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at cray computer he will be paid $ N |
besides messrs. cray and <unk> other senior management at the company includes neil <unk> N president and chief executive officer joseph m. <unk> N vice president engineering malcolm a. <unk> N vice president software and douglas r. <unk> N vice president hardware |
all came from cray research |
cray computer which currently employs N people said it expects a work force of N by the end of N |
john r. stevens N years old was named senior executive vice president and chief operating officer both new positions |
he will continue to report to donald <unk> president and chief executive officer |
mr. stevens was executive vice president of this <unk> holding company |
arthur a. hatch N was named executive vice president of the company |
he was previously president of the company 's eastern edison co. unit |
john d. <unk> N was named to succeed mr. hatch as president of eastern edison |
previously he was vice president of eastern edison |
robert p. <unk> N was named senior vice president of eastern utilities |
he was previously vice president |
the u.s. claiming some success in its trade <unk> removed south korea taiwan and saudi arabia from a list of countries it is closely watching for allegedly failing to honor u.s. patents <unk> and other <unk> rights |
however five other countries china thailand india brazil and mexico will remain on that so-called priority watch list as a result of an interim review u.s. trade representative carla hills announced |
under the new u.s. trade law those countries could face accelerated <unk> investigations and stiff trade sanctions if they do n't improve their protection of intellectual property by next spring |
mrs. hills said many of the N countries that she placed under <unk> degrees of scrutiny have made genuine progress on this touchy issue |
she said there is growing <unk> around the world that <unk> of <unk> rights <unk> all trading nations and particularly the creativity and <unk> of an <unk> country 's own citizens |
u.s. trade negotiators argue that countries with inadequate <unk> for <unk> rights could be hurting themselves by discouraging their own scientists and authors and by <unk> u.s. high-technology firms from investing or marketing their best products there |
mrs. hills <unk> south korea for creating an <unk> task force and special enforcement teams of police officers and prosecutors trained to pursue movie and book <unk> |
seoul also has instituted effective <unk> procedures to aid these teams she said |
taiwan has improved its standing with the u.s. by <unk> a <unk> copyright agreement <unk> its trademark law and introducing legislation to protect foreign movie producers from unauthorized <unk> of their films |
that measure could <unk> taipei 's growing number of small <unk> <unk> to pay movie producers for showing their films |
saudi arabia for its part has vowed to enact a copyright law compatible with international standards and to apply the law to computer software as well as to literary works mrs. hills said |
these three countries are n't completely off the hook though |
they will remain on a <unk> list that includes N other countries |
those countries including japan italy canada greece and spain are still of some concern to the u.s. but are deemed to pose <unk> problems for american patent and copyright owners than those on the priority list |
gary hoffman a washington lawyer specializing in <unk> cases said the threat of u.s. <unk> combined with a growing recognition that protecting intellectual property is in a country 's own interest prompted the improvements made by south korea taiwan and saudi arabia |
what this tells us is that u.s. trade law is working he said |
he said mexico could be one of the next countries to be removed from the priority list because of its efforts to craft a new patent law |
mrs. hills said that the u.s. is still concerned about disturbing developments in turkey and continuing slow progress in malaysia |
she did n't elaborate although earlier u.s. trade reports have complained of videocassette <unk> in malaysia and <unk> for u.s. pharmaceutical patents in turkey |
the N trade act requires mrs. hills to issue another review of the performance of these countries by april N |
so far mrs. hills has n't deemed any cases bad enough to merit an accelerated investigation under the so-called special N provision of the act |
argentina said it will ask creditor banks to <unk> its foreign debt of $ N billion the <unk> in the developing world |
the declaration by economy minister <unk> <unk> is believed to be the first time such an action has been called for by an <unk> official of such <unk> |
the latin american nation has paid very little on its debt since early last year |
argentina <unk> to reach a reduction of N N in the value of its external debt mr. <unk> said through his spokesman <unk> <unk> |
mr. <unk> met in august with u.s. assistant treasury secretary david mulford |
<unk> negotiator carlos <unk> was in washington and new york this week to meet with banks |
mr. <unk> recently has said the government of president carlos <unk> who took office july N feels a significant reduction of principal and interest is the only way the debt problem may be solved |
but he has not said before that the country wants half the debt <unk> |
during its centennial year the wall street journal will report events of the past century that stand as milestones of american business history |
three computers that changed the face of personal computing were launched in N |
that year the apple ii commodore pet and tandy <unk> came to market |
the computers were crude by today 's standards |
apple ii owners for example had to use their television sets as screens and <unk> data on <unk> |
but apple ii was a major advance from apple i which was built in a garage by stephen <unk> and steven jobs for <unk> such as the <unk> computer club |
in addition the apple ii was an affordable $ N |
crude as they were these early pcs triggered explosive product development in desktop models for the home and office |
