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2654_00030d09-2b3a-4efd-87cc-c4ea39d27c34 | technical director | Technical directors realise the artistic visions of the creators within technical constraints. They coordinate the operations of various production units, such as scene, wardrobe, sound and lighting, and make-up. They adapt the prototype and study the feasibility, implementation, operation and technical monitoring of the artistic project. They are also responsible for the stage equipment and technical equipment. | director of technical arts, head of technical, head of technical department, technical and operations director, technical director, technical manager, technical supervisor | adapt to artists' creative demands, coordinate technical teams in artistic productions, coordinate with creative departments, negotiate health and safety issues with third parties, organise rehearsals, promote health and safety, write risk assessment on performing arts production |
8121_000e93a3-d956-4e45-aacb-f12c83fedf84 | metal drawing machine operator | Metal drawing machine operators set up and operate drawing machines for ferrous and non-ferrous metal products, designed to provide wires, bars, pipes, hollow profiles and tubes with their specific form by reducing its cross-section and by pulling the working materials through a series of drawing dies. | draw machine operative, draw machine operator, draw machine technician, forming machine operative, forming machine technician, metal drawing machine operative, metal drawing machine operator, metal drawing machine technician, wire drawer, wiredrawing machine tender, wiredrawing setter, wirer drawer machine operator | ensure equipment availability, monitor automated machines, monitor gauge, monitor moving workpiece in a machine, perform test run, remove inadequate workpieces, remove processed workpiece, set up the controller of a machine, supply machine, troubleshoot |
7543_0019b951-c699-4191-8208-9822882d150c | precision device inspector | Precision device inspectors make sure precision devices, such as micrometers and gauges, operate according to design specifications. They may adjust the precision devices and their components in case of any faults. | inspector of precision devices, inspector of precision instruments, precision device inspector, precision device QC inspector, precision device quality assurance supervisor, precision device quality control inspector, precision device quality control supervisor, precision instrument inspector, precision instrument QC inspector, precision instrument quality control inspector, precision instrument supervisor | communicate test results to other departments, conduct quality control analysis, ensure conformity to specifications, meet deadlines, monitor machine operations, read assembly drawings, read standard blueprints, report defective manufacturing materials, troubleshoot |
3155_0022f466-426c-41a4-ac96-a235c945cf97 | air traffic safety technician | Air traffic safety technicians provide technical support regarding the safety of air traffic control and navigation systems. They design, maintain, install and operate these systems both in the airport and on board the aeroplane according to regulations. | air traffic safety electronics engineer, air traffic safety electronics hardware specialist, air traffic safety electronics software specialist, air traffic safety electronics technician, air traffic safety engineer, air traffic safety hardware specialist, air traffic safety software specialist, air traffic safety technician | comply with air traffic control operations, ensure aircraft compliance with regulation, install electrical and electronic equipment, maintain electronic equipment, use testing equipment |
2431_002da35b-7808-43f3-83bf-63596b8b351f | hospitality revenue manager | Hospitality revenue managers maximise revenue generated from facilities such as hotels, holiday resorts and camping grounds by analysing trends and competition. They assist establishment managers in strategic decisions. Hospitality revenue managers analyse and optimise the financial potential of facilities and manage the corresponding staff. | hospitality revenue manager, hospitality revenues manager, hospitality yields manager, revenue manager, yield manager | analyse booking patterns, apply numeracy skills, comply with food safety and hygiene, develop business case, develop financial statistics reports, develop revenue generation strategies, ensure cross-department cooperation, ensure price competitiveness, forecast occupancy demand, implement marketing strategies, implement sales strategies, inspect data, manage hospitality revenue, manage staff, monitor financial accounts, perform market research, plan medium to long term objectives, produce statistical financial records, think analytically |
3212_0044c991-c26f-4261-a213-4bd1c0564a4c | medical laboratory assistant | Medical laboratory assistants work under supervision of the biomedical scientist and carry out basic laboratory procedures. They work in the pre-analytical handling of samples such as checking the details of specimens received for analysis, maintaining analysers, loading reagents, and packaging specimens. They also perform clerical tasks such as monitoring the stock levels of reagents used in analysis. | assistant clinical researcher, assistant in biomedical laboratory, assistant in medical laboratory, biomedical laboratory assistant, biomedical laboratory research assistant, clinical research assistant, medical lab assistant, medical laboratory assistant, medical laboratory research assistant | apply safety procedures in laboratory, archive healthcare users' records, calibrate laboratory equipment, check the received biological samples, communicate in healthcare, examine cell specimens microscopically, identify patients' medical records, label blood samples, maintain laboratory equipment, maintain medical laboratory equipment, mix chemicals, operate scientific measuring equipment, perform laboratory tests, perform sample testing, prepare samples for testing, record test data, send biological samples to laboratory, test chemical samples, transport blood samples, use chemical analysis equipment, wear appropriate protective gear, work safely with chemicals |
3116_00634fc4-802a-461b-8af0-499273756f99 | asphalt laboratory technician | Asphalt laboratory technicians perform asphalt and related raw materials inspections and laboratory testing, ensuring a high quality of the products. They also participate in coming up with resolutions to technical issues on construction sites. | aggregates and asphalt laboratory technician, aggregates and bitumen laboratory technician, asphalt laboratory technician, asphalt production technical supervisor, asphalt production technician, asphalt technician, bitumen production technician, bitumen technician, laboratory technician, asphalt, materials technician, road surface laboratory technician, road surface technician, site technician, site technician, asphalt, technical supervisor, asphalt production | apply safety procedures in laboratory, check quality of raw materials, inspect asphalt, inspect construction supplies, run laboratory simulations, supervise laboratory operations, supervise site maintenance, test concrete, use safety equipment in construction, write inspection reports |
5312_00674f21-2f8f-4a41-9896-133f7cbe2a6e | primary school teaching assistant | Primary school teaching assistants provide instructional and practical support to primary school teachers. They reinforce instruction with students in need of extra attention and prepare the materials the teacher needs in class. They also perform clerical work, monitor the students' learning progress and behaviour and supervise the students with and without the head teacher present. | elementary school teaching assistant, primary education teaching assistant, primary school assistant, primary school instructional assistant, primary school paraprofessional, primary school TA, primary school teaching aide, teaching assistant in primary schools | assist children in developing personal skills, assist students in their learning, assist students with equipment, attend to children's basic physical needs, encourage students to acknowledge their achievements, give constructive feedback, guarantee students' safety, handle children's problems, implement care programmes for children, maintain students' discipline, manage student relationships, observe student's progress, perform playground surveillance, prepare youths for adulthood, provide lesson materials, provide teacher support, support children's wellbeing, support the positiveness of youths |
2264_006cc1f9-2841-41c3-991a-dc3f2f3bd533 | physiotherapist | Physiotherapists are autonomous health professionals who are responsible for developing, maintaining or restoring motor function and movement throughout the lifespan using evidence-based practice. They relieve pain and treat or prevent physical conditions associated with injury, disease or other impairments. Physiotherapists empower patients and their carers to manage the condition outside clinical settings. They work within their scope of practice and their professional Code of Conduct. | bobath physiotherapist, business physiotherapist, cardiovascular physiotherapist, chiropractic therapist, chiropractor, eurythmy therapist, health and well-being therapist, health promotion worker, hydrotherapist, manipulative physiotherapist, masseuse, neurodevelopmental physiotherapist, neurological physiotherapist, neuromuscular physiotherapist, neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapist, occupational physiotherapist, occupational therapist, osteopath, physical therapist, physiotherapist, physiotherapist manager, rehabilitation therapist, remedial physiotherapist, respiratory physiotherapist, respiratory therapist, sports physiotherapist | accept own accountability, adhere to health well-being and safety, adhere to organisational guidelines, adjust physiotherapy interventions, advise on healthcare users' informed consent, advocate health, apply context specific clinical competences, apply organisational techniques, collect healthcare user's general data, communicate in healthcare, comply with legislation related to health care, comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice, conduct health related research, conduct physiotherapy assessment, contribute to continuity of health care, contribute to quality physiotherapy services, contribute to the rehabilitation process, create solutions to problems, deal with emergency care situations, develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship, develop physiotherapy services, develop plans related to client discharge, develop plans related to the transfer of care, develop strategic plans for physiotherapy services, develop therapeutic relationships, educate on the prevention of illness, empathise with the healthcare user, employ cognitive behaviour treatment techniques, engage in physiotherapy research, ensure safety of healthcare users, exert a goal-oriented leadership role towards colleagues, follow clinical guidelines, formulate a treatment plan, inform policy makers on health-related challenges, interact with healthcare users, interpret medical results, listen actively, maintain physiotherapy equipment, manage a healthcare unit budget, manage clinical risk, manage healthcare users' data, manage physiotherapy staff, measure effectiveness of the service provided, prescribe healthcare products, promote health and safety policies in health services, promote inclusion, provide health education, provide information on the effects of physiotherapy, provide learning support in healthcare, provide physiotherapy diagnosis, provide self management support, provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health, record healthcare users' progress related to treatment, refer healthcare users, respond to changing situations in health care, supervise physiotherapist assistants, supervise physiotherapy students, triage clients for physiotherapy, use different communication channels, use e-health and mobile health technologies, work in a multicultural environment in health care, work in multidisciplinary health teams |
2310_00747307-6341-4266-a061-25416f7c6a96 | performing arts theatre instructor | Performing arts theatre instructors educate students in specific theory and, primarily, practice-based theatre courses at a specialised theatre, or acting, school or conservatory at a higher education level. They provide theoretical instruction in service of the practical skills and techniques the students must subsequently master in theatre. Performing arts theatre instructors monitor the students' progress, assist individually when necessary, and evaluate their knowledge and performance of theatre practice through assignments, tests and examinations. | acting school instructor, acting school teacher, conservatory theatre instructor, conservatory theatre lecturer, instructor in performing arts, performing arts theater instructor, professor of theatre, theatre instructor, theatre instructor in performing arts school | adapt teaching to student's capabilities, analyse a script, apply intercultural teaching strategies, apply teaching strategies, assess students, bring out performers’ artistic potential, compile course material, conduct background research for plays, define artistic performance concepts, demonstrate when teaching, develop course outline, direct movement experiences, facilitate teamwork between students, give constructive feedback, guarantee students' safety, liaise with educational support staff, maintain safe working conditions in performing arts, manage student relationships, monitor developments in field of expertise, observe student's progress, perform classroom management, prepare lesson content |
8160_0085f271-5999-4d42-b879-75c3b4269883 | hydrogenation machine operator | Hydrogenation machine operators control equipment to process base oils for manufacture of margarine and shortening products. | hydrogenation machine operative, hydrogenation machine operator, hydrogenation operator, hydrogenation process operator, hydrogenator | adhere to organisational guidelines, administer ingredients in food production, apply GMP, apply HACCP, apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages, assess hydrogenation levels of edible oils, assess oil hardness, assess quality characteristics of food products, be at ease in unsafe environments, carry out checks of production plant equipment, control flow of matter used in oil processing, maintain mechanical equipment, monitor oil blending process, monitor temperature in manufacturing process of food and beverages, perform preliminary operations for oil extraction, pump products, tend mixing oil machine |
