Okapi and Preparing for the Bloomsburg Competition Hello all! I’ve been on a bit of a ‘hiatus’ lately, I’ve been busy with life things and haven’t had a chance to work on any posts here.  But a quick update, I won first place at regionals for the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science so I’m going to states in May and I’ll be making a post on that project soon.  I’ve also been preparing the programming club at my school for an upcoming competition at Bloomsburg University where we will be competing.  Because of this we have been doing practice problems and so I will be posting and explaining my solutions to them here. Our first practice problem is called Okapi.  The problem description goes as follows: The game of Okapi is played by rolling three dice. A payout in dollars is determined by the rolled numbers according to the following rule: • If the three numbers are the same, the player wins the sum of those three numbers. • If only two of the numbers are the same, the player wins the sum of the two equal numbers. • For three different numbers, the player wins nothing. Write a program that prompts the user for three dice rolls and outputs the payout. We need to begin this problem by taking user input using rolls = input("Enter dice rolls: ") which prompts the user for input and sets rolls equal to their input. Next we need to parse out their answer into three separate rolls, this is rather easy and just a matter of indexing the user input. In order to do this we just need to create variables for each roll and then set them to the correct index of rolls using the following code: roll_one, roll_two, roll_three = int(rolls[0]), int(rolls[1]), int(rolls[2]). Now that we have our rolls assigned we just need to use a bunch of conditional statements to determine the output.  Our final code will look like this: def okapi(): rolls = input("Enter dice rolls: ") if roll_one == roll_two and roll_two == roll_three: print("The payout is $", roll_one*3, ".") elif roll_one == roll_two: print("The payout is $", roll_one+roll_two, ".") elif roll_two == roll_three: print("The payout is $", roll_two+roll_three, ".") elif roll_one == roll_three: print("The payout is $", roll_one+roll_three, ".") print("The payout is $0.") And now we have a working solution to problem #1!  Another solution can be found on my GitHub, it’s the same premise but just less readable.  I’ll most likely be posting around weekly again soon. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! ~ Corbin Diving into Machine Learning Hello all! import sklearn from sklearn import datasets import numpy as np import pandas as pd import quandl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm So far my code for the recognition looks like this: clf = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100)[:-1],[:-1]) plt.figure(1, figsize=(3, 3)) plt.imshow(digits.images[-1],, interpolation='nearest') Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! ~ Corbin Mindsets and Prime Factorization Hello all! Problem 3: What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? def largest_prime(n) Iterate through each number up until the square root of n Append the iterable to some empty list def largest_prime(base): primes = [] root = math.sqrt(base) prime = primes[-1] def is_prime(n): if n <= 1: return False if n%i == 0: return False return True def largest_prime(base): start = clock() if base % i == 0: return largest_prime(base/i) end = clock() Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! ~ Corbin Functions in Programming, List Comprehension, and Even Fibonacci Numbers Hello all! Today I’ll be doing another Project Euler problem. Problem 2: There are many ways to do this problem, but I’ve chosen to create a series of functions that I can run to get Fibonacci numbers until some upper bound, and then the sum of even numbers in a list. I find that abstracting calculations like these into functions is a very easy way to make programs feel and look more organized as well as increasing reusability and convenience. A good example would be that I may need a Fibonacci sequence in a future problem, and using a function like this allows me to just paste this code into a future program and I can recall on it using fib(max) when needed. I’m going to begin by creating a function to find the Fibonacci numbers up to some upper bound. I’ll create the function fib(max) where max is the upper bound of the number we’ll be getting from the Fibonacci sequence. The best way I can come up with to create a Fibonacci sequence is to create a list and use fib[-1] and fib[-2] to grab the latest two numbers in the sequence. Next, I’ll add in a while loop that iterates through the Fibonacci sequence and places the numbers into the list fib[ ], to create the next Fibonacci number. This loop then breaks when we hit the upper bound we placed earlier. After this the function will return the newly filled list fib[ ]. def fib(max): fib = [1, 2] while(int(fib[-1] + fib[-2]) <= max): return fib Next, I need to create a function that will add the even numbers of a list together. I’ll call this function even_sum(list) and to create it I’m going to use something new I learned called List Comprehension. You can learn more about List Comprehension here but I’ll provide a quick overview. List Comprehension allows a smaller and more efficient way to create a list by placing a for loop inside of square brackets. We can also place operators such as if statements inside the brackets. Using this new tool my next function will look like this: def even_sum(list): return sum([i for i in list if i%2==0]) Now that we have both of our functions we can just combine the two and run them through each other like so: This now returns us with the sum of all even Fibonacci numbers up until 4 million! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! ~ Corbin I would like to give special thanks to Christian Ferko for teaching me about List Comprehension. Intro and Multiples of 3 and 5 Hello all! I’ll insert a small introduction here. Welcome to my blog, my name is Corbin Frisvold and I’m a student interested in furthering my passions for Computer Science, Mathematics, and several other fields. Here my posts will primarily consist of my exploration into becoming a better programmer, but I will likely post other things around on the blog. Anyways, onto my first post! Today I’m going to be doing a problem from Project Euler. Problem 1: I find it useful to just dive into the code for a small problem like this. We know we want a for loop iterating through 1000 and checking each number’s divisibility by 3 or 5. What I come out with is this: sum = 0 for i in range(1000): if i % 3 == 0: sum += i elif i % 5 == 0: sum += i What this code does is it creates a variable sum that will be used to store the sum of all our valid multiples. Then we use a for loop increment through all numbers between 1 and 1000. After running the program will print the output. Running this we get sum = 233168. And now we have solved Problem 1! My intention with post frequency is to post as much as I can, but I will attempt to keep a minimum frequency of 1 or 2 posts a week. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! ~ Corbin
Log in No account? Create an account Mama Deb December 2010       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mama Deb [userpic] Austen Musings Otherwise known as procrastination. 1. How did Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy meet? How did they ever become friends? Mr. Darcy is several years older than Mr. Bingley, and while they're both technically "gentlemen", they're from the opposite ends of the spectrum - Mr. Darcy is the grandson of an earl with a huge ancestral property and income, while Mr. Bingley is the son of a tradesman whith no estate at all. (I'm guessing he's a gentleman because he's independent.) In fact, Elizabeth has a better background than the Bingleys - her mother's family are in trade, but her father is true gentry. The Bingleys don't even have that. If it's possibly inappropriate for Elizabeth to marry Mr. Darcy, how much more so would it be for Caroline Bingley to marry him? Or for Charles Bingley to marry Georgeana? And Jane would be a step up for him. (BTW, ever wonder if Charles and Caroline were twins, given their names?) Or perhaps I'm overstating the case. The only thing I can come up with is that Bingley and Darcy attended public school together and for some reason, Darcy took the younger boy under his wing and, well, Charles Bingley was probably as sweet and lovely a boy as he was a man, and Darcy couldn't help liking him. 2. I just rereadMansfield Park, and I'm not sure why this is my favorite book, although it is. I mean, I don't like Fanny all that much, and Mrs. Norris goes from amusing to irritating very quickly, and the final pairings are...problematic. One of the problems is that for Fanny and Edmund to marry, Henry Crawford has to behave in a manner that was downright *stupid* and out of character. Yes, he's impulsive, but running off with the married cousin of the woman he loves enough to try changing for her? And he was changing for her - we could see through the Portsmouth chapters that she was beginning to have a good opinion of her because he was talking and acting as he *should*. The Author herself said that if he'd just thought - and this is a man who does think - he'd have gotten Fanny. The other thing is that I don't like the Fanny/Edmund match. First cousins is too close for comfort and, honestly, I don't see her feeling far differently for Edmund than she does for William. It's all gratitude and worshipful little sister (richly deserved, to be sure). It's also too obvious - Mrs Norris has to be wrong all the time, so she was also wrong in this. Except she was *right* - children raised together tend to not see each other as sexual partners. Not 100% of the time, but... So I'd have been happier if Henry Crawford had married Fanny. Edmund would have been unhappy with Mary, but that's something else. Mansfield Park is the only JA novel I haven't read, so I skipped your musings because I do plan to read it someday. You've hit the nail on the head about the Bingleys and the Bennets. That's what makes Caroline such a hypocrite. She laughs at Mr. Gardiner, "the uncle in trade" but that's precisely how her father made his money. As to how Bingley and Darcy met, I'd imagine it was in one of those "gentlemen's clubs" in London. Either that, or they might have overlapped a few years at university. University lasts three years in Britain, and I think Darcy is more than three years older. Which why I thought public school instead. But the gentleman's club sounds fairly likely, actually. I didn't think about that.
≡ Menu Even Doing Nothing Costs Something Party Cost Nothing It’s scary to start the business.  Or spend money to grow it.  What if it doesn’t work?  You’re out all that money, all that time, your ego gets bruised. Nobody wants that.  So, more often than not, people do nothing. Safer that way, right?  On the surface, yes.  But when you really think about it, isn’t there a “cost” associated with doing nothing? Like, if not money, happiness?  Personal fulfillment?  Never truly knowing if you could’ve pulled it off? I mean, maybe you do go on to make millions of dollars. And prove all your haters wrong. And provide for your family. And experience new things. Give to charity. Sure, the odds are against you.  And you probably will fail.  But if you’re not content with your life, and nothing changes, you’re still failing… aren’t you? My point is: even doing nothing costs something.
Are my mined coins safe when using MiningOptimizer? Yes, they are absolutely safe as we don’t have any of your coins in our wallets. We set up MiningOptimizer in a trustless way, which means it is not necessary for you to trust us 🙂 because we never have access to your funds. Here is how we do it: We mine from the pool straight to your wallet on your preferred exchange (e.g. Binance) and trade the mined coins via API to your preferred coin (e.g. BTC). As the API is only used for trading coins but does not allow us to withdraw coins from your exchange there is no way your coins can be withdrawn by us. Leave a Reply You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
I used to watch this show when I was a kid back in 1984. The show is in color. No dialogue, only music and sound effects. The characters are: a boy, his grandfather, and a bird (possibly a crow, but I think I remember its color: green.. not sure). And both the boy and his grandfather live in a house with no other member of the family. I vaguely remember one episode in which a faucet became a character and it was determined to annoy the other characters and that they were trying to stop it from leaking.. The show is very old, it could have been made in the 60s. I am not sure if the next bit of information is relevant, but it was aired on Saudi Arabian Channel 1 or 2 and never again aired after that. closed as off-topic by JNat Jan 19 '18 at 15:02 locked by Shog9 Jan 20 '18 at 0:00 Read more about locked posts here. You're probably after Pomysłowy Dobromir from the 70s, a dialogue-free Polish cartoon about a boy who lives with his grandfather and a pet bird and always comes up with inventions. I think the episode you're describing is this one, only it's a hand pump, not a faucet: • 1 Thank you so very much indeed. I have been looking for this video for more than 30 years... You are a genius. Thanks again – Ahmad Feb 17 '15 at 15:55 Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged .
• Hi! I'm JSNeat My mission is to make Javascript files available to everyone Why we creat JSNeat? In modern Web development, program understanding plays an equally important role. Web technologies and programming languages require the exposure of source code to Web browsers in the client side to be executed there. To avoid such exposure, the source code such as JavaScript (JS) files are often obfuscated in which the variable names are minified, i.e., the variable names are replaced with short, opaque, and meaningless names. The intention has two folds. First, it makes the JS files smaller and thus are quickly loaded to improve performance. Second, minification diminishes code readability for the readers, while maintaining the program semantics. Due to those reasons, there is a natural need to automatically recover the minified code with meaningful variable names. That's why JSNeat was born. A minified code from real-world The original code of the minified code Our approach The name recovering process of variables in minified code is affected by multiple factors. Let us illustrate these factors through the following observations: Each individual variable has certain properties and plays particular roles in the code. Thus, the name of a variable is intuitively affected by its properties and roles. In a function, a variable might collaborate with other variables to implement the function. Consequently, the recovering name for a variable might be influenced by the name of others. Within a function, e.g., getClipboardContent, a variable name, e.g., contentType is affected by the specific task of the function that is functionally described by the function’s name The intuition for this context is that to recover the name of a variable, one could use its own context based on its own properties and roles in the code. By properties of a variable, we refer to the methods or fields to which a variable of certain type can access. By the role of a variable, we refer to its usage context with the method calls or field accesses that were not minified. The single-variable usage context of a variable is presented by a relation graph (RG) that is a directed graph in the shape of a star. The center vertex of the RG represents the variable. The other vertices represent the methods/fields in method calls/field accesses, respectively, and are labeled with their names. Edges represent relations and are labeled with relation types. To achieve a specific programming task, developers use one or multiple variables in their code. Because the variables all play their roles in the code, their names are often relevant and consistent with one another in order to achieve the common task in the function to which they belong. In a program, a function has its functionality and is written to realize a specific task. Each variable used in that function plays a certain role toward that task. Thus, the names of variables are relevant to the task of the function and often consistent with one another. This section presents JSNEAT, our approach to recover the variable names in minified code using the combination of those above contexts. Given a minified JS file, whose variables have been minified, JSNEAT produces a recovered JS file in which all variables are recovered with meaning names. Our experiments Comparison with state-of-the-arts In this experiment, we evaluate JSNEAT’s accuracy and compare it with the state-of-the-art approaches JSNice and JSNaughty. Accuracy Comparison Overlapping among Results from Three Tools Intrinsic Evaluation Results This experiment aims to evaluate how different combinations of contexts contribute to JSNEAT’s overall accuracy Impact of Contexts on Accuracy and Recovery Time Sensitivity results To study different factors that have impact on JSNEAT’s accuracy, in our entire dataset, we randomly chose one fold for testing and the remaining 9 folds for training. We studied the following factors: relation graph size, type of relation edges, thresholds, beam widths, pair or triple associations, different weight parameters, and data size. 10-fold Cross Validation Evaluation for JSNEAT Accuracy by Relation Graphs’ Sizes Impact of Beam Size on Accuracy and Running Time Impact of Training Data’s Size on Accuracy Impact of Assoc Score J on Accuracy and Time Sensitivity Analysis on Combination Parameters Impact of Threshold φ on Accuracy Impact of Relation Types in RGs to Accuracy Time complexity All experiments were run on a Linux computer server with twenty Intel Xeon 2.2GHz processors, 256GB RAM. As seen, the time to recover for a file or a for a variable with JSNEAT is twice as fast as with JSNice and 4x as fast as with JNaughty. More importantly, JSNEAT’s training time is 4x faster than JSNice and 6x faster than JSNaughty. This can be achieved due the nature of information retrieval in JSNEAT, in comparison to machine learning in JSNice and JSNaughty Running Time Comparison Our corpus data Total corpus We collected a corpus of 12,000 open-source JavaScript projects from GitHub with highest ratings. Download links: 1. Corpus (Download) Data collection Relation graph data To build the relation graphs, we used Rhino to parse the JS files and extract the context information. Table belows shows the statistics of our dataset G of relation graphs. Database of Relation Graphs Our further research HTML5 Bootstrap Template by Auguest 24, 2018 | Further research Future work In the future, we are planing to using this technqiue to apply for various programming language. Get in Touch
For a better experience on MUBI, update your browser. Have Your Name Carved 天上的孩子 | Tian Shang De Hai Zi Directed by Lei Xu China, 2018 A couple whose kid has a brain tumor in a terminal state is coaxed into donating his organs after his death in exchange for treatment in a bigger hospital and his name on a memorial. Have Your Name Carved Directed by Lei Xu
v CONTENTS Foreword ix Heather Templeton Dill Acknowledgments xiii Contributors xv Introduction 1 Richard A. Burridge and Jonathan Sacks Setting the Scene 1 The Stories We Tell 19 Jonathan Sacks Part I Biblical and Classical Background 2 (Re-­ )Reading the New Testament in the Light of Sibling Rivalry 39 Some Hermeneutical Implications for Today Richard A. Burridge 3 Open Religion and Its Enemies 59 Guy G. Stroumsa vi Contents Part II Reflections from the Front Line 4 Radical Encounters 77 Climate Change and Religious Conflict in Africa Eliza Griswold 5 Empathy as Policy in the Age of Hatred 93 Amineh A. Hoti 6 Devoted Actors in an Age of Rage 103 Social Science on the ISIS Front Line and Elsewhere Scott Atran Part III Moral, Philosophical, and Scientific Reflections 7 Religious Freedom and Human Flourishing 133 Robert P. George 8 Compassionate Reason 147 The Most Important Cultural and Religious Capacity for a Peaceful Future Marc Gopin 9 The Superorganism Concept and Human Groups 167 Implications for Confronting Religious Violence David Sloan Wilson Part IV Theological Reflections 10 Monotheism, Nationalism, Violence 185 Twenty-­Five Theses Miroslav Volf 11 Countering Religious, Moral, and Political Hate-­Preaching 195 A Culture of Mercy and Freedom against the Barbarism of Hate Michael Welker Contents vii 12 Between Urgency and Understanding 205 Practical Imperatives in Theological Education William Storrar Concluding Reflections 219 Jonathan Sacks Notes 223 Bibliography 255 Index 279 This page intentionally left blank ... Additional Information Related ISBN MARC Record Launched on MUSE Open Access Back To Top
Moshe Gold Philip Sicker Joyce Studies Annual Advisory Board Derek Attridge, University of York Margot Backus, University of Houston Morris Beja, Ohio State University John Bishop, University of California, Berkeley Sheldon Brivic, Temple University Richard Brown, University of Leeds Vincent Cheng, University of Utah Tim Conley, Brock University Neil Davison, Oregon State University Michel Delville, University of Liege Kevin Dettmar, Pomona College Kimberly Devlin, University of California, Riverside Finn Fordham, University of London Hans Walter Gabler, Ludwig-Maximilians University Michael Patrick Gillespie, Florida International University Arnold Goldman, Lewes University of the Third Age Michael Groden, University of Western Ontario David Hayman, University of Wisconsin Philip Kitcher, Columbia University Garry Leonard, University of Toronto at Scarborough Geert Lernout, University of Antwerp Morton Levitt, Temple University Vicki Mahaffey, University of York Dominic Manganiello, University of Ottawa John McCourt, University of Rome 3 Margot Norris, University of California, Irvine Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania John Paul Riquelme, Boston University Michael Seidel, Columbia University Stuart Sherman, Fordham University Sam Slote, Trinity College, Dublin Thomas Staley, Ransom Humanities Center, University of Texas Fritz Senn, Zurich James Joyce Foundation Joseph Valente, University of Buffalo
Putting Circle Frames on Particular Fingerings • Feb 20, 2019 - 00:09 Hi all I'm a newbie trying to learn how to write plugins for musescore. My goal is simple. Search the score for fingerings, and if there is a fingering that is labeled 1, put a circle frame on that fingering. I tried searching documentation on how to access the frame element, but can't seem to find any. Can anybody point me in the right direction? Figure included is the desired behaviour. Thank you in advance нужно изменить стиль текста. если я правильно Вас понял, Вы хотите все единички в круглую рамку? (need to change text style. if I understand you correctly, do you want all the ones in a round frame?) function searchFingering(track, searchValue) { var segment = curScore.firstSegment(); while (segment) { var element = segment.elementAt(track); if (element &amp;&amp; element._name() == 'Chord') { for (var i = 0; i &lt; element.notes.length; i++) { var note = element.notes[i]; for (var ii = 0; ii &lt; note.elements.length; ii++) { var noteElement = note.elements[ii]; if (noteElement._name() === 'Fingering' &amp;&amp; noteElement.text === searchValue) { noteElement.textStyleType = 10; segment =; onRun: { if (curScore) { searchFingering(0, '1'); In reply to by Louis Cloete Hi Louis, Thanks for linking me the documentation. This will be very useful. It says there that TextStyleType has been changed to Tid. When I tried noteElement.Tid , I'm still getting undefined. I tried investigating the noteElement object via Object.keys(noteElement), but I don't see a Tid property in there. I realize that Tid is an enum, but what properties do I use it against in noteElement?
Coinbase explains background to June zero-day Firefox attack Targeted phishing attacks, it is often said, can be difficult for even the wariest organisations to defend themselves against. But how difficult? This week’s detailed post-incident analysis of a recent, highly targeted attack on cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase by its chief information officer Philip Martin offers a glimpse into how good these attacks can be. We’ll start with the punchline – Coinbase successfully resisted the attack, something we could already have guessed when the company tweeted the news in June that it had come under attack. That snippet also mentioned that the attack deployed two Firefox zero-days, something that immediately grabbed the interest of news reporters as well as Firefox, which issued patches for CVE-2019-11707 and CVE-2019-11708 after Coinbase reported their use by cybercriminals. Fending off an attack using a combination of two zero-days is already unusually challenging but, according to Martin, the sophistication of the attack didn’t stop there. It seems the campaign began on 30 May when around a dozen Coinbase employees received an email from someone claiming to be Gregory Harris, a Research Grants Administrator at the University of Cambridge. This email came from the legitimate Cambridge domain, contained no malicious elements, passed spam detection, and referenced the backgrounds of the recipients. The approach was so convincing that even as more emails were received over a two-week period, “nothing seemed amiss.” Until 17 June at 6:31am (PT), that is, when a new email tuned up that contained a boobytrapped link designed to launch the zero days in Firefox. One of the small number of individuals who received this became suspicious, which led to a scan of that computer that turned up signs of malevolent activity. Phishing 101 That one of the zero-days was only possible after a Firefox update on 12 May underlines how quickly attackers can find and “weaponize” vulnerabilities (the fact that researcher Samuel Groß discovered one of the flaws in April was, apparently, coincidence). The most alarming aspect of this attack is surely in how the attackers were able to communicate with the Coinbase employees they set out to socially engineer, for weeks, without raising any red flags. This saw the attackers select only five targets to use the zero-day exploit against from the 200 they initially targeted. The emails looked legitimate, as the attackers appear to have either compromised or created two legitimate University of Cambridge email accounts, cloning elements of the University’s website to build their own phishing domain. The involvement of zero-day exploits might make this campaign sounds like a phishing outlier. But it’s likely that other almost-as-good campaigns try the same set of tricks against a huge number of companies. It’s unreasonable to expect defenders to keep out every one of them but it is clearly possible with the right culture to minimise the risk.
Get Session Count over multiple NST’s Sometimes you need to see for different instances how many sessions are connected. You could achieve this with piping multiple PowerShell statements into each other, but not always. On our DEV server, of which we have multiple server, we have around 90 customer instances on the largest one. If I want to know all RTC sessions, I would use something like this: Which works great for 1 instance, after loading the correct AdminTools off course. (See here how) If you wish to list the instances for multiple NST’s, you could use the following option: Again, great option for multiple NST’s, you request the Server Instances, and next, for each instance, you request the Sessions. Problem here: different versions… you need the exact same version of the management dll for the server, to be able to request the sessions. Now I present to you an alternative way to request the sessions. I guess your first reaction will be: “Wait, this isn’t PowerShell” No, it isn’t PowerShell, this script is SQL script. This is what it will do: – Create a temporary SQL Table in Memory (#temptable) – Select the sum of all Active Sessions for each database (if that table exists) – Insert that result into the temp table – Delete the databases without Active Sessions out of the temp table – Present the result – Present the total number of sessions – Remove the temp table It might not be the most ideal solution, but it will certainly give you a nice overview of the active sessions. You could off course run this statement from PowerShell using the Invoke-SQLCommand PowerShell command. If you need more detail, you could also expand the temp table fields, and select specific information into the temp table. I helped a bit and selected specific information into the list in the following sample: I hope you enjoy this one. Please feel free to alter the code as you like 🙂 Also curious about your use of this script and alternate versions. One thought on “Get Session Count over multiple NST’s 1. Pingback: Get Session Information for all NST’s – PowerShell Version - Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community Leave a Reply
We went camping this week and Foil Dinners were on the menu. I had our recipe on our regular blog, but not this recipe one. Now that’s been rectified. The idea behind a foil dinner is fairly simple. Take whatever you want – we usually use a chicken breast, some chopped up potatoes, onions, and carrots, a dab of butter and some cream of mushroom soup – and fold it up in some foil. Plop it in the fire pit and wait for it to cook. Then open it up and eat it. However, after having burned and/or undercooked vegetables the first few times we tried this, we discovered a few tricks. Here’s what works for us: 1) Make sure the vegetables are cut in small pieces. When you’re starving, you don’t feel like waiting to eat. And fires don’t cook carrots as fast as microwaves. 2) Place the butter on the foil, then the meat, then the vegies, then the soup. Don’t forget salt and pepper or other seasonings. 3) After wrapping in heavy-duty foil once, cover it with wet paper towels, then wrap in foil again. This is our “secret ingredient!” And it really works to prevent burned foil dinners. 4) Be patient. Wait for the flames to die down so you can use the hot coals.
