int32 1
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stringlengths 0
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int64 0
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stringclasses 1
value |
5,465 | Just as the title suggest, is it okay to do that?
I havne't got DOS6 yet, but I heart DoubleSpace is less tight than stacker 3.0.
What are disadvantage/advantages by doing that?
Any comments will be appreciated. | 18 | trimmed_train |
6,871 |
Of course you are a bunch of arrogant lawyers who know whats best for the
rest of us. You are doing such a wonderful job with our judicial system,
getting all the criminals off, I bow to your superior intellect. Not to
mention the fees you collect from us poor slobs who get tickets from
speeding State Police officers, so you can soak is when we go to court.
I just love lawyer jokes! Don't you? | 4 | trimmed_train |
5,734 | Would the person who is running the e-mail list for KANSAS CITY Royals please
e-mail details regarding mailing list. If you on the list and know the info
please send me info as well.
Please e-mail as I don't have time always to read this group
John | 2 | trimmed_train |
715 |
If I don't think my belief is right and everyone else's belief is wrong,
then I don't have a belief. This is simply what belief means. Where does
the authority for a belief come from? Nowhere, for a belief is itself
authoratative. If I produce authority for a belief, where will I find
authority for my belief in the legitimacy of the authority. In short,
the mind has to start somewhere. (By the way, the majority of Christians,
i.e. Catholics, believe in the authority of the Church, and derive the
authority of the Bible from its acceptance by the Church.) | 0 | trimmed_train |
4,174 |
Where did you read this? I don't think this is true. I think most
medical treatments are based on science, although it is difficult
to prove anything with certitude. It is true that there are some
things that have just been found "to work", but we have no good
explanation for why. But almost everything does have a scientific
rationale. The most common treatment for prostate cancer is
probably hormone therapy. It has been "proven" to work. So have
radiation and chemotherapy. What treatments did the article say
are not proven?
Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and
[email protected] | it is shameful to surrender it too soon." | 19 | trimmed_train |
3,327 |
Johnny Mize had six three-HR games, which is the current record.
| 2 | trimmed_train |
9,944 |
Isn't is funny how someone who seems to know nothing about homosexuality
uses a very flawed (IMHO) source of information to pass jusgement on all
homosexual and bisexual men. It would seem more logical to say that since
the heterosexual group of men is larger then the chances of promiscuity
larger as well. In my opinion, orientation has nothing to do with it.
Men are men and they all like sex. I am a gay male. I have had sex three
times in my life, all with the same man. Before that, I was a virgin.
So... whose promiscuous?
Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they have no morals. Just because
someone is heterosexual doesn't mean they do. Look at the world....
Statistics alone prove that most criminals are by default hetero...
Look closely at the person, not the group.
All flames will be ignored. :)
Later, | 13 | trimmed_train |
6,149 |
Nevertheless, DWI is F*ckin serious. Hope you've got some
brains now. | 12 | trimmed_train |
602 | Hello Neo-Geo owners (and non-owners who couldn't resist the title;)),
I was wondering if any of you out there want to trade or sell games. I
mean, buying them from the stores can get kinda expensive. $184.99 is
a little too much to be spending on each game. But ahh, the quality...
Now I can get them for about $100, but that's still a lot.
Right now, I have:
Crossed Swords
Magician Lord
Baseball Stars 2
Fatal Fury
I am interested in buying more titles. If any of you have any interesting
trade ideas, please let me know.
Thanks | 5 | trimmed_train |
3,025 | I am currently using POVRay on Mac and was wondering if anyone in netland
knows of public domain anti-aliasing utilities so that I can skip this step
in POV, very slow on this machine. Any suggestions, opinions about
post-trace anti-aliasing would be greatly appreciated. | 1 | trimmed_train |
972 | long
The NRA is successful because (among a number of things), on the drop of
a hat, they can get a congresspersons office flooded with postcards,
faxes and phone calls. Certainly, with our way-cool Internet powers of
organization, we can act in the same way, if such action is appropriate.
As long as we are kept informed of events, anyone on this bboard can make
a call to action. Hopefully, we're a strong enough community to act on
those calls. I realize this is a little optomistic, and I'm glad EFF is
working in the loop on these issues, but don't underestimate the
potential of the net for political action. | 7 | trimmed_train |
6,486 | : Concerning the proposed newsgroup split, I personally am not in favor of
: doing this. I learn an awful lot about all aspects of graphics by reading
: this group, from code to hardware to algorithms. I just think making 5
: different groups out of this is a wate, and will only result in a few posts
: a week per group. I kind of like the convenience of having one big forum
: for discussing all aspects of graphics. Anyone else feel this way?
: Just curious.
: Daemon
What he said...
-- | 1 | trimmed_train |
7,333 | Dennis Deconcini, 1982
...In these and similar areas, the
Bureau has violated not only the dictates of common sense, but of 5
U.S.C. Sec 552, which was intended to prevent "secret lawmaking" by
administrative bodies.
These practices, amply documented in hearings before this Sub-
committee, leave little doubt that the Bureau has disregarded
rights guaranteed by the constitution and laws of the United
It has trampled upon the second amendment by chilling exercise
of the right to keep and bear arms by law-abiding citizens.
It has offended the fourth amendment by unreasonably search-
ing and seizing private property.
It has ignored the Fifth Amendment by taking private property
without just compensation and by entrapping honest citizens with-
out regard for their right to due process of law.
The rebuttal presented to the Subcommittee by the Bureau was
utterly unconvincing. Richard Davis, speaking on behalf of the
Treasury Department, asserted vaguely that the Bureau's priorities
were aimed at prosecuting willful violators, particularly felons ille-
gally in possession, and at confiscating only guns actually likely to
be used in crime. He also asserted that the Bureau has recently
made great strides toward achieving these priorities. No documen-
tation was offered for either of these assertions. In hearings before
BATF's Appropriations Subcommittee, however, expert evidence
was submitted establishing that approximately 75 percent of BATF
gun prosecutions were aimed at ordinary citizens who had neither
criminal intent nor knowledge, but were enticed by agents into
unknowning technical violations.
( Exerpt from: 97th Congress; 2d Session COMMITTEE PRINT
of the
of the
Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary
88-618 O
Letter to Constituent: April 1993
Thank you for contacting me regarding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
and Firearms (ATF), which is the Federal law enforcement agency with
jurisdiction over firearms violations and regulations.
It has been my experience as chairman of the Appropriations
Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service and General Government which
funds ATF, that ATF is one of the most competent and highly
professional law enforcement agencies in the Federal government.
The agents of ATF have proven their value again and again in
successful, legal operations to curb the unlawful possession and use
of firearms, especially in the area of drug-related crimes. It
enforces the Armed Career Criminal Act which calls for mandatory
minimum sentences for repeat felons using firearms to carry out an
illegal activity. The Bureau has made itself a key component in
preventing gang related violence, also, both by educating at-risk
youth to the dangers of gang membership as well a s by depriving known
gangs from access to weapons.
The Waco, Texas case involved the execution of search warrants by ATF
on the Branch Davidians for illegal firearms and explosives possession
(automatics, semi-automatics, and machine-guns, in addition to bombs
and other explosives.) In virtually every gun case, ATF is asked to
trace weapons through its' National Firearms Tracing Center, where
they keep all dealer and Federal firearms license information. ATF
is the Federal governments' firearms expert and routinely works with
state and local police to execute warrants. ATF, working with state
and local law enforcement in Texas and the U.S. Attorneys' office
felt it was necessary to execute these warrants in order to legally
establish that a crime had been committed and conclude a long and
thorough investigation of illegal gun and explosives held by members
of the Branch Davidians. In addition, ATF carefully selected a
Sunday morning, knowing from their source, inside, that the men would
be separated from the women and children and not in the area where
it was known that the illegal weapons were stored.