8160_0090dd54-057a-4f65-bbe8-f74c4999e8e8 | pasta operator | Pasta operators manufacture dry pasta products. They unload raw ingredients from storage silos and ingredient delivery systems. These operators mix, press, extrude as to reach desired drying levels of pasta. | pasta maker, pasta manufacturer, pasta production operator | adhere to organisational guidelines, adjust drying process to goods, administer ingredients in food production, apply GMP, apply HACCP, apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages, be at ease in unsafe environments, clean food and beverage machinery, ensure refrigeration of food in the supply chain, ensure sanitation, exert quality control to processing food, follow hygienic procedures during food processing, follow production schedule, knead food products, manage production changeovers, measure precise food processing operations, monitor flour unloading equipment, monitor machine operations, monitor operations of cleaning machines, monitor temperature in farinaceous processes, operate mixing of food products, operate presses, dryers and control systems, operate weighing machine, prepare pasta, set up machine controls, store raw food materials |
1420_00913533-5237-4870-9003-d1cb806603c9 | tobacco shop manager | Tobacco shop managers assume responsibility for activities and staff in specialised shops. | cigar and cigarette shop manager, cigar and cigarette store manager, cigarette shop manager, cigarette store manager, cigar shop manager, cigar store manager, pipe smokers shop manager, purveyor of tobacco and tobacco products, smokers products shop manager, tobacconist shop manager, tobacconists shop manager, tobacconists store manager, tobacconist store manager, tobacco shop manager, tobacco store manager | acquire license for selling tobacco products, adhere to organisational guidelines, apply health and safety standards, enforce regulations of selling tobacco to minors, ensure client orientation, ensure compliance with purchasing and contracting regulations, ensure correct goods labelling, handle sensitive products, maintain relationship with customers, maintain relationship with suppliers, manage budgets, manage staff, manage theft prevention, maximise sales revenues, measure customer feedback, monitor customer service, negotiate buying conditions, negotiate sales contracts, obtain relevant licenses, order supplies, oversee promotional sales prices, perform procurement processes, provide information to customers on tobacco products, recruit employees, set sales goals, set up pricing strategies, study sales levels of products, supervise merchandise displays, use different communication channels |
5249_009d29de-5872-43be-8d9b-abd27f8c99f1 | rental service representative in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods | Rental service representatives in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods are in charge of renting out equipment and determining specific periods of usage. They document transactions, insurances and payments. | rental advisor in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales assistant in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales desk agent in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales desk clerk in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales desk supervisor in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales manager in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales supervisor in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales team leader in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental sales worker in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service assistant in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service desk agent in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service desk clerk in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service desk supervisor in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service manager in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service representative in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service supervisor in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service team leader in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental service worker in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods, rental specialist in other machinery, equipment and tangible goods | achieve sales targets, apply numeracy skills, assist customers, communicate with customers, guarantee customer satisfaction, handle financial transactions, handle rental overdues, have computer literacy, identify customer's needs, maintain inventory of rented items, manage claims process, perform multiple tasks at the same time, process data, process payments, provide customer follow-up services, provide customers with price information, record customers' personal data, review completed contracts, work independently in rental services |
2165_00ab29a3-6d4a-4df9-b46d-de31069e36e8 | mine surveyor | Mine surveyors prepare and maintain mining plans in line with statutory and management requirements. They keep records of the physical progress of mining operations and of ore or mineral production. | mine operations surveyor, mine plan maker, mine planning surveyor, mine records keeper, mine surveyor, mine surveyors, mining surveyor, planner of mining operations | create GIS reports, create thematic maps, identify GIS issues, maintain plans of a mining site, maintain records of mining operations, manage mine site data, manage staff, perform surveying calculations, prepare scientific reports, present reports, process collected survey data, supervise staff, write work-related reports |
2263_00ab5610-e715-428f-99f6-b1e5e469dbcd | food safety specialist | Food safety specialists organise processes and implement procedures to avoid problems with food safety. They comply with regulations. | assistant food safety specialist, food compliance manager (food safety), food hygiene specialist, food production quality controller, food quality controller, food safety advisor, food safety consultant, food safety controller, food safety monitor, food safety specialist, food safety technician, food scientist, HACCP compliance manager, senior food safety specialist, technical manager for food safety, trainee food safety specialist | control food safety regulations, develop food safety programmes, evaluate retail food inspection findings, investigate complaints related to consumer protection, keep task records, maintain personal hygiene standards, monitor packaging operations, plan inspections for prevention of sanitation violations, prepare reports on sanitation, take action on food safety violations, train employees |
7233_00c8d1cf-24f2-47d1-9f10-765e1c102811 | land-based machinery technician | Land-based machinery technicians maintain, overhaul and repair agricultural equipment and machinery. | land-based machinery mechanic, land-based machinery technician, land-based machinery technicians, landbased machinery technician | apply health and safety standards, assemble machines, diagnose fuel systems, drive agricultural machines, inspect machinery, maintain agricultural machinery, manoeuvre heavy trucks, repair equipment on site |
8331_00cee175-1376-43fb-9f02-ba3d7a910a58 | bus driver | Bus drivers operate buses or coaches, take fares, and look after passengers. | bus driver, bus driving operator, bus operator, coach driver, driver of bus, intercity bus driver, international bus driver, passenger driver, private bus operator, private coach driver, public bus driver, public bus operator, public service vehicle operator, schoolbus driver, touristic bus driver, transit bus driver | adhere to transpiration work schedule, apply conflict management, assist disable passengers, clean road vehicles, communicate clearly with passengers, communicate with customers, control the performance of the vehicle, drive in urban areas, ensure vehicle operability, ensure vehicles are equipped with accessibility equipment, focus on passengers, help to control passenger behaviour during emergency situations, interpret traffic signals, keep time accurately, lift heavy weights, maintain concentration for long periods, manoeuvre bus, operate GPS systems, perform defensive driving, perform services in a flexible manner, provide first aid, provide information to passengers, read maps, stay alert, tend to passenger belongings, tolerate sitting for long periods, use communication devices, use different communication channels |
1324_00fdad73-4551-4e43-b256-1d4a3759db1e | import export manager in meat and meat products | Import export managers in meat and meat products install and maintain procedures for cross-border business, coordinating internal and external parties. | assistant export manager in meat and meat products, assistant import export manager in meat and meat products, assistant import manager in meat and meat products, customs compliance manager in meat and meat products, graduate export manager in meat and meat products, graduate import export manager in meat and meat products, graduate import manager in meat and meat products, import export manager in meat and meat products, international trade compliance manager in meat and meat products, international trade manager in meat and meat products, senior export manager in meat and meat products, senior import export manager in meat and meat products, senior import manager in meat and meat products, trainee export manager in meat and meat products, trainee import export manager in meat and meat products, trainee import manager in meat and meat products | abide by business ethical code of conducts, apply conflict management, build rapport with people from different cultural backgrounds, comprehend financial business terminology, conduct performance measurement, control trade commercial documentation, create solutions to problems, direct distribution operations, ensure customs compliance, have computer literacy, maintain financial records, manage processes, managing a business with great care, meet deadlines, monitor international market performance, perform financial risk management in international trade, produce sales reports, set import export strategies, speak different languages |
2422_01205776-db8d-4588-a6a6-56d0b9c660a9 | housing policy officer | Housing policy officers research, analyse and develop housing policies which enable affordable and adequate housing for all. They implement these policies to improve the housing situation of the population by measures such as building affordable housing, supporting people to buy real estate and improving conditions in existing housing. Housing policy officers work closely with partners, external organisations or other stakeholders and provide them with regular updates. | affordable housing policy officer, housing policy advisor, housing policy analyst, housing policy and strategy officer, housing policy development officer, housing policy officer, housing policy researcher, policy officer, policy officer, planning and housing, senior housing policy officer | advise on legislative acts, advise on public finance, analyse legislation, create solutions to problems, manage government policy implementation |
3434_01484951-15e6-4b88-a20f-1201868d36a0 | head chef | Head chefs manage the kitchen to oversee the preparation, cooking and service of food. | chef de cuisine, executive chef, head chef, head of kitchen, industrial head chef, kitchen manager, managing partner head chef, master chef, master Chef, master kitchen manager, patron cuisinier, sous chef | assist customers, compile cooking recipes, comply with food safety and hygiene, control of expenses, develop food waste reduction strategies, ensure maintenance of kitchen equipment, estimate costs of required supplies, handle chemical cleaning agents, handle customer complaints, handover the food preparation area, keep up with eating out trends, maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment, manage budgets, manage hospitality revenue, manage staff, manage stock rotation, monitor the use of kitchen equipment, perform procurement processes, plan menus, recruit employees, schedule shifts, set prices of menu items, supervise food quality, train employees, train staff to reduce food waste, use cooking techniques, use culinary finishing techniques, use food preparation techniques, use reheating techniques, use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality |
8131_0152b59d-5005-470c-9273-ef321477d8dc | nonwoven filament machine operator | Nonwoven filament machine operators perform chemical nonwoven processing operations. | non-woven filament machine operator, non-woven yarn worker, nonwoven filament machine operator, non woven filament machine operator, nonwoven filament machinist, nonwoven yarn worker, non woven yarn worker | control textile process, manufacture non-woven filament products, manufacture textile floor coverings |
1345_01649ae9-22ee-4dba-83a8-3a2c51fbbe95 | head of higher education institutions | Heads of higher education institutions manage the day-to-day activities of a higher education institution, such as a college or vocational school. Heads of higher education institutions make decisions concerning admissions and are responsible for meeting curriculum standards, which facilitate academic development for the students. They manage staff, the school's budget, campus programmes and oversee the communication between departments. They also ensure the institution meets the national education requirements set by law. | head of higher education institutions, rector for higher education institutions, rector of higher education, university chancellor | analyse staff capacity, assist in the organisation of school events, cooperate with education professionals, develop organisational policies, guarantee students' safety, lead board meetings, liaise with board members, liaise with educational staff, liaise with educational support staff, manage school budget, manage staff, monitor educational developments, present reports, represent the organisation, show an exemplary leading role in an organisation, write work-related reports |
3123_0181835d-dd00-49e2-9fc4-e1382a65957f | insulation supervisor | Insulation supervisors monitor insulation operations. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems. | cavity wall insulation installation supervisor, insulation installers supervisor, insulation supervisor, loft insulation installation supervisor, solid wall insulation installation supervisor, supervisor of installation of insulating materials, supervisor of installation of insulation, supervisor of insulation materials installation | advise on construction materials, answer requests for quotation, check compatibility of materials, create infrared imagery, demonstrate products' features, ensure compliance with construction project deadline, ensure equipment availability, evaluate employees work, follow health and safety procedures in construction, inspect construction supplies, inspect insulation, keep records of work progress, liaise with managers, manage health and safety standards, monitor stock level, order construction supplies, plan shifts of employees, process incoming construction supplies, supervise staff, use safety equipment in construction, work in a construction team |
