« Prev Chapter XXVI Next » I S A I A H. This chapter is a song of holy joy and praise, in which the great things God had engaged, in the foregoing chapter, to do for his people against his enemies and their enemies are celebrated: it is prepared to be sung when that prophecy should be accomplished; for we must be forward to meet God with our thanksgivings when he is coming towards us with his mercies. Now the people of God are here taught, I. To triumph in the safety and holy security both of the church in general and of every particular member of it, under the divine protection, ver. 1-4. II. To triumph over all opposing powers, ver. 5, 6. III. To walk with God, and wait for him, in the worst and darkest times, ver. 7-9. IV. To lament the stupidity of those who regarded not the providence of God, either merciful or afflictive, ver. 10, 11. V. To encourage themselves, and one another, with hopes that God would still continue to do them good (ver. 12, 14), and engage themselves to continue in his service, ver. 13. VI. To recollect the kind providences of God towards them in their low and distressed condition, and their conduct under those providences, ver. 15-18. VII. To rejoice in hope of a glorious deliverance, which should be as a resurrection to them (ver. 19), and to retire in the expectation of it, ver. 20, 21. And this is written for the support and assistance of the faith and hope of God's people in all ages, even those upon whom the ends of the world have come. The Blessings of the Gospel. (b. c. 718.) To the prophecies of gospel grace very fitly is a song annexed, in which we may give God the glory and take to ourselves the comfort of that grace: In that day, the gospel day, which the day of the victories and enlargements of the Old-Testament church was typical of (to some of which perhaps this has a primary reference), in that day this song shall be sung; there shall be persons to sing it, and cause and hearts to sing it; it shall be sung in the land of Judah, which was a figure of the gospel church; for the gospel covenant is said to be made with the house of Judah, Heb. viii. 8. Glorious things are here said of the church of God. I. That it is strongly fortified against those that are bad (v. 1): We have a strong city. It is a city incorporated by the charter of the everlasting covenant, fitted for the reception of all that are made free by that charter, for their employment and entertainment; it is a strong city, as Jerusalem was, while it was a city compact together, and had God himself a wall of fire round about it, so strong that none would have believed that an enemy could ever enter into the gates of Jerusalem, Lam. iv. 12. The church is a strong city, for it has walls and bulwarks, or counterscarps, and those of God's own appointing; for he has, in his promise, appointed salvation itself to be its defence. Those that are designed for salvation will find that to be their protection, 1 Pet. i. 4. II. That it is richly replenished with those that are good, and they are instead of fortifications to it; for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, if they are such as they should be, are its strength, Zech. xii. 5. The gates are here ordered to be opened, that the righteous nation, which keeps the truth, may enter in, v. 2. They had been banished and driven out by the iniquity of the former times, but now the laws that were made against them are repealed, and they have liberty to enter in again. Or, There is an act for a general naturalization of all the righteous, whatever nation they are of, encouraging them to come and settle in Jerusalem. When God has done great things for any place or people he expects that thus they should render according to the benefit done unto them; they should be kind to his people, and take them under their protection and into their bosom. Note, 1. It is the character of righteous men that they keep the truths of God, a firm belief of which will have a commanding influence upon the regularity of the whole conversation. Good principles fixed in the head will produce good resolutions in the heart and good practices in the life. 2. It is the interest of states to countenance such, and court them among them, for they bring a blessing with them. III. That all who belong to it are safe and easy, and have a holy security and serenity of mind in the assurance of God's favour. 1. This is here the matter of a promise (v. 3): Thou wilt keep him in peace, peace, in perfect peace, inward peace, outward peace, peace with God, peace of conscience, peace at all times, under all events; this peace shall he be put into, and kept in the possession of, whose mind is stayed upon God, because it trusts in him. It is the character of every good man that he trusts in God, puts himself under his guidance and government, and depends upon him that it shall be greatly to his advantage to do so. Those that trust in God must have their minds stayed upon him, must trust him at all times, under all events, must firmly and faithfully adhere to him, with an entire satisfaction in him; and such as do so God will keep in perpetual peace, and that peace shall keep them. When evil tidings are abroad those shall calmly expect the event, and not be disturbed by frightful apprehensions arising from them, whose hearts are fixed, trusting in the Lord, Ps. cxii. 7. 2. It is the matter of a precept (v. 4): "Let us make ourselves easy by trusting in the Lord for ever; since God has promised peace to those that stay themselves upon him, let us not lose the benefit of that promise, but repose an entire confidence in him. Trust in him for ever, at all times, when you have nothing else to trust to; trust in him for that peace, that portion, which will be for ever." Whatever we trust to the world for, it will be but for a moment: all we expect from it is confined within the limits of time. But what we trust in God for will last as long as we shall last. For in the Lord Jehovah-Jah, Jehovah, in him who was, and is, and is to come, there is a rock of ages, a firm and lasting foundation for faith and hope to build upon; and the house built on that rock will stand in a storm. Those that trust in God shall not only find in him, but receive from him, everlasting strength, strength that will carry them to everlasting life, to that blessedness which is for ever; and therefore let them trust in him for ever, and never cast away nor change their confidence. The Goodness and Justice of God. (b. c. 718.) Here the prophet further encourages us to trust in the Lord for ever, and to continue waiting on him; for, I. He will make humble souls that trust in him to triumph over their proud enemies, v. 5, 6. Those that exalt themselves shall be abased: For he brings down those that dwell on high; and wherein they deal proudly he is, and will be, above them. Even the lofty city Babylon itself, or Nineveh, he lays it low, ch. xxv. 12. He can do it, be it ever so well fortified. He has often done it. He will do it, for he resists the proud. It is his glory to do it, for he proves himself to be God by looking on the proud and abasing them, Job xl. 12. But, on the contrary, those that humble themselves shall be exalted; for the feet of the poor shall tread upon the lofty cities, v. 6. He does not say, Great armies shall tread them down; but, When God will have it done, even the feet of the poor shall do it, Mal. iv. 3. You shall tread down the wicked. Come, set your feet on the necks of these kings. See Ps. cxlvii. 6; Rom. xvi. 20. II. He takes cognizance of the way of his people and has delight in it (v. 7): The way of the just is evenness (so it may be read): it is their endeavour and constant care to walk with God in an even steady course of obedience and holy conversation. My foot stands in an even place, goes in an even path, Ps. xxvi. 12. And it is their happiness that God makes their way plain and easy before them: Thou, most upright, dost level (or make even) the path of the just, by preventing or removing those things that would be stumbling-blocks to them, so that nothing shall offend them, Ps. cxix. 165. God weighs it (so we read it); he considers it, and will give them grace sufficient for them, to help them over all the difficulties they may meet with in their way. Thus with the upright God will show himself upright. IV. It is God's gracious design, in sending abroad his judgments, thereby to bring men to seek him and serve him: When thy judgments are upon the earth, laying all waste, then we have reason to expect that not only God's professing people, but even the inhabitants of the world, will learn righteousness, will have their mistakes rectified and their lives reformed, will be brought to acknowledge God's righteousness in punishing them, will repent of their own unrighteousness in offending God, and so be brought to walk in right paths. They will do this; that is, judgments are designed to bring them to this, they have a natural tendency to produce this effect, and, though many continue obstinate, yet some even of the inhabitants of the world will profit by this discipline, and will learn righteousness; surely they will; they are strangely stupid if they do not. Note, The intention of afflictions is to teach us righteousness; and blessed is the man whom God chastens, and thus teaches, Ps. xciv. 12. Discite justitiam, moniti, et non temnere divos—Let this rebuke teach you to cultivate righteousness, and cease from despising the gods.—Virgil. V. Those are wicked indeed that will not be wrought upon by the favourable methods God takes to subdue and reform them; and it is necessary that God should deal with them in a severe way by his judgments, which shall prevail to humble those that would not otherwise be humbled. Observe, 1. How sinners walk contrary to God, and refuse to comply with the means used for their reformation and to answer the intentions of them, v. 10. (1.) Favour is shown to them. They receive many mercies from God; he causes his sun to shine and his rain to fall upon them, nay, he prospers them, and into their hands he brings plentifully; they escape many of the strokes of God's judgments, which others less wicked than they have been cut off by; in some particular instances they seem to be remarkably favoured above their neighbours, and the design of all this is that they may be won upon to love and serve that God who thus favours them; and yet it is all in vain: They will not learn righteousness, will not be led to repentance by the goodness of God, and therefore it is requisite that God should send his judgments into the earth, to reckon with men for abused mercies. (2.) They live in a land of uprightness, where religion is professed and is in reputation, where the word of God is preached, and where they have many good examples set them,—in a land of evenness, where there are not so many stumbling-blocks as in other places,—in a land of correction, where vice and profaneness are discountenanced and punished; yet there they will deal unjustly, and go on frowardly in their evil ways. Those that do wickedly deal unjustly both with God and man, as well as with their own souls; and those that will not be reclaimed by the justice of the nation may expect the judgments of God upon them. Nor can those expect a place hereafter in the land of blessedness who now conform not to the laws and usages, nor improve the privileges and advantages, of the land of uprightness; and why do they not? It is because they will not behold the majesty of the Lord, will not believe, will not consider, what a God of terrible majesty he is whose laws and justice they persist in the contempt of. God's majesty appears in all the dispensations of his providence; but they regard it not, and therefore study not to answer the ends of those dispensations. Even when we receive of the mercy of the Lord we must still behold the majesty of the Lord and his goodness. (3.) God lifts up his hand to give them warning, that they may, by repentance and prayer, make their peace with him; but they take no notice of it, are not aware that God is angry with them, or coming forth against them: They will not see, and none so blind as those who will not see, who shut their eyes against the clearest conviction of guilt and wrath, who ascribe that to chance, or common fate, which is manifestly a divine rebuke, who regard not the threatening symptoms of their own ruin, but cry Peace to themselves, when the righteous God is waging war with them. Goodness of God to Israel; Israel Corrected for Sin; Prospects of the Church. (b. c. 718.) 2. That yet he had laid them under his rebukes. (2.) They had sometimes been carried into captivity before their enemies (v. 15): "The nation which at first thou didst increase, and make to take root, thou hast now diminished, and plucked up, and removed to all the ends of the earth, driven out to the utmost parts of heaven," as is threatened, Deut. xxx. 4; xxviii. 64. But observe, Between the mention of the increasing of them and that of the removing of them it is said, Thou art glorified; for the judgments God inflicts upon his people for their sins are for his honour, as well as the mercies he bestows upon them in performance of his promise. The Sure Refuge. (b. c. 718.) I. He invites them into their chambers (v. 20): "Come, my people, come to me, come with me" (he calls them nowhere but where he himself will accompany them); "let the storm that disperses others bring you nearer together. Come, and enter into thy chambers; stay not abroad, lest you be caught in the storm, as the Egyptians in the hail," Exod. ix. 21. 1. "Come into chambers of distinction; come into your own apartments, and continue not any longer mixed with the children of Babylon. Come out from among them, and be you separate," 2 Cor. vi. 17; Rev. xviii. 4. If God has set apart those that are godly for himself, they ought to set themselves apart. 2. "Into chambers of defence, in which by the secresy or the strength of them you may be safe in the worst of times." The attributes of God are the secret of his tabernacle, Ps. xxvii. 5. His name is a strong tower, into which we may run for shelter, Prov. xviii. 10. We must by faith find a way into these chambers, and there hide ourselves; that is, with a holy security and serenity of mind, we must put ourselves under the divine protection. Come, as Noah into the ark, for he shut the doors about him. When dangers are threatening it is good to retire, and lie hid, as Elijah did by the brook Cherith. 3. Into chambers of devotion. "Enter into thy closet, and shut thy door, Matt. vi. 6. Be private with God: Enter into thy chamber, to examine thyself, and commune with thy own heart, to pray, and humble thyself before God." This work is to be done in times of distress and danger; and thus we hide ourselves, that is, we recommend ourselves to God to hide us, and he will hide us either under heaven or in heaven. Israel must keep within doors when the destroying angel is slaying the first-born of Egypt, else the blood on the door-posts will not secure them. So must Rahab and her family when Jericho is being destroyed. Those are most safe that are least seen. Qui bene latuit, benevixit—He has lived well who has sought a proper degree of concealment. II. He assures them that the trouble would be over in a very short time, that they should not long be in any fright or peril: "Hide thyself for a moment, the smallest part of time we can conceive, like an atom of matter; may, if you can imagine one moment shorter than another, it is but for a little moment, and that with a quasi too, as it were for a little moment, less than you think of. When it is over it will seem as nothing to you; you will wonder how soon it is gone. You shall not need to lie long in confinement, long in concealment. The indignation will presently be over-past; that is, the indignation of the enemies against you, their persecuting power and rage, which force you to abscond. When the wicked rise, a man is hid. This will soon be over; God will cut them off, will break their power, defeat their purposes, and find a way for your enlargement." When Athanasius was banished from Alexandria by an edict of Julian, and his friends greatly lamented it, he bade them be of good cheer. Nubecula est quæ cito pertransibit—It is a little cloud, that will soon blow over. You shall have tribulation ten days; that is all, Rev. ii. 10. This enables God's suffering people to call their afflictions light, that they are but for a moment. III. He assures them that their enemies should be reckoned with for all the mischief they had done them by the sword, either of war or persecution, v. 21. The Lord will punish them for the blood they have shed. Here is, 1. The judgment set, and process issued out: The Lord comes out of his place, to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity, in giving such disturbance to all about them. There is a great deal of iniquity among the inhabitants of the earth; but though they all combine in it, though hand join in hand to carry it on, yet it shall not go unpunished. Besides the everlasting punishment into which the wicked shall go hereafter, there are often remarkable punishments of cruelty, oppression, and persecution, in this world. When men's indignation is over-past, and they have done their worst, let them then expect God's indignation, for he sees that his day is coming, Ps. xxxvii. 13. God comes out of his place to punish. He shows himself in an extraordinary manner from heaven, the firmament of his power, from the sanctuary, the residence of his grace. He is raised up out of his holy habitation, where he seemed before to conceal himself; and now he will do something great, the product of his wise, just, and secret counsels, as a prince that goes to take the chair or take the field, Zech. ii. 13. Some observe that God's place is the mercy-seat; there he delights to be; when he punishes he comes out of his place, for he has no pleasure in the death of sinners. 2. The criminals convicted by the notorious evidence of the face: The earth shall disclose her blood; the innocent blood, the blood of the saints and martyrs, which has been shed upon the earth like water, and has soaked into it, and been concealed and covered by it, shall not be brought to light, and brought to account; for God will make inquisition for it, and will give those that shed it blood to drink, for they are worthy. Secret murders, and other secret wickednesses, shall be discovered, sooner or later. And the slain which the earth has long covered she shall no longer cover, but they shall be produced as evidence against the murderers. The voice of Abel's blood cries from the earth, Gen. ix. 10, 11; Job xx. 27. Those sins which seemed to be buried in oblivion will be called to mind, and called over again, when the day of reckoning comes. Let God's people therefore wait awhile with patience, for behold the Judge stands before the door. « Prev Chapter XXVI Next » Please login or register to save highlights and make annotations Corrections disabled for this book Proofing disabled for this book Printer-friendly version
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World's Strictest Parents   -  About the Series About The Series World's Strictest Parents documents the journey of two unruly teens from different families as they are forced to adapt to the rules and regulations of very strict host parents. Living under different standards from their families back home, the misbehaving teens will be subject to punishment for breaking rules and skipping chores while the strict parents attempt to mend their ways. Show Info CMT - Get country.
Click here to Skip to main content Click here to Skip to main content 24 Bit Color Icon in System Tray By , 15 Mar 2004 Rate this: Please Sign up or sign in to vote. I have found a lot of articles on CodeProject on displaying a system tray icon, but none of them allowed me to display an icon with more than 256 colors (at least I did not find any one). I was in need to display icons having more than 256 colors. A little bit of effort with MSDN put me on the right deck. Since a lot has been done for system tray icons, I did not go for re-inventing the wheel, and used the Chris Maunder class of CSystemTray with very little modification (not relating to icon display, instead enabling menu update handlers to work out. You can insert the code below in Chris's class to provide an overloaded function for this). All the credits for that class goes to Chris Maunder. By default Visual studio does not load an icon in its editor, if it contains more than 256 colors. If you import an icon with more than 256 colors, it loads it as bitmap resource. What you need to do is to extract icon from that bitmap resource. See the section "Using the code" to see detail, how it has been done. I had benefited a lot from CodeProject. I wished, I could have a contribution too. A very small opportunity came in my way, I cashed it on. I will try to put some more useful articles as soon as its possible for me. Using the code There is nothing tricky in this article. Create two member variable of type CBitmap and HICON in your class (here CSysTray24Dlg) along with an object of CSystemTray below: CSystemTray m_TrayIcon; HICON m_hTrayIcon; CBitmap m_24bitBMP; Now in OnInitDialog function extract the icon from the bitmap resource as follows: ICONINFO icInfo; icInfo.fIcon = TRUE; icInfo.hbmMask = (HBITMAP) m_24bitBMP; icInfo.xHotspot = 0; icInfo.yHotspot = 0; icInfo.hbmColor = (HBITMAP) m_24bitBMP; m_hTrayIcon = CreateIconIndirect(&icInfo); Now display the icon as below: if (!m_TrayIcon.Create(NULL,// Parent window WM_ICON_NOTIFY, // Icon notify message to use "24 bit Icon", // tooltip m_hTrayIcon, // Icon to use IDR_POPUP_MENU)) // ID of tray icon return FALSE; Remember to destroy the icon handle in destructor or when you don't need it as: That's it. A list of licenses authors might use can be found here About the Author Muhammad Asif Khan Web Developer Pakistan Pakistan Masters of Computer Sciences from International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan Love programming in C++ and VC. Comments and Discussions QuestionSetting Icon Externally at Runtime ?? PinmemberManni Singh8-Jun-06 2:14  | Advertise | Privacy | Mobile Web03 | 2.8.140315.1 | Last Updated 16 Mar 2004 Article Copyright 2004 by Muhammad Asif Khan Everything else Copyright © CodeProject, 1999-2014 Terms of Use Layout: fixed | fluid
Information for "Board:a-trend/atc-6220" Jump to: navigation, search Basic information Display titleBoard:a-trend/atc-6220 Default sort keyBoard:a-trend/atc-6220 Page length (in bytes)2,631 Page ID2612 Page content languageEnglish (en) Search engine statusIndexable Number of views3,520 Redirects to this page1 Counted as a content pageYes Page protection EditAllow all users MoveAllow all users Edit history Page creatorUwe (Talk | contribs) Date of page creation23:52, 20 September 2010 Latest editorPhcoder (Talk | contribs) Date of latest edit23:16, 18 January 2014 Total number of edits3 Total number of distinct authors2 Recent number of edits (within past 91 days)1 Recent number of distinct authors1 Page properties Transcluded templates (4) Templates used on this page:
Validator-Custom Custom validator INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Validator::Custom You can also look for information at: RT, CPAN's request tracker AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation CPAN Ratings Search CPAN COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2009 Yuki Kimoto This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
NAME DBIx::Password - Allows you to create a global password file for DB passwords SYNOPSIS use DBIx::Password; my $dbh = DBIx::Password->connect($user); my $dbh = DBIx::Password->connect_cached($user); $dbh->getDriver; DBIx::Password::getDriver($user); DBIx::Password::checkVirtualUser($user); DESCRIPTION Don't you hate keeping track of database passwords and such throughout your scripts? How about the problem of changing those passwords on a mass scale? This module is one possible solution. When you go to build this module it will ask you to create virtual users. For each user you need to specify the database module to use, the database connect string, the username and the password. You will be prompted to give a name to this virtual user. You can add as many as you like. I would recommend that if you are only using this with web applications that you change the final permissions on this package after it is installed in site_perl such that only the webserver can read it. A method called getDriver has been added so that you can determine what driver is being used (handy for working out database indepence issues). If you want to find out if the virtual user is valid, you can call the class method checkVirtualUser(). It returns true (1) if the username is valid, and zero if not. Once your are done you can use the connect method (or the connect_cache method) that comes with DBIx-Password and just specify one of the virtual users you defined while making the module. BTW I learned the bless hack that is used from Apache::DBI so some credit should go to the authors of that module. This is a rewrite of the module Tangent::DB that I did for slashcode. Hope you enjoy it. INSTALL Basically: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Be sure to answer the questions as you make the module HOME To find out more information look at: AUTHOR Brian Aker, SEE ALSO perl(1). DBI(3).
Thread: Motion Sickness View Single Post   #15 (permalink)   Old February 25th, 2001, 01:05 PM Patty Patty is offline Senior Member Cruise Maniac Join Date: Aug 2000 Posts: 232 Default RE: Motion Sickness So to prevent motion sickness, are you saying to take Allegra and Zantac at the same time, or is that 2 different thoughts? Thanks. Reply With Quote
Thread: Avatar Problem. View Single Post   #11 (permalink)   Old September 18th, 2005, 07:20 PM Donna's Avatar Donna Donna is offline Join Date: Aug 2000 Location: on my computer Posts: 26,214 Send a message via AIM to Donna I also had some trouble with using the avitar, just couldn't get a pic the size it would accept. With the help of ML, she got the pic sized right and it worked Message Boards Moderator Reply With Quote
Skip to: Content Skip to: Site Navigation Skip to: Search For kids: Name that president Test your knowledge. Can you answer these questions about the presidents of the United States? (Page 2 of 2) 9. George W. Bush was the first president to have been a managing general partner of a Major League baseball team, the Texas Rangers. Skip to next paragraph 10. George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, and Harry Truman did not attend college. 11. James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are/were left-handed. Since 1969, more presidents have been left-handed than right-handed. Only Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and George W. Bush were right-handed. 12. The two presidents who remarried after the death of their first wives were John Tyler and Woodrow Wilson. 13. Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe died on the Fourth of July. 14. Calvin Coolidge was born on the Fourth of July. 15. Thomas Jefferson was the first president inaugurated in Washington. 16. Benjamin Harrison was the first to use electricity in the White House. After he received an electrical shock, his family often refused to touch the light switches, and they sometimes would go to bed with the lights on.
Central Washington University Department of Mathematics Math Faculty & Staff Wildcat Connection Groupwise - email check Dr Englund's CWU Homepage Timothy Englund 108E Bouillion Hall Office Phone: 509-963-1759 Fax: 509-963-3226 A path is formed by walking on it. -Lao Zi- I'm not teaching this quarter. Feel free to stop by my office anytime. FINANCIAL WEBCAST FROM MCNA 299 - general useful information on avoiding too much debt Download and install the player first by clicking here. Then download the webcast here. A copy of the slides used during the presentation is here. Happy listening!!!! We are not likely to be what we are for very long We never were, we knew that. But in some ragged way, we have dressed each other in pearls, shook cloth, billboards, junk, and treasure. And granted us the skills to move if we needed to dance we would. And somewhere, if we need to drum the sun until it chimed, we could. We have been the first thing anyone ever dreamed of. And what I have to say was this. we are always what we are, did, wanted, made. --Paul Monette Math Stuff: Math Careers - what can you do with a degree in math? Careers in Math Profiles - who does what More Math Careers The American Mathematical Society The Mathematical Association of America The Young Mathematicians' Network Historical Math Monographs– read the originals Need Math Help?? Try! – billions and billions served GAP-Groups, Algorithms, and Programming Where is your birthday in pi? – come on, try this. Your birthday. Pi???! Mmmmmmm.... More pi, please The Calculus Hater's Homepage Is it worth running in the rain? Dead Grandmothers - why your family should be worried that you're in college Running Stuff: Run 100s - a clearinghouse for all things ultrarunning related The Western States Endurance Run - the granddaddy of the hundred milers The Plain 100 - The antithesis of Western States (pictures of the 2007 version, my story, and a poem about the race) Ultrarunning in the Pacific Northwest Is it worth running in the rain? Other Stuff: The Harbor Cam– A webcam in my hometown of Ludington, Michigan Something Aweful– because the internet makes you stupid The Onion - because it's The Onion! The Detroit Redwings – Go Wings! Mel's Hole– A great Ellensburg story. Cougar Attack Info Cougar Attack Info – Geeze, these things scare the bejeezus out of me.
