Monday, September 05, 2011 A Walt by any other name "I think I could turn and live with animals," wrote Walt Whitman, offering a number of compelling reasons: "They do not sweat and whine about their condition, / They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins," nor are they "demented with the mania of owning things." If I were writing the poem today, I would add to Whitman's list: Animals don't worry about plumbing. Wombats are utterly unconcerned about leaky pipes or black mold growing on the ceiling tiles, and they never leave a nest of power tools near gaping holes in the ceiling. If they wake up in the morning and discover that there's no running water in the bathroom, they just shrug it off. To the wombat, bathrooms are irrelevant. They don't keep pets. Elephants might mourn the loss of family members but you don't see them crying over the deaths of wildebeests or putting leashes on them to lead them around the neighborhood while carrying little baggies to pick up the wildebeest poop. They get their exercise au naturel, so they have no need of gym bags or locker rooms, and if an alpaca happens to walk right into, say, the Women's Faculty Locker Room unaware that it is temporarily being used by a group of adolescent male soccer players, she (the alpaca) isn't suddenly so overwhelmed by vivid memories of locker-room trauma and humiliation that she has to flee the building. They don't worry about keeping pests out of the house. You never see a hyena having hysterics just because a spider the size of Zimbabwe happens to come waltzing up the hall, even if he's barefoot. (The hyena, not the spider, although I suppose the spider could be barefoot as well. And there's another advantage: no tight shoes.) And if a barefoot hyena notices a gigantic spider waltzing (or even doing the Macarena) up the hall, the hyena just moseys on by rather than, say, grabbing the nearest bottle of spray-cleaner, spraying the spider mercilessly until it shrivels up and dies, and then slipping and falling on the slick floor and smashing some vital joints. They don't have to deal with contractors. If, for instance, the front porch slab suddenly splits and crumbles away from a fox's den, he can just move out and find another den or, better yet, curl up on a bed of soft leaves in the woods. The fox doesn't even consider grabbing a flashlight and venturing into the crawl-space beneath the house to determine whether the damage extends to the foundation, and neither does it scour the yellow pages for a reputable contractor while trying to suppress memories of previous disastrous encounters with dishonest contractors. Animals don't feel any need to process traumatic experiences by transforming them into blog posts or fiction or poetry. I think that's why Whitman ultimately decided against turning to live with animals: "Leaves of Grass" couldn't have been written by Walt Wombat or Walt Wildebeest or Walt Earthworm. If bad plumbing, falling porches, pain, and humiliation are the price we have to pay for poetry, then I think I could not turn and live with animals. I'll call a contractor instead.
class ObjectParams @isValid: (param) -> ### Проверяет, что указанный параметр присутствует в данном наборе параметров @param param: any @return: boolean ### return no unless typeof(param) is 'string' # RANDOM необходим для идентификации параграфов, __RANDOM некоторое время создавался по ошибке return yes if param in ['RANDOM', '__RANDOM'] return no unless param.substring(0, 2) is @_prefix return yes if @.hasOwnProperty(param.substring(2)) no class TextLevelParams extends ObjectParams ### Список поддерживаемых текстовых параметров Соглашение имен: для проверки важно ставить значения параметров равному имени параметра с префиксом 'T_' ### @_prefix: 'T_' @URL: 'T_URL' @BOLD: 'T_BOLD' @ITALIC: 'T_ITALIC' @STRUCKTHROUGH: 'T_STRUCKTHROUGH' @UNDERLINED: 'T_UNDERLINED' @BG_COLOR: 'T_BG_COLOR' class LineLevelParams extends ObjectParams ### Список поддерживаемых текстовых параметров Соглашение имен: для проверки важно ставить значения параметров равному имени параметра с префиксом 'L_' ### @_prefix: 'L_' @BULLETED: 'L_BULLETED' @NUMBERED: 'L_NUMBERED' class ModelField @PARAMS: 'params' @TEXT: 't' class ParamsField @TEXT: '__TEXT' @TYPE: '__TYPE' @ID: '__ID' @URL: '__URL' @MIME: '__MIME' @SIZE: '__SIZE' @THUMBNAIL: '__THUMBNAIL' @USER_ID: '__USER_ID' @NAME: '__NAME' @RANDOM: 'RANDOM' @TAG: '__TAG' @THREAD_ID: '__THREAD_ID' class ModelType @TEXT: 'TEXT' @BLIP: 'BLIP' @LINE: 'LINE' @ATTACHMENT: 'ATTACHMENT' @RECIPIENT: 'RECIPIENT' @TASK_RECIPIENT: 'TASK' @GADGET: 'GADGET' @FILE: 'FILE' @TAG: 'TAG' exports.TextLevelParams = TextLevelParams exports.LineLevelParams = LineLevelParams exports.ModelField = ModelField exports.ParamsField = ParamsField exports.ModelType = ModelType
/* * Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>. */ package org.hibernate.search.testsupport.textbuilder; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * Test utility meant to produce sentences of a randomly generated language, * having some properties of natural languages. * The goal is to produce sentences which look like a western text, * but without needing an actual resource to read from so we can create unlimited * garbage. We also get a chance to produce some novel poetry. * All sentences from the same SentenceInventor will share * a limited dictionary, making the frequencies somehow repeatable, suitable to test * with Lucene. * Sentences produced depend from the constructor arguments, * making the output predictable for testing purposes. * * @author Sanne Grinovero */ public class SentenceInventor { private final Random r; private final WordDictionary dictionary; private final Locale randomlocale; //array contains repeated object for probability distribution (more chance for a ",") private final char[] sentenceSeparators = new char[] { ',', ',', ',' , ';', ':', ':' }; //same as above, but favour the "full stop" char as a more likely end for periods. private final char[] periodSeparators = new char[] { '.', '.', '.' , '.', '.', '?', '?', '!' }; /** * @param randomSeed the seed to use for random generator * @param dictionarySize the number of terms to insert in the dictionary used to build sentences */ public SentenceInventor(long randomSeed, int dictionarySize) { r = new Random( randomSeed ); randomlocale = randomLocale(); dictionary = randomDictionary( dictionarySize ); } /** * @return a random Locale among the ones available on the current system */ private Locale randomLocale() { Locale[] availableLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); int index = r.nextInt( availableLocales.length ); return availableLocales[index]; } /** * @return a random character from the ASCII table (text chars only) */ public char randomCharacter() { return (char) (r.nextInt( 26 ) + 65); } /** * @param length the desired length * @return a randomly generated String */ public String randomString(int length) { char[] chars = new char[length]; for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { chars[i] = randomCharacter(); } return new String( chars ); } /** * Produces a randomly generated String, using * only western alphabet characters and selecting * the length as a normal distribution of natural languages. * @return the generated String */ public String randomString() { double d = r.nextGaussian() * 6.3d; int l = (int) d + 6; if ( l > 0 ) { return randomString( l ); } else { return randomString(); } } /** * Produces a random String, which might be lowercase, * completely uppercase, or uppercasing the first char * (randomly selected) * @return produced String */ public String randomTerm() { int i = r.nextInt( 200 ); String term = randomString(); if ( i > 10 ) { //completely lowercase 189/200 cases return term.toLowerCase( randomlocale ); } else if ( i < 2 ) { //completely uppercase in 2/200 cases return term; } else { //first letter uppercase in 9/200 cases return term.substring( 0, 1 ) + term.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase( randomlocale ); } } private WordDictionary randomDictionary(int size) { Set<String> tree = new TreeSet<String>(); while ( tree.size() != size ) { tree.add( randomTerm() ); } return new WordDictionary( tree ); } /** * Builds a sentence concatenating terms from the generated dictionary and spaces * @return a sentence */ public String nextSentence() { int sentenceLength = r.nextInt( 3 ) + r.nextInt( 10 ) + 1; String[] sentence = new String[sentenceLength]; for ( int i = 0; i < sentenceLength; i++ ) { sentence[i] = dictionary.randomWord(); } if ( sentenceLength == 1 ) { return sentence[0]; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( sentence[0] ); for ( int i = 1; i < sentenceLength; i++ ) { sb.append( " " ); sb.append( sentence[i] ); } return sb.toString(); } } /** * Combines a random (gaussian) number of sentences in a period, * using some punctuation symbols and * capitalizing first char, terminating with dot and newline. * @return */ public String nextPeriod() { //Combine two random values to make extreme long/short less likely, //But still make the "one statement" period more likely than other shapes. int periodLengthSentences = r.nextInt( 6 ) + r.nextInt( 4 ) - 3; periodLengthSentences = ( periodLengthSentences < 1 ) ? 1 : periodLengthSentences; String firstsentence = nextSentence(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() .append( firstsentence.substring( 0,1 ).toUpperCase( randomlocale ) ) .append( firstsentence.substring( 1 ) ); for ( int i = 1; i < periodLengthSentences; i++ ) { int separatorCharIndex = r.nextInt( sentenceSeparators.length ); sb .append( sentenceSeparators[separatorCharIndex] ) .append( ' ' ) .append( nextSentence() ); } int periodSeparatorCharIndex = r.nextInt( periodSeparators.length ); sb.append( periodSeparators[periodSeparatorCharIndex] ); sb.append( "\n" ); return sb.toString(); } //run it to get an idea of what this class is going to produce public static void main(String[] args) { SentenceInventor wi = new SentenceInventor( 7L, 10000 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 3000; i++ ) { //CHECKSTYLE:OFF System.out.print( wi.nextPeriod() ); //CHECKSTYLE:ON } } }
Q: Testand - Use of a C# DLL using a C# Wrapper using a C DLL There is a C-Funktion which I use as a DLL. The function is exported by __declspec(dllexport) uint8_t *SomeFunction(uint8_t *a); In the respective header file. The wrapper imports the function with [DllImport("SomeCFunction.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "SomeFunction")] private static extern IntPtr SomeFunction(Byte[] array1); The wrapper has a method with which contains the call of that function public unsafe Byte[] SomeFunction(Byte[] array1, Byte[] array2) { IntPtr parray2 = CalculateKeyFromSeed(array1); } Now I get the Error when executing the step in TestStand: An exception occurred inside the call to .NET member 'SomeFunction': System.BadImageFormatException: Es wurde versucht, eine Datei mit einem falschen Format zu laden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007000B) bei SomeFunctionWrapperNameSpace.WrapperClass.SomeFunction(Byte[] array1) bei WrapperNameSpace.WrapperClass.SomeFunction(Byte[] array1, Byte[] array2) in SomeFunctionWrapper.cs:Zeile 33. bei SomeFunction(Byte[] array1, Byte[] array2) in SomeFunction.cs:Zeile 39. Some idea how I get TestStand accepting this DLL? A: BadImageFormat normally means there is a mismatch in the bitness of one of the parts. These need to match, you have 3 parts to check Is the C dll 64-bit? Is the C# dll 64-bit? (AnyCPU should be OK here AFAIK) Is the TestStand process 64-bit?
Q: foreach Loop Not Working With Object I have an object called entry. I want to access a MySQL database and pull the relevant information for the object entry. These are my pages: objects.php class main { function setValues( $rs = array() ){ foreach( $rs as $key => $val ){ $this->$key = $val ; } } var $created ; var $updated ; } class entry extends main { var $id ; var $channel ; var $title ; var $content ; } $table_names['entry'] = 'archive' ; functions.php $dbconn = mysqli_connect( DB_HOST , DB_USER , DB_PASS , DB_NAME ) ; $table_names = array() ; function getTableValues( $object ){ global $table_names ; $table_name = $table_names[ get_class( $object ) ] ; $r = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table_name ; return $r ; } function query( $q ){ global $dbconn ; $stmt = mysqli_query( $dbconn , $q ) ; return $stmt ; } function fetchRow( $stmt ){ return mysqli_fetch_array( $stmt , MYSQLI_ASSOC ) ; } function find( $object , $other = '' , $orderBy = '' ){ global $dbconn ; $list = array() ; $q = getTableValues( $object ) ; $q .= $other.' '.$orderBy ; $stmt = query( $q ) ; $objectClass = get_class( $object ) ; while( $rv = fetchRow( $stmt ) ){ $obj = new $objectClass() ; $obj->setValues( $rv ) ; $list = $obj ; } return $list ; } Then, on the actual page I have <?php require_once( '../lib/functions.php' ) ; require_once( '../lib/objects.php' ) ; $entries = find( new entry() ) ; ?> <?php foreach($entries as $entry){ ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $entry->id ?></td> <td><?php echo $entry->channel ?></td> <td><?php echo $entry->title ?></td> <td><a href='' class='button'>Edit</a>&nbsp;<a href='' class='button'>View</a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> I end up getting the error: Trying to get property of a non-object as a result of the foreach loop and it iterates this eight times even though right now there's only one entry for testing purposes. Using the foreach loop with only $entries, it properly pulled information but, again, iterated eight times. I'm pretty sure this is because there are eight columns in the SQL table, but I don't know why it would be doing this. I also used used echo to make sure the SQL statements were correct, used count to make sure there was only one item in the arrays that were a result of the executed functions (there was) and used print_r() to print out the information stored in $entries (it was all correct). So, it seems to me that the reason this isn't working is because of the foreach loop. But I do not know why this is or how to fix it. Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you! A: Just change your find function to: function find( $object , $other = '' , $orderBy = '' ){ global $dbconn ; $list = array() ; $q = getTableValues( $object ) ; $q .= $other.' '.$orderBy ; $stmt = query( $q ) ; $objectClass = get_class( $object ) ; while( $rv = fetchRow( $stmt ) ){ $obj = new $objectClass() ; $obj->setValues( $rv ) ; $list[] = $obj ; // earlier you were looping through columns, now it will loop through rows } return $list ; }
Estonia women's national under-17 football team Estonian women's national under-17 football team represents Estonia in international youth football competitions. FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup The team has never qualified for the FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup. UEFA Women's Under-17 Championship The team has never qualified for the UEFA Women's Under-17 Championship. See also Estonia women's national football team References External links Team at uefa.com Team at Estonian Football Association U17 Category:Youth football in Estonia Category:Women's national under-17 association football teams
If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. The Royal Guards doesn't interfere in SS affairs otherwise they would've shown up to stop Aizen since he was a direct threat to the Soul King. Unless VR manages to wipe out Sereitei and defeat or kill most of the captains to which aizen didn't find any interest in... aizen was driven insane in becoming a transcendental being that he lost focus on his main goal... this guys aren't and they may destroy the balance of SS and the real world... i don't think Royal guards would still sit and chill when their army of gotei13, sereitei are wiped out nad SS spilling itself and possibly destroying earth or vice versa...if not Well there is got to be a reason why they didn't meddle during aizen's rampage if indeed they show up in the future Unless VR manages to wipe out Sereitei and defeat or kill most of the captains to which aizen didn't find any interest in... aizen was driven insane in becoming a transcendental being that he lost focus on his main goal... this guys aren't and they may destroy the balance of SS and the real world... i don't think Royal guards would still sit and chill when their army of gotei13, sereitei are wiped out nad SS spilling itself and possibly destroying earth or vice versa...if not Well there is got to be a reason why they didn't meddle during aizen's rampage if indeed they show up in the future I'm not going to get into this pointless discussion about the Royal Guards, the thing is we don't know how they operate, all you can do at this point is speculate. Hmmmmm, I wouldn't mind Quincy taking over SS. Actually it would make sense seeing how they operate, plus the fact that each one of them can seal a banki... When I saw this page's last panel: Spoiler! I was like: "Awesome, Kubo, you brought back Grandpa Kuchiki and it make sense, since both of them were old and probably knew each other"... but then the next page... man, what's the point of bringing new characters that are going to die anyway, when he still didn't unleash the other ones ? Ok, time for some Vs speculation: Spoiler! From right: - Vs Renji, - Vs Kenpachi, or Dogi, - Vs Ikakku (Ikakku dies after his bankai is being sealed and then Yumichika unleashes his and wins thanks to the fact that the enemy already used up the bankai blocker), Next page: Spoiler! From right: - Vs Ukitake (Uki dies and is replaced by Kyouraku), - Vs Kuchiki x Kuchiki (both survive), or Rukia and all other girls ?, - Vs Unohana or The Scientist (what's his name again ?), Next page: Spoiler! Top: - Vs Byakuya, or Soi Fon (loses legs and is replaced by Yoru), Bearded King: - Vs, VC that should die (replaced by Yama). A real Colossal Sword, is only Colossal when it is at least 5 times bigger than the thing you pilot: Is kira done?! or will he be cured by unohana or the 4th squad? stay tuned lols......bleach is getting more gore chapter every chapter, 1000 dead in 7 minutes...i sure hope ichigo could beat opie next chap...coz rukia is in danger....VC's levels vs the Stern Ritter is one sided I don't think that there we're only 8 quincies attacking SS(Stern Ritter, Buckbeard).... http://mangastream.com/read/bleach/51213239/22 .... there are 16 confirmed location were there are enemy reiatsu...and there are also some unconfirmed reports all around ss not being sent back to akon due to the death of the inspection squad before transmitting there reports... i'm guessing there are several dozen quincies attacking ss in all directions maybe even more... Lol since when did kubo's title meant what it says... most of the time he shows this title and trolls us I'm thinking that Hiachi (However you spell it. He isn't around much to remember) likely will use his healing powers that are similar to Inoue's. (That is if he also got his arm back)
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Aniano A. Desierto Aniano Aguilar Desierto (born April 25, 1935) is a former Ombudsman of the Republic of the Philippines from 1995-2002. He headed the Ombudsman Office which investigates all government officials who defy the law of conduct. He assumed the Office of the Philippine Ombudsman on August 4, 1995 as the second person to head the post. Personal life Desierto was born on April 25, 1935 in Cebu City. He received his secondary education at the University of San Carlos (USC) in Cebu City, where he also obtained an Associate in Arts. He later obtained Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law degrees at the University of the Philippines, Diliman in 1957, and was admitted to the Philippine Bar in 1958. Desierto also took up General Management and Marketing Courses at the Ateneo de Manila University and a master's degree at the Philippine Christian University. Desierto was once the Provincial Division Manager of the Manila Broadcasting Company and of the Metropolitan Broadcasting Company. He is married to Commissioner Teresita A. Desierto. Career From 1961 to 1974, Desierto was engaged in private law practice in Cebu and Manila. He started his career in the government service when he was appointed as Judge Advocate, Office of the AFP Judge Advocate General in 1974. In 1988, he was appointed Deputy Judge Advocate General. He later served as The Special Prosecutor of the Prosecution Bureau of the Office of the Ombudsman from April 1, 1991 to August 3, 1995. On August 4, 1995, he was appointed Ombudsman by then President Fidel V. Ramos. He served until he retired, or "finish(ed) my term" as he stated it, in August 2002. He was criticized by some for not aggressively investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption. After he left office, he unsuccessfully sought a slot on the country's Supreme Court. See also Philippine Ombudsman Department of Justice (Philippines) References External links Aniano Desierto Category:Living people Category:1935 births Category:Filipino judges Category:Ombudsmen in the Philippines Category:Filipino lawyers Category:People from Cebu City Category:University of San Carlos alumni Category:University of the Philippines Diliman alumni Category:Arroyo Administration personnel Category:Estrada Administration personnel Category:Ramos Administration personnel Category:Ateneo de Manila University alumni Category:Philippine Christian University alumni
Mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy is a common condition that is encountered by general internists, pulmonologists, and thoracic surgeons. The differential diagnosis includes malignant or benign conditions such as inflammatory or infectious causes.\[[@ref1]\] Many cases require histopathological evaluation to establish the underlying etiology or staging purposes in cases of malignancy. Several techniques are available to obtain pathological samples of mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes including mediastinoscopy, conventional bronchoscopic transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA), computed tomography (CT)-guided needle aspiration, and endoscopic esophageal ultrasound.\[[@ref2]\] The need for general anesthesia, need for operating theater or hospital admission, variation in yield, difficulty to access certain lymph node stations, and complications are well-known limitations of these techniques.\[[@ref2]\] Therefore, a dedicated scope with a built-in ultrasonic probe has been developed to obtain real-time transbronchial fine-needle aspiration of enlarged mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes at various locations.\[[@ref1][@ref2]\] Over the last decade, the utilization of endobronchial ultrasound TBNA (EBUS-TBNA) became more popular. Several studies have established the utility and safety of this procedure. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) lung cancer directions have recommended EBUS-TBNA over surgical staging as a best first step with an overall median sensitivity of 89% and median negative predictive value of 91%.\[[@ref3]\] Furthermore, this modality is also useful in the evaluation of benign conditions such as sarcoidosis and tuberculosis (TB).\[[@ref4][@ref5]\] Several studies were published worldwide; however, only one study has been published from Saudi Arabia.\[[@ref6]\] Raddaoui *et al*. reported an overall diagnostic yield of 78.8%. We aimed to report our initial experience with this technology and to explicitly demonstrate the clinical utility of this procedure in patients\' outcome. Methods {#sec1-2} ======= Patients\' characteristics {#sec2-1} -------------------------- The ethical approval for conducting the present study was obtained from the Biomedical Ethics Research Committee. The study was according to the principles of Helsinki Declaration. A retrospective chart review was conducted on 52 patients with mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy who were referred to the interventional pulmonology service for EBUS-TBNA between June 2012 and June 2016. The procedure was indicated to establish the diagnosis of an enlarged lymph node of unknown cause or to accurately stage patients with lung cancer. All the patients were evaluated by CT chest with contrast before EBUS examination. Mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes that measure \>1 cm in short axis on enhanced CT are considered as enlarged and prompt consultation to the interventional pulmonology service for evaluation. Endobronchial ultrasound procedure {#sec2-2} ---------------------------------- Most procedures were performed as outpatient under conscious sedation using fentanyl and midazolam as well as lidocaine 1%--2% for topical anesthesia. Informed consent about the procedure was obtained from all patients. Then, Olympus (BF UC260FW) EBUS scope was inserted orally through a bite block to perform EBUS-TBNA. This is a dedicated bronchoscope fitted with linear ultrasound probe that enables real-time TBNA. The EBUS bronchoscope has an outer diameter of 6.9 mm, a working channel of 2.2 mm, and endoscopic viewing optics at a 30° oblique angle. The ultrasonic transducer is convex and mounted at the tip of the bronchoscope that enables a 50° sector views parallel to the long axis of the bronchoscope \[[Figure 1a](#F1){ref-type="fig"}\]. The scanning was carried out at a frequency of 7.5 MHz with a penetration of 20--50 mm. Images were obtained by contacting the probe or by attaching a balloon on the tip and inflating with water. The ultrasound image was managed by an Olympus ultrasound processor (EU-ME1) and viewed along with the conventional bronchoscopy image on the same monitor. EBUS examination of the trachea and main stem bronchi was performed to localize the adjacent lymph nodal station in relation to the major vessels with the help of the CT scan. ![(a) Tip of the endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscope (BF UC260FW) with the linear curved-array ultrasonic transducer. (b) Tip of the endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscope (BF UC260FW) with dedicated transbronchial needle aspiration needle is inserted through the working channel. (c) Endobronchial ultrasound image of the needle (arrow) puncture of the lymph node](ATM-13-92-g001){#F1} Lymph node sampling procedure {#sec2-3} ----------------------------- Once the target lymph node station was identified by ultrasound, the dedicated 21-gauge needle (NA-201SX-4021) was inserted into the working channel to perform real-time TBNA \[[Figure 1b](#F1){ref-type="fig"}\]. Then, the needle punctured the designated lymph node under direct EBUS guidance \[[Figure 1c](#F1){ref-type="fig"}\]. The stylet was removed after moving it back and forth to dislodge any bronchial cells or cartilage. Then, the suction syringe was attached to obtain a real-time sampling of the lymph node by moving the needle 10--15 times within the lymph node. Finally, the needle was retrieved, and the aspirated material was smeared onto glass slides. Then, the smears were air-dried and stained immediately with Shandon Kwik-Diff stain for rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) by cytopathologist to confirm adequate cell material and to look for the cells of interest for a specific diagnosis. The remaining samples were collected in cytology collection fluid (Sure Path, Germany) and further analyzed in the cytology laboratory. Tissue fragments and cores were fixed in 95% formalin and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Thermo Scientific, Ohio, USA). While performing EBUS for non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) staging, we followed the following approach. After systemic evaluation of the mediastinum by EBUS, we first sample the highest N stage nodal station \>5 mm to avoid contamination. If malignancy in the highest N stage nodal station is confirmed by ROSE, then sampling of lower nodal station is not required. On the other hand, if malignancy is not confirmed by ROSE after three passes per nodal station, then usually sampling two more nodal stations \>5 mm if found will be done. Diagnosis of malignancy was based on the identification of malignant cells on the TBNA specimen and was confirmed on surgical resection if needed. Patients with malignant diseases were managed accordingly. Diagnosis of sarcoidosis or TB was confirmed based on the clinical, radiological, and pathological identification of noncaseating or caseating granulomas, respectively. In addition, aspirates with positive acid-fast bacilli or positive mycobacterium TB culture were needed to confirm TB. All patients with sarcoidosis or TB diagnosis underwent at least 1 year of clinical and radiological follow-up to ensure stability or improvement in their condition. This, therefore, rules out a false-negative diagnosis of malignancy. Statistical analysis {#sec2-4} -------------------- The statistical analysis was performed employing Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 16 (Chicago, IL, USA). The quantitative data were shown in the form of mean and standard deviation (SD) and the qualitative data in number and percentage. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy were calculated by utilizing the standard definitions. Results {#sec1-3} ======= EBUS-TBNA was performed on 52 patients. There were 31 (60%) males and mean age of patients was 53 years (range: 18--76). The main indication for EBUS was to diagnose cases with mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy in thirty patients (58%) or for diagnosis and staging of suspected mediastinal malignancy in 22 patients. Twenty-eight patients (54%) were diagnosed with a malignant condition \[[Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"}\]. All the procedures were completed under conscious sedation using a combination of midazolam and fentanyl in 47 patients and only midazolam in five patients. Topical lidocaine (1%--2%) was used in all patients. Most of the patients, i.e., 44 (85%) had EBUS as an outpatient. All the patients tolerated the procedure quite well, and there were no complications. ###### General characteristics of cases ![](ATM-13-92-g002) We performed 203 biopsies of 76 lymph nodes. The mean number of needle passes per lymph node station was three (range: 1--5). Mean (SD) lymph node size was 1.6 (0.56) cm (range: 0.8--3.6) as measured during EBUS examination. EBUS-TBNA was performed from a single mediastinal lymph node station in 26 patients. Paratracheal stations were the most common site for puncture in 33 lymph nodes (43%) \[[Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"}\]. Among the 76 lymph nodes biopsied, 59 were successful and specific diagnosis was established. Therefore, the overall diagnostic yield concerning the lymph nodes was 78%. The best diagnostic yield was obtained from subcarinal stations and the lowest yield from the hilar stations \[[Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"}\]. However, the differences were not statistically significant. ###### Results of real-time endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration by lymph node location ![](ATM-13-92-g003) Adequate lymphocytic material was obtained in 47 patients (90%). Therefore, analyzing the diagnostic yield for the 52 patients instead of the lymph nodes, EBUS-TBNA established a definitive diagnosis in 41 patients (79%) \[[Figure 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}\]. Surgical biopsies were performed in the 11 patients (21%) who had inadequate cellular material or nondiagnostic samples. Surgical biopsies in five patients confirmed lymphoma, three patients had TB, two patients had sarcoidosis, and one patient had metastatic adenocarcinoma of unknown primary. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of EBUS-TBNA for diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymph node abnormalities were 78.6%, 100%, 100%, and 80%, respectively \[[Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}\]. ![Results of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration of the studied patients. \*Adequate (evaluable) lymphocytic population seen on the endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration cytology slides. Cytology specimens will be considered inadequate if it contains blood or endobronchial cells with only a few lymphocytes. \*\*Diagnostic sample if positive for "cells of interest" either malignant cells, caseating, or non-caseating granuloma. \*\*\*Nondiagnostic if it showed only normal or reactive lymphocytes without specific diagnosis](ATM-13-92-g004){#F2} ###### Comparison of real-time endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration results with final diagnosis in mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes ![](ATM-13-92-g005) The diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA in malignant and benign conditions was 79% and disease-specific yield is shown in [Table 4](#T4){ref-type="table"}. EBUS-TBNA was useful and provided significant management guidance to the patients studied \[Tables [5](#T5){ref-type="table"} and [6](#T6){ref-type="table"}\]. Eleven patients avoided mediastinoscopy because of positive N2, N3 disease by EBUS-TBNA, and hence, chemotherapy was the best treatment option \[[Table 5](#T5){ref-type="table"}\]. Sarcoidosis and TB patients demonstrated radiological stability or resolution on follow-up imaging with or without treatment \[[Table 6](#T6){ref-type="table"}\]. ###### Diagnostic yield of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration according to each disease ![](ATM-13-92-g006) ###### Details of lesions targeted, cytology result, and outcomes of patients undergoing endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration for diagnostic and staging purposes ![](ATM-13-92-g007) ###### Details of lesions targeted, cytology result, and outcomes of patients undergoing endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration for diagnostic purposes ![](ATM-13-92-g008) Discussion {#sec1-4} ========== In this study, EBUS-TBNA enabled a specific diagnosis in 79% of the patients studied. This study documents the advantage of EBUS-TBNA in establishing the diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes. In addition, the procedure was safe, well tolerated, and did not require hospital admission or administration of general anesthesia. The diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA in nonselected patients is not consistent among different studies. Studies from experienced centers reported a diagnostic yield of 88%--97%.\[[@ref1][@ref2][@ref7][@ref8][@ref9]\] Yasufuku *et al*. published the first study with the diagnostic yield of 97%.\[[@ref2]\] The largest study was done on 502 patients and showed a diagnostic yield of 94%.\[[@ref1]\] Other centers reported a diagnostic yield of 74%--78%\[[@ref6][@ref10]\] and the diagnostic yield in this study (79%) falls somewhere in between these yields of different studies. Variation in yield depends on hospital volume of cases, bronchoscopist skills, pathologist experience, lymph node size, and a number of lymph nodal station biopsied.\[[@ref11]\] A health center that carried out at least 100 or more EBUS-TBNA biopsy techniques every year than another center would be related with an odds ratio of 1.003^100^ = 1.35. In this manner, every 100 unit increment in hospital volume increases the chances of a diagnosis by another 35%.\[[@ref11]\] Therefore, the highest diagnostic yield is reported from centers that perform many cases annually. The ideal type of sedation during EBUS procedure is still controversial. In contrast to mediastinoscopy, EBUS has the advantage of being carried out under conscious sedation. All of the cases in this study were performed in the endoscopy unit under moderate sedation which is similar to most published studies.\[[@ref12]\] However, EBUS was also performed in the operating theater under general anesthesia in few studies.\[[@ref13][@ref14][@ref15]\] These three studies compared moderate and deep sedation during EBUS with regard to diagnostic yield, patient\'s comfort, and complications. Yarmus *et al*. reported statistically significant advantage in employing deep sedation on diagnostic yield in a multivariable analysis.\[[@ref16]\] In contrast, no difference in the diagnostic yield was found in a prospective study.\[[@ref17]\] Patient\'s comfort was also similar in both moderate and deep sedation types.\[[@ref17][@ref18]\] Therefore, until further studies favor a sedation type over another, EBUS can be performed with either way of sedation. Role of EBUS-TBNA in lung cancer staging is well established in the most recent international guidelines.\[[@ref3][@ref19][@ref20]\] EBUS-TBNA is currently the recommended method of choice over mediastinoscopy for lung cancer patients with suspected N2 or N3 involvement.\[[@ref3][@ref19][@ref20]\] This recommendation was based on higher EBUS sensitivity and specificity based on more publications over the past decade. However, international guidelines proposed different recommendations about how many and which lymph node stations should be sampled and which level of thoroughness is necessary for different situations.\[[@ref20]\] European guidelines suggest a complete assessment of mediastinal and hilar nodal stations, and sampling of at least three different mediastinal nodal stations (4 R, 4 L, and 7) in patients with NSCLC and an abnormal mediastinum by CT or CT-positron emission tomography (Recommendation Grade D).\[[@ref20]\] On the other hand, the ACCP guidelines suggested four levels of thoroughness to serve as a guide. Level A involves complete sampling of each node in each major mediastinal node station (2R, 4R, 2 L, 4 L, 7, and possibly 5 or 6), while level B involves a systematic sampling of each node station. Level C involves a selective sampling of suspicious nodes only and level D involves very limited or no sampling with only visual assessment.\[[@ref3]\] In cases of suspected NSCLC, systemic evaluation of the mediastinum is initially conducted by EBUS. Then, the highest N stage nodal station \>5 mm is sampled. If malignancy in the highest N stage nodal station is confirmed by ROSE, then sampling of lower nodal station is not required. However, if malignancy is not confirmed by ROSE after three passes per nodal station then usually sampling two more nodal stations \>5 mm if found will be done. In the present study, the sensitivity and specificity of EBUS-TBNA to accurately diagnose malignancy was 86.7% and 100%, respectively. This result is lower than median sensitivity of 89% from pooled study results.\[[@ref3]\] This difference is likely related to sample size, different study population, and variation in centers experience with this technique. In this study, 11 patients avoided mediastinoscopy and declined surgical treatment based on accurate staging of N2, N3 diseases, three patients underwent surgical resection based on accurate staging of N1 disease. Further, one patient with lower esophageal cancer had confirmed N0 disease based on EBUS-TBNA and underwent surgical resection. Several studies have also confirmed EBUS-TBNA utility in obtaining adequate tissue material for molecular biology. Specific mutations such as epidermal growth factor receptor, K-ras, EML4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase, and P53 can be tested on material obtained by EBUS-TBNA.\[[@ref21][@ref22]\] In this study, EBUS-TBNA was performed on one patient for this specific indication and was able to obtain adequate material. EBUS-TBNA has also been proven to be helpful in diagnosing benign conditions such as sarcoidosis and TB. The efficacy and safety of EBUS-TBNA in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis was documented by a systematic review and meta-analysis of 553 patients from 15 studies.\[[@ref4]\] Agarwal *et al*. reported a pooled diagnostic accuracy of 79% and a diagnostic yield in the range of 54% to 93% for EBUS-TBNA.\[[@ref4]\] The EBUS-TBNA diagnostic yield for sarcoidosis of this study was 87%. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis in fifteen patients was confirmed by the presence of noncaseating granuloma in specimens obtained by EBUS-TBNA (13 patients) or surgical biopsy (2 patients) and documentation of radiological improvement or stability after 1-year minimum follow-up. TB can also be accurately diagnosed by EBUS-TBNA. Madan *et al*. reported their initial 1-year experience with EBUS-TBNA that showed a high yield of 84.8% for the diagnosis of TB in TB endemic area.\[[@ref5]\] Furthermore, EBUS-TBNA had a high diagnostic yield for TB of 79% even in areas with low TB prevalence.\[[@ref23]\] The determination of TB was attained either by positive acid-fast bacilli smears on the aspirate or the appearance of necrotizing granuloma in the setting of positive tuberculin skin test results and proper clinical situation. In this study, the diagnostic yield for TB was 67% which is lower than other studies.\[[@ref23]\] The lower diagnostic yield in this study may be related to the small sample size of the studied patients and variation in TB prevalence between different countries. It is important to note that conventional TBNA is simpler, safe, less expensive modality, and provides high diagnostic yield for sarcoidosis and TB.\[[@ref24][@ref25]\] In our institution, conventional TBNA was carried out for cases of suspected sarcoidosis or TB before the acquisition of EBUS in 2012. However, after the procurement of EBUS, we have changed our practice focus to EBUS and rarely use conventional TBNA. ROSE for specimen adequacy is helpful during conventional TBNA. ROSE improves the diagnostic yield of conventional TBNA, reduce the need for other diagnostic procedures, and decrease the number of passes per lymph node.\[[@ref26]\] However, the role of ROSE in the setting of EBUS-TBNA is controversial. Studies have demonstrated that ROSE does not influence the diagnostic yield in EBUS-TBNA techniques; however, it might lessen the quantity of required aspirations and the quantity of other techniques required.\[[@ref27][@ref28][@ref29]\] In this study, all EBUS-TBNA were carried out with the presence of ROSE; therefore, there was not any comparative data. EBUS-TBNA has an excellent safety profile. Varela-Lema *et al*. published a systematic review of 15 studies of EBUS-TBNA that included 1627 patients without any complication.\[[@ref30]\] Furthermore, only two complications occurred in a meta-analysis of 11 studies that included 1299 patients.\[[@ref31]\] However, sporadic cases of infectious complications such as infectious pericarditis, mediastinal abscesses, and mediastinitis have been reported.\[[@ref32][@ref33][@ref34]\] In this study, no procedure or sedation-related complications were experienced, and all the patients tolerated the procedure fairly well and discharged on the same day. The retrospective nature of this study is the major limitation. In addition, the small number of cases, possibly due to a lack or low physician awareness about this relatively new technology, so patients are probably referred for mediastinoscopy rather than EBUS. Furthermore, lung cancer, which is the main indication for the procedure, ranked 5^th^ among male and 15^th^ among female in Saudi Arabia and 50% of patients present with distant metastasis.\[[@ref35][@ref36]\] Besides, this is a single-center/single operator study with the suboptimal use or lack of an effective referral system between different governmental institutions. Even with the encouraging results of this technology, expensive equipment and accessories and the requirement for training limit the quick spreading of this technique. Up till this date, EBUS procedure is performed in only three institutions in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, future research should be directed to multicenter collaboration to address outstanding issues such as the best use of ROSE, ideal sedation type, and the role of EBUS simulation. Conclusions {#sec1-5} =========== EBUS-TBNA is a safe and efficacious technique that can be conveniently carried out by employing conscious sedation with yields that are adequate for evaluation. It can be used for the staging of malignancies as well as for the diagnosis of inflammatory and infectious conditions such as sarcoidosis and TB. This procedure has a high yield, good sensitivity, and high specificity. The best use of EBUS-TBNA depends on an adequate collaboration between the pathologist, the bronchoscopist, and the cytotechnologist. Financial support and sponsorship {#sec2-5} --------------------------------- Nil. Conflicts of interest {#sec2-6} --------------------- There are no conflicts of interest.
When I read the word 'Thanda' meant 'Love' in Zulu in knew this place would be special. Situated in Northern Zululand, Thanda Private Game Reserve is home to abundant wildlife including a breeding pack of wild dogs, fist of it's kind to be successfully introduced in a private reserve in KwaZulu-Natal. Guests will be treated to close encounters with a plethora of African game including the Big Five -lion, rhino, elephant, buffalo, leopard- and even the endangered wild dog and cheetah. Daytime activities include open-air game drives, pamper oneself at one of South Africa's most resplendid African bush spas, dive with sharks in the Indian Ocean, witness Zulu traditions and more...
An experience like no other It’s been about seven months since I decided to go abroad. I think this has been one of the decisions that has most impacted my life, in a positive way of course. Before I left I tried to talk to as many people who already went on an exchange. I wanted to be better prepared in one way or another, to have an idea of what to expect before I go. Everyone told me, “It’s going to be the best year of your life,” and they didn’t know how else to explain it. Now that I am in the final stage of my exchange year, I get it all. This is an experience like no other, and it is impossible to explain, it is necessary to experience it in order to truly understand what it is and how it affects you as a person. I see why nobody could find the right words to describe their experience. In the beginning I didn’t know what to expect. I had certain ideas in my mind of how it would be to meet new people, see new spaces, experience the atmosphere. But once I was there, it was completely different. It’s better to leave without any expectations, then it is easier to absorb it all. At first, I was very emotional, I was looking forward to start figuring it all out. One of my biggest fears was to be alone, but I had the joy from the first day at school to find a great group of friends, which is growing every day. And then I also have a wonderful host family. Still, I can’t deny that it is difficult to be away from your family, friends, your habits, out of what you know and you’re used to seeing every day. Since I’ve been here I’ve lived a roller coaster of emotions that everyone’s always talking about. And I believe that thanks to all of these people who have entered my life, the moment I touched down, I didn’t fall so hard. Today I can say with certainty that the exchange year has been the best thing that ever happened to me in life. I can’t deny that it has been a difficult year, I’ve lived a little bit of everything. My best memories have formed here, as well as some of the difficult moments. But at the end of the day, all these experiences will help to make this year incredibly unforgettable. A year of exchange, that’s all I have and more. Discover a new culture, a new language, you will make friends from all parts of the world, friends for life. A year in which you’ll grow up and know yourself as a person, you’ll change completely in the best way possible, you’ll learn things about yourself that you didn’t know before, your limits and capabilities. At the end of the day you have a whole other life in another country. The country that before you left looked like a distant dream will become your second home and the place where you left your heart in for life.
Tag Archives: neighbros The annual Summit Block Party brings Seattle’s artistic community together; showcases local artists, musicians, and craft-makers; and promotes the acceptance of all races, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic classes. Summit Block Party is a free, non-profit, volunteer-run event, and is fueled by community support.