2149_01989dd8-36c0-43cc-a82d-2bfc409de9c4 | dismantling engineer | Dismantling engineers research and plan the optimal way to dismantle industrial equipment, machinery and buildings that reached the end-of-life phase. They analyse the required work and schedule the various operations. They give team leaders instructions and supervise their work. | disassembly planner, dismantling engineer, dismantling manager, dismantling planner | advise on machinery malfunctions, develop design plans, develop project schedule, disassemble equipment, disassemble machines, dismantle broken appliances, draw blueprints, follow health and safety procedures in construction, identify construction materials from blueprints, instruct on safety measures, lead a team, manage schedule of tasks, perform risk analysis, perform safety data analysis, review construction plans authorisations, write stress-strain analysis reports |
3315_01a83071-6533-4675-b2da-f0c6d02669f5 | insurance claims handler | Insurance claims handlers ensure that all insurance claims are handled accurately and that payment for valid claims is made to the policyholders. They use statistical data and reporting to calculate and adjust claims as needed, communicate with and guide policyholders and monitor the progress of a claim. | casualty insurance adjuster, civil damages inspector, claims adjuster, claims analyst, claims consultant, claims examiner, claims handler, claims inspector, claims processor, claims representative, claims service supervisor, contract claims examiner, insurance claims analyst, insurance claims assessor, insurance claims consultant, insurance claims examiner, insurance claims handler, insurance claims inspector, insurance claims officer, insurance claims processor, property and casualty insurance claims examiner, travelling insurance assessor | analyse claim files, apply technical communication skills, calculate compensation payments, classify insurance claims, communicate with beneficiaries, handle incoming insurance claims, interview insurance claimants, maintain records of financial transactions, manage claim files, organise a damage assessment, provide financial product information, review insurance process, synthesise financial information |
1223_01bcac9f-7881-4664-bd63-dea700e3b117 | clothing development manager | Clothing development managers define product concepts that are consistent with target consumers and overall marketing strategy. They receive scientific findings and specifications in order to lead the briefing and implementation of all relevant seasonal and strategic concepts, including distribution by channel, product, colour introductions, and merchandised assortments. They ensure realisation and execution within budget. They manage and execute the product line and category life cycle from concept determination through sales and distribution, contribution in market research and industry trends to influence category concepts and products. | apparel product developer, clothes product developer, clothing development manager, clothing manager, clothing product manager, sample room manager | analyse supply chain strategies, coordinate manufacturing production activities, distinguish accessories, distinguish fabrics, evaluate garment quality, manage briefs for clothing manufacturing, operate computerised control systems, perform process control in the wearing apparel industry, prepare production prototypes |
8131_01da600c-ddb3-4a37-95e9-5301b459ae90 | nitroglycerin separator operator | Nitroglycerin separator operators maintain the gravity separator, used in explosives processing, controlling the temperature and liquid flow, in order to separate nitroglycerin from spent acids. | chemical equipment operative, chemical equipment operator, chemical equipment worker, gravity separator operator, nitro-separator operative, nitro-separator operator, nitroglycerin- separator operative, nitroglycerin-separator operator, nitroglycerin-separator tender, nitroglycerin-separator worker, nitroglycerin gravity separator, nitroglycerin separator operative, nitroglycerin separator operator, nitroglycerin separator tender, nitroglycerin separator worker | monitor nitroglycerin flow, monitor tank thermometer, optimise production processes parameters, separate nitroglycerin from acids, store spent acids |
2149_01ffb917-98dc-48c1-91ad-93c4104e791d | biomedical engineer | Biomedical engineers combine knowledge of engineering principles and biological findings for the development of medical treatments, medicaments, and general healthcare purposes. They can develop solutions ranging from the improvement of the components in conventional medicaments up to implants developments, and tissue treatment. | bio-medical engineer, biomedical engineer, biomedical engineering adviser, biomedical engineering consultant, biomedical engineering expert, biomedical engineering specialist, biomedical technology engineer, biomedical technology engineering adviser, biomedical technology engineering consultant, biomedical technology engineering expert, biomedical technology engineering specialist, BME adviser, BME consultant, BME expert, BME specialist | adjust engineering designs, apply scientific methods, approve engineering design, assess the feasibility of implementing developments, collect biological data, demonstrate disciplinary expertise, develop test procedures, execute analytical mathematical calculations, interact professionally in research and professional environments, manage personal professional development, manage research data, operate open source software, perform project management, perform scientific research, synthesise information, think abstractly, think analytically |
3412_021663ca-a367-472e-a1f0-6d8ab5b2d860 | legal guardian | Legal guardians legally assist and support minor children, mentally disabled persons or incapacitated older adults in their personal life. They can manage their property, help with daily financial administration and assist with the ward's medical or social needs. | conservator, court-appointed guardian, department of work and pensions appointee, financial guardian, foster parent, intervenor, legal guardian, legal parent, welfare guardian, youth legal guardian | advocate for social service users, apply person-centred care, assist with personal administration issues, contribute to protecting individuals from harm, give advice on personal matters, listen actively, maintain the trust of service users, provide first aid |
7318_02375132-3290-4221-bf55-d93ec61a3bf3 | weaver | Weavers operate the weaving process at traditional hand powered weaving machines (from silk to carpet, from flat to Jacquard). They monitor the condition of machines and the fabric quality, such as woven fabrics for clothing, home-tex or technical end uses. They carry out mechanic works on machines that convert yarns into fabrics such as blankets, carpets, towels and clothing material. They repair loom malfunctions as reported by the weaver, and complete loom check out sheets. | cloth weaver, fabric weaver, loom operator, manufacturing weaver, needle loom operator, needle loom weaver, textile weaver, weaver, weaving foreman, weaving forewoman, weaving inspector, weaving machine operator, weaving machinist | cut textiles, tend weaving machines, use textile technique for hand-made products, use weaving machine technologies |
7122_02447817-ea01-4d8b-b09c-8bc128e447e6 | tile fitter | Tile fitters install tiles onto walls and floors. They cut tiles to the right size and shape, prepare the surface, and put the tiles in place flush and straight. Tile fitters may also take on creative and artistic projects, with some laying mosaics. | floor tiler, marble setter, mosaic tiler, surface tiler, tilefitter, tile installer, tiler, tile setter, tilesetter, tiling worker, wall tiler | apply tile adhesive, caulk expansion joints, cut tiles, fill tile joints, follow health and safety procedures in construction, inspect construction supplies, lay tiles, mix construction grouts, plan tiling, snap chalk line, transport construction supplies, types of tile, use measurement instruments, use safety equipment in construction, work ergonomically |
1420_0249b723-1d20-4ff9-8623-d20b98d0b4a4 | shoe and leather accessories shop manager | Shoe and leather accessories shop managers assume responsibility for activities and staff in specialised shops. | cobblers shop manager, cobblers store manager, footwear store manager, leather accessories shop manager, leather accessories store manager, shoe and leather accessories shop manager, shoe and leather accessories store manager, shoe shop manager, shoe store manager, shop manager (footwear and leather goods retail store) | adhere to organisational guidelines, apply fashion trends to footwear and leather goods, apply health and safety standards, ensure client orientation, ensure compliance with purchasing and contracting regulations, ensure correct goods labelling, maintain relationship with customers, maintain relationship with suppliers, manage budgets, manage staff, manage theft prevention, maximise sales revenues, measure customer feedback, monitor customer service, negotiate buying conditions, negotiate sales contracts, obtain relevant licenses, order supplies, oversee promotional sales prices, perform procurement processes, recruit employees, set sales goals, set up pricing strategies, study sales levels of products, supervise merchandise displays, use different communication channels |
1439_02609ece-cea3-43fa-bf38-b6fb821f28b2 | tour operator manager | Tour operator managers are in charge of managing employees and of activities within tour operators related to the organisation of package tours and other tourism services. | package tour manager, package tour operator manager, package tour services manager, tour operators manager | build a network of suppliers in tourism, build business relationships, comply with food safety and hygiene, develop revenue generation strategies, develop strategies for accessibility, develop tourism products, handle personal identifiable information, maintain customer service, manage budgets, manage contracts, manage distribution channels, manage staff, manage visitor flows in natural protected areas, maximise sales revenues, measure customer feedback, negotiate tourism rates, oversee quality control, oversee the design of touristic publications, oversee the printing of touristic publications, perform market research, plan marketing strategy, plan medium to long term objectives, prepare travel packages, provide customised products, recruit employees, select optimal distribution channel, set up pricing strategies, translate strategy into operation |
6123_026401a9-7d56-4d7b-8052-38985ddbeafa | bee breeder | Bee breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of bees. They maintain the health and welfare of bees. | beekeeper, bee rearer, bees breeder, bee specialist | administer drugs to facilitate breeding, administer treatment to animals, apply animal hygiene practices, assist in transportation of animals, breed insects, care for juvenile animals, control animal movement, create animal records, dispose of dead animals, feed livestock, maintain animal accommodation, maintain professional records, manage animal biosecurity, manage livestock, manage the health and welfare of livestock, monitor livestock, monitor the welfare of animals, operate farm equipment, process harvested honey, provide nutrition to animals, select livestock |
3342_0264b794-3771-47aa-a675-78bf13b62ee7 | legal administrative assistant | Legal administrative assistants carry out the daily administrative activities of firms, offices of notaries, and companies. They perform activities such as writing mails, phone-answering and typing/keyboarding. They combine these activities with specific knowledge and understanding of the procedures and codes managed in legal business affairs. | certified legal assistant, certified legal secretary, certified legal secretary specialist, collection legal assistant, legal administrative assistant, legal administrative secretary, legal executive secretary, legal secretary, litigation legal assistant, litigation secretary, paralegal assistant | communicate by telephone, compile legal documents, manage personnel agenda, meet deadlines for preparing legal cases, observe confidentiality, perform clerical duties, perform office routine activities |
3134_026a5233-cad9-4b1d-8852-22c2685ab34e | petroleum pump system operator | Petroleum pump system operators tend pumps that keep the circulation of oil and derived products running smoothly. They monitor the flow within the pipes at a refinery and test the equipment to ensure minimum disruptions. Pump systems operators work from a highly automated control room, where they communicate with other workers to coordinate pump activities. Pump system operators undertake minor repairs and maintenance, and report as called for. | petroleum pump system operator | collect oil samples, control pumping operations in petroleum production, coordinate remote communications, inspect pipelines, manage emergency procedures, operate hydraulic pumps, operate oil pumping systems, set equipment controls, synchronise pumphouse activities, troubleshoot, verify oil circulation |
8153_029a5b78-4d1c-4cf9-a2d2-bb8d8729b8a3 | protective clothing apparel manufacturer | Protective clothing apparel manufacturers produce personal protective equipment (PPE) made of textiles. They produce wearing apparel resistant to different hazards, e.g. thermal, physical, electrical, biological, and chemical, etc., high visibility warming clothing, protective against cool, cold, rain, UV solar radiation, etc. They follow standards and assess the fulfilment of requirements. | manufacturer of protective clothing, manufacturer of protective equipment, manufacturer of safety clothing, protective clothes manufacturer, protective clothing apparel manufacturer, protective gear manufacturer | bundle fabrics, cut fabrics, distinguish accessories, distinguish fabrics, inspect wearing apparel products, manufacture personal protective equipment made of textile, manufacture wearing apparel products, sew pieces of fabric, sew protective workwear |
