2 values
1 value
يا ربي علي الشعلقه في رقبته. دموعي غلبتني 😢
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
😂🙆🏻‍♀️💛ندى الجميلة وحشتي قللبي والله ايامكم كانت احلى ايام :( يا رب اشوفكم قريب ع خير 😘
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اهم شي التفاهم 😐
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
⛔ حتيٰ وإن كان الطريق صعبا بعد إتخاذ القرار ⚠ لا تقف..ولا تيأس فالذي خلق الطريق الصعب ⚠ خلق بداخلك الق…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عجزت افهم مره دين ومره طرب 😎
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
في المشمش 🔨
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ضمني في دفاك وخلني بين يديك :(
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
آخر مرا أدخل قيم مع حبايب . طول القيم يسألون بعض شنو ناقصهم و أنا طوفه بينهم :)
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
والله ناقصتك برو 💔 نشتم العالم ونلعن حظنا ونضحك ونتونس💙😌
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اي حكايه فاشله حد بيحكيلي عنها بتفكرني بحكايتي معاك 🙂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ها دجله😒 شنهو الصار حيل اختلفتي 😥 مو انتي ام الخير معقوله جعتي🤚 . . #غرق_العباره_في_الموصل #عطوره💕 #شوشو💕…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عمر : خالتو خلص شبعت ، حطي باقي السمكة للبسة 😻 .. انا : شكرا حبيبي .. ان شاء الله البسة رح تدعيلك .. نورا : شو الفا…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
."الدنيا جميلة بأيامها، بأناسها، بمعانيها السامية، جميلة بالقلوب الغالية التي تبث فينا الأمل والتي تشعرنا دائما بال…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عنده كنت واقفة بس مهنا فتحة دخل منها او يعني شيء اطلع عليه 🤔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#صباح_الخير ياانسة يا انسة شعرك واقع من الطرحة 🤣😂 🙈
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اللهم اروي قبر ابي بفضلك ونعمتك بنورك و رحمتك ومغفرتك و ملائكتك . . 💚
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الحقيقه أنهم لم يصورا ثقب اسود أو اخضر امريكا تتبع سياسه إقناع البهائم انها وصلت لشىء لم يصل إليها…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ع اساس انك هند روستم
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الا هذي مستثنيه من القاعده 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اتحدا اذا يوصفننيي
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صباح الخيير، ان شاء الله ما يكون اتغير الرئيس وانا نايمة 😭 #اعتصام_القيادة_عامة #سقطت_تاني
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
قد تعجز أنت ،لكن الله لايعجزه شئ وسيجبرك 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ايش صح انتي تحبي سيهون بوتوم ☻
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
تستاهل الطيب يالعزوه 🌺
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أسمر عبر مثل القمر 🎶
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
احنا ع الارقام التسلسلية 💔 لو انه عنا ورقة حضور وغياب كان ما حدا بحضر 😂😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بعد شبدي انتا 😁
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
شكله بيقزر اليوم كله بوبجي لين ادوخ وانام 🔪
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🔸 قال صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يزال لسانك رطبا من ذكر الله 🌤 طوبى للفائزين والفائزات 👤 #كونوا_أعوانا_على_الخير…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مو كل شي بوقته حلو ; ؛ أوقات بنكون محتاجين #مفاجأة من دون مناسبة ؛ #لفتة حلوة من انسان #غالي ؛ #ضمة فيها حنية ؛ ل…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ارد كل شى ياحلوين 💛
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
كايبا يحتاج ينسى اتيم ويكمل حياته :(
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صباح النور 😐
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
وانا بخرج وبتفسح في اعيادكم زي اعيادنا بالظبط والله 😍♥️
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لو وجودك زي عدمه .. يبقى عدمه احسن ✋
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
هذا ممكن يعوضنا حسم رونالدو ! 💣
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لا مو لهدرجه توصل فيني هه 😭
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ورد بلاغ ل #جمعية_غوث عن سيارة عالقة في الرمال على طريق الرياض - الدمام السريع #المنطقة_الشرقية وعلى الفور أنطلقت…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لا تفوتكم #تخفيضات_العبداللطيف اسعاركم مناسبة💷💶💴💵💶💷 تصاميكم فريدة✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ 💥 فخامة 💎 💎 💎 💎 💎…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
كل شوي اشوف اذا تقدمو علينا او لا 😔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🌟النجوم لاتسقط،وإن سقطت تكون رجوما للشياطين،💫💫 😍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اني انسان ما اكشخ بثوبي 🌟 #اكشخ_بنيتي👑
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مساج رومانسى روعه واسترخاء : نيج خلفي قحبة توب تحرر 😩 إبريل :01:27 صباحا
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
~~☆ #هناا_الوحي ✋ اللي يحبك يجيك ويسأل عمره أبد..منك ما يمل اما كلام بدون ما يفعل حبه هذا ..كريه وممل سلامي على ال…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يا خسارة .. الملكي صار ممر عبور للطواقي 💔 #الهلال_الاهلي
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
شو هالقلب اللي كلمه بتكسره 💔 وكلمه بتجبره 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عن أنس بن مالك قال:كان النبى(صلى الله عليه وسلم)يكثر أن يقول:"يا مقلب القلوب والابصار ثبت قلبى على دينك". فقلنا: يا…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ما كان بعيدا.. يدنيه الدعاء ❤