How Unhealed Childhood Wounds Wreak Havoc In Our Adult Lives “The emotional wounds and negative patterns of childhood often manifest as mental conflicts, emotional drama, and unexplained pains in adulthood.” ~Unknown I am a firm believer in making the unconscious conscious. We cannot influence what we don’t know about. We cannot fix when we don’t know what’s wrong. I made many choices in my life that I wouldn’t have made had I recognized the unconscious motivation behind them, based on my childhood conditioning. In the past, I beat myself up over my decisions countless times. Now I feel that I needed to make these choices and have these experiences so that the consequences would help me become aware of what I wasn’t aware of. Maybe, after all, that was the exact way it had to be. In any case, I am now hugely aware of how we, unbeknownst to us, negatively impact our own lives. As children, we form unconscious beliefs that motivate our choices, and come up with strategies for keeping ourselves safe. They’re usually effective for us as children; as adults, however, applying our childhood strategies can cause drama, distress, and damage. They simply no longer work. Instead, they wreak havoc in our lives. One of my particular childhood wounds was that I felt alone. I felt too scared to talk to anyone in my family about my fears or my feelings. It didn’t seem like that was something anyone else did, and so I stayed quiet. There were times I feared I could no longer bear the crushing loneliness and would just die without anyone noticing. Sometimes the feeling of loneliness would strangle and threaten to suffocate me. I remember trying to hide my fear and panic. I remember screaming into my pillow late at night trying not to wake anyone. It was then that I decided that I never wanted anyone else to feel like me. This pain, I decided, was too much to bear, and I did not wish it on anyone. As an adult, I sought out, whom I perceived as, people in need. When I saw someone being excluded, I’d be by their side even if it meant that I would miss out in some way. I’d sit with them, talk to them, be with them. I knew nothing about rescuing in those days. It just felt like the right thing to do: see someone alone and be with them so they wouldn’t feel lonely or excluded. Looking back now, I was clearly trying to heal my childhood wound through other people. I tried to give them what I wish I’d had when I was younger: someone kind, encouraging, and supportive by my side. I tried to prevent them… read more…
Thai Curry Make a delicious and aromatic thai curry paste using this versatile, savory blend. Just combine equal parts spice and fish sauce or soy sauce. To make a green curry, add the curry paste to fresh cilantro, green chiles, shallots and fresh Thai basil and puree. Hand-mixed from: coriander, lemongrass, New Mexican red and green chiles, white pepper, cumin, galangal, holy basil, shallots, onion, garlic, turmeric, ginger, makrut lime leaves and caraway. Recipe: Thai "Green" Curry Meatballs Next Previous Related Items
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1,024 Pages "Hot Pot" (鍋, Nabe) is the 89th chapter of the One-Punch Man manga series. In Saitama's apartment, Genos, King, Bang, and Bomb are anxiously waiting for Saitama to return. When Saitama turns up looking dishevelled, they presume that he fought with Garou. Saitama denies it, unaware that he had indeed met Garou and defeated him for the third time. However, he is distressed that he lost his wallet and forgotten the cabbage. Fubuki shows up with the cabbage, annoyed that Saitama had made her pay for his meal. Meanwhile, Genos detects something approaching fast and sends King to deal with it. The 'monster' is revealed to be Dr. Kuseno, who came in a mechanical suit to check on Genos. Dr. Kuseno introduces himself to Saitama and gifts him high quality meat for hot pot. Saitama instructs Genos to prepare the hot pot before realizing that he would have to share with the other visitors. Meanwhile, in the Monster Association, Royal Ripper and Bug God try to explain Garou's 'death' to Gyoro Gyoro by putting the blame on Garou and then Gyoro Gyoro. Gyoro Gyoro sees through their antics, but spares them from punishment and tells them to take things seriously as the Hero Association could attack in a few hours. Gyoro Gyoro had captured Child Emperor's scouting robot "Dig Here Woof Woof No.3" Many members of the Monster Association are seen preparing, socializing, or otherwise loitering around as they wait for the battle ahead. Tareo, as a prisoner, is put into the same cell as the hostage Waganma. Waganma is confident that his rich status means that the heroes will save him and snobbishly attempts to make Tareo his subordinate. Sludge Jellyfish attempts to scare him by mentioning that the executives are capable of taking on S-class heroes. Meanwhile, Garou awakens in the spot where he was abandoned, and begins to move off. Back at the Hero Association HQ, Child Emperor and Sekingar go through the roster of heroes. Child Emperor becomes paranoid (after communicating with Bofoi), and he exerts his influence to remove Demon Cyborg and Silver Fang from the rescue mission. Sitch, despite his protests, is instructed not to inform the two. At Saitama's apartment, the group of seven are about to eat the steaming hot pot. They rush in with their chopsticks at once, throwing up food into the air. King is instantly knocked out (although Dr. Kuseno is fine), however nobody notices. Fubuki uses telekinesis to bring a piece of meat toward her, but Genos tries to reclaim it for Saitama, who asks why everyone is eating his food. During the argument that ensues, Dr. Kuseno calms Genos down, only for Fubuki to attempt recruiting the engineer for weapons development. Saitama is annoyed that the meat is already gone, and soon after finds King 'sleeping'. Characters in Order of AppearanceEdit Trivia Edit • There is an art error where Saitama's shirt suddenly gains sleeves in the middle of the conversation.[1] • The RAW originally had an error on the cover page where it stated that it was the 88th update when it was the 89th. • In the Volume Release, this chapter was split into two chapters one in Volume 18 and one in Volume 19. The split chapter in volume 19 is called "Cabbage Finished" (白菜消滅). 1. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 89, page 22
• Server 1 Beast of the Water A analysis group makes a curious discovery that will result in the fountain of youth. In the meantime, an historic Native American fable sends an ominous warning that those that disrespect nature will be taught to concern the rain. Nature’s regulation has no mercy. Genre: Uncategorized Duration: 83 min IMDb: 5.1
User talk:Crp724 From OpenWetWare Jump to navigationJump to search Hey Chris, Just a quick question ... did you intent that Western Blots be a general purpose page on western blots for OpenWetWare or was it to document a Ketner lab protocol? Most people name their lab protocols in the form Ketner:Western Blots rather than Western Blots. That way the page is clearly identified as belonging to your lab. If you did intend it as a general purpose page, I just wanted to point out that there is another page called Western blot. Perhaps we can merge the content of the two pages and make one a redirect to the other so that folks don't get confused about which page to contribute to. Reshma 20:24, 31 August 2006 (EDT)
The Evolution of Present-Day English by D. W. Mosser International Phonetic Alphabet audio examples IPA fonts 1 thought on “Links” 1. Prof. Mosser’s page on the evolution of present-day English has apparently been taken down, but it still exists on (which you should support with some money if you can). I have changed the link. I think the internal links on the page still work. If not, there’s not much I can do about it. You could try writing to Prof. Mosser and asking him to put the page back up on his web site. Well, what do you say to that? You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
OuiShare Fest 14 has ended avatar for Frank Rousseau Frank Rousseau Cozy Cloud Co-Founder & CTO The web connects billions of people, free culture enables global solidarity, social networks allow massive sharing. Because I'm fascinated by these movements and because I want to be part of them, I make web apps. I made my first web site in 1997. Since that, I have always followed and contributed to web trends. Since 5 years, I'm an active Free and Open Source Software contributor too. My favourite subject are decentralized and peer-to-peer architecture. That's why, as a side project, I built a social network (Newebe) where each users hosts his account. Then, I went one step further by co-founding Cozy Cloud a company that aims to turn the server into the new personal device. This way, we will allow to anyone to host his/her web applications and his/her data on a box at home. With this new paradigm, people will be able to get the most from their data and take back the ownership on them. My Speakers Sessions Monday, May 5
Extreme Ironing August 25, 2008 at 3:58 pm (amazing things, funny things, stupidity) Can you focus on a tiny crease in a shirt sleeve while balancing on one leg on a tree branch jutting out over a cliff? Didn’t think so. Not much to add to this, so just read it. It’s hilarious. %d bloggers like this:
0 comments / Posted on by Peak Supps Do you need another reason to motivate yourself to exercise more regularly?  Something great happens when you start going to the gym or get back into a sport... any kind of physical exercise will naturally lift your mood, ease stress and anxiety, and even increase long term memory retention and decision making ability.  When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins. These endorphins activate the opioid receptors in your brain, the same ones that are activated by medical pain killers. The upside is you can't get addicted to exercise like you can with pain killers. Although being addicted to a jog every day isn't the worst thing in the world.  You may have heard of "runners high", where after exercise, you feel on top of the world. This is because of those activated opioid receptors, creating a more positive feeling in the body and numbing the pain response.  Exercise has been shown by research to reduce anxiety & depression, along with improving sleep, self esteem and stress levels. Of course, this will help anyone who feels overwhelmed or like their mental health is going downhill due to stress.  "But I'm too busy to exercise!" It's easy to get stuck into a rut when you're already feeling low, but the hardest step is convincing yourself you have time or that it's worth it. Think of it like getting out of bed on a cold dark morning when you're feeling a bit run down. You don't want to do it, but you know you have to. Although your grades or your job may be at stake if you don't get out of bed, if you don't exercise, your physical and mental health is at stake.  You don't have to become a triathlete to get these benefits.  All you need in general is a 30 minute workout 4-5 times a week to get the most benefits from exercise, but if you're just starting out, any amount of exercise will help over none at all.  We know, for example, that individuals who don't exercise are at a higher risk for depression, but this doesn't mean that exercise is a complete cure for depression or mental health issues. However, it helps immensely, and if you already have the strong habit built up of exercising a few times a week, you're much less likely to succumb to mental illness.  Remember, physical activity doesn't necessarily have to be done at the gym. It can be going for a hike, dancing, or even walking up and down the stairs!  We personally recommend a walk or jog in a wooded area to clear your head and feel better immediately.  In fact, an interesting piece of Japanese research found physiological and psychological benefits of a brief walk in the forest environment, including a significant increase in “comfortable,” “relaxed,” and “natural” feelings. Researchers also  measured big improvements in “tension-anxiety”, “depression”, “anger-hostility”, “fatigue” and “confusion”. Author - Ottis Bailey, BSC Anderson, D. (2014). Finding Exercise Motivation When You're Depressed: How to Get Moving When You're Low on Energy. SparkPeople. Date accessed: October 20, 2017. Retrieved from: Da Silva, M. A., Singh-Manoux, A., Brunner, E. J., Kaffashian, S., Shipley, M. J., Kivimäki, M., & Nabi, H. (2012). Bidirectional association between physical activity and symptoms of anxiety and depression: the Whitehall II study. European journal of epidemiology, 27(7), 537-546. Hillman, C. (2008). Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nature Reviews Neuroscience9(1), 58-65. doi: 10.1038/nrn2298 Raglin, J. (1991). Exercise and mental health: beneficial and detrimental effects. Current therapeutics, 32(2), 33-40. Song, C., Ikei, H., & Kobayashi, M. (2015). Effect of Forest Walking on Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Middle-Aged Hypertensive Individuals: A Pilot Study. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health12(3), 2687-2699. doi: 10.3390/ijerph120302687 Thome, J., & Espelage, D. L. (2004). Relations among exercise, coping, disordered eating, and psychological health among college students. Eating behaviors, 5(4), 337-351. Veale, D. M. W. (1987). Exercise and mental health. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 76(2), 113-120. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.1987.tb02872.x Leave a comment All blog comments are checked prior to publishing
All Ten Of My “Halloween 2018” Short Stories :) Happy Halloween everyone 🙂 In case you missed any of them, here are links to all ten of this year’s Halloween stories. If you want more stories, be sure to check out my 2017 Halloween collection, my 2016 Halloween collection and the interactive story that I wrote in 2015. You can also find lots of other short stories here too. Anyway, the theme of this year’s collection was “The modern world”, which allowed me to include a good mixture of horror, dark comedy, satire and even a little bit of dystopian sci-fi too 🙂 If you don’t have time to read the whole collection, the best stories are: “VR“, “Zero“, “Update“, “Void” and “Killer App The production for this collection was also a bit random too. In short, due to being busy with lots of stuff, I’d expected to only have time to write five stories rather than the full ten. Because of this, I also wrote (and queued up) this year’s stories in the opposite order to the order they were posted here. So, if you want to read the stories in the order I actually wrote them, then start with the tenth one and work backwards. Anyway, here are the stories 🙂 Enjoy 🙂 VR: In the neon-drenched future, Trey is on the run from Blue-Corp’s security bulls after a hack went wrong. But, things aren’t quite what they seem. Rules: University students Joanne and Toby have got tickets for the Halloween party at the student’s union. But, can they comply with the union’s costume policy? Zero: Bert is congratulating the branch managers of his company after a few contractual changes have resulted in increased profits and relatively little grumbling from his employees. What could possibly go wrong for him? Update: Sally isn’t enjoying her date with Tom. There’s just something strange about him… Pop Up: When a giant ossuary appears in the middle of the high street, Dan and Tina aren’t sure whether to go inside and take a look….. Limelight: Two people sit in a cafe and discuss the sorry state of the modern horror genre. Void: Reza is combing a field for historical artefacts. But, just as he detects something, it starts to rain… Let’s Play: ‘Tis the season for low-budget jump-scare indie games and two people are determined that their ‘let’s play’ video will be hilariously watchable. Remnants: Driven off of the high street by the rain, Steve takes refuge in a large chain bookshop. But, something is very wrong with this shop… Killer App: Laura is bored, so she goes shopping on her phone’s app story. One of the apps on offer looks a bit unusual. But, hey, it’s free… “Killer App” By C. A. Brown (Short Story) Nestled amongst row upon row of icons, the little grey square with the smiley face on it didn’t stand out. Beside it, a crimson chameleon and a maroon camera jostled for Laura’s attention. They had the advantage. Warm colours get people’s attention. Every app designer knew that. It was one of a million little brain hacks that should have been second-nature to whoever made the grey square. Laura’s finger hovered over her phone screen. Against the red tiles, the little grey square receded like a stone at the bottom of a pond. Below it, the words “Happy Time” sat forlornly. Her eyes drifted over to the camera beside it. It was a “Blood Red Halloween Selfie Filter“. Only ninety-nine cents. It looked suspiciously like the “Rose Red Valentine Selfie Filter” she’d bought a few months earlier. Her eyes drifted back to the grey square. It smiled back at her. Happy Time. There wasn’t a price below it. Her eyes flitted over to the chameleon icon. ‘Privacy VPN‘. Ten bucks per month. She thought about tapping away and doing a currency conversion. Ten bucks had been about seven quid the last time she’d checked. The economy couldn’t have gotten that worse in that amount of time, could it? She shook her head. What the hell did she need a privacy VPN for anyway? If any of the five intelligence agencies currently watching her internet traffic actually paid any attention, the worst thing they’d discover was the obscene amount of time she spent on Facebook. Her pattern of likes was so bland that every political party, even the fringe ones, thought that their campaign ads might stand a chance come election time. Maybe that was suspicious in and of itself? Maybe some suits in an undisclosed location had thought she was covering something up? Maybe they had people watching her right now? Maybe she needed that privacy VPN after all? Laura sighed. No, that in itself would look suspicious. Her finger hovered above the icon. This was silly. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Plus, seven quid a month too. It’d be smarter to buy nothing. It wasn’t as if her phone’s memory chip was short of apps. Half of them cried out for updates every day. It was hit or miss whether she recognised their names. Do the smart thing. Buy nothing. What’s the point of buying something new if you aren’t going to use it? Her eyes flickered back to the grey square again. No price. It could be free. She tapped on it. The square expanded to fill half of the screen. Below it, the words ‘Happy time fun‘ appeared in tiny print. It had to be a scam. A virus that would brick her phone at best. She was about to go back when she spotted the review score. Five out of five. She swiped down and read the reviews. Don’t be put off by the shoddy icon, this game is really addictive. A real indie project too, no micro-transactions. Just don’t expect to get past level thirty. (5/5) OMG! Downloaded this 4 a laff on my old phone. Stayed up half the night playing. Awesome 🙂 (5/5) The list went on and on. Each review looked real. There was enough variation in register, syntax and tone to tell her brain that humans had written them. There were enough grammatical errors, mispellings and sloppy phrases to tell her that whoever wrote the reviews hadn’t been paid for them. She tapped the icon. A pop-up appeared: ‘This app collects personal data in order to improve the user experience.‘ She tapped it without thinking. A few seconds later, the program downloaded. She opened it. To Laura’s delight, it was a fun game. As simple as Tetris, but with all of the complexity of chess. Sure, the animations were a bit primitive and the sound effects reminded her of computers in old ’90s TV shows, but that didn’t matter. It was fun. Every now and then, her phone pinged and buzzed. Laura didn’t care about the notifications. The Facebook messages could wait. She reached level thirty. The review was right, it was tough. Something tinkled behind her. The wind howled. She almost beat the level. Nearly. Another go. As the blade whipped across her throat as swiftly as a bullet, Laura barely registered the single second of stinging pain. Her final thought before the choking darkness engulfed her was ‘Goddamn it, I was so close.’ The masked man stood over the cooling body. An unseen smile played across his lips. As he wiped his knife on his lucky cloth, something buzzed in his pocket. He trembled with glee. Peeling off his gloves like a surgeon after a long operation, he tapped his phone. So many downloads, so little time…. “Remnants” By C. A. Brown (Short Story) There was half an hour to spare and the rain had picked up. Steve thought about ducking into a cafe and passing the time there, but there wasn’t a good wi-fi signal and it was four quid for a cup of coffee. The wind howled and gnawed at him. He scanned the high street. Betting shop. Cafe. Clothes shop. Cafe. Abandoned shell. Cafe. Then, salvation. The bright expanse of the chain bookshop beckoned to him. Fond memories flashed through Steve’s mind. Those halcyon days where he’d lose himself in these temples to literature every couple of weeks. With a stifled laugh and a whisky-warm glow of nostalgia, he rushed inside. The new book smell hung heavy in the air. Row upon row of pristine covers stared back at him. Each one featured either a muted neutral design that would go well with modern interior design trends or a single striking image that would look good in a tiny online thumbnail. Whatever. He thought. Don’t judge a book by its cover. There were, after all, better things to judge a book by. Genre for starters. So, with that wisdom in mind, he slid past a shelf of literary novels – all of which proudly carried stickers proclaiming them winners of various awards. For half a second, he wondered if there were more awards than authors. A book with three stickers on it confirmed his theory. As he turned the corner, the shelf shook. A 900-page boulder crashed down mere inches from his head, clipping his shoulder and fluttering to the ground like a wounded bat. Ignoring the throbbing ache in his shoulder, Steve glanced around. No-one had seen it. Good. He knelt down and picked up the doorstopper. Winner of Britain’s foremost literary award. Figures. Carefully sliding the book back onto the shelf, Steve resumed his search. A grey cliff face of gritty crime thrillers stared back at him. The crushing uniformity of it was only broken up by the occasional moody blue rectangle. He continued his quest. The garish primary colours of the childrens’ section told him that he’d drifted off course. As Steve turned away, his eyes fixed on a multicoloured mosaic of spines. The titles sounded suitably dramatic. Steve’s eyes lit up. He reached for one of them. Sci-fi & Fantasy? He looked at the book cover. It contained a picture of a sullen teenager staring into the distance. Nope. Young Adult fiction. He continued his search, giving the “Travel” and “Mind, Body & Spirit” sections a wide berth. His eyes fixed on three bookshelves wedged into a tiny corner. Above them, the words “Sci-fi & Fantasy” smiled at him. He rushed over to them. There were interesting books here – an assortment of classics, both past and present. After ten minutes of searching, he selected a couple of interesting titles. But, there was more to find. Where was it? Steve kept walking. He passed a pastel rampart of romance novels before almost crashing into a random table of books. When he glanced down, he saw that it was filled with popular bestsellers. 3 for the price of 2! 70% off! He didn’t recognise a single title on the table. He kept looking. For a second, Steve’s eyes lit up again. In a forgotten corner, a single sliver of darkness stood out. A solitary rectangle of gloomy, heavy spines. With a smile spreading across his face, he rushed over to it. Finally. As he got closer, his heart sank. Above the shelves, the word “History” glowered at him. He turned away. It had to be somewhere. The voice startled him: ‘Are you looking for something?’ Steve spun around. A bearded guy in a staff T-shirt stared back at him. Steve smiled: ‘Yes, I’m looking for the “Horror” section.’ The guy stared at him blankly: ‘Er… There might be a few Stephen King books in the general fiction section.’ Steve’s face went pale. He should have expected it. But, when he trawled his memories, there was always a horror shelf. Even when it was just a token row of books that was one-third Stephen King, one-third paranormal romance and one-third Victorian classics, it had always been there. It wasn’t right. A bookshop without a horror shelf. Something in Steve’s mind began to come loose. Had he been gone too long? Was there no place in this trendy modern age for the simple joy of a blood-spattered paperback about giant flesh-eating rats? It wasn’t right! Steve started hyperventilating. His eyes bulged. His head ached. The guy took a step backwards and shielded his face. What happened next never made the papers. It was overshadowed by the cataclysmic shock of an offensive celebrity tweet. Within days, the cleaning staff had finally managed to scrub Steve’s stubborn brain matter out of the carpets. The manager had returned the damaged books to the publisher. The police had issued an incident number. Life went on. “Let’s Play” By C. A. Brown (Short Story) In a tiny window inside a tiny window, GialloBlade81 leant closer to the camera and put on an ominous voice: ‘Happy Halloween everyone! We’ve got a real treat for you tonight.’ Under the bright studio lights, his dark hair stood out like a tarantula above the pale zombie make-up. Beside him, Elvirus23 tugged on one corner of her plush slime monster hat and gave the camera a wonky stare: ‘Oh god, it isn’t a horror game is it?’ GialloBlade81 looked shocked: ‘Why, no. It’s the beloved SNES classic Super Mario World. Bringer of cheerful childhood nostalgia and innocent fun to millions of gamers.’ Elvirus23 let out a conspicuous sigh of relief: ‘Whew! I was worried that you’d dug up some scary indie game or something like that. Can we just play the first couple of levels? The ghost house level used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid. That spooky music!’ GialloBlade81 cackled: ‘Oooonly joking! Of course it’s a scary indie game!’ He leant forward and pressed a button. On the screen behind him, a start menu with the words EMPTY HOUSE: REQUIEM dripped ominously. The howling laughs of hidden clowns skittered through the air. A CGI cockroach scuttled across the bottom of the screen. Elvirus23 flinched and glowered: ‘You fiend! You know that horror games give me nightmares for..’ She corpsed. Once her hissing laughter had subsided, she said: ‘Better cut that from the episode, Norman.’ GialloBlade81 flashed a puzzled glance at the camera. ‘Really, it’ll be funnier if we leave it in. I mean, it’s not like any of our viewers don’t know that I’m the one putting on the brave face and you’re the one who only acts scared. It’s ironic. Postmodern, even.’ Elvirus23 shrieked with laughter. Finally, she took a deep breath and put her slime monster hat back on. She fixed the camera with wobbly eyes: ‘B…But, you said we were playing Mario.’ ‘One of the cannibal clowns inside the Empty House is called Mario. The developers were kind enough to share that intriguing fact with me when they sent us the game key.’ ‘S…Spoiler alert! Wait, did you say clowns?‘ Elvirus23’s eyes widened. ‘Oh yes!’ Another cackle. ‘It’s a real funhouse, I’m told!’ Elvirus23 made a show of covering her eyes and shivering. GialloBlade81 reached for the controller. Keeping his trembling fingers below frame, he pressed another button. The screen behind the presenters dissolved into the dilapidated hallway of a photo-realistic abandoned mansion. Lightning flickered through the gloom, illuminating dried stains on the flaking walls. Keeping his voice under control, GialloBlade81 said: ‘Well, I’m giving this hotel a bad review on HolidayAdvisor when we get home.’ Elvrius23 opened her fingers and peeked out: ‘It had to be a haunted mansion, didn’t it? I can’t even go round National Trust museums thanks to those.’ ‘Aren’t they usually only open during the day? Oh god, that would make a brilliant horror game. Just think of the number of restless spirits who roam the..’ Elvirus23 quivered theatrically: ‘No, don’t! Just get on with the game.’ He got on with the game. The first-person camera took slow, crunching steps through the swaying hallway. As it passed a locked door, loud banging and squeaking suddenly filled the air. GialloBlade81 barely managed to keep his composure. Beside him, Elvirus23 made a big show of screaming and falling off of her chair. As she climbed back onto the chair, GialloBlade81 ignored the furious pounding in his chest and kept playing. He paused in front of the stairs. The only other place to go was a dark corridor. As he turned towards it, two red eyes glowed back at him. He nearly dropped the controller. Elvirus23 let out a piercing scream, worthy of any late-night movie. He took the stairs. Like the loading screens in the original Resident Evil, every creaking step seemed to take an age. He kept moving. Neither of them heard the silent tread of oversized shoes behind them. It was only when the smell of greasepaint reached GialloBlade81’s nostrils that he dropped the controller and turned around. A giant motley clown towered above him, the smudged red smile on its face wider than ever before. GialloBlade81 tried to scream. Instead, his eyes widened. He clutched his chest and slumped forwards. His head hit the desk with a loud bang. Elvirus23 couldn’t stop laughing. Within seconds, the clown joined in, his spiky green hair quivering and swaying wildly. Finally, Elvirus23 caught her breath and said: ‘Oh my god, Fred. That was too funny! Brilliant!’ Fred chuckled: ‘I wish I could have seen the look on his face. Oh well, there will be plenty of time for that during editing.’ He glanced at the slumped man: ‘Sorry about that, Norm. It was Sophie’s idea.’ Norm said nothing. Fred’s voice trembled: ‘Norm?’ Sophie frowned: ‘Come on, Norm. That’s the oldest joke in the…’ She leant closer. A single droplet of blood dripped from the edge of the desk. This time, there was nothing fake about her screams. “Void” By C. A. Brown (Short Story) Reza raised the scanner and swept it over the churned ground. On the screen, a thousand tiny fragments glittered like stars. He tapped a couple of buttons and waited. Five seconds later, a pop-up appeared: RECONSTRUCTION ALGORITHM COULD NOT RESOLVE DATA. Muttering under his breath, he brought up a menu and set it to reconstruct multiple objects. A memory allocation error appeared. Reza twiddled with the amplification dial on the side of the scanner, hoping that getting rid of the smaller fragments would free up some memory for the processor. But, just after he started the process again, the air around him cooled by several degrees. Without even thinking, he reached back and flipped up the hood of his anorak before returning to the screen. It was still processing. Curses and prayers competed for his attention. The air got colder. The little spinning thing on the screen moved slightly faster. Come on! A reassuring ping echoed through the air. As Reza raised his head to the grey sky with relief, the rain fell. There was no small pattering of drizzle to give him a moment’s grace. One second, the air was cold and heavy. The next, it was a solid sheet of rain. Without even thinking, he hunched over the scanner and ran. His feet squelched and slopped. He almost slipped. He kept running. Keep the scanner dry. He didn’t look up. He knew the route. At least, he thought he did. As his shoulder slammed into the scorched trunk of an old tree, Reza realised that he was lost. The bare branches gave him little shelter. He ignored the ache in his shoulder and stayed crouched over the scanner. Worst case scenario, the rain will pass in six hours. Luckily for him, he didn’t have to wait six hours. Above the furious pounding of the rain, Reza heard an intermittent slopping sound. Turning his head sideways, he saw a bright orange shape moving through the rain. A smile crossed his face. He kept crouching. Two minutes later, a hand touched his shoulder. Beside him, Suzy shouted: ‘Come on! Follow me.’ She fumbled through her anorak and pulled out a plastic bag: ‘Cover it with this.’ As soon as Reza had got the scanner covered, they ran. It was only when the half-buried tube of the site station began to appear that Reza realised where he’d gone wrong. With all of the chaos of trying to get a reading before the day’s rains hit, he’d wandered into the neighbouring field. It was easy enough to do when your eyes were glued to a screen for hours. Suzy held the door open as Reza rushed into the corrugated tube. Seconds later, she clanged it shut. Above their heavy breathing, rain pinged off of the roof like machine gun fire. The piercing smell of petrichor hung in the air. Reza fumbled with the bag and handed it back to Suzy. She placed it on the pitted wooden table before staring at the scanner screen. It was still working. ‘Did you get anything?’ Suzy sat down and reached for the scratched biscuit tin. Reza pressed a few buttons on the scanner ‘Yeah. Hmmm…. Nothing in the database about it. Hold on, I’ll try a date extrapolation. Might be a few minutes.’ Pulling two misshapen biscuits from the tin, Suzy leaned over the scanner. On the flickering screen, a flat black ingot encased in shattered glass sat beside a loading bar. It made no sense whatsover. The glass couldn’t be there to protect whatever was inside it. Maybe it was some kind of emergency item, like the old fire alarms back at HQ? Suzy shook her head. Who would need a portable fire alarm? She handed a biscuit to Reza. They ate in silence. The loading bar crawled forwards. Suzy smiled: ‘Have you got any idea what it is?’ ‘My best guess is that it’s some kind of currency. The latest message from the London site mentioned finding thousands of items like this one amongst the bone fragments. The glass casing is a new touch, though. Maybe it was more valuable than the London specimens or something like that?’ The scanner pinged. They both stared at the screen. The number 2018 stared back at them. Reza laughed. ‘Typical.’ Suzy sighed ‘We got drenched for that? Another bloody void item.’ ‘Don’t worry, we’ll piece it together eventually. I mean, we know it’s an early void item. So, it’s another clue.’ Suzy reached for another biscuit ‘Yes, but I was hoping for some real history. Some pre-2007 thing that actually told us something. It makes no sense! People before then had everything – recreational buildings, detailed machine-printed writings, tiny mechanical clocks and even reels of sequential images. Then, one year, they all just suddenly decide to start a two-century dark age. It makes no sense.’ Reza grinned and pointed at the plastic bag on the table: ‘I don’t know, they certainly knew how to make bags back then.’ “Limelight” By C. A. Brown (Short Story) ‘It’s like Christmas, but better.’ Jane grinned. ‘Think about it. There are horror movies in the cinema, there’s cool-looking stuff in the shops and there are even horror movies on the telly too.’ Rachel sipped her coffee: ‘It’s better than nothing, I guess. But, look, it’s a ghost.’ ‘A ghost?’ Jane glanced around the coffee shop. Her eyes fixed on a bearded man wearing an ironic Scooby Doo T-shirt. He tapped away at a smartphone, oblivious to the world around him. ‘I’d have thought zombies, or maybe robots? I don’t know what ghosts have to do with it.’ ‘Think about it. When we were teenagers, a new remake of a Japanese horror movie would come out every few months. Then, in 2004, there were the “Saw” movies. Every Halloween, there would be a new one.’ Jane’s eyes widened: ‘Oh god, I remember those. Did you know, some people actually fainted during the third one?’ ‘That’s exactly the point!’ Rachel took another sip of coffee. ‘People talked about them. They were popular. Horror movies were alive in those days. These days, it’s all superhero movies. And, every Halloween, they’ll trot out a remake of an old horror classic, a couple of horror-themed kids movies or a slightly edgier superhero movie. It’s like cinemas are haunted by the ghost of what horror movies once were.’ ‘I never really thought of it that way before. I didn’t even notice. I mean, there are still horror movies.’ Rachel shook her head: ‘Yeah, but they’re like horror novels or heavy metal music. I mean, they’re there if you look for them. But, if you go back to the ’80s, they used to be mainstream. From everything I’ve heard, people who didn’t understand them used to moan about them all the time.’ Jane sipped her tea: ‘Well, at least people are moaning about other stuff these days. Although, does that mean no-one cares about the horror genre any more? Is it even still rebellious? Rachel shrugged: ‘It used to be with comics. I mean, did you know that horror comics used to be a thing?’ ‘Horror comics?‘ Jane laughed. Rachel finished her coffee ‘Yeah, read some history. Back in the forties and fifties, they were the most popular type of comics. You know, Tales From The Crypt and all that.’ ‘No, I don’t. Hey, wasn’t that a movie?’ ‘Anyway, there was a big fuss about it back then. People howled about how they were corrupting the youth and all that nonsense. In the mid-fifties, the American comics industry introduced strict censorship rules. There were actual laws passed about it over here. And, of course, the only popular genre of comics that could survive were superhero comics.’ Rachel’s expression darkened. ‘They’ve been gloating about it ever since.’ Jane said nothing. Finally, she stuttered: ‘That’s… terrible.’ Rachel laughed: ‘You were right about Christmas though. Halloween is just like Christmas. A collection of mindless rituals that people go through just because something used to be more popular in the past.’ ‘You mean, we’re like those miserable people who write to the papers every year moaning about how people have forgotten the traditional meaning of Christmas?’ ‘Pretty much.’ Jane’s eyes widened. An icy chill shot down her spine. A silent scream died on her lips. Around her, no-one looked away from their smartphones. “Pop Up” By C. A. Brown (Short Story) Dan stared at the towering ossuary, a vast structure of jumbled bones reaching towards the slate sky like the grasping hands of a thousand undead. The only thing he could think to say was: ‘How the bloody hell did this get planning permission?’ Beside him, Tina laughed: ‘It’s a pop-up, it’ll probably be gone in a couple of weeks. Makes a change from the usual.’ She gestured at the sad-looking rows of shuttered shops surrounding it like gravel around a grave. ‘Yeah, but what is it supposed to be? I mean, you’d think there would be a sign or something.’ ‘It’s probably a restaurant. They always are. Best case scenario, it’s an ironic homage to Halloween-themed breakfast cereals from the ’80s. Worst case scenario, it’s something political or, even worse, it’s a work of conceptual art.’ Tina raised her phone and took a photo. ‘I don’t know how they expect anyone to visit it. It isn’t like they’ve rolled out the welcome mat.’ Dan put on a silly voice: ‘Welcome, welcome to the house of bones. All the fun of the graveyard in one easy-to-reach location. The skies darkened. Tina laughed. She tapped her phone a couple of times: ‘Maybe it’s got a website?’ She tapped a few more times and raised an eyebrow: ‘Apparently not.’ Quelle surprise. It looks like it hasn’t even discovered the telegraph, let alone the internet.’ ‘No, it’s modern. It’s some underground thing that’s probably shared by word of mouth. On social media, of course. Do people have actual conversations any more?’ ‘Aren’t we?’ Tina shook her head: ‘This is more of a discussion than a conversation, I think.’ Amongst the matchstick sculpture of femurs, tibias and scapulas, a single skull stared down at them. Slowly, its hollow sockets began to glow bright orange. Two rows of weathered teeth chattered eagerly, the noise skittering through the air like crickets in a campsite. Tina’s laughter howled along the deserted street. Dan was about to make a sarcastic comment when the air rumbled. The sky flashed like a selfie and then the rain started to pour. The kind of heavy, opaque rain that Hollywood film-makers like to think that they invented. Gasping, Tina gestured towards the ossuary’s yawning mouth: ‘Come on, let’s get inside!’ As another lightning flash stabbed the sky, Dan pointed his thumb over his shoulder: ‘The bus shelter is closer.’ ‘Fair enough.’ Tina said. They ran towards it. According to the parts of the timetable that poked out from behind the burnt and graffiti-stained glass, the 41 bus would arrive in five minutes. More like ten, Dan thought. Tina huddled close to Dan on the cold plastic bench. Behind the sheets of rain, the other side of the road wasn’t even visible. Then, a pair of lights appeared in the distance. Tina smiled. It’s on time! For half a second, she thought about getting her phone out and documenting this unprecedented occurrence. The lights got closer. It was only when they were the size of footballs that something began to feel wrong. Neither Dan nor Tina could place what it was. Perhaps it was because the light was a subtly different hue than standard bus headlights? Perhaps the two orbs were a centimetre off from their remembered models of what a bus looked like? They didn’t know. Both of them just stared. As the lights got closer, they separated. A silhouette appeared against the rain, like a preliminary sketch. With slopping footsteps, the skeleton stepped out of the rain. It raised a large iron lantern and fixed two hollow sockets on the dumbfounded couple. Dan regained the power of speech: ‘Nice cos…’ His voice broke off as he realised that the skeleton’s neck was too thin to be a costume. Tina gasped. Seconds later, another lantern-bearing skeleton appeared. In a voice like teeth on a blackboard, it said: ‘Sorry folks, we don’t usually do outreach but the roof is leaking. Any donations will be very much appreciated.’ The other one rattled its head: ‘Yeah, we’re already on our final warning with the health and safety people. Give us a hand. Or maybe a leg?’ Dan laughed and fumbled for his wallet. The skeletons shook their heads. Tina’s eyes widened. They didn’t want money, they wanted… But, before she could scream, the skeletons said: ‘We’ve got wi-fi and free coffee. Artisanal cupcakes too.’ Who could argue with that?