8122_02b5b7b0-b856-4ac7-924c-8c35c7880b2a | coating machine operator | Coating machine operators set up and tend coating machines that coat metal products with a thin layer of covering of materials such as lacquer, enamel, copper, nickel, zinc, cadmium, chromium or other metal layering in order to protect or decorate the metal products' surfaces. They run all coating machine stations on multiple coaters. | coater, coater adjuster, coater associate, coater operator, coater technician, coating and baking operator, coating and embossing operator, coating and embossing unit operator, coating machine operative, coating machine operator, coating machine technician | ensure equipment availability, monitor moving workpiece in a machine, remove inadequate workpieces, remove processed workpiece, supply machine, tend coating machine, wear appropriate protective gear |
6221_02bd7cac-8263-4425-b03d-19001ffe8787 | aquaculture hatchery manager | Aquaculture hatchery managers plan, direct, and coordinate the production in large-scale aquaculture operations to breed fish and shellfish, developing aquaculture breeding strategies using various types of spawning techniques. They control the reproduction and the early life cycle stages of cultured species. They supervise incubation, early feeding and rearing techniques of the cultured species. | aquaculture hatchery manager, aquaculture hatchery supervisor, fish farm hatchery supervisor, manager of aquaculture hatchery | apply company policies, assess environmental impact in aquaculture operations, assess feeding behaviour of larvae, control aquatic production environment, deliver aquatic products to customer specifications, develop aquaculture hatchery business plan, develop management plans to reduce risks in aquaculture, enforce sanitation procedures, ensure aquaculture personnel health and safety, induce spawning of cultured aquaculture species, inspect aquaculture equipment, maintain the production of juveniles at the nursery stage, make time-critical decisions, manage aquatic resources stock production, manage capture broodstock operations, organise labour, plan aquatic resources feeding regimes, provide on-site training in aquaculture facilities, schedule hatchery supplies, supervise aquaculture facilities, treat fish diseases, write work-related reports |
7223_02d4f153-8e43-444d-8bd4-8171d49eab12 | gear machinist | Gear machinists make precision parts for gears and other driving elements. They use a variety of machine tools. | auto change machinist, auto machinist, automotive gearing machinist, automotive gear machinist, electrical gearing machinist, electrical gear machinist, gear change machinist, gear machinist, mechanical gearing machinist, mechanical gear machinist, mechatronic gearing machinist, mechatronic gear machinist, precision gearing machinist, precision gear machinist | consult technical resources, monitor automated machines, perform test run, remove processed workpiece, secure working area, set up the controller of a machine, supply machine, supply machine with appropriate tools, troubleshoot |
1411_02e19186-458f-40eb-9e78-31c656d12ac7 | rooms division manager | Rooms division managers are in charge of managing and coordinating a team of employees at front desk, reservations, housekeeping and maintenance departments. | director of rooms, front desk manager, front office manager, head receptionist, reception manager, reservations manager, rooms and reservations manager, rooms division manager, rooms manager | assess cleanliness of areas, comply with food safety and hygiene, coordinate activities across hospitality rooms division, coordinate redecoration of hospitality establishment, develop working procedures, ensure cross-department cooperation, forecast occupancy demand, handle customer complaints, maintain customer service, manage budgets, manage front operations, manage health and safety standards, manage hospitality revenue, manage inspections of equipment, manage maintenance operations, manage staff, monitor financial accounts, present reports, schedule shifts, train reception staff |
7316_02e94cd6-8e6d-4e9b-b695-edb460c70528 | ceramic painter | Ceramic painters design and create visual art on ceramic surfaces and objects such as tiles, sculptures, tableware and pottery. They use a variety of techniques to produce decorative illustrations ranging from stenciling to free-hand drawing. | ceramic artist, ceramic decorator, ceramic designer & painter, ceramic designer and painter, ceramic painter, ceramic painter & decorator, ceramic painter and decorator, ceramics painter, decorator of ceramics, painter of ceramic articles | articulate artistic proposal, contextualise artistic work, create artwork, create original paintings, create sketches, develop investment portfolio, develop visual elements, gather reference materials for artwork, operate a ceramics kiln, paint surfaces, select artistic materials to create artworks, submit preliminary artwork, use artistic materials for drawing, use paint safety equipment, use painting techniques, work independently as an artist |
2153_02eb0ae6-ecdd-4602-9c8e-60ffe6dbe1e2 | telecommunications engineer | Telecommunications engineers design, build, test and maintain telecommunication systems and networks, including radio and broadcasting equipment. They analyse customer needs and requirements, ensure that the equipment meets regulations, and prepare and present reports and proposals on telecommunication-related problems. Telecommunications engineers design and oversee the service delivery in all it's phases, supervising the installation and use of telecommunications equipment and facilities, preparing documentation and providing training for company staff once new equipment has been installed. | broadcast engineer, communications designer, communications engineer, information systems engineer, radio engineer, telecom engineer, telecommunications designer, telecommunications engineer, telecommunications engineers, telecommunications technologist, telecoms engineer, transmission engineer | adjust ICT system capacity, analyse network bandwidth requirements, define technical requirements, design computer network, design process, estimate costs of installing telecommunication devices, implement a virtual private network, interact with users to gather requirements, provide ICT system training, support ICT system users, use session border controller |
2352_02f1ae71-f89c-47b7-af2c-50d7ab1d9b8a | adult literacy teacher | Adult literacy teachers instruct adult students, including recent immigrants and early school leavers, in basic reading and writing skills, usually on primary school level. Adult literacy teachers involve the students in the planning and executing of their reading activities, and assess and evaluate them individually through assignments and examinations. | adult literacy and numeracy instructor, adult literacy instructor, adult literacy lecturer, adult literacy teacher, instructor in adult literacy and numeracy, literacy tutor, skills for life teacher, teacher of adult literacy, teacher of adult literacy and numeracy | adapt teaching to student's capabilities, adapt teaching to target group, apply intercultural teaching strategies, apply teaching strategies, assess students, assist students in their learning, consult students on learning content, demonstrate when teaching, encourage students to acknowledge their achievements, give constructive feedback, guarantee students' safety, liaise with educational support staff, manage student relationships, observe student's progress, perform classroom management, prepare lesson content, provide lesson materials, show consideration for student's situation, teach basic numeracy skills, teach literacy as a social practice, teach reading strategies, teach writing, use pedagogic strategies for creativity |
1321_02f26b2f-879c-4811-8381-65e8dd3f4a16 | footwear quality manager | Footwear quality managers implement, manage and promote the quality systems in the company, using adequate tools and methodologies based on national, international or company standards. They are in charge of establishing requirements and objectives, as well as preparing documents. They analyse complaints, and promote and coordinate corrective and preventive measures. They promote an effective internal and external communication and ensure the consumer's demands are met. They are responsible for the definition of instruments which monitor and control the quality systems, namely internal or external auditing, and they participate in the internal auditing. | footwear quality assurance manager, footwear quality control manager, footwear quality coordinator, footwear quality executive, footwear quality manager | apply footwear and leather goods quality control techniques, communicate commercial and technical issues in foreign languages, create solutions to problems, exert a goal-oriented leadership role towards colleagues, innovate in footwear and leather goods industry, manage footwear quality systems, plan supply chain logistics for footwear and leather goods, reduce environmental impact of footwear manufacturing, use IT tools, use communication techniques, work in textile manufacturing teams |
7126_02ff199e-38b3-45fd-b659-68846cfeeb92 | sprinkler fitter | Sprinkler fitters are responsible for the installation of fire protection systems that sprinkle water. They connect pipes, tubing and the necessary accessories. Sprinkler system installers also test the systems for leaks. | fire protection system fitter, fire protection system installer, fire safety system fitter, fire safety system installer, fire sprinkler fitter, irrigation technician, sprinkler installer, sprinkler system fitter, sprinkler technician | check compatibility of materials, check water pressure, follow health and safety procedures in construction, inspect construction supplies, install fire sprinklers, interpret 2D plans, interpret 3D plans, lay pipe installation, set up water pump, use measurement instruments, work ergonomically |
1324_032d4115-03ec-49c9-853d-678f8a41969b | electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution manager | Electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution managers plan the distribution of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts to various points of sales. | assistant electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution manager, electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution manager, electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution planner, electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts logistics manager, electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts logistics planner, electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts supply chain manager, electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts supply chain planner, graduate electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution manager, senior electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution manager, trainee electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts distribution manager | adhere to organisational guidelines, carry out inventory control accuracy, carry out statistical forecasts, communicate with shipment forwarders, create solutions to problems, develop financial statistics reports, ensure customs compliance, ensure regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities, forecast distribution activities, handle carriers, have computer literacy, implement strategic planning, manage financial risk, manage freight payment methods, manage staff, minimise shipping cost, perform financial risk management in international trade, perform multiple tasks at the same time, perform risk analysis, plan transport operations, track shipments, track shipping sites |
2352_034cad59-e666-4770-a7ef-a337257f8072 | special educational needs teacher secondary school | Special educational needs teachers at secondary schools provide specially-designed instruction to students on with a variety of disabilities on a secondary school level and ensure they reach their learning potential. Some special educational needs teachers at secondary schools work with children who have mild to moderate disabilities, implementing a modified curriculum to fit each student's specific needs. Other special educational needs teachers at secondary schools assist and instruct students with intellectual disabilities and autism, focusing on teaching them basic and advanced literacy, life and social skills. All teachers assess the students' progress, taking into account their strengths and weaknesses, and communicate their findings to parents, counselors, administrators and other parties involved. | high school SEN teacher, high school special educational needs teacher, high school special education teacher, high school special needs teacher, secondary school SEN teacher, secondary school special educational needs teacher, secondary school special education teacher, special educational needs teacher high school, special educational needs teacher in high school, teacher in special educational needs in secondary schools | adapt teaching to student's capabilities, apply intercultural teaching strategies, apply teaching strategies, assess the development of youth, assign homework, assist children with special needs in education settings, assist students in their learning, balance participants' personal needs with group needs, compile course material, demonstrate when teaching, give constructive feedback, guarantee students' safety, liaise with educational staff, liaise with educational support staff, maintain relations with children's parents, maintain students' discipline, manage student relationships, monitor developments in field of expertise, monitor student's behaviour, observe student's progress, perform classroom management, prepare lesson content, provide specialised instruction for special needs students, secondary school procedures, teach secondary education class content |
1431_03632d98-0ae3-4dd2-941c-3b48de9a0219 | performance production manager | Performance production managers take care of a range of practical issues concerning the production of a performance or entertainment event. They deal with matters ranging from the recruitment of staff, procurement of materials and services, to freight, customs coordination, telecommunications, labor relations, logistics, information technology, government liaison, venue booking, scheduling, operations management, mending delay problems and workplace safety. | film production manager, live event production manager, performance production manager, theater production manager, theatre production manager | adapt to artists' creative demands, coordinate artistic production, coordinate rehearsals, coordinate with creative departments, create production schedules, develop artistic project budgets, develop cultural activities, draw up artistic production, establish daily priorities, estimate needs of artistic production, follow company standards, liaise with cultural partners, liaise with local authorities, manage artistic project, manage budgets, manage logistics, manage operational budgets, manage staff, manage supplies, organise cultural events, organise performance space, organise rehearsals, plan artistic production activities, plan health and safety procedures, promote cultural venue events, promote inclusion, represent the organisation, set organisational policies, strive for company growth, supervise daily information operations, work with cultural venue specialists |