As you may be aware by now, Vernon Howell a.k.a. David Koresh
spiritual leader of the Branch Davidians was tipped of the impending
execution of the search warrants. Unfortunately, ATF lost the
element of surprise and the cult was able to arm themselves and
prepare for ATFs' entry into the compound. Once a hostage situation
presented itself, the ATF asked the FBI to become involved since the
FBI is skilled in hostage negotiations. In addition, and military
tanks were brought in due to the serious nature of the situation and
firepower of the Branch Davidians.
Based on what I have learned about ATF's role in the Branch Davidian
raid, I believe the agency acted responsibly. I am, however, deeply
saddened by the loss of lives of the 4 law enforcement agents who
attempted to enter the compound and the civilian members of the
cult. I fully expect the Department of Treasury to conduct a
thorough evaluation with representatives from law enforcement outside
the Department to be headed by the Assistant Secretary for
Enforcement. In addition, ATF will conduct its' own review of the
Waco operation. I look forward to reviewing the findings of the
evaluators and hope this situation in Waco will be brought to a quick
and peaceful conclusion.
Dennis DeConcini
Subcommittee on Treasury,
Postal Service and
General Government
April 7, 1993
| 9 | trimmed_train |
11,013 |
Damn right you can't provide any evidence for it.
Rarely are any widespread social phenomenon reducible to such a
simple premise. If they were, psychology would be a hard science
with roughly the same mathematical soundness as physics.
Your premise may well be right. It is much more likely, however,
that it reflects your socialization and religious background, as
well as your need to validate your religious beliefs. Were I to
pretend to have all the answers (and I don't), I would say that the
xenophobia, guilt, and intolerance brought about by adherence to
fundamentalist religions play just as large a role in depressing
the members of our society.
Your mileage obviously varies.
Bob Beauchaine [email protected]
They said that Queens could stay, they blew the Bronx away,
and sank Manhattan out at sea. | 8 | trimmed_train |
3,983 | I've heard it said that the accounts we have of Christs life and
ministry in the Gospels were actually written many years after the event.
(About 40 years or so). Is this correct?? If so, why the big time delay??
I know all scripture is inspired of God, so the time of writing is I suppose
un-important, but I still can't help be curious!
Ivan Thomas Barr
Contact me at [email protected]
[The Gospels aren't dated, so we can only guess. Luke's prolog is
about the only thing we have from the author describing his process.
The prolog sounds like Luke is from the next generation, and had to do
some investigating. There are traditions passed down verbally that
say a few things about the composition of the Gospels. There are
debates about how reliable these traditions are. They certainly don't
have the status of Scripture, yet scholars tend to take some of them
seriously. One suggests that Mark was based on Peter's sermons, and
was written to preserve them when Peter had died or way about to die.
One tradition about Matthew suggests that a collection of Jesus words
may have been made earlier than the current Gospels.
In the ancient world, it was much more common to rely on verbal
transmission of information. I think many people would have preferred
to hear about Jesus directly from someone who had known him, and maybe
even from someone who studied directly under such a person, rather
than from a book. Thus I suspect that the Gospels are largely from a
period when these people were beginning to die. Scholars generally do
think there was some written material earlier, which was probably used
as sources for the existing Gospels.
Establishing the dates is a complex and technical business. I have to
confess that I'm not sure how much reliance I'd put on the methods
used. But it's common to think that Mark was written first, around 64
AD., and that all of the Gospels were written by the end of the
Century. A few people vary this by a decade or so one way or the
other. | 0 | trimmed_train |
978 | Has anyone had experience with the new Greenleaf CommLib 4.0? I can't even
get their demo winterm to run at 4800 baud without dropping characters.
tnx, steve | 18 | trimmed_train |
10,133 | I am looking for a source for a 4 circuit Sequence flasher.
Input 24 Volts AC, 8 amps
Output: sequence to 4 channels (knob to vary frequency) (max 2 amps
per leg)
Switch to put all channels on full time
Please Email any assistance you can provide.
Randy Email: [email protected] | 11 | trimmed_train |
3,766 | In <[email protected]> [email protected]
Sorry I think I missed a bit of info on this Transition Experiment. What is it?
Will this mean a loss of data or will the Magellan transmit data later on ??
BTW: When will NASA cut off the connection with Magellan?? Not that I am
looking forward to that day but I am just curious. I believe it had something
to do with the funding from the goverment (or rather _NO_ funding :-)
ok that's it for now. See you guys around,
| 10 | trimmed_train |
7,752 |
Dale Hawerchuk and Troy Murray were both captains of the Jets
when they were traded. (Murray this year in mid-season, Hawerchuk
a few years ago in the off-season.) | 17 | trimmed_train |
901 |
A human has greater control over his/her actions, than a
predominately instictive tiger.
A proper analogy would be:
If you are thrown into a cage with a person and get mauled, do you
blame that person?
Yes. [ providing that that person was in a responsible frame of
mind, eg not clinicaly insane, on PCB's, etc. ]
"One thing that relates is among Navy men that get tatoos that
say "Mom", because of the love of their mom. It makes for more
virile men."
Bobby Mozumder ( [email protected] )
April 4, 1993 | 8 | trimmed_train |
9,640 | The comparison of the Palestinian situation with the Holocaust
is insulting and completely false. Any person making such a rude
and false comparison is either ignorant of the Holocaust, or also
ignorant of the situation in the mideast, or is an anti-semite. | 6 | trimmed_train |
9,167 |
The down side is that when I'm in my cage, I have on numerous occasions
slammed my hand into the rolled up window in an effort to wave at
a passing biker. Ow.
| 12 | trimmed_train |
1. Howard Miller Clock. It chimes like a grandfather clock. $250
2. Painting- A Tiger in the snow. It is a beautiful painting, the tiger
looks like it can jump off of the canvas and get you. $200
3. Mens Diamond Ring, size 10 - $500
a. 3 rows of diamonds
b. 18k gold
Call or email me. | 5 | trimmed_train |
7,324 |
And they're rather tasty.
Per gallon (bushel) perhaps. Unfortunately they eat the same amount
every day no matter how much you ride them. And if you don't fuel them they
die. On an annual basis, I spend much less on bike stuff than Amy the Wonder
Wife does on horse stuff. She has two horses, I've got umm, lesseee, 11 bikes.
I ride constantly, she rides four or five times a week. Even if you count
insurance and the cost of the garage I built, I'm getting off cheaper than
she is. And having more fun (IMHO).
Go fast. Take chances. | 12 | trimmed_train |
6,148 |
I'm on a fact-finding mission, trying to find out if there exists a list of
potentially world-bearing stars within 100 light years of the Sun...
Is anyone currently working on this sort of thing? Thanks...
In principle, any star resembling the Sun (mass, luminosity) might have planets
located in a suitable orbit. There several within 100 ly of the sun. They are
single stars, for double or multiple systems might be troublesome. There's a
list located at somewhere in pub/SPACE. I think it is called
stars.dat. By the way, what kind of project, if I may know?