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Why are lenses round in shape although the image sensor is not? Why they can not be square or something matching the shape of image sensor? • 2 Good question with excellent answers, had to join just to upvote this question and its answers. – Fixed Point Jul 15 '13 at 9:39 • 5 Similar to why wheels are round even though the road is flat. – Olin Lathrop Jul 15 '13 at 11:13 • They're not always spherical. They can be parabolic. They can be flat indexed refractive glass. They can be holographic. They can be a zone plate. Most all is not always. A lot depends on the application. – Stan Oct 25 '17 at 16:14 13 Answers 13 Sensors are rectangular by tradition, based on the historically traditional shape of image media. But there is a technology/business decision that drives them to be rectangular, also. Sensors are rectangular because they are made using semiconductor fabrication techniques. These techniques call for “printing” multiple sensor circuits onto a silicon wafer. Today these wafers can be 300 mm in diameter and manufacturers are moving toward 450 mm diameter (see here). A lot of sensors can be printed on wafers that large. Sensors are tiled onto the wafer to efficiently use the space available and in a way that makes them easy to cut apart into “dies” (or the individual sensors, in this case). The process is called dicing. The most cost effective shape for dies is rectangular. Usually a saw or scribe is used to cut the wafers in straight lines. Imagine if the dies (sensors in this case) were supposed to be round (a wasteful and costly use of the material) or hexagonal (efficient use of the material but the cuts are not straight across the whole wafer). (See here for more info.) B) Lenses made of high quality glass are generally ground using lathes. (This can be seen in this video. Watch around the 7:00 minute mark in particular. Sorry, it's in Japanese, but the video is very fascinating and revealing.) It is easier to spin, grind, and polish a round lens in these machines because there are no edges to catch on the tooling as the lens spins around. It also is consistent with the optical symmetry they are trying to achieve in the finished lens. Lenses that are not round would generally be cut from round lenses, a step that adds cost to the production of the lens assembly. Lenses don’t need to be round. For heaven’s sake, most eyeglasses are not round! When your eyeglasses are made, you must be aware that the lens maker isn’t stocking a lens for every shape of eyeglass frame. He’s cutting or grinding round lenses to fit the frame. Once the lens manufacturer has his round lenses, what would motivate him to cut it into a different shape? As many people have pointed out in various forums, the lens shape does not determine the image shape or quality (apart from diffraction caused by edges, which can be mitigated, and some second order aberration effects, maybe), and for the most part, every point on the lens can gather light from every point on the object and focus each point on the image plane. I’ve already pointed out that changing the shape of the lens adds cost. There really isn’t any practical reason (generally) for changing the shape. • 1 A very aggressive answer ;). – V.B Jul 18 '13 at 8:24 • 1 Cylindrical is also the most convenient shape to make a lens barrel in terms of strength, and the ability to a helicoid for precise movement of the focussing groups. You could if you wanted to cut each lens to a rectangle, make a rectangular barrel with a rectangular aperture, but all you'd end up with is a very expensive lens that produces weird bokeh. – Matt Grum Jul 18 '13 at 9:41 • 1 The sensors for very large optical telescopes are round (to not waste any of the very expensive image circle) but they're made by stitching together lots of small rectangular wafers. – Matt Grum Jul 18 '13 at 9:43 • Last point, the RH-1 anamorphic lens was an april fools story - no such lens exists. But there are plenty of square front anamorphics made by Lomo. – Matt Grum Jul 18 '13 at 9:47 • 2 Just an additional cool fact to a really nice answer: Lenses are kind of 'holographic'. If you take a lens and break it in half, you still get the whole image, just dimmer. You can take a lens shard, and you still get the whole image, just dimmer. You can put a lot of lens shards together and get a fresnel lens. – Kaushik Ghose Oct 4 '13 at 18:05 There are a lot of reasons why a lens is produced round: 1. From the side of the manufacturer, it is easier and cheaper to manufacture spherical lens and easier to calibrate when you combined different lens to achieve a unique feature, e.g. macro, telephoto etc... 2. For the general users, most of us will definitely agree to say that it is more convenient to rotate circular lens than rectangular. Inside camera lenses, especially zoom lenses, some elements must adjust mostly by rotating (cheaper lenses) as you focus or zoom them. Rotating a non-circular lens is going to be tricky if you are also trying to control the orientation of the aberrations and diffraction spikes at the same time. 3. Trying to curve something flat is harder than making a curve of something round. 4. For the wide angle lenses, it has spherical shape to give better and wider perspective. 5. To focus on light with varying distance, it requires a circular lens as all points of light need to be focused on the same general area. 6. To produce images achieving maximum resolution (sharpness) the lens surface must be accurate to very high precision for the lens to deliver full resolution - small fractions of a wavelength of light. The grinding and polishing processes are only assured of producing lenses of the desired accuracy for circular lenses; it is extremely difficult though not impossible to achieve this accuracy for other shapes. 7. The most desirable properties of a lens are its ability to form sharp images without artifacts, and light gathering power especially in dim lighting. Both of these properties are maximized by circular lenses; only someone absolutely ignorant of optics theory would attempt to design any other shape. • 9 Just one beef: lens elements never "have to" rotate (unless they're deliberately introducing astigmatism). It can be cheaper to let them rotate, but I've never owned a lens that didn't use captive followers on a straight path in addition to a positioning cam for moving elements. – user2719 Jul 15 '13 at 5:31 • 2 Of course reasons 1, 3 and 6 wouldn't keep a manufacturer from producing a round lens and then sawing off the parts that focus light that doesn't hit the sensor anyway, say to save weight. For a long prime really only reasons 5 and 7 remain and maybe they could be explained in a little more detail (more than "it's just the way it is because ... optics"). – Christian Jul 15 '13 at 11:22 • 3 Yeah, is like to hear more about the optics — assume we are "ignorant of optical theory", since that's the essential question here. – mattdm Jul 15 '13 at 11:43 • 2 I guess another thing would be that to ensure a rectangular lens works would require an exact alignment with the sensor. Not required in the case of a circular lens since only the center needs to match, not the rotation – Akash Jul 15 '13 at 12:18 • 5 This is a complete non-answer. Almost every single point is either meaningless or does not actually explain anything. What does 3 mean? Are 1 and 4 based on a confusion between round lenses and spherical optics? Why is it easier and cheaper to make spherical lenses? Why are the 'grinding and polishing processes only assured ... for circular lenses? What does it mean to say that round lenses 'give better and wider perspective'? This seems like a reasonable answer at first, but as soon as you read the words it's clear that it's just verbiage designed to 'sound right'. – user21099 Jul 16 '13 at 13:22 One more reason: The light gathering capability is largely governed by the area, whereas some of the optical quality goes down (or it is more expensive to correct to the same level) with the maximum dimension. A circle minimizes the maximum dimension for a particular area. Despite that, manufacturing concerns are the overriding reason. Fortunately, a circular lens is what you want for other reasons anyway. • 2 +1 - This is the only correct yet brief answer! – Rex Kerr Jul 15 '13 at 17:54 • this is what I was referring to with "compactness" – Michael Nielsen Jul 15 '13 at 19:22 • 1 A circular lens gathers the most light for a given maximum dimension, but it gathers quite a bit of it onto parts of the image plane that aren't on the sensor! – Tom Anderson Jul 15 '13 at 20:13 • it gathers more onto the image plane than it would if you cropped it to fit. – Michael Nielsen Jul 15 '13 at 21:37 • @Tom: Not really. All the light hitting the lens from a point in the scene that ends up in the image is used to make the image. The is true regardless of lens shape. – Olin Lathrop Jul 25 '15 at 12:52 A funny point is that the shape of the aperture (thus of the lens) affects the apparent shape of an out-of-focus light source (often called "bokeh"). You can see that looking at the custom bokeh images ( • 1 But, just as one can have a square or star-shaped aperture in a round lens, one could have a square lens with a round aperture. – mattdm Jul 15 '13 at 11:45 • 3 @mattdm Then the square lens would need to be large enough to include the circle of the current lens inside the square - so now you are making a larger, heavier, more expensive (in terms of raw materials & manufacturing processes) lens. If not, the shape of the lens would act as a secondary aperture, just as with some lenses the aperture blades are not in the light path at all when the lens is wide open. – Michael C Jul 15 '13 at 12:09 • And I guess that it is more difficult to do bracelet with squared lenses... ( – floqui Jul 15 '13 at 14:27 • a benefit with those rectangular objectives would be that they need only to be 4 bladed, even the L lenses, and the Carl Zeiss ones. flo: why are those bracelets so darn expensive! I could consider one to match my lens coffee cup but it is silly expensive... – Michael Nielsen Jul 15 '13 at 22:46 Well, lenses are not always "round" in shape. However that has nothing to do with photography. Here are some examples: 1. Cylindrical lenses are very useful for some applications of 1-D cameras and beam astigmatism correction, as well as beam shaping. 2. Fresnel lenses, can come in many shapes, and are used for focusing light with twist. see for example : there are several more esoteric types of lenses, (lenslet arrays, kinoform lenses, etc..) But what is important to remember is that a lens is used to bend light, and there are many ways to do that using "diffractive" optics or tranditional glass like material. The reason for the design is usually functionality and production cost. • 2 Im pretty sure the OP means camera objectives, not lenses. – Michael Nielsen Jul 15 '13 at 21:19 Let's say you use a rectangular lens rather than a cylindrical one. First off, the shape of the lens won't matter at all unless you have the aperture all the way open; on any slower setting, the approximately circular shape of the diaphram will be the determining factor. Assuming that you do have the aperture all the way open, the main effect will be as follows. You will have a certain depth of field. If object point A is at the correct distance to produce a pointlike image, then this point is still a point regardless of the rectangular shape of the lens. However, if object point B is at some other distance, we get a blur as the image of that point. The blur occurs because there is a bundle of light rays, and the bundle has some finite size where it intersects the film or chip. Since the lens is rectangular, this bundle is pyramidal, and the blur will be a rectangular blur rather than the usual circular one. For example, say you're photographing someone's face with a starry sky in the background. You focus on the face. The stars will appear as little fuzzy rectangles. At very high magnifications (maybe with a very long lens that's effectively a small telescope), it's possible that you would also see diffraction patterns. In the example of the face with the starry background, suppose that we change the focus to infinity, putting the face out of focus. Wave optics would now predict that (in the absence of aberrations), the diffraction pattern for a star would be a central (order 0) fringe surrounded by a ring (first-order fringe) if you used a circular aperture, but a rectangular aperture would give a different pattern (more like a rectangular grid of fringes). In practice, I don't think a camera would ever be diffraction-limited with the aperture all the way open. Diffraction decreases as the aperture gets wider, while ray-optical aberrations increase, so aberration would dominate diffraction under these conditions. Lenses were always being produced as rounded because it fits the manufacturing process the best. Making them square would involve at least very precise cutting afterwards, so that would make them much more expensive. (However square lenses are being produced for some special purposes) You could ask why the sensor is square rather then round? The answer to that is that our screens, film and in the end our photo paper is square in shape. We do not need round sensor if we need square photos! Surely the point is 1. to apply the same 'operation' to light coming in at any orientation you need a circularly symmetrical shape in order that you don't distort the spacial ratios between different points on the incoming image 2. lenses generally aim to concentrate light landing on their surface towards a single point. That point is 'slightly behind' the CMOS sensor in a camera, but its the same principle, and physics dictates that a lense cross-section shape achieves that. When you repeat it in all orientations you rotate around and get a flat-dome shape, like a lense 3. It's a similar reason to why satellite dishes are domed and not box-shaped but it's definitely not because it's easier to manufacture. Raindrops and glass-balls have a lense-effect. Windows don't. Cubes and boxes of refractive material just don't have that effect. Lenses don't have to be round. Look at the variety of shapes in which eyeglass frames appear. However, all those lenses are a section cut from a stock lens which has spherical surfaces (ignoring, for a moment, lenses which correct for astigmatism). And there is basically the answer. Any sort of assymetry would give your camera astigmatism: the inability to bring a point into focus vertically and horizontally at the same time. A lens must provide a consistent focus along any rotational axis. If two parallel beams of light that are one cm apart horizontally hit the lens, they must focus at the same distance as two parallel beams which are one cm apart vertically. • 1 and to make a photo objective (which is meant by lens) you could use those cut lenses without astigmatism, and that is the question: why dont they do that. – Michael Nielsen Jul 15 '13 at 22:43 Aside from creating really odd Bokkeh, a rectangular lens would also worsen the lens's vignetting and create asymmetrical resolution over the image area amongst other negative optical aberration effects. The light that is hitting any particular point on the sensor has come from a wide swath of glass - the light that's hitting a corner of the sensor didn't travel exclusively through the corresponding corner area of the lens elements on its way to the sensor (unless you consistently choose such small aperture that diffraction itself is substantially degrading image quality). Lens manufacturers go to great lengths to ensure that everything is symmetrical for the purpose image quality, even including the diaphragm. Low quality lenses may have a few aperture blades with flat edges making a very angular pentagon or hexagon iris...this can have a measurably negative effect on a lens's MTF chart (a measure of a lenses resolving capability) even in the center of the image. Move to better quality lenses and you'll find much more symmetrically round diaphragm opening...the apertures on those higher end multi-thousand dollar lenses that Canon & Nikon put out have very round diaphragms - that's just the that to the glass and you'll be degrading the image that much more. The truly high end ($ 5-digit) lenses in cinematography have circular. Lens elements. This is all for the image quality throughout whole image area from center to corner. Regardless of whether the sensor is square, rectangular, round, or even star or crescent shaped, the lens - at least a really good one - would continue to be symmetrical (aka circular). Yes, manufacturing ease/cost and structural concerns would be adversely affected and complicated by making rectangular lenses, but image quality, THAT is why lenses are circular. It's difficult to explain without launching into a complete explanation of quantum electrodynamics, but all of the light that reaches the sensor "goes through" all of the lens, at least in a sense, even if we're just talking about a single photon. A photon doesn't take just one path (unless you make the mistake of trying to figure out which path it took), it takes all possible paths. Weird, but true. That means that removing glass from a round lens to make a smaller rectangle isn't removing "extra" glass that isn't being used, it would actually be removing glass that is used for imaging (and light collection). By the same token, adding extra glass to make the lens rectangular for purely cosmetic reasons would not only involve a lot of extra expense, that "extra" glass would now also contribute to the imaging probability distribution, so it would need to be as accurately made and as well corrected as the circular lens you are extending. As I've explained here, the larger (faster) you make a lens, the more correction is needed, the more accuracy is required, and the more the price will rise. Quite apart from that, though, the bokeh (the nature of the out-of-focus areas, particularly the highlights) would look really, really bad. • 15 that is one of the most unrelated answers I've ever read. Disclaimer, I have a PhD in Physics, and I work in the field of AMO physics (O stands for optics). QED has utterly nothing to do with this. Or you can invoke QED for almost any answer about physical phenomena! real life lenses and their engineering are not affected by quantum phenomena. wow. – bla Jul 15 '13 at 7:25 • 3 Wrong, I'm afraid, folks. QED does, in fact, describe exactly why the entire usable lens matters even at the single-photon level. Discount quantum phenomena all you want; they're still what drives optics. – user2719 Jul 15 '13 at 8:07 • 8 Sure, but that's because everything is quantum at the smallest scale. To me, the interesting question here is "can classical optical theory be used to design modern lenses, or do you have to take into account quantum effects in order to get the performance of modern lenses?" If the answer to that question is "classical optical theory is enough", then QED is a red herring here. – Philip Kendall Jul 15 '13 at 11:53 • 6 @anaximander: True, it doesn't mean QED isn't related to the engineering aspects of lens design, but the fact is that it's not; lens-design considerations are entirely encapsulated by the field of optics. This answer is like saying that in order to be a computer programmer, you need to understand quantum mechanics (which describes how transistors work). It's just a hand-wavy attempt to say "it's too difficult to understand," which really means "I don't know." – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft Jul 15 '13 at 16:17 • 8 You can't possibly use QED as it is taught (i.e. electro-magnetic interactions modeled through single photon interactions with charged particles) to describe the geometric path of light through glass. The concept you are thinking of is "wave mechanics" -- yes, quantum waves and classical optical waves behave with similar mathematics. But just because "quantum" sounds cooler does not mean that you can use QED to describe ray tracing. Disclaimer: another PhD physicist – Mark Lakata Jul 15 '13 at 19:38 This is about the controversial idea that all parts of the image front will collect rays for every pixel. Diffuse surfaces send ray into every direction, pretty much infinite rays within the small arc that hits the lens. These infinity rays must be directed from a point source to a single pixel. This is hard to do, which is why sharp lenses are hard to find. This is another story. I shot 3 images wide open and then covered the unused parts with a cut paper rectangle and took 3 more, and saw that the center part was 15% darker when I covered the unused part. the top image is the uncovered one and below is the covered one and as you see the covering is not seen in the frame, it just makes the image 15% darker: It can be explained in the simplest model of geometric optics. On the object occurs diffuse reflection which may be depicted as several light rays of different brightness in all directions. A larger lens diameter (instead of a smaller rect. shape) may result in a brighter picture. • 1 You are labouring under a delusion. Have you read the answers to the related phy.SE question? – user21099 Jul 17 '13 at 6:19 • @jwg The diffuse reflection (e.g. lambertian) is correct. Also the conclusion to illuminate all pixels on the detector is right. However PhysicsSE emphasis there is no connection of QED to lens design. I removed QED from the last paragraph. – Stefan Bischof Jul 17 '13 at 19:27 • I agree that diffuse reflection exists, I just don't agree with the conclusion that you are (both) drawing from it. – user21099 Jul 18 '13 at 7:55 Q: "Why are lenses round in shape although the image sensor is not? Why they can not be square or something matching the shape of image sensor?". A: Lenses and other round objects are round because it is easier to rotate them (yes, I am aware of the "Square Wheel Video" by Mythbusters). A round Lens is easier to grind precisely compared to a square Lens (like an Anamorphic). It has one less dimension to worry about (creating or aligning) or in the case of a perfectly square Lens it has a bigger Image Circle. A cheap Lens can be mass produced by Injection Molding with enough accuracy to be a cheap Lens, thus Lenses could easily be any shape from long to round. Expensive Glass is just that, expensive. Some Cameras used for capturing light outside the visible spectrum have Lenses made from exotic materials, not glass, and are difficult to work with. Less work without loss of quality saves money. Most Sensors (today) are rectangular (16:9) because human vision 'works' side to side (scanning the horizon) and not up and down (it used to be that upwards had little to see and beneath you was never far away so our brains developed that way) - the size 16:9 was chosen as a Standard because it gives a preferred 'widescreen format' (I know that there are great Films that are wider than 16:9 and usually Anamorphic Lenses were used). Along with the ease and cost considerations of round Lenses we have the Square Sensor. Sensors have flat edges and are not round because it's easier to cut them straight (and Sensors are not polished like Lenses). Sensors are square because it gets the most out of the round Wafer from which they are made. Wafers are round because they are sliced from an Ingot. Ingots are tubular because that's how they grow. So to make everything cost the least the Lenses are round and the Sensors are square (like the single huge Sensors used in Space, one Sensor per Wafer with dead pixels mapped; just like the early days of LCD Screens). BUT it isn't tough to cut rectangular Sensors (16:9) assuming you would want to cut up your lovely super high resolution, large pixel, Sensor into little pieces (because people don't want to pay over $100K for a Sensor unless they are the Government). So they chop most Sensors to a 16:9 shape with a smaller number cut to 4:3 (because those Cameras have expensive Lenses) and the 16:9 format people live with a tiny bit of vignetting (occasionally a lot) and waste a portion of the comparatively low cost Glass in order to get aesthetically pleasing shaped images (only a square or nerd wants a Sensor that operates outside of the visible spectrum, or produces a square image or matrix of Data points). The 16:9 format is simply a widening of the 3:2 aspect ratio of 35 mm film from which modern photography developed, other formats came and went or never gained popularity, even if they were 'better' (but possibly cost prohibitive in some of the largest formats). Basically: Lineage, Cost, Quality. Sometimes common sense played a role also. See also: Your Answer
I have an olympus E-PL1 mirrorless camera. I recently got a Hoya HD circular polarizer for use with a wide angle lens. Using it, I initially found that there was no varying polarizing effect as I turn the ring, irrespective of my orientation to the sun. I then found that as I rotate the camera (ie. from landscape to portrait mode), I start seeing the polarizing effect. I assume that this is some sort of manufacturing defect. Couple of questions: 1. Is this actually something wrong with the filter or am I doing something wrong? This is my first experience with a polarizer. 2. Is there some way I can fix this myself? Usually, turning the ring changes the orientation of the polarizer just as you'd expect. Since that doesn't happen but rotating the camera does seem to rotate the polarizer, it sounds like one of two possibilities: 1. You've somehow managed to install the filter backwards. 2. The filter was assembled with the two plates reversed. I'm not sure how you could accomplish #1, so I have to guess that #2 is the most likely answer. If you want to test that the filter is assembled the right way, get another piece of polarized material. You could use a pair of polarized sunglasses, for example, or a pair of polarized 3D glasses. With filter attached to the camera, hold the material, whatever it is, in front of the filter and rotate the ring. The image should get darker or lighter. If you continue in the same direction eventually the filter and (say) glasses will be polarized in at right angles to each other and the image will be completely black. If you see all this, then you're rotating the polarized surface after all, and the filter is fine. • 2 A turnd on LCD display would do well as a piece of polarized material too. – Zenit Jan 22 '16 at 9:19 • 1 Thanks Caleb. Finally got around to disassembling the polarizer and reversed the glass to find that it now has the expected effect. Can't put it back together but at least the question is answered. – DSingh Jan 25 '17 at 8:48 This might not be your issue, but I suspect it is. With live view on my DSLR, I found that the exposure shown on the screen quickly adapted and brightened back up as I turned the polarizer. In most conditions it was very difficult to see the effect of the polarizer unless I turned it extremely fast. This was the result of a setting called "Exposure Preview: Off" which basically instructs the live view to ignore my settings, shutter speed, etc and make the image as bright as it can (presumably for situations where being able to compose and confirm focus is a higher priority than previewing exposure). Once I switched to "Exposure Preview: On", which respects shutter speeds, aperture settings, etc, I was able to use the polarizer effectively. Sony calls this setting "Settings Effect: On", I believe. It has various names. I'm not sure what the Olympus name is but such an option is probably in your menus somewhere. • 2 It's not quite clear how this would explain the difference between turning the filter ring and rotating the camera... – junkyardsparkle Jan 22 '16 at 8:21 • The viewing angle of the LCD? – Michael C Jan 22 '16 at 17:29 • @junkyardsparkle You may have typed that before I edited my answer to add unless I turned it extremely fast to the first paragraph. Turning the camera is likely a faster operation that turning the polarizer ring. – Lee Saxon Jan 22 '16 at 21:47 • Ah, so initiating the the effect quickly, giving you time to see it before auto-adjustment diminishes it... got it. – junkyardsparkle Jan 23 '16 at 1:02 Your Answer
Sound Magic releases Bosendorfer-inspired Imperial Grand software imperial grand Based on a rich, dark Bosendorfer grand piano, it uses a patented NEO Hybrid Modelling Engine and Artificial Intelligence Assistance Tool in an attempt to go beyond what many digital pianos (both hardware and software based) can offer. The AI tool is supposed to help pianists to shape the sound and style of piano they want, without using a lot of technical sound engineer jargon that tends to lead to confusion and frustration. AI tests the connected keyboard, recording its velocity response and pedal support, and then makes suggestions on how the sound can be shaped to the player’s liking. The Imperial Grand software includes HD Velocity Layers, claiming to be 500 times more sensitive than the 127 velocity steps commonly found on MIDI controller keyboards. It includes features like adding subtle nuances to notes repeated at the same velocity, helping to remove the ‘flat’ feeling sometimes associated with digital pianos. Notes are melded more accurately during legato passages, improving realism. Other features include the ability to virtually move microphone positions to achieve a different sound. The 264-string Sympathetic Resonance System adds harmonies to pedal up and down notes. True Staccato Mode more accurately reproduces these notes when played, while a built-in professional reverb engine simulates resonances found in a real soundboard. Here’s the product page. It costs €99 and comes with €50 worth of add-ons.
Balding & Cowlicking: What’s the difference & Is there any need to worry? Sudden changes or hair conditions that have been dealt with since childhood like cowlicking can lead to a belief that one is about to go bald. There are various signs of hair loss, but where one understands no absolute cause of his or her hair loss, this signifies a need to worry What is Baldness? Baldness is simply the total loss of hair on the specified scalp portions. The generic term for baldness is alopecia and there are various types that include Male and Female pattern alopecia, Alopecia Areata, Anagen Effluvium, and Telogen Effluvium. What is cowlicking? Cowlicking is when an individual, commonly males, has a swirling hair scalp appearance. This is generally a hair growth pattern that is witnessed since childhood commonly on the crown, back or front regions of the scalp. How does Baldness or Cowlicking develop? Normally, baldness is an extreme form of hair loss that has failed to respond to treatments. It is commonly realized in males, whereas in women, they can also experience a different form of baldness Cowlicking, on the other hand, develops as soon as the child is born. Most hair experts believe that a cowlick occurs while the baby is still in her mother’s womb. Normally, cowlick hair strands lack a definite direction which makes the hair follicles follow various directions Can Cowlicking lead to Baldness? Generally, yes, cowlicks can lead to hair loss which can also trigger baldness in the affected regions. There is a need to worry and one must attain earlier solutions What to do about baldness & Cowlicking? Both baldness and cowclicking can be combated through a hair transplant in India, however, cowclicking will require a different surgical approach to correct the hair direction. In some cases, cowclicking is natural and may not be a sign of future hair loss and with this, you can opt for various hairstyles such as the textured hairstyles, undercut or the buzzcut.
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Day 4: Pink Crew Don’t worry, this one won’t make you cry 😜  Monisha and Delora. Mannnn where do I even start?!? Mo, we’ve been friends since we were 15 and 16 years old. From me wilding out on chicks in high school to you surprising me with Jaylen. Our friendship has truly stood the test of time. The crazy thing is this time last year I didn’t even know Dee. “Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest… It’s about who came, and never left your side.” In the short time that I’ve known you Dee, you’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world, a whole new way of life. I probably talk to you ladies more than I talk to anyone else. Thanks for being my prayer partners, my support system, my listening ears, my safe place, my cheerleaders, my encouragers, my motivators, my birth control (hey Jay, Jr and Calia lol), my sisters, my laughs after a bad date, my voices of reason, my “Chelle don’t do it” and my “Do it Chelle, Do it”, my teachers, my dinner dates, my distractions from a bad day, my friends. I’m so thankful to have you in my life. On a day that could have been depressing and gloomy, we formed a sisterhood that not even cancer can break. We literally bonded over chemo. Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Love you ladies 😘 Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
textutils: Utilities for Handling Strings and Text Utilities for handling character vectors that store human-readable text (either plain or with markup, such as HTML or LaTeX). The package provides, in particular, functions that help with the preparation of plain-text reports (e.g. for expanding and aligning strings that form the lines of such reports); the package also provides generic functions for transforming R objects to HTML and to plain text. Package details AuthorEnrico Schumann [aut, cre] (<>) MaintainerEnrico Schumann <[email protected]> URL Package repositoryView on CRAN Try the textutils package in your browser textutils documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:10 a.m.