Wii console sales are now above 50 million globally Comments     Threshold RE: So the Wii catches up to 2007? By cscpianoman on 3/27/2009 9:54:47 AM , Rating: 2 I wish I was that mediocre! RE: So the Wii catches up to 2007? By MrBowmore on 3/27/2009 9:58:37 AM , Rating: 2 For me it´s all about the retro gaming, The megaman series, SoM, zelda LTtP, and so forth. I´ll gladly give them a couple of bucks for the time and effort of converting the games. Its just the retro games and GH:WT (drums) that makes me play console, the rest is on my PC! By ExarKun333 on 3/27/2009 10:16:56 AM , Rating: 2 I just buy the actual cartridges for about the same cost and actually own them. Plus, the classic controller kind of sucks... RE: So the Wii catches up to 2007? By kattanna on 3/27/2009 11:13:38 AM , Rating: 2 yeah i have downloaded the ghost and goblins games.. good stuff. RE: So the Wii catches up to 2007? By The0ne on 3/27/2009 11:46:50 AM , Rating: 2 Same here. Retro games for me and the rest of the other games on PC (HOMM3, FFXI and WOW occasionally). Otherwise, it's back to sprites! :) Good stuff for old guys like me hehe By Jimbo1234 on 3/27/2009 1:46:06 PM , Rating: 2 Phantasy Star II is as addicting now as is was back then. Related Articles
Big changes are in store for Microsoft phone OS A Tale of Two Updates Windows Phone: Silverlight, Flash, and HTML5 Windows Phone 8 Enters "Planning Phase" Comments     Threshold RE: Well By bety on 12/11/2010 1:10:11 AM , Rating: 1 is COMPLETELY fair to compare two CURRENTLY competing don't get a pass because you started late!! That's ridiculous!! It's not OK to release tech years behind and justify it by claiming you just started!! You have to be an incredibly MS fanatic to accept that. As to the "whining"...which is really completely legitimate criticism of a product, lacking in key features which it's competitors have (completely unacceptable if you are hoping to break into a market with strong established players), sure, it will stop complaints about those two missing features. It doesn't make the current criticism any less valid. It was still an embarrassing and completely laughable omission on MS's part. Personally, I was more shocked by the lack of of the key reasons I moved to a smart phone. I just can't believe that flaw! RE: Well By inighthawki on 12/11/2010 1:57:36 AM , Rating: 4 quote: don't get a pass because you started late!! Of course you do, how is this not an important factor? Sure it is not going to help MS by releasing a product with an inferior feature set, and if those features are necessary, don't choose the phone! But how can you for a single moment BLAME that lack of features on starting the project YEARS after Apple? It's not like they intentionally gave Apple a head start then failed, they just started development much later, at which point what is really important to compare is not what features exist at any specific time, but what features you need and when other features are coming. and the fact that MS is rolling out updates pretty damn quickly to correct problems from release (months compared to Apple's years) I don;t think we can really blame them for anything. And take it from someone who really dislikes Apple, but if they released their own version of something like .NET soon, I would certainly not expect it to be on par with Microsoft's .NET platform, and how could it be when MS has been working on it for over ten years now? Related Articles Windows Phones Break Users' Memory Cards November 15, 2010, 12:10 PM Round-Up: Windows Phone 7 Reviews October 21, 2010, 3:11 PM
Prius fuel economy is nearly as efficient a decade and 206K later Prius batteries hold up pretty well afterall Comments     Threshold Publish results that look the best By Aibo on 2/17/2011 5:47:02 PM , Rating: 1 When a manufacturer wants to publish impressive results, they love to exclude other factors that can lower the results. Also, to publish realistic data, as many of you said, Toyota needs a larger sample than take one sample data that happens to be one of the best sample. That's just marketing way of publishing data that has no meaning because they use one control sample that looks the best. I like to see Volt results in a few years. I wouldn't be surprised if GM uses a similar method like Toyota to publish the best results from one or very few samples and exclude all other factors that may lower the results. Personally, I don't believe any data that comes from the manufacturer that wants their product to look the best. Related Articles
B-2 bombers flew without their Raptor escorts Comments     Threshold Um, no By Mudhen6 on 3/23/2011 12:36:13 PM , Rating: 4 The fact that they are not being used has nothing to do with the F-22. IIRC the IFDL datalink (pulled an "ATM machine" there) does support one-way communication with other fighters equipped with JTIDS/FDL/Link 16 datalinks, wherein the F-22 can receive data but not transmit its own. However, this doesn't hamper the effectiveness of the F-22 - in numerous exercises, the F-22 served as a "mini-AWACS" (the pilots would hang around after expending all its missiles) by simply directing other fighters like F-15Cs to enemy fighters using radio communications. Sure, things will probably be better with a two-way datalink, but the fact is that the APG-77 radar and its RWR/ECCM systems in the F-22 is just that good. Bottom line - F-22s were probably not used in Libya because one, they absolutely aren't needed, and two, it sends the wrong message politically in a situation where Obama doesn't know what he's doing. RE: Um, no By Brandon Hill (blog) on 3/23/2011 12:46:35 PM , Rating: 4 I agree 100% with that. I mean, what the heck are we doing? Obama hasn't made his message clear and I think we deserve some answers. RE: Um, no By Mudhen6 on 3/23/2011 12:58:54 PM , Rating: 3 I doubt we'd get those answers. Nobody knows who's in charge, what the end-game/exit-strategy is, or even the current mission objectives. RE: Um, no By Nfarce on 3/23/11, Rating: 0 RE: Um, no By vol7ron on 3/23/2011 9:44:57 PM , Rating: 1 I'd like to hear more about this "political committee." Most politicians don't know anything about war. In fact, many give a dull-eyed gaze when you mention "honor" as if it's Old English - the kind of word/phrase that you recognize, but just don't know what it means. If it's a few ex-military strategists, then I think they might have better ability to make decisions than just one person; especially one that didn't know much about it some short time ago. That being said, it's important to note that we didn't lose the war of Vietnam. The whole dissonance over that fact has given the war a negative connotation. Sure, many of us died, but more of them died. Regardless of the fact that there's no win in death, the point is we were unprepared for that war. It was guerrilla warfare around a political movement - that alone says enough: "lack of preparation and an excuse to make a stink." Back on subject, the F-22 is bad-ass. I rather save it for another time shortly in the future. RE: Um, no By Regected on 3/23/2011 10:10:09 PM , Rating: 2 Yea, we need as many tricks up our sleeves as we can get when the war with China starts. RE: Um, no By Azethoth on 3/24/2011 4:47:10 AM , Rating: 3 Wow people. Read some lips and use some imagination. We are there to implement a "No Move Zone" against the dictator's team. Yes there is a lot of "No Fly Zone" thrown around because that is popular from Iraq and Bosnia. However, "any means necessary" was also chucked in there which makes it "No Move Zone". Expect anything that moves to be stomped on. Oh wait, no need to expect, just watch it on television. Expect this to keep going until the "rebels" spread out and control all of Libya except for Tripoli. So thats one part of it. Now for the other part. "Khadaffy Duck has to Go". Or something like that is what the Commander in Chief said. So expect us to kick ass and take names till his dumb ass is done gone. Now I know that Republicans running for president called for exactly this last week (I am looking at you Newt Gingrinch), but now that Obama is actually doing it you are all flip flopping to "omg no, we dare not invade Libya, we can never win". Man up ffs. USA! USA! USA! This is so totally not like Vietnam its not even funny. It is though totally like opening stage Afghanistan where we just did air cover for some rag-tag tribes till they conquered the whole place. If you need to angst about something, then try to worry that we don't fustercluck things after Daffy Duck is gone. RE: Um, no By Alexvrb on 3/25/2011 12:39:23 AM , Rating: 2 OK so after we've "contained" Gadhafi and his boys to Tripoli... what then? Do we leave and watch him roll out again? Do we waste Tripoli? Do we park our rears in Libya for the long haul? If this was Bush, would you STILL be saying "Man up! This ain't Vietnam son!"? I don't think so. Worse yet, you compared this to Afghanistan. You know, one of the places the Democrats wanted us out before Obama was in office? The dissidents have become rather quiet on that front (and others). How long until he dons the purple robes, I wonder? RE: Um, no By Suntan on 3/23/2011 1:31:45 PM , Rating: 4 Not true! He’s made it completely clear what he is doing… …at least as far as his Sweet 16 tourney bracket is concerned… RE: Um, no By AntDX316 on 3/25/2011 3:56:58 AM , Rating: 3 Because using the F22 with 1,000 LBS bombs cost money. If there is no need to fly an F22 around the world there is no need. The commanders are smart and used that money, that was going to be used for fueling the F22 and the unecessary cost of ordinance, for other things. It said in the article the F22 cannot use 250 LBS bombs. They want to use 250 LBS bombs because they can take out the targets on the ground. Using a 1000 LBS bomb would cost 4x more to get the job done. I honestly believe the US commanders know they have air to air support from the other countries allied with them. The whole Libya war thing needs to be shared. The US taking all the debt would be a bad idea. All that effort has to be taken from somewhere in the end. RE: Um, no By Murloc on 3/23/2011 2:03:19 PM , Rating: 3 the onu ordered a no-fly zone, but those who pressured for it and most of those who are now bombing (stuff like tanks included) want gaddafi to go. He's using human shields so they can't kill him either. Also qadafi has lost any legitimacy in the international community now, so he can't win or everyone will be in front of a really embarassing situation. That's why they will never let him take bengasi anyway. Obama doesn't know what he's doing and he doesn't give you answers because he can't imho. I mean, the dilemma is pretty clear. RE: Um, no By Lerianis on 3/25/2011 3:57:38 AM , Rating: 2 With all due respect, remember that they said the same thing of Saddam Hussein after the first Iraq War.... it turned out to be not so accurate. Personally, I think that if we intervene anymore than we have in Libya, we are opening a can of worms that it is the same one that we opened when supporting someone with the initials O.B.L. in Afghanistan. RE: Um, no By snakeInTheGrass on 3/23/2011 2:53:21 PM , Rating: 5 I heard Libya had WMDs ready to go at 40 minutes notice. There, justification problem solved. Better the silence of ignorance than the blatant lies, I guess. Though who knows - voters seemed to like the lies just fine. :) RE: Um, no By invidious on 3/23/11, Rating: -1 RE: Um, no By StinkyWhizzleTeeth on 3/23/2011 4:29:51 PM , Rating: 5 That's not true, whoever started this myth is a liar. The second link that showed up is from Snopes. Please get used to this site because it helps eliminate a lot of FUD. RE: Um, no By Iaiken on 3/23/2011 6:31:59 PM , Rating: 4 Now I don't want to alarm you, but you're a both moron as well as a liar by proxy for attempting to sell this article as proof of a weapons program. That this material was part of a weapons program is a complete and utter fabrication that both the government of Canada and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (who approved the purchase) have categorically denied. The materials existence and it's quantities had been known to the government of Canada since 1991. How? Because everyone knew about this particular quantity of uranium... The Uranium that was sold to Cameco was dated to 1991 at the latest and was under the supervision of UN inspectors since that time. The material was neither a secret nor was it recently discovered or recently acquired. All of this material was in sealed storage and had been documented and inventoried since 1991. This material was left over from failed research reactors that were destroyed in 1981 (by Israel) and 1991 (by the US). This is therefore NOT the same uranium that Bush alleged Iraq had purchased in the years immediately before the war in order to resume the development of a nuclear weapons program. There is no evidence whatsoever that an actual purchase ever took place nor evidence of the facilities, equipment or the expertise required to undertake such an endeavor. Any attempt to infer that this particular quantity of uranium was proof that Bush not a liar is logically and intellectually bankrupt. The only purported evidence in existence is an Italian intelligence document that states Iraqi officials were attempting to purchase uranium in Niger. A document that was itself much criticized for it's chronological inaccuracies (such as being signed by people who were not in office at the indicated date). RE: Um, no By BruceLeet on 3/23/2011 7:02:11 PM , Rating: 5 I shit you not, I googled it for you therefor it is true. RE: Um, no By dajeepster on 3/24/2011 3:51:28 AM , Rating: 3 that was just too funny... i don't know why you got rated down... some people have no sense of humor. RE: Um, no By snakeInTheGrass on 3/23/11, Rating: 0 RE: Um, no By Nfarce on 3/23/11, Rating: 0 RE: Um, no By Iaiken on 3/23/2011 7:04:13 PM , Rating: 3 There was a large (and still growing) body of evidence long before Iraq that the statements coming out of the White House were false and that they were cherry picking intelligence that suited their purposes. When people went out of their way to prove it, such as Joseph Wilson did when specifically tasked to investigate Niger for possible sale of uranium to Iraq. He found nothing to indicate that this was in fact the case. It was further determined that the Italian intelligence documents that the administrations assertion was based on were of questionable authenticity and accuracy. When Mr Wilson publicly criticized the administration for panning his and other evidence that they were mistaken, they retaliated in a tit-for-tat by outing his wife position as a covert CIA officer. During the subsequent investigation it was affirmed that senior white house staff were responsible for leaking he identity to the press but no specific blame has been laid. When numerous indicators and several of your closest allies point to your data being false and you do nothing about it because it could damage the message you are trying to send, you are still a liar. Even the British ambassador to the US admitted privately during the months leading up to the war that they were being taken for a ride. A questionable report about Italian report about Iraqi officials attempting to buy uranium in Niger became probable WMD program. With no actual information added, this became a definite WMD program. With no further information this magically became a definite WMD program that posed an eminent and possibly immediate threat. And congress bought it... RE: Um, no By Nfarce on 3/23/2011 9:27:03 PM , Rating: 2 1) There was no hard evidence that the data was false. It was hearsay and hearsay only. That still does not make it a lie no matter how you spin it. 2) Valarie Plame was not clandestine when she was outed by Novak. Wilson himself has acknowledged that. 3) WMDs in the report included more than just nuclear WMDs. 4) If those who voted for the war were taken for a ride as so many accuse, then where was their leadership and judgment? 5) Why are current leaders still backing staying in Iraq? 6) Why is Guantanamo still open? RE: Um, no By StinkyWhizzleTeeth on 3/24/2011 3:29:57 AM , Rating: 4 Your #1 point is a False Argument! You've got things backwards. The onus of evidence is on those who want to go to war, not those who do NOT want to go to war. Otherwise we would be in a perpetual state of war... oh wait... RE: Um, no RE: Um, no RE: Um, no We shouldn't be going to war without solid evidence. RE: Um, no RE: Um, no By eonsnocrtnarrongi on 3/28/2011 1:14:52 AM , Rating: 1 Nfarce wrote a fantasy and the facts are after each lie: Well then you are calling Cheney and the bois liars since they have admitted as much. Another rightwing lie. Mrs. Plame was a covert op at the time she was outted. A FACT that FITZGERALD found in his investigation. That is just a FACT. I know you FahxKoch bois hate FACTS. There were no WMD's as Cheney as admitted in the last year on the major news networks. So you know more than DICK? Dont know what this means. 5) Why are current leaders still backing staying in Iraq? Because the Dems are afraid of Repubes calling them pussies and Repubes love killing anyone except the Zygote unless their daughter is pregnant from an illegal. 6) Why is Guantanamo still open? Because the Repubes stopped Obama from closing it. Dont you read? RE: Um, no By phantom505 on 3/23/11, Rating: -1 RE: Um, no By Skywalker123 on 3/23/11, Rating: 0 RE: Um, no By AEvangel on 3/23/2011 3:13:44 PM , Rating: 5 What Obama is doing is distracting everyone from the news that Saudia Arabia invaded Bahrain to put down the civil uprising in that country. Why did Saudia Arabia do this? Well Bahrain is a small island nation which produces little oil, but like the other major oil producing regions of Saudi Arabia, it is home to a regional Shiite majority which could ally with Iran if allowed freedom. Why ignore Saudia Arabia acts of aggression on those similar heroic rebels and civilians that are being put down by a foreign army equipped with US military training and weapons? Well because Saudia Arabia supports our failing dollar by allowing it to remain as the world currency on the price of oil even though it's losing value, not to mention they are the third largest holder of Treasury Bills. Also we cannot allow the people the freedom of association in the middle east specially if they associate with people we don't like, such as Iran. RE: Um, no By ClownPuncher on 3/23/2011 3:30:57 PM , Rating: 2 Politics, politics never changes. RE: Um, no By ComatoseDelirium on 3/23/2011 4:29:59 PM , Rating: 2 Quick fact check, Saudi Arabia would be in the Oil exporters group of countries. They are the 4th largest holder of treasury securities. RE: Um, no By Mudhen6 on 3/23/2011 12:52:06 PM , Rating: 5 "Perhaps the most important revelation by the 27th Fighter Sqdn. was demonstrating the F-22's ability to use its sensors to identify and target enemy aircraft for conventional fighters by providing information so they could engage the enemy sooner than they could on their own. Because of the advanced situational awareness they afford, F-22s would stick around after using up their weapons to continue providing targets and IDs to the conventional fighters. "We always left F-22s on station to help, but we didn't designate any one aircraft to provide data," says Lt. Col. Wade Tolliver, the unit's commander. "It was critical that every F-22 out there provided all the data he had." With its high-resolution radar, the F-22 can guarantee target altitudes to within a couple of hundred feet. Its ability to identify an aircraft is "sometimes many times quicker than the AWACS," he says. "It was a combination of high-resolution sensors and being closer to the targets." "When I look down at my scope and put my cursor over a [friendly] F-15 or F/A-18, it tells me who they are locked on to," he says. For example, "I could help them out by saying, 'You're double-targeted and there's a group over here untargeted' . . . to make sure we got everybody." F-15 targets will be latent because of the radar sweep." RE: Um, no By eonsnocrtnarrongi on 3/28/2011 1:08:03 AM , Rating: 2 Ummm no. LOL at your comment that Obama doesnt know what he is doing. 1. He got a real coalition unlike Bush who got Jamaica. 2. He actually thought about what we were going to do unlike Bush who lied us into war. 3. He got the coalition to shoulder much of the cost and implementation of the action unlike Bush. 4. He doesnt hide the costs of these issues unlike Bush. So who again doesnt and didnt know what they were doing? Related Articles
House to vote next Comments     Threshold RE: Subsidy and tax By nafhan on 6/17/2011 3:14:49 PM , Rating: 2 many items have both a subsidy and a tax It's an easy way for the government to redirect money. RE: Subsidy and tax By Flunk on 6/17/2011 3:16:16 PM , Rating: 2 While skipping plenty off the top. RE: Subsidy and tax By Flunk on 6/17/2011 3:16:29 PM , Rating: 2 RE: Subsidy and tax By RedemptionAD on 6/17/2011 3:30:45 PM , Rating: 3 Sorry. I thought politics were supposed to have ethics and logic, but they seem to have neither. Mea Culpa. RE: Subsidy and tax By ClownPuncher on 6/17/2011 3:33:31 PM , Rating: 3 They do, ethic al violations and logic al fallacies. RE: Subsidy and tax By TSS on 6/18/2011 8:27:27 AM , Rating: 2 Actually it's the people that should understand ethics and logics and vote in somebody in accordance to that. If the people do not understand it's not ethical to accept money from corperations during campaigns in return for promises in office then you can hardly fault the politicians doing for that. Hell they get much more money from corperations then the american people would it be ethical for them to go against his employers? Logics mean that this will go on forever unless the people speak up about it. Logics also mean the people can speak up about it. It's not ethical or logical to blame the first sheep that jumped off the cliff for the deaths of the ones that followed it. RE: Subsidy and tax
Ford Explorer Ford Explorer 2 Source: Ford Comments     Threshold RE: This is good? By chucky2 on 3/29/2012 12:49:44 PM , Rating: 2 OK? They will require AWD for the 3.5L TT EB. A "4x4" Explorer Limited with the most expensive package (which will likely get it into BMW territory) puts the Explorer at 46000. That's with the normal 3.5L V-6. Now add on the TT EB cost, and the rest of the Sport package cost. You'll be closer to $50k than $40k. The x5d is $56k. Unless you are right on the edge, anyone who is dropping $50k for a Ford should be able to 'stretch' and make $56k for a BMW. I'm a Ford guy, from a Ford household, and I know which I'd rather be driving... RE: This is good? By Reclaimer77 on 3/29/2012 1:43:07 PM , Rating: 2 LMAO! $56k BASE MSRP. Meaning absolutely NO options or accessories. In reality that vehicle doesn't exist. I've never heard of a BMW dealership stocking a BASE model vehicle with no options. And people certainly don't crawl over themselves to buy them. You're trying to compare a bone stock BMW that doesn't exist in the wild to a Explorer with a ton of options and packages stacked on? Yeah that's really fair. Let's see what happens to your "$56K" BMW once we do the same... Hmm an $83k X5d is what I put together. With typical packages and options etc etc that you would find on on a showroom. RE: This is good? By chucky2 on 3/29/2012 2:50:09 PM , Rating: 2 That's awesome that you loaded out an x5d. Now load out an Explorer and x5d as equally as possible. Now tack on for the 3.5L TT EB in the Explorer. Now the extras in the Sport package. Now realize you're driving a Ford Explorer when you could be driving a BMW x5d for just a few thousand more. (be sure to factor in free maintenance while under warranty for the BMW) Now go to sell it, and see how much more you get for the BMW than the Ford. Now go cry you got the Ford... The End. RE: This is good? By Reclaimer77 on 3/29/2012 4:21:23 PM , Rating: 2 I'm sorry but where in the hell do you see me saying the Explorer is the better vehicle? Or a better buy than a BMW? I wasn't aware that was the argument I was making. Why are you bringing up resale value into this as well? Wtf man, that has NOTHING to do with this. Now go cry you got the Ford... See wtf are you talking about with this kind of thing? Stop trolling and LISTEN. My point, and Spuke's, is they really are NOT directly comparable. One is a diesel and a more expensive (regardless of what you think), the other is not. The "Sport" is already a top trim level model, according to Ford. Sorry but there is NO WAY you can get an equivalent X5d for just a "few" thousand more. RE: This is good? By Spuke on 3/29/2012 4:22:22 PM , Rating: 2 The Sport is going to be the top model in the range and the expected base price is $40k. The current Limited model starts at $38k. A loaded Limited is $50k so a good guess for a loaded Sport would be $52-$53k. A BASE X5d costs $56k. A loaded one is in the $80k range. NO ONE buys a stripped BMW. No such car exists as Rec mentioned. BMW shoppers don't crosshop to Ford generally (although the Boss 302 does get crosshopped with the M3). RE: This is good? By chucky2 on 3/29/2012 6:48:23 PM , Rating: 2 They are mostly comparable in that they're the same size, have power engines, and given the Eco in EcoBoost, supposedly 'green'. That they'll also be in the same ballpark in price is just more justification for comparing them. If you can afford to drop $53k on a Ford Explorer Sport, you can afford to drop $58-$62k on a BMW x5d. Are those two rides comparable in features? The Sport isn't out yet, so we don't really know. I'm betting they're pretty darn close in features. Unless one is scraping buy just to get the Sport, you'd have to be insane to get the Ford over the BMW. <---longtime Ford owner, will continue to buy Ford (hard to beat A plan + incentives) RE: This is good? By Reclaimer77 on 3/29/2012 8:06:01 PM , Rating: 1 Okay I'm trying not to sound frustrated, but sir, I cannot even find newly USED X5d's for less than $50k. You are low-balling the cost of the BMW seriously. And why? Just to make a tenuous point? I guess everyone should buy BMW's and nobody should buy anything else? If you can afford a V6 Accord, you can buy a 3 Series. If you can get a 350Z, you can buy an Z4 Roadster. Etc etc. Like seriously? RE: This is good? RE: This is good?
  (Source: Toyota) Source: Toyota Comments     Threshold RE: Evolution can be beautiful By Spuke on 5/8/2012 12:11:32 PM , Rating: 2 Battery packs for EV's are around $14-$15,000. Also, how long would it take to recoup $20,000 in fuel costs (difference in price between this and the gasoline RAV4)? Not worth it to me. RE: Evolution can be beautiful By Jeffk464 on 5/8/2012 2:26:13 PM , Rating: 2 especially since the gas version is already fairly cheap to operate. We aren't talking a chevy Tahoe here. RE: Evolution can be beautiful By wordsworm on 5/8/2012 7:40:31 PM , Rating: 2 Maybe a mechanic here can comment on the average longevity of a combustion engine vs an electric engine. There are probably a lot more differences between an EV and a GV than a semi-interested lay person (speaking of myself) would be aware of. ie., you don't need a gas tank for an EV. What about drive belts, brakes, etc.? Do regenerative brakes cause less or more wear and tear? Even with my limited capacity, I can foresee many differences between the two models from a mechanical perspective. In any case, as an atheist, I'm not counting on Jesus to keep us in a perpetual supply of oil or mitigate the damage that our use of fossil fuels causes.
9 Foods You Didn’t Know You Can Make in Muffin Tins 1. Meatloaf Terri Schlather, the brains behind the blog A Girl in the South, likes how her mini-meatloaves provide small, manageable helpings for her and her daughter. “I can portion things out into single servings and freeze the remainder for another time, or even have easy lunches in the following days,” she says. To make: Coat a pan with cooking spray and sauté three minced garlic cloves and 1 cup chopped onion for three to four minutes over medium-high heat. Then, combine in a bowl with 1/4 cup barbecue sauce, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, 1/4 cup chopped parsley, 3/4 teaspoon dried oregano, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Add one large lightly beaten egg and 1 pound ground sirloin, and blend thoroughly. Coat your muffin tin with cooking spray and fill each cup with your mix, topped with 2 teaspoons ketchup. Bake your goodies at 400 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the tops brown or the middles no longer appear pink.  Restart Slideshow Packed Lunch Pro Tips
The Venerable Ananda's Question Post sayings and stories you find interesting or useful. The Venerable Ananda's Question Postby yawares » Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:56 pm Dear Members, :candle: The Venerable Ananda's Question :candle: [Translated from the Pali by Daw Mya Tin,MA] While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verses (54) and (55) of this book, with reference to a question raised by the Venerable Ananda. While the Venerable Ananda was sitting by himself one evening, the problem relating to scents and perfumes came to his mind and he pondered: "The scent of wood, the scent of flowers, and the scent of roots all spread with the current of wind but not against it. Is there no scent which would spread with the current of wind as well as against it? Is there no scent which would pervade every part of the world?" Without answering the question himself, the Venerable Ananda approached the Buddha and solicited an answer from him. The Buddha said, "Ananda, supposing, there is one who takes refuge in the Three Gems (the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Samgha), who observes the five moral precepts, who is generous and not avaricious; such a man is truly virtuous and truly worthy of praise. The reputation of that virtuous one would spread far and wide, and bhikkhus, brahmins and laymen all alike would speak in praise of him, wherever he lives." Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows: Na pupphagandho pativatameti na candanam tagara mallika va satanca gandho pativatameti sabba disa sappuriso1pavayati. Cadanam tagaram vapi uppalam atha vassiki etesam gandhajatanam silagandho anuttaro. Verse 54: The scent of flowers cannot go against the wind; nor the scent of sandalwood, nor of rhododendron (tagara), nor of jasmin (mallika)2; only the reputation of good people can go against the wind. The reputation of the virtuous ones (sappurisa) is wafted abroad in all directions. Verse 55: There are the scents of sandalwood, rhododendron, lotus and jasmin (vassika)3; but the scent of virtue surpasses all scents. 1. sappuriso/sappurisa: good and pious people; virtuous persons. The virtuous are the Noble Ones (the ariyas) and the virtuous worldlings (kalyana puthujjana). 2. mallika: Arabian jasmin. 3. vassika: Spanish jasmin. :heart: Love Buddha's dhamma, yawares/sirikanya :heart: User avatar Posts: 1532 Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:23 pm Return to Dhammic Stories Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests
Performing in the presence of whom might possibly lead to improved performances in teenaged males? Saturday, 5 March 2011 - 9:16am IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA 1. Performing in the presence of whom might possibly lead to improved performances in teenaged males? Adolescent males The aged Neuroscientists at the University of California, San Francisco have discovered that teenage male songbirds, still working to perfect their song, perform better in the presence of a female bird. 2. Genes for what self-destructive habit have been found recently? 3. What is the value of planet earth, according to a scientist? £3000 trillion £450 gazilion £200 billion Greg Laughlin from the University of California-Santa Cruz came up with the figure by calculating the sum of the planet’s age, size, temperature, mass and other vital statistics. The Daily Mail reports that the Earth came out to be the most expensive of all planets. 4. What alcoholic beverage may not be around in 2050 thanks to climate change? Red wine Experts said the steady rise in temperatures is threatening the vineyards around Bordeaux region of France which is famous for producing some of the most esteemed and expensive wines on earth. 5. In the blind, the part of the brain used for vision can be used for what? Language processing Mathematical processing Musical abilty MIT neuroscientists proved that the visual cortex can change its function as it is capable of being recruited for language processing. This disproves that language processing can only occur in highly specialised brain regions that are genetically programmed for language tasks. 6. Which of the following are most likely to show bias against people who are different, according to experts? People with low self-esteem People who are assertive People who show artistic tendencies A new study has explained that people who feel badly about themselves are more likely to show bias against people who are different. ‘When we feel bad about ourselves, we can denigrate other people, and that makes us feel better about ourselves,’ Jeffrey Sherman of the University of California said. 7. NASA and India recently teamed up to do research on which of the following? Decreasing solar activity Increasing widths of blackholes Measuring the lengths of supernova explosions A joint research sponsored by the department of science and technology, India and NASA has explained the "puzzle" of recent period of decreased solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. Solar scientists around the world were puzzled by the extended disappearance of sunspots in 2008-2009. The recent solar minimum, a period characterised by a lower frequency of sunspots and solar storms, was the deepest observed in almost 100 years. 8. What psychological state eases the fear of death and dying? A George Mason University study has suggested that being a mindful person not only makes you more tolerant, but it can also neutralise fears of dying and death. 9. Facebook recently disabled what application despite its overwhelming popularity? Breakup Notifier The app, which amassed over three million users, worked by sending users an email whenever a "friend" altered their relationship status. 10. German engineers have invented a car that can run on what? Researchers at University of Berlin have created a car that can be controlled by a headphone-like device which detects the driver's brainwaves while a computer converts these signals into electronic commands that are used to guide the car. Jump to comments Around the web
dslreports logo     All Forums Hot Topics Gallery how-to block ads Search Topic: share rss forum feed Springboro, PA reply to heimdm Re: Verizon Wireless 4g beta testing said by heimdm: I thought 700MHZ LTE was just going to be USB cards or Expresscards. It is possible what we have of pictures for it to work also. This setup could work for a fixed installation, but it would really seem to good to be true. For this to work the outside contraption is obviously the modem and is handing off via outdoor coax, then converted to Ethernet then plugged into the Thomson modem. Would seem like a good setup, but almost too good to be true. I hope its how they plan to role out fixed installs. Yes, I would agree too. It does seem to good to be true. From what my friend told me I guess Directv and Verizon teamed up for this new service. A directv installer actually came out and installed everything. The only reason I could see them teaming up with directv would be because of a fixed install setup, so maybe this is what they will be doing once its available.