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ما درست عشان اخذ شهاده ولا كان امنيتي 💔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
إذا وقفوا في وجهك وحاولوا كسر طموحاتك وقالوا إن أحلامك تحتاج المعجزات ، رد عليهم بيقين : *( أعلم أن الله…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عمرها سنه | العمر الفني 😍 #حفله_ديانا_حداد_بالكويت
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بس لو شفت جنان طلاب الكليات التانية رح تعرف شو يعني انه هدول نفسيات 😏
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
قال ابن دقيق العيد - رحمه الله تعالى - : *《 ما تكلمت بكلمة ، ولا فعلت فعلا ،* *إلا أعددت لذلك جوابا بين…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الفاضل سالم بن خلفان الرديني يستضيف فريق شباب النادي الفائز بدرع دوري الشباب في منزله المتواضع والكبير بحبه للجميع…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مو حلو ؟ 😔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بافارد 🇫🇷 اسيست ضرب الثلاث خطوط كاملة و من عمق الملعب من المناظر الفاتنة في كرة القدم 😍 ☄️🔥 #شتوتغارت #الهلال
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
حلو من غيرهم بس ميت فشخ 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ضحكتگ لي الدنيا يوم ربي رزقني إياگ😍 ♡ وصارت الأماني كلها شوفة عيونگ..' 😍♡ #ماجد
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
جميل بكل حالاتك دكتور 💐
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
😧 المدرسات من وين بيشرون تنانيرهم؟
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الحمدلله تعبي ما راح عالفاضي 😍💙💙 شوفو كم كان عندي كوينز قبل خوليت و بعده 😍 كلفني مليون و الف و هوا سعره مل…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
في خاطري شرهه وفي عيني #عتاب 💛
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
شفت اللذي مايهاب وكن قلبه حصاه قدام عينه لو تموت الحمامه !. بكا .! 💔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ويش مي ا هابي داي 😻
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لي لهجتن في ظلمة ( الحتسي ) ضيي (حتسين) مهو (حتسيي) أنا ويش ابي فيه لبيه جتنا واختفت ( بعد حيي ) وانا م ابد…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الكهرب انصدم من التاريخ 😭
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
جالس على اعصابي يا ريتني رحت ابها وانفكيت من التوتر 🙂 عموما بالتوفيق لرئيستنا الباقي مو مهم 🌚
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🌹 حروفک همسأت رأقية ک نسيم ألورد 🌹 🌹 دآم نبض…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
معقوله القبيض والراشي والمرتشي ومن يقسم بالله العظيم كذب وزور ومن يفسد في الارض ويأكل مال حرام !! كيف ينام 🤔 #القبيضة_الجدد
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
موعظة بليغة من صحابي جليل 🌱 عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال : « يبصر أحدكم القذاه في عين أخيه وينسى الجذل - أو ال…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الصاحي رتويت 🙈
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بدون ماتسكتين الناس الله يرضالي عليك 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
هاه بشروا 😔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🎶.. ربي اغرس ف نبضاتنآ راحہ ، ، ۆ ف أجسآدنا عافيہ لا تفارقنآ أبدا #تصبحون_على_خير 💕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
-ايش تخصصك؟ -فيزياء. -فيزياء 😕 مرة صعب
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
احلى صباح ياحلوو ☺️
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
آمين صباح النور 💕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مب تارسين عينج 😒
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#Saraha - منو 😅 ؟
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
نزلتها عشانك وحرقت التغريدة س برضو ات ما شفت 😑
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يلا كمان قولي انها مطر مو مطره و غبار مو غبره 😡
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مقال في قمة الابداع لكن هل هناك من سيجيب على الاسئلة ننتظر ونشوف 🌹
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لا ترجيع ع الصبح مينفعش 😭
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الهلال_الاهلي هو اعجب كيانا ينبض فوق الأرض يبعث بالحياة على الدوام 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اليوم ليلة جلد مدلل جدة وغدا جلد العالمي المزيف 😉 #الاتحاد #الهلال
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
وكمان خذي العيون مع الاذن 🌚
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عصوم ليش مغيب خير 😔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
البوم 😍 #حفله_ديانا_حداد_بالكويت
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
انا اهلاووي بس الإعلام مينفعشش يكتب كده اساسا 😕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الاميره_نجلاء_40k_نبض ✨ #افخري_يا_الزين لو أكتب إحساسي بالأشعار وأبديه فيك المشاعر كيف بس اختصرها قد…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
فلنفترض اني لست بخير 🤔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صوته ينرفز 🌚
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بس شكلها حلو و مرييحه 😍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
😂😂 الرويبضة بزران المبعبع و صبيان الخيمة ص…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
-لماذا تصر على البقاء معه ، إنه حتى لا يدري أنك إبنه ! - لكنني أعلم أنه والدي 😢
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
تعلم كيف تغادر كل مكان لايستحقك 💜
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ممكن برضو 😔
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
سبحان الله كأنك صورتي صوب بيتنا ☹
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اسطورتكم يقول بنهديهم الدوري واليوم بيرسلكم النصر لدوري الدرجه الاولى 🤣🤣 فكر فكر فكر فكر كويس 🤣 #الاتحاد_النصر
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.