*** Infinity is at hand! Rui Sousa
*** If yours is big enough, grab it! [email protected] | 10 | trimmed_train |
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release April 15, 1993
The President will travel to Pittsburgh on Saturday, April
17 to talk about his job creation plan and its impact on the
state of Pennsylvania, where it would create as many as 3,818
full time jobs and up to 21,240 summer jobs. He will make a
public address at Pittsburgh International Airport at 9:30 am.
The President will leave Washington early Saturday morning
and return that afternoon. A White House press charter will
depart Andrews Air Force Base at 7:30. Filing facilities will be
available in Pittsburgh. | 13 | trimmed_train |
2,805 |
From _Cycle_World_ magazine (5/93) (who usually never says _anything_
bad about any motorcycle):
"The Max certainly has motor, but there are some things it is short of.
It is short of chassis. It loves straight lines; aimed in one, it is
nicely stable. But it is not overfond of corners. Forced into one, it
protests, shaking its head, chattering its front tire, grinding its
footpegs, and generally making known its preference for straight
pavement. Bumps? It doesn't like them either. Its fork isn't too bad,
though it is soft enough that it can be bottomed under hard braking.
The shocks, though which work on that short-travel, shaft-drive
swingarm, are firm to the point of harshness."
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 12 | trimmed_train |
6,184 | The object of a cooling tower is to distribute dissolved salts in
cooling water over large areas of farmland and to therefore decrease
farm subsidies for non-producers by rendering their land infertile.
A side effect of this deficit-reduction program is that they provide
a low-T reservoir for a variety of industrial processes.
Now you know.
-- | 11 | trimmed_train |
1,859 | Hi there. We just bought a 486 DX2/66 Gateway system with a 2 meg ATI
Ultra Pro video card. Everything seems to work fine except for the
Windows Drivers for 800x600 24 bit, and 800x600 and 1024x768 16 bit
modes. The fonts and icons start deteriorating after windows startup,
and within minutes of use, everything on the screen is totally
unintelligible. Naturally, I called Gateway tech support to inquire
about this. The technician asked me about the drivers, and I told him it
was version 1.5, build 59. He told me that the 16 and 24 bit drivers for
the ATI Ultra Pro simply do not work!!! Is this true? If so, I'm simply
amazed. How could this be? The strange thing is I would have expected
to see some discussion on here (unless the subject has made the FAQ!!!).
One very suspicious point that came up later was that he stated that none
of the Windows Accelerator boards have working 16 and/or 24 bit drivers
for Windows 3.1. I easily challenged him on that because I've been
running a Diamond 24x in 15 bit mode at home for 4 months now, and I have
"Well, Diamond has been working on those drivers much longer." Anyway, I
just wanted to see if anyone else had any trouble and what they did about
it. Any feedback will be appreciated.
The system configuration is:
Gateway 486 DX2/66 Local Bus
16 Megs Ram
Ultrastor 34F Local Bus SCSI controller
ATI Ultra Pro Local Bus with 2MB VRAM
DOS 6.0
Windows 3.1
Mach 32 drivers version 1.5 (build 59)
Thanks in advance. | 3 | trimmed_train |
8,028 |
Oh, *really*???
I know that when working in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, I was aware
that I was paying for health insurance - e.g., in Toronto, OHIP fees
were listed seperately on my pay stub.
While I'm not the only Canadian who favours lower taxes and cutbacks
in spending, health insurance isn't on the table. See our polls ...
A better one might be the July 1st polls conducted for Macleans (our
major English newsmagazine) by Decima Research ... Decima president
Allen Gregg is considered one of the world's top poll researchers,
and Mulroney's Conservatives have relied on him to keep in power in
the face of impossible election situations. I haven't had a chance
to see this year's version due to our library, but previous ones
before the Americans started their assault and disinformation had
shown satisfaction at 97% and switching to an American all-private
system had support within statistical noise. The Decima polls are
considered definitive. Even the new Reform Party, a breakoff of
traditionalists from the Conservatives with a mildly "libertarian"
faction, hold our public health insurance as an untouchable but that
just a few people have to be reminded that it's not free (the average
Canadian/European is more fiscally naive than their American
counterparts on issues like these).
Personally, I feel that the universal health insurance approach used
in Canada, France and Germany -- paying to private health providers in
a nominally free market not unlike America's, minus HMO's -- depends a
lot on values in those societies different from the U.S. The basic
health needs for life are not viewed as market, but the insurance does
allow the market to address that -- basic health care is not viewed on
the level of ownership of a VCR as Americans would see it. Plenty of
room is left for expenditure of private funds as extra insurance or as
Please explain this one, hopefully in a way that Canadian readers
besides myself can understand and concur ...
gld | 13 | trimmed_train |
11,099 | I may not be the world's greatest expert on chiggers (a type of
mite indigenous to the south), but I certainly have spent a lot
of time contemplating the little buggers over the past six years
(since we moved to N.C.). Here are some observations gained from
painful experience:
1. Reactions to chiggers vary greatly from person to person.
Some people get tiny red bites. Others (like me) are more
sensitive and get fairly large swollen sore-like affairs.
2. Chigger bites are the gift that keeps on giving. I swear
that these things will itch for months.
3. There is a lot of folklore about chiggers. I think most of
it is fiction. I have tried to do research on the critters,
since they have such an effect on me. The only book I could
find on the subject was a *single* book in UNC's special
collections library. I have not yet gone through what is
required to get it.
4. Based on my experience and that of my family members, the old
folk remedy of fingernail polish simply doesn't work. I recall
reading that the theory upon which it is based (that the chiggers
burrow into your skin and continue to party there) is false. I
think it is more likely that the reaction is to toxins of some
sort the little pests release. But this is speculation.
5. The *best* approach is prevention. A couple of things work well.
A good insect repellent (DEET) such as Deep Woods Off liberally
applied to ankles, waistband, etc. is a good start. There is
another preparation called "Chig Away" that is a combination of
sulfur and some kind of cream (cortisone?) that originally was
prepared for the Army and is not commercially available. In
the summer I put this on my ankles every morning when I get
up on weekends since I literally can't go outside where we
live (in the country) without serious consequences. (They
apparently don't like sulfur much at all. You can use sulfur
as a dust on your body or clothing to repel them.)
6. No amount of prevention will be *completely* successful. Forget
the fingernail polish. I have finally settled upon a treatment
that involves topical application of a combination of cortisone
creme (reduces the inflamation and swelling) and benzocaine
(relieves the itch). I won't tell you all the things I've tried.
Nor will I tell you some of the things my wife does since this
counts as minor surgery and is best not mentioned (I also think
it gains nothing).
7. The swelling and itching can also be significantly relieved
by the application of hot packs, and this seems to speed recovery
as well.
Doctors seem not to care much about chiggers. The urban and suburban
doctors apparently don't encounter them much. And the rural doctors
seem to regard them as a force of nature that one must endure. I
suspect that anyone who could come up with a good treatment for chiggers
would make a *lot* of money. | 19 | trimmed_train |
9,474 |
Jeff Fenholt claims to have once been a roadie for Black Sabbath.
He was never ever a musician in the band. He was in St. Louis several
months back. The poster I saw at the Christian bookstore I frequent
really turned me off. It was addressed to all "Homosexuals, prostitutes,
drug addicts, alcoholics, and headbangers..." or something like that.
Well, if I showed up with my long hair and black leather jacket I
would have felt a little pre-judged. As a Orthodox Christian, and
a "headbanger" I was slightly insulted at being lumped together with
drug addicts and alcoholics. Oh yes, I suppose since I drink a good
German beer now and then that makes me an alcoholic. NOT!
| 0 | trimmed_train |
3,016 |
Will someone tell an ignorant physicist where the term "Level 5" comes
from? It sounds like the RISKS Digest equivalent of Large, Extra
Large, Jumbo... Or maybe it's like "Defcon 5..."