Mysterious AUO e-reader sighted Shown at a trade show in Taiwan recently, this e-reader from display manufacturer AUO turned a few heads. Like the Amazon Kindle 2, it has a 6-inch black-and-white screen with 600 x 800-pixel resolution and is capable of rendering 16 shades of gray. But it's also a touchscreen, a feature it shares with the most recent Sony Reader. One important difference from those readers: AUO uses an e-paper technology from a company it acquired called SiPix, not E Ink, which is what the Sony Reader and Kindle use. From the description, the tech seems functionally identical to E Ink, so it probably won't make that much of a difference. Still, we're eager to try out this new kid on the e-reader block, but we won't be able to until the fall, when its due to launch — most likely only in Asia. AUO promises larger, Kindle DX-size readers soon after that. No pricing yet. Tech-On! via Gadget Reviews
IN PHYSICS, there is sometimes life after death. The constant wish of researchers who study the universe at the subatomic level is for bigger and more powerful machines. When this wish is granted by the funding agencies, the existing, smaller machines become redundant. That was the fate of PEP, the positron-electron project at SLAC, the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre, in California. It was overtaken by events, and turned off in 1990. In May 1999, it became fully operational again, having been refitted and redubbed PEP-II. The refit turned it into a “factory” for producing particles called B-mesons. Its new mission was to answer a question so profound that only a physicist would think of asking it: why is the universe made of matter? This week, its operators reported part of the possible answer. Fearful symmetry The reason why the question is worth asking is that most fundamental things in the universe seem to come in symmetrical pairs. In particular, every type of particle of which matter is composed has an equal and opposite antiparticle composed of antimatter. As every schoolboy knows, if you bring a particle and an antiparticle together, they annihilate each other in a burst of energy. Less well known is that the opposite can also happen: energy can turn spontaneously into something more tangible. When it does so, each particle of matter produced is accompanied by an appropriate antiparticle. The Big Bang in which the universe was created was followed by the condensation out of a huge amount of energy of zillions upon zillions of such matter-antimatter pairs. So the naive assumption might be that the early universe must have contained equal amounts of matter and antimatter. But that would suggest that, when things had cooled down a bit, these particles would eventually have annihilated one another leaving nothing but energy behind. Fortunately, this naive view is wrong, as a train of events that started almost half a century ago showed. In 1956, Chien-Shiung Wu, of Columbia University, demonstrated that certain particles have an inherent sense of left and right. The result is that their images in a mirror would not, in fact, be “mirror images” in the sense that most people understand the term. Instead, those images would be backwards in what looks like a physically impossible way. Parity violation, as this phenomenon is called, came as a shock to theorists, but they were able to compensate for it by incorporating the effects of electric charge into their models. The resulting charge-parity symmetry solved the mirror-image problem—in theory. Yet when experimentalists began to investigate it, they found that, just occasionally, there was something wrong. The wrongness, which turned up in the interactions of particles called K-mesons, implied that matter and antimatter are not truly symmetrical. That would allow more of the former than the latter to present just after the Big Bang. A question of degrees But not, sadly, enough more. This is where B-factories come in. Theory suggests that B-mesons, too, should show this asymmetry. Indeed, they should show it more strongly than K-mesons do. Unfortunately, B-mesons are hard to work with. This is because they decay very fast—usually within one and a half trillionths of a second of their creation. Because they are so short-lived, they have to be generated in huge numbers, and without too much clutter in the form of other sub-atomic particles, to make any meaningful studies of them possible. Two groups of physicists therefore decided to build specially designed machines that would spew out B-mesons in quantity, unlike typical particle accelerators, which produce an unwieldy mess of particles. The revamped SLAC accelerator is one of these machines. The other is at KEK, a particle-physics centre in Tsukuba, near Tokyo. The two projects have been engaged in a race from the beginning. SLAC beat KEK to the first production of B-mesons by a fortnight back in 1999. It now seems to have about the same edge with the publication of the first results. These results do, indeed, show an asymmetry in the behaviour of B-mesons and anti-B-mesons. Sadly, it is in the range that theory predicts—ie, not enough to account for all the matter in the universe. But, just as with map making, this search for matter-antimatter asymmetry requires triangulation. Two other, and different, measurements must therefore be made to resolve the question properly. Each of these measurements is the equivalent of an angle in a triangle—albeit one whose angles are located by esoteric entities known as complex numbers. But, complex or simple, the angles of a triangle still have to add up to 180°. If, when the other two values are in, they do so, the mystery will remain. If not, the theory will have cracked open. The source of the extra asymmetry, and thus the extra matter, may then be staring researchers in the face.
The Hygiene Hypothesis: Can We Be Too Clean? By — American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Updated on Mar 10, 2009 Many parents and physicians are observing a worrying trend: more and more children are suffering from food allergies, eczema, asthma, hay fever and other allergic maladies. Why are allergies becoming more frequent when most other childhood disorders are decreasing and our medical treatment options keep improving? The “hygiene hypothesis” claims that lack of stimulation of our immune systems with bacteria or viruses could lead to higher rates of allergies and asthma. While this approach can not completely explain the rise in allergic and autoimmune diseases, it does offer some explanation for the shocking increases. To understand the hygiene hypothesis, it is important to know how allergies develop. Allergies are caused by unusual immune responses to things we usually encounter and tolerate without problems, such as animal dander, dust or pollen. The main function of the immune system is to defend us from dangerous bacteria and viruses. When your child comes in contact with these pathogens, the immune system goes to work fighting them off. But in allergic people, the immune system attacks harmless substances. The first time your child comes into contact with the allergen, the body’s immune system sends out signals to attack the foreign invader. Often, there is no allergic reaction following the first exposure, but the body becomes “sensitized.” The next time the allergen is encountered, the body responds fast – usually within 30 minutes – and the reaction can be mild or severe. Professor David Strachan developed the hygiene hypothesis in 1989 while trying to explain the increase in allergic diseases since industrialization, and the higher incidence of allergic diseases in more developed countries. He was the first to publish an articledescribing his observation that allergic diseases, such as hay fever and eczema, were less common in children who came from larger families. He concluded that those children may be exposed to more diseases, bacteria and infections through contact with their many siblings, helping to build their immune systems. Children without siblings might not receive the same exposure. That’s not the only evidence to support a hygiene hypothesis. Studies have also shown that various immunological and autoimmune diseases are much less common in the developing world than the industrialized world. Interestingly, immigrants who come to the West are likely to develop immunological disorders. Other studies indicate that immune system stimulation begins in the first moments of life. Birth via cesarean section, rather than vaginal birth, has been associated with a higher risk of developing allergies later in life. Exposure to bacteria in the birth canal can stimulate the infant’s immune system early on. Does this theory mean that vaccines are bad for our kids? Actually, vaccinations are important to prevent serious consequences (including death) from dangerous childhood diseases. The majority of studies examining the influence on vaccination of development of allergies have not found an increased risk for allergies or asthma in vaccinated children. In fact, some studies have shown exactly the opposite: vaccinations can actually protect against allergies. However, the majority of studies refute this result, and if there is any effect, it’s probably a weak one. Is it good for kids to be exposed to bacteria and viruses to prevent allergies? View Full Article Add your own comment Washington Virtual Academies Tuition-free online school for Washington students.
ELLE Flashback: 1992 French-born Inès de Fressange might be the most beautiful cartoonist on the planet. She's certainly the only one with an aristocratic pedigree who served (for seven years) as House muse at Chanel, an honor bestowed upon her in 1984 by its then brand-new creative director, Karl Lagerfeld. For a reported $300,000 a year, de Fressange counseled and lent her wit and high-cheekboned beauty to Lagerfeld, whom she once affectionately called her "husband." Theirs was a very public collaboration, and one the French press was devastated to see go sour after de Fressange accepted the title of "Marianne"—referring to the Maid of the Revolution—a distinction Lagerfeld viewed as "rude and vulgar and petit bourgeois," according to de Fressange. (February) By Johanna Cox April 28, 2010 This Is A Developing Story Don't Miss
Featured Albums Pitbull lyrics Artist: Pitbull Album: Noche No Termina - Single Date: 2013-12-03 Genre: Pop Latino Rascal Flatts lyrics Artist: Rascal Flatts Album: Changed (Deluxe Edition) Date: 2012-04-03 Genre: Country Justin Moore lyrics Artist: Justin Moore Album: Off the Beaten Path (Deluxe Edition) Date: 2013-09-17 Genre: Country Lorde lyrics Artist: Lorde Album: Royals (Twerk Version) - Single Date: 2013-12-21 Genre: Alternative Avicii lyrics Artist: Avicii Album: Hey Brother (Remixes) - Single Date: 2013-12-09 Genre: Dance Related Information for Agaurez» Nothing found for Agaurez. » We present 5 different Agaurez lyrics and remixes all listed in alphabetical order. Besides Agaurez song lyrics you can also browse Agaurez images/album covers. You can choose to translate lyrics to Agaurez to different languages as well. Please feel free to submit corrections you have for Agaurez songs and comments you have for meaning to Agaurez lyrics
RealD logoFollow this industry and you learn to accept that manufacturers are only motivated to add new features to new products, but when we first heard that DirecTV's 3D signal wouldn't let you pass frame compatible 3D through older AV receivers, we were scratching our heads. Sure the receiver never claimed to be 3D compatible, but the entire point of using frame compatible 3D instead of doubling the HD signal for 3D like Blu-ray is so the signal can be transmitted via existing HD equipment. So while DirecTV gets away with making minimal changes to its infrastructure, you have to replace just about everything you own. What was a mystery, is now crystal clear and of course its always about money, it isn't necessarily about DirecTV's money, this time. You see RealD owns the patent on frame compatible 3D formats like side by side, and if a display or receiver manufacturer wants its EDID on the list of supported devices, they have to pay for that right. So it isn't that DirecTV wants to prevent you from using your old receiver as much as it is about preventing those who don't license RealD's patents from being able to display 3D. Nice huh, but no one ever said it was about the customer. Follow the money; the real reason why your AVR doesn't support DirecTV's 3D
Android US Army soldiers to leverage portable battlefield network and smartphones Smartphones: the future of wartime communication? That is the goal of the US Army through the development of its portable wireless network, dubbed Warfighter Information Network-Tactical or WIN-T. The Army hopes to leverage WIN-T to bring near-instant digital communication to the battlefield by outfitting soldiers with Motorola Atrix handsets running a heavily modified version of Android. An exposé by Wired explains that the system's main goal is information and intelligence sharing; between both soldiers and central command. Friendly troop positions, suspicious vehicles or persons and surveillance video from unmanned areal vehicles (UAVs) can all be mapped and shared with servicemen and women in the field. It's been a dream of the Pentagon since the mid-nineties, but has only recently become monetarily and technologically feasible due to advances in smartphone processing power. It's nerdy, it's fascinating... and this is the stuff the Army is willing to talk about. Hit the source link for the full write-up. Android Army: US soldiers to leverage portable battlefield network and smartphones
Qualcomm Toq smartwatch As you may have noticed, the smartwatch space has been heating up -- not good news for Qualcomm, whose $350 Toq smartwatch has been one the more expensive wearables on the market. The company isn't sitting still, however, and has just revealed that it quietly dropped the Toq's price to $250 on February 21st. The chip designer didn't explain its move, although it's not hard to see the motivation when watches like the Pebble Steel sit at the same price level. Whether or not the discount helps Qualcomm's bottom line, those who couldn't justify the Toq before may want to give it a second look. Qualcomm cuts the price of its Toq smartwatch to $250
#2017015, By bystander God of War - Challenge of the Gods • bystander 4 Feb 2007 10:26:02 185 posts Seen 7 months ago Registered 12 years ago spindizzy wrote: i don't even remember doing that, but I KNOW I finished the game! The Challenge of the Gods is unlocked when you complete the game once. It's in the menu option Treasures. Log in or register to reply
Skip to main content Clint Hale started out wanting to change the world through print journalism. Seeing as how the printed word is essentially dead, he's taking his movement to the Web. Ready to join the movement? User login Log in Write for us
50 Greatest Mondo Horror Posters - Part 1 The Alamo Drafthouse's fine arts arm, Mondo Gallery, has quickly become the pinnacle of pop art. Its posters are limited-editions that are snapped up fiercely by collectors when they are announced and can resell for hundreds of dollars. The posters are often considered modern masterpieces and introduced the era of posters as fine art.  Out of hundreds of amazing posters produced for Mondo in the last 15 years, I have been tasked with choosing my 25 favorite horror posters. I couldn't narrow it down, and ended up with 50 on my list (and this was after cutting 25 and disregarding non-genre films) - but as a compromise, I have split it into two lists of 25. And because I had a hard enough time narrowing down the list, these are not in any sort of order, except by year (2008-2010).
Question: Can Fontinella Cheese Be Substituted For Fontina Cheese? December 30, 2009 Sheri Wetherell's picture Fontinella is actually a brand of cheese produced in North America and should not be confused with Fontina. Though both are creamy, semi-soft cheeses, Fontinella is much tangier than Fontina. Better substitutes for Fontina are Gruyere, Emmental, raclette, Appenzeller, Morbier, Beaufort, Bel Paese, or provolone. leesuh's picture I just tried to substitute fontinella for fontina in a cheese sauce and it curdled in the pan. Used it anyway though. Oh well.
• With: Jackie Cushman and Kathy Gingrich Lubbers This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 19, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And there was some real bombshell revelations on the campaign trail today, including Texas Governor Rick Perry's decision to drop out of the race for the GOP nomination. This morning in South Carolina, a very emotional Governor Perry delivered that major news as he announced his endorsement for an old rival. Watch this. GOV. RICK PERRY R- TEXAS: I have come to the conclusion that there is no viable path forward for me in this 2012 campaign. Therefore, today I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich for president of the United States. HANNITY: Now that endorsement is likely to dramatically shift the dynamic of this primary contest less than 48 hours before voters head to the polls in South Carolina. And today, a brand new poll release by Rasmussen now shows that former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has taken the lead in the Palmetto State. Now the former speaker is receiving 33 percent of the vote. Mitt Romney is getting 31 percent. Meanwhile, today the Gingrich campaign was also forced to deal with a very personal matter after the former speaker's ex-wife Marianne came forward in an interview with ABC News. Now Speaker Gingrich was asked to respond to those comments earlier today, but said he refuses to say anything negative about his former wife. Instead he asked voters to turn to people who know him best to discuss his character. And now I am joined by two of those people live, they're in South Carolina, Jackie Cushman and Kathy Gingrich Lubbers, Newt Gingrich's daughters. Guys, welcome to the show, welcome back. Thanks for being with us. JACKIE GINGRICH CUSHMAN, NEWT GINGRICH'S DAUGHTER: Thanks, Sean. We're thrilled to be with you. HANNITY: All right. Earlier tonight your father was asked about this in a debate setting, and Frank Luntz said after the last Fox debate on Monday that he had never seen an instance where a candidate had gotten a standing ovation. This was an extended standing ovation, excoriating the media for their tawdry, you know, desire to go after this. I think that the divorce was 13 or so years ago, whatever it was. And to do this on the eve of this debate, and obviously the people in that room agreed with him. I want to get your reaction. LUBBERS: Sean, you are so right. The truth of the matter is, the people of South Carolina and the people in that room in particular, and I'm sure across this country watching that debate, knew in their hearts the reality that the American people deserve to have a president such as our father. He responded and he brought up the fact that you know what? The American people deserve to have real questions in the debates, not things that are not pertinent to the current situation at hand which is what is important to the American people in regard to jobs, and the economy, and national security. And he was loved and just, you know, reinforced by everyone in that room. HANNITY: Yes. What do you think? CUSHMAN: I think she's exactly right. I think a couple things. I mean, first of all, it was a very direct question, he answered it directly, which I think is very good. But then the point is, they started off on a presidential debate with a personal story from over a decade ago to get to your point. And we all know that, you know, terrible things happen in terms of divorce. Divorce is very painful always for everybody. He tried very hard in that marriage and it didn't work out. And the reality is he is really running not from his personal record but on his professional record which is, you know, he is the only candidate, including President Barack Obama, who has actually balanced the national budget four years, reformed welfare, cut taxes and cut spending. He has an incredible record of accomplishment. HANNITY: Yes. Let me ask you both about this. I have known your father for a lot of years and I asked him recently in the course of this primary process, because he wrote a book about God and America. He's done a DVD on the pope. He's talked a lot about his religious faith. I want to play the answer, I asked him how he's changed over the years and this was his answer. NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Being married to Callista has really helped a great deal and has changed my life and has given me a sense of fulfillment. Having Maggie and Robert as grandchildren has really, you know -- a grandfatherly view the world is somehow really different. I can't quite explain it, but I bet every person who is watching who is a grandparent knows what I am talking about. It gives you a very different perspective on life. And I think candidly the recognition that I had of acceptance into the Catholic Church, the feeling of belonging to the church has been a very, very comforting, very reconciling part of life. HANNITY: And I have asked him also on radio, he said he's 68, he's more mature, he's found his faith, he's a very different person than he was 14 years ago. You guys are his daughters. Did you see the change in him? CUSHMAN: I absolutely have. I think a couple of things. He's been very open about his past mistakes. He hasn't tried to cover up the fact that he has made terrible mistakes but he's been very forthright. He's asked for God's forgiveness. He's reconciled himself with God. And I think that people understand that none of us are perfect. And Rick Perry today in his endorsement gave such an eloquent speech about how dad wasn't the perfect person but he was the right person to lead this nation at this time, and I think that really resonates with people. It's not about being perfect but it's about who can lead at this particular time in our nation. HANNITY: All right. Jackie or Kathy, let me ask you. Which one of you were the janitor at 13? LUBBERS: Well, the truth of the matter is that I actually had the job first because, as you know, Sean, I happen to be the elder sister, and my sister, you know, she picked up the gauntlet, if you will. CUSHMAN: Constantly following her footsteps, right Sean? HANNITY: Yes, well, I see that. But you know, actually NBC News had a report on. They actually had an expert on and said that your dad by allowing this to happen, may have violated the child labor laws. They actually -- I'm not making this up. The U.S. Department of Labor, an assistant administrator for policy said that the child labor laws now and in effect in the 1980s, you were not allowed to hold a janitorial job. And I was washing dishes. You had a better job than me. CUSHMAN: I know. See, now you know we need less government regulations, right? So, we can both work and learn the work ethic. LUBBERS: We were janitors in a church, by the way. That, you know, we didn't want to go there but yes, it was in a church, so we were being blessed and praying while we were at it. HANNITY: All right. Let me ask you one last question. A lot of issues come up when your dad uses the term that Barack Obama is the food stamp president. Since Obama's become president, 12 million more Americans are in need of food stamps. The New York Times has a piece preaching division in South Carolina. Is it that you can't tell the truth, that under Barack Obama, food stamp recipient numbers have gone up dramatically? CUSHMAN: I think you are exactly right. Dad confronted that head-on in the last debate. It is a fact. And the fact is that under dad's presidency, he wants everyone to move up, to have more opportunity, to have more jobs. And that's the way you solve that problem. It's not by issuing more food stamps, it's about creating opportunity. HANNITY: All right. LUBBERS: And he went so far as to say, you should get a job, get a better job and then you should own the job, and I think that that's the American dream. HANNITY: All right. Thank you both for being with us. I know it's probably hard when your dad is under fire and I'm sure he probably appreciates you being here. I think his opening remarks tonight, though, will make a lot of news. Thank you both for being with us. CUSHMAN: Thanks, Sean. LUBBERS: Our pleasure.
User avatar #16 - ednakrababbal (11/30/2011) [-] my parents always knew how not to talk about embarrasing stuff. i learned everything about sex from porn. when i was about 20 years old i all of a sudden found out that half of my relatives are freaking insane (and not the funny kind of insane). and no, i'm not kidding. i wish i were though... :/ #23 to #16 - redlightdistrict **User deleted account** has deleted their comment [-]  Friends (0)
#46 - mushizombie (09/29/2012) [-] this was just a section i had in mind, thought id run it by you before i continued to pump time into it :) User avatar #47 to #46 - sevensixtwo (09/29/2012) [-] I like it... very "Rat Fink"-esque, but so far, I like it... so far, you've got two thumbs of approval. User avatar #48 to #47 - mushizombie (09/29/2012) [-] awesome, I'm glad you like it so far XD are you a fan of rat fink? i can try to include something ed roth-ish if ud like? User avatar #49 to #48 - sevensixtwo (09/29/2012) [-] Well, my dad is into hot rods, so im familiar with the work, but im not a rabid fan- enough to recognize a similarity, and thats about it. If you go too much into it, it might look like a rip-off, and i want to keep this original to you (or us).. but as you add more to the design, there wont be as much attention on this one piece here, so keep going with you original thread so fer and see what turns up. User avatar #50 to #49 - mushizombie (09/29/2012) [-] alright sounds good :) i just want to make sure you're happy with it lol User avatar #51 to #50 - sevensixtwo (09/29/2012) [-] Yeah so far i love it, and I'm anxious to see what else you come up with- I think it'll be epic. User avatar #52 to #51 - mushizombie (09/29/2012) [-] hahaha we shall both seecuz seriously... i have no idea what I'm doing :D. #53 to #52 - sevensixtwo (09/29/2012) [-] I have no idea either... but I am going to enjoy the ride.  Friends (0)
• You are here Fresh Boarder Extra front row seat (just 1) first night Boston #269757 8 months ago Make me an offer. Paid about 350 for it. I'm open to all kinds of things for trade too. Might also swap with someone that has a seat immediately next to the soundboard so I can tape. Last Edit: 8 months ago by Tapeworm. Time to create page: 0.45 seconds
• You are here • Forum Header • Topics not covered in other forums. Platinum Boarder The wheels are muddy, got a ton of hay Goin where the water tastes like wine #58824 2 years, 6 months ago Dont wanna be treated this old way. - i just love this show - Time to create page: 0.31 seconds
A guild for fans of the cult hit TV series "Mystery Science Theater 3000". We mainly discuss our favorite episodes or MiSTings(MST3K-style comments on fanfiction), but discussion of B-movies, science fiction, Asian cinema and the like are welcome, too. Just remember to watch out for sarcastic robots, mad scientists who want to take over the world with evil(yet lame) inventions... and Torgo. The Guild is public, but you can tell us why you want to join, if you like. And list your favorite MST3K episode -- this might get you a few brownie points... wink
Minecraft Easter Egg #11BokugoPosted 9/17/2012 5:35:55 PM there should be an enderman boss PSN - Bokugo #12pttp_co_nrPosted 9/17/2012 5:37:47 PM No Spoilers tag? What the heck dude!? PKMN White FC: 1850 0959 2499 - Name: Kevin Nintendo 3DS FC: 4639 8975 1450 - Name: Kevin #13ChaoticNonsensePosted 9/17/2012 5:39:59 PM DaltonM posted... It's real, here's a more reputable source, albeit a terrible one... "According to a thread on reddit"... Yes, so very reputable. #14Shy420Posted 9/17/2012 5:59:15 PM Minecraft is the new zombies #15SamieFishPosted 9/17/2012 6:50:49 PM Thanks for ruining the easter egg. The point is to find them. You could have just put easter egg in the title. #16Epic_McDudePosted 9/17/2012 6:53:03 PM I hate Minecraft. "Fight for them, then, and die for their sins!" -Dracula, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Silver is the new gold? #11Rafficus_IIIPosted 12/4/2012 6:02:14 PM Collectors: Enough said. GT: BigRaff87 | | King of Sanctum #12Lord of NightmaresPosted 12/4/2012 6:29:45 PM I've been able to solo Silver matches fairly regularly against the other 3 factions, but I haven't dared attempt it against the Collectors. And yeah, Possesed anything is just dangerous as heck. I've been on the receiving end of a Possessed Praetorians' homing missiles at least a dozen times by this point, and it's not funny since I'm taking cover or around a corner each and every time, but they still manage to hunt me down.
Review by hyoomancrush00r "One very important man's very important opinion." Opening Comments: There really haven't been any good shooters produced in a long, long time for the console. R-Type Final was plagued with thoughtless level design, completely the standard of the series. Ikaruga was nice, but you can only do so much with it. Mobile Light Force 2 did a decent port of a quirky game (which I dislike for various reasons), but it just didn't feel "solid". Like almost every one released for the current-gen systems, Gradius V (US) was a budget release. My hopes were high when the name Treasure popped into the fold, but then, what could they do with tried-and-true Gradius, a series that had been stagnant since Gaiden? Read on! Review Style Explained: Shoot'em Ups have a unique place in the world of gaming. While we all hope to have a game of any genre that is stunningly perfect beyond all previous definitions, SHMups have never really seemed to care about any kind of real plotline. And you know what? SHMuppers usually don't care that much, from what I've seen. They're here to play for hi-scores or ten minutes of stress relief. As testament, when I play a game that pops up a cutscene - no matter how vaunted or wonderful the game is - I'm usually rapid-tapping the start button, or any combination of them, to get through it faster. So obviously, SHMups need their own grading curve based on the other SHMups out there. Comparisons will be made throughout. Story: 5/10 (1 = Space Invaders/ARCADE, 10 = Silpheed - The Lost Planet/PS2) If it's Gradius, you'll know Vic Viper is somehow battling the Bacterion menace. This time some tiny Bacterion cells have been floating around since the last war and they've had time to grow in the dark recesses of space. Now they're back for revenge. Etc. Normally I would rate this a "2" because the original plotline was fairly original for its time. There are little in-game cutscenes here and there, though, that boost this score. There is one right after the initial wave of enemies in level 2 that made me giddy for some reason or another - made me think "Well, I didn't really see that one coming." It's still been done a billion times, but you know what? I don't care. Graphics: 9/10 (1 = Space Shot/PS1, 10 = Ikaruga/DC) I don't want to give this a 10 because I think they could've done more to it. Ikaruga gets props because it looks incredible, even now. My first impression was "Jeezus, this looks better than Ikaruga!" and it does, on a basic level. For the most part everything is crisp, lasers look bright and powerful. Smaller enemy shots, though, get lost here and there, and while it's not that big of a deal, it's kind of irritating sometimes. You just have to pay attention. Another minor gripe is no real reflection effects. If I would've seen my lasers reflect off the inside of the core, it would've been an instant 10. I'm sure technology these days can pull it off - why wasn't it done? Still, close to a 9.5. Beautiful! Control: 10/10 (1 = Sol Divide/PS1, 10 = Dodonpachi/SATURN) Tight and refined. You'll have no problem steering through narrow corridors while evading bullets, and Vic Viper is pretty small anyway. I'm pretty sure his hitbox is bigger than some people would lead you to believe because I've gotten clipped on the nose with a bullet and gone down. Still, you won't ever feel cheated unless you're a whiner who shouldn't play these games. This is how Gradius has always been and always should be! Power Up System: 10/10 (1 = Steel Empire/GEN, 10 = Mars Matrix/DC) As solid as ever, you select your favorite power-up style at the beginning of the game. As you make your way through a level you'll collect power-up gems. Each gem will move a highlighting cursor to the right on a table of power-ups. Pressing a button while a particular power-up is selected will give you that power-up and start you back at the far left of the table. While it's simple enough to start, a little strategy has always been hidden inside. How many speed-ups should you get? Options/Multiples first, or Lasers? Or a shield? It's all up to you and what you feel you need to get the job done. Eventually you'll run out of stuff to upgrade to and just keep the last box highlighted in case a shield runs out, but such is the nature of most SHMups. And just in case you wondered why they give you so long to pick from your four initial fighters, if you beat the game once you are afforded a Custom option. You get a ton of new Laser options at the least, so it definately ups replayability! Music: 10/10 (1 = Tiger Heli/NES, 9 = Ikaruga/DC) A perfect 10 is not so easily rewarded in the world of SHMups. The genre has almost always had an adrenaline-pumping soundtrack to fuel your button-mashing fingers. Some games have an awesome soundtrack (like Thunderforce V) that you can literally put in a CD player and listen to as you go. Some (Ikaruga) are atmospheric and explosive. I would say Gradius V ups the ante with a mix of both, and a little of something new - the "Legendary" soundtrack. What this means, of course, is that you really feel like you're piloting the one-of-a-kind superduper anti-apocalyptic space craft all the manuals try to convince us we are. This one does that. Overall: 9/10 (1 = Whip Rush/GEN, 9 = most shooters you'll hear about) Minor gripes here and there. I would've paid 50 for it and still felt satisfied, this one is a definite BUY! You can feel the Treasure element, but you know it's Gradius. It looks incredible, it sounds amazing, and there's playability that can't be beat. Get it now! Reviewer's Score: 9/10 | Originally Posted: 09/20/04 Got Your Own Opinion?
