Can't do worse than life already has, my friend.
Brad pitt from Quito.
So, I guess personal hygiene isn't really much of a concern for you.
Behold the son of doG
You look like you eat cigarettes for cereal.
I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed near schools worldwide
I knew you were standing in a trailer bathroom before I even checked to see that you were indeed in a trailer bathroom.
Roast? Dude, your MeLtInG...even the glasses...
Taken in the circle K bathroom after waking from behind the dumpster
When your chin looks like a 70s porn star vagina
The Mickey Mouse Predator really let himself go.
30 what? Restraining orders? Metres you're legally required to stay away from a school?
Christmas baby? More like Christmas Ahhhhh 😱
The Antichrist, himself
Are you sure you want more sugar Edgar?
You're a wizard. A virgin sage.
Man please shave, get a decent haircut, a nice pair of glasses and some decent clothes, u are not ugly, u can look far better
The house and mustache makes me feel like you is a failed circus member
I bet even your mum double bolts and secures the doors to make sure you can get in the house
Flip that notebook back a page to read his manifesto
Looks like my ballsack with glasses after neglecting it for 2 months.
Mile mark birthday, how about celebrating with a mile mark shower?
Just turned 30 days sober.... we knew what you meant.
You look like a gas station hobo that would ask me for pokemon cards instead of money.
I can't do my worst as you have already done such a good job already.
Yesterday? Bro 1983 wasn’t yesterday.
No need, you know how bad it is.
Your phone was a gift from Einstein
You look like you bomb a church every year to celebrate your Christmas birthday. This photo was taken after this last one…
Looks like you've got "worst" covered already, so have a nice day and happy new year.
Just turned 30, going on 70!
Pretty sure you're on a few sex predators listings.
I never understood why young men grow a nasty beard. It makes you look 10 years older.
… you’re… not Jesus..
I liked you on to catch a predator
Time to start your manifesto explaining why you massacred to be filled in ........
When the Christmas miracle goes wrong.
Jesus man.....stay away form from 40 ffs
Can smell you from here. Wet garbage.
Like a dolls eyes… lifeless eyes
Gas station bathroom selfie.
Still won't use the soap.
Homeless selfie.
30 the meth years.
You're one Christmas "gift" your parents definitely wished they returned.
Do you own a white van?
A Boogie2988 Wit Da Hoodie
Never met anyone named 30 before, very unique! Congrats on turning him!
Jeffrey Dahmer from alibaba
The most disappointing Christmas gift ever. Sole saving grace was the tax deduction you represented back then.
You look like Robert Downey Jr if he’d had stayed in prison.
Do better bro
Please shave once a year and get some sunlight
Melted candle face that swooped so right it made women want to swipe left
Do your worst. I don't think I can compete with your shitty genetics.
You look like a Israeli settler
All I envisioned when I saw this pic was "bodies in barrels."
All I need is a match and those greasy pubes on your chin will do all the roasting for me.
That looks like a "I spent my 20s in Federal Prison for producing 'you know what' for my store on the dark web" kind of 30.
Looking more zombie than human
This guy has evaded the cops for years, call him the pube bandit.
You look like the The Professor from Money Heist but if he had a really low IQ
Life already did its worst
Please tell me you are at least 500 yards away from a school zone
You look like you have seen some shit!
You look like you aren’t allowed within 500ft of a school zone.
Edward James Almost
Look like Ronnie Mcnut survived the shot
Looks like your mother and father already did their worst
Bet you love to dress up as Santa Claus for Christmas
No need, your mum already did by not getting an abortion
Looks like genetics already did the work for us.
No. Literally, just no. That's badass to have your birthday on Christmas. You're Jesus himself
That nasty unkempt facial hair put 20 years on ya
Jesus was crucified imagine what they would have done to you!
How many teen girls are buried in your yard.
Happy birthday
The worst Christmas gift your dad ever gave your mom.
You look like you turned 30 a decade ago
Shave the beard. Don’t get a ukulele.
You make me sad.
30 going on 49
I need someone to check his hard drives asap 😂
If Danny Glover saw you, he'd say, "He's getting too old for this shit."
I see back at work the ol truck stop glory hole
Looks like God already did..
Have you ever had a wash?
Are you the grinch after you shave your entire body?
I knew that the asshole grew hair but JHC.
You look like the offspring of two Trump supporters
Not supposed to count your age by the amount of murders you have committed
this is what happens when I crack baby survives through adolescence
And still a virgin
If your Android phone was a person it would look like you
This is probably the same shot you make your victims take before you tell them to put the lotion in the basket
I think life fucks you on the daily, on that note, I can't say anything else. Cheers
Take a shower, shave, get a haircut, and take yourself out for a meal. Wow
You can’t . You’ve already done your worst.
Your mom still wishes she could return you
Just turned 30, with 20 years experience