Manga109 Dataset Application Form / Manga109データセット申請フォーム
Our team may take around 2-3 days or a week to process your request. Please make sure that the email address associated with your Hugging Face account is that of your university or other affiliated organization (e.g., Otherwise, we will not approve your application. / 申請の処理には数日から一週間程度要する場合があります。Hugging Faceのアカウントと紐づいているメールアドレスが大学等の所属機関のもの( 等)となっていることを確認してください。そうでない場合は承認致しません。
I understand and agree to the license for this dataset. / 本データセットのライセンスについて理解し、同意します。
Log in or Sign Up to review the conditions and access this dataset content.
Academic Use | Non-academic Use | |
Academic Institutions (e.g. University) | Manga109 | Manga109-s |
Others (e.g. Company) | Manga109-s | Manga109-s |
Manga109 Dataset
The permission for the use of the works contained in the Manga109 dataset (hereby referred to as “the dataset”), including modifications of parts of the images, is granted from the authors of each of the works, under the following conditions. The dataset can be used solely for academic purposes. Specifically, the dataset can be used for the following purposes:
- To perform experiments using the dataset.
- To print the works contained in the dataset as a part of an academic paper.
- Recording an academic paper that contains the work of the dataset, to a digital library, such as a digital library for academic conferences.
- Use within digital media, such as demo videos created for the purpose of presenting academic results.
Redistribution of any part of the dataset to third parties is forbidden. When using parts of the dataset within academic papers or videos, please note the author’s usage permission notice as “courtesy of [Author’s Name]” and note that the work was cited from the Manga109 dataset. In addition, for use in academic papers, please cite the related papers shown below as well. In no event shall the distributors of the Manga109 dataset, and the authors of the manga works contained in the Manga109 dataset, be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, for the use of the Manga109 dataset.
User Instructions for Manga109
Please fill the application form with an outline of the intended use of the dataset. We can then accept you to access this repository.
Proper use of Manga109
Users are requested to strictly observe the following rules when using Manga109:
- The dataset is to be used for academic purposes by non-commercial organizations.
- Data shall not be transferred to a third party.
- When including manga material in an academic paper or video, users should include the relevant author’s name as “courtesy of [Author’s Name]”.
Other points
When including manga extracts in an academic paper or video, users are requested to acknowledge the author’s copyright to the material by including the author's usage permission notice as “courtesy of [Author’s Name]”, and to acknowledge their use of Manga109. In addition, when quoting Manga109 material in an academic paper, users are requested to cite the related papers.
author={Kiyoharu Aizawa and Azuma Fujimoto and Atsushi Otsubo and Toru Ogawa and Yusuke Matsui and Koki Tsubota and Hikaru Ikuta},
title={Building a Manga Dataset ``Manga109'' with Annotations for Multimedia Applications},
journal={IEEE MultiMedia},
author={Yusuke Matsui and Kota Ito and Yuji Aramaki and Azuma Fujimoto and Toru Ogawa and Toshihiko Yamasaki and Kiyoharu Aizawa},
title={Sketch-based Manga Retrieval using Manga109 Dataset},
journal={Multimedia Tools and Applications},
If users used annotations of the COO: Comic Onomatopoeia Dataset for Recognizing Arbitrary or Truncated Texts, users are also requested to cite the following paper.
title={COO: Comic Onomatopoeia Dataset for Recognizing Arbitrary or Truncated Texts},
author={Baek, Jeonghun and Matsui, Yusuke and Aizawa, Kiyoharu},
booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
If users used annotations of the Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detection, users are also requested to cite the following paper.
title={Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detection},
author={Li, Yingxuan and Aizawa, Kiyoharu and Matsui, Yusuke},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo},
Manga109 contains comics which are approximately 40 years old and may contain images that are considered inappropriate based on modern day global ethics. Please be careful upon its use.
Folder Structure
- images/: images
- annotations/: annotations of the latest version (v2021.12.30)
- annotations.v2020.12.18/: annotations of the old version (v2020.12.18)
- annotations.v2018.05.31/: annotations of the old version (v2018.05.31)
- annotations_COO/: annotations of the COO: Comic Onomatopoeia Dataset for Recognizing Arbitrary or Truncated Texts
- annotations_Manga109Dialog/: annotations of the Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detection
Manga109に含まれる漫画については,そのコマの加工も含めて,以下の条件の下で,作者からの利用許諾を受けています. 学術目的の利用に限り,使用することができます. 具体的には,以下のような項目に関して,学術利用が認められています.
- データセットを利用した実験.
- データセットの漫画の学術論文への掲載利用.
- 学会等のデジタルライブラリーへの学術論文の収録.
- 学術成果を示すデモビデオ等のデジタル媒体での利用.
利用にあたっては,データセットを第3者へ再配布は行わないようにしてください. 利用した漫画を論文やビデオに掲載する際には,「(作者名)提供」のように作者名を明示した上で,Manga109の利用であることを明示するようにしてください. これに加えて,論文での掲載にあたっては,関連論文の引用もするようにしてください. 本データセット,関連のソフトウエアの使用により生じる一切の請求,損害,その他の義務について,漫画作者とManga109の管理者は,何らの責任も負わないものとします.
- 非営利機関における学術研究に限定した使用目的とすること.
- 第三者に本データセットを譲渡しないこと.
- 利用した画像を論文,ビデオ等で使用するときは,当該漫画の作者名を「(作者名)提供」のように併記すること.
利用した漫画の一部を論文やビデオに掲載する際には,「(作者名)提供」のように作者名を明示した上で,Manga109の利用であることを明示するようにしてください. これに加えて,論文での掲載にあたっては,以下の関連論文の引用もするようにしてください.
author={Kiyoharu Aizawa and Azuma Fujimoto and Atsushi Otsubo and Toru Ogawa and Yusuke Matsui and Koki Tsubota and Hikaru Ikuta},
title={Building a Manga Dataset ``Manga109'' with Annotations for Multimedia Applications},
journal={IEEE MultiMedia},
author={Yusuke Matsui and Kota Ito and Yuji Aramaki and Azuma Fujimoto and Toru Ogawa and Toshihiko Yamasaki and Kiyoharu Aizawa},
title={Sketch-based Manga Retrieval using Manga109 Dataset},
journal={Multimedia Tools and Applications},
COO: Comic Onomatopoeia Dataset for Recognizing Arbitrary or Truncated Textsのアノテーションデータを用いた場合は,以下の論文も引用してください.
title={COO: Comic Onomatopoeia Dataset for Recognizing Arbitrary or Truncated Texts},
author={Baek, Jeonghun and Matsui, Yusuke and Aizawa, Kiyoharu},
booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detectionのアノテーションデータを用いた場合は,以下の論文も引用してください.
title={Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detection},
author={Li, Yingxuan and Aizawa, Kiyoharu and Matsui, Yusuke},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo},
Manga109はおよそ40年前の漫画も扱っており,近年の世界的な倫理観では不適切な画像も含まれることがあります. その利用には注意してください.
- images/: 画像
- annotations/: 最新版のアノテーション(v2021.12.30)
- annotations.v2020.12.18/: 過去版のアノテーション(v2020.12.18)
- annotations.v2018.05.31/: 過去版のアノテーション(v2018.05.31)
- annotations_COO/: COO: Comic Onomatopoeia Dataset for Recognizing Arbitrary or Truncated Textsのアノテーション
- annotations_Manga109Dialog/: Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detectionのアノテーション
- Downloads last month
- 22