GameFAQs Game Wiki The GameFAQs Game Wiki for Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System is a single guide created by the users of GameFAQs. Anybody can add to and edit the Wiki, and you can work with other users to build the best guide available online. For more information, you can read the Help Files. Game Wiki Sections How to Play / Controls Controls, Moves, and General Information Strategies and guides to beat the game, from beginning to end Supplemental Data
The Elder Scrolls: Arena Genre Adventure -> RPG Today's Rank 0 Date N/A Publisher N/A Date N/A Publisher N/A North America Retail Box ArtThe Elder Scrolls: Arena is a first-person role-playing game, in which you must rescue the Emperor from his dimensional prison by recovering the eight pieces of the Staff of Chaos. Arena is the first chapter in the Elder Scrolls series and it is huge. There are over 400 cities, towns and villages to explore, tons of magical items and heaps of spells to create. - Full Character Generation - 18 Unique Character Classes - 2,500 Magical Items - 400 Cities, Towns, and Villages to Explore - Requires DOS (Windows 95 / 98) Sponsored Links Sorry, there are no screens for this game
Quick, Easy Money + Quick, Easy Cooking Skill Up Trick #1 Posted by DryvBy (246 posts) - I just discovered this -- and it's awesome! Buy milk at the Three Sisters Inn for 120g, go to the kitchen and make "Hot Milk". Resell it for 210g. Rare hot milk is about 315g to sell. Oh, and it levels your cooking up fairly easy. #2 Posted by kingzetta (4307 posts) - your a long way from home #3 Posted by DryvBy (246 posts) - Lol, any other ideas on quick ways to make cash and whatnot? Also, has anyone put a guide up? I'm stuck on finding "Tuna" and junk. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Comment and Save
Gametag Portland, OR 6 to 15 Employees Gametag Connections See who your friends know who've worked at Gametag and could give you an inside look. Sign In with Facebook Glassdoor is the only job search with a view from the inside. It's your own personal Gametag employee directory - plus company salaries, reviews, and more posted by Gametag employees.
GM Truck Club Results 1 to 7 of 7 1. #1 Default throttle response im new to working on my truck but i love it and cant get enough. is there anything i can do that wouldnt cost too much to get a quicker throttle response out of my 4.8L Silverado 1500? 2. #2 what year is it? if it is an 05 or newer, its drive by wire which means it has a computer controlling the flapper, so the best way is a custom tune 3. #3 x2 they will get you fixed up 08 silverado K&N cai single in dual out cherry bomb pro leveling kit custom painted bow ties Bed liner Tinted windows 20inch Cruser Alloy Switchblades Goodyear Eagle GT2 285/50/20 1 truly heavy foot + Wait4meperformance SCT Handheld 100 shot of Nitrous Dyno tune system SS front bumper Matching painted front grill and bow ties 4. #4 its an 06 and i heard that an intake would help with acceleration is that true i already have headers and a flowmaster 40 series on her 5. #5 Quote Originally Posted by Chevy Young Blood View Post i already have headers and a flowmaster 40 series on her yeah it will help, but the biggest hold back is the computer controlling the throttle, just because you foot is on the floor doesn't mean that the flapper is fully opened 6. #6 Sr. Apprentice leadpan101's Avatar Join Date Nov 2008 Millersville, MD my 03 is drive by wire as well Leadpan101 :great: 2003 Chevrolet Silverado Z71 1996 Honda Accord 7. #7 Alot of trucks have electronic throttles, like my truck has the option, when i was installing my throttle body spacer it was talking about there being a possible electronic throttle. EFI Live Comp Cam and Valvetrain Snow Performance Methanol Injection Electric Fan Autometer Pressure, Boost, and Pyro Gauges 4.56 Gears Airlift Air Bag Suspension Similar Threads 1. Replies: 7 Last Post: 08-02-2010, 08:16 AM 2. lag in throttle response By wilk in forum Performance & Fuel Replies: 3 Last Post: 03-05-2010, 10:59 AM 3. Response Insurance Company By Steve in forum Product Reviews Replies: 10 4. need response asap By 4gstarion in forum General Chevy & GM Tech Questions Replies: 7 Last Post: 10-23-2008, 08:52 AM 5. Replies: 0 Last Post: 06-22-2007, 02:51 PM Tags for this Thread Posting Permissions • You may not post new threads • You may not post replies • You may not post attachments • You may not edit your posts
Fury Fury Fury Enlarge cover Rate this book Clear rating Fury Fury Fury 3.29 of 5 stars 3.29  ·  rating details  ·  5,300 ratings  ·  325 reviews "Life is fury. Fury-sexual, Oedipal, political, magical, brutal- drives us to our finest heights and coarsest depths. This is what we are, what we civilize ourselves to disguise-the terrifying humananimal in us, the exalted, transcendent, self-destructive, untrammeled lord of creation. We raise each other to the heights of joy. We tear each other limb from bloody limb." ebook, 0 pages Published September 4th 2001 by Random House (first published 2001) more details... edit details Friend Reviews Community Reviews (showing 1-30 of 3,000) filter  |  sort: default (?)  |  rating details Jan 09, 2008 Dustin added it  ·  review of another edition Recommends it for: not even my own worst enemy Shelves: crappy-books An irredeemable piece of garbage. Sloppy and uninteresting, filled with trite observations and vapid, transparent characters bumbling around in a lame social satire that amounts to nothing deeper or insightful than whatever you and your friends might say about celebrity culture while watching "Entertainment Tonight". For instance: "Celebrity's are stupid. There are more important things in the world." Hey, you're Salman Rushdie! Even Rushdie's lauded language can't get him out of the stink-pit h...more Lit Bug I’d known before I picked this up that ‘Fury’ was one of his critically most damned works – despite that warning, I gaily went ahead. Because I’m simply in love with the genius of that man. Of the 4 works I’ve read of his, my reactions have ranged from ever-growing adoration (The Moor’s Last Sigh, which I’ve read 9 times in 4 years and will read yet again) to reluctant reading (The Satanic Verses, which has some nuggets of pure brilliance and heady defiance in an otherwise dump of garbage). But...more If you are a fan of the band Neutral Milk Hotel and/or Rock Plaza Central, you’re familiar with the way some of the songs descend into a glorious cacophonous mess at the end (similar to The Beatles song “A Day in the Life”). What seems to be a chaotic aural blend of instrumentation somehow works; it’s pleasing to the ear. When I started Salman Rushdie’s Fury, I had the same hope for it, that somehow the jumbled chaos of characters, settings, and events would evolve into a story not simply unders...more Nick Black Jul 06, 2008 Nick Black marked it as own-might-read  ·  review of another edition Everything I've heard about this one is terrible. That being said, I got it for $3.95 in first-edition hardback at a Flying J's of all places. I guess those truckers like to get their late Rushdie on while they're gassing up? The story is about a man in the grip of fury (the reason for which we aren't given until almost the end, and that reas...more The 3 stars are a very generous assessment of Fury. I was expecting to not like it, as I had read reviews, and Rushdie himself mention it as one of his worst reviewed books. And I didn't. This is continuous word vomit from page 1 to page 272. There are threads of plot amidst all the verbal diarrhea posing as FURY. But, they don't come together, and to be honest, I have no idea what they needed to be there for. Let's see. The main character is a philosopher called Malik Solanka, who doesn't do we...more I read this a while back, and I did not love it the way I have loved Rushdie's other work. Perhaps it's brilliant, but I just don't get it. First, there was the autobiography of a dirty middle-aged man aspect. It turns out much of the book was semi-factual, and Rushdie really did leave his loyal wife who stuck by him through his exile and hiding for a hot young thing (with a scar on her arm - sheesh, we're pushing "semi-autobiographical" here). Well, good for you, but don't act like you're someho...more My first Salman Rushdie book and I loved it. He has become one of my favorite authors. This book is about a cambridge-educated professor who has a messed up childhood and becomes a creator of alternate worlds in his bid to live a better life. His creation becomes wildly popular and lucrative. But in its popularity, he loses control of his creation which combined with his earlier childhood experiences creates a seething fury within him. This latent fury betrays his external successes and echoes t...more Having thoroughly enjoyed Midnight's Children, I was eager to sink my teeth into another Rushdie. This novel, however, makes me furious. Barf. Rushdie's prose is very intelligent; actually, it's academically pretentious throughout, which is challenging to read and disengaging but in all honesty, fun to encounter. It's just that the academic tone really pulls the reader well out of caring for the characters and situations. The first chapter is extremely clever and overtly academic. After this, the...more Giving this book three stars is not really fair. It is a very good, but it also could be much better. The problem here is not necessarily what the book does, it conveys itself very well, the problem is that the beginning of the book sets you up for a spectacular and philosophically challenging plot that Rushdie just can't pull off. Sure the outward storyline flows smoothly and unpredicatably, bouncing the reader through neat unexpected events and witty commentary, but for all its quick cadence an...more The least enjoyable of the Rushdie books I've read so far. Unlike, say, The Satanic Verses, the narrative is straightforward, easy to follow and makes little use of fantastic or magical happenings -- but that only seems to make the stranger happenings of the story less believable. I liked the protagonist, Malik Solanka, but every other character, especially the two female leads, came off as a sloppy caricature without any real depth or inner life. Anything involving Mila Milo and her oh-so-amazi...more Malik Solanka is a middle-aged Indian man living in London. He finds himself overwhelmed by an uncontrollable fury and decides to leave his wife and son and move to New York City because he's terrified he'll hurt them. He gained wealth and fame earlier in life when he created a doll called "Little Brain" that became a sensation and quickly spiraled out of his control. Once in NYC he meets two other women he becomes involved with and begins to pursue a new creative venture. I didn't have any atta...more Charles Matthews Salman Rushdie's latest novel is like a mine in which there are a few wonderful gems, but you have to dig through a lot of other stuff to get to them. This is, for example, yet another novel about an alienated middle-aged male intellectual and his sexual obsessions. That's a vein that surely has been played out by now -- wasn't that Philip Roth we met on the way into this mine? Rushdie's 55-year-old protagonist, Malik Solanka, is summering in a funk in New York City. His wife and 3-year-old son...more Not his finest. Rushdie's distinctive storytelling voice, which I enjoy so much in novels like SATANIC VERSES and MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN, is eclipsed by a self-conscious anxiety to prove familiarity with American culture. Malik Solanka's, and probably author Rushdie's, view of New York City is limited to the privileged neighborhood he frequents - and the understanding of American culture feels compressed, a digest of America via CNN and the Entertainment Channel. Intellectually, we are being fed fa...more A book so different from the ones I’ve read. Salman Rushdie certainly is a great writer with an impressive lexicon and extensive world knowledge. The satirical aspects in the book are more interesting than the storyline itself, but its intertwinings with the philosophical mind-twists of Professor Malik Solanka make the book highly entertaining. The story’s situation is weird, improbable, but not at all unrealistic. Fury is the key to the story, or the Furies, more specifically – a theory that ev...more Moram se potrudit radi Ljilje(ako na kraju ona uopće ovo vidi i pročita)... Prva bitna stavka je da je ovo definitivno knjiga od Salamana koju je zgodno pročitat prvu,s obzirom da je "težak" mislim da je dobar odabir bez obzira šta je nastala među zadnjima u njegovu opusu. Tematika mi se strašno svidjela jer govori o modernom društvu i pojedincu u tom društvu koji se teško nosi sa svim tim. Dosta je autobiografije u njoj,tako da je stvarno fino kako se čovjek ne suzdržava da dijeli toliko svoje in...more Ended up being this lame Palahniuk-ish phantasmagoric satire nonsense in the 2nd half, and all dated w/ its post-Columbie pre-911 agenda, no thanks it just keeps getting better and better! he has this anger-management thought-exercise which sounds cool, and ...there was something else really rad too, i forget - i need to add in some quotes in here probly... oh, plus whenever i start to get bored with it, the chapter ends, haha, it's in perfectly-paced installments is this book lame? i need...more Just finishing my second read... While it starts slowly, this is a wonderful book... Rushdie is extraordinary at writing about a specific place and time, and the place and time of this novel--the September 10th United States--is a fascinating one. Anne Bradley I read this because I tried Midnight's Children last year, found it to be too dense, and didn't want to give up on Rushdie. This book was far shorter but still pretty heavy. The main character reminded me of Philip Roth, with the later-than-mid-life crisis, and not in a good way. I didn't like the climax-to-conclusion. But there were some major redeeming qualities: 1. The use of language had me re-reading several passages just for the beauty of them. 2. I always get a kick out of reading British p...more Fury? A better title might be Impotence, Poor Decision Making or Whiny Discontent, and the old author has a beautiful women chasing him. Uggggggh. Only a few stylistic twists save this one from one star. there were several points in this book where i literally had to set the book down and think... really think... about the implications of the characters actions, language, conflicts. wonderful, but slow moving and very heavy. Neither a good book nor anywhere near as bad as its detractors suggest, this was a self-involved stopgap, a roman a clef by a man whose own life is almost as interesting as he thinks. Danny Elder The only Rushdie book I had read prior to Fury was Haroun and the Sea of Stories, a wonderful short fable that he wrote for his child, and I'd been told by many it wasn't really representative of his novels. So Fury was my first real-deal-Holyfield Rushdie novel and I wanted to love it, I did! And I did love one important part of it - the writing. His style is gorgeous and hilarious and oh-so-colorful. But I just didn't care for the story here. I didn't really care what happened to any single on...more Great writing, impossible to follow. Was so glad to be done. You'd want to qoute every single line in this novel. Marc Geffen Rushdie's at-times-brilliant writing style and high brow sense of humor are probably two of the best reasons to read his books. Reading a Rushdie novel is also an interesting experiment in upward intellectual comparison, as I find myself frequently reconnecting with half-forgotten characters from undergraduate humanities courses in my effort to keep pace with Rushdie's habitual use of classic literature and both western and non-western religious canon as metaphor. In "Fury", Rushdie remains loyal...more This was my first Rushdie novel and my hopes where pretty high for the first 50 pages, before I realized the novel was in an un-salvageable tailspin. Malik Solonka is a professor and notable dollmaker who one day finds himself standing over his wife and son with a knife while they slept peacefully. Realizing that the fits of Fury that come over him are a threat to others. He flees to America, without so much as a note or a goodbye. There he spends a good 100 pages not doing much of anything e...more Another Salman Rushdie creation, Fury, explores the inner demons - demons of an individual, demons of the society, demons in the city and the demons of humanity. The manifestations of ‘furies’ building within might be as simple as anger and addiction, to as complex as molestations and murders. Rushdie claims that these furies are the driving force which may torment some people and inspire others; but whichever be the form, their presence is undeniable, unarguable and universal. “Life is fury, he'...more topics  posts  views  last activity    Goodreads Librari...: Fury: kindle, epub, incomplete record ... 8 57 Nov 08, 2012 10:04AM   • Adjunct: An Undigest • Dining on Stones • Small Remedies • Islands • Thursbitch • Schooling • An Obedient Father • Spring Flowers, Spring Frost • Gabriel's Gift • Shroud • In the Forest • That They May Face The Rising Sun • Nineteen Seventy Seven (Red Riding, #2) • Celestial Harmonies • The Heart of Redness • Don't Move • The Lambs of London • The Light of Day His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, led to protests from Muslims in several coun...more More about Salman Rushdie... Midnight's Children The Satanic Verses Haroun and the Sea of Stories The Enchantress Of Florence Shalimar the Clown Share This Book “What kind of Christmas present would Jesus ask Santa for?” 41 likes “A change in direction was required. The story you finished was perhaps never the one you began. Yes! He would take charge of his life anew, binding his breaking selves together. Those changes in himself that he sought, he himself would initiate and make them. No more of this miasmic, absent drift. How had he ever persuaded himself that his money-mad burg would rescue him all by itself, this Gotham in which Jokers and Penguins were running riot with no Batman (or even Robin) to frustrate their schemes, this Metropolis built of Kryptonite in which no Superman dared set foot, where wealth was mistaken for riches and the joy of possession for happiness, where people lived such polished lives that the great rough truths of raw existence had been rubbed and buffed away, and in which human souls had wandered so separately for so long that they barely remembered how to touch; this city whose fabled electricity powered the electric fences that were being erected between men and men, and men and women, too? Rome did not fall because her armies weakened but because Romans forgot what being Roman meant. Might this new Rome actually be more provincial than its provinces; might these new Romans have forgotten what and how to value, or had they never known? Were all empires so undeserving, or was this one particularly crass? Was nobody in all this bustling endeavor and material plenitude engaged, any longer, on the deep quarry-work of the mind and heart? O Dream-America, was civilization's quest to end in obesity and trivia, at Roy Rogers and Planet Hollywood, in USA Today and on E!; or in million-dollar-game-show greed or fly-on-the-wall voyeurism; or in the eternal confessional booth of Ricki and Oprah and Jerry, whose guests murdered each other after the show; or in a spurt of gross-out dumb-and-dumber comedies designed for young people who sat in darkness howling their ignorance at the silver screen; or even at the unattainable tables of Jean-Georges Vongerichten and Alain Ducasse? What of the search for the hidden keys that unlock the doors of exaltation? Who demolished the City on the Hill and put in its place a row of electric chairs, those dealers in death's democracy, where everyone, the innocent, the mentally deficient, the guilty, could come to die side by side? Who paved Paradise and put up a parking lot? Who settled for George W. Gush's boredom and Al Bore's gush? Who let Charlton Heston out of his cage and then asked why children were getting shot? What, America, of the Grail? O ye Yankee Galahads, ye Hoosier Lancelots, O Parsifals of the stockyards, what of the Table Round? He felt a flood bursting in him and did not hold back. Yes, it had seduced him, America; yes, its brilliance aroused him, and its vast potency too, and he was compromised by this seduction. What he opposed in it he must also attack in himself. It made him want what it promised and eternally withheld. Everyone was an American now, or at least Americanized: Indians, Uzbeks, Japanese, Lilliputians, all. America was the world's playing field, its rule book, umpire, and ball. Even anti-Americanism was Americanism in disguise, conceding, as it did, that America was the only game in town and the matter of America the only business at hand; and so, like everyone, Malik Solanka now walked its high corridors cap in hand, a supplicant at its feast; but that did not mean he could not look it in the eye. Arthur had fallen, Excalibur was lost and dark Mordred was king. Beside him on the throne of Camelot sat the queen, his sister, the witch Morgan le Fay.” More quotes…
Search Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More » Sign in 1. Advanced Patent Search Publication numberUS4660788 A Publication typeGrant Application numberUS 06/213,864 Publication dateApr 28, 1987 Filing dateDec 8, 1980 Priority dateDec 6, 1979 Also published asDE2949133A1, DE2949133C2 Publication number06213864, 213864, US 4660788 A, US 4660788A, US-A-4660788, US4660788 A, US4660788A InventorsPeter Thiede Original AssigneeVereinigte Flugtechnische Werke Gmbh Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet Supercritical wing US 4660788 A A supercritical wing of the variety in which the compression shock is stabilized is being improved by providing a suction device, substantially along the entire wing span, right at the chord station of the upper-wing surface where intercepting the sonic line. Specific rules concerning the suction and suction slit are given. A small chord station range may be covered by a movable slot or several parallel-running slots. The surface contour may be modified right at a slot to, thereby stabilize the compression shock further. The invention shifts buffet onset to larger off-design Mach numbers and angles of attack. Previous page Next page I claim: 1. Supercritical airfoil having a contour which stabilizes the zone of compression shock production to a limited chord range on the upper surface, the improvement comprising: means disposed exclusively in the limited chord range for sucking up a portion of the turbulent boundary layer. 2. An airfoil as in claim 1, the range being between chord 55% to 70% of relative chord depths, there being at least one slot in that range, the slot extending substantially along the entire wing span. 3. An airfoil as in claim 1, the means including at least one slot in said range, there being a suction channel underneath the slot, inside said airfoil. 4. An airfoil as in claim 1, 2, or 3, there being plural, parallel-running slots in said range. 5. An airfoil as in claim 2 or 3, the slot being established by a diaphragm, there being means for movably mounting the slot to the airfoil. 6. An airfoil as in claim 3, the suction pressure being selected so that the suction speed is approximately equal to the means' velocity of the boundary layer portion being sucked up. 7. An airfoil as in claim 2, 3, or 6, the slot having a width of about one-half to one-quarter of the the boundary layer in the wing's upper surface, in front of the slot. 8. An airfoil as in claim 1, the means including one slot extending for approximately the entire wing span, the contour of the airfoil being modified toward a slight outward extension, resulting in a hypothetical kink in the slot area, to further stabilize the shock-producing area right at the slot. The present invention relates to a supercritical wing for aircraft. A supercritical wing is defined or commonly understood to be an airfoil designed for subsonic flights, but having a flow field along its upper surface which flow field includes an extended portion that is supersonic. Wings and airfoils of this type are usually designed for a Mach number not exceeding 0.85. A wing of this type is, for example, disclosed in German printed patent application 27 12 717 (see also U.S. patent application, Ser. No. 888,319, filed Mar. 20, 1978 now U.S. Pat. No. 4,455,003) The upper surface of this particular wing develops a significant transsonic suction region which drops continuously toward the rear end, substantially without development of compression shocks. The same is not true with regard to earlier wing designs such as shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,952,971 and 4,072,282. Shock-free behavior of the wing as per U.S. Pat. No. 4,455,003 (Ser. No. 888,319) is true only for a particular angle of attack and a particular Mach number. Upon increasing either, a compression shock will develop, increasing in intensity with increasing angle of attack and/or Mach number. However, that particular wing is designed to stabilize the location of that shock on the wing's upper surface. This way, one avoids changes of the longitudinal moment in the off-design range. It was observed, however, that this known wing is limited in its range of use by the so-called buffet onset, i.e., by the development of in-stationary, shock-induced separations and the effect such separations have upon the flow pattern around the wing. It is an object of the present invention to provide a supercritical wing in which a shock-induced boundary layer separation occurs for stronger shocks only, and only for larger angles of attack and larger Mach numbers than in the case of the known wing profiles. It is, therefore, another, but related, object of the present invention to improve the useful, operational range for supercritical wings and to improve flight performance accordingly. The preferred wing profile to be improved as per the present invention is one which exhibits no shock for the design Mach number and angle of attack; but the invention is also applicable in cases in which a relatively weak compression shock occurs even for the design-operating case. It is thus a specific object of the present invention to improve airfoils and wings of the type in which the location of shock formation has been stabilized in such a way as shown in U.S. patent application, Ser. No. 888,319 now U.S. Pat. No. 4,455,003. In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention, it is suggested to improve a supercritical airfoil as per the objects, particularly as per the specific object, by providing suction along the upper surface of the wing at the location of formation and development of a shock in order to suck up a portion of the boundary layer. This partial sucking-up of the turbulent boundary layer shifts the shockinduced boundary layer separation toward a larger shock. Shock point migrations, resulting otherwise from the separation, and in-stationary shock oscillations (buffeting) are thus suppressed in an extended off-design range, as compared to situations which would exist if the suction were not provided for at the specified location. Thus, the invention stabilizes the transsonic flow pattern across the wing beyond the range attained by mere profiling. One may also say that the invention shifts the (ultimately inevitable) buffet onset to larger off-design Mach numbers and larger angles of attack, resulting in correspondingly larger lift coefficients and lower drag coefficients in Mach number and angle of attack ranges in which, otherwise, the performance would drop drastically. The design number for the lift/drag ratio is improved accordingly. The suction as per the invention reduces also the boundary layer in the below-buffet onset range which enhances lift. Of course, the suction requires a certain amount of additional equipment; but it is believed that, at least as far as cost is concerned, this expenditure is partially offset by the overall reduction in drag and increase in lift. The advantage of the invention is not limited to commercial aircraft and the commonly used Mach numbers. Military aircraft are also improved, even at their transsonic speed range, as far as their maneuverability is concerned because buffeting is also here a limiting factor. It should be noted that suction or blowing of the boundary layer is known per se for the subsonic range. See, e.g., German printed patent application 20 35 445 and U.S. Pat. No. 3,801,048. The purpose of the known suction or blowing is to prevent a change from laminar to turbulent boundary layer flow at critical points of the wing's profile and surface in order to prevent the separation of the laminar flow boundary layer by operation of such change-over to turbulence. The suction as per the present invention does not involve laminar flow, but is concentrated in a particular area of a particular type of wing, namely a wing which is contoured to stabilize the root of the sonic line which, of course, presupposes that a sonic line appears at the wing in the first place. Generally speaking, a single suction slot suffices, having a width between one-quarter and one-half of the thickness of the boundary layer being sucked up. The suction pressure should be selected so that the suction speed is about equal to the mean speed in the boundary layer portion being sucked up. Contour modification of the wing right at the slot further stabilizes the sonic line and shock-producing zone right at the slot. Alternatively, one may provide a limited number of parallel slots, or a movable slot to cover the range of migration of the shock-producing zone and sonic line. In the preferred form of practicing the invention, using a wing whose profile follows the rules set out in U.S. Pat. No. 4,455,003 (Ser. No. 888,319), the slot or slots (or movable slot range) should be within 55% to 70% of chord depth, measured from the leading edge or nose of the wing. The preferred embodiment of the invention, the objects and features of the invention, and further objects, features and advantages thereof, will be better understood from the following description taken in connection with the accompanying drawings. FIG. 1 is a top elevation of a wing improved in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention; FIG. 2 is a section view at a particular location through the wing shown in FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is an enlarged view of detail III as so identified in FIG. 2; FIG. 4a is a graph showing the pressure distribution of the wing and in the section plane as per FIG. 2, but without the inventive suction feature; FIG. 4b is a graph similar to FIG. 4a, but with and without the suction feature as per the best mode of practicing the invention. FIG. 5 is a graph showing the lift coefficient of the wing, in the section plane of FIG. 2, and plotted against the angle of attack. FIG. 6 is a graph of the drag coefficient analogous to FIG. 5; and FIGS. 7, 8, and 9 are schematic views of supercritical airfoil profiles improved in accordance with further examples of the preferred embodiment. The wing 10 depicted in FIG. 1 and extending from the fuselage 11 of an aircraft is constructed to have an aspect ratio θ=9; a sweep-back angle ζ.sub.25 =28 η=0.4 (η being the relative distance from the longitudinal axis of the aircraft in the direction of wing span extention. As far as the wing's profile is concerned, FIGS. 2 and 3 depict sections at point η=0.65 as a representation. The profile is characterized by a rather large radius of the nose, a rather flat upper surface, but a rather strong curvature near the trailing edge. The wing's contour and its curvature distribution may follow the rules set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 4,455,003 (Ser. No. 888,319), even the specific example disclosed therein; but in the following, a rated Mach number of M=0.75 for a rated angle of attack of α is presumed as design parameters. The upper surface 12 of the wing 1 is now provided with a suction slot 1, being particularly located in the upper wing surface, almost along the entire wing span. FIG. 2 shows also the sonic line (M=1) for this particular wing. That sonic line should end right at that slot 1. In other words, the location (chord station) of slot 1 is selected to be right at the root of the sonic line. This point on the wing which meets the sonic line is stabilized for the particular wing profile, it migrates little with an increase in the angle of attack or with increasing speed. One can also say that slot 1 is located at a station about x/l-0.6 which is in between the first curvature minimum and the curvature maximum of the upper surface. The sonic line moves over a range from about x/l=0.55 to 0.7, and the location of the slot is limited to that range. The opening or slot 1 leads to a suction channel or suction plenum chamber 2 attached to the upper surface skin inside the wing. This channel 2 leads to a suction unit being disposed either in the fuselage 11 or in the wing itself. If the suction pump is disposed in the fuselage, a common unit can be used for both wings. Less powerful pumps are needed if a separate one is provided for each wing. The choice here is dictated primarily by other design considerations and availability of space. The width S of the slot 1 is dimensioned to be less than the height of the boundary layer to be sucked up. FIG. 3 shows also the velocity profile (u(x, z)) fore and aft of the slot; the profiles are particularly drawn for the boundary region. The figure is a section through the wing for η=0.65. The boundary layer has a thickness δ, This thickness has a value δ.sub.I upstream from the slot 1 and a reduced value δ.sub.II downstream therefrom. The slot width S should be about 1/4th to 1/2 of δ.sub.I, which is about Z.sub.Q, as shown. The pressure in chamber 2 is selected so that the suction speed equals approximately the mean velocity of the portion of the boundary layer (Z.sub.Q) to be sucked up. Such a value for the suction speed avoids any significant accelerations or decelerations in the boundary layer as it is being sucked up. The suction reduces the boundary layer thickness and provides a "rounder" profile contour. This is particularly instrumental in the prevention of separation, when the actual angle of attack and/or the actual Mach number increases during the flight. The advantage of the invention is further demonstrated by FIGS. 4a and 4b. The solidly drawn curves in FIG. 4a depict the pressure distribution on upper and lower surfaces plotted from the nose (x/l=0) to the trailing edge (x/l=1) and for the stated parameters, Mach number M and Reynold's number Re; as stated, the rated (design) angle of attack α The curves are all taken for profiles as per FIG. 2, at the wing location given by η=0.65. The pressure distribution drops gradually from a peak value and is practically shockless. The dotted lines represent an off-design condition, in which the angle of attack α=5degree.. A strong shock appears at the end of the sonic line. This shock increases in severity with further increase of the angle of attack and/or with an increase in the Mach number beyond the rated number of M=0.75. It is presumed that suction is not provided for. Generally speaking, the shock severity increases when the angle of attack and/or the Mach number increases above their rated values. As the shock reaches a particular strength, one obtains at first a so-called separation bubble which "pops" for still higher shocks. The bursting of the bubble occurs actually ahead of boundary layer separation and is the equivalent of buffet onset. The FIG. 4a actually depicts a pressure distribution which just about concurs with buffet onset. In other words, the 5 shock point moves very little across the wing (in the direction of flight) until buffet onset has actually been reached, for a profile as per FIG. 2 and a design pressure distribution as per the solid curve in FIG. 4a. FIG. 4b illustrates in a dashed curve the situation when buffet onset has been exceeded and suction is still not provided for. The angle of attack has been increased to and the Mach number has also increased to 0.76. The shock point has moved forward. All of the curves, as considered thus far, are applicable to a wing without suction as per the invention. This is particularly represented in FIG. 4b by a suction coefficient of C.sub.Q =0. The flow has separated from the wing. The situation is quite different when suction is provided for at a suction coefficient of C.sub.Q =0.0006; this being a suction in accordance with the rule given above. The solid curve in FIG. 4b shows that, even for the off-design parameters α, M=0.76, the location of the shock point remains stabilized. The compression shock is relatively severe, but does not produce buffet onset. FIGS. 5 and 6 compare supercritical wings with and without suction on a different basis. FIG. 5 shows the lift coefficient in dependence upon the angle of attack. The comparison is again made in a section plane, as per FIG. 2 (η=0.65). With no suction (dashed line, C.sub.Q =0), the lift coefficient drops slightly at the particular angle of attack for which buffet onset occurs. With suction (C.sub.Q =0,0006, solid line), overall lift is already slightly higher, but increases further to, thereby, avoid buffet onset. At much higher angles of attack, buffet onset will also occur here, but the critical angle has been shifted definitely to, thereby, enhance maneuverability of the aircraft. FIG. 6 illustrates analogously the resistance or drag coefficient. Without suction (dashed line), the drag increases drastically on buffet onset; the increase is much smaller and a more gradual one while suction is provided for (solid line). FIGS. 5 and 6, thus, demonstrate that the performance of the wing and, therefore, of the aircraft as a whole is considerably improved by suction along the root of the sonic line in the wing's surface. FIG. 7 illustrates a wing which is further supplemented by two additional slots, 3 and 4. These run parallel to suction slot 1, and each may have its own suction plenum. By means of manifolding, suction pressure may be switched from one slot to the next, depending upon the expected migration of the root of the sonic line and of the compression shock-producing zone. However, it is required that the sonic line moves only very little in the off-design-operating range, in the order of about 10% of chord depth or less, and the slots 1, 3, and 4 are spaced accordingly. In particular, they should all be located in chord stations within the range of x/l=0.55 to 0.7. Multiple slots offer the advantage that one can suck basically always right at the root of the sonic line, i.e., right at the area in which the compression shock is produced, even if that zone moves a little. FIG. 8 illustrates another modification. The slot 5 in this case is quite wide, but is partially covered by a diaphragm-like element 7 having a narrow slot 6 commensurate with the design rules given above. The diaphragm 7 can be moved over a limited range, above the larger suction plenum 2' so that the slot 6 may follow a limited displacement of the sonic line and compression shock-producting zone. Thus, the diaphragm 7 will be controlled in accordance with the extent of current off-design, operational conditions to track the shock-producing zone. The range covered here will also be within the x/l=0.55 to 0.7 chord station range. The airfoil design shown in FIG. 9 is an improvement over the single-slot design. The dotted line depicts the regular contour of the wing's upper surface, such as per U.S. patent application, Ser. No. 888,319, above. This contour is locally modified in the slot area (slot 8) in order to obtain a weak, outwardly extending contour kink. The profile is almost completely flat at the aft and fore of the slot, smouthly continuing the contour from a little beyond in either direction toward the slot so that the effective curvature is almost zero immediately at the fore and aft of the slot. The contour's discontinuity (kink) is "covered" by the suction slot. This was found to stabilize the sonic line and shock-producing zone in the suction zone. It can, thus, be seen that the inventive design improves a supercritical wing and airfoil profile, provided the profile exhibits a stabilized location for compression shock; the suction as provided defers buffet onset to larger off-design-operating parameters and, thus, improves in such cases the lift-to-drag ratio. The invention is not limited to the embodiments described above; but all changes and modifications thereof, not constituting departures from the spirit and scope of the invention, are intended to be included. Patent Citations Cited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitle US3275266 *Mar 6, 1964Sep 27, 1966Hovercraft Dev LtdFoils for movement in a fluid US3951360 *Jul 2, 1974Apr 20, 1976Rene AnxionnazDevice for regulating and recovering the boundary layer over the surface of a body such as an aircraft in flight DE2712717A1 *Mar 23, 1977Sep 28, 1978Ver Flugtechnische WerkeUeberkritisches tragfluegelprofil Non-Patent Citations 1"Laminar Flow Control Technology", NASA Facts, (NF86/8-79), Aug. 1979, pp. 1-8. 2 *Laminar Flow Control Technology , NASA Facts , (NF86/8 79), Aug. 1979, pp. 1 8. Referenced by Citing PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitle US5335885 *Mar 8, 1993Aug 9, 1994Deutsche Aerospace Airbus GmbhAircraft wing having a super critical profile and a venting device for reducing compression shock US20110309201 *May 23, 2011Dec 22, 2011The Boeing CompanyActive flow control for transonic flight U.S. Classification244/209 International ClassificationB64C23/04, B64C21/06 Cooperative ClassificationB64C2230/06, B64C2230/04, B64C23/04, Y02T50/166, B64C21/06 European ClassificationB64C21/06, B64C23/04 Legal Events Dec 8, 1980ASAssignment Effective date: 19801202
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Some initial results with DPH Roman Leshchinskiy rl at Tue Sep 23 00:59:50 EDT 2008 Hi Austin, first of all, thanks a lot for taking the time to report your results! On 23/09/2008, at 11:48, Austin Seipp wrote: > * The vectorise pass boosts compilation times *a lot*. I don't think > this is exactly unwarrented since it seems like a pretty complicated > transformation, but while making the primitive version using just > the unlifted interface the compilation takes about 1.5 seconds, for > the vectorised version it's on the order of 15 seconds. For > something as trivial as this dot-product thing, that's a bit > of a compilation time, though. The problem here is not the vectoriser but rather the subsequent optimisations. The vectoriser itself is (or should be - I haven't really timed it, to be honest) quite fast. It generates very complex code, however, which GHC takes a lot of time to optimise. We'll improve the output of the vectoriser eventually, but not before it is complete. For the moment, there is no solution for this, I'm afraid. > * It's pretty much impossible to use ghc-core to examine the output > core of the vectorised version - I let it run and before anything > started showing up in `less` it was already using on the order of > 100mb of memory. If I just add -ddump-simpl to the command line, the > reason is obvious: the core generated is absolutely huge. Yes. Again, this is something we'll try to improve eventually. > * For the benchmark included, the vectorised ver. spends about 98% of > its time from what I can see in the GC before it dies from stack > overflow. I haven't tried something like +RTS -A1G -RTS yet, though. IIUC, the code is > dotp :: [:Int:] -> [:Int:] -> Int > dotp v w = I.sumP [: (I.*) x y | x <- v, y <- w :] The way the vectoriser works at the moment, it will repeat the array w (lengthP v) times, i.e., create an array of length (lengthP v * lengthP w). This is quite unfortunate and needs to be fused away but isn't at the moment. The only advice I can give is to stay away from array comprehensions for now. They work but are extremely slow. This definition should work fine: dotp v w = I.sumP (zipWithP (I.*) v w) > * The vectoriser is really, really touchy. For example, the below code > sample works (from DotPVect.hs): >> import Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Int as I > This however, does not work: >> dotp v w = I.sumP [: (Prelude.*) x y | x <- v, y <- w :] This is because the vectorised code needs to call the vectorised version of (*). Internally, the vectoriser has a hardwired mapping from top-level functions to their vectorised versions. That is, it knows that it should replace calls to (Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Int.*) by calls to Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Base.Int.plusV. There is no vectorised version of (Prelude.*), however, and there won't be one until we can vectorise the Prelude. In fact, the vectoriser doesn't even support classes at the moment. So the rule of thumb is: unless it's in Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude or you wrote and vectorised it yourself, it will choke the vectoriser. > I also ran into a few other errs relating to the vectoriser dying - if > I can find some I'll reply to this with some results. Please do! And please keep using DPH and reporting your results, that is really useful to us! FWIW, we'll include some DPH documentation in 6.10 but it still has to be written... More information about the Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
[Haskell-cafe] ANN: signed-multiset-0.1 Stefan Holdermans stefan at Thu Apr 26 01:27:40 CEST 2012 >>> [3] defines the union as h(u) = max(f(u), g(u)) where f, g and h are multiplicity functions. >> Which is the same, as [3] is about multisets, not signed multisets. > Chapter 3 of [3] is about Hybrid Sets. And there the union is defined by taking the *minimum* of multiplicities, which is even more strange. >>> [...] and this is also what your implementation does. (Map.unionWith max does not do a max if the key is not in one of the maps, i.e. if one of the multiplicities is 0.) >> I am aware of that. Why are you explaining this? > Because we can't seem to get to an agreement. Usually this is because of a misunderstanding, so I try be as clear as possible, so you can understand my position, or point out my mistake. I don't think you are mistaken. I think that 1. you're happy with the monoid over additiveUnion; 2. you're not happy with the definition of union. I'm not a mathematician, but I can see value in how union is defined now: it nicely generalises familiar concepts and associated properties (!) from sets and bags, and there seems to be support for it in literature. >> Let's agree to disagree. This is not constructive and, moreover, going nowhere. > I'd prefer to keep arguing actually. ;-) But if you have something better to do, I won't bother you anymore. I do enjoy this kind of discussion, but I think neither one of us will be able to convince the other. I am totally okay with that. That is not to say that I cannot be convinced by new, more compelling arguments. More information about the Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Q&A: Acute respiratory failure diagnosis does not require intubation May 10, 2012 Q: Our pulmonologists are not comfortable documenting acute respiratory failure unless the patient is on a vent.  Also, they rarely document chronic respiratory failure, even in COPD patients on continuous home oxygen. I’m trying to develop standard query forms for acute and chronic respiratory failure and am running into these obstacles. How do you recommend handling this issue? A: Consult the AHA’s Coding Clinic for ICD-9-CM, Third Quarter 1988, p. 7, and Second Quarter 1990, pp. 20-21, for references stating that patients in acute respiratory failure do not require intubation. Note also that Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, fourth edition vol. 2, includes the same arterial blood gas (ABG) criteria for acute respiratory failure and does not require intubation. I was on the panel of Coding Clinic and worked hard to get that 1988 guidance. This allowed my performance profile to reflect the hospital resources that I had to use in order to prevent intubation in my patients who had COPD and other respiratory illness. Back then the PRO would not allow the reporting of acute respiratory failure unless the patient was intubated, which not only poorly reflected on my profile but represented only the patients with severe acute respiratory failure that did not respond to non-invasive support. Note that Coding Clinic is not a medical text, but it is an official coding reference and may help with your case. Editor’s Note: William Haik, MD, FCCP, CDIP, director of DRG Review, Inc., in Fort Walton Beach, FL, and a former member of the ACDIS advisory board, answered this question. Contact him at [email protected]. How important is the CDI Journal to you? Very important, I read the entire edition as soon as it is published Somewhat important, I look forward to certain articles Not very important but I do scan it for articles that relate to my own program What is the CDI Journal and how do I get it? View Results      Archives
Jump to Navigation Bulbar Paralysis. Synonyms.—Glosso-labio-laryngeal Paralysis; Duchenne's Disease. Definition.—An acute or chronic disease of middle age, due to involvement of the motor nuclei of the medulla oblongata, and characterized by paralysis of the lips, tongue, larynx, and pharynx, resulting in impairment of speech, phonation, mastication, and deglutition. Two forms of bulbar paralysis are recognized, the acute and the chronic. Etiology.—Bulbar paralysis is a disease of middle and advanced life, between the ages of forty-five and seventy, and is more frequent in men than in women. It may be due to hemorrhage, embolism or softening, exposure to cold, trauma, or diphtheria. Lead-poisoning and syphilis have also been named as possible causes. Pathology.—The most pronounced changes are found in the nerve-roots proceeding from the medulla; those of the hypoglossal, glossopharyngeal, vagus, facial, the motor nucleus of the fifth, and spinal accessory, showing distinct atrophy. They are of a gray or grayish-red color, and much shrunken. The microscope reveals degeneration of the nuclei or complete disappearance of the nerve-cells, some increase of the neuroglia, and thickening of the vessel-walls. Muscular atrophy is limited to the lips, tongue, palate, and muscles of the larynx, and if spinal atrophy be associated, the muscles of the neck, shoulders, or arms are involved in the process. Symptoms.—The onset is sudden, and may be attended by nausea and vomiting. Articulation is indistinct, especially in the use of the linguals, labials, and dentals: l, m, p, b, t, d, etc. The lower lip being affected, it drops and there is dribbling of saliva. Deglutition is difficult, with frequent attacks of choking. The mind is impaired, the patient becomes quite emotional and neurasthenic. There may be hemiplegia or crossed facial paralysis. Chronic Form.—The symptoms of this form are very gradual in their development, the first noticeable feature being a difficulty in controlling the tongue and articulating sounds that depend upon it,—thus words containing e, r, s, 1, k, g, d, t, n, and sh. As the disease progresses, the paralysis of the tongue becomes more pronounced; it can not be protruded, and lies on the floor of the mouth. Next in order, the lips become involved, and the labials p, b, f, v, m, and o are pronounced with difficulty, and blowing- and whistling are impossible. The lips atrophy and drop, exposing the teeth, and the saliva dribbles away. Following the lips, the palate becomes paralyzed, and liquids are regurgitated through the nose, and the voice becomes nasal. Increased difficulty in swallowing is now experienced, for in addition to the inability of the tongue to carry the bolus backward, there is paralysis of the pharynx. In time the laryngeal muscles become involved, resulting in hoarseness and, finally complete aphonia. In swallowing, food is apt to enter the larynx, producing attacks of choking, and not infrequently particles find their way into the bronchi or lung, giving rise to bronchitis and deglutition pneumonia. At the last the patient's condition is most deplorable and disgusting, for, with mind impaired, he resembles a "driveling idiot." He can not talk, swallow, or close his mouth, and the saliva and particles of food dribble away. There are no sensory symptoms, and the taste remains normal. Diagnosis.—This is generally quite easy, the above symptoms being so striking and characteristic that no one need make a mistake in the diagnosis. Prognosis.—This is unfavorable, though the disease may last for several years. Death usually results from exhaustion, inanition, choking, inspiration pneumonia, or circulatory disturbances. Treatment.—Since the disease is incurable the treatment will be symptomatic. The general health is to be maintained and the patient instructed in the introduction of the esophageal tube, for feeding will have to be conducted in this way in the last stage of the disease. Electricity is of doubtful utility. Main menu 2
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View Single Post Old 8th January 2007, 23:05 justix justix is offline Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006 Posts: 5 Thanks: 0 Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts Default Virtual Vacation with Postfixadmin I am really new to this. But I finally managed to setup Postfix+MySQL+Doveot+Spamassassin+postfixadmin on Redhat. And I am stuck with virtual vacation setup for 3 weeks. I can't figure this out. Can someone help? I am getting an error. When I try to send email to user who enabled vacation, the sender doesn't get the autoreply message (he is supposed to get it) and the recipient user mailbox is getting 3 same messages that sender has originally sent. Please help. My looks like this: smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -o content_filter=spamassassin spamassassin unix - n n - - pipe user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/spamc -f -e /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient} #Vacation / Autoreply vacation unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=vacation:vacation argv=/usr/bin/perl argv=/var/spool/vacation/ And My looks like this : broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtpd_sasl_local_domain = $myhostname smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated reject_unauth_destination smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_mailbox_base = /usr/local/virtual virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_uid_maps = static:89 virtual_gid_maps = static:89 virtual_transport = virtual virtual_minimum_uid = 89 virtual_mailbox_limit = 100000000 transport_maps = vacation_destination_recipient_limit = 1 local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps mynetworks = allow_percent_hack = yes mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit = 10 smtpd_recipient_limit = 100 Reply With Quote Sponsored Links
Killing Fear Posted by Eddie Jones on November 17, 2010 in Christine Wessilius, iBegat the Begotten, IBegat Trouble | “If I brought a gun to school you’d be the first one I’d kill.” Seth leered at me from behind, sending a chill down my spine. It was my first year in public school and to say I wasn’t exactly socially accepted would be an understatement. I was in fifth grade and already I had someone who wanted to kill me – great. Fresh from private school and home schooling I had no idea how to handle such a threat. Much less my ruined notebooks or the insults, threats, and curses bled into my desk with permanent, black marker that showed up in the following weeks. I didn’t know how to tell my parents that my glasses were broken because a boy had hit me or that the day before I’d found the body of a dead mouse in my desk with the message “you’re next” noosed around its neck on notebook paper. So I ignored it, hoping that Seth and the other kids in my class would grow tired of trying to scare me. The next day I cut out hearts from red construction paper and wrote out verses that spoke of God’s love for them and taped them to the desks of all my classmates. And the next day, and the next day, and the day after that until the bullying stopped. Within a month the bullying came to a dead halt. The best way to combat hate? With God’s furious love. Christine grew up in the windowless basement of her grandparent’s house and has thus been fondly nicknamed “The vampire in a box” by her friends. She has a strong affinity for sarcasm, shiny purple things, and random, useless information that “normal people probably wouldn’t care about.” She likes to sing, act, draw, write, read, and make fun of Prince Charming in her spare time. Some of her epic skills include: surviving a piano being dropped on her, carrying on a five hour conversation with a wall, and making a grilled cheese sandwich spontaneously explode. (read more…) <<<more posts by Christine… Copyright © 2010-2014 All rights reserved.
From: Peter Eyland ([email protected]) Date: Mon Oct 21 1996 - 22:04:30 EDT Thanks Wes for your input. You write with substance and imagination. A word often has a cluster of various meanings associated with it and these change with textual and temporal context. My interest in the word *image* is that our present technological context has put unintended meaning into past context. Consider the history of the icon/image complex. The great debate that split the Latin and Greek speaking churches (with apologies to Animal Farm and anyone who takes unintended offense) was *two legs good, three legs bad*. Thus *icon* drifted from statue to fairly flat in Gk/Rus tradition. Then the Xerox Co in the 1950s invented the WIMP approach to computing (Windows/ICON/Mouse/Pull-down menus), pushing *icon* into symbol. In the renaissance, optical images were shown to be illusions. They are not reality, mere reflections (and refractions) of reality. There are stories that certain New Guinea tribes could not interpret photographs, and cats see the TV as mere wavering colours. Cinema images are flickering illusions. Computer imagery is pixels, glyphs and morphing (scheming?) leading to virtual reality. Political image can be manufactured by PR firms. Today the meaning of icon/image carries with it symbol/unreality. Thus Jesus as the *image of God*, in temporal context, unconsciously implies that he is the symbol and reflection of God. It implies that he is a mere likeness and not a reality of personality and characteristics.
Goin' up on the mountain North Star Bluegrass Label:No label No # Release Date:2005 Country:United States Song Information:  Expand All 1. Honey in the rock 2. Hold fast 'til after midnight 3. Cry from the cross 4. Goin' up on the mountain 5. The Lord's last supper 6. That home far away 7. A brother, a son 8. Children go 9. Call him on the phone 10. He took your place 11. Prayer up to Heaven 12. Daniel prayed 13. The beautiful hall 14. Paul & Silas
I'll Be Your Player (Explicit Album Version) I'll Be Your Player (Explicit Album Version) Trick Daddy Bein that I'm real I feel you need a man in your life child Somebody black baldheaded plus buckwild They call me Trick Daddy dollars A real woman scholar If a player's what you want lil mama holla Don't bother asking your friends about my benz or ends Unless you plan on me staying in I get my freak on plus my back's strong No more sad songs for long girl you daddy's home I'll be your player I need a player in my life tonight somebody that'll treat me right and just, hold me tight all through the night I want a player in my life Yeah, you can play your sex games, kinky things but still maintain I'm running game while you giggle off my ghetto slang I want the best for you First, nobody stressing you A good girl, therefore God's been blessing you So go with your first mind Get it right the first time Hang tight, 'cause early on be your worst time You got me wanting you bad so I been watching you And while they calling me dad, I'm simply jocking you clocking you Watching the threads in your dazzy dukes Hawking you Watching you move in your ?baka? suit Your body too You'll go get it, therefore you bout it boo 5'3", and I can see what you got for me Show me some love Kisses and hugs Bubble baths in hottubs Plus baby oil back rubs You got me heated up Slow it down, then we can speed it up Plus, you bringing out the freakinus Free your mind Let me and you spend some time I'm on that sixty and I'm headed for that nasty nine Come take a ride with me If I slip, baby slide with me And you can shift into the ride with me And glide with me High to the sky with me Right here on the side of me I'll be your player *call me X-rated* I'll eat your coochie with your legs up Down your back, up your crack, then I'll blow all in your butt I'll suck your ass where your drawers crawl Suck them titties and all and make you climb the wall You taste so sweet (ahh) From your head to your feet It's my treat So baby girl just let me eat and call me freaky deaky 'cause I want to be your servant And while I'm servin I'll slap you up with syrup and butter Average niggaz wouldn't do the things I do I'm on my knees so please just let me taste you Shit, my mind's in the gutter, I'm eatin your butter Pink eggs and ham, Girl you taste just like spam I'll be your player Written by Young, Maurice Lyrics Provided By LyricFind Inc. Chat About This Song
| Share Gaelic literature Gaelic literature, literature in the native tongue of Ireland and Scotland. Since Scots Gaelic became separate from Irish Gaelic only in the 17th cent., the literature is conventionally divided into Old Irish (before 900), Middle Irish (until 1350), Late Middle or Early Modern Irish (until 1650), and Modern Irish and Scots Gaelic (from 1650). See more Encyclopedia articles on: Miscellaneous European Literature Premium Partner Content HighBeam Research Documents Images and Maps Reference 24 X 7 Private Tutor Click Here for Details 24 x 7 Tutor Availability Unlimited Online Tutoring 1-on-1 Tutoring
| Share Popular Theology by Ann-Marie Imbornoni C. S. Lewis Return to the C.S. Lewis Bio In 1933 Lewis published his first major work, The Pilgrim's Regress, an allegorical telling of his own journey to belief in Christ. Along the way, the hero of the book encounters many of the popular philosophies of Lewis's day and is often captured by their ideals until he is set free by reason. Although Lewis was an Anglican, a member of the Church of England, it was his relationship with God that was most important to him, not his relationship to a particular church. He believed people should just attend whatever church was closest to them. Lewis was a prolific writer, and he wrote books on many subjects. Until he wrote the Chronicles of Narnia in the 1950s, however, Lewis was most widely recognized for his writings on religious themes. In 1941 Lewis began a series of live radio talks on Christian and moral issues for the BBC. These wartime talks greatly increased Lewis's popularity, both in England and abroad, and made him a household name. The talks were eventually collected and published under the title Mere Christianity (1943). The Screwtape Letters (1942), about an older devil who advises a younger protégé on how to lure humans into wrongdoing, was originally published in the Church of England newspaper The Guardian in weekly installments. Once the letters were published in book form, it sold out immediately. Did you know?  In 1841 Oberlin College in Ohio became the first U.S. college to confer degrees on women. 24 X 7 Private Tutor Click Here for Details 24 x 7 Tutor Availability Unlimited Online Tutoring 1-on-1 Tutoring
David Nour Profile of David Nour CEO, The Nour Group, Inc. Blog Posts: 7 David Nour is an enterprise social strategist and thought leader on Relationship Economics, the quantifiable value of business relationships. In a global economy that is becoming increasingly disconnected, The Nour Group, Inc. has attracted consulting engagements from HP, Siemens, Gen Re and over 100 marquee organizations in driving unprecedented growth through unique return on their strategic relationships. Nour has pioneered the phenomenon that relationships are the greatest off balance sheet asset any organizations possesses, large and small, public and private. He is the author of several books including the best selling Relationship Economics - Revised (Wiley, 2011), ConnectAbility (McGraw-Hill, 2010), The Entrepreneur's Guide to Raising Capital (Praeger, 2009) and the Social Networking Best Practices series. He is most excited about his newest book: Return on Impact - Leadership Strategies for the age of Connected Relationships (ASAE, 2012). Articles by David Nour posted in June 2012 The next wave in APM The next wave in APM Register for InformationWeek Newsletters White Papers Current Issue Twitter Feed Audio Interviews Archived Audio Interviews
Big Data // Big Data Analytics 10:37 AM Connect Directly Repost This 5 Data Science Sins To Beware Repent, ye data scientists! Avoid these five big data evils -- or pay with your immortal soul. OK, perhaps our fire-and-brimstone headline goes a bit overboard. Then again, maybe it is time for a dose of data science atonement, particularly if you're guilty of any of the five deadly sins summarized below. According to Michael Walker, founder and president of the nonprofit Data Science Association, a professional organization of data scientists with more than 500 members, these big-data sins are all too common. In fact, the Association's recently penned Code of Professional Conduct is designed to establish a set of ethical standards for the burgeoning data-science industry. Not all big-data professionals are guilty of the five deadly sins, of course, which Walker summarized in a phone interview with InformationWeek. So here they are. Do any of these data-science transgressions hit home? Sin #1: Cherry Picking This is where a data scientist includes only data that confirms a particular position and ignores evidence of a contradictory position. "I see this all the time," Walker said. [ For more on ethical best practices for big-data professionals, see Data Scientists Create Code Of Professional Conduct. ] Cherry picking is all too common in university research, according to Walker, who referenced a 2005 paper, "Why Most Published Research Findings are False," by Stanford professor John Ioannidis. "What [Ioannidis] argues, in a nutshell, is that the overwhelming majority of research that he reviewed could not be replicated," said Walker. Here's a hypothetical scenario that illustrates cherry picking in action: "[Researchers] create a hypothesis they want to test out," Walker said. "So they run it 999 times, and it fails. There's no evidence to confirm their hypothesis. Then they tweak it, run it again, and all of a sudden they find evidence to confirm their hypothesis." But when these same researchers publish a paper proclaiming their success, they don't mention the 999 times they failed. "I think that's very unethical," Walker said. Sin #2: Confirmation Bias This is where researchers favor data that confirms their hypothesis. "When you're dealing with very large data sets, you're going to find more relationships, more correlations," said Walker. And that can lead to causation confusion, especially in high causal density environments. 1 of 2 Comment  |  Print  |  More Insights Research: 2014 State of Database Technology Research: 2014 State of Database Technology Register for InformationWeek Newsletters White Papers Current Issue Twitter Feed Audio Interviews Archived Audio Interviews
Executions Across the Nation Halted Due to Shortage of Sodium Thiopental Sodium thiopental is a critical component of the three-drug cocktail that makes up the lethal injection procedure for most executions in this country.  It’s the drug that makes the person lose consciousness, before the other two drugs first cause paralysis and then stop the heart.  Please see full article below for more information.