1321_0368c4d4-94cf-4168-a84d-283a25880e0d | metal production manager | Metal production managers organise and manage the day-to-day and long-term project work in a metal fabrication factory, to process basic metals into fabricated metals. They create and schedule production plans, recruit new staff, enforce safety and company policies, and strive for customer satisfaction through guaranteeing the product's quality. | development engineer, facility manager, metal development engineers, metal development experts, metal development managers, metal engineer, metal planning engineer, metal production manager, operations manager, plant manager, site manager | adhere to organisational guidelines, analyse goal progress, control production, create manufacturing guidelines, define manufacturing quality criteria, develop manufacturing policies, follow company standards, forecast organisational risks, implement strategic planning, improve business processes, liaise with managers, manage budgets, manage commercial risks, manage staff, manage stocked company material, manage supplies, meet deadlines, optimise financial performance, plan health and safety procedures, procure mechanical machinery, replace machines, strive for company growth, use IT tools |
8211_036dc42f-bd4d-4533-a3cc-fcd313227ce3 | aircraft engine assembler | Aircraft engine assemblers build and install prefabricated parts to form aircraft engines such as lightweight piston engines and gas turbines. They review specifications and technical drawings to determine materials and assembly instructions. They inspect and test the engines and reject malfunctioning components. | aeroplane engine assembler, aeroplane engine builder, aircraft engine assembler, airplane engine assembler, airplane engine builder, civilian aircraft engine assembler, civilian aircraft engine builder, helicopter engine assembler, helicopter engine builder, jet aircraft engine assembler, jet aircraft engine builder, light aircraft engine assembler, light aircraft engine builder, military aircraft engine assembler, military aircraft engine builder, piston aircraft engine assembler, piston aircraft engine builder, plane engine assembler, plane engine builder, rotary aircraft engine assembler, rotary aircraft engine builder | align components, apply health and safety standards, apply preliminary treatment to workpieces, bolt engine parts, ensure aircraft compliance with regulation, ensure equipment availability, fasten components, read engineering drawings, read standard blueprints, troubleshoot, use power tools, use technical documentation, wear appropriate protective gear |
2146_03b2f112-a891-461d-a8d4-effb9dcf2df6 | quarry engineer | Quarry engineers analyse which extraction methods such as excavating, drilling and blasting are most suited to extract raw materials from the ground. They develop plans before a new quarry is opened, assessing if the quarry is profitable. Quarry engineers manage the everyday operations in a quarry, create and maintain progress reports, oversee the staff, ensure health and safety and assess the environmental impact a quarry has on its environment. | drill & blast engineer, drill and blast engineer, drilling & blasting engineer, drilling and blasting engineer, drilling and blasting supervisor, explosives engineer, mine engineer, mine planning engineer, mining engineer, quarry engineer, quarry manager | advise on geology for mineral extraction, advise on mine development, advise on mine production, carry out geological explorations, ensure compliance with safety legislation, maintain records of mining operations, prepare scientific reports, procure mechanical machinery, write technical reports |
1420_03b55cb5-9735-4582-8e20-2b1cb76635cb | audiology equipment shop manager | Audiology equipment shop managers assume responsibility for activities and staff in specialised shops. | audiology centre manager, audiology equipment retail manager, audiology equipment shop manager, audiology retail service manager, audiology sales manager, audiology shop manager, hearing aid shop manager, hearing help shop manager, retail audiologist | adhere to organisational guidelines, advise customers on audiology products, apply health and safety standards, ensure client orientation, ensure compliance with purchasing and contracting regulations, ensure correct goods labelling, maintain records of clients' prescriptions, maintain relationship with customers, maintain relationship with suppliers, manage budgets, manage staff, manage theft prevention, managing a business with great care, maximise sales revenues, measure customer feedback, monitor customer service, negotiate buying conditions, negotiate sales contracts, obtain relevant licenses, operate audiological equipment, order supplies, oversee promotional sales prices, perform procurement processes, recruit employees, set sales goals, set up pricing strategies, study sales levels of products, supervise merchandise displays, use different communication channels |
5223_03b9d7c4-9590-4e0d-97a7-470254e165d4 | hardware and paint specialised seller | Hardware and paint specialised sellers sell hardware, paints and other hardware in specialised shops. | glass and mirror salesperson, glass and mirror specialised seller, hardware, paint and glass salesperson, hardware, paint and glass specialised seller, hardware and paint DIY salesperson, hardware and paint DIY specialised seller, hardware and paint do it yourself salesperson, hardware and paint do it yourself specialised seller, hardware and paint specialized seller, hardware salesperson, hardware specialised seller, home decorating salesperson, home decorating specialised seller, paint and accessories salesperson, paint and accessories specialised seller | apply numeracy skills, carry out active selling, carry out order intake, carry out products preparation, demonstrate products' features, demonstrate use of hardware, ensure compliance with legal requirements, estimate amount of paint, examine merchandise, follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health, guarantee customer satisfaction, identify customer's needs, issue sales invoices, maintain store cleanliness, monitor stock level, operate cash register, organise product display, organise storage facilities, plan aftersales arrangements, prevent shoplifting, process refunds, provide customer follow-up services, provide customer guidance on product selection, sell hardware, stock shelves, use different communication channels |
2341_03d79393-7b30-4159-945b-01963eddd302 | primary school teacher | Primary school teachers instruct students on a primary school level. They develop lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives for the variety of subjects they teach, including mathematics, languages, nature studies and music. They monitor the students' learning development and evaluate their knowledge and skills on the subjects taught through tests. They build their course content on the students' knowledge of previous learnings and encourage them to deepen their understanding on the subjects they are interested in. They use class resources and teaching methods to create an inspiring learning environment. Primary school teachers also contribute to school events and communicate with parents and administrative staff. | educator in primary education, educator in primary school, elementary school teacher, music teacher primary school, primary education professional, primary education teacher, primary school educator, primary school music teacher, teacher in a primary school, teacher in primary education | adapt teaching to student's capabilities, apply intercultural teaching strategies, apply teaching strategies, assess students, assign homework, assist students in their learning, assist students with equipment, demonstrate when teaching, encourage students to acknowledge their achievements, facilitate teamwork between students, give constructive feedback, guarantee students' safety, handle children's problems, implement care programmes for children, maintain relations with children's parents, maintain students' discipline, manage student relationships, observe student's progress, perform classroom management, prepare lesson content, prepare youths for adulthood, support the positiveness of youths, teach primary education class content, use pedagogic strategies for creativity |
8331_03e02554-15d1-4697-960c-8909e7d36f7e | tram driver | Tram drivers operate trams, take fares, and look after passengers. | driver of light rail trains, driver of trams, light rail train driver, light rail vehicle driver, metro train driver, tram driver | adhere to transpiration work schedule, apply conflict management, assist disable passengers, clean road vehicles, communicate clearly with passengers, communicate with customers, drive in urban areas, drive trams, ensure vehicle operability, ensure vehicles are equipped with accessibility equipment, focus on passengers, help to control passenger behaviour during emergency situations, interpret traffic light signals used in tramway infrastructure, interpret tramway traffic signs, keep time accurately, maintain concentration for long periods, operate tram controls, perform defensive driving, perform services in a flexible manner, perform tram equipment checks, provide first aid, provide information to passengers, stay alert, tolerate sitting for long periods, tolerate stress, use communication equipment, use different communication channels |
3122_040f62f5-d570-4d3f-b732-c8ea4afc2738 | container equipment assembly supervisor | Container equipment assembly supervisors monitor the assembly process of containers such as boilers or pressure vessels. They train and coach the workers involved in the assembly to achieve production goals. | container equipment assembly line machine supervisor, container equipment assembly line senior operative, container equipment assembly line senior operator, container equipment assembly line supervisor, container equipment assembly supervisor, container equipment bench precision supervisor, container equipment electronic supervisor, container equipment final supervisor, container equipment machine assembler supervisor, container equipment machine assembly supervisor, container equipment manufacturing assembler supervisor, container equipment mechanical assembler supervisor, container equipment production line supervisor, container equipment sub assembler supervisor, container equipment supervisor worker | analyse the need for technical resources, communicate problems to senior colleagues, coordinate communication within a team, create solutions to problems, ensure finished product meet requirements, evaluate employees work, follow production schedule, keep records of work progress, liaise with managers, oversee assembly operations, oversee production requirements, oversee quality control, plan shifts of employees, read standard blueprints, report on production results |
4321_040fcfa5-24be-43eb-afd5-828297175b16 | warehouse operators for clothing | Warehouse operators for clothing are in charge of storing textile fabrics, accessories and components for clothing production. They ensure that all the components necessary for the production of clothing are ready to use in the production chain by classifying and registering the purchased component, forecasting purchases and distributing them across different departments. | clothing warehouse operatives, clothing warehouse operators, clothing warehouse representatives, clothing warehouse workers, fashion warehouse operative, warehouse operators for clothing, warehouse person for clothing | analyse supply chain strategies, pack goods, perform warehousing operations |
3343_044d78cc-f62f-4532-83a5-8e04f2889652 | administrative assistant | Administrative assistants provide administrative and office support for supervisors. They perform a variety of tasks, such as answering telephone calls, receiving and directing visitors, ordering office supplies, maintaining the office facilities running smoothly, and ensuring that equipment and appliances work properly. | administrative assistant, administrative office assistant, administrative office worker, clerical assistant, communications assistant, executive administrative assistant, general office clerk, office administrator, office clerk | disseminate general corporate information, disseminate internal communications, disseminate messages to people, draft corporate emails, ensure proper document management, file documents, fill out forms, handle mail, keep task records, maintain statutory books, manage digital documents, organise business documents, organise facilities for office personnel, perform business research, perform office routine activities, use microsoft office, use office systems, use spreadsheets software |
8160_0458929a-f6c9-40ed-8ce3-caa9f03a6b5b | coffee grinder | Coffee grinders operate grinding machines to grind coffee beans to specified fineness. | coffee grinder, grinder operator, grinding machine attendant | apply GMP, apply HACCP, apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages, carry out checks of production plant equipment, check processing parameters, collect samples for analysis, examine production samples, follow hygienic procedures during food processing, lift heavy weights, match coffee grind to coffee type, operate grain cleaning machine, tend grinding mill machine, tolerate strong smells, work in conveyor belts in food manufacturing |
3344_045f05f2-4ff8-46b2-9d08-e12a81657498 | medical administrative assistant | Medical administrative assistants work very closely with health professionals. They provide office support such as correspondence, fixing appointments and answering queries of patients. | administrative assistant in medical institution, healthcare assistant, healthcare secretary, health services administrative assistant, medical administrative assistant, medical assistant, medical institution administrative assistant, medical institution personal assistant, medical PA, medical receptionist, PA, personal assistant, secretary in medical institution | answer patients' questions, apply organisational techniques, collect healthcare user's general data, communicate by telephone, maintain healthcare user data confidentiality, manage budgets, manage personnel agenda, send medical samples, type on electronic devices, use communication techniques, use spreadsheets software |
