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Exp Worked and involved in deployment of core platform technologies, techniques, and web app frameworks such as spring, JBOSS, Tomcat, JSON, XML, HTML5, and Web Services. |
Exp Used Spring MVC module to develop MVC Architecture. |
Exp Worked on Apache Camel, RabbitMQ for sending messages over queue. |
Exp Deployed the Application into Docker container and made easily accessible at runtime using Cloud Foundry and other cloud services like AWS, Netflix Eureka. |
Exp Used Spring Security and OAuth2.0 for Authentication and Authorization of the application. |
Exp Implemented Spring AOP for declarative transaction management. |
Exp Developed a AWS Lambda function to send a request for internal service end points through API Gateway using apache HTTP Client. |
Exp Managed code versioning with GitHub and deployment to staging and production servers |
Exp Used Rest Controllers to replace the existing operations layer, which acts as bridge between business layer and the UI. |
Exp Used Jenkins as build management tool for continuous integration process. |
Exp Configured pom.xml to deploy the project using Maven. |
Exp Provided Technical support for production environments resolving the issues, analyzing the defects, providing and implementing the solution defects. |
Exp Environment: Agile Methodology, Java1.8, Lambda, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JSON, JSP, AWS, Micro Services, Oracle, RabbitMQ, Spring AOP, Hibernate, Spring Cloud, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, JDBC, Web-Services, SOA (Service-oriented) Architecture, Redis, REST, JAX-RS, Jersey, JUnit, JAX-B, WebSphere, JIRA, Maven, GIT, RAD, Jenkins, MongoDB, Cassandra,. |
Exp Client: State Farm Jan 16 – Feb 17 |
Exp Location: Dallas, TX |
Exp Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer |
Exp Description: Auto Quote Purchase (AQP) application is one of the many applications that are part of SF Auto Systems. Property and Causality being the main forte of State Farm's business the maintenance of all the applications coming under the Auto Systems umbrella is crucial. Auto Quote Purchase (AQP) is one of the many applications that are part of SF Auto Systems. P&C Application support involves production support, defect fixes and minor enhancements based on the SF's requirement. AQP is a web application which is used to gather customer information, generate quote and provides options to purchase the Auto policies. |
Exp Responsibilities: |
Exp Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of application developed using AGILE methodology. |
Exp Created user-friendly GUI interface using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS. |
Exp Implemented persistence framework using Hibernate& Handled Transaction Management using the provided data source. |
Exp Responsible for designing Hibernate mapping files based on business logic and Object relationships. |
Exp Developed restful web service APIs using Spring Framework such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP and Java Persistence API with a backend PostgreSQL and Cassandra database. |
Exp Involved in developing Web Services to send XML request and reading the response SOAP UI from Java platform. |
Exp Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces to exchange the data in the form of XML and by using SOAP. |
Exp Created Restful Web services using Jersey API (JAX-RS) while data exchange was carried out between application and services using JSON. |
Exp Spring MVC, Ajax and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic. |
Exp To maintain loose coupling between layers published the business layer as services and injected the necessary dependent components using Spring IOC and published cross cutting concerns like Logging, User Interface exceptions, Transactions using Spring AOP. |
Exp Integrated spring and hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services using Hibernate and spring. |
Exp Extensively used HQL and SQL for querying databases. |
Exp Developed Message Driven Bean for asynchronous sending Messages using JMS. |
Exp Used Apache Camel Framework to transform, extract and load the data. |
Exp Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection and used Apache Camel to integrate spring framework. |
Exp Implemented request and response objects using SOAP web services and created routes using Apache Camel. |
Exp Used Rest methodology for the service layer interface and used JSON for the data transformation. |
Exp Developed various AJAX and JSON calls for the communication between the server and the UI. |
Exp Developed web services for produce and consumed the services by making Web Service Calls to remote services in different applications. |
Exp Used Spring JMS module for lookup for the queues and MDBs for the listeners |
Exp Established Database Connectivity using Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for MySQL Server. |
Exp Developed the Mapping Resource Files for the database entities. |
Exp Packaged and deployed the application in IBM Web sphere. |
Exp Used IntelliJ as IDE to develop the application and followed the standard features for debugging and running. |
Exp Used log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms. |
Exp Analysis and Bug fixing of the production problems and defects along with enhancements |
Exp Used Rational Clear Case for the version control |
Exp Used Maven as the build tool. |
Exp Used J-Unit Testing and Ant Scripts. |
Exp Used JIRA for tracking the Project Stories in AGILE Methodology. |