Photo Listing Teh Photo!1!! Gladiator ricketsthemesong i <3 Fawkes... but doesn't everybody? Next PhotoNext Photo Random PhotoRandom Photo The Guild Axis of Anarchy Women's Tee A bunch of punks have invaded The Guild's universe! The Knights of Good are now being bullied by the Axis of Anarchy! And they wear THIS T-SHIRT! Surely you wouldn't want to join the dark side and wear one?! Right guys? Guys? Erm... Type Your Mind (but don't be a dick)
UnFairTest: Monty Neill on Problems with High-Stakes Testing program date:  Mon, 12/17/2012 Bill Resnick talks with Monty Neill of FairTest about how high-stakes standardized testing undermines real learning and discourages critical and creative thinking. They discuss more reliable, collaborative, and contextually-sensitive ways of evaluating teachers and student learning.
Adobe Buzzword, the web based word process that created quite a buzz, is now open for public without requiring any invitation code. Buzzword can export you documents as Microsoft Word (.doc), Office 2003 xml or RTF files. It’s surprising that there’s no export for PDF or Flash Paper especially when they both are Adobe technologies. adobe flash word processor Make sure that you don’t type obscene or pornographic content into your Word documents as that’s prohibited according to Buzzword’s TOS. []
Missed it by that much. Actually, the new version of "Get Smart" misses by a fair-size margin. It's too bad. It's just trying to give us a good time at the retroplex. Even if you're 14 and you've never heard Irving Szathmary's classic deedley-deedley-deedley-deedley theme before, it's enough to make you smile. This is all any of these TV-to-screen comedies are after: a few laughs. Who knows? "Get Smart," starring Steve Carell in the role originated by Don Adams (though initially offered to Tom Poston!), may well turn into a summer hit of the "well, it's good enough" variety. But if it does--if director Peter Segal's dutiful, heavy-spirited comedy clicks with fans of the old TV series as well as with those too young to give a rip about the original--it'll be a case of the right cast winning out over the wrong material, material that is immaterial regarding what made the show so popular in its spy-infested, James Bonded, "Man From U.N.C.L.E." era. Segal is going for his own style and tone, different from the 1965-1970 series. He wants not a spoof, not even a comedy, primarily, but a big, noisy action comedy, with the occasional bout of wince-inducing slapstick amid an onslaught of impersonal stunt work, half of which is zazzed up with impersonal computer-generated effects. Let me put it to you. Is it funny watching Carell's Maxwell Smart accidentally clock Alan Arkin's stunt double in the head with a fire extinguisher? I guess it could've been, but it would've taken a director and an editor who knew how to handle that sort of thing. Carell swims against the tide, as do his key co-stars. The screenplay by the "Failure to Launch" team of Tom J. Astle and Matt Ember (though one suspects the strenuous efforts of various script doctors) pairs Smart with Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway in the old Barbara Feldon role, though without Feldon's perpetually insinuating vocal delivery) as they pose, uneasily, as newlyweds to gather intelligence about America's enemy organization, KAOS. Max's adversary Siegfried (a grim Terence Stamp) has the nuclear destruction of Los Angeles in his plans. The big bomb is set to go off at a key, cacophonous moment in Beethoven's Ninth in a concert at Disney Hall. As Max might say: It's the old "Man Who Knew Too Much" trick! Max and 99, both of whom are saddled with back-story involving self-image issues, globe-trot from Washington, D.C., to Moscow to L.A. The jokes, well ... the jokes must've gotten lost on the Moscow leg of the flight. I like Carell. I enjoy Hathaway, who was key to the deserved success of last year's "The Devil Wears Prada." But they're stuck with lead weights for banter, and the occasional "Sorry about that, Chief" and "Would you believe ...?" and "Oh, Max!" only bring back memories of why some of us loved the show. Director Segal has done his share of comedies ("Tommy Boy," "Anger Management"), but they tend to be shrill and coarse instead of clever, and his eye for physical comedy goes straight for the pain, instead of the painfully funny. Two human elements in this mechanical enterprise pulled me through. Bill Murray plays Agent 13, hiding in a tree. He's wonderful in his one scene. Also, Arkin's Chief lightens the load, simply because the actor owns the most indelible deadpan vocal topspin in the business, and because he knows in his bones that if you under-react to a lot of frenetic nonsense, the audience will appreciate the strategy. As I said: It might get by. But it's films such as these that make you appreciate what the old folks refer to as "a light touch." See the trailer and find local showtimes for "Get Smart."
37 U.S. Code § 902 - Pay of crews of wrecked or lost naval vessels (a) When the accounts of the disbursing officer of a naval vessel are lost as a result of the destruction of the vessel, his return for the last month may, unless there is official evidence to the contrary, be used in computing later credits to and settling accounts of persons, other than officers, carried on his accounts. If the return for the last month has not been made, the pay accounts may be settled on principles of equity and justice. (b) When a naval vessel is lost or has not been heard from for so long that her loss may be presumed, the Secretary of the Navy may fix the date of loss of the vessel for the purpose of settling the accounts of persons aboard other than officers. (c) When the crew of a naval vessel is separated from that vessel because of her wreck, loss, or destruction, the pay and emoluments of those officers and enlisted members that the Secretary considers (because of the sentence of a court-martial or the finding of a court of inquiry, or by other satisfactory evidence) to have done their utmost to save the vessel and, after the wreck, loss, or destruction, to have behaved themselves according to the discipline of the Navy, continue and shall be paid to them until their discharge or death, whichever is earlier. (Pub. L. 87–649, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 486; Pub. L. 104–316, title I, § 118,Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3836.) Historical and Revision Notes 902(c) 10:6144. 37:243. [None.] R.S. 1574. In subsections (a) and (c), the words “naval vessel” are substituted for the words “any vessel of the United States”, in section 243 of existing title 37, and the words “vessel in the employ of the United States”, in section 6144 of title 10, for clarity and to conform to subsection (b). In subsection (c), the word “continues” is substituted for the words “go on”. The words “whichever is earlier” are inserted for clarity. The words “or the findings of a” are inserted since a court of inquiry cannot impose a sentence. 1996—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 104–316substituted “the Secretary of the Navy may” for “the General Accounting Office, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, may”. 37 USCDescription of ChangeSession YearPublic LawStatutes at Large
The Bible is a book used by weak cowards and ignorant simpletons to deny the truth and reality of scientific evidence discovered about the human race. The Old Testament was written from 1500-400 BC, mostly stories about societies that lived in southwest Asia and northeast Africa. The New Testament was written from 40-100 AD, primarily a collection of letters written by two men named Paul and John, and four stories about a man named Jesus. These tales discuss the political societies involved with the Roman Empire. All of these civilizations have very little in common with the modern culture of our human race, and more than 90 percent of the quotes from the Bible are completely irrelevant to the current issues in our society. Nevertheless, it is extremely pathetic that more than 50 percent of all Americans are hypnotized by the Bible so that they are incapable to respond intellectually or logically to issues and opinions that cause them fear. Generally, their only infantile response is to quote something from the Bible that is completely impertinent and petty with the discussion at hand. Statements such as, "It's in the Bible," are entirely naive and callow. It does not matter what religious concepts are embraced by these narrow-minded individuals. Science will continue to move forward with new discoveries, and most Americans will gladly continue to use the implements created by science.
Fade to Black Fade to Black is the sequel to Flashback. f2bgl is a rewrite of the engine used in the game Fade To Black made by Delphine Software. This program is designed as a cross-platform replacement for the original executable. Minimum system requirements:  F2B data files External links: See also:
¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† Home Learn Linux Linux Tutorials Linux Migration, Step 1: Why Migrate to Linux? Linux Migration, Step 1: Why Migrate to Linux? Article Index Linux Migration, Step 1: Why Migrate to Linux? Use LiveCD Linux Distributions How To Use Your Linux LiveCD All Pages Are you a Windows user and visit Then you have some interest about Linux, am I right? This article is part of a series of articles about migration from Windows to Linux. In this first article, we will talk about how a Windows user can know more about Linux, and how can run a Linux Distribution without formatting your computer. And all this without pain! The information described here will be always easy to understand. A complete set of links will be included, to help you navigate and learn fast about Linux and how to become a Linux User. I'll try to explain the principal Linux advantages that you, a Windows user, wants to know, too. The first think you need to put in your mind is: Linux its not only free (like in Freedom). Linux is really easy to use, have many beautiful graphics and interfaces, its compatible with most Windows programs and archives. And more important: Linux is intuitive, stable, and virtually virus-free! First: Know More About the Main Linux Distributions If you are a Windows user and have never used Linux, first you need to know more about this operational system. Actually, there are hundreds Linux distributions (almost 400!) active these days. Unlike Windows, there are many different of Linux available for you in the Internet. And for a new user it will be hard to choose one (or some) Linux distributions to use. In general, you should test some (or all) of the most-used Linux distributions. Why? Because there are as many Linux distributions as ice cream flavors. And people can like more about one Linux distribution than others, also like ice cream! To help you start in this world, we suggest you to choose one of the six main Linux distributions. These are: Ubuntu Official Logo openSUSE Official Logo Linux Mint Official LogoLinux Mint is a Linux distribution based on (and compatible with) Ubuntu. Your design of the user interface is considerably beautiful and clean. Fedora Linux Official Logo Debian Official Logo Mandriva Official Logo Second: Use LiveCD Linux Distributions In this stage, you will know more about the main Linux distributions by visiting their respective sites. But you haven't yet used any of then. So, now you need to download the LiveCD of these main Linux distributions to try them out. Most Linux distributions include a LiveCD system ready to use in the installation CD. A LiveCD is a CD that runs a complete Linux distribution only in your computer's RAM, not from the hard drive. This is the safest way to test Linux distributions without actually installing Linux or corrupting your current operation system and files. You can find LiveCDs (or installation CDs with LiveCDs built-in) in these links: • Ubuntu LiveCD (in Ubuntu, the LiveCD is built into the installation CD) • openSUSE LiveCD (you can choose your computer architecture when you download your LiveCD) • Mint LiveCD (in Linux Mint, the LiveCD is built into the installation CD) • Fedora LiveCD (the first link is the Fedora LiveCD) • Debian LiveCD (choose your architecture to download the appropriate LiveCD) • Mandriva LiveCD (in Mandriva, the LiveCD is built into the installation CD) In these links you will download an ISO image file to your computer, which you can use to create a CD. Don't worry if you don't know how to burn an ISO image to a disk. It's easy! Put an adequate blank CD or DVD (if you download an ISO CD image you need to put a blank CD, otherwise, put in a blank DVD) in your optical drive. 1. Open your favorite CD/DVD burning program. 2. Find in the CD/DVD program menu an command like "Burn a CD/DVD image" (if there is more than one related item, such as "Burn a CD image" and "burn a DVD image", choose the appropriate one). 3. Burn your ISO image into the disk. In the end, you will have a bootable Linux LiveCD disk. Now you only need configure your computer BIOS to boot from your CD/DVD, if it isn't doing so already. 1. Put the bootable Linux LiveCD disk in your optical drive (and pay attention to the screen). 2. In the boot of your Linux LiveCD, some itens will appear in your screen. Choose the one that represents the LiveCD. 3. Your Linux LiveCD will start. Third: How To Use Your Linux LiveCD Now you can learn more about Linux from your LiveCD. We advise you to experiment with all desktop functions. You will see that Linux main menus are organized around areas/topics like "Multimedia," "Graphics," "Office," "System," and so on. Follow these menu command and try to use many of the programs found within. There are many programs that could substitute for your Windows software: • You can use OpenOffice to create your text documents, your spreadsheets, your slides, and so on. • You can burn your CDs and DVDs using K3B (for KDE) or Brasero (for GNOME), create and burn images, music CDs or DVDs, and so on. • You can play your favorite tunes using Amarok, a very complete music player for Linux. • You can talk with your friends in GTalk, MSN, Yahoo! ICQ, Jabber, all in one interface, using Pidgin. • You can talk with your friends in MSN, like MSN with aMSN. This instant message its more stable and ad free than MSN and accepts webcams too. • You can see all your videos extensions or DVD movies in Totem (GNOME) or Kaffeine (KDE). How to use all of this software will be explained in detail in the next article, when we will talk about how you can use Linux programs to accomplish what you do in Windows. Subscribe to Comments Feed Who we are ? More About the foundation... Frequent Questions Join / Linux Training / Board
LucasForums ( -   SCUMM ( -   -   Need help with MI2SE hacking ( Teeth 10-05-2010 04:48 PM Need help with MI2SE hacking I've tried making some new graphics and replacing music files in MI2SE (for inventory item consistency, music timing, Adlib soundtrack in classic mode, etc) but I can't get either to work. On the graphics side, whenever I use a replaced dxt file, the game will get stuck on a loading screen forever. With a replaced MusicNew.xwb, the game just crashes when it gets to the menu. So I'm asking, can anyone please give me some instructions on how to save files properly when saving them as .dds so that MI2SE recognises them (like with bit depth, etc) and also give me help with setting the right presets in Xact so I can replace the .xwb files? Thank you in advance. :D MusiclyInspired 10-06-2010 01:46 AM There were people working on tools to do such things for MI2:SE but it all seemed to quietly go away.... Teeth 10-06-2010 11:46 AM Hmm...well, I'll carry on recording the audio files for my Adlib soundtrack hack, and if anyone can help me insert them once they're finished I'd be extremely grateful. :D bgbennyboy 10-16-2010 12:15 PM Teeth: Try using this for replacing images. Teeth 10-16-2010 12:24 PM Aha, that's why it doesn't work. Yeah, I'd love it if you could help me out with editing the music. :D And I have been using the image convertor but it didn't work. bgbennyboy 10-16-2010 12:56 PM Things to be careful of when editing images: Keep the dxt in the same format - that is, if its a dxt1 dont go saving as dxt5 - keep the same settings. Make sure you're placing it in the correct folder and aren't missing any other files that the game expects. bgbennyboy 10-22-2010 10:18 AM You were right, there were some problems with the image converter. New version - kenand 10-24-2010 10:09 AM New version of image converter works well all images. And easier to edit MSE2 than MISE 1 files. Export files with Monkey explorer to DDS, open with paint.Net, edit it and save new graphic with to DDS (files with transparency use DXT5 ). And convert dds to dxt with Image Converter (MISE2 option). Put DXT file to proper directory. (If you prefer Photoshop save DDS file in PSD format with, edit psd with Photoshop, merge layers if finished it, save to psd. Open psd with and save to dds.) ( do not support psd with layer effects, so need to merge layers) OzzieMonkey 04-15-2011 06:45 AM I'm also looking to edit MI2SE, I'd like to replace the classic version of the theme with the special edition version during the credits in the patched version of the game, would that be possible to do? Powered by vBulletin® Copyright ©2000 - 2014, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. LFNetwork, LLC ©2002-2011 - All rights reserved.
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Thread: Gun-Control View Single Post Old 04-06-2009, 06:33 PM   #27 SkinWalker's Avatar Join Date: May 2002 Location: Give critical thought a chance Posts: 2,709 LFN Staff Member  I have a sword under my bed. If I have a home break-in, the intruder will wish I had a gun! Still, I prefer to have the option to purchase a firearm and not have that limited by gun-control. I have no problem with controlling assault rifles -even the semi-auto kind; or requiring that gun-owners be licensed and pass proficiency/safety tests in the same manner as a driver's license. Also, I'm changing the title of the thread to be more relevant. This is clearly a thread about "gun control." A Hot Cup of Joe - My Blog Evolution and How We Know It's Right - Post your thoughts! SkinWalker is offline   you may: quote & reply,
New! Read & write annotations The chords we play, ways left to communicate these roads are paved with plans we've made And your headboards never felt so safe well they'll reach our graves where your friends And i will kill the lights and hide, oh what a nice suprise don't, Don't tell me when it's coming (no) don't, don't i just want to see if for myself don't breathe, Don't make a sound cause the song wont stop till the tape runs out when melody has nothing to hold, I'll be the last sound that you hear as your eyes close and these chords remain We'll use them to exploit the friends we've since forgot those friends we've lost you All know just who you are cause ive since made graves but im too scared to etch the names For fear that im the one whos changed The thought of death it scares me to death and i don't know why, I don't know it's just too much to never wake up Lyrics taken from Correct | Report Write about your feelings and thoughts Min 50 words Not bad Write an annotation Add image by pasting the URLBoldItalicLink 10 words Annotation guidelines:
New! Read & write annotations Asa me ga samete Massaki ni omoiukabu kimi no koto Omoikitte maegami wo kitta "doushita no?" tte kikaretakute PINKU no SUKAATO ohana no kamikazari Sashite dekakeru no Kyou no watashi wa kawaii no yo! MERUTO tokete shimaisou Suki da nante zettai ni ienai... dakedo MERUTO me mo awaserarenai Koi ni koi nante shinai wa watashi Datte kimi no koto ga... suki nano Tenki yohou ga USO wo tsuita Doshaburi no ame ga furu Kaban ni ireta mama no ORITATAMI kasa ureshikunai Tameiki wo tsuita sonna toki "shouganai kara haitte yaru" nante Tonari ni iru kimi ga warau Koi ni ochiru oto ga shita MERUTO iki ga tsumarisou Kimi ni fureteru migite ga furueru Takanaru mune hanbun kono kasa Te wo nobaseba todoku kyori doushiyou... ! Omoi yo todoke kimi ni Onegai jikan wo tomete nakisou nano Demo ureshikute shinde shimau wa! MERUTO eki ni tsuite shimau... Mou aenai chikakute tooi yo dakara MERUTO te wo tsunaide arukitai! Mou BAIBAI shinakucha ikenai no? Ima sugu watashi wo dakishimete! ... nante ne Lyrics taken from Correct | Report songmeaningsPost my meaning • u UnregisteredMar 10, 2012 at 8:45 am I wake up in the morning and immediately i start to think of you i decided to cut my bangs just to hear you say, "what happened? " A pink skirt, and a flower barette and it's time to go i'm looking super cute today! Melt - i'm about to melt i can't tell you that i like you... But... Melt - i can't let our eyes meet i'm not into love and all that but i do... Like you The weather report lied it's pouring down my umbrella still folded in my bag won't do so i gave a sigh "i guess i'll have to let you in" beside me you say, laughing that was the sound that made me fall in love Melt - i can hardly breathe my hand, touching yours, is trembling my heart is racing under this half of the umbrella if you should stretch out your hand to close the distance, what'll i do...?! My feelings will reach you It's time to stop wishing, i feel like i'm gonna cry and yet, i'm so happy i could die! Melt - we've reached the station... We can't see each other anymore, we're close yet so far away, so... Melt - i want to walk hand in hand with you! Must we say goodbye so soon? Hold me tight right away! Or something • u UnregisteredJul 26, 2012 at 2:22 pm I think this song is one of hatsune miku's best sonha ever. She is amazing. Vocaloid is so much better than the stuff they play on the radio today. Melt is about how she has a crush on a guy and how she feels so happy she just might melt when ahe's with him. :3 • u UnregisteredDec 29, 2011 at 5:41 am To me this song is about her wanting to get noticed so she can fall in love with a guy shes obvisouly known for a long time so she melts inside by her ideas of him and her together, hoping that her thoughts might actually come true! Hatsune miku fan all the way! Yes she is a hollogram but she is better in so many ways than the autotune songs we listen to now! Hate justin bieber! He is sooo autotuned! Ugh! Hatsune miku you rock! • u UnregisteredMar 15, 2012 at 4:38 am Miku is invaded of love i think of a person that is special for her i wish to be that person • u UnregisteredDec 19, 2011 at 3:15 am When i woke up this morning I had only one thing that was on my mind And yes, it was you I had my hair cut So that you would notice it and say to me, "hey, why the new style? " Blablablaaa ponies and pasta and korean inventions and chinatowns and (insert more hetalia references here) I love the program for vocaloid~! I have a channel dedicated to it xd Ocicat101 on youtube. Write about your feelings and thoughts Min 50 words Not bad Write an annotation Add image by pasting the URLBoldItalicLink 10 words Annotation guidelines:
Why you shouldn't follow the stock market An inverse relationship. Tess Vigeland: Every now and then we check in with Carl Richards, founder of Prasada Capital Management in Park City, Utah. You might be familiar with his drawings in the New York Times Bucks column where he takes an economic term or idea and using a Sharpie illustrates it on napkin. We've got Carl back with us for another rendering. Hey Carl! Carl Richards: Thank you Tess. Good to be here. Vigeland: Alright, tell us what we're looking at on this napkin. Richards: So this is a classic line graph and on the x-axis, it's labeled "long-term wealth" and the y-axis is labeled "following the market." And the line is slowing downward. Vigeland: And what are we saying here? Richards: Essentially what we're saying is building long-term wealth has an inverse relationship with following the market. Vigeland: Alright, I have to ask: Do you know how the market's doing today? Richards: Uh... I don't. That's a good sign! Vigeland: That's so counterintuitive though. I mean, we are bombarded with the daily fluctuations of the stock market. Why are we so obsessed with that and how unhealthy is that? Richards: I think it's become America's greatest spectator sport. Vigeland: Yeah! Richards: I think the access to information and it certainly is entertaining, right? I mean, it's something to talk about, it's what all of our friends may or may not be talking about. You feel out of the loop if you don't know what's going on in the market. Now, again, two years ago, it was because we were just sheer panic and we didn't know what to do. But even before, back in 2000, it really became... Sort of when CNBC is on at your dentist's office, you know there's an issue. Vigeland: Is there any point to talking about the Dow or the S&P? Richards: Well, I think there's a fine line here. And this graph was generated by a conversation from a close family friend that really didn't understand exactly what I did for a living and would repeatedly ask me, "Hey, how are things going on in the market?" And I would say, "I really don't know. I haven't really been paying that much attention." After having that conversation repeatedly, he finally said to me, "What do you do?" And that was where I came up with this idea that investment success is about behavior, then information and skill may not have as much to do with it as we think. But to your question, it's important for us to be informed when we're making those decisions. But we shouldn't be making investment decisions daily. Vigeland: How often should we be making them then? Richards: Again, and I think this is a big problem here, maybe reframing the discussion. Maybe the reframing is making sure that the investments we own match our lives, our goals, our view of -- and this is a big fuzzy word -- our view of risk. But making sure they match our goals would allow us to not be thinking about these every day, every month or every quarter. Vigeland: How do you counter the noise though? Richards: I don't know. One trick I've learned is to maybe view it, instead of the money section, maybe it's the funny section. Jim Cramer is a great example, right? Some people would say don't watch Cramer. Well, it's fine! Just recognize that it's entertainment, not money. And if you can talk yourself into it, it's much more fun to go to the movies. So it may just be finding a replacement for that constant chatter. Or realizing that it's an important part of the discussion and it has value and it's valuably informed, but just don't act on it or have some stop-gaps in place to make sure you have to jump through a couple hoops before you act on it. Might make sense. Vigeland: Alright, so you're not telling people to stop listening to financial shows, right? Richards: Oh, of course not! Absolutely, of course not. Just don't necessarily run out and act on it. Vigeland: Alright, thanks Carl. Richards: Thank you Tess. Vigeland: You can find Carl's Sharpie drawings and a link to his blog "Behavior Gap" here. Log in to post3 Comments I'm kind of glad to hear someone in the financial industry say not to follow the movement of the market too closely. I don't follow the market much at all because I just don't have anything to invest but I have to admit looking forward to The Numbers every day. I always love hearing the music every day and one of these days I want to buy MP3s of the songs to go on my media player. Yeah, I can be a bit of a public radio music geek, but I did work in both radio and recording studios back in the day. I used to work in New York City, in a global insurance company, and then in a commercial bank. Couldn't get through an hour without having a stock market conversation. Now, working in Durham, in a university IT department, I just do not speak about the stock market to anyone, anytime. I've gotten to the point where I check my account balances once a quarter, whereas I used to check what the market was doing at least a few times a day. Aren't there a number of funds, including a Vangaurd one, that match the Dow's (or another market)performance? My understanding is that these have performed well over the long term (10 years+) With Generous Support From...
Documentation Center • Trials • Product Updates MATLAB Startup Folder The startup folder is the current folder in the MATLAB® application when it starts. The method you use to start MATLAB determines the startup folder value. (To locate the startup folder, type pwd after starting MATLAB.) For convenience, make the startup folder a folder that you frequently use. On Windows® and Apple Macintosh platforms, the default startup folder is a folder called userpath, which is added automatically to the search path at startup. On Windows platforms, this folder is Documents/MATLAB. On Linux® platforms, you can set the userpath as the startup folder. Use the userpath function to: • View the userpath value. • Specify a different default value for userpath, if you start MATLAB by double-clicking the MATLAB shortcut/icon. Using userpath as the startup folder offers these benefits: • You can store the MATLAB files you work with in one, appropriately named location, such as Documents/MATLAB. • Your MATLAB files are readily available upon startup, because the current folder is always the same. • You can always run your files because MATLAB automatically adds the userpath folder to the top of the search path. • The first time you run a new version of MATLAB, MATLAB automatically creates the userpath folder if it does not exist. • When you upgrade to a newer version of MATLAB, MATLAB automatically continues to use the same startup folder and your existing files. • The default userpath utilizes the benefits provided by the standard location in the Windows and Macintosh environments for storing personal files. Files in the Documents/MATLAB folder are available to you when you use other machines. Because each user has their own Documents/MATLAB folder, other users, even those using your machine, cannot access files in your Documents/MATLAB folder. See Also Related Examples More About Was this topic helpful?
