotient (x, y: Integer): Integer PROCEDURE Remainder (x, y: Integer): Integer PROCEDURE QuoRem (x, y: Integer; VAR quo, rem: Integer) PROCEDURE Power (x: Integer; exp: INTEGER): Integer PROCEDURE GCD (x, y: Integer): Integer PROCEDURE Abs (x: Integer): Integer The arithmetic operations Sum, Difference, Product, Quotient, Remainder, Power, GCD (= greatest common divisor), and Abs (= absolute value) are defined as to be expected. In particular, Quotient and Remainder are defined according the Component Pascal rules for DIV and MOD. If both quotient and remainder need to be computed, for performance reasons the procedure QuoRem should be called instead of the individual functions Quotient and Remainder. Power requires the exponent to be non-negative. Pre (Quotient, Remainder, QuoRem) y # 0 Pre (Power) exp >= 0 PROCEDURE Compare (x, y: Integer): INTEGER Compares the values of x and y. With this function, all comparison relations can be built: to compute the value of (x op y) write (Compare(x, y) op 0), where op is one of =, #, <, <=, >, >=. Post x < y result < 0 x = y result = 0 x > y result > 0 PROCEDURE Sign (x: Integer): INTEGER The sign of x. Post x > 0 result = 1 x = 0 result = 0 x < 0 result = -1 PROCEDURE Digits10Of (x: Integer): INTEGER The number of decimal digits needed to represent x. Exception: for x = 0 the result is the value 0. PROCEDURE ThisDigit10 (x: Integer; exp10: INTEGER): CHAR This Digit10 returns a single decimal digit as a character. Pre exp10 >= 0 20 Post "0" <= result <= "9" exp10 >= Digits10Of(x) result = "0" PROCEDURE ConvertFromString (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: Integer) PROCEDURE ConvertToString (x: Integer; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR) ConvertFromString and ConvertToString are used to read an Integer from a string resp. to write an Integer to a string. ConvertToString requires that the string is long enough to represent the Integer. Pre (ConvertToString) (Sign(x) >= 0) & (LEN(s) >= Digits10Of(x) + 1) OR (Sign(x) < 0) & (LEN(s) >= Digits10Of(x) + 2) PROCEDURE Internalize (r: Files.Reader; OUT x: Integer) PROCEDURE Externalize (w: Files.Writer; x: Integer) Internalize and Externalize are used to read from resp. to write to files.
Kernel Module Kernel provides the runtime support for BlackBox applications. Facilities include memory management, garbage collection, module loading, symbolic debugging using meta information, exception handling, and various other low-level support facilities. The Kernel documentation is provided to support Framework development. Application developers are advised to use higher level facilities. Kernel routine interfaces and functionality may change between BlackBox releases. Green color means COM-specific text. ??? indicates missing content. DEFINITION Kernel (* nonportable (i386) *); IMPORT SYSTEM, WinApi; CONST commNotFound = 7; commSyntaxError = 8; cyclicImport = 5; docType = "odc"; done = 0; fileNotFound = 1; illegalFPrint = 4; littleEndian = TRUE; moduleNotFound = 9; nameLen = 256; noMem = 6; objNotFound = 3; objType = "ocf"; processor = 10; symType = "osf"; syntaxError = 2; timeResolution = 1000; TYPE Directory = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] num-: INTEGER; obj-: ARRAY OF ObjDesc END; ExcpFramePtr = POINTER TO ExcpFrame; ExcpFrame = EXTENSIBLE RECORD [untagged] link: ExcpFramePtr; handler: PROCEDURE (excpRec: WinApi.PtrEXCEPTION_RECORD; estFrame: ExcpFramePtr; context: WinApi.PtrCONTEXT; dispCont: INTEGER): INTEGER END; ItemExt = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (e: ItemExt) BaseTyp (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) BoolVal (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) Call (OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) CharVal (): CHAR, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) Deref (VAR ref: ANYREC), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) GetSStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) GetStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) Index (index: INTEGER; VAR elem: ANYREC), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) IntVal (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) Len (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) LongVal (): LONGINT, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) Lookup (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: ANYREC), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PtrVal (): ANYPTR, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutBoolVal (x: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutCharVal (x: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutIntVal (x: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutLongVal (x: LONGINT), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutPtrVal (x: ANYPTR), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutRealVal (x: REAL), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutSStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutSetVal (x: SET), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) PutStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) RealVal (): REAL, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) SetVal (): SET, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) Size (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (e: ItemExt) Valid (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Module = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] next-: Module; opts-: SET; refcnt-: INTEGER; compTime-, loadTime-: ARRAY 6 OF SHORTINT; ext-: INTEGER; term-: Command; nofimps-, nofptrs-, csize-, dsize-, rsize-, code-, data-, refs-, procBase-, varBase-: INTEGER; names-: POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF SHORTCHAR; ptrs-: POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF INTEGER; imports-: POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF Module; export-: Directory; name-: Utf8Name END; Object = POINTER TO ObjDesc; ObjDesc = RECORD [untagged] fprint-, offs-, id-: INTEGER; struct-: Type END; Reducer = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (r: Reducer) Reduce (full: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Signature = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] retStruct-: Type; num-: INTEGER; par-: ARRAY OF RECORD [untagged] id-: INTEGER; struct-: Type END END; TrapCleaner = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup, NEW, EMPTY END; Type = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] size-: INTEGER; mod-: Module; id-: INTEGER; base-: ARRAY 16 OF Type; fields-: Directory; ptroffs-: ARRAY OF INTEGER END; Command = PROCEDURE; Handler = PROCEDURE; Identifier = ABSTRACT RECORD typ: INTEGER; obj-: ANYPTR; (VAR id: Identifier) Identified (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT END; ItemAttr = RECORD obj, vis, typ, adr: INTEGER; mod: Module; desc: Type; ptr: SYSTEM.PTR; ext: ItemExt END; Name = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; TryHandler = PROCEDURE (a, b, c: INTEGER); Utf8Name = ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; VAR err-: INTEGER; fp-: INTEGER; mainWnd: INTEGER; modList-: Module; pc-: INTEGER; sp-: INTEGER; stack-: INTEGER; trapCount-: INTEGER; val-: INTEGER; watcher: PROCEDURE (event: INTEGER); PROCEDURE AddRef (p: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE AllocModMem (descSize, modSize: INTEGER; VAR descAdr, modAdr: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Allocated (): INTEGER; PROCEDURE Beep; PROCEDURE Call (adr: INTEGER; sig: Signature; IN par: ARRAY OF INTEGER; n: INTEGER): LONGINT; PROCEDURE Cleanup; PROCEDURE Collect; PROCEDURE DeallocModMem (descSize, modSize, descAdr, modAdr: INTEGER); PROCEDURE FastCollect; PROCEDURE FatalError (id: INTEGER; str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE GetLoaderResult (OUT res: INTEGER; OUT importing, imported, object: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE GetModName (mod: Module; OUT name: Name); PROCEDURE GetObjName (mod: Module; obj: Object; OUT name: Name); PROCEDURE GetRefProc (VAR ref: INTEGER; OUT adr: INTEGER; OUT name: Utf8Name); PROCEDURE GetRefVar (VAR ref: INTEGER; OUT mode, form: SHORTCHAR; OUT desc: Type; OUT adr: INTEGER; OUT name: Utf8Name); PROCEDURE GetTypeName (t: Type; OUT name: Name); PROCEDURE InstallCleaner (p: Command); PROCEDURE [code] InstallExcp (VAR e: ExcpFrame); PROCEDURE InstallReducer (r: Reducer); PROCEDURE InstallTrapChecker (h: Handler); PROCEDURE InstallTrapViewer (h: Handler); PROCEDURE InterfaceTrapHandler (excpRec, estFrame, context, dispCont: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE IsAlpha (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsReadable (from, to: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE LevelOf (t: Type): SHORTINT; PROCEDURE LoadDll (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ok: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE LoadMod (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Lower (ch: CHAR): CHAR; PROCEDURE MakeFileName (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR; type: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE NewArr (eltyp, nofelem, nofdim: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE NewObj (VAR o: SYSTEM.PTR; t: Type); PROCEDURE NewRec (typ: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE PopTrapCleaner (c: TrapCleaner); PROCEDURE PushTrapCleaner (c: TrapCleaner); PROCEDURE Quit (exitCode: INTEGER); PROCEDURE RegisterMod (mod: Module); PROCEDURE Release (p: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE Release2 (p: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE RemoveCleaner (p: Command); PROCEDURE [code] RemoveExcp (VAR e: ExcpFrame); PROCEDURE Root (): INTEGER; PROCEDURE SearchProcVar (var: INTEGER; VAR m: Module; VAR adr: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetTrapGuard (on: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE SourcePos (mod: Module; codePos: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE SplitName (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR head, tail: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Start (code: Command); PROCEDURE StringToUtf8 (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ThisCommand (mod: Module; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Command; PROCEDURE ThisDesc (mod: Module; fprint: INTEGER): Object; PROCEDURE ThisDllObj (mode, fprint: INTEGER; IN dll, name: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER; PROCEDURE ThisField (rec: Type; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Object; PROCEDURE ThisFinObj (VAR id: Identifier): ANYPTR; PROCEDURE ThisLoadedMod (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Module; PROCEDURE ThisMod (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Module; PROCEDURE ThisObject (mod: Module; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Object; PROCEDURE ThisType (mod: Module; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Type; PROCEDURE Time (): LONGINT; PROCEDURE Try (h: TryHandler; a, b, c: INTEGER); PROCEDURE TypeOf (IN rec: ANYREC): Type; PROCEDURE UnloadMod (mod: Module); PROCEDURE Upper (ch: CHAR): CHAR; PROCEDURE Used (): INTEGER; PROCEDURE Utf8ToString (IN in: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE WouldFinalize (): BOOLEAN; END Kernel. It is generally advised that applications avoid calling Kernel routines directly where possible. There are usually higher level ways of accessing the required functionality; for example use Services.Ticks rather than Kernel.Time. This document has been reverse engineered by people who were not involved with designing or implementing it. Hence it may contain errors and omissions. Please report any deficiencies to the Community Forum: BlackBox Component Builder Forums http://community.blackboxframework.org Main area BLACKBOX COMPONENT BUILER SUPPOPRT Group BlackBox Framework Topic Documentation issues. CONST done, fileNotFound, syntaxError, objNotFound, illegalFPrint, cyclicImport, noMem, commNotFound, commSyntaxError, moduleNotFound Error codes used by the loader. CONST docType, symType, objType The files extensions for BlackBox documents, symbol files, and code files. CONST littleEndian = TRUE Specifies the byte ordering within computer words. Little-endian gives lower addresses to the lower numbered bits in the word, big-endian gives lower addresses to the higher numbered bits. Intel x86 processors are little-endian. CONST nameLen = 256 Specifies the length of type Name. CONST processor = 10 The current hardware platform. The value of 10 corresponds to the platform x86. CONST timeResolution = 1000; Number of ticks of the system timer, corresponding to one second. TYPE Directory [untagged] Type used to give external access to objects. num-: INTEGER The number of objects made available. obj-: ARRAY OF ObjDesc An array giving access to the objects. TYPE ExcpFramePtr POINTER TO ExcpFrame TYPE ExcpFrame EXTENSIBLE [untagged] Type used to implement a list of exception handlers. link: ExcpFramePtr Pointer to the next exception handler handler: PROCEDURE The exception handler procedure. TYPE ItemExt ABSTRACT Type that can be used to make the type Item defined in module Meta effectively extensible. The following ABSTRACT procedures define the interfaces of that type that can be extended. For the functionality of these procedures refer to the documentation for Meta.Item. PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) BaseTyp (): INTEGER PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) BoolVal (): BOOLEAN PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) Call (OUT ok: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) CharVal (): CHAR PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) Deref (VAR ref: ANYREC) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) GetSStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) GetStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) Index (index: INTEGER; VAR elem: ANYREC) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) IntVal (): INTEGER PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) Len (): INTEGER PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) LongVal (): LONGINT PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) Lookup (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: ANYREC) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PtrVal (): ANYPTR PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutBoolVal (x: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutCharVal (x: CHAR) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutIntVal (x: INTEGER) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutLongVal (x: LONGINT) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutPtrVal (x: ANYPTR) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutRealVal (x: REAL) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutSStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutSetVal (x: SET) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) PutStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) RealVal (): REAL PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) SetVal (): SET PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) Size (): INTEGER PROCEDURE (e: ItemExt) Valid (): BOOLEAN TYPE Module [untagged] Type used to implement a list of records containing information about Modules. next-: Module The next Module in the list. opts-: SET Elements 0..15 are reserved for compiler options, 16..31 for kernel flags. Element 16: Module has been initialised. Element 17: Module has been dynamically loaded. Element 24: The module is a DLL. Element 30: The module has pointers to COM objects. refcnt-: INTEGER The number of other modules that import this module. If refcnt < 0 this module is not valid. compTime-, loadTime-: ARRAY 6 OF SHORTINT The times when this module was compiled and loaded into memory. The time format is Year [0], Month [1], Day [2], Hour [3], Minute [0], & Second [5]. ext-: INTEGER Currently not used. term-: Command Procedure called when the module is unloaded. nofimps-: INTEGER Number of modules imported by this module. nofptrs-: INTEGER Number of global pointers used by this module. csize-, dsize-, rsize-: INTEGER Sizes of the module's code section, data section, and symbol information sections. code-, data-, refs-: INTEGER Pointer to the start of the code section, data section, and symbol information section, respectively. (The BlackBox variables in the data section are arranged in the reverse order of their declaration in the source code). procBase-, varBase-: INTEGER Meta base address for calculating the displacement of procedures and variables, respectively. names-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR [untagged] ptrs-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER [untagged] List of offsets, relative to varBase, to specify pointers to objects. It is used by the garbage collector, and the COM compiler additions. imports-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Module [untagged] List of modules directly imported by this module. export-: Directory List of objects exported by this module. The list is sorted in ascending order by object name. name-: Utf8Name The name of this module in UTF-8 format. TYPE Object = POINTER TO ObjDesc TYPE ObjDesc [untagged] Contains information about objects. fprint-: INTEGER Object fingerprint used to implement version control. offs-: INTEGER Fingerprint for record types. id-: INTEGER Object properties in packaged form. struct-: Type Id of basic type, or pointer to typedesc / signature. TYPE Reducer ABSTRACT List of objects used to (try to) reduce the amount of heap memory used. PROCEDURE (r: Reducer) Reduce (full: BOOLEAN) ABSTRACT The procedure called to perform the reduction. It is called when new memory blocks are required, but there is not sufficient memory immediately available. The first time it is called in each block allocation full is set FALSE. If sufficient memory is still not available it may be called again with full set TRUE. TYPE Signature [untagged] Record containing information about an object. retStruct-: Type Id of basic type, or pointer to typedesc, or 0 num-: INTEGER Number of parameters par-: ARRAY OF RECORD [untagged] Parameters id-: INTEGER Name index * 256 + kind struct-: Type Id of basic type or pointer to typedesc. TYPE TrapCleaner ABSTRACT Base type for trap cleaners. PROCEDURE (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup EMPTY Performs cleanup operations as part of the trap handler. TYPE Type [untagged] Information about a Component Pascal TYPE. The pointer to the type's n-th method is at negative offset −4 * (n+1). size-: INTEGER The size of a RECORD, the number of elements in an ARRAY, 0 for a dynamic ARRAY, or the signature fingerprint for a PROCEDURE. Multi-dimensional static ARRAYs are treated as one-dimensional arrays of ARRAYs. mod-: Module The type's module. id-: INTEGER Name index * 256 + Level * 16 + Attributes * 4 + Form. Form: 1 = record, 2 = array, 3 = pointer. Attributes: 0 = final, 1 = EXTENSIBLE, 2 = LIMITED, 3 = ABSTRACT. Level: For RECORDs the extension level, for dynamic ARRAYs the number of dimensions Name index: its start position in mod.names. base-: ARRAY 16 OF Type For records: Array of pointers to descriptors of its ancestor types. For arrays: base[0] points to the descriptor of its element's type, or the code of a basic CP type. For pointers: base[0] points to the descriptor of its target type fields-: Directory List of fields in declaration order. ptroffs-: ARRAY OF INTEGER For records: The list of fields of displacement-pointers. It is used by the garbage collector. The end of the list is indicated by a negative value. TYPE Command Procedure type used by several facilities. TYPE Handler Procedure type. TYPE Identifier ABSTRACT Search criteria for ThisFinObj. typ: INTEGER The search is restricted to objects with this type tag. obj-: ANYPTR Set to point to objects found matching this type tag. PROCEDURE (VAR id: Identifier) Identified (): BOOLEAN ABSTRACT Called successively for objects matching this type tag. It should return TRUE when the desired one is found. TYPE ItemAttr Item attributes. Used by module Meta to support meta programming. obj, vis, typ, adr: INTEGER mod: Module desc: Type ptr: SYSTEM.PTR ext: ItemExt Refer to module Meta for more information. TYPE Name String type used for names. Contents must be null (0X) terminated. TYPE TryHandler = PROCEDURE (a, b, c: INTEGER) The type of procedure that can be called with a local trap handler by means of Try. TYPE Utf8Name Short string type used for names. Contents is in UTF-8 format and null (0X) terminated. VAR err-, val-: INTEGER Information about the last exception; an error code err and possibly additional information in val. err val Comment < 0 Exception # |err| e.g. DLL error 129 Invalid WITH 130 Invalid CASE 131 Function without RETURN 132 Type guard 133 Implied type guard 134 Value out of range 135 Index out of range 136 String too long 137 Stack overflow 138 Integer overflow 139 Division by zero 140 Infinite REAL result 141 REAL underflow 142 REAL overflow 143 Undefined REAL result FPU CW, FPU SW 144 Not a number 200 Keyboard interrupt 201 NIL dereference 202 Illegal instruction The instruction code 203 Illegal memory read The illegal address 204 Illegal memory write The illegal address 205 Illegal execution The illegal address 257 Out of memory 10001H Bus error 10002H Address error 10007H FPU error fp-: INTEGER Pointer to the stack frame when the last exception occurred. mainWnd: INTEGER Handle of the main Window. modList-: Module Root of the list of modules that have been loaded. It contains descriptors of the modules, including those already unloaded. pc-: INTEGER Instruction pointer (program counter) when the last exception occurred. sp-: INTEGER Stack pointer when the last exception occurred. stack-: INTEGER Pointer to the beginning of the stack when the last exception occurred. trapCount-: INTEGER The number of exceptions that have occurred since the application started. watcher: PROCEDURE (event: INTEGER); Procedure used for watching the memory management if the internal flag debug is set. event = 1: Collect event = 2: FastCollect event = 3: allocate memory PROCEDURE AddRef (p: INTEGER): INTEGER Adds a reference to p. PROCEDURE AllocModMem (descSize, modSize: INTEGER; VAR descAdr, modAdr: INTEGER) Asks the operating system for memory blocks for a loadable module. descSize is the size of the description section, modSize is the size of the data section and the code. descAdr & modAdr are set to pointers to these memory blocks. PROCEDURE Allocated (): INTEGER Returns the amount of memory allocated to the BlackBox heap, in bytes. PROCEDURE Beep Emit a short beep sound. (Use Dialog.Beep!) PROCEDURE Call (adr: INTEGER; sig: Signature; IN par: ARRAY OF INTEGER; n: INTEGER): LONGINT Calls the procedure with the specified address adr, signature sig, and parameters par and returns the result cast into a LONGINT. The length of the parameter array is specified in n. PROCEDURE Cleanup Executes the do Commands of all the registered TrapCleaners. PROCEDURE Collect Performs a garbage collection.and calls the Finalizers of unreachable finalizable objects. Garbage collection uses the mark-and-sweep approach with refinements for oject finalization, and COM support. The sequence of steps performed by Collect is: (1) mark all global variables. The information for the global roots is precisely available from the module list. The information for pointers inside of records and arrays is available from the related type descriptor. Marking is done using a non-recursive algorithm. The chain for returning to the parent(s) of a referenced block is maintained by pointer reversals inside the marked blocks. When marking finishes, all pointer reversals are reset and the reachable memory blocks have a mark flag set (ODD(typeTag)). (2) mark all local (stack based) variables. Since there are no type descriptors available for stack frames, this phase uses a so-called conservative approach. It marks all memory blocks reachable from any local variable no matter if it is a pointers or not. In order to avoid memory corruption, it collects the possible candidates first in an auxiliary array and scans the memory for deciding if a candidate is a heap block or not. By sorting the candidate array by ascending addresses it is possible to check the whole array in one scan. This approach guarantees that all blocks reachable via local variables are marked indeed but it can lead to marking blocks of memory that in reality cannot be reached. That's why this approach is called conservative. (3) check for finalizable objects: scans the list of finalizable objects for unmarked objects and moves them to the list of objects that can be finalized now (hotFinalizers). This list is then marked in order to keep the finalizable objects (and everything reachable from them) from being freed in the following sweep phase. (4) sweep: sequential scan over the whole memory for resetting the mark flag of reachable blocks and inserting unreachable blocks into the free list. This phase also merges adjacent free blocks into bigger blocks. The objects in hotFinalizers are not yet freed since they are marked. After sweeping the memory is again in a consistent state ready for executing arbitrary user programs. (5) call finalizers: calls the FINALIZE method for all entries in hotFinalizers (unless the related module has been unloaded). A FINALIZE method is not restricted in any way by the needs of the memory managament. It can even re-establishes a reference to itself or anything reachable from itself in a global variable. It will, however, only be finalized once. In addition this phase calls Release for all affected COM interface records. This decrements the reference count of the COM interface object to zero and releases it. The efficiency of garbage collection depends on the number of roots and reachable blocks during the mark phase, the stack size and number of candidates encountered when marking local variables, the number of reachable, unreachable and free blocks visited in the sweep phase and the efficiency of the finalizers. PROCEDURE DeallocModMem (descSize, modSize, descAdr, modAdr: INTEGER) Deallocates the memory blocks for a loaded module. descSize is the size of the description section, modSize is the size of the data section and the code. descAdr & modAdr are the pointers to these memory blocks. PROCEDURE FastCollect Performs a garbage collection without calling any Finalizers. Objects with Finalizers are not deallocated, but remain queued until the next Collect. PROCEDURE FatalError (id: INTEGER; str: ARRAY OF CHAR) Immediately terminates the application process in the case of a fatal error. The error number is id, and str is the associated comment. PROCEDURE GetLoaderResult (OUT res: INTEGER; OUT importing, imported, object: ARRAY OF CHAR) Returns the result of the last attempt to load the module (for the current thread). res is set to one of the loader constants defined above. PROCEDURE GetModName (mod: Module; OUT name: Name) Sets name to the name of the module mod. PROCEDURE GetObjName (mod: Module; obj: Object; OUT name: Name) Returns the name, in name, of the object obj in the module mod. PROCEDURE GetRefProc (VAR ref: INTEGER; OUT adr: INTEGER; OUT name: Utf8Name) Returns the symbol information of the next procedures in a module and sets ref to the next symbol. To scan all the module's procedures initialize ref with mod.refs and call GetRefProc until adr = 0. For each procedure adr is set to the offset from the module's code section (mod.code), and name is set to the procedure's name. PROCEDURE GetRefVar (VAR ref: INTEGER; OUT mode, form: SHORTCHAR; OUT desc: Type; OUT adr: INTEGER; OUT name: Utf8Name) Returns the symbol information of the next variable in a module or the next local variable in a stack frame and sets ref to the next symbol. mode: 1X = global variable, local variable, value parameter; 3X = reference parameter (VAR, IN, OUT) form: cf. DevDebug.WriteName desc: type descriptor for structured types adr: address relative to module data or stack frame. To scan all global variables of a module set ref to mod.refs and call GetRefVar while mode = 1X. To scan all local variables of a procedure use ref as returned by GetRefProc and call GetRefVar until mode = 0X. ??? needs to be checked and completed PROCEDURE GetTypeName (t: Type; VAR name: Name) Returns the name of the type t. PROCEDURE InstallCleaner (p: Command) Registers a Command p, which will be assigned to the do Command of a new Cleaner, and added to the Cleaners list. These Commands are invoked when Cleanup is called. A Cleaner Command might reset database pointers for example. PROCEDURE [code] InstallExcp (VAR e: ExcpFrame) Installs an exception handler for the current stack frame. PROCEDURE InstallReducer (r: Reducer) Adds r to the Reducers list. Reducers are only used once, then they are removed from the list (they may re-register themselves). PROCEDURE InstallTrapChecker (h: Handler) Sets h to be the trap checker. It will be called when a Command Traps. Used by module Views to invalidate views that initiate traps. PROCEDURE InstallTrapViewer (h: Handler) Sets h to be the trap checker. It will be called when a Command Traps. This is the procedure that implements the trap Window and any associated functionality. Simple and more advanced viewers are registered by the modules StdDebug & DevDebug. PROCEDURE InterfaceTrapHandler (excpRec, estFrame, context, dispCont: INTEGER): INTEGER [specific to Direct-To-COM] Used for exception handling in COM. Access to it is generated by the BlackBox compiler. Not intended for use by developers. PROCEDURE IsAlpha (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN Checks if ch is an alphabetical character, rather than a digit or symbol. PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN Checks if ch is a lower case alphabetical character. PROCEDURE IsReadable (from, to: INTEGER): BOOLEAN Check whether the memory between from (inclusive) and to (exclusive) may be read. PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN Checks if ch is an upper case alphabetical character. PROCEDURE LevelOf (t: Type): SHORTINT Returns the extension level (i.e. the number of basic types in the hierarchy) to type t. PROCEDURE LoadDll (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ok: BOOLEAN) Loads into memory the dynamic library named name. ok reports if this was successful. PROCEDURE LoadMod (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR) Loads into memory the module named name. PROCEDURE Lower (ch: CHAR): CHAR Returns the lower case character corresponding to ch. PROCEDURE MakeFileName (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR; type: ARRAY OF CHAR) (Usually) Ensures that the file name name includes an extension. If name already has a non-empty extension it is unaltered. If name has an empty extension (i.e. its first "." is its last character) it is truncated prior to this ".". If type is "" it is given the extension "odc", otherwise it is given the extension type, which should not include the leading "." - not checked. Uppercase letters in type are converted to lower case. Pre LEN (type$) ≤ 7. Not explicitly checked. PROCEDURE NewArr (eltyp, nofelem, nofdim: INTEGER): INTEGER Supports the NEW operation for dynamic arrays. Creates a new array with the base elements of type eltyp, with total number of elements nofelem (defined as the product of the lengths of all dimensions of the array), and with nofdim dimensions. If the element type is a COM interface pointer or if it contains COM interface pointers (ODD(eltyp)) the allocated memory block is inserted into the list of finalizable objects, which means that an additional memory block is allocated. The values for eltyp are: eltyp Type Comment -1 COM Interface pointer Supports the COM compiler 0 POINTER 1 SHORTCHAR 2 SHORTINT 3 BYTE 4 INTEGER 5 BOOLEAN 6 SET 7 SHORTREAL 8 REAL 9 CHAR 10 LONGINT 11 PROCEDURE 12 Untagged POINTER ELSE Element Type ODD(eltyp) if COM interface pointers inside PROCEDURE NewObj (VAR o: SYSTEM.PTR; t: Type) Supports the Meta.Item.New operation for RECORDs. Based on calling NewRec o is set to a pointer to the new object of type t. If t.size = −1 or if the memory is exhausted o is set to NIL. If t contains any COM interface pointers, calls NewRec with t + 1, i.e. ODD(t). PROCEDURE NewRec (typ: INTEGER): INTEGER Supports the NEW operation for RECORDs. Creates a new record of type typ, and returns the address of the data section. The address of the record's type descriptor is at offset -4. If the memory is exhausted it returns 0. If the record provides a FINALIZEr or if it contains COM interface pointers (ODD(typ)), the allocated record is inserted into the list of finalizable objects, which means that an additional memory block is allocated. PROCEDURE PopTrapCleaner (c: TrapCleaner) Deletes all the TrapCleaners on the TrapCleaner list prior to c. PROCEDURE PushTrapCleaner (c: TrapCleaner) Inserts c to the front of the TrapCleaner list. Pre 20 c is not already on the list. PROCEDURE Quit (exitCode: INTEGER) Exits the application. Calls the terminators of all the modules on the module list. Calls all the 'hot' Finalizers, then all the other Finalizers. Calls WinApi.ExitProcess with parameter exitCode. PROCEDURE RegisterMod (mod: Module) Initialises the module mod after it has been loaded into memory. PROCEDURE Release (p: INTEGER): INTEGER Removes a reference to p. PROCEDURE Release2 (p: INTEGER): INTEGER ??? PROCEDURE RemoveCleaner (p: Command) Removes a previously registered Cleaner (the one with do Command equal to p) from the Cleaners list. PROCEDURE [code] RemoveExcp (VAR e: ExcpFrame) Removes the specified exception handler. PROCEDURE Root (): INTEGER Returns the pointer to the root of the of the clusters comprising heap BlackBox's heap. PROCEDURE SearchProcVar (var: INTEGER; VAR m: Module; VAR adr: INTEGER) Returns the module m, and relative address offset adr (from m.code) of the symbol with address var. PROCEDURE SetTrapGuard (on: BOOLEAN) If called with on = TRUE subsequent TRAP displays are inhibited. PROCEDURE SourcePos (mod: Module; codePos: INTEGER): INTEGER Returns the position in the source code of Module mod for the instruction at address codePos. PROCEDURE SplitName (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR head, tail: ARRAY OF CHAR) Splits the input name into two parts head and tail. name is scanned for either a lower case to upper case transition, or for a ".". The text before the transition or "." is copied to head, the text after is copied to tail (the "." is discarded). If this leaves tail empty then the text in head is moved to tail. PROCEDURE Start (code: Command) Called upon start of a BlackBox application. Defines the stack base and initiates the Command code, which must never return. The stack base is used by the garbage collector and by the trap handler. PROCEDURE StringToUtf8 (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT res: INTEGER) Copies the string from in to out while converting it from 16-bit Unicode to UTF-8 format. Sets res to 0 if successful, or to 1 if the output needed to be truncated. PROCEDURE ThisCommand (mod: Module; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Command Returns a pointer the Command (a parameterless PROCEDURE) in the module mod with name name. PROCEDURE ThisDesc (mod: Module; fprint: INTEGER): Object Returns a pointer to the object with fingerprint fprint in the module mod. PROCEDURE ThisDllObj (mode, fprint: INTEGER; IN dll, name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): INTEGER Returns the address of the procedure called name in the DLL dll. Currently mode must be set to 4 to indicate a procedure (rather than constant = 1, type = 2, variable = 3, or field = 5) or 0 is returned. Currently fprint is ignored. PROCEDURE ThisField (rec: Type; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Object Returns a pointer to the object within rec called name. PROCEDURE ThisFinObj (VAR id: Identifier): ANYPTR Searches the list of Finalizers until one contains a Block recognized by the Identifier id. If found, the Block's last element is returned. PROCEDURE ThisLoadedMod (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Module Returns a pointer to the module named name, provided it is already loaded. Otherwise it returns NIL. PROCEDURE ThisMod (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Module Returns a pointer to the module named name. If the module is not loaded, it loads it. PROCEDURE ThisObject (mod: Module; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Object Returns a pointer to the object in the module mod called name. PROCEDURE ThisType (mod: Module; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Type Returns a pointer to the type in the module mod called name. PROCEDURE Time (): LONGINT Returns the current time since the system (the PC) was started in clock ticks. These ticks have a resolution of timeResolution (1000) ticks per second. PROCEDURE Try (h: TryHandler; a, b, c: INTEGER) Calls the procedure h with parameters a, b, and c with a local trap handler. If a trap occurs inside h a trap window is displayed and h is terminated but the execution is continued as if Try proceeded normally. PROCEDURE TypeOf (IN rec: ANYREC): Type Returns a pointer to the type descriptor of the record rec. PROCEDURE UnloadMod (mod: Module) Unloads the module mod, provided than no other loaded modules import it. PROCEDURE Upper (ch: CHAR): CHAR Returns the upper case character corresponding to ch. PROCEDURE Used (): INTEGER Returns the amount of memory allocated to the system heap, in bytes. PROCEDURE Utf8ToString (IN in: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT res: INTEGER) Copies the string from in to out while converting it from UTF-8 format to 16-bit Unicode. Sets res to 0 if successful, or to 1 if the output needed to be truncated. If a format error is detected in in, it is copied to out and res is set to 2. PROCEDURE WouldFinalize (): BOOLEAN Indicates if there are any objects that are ready to be deallocated, but have not yet had their Finalizers called. This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Librarian DEFINITION Librarian; IMPORT Files; CONST OK = 0; TYPE Librarian = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD res: INTEGER; (lib: Librarian) GetExtSpec (IN mod, cat: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name), NEW, ABSTRACT; (lib: Librarian) GetIntSpec (IN mod, cat: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name), NEW, ABSTRACT; (lib: Librarian) SplitName (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR head, tail: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT END; VAR lib-: Librarian; stdLib-: Librarian; PROCEDURE NewStdLibrarian (loc: Files.Locator): Librarian; PROCEDURE SetLib (librarian: Librarian); END Librarian. Module Librarian defines layer from module names to files specifications of modules, documentation, resources and artefatcs of compilation (code and symbol files). CONST OK This constant can be compared with Librarian.res variable to define is last GetSpec proceed correctly. TYPE Librarian Librarians providing access to file specifications (locator, file name and file type) based on subsystem and name of the file. The subsystem name and name of the file also can be provided from module bame by SplitName procedure. PROCEDURE (lib: Librarian) SplitName* (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR head, tail: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; Return subsystem name head and fine name tail for the module name. PROCEDURE (lib: Librarian) GetExtSpec* (IN mod, cat: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (lib: Librarian) GetIntSpec* (IN mod, cat: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name), NEW, ABSTRACT; Returns locator loc and file name name for module of name mod with required resource categoty cat. Standard librarian supports "Mod", "Code", "Sym", "Rsrc" for cat argument. GetExtSpec procedure should be used for saving (extranalizing) and GetIntSpec for loading (internalizing) resource from disk. Post: loc = NIL => .res # 0, constituent not found, fname and ftype undefined loc # NIL .res = 0 loc and name identify the file of the requested constituent PROCEDURE NewStdLibrarian* (loc: Files.Locator): Librarian; Returns a standard filesystem-based librarian based at loc. This direcrory will be used to obtain source files, documentation and resources and put results of compilation there. Pre loc # NIL, 20 Post RESULT = NIL => impossible to create a standard librarian for the given location RESULT # NIL => standard librarian for location loc created successfully
Log Module Log provides an abstract interface for logging. It can be used for logging in low-level modules that cannot import StdLog directly due to cyclic imports. The logging features are the same as for StdLog except that any logging before the installation of the logging hook is silently ignored. During the normal startup of BlackBox StdLog is loaded and installs a logging hook. In principle, it would also be possible to support other logging devices such as a console, a file, or a remote server by means of appropriate implementations of the logging hook. This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Loop DEFINITION Loop; TYPE ExitGuard = PROCEDURE (): BOOLEAN; VAR quantum: LONGINT; PROCEDURE Start (eventIterator, viewsValidator: PROCEDURE; exitGuard: ExitGuard); END Loop. Module Loop provides the main event loop for event-driven applications. The BlackBox framework, as of 2.0, supports the development of two kinds of applications: * Event-loop applications (window applications, server applications, or a combination thereof) * Batch aplications Event-loop applications do have an event loop, which is implemented in module Loop; the loop ends normally (thus the application exits) once exit conditions have been met. In principle, the loop is: REPEAT ObtainEvent; ProcessEvent; InvokeImmediateActions; ValidateViews; InvokeDueActions UNTIL ExitAllowed() Events are usually obtained from the host platform; they may be user input events, timer events, network events, etc. For window applications, the exit condition is that all windows have been closed; for server applications, the exit condition is that the server app has somehow received a signal to exit. A combination is possible, when a server app starts 'in the background' (without any windows); but may at some point present some windows; for such apps, the exit condition may be a conjunction of 'all windows closed' and 'exit signal received'. The main event loop is started with Loop.Start; it should be provided with three procedures: eventIterator to obtain and process a host platform event; exitGuard to establish the exit condition; and viewsValidator (optional) to validate (restore) views. Normally, Start is called from WinInit/LinInit. Simple server apps may call Dialog.RequestExit(~Dialog.exitWithoutWindows) to tell the framework NOT to exit even if there are no (more) windows; or Dialog.RequestExit(Dialog.exitWithoutWindows) to tell the framework that the server has received an exit signal and is ready to exit. If your server app requires a more complicated exit condition, you will need to provide (and statically link) your own <App>Init module that will call Loop.Start and provide it with your own exit guard procedure. Batch applications do not have an event loop and should not invoke Loop.Start; they require a (statically linked) <App>Init module. The latter should invoke all required input processing from it's BEGIN section. Once such processing is complete, and the BEGIN section returns control, the batch application exits normally. TYPE ExitGuard = PROCEDURE (): BOOLEAN Type of procedure used in Start to check whether the main event loop should exit. VAR quantum: INTEGER At least quantum milliseconds are guaranteed to have elapsed between consecutive invocations of scheduled actions. That is, If all due actions had been invoked at t0, and actions A0..An are due at t0 + delta, it is guaranteed that A0..An won't be invoked until t0 + quantum. PROCEDURE Start (eventIterator, viewsValidator: PROCEDURE; exitGuard: ExitGuard); Starts the main event loop of application (typically called in LinInit/WinInit or a custom <App>Init module). When exitGuard returns TRUE, the event loop exits, and Start returns control. eventIterator is called to let the host platform process/dispatch/deliver an event. If viewsValidator is provided, it's called to validate (restore) views (may be NIL). Pre eventIterator # NIL 20 exitGuard # NIL 21 Post exitGuard has just returned TRUE