2529_0464b062-cea6-4164-b10d-956c61956ae7 | ICT security administrator | ICT security administrators plan and carry out security measures to protect information and data from unauthorised access, deliberate attack, theft and corruption. | CISO, ICT security administrator, ICT security administrators, information security administrator, IT security administrator, network security administrator, system security administrator | apply company policies, attend to ICT systems quality, ensure proper document management, identify ICT system weaknesses, interpret technical texts, maintain ICT identity management, maintain database security, manage ICT data architecture, manage IT security compliances, perform ICT troubleshooting, solve ICT system problems |
3123_046574a1-9bb3-4a80-8a7b-83dc7db1dae2 | bricklaying supervisor | Bricklaying supervisors monitor bricklaying activities. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems. | bricklayer foreman, bricklayer supervisor, bricklaying foreman, bricklaying supervisor, brick laying supervisor, brickmason supervisor, bricksetter supervisor, brickwork foreman, brickwork supervisor, foreman bricklayer | advise on construction materials, answer requests for quotation, check compatibility of materials, ensure compliance with construction project deadline, ensure equipment availability, evaluate employees work, follow health and safety procedures in construction, inspect construction supplies, inspect masonry work, inspect supplied concrete, interpret 2D plans, interpret 3D plans, keep records of work progress, liaise with managers, manage health and safety standards, monitor stock level, order construction supplies, plan shifts of employees, process incoming construction supplies, supervise staff, use safety equipment in construction, work in a construction team |
2269_047108c3-f987-40a4-bef0-f2b3407ec16a | medical physics expert | Medical physics experts advice on matters related to radiation physics applied to medical exposure. They are responsible for dosimetry and the optimisation of the radiation protection of patients and other individuals subjected to medical exposure, including the application and use of diagnostic reference levels. Medical physics experts are involved in the selection of medical radiological equipment, the quality assurance including acceptance testing, the preparation of technical specifications, and the installation, design and surveillance of the medical radiological installations. They also analyse the events involving accidental or unintended medical exposures and are responsible for the training of practitioners and other staff in relevant aspects of radiation protection. | MPE | advise on medical device features, apply radiation protection procedures, apply scientific methods, assess radiation response, calculate exposure to radiation, comply with legislation related to health care, comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice, contribute to continuity of health care, develop radiation protection strategies, ensure compliance with radiation protection regulations, ensure safety of healthcare users, evaluate delivery of radiation treatment, follow clinical guidelines, maintain medical devices, measure physical phenomena in healthcare, monitor radiation levels, perform dosimetry measurements, test medical devices, use measurement instruments, use treatment verification systems |
8114_0477b9b0-8d2d-4eec-aaad-bac11092e98b | slate mixer | Slate mixers operate and maintain slate mixing machines that mix multicolored slate granules used for asphalt-coated roofing felt surfacing. | granule mixer, slate-mixer operative, slate-mixer operator, slate-mixer setter, slate-mixer tender, slate-mixer worker, slate granule mixer, slate granule mixer operative, slate granule mixer operator, slate granule mixer setter, slate granule mixer tender, slate granule mixer worker, slate mixer, slate mixing machine operative, slate mixing machine operator, slate mixing machine setter, slate mixing machine tender, slate mixing machine worker, slate product production operative, slate product production operator, slate product production worker | control slate chutes, feed the slate mixer, keep records of work progress, monitor gauge, prepare chemical samples, tend discharge conveyor, use personal protection equipment |
3115_04849c5c-9236-4a75-aabb-11c6d03e459c | marine engineering technician | Marine engineering technicians carry out technical functions to help marine engineers with the design, development, manufacturing and testing processes, installation and maintenance of all types of boats from pleasure crafts to naval vessels, including submarines. They also conduct experiments, collect and analyse data and report their findings. | boat engineering technician, cargo vessel engineering technician, marine engineering technician, marine engineering technologist, marine technologist, marine vessel engineering technician, pleasure craft engineering technician, ship engineering technician, submarine engineering technician, submarine engineering technologist, submarine technologist, vessel engineering technician, vessel engineering technologist, vessel technologist, yacht engineering technician | adjust engineering designs, ensure vessel compliance with regulations, execute analytical mathematical calculations, liaise with engineers, read engineering drawings, troubleshoot |
1221_04b52c04-0620-4558-8f89-e252de2963ff | auction house manager | Auction house managers are responsible for the staff and activities in an auction house. Moreover, they manage the finances and marketing aspects of the auction house. | auctioneer, auction house administrator, auction house director, auction house manager, valuer | build business relationships, follow company standards, identify new business opportunities, initiate contact with sellers, manage auction house, manage budgets, manage operational budgets, manage staff, manage supplies, prepare for auction, set auction listing agreement, supervise daily information operations |
2512_04ba4d6c-957d-417f-bf63-5b9e015a9f86 | software analyst | Software analysts elicit and prioritise user requirements, produce and document software specifications, test their application, and review them during software development. They act as the interface between the software users and the software development team. | analyst of software, application analyst, programmer analyst, programming analyst, software analyst, software analysts, software requirement analyst, software requirements analyst | analyse business processes, create data models, create software design, define software architecture, define technical requirements, design information system, develop documentation in accordance with legal requirements, develop software prototype, execute feasibility study, identify ICT user needs, interact with users to gather requirements, manage ICT legacy implication, translate requirements into visual design |
1211_04f39bfa-bc03-4480-98bc-b18ce4fe4b4b | accounting manager | Accounting managers assume responsibility for all accounting activities relating to financial reporting. They develop and maintain accounting principles and procedures to ensure timely and accurate financial statements, supervise accounting staff and manage the accounting activities within the appropriate time frame and budget. | accounting department manager, accounting director, accounting manager, accounting office manager, accounts payable manager, cost accounting manager, financial accounting manager, financial accounts supervisor, financial director, group accounting manager, head of accounts | analyse financial performance of a company, analyse market financial trends, check accounting records, create a financial plan, draft accounting procedures, enforce financial policies, ensure compliance with accounting conventions, ensure compliance with disclosure criteria of accounting information, evaluate budgets, explain accounting records, follow company standards, follow the statutory obligations, identify if a company is a going concern, integrate strategic foundation in daily performance, interpret financial statements, manage accounts, monitor financial accounts, plan health and safety procedures, strive for company growth, supervise accounting operations, support development of annual budget |
1219_0552ff45-b282-455c-b431-fb05a0e00801 | foundry manager | Foundry managers coordinate and implement short and medium term casting production schedules, and coordinate the development, support and improvement of casting processes, and the reliability efforts of the maintenance and engineering departments. They also partner with ongoing remediation initiatives. | engineering manager, foundry manager, foundry operations manager, foundry plant manager, foundry production manager, process manager, production controller | deal with pressure from unexpected circumstances, ensure compliance with environmental legislation, follow company standards, forecast organisational risks, improve business processes, manage commercial risks, optimise financial performance |
2422_0561328b-875b-4ae2-9ba1-9af9049aef01 | procurement category specialist | Procurement category specialists are experts in specific markets and contract types and provide advanced knowledge of a particular category of supplies, services or works. They help internal or external clients to increase value for money and end users' satisfaction through their advanced knowledge of the suppliers and their offering. | category specialist, market specialist, supply specialist | adapt to changing situations, address problems critically, assess procurement needs, develop performance orientation in public administration, draft procurement technical specifications, implement procurement of innovation, implement sustainable procurement, keep up-to-date with regulations, maintain relationship with suppliers, manage contracts, manage procurement planning, monitor developments in field of expertise, perform procurement market analysis, think analytically |
7422_056bef79-c125-47ab-b6b9-8eed05c9458c | telecommunications technician | Telecommunications technicians install, test, maintain and troubleshoot telecommunications systems. They repair or replace defective devices and equipment and maintain a safe working environment and a complete inventory of supplies. They also provide user or customer assistance. | cable and fibre network technician, communication line technician, communication line technicians, communication technician, field-based telecommunications technician, phone systems technician, satellite dish installer, technician in satellite telecommunications, technician in telecommunications, technician in telecommunication systems, telecommunications equipment installer, telecommunications equipment technician, telecommunications hardware professional, telecommunications installation technician, telecommunications installer, telecommunications installer and repairer, telecommunications line maintainer, telecommunications service technician, telecommunications systems installer, telecommunications systems technician, telecommunications technician, telecommunications technicians, telecoms systems technician, telecoms technician, telecom technician | communicate with customers, estimate duration of work, install cable TV services, install electronic communication equipment, install low voltage wiring, install signal repeaters, operate aerial work platforms, operate call distribution system, operate digging construction equipment, operate electronic measuring instruments, operate private branch exchange, operate signal generator, operate two-way radio systems, repair wiring, seal wires, solder electronics, splice cable, upgrade firmware, use communication equipment, use session border controller |
5242_056f1849-7ff8-4d6f-9b8a-176a610bba44 | promotions demonstrator | Promotions demonstrators proactively seek out and engage with new potential clients. They provide product specific advice and demonstrate promotional goods or services. | department store promotions demonstrator, department store sales demonstrator, filling station promotions demonstrator, filling station sales demonstrator, garden centre promotions demonstrator, garden centre sales demonstrator, hypermarket promotions demonstrator, hypermarket sales demonstrator, outlet centre promotions demonstrator, outlet centre sales demonstrator, promotions demonstrator, senior promotions demonstrator, senior sales demonstrator, supermarket promotions demonstrator, supermarket sales demonstrator, trainee promotions demonstrator, trainee sales demonstrator | assist customers, demonstrate products' features, ensure client orientation, ensure product preparation, establish customer rapport, hand out product samples, keep promotions records, maintain work area cleanliness, organise product display, prepare presentation material, use different communication channels |
2320_0599d0e7-398f-464b-97bb-427686f27d50 | maritime instructor | Maritime instructors teach all those occupationally piloting a boat or a ship, such as skippers and ship captains, how to operate their inland water boats or maritime ships according to regulations. They teach their students theory and techniques on how to optimally pilot, steer and navigate, and maintain their specific boat or ship, observe and evaluate the students' practice. They also focus on non-steering related subjects such as customer service (in case of person transportation) and safety measure regulations. | boating instructor, instructor in maritime training, maritime instructor, maritime trainer, maritime training instructor, occupational boating instructor, ship pilot instructor, ship pilot trainer, specialist maritime training instructor | adapt teaching to student's capabilities, apply intercultural teaching strategies, apply teaching strategies, assess students, assist students in their learning, distinguish various types of ships, give constructive feedback, guarantee students' safety, monitor developments in field of expertise, observe student's progress, operate marine communication systems, prepare lesson content, recognise abnormalities on board, teach boating principles |
3311_05a06850-d465-481e-9d68-792d4ad1da3e | foreign exchange trader | Foreign exchange traders buy and sell foreign currencies in order to secure a profit on fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. They undertake technical analysis of economic information (market liquidity and volatility ) to predict the future rates of currencies on the foreign exchange market. They trade on their own name or for their employers. | foreign exchange dealer, foreign exchange handler, foreign exchange trader, forex dealer, forex handler | analyse economic trends, analyse financial risk, analyse market financial trends, forecast economic trends, handle financial transactions, manage financial risk, perform financial risk management in international trade, trade foreign currencies |