Books and the Soul of America When literary critics like Lionel Trilling wrote in the 1950s and '60s, they wrote for "a readership of people who believed that your taste in literature or your taste in music or your taste in painting actually told people something about your values." Critics no longer play that role of "moral arbiter," says Louis Menand, and that's probably for the best. Still, in Big Think's interview with Menand, we couldn't help but asking the Harvard critic to guide us on some of the weightier cultural questions of our day. We started with a big one: is American literary culture in decline? No, says Menand; expanded access to higher education over the years has created "a whole new literate public" that makes any such verdict dubious. At the same time, it's hard to tell exactly where we do stand, particularly in relation to that infamous guidepost, "modernism." And "the idea that there’s such a thing as a national literature that’s somehow uniquely expressive of a national soul" seems to be, for the moment at least, obsolete. (Doesn't everyone going to see Avatar on the same weekend count?) Venturing into the political and theoretical thickets of the critic's profession, we asked Menand whether MFA programs are leaving a permanent stamp on American letters, whether grad students in the humanities are exploited, and whether the emerging cognitive-science approach to literature really is the future of the discipline. For fun, we also asked Menand about the most ridiculous reactions his New Yorker pieces have ever gotten, and learned how picking a fight with a grammarian's grammar got him called a "wanker." Big Think Edge helps organizations get Smarter Faster™ by catalyzing conversation around the topics most critical to 21st century business success. Led by the world’s foremost experts, our dynamic learning programs are short-form, mobile, and immediately actionable.
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE STATE OF DELAWARE, ) ) V. ) ID No. 1206001558 ) ONEIL ROSE, ) ) Defendant. ) ORDER This 16th day of September, 2019, upon consideration of Defendant Oneil Rose’s (“Defendant”) pro se Motion for Postconviction Relief (the “Motion”),' the Court finds: 1. Defendant’s Motion is a third motion for postconviction relief pursuant to Delaware Superior Court Rule 61 (“Rule 61”). Defendant filed his second Rule 61 motion on April 20, 2016, which was denied.? 2. Rule 61(d) explicitly bars successive motions and states that no second or subsequent postconviction motion is permitted unless the movant was convicted after a trial and the motion either: (i) pleads with particularity that new evidence exists that creates a strong inference that the movant is actually innocent in fact of the acts underlying the charges of which he was convicted; or (ii) | pleads with particularity a claim that a new rule of constitutional law, made retroactive to cases on collateral review by the United States 'DI. 96. 7D. 95. Supreme Court or the Delaware Supreme Court, applies to the movant’s case and renders the conviction or death sentence invalid. 3. Defendant asserts three grounds for relief, only one of which asserts actual innocence on the basis of new evidence or new retroactively applicable law. Ground One (1) asserts that new evidence creates a strong inference that Defendant is actually innocent of Possession of a Firearm By a Person Prohibited. The remaining claims are procedurally barred. DE Super. Ct. R.61(d)(2). 4. Defendant’s “new evidence” consists of a written decision by an Immigration Judge in Defendant’s 2005 removal proceedings. Defendant relies on language in the decision that discusses the insufficiency of evidence, in that proceeding, to establish that Defendant was convicted of an aggravated felony in the immigration context. 5. However, the Immigration Judge conducted a tailored analysis to determine if a conviction under Delaware criminal law qualifies as an aggravated felony solely for the purposes of removal under federal immigration law. That analysis was purely legal because Immigration Judges are restricted from considering the underlying facts of the case, and must conform their analysis only to statutory language and conviction documents. Mathis vy. United States, 136 S. Ct. 2243, 2248 (U.S. 2016). 6. Here, Defendant was previously convicted of Assault in the Second Degree on July 30, 2004, which is a qualifying felony to prohibit a person from thereafter owning or possessing a firearm. 7. Defendant appears to challenge his person prohibited status on the basis that his prior Assault Second conviction did not satisfy the requirements to earn him a subsequent person prohibited status. 8. Defendant incorrectly concludes that the Immigration Judge’s finding, that Defendant’s Assault conviction does not qualify as a crime of violence in the immigration removal context, means that the crime should not be a crime of violence that triggers 11 Del.C. §1448(a)(1), Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited. Assault in the Second Degree is a Class D Felony under Delaware Criminal Law, which makes it a qualifying conviction for purposes of establishing Defendant as a person prohibited. 9. Therefore, the written decision does not raise a strong inference of Defendant’s innocence, because the Immigration Judge did not consider any of the factual evidence from Defendant’s conviction and did not establish that 11 Del.C. § 612 Assault in the Second Degree is a non-qualifying crime under 11 Del.C. §1448(a)(1). For the foregoing reasons, Defendant’s Motion for Postconviction Relief is / f DENIED. / IT IS SO ORDERED. AL “SheldorrK. Rennie, Judge Original to Prothonotary cc: Oneil Rose (SBI #00511629)
The impact of primary HPV screening on the incidence of cervical cancer in New Zealand. Our objective was to evaluate the impact on the incidence of cervical cancer in New Zealand of 5-yearly human papillomavirus (HPV) primary screening compared with 3-yearly cytology. Unbiased estimates of the screening test sensitivity of HPV and cytology screening, and screening coverage, were used to calculate the reduction in cervical cancer incidence obtained by current cytology screening and the new HPV screening policy. HPV screening in New Zealand is predicted to increase the incidence of cervical cancer in women being screened by 81.7% (95% CI: 38.9%-124.7%). The overall increase in the population incidence of cervical cancer in New Zealand was estimated to be 46.7% (95% CI 42.6%-50.8%), leading to about 57 more women developing cervical cancer each year. The results indicate that lengthening the screening interval concurrently with changing to HPV testing may reduce the protection from invasive cervical cancer for women. Women in New Zealand should continue to be screened by cytology every 3 years. Changes to screening policy should be carefully designed so that changes in screening effectiveness can be accurately measured.
Machine vision systems and methods are frequently used to detect people, objects or activities from imaging data that typically includes still or moving images as well as other information, data or metadata. Such systems and methods are commonly provided in environments where an ever-changing variety of people may be present, and where any number of actions may be occurring. In particular, machine vision systems and methods are commonly applied in industrial or commercial environments for the purpose of detecting and classifying human actions and activities. Such systems and methods may operate by detecting and recognizing a person within one or more environments, tracking movements of the person's arms, legs, head, torso or other body parts, and classifying an action that was performed by the person based on his or her tracked movements. The detection and classification of human actions and activities from imaging data by machine vision systems may be complicated, however, by one or more intrinsic or extrinsic factors. For example, machine vision systems typically attempt to recognize actions or activities involving humans by recognizing the movement of limbs or other body parts in a particular fashion, e.g., a particular gait or other type or form of rhythmic or arrhythmic motion. Therefore, in order to recognize an action or activity from a set of imaging data, e.g., one or more still or moving images, such systems and methods must first identify a human within the set of imaging data, and determine whether the human is engaged in an action or an activity, before classifying the action or activity based on his or her motion. Where a number of imaging devices are provided in one or more scenes of an environment for the purpose of observing actions or activities occurring therein, however, the variations in the conditions of each of the scenes, or the orientations or configurations of the respective imaging devices provided therein, may lead to erratic or inconsistent results. Next, the various portions of the imaging data (e.g., digital images, or clips of digital video data) captured from a given imaging device may fail to cover or include each of the elements associated with a given action, and thus provide an incomplete or unreliable prediction as to the action observed therein. Moreover, the accuracy or precision with which a machine vision system detects and classifies a human action or activity may be hindered based on the inherently unique characteristics of the human body. For example, no two humans are exactly alike, and each human may perform the same actions or activities in vastly different ways. Therefore, identifying the performance of an action or an activity by different humans typically requires individualized analyses of the respective motions of the respective humans, which frequently requires an extensive amount of processing power, network bandwidth or data storage capacity. Similarly, a single person may perform two or more different tasks using remarkably similar motions of his or her limbs or other body parts. Distinguishing between the discrete tasks in view of such similar motions may further occupy substantial portions of the available power, bandwidth or storage capacity of a computer system, as well.
<div class="layout-row min-size panel-contents compact-toolbar"> <div class="control-toolbar toolbar-padded separator"> <div class="toolbar-item" data-calculate-width> <div class="toolbar" id="<?= $this->getId('toolbar-buttons') ?>"> <?= $this->makePartial("toolbar-buttons") ?> </div> </div> <div class="relative toolbar-item loading-indicator-container size-input-text"> <input type="text" name="search" value="<?= e($this->getSearchTerm()) ?>" class="form-control icon search" autocomplete="off" placeholder="<?= e(trans('rainlab.builder::lang.plugin.search')) ?>" data-track-input data-load-indicator data-load-indicator-opaque data-request="<?= $this->getEventHandler('onSearch') ?>" /> </div> </div> </div>
namespace glm { template<typename T, qualifier Q> GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T dot(qua<T, Q> const& x, qua<T, Q> const& y) { GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'dot' accepts only floating-point inputs"); return detail::compute_dot<qua<T, Q>, T, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(x, y); } template<typename T, qualifier Q> GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T length(qua<T, Q> const& q) { return glm::sqrt(dot(q, q)); } template<typename T, qualifier Q> GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER qua<T, Q> normalize(qua<T, Q> const& q) { T len = length(q); if(len <= static_cast<T>(0)) // Problem return qua<T, Q>(static_cast<T>(1), static_cast<T>(0), static_cast<T>(0), static_cast<T>(0)); T oneOverLen = static_cast<T>(1) / len; return qua<T, Q>(q.w * oneOverLen, q.x * oneOverLen, q.y * oneOverLen, q.z * oneOverLen); } template<typename T, qualifier Q> GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER qua<T, Q> cross(qua<T, Q> const& q1, qua<T, Q> const& q2) { return qua<T, Q>( q1.w * q2.w - q1.x * q2.x - q1.y * q2.y - q1.z * q2.z, q1.w * q2.x + q1.x * q2.w + q1.y * q2.z - q1.z * q2.y, q1.w * q2.y + q1.y * q2.w + q1.z * q2.x - q1.x * q2.z, q1.w * q2.z + q1.z * q2.w + q1.x * q2.y - q1.y * q2.x); } }//namespace glm
Q: Task Workflow Rules Not Firing I have a workflow rule on opportunity that creates a task. I also have a workflow rule that does a field update on tasks. When I manually create a task that matches the task WFR criteria, the field update fires. When the task is created by the opportunity WFR, the task field update doesn't happen. Is it true that creation of tasks through a WFR means task WFR don't execute? A: Workflow rules on tasks do not fire when the task is created by a different workflow rule. If you want to do field updates or other actions, you need to write a trigger to perform those actions.
Q: Number of ways of selecting 4 numbers. Number of ways of selecting 4 numbers from the set of first 20 Natural numbers, such that they are in A.P. Umm, I did try solving it but couldn't come up with something concrete. I really don't want to evaluate each case separately, that'd be really cumbersome and not-so-smart way doing it, IMO. A: To get an arithmetic progression, of the form $a,a+d,a+2d,a+3d$, we need to choose $a$ and $d$, where $d \neq 0$. If $a=1$, we need $3d \leq 19 \implies d \leq 6$. Hence, there are $6$ options. In general, for a fixed $a$, $d$ has $\left \lfloor\dfrac{20-a}3 \right \rfloor$ options. Now sum up over all options to get the answer. Hence, the number of ways is $$\sum_{a=1}^{17} \left \lfloor\dfrac{20-a}3 \right \rfloor = 57$$If you allow $d$ to be zero as well i.e. if you consider $a,a,a,a$ to be an arithmetic progression as well, then $$\sum_{a=1}^{17} \left \lfloor\dfrac{20-a}3 \right\rfloor +20= 77$$
Multicopper oxidases (MCOs) are enzymes that catalyze reactions using different substrates, such as polyphenols, aminophenols, phenylendiamines, ferrous ion, copper, ascorbate and bilirubin[@b1]. Traditionally, MCOs include, but are not limited to, laccase, ferroxidase, ascorbate oxidase and ceruloplasmin[@b2]. A typical MCO usually contains two highly conserved copper centers with four copper atoms. In an MCO-catalyzed reaction, an electron from a substrate is transferred to a type 1 (T1) copper atom and then to type 2/type 3 (T2/T3) copper centers, where oxygen is reduced to water after the gain of four electrons. The T1 center consists of two histidine and one cysteine residues, whereas the T2/T3 cluster comprises eight histidine residues[@b3]. Copper-binding sites in T1 and T2/T3 centers, with ten histidine residues and one cysteine residue, are considered to be typical characteristics of MCOs[@b2]. As the most extensively investigated MCOs, laccases are widely found in bacteria, fungi, plants, insects and vertebrates[@b3]. At least two MCOs, namely, MCO1 and MCO2, are found in all known insect genomes, and some genomes contain more than two MCOs; for example, five MCOs are found in the *Anopheles gambiae* genome[@b4]. MCO2 (synonym laccase2), a type of insect MCO, has been thoroughly investigated. In *Manduca sexta*, Mslac2, a laccase2 (Lac 2) ortholog, is most abundant in the epidermis. Most importantly, Mslac2 is also highly expressed in the pharate pupal stage but is poorly expressed in the early pupal stage. This phenomenon is consistent with the sclerotization process of the cuticle, implicating Mslac2 in cuticle tanning[@b4]. In *Tribolium castaneum*, RNAi-mediated knockdown of *lac2* leads to tanning failure of larval, pupal, and adult cuticles; indeed, *lac2* has been found to be necessary to facilitate normal cuticle tanning[@b5]. Similarly, the functional loss of *lac2* in *Apis mellifera* results in structural abnormalities of the exoskeleton[@b6]. Interestingly, *Lac2* is also essential for cuticle tanning in three stinkbugs[@b7]. Therefore, *Lac2* plays a conserved role in cuticle tanning. Although MCO1 belongs to the MCO family, the action of MCO1 differs from that of MCO2. MCO2 is abundantly expressed in the epidermis, whereas MCO1 is highly expressed in the midgut and Malpighian tubules during feeding stages. This difference indicates that MCO1 may be involved in diet detoxification[@b4]. Furthermore, MCO1 may play different roles in insects, though such details regarding its functions remain unknown. In *Nephotettix cincticeps*, lac1S is exclusively expressed in salivary glands and exhibits laccase activity, indicating that lac1S is involved in the rapid oxidation of phenolic substances[@b8]. The MCO1 ortholog in *Drosophila melanogaster*, CG3759, is up-regulated upon septic injury[@b9], and in *A. gambiae* and *M. sexta*, MCO1 is also rapidly up-regulated in response to bacterial injection[@b10]. These results suggest that MCO1 might participate in the insect immune response. A subsequent study found that *D*. *melanogaster* MCO1 is a functional ferroxidase, with RNAi-mediated knockdown of MCO1 causing a decrease in the level of iron accumulation in the midgut[@b11]. Furthermore, MCO1 in *D*. *melanogaster* exhibits significant ascorbate oxidase activity, showing that MCO1 more efficiently oxidases ascorbate; as a result, redox systems become altered, influencing various cell signaling pathways[@b10]. Therefore, MCO1 in insects is likely involved in diverse functions, including monolignol detoxification, immune response, metal metabolism and redox reaction. In insects, MCO1 is abundant in the midgut and Malpighian tubules. However, its role in Malpighian tubules remains unknown. In this study, *Helicoverpa armigera* (Hübner) was used as a model to investigate MCO1 action in Malpighian tubules. Our results showed that MCO1 is coordinately regulated by two classical hormones, namely, 20-hydroxyecdyson (20E) and juvenile hormone (JH). We also found that MCO1 is necessary to facilitate iron homeostasis in the Malpighian tubules of *H. armigera*. This study provides insight into the hormone-regulated action of MCO1 in *H. armigera*. Results ======= Sequence analysis of *H. armigera* MCO1 --------------------------------------- The MCO1 sequence designated HaMCO1 was obtained from transcriptome data of *H. armigera* (data not shown). *HaMCO1* contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 2,430 bp, which encodes a putative protein of 810 amino acid residues, with a molecular weight with 91.998 kDa and an isoelectric point of 5.46 ([Fig. 1](#f1){ref-type="fig"}). Similar to MCO1 in other insects, HaCOM1 consists of a secretion signal peptide sequence (located at amino acids 1--23 of the HaMCO1 primary sequence), and a carboxyl-terminal transmembrane region (located at amino acids 794--809 of HaMCO1) ([Fig. 1](#f1){ref-type="fig"}); HaMCO1 is predicted to be GPI-anchored. Most importantly, HaMCO1 also contains ten histidines and one cysteine, which are typical characteristics of MCOs; these residues are required for copper ion binding ([Fig. 2](#f2){ref-type="fig"}). The HaMCO1 amino acid sequence was subjected to further multiple sequence alignments with homologous proteins. The results also revealed that HaMCO1 contains ten histidine residues and one cysteine residue ([Fig. 2](#f2){ref-type="fig"}). Therefore, the sequence obtained from the transcriptome data corresponds to an MCO. Homology analysis showed that HaMCO1 shares 84% amino acid sequence identity with *Danaus plexippus* laccase1, 79% amino acid sequence identity with *Bombyx mori* MCO1, and 75% amino acid sequence identity with *M. sexta* MCO1. Indeed, our obtained *HaMCO* encodes an MCO1. Phylogenetic analysis also revealed that HaMCO1 clusters with the MCO1 of other insects ([Fig. 3](#f3){ref-type="fig"}); hence, the obtained *HaMCO1* sequence is reliable. Developmental analysis and tissue distribution of *HaMCO1* ---------------------------------------------------------- qPCR was performed to investigate the developmental expression pattern of *HaMCO1*. *HaMCO1* was found to be ubiquitously expressed in whole developmental stages. However, *HaMCO1* was much more abundant in the molting stages of fourth- and fifth-instar larvae than in other stages ([Fig. 4](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). Therefore, *HaMCO1* transcript expression is probably associated with 20E and JH. The tissue distribution of *HaMCO1* was investigated via qPCR. The results revealed that *HaMCO1* transcripts are most abundantly expressed in Malpighian tubules in all the tissues tested at different stages ([Fig. 5](#f5){ref-type="fig"}). 20E and JH regulation of *HaMCO1* --------------------------------- Considering the observed developmental expression patterns, we investigated the effects of two hormones on *HaMCO1* transcript expression. The results showed that *HaMCO1* transcript expression was significantly inhibited after treatment with 20E. The inhibitory effect was rapid: 20E treatments for 0.5 h significantly inhibited *HaMCO1* transcript expression. This inhibitory effect continued until 6 h after 20E treatment was administered ([Fig. 6A](#f6){ref-type="fig"}). The results suggested that 20E inhibits *HaMCO1* transcript expression. 20E-triggered cascades of insect molting and metamorphosis are mediated by its heterodimer receptor, which consists of ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (USP). Furthermore, RNAi-mediated knockdown of *USP* via injection of *USP* dsRNA resulted in a significant decrease in *USP* mRNA at 24, 48 and 72 h ([Fig. 6B](#f6){ref-type="fig"}). Similarly, RNAi-mediated knockdown of *ECR* also caused a significant reduction in the *ECR* mRNA level at 24, 48 and 72 h after *ECR* dsRNA was injected ([Fig. 6B](#f6){ref-type="fig"}). After 20E receptor (*ECR* or *USP*) expression was successfully inhibited, 20E treatments significantly increased the expression of *HaMCO1* mRNA in comparison with *EGFP* dsRNA treatments ([Fig. 6C](#f6){ref-type="fig"}). These results confirmed that 20E inhibits *HaMCO1* transcript expression via its heterodimer receptor, specifically USP and ECR. Considering that 20E inhibits *HaMCO1* transcript expression, we then assessed the role of JH in *HaMCO1* transcript expression. The results revealed that JH treatment caused a significant increase in *HaMCO1* transcript expression ([Fig. 7A](#f7){ref-type="fig"}), indicating that JH activates *HaMCO1* transcript expression. JH also regulated down-stream signals via its intracellular receptor methoprene-tolerant (Met). RNAi-mediated knockdown of *Met1* caused a decrease in the *HaMCO1* transcript level compared with the *EGFP* controls ([Fig. 7B](#f7){ref-type="fig"}). After *Met1* transcript expression was successfully knocked down by RNAi, JH treatment caused a significant decrease in *HaMCO1* transcript levels in *Met1* dsRNAi-treated larvae compared with the *EGFP* controls ([Fig. 7C](#f7){ref-type="fig"}). These results demonstrated that JH promotes *HaMCO1* transcript expression via *Met1* to attenuate the effect of 20E on *HaMCO1* transcript expression. *HaMCO1* is required for iron homeostasis ----------------------------------------- *HaMCO1* is most abundantly expressed in Malpighian tubules, an important tissue that regulates the balance of water and ions. Accordingly, the effect of *HaMCO1* knockdown on iron homeostasis was assessed. The results revealed that *HaMCO1* knockdown caused a significant reduction in iron accumulation in Malpighian tubules compared with the *EGFP* controls ([Fig. 8A,B](#f8){ref-type="fig"}). Effects of *HaMCO1* knockdown on transferrin and ferritin transcript levels --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the knockdown of *HaMCO1* is associated with iron homeostasis, the transcript levels of transferrin and ferritin, which are the key proteins for iron transportation and storage, were assessed in Malpighian tubules of insects with knocked down *HaMCO1*. *HaMCO1* knockdown resulted in a significant decrease in the transcript levels of both transferrin and ferritin ([Fig. 8C](#f8){ref-type="fig"}). Discussion ========== MCOs have similar structures but play different roles based on their substrate specificity. A member of the largest subgroup of MCOs, laccase was first discovered in the Japanese lacquer tree, *Rhus vernicifera*[@b12]. Since then, laccases have been extensively investigated in plants, fungi and bacteria, and the corresponding structure and functions have also been described in detail[@b13]. However, insect MCOs have rarely been investigated. In 2004, a laccase gene was first obtained from *M. sexta* and *A. gambiae*[@b4]. Subsequently, two main forms of MCO were identified in insects: MCO1 and MCO2. MCO2 (laccase2) has been explored in detail, particularly with regard to the conserved role of MCO2 in cuticle tanning in *M. sexta*, *T. castaneum* and *A. mellifera* as well as stinkbugs[@b4][@b5][@b6][@b7]. However, MCO1 (laccase1) is more complex than MCO2, and the former is also involved in more functions than the latter, including diet detoxification[@b4], phenolic substance oxidation[@b8], insect immune response[@b9], ferrous ion ferroxidase oxidization[@b11] and ascorbate oxidization[@b10]. In the present study, the nucleotide sequence of *HaMCO1* was obtained from transcriptome data and confirmed by PCR (data not shown). Sequence analysis revealed that HaMCO1 contains ten histidines and one cysteine, typical MCO characteristics. Multiple sequence alignments and subsequent phylogenetic analysis further confirmed that the obtained gene encodes MCO1. Although MCO1 can be detected in the epidermis and fat body in *M. Sexta*, its transcript is also highly expressed in the midgut and Malpighian tubules; similar results have been observed in *A. gambiae*[@b4]. In the present study, the highly sensitive technique qPCR was employ to compare *HaMCO1* distribution in tissues. The results revealed that *HaMCO1* was most abundantly expressed in Malpighian tubules; *HaMCO1* was expressed to a relatively lower extent in the midgut, indicating that *HaMCO1* most likely plays a more important role in Malpighian tubules. A similar finding was reported for *N. cincticeps*, whereby the *MCO1* gene is exclusively expressed in the salivary glands[@b8]. These results also confirmed that *MCO1* is involved in diverse functions in insects. The developmental expression pattern revealed *HaMCO1* to be more abundant in larval molting stages. Considering this finding, we investigated the effect of 20E and JH on *HaMCO1* transcript expression. 20E triggers the molting and metamorphosis of insects at specific times during the life cycle via EcR and USP[@b14], and JH coordinates with 20E to regulate molting and metamorphosis. 20E triggers molting, and JH determines the results of molting via the Met receptor[@b14]. Our results revealed that 20E inhibited *HaMCO1* transcript expression via EcR and the USP receptor. In contrast, JH promoted *HaMCO1* transcript expression via *Met1* to counteract 20E action. Thus, 20E and JH coordinately regulate *HaMCO1* transcript expression, an expression pattern that is different from that of *HaMCO2*: *MCO2* in *H. armigera* is up-regulated by 20E but down-regulated by JH[@b15]. Similar results have also been found in *M. sexta* and *T. castaneum*; in these insects, the abundance of *MCO2* expression is consistent with the 20E titer[@b4][@b5]. The expression patterns of *MCO1* and *MCO2* are most likely associated with their corresponding physiological functions. Apolysis is triggered by an increase in the 20E titer, resulting in new cuticle formation and subsequent tanning, and MCO2 must be abundantly expressed after 20E is altered to satisfy the requirements of cuticle tanning. In the apolysis stage, larvae remain immobile and do not ingest food, and corresponding tissue cells undergo rapid programmed cell death (PCD) and a subsequent remodeling process[@b16][@b17]. As a result, the Malpighian tubules do not function as itself action because of cellular PCD and subsequent tissue remodeling when the 20E titer is high[@b16][@b17]; thus, 20E most likely inhibits *HaMCO1* transcript expression in Malpighian tubules. A subsequent increase in JH titer induces a larval--larval transition to prevent the larval--pupal--adult metamorphosis triggered by 20E. JH weakens the effect of 20E to promote the larval--larval transition; thus, newly formed larvae must feed to satisfy growth requirements. The corresponding digestive system is activated, and *HaMCO1* functions in Malpighian tubules. Similar results have been reported in *M. sexta* and *A. gambiae*[@b4]. Surprisingly, although *HaMCO1* transcript expression is regulated by 20E and JH, *HaMCO1* transcript expression was different in most molting stages: high during the molting stages of fourth- and fifth-instar larvae but not in third-instar larvae. The possible reasons are that the 20E and JH titers and the activities of degradation enzymes are different during these stages[@b18]. For example, it is well known that ECR, the 20E receptor, is up-regulated by higher 20E titer in many insects, though it is down-regulated by a higher 20E titer and up-regulated by a lower 20E titer in *Apis mellifera*[@b19]. Similar results were found in *Anopheles gambiae*, in which MCO1 is found in relatively low abundance in early-instar larvae and in high abundance in late-instar larvae[@b20]. However, further study is needed to elucidate this. Considering that *HaMCO1* is highly expressed in Malpighian tubules, we then investigated the possible role of *HaMCO1* in these structures. RNAi-mediated knockdown of *HaMCO1* resulted in decreased iron accumulation compared with the controls injected with *dsEGFP* RNA. Similarly, a recombinant MCO1 protein in *D. melanogaster* does not exhibit laccase activity *in vivo* but does show ferroxidase activity, a finding that suggests that the MCO1 protein most likely functions as a ferroxidase. The knockdown of *MCO1* in *D. melanogaster* causes a significant decrease in iron accumulation in the midgut[@b11]. The same results are found in *A. gambiae*, in which *MCO1* knockdown leads to a reduction in iron accumulation[@b10]. As our study revealed that *HaMCO1* was more abundant in Malpighian tubules, our functional study of *HaMCO1* focused on Malpighian tubules and not on the midgut. Our results implicated *HaMCO1* in iron homeostasis in Malpighian tubules, consistent with the actions of *DmMCO1* and *AgMCO1* in the midgut. Considering that *HaMCO1* is required for iron homeostasis in Malpighian tubules, we investigated an iron transporter protein (transferrin) and a storage protein (ferritin) in *HaMCO1*-knockdown larvae. The results confirmed that *HaMCO1* knockdown decreased the abundance of transferrin and ferritin transcripts in Malpighian tubules. Because *HaMCO1* exhibits ferroxidase activity, *HaMCO1* knockdown possibly increased the amount of ferrous ions. This increase might act as a negative feedback mechanism to inhibit iron transport and storage; as a consequence, transferrin and ferritin transcript expression could be inhibited. In *D. melanogaster*, MCO1 orthologs demonstrate low ferroxidase and laccase activities but significantly high ascorbate oxidase activity; thus, MCO1 orthologs in insects can possibly function as ascorbate oxidases[@b10]. In this case, the decreased rate of iron accumulation caused by *MCO1* knockdown possibly contributed to an unknown mechanism. This result is consistent with that a recent study[@b10] that suggested that iron homeostasis disrupted by *MCO1* knockdown can be attributed to the disturbance in ascorbate metabolism or the ascorbate redox state[@b10]. Further studies should be conducted to determine the detailed mechanism of iron homeostasis that are disturbed by *MCO1* knockdown. Methods ======= Insects ------- *H. armigera* larvae were reared on an artificial diet at 26 °C under a 16 h light/8 h dark cycle. *H. armigera* adults were fed 10% sucrose. Sequence analysis ----------------- The *H. armigera* MCO1 nucleotide sequence was obtained from *H. armigera* transcriptome data. The nucleotide sequence was further confirmed using PCR (data not shown). The putative signal peptide of the amino acid sequence of *H. armigera* MCO1 was predicted using the SignalP prediction server (<http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/SignalP/>), and putative transmembrane regions were predicted with TMPred software[@b21]. GPI anchor sites were predicted with GPI-SOM[@b22]. MCO1 was subjected to multiple sequence alignments using Clustal X software[@b23] and edited with GeneDoc software. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA4 software[@b24]. Sample preparation ------------------ *H. armigera* was collected in different development stages (including eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults). Experiments were performed in three biological replicates, and each biological replicate included at least 15 individuals. The harvested samples were immediately stored at −80 °C for total RNA extraction. Different tissues (midgut, epidermis, fat body, trachea, hemocytes, salivary gland and Malpighian tubules) were dissected from molting-stage larvae, two-day-old fifth-instar larvae and two-day old adults. Three biological replicates were prepared, and each biological replicate included at least 30 insect tissues. The collected samples were subjected to RNA extraction. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis --------------------------------- The collected *H. armigera* samples were subjected to total RNA extraction using a TRIzol kit (Invitrogen, USA) following the manufacturer's instructions. The quality and quantity of total RNA were determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Prior to first-strand cDNA synthesis, the total RNA was treated with DNase to prevent genomic DNA contamination. First-strand cDNA was synthesized from 1 μg of total RNA using the PrimeScript RT reagent kit with gDNA Eraser (Takara, Kyoto, Japan) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The synthesized first-strand cDNA was immediately stored at −80 °C for subsequent use. qPCR ---- The designed primers used in the qPCR analysis are listed in [Table S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. The 18S RNA gene in *H. armigera* is stable; therefore, this gene was chosen as a reference gene for normalization in our experiments. qPCR was performed with SYBR Green Supermix (TaKaRa) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The following qPCR protocol was set: 95 °C for 4 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 s and 60 °C for 20 s. The specificity of the qPCR signal was further confirmed though agarose gel electrophoresis and melting curve analysis. The comparative Cross Threshold method (CT, the PCR cycle number that crosses the signal threshold) was used to quantify mRNA expression levels[@b25]. dsRNA synthesis --------------- The synthesis of dsRNA was carried out using the MEGAscript RNAi kit (Ambion) following the manufacturer's instructions. dsRNA templates were obtained by PCR with gene-specific primers containing T7 polymerase sites, as previously described[@b26][@b27][@b28]. The primer sets are shown in [Table S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. PCR amplification was carried out according to the following conditions: 94 °C for 4 min, 35 cycles of 94 °C for 1 min, 60 °C for 1 min and 72 °C for 1 min, and a final elongation at 72 °C for 10 min. The PCR product was further purified and used as a template for *in vitro* dsRNA synthesis. The obtained dsRNA was initially treated with DNase and RNase to remove the template DNA and single-stranded RNA, respectively. The dsRNA was then purified using MEGAclear™ columns (Ambion) and eluted with diethyl pyrocarbonate-treated nuclease-free water. The quality of dsRNA was determined using a biophotometer (Eppendorf). The dsRNA of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was used as a negative control. The effects of RNAi on mRNA expression were analyzed by qPCR. The corresponding primers are shown in [Table S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. dsRNA injection --------------- In brief, 15 μg of *MCO1* dsRNA was injected into the abdominal intersegment behind the second abdominal segment (one-day-old fifth-instar larvae) using a microinjector with a glass capillary needle. The treated larvae were returned to the artificial diet and reared at 28 °C. Malpighian tubules were dissected at 48 h post-injection to analyze the RNAi efficacy of *MCO1* mRNA by qPCR. Control females were injected with *EGFP* dsRNA. Hormone treatment ----------------- Fifth-instar larvae (48 h) were chosen to investigate the effect of hormones (JH and 20E) on the expression level of *HaMCO1* transcripts. In brief, 5 μL of 20E (Sigma, USA; 20 ng/μL) or the control solvent was injected into the abdominal legs of larvae. Similarly, 5 μL (8  g/μL) of JH was injected, or 5 μL of the solvent was injected as the corresponding control. Samples were collected at 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 6 h after 20E or JH injection. At least thirty insects were used in each group, and three biological replicates were prepared. Total RNA was extracted, and subsequent qPCR analysis was performed to investigate the expression level of *MCO1* transcripts. *ECR*, *USP* and *Met1* dsRNA was generated using similar methods. In brief, 15 μg dsRNA for the 20E receptor (*USP* and *ECR*) and JH receptor (*Met*1) was injected into 24 h fifth-instars larvae, and RNAi efficiency was investigated at different time points (24, 48 and 72 h) by qPCR. At 24 h after dsRNA injection (*USP* dsRNA alone, *ECR* dsRNA alone and *Met1* dsRNA alone), the larvae were further treated with 20E and JH as described above, and samples were further collected at different time points (0.5, 1 and 2 h) after 20E and JH injection. The corresponding solvents of JH or 20E were used as the controls. The expression level of *MCO1* transcript was investigated using qPCR. At least ten insects were used in each group, and three biological replicates were prepared. Histological staining of iron in Malpighian tubules cells --------------------------------------------------------- The Prussian blue staining method was used to investigate the effect of *MCO1* dsRNA on iron storage in Malpighian tubules[@b11]. In brief, one-day-old fifth-instar larvae were injected with *MCO1* dsRNA and fed an artificial diet containing 10 mM ferric ammonium citrate for 24 h. Control larvae were injected with *EGFP* dsRNA. After 24 h of maintenance, the treated larvae were fed a regular artificial diet for another 24 h. The Malpighian tubules from the treated larvae were dissected in PBS buffer and fixed in 4% formaldehyde; the fixed tissues were then permeabilized with 1% Tween-20. The Malpighian tubules were incubated with 2% K~4~Fe(CN)~6~ in 0.24 N HCl, rinsed with water and further dissected using an Olympus BX-60 system. The relative fluorescence brightness was determined using Quantity One 4.6.2 software (Bio-Rad). Three biological replicates were prepared, and the corresponding results were compared via Student's *t*-tests. Effects of MCO1 knockdown on transferrin and ferritin ----------------------------------------------------- *MCO1* dsRNA (15 μg) was injected into the abdominal intersegment behind the second abdominal segment (one-day-old fifth-instar larvae) using a microinjector with a glass capillary needle. At 48 h, Malpighian tubule samples were dissected, and total RNA was extracted. At least thirty insects were used in each group, and three biological replicates were prepared. The mRNA expression of transferrin and ferritin were investigated using qPCR. Control larvae were injected with *EGFP* dsRNA. Statistical analysis -------------------- The qPCR experiments were performed in three biological replicates. The results are expressed as the means ± standard deviation (M ± SD) of three biological replicates. The qPCR results were compared using Student's *t-*tests. Additional Information ====================== **How to cite this article**: Liu, X. *et al.* Multicopper oxidase-1 is required for iron homeostasis in Malpighian tubules of *Helicoverpa armigera*. *Sci. Rep.* **5**, 14784; doi: 10.1038/srep14784 (2015). Supplementary Material {#S1} ====================== ###### Supplementary Table S1 This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project 31172156) and Open fund of State Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science. **Author Contributions** S.H.A. and M.F.D. designed and conceived the study and reviewed the manuscript. X.M.L. and C.X.S. performed the experiments. X.G.L. analyzed the data. X.M.Y. and B.H.W. performed the statistical analysis. ![Nucleotide sequence and putative amino acid sequence of *HaMCO1*.\ The underlining indicates the initiation codon or stop codon. The predicted signal peptide is indicated in italicized text. The putative carboxyl-terminal transmembrane region is delineated with a blue line.](srep14784-f1){#f1} ![Multiple sequence alignments of the deduced amino acid sequences of *HaMCO1*, *MsMCO1*, *BmMCO1 DpMCO1, AmMCO1, TcMCO1, ApMCO1, CqMCO, AaMCO1, DmMCO1* and *SaFet3p*.\ The numbering on the right represents the position of the last amino acid in that line. A black box indicates 100% identity, and a grey box presents 100% similarity. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 located above the sequence represent the amino acids involved in coordinating the T1, T2 and T3 copper centers. The sequences (with GenBank accession numbers) for the alignment analysis were as follows: *Helicoverpa armigera*: HaMCO1 (KP318028); *Manduca sexta*: MsMCO1(AAN17506.1); *Bombyx mori*: BmMCO1 (XP_004933574.1); *Danaus plexippus*: DpMCO1 (EHJ67706.1); *Apis mellifera*: AmMCO1 (XP_001120790.2); *Tribolium castaneum*: TcMCO1 (NP_001034514.1); *Acyrthosiphon pisum*: ApMCO1(XP_001948070.1); *Culex quinquefasciatus*: CqMCO (XP_001862911.1); *Aedes aegypti*: AaMCO (AAY29698.1); *Drosophila melanogaster*: DmMCO1 (NP_609287.3); *Saccharomyces arboricola*: SaFet3p (XP_011104804.1).](srep14784-f2){#f2} ![Phylogenetic tree of insect MCO proteins.\ The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the MEGA4 program (Tamura *et al.*, 2007) according to the neighbor-joining method with a Poisson correction model. The sequences (with GenBank accession numbers) for the phylogenic analysis were as follows: *Helicoverpa armigera*: HaMCO1 (KP318028); *Manduca sexta*: MsMCO1(AAN17506.1); *Bombyx mori*: BmMCO1 (XP_004933574.1); *Danaus plexippus*: DpMCO1 (EHJ67706.1); *Plutella xylostella*: PxMCO1 (XP_011552373.1); *Bombus terrestri*s: BtMCO1 (XP_003394771.1); *Bombus impatiens*: BiMCO1 (XP_003485633.1); *Apis mellifera*: AmMCO1 (XP_001120790.2); *Apis dorsata:* AdMCO1 (XP_006611755.1); *Harpegnathos saltator*: HsMCO1 (XP_011135308.1); *Tribolium castaneum*: TcMCO1 (NP_001034514.1); *Camponotus floridanus*: CfMCO1 (XP_011255366.1); *Acyrthosiphon pisum*: ApMCO1(XP_001948070.1); *Pogonomyrmex barbatus*: PbMCO1 (XP_011645337.1); *Bemisia tabaci*: BtMCO1 (AGC83693.1); *Culex quinquefasciatus*: CqMCO (XP_001862911.1); *Aedes aegypti*: AaMCO (AAY29698.1); *Culex quinquefasciatus*: CqMCO2 (XP_001867157.1); *Culex pipiens pallens*: CpMCO2 (ACG63789.1); *Drosophila melanogaster*: DmMCO1 (NP_609287.3); *Ceratosolen solmsi marchali*: CsMCO1 (XP_011500453.1); *Fopius arisanus*: FaMCO1 (XP_011300938.1); *Nephotettix cincticeps*: NcMCO1(BAJ06131.1); *Nasonia vitripennis*: NvMCO1 (XP_008214237.1); *Helicoverpa armigera*: HaMCO2 (AHA15412.1); *Bombyx mori*: BmMCO2A (BAG70891.1); *Antheraea pernyi*: ApMCO2 (AII19522.1), *Manduca sexta*: MsMCO2 (AAN17507.1); *Danaus plexippus*: DpMCO2A (EHJ72220.1); *Papilio machaon*: PmMCO2(BAJ07600.1); *Papilio xuthus*: PxMCO2 (BAI87829.1); *Papilio polytes*: PpMCO2(BAJ07602.1); *Bombyx mori*: BmMCO2B (DAA06287.1); *Biston betularia*: BbMCO2 (AEP43806.1); *Anopheles sinensis*: AsMCO2A (KFB50921.1); *Anopheles gambiae*: AgMCO2A (AAX49501.); *Drosophila melanogaster*: DmMCO2A (NP_724412.1); *Drosophila melanogaster*: DmMCO2F (NP_724413.2); *Anopheles gambiae*: AgMCO2B (AAX49502.1); *Drosophila melanogaster*: DmMCO2D (NP_001137606.1); *Drosophila melanogaster*: DmMCO2E (NP_610170.2); *Drosophila melanogaster*: DmMCO2G (NP_001260709.1); *Tribolium castaneum*: TcMCO2B (AAX84203.2); *Monochamus alternatus*: MaMCO2 (ABU68466.1); *Riptortus pedestris*: RpMCO2 (BAJ83487.1); *Nephotettix cincticeps*: NcMCO2 (BAJ06133.1); *Megacopta punctatissima*: MpMCO2 (BAJ83488.1); *Gryllus bimaculatus*: GbMCO2 (BAM09185.1); *Apis mellifera*: AmMCO2 (ACK57559.2); *Nysius plebeius*: NpMCO2 (BAJ83489.1); *Danaus plexippus*: DpMCO2B (EHJ72219.1); *Saccharomyces arboricola*: SaFet3p (XP_011104804.1).](srep14784-f3){#f3} ![Temporal expression profile of *HaMCO1*.\ E1, day 1 egg; E2, day 2 egg; E3, day 3 egg; L1-1, day 1 of 1st-instar larva; L1-2, day 2 of 1st-instar larva; L3M, molting stage of 3rd-instar larva; L3-1, day 1 of 3rd-instar larva; L3-2, day 2 of 3rd-instar larva; L4M, molting stage of 4th-instar larva; L4-1, day 1 of 4th-instar larva; L4-2, day 2 of 4th-instar larva; L5M, molting stage of 5th-instar larva; L5-0, 0 h of 5th-instar larva; L5-1, day 1 of 5th-instar larva; L5-2, day 2 of 5th-instar larva; L5-3, day 3 of 5th-instar larva; L5-4, day 4 of 5th-instar larva; L5-5, day 5 of 5th-instar larva; PP, prepupa; P0, 0 h pupa; P1, day 1 of pupa; P2, day 2 of pupa; P3, 3 day of pupa; P5, 5 day of pupa; P7, 7 day of pupa; P9, 9 day of pupa; A1, day 1 of adult; A2, day 2 of adult; A3, day 3 of adult; A5, day 5 of adult; A7, day 7 of adult.](srep14784-f4){#f4} ![Tissue distributions of *HaMCO1*.\ EP: epidermis; MD: midgut; FB: fat body; TR: trachea; HE: hemocyte; SG: salivary gland; MT: Malpighian tubule; PG: pheromone gland; MS: muscle; HP: hairpencil.](srep14784-f5){#f5} ![Regulation by 20E of *HaMCO1* transcript expression.\ (**A**) The effect of 20E treatment on the expression of *HaMCO1* transcript. (**B**) qPCR analysis of *ECR* and *USP* dsRNAi efficiency on *ECR* and *USP* transcript levels, respectively. (**C**) The effect of *ECR* and *USP* knockdown on *HaMCO1* transcript level. The 18S rRNA was used as the housekeeping gene for normalization in all qPCR analyses. The data represent the mean ± SD of three biological replicates. The significance of comparisons were determined by Student's *t*-test (\**p *\< 0.05, \*\**p *\< 0.01, \*\*\**p *\< 0.001).](srep14784-f6){#f6} ![Regulation by JH of *HaMCO1* transcript expression.\ (**A**) The effect of JH treatment on the expression of *HaMCO1* transcript. (**B**) qPCR analysis of *MET* dsRNAi efficiency on the *MET* transcript level. (**C**) The effect of *MET* knockdown on *HaMCO1* transcript levels. The 18S rRNA was used as the housekeeping gene for normalization in all qPCR analyses. The data represent the mean ± SD of three biological replicates. The significance of comparisons were determined by Student's *t*-test (\**p *\< 0.05, \*\**p *\< 0.01, \*\*\**p *\< 0.001).](srep14784-f7){#f7} ![Effect of HaMCO1 knockdown on iron accumulation and the expression of transferrin and ferritin transcripts.\ (**A**) qPCR analysis of *HaMCO1* dsRNAi efficiency on the *HaMCO1* transcript level. The 18S rRNA was used as the housekeeping gene for normalization in all qPCR analyses. The data represent the mean ± SD of three biological replicates. The significance of comparisons are marked with \*\*\*(*p *\< 0.001), as determined by Student's *t*-test. (**B**) The effect of *HaMCO1* knockdown on iron accumulation. (**B-1**) Larval Malpighian tubules from the control (*EGFP* dsRNA) and treatment (*HaMCO1* dsRNA) were analyzed. (**B-2**) The relative blue color density of the control (*EGFP* dsRNA) and treatment (*HaMCO1* dsRNA). The relative blue color density was measured using Quantity One software. The data represent the mean ± SD of three biological replicates. Statistically significant differences were assessed by Student's *t*-test (\*\*\**p *\< 0.001). (**C**) The effect of *HaMCO1* knockdown on the expression of transferrin and ferritin transcripts. qPCR analysis of the effects of *HaMCO1* dsRNA injection on transferrin and ferritin transcript levels. The 18S rRNA was used as the housekeeping gene for normalization in all qPCR analyses. The data represent the mean ± SD of three biological replicates. The significance of comparisons are marked with \*\*\*(*p *\< 0.001), as determined by Student's *t*-test.](srep14784-f8){#f8} [^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.