Math DEFINITION Math; PROCEDURE Pi (): REAL; PROCEDURE Eps (): REAL; PROCEDURE Sqrt (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Exp (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Ln (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Log (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Power (x, y: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE IntPower (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL; PROCEDURE Sin (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Cos (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE SinCos (x: REAL; OUT s, c: REAL); PROCEDURE Tan (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ArcSin (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ArcCos (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ArcTan (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ArcTan2 (y, x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Sinh (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Cosh (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Tanh (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ArcSinh (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ArcCosh (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ArcTanh (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Sign (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Floor (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Ceiling (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Trunc (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Frac (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Mod1 (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Round (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Mantissa (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Exponent (x: REAL): INTEGER; PROCEDURE Real (m: REAL; e: INTEGER): REAL; PROCEDURE SignBit (x: REAL): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE CopySign (x, y: REAL): REAL; END Math. Module Math is a basic library for numerical computations. It offers the most frequently used functions and constants. For some additional functions, a transformation in terms of functions available in module Math is given below. Note: the normal arithmetic operations of the language Component Pascal and the other operations implemented in this module never produce a not-a-number value (NaN, IEEE 754-2008) but generate an undefined real result trap instead. Constants PROCEDURE Pi (): REAL Returns an approximation of the value of pi. Post result = 3.141592... PROCEDURE Eps (): REAL Returns the machine epsilon for REAL. The machine epsilon eps is the smallest floating point number such that the sum 1.0+eps can be represented exactly in a REAL variable. Usually, the machine epsilon is 2-m where m is the number of digits used to represent the mantissa of a floating point number. Note, that Eps() is not necessarily the smallest floating point number with the property that its sum with 1.0 is greater than 1.0, and note also, that most floating point processors offer a higher internal precision than what can be represented within REAL variables. Powers and logarithms PROCEDURE Sqrt (x: REAL): REAL Returns the square root of x. Pre x >= 0.0 Post result >= 0.0 x = INF result = INF PROCEDURE Exp (x: REAL): REAL Returns ex. Post result > 0.0 x = INF result = INF x = -INF result = 0.0 PROCEDURE Ln (x: REAL): REAL Returns the natural logarithm of x. Pre x >= 0.0 Post x = 0.0 result = -INF x = INF result = INF PROCEDURE Log (x: REAL): REAL Returns the logarithm to the basis 10 of x. Pre x >= 0.0 Post x = 0.0 result = -INF x = INF result = INF PROCEDURE Power (x, y: REAL): REAL Returns xy. Pre 20 x >= 0.0 21 x # 0.0 OR y # 0.0 22 x # INF OR y # 0.0 23 x # 1.0 OR ABS(y) # INF Post x = 0.0 & y < 0.0 result = INF x = 0.0 & y > 0.0 result = 0.0 x = INF & y > 0.0 result = INF x = INF & y < 0.0 result = 0.0 x > 1.0 & y = INF result = INF x > 1.0 & y = -INF result = 0.0 x < 1.0 & y = INF result = 0.0 x < 1.0 & y = -INF result = INF PROCEDURE IntPower (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL Returns xn. The procedure is optimized for integer values of n. IntPower(0, 0) yields 1. If the result is too large, INF is returned. Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions The arguments for all trigonometric and hyperbolic functions must be given in radians, and the inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are calculated in radians (1 radian = 180/pi degrees). At the end of this section, a transformation table for additional trigonometric and hyperbolic functions is given which do not belong to the interface of the Math module, but which can easily be written in terms of the exported functions. PROCEDURE Sin (x: REAL): REAL Returns the sine of x. Pre ABS(x) # INF Post -1.0 <= result <= 1.0 PROCEDURE Cos (x: REAL): REAL Returns the cosine of x. Pre ABS(x) # INF Post -1.0 <= result <= 1.0 PROCEDURE SinCos (x: REAL; OUT s, c: REAL); Returns the sine & cosine of x. Pre ABS(x) # INF Post -1.0 <= s, c <= 1.0 PROCEDURE Tan (x: REAL): REAL Returns the tangent of x. The Tan can be computed for all possible REAL arguments except INF. Pre ABS(x) # INF PROCEDURE ArcSin (x: REAL): REAL Returns the arcus sine of x. Pre -1.0 <= x <= 1.0 Post -pi/2.0 <= result <= pi/2.0 PROCEDURE ArcCos (x: REAL): REAL Returns the arcus cosine of x. Pre -1.0 <= x <= 1.0 Post 0.0 <= result <= pi PROCEDURE ArcTan (x: REAL): REAL Returns the arcus tangent of x. Post -pi/2.0 <= result <= pi/2.0 x = INF result = pi/2.0 x = -INF result = -pi/2.0 PROCEDURE ArcTan2 (y, x: REAL): REAL Returns the argument (angle) of the complex number x + iy measured anti-clockwise from the positive real axis. All input pairs, including (0., 0.), are valid. Post -pi <= result <= pi The following table lists the IEEE 754-2008 "special values" of the function: y x result 0 +0, fin, INF 0 fin INF 0 INF INF pi / 4 fin 0 pi / 2 INF -fin, 0, fin pi / 2 INF -INF 3 pi / 4 0 -INF, -fin, -0 pi fin -INF pi Key: +0 The zero with a positive sign bit (0) -0 The zero with a negative sign bit (1) 0 A zero with any sign bit (0 or 1) fin Any finite positive number in (0 ... INF) + or -, but both occurances in a line are the same. PROCEDURE Sinh (x: REAL): REAL Returns the hyperbolic sine of x. Post x = INF result = INF x = -INF result = -INF PROCEDURE Cosh (x: REAL): REAL Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x. Post 1.0 <= result x = INF result = INF x = -INF result = INF PROCEDURE Tanh (x: REAL): REAL Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x. Post -1.0 <= result <= 1.0 x = INF result = 1.0 x = -INF result = -1.0 PROCEDURE ArcSinh (x: REAL): REAL; Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of x. Post x = INF result = INF x = -INF result = -INF PROCEDURE ArcCosh (x: REAL): REAL; Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x. Pre 1.0 <= x Post 0.0 <= result x = INF result = INF PROCEDURE ArcTanh (x: REAL): REAL; Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x. Pre -1.0 <= x <= 1.0 Post x = 1.0 result = INF x = -1.0 result = -INF Below you find the definition of additional trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in terms of the exported functions. Their pre and post conditions can be induced from the pre and post conditions of the involved functions. Cot (x) = 1.0 / Math.Tan(x) Csc (x) = 1.0 / Math.Sin(x) Sec (x) = 1.0 / Math.Cos(x) ArcCot (x) = Math.ArcTan(1.0 / x) ArcCsc (x) = Math.ArcSin(1.0 / x) ArcSec (x) = Math.ArcCos(1.0 / x) Coth (x) = 1.0 / Math.Tanh(x) Csch (x) = 1.0 / Math.Sinh(x) Sech (x) = 1.0 / Math.Cosh(x) ArcCoth (x) = Math.ArcTanh(1.0 / x) ArcCsch (x) = Math.ArcSinh(1.0 / x) ArcSech (x) = Math.ArcCosh(1.0 / x) Miscellaneous functions You could in principle implement the functions Sign, Floor, Ceiling, Trunc, Frac, Mod1, and Round yourself, using the ENTIER standard function. They are provided here for convenience, and in versions which return REAL typed results, so that no conversions between reals and integers become necessary if they are used in REAL expressions. PROCEDURE Sign (x: REAL): REAL Returns the sign um function of x, that is 1 if x > 0, -1 if x < 0 and 0 with the sign of x if x = 0. It also returns +1 or -1 for NaNs according to their sign bit. Post result IN {-1, 0, 1} PROCEDURE Floor (x: REAL): REAL Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to x. This function is identical to ENTIER, except that it returns a REAL type value and it does not generate an integer overflow. Post x = INF result = INF x = -INF result = -INF PROCEDURE Ceiling (x: REAL): REAL Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. Post x = INF result = INF x = -INF result = -INF PROCEDURE Trunc (x: REAL): REAL Trunc truncates its argument to the next nearest integer towards zero. Post x = INF result = INF x = -INF result = -INF PROCEDURE Frac (x: REAL): REAL Frac is the fractional part of the argument. The following equation holds: x = Trunc(x) + Frac(x). Pre x # INF & x # -INF Post -1 < result < 1 PROCEDURE Mod1 (x: REAL): REAL Mod1 is the fractional part of the argument modulo 1. The following equation holds: x = Floor(x) + Mod1(x). Pre x # INF & x # -INF Post 0 ≤ result < 1 PROCEDURE Round (x: REAL): REAL Same as Floor(x + 0.5). PROCEDURE Mantissa (x: REAL): REAL Returns the mantissa of x. Post 1.0 <= ABS(result) < 2.0 OR result = 0.0 x = INF result = 1.0 x = -INF result = -1.0 x = NaN ABS(result) > 1.0 PROCEDURE Exponent (x: REAL): INTEGER Returns the exponent of x such that x = Mantissa(x) * 2Exponent(x). If x represents INF or if x is NaN, then MAX(INTEGER) is returned. PROCEDURE Real (m: REAL; e: INTEGER): REAL Returns m * 2e. If the argument e is MAX(INTEGER), then INF or NaN is returned where INF is returned if m = 1.0 and NaN otherwise. Thus for any real x the equation x = Real(Mantissa(x), Exponent(x)) holds. Note: this is the only function that can produce NaN and only if explicitly requested. Note: Real(0, 0) = 0. Pre 20 (1.0 <= ABS(m) < 2.0) OR (m = 0.0) Post m = 0.0 result = 0.0 PROCEDURE SignBit (x: REAL): BOOLEAN Returns TRUE if and only if x has negative sign. This applies to zeros and NaNs as well. PROCEDURE CopySign (x, y: REAL): REAL Returns x with the sign bit of y. This can be used, for example, for converting the sign bit of a number z into +1 or -1 with CopySign(1, z). Post SignBit(result) = SignBit(y) & ABS(result) = ABS(x)
Mechanisms This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Meta DEFINITION Meta; CONST undef = 0; typObj = 2; varObj = 3; procObj = 4; fieldObj = 5; modObj = 6; parObj = 7; boolTyp = 1; sCharTyp = 2; charTyp = 3; byteTyp = 4; sIntTyp = 5; intTyp = 6; longTyp = 10; sRealTyp = 7; realTyp = 8; setTyp = 9; anyRecTyp = 11; anyPtrTyp = 12; sysPtrTyp = 13; procTyp = 16; recTyp = 17; arrTyp = 18; ptrTyp = 19; final = 0; extensible = 1; limited = 2; abstract = 3; hidden = 1; readOnly = 2; exported = 4; value = 10; in = 11; out = 12; var = 13; TYPE Name = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; Value = ABSTRACT RECORD END; Item = RECORD (Value) obj-, typ-, vis-, adr-: INTEGER; (IN i: Item) Valid (): BOOLEAN, NEW; (IN i: Item) GetTypeName (OUT mod, type: Name), NEW; (IN i: Item) BaseTyp (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN i: Item) Level (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN i: Item) Size (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN arr: Item) Len (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN in: Item) Lookup (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: Item), NEW; (IN i: Item) GetBaseType (VAR base: Item), NEW; (IN rec: Item) GetThisBaseType (level: INTEGER; VAR base: Item), NEW; (IN proc: Item) NumParam (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN proc: Item) GetParam (n: INTEGER; VAR par: Item), NEW; (IN proc: Item) GetParamName (n: INTEGER; OUT name: Name), NEW; (IN proc: Item) GetReturnType (VAR type: Item), NEW; (IN rec: Item) Is (IN type: Value): BOOLEAN, NEW; (IN ptr: Item) Deref (VAR ref: Item), NEW; (IN arr: Item) Index (index: INTEGER; VAR elem: Item), NEW; (IN proc: Item) Call (OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN proc: Item) ParamCall (IN par: ARRAY OF Item; VAR dest: Item; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN proc: Item) ParamCallVal (IN par: ARRAY OF POINTER TO Value; VAR dest: Item; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) GetVal (VAR x: Value; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) PutVal (IN x: Value; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) GetStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) GetSStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) PutStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) PutSStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) PtrVal (): ANYPTR, NEW; (IN var: Item) PutPtrVal (x: ANYPTR), NEW; (IN var: Item) IntVal (): INTEGER, NEW; (IN var: Item) PutIntVal (x: INTEGER), NEW; (IN var: Item) RealVal (): REAL, NEW; (IN var: Item) PutRealVal (x: REAL), NEW; (IN var: Item) LongVal (): LONGINT, NEW; (IN var: Item) PutLongVal (x: LONGINT), NEW; (IN var: Item) CharVal (): CHAR, NEW; (IN var: Item) PutCharVal (x: CHAR), NEW; (IN var: Item) BoolVal (): BOOLEAN, NEW; (IN var: Item) PutBoolVal (x: BOOLEAN), NEW; (IN var: Item) SetVal (): SET, NEW; (IN var: Item) PutSetVal (x: SET), NEW; (IN type: Item) New (): ANYPTR, NEW; (IN val: Item) Copy (): ANYPTR, NEW; (IN rec: Item) CallWith (proc: PROCEDURE (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); VAR par: ANYREC), NEW END; Scanner = RECORD this-: Item; eos-: BOOLEAN; (VAR s: Scanner) ConnectToMods, NEW; (VAR s: Scanner) ConnectTo (IN obj: Item), NEW; (VAR s: Scanner) Scan, NEW; (VAR s: Scanner) GetObjName (OUT name: Name), NEW; (VAR s: Scanner) Level (): INTEGER, NEW END; LookupFilter = PROCEDURE (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT i: Item; OUT done: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE Lookup (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT mod: Item); PROCEDURE LookupPath (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT i: Item); PROCEDURE GetItem (obj: ANYPTR; OUT i: Item); PROCEDURE InstallFilter (filter: LookupFilter); PROCEDURE UninstallFilter (filter: LookupFilter); PROCEDURE GetThisItem (IN attr: ANYREC; OUT i: Item); END Meta. Meta provides access to Component Pascal run-time type information. Meta is restricted to public information, i.e., it doesn't allow access to non-exported items of a module. Meta is safe, it doesn't allow to change data which is not exported as modifiable. Generally, Meta only allows to do with a module what could be done by a normal client module also. The difference is that Meta is more dynamic; it allows inspection and modification of data depending on run-time decisions, without static import of the inspected or modified module. Constants are not accessible via Meta, they are not represented at run-time in order to minimize space overhead. Examples: ObxCtrls slider control, extended from Controls.Control ObxFldCtrls special-purpose text field control, extended from Controls.Control How to call procedures using Meta: In order to call an arbitrary procedure (methods are not possible) whose signature is statically known, the following must be done: first, an item must be created that describes the function: Meta.Lookup(moduleName, item); IF item.obj = Meta.modObj THEN item.Lookup(procedureName, item); IF item.obj = Meta.procObj THEN item.GetVal(item0, ok); IF ok THEN item0.fun(x) ... The item item is a normal, non-extended Meta.Item item. In contrast, item0 must be an extension of Meta.Value that contains as one additional field a procedure variable of the correct type: item0: RECORD (Meta.Value) fun: PROCEDURE (x: REAL): REAL END; CONST undef Possible result code for object classes, type classes, visibility classes. CONST typObj, varObj, procObj, fieldObj, modObj, parObj Object classes. CONST boolTyp, sCharTyp, charTyp, byteTyp, sintTyp, intTyp, longTyp, sRealTyp, realTyp, setTyp, anyRecTyp, anyPtrTyp, procTyp, recTyp, arrTyp, ptrTyp, sysPtrTyp Type classes. CONST final, extensible, limited, abstract Record attributes. CONST hidden, readOnly, exported Visibility classes. CONST value, in, out, var Parameter kinds. TYPE Name String type for meta item names. TYPE Value ABSTRACT A value may be extended exactly once, with a single field. TYPE Item (Value) obj-: INTEGER typ-: INTEGER vis-: INTEGER adr-: INTEGER Properties of the object represented by the item. The meaning of the fields depends on the class of the object as follows: Class: Type Variable Procedure Field Module Parameter obj: typObj varObj procObj fieldObj modObj parObj typ: type class type class undef type class undef type class vis: undef visibility visibility visibility undef kind adr: 0 address address offset 0 number PROCEDURE (IN i: Item) Valid (): BOOLEAN NEW Determines whether the item is valid, i.e., initialized, set to a defined type, and its module is still loaded. PROCEDURE (IN i: Item) GetTypeName (OUT mod, type: Name) NEW Get the item's type name and the name of this type's module. Pre i.Valid() 20 i.typ >= recTyp 21 module of type is still loaded 24 PROCEDURE (IN i: Item) BaseTyp (): INTEGER NEW Returns the item's base type. Pre i.Valid() 20 i.typ IN {arrTyp, recTyp, ptrTyp} 21 PROCEDURE (IN i: Item) Level (): INTEGER NEW Returns the item's level. Pre i.Valid() 20 i.typ IN {recTyp, arrTyp} 21 PROCEDURE (IN i: Item) Size (): INTEGER NEW Returns the item's size in bytes. Pre i.Valid() 20 i.typ # undef 21 PROCEDURE (IN arr: Item) Len (): INTEGER NEW Returns the array's length. Pre i.Valid() 20 i.typ = arrTyp 21 PROCEDURE (IN in: Item) Lookup (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: Item) NEW Lookup an item in a module or a field in a record. Pre in.Valid() 20 in.obj = modObj OR in.typ = recTyp 21 Post i.obj # undef lookup was successful i.obj = undef lookup was not successful PROCEDURE (IN i: Item) GetBaseType (VAR base: Item) NEW Assign i's base type to base. Pre i.Valid() 20 i.typ IN {recTyp, arrTyp, ptrTyp} 21 PROCEDURE (IN rec: Item) GetThisBaseType (level: INTEGER; VAR base: Item) NEW Assign i's level-th base type to base. If the level does not exist, i.obj is set to undef. Pre rec.Valid() 20 rec.typ IN {recTyp, arrTyp} 21 level >= 0 & level < 16 28 PROCEDURE (IN proc: Item) NumParam (): INTEGER NEW Returns the number of parameters of a procedure or procedure type. Pre proc.Valid() 20 proc.obj = procObj OR proc.typ = procTyp 21 PROCEDURE (IN proc: Item) GetParam (n: INTEGER; VAR par: Item) NEW Assigns the n-th parameter of proc to par. n must be in the range 0..proc.NumParam()-1. par.obj is set to parObj, par.vis reflects the kind of the parameter (value, in, out, or var), and par.typ its type. Pre proc.Valid() 20 proc.obj = procObj OR proc.typ = procTyp 21 PROCEDURE (IN proc: Item) GetParamName (n: INTEGER; OUT name: Name) NEW Assigns the name of the n-th parameter of proc to name. If the parameter does not exist, name is set to "". Pre proc.Valid() 20 proc.obj = procObj OR proc.typ = procTyp 21 PROCEDURE (IN proc: Item) GetReturnType (VAR type: Item) NEW Assigns the return type of a procedure or procedure type to type. For proper procedures type.typ is set to undef. Pre proc.Valid() 20 proc.obj = procObj OR proc.typ = procTyp 21 PROCEDURE (IN rec: Item) Is (IN type: Value): BOOLEAN NEW Perform a type test rec IS type. Pre rec.Valid() 20 rec.typ = recTyp 21 type IS Item type.Valid() 20 type.typ = recTyp 21 ~(type IS Item) type.Level() = 1 25 number of fields of type = 1 26 PROCEDURE (IN ptr: Item) Deref (VAR ref: Item) NEW Dereference pointer ptr and assign the result to ref. Pre ptr.typ IN {ptrTyp, anyPtrTyp, sysPtrTyp} 21 ref must be a level 1 record 25 ref must have exactly one field 26 PROCEDURE (IN arr: Item) Index (index: INTEGER; VAR elem: Item) NEW Assign the index-th element of array arr to elem. Pre arr.Valid() 20 arr.typ = arrTyp 21 arr.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN proc: Item) Call (OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Call a parameterless procedure. Pre proc.Valid() 20 proc.obj = procObj OR proc.obj = varObj & proc.typ = procTyp 22 PROCEDURE (IN proc: Item) ParamCall (IN par: ARRAY OF Item; VAR dest: Item; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Call a procedure with a given set of parameters. par must contain a valid variable of appropriate type for each parameter of the procedure. Depending on the parameter kind, either the variable itself or its actual value is passed to the call. If the procedure returns a value, it is assigned to variable dest. Pre proc.Valid() 20 proc.obj = procObj OR proc.obj = varObj & proc.typ = procTyp 22 LEN(par) >= proc.NumParam() 32 par[i].Valid() 20 par[i].obj = varObj 22 proc.GetParam(i).vis IN {out, var} par[i].vis = exported 27 proc.GetReturnType() valid dest.Valid() 20 dest.obj = varObj 22 dest.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN proc: Item) ParamCallVal (IN par: ARRAY OF POINTER TO Value; VAR dest: Value; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Call a procedure with a given set of parameters. par must contain a valid variable item or a value record of appropriate type for each parameter of the procedure. Depending on the parameter kind, either the variable itself or its actual value is passed to the call. If the procedure returns a value, it is assigned to the variable item or value record dest. Pre proc.Valid() 20 proc.obj = procObj OR proc.obj = varObj & proc.typ = procTyp 22 LEN(par) >= proc.NumParam() 32 par[i] IS Item par[i].Valid() 20 par[i].obj = varObj 22 par[i] IS Item & proc.GetParam(i).vis IN {out, var} par[i].vis = exported 27 ~(par[i] IS Item) par[i] is extension of Value 25 par[i] contains a single field 26 proc.GetReturnType() valid & dest IS Item dest.Valid() 20 dest.obj = varObj 22 dest.vis = exported 27 proc.GetReturnType() valid & ~(dest IS Item) dest is extension of Value 25 dest contains a single field 26 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) GetVal (VAR x: Value; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Assigns the value of var to x. The actual type of x must either be Item or a custom extension of Value containing a single field of any type. In the former case the item denotes the assigned variable, in the latter the value is assigned directly to the field. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.obj IN {varObj, procObj} 22 x IS Item x.Valid() 20 x.obj = varObj 22 x.vis = exported 27 ~(x IS Item) x is extension of Value 25 x contains a single field 26 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutVal (IN x: Value; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Assigns the value of x to var. The actual type of x must either be Item or a custom extension of Value containing a single field of any type. In the former case the item denotes the value, in the latter the value is read directly from to the field. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 x IS Item x.Valid() 20 x.obj IN {varObj, procObj} 22 ~(x IS Item) x is extension of Value 25 x contains a single field 26 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) GetStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Reads a string value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = arrTyp & var.BaseTyp() = charTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) GetSStringVal (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Reads a short string value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = arrTyp & var.BaseTyp() = sCharTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PtrVal (): ANYPTR NEW Reads a pointer value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {anyPtrTyp, ptrTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) IntVal (): INTEGER NEW Reads a integer value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {sCharTyp, charTyp, byteTyp, sIntTyp, intTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) RealVal (): REAL NEW Reads a real value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {sRealTyp, realTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) LongVal (): LONGINT NEW Reads a long value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = longTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) CharVal (): CHAR NEW Reads a character value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {sCharTyp, charTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) BoolVal (): BOOLEAN NEW Reads a boolean value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = boolTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) SetVal (): SET NEW Reads a set value from an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = setTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Writes a string value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = arrTyp & var.BaseTyp() = charTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutSStringVal (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN) NEW Writes a short string value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = arrTyp & var.BaseTyp() = sCharTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutPtrVal (x: ANYPTR) NEW Writes a pointer value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {anyPtrTyp, ptrTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutIntVal (x: INTEGER) NEW Writes an integer value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {sCharTyp, charTyp, byteTyp, sIntTyp, intTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutRealVal (x: REAL) NEW Writes a real value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {sRealTyp, realTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutLongVal (x: LONGINT) NEW Writes a long value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = longTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutCharVal (x: CHAR) NEW Writes a character value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ IN {sCharTyp, charTyp} 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutBoolVal (x: BOOLEAN) NEW Writes a boolean value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = boolTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN var: Item) PutSetVal (x: SET) NEW Writes a set value to an item. Pre var.Valid() 20 var.typ = setTyp 21 var.obj = varObj 22 var.vis = exported 27 PROCEDURE (IN type: Item) New (): ANYPTR NEW Generates a new empty heap object. The item must be a record or a pointer type. The type of the new object is the same as the pointer, or a pointer to the record described by the item. Pre type.Valid() 20 type.typ IN (recTyp, ptrTyp) 21 PROCEDURE (IN val: Item) Copy (): ANYPTR NEW The same as New, but also copies the contents byte by byte. The item must be a record variable. Pre val.Valid() 20 val.typ = recTyp 21 val.obj = varObj 22 PROCEDURE (IN rec: Item) CallWith (proc: PROCEDURE (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); VAR par: ANYREC) NEW Call procedure proc with the parameters rec (i.e., the item itself, the "self" parameter) and parameter par. Pre rec.Valid() 20 rec.typ = recTyp 21 rec.obj = varObj 22 TYPE Scanner A scanner allows to iterate over all modules, all items in a module, or all fields in a record. this-: Item The result of the most recent Scan operation. eos-: BOOLEAN This flag tells whether the most recent Scan operation has attempted to read beyond the last item. PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) ConnectToMods NEW Each invocation of s.Scan will return another module. Post s.this.obj = undef ~s.eos PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) ConnectTo (IN obj: Item) NEW Connect the scanner to a particular module or record. Pre obj.Valid() 20 obj.obj = modObj OR obj.typ = recTyp 21 PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) Scan Scan a new item. The result is put into s.this. If an attempt was made to scan beyond the last item, s.eos is set, otherwise it is cleared. Pre s is connected 20 PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) GetObjName (OUT name: Name) NEW Get the name of the most recently scanned item. Pre s.this.Valid() 20 PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) Level (): INTEGER NEW Returns the scanned record's extension level. Pre s.this.Valid() 20 s connecte to record variable 22 TYPE LookupFilter = PROCEDURE (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT i: Item; OUT done: BOOLEAN) Type used for extension hook that allows Meta to operate remotely, for example. PROCEDURE Lookup (IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT mod: Item) Set up an item to a module. Post mod.obj = modObject lookup was successful mod.obj = undef lookup was not successful PROCEDURE LookupPath (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT i: Item) Lookup an item via a whole designator, starting with a module name. PROCEDURE GetItem (obj: ANYPTR; OUT i: Item) Create an item out of a pointer variable. PROCEDURE InstallFilter (filter: LookupFilter) Install an extension hook. PROCEDURE UninstallFilter (filter: LookupFilter); Uninstall an extension hook. PROCEDURE GetThisItem (IN attr: ANYREC; OUT i: Item) Used internally in extension hooks (creates an item out of a record variable). Use Lookup, LookupPath, or GetItem instead.
Models DEFINITION Models; IMPORT Stores; CONST clean = 0; notUndoable = 1; invisible = 2; TYPE Model = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Domain (): Stores.Domain, NEW END; Context = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (c: Context) ThisModel (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Context) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Proposal), NEW, EMPTY; (c: Context) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY END; Proposal = ABSTRACT RECORD END; Message = ABSTRACT RECORD model-: Model; era-: INTEGER END; UpdateMsg = EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Message) END; NeutralizeMsg = RECORD (Message) END; PROCEDURE CopyOf (m: Model): Model; PROCEDURE Broadcast (model: Model; VAR msg: Message); PROCEDURE Domaincast (d: Stores.Domain; VAR msg: Message); PROCEDURE BeginModification (type: INTEGER; m: Model); PROCEDURE EndModification (type: INTEGER; m: Model); PROCEDURE BeginScript (m: Model; name: Stores.OpName; OUT script: Stores.Operation); PROCEDURE EndScript (m: Model; script: Stores.Operation); PROCEDURE Do (m: Model; name: Stores.OpName; op: Stores.Operation); PROCEDURE LastOp (m: Model): Stores.Operation; PROCEDURE Bunch (m: Model); PROCEDURE StopBunching (m: Model); PROCEDURE Era (m: Model): INTEGER; END Models. Figure 1. Model-View-Controller Separation A model is one part of a Model-View-Controller triple. A model represents some data, without knowing how these data may be represented. Representation is performed by a view. There may be several views displaying the same model simultaneously, and possibly in different ways. After a model has been modified, a model message is broadcast in the domain to which this model belongs (e.g., the domain of the document of which the model is a part). Model messages are received by the appropriate views, such that these views can update the display according to the model modification which was performed. A modification of a model may be permanent, or reversible. To indicate a permanent modification, the procedures BeginModification/EndModification must be called before/after the modification(s). Reversible modifications ("undoable" operations) are implemented as Stores.Operation objects. Several operations on the same model can be combined into one (i.e., as a whole undoable/redoable) operation with the BeginScript/EndScript pair of procedures. A model may be a container, i.e., contain embedded views. An embedded view can communicate with the model in which it is embedded via a Context. A container model provides a context for each embedded view. Using its context, a view can inquire its current size, or it can try to change its size. All models in a document share the same domain, i.e., their domain fields are either NIL (when the document is not displayed in some window) or refer to the same domain. Different displayed documents have different domains. Examples: ObxLinesdocu ObxGraphsdocu ObxCapsdocu/sources compound commands (undoable scripts) CONST clean Possible value for parameter type of BeginModification/EndModification. Indicates an operation that does not make its document "dirty". Example: modifying a text in a way that is considered as "unimportant", such as collapsing or expanding a text fold (-> StdFolds). CONST invisible Possible value for parameter type of BeginModification/EndModification. Indicates an operation that "folds together" with the previous operation, i.e., does not itself become visible in the Undo/Redo menu items. Invisible operations can be used for operations that by themselves may not be expected to appear in an Undo/Redo menu. Example: setting options in a controller. When executing a Redo operation, after a (visible) operation, all invisible operations executed. When executing an Undo operation, first all invisible operations are undone and afterwards the visible operations. CONST notUndoable Possible value for parameter type of BeginModification/EndModification. Indicates an operation that cannot be reversed ("undone"). This is important for operations where the undo feature would be too expensive. TYPE Model (Stores.Store) ABSTRACT A model represents data, which may be presented by a view. Models are allocated by specific model directories, e.g., by Texts.dir. Models are used by commands which can operate on the data that is represented by the model. Models are extended whenever new kinds of displayable data need to be represented. A model's domain delineates the boundaries of the document in which it is embedded. A model's Internalize, Externalize, and CopyFrom procedures must be implemented if the store contains persistent state. PROCEDURE (m: Model) Domain (): Stores.Domain NEW Returns the domain of the model, usually representing one document. If the domain is NIL, the model is not displayed. The domain is set up by the procedure Stores.InitDomain. TYPE Context ABSTRACT A context object is part of the model-view recursion scheme of BlackBox. A context is generated and maintained by a container model, and there is one context for every view embedded in the model. The context is carried by the view, so the view can communicate with its context (i.e., with the model in which it is embedded). A Context allows a contained view to communicate with its container. A Context is extended for every container model. PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Model NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the context's model. NIL may be returned if the context doesn't want to disclose its identity. ThisModel may be narrowed in an extension. PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the width and height of the contained view in its container, in universal units. Post w >= 0 & h >= 0 PROCEDURE (c: Context) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER) NEW, EMPTY Requests the container to adapt the size of c's view to the given width and height. The container may or may not grant this request. PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Determines whether the contained view should normalize its persistent state upon externalization, and whether it should not make a modification of this state undoable. As an example, consider the scroll position of a text view: if the view is in a root context, i.e., in the outermost view level, it should write out position 0 (i.e., "normalized") as its current scroll position upon externalization, and it shouldn't make scroll operations undoable. However, if embedded in a non-root context, it should write out its current scroll position, and should make a scroll operation undoable. Normalize is called in a view's Externalize procedure and when it must be determined whether an operation needs to be undoable or not. PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Proposal) NEW, EMPTY If an embedded view wants its container to do something, it must ask for such a change by sending the container a Proposal via the Consider procedure. The container may, but need not, cooperate in an appropriate way. BlackBox currently doesn't predefine proposals of its own. PROCEDURE (c: Context) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, EMPTY Scroll the container of c's view such that the rectangle (l, t, r, b) becomes at least partially visible. TYPE Proposal ABSTRACT Base type for all proposals. A proposal is a message which a view can send to the container (via its context object) in which it is embedded. TYPE Message ABSTRACT Base type for all model messages. Messages are used to transmit information from a model to all views which display this model, typically about changes that have occurred in a model. Messages are extended to describe specific kinds of information to be transmitted. model: Model model # NIL The model that has been changed. era-: INTEGER Used internally. TYPE UpdateMsg (Message) EXTENSIBLE All model messages which notify about a model modification must be extensions of UpdateMsg. A basic (unextended) UpdateMsg indicates that the message's model has changed in some unspecified way. UpdateMsgs are used to notify all views displaying a given model about a change of this model. UpdateMsgs are extended in order to update the display in more specific ways than to redraw the whole view (i.e., faster and with less screen flicker), i.e., to allow partial updates. TYPE NeutralizeMsg (Message) Extension This message is sent by the framework to indicate that marks (selection marks and the like) should be removed. PROCEDURE CopyOf (m: Model): Model Returns a (deep) copy of the model. Internally, it clones m and calls its CopyFrom method. Pre m # NIL 20 Post result # NIL PROCEDURE Broadcast (model: Model; VAR msg: Message) Broadcast msg for model. Before broadcasting, parameter model is assigned to the message's model-field. The broadcast is actually performed only if model.domain # NIL. Broadcast is called by models whenever models need to transmit information to the views by which they are displayed. In contrast to Domaincast, Broadcast sends msg only to the views which have model as their model. The handler of a model message may not recursively broadcast another model message. Pre model # NIL 20 no recursion 21 Post msg.model = model PROCEDURE Domaincast (d: Stores.Domain; VAR msg: Message) This procedure sends a message to a particular domain, or does nothing if the domain is NIL. Every view in the domain receives the message. Normally, you'll use Broadcast to notify only the views on a particular model. Domaincast is only necessary if the contents of one view (e.g., a text ruler) influences something outside of the view itself (e.g., the formatting of the text below the ruler). The domaincast is actually performed only if d # NIL. A domaincast may not be performed if another one is still in progress for this domain (no recursion). Pre no recursion 20 Post msg.model = NIL PROCEDURE BeginModification (type: INTEGER; m: Model) If model m is modified in a way that cannot be undone, the modification(s) must be bracketed by calls to BeginModification and EndModification with parameter type set to notUndoable. Pre m # NIL 20 type IN {clean, notUndoable, invisible} 21 PROCEDURE EndModification (type: INTEGER; m: Model) If model m is modified in a way that cannot be undone, the modification(s) must be bracketed by calls to BeginModification and EndModification with parameter type set to notUndoable. Pre m # NIL 20 type IN {clean, notUndoable, invisible} 21 PROCEDURE BeginScript (m: Model; name: Stores.OpName; OUT script: Stores.Operation) To make a sequence of undoable operations undoable as a whole, the sequence should be bracketed by calls to BeginScript and EndScript. Pre m # NIL 20 Post script # NIL PROCEDURE EndScript (m: Model; script: Stores.Operation) To make a sequence of undoable operations undoable as a whole, the sequence should be bracketed by calls to BeginScript and EndScript. The same script which has been returned in BeginScript must be passed to EndScript. Pre m # NIL 20 script # NIL 21 PROCEDURE Do (m: Model; name: Stores.OpName; op: Stores.Operation) This procedure is called to execute an operation on a model. The operation's Do procedure is called, and the operation is recorded for a later undo. Pre m # NIL 20 op # NIL 21 Post op.inUse PROCEDURE LastOp (m: Model): Stores.Operation This procedure returns the most recently executed operation on the given model. It can be used to decide whether to bunch several successive operations into one single atomic operation, e.g., if a character is typed into a text, it may be bunched with the previously inserted character; such that an undo operates on the whole text typed in, and not on one character per undo. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE Bunch (m: Model) Notify model that another action was bunched to the most recently executed operation. After it has been determined that the new operation can be merged into the most recent operation (using LastOp for the test), the previous operation can be modified (e.g., a character appended to its string of characters that were typed in) and this modification made known to the framework by calling Bunch. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE StopBunching (m: Model) Prevents any further bunching on this model's current operation. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE Era (m: Model): INTEGER Called internally. Pre m # NIL 20
Out DEFINITION Out; PROCEDURE Open; PROCEDURE Char (ch: CHAR); PROCEDURE Ln; PROCEDURE Int (i: LONGINT; n: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Real (x: REAL; n: INTEGER); PROCEDURE String (str: ARRAY OF CHAR); END Out. This module is provided for compatibility with the book "Programming in Oberon" by Reiser/Wirth. It is useful when learning the language. It is not recommended for use in production programs. PROCEDURE Open Brings open log window to the top. If no log window is open, a new one is opened. PROCEDURE Char (ch: CHAR) Writes a character into the log. PROCEDURE Ln Writes a carriage return into the log. PROCEDURE Int (i: LONGINT; n: INTEGER) Writes an integer number into the log, with n digits. If n is too small (e.g., 0) to represent the number correctly, the necessary minimal number of digits is used. PROCEDURE Real (x: REAL; n: INTEGER) Writes a real number into the log, with n digits. If n is too small (e.g., 0) to represent the number correctly, the necessary minimal number of digits is used. PROCEDURE String (str: ARRAY OF CHAR) Writes a string into the log.