I gather it means that Shuttle software was developed with extreme
care to have reliablility and safety, and almost everything else in
the computing world is Level 1, or cheesy dime-store software. Not
surprising. But who is it that invents this standard, and how come
everyone but me seems to be familiar with it? | 10 | trimmed_train |
9,495 | 4 | trimmed_train |
8,972 | I am posting the following for my brother. Please post your replies or
send him email to his address at the end of his message. Thank you.
My supervisor is looking for a image analysis software for
MS DOS. We need something to measure lengths and areas on
micrographs. Sometime in the future, we may expand to do
some densitometry for gels, etc. We've found lots of ads and
info for the Jandel Scientific products: SigmaScan and Java.
But we have not been able to find any competing products. We
would appreciate any comments on these products and
suggestions / comments on other products we should consider.
Donald | 19 | trimmed_train |
8,247 | I am considering buying an new car, so I called three insurance
companies in California to get estimates. I asked for the same
coverage and same deductibles. Most of the companies charge you
according to your zip code. Others charge according to your city.
Anyhow, I gave the same zip code and city to all three places. Here's
what I found (for a '93 Integra GS):
AAA: ~$2000/yr.
State Farm: 2614.92/yr.
Allstate: 1220/yr.
AAA is non-profit, so they said I could also expect to receive about
$200-300 back at the end of the year.
Still, There is a huge gap between all of these companies. State Farm
wants MORE than TWICE as much as Allstate. I think I should be
suspicious, but I've never heard anybody else complain.
Any comments? | 4 | trimmed_train |
3,249 |
Maybe I'm just a child of the 80's, but I really liked the Marlins' uniforms.
The helmets shine nicely in the sun. It's enough to make me a fan. | 2 | trimmed_train |
5,176 | According to a LoJack representative I saw recently, LoJack must be installed by
an authorized LoJack dealer, and is placed in one of (roughly) 30 spots in the
| 4 | trimmed_train |
7,192 | note: i am not the original poster, i am just answering because i
think this is important.
[evil result of human sinfulness, rather than the will of God]
whoo. i'm going to have to be very careful with my language here. i
think God is voluntarily giving up his omniscience in this world so
that we can decide on our own where we go -- free will. in this sense
God allows evil to occur, and in this sense can be "held responsible"
as my chaplain says. however, his will is, of course, that all be
saved. he's not going to save us "by himself" -- we have to take a
step in his direction before he will save us. read that last sentence
carefully -- i'm not saying we save ourselves. i'm saying we have to
ACCEPT our salvation. i do not believe in predestination -- it would
appear from what you say further down that you do.
[stuff deleted]
ok -- i have trouble with that, but i guess that's one of those things
that can't be resolved by argument. i accept your interpretation.
[more deleted]
this is what indicates to me that you may believe in predestination.
am i correct? i do not believe in predestination -- i believe we all
choose whether or not we will accept God's gift of salvation to us.
again, fundamental difference which can't really be resolved.
[yet more deleted]
yes, it is up to God to judge. but he will only mete out that
punishment at the last judgement. as for now, evil can be done by
human beings that is NOT God's will -- and the best we can do is see
taht some good comes out of it somehow. the thing that most worries
me about the "it is the will of God" argument is that this will
convince people that we should not STOP the rape and killing when i
think that it is most christ-like to do just that. if jesus stopped
the stoning of an adulterous woman (perhaps this is not a good
parallel, but i'm going to go with it anyway), why should we not stop
the murder and violation of people who may (or may not) be more
| 0 | trimmed_train |
10,431 | Has anyone heard what game ESPN is showing tonight. They said they will
show whatever game means the most playoff-wise. I would assume this would
be the Blues-Tampa game or the Minnesota-Red Wings game... Anyone heard for
| 17 | trimmed_train |
1,487 | According to WNCI 97.9 FM radio this morning, Dayton, Ohio is operating a
gun "buy back". They are giving $50 for every functional gun turned in.
They ran out of money in one day, and are now passing out $50 vouchers of
some sort. They are looking for more funds to keep operating. Another
media-event brought to you by HCI.
Is there something similar pro-gun people can do ? For example, pay $100
to anyone who lawfully protects their life with a firearm ? Sounds a bit
tacky, but hey, whatever works. | 9 | trimmed_train |
9,219 | AY> In many recent advertisements I have seen both "486DX-50" and "486DX
AY>based systems. Does the first really exists and does it imply that all
AY>circuitry on the motherboard with it works at that speed, as opposite
AY>latter, where only the internals of the CPU are working at 50MHz?
AY> Many thanx in advance!
Andrew, yes there is a DX and DX2 version of the 50MHz 486. If you are
considering buying one or the other, definitely go for the DX with a nice
size external cache! The performance is far greater.
The DX2 only has the internal 8k cache to work with at 50MHz, while the DX
has a potentially much larger cache to work at 50MHz with. Neither
systems could actually run a program out of main memory, since DRAM is
still too slow for that high of bus speed ( 60ns = 16.66MHz < 50MHz ).
. WinQwk 2.0b#0 . Unregistered Evaluation Copy
* KMail 2.95d W-NET HQ,, +1 313 663 4173 or 3959
| 3 | trimmed_train |
442 |
Jesus was born a Jew. We have biblical accounts of
both his mother's ancestry and his father's, both tracing back
to David. It seems reasonable to assume, therefore, that Jesus
was Semitic.
As an interesting aside, Jesus' being semitic makes him
neither "white" nor "black," and in some sense underscores the
point made earlier that his color was not important, it was his
message, his grace, and his divinity that we should concentrate
Finally, I would direct anyone interested in African
involvement in the church to the account of the conversion of
the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 9 (I think it's chapter
9). This is one of the earliest conversions, and the eunuch,
treasurer to the queen of the Ethiopians, was definitely
African. Because "Ethiopia" at that time indicated a region
just south of Egypt, many also speculate that this man was not
only the first African Christian, but the first black Christian
as well.
God bless,
Charles Campbell
| 0 | trimmed_train |
9,112 |
Apollo was done the hard way, in a big hurry, from a very limited
technology base... and on government contracts. Just doing it privately,
rather than as a government project, cuts costs by a factor of several. | 10 | trimmed_train |
5,253 |
How about Cockroaches? | 15 | trimmed_train |
11,097 |
I have also heard it called an expression of mercy, because Heaven would be
far more agonizing for those who had rejected God.
| 0 | trimmed_train |
1,460 | Intel also makes some neat memory and peripheral chips:
Old technology (early 1980's)
8155 ram plus IO (slow ram as I recall)
8755 eprom plus IO (expensive and slow)
Intel does make Eproms with built in address latches.