Micronations A micronation, sometimes referred to as a model country or new country project, is an entity that claims to be an independent nation or state but is not officially recognized by world governments or major international organizations.
1. Introduction {#sec1-ijms-20-06286} =============== Therapeutic options capable of restoring the physiological properties of bone and cartilage are still lacking \[[@B1-ijms-20-06286],[@B2-ijms-20-06286]\]. Due to the increase in life expectancy of the population, the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders, such as fractures, osteoporosis, maxillofacial pathologies, and rheumatic diseases such as osteoarthritis, is rising \[[@B3-ijms-20-06286],[@B4-ijms-20-06286]\]. In this context, tissue engineering has emerged as a potential alternative treatment that could provide biological tissue substitutes for replacing the damaged ones, using scaffolds and cells. However, although many efforts have been made, very few tissue engineering techniques have been translated into clinical practice, and the ideal scaffold for engineering bone and cartilage substitutes has not yet been developed \[[@B1-ijms-20-06286],[@B4-ijms-20-06286],[@B5-ijms-20-06286],[@B6-ijms-20-06286]\]. Tissue engineering techniques, combining scaffolds and cells, must undergo in vitro testing before translation into clinic or preclinical models. Human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are often employed in bone and cartilage tissue engineering approaches because of their proliferation and multidifferentiation abilities \[[@B7-ijms-20-06286],[@B8-ijms-20-06286],[@B9-ijms-20-06286]\]. However, much more research is still needed to optimize isolation, expansion, differentiation, and preconditioning of MSCs before implantation \[[@B10-ijms-20-06286]\] to maximize cell retention and viability and, in the case of bone engineering, to improve vascular network formation \[[@B1-ijms-20-06286]\]. Furthermore, there are still some concerns about biosafety and efficacy of MSCs for clinical applications \[[@B11-ijms-20-06286]\] as well as several other associated risk factors, such as the MSC differentiation status \[[@B12-ijms-20-06286]\]. The unavailability of sufficient numbers of human primary cells is likely to delay the advance of research in these fields. This lack of primary MSCs is not only due to them being scarce (mainly healthy ones), but also the limited lifespan of the cells after isolation and in vitro culture. It has been described that human MSCs can achieve a maximum of 30--40 population doublings (PDs) in vitro before they lose their proliferation potential \[[@B13-ijms-20-06286],[@B14-ijms-20-06286],[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\]. In addition, heterogeneity increases between MSCs which have been derived from the same donor at different passages, and the expanded MSCs progressively lose their differentiation potential \[[@B7-ijms-20-06286],[@B8-ijms-20-06286],[@B13-ijms-20-06286]\]. There is also variability among donors \[[@B16-ijms-20-06286]\], apart from the single MSC-derived clones isolated from the same donor \[[@B17-ijms-20-06286],[@B18-ijms-20-06286],[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\]. For these reasons, human cell lines, and specifically iMSC lines, are only being used for research purposes. Nowadays, a high number of MSC lines that display specific characteristics and differentiation capabilities have been generated and are valuable tools as part of models of disease and tissue repairing strategies. Different MSC lines have been employed for testing \[[@B17-ijms-20-06286],[@B20-ijms-20-06286],[@B21-ijms-20-06286],[@B22-ijms-20-06286],[@B23-ijms-20-06286],[@B24-ijms-20-06286],[@B25-ijms-20-06286]\] or producing \[[@B26-ijms-20-06286],[@B27-ijms-20-06286]\] engineered scaffolds for skeletal applications, and for both investigating the MSC differentiation process \[[@B28-ijms-20-06286],[@B29-ijms-20-06286],[@B30-ijms-20-06286],[@B31-ijms-20-06286],[@B32-ijms-20-06286],[@B33-ijms-20-06286],[@B34-ijms-20-06286]\] and finding new ways to improve it \[[@B35-ijms-20-06286],[@B36-ijms-20-06286],[@B37-ijms-20-06286],[@B38-ijms-20-06286],[@B39-ijms-20-06286]\]. Additionally, these cell lines have also been used for analyzing functional makers \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B40-ijms-20-06286]\] or even for exploring their roles in different diseases, such as osteoarthritis \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286],[@B42-ijms-20-06286]\]. The aim of this review was to analyze the characteristics of the MSC lines that are being used currently. Also, we aimed to investigate whether the MSC lines keep the phenotype of the primary cells from which they were derived, and if they could indeed be good models of tissue regeneration and disease. 2. Methodology {#sec2-ijms-20-06286} ============== This review was carried out by employing Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed databases from 1st January 2015 to 30th September 2019. In order to identify the human immortal MSC (iMSC) lines that are being used currently in the fields of bone and cartilage research, the keywords used were ALL = (mesenchymal AND ("cell line" OR immortal\*) AND (cartilage OR chondrogenesis OR bone OR osteogenesis) AND human). Only original research studies were included in the analysis. References of the selected articles were included when relevant, and duplicates were excluded. After screening the title/abstract or full text, articles in which no human iMSC line was employed for osteogenesis or chondrogenesis experiments were excluded. The PRISMA flow diagram \[[@B43-ijms-20-06286]\] is shown in [Figure 1](#ijms-20-06286-f001){ref-type="fig"}. This way, we identified 38 human iMSC lines derived from MSCs of single or "pooled" donors and whose osteogenic and/or chondrogenic potential had been tested. For each iMSC line identified, we collected the following data: immortalization genes and method employed; tissue of origin and donor characteristics; if the iMSC line was clonal; whether it was tumorigenic and how its tumorigenicity had been assayed; and if it had been validated by short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping, as seen in [Table 1](#ijms-20-06286-t001){ref-type="table"}. In addition, we investigated how its multidifferentiation (osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic) potential had been assessed and what results were obtained, as seen in [Table 2](#ijms-20-06286-t002){ref-type="table"}. Afterwards, we described the immortalization strategies and their mechanism of action, as well as the outcomes and the characteristics of the iMSC lines revised, focusing on their osteogenic and chondrogenic capacities and potential usefulness for bone and cartilage regeneration research. 3. Immortal Mesenchymal Stromal Cell (iMSC) Lines {#sec3-ijms-20-06286} ================================================= 3.1. Immortalizing Human Adult MSCs {#sec3dot1-ijms-20-06286} ----------------------------------- Immortalization is the process by which cells acquire an unlimited proliferation potential by bypassing senescence \[[@B106-ijms-20-06286]\]. There are two types of senescence that cells must evade for their immortalization: replicative senescence, caused by telomere shortening and resulting chromosomal instability, and nonreplicative senescence, promoted by cellular stress, DNA damage, or oncogenic signals. The initial in vitro growth arrest of human primary MSCs is presumed to be due to nonreplicative senescence, which is regulated by p53 and Rb-related pathways. In response to stress, the tumor suppressor p53 is phosphorylated and liberated from its binding to E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, hence activating the senescence pathways. During quiescence, unphosphorylated Rb proteins control cell proliferation by binding and inhibiting E2F transcription factors, thus blocking cell cycle progression. During cell growth, signaling pathways that phosphorylate Rb proteins are activated, promoting its disassociation from E2F and allowing for the expression of E2F-dependent genes necessary for cell division \[[@B107-ijms-20-06286],[@B108-ijms-20-06286]\]. Inhibition of p53 and inactivation of Rb by viral oncogenes have been shown to extend the life span of several cell types in culture, but telomeres maintenance is also needed for preventing replicative senescence \[[@B106-ijms-20-06286]\]. Since human primary MSCs undergo progressive telomere shortening during serial passaging, human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression is needed to avoid telomere shortening \[[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\]; otherwise, telomeres will shorten with every cell division until a critical threshold at which cells enter senescence. Both simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40LT) and human papillomavirus (HPV) E6/E7 gene transduction promote cell cycle progression by interfering with p53 and Rb-mediated pathways. SV40LT binds to these two proteins, thus releasing the activity of E2F transcription factors and avoiding growth arrest \[[@B107-ijms-20-06286]\]. HPV E6/E7 proteins work in a similar manner, with p53 being the principal target of E6 and Rb being degraded via the ubiquitin proteasome pathway by the action of E7 \[[@B109-ijms-20-06286]\]. SV40LT transduction has been employed for immortalizing MSCs derived from bone marrow from young and old donors \[[@B45-ijms-20-06286],[@B47-ijms-20-06286]\], umbilical cord \[[@B49-ijms-20-06286]\], cranial periosteum \[[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\], coronal sutures \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\], dental follicle \[[@B52-ijms-20-06286]\], peripheral blood \[[@B48-ijms-20-06286]\], and osteoarthritic cartilage \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286]\]. SV40LT expression increases the lifespan of MSCs and usually raises its proliferation rate as well, but it has also been observed that this increased lifespan is not unlimited. Lee et al. (2015) reported that after more than 80 passages, SV40LT-transduced MSCs decreased their growth rate and entered senescence, indicating that this antigen is not enough for complete immortalization of MSCs \[[@B44-ijms-20-06286]\]. HPV E6/E7 genes have also been used for immortalizing MSCs derived from bone marrow \[[@B54-ijms-20-06286],[@B58-ijms-20-06286]\], and, in a similar way, E6/E7-transduced MSCs have been reported to enter a period of growth arrest after 70 PDs, suggesting a limited effect of E6/E7 in prolonging lifespan \[[@B58-ijms-20-06286]\]. The same occurs with the p16 antagonist Bmi1, which has been reported to extend the lifespan of ligament-derived MSCs \[[@B62-ijms-20-06286]\], but also to be insufficient for immortalization, with Bmi1-transduced adipose tissue-derived MSCs entering senescence after 55--60 PDs \[[@B110-ijms-20-06286]\]. Since neither SV40LT nor E6/E7 proteins can promote the telomere maintenance needed to achieve an unlimited lifespan, SV40LT and E6/E7-transduced MSCs reported as immortal MSCs must have acquired a mechanism to prevent telomere shortening, or they will eventually undergo replicative senescence. Nevertheless, short telomeres are a source of chromosomal instability, and, if p53 activity is inhibited by SV40LT or E6/E7 proteins, alterations resulting from this instability will increase the mutability of the genome and might eventually give rise to telomerase re-expression \[[@B106-ijms-20-06286]\]. It has been stated that hTERT transduction allows senescence evasion while maintaining in vitro and in vivo osteogenic ability of MSCs \[[@B63-ijms-20-06286],[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\]. Transduction of hTERT alone has been employed to generate iMSC lines, but, since hTERT has no effect over non-replicative senescence, it has also been reported to fail to immortalize MSCs derived from bone marrow \[[@B13-ijms-20-06286],[@B18-ijms-20-06286],[@B58-ijms-20-06286],[@B74-ijms-20-06286],[@B104-ijms-20-06286]\] and adipose tissue \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. Skårn et al. (2014) described that only one out of nine hTERT-transduced bone marrow-derived MSC clones was able to proliferate over 40 PDs, and even this clone showed a slow proliferation rate similar to that of primary MSCs \[[@B71-ijms-20-06286]\]. Other authors have confirmed that hTERT-transduced MSCs displayed a lifespan similar to that of primary MSCs (about 30--40 PDs) \[[@B18-ijms-20-06286],[@B81-ijms-20-06286]\]. Okamoto et al. (2002) observed that p16 expression was upregulated in hTERT-transduced MSCs during passaging, finally leading to senescence despite maintenance of telomeres length. Conversely, MSCs transduced with both hTERT and E6/E7 were able to proliferate during more than 80 PDs \[[@B18-ijms-20-06286]\], overcoming senescence, in the same way that MSCs transduced with both hTERT and SV40LT acquired an unlimited lifespan \[[@B13-ijms-20-06286],[@B85-ijms-20-06286],[@B110-ijms-20-06286]\]. However, in addition to giving rise to MSC lines derived from bone marrow from young and/or healthy donors \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286],[@B63-ijms-20-06286],[@B71-ijms-20-06286]\], which may well be less prone to suffer nonreplicative senescence, hTERT transduction has also been shown to immortalize placenta-derived MSCs of fetal and maternal origin \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\], umbilical cord-derived MSCs \[[@B86-ijms-20-06286]\], periodontal ligament-derived MSCs \[[@B89-ijms-20-06286]\], adipose tissue-derived MSCs \[[@B84-ijms-20-06286]\], and, importantly, osteoarthritic cartilage-derived MSCs \[[@B94-ijms-20-06286]\]. Therefore, whether hTERT is sufficient to immortalize MSCs remains controversial. Immortalization requirements could be dependent on cell characteristics, cell culture conditions, and any factors that influence proneness to nonreplicative senescence, and seems not to be related to tissue of origin. Transduction of hTERT has also been employed in combination with E6/E7 \[[@B18-ijms-20-06286],[@B55-ijms-20-06286],[@B58-ijms-20-06286],[@B85-ijms-20-06286],[@B101-ijms-20-06286],[@B104-ijms-20-06286]\] or SV40LT \[[@B13-ijms-20-06286],[@B85-ijms-20-06286],[@B110-ijms-20-06286]\]. This combination of genes leaded to an unlimited proliferation potential of the cells, which could not be obtained with the transduction of one gene only \[[@B58-ijms-20-06286],[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. In the study of Balducci et al. (2014), the combination of hTERT and SV40LT was more efficient than hTERT and E6/E7 in improving growth rate of adipose-tissue-derived MSCs, but both combinations were efficient in overcoming senescence \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. In short, hTERT alone, SV40LT alone, or E6/E7 alone could be enough to achieve immortalization of MSCs or not, but the combination of p53/Rb repression together with a mechanism of telomeres maintenance has always proven to be successful. 3.2. Multidifferentiation Potential of iMSCs {#sec3dot2-ijms-20-06286} -------------------------------------------- ### 3.2.1. Osteogenic Potential {#sec3dot2dot1-ijms-20-06286} Out of the 35 iMSC lines included in this review whose osteogenic potential had been tested, only one line showed no mineralization ability. This hASCs-T cell line was derived from adipose tissue and immortalized with a combination of hTERT and SV40LT \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. All the resting iMSCs were capable of osteogenically differentiating upon induction, as shown by the standard histochemical staining---alizarin red staining (ARS), Von Kossa staining (VKS), and alkaline phosphatase staining (APS)---and gene expression analysis of bone-related genes RUNX2, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), BMP-2, bone sialoprotein (BSP), and COL1A1, as seen in [Table 2](#ijms-20-06286-t002){ref-type="table"}. In four out of the thirty iMSC lines which displayed osteogenic potential, this differentiation ability was increased in comparison with primary MSCs, in terms of mineralization \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286],[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] and osteogenesic-related gene expression \[[@B44-ijms-20-06286],[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\]. This increment of the osteogenic potential neither seems to be related to tissue's origin, since it has been detected in iMSCs from bone marrow \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286],[@B44-ijms-20-06286]\], cranial periosteum \[[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\], and adipose tissue origin \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\], nor seems to be related to immortalization protocol, as two of these cell lines were transduced with SV40LT \[[@B44-ijms-20-06286],[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\], one was transduced with hTERT alone \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286]\] and the other one with hTERT and E6/E7 \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. On the other hand, there were four iMSC lines that showed reduced osteogenic potential in comparison with primary MSCs, all of them transduced with hTERT alone: BMA13H, hASCs-T, GB/hTERT MSCs, and Pelt cells. Two of these cell lines, BMA13H and hASCs-T, were incompletely immortalized \[[@B74-ijms-20-06286],[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\], and so in these cases the reduction of osteogenic potential could be a result of the progressive loss of differentiation potential that occurs in primary MSCs as well. Also, nonreplicative senescence effects cannot be discarded in the reduction of osteogenic potential observed in GB/hTERT MSCs (derived from umbilical cord) and Pelt cells (derived from the periodontal ligament) \[[@B86-ijms-20-06286],[@B90-ijms-20-06286]\]. Of note, all the reviewed MSC cell lines immortalized with hTERT and E6/E7 were described to maintain or enhance their osteogenic potential. Interestingly, the hTERT and E6/E7-transduced iMSC line 3A6 showed a higher osteogenic potential than their E6/E7-only-transduced counterpart, the KP cells \[[@B55-ijms-20-06286]\], suggesting that a complete immortalization could be beneficial for the bone-forming capacity of MSCs. Nonetheless, hTERT expression in MSCs has also been shown to upregulate osteogenesis-related genes such as RUNX2, osterix, and osteocalcin \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\], and SV40LT-transduced iMSCs have shown higher levels of RUNX2 than primary MSCs without any osteogenic stimuli as well \[[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\]. It is commonly accepted that osteogenesis is the default differentiation pathway for MSCs \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286],[@B111-ijms-20-06286]\] and the most commonly retained differentiation lineage at later passages. Thus, we hypothesize that this high expression of bone-related transcription factors might be due to an osteogenic commitment of later passaged MSCs instead of being due to an effect of the transduction of the immortalization genes. These signs of "spontaneous differentiation" have also been observed in the KP cells, but have been lost by complete immortalization of these cells with hTERT in addition to E6/E7 genes \[[@B55-ijms-20-06286]\]. A reduction of osteogenic potential was also observed in some MSC cell lines immortalized with hTERT and SV40LT, such as hASCs-TS \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. Song et al. (2017) also pointed out that reversibly immortalized iSuPs (derived from coronal sutures) presented increased osteogenic potential when the immortalization gene SV40LT was removed \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\]. Shu et al. (2018) have proposed that MSCs with higher proliferative activity, such as SV40LT-transduced MSCs, may need a longer time to differentiate towards the osteogenic lineage \[[@B49-ijms-20-06286]\]. Tátrai et al. (2012) reported that adipose tissue-derived MSCs immortalized with a combination of SV40LT and hTERT showed a higher growth rate, as a well as a reduced osteogenic and adipogenic potency \[[@B110-ijms-20-06286]\]. The literature shows that the osteogenic differentiation potential is the most commonly retained path after immortalization, and that MSCs are able to differentiate towards this lineage if they are completely immortalized and adequate times and strategies of osteogenic induction are used. ### 3.2.2. Chondrogenic Potential {#sec3dot2dot2-ijms-20-06286} Only 23 iMSC lines out of the 38 included in this review have been submitted for analysis of their chondrogenic potential. Two iMSC lines did not show any chondrogenic potential when assessed in two-dimensional culture: UE6E7T-2, derived from bone marrow and transduced with E6/E7 and hTERT \[[@B99-ijms-20-06286]\]; and iSuPS, derived from coronal sutures and transduced with SV40LT \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\]. Three other iMSC lines (SCP-1, BMA13H, and 3 Hits hMPC), all derived from bone marrow-MSCs, showed reduced chondrogenic potential in comparison to primary cells; all these iMSC lines were chondrogenically induced in three-dimensional culture and contained hTERT as immortalization gene, and two of them were incompletely immortalized \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286],[@B74-ijms-20-06286],[@B101-ijms-20-06286]\]. In many cases, the chondrogenic potential of iMSCs has been scarcely analyzed by one single histochemical staining, either alcian blue staining (ABS) or toluidine blue staining (TBS) \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286],[@B54-ijms-20-06286],[@B55-ijms-20-06286],[@B71-ijms-20-06286],[@B91-ijms-20-06286],[@B101-ijms-20-06286]\]. Although chondrogenic transcription factor Sox9 and type II collagen upregulation have been detected in chondrogenic-induced iMSCs, these cells showed the same proneness to hypertrophy as primary MSCs, with type X collagen expression \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286],[@B35-ijms-20-06286]\] and low-quality cartilage production \[[@B22-ijms-20-06286]\] with scarce exceptions \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286],[@B94-ijms-20-06286]\], even when three-dimensional culture was performed \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286],[@B22-ijms-20-06286],[@B35-ijms-20-06286]\]. This low-quality cartilage generation is relatively common among MSCs. It has been proposed that these cells are intrinsically committed to bone formation through the endochondral ossification pathway, and that they follow this differentiation program after being exposed to chondrogenic stimuli \[[@B111-ijms-20-06286]\]. However, the lack of reproducibility among chondrogenic protocols is also a feasible explanation \[[@B112-ijms-20-06286]\], and it is important to note that good results have been obtained when performing chondrogenesis onto suitable scaffolds \[[@B95-ijms-20-06286]\]. Finger et al. (2003) found that immortalized cell lines obtained from chondrocytes were highly proliferative and showed less expression of genes involved in matrix synthesis and turnover than expected \[[@B113-ijms-20-06286]\], in the same way that higher proliferation rates are related to reduced mineralization upon osteogenic induction \[[@B49-ijms-20-06286],[@B110-ijms-20-06286]\]. Despite this, it has been shown that low chondrogenic iMSCs can stimulate chondrocyte differentiation when cocultured \[[@B71-ijms-20-06286]\], possibly through the same trophic effects as primary MSCs. It is important to take into account that MSCs exists as heterogeneous populations, and that the iMSCs differentiation properties could be derived from primary cells or be related to the clonal selection, as has been proposed by Bourgine et al. (2014) \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\]. Therefore, the differentiation potential of iMSCs should be assessed in comparison with their untransduced counterparts---the same clone or the primary cells derived from the same donor---in order to detect variations as a consequence of immortalization. Selection of MSC subsets or development of methods to stimulate MSCs to induce and/or to modulate specific attributes of the cells could give rise to more chondrogenic iMSC lines \[[@B9-ijms-20-06286]\]. ### 3.2.3. Adipogenic Potential {#sec3dot2dot3-ijms-20-06286} The adipogenic potential of 30 out of 38 iMSC lines was assessed, mainly by oil red O staining (OROS), but also by gene expression analysis of adipogenesis-related genes, such as transcription factor PPARγ, with different results, as seen in [Table 1](#ijms-20-06286-t001){ref-type="table"}. Several hTERT-transduced iMSC lines derived from the bone marrow \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B101-ijms-20-06286]\], placenta \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\], and adipose tissue \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] showed a reduction in adipogenic potential in comparison with primary MSCs. In addition, the bone marrow-derived KM101 iMSC line was unable to differentiate towards the adipogenic lineage \[[@B45-ijms-20-06286]\], similar to incompletely immortalized hASCs-T \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. Moreover, adipogenic potential of the 3A6 iMSC line was reduced in comparison with the KP cells from which they were derived, unlike osteogenic potential \[[@B55-ijms-20-06286]\]. Conversely, all the reviewed MSC cell lines immortalized with SV40LT maintained their adipogenic potential. The adipose-tissue-derived ASC/TERT1 cell line showed an increase in adipogenic potential after immortalization with hTERT \[[@B22-ijms-20-06286]\]. Once more, iSUPS differentiation potential towards the adipogenic lineage was increased when SV40LT was removed \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\]. 3.3. Surface Markers Expression of iMSCs {#sec3dot3-ijms-20-06286} ---------------------------------------- In 2006, the International Society for Cell Therapy proposed a panel of cell surface markers to identify human MSC, including CD73, CD90, and CD105 \[[@B114-ijms-20-06286]\]. However, none of these markers are specific for MSCs, and their expression does not imply a multidifferentiation ability \[[@B115-ijms-20-06286]\], since the same expression pattern can be found in other cell types, such as fibroblasts \[[@B116-ijms-20-06286]\]. Although the expression of these surface markers is usually investigated in primary MSCs before immortalization, none of the articles performed sorting selection; instead, the whole isolated population or uncharacterized clones were employed for transduction. Nevertheless, the level of expression of these makers may change due to passaging and culture conditions \[[@B81-ijms-20-06286],[@B115-ijms-20-06286]\], and their expression in primary cells does not guarantee that they will be expressed in immortalized cells, even if they are previously sorted. For example, Abarrategi et al. (2018) noticed a lowering of CD73 and CD105 expression in iMSCs in comparison with primary MSCs \[[@B102-ijms-20-06286]\], and Alexander et al. (2015) observed that cranial periosteum-derived TAg cells were less CD105-positive, but more CD146-positive than primary cells \[[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\]. Adipose-tissue-derived hASCs-TS and hASCs-TE showed the same decrease in CD105 expression and an increase in CD146 expression \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\]. On the contrary, hTERT-transduced BMA13H maintained CD105, but displayed reduced CD90 expression \[[@B81-ijms-20-06286]\]. It is not possible to know if these changes were caused by transduction of immortalization genes, subculturing, or both. In addition, it is not clear whether the expression of a certain surface marker of this traditional panel confers an advantage to differentiate towards a specific lineage; for example, it has been shown that there are no differences in chondrogenic potential of MSCs caused by CD105 expression \[[@B117-ijms-20-06286]\]. Therefore, the value of these surface markers for iMSCs characterization or selection may be limited. However, the expression of several surface markers outside this panel may have functional characteristics. For example, James et al. (2015) noted that nondifferentiating iMSC clones were uniquely CD137-positive \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\], and Jayasuriya et al. (2018) pointed that SV40LT-transduced OA-MSCs expressed high levels of CD54, which is lowly expressed by bone marrow-derived MSCs but constitutively expressed by articular chondrocytes \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286]\]. 3.4. Clonality, Selection and Validation {#sec3dot4-ijms-20-06286} ---------------------------------------- It is known that polyclonal expansion favors selection of faster growing cells, while clone characterization and selection may enable the maintenance of a subpopulation of cells with more desirable characteristics \[[@B81-ijms-20-06286]\]. Variations in differentiation potential exists among clones derived from one single donor \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\], and even among subclones derived from single MSCs \[[@B84-ijms-20-06286]\]. Therefore, careful selection of clones could favor certain applications. Half of the iMSC lines that are reviewed here were clonal, while the other half were nonclonal. However, some clones were not selected by their differentiation abilities or surface markers expression profile, but were randomly picked \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\] or chosen because of their proliferation capacity \[[@B71-ijms-20-06286]\]. On the contrary, Bourgine et al. (2014) decided to select the clone with the most prominent osteogenic differentiation capacity, thus obtaining an iMSC line likely to be suitable for bone regeneration approaches, but still with weak chondrogenic potential. Further studies are needed to know if the use of a similar approach would give rise to an iMSC line with better chondrogenic potential \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\]. Of note, only eight of the iMSC lines reviewed here---four of them derived from the same donor---have been submitted to short tandem repeat (STR) analysis to confirm whether they originated from one particular donor. This validation is important, especially if these iMSC lines are employed for basic research about MSCs biology; for instance, comparing cell lines originating from young and elderly donors or investigating the characteristics or behavior of these cells in skeletal diseases. Using this approach, Jayasuriya et al. (2018) generated and analyzed clonal iMSC lines from knee articular cartilage of osteoarthritic patients, identifying the existence of two MSC populations in human osteoarthritic cartilage; one preferentially undergoing chondrogenesis and the other exhibiting higher osteogenic potential. In this case, the generated cell lines were properly submitted to STR genotyping \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286]\]. 3.5. Tumorigenicity {#sec3dot5-ijms-20-06286} ------------------- MSCs have been described as resistant to malignant transformation, requiring the combination of several events to achieve an oncogenic phenotype. Primary MSCs have been widely used in clinical trials, but immortalized MSCs transduced with proto-oncogenes can eventually become tumorigenic, making them useless for clinical approaches, but not for research purposes. The tumorigenicity of 18 out of 38 iMSC lines included in this review was investigated by either soft agar colony formation assay or in vivo tumorigenicity test in immunodeficient mice (IDM). There were only two cases in which these cells showed signs of tumorigenicity; c-Fos-transduced 3 Hits hMPCs \[[@B102-ijms-20-06286]\] and high passaged UE6E7T-3 \[[@B96-ijms-20-06286]\], as seen in [Table 1](#ijms-20-06286-t001){ref-type="table"}. In the case of 3 Hits hMPCs, it is not surprising that the transduction of the proto-oncogene c-Fos led to oncogenic transformation of iMSCs already transduced with hTERT and E6/E7 genes. Importantly, transformed iMSCs lost their phenotype and experienced changes in their differentiation potential, with c-Fos-transformed iMSCs showing reduced adipogenic and osteogenic potential and a conserved ability to specifically differentiate towards the chondrogenic lineage, as well as forming chondrogenic tumors in IDM. However, 3 Hits hMPCs did not display tumorigenic features despite accumulating oncogenic mutations in hTERT and E6/E7 genes \[[@B102-ijms-20-06286]\], thus confirming that iMSCs need further signals to initiate carcinogenesis \[[@B106-ijms-20-06286]\]. However, oncogenic mutations may arise during passaging of iMSCs \[[@B118-ijms-20-06286]\]. In this regard, culture conditions are important, since hTERT-transduced iMSCs seeded at low densities during long periods of time have been reported to be tumorigenic \[[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\]. Low density seeding provides an advantage for clones with oncogenic mutations that display higher growth rates; the lower the density seeding, the faster the accumulation of these oncogenic clones in the population. hTERT and E6/E7-transduced UE6E7T-3 at high passages (252 PDs) were capable of forming colonies in soft agar and sarcomas in IDM, while lower passaged cells (less than 200 PDs) did not shown any sign of malignant transformation \[[@B96-ijms-20-06286]\]. This may indicate that although iMSCs have an unlimited lifespan, their ability to maintain their phenotype may be restricted to the first PDs, and that their characteristics should be submitted to periodical testing. It is important to note that hTERT expression also has a role in the achievement of cellular capacities related to tumorigenesis, such as angiogenesis and immune system evasion. In the same way, the inactivation of p53 and Rb by SV40LT and E6/E7 proteins is related to the acquisition of cancer-related features. Moreover, if hTERT is re-expressed after SV40LT or E6/E7 transduction, its recovery could favor the fixation of aberrant karyotypes that lead to malignant phenotypes \[[@B106-ijms-20-06286]\]. Unsurprisingly, the introduction of immortalization genes in MSCs alters the expression levels of genes associated with stem cell functions \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\], which highlights the need for detailed characterization of iMSC lines. 3.6. In Vivo Bone Formation Capacity {#sec3dot6-ijms-20-06286} ------------------------------------ One of the fundamental characteristics of MSCs is their ability to form ectopic "ossicles" which mimic the architecture of bone marrow \[[@B119-ijms-20-06286]\]. The ectopic bone formation ability of hTERT-transduced MSCs has been investigated in IDM. Simonsen et al. (2002) found that hMSCs-hTERT generated bone-enclosing bone marrow cells and adipocytes when implanted subcutaneously with hydroxyapatite/tricalcum phosphate powder \[[@B63-ijms-20-06286]\]. hMSCs-hTERT-derived clones formed ectopic bone marrow stroma-supporting hematopoiesis and adipocytes after in vivo transplantation as well \[[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\]. However, after extensive subculturing, one of these clones was found to produce tumors, composed mostly of mesoderm-type cells \[[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\]. Bourgine et al. (2014) also assessed the bone formation ability of MSOD together with ceramic granules in a fibrinogen/thrombin gel. They found that MSOD secreted a dense collagen matrix and formed osteoid tissue \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\]. 4. Conclusions {#sec4-ijms-20-06286} ============== A number of iMSC lines have been generated in an attempt to overcome the limitations associated with primary MSCs. These cell lines have had many in vitro applications, including testing of engineered scaffolds for bone and cartilage repair, decellularized extracellular matrix production, investigation of the MSCs differentiation process at the molecular level, optimization of the current differentiation protocols, and analysis of their behavior in the pathological joints. However, the application of these cells has been for research purposes only as they present a risk of tumorigenicity. Several approaches have been employed to confer an unlimited proliferation potential to MSCs, mainly involving viral genes and hTERT transduction, with different degrees of success. It is still unclear which set of genetic alterations are necessary and sufficient for MSC immortalization, but it probably involves abrogation of replicative and nonreplicative senescence. Alterations of the multidifferentiation potential of MSCs after immortalization have been described, with the osteogenic potential being the best conserved in fully immortalized MSC lines. However, there are also iMSC lines capable of differentiating towards the chondrogenic lineage when cultured in 3D environment. In addition, some studies suggest that other characteristics of iMSC lines, such as secretion of trophic factors, are maintained in MSCs despite immortalization. The ideal iMSC line should retain the phenotypic and functional characteristics of MSCs, as well as a normal karyotype. The usefulness of these cell lines in bone and cartilage regenerative medicine research would be increased if clones were carefully selected and validated. Before employing iMSCs for basic or applied bone and cartilage research, their characteristics should be fully understood. Moreover, the maintenance of these characteristics should be assessed periodically throughout passaging, as immortalization does not guarantee it, and both polyclonal expansion and low-density seeding should be avoided to prevent malignant transformation. If these requirements are fulfilled, iMSC lines could be useful and convenient tools for basic research, testing of tissue engineering approaches, and production of biotechnological products, among other applications. María Piñeiro-Ramil, Rocío Castro-Viñuelas and Silvia Rodríguez-Fernández were granted by a predoctoral fellowship from Xunta de Galicia and European Union (European Social Fund) and Clara Sanjurjo-Rodríguez is beneficiary of a postdoctoral fellowship from Xunta de Galicia. This study was carried out thanks to the funding from Rede Galega de Terapia Celular and Grupos con Potencial de Crecemento, Xunta de Galicia (R2016/036, R2014/050, CN2012/142 and GPC2014/048); Deputación da Coruña (BINV-CS/2016); Fundación Española de Reumatología (Proyectos 2014); Universidade da Coruña (UDC) and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red-Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN). The authors declare no conflict of interest. MSC Mesenchymal stromal cells PDs Population doublings iMSC Immortal mesenchymal stromal cells hTERT Human telomerase reverse transcriptase SV40LT Simian virus 40 large T antigen HPV Human papillomavirus ARS Alizarin Red Staining VKS Von Kossa Staining APS Alkaline Phosphatase Staining ABS Alcian Blue Staining TBS Toluidine Blue Staining OROS PSR Oil Red O Staining Picro-Sirius Red STR Short Tandem Repeat IDM Immunodeficient Mice ![PRISMA flow diagram showing the search process carried out to select articles to be analyzed for this review.](ijms-20-06286-g001){#ijms-20-06286-f001} ijms-20-06286-t001_Table 1 ###### Basic characteristics of the reviewed immortal MSC (iMSC) lines. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MSC Line Immortalization Genes Immortalization Method Tissue Donor Characteristics STR Genotyping Clonality Tumorigenicity References --------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hMSC-T SV40LT Transfection Bone marrow Unknown No Unclear ^1^ No (tested by soft agar) \[[@B44-ijms-20-06286]\] KM101 SV40LT Transfection Bone marrow 48-year-old male No Yes Not tested \[[@B45-ijms-20-06286],[@B46-ijms-20-06286]\] L87/4 SV40LT Transfection Bone marrow 70-year-old male No Yes Not tested/shown \[[@B17-ijms-20-06286],[@B47-ijms-20-06286]\] V54/2 SV40LT Transfection Peripheral blood Healthy donor No Yes Not tested/shown \[[@B17-ijms-20-06286],[@B48-ijms-20-06286]\] iUC-MSCs SV40LT Retroviral transduction Umbilical cord Unknown No No No (tested in IDM) \[[@B49-ijms-20-06286]\] iSuPs SV40LT Retroviral transduction Coronal sutures 15 to 17-month-old males No No No (tested in IDM) \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\] TAg cells SV40LT Lentiviral transduction Cranial periosteum Healthy (fracture patient) No No Not tested \[[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\] iDFCs SV40LT Retroviral transduction Dental follicle Three young adults (18--20 years old) No Yes Not tested \[[@B52-ijms-20-06286],[@B53-ijms-20-06286]\] OA-MSCs SV40LT Retroviral transduction Articular cartilage (knee) Osteoarthritic 61-year-old male and 69-year-old female Yes Yes ^2^ Not tested/shown \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286],[@B42-ijms-20-06286]\] KP E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow 61-year-old female No No No (tested in IDM) \[[@B54-ijms-20-06286],[@B55-ijms-20-06286],[@B56-ijms-20-06286],[@B57-ijms-20-06286]\] UE6E7-16 ^3^ E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow 91-year-old female Yes Yes Not shown \[[@B58-ijms-20-06286],[@B59-ijms-20-06286]\] HS-27 E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow Adult donor No Yes Not tested \[[@B60-ijms-20-06286],[@B61-ijms-20-06286]\] PDLSC-Bmi1 ^4^ Bmi1 Retroviral transduction Periodontal ligament 15 to 20-year-old donors No No Not tested \[[@B62-ijms-20-06286]\] hMSC-hTERT hTERT Retroviral transduction Bone marrow Healthy 33-year-old male No No ^5^ No (tested in IDM) \[[@B30-ijms-20-06286],[@B33-ijms-20-06286],[@B34-ijms-20-06286],[@B63-ijms-20-06286],[@B64-ijms-20-06286],[@B65-ijms-20-06286],[@B66-ijms-20-06286],[@B67-ijms-20-06286],[@B68-ijms-20-06286],[@B69-ijms-20-06286]\] TERT4 (hMSC-hTERT derived) hTERT Retroviral transduction Bone marrow Healthy 33-year-old male No No No (tested in IDM) ^6^ \[[@B35-ijms-20-06286],[@B40-ijms-20-06286],[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\] iMSC\#3 hTERT Retroviral transduction Bone marrow Healthy male No Yes No (tested in IDM) \[[@B71-ijms-20-06286],[@B72-ijms-20-06286],[@B73-ijms-20-06286]\] BMA13H ^7^ hTERT Retroviral transduction Bone marrow Unknown No No Not tested \[[@B74-ijms-20-06286],[@B75-ijms-20-06286]\] SCP-1 hTERT Lentiviral transduction Bone marrow Unknown No Yes No (tested in IMD and by soft agar assay) \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286],[@B20-ijms-20-06286],[@B24-ijms-20-06286],[@B25-ijms-20-06286],[@B38-ijms-20-06286],[@B76-ijms-20-06286],[@B77-ijms-20-06286],[@B78-ijms-20-06286],[@B79-ijms-20-06286],[@B80-ijms-20-06286]\] Y201 hTERT Lentiviral transduction Bone marrow Unknown No Yes No (tested in IDM) \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B36-ijms-20-06286],[@B81-ijms-20-06286],[@B82-ijms-20-06286],[@B83-ijms-20-06286]\] Y101 hTERT Lentiviral transduction Bone marrow Unknown \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B32-ijms-20-06286]\] MSOD hTERT Lentiviral transduction Bone marrow Healthy 55-year-old female Yes Yes No (tested in IDM) \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286],[@B26-ijms-20-06286]\] ASC/TERT1 hTERT Retroviral transduction Adipose tissue Unknown Yes No No (soft agar assay) \[[@B22-ijms-20-06286],[@B84-ijms-20-06286]\] hASCs-T ^7^ hTERT Lentiviral transduction Adipose tissue Two males and two females (21 to 59 years old) No No No (soft agar assay) \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] GB/hTERT MSCs hTERT Transfection Umbilical cord Unknown No No No (soft agar assay) \[[@B86-ijms-20-06286]\] SDP11 hTERT Transfection Dental pulp 6 to 8-year-old donors No Yes Not tested \[[@B87-ijms-20-06286],[@B88-ijms-20-06286]\] Pelt cells hTERT Retroviral transduction Periodontal ligament Adult donor No No Not tested/shown \[[@B31-ijms-20-06286],[@B89-ijms-20-06286],[@B90-ijms-20-06286]\] CMSC29 hTERT Retroviral transduction Placenta (Chorionic Villi) Unknown No Yes No (tested by soft agar assay) \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286],[@B92-ijms-20-06286],[@B93-ijms-20-06286]\] DMSC23 hTERT Retroviral transduction Placenta (Decidua Basalis) Unknown No Yes No (tested by soft agar assay) \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286],[@B92-ijms-20-06286],[@B93-ijms-20-06286]\] CPC531 hTERT Lentiviral transduction Articular cartilage (knee) 65 to 75-year-old patients No Unclear ^1^ Not tested/shown \[[@B94-ijms-20-06286],[@B95-ijms-20-06286]\] hASCs-TS\ hTERT and SV40LT Lentiviral transduction Adipose tissue Two males and two females (21 to 59 years old) No No No (soft agar assay) \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] (same parental cells as hASCs-T) 3A6 (KP-derived) hTERT and E6/E7 Transfection (hTERT) Bone marrow 61-year-old female No Yes Not tested \[[@B39-ijms-20-06286],[@B55-ijms-20-06286],[@B56-ijms-20-06286]\] hASCs-TE\ hTERT and E6/E7 Lentiviral transduction Adipose tissue Two males and two females (21 to 59 years old) No No No (soft agar assay) \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] (same parental cells as hASCs-T) UE6E7T-3 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) hTERT and E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow 91-year-old female Yes Yes Tested in soft agar at "low" (PDs ≤ 200) and high (PDs = 252) passages, with only high passage UE6E7T-3 being capable of forming colonies; high passage UE6E7T-3 formed sarcomas in IDM \[[@B28-ijms-20-06286],[@B96-ijms-20-06286],[@B97-ijms-20-06286]\] UE6E7T-11 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) hTERT and E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow 91-year-old female Yes Yes Not shown \[[@B58-ijms-20-06286],[@B98-ijms-20-06286]\] UE6E7T-2 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) hTERT and E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow 91-year-old female Yes Yes Not shown \[[@B99-ijms-20-06286]\] imhMSCs hTERT and E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow Unknown No Unclear ^1^ No (tested in IDM) \[[@B18-ijms-20-06286],[@B23-ijms-20-06286],[@B29-ijms-20-06286],[@B100-ijms-20-06286]\] 3 Hits hMPC hTERT and E6/E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow Healthy 34-year-old male Yes No No (tested in IDM; only c-Fos-transduced cells were tumorigenic) \[[@B101-ijms-20-06286],[@B102-ijms-20-06286],[@B103-ijms-20-06286]\] UE7T-13 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) hTERT and E7 Retroviral transduction Bone marrow 91-year-old female Yes Yes Not