Ports DEFINITION Ports; IMPORT Fonts; CONST black = 00000000H; white = 00FFFFFFH; grey6 = 00F0F0F0H; grey12 = 00E0E0E0H; grey25 = 00C0C0C0H; grey50 = 00808080H; grey75 = 00404040H; red = 000000FFH; green = 0000FF00H; blue = 00FF0000H; defaultColor = 01000000H; mm = 36000; point = 12700; inch = 914400; fill = -1; openPoly = 0; closedPoly = 1; openBezier = 2; closedBezier = 3; invert = 0; hilite = 1; dim25 = 2; dim50 = 3; dim75 = 4; hide = FALSE; show = TRUE; arrowCursor = 0; textCursor = 1; graphicsCursor = 2; tableCursor = 3; bitmapCursor = 4; refCursor = 5; keepBuffer = FALSE; disposeBuffer = TRUE; TYPE Color = INTEGER; Point = RECORD x, y: INTEGER END; Port = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD unit-: INTEGER; (p: Port) Init (unit: INTEGER; printerMode: BOOLEAN), NEW; (p: Port) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: Port) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: Port) NewRider (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: Port) OpenBuffer (l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: Port) CloseBuffer, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Rider = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (rd: Rider) SetRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) GetRect (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) Base (): Port, NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) Move (dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) SaveRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) RestoreRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; dispose: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) DrawRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) DrawOval (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) DrawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, s: INTEGER; col: Color), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) DrawPath (IN p: ARRAY OF Point; n, s: INTEGER; col: Color; path: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) MarkRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) Scroll (dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) SetCursor (cursor: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) Input (OUT x, y: INTEGER; OUT modifiers: SET; OUT isDown: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) DrawSpace (x, y, w: INTEGER; col: Color; font: Fonts.Font), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) DrawString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) DrawSString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font), NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) CharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) SCharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) CharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (rd: Rider) SCharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Frame = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD unit-: INTEGER; dot-: INTEGER; rider-: Rider; gx-, gy-: INTEGER; (f: Frame) ConnectTo (p: Port), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (f: Frame) SetOffset (gx, gy: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (f: Frame) SaveRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER), NEW; (f: Frame) RestoreRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; dispose: BOOLEAN), NEW; (f: Frame) DrawRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color), NEW; (f: Frame) DrawOval (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color), NEW; (f: Frame) DrawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, s: INTEGER; col: Color), NEW; (f: Frame) DrawPath (IN p: ARRAY OF Point; n, s: INTEGER; col: Color; path: INTEGER), NEW; (f: Frame) MarkRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW; (f: Frame) Scroll (dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW; (f: Frame) SetCursor (cursor: INTEGER), NEW; (f: Frame) Input (OUT x, y: INTEGER; OUT modifiers: SET; OUT isDown: BOOLEAN), NEW; (f: Frame) DrawSpace (x, y, w: INTEGER; col: Color; font: Fonts.Font), NEW; (f: Frame) DrawString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font), NEW; (f: Frame) DrawSString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font), NEW; (f: Frame) CharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW; (f: Frame) SCharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW; (f: Frame) CharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW; (f: Frame) SCharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER, NEW END; VAR background, dialogBackground: Color; PROCEDURE IsPrinterPort (p: Port): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE RGBColor (red, green, blue: INTEGER): Color; END Ports. Ports are carriers for pixel data. Examples of ports are screen and printer ports. Riders are access paths to ports. The drawing operations of a rider are performed in a coordinate system with positive x-axis and negative y-axis, i.e., x values increase towards the right, while y values increase towards the bottom. This coordinate system is the same for every rider on a port, with the origin at the upper-left corner of the port. Points are coordinate pairs (in device coordinates) which denote the upper-left corner of a pixel: Figure 1. Drawing Plane A rider occupies a rectangle within the port area. Each rider acts as a clipping rectangle, to which all its drawing operations are clipped. Frames are port mappers, which provide port output operations and input from mouse and keyboard. Frame coordinates are scaled and translated such that they are independent of the frame's position on a port, and independent of the port's spacial resolution. For this reason, all frame operations use universal units (-> Fonts) for coordinates, while all port and rider operations use pixel coordinates. CONST black, white, grey6, grey12, grey25, grey50, grey75, red, green, blue RGB values for several important colors. CONST defaultColor This is a pseudo color which is substituted by the currently set default foreground color for drawing. CONST mm, point, inch Three important distance measures in universal units. CONST fill This value may be passed to the procedures DrawRect, DrawOval, DrawPath, and MarkRect as size parameter, to cause the drawing of a filled shape, instead of the shape's outline only. CONST openPoly, closedPoly, openBezier, closedBezier These values may be passed to the procedure DrawPath as path parameter. They causes the drawing of a polyline, a polygon, an open Bezier curve, or of a closed Bezier curve. Note that with Bezier curves, only every third point lies on the curve. Figure 2. Various Path Examples CONST invert, hilite, dim25, dim50, dim75 These values may be passed as mode-parameter to procedure MarkRect. They cause the marked rectangle to become inverted, hilighted, or dimmed. The exact interpretation of these modes is platform-dependent. In the simplest case, all three modes are implemented the same way, namely by inverting each bit in the color value which represents a pixel. Ideally, hilite should replace an area's background color with a user-selectable hilight-color, and vice versa. The three dimming modes, applied to a white background, deliver light, medium, and dark grey values, respectively. CONST hide, show These values may be passed as show-parameter of the MarkRect procedures. hide means that an existing mark should be removed, and show means that the mark should be drawn. In some implementations, the operation may be identical for hide and show, but this is not guaranteed. CONST arrowCursor The default shape of the cursor. CONST textCursor, graphicsCursor, tableCursor, bitmapCursor Cursor shapes which correspond to the type of data currently being manipulated: sequential, large shapes, regularly arranged objects, small shapes. CONST refCursor Cursor shape for indicating references, such as hyperlinks. CONST keepBuffer, disposeBuffer These constants may be passed to the dispose parameters of procedures Rider.RestoreRect and Frame.RestoreRect. TYPE Color = INTEGER A color is a four-byte value where the least significant byte (interpreted as unsigned integer) specifies the red-intensity of an RGB triple. The next byte specifies the green-intensity, the third byte represents the blue-intensity. The most significant byte must be set to zero. TYPE Point This type is used to construct paths for the DrawPath procedure. A path consists of an array of points, where points are coordinate pairs. Points are used in drawing routines that call DrawPath. x, y: INTEGER Coordinate pair. TYPE Port ABSTRACT Carrier for pixel data. Ports are allocated and used internally. Ports are implemented internally. unit-: INTEGER unit > 0 The size of a pixel in universal units. PROCEDURE (p: Port) Init (unit: INTEGER; printerMode: BOOLEAN) Sets the spacial resolution (in universal units per pixel). Parameter printerMode determines whether the port acts as a printing object. Pre p.unit = 0 OR p.unit = unit 20 unit > 0 21 Post p.unit = unit PROCEDURE (p: Port) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Get the port's current size (in pixels). Post w >= 0 h >= 0 PROCEDURE (p: Port) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Sets the port's size (in pixels). Pre w >= 0 20 h >= 0 21 PROCEDURE (p: Port) NewRider (): Rider NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a rider that has the appropriate type for this port implementation. PROCEDURE (p: Port) OpenBuffer (l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Opens an off-screen buffer for port p. The buffer is initialized with the contents of p's rectangle (l, t, r, b). OpenBuffer must be followed by a call to CloseBuffer. Calls to OpenBuffer must not be nested. Used internally, for restoring a window flicker-free in the background. Not to be used for other purposes. PROCEDURE (p: Port) CloseBuffer NEW, ABSTRACT Copy back the contents of the port's off-screen buffer, and release the buffer. OpenBuffer must have been called before. Used internally, for restoring a window flicker-free in the background. Not to be used for other purposes. TYPE Rider ABSTRACT Access path to a port (i.e., to a pixel carrier). A rider uses the same coordinate system as its port, with the origin being the upper-left corner of the port. All coordinates used for a rider are in device coordinates, i.e., in pixels. Riders also contain a clipping rectangle. Normally, it is manipulated automatically by the framework, but in special circumstances, it can be useful also for view programmers. Riders are allocated by ports. Riders are used internally (by frames, see below) and implemented internally. PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) SetRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Sets the rider's clipping rectangle on the port (in pixels). Normally, this method is called by the framework only. If you use it explicitly, you should restore the old clipping rectangle after you are done. The framework sets up the clipping rectangle before a view's Restore method is called (-> Views.View.Restore). This ensures that drawing never occurs outside of the drawing area that belongs to the view, as long as the clipping rectangle is not modified by the view. The clipping rectangle must never be made larger than the size set up by the framework, it may only be made smaller. Otherwise, the results are unpredictable. Pre 0 <= l <= r & 0 <= t <= b 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) GetRect (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Gets the rider's clipping rectangle on the port (in pixels). Post 0 <= l <= r & 0 <= t <= b PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) Base (): Port NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the port to which rd is connected. Post result # NIL PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) Move (dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Used internally. PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) SaveRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Saves a rectangle (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t in a background buffer, from where it can be restored later using RestoreRect. SaveRect must be balanced by RestoreRect(l, t, r, b, disposeBuffer). All coordinates are in pixels. Calls to SaveRect may not be nested, and they may not occur during restoration of a view (-> Views.View.Restore). The purpose of SaveRect/RestoreRect is to act as temporary buffering mechanism during mouse tracking (->Views.View.HandleCtrlMsg). res = 0 means that the call was successful, otherwise RestoreRect must not be called. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) RestoreRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; dispose: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT After a successful call to SaveRect, the same rectangle, i.e., its pixelmap contents as it was upon saving, can be restored with RestoreRect. All coordinates are in pixels. RestoreRect can be called several times in succession; the last time with dispose = disposeBuffer and all other times with dispose = keepBuffer. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) DrawRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color) NEW, ABSTRACT Draws a rectangle (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t. All coordinates are in pixels. If s < 0, the rectangle is filled with color col. Otherwise, the rectangle is drawn as an outline of thickness s. The outline is drawn inside of the rectangle. If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 (s >= 0) OR (s = fill) 21 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) DrawOval (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color) NEW, ABSTRACT Draws an ellipse (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t. All coordinates are in pixels. If s < 0, the ellipse is filled with color col. Otherwise, the ellipse is drawn as an outline of thickness s. The outline is drawn inside of the rectangle. If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 (s >= 0) OR (s = fill) 21 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) DrawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, s: INTEGER; col: Color) NEW, ABSTRACT Draws a line from the point (x0, y0) to the point (x1, y1) of thickness s in color col: All coordinates are in pixels. Note that if you need to draw strictly horizontal or vertical lines, you could use DrawRect with fill instead of DrawLine. The advantage of DrawRect is that it is clearer which pixels are really drawn, it's the pixels that are strictly inside the bounding rectangle. Figure 3: Line If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. Pre s >= 0 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) DrawPath (IN p: ARRAY OF Point; n, s: INTEGER; col: Color; path: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Draws the path consisting of points p[0] .. p[n - 1] in color col. The nature of the path is given by parameter path. It can either be a polyline, a polygon, an open Bezier curve, or a closed Bezier curve. The polyline is the same that a sequence of DrawLine operations would generate. For a polygon, the n points define the mathematical region which will be outlined or filled. An open path with n points results in n - 1 path pieces, a closed path with n points results in n path pieces. All coordinates in the point array are in pixels. Pre n >= 0 20 n <= LEN(p) 21 (s = fill) => (path = closedPoly) OR (path = closedBezier) 22 (s >= 0) OR (s = fill) 23 path IN {closedPoly, openPoly, closedBezier, openBezier} 25 path = openPoly n >= 2 20 path = closedPoly n >= 2 20 path = openBezier n >= 4 20 n MOD 3 = 1 24 path = closedBezier n >= 3 20 n MOD 3 = 0 24 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) MarkRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Marks a rectangle (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t. All coordinates are in pixels. If s < 0, the rectangle is filled in some way dependent on mode. Otherwise, the rectangle is drawn as an outline of thickness s. The outline is drawn inside of the rectangle. If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. The meaning of mode is implementation-dependent, but it must change the marked area in a visible way. show indicates whether the mark should be drawn or removed. Calling MarkRect with show and then directly afterwards with hide (otherwise with the same parameters) should re-establish exactly the state before the first call. Pre (l <= r) & (l <= t) 20 s >= 0 21 mode IN {invert, hilite, dim25, dim50, dim75} 22 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) Scroll (dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Shifts the rider's contents by vector (dx, dy). The translation vector is given in pixels. Shifting occurs completely within the rider's rectangle, ie., pixels outside of it are neither written nor read. The part of the rectangle that becomes newly exposed is undefined. The purpose of Scroll is to speed up scrolling operations by reusing existing pixel data instead of making the application redraw everything. However, under special circumstances, this procedure may not actually copy pixel data, but cause the application to restore part of the rectangle instead anyway. Warning: this operation may only be used on interactive ports, in order to update the screen display after a user manipulation. Figure 4. Effect of Scroll Operation PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) SetCursor (cursor: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Sets the cursor to the given value. Pre cursor IN {arrowCursor..refCursor} 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) Input (OUT x, y: INTEGER; OUT modifiers: SET; OUT isDown: BOOLEAN) NEW, ABSTRACT Polls the current mouse location and tells whether the mouse button is currently pressed. All coordinates are in pixels. In modifiers, the currently pressed modifier keys are returned, like Controllers.doubleClick, Controllers.extend, Controllers.modify, Controllers.popup, Controllers.pick, and possibly additional platform-specific modifiers. For the mapping of platform specific keys see platform specific modifiers. PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) DrawSpace (x, y, w: INTEGER; col: Color; font: Fonts.Font) NEW, ABSTRACT; Draws a space character of width w. The horizontal position is specified by x, the vertical baseline by y, the color by col, and the font attributes by font. All coordinates are in pixels. This method allows for drawing spaces decorated with underline or strike out. Pre font # NIL PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) DrawString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font) NEW, ABSTRACT Draws string s in color col and font font with the base line at y. All coordinates are in pixels. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) DrawSString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font) NEW, ABSTRACT Draws short string s in color col and font font with the base line at y. All coordinates are in pixels. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) CharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Given string s at position x, CharIndex determines the index of the character which lies at position pos. All coordinates are in pixels. Result = 0 means pos is at or left of the first character in s, result = n - 1, where n is the number of characters in string s, means pos is right of the last character in s. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) LCharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Given string s at position x, CharIndex determines the index of the character which lies at position pos. All coordinates are in pixels. Result = 0 means pos is at or left of the first character in s, result = n - 1, where n is the number of characters in string s, means pos is right of the last character in s. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) CharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Given string s at position x, CharPos determines the position of character index in s. All coordinates are in pixels. The position of the left margin of the character is returned. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) LCharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Given string s at position x, CharPos determines the position of character index in s. All coordinates are in pixels. The position of the left margin of the character is returned. Pre font # NIL 20 TYPE Frame ABSTRACT A Frame is a mapper for a port. Every frame has its own coordinate system. All coordinates used for a frame are measured in universal units. Most frame operations forward to the frame's rider, i.e., they call the frame rider's corresponding procedure, and perform the necessary coordinate transformations (scaling between universal units and pixels, and a translation by the frame's origin). A frame f translates from local universal coordinates to global pixel coordinates using the following transformation: x := (f.gx + x) DIV f.unit; y := (f.gy + y) DIV f.unit; (* frame -> rider coordinates *) The opposit transformation is: x := x * f.unit - f.gx; y := y * f.unit - f.gy; (* rider -> frame coordinates *) The rider's clipping rectangle is always set up such that drawing cannot occur outside of the frame, i.e., outside of the drawing view. Be careful if you change the rider's clipping rectangle (using the rider's SetRect method), since this introduces mutable state that you have to manage. Frames are allocated by views. Frames are used by views, for drawing and for mouse polling. Frames are extended internally (Views.Frame). unit-: INTEGER unit > 0 The size of a pixel in universal units. dot-: INTEGER dot = point - point MOD unit This value can be used as an approximation of point, rounded to a pixel. By using dot instead of point, ugly rounding errors can be avoided. For example, if you used point as the thickness of a line, and a pixel were slightly larger than point, the line might disappear altogether. Moreover, you may want to use a very thin line on the screen (about one pixel) as a hairline, but not have it become too small on a laser printer (where the frame's unit is much smaller than on screen). In these cases, dot comes handy. rider-: Ports.Rider Rider which links the frame to a port. gx-, gy-: INTEGER [units] The frame's origin in global coordinates (i.e., relative to the port's upper-left corner), but in units instead of pixels. This is an exception from the rule that riders use pixels, while frames use units. PROCEDURE (f: Frame) ConnectTo (p: Port) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Connects the frame to a port. All other frame procedures require a connected frame, i.e., rider # NIL. This precondition is not checked explicitly. ConnectTo is used internally. Post p = NIL f.unit = 0 f.rider = NIL p # NIL f.unit = p.unit f.rider # NIL & f.rider.Base() = p f.dot = point - point MOD p.unit PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SetOffset (gx, gy: INTEGER) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Sets the frame's origin, in global coordinates (i.e., relative to the port's upper-left corner), but in units instead of pixels. All local coordinates are relative to this origin. This method is only for internal use in the framework. SetOffset is used internally. Pre f.rider # NIL 20 Post f.gx = gx & f.gy = gy PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SaveRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER) NEW Saves a rectangle (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t in a background buffer, from where it can be restored later using RestoreRect. SaveRect must be balanced by RestoreRect(l, t, r, b, disposeBuffer). Calls to SaveRect may not be nested, and they may not occur during restoration of a view (-> Views.View.Restore). The purpose of SaveRect/RestoreRect is to act as temporary buffering mechanism during mouse tracking (->Views.View.HandleCtrlMsg). res = 0 means that the call was successful, otherwise RestoreRect must not be called. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) RestoreRect (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; dispose: BOOLEAN) NEW After a successful call to SaveRect, the same rectangle, i.e., its pixelmap contents as it was upon saving, can be restored with RestoreRect. RestoreRect can be called several times in succession; the last time with dispose = disposeBuffer and all other times with dispose = keepBuffer. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color) NEW Draws a rectangle (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t. If s < 0, the rectangle is filled with color col. Otherwise, the rectangle is drawn as an outline of thickness s. The outline is drawn inside of the rectangle. If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 (s >= 0) OR (s = fill) 21 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawOval (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Color) NEW Draws an ellipse (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t. If s < 0, the ellipse is filled with color col. Otherwise, the ellipse is drawn as an outline of thickness s. The outline is drawn inside of the rectangle. If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 (s >= 0) OR (s = fill) 21 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, s: INTEGER; col: Color) NEW Draws a line from the point (x0, y0) to the point (x1, y1) of thickness s in color col: Figure 5. Line If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. Pre s >= 0 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawPath (IN p: ARRAY OF Point; n, s: INTEGER; col: Color; path: INTEGER) NEW Draws the path consisting of points p[0] .. p[n - 1] in color col. The nature of the path is given by parameter path. It can either be a polyline, a polygon, an open Bezier curve, or a closed Bezier curve. The polyline is the same that a sequence of DrawLine operations would generate. For a polygon, the n points define the mathematical region which will be outlined or filled. An open path with n points results in n - 1 path pieces, a closed path with n points results in n path pieces. Pre n >= 0 20 n <= LEN(p) 21 (s = fill) => (path = closedPoly) OR (path = closedBezier) 22 (s >= 0) OR (s = fill) 23 path IN {closedPoly, openPoly, closedBezier, openBezier} 25 path = openPoly n >= 2 20 path = closedPoly n >= 2 20 path = openBezier n >= 4 20 n MOD 3 = 1 24 path = closedBezier n >= 3 20 n MOD 3 = 0 24 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) MarkRect (l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN) NEW Marks a rectangle (parallel to the coordinate axes) of width r - l and of height b - t. If s < 0, the rectangle is filled in some way, dependent on mode. Otherwise, the rectangle is drawn as an outline of thickness s. If s = 0, a very thin outline (hairline) is used. The outline is drawn inside of the rectangle. The meaning of mode is implementation-dependent, but it must change the marked area in a visible way. show indicates whether the mark should be drawn or removed. Calling MarkRect with show and then directly afterwards with hide (otherwise with the same parameters) should re-establish exactly the state before the first call. Pre (l <= r) & (t <= b) 20 s >= 0 21 mode IN {invert, hilite, dim25, dim50, dim75} 22 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Scroll (dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW Shifts the frame's area by vector (dx, dy). Shifting occurs completely within the frame's rectangle, i.e., pixels outside of it are neither written nor read. The part of the rectangle which becomes newly exposed should be considered as undefined. The purpose of Scroll is to speed up scrolling and editing operations by reusing existing pixel data instead of making the application redraw everything. However, under special circumstances, this procedure may not actually copy pixel data, but cause the application to restore part of the rectangle instead anyway. Warning: this operation may only be used on interactive ports, in order to update the screen display after a user manipulation. Figure 6. Effect of Scroll Operation PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SetCursor (cursor: INTEGER) NEW Sets the cursor to the given value. SetCursor is used in polling loops during mouse tracking. Pre cursor IN {arrowCursor..refCursor} 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Input (OUT x, y: INTEGER; OUT modifiers: SET; OUT isDown: BOOLEAN) NEW Polls the current mouse location and tells whether the mouse button is currently pressed. Input is used in polling loops during mouse tracking. In modifiers, the currently pressed modifier keys are returned, like Controllers.doubleClick, Controllers.extend, Controllers.modify, Controllers.popup, Controllers.pick, and possibly additional platform-specific modifiers. For the mapping of platform specific keys see platform specific modifiers. PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawSpace (x, y, w: INTEGER; col: Color; font: Fonts.Font) NEW; Draws a space character of width w. The horizontal position is specified by x, the vertical baseline by y, the color by col and the font attributes by font. This method allows for drawing spaces decorated with underline or strike out. Pre font # NIL PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font) NEW Draws string s in color col and font font with the base line at y. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawSString (x, y: INTEGER; col: Color; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font) NEW Draws short string s in color col and font font with the base line at y. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) CharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER NEW Given string s at position x, CharIndex determines the index of the character which lies at position pos. Result = 0 means pos is at or left of the first character in s, result = n - 1, where n is the number of characters in string s, means pos is right of the last character in s. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SCharIndex (x, pos: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER Given short string s at position x, CharIndex determines the index of the character which lies at position pos. Result = 0 means pos is at or left of the first character in s, result = n - 1, where n is the number of characters in string s, means pos is right of the last character in s. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) CharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER Given string s at position x, CharPos determines the position of character index in s. The position of the left margin of the character is returned. Pre font # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SCharPos (x, index: INTEGER; IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; font: Fonts.Font): INTEGER Given short string s at position x, CharPos determines the position of character index in s. The position of the left margin of the character is returned. Pre font # NIL 20 VAR background: Color background >= 0 This variable denotes the color which is used for the background of a window. VAR dialogBackground: Color dialogBackground >= 0 This variable denotes the color which is used for the background of a dialog. PROCEDURE IsPrinterPort (p: Port): BOOLEAN Determines whether a port represents a printer. PROCEDURE RGBColor (red, green, blue: INTEGER): Color Constructs a Color out of the red, green, and blue components. Pre 0 <= red < 256 20 0 <= green < 256 21 0 <= blue < 256 22 Post result = blue * 65536 + green * 256 + red
Printers This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Printing DEFINITION Printing; IMPORT Fonts, Views, Dates; TYPE Par = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD page: PageInfo; header, footer: Banner; copies-: INTEGER END; Banner = RECORD font: Fonts.Font; gap: INTEGER; left, right: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR END; PageInfo = RECORD first, from, to: INTEGER; alternate: BOOLEAN; title: Views.Title END; ExpandHook = PROCEDURE (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; printView: Views.View; IN date: Dates.Date; IN time: Dates.Time; IN title: Views.Title; pno: INTEGER; printing: BOOLEAN; OUT sx: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR par: Par; expandHook-: ExpandHook; PROCEDURE NewPar (IN page: PageInfo; IN header, footer: Banner; copies: INTEGER): Par; PROCEDURE NewDefaultPar (title: Views.Title): Par; PROCEDURE PrintView (view: Views.View; p: Par); PROCEDURE Current (): INTEGER; PROCEDURE PrintBanner (f: Views.Frame; IN p: PageInfo; IN b: Banner; IN date: Dates.Date; IN time: Dates.Time; x0, x1, y: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetExpandHook (p: ExpandHook); END Printing. This module allows to print a document, including headers and footers. TYPE Par Specification of the print job. Is passed as parameter to the function PrintView. During printing, it can be accessed via the global variable par. During printing, its state can be changed. page: PageInfo Information about the area of the pages to be printed; about page numbers; and whether printing of left and right pages is treated differently. header, footer: Banner Header/footer line to be printed on every page. copies-: INTEGER copies >= 1 Number of copies to be printed. TYPE Banner Describes a header or a footer line. font: Fonts.Font Font of the header/footer line. Only one font is possible. gap: INTEGER Distance to next base line. Currently ignored for footers. left, right: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR Text of the header/footer line. In this string the following abbreviations may occur: &p - replaced by current page number as arabic numeral &r - replaced by current page number as roman numeral &R - replaced by current page number as capital roman numeral &a - replaced by current page number as alphanumeric character &A - replaced by current page number as capital alphanumeric character &d - replaced by printing date &t - replaced by printing time &&- replaced by & character &; - specifies split point &f - title The text is centered, except if a split point occurs. A split point acts like a spring: it "presses" the items to the left and right apart. For example, "&;&p" presses an arabic page number to the right page border. TYPE PageInfo Information about the pages to be printed. first: INTEGER Page number of the first page to be printed. Page number of the currently printed page is Current() + first. May be changed during printing. from, to: INTEGER (from >= 0) & (to >= from) Range of pages to be printed. Specification is not in page numbers, but in absolute number. The first page of the document is number 0. There will be to - from + 1 pages printed. alternate: BOOLEAN Determines whether left and right pages are treated differntly. If ~alternate, then every page will be printed with the banners specified for right pages. Otherwise, pages with odd page number use the right banners, while pages with even page numbers use the left banners. The page number of the current page is first + Current(). title: Views.Title Title of the document. TYPE ExpandHook The procedure type for the custom tag expansions hook. A custom tag expander maps an input string s to an expanded output string sx where custom specific tags are replaced by an actual value with appropriate formatting. VAR par: Par This variable is set during printing of the document and may be changed by a printed view. However, this variable should not be used to determine whether the document is printed or displayed (-> Views.IsPrinterFrame). VAR expandHook: ExpandHook; The most recently installed custom tag expander or NIL if none has been installed. PROCEDURE NewPar (IN page: PageInfo; IN header, footer: Banner; copies: INTEGER): Par Allocates and initializes a new printing parameters object. Post result.page = page result.header = header result.footer = footer result.copies = copies header.font # NIL => result.header.font = header.font header.font = NIL => result.header.font = Fonts.dir.Default() footer.font # NIL => result.footer.font = footer.font footer.font = NIL => result.footer.font = Fonts.dir.Default() PROCEDURE NewDefaultPar (title: Views.Title): Par Allocates and initializes a new printing parameters object. Post result.page.first = 1 result.page.from = 0 result.page.to = 9999 result.page.alternate = FALSE result.copies = 1 result.header.gap = 0 result.header.left = "" result.header.right = "" result.header.font = Fonts.dir.Default() result.footer.gap = 0 result.footer.left = "" result.footer.right = "" result.footer.font = Fonts.dir.Default() PROCEDURE Current (): INTEGER Returns the page number of the page currently being printed. Post result >= 0 PROCEDURE PrintView (view: Views.View; par: Par) Prints view on the (current) printer, provided that a printer is available. For the parameter par, NIL can be passed. In this case, a default par parameter is generated. It is initialized with copies := 1; page.first := 1, page.from := 0, page.to := 9999, page.alternate := FALSE; page.title := title; header.gap := 0; header.left := ""; header.right := ""; header.font := Fonts.dir.Default(); footer.gap := 0; footer.left := ""; footer.right := ""; footer.font := Fonts.dir.Default(); otherwise par.title is overwritten by title. Actually, not the view view is printed, but a copy of it. PrintView makes a shallow copy of the view that is being printed, in order to avoid the original view to be changed by pagination, scrolling, or similar modifications that may be performed during printing. Pre view # NIL 20 par # NIL => par.page.first >= 0 23 par.page.from >= 0 24 par.page.to >= par.page.from 25 par.copies > 0 25 PROCEDURE PrintBanner (f: Views.Frame; IN p: PageInfo; IN b: Banner; IN date: Dates.Date; IN time: Dates.Time; x0, x1, y: INTEGER) Used internally. PROCEDURE SetExpandHook* (p: ExpandHook); Sets procedure p as custom tag expander. Custom tags are tags that modify or extend the set of standard tags as defined for Banner.left/right. The result of the custom tag expansion is the input for standard tag expansion. Post Printing.expandHook = p