I fear that you would need a very flexible and up-to-date eprom
programmer to write to them.
give them a call. I am not able to locate their memory products book
Sigh... Now, who borrowed it... | 11 | trimmed_train |
7,875 | Hi, Experts,
I'm kind of new to X. The following question is strange to me. I am
trying to modify the contents of the colormap but failed without
reason (to me). I am using the following piece of code:
toplevel = XtInitialize(argv[0], "Testcolor", NULL, 0,
&argc, argv);
dpy = XtDisplay(toplevel);
scr = DefaultScreen(dpy);
def_colormap = DefaultColormap(dpy,scr);
if(XAllocColorCells(dpy, def_colormap, True, NULL, 0, cells, 5)) {
color.pixel = cells[0]; = 250; = 125; = 0;
color.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
XStoreColor(dpy, def_colormap, &color);
printf("\n Try to allocate, the color %d as (%d,%d,%d)",
XQueryColor(dpy, def_colormap, &color);
printf("\n After allocate, the color %d is (%d,%d,%d)",
printf("\n Error: couldn't allocate color cells");
Running output:
Try to allocate, the color 7 as (250,125,0)
After allocate, the color 7 is (0,0,0)
After XStoreColor(), XQueryColor() just returned the original value.
No failure/error displayed but the contents of colormap are obvious
unchanged. (I also tried to draw a line using the colors but it
turned out to be the unmodified colors.)
So what is my problem? How to modify the contents of the colormap?
Any help/information will be appreciated. Please send mail to
"[email protected]".
email: "[email protected]"
By the way, the following is the environment I am using (output of
"xdpyinfo"). It shows the default visual is PseudoColor.
version number: 11.0
vendor string: DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS4.2
vendor release number: 1
maximum request size: 16384 longwords (65536 bytes)
motion buffer size: 100
bitmap unit, bit order, padding: 32, LSBFirst, 32
image byte order: LSBFirst
number of supported pixmap formats: 2
supported pixmap formats:
depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32
depth 8, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
keycode range: minimum 86, maximum 251
number of extensions: 8
default screen number: 0
number of screens: 1 | 16 | trimmed_train |
9,975 |
Can we use murder instead of copyright violation, just to keep things
straight? The 5th applies only to criminal cases which copyright
infringements are not (they are civil).
P.S. I'm sorry to waste bandwidth on a quibble, I just don't want
anyone to get confused. I think a bunch of kiddie porn GIFs make
a better test case than a bunch of Peanuts strips and that IS criminal
both in posession and distribution.
| 7 | trimmed_train |
8,428 | Okay, okay, Norman himself isn't actually for sale. BUT:
I have two Saturday Even Post's, both of which have Norman Rockwell
illustrations on the front cover.
October 29, 1960 -- with candidate Kennedy on campaign
-- has, obviously, a Norman Rockwell of Kennedy on the cover
November 5, 1960 -- with candidate Nixon on campaign
-- And here we have Nixon. He's not a crook...
These are both in very good condition.
Let me know if you're interested, and to what tune. ($$)
| 5 | trimmed_train |
8,130 | Yes, that's true, but you have to be clear exactly what is
an uninterpreted observation. It's pretty low level stuff.
'The sun shines' is already a LOT higher level than that. We
can agree that 'I perceive brightness' perhaps.
Huh? What do you mean 'all in the same situation?' Let's take me
and Dennis Kriz as examples. We're in pretty different situations,
but I think we can agree as to whether it's day or night. I don't
think we can agree as to whether or not abortion is morally
acceptable. Yet we are certainly in the same difference of
situations with respect to each other. Looks like weasel-words
to me, Frank.
That's up to you, I guess.
This 'different situations' stuff is pretty confusing, Frank. How
do we decide if we are in the same situation? You mind explaining?
Huh? I don't think so. I think that people disagree about
fundamental goals.
| 15 | trimmed_train |
11,019 | Interesting. I'd fight the ticket. First off, there's a 50/50 chance
the cop won't show up. Secondly, if he does show up, you should point
out that he lied (purgered) on the ticket. Why 70+? I beleive that if
yo're charged with going more than 15mph that the posted speed it's a
more severe ticket. You couldn't have p[ossibly been going 70+, right?!
| 12 | trimmed_train |
5,550 |
Heh, heh, heh, heh....I laugh because I have the same damn TV, and it
did the same thing! Actually it is a Goldstar, but it's essentially the
same TV and electronics--just a different face plate and name.
#1. Fortunately, TV tubes don't explode. I'd think the TV mfrs want
to make this possibility remote as possible. If at all, they'll
*implode* and the glass that blows out would be the result of the
glass boucing off the back of the tube due to the implosion. In any
case, don't kick it around! :-)
#2 I fixed the TV after getting a hold of some schematics. It turned
out to be a blown 2W resistor feeding the flyback transformer. I guess
the original resistor was a bit too small to dissipate the heat it
created, burning itself out. I checked to make sure the flyback wasn't
shorted or anything first! Oh, luckily, I had a resistor handy lying
around that had just the right value for what I needed. I can't see it
being more than 50 cents!. | 11 | trimmed_train |
10,681 |
I had this problem as well - It had to do with the CG6 graphics card that
comes with the IPX. What fixed the problem for me was to apply the "sunGX.uu"
that was part of Patch #7. Patch #1 also used this file so perhaps you
didn't apply the one that came with Patch #7.
jeff | 16 | trimmed_train |
2,021 |
Yes, a point well-taken ... however, even in areas that finally got
some games, there's something nagging in the back of your skull when
the network that has the national rights in its pocket says on its
sports news, "There's an awesome overtime going on in Quebec City,
and we'll *try* to get you an update through the show ..." when you
know that it's on a satellite's feedhorn somewhere up there ...
From today's Times, ABC got great ratings in Chicago and St. Louis (a
4.2), and the Kings-Flames got a 2.9 on the West Coast, but only a 2.2
in metro New York (i.e., the Devils squandered their newfound support
from a year ago when they played the Rangers )-;). In comparison,
Seniors Golf did better ...
I fear that the overall national numbers will not be so great ...
I can't tell if ABC did any advance marketing or not, 'cos I don't
watch much TV ... the NHL should have made sure that it was solid
on cable before going on the air. Even ESPN could've sold second
rights to third party systems (i.e., non-SportsChannel) since they
are not making any extra money by sitting on the games ... hockey
fans will not necessarily be watching pre-season beach volleyball
if playoffs games aren't being shown somewhere ...
gld | 17 | trimmed_train |
2,335 | 13 | trimmed_train |
3,739 | Pardon me for interrupting, but why doesn't anyone ever bring up other
possibilities besides more government, less government, or no government
and stop there? It seems to me that the problems with society go MUCH
deeper than government. Democracies seem to reflective of the majority
of society, both the good and the bad. If you take away the government,
you still have the structural flaws in society, except this time, with
no restraints. Yes? No?
Why doesn't anybody ever discuss communal society, like a
kibbutz? I never studied it on depth, but from what I've heard, the kibbutz
in Isreal was very successful. It is also very close to what Aristotle
and Socrates believed was the best.
Sorry to detract from the discussion.
But what good is change if there is no tracable improvement in the human
condition? Who would ever support the change if you tell them it won't
improve their lives? I know that there are, and will be, libertarians
who will jump in now and say that it WILL improve our lives. I can deal
with that. All I'm saying is that improving the human condition must
be the PRIMARY goal of any organization.
"Who said anything about panicking?" snapped Authur. Garrett Johnson
"This is still just culture shock. You wait till I've [email protected]
settled into the situation and found my bearings.
THEN I'll start panicking!" - Douglas Adams | 13 | trimmed_train |
2,299 | I am looking for a program I can insert into some code that will allow the title bar to be changed on a window dynamicly. If one already is out there, I would appreciate a location so I don't have to create this from scratch. | 16 | trimmed_train |
961 |
Christian anti-Semitism comes from the obvious fact that the Jews should
know the Hebrew Scriptures better than anyone else, yet they did not
convert to Christianity en mass, thus rejecting "Christian Love."
| 15 | trimmed_train |
8,629 | NEC Multisync Plus, model # JC-1501VMA, 15", 960x720, $250 + shipping.