shown \[[@B21-ijms-20-06286],[@B37-ijms-20-06286],[@B88-ijms-20-06286],[@B104-ijms-20-06286],[@B105-ijms-20-06286]\] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^1^ Clones have been generated but it is unclear if they have been used afterwards. ^2^ Several clones have been generated and analyzed. ^3^ Not completely immortalized because E6/E7 was sufficient to extend lifespan but not to bypass senescence. ^4^ Probably incompletely immortalized. ^5^ \[[@B30-ijms-20-06286],[@B68-ijms-20-06286],[@B69-ijms-20-06286]\] employed hMSC-hTERT-derived clones. ^6^ TERT20 at higher passages formed tumors composed of mesoderm type cells in IDM. ^7^ Not completely immortalized because hTERT was not sufficient to bypass senescence. ijms-20-06286-t002_Table 2 ###### Differentiation potential of reviewed iMSC lines. MSC Line Osteogenic Potential Chondrogenic Potential Adipogenic Potential ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hMSC-T Positive for VKS and osteocalcin upregulation (increased compared with primary MSCs) \[[@B44-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Not tested KM101 Positive for ALP activity \[[@B46-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Tested and no adipogenic differentiation potential was found (also not shown) \[[@B45-ijms-20-06286]\] L87/4 Not tested/shown Positive for ABS and ColII immunostaining in 3D alginate and PGA/PLLA scaffolds \[[@B17-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown V54/2 Not tested/shown Positive for ABS and ColII immunostaining in 3D alginate and PGA/PLLA scaffolds \[[@B17-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown iUC-MSCs Positive for Runx2 and Osteocalcin upregulation \[[@B49-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for Sox9 upregulation \[[@B49-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for PPARγ upregulation \[[@B49-ijms-20-06286]\] iSuPs Positive for ARS (increased if SV40LT is removed) and osteogenesis-related genes upregulation \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\] No chondrogenic differentiation potential was found (also not shown) \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS (increased if SV40LT is removed) \[[@B50-ijms-20-06286]\] TAg cells Positive for hydroxyapatite formation (showing earlier and stronger mineralization than parental cells) and upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes (increased compared with primary cells) \[[@B51-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Not tested iDFCs Positive for ARS, APS, and osteogenesis-related genes upregulation; osteogenic potential similar to primary cells \[[@B52-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS and SOX9 upregulation in 2D culture \[[@B52-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS and adipogenesis-related genes upregulation (PPARγ and LPL) \[[@B52-ijms-20-06286]\] OA-MSCs Positive for ARS and ALP upregulation \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286],[@B42-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for SOS \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286]\], ABS \[[@B42-ijms-20-06286]\] and upregulation of Sox9, Col2A1, ACAN and COL10A1 \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286],[@B42-ijms-20-06286]\] in pellet \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286]\] and 2D culture \[[@B42-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS (weak staining) and LPL upregulation \[[@B41-ijms-20-06286]\] KP Positive for APS, ARS, and VKS \[[@B54-ijms-20-06286]\] Proved by ABS \[[@B54-ijms-20-06286],[@B57-ijms-20-06286]\] and ColII immunostaining \[[@B57-ijms-20-06286]\] in pellet culture Positive for OROS \[[@B54-ijms-20-06286]\] UE6E7-16 Positive for osteocalcin production \[[@B59-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown Positive for PPARγ production \[[@B59-ijms-20-06286]\] HS-27 Positive for ALP activity, calcium deposition and osterix upregulation \[[@B61-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown Positive for OROS in presence of steroids \[[@B60-ijms-20-06286]\] PDLSC-Bmi1 Positive for ARS, ALP activity, and osteogenesis-related genes upregulation \[[@B62-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Positive for OROS \[[@B62-ijms-20-06286]\] hMSC-hTERT Positive for ARS \[[@B64-ijms-20-06286]\], ALP activity \[[@B33-ijms-20-06286]\], upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes \[[@B33-ijms-20-06286],[@B63-ijms-20-06286],[@B68-ijms-20-06286]\], and in vivo bone formation \[[@B63-ijms-20-06286],[@B68-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS \[[@B64-ijms-20-06286]\] and ColII immunostaining \[[@B63-ijms-20-06286],[@B67-ijms-20-06286]\] in 2D culture Positive for OROS and upregulation of adipogenesis-related genes \[[@B33-ijms-20-06286]\] TERT4 (hMSC-hTERT derived) Positive for ARS \[[@B40-ijms-20-06286],[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\], ALP activity \[[@B40-ijms-20-06286]\] and upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes \[[@B40-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS \[[@B35-ijms-20-06286],[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\], GAG assay \[[@B35-ijms-20-06286]\], and upregulation of ColII \[[@B35-ijms-20-06286],[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\] but also ColX \[[@B35-ijms-20-06286]\], in pellet culture; reduced compared with primary MSCs Positive for OROS \[[@B40-ijms-20-06286],[@B70-ijms-20-06286]\] and upregulation of adipogenesis-related genes \[[@B40-ijms-20-06286]\] iMSC\#3 Positive for ARS, APS, and Runx2 upregulation \[[@B71-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS, TBS, and GAG assay in pellet culture \[[@B72-ijms-20-06286]\]; low chondrogenic potential but stimulation of chondrocyte differentiation Positive for OROS, adipogenesis-related genes upregulation \[[@B71-ijms-20-06286],[@B73-ijms-20-06286]\], and NRS \[[@B73-ijms-20-06286]\] BMA13H Positive for ARS (reduced compared with primary cells) \[[@B74-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS and GAG assay in 2D culture \[[@B74-ijms-20-06286]\]; also positive for TBS, PSR and aggrecan and ColII immunostaining in 3D culture \[[@B75-ijms-20-06286]\]; chondrogenic potential reduced compared with primary cells \[[@B74-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS (reduced compared with primary cells) \[[@B74-ijms-20-06286]\] SCP-1 Positive for VKS (increased compared with MSCs) \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286]\], ARS \[[@B78-ijms-20-06286]\], ALP activity \[[@B78-ijms-20-06286]\], and upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes \[[@B76-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for TBS in pellet culture \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286]\]; ColII and GAG production in 3D printed scaffolds \[[@B24-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS \[[@B14-ijms-20-06286]\] Y201 Positive for ARS \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\], ALP activity \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B82-ijms-20-06286],[@B83-ijms-20-06286]\], and Runx2 upregulation \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B82-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS, GAG assay, and Sox9 upregulation in pellet culture \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS (reduced compared to primary MSCs) and upregulation of adipogenesis-related genes \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B82-ijms-20-06286]\] Y101 (derived from the same donor than Y201) Proved by ARS \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B32-ijms-20-06286]\], VKS \[[@B32-ijms-20-06286]\], ALP activity, and osteogenesis-related genes' upregulation \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286],[@B32-ijms-20-06286]\]; osteogenic potential similar to Y201 \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS, GAG assay and Sox9 upregulation in pellet culture; chondrogenic potential similar to Y201 \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS and upregulation of adipogenesis-related genes; adipogenic potential reduced compared to Y201 \[[@B19-ijms-20-06286]\] MSOD Positive for ARS \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\], upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286],[@B26-ijms-20-06286]\], and in vivo bone formation \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\] Weak positivity for ABS and upregulation of ColX but not ColII nor Sox9, similarly to primary parental cells; tested in pellet culture \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS and PPARγ upregulation \[[@B15-ijms-20-06286]\] ASC/TERT1 Positive for VKS and ALP activity \[[@B84-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS, trichrome staining and ColII immunostaining in 3D scaffolds; reduced cartilage quality in comparison with chondrocytes \[[@B22-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS and PPARγ upregulation; adipogenic potential increased compared with primary cells \[[@B84-ijms-20-06286]\] hASCs-T Positive for APS; reduced osteogenic potential in comparison with primary cells \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Tested by OROS, but almost no lipid droplets detected \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] GB/hTERT MSCs Positive for ARS; reduced compared with primary cells \[[@B86-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Positive for OROS \[[@B86-ijms-20-06286]\] SDP11 Positive for BMP-2 and ALP upregulation \[[@B88-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Positive for OROS but not shown \[[@B88-ijms-20-06286]\] Pelt cells Positive for ARS (slightly reduced compared with primary cells) \[[@B90-ijms-20-06286]\] and cementogenesis-related gene expression \[[@B31-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Not tested CMSC29 Positive for ARS \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS in pellet culture \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286],[@B92-ijms-20-06286]\] Very weak positivity for OROS \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\] DMSC23 Positive for ARS (increased compared with CMSC29) \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286],[@B93-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS in pellet culture \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286],[@B92-ijms-20-06286]\] Very weak positivity for OROS \[[@B91-ijms-20-06286]\] CPC531 Positive for APS and upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes \[[@B95-ijms-20-06286]\] Spontaneous chondrogenesis in 3D alginate culture, proved by upregulation of ColII and Sox9 and downregulation of Runx2 and ColI \[[@B95-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS and upregulation of adipogenesis-related genes \[[@B95-ijms-20-06286]\] hASCs-TS (same parental cells as hASCs-T) Tested by APS, but no mineralization detected \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Positive for OROS; reduced adipogenic potential in comparison with primary cells \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] 3A6 (KP-derived) Positive for ARS and VKS (increased compared with KP) \[[@B55-ijms-20-06286]\], and also ALP activity \[[@B39-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS \[[@B55-ijms-20-06286]\] and ColII upregulation \[[@B56-ijms-20-06286]\] in pellet culture Positive for OROS (reduced compared with KP) \[[@B55-ijms-20-06286]\] hASCs-TE (same parental cells as hASCs-T) Positive for APS; increased in comparison with primary cells \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested Positive for OROS; slightly reduced in comparison with primary cells \[[@B85-ijms-20-06286]\] UE6E7T-3 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) Positive for ALP activity \[[@B97-ijms-20-06286]\], ARS and upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes \[[@B28-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown Positive for OROS \[[@B97-ijms-20-06286]\] UE6E7T-11 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) Positive for APS and bone sialoprotein (BSP) upregulation \[[@B98-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown Not tested/shown UE6E7T-2 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) Not tested/shown Tested by ABS in 2D culture; negative under employed conditions \[[@B99-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown imhMSCs Positive for VKS and upregulation of osteogenesis-related genes \[[@B18-ijms-20-06286]\] Weak positivity for ABS and with weak upregulation of chondrogenesis-related genes (similarly to primary parental cells); tested in pellet culture \[[@B18-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for OROS and PPARγ upregulation \[[@B18-ijms-20-06286]\] 3 Hits hMPC Positive for ARS \[[@B102-ijms-20-06286],[@B103-ijms-20-06286]\], APS \[[@B101-ijms-20-06286],[@B102-ijms-20-06286]\] and Runx2 upregulation \[[@B102-ijms-20-06286]\] Positive for ABS \[[@B102-ijms-20-06286],[@B103-ijms-20-06286]\] and TBS \[[@B101-ijms-20-06286]\] in pellet culture, but reduced compared with primary MSCs Positive for OROS \[[@B101-ijms-20-06286],[@B102-ijms-20-06286],[@B103-ijms-20-06286]\], but reduced compared with primary MSCs UE7T-13 (same parental cells as UE6E7-16) Positive for ARS \[[@B37-ijms-20-06286],[@B88-ijms-20-06286],[@B105-ijms-20-06286]\] and ALP activity \[[@B88-ijms-20-06286]\] Not tested/shown Positive for OROS \[[@B37-ijms-20-06286],[@B88-ijms-20-06286]\]
is destined for a renewable energy test facility in Lubbock, Texas where DNV-GL will perform third party testing on the IFB as it shifts wind power daily. On the cost side, Dr. Klaus Krueger, Head of Plant & Product Safety and Innovation Management at Voith said no one is comparing the raw material costs of chemical batteries to pumped hydro energy storage but they should be. Krueger has been traveling all over the world giving seminars about pumped storage to those interested in learning about it. When he shows them the the life cycle cost comparisons including CO2 footprints their eyes light up. “They have a lot of a-ha moments,” he said. Krueger said that the cost of utilitizing hydro storage capacity can be almost as low as zero dollars per k Wh whereas “the rock bottom cost of Li-Ion battery storage power plants is about $70 to $80 per k Wh just because of raw materials.”He added: “For instance Canada has opportunities for stor-age capacity at almost zero cost. Why? They can connect exist-ing lakes with different elevations and do pumped storage, so thestorage is already there in the reservoirs with natural infows”Krueger recommends that once a utility decides it needs LDS itshould frst look to its neighbors to determine if any hydro storageexists or could exist at minimal cost. If neighboring states or coun-tries have signifcant storage capacity, then building interconnec-tors is the best course of action in terms of costs and revenues. “Germany is investing in transmission lines,” he said. Adding that the country is building interconnectors between itself and Norway and Sweden because those regions have massive amounts of hydro storage that can beneft the German grid. Krueger acknowledged that pumped hydro cannot solve all energy storage issues but does believe it can be used in more places than utilities are currently aware. He said that in the U.S. there is “Tesla hype,” which hinders discussions on pumped hydro as an option for energy storage.
// via OpenZeppelin export default async promise => { try { await promise; assert.fail('Expected revert not received'); } catch (error) { const revertFound = error.message.search('revert') >= 0; assert( revertFound, `Expected "revert", got ${error} instead` ); } };
A common shielding electrical connector in the industry has an insulating body, a tongue plate extends forwards from the insulating body, multiple terminals arranged in rows on the upper and lower surfaces of the tongue plate respectively, a middle shielding sheet arranged between the terminals in upper and lower rows and fixed in the tongue plate, and a metal shell framed outside the insulating body and matched with the tongue plate to form a docking space. The docking space is configured for docking with a docking electrical connector. The foregoing shielding electrical connector has a shielding function to achieve the high frequency requirements of customers. However, along with development of social technologies, in order to meet the customer needs on transmission efficiency and functional diversity, each of the electronic products may be provided with various interfaces provided thereon, which frequently causes the customers for mistakenly plugging the connectors, and occupies certain space of the electronic products, thus being inconsistent with the trend of miniaturization development. To meet the customer needs, a composite connector emerged in the industry, which provides two shielding electrical connectors that share a metal shell, and other structures maintain unchanged. In this case, the metal shell matches with one tongue plate to form a first insertion space, and the metal shell matches with another tongue plate to form a second insertion space. Further, the metal shell may even match with the two tongue plates to form a third insertion space, so that three types of docking connectors may be inserted. By such a design, functions are extended, transmission efficiency is improved, and the sharing of the metal shell can also save the space. However, the structures other than the metal shell are independently formed, which causes complexity of the forming process and tediousness in assembling. Therefore, a heretofore unaddressed need to design a new composite connector exists in the art to address the aforementioned deficiencies and inadequacies.
Undead Skeleton Horde (40 miniatures) $44.99 Free Shipping! Required QTY With rusted scraps of antiquated armour hanging off their bones and clutching the chipped and corroded weapons they bore in life, Skeleton Warriors form the bulk of the Legions of Undeath. Raised from the grave by the darkest sorcery, they are utterly enslaved to the will of their Necromancer master, and will obey their every command without question.
Sever's disease and other causes of heel pain in adolescents. Sever's disease, or apophysitis of the calcaneus, is a common but frequently undiagnosed source of heel pain in young athletes. This condition frequently occurs before or during the peak growth spurt in boys and girls, often shortly after they begin a new sport or season. Sever's disease often occurs in running and jumping sports, particularly soccer. Patients present with intermittent or continuous heel pain occurring with weight bearing. Findings include a positive squeeze test and tight heel cords. Sever's disease cannot be diagnosed radiographically. The condition usually resolves two weeks to two months after the initiation of conservative treatment, which may include rest, ice application, heel lifts, stretching and strengthening exercises, and, in more severe cases, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
At the current symposium, we wanted to present and acknowledge the hard work of our Belgian colleagues who have obtained a doctoral degree related to imaging and radiology during the years 2015--2016. We have chosen to give these colleagues the opportunity to present their curriculum and work as a review article in the current printed symposium issue of the *JBSR*, the e-journal that is the newer version of the former, well-known *JBR-BTR*. Thanks to the efforts of the authors and Editor-in-Chief Dr. Alain Nchimi, we are able to give an update on the scientific doctoral work being done in Belgium. The following is a short presentation of the CV of the colleagues who have been financially supported, through the doctoral thesis program. A synopsis of their actual work is published in this symposium issue of the *JBSR*. **Dr. Alain Nchimi (2015)** ![](jbsr-101-1-1240-g1.jpg) Dr. Alain Nchimi is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the *Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology* and a body imaging and paediatric radiologist in the medical imaging departments of the Centre Hospitalier du Luxembourg and the Children's University Hospital Queen Fabiola of Brussels. He is a member of the Belgian Society of Radiology and chair of the Cardiovascular Imaging Section. He earned his medical degree and completed a master's degree in medical imaging at the University of Liège in 2002. In 2010, he started a research program in the "GIGA cardiovascular diseases" translational research platform of Liège University, with the aim of finding new imaging biomarkers for various cardiovascular diseases, including heart valve diseases, aortic dissection, and aneurysms. His research on abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) was supported by a collaborative grant of the 7th FP European Framework Program (Fighting Aneurysmal Disease) and a grant of the BSR. He obtained a PhD from the University of Liège in 2015 for an original dissertation titled "Imaging the mechanisms involved in abdominal aortic aneurysms rupture; a step towards patient-specific risk assessment", for which a summary is published in the current issue of the JBSR as a review article under the title "Cross-sectional imaging to evaluate the risk of rupture in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms" \[[@B1]\]. The clinical part of his work aimed to determine how far imaging biological activities may help clinical decision making in patients with AAA and its incremental value, as compared to the diameter-based patient management algorithm, whereas the experimental part looked at new and promising imaging concepts for the assessment of biological processes in AAA. The main findings of his works are the following: (i) Increased 2F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake on positron emission tomography (PET) was a diameter-independent marker of AAA-related events over two years. (ii) Part of the FDG uptake is associated with biological activities along the luminal surface of the ILT, where phagocytosis of superparamagnetic iron oxide was shown on MRI, both ex vivo and in vivo. (iii) This phagocytosis was correlated with the abundance of leukocytes and proteolytic activity. (iv)The MRI appearances of the intraluminal thrombus (ILT) resulted from the endogenous iron distribution related to the same biological activities. (v) Multimodality imaging was used to proof the concept of the deleterious role of the ILT in AAA growth in a rat model of AAA. In summary, the research done by Dr. Nchimi shows that MRI and FDG PET are both capable of evidencing and quantifying in vivo some of the notoriously deleterious biological processes taking place in the aneurysmal sac, especially those related to the entrapped phagocytes and red blood cells in the ILT and the periadventitial inflammatory response. **Dr. Nele Herregods (2016)** ![](jbsr-101-1-1240-g2.jpg) Dr. Nele Herregods obtained her MD at Ghent University in 2004 at the University of Ghent, Belgium. She received a PhD in 2016 at the same institution, with her doctoral thesis on MRI of the sacroiliac joints in children with spondyloarthritis, of which a summary is published in the current issue of the *JBSR* as a pictorial review article under the title "Diagnostic value of MRI of the sacroiliac joints in juvenile spondyloarthritis" \[[@B2]\]. She is currently working as head of clinic in the Department of Radiology at the Princess Elisabeth Children's Hospital at Ghent University Hospital. Her research work aimed to determine the diagnostic value and potential role of sacroiliac joint MRI in juvenile spondyloarthritis. The main findings of the works are the following: (i) There are multiple features of active inflammation and structural damage visible on MRI of the sacroiliac joints that can provide a specific diagnosis of JSpA when present in children with suspected sacroiliitis. In many cases, different features are seen concomitantly, making it easier to diagnose sacroiliitis with more confidence. (ii) MRI without contrast administration is sufficient to identify bone marrow edema, capsulitis, and retro-articular enthesitis as features of active sacroiliitis in JSpA. Only in selected cases, gadolinium-enhanced images may help to confirm the presence of synovitis. (iii) The adult ASAS definition for a "positive" MRI needs some adaptations for children. (iv) There is a high correlation between pelvic enthesitis and sacroiliitis on MRI of the sacroiliac joints in children. As pelvic enthesitis indicates active inflammation, it may play a role in assessment of the inflammatory status. In summary, the research done by Dr. Herregods shows that MRI of the sacroiliac joints in children is a useful tool and should be applied in clinical practice in children suspected for JSpA. **Dr. Erik Ranschaert (2016)** ![](jbsr-101-1-1240-g3.jpg) Dr. Erik Ranschaert is currently active at the Radiology Department of the University Hospitals in Leuven. His main field of interest is abdominal and urogenital imaging. As of January 2017, he will be chief of the Radiology Department at the Heilig Hartziekenhuis in Mol, Belgium. He graduated in radiology in 1994 at the University Hospitals of Leuven. The start of his radiological activities on the Internet in the late 1990s were pivotal for his later fascination and dedication for informatisation and digitisation of radiology, including teleradiology. He obtained his PhD in 2016 at the University Hospital of Antwerp for a dissertation titled "The impact of information technology on radiology services" \[[@B3]\]. He is an active member of the Belgian Society of Radiology (BSR), the European Society of Radiology (ESR), the European Society of Gastro-abdominal Radiology (ESGAR), the ESOI (European Society of Oncologic Imaging), the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), and the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM). He was active as a member and chairman of the ECR Computer Applications subcommittee from 2006 till 2008. He was a member of the ICT-working group of the NVvR (Radiological Society of the Netherlands, 2012--2014) and was a member of the ESR e-Health and Informatics subcommittee (2013--2016). During that period, he was member of the RSNA/ESR Template Library Panel (TLAP) for Structured Reporting. In 2016, he was elected as vice president of the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII). He was an editorial board member of the scientific journal *Insights into Imaging* (2009--2013) and is a reviewer for several journals. Between 1998 and 2011, he was an editorial board member of the radiological magazine *Diagnostic Imaging Europe*, for which he published 20 columns. Between the years 2009 and 2012, he was co-editor of [Radiopaedia.org](https://radiopaedia.org/), where he published 46 cases and edited several articles in the field of abdominal imaging. He gave more than 40 lectures at national and international courses and conferences on topics related to information technology and teleradiology. He authored and co-authored 18 peer-reviewed articles, of which 12 are on the subject of this thesis, and he published two thesis-related scientific posters on the ESR Electronic Presentation Online System (EPOS). In his dissertation, the ongoing revolution in medicine is described, which is mainly caused by the rapid evolution of the Internet and the concomitant exponential progress in the digitisation of medical information. The main goal of his work was to demonstrate the following: (i) Both the digitisation of medical imaging and the continuous progress in information and communication technology have had and still have a significant impact on the way by which radiological services are and can be delivered. (ii) The possibility to exchange medical information and radiological images digitally has played a crucial role in the establishment of teleradiology. (iii) Teleradiology is here to stay, although chances are high that the format and types of applications of teleradiology will change, as both the underlying technology and the practice of medicine are currently subject to crucial changes. (iv) Major new trends, such as the increasing popularity of mobile devices and social media, the progress of e-Health as part of the Internet of Things, and growing patient empowerment, will have a significant impact on the way radiological services are delivered in the future. Based upon his analysis and work, he concludes that the future radiologist will play a central role in a more personalised imaging-guided process of diagnosis and treatment. The role of the radiologist as manager and service provider is redefined in a more patient-centric model, in which information technology has an indispensable role. The way radiologists deal with artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial in this context: AI should rather be considered as a form of intelligence amplification (IA), a technique able to reinforce the importance and usefulness of diagnostic imaging. **Dr. Johan Coolen (2015)** ![](jbsr-101-1-1240-g4.jpg) Dr. Johan Coolen is currently working as a chest radiologist in the Department of Radiology at the University Hospitals of Leuven. He earned his MD and completed a master's degree in medical imaging at the Catholic University of Leuven in 1991 and joined the chest team in 2008. Initially, he focused on the quantification of COPD diagnosis, but after obtaining a grant from the Foundation Against Cancer, his natural impulse to research became obvious. Moreover, different travel awards during congresses of International Mesothelioma Imaging Group, European Society of Thoracic Imaging, Radiological Society of North America, and European Respiratory Society (ERS) gave him the opportunity to become chair (2011--2014) and secretary (2014--2017) of the Imaging Group 3.1 of the ERS. The focus of his research program shifted to thoracic MR imaging and aimed to implement innovative MR research in clinical situations, leading in 2015 to a successful dissertation titled "Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in chest diseases" \[[@B4]\]. Nowadays, he is assistant professor of radiology teaching an introduction to radiology as well as problem-solving skills and communication in the master of medicine program at the faculty of medicine. He is a member of different radiological societies and reviews many radiological journals. At the University Hospitals Leuven, the development of the strategic care paths of pleural diseases, respiratory oncology, esophageal cancer, and interstitial lung disease are realized by his participation in the multidisciplinary consults. Besides co-organizing the annual high-resolution CT teaching course of the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), he is trying to optimize the conditions for realizing a diagnostic platform for thoracic imaging to incorporate different diagnostic subspecialties to better integrate treatment plans leading to more personal medicine. **Dr. Vassiliki Pasoglou (2016)** ![](jbsr-101-1-1240-g5.jpg) Dr. Vassiliki Pasoglou currently works as a radiologist at the Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc in Brussels. She obtained her MD from the University of Ioannina, Greece, and following that she worked as a radiology resident at Université de Liège . After three years, she arrived at Université Catholique de Louvain in Brussels to commence her PhD thesis titled ''One step TNM staging of patients with high risk prostate cancer using MRI" \[[@B5]\]. Dr. Pasoglou was awarded the prestigious ESUI Vision Award 2015 for her work ''Whole-body 3D T1-weighted MR imaging in patients with prostate cancer: feasibility and evaluation in screening for metastatic disease''. Her PhD thesis was completed in 2016, for which a summary is published in the current issue of the JBSR. She is currently engaged in research within the fields of oncological, abdominal, and whole body imaging at the Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc. In the first part of this PhD thesis, a critical review of the literature was effectuated concerning the use of whole body MRI (WBMRI) in oncology for the detection of bone metastasis. This review highlighted the advances of the technique over the last 15 years and designated it as a sensitive, non-irradiating, and economically credible detection tool for cancer staging. WBMRI emerged along with positron emission tomography (PET) as the methods of choice for the detection of bone metastasis. It has also been demonstrated that WBMRI can accurately detect node and visceral metastasis. After a quick search of the literature, the reader can appreciate the major heterogeneity in acquisition protocols used in WBMRI. This important heterogeneity and the long acquisition time of WBMRI protocols---due to the addition of multiple anatomic sequences in different planes---were the basis for the first question investigated in this work: can a 3D sequence replace the multiple anatomic sequences used until today for the node and bone staging of prostate cancer (PCa)? We constructed a new 3D T1 WBMRI sequence, and we demonstrated that it can potentially replace the anatomic sequences currently used for the M and N staging of PCa. The role of multiparametric MRI of the prostate is already established, and we demonstrated that WBMRI is a credible tool for the detection of bone and node metastasis. The second part of this work investigated the possibility to effectuate the complete TNM staging of PCa in one MRI session. We proposed the development of a WBMRI protocol, which can perform the complete T (local), N (regional), and M (distant) staging of PCa during a single MRI session in less than an hour. This all-in-one protocol is proven to be as efficient as the sum of the exams used until today for the staging of prostate cancer (MRI of the prostate for the T staging, thoraco-abdominal CT for the N staging, and bone scintigraphy for the M staging). **Dr. Laurens De Cocker (2015)** ![](jbsr-101-1-1240-g6.jpg) Dr. Laurens De Cocker is responsible for clinical neuroradiology and head and neck radiology in Kliniek Sint-Jan in Brussels since 2013 and is affiliated for his research activities with the University Medical Center Utrecht since 2012. He is a scientific reviewer for Europe's leading radiology journal *European Radiology* and will serve as editor for head and neck radiology for *JBSR* from late 2016 onwards. In 2007, he earned his MD and started his radiology training in Leuven. During residency, he was awarded for his paper on MR neuroimaging of leukemia and achieved full membership of the Belgian Society of Radiology. After finishing residency in 2012, he was supported by a grant of the BSR and completed a visiting fellowship in neuroradiology and head and neck radiology in the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Upon his return in Europe, he received a grant of the European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR) to join the neurovascular MRI research group of Prof Dr. Jeroen Hendrikse in the University Medical Center Utrecht. In 2013, he was one of the first radiologists to obtain the European diploma in radiology during the European Congress in Vienna, and he completed the renowned AIRP (former AFIP) four-week course in Bethesda near Washington DC later that same year. In 2014, he completed the ESNR Lasjaunias cycle and acquired the European diploma in neuroradiology during the Symposium Neuroradiologicum in Istanbul. In the same year, he also served as an invited speaker for the Dutch masterclass in neuroradiology in Utrecht. In 2015, he actively participated in the European Spine Course in Antwerp. In 2016, he already hosted the joint meeting of the Belgian and Dutch Societies of Head and Neck Radiology in Brussels. Even more recently, he acted as a faculty member of the international Update in Neuro Imaging conference in Bruges. The research of Dr. De Cocker focuses on the translation of advanced MRI of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases to routine clinical MRI \[[@B6]\]. He has been applying the techniques above to study the 3 P's of cerebrovascular diseases: pipes, perfusion, and parenchyma. (*Pipes*) Application of 7T MRI with and without the administration of gadolinium for a better visualisation of the arterial vessel lumen and vessel wall. (*Perfusion*) Application of territorial ASL to study the different arterial brain perfusion territories. By (super) selective labelling of the brain-feeding arteries, territorial ASL has been allowed to image the cerebellar perfusion territories in healthy subjects, in particular the territory supplied by the PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery). More recently, it was shown in ischemic stroke patients that the territories of cerebral infarctions can be easily misclassified without use of a territorial imaging technique. (*Parenchyma*) Using high-resolution 7T MRI of cerebellar specimens, it was shown that cerebellar infarct cavities preferentially affect the cortex with a characteristic sparing of underlying white matter, which subsequently allowed the identification of cerebellar cortical infarct cavities as a cerebrovascular risk factor on routine MRI scans of the brain. The results of his research have already been presented at the RSNA in Chicago in 2013, the European Stroke Congress in Nice in 2014, and the European Stroke Organisation in Glasgow in 2015 and resulted in the successful defence of his PhD thesis in Utrecht on December 10, 2015. **Dr. Tineke De Coninck (2016)** ![](jbsr-101-1-1240-g7.jpg) Dr. Tineke De Coninck is currently a fifth-year radiology resident at the University Hospital of Ghent. She earned her MD in 2005 with the greatest distinction at Ghent University. She started her first two years of radiology residency at AZ Groeninge Hospital at Kortrijk. Subsequently, she continued her training for six months at the Leiden University Medical Center, where she subspecialized in musculoskeletal radiology and, more specifically, in bone and soft tissue tumors. In her fourth year of residency, she became a visiting scholar at the Musculoskeletal Radiology Department of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), led by Prof Donald Resnick. Dr. De Coninck started her research career in 2009 at the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and Radiology at Ghent University, mentored by Prof Koenraad Verstraete and Prof Peter Verdonk. She worked on the topic of MR imaging of meniscal substitution, presented this work at the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna in 2011, and published several A1-publications and two book chapters on this topic. In 2015, she completed her doctoral thesis titled "MR imaging of meniscal anatomy, biomechanics and substitution", which was granted by the Belgian Society of Radiology \[[@B7]\]. In 2013, she carried out research on the differentiation of cartilaginous bone tumors with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and her paper "Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging for differentiation between enchondroma and chondrosarcoma" was published in European Radiology. In 2013, she was selected together with 10 other young radiologists worldwide for the research program Introduction to Research for International Young Academics, granted by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), where she received extensive training in writing and research skills. In 2016, she engaged in several research projects with Prof Christine Chung at UCSD. She wrote a review on MR imaging of the brachial plexus, which was selected as an educational exhibit at RSNA 2016. She also continued to work on her first interest, namely, imaging the meniscus; she started a research project to image the knee meniscus and cartilage with quantitative ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI. This project was selected as a scientific paper for oral presentation at RSNA 2016 titled "Meniscus-chondral relationship in cadaveric knees: a surrogate for meniscal mechanical axis?». Dr. De Coninck was selected by the RSNA for the RSNA Trainee Research Prize for this project. Her most recent project was writing a review titled "Imaging the glenoid labrum and labral tears", which was published in the October 2016 issue of *Radiographics*. Competing Interests =================== The author has no competing interests to declare.
trynottodrown: a few different shark species (full size) Common Angel Shark: You can see where they get their name and how their unique coloration helps with camouflage. Common Angel Sharks are Critically Endangered. The Canary Islands are one of the last places on earth where you can see them. A tale of many sharks tails. What Type Of Shark Are You? What Type Of Shark Are You? You got: Great White Shark You’re the king of the ocean. When you’re not jumping out of the water and chomping down on seals, you’re patrolling the waters like the badass you are. Life is good when you’re on top! The largest shark alive today is the whale shark, which can get up to 60 feet long, while the dwarf lantern shark can fit in your hand. Its always shark week Megamouth shark-- Discovered in the deepwater megamouth shark is the smallest of the three sharks that only eat plankton (at 18 feet, so not that small). It swims with its enormous mouth and rubbery lips open, so as to filter as many plankton as possible. # 11 Types of Sharks Marine Biology T-Shirt . Special Offer, not available in shops Comes in a variety of styles and colours Buy yours now before it is too late! Secured payment via Visa / Mastercard / Amex / PayPal How to place an order Choose the model from the drop-down menu Click on "Buy it now" Choose the size and the quantity Add your delivery address and bank details And that's it! Tags: Now geeks and nerds can educate beach…
End of an era: Skate World puts skids to rolling fun On April 1, Skate World’s management made the public announcement that the rink would be closing its doors. And it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke. The final “last skate” for this Hillsboro institution comes June 22. Skate World has been providing inter-generational fun and recreation to the community for more than 33 years, and many expressed sorrow to hear of the upcoming closure. Each week, an average of 1,000 people come to the inconspicuous brown and faded-gold building on Witch Hazel Road, and when the doors close for the last time, there will be no more lessons, couples skates, birthday parties, special holiday events, all-night skates or sock hops. No more hot dogs, cotton candy, pretzels or rose dedications from the busy snack bar. According to assistant manager Amanda Bushong, the closure was indirectly sparked by the October 2013 death of Bill Cook, one of two partners in the Sacramento-based corporation that owns the land and the building itself. “Skate World’s lease actually expired in 2006, but Cook wanted to keep the rink open,” said Bushong, who is a Forest Grove High School graduate and Forest Grove resident. “He said he just wanted to keep it open so the kids had a place to have fun.” Rink manager Todd Lyon helped clarify the circumstances that led to the closing. “The corporation was a 50-50 percent shared partnership,” Lyon said. “In 1981, Cook and his partner, Bruce Fite, built the rink, and then leased it to Hillsboro Skate World, Inc., that is managed from the Sacramento office by Mona Cooper. Fite and his son Chet have decided there would be better uses for the building in an area where warehouse space is at a premium. “The building has been listed with a Realtor, and we’ve already had someone who’s interested.” On a Facebook post, Lyon added: “We are very sad to go. We have had a great 33 years in Hillsboro! We want to remember the fun childhood memories, and have as many people make those fun memories before we have to go. We have a ton of fun events planned for all of you skating lovers out there! Come see us one last time before the end of June.” Throughout the skating community, Skate World’s demise has generated a lot of sadness. “I’ve lived in Hillsboro since 1984, but after 20 years in the Army, I’m back and bringing my kids here,” said Kris Taylor, who was there recently to skate with his family. “This is where I got my first kiss, and I have lots of great memories. It’s so sad. If we want to go skating, we’ll have to go to Portland, Gresham or Springfield. The closing breaks my heart. The rink is a safe environment, and great exercise. It’s recreation, and there’s not much else in the way of recreation for kids.” Taylor was not alone in his sorrow. “We’re really going to be missing Skate World,” said Beaverton resident Jacquelynn Trexler. “It’s great fun for my 6 and 8-year-old kids. They were just starting to get the hang of it. They always look forward to coming. But what are you going to do? We still have a couple of months, and we’ll probably have a birthday party for my daughter here in June. We’ll enjoy it as much as we can.” Sucker-punched Richard Scumma, a 33-year resident of Hillsboro said he felt like he’d “just been sucker-punched.” “I just started lessons in January,” he said. “I’ve been having the time of my life, and I’m almost 70 years old. I’ve counted on this place for physical activity and get-togethers, and now it’s going away. I just feel horrible. There are so many families that come here, they’re learning — what could be better. They’re not on the streets, not doing drugs, they’re here having fun.” “I grew up in Newberg, but I remember coming here as a kid,” said Laura Fuller, a Portland resident. “Now we have children, and we’re introducing them to roller skating. It’s going to be missed. Not sure what we’ll do for recreation now — ride our bikes, skate outside?” Other casualties of the closing include the Air Raid Roller Girls, a roller derby club that held its first “bout” on Saturday, April 5. “We just started forming teams here in October,” said Jennifer Keene, the club’s director of communications. “We don’t know what we’re going to do. The rink in Oaks Park in Portland is booked solid. The rink in Gresham is too far away. All we can do is try to stay positive, try to get the whole community involved, and hope the city of Hillsboro will step in and save Skate World. In the meantime we’re making contacts, and looking for anywhere we could skate, like a hangar or a warehouse; anywhere with enough space.” Of course, it’s not just the customers who will have to adjust to the loss of Skate World. The rink’s staff of 15 will have to look for new jobs. “I’m from Springfield, and my son-in-law manages the Skate World there. I might go help him for a while,” said Lyon, “but right now, I just don’t know what’s next.”