Properties DEFINITION Properties; IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Views, Controllers, Dialog; CONST color = 0; typeface = 1; size = 2; style = 3; weight = 4; width = 0; height = 1; maxVerbs = 16; noMark = FALSE; mark = TRUE; hide = FALSE; show = TRUE; TYPE Property = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD next-: Property; known: SET; readOnly: SET; valid: SET; (p: Property) IntersectWith (q: Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) END; StdProp = POINTER TO RECORD (Property) color: Dialog.Color; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: RECORD val, mask: SET END; weight: INTEGER END; SizeProp = POINTER TO RECORD (Property) width, height: INTEGER END; Message = Views.PropMessage; PollMsg = RECORD (Message) prop: Property END; SetMsg = RECORD (Message) old, prop: Property END; Preference = ABSTRACT RECORD (Message) END; ResizePref = RECORD (Preference) fixed: BOOLEAN; horFitToPage: BOOLEAN; verFitToPage: BOOLEAN; horFitToWin: BOOLEAN; verFitToWin: BOOLEAN; END; SizePref = RECORD (Preference) w, h: INTEGER; fixedH, fixedW: BOOLEAN END; BoundsPref = RECORD (Preference) w, h: INTEGER END; FocusPref = RECORD (Preference) atLocation: BOOLEAN; x, y: INTEGER; hotFocus: BOOLEAN; setFocus: BOOLEAN END; ControlPref = RECORD (Preference) char: CHAR; focus: Views.View; getFocus: BOOLEAN; accepts: BOOLEAN END; PollVerbMsg = RECORD (Message) verb: INTEGER; label: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; disabled, checked: BOOLEAN END; DoVerbMsg = RECORD (Message) verb: INTEGER; frame: Views.Frame END; CollectMsg = RECORD (Controllers.Message) poll: PollMsg END; EmitMsg = RECORD (Controllers.RequestMessage) set: SetMsg END; PollPickMsg = RECORD (Controllers.TransferMessage) mark: BOOLEAN; show: BOOLEAN; dest: Views.Frame END; PickMsg = RECORD (Controllers.TransferMessage) prop: Property END; VAR era-: INTEGER; PROCEDURE IncEra; PROCEDURE CollectProp (OUT prop: Property); PROCEDURE CollectStdProp (OUT prop: StdProp); PROCEDURE EmitProp (old, prop: Property); PROCEDURE PollPick (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; mark, show: BOOLEAN; OUT dest: Views.Frame; OUT destX, destY: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Pick (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; OUT prop: Property); PROCEDURE Insert (VAR list: Property; x: Property); PROCEDURE CopyOf (p: Property): Property; PROCEDURE CopyOfList (p: Property): Property; PROCEDURE Merge (VAR base, override: Property); PROCEDURE Intersect (VAR list: Property; x: Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE IntersectSelections (a, aMask, b, bMask: SET; OUT c, cMask: SET; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE PreferredSize (v: Views.View; minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ProportionalConstraint (scaleW, scaleH: INTEGER; fixedW, fixedH: BOOLEAN; VAR w, h: INTEGER); PROCEDURE GridConstraint (gridX, gridY: INTEGER; VAR x, y: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ThisType (view: Views.View; type: Stores.TypeName): Views.View; END Properties. Practically every view has some state, and for much of that state it is desirable that the user can change it interactively. However, in an extensible system this means that for every new view at least one, or more likely several, new dialog boxes would have to be created, and would have to be learned by the user. It is more economical for both programmer and user to have a generic and extensible way to deal with such state. Properties are provided for exactly this purpose, to communicate internal state to the user, and to communicate back any desired changes. They are the hooks for a general property editor. Of course, some interactions are optimized for convenience, thus the most important editing operations are also accessible in a more direct way: via typing or direct manipulation with the mouse. Furthermore, combinations of often-used properties can still be handled by a custom-tailored dialog, instead of a less specific general property editor. However, except where there are standard messages already defined by lower levels of the BlackBox framework, properties are the preferred way to implement such interactions. Properties are communicated via property messages. A particularly light-weight version of a property message is called a Preference: preferences inquire about a view's current preference, e.g., what its preferred size is. Preferences are normally used for the internal communication of an embedded view with its container, rather than with the user. Preferences are static message records, and a receiver should never change its state upon reception of such a message. These restrictions make preferences efficient and side-effect free, and thus easy to use. As with all message records in BlackBox, property messages may, but need not, be handled. CONST color, typeface, size, style, weight When the focus view returns a StdProp property in the CollectMsg, the StdProp.known, the StdProp.readOnly, and the StdProp.valid sets may contain one or more of the above elements. If one of these elements is set in StdProp.known, the focus view knows about the corresponding property. If one of these elements is set in both StdProp.valid and StdProp.known, the focus view currently has an opinion about what the current value of this property is. These current values are returned in the other fields of StdProp. If one of these elements is set in both StdProp.valid and StdProp.readOnly, the focus view currently doesn't allow this property to be changed. CONST width, height When the focus view returns a SizeProp property in the CollectMsg, the SizeProp.known and the SizeProp.valid sets may contain one or more of these elements. If one of these elements is set in both SizeProp.valid and SizeProp.known, the SizeProp property contains the focus view's current width and height in the width and height fields. CONST noMark, mark These values may be passed to the mark parameter of procedure PollPick. They denote whether the target feedback during drag & pick should be drawn or not. CONST maxVerbs Maximum number of verbs in a context menu. CONST hide, show These values may be passed to the show parameter of procedure PollPick. They denote whether the target feedback during drag & pick should be shown or hidden. This parameter is only relevant if mark holds. TYPE Property ABSTRACT Properties are a general mechanism to get and set attributes of a view from its environment. A view may know about attributes such as font, color, size, and arbitrary other attributes. Properties may be extended only once. next-: Property Properties are connected in a list, implemented by the next field. known: SET Each property record may describe up to 32 different attributes. These attributes are numbered from 0..31. The known field tells which of these attributes are known to the view which responds to the CollectMsg. readOnly: SET readOnly - known = {} Each known attribute may currently be read-only, i.e., not modifiable. The readOnly field tells which of the attributes are currently read-only. The readOnly set must be a subset of the known set, i.e., no attribute can be read-only and unknown simultaneously. valid: SET valid - known = {} Each known attribute may currently be undefined. This happens particularly when properties of multiple objects are collected together and some attributes differ from object to object (property with mixed values). The valid field tells which of the attributes are currently defined. Their current values should be represented by further fields of the specific property record, e.g., field color in StdProp corresponds to element 0 in the valid set, field typeface to the element 1, etc. The valid set must be a subset of the known set; i.e., no attribute can be valid and unknown simultaneously. Additionally valid is used to specify which attributes should change if a property record is sent to an object. PROCEDURE (p: Property) IntersectWith (q: Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) A property record p must be able to compare itself with another property record q. If all attributes in p have the same values as in q, equal should be set to TRUE. Otherwise p should be set to the intersection of p and q and equal should be set to FALSE. The intersection is built by excluding all differing attributes from the valid set. It can be assumed that the type of p is exactly the same as the type of q. IntersectWith must maintain the Property invariant that valid is a subset of known; otherwise it is not interested in known. As an example, see the implementation of StdProp.IntersectWith below. TYPE StdProp (Property) These are the standard attributes known to any BlackBox implementation. They encompass font attributes as well as color. color: Dialog.Color valid iff constant color IN StdProp.valid Current color. typeface: Fonts.Typeface valid iff constant typeface IN StdProp.valid Current typeface. size: INTEGER valid iff constant size IN StdProp.valid Current size. It usually, but not necessarily, refers to a font's size. style: RECORD valid iff constant style IN StdProp.valid style IN StdProp.valid => StdProp.style.mask # {} StdProp.style.val - StdProp.style.mask = {} (* val is subset of mask *) Current style. Field style.mask denotes which style flags are valid, style.val denotes which of the valid flags are currently set. weight: INTEGER valid iff constant weight IN StdProp.valid Current font weight. PROCEDURE (p: StdProp) IntersectWith* (q: Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; c, m: SET; eq: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH q: StdProp DO equal := TRUE; valid := p.valid * q.valid; IF p.color.val # q.color.val THEN EXCL(valid, color) END; IF p.typeface # q.typeface THEN EXCL(valid, typeface) END; IF p.size # q.size THEN EXCL(valid, size) END; IntersectSelections(p.style.val, p.style.mask, q.style.val, q.style.mask, c, m, eq); IF m = {} THEN EXCL(valid, style) ELSIF (style IN valid) & ~eq THEN p.style.mask := m; equal := FALSE END; IF p.weight # q.weight THEN EXCL(valid, weight) END; IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END END END IntersectWith; TYPE SizeProp (Property) This property record represents the size of a rectangular area, e.g., of a view. width: INTEGER valid iff constant width IN SizeProp.valid The current width in universal units. height: INTEGER valid iff constant height IN SizeProp.valid The current height in universal units. TYPE Message ABSTRACT Base type of all property messages. TYPE PollMsg (Message) This message is sent to get the receiving view's properties. The receiver should return the properties of all its contents, not only the selection. prop: Property The list of returned properties which may be modified. No property exists twice in such a list. TYPE SetMsg (Message) This message is sent to set the receiving view's properties. The properties' known and readOnly fields are not used and thus not defined in this case. The receiver should set the properties of all its contents, not only the selection. old: Property This list is provided for modifications of the kind "replace old by new", e.g., "replace typeface Helvetica by Times". Can be NIL. prop: Property The list of properties to be changed. No property may exist twice in the list. TYPE Preference (Message) ABSTRACT Preferences are special property messages. They are normally used for the communication between an embedded view and its container. They should operate as functions, i.e. the receiver should return values, but never change its state. TYPE ResizePref (Preference) The receiver of this message can indicate that it doesn't wish to be resized, by setting fixed to TRUE. A fixed size view doesn't show resize handled when it is selected as a singleton. For the root view in a document or window the fields horFitToPage, verFitToPage, horFitToWin, and verFitToWin can be used to enforce automatic adaptation of the view size to the actual window or page size. For embedded views, these four flags have no effect, in contrast to fixed. fixed: BOOLEAN fixed => ~horFitToPage & ~verFitToPage & ~horFitToWin & ~verFitToWin (view => caller, preset to FALSE) Can be set to indicate that the receiver's size should remain the same. horFitToPage: BOOLEAN horFitToPage => ~horFitToWin (view => caller, preset to FALSE) Can be set to indicate that the receiver's width should be adapted to the actual page width. verFitToPage: BOOLEAN verFitToPage => ~verFitToWin (view => caller, preset to FALSE) Can be set to indicate that the receiver's height should be adapted to the actual page height. horFitToWin: BOOLEAN horFitToWin => ~horFitToPage (view => caller, preset to FALSE) Can be set to indicate that the receiver's width should be adapted to the actual window width. verFitToWin: BOOLEAN verFitToWin => ~verFitToPage (view => caller, preset to FALSE) Can be set to indicate that the receiver's height should be adapted to the actual window height. TYPE SizePref (Preference) The sender of this message proposes a size for the receiving view; the size may be Views.undefined. The receiving view may override the proposal, e.g., in order to establish constraints between its width and height. The procedures ProportionalConstraint and GridConstraint are useful standard implementations of constraints. Procedure PreferredSize implements the caller's side of the protocol, i.e., fills out, sends, and interprets a SizeMsg. w, h: INTEGER (w = Views.undefined) = (h = Views.undefined) (view => caller, preset to Views.undefined if view is new or to caller's preference otherwise) Desired width and height. Either both values are preset to Views.undefined, or none of them. fixedH, fixedW: BOOLEAN (caller => view) These values are set up when the message is sent, to indicate whether height or width of the view should remain fixed. This can be used e.g. to keep a view's proportions, by adapting the width if the height is fixed, and vice versa. (See procedure ProportionalConstraint) TYPE BoundsPref (Preference) The receiving view should compute its bounding box, or, if this is too expensive to do, it should return an approximation of or a suggested substitute for the true bounding box. Views that can display part of their contents, e.g., by supporting scrolling in one or both directions, will handle BoundsPref very differently from SizePref. While SizePref relates to constraints and preferences of the size of the current view onto the model, BoundsPref should compute the size the view would need to take to just fully display all of the model. For very large or complex models (such as uncast text running over many pages) this can be a very costly operation and therefore it is anticipated that views may return an approximation of a bounding size, or an alternate suggestion, such as a size that is "quite big" but no bigger than the model. w, h: INTEGER (view => caller, preset to Views.undefined) Preferred width and height. TYPE FocusPref (Preference) A view can indicate if it doesn't want to become focus permanently, e.g., a button. It may even decide so depending on where the mouse has been clicked. atLocation: BOOLEAN (caller => view) This flag is set if the receiver would become focus through a mouse click. x, y: INTEGER [units] (caller => view, valid iff atLocation) Position of mouse click relative to the receiving view's top-left corner. hotFocus: BOOLEAN (view => caller, preset to FALSE) The receiver can set this flag to indicate that the view should release its focus immediately after the mouse is released. Command buttons are typical hot foci. setFocus: BOOLEAN (view => caller, preset to FALSE) The receiver can set this flag to indicate that the view should become focus when the mouse is clicked inside (otherwise the view may become selected immediately, e.g., to be dragged & dropped). setFocus should be set for all true editors, such that context-sensitive menu commands can be attached to the view. TYPE ControlPref (Preference) A view can indicate its preferred behavior if it is embedded in a dialog (i.e., a container in mask mode, -> Containers) and a key is pressed. The ControlPref message is sent first to the actual focus view and then to all other views in the container until one of the views sets either the getFocus or the accepts bit or both. If none of the views respond to the message, the character is forwarded to the focus view. char: CHAR (caller => view) The key which was pressed. focus: Views.View (caller => view) The actual focus view. getFocus: BOOLEAN (view => caller, valid if (view # focus), preset to (char = tab) ) Indicates that the view wants to become the focus view. accepts: BOOLEAN (view => caller, preset to ((view = focus) & (char # tab)) ) This flag should be set if the receiver would accept and interpret char to invoke some action. The character is sent to the view in a separate Edit message. TYPE PollVerbMsg (Message) Message used to ask a view whether it supports custom verbs. A verb is some kind of action that the user can apply to a view and that is shown in a popup-menu. verb: INTEGER verb >= 0 (IN) (caller => view) The index of the verb to be polled. label: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR (view => caller, preset to "") Displayed label of the verb. disabled: BOOLEAN (view => caller, preset to FALSE) Indicates whether verb is enabled or disabled. checked: BOOLEAN (view => caller, preset to FALSE) Indicates whether verb is unchecked or checked. TYPE DoVerbMsg (Message) Execute a particular custom verb. verb: INTEGER (caller => view) The verb to be executed. frame: Views.Frame (caller => verb) The frame of the view where the verb was invoked by the user. TYPE CollectMsg (Controllers.Message) This controller message is sent along the focus path, to poll the properties of the innermost focus view's selection or caret, i.e., unlike PollMsg it does not return the properties of the whole contents. poll: PollMsg TYPE EmitMsg (Controllers.RequestMessage) This controller message is sent along the focus path, to set the properties of the innermost focus view's selection or caret, i.e., unlike SetMsg it does not set the properties of the whole contents. set: SetMsg TYPE PollPickMsg (Controllers.TransferMessage) While an item is being dragged around for the purpose of picking properties (BlackBox's Drag & Pick mechanism), PollPickMsgs are sent to enable feedback about the pick target. Note that this is similar to the role of Controllers.PollDropMsg for Drag & Drop. mark: BOOLEAN A container which supports pick feedback should show (hide) its feedback mark when mark is set (cleared). You don't need to deal with the view's border mark (the rectangular outline of the view which is drawn while you are dragging over a view), this is handled completely by BlackBox itself through its container abstraction. show: BOOLEAN Indicates whether the mark should be drawn or removed. dest: Views.Frame The receiver should set dest to its own frame, if it would accept a pick. TYPE PickMsg (Controllers.TransferMessage) Extension This message is used if properties are to be picked from the cursor's location. Note that this is similar to the Controllers.DropMsg for Drag & Drop. prop: Property The receiver should set prop to the properties at the cursor's location. VAR era-: INTEGER propEra >= 0 This variable is used by BlackBox to determine whether the focus view's properties may have changed. PROCEDURE IncEra Increments era. This procedure should be called whenever one or several properties of a view have changed. As a response, the system will eventually send a PollMsg to get the new properties, e.g., to reflect them in the menus or in a property editor. Post era = era' + 1 PROCEDURE CollectProp (OUT prop: Property) Poll focus view's properties. PROCEDURE CollectStdProp (OUT prop: StdProp) Poll focus view's standard properties. PROCEDURE EmitProp (old, prop: Property) Set focus view's properties to prop. If old is not NIL, only the properties corresponding to old are replaced by their prop counterparts. PROCEDURE PollPick (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; mark, show: BOOLEAN; OUT dest: Views.Frame; OUT destX, destY: INTEGER) Control pick feedback at location (x, y) relative to the coordinates of source, by sending a PollPickMsg msg. Presets msg.dest to NIL, msg.mark to mark, msg.show to show, and calls Controllers.Transfer(x, y, source, sourceX, sourceY, msg). Returns msg.dest, msg.destX, and msg.destY in dest, destX, and destY, respectively. Pre source # NIL 20 PROCEDURE Pick (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; OUT prop: Property) Pick properties at location (x, y) relative to the coordinates of source, by sending a PickMsg msg. Presets msg.prop to NIL and calls Controllers.Transfer(x, y, source, sourceX, sourceY, msg). Returns msg.prop in prop. PROCEDURE Insert (VAR list: Property; x: Property) Insert new property record x in list list. A property whose type is already in the list replaces the property in the list. The dynamic type of x must be a direct extension of type Property. Pre x # NIL 20 x.next = NIL 21 x # list 22 x.valid - x.known = {} 23 list # NIL list.valid - list.known = {} 24 extension-level(list) = 1 25 extension-level(x) = 1 26 PROCEDURE CopyOf (p: Property): Property Returns a copy of the property p (not of the entire list!). The dynamic types of every property inp must be a direct extension of type Property. Pre extension-level(p) = 1 20 PROCEDURE CopyOfList (p: Property): Property Returns a copy of the property list p. The dynamic types of every property inp must be a direct extension of type Property. Pre all x in {p, p.next, p.next.next, ...}: extension-level(x) = 1 20 PROCEDURE Merge (VAR base, override: Property) Merge two property lists base and override. If the type of a property is in both lists, the attributes of the property in override will be selected for the merged list. The merged list is returned in base. PROCEDURE Intersect (VAR list: Property; x: Property; OUT same: BOOLEAN) It reduces the properties in list by all these properties which are not in x, or which have different values in x. Furthermore, it determines whether both lists are the same. PROCEDURE IntersectSelections (a, aMask, b, bMask: SET; OUT c, cMask: SET; OUT equal: BOOLEAN) Support procedure to implement the IntersectWith procedure of properties containing a set. This procedure is equivalent to the following code: cMask := aMask * bMask - (a / b); c := a * cMask; equal := (aMask = bMask) & (bMask = cMask) PROCEDURE PreferredSize (v: Views.View; minW, maxW, minH, maxH, defW, defH: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER) Sets up a SizePref and uses it to ask view v for its sizing preferences. [minW, maxW] and [minH, maxH] are the legal ranges of width and height, respectively, that are acceptable to the caller. (defW, defH) is the caller-specified default size, i.e., the size that the caller prefers in the absence of any preferences of v; specifying (Views.undefined, Views.undefined) means "no default". (w, h) can be preset by the caller and will be used to preset the SizePref; normally the caller uses this to pass the current size of a view that is to be resized. However, if (w < Views.undefined) or (w > maxW), then defW will be used instead of w. Likewise, if (h < Views.undefined) or (h > maxH), then defH will be used instead of h. If v does not interpret a SizePref or returns w = Views.undefined, then defW overrides the preference of v. Likewise, if the SizePref returns h = Views.undefined, then defH overrides the preference of v. Finally, (w, h) will be clipped to ([minW, maxW], [minH, maxH]) before returning to the caller. Therefore, if v has no (or no valid) preferences and the caller-specified default (or preset) value is Views.undefined, then the minimum values will be returned. Pre Views.undefined < minW 20 minW < maxW 21 Views.undefined < minH 23 minH < maxH 24 Views.undefined <= defW 26 Views.undefiend <= defH 28 PROCEDURE ProportionalConstraint (scaleW, scaleH: INTEGER; fixedW, fixedH: BOOLEAN; VAR w, h: INTEGER) Supports proportional resizing of rectangular shapes such as views. (scaleW, scaleH) is the size of a rectangle of the required proportions, e.g., (2,3) represents all rectangles having a ratio width to height of 2:3. (w, h) is the proposed size and ProportionalConstraint modifies this pair to satisfy the proportionality constraint. Normally, ProportionalConstraint performs its function by changing both, w and h, such that the resulting rectangle satisfies the constraint and that the new rectangle's area is as close to the old rectangle's area as possible. By setting fixedW, the constraint is satisfied by only changing h. Likewise, setting fixedH asks for at most changing w. When both, fixedW and fixedH, are set, then this is ignored and again the area-preserving heuristics is used. Pre w > Views.undefined 20 h > Views.undefined 21 scaleW > Views.undefined 22 scaleH > Views.undefined 23 ~fixedW OR ~fixedH 24 PROCEDURE GridConstraint (gridX, gridY: INTEGER; VAR x, y: INTEGER) Supports forcing the coordinates of a point, such as one of the corners of a view, to the nearest point of a grid. (gridX, gridY) specifies the resolution of the grid in x and y direction, e.g., (5,3) specifies a grid with valid coordinates being multiples of 5 in the x and multiples of 3 in the y direction. Pre gridX > Views.undefined 20 gridY > Views.undefined 21
Sequencers This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
Services DEFINITION Services; CONST immediately = -1; now = 0; resolution = 1000; TYPE Action = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (a: Action) Do-, NEW, ABSTRACT END; InsistentAction = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Action) END; SafeAction = ABSTRACT RECORD trapped-: BOOLEAN; (VAR a: SafeAction) Do, NEW, ABSTRACT END; SafeRecAction = ABSTRACT RECORD (SafeAction) (VAR a: SafeRecAction) Do; (VAR a: SafeRecAction) DoRec (VAR rec: ANYREC), NEW, ABSTRACT END; VAR itemsInTheQueue-: INTEGER; PROCEDURE DoLater (a: Action; notBefore: LONGINT); PROCEDURE RemoveAction (a: Action); PROCEDURE Ticks (): LONGINT; PROCEDURE GetTypeName (IN rec: ANYREC; OUT type: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SameType (IN ra, rb: ANYREC): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsExtensionOf (IN ra, rb: ANYREC): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Is (IN rec: ANYREC; IN type: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Extends (IN type, base: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Level (IN type: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER; PROCEDURE TypeLevel (IN rec: ANYREC): INTEGER; PROCEDURE AdrOf (IN rec: ANYREC): INTEGER; PROCEDURE Collect; PROCEDURE Try (VAR a: SafeAction); PROCEDURE TryRec (VAR a: SafeRecAction; VAR rec: ANYREC); END Services. Green color denote new features for version 2.0. This module provides a variety of low-level services. Currently, only a timing service, a background processing service, and a reflection service is provided. Actions are objects whose Do procedures are executed in a delayed fashion, when the system is idle. An action which re-installs itself whenever it is invoked operates as a non-preemptive background task. The reflection service, unlike module Meta, only works on records, and it is also applicable to temporary variables on the stack (while Meta items typically denote long-lived variables). Examples: ObxActionsdocu ObxCubesdocu CONST immediately This value can be passed to DoLater as notBefore parameter, if the action must be executed as part of the currently executing command. CONST now This value can be passed to DoLater as notBefore parameter, if the action should be executed as quickly as possible, after the currently executing command. CONST resolution Time resolution in ticks per second. The current time can be inquired by procedure Ticks. VAR actionsInTheQueue- : INTEGER; Current abount of actions in the queue. TYPE Action ABSTRACT Actions are objects whose Do procedures are called in a deferred way, when the system is idle again. PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do- NEW, ABSTRACT For a registered action a, a.Do is called eventually, depending how it has been registered (see DoLater). TYPE InsistentAction (Action) ABSTRACT Extension of basic Action, wich has higher prioryty then the mouse tracking loop proceed. This action is not recommended for calling any graphical commands (Views.Update etc), because this can lead to instability of the framework. TYPE SafeAction ABSTRACT SafeActions are objects whose Do procedures can be called in a 'protected' fashion: if a trap occurs during the execution of Do, control returns to the caller (as opposed to terminating the whole running command). trapped-: BOOLEAN TRUE if the last execution of Do ended in a trap; FALSE if Do returned successfully. Valid only after Try. PROCEDURE (a: SafeAction) Do NEW, ABSTRACT Do is called in a protected fashion by Try. TYPE SafeRecAction ABSTRACT SafeRecActions are like SafeActions, but their DoRec procedure has a reference record variable parameter. trapped-: BOOLEAN TRUE if the last execution of DoRec ended in a trap; FALSE if DoRec returned successfully. Valid only after TryRec. PROCEDURE (a: SafeRecAction) DoRec (VAR rec: ANYREC) NEW, ABSTRACT DoRec is called in a protected fashion by TryRec. PROCEDURE DoLater (a: Action; notBefore: LONGINT) Register an action. Its Do procedure will be executed once, later when time permits. a.Do is called eventually after Ticks() has reached notBefore, or if notBefore = now. If the action's Do procedure should be executed more than once, it may call DoLater to re-install itself. A particular action can only be registered once; additional attempts have no effect. Pre a # NIL 20 PROCEDURE RemoveAction (a: Action) Remove a registered action. If action a is not registered or NIL, nothing happens. PROCEDURE Ticks (): LONGINT Returns the current time in clock ticks. These ticks have a resolution of resolution., i.e., resolution ticks per second. PROCEDURE GetTypeName (IN rec: ANYREC; OUT type: ARRAY OF CHAR) Returns the name of a record type, in the form "module.type". If a pointer is passed, its record type is returned. If the record is anonymous, the pointer's type name is returned, e.g., "FormViews.StdView". PROCEDURE SameType (IN ra, rb: ANYREC): BOOLEAN Determines whether two record variables have (exactly!) the same type. PROCEDURE IsExtensionOf (IN ra, rb: ANYREC): BOOLEAN Determines whether the record type of ra is the same or an extension of the type of rb. PROCEDURE Is (IN rec: ANYREC; IN type: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN Determines whether the record type of rec is the same or an extension of the type given in type (e.g., as "FormViews.View"). If type type was not found, FALSE is returned. Pre type # "" 20 type has form "module.type" 21 PROCEDURE Extends (IN type, base: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN Determines whether the record type type is the same or an extension of the type base. If type type or base was not found, FALSE is returned. Pre type # "" & base # "" 20 type and base have form "module.type" 21 PROCEDURE Level (IN type: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER Determines the extension level of a record type type. A newly introduced type has level 0. If type type was not found, -1 is returned. Pre type # "" 20 type has form "module.type" 21 PROCEDURE TypeLevel (IN rec: ANYREC): INTEGER Determines the extension level of a record variable rec's type. A newly introduced type has level 0. PROCEDURE AdrOf (IN rec: ANYREC): INTEGER Returns the address of a record variable. PROCEDURE Collect Forces a garbage collection. PROCEDURE Try (VAR a: SafeAction) Calls a.Do. Try returns even if a trap occurs during the execution of Do. a.trapped can be analyzed to check if Do trapped or returned successfully. PROCEDURE TryRec (VAR a: SafeAction; VAR rec: ANYREC) Calls a.DoRec(rec). TryRec returns even if a trap occurs during the execution of DoRec. a.trapped can be analyzed to check if Do trapped or returned successfully.
SMath Module SMath is identical to Math except that it uses the 32-bit SHORTREAL type instead of the normal 64-bit REAL type.