MATLAB and Simulink Based Books Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.0 Introduction to Neural Networks Using MATLAB 6.0 Written for undergraduate students in computer science, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the field of neural networks. The book presents readers with the application of neural networks to areas like bioinformatics, robotics, communication, image processing, and healthcare. Topics covered include fundamental models of artificial neural networks, perception networks, and adaptive resonance theory. MATLAB and Neural Network Toolbox are used throughout the book to solve many application examples. In addition, a supplemental set of MATLAB code files is available for download. Companion software available Retrieve companion software MATLAB Courseware Teaching materials based on MATLAB and Simulink Find full courses & labs Trials Available Try the latest version of algorithm development products. Get trial software About This Book S N SivanandamPSG College of Technology S. SumathiPSG College of Technology Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005 ISBN: 978-0-07-059112-7 Language: English
User Stories Broadcom Develops Low-Cost 3G Semiconductor Product View PDF Zyray Wireless User Story Image SPINNERchip add-on WCDMA baseband processor. “MATLAB is an ideal environment for developing and understanding our algorithms. Simulink integrates well with MATLAB and lets us produce a design that looks very similar to what we end up with ultimately in hardware." Francis Swarts, Broadcom The introduction of 3G standards, such as WCDMA, increased data rates and improved voice quality to mobile and portable wireless devices. To support WCDMA as well as existing 2G standards, such as GSM/GPRS, mobile smart phone manufacturers faced the challenges of getting to market quickly while keeping development and component costs to a minimum. With MathWorks products, Broadcom (formerly Zyray Wireless) used Model-Based Design to accelerate the development of the SPINNER family of WCDMA semiconductor products for 3G mobile devices. An add-on WCDMA baseband processor based on patented Space-Time Processing technology, SPINNERchip enabled handset manufacturers to develop cost-effective dual-mode devices by using existing components for the GSM/GPRS functionality and SPINNERchip for the WCDMA functionality. "With MathWorks tools, we were able to get to market fast with our family of WCDMA products and deliver a two-chip solution that enables handset manufacturers to reduce costs substantially," explains Larissa Kogan, marketing manager. WCDMA was much more complicated than GSM. “The main challenge is translating the sheer complexity of the WCDMA system into a functioning piece of hardware,” says Mark Kent, director of systems engineering. Because Zyray Wireless was a relatively new company before it was acquired by Broadcom, it had to establish credibility by proving that it could release a product to market on time—within two years. To meet this goal, it needed the software design to map closely to what would be implemented in hardware. Beginning their design flow with MATLAB® and Simulink®, Broadcom engineers implemented a WCDMA-based chip that handset manufacturers could integrate with their 2G chips. After reviewing and interpreting the WCDMA specification, Broadcom engineers used MATLAB to develop a rake receiver algorithm, as well as algorithms for filter transmission and reception, multipath searching, and forward error-control coding. They used the visualization capabilities of MATLAB to review the algorithms and signals before performing spectral analysis to validate that the signals met the specification. “The analysis, visualization, and data handling capabilities of MATLAB made validating the functionality and performance much easier,” says Francis Swarts, systems engineer. “I just don’t know how you would do this kind of work in anything but MATLAB.” Working in Simulink, engineers then modeled and validated the specifications against their requirements. After algorithm development and validation, they wrote custom blocks in procedural code using Simulink S-functions. They used MATLAB and Simulink to model various subsystems, including the base station, a wireless channel model, and the handset. Each subsystem served as a unit test harness for the others. With Simulink, they quickly partitioned the behavior into architectural subsystems to enable the hardware designers to implement each piece more easily. They then generated test vectors from custom Simulink blocks and verified them against the vectors that the hardware designers had written in VHDL. “Our hardware engineers use Simulink blocks as the basis for what they need to write in VHDL,” explains Swarts. “These provide great guidance to our hardware engineers.” Using Simulink, Broadcom engineers encapsulated their handwritten C code for easier management, reuse, and incorporation into the model. At the implementation level, they used MATLAB to perform further analysis on the simulation data. “Designing the entire infrastructure of the simulation in raw C would have been a near impossibility,” says Swarts. “With MATLAB, you can build vectors of signals and perform partitioning within a couple of lines of statements, then use Simulink to determine a hardware-efficient way of performing the processing.” Broadcom implemented the hardware using downstream ASIC design and implementation tools. With the release of SPINNERchip1.1, Broadcom became one of the first companies to release a coprocessor solution. Infineon Semiconductor adopted SPINNERchip (WCDMA) within its 2G platform (GSM, GPRS, EDGE) to enable manufacturers to develop handsets quickly and more cost-effectively. • Chip saves manufacturers millions of dollars. Using MATLAB and Simulink, Broadcom produced a chip that provides manufacturers with savings of $10 to $20 over competing single-chip implementations and $2 million to $3 million per project in development savings. • Models reused for production release. Broadcom reused the core blocks of version 1.0 to help with the production release of the product, version 1.1. “The Simulink blocks that we created will form the basis and timeline for future enhancements,” says Swarts. • Development time cut in half. “Programming everything in C would have been at least a doubling of effort because we would not have had the ease of looking at algorithms quickly in MATLAB,” explains Swarts. “We would have had to hand code everything just to get the initial idea of how well things were working. And to get it closer to a hardware architecture would have required another complete recoding.” To develop a low-cost semiconductor product based on 3G standards that handset manufacturers could combine with chips based on 2G standards Use MathWorks tools to develop algorithms and model the chip subsystems • Chip saves manufacturers millions of dollars • Models reused for production release • Development time cut in half Products Used Learn more about Broadcom
Documentation Center • Trial Software • Product Updates Simulink Editor Editor Layout Opening a Simulink® model or library displays the model or library in the Simulink Editor. For more information, see Open the Simulink Editor. The Simulink Editor has the following major sections: • Title bar In the top left corner, the title bar displays the name of the model or subsystem that is open in the model window. • Menu bar and toolbar At the top of the Simulink Editor, you can access commands to work with models. Several buttons in the toolbar provide quick access to commonly used Simulink Editor menu options. Other buttons in the toolbar open other Simulink tools, such as the Model Explorer (for details, see Open Simulink Tools from the Toolbar). • Palette The icons in the vertical bar on the right side of the Simulink Editor perform very common tasks, such as adding an annotation. • Explorer bar The breadcrumb shows the systems that you have open in the editor. Select a system in the breadcrumb to open that system in the model window. If you click in the Explorer bar whitespace, you can edit the hierarchy. Also, the down arrow at the right side of the Explorer bar provides a history. • Model Browser Click the double arrows in the bottom left corner of the Simulink Editor to open or close a tree-structured view of the model in the editor. • Canvas — The canvas is the area where you edit the block diagram. You can use the mouse and keyboard to create and connect blocks, select and move blocks, edit block labels, display block dialog boxes, and so on. To display context menus specific to a particular model object in the canvas, such as a block, right-click the object. • Status information — Near the top of the editor, you can see (and reset) the simulation time and the simulation mode. The bottom status line shows the status of Simulink processing, the zoom factor, and the solver. Open Simulink Tools from the Toolbar The Simulink Editor toolbar provides several buttons for quick access to other Simulink tools. For buttons that have associated menu options, clicking the button invokes the first menu option. ToolsButtons and Associated Menus Library Browser Model Explorer Simulation Stepper Next Step Previous Step Simulation Data Inspector Advisor Tools Undoing Commands You can cancel the effects of up to 101 consecutive operations. To undo commands, select Edit > Undo. Repeat until you get to the command that you want to undo. You can undo operations such as: • Adding, deleting, or moving a block • Adding, deleting, or moving a line • Adding, deleting, or moving a model annotation • Editing a block name • Creating a subsystem To reverse the effects of an Undo command, select Edit > Redo. Window Management One Simulink Editor Per Model When you open a model, that model appears in its own Simulink Editor window. For example, if you have one model already open, and then you open a second model, the second model appears in a second Simulink Editor. To open the same model in two separate Simulink Editor windows, at the MATLAB® command prompt, enter the open_system command, using the window argument. For example, if you already have the vdp model open, then to open another instance of the vdp model in a separate Simulink Editor, enter: open_system ('vdp', 'window') Open a Subsystem The Simulink Editor displays only one active window at a time. By default, if you open a Subsystem block, the opened subsystem replaces (in terms of being displayed in the model window) the model from which you opened the subsystem. You can use tabs in the Simulink Editor to make it easier to navigate between model windows for the top model and subsystems. To open a subsystem in a separate tab: 1. Right-click the Subsystem block. 2. From the context-menu, select Open In New Tab. In the example below, there are separate tabs for the ex_sscreate2 model and for the Subsystem. Navigate between the top model and subsystems by clicking the appropriate tab. Or, choose an option following options from the View > Navigate menu, such as Back, Back to Parent, or Previous Tab. For more information about opening subsystems, see Open a Subsystem. To rearrange the order of tabs within a Simulink Editor window: 1. Select the tab that you want to move. 2. Drag the tab to where you want it to appear. 3. Release the mouse button. Open a Referenced Model If you open a Model block, the referenced model opens in a separate Simulink Editor. Bring the MATLAB Desktop Forward Simulink Editor windows open on top of the MATLAB desktop. To bring the MATLAB desktop back to the top of your screen, in the Simulink Editor, select View > MATLAB Desktop. Was this topic helpful?
User Stories Epson Toyocom Designs and Verifies Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit in Two Months View PDF Simulink model of the delta-sigma ADC with power spectral density plot Simulink model of the delta-sigma ADC with power spectral density plot. “Circuit-level simulations took three days. With Verilog-A they took 20 minutes—still too long to enable sufficient exploration of design alternatives. Using MATLAB and Simulink, we reduced simulation time to just one minute.” Jun Uehara, Epson Toyocom As manufacturers strive to pack more functionality into ever smaller devices, the demand for compact yet highly accurate crystal devices has increased. Crystal devices are essential to many of the advanced features in today’s consumer electronics—for example, they are used to implement clock functions, mobile TV tuners, surface acoustic wave filters, and gyro-sensors used in cell phones, digital cameras, and automobiles. As components are miniaturized, it becomes much harder to deliver stability and precision at high frequencies using purely analog designs. To solve this problem, engineers are turning to mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs) that combine analog and digital circuits on a single chip. Epson Toyocom used MATLAB® and Simulink® to develop a 16-bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for a mixed-signal IC. Modeling and simulation in Simulink enabled Epson Toyocom engineers to make informed design decisions, verify their design early in development, and reduce the number of hardware prototypes, helping the team complete the project within a two-month deadline and saving Epson Toyocom millions of dollars. When Epson Toyocom engineers began developing the delta-sigma ADC, they had no existing design that could be adapted or reused. Without a reference design, the team would have to evaluate a wide range of parameters, including input capacitance, output voltage, operational amplifier (op-amp) gain, and slew rate. “We needed to run numerous simulations to sufficiently explore all the alternatives,” explains Jun Uehara, QI project, Epson Toyocom. The team had just two months to design and lay out the ADC, which meant the specification had to be completed in the first two weeks. There was not enough time to use circuit-level or Verilog-A–level simulations to explore design options. Furthermore, to meet the project deadline, the team would need to rapidly simulate and verify any design changes as soon as they received the first IC prototypes. Epson Toyocom used MathWorks tools for Model-Based Design to model, simulate, and verify the 16-bit delta-sigma ADC. The engineers used Simulink to model the system architecture and the initial system design. The input capacitance, op-amp gain, and other key characteristics were implemented as modifiable design parameters. After verifying the basic functionality of the Simulink model via simulations, the engineers developed MATLAB scripts that programmatically updated the system parameters in the model. They then performed numerous simulations in which parameter values were systematically varied across their ranges to identify the combination of values that minimized thermal noise and maximized the signal-to-noise ratio. They used MATLAB to visualize the simulation results, such as power spectral density as a function of frequency. They also evaluated design tradeoffs using MATLAB. For example, the team weighed using a higher input capacitance to improve noise reduction against the additional expense of the high-quality amplifier that would also be needed. Once they had identified parameter values that fulfilled all the system requirements while minimizing costs, Epson Toyocom produced engineering samples of the design. Lab testing of these IC prototypes revealed a higher level of harmonic distortion than expected, which was reducing the signal-to-noise ratio. The engineers used Simulink to diagnose the problem, identify its cause, and gain deeper insight into the behavior of their design. Using MATLAB, they developed a compensation algorithm to address the distortion problem. They incorporated this algorithm as a functional block in the Simulink system model. After running simulations to verify that the distortion had been sufficiently reduced, they updated the IC design with this fix. • Simulation time reduced from days to minutes. “Using our conventional approach, the simulation of a system model took days when performed at the circuit level,” says Uehara. “Simulink enabled us to simulate the entire design at the system level and complete the simulation in one minute.” • Development time cut by 33%. Epson Toyocom completed the mixed-signal IC development within the two-month deadline. The engineers estimate that the project would have taken three months using their conventional development approach. • Millions of dollars saved. After identifying a problem in the first IC samples, the engineers implemented a fix in Simulink. They verified this fix in minutes. Using the team’s previous simulation methods, it would have taken an entire day. Verification via Model-Based Design enabled Epson Toyocom to reduce the number of IC samples built, saving millions of dollars in mask and prototyping costs. Develop a mixed-signal integrated circuit with a new 16-bit analog-to-digital converter in two months Use MathWorks tools for Model-Based Design to model, simulate, verify, and improve the system-level design • Simulation time reduced from days to minutes • Development time cut by 33% • Millions of dollars saved Products Used Learn more about Epson Toyocom
Próximo webinar Connecting Simulink with Other Simulation Frameworks In this webinar, learn how you can connect Simulink with code-based simulation frameworks. First, we provide an overview of the different options, including the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.  We then show how to connect Simulink with a code-based simulation framework, using NASA’s Trick simulation environment as an example.  During the demonstration, we show how to bring code from Trick into Simulink and also how to generate code from Simulink and export it to Trick. Although not a prerequisite for this webinar, it is recommended that you also watch the Simulink and Stateflow for Simulation Engineers webinar, since that webinar focuses more deeply on the workflow of using Simulink and Stateflow for modeling, simulation, and testing. Please allow approximately 60 minutes for the presentation and Q&A. About the Presenters: Mark McBroom is a principal engineer and senior team leader in the pilot engineering group. Mark’s background is in embedded software development. Cubre los siguientes productos • Simulink® • Stateflow® • Simulink Verification and Validation™
Documentation Center • Trials • Product Updates Memory used by the current session Use only in the MuPAD Notebook Interface. This functionality does not run in MATLAB. bytes() returns the current memory consumption. bytes returns the following three numbers: • The number of bytes used logically; this is the amount of memory which is actually used for storing MuPAD® data. • The number of bytes physically allocated by the memory management; this is the amount of memory MuPAD has allocated from the operating system. The difference between the physical and the logical bytes is the amount of memory which has already been reserved for future calculations. • The maximum number of bytes ever allocated from the operating system during the current session. This value never decreases, not even on a call to reset. Example 1 In a freshly started MuPAD session, bytes may return the following data on the memory consumption of the session: Each computation increases the memory usage: sin(PI): bytes() solve(x-1=0, x): bytes() Return Values Sequence of three integers. See Also MuPAD Functions Was this topic helpful?
Financial Services Econometrics and Economics Economics researchers across government organizations, central banks, corporate finance, risk, and asset management rely on MATLAB for data management, analysis, modeling, forecasting, and testing. Model and Analyze Econometric Scenarios Economists use MATLAB and its financial and econometric toolboxes to: Collaborate on Model Development with Peers The reserve banks of all OECD member countries use MATLAB for economic tasks, including dynamic stochastic generalized equilibrium (DSGE) modeling, yield curve and inflation term structure estimation, and risk measurement. MATLAB provides a common language for the computational economics community in which researchers can work and share results with their peers across government organizations and academic institutions. "By quantifying market dynamics and modeling market behavior, we can identify some very interesting opportunities. We use MATLAB to analyze millions of rows of data and rapidly test out new hypotheses. This cannot be done as easily using any other software." Read the story Additional Resources Financial Services Trial Software Get trial software FREE REPORT: Financial Services Perspective Get the kit now
• Contact sales Systems Biology: Studying the World‘s Most Complex Dynamic Systems By Ricardo Paxson, MathWorks and Kristen Zannella, MathWorks The drug Artemisinin, made from the leaves of the sweet wormwood shrub, is a proven cure for malaria. At $2 per dose, however, it is far beyond the reach of the developing countries that need it most. A team of systems biologists solved this problem by designing a new organism that produces the same drug compound for $.02 a dose. From medicine and environmental science to alternative fuel technology and agriculture, systems biologists are literally changing the world. Revolutionary new pharmaceuticals have moved to clinical trials in a fraction of the time taken by traditional methods. Systems biologists are not only accelerating the drug discovery process, they are also developing synthetic viruses to attack cancer cells, creating biosensors to detect arsenic in drinking water, developing biofuels, and designing algae that process carbon dioxide to reduce powerplant emissions. By studying the relationships between the components that make up an organism, systems biologists build a systems-level understanding of how the biological world works. Like engineers, they solve problems by understanding systems and then applying that knowledge to control them. As a result, systems biology is not only a scientific discipline but also an engineering one. A small section of a biological system. Each system comprises a convoluted network of smaller pathways, each with its own level of complexity. Image Courtesy of Merrimack Pharmaceuticals. Click on image to see enlarged view. Applying Engineering Techniques to Systems Biology While the techniques used to build aircraft and automobiles, such as modeling, simulation, and computation, can be applied in systems biology, few research labs have used them successfully. This is partly because the researchers lack the necessary tools. It is also because most biological systems are much more complex than even the most sophisticated aircraft, and it takes a significant amount of reverse-engineering to gather enough information and insight to model them. Faced with these obstacles, many systems biologists resort to more traditional methods, such as testing drug candidates on animals. To an engineer, this trial-and-error approach might seem equivalent to an aerospace company’s building multiple prototypes of planes to see which one flies best. The cost, inefficiency, and potential risks of the trial-and-error approach are compelling more and more systems biologists to break through the obstacles and adopt engineering techniques and technology. Before testing a drug candidate on animals or humans, for example, they might first develop computational models of drug candidates and then run simulations to reject those with little chance of success and optimize the most promising ones. Engineering Inroads While modeling and simulation have yet to be universally adopted, three common engineering techniques are becoming widely used in systems biology: parameter estimation, simulation, and sensitivity analysis. Engineers use parameter estimation to calibrate the response of a model to the observed outputs of a physical system. Instead of using educated guesses to adjust model parameters and initial conditions, they automatically compute these values using data gathered through test runs or experiments. For example, a mechanical engineer designing a DC motor will include model parameters such as shaft inertia, viscous friction (damping), armature resistance, and armature inductance. While estimates for some of these values may be available from manufacturers, by using test results and parameter estimation, the engineer can find parameter values that enable the model response to accurately reflect the actual system. Parameter estimation is a vital capability in systems biology because it enables researchers to generate approximate values for model parameters based on data gathered in experiments. In many cases, researchers know what species or molecular components must be present in the model or how species react with one another, but lack reliable estimates for model parameters such as reaction rates and concentrations. Often, researchers lack these values because the wet-bench experiments needed to determine them directly are too difficult or costly, or there is no published data on the parameters. Parameter estimation lets them calculate these values, enabling simulation and analysis. Engineers use simulation to observe the system in action, change its inputs, parameters, and components, and analyze the results computationally. Most engineering simulations are deterministic: Motor, circuits, and control systems must all provide the same outputs for a given set of inputs for each simulation run. Biological simulations, on the other hand, must incorporate the innate randomness of nature. For example, reactions occur with a certain probability, and a compound that is bound in one simulation might not be bound in the next. To account for this randomness, systems biologists use Monte Carlo techniques and stochastic simulations. Sensitivity analysis enables engineers to determine which components of the model have the greatest effect on its output. For example, aerospace engineers use computational fluid dynamics on the geometry of an airplane wing to reduce drag. They perform sensitivity analysis on each point along the wing to discover which change has the most effect on the drag. In systems biology, sensitivity analysis provides a computational mechanism to determine which parameters are most important under a specific set of conditions. In a model with 200 species and 100 different parameters, being able to determine which species and parameters most effect the desired output can eliminate fruitless avenues of research and enable scientists to focus wet-bench experiments on the most promising candidates. Obstacles to Widespread Adoption While these techniques have great potential in systems biology, biologists have not yet applied them as efficiently as engineers in traditional disciplines—both because of the complexity of biological systems and because systems biology research requires contributions from a diverse group of researchers. Modelers understand the computational approach and the mathematics behind it, while the scientists know the underlying biology. The two groups frequently use a different vocabulary and work with different concepts and tools. An Environment for Systems Biologists An engineer might wonder, why not use Simulink, the MathWorks platformfor simulation and Model-Based Design? While it is clear that engineers and biologists benefit from the same kinds of modeling and simulation techniques, it is equally clear that the two groups cannot use the same tools. Simulink was built for engineers, and was designed with an engineering look and feel—one that does not resonate with biologists. It was in response to these requirements that The MathWorks developed SimBiology. Like Simulink, SimBiology builds on the MATLAB command prompt with an interface that lets scientists graphically construct molecular pathways by selecting species and reactions. SimBiology also includes a tabular interface for specifying reactants, products, parameters, and rules, as well as a number of capabilities needed by bio­logists, such as stochastic solvers, sensitivity analysis, and conservation of laws, including mass and energy. The SimBiology interface. You can interact with SimBiology via a block diagram editor, a customizable GUI, or the MATLAB command line. Click on image to see enlarged view. SimBiology was designed to enable scientists and modelers to collaborate in the same software environment and complete their entire workflow with one tool. Biologists can build a model by graphically defining reactions. SimBiology then converts the defined reactions into a mathematical model that the modeler can refine, analyze, and simulate. In the same way, a modeler can create a complex, mathematically intensive model but leverage the graphical representation of the model to communicate their work with biologists. Software tools have transformed engineering disciplines in the past decades, and they will play a vital role in helping systems biology reach its full potential. Evidence of this can already be seen in the number of major pharmaceutical companies that have transformed small proof-of-concept initiatives into fully funded Systems Biology departments. What is Systems Biology? Systems biology is a branch of computational biology that focuses on understanding how the biological world works at a system level. Systems biologists study the relationships between the components that make up an organism. Their goal is to develop accurate, unified models of biological activity—from the molecular level up to the entire organism—to enable the development of synthetic biological systems and accelerate drug discovery. Closely related disciplines are bioinformatics, the development of algorithms and statistical techniques for the management and analysis of biological data, and PK/PD modeling, a technique used to model, simulate, and predict the effect of a drug on the body (pharmacodynamics) and the effect of the body on a drug (pharmacokinetics). Biological systems are often described as equations or as a set of reactions. Click on image to see enlarged view. Published 2007 - 91483v00 Products Used Receive the latest MATLAB and Simulink technical articles. Related Resources Latest Blogs
Documentation Center • Trial Software • Product Updates Acoustic Noise Cancellation (LMS) This example shows how to use the Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm to subtract noise from an input signal. The LMS adaptive filter uses the reference signal on the Input port and the desired signal on the Desired port to automatically match the filter response. As it converges to the correct filter model, the filtered noise is subtracted and the error signal should contain only the original signal. Exploring the Example In the model, the signal output at the upper port of the Acoustic Environment subsystem is white noise. The signal output at the lower port is composed of colored noise and a signal from a .wav file. This example model uses an adaptive filter to remove the noise from the signal output at the lower port. When you run the simulation, you hear both noise and a person playing the drums. Over time, the adaptive filter in the model filters out the noise so you only hear the drums. Acoustic Noise Canceler Model The all-platform floating-point version of the model is shown below. Utilizing Your Audio Device By running this model, we can listen to the audio signal in real time (while running the simulation). The stop time is set to infinity. This allows us to interact with the model while it is running. For example, we can change the filter or alternate from slow adaptation to fast adaptation (and vice versa), and get a sense of the real-time audio processing behavior under these conditions. Color Codes of the Blocks Notice the colors of the blocks in the model. These are sample time colors that indicate how fast a block executes. Here, the fastest discrete sample time (e.g., the 8 kHz audio signal processing portion) is red, and the second fastest discrete sample time is green. You can see that the color changes from red to green after down-sampling by 32 (in the Downsample block before the Waterfall Scope block). Further information on displaying sample time colors can be found in the Simulink® documentation. Waterfall Scope The Waterfall window displays the behavior of the adaptive filter's filter coefficients. It displays multiple vectors of data at one time. These vectors represent the values of the filter's coefficients of a normalized LMS adaptive filter, and are the input data at consecutive sample times. The data is displayed in a three-dimensional axis in the Waterfall window. By default, the x-axis represents amplitude, the y-axis represents samples, and the z-axis represents time. The Waterfall window has toolbar buttons that enable you to zoom in on displayed data, suspend data capture, freeze the scope's display, save the scope position, and export data to the workspace. Acoustic Environment Subsystem You can see the details of the Acoustic Environment subsystem by double clicking on that block. Gaussian noise is used to create the signal sent to the Exterior Mic output port. If the input to the Filter port changes from 0 to 1, the Digital Filter block changes from a lowpass filter to a bandpass filter. The filtered noise output from the Digital Filter block is added to the signal coming from a .wav-file to produce the signal sent to the Pilot's Mic output port. Haykin, S., Adaptive Filter Theory, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall, 1996. Available Example Versions Floating-point version: dspanc.mdldspanc.mdl Fixed-point version: dspanc_fixpt.mdldspanc_fixpt.mdl Was this topic helpful?
In extreme cases, the circulation in your legs or arms can be so limited that you feel pain even when you aren't exercising, and your legs or arms might feel cool to the touch. Severe peripheral artery disease can lead to poor healing of skin injuries and ulcers. These cuts and ulcers can develop gangrene and require limb amputation. Jan. 20, 2012
Cupid Came Early for Valentines Day by , Feb 21, 2005, 3:00 AM • Comment • Recommend (12) Subscribe to Research Brief Cupid Came Early for Valentines Day If you "remembered" last Monday, here's how you measured up. According to Hitwise, the market share of total U.S. Internet visits to flowers and gifts sites was already 81 percent higher on Feb.10, 2005 versus the same day last year. Bill Tancer, vice president of research, Hitwise, said "Traffic to flowers and gifts sites exceeds last year's levels as Valentine's Day ecommerce goes mainstream." The market share of several key categories of sites increased significantly leading up to Valentine's Day during the week ending Feb. 5, 2005: • Flowers & Gifts up 107.5 percent versus the prior week • Chocolate & Food sites up 46.4 percent • Jewelry up 17.3 percent • Lingerie up 7.7 percent E-greetings typically peak on Valentine's Day, driven largely by procrastinators executing last-minute Valentine's outreach. Market share, though, to the e-greetings category was down 36.7 percent on Feb. 10, 2005 versus the same day last year. Visitors to e-greeting sites are 61 percent more likely to be over 55 years of age. That age group makes up 25.7 percent of the visitors to the e-greetings category, while they represent only 15.7 percent of the Internet population. E-greetings, flowers, and gift sites are visited primarily by females, who comprise 62 percent of visitors to both categories. Most Popular E-Greetings Sites and Those Visited by People over 55 Top E-greeting site Share of Visits Over 55 Most popular % over 55 Visitors 1 Yahoo! Greetings 11.36% 80.52% 2 123Greetings 8.65% Tara's Fun Pages 69.11% 3 Evite 8.51% JoyGreetings 64.60% 4 8.27% Angel Winks 62.96% 5 American Greetings 4.96% 61.72% 6 Birthday Alarm 4.16% The Worlds of Dobhran 59.13% 7 IM Greetings 3.76% Spirit Is Up 58.82% 8 Blue Mountain 3.56% 58.73% 9 3.56% Sandbox Greetings 58.06% 10 2.12% 57.92% You can find out more here. Be the first to comment on "Cupid Came Early for Valentines Day" Leave a Comment Recent Research Brief Articles » Research Brief Archives
• Publisher: • Release Date: • Also On: PC Dogz Image 1. First Review 2. Second Review 3. Third Review 4. Fourth Review User Score Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings Your Score 0 out of 10 Rate this: • 10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 • 0 • 0 • Summary: Dogz is a pet simulation game that lets owners name, train and play with a realistic puppy. Players create and control a main character and choose one of 49 different dogs from 18 different breeds. As characters in the game, owners can take their puppies everywhere within the virtual environment, from through the house to around the neighborhood to visit friends. Gamers will earn their puppy’s love and loyalty by remembering to feed and groom it and reward it when it does things correctly. Owners can train the puppy to lie down, shake, fetch and perform many other tricks. [Ubisoft] Expand Score distribution: 1. Positive: 0 out of 2 2. Negative: 0 out of 2 1. It does teach kids that having a new puppy means new responsibilities but, in the end, there could have been a lot more to this game. 2. 55 We're well beyond the point in the DS life cycle where slapping on some stylus control on a GBA design and displaying a static image on the second screen is acceptable form. Score distribution: 1. Positive: 2 out of 2 2. Mixed: 0 out of 2 3. Negative: 0 out of 2 1. Dec 22, 2011 i love this game! i think nintendogs sucks when it comes to cuteness so i thought i would like to try this game... and it's wonderful! you can teach the dog tricks and go to a walk whit it. nintendogs never was able to be addicting but this really is! Expand 2. [Anonymous] Dec 23, 2006 This game is a lot of fun. You can train the dogs and it is challenging to get them to listen. You can walk them and go to the park. When your character comes home from school the dog happily greets you. It is very cute. Expand
User Score Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings User score distribution: 1. Positive: 8 out of 10 2. Negative: 1 out of 10 Review this game 1. Your Score 0 out of 10 Rate this: • 10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 • 0 • 0 1. Submit 2. Check Spelling 1. [Anonymous] Jun 20, 2007 One of the first good transformer games on the market! 2. Pase Jul 14, 2007 Too short! 3. JoeC. Jul 22, 2007 I think its very cool because theres a lot of free space to roam around in and I love being the jet and helocopter. 4. Nov 8, 2011 Unlike the engaging DS version of "Transformers: Decepticons", "Transformers: Autobots" is a crappy game that does nothing but protecting cars and civilians. Clearly Activision tried to make more money outta this trash. 5. Apr 9, 2012 overall, good game, (I have decepticons) graphics are medeocir, storyline is obviuse, but note this is the only transformers game for the ds that has a) freeplay, b) jets and helicopters! (yeah, for those who play war for cybertron, no choppers, right?) and c) a changible vehicale form! this deserves a 10 out of 10 just because it's the best transformers game around. should i go on with multiplayer? (Only game in which you can have most joining players and charecter (including color change!)) Expand Mixed or average reviews - based on 26 Critics Critic score distribution: 1. Positive: 7 out of 26 2. Negative: 1 out of 26 1. All in all, this game may not be a pillar of innovation or creativity, but it is fun. The combat is straightforward and the single player campaign is short, but fans will definitely have a good time here. 3. 68
Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critics Critic score distribution: 1. Positive: 0 out of 9 2. Negative: 1 out of 9 1. Avatar on the PSP is a solid hack-and-slash that will likely appeal to fans of the show as well as anyone that has enjoyed similar games in the past. 2. It's an average title that could have been a bit better with a multiplayer option and longer storyline, still, any fan of the show will probably enjoy it once they have gotten over the fact that Aang can't leap around and kick butt like he does on the cartoon. 3. Avatar shows flashes of brilliance at first, but sadly those don't last long enough to sustain the entire game. [Jan. 2007, p.88] 4. The graphics are below average. The combat is monotonous. The storyline is uninspired. 5. Even more bland and unappealing than its console cousin. If you're a psycho fan of the series, the PS2 version will probably sate you for a while, but I can't think of anyone that would actively enjoy the pared down experience of the PSP port. 6. The hack-'n'-slash gameplay is fun, the graphics are serviceable, and the audio is fitting, if a bit sparse, but the artificial lengthening of the game can make it tedious, due to the incessant backtracking you'll have to do, and the lack of a map. 7. 51 Unlike the fun and entertaining television show, the game falls well short of greatness. As a straightforward beat-'em-up, the title seems to have the right formula, including solid control and a surprisingly intuitive character upgrade system. 8. Die-hard fans of the show may enjoy this, but only on a home console. 9. A mediocre action/adventure game that provides simple combat and a rudimentary skill advancement system. User Score Mixed or average reviews- based on 8 Ratings User score distribution: 1. Positive: 0 out of 2 2. Mixed: 0 out of 2 3. Negative: 2 out of 2 1. Jul 16, 2013 As a fan of the TV series I delved into this with high hopes, they were quickly squashed by flawed and repetitive gameplay, coupled by a story which does not follow the series, which isn't particularly a bad thing, but the "original" story just isn't that good overall, especially when you see who, or rather, what the final boss is... There is also no mention or reference to Toph as a teammate, which I found disapointing. Gameplay is ok, but gets stale quick, I was actually happy this game was over...Don't get suckered in by the name, it isn't worth the 5 to 10 hours of your time... Full Review » 2. SamuelM. Dec 7, 2007 Very good game with little skill needed.