Volume 10, Number 04 Volume 10, Number 4: “Blonde Justice” Note: This story was guest-written by Molly Whipple. Precocious cheerleader Pennywhistle West agrees to become a test subject for the secret research of a visiting Professor of Genetics. Eager to become Pleasant Prairie’s version of a superhero like those in comics she reads Penny does a poor job of keeping her enhanced capabilities under wraps. She even tells her football-playing boyfriend, Woody, about the formula she’s taking, seemingly unaware of the inherent danger despite a run-in with a villainous mutant. FBI Agents Ong and Smith are on the case. But will they be in time to prevent tragedy at Gnosis College? Or can only a would-be superheroine do that? Page Eighteen Page Nineteen Page Twenty Page Twenty-One Page Twenty-Two Page Twenty-Three Page Twenty-Four Page Twenty-Five Page Twenty-Six Page Twenty-Seven Page Twenty-Eight Pin-up If you wish to be added to a mailing list to receive notifications whenever a new whole chapter of the Tales of Gnosis College is available, drop me a line at [email protected] and I shall add your address to a mailing list for such, as well as occasional — I promise only occasional — other news about the Erotic Mad Science site. (I further promise not to transfer your address without your permission, and to remove it if you ask.) Contact me There is a contact form, a PGP public key, and a variety of other current ways to get in touch with me at this page. About me and the sites This site is the oldest of my various blogs. It is the home of the webcomics I write, the artwork I commission, images I curate, and miscellaneous writings. The generally material lies at the intersection of stuff I find erotic and the topos of mad science. The content is definitely for adults only and is sometimes squicky. I make no apologies for these facts. If you don't like what's here, there are plenty of other places for you on the web to be. I have a number of other blogs, including Hedonix, where I curate images of a general kind that, some adult and some not but all of which give me pleasure, and Infernal Wonders, where I curate images thematically similar to some found on this site, but tonally a lot squickier. At a blog called Pyrosophy I write philosophy and cultivate my pessimistic and nihilistic nature. You can follow me on twitter at @EroticMadSci. I reblog images here that other people have shared on the web, and try very hard to make sure that images are correctly sourced back to their creators. In doing so, I have a working understanding that people post these things because they want them brought to the attention of the wider world. I am bringing them to such attention. Nonetheless, if you are the rightful owner of an image posted here and want it removed, feel free to get in touch with me at "Contact me" above and I will remove it.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a tool hanger, and more particularly to a tool hanger at least for sockets. 2. Description of the Prior Art A prior art of tool hanger is disclosed in TW M399017. Main bodies for assembling with the tools are independent to each other and serially connected with each other to form a long-rod-shaped tool hanger, wherein a protruding portion on a lateral surface of the main body is for assembling with a socket. The main body is formed with an assembling portion on the top and it is designed as a step-shaped protrusion. The internal of the main body is formed with a corresponding step-shaped concavity. The concavity is formed with a through hole for the other main body to connect with after the other main body inserts in. A barb is disposed on the end of the assembling portion to hook with the other main body so that they are detachable. A hanging plate is assembled on the top of the main body assembly, and a target for anti-theft and secure hanging is achieved. When the socket is taken out, an insertion of an inserting rod or a connection of the connecting rod is simply clipped with a cutting tool so that the socket is able to be taken out. Although it has a good performance of securing while the tools are assembled on the tool hanger, however, after the tool hanger is damaged, the securing performance decreases. The tools can easily fall out from the tool hanger afterwards. So that it is inconvenient for repeating to use. The tool hanger of prior art is unable to give considerations to both a good strength of the structure and a repeatable usability. This disadvantage is needed to be improved. The present invention has arisen to mitigate and/or obviate the afore-described disadvantages.
News Warm summer means cold winter Warmer climate, spurred by climate change, can cause colder winters. This is the result of a new study by Jodah Cohen, released this week. The study explains the Rube Goldberg-machine of climatic processes that can link warmer-than-average summers to harsh winter weather in some parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Average temperatures have risen for over 200 years, most rapidly for the past 40 years. And average temperatures in the Arctic have been rising at nearly twice the global rate, says Cohen, a climate modeler at the consulting firm Atmospheric and Environmental Research in Lexington, Massachusetts. A close look at climate data from 1988 through 2010, including the extent of land and sea respectively covered by snow and ice, helps explain how global warming drives regional cooling, Cohen and his colleagues report. The strong warming in the Arctic in recent decades, among other factors, has triggered widespread melting of sea ice. More open water in the Arctic Ocean has led to more evaporation, which moisturizes the overlying atmosphere, the researchers say. Previous studies have linked warmer-than-average summer months to increased cloudiness over the ocean during the following autumn. That, in turn, triggers increased snow coverage in Siberia as winter approaches. As it turns out, the researchers found, snow cover in October has the largest effect on climate in subsequent months.
Q: Not able to find Derby Driver Template in Eclipse Might be a silly question, but this is creating a problem. I am not able to find Derby Driver Template in Eclipse, not sure why?! I want to add Derby as my DB and build an app, tried searching everywhere online, didn't find any help. If you could let me know how to add a new Driver Template, it'd be great. I checked in Data Management -> Driver Definition. My exact problem, in the below link, step 4 -> I don't see Derby. http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseDataToolsPlatform/article.html A: I upgraded to a latest version of Eclipse and it still has the same problem. In my case, I selected the latest version of the drive in name / type and then clicked on the jar list, selected the driver and click edit, put the finder where your drive is and click open. Here is the link that helped me fix the problem, which is about mysql connect but I think it works for all drives. Hope this helps you.
Q: how to exclude opengl32sw.dll from pyqt5 library when using pyinstaller? How to write the correct syntax for excluding opengl32sw.dll from pyqt5. I have tried using exclude in the spec file but its not working. excludes=['cryptography','PyQt5/bin/opengl32sw.dll'] A: The exclude command only works for Python modules and not for DLLs. I think an easy but dirty way in here is to create a virtualenv and manually deleting the DLLs you don't need. Another way which is more complicated is to locate the PyQt's hook file located in <Python_Path>\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\utils\hooks\qt.py and disable the line which bundles opengl32sw.dll file: # Gather required Qt binaries, but only if all binaries in a group exist. def get_qt_binaries(qt_library_info): binaries = [] angle_files = ['libEGL.dll', 'libGLESv2.dll', 'd3dcompiler_??.dll'] binaries += find_all_or_none(angle_files, 3, qt_library_info) # comment the following two lines to exclude the `opengl32sw.dll` # opengl_software_renderer = ['opengl32sw.dll'] # binaries += find_all_or_none(opengl_software_renderer, 1, qt_library_info) # Include ICU files, if they exist. # See the "Deployment approach" section in ``PyInstaller/utils/hooks/qt.py``. icu_files = ['icudt??.dll', 'icuin??.dll', 'icuuc??.dll'] binaries += find_all_or_none(icu_files, 3, qt_library_info) return binaries
This blog covers our wait, travel, and adjustment to our 4 year old adopted Chinese daughter Sarah Shui Qing from Nanjing. There are over 1000 posts. I have moved my blog to Catching Butterflies 2. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog. It has alot of information on Special needs adoption. Follow us to our new address Catching Butterflies 2! Thank you for reading! Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Well, it was like night and day! I had my new medical exam today. This time I went to Juergen's doctor. His staff was super friendly. They treated me like gold! I was in and out of the office in 45 mins. with all the tests run. the lab work is done in 3 days, and the report will be finished next week! Wow!!! Hopefully everything is normal on my lab work. I was so stressed and worried over this medical exam! The last doctor made me feel like a criminal because I wanted this report! I feel so happy to have finished this small hurdle. I am hoping to apply for the visa on Friday. In a few weeks our papers should be ready to send to China. Praise God for this wonderful doctor!!!
ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS GREG ABBOTT March 13,2003 The Honorable Dib Waldrip Opinion No. GA-0034 Coma1 County Criminal District Attorney 150 North Seguin, Suite 307 Re: Whether a county may require the owner of New Braunfels, Texas 78 130 a “junked vehicle” to erect a fence or other screening objects in order to shield the vehicle from public view (RQ-0605-JC) Dear Mr. Waldrip: You ask whether a county may require the owner of a “junked vehicle” to erect a fence or other screening objects in order to shield the vehicle from public view. Subchapter E, chapter 683 of the Transportation Code addresses the abatement of junked vehicles as a public nuisance. Section 683.072 provides, in relevant part, that “[a] junked vehicle, including part of a junked vehicle, that is visible from a public place or public right-of-way . . . is a public nuisance.” TEX. TRANSP. CODE ANN. 4 683.072(7) (Vernon 1999) (emphasis added). Section 683.071 of the Transportation Code defines “junked vehicle”: In this subchapter, “junked vehicle” means a vehicle that is self-propelled and: (1) does not have lawfully attached to it: (A) an unexpired license plate; or w a valid motor vehicle inspection certificate; and (2) is: (4 wrecked, dismantled or partially dismantled, or discarded; or (B) inoperable and has remained inoperable for more than: The Honorable Dib Waldrip - Page 2 (GA-0034) (i) 72 consecutive hours, if the vehicle is on public property; or (ii) 30 consecutive days, if the vehicle is on private property. Id. 0 683.071 (Vernon Supp. 2003). Under section 683.073 of the Transportation Code, the offense of maintaining “a public nuisance described by section 683.072” is “a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.” Id. 8 683.073(a)-(b) (V emon 1999). Upon conviction, the court must “order abatement and removal of the nuisance.” Id. 9 683.073(c). Additionally, pursuant to section 683.074, a municipality or county is empowered to “adopt procedures that conform to this subchapter for the abatement and removal from private or public property or a public right-of-way of a junked vehicle or part of a junked vehicle as a public nuisance.” Id. 4 683.074(a) (Vernon Supp. 2003). Sections 683.074, 683.075, and 683.076 describe the procedures a county must follow in order to abate and remove the nuisance, including notice, public hearing, judicial orders, and cancellation of the vehicle’s certificate of title. Section 683.078 governs removal of a junked vehicle to “a scrapyard, a motor vehicle demolisher, or a suitable site operated by a municipality or county.” Id. 6 683.078(a) (Vernon 1999). You ask whether a county, pursuant to its authority to abate and remove a “junked vehicle” as a nuisance, may impose fencing and screening requirements. A junked vehicle may be classified as a “public nuisance” subject to abatement and removal under subchapter E, chapter 683 of the Transportation Code, onZy if it “is visible from a public place or public right-of-way.” Id. 8 683.072. We must therefore consider the meaning of the term “visible.” The term is not defined by statute or Texas case law. According to its common usage, “visible” means “capable of being seen; that by its nature is an object of sight; perceptible by the sense of sight.” XIX OXFORDENGLISHDICTIONARY687 (2d ed. 1989). See TEX. GOV’TCODE ANN. $3lLOll(a)(V emon 1998) (“Words and phrases shall be read in context and construed according to the rules of grammar and common usage.“). The few out-of-state judicial decisions that have considered the meaning of “visible” accord with this definition. See, e.g., StriefeZ v. Charles-ikyt- Leaman P ‘ship, 733 A.2d 984,990 (Me. 1999) (“‘Visible’ means capable of being seen by persons who may view the premises.“); Colonial Trust v. Breuer, 69 A.2d 126, 129 (Pa. 1949) (“‘Visible’ means perceivable by the eye . . . .“1; Tritt v. Judd k Moving & Storage, Inc., 574 N.E.2d 1178,1185 (Ohio App. 3d 1990) (“Visible means perceivable by the eye.“). Thus, in order to avoid classification as a “public nuisance” under section 683.072 of the Transportation Code, a junked vehicle or a part thereof, need only be non-visible from a public place or public right-of-way. No particular kind of camouflage is required by the statute to render the vehicle non-visible. Consequently, a county may not compel the owner of a junked vehicle to erect fencing, trees, shrubbery, or any other specific kind of screening. In order to abate and remove the nuisance, the county must demonstrate that a junked vehicle “is visible from a public place or public right-of-way,” i.e., capable of being seen from such location. Whether any particular form of camouflage is sufficient in a given instance to render a junked vehicle non-visible is of course a question of fact for the county to determine in the first instance. The Honorable Dib Waldrip - Page 3 (GA-0034) You also ask whether a county may import the fencing and screening requirements applicable to automotive salvage yards and junkyards to vehicles parked on other private property. Section 396.021(b) of the Transportation Code provides, in relevant part: (b) A person who operates a junkyard or an automotive wrecking and salvage yard shall screen the junkyard or automotive wrecking and salvage yard with a solid barrier fence at least eight feet high. The fence must be painted a natural earth tone color and may not have any sign appear on its surface other than a sign indicating the business name. (c) A person who operates a junkyard or an automotive wrecking and salvage yard in a county with a population of 200,000 or less shall screen the junkyard or automotive wrecking and salvage yard to at least six feet in height along the portion of the junkyard or automotive wrecking and salvage yard that faces a public road or residence. The person may screen the yard by any appropriate means, including: (1) a fence; (2) natural objects; or (3) plants.’ TEX. TRANSP. CODE ANN. 9 396.021(b)-(c) (Vernon 1999). The fencing and screening standards applicable to junked vehicles in the possession of licensed automotive salvage yards and junkyards under chapter 396 are not applicable to junked vehicles maintained by individuals or businesses that do not fall within that category. In addition, subchapter E, chapter 683 of the Transportation Code, which, as previously discussed, addresses the abatement ofjunked vehicles as a public nuisance, is specifically inapplicable to a vehicle or vehicle part “that is stored or parked in a lawful manner on private property in connection with the business of a licensed vehicle dealer or junkyard,” provided that the vehicle or vehicle part is, inter alia, “screened from ordinary public view by appropriate means, including a fence, rapidly growing trees, or shrubbery.” Id. 6 683.077(a)(2)(C) (V emon Supp. 2003). Licensed automotive salvage yards and junkyards must follow the fencing and screening requirements of section 396.012(b). Individuals not embraced within the ambit of chapter 396 need only render a junked vehicle non-visible from a public place or public right-of-way. ‘Section 396.021 does not apply to automotive wrecking and salvage yards covered by chapter 397 of the Transportation Code, i.e., those in a county with a population of 3.3 million or more, not located in a municipality in that county, and established on or after September, 1983. See TEX. TRANSP. CODE AN-N. ch. 397 (Vernon 1999 & Supp. 2003). The Honorable Dib Waldrip - Page 4 (GA-0034) SUMMARY A county may abate and remove as a “public nuisance” any “junked vehicle” that is visible from public or private property or a public right-of-way. A county may not require a particular kind of camouflage to render the vehicle non-visible. The fencing and screening standards applicable to licensed automotive salvage yards and junkyards under chapter 396 of the Transportation Code do not apply to junked vehicles parked on other private property. Very tru.ry yours, AttomegLrB’eneral of Texas BARRY R. MCBEE First Assistant Attorney General DON R. WILLETT Deputy Attorney General - General Counsel NANCY S. FULLER Chair, Opinion Committee Rick Gilpin Assistant Attorney General, Opinion Committee
Actin Polymerization on the Edge ================================ A gradient of 3′ phosphoinositide (PI) lipids, oriented towards a chemoattractant source, is generated by G protein-coupled receptors in both *Dictyostelium* and neutrophils. On page 1269, Haugh et al. show that a similar polar gradient is generated in fibroblasts in response to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulation of a tyrosine kinase receptor. But Haugh et al. do not stop there. They use sophisticated microscopy to focus only on the base of the cell, where they observe another gradient. This second, radial gradient of PI lipids increases from the center to the periphery of the cell. Haugh et al. propose that cells generate certain PI lipids only on their free, nonadherent surfaces, and that these lipids then diffuse, as they are being degraded, to the adherent surface. The resultant radial gradient may help define a peripheral zone in which actin is preferentially polymerized, explaining how motile cells restrict the majority of actin polymerization to their edges. Haugh et al. observe this gradient using a fusion protein incorporating green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the PI-binding PH domain of the Akt kinase. When an activated Ras protein is added to the mix, a significant amount of GFP-AktPH localizes to the membrane, even in the absence of PDGF. Addition of PDGF, which is known to result in the creation of PI lipids, initially results in a decrease in GFP-AktPH signal on the attached surface of the cell. Haugh et al. suggest that the fusion protein has been lured away by the PI formed on the nonadherent surfaces. This scenario and the behavior of the radial gradient are consistent with the properties of a mathematical model of the diffusion events. Steric exclusion of PDGF probably does not explain the difference between adherent and nonadherent surfaces, based on experiments with fluorescent dextrans. An alternative explanation is some form of cross-talk between the PDGF receptor and integrins responsible for cell adhesion. Coordination between these two systems may be particularly important in fibroblasts, which maintain a large, consistently-sized, adhesive surface even as they move. Profiling Muscular Dystrophy ============================ Transcription profilers have, thus far, concentrated primarily on either perturbing microorganisms or subtyping diseases such as cancer. On page 1321, Chen et al. demonstrate how profiling can be applied to the study of human monogenic disorders, in this case muscular dystrophy (MD). They attempt to minimize the effects of patient-to-patient variability by pooling samples known to have a common genetic basis, and use the results to propose hypotheses for what is occurring as MD progresses. The essential defect in most cases of MD is a lack of a functional dystrophin complex, which normally imparts structural integrity to the muscle fiber plasma membrane during contraction. For the MD patients with a defect in dystrophin, the primary genetic defect is apparent in the profiles, probably because the nonsense dystrophin mutations lead to mRNA degradation. The same is not true for the patients with missense mutations in α-sarcoglycan, a gene encoding an associated protein. Also not apparent are reductions in mRNAs for many of the other associated proteins that make up the dystrophin complex, even though their protein levels are reduced in MD. Some transcriptional increases reflect the arrival of new cell types, such as the activated dendritic cells detected here. The most obvious increases attributable to muscle cells are in genes encoding developmental and regeneration proteins. The high levels and widespread distribution of these proteins far exceeds what would be expected based on the relatively modest amount of regeneration. This suggests that MD myofibers are suffering from a chronic state of incomplete differentiation. One explanation may be excessive calcium influx, which results from lack of dystrophin-mediated plasma membrane integrity, and could interfere with calcium-triggered differentiation proteins. Excess calcium influx into mitochondria may also explain the downregulation of many genes involved in mitochondrial biology and energy metabolism. Competing hypotheses of this type should be testable with experiments that perturb one parameter (such as the effects of calcium influx) and subtract the results from the changes presented here. Asymmetry and Endocytosis ========================= Asymmetric partitioning of *Drosophila melanogaster* Numb protein controls the determination of certain sensory neurons. Now Santolini et al. (page 1345) present evidence that mammalian Numb is an endocytic protein. This raises the intriguing hypothesis that cell fate determination in the nervous system may rely on the asymmetric partitioning of a component of the endocytic machinery at mitosis. By immuno-electron microscopy, mammalian Numb localizes to clathrin-coated pits and vesicles, and possibly to the Golgi apparatus and trans-Golgi network (TGN). At the beginning of a temperature upshift, Numb moves from the TGN to coated pits and vesicles, before progressing with internalized receptors to endosomes. Overproduction of a fragment of Numb inhibits receptor endocytosis. Numb interacts directly with α-adaptin, a clathrin adaptor, and was already known to bind to and antagonize signaling by the transmembrane Notch receptor. The nature of the antagonism was unknown, although Numb was suggested to interfere with translocation of activated Notch into the nucleus, where Notch is proposed to help activate transcription. The results in this issue suggest that Numb may change the rate of endocytosis of Notch, or divert an activated form of Notch so that it no longer reaches the nucleus. Making Sure p21 Is On ===================== Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) maintain muscle cell viability during differentiation. page 1131 Lawlor and Rotwein recently showed that p21, an inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks), is a necessary component of this pathway (Lawlor, M.A., and P. Rotwein. 2000. *Mol. Cell. Biol.* 20:8983--8995). Now, on they demonstrate that p21 is turned on by two divergent pathways in differentiating muscle cells. The two pathways share the upstream activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) but then diverge, to either the Akt kinase or the MyoD transcription factor, before converging again on p21. Either pathway alone is sufficient for in vitro cell survival in differentiation media. Thus, even in the absence of MyoD, IGFs still induce p21, presumably through Akt, and the cells still survive. This may mimic the situation early on in the mouse embryo, when somites are exposed to IGFs and express p21 two days before they express MyoD. The Akt pathway may keep these prospective muscle cells alive until MyoD comes along to continue the job and complete the differentiation process. By William A. Wells, 1095 Market St. \#516, San Francisco, CA 94103. E-mail: <[email protected]>
Day 265 - Cairo and prismatic pentagons I have a special place in my heart for tessellating pentagons because of the late, legendary Paul Sally at the University of Chicago. While I was an undergraduate at Chicago I had very little money and needed all the extra work I could get. Sally was kind enough to hire me for small jobs whenever he could, and one of the jobs he gave me was to measure, cut, and arrange paper models of various types of tessellating pentagons. I was terrible at this job; the smallest errors in angle or cut would magnify as they propagated through the tiling. One other time Sally hired me to clean every individual leaf of a large tree he kept in his office with a tiny spray bottle. I totally rocked that job. So in honor of Paul Sally, here is a pentagonal tiling where all of the 3D-printed pieces are perfect and everything actually works: Those were the "Cairo" pentagons. Here's a tiling with the "prismatic" pentagons: And here is one that uses a combination of Cairo and prismatic pentagons: Technical notes, math flavor: These three pictures are copies of the first tilings shown in the beautiful paper Isoparametric pentagonal tilings that Frank Morgan and his students published in the Notices of the AMS in 2012. In that paper the picture of the third tiling above looks a lot different because different colors are used for adjacent pentagons: The colors in that figure show off some beautiful structures in the tiling, but I think I prefer the simpler homogenous coloring that arises from the 3D-printed tiles, where it is easy to see at a glance which of the tiles are Cairo and which are prismatic. In their Notices paper, Morgan and students illustrate many other types of Cairo-prismatic tilings, many of which are nonperiodic, for example the following famous nonperiodic Cairo-prismatic tiling discovered by amateur mathematician Marjorie Rice:
/** * * Problem Statement- * [Forming a Magic Square](https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/magic-square-forming/problem) * */ package com.javaaid.hackerrank.solutions.generalprogramming.basicprogramming; import java.util.Scanner; /** * @author Kanahaiya Gupta * */ public class FormingAMagicSquare { static int formingMagicSquare(int[][] s) { int[][][] magicSquareCombinations={ {{4,9,2},{3,5,7},{8,1,6}}, {{8,3,4},{1,5,9},{6,7,2}}, {{6,1,8},{7,5,3},{2,9,4}}, {{2,7,6},{9,5,1},{4,3,8}}, {{2,9,4},{7,5,3},{6,1,8}}, {{8,1,6},{3,5,7},{4,9,2}}, {{6,7,2},{1,5,9},{8,3,4}}, {{4,3,8},{9,5,1},{2,7,6}}}; int minCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < magicSquareCombinations.length; i++) { int modifyCost = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { modifyCost += Math.abs(s[j][k] - magicSquareCombinations[i][j][k]); } } minCost = Math.min(modifyCost, minCost); } return minCost; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int[][] s = new int[3][3]; for(int s_i = 0; s_i < 3; s_i++){ for(int s_j = 0; s_j < 3; s_j++){ s[s_i][s_j] = in.nextInt(); } } int result = formingMagicSquare(s); System.out.println(result); in.close(); } }
Nucleolar silver staining patterns and HLA-DR antigen expression in bronchial epithelial cells in chronic bronchitis. Bronchial epithelial cells obtained by brush biopsy during fiberoptic bronchoscopy performed in 12 patients with chronic bronchitis and 12 healthy control subjects, were investigated for HLA-DR antigen expression and nucleolar silver staining patterns. In all patients with chronic bronchitis the number of bronchial epithelial cells positive to HLA-DR antigen was highly increased (> 90%), whereas in the controls only a few epithelial cells (< 10%) showed a weak HLA-DR antigen expression. Patients with chronic bronchitis showed an increased lymphocytic reaction compared to the control subjects. Both in the patients with chronic bronchitis and in the healthy controls the number of nucleoli was the same. The number of silver stained dots per nucleus was significantly higher in patients with chronic bronchitis than in the control subjects (7.70 +/- 0.87 as against 5.11 +/- 0.52; p < 0.0001). The intensity of the lymphocytic reaction correlated with the HLA-DR antigen expression and the increase in silver staining (Spearman's r = 0.543; p < 0.01). This indicates the influence of inflammation on the activation of epithelial cells derived from the respiratory tract.
Q: Can't see my Azure VMs listed in PowerShell Whenever I try to get a list of VMs I have running in Azure, they aren't showing up when I use PowerShell to list them. I know they are they exist because I see them in the portal but when I connect using Powershell with the same account I can't find them. What am I missing? A: This usually happens when you have multiple accounts and the default account is expired or no longer valid. To solve the problem, you simple tell PowerShell to forget all your accounts and then just reconnect to your account again. It looks something like this... AzureAccount = Cached Credentials Get-AzureAccount Clear Cached Credentials Get-AzureAccount | ForEach-Object { Remove-AzureAccount $_.ID -Force } # Authenticate to Azure w/ UserName and Password: Add-AzureAccount
Apna Ghar Apna Ghar is a Bollywood film. It was released in 1942. References External links Category:1942 films Category:Indian films Category:1940s Hindi-language films Category:Indian black-and-white films
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package rate provides a rate limiter. package rate import ( "fmt" "math" "sync" "time" ) // Limit defines the maximum frequency of some events. // Limit is represented as number of events per second. // A zero Limit allows no events. type Limit float64 // Inf is the infinite rate limit; it allows all events (even if burst is zero). const Inf = Limit(math.MaxFloat64) // Every converts a minimum time interval between events to a Limit. func Every(interval time.Duration) Limit { if interval <= 0 { return Inf } return 1 / Limit(interval.Seconds()) } // A Limiter controls how frequently events are allowed to happen. // It implements a "token bucket" of size b, initially full and refilled // at rate r tokens per second. // Informally, in any large enough time interval, the Limiter limits the // rate to r tokens per second, with a maximum burst size of b events. // As a special case, if r == Inf (the infinite rate), b is ignored. // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket for more about token buckets. // // The zero value is a valid Limiter, but it will reject all events. // Use NewLimiter to create non-zero Limiters. // // Limiter has three main methods, Allow, Reserve, and Wait. // Most callers should use Wait. // // Each of the three methods consumes a single token. // They differ in their behavior when no token is available. // If no token is available, Allow returns false. // If no token is available, Reserve returns a reservation for a future token // and the amount of time the caller must wait before using it. // If no token is available, Wait blocks until one can be obtained // or its associated context.Context is canceled. // // The methods AllowN, ReserveN, and WaitN consume n tokens. type Limiter struct { limit Limit burst int mu sync.Mutex tokens float64 // last is the last time the limiter's tokens field was updated last time.Time // lastEvent is the latest time of a rate-limited event (past or future) lastEvent time.Time } // Limit returns the maximum overall event rate. func (lim *Limiter) Limit() Limit { lim.mu.Lock() defer lim.mu.Unlock() return lim.limit } // Burst returns the maximum burst size. Burst is the maximum number of tokens // that can be consumed in a single call to Allow, Reserve, or Wait, so higher // Burst values allow more events to happen at once. // A zero Burst allows no events, unless limit == Inf. func (lim *Limiter) Burst() int { return lim.burst } // NewLimiter returns a new Limiter that allows events up to rate r and permits // bursts of at most b tokens. func NewLimiter(r Limit, b int) *Limiter { return &Limiter{ limit: r, burst: b, } } // Allow is shorthand for AllowN(time.Now(), 1). func (lim *Limiter) Allow() bool { return lim.AllowN(time.Now(), 1) } // AllowN reports whether n events may happen at time now. // Use this method if you intend to drop / skip events that exceed the rate limit. // Otherwise use Reserve or Wait. func (lim *Limiter) AllowN(now time.Time, n int) bool { return lim.reserveN(now, n, 0).ok } // A Reservation holds information about events that are permitted by a Limiter to happen after a delay. // A Reservation may be canceled, which may enable the Limiter to permit additional events. type Reservation struct { ok bool lim *Limiter tokens int timeToAct time.Time // This is the Limit at reservation time, it can change later. limit Limit } // OK returns whether the limiter can provide the requested number of tokens // within the maximum wait time. If OK is false, Delay returns InfDuration, and // Cancel does nothing. func (r *Reservation) OK() bool { return r.ok } // Delay is shorthand for DelayFrom(time.Now()). func (r *Reservation) Delay() time.Duration { return r.DelayFrom(time.Now()) } // InfDuration is the duration returned by Delay when a Reservation is not OK. const InfDuration = time.Duration(1<<63 - 1) // DelayFrom returns the duration for which the reservation holder must wait // before taking the reserved action. Zero duration means act immediately. // InfDuration means the limiter cannot grant the tokens requested in this // Reservation within the maximum wait time. func (r *Reservation) DelayFrom(now time.Time) time.Duration { if !r.ok { return InfDuration } delay := r.timeToAct.Sub(now) if delay < 0 { return 0 } return delay } // Cancel is shorthand for CancelAt(time.Now()). func (r *Reservation) Cancel() { r.CancelAt(time.Now()) return } // CancelAt indicates that the reservation holder will not perform the reserved action // and reverses the effects of this Reservation on the rate limit as much as possible, // considering that other reservations may have already been made. func (r *Reservation) CancelAt(now time.Time) { if !r.ok { return } r.lim.mu.Lock() defer r.lim.mu.Unlock() if r.lim.limit == Inf || r.tokens == 0 || r.timeToAct.Before(now) { return } // calculate tokens to restore // The duration between lim.lastEvent and r.timeToAct tells us how many tokens were reserved // after r was obtained. These tokens should not be restored. restoreTokens := float64(r.tokens) - r.limit.tokensFromDuration(r.lim.lastEvent.Sub(r.timeToAct)) if restoreTokens <= 0 { return } // advance time to now now, _, tokens := r.lim.advance(now) // calculate new number of tokens tokens += restoreTokens if burst := float64(r.lim.burst); tokens > burst { tokens = burst } // update state r.lim.last = now r.lim.tokens = tokens if r.timeToAct == r.lim.lastEvent { prevEvent := r.timeToAct.Add(r.limit.durationFromTokens(float64(-r.tokens))) if !prevEvent.Before(now) { r.lim.lastEvent = prevEvent } } return } // Reserve is shorthand for ReserveN(time.Now(), 1). func (lim *Limiter) Reserve() *Reservation { return lim.ReserveN(time.Now(), 1) } // ReserveN returns a Reservation that indicates how long the caller must wait before n events happen. // The Limiter takes this Reservation into account when allowing future events. // ReserveN returns false if n exceeds the Limiter's burst size. // Usage example: // r := lim.ReserveN(time.Now(), 1) // if !r.OK() { // // Not allowed to act! Did you remember to set lim.burst to be > 0 ? // return // } // time.Sleep(r.Delay()) // Act() // Use this method if you wish to wait and slow down in accordance with the rate limit without dropping events. // If you need to respect a deadline or cancel the delay, use Wait instead. // To drop or skip events exceeding rate limit, use Allow instead. func (lim *Limiter) ReserveN(now time.Time, n int) *Reservation { r := lim.reserveN(now, n, InfDuration) return &r } // contextContext is a temporary(?) copy of the context.Context type // to support both Go 1.6 using golang.org/x/net/context and Go 1.7+ // with the built-in context package. If people ever stop using Go 1.6 // we can remove this. type contextContext interface { Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) Done() <-chan struct{} Err() error Value(key interface{}) interface{} } // Wait is shorthand for WaitN(ctx, 1). func (lim *Limiter) wait(ctx contextContext) (err error) { return lim.WaitN(ctx, 1) } // WaitN blocks until lim permits n events to happen. // It returns an error if n exceeds the Limiter's burst size, the Context is // canceled, or the expected wait time exceeds the Context's Deadline. // The burst limit is ignored if the rate limit is Inf. func (lim *Limiter) waitN(ctx contextContext, n int) (err error) { if n > lim.burst && lim.limit != Inf { return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) exceeds limiter's burst %d", n, lim.burst) } // Check if ctx is already cancelled select { case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() default: } // Determine wait limit now := time.Now() waitLimit := InfDuration if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok { waitLimit = deadline.Sub(now) } // Reserve r := lim.reserveN(now, n, waitLimit) if !r.ok { return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) would exceed context deadline", n) } // Wait if necessary delay := r.DelayFrom(now) if delay == 0 { return nil } t := time.NewTimer(delay) defer t.Stop() select { case <-t.C: // We can proceed. return nil case <-ctx.Done(): // Context was canceled before we could proceed. Cancel the // reservation, which may permit other events to proceed sooner. r.Cancel() return ctx.Err() } } // SetLimit is shorthand for SetLimitAt(time.Now(), newLimit). func (lim *Limiter) SetLimit(newLimit Limit) { lim.SetLimitAt(time.Now(), newLimit) } // SetLimitAt sets a new Limit for the limiter. The new Limit, and Burst, may be violated // or underutilized by those which reserved (using Reserve or Wait) but did not yet act // before SetLimitAt was called. func (lim *Limiter) SetLimitAt(now time.Time, newLimit Limit) { lim.mu.Lock() defer lim.mu.Unlock() now, _, tokens := lim.advance(now) lim.last = now lim.tokens = tokens lim.limit = newLimit } // reserveN is a helper method for AllowN, ReserveN, and WaitN. // maxFutureReserve specifies the maximum reservation wait duration allowed. // reserveN returns Reservation, not *Reservation, to avoid allocation in AllowN and WaitN. func (lim *Limiter) reserveN(now time.Time, n int, maxFutureReserve time.Duration) Reservation { lim.mu.Lock() if lim.limit == Inf { lim.mu.Unlock() return Reservation{ ok: true, lim: lim, tokens: n, timeToAct: now, } } now, last, tokens := lim.advance(now) // Calculate the remaining number of tokens resulting from the request. tokens -= float64(n) // Calculate the wait duration var waitDuration time.Duration if tokens < 0 { waitDuration = lim.limit.durationFromTokens(-tokens) } // Decide result ok := n <= lim.burst && waitDuration <= maxFutureReserve // Prepare reservation r := Reservation{ ok: ok, lim: lim, limit: lim.limit, } if ok { r.tokens = n r.timeToAct = now.Add(waitDuration) } // Update state if ok { lim.last = now lim.tokens = tokens lim.lastEvent = r.timeToAct } else { lim.last = last } lim.mu.Unlock() return r } // advance calculates and returns an updated state for lim resulting from the passage of time. // lim is not changed. func (lim *Limiter) advance(now time.Time) (newNow time.Time, newLast time.Time, newTokens float64) { last := lim.last if now.Before(last) { last = now } // Avoid making delta overflow below when last is very old. maxElapsed := lim.limit.durationFromTokens(float64(lim.burst) - lim.tokens) elapsed := now.Sub(last) if elapsed > maxElapsed { elapsed = maxElapsed } // Calculate the new number of tokens, due to time that passed. delta := lim.limit.tokensFromDuration(elapsed) tokens := lim.tokens + delta if burst := float64(lim.burst); tokens > burst { tokens = burst } return now, last, tokens } // durationFromTokens is a unit conversion function from the number of tokens to the duration // of time it takes to accumulate them at a rate of limit tokens per second. func (limit Limit) durationFromTokens(tokens float64) time.Duration { seconds := tokens / float64(limit) return time.Nanosecond * time.Duration(1e9*seconds) } // tokensFromDuration is a unit conversion function from a time duration to the number of tokens // which could be accumulated during that duration at a rate of limit tokens per second. func (limit Limit) tokensFromDuration(d time.Duration) float64 { return d.Seconds() * float64(limit) }
Q: Comparing two variables JavaScript I am new to programming and JavaScript so please bear with me if its a stupid question. I initialised two variables let firstName = "blah"; let FirstName = "bleh"; When i write a below if statement i expected the output to be "right on" since the variable names are different (case-sensitive), but i get "boink". Could anyone kindly explain whats happening here? if (firstName = FirstName) { console.log('boink') } else { console.log('right on') } A: Could anyone kindly explain whats happening here Actually firstName = FirstName is an Assignment expression and it will return the value on the right handside which is "bleh" which is truthy value. So the first block is executed You are using assignment operator you need to use comparison operator(== or ===) let firstName = "blah"; let FirstName = "bleh"; if (firstName === FirstName) { console.log('boink') } else { console.log('right on') }
Infographic Business Marketing Organizations in both the public and private sectors [online and offline] concede that the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with their target audiences is critical to their success. Info-graphics, although a spin-off of the customary advertisement or poster, should form an integral part of a company’s marketing mix. Infographics :A step up Similar to an advertisement or poster, an effective infographic should include an attention-grabbing headline, compelling images, highlight benefits to the customer, exhibit point of differentiation that creates interest and influences buyer intent, and the indispensable call to action. Is it logical? The overall design layout of an info-graphic must have enough ‘white space’ to make the piece legible and persuasive, accentuated by bold colors that contrast with the background for added emphasis. Text must be to the point and universally understood to allow the viewer the benefit of a logical interpretation. Dual online-offline While online businesses should update their Web content weekly by way of new blog posts and interesting info-graphics [pull quotes and images to share on social media], dual online-offline businesses are encouraged to repurpose their content material by turning it into speeches, presentations, pamphlets, videos, advertisements, posters, signage, or direct mail. Businesses can also use info-graphics in annual reports, research content, print publications and promotional material to keep customers and prospects interested because it’s providing them with information that can be absorbed at a glance. Increase Awareness Promotional messages within custom-designed Info-graphics increase awareness of products and services, causes, societal problems, common solutions, and new projects. The rising significance of Info-graphics, as a tactic to enhance content marketing along with... Here is a neat and useful infographic of South African demographics. The Infographic could possible have been more informative – but it does show you what can be done with infographic design in small info-graphic. The data is clearly displayed and one immediately has a quick overview of the countries main demographics.... As one might expect, there are many infographics that provide insight and information about the way infographics are used and their use online. Have a look at this contribution for some interesting facts and figures What is clear is that the use of infographics dramatically increases the reach of social media. As this medium becomes more sophisticated so the interest and uses of info-graphics expands. The uses of infographics The state of info-graphics depends on the uses to which they can be put. This is expanding all the time. While infographics are used effectively yo market products and brands, they scan also be used to create eye-catching and informative resumes or CVs. This medium is also perfect to provide an overview do important research and to create a quick summation of as project. One of the more recent uses of the infographic medium is story telling and providing a history of a company or institution. by...
College of the Redwoods will eliminate three full-time faculty positions at College of the Redwoods Mendocino Campus effective fall 2014. Faculty members David Gonsalves, academic counselor and campus coordinator, Toby Green, professor of history and political science, and Richard Ries, professor of mathematics, were each notified by President Kathy Smith on Wednesday that their positions were being transferred to Eureka. Gonsalves, Green and Ries are the remaining on-campus, full-time faculty at CRMC. The remaining full-time off-site instructor for the Fine Wood Working program, Laura Mays, will remain. In an email sent to CRMC faculty, Gonsalves said, "Suffice to say, it was a shock. I think the three of us are still very much digesting the news. I have no information as to what the district is planning for this campus. I will leave it to each of you to draw your own conclusions." Barbara Rice, Mendocino Coast area trustee, said, "None of this has been discussed at the board level. This was a decision made solely by the administration." The Redwoods Community College District board of trustees is meeting in special session this Saturday, Jan. 18, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, for a board workshop, which is "primarily for the board to become more informed about enrollment management activities and data pertaining to student success, discuss future trends affecting CR (distance education, changes in adult ed, non-credit, not-for-credit community education, dual enrollments, etc.) and evaluate the board's performance," said Paul DeMark, CR's director of communications and marketing. DeMark said the Mendocino Coast campus is not specifically on this Saturday's agenda, but it will be on the Tuesday, Feb. 4 agenda, when the trustees meet in Eureka.