Stores DEFINITION Stores; IMPORT Files; CONST alienVersion = 1; alienComponent = 2; inconsistentVersion = -1; inconsistentType = -2; moduleFileNotFound = -3; invalidModuleFile = -4; inconsModuleVersion = -5; typeNotFound = -6; TYPE TypeName = ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; TypePath = ARRAY 16 OF TypeName; OpName = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; Domain = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD PROCEDURE (d: Domain) GetSequencer (): ANYPTR, NEW; PROCEDURE (d: Domain) SetSequencer (sequencer: ANYPTR), NEW END; Operation = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD PROCEDURE (op: Operation) Do, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Store = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD PROCEDURE (s: Store) Domain (): Domain, NEW; PROCEDURE (s: Store) CopyFrom- (source: Store), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (s: Store) Internalize- (VAR rd: Reader), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (s: Store) Externalize- (VAR wr: Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (s: Store) ExternalizeAs- (VAR s1: Store), NEW, EMPTY END; Reader = RECORD rider-: Files.Reader; cancelled-: BOOLEAN; readAlien-: BOOLEAN; (VAR rd: Reader) ConnectTo (f: Files.File), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) Pos (): INTEGER, NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadBool (OUT x: BOOLEAN), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSChar (OUT x: SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXChar (OUT x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadChar (OUT x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSInt (OUT x: SHORTINT), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXInt (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadInt (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadLong (OUT x: LONGINT), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSReal (OUT x: SHORTREAL), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXReal (OUT x: REAL), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadReal (OUT x: REAL), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSet (OUT x: SET), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSString (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXString (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadString (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadStore (OUT x: Store), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadVersion (min, max: INTEGER; OUT version: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) TurnIntoAlien (cause: INTEGER), NEW END; Writer = RECORD rider-: Files.Writer; writtenStore-: Store; (VAR wr: Writer) ConnectTo (f: Files.File), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) Pos (): INTEGER, NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) SetPos (pos: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteBool (x: BOOLEAN), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSChar (x: SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXChar (x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteChar (x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteByte (x: BYTE), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSInt (x: SHORTINT), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXInt (x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteInt (x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteLong (x: LONGINT), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSReal (x: SHORTREAL), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXReal (x: REAL), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteReal (x: REAL), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSet (x: SET), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSString (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteStore (x: Store), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteVersion (version: INTEGER), NEW END; AlienComp = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD next-: AlienComp END; AlienPiece = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (AlienComp) next-: AlienComp; pos-, len-: INTEGER END; AlienPart = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (AlienComp) next-: AlienComp; store-: Store END; Alien = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Store) path-: TypePath; cause-: INTEGER; file-: Files.File; comps-: AlienComp END; PROCEDURE InitDomain (s: Store); PROCEDURE CopyOf (s: Store): Store; PROCEDURE Join (s0, s1: Store); PROCEDURE Joined (s0, s1: Store): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Unattached (s: Store): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ExternalizeProxy (s: Store): Store; PROCEDURE Report (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR); END Stores. Introduction Module Stores defines a data type Store, which should be used as base type of all storable extensible objects. When storing an object of an extensible type, it is necessary to store not only its contents but also its particular type. The type is needed to create an object of the correct type when reading the data in again. A variable of (an extension of) type Store is stored in a file. A store must implement the Internalize procedure which takes a Reader as parameter, and the Externalize procedure which takes a Writer as parameter. These procedures read/write the store's persistent state. (A store may also have temporary state which is not internalized/externalized.) Readers and writers are mappers on files. The types Views.View and TextModels.Model are examples of Store extensions. Stores may form arbitrary graphs. The "boundary" of a graph is determined by its domain. This is an object that represents the whole collection of stores that can be externalized to a file, or be internalized from a file. The stores of a domain are externalized and internalized such that pointers among them are reconstructed correctly upon internalization. In particular, alias pointers are handled correctly: if several stores point to another element of the same domain, this element is read in only once, and all the pointers to it are rebuilt. Arbitrary graphs can be handled this way, e.g., cyclic data structures. Links to stores of other domains are prohibited. A document consists of a hierarchy of views and models, both of which are stores. Possibly there may occur further stores in a document, such as text attribute objects or controller objects. All stores of a document share the same domain. The stores of a domain may be manipulated indirectly via operation objects. An operation implements a method Do, which must be auto-inverse (i.e., executing it twice undoes its effect). This is the key to the undo/redo mechanism of the compound document architecture of BlackBox. However, in principle it could also be used by a transaction mechanism to implement transactions on persistent non-document data represented as stores. The contents of a store is stored in a file. When reading the same file by another BlackBox configuration, it may occur that not all necessary modules are available in this configuration, i.e., the module which defines the store's type cannot be loaded. Yet reading such an "alien" store does not fail completely. Instead of the correct store type, an "alien" object is generated. Obviously such an alien cannot interpret the data it represents, and therefore cannot provide any special behavior. However, it may be copied and stored into another file, such that its contents on the new file are intact and consistent. To define the set of stores that belong to a domain and to set up an actual domain, two procedures have to be provided by the framework. A first procedure is needed to collect stores in sets and to join store sets, and a second procedure is used to assign an actual domain object to a set of stores. In BlackBox these procedures are Join and InitDomain. They are discussed in more detail below. Join Procedure Join is used to join two store sets. This procedure has to be called whenever a link from a store in one set is established to a store in the other set. As arguments, representatives of the two store sets have to be passed. Join is symmetric. If the two stores which are passed as arguments already belong to the same set, Join has no effect. Figure 1 demonstrates the effect of a Join operation on two store sets X and Y. Figure 1: Effect of a Join operation on two disjoint store sets X and Y. Join calls have to be added at those places where newly created stores are connected, usually in a factory procedure. All those stores have to be joined with a store s which are written to disk in the Externalize method of store s. Join calls are not necessary in the Internalize and CopyOf methods where usually also links between stores are established. Module Stores has sufficient information to join these stores itself. The function Joined allows to test whether two given stores belong to the same store set, i.e., whether they have been joined or not. Joined is symmetric, reflexive and transitive. InitDomain In order to assign an actual domain object to a free store or a store set, the procedure InitDomain is called. As parameter a member of the set (or a single store) is passed. The actual domain object is created inside module Stores (Domain is limited) and then assigned to all stores in the set. After a domain has been assigned to a store graph this domain can be accessed with the Domain() method defined in the Store type. If InitDomain is called on a store which is already assigned to a domain object, then the procedure has no effect. The framework calls InitDomain in module Documents only whenever a new document is created. Usually, there is no need for BlackBox programmers to call InitDomain themselves, except when a deep copy of a document is created. The arguments of Join may or may not be bound to a domain. If only one argument store is bound to a domain, then the effect of Join is that all stores in the other set are bound to the same domain object. If both arguments are bound to a domain then they have to be bound to the same one and Join has no effect, otherwise a precondition trap is raised. The function Joined can be applied on stores independent of whether they are bound to a domain or not. If store s0 or s1 is bound to a domain, then Joined(s0, s1) is equivalent to s0.Domain() = s1.Domain(). The procedures Join and InitDomain specify the following pre and post conditions. PROCEDURE Join (s0, s1: Store) PRE 20 s0 # NIL PRE 21 s1 # NIL PRE 22 s0.Domain() = NIL OR s1.Domain() = NIL OR s0.Domain() = s1.Domain() POST Joined(s0, s1) PROCEDURE InitDomain (s: Store) PRE 20 s # NIL POST s.Domain() # NIL If two stores have to be joined and precondition 22 is not met, then a deep copy of one of the two stores has to be generated using CopyOf. Alias pointers and copying The stores of a domain are externalized and internalized such that pointers among them are reconstructed correctly upon internalization. In particular, alias pointers are handled correctly: if several stores point to a particular element of the same domain, this element is read in only once, and all the pointers to it are rebuilt. Arbitrary graphs can be handled this way, including cyclic data structures. Cloning of stores is provided by procedure CopyOf. This procedure creates a new object and then calls the CopyFrom method with the original object as parameter. This mechanism can conceptually be regarded as writing the store to a file and then reading it back as a clone. Alias pointers are handled correctly. Whenever CopyOf is called, all copied stores are stored in a table which is associated with the store's set of joined stores. All recursive calls of CopyOf can access this information. After the top-level call of CopyOf terminates, the table with the copies is discarded. However, there would be a problem with restoring alias pointers if during a call of CopyOf additional stores are added to the store set which contains the alias information. Therefore, Join(s0, s1) must not be called while a CopyOf operation is active either on s0 or on s1. If such a situation appears, then an implementation trap is raised. This can be avoided by joining the involved stores before copying the store graph. Additional Remarks Aliens Aliens are handled in a special way regarding domains. Since aliens are immutable, they are never copied and can be inserted into any store graph. As a store can only reference one domain, this would violate the rule that a store in a document may not refer to stores that belong to another domain. Therefore, all aliens are assigned a special domain for aliens. Module Stores knows this rule and does not trap if an alien is externalized. Operations and undo Calls of Join or InitDomain on stores are not operations, thus these calls cannot be undone! If stores are joined or assigned to a domain as a side effect of an operation and if the operation is undone, then the asignments which were performed on involved stores are not undone. This may require that a deep copy is generated before an operation is applied to a store graph. Shallow copies Module Views offers a procedure CopyOf which allows to make shallow copies of views. A shallow copy of a view means that the copy refers to the same model like the original. As models and views are always joined, this implies that a view and its shallow copy are also joined. Inspecting a store set A store set cannot be inspected programmatically beyond what is offered by procedure Joined. However, the debugger allows to iterate over all stores in a store set. The stores which belong to the same store set are linked in a circular list. As soon as a domain object is associated to the set, the links are set to NIL and each store in the set refers to the new domain object. To iterate over a store set the debugger has to be called before the store set is bound. Then, the stores can be iterated with the store's next field. Listing 2 shows a simple procedure which generates an empty text view and then opens the debugger. Following the next fields of the view v, you see that the following seven stores are joined in one set: TextModels.Model, TextModels.Attributes, TextRulers.Ruler, TextRulers.Style, TextRulers.Attributes, TextViews.View and TextControllers.Controller. MODULE Test; IMPORT TextViews, TextModels; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR v: TextViews.View; BEGIN v := TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.New()); HALT(0); END Do; END Test. Listing 2: Inspecting the stores in a store set Unattached Function Unattached(s) tests whether a store s has been joined to other stores or was bound to a domain. If neither is the case Unattached returns TRUE. This function is only provided by the framework to decide whether a single store can be simply joined to another store graph or whether a deep copy must be generated; e.g., for a store that is kept in a cache and which may be joined to different store graphs. For this special purpose the following code pattern is used. In this example, store s1 is copied if it is attached. This way an unnecessary copy call in the case that the store is unattached is prevented. IF ~Stores.Joined(s0, s1) THEN IF ~Stores.Unattached(s1) THEN s1 := Stores.CopyOf(s1) END; Stores.Join(s0, s1) END; The pattern is not symmetric because it is often known statically that either s0 or s1 should never be copied. It is used for small stores which are generated once and which may be joined to different store sets. Data types Stores provides a pair of mapper types, which are used as parameters in a store's Internalize and Externalize procedures. These readers/writers use the following external (little endian) format: BOOLEAN 1 byte (0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE) SHORTCHAR 1 byte in the Latin-1 character set (i.e., Unicode page 0; 00X..0FFX) CHAR 2 byte in the Unicode character set (0000X..0FFFFX) BYTE 1 byte (-128..127) SHORTINT 2 bytes (-32768..32767) INTEGER 4 bytes (-2147483648..2147483647) LONGINT 8 bytes (-9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807) SHORTREAL 4 bytes IEEE format REAL 8 bytes IEEE format SET 4 bytes (least significant bit = element 0) Short String string in the Latin-1 character set, followed by a 00X String string in the Unicode character set, followed by a 0000X CONST alienVersion This value is assigned to a Reader's cause field if Reader.ReadVersion read a version outside of the specified range. CONST alienComponent This value can be used as cause parameter to Reader.TurnIntoAlien to indicate that the store itself could be read, but that some store contained in it is an alien. As an example, a view may turn itself into an alien if its model is an alien. CONST inconsistentVersion This value is assigned to a Reader's cause field if Reader.ReadVersion read a data block which has an inconsistent length, i.e., not all of its data have been read, or it has been attempted to read beyond the end of the data. CONST inconsistentType This value is assigned to a Reader's cause field if Reader.ReadVersion detected a change in the type extension hierarchy of the internalized type. CONST moduleFileNotFound This value is assigned to a Reader's cause field if Reader.ReadVersion tried to load a module defining an internalized type, and the codefile for this module couldn't be found. CONST invalidModuleFile This value is assigned to a Reader's cause field if Reader.ReadVersion tried to load a module defining an internalized type, and the module couldn't be loaded because it imports another module which cannot be loaded for some reason. CONST inconsModuleVersion This value is assigned to a Reader's cause field if Reader.ReadVersion tried to load a module defining an internalized type, and the module couldn't be loaded because its version is inconsistent with some already loaded module. CONST typeNotFound This value is assigned to a Reader's cause field if Reader.ReadVersion tried to internalize a non-existing type (the module was found, however). TYPE TypeName String type for the type name of an object. TYPE TypePath Array of type names. TYPE OpName String type for the name of an operation. TYPE Domain LIMITED A domain represents a graph of stores which may be saved in a file as a whole. All stores of a domain refer to an object of type Domain. PROCEDURE (d: Domain) GetSequencer (): ANYPTR NEW Used internally. PROCEDURE (d: Domain) SetSequencer (sequencer: ANYPTR) NEW Used internally. TYPE Operation ABSTRACT An operation is an object that represents a command performed on some store(s) of a domain. An operation can be undone (i.e., aborted) and redone. PROCEDURE (op: Operation) Do NEW, ABSTRACT This method implements the actual behavior of the operation. It must be auto-inverse, i.e., if executed an even number of times, it must have no effect. If executed an odd number of times, it should have the same effect. TYPE Store ABSTRACT Storable extensible data types like Views.View or TextModels.Text are derived from Store. Stores are typically allocated by suitable directories, e.g., Views.Directory or TextModels.Directory. Stores are used as base types for all objects that must be both extensible and persistent. PROCEDURE (s: Store) Domain (): Domain NEW A store may be associated with a domain. This is done by the procedure InitDomain, which assigns a domain to the store. Domain may be called by arbitrary clients. PROCEDURE (s: Store) CopyFrom- (source: Store) NEW, EMPTY Copy the contents of source to s. Copying is a deep copy. Pre source # NIL guaranteed TYP(source) = TYP(s) guaranteed s.Domain() = NIL guaranteed s is not yet initialized guaranteed PROCEDURE (s: Store) Internalize- (VAR rd: Reader) NEW, EMPTY (For backward compatibility, this method is actually still EXTENSIBLE. This may change in the future.) Reads the contents of s from reader rd. Internalize must read the same (amount of) data as is written by the corresponding Externalize procedure. Internalize is called locally. Internalize is extended by various persistent object types, e.g., models, views, and controllers. Pre source.Domain() = NIL guaranteed source is not yet initialized guaranteed PROCEDURE (s: Store) Externalize- (VAR wr: Writer) NEW, EMPTY (For backward compatibility, this method is actually still EXTENSIBLE. This may change in the future.) Write the contents of s to writer wr. Externalize must write the same (amount of) data as is read by the corresponding Internalize procedure. Externalize is called locally. Externalize is extended by various persistent object types, e.g., models, views, and controllers. PROCEDURE (s: Store) ExternalizeAs- (VAR s1: Store) NEW, EMPTY Before a store's Externalize procedure is called, its ExternalizeAs procedure is called, which gives the store the opportunity to denote another store that should be externalized in its place (a "proxy"). It is also possible to set s1 to NIL, which means that the store should not be externalized at all. This is used e.g. for compiler error markers, which are never stored. ExternalizeAs is called locally. Pre s1 = s guaranteed TYPE Reader Reader for Component Pascal values like integers, reals, or sets. A reader contains a Files.Reader, to which it forwards most operations. Readers are used in the Store.Internalize procedure. Readers are not extensible. rider-: Files.Reader The file rider which links a Reader to a file. cancelled-: BOOLEAN Tells whether reading has been canceled by ReadVersion or TurnIntoAlien since the last ConnectTo. readAlien-: BOOLEAN Tells whether any alien has been read since the last ConnectTo. PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ConnectTo (f: Files.File) NEW Connect the reader to a file. All the following operations require connected readers, i.e., rd.rider # NIL. This precondition is not checked explicitly, however. After connecting, the reader's position is at the beginning of the file. If the same reader should be reused on another file, it must first be closed, by connecting it to NIL. ConnectTo is used internally. Pre 20 (f = NIL) OR (rd.rider = NIL) Post f = NIL rd.rider = NIL f # NIL (rd.rider # NIL) & (rd.rider.Base() = f) rd.Pos() = 0 PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) Pos (): INTEGER NEW Returns the reader's current position. Post 0 <= result <= rd.rider.Base().Length() PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER) NEW Sets the reader's current position to pos. Pre 20 pos >= 0 21 pos <= rd.rider.Base().Length() Post rd.Pos() = pos ~rd.rider.eof PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadBool (OUT x: BOOLEAN) NEW Reads a Boolean value. PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSChar (OUT x: SHORTCHAR) NEW Reads a short character (00X..0FFX). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXChar (OUT x: CHAR) NEW Same as ReadSChar, but has a CHAR-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadChar (OUT x: CHAR) NEW Reads a character (0000X..0FFFFX). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE) NEW Reads a very short integer (-128..127). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSInt (OUT x: SHORTINT) NEW Reads a short integer (-32768..32767). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXInt (OUT x: INTEGER) NEW Same as ReadSInt, but has an INTEGER-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadInt (OUT x: INTEGER) NEW Reads an integer (-2147483648..2147483647). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadLong (OUT x: LONGINT) NEW Reads a long integer (-9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSReal (OUT x: SHORTREAL) NEW Reads a short real (32-bit IEEE number). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXReal (OUT x: REAL) NEW Same as ReadSReal, but has a REAL-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadReal (OUT x: REAL) NEW Reads a real (64-bit IEEE number). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSet (OUT x: SET) NEW Reads a set (32 elements). PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSString (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR) NEW Reads a 0X-terminated short string. Pre invalid index LEN(x) > Length(string) PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXString (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Same as ReadSString, but has a string-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadString (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Reads a 0X-terminated string. Pre invalid index LEN(x) > Length(string) PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadStore (OUT x: Store) NEW Reads a store's type, allocates it, and then reads its contents, by calling the store's Internalize procedure. x may also be NIL, or an alien if the store's module cannot be loaded, or if internalization has been cancelled by the Internalize procedure. If the store has already been read in, a pointer to the same store is returned instead of allocating a new one. This means that arbitrary graphs that have been written with WriteStore are reconstructed correctly, including alias pointers to the same store, cycles, etc. If the file on which the reader operates does not contain correct input, then an assertion trap will be caused (traps 101 to trap 106). Pre 20 the reader is at the start position of a new store Post empty store on file x = NIL non-empty store on file x # NIL x IS Alien x.cause # 0 x.type # "" x.file # NIL x.pos >= 0 beginning of store's data x.len >= 0 length of store's data alien store contents are on x.file in the range [x.pos .. x.pos + x.len[. These data include only the store's contents, not its prefix ~(x IS Alien) x was read successfully PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadVersion (min, max: INTEGER; OUT version: INTEGER) NEW Read a version byte and return it in version. If version is not in the specified range [min .. max], the store currently being read is turned into an alien, with cause = alienVersion. Pre 20 0 <= min <= max Post min <= version <= max legal version (version < min) OR (version > max) illegal version rd.cause = alienVersion rd.cancelled rd.readAlien PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) TurnIntoAlien (cause: INTEGER) NEW A store which is currently being internalized can turn itself into an alien, e.g., if it has read a component store which is an alien. Pre 20 cause > 0 TYPE Writer Writer for Component Pascal values like integers, reals, or sets. A writer contains a Files.Writer, to which it forwards most operations. Writers are used in the Externalize procedure. Writers are not extensible. rider-: Files.Writer A file rider which links a Writer to a file. writtenStore-: Store Store which was most recently written as an effect of a call to WriteStore. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) ConnectTo (f: Files.File) NEW Connect the writer to a file. All the following operations require connected writers, i.e., wr.rider # NIL. This precondition is not checked explicitly, however. After connecting, the writer's position is at the end of the file. If the same writer should be reused on another file, it must first be closed, by connecting it to NIL. ConnectTo is used internally. Pre 20 (f = NIL) OR (wr.rider = NIL) Post f = NIL wr.rider = NIL f # NIL wr.rider # NIL & wr.rider.Base() = f wr.Pos() = wr.rider.Base().Length() PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) Pos (): INTEGER NEW Returns the writer's current position. Post 0 <= result <= wr.rider.Base().Length() PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) SetPos (pos: INTEGER) NEW Sets the writer's current position to pos. Pre 20 pos >= 0 21 pos <= wr.rider.Base().Length() Post wr.Pos() = pos PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteBool (x: BOOLEAN) NEW Writes a Boolean value. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSChar (x: SHORTCHAR) NEW Writes a character (00X..0FFX). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXChar (x: CHAR) NEW Same as WriteSChar, but has a CHAR-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteChar (x: CHAR) NEW Writes a character (0000X..0FFFFX). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteByte (x: BYTE) NEW Writes a very short integer (-128..127). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSInt (x: SHORTINT) NEW Writes a short integer (-32768..32767). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXInt (x: INTEGER) NEW Same as WriteSInt, but has an INTEGER-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteInt (x: INTEGER) NEW Writes an integer (-2147483648..2147483647). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteLong (x: LONGINT) NEW Writes a long integer (-9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSReal (x: SHORTREAL) NEW Writes a real (32-bit IEEE number). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXReal (x: REAL) NEW Same as WriteSReal, but has a REAL-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteReal (x: REAL) NEW Writes a long real (64-bit IEEE number). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSet (x: SET) NEW Writes a set (32 elements). PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSString (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR) NEW Writes a 0X-terminated short string. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Same as WriteSString, but has a string-type parameter. This procedure is provided to simplify migration from Release 1.2 to 1.3. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Writes a 0X-terminated string. PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteStore (x: Store) NEW Writes the store's type and then its contents, by calling the store's Externalize procedure. x may also be NIL, or an alien. Before Externalize, ExternalizeAs is called in order to give the store the opportunity to denote a proxy which should be stored in its stead. WriteStore writes x and (via Externalize) all the stores that it contains. Cycles are handled correctly, i.e., a store is only written once, even if referenced several times in a complex graph. All stores that are written using the same writer must have the identical domain. Pre 20 wr.rider # NIL 21 x # NIL => writer must have no domain, or the same one as x (and as all previously written stores) PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteVersion (version: INTEGER) NEW Writes a version byte. Pre 20 0 <= version <= 127 TYPE AlienComp, AlienPiece, AlienPart, Alien LIMITED These auxiliary types are used internally, to handle alien stores. PROCEDURE Join (s0, s1: Store) Join two stores in the same store set. See the explanation at the beginning of this text. Pre 20 s0 # NIL 21 s1 # NIL 22 s0.Domain() = NIL OR s1.Domain() = NIL OR s0.Domain() = s1.Domain() Post Joined(s0, s1) PROCEDURE Joined (s0, s1: Store): BOOLEAN Test whether two stores are joined. Joined(x, x) always returns TRUE, i.e., it is reflexive. Pre 20 s0 # NIL 21 s1 # NIL PROCEDURE Unattached (s: Store): BOOLEAN Tests whether s is not attached to a domain and whether it has not been joined with another store. Rarely used. Pre 20 s # NIL PROCEDURE CopyOf (s: Store): Store Returns the clone of a store, with its contents copied. CopyOf allocates a new record with the same dynamic type as s, and initializes it by calling its CopyFrom procedure. The copy is a deep copy. Pre 20 s # NIL Post (result # NIL) & (result # s) TYP(result) = TYP(s) PROCEDURE InitDomain (s: Store) Initializes the domain of store s. See the explanation at the beginning of this text. Pre 20 s # NIL Post s.Domain() # NIL PROCEDURE ExternalizeProxy (s: Store): Store Causes s to call its ExternalizeAs method, basically doing the following: IF s # NIL THEN s.ExternalizeAs(s) END; RETURN s PROCEDURE Report (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR) When a store encounters a problem during internalization, it can report the problem by calling this procedure. The parameters are similar to Dialog.ShowParamMsg.
Stores64 DEFINITION Stores64; IMPORT Files, Files64, Stores; TYPE Reader = RECORD rider-: Files64.Reader; cancelled-, readAlien-: BOOLEAN; (VAR rd: Reader) ConnectTo (f: Files64.File), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) Pos (): LONGINT, NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadBool (OUT x: BOOLEAN), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadByte (OUT x: BYTE), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadChar (OUT x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadInt (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadLong (OUT x: LONGINT), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadReal (OUT x: REAL), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSChar (OUT x: SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSInt (OUT x: SHORTINT), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSReal (OUT x: SHORTREAL), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSString (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSet (OUT x: SET), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadStore (OUT x: Stores.Store), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadString (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXChar (OUT x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXInt (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXReal (OUT x: REAL), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXString (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR rd: Reader) SetPos (pos: LONGINT), NEW END; Writer = RECORD rider-: Files64.Writer; writtenStore-: Stores.Store; (VAR wr: Writer) ConnectTo (f: Files64.File), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) Pos (): LONGINT, NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) SetPos (pos: LONGINT), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteBool (x: BOOLEAN), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteByte (x: BYTE), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteChar (x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteInt (x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteLong (x: LONGINT), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteReal (x: REAL), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSChar (x: SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSInt (x: SHORTINT), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSReal (x: SHORTREAL), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSString (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSet (x: SET), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteStore (x: Stores.Store), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteVersion (version: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXChar (x: CHAR), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXInt (x: INTEGER), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXReal (x: REAL), NEW; (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXString (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; PROCEDURE NewSegment (container: Files64.File; org: LONGINT): Files.File; END Stores64. This module provides Reader and Writer objects similar to Stores.Reader and Stores.Writer but for 64-bit files (Files64). Stores64 read and write operations can be applied to the full file space (MAX(LONGINT)) except for the following limitation. The file space for stores must fit within MAX(INTEGER) bytes because for compatibility reasons the file format being used is the same as for Stores.Store. In order to avoid this limitation, a separate ConnectTo operation (typically followed by SetPos) can be executed. This resets internal data structures and restarts checking the store size limitation with the next WriteStore/ReadStore operation. Stores read resp. written after different ConnectTo operations do not refer to each other but are treated as if they are in different files. For the documentation of Reader and Writer operations see Stores. PROCEDURE NewSegment (container: Files64.File; org: LONGINT): Files.File; Creates and returns a 32-bit file segment backed by a 64-bit container file starting at position org. The returned file segment can be used for connecting a Stores.Reader or Stores.Writer, for example. Segments are also used internally for handling ReadStore and WriteStore. A segment cannot be registered. Pre container # NIL 20 ~container.Closed() 21 org >= 0 22
Strings DEFINITION Strings; CONST charCode = -1; decimal = 10; digitspace = 8FX; hexadecimal = -2; hideBase = FALSE; roman = -3; showBase = TRUE; PROCEDURE Extract (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos, len: INTEGER; OUT res: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Find (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN pat: ARRAY OF CHAR; start: INTEGER; OUT pos: INTEGER); PROCEDURE GetDecimalSign (): CHAR; PROCEDURE IntToString (x: LONGINT; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE IntToStringForm (x: LONGINT; form, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE IsAlpha (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsAlphaNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsIdent (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsIdentStart (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Lower (ch: CHAR): CHAR; PROCEDURE RealToString (x: REAL; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE RealToStringForm (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Replace (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos, len: INTEGER; IN rep: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SetDecimalSign (sign: CHAR); PROCEDURE SetToString (x: SET; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE StringToInt (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x, res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE StringToLInt (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: LONGINT; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE StringToReal (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: REAL; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE StringToSet (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: SET; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ToLower (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ToUpper (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Upper (ch: CHAR): CHAR; PROCEDURE Valid (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; END Strings. Module Strings is a simple and small string library. Its goal is to provide a few string operations that are both often needed and complicated to implement, in particular routines for conversions between numbers and strings. The library is optimized for convenience, not for efficiency. This tradeoff is apparent in that some operations, such as Extract, use value parameters instead of IN parameters. This allows to pass the same variable both for input and output purposes, which is often convenient (a variable should never be passed to several IN/OUT/VAR parameters simultaneously, since this may cause interference between them). It is not a goal to provide operations for all possible circumstances, since string processing in different applications simply varies to much to make this practical. Often it is useful to write a few string operations fully tailored to a particular application, which is usually easy to do. Moreover, such custom string operations can be optimized for speed, which is not possible for too general routines. Note that the language Component Pascal provides efficient built-in support for string assignment (implicitly or explicitly with the "$" operator), for string concatenation (with the "+" operator), and for counting the number of characters in a string (LEN(string$)). CONST charCode Possible value for parameter form of IntToStringForm, asking for formatting integers following the syntax of Component Pascal numerical character literals, e.g., 0DX or 37X. CONST decimal Possible value for parameter form of IntToStringForm, asking for formatting integers as decimal literals. CONST hexadecimal Possible value for parameter form of IntToStringForm, asking for formatting integers as hexadecimal literals. CONST roman Possible value for parameter form of IntToStringForm, asking for formatting integers as roman literals. CONST digitspace A digit space has the width of digit zero (0) which is equivalent to the width of all digits in most fonts, thus can be used for number formatting. CONST hideBase, showBase Possible values for parameter showBase of IntToStringForm, asking for showing / suppressing the base of the number format. PROCEDURE Valid (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN Returns TRUE if and only if the array s contains at least one string terminator 0X. Post s contains a 0X character result = TRUE s does not contain a 0X character result = FALSE PROCEDURE Extract (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos, len: INTEGER; OUT res: ARRAY OF CHAR) Extracts the stretch [pos, MIN(pos+len, Len(s))) from s and returns it in res. The result is truncated if res is not large enough. The same actual parameter may be passed for s and res. Pre len >= 0 20 pos >= 0 21 Valid(s) (not checked) Post Valid(res) LEN(res$) = MAX(MIN(len, LEN(s'$)-pos, LEN(res)-1), 0) PROCEDURE Replace (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos, len: INTEGER; IN rep: ARRAY OF CHAR) Replaces the stretch [pos, MIN(pos+len, Len(s))) in s with the string in rep. The characters after the replaced stretch are moved if necessary. The result is truncated if s is not large enough. Hint: if len = 0 then rep is inserted in s at position pos. If LEN(rep$) = 0 then the stretch [pos, MIN(pos+len, LEN(s$))) is deleted from s. Pre len >= 0 20 pos >= 0 21 Valid(s) & Valid(rep) (not checked) Post Valid(s) PROCEDURE Find (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN pat: ARRAY OF CHAR; start: INTEGER; OUT pos: INTEGER); Searches the first occurrence of the pattern pat in string s after position start. If the pattern is found, the position of the first character of the pattern in s is returned in pos. If the pattern is not found, pos is -1. Pre start >= 0 20 Valid(s) & Valid(pat) (not checked) Post pattern found pos is start position of pat in s pattern not found pos = -1 PROCEDURE IntToStringForm (x: LONGINT; form, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR) Convert integer x into string s. If form is charCode or hexadecimal, x is converted to a base 16 representation. The total representation will at least have a width of minWidth characters, where padding (if required) takes place to the left using characters as specified by fillCh. If showBase is TRUE, a suffix character is appended to the number representation according to the number form. The value form = charCode renders the suffix "X", while form = hexadecimal renders the suffix "H". These values of form also represent negative integers using a base-complement form of width minWidth, i.e., for negative hexadecimal numbers, fillCh is ignored and "F" is used instead (both for form = charCode and form = hexadecimal). For form values in the range 2..16, base-complement representation is not supported. E.g. x = -3, form = 16, minWidth = 4, fillCh = " " and showBase = FALSE renders a result of -3 x = -3, form = hexadecimal, minWidth = 4, fillCh = " " and showBase = FALSE renders a result of FFFD If showBase is TRUE and form is in the range 2..16, then the base is appended to the number, preceded by a "%" sign (e.g., "10111001%2"). If form = roman (roman numbers), then showBase is ignored. The following conditions imply that s is large enough to hold the resulting string (Pre 23): form = roman: LEN(s) > MAX(minWidth, 15) (form = charCode) OR (form = hexadecimal) OR (form >= 2) & (form <= 16): LEN(s) > MAX(minWidth, 4 + <number of digits>) Where <number of digits> is 1 + Floor(Logbase(ABS(x))), if ABS(x) >= 1, and 1 otherwise. Note that these values are non-tight upper bounds of the required string length. In individual cases, actual requirements might be lower but the given bounds guarantee compliance with the precondition. Pre (form = charCode) OR (form = hexadecimal) OR (form = roman) OR ((form >= 2) & (form <= 16)) 20 (form # roman) OR (form = roman) & (x > 0) & (x < 3999) 21 minWidth >= 0 22 s is large enough to hold resulting string (see above) 23 Post Valid(s) PROCEDURE IntToString (x: LONGINT; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR) Write integer in default format. Except for performance, equivalent to: IntToStringForm(x, decimal, 0, digitspace, FALSE, s) PROCEDURE RealToStringForm (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR) Convert real x into string s. The string created to represent the number is either in fixed point or in scientific format, according to expW. precision denotes the number of valid decimal places (usually 7 for short reals and 16 for reals). minW denotes the minimal length in characters. If necessary, preceding fillCh will be inserted. Numbers are always rounded to the last valid and visible digit. expW > 0: exponential format (scientific) with at least expW digits in the exponent. expW = 0: fixpoint or floatingpoint format, depending on x. expW < 0: fixpoint format with -expW digits after the decimal point. The following conditions imply that s is large enough to hold the resulting string (Pre 23): (x = inf) OR (x = -inf) OR (x = nan): LEN(s) > MAX(minW, 4) expW >= 0: LEN(s) > MAX(minW, precision + 7) expW < 0: LEN(s) > MAX(minW, 3 - expW + <number of digits before the decimal point>) Where the <number of digits before the decimal point> is 1 + Floor(Log10(ABS(x))), if ABS(x) >= 1, and 1 otherwise. Note that these values are non-tight upper bounds of the required string length. In individual cases, actual requirements might be lower but the given bounds guarantee compliance with the precondition. Pre precision > 0 20 0 <= minW < LEN(s) 21 -LEN(s) < expW <= 3 22 s is large enough to hold resulting string (see above) 23 Pos Valid(s) PROCEDURE RealToString (x: REAL; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR) Write real in default format. Except for performance, equivalent to: RealToStringForm(x, 16, 0, 0, digitspace, s) PROCEDURE SetToString* (x: SET; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR) Convert set x into string s. For example the set {1,2,3,5} will be converted into the string "{1..3, 5}". Pre s is large enough to hold resulting string 23 Pos Valid(s) PROCEDURE StringToInt (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x, res: INTEGER) PROCEDURE StringToLInt (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: LONGINT; res: INTEGER) Converts the number contained in string s into value x. Legal integer number representations follow the syntax given below. Possible result codes are res = 1 for overflow, res = 2 for syntax error. Syntax: number = ( [ "+" | "-" ] dec | hex ) 0X . dec = digit { digit } . hex = hexdigit { hexdigit } ("H" | "X") . hexdigit = digit | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" . digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" . Post s is legal integer number representation x is converted integer number res = 0 s is not a legal integer number representation res # 0 PROCEDURE StringToReal (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: REAL; OUT res: INTEGER) Converts string s given in fixed or scientific notation into value x. Possible result codes are res = 1 for overflow, res = 2 for syntax error. Post s is legal real number representation x is converted real number res = 0 s is not legal real number representation res # 0 PROCEDURE StringToSet* (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: SET; OUT res: INTEGER) Converts string s given as Component Pascal set constant into value x. White space between symbols is allowed. Comments or symbolic names are not allowed. In the syntax below, dec stands for a positive integer number between MIN(SET) and MAX(SET). Possible result codes are res = 1 for overflow, res = 2 for syntax error. Syntax: set = "{" [element {"," element}] "}". element = dec [".." dec]. Post s is legal set representation x is converted set res = 0 s is not legal set representation res # 0 PROCEDURE SetDecimalSign* (sign: CHAR); Set decimal sign for RealToString and StringToReal conversions. Pre sign = "." OR "," 21 PROCEDURE GetDecimalSign* (): CHAR; Get current decimal sign for RealToString and StringToReal conversions. PROCEDURE Upper (ch: CHAR): CHAR Conversion to uppercase characters. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no uppercase equivalent are returned unchanged. PROCEDURE Lower (ch: CHAR): CHAR Conversion to lowercase characters. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no lowercase equivalent are returned unchanged. PROCEDURE IsAlpha (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is a letter. PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is an uppercase letter. PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is a lowercase letter. PROCEDURE IsNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is a digit. PROCEDURE IsAlphaNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is it a letter or a digit. PROCEDURE IsIdentStart (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch can be the first character of a Component Pascal identifier. PROCEDURE IsIdent (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch can be a second or further character of a Component Pascal identifier. PROCEDURE ToLower (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR) Converts string in to lowercase characters and returns the result in out. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no lowercase equivalent are unchanged. The same actual parameter may be passed for in and out. Pre Valid(in) index trap Post Valid(out) PROCEDURE ToUpper (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR) Converts string in to uppercase characters and returns the result in out. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no uppercase equivalent are unchanged. The same actual parameter may be passed for in and out. Pre Valid(in) index trap Post Valid(out)