3115_05a55bb3-68d6-4ff0-83fd-46a68a45a598 | aerospace engineering technician | Aerospace engineering technicians work with aerospace engineers to operate, maintain and test equipment used on aircraft and spacecraft. They review blueprints and instructions to determine test specifications and procedures. They use software to make sure that parts of a spacecraft or aircraft are functioning properly. They record test procedures and results, and make recommendations for changes. | aeronautical technologist, aeronautics engineering technician, aeroplane engineering technician, aeroplane technologist, aerospace engineering technician, aero spatial technologist, aircraft engineering technician, aircraft technologist, spacecraft engineering technician, spacecraft technologist, spaceship engineering technician, spaceship technologist | adjust engineering designs, ensure aircraft compliance with regulation, execute analytical mathematical calculations, follow industry codes of practice for aviation safety, liaise with engineers, read engineering drawings, troubleshoot |
8172_05ae3e87-36ad-428f-a086-8a2ed458db3b | table saw operator | Table saw operators work with industrial saws that cut with a rotating circular blade. The saw is built into a table. The operator sets the height of the saw to control the depth of the cut. Particular attention is paid to safety, as factors such as natural stresses within the wood may produce unpredictable forces. | beam saw operator, beam saw specialist, beam saw technician, board saw operator, board saw specialist, board saw technician, circle saw operator, circle saw specialist, circle saw technician, circular saw operator, circular saw specialist, circular saw technician, cut-off saw operator, cut-off saw specialist, cut-off saw technician, mitre saw operator, mitre saw specialist, mitre saw technician, panel saw operator, panel saw specialist, panel saw technician, sawbench operator, sawyer, table saw machine operative, table saw machine operator, table saw operative, table saw operator, table saw setter, table saw specialist, table saw technician, table saw tender, table saw worker, table sawyer, timber machine operator | adjust cut sizes, create cutting plan, dispose of cutting waste material, ensure equipment availability, keep sawing equipment in good condition, manipulate wood, operate table saw, perform test run, remove inadequate workpieces, remove processed workpiece, replace sawing blade on machine, set up the controller of a machine, supply machine, troubleshoot, wear appropriate protective gear, work safely with machines |
3123_05ebeb56-6ceb-488d-ba91-ed15088efc8e | bridge construction supervisor | Bridge construction supervisors monitor the construction of bridges. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems. | bridgebuilding supervisor, bridge building supervisor, bridge construction project supervisor, bridge construction site supervisor, bridge construction supervisor | check compatibility of materials, conduct quality control analysis, coordinate construction activities, ensure compliance with construction project deadline, ensure equipment availability, evaluate employees work, follow health and safety procedures in construction, identify defects in concrete, identify external risks to bridge integrity, inspect construction supplies, interpret 2D plans, interpret 3D plans, keep records of work progress, liaise with managers, manage health and safety standards, monitor stock level, plan resource allocation, plan shifts of employees, prevent damage to utility infrastructure, process incoming construction supplies, react to events in time-critical environments, secure working area, supervise staff, use safety equipment in construction, work in a construction team |
7112_05f321f8-055b-407d-bf19-e0ddabda56b7 | bricklayer | Bricklayers assemble brick walls and structures by skilfully laying the bricks in an established pattern, using a binding agent like cement to bond the bricks together. They then fill the joints with mortar or other suitable materials. | bricklayer, brick layer, brick laying labourer, brick laying worker, industrial oven brickmason, specialist brick layer, trowel occupation worker | check straightness of brick, finish mortar joints, follow health and safety procedures in construction, follow safety procedures when working at heights, inspect construction supplies, install construction profiles, interpret 2D plans, interpret 3D plans, lay bricks, mix construction grouts, secure working area, snap chalk line, sort waste, split bricks, transport construction supplies, use measurement instruments, use safety equipment in construction, work ergonomically |
7511_05f6eaeb-b285-46bd-a44a-225bd429e329 | meat cutter | Meat cutters cut carcasses of animals into large and smaller parts for further processing. They remove bones from pre-processed carcasses of animals either manually or using machines. | deboner, meat boner, meatcutter, meat cutter, trimmer | apply GMP, apply HACCP, apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages, cope with blood, ensure refrigeration of food in the supply chain, ensure sanitation, follow hygienic procedures during food processing, handle knives for cutting activities, handle knives for meat processing activities, handle meat processing equipment in cooling rooms, lift heavy weights, maintain cutting equipment, mark differences in colours, monitor temperature in manufacturing process of food and beverages, operate cutting equipment, operate weighing machine, process livestock organs, sort cut parts of carcasses inside cooling compartments, split animal carcasses, tend meat processing production machines, tolerate strong smells, trace meat products, use cutting equipment, weigh parts of animal carcasses, work in cold environments |
2632_0611f232-b30e-46c7-9c26-2d59b1448e79 | criminologist | Criminologists study conditions pertaining to humans such as the social and psychological aspects that could lead them to commit criminal acts. They observe and analyse different factors ranging from behavioural conditions up to social background and environment of suspects in order to advise organisations on the prevention of crime. | criminologist, criminologists, criminology researcher, criminology research scientist, criminology scholar, criminology science researcher, criminology scientist, criminology studies researcher, criminology studies research scientist, criminology studies scholar, criminology studies scientist | analyse legal evidence, apply for research funding, apply knowledge of human behaviour, apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities, apply scientific methods, apply statistical analysis techniques, communicate with a non-scientific audience, conduct research across disciplines, demonstrate disciplinary expertise, develop professional network with researchers and scientists, disseminate results to the scientific community, draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation, evaluate research activities, increase the impact of science on policy and society, interact professionally in research and professional environments, manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data, manage intellectual property rights, manage open publications, manage personal professional development, manage research data, mentor individuals, operate open source software, perform project management, perform scientific research, promote inclusion in research, promote open innovation in research, promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities, promote the transfer of knowledge, publish academic research, review criminal acts, speak different languages, synthesise information, think abstractly, think analytically, use data processing techniques, write scientific publications |
3521_061f56c6-36eb-4aa7-b5ef-98b7a569da1c | performance video operator | Performance video operators control the (projected) images of a performance based on the artistic or creative concept, in interaction with the performers. Their work is influenced by and influences the results of other operators. Therefore, the operators work closely together with the designers, operators and performers. Performance video operators prepare media fragments, supervise the setup, steer the technical crew, program the equipment and operate the video system. Their work is based on plans, instructions and other documentation. | live video operator, projection operator, video and graphics operator, video and graphics technician, video operator, video projection operator, video projection technician, visual and graphic operator, visual projection operator, visuals operator | adapt artistic plan to location, adapt to artists' creative demands, adjust projector, attend rehearsals, communicate during show, consult with stakeholders on implementation of a production, draw up artistic production, edit digital moving images, follow safety procedures when working at heights, interpret artistic intentions, intervene with actions on stage, keep up with trends, organise resources for artistic production, perform quality control of design during a run, plan audiovisual recording, prepare personal work environment, prevent fire in a performance environment, run a media server, safeguard artistic quality of performance, set up equipment in a timely manner, set up projection equipment, support a designer in the developing process, translate artistic concepts to technical designs, understand artistic concepts, use communication equipment, use personal protection equipment, use technical documentation, work ergonomically, work safely with chemicals, work safely with machines, work safely with mobile electrical systems under supervision, work with respect for own safety |
5223_062d666b-8b5f-4ff2-9047-113831eb3e9f | fish and seafood specialised seller | Fish and seafood specialised sellers sell fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialised shops. | fish and seafood specialized seller, fisheries salesperson, fisheries shop salesperson, fisheries shop specialised seller, fisheries specialised seller, fish market salesperson, fish market specialised seller, fishmongers shop specialised seller, fish salesperson, fish specialised seller, fish stall salesperson, fish stall specialised seller, fresh fish counter specialised seller, fresh fish salesperson, fresh fish shop salesperson, fresh fish specialised seller, fresh seafood salesperson, fresh seafood specialised seller, seafood salesperson, seafood specialised seller | advise customers on seafood choices, apply numeracy skills, carry out active selling, carry out order intake, carry out products preparation, create decorative food displays, demonstrate products' features, ensure compliance with legal requirements, examine merchandise, guarantee customer satisfaction, handle sensitive products, identify customer's needs, issue sales invoices, maintain store cleanliness, monitor stock level, operate cash register, organise product display, organise storage facilities, plan aftersales arrangements, post-process of fish, prevent shoplifting, process refunds, provide customer follow-up services, provide customer guidance on product selection, sell fish and seafood, stock shelves, use different communication channels, wash gutted fish |
1322_0633ec3f-91f1-4038-bc29-e0ec4cd7f1e9 | oil and gas production manager | Oil and gas production managers coordinate and implement short and medium term oil and gas production schedules and plans, such as drilling, extraction operations and waste management. They steer one or more units and oversee the implementation of technical and human means, within the framework of objectives of volume, quality and planning. Oil and gas production managers design and ensure that the production plans and schedules are met. | gas field production manager, gasfield production manager, gas operations manager, gas production manager, gas production project manager, gas production scheduler, oil and gas operations manager, oil and gas production manager, oil and gas production project manager, oil and gas production scheduler, oilfield production manager, oil field production manager, oil operations manager, oil production manager, oil production project manager, oil production scheduler | address problems critically, apply safety management, deal with pressure from unexpected circumstances, ensure compliance with environmental legislation, ensure compliance with safety legislation, identify process improvements, inform on safety standards, manage emergency procedures, manage heavy equipment, manage medium term objectives, manage staff, plan medium to long term objectives, prepare scientific reports, present reports, report on production results, think proactively, write production reports |
3117_06351e17-67c4-44bc-adf7-64b73f92c3b5 | metallurgical technician | Metallurgical technicians provide technical support in researching and performing experiments on minerals, metals, alloys, oil and gas. They also assist in improving the methods of extraction. | development metallurgist, extraction technician, laboratory metallurgist, metallurgical quality technician, metallurgical research technician, metallurgical technician, metallurgical test technician, metallurgist, metallurgy quality technician, metallurgy research technician, metallurgy technician, metallurgy test technician, minerals technician, mining technician, quality technician, metals | analyse experimental laboratory data, analyse test data, apply safety procedures in laboratory, conduct field work, interpret extraction data, maintain laboratory equipment, perform sample testing, record test data, test raw minerals |
8151_06461fc3-1274-40a1-9322-dfc2753f5eea | spinning textile technician | Spinning textile technicians perform operations related to setting up spinning processes. | spinner technician, spinning and winding supervisor, spinning mill manager, spinning process operator, spinning supervisor, spinning textile operator, spinning textile technician, textile spinner, textile spinning technician, textile technician for spinning | convert textile fibres into sliver, covert slivers into thread, manufacture staple yarns, measure yarn count |