CONTAINMENT IN AFGHANISTAN – 6 July 2011 Dr Julian Lewis: My hon. Friend the Member for Penrith and The Border (Rory Stewart) has been to Afghanistan on 57 occasions, as he told us. That is 56 occasions more than me. Nevertheless, I have a few ideas about campaigning there. When faced with a deadly insurgency, one has three options: to counter it, to contain it or to quit. We have been trying to counter it and now we are going to quit. It seemed to be the nub of my hon. Friend’s eloquent contribution that those are the only two alternatives. I believe that NATO’s Afghan strategy has a fatal flaw: the knowledge that however effective our efforts may be, we plan to quit. That signals to the Taliban that they will ultimately win and removes their incentive to negotiate the political deal that we all agree is what must end an insurgency. President Obama and my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister have set a time limit for the current surge. British troops, as we have heard many times today, will no longer fight after 2014. By then, the Afghans should be self-sufficient. That is the theory, but as we all know, the key question is: ‘What if they are not?’ Is there a third way to be found between full-scale counter-insurgency campaigning, which is what the generals have been doing all along, and total withdrawal when the deadlines are reached? In other words, instead of countering or quitting, should we be containing? Some say – and I have heard it said this afternoon – that the long-term use of Special Forces will be enough by itself to underpin a post-surge Afghan Government. That seems to me inherently improbable. As I have argued before, and as I continue to argue – completely unavailingly in the United Kingdom, but perhaps with a degree more resonance on the other side of the Atlantic – what is required when the surge concludes is a Strategic Base and Bridgehead Area, or SBBA, to secure our strategic needs permanently. There are only two sound reasons for NATO’s military presence in Afghanistan: to prevent the country from being used again as a base, training ground or launch-pad for terrorist attacks, which has been mentioned many times today, and to assist next-door Pakistan in preventing any possibility of its nuclear weapons falling into the hands of al-Qaeda or its imitators, which I do not believe has been mentioned today. The following three objectives, though desirable, are not adequate reasons for our presence in Afghanistan: the creation of a tolerant and democratic society, the prevention of drug production, and the advancement of the human rights of women. Full-scale counter-insurgency campaigning, often referred to as ‘war down among the people’, involves micro-management of the threatened society. As such, it enables the pursuit of worthy goals such as those. By contrast, a Strategic Base and Bridgehead Area cannot secure such goals, but it can achieve both of our genuine strategic interests. During the period of grace provided by the surge deployment, an existing base area should be selected, or a new one constructed, in a remote area out of sight and largely out of mind of the Afghan population. It is often said – in fact, I have lost count of the number of times it has been said – that there can be no purely military solution in Afghanistan, and that eventually a political deal must be done. Yet, there is no basis for such a deal under our existing strategy. The deadlines for scaling down and ending our military presence will certainly put pressure on the Afghan Government to compromise with ‘reconcilable’ elements of the Taliban, but they will have the opposite effect on the insurgents. The creation of an impregnable, long-term SBBA would enable pressure to be applied equally on both sides, and would confer many benefits, which I will summarise very briefly. First, any return of international terrorists could be punished without having to re-invade the country. Secondly, any assistance needed by the Pakistan Government to secure its nuclear arsenal could be provided via the long-term Strategic Base. Thirdly, NATO would be almost completely disengaged from Afghan society, thus removing the constant irritant of a uniformed infidel presence in the towns and countryside. Fourthly, the ending of micro-management would do away with the need to send Service personnel out on vulnerable patrols, along predictable routes, which can easily be targeted. Fifthly, the balance of political and military forces in Afghanistan would be allowed to find its own level. If the worst happened and the Taliban took over, we would still have the Strategic Base and Bridgehead Area as a safeguard. Sixthly, the prospect of an SBBA would make it more likely that the Taliban would reach a deal with the Government. If the eventual outcome were nevertheless a more radical regime than NATO would like, that would be a matter for the Afghans alone as long as they offered no support to international terrorists. Finally, an SBBA could be garrisoned by as many or as few Service personnel as the political and military situation dictated. Too remote to attack, it would be a deterrent to extremism and a bridgehead for easy entry and operations if, regrettably, they become necessary under a policy of containment. It suits al-Qaeda to embroil us in Muslim states, as it did most calculatedly in Afghanistan in September 2001. That was why, 48 hours before the attacks in America, General Massoud was assassinated by al-Qaeda. It wanted us to, and knew perfectly well that we would, respond by invading Afghanistan. That was why it removed him. Costly counter-insurgency cannot be our answer every time our enemies establish a presence in a different country; but there is an alternative to the extremes of micro-management, which is what we have been doing, and total withdrawal, which is what we say we are going to do next. That alternative is containment, and the means of doing it is a Strategic Base and Bridgehead Area. [For Julian's paper on this subject, INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM – THE CASE FOR CONTAINMENT, in the April 2011 edition of the leading US military journal, JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, click here.]
Phone: Email: Linguistics at Luther Linguistics Linguistics is the scientific study of the human capacity for language—a system of communication which, as far as we can tell, is uniquely human. As such, the study of language sheds particularly interesting light on what it means to be human, and the study of linguistics provides a new perspective from which to understand this uniquely human behavior. Since language is part of almost every aspect of human activities, linguistic knowledge can be applied to many areas: Learning and teaching (not only of languages) Language in new technologies Communication between different social, ethnic, and cultural groups Advertisement and marketing Translation Philosophy History Especially students in the following areas should consider courses in linguistics:
How will L.A.’s mountain lions cross the road? It may take a $55 million bridge. ByAdam Popescu March 1, 2016 P-35, one of Los Angeles’ tagged and collared mountain lions, caught on camera while dining on a deer. (National Park Service) LOS ANGELES — I got the text just before 1 p.m.: A dropped pin location, 39 miles away, that in this city’s traffic would take two hours to reach by car. The text came from a National Park Service biologist, and the pin was the address of where to meet for a mountain lion capture. Invites like this are rare, almost as rare as the cats themselves. That’s because tracking, trapping, darting and swapping out radio collar batteries and taking tissue samples is stressful on the animals — and researchers. But it’s an essential stage of a 13-year study that’s building a case for the construction of a wildlife bridge over a 10-lane freeway, a $55 million project that looks like the last hope for L.A.’s lions. “Without increasing connectivity and basically building wildlife crossings like a tunnel or an overpass, I think the mountain lions here are definitely going to be lost,” Park Service wildlife ecologist Seth Riley said. The lions in the Santa Monica mountains, the range bisecting the nation’s second-largest megacity, are living on borrowed time. Hemmed in on all sides by freeways, the Park Service says the only option is to link these cats with their neighbors to the north and east in the Santa Susanas and Angeles National Forest. Isolation means increased competition for territory and mates. An adult male’s home range can extend over 200 square miles, and the Santa Monicas total a mere 275 square miles. About 12 to 15 lions live here, and there’s enough prey to keep the population healthy. But this bottleneck has anomalous side-effects — for cats. Inbreeding is rampant. Adult males frequently kill younger rivals, even sons or brothers. Human-lion encounters in L.A, on the other hand, are rare. A cat was found in a crawl space under a Los Feliz home last year before leaving without incident. In 2012, a juvenile male wandered into downtown Santa Monica and was killed by police officers before the Park Service could arrive and dart him. “I wasn’t able to get there in time, and they shot the cat,” said Jeff Sikich, the Park Service field biologist who since 2002 has trapped 47 lions in more than 100 captures, without injury to man or beast. They’re called ghost cats for a reason — mountain lions avoid humans whenever possible. But young lions are so desperate to establish new territory and procreate, 12 have been killed attempting to traverse freeways since 2002. Some have died from eating prey laced with rodent poison. P-35 digs in. (National Park Service) Only once, in 2009, has a lion born outside the Santa Monicas made it across Highway 101. Genetic diversity among these cats is the lowest of any population in the Western United States, a trend that would likely lead to infertility and this group’s extinction. Hence the proposed crossing at Liberty Canyon, a stretch of the 101 near the suburb of Agoura Hills. GPS tracking has shown lions frequent the area. So do bobcats, deer and coyotes, all of which could use the crossing to travel back and forth, establish new territory and escape the metropolitan sprawl. Humans could hike it as well. Wildlife bridges have been built before, but never in such an urban environment, and never over a freeway that sees nearly 175,000 vehicles a day. This crossing would be vegetated to mimic the surrounding landscape and elevated over the freeway and an adjacent road. Despite the price tag, the project is widely supported. Unlike in more rural environs such as Montana or Canada, where modest crossings exist, there are no ranchers or farmers to contend with here, nor are large numbers of domestic livestock at risk. The Park Service has also forged an ally in Caltrans, the state transportation agency that’s already funded a $200,000 environmental design study and vegetated the area. The Park Service’s work has created a cause célèbre whose poster child is a lion dubbed P-22. The 125-pound, five-year-old male somehow navigated the width of the city and several freeways before landing in Griffith Park, where he was photographed in an iconic National Geographic image in front of the Hollywood sign. But P-22 is now the only lion in an eight-square-mile oasis. Next Steps Fundraising for the crossing is being led by a National Wildlife Federation veteran so dedicated that she inked a six-inch effigy of a lion on her left bicep and plans to donate the proceeds of her new book on lions to the project. Beth Pratt-Bergstrom, the federation’s California director, said she’s targeting private backers and state and federal conservation funds in a grass-roots campaign that’s even tapped actor Rainn Wilson for support. So far, only about $1.1 million has been raised. “We have a goal of $10 million by 2017, and then the remainder by the summer of 2019, with shovel ready, ready to begin construction early 2020,” said Pratt-Bergstrom. “I know it’s going to happen.” To those worried that the crossing will trigger a lion population boom, Sikich replies that the land’s lion-carrying capacity has already been reached. In fact, he believes this will create fewer human-feline run-ins, because it allows lions to spread out and spread their genes. Now the question is: Can the cats hold out while the project raises funds? The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area recently added two mountain lion cubs, named P-46 and P-47, to its study. (Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area) On Track When I get to the pin drop location, a shopping mall parking lot on the western edge of the Santa Monicas, the waiting biologists are anxious, like a sports team before a big game. The night before, a female lion had taken down a coyote. Hoping she would return to finish the carcass, Sikich had placed the canid’s remains in a box trap connected to a GPS transmitter that sends an SMS when the trap’s door closes. Sikich uses GPS points from collars to track movement. Collars are fitted with VHF, allowing researchers to listen through receivers and antennas. The plan: Wait and see if she returns and springs the trap. “These cats are crepuscular, and if P-33 is going to return to that kill, she’s probably coming back at sunset,” he said. We waited two hours, but the lioness never did return. So I got back in my car, back on the freeway, back through the urban-wild purgatory. The next morning, Sikich hiked to the kill and removed the trap. P-33 is still slated for recapture; the question is when. It’s been nearly a month and I’m still on standby. The wait is tedious, but the prize will be great. How many Angelenos have been face-to-face with the lions that live in their back yard? Adam Popescu is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer. Find him on Twitter at @adampopescu. Content from Allstate This content is paid for by an advertiser and published by WP BrandStudio. The Washington Post newsroom was not involved in the creation of this content. Learn more about WP BrandStudio.
using UnityEngine.UI; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.UI { public class DebugUIHandlerIntField : DebugUIHandlerWidget { public Text nameLabel; public Text valueLabel; DebugUI.IntField m_Field; internal override void SetWidget(DebugUI.Widget widget) { base.SetWidget(widget); m_Field = CastWidget<DebugUI.IntField>(); nameLabel.text = m_Field.displayName; UpdateValueLabel(); } public override bool OnSelection(bool fromNext, DebugUIHandlerWidget previous) { nameLabel.color = colorSelected; valueLabel.color = colorSelected; return true; } public override void OnDeselection() { nameLabel.color = colorDefault; valueLabel.color = colorDefault; } public override void OnIncrement(bool fast) { ChangeValue(fast, 1); } public override void OnDecrement(bool fast) { ChangeValue(fast, -1); } void ChangeValue(bool fast, int multiplier) { int value = m_Field.GetValue(); value += m_Field.incStep * (fast ? m_Field.intStepMult : 1) * multiplier; m_Field.SetValue(value); UpdateValueLabel(); } void UpdateValueLabel() { if (valueLabel != null) valueLabel.text = m_Field.GetValue().ToString("N0"); } } }
Artistry • Antiquity • Nobility Artistry • Antiquity • Nobility My Work I have been studying and working with horses for over 35 years and stubbornly refused to give up the magic and nobility these animals have. I have ridden and shown in many diverse disciplines in my journey to find that elusive approach that would transcend genre of riding and breed of horse. It's been frustrating and exhausting at times but the discoveries have been their own reward.
Theories and Theories of Truth Abstract Formal theories, as in logic and mathematics, are sets of sentences closed under logical consequence. Philosophical theories, like scientific theories, are often far less formal. There are many axiomatic theories of the truth predicate for certain formal languages; on analogy with these, some philosophers (most notably Paul Horwich) have proposed axiomatic theories of the property of truth. Though in many ways similar to logical theories, axiomatic theories of truth must be different in several nontrivial ways. I explore what an axiomatic theory of truth would look like. Because Horwich’s is the most prominent, I examine his theory and argue that it fails as a theory of truth. Such a theory is adequate if, given a suitable base theory, every fact about truth is a consequence of the axioms of the theory. I show, using an argument analogous to Gödel’s incompleteness proofs, that no axiomatic theory of truth could ever be adequate. I also argue that a certain class of generalizations cannot be consequences of the theory.
Q: How can I call function from directive after component's rendering? How can I call function from directive after component's rendering? I have component: export class Component { ngAfterContentInit() { // How can i call functionFromDirective()? } } And I want call this function: export class Directive { functionFromDirective() { //something hapenns } How can i do this? A: You can retrieve Directive from Component's template with ViewChild like this: @Directive({ ..., selector: '[directive]', }) export class DirectiveClass { method() {} } In your component: import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { DirectiveClass } from './path-to-directive' @Component({ ..., template: '<node directive></node>' }) export class ComponentClass { @ViewChild(DirectiveClass) directive = null ngAfterContentInit() { // How can i call functionFromDirective()? this.directive.method() } } A: Calling the method from within a component is not a good idea. Using a directive helps in a modular design, but when you call the method, you get a dependency from the component to the directive. Instead, the directive should implement the AfterViewInit interface: @Directive({ ..., selector: '[directive]', }) export class DirectiveClass implements AfterViewInit { ngAfterViewInit(): void {} } This way, your component doesn't have to know anything about the directive.
Matteo de Senis Matteo de Senis (died 1507) was a Roman Catholic prelate who served as Bishop of Umbriatico (1500–1507). Biography On 7 Aug 1500, Matteo de Senis was appointed during the papacy of Pope Alexander VI as Bishop of Umbriatico. He served as Bishop of Umbriatico until his death in 1507. References External links and additional sources (for Chronology of Bishops) (for Chronology of Bishops) Category:16th-century Roman Catholic bishops Category:Bishops appointed by Pope Alexander VI Category:1507 deaths
The integration of tissue structure and nuclear function. Living cells can filter the same set of biochemical signals to produce different functional outcomes depending on the deformation of the cell. It has been suggested that the cell may be "hard-wired" such that external forces can mediate internal nuclear changes through the modification of established, balanced, internal cytoskeletal tensions. This review will discuss the potential of subnuclear structures and nuclear chromatin to participate in or respond to transduction of mechanical signals originating outside the nucleus. The mechanical interactions of intranuclear structure with the nuclear lamina will be examined. The nuclear lamina, in turn, provides a structural link between the nucleus and the cytoplasmic and cortical cytoskeleton. These mechanical couplings may provide a basis for regulating gene expression through changes in cell shape.
Pleas on Loya’s death serious but don’t cast aspersions: SC NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court today dubbed as “serious” the issues raised in the pleas relating to the death of special CBI judge B H Loya but castigated a senior lawyer for raking up the name of BJP president Amit Shah in the case. The apex court, which decided to look into “all documents with utmost seriousness” connected with the death of Loya, who was trying the Soharabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case, also took umbrage at senior advocate Indira Jaising, who during the hearing, inferred a possible future order that the apex court may gag the media in the case. A bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra, which was hearing two PILS on the Loya’s death in 2014 transferred to itself the two other petitions pending at Nagpur and Mumbai benches of the Bombay High Court. The bench, also comprising Justices A M Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachud, restrained all the high courts in the country from entertaining any petition relating to Loya’s death. Loya, who was hearing the sensitive Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case, had allegedly died of cardiac arrest in Nagpur on December 1, 2014, when he had gone to attend the wedding of a colleague’s daughter. The bench asked the parties to catalogue all documents relating to Loya’s death which have not been filed so far and submit them for its perusal on February 2, the next date of hearing. “We must look into all documents with the utmost seriousness”, it said. The bench got irked when senior advocate Dushyant Dave, appearing for a Bombay lawyers’ body which has filed a PIL in the high court there, took the name of BJP president Amit Shah during the hearing, alleging that everything has been done to protect him (Shah). “As of today, it is a natural death. Then, do not cast aspersions,” the bench said while considering the strong opposition on the issue by senior advocate Harish Salve, the counsel for Maharashtra government. During the hearing, CJI Misra got angry when activist lawyer Jaising inferred a possible future order that the apex court may gag the media in the case. “This is not fair to me. This you cannot do,” the CJI lamented and asked Jaising to retract and apologise forthwith. Jaising retracted her statement and tendered an apology. Earlier, a bench headed by Justice Arun Mishra had recused itself from hearing two petitions, filed by Congress leader Tehseen Poonawalla and a Maharashtra journalist B S Lone on the issue, and had said that the matter be posted before “an appropriate bench”. In pursuance of that order, these two matters were listed today before the bench headed by the CJI. Four senior-most apex court judges — Justices J Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi, M B Lokur and Kurian Joseph — at their January 12 press conference had questioned the manner in which sensitive cases were being allocated and Loya’s case was one of them. In the encounter case which was being heard by Loya, the BJP President along with Rajasthan Home Minister Gulabchand Kataria, Rajasthan-based businessman Vimal Patni, former Gujarat police chief P C Pande, Additional Director General of Police Geeta Johri and Gujarat police officers Abhay Chudasama and N K Amin, have already been discharged. The issue of Loya’s death had come under the spotlight in November last year after media reports quoting his sister had fuelled suspicion about the circumstances surrounding his death and its link to the Sohrabuddin case. Subscribe by Email Search in Archive Select a MonthSelect a CategorySearch with Google Stay with us About Launched in May 2012, Kashmir Reader is one of the leading English language newspapers of Jammu and Kashmir. It’s published daily from Srinagar by Helpline Group, which earned a name and fame in serious journalism
Detection of soy DNA in margarines. The method in which to discriminate between genetically modified (GM) versus non-modified foodstuffs is based on the presence of newly introduced genes at the protein or DNA level. Current available methods are almost exclusively based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This procedure consists of three steps: DNA isolation, the amplification of the desired DNA fragment and visualisation of the obtained amplification products. The first and crucial step is the DNA isolation. Due to several processing steps, the quality of the extracted DNA may be damaged, rendering PCR analysis, and therefore GMO detection, impossible. In this study, the DNA quality of soy lecithin in margarines has been evaluated by PCR. For this purpose, DNA was isolated from margarines with different levels of lecithin with two different extraction methods, including the CTAB method proposed by the European Committe for Standardization (CEN). The amplification of soy DNA by PCR resulted to be difficult, which could be explained by the difficult DNA extraction from margarine and the low lecithin content.
The Hidden Costs of Apple’s Push Notification Service - sant0sk1 http://www.mobileorchard.com/the-hidden-costs-of-apples-push-notification-service/ ====== flashgordon Damn. This also means back end for iphone apps running on google appengine will have a much much harder time... Sure you could have a cron job that triggers a request handler on the appengine to open and close connections to apple periodically. But this cron job would have to be not too close to each other, so as to not be treated as DOS requests.. aaaaaaaaaah... damn it when will we see real background processing on app engine (or on the iphone, if at all)...
Combined radical prostatectomy and bladder augmentation for concomitant prostate cancer and detrusor instability. To determine the outcomes of a select cohort of patients with severe voiding dysfunction, refractory to medical management, and a concomitant diagnosis of prostate cancer, who were treated with radical prostatectomy and augmentation enterocystoplasty. Four men with biopsy-proven prostatic adenocarcinoma, as well as a diagnosis of severe overactive bladder, underwent combined radical retropubic prostatectomy and augmentation enterocystoplasty. All patients underwent fluorourodynamic testing confirming nonobstructive detrusor instability or hyperreflexia. Three patients underwent nerve-sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy with a clamshell ileocystoplasty, and one with neurogenic hyperreflexia underwent sigmoid cystoplasty with a continent catheterizable stoma at radical retropubic prostatectomy. The mean follow-up was 21.5 months (range 8 to 48). All patients had an undetectable prostate-specific antigen level postoperatively. The average hospitalization was 8 days. Perioperative complications occurred in 2 patients, including a prolonged urine leak managed with catheter drainage and postoperative hematuria requiring cystoscopic clot evacuation. Erectile function was preserved in 2 patients with good preoperative erections. At last follow-up, the 3 patients who voided per urethra had minimal postvoid residual urine volumes and maintained good continence, with only 1 patient describing occasional mild stress incontinence. At last follow-up, the patient with the sigmoid cystoplasty catheterized every 4 hours with volumes of about 300 mL and complete stomal continence. No patient required anticholinergic medications postoperatively. The concomitant diagnosis of prostate cancer and severe detrusor instability may be difficult to treat. The results of our study have shown that for those desiring surgical management for their prostate cancer, a combined bladder augmentation and radical prostatectomy may be performed with minimal added morbidity and significantly improved voiding function in the properly selected individual.
Q: Jaxb, avoid duplicate xml tag I'm facing a problem with my implementation of Jaxb java classes. My xml response should be like: <rootElement attr1="value1" attr2="value2"> <child> childValue </child> </rootElement> this is my java classes: @XmlRootElement public class RootElement { private String attr1; private String attr2; private Child child; @XmlAttribute public String getAttr1() { return attr1; } public void setAttr1(String attr1) { this.attr1 = attr1; } @XmlAttribute public String getAttr2() { return attr2; } public void setAttr2(String attr2) { this.attr2 = attr2; } public void setChild(Child c) { child = c; } @XmlElement public Token getChild() { return child; } } and this is Child: public class Child { private String child; public Child() { } public void setChild(String child) { this.child = child; } public String getChild() { return child; } } I obtain this xml: <rootElement attr1="value1" attr2="value2"> <child><child>childValue</child></child> </rootElement> What's wrong? A: The first <child> is produced for child variable of RootElement class. The second <child> is produced for child variable of Child class. If you can make sure there is only one mapping in Child class, you can add @XmlAnyElement to child variable. JAXP will not produce second <child> element. public class Child { @XmlAnyElement private String child; public Child() { } public void setChild(String child) { this.child = child; } public String getChild() { return child; } }
Q: How to get primary replica info for the SQL availability group by powershell I want to get the machine of current primary replica in Powershell. Is there cmdlet to do it? I load sqlps module and dump the find all sql command, but seems no one is related to this.. Thanks A: I think this should work: $null = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo"); $svr = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("AServerInstanceInYourAG"); $svr.AvailabilityGroups["YourAvailabilityGroup"].PrimaryReplicaServerName;
Innocent nnocent Vareed Thekkethala popularly known as Innocent, is an Indian film actor and politician. He was born in Irinjalakuda in Thrissur district of the state of Kerala. He is one of the most successful and leading comedy actors of Malayalam cinema. He is noted for his witty mannerisms and dialogue delivery in the typical Thrissur accent. In 2013, Innocent was diagnosed with throat cancer (lymphoma) and was hospitalised. But sources close to him stated the cancer was in its early stages for which he duly took treatment. Innocent won the 2014 Lok Sabha elections from Chalakudy Lok Sabha constituency, comprising 3 assembly constituencies in Thrissur district and 4 assembly constituencies of Ernakulam district, as an independent candidate supported by the Left Democratic Front.
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Feb 7 Sick Days..This Is What You Need In Your Survival Kit Today has physically been a rough day for me. I have had a headache, ear ache, and a sore throat. Add to that runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and fatigue, and you get downright miserableness (if that's a word). I have been lucky, so far, to dodge this horrible flu season. However, I am not feeling so lucky right now. Before leaving work today, and yes I went in and possibly spread my germs, I was given lots of advice about how to get better. I was told to go home and get some rest, drink some tea, eat some soup, gargle with ginger, and drink lots of water. All sound advice right? The sick day survival kit can consist of many items. There is tea, which will usually be recommended as herbal, or green tea. There is the over-the-counter medication, and sleep or rest are the biggest recommendations because the body needs to rest to truly recover. Here is the complete list of my recommendation for your survival kit... Tea Water Chicken Noodle Soup DayQuil/NyQuil, Mucinex Tylenol Sleep/Rest Humidifier Vicks Vapor Rub Cough Drops Sleep is by far my favorite from the survival kit, with tea coming in a close second. As a matter of fact I am sipping tea right now, decaffeinated of course, and soon heading back to bed. Thank goodness it's almost the weekend. The cold and flu season is upon us. Get your flu shot, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, and disinfect where you can. And if all else fails, you may need a survival kit. What's in your sick day survival kit?
Iberville school system to do away with ‘skeleton shifts’ Iberville school system to do away with ‘skeleton shifts’ PlAQUEMINE — Iberville Parish school system Central Office employees can no longer work “skeleton shifts” during holiday breaks after a recent Louisiana Attorney General’s Office opinion said the longtime tradition violates state law, Superintendent Ed Cancienne said Monday. Cancienne said some 12-month employees in the district’s Central Office received additional paid time off on designated work days during holiday breaks — like Thanksgiving and Christmas — through the use of minimally staffed shifts. In 2011, School Board member Darlene Ourso scrutinized the practice. She said other 12-month maintenance department employees said it was unfair for them to work full days during holidays when central office employees did not. However, since Cancienne became superintendent, “skeleton” crew shift options were extended to other 12-month employees as well, Chief Financial Officer Jolain Landry said Monday. Ourso said she asked for the attorney general’s opinion after Landry told her that Central Office staff received additional paid time off during holiday breaks although it was not included in their contracts. In its Dec. 20 opinion, the state’s Attorney General’s Office said the school district was violating Article VII, Sec. 14(a) of the Louisiana Constitution, which prohibits the donation of state funds to any person. “To compensate central office employees of Iberville Parish School Board when they are absent without leave for non-work, amounts to a prohibited donation of public funds,” the opinion states. “I have to do away with skeleton days,” Cancienne said regarding the opinion. “I told the staff this morning to look at the skeleton days remaining and those will become work days so that everyone is treated the same.” Landry said the school district has not committed payroll fraud in scheduling the “skeleton” shifts. “Twelve-month employees are contracted to work 260 days,” she said. Landry said the 260-day count consists of every business day (Monday through Friday) of a calendar year. “In the 260 days there are paid holidays, and part of the paid holidays were skeleton crews, which allowed the office to be open but not everyone worked all of the days,” she said. Landry said it is impossible for any 12-month employee to log in enough hours to meet the 260-day quota because of the paid holidays factored into the equation. Ourso said if that’s the case, “we need to adjust some salaries if they aren’t working all of them (days).” Ourso said she will ask the School Board to formulate a new calender for the district’s 12-month employees documenting the days they need to work to fulfill their contracts. The district’s current calender only outlines vacation days for its 10-month employees and students, school system officials said. Brandie Blanchard, the district’s personnel coordinator, said Monday the administration is already poised to ask the School Board to amend its current policy and “re-work” its current calender. “We will now come up with two separate calenders just to make sure it’s clear to everyone,” she said.
A new history of the world Main menu Roman Marriage Ovid versus the Lawyers One of my key criteria in trying to distinguish between barbarism and civilisation is to ask the question: who decides who you are to marry? You? Or your mother? When applied to the Romans, there are two very different answers. One answer is to rely on the poet Ovid, who wrote The Art of Love, an instruction manual in two books to young men as to how to woo a young woman, and then a third book to the young women, telling them how to catch their man. Nowhere in this poem is there the least hint that the choice should be made by parents: it is assumed that the young make their own choice. However the conventional view of marriage is very different. The ‘official’ view is that choice was made, not by the mother, but by the father who controlled the lives of the whole family. This is very different, and it seems that those who read Ovid have never read any of the books on Roman law or Roman marriage, and those who study Roman law and pontificate on Roman Marriage have never read any Ovid. It is time to take a look at the conventional view of Roman marriage. The study of Roman marriage is difficult, because it is biased in two directions. At the one end there is the problem that the Romans believed inherently in the Good Old Days, and the good old-fashioned morality, that what was done in the past was always right and what is being done today is morally wrong. We need to be aware of this bias. And at the other younger end there is the problem of Christianity. By the time that the Digest of Roman law was written under Justinian in the sixth century A.D., Rome had already been a Christian for two centuries or more, and Christianity had a very different view of marriage, and we need to know how far this is reflected in the laws that are recorded. Traditional Roman marriage When Rome was founded, traditionally by Romulus in 753 BC, it was, by my definition, a very barbarian society. Only it wasn’t the tribe that predominated, but the father, assisted by a family Council. The father had complete domination over his family – and the term ‘familia’ means more than just family, it included also the slaves – he could even put members of the family to death, and still in the second century we find Hadrian remonstrating against a father who killed his son for some misdemeanour: it was known as the patria potestas, though by the second century BC it had been much diminished in force. It was called his ‘manus’ his hand, and the effect of marriage was to transfer the wife from the manus of her father to the manus of her husband, or if her husband’s father was still alive, to her father in law. The full scale Roman wedding was known as the Confarratio which was only allowed to patricians where there was an elaborate ceremony, where the high point was the eating by bride and groom of bread made from emmer wheat. There had to be ten witnesses to the ceremony and the only advantage was that it gave eligibility to the higher ranks of the priesthood. It fell out of fashion quite early on, and by the first century there was something of a crisis in the higher ranks of the priesthood, because no one had gone through the confarratio ceremony. There were however two lesser forms of manus marriages: there was the coemptio where only five witnesses were needed. But the usual form was called ‘usus’ or marriage by use, where if you had lived together for more than a year you were legally married. However according to the 12 Tables, the original law code promulgated in 449 BC , usus could be avoided if a woman spent more than three nights away from her husband’s home in any one year. However the big difference in Roman marriage was the difference between marriage cum manu or marriage with the hand, and marriage sin manu which is marriage without the hand. In a marriage with the hand the woman was transferred from being her father’s property to being her husband’s property. But in marriage without the hand the woman remained her father’s property. This was generally considered to be preferable because her father was likely to die before her husband, and when her father died she became a free woman and was able to own her own property – something that married women were not able to do in England until the Married Woman’s Property Act of 1882. This change from marriage with the hand to marriage without the hand surely marks the change in my definition from barbarism to civilisation, though unfortunately so gradual that it cannot be tracked. Most authors seem to think that the main change took place in the second century BC, when in the aftermath of the defeated Hannibal, Rome became a proper money economy and expanded enormously, and the social basis of the tribal society changed too. The heart of a marriage: Dowry and divorce Two matters dominated marriage and provide most of our evidence for what was really going on – the giving of the dowry and divorce. In all marriages, at least in the upper and middle classes, the dowry was essential and it was a substantial matter. There was no law of primogeniture in Rome and on the father’s death, property was divided between all the offspring. Thus the dowry was meant to be the portion of the family estate which the girl would expect to receive when the father died. In practice it was less than that, but was nevertheless normally substantial. However if the wife died, or divorced her husband the dowry had to be given back and this is what proved to be controversial and the cause of many law cases. This is the one case when a date can be put to a change in the marriage process, for in 230 BC a law was passed the actio rei uxoriae or a legal action for the recovery of dowries. This could cause a great upset. The classic case was that of Q. Aelius Tubero an old fashioned but very upright member of minor aristocracy, whose wife died, and he had to give her dowry back, and this involved selling part of the ancestral estate – something that had never been done before: clearly we are seeing here the money economy beginning to affect even the old fashioned aristocracy. Another similar case was that of Apuleius, whose bride Pudentilla had an estate worth £6 million and who handed over £300,000 as her dowry (I am taking a sesterce as being the equivalent of a pound). But when she died, her dowry had to be repaid, again (apparently) involving considerable hardship. Divorce was surprisingly easy in the Roman world. The Romans had fewer hang-ups about sex than we do. Marriage was never considered to be a religious ceremony – in practice it was more a matter of having a great bean feast and carrying or leading your wife over the threshold. And there was no concept of living in sin in the classical world. It may indeed have been inadvisable and perhaps immoral to have sex with another woman, but it was not sinful. After all the gods, at least in the Greek Pantheon were doing it all the time, so they could not really object if human beings did it too. (One indeed suspects that it is the Christians – and Muslims – who are out of step in their treatment of sex). The impression often given of marriage in the first century BC is of a cold and loveless affair where fathers married off their daughters to form political alliances and had no hesitation in ordering their daughters to divorce one husband and marry another simply to pursue their political allegiances. This impression is perhaps misleading as inevitably we hear mostly of the activities of the upper class politicians, who were playing an unfeeling and artificial game. There is plenty of evidence however for the existence of real love and affection in marriage. Cicero is a prime example in his affection for his wife Terentia, to whom he wrote many affectionate letters, and who he relied upon to manage many of his financial affairs. Ovid too is often quoted for the great affection that he showed for his wife who he left behind in Rome when he was banished to the Black Sea, and to whom he declared his affection in the poems Tristia which he wrote from the Black Sea imploring the Emperor to recall him. Ironically this is the only mention of Ovid that appears in most modern books about the Roman family and Roman marriage. Augustus the best example? Ironically, Augustus is a good example of this. In his rise to power, he used marriage as a political tool, as ruthlessly as any of his rivals. His first wife was Claudia, the step-daughter of Mark Antony, but that alliance did not last long, and he returned her intact. He then wanted to curry favour with Pompey, so he married Scribonia, who was part of the Pompeian faction. However once he had established his position, he allowed himself the luxury of actually falling in love, with Livia. There was the little minor matter that both were already married, but he ordered Livia’s husband (by whom she had already had a son), to divorce her, and he proceeded to divorce Scibonia, even though she was already pregnant. However, Livia proved to be the love of his life and he remained married to her even though she failed to do what she was meant to do, that is give him sons. Augustus therefore had to make the best of a bad job. His second wife, who he divorced when pregnant, produced a daughter who turned out to be Augustus’ only child. He therefore looked after her with great affection, though one wonders what she thought about Daddy having divorced Mummy before she was born. However she proved to be brilliant but promiscuous, but he married her off to his best friend Agrippa, – the brilliant general who won all his wars for him. True, he was Augustus’ age, that is 25 years older than her, but the marriage was at least fruitful, and produced five children. Two of them were boys, Gaius and Lucius, and appeared to be very bright lads, so he adopted them and groomed them to be his successors; but both of them died in their twenties, one after the other (One of their daughters, Agrippina, was the mother of the emperor, Caligula and Grandmother to the emperor Nero). Augustus was desperate for an heir, but Livia, whom he really did seem to love dearly, was unfruitful, so he decided to adopt her son by her first husband, Tiberius. He didn’t really like Tiberius, who perhaps not unsurprisingly was emotionally cold, but he was at least a competent general, and it was Tiberius who eventually succeeded him as the supreme ruler, thereby ensuring that Rome turned from being a failing democracy into being a successful Empire. But despite all this – and the numerous girlfriends he had when young, once he established himself as sole ruler, Augustus turned over a new leaf, became prim and proper, and made major changes to marriage in the Roman world. In 18 BC he passed a law outlawing adultery. Previously adultery had been a private matter to be dealt with by the father as head of the family, using his patria potestas. Hence forward it became a public crime to be dealt with by the state. Not that it seemed to have made much difference: we should remember that the great age of Roman success came in the middle of the first century AD in the wicked age of Nero, when under the leadership of Petronius, the ‘Arbiter of Elegance’, lasciviousness flourished. But we should remember that immoral Rome had 400 years of success ahead of it. It was only when Rome became sexually abstemious under the Christians that it rapidly collapsed. Sex is good for you. But Augustus was faced with another problem, that the true born Romans were not producing enough children and there were too many unproductive marriages. He set about improving this in two ways: his first law was recognised marriage between the free born and the freed man. (A freedman was a sort of halfway house between a slave and a full free citizen). Rome was to a considerable extent a slave society and one of the scandals of a slave society was that a man could demand to have sex with his slaves. And the slave had no option but to do what he was told. (It also worked the other way – a free woman could demand that a male slave should have sex with her, and he had to do what he was told). Not infrequently however the man fell in love with the slave concubine and then freed her and married her. What Augustus did was to legitimise such marriages, so that the children of such marriages could be full blown Roman citizens. The second big reform was the ius trium liberorum or the law of three children which said that if a woman had three children, or four if she was a freed woman, then she could be free of her husband’s manus. She could buy and sell property (including slaves) on her own account, and perhaps more importantly she could inherit property. There were benefits for the man too – though how far it actually succeeded in producing more children is uncertain. But clearly its benefits were substantial because the law was soon abused. Ways were found round it and the ius trium liberorum became a sort of minor reward to be given by emperors and high officials to their followers as a badge of merit, even though they did not actually have three children. Conclusions How far then can the picture of Roman marriage given in the conventional text books be reconciled with Ovid’s Art of Love? I suspect that the situation was not unlike that of today where a high level of divorce goes with a high degree of affection and love within marriage. There was a traditional Roman story (Plutarch Aem P 4) of a Roman aristocrat who was divorcing his wife and a friend asked him why he was divorcing his wife when she was beautiful, discreet and fruitful: “Well”, he said, “it is like an old shoe, you cannot tell where a shoe rubs unless you actually wear it”. If the woman you marry turns out to be incompatible, then get rid of her. If you remain married it is because you are really compatible: the shoe fits. Of course it is preferable to try out the shoe before marriage to make certain it is not going to rub you, and this is surely what Ovid is recommending in his Art of Love. It does seem that in practical terms marriage did change in Roman society and that this change took place at the same time that Rome was becoming a market economy and was part of the social changes that accompanied the economic changes. But just as the change into becoming a market economy was so gradual as to become almost invisible, so the change between a manus marriage where the woman was the property of her husband changed into the concept of the marriage without manus, where in effect the woman became largely free from the power of her husband at first in practice, but later in theory too with the law of three children. I suspect that the picture painted by Ovid, though no doubt exaggerated, was nevertheless firmly based in reality. Most marriages were based on a process of courtship, of selection between the boy and the girl, the man and the woman, the husband and the wife, and that getting parental consent came second and that as a result the divorce was relatively common. True love was even more common as was indeed the norm. The traditional accounts of Roman marriage are interesting, but I do wish that those study Roman marriage will also study Ovid’s Art of Love!
fileFormatVersion: 2 guid: 7083945a93bfc7d41ae15dca92061711 folderAsset: yes timeCreated: 1455936191 licenseType: Pro DefaultImporter: userData: assetBundleName: assetBundleVariant:
\ [^1]\ [ September 6, 2017 ]{} [**Abstract**]{} Based upon the unique and simple starting point of the continuous flow of time a physical theory is derived through an analysis of the elementary arithmetic composition and symmetries of this one-dimensional progression. We describe how the explicit development of the theory leads to a prediction of the unique and largest exceptional Lie group $\ee$ as the full ‘symmetry of time’, and hence as the unification group for the physical theory. This proposal results from the identification of a series of esoteric properties of the Standard Model of particle physics from a series of intermediate augmentations in the ‘multi-dimensional form of time’. These physical properties derive from the breaking of the full symmetry of time through the necessary interposition of an external 4-dimensional spacetime arena, itself constructed from a 4-dimensional form of time, as the background to all observations. The basic conceptual picture is presented together with reviews of a number of references regarding $\ee$ structures which may provide a significant guide in pursuing the goal of converging upon a complete unified theory. [^1]: email: [email protected]
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/** * Copyright 2011 Ryszard Wiśniewski <[email protected]> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package brut.androlib.res.util; import java.io.IOException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; /** * @author Ryszard Wiśniewski <[email protected]> */ public interface ExtXmlSerializer extends XmlSerializer { public ExtXmlSerializer newLine() throws IOException; public void setDisabledAttrEscape(boolean disabled); public static final String PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_INDENTATION = "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-indentation"; public static final String PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_LINE_SEPARATOR = "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-line-separator"; public static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_ENCODING = "DEFAULT_ENCODING"; }
Q: How to get different random numbers? Possible Duplicate: Non repeating random number array I have a String array with many elements (as I haven't still finished the Application, I don't know exactly the number), maybe about 200. I would like to get 20 random elements of this array, but being certain that every random element occurs only once, like, I don't want to get in those 20 elements the 5th element (for example) twice. How can I do this? A: I assume it's Java. If that's right you could do something like: public void getRandomElementsOfArray(String[] array) { int maxLength = 200; // Insert length of your array int[] usedRandoms; String[] randomElements = String[20]; int random = new Random().nextInt(); for(int i = 0; i<21; i++) // Loops are NOT my strongest point. you'd better check this { while(random > maxLength || random < 0 || !Arrays.asList(usedRandoms).contains(random)) // Loop while random is smaller then 0 (the smallest index) or bigger then the length of your array or already used { random = new Random(); } randomElements[i] = array[random]; usedRandoms[i] = random; } }
Medical marijuana backers file notice of ballot effort Medical marijuana advocates have filed notice with the Arizona Secretary of State that they intend to gather signatures in an effort to place an initiative on the 2010 ballot to ask voters to legalize smoking pot by patients who get a recommendation from a doctor. Under the proposal, Arizonans with certain medical conditions and symptoms would be permitted to qualify with the Arizona Department of Health Services to obtain small amounts of marijuana for personal use from state regulated dispensaries. The Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project would protect patients, doctors and caregivers of patients that suffer from diseases such as cancer, AIDS, HIV, Alzheimer’s, Hepatitis C and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from prosecution under state and federal law. With the approval of the Department of Health Services, patients would be permitted to possess up to two and a half ounces of marijuana. The department also would have discretion to authorize individuals to grow their own marijuana for medical use. “This is a common-sense law that allows severely ill patients access to medication that they need, while providing strict controls to make sure this medicine is only available to qualified patients,” said Andrew Myers, a campaign manager for the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project. “Thousands of patients across Arizona are already using medical marijuana with their doctor’s recommendation. These patients shouldn’t have to risk arrest and jail just for following their doctor’s advice.” Backers of the proposal must submit at least 153,365 signatures of registered Arizona voters by July 1, 2010 to qualify the proposed law change for the 2010 November general election ballot.