Map to the BlackBox Core Miscellaneous In Out BlackBox Component Framework Containers Controls Properties Controllers Printing Views Stores64 Converters Models Ports Stores Fonts Loop BlackBox Component Library Files64 Integers Dialog Files Math Dates Services Meta Console Utf Unicode Strings
Unicode DEFINITION Unicode; PROCEDURE IsAlpha (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsAlphaNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsIdent (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsIdentStart (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Lower (ch: CHAR): CHAR; PROCEDURE ToLower (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ToUpper (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Upper (ch: CHAR): CHAR; END Unicode. Module Unicode providing identification and upper/lower case transformation for 16-bit Unicode character set. PROCEDURE Upper (ch: CHAR): CHAR Conversion to uppercase characters. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no uppercase equivalent are returned unchanged. PROCEDURE Lower (ch: CHAR): CHAR Conversion to lowercase characters. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no lowercase equivalent are returned unchanged. PROCEDURE IsAlpha (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is a letter. PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is an uppercase letter. PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is a lowercase letter. PROCEDURE IsNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is a digit. PROCEDURE IsAlphaNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch is it a letter or a digit. PROCEDURE IsIdentStart (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch can be the first character of a Component Pascal identifier. PROCEDURE IsIdent (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if ch can be a second or further character of a Component Pascal identifier. PROCEDURE ToLower (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR) Converts string in to lowercase characters and returns the result in out. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no lowercase equivalent are unchanged. The same actual parameter may be passed for in and out. Pre Valid(in) index trap Post Valid(out) PROCEDURE ToUpper (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR) Converts string in to uppercase characters and returns the result in out. Handles the entire 16-bit Unicode character set. Character values that have no uppercase equivalent are unchanged. The same actual parameter may be passed for in and out. Pre Valid(in) index trap Post Valid(out)
BlackBox Component Builder User Manual Contents 1 Overview 2 Installation 3 Serverinstallation 4 Deinstallation 5 DocumentWindows,ToolWindows,AuxiliaryWindows 6 DocumentSize 7 MenuConfiguration 8 StringResources 9 StandardCommands 9.1 FileMenu 9.2 EditMenu 9.3 AttributesMenu 9.4 WindowMenu 10 CustomCommands Further user manuals TextSubsystem FormSubsystem DevSubsystem 1 Overview This document serves as a user's guide for BlackBox programmers. It is not intended as a manual for the end user of software written with the BlackBox Component Builder. Knowledge of the underlying platform's user interface guidelines is assumed. With the BlackBox Component Builder, there are no separate environments for developing programs, for testing and debugging programs, or for the distribution of programs. Instead there is only one, truly integrated, environment for all these purposes. A distribution version of a BlackBox application can be created simply by stripping away all tools which are specific to the development process. Such a customized BlackBox environment always has the basic capabilities of the BlackBox Component Framework's compound document architecture, and of the standard text and form subsystems. Furthermore, it constitutes a standard Windows application, where the (boot) application can be double-clicked, where documents can be dropped onto the application icon to open them, etc. "Native" applications which are only developed under, but not based on, the BlackBox Component Builder can be created as well. For this purpose, a linker tool is provided. Normally, Component Pascal modules are linked and loaded dynamically, such that a separate linker is not strictly necessary. However, it is possible even for pure BlackBox applications to link or pack all or some of their modules together, in order to reduce the number of files to distribute. For further information about this topic, refer to the document Platform-SpecificIssues. On-line documentation: Text stretches which are blue and underlined are hyperlinks, and can be followed by clicking on them. When working in the BlackBox Component Builder environment for the first time, the following may be helpful to remember: almost all modifications to BlackBox documents are undoable, making it quite safe to try out a feature. In general, multi-level undo/redo is available, i.e., not only one, but several commands can be undone; as many as memory permits. An endless loop can be terminated with ctrl-break. 2 Installation The installation requires a PC with an x86 and Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10/11. The resulting BlackBox directory contains several files and directories: Files: BlackBox.exe The BlackBox Component Framework boot application. BlackBox.exe.manifest Manifest file for BlackBox.exe. Remove this file if you want to use Windows XP style GUI controls. Empty.odc Empty BlackBox Component Builder document. unins000.dat Data file for BlackBox Component Builder Uninstall. unins000.exe BlackBox Component Builder Uninstall. Directories: Com Direct-To-COM Compiler. Comm Communications subsystem. Cons Modules for console applications. Ctl OLE Automation support. Dev Development subsystem. Docu On-line documentation not specific to a particular module or subsystem. Form Form subsystem with the visual designer. Obx Obx subsystem, a collection of examples. Ole OLE compound document support. Sql Sql subsystem for accessing relational databases. Std A number of command packages available to the user. System Core of the BlackBox Component Framework. Text Text subsystem, with the standard document/program editor. Win Interface modules for direct Windows API access. Xhtml Exporter for text to HTML conversion. 3 Server installation If several developers use BlackBox on the same machine(s), it becomes cumbersome to save one's work and clean up after the end of each session, so that the next developer gets a "clean" system again. It is even more cumbersome to start working with a copy that hasn't been cleaned up correctly by the previous user. To solve this problem, server support is available for BlackBox. BlackBox can be installed and maintained on one central server, while developers use an arbitrary number of client workstations on a local-area network. Preferably, each developer has his or her own working directory on the server (account). For the installation, follow these steps: 1) Install BlackBox in a directory on the server machine, using Setup.exe. The directory must be shared on the network but the access may be restricted to read only. 2) For each workstation / user, create a working directory (either on the server or on the client). The user should have read/write access to this directory. The directory may be empty. 3) For each workstation, create a shortcut with the following contents: Command Line (Target): <BlackBoxDir>\BlackBox.exe /Use <WorkDir> Working Directory (Start in): <WorkDir> where <BlackBoxDir> stands for the full path name of the directory where BlackBox is installed (on the server), and <WorkDir> is the path of the working directory of the actual machine (on the client or on the server). The latter must not end with a backslash ("\"). Use double quotation marks to delimit path names that contain spaces. Example: Command Line (Target): "C:\Program Files\BlackBox\BlackBox.exe" /Use C:\BlackBox Working Directory (Start in): C:\BlackBox These features, originally introduced for situations where multiple users want to develop with BlackBox, can also be useful in a single-user environment. The idea is to have one directory with the original installation of BlackBox, and a separate directory for all the developer-specific files. If the user opens a file, it is first searched in his or her working directory. If it isn't found there, the corresponding file in the "server directory" is opened. When a file is saved, it is always saved in the working directory. This makes it easy to set up entirely separate projects simply by creating separate working directories for them. When an upgrade of BlackBox comes out, only the central "server directory" needs to be upgraded. If you use the server features in this way, without having multiple developers using the same installation simultaneously, then no special license is required. 4 Deinstallation Go to the Control Panel, choose Add/Remove Programs. In the displayed list, locate the entry called BlackBox and select the Change/Remove button. Follow the instructions on the screen. 5 Document Windows, Tool Windows, Auxiliary Windows There are three kinds of windows in BlackBox: document windows, tool windows, and auxiliary windows. A document window may contain e.g. a text or a form layout, or any other kind of visual object ("view"). When the contents of a document window have been modified (made "dirty") and the user tries to close the window (or quit the application), the system asks whether it should save the document. A tool window allows to invoke actions on some document window underneath it. Typically, tool windows are used for modeless dialog boxes. Tool windows look the same way as dialog boxes. Auxiliary windows are used mainly to hold temporary data for information purposes, e.g., the output of a browser. The contents of an auxiliary window may be editable, but the system does not ask whether a modified auxiliary window should be stored, i.e., it is temporary in nature. The Log window is an example of an auxiliary window. A document window is decorated with the BlackBox document icon, while an auxiliary window is decorated with the BlackBox application icon. A tool window is not decorated with an icon. 6 Document Size The size of a document, or more exactly of its outermost ("root") view, can be updated in several ways. Its width, or independently its height, can be bound either to a fixed size, to the paper as defined in the PageSetup dialog box, or to the window's current size. For example, text views by default have a width bound to the paper page size, and a height bound to the window size. Documentation texts are often bound to the current window size in both dimensions, so that they automatically resize with the window. Such bindings can be changed with the Tools->Document Size... dialog box. 7 Menu Configuration The configurable menus can be inspected using Info->Menus. The displayed text can be edited, and the current menu configuration updated accordingly (Info->UpdateMenus). To make changes to the menus permanent, the menu text must be saved to disk. The file System/Rsrc/Menus contains the startup menu configuration, i.e., the text which is opened when Info->Menus is executed. The menu text consists of a sequence of menu definitions, which themselves consist of sequences of menu items. An example is the following extract of a possible Dev menu definition: MENU "Dev" "Compile" "K" "DevCompiler.Compile" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Compile Selection" "" "DevCompiler.CompileSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "Unmark Errors" "" "DevMarkers.UnmarkErrors" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Next Error" "E" "DevMarkers.NextError" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Toggle Error Mark" "" "DevMarkers.ToggleCurrent" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" SEPARATOR "Insert Commander" "Q" "DevCommanders.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "Execute" "" "DevDebug.Execute" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Unload" "" "DevDebug.Unload" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END Every menu has a name, in this case it is Dev. Optionally, the menu name can be followed by a menu type, e.g., MENU "Text" ("TextViews.View") A typed menu is only installed in the menu bar as long as the current focus has a matching type, i.e., it is context-sensitive. The other menus are always available. A menu's type is usually simply the name of a view type. This is only a convention, however. It guarantees that menu types are globally unique, so that no clashes occur. There are two kinds of menu items: normal items and separators. A separator optically organizes a menu into different groups of items. Normal menu items consist of four strings: a label, a keyboard shortcut, an action command, and a guard command. The label is the string presented to the user in the menu. An "&" character in the menu name or in a menu label indicates which character should be underlined. This character is used for operating the menu with the keyboard. If you want an "&" to appear, you should write "&&". The keyboard shortcut, which may be empty, allows to associate a keyboard key to the menu item. The action string contains the command sequence which is activated when the menu item is executed. The guard string, which may be empty, contains a command which is called to determine whether the item is currently enabled or disabled, checked or unchecked, or to set up a current item name which overrides the normal name (e.g., to toggle between ShowXYZ and HideXYZ). Note: the menu guard is executed for example when the user clicks in the menu bar. This causes the guard's module to become loaded, even if the user never invokes the corresponding command. Note: if the guard's module cannot be loaded, the menu item remains disabled and the guard is not executed again (for performance reasons). If the module's code becomes available later, e.g., because its module was later compiled, the menu item will remain disabled. To force a re-evaluation of the guard, use the Dev->FlushResources command. Note: the standard menu configuration uses all letters of the alphabet and the digit "0" as keyboard shortcuts. Digits "1" to "9" are not used. The assignment of keyboard shortcuts, like the whole menu configuration, can easily be adapted to specific needs by appropriately changing the menu text. The following keyboard shortcuts can be specified in the keyboard shortcut string: "A".."Z", "0".."9" ctrl + key "*A".."*Z", "*0".."*9" shift + ctrl + key "F1".."F12" function key "^F1".."^F12" ctrl + function key "*F1".."*F12" shift + function key "*^F1".."*^F12" shift + ctrl + function key Context menus (pop-up menus activated by the right mouse button) are specified by giving them the name "*" instead of a true name. At most one context menu may be untyped, all other context menus must be typed. For example, just add the line "Open &Module" "" "DevCmds.OpenModuleList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" to the menu MENU "*" ("TextViews.View") in the file Text/Rsrc/Menus. This adds a (text-)context menu item for opening the sources of the module(s) whose name(s) is (are) selected. It is possible to put all menu specifications in the menu text System/Rsrc/Menus. However, it is a better idea to keep the menu specifications that refer to a subsystem's commands in this subsystem's resource directory. For example, the Text menu could be specified in Text/Rsrc/Menus. In this case, System/Rsrc/Menus needs a so-called include statement that tells the menu configuration mechanism where to look for further menus: INCLUDE "Text" The explicit include statements allow to define the exact order in which menus appear in a menu bar. The command INCLUDE "*" includes all menus that have not been mentioned explicitly before (directly or via an include statement). It is a "catch all" for menus, and it is recommended to put it at the end of the System/Rsrc/Menus text. For example, a typical System/Rsrc/Menus text may look as follows: INCLUDE "Dev" INCLUDE "Text" INCLUDE "Form" INCLUDE "Sql" INCLUDE "Obx" INCLUDE "*" Note: when you have edited a menu text execute the command Info->Update Menus for re-installing all menus, starting with the System/Rsrc/Menus as it is done when starting up the application. A submenu is defined very much like a top-level menu except that its name must start with the character "$". In order to reference such a menu in a menu item, use the name of the submenu including the leading "$" as the action string. Menus can be nested at arbitray depth and it is also possible to reference a submenu multiply. The following example shows the structure of a large menu together with a submenu referenced as $submenu1: MENU "Large Menu" ... "Submenu 1" "" "$submenu1" "" END MENU "$submenu1" ... END Note: if you need a top-level menu name starting with "$" simply put the underlining indicator "&" in front of the name. For more information see also modules StdMenuTool and StdCmds. The command package modules of all subsystems export commands that may be used in a menu. Consult the various modules' on-line documentation, e.g., Text/Docu/Cmds for module TextCmds. 8 String Resources String resources are files which define a mapping between strings, e.g., the string "untitled" may be mapped to "sans titre". This is useful to prevent hard-wiring textual messages in the program code, in order to make later editing of these messages possible without requiring a recompilation. From a programmer's point of view, string translation is done in several procedures of module Dialog, e.g., Dialog.MapString. String resource files can be normal BlackBox text documents, which simply consist of the keyword STRINGS followed by a sequence of lines; each line contains a string (the key), a TAB, another string (to which the key is mapped), and a carriage return, e.g., STRINGS untitled sans titre open ouvre close ferme There can be one string resource file per subsystem (cf. Modules and Subsystems). For example, a call of Dialog.MapString("#Form:CntrlInstallFailed", resultString) in a program maps the string "CntrlInstallFailed" according to the table in the Form/Rsrc/Strings file. In the English version, the mapping is "form controller installation failed". In a German version, "CntrlInstallFailed" might be mapped to "Der Form Controller konnte nicht installiert werden". 9 Standard Commands In this section, the menu items of the standard menus File, Edit, Attributes, and Window(s) are described. For a menu item which is not permanently enabled, the condition for enabling it is specified. Often, such a guard command is one of the commands exported by module StdCmds. The standard menu items can be configured in the same way as all other menu items, by editing the System/Rsrc/Menus document. Most standard menu items are calls to a command exported by module StdCmds. 9.1 File Menu New Command: StdCmds.New Guard: Opens a new document window containing an empty text view. Open... Command: StdCmds.OpenDialog Guard: Opens the standard file Open dialog box. Open Stationery... Command: StdCmds.OpenStationery Guard: Opens the standard file Open dialog box, through which a stationery (i.e., template) file can be opened. Save Command: StdCmds.SaveDialog Guard: StdCmds.SaveGuard Saves the front window's contents to a file. If the window's contents has not yet been saved to a file, the user is asked for a file name. Save As... Command: StdCmds.SaveAsDialog Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Saves the front window's contents to a file. The user is always asked for a file name. After the command, you continue working with the new file. Save Copy As... Command: StdCmds.SaveCopyAsDialog Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Saves the front window's contents to a file. The user is always asked for a file name. After the command, you continue working with the old file. Close Command: StdCmds.CloseTopDialog Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Closes the front window. If the window is a primary document window and its contents has been modified ("dirty"), the user is asked whether to save the window's contents in a file. Page Setup... Command: StdDialog.OpenPageSetup Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Asks the user for the page information of the front window's document, for later printing. In addition to the data which is specific to the current printer driver, the margins can be set (the distances between the paper's edges and the printed area), and a standard header can be switched on or off. The standard header consists of a page number and a date. Print... Command: StdCmds.Print Guard: StdCmds.PrintGuard Asks the user for printing information, and then creates a print-out accordingly. Exit Command: StdCmds.Exit Guard: Terminates the application. If windows with modified contents are open, the user is asked whether to save them in files. 9.2 Edit Menu Undo [...] Command: StdCmds.Undo Guard: StdCmds.UndoGuard Reverses the effect of the most recent modifying operation. Usually, the kind of operation is given behind the word "Undo", e.g., UndoPaste. Undo can be activated several times, until the opening, creation, or most recent saving of the document. Under low-memory conditions, the number of undoable operations may become reduced. Redo [...] Command: StdCmds.Redo Guard: StdCmds.RedoGuard Restores the effect of the most recently undone operation. Usually, the kind of operation is given behind the word "Redo", e.g., RedoPaste. Cut Command: StdCmds.Cut Guard: StdCmds.CutGuard Deletes the selection and puts a copy into the clipboard. Copy Command: StdCmds.Copy Guard: StdCmds.CopyGuard Puts a copy of the selection into the clipboard. Paste Command: StdCmds.Paste Guard: StdCmds.PasteGuard Pastes a copy of the clipboard's contents at the caret position. If the focus view contains the same kind of data as the clipboard, the data is inserted directly into the focus view's data. Otherwise, and if the focus view is a container, a copy of the whole view containing the clipboard data is inserted into the focus view's data. Delete Command: StdCmds.Clear Guard: StdCmds.CutGuard Deletes the selection, without putting it into the clipboard. Copy Properties Command: StdCommands.CopyProp Guard: StdCmds.SelectionGuard Copies the properties of the current selection. This command has no effect on the clipboard contents. Paste Properties Command: StdCommands.PasteProp Guard: StdCmds.SelectionGuard Pastes the properties that were copied most recently (see CopyProperties). Paste Object Command: StdCmds.PasteObject Guard: StdCmds.PasteObjectGuard Pastes a copy of the clipboard's contents at the caret position. If the focus view is a container, a copy of the whole view containing the clipboard data is inserted into the focus view's data. Paste Special... Command: OleClient.PasteSpecial Guard: StdCmds.PasteObjectGuard Opens a dialog box, which allows to choose the data type of the view in the clipboard, if the view supports several possible types. Paste to Window Command: StdCmds.PasteToWindow Guard: StdCmds.PasteToWindowGuard Opens a copy of the clipboard's contents into a new document window. Insert Object... Command: OleClient.PasteSpecial Guard: StdCmds.PasteViewGuard Opens a dialog box which shows all installed OLE servers. When one of them is chosen, an object of this type is allocated and inserted into the front window's contents. Object Properties... Command: StdCmds.ShowProp Guard: StdCmds.ShowPropGuard Opens an appropriate property sheet for the selected view. Object Command: StdCmds.ObjectMenu Guard: StdCmds.ObjectMenuGuard Shows a submenu with commands for the selected view. These commands, which are determined by the selected view itself, are called "verbs". Usually, the first two verbs are Edit and Open: Edit Makes the selected view the current focus view. Open Opens a new window showing a second view to the selected view. + other verbs defined by the selected view. Select Document Command: StdCmds.SelectDocument Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Selects the root view of the front window's document as a singleton. Note the difference to SelectAll, which selects the latter's contents instead (or rather the contents of whatever view is currently the focus). Select All Command: StdCmds.SelectAll Guard: StdCmds.SelectAllGuard Selects the whole focus view's contents. Select Next Object Command: StdCmds.SelectNextView Guard: StdCmds.ContainerGuard If a view in the container is selected: select the next view. If the last view is selected or there is no singleton selection: select the first view. Preferences... Command: StdDialog.OpenPrefDialog Guard: Allows to define several parameters: whether TrueType metrics are used (for best printing results), whether screen updates are performed during scrolling, the font used as default for texts, the font used as default for controls, and whether the status bar is visible or not. 9.3 Attributes Menu Available: style/size/color-carrying selection or caret in focus view in front window The following commands work on the selection; if there is no selection, the caret's current attributes are affected instead. These attributes are used as defaults when typing in new text. For colors, there is a system-wide color (default color) which can be modified by the user. The default color can be changes using an operating-system utility. Everything drawn in the default color will be updated accordingly. Regular Command: StdCmds.Plain Guard: StdCmds.PlainGuard Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is plain, or if selection is homogeneously plain (i.e., non-bold, non-italicized, non-underlined, and non-striked-out). Removes all style attributes (bold, italic, underline, strikeout) from the selection. Bold Command: StdCmds.Bold Guard: StdCmds.BoldGuard Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is bold, or if selection is homogeneously bold. If the selection is homogeneously bold, it is made non-bold, otherwise it is made bold. Italic Command: StdCmds.Italic Guard: StdCmds.ItalicGuard Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is italic, or if selection is homogeneously italic. If the selection is homogeneously italic, it is made non-italic, otherwise it is made italic. Underline Command: StdCmds.Underline Guard: StdCmds.UnderlineGuard Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is underlined, or if selection is homogeneously underlined. If the selection is homogeneously underlined, it is made non-underlined, otherwise it is made underlined. 8 point, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24 Command: StdCmds.Size(size) Guard: StdCmds.SizeGuard(size) Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret has the given size, or if the selection is homogeneously of the given size. The selection is set to the given point size. Size... Command: StdCmds.InitSizeDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Cmds', 'Size') Guard: StdCmds.SizeGuard(-1) Checked: if none of the other sizes apply A tool dialog box is opened, which allows to enter a particular font size in points, and then to set the selection to this size. Default Color Command: StdCmds.Color(1000000H) Guard: StdCmds.ColorGuard(1000000H) Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret has the default color, or if the selection is homogeneously of the default color Sets the selection's color to the default color. Black Command: StdCmds.Color(0000000H) Guard: StdCmds.ColorGuard(0000000H) Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is black, or if the selection is homogeneously black Sets the selection's color to black. Red Command: StdCmds.Color(00000FFH) Guard: StdCmds.ColorGuard(00000FFH) Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is red, or if the selection is homogeneously red Sets the selection's color to red. Green Command: StdCmds.Color(000AF00H) Guard: StdCmds.ColorGuard(000AF00H) Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is green, or if the selection is homogeneously green Sets the selection's color to green. Blue Command: StdCmds.Color(0FF0000H) Guard: StdCmds.ColorGuard(0FF0000H) Checked: if text to the left and to the right of the caret is blue, or if the selection is homogeneously blue Sets the selection's color to blue. Color... Command: StdDialog.ColorDialog Guard: StdCmds.ColorGuard(-1) Checked: if none of the other colors apply Asks the user for a color, to which it then sets the selection. Default Font Command: StdCmds.DefaultFont Guard: StdCmds.DefaultFontGuard Sets the selection to the default font. Font... Command: StdDialog.FontDialog Guard: StdCmds.TypefaceGuard Opens the standard font dialog box and applies the chosen font attributes to the selection. Typeface... Command: StdDialog.TypefaceDialog Guard: StdCmds.TypefaceGuard Opens the standard font dialog box and applies the chosen font attributes to the selection. In contrast to the Font... command, only the typeface (the name of the font) is changed, but not the other attributes like size or weight (bold/normal). 9.4 Window Menu (for MDI version) New Window Command: StdCmds.NewWindow Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Opens a new window on the same document as the front window. The window is of the same kind as the front window. The window's title is put between "<" and ">" parentheses. Cascade Command: MdiMenus.Cascade Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Arrange document windows in an overlapping fashion. Tile Horizontal Command: MdiMenus.TileHorizontal Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Arrange windows from left to right in a non-overlapping fashion. This command does not affect non-resizable windows, and it ignores some windows when there are too many open windows for a reasonable tiling. The front window becomes the left-most window. Tile Vertical Command: MdiMenus.TileVertical Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Arrange windows from top to bottom in a non-overlapping fashion. This command does not affect non-resizable windows, and it ignores some windows when there are too many open windows for a reasonable tiling. The front window becomes the top-most window. Arrange Icons Command: MdiMenus.ArrangeIcons Guard: StdCmds.WindowGuard Arrange icons (minimized windows) at the bottom of the application window. {window} Command: MdiMenus.WindowList Guard: Here the list of open windows is appended. The front window is checked. 10 Custom Commands Not all commands are visible in the default configuration of the menus. The following is a list of modules from the Std subsystem. These modules contain many useful commands but not all of them appear in the menus. For more information about the commands in the modules, please consult the corresponding module documentation. StdClocks analog clock views StdCmds cmds of std menus StdCoder ASCII coder StdDebug minimal debugger StdFolds fold views StdHeaders headers / footers StdLinks hyperlink views StdLog standard output StdMenuTool menu tool StdStamps date stamp views StdTables table controls StdTabViews tabbed folder views StdViewSizer set size of a view
Utf DEFINITION Utf; PROCEDURE StringToUtf8 (IN in: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Utf8ToString (IN in: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT out: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT res: INTEGER); END Utf. Module Utf providing conversion for Utf8 format.
Views DEFINITION Views; IMPORT Files, Fonts, Stores, Ports, Converters, Models; CONST undefined = 0; transparent = 0FF000000H; deep = FALSE; shallow = TRUE; keepFrames = FALSE; rebuildFrames = TRUE; dontAsk = FALSE; ask = TRUE; clean = 0; notUndoable = 1; invisible = 2; TYPE View = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) context-: Models.Context; (v: View) InitContext (context: Models.Context), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (v: View) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) Neutralize, NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) ConsiderFocusRequestBy- (view: View), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Frame), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) Restore (f: Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) RestoreMarks (f: Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandleViewMsg- (f: Frame; VAR msg: Message), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage; VAR focus: View), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandlePropMsg- (VAR p: PropMessage), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) HandleModelMsg- (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) CopyFrom- (source: View); (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: View), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) CopyFromModelView- (source: View; model: Models.Model), NEW, EMPTY; (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model, NEW, EXTENSIBLE END; Alien = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (View) store-: Stores.Alien END; Message = ABSTRACT RECORD view-: View END; NotifyMsg = EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Message) id0, id1: INTEGER; opts: SET END; Frame = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Ports.Frame) l-, t-, r-, b-: INTEGER; view-: View; front-, mark-: BOOLEAN; (f: Frame) Close, NEW, EMPTY END; RootFrame = POINTER TO RECORD (Frame) flags-: SET END; PropMessage = ABSTRACT RECORD END; CtrlMessage = ABSTRACT RECORD END; CtrlMsgHandler = PROCEDURE (op: INTEGER; f, g: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage; VAR mark, front, req: BOOLEAN); Title = ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; UpdateCachesMsg = EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Message) END; ScrollClassMsg = RECORD (Message) allowBitmapScrolling: BOOLEAN END; VAR HandleCtrlMsg-: CtrlMsgHandler; PROCEDURE Broadcast (v: View; VAR msg: Message); PROCEDURE Domaincast (domain: Stores.Domain; VAR msg: Message); PROCEDURE Omnicast (VAR msg: ANYREC); PROCEDURE HandlePropMsg (v: View; VAR msg: PropMessage); PROCEDURE Era (v: View): INTEGER; PROCEDURE BeginModification (type: INTEGER; v: View); PROCEDURE EndModification (type: INTEGER; v: View); PROCEDURE BeginScript (v: View; name: Stores.OpName; OUT script: Stores.Operation); PROCEDURE EndScript (v: View; script: Stores.Operation); PROCEDURE Do (v: View; name: Stores.OpName; op: Stores.Operation); PROCEDURE LastOp (v: View): Stores.Operation; PROCEDURE Bunch (v: View); PROCEDURE StopBunching (v: View); PROCEDURE ForwardCtrlMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage); PROCEDURE Update (v: View; rebuild: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE UpdateIn (v: View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; rebuild: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ReadView (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT v: View); PROCEDURE WriteView (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; v: View); PROCEDURE CopyOf (v: View; shallow: BOOLEAN): View; PROCEDURE CopyWithNewModel (v: View; m: Models.Model): View; PROCEDURE ReadFont (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT f: Fonts.Font); PROCEDURE WriteFont (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; f: Fonts.Font); PROCEDURE IsPrinterFrame (f: Frame): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE InstallFrame (host: Frame; view: View; x, y, level: INTEGER; focus: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ThisFrame (host: Frame; view: View): Frame; PROCEDURE FrameAt (host: Frame, x, y: INTEGER): Frame; PROCEDURE Old (ask: BOOLEAN; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter): View; PROCEDURE OldView (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name): View; PROCEDURE Register (view: View; ask: BOOLEAN; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter; OUT res: INTEGER); PROCEDURE RegisterView (view: View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name); PROCEDURE Open (view: View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter); PROCEDURE OpenView (view: View); PROCEDURE OpenAux (view: View; title: Title); PROCEDURE Deposit (view: View); PROCEDURE RestoreDomain (domain: Stores.Domain); PROCEDURE Scroll (v: View; dx, dy: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE MarkBorders (root: RootFrame); PROCEDURE MarkBorder (host: Frame; v: View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Fetch (OUT view: View); PROCEDURE Available (): INTEGER; PROCEDURE ClearQueue; PROCEDURE RemoveFrame (host, f: Frame); PROCEDURE RemoveFrames (host: Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); PROCEDURE BroadcastModelMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: Models.Message); PROCEDURE BroadcastViewMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: Message); PROCEDURE HandleCtrlMsg (op: INTEGER; f, g: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage; VAR target, front: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE SetRoot (root: RootFrame; view: View; front: BOOLEAN; flags: SET); PROCEDURE AdaptRoot (root: RootFrame); PROCEDURE RootOf (f: Frame): RootFrame; PROCEDURE HostOf (f: Frame): Frame; PROCEDURE UpdateRoot (root: RootFrame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; rebuild: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE RestoreRoot (root: RootFrame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ValidateRoot (root: RootFrame); PROCEDURE InitCtrl (p: CtrlMsgHandler); PROCEDURE IsInvalid (v: View): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE RevalidateView (v: View); END Views. Figure 1. Model-View-Controller Separation A view is a rectangular display object which provides visual presentation of data. Views are storable, and may be embedded recursively. A view often contains a Models.Model which represents some data, and sometimes a Controllers.Controller which provides interaction of the view with the user. There may be several views for each model simultaneously, but at most one controller per view. If several views share the same model, every change of the model must cause all its views to update their contents accordingly. Module Models provides a messaging mechanism through which visible views can be notified of model modifications, and thus re-establish the display's consistency. It is possible to implement views which do not contain a model. These views cannot use the messaging mechanism of module Models. Therefore, such views usually don't share data and are independent from each other. Typically, these views are simple controls which implement a very specific functionality that relies on cooperation with the control's container, e.g., a form view container. It is also possible to implement views which do not contain a controller. This is possible because all messages to a controller are sent to the controller's view, not directly to the controller itself. Thus a view can decide whether to handle these messages itself, or whether to forward them to a controller. Simple views don't contain a controller. Because a view is an extension of a Stores.Store, it can be embedded in a model, such that it is externalized and internalized as part of this model. This makes it possible to realize compound documents, which contain views containing views containing views... When a view needs to draw to the screen (or printer), it can do this through a frame. A frame is an access path (a mapper) to the port on which the view is presented. Since several windows may show the same document with its hierarchy of views, one and the same view may be visible several times simultaneously. This results in several frames for the same view simultaneously, and therefore in the need to update a view change in several frames. In general, the reaction to a model modification happens in two steps. In the first step, the nature of the model's change is broadcast to all visible views, using the model broadcast mechanism of module Models. This causes every visible view to update its own state, if necessary. In the second step, every view which has changed its state uses the view broadcast mechanism of module Views, to notify all frames for this view. In fact, since frames are usually not extended, the view itself performs the update for each of its frames. This second broadcast step is normally invisible to the programmer, because he merely needs to determine the view's region which needs updating. The actual update of this region in each of its frames is done by the framework. A view may behave differently depending on the model in which it is embedded, i.e., depending on its context. For this purpose, a variable of type Models.Context is carried by a view, as a link to its container. For every user interaction, e.g., the press of a key, a view must be defined which should handle this interaction, i.e., a so-called focus. BlackBox doesn't know which view is the current focus. BlackBox only provides a strategy which decides which window is focus. Since a window may contain a hierarchy of views, a view which has received an interaction message a controller message must decide on its own whether it is the focus itself, or whether it contains another view which might be focus instead. In the former case, it handles the messages itself, in the latter case, it forwards the message to this view. Every window contains a tree of frames. This tree corresponds to the visible views of the window. Every view may only draw inside its own borders, drawing outside of its borders must be prevented. Frames provide the necessary clipping facility. The management of the frame tree and of clipping is largely transparent to the view programmer. Examples: ObxPatternsdocu views without models ObxCalcdocu ObxOmosidocu ObxButtonsdocu ObxLinesdocu views with models ObxGraphsdocu ObxBlackBoxdocu ObxWrappersdocu wrapper ObxTwinsdocu special container Formsubsystemmap general container CONST undefined This value can be used to denote the width or height of a view as currently undefined. CONST transparent A view may be asked for its background color. In this case, the view may either return a Ports.Color value, or the value transparent. The latter value means that the view's container must find another source for a background color, i.e., for the color which is used to erase the background before the foreground is restored (use Update or UpdateIn to restore a view's area in all its frames). Transparency is useful