stringlengths 31
| humor
bool 2
classes |
It's time to stop calling black protesters 'unpatriotic' | false |
Why is 17 called the mother-in-law in black jack? because you wanna hit it, but sometimes you cant. | true |
My mother was so overprotective we were only allowed to play rock, paper. | true |
What did the 2012 election mean for the d.c. arts community? | false |
You guys i found this new great birth control called pregnant women posting pictures on facebook. | true |
Joe kennedy iii reveals how his gop counterparts really feel about donald trump's tweets | false |
Yo momma is so fat, shes got more coverage than my cell phone provider | true |
Gay holidays: 5 tips on how to enjoy them now that you've come out | false |
There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men: don't and stop. | true |
Everything you thought you knew about doing laundry is wrong | false |
An autopsy for the dismal second season of 'true detective' | false |
Your grandparents used to kiss with tongues, probably | true |
Roses are red, violets are blue.. no, wait.. fuck, now they're black. | true |
Knock, knock! who's there? alzheimer's! alzheimer's who? knock, knock! | true |
Walmart workers plan black friday protests over wages | false |
What if the sunday shows booked ordinary americans to discuss the budget? | false |
Mubarak's case is a ‘trial of egypt's revolution' | false |
Why did the germ cross the microscope? to get to the other slide! | true |
Here's a full list of the beef products recalled this weekend | false |
What's the only planet that gives a crap? uranus. | true |
Homework. the teachers' way of knowing how smart the parent is. | true |
Did you know... 3/2 of the world's population sucks at fractions? | true |
What's the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer? the taste. | true |
Congressman to chris christie: stop using my intern's murder for political gain | false |
Chris christie really, really likes bruce springsteen's 'born to run' | false |
Two mice chewing on a film roll one of them goes, i think the book was better | true |
Records show numerous complaints against officer who staged his suicide | false |
National eating disorders awareness week: get in the know | false |
Bryan cranston is moving to canada if trump gets elected next week | false |
Worker dies at minnesota vikings' stadium construction site | false |
Margaret sullivan took the new york times public editor role into the digital age | false |
Here's your complete guide to 2014 fall tv premieres | false |
Cliveden house's new 57-foot slide is insane (photos) | false |
Disturbing report makes compelling case for decriminalizing drug possession | false |
How do red necks celebrate halloween? pump kin | true |
What's the difference between a cow and the bible? you can't milk a cow for 2,000 years. | true |
The crack of dawn is probably just as good as the crack you get at midnight. | true |
Meet the mother-daughter duo who brought elf on the shelf to life in a big way | false |
Nothing is creepier than driving next to someone on the highway at the exact same speed. | true |
'harry potter' play has magical record-breaking turn at award show | false |
Winter storm brings ice and freezing rain to central u.s. | false |
Your cubicle must be full of ghost and owls because all i hear over there is booo hooo | true |
The farmer's wife just ran off with a farm equipment salesman. she wrote him a john deere letter. | true |
Vladimir putin denies donald trump revealed classified information in russia meeting | false |
'ukraine's crisis has been caused by the west.' - putin | true |
Imagine a masonry wall... now, picture just one piece of it... this, my friends, is a mental block. | true |
Did you hear helen keller was an atheist? i guess she never saw the light. | true |
What does a leper say to a prostitute? just leave it...ill be back tomorrow. | true |
Mirabegron, overactive bladder drug, works but liver and heart concerns raised | false |
Why your purse is giving you back pain... and 11 ways to fix it | false |
A brief travel guide to the republic of macedonia | false |
Gay rapper releases first music video since 2014 gay-bashing broke 7 facial bones | false |
How did mitt romney get a 14% tax rate? he claimed 47% of america as dependents. | true |
The ultimate grocery cheat sheet for busy parents | false |
Top 10 ways members of congress are like toddlers | false |
White christmas weather 2012: new york, pennsylvania and new jersey may see holiday snow | false |
Top tips for picking the right cruise stateroom | false |
I was really bad in school. i failed maths so many times, i can't even count. | true |
Q: why did bill clinton cross the road? a: to meet the chick. | true |
What is hillary clinton's favorite dice game? benghahtzee. | true |
Man who's blind in 1 eye forms bond with unwanted puppy born with 1 eye | false |
Why don't the borg procreate naturally? because they prefer artificial assimilation. | true |
What does the illuminati smell like? new world odor | true |
What do a clitoris,an anniversary and a toilet have in common??? men usually miss all three. | true |
What do you call a chinese millionaire? cha-ching | true |
What happened to gop's deep bench of governors? | false |
What did treebeard say when he took a piss? release the riverrr!!!!!!! | true |
That show scrubs is bullshit. not one person in this hospital joined in my song and dance number. | true |
If jared fogle gets any rounder he may go full circle. | true |
A bioengineered tree could revive america's once-vast chestnut forests | false |
Lance armstrong reportedly buys new home on austin lake in texas (photos) | false |
Great news! if you quit being cunty the whole world will stop being against you! | true |
Weed activists at the democratic convention celebrated progress in style | false |
I know why my saturdays are so shitty now... because there's always a turd in it. | true |
'the physical attraction' -- why americans should have an annual medical exam | false |
This week's pint-sized style crush is the cutest thing you'll see all day | false |
Dark humor is like food only some people get it | true |
A mexican plays uno, and steals all the green cards.. | true |
A guy drove his expensive car into a tree... that's when he learned how the mercedes bends | true |
Occupy louisville protestors arrested after clash with police at chase bank in kentucky | false |
Artist spends 200 hours resurrecting centuries-old tradition of tapestry making | false |
How daily naps can improve your overall health and well-being | false |
What do you call a punch that can kill 20 kids and 6 adults? a sandy hook. | true |
Kris jenner turned all the way up for drunken valentine's day karaoke | false |
Health and climate change: an urgent need for action | false |
Do a little dance... drink a lot of rum... fall down tonight... | true |
What happened to the gun that kept randomly shooting? he got fired. | true |
Man is fatally shot by police responding to burglary at his home | false |
A brief history of that time disneyland employed live mermaids | false |
How did the cheerleader get magic aids? a magic johnson. | true |
Trump picks trading firm founder vincent viola for army secretary | false |
There's a hole in the nudist camp wall... the police are looking into it. | true |
Nonprofit risk and crisis management: challenges for the 21st century | false |
Did you hear about the skinny guy that visited alaska? i guess he came back a husky fucker. | true |
Is it offensive to refer to egyptians as mummies? | true |
From pizza to zoodles: 5 fabulous ways to use pesto | false |
Why did the chicken cross the road? the aristocrats. | true |
There are 10 types of people. ones who understand binary, and ones that don't. | true |
Leaving the next generation an empty bag: the big mop-up | false |
The more complex the handshake, the less complex the individual. | true |
Subsets and Splits