Myocardial viability in patients with chronic coronary artery disease and previous myocardial infarction: comparison of myocardial contrast echocardiography and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. The aim of this study was to compare perfusion patterns on myocardial contrast echocardiography with those on myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for the assessment of myocardial viability in patients with previous myocardial infarction. Accordingly, perfusion scores with the two techniques were compared in 91 ventricular regions in 21 patients with previous (>6 weeks old) myocardial infarction. Complete concordance between the two techniques was found in 63 (69%) regions; 25 (27%) regions were discordant by only 1 grade, and complete discordance (2 grades) was found in only 3 (3%) regions. A kappa statistic of 0.65 indicated good concordance between the two techniques. Although the scores on both techniques demonstrated a relation with the wall motion score, the correlation between the myocardial contrast echocardiography and wall motion scores was closer (r = -0.63 vs r = -0.50, p = 0.05). It is concluded that myocardial contrast echocardiography provides similar information regarding myocardial viability as myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in patients with coronary artery disease and previous myocardial infarction.
Colin Stokes Colin Stokes (cellist) (born October 7, 1987) is an American-born cellist, pursuing an active performing career in the United States and Europe. Biography Colin Stokes was born in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to parents Lisa Portmess and Harry Stokes. His mother is a professor of philosophy at Gettysburg College and his father is the president of Gaia, Inc. At age 6 Colin began studying piano and one year later started lessons on the cello. He studied locally until age 11 when he started commuting to Baltimore, Maryland to study with Troy Stuart, with whom he stayed until his graduation from Baltimore School for the Arts in 2006. While in high school, Colin was chosen to play with Yo-Yo Ma in Heitor Villa-Lobos' Bachianas Brasilieras No. 5 at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore, MD and the Strathmore Performing Arts Center outside of Washington, D.C.. About the concert, Andante wrote "Just as beautifully executed, but more moving emotionally, was the surging intensity of Villa-Lobos's Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5. Janice Chandler-Eteme...supported by Temirkanov leading an ensemble of splendid cellists that included Ma...[and] Colin Stokes." Upon graduation from Baltimore School for the Arts, Colin was given the Joan G. and Joseph Klein, Jr. Prize for the Most Promising Performing Artist. Colin has spent summers at Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, Sarasota Music Festival and the Heifetz Institute. He has been invited to perform on series such as Baltimore’s 2nd Presbyterian Chamber Series, Norfolk’s Master Artist Series and Heifetz’ Celebrity Artist Series. He has collaborated with some of the great artists of today including Ani Kavafian, Yo-Yo Ma, James Taylor and Yuri Temirkanov. Colin Stokes has premiered works by composers Joungbum Lee, Jen Bellor, Robert Pierzak, Matt Barber and Michael Myounghoon Lee. He has also worked closely with composers Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon Mohammed Fairouz and John Williams on their own music. Colin studied with Steven Doane and Rosemary Elliott at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. He plays on a cello made by Carl Becker in 1940 References External links http://www.colin-stokes.com https://www.twitter.com/colinstokes http://esm.rochester.edu http://www.linkedin.com/pub/colin-stokes/16/945/884 Category:American cellists Category:Living people Category:1987 births
+++ Title = "Sponsor" Type = "event" Description = "Sponsor devopsdays lima 2020" +++ We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email at [{{< email_organizers >}}]. <hr> devopsdays is a self-organizing conference for practitioners that depends on sponsorships. We do not have vendor booths, sell product presentations, or distribute attendee contact lists. Sponsors have the opportunity to have short elevator pitches during the program and will get recognition on the website and social media before, during and after the event. Sponsors are encouraged to represent themselves by actively participating and engaging with the attendees as peers. Any attendee also has the opportunity to demo products/projects as part of an open space session. <p> Gold sponsors get a full table and Silver sponsors a shared table where they can interact with those interested to come visit during breaks. All attendees are welcome to propose any subject they want during the open spaces, but this is a community-focused conference, so heavy marketing will probably work against you when trying to make a good impression on the attendees. <p> The best thing to do is send engineers to interact with the experts at devopsdays on their own terms. <p> <!-- <hr/> <div style="width:590px"> <table border=1 cellspacing=1> <tr> <th><i>packages</i></th> <th><center><b><u>Bronze<br />1000 usd</u></center></b></th> <th><center><b><u>Silver<br />3000 usd</u></center></b></th> <th><center><b><u>Gold<br />5000 usd</u></center></b></th> <th></th> </tr> <tr><td>2 included tickets</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>logo on event website</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>logo on shared slide, rotating during breaks</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>logo on all email communication</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>logo on its own slide, rotating during breaks</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>1 minute pitch to full audience (including streaming audience)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr></tr> <tr><td>2 additional tickets (4 in total)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>4 additional tickets (6 in total)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>shared table for swag</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>booth/table space</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="gold">&nbsp;</td></tr> </table> <hr/> There are also opportunities for exclusive special sponsorships. We'll have sponsors for various events with special privileges for the sponsors of these events. If you are interested in special sponsorships or have a creative idea about how you can support the event, send us an email. <br/> <br/> <br> <br> <table border=1 cellspacing=1> <tr> <th><i>Sponsor FAQ</i></th> <th><center><b>Answers to questions frequently asked by sponsors&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</center></b></th> <th></th> </tr> <tr><td>What dates/times can we set up and tear down?</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>How do we ship to the venue?</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>How do we ship from the venue?</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>Whom should we send?</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>What should we expect regarding electricity? (how much, any fees, etc)</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>What should we expect regarding WiFi? (how much, any fees, etc)</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>How do we order additional A/V equipment?</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>Additional important details</td><td></td></tr> </table> </div> --> <hr/>
Q: Что именно произойдет при арифметическом переполнении? В cmd есть ограничение на хранение целочисленного типа, оно, вроде бы, не превышает 2^16, но что произойдет, если будет вот такой цикл: for ((a=1; a<=$amount ; a++)) и значение amount превысит допустимый размер? A: максимальное целое, с которым программа bash способна производить вычисления, теоретически, может варьироваться в зависимости и от реализации этой программы, и от используемой операционной системы, и от архитектуры процессора. в реализации bash для операционной системы gnu, которую чаще всего и можно встретить, максимальное целое равно 2 в 63-й степени минус 1: $ ((x=2**63-1)); echo $x 9223372036854775807 если к этому числу добавить единицу, то, из-за арифметического переполнения, получим отрицательное число: $ ((x=2**63-1)); echo $((x+1)) -9223372036854775808 по поводу же сравнения: если в выражении (аналог приведённому вашему) $ test $x -le $amount в переменной $amount будет строка, которую bash не сможет преобразовать в целое (например, 2 в 63-й степени), то при выполнении получим ошибку: $ test $x -le 9223372036854775808 bash: test: 9223372036854775808: integer expression expected
Opinions of the United 2008 Decisions States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit 6-12-2008 Kiselev v. Atty Gen USA Precedential or Non-Precedential: Non-Precedential Docket No. 07-2773 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/thirdcircuit_2008 Recommended Citation "Kiselev v. Atty Gen USA" (2008). 2008 Decisions. Paper 1029. http://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/thirdcircuit_2008/1029 This decision is brought to you for free and open access by the Opinions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at Villanova University School of Law Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2008 Decisions by an authorized administrator of Villanova University School of Law Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NOT PRECEDENTIAL UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT No. 07-2773 MARINA KISELEV; VICTOR KISELEV; ROMAN KISELEV, Petitioners v. ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, Respondent On Petition for Review of an Order of the Board of Immigration Appeals (Agency Nos. A98-580-533; A98-580-534; A98-580-536) Immigration Judge: Honorable R.K. Malloy Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a) June 12, 2008 Before: FUENTES, ALDISERT and GARTH, Circuit Judges (Opinion filed: June 12, 2008) OPINION PER CURIAM Marina, Victor, and Roman Kiselev petition for review of a final order of removal issued by the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”). For the reasons that follow, we will deny the petition. I. We assume the parties’ familiarity with the underlying facts, the procedural history, and the issues presented here for review. To summarize briefly, petitioners are, save for the youngest Roman who is both a native and citizen of Israel, a family of Ukrainian natives and citizens of Israel. Petitioners entered the United States legally, and after overstaying their visitor visas, were placed in removal proceedings in November 2004. Marina Kiselev (“Kiselev”), the lead respondent below, applied for relief from removal in an asylum application, and accompanying affidavit, filed on September 17, 2004.1 In her application, Kiselev alleged that she was persecuted in the Ukraine (formerly Russia) because of her Jewish heritage. The application alleged no instances of persecution involving the remaining Kiselev family members. On November 5, 2004, Kiselev attended an asylum office interview and confirmed her account of persecution in the Ukraine. At a master calendar hearing on June 7, 2005, the Kiselevs conceded that they were removable as charged under INA § 237(a)(1)(B). Kiselev filed another Form I-589 and accompanying affidavit at this time. In this second claim for asylum, Kiselev claimed that instead of being persecuted in Russia, the family was actually persecuted in Israel where they had lived prior to coming the United States. Asked to explain the disparity between her two applications, Kiselev described an 1 Marina listed her husband, Victor, and sons, Igor and Roman, as derivatives on her application. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.3(a). “While our opinion refers to the primary applicant, it is understood to include the derivative applicant as well.” Al-Fara v. Gonzales, 404 F.3d 733, 736 n.1 (3d Cir. 2005) -2- encounter with an attorney named “David” who led her to believe that if she mentioned her experience in Israel she would not be granted asylum in the United States. Kiselev alleged that “David” instructed her to lie in this regard and, for this reason, Kiselev also conceded not being truthful during her asylum office interview. After a hearing at which Marina and Igor Kiselev testified,2 the Immigration Judge (“IJ”) denied the various applications for relief and ordered the Kiselevs removed to Israel. In her oral decision, the IJ noted that Marina Kiselev’s story concerning “David” was credible and took judicial notice that such an attorney had been providing similar advice to former residents of Eastern Europe and Russia in particular. The IJ determined, however, that the remainder of Marina Kiselev’s testimony was not credible. The IJ also found, in the alternative, that even if Kiselev were credible she had not established past persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution in Israel. Kiselev filed a timely appeal to the BIA. The BIA affirmed the IJ’s decision and dismissed the appeal. The BIA noted the inconsistencies in matters such as the nature, circumstances, and severity of the harm the Kiselevs endured in Israel put forth in Kiselev’s testimony. In affirming the IJ’s credibility determination, however, the BIA did not affirm the IJ’s alternative holding that, even if Kiselev were credible, she did not establish eligibility for asylum. Kiselev timely filed a petition for review. II. 2 Igor Kiselev, Marina’s 21-year old son, was part of the proceedings before the IJ, but is not a party to this petition for review. -3- The BIA had jurisdiction over Kiselev’s appeal under 8 C.F.R. § 1003.1(b)(3). This court has jurisdiction to review a final order of removal under 8 U.S.C. § 1252. Findings of fact are reviewed for substantial evidence and, therefore, may not be set aside unless a reasonable fact-finder would be compelled to find to the contrary. Gabuniya v. Att’y Gen., 463 F.3d 316, 321 (3d Cir. 2006). The BIA’s interpretation of the Immigration and Nationality Act in an opinion dismissing an alien’s appeal is entitled to deference. See Augustin v. Attorney General of the U.S., 520 F.3d 264, 268 (3d Cir. 2008). We will not reverse the BIA as long as “a reasonable fact finder could make a particular finding on the administrative record.” See Dia v. Ashcroft, 353 F.3d 228, 249 (3d Cir. 2003). In cases involving an adverse credibility determination, we must deny the petition for review as long as that determination is “supported by such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind would find adequate.” Id. at 250. In addition, we review the IJ’s decision to the extent that the BIA adopted it. See Miah v. Ashcroft, 346 F.3d 434, 439 (3d Cir. 2003). III. When evaluating an adverse credibility determination, we must “ensure that it was appropriately based on inconsistent statements, contradictory evidences, and inherently improbable testimony . . . in view of the background evidence on country conditions.” Dia, 353 F.3d at 249 (quotation and citation omitted). “Generally, minor inconsistencies and minor admissions that reveal nothing about an asylum applicant’s fear for his safety are not an adequate basis for an adverse credibility finding.” Gao v. Ashcroft, 299 F.3d -4- 266, 272 (3d Cir. 2002) (quotation and citation omitted). Further, “deference is not due where findings and conclusions are based on inferences or presumptions that are not reasonably grounded in the record, viewed as a whole.” Balasubramanrim v. INS, 143 F.3d 157, 162 (3d Cir. 1998) (citation omitted). Findings of adverse credibility “must be based on inconsistencies and improbabilities that go to the heart of the asylum claim.”3 Chen v. Gonzales, 434 F.3d 212, 216 (3d Cir. 2005) (quotation and citations omitted). The IJ and BIA properly based their adverse credibility determination upon marked inconsistencies and flaws in—and between—Kiselev’s two persecution accounts and her subsequent testimony. As the IJ noted, Kiselev provided strikingly different reasons for requesting asylum at various points in the administrative process. The first of these claims was based upon persecution suffered in the Ukraine because Kiselev was Jewish. The second claim was based upon persecution suffered by the Kiselev family in Israel because the Kiselevs were Russian and not considered to be Jewish by Israelis. As the IJ noted, Kiselev’s encounter with “David,” and his poor advice, explained what had happened with Kiselev’s first claim to some degree. But even if such an argument were sufficient to provide some amount of restoration to Kiselev’s credibility, Kiselev did not 3 The provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005 that address the court’s review of an adverse credibility finding do not apply in this case because Kiselev applied for relief before the Act’s effective date. See Chukwu v. Att’y Gen.of the United States, 484 F.3d 185, 189 (3d Cir. 2007). -5- simply transpose events occurring in Israel with the events she described in Ukraine.4 Further, there were also inconsistencies between information contained in Kiselev’s second, and purportedly truthful, affidavit and her subsequent testimony before the IJ. In Zubeda v. Ashcroft, 333 F.3d 463, 476-77 (3d Cir. 2003), we observed that an IJ should be careful before placing too much weight on a discrepancy between an asylum application and subsequent testimony. See also Fiadjoe, 411 F.3d at 159. Given the history of the proceedings here, however, such inconsistencies alone were more than a sufficient basis to support the adverse credibility finding as they plainly went to the heart of Kiselev’s claim. Moreover, as detailed by the IJ, Kiselev was selected by a 2006 Diversity Program Lottery (DV-2006), which allowed for a path to legalization, but to apply she and her family would have had to return to Israel. Kiselev stated in testimony before the IJ that she was afraid to return to Israel to complete this application. Importantly, however, Kiselev traveled to Israel from the United States during the time when she allegedly was being persecuted. As the IJ noted, while her mother was ill, Kiselev returned to Israel, with her son Roman, in March 2003 and re-entered the United States in November 2003. The IJ properly found the discrepancy in these accounts troubling as these facts diminished Kiselev’s believability. The contradiction in Kiselev’s testimony in this 4 We note too that Kiselev baldly admitted to not being truthful at her asylum office interview. -6- regard is further relevant, as any voluntary return weakens her assertion that she fears persecution. In sum, the inconsistencies, contradictions, and omissions, involving facts central to Kiselev’s claims, constitute substantial evidence supporting the adverse credibility finding of the IJ and BIA; a reasonable fact-finder would not be compelled to conclude to the contrary.5 IV. In light of the appropriate adverse credibility determinations of the IJ and BIA, and Kiselev’s failure to substantiate her claims with corroborative proof, substantial evidence supports the finding that she did not satisfy her burden of establishing eligibility for asylum or withholding of removal. For the foregoing reasons, the petition for review will be denied. 5 In addition, inconsistency was not the only basis upon which the IJ relied. The IJ was also not unreasonable in finding Kiselev’s lack of corroboration, given that her husband was in court and available to support her testimony, sufficient to further weaken her claim. See In re Y-B-, 21 I. & N. Dec. 1136, 1139 (BIA 1998) (“[T]he weaker an alien’s testimony, the greater the need for corroborative evidence”). -7-
Q: How to display images from firebase into recyclerview? My images unable to be displayed, no error but images not showing. pls help how to display these urls in my apps A: First, store the full uri in your database. It will be something like this: gs://yourdatabasehere.appspot.com/IMG_9837.JPG or https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/yourdatabasehere/IMG%29837.JPG?alt=media&token=b6c9153f-7d7c-4b05-a60e-7c7d113733ae In your code, once you retrieve full uri from database, just use Glide or Picasso to display the image: Picasso.with(this) .load(photoUri) // full uri retrieved from database .placeholder(R.mipmap.ic_no_image) //optional .error(R.mipmap.ic_no_image) //optional .into(imageView1);
[Modern treatment of varicose veins]. Varicosis of the lower limb is a common disease that can lead to edema, trophic disturbances and skin ulcerations. In addition to the classic surgical procedure of crossectomy with stripping of the saphenous vein, a growing number of minimally invasive endoluminal treatment methods has been established over the past 15 years, offering a colorful array of procedures to the modern phlebologist. It is important to choose the optimal treatment option for each individual patient.
Q: Downloading a text file using Intent from FTP Server. I am downloading a text file from server using ftp connection. But unfortunetly I am getting exception: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.PICK dat= typ=vnd.android.cursor.dir/lysesoft.andftp.uri (has extras) } I have defined activity in manifest.xml also. below is my manifest file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.saltriver.hourdoc" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" > <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name"> <activity android:name=".HourdocActivity" android:label="@string/app_name"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> code to download text file. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Button downloadFilesButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_download_files_id); downloadFilesButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_PICK); // FTP URL (Starts with ftp://, sftp://, ftps:// or scp:// followed by hostname and port). Uri ftpUri = Uri.parse(ConstantCodes.ftphost); intent.setDataAndType(ftpUri, ConstantCodes.ftpuri); // Download intent.putExtra("command_type", "download"); // FTP credentials (optional) intent.putExtra("ftp_username", ConstantCodes.userid); intent.putExtra("ftp_password", ConstantCodes.pwd); //intent.putExtra("ftp_keyfile", "/sdcard/dsakey.txt"); //intent.putExtra("ftp_keypass", "optionalkeypassword"); // FTP settings (optional) intent.putExtra("ftp_pasv", "true"); //intent.putExtra("ftp_resume", "true"); //intent.putExtra("ftp_encoding", "UTF-8"); //intent.putExtra("ftps_mode", "implicit"); // Activity title intent.putExtra("progress_title", "Downloading files ..."); // Remote files to download. intent.putExtra("remote_file1", ConstantCodes.ftp_remotefile1); //intent.putExtra("remote_file2", "/remotefolder/subfolder/file2.zip"); // Target local folder where files will be downloaded. intent.putExtra("local_folder", ConstantCodes.localfolder_path); intent.putExtra("close_ui", "true"); startActivityForResult(intent,ConstantCodes.DOWNLOAD_FILES_REQUEST); } }); } protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { Log.i(TAG, "Result: "+resultCode+ " from request: "+requestCode); if (intent != null) { String transferredBytesStr = intent.getStringExtra("TRANSFERSIZE"); String transferTimeStr = intent.getStringExtra("TRANSFERTIME"); Log.i(TAG, "Transfer status: " + intent.getStringExtra("TRANSFERSTATUS")); Log.i(TAG, "Transfer amount: " + intent.getStringExtra("TRANSFERAMOUNT") + " file(s)"); Log.i(TAG, "Transfer size: " + transferredBytesStr + " bytes"); Log.i(TAG, "Transfer time: " + transferTimeStr + " milliseconds"); // Compute transfer rate. if ((transferredBytesStr != null) && (transferTimeStr != null)) { try { long transferredBytes = Long.parseLong(transferredBytesStr); long transferTime = Long.parseLong(transferTimeStr); double transferRate = 0.0; if (transferTime > 0) transferRate = ((transferredBytes) * 1000.0) / (transferTime * 1024.0); Log.i(TAG, "Transfer rate: " + transferRate + " KB/s"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Cannot parse string. } } } } Suggest me where I am doing wrong. A: I've found something to you. Check this GoogleCode example project. It works perfectly for me. They're implementing the Download functionality with below class DownloaderThread.java public class DownloaderThread extends Thread { // constants private static final int DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // instance variables private AndroidFileDownloader parentActivity; private String downloadUrl; /** * Instantiates a new DownloaderThread object. * @param parentActivity Reference to AndroidFileDownloader activity. * @param inUrl String representing the URL of the file to be downloaded. */ public DownloaderThread(AndroidFileDownloader inParentActivity, String inUrl) { downloadUrl = ""; if(inUrl != null) { downloadUrl = inUrl; } parentActivity = inParentActivity; } /** * Connects to the URL of the file, begins the download, and notifies the * AndroidFileDownloader activity of changes in state. Writes the file to * the root of the SD card. */ @Override public void run() { URL url; URLConnection conn; int fileSize, lastSlash; String fileName; BufferedInputStream inStream; BufferedOutputStream outStream; File outFile; FileOutputStream fileStream; Message msg; // we're going to connect now msg = Message.obtain(parentActivity.activityHandler, AndroidFileDownloader.MESSAGE_CONNECTING_STARTED, 0, 0, downloadUrl); parentActivity.activityHandler.sendMessage(msg); try { url = new URL(downloadUrl); conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setUseCaches(false); fileSize = conn.getContentLength(); // get the filename lastSlash = url.toString().lastIndexOf('/'); fileName = "file.bin"; if(lastSlash >=0) { fileName = url.toString().substring(lastSlash + 1); } if(fileName.equals("")) { fileName = "file.bin"; } // notify download start int fileSizeInKB = fileSize / 1024; msg = Message.obtain(parentActivity.activityHandler, AndroidFileDownloader.MESSAGE_DOWNLOAD_STARTED, fileSizeInKB, 0, fileName); parentActivity.activityHandler.sendMessage(msg); // start download inStream = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); outFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + fileName); fileStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile); outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(fileStream, DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE); byte[] data = new byte[DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE]; int bytesRead = 0, totalRead = 0; while(!isInterrupted() && (bytesRead = inStream.read(data, 0, data.length)) >= 0) { outStream.write(data, 0, bytesRead); // update progress bar totalRead += bytesRead; int totalReadInKB = totalRead / 1024; msg = Message.obtain(parentActivity.activityHandler, AndroidFileDownloader.MESSAGE_UPDATE_PROGRESS_BAR, totalReadInKB, 0); parentActivity.activityHandler.sendMessage(msg); } outStream.close(); fileStream.close(); inStream.close(); if(isInterrupted()) { // the download was canceled, so let's delete the partially downloaded file outFile.delete(); } else { // notify completion msg = Message.obtain(parentActivity.activityHandler, AndroidFileDownloader.MESSAGE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE); parentActivity.activityHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } catch(MalformedURLException e) { String errMsg = parentActivity.getString(R.string.error_message_bad_url); msg = Message.obtain(parentActivity.activityHandler, AndroidFileDownloader.MESSAGE_ENCOUNTERED_ERROR, 0, 0, errMsg); parentActivity.activityHandler.sendMessage(msg); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { String errMsg = parentActivity.getString(R.string.error_message_file_not_found); msg = Message.obtain(parentActivity.activityHandler, AndroidFileDownloader.MESSAGE_ENCOUNTERED_ERROR, 0, 0, errMsg); parentActivity.activityHandler.sendMessage(msg); } catch(Exception e) { String errMsg = parentActivity.getString(R.string.error_message_general); msg = Message.obtain(parentActivity.activityHandler, AndroidFileDownloader.MESSAGE_ENCOUNTERED_ERROR, 0, 0, errMsg); parentActivity.activityHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } } Update Or you can simply use below code for both Upload & Download process. package com.resource.util; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; /** * This class is used to upload a file to a FTP server. * * @author Muthu */ public class FileUpload { /** * Upload a file to a FTP server. A FTP URL is generated with the * following syntax: * ftp://user:password@host:port/filePath;type=i. * * @param ftpServer , FTP server address (optional port ':portNumber'). * @param user , Optional user name to login. * @param password , Optional password for user. * @param fileName , Destination file name on FTP server (with optional * preceding relative path, e.g. "myDir/myFile.txt"). * @param source , Source file to upload. * @throws MalformedURLException, IOException on error. */ public void upload( String ftpServer, String user, String password, String fileName, File source ) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { if (ftpServer != null &amp;&amp; fileName != null &amp;&amp; source != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "ftp://" ); // check for authentication else assume its anonymous access. if (user != null &amp;&amp; password != null) { sb.append( user ); sb.append( ':' ); sb.append( password ); sb.append( '@' ); } sb.append( ftpServer ); sb.append( '/' ); sb.append( fileName ); /* * type ==&gt; a=ASCII mode, i=image (binary) mode, d= file directory * listing */ sb.append( ";type=i" ); BufferedInputStream bis = null; BufferedOutputStream bos = null; try { URL url = new URL( sb.toString() ); URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); bos = new BufferedOutputStream( urlc.getOutputStream() ); bis = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( source ) ); int i; // read byte by byte until end of stream while ((i = bis.read()) != -1) { bos.write( i ); } } finally { if (bis != null) try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } if (bos != null) try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } else { System.out.println( "Input not available." ); } } /** * Download a file from a FTP server. A FTP URL is generated with the * following syntax: * ftp://user:password@host:port/filePath;type=i. * * @param ftpServer , FTP server address (optional port ':portNumber'). * @param user , Optional user name to login. * @param password , Optional password for user. * @param fileName , Name of file to download (with optional preceeding * relative path, e.g. one/two/three.txt). * @param destination , Destination file to save. * @throws MalformedURLException, IOException on error. */ public void download( String ftpServer, String user, String password, String fileName, File destination ) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { if (ftpServer != null &amp;&amp; fileName != null &amp;&amp; destination != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "ftp://" ); // check for authentication else assume its anonymous access. if (user != null &amp;&amp; password != null) { sb.append( user ); sb.append( ':' ); sb.append( password ); sb.append( '@' ); } sb.append( ftpServer ); sb.append( '/' ); sb.append( fileName ); /* * type ==&gt; a=ASCII mode, i=image (binary) mode, d= file directory * listing */ sb.append( ";type=i" ); BufferedInputStream bis = null; BufferedOutputStream bos = null; try { URL url = new URL( sb.toString() ); URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); bis = new BufferedInputStream( urlc.getInputStream() ); bos = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( destination.getName() ) ); int i; while ((i = bis.read()) != -1) { bos.write( i ); } } finally { if (bis != null) try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } if (bos != null) try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } else { System.out.println( "Input not available" ); } } } From, the above code download() method provide you whatever you needs.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for analyzing a fabrication line of semiconductor devices. 2. Description of the Background Art FIG. 18 is a block diagram of a fabrication line analysis apparatus in the background-art. The fabrication line analysis apparatus consists of a data analysis system D90 and data management systems C91 to C98. A fabrication process mainly consists of a wafer process and an inspection process for inspection of the products. The wafer process is carried out by fabrication devices A1 to A4. The inspection process is carried out by an electrical characteristic measuring device A5 and product measuring devices A6 to A8. A fabrication line 10 of semiconductor devices includes the devices A1 to A8. Furthermore, the fabrication process further includes an assembly process which is not shown in this figure. Inspection systems B1 to B4 each include a contamination inspection device and a defect inspection device (not shown). The data management systems C91 to C94 each include a contamination inspection database and a defect inspection database (not shown). A product wafer is sequentially processed by the devices A1 to A8. The fabrication devices A1 to A4 are each subjected to a periodical inspection before processing the product wafer. The inspection of the devices A1 to A4 is performed as follows: First, the fabrication device A1 processes a monitor wafer (bare wafer). Next, the contamination inspection device of the inspection system B1 inspects contaminations on the processed monitor wafer and the inspection result is given to the data management system C91 to be entered as data in the contamination inspection database. In like manner, the contamination inspection devices in the inspection systems B2 to B4 inspect contaminations on the monitor wafers processed by the fabrication devices A2 to A4 and the inspection results are given to the data management systems C92 to C94 to be entered as data in the contamination inspection databases, respectively. The defect inspection devices of the inspection systems B1 to B4 inspect defects on the product wafers processed by the fabrication devices A1 to A4 and the inspection results are given to the data management systems C91 to C94 to be entered as data in the defect inspection databases, respectively. The assembly process is carried out after the processing by the electrical characteristic measuring device A5 before the processing by the product measuring device A6. The product wafer undergoes the assembly process to be in a form of product. The electrical characteristic measuring device A5 measures the product wafer and the product measuring devices A6 to A8 each measure the product. The measurement results obtained by the measuring devices A5 to A8 are given to the data management systems C95 to C98 to be entered as data in databases thereof (not shown), respectively. A database D93 stores the data stored in the data management systems C91 to C98 without any processing. An output unit D92 gives a readout from the database D93. Since an interconnection process is performed at the end of the wafer process, it is difficult to evaluate the product wafer in detail during the wafer process. Therefore, a detailed evaluation of the product wafer is made after the wafer process. FIG. 19 is a flow chart showing a background-art procedure of evaluating the product wafer in detail. First, the fabrication devices A1 to A4 process the product wafer (Step 901). Next, the electrical characteristic measuring device A5 measures the electrical characteristics of the product wafer (Step 902). An operator judges whether or not there is any failure (nonconforming defect), observing the measurement result given by the output unit D92 (Step 903). If no failure is found, the product wafer undergoes the assembly process to be in a form of product. Subsequently, the product measuring devices A6 to A8 perform plural types of measurements (Steps 904, 906 and 908). The operator judges whether or not there is any failure, observing the measurement result given by the output unit D92 (Steps 905, 907 and 909). If no failure is found, the process ends, and otherwise the operator analyzes the cause of failure (Step 910). The operator performs an electrical measurement of the defective product (Step 911). Further analysis (Step 912) and a remedy of device, product or product wafer (Step 913) are made. If some failure is found, Step 903 is followed by Steps 912 and 913. As discussed above, the detailed evaluation of the product wafer is made after the wafer process, and accordingly detecting the cause of nonconforming defect and the like is a time-consuming work and a prompt remedy is hard to do. Furthermore, even if some nonconforming defect is found during the contamination inspection or the defect inspection, it takes much time to find the cause and it is hard to make a prompt remedy.
Q: React - passing this.state as prop I've tried researching everywhere I can but I'm stuck on why my code wont work. I'm trying to update this.state with new data and then pass this to the react-bootstrap-table tool (http://allenfang.github.io/react-bootstrap-table/example) I'm trying to pass this.state as a prop in the "data" prop, however when I try this I get the following error: react-bootstrap-table.min.js:18 Uncaught TypeError: n.props.data.slice is not a function I've googled the error and got to this document (https://github.com/AllenFang/react-bootstrap-table/issues/605) which talked about using a componentWillReceiveProps but I've had no luck with this. Any help would be massively appreciated. Steve class App extends React.Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { }; this.getData = this.getData.bind(this); } //method to fetch data from url getData(url){ fetch(url) .then(function(resp){ return resp.json(); }) .then(data => { //do something with the data this.setState(data) }) } //end of getData function componentDidMount(){ //Details location of our data var url = "https://fcctop100.herokuapp.com/api/fccusers/top/recent"; //fetches data from url this.getData(url); } //end of componentDidMount render(){ return ( <BootstrapTable data={this.state} striped hover> <TableHeaderColumn isKey dataField='username'>Username</TableHeaderColumn> <TableHeaderColumn dataField='recent'>Recent Score</TableHeaderColumn> <TableHeaderColumn dataField='alltime'>All Time Score</TableHeaderColumn> </BootstrapTable> ); } } //end of App class ReactDOM.render(<App data = {this.state}/>, document.getElementById('app')); A: Change your render method to something like below. You need to send data that is fetched in getData and not the whole state object to the BootstrapTable. Moreover, the data you get back in the .then should match BootstrapTable's expectation of data. Also remember that this.state.data will not be populated when the component first renders. Only after fetchUrl fulfils this.state.data will be populated. render(){ return ( <BootstrapTable data={this.state.data || []} striped hover> <TableHeaderColumn isKey dataField='username'>Username</TableHeaderColumn> <TableHeaderColumn dataField='recent'>Recent Score</TableHeaderColumn> <TableHeaderColumn dataField='alltime'>All Time Score</TableHeaderColumn> </BootstrapTable> ); }
Rudzica, Silesian Voivodeship Rudzica is a village in Gmina Jasienica, Bielsko County, Silesian Voivodeship, southern Poland. It has a population of 3,036 (2016) and lies in the historical region of Cieszyn Silesia. History The village was first mentioned in a Latin document of Diocese of Wrocław called Liber fundationis episcopatus Vratislaviensis from around 1305 as Item in Rudgeri villa primo silva inciditur.. It meant that forest was being cut down to make a place for a creation of this new village. It was a part of a larger settlement campaign taking place in the late 13th century on the territory of what will be later known as Upper Silesia. The village belonged initially to the Duchy of Teschen, formed in 1290 in the process of feudal fragmentation of Poland and was ruled by a local branch of Piast dynasty. In 1327 the duchy became a fee of Kingdom of Bohemia, which after 1526 became part of the Habsburg Monarchy. The village became a seat of a Catholic parish, first mentioned in an incomplete register of Peter's Pence payment from 1335 as villa Rudgeri and as such being one of the oldest in the region. It was again mentioned in the register of Peter's Pence payment from 1447 among 50 parishes of Teschen deaconry as 'Rudgersdorff. The name, Rudgersdorf indicates Germanic origins of the settlers. They were later polonized and in 1452 it appears under somewhat Polish name Rauditz, which was not however a plain translation of its German name. Rauditz which evolved to Rudzica is of topographic origin and hints of ruddish water in the local river. Later the distinction of two parts of the village developed: Rudzica Mała (lit. Small Rudzica, first mentioned in 1600 as na Maley Rudiczy) and Rudzica Wielka (mentioned in 1603 as na Welkj Rudicy). Later on the German name evolved and consolidated as Riegersdorf (Groß und Klein Riegersdorf, 1754; Riegersdorf Groß und Klein, pohlnisch: Rudzica, 1804). After the 1540s Protestant Reformation prevailed in the Duchy of Teschen and a local Catholic church was taken over by Lutherans. It was taken from them (as one from around fifty buildings in the region) by a special commission and given back to the Roman Catholic Church on 16 April 1654. Throughout history Rudzica belonged to several noble families. In 1802 it was purchased into Teschener Kammer and belonged to it up to World War I. After Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire a modern municipal division was introduced in the re-established Austrian Silesia. The village as a municipality was subscribed to the political district of Bielsko and the legal district of Strumień. According to the censuses conducted in 1880, 1890, 1900 and 1910 the population of the municipality grew from 1291 in 1880 to 1339 in 1910 with a majority being native Polish-speakers (97%-98.2%) accompanied by a small German-speaking minority (at most 30 or 2.2% in 1910) and Czech-speaking (at most 10 or 0.8% in 1900), in terms of religion in 1910 majority were Roman Catholics (90%), followed by Protestants (9.9%) and 2 Jews. The village was also traditionally inhabited by Cieszyn Vlachs, speaking Cieszyn Silesian dialect. After World War I, fall of Austria-Hungary, Polish–Czechoslovak War and the division of Cieszyn Silesia in 1920, it became a part of Poland. It was then annexed by Nazi Germany at the beginning of World War II. After the war it was restored to Poland. Landmarks John the Baptist Church, built in years 1782-1800, and a rectory built in years 1788-1799; both were renovated after World War II; Manor house built in the first half of the 17th century, also renovated after World War II; Footnotes References External links Information at Gmina Jasienica website Category:Villages in Bielsko County Category:Cieszyn Silesia
Q: Are all wishes actually possible? In the beginning episodes of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Kyubey offers the teenage girls in the series the chance to have a wish come true in exchange for becoming a magical girl, and moreover seems to imply that any wish can be made possible. However, in the last episode, Kyubey tells Madoka: Since you're now the central point of karmic destiny from numerous different timelines, no matter how enormous the wish, you will likely be able to make it come true. This of course seems to imply that with some other magical girls, some wishes are too "enormous" to come true. But this seems to contradict Kyubey's earlier words, and this doesn't really seem to be a point of deception either. Given this, are some wishes actually impossible for some magical girls, or is there perhaps actually no inconsistency here? EDIT: I've only watched the anime series, and while the first two films sound a lot like an adaptation of the contents of the anime, I don't know much about the Rebellion film. If this is of any "importance", I am referring to whether or not all wishes are possible prior to the aftermath of Madoka's final decision to remove all witches in time and space from coming into being. A: It could be assumed that every wish is possible, yet Kyubey may lie about a wish being possible since granting a wish will also drain the universe of energy. Kyubey will most likely only grant a wish if the energy outputted from a Magical Girl becoming a Witch is greater than what was needed to grant the wish, indicated when Kyubey sometimes says something like: Your wish has conquered entropy It's assumed that the amount of energy to resurrect someone would be far greater than what would be generated by most Magical Girl/Witch transformations. After all, since Kyubey's race can manipulate souls (ripping them out of bodies and making them into gems), they probably know how much energy would be needed to make one. The only wish which may in fact be impossible is something that affects the laws of thermodynamics in a way that entropy no longer exists. Otherwise, a Magical Girl like Homura or Oriko who knew about the transformation process probably would have sought out a Magical Girl who could make such a wish. (I'm assuming Oriko knew since she knew of Madoka becoming a witch who would destroy the world and would question Kyubey as to why.) Of course, to change the laws of thermodynamics, it probably would need someone on Madoka's level to be able to produce enough energy by changing into a witch so strong it would destroy the universe.