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Lasse Murtomäki Professor (Associate Professor) Research units & titles Artistic and research interests My research interest is electrochemistry, in particular in non-conventional media, such as in two-phase (oil-water) systems without electrodes or external power sources. These systems can be utilized in, e.g. separation and analytical applications. Another area of interest is applying physical chemistry in pharmaceutical applications such as drug delivery systems. This means the study of membrane transport, liposomes and nanoparticulates, for example, which is mainly carried out in collaboration with domestic and foreign pharmaceutical faculties. ID: 73036
Geneva in 1 day and Framework Training I do not only do long haul flights to far-away countries. i also do day trips to destinations that are a bit closer. This time I had to be in Geneva (also called Genève or Genf depending on your language..) There is a direct flight from Schiphol airport. An early one to Geneva and a late one back. So I booked and, for a change, I travelled light. The Trip It felt funny all day to hardly have luggage… I looked up multiple time in panic from the feeling something was missing… human habits… strange thing. But it was a long day. I woke up at 5 to be in the 5:45 train to Schiphol. I always hear people complaining about trains being late and not arriving at all. I have to say that I never had trouble with that… Its the planes that give me trouble.. or the airports.. or the airline.. Being up that early had one advantage. The papers and the internet were taking since days about an event that was coming up: “The Superbloodwolfmoon” or something like that… The disadvantage was that you had to get up early to see it… and I was. It looked very nice, the picture was not as cool as I wanted but hey, it’s not a camera, it’s a phone! So I was on Schiphol on time, without the need to check-in luggage I just walked on to the lounge. In exactly 2 hours from my own chair to the lounge chair. Not bad. Flight went well, I picked up my rental car and picked up the collegues that were also there to drive to the customer. It was a short visit, convincing the customer was not difficult, i gave a quick demo of Rhapsody using the RXF (in C++) and the fantastic Target Debugger. That mostly impresses the s…t out of new customers, certainly if they have been using Rhapsody before. So we were back in time at the airport, we could even drink a quick cup of coffee. Then the flight back was leaving. After arrival I took the train back and was at home at 23:15. A long day indeed. I am asked a lot about what people need to do to learn more about Rhapsody. Well that is very easy. Try to visit relevant congresses like the ESE in Germany, also the Embedded World where the famous Bruce Powel Douglass gives lectures about MBSE. Also our MESCONF, the Rhapsody User Group Meetings and the IBM IoT meetings are very recommended to visit, you will learn a lot about Rhapsody and have the opportunity to speak with lots of other Rhapsody users. Also highly recommended are trainings. The basic training (Yes, even if you already have experience with Rhapsody but have acquired your knowledge by learning it by yourself: a training will improve your knowledge! (I did that myself. After 6 months Rhapsody and creating adapters I visited a Training given my Martin Stockl. I thought, well let’s visit that maybe I learned something new… I can tell you I have never learned so much as during that training…. We also have advanced trainings, about different subjects. Also we have partners, like Frank Braun from Evocean that give very interesting Trainings like the standard C++ Raspberry Pi Training and soon the Framework Training (9/10 April in Munich. That will boost your Rhapsody knowledge! (Is in the German language) You can apply directly on our website. That was it! Happy modeling with Rhapsody! Walter van der Heiden ( Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
September 2014 Friends Meeting Minutes – David Suzuki Foundation Park Crawl on October 5th – Asphalt pad removal in lower area of Fred Hamilton Park – Soil test results – We planted apple trees in Fred Hamilton Park prior to the meeting -The David Suzuki Foundation in partnership with LEAF, Not Far from the Tree and FoRRP has submitted a letter of intent to the Weston Foundation to implement the creation of a Food Forest in our three parks FoRRP Steering Committee Minutes September 17th 2014
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Communion of Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost John 6:52 930 — That Laymen and Clerics who are not Offering Mass are not Bound by Divine Law to Communion under Both Species SESSION XXI (July 16, 1562) The Doctrine on Communion under both Species and that of Little Children Thus, the holy Synod itself, instructed by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and piety, [Isa. 11:2]. and following the judgment and custom of the Church itself, declares and teaches that laymen and clerics not officiating are bound by no divine law to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist under both species, and that without injury to the faith there can be no doubt at all that communion under either species suffices for them for salvation. For although Christ the Lord at the Last Supper instituted and delivered to the apostles this venerable sacrament under the species of bread and wine [cf. Matt. 26:26 f.; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:23, f.], yet, that institution and tradition do not contend that all the faithful of Christ by an enactment of the Lord are bound [can. 1, 2] to receive under both species [can. 1, 2]. But neither is it rightly inferred from that sixth discourse in John that communion under both forms was commanded by the Lord [can. 3], whatever the understanding may be according to the various interpretations of the holy Fathers and Doctors. For, He who said: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you” [John 6:54], also said: “If anyone eat of this bread, he shall live forever” [John 6:52]. And He who said: “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood hath life everlasting” [John 6:55] also said: “The bread, which I shall give, is my flesh for the life of the world” [John 6:52]: and finally, He who said: “He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me and I in him” [John 6:57], said nevertheless: “He that eateth this bread, shall live forever” [John 6:58]. Catena Aurea 52. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? 53. Then Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54. Whoso eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. AUG. The Jews not understanding what was the bread of A peace, strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us His flesh to eat? Whereas they who eat the bread strive not among themselves, for God makes them to dwell together in unity. BEDE. The Jews thought that our Lord would divide His flesh into pieces, and give it them to eat: and so mistaking Him, strove. CHRYS. As they thought it impossible that He should do as He said, i.e. give them His flesh to eat, He shows them that it was not only possible, but necessary: Then said Jesus to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you. AUG. As if He said, The sense in which that bread is eaten, and the mode of eating it, you know not; but, Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you. BEDE And that this might not seem addressed to them alone, He declares universally, Whoso eats My flash, and drinks My blood, has eternal life. AUG. And that they might not understand him to speak of this life, and make that an occasion of striving, He adds, has eternal life. This then he has not who eats not that flesh, nor drinks that blood. The temporal life men may have without Him, the eternal they cannot. This is not true of material food. If we do not take that indeed, we shall not live, neither do we live, if we take it: for either disease, or old age, or some accident kills us after all. Whereas this meat and drink, i.e. the Body and Blood of Christ, is such that he that takes it not has not life, and he that takes it has life, even life eternal. THEOPHYL. For it is not the flesh of man simply, but of God: and it makes man divine, by inebriating him, as it were, with divinity. AUG. There are some who promise men deliverance from eternal punishment, if they are washed in Baptism and partake of Christ’s Body, whatever lives they live. The Apostle however contradicts them, where he says, The works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkeness, revelings, and such like; of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Let us examine what is meant here. He who is in the unity of His body, (i.e. one of the Christian members,) the Sacrament of which body the faithful receive when they communicate at the Altar; he is truly said to eat the body, and drink the blood of Christ. And heretics and schismatics, who are cut off from the unity of the body, may receive the same Sacrament; but it does not profit them, may, rather is hurtful, as tending to make their judgment heavier, or their forgiveness later. Nor ought they to feel secure in their abandoned and damnable ways, who, by the iniquity of their lives, desert righteousness, i.e. Christ; either by fornication, or other sins of the like kind. Such are not to be said to eat the body of Christ; forasmuch as they are not to be counted among the members of Christ For, not to mention other things, men cannot be members of Christ, and at the same time members of an harlot. AUG. By this meat and drink then, He would have us understand the society of His body, and His members, which is the Church, in the predestined, and called, and justified, and glorified saints and believers. The Sacrament whereof, i.e. Of the unity of the body and blood of Christ, is administered, in some places daily, in others on such and such days from the Lord’s Table: and from the Lord’s Table it is received by some to their salvation, by others to their condemnation. But the thing itself of which this is the Sacrament, is for our salvation to every one who partakes of it, for condemnation to none. To prevent us supposing that those who, by virtue of that meat and drink, were promised eternal life, would not die in the body, Ho adds, And I will raise him up at the last day; i.e. to that eternal life, a spiritual rest, which the spirits of the Saints enter into. But neither shall the body be defrauded of eternal life, but shall be endowed With it at the resurrection of the dead in the last day.
6 Common Failure Scenarios for MySQL & MariaDB, and How to Fix Them Bart Oles It this blog post, we will analyze 6 different failure scenarios in production database systems, ranging from single-server issues to multi-datacenter failover plans. We will walk you through recovery and failover procedures for the respective scenario. Hopefully, this will give you a good understanding of the risks you might face and things to consider when designing your infrastructure. Database schema corrupted Let's start with single node installation - a database setup in the simplest form. Easy to implement, at the lowest cost. In this scenario, you run multiple applications on the single server where each of the database schemas belongs to the different application. The approach for recovery of a single schema would depend on several factors. • Do I have any backup? • Do I have a backup and how fast can I restore it? • What kind of storage engine is in use? • Do I have a PITR-compatible (point in time recovery) backup? Data corruption can be identified by mysqlcheck. mysqlcheck -uroot -p <DATABASE> Replace DATABASE with the name of the database, and replace TABLE with the name of the table that you want to check: mysqlcheck -uroot -p <DATABASE> <TABLE> Mysqlcheck checks the specified database and tables. If a table passes the check, mysqlcheck displays OK for the table. In below example, we can see that the table salaries requires recovery. employees.departments OK employees.dept_emp OK employees.dept_manager OK employees.employees OK Warning : Tablespace is missing for table 'employees/salaries' Error : Table 'employees.salaries' doesn't exist in engine status : Operation failed employees.titles OK For a single node installation with no additional DR servers, the primary approach would be to restore data from backup. But this is not the only thing you need to consider. Having multiple database schema under the same instance causes an issue when you have to bring your server down to restore data. Another question is if you can afford to rollback all of your databases to the last backup. In most cases, that would not be possible. There are some exceptions here. It is possible to restore a single table or database from the last backup when point in time recovery is not needed. Such process is more complicated. If you have mysqldump, you can extract your database from it. If you run binary backups with xtradbackup or mariabackup and you have enabled table per file, then it is possible. Here is how to check if you have a table per file option enabled. mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1; With innodb_file_per_table enabled, you can store InnoDB tables in a tbl_name .ibd file. Unlike the MyISAM storage engine, with its separate tbl_name .MYD and tbl_name .MYI files for indexes and data, InnoDB stores the data and the indexes together in a single .ibd file. To check your storage engine you need to run: mysql> select table_name,engine from information_schema.tables where table_name='table_name' and table_schema='database_name'; or directly from the console: [[email protected] ~]# mysql -u<username> -p -D<database_name> -e "show table status\G" Enter password: Name: test1 Engine: InnoDB Version: 10 Row_format: Dynamic Rows: 12 Avg_row_length: 1365 Data_length: 16384 Max_data_length: 0 Index_length: 0 Data_free: 0 Auto_increment: NULL Create_time: 2018-05-24 17:54:33 Update_time: NULL Check_time: NULL Collation: latin1_swedish_ci Checksum: NULL To restore tables from xtradbackup, you need to go through an export process. Backup needs to be prepared before it can be restored. Exporting is done in the preparation stage. Once a full backup is created, run standard prepare procedure with the additional flag --export : innobackupex --apply-log --export /u01/backup This will create additional export files which you will use later on in the import phase. To import a table to another server, first create a new table with the same structure as the one that will be imported at that server: mysql> CREATE TABLE corrupted_table (...) ENGINE=InnoDB; discard the tablespace: mysql> ALTER TABLE mydatabase.mytable DISCARD TABLESPACE; Then copy mytable.ibd and mytable.exp files to database’s home, and import its tablespace: mysql> ALTER TABLE mydatabase.mytable IMPORT TABLESPACE; However to do this in a more controlled way, the recommendation would be to restore a database backup in other instance/server and copy what is needed back to the main system. To do so, you need to run the installation of the mysql instance. This could be done either on the same machine - but requires more effort to configure in a way that both instances can run on the same machine - for example, that would require different communication settings. You can combine both task restore and installation using ClusterControl. ClusterControl will walk you through the available backups on-prem or in the cloud, let you choose exact time for a restore or the precise log position, and install a new database instance if needed. ClusterControl point in time recovery ClusterControl point in time recovery ClusterControl restore and verify on a standalone host ClusterControl restore and verify on a standalone host CusterControl restore and verify on a standalone host. Installation options. CusterControl restore and verify on a standalone host. Installation options. You can find more information about data recovery in blog My MySQL Database is Corrupted... What Do I Do Now? Database instance corrupted on the dedicated server Defects in the underlying platform are often the cause for database corruption. Your MySQL instance relies on a number of things to store and retrieve data - disk subsystem, controllers, communication channels, drivers and firmware. A crash can affect parts of your data, mysql binaries or even backup files that you store on the system. To separate different applications, you can place them on dedicated servers. Different application schemas on separate systems is a good idea if you can afford them. One may say that this is a waste of resources, but there is a chance that the business impact will be less if only one of them goes down. But even then, you need to protect your database from data loss. Storing backup on the same server is not a bad idea as long you have a copy somewhere else. These days, cloud storage is an excellent alternative to tape backup. ClusterControl enables you to keep a copy of your backup in the cloud. It supports uploading to the top 3 cloud providers - Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. When you have your full backup restored, you may want to restore it to certain point in time. Point-in-time recovery will bring server up to date to a more recent time than when the full backup was taken. To do so, you need to have your binary logs enabled. You can check available binary logs with: And current log file with: Then you can capture incremental data by passing binary logs into sql file. Missing operations can be then re-executed. mysqlbinlog --start-position='14231131' --verbose /var/lib/mysql/binlog.000010 /var/lib/mysql/binlog.000011 /var/lib/mysql/binlog.000012 /var/lib/mysql/binlog.000013 /var/lib/mysql/binlog.000015 > binlog.out The same can be done in ClusterControl. ClusterControl cloud backup ClusterControl cloud backup ClusterControl cloud backup ClusterControl cloud backup Database slave goes down Ok, so you have your database running on a dedicated server. You created a sophisticated backup schedule with a combination of full and incremental backups, upload them to the cloud and store the latest backup on local disks for fast recovery. You have different backup retention policies - shorter for backups stored on local disk drivers and extended for your cloud backups. It sounds like you are well prepared for a disaster scenario. But when it comes to the restore time, it may not satisfy your business needs. You need a quick failover function. A server that will be up and running applying binary logs from the master where writes happen. Master/Slave replication starts a new chapter in the failover scenario. It's a fast method to bring your application back to life if you master goes down. But there are few things to consider in the failover scenario. One is to setup a delayed replication slave, so you can react to fat finger commands that were triggered on the master server. A slave server can lag behind the master by at least a specified amount of time. The default delay is 0 seconds. Use the MASTER_DELAY option for CHANGE MASTER TO to set the delay to N seconds: Second is to enable automated failover. There are many automated failover solutions on the market. You can set up automatic failover with command line tools like MHA, MRM, mysqlfailover or GUI Orchestrator and ClusterControl. When it's set up correctly, it can significantly reduce your outage. ClusterControl supports automated failover for MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB replications as well as multi-master cluster solutions Galera and NDB. ClusterControl replication topology view ClusterControl replication topology view When a slave node crashes and the server is severely lagging behind, you may want to rebuild your slave server. The slave rebuild process is similar to restoring from backup. ClusterControl rebuild slave ClusterControl rebuild slave Database multi-master server goes down Now when you have slave server acting as a DR node, and your failover process is well automated and tested, your DBA life becomes more comfortable. That's true, but there are a few more puzzles to solve. Computing power is not free, and your business team may ask you to better utilize your hardware, you may want to use your slave server not only as passive server, but also to serve write operations. You may then want to investigate a multi-master replication solution. Galera Cluster has become a mainstream option for high availability MySQL and MariaDB. And though it is now known as a credible replacement for traditional MySQL master-slave architectures, it is not a drop-in replacement. Galera cluster has a shared nothing architecture. Instead of shared disks, Galera uses certification based replication with group communication and transaction ordering to achieve synchronous replication. A database cluster should be able to survive a loss of a node, although it's achieved in different ways. In case of Galera, the critical aspect is the number of nodes. Galera requires a quorum to stay operational. A three node cluster can survive the crash of one node. With more nodes in your cluster, you can survive more failures. Recovery process is automated so you don’t need to perfom any failover operations. However the good practice would be to kill nodes and see how fast you can bring them back. In order to make this operation more efficient, you can modify the galera cache size. If the galera cache size is not properly planned, your next booting node will have to take a full backup instead of only missing write-sets in the cache. The failover scenario is simple as starting the intance. Based on the data in the galera cache, the booting node will perfom SST (restore from full backup) or IST (apply missing write-sets). However, this is often linked to human intervention. If you want to automate the entire failover process, you can use ClusterControl’s autorecovery functionality (node and cluster level). ClusterControl cluster autorecovery ClusterControl cluster autorecovery Estimate galera cache size: MariaDB [(none)]> SET @start := (SELECT SUM(VARIABLE_VALUE/1024/1024) FROM information_schema.global_status WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'WSREP%bytes'); do sleep(60); SET @end := (SELECT SUM(VARIABLE_VALUE/1024/1024) FROM information_schema.global_status WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'WSREP%bytes'); SET @gcache := (SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@@GLOBAL.wsrep_provider_options,'gcache.size = ',-1), 'M', 1)); SELECT ROUND((@end - @start),2) AS `MB/min`, ROUND((@end - @start),2) * 60 as `MB/hour`, @gcache as `gcache Size(MB)`, ROUND(@gcache/round((@end - @start),2),2) as `Time to full(minutes)`; To make failover more consistent, you should enable gcache.recover=yes in mycnf. This option will revive the galera-cache on restart. This means the node can act as a DONOR and service missing write-sets (facilitating IST, instead of using SST). 2018-07-20 8:59:44 139656049956608 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 4, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 2, members = 2/3 (joined/total), act_id = 12810, last_appl. = 0, protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl), group UUID = 49eca8f8-0e3a-11e8-be4a-e7e3fe48cb69 2018-07-20 8:59:44 139656049956608 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [28, 28] 2018-07-20 8:59:44 139656049956608 [Note] WSREP: Trying to continue unpaused monitor 2018-07-20 8:59:44 139657311033088 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 49eca8f8-0e3a-11e8-be4a-e7e3fe48cb69:12810, view# 3: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 1, protocol version 3 Proxy SQL node goes down If you have a virtual IP setup, all you have to do is to point your application to the virtual IP address and everything should be correct connection wise. It’s not enough to have your database instances spanning across multiple datacenters, you still need your applications to access them. Assume you have scaled out the number of read replicas, you might want to implement virtual IPs for each of those read replicas as well because of maintenance or availability reasons. It might become a cumbersome pool of virtual IPs that you have to manage. If one of those read replicas face a crash, you need to re-assign the virtual IP to the different host, or else your application will connect to either a host that is down or in the worst case, a lagging server with stale data. ClusterControl HA load balancers topology view ClusterControl HA load balancers topology view Crashes are not frequent, but more probable than servers going down. If for whatever reason, a slave goes down, something like ProxySQL will redirect all of the traffic to the master, with the risk of overloading it. When the slave recovers, traffic will be redirected back to it. Usually, such downtime shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes, so the overall severity is medium, even though the probability is also medium. To have your load balancer components redundant, you can use keepalived. ClusterControl: Deploy keepalived for ProxySQL load balancer ClusterControl: Deploy keepalived for ProxySQL load balancer Datacenter goes down The main problem with replication is that there is no majority mechanism to detect a datacenter failure and serve a new master. One of the resolutions is to use Orchestrator/Raft. Orchestrator is a topology supervisor that can control failovers. When used along with Raft, Orchestrator will become quorum-aware. One of the Orchestrator instances is elected as a leader and executes recovery tasks. The connection between orchestrator node does not correlate to transactional database commits and is sparse. Orchestrator/Raft can use extra instances which perfom monitoring of the topology. In the case of network partitioning, the partitioned Orchestrator instances won’t take any action. The part of the Orchestrator cluster which has the quorum will elect a new master and make the necessary topology changes. ClusterControl is used for management, scaling and, what’s most important, node recovery - Orchestrator would handle failovers, but if a slave would crash, ClusterControl will make sure it will be recovered. Orchestrator and ClusterControl would be located in the same availability zone, separated from the MySQL nodes, to make sure their activity won’t be affected by network splits between availability zones in the data center.
Code By Code – LWC – Chapter 1 – Why Lightning Web Components? Lightning web components, a new way to develop Lightning Components has gone live in Spring19 (Feb -2019) release of Salesforce. What was the need for it? When we just got comfortable with Lightning/Aura framework development, do we really need LWC? Let’s find out. Chapter 1 - Why Lightning Web Components? The simple answer is, Yes, we need LWC and the reason is to leverage more web standards rather than framework layers to build these components, which results in faster components. When Lightning Components (from now on Aura Components) and framework were introduced back in 2014, the web standards were not evolved much, making it almost impossible to create reusable components. Let’s have a look at the web standards back in 2014: Web Standards In 2014 (EcmaScript 5) Custom framework came in the picture to fill this gap. Component-based frameworks allowed us to develop reusable components which can be used at multiple places. Each framework came with its own way of writing these components with different syntax and methodologies. Aura framework was part of this league and allowed Salesforce developers to create these awesome reusable components. This had been tough on developers for sure since to create these components, they had to learn the complete framework first, they had to learn the syntax, methodologies and best practices. Only if there was a standard way of writing these components, phew!! Well, now this is possible. Web technology has evolved, new EcmaScript modules being released, and with all these, new web standards being introduced. Let’s have a look at present web standards: Web Standards Now If you have a look, everything you need to develop these components is now part of standard web-stack., which means, we do not need frameworks to build reusable components anymore. It comes with many advantages: – Leveraging standard web-stack features definitely boost the performance as there is NO heavy framework JavaScript is running. – Learning LWC would be easier as it based on web standards. – LWC works pretty well with existing Aura Components, which means LWC components can interact with Aura Components. You can place LWC and Aura Components on the same page. In the next chapter of this code by code guide, we will learn more about LWC and will start developing our first LWC component. Manish Choudhari This Post Has One Comment Leave a Reply Close Menu
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search The area around Carrara, seen from above Carrara is a city in the province of Massa-Carrara (Tuscany, Italy), famous for white or blue-gray marble, and for being a city "symbol" of international anarchism. History[change | change source] Carrara was ruled by Pisa in (1235), Lucca in (1322), Genoa in (1329), and Milan in (1343). After Filippo Maria Visconti of Milan died in 1477, Carrara was controlled by Tommaso Campogregoso, lord of Sarzana, and the Malaspina family. Carrara and Massa made up the Duchy of Massa and Carrara from the 15th to the 19th century. In 1929, the cities of Carrara, Massa and Montignoso were mixed in a single big city, called Apuania. In 1945 "Apuania", was separated, and the cities, were returned free. Important monuments[change | change source] Economy and culture[change | change source] A Carraran marble quarry Carrara marble has been used since the time of Ancient Rome for buildings, like the Pantheon and Trajan's Column in Rome. Many sculptures of the Renaissance, such as Michelangelo's David, were made from Carrara marble. The city has academies of sculpture and fine arts and a museum of statuaries and antiquities. The local marble is exported around the world. Famous people born in Carrara[change | change source] Other websites[change | change source]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Kakitsu (嘉吉) was a Japanese era name (年号,, nengō,, lit. "year name") after Eikyō and before Bun'an. This period started in February 1441 and ended in February 1444.[1] During this time, the emperor was Go-Hanazono-tennō (後花園天皇).[2] Events of the Kakitsu era[change | change source] In the 1st year of Kakitsu, Ashikaga Yoshinori died. He is remembered at this site • 12 July 1441 (Kakitsu 1, 24th day of the 6th month): Shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori was murdered at age 48.[3] • 1443 (Kakitsu 3): A Japanese-Korean diplomatic agreement (sometimes called the "Kakitsu treaty") was about on pirates (wakō) in the sea between Japan and Korea.[4] • 16 August 1443 (Kakitsu 3, 21st day of the 7th month): Shogun Yoshikatsu died after a fall from a horse.[5] Related pages[change | change source] References[change | change source] Other websites[change | change source] Kakitsu 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1441 1442 1443 1444 Preceded by: Era or nengō: Succeeded by:
Modern History Full Texts Multimedia Additions Search Help IHSP Credits Modern History Sourcebook: Prince Ukhtomskii: Russia's Imperial Destiny, 1891 Our stay at Saigon, the base of French operations in the advance against important borderlands of China, will in its turn be marked by enthusiasm in the greeting of a friendly nation. For us Russians, who scarcely ever visit the distant lands of Asia to study the powers and the means of European colonists, a visit to the central point of the "Indo-Chinese" empire governed from Paris will be doubly instructive, doubly useful after seeing the British domains and patriarchally protected Java. This will be the more appropriate in that every figure, every vivid detail, every living fact, must and will lead us to reflect in what a marked degree we Russians, as regards our prestige in Asia, voluntarily resign to every comer from Europe our historical part and our inherited mission as leaders of the East. In such an abnormal state of affairs all the gain, as regards material prosperity, falls to the share of the representatives of Western principles---representatives foreign in spirit, and in reality hateful to those peoples of an ancient type on whom they have forced themselves by means of their cannon. Burma, Cambodia, and Annam are no more; Siam is on the eve of dangerous external catastrophes; Japan is on the threshold of terrible internal dissensions; China alone, standing guard over its own, and unconsciously over Russian interests, holds its ground with the wisdom of the serpent, gathers its forces against the foe from beyond the seas, and anxiously glances toward the silent North, where is situated the only state from which the Celestial Empire, educated in autocratic principles, can expect moral support, disinterested assistance, and a practical alliance based on community of interests. This northern land of mist, forest, and ice, the extreme east of Siberia, opened up by Khabaroff, and other bold pioneers like him, the land reunited to Russia by the genius of Mooravioff-Amoorsky---is still a realm of primitive quiet, of deepest stillness and stagnation. It is only with the end of the century, with the opening up of new ways of communication with our eastern coast, that a new era with all its unforeseen consequences may begin. Meanwhile the land bears the stamp of something unformed and sad, like the life of its original settlers. All the more attention and unprejudiced judgment, then, is required of anyone who would draw a parallel between the lands of the Pacific south now opening out before us, with the emerald island of Java, the inexhaustible natural riches of the Indo-Chinese soil, the self-confident vitality of the Celestial Empire, and the marshes and retired nooks, the boundless desert borders of the country whose mission, in spite of all this, is to be a source of light for the neighboring expanse, with its countless population. The tiny kingdom of Holland holds sway in Asia over more than thirty million human beings (and that, too, at the equator, in an earthly paradise), while in the third part of the same continent the most important power in it cannot reckon up one half the number. European colonizers, though not without envy and enmity, have shared among them the best coast districts of these lands. Towns of such universal commercial importance as Hong Kong and Singapore are the most eloquent witnesses to the indefatigable enterprise of Europeans amidst the prevailing Asiatic torpor. But while drawing the juices out of this gigantic continent, and, wherever possible, holding hundreds of millions in a state of economic slavery, do the pioneers of civilization hope for final success? Holding on to the brink and ledges of a precipice, are they not in a state of constant alarm, lest the stones should give way and hurl them into the abyss? When the whole East awakes, as it will sooner or later: when it realizes its mighty power and determines to speak its mind, then threats, violence, and superficial victories will not remedy the internal discord. This is why it is Russia's part to grow in power unobserved amidst the wastes and deserts of the North in expectation of the conflict between two worlds, in which the decision will depend on neither of them. The idea of invading a complex foreign life, of using Asia as a tool for the advancement of the selfish interests of modern, so-called civilized, mankind, was repugnant to us. For more than two hundred years we have remained at home; for our natural union with Turkestan and the region of the Amur cannot be regarded as political annexations. We have remained at home with our traditional carelessness and indolence, while the Pacific has become the arena of western European advance against a native world with an ancient political constitution and an undoubted civilization of its own. The results are patent. The strangers have dethroned and oppressed the East. Coming here to live and make money, they do not find a home (But any Asiatic borderland soon becomes a home for a Russian.) The natives are not brothers in humanity to them; for them the land is one of voluntary exile, and the people are considered as miserable and inferior beings. The latter gradually realize the meaning of these outrageous views, and repay their "masters" with intense hatred. But where and how are they to find protection and a bulwark against the foreign foe? But the mythologizing spirit is still alive amongst them. The more actively Europe presses on Asia, the brighter becomes the name of the White Czar in popular report and tradition.... From that remote period when our great golden-domed Moscow, which but a little earlier was no more than a small town in an insignificant subordinate principality, received the blessing of the saints and was irradiated by the creative glow of the autocratic idea, the East, advancing on us with fire and sword, has masterfully drawn toward it the eyes of the Russians: has wakened in them sleeping powers and heroic daring: and now calls them onward to deeds of glory, to advancement beyond the bounds of a dull reality, to a bright, glorious, and ineffable future! There neither is nor ever has been a nation whose past is so closely bound up with its future, as may be seen in the growth of the Russian Empire. The man of the West (the German, the Frenchman, the Englishman, the Italian) must cross the seas to find relief from the pressure which overwhelms him at home. Far from his native land, he must build his temporal prosperity on a foundation of sand, and the more firmly he takes root there under conditions of the most favorable nature, the more evident does it become that his old home, and he the voluntary exile, belong to two perfectly alien worlds. Beyond the seas, away from the life of his native land, he may gain money and position, but cannot (except artificially and but for a short time) retain completely untouched the spirit of his people, their ideals and traditions. Russia alone does not know what it is annually to send forth to foreign lands thousands of her sons who cannot find food and shelter amid the superfluity of wealth and labor falling to the share of their countrymen. With us there is work for all---work to last for hundreds of years; with us everyone who has hands to work is a welcome guest on our eastern, or, rather, southeastern borders, where a vigorous flow of life breaks forth in an inexhaustible spring, and the charms of an untrammelled life are an everlasting attraction. Properly speaking, in Asia we have not, nor can have, any bounds, except the boundless sea breaking for ever on her shores, an ocean as unfettered as is the spirit of the Russian people itself. When one states such an evident truth, one generally hears the reply: "What do we want with it? We have land enough already. As it is, we have spread and grown to a monstrous size, to the prejudice of the government of the state and to the direct harm of our radical population." But for Russia there is no other course than either to become what she is destined to be----a great power uniting the West with the East, or ingloriously and imperceptibly to tread the downward path, because Europe of itself would crush us with its external superiority, while the races of Asia, awakened from their slumber by other hands than ours, would be in time even more dangerous to Russia than the nations of the West. Naturally we cannot, even in thought, admit of our ruin or future humiliation! The unavoidable growth of our historical heritage, our triumph over inimical principles, the coming supremacy of Russia in the greatest and most populous of continents, is perfectly evident to our spiritual eyes. In days of old, when communication with distant borderlands was far more difficult than in our days, vast empires, nevertheless, easily came into being, grew powerful, and extended their boundaries on the borders of semi-barbarous Europe and the East, fluctuating in form, but immutable in its essence. At the present time, when railways, the telegraph, the telephone, to say nothing of other inventions and improvements of importance, have simplified communication between all lands and nations to the last degree, there is scarcely any reason to fear either distance or the estrangement of the several parts of a single whole. Practically distance is almost nonexistent. What to our ancestors appeared simply near at hand now seems to lie immediately before our eyes. All that used to be matter of report, a dream of a fabulous land on the very borders of the world, is now accessible by a journey of a few weeks. The twentieth century promises us even greater surprises in this respect. We must not blind our thoughts and our imagination by prejudices and fancied terrors to the undoubtedly coming events which will change all things. If on the threshold of a future of growing complexity we really thirst for moral healing, for great knowledge and unheard-of deeds in the cause of Russia and the Czar, we must first call to mind whence and how our native land came into being, whose blood it is that flows most abundantly in our veins, what are the brilliant traditions of our past. A predominant part in it has always fallen to the share of Asia. It was Asia that devastated us, and it was she, on the other hand, that renovated us. It is owing to her alone that the Russian mind has developed the idea of a Christian autocrat placed by Providence above all earthly vanity, amid a throng of heterodox but sympathizing races. An old Russian poem gives a characteristic view of the position of our sovereigns on the throne of Moscow--- "Our White Czar is a king above kings, And he holdeth fast to the Christian faith, To the Christian faith, to the faith of prayer: He standeth forth for the faith of Christ, And for the house of the Holy Virgin. All the hordes have bowed down to him, All the tribes have submitted to him, Because the White Czar is king over kings." The popular songs of Russia present us with a similar view of the secular prince of Moscow. In the letter of Ivan the Terrible to Prince Koorbsky there is a still clearer realization of the divine origin of all true autocratic thought and constant care for the good of the people: "The earth is ruled by the mercy of God and the grace of the Immaculate Virgin; by the prayers of the saints and the blessing of our fathers, and last of all, by us, its sovereigns." Where and when, in what European sovereigns, can we find more or as much humility in the estimate of their position? Such words could be used only by a sovereign deeply imbued with the Oriental view that the world is plunged in sin and falsehood; that he himself, a weak mortal, was strong and "wide ruling" only by the unseen favor of a bright and spiritual power, creating and maintaining all around him. It is this sacred conviction which has given birth to the steadfast belief both of our rulers and of the ruled, that Russia is the source and center of an invincible might, which is but increased by the attacks of her foes. The East believes no less than we do, and exactly as we do, in the preternatural qualities of the Russian national spirit, but values and understands them just in the same measure as we treasure the most precious of our national traditions---autocracy. Without it, Asia would be incapable of sincere liking for Russia and of painless identification with her. Without it, Europe would find it mere child's-play to dismember and overpower us as thoroughly as she has overpowered and dismembered the Slavs of the West, now suffering a bitter fate. The question is: In whose name and by whose single will shall the heritage of Russia be ruled in the future? From: Prince E. Ukhtomskii, Travels in the East of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia When Cesarewitch 1890-1891, 2 vols., (London, 1896), II.142-143, 444-446. © Paul Halsall, November 1998  
Printer's Resource FAQ Why do I need water proof ink jet film? You don’t. But it is a great bonus to have it. Water proof inkjet film won’t accidentally smudge or be easily ruined when stacked together. If you only use the positive once and never archive the positives by all means, use the less expensive stuff.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) If you ever wanted a signal that can help you perform better. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) will be your best friend. The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator that measures the days of upturns and downturns during a specific period, e.g 14 or 21 days. The idea is very simple and the indicator was originally developed by J. Welles Wilder, who published in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems" for the first time in 1978. If a stock is moving up or down too many days in a row the chances of an opposite reaction increase. However, when is a stock really oversold or overbought? To solve this question J. Welles Wilder, who was a machine engineer, turned to mathematics and created the RSI formula, which gives a score between 0-100. He later assigned values under 30 as “oversold” and above 70 as “overbought”. This is normally marked as red for the priceline of overbought and green for the priceline of oversold. Boeing Company being overbought on RSI 14 in end of September Now you probably think that you found the secret formula for profitable trading. Well, it is not that simple and again you will lose money if you just jump to the idea. There are a few catches you need to understand before taking full advantage of the RSI-tool. It makes sense that people are less negative in an upturn market. The sentiment is positive and beliefs are strong. Everything is possible if you are in a good mood and usually this reflects in the stock market as well. Very often stocks and even the whole market itself, can go long and hard in overbought (RSI higher than 70). So what conclusion can be made from this? Well… Overbought is not simply overbought. In fact you will be better of if you say that overbought is when the assigned value is higher than 80 with an upward trend, and oversold is when the assigned value is less than 40. It is the total opposite in a negative trend. Then RSI above 70 really is “oversold”. The reason for this is very logical and simple. If a stock is already in a falling trend there is a general overweight of negativism and it takes less to trigger further fall. And if you are feeling negative first, well, then it takes a long time for you to be positive, so stocks in a falling trend can stay oversold longer than normal. Snap being oversold for almost 2 months! To make it even worse. There is a huge individual difference from stock to stock. General volatile stocks (like penny stocks) statistically stay oversold and overbought longer than e.g. solid stocks like Apple. Again it all comes down to strategy and you need to define it yourself. If trading by RSI is in your strategy it should be clearly defined like: “I will buy stocks in an upwards trend and use oversold RSI as entrance point”. Now what you will need to do is scan market for all stocks in a rising trend with low RSI. This can be done at e.g You will then have a list of candidates matching your request. However, still half of the job is done. You need to take in consideration the individual patterns for each stock. The best way to do this is just by looking at the chart. How did the stock behave in the past when being oversold? Does it usually react up quickly or can it be oversold for a long period? What is the most common reaction? Just 2-4% reaction up or 20%? There is no point in being a day trader buying a stock on oversold RSI if it usually uses very long time to gain even 5%. In general, RSI is better as long term signal than a short term indicator.   In the sample above FB was oversold a few days ago. The same situation happened back in September. At that point the stock gained from USD 160 to USD 168 or approx 5%. It has now already taken out about the same gain and being in a falling trend this is still no “buy case”. Analyzing history in your trading is essential, but you should be aware that patterns changes, so always take this into consideration. It may very well be that FB now will gain 40%, but statistically the chances are higher that it will continue to fall. Where do you put your gamble? Why not go for a safer bet? So what is the lesson about RSI? 1. RSI can be measured in different time frame. The most common is 14 and 21, whereas 14 is short term and 21 long term. 2. RSI is in general more predictable as long term signal. 3. The RSI-effect depends on the trend direction. 4. The RSI-effect differs from stock to stock. Volatility matters. Time For Change - Get started!