Exp Environment: Agile, Java, JDK, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, Mongo DB, XML, Spring, Apache Camel, MVC design patterns, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Ant, Maven, Netflix, Rational Clear Case, Web sphere Server, IBM Web Sphere, Apache Camel, SOAP UI, JNDI, Log4J, PostgreSQL, MySQL Server, Google cloud platform, JIRA, RMI, IntelliJ, IDE, LINUX. |
Exp Client: Cigna Healthcare Nov 13– Dec 15 Location: Windsor, CT |
Exp Role: Java Developer |
Exp Description: One view is a web based application helping Customer Services people to view Benefit Plan information for Customers, health care providers. The application helps to resolve; track customer queries online by reducing overall time. The current project is reengineering the old application by replacing outdated Cordiant service layer with Restful Services and Spring Integration frame work improving performance and scalability. |
Exp Responsibilities: |
Exp Designed and developed the REST based Micro Services using the Spring Boot. |
Exp Writing end-to-end flow i.e. controllers classes, service classes, DAOs classes as per the Spring MVC design and writing business logics using core java API and data structures |
Exp Design, develop & deliver the REST APIs that are necessary to support new feature development and enhancements in an agile environment. |
Exp Used Spring JMS related MDB to receive the messages from other team with IBMMQ for queuing |
Exp Developed presentation layer code, using JSP, HTML, AJAX and JQuery |
Exp Developed the Business layer using spring (IOC, AOP), DTO, and JTA |
Exp Developed the Persistence layer DAO using HIBERNATE |
Exp Worked with Open symphony workflows and delivered work flow module to the client. |
Exp Developed the project using industry standard design patterns like Singleton, Business Delegate Factory Pattern for better maintenance of code and re-usability |
Exp Developing application module coded on Spring Batch and Apache Camel. |
Exp Written Jenkins pipeline template script in Groovy programming language for the automation of build and deployment process. |
Exp Created groovy scripts to extract transaction volume information and email to management on daily basis. |
Exp Developed unit test cases using Junit framework for testing accuracy of code and logging with SLF4j + Log4j |
Exp Worked with defect tracking system Clear Quest |
Exp Worked with IDE as Spring STS and deployed into spring tomcat server, WebSphere 6 & used Maven as build tool |
Exp Responsible for code sanity in integration stream used Clear Case as version control tool. |
Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, MongoDB, Apache Camel, symphony, JavaScript, JSP, Spring, Spring Batch, Spring web services, XML, UML, JUNIT, IBM WebSphere, Maven, Clear Case, SoapUI, Oracle 11g, Spring JMS, IBM MQ. |
Exp Client: Liberty Mutual Jan 12 - July 13 |
Exp Location: Seattle, WA |
Exp Role: Java Developer |
Exp Description: Liberty Mutual Insurance is an American diversified global insurer, and the second-largest property and casualty insurer in the United States. Ecommerce application provides services such as Auto Insurance and home insurance. The application is used for accessibility into the appropriate Agent Center applications and generating quotes and policies, payments and reports. |
Exp Responsibilities: |
Exp Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC). |
Exp Designed project related documents which includes Use case, Class and Sequence diagrams. |
Exp Involved in design, development, testing and implementation of the process systems, working on iterative life cycles business requirements, and creating Detail Design Document. |
Exp Using Agile methodologies to plan work for every iteration and used continuous integration tool to make the build passes before deploying the code to other environments. |
Exp Extensive experience in developing PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages, Cursors, Collections (Nested tables and arrays), Records, Object types and Database Triggers. |
Exp Created HTML Wireframes based in the Detailed System Specification Document Developed the presentation layer of the application using MVC architecture of spring framework. |
Exp Created DAO classes to interact with DB2 database. |
Exp Used Spring ORM module to integrate with Hibernate. |
Exp Used JMS API for sending and receiving the messages on the queue. |
Exp Used the spring validation and Tiles Framework in the presentation layer. |
Exp Developed user interface using JSP, Spring Tag Libraries to simplify the complexities of the application. |
Exp Developed user interface with Java Server Pages, Ajax support to speed up the application form filling. |
Exp Used Apache Axis as the Web Service framework for creating and consuming Web Service clients using SOAP and WSDL. |
Exp Used Rally for tracking purpose. |
Exp Designed various tables required for the project using DB2 database. Used JBOSS server for deploying the application. |
Exp Used Ant for build, create JAR, WAR, EAR files and deploy the EAR files automatically. |
Exp Used Junit to test the application classes. |
Exp Used Log4J to capture the logging information. |
Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JavaScript, JSP, AJAX, XML, Agile, Spring, Eclipse IDE, DB2, Rational Rose, Log4j, Junit, Ant, JBOSS, Rally, Apache Axis, Web Service, SOAP, WSDL. |
Exp Client: Soft Pro Systems Ltd. Sep 10 - Dec 11 |
Exp Location: Hyderabad, India |
Exp Role: Java Developer |
Exp Description: This project is mainly an Intranet application meant for employees in the organization. They are Intranet mailing System, Chatting, File Transfer and Remote Login. This project is based on the client server methodology. |
Exp Responsibilities: |
Exp Involved in the design and development of an entire Module – Guided Set Up. Developed user interface through JSP and Servlets. |
Subsets and Splits