SS Dronning Maud (1925) SS Dronning Maud was a 1,489 ton steel-hulled steamship built in 1925 by the Norwegian shipyard Fredrikstad Mekaniske Verksted in Fredrikstad. Dronning Maud was ordered by the Trondheim-based company Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskipsselskap for the passenger and freight service Hurtigruten along the coast of Norway. She served this route as the company flagship until she was sunk under controversial circumstances during the 1940 Norwegian Campaign. Before the Second World War Building and commissioning Dronning Maud was ordered from Fredrikstad Mekaniske Verksted shortly after the loss of Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskipsselskap's Haakon Jarl. Haakon Jarl had suffered a collision with fellow Nordenfjeldske ship Kong Harald in the Vestfjord on 17 June 1924, sinking with the loss of 12 passengers and seven crew members. The building order of Dronning Maud made her the first new ship to join the Hurtigruten route since Finmarken in 1912. After her 8 May 1925 launch she had her first test run in the Oslofjord on 30 June 1925 and was formally handed over to Nordenfjeldske on 3 July. Nordenfjeldske immediately sent her northwards to Trondheim from where she joined the northbound Hurtigruten service, sailing from Brattøra at 12:00 on 13 July. Characteristics With the construction of Dronning Maud a new concept was introduced to the Hurtigruten ships, with the First Class section moved forward to amidships and the Second Class removed altogether in order to make room for a greatly improved Third Class in the aft section. The salons and cabins in the Third Class area on board Dronning Maud were described at the time as both "light and practical". Her outer appearance was characterized by long, clean lines, a large superstructure and a long continuous promenade deck. She was considered a very seaworthy vessel and in 1931 became the first Hurtigruten ship to be equipped with the new safety feature of wireless telegraphy. By 1936 all the Hurtigruten ships had been equipped with the new technology. Hurtigruten service After she entered service with Nordenfjeldske Dronning Maud sailed with passengers and freight along the coast of Norway. During her regular coastal service in the 1920s and 1930s the ship repeatedly had to come to the assistance of ships in difficulties. In 1926 she assisted the 556 ton steamer Pallas after the latter had run aground off Grønøy and in 1927 she helped a British trawler after it had run aground in the sound Magerøysund in Finnmark. Dronning Maud herself had an accident when she ran aground south of Florø in October 1929. Second World War At the outbreak of the Second World War Norway declared herself neutral and the Hurtigruten service continued as normal in the first months of the war. Johann Schulte During this period Dronning Maud was involved in a dramatic incident when on 1 January 1940 the 5,334 ton German merchantman shipwrecked at Buholmråsa after losing her propeller. Coming to the iron ore-laden Johann Schultes rescue through a north-westerly gale and snow Captain Edward M. Grundt brought his vessel close enough to the German ship so that a line could be thrown on board and used to drag the shipwrecked people to safety. In all Dronning Maud and her crew saved all 36 German sailors and two Norwegian pilots from the sinking ship. After everyone on board had been pulled to safety the German ship hit a reef near Bessaker and was crushed. During the rescue operation, carried out at night in pitch black conditions, some 100 passengers and 45 crew were on board the Hurtigruten ship. The rescued Germans were set ashore in Rørvik while the two pilots remained on board as Dronning Maud continued northwards. Johann Schulte rescue has been described as one of the most incredible ever accomplished on the Norwegian coast, and resulted in congratulatory telegrams to the ship when it reached Svolvær and later monetary gifts to the crew. In the 1960s Captain Grundt received a gold medal from the German rescue society and a diploma from the Norwegian counterpart for his efforts. Norwegian Campaign Troopship duties When the Germans invaded Norway on 9 April 1940 Dronning Maud was northbound off Sandnessjøen in Nordland and continued northwards to her end port of Kirkenes in Finnmark. After arriving in Kirkenes she was requisitioned by the Norwegian government as a troopship. Dronning Mauds first troopship assignment was to take part in the transport of Battalion I of Infantry Regiment 12 (I/IR12) from Sør-Varanger to the Tromsø-Narvik area. Escorted by the British heavy cruiser Berwick and the destroyer Inglefield, Dronning Maud and two smaller vessels from Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab (the 874 ton SS Kong Haakon and Hestmanden) disembarked most of the Norwegian infantry battalion at Sjøvegan in Troms on 16 April 1940. The remainder of the battalion was transported on the fellow Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab steamer Prins Olav a few days later. The next day, 17 April, Dronning Maud and Kong Haakon were escorted northwards to Sagfjorden by the Norwegian the off-shore patrol vessel Heimdal. The second troopship mission Dronning Maud carried out was the transport of one infantry company, the battalion's staff, the communications platoon and one heavy machine gun platoon of the Alta Battalion from Alta in Finnmark to areas closer to the front line in Troms. The rest of the battalion was transported on the Kong Haakon and the 858 ton cargo ship Senja. The three troopships were originally meant to be escorted by the off-shore patrol vessel Fridtjof Nansen but this order was changed and the ships were instead to sail without escort. The three ships set off from Alta singly; Kong Haakon at 21:00 on 19 April, Dronning Maud at 22:00 the same day, and Senja at 04:00 on 20 April. Each of the three ships carried a heavy machine gun platoon for anti-aircraft defence, Senja had two platoons as she was transporting the battalion's horses. Dronning Maud and Kong Haakon arrived almost simultaneous at Tromsø at 09:00 on 20 April, then continuing southwards after a short conference with the naval authorities in Tromsø. Dronning Maud that time sailed at 10:00, while Kong Haakon followed at 11:00, both ships still without escort. As Dronning Maud reached the island of Dyrøy she was stopped by the patrol boat Thorodd and told to wait for Kong Haakon. When Kong Haakon reached Dyrøy the two Hurtigruten ship continued to Sjøvegan under escort by Thorodd, arriving at 17:30 on 20 April and disembarking the troops. After the completion of her troop transporting missions the Norwegian authorities decided to use Dronning Maud to transport the 6th Landvern Medical Company () from Sørreisa to Foldvik in Gratangen. The company she was tasked with transporting consisted of 119 medics, along with eight horses and three trucks. In preparation for the voyage to Foldvik Dronning Maud had one 3-metre by 3-metre (9.8 ft by 9.8 ft) Red Cross flag stretched out over her bridge deck and flew two more Red Cross flags in her masts. Final voyage Dronning Maud set off from Sørreisa at around 11:30 on 1 May 1940, arriving at Foldvik three to four hours later in calm seas and sunshine. As the ship was about to dock with the small wharf on her port side two or three aircraft of the German Lehrgeschwader 1 made a low-level attack with bombs and machine gun fire on the Norwegian steamer. Seven bombs were dropped from the aircraft, with two being direct hits, one between the funnel and the bridge, the other just aft of the fore cargo hatch. The first bomb entered the engine room and blew out the ship's sides and the second exploded in the bottom of the hull. The first bomb killed everyone in the refrigeration room, four men and three women. As the crew and passengers tried to abandon ship only one or two boats could be lowered into the water due to the fire that had broken out on board. The fire also threatened to destroy the wooden wharf at Foldvik, until a local fishing boat managed to pull the burning ship some distance away from shore. Dronning Maud drifted a short distance, then ran aground, burned and sank listing to port. Following their attack on Dronning Maud the German aircraft proceeded to bomb nearby Gratangen, destroying several houses and killing two civilians. After the attack the wounded survivors were given first aid by the crew of the 378 ton hospital ship MS Elieser. In the evening the British destroyer HMS Cossack brought the most severely wounded to hospital in Harstad while Elieser transported those less critically wounded to Salangsverket. Nine medics lost their lives during the attack, while a tenth later died in a hospital near Harstad. Of the ship's crew eight died and all the materiel on board was lost when Dronning Maud went down. Thirty-one medics and crew members were injured in the sinking of the ship, two of them severely. The wreck of Dronning Maud remains where she sank, a short distance off the wharf at Foldvik in Gratangen. The ship is still upright at around 26 to 35 metres (85 to 115 ft) depth, at coordinates . Reactions to the sinking The sinking of Dronning Maud, an unarmed ship flying Red Cross flags and carrying medical personnel, brought a great amount of anger and criticism directed against the Germans. From the Norwegian perspective Dronning Maud had been a hospital ship and under the protection of the Geneva Conventions. The Germans retorted by pointing out that Dronning Maud had not been fully marked as a hospital ship, as she had retained her black hull instead of it being painted white with a horizontal green stripe. References Bibliography Category:Maritime incidents in May 1940 Category:Norwegian Campaign Category:Passenger ships of Norway Category:Ships built in Fredrikstad Category:Steamships of Norway Category:Troop ships of Norway Category:World War II merchant ships of Norway Category:World War II shipwrecks in the Norwegian Sea Category:1925 ships Category:Hospital ships in World War II Category:Ships sunk by German aircraft
Q: I don't know if i was caught cheating or not So i take my test in a separate room by myself in the testing center and when i was taking my test one of the instructors nocked on my door. Know they do not check to make sure if you have your phone on you or not, so i brought my phone in the room with me. Well the teacher walks in and i hide my phone with my jacket on my lap and the teacher proceeds to say that i am not allowed to have a jacket in the room with me so i hide my phone between my legs and give her my jacket. Not thinking anything of it because i thought if she did see my phone than she would have taken my test away right then and there. So i finish the test and i go to hand it to the people and they are all talking when i get there but i don't know what they are talking about so i just pay no attention to it. As i am grabbing my jacket i hear one of the ladys say she is probably just gonna get a 0 on the test because when i walked in there she had her phone on her. Now they never said who they where talking about but i am scared because i did have my phone on me. When i was leaving they didn't seem to be mad at me or anything but i still can't help but think they where talking about me. So i guess what i am asking is if i did get caught with my phone would they have taken the test away or would they have let me finish and then emailed my teacher about it? A: First of all, I hope you will learn your lesson and not cheat again. It is unfair to your fellow students and to your future employers. I strongly recommend to read the answers to this question. Now to your actual question: different universities in different countries have different policies on how to handle cheating. In some universities, students must always be allowed to finish the exam even if they are caught cheating, so that the grade is still valid if the accusation of cheating is appealed and does not stand. You cannot know who the instructors were talking about: you will have to wait to see if they have caught you. I would say the odds are strongly against you: what are the chances that another student cheated in the same way as you did and was caught?
Q: "Unexpected keyword argument 'axis'" tunning Sckit-Learn's train_test_split function after using Pandas' cut function I ran into this problem operating over a dataset. My dataset comes in CSV format and has the following structure: ID,FieldOne,FieldTwo,FieldThree,FieldFour,FieldThree,FieldFour,FieldFive,ToPredict 1,337,118,4,4.5,4.5,9.65,1,0.92 2,324,107,4,4,4.5,8.87,1,0.76 3,316,104,3,3,3.5,8,1,0.72 The ´ToPredictField´ is a probability that tells me how likely each row is to be picked for some process. That's my class column, and I want to split it into 5 categories: Very_unlikely (<= 0.5), Unlikely (between 0.5 and 0.7), Medium (between 0.7 and 0.8), Likely (between 0.8 and 0.9), Very_likey (> 0.9). I did this by using Pandas cut function like this: bins = [0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1] names = ['Very_unlikely', 'Unlikely', 'Medium', 'Likely', 'Very_likely'] dataset['ToPredictField'] = pd.cut(dataset['Chance of Admit '], bins, labels=names) Now, I try to run train_test_split to split the dataset into 67% train / 33%: data_X = dataset[['ID','FieldOne','FieldTwo','FieldThree','FieldFour','FieldThree','FieldFour','FieldFive']].values data_Y = dataset['Chance of Admit '].values train_X, test_X, train_Y, test_Y = train_test_split(data_X, data_Y, test_size=0.33, random_state=10) However, I get this error: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sklearn/utils/__init__.py in safe_indexing(X, indices) 214 indices.dtype.kind == 'i'): 215 # This is often substantially faster than X[indices] --> 216 return X.take(indices, axis=0) 217 else: 218 return X[indices] TypeError: take_nd() got an unexpected keyword argument 'axis' Do you have any idea what it can be? Thanks. A: I confirm the problem on pandas 0.24.2. To go around this, change data_Y = dataset.ToPredictField.cat.codes That would give you the numeric codes for the categories, which certainly plays nice with sklearn. Or you can simply do data_Y = dataset.ToPredictField but I am not sure how it goes with sklearn.
Q: AngularJS: page displays NaNs and displays data when it gets from server. How to prevent it? Consider this conroller $scope.transaction = {}; $scope.transactions = Transaction.query(); $scope.save = function() { var transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.name = $scope.transaction['name']; transaction.debit = $scope.transaction['debit']; transaction.date = $scope.transaction['date']; transaction.amount = $scope.transaction['amount']; transaction.category = $scope.transaction['category'].uuid; //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction transaction.$save(); $scope.transactions.push(transaction); console.log('transaction saved successfully', transaction); }; and this HTML <tbody ng-repeat="transaction in transactions | orderBy: transaction.created_on"> <td>{{ transaction.name }}</td> <td>{{ transaction.amount | currency }}</td> <!-- custom filter to display type of transaction --> <td>{{ transaction.debit | transactionType }}</td> <!-- added dateInMillis to pass to date to filter Angular way --> <td>{{ transaction.created_on | dateInMillis | date: 'medium'}}</td> <td>{{ transaction.category.name }}</td> <td> </tbody> Problem When I add transaction, it immediately displays bunch of NaNs and then once the server comes back with saved data, it replaces those NaNs with actual data How can I prevent that from happening? Its not a good UX A: Without seeing all the code related to the Transaction object its hard to know for sure what the problem could be. At a glance I think you need a callback function attached to transaction.$save() method. transaction.$save(function(u, putResponseHeaders) { // This is $save's success callback $scope.transactions.push(transaction); console.log('transaction saved successfully', transaction); });
Study on alanine aminotransferase kinetics by microchip electrophoresis. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which catalyzes the reversible conversion between L-glutamic acid (L-Glu) and L-alanine (L-Ala), is one of the most active aminotransferases in the clinical diagnosis of liver diseases. This work displays a microanalytical method for evaluating ALT enzyme kinetics using a microchip electrophoresis laser-induced fluorescence system. Four groups of amino acid (AA) mixtures, including the substrates of ALT (L-Glu and L-Ala), were effectively separated. Under the optimized conditions, the quantitative analysis of L-Glu and L-Ala was conducted and limits of detection (signal/noise=3) for L-Glu and L-Ala were 4.0 × 10⁻⁷ and 2.0 × 10⁻⁷ M, respectively. In the reaction catalyzed by ALT, enzyme kinetic constants were determined for both the forward and reverse reactions by monitoring the concentration decrease of substrate AAs (L-Ala and L-Glu), and the K(m) and V(max) values were 10.12 mM and 0.48 mM/min for forward reaction and 3.22 mM and 0.22 mM/min for reverse reaction, respectively. Furthermore, the applicability of this assay was assessed by analysis of real serum samples. The results demonstrated that the proposed method could be used for kinetic study of ALT and shows great potential in the real application.
The present invention relates generally to tags and labels. More particularly, the invention relates to a printable tag with integral loop fastener suitable for being printed and dispensed by mechanical means. The integral loop fastener allows the tag to be quickly attached to goods, shipping containers or dunnage, without the need to install a separate string or wire fastener. Shipping tags and labels are used throughout industry for inventory control, shipping origin and destination addressing, component identification, just-in-time manufacturing, specimen labeling, and the like. Traditionally, most industries have used a simple paper tag with separate wire or string fastener, designed to be written on by hand and then attached to the article. Although this paper tag can be printed on and dispensed mechanically, the wire or string fastener must be installed separately so as not to jam the feeding and printing apparatus. With the prevalence of many inventory management systems, process flow control systems and shipping systems now operating under computer control, there is considerable interest in a printable tag that works in this automated environment. Desirably, the tag should be printed and dispensed as part of the automated manufacturing, shipping and/or storage process, with the tag being ready for immediate application to the article. In this way, accurate correlation between the tag and the article is ensured and the manufacturing, shipping and/or storage process proceeds efficiently. To meet the needs of today's automated environments, the invention provides a printable tag with integral loop fastener that requires no separate string or wire fastener. The tag employs a printable substrate that is provided with a first perforation which separates to define an elongated loop structure. A second perforation, extending laterally adjacent to one edge of the substrate, separates to define an elongated slotted opening in the loop structure. The opening is sized to allow the tag body to be passed through it. In use, the tag is applied by breaking the perforations through a quick zipping action, to free the loop structure while leaving one end of the loop structure attached to the substrate. The loop structure is then wrapped or looped around the article to be tagged, and the free end of the tag body is inserted into the slotted opening and pulled tight. The presently preferred tag is a biaxially multi-layered laminate of polyethylene with a matte top coating to support printing by suitable thermal printer or laser printer. For a more complete understanding of the invention, its objects and advantages, refer to the following specification and to the accompanying drawings.
Failure to achieve predicted antibody responses with intradermal and intramuscular human diploid cell rabies vaccine. In a study to compare the immunogenicity of human diploid cell rabies vaccine (HDCV) given by intramuscular or automatic intradermal jet injection, neither method of administration resulted in antibody levels predicted by previous studies. 49 days after starting a series of three 0.1 ml doses of HDCV given intradermally, 85 volunteers had a geometric mean titre (GMT) of neutralising antibody to rabies of 1:170. 9 concurrent control subjects who received 1.0 ml doses of vaccine intramuscularly had a GMT of only 1:269. Although standard potency testing did not demonstrate that the vaccine used was subpotent , these results strongly suggest that the immunogenicity of HDCV is substantially less than previously reported.
Q: My iOS app receive push notifications from firebase only when "test on device" I am trying to use Firebase for push notification in my iOS app. I followed the "set up an iOS client" guide from Firebase. And I found that my iOS app can not receive a notification when I send a message using target (user segment) from Firebase console. However, I can receive it when I use "Test on device" feature where I entered the FCM Registration Token of my iOS app. Any idea why this could happen and how to fix it. Thank you A: "Firebase Cloud Messaging provides two ways to target a message to multiple devices: Topic messaging, which allows you to send a message to multiple devices that have opted in to a particular topic. Device group messaging, which allows you to send a single message to multiple instances of an app running on devices belonging to a group. -- https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/ios/send-multiple --" Perhaps, with new firebase projects, it is impossible to send notification to all devices without define device group or topic messaging. I hadn't to configure those things in my previous apps.
Comparison of current staging systems and a novel staging system for uterine leiomyosarcoma. Uterine leiomyosarcoma (LMS) was traditionally staged by modified 1988 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging criteria for endometrial adenocarcinoma. Contemporary methods of staging include the 2009 FIGO system for uterine LMS and the 2010 American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) soft tissue sarcoma system. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of these 3 staging systems and a novel system in predicting disease-specific survival for patients with uterine LMS. Patients, evaluated at our institution with uterine LMS from 1976 to 2009, were identified. Stage was assigned retrospectively based on operative and pathology reports. Staging systems performance was compared using confidence indices. We identified 244 patients with uterine LMS with sufficient information to be staged by all 3 systems. For each staging method, lower stage was associated with significantly improved disease-specific survival, P < 0.001. Patients with 2010 AJCC stage IA disease (low-grade, ≤5 cm) experienced no disease-specific deaths. We created a novel staging system, which used size and grade to stratify patients with disease confined to the uterus and/or cervix and combined the remaining patients with extrauterine disease as stage IV. Based on confidence index, the 2010 AJCC system and our novel system provided more accurate prognostic information than either of the 2 FIGO systems. Uterine LMS remains a clinically aggressive malignancy. Size and grade provided accurate prognostic information for patients with disease confined to the uterus and/or cervix. Patients with small, low-grade uterine LMS do not benefit from adjuvant therapy.
5 Ways to Make Significant Money Online Looking to pay off debt? Want to earn more money to save for your children’s college education? Simply need more cash day-to-day? If you’re searching for opportunities to make money from home, take a look at these five ways you can make significant money online. Put your place up for rent. Have a spare bedroom? With 150 million users on Airbnb, this site is the perfect place to rent out your room out and make some money. If you are a great host and you have a desirable living space, you can add hundreds – maybe even thousands – of dollars to your bank account each month. Vacation Rentals By Owner, or VRBO, is another site to try. To make the most money, offer your space during high-demand times in the area you live in such as conventions, concerts and sporting events. Be a great host, offering toiletries similar to a hotel, like soap, toilet paper and washcloths and towels. Make sure you’re personable too. Travelers often use Airbnb and VRBO because they appreciate the personal touch it offers over traditional lodging. Gamble online. You can make a lot of money if you play casino games online as long as you have a strategy and spending parameters. Before you dive in, keep in mind it’s smart to learn about the games before you play and avoid complicated bets. Play max credits and opt for machines with the smallest jackpots for better odds of winning. Start freelance writing. One of the most popular ways to earn cash online is by freelance writing. Writing does take commitment and skill, but if you are willing to build your portfolio and resume and are dedicated to the job, it can be highly profitable. According to Payscale.com, the average freelance writer makes just under $25/hour. Begin by building an online presence through the help of a blog, then you can start bidding on jobs. Freelance writing is a lucrative career that allows you to make money online and prepare for your retirement – and you can work from anywhere you choose. Sell your things on eBay. The online selling market has been on the rise for years. If you aren’t sure how to get started, always remember that honesty pays off. Tell people about your used items – every scratch and dent – so you can reduce negative reviews. Take great photos of the items you’re selling so your products stand apart from others. Last but not least, always do good business. Even when you’re selling items online and not face-to-face, you still have to prioritize customer service. Respond to any questions or concerns promptly, just like you would except a business to do for you. Create YouTube videos. If you have the ability to generate a following, you can utilize YouTube advertising to make some money. Whether your videos are humorous, feature pets or offer toy reviews, YouTube is one way you can monetize your favorite hobby. Keep in mind that you won’t grow an audience overnight, but once you grow your fan base you can make some solid cash. The average revenue for 1,000 YouTube views is $6, so create something people will love and watch the money add up.
1. Introduction and Aims {#sec1} ======================== Only about one-third of the elderly population has a normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In these subjects, a reliable estimate of kidney function is of fundamental importance since reduced GFR significantly affects prognosis, drug prescriptions, and dosing \[[@B1]\]. Accurate assessment of renal function requires the measurement of renal clearance of a filtration marker, such as inulin, ^125^iothalamate, ^51^Cr-EDTA, ^99^mTc-DTPA, and iohexol. These measurements, however, are not suitable for routine clinical practice because they are expensive, are time-consuming, and require specialized equipment and skills \[[@B2]\]. In clinical practice, 24-hour creatinine clearance (24 h-CrCl) represents a robust measure of renal function. However, accurate urinary collection in elderly patients may be difficult for the forgetfulness, physical impairment, low compliance, and urinary incontinence. For these reasons, patient\'s catheterization or caregiver support may be necessary to obtain a correct evaluation of 24-hour creatinine clearance in elderly. Several formulas based on serum creatinine (SCr) measurements have been developed and tested. The most used formulas in adults are the Cockcroft-Gault (CG, \[[@B3]\]), modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD, \[[@B4]\]), and CKD-EPI \[[@B5]\]. However, the important limit of all of these formulas is that they were derived from data obtained only in adult patients; their performance in other clinical settings, such as in elderly patients, has not been analyzed comprehensively. Previous studies performed in elderly patients reported a poor agreement between predictive equation (CG and MDRD) and more accurate methods were used to evaluate the renal function (24 h-CrCl \[[@B6], [@B7]\], ^99^mTc-DTPA-GFR \[[@B8], [@B9]\], or ^51^Cr-EDTA \[[@B9], [@B10]\]); however, these data are not unanimous \[[@B11]\]. Moreover, in contrast to adult patients \[[@B12]\], MDRD formula seems to overestimate renal function more than CG formula in elderly subjects \[[@B13]\]; the difference between the two formulas increases with age \[[@B14]\]. No data are available about accuracy of CKD-EPI formula in the elderly. Ultrasound imaging is an easy and widely available technique to evaluate patients in clinical practice. Ultrasound kidney volume and size are reliable predictors of renal function in patients with chronic renal disease \[[@B15]\]. Few data are available on the relationship between kidney morphology and function in elderly subjects. Renal size decreases with increasing age among subjects \>60 years \[[@B16]\]. Longitudinal kidney diameter is a determinant of renal prognosis \[[@B17]\]. It is not known whether ultrasound imaging increases the ability of a formula for the estimation of renal function to identify CKD patients. Thus, the present study was designed to evaluate in elderly patients (a) the ability of the most used and validated formulas for the estimation of renal function to identified CKD subjects, (b) the correlation between renal ultrasound parameters and renal function, and (c) the usefulness of renal ultrasound parameters to improve the ability of formula for the estimation of renal function to detect patients with CKD. 2. Methods {#sec2} ========== *Cross-Sectional Study*. Hospitalized elderly subjects with age 65--100 years, catheterized for at least 24 h, were included in this analysis. Exclusion criteria were absence of bilateral kidneys visualization at ultrasound examination, acute renal failure, wasting disease, kidney cysts \> 2.5 cm, malignancy, and absence of informed consent. CG, MDRD, and CKD-EPI formulas were tested versus 24 h urinary creatinine clearance (24 h-CrCl). CKD is defined as 24 h-CrCl \<60 mL/min. The following kidneys ultrasound parameters were evaluated: mean resistance index (mean-RI), kidney longitudinal diameter (l-diameter), kidney transverse diameter (t-diameter), total kidney volume (t-volume), kidney parenchymal volume (p-volume), parenchymal thickness (mPT), total kidney section area (ASMT), kidney sinus section area (ASMS), and kidney parenchymal section area (ASMP). t-volume was measured by use of the ellipsoid formula (volume = length ∗ width ∗ thickness ∗ *π*/6/2). Ultrasound analysis was performed by one expert operator (R.M.) with a MyLab 25 device (Esaote, Genova) paired with a 3.5--5 MHz convex probe in transversal and longitudinal sections. Each measurement was performed twice; the mean of the two measurements was recorded. The study has been conducted in conformity with the ethical guidelines of our institution; an informed consent was obtained from all participants. 2.1. Statistical Analyses {#sec2.1} ------------------------- All calculations were made using a standard statistical package (SPSS for Windows Version 16.0; Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were reported using means and standard deviations (SD). Categorical variables were described as counts and percentages. The clinical characteristics of patients were compared using analysis of variance for continuous variables and chi-square test for categorical variables. Spearman\'s correlation coefficient was calculated (*P* \< 0.05 was taken as a significant value) to study the relationship between CG, MDRD, and CKD-EPI. The variability of the measurement of renal function with different techniques was studied using Bland-Altman analysis \[[@B18]\]. The precision was expressed as the width between the 95% limits of agreement (±1.96 SD). Accuracy (Ac) was measured as the percentage of estimated GFR not deviating more than 15%, 30%, and 50% from 24 h-CrCl. Independent predictors of CKD were identified by univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis considering a set of well-known risk factors for CKD (age, gender, diabetes, hypertension, body mass index, serum creatinine, estimated renal function, and ultrasound parameters). To obtain a parsimonious model, we selected variables that differed (*P* \< 0.10) between patients with and without CKD ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}). These variables were then jointly included into a multiple logistic regression model and significant, independent predictors of renal dysfunction were identified by a backward elimination strategy. One model was created for each estimating renal function formula. Predictive variables were entered into the model after recodification in binary terms according to the corresponding best cut-off (that is, the value that maximizes the difference between sensitivity and 1 − specificity) in the ROC curves analysis. The overall discriminatory power for CKD of variables included into the final logistic regression model was investigated by calculating the area under the ROC curve (AUC, \[[@B19]\]) and the corresponding calibration performance was investigated by the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test \[[@B20]\]. Data are expressed as odds ratio (OR), accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PV+), and negative predictive value (PV−). 3. Results {#sec3} ========== The study population included 72 patients (32 males and 40 females). Their demographics and characteristics are summarized in [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}. The best cut-off of CG, MDRD, and CKD-EPI for 24 h-CrCl \<60 mL/min was 52 mL/min, 87 mL/min, and 65 mL/min, respectively. The strongest correlation was found between 24 h-CrCl and CG (*R* = 0.70, *P* \< 0.001, [Figure 1(a)](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). Bland-Altman analysis of CG revealed a wide SD (20.2 mL/min) around the mean absolute bias (2.3 mL/min, [Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"}). Bland-Altman plot is reported in [Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}. Results of MDRD formula were comparable with CKD-EPI for GFR \<90 mL/min and overestimate the renal function for GFR ≥90 mL/min (corresponding to a serum creatinine 0.36--0.64 mg/dL) ([Figure 2(d)](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). CG showed a high sensibility (78.0%) in selecting patients with CKD and a very high specificity (93.5%) in detecting patients without CKD. Thirty-one patients had a 24 h-CrCl ≥60 mL/min; yet using the CG equation, thirty-eight patients were determined to have GFR ≥60/mL/min with a PV−  of 76.3%. Predictive performance of GFR formulas for CKD is reported in [Table 3](#tab3){ref-type="table"}. GFR was correlated to kidneys ultrasound parameters ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}). The strongest correlation was reported between CG and t-volume (*R* = 0.68, *P* \< 0.001; [Figure 1(b)](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). CG \< 52.8 mL/min had the highest accuracy (among the three equations compared) in correctly identifying cases with 24 h-CrCl \<60 mL/min. Cox and Snell *R* square was 0.44. The correspondent area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.86 (95% CI 0.77--0.95, *P* \< 0.001) ([Table 5](#tab5){ref-type="table"}). In multivariate analysis for 24 h-CrCl \<60/mL/min, according to the best cut-off, the following models were selected: Model 1: CG \< 52 mL/min and ASMS \< 28 cm^2^; Model 2: MDRD \< 87 mL/min, age, and t-volume \< 124 mL; Model 3: CKD-EPI \< 65 mL/min, age, ASMS \< 28 cm^2^, and t-volume \< 124 mL.The ROC curves illustrated that Model 1 had the highest accuracy (among the three models) in correctly identifying cases with 24 h-CrCl \<60 mL/min. Cox and Snell *R* square was 0.48; the Hosmer-Lemeshow test of the regression analysis was not significant (*P* = 0.80) indicating that the model is well calibrated. The correspondent AUC was 0.91 (95% CI 0.84--0.98, *P* \< 0.001). The AUC of each model was reported in [Table 5](#tab5){ref-type="table"}. 4. Discussion {#sec4} ============= Renal function has a significant impact on survival of elderly patients. K-DOQI guideline recommends to estimate the GFR in all subjects \>60 years. The reference technique for the evaluation of renal function is the inulin clearance. However, this test is far too complex for regular clinical use. 24 h-CrCl is a robust alternative for the evaluation of renal function in clinical practice but it is difficult to be employed routinely in elderly patients mostly for their low compliance and the need of extra care. Over the years, several equations have been developed for the evaluation of renal function from readily available variables. However, most of these equations, and in particular the recently developed CKD-EPI formula, have not been tested in elderly patients. Therefore, the validation of simple predictive models for CKD, designed to identify patients with 24 h-CrCl \<60 mL/min and based on readily available laboratory and morphologic data, may be clinically advantageous in elderly patients. In the present study, we evaluated the most frequently applied prediction equations for the evaluation of renal function, the CG, MDRD, and CKD-EPI formula. Two of them (MDRD and CKD-EPI) are independent from the determination of body weight which, albeit simple to obtain, may be not readily available in old and frail patients. To assess the suitability of prediction equations, the variability of renal function was evaluated using the Bland-Altman analysis. This test is currently considered superior to the more widely used regression analysis \[[@B21]\]. Our data revealed a considerable lack of precision of all the equations ([Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"}). According to the criteria of Ac and precision advocated by the K-DOQI (NKF, 2002), none of the equations had acceptable level of Ac (at least 70%) of estimated renal function within a 30% deviation from 24 h-CrCl. CG is the most accurate formula (Ac 69% within a 30% deviation from 24 h-CrCl). Highest correlation with 24 h-CrCl was obtained by CG (*R* = 0.70, *P* \< 0.001). These data are in agreement with the data by Gómez-Pavón et al. \[[@B22]\] who reported a better correlation between CG and 24 h-CrCl than between other formulas and 24 h-CrCl. The CG equation showed a good sensibility in selecting elderly patients with CKD (Se 78%, [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}) and had the highest Ac, among the three equations compared, in correctly identifying elderly patients with CKD. From the clinical standpoint, the ability of an equation to identify elderly patients without CKD is also critical. The CG equation was very sensitive in detecting patients without renal dysfunction with a Sp of 94%. The present data are in good agreement with previous reports suggesting a better performance of CG formula in nonobese subjects with normal or marginally impaired renal function. Our data revealed also a great variability of the estimated renal function between MDRD and CKD-EPI formula for a mean GFR ≥90 mL/min (corresponding to a serum creatinine 0.36--0.64 mg/dL) ([Figure 2(d)](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). This finding suggests that MDRD should be used carefully in elderly subjects with low serum creatinine levels for the risk of a great overestimation of renal function, in particular when a drug prescription and dosing are required. Ultrasound imaging is a widely available diagnostic procedure that provides much valuable real-time information on the clinical status of elderly patients. A recent study reported a good correlation between total kidney volume evaluated by ultrasound imaging and renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease \[[@B15]\]. In elderly patients both renal function and kidney volume are often reduced but the correlation between renal function and renal size has not been evaluated. Our data show that renal function was correlated to several kidney morphologic parameters ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}) and that the strongest correlation was present between CG and t-volume (*R* = 0.68, *P* \< 0.001; [Figure 1(b)](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}, [Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}). As intrarenal vascular compliance diminishes and subclinical chronic ischemia ensues, the kidneys become smaller. The ratio of ultrasound determined renal volume to intraparenchymal resistive index as evaluated by Doppler at the level of the intrarenal arteries has been proposed as a way to measure nephroangiosclerosis and has been shown to be useful in identifying patients with preclinical hypertensive renal damage, characterized by reduced kidney volume and increased renovascular stiffness \[[@B23]\]. In the present paper we reported that the renal volume/resistive index ratio is correlated to renal function in elderly subjects ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}). We hypothesized that ultrasound kidney parameters may improve the ability of prediction formulas to discriminate elderly patients with CKD. Multivariate logistic regression and ROC curve analysis were performed and three separate prediction models were generated. Among them, Model 1 (CG \< 52 mL/min and ASMS \< 28 cm^2^) had the highest discriminatory power in identifying CKD patients with an excellent AUC ([Table 5](#tab5){ref-type="table"}). Thus, the present study provides evidences that the combined use of two independent methods (estimating formulas and kidney ultrasound data) may be advantageous in the identification of elderly patients with CKD. Results were qualitatively similar if the renal volume was replaced by the renal volume/resistive index ratio in Models 1--3 but with smaller improvement of AUC. Our data support the use of formulas for the estimation of renal function and kidney ultrasound parameters for the discrimination of subjects with CKD. When the patients\' body weight is unavailable, as it may occur at the bedside of frail elderly patients, CKD-EPI formula can be employed. At this regard, ultrasound-derived kidney parameters (Model 3) will improve the ability of CKD-EPI formula to discriminate between elderly subjects with and without CKD providing a good AUC. Alternatively, if data of body weight are available, the use Cockcroft-Gault formula and ASMS (Model 1) will provide an excellent AUC. 4.1. Methodological Issues {#sec4.1} -------------------------- A possible limitation of the present study is the absence of gold standard techniques for GFR assessment, such as inulin clearance, in the present study. However, even if the use of 24 h creatinine clearance as reference technique to estimate renal function may have theoretically introduced a bias, the major source of error with the use of this technique is the urine collection which may not reflect the real 24 h urine output \[[@B12]\]. In order to minimize this relevant source of error, the present study was performed in elderly patients in whom a bladder catheter had been placed for another medical reason. This allowed a more reliable estimate of 24 h urine output and minimized the bias. Moreover, due to creatinine excretion via renal tubular secretion, the measurement of 24 h creatinine clearance could be an inaccurate measure of GFR in presence of renal diseases and certain drugs. 5. Conclusions {#sec5} ============== We tested the Ac and the precision of the most common formulas for the evaluation of renal function in elderly patients and evaluated the role of renal ultrasound imaging to improve the ability of prediction formulas to discriminate elderly patients with CKD. None of the equations reached an acceptable Ac (70%). Cockcroft-Gault provided the best performance (Ac 69%) and had the highest discriminatory power in detecting elderly patients with CKD. The use of renal ultrasound parameters improves the ability of prediction formulas to discriminate between subjects with and without CKD. Conflict of Interests ===================== The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. ![(a) Correlations between formulas for the estimation of renal function and 24 h-CrCl. (b) Correlation between the sum of left and right kidney volumes (t-volume) and renal function estimated by Cockcroft-Gault formula.](TSWJ2014-830649.001){#fig1} ![Bland-Altman plot.](TSWJ2014-830649.002){#fig2} ###### Demographic and clinical characteristics. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Whole population  \ CKD  \ Non-CKD  \ *P* (*n* = 72 patients) (*n* = 41 patients) (*n* = 31 patients) ----------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------- Age, years 80 ± 7 82 ± 6 77 ± 7 0.01 Male sex, % 44 42 48 0.56 Weight, Kg 64.9 ± 14.5 61.5 ± 13.2 69.4 ± 15.1 0.09 Height, m 1.58 ± 0.11 1.57 ± 0.11 1.59 ± 0.10 0.42 BMI, Kg/m^2^ 25.9 ± 5.6 24.9 ± 5.8 27.3 ± 5.2 0.26 BSA, m^2^ 1.70 ± 0.22 1.65 ± 0.21 1.77 ± 0.22 0.08 Diabetes, % 29 22 39 0.12 Hypertension, % 81 76 87 0.22 Serum creatinine, mg/dL 0.98 ± 0.42 1.09 ± 0.47 0.84 ± 0.27 0.01 24 h-CrCl, mL/min 59 ± 27 40 ± 14 84 ± 18 \<0.001 Cockcroft-Gault, mL/min 56 ± 20 46 ± 16 70 ± 17 \<0.001 MDRD, mL/min 77 ± 29 68 ± 27 90 ± 28 0.001 CKD-EPI, mL/min 68 ± 20 60 ± 19 78 ± 29 0.001 l-diameter, mm 104 ± 16 100 ± 16 110 ± 14 0.003 t-diameter, mm 47 ± 5 46 ± 5 48 ± 5 0.04 t-volume, mL 133 ± 37 117 ± 33 154 ± 31 \<0.001 p-volume, mL 95 ± 27 84 ± 26 109 ± 21 \<0.001 mPT, mm 6.1 ± 0.8 6.6 ± 0.6 5.8 ± 0.8 \<0.001 ASMS, cm^2^ 16 ± 4 14 ± 4 18 ± 4 \<0.001 ASMT, cm^2^ 42 ± 9 38 ± 8 47 ± 7 \<0.001 ASMP, cm^2^ 26 ± 6 24 ± 6 29 ± 4 \<0.001 RI, % 72.8 ± 5.9 73.0 ± 6.4 72.6 ± 5.1 0.68 t-volume/BSA, mL∗m^2^/Kg 79 ± 20 71 ± 18 88 ± 17 \<0.001 t-volume/RI, mL 184 ± 49 162 ± 45 213 ± 39 \<0.001 t-volume/BSA/RI, mL∗m^2^/Kg 108 ± 28 98 ± 27 122 ± 25 \<0.001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BSA, body surface area; ASMS, mean kidney sinus section area; ASMT, mean total kidney section area; ASMP, mean kidney parenchymal section area; l-diameter, mean kidney longitudinal diameter; t-diameter, mean kidney transverse diameter; t-volume, mean total kidney volume; p-volume, mean kidney parenchymal volume; mPT, mean parenchymal thickness; RI, mean resistance index. ###### Overall performance of difference and accuracy between 24 h-CrCl and estimated GFR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Equations Mean of difference ± SD  \ *R* ^2^ Accuracy within (mL/min) ----------------- ---------------------------- --------- ----------------- ---- ---- Cockcroft-Gault 2.3 ± 20.2 0.49 46 69 88 MDRD −18.8 ± 26.9 0.28 25 44 72 CKD-EPI −9.1 ± 22.9 0.30 33 56 75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###### Diagnostic tests of three estimating GFR formulas for CKD. Patients with Se (%) Sp (%) PV+ (%) PV− (%) --------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- CG \<52 mL/min 78 94 94 76 MDRD \<87 mL/min 88 55 72 77 CKD-EPI \<65 mL/min 54 87 85 59 ###### Spearman\'s correlation between kidneys ultrasound data and renal function.   24 h-CrCl CG MDRD CKD-EPI ----------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- l-diameter 0.44^b^ 0.50^b^ 0.30^a^ 0.32^a^ t-diameter 0.28^a^ 0.44^b^ 0.18 0.19 t-volume 0.53^b^ 0.68^b^ 0.33^a^ 0.36^a^ p-volume 0.54^b^ 0.66^b^ 0.34^a^ 0.37^a^ mPT 0.46^b^ 0.49^b^ 0.27^a^ 0.29^a^ ASMT 0.53^b^ 0.60^b^ 0.29^a^ 0.31^a^ ASMS 0.30^a^ 0.37^a^ 0.07 0.09 ASMP 0.56^b^ 0.61^b^ 0.34^a^ 0.36^a^ RI −0.03 −0.00 −0.14 −0.16 t-volume/BSA 0.47^b^ 0.56^b^ 0.50^b^ 0.52^b^ t-volume/RI 0.51^b^ 0.67^b^ 0.37^a^ 0.41^b^ t-volume/BSA/RI 0.44^b^ 0.55^b^ 0.53^b^ 0.55^b^ ^a^ *P* \< 0.05; ^b^ *P* \< 0.001. ASMS, mean kidney sinus section area; ASMT, mean total kidney section area; ASMP, mean kidney parenchymal section area; l-diameter, mean kidney longitudinal diameter; t-diameter, mean kidney transverse diameter; t-volume, mean total kidney volume; p-volume, mean kidney parenchymal volume; mPT, mean parenchymal thickness; RI, mean resistance index. ###### ROC curve analysis for CKD (24 h creatinine clearance \<60 mL/min). Test result variable(s) Area (95% CI) *P* ------------------------- ------------------- --------- CG \<52 mL/min 0.86 (0.77--0.95) \<0.001 MDRD \<87 mL/min 0.71 (0.59--0.84) 0.002 CKD-EPI \<65 mL/min 0.70 (0.58--0.83) 0.003 Model 1 0.91 (0.84--0.98) \<0.001 Model 2 0.87 (0.79--0.95) \<0.001 Model 3 0.89 (0.81--0.97) \<0.001 [^1]: Academic Editor: Anja Verhulst
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Sudharshan Sudharshan is a 1951 Indian Tamil film directed by A. S. A. Sami and Sundar Rao Nadkarni. The film features P. U. Chinnappa and P. Kannamba in the lead roles. The story is based on a popular folk myth about a Panduranga devotee Gora who was a potter by trade. The same story was filmed simultaneously by Gemini Studios. The Gemini version Chakradhari was released early and due to unknown reason Sudharshan was delayed. Plot Refer to this for details. Cast Cast according to the opening credits of the film Male Cast P. U. Chinnappa as Gorakumbhar T. S. Balaiah as Namadhevar D. Balasubramaniam as Sevaji P. B. Rangachari as Pandurangan Radhakrishnan as Venkaji K. Sayeeram as Penda C. P. Kittan as Goldsmith Female Cast P. Kannamba as Thulasi Bai Lalitha as Rukmani (Yoga) Mangalam as Shantha Bai C. K. Saraswathi as Sona Crew Directors: A. S. A. Sami, Sundar Rao Nadkarni Story: Sundar Rao Nadkarni Dialogues: A. S. A. Sami, Elangovan Cinematography: P. Ramasamy, B. L. Rai & B. N. Konda Reddy Choreography: Hiralal, V. Madhavan Art Direction: K. Madhavan, H. Shantharam Lab: Vijaya Production S. S. Vasan of Gemini Studios and Jupiter Pictures started producing the same story under different titles almost simultaneously. However, Gemini's version titled Chakradhari was released in 1948 and was successful at the box-office. Sudharsan was delayed for reasons unknown and was released almost 3 years later in 1951. Popular Carnatic musician and playback singer M. L. Vasanthakumari was cast initially to do the character of the second wife of Gora (PUC). She left the film for undisclosed reasons after a few reels were shot. She was replaced by Mangalam of the famous Yogam-Mangalam dance duo. Likewise, A. S. A. Sami who was directing the film, was replaced by Sundar Rao Nadkarni. P. U. Chinnappa who played the male lead role, died at a young age, before the film was released. Soundtrack Music was composed by G. Ramanathan and the lyrics were penned by Papanasam Sivan and K. D. Santhanam. Singers are P. U. Chinnappa, P. B. Rangachari & P. Kannamba. Playback singers are P. A. Periyanayaki & T. R. Gajalakshmi. The singing star, P. U. Chinnappa sang many songs one of which, Anna sedan papa… was a hit. References Category:1951 films Category:Tamil-language films Category:1950s Tamil-language films Category:Hindu devotional films Category:Films scored by G. Ramanathan