• Publisher: Mastiff • Release Date: Oct 16, 2009 No score yet - based on 2 Critics Critic score distribution: 1. Positive: 0 out of 2 2. Negative: 1 out of 2 1. Shimano, not taking itself too seriously, will provide a decent amount of entertainment…for about the first two times you play it. 2. 35 Don't worry about missing anything worthwhile here. There are some gamers who might find the game so bad it's good but, even then, it would be best to rent the game to see if it will appeal even in that, "we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you," sense. There are no user reviews yet.
Register Forgot login? © 2002-2014 Encyclopaedia Metallum Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in 1280 x 960 resolution or higher. the dragon looks like it has a rat's head - 76% RapeTheDead, July 25th, 2013 While in this day and age, putting such an emphasis on uplifting, more ambient-styled keyboards with mid-tempo black metal tremolo as a backdrop is fairly common and perhaps that style is even becoming more saturated with bands than actual black metal is, this album was released in nineteen-ninety-fucking-seven. Add the RPG-soundtrack edge to the sound and the song development almost slower than Burzum's and the fact that the second wave was only really beginning to come to an end and you have to wonder: what the fuck did people think of this back then? Dol Guldur is the epitome of Summoning's sound. It is perhaps the release where the elements at play characteristic to Summoning have manifested themselves with the most prominence; the motivation to distance themselves from black metal and come into their own was high and the ideas given birth by Minas Morgul are fully explored, and it's the first album I think people getting into Summoning should check out because it's probably the most accurate overarching representation of what they sound like. Right away, when the low, ominous keyboards of "Angbands Schmieden" kick in, with the additional layers slowly giving the music a more defined rhythm, there's already a distinctly different feeling from the preceding albums already setting in. The drums kick in, and they set the tone for the rest of the album; a triumphant marching rhythm that benefits the overall package greatly, giving strength to the harmonies and propelling the song forward constantly. Really, the music necessitates it; without the kind of rhythms present here the music would lose a huge amount of its personality, for sure. It's pretty much impossible to air-drum to this; the multitude of drum hits just wrap themselves around every corner of your ears and just kind of glue you to your chair. Protector is just a "little drummerboy at heart" as Silenius once put it. This is the first leg of the journey; there's moments of adventure and glory scattered throughout, but the majority of it is a forest of endlessly similar scenes. It's long, repetitive and occasionally taxing on one's patience but it works because of how genuine and carefully composed it is. It's cheese, but it's some of the world's most finest crafted cheese. Most of the album's consistency is driven by the tremolo riffing, but at about 3 minutes in on "Nightshade Forests" we see some of the first embryos of what would become Summoning's amazing, idiosyncratic intricate riff style. It's like a black metal riff, but it has more notes and it's more...fluid than black metal riffs are, especially compared to what they had been showcasing before this point. It's a great riff and although they'd definitely present this sort of thing in a much more fully realized form on subsequent albums but this makes what had up until that point been one of Summoning's more mediocre songs a highlight of the album. Summoning doesn't really write many bad riffs, but as a caveat of the more drawn-out, keyboard-focused song structures the riffs can sometimes wear thin after a while and they're much more sparse than they would be on their later efforts. The synths, on the other hand, are much more elaborate and plentiful in melodies- sometimes many building on top each other simultaneously, giving several layers of harmony intertwined with the drums, giving you something new to come back to every time you listen. This was the first Summoning album that had only eight songs- the two albums before that each had eleven, and every album after this one had eight (except Stronghold, which had nine); that sort of signals a pattern in their songwriting and focus that would manifest itself for years to come, and another pattern emerges on this album as well: the two dudes from Austria really do have a knack for writing mind-blowing closing tracks, and "Over Old Hills" may indeed be the best moment of the album. The final song is usually a slower "ballad" sort of deal, like the emergence to the destination at the end of the journey at sunrise; slow encapsulating and vast. Their uncompromising theatrical nature and repetition is taken to its (il)logical extreme, and I don't know how but it combines all that with some weird vocoder effect and it fuckin' works, dammit! Summoning are at their best when they're at their cheesiest, and luckily they're not self-conscious enough to not be cheesy all the time. Despite how ultimately essential of a record this is if you have any interest at all in Summoning and how many great moments and tracks it has on it, this is far from their best album. It takes a little while to grow on you, because it really is an exhausting listen, and at the end of the day, they'd end up doing better things as they matured the sound further. This is the first leg of the journey, and much has been explored and accomplished through the treacherous and draining foray; the real adventures and victories are on the horizon. In but a couple of years, the true potential of what could be done with this new approach would be revealed. The only piece left in the puzzle is those golden riffs... Now For Wrath...Now For Ruin - 96% VinterNatt1785, March 24th, 2011 After watching the trilogy of The Lord Of The Rings, I decided to pop in my sole Summoning album I own, "Dol Guldur", and give it another listen. How much more I appreciated this album I cannot say in words. I never read any Tolkien books nor was I too interested until recently but I did own "Dol Guldur" and listened to it rarely. This time that I did actually sit and listen, I came away with completely different feelings and a total understanding of the lyrics and music. Even the constant repetition became one with me and I understood, oh yes my precious, I understood. Silenius and Protector are two musicians I am really unfamiliar with even with owning an Abigor album, I don't know too much about them, but their work is not too shabby. The intro to "Dol Guldur" which is "Angbands Schmieden" has a very sinister undertone amidst the folksy keys with chiming bells sounding as a prelude to a huge battle. The drum machine kicks in with a steady beat and prepares one for the journey about to be presented. As this slowly dies out we are slammed(can't emphasize enough)with a blasting freezing riff containing lightning speed tremolo with sinister laughter over it. The vocals are the key to these tracks where you figure they'd mostly be overshadowed with the synths but they aren't, at all. The lyrics here are found in The Two Towers with Smeagal: "Cold Be Hand, heart and bone and cold be my sleep under stone...never more shall I rest on a snowy bed, never...til the sun has failed and the moon is dead." This made me smile. The next song is "Elfstone" with glaring trumpets and a repetitious riff as a return or a searching of, you guessed it, the Elfstone. This is one of my favorite tracks as it contains the best line ever spoken before a glorious death in The Two Towers: "Now For Wrath, Now For Ruin...And A Red Nightfall." The repetition is the key and with the riff(s) and synth, you will not fall asleep, I promise. Next we come to "Khazad Dum" with a very slow and long introduction but once the drum(s) kicks in you will be anxiously awaiting. The opening riff is ablaze with fire as we are transported to Middle Earth after the Men and Elves battled Sauron the first time where Isildur's sword was broken by Sauron's foot and the Ring Of Power was taken. There are many times during this song where it stops to just a synth but again, no nodding out or when the guitars return you will shit yourself. Now, we come to Kor, with it's valiant organ throughout and bloody good repetitive vocals. A very good song, and also the last ten minute track on "Dol Guldur". "Wyrmvater Glaurung" is an instrumental that sounds like the "Moonlight Sonata" on acid with a totality to it that would suit an industrial album perfectly. The clanging of the bells is very dramatic and besides being the obvious filler, I liked it very much. "Unto a long glory..." starts out on an ominous feel but once the vocals start, we are treated to the familiarity of the above previous formula. "Mourn not over much, mighty was the fallen" are the eight words from the chorus which will stick in your mind from "Unto a long glory...". Again, the riffs are present and fast and accompany the synths well. The drum(s) are slower here but have a perfect steadiness to them. "Over old hills" is a sort of a reminisce track of someone's lost utopia or childhood. The synth here starts out as piano tinged and the vocals very slow. Then, once again, that faster than light riff to a medium paced song starts and we are thrown into a perfect track to end "Dol Guldur" on. The synths here go back and forth from piano to horns then to strings. "Over old hills" is definitely my favorite track along with "Elfstone" and "Nightshade Forests". If you don't own this album yet, pick it up. If you haven't read Tolkien or seen The Lord Of The Rings films and listen to "Dol Guldur", it might not make much sense, but it won't take away from the joy of this 1996 masterpiece. Enjoy my precious. Critical Hit! It's super effective! - 90% caspian, August 5th, 2008 It's pretty hard to explain exactly why this album- or any of the following Summoning releases- is any good. Minas and Lugburz are both fairly fine albums full of interesting black metallish riffing, and while you'd expect a symphonic turn to be for the worst, it seems that adding a heap of extra synths and fruity (loops?) drums was one of the best things Summoning ever did. Indeed, Summoning are a strange band in this respect. Everything about this album- this band- should fail- the repetition makes Sunn O))) blush, the synth quality makes you wish they used Varg's MIDI stuff instead- but it's just so good. It's a fine line these guys tread here, and to be honest I'm amazed that they haven't released a real stinker of an album yet. Still, while I imagine there will be a time when the sound that these two Austrians have built comes crashing around them, it hasn't happened yet. It almost seems like perhaps Summoning sound good because of, not in spite of their limitations. And that's particularly evident in this album. Probably more so then any other Summoning album, there's one formula here that's plugged at relentlessly. Incredibly simple drum machine action, heaps of snare and kick- and always somewhere around 90bpm- three or so good quality but simple (and way back in the mix) guitar riffs per song (the songs average 10 minutes each, by the way)- and a heap of bleating, machine like synths establishing some vaguely medieval/ominous/melancholic themes. The synths, for one, offer a lot of comparisons to Zelda, Golden Sun and other J-RPG soundtracks.Not the most promising combination, then. ...So why am I giving it 90%? One reason that comes to mind is that the themes that get repeated a multitude of times are pretty solid- there's Khazad Dum's ominous medieval brass stuff coupled with quite a dramatic, epic riff, the strange, stilted melancholy of Kor which suggests an aftermath of some terrible battle (I imagine the theme of it's actually quite different, but it sounds like that anyway). Over old Hills is probably the strangest tune here; basically sounding fairly similar to the others but with some interesting, pulsing synth action making the whole thing sound a bit odd and otherworldly. It is repetitive, yes, but there are worse things that can be repeated. At least these guys aren't doing ten minute deathcore workouts, and that counts for something. Still, that doesn't explain the high mark. Any other reasons, then, as to why this is good? Nothing terribly convincing; it seems that my reasons are fairly similar to Mushroom's comments below. I put it on at an extremely loud volume, and when the first proper song comes in my mouth falls open, I relax my muscles almost to the point of shitting my pants, and I then proceed to sit there for an hour or so (or more, as I'll often line up a few Summoning albums in a row). What initially starts as mild irritation at the intro track and the fairly lame introduction to Elfstone (there is no excuse for herald-like trumpets, ever) soon turns into a mind numbing, otherworldly bliss, and by the time the epic strains of Khazad Dum come on you're just totally hooked (and headbanging to the really stirring, massive main riff that tune has). The best way to sum up this album is "far, far more then the sum of its' parts". There's two ways of looking at it; either Summoning stumbled upon this formula; unwittingly shitting out a diamond- or alternatively, Summoning knew exactly what they were doing. Based on the other albums by these guys, I'd say it's the latter. Yep, Dol Guldur shouldn't be any good- and I guess in some ways it isn't- but it delivers a listening experience that few other albums can compete with. Get it, just be prepared to give it some time. Time Comes to a Standstill... - 100% MushroomStamp, April 17th, 2008 On paper, this album is a pile of junk. The amount of repetition borders on the ridiculous, the drum machine sounds cheap, and the album is laden with melodies so shamelessly cheesy that they would make Jean Michel Jarre blush. Echoed croaks and tremolo guitars join to complete a baffling combination of black metal and synthpop – one that even dares to draw the entirety of its lyrical content from the writings of Tolkien. It takes a sick mind to fuse ideas such as this. Pizzicato strings, archaic computer drumming and hobbits? How on (Middle) Earth can anything good come out of that? Plain impossible! Yet, for all its clumsiness, I keep returning to this album day after day. Perhaps it is precisely that clumsiness that retains my interest: since no grandiose production tricks steal my attention, everything on Dol Guldur is an abstraction of itself. The percussion sound is so far from human that it no longer needs to sound human; same goes for the synthesizer strings, flutes and whatnot. The actual sounds are merely abstract placeholders, and the mind of the listener does the work to hear the music beyond the sound. Disc goes in, push Play. I chuckle for a few seconds at the synthesizer sound, and then it happens: additional layers of music – which don’t actually exist – start to appear in the sparingly composed songs. The band provides just enough to fuel the flames: a simple beat and some melody hooks, something for the mind to build upon – new rhythms and layers of harmony, different each day. The masterful foundation of everything is that the listener is there with the band to create the music, as opposed to the average metal album that reveals its cards all at once. The musical framework pounds on slowly throughout the album, the steady drum beats (almost devoid of any cymbals) changing little along the way. “Repetition” of riffs becomes “hypnosis”, and time loses its meaning. The horns of Elfstone merge with the synth-woodwind of Khazad Dúm and further on into the next part of the hypnosis, Kôr. The trance is not interrupted by drastic changes in mood, so the same effect lasts to the very end. This album completely disarms me of hurry and worry, even to the point that certain annoyances of earthly life cease to exist. Try it in morning traffic; you will find yourself in near-death situations because you forgot to look around yourself. Knowledge of hobbit-journeys is optional – the landscapes illustrated by this work are not restricted to those created by that one British chap. Dol Guldur (A step down) - 20% Cody_likes_the_kvlt, December 19th, 2007 Dol Guldur is just plain horrible. There are some decent moments and songs on it, but those don't add up to make this an entirely good release. Yet again this is still building up to what would become their amazing stuff. This being their sophmore effort at this style (I excluded Lugburz since its different from everything after it). You would expect the sophmore effort to be better, but its WAY worse. The riffs here (even though they aren't the focus of this release) are still weak sounding tremolo picked riffs. The synths are amazing sounding at first, but after a while they get boring and repetitive. The vocals are still horribly done. The drums use the same monotonous pattern through every song. The lyrics are entertaining if you enjoy the Tolkien books though. The songs pretty much follow the same structure. Long, boring, and repetitive is what it seems like they were going for. Each song consists of your weak tremolo picked riffs, poorly done vocals, annoying and monotonous drum pattern, repetitive synths, and Tolkien esque lyrics. Not as I previously stated, the songs are long, REALLY LONG. Now its ok to have long songs, but only if they aren't the same thing being played over and over again like Summoning does here. Half the reason this release pretty much sucks is because the song lengths and repetitive synths that play over and over through the entire length of every song! Overall this release is utterly horrible, but its working up to something amazing. The highlight songs from here are, "Angbands Schmieden", "Khazad Dúm", "Wyrmvater Glaurung", and "Over Old Hills". Beautifully hypnotic - 97% The_Ippocalypse, June 29th, 2007 What is the measure of a legendary and original (metal) album? Furthermore, how does one go about reviewing a work such as "Dol Guldur", a task more complicated by the amorphous nature of the album? The answers to both questions are revealed through repeated and thoughtful listening of the album in question, for everything about "Dol Guldur", which must stand as Summoning's greatest effort, is simultaneously a testament to both the originality and beauty that is capable of being displayed in modern music as well as the pointlessness of rigidly classifying a composition of such grandeur as strictly belonging to one genre or the other, an act which is bound to disappoint the reviewer in question, as this album is not strictly metal, nor is it strictly ambient or anything else. I have always had the impression from these Austrian geniuses that their music was always about creating a powerful, lasting impression on the listener. This entails a process that involves being hypnotised by the multiple, non-linear layers of melody present in each lengthy composition (six of the eight tracks on Dol Guldur are near or longer than 10 minutes in length, with none of the verse-chorus-verse structure of "common" music), rather than creating a visceral, knockout first impression (fans of blast-beats and 220 beat-per-minute rhythms need not apply) which by its very nature is dependent on expelling so much energy in its execution such that repeated listening offers little to no rewards, and more despairingly, belie the intellect and effort that went into the composition to begin with. While some artists in the black metal or atmospheric metal genres strive for image over substance, for instant gratification over greater meaning and satisfaction (is it really necessary for me to provide names here?), Protector and Silenius seem to grant their audience a great deal more intellectual credit and instead choose to craft low-tempo, multi-layered, complex compositions that, like a flower in bloom, are constantly revealing more facets of themselves over time. There is a sense of familiarity throughout the album that one feels, in the sense that from "Angbands Schmeiden" until "Over Old Hills" one is utterly immersed in the sonic landscape that is being presented. While other albums, such as (for instance) "Drawing Down The Moon" from Beherit or "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" from Burzum are equally captivating in their ambiance, there is something else on display in "Dol Guldur" that elevates it to utter majesty. Specifically, in this reviewer's opinion, whereas most death and black metal involve themes of destruction and more generally criticism of existing structures, "Dol Guldur" (and all other Summoning albums, though to varying degrees) exudes a confidence about the success of the ideals professed by the genre. To conclude, by listening to "Gol Duldur" in its totality, not only will you be hypnotised, but you will leave the experience feeling liberated in at least some sense, for the message of this album is that, at some point in time, be it far in the past or at some time in the future, the need for conflict may be negated as the purveyors of ancient, noble ideals will be utterly triumphant. Trite, Unoriginal, Dol Guldor! - 17% nflftw, June 28th, 2007 This is probably the most unoriginal album I've ever heard by a metal band in my life. From the cheesy, synthesized intro to the semi-decent riff in Nightshade Forests (the only reason this got 17%). The vocals are sub-par for black metal; they sound like a croaking teenager. The production is terrible, too. Everything bar the guitars and bass is programmed. Everything. In Over Old Hills, there's even vocoded vocals. What the hell? Is this trance or black metal? That's not enough, it's just not enough. They repeat the same synth patterns/riffs over, and over, and over, and over again. On this particular album, as usual, they have an extremely drawn-out intro composed entirely of samples. I bet they stole them. There is no end to the repetition and unoriginality of this "band" (by band I mean two guys, a guitar/bass/drum machine, and a computer). Their lyrics aren't untouched by their sheer lack of originality either. Half of the lyrics, I swear to god, are quotes from Lord of the Rings books! I don't mind when Blind Guardian does it (I know they aren't black metal, quite obviously, but they still sing Tolkien) because they're original about it and they don't repeat absolutely everything over and over and over again. Summoning just does it in such a terrible way that I can't help but laugh, and I honestly believe that Dul Guldur is a satirical, comedic album not meant to be taken seriously. Atmospheric, Epic, Masterpiece - 90% Serpenthrone777, April 6th, 2007 This album starts with a predictable instrumental medieval-folk-esk piece. Though nothing fantastic in particular, it gives a good entrance to this epic item of an album. The songs that follow have a particularly strong essence to them, conveying the imagery of the landscapes of the Middle-Earth ask originally depicted by J.R.R. Tolkien. The guitars of the album are simplistic rudimental black metal guitars, with lots of tremolo picking, and a very repetitive feel. However, what truly amazes me is how it works into the intense epic symphonic aspects which seem to not overlap but meld into the harsher guitars. The contrast of the symphonic and guitars, yet how they combine so well together is what always attracted me to Summoning, and will keep me back for more. Vocally this album has a harsher, if not lower in pitch, aspect but it pretty standard black metal. Once again, what really amazes me is how they manage to capture such beauty using such ferocity. Truly talented artists. Overall, this album really is an epic album that I suggest for any fan of any sort of black metal. If your intimidated by keyboards, this album may not be for you, but even still I think the most harshest and critical black metal purists could enjoy this album. Return To Middle Earth!! - 100% Lunar_Strain, March 21st, 2007 Summoning return with their third (but Second Medieval based) album, and the sounds is so much stronger than on Minas Morgul. No, the production has not changed (it almost sounds downgraded in a sense), but the music has evolved. Instead of envisioning Middle Earth while listening to Summoning's music, this album TAKES YOU THERE!! Through the Nightshade Forests, Rivendell, Lórien, the Mountains, Khazad-Dûm -- every spectacular location from the masterpiece trilogy of Tolkien has been musically linked with this album, and every song transports you to a different setting from the realm of Middle Earth. The music varies a bit from Minas Morgul, with the guitars being pushed back lower into the mix whilst the synth and drums dominate the songs. The vocals are performed almost exactly the same way that they are on MM, though it would seem that both of the Duo would perform Vocals parts together, mix and matching their vocal styles to create one driving force of a track. This album is powerful and is highly recommended. In fact, it is imperative that you get a hold of this release to FULLY expierence Summoning. A ride into landscapes of emotion and atmosphere… - 99% Corimngul, February 9th, 2005 Summoning’s Dol Guldur is perhaps the best album to ever come out of Austria. The music, for once, doesn’t center on being good, ass-kicking, mind-blowing music. Instead feelings, emotions and stories are being projected at us from what seems like a long gone time. Not that the music isn’t that good, I just wanted to point out that Summoning goes deeper, they play with more parts of our heads than just the ears. The eloquent, solemn and sombre keys and the repeated tremolo chords on the guitar build the musical foundation. Sometimes other elements, such as flutes, are put into the mix but the foundation’s always there. It’s a sort of minimalism I guess, but a very expressive one. Summoning has always been known as a Tolkien metal band, and hey, they’re the best. No other band can portray Khazad Dúm, Kôr or the smithy of Angband as accurately as Summoning does. Dol Guldur was a man stronghold that got repeatedly invaded and used by the darker forces. Sauron abided and recovered there. As when reading the books one is moved far away. Tolkien’s supreme grasp of language speaks straight to the heart. As do Summoning. Ever-present is a longing, a dreary wanting of something else. The atmosphere provides mourning, emptiness. It can very well be the extreme emptiness a soldier experiences after a battle, victorious or not. The kind of emptiness one get after a constant rush of adrenaline, putting one’s compassion aside, keeping every thought of the head, focusing on moving, fending off, repeating it over and over again more as a reflex than deliberate action. It’s the same emptiness that we’ve all experienced. The emptiness is the brain’s response to something that’s just impossible to take in, that it’s incapable of handling – sudden losses for example. And they put it all down in notes… Yes, Summoning strikes deeper and more profound than anyone else, making a gateway, communicating straight to your senses, your memories – your emotions. If they didn’t, the guitars or the steady drums (made by a drum machine) and the way everything echoes, wouldn’t have been as mesmerizing, as fascinating. The long songs wouldn’t have appeared as short as they do now. One would have spotted the repetitiousness of it all. The hoarse and rapt vocals wouldn’t have seemed as natural as they do. While being great musicians those two Austrians could very well have had more actual skill with their instruments. Real drums would have added several new dimensions to it, just as varied guitars would have done. But I don’t know if it would’ve stayed as genuine if it got complex. The minimalism, with such great yet simplistic arrangements is perhaps the key. Wyrmwater Glaurung is a real standout with its circularity, ringing bells and the sweeping, sucking keyboards. It’s such a sprawling song. Playful. As the other songs are so heavy and gloomy, it makes a nice break. Dol Guldur is an essential album; everyone should be obligated to have it. Summoning's crowning achievement - 98% Sacraphobic, November 15th, 2004 Black metal's fundamental aim and role, as a whole, can be defined as "opposition to the Christian values of today". Whether it invokes the strength of pre-Christian times, reflects on the beauty of nature, or just plain hails Satan, black metal is at war with Christianity. In a Pagan/Nihilistic/non-Christian society, black metal would have no artistic value, it would be fighting a foe that doesn't exist and therefore would be entirely unnecessary, in the same way guns created solely for shooting down planes become unnecessary when every plane has been destroyed. This doesn't apply to Summoning. They aren't part of the war. They're the proud, glorious ride home on horseback, having already vanquished their deadly enemy, holding high in triumph the heads of those slain. They transcend the war, they are victory. With Christianity gone they lose no value, they are simply representative of the glory and honour of Romanticism. This is why, to many, their designated label over the years has been "post-black metal" (no, not the same as those bands with a shaky BM aesthetic accompanied by over-the-top orchestration and pretentious gimmicks, this is real post-BM); once BM reaches its goal, they are the logical progression. While most albums that invoke the medieval spirit possess a sense of longing, there is none here, because in Summoning's world the medieval is reality, and in that I find more hope for a better future than in any other album I've ever listened to. Without doubt, this is one of the most important metal albums ever recorded. While their previous releases had a slight aura of cheesiness about them (they rule, don't get me wrong), as well as a lack of coherence in places, their songwriting talent really comes together here. Not one foot is put wrong, not once do you think "hmm, that could have been better", it is absolutely immersive from start to finish, and reaches a height of totality/wholeness that very few can achieve. The majestic melodies are slowly developed through repetition into epic, grandiose climaxes, accompanied by the most powerful drumwork on any metal album ever composed, militaristically throbbing thunderously, albeit slow and fairly simple, as well as being a drum machine. Sadness is poignant in places, though there's no immature sentimentality here, simply a great sense of respect and reflection upon those who gave their lives to the cause. Just listen to Khazad Dum - listen to the way the original motif is built on layer-upon-layer, taking the imagination into a bombastic, beautiful journey of emotion and spiritual refreshment. In fact, just listen to any song, they're all sensational (Nightshade Forests and Elfstone are my personal favourites). If that wasn't enough, this is one of the greatest-produced albums ever as well. Every single instrument appears to be dominating at the same time, yet they aren't fighting with one another, they're working together in harmony. From the booming echoey drums, to the rich, warm guitars. The strong, throaty, proud vocals. The various brilliant uses of keyboards, from the hefty brass sound, shining the sun's warmth down upon the men on horseback, to the sweet woodwind; a flock of birds flying over a healthily flowing stream. Many of the best metal artists have at least partially had inspiration from those classic books by a certain Mr. Tolkien, which you may or may not know about. The tales explore various ancient Romantic/Nihilistic notions, such as having the will power and honour to increase the value of one's life through one's great achievements (rather than having inherent worth by obeying a set of external morals), great respect for the beauty of the land, etc. Few bands are quite as heavily motivated by those epics as Summoning. Indeed, virtually their entire discography focuses upon nothing but the quests and events of Middle Earth, and the resulting music is no surprise considering the scope and depth that those books covered, and the values held within them. I'm sure I don't have to tell you again that this album is a masterpiece, but I'm going to anyway. THIS IS MAGNIFICENT. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR YOU NOT TO OWN THIS. BUY IT NOW.
Israel's Strategic Position in a Volatile Middle East Tuesday, April 17, 2012 4:30 p.m., Robert A. Jones House Daniel Kurtzer is Professor in Middle Eastern Policy Studies at Princeton University, and former Ambassador of the United States to Israel (2001-2005) and Egypt (1997-2001). Sponsored by Rohatyn Center for International Affairs, the Department of Political Science, the Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life, and the Jewish Studies Program.