Who chooses the projects? The projects are chosen by the host sites. When are projects due? The projects are due in the final week of the programme. Participants will present them to their host site and each other. Who will I work with? Each participant will be assigned a Project Mentor with whom they will work closely on their project. Additional domain experts may be made available to work with participants. Code test For the code test part, you have listed C, C++, Fortran and Java but there is no Python. However, I found Python is actually required in a lot of the projects. But does that mean I can’t complete the code test with Python? Python is like English of programming languages nowdays. Besides that you should know some of the compiling languages listed to get the performance measurements correct. Your application will still be considered if you will use Python for the tests. Please follow and like us: Tagged with:
Selecting your Gmail or Google photo What face would you like to present to the world? You can choose almost any photo as your Gmail picture, to show up whenever another user rolls over your name in their inbox, Contacts, Chat list, or when someone looks at your public Google Profile.  It is a great way to have your colleagues get to know you. To upload a photo to your Gmail account: 1. Open Gmail. 3. From the General Tab, scroll down to the My picture section, click Change picture. The Upload a picture window appears. 5. Drag the selected region to crop your photo, or resize the region by clicking and dragging one of the region corners. Click Edit photo in Picnik to edit your photo. 6. Click Set as profile photo. • Visible to everyone means anyone who you email, or who emails you, can see your picture. If you have a public Google profile without a photo and you choose this option, your picture will be used on your Google profile and will be visible to others there. Once you apply your picture, you'll be able to view and change it from your Gmail settings page, and other users will see your selection when they roll over your name in conversations or in their contact lists. It will also show up as your picture in Google Talk. Likewise, picture selections made in Google Talk will be reflected in your Gmail interface, though there might be a slight delay for the change to take effect. If you have a Google Profile, changes made to your Gmail picture will be reflected in your Google Profile.  Selecting your Gmail picture - Google's Gmail Help Have more questions? Submit a request Please sign in to leave a comment. Powered by Zendesk
Documentation and Best Practices Scale down or stop development and test resources during periods of underutilization. Detect and remove waste. Create and maintain a culture of cost savings. In Automation, you can setup and schedule the following tasks: 1. Unattached EBS Volume Cleanup -  Find, Snapshot, and Remove Unattached EBS Volumes. In this task you can choose Accounts and Tags in which you'd like to scan for Unattached Volumes, and configure how long you want us to have seen the Volume as unattached before we generate a snapshot and terminate the volume. 2. EBS Snapshot Creation - Create a schedule to generate snapshots from EBS volumes by Account, Tag, Name, and ID.  3. EBS Snapshot Cleanup - Cleanup old EBS snapshots that are costing you money. Create a policy for how long they should stick around. Select Snapshots by Account and Tag. 4. ASG Scale Down & Scale Up: Scale ASGs down to 0, and back up, on a schedule. Turn your development resources off during nights and weekends. Select ASGs by Account, Tag, or Name. 5. EC2 Stop & Start - Stop & Start your EC2 instances on a schedule. Turn your development resources off during nights and weekends. Select EC2s by Account, ID, Tag, or Name. *We don't currently support EC2 instances that have an attached EBS volume that is encrypted. 6. RDS Stop & Start - Stop RDS instances during periods when they aren't utilized and start them up again when you need them. Select instances by Account, ID, and tag. Monitor the impact to your environment through the Audit Log:  View each task run, when it was executed, and see the number of resources affected during that run. Get Access: 1. Reach out to your primary contact at Cloudability, or request access via Cloudability Support. 2. Once you've been granted access (Automation is an Admin only feature), you'll need to generate a new credential policy for each account you want to perform automation on. 3. Please make sure the Automation box is checked when you create the policy.Screen_Shot_2017-09-27_at_12.39.37_PM.png 4. Once you've generated a new policy that includes Automation, you should delete any existing Cloudability credentials stack(s), and create a new one. Once that is complete, you should reverify your credentials in Cloudability. Go here for full credentials overview. 5. Create your first Automation Task! (Please scope your tasks during beta to a single or small set of resources)  Was this article helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful Have more questions? Submit a request Please sign in to leave a comment. Powered by Zendesk
Let multiple users sign in at the same time Applies to managed Chromebooks and other devices that run Chrome OS. By default, users can sign in to multiple Google Accounts at the same time on a device running Chrome OS. Users can switch between accounts without signing out and in again. As a Chrome administrator, you can control whether multiple users can sign in on a device. For example, you can specify that the first user must sign in to a managed Google Account. Or,  you can allow only one user to sign in at a time. • The first user to sign in is the primary user. Subsequent users are secondary users.The data in each user account is kept separate. • Device-level settings that you set using the Google Admin console apply to all users on a device, even if they sign in as a guest or with a personal Google Account. • Most user-level policies are individually applied to each account on a device. However, if a primary user signs in to a managed Google Account, the following user policies that you set also apply to secondary accounts on the device: • Admin ConsoleScreenshot, External Storage Devices, and Online Revocation Checks. For information about these settings, see Set Chrome policies for users or browsers. • Chromium policies that are not applied individually to each account. In the Chromium policy list, search for policies with Per Profile: No. See the Policy List. • If you set up TLS (or SSL) inspection on devices running Chrome OS, multiple users cannot sign in at the same time. • On a device running Chrome OS, the primary user’s password unlocks the screen. To prevent unmanaged users from unlocking a screen and accessing primary and secondary accounts, only let users with a managed Google Account be primary users. • Secondary users on a device might be able to access your network, even if they don’t have a managed Google Account. For example, apps and extensions that you do not allow users in your organization to install can be installed in secondary accounts. Those apps and extensions might access your network. To prevent unmanaged access to your network, do not let users sign in to more than one account at a time. Let multiple users sign in to a device 1. Sign in to your Google Admin console. 2. From the Admin console Home page, go to Device managementand thenChrome management. If you don't see Device management on the Home page, click More controls at the bottom. 3. Click User & browser settings 4. On the left, select the organizational unit where you want to configure policies. For all users, select the top-level organizational unit. Initially, an organizational unit inherits the settings of its parent. 5. Go to User Experienceand thenMultiple Sign-in Access. 6. Choose an option: • To let multiple users sign in at the same time but specify that the primary user must sign in to a managed Google Account, select Managed user must be the primary user (secondary users are allowed). • To let multiple users sign in and allow the primary user to sign in to an unmanaged account, such as their personal Google Account, select Unrestricted user access (allow any user to be added to any other user’s session). • To prevent managed users from signing in to more than one account at a time, select Block multiple sign-in access for users in this organization. 7. At the bottom, click Save. Related topics Was this helpful? How can we improve it?
No relevant resource is found in the selected language. To have a better experience, please upgrade your IE browser. NE20E-S V800R010C10SPC500 Configuration Guide - MPLS 01 This is NE20E-S V800R010C10SPC500 Configuration Guide - MPLS Rate and give feedback: Configuring P2MP TE Auto FRR Configuring P2MP TE Auto FRR Auto fast reroute (FRR) is a local protection mechanism in MPLS TE. Auto FRR deployment is easier than manual FRR deployment. Usage Scenario FRR protection is configured for networks requiring high reliability. If P2MP TE manual FRR is used (configured by following the steps in Configuring P2MP TE FRR), a lot of configurations are needed on a network with complex topology and a great number of links to be protected. In this situation, P2MP TE Auto FRR can be configured. Unlike P2MP TE manual FRR, P2MP TE Auto FRR automatically creates a bypass tunnel that meets traffic requirements, which simplifies configurations. The NE20E supports upgrade binding that if a bypass tunnel with a priority higher than an existing bypass tunnel is calculated, the primary tunnel will be automatically unbound from the existing bypass tunnel and bound to the one with the higher priority. A bypass tunnel is selected based on the following rules prioritized in descending order: • An SRLG attribute is configured for a bypass tunnel. • If P2MP TE Auto FRR and an SRLG attribute are configured, the primary and bypass tunnels must be in different SRLGs. If these two tunnels are in the same SRLG, the bypass tunnel may fail to be established. • A bypass tunnel with bandwidth protection configured takes preference over that with non-bandwidth protection configured. A bypass tunnel provides link protection, not node protection, for its primary tunnel. Pre-configuration Tasks Before configuring P2MP TE Auto FRR, complete the following tasks: • Configure a primary P2MP TE tunnel. • Enable MPLS, MPLS TE, and RSVP-TE globally and in the physical interface view on each node along a bypass tunnel to be established. For configuration details, see Enabling MPLS TE and RSVP-TE. • (Optional) To protect bandwidth of the primary tunnel, set the physical link bandwidth for the bypass tunnel to be established. For configuration details, see (Optional) Configuring Link TE Attributes. • Enable CSPF on each node along the bypass tunnel to be established. Configuration Procedures Figure 3-12 Flowchart for configuring P2MP TE Auto FRR Updated: 2019-01-03 Document ID: EDOC1100055103 Views: 21786 Downloads: 37 Average rating: This Document Applies to these Products Related Documents Related Version Previous Next
There are multiple ways to implement custom keyboard shortcuts in Windows Forms applications. If you are using KeyPreview to implement keyboard shortcuts, we recommend overriding ProcessCmdKey( ) instead. Mi-Forms SDK users have reported that when implementing keyboard shortcuts using KeyPreview, keystroke events do not even reach application-level handlers if a child component has focus, but ProcessCmdKey( ) works fine.
What is Schema? Schema refers to the structure or format of a document or set of documents in a search engine index. For example, an example news article schema might have the following fields: title, subtitle, author, sections, body, and publication date. This structure is extracted from the web page HTML by and filed away in this format in the search engine index. In Swiftype By default, Site Search’s web crawler extracts the following fields to populate the index schema: title (from the page’s <title> tag), body (from the page’s content), and sections (from the page’s <h1> to <h6> tags). Once these fields are indexed site owners can customize the search interface to render these pieces of information in the autocomplete or search results page. Site Search also allows site owners to customize their website schema with custom meta tags. Within App search, the crawler is not used. Instead, users leverage a suite of API endpoints to create their search experiences. A user will index a set of documents. Upon indexing, a schema will be created. Afterwards, both the API and the dashboard both provide the option to further alter your schema to match the appropriate Field Types, like date, number, text, or geolocation. Swiftype is the easiest way to add great search to your website Start a Free Trial
Alteration: Hobby Lockpicks Disclaimer: I enjoy lock picking as a hobby. It is great a pass-time, especially if you like puzzles, but should be used only for recreational purposes unless you are a locksmith. I do not encourage using lockpicking skills illegally. Additionally, be sure to check your local laws regarding carrying lockpicks. Also, this is not my original idea, just my take on it. I live in a city where street-sweepers cruise down particular roads once a week on a schedule. These street sweepers’ brushes are comprised of many long, thin tines of a springy, high-carbon steel. Throughout their lifespans, these tines will break off and distribute themselves around town. I find them most often right along the curb next to the gutter. They are usually rusty and dark, so before turning them into picks, I’ll clean them up as shown by the tine at the bottom of the following picture. Then I’ll fold it in half back and forth until it snaps. They snap clean, and I use pliers to unbend the very end after snapping them. 20 minutes with a Dremel and pliers (or muuuch longer with files and pliers) and I have two new lockpicks that also double as tension wrenches, as inspired by the Bagota Entry Toolset as seen on ITS Tactical. The first time I made them, I tried the twist and did not like it, so I keep it simple. The picks in the photos are still rough–I’ll be going back to thin out the working ends. I also store them in the manner seen on ITS Tactical: Lastly, we keep a plethora of locks at home to play with. Most of them I have not yet conquered. The End. Happy training! 2 thoughts on “Alteration: Hobby Lockpicks” Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Hey everyone! Welcome to the Graveyard Shift, the nightly hang-out hosted by Kotaku’s reader-run blog, TAY. This is a place to talk about anything - your lives, your gaming habits, or whatever else you desire. Hop on in and join the discussion! When you’re done here, you could always go check out the articles over at TAY or Ani-TAY or the random blips of TAYClassic! Or, if this is your first time at TAY, please check out this TAYtorial! Over the weekend I set out to do something I’ve never tried before, play an awful game just for the sake of playing an awful game. Not only did I play Japanese Train Sim 3D Journey to Kyoto, but I beat and mastered the frock out of it. I got an A in every section of the ride, then I beat the game full ride mode which is a 30-minute nonstop ride from the first to the last station. After I mastered the last challenge a new mode appeared, it was the same as the previous one, but the ride was at dusk. Limited visibility made the task at hand a bit more challenging, and while I didn’t clear it with flying colors... my performance was much better than expected. Yet I don’t feel the game has prepared me for certain situations that may happen in real life. Journey to Kyoto taught me to preserve energy by using the slopes to my advantage, control the speed on curves, and to honk the horn when there are workers in the vicinity. But what about the events of an earthquake? After all, Japan is known for its seismic activity. What about deers on the tracks? Or maybe a rogue tanooki? Nope nothing... maybe I just need to honk the horn to scare away the animals... I really have no idea! It truly is a terrible title... Anyway for tonight’s topics: • Terrible games... we all played one, share your story! • Go check the trip from the Demachiyanagi Station to Kurama Station in the Kyoto Prefecture. It looks better than anything the game will ever offer! • Bleh... Tonight’s jam may be a trainwreck, but it still has more substance and thrills than anything that $20 experience had to offer... As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves, specially if you are hungry like me (or you don’t like tonight’s topic as much as I thought you would)! It is the Graveyard Shift, after all. Don’t forget that the IRC Channel is always around for you to carry out discussions as well. If you wanted to give an admin, author, and/or friend/enemy a shout: You can find them on the DirecTAYry.
Forcing cURL to use DNS though SOCK5 proxy I recently had to code a REST call to a service I could only access behind a SOCK5 proxy.  Unfortunately, the hostname of the service wasn’t publicly resolvable so the DNS had to be resolved on the other side of the proxy.  Whilst this is pobbible in cURL itself by using the CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE option and setting it to CURLPROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME or by using the flag –socks5-hostname – the constant isn’t available within PHP.  This feature was requested in however hasn’t yet been implemented.  This can simply be worked around by setting the proxy type to 7.  The code below shows an example of doing this using the Httpful library, however if you were using curl natively you’d just use curl_setopt() $r = HttpfulRequest::post($url) ->addOnCurlOption(CURLOPT_PROXY, 'localhost:8080') ->addOnCurlOption(CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, 7) Leave a Reply
Skip to main content Showing posts from March, 2008 We got a white Easter it snowed for a couple hours, didn't lay but who cares? The definition of a white chirstmas is it has to fall on the day so we took the same for a white easter!as i type its snowing again now with more forecast for tomorrow. Don' t really want it to lay though, cos i'm back at work tomorrow for nine days before term ends here. watched a film on Sat - disaster zone: volcano in new york. It wasn't bad - only cost me £3 from the amazon market place as its a region 1. CGI effects were rubbish. Even C, my 12 yr old who loves disaaster films like I do, was sat here going - that's it??? That's meant to be lava???? It was so obviusly faked.It did however star Matthew Bennett - cylon Doral - as an FBI agent who was insistant right to the end it was a terrorist attack and not a volcano. one thing that annoyed me tho - one guy was there when they discovered the tremors were harmonic and therefore caused by rising magma. Did he tell the USGS lady when she suggested the gas… first post Not really got much to say - yet. No doubt that will change. So long as I remember to bookmark the page so I can find it again. I finally found my GJ link, only to find the whole place no longer exists. No idea why. Oh well. Its Good Friday. The kids were horrified to learn that meant church. "But mummy... it's a Friday." Mummy - "Yeah And?" Kids - "Don't go to church on a friday. So does this mean we don't go on Sunday?" Mummy - "Uh huh. Sunday too."
Blinded by the Light Sundance Review Sundance 2019: Blinded by the Light Review When it comes to crowd-pleasing narratives, Sundance has had a good ear to the ground: Eighth Grade, Hearts Beat Loud, A Kid Like Jake. Director Gurinder Chadha’s feel-good musical – Blinded by the Light – follows that tradition by mixing Bruce Springsteen’s classic songs with a real life coming-of-age story of a Pakistani British immigrant from the town of Luton. The film centers around Javed (Viveik Kalra), a high schooler living a pretty miserable life. As an outsider of two cultures: his domineering father (Kulvinder Ghir) disapproves of his dream career as a writer/poet, while his classmates have marginalized him. With cultural and filial expectations, and a racist town, Javed has only one real friend: Matt (Dean-Charles Chapman)… though, even that’s debatable. For a while, the poetry he writes for himself and the lyrics he composes for Matt’s band are his only escapes. That is, until he meets Roops (Aaron Phagura); a fellow Pakistani who introduces him to “The Boss.” Javed becomes enraptured and enlivened by Springsteen’s music, freed from the cultural tie-downs of his father. He begins to dress like Springsteen, think like Springsteen, “What would Bruce do” becomes his guiding principle. He even approaches his dream girl: Eliza (Nell Williams) – a liberal protester more enlightened than her surroundings demand, while pissing off his best friend in the process by making fun of synths (honestly, a good synth sound can go a long way). Blinded By the Light is one of the most flawed films that still manages to be great. Some of the musical numbers are far too contrived, lacking spontaneity. Randomly breaking out into a Springsteen quote before a song isn’t the best transition to an emotional-juggernaut sequence. Introducing Eliza’s parents as Conservatives – which is fine — only to insinuate that she dates “controversial” men as a shock to them unnecessarily muddies an endearing courtship. But mostly, there is something unsavory in how Javed’s father is demonized. In a culture, where he himself is ostracized and literally beaten, turning him into a complete villain feels unduly alarmist (even if he receives the best comedic bit by referring to Springsteen as a good Jewish example of hard work). Still, Chadha, the Bend it Like Beckham filmmaker’s newest offering succeeds because of the marrying between Springsteen’s most memorable hits with the disaffected teen they infect. “Born to Run” as Javed, Roops, and Eliza run through the streets of Luton is an exhilarating watch. It’s impossible to leave Blinded By the Light and not have the Boss’ discography on shuffle. The irony of the marginalized rocking out to Springsteen, by that point passé, creates a kindred relationship – two culturally lost items forming a note-perfect expression of what the artist might have felt when he first penned those lyrics. Javed’s transformation, as convoluted as its form may be: especially with the use of his push-the-narrative teacher Ms. Clay (Hayley Atwell) – does feel earned. And when his quiet and hard-working mother (Meera Ganatra) does push his father to see the light — the film’s cathartic ending will make you beam and skip down “Thunder Road.”