Price is frim. Do not send me an emai if your offer is less than my
Thank you. | 5 | trimmed_train |
6,751 |
It is also widely stated (in non-mainstream sources) that the CIA had a
large part in the overthrow of the popular (and popularly-elected)
left-leaning Premier Mossadegh in 1953. Is this widely recognized outside
the U.S.? (I have never seen it mentioned at all in mainstream U.S.
media.) How about within Iran? | 13 | trimmed_train |
5,100 | Name Pos AB H 2B 3B HR RBI RS SB E AVG
Boston OF 12 7 2 6 .583
Galarraga 1B 28 13 3 1 9 2 .464
Tatum 3B 5 2 1 .400
Cole CF 24 9 1 2 8 2 .375
E. Young 2B 28 9 1 1 1 5 10 5 3 .321
Hayes 3B 25 7 1 2 5 2 1 2 .280
Murphy OF 4 1 1 .250
Bichette RF 21 5 1 5 3 1 .238
Clark LF 24 5 2 2 1 .208
Girardi C 25 5 1 1 3 2 .200
Castilla SS 6 1 1 .167
Benavides SS 18 1 2 1 4 .056
G. Young OF 1 1 .000
PITCHERS P 12 .000
Totals 233 65 9 3 5 34 37 9 11 .279
Wayne L 2.7 3 0 0 3 2 0.00 0 0 0
Aldred L 5 4 3 1 1 6 1.80 0 0 0
Smith R 12.3 15 3 3 2 3 2.19 1 1 0
Ashby R 5 6 2 2 3 5 3.60 0 0 0
Neid R 12 15 6 6 5 8 4.50 1 1 0
Parrett R 5.7 7 3 3 7 3 4.76 0 0 0
Blair R 5.3 7 5 3 2 3 5.06 0 0 0
Henry L 6 9 6 5 4 1 7.50 0 1 0
Ruffin L 3 7 6 5 3 4 15.00 0 1 0
Reed R 2.7 7 7 7 1 3 23.63 0 0 0
Holmes R 1.3 6 10 9 1 4 60.75 0 1 0 | 2 | trimmed_train |
1,159 |
Even if they outlawed private posession of firearms, there would be no moral
force behind that law; I imagine compliance would be low. | 9 | trimmed_train |
9,347 |
I've been watching & playing hockey for a good long time now, and
I've seen players with questionable tactics, but never have I seen
what Ray did on Sunday. This guy gets my all time loser award. It's
one thing to repeatedly cross check someone to the back of the neck
when they are down, it's another thing to have a fist fight with
someones balls. Ray should be thrown out of the league, what an
a**hole. | 17 | trimmed_train |
9,486 |
Interesting! One of our German friends here (Robert?) told me their forwards
were all Canadian-Germans. Perhaps somebody can sort this out for us?
OK, "this ain't North America" and so on, but I still doubt that _any_ city
having a pop. of 500,000 and below could support an NHL team. Of course,
Switzerland probably should be judged as one large city because of small
distances between cities but still.
Dusseldorf? YES, although the arena is an anachronism (an OPEN wall behind one
of the goals - essentially an outdoor arena!). Cologne's arena only seats about
7,000-8,000, Berlin is about 6,000 and no new facility will be built
unless their Olympic bid is successful. Munich does have an arena.
Malmo is big enough, but they also need a new arena...the current one has
5,000 seats I think.
If we're talking about the NHL, even Helsinki would struggle to make it work.
Turku (despite an excellent arena) and Tampere are nowhere near big enough for
major league hockey.
...Rome and the south are out of the question; this could as well be Africa
to hockey fans. Romans were given the chance to host some WC'94 games but
showed no interest whatsoever. All teams in the Italian league come from Milan
and the smaller cities in the north.
Paris had their own "Volans Francais"(sp) pro team a couple of years ago.
I believe they even made it to the European Club Championship finals
tournament one year, but eventually folded due to lower-than-hoped-for
attendances. The remaining cities seem to be too small to support a minor
sport like hockey.
The easter cities lack the money and infrastructure to support pro hockey.
Perhaps . . . Most European teams will have to be like the Tampa Bay Lightning
anyway; playing in a small 10,000 seat arena, backed by Japanese money, run by
enthusiasts (Phil Esposito), heavy
marketing, fans that have difficulty telling what "icing" means... London has
been mentioned, Sheffield and Birmingham also have large arenas and a new
mega-facility (16,000 seats!) might be built in Bristol in a couple of years.
No facilities to speak of; their biggest arena (in Eindhoven) seats 2,500
fans for hockey. | 17 | trimmed_train |
346 | ] Hi there,
] : I have 1s/1p/1g I/O card in my 386/40 PC.
] : When I plug in wang modem at com4,it works. If I change
] : it to com1- it doesn't.
] : Program "chkport" gives diagnostics like "possible com /irq
] : conflict at com1" (with mouse driver in memory).
] Since your IO-card only has one serial port - this should default to COM1 ?
] Under MS-DOS, you can't share IRQ's - so you'll have to set either your modem
] or your mouse to COM2 ... using different adresses and IRQ's.
] When you set two 'devices' onto the same IRQ - like COM1 and COM3 (or 2 and 4)
] - the 'latter' one will always win, i.e. if you have your mouse on COM1 and
] start using your modem on COM3, your modem should work - but your mouse will
] stop doing so, until reboot.
] It should be no problem, setting your modem to COM2 ? (you didn't write
] anything about other peripherals ...)
] I hope, it helped a bit .... By(t)e, Oli.
I'm kind of new at the pc stuff. My machine has 4 serial ports. Com 1 and3
and 2 &4 share same IRQs. You mean I can't plug a mouse into Com1 and a modem
into com3 and expect both to work?
If Answer is NO, should I change IRQ's for com ports to be different? And,
does it really matter which IRQ I set the ports too?
Phil Hunt "Wherever you go, there you are!"
Howtek, Inc. | 3 | trimmed_train |
1,321 |
In case you haven't sent it yet, it's "Bentsen", not "Bensen". | 9 | trimmed_train |
2,702 | Dear Ulf,
Would you possibly consider helpiMontreal Canadiens fans everywhere
by throwing a knee-check in the direction of Denis Savard during your upcoming
game against Montreal? We just can't seem to win WITH him!
Thanx alot,
Pete H.
| 17 | trimmed_train |
8,432 |
Erickson did go on the 15 day DL with a pulled muscle in his left side (near
rib cage). He is on until 4/18/93.
No news as to who the Twins will bring up.
Kevin Hansen
MN Twin Family Study - University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Contact: University of Minnesota Women's Basketball | 2 | trimmed_train |
7,302 | The Ottwawa Senators fired Mel Bridgman at 1:00 PM today.
Randy Sexton is gonna replace him.
| 17 | trimmed_train |
8,996 | Although not in direct response to the referenced article, just to set the
record straight, Beamers are BMW motorcycles. BMW cars are Bimmers. Please,
let's get our terms straight.