if several views are superimposed on each other, which naturally occurs in a compound document. CONST deep, shallow There are two ways that a view can be copied: deep or shallow. This distinction arises from the fact that a view can carry two types of data: data that it owns completely, and data that it can share with other views. The most important example of the latter is the view's model, if it has one. When a view is copied, it must be decided whether shareable state should actually be shared with the copy (shallow copy), or whether an independent copy of this state should be created (deep copy). These constants can be passed to a parameter of the CopyModel or the CopyOf procedure. CONST keepFrames, rebuildFrames When part of a view's area must be restored (in every frame on it), there are two possible kinds of restoration: a frame may be kept as it is and only its contents be redrawn, or it may be rebuilt, i.e., newly allocated, set up, and redrawn. The latter is less efficient than the former, and only necessary if the following holds: the view must be a container, and the operation which changed the view might have modified a subview's bounding box (and thus invalidated its subframes). In the rare case where frames are extended, it could sometimes also become necessary to rebuild the frames on a view. CONST dontAsk, ask Theses constants may be passed to the Old and Register procedures. They determine whether these procedures allow the user to interactively change loc, name, or conv used for the operation. CONST clean Possible value for parameter type of BeginModification/EndModification. Indicates an operation that does not make its document "dirty". Example: modifying a text in a way that is considered as "unimportant", such as collapsing or expanding a text fold (-> StdFolds). CONST invisible Possible value for parameter type of BeginModification/EndModification. Indicates an operation that "folds together" with the previous operation, i.e., does not itself become visible in the Undo/Redo menu items. Invisible operations can be used for operations that by themselves may not be expected to appear in an Undo/Redo menu. Example: setting options in a controller. When executing a Redo operation, after a (visible) operation, all invisible operations are executed. When executing an Undo operation, first all invisible operations are undone and afterwards the visible operations. CONST notUndoable Possible value for parameter type of BeginModification/EndModification. Indicates an operation that cannot be reversed ("undone"). This is important for operations where the undo feature would be too expensive. TYPE View (Stores.Store) ABSTRACT A view is a storable object which may contain a model, possibly maintains a scroll position in this model, and generates frames for its display when needed. A view can be regarded as a special editor, and advanced views (containers) are able to contain arbitrary other views as part of their editable data (i.e., of their model). Views are allocated by specific view directories, e.g., TextViews.dir. Views are used by commands which manipulate the visual presentation of data. Views are extended for new kinds of data to be presented visually. Besides the implementation of new commands, the implementation of new view extensions is the central activity of BlackBox programming. Restore is the only procedure which necessarily must be implemented in an extension of View. It is called by the framework when the view must be redrawn on a screen or on a printer. Internalize, Externalize must be implemented in views which contain persistent mutable data. In this case, a view without model should also implement the CopyFromSimpleView procedure, while a view with a model should implement the CopyFromModelView procedure instead. Internalize / Externalize is called by the framework when the user opens / saves a document. CopyFromSimpleView / CopyFromModelView should also be implemented by views with mutable state that should be printable. The reason is that the framework makes a shallow copy of a view that is being printed, in order to avoid the original view to be changed by pagination, scrolling, or similar modifications that may be performed during printing. ThisModel must be implemented in views which contain models. It is called by the framework to find out whether this view should receive model messages for this model. ConsiderFocusRequestBy should be implemented in container views. It can be called by an embedded view that wants to become focus itself. GetBackground must be implemented in views which have non-transparent background colors. It is called by the framework as part of the restore mechanism. RestoreMarks and Neutralize must be implemented in views which may contain marks like selections or carets. RestoreMarks is called by the framework as part of the restore mechanism, after its corresponding Restore has been called. HandleModelMsg must be implemented in views which support partial view updates after a model change. It is called by the framework in order to deliver notifications about changes to the view's model. HandleViewMsg must be implemented in views which support marks, or which don't use the delayed update mechanism for some other reason. It is called by the framework to deliver view messages via all currently visible paths (i.e., via frames) to this view. HandleCtrlMsg must be implemented in editable views. It is called by the surrounding container if it considers the receiving view to be the current focus. HandlePropMsg must be implemented in views which support preferences and properties (-> Properties). It is called by the surrounding container to find out about the way that the embedded view would like to be treated. InitContext and GetNewFrame are usually not extended. A view's domain is the same as the domain of its container and of all embedded views and models. The domain identifies the document in which the view, its context, and its contents are embedded. The view's PropagateDomain procedure propagates the assigned domain to its model, if there is one. context-: Models.Context The view's context links the view to its container. Communication between view and container occurs via the context. A context belongs (and is managed by) the container, but carried by the view. PROCEDURE (v: View) InitContext (context: Models.Context) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Assigns context to v.context. InitContext is called by v's container, when v is being embedded in it (which means that the container creates a suitable context for v). InitContext is usually not extended, only view wrappers need to extend it in order to forward a context. Pre context # NIL 21 v.context = NIL OR v.context = context 22 Post v.context = context PROCEDURE (v: View) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color) NEW, EMPTY This procedure may return a background color of the view. Upon input, color = transparent. GetBackground is called internally. GetBackground is implemented if a view needs a non-transparent background color. PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize NEW, EMPTY This procedure should remove all marks that a view carries. Neutralize is called by the framework. Neutralize is implemented by views which may contain marks. PROCEDURE (v: View) ConsiderFocusRequestBy- (view: View) NEW, EMPTY A subview of v may request to become focus. Its container may or may not grant this request. ConsiderFocusRequestBy is called by a subview. ConsiderFocusRequestBy is implemented in a container view. PROCEDURE (v: View) GetNewFrame (VAR f: Frame) NEW, EMPTY The procedure may generate a frame for the view. Upon entry, f = NIL. This procedure is rarely implemented (mainly in native controls). GetNewFrame is called internally. GetNewFrame is implemented in views which need specialized extended view frames. PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT A view implementation must implement this procedure, to draw all or part of its contents. For drawing, a frame is passed to the view, whose drawing procedures can be called in the Restore procedure. Only the rectangle (l, t, r, b), which is given in universal coordinates, needs to be restored. Since drawing is clipped to this rectangle automatically, it is sometimes the best solution to simply restore the whole view's contents. However, often it is significantly faster to restore only the contents of the rectangle. If necessary, the size of the view can be determined by calling v.context.GetSize. Consistent with the frame drawing operations (as described in the documentation of module Ports), the origin for drawing is the view's top-left corner, with positive x-values to the right, and positive y-values to the bottom. For drawing at screen pixel resolutions without rounding errors, the frame's f.dot field is useful. The value f.unit can be inspected to obtain the size of a pixel in universal coordinates (see the documentation of module Fonts). For example, this allows to adapt to the different resolutions during screen display and during printing. If drawing should be done in different ways depending on whether the view is being displayed on screen or whether it is being printed, then Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) can be used to determine whether it is being printed or displayed on screen. Restore is called internally by the framework, whenever some part of the view becomes newly visible, or after someone has called Views.Update or Views.UpdateIn for this view. Restore is rarely called directly by a view itself. No assumptions are allowed of when Restore is called, how often, in which order, etc. Restore should simply draw everything within the given rectangle, it must not assume that something is still on screen from the last time it was called. Since views may be nested, a container must be drawn before the views contained in it are draw. The framework calls Restore methods in the correct order, from the "back" to the "front". An embedded view thus lies always "above" its container. As an exception of the back-to-front drawing rule, BlackBox allows to draw marks (in particular: selections) of a container on top of the contained views. This can be achieved by moving the restoration of marks to the view's RestoreMarks method. This is only necessary for view containers, however. Restore must be implemented in every view extension. It is the only view procedure whose implementation is mandatory, not optional. Pre f # NIL 20 f.view = v 21 v.context # NIL 22 0 <= f.l <= l <= r <= f.r <= width of view 23 0 <= f.t <= t <= b <= f.b <= height of view 24 PROCEDURE (v: View) RestoreMarks (f: Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, EMPTY Restore all marks (in particular any selection) of view v via frame f. Only the rectangle (l, t, r, b), which is given in universal coordinates, needs to be restored. A frame contains the method MarkRect which is provided particularly for the drawing of marks. RestoreMarks is called locally by the framework as part of the restore mechanism, after its corresponding Restore has been called. RestoreMarks is implemented in views which support any kind of marks, e.g., selection, caret, or focus marks. Pre f # NIL 20 f.view = v 21 v.context # NIL 22 PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg- (f: Frame; VAR msg: Message) NEW, EMPTY Message handler for view messages. HandleViewMsg is called locally. HandleViewMsg is implemented in views which support marks (e.g., selection marks), and in views which support different frame contents for the same view (a rare case). Pre f # NIL guaranteed f.view = v guaranteed v.context # NIL guaranteed msg.view = v OR msg.view = NIL guaranteed PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage; VAR focus: View) NEW, EMPTY Message handler for messages to the focus. HandleCtrlMsg is called by the view's container, indirectly via ForwardCtrlMsg. If a controller message needs to be forwarded to an embedded view, set focus to this view. The framework will perform forwarding after HandleCtrlMsg returns. In the rare cases where this is not an adequate solution, ForwardCtrlMsg must be used; the embedded view's HandleCtrlMsg must never be called directly. After ForwardCtrlMsg, focus must be set to NIL, so that the message is not forwarded twice. During mouse tracking (i.e., when handling a Controllers.TrackMsg), drawing should only occur in frame f. This also implies that during mouse tracking, no update messages should be sent. If necessary, an update model message should be sent after the mouse button was released. HandleCtrlMsg is extended in editable views. Pre f # NIL 20 f.view = v 21 v.context # NIL 22 focus = NIL 23 PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg- (VAR p: PropMessage) NEW, EMPTY Property messages can be passed to a view via its HandlePropMsg procedure. HandlePropMsg is called by the view's container. The global procedure HandlePropMsg (see further below) is used to send a property message to a view. HandlePropMsg is called locally. HandlePropMsg is implemented in views which support properties (not described here). PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg- (VAR msg: Models.Message) NEW, EMPTY Message handler for model messages. HandleModelMsg is called locally. HandleModelMsg is implemented in views with a model which support updates after a model modification. Pre msg.model # NIL 20 msg.model = v.ThisModel() 21 PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store) This method has become final. It calls the CopyFromSimpleView or CopyFromModelView, respectively. It checks that these procedures don't change the view context. PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: View) NEW, EMPTY The procedure should be implemented in views which have no model. It should copy view-specific data from source. CopyFromSimpleView is called as part of module Views' copy operations (CopyOf, CopyWithNewModel). Note: it is not permissible to implement both CopyFromModelView and CopyFromSimpleView simultaneously! Pre source # NIL guaranteed TYP(source) = TYP(v) guaranteed CopyFromModelView must not be implemented 20 PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView- (source: View; model: Models.Model) NEW, EMPTY The procedure must be implemented in views which have a model, and only in them. The major exception where a view without model may still implement CopyFromModelView instead of CopyFromSimpleView are wrapper views: using CopyFromModelView they can be implemented flexibly enough to wrap arbitrary views, whether they have models or not. The procedure should initialize its model to model. If necessary, it can copy view-specific data from source. CopyFromModelView is called as part of module Views' copy operations (CopyOf, CopyWithNewModel). Note that if model = source.ThisModel(), then a shallow copy is being performed. Note: it is not permissible to implement both CopyFromModelView and CopyFromSimpleView simultaneously! Pre source # NIL guaranteed TYP(source) = TYP(v) guaranteed model # NIL => TYP(model) = TYP(source.ThisModel()) guaranteed CopyFromSimpleView must not be implemented 20 Post v.ThisModel() = model PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model NEW, EXTENSIBLE Returns the view's model, if it has one. The default implementation returns NIL. ThisModel is called internally. ThisModel is replaced by views which contain models. A view with a model must always return the same model, i.e., the one which was assigned to it upon initialization. TYPE Alien (View) LIMITED If the internalization of a view fails, either because its implementing module(s) cannot be loaded, or because it cancelled internalization (e.g., because of a version conflict), an alien is produced instead (this happens in procedure ReadView). An alien is immutable and doesn't contain a model. It contains an alien store which can be inspected to determine the type of the alien, and the cause for it to be an alien. Every container must be able to operate even if one or several of its embedded views are aliens. If the view's model is an alien store, the view may turn itself into an alien. Aliens are allocated in ReadView. store-: Stores.Alien store # NIL The alien store which has been generated by a Stores.Reader during internalization of the view. TYPE Message ABSTRACT Base type of all view messages. Such messages are sent when a view's state has changed, in order to render the display consistent again. There may be several frames displaying the same view, such that every one of them needs to be updated. Messages are sent by views when their states have changed and if they cannot use BlackBox's delayed update mechanism. This is true mainly when drawing marks, e.g., selection marks. Messages are extended to indicate what kind of update should be performed on a frame. view-: View The view which has changed. If view = NIL, all frames with the same domain are notified of the view change. TYPE NotifyMsg (Message) EXTENSIBLE This message notifies all visible views about a change in an interactor's state (-> Dialog). NotifyMsg is sent by the interactor procedures Update and UpdateList in module Dialog. NotifyMsg is never extended. NotifyMsg is sent only internally. id0, id1: INTEGER Identification of the interactor or of one of its fields. opts: SET Determines whether controls (not described here) should check their guards, for example. TYPE Frame (Ports.Frame) ABSTRACT All input and output operations of a view pass through a frame. A frame manages the whole layout of views on a port, including clipping. Model and view messages are broadcast along frame trees. A frame tree's internal structure is hidden. Frames are volatile objects, they are allocated and released by BlackBox whenever necessary, e.g., when the frame's window is resized. Thus they cannot be used to carry application-specific state, except for caches. Frames are allocated by a view's GetNewFrame procedure. Frames are managed internally, and passed as parameters to view procedures whenever necessary. Standard frames are sufficient for most purposes, and thus rarely extended. l-, t-, r-, b-: INTEGER 0 <= l <= r & 0 <= t <= b The visible area of the view in this frame. The values are in universal coordinates, relative to the frame's view's top-left corner. For example, f.l + f.gx is the distance of the left frame border from the left port (display, printer) border in universal coordinates; (f.l + f.gx) DIV f.unit is the same distance in pixels. view-: View view # NIL The frame's view. front-: BOOLEAN Flag which tells whether the frame is part of the front window mark-: BOOLEAN Flag which tells whether the frame is on its window's focus path, i.e., whether marks (caret, selection) should be drawn. Typically, marking procedures work the following way: IF f.mark THEN IF f.front THEN DrawMark(f) ELSE DrawBackgroundMark(f) END END PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Close NEW, EMPTY Perform finalization before the frame is removed. After a call to Close, f.view and f.rider are set to NIL and f.ConnectTo(NIL) is called. Close is called internally. TYPE RootFrame This type is used internally. flags-: SET Window-specific flags. Reserved for future use. TYPE PropMessage ABSTRACT Use its alias Properties.Message instead (properties are not described here). TYPE CtrlMessage ABSTRACT Base type of all controller messages. Use its alias Controllers.Message instead. TYPE CtrlMsgHandler Used internally. TYPE Title Type for view titles, e.g., in windows. TYPE UpdateCachesMsg (Message) EXTENSIBLE Used internally. TYPE ScrollClassMsg (Message) EXTENSIBLE Used internally. PROCEDURE Broadcast (v: View; VAR msg: Message) Broadcast msg for view. Before broadcasting, parameter v is assigned to the message's view-Field. The actual broadcast only takes place if v.domain # NIL. Broadcast is called by a view whenever its state has changed and the delayed restore mechanism is not sufficient, e.g., to update frame-specific marks. v will receive msg once for every visible frame on itself. The handler of a view message may not recursively broadcast another view message, since this could cause the messages to be received in another order than they have been sent, which would result in errors very hard to find. Pre v # NIL 20 no recursion 21 Post msg.view = v PROCEDURE Domaincast (domain: Stores.Domain; VAR msg: Message) Broadcasts msg inside domain. For visual objects, the domain corresponds to the object's document. Domaincast is only necessary in exceptional cases; usually a view message is sent in places where the corresponding view, and not only its domain, is known. In these cases, Broadcast is the appropriate (and faster) procedure. PROCEDURE Omnicast (VAR msg: ANYREC) Broadcast msg to all open views, independent of their domain (i.e., of their document). All views will receive this message with msg.view = NIL. Omnicast is slower than Broadcast, and only necessary in exceptional cases, e.g., for clock views which should be updated every second through a message omnicast. PROCEDURE HandlePropMsg (v: View; VAR msg: PropMessage) Use this procedure to send a property message to a view. It is equivalent to v.HandlePropMsg(msg) except that a much better error handling is performed. PROCEDURE Era (v: View): INTEGER For views with models, returns the era in which the view was last synchronized with the model. Pre v # NIL 20 Post v.ThisModel() # NIL in-synch(v) iff Era(v) = Models.Era(v.ThisModel()) PROCEDURE BeginModification (type: INTEGER; v: View) PROCEDURE EndModification (type: INTEGER; v: View) PROCEDURE BeginScript (v: View; name: Stores.OpName; OUT script: Stores.Operation) PROCEDURE EndScript (v: View; script: Stores.Operation) PROCEDURE Do (v: View; name: Stores.OpName; op: Stores.Operation) PROCEDURE LastOp (v: View): Stores.Operation PROCEDURE Bunch (v: View) PROCEDURE StopBunching (v: View) These procedures handle modifications of a view. They are used in the same way as their model counterparts in module Models (-> Models). Note that these view procedures are provided for convenience, they are mostly identical to the Models. The only noticeable difference is that a view operation only affects this view, and doesn't affect other views even if they show the same model. For example, a script that modifies a view's model should use the Models procedure, so that all views are updated correctly. A script that modifies only a view's private state should use the procedures above. PROCEDURE ForwardCtrlMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage) This procedure should be used to send a controller message along the focus path. Usually, it is called within an implementation of HandleCtrlMsg. This is only necessary if it is not sufficient to just set the focus parameter of HandleCtrlMsg to the embedded view to which forwarding should occur. This in turn is only necessary if HandleCtrlMsg needs to do some postprocessing after forwarding has occurred. In this case, it calls ForwardCtrlMsg and then makes sure that focus = NIL. Pre f # NIL 20 PROCEDURE Update (v: View; rebuild: BOOLEAN) Causes view v to be restored, in all frames displaying v. The update occurs delayed, after the currently executing command has terminated. rebuild should be set to keepFrames for non-containers or for operations which didn't modify the layout of a container (i.e., the places and sizes of embedded views). Otherwise, rebuildFrames should be passed. Pre v # NIL 20 PROCEDURE UpdateIn (v: View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; rebuild: BOOLEAN) Causes rectangle (l, t, r, b) of view v to be restored, in all frames displaying v. The update occurs delayed, after the currently executing command has terminated. rebuild should be set to keepFrames for non-containers or for operations which didn't modify the layout of a container (i.e., the places and sizes of embedded views). Otherwise, rebuildFrames should be passed. Pre v # NIL 20 PROCEDURE ReadView (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT v: View) Reads view v, using reader rd. If internalization is not possible, an alien view is returned. PROCEDURE WriteView (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; v: View) Writes view v, using writer wr. Alien views are handled correctly. PROCEDURE CopyOf (v: View; shallow: BOOLEAN): View Returns a shallow or deep copy of v. Pre v # NIL 20 Post result # NIL PROCEDURE CopyWithNewModel (v: View; m: Models.Model): View Copies a view and assigns a new model to the copy. Pre v # NIL 20 v.ThisModel() # NIL 21 m # NIL 22 TYP(m) = TYP(v.ThisModel()) 23 PROCEDURE ReadFont (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT f: Fonts.Font) Reads a font from a reader. Post f # NIL PROCEDURE WriteFont (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; f: Fonts.Font) Writes a font to a writer. Pre f # NIL 20 PROCEDURE IsPrinterFrame (f: Frame): BOOLEAN This function can be used to determine whether f's view is currently being restored on a printer or preview port. Pre f # NIL 20 PROCEDURE InstallFrame (host: Frame; view: View; x, y, level: INTEGER; focus: BOOLEAN) If view has no corresponding embedded frame in host, Install allocates and installs a new one for it, otherwise the existing frame is kept. Parameters x and y give the position of the view's top-left corner relative to the container view's (i.e., host.view) top-left corner. The frame ordering can be influenced by passing a view level at which view lies logically. Levels need not be unique (pass 0 if you don't care, e.g., if you never have overlapping frames). A frame always lies "above" other frames with smaller levels. Parameter focus tells whether the frame is part of the focus path. Pre host # NIL 20 host is opened in window 21 view # NIL 22 view.context # NIL 23 view.Domain() # NIL 24 PROCEDURE ThisFrame (host: Frame; view: View): Frame Searches the embedded frame of host which contains view view. Pre host # NIL 20 Post result = NIL view = NIL OR not found result # NIL view # NIL & found result.view = view PROCEDURE FrameAt (host: Frame; x, y: INTEGER): Frame Searches the embedded frame of host which contains point (x, y). Pre host # NIL 20 Post result = NIL no embedded frame at (x, y) result # NIL result contains (x, y) PROCEDURE Old (ask: BOOLEAN; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter): View This procedure looks up a file, reads in the document in this file, and then returns the root view of this document. If the file is already opened in a window, the root view of this window's document is returned instead of reading the file. Parameter ask determines whether or not the user is asked interactively for the triple (loc, name, conv), via a standard file dialog. With this dialog, the user can navigate in the host file system's directory structure. loc, name, conv are treated as in-out parameters. On input, their values are used as defaults. If ask then the user may cause them to change. loc, name determine the file from which the document was read. conv determines the converter which is used for reading the document. conv = NIL means that no conversion is necessary, i.e., the file format already has the standard BlackBox format. Pre ask OR loc # NIL 20 ask OR name # "" 21 Post result = NIL loc.res # 0 result # NIL loc.res = 0 result.context # NIL ~ask loc = loc' & name = name' & conv = conv' PROCEDURE OldView (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name): View OldView is an abbreviation of Old(dontAsk, loc, name, NIL). PROCEDURE Register (view: View; ask: BOOLEAN; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter; OUT res: INTEGER) Saves view's document in a file. Parameter ask determines whether or not the user is asked interactively for the triple (loc, name, conv), via a standard file dialog. With this dialog, the user can navigate in the host file system's directory structure. loc, name, conv are treated as in-out parameters. On input, their values are used as defaults. If ask then the user may cause them to change. loc, name determine the file to which the document is written. conv determines the converter which is used for writing the document. conv = NIL means that no conversion is necessary, i.e., the file format gets the standard BlackBox format. Pre view # NIL 20 ask OR loc # NIL 22 ask OR name # "" 23 Post operation was successful res = 0 operation was not successful res # 0 PROCEDURE RegisterView (view: View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name) RegisterView is an abbreviation of Register(view, dontAsk, loc, name, nil, res). PROCEDURE Open (view: View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter) Open view in a new window. (loc, name) determines the file associated with view, if there is any. conv is the converter which will be used when the user saves the document. conv = NIL is passed when saving in the standard BlackBox file format is desired. Pre view # NIL 20 (loc = NIL) = (name = "") 21 PROCEDURE OpenView (view: View) OpenView is an abbreviation of Open(view, NIL, "", NIL). PROCEDURE OpenAux (view: View; title: Title) Opens view in an auxiliary window with title title. Pre view # NIL 20 title # "" 21 PROCEDURE Deposit (view: View) Deposit a view for later use, typically for opening it in a window, or for pasting it to the focus. Deposit is used only by allocation commands, i.e., commands which allocate and then deposit a concrete view type. Pre view # NIL 20 PROCEDURE RestoreDomain (domain: Stores.Domain) This procedure forces a restoration of all update regions on views of domain. Normally, the display is updated in a delayed fashion, i.e., an update region is built for all invalid view areas (using Update and UpdateIn), and the display update according to this region is performed when the framework is idle, i.e., between commands. However, sometimes it is necessary to enforce a display update during a command, for which this procedure can be used. The need for enforced update comes from scrolling: if a view should be scrolled, the effect of scrolling should become immediately visible. PROCEDURE Scroll (v: View; dx, dy: INTEGER) Scroll the contents of each frame on v by (dx, dy). Pre v # NIL 20 PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Assigns directory. Pre d # NIL 20 Post stdDir' = NIL stdDir = d stdDir' # NIL stdDir = stdDir' dir = d The following procedures are used internally: PROCEDURE MarkBorders (root: RootFrame) PROCEDURE MarkBorder (host: Frame; view: View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) PROCEDURE Fetch (OUT view: View) PROCEDURE Available (): INTEGER PROCEDURE ClearQueue PROCEDURE RemoveFrame (host, f: Frame) PROCEDURE RemoveFrames (host: Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) PROCEDURE BroadcastModelMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: Models.Message) PROCEDURE BroadcastViewMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: Message) PROCEDURE HandleCtrlMsg (op: INTEGER; f, g: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage; VAR target, front, req: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE SetRoot (root: RootFrame; view: View; front: BOOLEAN; flags: SET) PROCEDURE AdaptRoot (root: RootFrame) PROCEDURE RootOf (f: Frame): RootFrame PROCEDURE HostOf (f: Frame): Frame PROCEDURE UpdateRoot (root: RootFrame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; rebuild: BOOLEAN) PROCEDURE RestoreRoot (root: RootFrame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) PROCEDURE ValidateRoot (root: RootFrame) PROCEDURE InitCtrl (p: CtrlMsgHandler) PROCEDURE IsInvalid (v: View): BOOLEAN PROCEDURE RevalidateView (v: View)
Windows DEFINITION Windows; IMPORT Sequencers, Files, Ports, Views, Models, Documents, Converters; CONST allowDuplicates = 5; eager = FALSE; isAux = 1; isTool = 0; lazy = TRUE; neverDirty = 6; noHScroll = 2; noResize = 4; noVScroll = 3; TYPE Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD l, t, r, b: INTEGER; minimized, maximized: BOOLEAN; (d: Directory) Close (w: Window), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) First (): Window, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Focus (target: BOOLEAN): Window, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) GetBounds (OUT w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) GetThisWindow (p: Ports.Port; px, py: INTEGER; OUT x, y: INTEGER; OUT w: Window), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) New (): Window, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) NewSequencer (): Sequencers.Sequencer, NEW; (d: Directory) Next (w: Window): Window, NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Open (w: Window; doc: Documents.Document; flags: SET; name: Views.Title; loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (d: Directory) OpenSubWindow (w: Window; doc: Documents.Document; flags: SET; name: Views.Title), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (d: Directory) Select (w: Window; lazy: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (d: Directory) Update (w: Window), NEW END; Window = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD port: Ports.Port; frame-: Views.RootFrame; doc-: Documents.Document; seq-: Sequencers.Sequencer; link-: Window; sub-: BOOLEAN; flags-: SET; loc-: Files.Locator; name-: Files.Name; conv-: Converters.Converter; (w: Window) BroadcastModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) BroadcastViewMsg (VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) Close, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) ForwardCtrlMsg (VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) GetSize (OUT width, height: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) GetTitle (OUT title: Views.Title), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Window) Init (port: Ports.Port), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) KeyDown (ch: CHAR; modifiers: SET), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) MouseDown (x, y, time: INTEGER; modifiers: SET), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Window) RefreshTitle, NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Window) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; (w: Window) SetSize (width, height: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) SetSpec (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (w: Window) SetTitle (title: Views.Title), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Window) Update, NEW END; VAR dir-: Directory; PROCEDURE Init; PROCEDURE GetBySpec (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; flags: SET): Window; PROCEDURE SelectBySpec (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; flags: SET; VAR done: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE SelectByTitle (v: Views.View; flags: SET; title: Views.Title; VAR done: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE SetupWindow (w: Window; frame: Views.RootFrame; doc: Documents.Document; seq: Sequencers.Sequencer; flags: SET); END Windows. CONST lazy = TRUE window will be validated normally (at the end of current command) eager = FALSE window is validated immediately (which causes frame tree to be built). Now Select does not have lazy argument; rather, for the frame tree to be built immediately, call Validate explicitly. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for the lookup in and manipulation with windows l, t, r, b: INTEGER; The bounding box for the next window to be opened; a request, not a guarantee
MODULE Console; (** A. V. Shiryaev, 2012.10 Interface based on OpenBUGS Console **) TYPE Console* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; VAR cons: Console; (* Console *) PROCEDURE (c: Console) WriteStr- (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Console) WriteChar- (ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Console) WriteLn-, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* post: s = "": end of input or input error s # "": line with end of line postfix *) PROCEDURE (c: Console) ReadLn- (OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE WriteStr* (IN text: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN cons.WriteStr(text) END WriteStr; PROCEDURE WriteChar* (c: CHAR); BEGIN cons.WriteChar(c) END WriteChar; PROCEDURE WriteLn*; BEGIN cons.WriteLn END WriteLn; PROCEDURE ReadLn* (OUT text: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN cons.ReadLn(text) END ReadLn; PROCEDURE SetConsole* (c: Console); BEGIN cons := c END SetConsole; END Console.
MODULE Containers; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20160719, center #117, fixes for non-local drop behavior - 20170905, center #173, adding new modifiers to Controllers - 20210425, ad, replaced soft links to HostMenus with soft links to StdMenuTool " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Services, Ports, Dialog, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Mechanisms; CONST (** Controller.opts **) noSelection* = 0; noFocus* = 1; noCaret* = 2; mask* = {noSelection, noCaret}; layout* = {noFocus}; modeOpts = {noSelection, noFocus, noCaret}; (** Controller.SelectAll select **) deselect* = FALSE; select* = TRUE; (** Controller.PollNativeProp/etc. selection **) any* = FALSE; selection* = TRUE; (** Mark/MarkCaret/MarkSelection/MarkSingleton show **) hide* = FALSE; show* = TRUE; indirect = FALSE; direct = TRUE; TAB = 9X; LTAB = 0AX; ENTER = 0DX; ESC = 01BX; PL = 10X; PR = 11X; PU = 12X; PD = 13X; DL = 14X; DR = 15; DU = 16X; DD = 17X; AL = 1CX; AR = 1DX; AU = 1EX; AD = 1FX; minVersion = 0; maxModelVersion = 0; maxViewVersion = 0; maxCtrlVersion = 0; TYPE Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Model) END; View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) model: Model; controller: Controller; alienCtrl: Stores.Store (* alienCtrl = NIL OR controller = NIL *) END; Controller* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Controllers.Controller) opts-: SET; model: Model; (* connected iff model # NIL *) view: View; focus, singleton: Views.View; bVis: BOOLEAN (* control visibility of focus/singleton border *) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; PollFocusMsg = RECORD (Controllers.PollFocusMsg) all: BOOLEAN; ctrl: Controller END; ViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: View; controller: Controller; (* may be NIL *) alienCtrl: Stores.Store END; ControllerOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) c: Controller; opts: SET END; ViewMessage = ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.Message) END; FocusMsg = RECORD (ViewMessage) set: BOOLEAN END; SingletonMsg = RECORD (ViewMessage) set: BOOLEAN END; FadeMsg = RECORD (ViewMessage) show: BOOLEAN END; DropPref* = RECORD (Properties.Preference) mode-: SET; okToDrop*: BOOLEAN END; GetOpts* = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) valid*, opts*: SET END; SetOpts* = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) valid*, opts*: SET END; PROCEDURE ^ (v: View) SetController* (c: Controller), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ (v: View) InitModel* (m: Model), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ Focus* (): Controller; PROCEDURE ^ ClaimFocus (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ^ MarkFocus (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ MarkSingleton* (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ FadeMarks* (c: Controller; show: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ CopyView (source: Controller; VAR view: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ^ ThisProp (c: Controller; direct: BOOLEAN): Properties.Property; PROCEDURE ^ SetProp (c: Controller; old, p: Properties.Property; direct: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) InitView* (v: Views.View), NEW; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InitView2* (v: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) ThisView* (): View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) ThisFocus* (): Views.View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) ConsiderFocusRequestBy* (view: Views.View), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) RestoreMarks* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) Neutralize*, NEW; (** called by view's Neutralize **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandleModelMsg* (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandleModelMsg after handling msg **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandleViewMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandleViewMsg after handling msg **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandleCtrlMsg *before* handling msg; focus is respected/used by view **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandlePropMsg* (VAR msg: Views.PropMessage), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandlePropMsg after handling msg; controller can override view **) (** Model **) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE; VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN m.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxModelVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN m.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxModelVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetEmbeddingLimits* (OUT minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ReplaceView* (old, new: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) InitFrom- (source: Model), NEW, EMPTY; (** View **) PROCEDURE (v: View) AcceptableModel- (m: Model): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitModel2- (m: Model), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitModel* (m: Model), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT((v.model = NIL) OR (v.model = m), 20); ASSERT(m # NIL, 21); ASSERT(v.AcceptableModel(m), 22); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); v.InitModel2(m) END InitModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE(v: View) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR st: Stores.Store; c: Controller; m: Model; thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxViewVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadStore(st); ASSERT(st # NIL, 100); IF ~(st IS Model) THEN rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent); Stores.Report("#System:AlienModel", "", "", ""); RETURN END; m := st(Model); rd.ReadStore(st); IF st = NIL THEN c := NIL; v.alienCtrl := NIL ELSIF st IS Stores.Alien THEN c := NIL; v.alienCtrl := st; Stores.Join(v, v.alienCtrl); Stores.Report("#System:AlienControllerWarning", "", "", "") ELSE c := st(Controller); v.alienCtrl := NIL END; v.InitModel(m); IF c # NIL THEN v.SetController(c) ELSE v.controller := NIL END; v.Internalize2(rd) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN ASSERT(v.model # NIL, 20); v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxViewVersion); wr.WriteStore(v.model); IF v.controller # NIL THEN wr.WriteStore(v.controller) ELSE wr.WriteStore(v.alienCtrl) END; v.Externalize2(wr) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView2- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); VAR c: Controller; BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.InitModel(model(Model)); IF source.controller # NIL THEN c := Stores.CopyOf(source.controller)(Controller) ELSE c := NIL END; IF source.alienCtrl # NIL THEN v.alienCtrl := Stores.CopyOf(source.alienCtrl)(Stores.Alien) END; IF c # NIL THEN v.SetController(c) ELSE v.controller := NIL END END; v.CopyFromModelView2(source, model) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel* (): Model, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetController* (c: Controller), NEW; VAR op: ViewOp; BEGIN ASSERT(v.model # NIL, 20); IF v.controller # c THEN Stores.Join(v, c); NEW(op); op.v := v; op.controller := c; op.alienCtrl := NIL; Views.Do(v, "#System:ViewSetting", op) END END SetController; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisController* (): Controller, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN v.controller END ThisController; PROCEDURE (v: View) GetRect* (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) RestoreMarks* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.RestoreMarks(f, l, t, r, b) END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize*; BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.Neutralize END END Neutralize; PROCEDURE (v: View) ConsiderFocusRequestBy- (view: Views.View); BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.ConsiderFocusRequestBy(view) END END ConsiderFocusRequestBy; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg2- (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg2- (VAR p: Properties.Message), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg- (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN v.HandleModelMsg2(msg); IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandleModelMsg(msg) END END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN v.HandleViewMsg2(f, msg); IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandleViewMsg(f, msg) END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandleCtrlMsg(f, msg, focus) END; v.HandleCtrlMsg2(f, msg, focus); WITH msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO IF ~msg.focus THEN focus := NIL END | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO IF ~msg.focus THEN focus := NIL END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg- (VAR p: Properties.Message); BEGIN v.HandlePropMsg2(p); IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandlePropMsg(p) END END HandlePropMsg ; (** Controller **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Externalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE(c: Controller) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR v: INTEGER; BEGIN c.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxCtrlVersion, v); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadSet(c.opts); c.Internalize2(rd) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN c.