7122_0663d464-f139-4554-ae87-97aa6c4dad77 | resilient floor layer | Resilient floor layers place prefabricated tiles or rolls of flooring materials such as linoleum, vinyl, rubber or cork to serve as floor covering. | floor layer (resilient), laminate floor installer, layer of resilient floor, linoleum installer, linoleum layer, resilient flooring installer, resilient floor installer, resilient floor layer, vinyl floor installer, vinyl tile installer | apply floor adhesive, create floor plan template, cut resilient flooring materials, follow health and safety procedures in construction, inspect construction supplies, install laminate floor, interpret 2D plans, interpret 3D plans, lay resilient flooring tiles, lay underlayment, mix construction grouts, prepare floor for underlayment, transport construction supplies, use measurement instruments, work ergonomically |
3119_0663da10-e42c-41e8-992c-07d00ac97bea | textile quality technician | Textile quality technicians perform physical laboratory tests on textile materials and products. They compare textile materials and products to standards and interpret results. | physical testing laboratory technician, textile laboratory technician, textile quality laboratory analyst, textile quality technician, textile texting technician | check quality of products in textile production line, conduct textile testing operations, control textile process, distinguish accessories, distinguish fabrics, evaluate textile characteristics, maintain work standards, measure yarn count, test physical properties of textiles, use textile finishing machine technologies |
7516_066a9d8f-3948-409c-a3cf-ed8ed37cfe22 | curing room worker | Curing room workers assist in the blending, aging, and fermenting of tobacco strips and stems for the production of cigars, chewing tobacco and snuff. | curing room assistant, curing room attendant, curing room operative, curing room worker, tobacco curer, tobacco curing room worker, tobacco drier, tobacco drier operator, tobacco dryer, tobacco drying machine operator, tobacco drying machine tender, tobacco drying worker, tobacco roaster | air-cure tobacco, apply GMP, apply HACCP, apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages, assess fermentation levels of tobacco leaves, assess the colour curing of tobacco leaves, be at ease in unsafe environments, blend tobacco leaves, cure tobacco leaves, cut tobacco leaves, dry tobacco leaves, ferment stacks of tobacco leaves, flavour tobacco leaves, flue-cure tobacco, follow production schedule, operate tobacco drying technology, perform kiln fermentation of tobacco leaves, perform tobacco leaves conditioning, pre-blend tobacco leaves, sort tobacco leaves, sun-cure tobacco, tie tobacco leaves in hands |
8122_066fe11d-10e4-4fec-bd27-3e78797500b9 | enameller | Enamellers embellish metals such as gold, silver, copper, steel, cast iron or platinum by painting it. The enamel they apply, consists of coloured powdered glass. | cast metal enameller, coating and dipping operator, coating and enamelling operator, copper enameller, dipper, dipping machine apprentice, dipping machine technician, enamel dipper, enamel dipper operator, enamel dipping machine operator, enameler, enamel machine apprentice, enamel machine operator, enamel machine technician, engineering dipper, gold enameller, jewelery artist, metal enameller, platinum enameller, silver enameller | check quality of enamel, detect product defects, ensure equipment availability, fire the surface, operate metal polishing equipment, perform enamelling, prepare surface for enamelling, prepare the enamel |
2423_068370e0-9c27-4814-87d0-44fbb3140815 | recruitment consultant | Recruitment consultants provide the suitable candidates to employers according to the specific job profile requested. They perform testing and interviewing with job seekers, shortlist few candidates to present to the employers and match candidates to appropriate jobs. Recruitment consultants maintain relationships with employers to offer their services on a more long-term basis. | employee recruiter, employment agent, head hunter, job placement consultant, job placement officer, recruiting process consultant, recruitment consultant, recruitment officer, temporary labour agent, temporary labour officer | carry out recruiting services, communicate by telephone, develop professional network, document interviews, ensure gender equality in the workplace, fix meetings, identify customer's needs, interview people, listen actively, maintain privacy of service users, maintain relationship with customers, observe confidentiality, prepare for job interview, profile people, recruit employees, support employability of people with disabilities, use communication techniques |
2120_068c2787-58ff-468e-bbb6-c4e5dd6ee482 | actuarial consultant | Actuarial consultants analyse, manage and provide guidance on financial impact of risks. They can work in fields related to insurance, pension, investment, banking, healthcare etc. Actuarial consultants apply technical and statistical models and theories to give strategic, commercial, and financial advice. | actuarial adviser, actuarial advisor, actuarial advisors, actuarial analyst, actuarial analysts, actuarial clerk, actuarial clerks, actuarial consultant, actuarial mathematician, actuarial mathematicians, actuaries, actuary, consulting actuaries, consulting actuary, health actuaries, health actuary, insurance actuaries, insurance actuary | advise on financial matters, analyse market financial trends, apply statistical analysis techniques, create a financial plan, obtain financial information, perform risk analysis, produce statistical financial records, provide support in financial calculation, synthesise financial information |
2166_068df7d1-516f-4829-b339-294cb0cf6318 | performance lighting designer | Performance lighting designers develop a lighting design concept for a performance and supervise the execution of it. Their work is based on research and artistic vision. Their design is influenced by and influences other designs and must be conform with these designs and the overall artistic vision. Therefore, the designers work closely with artistic directors, operators and the artistic team. During rehearsals and performance, they coach the operators to obtain optimal timing and manipulation. Performance lighting designers develop lighting plots, cue lists and other documentation to support the operators and production crew. They sometimes also work as autonomous artists, creating light art outside a performance context. | lighting designer, lighting designer & technician, lighting designer and technician, lighting technician & designer, lighting technician and designer, performance lighting creator, theatre lighting designer | adapt existing designs to changed circumstances, adapt to artists' creative demands, analyse a script, analyse score, analyse the artistic concept based on stage actions, analyse the scenography, assess power needs, attend rehearsals, coach staff for running the performance, communicate during show, conduct costume research, contextualise artistic work, define artistic approach, develop design concept, develop design ideas cooperatively, draw up lighting plan, follow safety procedures when working at heights, keep up with trends, meet deadlines, monitor developments in technology used for design, monitor sociological trends, perform quality control of design during a run, present artistic design proposals, prevent fire in a performance environment, propose improvements to artistic production, read lighting plans, research new ideas, safeguard artistic quality of performance, supervise plotting of stage lights, take measurements of performance space, understand artistic concepts, update design results during rehearsals, use communication equipment, use specialised design software, use technical documentation, verify feasibility, work ergonomically, work safely with chemicals, work safely with mobile electrical systems under supervision, work with respect for own safety |
2653_06ac0f53-431e-4bc6-acb8-2f5da041b5d3 | dance répétiteur | Dance répétiteurs assist conductors and choreographers in directing rehearsals and guiding the artists in the rehearsal process. Regardless of their nature and scope, a répétiteur's actions are, from an ethical and practical standpoint, based on a commitment to respect the integrity of the work. | assistant choreographer, assistant choreographer and repetiteur, assistant choreographer and répétiteur, dance rehearsal director, dance répétiteur, dance tutor | contribute to the development of a creative choreography, develop a coaching style, guide performers' training sessions, help document artistic work at all stages, help set performance schedule, help set rehearsal schedule, maintain safe working conditions in performing arts, manage artistic career, manage personal professional development, participate in technical aspects of the production, prepare rehearsals, rehearse artist fly movements, represent artistic production, test artist flying systems, train artists in flying, work with broad variety of personalities, work with respect for own safety |
7412_06bd6285-13ed-4ea7-90cc-e9638a0600a9 | automotive battery technician | Automotive battery technicians assemble, install, inspect, maintain and repair batteries in motor vehicles. They use electrical test equipment to confirm good working condition after installation. They evaluate batteries to determine the nature of power problems. They also prepare old batteries for disposal. | automobile battery installer, automobile battery technician, automotive battery assembler, automotive battery installer, automotive battery repairer, automotive battery technician, automotive battery tester, battery installer, bus battery technician, car battery installer, car battery technician, coach battery technician, dry cell battery technician, dry cell installer, dry cell repairer, dry cell tester, installer of automotive batteries, lorry battery technician, motor vehicle battery installer, motor vehicle battery technician, technician of automotive batteries, truck battery technician, vehicle battery technician | apply health and safety standards, operate battery test equipment, read standard blueprints, use technical documentation, wear appropriate protective gear |
2163_06f89f2c-c6e9-40c5-a4a5-0e34d5fbc184 | footwear designer | Footwear designers perform fashion trends analysis, forecasting and market research, create footwear concepts and build collection lines by operating mood or concept boards, colour palettes, materials, drawings and sketches etc. They conduct the sampling process, make footwear prototypes and samples for presentations aimed to promoting the footwear concepts and collections. They identify the range of materials and components, define the design specifications by collaborating with the technical team and review the footwear samples, prototypes, and collections. | children's footwear designer, fashion footwear designer, footwear CAD designer, footwear CAD technical designer, footwear designer, footwear designer & developer, footwear designer and developer, footwear fashion designer, footwear stylist, footwear technologist, men's footwear designer, shoe designer, shoe stylist, sports footwear designer, women's footwear designer | analyse types of footwear, apply fashion trends to footwear and leather goods, communicate commercial and technical issues in foreign languages, create mood boards, create patterns for footwear, create technical sketches for footwear, develop footwear and leather goods marketing plans, develop footwear collection, implement footwear marketing plan, innovate in footwear and leather goods industry, make technical drawings of fashion pieces, perform market research in footwear, reduce environmental impact of footwear manufacturing, use IT tools, use communication techniques, work in textile manufacturing teams |
1120_070e94a8-a933-4557-9b95-fefe7f4f1763 | public employment service manager | Public employment service managers supervise the operations of a public employment agency. They oversee the staff that helps people find employment or provide occupational guidance. | careers advice manager, department of work and pensions manager, DWP manager, employment service manager, jobcentre manager, job centre manager, jobcentre plus manager, national careers service manager, public employment service manager | apply strategic thinking, comply with legal regulations, coordinate operational activities, develop employee retention programs, liaise with local authorities, maintain relations with local representatives, manage budgets, manage government policy implementation, negotiate employment agreements, organise staff assessment, promote employment policy, promote gender equality in business contexts, supervise staff, supervise work |
7532_072279cf-ed39-47e7-af23-ee6df571eb24 | clothing product grader | Clothing product graders produce patterns in different sizes (i.e. scaled-up and scaled-down) to reproduce the same wearing apparel in different sizes. They draft patterns by hand or using software following size charts. | clothing patternmaker, clothing product grader, clothing product tester, fabric pattern grader, pattern developer/grader | alter wearing apparel, coordinate manufacturing production activities, create patterns for garments, distinguish accessories, distinguish fabrics, evaluate garment quality, grade patterns for wearing apparel, inspect wearing apparel products, make technical drawings of fashion pieces, operate computerised control systems, operate garment manufacturing machines, perform process control in the wearing apparel industry, prepare production prototypes |
1112_0752ed49-03e7-4d75-8314-a051b3771a1d | public administration manager | Public administration managers direct, monitor and evaluate the implementation of government policies. They supervise staff and manage resources used for implementation, and write reports on the implementation process. They also communicate with government officials and the public to inform them on the policies. Public administration managers may also participate in the design and creation of public policies. | chief of staff, city administrator, civil service administrator, county council manager, district council manager, government department manager, local authority officer, public administration director, public administration manager, public administrator, public body administrator, public body manager, public institution director, public service administrator, public service director | create solutions to problems, develop strategy to solve problems, ensure cross-department cooperation, estimate duration of work, exert a goal-oriented leadership role towards colleagues, liaise with local authorities, liaise with politicians, maintain relationships with government agencies, manage budgets, manage government policy implementation, manage staff, manage work, plan medium to long term objectives, plan teamwork, supervise staff |
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