Actually, some purists would argue that the only true Bimmer is a round
tail light 2002 or 1600. | 4 | trimmed_train |
2,306 | IS there a simple way tooput these sunroofs out of their misery -
do leaks tend to be from old gaskets ?
or from inadequate mechanical seals -
or all of the above ??
is there any way to halt the rain ?
hk | 4 | trimmed_train |
7,645 | In Detroit, the octopus is a symbol from the old days of the league. In
the era of the Original 6, four teams made the playoffs. To win the Cup,
a team had to win two seven-game series - in other words it took 8
playoff wins to win the Cup. The octopus (8 legs) has become a common
Detroit symbol. Every year around playoff time people start sneaking
octopus (octopi?) into the Joe Louis Arena and throwing them onto the ice. | 17 | trimmed_train |
11,246 |
Seeing as Motif has been adopted by Sun, IBM, HP +++ (can't remeber the
other members in the recent announcement), I'm sure you'll see it on
virtually every workstation (ie. Sun, IBM, HP and DEC must make up the
**VAST** majority of all hardware).
Ports of Motif to both 386BSD and Linux are available for a fee of about
$100. This is cost recovery for the person who bought the rights to
redistribute. The activity in both the BSD and Linux news groups
pertaining to Motif has been high.
I can't see why. If just about every workstation will come with Motif
by default and you can buy it for under $100 for the "free" UNIX
platforms, I can't see this causing major problems.
Side Note :
All the X based code I am writing (and will distribute freely when
completed) is based on Motif because from a programmatic and also "look
and feel" point of view I like it the best (no flames on this one
bambi | 16 | trimmed_train |
4,845 | I recently ftp'd Al's Circuit Simulator (ACS) and I'm looking for
the tutorial which is mentioned in the Users Manual (but not found there).
I don't have any experience constructing a netlist (such as for SPICE)
and I need a little help.
The examples which come with ACS aren't explanatory about the translation
between schematic and netlist. Does anyone have the fabled "Tutorial"
or any other reference which could help me in constructing a netlist from
a schematic diagram?
(I also emailed Al himself but received no response yet. He's probably
busy with his next release.)
Tim Pillsbury Internet: [email protected]
uunet: uunet!!timothy.pillsbury | 11 | trimmed_train |
1,865 |
No, you merely have to start working on yellowcake or else
devise a system to get it from other sources. BTW: the DOE handles
reactor fuel, and merely leases it to reactors. The NRC certifies these
reactors. The military have their own sources. A private citizen has
none of these official sources.
That's freshman-level chemistry. Big deal. Can you make it
work? That's PhD-level physics. Big difference.
So you admit that there's no law that could stop you? Physics
aside, could you make one if you had the funds and time? The answer
is yes. So, do we lock you up now because of this? Surely you can
see where the comparison with anti-gun laws comes into play here?
Precisely why it's not as readily utilized as you seem to have
been lead to believe. BTW: 98% U235 is far better for home-made bombs
than trying to use plutonium. The laws of physics make the creation of
a device without serious manufacturing facilities very low in probability. | 9 | trimmed_train |
6,337 | Jiann-ming Su writes
It wouldn't bother me...
| 2 | trimmed_train |
2,841 | Does one exist, who makes it, and how much?
Thanks:) | 14 | trimmed_train |
5,702 |
Lack of build quality was the thing I notced on the first 2 LH's I
saw months back. The panel gaps were large and non-uniform between
the 2 cars I saw - the kind of thing you expect and accept on a
Mustang - but not from Chrysler's savior. I drove one of the low
end cars, and thought it was more than adequate. I'd prefer
an LH to a Taurus from my brief experience.
Craig | 4 | trimmed_train |
8,239 |
Nope, this won't work for a cylinder. You can have a line arbitrarily close
to the the cylinder backbone, and yet not intersect it. The test works for a
pillbox, though. (a cylinder with two hemispheres attached at the ends.)
-arun | 1 | trimmed_train |
7,065 | Trying to pin point a hardware problem with my disk, Maxtor
7213AT. Group files get corrupted on a regular basis.
Only happens on this drive, D had only one corrupt file
in over a year and it was under the control of winword on C.
32-bit disk access and smartdrive are off. Since installation
of dblspace problem has turned from an annoyance to a reason for
Since the most frequent files corrupted are the *.grp files,
are these the last thing written to when exitting Windows?
Also, are there any pd/shareware utilities available that do
a more thorough job than dos 6, NDD 4.5, etc? DOS 6 and
Win 3.1 compatable.
Thanks | 18 | trimmed_train |
3,849 | Where can I get xman source? I would rather get
xman for an HP 9000/700, but source will do.
| 16 | trimmed_train |
3,510 | Hi there,
I have a mac 512 with a burned out part which looks like a voltage
regulator. The part number is BU 406 and I believe the vender is
SGS thomas judging by teh SGS logo printed on the package. If anyone
has teh spec for this part I would greatly appreciate an email with
the import info so I can find a replacement. Thanx in advance.
[email protected] | 11 | trimmed_train |
764 | massacre.
Answer: a(1-1/2-1/4-1/11)=280 -> a = 1760 | 6 | trimmed_train |
1,570 |
my understanding was that ted turner (owner of the braves) started running
his tv station nationwide, and started running all of his team's games on
his nationwide tv station, he dubbed his team ''america's team'' - that is,
the only team (at least, at the time) all of whose games could be seen
across america.
now, wor is nationwide out of beautiful secaucus, but not all mets games
are on wor. wgn chicago and wsbk boston are two other superstations
(at least, they are on the east coast). i don't know how many
cubs/sox/sox games they show.
--hymie [email protected]
I'll be mellow when I'm dead. --''Weird'' Al Yankovic
You get your mellow, laid back attitude from Sonny the Cuckoo Bird.
--Josh, about me | 2 | trimmed_train |
1,414 |
And/or taking the rubber ball out of the mouse (should be directions
in the manual or on the bottom of the mouse) and cleaning it with
alcohol (isopropyl, I believe - the same alcohol as used for cleaning
your cassette deck). This is good to do every so often, even if you
have a mouse pad. Dust still gets caught in the mouse and on the
rubber ball. As well, lint and other garbage may find it's way onto
the rubber ball and get into the mouse damaging the horizontal and
vertical sensors.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Robert Kayman ---- [email protected] -or- [email protected] | 18 | trimmed_train |
5,111 |
As usual, when Salah is not totally racist, she manages to get
virtually all the facts wrong.
Assad pledged to allow Jews to leave Syria, but not to go to Israel.
Unfortunately, not all of them have escaped yet, but not because they
don't want to leave; rather, Assad went back on his word and stopped
issuing travel permits. He claimed bureaucratic snags, but everyone
knows it was a tactic to pressure Israel. | 6 | trimmed_train |
9,880 | Okay, I'm trying to install NCSA telnet on a couple (okay, a whole bunch)
of machines. They're all true blue IBMs with either Fallon Phonenet cards
or Dastar cards. (I belive those names are correct.) Well, the docs for
telnet say that it'll run over an AppleTalk driver, but I've had little
If anyone has succesfully installed Telnet w/ AppleTalk, I'd like some
help with the config file for Telnet...
BTW, please reply via E-mail if possible...
Jeremy Zawodny | Computer Science Undergrad | Bowling Green State University | 3 | trimmed_train |
6,096 |
Sorry, but olwm and tvtwm don't do it. They place the title at that position
and the window at a position below it.
This becomes a problem when you want a program to be able to save its current
configuration and restore is later.
Currently, my solution is:
It works with olwm, but is less than elegant. All this leaves me wondering
if I'm overlooking something obvious. | 16 | trimmed_train |
520 |
I used a bunch as weights, when building a model airplane. Hung them
on the stringers, across the stringer, or whatever. Worked pretty well. | 11 | trimmed_train |
2,635 |
Could be better caching on the disk.