There Ought To Be A Word For That Sometimes we don’t have the professional vocabulary to describe certain common counseling situations or patient experiences. So, as a service to my genetic counseling colleagues, I offer the below terms, acronyms, groaners, and neologisms to fill in some of the gaps in our lexicon. A few have nothing to do with genetics but I thought I’d claim author’s prerogative and include them anyway. Roomba Session – A genetic counseling session with a patient whose thoughts, questions, and concerns are expressed in a stream of consciousness, non-linear fashion, jumping in a seemingly random manner from topic to topic, like a robot vacuum cleaner (hoover, for UK readers) pinballing around your living room floor. The apparent randomness is usually a function of the genetic counselor’s viewpoint; to patients, their comments and questions make perfectly logical sense (To raise a tangential paradox, if someone describes a vacuum cleaner by saying “It really sucks!” does that mean the device is a really good vacuum or a really bad vacuum?). Portrait Session or Rembrandt Session – A genetic counseling session with impassive patients who never change their facial expression, i.e., like they are sitting for a portrait. They speak occasionally and then only in short non-emotional statements or “Mmmhmms,” despite your best efforts to engage them in meaningful dialogue with open-ended questions and probing statements. You never quite know where you stand with them or what they got out of your time together. Gene Selfie – When healthy consumers undergo exome or genome sequencing without a clinical indication, just to see what their genes look like, and then share it with everyone on their social media accounts. MTPNTUS – Acronym for Maybe This, Possibly Not That, Uncertain Significance. What many consumers learn about their hereditary disease risks from a gene selfie. SOTSOT – Acronym for Some of This, Some Of That. What many consumers learn about their mixed ancestry after undergoing DNA-based ancestry testing, e.g., some German, some English, some French, a little bit of Neanderthal. “I just got my Hominin Ancestry DNA results and I found out that I am 25% Denisovan! My father would be so upset if he knew – he thought they were an evolutionary dead end. And in a hundred thousand years my descendants will be 25% Irish, 30% Germanic, 25% Slavic, 18% Spanish, and 2% Ashkenazi Jewish. And Genghis Khan will have 5% of my DNA.” Man-cestry Testing – Ancestry testing based on Y chromosome markers. Manicure – Ridding a man of obnoxious common male habits and behaviors like manspreading and mansplaining (for the women reading this, let me explain what these terms mean …..). Circumvent – The parental decision to avoid having their son circumcised. Among Jews, this can be much to the chagrin of mohels and mohalots. There are two experiences that occur during the simple act of walking that are common occurrences in all of our lives and yet there are no words for them in the English language. The first of these is when two people, often strangers, are walking towards each other from opposite directions on the same side of the street or hallway. When they get close, they both maneuver in mirror-image to each other, simultaneously sidling in the same mirror-image direction several times to avoid walking into each other. It is often followed by the question “Shall we dance?” The motor vehicle equivalent occurs when two cars arrive simultaneously at right angles to each other at a 4-way Stop. Both cars inch out at the same time, then continue to stop and start synchronously, until one driver finally gives up and signals with either a hand wave or a flashing of headlights for the other driver to go first. The other unnamed common experience is the uncanny ability of slow-walking people to obliviously occupy all the available walking space such that it is impossible to walk around them without bumping into them or seriously  breaching their personal space. I have found it to be common in hospital hallways, where I often encounter several families members walking 3 or 4 abreast, like an O-line trying to prevent the defense from tackling the quarterback. The frequency of such encounters in hallways and streets has dramatically increased over the last decade because nearly everybody is looking at or talking into their smartphones while walking. Nothing against walking slowly; we all walk at our own comfortable paces. Just do so with a sense of awareness of the world around you. Do any of the Good Readers of the DNA Exchange have suggestions for terms to describe these latter two phenomena? How about terms for other common but unnamed genetic counseling experiences? Yet again, many thanks to Emily Singh for help with graphics. Filed under Robert Resta 3 responses to “There Ought To Be A Word For That 1. Kate “IBM” = Interesting But Meaningless. Can be said of a VUS, or many DTC results. 2. Kate Sargent iPod-a group of oblivious inividuals bound loosely by their shared, but solitary, use of smart phones and common, often slow, speed of advancing motility. Leave a Reply to Kate Cancel reply You are commenting using your account. 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Who Is the Servant Of Isaiah 40-55? (Notes from The Other Part of a Study on the Servant Songs of Isaiah, Session Two) As one reads over Isaiah 40-43 and listens to it, what themes and impressions come across? • It is concerned with issues of power, punishment, and relief. • Humans are lowly and small – maggots!- while God is the powerful one who created everything. • The impression of the creator God speaking here is similar to how God comes across in the Book of Job when he answers out of the whirlwind. • There are great swings and contrasts. • Various people speaking. The prophet. God. The Nations. • God will literally create a highway in the desert so that the Judean exiles in Babylon will take the straightest most direct route back to Jerusalem. Exile is over, salvation is here. • People are identified – “the one from the North” (probably Cyrus the Great), “those who worship idols”, “Israel and Jacob”, a proclaimer, a voice, “coastlands/isles”, “nations”. • The servant described comes across as • a philosopher king? • a spokesman • an interpreter • Israel • ambiguous, being both a person and a community • in communion with God • something evolving and changing • Who speaks in the four servant songs? • 42.1-4: God • 49.1-6: the servant • 50.4-9: the servant • 52.13-53.12: God (verse 13 certainly, perhaps 52.13-15); otherwise “We”, “Us all” • So who is the servant? • It is not clear if he is a particular individual, who is a representative for Israel, or the community that hears these words. • Is is Deutero-Isaiah, or Israel? • As prophetic words, does it apply only to a particular people of God – late 5th century BCE Jews, or to all people of God, including us? • What is the meaning of “servant”? • The word in Hebrew is ‘ebed, in Greek it is doulos. The Hebrew word is related to the root word for “to work”. Thus, a servant is a worker, but not a hired worker (that’s a “sakhir“). Thus ‘ebed could be translated as slave. • In the ancient Middle East and in Greco-Roman times slavery was not ethnically, religiously, or “racially” based, as in modern times in British North America, pre-1865 USA. In ancient times people usually were slaves because of conquest, debt, indenture, or because of  being born to slaves. Israelites and Jews could have Israelite and Jewish slaves, although they had to be freed after six years. Most slaves were agricultural workers. Alien slaves could be held in perpetuity. • Kings are frequently described in scriptures as the slaves of God. Paul describes himself as a slave of God, and Gentiles as enslaved to sin. • A slave is part of a household. Even a freed slave remains in a patron/client relationship. • Interestingly, the Septuagint (LXX) translates ‘ebed as pais – as child. • For more on slavery in Judaism see About Bruce Bryant-Scott Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
4T News Who can believe that we are close to the end of Winter Term, with the time zooming by faster than the speed of light! There's been a bustle and busyness to the term that has seen the remarkable lads of 4T engage with an impressive sense of commitment and caring toward each other and the rigours of their learning. The boys in 4T have spent the better part of the term ensconced in their unit of inquiry about explorers. This has allowed them to appreciate the scope with which they themselves can explore. They were Mathematics explorers when they unravelled the mysteries of time and Literacy explorers when they unlocked the four C-crets of good writing. Similarly, digital diaries recorded amazing journeys throughout the mid-year holiday period where many new lands were explored. In considering what constitutes an actual explorer, the boys were given the opportunity for independent research into historical and modern explorers of the land, sea and sky. Their investigations highlighted the remarkable journeys people have made, the courage with which they ventured and the personal risks they each took to achieve a mission, discover something new and add value to their society or the environment. Inspired by their research of explorers whose impact can still be felt today, the boys undertook a journey in perspective. They considered their understanding of the First Fleet settlement from the viewpoint of British settlers; be they convict, crew or captain, and that of the original, Indigenous landowners. We stretched as far back as the Macassans and pondered the impact of Australia Day as commemorative of the arrival of the First Fleet. Upon completion of the unit, we all felt enriched by our discoveries, questions, challenges and appreciation for new perspectives. Another discovery was that of Mindfulness and its impact on our emotions, focus and attention. We adopted meditation practices in the classroom and considered breathing, posture and music as influences on our bodies and minds. We learned some technical language about the brain and understood that it is our responsibility to develop effective habits to manage the pressure of our emotions and energy. Needless to say, the boys excelled at this and became the instigators of meditation after boisterous playtimes as a means to prepare for learning. It is safe to say that the boys enjoyed a tremendous term filled with opportunity and discovery. They are adventurous souls, every one of them, and bring to their learning a unique brand of courage. What a joy it is to work with such vibrant, creative and engaged lads. One can only look forward to the last miles of Spring Term, knowing full well it will be an exciting road to the finish. Mrs Rebecca Turkich Year 4 Teacher
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Finding Parallels Between Businesses and Life Benefits Gained from Internet Marketing Internet marketing is simply a method which utilizes the internet to help businesses grow and expand by creating awareness of the product on the internet. This means that internet marketing is very important as far as the journey of product promotion is concerned. Some of the ways in which internet marketing is important are discussed in this article. Internet marketing is a method used by most of the companies and businesses to bring their products in the light and to the public in the modern world. A large number of people use the internet on a daily basis thus, promoting a company or their product online reaches a large audience is basically an easier way to make your products aired to your customers. Emails, WhatsApp and other internet enabled medias are essential in internet marketing in that they can also be used to send data in the form of form of videos, documents, photos and so on to the potential customers which brings them to buy the products thus benefiting the businesses. Internet ad words are basically a multimedia that reaches a specific audience depending on how the information is portrayed by the web designers used. Through social interactions brought about as a result of people having to know their customers and business partners in online marketing, there are people who have made friendships from different parts of the world. For instance when you post your product online then one becomes interested in buying the product it means you have to interact with the person and by that you easily become friends through Facebook, Instagram, snapchat and many other social networks. One can easily order for a particular product without having to move from one place to another; the right technologies of administration in companies, they can benefit sufficiently from the internet and have the right investments thus this way of marketing is better than all the others because it is cheap. The use of e-mail as a means of sending and receiving data in the internet is cheaper, faster and easier it will be more accessible depending on the needs of their customers which make them want to purchase more of the product, thanks to the internet marketing that can be extended overnight. Internet marketing can also help in expansion of the market now that the internet is accessible on a twenty four hour basis which means you can do it anytime you want. In effect with the current technologies everybody can easily do that kind of marketing just with a little bit of experience because it is very simple to operate as compared to other means of marketing. For those who lack time to sit and read a newspaper or watch news and other business programs on television or listening to radio about the same, the internet is always a solution. For example if you are running your own business then it happens that it is that time in an economy when business is low and because of that there are few face to face customers to interact with, you can use internet marketing to search available customers online and that keeps you from being idle waiting for customers to come and this in turn increases the profits doubly Looking On The Bright Side of Options Short Course on Experts – Covering The Basics
Tourism Fernie Home Page • Marijuana is legal in Canada - Know the laws around it Marijuana is now legal in Canada Wednesday • July 17, 2019 Non-medical cannabis, aka marijuana, became legal in Canada on October 17, 2018. Two locations in Fernie to open in August. There are strict laws and regulations around the legalization of non-medical cannabis. Before you buy or use marijuana, learn more about what’s legal and what’s not. 1. You must be 19 years or older to buy, possess or use cannabis in British Columbia. Adults are defined in BC as those 19 years or older. Edibles and concentrates are still illegal. 1. BC's Cannabis Control and Licensing Act 2. You can only buy cannabis at private or government-run shops and online. Two locations, one selling medical marijuana and one selling recreation marijuana, are expected to open in Fernie in August 2019. They will be located on the corner on Hwy 3 in Fernie. 3. Adults can carry up to 30 grams of cannabis in public. 4. Residents can grow up to 4 cannabis plants per household. There are rules for growing cannabis at home. It is illegal for a resident to sell the cannabis they grow. 5. Smoking and vaping cannabis is allowed in most public spaces where you can smoke tobacco (cigarettes), however local governments can further regulate cannabis and private property owners/businesses can determine additional policies and rules as long as the federal, provincial and local regulations are adhered to. 6. Smoking and vaping cannabis is not allowed in the following public places: 2. Public buildings, workplaces, or common areas of apartments, condos, or dormitories, and within six metres of air intakes, windows, and doorways attached to these places 3. Within six metres of bus stops, transit shelters, train stations, ferry docks and similar places 4. Regional and municipal parks, except for designated campsites 5. Provincial parks, except for areas identified or designated 6. Public patios 7. Health board properties, except in designated smoking areas 7. Campers in National Parks can smoke or vape in their campsites. 8. Just as you cannot drink and drive, you cannot smoke or vape and drive. Drug-impaired drivers will face serious consequences, like fines, licence prohibitions and jail time. Impaired driving is illegal. 9. It is illegal to take marijuana across the Canadian border. It doesn't matter whether you're leaving or entering Canada, or what the laws of your destination are. You can fly within Canada carrying cannabis (max. 30 grams). For more information visit • Share
[tex-live] TeXdoc error: attempt to concatenate global 'viewext' (a nil value) Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard mpg at Tue Dec 22 13:35:40 CET 2009 On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 12:56:10 +0100, "Dr. Werner Fink" <werner at> > just got a user report: > > texdoc l2kurz > /usr/bin/texdoc:662: attempt to concatenate global 'viewext' (a nil > value) > I've verified that this happens in the lua /usr/bin/texdoc at > line 662 with TeX Live 2008 and in line 667 with TeX Live 2009: > return config['viewer_'..viewext], viewer_replacement Thanks for your report. Unfortunately, I have no access to my working texlive+texdoc environment right now (holidays + laptop breakage), so I'm afraid it'll take some time before I can look into it. In the meanwhile, may I request a few additional informations? - Does it happen only with l2kurz? If so, what is the output of 'texdoc -l - which version of texdoc are you using? If it's 0.47 as I suspect, is it possible for you to upgrade and try with 0.60? More information about the tex-live mailing list
Blog: Scientology Insider Dan Koon - Part 1 of His Story - 2016-09-03 From UmbraXenu Jump to: navigation, search F0.png Scientology Insider Dan Koon - Part 1 of His Story September 3, 2016, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project Former Sea Org member Dan Koon worked in the compilations unit of Scientology (RTRC) where Hubbard's writings were turned into official Scientology books, lectures, and publications. Many of these products were sold to Scientologists and the public and thus represented a significant income stream for the Church. Accordingly, David Miscavige micromanaged compilations and Dan worked closely with Miscavige. After leaving the Sea Org, Dan Koon later helped Ron Miscavige Sr. to write his New York Times bestselling book — Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me. Dan Koon had a long and fascinating career in the Sea Org. Part 1 is an introduction to Dan Koon and an overview of Dan's career. In Part 2 we will get into specifics and discuss Ron Miscavige Sr.'s book Ruthless. It is hard to do Dan's career justice in just one hour. For many years Dan worked in Scientology's Technical Research and Compilations Unit. This is where "Scientology" is codified by research, editing, and studying Hubbard's original writings. Decisions are made by David Miscavige as to what the "Tech" is and what LRH meant. The compilation of Super Power, GAT, and GAT II began in this unit based on orders from David Miscavige.
Physics Van 3-site Navigational Menu Physics Van Navigational Menu Q & A: What is a magnet? Learn more physics! Most recent answer: 10/22/2007 I understand how a magnet works, but a question was posed to me at school, and that question is "What is a magnet?" - Kelly Godinho (age 11) London, England A magnet is anything that carries a static magnetic field around with it. There are lots of kinds of magnets. The ones you find most commonly are permanent magnets made out of some special metals, especially iron, or are mixtures of these metals and other stuff (like rubber or ceramics). Other kinds of magnets need electricity to flow through coiled wires to create a magnetic field. Some magnets are combinations of these -- they have wire wrapped around an iron core. Even individual particles like spinning electrons have magnetic fields around them, so we could call electrons "magnets" too. Permanent magnets, in fact, are those materials in which the electrons mostly spin in the same direction. Most electrons in most materials are paired with other electrons spinning in the opposite direction, but some materials like iron have many unpaired electrons.  These can give rise to net magnetism when they interact with each other so that they have lower energy when spinning in the same direction. Some materials have unpaired electrons which interact with others so they spin on average in opposite directions -- these make lousy magnets (we call them "antiferromagnets"). You can think of two requirements to making a standard permanent magnet. First, the electron spins have to have the right interactions to make them line up together. That means that the energy has to be lowered when they line up. Even then, they won't line up unless they are cold enough, just like water molecules won't line up to make ice unless they are cold enough. Now, once many domains of lined-up spins are formed, something has to make the domains themselves line up. Otherwise, the piece of magnetic material is like a collection of little magnets pointing different directions, so their fields cancel. Applying a big field from another magnet can line up the domain magnetic directions. In the sort of materials used for permanent magnets, those domain directions get mostly stuck, rather than relaxing back to point opposite directions. The magnets which need electricity to flow are called electromagnets. A magnetic field can change when the current in the wires changes. I specified "static" above to exclude light as a "magnet", though. Light waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields traveling at the speed of light, and I didn't want to include that in defining what a magnet is. Tom J. (and mike w) (published on 10/22/2007) Follow-up on this answer.
Alfred Nobel For Scientific section Twelfth Grade By GHUFRAN KHARBOUTLY Alfred Nobel. Download Alfred Nobel For Scientific section Twelfth Grade By GHUFRAN KHARBOUTLY Alfred Nobel. Post on 31-Mar-2015 2 download Embed Size (px) <ul><li>Slide 1</li></ul> <p> Slide 2 Alfred Nobel For Scientific section Twelfth Grade By GHUFRAN KHARBOUTLY Alfred Nobel Slide 3 how many times in your life have you heard the word 'Nobel'? How many times have you asked yourself what it means? Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833-1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. Nobel was born on 21 October, 1833. In Stockholm, Sweden. He was educated in Russia, France and the United States. He was fluent in five languages and had a great interest in literature. Nobel was also very interested in social and peace- related issues, and held views that were considered radical during his time. Nobel travelled widely, then returned to work in his father's factory in St Petersburg, Russia. Later, in Sweden, Nobel began to experiment with explosions. In 1867, he received a patent for dynamite. About 1875 he produced an even more powerful explosive called blasting gelatin. In all, Nobel held more than 100 patents. Alfred Nobel Slide 4 Nobel died in 1896 and was buried in Norra Begravningsplatsen in Stockholm. The incorrect publication in 1888 of a premature obituary of Nobel by a French newspaper, condemning him for his invention of dynamite, is said to have brought about his decision to leave a better legacy after his death. On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel made his last will in Paris. When it was opened and read after his death, the will caused a lot of controversy both in Sweden and internationally, as Nobel had left much of his wealth for the establishment of a prize! His family opposed the establishment of the Nobel Prize, and the people he asked to award the prize refused to do what he had requested in his will. It was five years before the first Nobel Prize could be awarded in 1901. Nobel's last Will Slide 5 Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and women from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economics. Who selects the Nobel Laureates? In his last will and testament, Alfred Nobel specifically designated the institutions responsible for the prizes he wished to be established: the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry, the Karolinska Institute for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, the Swedish Academy for the Nobel prize in Literature, and a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament ( Storting ) for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1968, the Sveriges Riksbank established the Sveriges Riksbank prize in Economics in memory of Alfred Nobel. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was given the task of selecting the Economics Prize Laureates starting in 1969. Presentation ceremonies are held on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. The Nobel Foundation in Stockholm supervises the awarding of the prizes. The peace prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. The other prizes are presented in Stockholm. Each Nobel Prize winner receives a gold medal, a diploma and prize money. How many different subjects are Nobel prizes awarded for? The Nobel Prize Slide 6 Physiology or Medicine: Email von Behring (Germany ) for his work on serum therapy. Literature: Rene Sully Prudhomme ( France ), for poetry. Peace: Jean Henri ( Switzerland), founder of the Red Cross, and Fredeic Passy (France), founder and president, the first French Peace Society. Physics: Wilhelm C. Roentgen (Germany) for the discovery of X rays ( also called roentgen rays). Chemistry: Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff ( the Netherlands ) for the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure. In 1901, the following prizes were awarded: Slide 7 Each year the respective Nobel Committees send individual invitations to thousands of members of academies, university professors, scientists from numerous countries, previous Nobel Laureates, members of parliamentary assemblies and others, asking them to submit the names of candidates for the Nobel Prizes for the coming year. These nominators are chosen in such a way that as many countries and universities as possible are represented each year. The Nobel Prize has been given to several people from the Arab World, among whom are: Mohamed El Baradei (Egyptian, Peace, 2005), Ahmed H. Zewail ( Egyptian and American, Chemistry, 1999 )and Naguib Mahfouz ( Egyptian, Literature,1988) Many prominent figures from the Arab world have been nominated for the Nobel Prizes. The Syrian philosopher, Michel Allawerdi was nominated for the Peace Prize in 1951 for his use of music in spreading peace across the world. Nominations for the Nobel Prizes are kept secret for fifty years after the nomination was made. Nomination for the Nobel Prizes Slide 8 1911: Born in the old Gemaliya quarter of Cairo on 11 December, Mahfouz was the youngest of seven siblings. His father was a civil servant. Cairo's busy narrow streets became the inspiration for his work. 1934: graduates from Cairo University with a degree in philosophy. 1936: abandons an AM in philosophy to become a full time writer. Starts working as a civil servant to fund his writing. 1939: his first novel, The Curse of the Ra, is published. 1956-7: the three volumes of the Cairo Trilogy are published. 1971: retires from the Egyptian Civil Service. 1988: Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. 1989: joins a group of writers and intellectuals supporting the rights of authors in Arab countries. 2005: his final book, the Seventh Heaven, is published. 2006: has become increasingly unwell and almost completely blind. Dies at the age of 94. Upon his death he is the third oldest living Nobel Laureate and the only Arabic-language writer to have won the Nobel Prize. Further Information on! The Nobel Prize and Naguib Mahfouz Slide 9 Naguib Mahfouz was an Egyptian novelist who became one of the most famous writers in the Arab world when he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988. The award raised the profile of Arabic literature and Mahfouz's books were subsequently translated into many languages. Mahfouz wrote thirty novels, over one hundred short stories, dozens of film scripts and more than two hundred articles. His first novels explored Egyptian history and were intended to be part of a monumental cycle of thirty books, charting the entire history of Egypt. The project was never completed but Mahfouz often dealt with history, society and politics in his work. Mahfouz was an experimental writer and is credited with modernizing Arabic literature. His epic Cairo Trilogy, which most critics consider to be his masterpiece, is a huge work of around 1,500 pages. Each volume is named after a street in Cairo: Palace Walk (1956), Palace of Desire (1957) and Sugar Street ( 1957). The trilogy charts the life of three generations of the Abd al-Jawad family, spanning the period from 1917 to the end of the Second World War. The books are remarkable because in them Mahfouz handles a huge cast of well- drawn characters with great skill and masters the Arabic novel from, which had only come into being a few years previously. Slide 10 Chemist: a person who studies or does research in the science of chemistry Engineer: a person who has scientific training and who designs and builds complicated products, machines, systems, or structures Innovator: to do something in a new way : to have new ideas about how something can be done Armaments: the process of preparing for war by producing and obtaining weapons manufacturer :a company that makes a product radical: very new and different from what is traditional or ordinary experiment: a scientific test in which you perform a series of actions and carefully observe their effects in order to learn about something explosions: the sudden, loud, and violent release of energy that happens when something (such as a bomb) breaks apart in a way that sends parts flying outward patent: an official document that gives a person or company the right to be the only one that makes or sells a product for a certain period of time gelatin: a clear substance used in food preparation, photographic process, and glue_ - - - -</p>
Spielberg on WW2 – How Spielberg cast TV and Movie’s future stars As you watch the Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers and The Pacific, you will find yourself clambering for IMDB. Like many different shows and movies that are over ten years old, there are plenty of current stars who appear unexpectedly. So many in fact that it warrants an article all to itself, highlighting how good Steven Spielberg was at finding future stars of TV and Movies (or at least his casting director anyway). Saving Private Ryan Vin Diesel This is the casting surprise which many didn’t expect. Now known for fast cars and bizarrely average action movies, Vin Diesel was first cast as Private Caparzo. Although he doesn’t steal the movie, the first sparks of the future movie star are apparent. Nathan Fillion Before he led a crew of space pirates in Firefly or was a crime novelist turned detective in Castle, Nathan Fillion was the “other” Private Ryan, making for an awkward conversation with Tom Hank’s Captain Miller when he realises he has just told the wrong soldier his brother is dead! Bryan Cranston Cranston was already an accomplished actor by the time he starred in Saving Private Ryan but he wasn’t a household name. Malcolm in the Middle would make him recognisable and Breaking Bad would make him a star but here he is just a War General who doesn’t even warrant a name. Matt Damon It is difficult to comprehend that one of the main characters in the movie was actually played by a relative unknown. Damon was an Oscar winner by this point but for screenwriting Good Will Hunting. This was his next movie. Now he fits it as a star, then it relied on the fact he was an unknown entity. Band of Brothers Damian Lewis Damien Lewis does a lot of heavy-lifting in Band of Brothers, taking the role of Richard Winters, leader of Easy Company. This was his first major TV role but he would of course go on to star in Life, Homeland and the newest addition to UK TV, Billions. Michael Fassbender This is one of the moments when you point at the screen and wonder where you’ve seen the actor before. He isn’t quite blink and you miss him but he isn’t the biggest star or character in the show. Fassbender is there though, demonstrating the talent that would make him a Hollywood megastar. Tom Hardy The first time you see Tom Hardy on-screen, it is a sex-scene. This is pretty much the limit of his acting in Band of Brothers as yet again, he isn’t a star of the show but a supporting character. This is even more impressive as Band of Brothers is his first role. He doesn’t appear until much later on but he is instantly recognisable. Simon Pegg This one is brief and very little impact but the Shaun of the Dead star is also instantly recognisable. He hands a person a piece of paper and delivers a few messages. No combat but a great show for the CV. James McAvoy McAvoy actually gets a one-episode mini-story. He isn’t a main character but his role is used to prove a point and bring home the fickle nature of war. A good character, albeit a brief one. Jimmy Fallon You will question yourself but the talk-show host and Saturday Night Live alum plays it straight in one of his earliest acting roles. It isn’t a huge role but one that will make you see the actor in a slightly different light. The Pacific Jon Bernthal This is the only real “future star” of note in The Pacific but it is one worth mentioning. Bernthal has made a name for himself playing tough, soldier types, from Shane in The Walking Dead to the ultimate soldier The Punisher. Here he has a brief role but one that creates a larger overall storyline. Overall, these are the biggest and most recognisable stars from the three major Spielberg World War 2 projects. There are so many more I could have mentioned and if you want to hear more, listen to the second episode of The Views from the Sofa Podcast. Ted Danson is in Saving Private Ryan too! 9 thoughts on “Spielberg on WW2 – How Spielberg cast TV and Movie’s future stars 1. Now I am definitely digging out the box-set. I had no idea any of these people were in band of brothers! You make a great point, Spielberg has some great casting staff indeed 1. I mean there are so many more that I could have mentioned. There are less famous examples that you would definitely recognise, even if you couldn’t put a face to it. 2. What about having Craig in an important role in Munich before he became James Bond ? And long time ago Spielberg made Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes household names thanks to Schindler’s list 1. All of these are great choices. You are right. This was specifically for WW2 movies (and TV) but there could be a whole other post just about Spielberg’s eye for casting future talent. Leave a Reply to Ben Cancel reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Cornelius Alba Cornelius Alba is a villain from Kara no Kyoukai. He is a powerful Magus who is an antagonist of the fifth chapter, "Paradox Spiral." Cornelius is a direct descendant of the Renaissance-era scholar and magus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim. Contrary to his appearance - likened to "an agreeable youth in his twenties" in the novel - he is over 50 years old and has a cruel disposition. He studied at the London branch of the Mage's Association along with Touko Aozaki and Souren Araya. The three of them had a pretty good relationship until their graduation. Alba wanted the title "Red" but it was given to Touko resulting his inferiority complex. Before the events of Kara no Kyoukai, he was supposed to be the next director of a Sponheim Abbey that was affiliated with the Mage's Association. He and Touko were on good terms when they were students until Touko surpassed him in their study of Runes. He is so obsessed with this inferiority complex that he occasionally becomes deranged when speaking of her. Alba views reaching the Akasha is a useless effort but he teams up with Araya to kill Touko. Kara no Kyoukai Chapter 5: Paradox Spiral He joined up with Araya and came to Japan, not because of the latter's attempt to reach Akasha, but solely to kill Touko to prove his superiority. Cornelius was first seen by Enjou Tomoe when he notice Shiki Ryougi was being followed. When Touko and Mikiya Kokutou was examining the Ogawa Apartment complex, Cornelius was spying on them at a far distance. Touko meets Cornelius in her exhibition, she gave Mikiya a talisman to make him invisible. He explains to Touko his involvement with the Ogawa apartment complex. He mentions the kidnapping of Shiki which shocked Mikiya. Mikiya revealed his presense to Alba and he believed Mikiya to be Touko's apprentice. When Touko approach Cornelius inside the Ogawa apartment, Touko suggested to bring out Araya as he wasn't capable of facing her. Cornelius frustrated with Touko looking down on him casted his thousand degree sea-of-flames spell, Touko redirects it and nonchalantly uses it to light her cigarette. Touko use her Projection machine and Cornelius was swallowed by the cat familiar until Araya saved him. He was knocked out during in the fight between Araya and Touko. Cornelius approaches Araya complaining to him about not keeping his promise in which he was suppose to kill Touko. Cornelius angry at Araya desires to kill her personally and calls her Dirty Red. Araya called Cornelius foolish for saying something he shouldn't have but hands over Touko head. As he was about to leave, he notices Mikiya in front of him. In front of Mikiya, he sadistically plays with Touko's head and crushes it. As Mikiya runs away from Cornelius, he humms out a classic music while following him. As he caught up with Mikiya, Mikiya attempts to stab Cornelius with the paper knife. Cornelius knocks Mikiya out and attempt to torture him by smashing his head to the wall to vent out his frustration with his history with Touko. Cornelius realises that the Touko standing behind him was the result of him killing her earlier, he panics and wonders which is the real Touko. He was devoured by Touko's familiar in the 'sealed box' after calling her by her nickname, "Dirty Red". Only at the end did he realize that he "shouldn't have gotten involved with monsters" like Touko and Araya. There is a person who appears similar to Alba in Fate/Zero, but while it is hinted at possibly being Alba, the production staff of Fate/Zero doesn't confirm it. He is one of the Enforcers who participates in the 'cleansing' of the vampirism started by Norikata Emiya at Arimago Island. In terms of raw power, Cornelius is amongst the high end of all the magi to ever appear in TYPE-MOON works, but he doesn't get a chance to fully display his abilities during the story. Despite being an overall superior magus to both Araya and Touko, they can be called monsters that far surpass him in battle capability. He also has a bad compatibility against Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi. His Sea of Flames can create a thousand-degree conflagration in less than two seconds using high-speed incantations, so he can be compared to a character in a fighting game capable of spamming Super Moves at will. He has a black hound familiar and as well as ether clumps, Slimes. He is also a puppeteer and was responsible for the system at Ogawa Mansion, where only the brains of residents were kept alive and connected to puppet bodies. His Origin is Refutation.
Agree and continue System master data Zurück zur Übersicht Symbols are used in visual energy to present Paint objects. 8 symbols ordered about each other forming a Paint object. visual energy is supplied with a symbol library, who can be displayed in the System configuration. Creating or editing with the web interface is currently not possible. • Symbols are SVG graphics and can be scaled without loss. • Symbols can contain Layers, whose can be faded in and out. Thus you can show dynamic switch positions. • Symbols can contain placeholder for Components, or their specific property fields. Thus the user can choose in a Paint object of a Distribution from a list with fitting components. Subsequently the properties of the chosen object will be shown in the symbol. • Symbols can contain placeholders for Meteringpoints. In this way the in the Distribution, a Meteringpoint can be associated to a Paint object. • Symbols can contain placeholders for resources marks. Diesen Beitrag teilen
vScription VR Getting Started Installing the Wireless Microphone 1. Download the app from the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store (Coming Soon) 2. Download and install the “SayIt Wireless Microphone”. 1. Launch the wireless microphone application. 2. At the prompt, click OK to allow the application to use the device’s microphone. Yes No Suggest edit Last updated on June 7, 2019 Help Guide Powered by Documentor Suggest Edit
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Wild Minds Network Where wild minds come to rest I have this feeling that it is very hard for me to stave off daydreaming when I am bored. Typically I will DD in public transport, driving, when I wait for something, doing chores. When I'm in the middle of an interesting activity I don't seem to do it as much or it doesn't seem to "pop up". I also wonder if this does not have something to do about why it gets so bad at work (where I am bored to tears). I used to do it massively in school, when I still went to school. Does anyone else notice a link between their daydreaming and boredom? Views: 421 Reply to This Replies to This Discussion I definitely daydream more when I am bored but I also daydream during activities I am interested in, such as playing with my dog, playing a video game, watching a movie or tv show, or playing tennis. So while boredom increases the amount I daydream  I also daydream while doing activities I enjoy, even if it is around other people (including family and friends). Even if my life was full of activities ad I was never bored I would still daydream. It is just how my mind works. I daydream when I am bored too. I find that its good for passing time when I am bored and cant go out and do stuff, like on long journeys. Don't know what regular people do. Actually I can't remember the last time I've felt bored, probably because of my daydreams.  If I ever have any downtime, I'm instantly daydreaming before boredom becomes a problem. I don't have to "notice" it since it's so blatantly obvious.  Work and school is where you learn to do pretty much everything you don't really want to keep doing the rest of your life. It's not easy to unlearn, you were programmed for decades. You need to find that thing that does not bore you and keeps you pleasantly occupied. Don't think about money too much right away. Watch this video: Boredom is a huge trigger for me! Everything you described is pretty much a trigger for me (chores are definitely a trigger). I tend to DD while driving as well, and it's super dangerous! When I first went to my therapist (thankfully she has experience with daydreamers), she told me I must stop daydreaming while driving ASAP. I have to listen to NPR or my favorite music to distract me. I can't listen to soundtrack music, trance, or classical while in the car because that also triggers my DD. You might consider doing something like that. I also daydream when I'm bored. Like during school or when I'm sitting at home watching TV or in the car. Usually when I'm out with friends I am in the present moment, and not stuck in my head daydreaming which is good, sometimes. Sometimes, b/c I do have some social anxiety and just never know when it's going to hit in certain social situations. idk I daydream every moment, not just whene I'm bored :/ Also whene I want to do fun stuff, I often can't focus because of my dreams. I think it's mostly due to the fact that when you are bored, it's because you either lack interest in your current activity (i.e. chores or work you don't want to do) or because your mind isn't being busy enough (i.e. waiting for something, sitting in public transportation), meaning your mind wanders off as a defense mechanism against the boredom. When your mind is busy on the other hand, like when you're doing something you actually enjoy (spending time with your friends, doing whatever you do as a hobby) or when you have to concentrate on something, like a task you want to do but that also requires concentration, then that one thing is your brain's focus, meaning there is less space for other thoughts to take over. Basically, I think MD and DD in general have a lot to do with how occupied your brain is and it's a way of entertaining yourself while nothing else does. That's pretty much true, I think. At least it resonates as true for me. But it also means that my brain is really bored most of the time, which is rather scary. Even things that interest me and engage me (like painting and such) can cause me to daydream massively, or can be disrupted by daydreams. I often say jokingly that my attention span lasts 20 minutes, maybe that's not such a joke and I am bored of anything after 20 minutes. Yes, I agree that boredom sets them off.  But I suspect that with we MDD'ers, we have a high need for excitement and emotion (just speculating) and since the real world will only provide that occasionally we turn to our very exciting inner worlds. I have some times speculated that extreme athletes are like that but they have turned to high risk sports to provide the emotional high.  Maybe even compulsive video gamers, really that is just getting 'plots' and excitement from an external rather than an internal source. Boredom is itself a mal-adaptive state: it's your brain telling you that you're not currently learning anything interesting or useful. The society that you live in may impose it's own ideas about what is "interesting" or "useful", but, whether you like it or not, your brain comes with it's own criteria for what is and what isn't boring. The only cure for boredom is actually to do something less boring. For example, get a new job. Or, depending on the job, behave differently in your current job. And, as a non-MD-er, I think I can confirm that there is a strong link between boredom and daydreaming, for everyone. One difference I think is that sometimes I wish I could relieve the boredom by daydreaming, but there are too many distractions in the current situation, so actually I can't. Reply to Discussion © 2019   Created by Cordellia Amethyste Rose.   Powered by Badges  |  Report an Issue  |  Terms of Service Real Time Web Analytics
Mercedes-Benz W110 is First Produced The W110 "Fintail" (German: Heckflosse) was Mercedes-Benz's line of midsize four-cylinder automobiles in the mid-1960s. The line was introduced with the 190c and 190Dc sedan in April, 1961[1], replacing the W120 180c/180Dc and W121 190b/190Db. The W110 line was refreshed in July, 1965 to become the 200 and Diesel 200D (model year 1966 for North America); at the same time, a six-cylinder 230 (successor to the Mercedes 220) became part of the W110 line. Production lasted just three more years, with the W115 220 and 220D introduced in 1968. This was the first series of Mercedes cars to be extensively crash tested for occupant safety. Heralding the inception of the successful "Fintail" dynasty, the W110 appeared as a little gorgeous four seater in the 1960's. Introduced with a choice of one petrol unit and a Diesel plant, both displacing 1.9 L, the cars were built to compete on the North American market with the car having been designed with an American style-inspired rear adorned with two small "fins" placed above the tail lights. Th line-up remained unchanged until 1965 when it saw a refresh and introduction of two new engines with capacities of 2.0 L and 2.3 L. Most importantly, the small-Fintail was the first car that went through extensive crash-testing. Characteristic and distinguishing feature of the W110 were the tail fins, with which the manufacturer Mercedes, which normally for a rather conservative Design, unusual concessions to the then dominant fashion made. Compared to American copies the tail fins failed with the W110 however quite small. The W110 divided large ranges of the body with the upper class model at that time W111/W112, which had appeared two years rather. It differed outwardly from its large brother by one around 14,5 cm shortened front cars, rounds, in place of vertical headlights, smaller tail lamps and less chrome. Pointed name of the model is because of the tail fins "„small fin "“- contrary to the W111/W112, which is called "„large fin "“. The four-cylinder vehicles were sold from 1961 to 1965 under the designation 190 and 190 D (Diesels). The 190er was called internally for distinction to previous models 190c and 190 DC. While the 190c a 1,9-Liter-Aggregat had, got 190 DC the pontoon diesel engine from the last pontoon series, drilled out on scarcely 2 litres, (COM 621 III). Starting from 1965 the vehicles were called 200 and 200 D. the 200 D received thereby a revised engine mount (COM 621 VIII) with fivefold instead of so far three-way stored crankshaft. The 200er differed beside the larger engine by additional standard fog headlights underneath the headlights. In the same unit also the turn signals were, so far were short them with the park lights on the fenders, before the A-column), as also with the pontoon. Furthermore there was a larger 65-l-Tank (than SA also 90 l), in the C-columns and somewhat more chrome at the tail - however without the chrome decoration at the fins. The rear turn signals in the somewhat larger rear lights were now for the first time in Mercedes yellow. The six cylinder model (1965-1968) with the engine M180 carried the designation 230 and carried first 105, then 120 HP out. (This had by the way as the first series vehicle a cooling agent header tank on the right of in the back in the engine compartment, there by the longer engine of the radiators between the front cross beams to move had and so no more entrance to the filler neck located on the radiator above before was possible.) In February 1968 production, successor ended was the W115 produced since autumn 1967 "„to line figure eight "“(the designation "„line eight "“stands for model year 1968). The W110 is today a in demand old timer.