big mainframe computers for business had been around for years |
but the new N pcs unlike earlier <unk> types such as the <unk> <unk> and <unk> had <unk> and could store about two pages of data in their memories |
current pcs are more than N times faster and have memory capacity N times greater than their N counterparts |
there were many pioneer pc <unk> |
william gates and paul allen in N developed an early <unk> system for pcs and gates became an industry billionaire six years after ibm adapted one of these versions in N |
alan f. <unk> currently chairman of seagate technology led the team that developed the disk drives for pcs |
dennis <unk> and dale <unk> two atlanta engineers were <unk> of the internal <unk> that allow pcs to share data via the telephone |
ibm the world leader in computers did n't offer its first pc until august N as many other companies entered the market |
today pc shipments annually total some $ N billion world-wide |
<unk> <unk> & co. an australian pharmaceuticals company said its <unk> inc. affiliate acquired <unk> inc. for $ N million |
<unk> is a new <unk> pharmaceuticals concern that sells products under the <unk> label |
<unk> said it owns N N of <unk> 's voting stock and has an agreement to acquire an additional N N |
that stake together with its convertible preferred stock holdings gives <unk> the right to increase its interest to N N of <unk> 's voting stock |
oil production from australia 's bass <unk> fields will be raised by N barrels a day to about N barrels with the launch of the <unk> field the first of five small fields scheduled to be brought into production before the end of N |
esso australia ltd. a unit of new york-based exxon corp. and broken hill <unk> operate the fields in a joint venture |
esso said the <unk> field started production tuesday |
output will be gradually increased until it reaches about N barrels a day |
the field has reserves of N million barrels |
reserves for the five new fields total N million barrels |
the <unk> and <unk> fields are expected to start producing early next year and the <unk> and <unk> fields later next year |
esso said the fields were developed after the australian government decided in N to make the first N million barrels from new fields free of <unk> tax |
<unk> <unk> corp. said it completed the $ N million sale of its southern optical subsidiary to a group led by the unit 's president thomas r. sloan and other managers |
following the acquisition of <unk> <unk> by a buy-out group led by shearson lehman hutton earlier this year the maker of <unk> <unk> decided to <unk> itself of certain of its <unk> businesses |
the sale of southern optical is a part of the program |
the white house said president bush has approved duty-free treatment for imports of certain types of watches that are n't produced in significant quantities in the u.s. the virgin islands and other u.s. <unk> |
the action came in response to a petition filed by <unk> inc. for changes in the u.s. <unk> system of preferences for imports from developing nations |
previously watch imports were denied such duty-free treatment |
<unk> had requested duty-free treatment for many types of watches covered by N different u.s. tariff <unk> |
the white house said mr. bush decided to grant duty-free status for N categories but turned down such treatment for other types of watches because of the potential for material injury to watch producers located in the u.s. and the virgin islands |
<unk> is a major u.s. producer and seller of watches including <unk> <unk> watches assembled in the philippines and other developing nations covered by the u.s. tariff preferences |
u.s. trade officials said the philippines and thailand would be the main beneficiaries of the president 's action |
imports of the types of watches that now will be eligible for duty-free treatment totaled about $ N million in N a relatively small share of the $ N billion in u.s. watch imports that year according to an aide to u.s. trade representative carla hills |
magna international inc. 's chief financial officer james mcalpine resigned and its chairman frank <unk> is stepping in to help turn the <unk> manufacturer around the company said |
mr. <unk> will direct an effort to reduce overhead and curb capital spending until a more satisfactory level of profit is achieved and maintained magna said |
stephen <unk> currently vice president finance will succeed mr. mcalpine |
an ambitious expansion has left magna with excess capacity and a heavy debt load as the automotive industry enters a downturn |
the company has reported declines in operating profit in each of the past three years despite steady sales growth |
magna recently cut its quarterly dividend in half and the company 's class a shares are <unk> far below their 52-week high of N canadian dollars us$ N |
on the toronto stock exchange yesterday magna shares closed up N canadian cents to c$ N |
mr. <unk> founder and controlling shareholder of magna resigned as chief executive officer last year to seek unsuccessfully a seat in canada 's parliament |
analysts said mr. <unk> wants to resume a more influential role in running the company |
they expect him to cut costs throughout the organization |
the company said mr. <unk> will personally direct the restructuring <unk> by <unk> <unk> president and chief executive |
neither they nor mr. mcalpine could be reached for comment |
magna said mr. mcalpine resigned to pursue a consulting career with magna as one of his clients |
lord <unk> <unk> chairman of english china <unk> plc was named a nonexecutive director of this british chemical company |
japanese investors nearly <unk> bought up two new mortgage <unk> mutual funds totaling $ N million the u.s. federal national mortgage association said |
the purchases show the strong interest of japanese investors in u.s. <unk> instruments fannie mae 's chairman david o. maxwell said at a news conference |
he said more than N N of the funds were placed with japanese institutional investors |
the rest went to investors from france and hong kong |
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