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxCtrlVersion); wr.WriteSet(c.opts); c.Externalize2(wr) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN WITH source: Controller DO c.opts := source.opts; c.focus := NIL; c.singleton := NIL; c.bVis := FALSE END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InitView* (v: Views.View), NEW; VAR view: View; model: Model; BEGIN ASSERT((v = NIL) # (c.view = NIL) OR (v = c.view), 21); IF c.view = NIL THEN ASSERT(v IS View, 22); (* subclass may assert narrower type *) view := v(View); model := view.ThisModel(); ASSERT(model # NIL, 24); c.view := view; c.model := model; Stores.Join(c, c.view) ELSE c.view.Neutralize; c.view := NIL; c.model := NIL END; c.focus := NIL; c.singleton := NIL; c.bVis := FALSE; c.InitView2(v) END InitView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisView* (): View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN c.view END ThisView; (** options **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetOpts* (opts: SET), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR op: ControllerOp; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN NEW(op); op.c := c; op.opts := opts; Views.Do(c.view, "#System:ChangeOptions", op) ELSE c.opts := opts END END SetOpts; (** subclass hooks **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetContextType* (OUT type: Stores.TypeName), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetValidOps* (OUT valid: SET), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeModel* (m: Models.Model): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeView* (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeCursorAt* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PickNativeProp* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; VAR p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PollNativeProp* (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.Property; VAR truncated: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetNativeProp* (selection: BOOLEAN; old, p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MakeViewVisible* (v: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetFirstView* (selection: BOOLEAN; OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetNextView* (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetPrevView* (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR p, q: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); c.GetFirstView(selection, p); IF p # v THEN WHILE (p # NIL) & (p # v) DO q := p; c.GetNextView(selection, p) END; ASSERT(p # NIL, 21); v := q ELSE v := NIL END END GetPrevView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CanDrop* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END CanDrop; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetSelectionBounds* (f: Views.Frame; OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR g: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; BEGIN x := 0; y := 0; w := 0; h := 0; v := c.singleton; IF v # NIL THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v); IF g # NIL THEN x := g.gx - f.gx; y := g.gy - f.gy; v.context.GetSize(w, h) END END END GetSelectionBounds; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkDropTarget* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle, show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Drop* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkPickTarget* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) TrackMarks* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; units, extend, add: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Resize* (view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) DeleteSelection*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MoveLocalSelection* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CopyLocalSelection* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectionCopy* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativePaste* (m: Models.Model; f: Views.Frame), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ArrowChar* (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR; units, select: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ControlChar* (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteChar* (ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteView* (f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** selection **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HasSelection* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** extended by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); RETURN c.singleton # NIL END HasSelection; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Selectable* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Singleton* (): Views.View, NEW; (* LEAF *) BEGIN IF c = NIL THEN RETURN NIL ELSE RETURN c.singleton END END Singleton; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetSingleton* (s: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** extended by subclass to adjust intrinsic selections **) VAR con: Models.Context; msg: SingletonMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); ASSERT(~(noSelection IN c.opts), 21); IF c.singleton # s THEN IF s # NIL THEN con := s.context; ASSERT(con # NIL, 22); ASSERT(con.ThisModel() = c.model, 23); c.view.Neutralize ELSIF c.singleton # NIL THEN c.bVis := FALSE; msg.set := FALSE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END; c.singleton := s; IF s # NIL THEN c.bVis := TRUE; msg.set := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END SetSingleton; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectAll* (select: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** replaced by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InSelection* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** replaced by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkSelection* (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** replaced by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) BEGIN MarkSingleton(c, f, show) END MarkSelection; (** focus **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisFocus* (): Views.View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); RETURN c.focus END ThisFocus; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetFocus* (focus: Views.View), NEW; (* LEAF *) VAR focus0: Views.View; con: Models.Context; msg: FocusMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); focus0 := c.focus; IF focus # focus0 THEN IF focus # NIL THEN con := focus.context; ASSERT(con # NIL, 21); ASSERT(con.ThisModel() = c.model, 22); IF focus0 = NIL THEN c.view.Neutralize END END; IF focus0 # NIL THEN IF ~Views.IsInvalid(focus0) THEN focus0.Neutralize END; c.bVis := FALSE; msg.set := FALSE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END; c.focus := focus; IF focus # NIL THEN c.MakeViewVisible(focus); c.bVis := TRUE; msg.set := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END SetFocus; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ConsiderFocusRequestBy* (view: Views.View), NEW; VAR con: Models.Context; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); ASSERT(view # NIL, 21); con := view.context; ASSERT(con # NIL, 22); ASSERT(con.ThisModel() = c.model, 23); IF c.focus = NIL THEN c.SetFocus(view) END END ConsiderFocusRequestBy; (** caret **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HasCaret* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkCaret* (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** general marking protocol **) PROCEDURE CheckMaskFocus (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN IF f.mark & (c.opts * modeOpts = mask) & (c.model # NIL) & ((focus = NIL) OR ~ClaimFocus(focus)) THEN c.GetFirstView(any, v); WHILE (v # NIL) & ~ClaimFocus(v) DO c.GetNextView(any, v) END; IF v # NIL THEN c.SetFocus(v); focus := v ELSE c.SetFocus(NIL); focus := NIL END END END CheckMaskFocus; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Mark* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN MarkFocus(c, f, show); c.MarkSelection(f, show); c.MarkCaret(f, show) END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) RestoreMarks2- (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) RestoreMarks* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN IF f.mark THEN c.Mark(f, l, t, r, b, show); c.RestoreMarks2(f, l, t, r, b) END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Neutralize2-, NEW, EMPTY; (** caret needs to be removed by this method **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Neutralize*, NEW; BEGIN c.SetFocus(NIL); c.SelectAll(deselect); c.Neutralize2 END Neutralize; (** message handlers **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleModelMsg* (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleViewMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR g: Views.Frame; mark: Controllers.MarkMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); IF msg.view = c.view THEN WITH msg: ViewMessage DO WITH msg: FocusMsg DO g := Views.ThisFrame(f, c.focus); IF g # NIL THEN IF msg.set THEN MarkFocus(c, f, show); mark.show := TRUE; mark.focus := TRUE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mark) ELSE mark.show := FALSE; mark.focus := TRUE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mark); MarkFocus(c, f, hide) END END | msg: SingletonMsg DO MarkSingleton(c, f, msg.set) | msg: FadeMsg DO MarkFocus(c, f, msg.show); MarkSingleton(c, f, msg.show) END ELSE END END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE CollectControlPref (c: Controller; focus: Views.View; ch: CHAR; cyclic: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View; VAR getFocus, accepts: BOOLEAN); VAR first, w: Views.View; p: Properties.ControlPref; back: BOOLEAN; BEGIN back := (ch = LTAB) OR (ch = AL) OR (ch = AU); first := c.focus; IF first = NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(any, first); IF back THEN w := first; WHILE w # NIL DO first := w; c.GetNextView(any, w) END END END; v := first; WHILE v # NIL DO p.char := ch; p.focus := focus; p.getFocus := (v # focus) & ((ch = TAB) OR (ch = LTAB)) & ClaimFocus(v); p.accepts := (v = focus) & (ch # TAB) & (ch # LTAB); Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); IF p.accepts OR (v # focus) & p.getFocus THEN getFocus := p.getFocus; accepts := p.accepts; RETURN END; IF back THEN c.GetPrevView(any, v) ELSE c.GetNextView(any, v) END; IF cyclic & (v = NIL) THEN c.GetFirstView(any, v); IF back THEN w := v; WHILE w # NIL DO v := w; c.GetNextView(any, w) END END END; IF v = first THEN v := NIL END END; getFocus := FALSE; accepts := FALSE END CollectControlPref; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandlePropMsg* (VAR msg: Properties.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); WITH msg: Properties.PollMsg DO msg.prop := ThisProp(c, indirect) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(c, msg.old, msg.prop, indirect) | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF {noSelection, noFocus, noCaret} - c.opts # {} THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END | msg: GetOpts DO msg.valid := modeOpts; msg.opts := c.opts | msg: SetOpts DO c.SetOpts(c.opts - msg.valid + (msg.opts * msg.valid)) | msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF c.opts * modeOpts = mask THEN v := msg.focus; IF v = c.view THEN v := c.focus END; CollectControlPref(c, v, msg.char, FALSE, v, msg.getFocus, msg.accepts); IF msg.getFocus THEN msg.accepts := TRUE END END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewController* (opts: SET): Controller, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Controller, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN d.NewController({}) END New; (* ViewOp *) PROCEDURE (op: ViewOp) Do; VAR v: View; c0, c1: Controller; a0, a1: Stores.Store; BEGIN v := op.v; c0 := v.controller; a0 := v.alienCtrl; c1 := op.controller; a1 := op.alienCtrl; IF c0 # NIL THEN c0.InitView(NIL) END; v.controller := c1; v.alienCtrl := a1; op.controller := c0; op.alienCtrl := a0; IF c1 # NIL THEN c1.InitView(v) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END Do; (* ControllerOp *) PROCEDURE (op: ControllerOp) Do; VAR c: Controller; opts: SET; BEGIN c := op.c; opts := c.opts; c.opts := op.opts; op.opts := opts; Views.Update(c.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; (* Controller implementation support *) PROCEDURE BorderVisible (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF 31 IN c.opts THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF f IS Views.RootFrame THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF Services.Is(c.focus, "OleClient.View") THEN RETURN FALSE END; RETURN TRUE END BorderVisible; PROCEDURE MarkFocus (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); VAR focus: Views.View; f1: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN focus := c.focus; IF f.front & (focus # NIL) & (~show OR c.bVis) & BorderVisible(c, f) & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN f1 := Views.ThisFrame(f, focus); IF f1 # NIL THEN c.bVis := show; c.view.GetRect(f, focus, l, t, r, b); IF (l # MAX(INTEGER)) & (t # MAX(INTEGER)) THEN Mechanisms.MarkFocusBorder(f, focus, l, t, r, b, show) END END END END MarkFocus; PROCEDURE MarkSingleton* (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (*(f.front OR f.target) &*) (~show OR c.bVis) & (c.singleton # NIL) THEN c.bVis := show; c.view.GetRect(f, c.singleton, l, t, r, b); IF (l # MAX(INTEGER)) & (t # MAX(INTEGER)) THEN Mechanisms.MarkSingletonBorder(f, c.singleton, l, t, r, b, show) END END END MarkSingleton; PROCEDURE FadeMarks* (c: Controller; show: BOOLEAN); VAR msg: FadeMsg; v: Views.View; fc: Controller; BEGIN IF (c.focus # NIL) OR (c.singleton # NIL) THEN IF c.bVis # show THEN IF ~show THEN v := c.focus; WHILE (v # NIL) & (v IS View) DO fc := v(View).ThisController(); fc.bVis := FALSE; v := fc.focus END END; c.bVis := show; msg.show := show; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END FadeMarks; (* handle controller messages in editor mode *) PROCEDURE ClaimFocus (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN p.atLocation := FALSE; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.setFocus END ClaimFocus; PROCEDURE ClaimFocusAt (v: Views.View; f, g: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; mask: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x + f.gx - g.gx; p.y := y + f.gy - g.gy; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.setFocus & (mask OR ~p.hotFocus) END ClaimFocusAt; PROCEDURE NeedFocusAt (v: Views.View; f, g: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x + f.gx - g.gx; p.y := y + f.gy - g.gy; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.hotFocus OR p.setFocus END NeedFocusAt; PROCEDURE TrackToResize (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR minW, maxW, minH, maxH, l, t, r, b, w0, h0, w, h: INTEGER; op: INTEGER; sg, fc: Views.View; BEGIN c.model.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); c.view.GetRect(f, v, l, t, r, b); w0 := r - l; h0 := b - t; w := w0; h := h0; Mechanisms.TrackToResize(f, v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, l, t, r, b, op, x, y, buttons); IF op = Mechanisms.resize THEN sg := c.singleton; fc := c.focus; c.Resize(v, l, t, r, b); IF c.singleton # sg THEN c.SetSingleton(sg) END; IF c.focus # fc THEN c.focus := fc; c.bVis := FALSE END (* delayed c.SetFocus(fc) *) END END TrackToResize; PROCEDURE TrackToDrop (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR pass: BOOLEAN); VAR dest: Views.Frame; m: Models.Model; v: Views.View; x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h, rx, ry, destX, destY: INTEGER; op: INTEGER; isDown, isSingle: BOOLEAN; mo: SET; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN (* drag and drop c's selection: mouse is in selection *) x0 := x; y0 := y; REPEAT f.Input(x1, y1, mo, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown OR (ABS(x1 - x) > 3 * Ports.point) OR (ABS(y1 - y) > 3 * Ports.point); pass := ~isDown; IF ~pass THEN v := c.Singleton(); IF v = NIL THEN v := c.view; isSingle := FALSE ELSE isSingle := TRUE END; c.GetSelectionBounds(f, rx, ry, w, h); rx := x0 - rx; ry := y0 - ry; IF rx < 0 THEN rx := 0 ELSIF rx > w THEN rx := w END; IF ry < 0 THEN ry := 0 ELSIF ry > h THEN ry := h END; IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN op := Mechanisms.copy ELSE op := 0 END; Mechanisms.TrackToDrop(f, v, isSingle, w, h, rx, ry, dest, destX, destY, op, x, y, buttons); IF (op IN {Mechanisms.copy, Mechanisms.move}) THEN (* copy or move selection *) IF dest # NIL THEN m := dest.view.ThisModel(); IF (dest.view = c.view) OR (m # NIL) & (m = c.view.ThisModel()) THEN (* local drop *) IF op = Mechanisms.copy THEN (* local copy *) c.CopyLocalSelection(f, dest, x0, y0, destX, destY) ELSIF op = Mechanisms.move THEN (* local move *) c.MoveLocalSelection(f, dest, x0, y0, destX, destY) END ELSE (* non-local drop *) CopyView(c, v, w, h); (* create copy of selection *) IF (op = Mechanisms.copy) OR (noCaret IN c.opts) THEN (* drop copy *) Controllers.Drop(x, y, f, x0, y0, v, isSingle, w, h, rx, ry) ELSIF op = Mechanisms.move THEN (* drop copy and delete original *) IF (c.view.Domain() # NIL) & (c.view.Domain() = dest.view.Domain()) THEN Views.BeginScript(c.view, "#System:Moving", script) ELSE script := NIL END; c.DeleteSelection; (* delete first because Controllers.Drop can remove the selection *) Controllers.Drop(x, y, f, x0, y0, v, isSingle, w, h, rx, ry); IF script # NIL THEN Views.EndScript(c.view, script) END END END ELSIF (op = Mechanisms.move) & ~(noCaret IN c.opts) THEN c.DeleteSelection END END END END TrackToDrop; PROCEDURE TrackToPick (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR pass: BOOLEAN); VAR p: Properties.Property; dest: Views.Frame; x0, y0, x1, y1, destX, destY: INTEGER; op: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; m: SET; BEGIN x0 := x; y0 := y; REPEAT f.Input(x1, y1, m, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown OR (ABS(x1 - x) > 3 * Ports.point) OR (ABS(y1 - y) > 3 * Ports.point); pass := ~isDown; IF ~pass THEN Mechanisms.TrackToPick(f, dest, destX, destY, op, x, y, buttons); IF op IN {Mechanisms.pick, Mechanisms.pickForeign} THEN Properties.Pick(x, y, f, x0, y0, p); IF p # NIL THEN SetProp(c, NIL, p, direct) END END END END TrackToPick; PROCEDURE MarkViews (f: Views.Frame); VAR x, y: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; root: Views.RootFrame; m: SET; BEGIN root := Views.RootOf(f); Views.MarkBorders(root); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown; Views.MarkBorders(root) END MarkViews; PROCEDURE Track (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.TrackMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR res, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; cursor: INTEGER; sel: Views.View; obj: Views.Frame; inSel, pass, extend, add, double, popup, pick: BOOLEAN; BEGIN cursor := Mechanisms.outside; sel := c.Singleton(); IF focus # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, focus, l, t, r, b); IF (BorderVisible(c, f) OR (f IS Views.RootFrame)) & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.FocusBorderCursor(f, focus, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) ELSIF (msg.x >= l) & (msg.x <= r) & (msg.y >= t) & (msg.y <= b) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.inside END ELSIF sel # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, sel, l, t, r, b); cursor := Mechanisms.SelBorderCursor(f, sel, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) END; IF cursor >= 0 THEN IF focus # NIL THEN (* resize focus *) TrackToResize(c, f, focus, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers); focus := NIL ELSE (* resize singleton *) TrackToResize(c, f, sel, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) END ELSIF (focus # NIL) & (cursor = Mechanisms.inside) THEN (* forward to focus *) ELSE IF (focus # NIL) & (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) THEN c.SetFocus(NIL) END; focus := NIL; inSel := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y); extend := Controllers.extend IN msg.modifiers; add := Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers; double := Controllers.doubleClick IN msg.modifiers; popup := Controllers.popup IN msg.modifiers; pick := Controllers.pick IN msg.modifiers; obj := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF ~inSel & (~extend OR (noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN IF obj # NIL THEN IF ~(noFocus IN c.opts) & NeedFocusAt(obj.view, f, obj, msg.x, msg.y) & (~pick OR (noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN (* set hot focus *) focus := obj.view; IF ClaimFocusAt(focus, f, obj, msg.x, msg.y, c.opts * modeOpts = mask) THEN (* set permanent focus *) c.SelectAll(deselect); c.SetFocus(focus) END END; IF (focus = NIL) & ~add & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN (* select object *) c.SelectAll(deselect); c.SetSingleton(obj.view); inSel := TRUE END ELSIF ~add THEN c.SelectAll(deselect) END END; IF focus = NIL THEN IF inSel & double & (popup OR pick) THEN (* properties *) Dialog.Call("StdCmds.ShowProp", "", res) ELSIF inSel & double & (obj # NIL) THEN (* primary verb *) Dialog.Call("StdMenuTool.PrimaryVerb", "", res) ELSIF ~inSel & pick & extend THEN MarkViews(f) ELSE IF inSel & ~extend THEN (* drag *) IF pick THEN IF ~(noCaret IN c.opts) THEN TrackToPick(c, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, pass) END ELSE TrackToDrop(c, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, pass) END; IF ~pass THEN RETURN END END; IF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) & (~inSel OR extend OR add OR (obj = NIL) & ~popup) THEN (* select *) c.TrackMarks(f, msg.x, msg.y, double, extend, add) END; IF popup THEN Dialog.Call("StdMenuTool.PopupMenu", "", res) END END END END END Track; PROCEDURE CopyView (source: Controller; VAR view: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER); VAR s: Views.View; m: Model; v: View; p: Properties.BoundsPref; BEGIN s := source.Singleton(); IF s # NIL THEN (* create a copy of singular selection *) view := Views.CopyOf(s, Views.deep); s.context.GetSize(w, h) ELSE (* create a copy of view with a copy of whole selection as contents *) m := source.SelectionCopy(); v := Views.CopyWithNewModel(source.view, m)(View); p.w := Views.undefined; p.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); view := v; w := p.w; h := p.h END END CopyView; PROCEDURE Paste (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); VAR m: Models.Model; BEGIN m := v.ThisModel(); IF (m # NIL) & c.NativeModel(m) THEN (* paste whole contents of source view *) c.NativePaste(m, f) ELSE (* paste whole view *) c.PasteView(f, v (* Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep) *), w, h) END END Paste; PROCEDURE GetValidOps (c: Controller; VAR valid: SET); BEGIN valid := {}; c.GetValidOps(valid); IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN valid := valid - {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.paste, Controllers.cut} END END GetValidOps; PROCEDURE Transfer (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.TransferMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; inSelection: BOOLEAN; dMsg: DropPref; BEGIN focus := NIL; g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); WITH msg: Controllers.PollDropMsg DO inSelection := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y); dMsg.mode := c.opts; dMsg.okToDrop := FALSE; IF g # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(g.view, dMsg) END; IF (g # NIL) & ~inSelection & (dMsg.okToDrop OR ~(noFocus IN c.opts))THEN focus := g.view ELSIF ~(noCaret IN c.opts) & c.CanDrop(f, msg.x, msg.y) THEN msg.dest := f; IF msg.mark THEN c.MarkDropTarget(msg.source, f, msg.sourceX, msg.sourceY, msg.x, msg.y, msg.w, msg.h, msg.rx, msg.ry, msg.type, msg.isSingle, msg.show) END END | msg: Controllers.DropMsg DO inSelection := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y); dMsg.mode := c.opts; dMsg.okToDrop := FALSE; IF g # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(g.view, dMsg) END; IF (g # NIL) & ~inSelection & (dMsg.okToDrop OR ~(noFocus IN c.opts))THEN c.SetFocus(g.view); focus := g.view ELSIF ~(noCaret IN c.opts) & c.CanDrop(f, msg.x, msg.y) THEN c.Drop(msg.source, f, msg.sourceX, msg.sourceY, msg.x, msg.y, msg.w, msg.h, msg.rx, msg.ry, msg.view, msg.isSingle) END | msg: Properties.PollPickMsg DO IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view ELSE msg.dest := f; IF msg.mark THEN c.MarkPickTarget(msg.source, f, msg.sourceX, msg.sourceY, msg.x, msg.y, msg.show) END END | msg: Properties.PickMsg DO IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view ELSE c.PickNativeProp(f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.prop) END ELSE IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view END END END Transfer; PROCEDURE FocusHasSel (): BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(msg); RETURN msg.selectable & (Controllers.copy IN msg.valid) END FocusHasSel; PROCEDURE FocusEditor (): Controller; VAR msg: PollFocusMsg; BEGIN msg.focus := NIL; msg.ctrl := NIL; msg.all := FALSE; Controllers.Forward(msg); RETURN msg.ctrl END FocusEditor; PROCEDURE Edit (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; res: INTEGER; valid: SET; select, units, getFocus, accepts: BOOLEAN; sel: Controllers.SelectMsg; BEGIN IF (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (focus = NIL) THEN IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ESC) THEN c.SelectAll(FALSE) ELSIF (c.Singleton() # NIL) & (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ENTER) THEN Dialog.Call("StdMenuTool.PrimaryVerb", "", res) ELSE GetValidOps(c, valid); IF msg.op IN valid THEN CASE msg.op OF | Controllers.pasteChar: IF msg.char >= " " THEN c.PasteChar(msg.char) ELSIF (AL <= msg.char) & (msg.char <= AD) OR (PL <= msg.char) & (msg.char <= DD) THEN select := Controllers.extend IN msg.modifiers; units := Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers; c.ArrowChar(f, msg.char, units, select) ELSE c.ControlChar(f, msg.char) END | Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy: CopyView(c, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h); msg.isSingle := c.Singleton() # NIL; IF msg.op = Controllers.cut THEN c.DeleteSelection END | Controllers.paste: IF msg.isSingle THEN c.PasteView(f, msg.view (* Views.CopyOf(msg.view, Views.deep) *), msg.w, msg.h) ELSE Paste(c, f, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h) END ELSE END END END ELSIF (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ESC) & (~(f IS Views.RootFrame) OR (31 IN c.opts)) & (c = FocusEditor()) & ((Controllers.extend IN msg.modifiers) OR ~FocusHasSel()) THEN IF 31 IN c.opts THEN INCL(msg.modifiers, 31) ELSE c.SetSingleton(focus) END; focus := NIL ELSIF (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (c = Focus()) THEN (* do some generic processing for non-container views *) IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ESC) THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, focus); IF g # NIL THEN sel.set := FALSE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, sel) END END ELSIF (c.opts * modeOpts = mask) & (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) THEN IF Controllers.pick IN msg.modifiers THEN CollectControlPref (c, NIL, msg.char, TRUE, v, getFocus, accepts) ELSE CollectControlPref (c, focus, msg.char, TRUE, v, getFocus, accepts) END; IF v = NIL THEN CheckMaskFocus(c, f, focus); CollectControlPref(c, focus, msg.char, TRUE, v, getFocus, accepts) END; IF v # NIL THEN IF getFocus & (v # focus) THEN c.SetFocus(v) END; IF accepts THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END END; focus := NIL END END END Edit; PROCEDURE PollCursor (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; cursor: INTEGER; sel: Views.View; obj: Views.Frame; inSel: BOOLEAN; BEGIN cursor := Mechanisms.outside; sel := c.Singleton(); IF focus # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, focus, l, t, r, b); IF (BorderVisible(c, f) OR (f IS Views.RootFrame)) & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.FocusBorderCursor(f, focus, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) ELSIF (msg.x >= l) & (msg.x <= r) & (msg.y >= t) & (msg.y <= b) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.inside END ELSIF sel # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, sel, l, t, r, b); cursor := Mechanisms.SelBorderCursor(f, sel, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) END; IF cursor >= 0 THEN msg.cursor := cursor; focus := NIL ELSIF (focus # NIL) & (cursor = Mechanisms.inside) THEN msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor ELSE IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor ELSE msg.cursor := c.NativeCursorAt(f, msg.x, msg.y) (* if nothing else, use native cursor *) END; focus := NIL; inSel := FALSE; IF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN inSel := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y) END; IF ~inSel THEN obj := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF obj # NIL THEN IF ~(noFocus IN c.opts) & NeedFocusAt(obj.view, f, obj, msg.x, msg.y) THEN focus := obj.view; msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor ELSIF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN inSel := TRUE END END END; IF focus = NIL THEN IF inSel THEN msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor END END END END PollCursor; PROCEDURE PollOps (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF focus = NIL THEN msg.type := ""; IF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN c.GetContextType(msg.type) END; msg.selectable := ~(noSelection IN c.opts) & c.Selectable(); GetValidOps(c, msg.valid); msg.singleton := c.Singleton() END END PollOps; PROCEDURE ReplaceView (c: Controller; old, new: Views.View); BEGIN ASSERT(old.context # NIL, 20); ASSERT((new.context = NIL) OR (new.context = old.context), 22); IF old.context.ThisModel() = c.model THEN c.model.ReplaceView(old, new) END; IF c.singleton = old THEN c.singleton := new END; IF c.focus = old THEN c.focus := new END END ReplaceView; PROCEDURE ViewProp (v: Views.View): Properties.Property; VAR poll: Properties.PollMsg; BEGIN poll.prop := NIL; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, poll); RETURN poll.prop END ViewProp; PROCEDURE SetViewProp (v: Views.View; old, p: Properties.Property); VAR set: Properties.SetMsg; BEGIN set.old := old; set.prop := p; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, set) END SetViewProp; PROCEDURE SizeProp (v: Views.View): Properties.Property; VAR sp: Properties.SizeProp; BEGIN NEW(sp); sp.known := {Properties.width, Properties.height}; sp.valid := sp.known; v.context.GetSize(sp.width, sp.height); RETURN sp END SizeProp; PROCEDURE SetSizeProp (v: Views.View; p: Properties.SizeProp); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF p.valid # {Properties.width, Properties.height} THEN v.context.GetSize(w, h) END; IF Properties.width IN p.valid THEN w := p.width END; IF Properties.height IN p.valid THEN h := p.height END; v.context.SetSize(w, h) END SetSizeProp; PROCEDURE ThisProp (c: Controller; direct: BOOLEAN): Properties.Property; CONST scanCutoff = MAX(INTEGER) (* 50 *); (* bound number of polled embedded views *) VAR v: Views.View; np, vp, p: Properties.Property; k: INTEGER; trunc, equal: BOOLEAN; BEGIN trunc := FALSE; k := 1; np := NIL; c.PollNativeProp(direct, np, trunc); v := NIL; c.GetFirstView(direct, v); IF v # NIL THEN Properties.Insert(np, SizeProp(v)); vp := ViewProp(v); k := scanCutoff; c.GetNextView(direct, v); WHILE (v # NIL) & (k > 0) DO DEC(k); Properties.Insert(np, SizeProp(v)); Properties.Intersect(vp, ViewProp(v), equal); c.GetNextView(direct, v) END; IF c.singleton # NIL THEN Properties.Merge(np, vp); vp := np ELSE Properties.Merge(vp, np) END ELSE vp := np END; IF trunc OR (k = 0) THEN p := vp; WHILE p # NIL DO p.valid := {}; p := p.next END END; IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN p := vp; WHILE p # NIL DO p.readOnly := p.valid; p := p.next END END; RETURN vp END ThisProp; PROCEDURE SetProp (c: Controller; old, p: Properties.Property; direct: BOOLEAN); TYPE ViewList = POINTER TO RECORD next: ViewList; view: Views.View END; VAR v: Views.View; q, sp: Properties.Property; equal: BOOLEAN; s: Stores.Operation; list, last: ViewList; BEGIN IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN RETURN END; Views.BeginScript(c.view, "#System:SetProp", s); q := p; WHILE (q # NIL) & ~(q IS Properties.SizeProp) DO q := q.next END; list := NIL; v := NIL; c.GetFirstView(direct, v); WHILE v # NIL DO IF list = NIL THEN NEW(list); last := list ELSE NEW(last.next); last := last.next END; last.view := v; c.GetNextView(direct, v) END; c.SetNativeProp(direct, old, p); WHILE list # NIL DO v := list.view; list := list.next; SetViewProp(v, old, p); IF direct & (q # NIL) THEN (* q IS Properties.SizeProp *) IF old # NIL THEN sp := SizeProp(v); Properties.Intersect(sp, old, equal); Properties.Intersect(sp, old, equal) END; IF (old = NIL) OR equal THEN SetSizeProp(v, q(Properties.SizeProp)) END END END; Views.EndScript(c.view, s) END SetProp; PROCEDURE Wheel (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.WheelMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; dx, dy: INTEGER; BEGIN g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view; ASSERT(focus.context.ThisModel() = c.model, 20) END END Wheel; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN focus := c.focus; WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO PollCursor(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO PollOps(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: PollFocusMsg DO IF msg.all OR (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (c.focus # NIL) THEN msg.ctrl := c END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO Edit(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.TransferMessage DO Transfer(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF focus = NIL THEN c.SelectAll(msg.set) END | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO FadeMarks(c, show); CheckMaskFocus(c, f, focus) | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO c.bVis := msg.show; c.Mark(f, f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, msg.show) | msg: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg DO ReplaceView(c, msg.old, msg.new) | msg: Properties.CollectMsg DO IF focus = NIL THEN msg.poll.prop := ThisProp(c, direct) END | msg: Properties.EmitMsg DO IF focus = NIL THEN SetProp(c, msg.set.old, msg.set.prop, direct) END | msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO Wheel(c, f, msg, focus) ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE Focus* (): Controller; VAR msg: PollFocusMsg; BEGIN msg.focus := NIL; msg.ctrl := NIL; msg.all := TRUE; Controllers.Forward(msg); RETURN msg.ctrl END Focus; PROCEDURE FocusSingleton* (): Views.View; VAR c: Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := NIL END; RETURN v END FocusSingleton; PROCEDURE CloneOf* (m: Model): Model; VAR h: Model; BEGIN ASSERT(m # NIL, 20); Kernel.NewObj(h, Kernel.TypeOf(m)); h.InitFrom(m); RETURN h END CloneOf; END Containers.
MODULE Controllers; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20141213, center #21, Fixing Controllers.TickMsg.tick overflow bug. - 20170905, center #173, adding new modifiers to Controllers " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Services, Ports, Stores, Models, Views; CONST (** Forward target **) targetPath* = TRUE; frontPath* = FALSE; (** ScrollMsg.op **) decLine* = 0; incLine* = 1; decPage* = 2; incPage* = 3; gotoPos* = 4; (** PageMsg.op **) nextPageX* = 0; nextPageY* = 1; gotoPageX* = 2; gotoPageY* = 3; (** PollOpsMsg.valid, EditMsg.op **) cut* = 0; copy* = 1; pasteChar* = 2; (* pasteLChar* = 3; *) paste* = 4; (* pasteView* = 5; *) (** TrackMsg.modifiers, EditMsg.modifiers **) doubleClick* = 0; (** clicking history **) extend* = 1; modify* = 2; (** modifier keys **) popup* = 3; (** show popup menu **) pick* = 4; (** pick attributes **) (** PollDropMsg.mark, PollDrop mark **) noMark* = FALSE; mark* = TRUE; (** PollDropMsg.show, PollDrop show **) hide* = FALSE; show* = TRUE; minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; tickInterval = 100; TYPE (** messages **) Message* = Views.CtrlMessage; PollFocusMsg* = EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Message) focus*: Views.Frame (** OUT, preset to NIL **) END; PollSectionMsg* = RECORD (Message) focus*, vertical*: BOOLEAN; (** IN **) wholeSize*: INTEGER; (** OUT, preset to 1 **) partSize*: INTEGER; (** OUT, preset to 1 **) partPos*: INTEGER; (** OUT, preset to 0 **) valid*, done*: BOOLEAN (** OUT, preset to (FALSE, FALSE) **) END; PollOpsMsg* = RECORD (Message) type*: Stores.TypeName; (** OUT, preset to "" **) pasteType*: Stores.TypeName; (** OUT, preset to "" **) singleton*: Views.View; (** OUT, preset to NIL **) selectable*: BOOLEAN; (** OUT, preset to FALSE **) valid*: SET (** OUT, preset to {} **) END; ScrollMsg* = RECORD (Message) focus*, vertical*: BOOLEAN; (** IN **) op*: INTEGER; (** IN **) pos*: INTEGER; (** IN **) done*: BOOLEAN (** OUT, preset to FALSE **) END; PageMsg* = RECORD (Message) op*: INTEGER; (** IN **) pageX*, pageY*: INTEGER; (** IN **) done*, eox*, eoy*: BOOLEAN (** OUT, preset to (FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) **) END; TickMsg* = RECORD (Message) tick*: LONGINT (** IN **) END; MarkMsg* = RECORD (Message) show*: BOOLEAN; (** IN **) focus*: BOOLEAN (** IN **) END; SelectMsg* = RECORD (Message) set*: BOOLEAN (** IN **) END; RequestMessage* = ABSTRACT RECORD (Message) requestFocus*: BOOLEAN (** OUT, preset (by framework) to FALSE **) END; EditMsg* = RECORD (RequestMessage) op*: INTEGER; (** IN **) modifiers*: SET; (** IN, valid if op IN {pasteChar, pasteLchar} **) char*: CHAR; (** IN, valid if op = pasteChar **) view*: Views.View; w*, h*: INTEGER; (** IN, valid if op = paste **) (** OUT, valid if op IN {cut, copy} **) isSingle*: BOOLEAN; (** dito **) clipboard*: BOOLEAN (** IN, valid if op IN {cut, copy, paste} **) END; ReplaceViewMsg* = RECORD (RequestMessage) old*, new*: Views.View (** IN **) END; CursorMessage* = ABSTRACT RECORD (RequestMessage) x*, y*: INTEGER (** IN, needs translation when passed on **) END; PollCursorMsg* = RECORD (CursorMessage) cursor*: INTEGER; (** OUT, preset to Ports.arrowCursor **) modifiers*: SET (** IN **) END; TrackMsg* = RECORD (CursorMessage) modifiers*: SET (** IN **) END; WheelMsg* = RECORD (CursorMessage) done*: BOOLEAN; (** must be set if the message is handled **) op*, nofLines*: INTEGER; modifiers*: SET (** IN **) END; TransferMessage* = ABSTRACT RECORD (CursorMessage) source*: Views.Frame; (** IN, home frame of transfer originator, may be NIL if unknown **) sourceX*, sourceY*: INTEGER (** IN, reference point in source frame, defined if source # NIL **) END; PollDropMsg* = RECORD (TransferMessage) mark*: BOOLEAN; (** IN, request to mark drop target **) show*: BOOLEAN; (** IN, if mark then show/hide target mark **) type*: Stores.TypeName; (** IN, type of view to drop **) isSingle*: BOOLEAN; (** IN, view to drop is singleton **) w*, h*: INTEGER; (** IN, size of view to drop, may be 0, 0 **) rx*, ry*: INTEGER; (** IN, reference point in view **) dest*: Views.Frame (** OUT, preset to NIL, set if DropMsg is acceptable **) END; DropMsg* = RECORD (TransferMessage) view*: Views.View; (** IN, drop this *) isSingle*: BOOLEAN; (** IN, view to drop is singleton **) w*, h*: INTEGER; (** IN, proposed size *) rx*, ry*: INTEGER (** IN, reference point in view **) END; (** controllers **) Controller* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) END; (** forwarders **) Forwarder* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD next: Forwarder END; TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner) END; PathInfo = POINTER TO RECORD path: BOOLEAN; prev: PathInfo END; BalanceCheckAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) wait: WaitAction END; WaitAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) check: BalanceCheckAction END; Ticker = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; VAR path-: BOOLEAN; list: Forwarder; cleaner: TrapCleaner; prevPath, cache: PathInfo; (** BalanceCheckAction **) PROCEDURE (a: BalanceCheckAction) Do; BEGIN Services.DoLater(a.wait, Services.resolution); ASSERT(prevPath = NIL, 100); END Do; PROCEDURE (a: WaitAction) Do; BEGIN Services.DoLater(a.check, Services.immediately) END Do; (** Cleaner **) PROCEDURE (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup; BEGIN path := frontPath; prevPath := NIL END Cleanup; PROCEDURE NewPathInfo(): PathInfo; VAR c: PathInfo; BEGIN IF cache = NIL THEN NEW(c) ELSE c := cache; cache := cache.prev END; RETURN c END NewPathInfo; PROCEDURE DisposePathInfo(c: PathInfo); BEGIN c.prev := cache; cache := c END DisposePathInfo; (** Controller **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE; (** pre: ~c.init **) (** post: c.init **) VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN c.Internalize^(rd); rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE; (** pre: c.init **) BEGIN c.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion) END Externalize; (** Forwarder **) PROCEDURE (f: Forwarder) Forward* (target: BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Message), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Forwarder) Transfer* (VAR msg: TransferMessage), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE Register* (f: Forwarder); VAR t: Forwarder; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); t := list; WHILE (t # NIL) & (t # f) DO t := t.next END; IF t = NIL THEN f.next := list; list := f END END Register; PROCEDURE Delete* (f: Forwarder); VAR t: Forwarder; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); IF f = list THEN list := list.next ELSE t := list; WHILE (t # NIL) & (t.next # f) DO t := t.next END; IF t # NIL THEN t.next := f.next END END; f.next := NIL END Delete; PROCEDURE ForwardVia* (target: BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Message); VAR t: Forwarder; BEGIN t := list; WHILE t # NIL DO t.Forward(target, msg); t := t.next END END ForwardVia; PROCEDURE SetCurrentPath* (target: BOOLEAN); VAR p: PathInfo; BEGIN IF prevPath = NIL THEN Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; p := NewPathInfo(); p.prev := prevPath; prevPath := p; p.path := path; path := target END SetCurrentPath; PROCEDURE ResetCurrentPath*; VAR p: PathInfo; BEGIN IF prevPath # NIL THEN (* otherwise trap cleaner may have already removed prefPath objects *) p := prevPath; prevPath := p.prev; path := p.path; IF prevPath = NIL THEN Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; DisposePathInfo(p) END END ResetCurrentPath; PROCEDURE Forward* (VAR msg: Message); BEGIN ForwardVia(path, msg) END Forward; PROCEDURE PollOps* (VAR msg: PollOpsMsg); BEGIN msg.type := ""; msg.pasteType := ""; msg.singleton := NIL; msg.selectable := FALSE; msg.valid := {}; Forward(msg) END PollOps; PROCEDURE PollCursor* (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; OUT cursor: INTEGER); VAR msg: PollCursorMsg; BEGIN msg.x := x; msg.y := y; msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor; msg.modifiers := modifiers; Forward(msg); cursor := msg.cursor END PollCursor; PROCEDURE Transfer* (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; VAR msg: TransferMessage); VAR t: Forwarder; BEGIN ASSERT(source # NIL, 20); msg.x := x; msg.y := y; msg.source := source; msg.sourceX := sourceX; msg.sourceY := sourceY; t := list; WHILE t # NIL DO t.Transfer(msg); t := t.next END END Transfer; PROCEDURE PollDrop* (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; mark, show: BOOLEAN; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; OUT dest: Views.Frame; OUT destX, destY: INTEGER); VAR msg: PollDropMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(source # NIL, 20); msg.mark := mark; msg.show := show; msg.type := type; msg.isSingle := isSingle; msg.w := w; msg.h := h; msg.rx := rx; msg.ry := ry; msg.dest := NIL; Transfer(x, y, source, sourceX, sourceY, msg); dest := msg.dest; destX := msg.x; destY := msg.y END PollDrop; PROCEDURE Drop* (x, y: INTEGER; source: Views.Frame; sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER; view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER); VAR msg: DropMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(source # NIL, 20); ASSERT(view # NIL, 21); msg.view := view; msg.isSingle := isSingle; msg.w := w; msg.h := h; msg.rx := rx; msg.ry := ry; Transfer(x, y, source, sourceX, sourceY, msg) END Drop; PROCEDURE PasteView* (view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; clipboard: BOOLEAN); VAR msg: EditMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); msg.op := paste; msg.isSingle := TRUE; msg.clipboard := clipboard; msg.view := view; msg.w := w; msg.h := h; Forward(msg) END PasteView; PROCEDURE FocusFrame* (): Views.Frame; VAR msg: PollFocusMsg; BEGIN msg.focus := NIL; Forward(msg); RETURN msg.focus END FocusFrame; PROCEDURE FocusView* (): Views.View; VAR focus: Views.Frame; BEGIN focus := FocusFrame(); IF focus # NIL THEN RETURN focus.view ELSE RETURN NIL END END FocusView; PROCEDURE FocusModel* (): Models.Model; VAR focus: Views.Frame; BEGIN focus := FocusFrame(); IF focus # NIL THEN RETURN focus.view.ThisModel() ELSE RETURN NIL END END FocusModel; PROCEDURE HandleCtrlMsgs (op: INTEGER; f, g: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Message; VAR mark, front, req: BOOLEAN); (* g = f.up OR g = NIL *) CONST pre = 0; translate = 1; backoff = 2; final = 3; BEGIN CASE op OF pre: WITH msg: MarkMsg DO IF msg.show & (g # NIL) THEN mark := TRUE; front := g.front END | msg: RequestMessage DO msg.requestFocus := FALSE ELSE END | translate: WITH msg: CursorMessage DO msg.x := msg.x + f.gx - g.gx; msg.y := msg.y + f.gy - g.gy ELSE END | backoff: WITH msg: MarkMsg DO IF ~msg.show THEN mark := FALSE; front := FALSE END | msg: RequestMessage DO req := msg.requestFocus ELSE END | final: WITH msg: PollFocusMsg DO IF msg.focus = NIL THEN msg.focus := f END | msg: MarkMsg DO IF ~msg.show THEN mark := FALSE; front := FALSE END | msg: RequestMessage DO req := msg.requestFocus ELSE END END END HandleCtrlMsgs; (** Ticker *) PROCEDURE (a: Ticker) Do; VAR tick: TickMsg; BEGIN tick.tick := Services.Ticks(); Services.DoLater(a, Services.Ticks() + tickInterval); ForwardVia(frontPath, tick); END Do; PROCEDURE Init; VAR action: BalanceCheckAction; w: WaitAction; ticker: Ticker; BEGIN Views.InitCtrl(HandleCtrlMsgs); NEW(cleaner); NEW(action); NEW(w); action.wait := w; w.check := action; Services.DoLater(action, Services.immediately); NEW(ticker); Services.DoLater(ticker, Services.immediately); END Init; BEGIN Init END Controllers.