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Plus new Maps features and a neat Note trick Things lookin' funky? View this issue in your browser Android Intelligence   The Latest Android Intelligence: When Android Q might reach you and the unexpected side effect of Google's Pixel 4 phone   3 Things to Know This Week: The Android gesture struggle, handy new Maps features, and a new Note trick Android itself should steal   Tips o’ the Week: The smart worker's guide to using a Chromebook offline and the hassle-free secrets to printing and scanning with Android   Test Your Knowledge: A quiz about Android upgrades and the efforts to fix 'em   Plus your first look at the Google kettle controversy — my, oh my, things are gettin' steamy...  A Word of Welcome If I were a gambling man, I'd say we're probably just over a week away from seeing the official Android Q release. I'm not just pulling that out of me arse, either (though using the phrase "out of me arse" does make me feel like a pirate, which makes me inexplicably happy). No, there's a reason: The final Q beta came out this past Wednesday — and when that same milestone hit with Android P last year, it was a mere 12 days from then until the full version arrived. So, yeah: If Google were to stick with that same structure this year, we'd see Q in all its glory, ready for global delivery, a week from Monday. Now, that exact timing isn't set in stone, of course. But it stands to reason that a roughly similar progression could take place this year and that Q could come knock, knock, knockin' on Android's door somewhere around that same time. The question then becomes when the software will actually reach you. And — yup, you guessed it — there's more data-driven guessing to be done in that department. Brace yourself, and read on.  The Latest Android Intelligence When Will Your Phone Get Android Q? A Data-Driven Upgrade Guide  The Short Version: Wondering when the soon-to-launch Android Q software will make its way to your device? Let cold, hard data guide your guess.  Know More: As we were just discussing, the official Android Q release is now likely just days away — and while no one can say for sure exactly when the software will arrive on any given phone, what we can do is look to different device-makers' recent performances with Android upgrades as a general guide to what sorts of timelines seem likely. Take a deep breath...  Read more: The full column is here. The Unexpected Side Effect of Google's Pixel 4 Phone  The Short Version: Google's upcoming Pixel 4 is already shaking up the smartphone game, but not in the way you might expect.  Know More: By embracing leaks and one-upping them with its own prematurely self-leaked stream (a series of words that'd be serious cause for concern in any other scenario), Google is reclaiming control of the narrative surrounding its upcoming phone — and, in doing so, taking a bold step away from an antiquated era of "launch event" theatrics.  Read more: The full column is here.  More Next-Level Knowledge This week in Android Intelligence Platinum:  A fresh edition of How I Use Android — my evolving guide to the devices and accessories I rely on and the setup I use to keep my home screen optimized for efficiency  A newly updated version of My Essential Android Apps — a rundown of my most important apps of the moment and how they all fit into my workflow  A trip back in time to an unassuming Google launch event that proved to be far more important than anyone realized Plus, "The Show Must Go On" — the latest episode of my brutally honest members-only podcast, bringing you an in-depth, click-free, and ad-free conversation about each week's most interesting stories and the perspective you need to process ’em. All of that and oodles of other useful stuff awaits! Come check it out and help support this completely independent publication:  3 Things to Know This Week 1. Google's still struggling to get Android gestures right  The Short Version: This latest Android Q beta doesn't have much noticeably different from the previous preview release, but one area Google's still trying to refine is the software's ever-evolving gesture navigation system.  Know more: Android Q's new gesture system has felt kinda clunky from the start, and quite honestly, it still feels like a work in progress today. Parts of the system are sensible and pleasant enough to use, once you get used to 'em, but other parts are just plain awkward and a pain to get around — like the new system-wide Back gesture, which involves swiping inward from either side of the screen and frequently conflicts with other commands involving that same motion. This week's final Q beta attempts to address that by adding in a new "Back Sensitivity" setting that lets you make the command less responsive, but (a) it's a weird out-of-the-way setting no normal person ever will (or should have to) mess with, and (b) this latest fix still doesn't address the underlying issue of inconsistency and never fully knowing what's gonna happen when you swipe in from the side of your screen at any given moment. Sigh.  Read more: Google's rundown of the final Q beta changes is right here.  Dive Deeper: For a more in-depth look at the lingering issues with Android Q's gesture navigation system, look back to my earlier (and still entirely relevant) column: "4 big, fat, pesky problems with Android Q gestures" 2. Google Maps is getting some handy new features  The Short Version: Google's officially moving its travel-organizing system from the now-dead Trips app into Google Maps — and adding in a "Live View" navigation interface at the same time.  Know more: If you're still mourning the loss of Google's excellent Trips app (or, heck, even if you never knew it existed), you'll be happy to know the same basic system is already making its way into Maps. In short, anytime you have travel-related itineraries or confirmations in your Gmail, Maps will automatically pull out the details and organize them into trip-based bundles that you can easily access both online and off. I still think the third-party TripIt service is the better all-around travel organization option for anyone who does a fair amount of flying, but Google's newly repositioned tool is a great lightweight alternative — and it's nice to see it making a comeback so quickly (even if Google totally botched the messaging on this by failing to make it clear there'd be such a timely transition). The "Live View" system, meanwhile, looks like a novel if perhaps somewhat nauseating way to get your bearings while still seeing the world around you. Both features should show up in the Maps app "in the coming weeks."  Read more: You can find the official info about those elements and a few other new incoming Maps features in Google's official Maps blog.  Dive Deeper: For more on TripIt and why I think it's the better bet for the frequent flying folk among us, look back to my June exploration of the subject: "The smarter way to organize travel on Android" 3. Samsung's new Galaxy Note has one especially noteworthy feature  The Short Version: Along with all the usual spec bumps, design refinements, and stylus this-and-thats, the latest Galaxy Note has a really interesting new way of connecting your phone with your computer.  Know more: Samsung has offered a desktop mode on its Galaxy devices for a while now — a thing called DeX that lets you hook up the phone to a monitor, mouse, and keyboard and then access all of Android in a scaled-up, full-screen interface. It's a nice enough idea in theory, but like most phone-to-desktop systems before it, it just isn't a great experience in practice and isn't something most people end up using. With the newly announced Note 10, that feature gains the ability to work within any existing Windows or Mac system: You just plug the phone into your computer and then can click around and access your entire device inside a window on your regular desktop. It's a genuinely clever concept that, quite frankly, seems like it should be part of Android itself and instantly available with any phone. Hey, Google: You listening?  Read more: You can find a detailed overview of the setup in this hands-on tour (be sure to look at the video).  Dive Deeper: For a broader look at the new Note and what it's all about, click through to this thorough overview.  Tips o' the Week Set up your Chromebook for offline success There's a persistent myth out there that Chromebooks can't do much of anything offline. In reality, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, there's not much of anything you could do on a Windows or Mac system offline that you couldn't also accomplish on a Chromebook — and on the flipside, Chrome OS presents some pretty interesting offline possibilities that aren't possible on those more traditional systems. Ultimately, just like with a Mac or Windows computer, it all comes down to preparing ahead of time and making sure you have all the right stuff set up before your connection goes kaput. I put together a step-by-step checklist of all the things you should think about for a fully robust and compromise-free connection-free experience. Look it over or hang onto it for future reference — and never worry about working without Wi-Fi again. Print and scan with Android without the usual hassle Printing from Android sure ain't what it used to be. It's not a widely known fact, but relatively recent versions of Android have a built-in native system for connecting with most any modern printer — without the need for any third-party apps or complicated configurations. Scanning a photo or document with your phone requires a bit more effort, but it's still pretty easy to do. This detailed guide has everything you need to know to straddle the physical-digital divide and handle good old-fashioned paper from your phone like a pro. Quiz Time  Test Your Knowledge Which Google effort wasn't about improving Android upgrade delivery times? Right-o! Project Strobe was a 2018 effort focused on data protection. (It's what officially led to the closing of Google+.) D'oh! Wrong answer. Try again.  Test your friends (and/or felines) This interactive quiz is optimized for Gmail on Android or the web. If you're using another mail client and nothing's happening when you click or tap a choice, don't despair: You can find the right answer at the bottom of this email. If the quiz isn't appearing correctly at all for you (hi, Windows Outlook/Mail users!), open this issue in your browser instead. It'll work A-OK there. Know someone else who might enjoy this issue?  And Just For Funsies... Sometimes, you can learn the most about a company's culture by observing the ways regular ol' employees interact with each other — the "watercooler conversations," so to speak, in whatever form they take. Well, this week, we're getting a rather amusing glimpse at one such interaction within Google. A Google engineer shared an image of a sign placed in a breakroom area asking people to fill a nearby kettle only with the water they needed — since, the sign alleged, using less water would waste less time and energy: Being Google, however, the innocuous-seeming sign sparked a bit of a debate — one that played out in Post-It notes... ...and even evidence-citing experiments. As the engineer who shared this put it: "Nothing explains this company better than this conversation on kettle filling." If only all interoffice disputes could be so scientific. Stay Tuned... Make no mistake about it, my friend: We're down to the final countdown to Android Q. One way or another, we'll have lots to talk about on that front in the days and weeks ahead. If you haven't tried your free trial of Android Intelligence Platinum yet, by the way, now's the time. From the expanded newsletter to the weekly podcast and all the other members-only resources, there's lots o' good stuff going on over on that side of the virtual fence this summer. And an awesome new perk is about to be added into the mix, too — one that'll bring even more practical knowledge into your inbox. Have yourself a wonderful week, won't ya? I'll see you back here before you know it. The answer to this week's quiz is: Project Strobe  Loving the newsletter? Send this link to a friend, forward the email to someone, or tweet it to share the love!   Really loving it? Think about upgrading to a Platinum membership. You'll get a weekly members-only podcast along with tons of other awesome extras — and you'll help support this independent editorial effort.  New here and not yet subscribed? Take two seconds to sign up now.  Had enough? Sorry to see you go — but no worries: Just unsubscribe here. Get even more Android Intelligence. Upgrade to a Platinum membership today.
Astaroth Incarnate - Omnipotence – The Infinite Darkness 01Addition, subtraction, so much of metal involves the bolting-on and prying-off of countless sub-genres. Musicians and critics often fall into the trap of viewing music less as an expression of fertile creativity and more like a chest of drawers awaiting assembly. Start with a death metal base, insert black metal vocals into socket B, affix progressive chords perpendicular to the shelves… wait, we’re missing two slats and I’ve stripped a screw. Billed as a melding of tech death, black, and thrash, Omnipotence – The Infinite Darkness by Toronto natives Astaroth Incarnate had the cynic in me guessing the end-result without listening to a single note. I had a conclusion in mind formed via musical arithmetic, a simple case of mashing the influences together to codify a foregone rejoinder. Jaded and weary, I expect no surprises. Astaroth Incarnate beg to differ. One thing I’ve learned during my tenure as a critic is to sublimate any stimuli-related emotion when spinning a record for the first time. It’s too easy to get whipped into a giddy lather only to then be let down when the smooth façade gives way to blemishes after a prolonged engagement1. Insight requires objectivity, but even with my blind spots accounted for I found it difficult to smother the grin splitting my face once Omnipotence – The Infinite Darkness began in earnest. “Curse of the Black Plague” is a gregarious rib-crusher, a bear-hug bulging with tumbling drum fills, blast beats and down-shifted groove-tinged death riffs. It’s a likable track that encourages you to sling one arm over its shoulder and buy it a drink-or-three, especially as the remainder of the song bounces between the angular leads of At the Gates and the water-tight chords encountered on an Arch Enemy record. Better yet is “Sanctum of Torment,” a song that takes the fight directly to Amon Amarth with its infinity-loop leads that cruise over head-bang-demanding chords. And the solos, my word, they are so good it makes me wish I could hang them on my living room wall to entertain visiting dignitaries. Suffice it to say, Omnipotence – The Infinite Darkness makes an excellent first impression. Considering I expected a fairly staid amalgamation between the various death, black, and thrash elements, I was taken aback by how agreeable I found the overall rendition, even if it wasn’t burdened by too much originality. On a tech-infused album, it would be easy to heap praise solely at the feet of the musicians, but some accolade should be reserved for vocalist Astaroth, whose guttural expulsions, piercing shrieks and barked suppurations in the vein of Dani Filth and Jason Mendonca fits the music like a stud-ridden glove. Astaroth Incarnate - Omnipotence – The Infinite Darkness 02 My unbridled enthusiasm faltered, at least for a spell, the more I listened to the album as I began to notice that in between the moments of breath-taking virtuosity were humdrum sections that ambled along with a measure of indifference. I was deaf to those laboured chords until my inner-critic cleared its throat to remind me I had a job to do beyond mindless cheerleading. This empirical detachment proved deflating, at least until I spun the record a handful more times. What I came to realize was that my disappointment stemmed from my initial glee fooling me into thinking that every bar on the album was an out-and-out success when in reality the exceptional parts, like on most releases, were dispersed over a wide area. With this newfound knowledge, I regained an appreciation of Omnipotence – The Infinite Darkness, only this time it was tempered by experience. I note with some amusement that my traversal from ignorance to illumination mirrors that of the “four stages of competence” and the “Johari window.” While every second of Omnipotence – The Infinite Darkness may not cover itself in glory, on balance I find that it makes for a pretty easy recommendation. Comprised of five tracks that total 33-minutes, it’s not a particularly long record (and the first track is an atmospheric intro)2 but the white-hot musicianship just encourages you to stab the “play” button again after the last track ends. Astaroth Incarnate do well to rise above their genre trappings, proving they’re more than just a predictable melding of styles. I can only imagine they’ll improve their craft on future releases and produce an album where my tumescent rapture never withers. Rating: 3.5/5.0 DR: 9 | Format Reviewed: 320 kbps mp3 Label: CDN Records Website: | Releases Worldwide: September 8th, 2017 Show 2 footnotes 1. We don’t discuss journalism with fans! – Steel Admin. 2. C’mon guys, why are you wasting precious minutes?
Mutable Instruments Regular price $860.00 HKD Sale Dual Bernoulli Gate A Bernoulli gate takes a logic signal (trigger or gate) as an input, and routes it to either of its two outputs according to a random coin toss. Branches packs two such gates in a small 6-HP panel. The knob and CV input on each channel controls the probability of routing the gate to either outputs, from 100% output A, 0% output B; to 0% output A, 100% output B. Liven up your patches • Randomly skip steps in a sequence, triggers in a rhythmic pattern. • Dispatch rhythmic events to two instruments or sub-patches. • A building block for large generative patches. • An abrasive digital noise source at audio rates! • Gate inputs: 100k impedance, 0.6V threshold. • CV inputs: 100k impedance, +/- 5V. • Outputs: +5V for the HIGH level. • Response time: 15µs.
Saturday, October 12, 2013 Introduction To Windows Azure Training Windows Azure is gaining more popularity in Cloud Computing and most of the Organizations started to explore Azure and planning their cloud deployment, Microsoft made Azure as a flexible platform that provides extended support far and beyond. I have written two posts on Windows Azure earlier Window Azure Posters and Introducing Windows Azure for IT Pros E-book and this is third one in the series and it's about the Training course provided on Windows Azure from Microsoft Virtual Academy. Access here: Introduction To Windows Azure Training No comments: Post a Comment
Why Linux containers matter for the Internet of Things TL;DR: At, we believe Linux containers are the first practical virtualization technology for the embedded world, enabling isolated application failures, efficient updates, and a flexible yet familiar workflow. By adding binary deltas, a minimal container engine, support for a wide variety of devices, and resiliency to power and network failures, we've made Docker containers an ideal solution for IoT. Linux containers have become a standard tool in cloud development and deployment workflows. The benefits are numerous, including portability across platforms, minimal overhead, and more control for developers over how their code runs. The popularity of containers continues to grow: Docker, an open source container engine, has seen especially high traction, with one study showing a 40% increase in adoption over the course of a year. It’s clear that containers matter, and we think they matter even more for the Internet of Things. At, we believe that Linux containers mark the arrival of the first practical virtualization technology for the embedded world. Running Docker on a Raspberry Pi gives you most of the benefits of running Docker in the cloud, while enabling additional features that are crucial to the success of any IoT project: isolated application failures, efficient updates, and a flexible yet familiar workflow. What are Linux Containers? Virtualization is an important concept in the world of software. Software is built in a modular fashion, so that any one application may have a number of specific application, operating system, or hardware dependencies. Virtualization puts a layer between the base hardware and the software running on it, allowing a variety of applications to be run side-by-side on the same device with each application given exactly the resources it needs. This level of abstraction makes life easier for the application user, but it also makes life easier for the application developer. The core code of an application doesn’t have to change based on the platform it is intended for, as it can be wrapped up with the appropriate requirements when needed. Prior to Linux containers, available virtualization technologies were not ideal for wide use in IoT devices. Technologies like OSGi and Android’s Dalvik VM engine are language specific, not useful for applications written in anything other than Java. System virtual machines (VMs), which fully emulate specific hardware configurations, have two major drawbacks. The first, and most obvious, is the overhead required to run them. Embedded devices have limited storage space, computing power, and bandwidth, and increasing these resources to handle unnecessary overhead increases the per-device cost without adding any real benefit. The other roadblock is the level of virtualization system VMs provide. For embedded devices, it is expected that an application will need to access the hardware of the device, whether this means sensors, displays, or anything else. Abstracting away the hardware solves one problem while creating another. Linux containers provide OS-level virtualization. The hardware and OS kernel are shared between processes, saving the overhead costs seen with system VMs, while each container can be run with its own Linux distribution, configuration, and applications. By standardizing the operating system, this approach to virtualization allows applications to be built for use across a variety of device types, while still providing access to device-specific hardware. In addition, providing a layer between the device and application runtimes permits a few features that are critical for IoT devices. Why Linux containers for the Internet of Things? Isolated application failures In the world of remote, internet-connected devices, downtime is especially costly. Unlike a cloud instance, if a device goes down, you can’t simply spin up another to replace it. That device might be a drone, a car, a smart lock in someone’s home, or a sensor station in an oil field. IoT devices are often physically inaccessible, so manual reboots aren’t easy. Containers make it possible to recover when something goes wrong. How does this work? It’s essentially a matter of separating the core operations of the device from the application layer, ensuring that an application failure won’t affect the device’s ability to communicate on the network. For example, all devices run resinOS, a bare-bones host OS that includes a Docker container engine: This host OS manages two containers: one running the supervisor, an agent that ensures the device is running properly and can connect to, and the other running the user application, complete with its own base OS. The host OS interfaces with the hardware watchdog, ensuring a reboot happens if there's any issue with the low-level software. In the end, this makes anything above that level an application issue that can be resolved remotely. Efficient updates Another advantage provided by containers is the ability to better manage updates, including a lower frequency of downtimes and reduced use of disk space. As an example, let’s take a look at how updates are handled by resinOS. The traditional approach for applying updates with the option of a fallback is an A/B partition strategy. This splits the drive in two, with one half remaining unused. Updates can be downloaded and installed in the empty partition without removing the active OS and without losing connection to the network. If there are any issues switching to the updated OS, the device can be rebooted with the last working version, greatly reducing the chance it is lost to the network. With resinOS, most of what is needed to run a user application is packaged in a Docker container and can be updated without any downtime. This reduces the frequency of updates required for the host OS. When a host OS update does need to be made, an A/B partition strategy is still used, but the minimal footprint of the host OS allows the update partition to be much smaller. A flexible yet familiar workflow Containers play a large role in bridging the gap between cloud and embedded workflows. Linux is a widely used and highly customizable operating system, and Linux containers provide a standard core set of features while still giving developers the freedom to choose the tools, libraries, and configurations they are already familiar with. This flexibility is expected by cloud developers, and extending it to embedded devices enables more developers to build and support IoT projects. By aligning the underlying technology across cloud and edge devices, containers reduce the friction for developers and organizations supporting hybrid workflows. What’s Missing? Linux containers provide clear advantages for IoT use cases, but there are still some things to consider before the technology is fit for use on remote devices. Luckily, an open source project like Docker allows the underlying application to be treated as a platform, leaving room for use-case specific modifications. And public repositories like Docker Hub allow container images to be easily shared, making for a robust application ecosystem. Here are a few of the improvements has made to adapt Docker to IoT use cases: Support for a wide variety of devices Docker out of the box is oriented heavily towards use in cloud servers and desktop machines. To be useful in the world of embedded devices, it needs to run on a wider variety of devices, each with its own specific hardware requirements. To account for this, releases distinct host OS images for over a dozen supported devices. While the host OS has the same core functionality across devices, specific considerations are taken into account to allow the full capabilities of the device to be utilized. Binary deltas Docker uses a layer system to reduce the size and build time of updates. When an image is updated, only the layers that have been modified need to be changed. This works well enough in situations with reliable network connectivity, but it still requires more bandwidth than is ideal for remote devices on, say, 3G cellular networks. has the option for delta updates—a full binary diff is made between the built container and the running container, and only the differences are downloaded to the device. In typical scenarios, we have observed 10-100x improvements in the bandwidth required to perform the same update. Smaller container engine The standard Docker container engine contains some features that apply mostly to cloud use cases. With balena, our custom, Docker-compatible container engine, we've removed many of these, making a container engine that is less than 25 MB, as compared to over 100 MB for the standard engine. When bandwidth and storage space are highly constrained resources, this size difference matters. Resiliency to power and network failures Operating expectations are quite different for remote devices and cloud servers. Power and network failures are far more frequent for embedded devices, and the software running on these devices needs to be resilient to these events. ResinOS manages containers in a way that takes this into account, including special considerations for the container lifecycle when power may be suddenly cut as well as procedures for updates over unreliable networks. Where I can learn more? As with any technology, the best way to understand the benefits is to try it out yourself. Here are some resources to get you started with Docker,, and the world of IoT: comments powered by Disqus
Sunscreen Don’ts and EWG’s 2017 report! Sunscreen Don’ts and EWG’s 2017 report! EWG who’s motto is Know Your Environment, Protect Your Health has the most comprehensive list of sunscreen reviews out there.  Their site allows you to plug in what you have at home and they even go the extra mile in reviewing, Best and Worst for kids, which ones have more moisturizer, which is better for sports and so on.  Got questions?  They have answers! Click here for EWG’s 2017 report! Here’s a few additional do’s and don’ts that are important to keep in mind! 1. No spray sunscreens!

  Super-convenient, sure, but they may pose serious risks if inhaled and they make it too easy to apply too little or miss a spot. 2. Super-high SPFs (SPF 50 or higher) are not your friend.

  SPF – sun protection factor – refers only to protection against UVB radiation and has little to do with protecting you from UVA rays – the ones that accelerate skin aging and have been linked to skin cancer. 3. Oxybenzone can mimic estrogen.

  That’s right, estrogen. A number of sunscreens contain the chemical oxybenzone, which penetrates skin, gets into the bloodstream and may act like estrogen in the body! It can also trigger allergic reactions. 4. Retinyl palmitate may harm your skin.

  On sun-exposed skin, the retinyl palmitate found in some sunscreens has been shown to speed development of skin tumors and lesions. 6. Keep away from sunscreen powders and towelettes.

  Even the FDA’s weak sunscreen rules bar these products! Their level of protection is quite dubious. 7. Seriously – no tanning oils!