Could be faster coil for seeks.
Could be that the disk spins faster so data transfers faster.
Could be that data is packed tighter so it transfers faster.
Could be a faster SCSI command decoder in the drive.
Among other things... | 14 | trimmed_train |
5,813 | Could someone please send me the basics of the NASP project:
1. The proposal/objectives
2. The current status of the project/obstacles encountered
3. Chance that the project shall ever be completed
or any other interesting information about this project.
Any help will be much appreciated
| 10 | trimmed_train |
1,810 |
So what you're saying is that your mind is made up, and you'll just explain
away any differences at being statistically insignificant?
So you'll just explain away any inconsistancies in your "theory" as being
"a special case".
You just equated them. Re-read your own words.
A study release in 1991 found that 11% of female seagulls are lesbians.
Now, apply this last sentence of your to YOUR theory. Notice how your are
contridicting observations?
You don't know much math, do you? The ability to use SAS to determine the
length of the third side of the triangle is fundemental to geometry.
Goals <> postulates.
Again, if one of the "goals" of this "objective/natural morality" system
you are proposing is "survival of the species", then homosexuality is
immoral. | 8 | trimmed_train |
2,071 | I posted this over in sci.astro, but it didn't make it here.
Thought you all would like my wonderful pithy commentary :-)
What? You guys have never seen the Goodyear blimp polluting
the daytime and nightime skies?
Actually an oribital sign would only be visible near
sunset and sunrise, I believe. So pollution at night
would be minimal.
If it pays for space travel, go for it. Those who don't
like spatial billboards can then head for the pristine
environment of Jupiter's moons :-)
| 10 | trimmed_train |
9,578 | I am doing a report on the topic of 'Advanced Memory Management' and
need to know of some good references to cover this topic. It is an
Analytical Chemistry class on Instrumental Analysis. So, as you
could guess, it doesn't have to be an extremely thorough or extensive
covering of the topic. Also, I am a Chemical Engineer and know some,
but not too much about memory management. If anyone could help point
me in a good direction I would be very thankful.
Thanks in advance. | 3 | trimmed_train |
5,404 |
Something to bear in mind is what the V in VLB stands for!
V for Video - the origional intention of the bus was to speed up
the bus so that large memory to memory transfers would be faster.
This is espically useful in transfering data from main memory to
video memory.
Since there are usually 3 VLB slots card makers have been making
cards to fit in the other two.
How about an VLB ethernet card? Move the data into the card at
130 odd MB/s and then wait for it to tickle onto the net at
just over 1Mb/s.
[ Do do however free the local bus for other cards ]
Some times you need fast busses and sometimes you don't!
Guy | 3 | trimmed_train |
54 |
That's why zoologists refer to you as a 'fecal shield'. Colonel Semen
M. Budienny, a subsequent Soviet military fame, said about the
Armenian genocide of 2.5 million defenseless Turkish and Kurdish
women, children and elderly people during his visit to Anatolia
in June 1919 that
"the Armenians had become troublemakers, their Hinchakist
and Dashnakist parties were opportunist, serving as lackeys
of whatever power happened to be ascendent."
In September 16, 1920, Major General W. Thwaites, Director of
Military Intelligence, wrote to Lord Hardinge, Under-Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs:
" is useless to pretend that the Armenians are satisfactory
allies, or deserving of all the sympathy to which they claim."[1]
[1] F.O. 331/3411/158288.
In the Special Collection at Stanford Hoover Library, donated by
Georgia Cutler, the letter dated Nov. 1, 1943 states that
"Prescot Hall wrote a large volume to prove that Armenians were
not and never could be desirable citizens, that they would
always be unscrupulous merchants."
Source: Documents: Volume I (1919).
"Document No: 50," Archive No: 4/3621, Cabin No: 162, Drawer
No: 5, File No: 2905, Section No: 433, Contents No: 6, 6-1, 6-2.
(To 36th Division Command - Militia Commander Ismail Hakki)
"For eight days, Armenians have been forcibly obstructing people from
leaving their homes or going from one village to the other. Day and night
they are rounding up male inhabitants, taking them to unknown destinations,
after which nothing further is heard of them. (Informed from statements
of those who succeeded in escaping wounded from the massacres around
Taskilise ruins). Women and children are being openly murdered or are
being gathered in the Church Square and similar places. Most inhuman and
barbarous acts have been committed against Moslems for eight days."
"Document No: 52," Archive No: 4/3671, Cabin No: 163, Drawer
No: 1, File No: 2907, Section No: 440, Contents No: 6-6, 6-7.
(To: 1st Caucasian Army Corps Command, 2nd Caucasian Army Corps
Command, Communications Zone Inspectorate - Commander 3rd Army
"As almost all Russian units opposite our front have been withdrawn, the
population loyal to us in regions behind the Russian positions are
facing an ever-increasing threat and suppression as well as cruelties
and abuses by Armenians who have decided to systematically annihilate
the Moslem population in regions under their occupation. I have
regularly informed the Russian Command of these atrocities and
cruelties and I have gained the impression that the above authority
seems to be failing in restoring order."
Serdar Argic | 6 | trimmed_train |
1,944 | Hi!
I don't know much about Mormons, and I want to know about serious independent
studies about the Book of Mormon.
I don't buy the 'official' story about the gold original taken to heaven,
but haven't read the Book of Mormon by myself (I have to much work learning
Biblical Hebrew), I will appreciate any comment about the results of study
in style, vocabulary, place-names, internal consistency, and so on.
For example: There is evidence for one-writer or multiple writers?
There are some mention about events, places, or historical persons later
discovered by archeologist?
Yours in Collen
Andres Grino Brandt Casilla 14801 - Santiago 21
[email protected] Chile | 8 | trimmed_train |
4,932 | I was looking at the amps diagram for Sony 1090/2090 receivers, and I
was amazed to find a difference between the US and Canadian model
on the capacitor(s) that hangs off the output to the speakers:
------\/\/\----- to speaker (identical both models
from amp ---------------|
(idnetical both models) >
< 10
| |
0.022 --- --- Canadian model only!
US model --- --- 0.047
and world-wide | |
model only. | --- Candian model only!
| --- 0.047
| |
----------- gound
The board itself is also identical, with room for all three caps. The
US/Can versions is clearly indicated in both places.
How does that make sense? 0.047/2 is 0.0235, essentially 0.022 for caps
(there are just standard caps, no special W/type/precision). | 11 | trimmed_train |
801 |
some deleted
Dear Will,
I've never replied on this thing before so I hope it gets thru ok.
I had a few thoughts!:
"Faith on its own, if not accompanied by action is dead" - James 2:17
Faith is both belief and action.
If I say that I am a great swimmer but I never go swimming, am I really a
swimmer? and will people believe that I am?
Likewise if I say I'm a Christian but I never talk to God, am I really a
Christian? My faith is demonstrated by my action. The fact that we talk to
God proves we have faith. Satan believes in God but does not follow Him!
In a similar vein, I have recently been challenged by 1John2:3-6
v3 says "We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands"
I find this verse quite encouraging as it could imply that 'if we have
come to know Him, then we'll obey His commands' cos He lives within us and
we cannot help but obey what He says.
I tend to feel that as we daily submit ourself to God He will keep changing
us into the likeness of Jesus and His fruit and works will be automatically
produced in our lives.
Hope this helps. | 0 | trimmed_train |
Subsets and Splits