 Tanning oils are just a bad idea. They barely – if at all – protect you from the sun. beach_walkway and two chairs_horizontal Stay safe in the sun this summer! Christina Martin, L.Ac. Tao to Wellness Acupuncture Inc Berkeley, CA
Swiss chard nutrition How to grow spinach in your own garden. Swiss chard nutrition is important to me for numerous reasons. I'll mention a few. I have a lazy colon, have had since childhood days, and alas my granddaughter has inherited it. A diet full of soluble fibre, like that in all your organic green foods, is vital for me; otherwise it's rabbit pellets. This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 25th January, 2019. By Bernard Preston Then, after radishes, it's the easiest vegetable in the garden to grow. It goes on for months, even years, bearing wonderful food daily. It's brilliant for those who are banting too; we enjoy eggs Florentine almost daily for breakfast, poached on a bed of greens; it's near to zero carbohydrate. And then it's home to a host of vitamins and minerals. Do you bruise easily? Just one sixth of a cup provides enough vitamin K to solve your problem. But perhaps most important of all is that Swiss chard is a rich source of carotenoids that help to prevent serious disease and reduce inflammation in the body. Then there's the betaine that's absolutely essential in the methionine cycle. Without it and three other B vitamins, there's a build up of toxic homocysteine; that means painful muscles and joints. This is today's variation of eggs Florentine, our daily breakfast, since there's a glut of fresh green peas from the garden at the moment. To repeat, since it's so common, do you bruise easily? One cup of lightly boiled Swiss chard nutrition supplies six times the RDA of vitamin K. Swiss chard eggs Florentine is daily fare, seen here in the pot. Diabetes is epidemic in Western society. Swiss chard nutrition makes a vital contribution to five serious ailments in today's society; namely, constipation, cancer, blindness and inflamed arteries and joints. Add to that the fifth, the epidemic of diabetes in today's world, and you'll appreciate the importance of your Swiss chard, and other greens. One of these carotenoids has been shown to inhibit an enzyme found naturally in the small intestine; the function of alpha glucosidase is to break down starches in say potato and bread into simple sugars. We eat far too much refined starch these days, and it's turned rapidly into glucose, producing an insulin rush, making us fat and exhausting the pancreas. Be careful to avoid Cappy Apple for example, from a famous fast food chain; it contains 37g of sugars, double the starch that a diabetic should have in a whole day, and is devoid of all the fibre. Enter the blocking effect of your Swiss chard, and you can see why it helps regulate blood glucose. Every diabetic should be enjoying a helping of this family of greens daily; raw or cooked, and preferably both. Every diabetic should know about reheating resistant starch. It's the way, along with a walk every day, to help stabilise your blood sugar. Chill your Swiss chard soup overnight and warm it again the next day. Along with beetroot, spinach and kale, they belong to a family of foods called chenopods. All four are easy to grow in the garden; pick them fresh and enjoy them daily. In mild climates likes ours they do best in the cooler weather. Tingling in arms and hands, and legs too, is one of the signs of diabetes; but it could be a pinched nerve in the spine. A variation for the cold winter nights is Bernie's beetroot soup, also known as borscht; also philosophy healthy food, made fast. Whilst I love the kitchen I have better things to do that spend hours labouring over the stove; it's got to be quick, and nutritious; no junk in our home except on high and holy days.   Holy Swiss chard is healthy choice food. Holy spinach in Bernard Preston's garden is loved by the grasshoppers too. Holy beet tops in Bernard Preston's garden are first cousins and even nicer than Swiss chard. Holy kale in Bernard Preston's garden is the richest source of lutein. It's six weeks after the winter solstice and you'll notice the bugs are ravenous; they've tucked into these organic green foods, proving they're not sprayed with toxic poisons. I'd rather share my dinner with a grasshopper than risk getting cancer. Don't you agree? I often think of bugs as the housewife's taster. If every leaf is perfect there's a high suspicion that they've been sprayed. If the bugs stay away, shouldn't you? Anyway, that's one of the reasons that I promote to my chiropractic patients the virtues of the home garden. I have seen too many die from cancer, it's a great misery, and I have no desire to go out that way. Apart from anything the else the cost of cancer treatment is so great today, that it will erode all your carefully harvested savings. Update: it's now early summer and it's incredible what a bit of heat, and nitrogen rich rain does to those mean looking veggies that I pictured above. "The source of my difficulties has always been the same: an inability to accept what to others seems natural, and an irresistible tendency to voice opinions no one wants to hear." Isabel Allende Swiss chard recipes Swiss chard recipes in the main are so simple and quick. Swiss chard salad is a just another nutritious way to enjoy this wonder food. You can eat the very young leaves raw, but generally swiss chard is enjoyed either lightly blanched, or steamed. It helps to reduce any oxylate absorption should you have a problems with kidney or gallbladder stones. Bruising is becoming hugely problematic. Over and above the vitamin K, chard has a rich supply of vitamin A and C, magnesium, iron and even 10 percent of your daily calcium needs. Plant a row in your garden every month and you'll be astonished how much daily organic green food it supplies for your salads and dinners. And how much healthier you'll be; less painful joints, free and easy bowel movements, less bruising. You won't notice the stronger bones, but it's there, delaying that broken hip to your nineties! If you're diabetic, just watch the drop in your insulin needs. Healthy choice foods Healthy choice foods are those that give you a significant chance of reaching eighty with all your marbles and joints intact. Swiss chard nutrition is an important factor in the mix of healthy choice foods. Enjoy your cooked greens, or perhaps one of these fresh spinach salad recipes. I particularly love Bernie's healthy spinach dip with any salad. Macular degeneration Macular degeneration is the most common cause of blindness in the aged, and it's largely preventable. It's caused by a deficiency of two carotenoids that are found in very high concentrations in normal retinas. Those who will not eat their greens, and particularly if they also smoke, are likely to get lutein macular degeneration; the other phytochemical is zeaxanthin. These carotenoids are found in greatest amounts in eggs, and especially free range eggs, kale and spinach or Swiss chard. Learn how to grow spinach in your garden; after radishes the easiest of all the vegetables. Swiss chard nutrition is an important topic, I think you'll agree; it could make the difference between using a magnifying glass to read and a white stick to walk, and being a normal elderly person. Understanding Swiss chard nutrition is at the heart of the third of the ten commandments of food security. Useful links 1. Bernard Preston 2. Organic Food Green 3. Swiss chard nutrition Bernard Preston Bernard Preston is passionate about healthy choice food; says he, that's one way most of can escape taking numerous medications every day. Vitamins, minerals and the phytochemicals in our food are vital for many cellular reactions in the body. 56 Groenekloof Rd, Hilton, KZN South Africa What's this site about? Bernard Preston books Femoral nerve AP Xray from one of Bernard Preston's books. Bernie's choice foods Cooking green beans Bernard Preston passion Bernie's bread Bread machine loaf by Bernard Preston Bernie's garden green beans and granadillas Bernard Preston Bernie's bees Bees workforce in Bernard Preston's garden Bernie's chickens Chickens for free range eggs. Bernie's solar Residential solar panels at Bernard Preston's home Bernie's rainwater harvest
Play the Best Golf Courses in Boca Raton, FL We've compiled a list of the best golf courses in Boca Raton, FL from the national golf periodicals' best public golf courses you can play, plus our own hidden gems. The website is a service to traveling golfers, and is supported by limited advertising. Add Your Favorite to add or remove a golf course
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Thursday, July 30, 2015 Cathy's Corner: Joshua: The Sun & Moon Stand Still This is number 4 of the Joshua series which I found very interesting! This set of visuals also includes a black & white map that can be printed for the students and a black & white plain map that they can write the cities in. You can also use the black & white map to enlarge onto poster board for a large teacher's visual aid. Click here to download the visuals. A reader left a comment asking about crowns for this lesson. That is a great idea and kids will wear crowns any chance they get! I created these black and white so they can be printed onto color cardstock or paper. You have a choice to print one crown with all 5 kings on it, or five different crowns which would be great to use and let the students act the lesson out. Thank you Janet for the idea! This lesson was written to be used with the above visuals, but can be used on it's own. The numbers in the left column are the same as the numbered visuals. 1. Debbie, I can picture kids really wanting to wear the crowns of the five kings. Do you make them wearable? I remember really enjoying acting out bible stories. The dropbox download is a great way to pass on graphic info, isn't it? I'm glad that I'm your neighbor at Sunday Stillness. 1. Thank you janet for stopping by! I added the crowns... thanks for asking about them.I appreciate your comments! 2. Thank you so much for all that you do! I am so grateful that you provide your lessons for all to see. I struggle with writing the lessons for my bible class, so seeing your material is incredibly helpful! You guys do such an awesome job!
TY - JOUR T1 - Robotic platform for microinjection into single cells in intact tissue JF - bioRxiv DO - 10.1101/480004 SP - 480004 AU - Shull, Gabriella AU - Haffner, Christiane AU - Huttner, Wieland B. AU - Taverna, Elena AU - Kodandaramaiah, Suhasa B Y1 - 2018/01/01 UR - N2 - Microinjection into single cells in intact tissue allows the delivery of membrane-impermeant molecules such as nucleic acids and proteins is a powerful technique to study and manipulate the behavior of these cells and, if applicable, their progeny. However, a high level of skill is required to perform such microinjection and is a low-throughput and low-yield process. The automation of microinjection into cells in intact tissue would empower an increasing number of researchers to perform these challenging experiments and could potentially open up new avenues of experimentation. We have developed the ‘Autoinjector’, a robot that utilizes images acquired from a microscope to guide a microinjection needle into tissue to deliver femtoliter volumes of liquids into single cells. The robotic operation enables microinjection of hundreds of cells within a single organotypic slice, resulting in an overall yield that is an order of magnitude greater than manual microinjection. We validated the performance of the Autoinjector by microinjecting both apical progenitors (APs) and newborn neurons in the embryonic mouse telencephalon, APs in the embryonic mouse hindbrain, and neurons in fetal human brain tissue. We demonstrate the capability of the Autoinjector to deliver exogenous mRNA into APs. Further, we used the Autoinjector to systematically study gap-junctional communication between neural progenitors in the embryonic mouse telencephalon and found that apical contact is a characteristic feature of the cells that are part of a gap junction-coupled cell cluster. The throughput and versatility of the Autoinjector will not only render microinjection a broadly accessible high-performance cell manipulation technique but will also provide a powerful new platform for bioengineering and biotechnology for performing single-cell analyses in intact tissue. ER -
The New Tim Burton-Themed Restaurant Will Make Your Cinematic Dreams Come True If you've ever wished you could live inside of a Tim Burton film, now you can—at least for a few hours. By Marcy de Luna Restaurateurs Zach Neil and Brian Link are bringing a unique brand of whimsy to Manhattan's restaurant and bar scene. The duo, who launched the Will Ferrell-themed bar Stay Classy New York in October, have just opened Beetle House, a Tim Burton homage named after the director's 1988 hit film Beetlejuice. Inside the surreal movie set-like space—decked out with vintage medical equipment, insect diagrams and movie memorabilia, not to mention musicians, magicians and dancers—you can dig into dishes inspired by a number of Burton's films. There's the "Edward Burger Hands," made with organic ground bison, organic smoked bacon, pepper jack cheese, a quail egg, sriracha cream, avocado and tomato on a honey garlic bun. And you'll find a 16-ounce seared filet with sautéed mushrooms, onions, and a red wine reduction. Its name? "Sweeney Beef." Beetle House equals Stay Classy New York in its obsessive attention to its subject: At Stay Classy, the walls are adorned with playful movie-themed artwork, including a portrait of Mugatu, Ferrell’s evil villain character in Zoolander. Even the cocktails have a Ferrell bent. The "Shake and Bake" (a reference to Talladega Nights) combines whiskey and sour mix with a splash of ginger. "You’re My Boy Blue!" (an homage to Old School) mixes gin and blue curacao with sweet and sour and pineapple juice.  The Burton-centric drinks at Beetle House range from the "Beetlejuice"—a stiff blend of tequila and blackberry schnapps with muddled blackberries, lime, concentrated bitters and splash of cranberryto the "Barnabas Collins" (a reference to Dark Shadows) made with rye whiskey, crushed brown sugar, chocolate bitters and aromatic bitters. While you're imbibing, don't be surprised if "the ghost with the most" steps up to greet you. Yes, Beetlejuice himself roams the halls. Just don't say his name out loud three times.   The Feast is Bravo’s home for the biggest, boldest, and most crave-worthy eating experiences. Want more? Then Like us on Facebook to stay connected to our daily updates. Related Stories You May Also Like... Recommended by Zergnet
VIDEO: This Temporary Tattoo Will Soon Be Creating Power From Body Sweat To Charge Your Smartphone A tattoo biosensor (enlarged above) detects lactate levels during exercise; a biobattery using the technology could power electronics. Image: Joseph Wang Working up a sweat exercising may not only be good for you but it could also power your electronic devices. Researchers announced they have designed a sensor in the form of a temporary tattoo which can both monitor a person’s progress during exercise and produce power from their perspiration. The team described the approach in a presentation to the 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society, in San Francisco. The device works by detecting and responding to lactate which is present in sweat. The more intense the exercise, the more lactate the body produces. During strenuous physical activity, the body needs to generate more energy, so it activates a process called glycolysis which produces energy and lactate, the latter of which scientists can detect in the blood. Dr Wenzhao Jia, a postdoctoral student in the lab of Dr Joseph Wang, at the University of California San Diego, and colleagues developed a faster, easier and more comfortable way to measure lactate during exercise. They imprinted a flexible lactate sensor onto temporary tattoo paper. The sensor has an enzyme which strips electrons from lactate, generating an electrical current. The team then made a sweat-powered biobattery. Batteries produce energy by passing current, in the form of electrons, from an anode to a cathode. In this case, the anode contained the enzyme which removes electrons from lactate, and the cathode contained a molecule that accepts the electrons. The researchers say that this is probably because the less-fit became fatigued sooner, causing glycolysis to kick in earlier, forming more lactate. The maximum amount of energy produced by a person in the low-fitness group was 70 microWatts per square centimetre of skin. Watch the biobattery in action: Business Insider Emails & Alerts Site highlights each day to your inbox.
Top 10 High Protein Breakfast Recipes to Keep You Full We now all know that proteins are healthy - they provide amino acids that are important for building and maintaining muscle mass . In addition, they keep you full longer and cause no spikes in your blood sugar levels . high protein breakfast But how do you ensure in practice that you actually get all the proteins you need? You do that by starting the day with a high protein breakfast . We give you 10 great suggestions! Why a protein-rich breakfast? When you start the day with a high protein breakfast, it immediately has important nutrients. The proteins prevent binge eating  in the afternoon because they do not expose your body to the blood sugar peaks and valleys that fast carbs such as in corn flakes and cruesli can cause. The following 10 protein-rich breakfasts are a fantastic way to get through your morning well. 1. Quinoa breakfast Most people only know quinoa as a savory semi-grain, but thanks to the neutral nutty taste it is also great to use in sweet breakfasts. Quinoa contains all amino acids and delivers 14 grams of protein per 100 grams (raw). Mix the cooked quinoa with pieces of apple, a dash of vegetable milk and a good pinch of cinnamon , and add some chopped walnuts for some extra healthy fats . 2. Farm omelette Eggs are the next topper when you want to make a protein-rich breakfast. Perhaps the easiest way is to bake an omelet. For example, mix it with leftover vegetables , cubes of chicken or crumbled feta , and you know for sure that you wo n't have to eat a bite until lunch . For extra protein you can easily add chicken fillet or slices of ham. Even  cottage cheese doing well here: it gives you a nice omelet fresh taste! 3. Protein pancakes What could be better than pancakes for breakfast? You definitely start the day well with these protein pancakes ! Fortunately the recipe is very simple. Add 150 grams of oat flakes, 100 grams of cottage cheese , 3 eggs, 100 ml of milk and some cinnamon in the blender. Heat some oil in the pan and bake 5-6 pancakes from the batter. You have the freedom to use skimmed or whole curd / milk, depending on your personal goal! 4. Greek yogurt or cottage cheese Yogurt or cottage cheese should of course not be missing in this list of high protein breakfast. Dairy is full of protein, and the great thing about yogurt and cottage cheese is that you can vary it almost endlessly to make them more protein-rich. For example, add finely chopped nuts or a spoonful of linseed and fruit ! You can choose whether you prefer to eat low-fat or full-fat dairy; the full contains many healthy fats , but is also much more calorie-rich. It depends on your preference! Also see: 5. Oatmeal In addition to carbohydrates, oatmeal contains nearly 13 grams of protein per 100 grams, and when you prepare it with (vegetable) milk and nuts, the protein content only goes up further. If you want to tackle it really well, you can also add linseed or pumpkin seeds , for example . Eat with some forest fruits for the sweet taste, and your morning can't go wrong. 6. Bread with cold cuts and cottage cheese Bread (and carbohydrates in general) are increasingly in the wrong light lately. When you consume bread in moderation, this does not have to be a problem at all. Certainly not when you combine it with protein-rich fillings. Take wholemeal or spelled bread and cover with roast beef and cottage cheese. Of course you can also use gammon, chicken fillet or other lean meat here . Season with cucumber , tomato and some pepper. 7. Super-fast Brinta shake Do you really not have time to eat in the morning? Mix some (skimmed) milk with Brinta in a shake cup and drink it on the way to work or school. This combination is literally ready within 30 seconds and provides you with protein and slow carbohydrates that you can certainly use for a few hours. Do you want to get some extra calories ? Then add one or two tablespoons of peanut butter and mix it in the blender. 8. Homemade protein shake If you don't have much time in the morning, you may find it hard to get whole bites of egg or bread. A home-made protein shake is then probably the best option to still be able to eat a high protein breakfast. For a substantial quantity, mix two frozen bananas with 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 30 grams of peanut butter, 100 milliliters of low-fat milk and 2 teaspoons of cocoa. Mix in a blender to make a delicious milkshake on the go! 9. Protein bars Protein bars are also ideal as a protein-rich breakfast when you have little time. The advantage of these bars is that you can easily prepare them in advance. This way you can get ahead with it for a while! Mix 100 grams of fine oatmeal, 200 grams of protein powder and 15 grams of cocoa powder in a bowl. Add 50 grams finely chopped nuts (unroasted and unsalted). Finally, add 100 ml (skimmed) milk (or coconut milk), 50 grams of honey and 50 grams of peanut butter. Knead the whole into a firm dough and divide this over a small baking dish. Press it well and put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 10. Legume salad with tuna Do you like to start the day with a salad? Then try this legume salad with tuna. For vegetables, legumes contain an enormous amount of protein. They are also an important supplier of fibers : they are good for bowel movements and give you a feeling of satiety for a long time . Buy a can of bean mix at the supermarket (for example: Bonduelle Bean mix tricolore). Mix this with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, a can of tuna (water-based) and possibly a dash of olive oil. For extra protein you can add a boiled egg here. Enjoy your meal! Post a Comment
Friday, 7 October 2016 Rainbow Familiar Last week's Colour Collective! The chosen colour was 'King's Blue Light'. I decided to make a little friend for my Rainbow Witch.  C xxx 1. This is adorable! I love the mismatched eyes x Josie | Sick Chick Chic 2. Awww! I'm totally heart-eyed over heels for this rainbow rad cutie pie Carly! The clouds and stunning rainbow take the meaning of magical, mesmerising and mesmeric to the absolute next level! You are a true talent that forever soars and shines and sparkles in the most technicolour sky <3 Sophie | soinspo xo
ISA 500 Audit Evidence The International Criterion on Auditing (ISA) looks after work done by the independent auditors. It handles their general activities while executing an audit of financial statements certified with ISAs. It, specifically, is in fee of setting out the overall targets of the independent auditor, and illuminates the attributes and scope of an audit prepared to help with the auditor to meet those targets. It also provides details concerning the plans, framework, authority and level of the ISAs. ISAs are essentially complied with in UK and Ireland. It details the conditions essential to be satisfied for conducting the audit in conformance with the ISAs. ISAs are chalked out in recommendation of an audit of economic statements performed by an auditor. They are to be customized as needed in the scenarios when relevant to the audits of other historic financial information. ISAs do not manage the functions of the auditor that could already existing in legal statute, regulation. Their duties may differ from those acknowledged in the ISA. But it is most likely that the auditor might locate guidelines of the ISAs useful in such scenarios. However, they have to make sure that they perform in conformity with the respective governing or legal provisions. The economic statements are being readied by the accountancy division of a business. ISAs do not interfere in the manner these are ready and preserved by the company. ISAs look after the way in which the audit of financial statements is performed. The feature of auditor is separate from that of the accountancy division and does not combine with their functions. The audit of monetary statements focuseds on improving the quality of economic statements for the parties whose interest is intended in business company. So, auditor expresses an independent point of view on the reasonable discussion of economic declarations in all aspects in compliance with the applied monetary reporting concepts presenting truth standing of business concern. This audit should be performed in arrangement with the established structure of ISAs. ISAs makes it mandatory for the auditor to accomplish sensible assurance relating to whether the total economic statements are devoid of any type of kind of product falsification occurring out of some deceitful activities or some other computation mistakes. When an auditor acquires sufficient evidence while accomplishing the audit so as not to reveal any negative idea for the material misstatement of the monetary declarations, then we can claim that auditor has obtained sensible guarantee. Yet, sensible assurance is a minimal degree of guarantee as a result of the existence of inbuilt restrictions of an audit as an outcome of which most of the audit shows whereupon verdict in the type of auditor’s point of view brought into play by the auditor is assumed to be prodding rather compared to decisive. Thus, the financial audit in UK has to be carried out as per the guidelines of ISAs. Auditors London have to precede in the direction as laid by the ISA and perform the audit of financial statements in an efficient method obtaining affordable assurance about the precision of monetary statements and thereby, giving a viewpoint regarding this.
How to have a SQL Server stored procedure be the source for an Access report In converting my Access back end database I came across a little gotcha that took a while to solve. I was trying to dynamically have a stored procedure on the server act as the record source for a Report. But what ever I tried, I kept getting an Error Message “Run-time error ‘32585’ This feature is only available in an ADP”. Google searches did not exactly throw up an answer, but it gave me several avenues to explore. Eventually and with a bit of tweaking I eventually found a solution that works. Since the report I was converting had previously used a Query (“qryPromotionLetter”) as its datasource, I knew that I could rely on that name to provide a vehicle to hold a new dynamically created query. The problem was that the connection string I needed for my ADO.Connection didn’t seem to work with the DAO.queryDef that I was creating. But as you can see from the code below, I eventually found the solution. Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection Dim SQL As String, stConnect As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef conn.Open getStrConn 'getStrConn is function that returns the string to make an ADO connection Set db = CurrentDb() On Error Resume Next Set qd = db.QueryDefs("qryPromotionLetter") If Not IsNull(qd) Then ' So it exists, we must recreate it because the date might be different End If stConnect = "ODBC;driver=SQL Server;" & conn.Properties("Extended Properties") & ";" Set qd = db.CreateQueryDef("qryPromotionLetter") qd.Connect = stConnect qd.SQL = "EXEC dbo.qryPromotionLetter '" & letterDate & "';" 'letter date can come from anywhere qd.ReturnsRecords = True Set qd = Nothing Set conn = Nothing Set db = Nothing Author: Alan I am Alan Chandler. 2 thoughts on “How to have a SQL Server stored procedure be the source for an Access report” 1. At last I found somebody having my same problem. Your solution inspired my own, and maybe the best solution is to set the SQL parameter of the querydef without deleting and recreating it. In my accdb database it works. 1. You are correct, I don’t always delete and recreate. I built a function which is stored in a common module to actually dynamically create pass through queries which I actually use in this case, but in many more. I pulled out the code so I could demonstrate the technique. In the beginning – to cater for changing databases, I deleted a recreated the querydef in case I had changed the database connection string. More recently I scan all the querydefs on start up and dynamically alter the connection string. Leave a Reply
CNET también está disponible en español. Ir a español Don't show this again M-Audio Studiophile AV 20 review: M-Audio Studiophile AV 20 • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 The Good Takes up less desk space than M-Audio's Studiophile AV 40 speakers; cheapest M-Audio desktop speakers available; rock solid medium-density fiberboard construction. The Bad No headphone jack or auxiliary input; small 2-inch woofer (compared with larger M-Audio models) makes for noticeable sound quality limitations. Visit manufacturer site for details. 6.0 Overall • Design 7 • Features 5 • Performance 6 Review Sections We recently auditioned the M-Audio's Studiophile AV 40 stereo speakers, and found a lot to like. Those big, beefy monitors were great for audio from a PC or any other stereo audio source. However, with 4-inch woofers and speakers weighing 14 pounds each, the AV 40s required a design and spatial commitment that not everyone's going to be willing to make (especially in the usually crowded environment of a computer desk). So we decided to check out M-Audio's smallest and least expensive speakers, the Studiophile AV 20s. Although they're not as large as the company's step-up models, the M-Audio Studiophile AV 20 stereo speakers still take up a sizable amount of desktop space. Each of the speakers is 7.8 inches tall by 4 inches wide by 6 inches deep and weighs about 10 pounds. While reminiscent of its more expensive siblings, the design of the AV 20s is narrower and less boxy--the front face arcs upward, and the corners and edges are rounded. The speakers sport a medium-density fiberboard housing, with a strip of black vinyl accentuating the tweeter and woofer, which are covered with black mesh metal grilles. The left speaker is easily distinguished from the right speaker with a volume-control knob/power switch, which is encircled in blue light. The only input is a single pair of stereo RCA (red and white) connectors on the rear of the left speaker. That lets you connect pretty much any audio source with stereo line outputs (DVD player, stereo receiver) or--with the included 3.5mm-to-RCA stereo cable--anything with a standard headphone jack (PC, iPod, portable player). The power cable also plugs into the back of the left speaker--the power transformer is built-in, so there's no wall wart or power brick. Both speakers have spring-clip connectors, which is how you link them together (with the included speaker wire). Best Speakers for 2019 All Best Speakers More Best Products All Best Products
Published on Getting Back to Earth A scene from the film Interstellar. (Image: Paramount Pictures) Debate about Christopher Nolan’s provocative new film Interstellar has primarily focused either on the film’s spectacular CGI-generated representation of cutting-edge theoretical physics or the equally speculative gravitational power of love to transcend the boundaries of time and space. While interesting topics in their own right, the film’s greatest impact, both culturally and cinematically, is likely to have less to do with Matthew McConaughey’s character, Coop’s time-bending journey to find a new habitable planet for the human species, or that of his daughter Murph to reconnect with her absent father, than with the far more haunting picture it presents of the condition of the earth in this not-too-distant future. Projecting the most troubling anxieties our age onto the big screen,  Interstellar opens with a sepia-tinted vision which might have been taken directly from Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath,” or Dorothea Lange’s powerful photos of Dust Bowl refugees in the 1930’s. Long before the film launches Coop’s crew and their robotic allies through mysterious wormholes in space/time in the search for a new promised land, the audience is visually confronted—possibly for the first time-- with a stark and potentially realistic picture of the planet we have already ruined—and which presumably has turned on us. The overwhelming impression we’re left with is of victims of a massively changed climate struggling for a living in a deteriorating Midwestern environment beset by crop failures, incessant drought, monumental dust storms and the pending collapse of the world-wide food supply. Equally notable is the ominous contrast between an external world capable of manufacturing high-tech surveillance drones and robotic farm equipment and the decidedly low-tech lives led by the seemingly discarded and displaced human remnants left in this strange new world. The filmmakers go to great and spectacular length to provide visual representation of the scientific and technological wizardry required to bridge the barriers of time, space and multiple dimensions. References to black holes, relativity and quantum entanglement provide modern audiences with familiar enough handholds to allow, at least, the suspension of disbelief. Perhaps the most easily recognizible thread connecting the story’s disparate elements, however, is the basic human need for relationship. Though in this case, the film’s characters find themselves separated not just by normal physical and emotional distance, as usual in Hollywood productions, but by the very laws of physics. Science fiction is by definition imaginative and otherworldly, its drama derived from human confrontation with alternative realities and challenges to fixed assumptions. The best of the genre, however, like great art of any kind, open the door to previously unimagined possibilities, both technological and human. The appearance of a mysterious obelisk coupled with an ape’s discovery of the lethal uses of a bone tool in Stanley Kubrick’s “2001,” followed by the emergence of a dangerous, human-like mentality in Hal’s electronic brain, are images that have permanently reshaped our cultural consciousness and changed our perceptions. From this perspective, the film's portrayal of alien planets consisting of either forbidding ice floes or endless seas subject to mountainous waves offers little hope or little that is new. Hints of mystical Fifth Dimensional beings and the wormholes across space/time they might open to help humankind survive are hardly substitutes for the elusive personal connections and roots human beings actually seek. Though Michael Caine’s space-fixated character (Dr. Brand) argues that “mankind was born on earth, but was not meant to die here,” the real “take away” from the movie is quite the opposite. If “Interstellar” has any lasting cultural impact, if any of its images live on to reshape our thinking, they are not likely to be those of dramatic confrontations on other worlds or in other dimensions. They will, instead, be the unforgettable images of climate change refugees, packed-up and traveling like Okies in the 1930’s, through blinding dust storms, but headed nowhere. For ultimately, what we’re still in the process of learning is that there is no new California “out there,” and nowhere else to go, save on this one precious and vulnerable blue planet. Please select a donation method: Les Adler Les Adler is a cultural critic and emeritus professor of history and interdisciplinary studies at Sonoma State University. Share This Article More in:
Recall: Battery packs in Toshiba laptops The battery packs may overheat and cause a burn or fire. Recalls hero default The problem Toshiba has expanded its January 2016 recall of Panasonic battery packs that come with some of its laptops. The affected battery packs could overheat and cause a burn or fire. The battery packs were sold as part of new Toshiba laptop computers and as accessories or replacement batteries in the course of repair. The original January recall applied to batteries supplied from June 2011 to September 2015 as a replacement battery for, or with, various models of Portégé, Satellite, Satellite Pro and Tecra laptops. The expanded recall now also affects batteries supplied from July 2013 to November 2016 as a replacement battery for, or with, Satellite models. What to do Toshiba is offering a free replacement for affected battery packs. If your battery pack is affected by Toshiba’s recall/replacement program, turn off the laptop and remove the battery pack immediately. You can keep using your laptop safely by powering the laptop with an AC adapter until you receive a replacement battery pack. You should re-check your battery pack, even if you previously checked and determined that your battery pack was not affected by the January 2016 recall. To check if your battery is affected and request a replacement battery, you can either: • download a utility that will automatically check if your battery is affected, or; • manually check if your battery is affected — a list of affected battery pack numbers and PC model numbers is available here For more information, contact Toshiba Customer Support on 0800 445 439 or email Member comments Get access to comment
Daily Archives: June 13, 2011 Cheap Medicine and Nasty There is a coalition lovefest going on over the new reformed NHS reforms, which have suddenly gone from being the worst think since the plague to the greatest thing since sliced bread, all with a few tweaks. The problem is, it is the entire principle on which the reforms are based, not the mechanisms operating on that principle, which is fundamentally wrong. The underlying principle is that the NHS will work better if it operates on competition between healthcare providers, both existing NHS hospitals and clinics, and private and charitable hospitals and clinics which will have new access to NHS patients and cash. Both Sky and the BBC have been telling us all day that competition drives up efficiency and quality. But this is not true. If financial profit is the motive, then competition does indeed increase efficiency, in terms of maximising profit by minimising costs. But the natural tendency is for this to be at the expense of quality, except in certain specific areas of luxury good provision. Competition and profit drives the producer to give just as much quality as required to provide something the consumer will still take, while undercutting rival sellers. Where there are a limited number of providers, (and in most parts of the country there are obvious limits to the number of possible clinics and hospitals), this increasingly becomes a race to the bottom in quality, with the added temptaitons of cartelisation on price. For a brilliant demonstration of the effect competition between providers has in real life, read “Cheap Clothes and Nasty” by Charles Kingsley. It is hard to believe that anybody could for one moment accept the premiss that something done for love and care, will always be of less quality than something done for private profit. Yet that is precisely the hogwash promoted by Thatcherism and which New Labour under Blair signed up to completely. Not only will a large percentage of the NHS budget now go as profit into the pockets of large business (as though Southern Cross were not sufficient warning), but there will be a whole new and still bigger infrastructure of accountants and paper shufflers regulating and processing the entirely artifical NHS “Market mechanism”. It also worries me that so much attention is paid to the desires of the medical profession. I don’t much care what doctors think. Remember, doctors were strongly against the creation of the NHS in the first place. Remember, the medical students you knew at university are doctors now. Remember the guy at your local surgery who pulls in over £100,000 and won’t see you out of hours or at weekends, and normally has a Polish locum see you while he’s off in Corfu? Why do you care what he thinks about it? If you wanted to find a wealthy right wing nutter, you would have an easier chance in a group of doctors than among the general population. View with comments